--- license: mit datasets: - mteb/tweet_sentiment_extraction language: - en library_name: transformers --- # bart-perspectives ## Overview The BART-perspectives model is a sequence-to-sequence transformers mode;. Built on top of Facebook's BART-large (specifically the `philschmid/bart-large-cnn-samsum` finetune), it is specifically designed to extract perspectives from textual data at scale. The model provides an in-depth analysis of the speaker's identity, their emotions, the object of these emotions, and the reason behind these emotions. ## Usage It is designed to be used with the `perspectives` library: ```python from perspectives import DataFrame # Load DataFrame df = DataFrame(texts = [list of sentences]) # Get perspectives df.get_perspectives() # Search df.search(speaker='...', emotion='...') ``` You can use also this model directly with a pipeline for text generation: ```python from transformers import pipeline # Load the model generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='helliun/bart-perspectives') # Get perspective perspective = generator("Describe the perspective of this text: ", max_length=1024, do_sample=False) print(perspective) ``` You can also use it with `transformers.AutoTokenizer` and `transformers.AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM`: ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM # Load the model tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("helliun/bart-perspectives") model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("helliun/bart-perspectives") # Tokenize the sentence inputs = tokenizer.encode("Describe the perspective for this sentence: ", return_tensors='pt') # Pass the tensor through the model results = model.generate(inputs) # Decode the results decoded = tokenizer.decode(results[:,0]) print(decoded) ``` ## Training The model was fine-tuned on a subset of the `mteb/tweet-sentiment-extraction` dataset with emotional analyses generated synthetically by GPT-4. ## About me I'm a recent grad of Ohio State University where I did an undergraduate thesis on Synthetic Data Augmentation using LLMs. I've worked as an NLP consultant for a couple awesome startups, and now I'm looking for a role with an inspiring company who is as interested in the untapped potential of LMs as I am! [Here's my LinkedIn.](https://www.linkedin.com/in/henry-leonardi-a63851165/) ## Contributing and Support Please raise an issue here if you encounter any problems using the model. Contributions like fine-tuning on additional data or improving the model architecture are always welcome! [Buy me a coffee!](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/helliun) ## License The model is open source and free to use under the MIT license.