import os import yaml import fiftyone as fo import fiftyone.utils.random as four import fiftyone.utils.huggingface as fouh #IMPLEMENT YOUR FUNCTIONS FOR DATA CURATION HERE, BELOW ARE JUST DUMMY FUNCTIONS AS EXAMPLES def shuffle_data(dataset): """Shuffle the dataset""" return dataset.shuffle(seed=51) def take_random_sample(dataset): """Take a sample from the dataset""" return dataset.take(size=10,seed=51) # DEFINE YOUR TRAINING HYPERPARAMETERS IN THIS DICTIONARY training_config = { # Dataset split "train_split": 0.9, "val_split": 0.1, # Training parameters "train_params": { "epochs": 1, "batch": 16, "imgsz": 640, "lr0": 0.01, "lrf": 0.01 } } # WRAP YOUR DATASET CURATION FUNCTIONS IN THIS FUNCTION def prepare_dataset(): """ Prepare the dataset for model training. NOTE: You there are lines you must not modify in this function. They are marked with "DO NOT MODIFY". Args: name (str): The name of the dataset to load. Must be "Voxel51/Data-Centric-Visual-AI-Challenge-Train-Set". Returns: fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset: The curated dataset. Note: The following code block MUST NOT be removed from your submission: This ensures that only the approved dataset is used for the competition. """ # DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE dataset = fouh.load_from_hub("/tmp/data/train") # WRAP YOUR DATA CURATION FUNCTIONS HERE dataset = shuffle_data(dataset) dataset = take_random_sample(dataset) # DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE curated_dataset = dataset.clone(name="curated_dataset") curated_dataset.persistent = True # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FUNCTION def export_to_yolo_format( samples, classes, label_field="ground_truth", export_dir=".", splits=["train", "val"] ): """ Export samples to YOLO format, optionally handling multiple data splits. NOTE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FUNCTION. Args: samples (fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection): The dataset or samples to export. export_dir (str): The directory where the exported data will be saved. classes (list): A list of class names for the YOLO format. label_field (str, optional): The field in the samples that contains the labels. Defaults to "ground_truth". splits (str, list, optional): The split(s) to export. Can be a single split name (str) or a list of split names. If None, all samples are exported as "val" split. Defaults to None. Returns: None """ if splits is None: splits = ["val"] elif isinstance(splits, str): splits = [splits] for split in splits: split_view = samples if split == "val" and splits == ["val"] else samples.match_tags(split) split_view.export( export_dir=export_dir, dataset_type=fo.types.YOLOv5Dataset, label_field=label_field, classes=classes, split=split ) # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FUNCTION def train_model(training_config=training_config): """ Train the YOLO model on the given dataset using the provided configuration. NOTE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FUNCTION AT ALL OR YOUR SCRIPT WILL FAIL. """ training_dataset = prepare_dataset() print("Splitting the dataset...") four.random_split(training_dataset, {"train": training_config['train_split'], "val": training_config['val_split']}) print("Dataset split completed.") print("Exporting dataset to YOLO format...") export_to_yolo_format( samples=training_dataset, classes=training_dataset.default_classes, ) print("Dataset export completed.") print("Initializing the YOLO model...") #DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE model = YOLO( model="/tmp/data/", ) print("Model initialized.") print("Starting model training...") results = model.train( data="dataset.yaml", **training_config['train_params'] ) print("Model training completed.") best_model_path = str(results.save_dir / "weights/") print(f"Best model saved to: {best_model_path}") # DO NOT MODIFY THE BELOW if __name__=="__main__": train_model()