--- language: fr widget: - text: "Face à un choc inédit, les mesures mises en place par le gouvernement ont permis une protection forte et efficace des ménages" --- ## About The *french-camembert-postag-model* is a part of speech tagging model for French that was trained on the *free-french-treebank* dataset available on [github](https://github.com/nicolashernandez/free-french-treebank). The base tokenizer and model used for training is *'camembert-base'*. ## Supported Tags It uses the following tags: | Tag | Category | Extra Info | |----------|:------------------------------:|------------:| | ADJ | adjectif | | | ADJWH | adjectif | | | ADV | adverbe | | | ADVWH | adverbe | | | CC | conjonction de coordination | | | CLO | pronom | obj | | CLR | pronom | refl | | CLS | pronom | suj | | CS | conjonction de subordination | | | DET | déterminant | | | DETWH | déterminant | | | ET | mot étranger | | | I | interjection | | | NC | nom commun | | | NPP | nom propre | | | P | préposition | | | P+D | préposition + déterminant | | | PONCT | signe de ponctuation | | | PREF | préfixe | | | PRO | autres pronoms | | | PROREL | autres pronoms | rel | | PROWH | autres pronoms | int | | U | ? | | | V | verbe | | | VIMP | verbe imperatif | | | VINF | verbe infinitif | | | VPP | participe passé | | | VPR | participe présent | | | VS | subjonctif | | More information on the tags can be found here: http://alpage.inria.fr/statgram/frdep/Publications/crabbecandi-taln2008-final.pdf ## Usage The usage of this model follows the common transformers patterns. Here is a short example of its usage: ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForTokenClassification tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gilf/french-camembert-postag-model") model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("gilf/french-camembert-postag-model") from transformers import pipeline nlp_token_class = pipeline('ner', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, grouped_entities=True) nlp_token_class('Face à un choc inédit, les mesures mises en place par le gouvernement ont permis une protection forte et efficace des ménages') ``` The lines above would display something like this on a Jupyter notebook: ``` [{'entity_group': 'NC', 'score': 0.5760144591331482, 'word': ''}, {'entity_group': 'U', 'score': 0.9946700930595398, 'word': 'Face'}, {'entity_group': 'P', 'score': 0.999615490436554, 'word': 'à'}, {'entity_group': 'DET', 'score': 0.9995906352996826, 'word': 'un'}, {'entity_group': 'NC', 'score': 0.9995531439781189, 'word': 'choc'}, {'entity_group': 'ADJ', 'score': 0.999183714389801, 'word': 'inédit'}, {'entity_group': 'P', 'score': 0.3710663616657257, 'word': ','}, {'entity_group': 'DET', 'score': 0.9995903968811035, 'word': 'les'}, {'entity_group': 'NC', 'score': 0.9995649456977844, 'word': 'mesures'}, {'entity_group': 'VPP', 'score': 0.9988670349121094, 'word': 'mises'}, {'entity_group': 'P', 'score': 0.9996246099472046, 'word': 'en'}, {'entity_group': 'NC', 'score': 0.9995329976081848, 'word': 'place'}, {'entity_group': 'P', 'score': 0.9996233582496643, 'word': 'par'}, {'entity_group': 'DET', 'score': 0.9995935559272766, 'word': 'le'}, {'entity_group': 'NC', 'score': 0.9995369911193848, 'word': 'gouvernement'}, {'entity_group': 'V', 'score': 0.9993771314620972, 'word': 'ont'}, {'entity_group': 'VPP', 'score': 0.9991101026535034, 'word': 'permis'}, {'entity_group': 'DET', 'score': 0.9995885491371155, 'word': 'une'}, {'entity_group': 'NC', 'score': 0.9995636343955994, 'word': 'protection'}, {'entity_group': 'ADJ', 'score': 0.9991781711578369, 'word': 'forte'}, {'entity_group': 'CC', 'score': 0.9991298317909241, 'word': 'et'}, {'entity_group': 'ADJ', 'score': 0.9992275238037109, 'word': 'efficace'}, {'entity_group': 'P+D', 'score': 0.9993300437927246, 'word': 'des'}, {'entity_group': 'NC', 'score': 0.8353511393070221, 'word': 'ménages'}] ```