--- datasets: - spider language: - en --- # T5 large LM Adapt for Text to SQL This model is fine-tuned from the [t5-large-LM-adapt](https://huggingface.co/google/t5-large-lm-adapt) checkpoint. ## Spider and Spider-Syn dataset The model was fine-tuned on the training splits of [Spider](https://yale-lily.github.io/spider) and [Spider-Syn](https://github.com/ygan/Spider-Syn/tree/main/Spider-Syn) datasets. Instead of using only the questions, we added the database schema to the question, as we wanted the model to generate a question over a given database _input_: ``` Question: What is the average, minimum, and maximum age for all French musicians? Schema: "stadium" "Stadium_ID" int , "Location" text , "Name" text , "Capacity" int , "Highest" int , "Lowest" int , "Average" int , foreign_key: primary key: "Stadium_ID" [SEP] "singer" "Singer_ID" int , "Name" text , "Country" text , "Song_Name" text , "Song_release_year" text , "Age" int , "Is_male" bool , foreign_key: primary key: "Singer_ID" [SEP] "concert" "concert_ID" int , "concert_Name" text , "Theme" text , "Year" text , foreign_key: "Stadium_ID" text from "stadium" "Stadium_ID" , primary key: "concert_ID" [SEP] "singer_in_concert" foreign_key: "concert_ID" int from "concert" "concert_ID" , "Singer_ID" text from "singer" "Singer_ID" , primary key: "concert_ID" "Singer_ID" ``` => _target_: ``` SELECT avg(age), min(age), max(age) FROM singer WHERE country = 'France' ``` When evaluating we query the sqlite database => _query result_: ``` [[34.5, 25, 43]] ``` ## Format of the database schema The standardized database schema the model was trained on: ``` table_name column1_name column1_type column2_name column2_type ... foreign_key: FK_name FK_type from table_name column_name primary key: column_name [SEP] table_name2 ... ``` ## Usage Here is how to use this model to answer the question on a given context using 🤗 Transformers in PyTorch: ```python from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer model_path = 'gaussalgo/T5-LM-Large-text2sql-spider' model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(model_path) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) question = "What is the average, minimum, and maximum age for all French musicians?" schema = ""stadium" "Stadium_ID" int , "Location" text , "Name" text , "Capacity" int , "Highest" int , "Lowest" int , "Average" int , foreign_key: primary key: "Stadium_ID" [SEP] "singer" "Singer_ID" int , "Name" text , "Country" text , "Song_Name" text , "Song_release_year" text , "Age" int , "Is_male" bool , foreign_key: primary key: "Singer_ID" [SEP] "concert" "concert_ID" int , "concert_Name" text , "Theme" text , "Year" text , foreign_key: "Stadium_ID" text from "stadium" "Stadium_ID" , primary key: "concert_ID" [SEP] "singer_in_concert" foreign_key: "concert_ID" int from "concert" "concert_ID" , "Singer_ID" text from "singer" "Singer_ID" , primary key: "concert_ID" "Singer_ID"" input_text = " ".join(["Question: ",question, "Schema:", schema]) model_inputs = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model.generate(**model_inputs, max_length=512) output_text = tokenizer.decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True) print("SQL Query:") print(output_text) ``` ## Training The model has been trained using [Adaptor library](https://github.com/gaussalgo/adaptor) 0.2.1, on training splits of Spider and Spider-syn datasets with the following parameters: ```python training_arguments = AdaptationArguments(output_dir="train_dir", learning_rate=5e-5, stopping_strategy=StoppingStrategy.ALL_OBJECTIVES_CONVERGED, stopping_patience=8, save_total_limit=8, do_train=True, do_eval=True, bf16=True, warmup_steps=1000, gradient_accumulation_steps=8, logging_steps=10, eval_steps=200, save_steps=1000, num_train_epochs=10, evaluation_strategy="steps") ```