1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,845 Sadhguru: If you activate this dimension of energy, 2 00:00:01,845 --> 00:00:05,013 other dimensions of life will open up. 3 00:00:05,013 --> 00:00:07,545 One thing is, 4 00:00:07,545 --> 00:00:10,377 are you ready for those dimensions? 5 00:00:10,377 --> 00:00:11,280 Kundalini Yoga, 6 00:00:11,280 --> 00:00:12,318 in its essence, 7 00:00:12,318 --> 00:00:16,637 is the most dangerous form of yoga. 8 00:00:16,637 --> 00:00:18,008 I'm saying dangerous, 9 00:00:18,008 --> 00:00:20,538 because it's the most potent also. 10 00:00:20,538 --> 00:00:22,890 If you have to jump into an abyss, 11 00:00:22,890 --> 00:00:28,613 you should be insane or you should have enormous trust in somebody. 12 00:00:28:613 --> 00:00:37,465 So what is Kundalini? 13 00:00:37,465 --> 00:00:41,788 Right now, 14 00:00:41,788 --> 00:00:43,100 I'm speaking, 15 00:00:43,100 --> 00:00:46,495 this is Kundalini. 16 00:00:46,495 --> 00:00:47,843 You are alert and listening. 17 00:00:47,843 --> 00:00:49,483 If you are alert and listening, 18 00:00:49,483 --> 00:00:51,278 that is Kundalini 19 00:00:51,278 --> 00:00:54,528 A flower is blossoming, 20 00:00:54,528 --> 00:00:55,680 that is Kundalini. 21 00:00:55,680 --> 00:00:57,645 A dog is barking, 22 00:00:57,645 --> 00:00:59,480 that is also Kundalini, 23 00:00:59,480 --> 00:01:00,553 or in other words, 24 00:01:00,553 --> 00:01:03,545 the fundamental life force in the existence, 25 00:01:03,545 --> 00:01:04,880 we call it Kundalini. 26 00:01:04,880 --> 00:01:07,513 Now, 27 00:01:07,513 --> 00:01:08,555 within the system, 28 00:01:08,555 --> 00:01:10,377 within the human system, 29 00:01:10,377 --> 00:01:14,065 if you look at this as a kind of a life package, 30 00:01:14,065 --> 00:01:15,287 it's a piece of life. 31 00:01:15,287 --> 00:01:18,540 This piece of life is packed in a certain way, 32 00:01:18,540 --> 00:01:20,725 with layers of this energy. 33 00:01:20,725 --> 00:01:24,887 One dimension of energy comes alive immediately, 34 00:01:24,887 --> 00:01:28,667 because that is necessary for your survival process. 35 00:01:28,667 --> 00:01:37,369 The other dimensions of energy will not come alive unless you do something about it. 36 00:01:37,369 --> 00:01:40,203 Unless you're aware of it and activate it in a certain way, 37 00:01:40,203 --> 00:01:42,093 they do not come into existence. 38 00:01:42,093 --> 00:01:43,980 They remain dormant. 39 00:01:43,980 --> 00:01:49,932 The dormant energy is way bigger than the energy that is in use right now. 40 00:01:49,932 --> 00:01:53,582 To take care of your survival process, 41 00:01:53,582 --> 00:01:57,169 to live a physical life completely, 42 00:01:57,169 --> 00:02:00,902 to live a complete physical and intellectual life, 43 00:02:00,902 --> 00:02:08,451 you need to activate only about twenty-one of your chakras. 44 00:02:08,451 --> 00:02:12,246 Out of this one hundred and fourteen, 45 00:02:12,246 --> 00:02:14,444 if about twenty-one of them are on, 46 00:02:14,444 --> 00:02:16,248 you will live a complete life, 47 00:02:16,248 --> 00:02:18,322 you will not feel any inadequacy. 48 00:02:18,322 --> 00:02:21,267 You will live a complete physical life. 49 00:02:21,267 --> 00:02:23,112 There'll be no problem with your life, 50 00:02:23,112 --> 00:02:25,249 you will think you're a great success, 51 00:02:25,249 --> 00:02:29,458 but you're only twenty-one, 52 00:02:29,458 --> 00:02:34,000 that is less than twenty-one percent out of one hundred and fourteen, 53 00:02:34,000 --> 00:02:35,949 less than twenty percent. 54 00:02:35,949 --> 00:02:37,733 At let… less than twenty percent, 55 00:02:37,733 --> 00:02:41,984 you will feel like a complete life without any inadequacies. 56 00:02:41,984 --> 00:02:44,618 The remaining percentage of life, 57 00:02:44,618 --> 00:02:46,339 what is it about? 58 00:02:46,339 --> 00:02:50,632 It is not even needed if your intention is just to live well. 59 00:02:50,632 --> 00:02:53,846 If you activate this dimension of energy, 60 00:02:53,846 --> 00:02:57,143 other dimensions of life will open up. 61 00:02:57,143 --> 00:02:58,865 One thing is, 62 00:02:58,865 --> 00:03:00,980 “Are you ready for those dimensions?” 63 00:03:00,980 --> 00:03:05,003 The question is not about whether it's good or bad. 64 00:03:05,003 --> 00:03:06,890 The question is just about, 65 00:03:06,890 --> 00:03:08,902 “Are you ready for it?” 66 00:03:08,902 --> 00:03:13,920 Because even if the best things in life come to your life, 67 00:03:13,920 --> 00:03:16,803 when you are not ready for it, 68 00:03:16,803 --> 00:03:19,084 it will not be a good thing for you. 69 00:03:19,084 --> 00:03:22,713 In your experience it will not be a good thing 70 00:03:22,713 --> 00:03:25,223 if something came to you when you're not ready for it, 71 00:03:25,223 --> 00:03:26,467 isn't it so? 72 00:03:26,467 --> 00:03:28,250 Even if it's a greatest thing, 73 00:03:28,250 --> 00:03:29,702 it may be the greatest thing, 74 00:03:29,702 --> 00:03:33,539 but it came to you when you are not ready for it. 75 00:03:33,539 --> 00:03:34,969 Then it is not a good thing, 76 00:03:34,969 --> 00:03:36,525 isn't it? 77 00:03:36,525 --> 00:03:38,018 So are you ready for it, 78 00:03:38,018 --> 00:03:39,034 is the first question. 79 00:03:39,034 --> 00:03:40,071 If you're ready for it, 80 00:03:40,071 --> 00:03:41,709 what can we do for it? 81 00:03:41,709 --> 00:03:44,073 What can we do to activate it? 82 00:03:44,073 --> 00:03:46,541 The various ways of doing this, 83 00:03:46,541 --> 00:03:47,143 many, 84 00:03:47,143--> 00:03:48,200 many ways, 85 00:03:48,200 --> 00:03:50,938 but the Kundalini Yoga… 86 00:03:50,938 --> 00:03:56,558 are people familiar with Kundalini Yoga practicing or…? 87 00:03:56,558 --> 00:04:00,083 Okay. 88 00:04:00,083 --> 00:04:01,535 Kundalini Yoga. 89 00:04:01,535 --> 00:04:04,708 I…I'm not making a comment about anybody, 90 00:04:04,708 --> 00:04:07,279 okay? 91 00:04:07,279 --> 00:04:08,378 Kundalini Yoga, 92 00:04:08,378 --> 00:04:13,687 in its essence is the most dangerous form of yoga. 93 00:04:13,687 --> 00:04:15,471 I'm saying dangerous, 94 00:04:15,471 --> 00:04:19,203 because it's the most potent also. 95 00:04:19,203 --> 00:04:27,561 What is most potent is always the most dangerous if improperly handled. 96 00:04:27,561 --> 00:04:31,169 There are various kinds of energy in the world right now, 97 00:04:31,169 --> 00:04:33,886 even the electricity is being manufactured in… I mean, 98 00:04:33,886 --> 00:04:36,126 produced in so many different ways. 99 00:04:36,126 --> 00:04:40,170 One of the ways that we do it is through nuclear reactions, 100 00:04:40,170 --> 00:04:42,907 nuclear reactors rather.. 101 00:04:42,907 --> 00:04:46,889 It is the most efficient way of producing energy that we know right now, 102 00:04:46,889 --> 00:04:49,211 but it is also the most dangerous way, 103 00:04:49,211 --> 00:04:51,223 isn't it? 104 00:04:51,223 --> 00:04:52,965 When things go wrong, 105 00:04:52,965 --> 00:04:55,744 they go seriously wrong. 106 00:04:55,744 --> 00:04:57,299 When they're going right, 107 00:04:57,299 --> 00:05:04,288 it is the easiest and the best way to produce energy on the planet is nuclear energy actually. 108 00:05:04,288 --> 00:05:06,258 But when it goes bad, 109 00:05:06,258 --> 00:05:07,502 it goes bad, 110 00:05:07,502 --> 00:05:08,539 really bad, 111 00:05:08,539 --> 00:05:11,256 like in ways that you can't fix it. 112 00:05:11,256 --> 00:05:11,691 So, 113 00:05:11,691 --> 00:05:13,454 similarly with Kundalini Yoga, 114 00:05:13,454 --> 00:05:17,353 it is the most potent and it is the most dangerous. 115 00:05:17,353 --> 00:05:21,106 Without the necessary preparation and guidance, 116 00:05:21,106 --> 00:05:23,387 without expert guidance, 117 00:05:23,387 --> 00:05:25,793 constant guidance and observation, 118 00:05:25,793 --> 00:05:28,219 nobody should ever attempt it. 119 00:05:28,219 --> 00:05:29,588 But the problem is, 120 00:05:29,588 --> 00:05:33,611 books have been written about it and everybody wants to do the highest yoga. 121 00:05:33,611 --> 00:05:35,830 Nobody wants to start with A, 122 00:05:35,830 --> 00:05:38,650 everybody wants to start the alphabet with Z. 123 00:05:38,650 --> 00:05:42,383 This attitude itself is dangerous. 124 00:05:42,383 --> 00:05:50,326 What can be a life-transforming force can become a life-destructive force 125 00:05:50,326 --> 00:05:55,780 simply because without the necessary commitment and dedication and focus and understanding 126 00:05:55,780 --> 00:05:57,294 it is being handled. 127 00:05:57,294 --> 00:05:58,849 Anyway, 128 00:05:58,849 --> 00:06:00,550 about raising the Kundalini, 129 00:06:00,550 --> 00:06:02,292 if the Kundalini rises, 130 00:06:02,292 --> 00:06:08,534 the dimensions of your life will change so rapidly that you must be willing 131 00:06:08,534 --> 00:06:11,562 to make the outside admin… adjustments equally, 132 00:06:11,562 --> 00:06:12,806 quick. 133 00:06:12,806 --> 00:06:14,320 Otherwise, 134 00:06:14,320 --> 00:06:18,426 things will fall apart in a big way. 135 00:06:18,426 --> 00:06:20,624 In the classical yogic traditions, 136 00:06:20,624 --> 00:06:26,161 there is a certain type of yoga we teach for people who live in family situations. 137 00:06:26,161 --> 00:06:30,205 There is a certain other type of yoga we teach for ascetics. 138 00:06:30,205 --> 00:06:35,159 In Isha, 139 00:06:35,159 --> 00:06:32,486 we have both the forms, 140 00:06:32,486 --> 00:06:36,219 we have ascetic yoga and we have the general yoga. 141 00:06:36,219 --> 00:06:38,915 We will never teach you the ascetic form. 142 00:06:38,915 --> 00:06:41,590 That is the most pos… potent way to do it. 143 00:06:41,590 --> 00:06:46,733 But it will demand a certain dimension of discipline and focus, 144 00:06:46,733 --> 00:06:50,113 which your regular lives will not allow. 145 00:06:50,113 --> 00:06:52,498 If you do that kind of yoga, 146 00:06:52,498 --> 00:06:56,273 it will dismantle your outside life instantly. 147 00:06:56,273 --> 00:06:59,632 Now this Yoga is not designed to dismantle your life, 148 00:06:59,632 --> 00:07:05,874 this Yoga is designed to make your life happen better. 149 00:07:05,874 --> 00:07:07,907 When life happens better, 150 00:07:07,907 --> 00:07:09,835 when things happen better, 151 00:07:09,835 --> 00:07:11,328 you make more money, 152 00:07:11,328 --> 00:07:13,112 your business is going better, 153 00:07:13,112 --> 00:07:14,854 your profession is happening better. 154 00:07:14,854 --> 00:07:19,644 You're generally unfortunately, 155 00:07:19,644 --> 00:07:23,833 you are longing to seek the higher becomes slower. 156 00:07:23,833 --> 00:07:25,512 Yes. 157 00:07:25,512 --> 00:07:27,006 So in the real sense, 158 00:07:27,006 --> 00:07:28,873 it is not the good way to do it. 159 00:07:28,873 --> 00:07:31,714 But it's the only way it works in today's world. 160 00:07:31,714 --> 00:07:34,596 And it's the only way it works for majority of the people. 161 00:07:34,596 --> 00:07:36,255 For a small number of people, 162 00:07:36,255 --> 00:07:38,018 we can do it other ways. 163 00:07:38,018 --> 00:07:43,680 We can bypass all these things and just do very powerful ways of doing things. 164 00:07:43,680 --> 00:07:47,329 But it will dismantle all social structures around them, 165 00:07:47,329 --> 00:07:49,631 which is not good for everybody to do. 166 00:07:49,631 --> 00:07:51,809 So these are different dimensions. 167 00:07:51,809 --> 00:07:52,887 Kundalini Yoga, 168 00:07:52,887 --> 00:07:54,443 if it has to be practiced, 169 00:07:54,443 --> 00:07:57,263 you must be in a certain kind of atmosphere. 170 00:07:57,263 --> 00:08:01,618 You cannot live in social situations and do Kundalini Yoga 171 00:08:01,618 --> 00:08:02,468 Otherwise, 172 00:08:02,468 --> 00:08:03,878 in the name of Kundalini Yoga, 173 00:08:03,878 --> 00:08:06,263 you're doing something simplistic. 174 00:08:06,263 --> 00:08:07,176 Otherwise, 175 00:08:07,176 --> 00:08:10,971 Kundalini yoga can transform the way you are within days. 176 00:08:10,971 --> 00:08:16,674 Suddenly you find you're a stranger in your own home within two days of practice, 177 00:08:16,674 --> 00:08:20,469 because it will change everything about you. 178 00:08:20,469 --> 00:08:20,759 So, 179 00:08:20,759 --> 00:08:22,169 can we raise the Kundalini? 180 00:08:22,169 --> 00:08:22,480 Yes, 181 00:08:22,480 --> 00:08:25,135 we can. 182 00:08:25,135 --> 00:08:30,651 One way is to create a conducive atmosphere so that slowly it rises. 183 00:08:30,651 --> 00:08:35,110 The other way is to provoke it in such a way that it rises quickly. 184 00:08:35,110 --> 00:08:37,225 If it rises quickly, 185 00:08:37,225 --> 00:08:39,423 then everything changes dramatically. 186 00:08:39,423 --> 00:08:42,223 If it rises slowly over a period of time, 187 00:08:42,223 --> 00:08:44,234 changes will happen slowly, 188 00:08:44,234 --> 00:08:48,216 you will be capable of handling these changes over a period of time. 189 00:08:48,216 --> 00:08:49,958 But if it happens very quick, 190 00:08:49,958 --> 00:08:53,193 then you will not be able to handle the changes, 191 00:08:53,193 --> 00:08:56,677 things will look like things are falling apart. 192 00:08:56,677 --> 00:08:58,958 So there are different ways of doing this. 193 00:08:58,958 --> 00:08:59,705 How many ways? 194 00:08:59,705 --> 00:09:00,887 There are too many ways, 195 00:09:00,887 --> 00:09:03,023 I will not go into how many ways. 196 00:09:03,023 --> 00:09:04,972 There are so many ways of doing it. 197 00:09:04,972 --> 00:09:05,885 Essentially, 198 00:09:05,885 --> 00:09:10,903 there are one hundred and twelve ways of doing it. 199 00:09:10,903 --> 00:09:14,595 There are hundred and twelve ways in which you can take this up, 200 00:09:14,595 --> 00:09:17,602 from the base to… 201 00:09:17,602 --> 00:09:18,099 Oh! 202 00:09:18,099 --> 00:09:19,675 for this you have to know the structure, 203 00:09:19,675 --> 00:09:22,122 otherwise it will become very elaborate. 204 00:09:22,122 --> 00:09:25,606 Hmm, 205 00:09:25,606 --> 00:09:28,385 out of this one hundred and fourteen chakras, 206 00:09:28,385 --> 00:09:33,093 there are seven which we recognize as seven dimensions. 207 00:09:33,093 --> 00:09:34,462 Out of this, 208 00:09:34,462 --> 00:09:36,287 six are within the body, 209 00:09:36,287 --> 00:09:39,750 one just outside the physical body. 210 00:09:39,750 --> 00:09:40,144 So, 211 00:09:40,144 --> 00:09:43,192 if you employ this one hundred and twelve methods, 212 00:09:43,192 --> 00:09:45,639 you will handle the six chakras, 213 00:09:45,639 --> 00:09:48,190 the seventh one you cannot handle. 214 00:09:48,190 --> 00:09:52,151 There are hundred and twelve ways in which you can at… attain to a chakra 215 00:09:52,151 --> 00:09:53,976 which we refer to as Agna, 216 00:09:53,976 --> 00:09:55,448 but from Agna to Sahasrara, 217 00:09:55,448 --> 00:09:57,398 there is no way. 218 00:09:57,398 --> 00:09:59,264 There is no way to do it, 219 00:09:59,264 --> 00:10:02,520 you just have to jump into an abyss. 220 00:10:02,520 --> 00:10:04,843 If you have to jump into an abyss, 221 00:10:04,843 --> 00:10:11,417 you should be insane or you should have enormous trust in somebody. 222 00:10:11,417 --> 00:10:15,543 Somebody says jump and you are jumping because 223 00:10:15,543 --> 00:10:19,214 you have such a deep trust in somebody that when he says jump, 224 00:10:19,214 --> 00:10:21,226 it has to be good for you. 225 00:10:21,226 --> 00:10:26,078 You simply jump into a bottomless pit. 226 00:10:26,078 --> 00:10:27,011 So, 227 00:10:27,011 --> 00:10:33,088 the journey from the Mooladhara to Agna there are one hundred and twelve ways to get there. 228 00:10:33,088 --> 00:10:34,311 But from there to there, 229 00:10:34,311 --> 00:10:35,307 there is no way. 230 00:10:35,307 --> 00:10:36,841 It is just one jump, 231 00:10:36,841 --> 00:10:38,998 that can happen in trust, 232 00:10:38,998 --> 00:10:42,316 in devotion or in madness. 233 00:10:42,316 --> 00:10:57,780 Choice is yours.