--- tags: - generation language: - multilingual - cs - en --- # Mt5-base for Czech+English Generative Question Answering This is the [mt5-base](https://huggingface.co/google/mt5-base) model with an LM head for a generation of extractive answers. In contrary to our [mt5-base-priming](https://huggingface.co/gaussalgo/mt5-base-priming-QA_en-cs/edit/main/README.md), this is a traditional sequence2sequence model without priming, though can also be used on other Text extraction tasks, such as Named Entity Recognition in zero-shot settings (with a significant decay in quality, compared to priming). ## Intended uses & limitations This model is purposed to *generate* a segment of a given context that contains an answer to a given question (Extractive Question Answering) in English and Czech. Given the fine-tuning on two languages and a good reported zero-shot cross-lingual applicability of other fine-tuned multilingual large language models, the model will likely also work on other languages as well, with a specific decay in quality. Note that despite its size, English SQuAD has a variety of reported biases, conditioned by the relative position or type of the answer in the context that can affect the model's performance on new data (see, e.g. [L. Mikula (2022)](https://is.muni.cz/th/adh58/?lang=en), Chap. 4.1). ## Usage Here is how to use this model to answer the question on a given context using 🤗 Transformers in PyTorch: ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gaussalgo/mt5-base-generative-QA_en-cs") model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("gaussalgo/mt5-base-generative-QA_en-cs") context = """ Podle slovenského lidového podání byl Juro Jánošík obdařen magickými předměty (kouzelná valaška, čarovný opasek), které mu dodávaly nadpřirozené schopnosti. Okrádal především šlechtice, trestal panské dráby a ze svého lupu vyděloval část pro chudé, tedy bohatým bral a chudým dával. """ question = "Jaké schopnosti daly magické předměty Juro Jánošíkovi?" inputs = tokenizer(question, context, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model.generate(**inputs) print("Answer:") print(tokenizer.decode(outputs)) ``` ## Training The model has been trained using [Adaptor library](https://github.com/gaussalgo/adaptor) v0.1.5, in parallel on both Czech and English data, with the following parameters: ```python training_arguments = AdaptationArguments(output_dir="train_dir", learning_rate=5e-5, stopping_strategy=StoppingStrategy.ALL_OBJECTIVES_CONVERGED, do_train=True, do_eval=True, warmup_steps=1000, max_steps=100000, gradient_accumulation_steps=4, eval_steps=100, logging_steps=10, save_steps=1000, num_train_epochs=50, evaluation_strategy="steps", remove_unused_columns=False) ``` You can find the full training script in [train_mt5_qa_en+cs.py](https://huggingface.co/gaussalgo/mt5-base-generative-QA_en-cs/blob/main/train_mt5_qa_en%2Bcs.py), reproducible after a specific data preprocessing for Czech SQAD in [parse_czech_squad.py](parse_czech_squad.py)