--- inference: false license: other --- # AlpaGasus-13B Model Card ## Model Details This is an **unofficial** implementation of AlpaGasus-13B, which is a chat assistant trained by fine-tuning LLaMA on a Claud-filtered Alpaca dataset with around 5K triplets. - **Developed by:** [gpt4life](https://github.com/gpt4life) - **Model type:** An auto-regressive language model based on the transformer architecture. - **License:** Non-commercial license - **Finetuned from model:** [LLaMA-13B](https://huggingface.co/elinas/llama-13b-hf-transformers-4.29). Please see the original LLaMA [license](https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama/blob/main/LICENSE) before using this model. ### Model Sources - **Repository:** https://github.com/gpt4life/alpagasus - **Paper:** https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.08701.pdf ## Training Details AlpaGasus-13B is fine-tuned from LLaMA-13B with supervised instruction fine-tuning on the filtered [Alpaca dataset](https://github.com/gpt4life/alpagasus/blob/main/rating/alpaca_filtered_data.json).