--- datasets: - spider language: - en pipeline_tag: text2text-generation tags: - text2sql --- # T5 large LM Adapt for Text to SQL This model is purposed to generate structured SQL queries from the natural-language prompts. ### Intro In the Text2SQL task, the model learns how to generate a SQL query based on the question posed in natural language. However, in some cases, the SQL query contains unknown columns etc., and altogether does not take the schema of the specific database into account. That is where our approach comes in. We incorporated the database schema into the input question while training to specify which columns and relations are available to generate an applicable SQL query. The exposition of database schema, together with the prompt, allows the model to learn the mapping of the schema to the expected output. This allows the model to better generalize to the schemas that were not present in the training data. ### Base model We fine-tune this model from the [t5-large-LM-adapt](https://huggingface.co/google/t5-large-lm-adapt) checkpoint. ## Spider and Spider-Syn dataset The model was fine-tuned on the training splits of [Spider](https://yale-lily.github.io/spider) and [Spider-Syn](https://github.com/ygan/Spider-Syn/tree/main/Spider-Syn) datasets. Instead of using only the questions, we added the database schema to the question, as we wanted the model to generate a question over a given database _Input prompt_: ```python Question: What is the average, minimum, and maximum age for all French musicians? Schema: "stadium" "Stadium_ID" int , "Location" text , "Name" text , "Capacity" int , "Highest" int , "Lowest" int , "Average" int , foreign_key: primary key: "Stadium_ID" [SEP] "singer" "Singer_ID" int , "Name" text , "Country" text , "Song_Name" text , "Song_release_year" text , "Age" int , "Is_male" bool , foreign_key: primary key: "Singer_ID" [SEP], "concert" "concert_ID" int , "concert_Name" text , "Theme" text , "Year" text , foreign_key: "Stadium_ID" text from "stadium", "Stadium_ID" , primary key: "concert_ID" [SEP] "singer_in_concert", foreign_key: "concert_ID" int from "concert", "concert_ID" , "Singer_ID" text from "singer" "Singer_ID" , primary key: "concert_ID" "Singer_ID" ``` _Expected output_: ```sql SELECT avg(age), min(age), max(age) FROM singer WHERE country = 'France' ``` When evaluating the output, we query the _SQLite_ database and get: ``` [[34.5, 25, 43]] ``` ## Format of the database schema The standardized database schema the model was trained on: ``` table_name column1_name column1_type column2_name column2_type ... foreign_key: FK_name FK_type from table_name column_name primary key: column_name [SEP] table_name2 ... ``` ## Usage Here is how to use this model to answer the question on a given context using 🤗 Transformers in PyTorch: ```python from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer model_path = 'gaussalgo/T5-LM-Large-text2sql-spider' model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(model_path) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) question = "What is the average, minimum, and maximum age for all French musicians?" schema = ""stadium" "Stadium_ID" int , "Location" text , "Name" text , "Capacity" int , "Highest" int , "Lowest" int , "Average" int , foreign_key: primary key: "Stadium_ID" [SEP] "singer" "Singer_ID" int , "Name" text , "Country" text , "Song_Name" text , "Song_release_year" text , "Age" int , "Is_male" bool , foreign_key: primary key: "Singer_ID" [SEP] "concert" "concert_ID" int , "concert_Name" text , "Theme" text , "Year" text , foreign_key: "Stadium_ID" text from "stadium" "Stadium_ID" , primary key: "concert_ID" [SEP] "singer_in_concert" foreign_key: "concert_ID" int from "concert" "concert_ID" , "Singer_ID" text from "singer" "Singer_ID" , primary key: "concert_ID" "Singer_ID"" input_text = " ".join(["Question: ",question, "Schema:", schema]) model_inputs = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model.generate(**model_inputs, max_length=512) output_text = tokenizer.decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True) print("SQL Query:") print(output_text) ``` outputs: ```sql SQL Query: SELECT avg(age), min(age), max(age) FROM singer WHERE country = 'France' ``` ## Training The model has been trained using [Adaptor library](https://github.com/gaussalgo/adaptor) 0.2.1, on training splits of Spider and Spider-syn datasets with the following parameters: ```python training_arguments = AdaptationArguments(output_dir="train_dir", learning_rate=5e-5, stopping_strategy=StoppingStrategy.ALL_OBJECTIVES_CONVERGED, stopping_patience=8, save_total_limit=8, do_train=True, do_eval=True, bf16=True, warmup_steps=1000, gradient_accumulation_steps=8, logging_steps=10, eval_steps=200, save_steps=1000, num_train_epochs=10, evaluation_strategy="steps") ```