# This code is part of Qiskit. # # (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018. # # This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may # obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory # of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this # copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating # that they have been altered from the originals. # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Base TestCases for the unit tests. Implementors of unit tests for Terra are encouraged to subclass ``QiskitTestCase`` in order to take advantage of utility functions (for example, the environment variables for customizing different options), and the decorators in the ``decorators`` package. """ import inspect import logging import os import sys import warnings import unittest from unittest.util import safe_repr from qiskit.tools.parallel import get_platform_parallel_default from qiskit.utils import optionals as _optionals from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit from .decorators import enforce_subclasses_call from .utils import Path, setup_test_logging __unittest = True # Allows shorter stack trace for .assertDictAlmostEqual # If testtools is installed use that as a (mostly) drop in replacement for # unittest's TestCase. This will enable the fixtures used for capturing stdout # stderr, and pylogging to attach the output to stestr's result stream. if _optionals.HAS_TESTTOOLS: import testtools class BaseTestCase(testtools.TestCase): """Base test class.""" # testtools maintains their own version of assert functions which mostly # behave as value adds to the std unittest assertion methods. However, # for assertEquals and assertRaises modern unittest has diverged from # the forks in testtools and offer more (or different) options that are # incompatible testtools versions. Just use the stdlib versions so that # our tests work as expected. assertRaises = unittest.TestCase.assertRaises assertEqual = unittest.TestCase.assertEqual else: class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Base test class.""" pass @enforce_subclasses_call(["setUp", "setUpClass", "tearDown", "tearDownClass"]) class BaseQiskitTestCase(BaseTestCase): """Additions for test cases for all Qiskit-family packages. The additions here are intended for all packages, not just Terra. Terra-specific logic should be in the Terra-specific classes.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__setup_called = False self.__teardown_called = False def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.addTypeEqualityFunc(QuantumCircuit, self.assertQuantumCircuitEqual) if self.__setup_called: raise ValueError( "In File: %s\n" "TestCase.setUp was already called. Do not explicitly call " "setUp from your tests. In your own setUp, use super to call " "the base setUp." % (sys.modules[self.__class__.__module__].__file__,) ) self.__setup_called = True def tearDown(self): super().tearDown() if self.__teardown_called: raise ValueError( "In File: %s\n" "TestCase.tearDown was already called. Do not explicitly call " "tearDown from your tests. In your own tearDown, use super to " "call the base tearDown." % (sys.modules[self.__class__.__module__].__file__,) ) self.__teardown_called = True @staticmethod def _get_resource_path(filename, path=Path.TEST): """Get the absolute path to a resource. Args: filename (string): filename or relative path to the resource. path (Path): path used as relative to the filename. Returns: str: the absolute path to the resource. """ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path.value, filename)) def assertQuantumCircuitEqual(self, qc1, qc2, msg=None): """Extra assertion method to give a better error message when two circuits are unequal.""" if qc1 == qc2: return if msg is None: msg = "The two circuits are not equal." msg += f""" Left circuit: {qc1} Right circuit: {qc2}""" raise self.failureException(msg) def assertDictAlmostEqual( self, dict1, dict2, delta=None, msg=None, places=None, default_value=0 ): """Assert two dictionaries with numeric values are almost equal. Fail if the two dictionaries are unequal as determined by comparing that the difference between values with the same key are not greater than delta (default 1e-8), or that difference rounded to the given number of decimal places is not zero. If a key in one dictionary is not in the other the default_value keyword argument will be used for the missing value (default 0). If the two objects compare equal then they will automatically compare almost equal. Args: dict1 (dict): a dictionary. dict2 (dict): a dictionary. delta (number): threshold for comparison (defaults to 1e-8). msg (str): return a custom message on failure. places (int): number of decimal places for comparison. default_value (number): default value for missing keys. Raises: TypeError: if the arguments are not valid (both `delta` and `places` are specified). AssertionError: if the dictionaries are not almost equal. """ error_msg = dicts_almost_equal(dict1, dict2, delta, places, default_value) if error_msg: msg = self._formatMessage(msg, error_msg) raise self.failureException(msg) def enable_parallel_processing(self): """ Enables parallel processing, for the duration of a test, on platforms that support it. This is done by temporarily overriding the value of the QISKIT_PARALLEL environment variable with the platform specific default. """ parallel_default = str(get_platform_parallel_default()).upper() def set_parallel_env(name, value): os.environ[name] = value self.addCleanup( lambda value: set_parallel_env("QISKIT_PARALLEL", value), os.getenv("QISKIT_PARALLEL", parallel_default), ) os.environ["QISKIT_PARALLEL"] = parallel_default class QiskitTestCase(BaseQiskitTestCase): """Terra-specific extra functionality for test cases.""" def tearDown(self): super().tearDown() # Reset the default providers, as in practice they acts as a singleton # due to importing the instances from the top-level qiskit namespace. from qiskit.providers.basicaer import BasicAer BasicAer._backends = BasicAer._verify_backends() @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() # Determines if the TestCase is using IBMQ credentials. cls.using_ibmq_credentials = False # Set logging to file and stdout if the LOG_LEVEL envar is set. cls.log = logging.getLogger(cls.__name__) if os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL"): filename = "%s.log" % os.path.splitext(inspect.getfile(cls))[0] setup_test_logging(cls.log, os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL"), filename) warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=DeprecationWarning) allow_DeprecationWarning_modules = [ "test.python.pulse.test_parameters", "test.python.pulse.test_transforms", "test.python.circuit.test_gate_power", "test.python.pulse.test_builder", "test.python.pulse.test_block", "test.python.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.test_legacy_pauli", "qiskit.quantum_info.operators.pauli", "pybobyqa", "numba", "qiskit.utils.measurement_error_mitigation", "qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.x", "qiskit.pulse.schedule", "qiskit.pulse.instructions.instruction", "qiskit.pulse.instructions.play", "qiskit.pulse.library.parametric_pulses", "qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.pauli", "test.python.dagcircuit.test_dagcircuit", "importlib_metadata", ] for mod in allow_DeprecationWarning_modules: warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=DeprecationWarning, module=mod) allow_DeprecationWarning_message = [ r"elementwise comparison failed.*", r"The jsonschema validation included in qiskit-terra.*", r"The DerivativeBase.parameter_expression_grad method.*", r"The property ``qiskit\.circuit\.bit\.Bit\.(register|index)`` is deprecated.*", r"The CXDirection pass has been deprecated", r"The pauli_basis function with PauliTable.*", # Caused by internal scikit-learn scipy usage r"The 'sym_pos' keyword is deprecated and should be replaced by using", # jupyter_client 7.4.8 uses deprecated shims in pyzmq that raise warnings with pyzmq 25. # These are due to be fixed by jupyter_client 8, see: # - https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_client/issues/913 # - https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_client/pull/842 r"zmq\.eventloop\.ioloop is deprecated in pyzmq .*", ] for msg in allow_DeprecationWarning_message: warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=DeprecationWarning, message=msg) # This warning should be fixed once Qiskit/qiskit-aer#1761 is in a release version of Aer. warnings.filterwarnings( "default", category=DeprecationWarning, module="qiskit_aer.*", message="Setting metadata to None.*", ) class FullQiskitTestCase(QiskitTestCase): """Terra-specific further additions for test cases, if ``testtools`` is available. It is not normally safe to derive from this class by name; on import, Terra checks if the necessary packages are available, and binds this class to the name :obj:`~QiskitTestCase` if so. If you derive directly from it, you may try and instantiate the class without satisfying its dependencies.""" @_optionals.HAS_FIXTURES.require_in_call("output-capturing test cases") def setUp(self): import fixtures super().setUp() if os.environ.get("QISKIT_TEST_CAPTURE_STREAMS"): stdout = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream("stdout")).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch("sys.stdout", stdout)) stderr = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream("stderr")).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch("sys.stderr", stderr)) self.useFixture(fixtures.LoggerFixture(nuke_handlers=False, level=None)) def dicts_almost_equal(dict1, dict2, delta=None, places=None, default_value=0): """Test if two dictionaries with numeric values are almost equal. Fail if the two dictionaries are unequal as determined by comparing that the difference between values with the same key are not greater than delta (default 1e-8), or that difference rounded to the given number of decimal places is not zero. If a key in one dictionary is not in the other the default_value keyword argument will be used for the missing value (default 0). If the two objects compare equal then they will automatically compare almost equal. Args: dict1 (dict): a dictionary. dict2 (dict): a dictionary. delta (number): threshold for comparison (defaults to 1e-8). places (int): number of decimal places for comparison. default_value (number): default value for missing keys. Raises: TypeError: if the arguments are not valid (both `delta` and `places` are specified). Returns: String: Empty string if dictionaries are almost equal. A description of their difference if they are deemed not almost equal. """ def valid_comparison(value): """compare value to delta, within places accuracy""" if places is not None: return round(value, places) == 0 else: return value < delta # Check arguments. if dict1 == dict2: return "" if places is not None: if delta is not None: raise TypeError("specify delta or places not both") msg_suffix = " within %s places" % places else: delta = delta or 1e-8 msg_suffix = " within %s delta" % delta # Compare all keys in both dicts, populating error_msg. error_msg = "" for key in set(dict1.keys()) | set(dict2.keys()): val1 = dict1.get(key, default_value) val2 = dict2.get(key, default_value) if not valid_comparison(abs(val1 - val2)): error_msg += f"({safe_repr(key)}: {safe_repr(val1)} != {safe_repr(val2)}), " if error_msg: return error_msg[:-2] + msg_suffix else: return "" # Maintain naming backwards compatibility for downstream packages. BasicQiskitTestCase = QiskitTestCase if _optionals.HAS_TESTTOOLS and _optionals.HAS_FIXTURES: QiskitTestCase = FullQiskitTestCase