# This code is part of a Qiskit project. # # (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2023. # # This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may # obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory # of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this # copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating # that they have been altered from the originals. """Utils for the Maximum-Likelihood estimation used in ``AmplitudeEstimation``.""" import logging import numpy as np logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name def bisect_max(f, a, b, steps=50, minwidth=1e-12, retval=False): """Find the maximum of the real-valued function f in the interval [a, b] using bisection. Args: f (callable): the function to find the maximum of a (float): the lower limit of the interval b (float): the upper limit of the interval steps (int): the maximum number of steps in the bisection minwidth (float): if the current interval is smaller than minwidth stop the search retval (bool): return value Returns: float: The maximum of f in [a,b] according to this algorithm. """ it = 0 m = (a + b) / 2 fm = 0 while it < steps and b - a > minwidth: l, r = (a + m) / 2, (m + b) / 2 fl, fm, fr = f(l), f(m), f(r) # fl is the maximum if fl > fm and fl > fr: b = m m = l # fr is the maximum elif fr > fm and fr > fl: a = m m = r # fm is the maximum else: a = l b = r it += 1 if it == steps: logger.warning("-- Warning, bisect_max didn't converge after %s steps", steps) if retval: return m, fm return m def _circ_dist(x, p): r"""Circumferential distance function. For two angles :math:`x` and :math:`p` on the unit circuit this function is defined as .. math:: d(x, p) = \min_{z \in [-1, 0, 1]} |z + p - x| Args: x (float): first angle p (float): second angle Returns: float: d(x, p) """ t = p - x # Since x and p \in [0,1] it suffices to check not all integers # but only -1, 0 and 1 z = np.array([-1, 0, 1]) if hasattr(t, "__len__"): d = np.empty_like(t) for idx, ti in enumerate(t): d[idx] = np.min(np.abs(z + ti)) return d return np.min(np.abs(z + t)) def _derivative_circ_dist(x, p): """Derivative of circumferential distance function. Args: x (float): first angle p (float): second angle Returns: float: The derivative. """ # pylint: disable=chained-comparison t = p - x if t < -0.5 or (0 < t and t < 0.5): return -1 if t > 0.5 or (-0.5 < t and t < 0): return 1 return 0 def _amplitude_to_angle(a): r"""Transform from the amplitude :math:`a \in [0, 1]` to the generating angle. In QAE, the amplitude can be written from a generating angle :math:`\omega` as .. math: a = \sin^2(\pi \omega) This returns the :math:`\omega` for a given :math:`a`. Args: a (float): A value in :math:`[0,1]`. Returns: float: :math:`\sin^{-1}(\sqrt{a}) / \pi` """ return np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a)) / np.pi def _derivative_amplitude_to_angle(a): """Compute the derivative of ``amplitude_to_angle``.""" return 1 / (2 * np.pi * np.sqrt((1 - a) * a)) def _alpha(x, p): """Helper function for `pdf_a`, alpha = pi * d(omega(x), omega(p)). Here, omega(x) is `_amplitude_to_angle(x)`. """ omega = _amplitude_to_angle return np.pi * _circ_dist(omega(x), omega(p)) def _derivative_alpha(x, p): """Compute the derivative of alpha.""" omega = _amplitude_to_angle d_omega = _derivative_amplitude_to_angle return np.pi * _derivative_circ_dist(omega(x), omega(p)) * d_omega(p) def _beta(x, p): """Helper function for `pdf_a`, beta = pi * d(1 - omega(x), omega(p)).""" omega = _amplitude_to_angle return np.pi * _circ_dist(1 - omega(x), omega(p)) def _derivative_beta(x, p): """Compute the derivative of beta.""" omega = _amplitude_to_angle d_omega = _derivative_amplitude_to_angle return np.pi * _derivative_circ_dist(1 - omega(x), omega(p)) * d_omega(p) def _pdf_a_single_angle(x, p, m, pi_delta): """Helper function for `pdf_a`.""" M = 2**m d = pi_delta(x, p) res = np.sin(M * d) ** 2 / (M * np.sin(d)) ** 2 if d != 0 else 1 return res def pdf_a(x, p, m): """ Return the PDF of a, i.e. the probability of getting the estimate x (in [0, 1]) if p (in [0, 1]) is the true value, given that we use m qubits. Args: x (float): the grid point p (float): the true value m (float): the number of evaluation qubits Returns: float: PDF(x|p) """ # We'll use list comprehension, so the input should be a list scalar = False if not hasattr(x, "__len__"): scalar = True x = np.asarray([x]) # Compute the probabilities: Add up both angles that produce the given # value, except for the angles 0 and 0.5, which map to the unique a-values, # 0 and 1, respectively pr = np.array( [ _pdf_a_single_angle(xi, p, m, _alpha) + _pdf_a_single_angle(xi, p, m, _beta) if (xi not in [0, 1]) else _pdf_a_single_angle(xi, p, m, _alpha) for xi in x ] ).flatten() # If is was a scalar return scalar otherwise the array return pr[0] if scalar else pr def derivative_log_pdf_a(x, p, m): """ Return the derivative of the logarithm of the PDF of a. Args: x (float): the grid point p (float): the true value m (float): the number of evaluation qubits Returns: float: d/dp log(PDF(x|p)) """ M = 2**m if x not in [0, 1]: num_p1 = 0 for A, dA, B, dB in zip( [_alpha, _beta], [_derivative_alpha, _derivative_beta], [_beta, _alpha], [_derivative_beta, _derivative_alpha], ): num_p1 += 2 * M * np.sin(M * A(x, p)) * np.cos(M * A(x, p)) * dA(x, p) * np.sin( B(x, p) ) ** 2 + 2 * np.sin(M * A(x, p)) ** 2 * np.sin(B(x, p)) * np.cos(B(x, p)) * dB(x, p) den_p1 = ( np.sin(M * _alpha(x, p)) ** 2 * np.sin(_beta(x, p)) ** 2 + np.sin(M * _beta(x, p)) ** 2 * np.sin(_alpha(x, p)) ** 2 ) num_p2 = 0 for A, dA, B in zip( [_alpha, _beta], [_derivative_alpha, _derivative_beta], [_beta, _alpha] ): num_p2 += 2 * np.cos(A(x, p)) * dA(x, p) * np.sin(B(x, p)) den_p2 = np.sin(_alpha(x, p)) * np.sin(_beta(x, p)) return num_p1 / den_p1 - num_p2 / den_p2 return 2 * _derivative_alpha(x, p) * (M / np.tan(M * _alpha(x, p)) - 1 / np.tan(_alpha(x, p)))