text,slots,intents,__index_level_0__,text_labels_orig Intents: hapus pengingat terakhir,O O B-reference,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Hvordan bliver vejret i Sarygamyş Sanctuary den 21 august 2035 ?,O O O O B-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: Controlla le previsioni per il Nebraska .,O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,257,weather/find Intents: бүгін қар жауу керек па ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: Ich möchte im Oregon Electric Station in North City reservieren .,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: мұнда 1 секундта қаншалықты суық болады,B-location B-datetime I-datetime O B-condition_temperature O,weather/find,317,weather/find Intents: 17 saniye sonra Oakfield yakınlarındaki Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish'de yemek yiyelim,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant Intents: annuleer alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: tunda alarm selama 15 menit,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Je l' hladno danas ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: すべて の リマインダー を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/show_reminders Intents: brauche ich morgen eine Jacke ?,O O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,41,weather/find Intents: 次 の アラーム を キャンセル する,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: batalkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: قيم المقال الحالي بصفر من أصل 6 نجوم,O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: Kakvo će vreme biti u Sarygamyş Sanctuary 21 . avgusta 2035 . ?,O O O O O B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: cancella tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,weather/find Intents: Imposta una sveglia alle 8 di mattina,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Бүгін кешкі сағат 5-ке оятқышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,246,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Batalkan semua pengingat,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder "Intents: Erstelle Erinnerung , um die Sachen von der chemischen Reinigung abzuholen .",O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Bitte finde Phineas Redux .,O O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: spil noget med Filipp Kirkorow fra halvfjerserne,O O O B-artist I-artist O B-datetime,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: What is the weather like on Wednesday for golfing ?,O O O O O O B-datetime O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: Želim da dodam dela Rahima Šaha [ Rahim Shah ] na moju listu Infinite Indie Folk,O O O O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bana To Lose My Life … adlı romanı bul,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Spiller Is No Time to Be Youg på AMC Theaters,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Sæt en alarm til klokken 10 om morgenen,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Želim da mi kreiraš novi alarm za 8:45 sutra ujutru,O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Мэтт Мерфи әуенін Flow Español ойнату тізіміне қос .,B-artist I-artist B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: What times will The Young Swordsman be showing at my cinema ?,O B-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Tunjukkan saya jadwal film Southern Theatres,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: what's the weather today,O O O B-datetime,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: 40 cal melodisini çamaşırhane çalma listesine ekle .,B-artist I-artist B-music_item B-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist Intents: من فضلك افتح Zvooq,O O O B-service,AddToPlaylist,288,PlayMusic Intents: Pausiere den Alarm,O O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: koja je prosečna prognoza za septembar,O O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: 将 此 曲目 添加 到 我的 Hands Up 播放 列表 中,O O B-music_item O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: sæt alarm til klokken 6 om morgenen,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/set_alarm Intents: إعد ضبط جميع المنبهات,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 把 现在 的 这部 小说 评分 为 6分 中 的 两分 。,O B-object_select O O B-object_type O O B-best_rating O O B-rating_value O,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: Spil min inventive playliste,O B-playlist B-playlist O,PlayMusic,253,PlayMusic Intents: احجز طاولة في مطعم دجاج مقلي,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,269,BookRestaurant Intents: Ертең жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-datetime O O O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: Bisakah saya mendapatkan jadwal tayang film di daerah sekitar,O O O B-object_type O B-movie_type B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: pesan sebuah meja di sebuah restoran ayam goreng,O O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,269,BookRestaurant Intents: Füge Martin Barre zu meiner Punk unplugged Playliste .,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist Intents: Wetter,O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: Wird es in vier Monaten in Suwanee AK kälter,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location B-condition_temperature,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: ما وقت ضبط المنبه لصباح الغد ؟,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: كيف هو الطقس يوم الأربعاء للعب الغولف ؟,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: العب شئ ما من 90s Pop Rock Essentials,O O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,461,PlayMusic Intents: Stop Vandemataram Srinivas 's nummer op HipHip Hot 50 .,O B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,350,PlayMusic Intents: Tambahkan Toyan ke playlist Epic Gaming saya .,O B-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bu gece annemi aramayı hatırlat,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Cancella tutti i miei promemoria .,O B-reference O B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Hvilke påmindelser har jeg ?,O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: アラーム を 午 前 5 時 に 設 定 する,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Give Catedral serien fire stjerner,O B-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: Бүгін кешкі 5-ке оятқышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Give 1 ud af 6 stjerner til den nuværende bog,O B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O O O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: Boek een reserving voor negen mensen bij een bakkerij in Nunez,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,425,BookRestaurant Intents: تحديث الطقس لوس انجليس,O O B-location I-location,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: Show me the movies at Harkins Theatres .,O O O B-movie_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: obriši poslednji podsetnik,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Wie wird das Wetter nicht unweit von hier am neunzehnten Oktober 2026 ?,O O O O B-location I-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,271,weather/find Intents: Da li mi treba kišobran danas ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: Periksa perkiraan cuaca untuk Nebraska .,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,257,weather/find Intents: Mainkan rich sex di Iheart,O B-track I-track O B-service,PlayMusic,277,PlayMusic Intents: Tambahkan lagu boy george ke playlist Emo Forever .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: Koliko snega predviđaju ?,O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: Cancel all my alarms for Sunday .,O B-reference I-reference O O B-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: қашан салқындайды,O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: Менің кешкі акустикалық ойнату тізіміме The Famous Flower of Serving-Men-ді қос,B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: 木 曜 日 の 朝 の アラーム を キャンセル し て ください 。,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Tjek spilletiderne for Snowbound hos den nærmeste biograf -,O O O B-movie_name O O B-location B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 乌兹别克斯坦 两 小时 内 的 天气,B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,weather/find,312,weather/find Intents: Brookneal 11月 的 天气 怎么样 ?,B-location B-datetime O O O O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: book a table on 1/20/2023 for 5 people in MH,O O O O B-datetime O B-party_size_number O O B-location,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: matikan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Gib 4 Sterne an The Broken Window,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: أضف الأغنية الحالية إلى قائمة تشغيل This Is Tchaikovsky الخاصة بي,O B-music_item O O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: is het heet buiten,O O B-weather/attribute B-location,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: book a table near pat's college,O O O B-location B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,389,BookRestaurant Intents: Speel Another Passenger van Louis Nelson Delisle .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic Intents: Bugünkü nem oranı nedir ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: Pat's College yakınında bir masa ayırt,B-location I-location B-location O O O,BookRestaurant,389,BookRestaurant Intents: Wat wordt de maximum temperatuur vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: Delete alarms,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Da li se mom području bliži oluja ?,O O O B-location I-location O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: riproduci un po' di Filipp Kirkorow degli anni settanta,O O O O B-artist I-artist O B-datetime I-datetime,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: House Afterwork çalma listeme we have a theme şarkısını ekle,B-playlist I-playlist O B-reference B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bu ders kitabına sıfır yıldız ver,B-object_select B-object_type I-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: 请 搜索 这幅 名 为 This Is the Night 的 画作 。,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Setel alarm untuk jam 3 sore .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: anullér alarmer,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Zoek naar een nummer met de naam Live at the Kings Center,O O O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Voglio un tavolo alla James D . Conrey House a Urbank California,O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location B-location,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: add we have a theme song to my House Afterwork playlist,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist Intents: Wordt het regenachtig in Tenino ?,O O B-condition_description O B-location O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: Add The Famous Flower of Serving-Men to my evening acoustic playlist.,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: Бүгін қар жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: Бруклонға жақын орналасқан Эдинбургта The Dome-да брондау жаса,B-location B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: What's the weather in San Francisco ?,O O O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: ما حالة الطقس اليوم,O O O B-datetime,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: Олар қаншалықты қарды болжайды ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: маған ертең кеудеше керек пе ?,O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,41,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Suche nach The Sound of One Hand Clapping,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: アラーム を オン,O O O,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Jeg skal tilføje værkerne fra Rahim Shah til min Infinite Indie Faolk liste,O O O O O B-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: هل يعرض No Time to Be Young في مسارح AMC,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: what is the forecast for colder temps beginning on Law Day here,O O O O O B-condition_temperature O O O B-datetime I-datetime B-location,weather/find,417,weather/find Intents: Pioverà a Tenino ?,B-condition_description O B-location O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: Nadji raspored filmova za Wanda Group .,O B-object_type I-object_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: كم من الوقت المتبقي على المنبه,O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Lösche meine Erinnerung um morgen Patrick von der Schule abzuholen,O B-reference O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: tampilkan jadwal film The Great Gildersleeve di dekat gedung bioskop,O B-object_type I-object_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Metti in pausa la sveglia,O O O O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: Wie ist die Wettervorhersage für Gibsland,O O O O O B-location,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: Fügen das neueste Lied von Richard McNamara zur Just Smile-Wiedergabeliste hinzu,O O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist Intents: 今天 会 有 多 热,B-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: Daj ovoj hronici ocenu 2 .,O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type O B-rating_value O,RateBook,265,RateBook Intents: Findest du die TV-Serie The Approach,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Find the movie schedule close by,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: spilletider for animerede film tæt på,O O B-movie_type I-movie_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Voeg een derek watkins nummer toe aan This Is Johnny Cash,O O O B-artist B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: vota questo saggio zero su 6 stelle,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: Imposta una sveglia per le 6:50 di sera,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Apa akan turun salju hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: Маңайда қандай фильмдер көрсетіліп жатыр,B-location O B-movie_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 给我 Good Morning Sunshine 预告片,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type,SearchCreativeWork,334,weather/find Intents: أبحث عن ألبوم Wolves Within,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Brug Groove Shark til at spille noget musik,O B-service I-service O O O O O,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: Akan seperti apa cuaca di Ohio ?,O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: Rezerviši mesto za 9,O O O B-party_size_number,BookRestaurant,459,BookRestaurant Intents: Buat alarm untuk akhir pekan pukul 2 siang,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 在 Lastfm 播放 This Is: Miles Davis 。,O B-service O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,PlayMusic,347,PlayMusic Intents: қыркүйекке арналған орташа болжам қандай,B-datetime O O O O,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: Bugün hava nasıl ?,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,107,weather/find Intents: Монакода Yankee Doodle кофеханасына орын жалдағым келеді,B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O O,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: Show all my reminders,O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Trovami il romanzo chiamato To Lose My Life …,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Kommer det til at sne i dag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: show all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,97,alarm/show_alarms Intents: мұз сатып алуды менің есіме түсір,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kolika će temperatura biti danas ?,O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: Lad os spise på Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish nær Oakfield om 17 sekunder,O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant Intents: avrò bisogno della giacca domani ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,41,weather/find Intents: маған таңертең оятқышты қоюды еске сал,O B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: show me my alarms,O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,119,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 哥斯达黎加 的 天气 预报 是 什么,B-location O O O O O,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は 雪 が 降 る 予 報 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: ما هي درجة الحرارة العظمى اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: tambahkan lagu ini ke playlist Hands Up saya,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: ذكرني بالرد على رسائل البريد الإلكتروني للعمل الليلة,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Mind mig om at lave en aftale hos lægen i morgen .,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: Voeg Jerry Calliste , Jr toe aan mijn Te quiero playlist .",O B-artist I-artist I-artist I-artist O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: Erinnere mich Eis zu kaufen,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Yarın doktor randevusu almayı hatırlat,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ما هي الرطوبة اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: 今天 的 天气 怎么样,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: Želim da rezervišem restoran za deset osoba .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,418,BookRestaurant Intents: Voglio ascoltare them dell’artista Murcof,O O B-music_item O B-artist,PlayMusic,488,PlayMusic Intents: What is the temperature today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: annuleer alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: MJR Theatres'daki animasyon filmlerini istiyorum,B-location I-location B-movie_type I-movie_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: tüm alarmları kapat,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 我的 提醒 是什么?,B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Bitte besorge mir den Song Compulsive Disclosure .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,444,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Add a song to this is racionais mc's,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: remind me of next weeks doctor appointment,O O O B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: annuleer alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: koliko će biti vruće danas,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: Beoordeel The Mystery of the Tolling Bell serie 4 sterren .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: will it rain this week,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: Laten we luisteren naar good Mohammad Mamle op Vimeo .,O O O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic Intents: 明 日 の アラーム を キャンセル,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Wie viel Zeit bleibt beim Wecker übrig,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Wie wird das Wetter hier um 2 Uhr nachmittags,O O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,476,weather/find Intents: 今 日 の 湿 度 は 何 度 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: Afspil Subconscious Lobotomy med Jennifer Paull .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: reservér bord til 1 på Town of Ramsgate i Merit,O O O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location,BookRestaurant,289,BookRestaurant Intents: bugünün hava durumunu oku,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: Patrick Still Lives 还 在 AMC 影院 上映 吗,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location I-location O O,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Kad imam zakazan alarm ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: snooze mine alarmer i fem minutter,O B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: Барлық еске салғыштарды балып таста,B-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Give one start to the current book,O B-rating_value O O O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,329,RateBook Intents: 雨 は いつ 終 わり ます か ?,B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: Барлық оятқыштарды көрсет,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,14,reminder/set_reminder Intents: cancel reminder for tonight's game,O O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 明天 会 天晴 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: Tüm hatırlatıcılarımı göster,B-reference B-reference-part O,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/show_reminders Intents: أطفئ كل منبهات الغد,O B-reference O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality шоуын іздеші .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: هل أحضر معطف واق من المطر ؟,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: Bugün hava soğuk mu ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: Jeg vil gerne book et spa ophold sammen .,O O O O O B-facility O B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,391,BookRestaurant Intents: Trova gli orari dei film nelle vicinanze,O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Speel iets van Duke Ellington uit de seventies,O O O B-artist I-artist O O B-datetime,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: Sæt en alarm til en time fra nu .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: kan je de plaats van Epic Conditions afbeelding bepalen,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 我的 提醒 是什么?,B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: いつ 寒 く なり ます か,O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: Voglio prenotare Tupelo Honey Cafe in New Jersey per cinque persone .,O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant Intents: Zet een herinnering voor hondenvoer op maandag .,O O O O B-reminder/todo O B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Wie wird das Wetter in Ohio ?,O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: アラーム を 午 前 6 時 に 設 定,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/set_alarm Intents: cancel all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Berapa kelembaban hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: Spiele etwas aus der 90s Pop Rock Essentials,O O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,PlayMusic,461,PlayMusic Intents: Dai alla serie Catedral quattro stelle .,O O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: Play rich sex on Iheart,O B-track I-track O B-service,PlayMusic,277,PlayMusic Intents: Қараша айында Брукнеалда ауа райы қандай болады ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-location O O O O O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: pioverà questa settimana,B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: أريد حجز مطعم بوجاتسا العام المقبل بالقرب من بن لثلاثة أشخاص .,O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine B-datetime I-datetime B-location O B-location B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,452,BookRestaurant Intents: Bana en iyi bistro'da bir rezervasyon yap,O B-sort I-sort B-restaurant_type O O O,BookRestaurant,368,BookRestaurant Intents: Brauche ich heute einen Mantel ?,O O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: kannst du mir die Wecker anzeigen ?,O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Play Subconscious Lobotomy from Jennifer Paull .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: 午 前 8 時 に 店 に 行 く よう に リマインダー を 設 定,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Was sind meine Erinnerungen ?,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: herinner me om de wekker te zetten voor ups,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Lösche alle Erinnerungen,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Phyllis Ward und Veronica brauchen einen Tisch in einem Restaurant in 152 Tagen,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O O O O B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,492,BookRestaurant Intents: 寻找 游戏 Difficult Loves,O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: bugün bulutlu mu,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: Benötige ich heute einen Regenschirm ?,O O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: Cuaca dua jam dari sekarang di Uzbekistan,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,312,weather/find Intents: إلغاء جميع تذكيرات اليوم,O B-reference O B-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: remind me to buy ice,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 想 在 摩纳哥 预订 the Yankee Doodle Coffee Shop 的 一个 位置,O O B-location O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O O,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: Check the schedule for Bow Tie Cinemas .,O O B-object_type O B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: tüm hatırlatıcıları göster,B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Akan seperti apa cuaca di Virginia pada hari st . patrick's ?,O O O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: من فضلك ابحث لي عن لعبة الفيديو بعنوان 20 Hours in America .,O O O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Bana ArcLight Hollywood'daki yalnızca animasyon filmlerinin seanslarını göster,O B-location I-location O B-movie_type I-movie_type B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,383,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Aggiungi un promemoria per oggi alle 4 del pomeriggio,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: tüm alarmları iptal et,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: UPS の アラーム を 設 定 する よう リマインド,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,197,alarm/set_alarm Intents: cancella tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,weather/find Intents: prikaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,32,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Memberikan The Crystal Snare 5 bintang,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: احجز لي لحفلة مكونة من 3 أشخاص في حانة في جزر ماريانا الشمالية,O O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location I-location,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: Quando smetterà di piovere ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: 给 这 本 书 评级 为 1,O B-object_select O B-object_type O O B-rating_value,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: 明 日 雨 が 降 り ます か,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: vis alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,244,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Salı günü Stephanie'yi aramayı hatırlat,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Želim da rezervišem jevrejski restoran u Gambiji .,O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location O,BookRestaurant,268,BookRestaurant Intents: Qual è la cattiva previsione del tempo ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: оятқыштарды алып таста,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm "Intents: أضف تذكير "" درس اليوغا ليلة الثلاثاء في بالا "" للغد",O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Маған To Lose My Life … деп аталатын романды тап,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: give den nuværende roman nul ud af 6,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: 韩国 从 现在 开始 一小 时 后 的 降雨 预报 是多少,B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-condition_description O O,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: Che tempo farà in Ohio ?,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: Бүгін температура қандай ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: Zet wekker voor elke negen minuten .,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Koliko je vremena ostalo do alarma .,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: cancel all alarms for saturday,O B-reference O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: koja je prognoza za Nikodemus [ Nicodemus ] i okolinu,O O O O B-location O B-location O O B-location,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: oceni ovaj roman sa nula od 6,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: Har jeg brug for en jakke i dag ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: Wat is de maximum temperatuur vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: Afspil The Happy Blues med Ronnie Wood .,O B-album I-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic Intents: 今天 会 下雪 吗?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: batalkan pengingat berulang saya untuk minum obat setiap hari pada jam 7 pagi,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Do I need an umbrella on Wednesday ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: Haftasonları öğleden sonra 2'de alarm kur,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: şu anki romana 6 üzerinden sıfır ver,B-object_select I-object_select B-object_type B-best_rating O B-rating_value O,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: Remind me to go to grocery store today,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: cancel alarm for tomorrow,O O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm "Intents: Reserviere für The Dome , Edinburgh in der Nähe von Brooklawn",O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: 今天 会 下雪 吗,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: Ben'le Georgia hakkında konuşmayı hatırlat,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: اضبط منبه الساعة 6 : 50 مساءً,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: wann wir es aufhören zu regnen ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: hvordan bliver vejret i Dallas i morgen,O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: Imposta una sveglia alle 7 di domani mattina .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Koja je vlažnost danas ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: 设置 一个 提醒 在 周一 下午 4点 打电话 给 我的 学校,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Lav en reservation til 3 på en pub i Nordmarianerne,O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: Riproduci una colonna sonora degli anni sessanta,O O B-music_item I-music_item O B-datetime I-datetime,PlayMusic,404,PlayMusic Intents: tilføj we have a theme song til min House Afterwork playliste,O O O O B-music_item B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist "Intents: storniere meine wiederholte Erinnerung , täglich um 7 Uhr Medikamente einzunehmen",O O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime B-reminder/todo O,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 暂停 闹钟,O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 添加 we have a theme song 到 我的 House Afterwork 播放 列表 中 。,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist Intents: 在 Netflix 上 播放 音乐 。,O B-service O O O O,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: Yarın yağmur yağacak mı,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: Postponi la sveglia per 15 minuti,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: Spil All Things Must Pass .,O B-track I-track I-track I-track O,PlayMusic,300,PlayMusic Intents: vis alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,97,alarm/show_alarms Intents: film seansları nelerdir,B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Give The Crystal Snare 5 stars,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: Batalkan pengingat saya untuk menjemput Rob,O O B-reference O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 给 当前 编年史 6 分 中 的 五 分,O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-best_rating O O O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,439,RateBook Intents: 读 今天 的 天气 预报,O B-datetime O O O,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: hoće li biti kiše ove nedelje,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: Ik wil The Portrait of a Lady zien in de dichtstbijzijnde bioscoop zien .,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-location B-object_location_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 将 ireland in the junior eurovision song contest 2015 添加 到 我的 Jazzy Dinner 播放 列表 中,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: Boycott'u gösteren en yakın sinemayı göster,B-movie_name O B-location I-location B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Маған Baby Blue атты телешоуды тап,O B-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: أريد الاستماع إلى حلقة من 1998 .,O O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,SearchCreativeWork,259,PlayMusic Intents: sæt en påmindelse til at gå i butikken klokken 8 om morgenen,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Remind me to reply to work emails tonight,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 8 月 2 1 日 午 後 3 時 に 病 院 に 行 く よう に リマインド,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Wecker für 2 Stunden stellen,O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: cancella tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,weather/find Intents: 添加 一首 歌 到 我的 madden nfl 16 播放 列表,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: Quali sono i miei promemoria ?,O O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Yakınlardaki film seanslarını bul,B-location B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Hvad er vejrudsigten om en time i Syd Korea,O O B-condition_description B-datetime B-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: batalkan alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: otkaži alarme,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Wetter in zwei Stunden in Usbekistan,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,312,weather/find Intents: Wird es heute heiß ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: Менің оятқышым қай уақытқа қойылған,B-reference O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,200,weather/find Intents: Füge dieses Album zu Old School Death Metal,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: voeg Highway Patrolman in mijn playlist this is al green,O B-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure'e 6 üzerinden 3 ver .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating O B-rating_value O O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: hava durumu,O O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: Rare Birds түсте ең жақын кинотеатрда көрсетіле ме .,B-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime B-location I-location B-object_location_type O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent "Intents: Podesi podsetnik "" Sub yoga class Tuesday night at Bala "" za sutra",O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Bugün ne kadar sıcak olacak ?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: бүгін қаншалықты ыстық болады,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: pesan sebuah meja di dekat pat's college,O O O O B-location B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,389,BookRestaurant Intents: оятқыштарды алып таста,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Ist es heute kalt ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: Herinner me morgen om deze tijd om een dokters afspraak te plannen,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: すべて の リマインダー を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/show_reminders Intents: cancella tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,weather/find Intents: Менің This Is Shakira ойнату тізіміме jack white-ты қос,B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O B-artist I-artist O,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ik wil een restaurant boeken voor tien mensen .,O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,418,BookRestaurant Intents: visualizza le mie sveglie,O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,93,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Give a rating of 2 to Juneteenth .,O O O O B-rating_value O B-object_name O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: ist es heiß ?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: Look for the TV series Jersey Boys,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Самоадағы Вауриканың болжамы қандай,B-location B-location O O,weather/find,478,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Berikan empat bintang ke The Broken Window,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: барлық оятқыштарды алып таста,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Ертең жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: Spielt Barbar: King of the Elephants,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,434,SearchCreativeWork Intents: book a table at a Fried chicken restaurant,O O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,269,BookRestaurant "Intents: Erinnere mich , nach der Arbeit Brot zu holen",O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder Intents: visualizza tutte le mie sveglie,O B-reference O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,53,SearchCreativeWork Intents: pesan sebuah reservasi untuk 6 orang untuk sebuah kedai kreol di Montenegro,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine O B-location,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: cancel all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Koliko je ostalo do alarma,O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Akşam 7'de I Think I Do gösterilecek mi ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Remind me to call my mom tonight,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: show all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,32,alarm/show_alarms Intents: önceden kurulmuş tüm alarmları göster,O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Gaat het morgen regenen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: laat alle wekkers zien,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,32,weather/find Intents: altmışlardan bir film müziğini çal,B-datetime O B-music_item I-music_item O,PlayMusic,404,SearchCreativeWork Intents: zet mijn wekker aan,O B-reference O O,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/set_alarm Intents: reservér det bedste bord for 5 på en diner i Tanzania,O O B-sort O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: 明 日 の この 時 間 に 病 院 の 予 約 を する と いう リマインダー を 設 定 する,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: العواصف الاستوائية في منطقة البحر الكاريبي,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-location I-location I-location,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: كم سيكون الطقس ساخناً اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: Kommer det til at sne i dag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: Slacker-де бірнеше жаңа Les Vandyke ойнат,B-service O B-sort B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,423,PlayMusic Intents: Pesankan saya sebuah reservasi untuk sebuah pesta untuk 3 orang di sebuah bar di Northern Mariana Islands,O O O O O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location I-location,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: ما هي التوقعات الجوية في Admire في TX بدءًا من السابعة عشر,O O O O O B-location O B-location O O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: Dodaj ovog izvođača na plejlistu political punks .,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: Podesi alarm za sutra u 7 ujutru,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 30 dakikaya alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Aggiungi emilie autumn alla mia playlist Nação Reggae .,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: Hvad er temperaturen i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: 在 帕特 学院 附近 预订 一张 桌子,O B-location I-location B-location O O O,BookRestaurant,389,BookRestaurant Intents: Cancella tutte le mie sveglie per domenica .,O B-reference O B-reference O O B-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 设置 明天 七点 的 闹钟,O B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: bugün ne kadar sıcak olacak,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: movie schedules close by for animated movies,B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location O B-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Deadly Weapons шығармашылық жұмысын тап,B-object_name I-object_name O O O,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork Intents: kad će rashlađenje,O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: ricordami di impostare una sveglia per ups,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: imposta un promemoria per vedere i Colts un' ora prima che la partita inizi,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ذكرني أن أتصل بأختي غدا,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Set alarm for 10 am,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Suche nach dem Buch The Girl Who Was Plugged In,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 9 分 ごと に アラーム を 設 定 する 。,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Show all alarms .,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,alarm/show_alarms Intents: mind mig om at gå i centret i morgen klokken 4,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: vis alle mine alarmer,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,53,alarm/show_alarms Intents: zeige alle Wecker,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,32,alarm/show_alarms "Intents: Add Jerry Calliste, Jr to my Te quiero playlist.",O B-artist I-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: imposta una sveglia per le 6 di sera,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Маған Гиппсландтың ауа райын айтып бер,O B-location O O O O,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: Erinnere mich an eine Doktorvisite am Donnerstag um 12 Uhr mittag,O O O O B-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: I want to book a steakhouse in Vimy Ridge .,O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: Алты ай ішінде Tangier-ге жақын орналасқан ең жақсы пабқа тоғыз адамға брондау жаса,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location O B-sort I-sort B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant Intents: Imposta una sveglia alle 2 di mattina,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Is it supposed to rain all day ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: Tambahkan sebuah pengingat untuk hari ini jam 4 sore,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: mind mig om at sæt alarmer til i morgen,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: A che orari The Young Swordsman verrà proiettato nel mio cinema ?,O O B-object_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: هل يمكنك الحصول على العرض التشويقي لـ Blue Spring ؟,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: will it snow tomorrow,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: I want to book a restaurant for ten people.,O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,418,BookRestaurant Intents: Podseti me da odem u prodavnicu sutra,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 火 曜 日 の 午 前 5 時 1 5 分 の アラーム を キャンセル する,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Per favore trovami il videogioco intitolato 20 Hours in America .,O O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: tænd min alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: welke films in Star Theatres .,O B-movie_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Herinner me om mijn zus morgen te bellen,O O O O B-reminder/todo B-datetime O B-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Gaat het sneeuwen vandaag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: 今天 法国 的 天气 怎么样?,B-datetime B-location O O O,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: wie ist das Wetter heute ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,107,weather/find Intents: Domani ci sarà il sole ?,B-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: 热 吗?,B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: Saya ingin mendengarkan sesuatu di Youtube,O O O O O B-service,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: Indie Hipster'a bir şarkı ekle,B-playlist I-playlist O B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist Intents: 在 Zvooq 播放 Trance Life 。,O B-service O B-playlist I-playlist O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: har brug for et bord et sted i Quarryville om 14 timer,O O O O O O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,392,BookRestaurant Intents: 雨 は いつ 止 み ます か ?,B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: Tambahkan artis mike ke playlist Sexy as Folk .,O B-music_item B-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: Saya ingin menambah jordan rudess ke playlist Divertido para niños .,O O O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: hoe is het weer hier om twee uur s'ochtends,O O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,476,weather/find Intents: batalkan pengingat saya untuk minggu depan,O O B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 纽约 现在 有 风暴 吗 ?,B-location B-datetime O B-condition_description O O,weather/find,258,weather/find Intents: Ik wil eten in Ramona,O O O O B-location,BookRestaurant,455,BookRestaurant Intents: Will it rain tomorrow ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: Lass mich Christ Night Songs hören,O O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic "Intents: Lösche meine Erinnerung , Rob abzuholen",O B-reference O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Dai quattro stelle a The Broken Window,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: Quando finirà di piovere ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: Nunez'deki bir pastanede dokuz kişilik bir rezervasyon yap,B-location O B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,425,BookRestaurant Intents: Zeig mir meine Erinnerungen,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Kan du finde TV serien The Approach,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: ricordami dell' appuntamento dal dottore della prossima settimana,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: What is the temperature going to be today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: Give nul stjerner til denne bog,O B-rating_value O O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: كم ستكون درجة الحرارة اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: 5 Aralık'ta Monument of Lihula'da hava nasıl olacak ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-location I-location I-location O O O O,weather/find,359,weather/find Intents: Zet een herinnering om mijn school te bellen maandag om 4 uur 's middags,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ricordami di parlare a Ben di Georgia,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: play some seventies Filipp Kirkorow,O O B-datetime B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: أرني جدول ArcLight Hollywood لأفلام الرسوم المتحركة فقط,O B-object_type B-location I-location B-movie_type I-movie_type I-movie_type O,SearchCreativeWork,383,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: أضف we have a theme song الى قائمة تشغيل House Afterwork الخاصة بي,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist Intents: ертең жаңбыр жауады ма,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: أحتاج إلى قائمة بمواعيد عرض أفلام Speakeasy Theatre,O O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location,SearchCreativeWork,442,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: tüm hatırlatıcıları göster,B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 我 需要 把 Rahim Shah 的 作品 添加 到 我 的 Infinite Indie Folk 列表中,O O O B-artist I-artist O O O O B-reference I-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: Pokaži mi vreme prikazivanja Sexy Dance 2 u najbližem bioskopu,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Saya mau pesan sebuah gastropub sunda terdekat di Texas untuk 3 orang pada tanggal 20 / 5 / 2025 .,O O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine B-sort O B-location O B-party_size_number O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,263,BookRestaurant Intents: Ертең таңертеңгі менің оятқышымды алып таста,B-datetime I-datetime B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,reminder/set_reminder Intents: The Girl Who Was Plugged In кітабын ізде,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Маған Southern Theatres уақыттарын көрсет,O B-location I-location B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: show all reminders,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 水 曜 日 の 天 気 は ゴルフ する に は どう です か 。,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: hvilke film spiller hos Star Theatres .,O B-movie_type O O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: rezerviši sto u blizini Patovog koledža,O O O B-location B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,389,BookRestaurant Intents: wie wird das Wetter morgen in Dallas,O O O O B-datetime O B-location,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: wird es heute regnen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: Gib Juneteenth eine Bewertung von 2 .,O B-object_name O O O B-rating_value O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: マックス の 誕 生 日 の リマインダー を 設 定,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Dodaj pesmu na this is racionais mc's,O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: ойын басталардан бір сағат бұрын Colts-ті қарау туралы еске салғышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: laat al mijn wekkers zien,O B-reference I-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,223,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Without Witness sarà proiettato entro venti due ore,B-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,458,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Tolong carikan lagu The Mad Magician .,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Zoek alstjeblieft voor het schilderij getitled This Is the Night .,O O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: hvornår er det kølet ned,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: Lösche die Erinnerung für das Konzert,O O O O O B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: أعطي هذا السجل تقييم 2 .,O B-object_select B-object_name O B-rating_value O,RateBook,265,RateBook Intents: Daj nula zvezdica Halo: Ghosts of Onyx,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: Ci sarà neve oggi ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: Erstelle eine Erinnerung für morgen um Milch zu kaufen .,O O O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Қазіргі оқулыққа 6 рейтингтен 1-ін бер,B-object_select B-object_type B-best_rating O B-rating_value O,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: Kan je de Blue Spring trailer vinden ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Spiller The Two Gladiators,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,323,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Ich möchte einen Joint in einem Spa buchen .,O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-facility O O,BookRestaurant,391,BookRestaurant Intents: 提醒 我 在 下班后 去 取 面包,O O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Hvad tid er min alarm sat til,O O O B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Таңертеңгі сағат 6-да Татра-ұлттық паркінде болатын болжамды маған айт,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location I-location O O O O,weather/find,283,reminder/set_reminder Intents: I want to book a bougatsa restaurant in next year nearby Penn for three people.,O O O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,452,BookRestaurant Intents: son hatırlatıcıyı sil,B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: ما هي التوقعات الجوية في نيقوديموس و الجوار,O O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: Give The American Scene 2 of 6 stars,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: Set a reminder alarm for October 7,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,158,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Proveri vreme prikazivanja za Snowbound u najbližem bioskopu .,O O O O B-movie_name O B-location B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: أريد طاولة في James D . Conrey House في Urbank California,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location B-location,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: snooze alarm for 15 minutes,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: 推迟 闹钟 为 15分钟,O O O B-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Gaat het sneeuwen vandaag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: Hvor mange millimeter regn får vi i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: market alışverişi yapmayı hatırlat,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 告诉 我 塔特拉 国家 公园 早上 6点 的 天气 预报,O O B-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime O O O,weather/find,283,weather/find Intents: cancella la mia sveglia di domani mattina,O O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Setel ulang semua alarm,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Prenota un posto per 4 in Oklahoma al South Street Diner,O O O O B-party_size_number O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: A che ora è impostata la mia sveglia ?,O O O O O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Bisakah Anda carikan saya acara televisi National Anthem of the Ancient Britons ?,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Tampilkan semua pengingat saya,O B-reference O B-reference,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/show_reminders Intents: verwijder alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Apakah akan hujan hari Sabtu ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: Gambiya'daki bir Yahudi restoranına rezerve yaptırmak istiyorum .,B-location O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,268,BookRestaurant Intents: әр 30 минутқа оятқышты орнат,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Mainkan musik terhebat dari Bryan Maclean .,O O B-sort O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: Otkaži mi sve podsetnike za danas,O O B-reference O O B-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: ingatkan saya tentang janji dengan dokter minggu depan,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Boek een reservering voor negen mensen in de beste pub in de buurt van Tangier over zes maanden,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-sort B-restaurant_type B-location I-location I-location O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant Intents: 请 搜索 一 下 The Mad Magician 这 首 歌 。,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Give nul stjerner til Rhialto the Marvellous,O B-rating_value O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: Skal jeg bruge en paraply i dag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: Akankah hujan hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: Bedøm den nuværende serie 4 point,O O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: 设置 闹钟 为 每 九分钟 响一次。,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: delete last reminder,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Quarryville'de bir yerlerde 14 saat sonra bir masaya ihtiyacım var,B-location O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,BookRestaurant,392,BookRestaurant Intents: Маған Settha Palace Hotel-дегі Saint Helena-да 4 адамға арналған үстел керек,O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-location I-location B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: 删除 我的 列表 上 最后 的 两个 提醒,O O O O B-reference I-reference I-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: كيف هو الطقس في تيونيك ، نيو جيرسي,O O O O B-location O B-location I-location,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: Voeg het boy george nummer toe aan de Emo Forever playlist .,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: Herinner me om mijn moeder te bellen vannacht,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ricordamelo dopo,O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ما حالة الطقس اليوم,O O O B-datetime,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: Add jack white to my playlist This Is Shakira,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: 外面 热 吗,B-location B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: Quanti millimetri di pioggia avremo oggi ?,O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: すべて の アラーム を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,32,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Prenotami il miglior bistrot,O O B-sort B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,368,BookRestaurant Intents: laat alle herinneringen zien,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/show_reminders Intents: zet alle wekkers voor morgen uit,O B-reference O O B-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Sanatçıyı political punks çalma listesine ekle .,B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: Speel Subconscious Lobotomy van Jennifer Paull .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: Mostrami tutti i miei promemoria,O B-reference O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/show_reminders Intents: rate the current essay zero out of 6 stars,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: ireland in the junior eurovision song contest 2015'i Jazzy Dinner çalma listeme ekle,O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: Treba mi raspored prikazivanja za A Yiddish World Remembered u Bioskopima Dipson [ Dipson Theatres ],O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: tampilkan semua pengingat saya,O B-reference O B-reference,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: tambahkan artis ini ke playlist spotlight on country 2016 saya,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist Intents: Kan je de Molecular Oncology saga opzoeken ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchCreativeWork Intents: pročitaj današnju vremensku prognozu,O B-datetime O O,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: Aggiungi una canzone alla mia playlist madden nfl 16,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: With You isimli bir resim arıyorum,B-object_name I-object_name O O B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: كم سيكون الطقس حاراً اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: Менің еске салғышымды алып таста,B-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Set alarm for 2 am,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm "Intents: plane täglich einen Alarm um 7:30 Uhr abends ein , bis er gelöscht wird",O B-recurring_datetime O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Vandemataram Srinivas 'ın parçasını HipHop Hot 50'ye yerleştir .,B-artist I-artist I-artist B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,350,AddToPlaylist Intents: اعرض لي كل التذكيرات,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: ricordami di comprare il ghiaccio,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Annuleer mijn wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Spiller Bartok the Magnificent klokken 7 om morgenen ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 播放 Jill Sobule 的 专辑,O B-album I-album O B-music_item,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: Zet wekker voor 5 uur 's ochtends,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: spiele etwas von Gary Lee Conner,O O O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic Intents: ما هي توقعات درجات الحرارة الباردة التي تبدأ في يوم القانون هنا,O O O O O B-condition_temperature O O O B-datetime I-datetime B-location,weather/find,417,weather/find Intents: Lastfm'de This Is: Miles Davis'i çal .,B-service B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,PlayMusic,347,PlayMusic Intents: أضف هذه النغمة إلى قائمة تشغيل حفل الثمانينيات الخاصة بـ dorthy,O O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O O B-reference,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: Тенинода жаңбыр болады ма ?,B-location B-condition_description O O O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: Оятқышты кешкі сағат 6:50-ге орнат,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Weather in two hours in Uzbekistan,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,312,weather/find Intents: Hvor varmt vil det blive i dag ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: 今天 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: The American Scene 6 жұлдыздың 2-уін бер,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating B-rating_unit B-rating_value O,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: rezerviši mesto za 1-og u Town of Ramsgate u Meritu,O O O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location,BookRestaurant,289,BookRestaurant Intents: Tempo tra due ore in Uzbekistan,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,312,weather/find Intents: Kakvo je vreme u Tajoneku [ Tyonek ] u Nju Džersiju,O O O O B-location O B-location O O B-location I-location,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: voeg deze artiest toe aan mijn spotlight on country 2016 playlist,O O O O O B-playlist B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist Intents: hvad er vejrudsigten for Admire i TX fra den syttende,O O O O B-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: Wordt het morgen zonnig ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: تحقق من توقعات الطقس لنبراسكا .,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,257,weather/find Intents: Bewerte diesen Roman mit null von 6,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: Cotton Comes to Harlem'e 2 ver,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: 设置 闹钟 在 上午6点,O O O B-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/set_alarm Intents: tambahkan we have a theme song ke playlist House Afterwork saya,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist Intents: Маған Now We Are Married телехикаясын тап .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: アラーム を 表 示,O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,119,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Can you please find me the Harry Hood saga ?,O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Alle Wecker anzeigen,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,14,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Özbekistan'da iki saatlik hava durumu,B-location B-datetime I-datetime O O,weather/find,312,weather/find Intents: Find romanen med titlen To Lose My Life til mig,O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Zoek voor het spel Difficult Loves,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Jennifer Paull'dan Subconscious Lobotomy'yi çal .,B-artist I-artist B-album I-album O O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: Spielt No Times to Be Young im AMC Theaters,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: nevicherà oggi,B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: Add the artist mike to the Sexy as Folk playlist.,O O B-music_item B-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: Find me a TV show called Baby Blue,O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Pusti muziku preko Groove Shark,O O O B-service I-service,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: 九月 的 平均 天气 预报 是什么,B-datetime O O O O O,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: ضع علامة على هذا الألبوم بدرجة 5,O O O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value,RateBook,468,RateBook Intents: 将 歌手 mike 添加 到 Sexy as Folk 播放 列表 中 。,O B-music_item B-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ich möchte Jordan Rudess in die Divertido para niños-Wiedergabeliste aufnehmen .,O O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: Jeg skal bruge en alarm til morgenmad klokken 9 om morgenen,O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: imposta un promemoria per andare al negozio alle 8 di mattina,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: is it supposed to snow today ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: Hvor koldt bliver det i aften ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: Tilføj dette album til Spanish Beat playlisten,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: Disney world si aspetta tempesta oggi ?,B-location I-location O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: Look for the album Wolves Within,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: delete all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 明 日 の 4 時 に 、 ショッピング モール に 行 く よう に リマインド,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Beoordeel Cotton Comes to Harlem een 2,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: 12 月 5 日 Monument of Lihula 的 天气 怎么样 ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location I-location I-location O O O O,weather/find,359,weather/find Intents: Оятқышты таңғы сағат 10-ға орнат,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 今天 我 可以 传 短裤 吗?,B-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: Füge das Lied we have a theme meiner House Afterwork-Wiedergabeliste hinzu,O O O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist Intents: Stelle den Wecker auf 8:00 Uhr ein,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Live at the Kings Center атауымен ән іздеп жатырмын,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Saya ingin makan di toko makanan tiga belas jam lagi yang menyajikan makanan eropa timur,O O O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O B-cuisine I-cuisine,BookRestaurant,403,BookRestaurant Intents: Påmind mig i morgen på denne tid at lave en aftale hos lægen,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: Please search for the television show , Episodi di The Blacklist .",O O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Güney Kore'de şu andan itibaren bir saat için yağmur tahmini nedir,B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-condition_description O O,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: Set alarm for 5 pm tonight,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: حجز طاولة بالقرب من كلية pat,O O B-location O B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,389,BookRestaurant Intents: من فضلك أعثر لي على Phineas Redux .,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 把 Vandemataram Srinivas 的 歌曲 放到 HipHop Hot 50 。,O B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,350,AddToPlaylist Intents: 找到 一份 创造性 的 作品 叫做 Fire in the Hole,O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Мен North City-дегі Oregon Electric Station-ға тапсырыс бергім келеді .,O B-location I-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O O O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: apakah perkiraan di sini untuk kondisi badai pada jam lima sore,O O B-location I-location O O B-condition_description O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: Pusti nešto od Gerija Lija Konera [ Gary Lee Conner ],O O O B-artist I-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic Intents: cancel all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Hvad tid står min alarm til i morgen tidlig ?,O O O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: tüm alarmlarımı göster,B-reference B-reference-part O,alarm/show_alarms,223,alarm/show_alarms Intents: أرني مواعيد عرض فيلم The Great Gildersleeve في دار سينما قريب,O B-object_type I-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Wird morgen die Sonne scheinen ?,O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: 显示 最近 的 电影 院 有 Boycott 的 表演,O B-location I-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O B-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: hvordan er vejret i frankrig i dag,O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: daj ovoj hronici pet od 6 poena,O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,439,RateBook Intents: cancel my reminders for next week,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: أرني كل منبهاتي,O B-reference B-reference-part,alarm/show_alarms,223,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Želim da čujem saundtrek muziku na Jutjubu od Helene Iren Mikaelsen [ Helena Iren Michaelsen ],O O O B-music_item O O B-service O B-artist I-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: set alarm for 2 hours,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Listemdeki son iki hatırlatıcıyı sil,O B-reference I-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Matt Murphy melodisini Flow Español çalma listesine ekle .,B-artist I-artist B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: Add this album to Old School Death Metal,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: ауа райы Лос-Анджелес,O O B-location,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: I want to see Outcast .,O O O O B-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,345,SearchCreativeWork Intents: アラーム は 残 り 何 時 間 。,O O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Jeg vil gerne lytte til en ep fra 1998 .,O O O O O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,259,PlayMusic Intents: Molim te pusti mi ecstatic playlist,O O O O B-playlist O,PlayMusic,395,PlayMusic Intents: إعرض كل تذكيراتي,O B-reference B-reference-part,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 这个 周末 Tahoe 的 天气 怎么样?,B-datetime I-datetime B-location O O O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: أرني المنبهات الخاصة بي,O O B-reference I-reference,alarm/show_alarms,119,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Anullér alarmen torsdag morgen,O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: أرني كل التذكيرات الخاصة بي,O B-reference O B-reference I-reference,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/show_reminders Intents: programma dei film nelle vicinanze per film di animazione,B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location O B-movie_type I-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Beri tahu saya perkiraan cuaca untuk jam 6 pagi di Tatra-Nationalpark,O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,283,weather/find Intents: Geef de Catedral serie vier sterren .,O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: Dodaj najnoviju pesmu Ričarda Meknamara [ Richard McNamara ] na plejlistu Just Smile,O O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist Intents: 明 日 の 最 低 気 温 は 何 度 ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: Benzin almayı hatırlat .,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,4,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Барлық оятқыштарды алып таста,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: show all alarms preset,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,alarm/show_alarms Intents: كم ستكون درجة البرودة ليس بعيد عن يوتا حوالي الساعة 3 صباحًا ؟,O O O B-condition_temperature B-location I-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: 取消 我的 提醒,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: riproduci un po' di Gary Lee Conner,O O O O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic Intents: Muzika za decu'yu Crash Course oynatma listeme ekle,B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name B-playlist I-playlist O B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist Intents: mind mig on at gå til lægen den 21 august klokken 3 om eftermiddagen,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أريد مشاهدة The Portrait of a Lady في أقرب دار سينما,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: yarın yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: 设置 一个 每天 闹钟 为 下午7:30 直到 删除,O O B-recurring_datetime O O B-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/set_alarm Intents: pesan tempat untuk saya dan keponakan-keponakan di sebuah kedai teh,O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: هل سيكون الجو مشمس اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: Apakah dunia Disney menantikan badai hari ini ?,O B-location I-location O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: hapus semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 播放 David Lindley 的 交响乐 。,O B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: 木 曜 日 の 午 後 1 2 時 に 医 者 の 訪 問 を リマインド,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: تسجيل Reminiscences of the Anti-Japanese Guerillas يستحق صفر نقاط من أصل 6 كتقييم .,B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O B-best_rating O O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: Gib The current chronicle 5 von 6 Punkten,O O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,439,RateBook Intents: Koliko milimetara kiše ćemo imati danas ?,O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: أعطي The American Scene 2 من 6 نجوم,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: Geef this chronicle een 2 beoordeling .,O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type O B-rating_value O O,RateBook,265,RateBook Intents: ゲーム が 始 まる 1 時 間 前 に コルト を 見 る よう リマインダー を 設 定,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ascoltiamo cose di Andrew Hewitt .,O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: Бүгін кешкі сағат 4-ке еске салғыш қос,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Бүгін ауа-райы қандай ?,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: 闹钟 设置 的 是 什么 时间,O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,alarm/show_alarms Intents: halvfemser sange på Zvooq,B-datetime O O B-service,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: 在 Zvooq 上 播放,O B-service O O,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: add Highway Patrolman in my playlist this is al green,O B-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk menelepon saudara perempuan saya besok,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Speelt Bartok the Magnificent om zeven uur s'ochtends ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Mainkan sesuatu di Zvooq,O O O B-service,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: Annuleer alstjeblieft de wekker voor donderdag morgen .,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: laat me alle herinneringen zien,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Haruskah saya membawa sebuah jas hujan ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: Lütfen bana Compulsive Disclosure şarkısını get .,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,444,SearchCreativeWork Intents: wird es heute schneien,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: Could you locate the Epic Conditions picture ?,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Alarmım saat kaça kuruldu ?,B-reference-part O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: أعد ضبط هذا المنبه الآن وابدأ الساعة 2 مساءً,O O B-reference O B-datetime O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/set_alarm Intents: hapus semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: apakah hari ini mendung,O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: Is No Time to Be Young showing at AMC Theaters,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: أحجز مكان لـ 9 أشخاص,O O O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,459,BookRestaurant Intents: læs vejrudsigten for i dag,O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: 我 想 听 1988 年 的 ep .,O O O B-datetime O O B-music_item O,PlayMusic,259,PlayMusic Intents: Podseti me da uzmem ubruse u prodavnici sutra,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: I want to book a joint in a spa .,O O O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-facility O,BookRestaurant,391,BookRestaurant Intents: هل ستمطر اليوم ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: Bu alarmı şimdi sıfırlar ve öğleden sonra 2'de başlat,B-reference O B-datetime O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Mari mendengarkan Mohammad Mamle yang bagus di Vimeo .,O O B-artist I-artist O B-sort O B-service O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic Intents: 给 The Broken Window 打 四 颗 星,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O B-rating_unit,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: 週 末 の 午 後 2 時 に アラーム を かける,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Mencari serial TV Jersey Boys,O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Geef een stert aan het huidige boek,O O B-rating_value O O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,329,RateBook Intents: Memberi nilai novel ini dua dari 6 .,O O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: 找 一幅 名 为 With You 的 画,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: أضف أغنية Matt Murphy إلى قائمة تشغيل Flow Español .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: أطفئ كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Spiele Subconscious Lobotomy von Jennifer Paull .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: nineties nummers op Zvooq,B-datetime O O B-service,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: Find a creative work called Fire in the Hole,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Сен Molecular Oncology сагасын таба аласың ба ?,O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Otkaži sledeći alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Lösche alle Erinnerungen von heute,O B-reference O O B-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: otkaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 月 曜 日 に ドッグ フード の リマインダー を 設 定 する 。,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kakvo će vreme biti u Ohaju ?,O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: vis alle påmindelser,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/show_reminders Intents: prikaži sve moje alarme,O B-reference I-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,53,alarm/show_alarms Intents: リマインダー を 表 示 する,O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 删除 最后 一个 提醒,O B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Vejret i Tahoe denne weekend ?,O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: give the current chronicle five of 6 points,O O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,439,RateBook Intents: Азық-түлікке апта сайынғы еске салғышты орнат .,B-reminder/todo B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: batalkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Erstelle eine Erinnerung um the Colts zu schauen eine Stunde bevor das Spiel beginnt,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Mainkan musik dari E-type .,O O O B-artist O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: Tambahkan lagu ini ke playlist 80's party nya dorthy,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O B-reference,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: Hoće li biti vruće danas ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: Cerco un dipinto intitolato With You,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Meet the Prince televizyon programını ara,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Sri Lanka'da beş kişilik bir restoran rezervasyonu yaptırmak istiyorum .,B-location I-location B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,415,BookRestaurant Intents: setze den Wecker auf 6 Uhr früh,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Puoi per favore trovarmi la saga di Harry Hood ?,O O O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Мен jordan rudess-ті Divertido para niños ойнату тізіміне қосқым келеді .,O B-artist I-artist B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O O O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: oceni The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property sa pet zvezdica,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: 我 想 预订 一家 水疗 中心 的 酒吧 。,O O O O B-facility I-facility O B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,391,BookRestaurant Intents: Nevicherà oggi ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: Is it going to rain Saturday ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: هل سأحتاج إلى سترة غدا ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,41,weather/find Intents: Турмондта 9 орынға жалда,B-location B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,254,RateBook Intents: sner det i canada,B-weather/attribute O O B-location,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: Gib 36 Children 2 von 6 Sternen,O B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: осы орындаушыны менің spotlight-ыма country 2016 ойнату тізіміне қос,O B-music_item B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist Intents: Aggiungi una canzone a this is racionais mc's,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: Pesan sebuah tempat untuk 4 orang di Oklahoma di South Street Diner,O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: Hoće li biti toliko snega večeras da putovanje postane opasno ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: Voglio ascoltare qualcosa su Youtube,O O O O B-service,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: барлық еске салғыштарды көрсет,B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Let me hear Chris Knight music,O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic Intents: Эдди Винсонның жаңа әуенін Last Fm-де ойнат .,B-artist I-artist B-sort B-music_item B-service I-service O O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: أوقف المنبه مؤقتًا,O O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: هل ستمطر غدا ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: Lösche alle meine Wecker für Sonntag .,O B-reference O O O B-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: eylül için ortalama tahmin nedir,B-datetime O O O O,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: Laat me de tijden zien voor ArcLight Hollywood alleen voor geanimeerde films,O O O O O O B-location I-location O O O B-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,383,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure 6-дан үшке бағала .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating B-rating_value O O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: دعنا نسمع أشياء من Andrew Hewitt .,O O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: Жалдау ақысын төлеуді маған есіме түсір .,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: احجز مكان لـ 4 أشخاص في أوكلاهوما في South Street Diner,O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: tilføj dette nummer til min This Is Tchaikovsky playliste,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: 显示 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Daj The American Scene 2 od 6 zvezdica,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: berapa banyak waktu yang tersisa di alarm saya,O O O O O O O B-reference,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Is it going to be hot this week ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: Мен және менің балаларыма брондау жаса,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O,BookRestaurant,373,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Pesan sebuah reservasi untuk sembilan orang di sebuah toko roti di Nunez,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,425,BookRestaurant Intents: otkaži alarme,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Gary Lee Conner ойнат,B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic Intents: ما هي توقعات الطقس القاسي ؟,O O O O O O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: менің барлық оятқыштарымды көрсет,B-reference I-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,53,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Құрғақ тазалауды алу туралы еске салғышты орнат .,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Wird es in einer Stunde ab jetzt in Südkorea regnen ?,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-condition_description O,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: Hoe heet gaat het vandaag worden ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: What will the weather be in Monument of Lihula on december the 5th ?,O O O O O O B-location I-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,359,weather/find Intents: remind me to buy groceries,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Memberi nol bintang untuk Rhialto the Marvellous,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: schalte Wecker aus,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: tüm alarmları iptal et,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Маған барлық еске салғыштарымды көрсет,B-reference I-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Осы апта ыстық болады ма ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: 什么 时候 气温 会 下降 ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: Search for The Sound of One Hand Clapping,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: will it snow today,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,31,weather/find "Intents: Wird es heute Nacht genug schneien , um das Reisen gefährlich zu machen ?",O O B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: Kannst du bitte die Harry Hood Saga finden ?,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Treba mi alarm podešen za doručak u 9 ujutru,O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: aggiornamento meteo a Los Angeles,O O O B-location I-location,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: Hvad tid har jeg sat en alarm til ?,O O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Cancella i miei promemoria,O O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Saya ingin memesan Kafe Tupelo Honey di New Jersey untuk lima orang .,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant Intents: Kolika će biti vlažnost na ovom mestu u 15:19:29 ?,O O O B-condition_description O B-location I-location O B-datetime O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: هل من المفترض أن تمطر طوال اليوم ؟,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: اضبط المنبه كل دقيقة لمدة 20 دقيقة من فضلك,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Mainkan Subconscious Lobotomy dari Jennifer Paull .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: We Are Northern Lights viene proiettato in qualche cinema,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: entferne alle Wecker,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: herinner me om boodschappen te kopen,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: vis alle mine alarmer,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,223,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Popüler bir restoranda 5 kişilik rezervasyon yap,B-sort O B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,493,BookRestaurant Intents: tampilkan semua pengingat,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: إلغي منبه صباح يوم الخميس من فضلك .,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: podseti me da kupim namirnice,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Dodaj ovaj album na listu Hipster Soul .,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: Erinnere mich für Jen die Blumen abzuholen für unseren Jahrestag am 28 .,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Tolong mainkan playlist ecstatic saya .,O O O B-playlist O O,PlayMusic,395,PlayMusic Intents: Bugün Grindstone'da hava bulutlu mu olacak ?,O B-location O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: Bugün markete gitmeyi hatırlat,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ذكرني أن أذهب إلى محل بقالة اليوم,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: I want to book a restaurant for my father in law and I in Buckner a year from now .,O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,273,BookRestaurant Intents: what is the forecast for here for blizzard conditions at five pm,O O O O O B-location O B-condition_description O O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: Krøniken Reminiscences of the Anti-Japanese Guerillas fortjener en nul ud af sek point bedømmelse .,B-object_name B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-rating_value O O O O O O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: Sabah 8'de mağazaya gitmek için hatırlatıcı ayarla,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: wie viel Zeit bleibt auf meinem Wecker,O O O O O B-reference O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Thurmont'ta 9 kişilik yer ayırt,B-location B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,254,BookRestaurant Intents: Find det kreative arbejde med navnet Fire in the Hole,O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork "Intents: Hvordan er vejret i Tyonek , New Jersey",O O O O B-location O B-location I-location,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: Würdest du mir den Blue Spring Trailer suchen ?,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 今晚 下雪 会 使 旅行 变得 危险 吗?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: Дисней әлемі бүгін дауылды күтеді ме ?,B-location I-location B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: Wie heiß wird es heute ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: Annuleer de volgende wekker,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 中午 在 最近的 电影院 有 Rare Birds 放映 吗 ?,B-datetime O B-location B-object_location_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: herinner me om naar de dokter te gaan op 21 augustus om 3 uur 's middags,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Dai a quest ' album una stella,O O B-object_select O B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: anullér påmindelse for kampen i aften,O O O B-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 月 曜 日 午 後 4 時 に 学 校 に 電 話 する よう リマインダー を 設 定 する,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 今 日 の リマインダー を すべて キャンセル する,B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Wird I Think I Do um 19 Uhr spielexsn ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime O O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Cancella promemoria per il concerto,O O O O B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Wird es morgen regnen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: Tunjukkan saya jadwal untuk ArcLight Hollywood hanya untuk film animasi,O O B-object_type O B-location I-location O O B-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,383,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Zet wekker elke minuut voor 20 minuten .,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm Intents: قيم The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure ثلاثة من أصل 6 .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: شغِّل قائمة التشغيل الابداعية الخاصة بي,O O O B-playlist O O,SearchCreativeWork,253,PlayMusic Intents: Wolves Within albümünü ara,B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 今天 冷 吗?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: すべて の アラーム を キャンセル,B-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Ik wil them horen van artiest Murcof,O O B-music_item O O O B-artist,PlayMusic,488,PlayMusic Intents: Ne kadar kar tahmin ediyorlar ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: Cancel all reminders,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Çarşamba şemsiyeye iihtiyacım var mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: Wie ist das Wetter am Mittwoch zum Golfen ?,O O O O O B-datetime O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find "Intents: Zet heringering "" Sub yoga class Tuesday night at Bala "" voor morgen",O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: What will the weather be not far from here on October the nineteenth, 2026 ?",O O O O O B-location I-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,271,weather/find Intents: Temukan sebuah karya kreatif Deadly Weapons,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Add Toyan to my Epic Gaming playlist.,O B-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tolong pesankan saya sebuah meja di sebuah restoran pizza dengan fasilitas parkir di Ghana .,O O O O O O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O O B-facility O B-location O,BookRestaurant,310,BookRestaurant Intents: Hoće li biti hladno u Holandiji 16 . februara ?,O O O B-condition_temperature O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,365,weather/find Intents: Tilføj kunstneren mik til Sexy as Folk playlisten .,O B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: Gaat het deze week regenen,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: 这个 星期 纽约 的 天气 将会 是 怎样的?,B-datetime I-datetime B-location O O O O O,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: anullér alarm for i morgen,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: اضبط المنبه على 7 صباحًا غدًا .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Jersey Boys телесериалын ізде,B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: I want animated movies at MJR Theatres,O O B-movie_type I-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Napravi rezervaciju za devetoro u najboljem pabu u blizini Tandžira [ Tangier ] za šest meseci,O O O B-party_size_number O B-sort B-restaurant_type B-location I-location B-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant Intents: Zet een herinnering wekker voor 7 Oktober,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,158,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Dodaj Džeka Vajta [ jack white ] na moju listu This Is Shakira,O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: من فضلك إلعب قائمة تشغيل ecstatic الخاصة بي,O O O O O B-playlist O O,SearchCreativeWork,395,PlayMusic Intents: Suche die National Anthem of the Ancient Britons TV Show,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 特尼诺 将 会 下雨 吗 ?,B-location O O B-condition_description O O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: Vind een TV serie genaamd Baby Blue,O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Podseti me sutra u ovo vreme da zakažem lekarski pregled,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: What is the weather going to be like in Virginia on st. patrick's day ?,O O O O O O O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: mi serve un promemoria per prendere Lisa,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Želim da rezervišem restoran koji služi bugacu sledeće godine u blizini Pena [ Penn ] za tri osobe .,O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-cuisine B-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location I-location B-location O O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,452,BookRestaurant Intents: Zvooq'ta doksanların şarkıları,B-service B-datetime O,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: Catedral сериясына төрт жұлдыз бер .,B-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: Gib der aktuellen Serie 4 Punkte,O O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: Find animated movies close by,O B-movie_type I-movie_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Apakah akan hujan hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: Riproduci qualcosa da 90s Pop Rock Essentials,O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,PlayMusic,461,PlayMusic Intents: Bugün hava soğuk mu ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: Make alarm for weekends at 2pm,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm "Intents: أضف Jerry Calliste , Jr إلى قائمة تشغيل Te quiero الخاصة بي",O B-artist I-artist I-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bow Tie Cinemas seanslarını kontrol et .,B-location I-location I-location B-object_type O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: ما هو الطقس في فرنسا اليوم,O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: zeige alle Wecker,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,244,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Verwijder mijn herinnering om Patrick op te pikken van school morgen,O B-reference O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Reserviere für 9 Personen im besten Pub in der Nähe von Tangier in 6 Monaten,O O B-party_size_number O O B-sort B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant Intents: Geef The Crystal Snare 5 sterren,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: 你 能 给 我 找到 Blue Spring 的 预告片 吗 ?,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Zvooq-те Trance Life ойнат .,B-service B-playlist I-playlist O O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: 今天 的 气温 怎么样?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: 显示 我的 提醒,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders Intents: すべて の アラーム を 削 除,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Nevicherà oggi ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: 取消 星期天 我的 所有的 闹钟,O B-datetime B-reference I-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 今 日 の 天 気 は ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: 明 日 学 校 から パトリック を 連 れ て 帰 る と いう リマインダー を 削 除 する 。,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Füge emilie autumn zu meiner Nação Reggae-Wiedergabeliste hinzu .,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: 显示 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/show_reminders Intents: أرني مواعيد عرض الأفلام في الحي,O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: speel een sixties soundtrack,O O B-datetime B-music_item,PlayMusic,404,PlayMusic Intents: Qual è l' umidità oggi ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: Schalte meinen Wecker aus .,O B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: zet wekker uit,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Zet wekker voor 7 uur morgenochtend .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Sæt alarmen til middag på mandage kun .,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 在 Last Fm 播放 一些 东西,O B-service I-service O O O,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: Batalkan alarm saya,O O B-reference,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Boek een reservering voor een groep van 3 in een pub in Northern Mariana Islands,O O O O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location I-location,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: Tampilkan semua pengingat saya untuk hari ini,O B-reference O B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Play something on Last Fm,O O O B-service I-service,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: Prenota un ristorante famoso per 5 persone,O O B-restaurant_type B-sort O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,493,BookRestaurant Intents: 今天 会 变 的 多 热 ?,B-datetime O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: what is the forecast for hotter weather at Southford Falls State Park,O O O O O B-condition_temperature O O B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: أضف هذا الألبوم إلى قائمة تشغيل Spanish Beat,O O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: Imposta una sveglia per le 8 di mattina ogni giorno,O O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 20 dakika boyunca her 5 dakikaya alarm kuracack mısın ?,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Open itunes and play Ben Burnley Ready To Die,O B-service O O B-artist I-artist B-album I-album I-album,PlayMusic,358,PlayMusic Intents: Cancella tutti i promemoria di oggi,O B-reference O O O B-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Is it going to rain today ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: Apakah Patrick Still Lives sedang tayang di AMC Theaters,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: mind mig om næste uges læge aftale,O O O B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Qual è la previsione di pioggia tra un'ora in Corea del Sud,O O O O O B-condition_description B-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location I-location,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: apa saja jadwal filmnya,O O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Жұмыстан кейін нан алуды есіме сал,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ich möchte Shattered Image sehen .,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 我 想 听 艺术家 Murcof 的 音乐,O O O O B-artist O B-music_item,PlayMusic,488,PlayMusic Intents: Tropske oluje na karibima,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: 播放 Another Passenger from Louis Nelson Delisle 。,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic "Intents: هل يمكنك بحث الكتاب , Paris - When It Sizzles ؟",O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: اعرض مواعيد عرض Sexy Dance 2 في أقرب دار سينما,O B-object_type I-object_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: hoe heet wordt het vandaag,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime,weather/find,122,weather/find "Intents: Zur Travelling Playliste , bitte füge diesen David Gahan Song hinzu .",O B-playlist I-playlist O O O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: أريد حجز مكان مشترك في منتجع صحي .,O O O O O B-restaurant_type B-facility O,BookRestaurant,391,BookRestaurant Intents: Ik wil een steakhouse in Vimy Ridge boeken .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: I want to book a jewish restaurant in Gambia .,O O O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location O,BookRestaurant,268,BookRestaurant Intents: Ho bisogno di un maglione ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: Herinner me om een dokterafspraak te maken morgen .,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: يرجى البحث عن البرنامج التلفزيوني , Episodi di The Blacklist .",O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Ich möchte etwas auf Youtube hören,O O O O B-service O,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: Kolika će temperatura biti danas ?,O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: 在 他们 校园 区域 内 同 一个 地方 预订 一个 派对 为了 庆祝 churrascaria,O B-location I-location O O B-location I-location I-location O O O O O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: Afspil en symfoni fra 2013 .,O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: Жетпісінші жылдарғы Филипп Киркоровты ойнаңыз,B-datetime I-datetime B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: اضبط المنبه عند الظهر أيام الاثنين فقط .,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Berapa kelembaban hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: Sæt alarm til klokken 3 om eftermiddagen .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Boek een reservering voor de beste bistro,O O O O O B-sort B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,368,BookRestaurant Intents: 明 日 は 雨 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: nađi mi trejler za Good Morning Sunshine,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,334,SearchCreativeWork Intents: batalkan alarm untuk besok,O O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: akan sepanas apa hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: Tampilkan semua alarmnya,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,138,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Quanto freddo sarà stanotte ?,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: Dodaj podsetnik za danas u 4 popodne,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: quanto caldo farà oggi,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: Is it cold today ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: Hoe veel sneeuw voorspellen ze ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: apakah akan hujan minggu ini,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: Erstelle einen Wecker für jetzt in einer Stunde .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: tambahkan trek ini ke playlist This Is Tchaikovsky saya,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: Бүгін ауа температурасы қандай болады ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: Show me my reminders,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Spil Paul Mccartney,O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: Bagaimana cuaca di San Francisco ?,O O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: كم من الوقت المتبقي على المنبه,O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: 12 / 26 / 2018'de Walden Rusya'da hava durumu,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location O O,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: Ich möchte Them vom Künstler Murcof hören,O O B-music_item O O B-artist O,PlayMusic,488,PlayMusic "Intents: Please find me the work, Serious Awesomeness !.",O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Şu anki diziye 4 puan ver,B-object_select I-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: mainkan sebuah lagu tahun enam puluhan,O O B-music_item O B-datetime I-datetime,PlayMusic,404,PlayMusic Intents: Ең жақсы бистроға тапсырыс жаса,O B-sort B-restaurant_type O O,BookRestaurant,368,reminder/set_reminder Intents: otkaži mi ponavljajući podsetnik da uzmem lekove svakodnevno u 7 ujutru,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: read today's weather forecast,O B-datetime O O,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: Treba mi sto negde u Kvorivilu [ Quarryville ] kroz 14 sati,O O O O O B-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,392,BookRestaurant Intents: 让 我们 听 good Mohammad Mamle on Vimeo 。,O O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic Intents: Voglio prenotare un ristorante per mio soucero ed io a Buckner tra un anno .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,273,BookRestaurant Intents: 给 36 Children 6 颗 星 中 的 两 颗 星,O B-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating O O O O B-rating_value O B-rating_unit,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: Небраскадағы болжамды тексер .,B-location O O O,weather/find,257,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Podesi alarm podsetnik za 7 . oktobar,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,158,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 寻找 一本 名为 The Girl Who Was Plugged In 的 书,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: zakaži žurku na njihovom kampusu u istom mestu za roštiljanje,O O O B-location I-location B-location I-location I-location O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: Oceni ovaj roman sa 3 zvezdice,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: Tüm hatırlatıcıları iptal et,B-datetime O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: ертеңгі оятқышты алып таста,B-datetime O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,reminder/set_reminder Intents: mostrami il programma del film The Great Gildersleeve al cinema vicino,O O B-object_type O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 从 现在 起 二十 二 小时 在 播放 Without Witness 吗,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,458,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: annuleer alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Ich möchte in Ramona essen,O O O B-location O,BookRestaurant,455,BookRestaurant Intents: Bu kayıta 2 puan ver .,B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O,RateBook,265,RateBook Intents: 我 想 看到 Shattered Image 。,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 显示 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,244,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk menelepon ibu saya malam ini,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Molim nađi mi TV seriju Now We Are Married .,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Apakah Rare Birds sedang tayang pada bioskop terdekat di siang hari .,O B-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-object_location_type B-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: yarın en düşük sıcaklık nedir ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: ho bisogno di portare un ombrello oggi,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: Мұнда Law Day-ден басталатын салқын ауа райы туралы болжам қандай,B-location B-datetime I-datetime O B-condition_temperature O O O O O,weather/find,417,weather/find Intents: Ricordami di lasciare l' affitto,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: Setel pengingat "" Kelas sub yoga Selasa malam di Bala "" untuk besok",O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: mainkan beberapa tujuh puluhan Filipp Kirkorow,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: Akan seperti apa cuaca setelah menjauh dari sini ?,O O O O O B-location O B-location O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: 预订 一张 2023 年 1月 20日 在 MH 的 5 人 桌,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: ояну үшін оятқышты орнатуды маған еске сал,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Imposta una sveglia per le 5 di stasera,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Youtube'da bir şey dinlemek istiyorum,B-service O O O O,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: hoe zijn de voorspellingen in Admire in TX vanaf zeventien,O O O O O B-location O B-location O B-datetime,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: Remind me to pay rent .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Molim te potraži pesmu The Mad Magician .,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork Intents: إلغي منبه الساعة 5 : 15 صباحًا يوم الثلاثاء,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 设置 一个 每天 上午 8 点 的闹钟,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Hoe koud wordt het vannacht ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: Tolong carikan acara Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality .,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: أطفئ منبهي .,O B-reference-part O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Қазірден бастап бір сағатқа оятқышты орнат .,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,79,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 请 给 我 找到 Phineas Redux 。,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: da li će da pada sneg sutra,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: Babar: King of the Elephants ойнап жатыр ма,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,434,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Suche nach der TV Serie Jersey Boys,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Wordt het heet in Nederland op 16 februari ?,O O B-condition_temperature O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,365,weather/find Intents: Ik wil Oregon Electric Station in North City boeken .,O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: 打开 我的 闹钟,O B-reference O,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/set_alarm "Intents: Ich möchte in einem Spezialitätenmarkt , der osteuropäisches Essen serviert , in 13 Stunden essen",O O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-cuisine O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,403,BookRestaurant Intents: Kann ich heute kurze Hosen tragen ?,O O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: 今天 的 天气 怎么样?,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,107,weather/find Intents: Martin barre'yi punk unplugged çalma listeme ekle .,B-artist I-artist B-playlist I-playlist O B-reference O O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist Intents: Sabah 5'e alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: حجز طاولة في 1 / 20 / 2023 لـ 5 أشخاص في MH,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-party_size_number O O B-location,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: العب شيئًا من Duke Ellington من السبعينيات,O O O B-artist I-artist O B-datetime,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: Ik wil een tafel bij James D . Conrey House in Urbank California,O O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location B-location,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: speel wat seventies Filipp Kirkorow,O O B-datetime B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: هل هناك عاصفة الآن في نورث كارولاينا ؟,O O B-condition_description B-datetime O B-location I-location O,weather/find,258,weather/find "Intents: Zoek alstjeblieft voor de televisie serie , Episodi di The Blacklist .",O O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: mostrami le mie sveglie,O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,119,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Бүгінгі ең жоғарғы температура қандай болады ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: Сен маған Ancient Britons телехикаясының Мемлекеттік Гимнін таба аласың ба ?,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: programma una sveglia giornaliera alle 7:30 di sera fino all' eliminazione,O O O B-recurring_datetime O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/set_alarm Intents: David Lindley'den senfoni müziği çal .,B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: Suche nach der TV Show Meet the Prince,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: أعطي السجل الحالي خمس نقاط من 6,O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_select B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-best_rating,RateBook,439,RateBook Intents: Маған барлық оятқыштарды көрсет,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,44,reminder/set_reminder Intents: sæt alarm til klokken 6 i morgen tidlig,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Podesi alarm na svakih devet minuta .,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Осы тізімдегі менің үшінші еске салғышымды алып таста .,O O B-reference I-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,RateBook Intents: Word het zonnig voor het feest op zaterdag ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: Songs aus den Neunzigern auf Zvooq,O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-service,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: Book a popular restaurant for 5 people,O O B-sort B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,493,BookRestaurant Intents: Cancella tutti i promemoria,O B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 90s Pop Rock Essentials'dan bir şey çal,B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O,PlayMusic,461,PlayMusic Intents: Phinally Phamous деп аталатын ойынды іздеп жүрмін,B-object_name I-object_name O O B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 提醒 我 去 购买 杂货,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Napravi rezervaciju za petoro ljudi u tatarskoj taverni u Sardžentsu [ Sargents ],O O O B-party_size_number O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location O B-location O,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: vejr,O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: 请 播放 我的 ecstatic 播放列表 。,O O O B-playlist O O,PlayMusic,395,PlayMusic Intents: Wat wordt de temperatuur vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: Je l' će biti kiše sutra ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: Kan ik een korte broek aan vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: The Broken Window'a dört yıldız ver,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: أضف The Famous Flower of Serving-Men إلى قائمة تشغيل evening acoustic الخاصة بي .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: Gib dem Album eine 5,O O B-object_type O B-rating_value,RateBook,468,RateBook Intents: Gaat het vandaag sneeuwen,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: Vimy Ridge-дағы стейкхаусқа тапсырыс бергім келеді .,B-location I-location B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: otkaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: yarın sabahki alarmımı iptal et,B-datetime I-datetime B-reference-part O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 把 40 cal 旋律 添加 到 laundry 播放 列表 里 。,O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O B-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist Intents: prikaži sve moje alarme,O B-reference I-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,223,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Seperti apa cuaca hari Rabu untuk bermain golf ?,O O O O B-datetime O O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: What is the high today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: 今天 的 天气 怎么样,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: Potraži TV seriju Jersey Boys,O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Podesi alarm za u 10 ujutru,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Podesi alarm za 6:50 ujutru,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: أضف Highway Patrolman إلى قائمة تشغيل this is al green الخاصة بي,O B-entity_name I-entity_name O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: Pusti mi muziku Krisa Najta [ Chris Knight ],O O O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic Intents: Cuaca di Tahoe akhir pekan ini ?,O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: ذكرني بدفع الإيجار .,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: is het bewolkt vandaag,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: Mind mig om at aflevere husleje,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أود حجز مقعد في موناكو في Yankee Doodle Coffee Shop,O O O O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: Podseti me da pozovem sestru sutra,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Infinite Indie Folk listeme Rahim Shah'ın eserlerini eklemem gerekiyor,B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference B-artist I-artist O O O,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: барлық еске салғыштарды көрсет,B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Patrick Still Lives AMC Tiyatrolarında gösteriliyor mu,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-location I-location O O,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: العب Trance Life على Zvooq .,O B-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: Lav en alarm til weekender klokken 2 om eftermiddagen,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 2 月 16 日 荷兰 会 热 吗 ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location O B-condition_temperature O O,weather/find,365,weather/find Intents: Бейсенбінің таңертеңгі оятқышын алып тасташы .,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,reminder/set_reminder Intents: осы әнді менің This Is Tchaikovsky ойнату тізіміне қос,O B-music_item B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: Visualizza i miei promemoria,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Podesi podsetnik da podignem stvari sa hemijskog čišćenja .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Менің еске салғыштарым қандай ?,B-reference O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: أريد حجز مقهى Tupelo Honey Cafe في نيو جيرسي لخمسة أشخاص .,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location B-datetime O O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant Intents: Zeige alle Wecker an,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,138,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Сен 20 минут бойы минут сайын оятқышты орнатасың ба ?,O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 今 日 の 天 気 予 報 を 読 む,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: 1 saniye içinde burası ne kadar soğuk olacak,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location O O B-condition_description O,weather/find,317,weather/find Intents: Vota Soul Music con 0 .,O B-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: Tilføj martin barre til min playliste punk unplugged .,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist Intents: أحذف آخر تذكيرين في قائمتي,O B-reference B-reference-part O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 今天 会 变 的 多 热 ?,B-datetime O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: get me the trailer of Good Morning Sunshine,O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,334,SearchCreativeWork Intents: beoordeel dit huidige album 0 sterren,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: yarınki alarmı iptal et,B-datetime O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Soll es heute den ganzen Tag über regnen ?,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: Batalkan pengingat ketiga saya di daftar ini .,O O B-reference I-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Dodaj ovaj album na plejlistu Spanish Beat,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: Apakah panas ?,O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: tampilkan alarm saya,O O B-reference,alarm/show_alarms,119,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Yarın Patrick'i okuldan almak için olan hatırlatıcıyı sil .,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Check the forecast for Nebraska .,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,257,weather/find Intents: هل ستمطر اليوم ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: Voglio prenotare un ristorante per sei persone a Wagstaff AK .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location B-location O,BookRestaurant,342,BookRestaurant Intents: Yarın yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: Weer in Walden Rusland op 12 / 26 / 2018,O O B-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-datetime,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: أضف martin barre إلى قائمة تشغيل punk unplugged الخاصة بي .,O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist Intents: phyllis ward og veronica skal bruge et bord på en restaurant om 152 dage,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O O O O O B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,492,BookRestaurant Intents: 设置 一个 周一 狗粮 的 提醒。,O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Please search for the painting titled This Is the Night .,O O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Hoe wordt het weer in Monument of Lihula op 5 december ?,O O O O O B-location I-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,359,weather/find Intents: 我 设置的 什么 时间的 闹钟?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Маған Secret South әнін алып кел .,O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O,SearchCreativeWork,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: ما الوقت الذي تم ضبط المنبه عليه,O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms Intents: أضف تذكير للغد لشراء الحليب .,O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أطفئ منبهي .,O B-reference-part O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Was ist die Luftfeuchtigkeit heute ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: Afspil Trance Life på Zvooq .,O B-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: Per favore trovami il film Journal of the British Astronomical Association .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: اضبط المنبه لكل دقيقة لمدة 20 دقيقة .,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm Intents: what will the weather be like in Dallas tomorrow,O O O O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: Akankah hari sabtu cerah untuk pesta ?,O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: إعرض تذكيري,O B-reference-part,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Wird es in Grindstone heute bewölkt ?,O O O B-location B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: Alarma kaç saat kaldı .,O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: ingatkan saya untuk membeli es,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Show me all the alarms,O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,138,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Ho bisogno di un ombrello mercoledì ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: Søg efter Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality show .,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Мен бүгін шорты кие аламын ба ?,O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,173,reminder/set_reminder Intents: what movies at Star Theatres .,O B-movie_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Set a weekly reminder for groceries .,O O B-recurring_datetime O O B-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Qual è la temperatura oggi ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: Zeige das Kinoprogramm in der Umgebung,O O B-object_type B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Set the alarm for noon on Mondays only .,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/set_alarm Intents: أبحث عن الكتاب The Girl Who Was Plugged In,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: får jeg brug for en jakke i morgen ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,41,weather/find Intents: Apakah akan berawan hari ini di Grindstone ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: 提醒 我 今晚 要 回复 工作 邮件,O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: show all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,244,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Füge diesen Song zu meiner Hands Up Playliste,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: Annuleer herinnering voor concert,O O O B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Find Secret South sangen til mig .,O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 朝 に アラーム を 設 定 する よう リマインド,B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,91,alarm/set_alarm Intents: otkaži alarm za sutra,O O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Демалыс күндері кундізгі сағат 2-де оятқышты қос,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Koliko će biti hladno večeras ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: هل ستكون غابة كستر الوطنية أكثر برودة الساعة السابعة مساءً,O O B-location I-location I-location B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,291,weather/find Intents: gaat het vandaag zonnig worden ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: qual è la previsione a Waurika in Samoa,O O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,478,weather/find Intents: келесі аптадағы дәрігерге қаралу туралы менің есіме түсір,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: buz almayı hatırlat,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Zet wekker voor 8 uur 's ochtends,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm Intents: كيف سيكون الطقس في مدينة نيويورك هذا الأسبوع,O O O O B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: リマインダー を 表 示 する,O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Бүгін қар жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: Erstelle einen Wecker für 5 Uhr morgens,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Erinnere mich meinen Hund zu groomer zu bringen am Dienstag um 3 Uhr nachmittags,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 取消 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: imposta una sveglia per le 7 di domani,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Akan seperti apa cuaca di bulan November di Brookneal ?,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: odbaci alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 我需要 一个 提醒 去 接 Lisa,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: The Crystal Snare'e 5 yıldız,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: 今 日 は 雪 が 降 る でしょう か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: اضبط المنبه لكل تسع دقائق .,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Herinner me om bloemen op te halen voor Jen voor ons jubileum op de 28ste,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Қазіргі кітапқа бір бастама бер,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O,RateBook,329,RateBook Intents: Маған Солтүстік Мариана аралдарындағы бір пабта 3 адамға брондау жасаңыз,O B-location I-location I-location O B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: Hatırlatıcılarımı göster,B-reference-part O,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 我 想 预定 北市 的 Oregon Electric Station 。,O O O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: Mainkan musik oleh Joy Nilo .,O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: менің оятқышымда қанша уақыт қалды,B-reference O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Mainkan melodi terbaru di Last Fm oleh Eddie Vinson .,O B-music_item B-sort O B-service I-service O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: bugün hava nasıl,B-datetime O O,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: Dimmi le previsioni del tempo per il Gibsland,O O O O O O O B-location,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: Wordt het heet vandaag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: How cold will it be tonight ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: akan seberapa panas hari ini,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: Bliver det solskin til festen på lørdag ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: 9 kişilik yer ayırt,B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,459,BookRestaurant Intents: أخبرني توقعات الطقس في جيبسلاند,O O O O B-location,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: Мен 1998 жылдың эфирін тыңдағым келеді .,O B-datetime I-datetime B-music_item O O O,PlayMusic,259,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Play The Happy Blues by Ronnie Wood .,O B-album I-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic Intents: Tilføj The Famous Flower of Serving-Men to my evening acoustic playlist .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tambahkan sebuah lagu ke this is racionais mc's,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: Da li se prikazuje The Two Gladiators,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,323,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Spiele Paul McCartney,O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: cancella tutte le sveglie di sabato,O B-reference O O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,reminder/cancel_reminder "Intents: Sæt en påmindelse "" Sub yoga class Tuesday night at Bala "" til i morgen",O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 今 夜 は ママ に 電 話 する よう に リマインド する,B-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 今天 的 气温 将会 是 怎样的?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: Farà caldo questa settimana ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: The Young Swordsman 什么 时候 在 我的 电影院 放映 ?,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_type O O B-object_location_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Bow Tie Cinemas жұмыс кестесін тексер .,B-location I-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Ең жақын кинотеатрда Snowbound уақытын тексер .,B-location I-location B-object_location_type B-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: show my alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,93,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Hoe zal het weer zijn in Virginia op st . patrick's day ?,O O O O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: anullér alarmer,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 明 日 の アラーム を すべて オフ,B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Tanzania-дағы асханаға 5 адамға арналған ең жақсы үстелге тапсырыс бер,B-location B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O B-sort I-sort O O O,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: Was is die verbleibende Zeit bis zum Alarm,O O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: sluk alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Tilføj denne David Gahan sang til travelling playlisten .,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: Mind mig om at ringe til min søster i morgen,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Wie heiß wird es heute ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: Dai 2 su 6 stelle a The American Scene,O B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: Will it snow this weekend ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: Cerca The Sound of One Hand Clapping,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: すべて の アラーム を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,244,alarm/show_alarms Intents: リマインダー を すべて 表 示,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Cancella tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: I want a table at James D. Conrey House in Urbank California,O O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location B-location,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: 火 曜 日 の 午 後 3 時 に 犬 を グルーマー に 連 れ て 行 く よう リマインド,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Yarın bu saatte doktor randevusu almayı hatırlat,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Йеллоустондағы ауа-райы қандай ?,B-location O O O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: zet wekker voor 6 uur 's middags,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Cancella tutti i promemoria,O B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Three Junes 6-дан біреуіне бағала,B-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating B-rating_value O,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: Mainkan sebuah simfoni dari 2013 .,O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: Bewerte die Serie The Mystery of the Tolling Bell mit 4 Sternen .,O O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: prikaži sve podsetnike,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/show_reminders Intents: إعرض تذكيري,O B-reference-part,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Pusti muziku Itajpa [ E-type ] .,O O B-artist O B-artist O O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: wat is de minimum temperatuur voor morgen,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-datetime,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: Bu gece ne kadar soğuk olacak ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: Herinner me later,O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kakva je prognoza vremenskih nepogoda ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: Ең жақын кинотеатрда Sexy Dance 2 уақыттарын көрсет,B-location I-location B-object_location_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Pusti nešto od Filipa Kirkorova [ Filipp Kirkorow ] iz sedamdesetih,O O O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O B-datetime,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: Zvooq 上 90 年代 的 歌曲,B-service O B-datetime I-datetime O O,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: Bedøm Ruth fem ud af 6 point .,O B-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: Wanda Group için film seanslarını cezalandır .,B-location I-location O B-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Spiller Any Which Way You Can om 15 sekunder,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,327,PlayMusic Intents: Ik wil een bougatsa restaurant in volgend jaar boeken vlakbij Penn voor drie mensen .,O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,452,BookRestaurant Intents: Otkaži mi treći podsetnik na ovoj listi .,O B-reference I-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: alle Wecker löschen,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Mainkan sesuatu di Last Fm,O O O B-service I-service,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: Is it going to rain this week ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: Yakınlardaki animasyon filmlerini bul,B-location B-movie_type I-movie_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Seperti apa cuaca di yellowstone ?,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: was ist das Tief für morgen,O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: 给 这 个 The American Scene 6 颗 星 中 的 2 颗 星,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating O O O O B-rating_value O B-rating_unit,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: Reservér et bord til mig på den bedste bistro,O O O O O O O B-sort B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,368,BookRestaurant Intents: yeğenlerim ve kendim için bir çay evinde yer ayırt,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O O,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: 添加 jack white 到 我的 This Is Shakira 播放 列表里,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: Dodaj ovu pesmu na dorthy's 80's party playlist,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: annuleer wekkers,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: show all reminders,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/show_reminders Intents: hoe heet wordt het vandaag,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: Bliver det koldere i Custer National Forest klokken syv i aften,O O B-condition_temperature O B-location I-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime O B-datetime,weather/find,291,weather/find Intents: Skal det regne i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: Matikan alarm saya .,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: bu sanatçıyı spotlight on country 2016 çalma listeme ekle,O B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist Intents: Želim sto u James D . Conrey House u Urbanku [ Urbank ] u Kaliforniji,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location O B-location O O B-location,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: Geef een beoordeling van 2 aan Juneteeth .,O O O O B-rating_value O B-object_name O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: ертең сағат 4-те маған сауда орталығына бару керектігін есіме сал,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Cancel my reminder to pick up Rob,O B-reference O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 请 给 我 找到 这个 作品, Serious Awesomeness ! 。,O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Koja je maksimalna temperatura danas ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: Bugün güneşlii olacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: welche Filme spielen in den Star Kinos .,O B-movie_type O O O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Spil noget på Last Fm,O O O B-service I-service,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: Saya membutuhkan sebuah meja untuk 4 orang di Saint Helena di Settha Palace Hotel,O O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: Posso avere gli orari dei film nel quartiere,O O O B-object_type O B-movie_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: The Broken Window-ге төрт жұлдыз бер,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: Ik wil luisteren naar iets op Youtube,O O O O O O B-service,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: Molim te nađi mi film Časopis Britanskog astronomskog udruženja [ Journal of the British Astronomical Association ] .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Vis spilletiderne for biografer i nærheden,O O O B-object_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Bewerte Three Junes mit 1 von 6,O B-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: Pusti Trance Life na Zvuku [ Zvooq ],O B-playlist I-playlist O B-service I-service B-service O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: Babar: King of the Elephants 正在 播放 吗,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,434,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 取消 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 在 tavern 预订 面条,O B-restaurant_type O B-served_dish,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: Tatra-Nationalpark için sabah 6'daki hava tahminini söyle,B-location O B-datetime I-datetime O O O,weather/find,283,weather/find Intents: ماذا سيكون الطقس في Sarygamyş Sanctuary يوم 21 أغسطس 2035 ؟,O O O O B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: Podesi alarm za 5 po podne večeras,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Sæt en alarm til hvert minut i 20 minutter .,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm Intents: vis alle påmindelser,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/show_reminders Intents: We Are Northern Lights herhangi bir sinema salonunda gösteriliyor mu,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Any Which Way You Can 15 saniye içinde gösteriliyor mu ?,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,327,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Kaži mi vremensku prognozu za Gibslend [ Gibsland ],O O O O O B-location O B-location O,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: أضف تذكير للاتصال بمدرستي يوم الاثنين الساعة 4 مساءً,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: San Francisco'daki hava durumu nedir ?,B-location I-location O O O O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: What is the temperature going to be today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: Please find me Phineas Redux .,O O O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Vil det sne denne weekend ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: من فضلك أحجز لي طاولة في مطعم بيتزا به موقف سيارات في غانا .,O O O O O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O B-facility I-facility O B-location O,BookRestaurant,310,BookRestaurant Intents: 今 日 の 最 高 気 温 は 何 度 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: akankah salju hari ini,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: Lütfen çoşturucu şarkı listemi çal .,O B-playlist O O O O,PlayMusic,395,PlayMusic Intents: Bewerte Soul Music mit 0 .,O B-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: 今 日 は ショート パンツ を 着 て も いい です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: 给 Cotton Comes to Harlem 评分 为 2分,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-rating_value,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: Dai a The Crystal Snare 5 stelle,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: Show me all my reminders for today,O O B-reference I-reference O O B-datetime,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/show_reminders Intents: How much colder will it be not far from Utah around 3 Am ?,O O B-condition_temperature O O O B-location I-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: podesi podsetnik da gledam Koltse sat vremena pre nego što počne utakmica,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: قيم هذا الكتاب بـ 1,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: Apa saja pengingat saya ?,O O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Lastfm-де This Is: Miles Davis-ті ойнат .,B-service B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,PlayMusic,347,PlayMusic Intents: nineties songs on Zvooq,B-datetime O O B-service,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: ingatkan saya untuk menyetel alarm untuk pagi hari,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أريد أفلام الرسوم المتحركة في مسارح MJR,O O B-movie_type I-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Akan berapa suhu hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: أريد مشاهدة Shattered Image .,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchCreativeWork,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: zeige alle Wecker,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,237,alarm/show_alarms Intents: JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time-ді көргім келеді,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,386,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: маған оятқыштарды көрсете аласың ба ?,O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Spiele This is Miles Davis on Lastfm .,O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,347,PlayMusic Intents: 今 日 の グラインドストーン は 曇 り に なり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-location O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: Jeg vil gerne høre soundtrack musik af Helena Iren Michaelsen på Youtube,O O O O B-music_item O O B-artist I-artist I-artist O B-service,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: Imposta la sveglia per mezzogiorno solo di lunedì .,O O O O B-recurring_datetime O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/set_alarm Intents: vis alle alarm indstillinger,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,alarm/show_alarms Intents: فيليس وارد و فيرونيكا يجتاجون إلى طاولة في مطعم بعد 152 يومًا,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O O O B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,492,BookRestaurant Intents: ik heb een herinnering nodig om Lisa op te halen,O O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: pioverà domani ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: Beoordeel In the Company of Cheerful Ladies een nul van de 6,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: Hoće li biti vruće ove nedelje ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: U koje vreme će se The Young Swordsman prikazivati u mom bioskopu ?,O B-object_type I-object_type O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Ich möchte ein jüdisches Restaurant in Gambia buchen .,O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location O O,BookRestaurant,268,BookRestaurant Intents: za kad se sledeće prognozira kiša,O O O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: bugün kar yağacak mı,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: Wie viel Zeit bleibt beim Wecker übrig,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Is there a storm headed for my area ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: kakva je prognoza za Kostariku,O O O O B-location,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: cancella le sveglie,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,weather/find Intents: ما هي تذكيراتي ؟,O O B-reference-part O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Give The American Scene 2 ud af 6 stjerner,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: Speel iets op Last Fm,O O O B-service I-service,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: Give two stars out of 6 to 36 Children,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O B-best_rating O B-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: Potresti individuare l' immagine Epic Conditions ?,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Prenotami per una festa di 3 in un pub alle Isole Marianne Settentrionali,O O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location I-location,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: أحجز لأطفالي و أنا,O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description,SearchCreativeWork,373,BookRestaurant Intents: Hvordan bliver vejret i nærheden af her den nittende oktober 2026 ?,O O O O B-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,271,weather/find Intents: mostrami tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,237,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Please cancel the alarm for Thursday morning .,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Pazartesiye köpek maması için bir hatırlatıcı ayarla .,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Give mig vejrudsigten for Gibsland,O O O O B-location,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: Jeg vil gerne reservérer bord på en restaurant til min svigerfar og jeg i Buckner om et år .,O O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,273,BookRestaurant Intents: whats the low for tomorrow,O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: كيف سيكون الطقس هنا في الثانية صباحا,O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,476,weather/find Intents: ما هي درجة الحرارة اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: Memberikan kisah ini penilaian 2 .,O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_select O B-rating_value O,RateBook,265,RateBook "Intents: Book a reservation for The Dome, Edinburgh close to Brooklawn",O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: Tüm hatırlatıcıları iptal et,B-datetime O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: postponi le sveglie per cinque minuti,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: Cotton Comes to Harlem-ді 2-ге бағала,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: schalte meinen Wecker ein,O B-reference O O,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/set_alarm Intents: A che ora ho una sveglia impostata ?,O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Verwacht Disney world vandaag storm ?,O B-location I-location B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: annuleer mijn wekker voor morgenochtend,O B-reference O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Apa perkiraan di Nicodemus dan sekitarnya,O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: Lösche alle Wecker,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Ik wil soundtrack muziek op Youtube van Helena Iren Michaelse luisteren,O O B-music_item O O B-service O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: Podesi alarm za 30 minuta,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: اضبط المنبه بعد ساعة من الان .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Memberi nilai buku ini 1,O O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: الطقس,O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: 请 搜索 电视剧 Episodi di The Blacklist 。,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: what is the forecast for Waurika in Samoa,O O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,478,weather/find Intents: هل أحتاج إلى مظلة اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: إعرض كل التذكيرات,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Vota la serie The Mystery of the Tolling Bell 4 stelle .,O O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: هل سيكون الجو حار هذا الأسبوع ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: Сан-Францискода ауа-райы қандай ?,B-location O O O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: aggiungi ireland in the junior eurovision song contest 2015 alla mia playlist Jazzy Dinner,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: Show me all the alarms,O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,44,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Apakah saya membutuhkan sebuah sweter ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: 显示 所有 的 闹钟。,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,alarm/show_alarms Intents: tampilkan semua preset alarm,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Lütfen bana Gana'da park yeri olan bir pizzacıda bir masa ayırt .,O O B-location B-facility I-facility O O B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,310,BookRestaurant Intents: Reservér bord til 9 på Thurmont,O B-music_item O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,254,BookRestaurant Intents: أضف هذا الألبوم إلى Old School Death Metal,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: Carikan saya sebuah acara TV berjudul Baby Blue,O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchCreativeWork Intents: бұл әуенді менің Sleepify ойнату тізіміме қос,O B-music_item B-reference B-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: Show my reminder,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders "Intents: Jerry Calliste , Jr'ı Te quiero çalma listeme ekle .",B-artist I-artist I-artist I-artist B-playlist I-playlist O B-reference O O,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bitte suche das Werk Serious Awesomeness ! .,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: барлық еске салғыштарды жой,B-reference O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/set_reminder Intents: sæt alarm til klokken 6 om morgenen,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/set_alarm Intents: هل ستمطر هذا الأسبوع,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: Lütfen bana Phineas Redux'u bul .,O O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Lösche meinen Alarm von 5:15 Uhr früh am Dienstag,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: laat alle wekkers zien,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,237,weather/find Intents: 请 查找 并 给 我 找到 Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl 。,O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 取消 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: slet alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Setel alarm setiap menit selama 20 menit .,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Nađi mi roman pod nazivom To Lose My Life …,O O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Give to ud af 6 stjerner til 36 Children,O B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O O B-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: Zeige alle Wecker .,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Hvordan er vejret i San Francisco ?,O O O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: إعرض كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,97,alarm/show_alarms Intents: ingatkan saya pada sebuah kunjungan dokter Kamis jam 12 siang,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Koliko podsetnika imam danas ?,O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/show_reminders Intents: sta nevicando in canada,O B-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: Saya ingin sebuah meja di James D . Conrey House di Urbank California,O O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location B-location,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: cancella tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,weather/find Intents: Stelle den Wecker auf 5 Uhr heute Abend,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: da li treba da ponesem kišobran danas,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: إلغي كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 我 想 预订 一家 十 人 的 餐厅 。,O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,418,BookRestaurant Intents: boek een feest op hun campus in hetzelfde gebied voor churrascaria,O O O O B-location I-location B-location I-location I-location O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: Vis mig alle alarmer,O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,44,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 下午 七 点 卡斯特国家 森林 会 更 冷 吗,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location I-location O B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O,weather/find,291,weather/find Intents: Laat mijn herinnering zien,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Kakvo će biti vreme na Spomeniku u Lihuli [ Monument of Lihula ] 5-og decembra ?,O O O O O B-location I-location I-location O B-location I-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,359,weather/find Intents: Wil een plek boeken in Monaco voor de Yankee Doodle Coffee Shop,O O O O O B-location O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: Dodaj our little corner of the world music from gilmore girls na moju plejlistu The Funny Thing About Football Is .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: Hatırlatmacılarım neler ?,B-reference-part O O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Менің оятқышымды өшір .,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Play the newest melody on Last Fm by Eddie Vinson .,O O B-sort B-music_item O B-service I-service O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: إلغي المنبهات,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Dai due stelle su 6 a 36 Children,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-best_rating O B-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: маған Phineas Redux-ты тапшы .,O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Пол Маккартни ойнат,B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: remind me to set an alarm for ups,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Voglio ascoltare una colonna sonora su Youtube di Helena Iren Michaelsen,O O O B-music_item I-music_item O B-service O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: alarmlarımı 5 dakika ertele,B-reference-part B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Podesi alarm za u 5 po podne večeras,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Мен MJR Theatres-ында анимациялық фильмдерді қалаймын,O B-location I-location B-movie_type I-movie_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: podesi podsetnik da odem u prodavnicu u 8 ujutru,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: барлық оятқыштарды алып таста,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Zeige mir alle meine Erinnerungen von heute,O O B-reference I-reference O O B-datetime,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Tempeste tropicali ai caraibi,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: Tambahkan lagu Matt Murphy ke playlist Flow Español .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: Annuleer mijn herinnering om Rob op te pikken,O B-reference O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Add the album to the Hipster Soul playlist.,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bu gece 5'e alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Set an alarm for 6:50 pm,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 我 需要 时间 在 迪普森 剧院 的 A Yiddish World Remembered,O O B-object_type O B-location I-location O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: schneit es in kanada,B-weather/attribute O O B-location,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: Will it be hot in the Netherlands on February 16th ?,O O O B-condition_temperature O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,365,weather/find Intents: Kan du finde National Anthem of the Ancient Britons fjernsyns programmet til mig ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type O O O,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchCreativeWork Intents: アラーム の 残 り 時 間,O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Таңғы сағат 2-ге оятқышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: من فضلك احضر لي أغنية Compulsive Disclosure .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,PlayMusic,444,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Podseti me da uzmem gorivo .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,4,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kommer det til at blive varmt i dag ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: 提醒 我 周二 打电话 给Stephanie,O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: The Young Swordsman менің кинотеатрымда қандай уақыттарда көрсетіледі ?,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type O B-object_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Otkaži mi sve podsetnike .,O B-reference I-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Benötige ich einen Pullover ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: Alarmımı kapat .,B-reference-part O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: كم بوصة من الأمطار سوف نحصل عليها اليوم ؟,O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: Hol mir das Lied von Secret South .,O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: give dette album en score på 5,O B-object_select B-object_type O O O B-rating_value,RateBook,468,RateBook Intents: 我 今天 需要 一件 大衣 吗?,O B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: Wann spielt Snowbound im nahesten Kino .,O O B-movie_name O B-location B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Ik wil graag jordan rudess toevoegen aan de Divertido para niños playlist .,O O O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: Sæt en alarm til klokken 5 i aften,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: すべて の アラーム を 表 示 する,B-reference O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,44,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Quale sarà la temperatura oggi ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: Осы кітапты 1-ге бағала,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: اعرض أقرب دار سينما يقوم بعرض Boycott,O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O O B-movie_name,SearchCreativeWork,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: هل سيكون الجو مشمسا غدا ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: ертең таңғы сағат 6-ға оятқышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: füge Muzika za decu meiner Crash Course-Wiedergabeliste hinzu,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist Intents: Is it cold today ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: odloži mi alarme za 5 minuta,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Saya ingin memesan sebuah restoran Yahudi di Gambia .,O O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine O B-location O,BookRestaurant,268,BookRestaurant Intents: Gaat het deze week regenen ?,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: Bugün kar yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: Laat alle wekkers zien,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,weather/find Intents: Is it going to rain Saturday ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: Disattiva la mia sveglia .,O O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: リマインダー を キャンセル する,O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: What alarms are set ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Kontroller vejrudsigten for Nebraska .,O O O B-location O,weather/find,257,weather/find Intents: boek de beste tafel in Tanzania voor 5 mensen bij een diner,O O B-sort B-restaurant_type O B-location O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: Želim da rezervišem restoran za mene i mog tasta u Bakneru za sledeću godinu u ovo vreme,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,273,BookRestaurant Intents: 16 Şubat'ta Hollanda'da hava sıcak mı olacak ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-location B-condition_temperature O O O O,weather/find,365,weather/find Intents: Suche nach dem Spiel Difficult Loves,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: show me all my reminders,O O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/show_reminders Intents: još koliko mi je ostalo do alarma,O O B-reference O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Spiele meine inventive-Wiedergabeliste,O O B-playlist,PlayMusic,253,PlayMusic Intents: Do I need a sweater ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: Rezerviši mesto za četvoro u South Street Diner u Oklahomi,O O O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: Ich möchte am 20 . 05 . 2025 einen Sundanesischen Gastropub in der Nähe von Texas für 3 Personen buchen .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O B-location O B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,263,BookRestaurant Intents: ертеңгі күнге барлық оятқыштарды өшір,B-datetime I-datetime B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: apa perkiraan cuaca dingin dimulai pada Hari Hukum disini,O O O B-condition_temperature O O B-datetime I-datetime B-location,weather/find,417,weather/find Intents: What time is my alarm set for ?,O O O B-reference O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Crea una sveglia per i fine settimana alle 2 del pomeriggio,O O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: rate The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property five stars,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: Daj The Crystal Snare 5 zvezdica,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: Келесі оятқышты алып таста,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Wat word the luchtvochtigheid in de huidige plek om 15:19:29 ?,O O O B-condition_description O O B-location I-location O B-datetime O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: Speel muziek van Netflix .,O O O B-service O,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: visualizza tutti i promemoria,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Маған Compulsive Disclosure әнін берші .,O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,444,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Cancel all reminders for today,O B-reference O O B-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Weather in Tahoe this weekend ?,O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: أريد مشاهدة JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchCreativeWork,386,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Imposta una sveglia alle 5 di stasera,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Speakeasy Theatres film seanslarının bir listesine ihtiyacım var,B-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type O O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,442,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Spiele The Happy Blues von Ronnie Wood .,O B-album I-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic Intents: om 4 uur morgen herinner me om naar het winkelcentrum te gaan,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 提醒 我 在 28 号 去 取花给 Jen 为 我们 的 周年纪念日 。,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أضف أغنية Vandemataram Srinivas إلى HipHop Hot 50 .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,350,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tüm alarmları göster,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,14,alarm/show_alarms Intents: ما هي الرطوبة اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: هل ستثلج اليوم,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: Jill Sobule альбомын ойнат,B-album I-album B-music_item O,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: 今天 会 变 的 多 热 ?,B-datetime O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: Erinnerungen an die Anti-Japanische Guerilla-Chronik verdienen null von 6 Punkten für eine Bewertung .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O O O O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: vis alle påmindelser,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Sæt en ugentlig påmindelse til indkøb .,O O B-recurring_datetime O O B-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Želim da rezervišem restoran za petoro na Šri Lanci .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,415,BookRestaurant Intents: Reserviere für fünf Personen in einer Tatar Taverne in Sargents,O O B-party_size_number O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: Setze eine Erinnerung meine Schule am Montag um 4 Uhr nachmittags anzurufen,O O O O B-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Jersey Boys TV dizisini ara,B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Pioverà oggi ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: Bitte finde den Film Journal of the British Astronomical Association .,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: memberi nilai untuk buku pelajaran ini 1 dari 6,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: أريد حجز مطعم لخمسة أشخاص في سريلانكا .,O O B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O B-location O,BookRestaurant,415,BookRestaurant Intents: احجز لـ 6 أشخاص في حانة كريول في مونتينيغرو,O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine O B-location,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: Setel alarm selama 30 menit,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: أعطي صفر نجوم لهذا الكتاب الدراسي,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit B-object_select B-object_type I-object_type,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: Tüm alarmları sıfırla,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Gaat het sneeuwen ?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: Apakah akan hujan minggu ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: Remind me tomorrow at this time to schedule a doctor appointment,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 什么 时间 我的 闹钟 设置?,O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Speelt Without Witness over twee uur,O B-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,458,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: اضبط منبه تذكير ليوم 7 أكتوبر,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,158,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Qual è la temperatura oggi ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: Bana Kuzey Mariana Adaları'ndaki bir barda 3 kişilik bir parti için rezervasyon yap,O B-location I-location I-location O B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O O O O,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: sæt en påmidelse til at se Colts en time før kampen starter,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 火 曜 日 に ステファニー に 電 話 する こと を リマインド する,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Louis Nelson Delisle'den Another Passenger'ı çal .,B-artist I-artist I-artist B-album I-album O O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic Intents: mind mig om at tage hunden til groomer på tisdag klokken 3 om eftermiddagen,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: yarın yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: Anullér påmindelse til koncert,O O O B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Setel alarm untuk jam 7 pagi besok .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Får jeg brug for en sweater ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: أضف أغنية إلى Indie Hipster,O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist Intents: Laat me Southern Theatres filmtijden zien,O O B-location I-location B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: إعرض كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,32,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Book a reservation for 6 people for a creole tavern in Montenegro,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: snooze alarmen i 15 minutter,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: 取消 今天 所有 的 提醒,O B-datetime B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: إلغي كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Suche eine TV Show die Baby Blue heisst,O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Бұл альбомды Spanish Beat ойнату тізіміне қос,O B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: アラーム を 3 0 分 に 設 定 する,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: ما هي توقعات الطقس الحار في Southford Falls State Park,O O O B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: vis alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,32,alarm/show_alarms Intents: قيم السلسلة الحالية 4 نقاط,O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_select B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: ما هي توقعات هطول الأمطار لمدة ساعة من الآن في كوريا الجنوبية,O O O O B-condition_description B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: Tambahkan album ini ke Old School Death Metal,O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: vis mine alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,93,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Show me all reminders,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Cancella il mio terzo promemoria in questa lista .,O O B-reference I-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: すべて の リマインダー を 削 除,B-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Akankah Belanda panas pada 16 Februari ?,O B-location B-condition_temperature O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,365,weather/find Intents: إعرض كل المنبهات المضبوطة,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 寻找 电视 节目 Meet the Prince,O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: podseti me da odvedem psa kod frizera u utorak u 3 po podne,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Füge das Matt Murphy Lied zur Flow Español-Wiedergabeliste hinzu .,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: リサ を 迎 え に 行 く ため の リマインダー が 必 要,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Remind me to call Stephanie on Tuesday,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: prikaži mi sve alarme,O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,44,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Hvor mange påmindelser har jeg i dag ?,O O O O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/show_reminders Intents: リマインダー は 何 です か ?,O O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,182,weather/find Intents: Dai una stella a questo libro,O B-rating_value O O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,329,RateBook Intents: أريد حجز مطعم لعشرة أشخاص .,O O B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,418,BookRestaurant Intents: 26 eylül'de Emerado Saint Pierre ve Miquelon için hava tahmini nedir,B-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location I-location I-location I-location O O O O,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: Tambahkan album ini ke playlist Spanish Beat,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: tüm hatırlarıcıları sil,B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 提醒 我 明天 打电话 给 我的 姐姐,O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Give four stars to The Broken Window,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: Voglio prenotare un ristorante ebraico in Gambia .,O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine O B-location O,BookRestaurant,268,BookRestaurant Intents: Bugün monta ihtiyacım var mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: Che tempo farà lontano da qui ?,O O O B-location O B-location O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: podesi rodjendanski podsetnik za maksa,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 雪 が 降 り ます か ?,B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: 请 取消 在 周四 上午 的 闹钟。,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Tilføj en påmindelse til i dag klokken 4 om aftenen,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 食 料 品 の 購 入 を リマインド,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Jeg vil gerne bestille bord til fem på en restaurant i Sri Lanka .,O O O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,415,BookRestaurant Intents: Bana Southern Theatres film seanslarını göster,O B-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Wecker löschen,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: show all my alarms,O B-reference I-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,53,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Create a reminder for tomorrow to buy milk .,O O O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Cerca l' album Wolves Within,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Add our little corner of the world music from gilmore girls to my The Funny Thing About Football Is playlist.,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: mevcut parçayı This Is Tchaikovsky çalma listeme ekle,B-object_select B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: هل يمكنني ارتداء السراويل القصيرة اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: すべて の リマインダー を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Apa perkiraan di Admire di TX dari tujuh belas,O O O B-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: Bu albümü Old School Death Metal'e ekle,O B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: Koliko podsetnika imam danas ?,O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/show_reminders Intents: оятқыштарды алып таста,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Wat zijn mijn herinneringen voor morgen ?,O O B-reference O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,75,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Tampilkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,14,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Dodaj emili otem [ emilie autumn ] na moju plejlistu Nação Reggae .,O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: أضف Muzika za decu إلى قائمة تشغيل Crash Course الخاصة بي,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist Intents: Lütfen bana Serious Awesomeness çalışmasını bul ! .,O O B-object_name I-object_name O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: E-type'dan müzik çal .,B-artist O O O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: boy george трегін Emo Forever ойнату тізіміне қос .,B-artist I-artist B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: أرني الأفلام في مسارح Harkins .,O B-movie_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Riproduci Trance Life su Zvooq .,O B-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: Mind mig om at snakke med Ben om Georgia,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Berapa suhu hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: Želim da gledam I Dream of Jeanie u bioskopu,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Altı ay içinde Tangier yakınlarındaki en iyi barda dokuz kişilik bir rezervasyon yap,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location B-sort I-sort B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant Intents: Potresti trovare la serie TV The Approach,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: bugün hava nasıl,B-datetime O O,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: Imposta una sveglia tra un' ora da adesso .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: هل ستمطر اليوم ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: Voglio mangiare in una gastronomia tra tredici ore che serve cibo dell' est europa,O O O O B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O B-cuisine I-cuisine,BookRestaurant,403,BookRestaurant Intents: Apakah akan cerah hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: laat alle wekkers zien,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,244,weather/find Intents: Wie viele Erinnerungen habe ich heute ?,O O O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Afspil det bedste music fra Bryan Maclean .,O O B-sort O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: Mostrami i film al Harkins Theatres .,O O B-movie_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: remind me to take dog to groomer tuesday at 3pm,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: obriši sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Find filmen Serious Awesomeness til mig ! .,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Tilføj kunstneren til political punks playlisten .,O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: Zoek voor een spel genaamd Phinally Phamous,O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Kan du finde Molecular Oncology sagaen ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Voglio prenotare un gastropub sundanese nelle vicinanze del Texas per 3 persone il 20 / 5 / 2025 .,O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine B-location I-location O B-location O B-party_size_number O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,263,BookRestaurant Intents: 来 週 の 医 師 の 予 約 を リマインド,B-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Wird es am Samstag regnen ?,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: tüm alarmları iptal et,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Füge einen Song zu Indie Hipster,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist Intents: inventive çalma listemi çal,B-playlist O O O,PlayMusic,253,PlayMusic Intents: How hot will it get today ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: Che sveglie sono impostate ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,weather/find Intents: أريد أن آكل في رامونا,O O O O B-location,BookRestaurant,455,BookRestaurant Intents: look for the book The Girl Who Was Plugged In,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Voeg een nummer toe aan this is racionais mc's,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: Slet mine påmindelse om at hente Patrick fra skole i morgen,O B-reference O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: ist es heute bewölkt,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: prenota una festa nel loro campus all'interno della stessa area della churrascaria,O O O O B-location I-location B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: Sarà più freddo tra quattro mesi a Suwanee AK,O B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: dodaj pesmu na Indie Hipster,O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist Intents: prikaži mi sve alarme,O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,138,alarm/show_alarms Intents: vota questo album 0 stelle,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: hapus semua pengingat,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Kakvo će vreme biti nedaleko odavde devetnaestog oktobra 2026 . ?,O O O O B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,271,weather/find Intents: will Custer National Forest be chillier at seven Pm,O B-location I-location I-location O B-condition_temperature O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,291,weather/find Intents: 显示 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,14,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Zal I Think I Do spelen om 7 uur s'avonds ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Сарыгамыш қорығында 2035 жылдың 21 тамызында ауа райы қандай болады ?,B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: كم ستكون الرطوبة في المكان الحالي الساعة 15:19:29 ؟,O O B-condition_description O B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: Skal jeg medbringe en regnjakke ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: 今天 我们 要 下 几 英寸 的 雨 ?,B-datetime O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: Tolong carikan lukisan berjudul This Is the Night .,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Schalte meinen Wecker aus .,O B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: أحجز لـ 8 أشخاص في واردفيل ، كانساس,O O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,314,BookRestaurant Intents: Riproduci una sinfonia del 2013 .,O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: Batalkan semua alarm saya untuk hari Minggu .,O B-reference O B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Sluk min alarm .,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: lav en daglig alarm til 7:30 om aftenen indtil slettet,O O B-recurring_datetime O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Pronađi animirane filmove u blizini,O B-movie_type I-movie_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: wird es diese Woche regnen,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: Gebruik Groove Shark om muziek af te spelen,O B-service I-service O O O O O,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: schalte alle Wecker aus,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Dodaj Muziku za decu na moju plejlistu Crash Course,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist Intents: Маған Journal of the British Astronomical Association фильмін тауып берші .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: cancella le sveglie,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,weather/find Intents: Please get me the Compulsive Disclosure song .,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,444,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Pioverà sabato ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: Ho bisogno degli orari per A Yiddish World Remembered ai Dipson Theatres,O O O B-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: العب بعض سبعينيات Filipp Kirkorow,O O B-datetime B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: Oceni ovu knjigu sa 1,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: Posso indossare i pantaloni corti oggi ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: Lütfen perşembe sabahki alarmı iptal et .,O B-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: アラーム を 午 前 1 0 時 に 設 定 する,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Saya ingin memesan sebuah restoran untuk ayah mertua dan saya di Buckner satu tahun dari sekarang .,O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,273,BookRestaurant Intents: 提醒 我 今晚 打电话 给 我的 妈妈,O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 播放 90年代 Pop Rock Essentials 的 音乐,O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,PlayMusic,461,PlayMusic Intents: Je l' će biti kiše sutra ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: Last Fm-де бір нәрсе ойнат,B-service I-service O O O,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: اسمح لي أن أسمع موسيقى Chris Knight,O O O O O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic Intents: otkaži alarme,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Stelle den Wecker auf 2:00 Uhr,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: apakah seharusnya turun salju hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: Imposta una sveglia ogni minuto per 20 minuti .,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Кейін менің есіме түсірші,B-datetime O O O,reminder/set_reminder,210,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Kosta Rika için hava tahmini nedir,B-location I-location O O O O,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: voeg dit nummer toe aan mijn Sleepify playlist,O O B-music_item O O B-reference B-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: Oceni In the Company of Cheerful Ladies sa nula od 6 zvezdica,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: أعط نجمتين من أصل 6 إلى 36 Children,O B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O B-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: оятқышты таңғы сағат 6-ға орнат,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Бенмен Грузия туралы сөйлесуді есіме сал,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,15,RateBook Intents: prikaži sve podsetnike,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 今 週 雨 は 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: Wie wird das Wetter in Virginia am St . Patrick's day sein ?,O O O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: er det varm udenfor,O O B-weather/attribute B-location,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: Läuft Without Witness für 22 Stunden,O B-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,458,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Suche mir den Roman mit dem Titel To Lose My Life . . .,O O O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O O,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Wie ist die Wettervorhersage für den Bothe-Napa Valley State Park um den 20 . Februar ?,O O O O O O B-location I-location I-location I-location B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: Beoordeel The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure drie van de 6 .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: Менің тізімімдегі соңғы екі еске салғышты жой,O O B-reference I-reference O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/set_reminder Intents: verwijder alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Nunez-тегі наубайханада тоғыз адамға брондау жаса,B-location B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,425,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Erinnere mich an den Arzttermin nächste Woche,O O O O B-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 显示 附近 的 电影 时间表,O B-location O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Маған барлық еске салғыштарды көрсет,O B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Sæt alarm til klokken 7 i morgen,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: tampilkan alarm saya,O O B-reference,alarm/show_alarms,93,alarm/set_alarm Intents: إلغي كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Bugün şort giyebiilir miyim ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: sæt en alarm til klokken 6 om morgenen,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Gib Thialto the Marvellous null Sterne,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: Is it going to snow ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: アラーム を オフ に する 。,O O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 打开 明天 所有 的 闹钟,O B-datetime B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,alarm/set_alarm Intents: كيف سيكون الطقس في نوفمبر في Brookneal ؟,O O O O B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: Ricordami domani a quest' ora di fissare un appuntamento dal dottore,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 告诉 我 所有 的 闹钟,O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,138,alarm/show_alarms Intents: podesi alarm za 3 ujutru,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Yarın kar yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: North City'deki Oregon Electric Station'a rezervasyon yaptırmak istiyorum .,B-location I-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O O O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: 删除 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 取消 今天 游戏 的 提醒,O O B-reminder/todo O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Vis mig alle påmindelser,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 显示 我的 闹钟,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,93,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Voeg dit album toe aan Old School Death Metal,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: 今 日 の 気 温 は 何 度 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,12,weather/find "Intents: Wardville , Kansas'ta 8 kişilik bir rezervasyon yap",B-location O B-location B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,314,BookRestaurant Intents: Dodaj pesmu Dereka Votkinsa [ Derek Watkins ] na This Is Johnny Cash,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: アラーム を 今 夜 5 時 に 設 定 する,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Sæt alarm til klokken 5 om morgenen,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Herinner me om morgen keukenpapier te halen in de winkel,O O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: hvor meget tid er der tilbage på min alarm,O O O O O O O B-reference O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Søg efter The Sound of One Hand Clapping,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: puoi mostrarmi le sveglie ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 明 日 医 者 の 予 約 を する よう に リマインド する,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Give the Three June én ud af 6,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: phyllis ward en veronica hebben een tafel in een restaurant nodig over 152 dagen,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,492,BookRestaurant Intents: Sæt en alarm til klokken 2 om morgenen,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: бүгін жауатын қар саяхатты қауіпті жасайтындай жеткілікті жауады ма ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: Napravi rezervaciju za devet osoba u pekari u Nunjezu [ Nunez ],O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location O B-location O,BookRestaurant,425,BookRestaurant Intents: Find spilletiderne for Wanda Group .,O B-object_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: hoe koud wordt het hier over 1 seconde,O B-condition_temperature O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,317,weather/find Intents: Vis min påmidelse,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Voeg dit nummer toe aan dorthy's 80's party playlist,O O B-music_item O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: шай үйінде немере жиендерім мен маған орын жалда,B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: قم بتشغيل بعض من Gary Lee Conner,O O O O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic Intents: Imposta una sveglia per le 10 di mattina,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: What is the humidity today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: Öffne iTunes und spiele Ben Burnley Ready To Die,O B-service O O B-artist I-artist B-album I-album I-album,PlayMusic,358,PlayMusic Intents: I want to book Oregon Electric Station in North City .,O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: Vreme u Voldenu u Rusiji 12 / 26 / 2018,O O B-location O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は 雪 が 降 り ます か,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: 显示 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Trova film di animazione nelle vicinanze,O B-movie_type I-movie_type I-movie_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Дүйсенбіде күндізгі сағат 4-те менің мектебіме қоңырау шалу туралы еске салғышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 给 我 看 我的 提醒,O O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 给 The Crystal Snare 5颗 星,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: what's the forecast for sep. 26 in Emerado Saint Pierre and Miquelon,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: 设置 闹钟 在 上午6点,O O O B-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Disney world bugün fırtınalar bekliyor mu ?,B-location I-location B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: عرض جميع تذكيراتي اليوم,O B-reference B-reference-part B-datetime,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/show_reminders Intents: do I need to bring an umbrella today,O O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: барлық оятқыштарды жой,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أرغب في حجز مطعم سوداني في مكان قريب في تكساس لـ 3 أشخاص في 5 / 20 / 2025 .,O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine O B-location I-location O B-location O B-party_size_number O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,263,BookRestaurant Intents: apa perkiraan cuaca untuk 26 September di Emerado Saint Pierre dan Miquelon,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: Концерт туралы еске салғышты алып таста,B-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Tampilkan jadwal Sexy Dance 2 di bioskop terdekat,O B-object_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type B-location,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Setel pengingat untuk mengambil dry cleaning .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Three Junes'a 6 üzerinden bir ver,B-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating O B-rating_value O,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: boek plek voor 1 in Town of Ramsgate in Merit,O O O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location,BookRestaurant,289,BookRestaurant Intents: 食 料 品 の 毎 週 の リマインダー を 設 定 する 。,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: اضبط المنبه على الساعة 3 مساءً,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Buche einen Tisch in der Nähe von Pats College,O O O O B-location I-location O B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,389,BookRestaurant Intents: 提醒 我 下个 星期 有 医生 预约,O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Тоғыз минут сайын оятарды қос .,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: كيف سيكون الطقس بعيدًا عن هنا ؟,O O O B-location I-location B-location O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: Prikaži mi filmove koji se daju u Bioskopima Harkins [ Harkins Theatres ] .,O O B-movie_type O O O O B-location I-location O B-location I-location O O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Mainkan All Things Must Pass .,O B-track I-track I-track I-track O,PlayMusic,300,PlayMusic Intents: أعطي نجمة واحدة للكتاب الحالي,O O B-rating_value B-object_type B-object_select,RateBook,329,RateBook Intents: Vis alle mine påmindelser,O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Bewerte In the Company of Cheerful Ladies mit Null von 6,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: Look for the television show Meet the Prince,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Erstelle eine Erinnerung zum Geschäft zu geben um 8 Uhr morgens,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Lad os høre noget fra Andrew Hewitt .,O O O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: How hot will it get today ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: Soll es heute noch schneien ?,O O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: Ich brauche das Programm vom Speakseasy Theater,O O O B-object_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,442,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Apakah saya perlu sebuah payung hari ini ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: Jeg vil gerne høre et halvfjerser soundtrack .,O O O O O B-datetime B-music_item O,PlayMusic,311,PlayMusic Intents: otkaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Welche Wecker sind eingestellt ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Youtube-те Хелена Ирен Михальсеннің саундтрек музыкасын тыңдағым келеді,B-service B-artist I-artist I-artist B-music_item O O O,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: 2018 年 12 月 26 日 瓦尔登 俄罗斯 天气,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location O,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: Bugün hava nasıl ?,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: Set alarm for 3pm .,O O O B-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Kisah Reminiscences of the Anti-Japanese Guerillas layak mendapatkan nilai nol dari 6 .,B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O O B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: العب بعض من lues britânico .,O O O B-genre I-genre O,PlayMusic,480,PlayMusic Intents: Quale sarà la massima oggi ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: lösche meine Erinnerung,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: weer,O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: Tilføj Vandemataram Sriniva's sang til HipHop Hot 50 playlisten,O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,350,AddToPlaylist Intents: Add a song to Indie Hipster,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist Intents: Søg efter spillet Difficult Loves,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: aggiungi we have a theme song alla mia playlist House Afterwork,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist Intents: Sarà caldo in Olanda il 16 febbraio ?,O B-condition_temperature O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,365,weather/find Intents: هل ستكون ممطرة في تينينو ؟,O O B-condition_description O B-location O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: Осы серияны 4 баллға бағала,B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: isključi sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Tilføj Matt Murphy sangen til Flow Españon playlisten .,O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: Laat me de films zien in Harkins Theathres .,O O O B-movie_type O O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Saya ingin makan di Ramona,O O O O B-location,BookRestaurant,455,BookRestaurant Intents: Check de voorspelling voor Nebraska .,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,257,weather/find Intents: Book a spot for 4 in Oklahoma at South Street Diner,O O O O B-party_size_number O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: The Young Swordsman sinemamda ne zamanlar gösterilecek ?,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-object_location_type O B-object_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: buche den besten Tisch in Tanzania für 5 People für ein Abendessen,O O B-sort O O B-location O B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: 今天 应该 会 下雪 吗?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: Podseti me da posetim lekara u četvrtak u podne,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Wecker löschen,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: slet den sidste påmindelse,O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Apakah saya perlu sebuah mantel hari ini ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: perbaharuan cuaca Los Angeles,O O B-location I-location,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: Jeg vil gerne reservérer Tupelo Honey Cafe i New Jersey for fem personer .,O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant "Intents: Erinnere mich , die Miete abzugeben",O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Saint Helena'daki Settha Palace Hotel'de 4 kişilik bir masaya ihtiyacım var,B-location I-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-party_size_number O O O O O,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: 周六 的 派对 会 天晴 吗?,B-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: 设置 闹钟 在 下午6点,O O O B-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Speel iets van 90s Pop Rock Essentials,O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,PlayMusic,461,PlayMusic Intents: Ci sarà il sole oggi ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: Film seanslarını nereden bulabilirim,B-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Was ist die Prognose für Costa Rica,O O O O O B-location I-location,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: Sargents'teki bir tatar tavernasında beş kişilik bir rezervasyon yap,B-location O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: すべて の アラーム を キャンセル,B-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 田纳西州 Admire 下午 五点 开始 的 天气 预报 是 怎样的,B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: Wann ist mein Wecker für morgen früh eingestellt ?,O O B-reference O O B-datetime O O O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Remind me to get paper towels at the store tomorrow,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Pusti neku simfoniju iz 2013 .,O O B-music_item O B-datetime I-datetime,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: Mainkan The Happy Blues oleh Ronnie Wood .,O B-album I-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic "Intents: Dodaj Džerija Kalista Mlađeg [ Jerry Calliste , Jr ] na moju listu Te quiero",O B-artist I-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist I-artist I-artist O O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: akankah hujan hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: daj ovom albumu ocenu 5,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value,RateBook,468,RateBook Intents: شغِّل موسيقى لـ Joy Nilo .,O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: wat zijn de voorspellingen voor 26 sep . in Emerado Saint Pierre and Miquelon,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O O B-location B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: wordt er vandaag sneeuw verwacht ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: Aggiungi Toyan alla mia playlist Epic Gaming .,O B-artist O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: aggiungi questo brano alla mia playlist Sleepify,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: 播放 一些 七十 年代 的 Filipp Kirkorow,O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: Lösche den Alarm für morgen früh,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: cancel alarms,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: yağmur ne zaman bitecek ?,B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: Importa un promemoria settimanale per la spesa .,O O O B-recurring_datetime O O B-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Voeg emilie autumn toe aan mijn Nação Reggae playlist .,O B-artist I-artist O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: Eine Erinnerung für heute um 4 Uhr nachmittags hinzufügen,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Qual è la previsione per il 26 settembre a Emerado Saint Pierre and Miquelon,O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: Sæt en alarm til klokken 8 om morgenen,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Is The Two Gladiators playing,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,323,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Hajde da čujemo dobrog Muhameda Mamlea [ Mohammad Mamle ] na Vimeu .,O O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O B-service O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic Intents: 今 日 は 曇 です か,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: nyalakan alarm saya,O O B-reference,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/set_alarm Intents: мен I Dream of Jeanie-ды кинотеатрда көргім келеді,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-object_location_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Hoe is het weer in San Francisco ?,O O O O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: şu anki makaleye 6 yıldız üzerinden sıfır ver,B-object_select I-object_select B-object_type B-best_rating B-rating_unit O B-rating_value O,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: Rate The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure three out of 6 .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: Mostrami tutti i miei promemoria,O B-reference O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 添加 这个 专辑 到 Spanish Beat 播放 列表中,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: リマインダー を 表 示 する,O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Riproduci Paul Mccartney,O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: bewerte das aktuelle Lehrbuch mit 1 von 6 Punkten,O O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: Give zero stars to this textbook,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: Dodaj Tojana [ Toyan ] na moju listu Epic Gaming .,O B-artist O B-artist O O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: كيف سيكون الطقس في دالاس غدًا,O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: شغِّل أحدث لحن على Last Fm لـ Eddie Vinson .,O B-sort B-music_item O B-service I-service O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: cancel alarms,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: stelle einen Wecker auf 6:50 Uhr abends ein,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: أريد سماع أغنية من السبعينيات .,O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,311,PlayMusic Intents: Jeg vil gerne reservérer plads på Yankee Doodle Coffee Shop i Monaco,O O O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: ذكرني بدفع الإيجار,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Bana Baby Blue adlı TV programını bul,O B-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Podseti me da odgovorim na poslovne mejlove večeras,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ذكرني بالاتصال بستيفاني يوم الثلاثاء,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Бүгін азық-түлік дүкеніне баруымды есіме түсірші,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Riproduci Another Passenger di Louis Nelson Delisle .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic Intents: vremenske prilike,O O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: Bir kızarmış tavuk restoranında masa ayırt,O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O O,BookRestaurant,269,BookRestaurant Intents: Pusti neki saundtrek iz šezdesetih,O O B-music_item O B-datetime,PlayMusic,404,PlayMusic Intents: 明天 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: 给 The Mystery of the Tolling Bell 系列 4 星 评分 。,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: I want to eat in Ramona,O O O O O B-location,BookRestaurant,455,BookRestaurant Intents: lösche alle Wecker für Samstag,O B-reference O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: qual è la previsione per temperature più fredde a partire dal Law Day qui,O O O O O O B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O O O B-datetime I-datetime B-location,weather/find,417,weather/find Intents: Mind mig om at ringe til Stephanie på tirsdag,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Mencari tayangan televisi Meet the Prince,O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 我的 闹钟 是 设置的 什么 时间,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 在 拉姆斯盖特镇 的 Merit 预订 一个 人 的 位置,O B-restaurant_name O B-location O B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,289,BookRestaurant Intents: Tjek spilletiderne på Bow Tie Cinemas .,O O O B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: add the current track to my This Is Tchaikovsky playlist,O O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: Da li se emituje Babar: King of the Elephants,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,434,SearchCreativeWork Intents: ذكرني غدًا في هذا الوقت لتحديد موعد مع الطبيب,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: tampilkan semua pengingat,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Halo: Ghosts of Onyx-қа нөл жұлдыз бер,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: Speel een symfonie uit 2013 .,O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: ما هي الأفلام في Star Theatres .,O O B-movie_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Voglio prenotare un ristorante per cinque persone in Sri Lanka .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,415,BookRestaurant Intents: Kirayı bırakmayı hatırlat,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Berapa inci hujan yang akan kita dapatkan hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: اضبط المنبه على الساعة 3 صباحًا,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 设置 一个 一周 购物 提醒。,O O O B-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: сенбіге арналған барлық оятқыштарды алып таста,B-datetime O B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: осы альбомды 5 баллмен белгіле,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O,RateBook,468,RateBook "Intents: What's the weather like in Tyonek , New Jersey",O O O O O B-location O B-location I-location,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: Koje podsetnike imam ?,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 我 今天 有 多少个 提醒?,O B-datetime O O O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Set a reminder to call my school on Monday at 4 PM,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: احجز أفضل طاولة في تنزانيا تكفي 5 أشخاص في العشاء,O B-sort O O B-location O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: 设置 提醒 明天 “ 周二 晚上 在 Bala 上 Sub yoga 课 ” 的提醒,O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أضف تذكير لمشاهدة الكولتس ساعة واحدة قبل بدء المباراة,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Saya ingin memesan Oregon Electric Station di North City .,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: Ik wil een restaurant boeken voor mijn schoonvader en ik in Buckner over een jaar .,O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,273,BookRestaurant Intents: 今 日 は 寒 い です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: Ich möchte das Tupelo Honey Cafe in New Jersey für fünf Personen buchen .,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant Intents: yarın 4'te alışveriş merkezine gitmeyi hatırlat,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: What time is my alarm set for tomorrow morning ?,O O O B-reference O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: リマインダー を キャンセル する,O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 新泽西州 泰奥尼克 的 天气 怎么样,B-location B-location O O O,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: Epic Conditions resminin yerini bulabilir misin ?,B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchCreativeWork Intents: apakah di luar panas,O B-location I-location B-weather/attribute,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: Prenota alla taverna per noodle,O O B-restaurant_type O B-served_dish,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: Da li se No Time to Be Young prikazuje u Bioskopima AMC [ AMC Theaters ],O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location I-location O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: анимациялық фильмдерге жақын арадағы кино кестелері,B-movie_type I-movie_type B-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 显示 我的 提醒,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Riproduci This Is: Miles Davis su Lastfm .,O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,347,PlayMusic Intents: Želim da jedem u Ramoni,O O O O B-location,BookRestaurant,455,BookRestaurant Intents: Per favore cerca e trovami Monty Python Live all'Hollywood Bowl .,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchCreativeWork "Intents: من فضلك أحصل لي على المسلسل التلفزيوني , Now We Are Married .",O O O O O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Qual è l' umidità oggi ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: Nevicherà abbastanza stanotte da rendere il viaggio pericoloso ?,B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: Sæt en alarm til klokken 6:50 i aften,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Füge den Boy George Song zur Emo Forever Playliste,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: slet alle påmindelser,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Anullér alle mine påmidelser .,O B-reference I-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: متى سينتهي المطر ؟,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: Tilføj our little corner of the world musikken fra gilmore girls til min The Funny Thing About Football Is playliste .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O O O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: Spiele Rich Sex auf Iheart,O B-track I-track O B-service,PlayMusic,277,PlayMusic Intents: What's the weather like today ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,107,weather/find Intents: imposta una sveglia per le 6 di mattina,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/set_alarm Intents: احذف المنبهات,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Spiele Symphoniemusik von David Lindley .,O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: قم بتشغيل Paul Mccartney,O O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: Play Another Passenger from Louis Nelson Delisle .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic Intents: Dodaj ovaj album u Old School Death Metal,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: tavern-де кеспеге брондау жаса,B-restaurant_type B-served_dish O O,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: Ist Patrick Still Lives in den AMC Theatern zu sehen ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location I-location O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Zeige meine Erinnerung,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Daj ocenu 1 na skali od 1 do 6 trenutnom udžbeniku,O O B-rating_value O O O O O B-best_rating B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: turn off all alarms,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Add this artist to Showstopper Being Mary Jane,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,372,AddToPlaylist Intents: 1 / 20 / 2023 tarihinde MH'de 5 kişi için bir masa ayırt,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-party_size_number O O O O O,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: bugün kar yağacak mı,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: Riproduci qualcosa di Duke Ellington degli anni settanta,O O O B-artist I-artist O B-datetime I-datetime,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: Gib The Crystal Snare 5 Sterne,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: bisogno di un tavolo da qualche parte a Quarryville tra 14 ore,O O O O O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,392,BookRestaurant Intents: vis alle påmindelser,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/show_reminders Intents: wanneer houdt de regen op ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: соңғы еске салғышты жой,B-reference O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Zvooq-те бір нәрсе ойнат,B-service O O O,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: Welke wekkers zijn ingesteld ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,weather/find Intents: Hvornår stopper regnen ?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: visualizza tutti i promemoria,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Add the 40 cal tune to the laundry playlist.,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O B-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tolong cari dan temukan Monty Python Live di Hollywood Bowl .,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Aggiungi quest' album alla Old School Death Metal,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: Vis min påmidelse,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: setel alarm selama 2 jam,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Ертең дәрігерге жазылуды менің есіме түсір .,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Geef me alstjeblieft het Compulsive Disclosure nummer .,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,444,SearchCreativeWork "Intents: Molim potraži TV seriju , Episodi di The Blacklist .",O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: How hot will it get today ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: hvor varmt bliver det i dag,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: Jeg vil gerne se Shatered Image .,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: er det skyet i dag,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: ingatkan saya untuk menyetel sebuah alarm untuk naik,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 给 Rhialto the Marvellous 0 颗 星,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-rating_unit,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: Mostra gli orari di Sexy Dance 2 al cinema più vicino,O O B-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Episodi di The Blacklist теледидарлық шоуын ізде .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: I Think I Do кешкі 7-де ойнайды ма ?,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Speel wat symfonie muziek van David Lindley .,O O B-music_item O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: جد لي الرواية باسم To Lose My Life . . .,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O O,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Hoe is het weer in yellowstone ?,O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: Želim da rezervišem mesto u Monaku u Yankee Doodle Coffee Shop,O O O O O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: Gunakan Groove Shark untuk memutar musik,O B-service I-service O O O,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: Sluk min alarm .,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: dismiss alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Lösche die letzten zwei Erinnerungen auf meiner Liste,O O B-reference I-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Ich möchte ein Restaurant für mich und meinen Schwiegervater in Buckner in einem Jahr buchen .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,BookRestaurant,273,BookRestaurant Intents: Kommer det til at blive varmt denne uge ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: prikaži mi raspored za film The Great Gildersleeve u obližnjem bioskopu,O O B-object_type O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 搜索 Wolves Within 专辑,O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Halo: Ghosts of Onyx'e sıfır puan ver,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: Gib diesem Roman 3 Sterne,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: I want to book Tupelo Honey Cafe in New Jersey for five people.,O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant Intents: Alarmıma ne kadar zaman kaldı,O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: apakah turun salju di kanada,O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: Mostrami i miei promemoria,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Jeg vil gerne reservere et bord på James D . Conrey House i Urbank Californien,O O O O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location B-location,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: 取消 我的 提醒,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Setel alarm untuk jam 5 pagi,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm "Intents: Осы оятқышты қазір қалпына келтіріп , күндізгі сағат 2-де қос",B-reference O B-datetime O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 将 当前 小说 评分为 6分 中 的 零分,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-best_rating O O B-rating_value,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: hvordan er vejret i dag,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は 雨 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: Boek een reservering in tavern voor noodle,O O O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type B-served_dish,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: Reserviere für eine Gruppe im Their campus in der selben Umgebung für churrascaria,O O O O O B-location I-location B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: Füge dieses Lied meiner Sleepify-Wiedergabeliste hinzu,O O B-music_item B-reference B-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: AMC Theaters-да Is No Time to Be Young көрсетіліп жатыр ма,B-location I-location B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: mind mig om at sætte en alarm til ups,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أعطي صفر نجوم إلى Rhialto the Marvellous,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: The Girl Who Was Plugged In kitabını ara,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: is We Are Northern Lights playing in any movie theatre,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Çalma listem This Is Shakira'ya Jack White ekle,O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-artist I-artist O,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: Voor hoe laat is mijn wekker ingesteld voor morgenochtend ?,O O O O B-reference O O O B-datetime O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: maç başlamadan bir saat önce Colts'u izlemek için hatırlatıcı ayarla,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: voglio vedere I Dream of Jeanie in un cinema,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Ich möchte eine EP aus dem Jahr 1998 hören .,O O O B-music_item O O O B-datetime O O,PlayMusic,259,PlayMusic Intents: кешкі сағат 6ға оятқышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Tolong buka Zvooq,O O B-service,PlayMusic,288,PlayMusic Intents: Saya ingin melihat Shattered Image .,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Was wird die Höchsttemperatur heute ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: Reserviere einen Platz für 9,O O O O B-party_size_number,BookRestaurant,459,BookRestaurant Intents: 取消 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Give zero stars to Halo: Ghosts of Onyx,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: Pusti neki bluz britânico .,O O B-genre I-genre O,PlayMusic,480,SearchCreativeWork Intents: anullér alle alarmer til på lørdag,O B-reference O O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Per favore cancella la sveglia di giovedì mattina .,O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Hvor meget sne forudser de der kommer ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: Ich brauche die Uhrzeit von A Yiddish World Remembered im Dipsomkino,O O O B-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Hvordan er luftfugtigheden i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: Treba mi sto za četvoro u Svetoj Jeleni [ Saint Helena ] u hotelu Settha Palace [ Settha Palace Hotel ],O O O O B-party_size_number O B-location I-location O B-location I-location O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: I need times for A Yiddish World Remembered at Dipson Theatres,O O B-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Wie ist die Vorhersage für wärmeres Wetter im Southford Falls State Park,O O O O O B-condition_temperature O O B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: Jill Sobule albümünü çal,B-album I-album B-music_item O,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: Оятқышты кідірт,O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/set_alarm Intents: prenota un tavolo ad un ristorante Fried chicken,O O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,269,BookRestaurant Intents: アラーム の 残 り 時 間,O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Please book me a table at a bistro which serves lorna doone .,O O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-served_dish I-served_dish O,BookRestaurant,284,BookRestaurant Intents: hvad er udsigten for snestorms forhold her klokken fem i aften,O O O O B-served_dish O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: менің оятқыштарымды бес минутқа кейінге қалдыр,B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/set_alarm Intents: sæt en alarm til hvert 30 minut,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Gelecek haftaki tüm hatırlatıcılarımı iptal et,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: hvad er vejrudsigten for varmere vejr i Southford Falls State Park,O O O O B-condition_description B-condition_description O B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: قيم الرواية الحالية 3 نجوم,O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: tutup alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Stavi numeru Vandematarama Srinivasa [ Vandemataram Srinivas ] na HipHop Hot 50 .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,350,AddToPlaylist Intents: da li je oblačno danas,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: Lav en reservation til ni på en bageri i Nunez,O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,425,BookRestaurant Intents: En yakın sinemada The Portrait of a Lady'yi görmek istiyorum .,B-location I-location B-object_location_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Maak een herinnering voor morgen om melk te kopen,O O O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Saya ingin memesan sebuah restoran untuk lima orang di Sri Lanka .,O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,415,BookRestaurant Intents: Otkaži podsetnik za koncert,O O O B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Wanneer stopt de regen ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: Voglio prenotare Oregon Electric Station a North City .,O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: 播放 rich sex on Iheart,O B-track I-track O B-service,PlayMusic,277,PlayMusic Intents: Koliko vruće će biti danas ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,90,weather/find "Intents: كيف سيكون الطقس غير بعيد من هنا في التاسع عشر من أكتوبر , عام 2026 ؟",O O O B-location I-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,271,weather/find Intents: tunda alarm saya selama lima menit,O O B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/set_alarm Intents: wie ist das Wetter heute ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: Saya ingin memesan sebuah restoran steak di Vimy Ridge .,O O O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: Pioverà sabato ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: Soul Music 0-ге бағала .,B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: jeg vil gerne se JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,386,SearchCreativeWork Intents: karayipler'deki tropikal fırtınalar,B-location B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: 今天 的 天气 怎么样?,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: Leder efter et spil der hedder Phinally Phamous,O O O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Give The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure tre ud af 6 .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: Apakah seharusnya hujan sepanjang hari ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は 雨 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: Stelle den Wecker für 30 Minuten,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: skal det sne i dag,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: Is Disney world expecting storms today ?,O B-location I-location O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: 预订 在 黑山 的 a creole tavern 6 个 人 的 位置,O O B-location O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: 评分 当前 小说 3颗 星,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: tutup alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Сенбіде жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: ما هي درجة الحرارة الصغرى غدًا,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: Hvor mange påmindelser har jeg i dag ?,O O O O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 周三 打高尔夫 的 天气 会 是怎样的?,B-datetime O O O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: 预订 5个 人 的 tatar taverna 在 Sargents,O B-party_size_number O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: Spil Another Passenger med Louis Nelson Delisle .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic Intents: Koja je temperatura danas ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: Сен-Пьер және Микелондағы Эмерадода 26 қыркүйекке қандай болжам бар,B-location I-location I-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime O O O,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: ابحث عن أفلام الرسوم المتحركة في الجوار,O O B-movie_type I-movie_type I-movie_type O B-location,SearchCreativeWork,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 今 夜 の ゲーム の リマインダー を キャンセル,B-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Let's hear stuff from Andrew Hewitt .,O O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: 今 日 の リマインダー は いく つ あり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,83,weather/find Intents: kanada'da kar yağıyor mu,B-location B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: Wird es heute schneien ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: Daj 36 Children dve zvezdice od 6,O B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-best_rating,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: Spiele All Things Must Pass .,O B-track I-track I-track I-track O,PlayMusic,300,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Kan je de TV serie The Approach vinden,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Želim da gledam Outcast .,O O O B-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,345,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Je l' možeš da potražiš sagu Molekularna onkologija ?,O O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchCreativeWork Intents: bisakah kamu tampilkan alarmnya ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 给 Catedral 系 列 四 星 。,O B-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: Merit-тің Town of Ramsgate-те 1 орынды жалда,B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,289,RateBook Intents: phyllis ward 和 veronica 在 152 天 内 在 餐厅 需要 一张 桌子,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-restaurant_type O O O,BookRestaurant,492,BookRestaurant Intents: Geef twee sterren van de 6 aan 36 Children,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O B-best_rating O B-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: Bartok the Magnificent таңғы сағат жетіде ойнайды ма ?,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Napravi rezervaciju za 6 osoba u kreol taverni u Crnoj Gori,O O O B-party_size_number O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: 给我 预订 最好 的 小酒馆,O O B-sort O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,368,BookRestaurant Intents: Voeg een nummer toe aan mijn playlist madden nfl 16,O O B-music_item O O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: Da li se Rare Birds prikazuje u najbližem bioskopu u podne .,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location B-object_location_type O B-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Koji su mi podsetnici za sutra ?,O O B-reference O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,75,reminder/show_reminders Intents: alarmları iptal et,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Setze diesen Wecker zurück und starte um 2 Uhr nachmittags,O B-reference O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/set_alarm Intents: هل سيكون الجو حار في هولندا يوم 16 فبراير ؟,O O O B-condition_temperature O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,365,weather/find Intents: Сейсенбідегі таңғы 5:15-тегі менің оятқышымды алып таста,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Vis alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,14,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Мен жаңғақ пальто алып келуім керек пе ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,110,AddToPlaylist Intents: Potraži TV seriju Meet the Prince,O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Speel Jill Sobule album,O B-album I-album B-music_item,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: 显示 给我 Southern Theatres 的 电影 时间,O O B-location I-location O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: dodaj ovu pesmu na moju plejlistu Sleepify,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: ロサンゼルス の 天 気 予 報,B-location O O O O O,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: Tempo a Walden Russia il 26 / 12 / 2018,O O B-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: Play Trance Life on Zvooq .,O B-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: Lad os høre Mohammad Mamle på Vimeo .,O O O B-artist I-artist O B-service O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic Intents: Berikan satu awal untuk buku ini,O B-rating_value O O B-object_type B-object_select,RateBook,329,RateBook Intents: أضف أغنية إلى this is racionais mc's,O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ik wil een seventies sound track horen .,O O O B-datetime B-music_item I-music_item O O,PlayMusic,311,PlayMusic Intents: Hvor meget tid er der tilbage på alarmen,O O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: олардың кампусында сол аймақтың аумағында churrascaria-ға кешке тапсырыс бер,B-location I-location B-location I-location I-location B-restaurant_type O O O,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: Fortæl mig vejrudsigten for Tatra-Nationalpark klokken 6 om morgenen,O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,283,weather/find Intents: Use Groove Shark to play music,O B-service I-service O O O,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: Herinner me om benzine te halen .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,4,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Zet herinnering om spullen op te halen van de stomer,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: visualizza tutte le sveglie programmate,O B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Is het koud vandaag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は どれ くらい 暑 い です か,B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: zet wekker voor 6 uur 's ochtends,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Otkaži alarm za sutra ujutru,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Kakvo će vreme biti u nov . u Bruknilu [ Brookneal ] ?,O O O O O B-datetime O O B-location O B-location O O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: Gibt es eine Sturmwarnung für meinen Standort ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O B-location I-location O,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: ricordami di una visita dal dottore giovedì a mezzogiorno,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 从 现在 起 四个 月 后 苏瓦尼 阿克州 会 更 冷 吗,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location O B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: Sæt en påmindelse om at hente renseri .,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: speel iets van Gary Lee Conner,O O O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic Intents: Менде бүгін қанша еске салғыштар бар ?,O B-datetime O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Rate the current novel 3 stars,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: كيف سيكون الجو بارد هنا بعد ثانية واحدة,O O O B-condition_temperature B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,317,weather/find Intents: Füge Ireland in the junior eurovision song contest 2015 zu meiner Jazzy Dinner Playliste,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: Маған бүгін қолшатыр керек пе ?,O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,184,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ذكرني أن أتحدث مع بن عن جورجيا,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 28'inde yıl dönümümüz için Jen'e çiçek almayı hatırlat .,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kommer det til at regne denne uge ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: Bugünkü tüm hatırlatıcılarımı göster,B-datetime B-reference B-reference-part O,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Reservér venligst et bor på et pizzeria i Ghana med parkering,O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location O B-facility,BookRestaurant,310,BookRestaurant Intents: 今 から 1 時 間 アラーム を 設 定 する 。,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: slet alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: すべて の リマインダー を 見 せ て,B-reference O O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: リマインダー を すべて 表 示,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 明 日 の ダラス の 天 気 は どう です か,B-datetime I-datetime O B-location O O O O O O O,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: cancel my alarm for tomorrow morning,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Reservér bord til 4 på South Street Diner i Oklahoma,O O O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: kan du vise mig alarmerne ?,O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Zet wekker voor 30 minuten,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Beoordeel Soul Music een 0 .,O B-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: hvad er film spilletiderne,O O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: هل We Are Northern Lights يعرض في أي دار سينما,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Pesan sebuah reservasi untuk mie di kedai,O O O O B-served_dish O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: Hajde da jedemo u blizini Oukfilda za 17 sekundi u Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish,O O O O B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant Intents: Mari mendengarkan karya dari Andrew Hewitt .,O O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: Бүгін Grindstone-де күн бұлтты болады ма ?,B-datetime B-location B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: 15 секундта Any Which Way You Can ойнайды ма,B-datetime I-datetime B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,327,alarm/set_alarm Intents: mostrami tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,244,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Boek alstjeblieft een tafel in een pizzeria met een parkeermogelijkheid in Ghana .,O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-restaurant_type O O B-facility O B-location O,BookRestaurant,310,BookRestaurant Intents: Tropical storms in caribbean,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: Gaat het deze week regenen,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: ذكرني بشراء الثلج,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: هل ستمطر هذا الأسبوع ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: Želim da rezervišem restoran za šestoro ljudi u Vagstafu [ Wagstaff ] u Arkanzasu [ AK ] .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-location O O B-location O B-location O O,BookRestaurant,342,BookRestaurant Intents: قيم موسيقى Soul بـ 0 .,O B-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: Geef nul sterren aan Halo: Ghosts of Onyx,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: batalkan semua alarm untuk hari sabtu,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: أبحث لي عن برنامج تلفزيوني يسمى Baby Blue,O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 设置 周末 下午两点 的闹钟,O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Prikaži mi sve podsetnike,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 5 адамға танымал мейрамханаға тапсырыс бер,B-party_size_number O B-sort B-restaurant_type O O,BookRestaurant,493,RateBook Intents: geef de huidige kroniek vijf van de 6 punten,O O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,439,RateBook Intents: барлық оятқыштарды жой,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Speelt No Time to Be Young in AMC Theatres,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 给 Juneteenth 评分 为 2分 。,O B-object_name O O B-rating_value O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: setze den Wecker für morgen um 7,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: che film al Star Theatres .,O B-movie_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Dodaj ovog izvođača na Showstopper Being Mary Jane,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,372,AddToPlaylist Intents: set reminder to go to the store at 8am,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Tenino yağmurlu mu olacak ?,B-location B-condition_description O O O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: Play a symphony from 2013 .,O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: Wordt het kouder over vier maanden in Suwanee AK,O O B-condition_temperature B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: Patrick Still Lives AMC Theaters-да көрсетіліп жатыр ма,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-location I-location O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Ертең күн ашық болады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,248,weather/find "Intents: Tilføj Jerry Calliste , Jr til min Te quiero playliste .",O B-artist I-artist I-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: 设置 闹钟 在 上午10点,O O O B-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: add this track to my Hands Up playlist,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: Buat sebuah pengingat untuk besok untuk membeli susu .,O O O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: شغِّل All Things Must Pass .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,300,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Skaf mig Compulsive Disclosure sangen .,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,444,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Cancel my third reminder on this list .,O B-reference I-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Reserviere in einem beliebten Restaurant für 5 Personen,O O O B-sort B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,493,BookRestaurant Intents: Zeige alle Erinnerungen,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Per favore cerca lo spettacolo Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: أريد حجز مطعم لحوم في Vimy Ridge .,O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: 我 想 在 Vimy Ridge 预定 一家 牛排 馆 。,O O O B-location I-location O O B-restaurant_type O O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: need a table somewhere in Quarryville 14 hours from now,O O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,392,BookRestaurant Intents: Füge die 40-cal Melodie zur Wäschewiedergabeliste hinzu .,O O B-artist B-music_item O B-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist Intents: Weer over twee uur in Uzbekistan,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,312,weather/find Intents: 取消 我的 下个 星期 的 闹钟,O B-reference B-datetime I-datetime O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: alle Wecker löschen,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Reimposta questa sveglia adesso e avviala alle 2 di pomeriggio,O B-reference O B-datetime O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: jadwal film di dekat sini untuk film animasi,B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location I-location O B-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Мен Гамбиядағы еврей мейрамханасына тапсырыс бергім келеді .,O B-location B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,268,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Gib diesem Essay null von 6 Sternen,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: Бүгін жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: wat is de voorspelling voor hier voor sneeuwstormen om vijf uur s'middags,O O O O O B-location O B-condition_description O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: Erinnerung für das Spiel heute Abend löschen,O O O B-reminder/todo B-datetime B-datetime B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ابحث عن لعبة Difficult Loves,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Periksa jadwal untuk Snowbound di bioskop terdekat .,O O O B-movie_name O B-object_location_type B-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: İşten sonra ekmek almayı hatırlat,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Imposta una sveglia per le 3 del pomeriggio .,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Aggiungi la nuova canzone di Richard McNamara alla playlist Just Smile,O O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist Intents: Reminiscences of the Anti-Japanese Guerillas chronicle deserves zero points out of 6 for a rating.,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O B-best_rating O O O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: Yarın sabah 7'ye alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: tüm alarmları iptal et,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Pioverà tutto il giorno ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: барлық оятқыштарды алып таста,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Dai un punteggio 1 su 6 a questo libro di testo,O O O B-rating_value O B-best_rating O B-object_select B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: ذكرني بالحصول على البنزين .,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,4,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Memberi penilaian 1 dari 6 untuk buku pelajaran ini,O O B-rating_value O B-best_rating O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_select,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: Wat is de temperatuur vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: laat alle herinneringen zien,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Sabah 2'ye alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Aggiungi jack white alla mia playlist This Is Shakira,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: batalkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Saya ingin memesan sebuah rumah makan untuk 3 orang di Netherlands Antilles .,O O O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: zet wekker voor 10 uur 's ochtends,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Voglio prenotare una steakhouse a Vimy Ridge .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: Коста-Рикада қандай болжам бар,B-location O O O,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: Dammi la canzone Secret South .,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Speelt Babar: King of the Elephants,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,434,SearchCreativeWork Intents: podseti me da kupim led,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: wird es morgen regnen,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: Zeig mir meine Wecker,O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,119,alarm/show_alarms Intents: إلغي تذكيري لالتقاط روب,O B-reference-part B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Gaat het sneeuwen vandaag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: Кариб теңізіндегі тропикалық дауылдар,B-location I-location B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: маған менің барлық еске салғыштарымды көрсет,O B-reference I-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/set_reminder Intents: afvis alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Бензин алуды есіме түсір .,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,4,RateBook Intents: احجز مطعم شهير لـ 5 أشخاص,O B-restaurant_type B-sort O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,493,BookRestaurant Intents: 设置 一个 max 生日 的 提醒,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: set reminder to watch the Colts one hour before game starts,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Per favore riproduci la mia playlist ecstatic .,O O O O O O B-playlist O,PlayMusic,395,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Менде бүгін қанша еске салғыштар бар ?,O B-datetime O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/set_reminder Intents: dovrebbe nevicare oggi ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: setel alarm untuk jam 3 pagi,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Cancel the alarm for tomorrow morning,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Hukuk Günü'nde başlayarak daha soğuk sıcaklıklar için buradaki hava tahmini nedir,B-datetime I-datetime O B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O O B-location O O O,weather/find,417,weather/find Intents: Slet de to sidste påmindelser på min liste,O O B-reference I-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/cancel_reminder "Intents: Prenota per 8 persone a Wardville , Kansas",O O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,314,BookRestaurant Intents: Podesi podsetnik za hranu za pse u ponedeljak .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: アラーム を 午 後 6 時 に 設 定,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Сәрсенбіде маған қолшатыр керек пе ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,5,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Podseti me kasnije,O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder Intents: what is the forecast in Admire in TX starting at seventeen,O O O O O B-location O B-location O O B-datetime,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: Fine the movie schedules for the Wanda Group .,O O B-object_type I-object_type O O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Қар жауады ма ?,B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: Spil rich sex på Iheart,O B-track I-track O B-service,PlayMusic,277,PlayMusic Intents: Apakah akan hujan hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: disattiva tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 添加 一首 歌曲 到 Indie Hipster,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist Intents: prenota posto per 1 al Town of Ramsgate a Merit,O O O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location,BookRestaurant,289,BookRestaurant Intents: 添加 一首 racionais mc 的 歌,O O B-playlist I-playlist O B-music_item,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: Zeige alle Erinnerungen,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/show_reminders Intents: менің оятқыштарымды көрсет,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,93,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Kasım'da Brookneal'da hava nasıl olacak ?,B-datetime B-location O O O O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: Lass uns etwas von Andrew Hewitt hören .,O O O O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: Is it going to be hot today ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: Speel wat blues britânico .,O O B-genre I-genre O,PlayMusic,480,PlayMusic Intents: Buche einen Platz in Monaco für den Yankee Doodle Coffee Shop,O O O O B-location O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: bu parçayı Hands Up oynatma listeme ekle,O B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: アラーム を キャンセル する,O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Şu anda NC'de bir fırtına mı var ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-location O B-condition_description O O O,weather/find,258,weather/find Intents: Bitte lösche den Wecker für Donnerstagmorgen .,O O O O O B-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: бүгін ауа-райы қалай ?,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: Fammi ascoltare la musica di Chris Knight,O O O O O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic "Intents: Buche für 8 Personen in Wardville , Kansas",O O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,314,BookRestaurant Intents: Zeige mir die Filme in den Harkins Theatres .,O O O B-movie_type O O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Барлық оятқыштарды көрсет .,B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أضف هذا الفنان إلى قائمة تشغيل spotlight on country 2016 الخاصة بي,O O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist Intents: Får jeg brug for en paraply på onsdag ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: أبحث عن العمل الإبداعي Deadly Weapons,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Daj nula zvezdica ovom udžbeniku,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: Bugünkü tüm hatırlatıcıları iptal et .,B-datetime B-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: アラーム を 午 後 3 時 に 設 定 する 。,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Difficult Loves oyununu ara,B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Hvad tid er min alarm sat til ?,O O O B-reference O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Hatırlatıcılarımı göster,B-reference-part O,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders Intents: vil det regne denne uge,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: otkaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Cuaca di Walden Rusia pada 12 / 26 / 2018,O O B-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: zet wekker voor 6 uur morgenmiddag,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 达拉斯 明天 的 天气 将 会 是怎样,B-location B-datetime O O O O O,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: mencari buku The Girl Who Was Plugged In,O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: mostra i più vicini cinema che proiettano Boycott,O O O B-location B-object_location_type O O B-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Želim da ih čujem u Murkofovom [ Murcof ] izvođenju,O O B-music_item O O B-artist O B-artist O O,PlayMusic,488,PlayMusic Intents: 明 日 妹 に 電 話 する こと を リマインド し て,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Mi piacerebbe aggiungere jordan rudess nella playlist Divertido para niños .,O O O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: Spil musik med Joy Nilo .,O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: اضبط منبه للساعة 6 مساءً,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Bugün ne kadar sıcak olacak ?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: beoordeel de Three Junes een van de 6,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: Apa saja pengingat saya untuk besok ?,O O O B-reference O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,75,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Mainkan sesuatu oleh Duke Ellington dari tahun tujuh puluhan,O O O B-artist I-artist O O B-datetime I-datetime,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: Cerca lo spettacolo televisivo Meet the Prince,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: すべて の リマインダー を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Осы шежіреге 2 рейтинг бер .,B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value O O O,RateBook,265,RateBook Intents: Lav en reservation til mine børn og jeg,O O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description,BookRestaurant,373,BookRestaurant Intents: hvad er udsigten til koldere temperaturer i begyndelsen af Law Day her,O O O O B-condition_temperature O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location,weather/find,417,weather/find Intents: Add this tune to dorthy's 80's party playlist,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: Wie hoch wird die Luftfeuchtigkeit am aktuellen Standort um 15:19:29 Uhr sein ?,O O O O B-condition_description O B-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime O O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: Riproduci la migliore musica di Bryan Maclean .,O O B-sort O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: Laat mijn herinnering zien,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Hoe heet gaat het vandaag worden ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: Setel alarm untuk jam 8 pagi,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Joy Nilo музыкасын ойна .,B-artist I-artist O O O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: أعطي هذا الألبوم نجمة واحدة,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_unit B-rating_value,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: tampilkan semua alarm saya,O B-reference O B-reference,alarm/show_alarms,223,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Speel muziek van Joy Nilo .,O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: Buche einen Platz für meine Nichten und mich in einem Teehaus,O O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: tüm alarmlarımı göster,B-reference B-reference-part O,alarm/show_alarms,93,alarm/show_alarms Intents: هل يمكنني الحصول على مواعيد عرض الأفلام في الحي,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-movie_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: pioverà domani,B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: Sonraki alarmı iptal et,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: membutuhkan sebuah meja di suatu tempat di Quarryville 14 jam dari sekarang,O O O O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,392,BookRestaurant Intents: Kakvo je vreme u San Francisku ?,O O O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: Vi mig filmene der spille på Harkins Theatres .,O O B-movie_type O O O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 我 今天 有 多少个 提醒?,O B-datetime O O O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Da li mi treba kišobran u sredu ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: Kan jeg gå i shorts i dag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: The Sound of One Hand Clapping'i ara,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: wat is de voorspelling voor heter weer voor Southford Falls State Park,O O O O O B-condition_temperature O O B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: Is Any Which Way You Can playing in 15 seconds,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,327,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: менің экстаздық ойнату тізімімді ойнашы .,O B-playlist O O O O,PlayMusic,395,PlayMusic Intents: Жексенбіге арналған менің барлық оятқыштарымды алып таста .,B-datetime O B-reference I-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: هل الجو بارد اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: 21 тамызда кундізгі сағат 3-те дәрігерлерге баруымды есіме сал,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Zet wekker voor 2 uur 's ochtends,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Çalma listem madden nfl 16'e bir şarkı ekle,O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: 为 5个 人 预订 一个 受欢迎 的 餐厅,O B-party_size_number O O O B-sort O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,493,BookRestaurant Intents: Rezerviši popularan restoran za 5 osoba,O B-sort B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,493,BookRestaurant Intents: 我 明天 早上 的 闹钟 设置 的 是 什么 时间?,B-reference B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: I need to add to my Infinite Indie Folk list the works of Rahim Shah,O O O O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O O B-artist I-artist,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: 给 这张 专辑 一颗 星,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: The Two Gladiators è in proiezione,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,323,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: da li će biti snega danas,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: Zoek alstjeblieft Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality show .,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: En yakın sinema salonunda Seksi Dansı 2'nin zamanlarını göster,B-location I-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Che tempo sarà in Virginia il giorno di san patrizio ?,O O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: Apakah akan cerah besok ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: 播放 Bryan Maclean 最棒 的 音乐 。,O B-artist I-artist B-sort O O O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: 在 炸鸡 店 预订 一张 桌子,O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O O,BookRestaurant,269,BookRestaurant Intents: Bitte finde die TV-Serie Now We Are Married .,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Da li bi trebalo da pada kiša ceo dan ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: Akan seperti apa kelembaban di tempat ini pada 15:19:29 ?,O O O B-condition_description O O B-location O B-datetime O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: How much time is left on alarm,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: 今天全天 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: أعطي تقييم 2 إلى Juneteenth .,O O B-rating_value O B-object_name O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: Spil noget blues britânico .,O O B-genre I-genre O,PlayMusic,480,PlayMusic Intents: Wie viele Millimeter Regen werden wir heute bekommen ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: ألغي منبه الغد,O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: visualizza tutti i promemoria,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/show_reminders Intents: I want to book a restaurant for five people in Sri Lanka .,O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,415,BookRestaurant Intents: Spil noget fra 90s Pop Rock Essentials,O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,PlayMusic,461,PlayMusic Intents: Erinnere mich später,O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder Intents: En yakın sinema salonunda Snowbound için zamanlamaları kontrol et .,B-location I-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type B-movie_name O O O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Tolong carikan saya film Journal of the British Astronomical Association .,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: alarmı reddet,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: set alarm for 7 tomorrow,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: verwijder alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Vota questo romanzo 3 stelle,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: Voeg deze artiest toe aan Showstopper Being Mary jane,O O O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,372,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bugün sıcaklık nedir ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: Мен оларды Murcof әншісінен естігім келеді,O B-music_item B-artist O O O,PlayMusic,488,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Маған бүгін пальто керек пе ?,O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,125,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Koje podsetnike imam ?,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Will it rain today ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: アラーム を 明 日 の 7 時 に 設 定,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Nevicherà questo fine settimana ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: South Street Diner-де Оклахома-да 4 орынға брондау жаса,B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-location B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: Pause the alarm,O O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: 只 设置 在 每 周一 中午 的 闹钟。,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Prikaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,14,alarm/show_alarms Intents: spiller We Are Northern Lights i en biograf,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Rimuovi gli ultimi due promemoria,O O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Лизаны қарсы алу үшін маған еске салғыш керек,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Apakah besok akan hujan ?,O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: Voeg de artiest mike toe aan de Sexy as Folk playlist,O O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: Boek een reservering voor my babies and I,O O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description,BookRestaurant,373,BookRestaurant Intents: هل يتم عرض Any Which Way You Can في 15 ثانية ؟,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,327,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Berapakah suhu tertinggi hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: Pronađi kreativno delo Deadly Weapons,O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork Intents: On kişilik bir restoran rezervasyonu yaptırmak istiyorum .,B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,418,BookRestaurant Intents: Hoće li biti kiše sutra ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: Hvad er vejrudsigten for Costa Rica,O O O O B-location I-location,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: Maak de wekker voor het weekend om 2 uur 's middags,O O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: إلغي تذكيري,O B-reference-part,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: wird es heute schneien,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: الطقس في والدن روسيا في 12 / 26 / 2018,O O B-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: herinner me om wekkers te zetten voor 's morgens,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Tampilkan pengingat saya,O O B-reference,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Reminiscences of the Anti-Japanese Guerillas günlükleri değerlendirme olarak 6 üzerinden sıfır puanı hak ediyor .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O B-rating_value O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: Ingatkan saya nanti,O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Füge Toyan zu meiner Epic Games Playliste .,O B-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: What's the weather like in yellowstone ?,O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: visualizza tutti i promemoria,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/show_reminders Intents: アラーム は 何 時 に 設 定 さ れ て い ます か ?,O O O O O O O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Is Patrick Still Lives showing at AMC Theaters,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Бұл жерден алыс жерде ауа райы қандай болады ?,B-location I-location B-location O O O O O O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: Nađi raspored filmova u blizini,O B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 今 週 末 の タホ の 天 気 は ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location O O O O O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: Napravi rezervaciju u taverni za nudle,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-served_dish,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: Маған 20 Hours in America деген видео ойынды тапшы .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Bana Harry Hood efsanesini bulabilir misin lütfen ?,O B-artist I-artist B-object_type O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Hoe veel millimeter regen krijgen we vandaag ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: Seperti apa cuaca hari ini ?,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,107,weather/find Intents: Che tempo farà a Monument of Lihula il 5 dicembre ?,O O O O B-location I-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,359,weather/find Intents: Hoće li biti kiše ove nedelje ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: What is the humidity today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: reservér et bord tæt på pat's universitet,O O O B-location O B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,389,BookRestaurant Intents: we have a theme әнін менің House Afterwork ойнату тізіміне қос,B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist Intents: book spot for my nieces and I at a tea house,O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: 我 想 听 七 十 年代 的 音乐 。,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-music_item O,PlayMusic,311,PlayMusic Intents: Черногориядағы креол мейрамханасына 6 адамға брондау жаса,B-location B-cuisine B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: Zoek alstjeblieft het nummer THe Mad Magician op .,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 明 日 は 雨 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: perşembe öğlen 12'de bir doktor ziyaretini hatırlat,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: kan je me de wekkers laten zien ?,O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,weather/find Intents: Zet de wekker dagelijks om 8 uur 's ochtends,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 7 Ekim'e bir hatırlatıcı ayarla,B-datetime I-datetime O O O,reminder/set_reminder,158,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Bugün en yüksek sıcaklık nasıl olacak ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: أرني كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,138,alarm/show_alarms Intents: すべて の リマインダー を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 我 想 在 一个 电影 院 看 Dream of Jeanie,O O O O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: will it snow today,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: annuleer mijn herhalende herinnering om medicijnen te nemen dagelijks om 7 uur 's ochtends,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Play music from E-type .,O O O B-artist O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: Tüm alarmları göster,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,44,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Барлық оятқыштарды қалпына келтір,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 显示 在 最近的 电影院 the Sexy Dance 2 的 时间表,O O B-location B-object_location_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Find me the novel with the name To Lose My Life …,O O O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Erinnere mich morgen zu dieser Zeit einen Arzttermin zu vereinbaren,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Is it going to be sunny today ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: I want to see Shattered Image .,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: skal det sne i dag,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: Da li da ponesem kišni mantil ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: Annuleer al mijn wekkers voor zondag .,O B-reference I-reference O O B-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Әнді менің madden nfl 16 ойнату тізіміме қос,B-music_item B-playlist B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: No Time to Be Young 在 AMC Theaters 上映 吗,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location O O,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: اقرأ توقعات الطقس اليوم,O O O B-datetime,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: امنح تقييم 1 من أصل 6 للكتاب الدراسي الحالي,O O B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-object_type I-object_type B-object_select,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: Speel This Is: Miles Davis op Lastfm .,O B-track I-track B-artist I-artist O B-service O,PlayMusic,347,PlayMusic Intents: kakvo je vreme u francuskoj danas,O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: اضبط المنبه على الساعة 6 صباحًا غدًا,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: All Things Must Pass'i çal .,B-track I-track I-track I-track O O,PlayMusic,300,PlayMusic Intents: 今天 会 有 多 热,B-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: tüm alarmları iptal et,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Show my reminder,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 删除 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Anullér min påmindelse,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: evening acustic şarkı listeme The Famous Flower of Serving-Men'i ekle .,B-playlist I-playlist O B-reference B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: How many reminders do I have today ?,O O O O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Қазіргі романды 3 жұлдызға бағала,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: Vreme u Tahou ovog vikenda ?,O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: želim da gledam JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,386,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Маған Hollywood Bowl-дағы Monty Python Live-ты іздеп тапшы .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Slet alarmer,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Saya ingin memesan sebuah restoran untuk sepuluh orang .,O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,418,BookRestaurant "Intents: Seperti apa cuaca di Tyonek , New Jersey",O O O O B-location O B-location I-location,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: Vorrei mangiare a Ramona,O O O B-location,BookRestaurant,455,BookRestaurant Intents: akan sepanas apa hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: Erinnere mich einen Arzttermin morgen zu vereinbaren .,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ik will een restaurant voor vijf personen boeken in Sri Lanka .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,415,BookRestaurant Intents: Gibt es jetzt einen Sturm in NC ?,O O B-datetime O B-condition_description O B-location O,weather/find,258,weather/find Intents: Trova il programma dei film al Wanda Group .,O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 我 想 预订 一家 在 斯里兰卡 的 五 人 餐厅 。,O O O O O B-location O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,415,BookRestaurant Intents: gelecek haftaki doktor randevusunu hatırlat,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: wat zijn de voorspellingen voor Costa Rica,O O O O O B-location I-location,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk membalas email kantor malam ini,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Quale sarà la temperatura oggi ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: 9 月 の 平 均 天 気 予 報 は ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: Podesi alarm za 5 ujutru,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: ертеңгі күннің төмен температурасы қандай,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: هل الجو حار في الخارج ؟,O O B-weather/attribute O B-location O,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: 9 орынды жалда,B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,459,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 添加 Highway Patrolman 到 我的 this is al green 播放 列表 中,O B-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: Add the artist to the political punks playlist.,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: Laat de film tijden in de buurt zien,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Ik wil een restaurant boeken voor zes personen in Wagstaff AK .,O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-party_size_number O O B-location B-location O,BookRestaurant,342,BookRestaurant Intents: Live at the Kings Center adlı bir şarkı arıyorum,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 土 曜 日 は 雨 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: Менің еске салғышымды көрсет,B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Kan ik een korte broek aan vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: барлық оятқыштарды көрсет,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,244,reminder/set_reminder Intents: isključi sve alarme za sutra,O B-reference O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: қазіргі шежіреге 6 ұпайдың бесеуін бер,B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-best_rating B-rating_unit B-rating_value O,RateBook,439,weather/find Intents: قيم The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property خمسة نجوم,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: Маған Крис Найттың музыкасын тыңдат,O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic Intents: C' è una tempesta diretta verso la mia zona ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: Give this album one stars,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: Quale sarà il tempo non lontano da qui il diciannove ottobre 2026 ?,O O O O B-location I-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,271,weather/find Intents: Herinner me om werk emails te beantwoorden vannacht,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: هل أحتاج إلى مظلة يوم الأربعاء ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: Heb ik een jas nodig vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: Buche eine Reservierung für 6 Personen für eine kreolische Taverne in Montenegro,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: Yarın hava güneşli olacak mı ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: барлық оятқыштардың алдын-ала орнатылған баптауларды көрсет,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,reminder/set_reminder Intents: visualizza tutte le mie sveglie,O B-reference O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,223,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Vind alstjeblieft de Journal of the British Astronomical Association movie .,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Remind me to pick up flowers for Jen for our anniversary on the 28th .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Бүгін қаншалықты ыстық болады ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: Prikaži sve alarme .,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,alarm/show_alarms Intents: أعطي المسلسل التلفزيوني Catedral أربعة نجوم .,O B-object_part_of_series_type I-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: 1998'den bir ep dinlemek istiyorum .,B-datetime O B-music_item O O O,PlayMusic,259,PlayMusic Intents: Without Witness yirmi iki saat sonra gösteriliyor mu,B-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,SearchScreeningEvent,458,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Is it going to rain tomorrow ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: 风暴 会 到达 我 所在 的区域 吗?,B-weather/attribute O O B-location I-location I-location O,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: ディズニー ワールド は 今 日 嵐 の 予 想 です か ?,B-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: Дәрігерге жазылуды ертең осы уақытта менің есіме түсір,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 查看 内布拉斯加州 的 天气 预报 。,O B-location O O O O,weather/find,257,weather/find Intents: ما هي التذكيرات ليوم غد ؟,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,75,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 使 用 Groove Shark 播放 音乐,O O B-service I-service O O,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: Маған бүгінге менің барлық еске салғышымды көрсет,O B-datetime B-reference I-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 明天 的 最低 气温 是 多少,O O O O O O,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: tilføj Muzika za decu til min Crash Course playliste,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist Intents: Book a reservation for my babies and I,O O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description,BookRestaurant,373,BookRestaurant Intents: Мен оятқышты қай уақытта орнаттым ?,O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,weather/find Intents: Zet de wekker voor het middaguur alleen op maandags .,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O B-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Akankah empat bulan dari sekarang lebih dingin di Suwanee AK,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O B-location B-location,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: إلغي المنبهات,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Kaži mi prognozu za 6 ujutru u Tatranskom nacionalnom parku [ Tatra-Nationalpark ],O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location I-location O B-location O,weather/find,283,weather/find "Intents: Imposta un promemoria "" Sub yoga class Tuesday night at Bala "" per domani",O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: annuleer alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: أبحث عن The Sound of One Hand Clapping,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Таңертеңгі сағат 5-ке оятқышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: yarın bir cekete ihtiyacım olacak mı ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,41,weather/find Intents: Divertido para niños çalma listesine jordan rudess'i eklemek istiyorum .,B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O B-artist I-artist O O O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: 今 日 の リマインダー を すべて 表 示 する,B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Tambahkan album ini ke playlist Hipster Soul .,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: Geef nul sterren aan dit tekstboek,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: Auf welche Zeit is mein Wecker gestellt,O O O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Quale sarà l' umidità nel posto attuale alle 15:19:29 ?,O O O B-condition_description O B-location I-location O B-datetime O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: setel alarm untuk jam 7 besok,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Molim te potraži seriju Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality .,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Difficult Loves ойынын ізде,B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 提醒 我 设置 ups 闹钟,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 旧金山 的 天气 怎么样?,B-location O O O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: 取消 闹钟,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: アラーム を 午 前 8 時 に 設 定 する,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm Intents: moet ik een paraplu brengen vandaag,O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: إلغي جميع المنبهات ليوم السبت,O B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: koji filmovi u Bioskopima Star .,O B-movie_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Pesan sebuah reservasi untuk saya dan anak-anak,O O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description,BookRestaurant,373,BookRestaurant Intents: Ricordami di chiamare Stephanie martedì,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Erinnere mich mit Ben über Georgia zu reden,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: prenota il miglior tavolo in Tanzania per 5 persone in una trattoria,O O B-sort O O B-location O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: Boek alstjeblieft een tafel in een bistro die lorna doone serveert .,O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-restaurant_type O B-served_dish I-served_dish O O,BookRestaurant,284,BookRestaurant Intents: Oakfield жанында 17 минуттан кейін Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish-та тамақ ішейік,B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant Intents: Voeg het 40 cal nummer toe aan de loundry playlist .,O O B-playlist I-playlist B-music_item O O O B-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist Intents: Менің ертеңгі күніме қандай еске салғыштар бар ?,B-reference B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,75,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Bothe-Napa Valley State Park için 20 Şubat yakınlarındaki hava tahmini nedir ?,B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime B-location O O O O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: Pesan sebuah restoran populer untuk 5 orang,O O B-restaurant_type B-sort O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,493,BookRestaurant Intents: Менің барлық еске салғышымды көрсет,B-reference I-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 你 能 帮 我 找到 the Harry Hood saga 吗 ?,O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Zeigen Sie mir die Vorstellungszeiten nur für Animationsfilme bei ArcLight Hollywood,O O O O B-object_type O O B-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,383,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Маған Дипсон театрларында A Yiddish World Remembered уақыты керек,O B-location I-location B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Can you look up the Molecular Oncology saga ?,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Voeg het album toe aan de Hipster Soul playlist .,O O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: 我 想 去 最近 的 电影院 The Portrait of a Lady 。,O O O B-location O B-object_location_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchCreativeWork Intents: hvornår viser vejrudsigten regn igen ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: Speel alstjeblieft mijn exstatic playlist,O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,PlayMusic,395,PlayMusic Intents: mind mig om at købe is,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Hoe wordt het weer in nov . in Brookneal ?,O O O O O B-datetime O O B-location O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: 设置 一个 闹钟 在 下午6:50,O O O O B-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Custer National Forest sarà più freddo alle sette di sera,B-location I-location I-location O O B-condition_temperature O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,291,weather/find Intents: Da li se očekuju oluje u Diznijevom svetu danas ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O B-location I-location B-datetime O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: Wat is de luchtvochtigheid vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: この アラーム を 今 すぐ リセット し て 午 後 2 時 に 開 始,B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Napravi mi rezervaciju za žurku za troje u pabu na Northern Mariana Islands,O O O O O O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location I-location,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: Мен Нью-Джерсидегі Tupelo Honey Cafe-ге бес адамға тапсырыс бергім келеді .,O B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-party_size_number O O O O O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant Intents: 天 気,O O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: Wird es morgen regnen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: 取消 我的 每天 早上 7点 服用 药物 的 定期 提醒,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Set alarm for 8am,O O O B-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm Intents: tambahkan ireland dari kontes lagu junior eurovision 2015 ke playlist Jazzy Dinner saya,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: Wird es für die Party am Samstag sonnig ?,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: Bliver det koldere i Suwanee AK om fire måneder,O O B-condition_temperature O B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: Jam berapa alarm saya disetel untuk besok pagi ?,O O O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Бүгін жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: هل ستمطر يوم السبت ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: هل يعرض Babar: King of the Elephants,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchCreativeWork,434,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Hoće li biti kiše sutra ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: Quanti promemoria ho oggi ?,O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/show_reminders Intents: ロブ を 迎 え に 行 く リマインダー を キャンセル する,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Bugün ne kadar sıcak olacak ?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: setel sebuah pengingat ulang tahun untuk max,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/show_reminders Intents: prenota un tavolo per il 20 / 1 / 2023 per 5 persone in MH,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-party_size_number O O B-location,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: إعرض كل التذكيرات,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Sæt en påmindelses alarm til den 7 oktober,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,158,reminder/set_reminder Intents: nevicherà oggi,B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: Kar yağacak mı ?,B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: Oceni The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure sa tri od 6 .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: skal det sne i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: 我 想 在 十三个 小时 内 吃到 一家 提供 东欧 食物 的 熟食店,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O B-cuisine I-cuisine O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,403,BookRestaurant Intents: Finde eine kreative Arbeit namens Fire in the Hole,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Lütfen Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality programını ara .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: هل سيكون الجو غائم اليوم في جريندستون ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: Give 1 out of 6 rating to the current textbook,O B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O O O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: Vind het creatieve werk Deadly Weapons,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Tampilkan pengingat saya,O O B-reference,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: tampilkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,237,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 给 Soul Music 评分 为 0 。,O B-object_name I-object_name O O B-rating_value O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: add this tune to my Sleepify playlist,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: Berapa banyak salju yang mereka prediksi ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: 请 给 我 订 一张 提供 lorna doone 酒馆 的 桌子 。,O O O O O O B-served_dish I-served_dish B-restaurant_type O O O,BookRestaurant,284,BookRestaurant Intents: Ricordami di chiamare mia sorella domani,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Imposta una sveglia per le 5 di mattina,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Мен жетпісінші жылдардағ ы саундтректі тыңдағым келеді .,O B-datetime I-datetime O B-music_item O O O,PlayMusic,311,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Füge den Künstler zur Wiedergabeliste der politischen Punks hinzu .,O O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: yarın sabah 6'ya alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Deadly Weapons yaratıcı çalışmasını bulun,B-object_name I-object_name O O O,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Zoek voor de televisie serie Meet the Prince,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: сенбі күні кундізгі сағат 3-те итті грумерге апару керек екенін менің есіме сал,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Apakah besok akan hujan ?,O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: Salı sabah 5 . 15'deki alarmımı iptal et,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reference-part O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Pauziraj alarm,O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: wann wir es aufhören zu regnen ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: Koliko vruće će biti danas ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: imposta una sveglia per le 6 di mattina,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/set_alarm Intents: hoće li Nacionalna šuma Kaster [ Custer National Forest ] biti hladnija u 7 po podne,O O B-location I-location I-location O B-location I-location I-location O O B-condition_temperature O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,291,weather/find Intents: 今天 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: Suche nach einem Song mit dem Titel Live at the Kings Center,O O O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Anullér min tredje påmindelse på denne liste .,O B-reference I-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: tilføj Highway Patrolman til min this is al greem playliste,O B-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: セーター は 必 要 です か ?,B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: Buche einen Platz für 4 Personen in Oklahoma im South Street Diner,O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: Осы романды 6-дан екіге баға бер .,B-object_select B-object_type B-best_rating B-rating_value O O O,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: Менің барлық еске салғыштарымды алып таста .,B-reference I-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Find animerede film i nærheden,O B-movie_type I-movie_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: when will the rain end ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: Trova l'opera creativa chiamata Fire in the Hole,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Reminiscences of the Anti-Japanese Guerillas chronicle 的 评分 为 6 分 中 的 0分 。,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type O O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O O B-rating_value O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: Lütfen The Mad Magician şarkısını ara .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Мен Рамонда тамақтанғым келеді,O B-location O O,BookRestaurant,455,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Hapus dua pengingat terakhir di daftar saya,O B-reference O B-reference O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: play a sixties soundtrack,O O B-datetime B-music_item,PlayMusic,404,PlayMusic Intents: podesi alarm za 6 ujutru,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Wird es schneien dieses Wochenende ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: барлық еске салғыштарды көрсет,B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Müzik çalmak için Groove Shark'ı kullan,O O O B-service I-service O,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: Hvordan er vejret i dag ?,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,107,weather/find Intents: yakınlardaki animasyon film seansları,B-location B-movie_type I-movie_type B-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 今天 会 下雪 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: 添加 emilie autumn 到 我 的 Nação Reggae 播放 列表 中 。,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference I-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: Hoe wordt het weer in New York deze week,O O O O O B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: Voeg Toyan toe aan mijn Epic Gaming playlist,O B-artist O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tilføj denne kunstner til Showstopper Being Mary Jane,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,AddToPlaylist,372,AddToPlaylist "Intents: Tolong carikan saya serial TV , Now We Are Married .",O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Hoće li biti snega danas ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: ертең қар жауады ма,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: قيم In the Company of Cheerful Ladies بصفر من أصل 6,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: wat is de gemiddelde voorspelling voor september,O O O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: أريد حجز مطعم لستة أشخاص في Wagstaff AK .,O O B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O B-location B-location O,BookRestaurant,342,BookRestaurant Intents: akankah saya membutuhkan sebuah jaket besok ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,41,weather/find Intents: anullér alarmer,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: travelling ойнату тізіміне осы Дэвид Гэан әнін қосшы .,B-playlist O O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: 在 一家 茶馆 为 我的 侄女们 和 我 预订 位子,O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: tüm alarmları sil,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Mogu li da nosim šorts danas ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: Daj četiri zvezdica The Broken Window,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: matikan semua alarm untuk besok,O B-reference O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: speelt Custer National Forest kouder zijn om seven uur s'avonds,O B-location I-location I-location I-location O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,291,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: I want to hear soundtrack music on Youtube from Helena Iren Michaelsen,O O O O B-music_item O O B-service O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: تحقق من مواعيد عرض Snowbound في أقرب دار سينما .,O O O O B-movie_name O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 今天 冷 吗?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: oceni Three Junes sa jedan od 6,O B-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: Kada će stati kiša ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: Looking for a song with the title of Live at the Kings Center,O O O B-object_type O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Қазір NC-де дауыл бар ма ?,B-datetime B-location B-condition_description O O O,weather/find,258,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Will it be sunny tomorrow ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: Bitte öffne Zvooq,O O B-service,PlayMusic,288,PlayMusic Intents: Bartok the Magnificent suonerà alle sette del mattino ?,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,weather/find Intents: 把 Matt Murphy 的 旋律 添加 在 the Flow Español 播放 列表 中 。,O B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: odloži alarm za 15 minuta,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Heb ik een trui nodig ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: Voglio vedere Shattered Image .,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Visualizza i miei promemoria,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Should I bring a raincoat ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: Proveri vremensku prognozu za Nebrasku .,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,257,weather/find Intents: هل ستثلج اليوم ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: Vis mig spilletiderne for The Great Gildersleeve i den nærmeste biograf,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_type B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Bewerte Ruth mit fünf von 6 Punkten .,O B-object_name O B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: هل يعرض Bartok the Magnificent في السابعة صباحًا ؟,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: add Muzika za decu to my Crash Course playlist,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist Intents: 你 能 找到 我的 the National Anthem of the Ancient Britons 电视 节目 吗 ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Сәрсенбідегі гольф ойыны үшін ауа райы қандай ?,B-datetime O O O O O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: هل يتم عرض The Two Gladiators,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchCreativeWork,323,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Is it going to rain today ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: Podesi alarm za u 2 ujutru,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: كيف سيكون الطقس في أوهايو ؟,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: Бүгін ылғалдылық қандай ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: Bu hafta hava sıcak olacak mı ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: set alarm for 6am tomorrow,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Reset deze wekker nu and start om 2 uur 's middags,O B-reference O B-datetime O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/set_alarm Intents: келесі аптадағы менің еске салғышымды алып таста,B-datetime I-datetime B-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Setel alarm untuk setiap sembilan menit .,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Aggiungi questo album alla playlist Spanish Beat,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: This Is the Night деп аталатын картинаны ізде .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Gaat het morgen regenen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: Zeige meine Erinnerung,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Erinnere mich Gas zu kaufen .,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,4,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Gde mogu da nađem rasporede filmova,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Play music by Joy Nilo .,O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: I need a table for 4 in Saint Helena at Settha Palace Hotel,O O O O O B-party_size_number O B-location I-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: how's the weather here at two Am,O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,476,weather/find Intents: Sarà caldo oggi ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: Oceni ovu seriju sa 4 poena,O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: احذف كل منبهاتي,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Mevcut ders kitabına 6 üzerinden 1 puan ver,B-object_select B-object_type I-object_type B-best_rating O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: Hvor varmt vil det blive i dag ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: Reset this alarm now and start at 2 pm,O B-reference O B-datetime O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: tüm hatırlatıcıları göster,B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Jeg vil gerne have dig til at lave en alarm til klokken 8:45 i morgen tidlig,O O O O O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Ruth-ты 6 ұпайдың бесеуіне бағала .,B-object_name B-best_rating B-rating_unit B-rating_value O O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: Southford Falls State Park'ta daha sıcak havalar için tahmin nedir,B-location I-location I-location I-location B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O O O O,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: Mahalledeki filmlerin zamanlarını öğrenebilir miyim,B-location B-movie_type B-object_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 帮 我 和 我的 孩 子 预订 房间,O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O O,BookRestaurant,373,BookRestaurant Intents: 闹钟 还剩 多少 时间了,O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Lütfen 20 Hours in America adlı video oyununu bul .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 给 现在 的 教科书 打 6分 中 的 1分,O B-object_select I-object_select B-object_type O B-best_rating O O B-rating_value,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: 附近 的 动画 电影 电影 时间表,B-location O B-movie_type I-movie_type B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Mostrami tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,44,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Verwijder mijn herinnering,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Rate this book a 1,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: Daj mi pesmu Secret South .,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 这个 周末 会 下雪 吗?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: her 30 dakikaya bir alarm kur,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Tampilkan semua pengingat saya,O B-reference O B-reference,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/show_reminders Intents: hvad er den laveste temperatur i morgen,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: Koji alarmi su podešeni ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Ricordami di andare al supermercato oggi,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: yetmişlerden bir film müziği duymak istiyorum .,B-datetime O B-music_item I-music_item O O O,PlayMusic,311,SearchCreativeWork Intents: ricordami di fare la spesa,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: book the best table in Tanzania for 5 people at a diner,O O B-sort O O B-location O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: 我 想 在 圣赫 勒拿岛 的 Settha Palace Hotel 预订 一张 四人 桌,O O O B-location I-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: qual è la previsione in Costa Rica,O O O O O B-location I-location,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: Маңайдағы кино кестелерін көрсет,B-location B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Tell me the forecast for 6 am in Tatra-Nationalpark,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,283,weather/find Intents: Füge Jack White zu meiner Playliste This is Shakira,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: Da li mi danas treba kaput ?,O O O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: Dodaj we have a theme song na moju plejlistu House Afterwork,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist Intents: Aggiungi un brano di derek watkins a This Is Johnny Cash,O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: اضبط منبه الساعة 6 صباحًا,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Ich brauche irgendwo in Quarryville in 14 Stunden einen Tisch,O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,BookRestaurant,392,BookRestaurant Intents: aggiungi Muzika za decu alla mia playlist Crash Course,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist Intents: Prikaži mi raspored za ArcLight Hollywood samo za animirane filmove,O O B-object_type O B-location I-location O O B-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,383,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 我 想 为 我的 岳父 和 我 一年 后 在 巴克纳 预订 一家 餐馆 。,O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description B-datetime I-datetime O B-location O O B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,273,BookRestaurant Intents: 给 我 看 Harkins Theatres 的 电影 。,O O O B-location I-location O B-movie_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: كيف سيكون الطقس في Monument of Lihula يوم 5 ديسمبر ؟,O O O O B-location I-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,359,weather/find Intents: قل لي توقعات الساعة السادسة صباحًا في حديقة تاترا الوطنية,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location I-location,BookRestaurant,283,weather/find Intents: Custer National Forest кешкі жетіде салқындау болады ма,B-location I-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime B-condition_temperature O O,weather/find,291,weather/find Intents: I want to see The Portrait of a Lady at the nearest cinema .,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Batalkan alarm saya untuk jam 5:15 pagi hari Selasa,O O B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Geef vier sterren aan The Broken Window,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: Da li će biti sunčano danas ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: Bewerte The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property mit 5 Sternen,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: Je l' će da pada sneg danas ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: wird es morgen schneien,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: Slacker'da biraz yeni Les Vandyke çal,B-service O B-sort B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,423,PlayMusic Intents: reservér bord på en Fried chicken restaurant,O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O,BookRestaurant,269,BookRestaurant Intents: 取消 我的 在 周二 上午5:15 的 闹钟,O B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Nulstil alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: bu melodiyi Sleepify çalma listeme ekle,O B-music_item B-playlist O B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: هل يمكنني ارتداء السراويل القصيرة اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: бейсенбіде күндізгі сағат 12-де дәрігерге баруымды есіме түсір,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: cerca il libro The Girl Who Was Plugged In,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Bedøm Soul Music 0 stjerner .,O B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: On dokuz Ekim 2026'da burasınına uzak olmayan yerlerde hava nasıl olacak ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location I-location O O O O O,weather/find,271,weather/find "Intents: morgen um 4 Uhr , erinnere mich zum Einkaufszentrum zu gehen",B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kan jeg gå i shorts i dag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: Turn off my alarm .,O O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: 3 0 分 ごと に アラーム を 設 定,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 今 週 の ニューヨーク の 天 気 は どう です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-location O O O O O O O O,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: Will I Think I Do andrà in scena alle 7 di sera ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: isključi sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: I need an alarm set for a 9 am breakfast,O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 播放 Paul Mccartney,O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: 我 想 于 2025 年 5 月 20 日 在 德克萨斯州 附近 为 3 个 人 预订 一家 sundanese 美食馆 。,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location O B-party_size_number O O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,263,BookRestaurant Intents: Bitte reserviere einen Tisch in einer Pizzeria mit Parkplatz in Ghana .,O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-facility O B-location O,BookRestaurant,310,BookRestaurant Intents: spil noget med Gary Lee Conner,O O O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic Intents: Bewerte The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure mit 3 von 6 .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: Zoek voor The Sound of One Hand Clapping,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Gaat het bewolkt worden vandaag in Grindstone ?,O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: I want to book a sundanese gastropub nearby in Texas for 3 people on 5/20/2025 .,O O O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type B-location O B-location O B-party_size_number O O B-datetime O,BookRestaurant,263,BookRestaurant Intents: 明天 我的 提醒 是 什么?,B-datetime B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,75,reminder/show_reminders Intents: On üç saat içinde doğu avrupa yemekleri sunan bir şarküteri yemek istiyorum,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-cuisine I-cuisine O O O B-restaurant_type O O,BookRestaurant,403,BookRestaurant Intents: قيم Three Junes واحد من أصل 6,O B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: zet herinnering om naar de winkel te gaan om 8 uur 's ochtends,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: is het heet ?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,219,weather/find "Intents: Wie ist das Wetter in Tyonek , New Jersey",O O O O O B-location O B-location I-location,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: Zet de wekker voor 6:50 's middags,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: nevicherà oggi,B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: cancella tutti i promemoria,O B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Осы аптада Нью-Йоркте ауа райы қандай болады,B-datetime I-datetime B-location O O O O,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: quanto sarà freddo qui tra 1 secondo,O O B-condition_temperature B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,317,weather/find Intents: Менің оятқыштарымды алып таста,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: мен бүгін қолшатыр алып келуім керек пе ?,O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,147,reminder/set_reminder Intents: sluk alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 设置 闹钟 为 每 30 分种,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Spiele das neueste Lied auf Last Fm von Eddie Vinson .,O O B-sort B-music_item O B-service I-service O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: Reservér bord til 5 på en populær restaurant,O O O B-party_size_number O O B-sort B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,493,BookRestaurant Intents: Cancella le sveglie,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: pioverà oggi ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: Set alarm for 30 minutes,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Annuleer alle herinneringen,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Zeige alle Erinnerungen,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/show_reminders Intents: phyllis ward dan veronica membutuhkan sebuah meja di sebuah restoran 152 hari lagi,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O O O O B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,492,BookRestaurant Intents: ما هي مواعيد عرض The Young Swordsman في دار السينما الخاص بي ؟,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 你能 设置 一个 20 分钟以内 每分钟 响一次 的 闹钟 吗?,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: Riproduci musica di E-type .,O O O B-artist O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: boek een tafel op 20 / 1 / 2023 voor 5 mensen in MH,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-party_size_number O O B-location,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: Voglio vedere Outcast .,O O B-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,345,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Bir saat sonraya bir alarm kur .,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: アラーム を 止 める,O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: إستخدم Groove Shark لتشغيل الموسيقى,O B-service I-service O O,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: ما هي مواعيد عرض الأفلام,O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: How much snow are they predicting ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: أريد أن أسمع الموسيقى التصويرية على Youtube من Helena Iren Michaelsen,O O O B-music_item I-music_item O B-service O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: Bartok the Magnificent sabah yedide oynuyor mu ?,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 今 日 は 雪 が 降 る でしょう か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: beoordeel de huidige roman nul van de 6,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: アラーム は 何 時 に 設 定 さ れ て い ます か,O O O O O O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Phinally Phamous adlı bir oyun arıyorum,B-object_name I-object_name O O B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Search for the game Difficult Loves,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: entferne alle Wecker,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: tüm gün yağmur bekleniyor mu ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: 取消 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: com'è il tempo qui alle due del mattino,O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,476,weather/find Intents: Бүгінгі ең жоғарғы температура қандай ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: Mind mig om at købe køkkenrulle i morgen,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 设置 闹钟 为 20 分钟以内 每分钟 响 一次。,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm "Intents: Book a reservation for 8 people in Wardville , Kansas",O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,314,BookRestaurant Intents: Oceni Cotton Comes to Harlem sa 2,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: اضبط المنبه على الساعة 5 صباحًا,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Will I Think I Do be playing at 7 PM ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: What are my reminders for tomorrow ?,O O B-reference O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,75,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 今 日 は 傘 が 必 要 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: ما هي التوقعات هنا لظروف العاصفة الثلجية في الخامسة مساءأ,O O O B-location O B-condition_description I-condition_description O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: Was spielt gerade in den Kinos in meiner Umgebung,O O O O O B-movie_type B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 对 当前 的 教科书 评分 为 六分 中 的 一分,O B-object_select O B-object_type O O B-best_rating O O B-rating_value,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: Weather in Walden Russia on 12/26/2018,O O B-location B-location O B-datetime,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: Ingin memesan sebuah kursi di Monako untuk Kedai Kopi Yankee Doodle,O O O O O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: Nađi kreativno delo koje se zove Fire in the Hole,O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork Intents: すべて の アラーム を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,97,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Ik wil een sundaneze gastropub dichtbij in Texas voor 3 personen op 5 / 20 / 2025 boeken .,O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type B-location O B-location O B-party_size_number O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,BookRestaurant,263,BookRestaurant Intents: quanto caldo sarà oggi,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: Vimeo'da güzel Mohammad Mamle'yi dinleyelim .,B-service B-sort B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic Intents: Музыка ойнау үшін Groove Shark-ты пайдалан,O O O B-service I-service O,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: 你 能 给 我 看下 闹钟 吗?,O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 今 日 の 気 温 は どの くらい です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: Füge Highway Patrolman zu meiner Playliste This is Al Green,O B-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: Lütfen This Is the Night adlı resmi ara .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Alarm verwerfen,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Tampilkan pengingat saya,O O B-reference,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Маған барлық оятқыштарды көрсет,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,138,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: Set reminder "" Sub yoga class Tuesday night at Bala "" for tomorrow",O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Memberi nilai novel ini nol dari 6,O O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: I want to book a restaurant for six people in Wagstaff AK .,O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location B-location O,BookRestaurant,342,BookRestaurant Intents: Apa saja film yang sedang tayang di daerah sekitar,O O B-movie_type O O O B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Geef deze cd één sterren,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: أضف تذكير لطعام الكلاب يوم الاثنين .,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 今 日 は 何 インチ の 雨 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: Öğleden sonra 3'e alarm kur .,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: visualizza tutti i promemoria,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/show_reminders Intents: spiele das Album von Jill Sobule,O O B-music_item O B-album I-album,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: Yarın sabahki alarmı iptal et,B-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Lisa'yı almak için bir hatırlatıcıya ihtiyacım var,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 播放 Jennifer Paull 的 Subconscious Lobotomy 。,O B-artist I-artist O B-album I-album O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk menelepon Stephanie pada hari Selasa,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: كم سيكون الطقس ساخناً اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: Søg efter fjernsyns programmet Meet the Prince,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 28-ші мерейтойымызға Дженге гүл алуды есіме сал .,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Бүгін суық па ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: Jeg vil gerne reservérer bord til 6 i Wagstaff AK .,O O O O O O B-party_size_number O B-location B-location O,BookRestaurant,342,BookRestaurant Intents: أضف أحدث أغنية لـ Richard McNamara إلى قائمة تشغيل Just Smile,O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist "Intents: 预订 一个 位置 在 The Dome, Edinburgh close to Brooklawn",O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: Er det koldt i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: осы оқулықты 1-ден 6-ға бағала,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-best_rating O,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: Add a song to my playlist madden nfl 16,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: アラーム を オフ に する 。,O O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Akan seperti apa cuaca di Sarygamyş Sanctuary pada 21 Agustus 2035 ?,O O O O O B-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: setel alarm untuk jam 6 pagi,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Anullér mine alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: شغِّل أغنية من الستينيات,O B-music_item O B-datetime,PlayMusic,404,PlayMusic Intents: Želim da čujem saundtrek iz sedamdesetih .,O O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,311,PlayMusic Intents: 将 Toyan 添加 到 我的 Epic Gaming 播放 列表 中 。,O B-artist O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: En yakın sinemada gece yarısı Rare Birds gösteriliyor mu .,B-location I-location B-object_location_type B-datetime I-datetime B-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Bu hafta sonu kar yağacak mı ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: Stelle einen Wecker für alle 30 Minuten ein,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: mainkan beberapa Gary Lee Conner,O O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic "Intents: Che tempo fa a Tyonek , New Jersey",O O O O B-location O B-location I-location,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: anullér min tilbagevendende påmindelse om at tage medicin dagligt klokken 7 om morgenen,O O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: احجز حفلة في الحرم الجامعي في نفس المنطقة من أجل churrascaria,O O O B-location I-location O B-location I-location O O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: Cumartesi yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: Осы демалыс күндері Таходағы ауа райы ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location O O O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: اضبط منبه لعطلات نهاية الاسبوع الساعة 2 مساءً,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Suwanee AK-де төрт айдан кейін суық бола ма ?,B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-condition_temperature O O O,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: Qual è il tempo mercoledì per giocare a golf ?,O O O O B-datetime O O O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: Koji se filmovi prikazuju u komšiluku,O O B-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: cancel my recurring reminder to take meds daily at 7 am,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Ik heb een wekker nodig voor een 9 uur 's ochtends ontbijt,O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Pauzeer de wekker,O O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: Annuleer de wekker voor morgenochtend,O O O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 电影 上映 时间 是 什么,B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: cancella la sveglia di domani,O O O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Play something on Zvooq,O O O B-service,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: disattiva la sveglia,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Sta per nevicare ?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: 取消 闹钟,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Je l' hladno danas ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: Puoi trovarmi il trailer di Blue Spring ?,O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Бүгін жұмыстың электрондық пошталарына жауап беруімді менің есіме сал,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Маған таңертеңгі ас үшін таңғы 9-ға оятқыш қажет,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,64,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Da li se Patrick Still Lives još uvek prikazuje u Bioskopima AMC,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Ich möchte in einem Restaurant für 5 Personen in Sri Lanka reservieren,O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,415,BookRestaurant Intents: Vejret i Walden Rusland den 12 / 26 / 2018,O O B-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-datetime,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: treba mi podsetnik da pokupim Lisu,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 设置 闹钟 为 上午 8点,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm Intents: rate the current novel zero out of 6,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: è caldo ?,O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: laat me mijn wekkers zien,O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,119,alarm/show_alarms Intents: beoordeel het huidige essay nul van de 6 sterren,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: 取消 周六 所有 的 闹钟,O B-datetime B-reference I-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Огайо қаласында ауа райы қандай болады ?,B-location O O O O O O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: Apakah The Two Gladiators sedang tayang,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,323,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: أنا أحتاج إلى إضافة اعمال Rahim Shah إلى قائمة Infinite Indie Folk الخاصة بي,O O O O O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: متى ستبرد,O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: 家 賃 を 支 払 う よう に リマインド する 。,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: كم من الوقت المتبقي على المنبه,O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: ابحث عن لعبة تسمى Phinally Phamous,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 播放 E-type 中 的 音乐 。,O B-artist O O O O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: 关掉 闹钟,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Gaat het sneeuwen morgen,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: akankah salju hari ini,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: Jeg vil lytte til noget på Youtube,O O O O O O B-service,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: هل سيكون الطقس مشمسًا للحفلة يوم السبت ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: Маған Serious Awesomeness ! жұмысын тапшы .,O B-object_name I-object_name O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Sadece Pazartesiler için öğlene alarm kur .,O B-recurring_datetime O B-recurring_datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Will it be sunny for the party on Saturday ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: قم بتشغيل The Happy Blues لـ Ronnie Wood .,O O B-album I-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic Intents: wat zijn de filmtijden,O O O B-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Барлық еске салғыштарды балып таста,B-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 加勒比海 的 热带风暴,B-location O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: Mind mig om at ringe til min mor i aften,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Bitte such nach der TV Show Episodi di The Blacklist,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 显示 所有 的 闹钟 预设,O B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,alarm/show_alarms Intents: هل ستمطر يوم السبت ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: Mainkan sesuatu dari 90s Pop Rock Essentials,O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,PlayMusic,461,PlayMusic Intents: 2026 年 10 月 19 日 离 这里 不远 的 天气 会 是 怎样 的 ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location B-location O O O O O O O,weather/find,271,weather/find Intents: Meet the Prince телешоуын ізде,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Zeige mir alle meine Erinnerungen,O O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Prikaži raspored filmova u okolini,O B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Riproduci un po' di blues britânico .,O O O O B-genre I-genre O,PlayMusic,480,PlayMusic Intents: Kan je the National Anthem of the Ancient Britons televisie serie vinden ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Tilføj albummet til Hipster Soul playlisten .,O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: film schema dichtbij voor geanimeerde films,B-object_type I-object_type B-location O B-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: laat alle herinneringen zien,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Vandemataram Srinivas трегін HipHop Hot 50-ге қой .,B-artist I-artist B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,350,PlayMusic Intents: Voeg de artiest toe aan de political punks playlist .,O O O O O O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: tüm alarmları sil,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: laat al mijn wekkers zien,O B-reference I-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,53,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 在 明天 四点 提醒 我 去 商场,O B-datetime I-datetime O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Dai zero stelle ad Halo: Ghosts of Onyx,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: Lad mig høre noget Chris Knight musik,O O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic Intents: Bewerte diesen Roman mit 2 von 6 .,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property-ды бес жұлдызға бағала,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: осы аптада жаңбыр жауады ма,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: Nicodemus ve çevresinde hava tahmini nedir,B-location O B-location O O O,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: 我 想要 MJR剧院 的 动画 电影,O O B-location O B-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Ich möchte I Dream of Jeanie in einem Kino sehen,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Alarmım ne zamana kurulu,B-reference-part O O O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms "Intents: Tolong carikan saya the work , Serious Awesomeness ! .",O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Lets eat near Oakfield 17 seconds from now at Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish,O O B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant Intents: 一 日 中 雨 が 降 る 予 報 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: weather,O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: Mainkan beberapa musik simfoni dari David Lindley .,O O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: tambahkan lagu ini ke playlist Sleepify saya,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist B-reference,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: Vis mig Sexy Dance 2 i den nærmeste movie house,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 给 The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property 评分 为 5颗 星,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: Herinner me om naar supermarkt te gaan vandaag,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Dapatkah Anda mencari kisah Molecular Oncology ?,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchCreativeWork Intents: wie warm wird es heute ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: Annuleer mijn derde herinnering van deze lijst .,O B-reference I-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: hvor koldt bliver det her om 1 sekund,O B-condition_temperature O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,317,weather/find Intents: 关 掉 我的 闹钟,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 关掉 闹钟,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 今天 我 可以 传 短裤 吗?,B-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: Hvilke film spiller i nærheden,O B-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Aggiungi questa traccia alla mia playlist This Is Tchaikovsky,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bliver det varmt i Holland den 16 februar ?,O O B-condition_temperature O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,365,weather/find "Intents: To the travelling playlist, please add this David Gahan song .",O O B-playlist O O O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: Show all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,14,alarm/show_alarms Intents: إلغي تذكيراتي للأسبوع القادم,O B-reference-part B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: disattiva la sveglia,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: mind mig om en aftale hos lægen torsdag klokken 12 om eftermiddagen,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: setel alarm untuk jam 6 pagi,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/show_alarms "Intents: Prenota il The Dome , Edinburgh vicino a Brooklawn",O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: Riproduci All Things Must Pass .,O B-track I-track I-track I-track O,PlayMusic,300,SearchCreativeWork Intents: менің оятқышымды қос,B-reference O O,alarm/set_alarm,195,reminder/set_reminder Intents: إلغي كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: أعطي صفر نجوم لـ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: Ik wil graag dat je een alarm maakt voor 8:45 morgenochtend,O O O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Mainkan This Is: Miles Davis di Lastfm .,O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,347,PlayMusic Intents: wie ist das Wetter heute ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: what is the forecast in Nicodemus and nearby,O O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: Jedakan alarmnya,O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Želim da slušam ep iz 1998 .,O O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,259,PlayMusic Intents: Vis mig alle alarmer,O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,138,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Spiller Patric Still Lives i et AMC Theatres,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Tilføj Toyan til min Epic Gamin playliste .,O B-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: Akan seperti apa cuaca di Monument of Lihula pada 5 Desember ?,O O O O O B-location I-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,359,weather/find Intents: Менің еске салғышымды алып таста,B-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Saya ingin mendengarkan lagu musi di Youtube dari Helena Iren Michaelsen,O O O B-music_item O O B-service O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: Lav en reservation til ni på den bedste pub nær Tangier om seks måneder,O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-sort B-restaurant_type O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant Intents: هل الجو غائم اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: Wie ist die Temperatur heute ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: martin barre-ды менің punk unplugged ойнату тізіміме қос .,B-artist I-artist B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist Intents: ما هي توقعات الطقس لـ Bothe-Napa Valley State Park بحلول 20 فبراير ؟,O O O O O B-location I-location I-location I-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: Imposta un promemoria per andare a prendere le cose in lavanderia .,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: маған азық-түлік сатып алуды есіме сал,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Саутфорд-Фоллс мемлекеттік саябағында ыстық ауа-райы туралы болжам қандай,B-location I-location I-location B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O O O,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: Add the Matt Murphy tune to the Flow Español playlist.,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: bugün ne kadar sıcak olacak ?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: Сен маған Blue Spring трейлерін таба аласың ба ?,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: What will the humidity be in the current spot at 15:19:29 ?,O O O B-condition_description O O O B-location I-location O B-datetime O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: Bagaimana perkiraan cuaca yang terburuk ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: Erstelle einen Wecker für morgen 6 Uhr morgens,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Is Rare Birds te zien in de dichtsbijzijnde bioscoop om 12 uur s'middags,O B-movie_name I-movie_name O O O O B-location B-object_location_type O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Remind me to get gas .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,4,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kommer det til at blive solskin i dag ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: Controlla gli orari per Snowbound nel cinema più vicino .,O O O O B-movie_name O B-object_location_type B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Sollte ich heute einen Regenschirm mitbringen ?,O O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: apakah akan hujan minggu ini,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: stop alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: saya ingin menonton I Dream of Jeanie di sebuah bioskop,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Anullér min påmindelse om at hente Rob,O B-reference O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Kolika će biti maksimalna temperatura danas ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: احذف كل منبهاتي,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Was ist die Wettervorhersage hier bezüglich Eissturm um 5 Uhr nachmittags ?,O O O O B-location O B-condition_description O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: pesan tempat untuk 1 orang di Town of Ramsgate di Merit,O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-location,BookRestaurant,289,BookRestaurant Intents: هل يتوقع عالم ديزني عواصف اليوم ؟,O O B-location I-location B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: 播放 Duke Ellington 70 年代 的 作品,O B-artist I-artist B-datetime I-datetime O O,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: Reset alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 你 能 找到 Epic Conditions 图片 吗 ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchCreativeWork Intents: How many inches of rain will we get today ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: A che ora ho impostato l' allarme .,O O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 添加 这首 旋律 到 我的 Sleepify 播放 列表 中,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: إلغاء التذكير بالمباراة الليلة,O O B-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Prenota per nove persone in un panificio a Nunez,O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,425,BookRestaurant Intents: أضف الفنان إلى قائمة تشغيل political punks .,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: Richard McNamara'nın en yeni şarkısını Just Smile çalma listesine ekle,B-artist I-artist B-sort I-sort B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist Intents: تذكيري بالحصول على مناشف ورقية في المتجر غدًا,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Benötige ich am Mittwoch einen Regenschirm ?,O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: Saya membutuhkan sebuah daftar dari jadwal film Speakeasy Theaters,O O O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,442,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: إلغي المنبهات,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Hoe laat heb ik de wekker staan ?,O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: أعطي The Crystal Snare 5 نجوم,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: Hoće li biti kišovito u Teninu [ Tenino ] ?,O O O B-condition_description O B-location O B-location O O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: Biarkan saya mendengarkan musik Chris Knight,O O O O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic Intents: Aggiungi la traccia di boy george alla playlist Emo Forever .,O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: Dai un voto di 2 a Juneteenth .,O O O O B-rating_value O B-object_name O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: Er det koldt i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: heb ik een jas nodig morgen,O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime,weather/find,41,weather/find Intents: Da li možeš da mi nađeš TV seriju National Anthem of the Ancient Britons ?,O O O O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Waar kan ik de filmtijden vinden,O O O O B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Herinner me om met Ben te praten over Georgia,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Vertel me de voorspelling voor 6 uur s'morgens in Tatra-Nationalpark,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,283,weather/find Intents: إلغي كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 提醒 我 加油 。,O O B-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,4,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 今 日 の 天 気 は どんな 感 じ です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,107,weather/find Intents: Lütfen Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl'u arayıp bul .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: أبحث عن أغنية بعنوان Live at the Kings Center,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 建立 一个 提醒 明天 去 买 牛奶。,O O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 明 日 の 朝 、 アラーム は 何 時 に 設 定 さ れ て い ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Jeg vil gerne se I Dream of Jeanie i en biograf,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Sabah 10'a alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: memberi nilai esai ini nol dari 6 bintang,O O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: ما هي الأفلام التي تعرض في الحي,O O B-movie_type O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Open Zvooq alstjeblieft,O B-service O,PlayMusic,288,PlayMusic Intents: Wat wordt de temperatuur vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: Zoek voor de TV serie Jersey Boys,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: dodaj ireland in the junior eurovision song contest 2015 na moju listu Jazzy Dinner,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: Mainkan musik dari Netflix .,O O O B-service O,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: هل يمكن أن تجد المسلسل التلفزيوني The Approach,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: zet wekker uit,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Give 4 stjerner til The Mystery of the Tolling Bell serien,O B-rating_value O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: Za kad mi je podešen alarm sutra ujutru ?,O O B-reference O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Bugün yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: Cancel all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Hoe veel herinneringen heb ik vandaag ?,O O O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 提醒 我 明天 这个 时候 去 安排 医生 预约,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Hatırlatıcılarımı iptal et,B-reference-part O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: إعرض كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,244,alarm/show_alarms Intents: اضبط منبه للساعة 7 غدًا,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: لنأكل بالقرب من أوكفيلد بعد 17 ثانية من الآن في مطعم Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish,O B-location O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant "Intents: Hoe zal het weer zijn niet ver hiervandaan op negentien oktober , 2026 ?",O O O O O B-location I-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime O B-datetime O,weather/find,271,weather/find Intents: リスト の 最 後 の 2 つ の リマインダー を 削 除 する,O O B-reference I-reference I-reference I-reference I-reference O O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: set alarm for 3am,O O O B-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: What are my reminders ?,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: We Are Northern Lights қандай да кинотеатрда ойнап жатыр ма,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 将 此 专辑 评分 为 5 分,O B-object_select B-object_type O O B-rating_value O,RateBook,468,RateBook Intents: 我 想 在 Wagstaff AK 为 六个 人 订 一家 餐馆 。,O O O B-location B-location O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,342,BookRestaurant Intents: Custer Ulusal Ormanı saat yedide daha soğuk olacak mı ?,B-location I-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O O O,weather/find,291,weather/find Intents: 午 前 9 時 の 朝 食 に アラーム を 設 定 する 必 要 が あり ます,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O O O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Highway Patrolman'ı this is al green oynatma listeme ekle,B-entity_name I-entity_name B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: Mostrami il programma per ArcLight Hollywood per solo i film di animazione,O O B-object_type O B-location I-location O O O B-movie_type I-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,383,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: wird es heute schneien,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: silinene kadar akşam 7:30 için bir günlük alarm planla,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O B-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/set_alarm Intents: هل ستثلج اليوم ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: أضف أغنية من derek watkins إلى This Is Johnny Cash,O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: كم ستكون درجة الحرارة اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: Bedøm In The Company of Cheerful Ladies nul ud af 6,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: Dai zero stelle a Rhialto the Marvellous,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: أضف أغنية إلى قائمة تشغيل madden nfl 16 الخاصة بي,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: Trova l'opera creativa Deadly Weapons,O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork "Intents: Pesan sebuah reservasi untuk The Dome , Edinburgh di dekat Brooklawn",O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location B-location,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: 找到 创意 作品 Deadly Weapons,O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Beri tahu saya perkiraan cuaca untuk Gibsland,O O O O O O B-location,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: таңғы сағат 3-ке оятқышты қой,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Mind mig om at få benzin .,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,4,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Wordt het heet deze week ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: Робды қарсы алу туралы менің еске салғышымды алып таста,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/set_reminder Intents: すべて の リマインダー を キャンセル する,B-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: apakah We Are Northern Lights sedang tayang di salah satu bioskop manapun,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O O O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Aggiungi The Famous Flower of Serving-Men alla mia playlist evening acoustic .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: podesi alarm za 6 ujutru,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Vota Ruth cinque su 6 punti .,O B-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: mind mig om at sætte en alarm til ups,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: slet alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Speel de beste muziek van Bryan Maclean .,O O B-sort O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: dammi il trailer di Good Morning Sunshine,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,334,SearchCreativeWork Intents: da li je vruće ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: Hoe heet gaat het vandaag worden ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: Was sind meine Erinnerungen für morgen ?,O O B-reference O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,75,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 我 想 在 Youtube 上 听 一些 东西,O O O B-service O O O O,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: アラーム を 今 夜 の 午 後 5 時 に 設 定 する,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Бүгін температура қандай ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: Beoordeel dit boek een 1,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: Kan du finde Harry Hood sagaen til mig ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: sæt en alarm til klokken 3 om morgenen,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 今天 的 湿度 怎么样?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,222,weather/find "Intents: Aan de travelling playlist , voeg dit David Gahan nummer toe .",O O B-playlist O O O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: Suwanee AK'de bundan dört ay sonra hava daha soğuk olacak mı,B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O O,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: Kakvo je vreme danas ?,O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: アラーム を キャンセル,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Hvad er den alvorlige vejr udsigt ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: Memberi nilai Cotton Comes to Harlem 2,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: Bu hafta New York'ta hava nasıl olacak,B-datetime I-datetime B-location I-location O O O,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: Voeg dif album toe aan de Spanish Beat playlist,O O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: skal jeg medbringe en paraply i dag,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: Hvor kan jeg finde spilletiderne for film,O O O O O O B-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Zeige meine Erinnerung,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Bisakah Anda mencarikan saya kisah Harry Hood ?,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Com' è il tempo oggi ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: هل أحتاج لجلب مظلة اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: 今 日 傘 を 持 っ て いく 必 要 が あり ます か,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: Che caldo farà oggi ?,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: Gaat het regenen morgen ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: The Mad Magician әнін іздеші .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork Intents: will it rain today ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: 今天 我 需要 带 雨伞 吗,B-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: Akankah besok hujan ?,O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: كيف هو الطقس في يلوستون ؟,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: Give denne bog 1 stjerne,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: أضف هذه الاغنية إلى قائمة تشغيل Hands Up الخاصة بي,O O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bölgeme doğru bir fırtına geliyor mu ?,B-location O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: Voglio prenotare una birreria per 3 persone alle Antille Olandesi .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: Cari permainan Difficult Loves,O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 恶劣 的 天气 预报 是 什么?,B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: È freddo oggi ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: Možeš molim te da mi nađeš sagu Hari Hud [ Harry Hood ] ?,O O O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Batalkan semua pengingat untuk hari ini,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Ich brauche einen Tisch für 4 in Saint Helena im Settha Palace Hotel,O O O O O B-party_size_number O B-location I-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: What time do I have an alarm set for ?,O O O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Pusti neku simfonijsku muziku od Dejvida Lindlija [ David Lindley ] .,O O B-music_item O O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: rezerviši mesto za moje nećake i mene u čajdžinici,O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: 今 夜 は どれ くらい 寒 い です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: Will it be colder four months from now in Suwanee AK,O O O B-condition_temperature B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: afvis alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Ronnie Wood'un Happy Blues'unu çal .,B-artist I-artist B-album I-album O O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic Intents: odbaci alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 关 掉 我的 闹钟,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Nebraska'daki hava durumunu kontrol et .,B-location O O O O O,weather/find,257,weather/find Intents: hvad er den gennemsnitlige vejrudsigt for september,O O O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: ingatkan saya untuk pergi ke dokter pada 21 Agustus jam 3 sore,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Tüm alarmları iptal et,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: lese die heutige Wettervorhersage,O O B-datetime O,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: барлық еске салғыштарды көрсет,B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/set_reminder Intents: kakva je prognoza za toplo vreme u državnom parku Southford Falls [ Southford Falls State Park ],O O O O B-condition_temperature O O B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-location I-location I-location I-location O,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: Für welche Zeit ist mein Wecker gestellt ?,O O O O B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Cancel my reminder,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Hvor varmt vil det blive i dag ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: Želim da rezervišem braseri za troje ljudi na Holandskim Antilima .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: Pesan sebuah reservasi untuk sembilan orang di bar terbaik di dekat Tangier enam bulan lagi,O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type B-sort O B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant Intents: Welke tijden is The Young Swordsman te zien in mijn bioscoop ?,O B-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: كم سيكون الطقس ساخناً اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: Joy Nilo'dan müzik çal .,B-artist I-artist O O O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: bugün kar yağacak mı,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: Anullér min alarm tirsdag morgen klokken 5:15,O B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: beoordeel het huidige tekstboek 1 van de 6,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: Dai un punteggio di 2 a questa cronaca .,O O O O B-rating_value O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type O,RateBook,265,RateBook Intents: 让 我们 17秒 后 在 奥克菲尔德 附近 的 Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish 吃饭,O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant Intents: afspil et tredser soundtrack,O O B-object_name B-object_type,PlayMusic,404,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Wordt verwacht dat het de hele dag gaat regenen ?,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: Podesi alarm na svaki minut u trajanju od 20 minuta .,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Dodaj pesmu boja džordža [ boy george ] na listu Emo Forever .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: Apri itunes e riproduci Ben Burnley Ready To Die,O B-service O O B-artist I-artist B-album I-album I-album,PlayMusic,358,PlayMusic Intents: Prenota per nove persone al miglior pub vicino Tangier tra sei mesi,O O B-party_size_number O O B-sort B-restaurant_type B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant "Intents: من فضلك جد لي العمل الفني , Serious Awesomeness ! .",O O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: أريد حجز مطعم يهودي في غامبيا .,O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine O B-location O,BookRestaurant,268,BookRestaurant Intents: Seperti apa cuaca hari ini ?,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: Pesme devedesetih na Zvuku [ Zvooq ],O B-datetime O B-service O B-service O,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: Wird es am 16 . Februar in den Niederlanden warm ?,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O B-location B-condition_temperature O,weather/find,365,weather/find Intents: Otkaži mi alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Kann ich heute kurze Hosen tragen ?,O O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: Mostrami tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,138,SearchCreativeWork Intents: أضف تذكيرًا اليوم الساعة 4 مساءً,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ذكرني لاحقا,O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: Per favore trovami la serie TV , Now We Are Married .",O O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: إجل المنبه لمدة 15 دقيقة,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Jeg vil gerne se Outcast .,O O O O B-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,345,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Where can I find the movie schedules,O O O O O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Jeg vil gerne se The Portrait of a Lady i den nærmeste biograf .,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Podesi alarm za u podne samo ponedeljkom .,O O O O B-recurring_datetime O B-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: 今天 的 湿度 怎么样?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: Saya ingin menonton Outcast .,O O O B-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,345,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: hvordan er vejret i dag ?,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: 显示 所有 我的 闹钟,O B-reference I-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,223,alarm/show_alarms Intents: أحتاج إلى تذكير لالتقاط ليزا,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: cancella i miei promemoria della settimana prossima,O O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: wie wird das Wetter heute,O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: Kuru temizleme yaptırmak için hatırlatıcı ayarla,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: prikaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,97,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Duke Ellington жетпісінші жылдардағы бірдеңесін ойнат,B-artist I-artist B-datetime I-datetime O O,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: 给 现在的 文章 评分 为 6 颗 星 中 的 零 颗 星,O B-object_select B-object_type O O B-best_rating O O O O B-rating_value O B-rating_unit,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: حذف جميع التذكيرات,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Hvordan bliver vejret i Virginia på st . patrick's day ?,O O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: ما وقت ضبط منبهي ؟,O O O B-reference-part O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 给 Halo: Ghosts of Onyx 打 零 颗 星,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O B-rating_unit,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: 日 曜 日 の アラーム を すべて キャンセル する 。,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: أرني المنبهات الخاصة بي,O O B-reference I-reference,alarm/show_alarms,93,alarm/show_alarms Intents: mike орындаушыны Sexy as Folk ойнату тізіміне қос .,B-artist B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ертең қарындасыма қоңырау шалуымды есіме сал,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,19,weather/find Intents: bir sonraki hava tahmini ne zaman yağmur gösteriyor ?,O O O O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: Bitte suche nach dem Gemälde mit dem Titel This Is the Night .,O O O O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Tampilkan semua alarm .,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Erstelle eine Erinnerung für Hundefutter am Montag .,O O O O B-reminder/todo O B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Hvordan er vejret i yellowstone ?,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: Quanto tempo è rimasto prima della sveglia,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: alarmları sil,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: бүгін бұлтты ма,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,17,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Füge einen Song zu meiner Playliste Madden NFL 16,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: Potraži album Wolves Within,O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Sæt en påmindelse til at ringe til min skole på mandag klokken 4 om aftenen,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Berapa banyak waktu yang tersisa untuk alarm,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: هل يمكنك أن تجد لي البرنامج التلفزيوني National Anthem of the Ancient Britons ؟,O O O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Akan seperti apa cuaca di sekitar sini pada tanggal sembilan belas Oktober 2026 ?,O O O O O B-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,271,weather/find Intents: wie ist das Wetter heute ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: Juneteenth'e 2 puan ver .,B-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: العب Subconscious Lobotomy من Jennifer Paull .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: هل ستثلج اليوم,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: 寻找 附近的 动画 电影,O B-location B-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: UPS の アラーム を 設 定 する よう リマインド,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,135,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Tambahkan sebuah lagu ke Indie Hipster,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist Intents: oceni ovaj esej sa nula od 6 zvezdica,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: Delete my reminder for picking up Patrick from school tomorrow .,O B-reference O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: жаңбыр қашан аяқталады ?,B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: Last Fm'de bir şey çal,B-service I-service O O O,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: Hoeveel tijd is over van wekker,O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Hronika Reminiscences of the Anti-Japanese Guerillas zaslužuje ocenu nula poena od 6 .,B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-best_rating O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: Менің өнертапқыш ойнату тізімін ойнат,O B-playlist O O O,PlayMusic,253,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Tolong pesankan saya sebuah meja di sebuah bistro yang menyajikan lorna doone .,O O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-served_dish I-served_dish O,BookRestaurant,284,BookRestaurant Intents: ما هي التوقعات الجوية في سبتمبر 26 في Emerado Saint Pierre و Miquelon,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: boek een tafel in een Fried chicken restaurant,O O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O,BookRestaurant,269,BookRestaurant Intents: في أي وقت تم ضبط المنبه ؟,O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Could you find the TV series The Approach,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: mostrami tutti i miei promemoria,O B-reference O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Give this chronicle a 2 rating.,O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type O B-rating_value O,RateBook,265,RateBook Intents: Will it snow enough tonight to make travelling hazardous ?,O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: هل يمكنك البحث عن سلسلة Molecular Oncology ؟,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchCreativeWork Intents: riproduci un po' di nuove di Les Vandyke su Slacker,O O O O B-sort O B-artist I-artist O B-service,PlayMusic,423,PlayMusic Intents: Podesi alarm za u 8 ujutru,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Laat me al mijn herinneringen voor vandaag zien,O O B-reference I-reference O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 设置 2个 小时 的 闹钟,O B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Vertel me de weersvoorspelling voor Gibsland,O O O O O B-location,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: Aktiviraj alarm za sat vremena,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: kakvo je vreme danas,O O O B-datetime,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: 今天 会 是 阴天 吗?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: cumartesi günkü tüm alarmları iptal et,B-datetime I-datetime B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Star Theatres'da hangi filmler .,B-location I-location O B-movie_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: alarmlarımı göster,B-reference-part O,alarm/show_alarms,119,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Vimeo-да жақсы Muhammad Mamle-ді тыңдайық .,B-service B-sort B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic "Intents: Тёнек , Нью-Джерсидегі ауа-райы қандай",B-location O B-location O O,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: ألغي منبهي لصباح الغد,O B-reference-part B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Kann ich die Zeiten für Filme in der Nachbarschaft bekommen,O O O B-object_type O B-movie_type B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: барлық оятқыштарды алып таста,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Riproduci The Happy Blues di Ronnie Wood .,O B-album I-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic Intents: Akankah malam ini cukup bersalju untuk membuat perjalanan berbahaya ?,O B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: Wird es diese Woche heiß ?,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: zet alle wekkers uit,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Bewerte Cotton Comes to Harlem mit einer 2,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-rating_value,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: bu hafta yağmur yağacak mı,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: tilføj denne sang til min Sleepify playliste,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tambahkan artis ini ke Showstopper Being Mary Jane,O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,372,AddToPlaylist Intents: Imposta una sveglia per ogni nove minuti .,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: cancel all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 2013 жылдың симфониясын ойнат .,B-datetime I-datetime B-music_item O O,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: snooze meinen Wecker für fünf Minuten,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: ažuriraj vremensku prognozu za Los Anđeles,O O O O B-location I-location,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: Sabah 8'e alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm "Intents: Zoem alstjeblieft de TV serie , Now We Are Married .",O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: alle Wecker löschen,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: salı öğleden sonra 3'te köpeği bakıma götürmeyi hatırlat,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ingatkan saya besok pada waktu ini untuk menjadwalkan sebuah janji dengan dokter,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,48,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 给 Ruth 评分 为 6 分 中 的 5分 。,O B-object_name O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O O B-rating_value O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: すべて の アラーム の プリセット を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Jeg vil gerne reservérer Oregon Electric Station i North City .,O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: 今天 的 最高 气温 将会 是 多少 ?,O O O O O O O O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: kakvo je vreme ovde u dva ujutru,O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,476,weather/find Intents: Kayınpederim ve kendim için Buckner'de 1 yıl sonraya restoran rezervasyonu yaptırmak istiyorum .,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,273,BookRestaurant Intents: set alarm for 6 am,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Wo finde ich die Filmvorstellungspläne,O O O O B-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 今天 会 变 的 多 热 ?,B-datetime O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: Geef The American Scene 2 van de 6 sterren,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: zeige mir alle meine Weckzeiten,O O B-reference I-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,223,alarm/show_alarms Intents: På hvilke tidspunkter spiller The Young Swordsman hos min biograf ?,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: E-type-тан музыканы ойнат .,B-artist O O O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: サンフランシスコ の 天 気 は ?,B-location O O O O O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: 凌晨 两点 这里 的 天气 怎么样,B-datetime I-datetime B-location O O O,weather/find,476,weather/find Intents: Hollanda Antilleri'nde bir brasserie'de 3 kişilik rezervasyonu yaptırmak istiyorum .,B-location I-location O B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O O O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: Give diesem Textbuch null Sterne,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: ذكرني بأخذ الكلب إلى حلاق الكلاب يوم الثلاثاء الساعة 3 مساءً,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Like to book a seat in Monaco for the Yankee Doodle Coffee Shop,O O O O O O B-location O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: Zet een wekelijkse herinnering voor boodschappen .,O O B-recurring_datetime O O B-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Her dokuz dakikaya alarm kur .,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: tilføj denne sang til min Hands Up playliste,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: lösche den Wecker für morgen,O O O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Бүгін қаншалықты ыстық болады ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: The Two Gladiators gösteriliyor mu,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,323,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: heb een tafel nodig ergens in Quarryville over 14 uur,O O O O O O B-location B-datetime B-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,392,BookRestaurant Intents: Memberikan The American Scene 2 dari 6 bintang,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: Che tempo c' è oggi ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: Speel mijn inventive playlist,O O B-playlist O,PlayMusic,253,PlayMusic Intents: Showstopper Being Mary Jane-ге осы орындаушыны қос,B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,372,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Erinnere mich Küchenpapier im Geschäft morgen zu kaufen,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 天气 预报 说 从 法律 日 开始 这里 会 有 更冷 的 气温 吗,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location O O B-condition_temperature O O O,weather/find,417,weather/find Intents: mostrami tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,97,SearchCreativeWork Intents: podesi alarm za 2 sata,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: erinnere mich Lebensmittel zu kaufen,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 明 日 は 晴 れ ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: Reservér venligst et bord på en bistro der serverer lorna doone .,O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-served_dish I-served_dish O,BookRestaurant,284,BookRestaurant Intents: Memberi nilai serial The Mystery of the Tolling Bell 4 bintang .,O O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: 今 週 は 暑 く なり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: Spil venligst min ecstatic playliste .,O O O B-playlist O O,PlayMusic,395,PlayMusic Intents: قيم الكتاب الدراسي الحالي 1 من أصل 6,O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: Менің оятқышым қай уақытқа қойылған ?,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,weather/find Intents: Kakvo će vreme biti u Dalasu sutra,O O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: Akan seberapa dingin malam ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は ショート パンツ を 着 て も いい です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: alle Wecker löschen,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: tampilkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,32,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Yarın sabah 8:45'e yeni bir alarm oluşturmanı istiyorum,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Hvor meget tid er der tilbage på alarmen,O O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: 请 给 我 Compulsive Disclosure 的 歌 。,O O O B-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,444,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Molim te potraži i nađi mi Monti Pajton Uživo u Hollywood Bowl [ Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl ] .,O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: schalte alle Wecker aus,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: اعرض تذكيراتي,O B-reference-part,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Бүгін күн ашық болады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: すべて の アラーム を オフ,B-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: setel pengingat untuk menonton Colts satu jam sebelum pertandingan dimulai,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Molim dodaj ovu pesmu Dejvida Gana [ David Gahan ] na plejlistu za putovanja .,O O O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: Periksa jadwal untuk bioskop Bow Tie .,O B-object_type O B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Je l' će da pada sneg danas ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: show all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,237,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Albümü Hipster Soul çalma listesine ekle .,B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: هل يعرض Rare Birds في أقرب دار سينما ظهرًا .,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type B-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: pesankan meja terbaik di Tanzania untuk 5 orang di restoran,O O B-sort O B-location O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: Želim da rezervišem Oregon Electric Station u Nort Sitiju [ North City ] .,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O B-location I-location O O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: Pioverà oggi ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: tilføj ireland in the junior eurovision song contest 2015 til min Jazzy Dinner playliste,O B-entity_name O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: give den nuværende krønike fem ud af 6 point,O O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,439,RateBook Intents: Bisakah Anda menemukan gambar Epic Conditions ?,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchCreativeWork Intents: i need a reminder to pick Lisa up,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Alarmımı kapat .,B-reference-part O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: rezerviši najbolji sto u Tanzaniji za 5 osoba u dajneru,O B-sort O O B-location O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: book spot for 1 at Town of Ramsgate in Merit,O O O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location,BookRestaurant,289,BookRestaurant Intents: Play the greatest music from Bryan Maclean .,O O B-sort O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: The Two Gladiators 在 播放 吗,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,323,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Kommer det til at regne lørdag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: Speel Paul Mccartney,O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: Маңайдағы фильмдерге уақыт кестесін көре аламын ба ?,B-location B-movie_type B-object_type O O O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Менің еске салғыштарым қандай ?,B-reference O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: dışarısı sıcak mı,B-location B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: riproduci album di Jill Sobule,O B-music_item O B-album I-album,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: vota Three Junes uno su 6,O B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: biraz Gary Lee Conner çal,O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic Intents: Please look up the song The Mad Magician .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork Intents: show all my alarms,O B-reference I-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,223,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 今 日 は 雨 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: 午 前 3 時 に アラーム を 設 定,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Play something from 90s Pop Rock Essentials,O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,PlayMusic,461,PlayMusic Intents: bedøm det aktuelle essay nul ud af 6 stjerner,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: cancel alarms,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Mencari lukisan dengan judul With You,O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Memberi nilai Soul Music 0 .,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: Tilføj sangen boy george til Emo Forever playlisten .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tilføj en sang til this is racionais mc's,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: Spiller Rare Bird hos den nærmeste biograf klokken 12 i eftermiddag .,O B-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location B-object_location_type O B-datetime O B-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Nevicherà oggi ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: Looking for a painting with the title With You,O O O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: أود إضافة jordan rudess إلى قائمة تشغيل Divertido para niños .,O O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: متى سيتوقف المطر ؟,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: Zet wekker voor 5 uur vanavond,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Ауа райының қатал болжамы қандай ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: Менің ауданыма дауыл келе жатыр ма ?,B-location I-location B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,226,reminder/set_reminder Intents: hoe veel tijd is over voor mijn wekker,O O O O O O B-reference O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: zeige meine Wecker,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,93,alarm/show_alarms Intents: コンサート の リマインダー を キャンセル する,B-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Laat mijn herinnering zien,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Tambahkan emilie autumn ke playlist Nação Reggae saya .,O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: Show me all my reminders,O O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Molim te nađi mi delo Serious Awesomeness ! .,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Boycott-ты көрсететін ең жақын кинотеатрды көрсетіңіз,B-movie_name O B-location I-location B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Pusti album Džil Sobjul [ Jill Sobule ],O B-music_item B-album I-album O B-album I-album O,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: Hvordan er vejret på onsdag til golf ?,O O O O B-datetime O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: mevcut ders kitabına 6 üzerinden 1 puan ver,B-object_select B-object_type I-object_type B-best_rating O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: Hoeveel tijd is over van wekker,O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Rate In the Company of Cheerful Ladies a zero out of 6,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: 今天 我 需要 雨伞 吗?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: Otkaži mi alarm od 5:15 ujutru u utorak,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Play music off Netflix .,O O O B-service O,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: Tampilkan semua alarmnya,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,44,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Hvilke påmindelser har jeg ?,O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: tüm hatırlatmalarımı göster,B-reference B-reference-part O,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/show_reminders Intents: herinner me voor een doktersbezoek Donderdag om 12 uur 's middags,O O O O B-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Memberikan dua bintang dari 6 untuk 36 Children,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-best_rating O B-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: Batalkan pengingat untuk konser,O O O B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Erwartet Disney World heute Stürme ?,O B-location I-location B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,30,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 播放 blues britânico 。,O B-genre I-genre O,PlayMusic,480,PlayMusic Intents: Wie kalt wird es hier in 1 Sekunde sein,O B-condition_temperature O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,317,weather/find Intents: Мен келесі жылы Пеннге жақын жерде үш адамға bougatsa мейрамханасына тапсырыс бергім келеді .,O B-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location O B-party_size_number O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,452,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Give denne krønike en 2 stjernet bedømmelse .,O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type O B-rating_value O O O,RateBook,265,RateBook Intents: Is Babar: King of the Elephants playing,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,434,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Ich möchte einen Soundtrack aus den siebziger Jahren hören .,O O O B-music_item O O B-datetime I-datetime O O,PlayMusic,311,PlayMusic Intents: Je l' ima oluje sada u Severnoj Karolini [ NC ] ?,O O O B-condition_description B-datetime O B-location I-location O B-location O O,weather/find,258,weather/find Intents: La cronaca Reminiscences of the Anti-Japanese Guerillas merita zero punti su 6 come valutazione .,O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-best_rating O O O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: Менің оятқышымды өшір .,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Reminiscences of the Anti-Japanese Guerillas chronicle verdient nul punten van de 6 voor een beoordeling .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O B-best_rating O O O O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: 显示 我的 今天 所有的 提醒,O B-reference B-datetime B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Just Smile ойнату тізіміне Richard McNamara-ның жаңа әнін қос,B-playlist I-playlist O O B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist Intents: 2035年 8月 21日 Sarygamyş Sanctuary 的 天气 会 是 怎样的 ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location I-location O O O O O O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: The Two Gladiators ойнап жатыр ма,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,323,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Zeige die Vorstellungszeiten von Sexy Dance 2 im nächsten Kino,O O B-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Rate Ruth five out of 6 points .,O B-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: أحجز في حانة للمعكرونة,O O B-restaurant_type B-served_dish,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: 天气,O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: Wird es regnerisch in Tenino ?,O O B-condition_description O B-location O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: Monako'daki Yankee Doodle Coffee Shop'da bir yer ayırtmak istiyorum,B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O O O,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: 搜索 电视 连续剧 Jersey Boys,O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Saya butuh sebuah alarm disetel untuk sarapan jam 9 pagi,O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: أريد ان استمع إلى them من الفنان Murcof,O O O O B-music_item O O B-artist,PlayMusic,488,PlayMusic Intents: Осы жерден алыс емес жерде 2026 жылдың он тоғызыншы қазанында ауа райы қандай болады ?,B-location I-location B-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O,weather/find,271,weather/find Intents: Zvooq-ті ашшы,B-service O,PlayMusic,288,PlayMusic Intents: Bu hafta yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: Wird es heute schneien ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: Please play my ecstatic playlist.,O O O B-playlist O,PlayMusic,395,PlayMusic Intents: Маған lorna doone дайындайтын бистроға үстелге тапсырыс берші .,O B-served_dish I-served_dish O B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,284,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: erinnere mich daran , am 21 . August um 15 Uhr zum Arzt zu gehen",O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Hoe wordt het weer verweg van hier ?,O O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: qual è la previsione a Nicodemus e vicinanze,O O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: Саргенцте татар тавернасына бес адамға брондау жаса,B-location B-cuisine B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: 萨摩亚 的 沃里卡 的 天气 预报 是 怎样 的,B-location O B-location O O O O O O,weather/find,478,weather/find Intents: A che ora è impostata la mia sveglia,O O O O O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Ramona'da yemek istiyorum,B-location O O,BookRestaurant,455,PlayMusic Intents: أضف Toyan إلى قائمة تشغيل Epic Gaming الخاصة بي .,O B-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: Riproduci rich sex su Iheart,O B-track I-track O B-service,PlayMusic,277,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Chris Knight müziği duyayım,B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic Intents: Anullér min påmindelse,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: canzoni anni novanta su Zvooq,O B-datetime I-datetime O B-service,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: Сенбіде сауық кешінде күн ашық болады ма ?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: Pioverà domani ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: Quanti promemoria ho oggi ?,O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Менің оятқышым ертеңгі таңғы сағат нешеде ?,B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Akşam yemeği için Tanzanya'daki en iyi masaya 5 kişilik bir rezervasyon yap,B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O B-location B-sort I-sort O B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: tampilkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,244,alarm/set_alarm Intents: podesi alarm za sutra u 7,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Søg efter og find Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl til mig .,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Wecker für 3 Uhr morgens stellen,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: كيف سيكون الطقس في فرجينيا يوم سانت باتريك ؟,O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: qual è la minima di domani,O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime,weather/find,72,weather/find "Intents: erinnere mich daran , einen Alarm für Ups einzustellen",O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 显示 我的 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference I-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Wolves Within альбомын ізде,B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Temukan film animasi di dekat sini,O B-movie_type I-movie_type B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Wird es heute schneien ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: 接近 2 月 20 日 , 那帕谷州立 公园 的 天气 预报 怎么样 ?,B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location O O O O O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: Was ist die Wetterprognose in Admire in TX ab siebzehn,O O O O O B-location O B-location O B-datetime,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: obriši sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Imposti la sveglia ogni minuto per 20 minuti ?,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: qual è la previsione media per settembre,O O O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: Imposta un promemoria per il cibo per cani per lunedì .,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Cancel all reminders,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Ik will Shattered Image zien .,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 需要 一张 桌子 14 小时 后 在 夸里维尔 的 某个 地方,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location O O O,BookRestaurant,392,BookRestaurant Intents: Gaat het sneeuwen dit weekend ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: ауа райы,O O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: prenota un tavolo vicino al pat's college,O O O B-location O B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,389,BookRestaurant Intents: филис пен вероникаға мейрамханада 152 күннен кейін үстел керек,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,BookRestaurant,492,reminder/set_reminder Intents: akankah salju hari ini,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: prikaži sve podsetnike,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/show_reminders "Intents: Brooklawn yakınındaki The Dome , Edinburgh'da rezervasyon yap",B-location B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: Hoće li da pada kiša u subotu ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: how much time is left on my alarm,O O O O O O B-reference O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Koliko vruće će biti danas ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: akankah turun salju besok,O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: cancella l' ultimo promemoria,O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Hoe heet gaat het vandaag worden ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: Book a reservation at tavern for noodle,O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-served_dish,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: hvad er vejrudsigten for den 26 sep . i Emerado Saint Pierre og Miquelon,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O O B-location B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: اضبط منبه الساعة 6 صباحًا,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Lösche den nächsten Wecker,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Sabah 8'e bir günlük alarm kur,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Konser için hatırlatıcıları iptal et,B-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 今天 的 最高 气温 是 多少 ?,O O O O O O O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: Set alarm for 5pm tonight,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: إلغي كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: delete all reminders,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Hangi zaman için kurulmuş bir alarmım var ?,O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Pusti nešto na Zvuku [ Zvooq ],O O O B-service O B-service O,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: Vind alstjeblieft het computer spel getiteld 20 Hours in America .,O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: pesan sebuah meja pada 1 / 20 / 2023 untuk 5 orang di MH,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-party_size_number O O B-location,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: Cancel my alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: otkaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Oceni ovaj roman sa dva od 6 .,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: Suchen nach dem Album Wolves Within,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Ricordami di chiamare mia mamma stasera,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Cerca la serie TV Jersey Boys,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: alarmları iptal et,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: skal det sne i morgen,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: bugun fransa'da hava durumu nasıl ?,B-datetime B-location O O O O,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: Rob'u almak için olan hatırlatıcıyı iptal et,O O O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Spil This Is: Miles Davis på Lastfm .,O B-album I-album B-artist I-artist O B-service O,PlayMusic,347,PlayMusic Intents: Hoće li biti kiše danas ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: Apa saja pengingat saya ?,O O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: find den nærmeste biograf der viser Boycott,O O B-location B-object_type O O B-object_name,SearchScreeningEvent,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: هل ستمطر هذا الأسبوع,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: vejr opdatering Los Angeles,O O B-location I-location,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: Yarınki hatırlatıcılarım neler ?,B-datetime B-reference-part O O,reminder/show_reminders,75,reminder/show_reminders Intents: What are my reminders for tomorrow ?,O O B-reference O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,75,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Želim da rezervišem sundanski gastropab u blizini u Teksasu za troje za 5 / 20 / 2025 .,O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location O B-location O B-party_size_number O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,263,BookRestaurant Intents: mark this album a score of 5,O B-object_select B-object_type O O O B-rating_value,RateBook,468,RateBook Intents: Otkaži mi podsetnik da pokupim Roba,O B-reference O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Memberi nilai novel ini 3 bintang,O O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: Lav en reservation på et værtshus for noodle,O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-served_dish,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: Gaat het vandaag regenen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: 设置 闹钟 在 上午3点,O O O B-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: カナダ で は 雪 が 降 っ て い ます か,B-location O O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: Imposta un promemoria per chiamare la mia scuola di lunedì alle 4 di pomeriggio,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: تذكيري بضبط منبه ل ups,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Nulstil alarmen nu og start den klokken 2 i eftermiddag,O O B-datetime O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Bitte spiele meine ekstatische Wiedergabeliste .,O O O B-playlist O O,PlayMusic,395,PlayMusic Intents: Gaat het vandaag sneeuwen,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: Anullér alle mine alarmer til søndag .,O B-reference I-reference O O B-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Dodaj numeru 40 cal na plejlistu laundry .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist "Intents: Aggiungi Jerry Calliste , Jr alla mia playlist Te quiero .",O B-artist I-artist I-artist I-artist O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: tampilkan semua pengingat,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: şu anki günlüğe 6 üzerinden beş puan ver,B-object_select I-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-best_rating O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,439,RateBook Intents: skal det sne i dag,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: أطفئ المنبه,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: show all reminders,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Wie viele Erinnerungen habe ich heute ?,O O O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Zet wekker voor 5 uur vanavond .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Bir sinema salonunda I Dream of Jeanie'yi görmek istiyorum,O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: can you show me the alarms ?,O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,alarm/show_alarms Intents: disattiva tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: アラーム は 何 時 に 設 定 さ れ て い ます か ?,O O O O O O O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Hoće li da pada kiša danas ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: アラーム を 午 前 6 時 に 設 定,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Imposta una sveglia promemoria per il 7 ottobre,O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,158,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Hvordan er luftfugtigheden i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: Vis all alarmer .,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Kakvo će vreme biti daleko odavde ?,O O O O B-location B-location O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: wann wird es abkühlen,O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: verwijder laatste herinnering,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: alarmı durdur,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Berikan saya lagu Secret South .,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 今 週 雨 は 降 り ます か,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: Dai zero stelle a questo libro di testo,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_select B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: zet wekker voor 2 uren,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Molim traži sliku po imenu This Is the Night .,O O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: اضبط المنبه على الساعة 5 مساء اليوم,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Give en bedømmelse på 2 til Juneteenth .,O O O O B-rating_value O B-object_name O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: Voglio ascoltare una colonna sonora degli anni settanta .,O O O B-music_item I-music_item O B-datetime I-datetime O,PlayMusic,311,PlayMusic Intents: Prenota per cinque persone per una taverna tatara a Sargents,O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine O B-location,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: Please find me the Journal of the British Astronomical Association movie .,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Бұл әуенді dorthy's 80's party ойнату тізіміне қос,O B-music_item B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: アラーム を 消 す,O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Heb ik een paraplu nodig vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: laat alle herinneringen zien,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Gaat het regenen morgen ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: Otkaži sve podsetnike,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Boek plek om 9 bij Thurmont,O O O B-party_size_number O B-location,BookRestaurant,254,BookRestaurant Intents: Buradan uzakta hava nasıl olacak ?,B-location B-location O O O O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: Yarınki tüm alarmları kapat,B-datetime B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Temukan jadwal film di dekat sini,O B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Batalkan alarm berikutnya,O O B-reference,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Spiele ein paar neue Les Vandyke auf Slacker,O O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service,PlayMusic,423,PlayMusic Intents: I want to eat a delicatessen in thirteen hours that serves eastern european food,O O O O O B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O B-cuisine I-cuisine O,BookRestaurant,403,BookRestaurant Intents: Sag mir animierte Filme im MJR Theatres,O O B-movie_type I-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Tambahkan lagu 40 cal ke playlist laundry .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist Intents: Нидерландтық Антиль аралдарында 3 адамға брассериа алғым келеді .,B-location I-location I-location B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_type O O O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: 取消 闹钟,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 在 努涅斯 的 一家 面包店 为 九 个 人 订位,O B-location O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,425,BookRestaurant Intents: mind mig om at købe dagligvarer,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: متى تظهر التوقعات المطر المقبل,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: schedule a daily alarm for 7:30 pm until deleted,O O B-recurring_datetime O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk pergi ke toko bahan makanan hari ini,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Hoće li da pada kiša u subotu ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: اضبط المنبه لكل 30 دقيقة,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: اضبط المنبه لمدة 30 دقيقة,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 土 曜 日 の パーティー は 晴 れ ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: 我 想 在 加州 Urbank 的 James D. Conrey House 预订 一张 桌子,O O O B-location B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O O,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: imposta la sveglia ogni 30 minuti,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Možeš li da pretražiš knjigu Paris - When It Sizzles ?,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Temukan jadwal film untuk Wanda Group .,O B-object_type I-object_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Оятқышты тек дүйсенбі сайын түске орнат .,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Can I get the times for movies in the neighbourhood,O O O O B-object_type O B-movie_type B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Memberi nilai 2 untuk Juneteenth .,O O B-rating_value O B-object_name O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: Akankah hujan di Tenino ?,O B-condition_description O B-location O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: i want to see JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,386,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Менің еске салғышымды көрсет,B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Ертең жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-datetime O O O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: すべて の アラーム を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,53,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Pioverà questa settimana ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: Бүгін ауа-райы қандай ?,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,107,weather/find "Intents: Puoi cercare il libro , Paris - When It Sizzles ?",O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: اغاني التسعينات على Zvooq,O B-datetime O B-service,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: Add emilie autumn to my Nação Reggae playlist.,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: Дженнифер Паулдың Subconscious Lobotomy-сын ойнат .,B-artist I-artist B-album I-album O O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: Cerco una canzone col titolo di Live at the Kings Center,O O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchCreativeWork Intents: ups için alarm kurmayı hatırlat,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: imposta una sveglia per le 6 di domani mattina,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: stelle Wecker auf 10 Uhr früh,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Soul Music'e 0 ver .,B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: hoe wordt het weer morgen in Dallas,O O O O B-datetime O B-location,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: Forventer Disney world storm i dag ?,O B-location I-location B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: Podesi podsetnik da pozovem školu u ponedeljak u 4 po podne,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ich möchte in einem Restaurant reservieren für 10 Personen .,O O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,418,BookRestaurant Intents: da li će biti snega danas,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: 取消 我的 明天 上午 的 闹钟,O B-reference B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Was ist die Luftfeuchtigkeit heute ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: ما حالة الطقس اليوم,O O O B-datetime,weather/find,107,weather/find Intents: How many reminders do I have today ?,O O O O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Memberi nilai serial ini 4 poin,O O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: Wie wird das Wetter am 21 . August 2035 im Sarygamyş Sanctuary sein ?,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location O O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: Tambahkan martin barre ke playlist punk unplugged saya .,O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist Intents: Verwende Groove Shark um Musik abzuspielen,O B-service I-service O O O,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: Ich möchte in einem Steakhaus in Vimy Ridge reservieren .,O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: Pusti nešto na Last Fm-u,O O O B-service I-service,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: prikaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,244,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Spielen The Two Gladiators,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,323,SearchCreativeWork Intents: matikan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Artist mike'ı Sexy as Folk çalma listesine ekleyin .,B-music_item B-artist B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: 播放 Ronnie Wood 的 The Happy Blues 。,O B-artist I-artist O B-album I-album I-album O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic Intents: Bitte suche Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl .,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Otkaži mi podsetnik,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Setel sebuah alarm pengingat untuk 7 Oktober,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,158,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Tražim pesmu pod nazivom Live at the Kings Center,O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Осында таңертеңгі сағат екіде ауа райы қалай,B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,weather/find,476,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Add the boy george track to the Emo Forever playlist.,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: bugün bir şemsiye getirmeli miyim,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: 星期六 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: Apakah saya perlu membawa sebuah payung pada hari Rabu ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: che tempo fa oggi,O O O B-datetime,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: ابحث عن عمل إبداعي يسمى Fire in the Hole,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork Intents: تذكيري بتحديد موعد لزيارة الطبيب غدًا .,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Podseti me da razgovaram s Benom o Džordžiji,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Can you find me the Blue Spring trailer ?,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: إظهار كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,14,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 关 掉 所有 的 闹钟,O O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Таңертеңгі сағат 3-тер шамасында Юта штатынан алыс емес жерде қаншалықты суық болады ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location O B-location I-location O O B-condition_temperature O O,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: Play something by Duke Ellington from the seventies,O O O B-artist I-artist O O B-datetime,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: Bugün kaç tane hatırlatıcım var ?,B-datetime O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Бүгін түнде қаншалықты салқын болады ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: Herinner me om brood te halen na werk,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Urbank California'daki James D . Conrey House'da bir masa istiyorum,B-location B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O O,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: Cancel my alarm for 5:15 am on Tuesday,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: осы эссеге 6 жұлдыздың ішінен нөлге бағала,B-object_select B-object_type B-best_rating B-rating_unit O B-rating_value O,RateBook,436,RateBook Intents: Aggiungi l' artista mike alla playlist Sexy as Folk .,O O B-music_item B-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bana National Anthem of the Ancient Britons televizyon programını bulabilir misin ?,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type O O O,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk membuat sebuah janji dengan dokter besok .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder Intents: alarmı reddet,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: すべて の アラーム を 表 示 する,B-reference O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,138,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 暑 い です か ?,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: 今天 会 有 下雪 吗?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: Ich suche nach einem Spiel das Phinally Phamous heisst,O O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Aggiungi martin barre alla mia playlist punk unplugged .,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist "Intents: Tambahkan Jerry Calliste , Jr ke playlist Te quiero saya .",O B-artist I-artist I-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: 今 日 は 雪 が 降 り ます か,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: Obriši mi podsetnik da pokupim Patrika iz škole sutra .,O B-reference O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Apakah ada sebuah badai menuju daerah saya ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O B-location I-location O,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: Ci sarà il sole per la festa di sabato ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: Hoće li se I Think I Do prikazivati u 7 po podne ?,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: zeige alle voreingestellten Wecker an,O B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Füge our little corner of the world music von den Gilmore girls zu meiner Wiedergabeliste The Funny Thing About Football Is hinzu .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: Бұл альбомды Old School Death Metal-ға қос,O B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: Vine de speeltijden voor de Wanda Group .,O O B-object_type O O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: هل أحتاج معطف اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: أرغب في حجز مطعم لـ 3 أشخاص في جزر الأنتيل الهولندية .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: Yarın 7'ye bir alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Tilføj en sang til Indie Hipster,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist Intents: Akankah Custer National Forest menjadi lebih dingin pada pukul tujuh malam,O B-location I-location I-location O B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,291,weather/find Intents: Gibsland için hava tahminini söyle,B-location O O O O,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: Қандай оятқыштар орнатылған ?,O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Koliko će biti hladnije nedaleko od Jute [ Utah ] oko 3 ujutru ?,O O O B-condition_temperature B-location O B-location O B-location O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: この 地 域 に 向 かう 嵐 は あり ます か ?,B-location I-location I-location O O O B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: Spiele Musik von E-type .,O O O B-artist O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: احذف كل منبهاتي,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Jeg vil gerne bestille bord til ti på en restaurant .,O O O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,418,BookRestaurant Intents: Usa Groove Shark per riprodurre musica,O B-service I-service O O O,PlayMusic,286,PlayMusic Intents: 90s Pop Rock Essentials-дан бірдеңе ойнат,B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,PlayMusic,461,PlayMusic Intents: Tambahkan lagu terbaru Richard McNamara ke playlist Just Smile,O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist Intents: 明天 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: Бүгін неше дюйм жаңбыр жауады ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: アラーム を 削 除 する,O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Tolong dapatkan saya lagu Compulsive Disclosure .,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,444,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Bugün bir şemsiyeye ihtiyacım var mı ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: Is Without Witness playing twenty two hours from now,O B-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,458,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Venligst åben Zvooq,O O B-service,PlayMusic,288,PlayMusic Intents: Je l' će da pada sneg danas ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: is it snowing in canada,O O B-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: 取消 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Možeš li da nađeš TV seriju The Approach,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Book spot for 9,O O O B-party_size_number,BookRestaurant,459,BookRestaurant Intents: Sabah 6 . 50'ye alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Akan berapa suhu tertinggi hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: Sæt en daglig alarm til klokken 8 om morgenen,O O B-recurring_datetime O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: I want to book a brasserie for 3 people in Netherlands Antilles .,O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: العب سيمفونية من عام 2013 .,O B-music_item O O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: Bugünkü nem oranı nedir ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: turn on my alarm,O O B-reference O,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Spiller Babar: King of the Elephants,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,434,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Rimuovi il mio promemoria di andare a prendere Patrick a scuola domani .,O O B-reference O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: lees vandaags weersvoorspelling,O B-datetime O,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: барлық оятқыштарды жой,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 15:19:29'da şu anki konumda nem ne kadar olacak ?,B-datetime B-location I-location I-location B-condition_description O O O O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: 请 给 我 找 电影 the Journal of the British Astronomical Association 。,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 设置 提醒 上午 8点 去 商店,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ジョージア に つい て ベン と 話 す よう に リマインド する,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Da li će biti oblačno danas u Grajndstonu ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: إلغي جميع التذكيرات,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Pusti najbolju muziku Brajana Meklina [ Bryan Maclean ] .,O B-sort O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: Annuleer alle herinneringen voor vandaag,O B-reference O O B-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Saya ingin film animasi di MJR Theaters,O O B-movie_type I-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Pusti The Happy Blues Ronija Vuda [ Ronnie Wood ] .,O B-album I-album I-album B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic Intents: Ik will geanimeerde films in MJR Theatres,O O B-movie_type I-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 今天 的 气温 将会 是 怎样的?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: how hot is it going to get today,O B-weather/attribute O O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: Apakah Bartok the Magnificent tayang pukul tujuh pagi ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,weather/find Intents: Mevcut kitaba bir başlangıç ver,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O,RateBook,329,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Kommer det til at regne i morgen ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: Is it going to rain tomorrow ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: Ik wil een joods restaurant boeken in Gambia .,O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O O B-location O,BookRestaurant,268,BookRestaurant Intents: Mainkan Trance Life di Zvooq .,O B-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: cancella il promemoria per il gioco di stasera,O O O O O B-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Otkaži mi podsetnik,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 告诉 我 吉布斯兰 的 天气 预报,O O B-location O O O,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: Aggiungi l' album alla playlist Hipster Soul .,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: Мен Шри-Ланкадағы мейрамханаға бес адамға тапсырыс бергім келеді .,O B-location B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O O O,BookRestaurant,415,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 显示 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,97,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Альбомды Hipster Soul ойнату тізіміне қос .,B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: Cerco un gioco chiamato Phinally Phamous,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Speel All Things Must Pass .,O B-track I-track I-track I-track O,PlayMusic,300,PlayMusic Intents: Mind mig om at betale husleje .,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Puoi trovarmi lo spettacolo televisivo National Anthem of the Ancient Britons ?,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Quali sono i miei promemoria ?,O O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Saya ingin menonton The Portrait of a Lady di bioskop terdekat .,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type B-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: is it cloudy today,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: 提醒 我 周二 下午3点 带 狗 去 美容师,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: アラーム を 一 時 停 止,O O O O O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Nađi mi TV emisiju Baby Blue,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Für welche Zeit habe ich den Wecker eingestellt ?,O O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Бүгін ыстық болады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: Is er nu een storm in NC ?,O O B-datetime O B-condition_description O B-location O,weather/find,258,weather/find Intents: Ертеңгі таңғы сағат 7-ге оятқышты орнат .,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Bu melodiyi dorthy's 80's party çalma listesine ekle,O B-music_item B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: Is it going to be cloudy today in Grindstone ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: 土 曜 日 の すべて の アラーム を キャンセル,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: アラーム を 午 後 6 時 5 0 分 に 設 定 する,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: قم بتشغيل This Is: Miles Davis على Lastfm .,O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,347,PlayMusic Intents: 帮我 在 北马里亚纳群岛 的 一家 酒吧 预订 一个 三 人 派对,O O B-location O O B-restaurant_type O O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: 请 给 我 找到 Now We Are Married 电视 剧 。,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Bu gece seyahat etmeyi tehlikeli hale getirmeye yetecek kar yağacak mı ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: 下午 五点 这里 的 暴风雪 情况 预报 是什么,B-datetime I-datetime B-location O B-condition_description O O O,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: zeige mir alle meine Erinnerungen,O O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/show_reminders Intents: اضبط منبه الساعة 10 صباحا,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Hvad bliver den højeste temperatur i dag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: 我 想 把 jordan rudess 添加到 Divertido para niños 的 播放 列表 里 。,O O O B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O O O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: アラーム を 明 日 の 午 前 7 時 に 設 定 する 。,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: setel alarm untuk setiap 30 menit,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: ingatkan saya untuk membeli bahan makanan,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: otkaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 添加 our little corner of the world music from gilmore girls 到 我的 The Funny Thing About Football Is 播放 列表 。,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: reserviere einen Tisch im Fried chicken Restaurant,O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,269,BookRestaurant "Intents: Tolong carikan tayangan televisi , Episodi di The Blacklist .",O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: tampilkan semua alarm saya,O B-reference O B-reference,alarm/show_alarms,53,alarm/set_alarm Intents: هل سيعرض Without Witness بعد عشرين ساعة من الان ؟,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,458,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Highway Patrolman-ды менің this is al green ойнату тізіміме қос,B-entity_name I-entity_name B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: جداول الأفلام القريبة لأفلام الرسوم المتحركة,B-object_type I-object_type B-location B-movie_type I-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchCreativeWork,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: أضف emilie autumn الى قائمة تشغيل Nação Reggae الخاصة بي .,O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: Los Angeles hava durumu güncellemesi,B-location I-location O O O,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: أضف هذا الفنان إلى Showstopper Being Mary Jane,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,372,AddToPlaylist Intents: The Crystal Snare-ға 5 жұлдыз бер,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: aggiungi Highway Patrolman alla mia playlist this is al green,O B-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: قم بإلغاء التنبيه لصباح الغد,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Yetmişli yıllardan Duke Ellington'dan bir şey çal,B-datetime I-datetime B-artist I-artist O O O,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: Možeš li da mi nađeš trejler za Blue Spring ?,O O O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: ricordami di prendere il cane alla toelettatura martedì alle 3 di pomeriggio,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Yarın Dallas'da hava nasıl olacak,B-datetime B-location O O O,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: Setel ulang alarm ini sekarang dan mulai pada pukul 2 siang,O O O B-reference B-datetime O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Add martin barre to my punk unplugged playlist.,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist "Intents: Tyonek , New Jersey'de hava nasıl",B-location O B-location I-location O O,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: A che ora è impostata la mia sveglia per domani mattina ?,O O O O O O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Мен спадағы орынға брондау жасағым келеді .,O B-facility B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,391,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Finde kreative Arbeiten Deadly Weapons,O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork Intents: koji je raspored filmova,O O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: gaat het morgen regenenen,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: Laat me Chris Knight muziek horen,O O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic Intents: Molim te rezerviši mi sto u bistru koji služi kolačiće lorna dun [ lorna doone ] .,O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O O O B-served_dish I-served_dish O B-served_dish I-served_dish O O,BookRestaurant,284,BookRestaurant Intents: Füge dieses Lied zu Dortys 80er-Party-Playliste hinzu,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: Sæt en påmindelse til hunde mad på mandag .,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: This Is Johnny Cash'e bir derek watkins melodisi ekle,B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: Saya ingin mendengarkan sebuah ep dari tahun 1998 .,O O O O B-music_item O O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,259,PlayMusic Intents: Metti la traccia di Vandemataram Srinivas nella HipHop Hot 50 .,O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,350,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tambahkan jack white ke playlist This Is Shakira saya,O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: Søg venligst efter et maleri med titlen This Is the Night .,O O O O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Zvooq-та тоқсаныншы әндер,B-service B-datetime O,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: شغِّل rich sex على Iheart,O B-track I-track O B-service,AddToPlaylist,277,PlayMusic Intents: Wat is de luchtvochtigheid vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,222,weather/find Intents: Koliko vruće će biti danas ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: Tüm hatırlatıcılarımı iptal et .,B-reference B-reference-part O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 添加 这位 艺术家 到 Showstopper Being Mary Jane,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,372,AddToPlaylist Intents: Berapa waktu yang tersisa di alarm .,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Мен фильмдер кестесін қайдан таба аламын,O B-object_type I-object_type O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: prikaži moje alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,93,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Otvori itunes i pusti Ben Burnley Ready To Die,O B-service O O B-artist I-artist B-album I-album I-album,PlayMusic,358,PlayMusic Intents: Ik heb tijden nodig voor A Yiddish World Remembered in Dipson Theatres,O O B-object_type O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: batalkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Setel sebuah pengingat mingguan untuk bahan makanan .,O O O B-recurring_datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/show_reminders Intents: wat is het weer in Frankrijk vandaag,O O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: 明 日 は ジャケット が 必 要 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,41,weather/find "Intents: Can you search the book , Paris - When It Sizzles ?",O O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Laat me alle wekkers zien,O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,138,weather/find Intents: Ho bisogno di aggiungere alla mia lista Infinite Indie Folk le opere di Rahim Shah,O O O O O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O B-artist I-artist,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: Reimposta tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 今 日 は どれ くらい 暑 く なり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: Quali sono le previsioni meteo per il Bothe-Napa Valley State Park attorno al 20 febbraio ?,O O O O O O O B-location I-location I-location I-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: Tambahkan sebuah lagu ke playlist madden nfl 16 saya,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk mengembalikan uang sewa,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: u 4 sutra me podseti da idem u tržni centar,O B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Hoće li biti sunčano sutra ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: Bliver det skyet i Grindstone i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute O B-location B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: What is the temperature today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: ذكرني أن ألتقط زهورًا لجين بمناسبة ذكرتنا السنوية يوم 28 من هذا الشهر .,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Cari album Wolves Within,O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 让 我 听 Chris Knight 的 音乐,O O O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,280,PlayMusic Intents: Finde das Videospiel 20 Hours in America .,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Sert hava tahmini nedir ?,B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: Kakva je prognoza za državni park Bot-Napa Vali [ Bothe-Napa Valley State Park ] oko 20 . februara ?,O O O O B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: Setze den Track von Vandemataram Srinivas auf HipHop Hot 50 .,O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,350,AddToPlaylist Intents: бүгін жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: memberikan kisah ini lima dari 6 poin,O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,439,RateBook Intents: 请 给 我 找到 名字 是 20 Hours in America 的 电子 游戏 。,O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Op zoek naar een schilderij met de titel With You,O O O O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: اضبط المنبه على الساعة 5 مساء اليوم,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Yarın yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: الطقس في غضون ساعتين في أوزبكستان,O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,312,weather/find Intents: Akan bagaimana cuaca di kota New York minggu ini,O O O O O B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: Daj seriji Catedral četiri zvezdica .,O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: Che caldo farà oggi ?,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: Is Bartok the Magnificent playing at seven AM ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Je l' možeš da pronađeš film Epic Conditions ?,O O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: blues britânico ойнат .,B-genre I-genre O O,PlayMusic,480,PlayMusic Intents: Tilføj Richard McNamaras nyeste sang til Just Smile playlisten,O B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist Intents: Aggiungi l' artista alla playlist political punks .,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: Gaat het vannacht genoeg sneeuwen om reizen gevaarlijk te maken ?,O O B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: Che tempo c' è oggi ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,107,weather/find Intents: Book a reservation for five people for a tatar taverna in Sargents,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: plan een dagelijkse wekker voor 7:30 uur 's avonds tot verwijderd,O O B-recurring_datetime O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 将 Richard McNamara 的 最新 歌曲 添加 到 Just Smile 播放 列表 中,O B-artist I-artist O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist Intents: Alarm apa yang disetel ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Pioverà oggi ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: 给 the Three Junes 评分 为 6分 中 的 1分,O O B-object_name I-object_name O O B-best_rating O O B-rating_value,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: Pusti muziku Džoja Najla [ Joy Nilo ] .,O O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: من فضلك أبحث لي عن فيلم Journal of the British Astronomical Association .,O O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: أحتاج إلى ضبط منبه لوجبة إفطار الساعة 9 صباحًا,O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Reminiscences of the Anti-Japanese Guerillas шежіресі рейтинг бойынша 6-дан нөлдік баллға лайық .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type O O B-best_rating B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O,RateBook,376,RateBook Intents: quale sarà il tempo a Dallas domani,O O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: 播放 六十 年代 的 音乐,O B-datetime I-datetime O B-music_item,PlayMusic,404,PlayMusic Intents: Tropiske storme i Caribien,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: Otkaži sve podsetnike,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: gilmore girls-дың our little corner of the world музыкасын менің The Funny Thing About Football Is ойнату тізіміме қос .,B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: ドライ クリーニング を 受 け 取 る リマインダー を 設 定 する 。,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ذكرني بضبط المنبهات للصباح,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ما المنبهات التي تم ضبطها ؟,O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,alarm/show_alarms Intents: kakva je prognoza za Voriku [ Waurika ] u Samoi,O O O O B-location O B-location O O B-location,weather/find,478,weather/find Intents: Cancella i miei promemoria,O O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: هل ستمطر غدا ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: Öğleden sonra 5'e alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Setze einen Wecker für 17 Uhr heute Abend,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: zet wekker voor 6 uur 's ochtends,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/set_alarm Intents: ups için alarm kurmayı hatırlat,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Erstelle einen Wecker für alle neun Minuten,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Želim da gledam Portret dame [ The Portrait of a Lady ] u najbližem bioskopu .,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 予 報 で は どの くらい の 雪 を 予 測 し て い ます か ?,O O O O O O O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: Daj ovom albumu jednu zvezdicu,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: Mainkan beberapa blues britânico .,O O B-genre I-genre O,PlayMusic,480,PlayMusic Intents: Apa akan turun salju hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: Voglio prenotare un collettivo in una spa .,O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-facility O,BookRestaurant,391,BookRestaurant Intents: Pazar günkü tüm alarmları iptal et .,B-datetime I-datetime B-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Tilføj 40 cal sangen til laundry playlisten .,O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist Intents: Zvooq'ta Trance Life'ı çal .,B-service B-playlist I-playlist O O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: Speel The Happy Blues van Ronnie Wood .,O B-album I-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic Intents: Is Rare Birds showing at the nearest movie theatre at noon .,O B-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O B-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: wird es diese Woche regnen,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: tampilkan bioskop terdekat yang menayangkan Boycott,O B-object_location_type B-location O O B-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 20 ақпанға жақынрақ Bothe-Napa Valley State Park-та ауа райы қандай болады ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location I-location I-location I-location O O O O O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk mengisi bensin .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,4,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Seperti apa cuaca hari ini ?,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: Spielt Any Which Way You Can in 15 Sekunden,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,327,PlayMusic Intents: annuleer alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Podseti me da kupim Džen cveće za našu godišnjicu 28-og .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ما حالة الطقس اليوم,O O O B-datetime,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: бүгін қар жауады ма,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: Lütfen beni iyi Now We Are Married TV dizisi .,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 取消 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: wat is de voorspelling in Nicodemus en omstreken,O O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: 给 这 个 编年史 打 2 分 。,O B-object_select I-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type O B-rating_value O O,RateBook,265,RateBook Intents: 仕 事 が 終 わっ たら パン を 買 う よう に リマインド し て,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder Intents: アラーム を キャンセル,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 今 日 は 雪 が 降 る でしょう か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: Wird es heute regnen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: Мен Outcast-ты көргім келеді .,O B-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,345,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Калифорниядағы Урбанктегі James D . Conrey House-та үстел жалдағым келеді,B-location B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O O,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: Сен мен үшін ертең таңғы 8:45-ке жаңа оятқышты орнатуыңды қалаймын,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,232,reminder/set_reminder Intents: prikaži mi moje alarme,O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,119,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Otkaži mi sve alarme za nedelju .,O B-reference I-reference O O B-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Kommer det til at regne i morgen ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: Was is die Wettervorhersage für Nicodemus und Umgebung ?,O O O O O B-location O B-location O,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: what is the weather in france today,O O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: Mogu li da dobijem vreme prikazivanja za filmove u okolini,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-movie_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Pesankan tempat untuk 9 orang di Thurmont,O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location,BookRestaurant,254,BookRestaurant Intents: qual è la previsione di bufere qui alle cinque del pomeriggio,O O O O O B-condition_description B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: 给 In the Company of Cheerful Ladies 评分 为 6分 中 的 0分,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-best_rating O O B-rating_value,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: 提醒我 周四 下午12点 要去 拜访 医生,O B-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: إلغاء جميع منبهاتي ليوم الأحد .,O B-reference B-reference-part B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,230,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Beoordeel de huidige roman 3 sterren,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: Annuleer mijn wekker voor 5:15 uur 's ochtends op dinsdag,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: berapa suhu terendah untuk besok,O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-datetime,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: Spiller Without Witness om to og tyve timer,O B-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,458,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Ricordami di prendere i fiori per Jen per il nostro anniversario il 28 .,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Apa akan turun salju hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: هل ستثلج اليوم ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: Fire in the Hole adlı yaratıcı çalışmayı bul,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork Intents: ingatkan saya untuk menyetel sebuah alarm untuk naik,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: すべて の アラーム を 削 除,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Isključi mi alarm .,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: berikan saya cuplikan film Good Morning Sunshine,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,334,SearchCreativeWork Intents: بحاجة إلى طاولة في مكان ما في Quarryville بعد 14 ساعة من الآن,O O O O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,392,BookRestaurant Intents: Spil den nyeste sang med Eddie Vinson på Last Fm .,O O B-sort B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O B-service I-service O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: すべて の アラーム を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,223,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Hapus pengingat saya untuk menjemput Patrick dari sekolah besok .,O O B-reference O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Give fire stjerner til The Broken Window,O B-rating_value O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: Apa akan panas hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: Jeg skal bruge en liste af spilletider for Speakeasy Theaters,O O O O O O O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,442,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Hatırlatmacılarım neler ?,B-reference-part O O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Andrew Hewitt'ten bir şeyler dinleyelim .,B-artist I-artist O O O O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: 将 Muzika za decu 添加 到 我的 Crash Course 播放 列表,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist Intents: Fried chicken мейрамханасында үстелге тапсырыс бер,B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O O,BookRestaurant,269,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Spil noget symfonimusik med David Lindley .,O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: Hvordan bliver luftfugtigheden på min nuværende lokation klokken 15:19:29 ?,O O B-condition_description O O B-location I-location B-datetime B-datetime O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: tüm hatırlatıcıları göster,B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 来 週 の リマインダー を キャンセル,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: هل ستمطر غدا ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: أضف أغنية boy george إلى قائمة تشغيل Emo Forever .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: Aggiungi our little corner of the world music from gilmore girls alla mia playlist The Funny Thing About Football Is .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: Hoće li biti sunčano za žurku u subotu ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は 雪 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: zet wekker voor elke 30 minuten,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Hoe wordt het weer in Ohio ?,O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: Gaat het regenen vandaag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: قم بإلغاء المنبه التالي,O O O B-reference,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 今天 的 天气 怎么样?,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: Сейфаниға сейсенбіде қоңырау шалуымды есіме сал,B-reminder/todo B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Pusti This Is: Miles Davis na Lastfmu [ Lastfm ] .,O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-service O B-service O O,PlayMusic,347,AddToPlaylist Intents: Kad će kiša da stane ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: Pesan sebuah reservasi untuk lima orang untuk sebuah taverna tatar di Sargents,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine O B-location,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: Akankah besok hujan ?,O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: Daj jednu zvezdicu ovoj knjizi,O B-rating_value O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,329,RateBook Intents: Маған Harkins Theatres-ындағы фильмдерді көрсет .,O B-location I-location B-movie_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Remind me to drop off rent,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: otkaži podsetnik za večerašnju utakmicu,O O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 明天 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: Мен бүгін шорты кие аламын ба ?,O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,214,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Put Vandemataram Srinivas 's track onto HipHop Hot 50 .,O B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,350,AddToPlaylist Intents: Оятқышта қанша уақыт қалды .,O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: pioverà questa settimana,B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: set alarm for 6pm,O O O B-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: lösche meine Erinnerungen für nächste Woche,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: бүгін қаншалықты ыстық болады,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,249,weather/find "Intents: Hoe is het weer in Tyonek , New Jersey",O O O O O B-location O B-location I-location,weather/find,362,weather/find Intents: 明 日 の 朝 の アラーム を キャンセル する,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Pusti rich sex na radiju Iheart,O B-track I-track O O B-service,PlayMusic,277,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 预报 什么 时候 下雨,O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: Wie wird die Vorhersage für 6 Uhr morgens im Tatra-Nationalpark,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,283,weather/find Intents: Boy george parçasını Emo Forever çalma listesine ekle .,B-artist I-artist B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: Yağmur ne zaman duracak ?,B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: 预订 一张 桌子 在 9点,O O O O B-party_size_number,BookRestaurant,459,BookRestaurant Intents: tampilkan semua pengingat,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: قيم هذا الألبوم الحالي بـ 0 نجوم,O B-object_select B-object_type B-object_select O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: Vorrei che tu creassi una nuova sveglia per le 8:45 di domani mattina,O O O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Lösche alle Erinnerungen,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: laat alle wekker instelling zien,O B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Akankah ada salju hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: Ho bisogno di una sveglia impostata per una colazione alle 9 di mattina,O O O O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Spil noget fra halvfjerserne med Duke Ellington,O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: Set a reminder for dog food on Monday .,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Per favore dammi la canzone Compulsive Disclosure .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,444,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Poništi ovaj alarm sad i startuj ga u 2 po podne,O B-reference O B-datetime O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: 请 打开 Zvooq,O O B-service,PlayMusic,288,PlayMusic Intents: Attiva la sveglia,O O O,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/set_alarm Intents: إعرض كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,237,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 明天 将 会 下雪 吗?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: Ruth'u 6 üzerinden beş puan ver .,B-object_name B-rating_value O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: менің барлық оятқыштарымды көрсет,B-reference I-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,223,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Vind de filmtijden dichtbij,O O B-object_type B-location,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 明 日 の リマインダー は 何 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,75,weather/find Intents: Setel sebuah alarm untuk 6:50 malam,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,155,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Podseti me da platim stanarinu .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Alarm verwerfen,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 36 Children'a 6 üzerinden iki yıldız ver,B-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: Mostrami tutti i promemoria,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 增加 一项 提醒 在 今天 下午 4点,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: tüm alarmları göster,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,32,alarm/show_alarms Intents: wanneer is het kouder,O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: Kapan hujannya akan berhenti ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: Sabah 9 kahvaltısına kurulmuş bir alarma ihtiyacım var,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Bugün kar yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: agustos'un 21'i öğleden sonra 3'te doktorlara gitmeyi hatırlat,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Give dette album én stjerne,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: Speelt Is Patrick Still Lives in AMC Theaters,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent "Intents: What will the weather be in Sarygamyş Sanctuary on august 21, 2035 ?",O O O O O O B-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: İTunes'u aç ve Ben Burnley Ready To Die'ı çal,B-service O O B-artist I-artist B-track I-track I-track O,PlayMusic,358,PlayMusic Intents: annuleer wekkers,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Spil musik fra E-type .,O O O B-artist O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: Spiele Musik von Netflix .,O O O B-service O,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: Påmind mig senere,O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Bartok the Magnificent 在 早上 七点 演奏 是 不 是 很 棒 ?,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 今 日 の 天 気 は どんな 感 じ です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: kapan cuacanya mendingin,O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: إلغي جميع التذكيرات,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: setel alarm untuk jam 6 sore,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: барлық оятқыштарды өшір,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Book spot for 9 at Thurmont,O O O B-party_size_number O B-location,BookRestaurant,254,BookRestaurant Intents: أحتاج طاولة لـ 4 أشخاص في سانت هيلانة في فندق Settha Palace,O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location I-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: Lösche die letzte Erinnerung,O O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: осы аптада жаңбыр жауады ма,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: Rare Birds verrà proiettato al più vicino cinema a mezzogiorno .,B-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-location I-location B-object_location_type O B-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Tüm hatırlatıcılarımı göster,B-reference B-reference-part O,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Zvooq'ta bir şeyler çal,B-service O O O,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: Zoek alstjeblieft Phineas Redux .,O O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: تجاهل المنبه,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: What's the weather like today ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: 显示 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/show_reminders Intents: phyllis ward and veronica need a table at a restaurant in 152 days,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O O O O B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,492,BookRestaurant Intents: When will the rain stop ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: Pazartesi öğleden sonra 4'te okumu aramak için hatırlatıcısı ayarla,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Dipson Theatres'daki A Yiddish World Remembered'ın seanslarına ihtiyacım var,B-location I-location B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-object_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 提醒 我 明天 去 安排 一个 医生 预约 。,O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Apakah No Time to Be Young sedang tayang di AMC Theaters,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Sabah ikide burada hava nasıl,B-datetime I-datetime B-location O O,weather/find,476,weather/find "Intents: Napravi rezervaciju za 8 ljudi u Vordvilu [ Wardville ] , Kanzas",O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-location O O B-location,BookRestaurant,314,BookRestaurant Intents: Dimana saya dapat menemukan jadwal film,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Daj ocenu 2 Juneteenth .,O O B-rating_value B-object_name O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: what is the forecast for Costa Rica,O O O O O B-location I-location,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: slet alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: prikaži sve podešene alarme,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,180,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Riproduci la mia playlist inventive,O O O O B-playlist,PlayMusic,253,PlayMusic Intents: 14 сағаттан кейін Карвиллде бір үстелге керек,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location O O O,BookRestaurant,392,reminder/set_reminder Intents: this is racionais mc's'e bu şarkıyı ekle,B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: 这周 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: أريد الإستماع إلى شئ ما على Youtube,O O O O O O B-service,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: Aggiungo questo artista a Showstopper Being Mary Jane,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,372,AddToPlaylist Intents: Isključi mi alarm .,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: قيم سلسلة The Mystery of the Tolling Bell بـ 4 نجوم .,O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: Auf der Suche nach einem Gemälde mit dem Titel With You,O O O O O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: speelt We are Northern Lights in een bioscoop,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 今 日 の 天 気 は どんな 感 じ です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: I möchte Outcast sehen .,O O B-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,345,SearchCreativeWork Intents: aggiungi questa traccia alla mia playlist Hands Up,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: herinner me om ijs te kopen,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: hoe is het weer vandaag ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,107,weather/find Intents: Prikaži mi sve moje podsetnike,O O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Tolong batalkan alarm untuk Kamis pagi .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Tampilkan jadwal film di daerah sekitar,O B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Mencari sebuah permainan berjudul Phinally Phamous,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: ugasi alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 周三 我 需要 带 雨伞 吗?,B-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property'e beş yıldız ver,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: هل يمكنك أن تريني المنبهات ؟,O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Oceni Ruth sa pet od 6 poena .,O B-object_name O B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: er det varmt ?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: verwijder alle herinneringen,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Play some blues britânico .,O O B-genre I-genre O,PlayMusic,480,PlayMusic Intents: batalkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: I Think I Do 会 在 晚上 7 点 演奏 吗 ?,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Buche einen Tisch in der Taverne für Nudeln,O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-served_dish,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: kakva je prognoza za ovde za snežno nevreme u pet po podne,O O O O B-location O B-condition_description I-condition_description O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: осы альбомды 0 жұлдызға бағала,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: Stelle den Wecker nur auf Montags Mittag ein .,O O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Бүгін қаншалықты ыстық болады ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: Wanda Group фильмдер кестесін тап .,B-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: da li pada sneg u kanadi,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: Please open Zvooq,O O B-service,PlayMusic,288,PlayMusic Intents: Carikan saya novel dengan judul To Lose My Life …,O O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Akan berapa suhu hari ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: Sæt alarmen på pause,O O O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Rate The Mystery of the Tolling Bell series 4 stars .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: voeg het huidige nummer to aan mijn This Is Tchaikovsky playlist,O O O B-music_item O B-reference I-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: 把 The Famous Flower of Serving-Men 添加 到 我的 evening acoustic 播放 列表 里 。,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: Jeg vil gerne se animerede film hos MJR Theatres,O O O O B-movie_type I-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: ذكرني بزيارة الطبيب يوم الخميس الساعة 12 ظهرًا,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Wie wird die Temperatur heute ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: set alarm for every 30 minutes,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Utah yakınlarında sabah 3 civarında hava daha ne kadar soğuk olacak ?,B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O B-condition_temperature O O,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: すべて の アラーム を 表 示 する,B-reference O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,14,alarm/show_alarms Intents: bagaimana cuaca disini pada jam dua pagi,O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,476,weather/find Intents: Ыстық па ?,B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: 删除 闹钟,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 雨 什么 时候 会 停?博登敦,B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: 闹钟 还剩 多少 时间。,O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: We Are Northern Lights 是否 会 在 所有 的 电影院 播放,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O O O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: бүгін қар жауады ма,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: vota questo romanzo zero su 6,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: sneeuwt het in canada,B-weather/attribute O O B-location,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: барлық оятқыштарды алып таста,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: アラーム を 毎 分 2 0 分 間 設 定 し て もらえ ます か ?,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Boek een plek voor 4 in Oklahoma in South Street Diner,O O O O B-party_size_number O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: Da li mi treba džemper ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: すべて の アラーム を キャンセル,B-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: when is it cool down,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: What is the severe weather forecast ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: Apakah dingin hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: تحقق من مواعيد عرض سينمات Bow Tie .,O O B-object_type O B-location I-location I-location O,SearchCreativeWork,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Spil musik fra Netflix,O O O B-service,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: Tambahkan The Famous Flower of Serving-Men ke playlist akustik sore saya .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: Želim da dodam džordana rudesa [ jordan rudess ] na plejlistu Divertido para niños .,O O O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: Şu anki romana 6 üzerinden 2 ver .,B-object_select I-object_select B-object_type B-best_rating O B-rating_value O O,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: Kan ik de tijden voor films in de buurt krijgen,O O O O O B-movie_type B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Wird es morgen regnen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: 我 想 看 JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,386,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Wie ist das Wetter in San Francisco ?,O O O O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: Wat is de zware weersvoorspelling ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: Open itunes en speel Ben Burnley Ready To Die,O B-service O O B-artist I-artist B-album I-album I-album,PlayMusic,358,PlayMusic Intents: 今 日 は どれ くらい 暑 く なり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: prikaži mi sve podsetnike,O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Play This Is: Miles Davis on Lastfm .,O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,347,PlayMusic Intents: هل الجو بارد اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: 我 在 哪 能 找到 电影 时间表,O O O O O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 之后 提醒 我,B-datetime O O,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder Intents: How hot will it get today ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: Wird es heute sonnig ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: Lass uns good Mohammad Male on Vimeo hören .,O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service O O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic Intents: Kontrolliere die Wettervorhersage für Nebraska .,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,257,weather/find Intents: барлық оятқыштарды көрсет,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,237,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: Per favore cerca il programma televisivo , Episodi di The Blacklist .",O O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: tüm hatırlatıcıları göster,B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Ayo makan di dekat Oakfield 17 detik dari sekarang di Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish,O O O B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant Intents: Pusti muziku sa Netfliksa .,O O O B-service O,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: slet alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Pusti nešto od Djuka Elingtona [ Duke Ellington ] iz sedamdesetih,O O O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O B-datetime,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: Zeig mir alle Erinnerungen,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: What will the weather be in nov. in Brookneal ?,O O O O O O B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: Setel sebuah alarm untuk satu jam dari sekarang .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 演奏 2013年 的 交响乐 。,O B-datetime O B-music_item O,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: Annuleer alle herinneringen,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Schalte alle Wecker für morgen ab,O B-reference O O B-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Find en TV serie ved navn Baby Blue til mig,O O B-object_type I-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Wie ist die Vorhersage für kältere Temperaturen am Anfang des Law Day hier,O O O O O B-condition_temperature O O O O B-datetime I-datetime B-location,weather/find,417,weather/find Intents: slet alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 给 当前 这本 书 打 一分,O O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value,RateBook,329,RateBook Intents: Сен Paris - When It Sizzles кітабін іздей аласың ба ?,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: reservér et bord til mine niecer og jeg på et tea house,O O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: اضبط المنبه لمدة ساعتين,O O O B-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Želim da slušam nešto na Jutjubu [ Youtube ],O O O O O B-service O B-service O,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: Cancel all my reminders .,O B-reference I-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 外 は 暑 い です か,B-location O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: imposta una sveglia tra 2 ore,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Bugün kar olacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: 取消 明天 上午 的 闹钟,O B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Set alarm for 5 am,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Spiele einen 60er Soundtrack,O O B-datetime B-music_item,PlayMusic,404,PlayMusic Intents: geef me de trailer van Good Morning Sunshine,O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,334,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Set alarm for 7 am tomorrow .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Vil det sne nok i aften til at gøre færdsel usikkert ?,O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: Spil noget på Zvooq,O O O B-service,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: أضف تذكير للذهاب إلى المتجر في الساعة 8 صباحًا,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 今 日 の 湿 度 は 何 度 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: The Approach dizisini bulabilir misin,B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Visualizza tutte le sveglie .,O B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 给我 看 我 的 闹钟,O O B-reference I-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,119,alarm/show_alarms Intents: ما هي توقعات الجوية لكوستاريكا,O O O O B-location,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: Buche einen Platz für 1 Person im Town of Ramsgate in Merit,O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location,BookRestaurant,289,BookRestaurant Intents: Vis mig mine påmindelser,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Sæt en alarm til 30 minutter,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 预订 8个 人 的 位置 在 堪萨斯州 沃德 维尔预,O B-party_size_number O O O O B-location B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,314,BookRestaurant Intents: оятқышты тоқтат,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Жақын жерден фильм кестесін тап,B-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Quanto freddo sarà non lontano dallo Utah attorno alle 3 del pomeriggio ?,O B-condition_temperature O B-location I-location O B-location O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: 家 賃 を 置 いていく の を リマインド し て,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Sæt en alarm til hvert niende minut .,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Lütfen bana Journal of the British Astronomical Association filmini bul .,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: akan seperti apa cuaca di Dallas besok,O O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: laat de dichtstbijzijnde bioscoop zien die Boycott heeft,O O B-location B-object_location_type O O B-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 我 想 看 Outcast 。,O O O B-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,345,SearchCreativeWork Intents: phyllis ward e veronica hanno bisogno di un tavolo in un ristorante tra 152 giorni,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O O O O O O B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,492,BookRestaurant Intents: Da li se Without Witness prikazuje za dvadeset dva sata,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,458,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Hoće li biti hladnije za četiri meseca u Suvoniju [ Suwanee ] u Arkanzasu [ AK ],O O O B-condition_temperature B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location O B-location O O B-location O B-location O,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: ертеңгі сағат 7-ге оятқышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Bitte suche nach Three Essays über die Theory of Sexuality Show,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 将 当前 曲目 添加 到 我的 This Is Tchaikovsky 播放 列表,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: 土 曜 日 は 雨 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: C'è una tempesta ora a NC ?,O O B-condition_description B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,258,weather/find Intents: أحضر لي أغنية Secret South .,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,PlayMusic,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Күні бойы жаңбыр жауу керек пе ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: оятқышты өшір,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: ابحث عن مواعيد عرض الفيلم قريبًا,O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type B-location,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Бүгін кешке анама қоңырау шалуымды есіме сал,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 我 需要 带 雨衣 吗?,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: Şu anki romana 3 yıldız ver,B-object_select I-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: rate the current textbook 1 out of 6,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: Tilføj dette album til Old School Death Metal,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: Dimmi le previsioni per le 6 del mattino al Tatra-Nationalpark,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,283,weather/find Intents: Please look up and find me Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl .,O O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 播放 Gary Lee Conner,O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic Intents: wie ist das Wetter in Frankreich heute,O O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: ألغي منبهاتي,O B-reference-part,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: What is the rain forecast for one hour from now in South Korea,O O O B-condition_description O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: من فضلك إبحث عن أغنية The Mad Magician .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Buche eine Reservierung für meine Babys und mich,O O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description,BookRestaurant,373,BookRestaurant Intents: Sæt en alarm til klokken 7 i morgen tidlig .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: rich sex-ті Iheart-та ойнат,B-track I-track B-service O,PlayMusic,277,PlayMusic Intents: هل يمكنك العثور على صورة the Epic Conditions ؟,O O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Søg efter TV serien Jersey Boys,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Dodaj pesmu na moju listu madden nfl 16,O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ich brauche eine Erinnerung um Lisa abzuholen,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: bu albümü 5 puanla işaretle,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,468,RateBook Intents: 取消 明天 的 闹钟,O B-datetime O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 今 夜 、 仕 事 の メール に 返 信 する こと を リマインド する,B-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: beoordeel The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property vijf sterren,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: Apakah akan panas minggu ini ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: Lösche meine dritte Erinnerung von dieser Liste,O B-reference I-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: إعرض كل التذكيرات,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/show_reminders Intents: nevicherà domani,B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: Ricordami di prendere il pane dopo lavoro,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 设置 闹钟 会 上午 5点,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,16,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Ich möchte das Porträt einer Dame im nächsten Kino sehen .,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location B-object_location_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchScreeningEvent "Intents: Erinnere mich , morgen meine Schwester anzurufen",O O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Dodaj martina bara [ martin barre ] na moju listu punk unplugged .,O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist Intents: 今 日 は 晴 れる でしょう か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: voeg dit nummer toe aan mijn Hands Up playlist,O O B-music_item O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tilføj jack white til min This Is Shakira playliste,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ертеңге сүт сатып алу туралы еске салғышты орнат .,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Voglio prenotare un ristorante bougatsa entro il prossimo anno vicino a Penn per tre persone .,O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine O O B-datetime I-datetime B-location O B-location O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,452,BookRestaurant Intents: 设置 闹钟 为 上午 2点,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: laat alle herinneringen zien,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/show_reminders Intents: من فضلك ابحث عن Monty Python Live في Hollywood Bowl .,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchCreativeWork Intents: vota questo libro di testo 1 su 6,O B-object_select B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: Сенбіде жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: أرني كل منبهاتي,O B-reference B-reference-part,alarm/show_alarms,53,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Бүгін ауа температурасы қандай болады ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: ما حالة الطقس اليوم,O O O B-datetime,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: Soll ich einen Regenmantel mitbringen ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: Do I need an umbrella today ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: Stelle einen Wecker jede Minute für 20 Minuten .,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm Intents: find traileren for Good Morning Sunshine til mig,O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,334,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 20 dakika boyunca her dakikaya alarm kur .,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm Intents: アラーム を 1 5 分 間 スヌーズ,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: Mostrami gli orari dei film del Southern Theatres,O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 我 想 在 冈比亚 订 一家 犹太 餐馆 。,O O O B-location O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,268,BookRestaurant Intents: Paul Mccartney çal,B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: imposta una sveglia per le 3 di mattina,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Hvad er den højeste temperatur i dag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: batalkan alarm saya untuk besok pagi,O O B-reference O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Bugün sıcaklık nedir ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: 36 Children-ді 6-дан екі жұлдызға бағала,B-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,463,RateBook Intents: stop wekker,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: lösche meinen Wecker von morgen früh,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: ما هي درجة الحرارة اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: Prenota un posto per 9,O O O O B-party_size_number,BookRestaurant,459,BookRestaurant Intents: stop alarmen,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: келесі болжам жаңбырды қашан көрсетеді ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,58,weather/find "Intents: Erstelle Erinnerung "" Sub yoga class Tuesday night at Bala "" für morgen",O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: snooze my alarms for five minutes,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: zet alle wekkers uit,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: kan je de wekker elke minuut zetten voor 20 minuten ?,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/set_alarm Intents: أبحث عن رسمة بعنوان With You,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 给 我 Secret South 歌曲 。,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: rezerviši sto 1 / 20 / 2023 za petoro u MH,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-party_size_number O B-location,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: cancella tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,weather/find Intents: lagu tahun sembilan puluhan di Zvooq,O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-service,PlayMusic,352,PlayMusic Intents: uključi mi alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Laat me alle wekkers zien,O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,44,weather/find Intents: Laat me mijn herinneringen zien,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Turn off my alarm .,O O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: Bryan Maclean-нің ең жақсы музыкасын ойнат .,B-artist I-artist B-sort I-sort O O O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: Lass uns in 17 Sekunden in der Nähe von Oakfield bei Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish essen,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location O B-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant Intents: احجز لتسعة أشخاص في أفضل حانة قريبة من طنجة بعد ستة أشهر,O B-party_size_number O O B-sort B-restaurant_type B-location O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant Intents: Kakvo će vreme biti u Njujorku ove nedelje,O O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: Ik wil een joint boeken in een spa .,O O O B-restaurant_type O O O B-facility O,BookRestaurant,391,BookRestaurant Intents: 取消 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Lütfen bana lorna doone servis eden bir bistroda masa ayırt .,O O B-served_dish I-served_dish O O O B-restaurant_type O O O,BookRestaurant,284,BookRestaurant Intents: 今 日 の 気 温 は どの くらい です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: Patrick Still Lives viene proiettato al AMC Theaters,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: الساعة 4 غدًا ذكرني بالذهاب إلى المركز التجاري,O B-datetime I-datetime O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: voeg Muzika za decu toe aan mijn Crash Course playlist,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist "Intents: Erinnere mich , den Wecker für den Morgen einzustellen",O O O O B-reminder/todo O O B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: قم بتشغيل منبهي,O O B-reference-part,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/set_alarm Intents: The Great Gildersleeve filminin yakındaki sinema salonu seanslarını göster,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 1 0 月 7 日 の リマインダー アラーム を 設 定 する,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,158,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Memberi nilai Ruth lima dari 6 poin .,O O B-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: Jeg vil gerne reservérer bord på en jødisk restaurant i Gambia .,O O O O O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location O,BookRestaurant,268,BookRestaurant Intents: Rate this current novel two out of 6 .,O B-object_select I-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: Anullér alle påmindelser for i dag,O B-reference O O O B-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: quando le previsioni danno la prossima pioggia,O O O O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: アラーム に 残 っ て いる 時 間,O O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Hoćeš da podesiš alarm na svaki minut u trajanju od 20 minuta ?,O O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Lösche alle meine Erinnerungen .,O B-reference I-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: bagaimana cuaca hari ini,O O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: Hvad kommer temperaturen til at blive i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: akan sepanas apa hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: Никодимде және жақын жерде қандай болжам бар,B-location O B-location I-location O O O,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: Anullér alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Bryan Maclean'dan en iyi müziğini çal .,B-artist I-artist B-sort I-sort O O O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: 30 минутқа оятқышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Berapa suhu hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: هل ستمطر غدا ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,213,weather/find "Intents: Søg efter fjernsyns programmet , Episodi di The Blacklist .",O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Akankah I Think I Do tayang pada jam 7 malam ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime B-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,weather/find Intents: Verwijder mijn herinnering,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Memberikan nol bintang untuk buku pelajaran ini,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_select,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: 显示 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Pusti Pola Mekartnija [ Paul Mccartney ],O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: 设置 闹钟 在 今晚 5点,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 明 日 の 朝 の アラーム を キャンセル,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: アラーム を 見 せ て くれ ませ ん か ?,O O O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,alarm/show_alarms Intents: すべて の アラーム を リセット する,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 找 一个 叫做 Phinally Phamous 的 游戏,O O O B-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 今天 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: da li se We Are Northern Lights prikazuje u nekom bioskopu,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: What will the weather be in New York city this week,O O O O O O B-location I-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: Bugün hava sıcak olacak mı ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: vis mig mine alarmer,O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,119,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Voeg Martin barre toe aan mijn punk unplugged playlist .,O B-artist I-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist Intents: ما هي التوقعات الجوية لـ Waurika في ساموا,O O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,478,weather/find Intents: 给 这本 教科书 打 零 颗 星,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value O B-rating_unit,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: Remind me to make a doctor's appointment tomorrow .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Da li će da pada kiša danas ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: 俄亥俄州 的 天气 会 怎么样 ?,B-location O O O O O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: verwijder wekkers,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Ho bisogno di un tavolo per 4 a Saint Helena al Settha Palace Hotel,O O O O O O B-party_size_number O B-location I-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: Wann zeigt die Wettervorhersage den nächsten Regen an ?,O O O O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: Vota questa serie 4 punti,O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: what is the average forecast for september,O O O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: Želim da rezervišem stejkhaus u Vajmi Ridžu [ Vimy Ridge ] .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O B-location I-location O O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: 设置 提醒 要去 干洗 。,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Saya butuh menambahkan ke daftar Infinite Indie Folk saya karya-karya Rahim Shah,O O O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference O B-artist I-artist,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: Spiele etwas von Duke Ellington aus den 70ern,O O O B-artist I-artist O O B-datetime,PlayMusic,419,PlayMusic Intents: Gib The American Scene 2 von 6 Sternen,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: bagaimana cuaca hari ini,O O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: Hvordan bliver vejret langt her fra ?,O O O B-location I-location I-location O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: кіші евровидение-2015 ән байқауындағы ирландияны менің Jazzy Dinner ойнату тізіміме қос,B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: 显示 所有 我的 闹钟,O B-reference I-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,53,alarm/show_alarms Intents: batalkan alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 洛杉矶 的天气 更新,B-location O O,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: voglio vedere JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,386,SearchCreativeWork Intents: قم بتشغيل بعض الموسيقى السمفونية من David Lindley .,O O O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: Visualizza i miei promemoria,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Bugün en yüksek sıcaklık ne ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: قيم Cotton Comes to Harlem بـ 2,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: St . patrick gününde Virginia'daki hava nasıl olacak ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location O O O O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: batalkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Buka itunes dan mainkan Ready To Die Ben Burnley,O B-service O O B-album I-album I-album B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,358,PlayMusic Intents: podesi alarm za 6 ujutru,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Podesi nedeljni podsetnik za namirnice .,O B-recurring_datetime O O B-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Phyllis ward ve Veronica'nın 152 gün içinde bir restoranda masaya ihtiyacı var,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-restaurant_type O O O,BookRestaurant,492,BookRestaurant Intents: Bugün kaç tane hatırlatıcım var ?,B-datetime O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Cancella la prossima sveglia,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 今天 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: Bisakah saya memakai celana pendek hari ini ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: 设置 明天 上午6点 的闹钟,O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Mainkan playlist inventif saya,O O B-playlist O,PlayMusic,253,PlayMusic Intents: Book a reservation for nine people at a bakery in Nunez,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,425,BookRestaurant Intents: podseti me da podesim alarme za ujutru,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 提醒 我 今天 我 去 杂货店 的 提醒,O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ابحث عن البرنامج التلفزيوني Meet the Prince,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,443,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Wird es schneien ?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: Boek een populair restaurant voor 5 mensen,O O B-sort B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,493,BookRestaurant Intents: tüm alarmları iptal et,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: film apa di Star Theatres .,B-movie_type O O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Wird es am Wochenende regnen ?,O O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: هل سيتم عرض I Think I Do في الساعة السابعة مساءً ؟,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Show the Sexy Dance 2 times at the closest movie house,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-object_type O O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: In the Company of Cheerful Ladies 6-дан нөлге бағала,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating B-rating_value O,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: podesi alarm na svakih 30 minuta,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,98,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: هل ستثلج في نهاية هذا الأسبوع ؟,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: Hava ne zaman soğuyor,O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: Che tempo c' è oggi ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: Zeige alle Erinnerungen,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 2 сағатқа оятқышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: remind me to set alarms for morning,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Venligst find videospillet 20 Hours in America til mig .,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Tüm alarmları göster,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,138,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 预订 在 Thurmont 9 点 的 位子,O O B-location B-party_size_number I-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,254,BookRestaurant Intents: 迪士尼 世界 今天 会 有 风暴 吗?,B-location I-location B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,30,weather/find Intents: what are the movie times,O O O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent "Intents: Napravi rezervaciju za Dome u Edinburgu [ The Dome , Edinburgh ] blizu Bruklona [ Brooklawn ]",O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location B-location O B-location O,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: Riproduci un po' di musica sinfonica di David Lindley .,O O O O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: Podseti me da pozovem Stefani u utorak,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Prikaži mi raspored filmova u Southern Theatres,O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 提醒 我 付 房租 。,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Please look up Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality show .,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 今 日 の フランス の 天 気 は ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-location O O O O O,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: Wie ist die Temperatur heute ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: Batalkan alarm untuk besok pagi,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Pesan tempat untuk 9 orang,O O O B-party_size_number O,BookRestaurant,459,BookRestaurant Intents: obriši sve podsetnike,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Erstelle einen Wecker für 3 Uhr nachmittags .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Molim te nađi mi pesmu Compulsive Disclosure .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,444,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Akankah turun salju akhir pekan ini ?,O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: Önümüzdeki yıl Penn yakınlarındaki bir bougatsa restoranında üç kişilik rezervasyon yapmak istiyorum,B-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,452,BookRestaurant Intents: Он жетіден басталатын TX-дегі Admire-да қандай болжам бар ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location O O O O,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: Ронни Вудтың The Happy Blues-ін ойнат .,B-artist I-artist B-album I-album I-album O O,PlayMusic,427,PlayMusic Intents: осы романды 6-дан нөлге бағала,B-object_select B-object_type B-best_rating B-rating_value O,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: Zoek voor het album Wolves Within,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Ik wil luisteren naar een ep uit 1998 .,O O O O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,259,PlayMusic Intents: Бүгінгі барлық еске салғыштарды алып таста,B-datetime B-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,152,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Qual è la massima oggi,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: アラーム を 表 示,O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,93,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Matikan alarm saya .,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 氷 を 買 う よう に リマインド,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: kakva je prognoza za 26 . sep . u Emeradu [ Emerado ] na Sen Pjeru i Mikelonu [ Saint Pierre and Miquelon ],O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location O B-location O O B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-location I-location I-location I-location O,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: Kommer det til at regne i morgen ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: Aggiungi una canzone su Indie Hipster,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist "Intents: Lav en reservation på The Dome , Edinburgh nær Brooklawn",O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: öğleden sonra 5'deki kar fırtınası koşulları için burada hava tahmini nedir,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-condition_description I-condition_description O O B-location O O O,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: Kan du finde traileren for Blue Spring ?,O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Per favore trovami Phineas Redux .,O O O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: spil Jill Sobule albummet,O B-album I-album B-music_item,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: herinner me om de wekker te zetten voor ups,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ik wil een brasserie boeken voor 3 personen in de Nederlandse Antillen .,O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-party_size_number O O O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: Boek een reservering voor 6 personen voor een creole tavern in Montenegro,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: Op welke tijd staat mijn wekker,O O O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms Intents: gaat het vandaag regenen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: ما هي درجة الحرارة العظمى اليوم ؟,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: 告诉 我 所有 的 闹钟,O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,44,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Yarın sabah 4'e hatırlatıcı ekle,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: どの よう な アラーム が 設 定 さ れ て い ます か ?,O O O O O O O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,alarm/show_alarms Intents: すべて の アラーム を 削 除,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 厳 しい 天 気 予 報 と は 何 です か ?,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: Itunes-ті ашып Ben Burnley Ready To Die-ды ойнат,B-service O B-artist I-artist B-album I-album I-album O,PlayMusic,358,PlayMusic Intents: Tampilkan pengingat saya,O O B-reference,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders Intents: aggiungo questo artista alla mia playlist spotlight on country 2016,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist Intents: Wie ist die Wettervorhersage für Waurika in Samoa,O O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,478,weather/find Intents: is it hot outside,O O B-weather/attribute B-location,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: Sabah 6'ya alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 显示 给我 ArcLight Hollywood 只有 动画 电影 的 时间表,O O B-location I-location O B-movie_type I-movie_type O B-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,383,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Apakah Babar: King of the Elephants sedang tayang,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,434,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Will it be rainy in Tenino ?,O O O B-condition_description O B-location O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: 最 後 の リマインダー を 削 除,B-reference I-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Aggiungi il brano di Matt Murphy alla playlist Flow Español .,O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tilføj en derek watkins sang til This Is Johnny Cash playlisten,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: Berapa banyak waktu yang tersisa untuk alarm,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: bedøm bogen 1 ud af 6,O B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: Bedøm den nuværende roman to ud af 6 .,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: 为 五个 人 预订 晚餐 在 坦桑尼亚 的 一张 最好 的 桌子,O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location O O B-sort O O,BookRestaurant,348,BookRestaurant Intents: 我 需要 毛衣 吗?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: Erinnere mich meine Mutter heute Abend anzurufen,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: барлық оятқыштарды көрсет,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,32,reminder/set_reminder Intents: すべて の アラーム を 表 示 する 。,B-reference O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 明天 我 需要 带 一件 外套 吗?,B-datetime O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,41,weather/find Intents: إعرض لى مواقيت عرض أفلام Southern Theatres,O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Suche das Kinoprogramm für The Wanda Group .,O O B-object_type O B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: hvor varmt bliver det i dag,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: Wie viel kälter wird es im näheren Umkreis von Utah um ca . 3 Uhr morgens ?,O O B-condition_temperature O O O B-location I-location O B-location O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: 1 / 20 / 2023-ға MH-да 5 адамға арналған үстелге бронь жаса,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-party_size_number O O O O O,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: Kig efter albummet Wolves Within,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,306,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Molecular Oncology efsanesini arayabilir misin ?,B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchCreativeWork Intents: vota The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property cinque stelle,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: Bugün kaç inç yağmur yağışımız olacak ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,18,weather/find Intents: Pusti my inventive playlist,O O B-playlist O,PlayMusic,253,PlayMusic Intents: I need a list of Speakeasy Theaters movie times,O O O O O B-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,442,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: is it going to rain tomorrow,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: Wie ist das Wetter in Yellowstone ?,O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk mengambil bunga untuk Jen untuk ulang tahun kita pada tanggal 28 .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Оятқышта қанша уақыт қалды,O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Book a reservation for nine people at the best pub nearby Tangier in six months,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-sort B-restaurant_type B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant Intents: Apakah dingin hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: Add Richard McNamara newest song to the Just Smile playlist,O B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist Intents: Мен Wagstaff AK-да алты адамға мейрамхана жалдағым келеді .,O B-location B-location B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_type O O O,BookRestaurant,342,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Mahallede gösterilen filmler neler,B-location O B-movie_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Нидерландыда 16 ақпанда ыстық болады ма ?,B-location B-datetime I-datetime B-condition_temperature O O O,weather/find,365,weather/find Intents: The Sound of One Hand Clapping-ты ізде,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Ik wil Typelo Honey Cafe in New Jersey boeken voor vijf personen .,O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant Intents: Buche mir eine Reservierung für eine Gruppe von 3 Personen in einem Pub auf den Nördlichen Marianen,O O O O O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: Biraz blues britânico çal .,O B-genre I-genre O O,PlayMusic,480,PlayMusic Intents: Wecker löschen,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: hapus semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: remind me of a doctor visit Thursday at 12 pm,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,154,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 今 日 は 暑 く なり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は コート が 必 要 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: anullér min alarm til i morgen tidlig,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 加拿大 正在 下雪 吗,B-location O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: هل ستثلج ؟,O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: setel pengingat untuk pergi ke toko jam 8 pagi,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أحذف التذكير الأخير,O O B-reference,reminder/cancel_reminder,228,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: podseti me na pregled kod lekara sledeće nedelje,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 查下 最近 的 电影院 Snowbound 的 时间 。,O B-location I-location B-object_location_type B-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Saya ingin mendengarkan sebuah trek lagu tahun tujuh puluhan .,O O O O B-music_item I-music_item O B-datetime I-datetime O,PlayMusic,311,PlayMusic Intents: Gaat het vandaag sneeuwen,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: Geef nul sterren aan Rhialto the Marvellous,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: ертең Далласта ауа райы қандай болады,B-datetime B-location O O O O,weather/find,164,weather/find Intents: 显示 我的 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference I-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Book me a reservation for a party of 3 at a pub in Northern Mariana Islands,O O O O O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location I-location,BookRestaurant,398,BookRestaurant Intents: 今 日 の 天 気 は,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: Zeige alle Wecker an,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,44,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Bu hafta Tahoe Hava durumu ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-location I-location O O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: Verwijder de laatste twee herinneringen van mijn lijst,O O B-reference I-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Želim da rezervišem kafanu u banji .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-facility O,BookRestaurant,391,BookRestaurant "Intents: Please fine me the TV series , Now We Are Married .",O O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 为 the Wanda Group 找到 电影 时间表 。,O O B-location I-location O B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: With You деп аталатын суретті іздеудемін,B-object_name I-object_name O O B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Riproduci qualcosa su Zvooq,O O O B-service,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: berapa rata-rata perkiraan untuk september,O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: Yarın dükkandan kağıt havlu almayı hatırlat,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Sæt en alarm til klokken 5 i aften,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 今 週 末 は 雪 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: tüm alarmları kapat,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Without Witness жиырма екі сағат ішінде ойнайды ма,B-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,SearchScreeningEvent,458,PlayMusic Intents: laat me de tijden van film The Great Gildersleeve in de buurt van movie house zien,O O O O O B-movie_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-location I-location I-location O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Wird es heute schneien ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: Pusti najnoviju melodiju na Last Fm Edija Vinsona [ Eddie Vinson ] .,O B-sort B-music_item O B-service I-service B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: Пэт колледжінің жанында үстел бронда,B-location I-location B-location O O,BookRestaurant,389,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Bu gece iş epostalarına cevap yazmayı hatırlat,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Bugün sıcaklık nasıl olacak ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: Add a derek watkins tune to This Is Johnny Cash,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: Check de tijden voor Bow Tie Cinemas .,O O O O B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Laat alle wekkers zien,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,14,weather/find Intents: Wie heiß wird es heute ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: Speel Trance Life op Zvooq .,O B-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: قيم هذه الرواية الحالية اثنين من أصل 6 .,O B-object_select B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: Set alarm for every nine minutes .,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,192,alarm/set_alarm Intents: alarmı durdur,O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,43,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: شغِّل الموسيقى من Netflix .,O O O B-service O,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: Bestelle eine Tisch am 20 . 01 . 2013 für 5 Personen im MH,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-party_size_number O O B-location,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: Hvad er vejrudsigten for Waurika i Samoa,O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,478,weather/find Intents: сыртта ыстық па,B-location B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,162,weather/find "Intents: Yarın "" Salı gecesi Bala'da alt yoga dersi "" için hatırlatıcı ayarla",B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Find venligst Phineas Redux til mig .,O B-object_name B-object_name I-object_name O B-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Aggiungi il brano 40 cal alla playlist laundry .,O O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist Intents: Andrew Hewitt-тің шығармашылығын естейік .,B-artist I-artist O O O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: Book me a reservation for the best bistro,O O O O O O B-sort B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,368,BookRestaurant Intents: Remind me later,O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder Intents: rate the Three Junes one out of 6,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: Find the creative work Deadly Weapons,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 今天 将会 很 热 吗?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,100,weather/find Intents: Vind de roman met de naam To Lose My Life …,O O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Vreme za dva sata u Uzbekistanu,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,312,weather/find Intents: Tampilkan semua pengingat,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Åben Itunes og spil Ready To Die med Ben Burnley,O B-service O O B-album I-album I-album O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,358,PlayMusic Intents: remind me to set an alarm for ups,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Star Theatres-да қандай фильмдер .,B-location I-location O B-movie_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Želim da gledam Shattered Image .,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Бүгін қар жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: Annuleer al mijn herinneringen,O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Iheart'da rich sex'i çal,B-service B-track I-track O,PlayMusic,277,PlayMusic Intents: hentikan alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Tražim igricu koja se zove Phinally Phamous,O B-object_type O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Рахым Шахтың шығармаларын менің Шексіз Инди халқым тізіміне қосуым керек,B-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: Annuleer alle wekkers,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Is het koud vandaag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: What are the movies showing in the neighbourhood,O O O B-movie_type O B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: je l' vruće vani,O O B-weather/attribute B-location,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: how cold will it be here in 1 second,O B-condition_temperature O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,317,weather/find Intents: アラーム を 2 時 間 設 定,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: show me the schedule of movie The Great Gildersleeve near movie house,O O O B-object_type O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: otkaži mi podsetnike za sledeću nedelju,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Yarın sabah için alarmım ne zamana kurulu ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-reference-part O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,59,alarm/show_alarms Intents: All Things Must Pass-ты ойнат .,B-track I-track I-track I-track O O,PlayMusic,300,PlayMusic Intents: Will there be snow today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: Voeg een herinnering toe voor vandaag om 4 uur 's middags,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 明 日 雪 が 降 り ます か,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: cancel all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Reservér bord til 6 på en kreols taverne i Montenegro,O O O B-party_size_number O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: Hvad er mine påmindelser for i morgen ?,O O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,75,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Gib der Catedral-Serie vier Sterne .,O O B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: Erstelle einen Wecker für Wochenenden um 14 Uhr am Nachmittag,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Welke films zijn te zien in de buurt,O B-movie_type O O O B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: ricordami di impostare una sveglia per ups,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ганада тұрағы бар пиццерияда үстелге тапсырыс берші .,B-location B-facility O B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,310,reminder/set_reminder Intents: менің Crash Course ойнату тізіміне Muzika za decu-ны қос,B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist Intents: ما هو الوقت المتبقى على المنبه .,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: شغِّل شئ ما على Zvooq,O O O O B-service,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: 找到 一个 名为 Baby Blue 的 电视 节目,O O O B-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type I-object_type,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Regnet es heute ?,B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: rate this current album 0 stars,O B-object_select I-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: Мен он үш сағат ішінде шығыс еуропалық тағамдарын дайындайтын дәмді тағамды жегім келеді,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-cuisine I-cuisine O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,403,reminder/set_reminder Intents: memberi nilai Three Junes satu dari 6,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,424,RateBook Intents: 15:19:29-да қазіргі жерде ылғалдылық қандай болады ?,B-datetime B-location O B-condition_description O O O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: Zeige alle Erinnerungen,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Bana Secret South şarkısını getir .,O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Ricordami di pagare l' affitto .,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Devo portare un impermeabile ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: apa saya perlu membawa sebuah payung hari ini,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,147,weather/find Intents: Rate the current series 4 points,O O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: alle Wecker löschen,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 1 秒钟 内 后 这里 会 有 多 冷,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location O O O B-condition_temperature,weather/find,317,weather/find Intents: Hvordan bliver vejret i nov . i Brookneal ?,O O O O B-datetime O O B-location O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: Show the movie schedules in the neighborhood,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Қасиетті Патриктің күнінде Вирджинияда ауа райы қандай болады ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location O O O O O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: prikaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,237,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Tilføj emilie autumn til min Nação Reggae playliste .,O B-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: 今 日 は 雪 が 降 り ます か,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: sluk alle alarmer til i morgen,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: ingatkan saya untuk membawa anjing ke groomer selasa jam 3 sore,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Spiele etwas auf Zvooq,O O O B-service,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: No Time to Be Young verrà proiettato al AMC Theaters,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: bagaimana cuaca di prancis hari ini,O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: 我 能 知 道 附近 看 电影 的 时间 吗,O O O O B-location O B-movie_type O B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Noodle için tavernada rezervasyon yap,B-served_dish O B-restaurant_type O O,BookRestaurant,321,BookRestaurant Intents: dai a questa cronaca cinque su 6 punti,O O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value O B-best_rating B-rating_unit,RateBook,439,RateBook Intents: Per favore prenotami un tavolo in un bistrot che serve lorna doone .,O O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-served_dish I-served_dish O,BookRestaurant,284,BookRestaurant Intents: Molim te nađi mi Phineas Redux .,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: play some new Les Vandyke on Slacker,O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service,PlayMusic,423,PlayMusic Intents: Gib dem aktuellen Buch einen Stern,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,329,RateBook Intents: Pesankan saya sebuah reservasi untuk rumah makan terbaik,O O O O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type B-sort,BookRestaurant,368,BookRestaurant Intents: Бүгін суық па ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: Hoe wordt het weer op woensdag voor golfen ?,O O O O O B-datetime O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: on yedi'den başlayarak TX'deki Admire'da hava tahmini nedir,B-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location O O O,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: Zal ik een regenjas meenemen ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: 今晚 会 很 冷 吗?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: mainkan beberapa Les Vandyke baru di Slacker,O O B-artist I-artist B-sort O B-service,PlayMusic,423,PlayMusic Intents: احجز مكان لبنات أخي و أنا في بيت شاي,O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: Füge The Famous Flower of Serving-Men zu meiner abendlichen akustischen Wiedergabeliste hinzu .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ich möchte JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time sehen,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,386,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Wie sind die Filmvorstellungszeiten ?,O O O B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Oceni seriju The Mystery of the Tolling Bell sa 4 zvezdice .,O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: I want to hear them from the artist Murcof,O O O O B-music_item O O O B-artist,PlayMusic,488,PlayMusic Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk membayar sewa .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: هل يمكنك أن تجد لي قصة Harry Hood من فضلك ؟,O O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O O O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: hvornår stopper regnen ?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: Cancella la sveglia di domani mattina,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: kirayı ödemeyi hatırlat,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 7 қазанға еске салғыш оятқышын орнат,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,158,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Dodaj ovu numeru na moju listu Hands Up,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: Batalkan pengingat saya,O O B-reference,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Spiele etwas von Filipp Kirkorrow aus den 70ern,O O O B-artist I-artist O O B-datetime,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: Traži igru Difficult Loves,O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Da li će da pada sneg ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: Netflix'te müzik çal .,B-service O O O,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: pesan sebuah pesta di kampus mereka dalam area yang sama untuk churrascaria,O O O O B-location I-location B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: 今天 会 下雪 吗,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: Memberikan nol bintang untuk Halo: Ghosts of Onyx,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: Ich müsste die Werke von Rahim Shah zu meiner Infinite Indie Folk Playliste hinzufügen,O O O O O B-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: Find venligst filmen the Journal of the British Astronomical Association .,O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,313,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 将 Martin Barre 添加 到 我的 punk unplugged 播放 列表 中 。,O B-artist I-artist O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,471,AddToPlaylist Intents: dai a quest ' album un voto di 5,O O B-object_select O B-object_type O O O B-rating_value,RateBook,468,RateBook Intents: Is it going to snow today ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: 播放 All Things Must Pass 。,O B-track I-track I-track I-track O,PlayMusic,300,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Ich möchte in einem Bougatsa Restaurant nächstes Jahr in der Nähe von Penn für 3 Personen reservieren .,O O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location O B-location O B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,452,BookRestaurant Intents: Бүгін ылғалдылық қандай ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: 9 月 26 日 在 埃默拉多 的 圣皮埃尔 和 密克隆 的 天气 如何,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location O B-location I-location I-location O O O,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: Pusti Subconscious Lobotomy od Dženifer Pol [ Jennifer Paull ] .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: هل أحتاج إلى سترة ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: da li će mi trebati jakna sutra ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,41,weather/find Intents: è nuvoloso oggi,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,17,weather/find Intents: すべて の アラーム を キャンセル する,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Kakva će biti prognoza za kišu u Južnoj Koreji za sat vremena,O O O O O B-condition_description O B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は どれ くらい 暑 く なり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: 将 艺术家 添加 到 political punks 播放 列表 。,O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: Mind mig om at gå i supermarkedet i dag,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Wie viel Schnee sagen sie voraus ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: Onları sanatçı Murcof'tan duymak istiyorum,B-music_item O B-artist O O,PlayMusic,488,PlayMusic Intents: Осы оқулыққа нөл жұлдыз бер,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,431,RateBook Intents: Daj nula zvezdica Rhialto the Marvellous,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: Podseti me da odnesem kiriju,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: The American Scene'e 6 üzerinden 2 yıldız ver,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,266,RateBook Intents: lösche meine Erinnerung,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: akşam 6'ya alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/set_alarm Intents: akan seberapa dingin di sini 1 detik lagi,O O B-condition_temperature B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,317,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は どれ くらい 暑 く なり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: Set an alarm for an hour from now .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: すべて の アラーム を キャンセル,B-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: كم سيكون الطقس ساخناً اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: すべて の アラーム を オフ,B-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,109,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: delete all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Маған Speakeasy Theaters фильмдерінің уақыт тізімі керек,O B-location I-location B-object_type O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,442,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Wie wird das Wetter weit entfernt von hier ?,O O O O B-location I-location O B-location O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: Stelle einen Erinnerungsalarm für den 7 . Oktober ein,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,158,reminder/set_reminder Intents: quanto tempo è rimasto prima della mia sveglia,O O O O O O B-reference O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: show all reminders,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Memberikan album ini satu bintang,O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: すべて の リマインダー を キャンセル する,B-reference O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Was sind meine Erinnerungen ?,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Менің еске салғышымды көрсет,B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Gib dem Album einen Stern,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: Zeige alle meine Erinnerungen,O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/show_reminders Intents: تأجيل المنبهات لمدة خمس دقائق,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: Do I need a coat today ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: Tambahkan our little corner of the world music from gilmore girls ke playlist The Funny Thing About Football Is saya .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: Cancella il mio promemoria di andare a prendere Rob,O O B-reference O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 添加 derek watkins 曲调 到 This Is Johnny Cash,O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: Will you set the alarm every minute for 20 minutes ?,O O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Yarın kız kardeşimi aramayı hatırlat,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: канадада қар жауып жатыр ма ?,B-location B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: барлық оятқыштарды алып таста,B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Kommer det til at regne i dag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: كم عدد التذكيرات لدي اليوم ؟,O O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Podesi alarm za 3 po podne .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: laat alle wekkers zien,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,97,weather/find Intents: herinner me voor dokters afspraak volgende week,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Hvor meget køligere vil det være tæt på Utah omkring klokken 3 om morgenen,O O O O O O B-location O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: Emilie autumn'u Nação Reggae çalma listeme ekle .,B-artist I-artist B-playlist I-playlist O B-reference O O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: すべて の アラーム を 表 示,B-reference O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,237,alarm/show_alarms Intents: كم عدد التذكيرات لدي اليوم ؟,O O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/show_reminders Intents: voeg ireland in the junio eurovision song contest 2015 toe aan mijn Jazzy Dinner playlist,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: すべて の アラーム を キャンセル,B-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: أبحث عن المسلسل التلفزيوني Jersey Boys,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,496,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Is er een storm op weg naar mijn omgeving,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O B-location I-location,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: quando diventa più freddo,O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,115,weather/find Intents: Anullér alarmen for i morgen tidlig,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 我的 闹钟 还剩 多少 时间了,B-reference O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Samoa'daki Waurika için hava tahmini nedir,B-location B-location O O O O,weather/find,478,weather/find Intents: бүгін ауа райы қандай,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: 40 cal әнін laundry ойнату тізіміне қос .,B-artist I-artist B-music_item B-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist Intents: What will the weather be faraway from here ?,O O O O O B-location O B-location O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: Om tretten timer vil jeg gerne spise en delikatesse der serverer østeuropæisk mad,O B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-cuisine I-cuisine,BookRestaurant,403,BookRestaurant Intents: 今 週 雨 は 降 り ます か,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,242,weather/find "Intents: Füge Jerry Callist , Jr zu meiner Te quiero Playliste hinzu .",O B-artist I-artist I-artist I-artist O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: Apakah akan hujan hari Sabtu ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: أضف تذكير لعيد ميلاد ماكس,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: vil det regne denne uge,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: أضف موسيقى our little corner of the world لـ gilmore girls إلى قائمة تشغيل The Funny Thing About Football Is الخاصة بي .,O O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: Hvad er temperaturen i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: pusti nešto novo od Lesa Vandajka [ Les Vandyke ] na Slekeru [ Slacker ],O O B-sort O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O B-service O B-service O,PlayMusic,423,PlayMusic Intents: boek een tafel dichtbij pat's college,O O B-location B-location I-location I-location,BookRestaurant,389,BookRestaurant Intents: 取消 音乐会 提醒,O B-reminder/todo O,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: اضبط تذكير للحصول على الغسيل الجاف .,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Zet mijn wekker uit .,O B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,61,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Saya ingin mendengarkan mereka dari artis Murcof,O O O B-music_item O O B-artist,PlayMusic,488,PlayMusic Intents: Toyan'ı Epic Gaming oynatma listeme ekle .,B-artist B-playlist I-playlist O B-reference O O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: оятқышты таңғы сағат 6-ға орнат,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Zet mijn wekker uit .,O B-reference O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: هل ستمطر غدا ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: العب بعض جديد Les Vandyke على Slacker,O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service,AddToPlaylist,423,PlayMusic Intents: 请 查找 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality 表演 。,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: هل ستمطر اليوم ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: zeige alle Wecker,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,97,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Otkaži sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Traži The Sound of One Hand Clapping,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: podesi alarm za 6 ujutru sutra,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: alle 4 domani ricordami di andare al centro commerciale,O B-datetime I-datetime O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Vota Cotton Comes to Harlem con 2,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: Менің Nachão Reggae ойнату тізіміме emilie autumn-ды қос .,B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O B-artist I-artist O O,AddToPlaylist,267,AddToPlaylist Intents: snooze mijn wekkers voor vijf minuten,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: 将 此 专辑 添加 到 Old School Death Metal,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,495,AddToPlaylist Intents: I want to listen to something on Youtube,O O O O O O O B-service,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: Merit'teki Town of Ramsgate'de 1 kişilik reservasyon yap,B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,289,BookRestaurant Intents: 我 想 在 拉莫纳 吃饭,O O O B-location O,BookRestaurant,455,BookRestaurant Intents: 推迟 我的 闹钟 五 分钟,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: bana alarmları gösterebilir misin ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Herinner me om de huur te betalen .,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: boek plek voor mijn nichtjes en mij in een theehuis,O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: Prikaži sve moje podsetnike,O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/show_reminders Intents: disattiva tutte le sveglie di domani,O B-reference O O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Vis mig alle mine påmindelser,O O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Prikaži mi moje podsetnike,O O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Hoeveel tijd is over tot de wekker,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: raspored filmova u blizini za animirane filmove,B-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location O B-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Voeg The Famous Flower of Serving-Men toe aan mijn evening acoustic playlist .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: podseti me da idem kod lekara 21 . avgusta u 3 po podne,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Әр минут сайын 20 минут бойы оятқышты қос .,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Masukkan lagu Vandemataram Srinivas ke HipHop Hot 50 .,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,350,AddToPlaylist Intents: Memberi serial Catedral empat bintang .,O B-object_part_of_series_type B-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: Is it going to snow today ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: Hangi alarmlar kurulu ?,O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 今 日 は 寒 い です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: أريد أن أتناول أطعمة معلبة في ثلاثة عشر ساعة تقدم طعامًا من أوروبا الشرقية,O O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O B-cuisine I-cuisine,BookRestaurant,403,BookRestaurant Intents: маған Good Morning Sunshine трейлерін алып кел,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,334,SearchCreativeWork Intents: هل سيكون هناك ثلوج اليوم ؟,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: Netflix-тен музыканы ойнат .,B-service O O O,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: Füge dieses Album der spanischen Beat Wiedergabeliste hinzu,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: Spiele Musik von Joy Nilo .,O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: Give en stjerne til denne bog,O O O O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,329,RateBook Intents: Vind een creatief werk genaamd Fire in the Hole,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Bugün şort giyebiilir miyim ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: Beoordeel deze huidige roman twee van de 6,O B-object_select I-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: Wie wird das Wetter im November in Brookneal ?,O O O O O B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: アラーム を キャンセル,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,51,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Berapa banyak pengingat yang saya miliki hari ini ?,O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,83,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Voeg our little corner of the world music van gilmore girls toe ann mijn The Funny Thing About Football Is playlist .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference I-reference I-reference I-reference I-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: Skal det regne hele dagen ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,168,weather/find Intents: David Lindley-нің бірнеше симфониялық музыкасын ойнат .,B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O O O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: Bugün sıcaklık nasıl olacak ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: Vjeret i Uzbekistan om to timer,O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,312,weather/find Intents: Hvor varmt vil det blive i dag ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: Molim te rezerviši mi sto u piceriji sa parkingom u Gani .,O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-facility O B-location O,BookRestaurant,310,BookRestaurant Intents: Wie kalt wird es heute Nacht ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: cancella le sveglie,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,weather/find Intents: Ich möchte ein Restaurant für sechs Personen in Wagstaff AK buchen .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location B-location O O,BookRestaurant,342,BookRestaurant Intents: Erstelle einen täglichen Wecker für 8 Uhr morgens,O O B-recurring_datetime O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: اضبط المنبه على 8 صباحًا يوميًا,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Koja je vlažnost danas ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,196,weather/find Intents: Koliko je ostalo do alarma,O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: 尼哥底母 和 附近 地区 的 天气 预报 是 怎样的,B-location O B-location I-location O O O O O,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: 你 能 找到 The Approach 电视剧 吗,O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: I want to hear a seventies sound track .,O O O O O B-datetime B-music_item I-music_item O,PlayMusic,311,PlayMusic Intents: Dodaj izvođača majka [ mike ] na listu Sexy as Folk .,O B-music_item B-artist O B-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: 今天 会 下雪 吗,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: Mind mig om at købe brød efter arbejde,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Indie Hipster-ге ән қос,B-playlist I-playlist B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist Intents: Vimy Ridge'de bir et lokantasına rezervasyon yaptırmak istiyorum .,B-location I-location O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: Find det kreative arbejde Deadly Weapons,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,319,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Hol mir den Trailer von Good Morning Sunshine,O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,334,SearchCreativeWork Intents: will it rain this week,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: Gaat het regenen vandaag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: Sabaha alarm kurmayı hatırlat,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: tampilkan semua pengingat,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Will it rain tomorrow ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: Mogu li da nosim šorts danas ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: бүгінгі ауа-райы туралы оқып бер,B-datetime O O O O,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: kapan hujannya akan berakhir ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,50,weather/find Intents: Molim te nađi mi video igricu pod nazivom 20 Hours in America .,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Cancel the next alarm,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: اين يمكنني الحصول على مواعيد عرض الأفلام,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: هل الجو حار ؟,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: pioverà domani ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: Hatırlatıcılarımı göster,B-reference-part O,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 今 夜 は たくさん 雪 が 降 っ て 、 危 険 な 旅 行 に なり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: 提醒 我 设置 ups 闹钟,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Stelle den Wecker auf 7:00 Uhr morgen .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: この リスト の 3 番 目 の リマインダー を キャンセル する 。,O O O B-reference I-reference I-reference O O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,RateBook "Intents: Bisakah Anda mencari buku , Paris - When It Sizzles ?",O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Wird es am Samstag regnen ?,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: إعرض كل التذكيرات,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 设置 下午 3点 的闹钟。,O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 在 附近 有 什么 放映 的 电影,B-location I-location O O O O B-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Hvordan bliver vejret i Ohio ?,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: احذف تذكيرى لالتقاط باتريك من المدرسة غدا .,O B-reference-part B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: tandai album ini dengan nilai 5,O B-object_type B-object_select O O B-rating_value,RateBook,468,RateBook Intents: Disattiva la mia sveglia .,O O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,128,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Memberi nilai The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure tiga dari 6 .,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: kampüslerindeki parti için aynı bölgede churrascaria rezervasyonu yap,B-restaurant_type B-location O B-location I-location B-restaurant_type O O,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: 绍斯福德瀑布 州立 公园 的 高温 天气 预报 是 怎样 的,B-location I-location I-location O B-condition_temperature O O O O O,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: Bugün ne kadar sıcak olacak ?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: 这周 将会 热 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,21,weather/find Intents: kapan perkiraan cuaca berikutnya menunjukkan hujan,O O O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: The Mystery of the Tolling Bell сериясын 4 жұлдызға бағала .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: Ich möchte eine Tisch im James D . Conrey House in Urbank Kalifornien,O O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location B-location,BookRestaurant,433,BookRestaurant Intents: batalkan alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: أريد مشاهدة Outcast .,O O B-movie_name O,SearchCreativeWork,345,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Babar: King of the Elephants è in riproduzione,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,434,SearchCreativeWork Intents: qual è la previsione per il clima più caldo a Southford Falls State Park,O O O O O O O B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature O B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: احضر لي عن العرض التشويقي لـ Good Morning Sunshine,O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,334,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Babar: King of the Elephants gösteriliyor mu,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,434,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: кино уақыттары қандай,B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: リマインダー は 何 です か ?,O O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,27,weather/find Intents: 在 the travelling 播放 列表 中,请 添加 这首 David Gahan 的 歌曲 。,O O B-playlist O O O O O B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: Visualizza tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,14,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 提醒 我 设置 明天 的 闹钟,O O B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Saya ingin memesan sebuah tempat di spa .,O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-facility O,BookRestaurant,391,BookRestaurant Intents: Apakah akan turun salju ?,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: Berapa banyak pengingat yang saya miliki hari ini ?,O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/show_reminders Intents: zet een verjaardagsherinnering voor max,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: wird Custer-Nationalpark um sieben Uhr abends kühler sein,O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-condition_temperature O,weather/find,291,weather/find Intents: Was ist die extreme Wettervorhersage ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,111,weather/find Intents: Wirst du den Wecker 20 Minuten lang jede Minute einstellen ?,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 取消 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Kommer det til at sne ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,70,weather/find Intents: Saya ingin memesan sebuah restoran bougatsa tahun depan di dekan Penn untuk tiga orang .,O O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine B-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,452,BookRestaurant Intents: Оңтүстік Кореяда бір сағат ішінде жауын-шашын болжамы қандай,B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-condition_description O O,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: Мен және қайын атам үшін осыдан бір жылдан соң Buckner мейрамханасында брондау жасағым келеді .,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,273,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ертеңге « Сейсенбі түні саб Балада йога сабағы » деген еске салғышты орнат,B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 5 / 20 / 2025'de 3 kişi için Teksas yakınlardaki bir sundanese gastropub'da rezervasyonu yaptırmak istiyorum .,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-party_size_number O O B-location B-location O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,263,BookRestaurant Intents: Voglio vedere The Portrait of a Lady al cinema più vicino .,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: برجاء البحث عن الرسمة بعنوان This Is the Night .,O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: هل ستثلج هذه الليلة بما يكفي لجعل السفر خطرًا ؟,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O,weather/find,38,weather/find Intents: Ертең дүкеннен қағаз сүлгілерді алуды менің есіме сал,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: saya perlu sebuah pengingat untuk menjemput Lisa,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: ذكرني بشراء البقالة,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,63,reminder/set_reminder Intents: アラーム を 5 分 間 スヌーズ,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/snooze_alarm,6,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: Speel muziek van E-type .,O O O B-artist O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: Bugün yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,143,weather/find Intents: احجز مكان لشخص واحد في بلدة Ramsgate في Merit,O O O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_name O B-location,BookRestaurant,289,BookRestaurant Intents: Pusti nešto sa 90s Pop Rock Essentials,O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,PlayMusic,461,AddToPlaylist Intents: Setze alle Wecker zurück,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/set_alarm Intents: alarmlarımı iptal et,B-reference-part O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: füge diesen Artisten zu meiner spotlight on country 2016-Wiedergabeliste hinzu,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist Intents: Pada jam berapa alarm saya disetel,O O O O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms Intents: filis vord i veronika [ phyllis ward and veronica ] traže sto u restoranu za 152 dana,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O O O B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,492,BookRestaurant Intents: Hapus alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm "Intents: Hoe wordt het weer in Sarygamyş Sanctuary op 21 augustus , 2035 ?",O O O O O B-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime O B-datetime O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: bestil bord til 5 den 1 / 20 / 2023 i MH,O O O B-party_size_number B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,BookRestaurant,412,BookRestaurant Intents: бүгінгі кешкі ойынға арналған еске салғышты жой,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/set_reminder Intents: оятқышты өшір,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: turn off all alarms for tomorrow,O O B-reference O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,245,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: ik wil I Dream van Jeanie in een bioscoop zien,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: What will the high be today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: هل هناك عاصفة تتجه إلى منطقتي ؟,O O B-weather/attribute O O B-location O,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: hoe is het weer vandaag ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: potraži knjigu The Girl Who Was Plugged In,O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Podesi alarm za u 8 ujutru svakog dana,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Che caldo farà oggi ?,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: 明 日 牛 乳 を 買 う リマインダー を 作 成 する 。,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 取消 我的 提醒 去 接送 Rob,O B-reference O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,131,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: zakaži svakodnevni alarm za u 7:30 uveče dok ga ne obrišem,O B-recurring_datetime O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Spiele die besten Songs von Bryan Maclean .,O O B-sort O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: Laat me al mijn herinneringen zien,O O B-reference I-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,224,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Bedøm den nuværende roman med 3 stjerner,O O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value O,RateBook,449,RateBook Intents: Kakvo će vreme biti u Virdžiniji za dan sv . patrika ?,O O O O O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: Podesi alarm vikendom u 2 po podne,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,220,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Reset all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Pada jam berapa The Young Swordsman akan tayang di my cinema ?,O B-object_type I-object_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O O B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Wat zijn mijn herinneringen ?,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 12 / 26 / 2018-да Ресейдегі Уалден ауа райы,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-location O O,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: Speel de nieuwste melodie op Last Fm van Eddie Vinson .,O O B-sort B-music_item O B-service I-service O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: リマインダー を すべて キャンセル する 。,O O B-reference O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Ik wil delicatessen eten over dertien uur die oost-europeaans eten serveert,O O B-restaurant_type O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-cuisine O O,BookRestaurant,403,BookRestaurant Intents: هل ستثلج اليوم,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,23,weather/find Intents: Akankah anda menyetel alarm setiap menit selama 20 menit ?,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Is there a storm now in NC ?,O O O B-condition_description B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,258,weather/find Intents: 取消 列表上 我的 第三条 提醒。,O O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Жаңбыр қашан тоқтайды ?,B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: ояну үшін оятқышты орнатуды маған еске сал,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 水 曜 日 に 傘 は 必 要 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: Give nul stjerner til Halo: Ghosts of Onyx,O B-rating_value O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: Laat the Sexy Dance 2 tijden bij de dichtstbijzijnde bioscoop zien,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name B-object_type I-object_type O O B-location B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,360,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 我 想 在 荷属 安的列斯群岛 为 三个 人 预订 一个 咖啡馆 。,O O O B-location I-location O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: akan sepanas apa hari ini ?,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,231,weather/find Intents: ما هي حالة الطقس في سان فرانسيسكو ؟,O O O O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time'ı görmek istiyorum,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,386,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Erinnere mich heute zum Supermarkt zu gehen,O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 我 想 订 新泽西 五 个 人 的 Tupelo Honey 咖啡 馆 。,O O O B-location B-party_size_number I-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant Intents: Speelt Any Which Way You Can over 15 seconden,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,327,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: batalkan pengingat untuk pertandingan malam ini,O O O B-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 让 我们 听听 音乐 来自 Andrew Hewitt 。,O O O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: Da li će da pada sneg ovog vikenda ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: Kakvo je vreme danas ?,O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: Schlummeralarm für 15 Minuten,O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: 後 で リマインド する,B-datetime O O O,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Saya ingin memesan sebuah restoran untuk enam orang di Wagstaff AK .,O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O B-location B-location O,BookRestaurant,342,BookRestaurant Intents: Setel sebuah pengingat untuk menelepon sekolah saya pada hari Senin jam 4 sore,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,127,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Pusti All Things Must Pass .,O B-track I-track I-track I-track O,PlayMusic,300,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Zet de wekker voor over een uur .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: أضف أغنية 40 cal إلى قائمة تشغيل غسيل الملابس .,O B-music_item B-artist B-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,357,AddToPlaylist Intents: New Jersey'deki Tupelo Honey Cafe'de beş kişilik rezervasyon yaptırmak istiyorum .,B-location I-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-party_size_number O O O O O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant Intents: Gib dieser Chronik eine Bewertung von 2 .,O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type O O O B-rating_value O,RateBook,265,RateBook Intents: هل من المفترض أن تثلج اليوم ؟,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: 播放 一些 新的 Les Vandyke on Slacker,O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service,PlayMusic,423,PlayMusic Intents: Ертең жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: Please book me a table at a pizzeria with a parking facility in Ghana .,O O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O O B-facility O O B-location O,BookRestaurant,310,BookRestaurant Intents: Play All Things Must Pass .,O B-track I-track I-track I-track O,PlayMusic,300,SearchCreativeWork Intents: カリブ 海 の 熱 帯 低 気 圧,B-location I-location O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: 2013'ten bir senfoni çal .,B-datetime O B-music_item O O,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: Rhialto the Marvellous-қа нөл жұлдыз бер,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: dismiss alarm,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,94,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 削 除 さ れる まで 毎 日 アラーム を 午 後 7 時 3 0 分 に スケジュール,O O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Give The Crystal Snare 5 stjerner,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O,RateBook,430,RateBook Intents: Sentiamo il buon Mohammad Mamle su Vimeo .,O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic Intents: Apakah Any Which Way You Can akan tayang dalam 15 detik,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,327,weather/find Intents: Ricordami di prendere un appuntamento dal dottore domani .,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Мен жақын арадағы кинотеатрдан The Portrait of a Lady-ні көргім келеді .,O B-location I-location B-object_location_type B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,355,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Boek een reservering voor vijf mensen voor een tatar taverna in Sargents,O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: prikaži sve podsetnike,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,177,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 打开 itunes ,播放 Ben Burnley Ready To Die,O B-service O B-artist I-artist B-album I-album I-album,PlayMusic,358,PlayMusic Intents: Apakah Without Witness akan tayang dua puluh dua jam dari sekarang,O B-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,458,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: sæt en fødselsdags påmindelse til max,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Füge diesen Künstler zu Showstopper Being Mary Jane hinzu,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,372,AddToPlaylist Intents: Voglio film di animazione al MJR Theatres,O B-movie_type I-movie_type I-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: أحتاج إلى مواعيد عرض A Yiddish World Remembered في مسارح Dipson,O O B-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent "Intents: Per favore trovami l'opera , Serious Awesomeness ! .",O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Remind me to get bread after work,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: zeige das nächste Kino , das Boykott zeigt",O O B-location B-object_location_type O O B-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: هل ستثلج غدا,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,87,weather/find Intents: Jeg vil gerne tilføj jordan rudess til Divertido para niños playlisten .,O O O O B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bana Harkins Theatres'daki filmleri göster .,O B-location I-location B-movie_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: yellowstone'da hava nasıl ?,B-location O O O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: markeer dit album een score van 5,O B-object_select B-object_type O O O B-rating_value,RateBook,468,RateBook Intents: Tolong carikan saya Phineas Redux .,O O O B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,356,SearchCreativeWork Intents: setze den Wecker auf 6 Uhr früh,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: skal det regne i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: أضف الألبوم إلى قائمة تشغيل Hipster Soul .,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: Gaat het zaterdag regenen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: I'd like to add jordan rudess onto the Divertido para niños playlist.,O O O O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,366,AddToPlaylist Intents: 今天 会 下雪 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: Таңғы сағат 8-ге оятқышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm Intents: i want to see I Dream of Jeanie in a movie theatre,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Posso indossare i pantaloni corti oggi ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: Sabah 3'e alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Cancella la mia sveglia delle 5:15 di mattina di martedì,O O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,203,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Voeg de Matt Murphy tune toe aan de Flow Español playlist,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bewerte dieses Buch mit 1,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: барлық оятқыштарды өшір,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: бүгін қар жауады ма,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,31,weather/find Intents: Cancel my reminder,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 删除 我的 明天 去 学校 接 Partick 的提醒。,O B-reference B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: sıcak mı ?,B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: 播放 Joy Nilo 的 歌曲 。,O B-artist I-artist O O O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: Play some symphony music from David Lindley .,O O B-music_item O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,343,PlayMusic Intents: Remind me to call my sister tomorrow,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,19,reminder/set_reminder Intents: alle Wecker löschen,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,82,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: annuleer alle wekkers voor zaterdag,O B-reference O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: quali sono gli orari dei film,O O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,370,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Hvad kommer temperaturen til at blive i dag ?,O O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,163,weather/find Intents: 设置 提醒 在 游戏 开始 前 一小时 观 看 Colts,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: bugün yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,187,weather/find "Intents: Pesan sebuah reservasi untuk 8 orang di Wardville , Kansas",O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,314,BookRestaurant Intents: Can you find me the National Anthem of the Ancient Britons television show ?,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,486,SearchCreativeWork Intents: In the Company of Cheerful Ladies'e 6 üzerinden sıfır ver,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-best_rating O B-rating_value O,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: Give The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property fem stjerner,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: sæt en alarm til 2 timer,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: What time is left on the alarm .,O O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Spiele etwas Blues Britanico .,O O B-genre I-genre O,PlayMusic,480,PlayMusic Intents: من فضلك ابحث عن برنامج Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,454,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Zeig mir die Filmvorstellungszeiten von Southern Theatres,O O O B-object_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Napravi mi rezervaciju za najbolji bistro,O O O O B-sort B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,368,BookRestaurant Intents: 搜索 The Sound of One Hand Clapping,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 今 日 の リマインダー は いく つ あり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,74,weather/find Intents: Apakah sedang ada sebuah badai sekarang di NC ?,O O O O B-condition_description B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,258,weather/find Intents: alarmları iptal et,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 设置 从 现在开始 一个 小时 之后 的 闹钟。,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,79,alarm/set_alarm Intents: أطفئ كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: podseti me da podesim alarm za ups,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: jadwalkan sebuah alarm harian untuk 7:30 malam sampai dihapus,O O O B-recurring_datetime O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/set_alarm Intents: قم بتشغيل أعظم موسيقى من Bryan Maclean .,O O B-sort O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,406,PlayMusic Intents: أريد حجز مطعم لوالد زوجتي و أنا في بوكنر بعد عام من الآن .,O O B-restaurant_type B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,273,BookRestaurant Intents: 明 日 お 店 で ペーパー タオル を 買 う よう に リマインド する,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Stormer det i NC ?,O O O B-location O,weather/find,258,weather/find Intents: apa perkiraan cuaca untuk Costa Rica,O O O O B-location I-location,weather/find,322,weather/find Intents: すべて の アラーム を キャンセル,B-reference O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Voeg Richard McNamara nieuwste nummer toe aan de Just Smile playlist,O B-artist I-artist O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,316,AddToPlaylist Intents: Show my reminder,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: The Mystery of the Tolling Bell serisine 4 yıldız ver .,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O,RateBook,285,RateBook Intents: Bu listedeki üçüncü hatırlatıcımı iptal et .,O O B-reference B-reference-part O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Delete the last two reminders on my list,O O B-reference I-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: هل تثلج في كندا,O B-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,36,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は 食 料 品 店 に 行 く よう に 通 知 し て,B-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,103,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 今天 Grindstone 会 是 阴天 吗?,B-datetime B-location O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: Ich möchte eine Brasserie für 3 Personen auf den Niederländischen Antillen buchen .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O O B-location I-location O O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: Wie wird die Temperatur heute ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,99,weather/find Intents: Per favore prenotami un tavolo in una pizzeria con parcheggio in Ghana .,O O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-facility O B-location O,BookRestaurant,310,BookRestaurant Intents: Мен он адамға мейрамханаға тапсырыс бергім келеді .,O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,418,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Find spilletiderne for den nærmeste biograf,O O O O B-location B-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Bugün kar yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: Alarmıma ne kadar zaman kaldı,O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Proveri raspored za bioskope Bow Tie .,O B-object_type O B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Маған жемпір керек пе ?,O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,1,AddToPlaylist Intents: Lösche meine Wecker,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Jeg vil gerne høre dem fra kunstneren Murcof,O O O O O O O B-artist,PlayMusic,488,PlayMusic Intents: 给 当前 的 系列 评级 4个 点,O B-object_select O B-object_part_of_series_type O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: kakvo je vreme danas ?,O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: Riproduci la nuova melodia su Last Fm di Eddie Vinson .,O O B-sort B-music_item O B-service I-service O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: Riproduci musica da Netflix .,O O O B-service O,PlayMusic,303,PlayMusic Intents: 明天 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: Voeg we have a theme song toe aan mijn House Afterwork playlist,O O O O B-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,270,AddToPlaylist Intents: I'd like you to create a new alarm for 8:45 tomorrow morning,O O O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: da li će biti snega danas,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,60,weather/find Intents: otkaži mi alarm za sutra ujutru,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,88,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Che tempo farà a novembre in Brookneal ?,O O O O B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,320,weather/find Intents: füge den aktuellen Song zu meiner Das ist Tschaikowski-Wiedergabeliste hinzu,O O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: Sabah 6'ya alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,86,alarm/set_alarm Intents: kommer det til at regne i morgen,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: give dette album 0 stjerner,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: Hoe veel herinneringen heb ik vandaag ?,O O O O O B-datetime O,reminder/show_reminders,74,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Spielt Bartok der Bezaubernde um sieben Uhr früh ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Give zero stars to Rhialto the Marvellous,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: obriši sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Rate Soul Music a 0 .,O B-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: احجز لتسعة أشخاص في مخبز في نونيز,O B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,425,BookRestaurant Intents: slet alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm "Intents: Kan du finde bogen , Paris - When It Sizzles ?",O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: annuleer mijn herinneringen voor volgende week,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Setel alarm untuk siang hari hanya pada hari Senin .,O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Add a reminder for today at 4pm,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Gib 0 Sterne an Halo: Ghosts of Onyx,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,250,RateBook Intents: ferma la sveglia,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,20,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: annuleer herinnering voor vanavonds wedstrijd,O O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: add ireland in the junior eurovision song contest 2015 to my Jazzy Dinner playlist,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: pada jam 4 besok ingatkan saya untuk pergi ke mall,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Жанындағы анимациялық фильмдерді тап,B-location B-movie_type I-movie_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 关掉 闹钟,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: アラーム を 毎 日 午 前 8 時 に 設 定 する,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 给 我 显示 The Great Gildersleeve 在 电影院 附近 的 放映 时间表,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type O O O B-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: アラーム を 消 す,O O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: إلغاء جميع التذكيرات الخاصة بي .,O B-reference O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Bugün yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,10,weather/find Intents: Molim te otvori Zvuk [ Zvooq ],O O O B-service O B-service O,PlayMusic,288,PlayMusic Intents: Zet wekker voor 3 uur 's middags .,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Puoi cercare la saga Molecular Oncology ?,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchCreativeWork Intents: hoe is het weer vandaag ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: Podseti me da zakažem pregled kod lekara sutra,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,108,reminder/set_reminder Intents: tüm alarmlarımı göster,B-reference B-reference-part O,alarm/show_alarms,53,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Kan du finde Epic Conditions billedet ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchCreativeWork Intents: اضبط منبه يوميا للساعة 7 : 30 صباحا حتى حذفه,O O B-recurring_datetime O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/set_alarm Intents: AMC Theaters'da No Time to Be Young gösteriliyor mu,B-location I-location B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,481,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Riproduci Subconscious Lobotomy di Jennifer Paull .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,429,PlayMusic Intents: hoe is het weer vandaag,O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,194,weather/find Intents: Hoću animirane filmove u Bioskopima MJR [ MJR Theatres ],O B-movie_type I-movie_type O B-location I-location O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,464,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Reserviere für 9 Personen bei einer Bäckerei in Nunez,O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,425,BookRestaurant Intents: Kinoprogramm in der Nähe für animierte Filme,B-object_type B-location I-location I-location O B-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,413,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Jeg vil gerne reservérer bord på et steakhouse i Vimy Ridge .,O O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,457,BookRestaurant Intents: set alarm for 6 am,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,68,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Tüm alarmları göster .,B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Сен The Approach телесериясын таба аласың ба,O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Өзбекстандағы екі сағат ішіндегі ауа райы,B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,weather/find,312,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Obriši alarme,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Würdest du das Buch Paris - When It Sizzles suchen ?,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Hvordan er vejret i dag ?,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: 将 此 音乐 添加 到 dorthy's 80's party 的 播放 列表 中,O O B-music_item O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: wat is de voorspelling voor koudere temperaturen beginnend op Law Day hier,O O O O O B-condition_temperature O O O B-datetime I-datetime B-location,weather/find,417,weather/find "Intents: Erinnere mich , die Miete zu zahlen .",O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,71,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Pusti Another Passenger Luja Nelsona Delila [ Louis Nelson Delisle ] .,O B-album I-album B-artist I-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic Intents: anullér mine påmindelser for næste uge,O B-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,104,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 添加 这张 专辑 到 Hipster Soul 播放 列表 中 。,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: Jam berapa alarm saya disetel ?,O O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 你 能 查到 the Molecular Oncology saga 吗 ?,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Мен 5 / 20 / 2025 ке 3 адамға Техасқа жақын sundanese гастропабын жалдағым келеді .,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-party_size_number O B-location B-location B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O O O,BookRestaurant,263,reminder/set_reminder Intents: jeg skal bruge en påmindelse til at hente Lisa,O O O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,207,reminder/set_reminder Intents: оятқышты 15 минутқа кейінге қалдыр,O B-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Qual è il tempo a San Francisco ?,O O O O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,238,weather/find Intents: how hot will it be today,O B-weather/attribute O O O B-datetime,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: ذكرني بموعد الطبيب الأسبوع المقبل,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,112,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Wagstaff AK'de altı kişilik bir restoran rezervasyonu yaptırmak istiyorum .,B-location B-location B-party_size_number O O B-restaurant_type O O O O,BookRestaurant,342,BookRestaurant Intents: 添加 the boy george track 到 Emo Forever 播放 列表 。,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,456,AddToPlaylist Intents: احجز مكان لـ 9 أشخاص في Thurmont,O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location,BookRestaurant,254,BookRestaurant Intents: ik wil JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time zien,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,386,SearchCreativeWork Intents: was is die durchschnittliche Wettervorhersage für September,O O O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: Rezerviši mesto od 9 u Turmontu [ Thurmont ],O O O B-party_size_number O B-location O B-location O,BookRestaurant,254,BookRestaurant Intents: бұл тректі менің Hands Up ойнату тізіміне қос,O B-music_item B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,460,AddToPlaylist Intents: Vorrei prenotare un posto a Monaco per il Yankee Doodle Coffee Shop,O O O O O B-location O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,337,BookRestaurant Intents: Bu sanatçıyı Showstopper Being Mary Jane'e ekle,O B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,372,AddToPlaylist Intents: 六个 月 内 在 丹吉尔 附近 最好 的 酒吧 预订 九 人 的 位置,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location B-sort I-sort B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,497,BookRestaurant Intents: Dodaj pesmu Meta Marfija [ Matt Murphy ] na plejlistu Flow Español,O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,262,AddToPlaylist Intents: Gaat het zaterdag regenen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,188,weather/find Intents: dodaj Highway Patrolman na moju plejlistu this is al green,O B-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: Molim te otkaži alarm za četvrtak ujutru,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,34,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: أرني كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,44,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Erinnere mich die Arbeitsemails heute Abend zu beantworten,O O O B-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 播放 我的 创造性 播放 列表,O O B-playlist O O,PlayMusic,253,PlayMusic Intents: 提醒 我 明天 去 商店 取 厕纸,O O B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: bu geceki maçın hatırlatıcısını iptal et,B-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,204,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 找到 附近 的 电影 时间表,O B-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: What time is my alarm set for,O O O B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Želim da rezervišem Tupelo Honey Cafe u Nju Džersiju za pet osoba .,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,363,BookRestaurant Intents: Add this album to the Spanish Beat playlist,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: リマインダー 「 火 曜 日 の 夜 に バラ で サブ ヨガ クラス 」 を 明 日 に 設 定 する,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime I-datetime O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,151,reminder/set_reminder Intents: laat me al mijn herinneringen zien,O O B-reference I-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Gaat het sneeuwen vandaag ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: Temukan sebuah karya kreatif berjudul Fire in the Hole,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork Intents: كم سيكون الطقس ساخنا اليوم,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: Tilføj en sang til min madden nfl 16 playliste,O O B-music_item O B-reference I-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,421,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bliver det regnvejr i Tenino ?,O O B-condition_description O B-location O,weather/find,453,weather/find Intents: memberi nilai The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property lima bintang,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,489,RateBook Intents: Finde die Filmvorstellungszeiten in der Nähe,O O B-object_type B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,378,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Spiele etwas auf Last Fm,O O O B-service I-service,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: 今天 会 下雪 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,234,weather/find Intents: 查看 Bow Tie Cinemas 的 时间表 。,O B-location I-location I-location O B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Apa perkiraan hujan satu jam dari sekarang di Korea Selatan,O O B-condition_description B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: Pada jam berapa alarm saya disetel ?,O O O O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,120,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Akan seberapa dingin di sekitar Utah sekitar jam 3 pagi ?,O O B-condition_temperature O B-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: Kommer det til at sne i dag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: Bagaimana ramalan cuaca untuk sekitar Bothe-Napa Valley State Park pada 20 Februari ?,O O O O B-location B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: Trovami un programma TV chiamato Baby Blue,O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,490,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Any Which Way You Can sarà in proiezione tra 15 secondi,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,327,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: biraz yetmişler Filipp Kirkorow çal,O B-datetime B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,451,PlayMusic Intents: алпысыншы жылдардағы саундтректі ойнат,B-datetime I-datetime B-music_item O,PlayMusic,404,PlayMusic Intents: 提醒 我 八月 21 号 下午3点 去 看 医生,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kazağa ihtiyacım var mı ?,B-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,1,weather/find Intents: اعرض كل المنبهات .,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,9,alarm/show_alarms Intents: bewerte dieses aktuelle Album mit 0 Sternen,O O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: tüm alarmları sil,B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: бүгін франциядағы ауа-райы қандай,B-datetime B-location O O,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: slet alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,80,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Dove posso trovare il programma dei film,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,331,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: annuleer wekker voor morgen,O O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,183,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Za kad mi je podešen alarm,O O B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,200,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Koja je temperatura danas ?,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,12,weather/find Intents: wat is de voorspelling voor Waurika in Samoa,O O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,478,weather/find Intents: Play Paul Mccartney,O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: أضف الفنان mike إلى قائمة تشغيل Sexy as Folk .,O B-music_item B-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: Bisakah saya memakai celana pendek hari ini ?,O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: setel alarm untuk jam 6 pagi besok,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Quali sono i film che verranno proiettati nelle vicinanze,O O O B-movie_type O O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,474,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Weer in Tahoe dit weekend ?,O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: Осы альбомдға бір жұлдыз бер,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: Beoordeel Ruth vijf van de 6 punten .,O B-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: Anullér den næste alarm,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Канзас штатындағы Уардвиллді 8 адамға жалда,B-location O B-location B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,314,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 设置 闹钟 为 30 分钟,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Hvordan er vejret i dag ?,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: Zoek en vind alstjeblieft Monthy Python Live in de Hollywood Bowl .,O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,482,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 明 日 の 朝 8 時 4 5 分 に 新 しい アラーム を 作 成 し て ください,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Wie heiß wird es heute ?,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,54,weather/find Intents: cancel all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Batalkan semua pengingat saya .,O B-reference O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Setel alarm untuk jam 5 sore ini,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: wie heiß wird es heute,O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: tampilkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,97,alarm/set_alarm Intents: اضبط منبه للساعة 8 صباحًا,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,11,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 取消 我的 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference I-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,76,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Wecker löschen,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,178,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 提醒 我 去 交 房租,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Do I need an umbrella today ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,184,weather/find Intents: baca perkiraan cuaca hari ini,O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk membeli handuk kertas di toko besok,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Pasang sebuah pengingat untuk makanan anjing pada hari Senin .,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Spiele eine Symphonie von 2013 .,O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,428,PlayMusic Intents: Youtube'da Helena Iren Michaelsen'den film müziği dinlemek istiyorum,B-service B-artist I-artist I-artist B-music_item I-music_item O O,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: 重新设置 这个 闹钟 现在 并且 在 下午2点 开始,O B-reference O B-datetime O O B-datetime O,alarm/cancel_alarm,69,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Bitte suche nach dem Lied The Mad Magician .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork "Intents: إلى قائمة تشغيل السفر , من فضلك أضف هذه الأغنية من David Gahan .",O O O B-playlist O O O O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: Маған менің еске салғыштарымды көрсет,O B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/set_reminder Intents: إلغاء التذكير للحفل,O O B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Күнделікті сағат таңғы 8-ге оятқышты орнат,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Ik moet toevoegen aan mijn Infinite Indie Folk lijst het werk van Rahim Shah,O O O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O O B-artist I-artist,AddToPlaylist,399,AddToPlaylist Intents: Leggi le previsioni del tempo di oggi,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,144,weather/find Intents: Tambahkan sebuah lagu derek watkins ke This Is Johnny Cash,O O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: شغِّل Another Passenger بواسطة Louis Nelson Delisle .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic Intents: Маған тек анимациялық фильмдердің ArcLight Hollywood кестесін көрсет,O O B-movie_type I-movie_type B-location I-location B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,383,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Any Which Way You Can 能 在 15 秒 内 播放 吗,B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,SearchScreeningEvent,327,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: ما هو متوسط التوقعات الجوية لشهر سبتمبر,O O O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,216,weather/find Intents: アラーム を 午 前 2 時 に 設 定 する,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 在 Last Fm 上 播放 Eddie Vinson 的 最新 旋律 。,O B-service I-service O O B-artist I-artist O B-sort B-music_item O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: vis alle påmindelser,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,236,reminder/show_reminders Intents: кешкі сағат 5-те осында боран жағдайына болжам қандай,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location B-condition_description O O O,weather/find,483,weather/find Intents: Bana Blue Spring fragmanını bulabilir misin ?,O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Quanto tempo è rimasto prima della sveglia,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Remind me to talk to Ben about Georgia,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Mostrami tutti i miei promemoria di oggi,O B-reference O B-reference O O B-datetime,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 我 需要 一份 Speakeasy Theaters 电影 时间 的 清单,O O O B-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type O O,SearchScreeningEvent,442,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Bebeklerim ve kendim için bir rezervasyon yap,B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O O O,BookRestaurant,373,BookRestaurant Intents: Geef me het Secret South nummer .,O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 提醒 我 去和 Ben 谈 关于 Georgia,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: zet wekker voor 3 uur 's ochtends,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,205,alarm/set_alarm Intents: turn off all alarms,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Cerca il gioco Difficult Loves,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,293,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Bu albüme bir yıldız ver,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,405,RateBook Intents: اضبط منبه للساعة 2 صباحًا,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: قيم الرواية الحالية صفر من أصل 6,O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value O O B-best_rating,RateBook,472,RateBook Intents: 毎 分 の アラーム を 2 0 分 間 設 定 する 。,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Lütfen televizyon dizisi Episodi di The Blacklist'i ara .,O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,416,SearchCreativeWork Intents: her gün sabah 7'de ilaçları almak için tekrar eden hatırlatıcımı iptal et,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 我 想 在 明年 在 宾州 附近 为 三人 预订 一家 bougatsa 餐厅 。,O O O B-datetime O B-location B-location O B-party_size_number O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O,BookRestaurant,452,BookRestaurant Intents: Per favore cerca il dipinto intitolato This Is the Night .,O O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,384,SearchCreativeWork Intents: cancella tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,weather/find Intents: Wat is de weersvoorspelling voor Bothe-Napa Valley State park rond 20 februari ?,O O O O O B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: 这周 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: Füge den Künstler Mike zu meiner Sexy as Folk Playliste .,O O B-music_item B-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,465,AddToPlaylist Intents: Give the Catedral series four stars .,O O B-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: احجز في The Dome ، Edinburgh بالقرب من Brooklawn,O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: Napravi rezervaciju za moje bebe i mene,O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description,BookRestaurant,373,BookRestaurant Intents: Ik wil Outcast zien .,O O B-movie_name O O,SearchScreeningEvent,345,SearchCreativeWork Intents: شغل موسيقى من E-type .,O O O B-artist O,PlayMusic,328,PlayMusic Intents: 您 能 搜索 Paris - When It Sizzles 这本 书 吗 ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Obriši mi poslednja dva podsetnika sa liste,O O B-reference I-reference O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,193,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: setze den Wecker auf 6 Uhr abends,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,133,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Voor welke tijd is mijn wekker gezet ?,O O O O B-reference O O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Good Morning Sunshine fragmanını getir bana,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,334,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Batalkan semua alarm,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,62,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Set reminder to get the dry cleaning .,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,114,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Lav en påmindelse til i morgen på at købe mælk .,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Napravi podsetnik za sutra da kupim mleko .,O O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kommer det til at sne i dag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,156,weather/find Intents: Jeg vil gerne reservérer et bord til tre på en bougatsa restaurant nær Penn til næste år,O O O O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime,BookRestaurant,452,BookRestaurant Intents: 将 The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure 评分 为 6分 中 的 三分 。,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-best_rating O O B-rating_value O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: Finde animierte Filme in der Nähe,O B-movie_type I-movie_type B-location I-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: tüm alarmları göster,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,97,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Spiele Another Passenger von Louis Nelson Delisle .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic Intents: tambahkan Highway Patrolman ke playlist this is al green saya,O B-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference,AddToPlaylist,466,AddToPlaylist Intents: Mind mig om at hente blomster til Jen til vores jubilæum den 28 .,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Imposta una sveglia tra 30 minuti,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,78,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Badai tropis di Karibia,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: Оятқышты күндізгі сағат 3-ке орнат .,O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O,alarm/set_alarm,22,alarm/set_alarm Intents: cuaca,O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: Check de tijden voor Snowbound in det dichtstbijzijnde bioscoop .,O O O O B-movie_name O O B-location B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: prenota posto per i miei nipoti ed io ad una tea house,O O O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,364,BookRestaurant Intents: Bir spa'da ortak bir yer ayırtmak istiyorum .,O B-facility B-restaurant_type O O O O O,BookRestaurant,391,BookRestaurant Intents: Vis min påmidelse,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: snooze wekker voor 15 minuten,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/snooze_alarm Intents: cancella tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,233,weather/find Intents: Wie wird das Wetter in New York diese Woche,O O O O O B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: wanneer laat de voorspelling het eerst regen zien,O O O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: our little corner of the world music from gilmore girls'ü The Funny Thing About Football Is çalma listeme ekle .,B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O B-reference O O,AddToPlaylist,308,AddToPlaylist Intents: Бүгін ауа-райы қандай ?,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: 在 俄克拉荷马州 南 大街 的 Diner 预订 一个 4 人 的 位置,O B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O O B-party_size_number O O O,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: Let's hear good Mohammad Mamle on Vimeo .,O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic Intents: Geef 1 van de 6 beoordeling aan het huidige tekstboek,O B-rating_value O O B-best_rating O O O B-object_select B-object_type,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: tüm alarmları göster,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,244,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Füge das Album zur Hipster Soul Playliste .,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,402,AddToPlaylist Intents: Tropische stormen in caribbean,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O B-location,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: Bisakah anda menemukan serial TV The Approach,O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,264,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Resetuj sve alarme,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Boek plek voor 9,O O O B-party_size_number,BookRestaurant,459,BookRestaurant Intents: إلغاء تذكيري الثالث في هذه القائمة .,O B-reference I-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,67,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Tüm hatırlatıcıları göster,B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Ертең Патрикті мектептен алып кету туралы менің еске салғышымды жой .,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-reference O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,47,reminder/set_reminder Intents: kakva je prognoza za Admajr [ Admire ] u Teksasu [ TX ] počevši u sedamnaest,O O O O B-location O B-location O O B-location O B-location O O O B-datetime,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: da li bi trebalo da pada sneg danas ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: Batalkan pengingat saya,O O B-reference,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: I want to listen to an ep from 1998 .,O O O O O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,259,PlayMusic Intents: will it snow today,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,23,weather/find "Intents: Boek een reservering voor 8 personen in Wardville , Kansas",O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,314,BookRestaurant Intents: saya ingin menonton JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,386,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Kakva je prognoza za hladnije temperature s početkom na Dan Zakona [ Law Day ] ovde,O O O O B-condition_description O O B-datetime O B-datetime I-datetime O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,417,weather/find Intents: レイン コート を 持 っ て いく べき です か ?,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: Želim da jedem delikates za trinaest časova koji služi istočnoevropsku hranu,O O O B-restaurant_type B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O B-cuisine O,BookRestaurant,403,BookRestaurant Intents: Er der en storm på vej mod mit område ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O O B-location I-location O,weather/find,226,weather/find Intents: 删除 所有 的 提醒,O B-reference O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,40,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Cumartesi günü parti için güneşli olacak mı ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,212,weather/find Intents: 寻找 一首 名为 Live at the Kings Center 的 歌曲,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-object_type,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Play my inventive playlist,O O B-playlist O,PlayMusic,253,PlayMusic Intents: Show me Southern Theatres movie times,O O B-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 我 想 要 你 去 设置 一个 新的 闹钟 在 明天 上午 8:45,O O O O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: zeige mir alle meine Weckzeiten,O O B-reference I-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,53,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 将 当前 专辑 评为 0 星,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: 今 日 の 最 高 気 温 は 何 度 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,37,weather/find Intents: маған кино үйінің қасында The Great Gildersleeve киносының кестесін көрсет,O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 21 Ağustos 2035 Sarygamyş Mabedi'nde hava nasıl olacak ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-location I-location O O O O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: Kakvo je vreme danas ?,O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,107,weather/find "Intents: Alla playlist travelling , per favore aggiungi questa canzone di David Gahan .",O O B-playlist O O O O O B-music_item O B-artist I-artist O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: Daj da čujem nešto od Endrua Hjuita [ Andrew Hewitt ] .,O O O O O B-artist I-artist O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: Hvad er vejrudsigten for Nicodemus og omegn,O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,407,weather/find Intents: ما مقدار الثلج الذي يتوقعونه ؟,O O B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: قم بتشغيل شئ ما على Last Fm,O O O O O B-service I-service,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: Tražim sliku s nazivom With You,O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Vind geanimeerde films dichtbij,O B-movie_type I-movie_type B-location,SearchScreeningEvent,438,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: أود منك إضافة منبه جديد للساعة 8 : 45 صباح الغد,O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Vota questo libro con 1,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: Vil det blive solskin i morgen ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,248,weather/find Intents: Мен Shattered Image-ді көргім келеді .,O B-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: add this artist to my spotlight on country 2016 playlist,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist Intents: 正 午 の アラーム を 月 曜 日 のみ 設 定 する 。,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,89,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 明 日 雨 は 降 り ます か 。,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: Ich möchte Soundtrack Musik von Helena Iren Michaelsen auf Youtube hören,O O B-music_item O O B-artist I-artist I-artist O B-service O,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: Cari The Sound of One Hand Clapping,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,305,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 2 saat için alarm kur,B-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,141,alarm/set_alarm Intents: entferne alle Wecker,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,92,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: speel wat nieuw Les Vandyke op Slacker,O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service,PlayMusic,423,PlayMusic Intents: annuleer wekkers,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,118,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: ما مدى برودة الطقس الليلة ؟,O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,129,weather/find Intents: барлық еске салғыштарды көрсет,B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Jeg vil gerne reservérer et bord til 3 på en sundanesisk gastropub nær Texas den 5 / 20 / 2025 .,O O O O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,BookRestaurant,263,BookRestaurant Intents: Mangiamo vicino Oakfield tra 17 secondi al Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish,O B-location B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant "Intents: Джерри Каллисте , Джрды менің Te quiero ойнату тізіміме қосыңыз .",B-artist I-artist I-artist I-artist B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: 在 15:19:29 目前的 位置 的 湿度 将是 多少 ?,O B-datetime B-location I-location O B-condition_description O O O,weather/find,385,weather/find Intents: tempo,O,weather/find,167,weather/find Intents: Can I wear shorts today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,214,weather/find Intents: What's the weather forecast for Bothe-Napa Valley State Park close by february 20 ?,O O O O O B-location I-location I-location I-location B-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: Ricordami di prendere i tovaglioli di carta al negozio domani,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,84,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Бүгін қаншалықты ыстық болады ?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,199,weather/find "Intents: Zoek alstjeblieft het werk , Serious Awesomeness ! .",O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,446,SearchCreativeWork Intents: mainkan album Jill Sobule,O B-music_item B-album I-album,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: Podseti me da uzmem hleb posle posla,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Spil noget nyt med Les Vandyke på Slacker,O O B-sort O B-artist I-artist O B-service,PlayMusic,423,PlayMusic Intents: Spielt Rare Birds im nächstgelegenen Kino zu Mittag .,O B-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location B-object_location_type O B-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,469,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Бүгін жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: Podseti me da pozovem mamu večeras,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Çarşamba günü gold oynamak için hava nasıl ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: Bisakah Anda carikan saya cuplikan film Blue Spring ?,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,462,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Market alışverişi için haftalık bir hatırlatıcı ayarla .,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-recurring_datetime O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Hvad er vejrudsigten for Bothe-Napa Valley State Park tæt på den 20 februar ?,O O O O B-location I-location I-location I-location B-location O O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,294,weather/find Intents: Anullér alle påmindelser,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: アラーム を 明 日 の 午 前 6 時 に 設 定,O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/set_alarm,77,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Yağmurluk getirmeli miyim ?,B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,110,weather/find Intents: Vota In the Company of Cheerful Ladies con zero su 6,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: Prikaži moj podsetnik,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Vota questo romanzo due su 6 .,O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,426,RateBook Intents: أضف هذه الأغنية إلى قائمة تشغيل Sleepify الخاصة بي,O O B-music_item O O O B-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,326,AddToPlaylist Intents: Cancella le sveglie,O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Kakvo je vreme za golf u sredu ?,O O O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,243,weather/find Intents: Kan je de Harry Hood saga vinden ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 弗吉尼亚州 st. patrick's day 那天 的 天气 将会 是 怎样 ?,B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O O,weather/find,441,weather/find Intents: je l' možeš da mi prikažeš alarme ?,O O O O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,29,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Ich brauche einen Wecker für 9 Uhr früh Frühstück,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 今 日 の 午 後 4 時 に リマインダー を 追 加 する,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,2,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kannst du das Bil Epic Conditions finden ?,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Crea un promemoria per domani per comprare il latte .,O O O O B-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Spiller I Think I Do klokken 7 i aften ?,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name B-datetime I-datetime O B-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,290,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 明天 将会 下雨 吗,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: Za kad mi je podešen alarm ?,O O B-reference O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,145,alarm/show_alarms Intents: 将 此 艺术家 添加 到 我 的 2016 年 国家 集锦 播放 列表 中,O O B-music_item O O B-reference I-reference B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist "Intents: Ke playlist perjalanan , tolong tambahkan lagu David Gahan ini .",O O B-playlist O O O B-music_item B-artist I-artist O O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk berbicara dengan Ben tentang Georgia,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,15,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Осы аптада жаңбыр жауады ма ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,176,weather/find Intents: will i need a jacket tomorrow ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,41,weather/find Intents: cancella tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,191,weather/find Intents: 次 に 雨 が 降 る 予 報 は いつ です か,O O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O O O O,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: Zu welchen Zeiten spielt The Young Swordsman in meinem Kino ?,O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_type B-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,473,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Voeg jack white toe aan mijn playlist This Is Shakira,O B-artist I-artist O O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: барлық оятқыштарды көрсет,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,97,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Get me the Secret South song .,O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O,SearchCreativeWork,351,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Hvordan vil vejret være i New York City denne uge,O O O O O B-location I-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: Gibe dem aktuellen Lehrbuch 1 aus 6 Punkten,O O B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,261,RateBook Intents: 设置 闹钟 为 今晚 5点钟,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,246,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Voeg een nummer toe aan Indie Hipster,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,485,AddToPlaylist Intents: Мен Youtube-та бірдеңе тыңдағым келеді,O B-service O O O,PlayMusic,292,PlayMusic Intents: Prenota per 6 persone per una taverna creola in Montenegro,O O B-party_size_number O O O B-restaurant_type B-cuisine O B-location,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: søg efter bogen The Girl Who Was Plugged In,O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 请 给 我 在 加纳 一家 有 停车场 的 比萨 店 订 一张 桌子 。,O O O O B-location O O B-facility O B-restaurant_type O O O O O,BookRestaurant,310,BookRestaurant Intents: Bitte buche einen Tisch in einem Bistro das lorna doone serviert .,O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-served_dish I-served_dish O O,BookRestaurant,284,BookRestaurant Intents: tilføj denne kunstner til min spotlight on country 2016 playliste,O O B-music_item O B-playlist B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist Intents: Il tempo a Tahoe questo fine settimana ?,O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,124,weather/find "Intents: Ich möchte , dass du für morgen früh um 8:45 Uhr einen neuen Alarm einstellst",O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O O O O,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Füge ein Derek Watkins Lied zu This Is Johnny Cash hinzu,O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: إلغي تذكيري,O B-reference-part,reminder/cancel_reminder,3,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: تجاهل المنبه,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,96,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Bugün hava nasıl ?,B-datetime O O O,weather/find,201,weather/find Intents: 今 日 の 気 温 は 何 度 です か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: bu hafta yağmur yağacak mı,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: memberi penilaian album ini 0 bintang,O O B-object_type B-object_select B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: Wetter in Walden Russland am 12 . 12 . 2018,O O B-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,272,weather/find Intents: hoće li biti kiše ove nedelje,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,116,weather/find Intents: mostrami tutte le sveglie,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,32,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Füge einen Song zu This is racionais mc's,O O B-music_item O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: افتح itunes و العب Ben Burnley Ready To Die,O B-service O O B-artist I-artist B-album I-album I-album,AddToPlaylist,358,PlayMusic Intents: Дүйсенбіге иттің тамағы туралы еске салғышты орнат .,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,150,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kommer det til at regne lørdag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: Spiele Trance Life auf Zvooq .,O B-playlist I-playlist O B-service O,PlayMusic,445,PlayMusic Intents: Herinner me om Stephanie te bellen op Dinsdag,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: リマインダー を すべて 表 示 する,O O B-reference O O O,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/set_reminder Intents: قم بإلغاء التذكير المتكرر لأخذ الأدوية يوميًا في الساعة 7 صباحًا,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Riproduci qualcosa su Last Fm,O O O B-service I-service,PlayMusic,354,PlayMusic Intents: Come sarà il tempo a New York city questa settimana,O O O O O B-location I-location I-location B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,153,weather/find Intents: күн сайын таңертеңгі сағат 7-де дәрілерді ішу туралы қайталанатын еске салғышты алып таста,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 给 我 找到 名字 叫 To Lose My Life … 的 小说,O O O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O B-object_type,SearchCreativeWork,467,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Пәтерақыны тастауды маған есіме түсір,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Treba mi raspored filmova za Speakeasy Theaters,O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,442,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: koliko će biti vruće danas,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,122,weather/find Intents: Oklahoma'daki South Street Diner'da 4 kişilik bir yer ayırt,B-location B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,302,BookRestaurant Intents: Kakvo je vreme u jeloustonu ?,O O O O B-location O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: otkaži sve alarme za subotu,O B-reference O O B-datetime,alarm/cancel_alarm,206,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Can I wear shorts today ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,173,weather/find Intents: Überprüfe die Vorstellungszeiten für Bow Tie Cinemas .,O O B-object_type O B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Kan jeg få spilletiderne for biograf film i nærheden,O O O O O B-movie_type B-movie_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,297,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Mainkan Another Passenger dari Louis Nelson Delisle .,O B-album I-album O B-artist I-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic Intents: Wetter in Tahoe dieses Wochenende ?,O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: è caldo fuori,O B-weather/attribute B-location,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: hoe wordt het weer vandaag,O O O O B-datetime,weather/find,227,weather/find Intents: zet wekker voor 7 morgen,O O O B-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,247,alarm/set_alarm Intents: hvordan bliver vejret her klokken to i morgen tidlig,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime O B-datetime B-datetime,weather/find,476,weather/find Intents: rezerviši sto u Fried chicken restaurant,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,269,BookRestaurant Intents: Please find me the video game titled 20 Hours in America .,O O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Riproduci musica di Joy Nilo .,O O O B-artist I-artist O,PlayMusic,251,PlayMusic Intents: 关 掉 所有 的 闹钟,O O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,179,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Anullér alle påmindelser,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Star Theatres 有 什么 电影 。,B-location I-location O O B-movie_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,324,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: alarmıma ne kadar zaman kaldı,B-reference-part O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,140,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: What's the weather like today ?,O O O O B-datetime O,weather/find,46,weather/find Intents: маған менің оятқыштарымды көрсет,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,119,reminder/show_reminders Intents: أعطي 4 نجوم إلى The Broken Window,O B-rating_value B-rating_unit O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,RateBook,282,RateBook Intents: Oceni soul muziku za 0 .,O B-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value O,RateBook,298,RateBook Intents: this is racionais mc's-ға ән қос,B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,435,AddToPlaylist Intents: erstelle eine Geburtstagserinnerung für max,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: 我 想 在 Youtube 上 听 Helena Iren Michaelsen 的 原声 音乐,O O O B-service O O B-artist I-artist I-artist O B-music_item O,PlayMusic,411,PlayMusic Intents: 毎 日 午 前 7 時 に 薬 を 飲 む と いう 定 期 的 な リマインダー を キャンセル,B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O O O O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ricordami di prendere il gas .,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,4,reminder/set_reminder Intents: kolika je najniža dnevna temperatura sutra,O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,72,weather/find Intents: Hvilke alarmer er sat ?,O O O O O,alarm/show_alarms,157,alarm/show_alarms Intents: إعرض كل التذكيرات,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,139,reminder/show_reminders "Intents: Boek een reservering voor The Dome , Edinburgh dichtbij Brooklawn",O O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name B-location B-location,BookRestaurant,494,BookRestaurant Intents: Осы демалыс күндері қар жауады ма ?,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,198,weather/find Intents: Controlla il programma al Bow Tie Cinemas .,O O B-object_type O B-location I-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,397,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 显示 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,237,alarm/show_alarms Intents: ما مدى سخونة الطقس اليوم,O O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: Dodaj The Famous Flower of Serving-Men na moju evening acoustic playlist .,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O,AddToPlaylist,382,AddToPlaylist Intents: dodaj ovu numeru na moju plejlistu This Is Tchaikovsky,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,346,AddToPlaylist Intents: Prikaži moj podsetnik,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 显示 我的 所有的 提醒,O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Paris - When It Sizzles kitabını arayabilir misin ?,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: ist es draußen heiß,O O B-location B-weather/attribute,weather/find,162,weather/find Intents: What will the weather be in Ohio ?,O O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: 显示 我的 提醒,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: bagaimanakah perkiraan untuk cuaca panas di Southford Falls State Park,O O O O B-condition_temperature O B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,309,weather/find Intents: احجز لي أفضل حانة صغيرة,O O B-sort B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type,AddToPlaylist,368,BookRestaurant Intents: Memberi nilai In the Company of Cheerful Ladies nol dari 6,O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,367,RateBook Intents: أضف ireland in the junior eurovision song contest 2015 إلى قائمة تشغيل Jazzy Dinner الخاصة بي,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,484,AddToPlaylist Intents: Quanta neve predicono ?,O B-weather/attribute O O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: Hvor lang tid er der tilbage på alarmen,O O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,229,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: podseti me da podesim alarm za ups,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Mind mig om at svare på arbejds emails i aften,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Mainkan Paul Mccartney,O B-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,448,PlayMusic Intents: أبحث عن مواعيد عرض أفلام لـ Wand Group .,O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,477,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: tüm alarmları göster,B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,237,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Kommer det til at regne i morgen ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,213,weather/find Intents: Tambahkan artis ini ke playlist political punks .,O B-music_item O O O B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: شغِّل ألبوم Jill Sobule,O B-music_item B-album I-album,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: Epic Conditions суретін таба аласың ба ?,B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,276,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Hoe veel kouder wordt het dichtbij Utah rond 3 uur s'ochtends ?,O O B-condition_temperature O O B-location B-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: イエローストーン の 天 気 は どう です か ?,B-location O O O O O O O O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: 凌晨 3点 左右 离 犹他州 不远 的 地方 会 有 多冷 ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O B-location B-location O O O O B-condition_temperature O,weather/find,401,weather/find Intents: Laat al mijn herinneringen zien,O B-reference I-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,149,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Jewg vil gerne reservérer bord på et brasserie til 3 på Den Nederlandske Antiller .,O O O O O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O B-location I-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,335,BookRestaurant Intents: ذكرني بالحصول على الخبز بعد العمل,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Ho bisogno di un cappotto oggi ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,125,weather/find Intents: vis mig alle mine påmindelser,O O B-reference I-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Bu kitaba 1 ver,B-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value O,RateBook,274,RateBook Intents: 这周 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,242,weather/find Intents: إلغي كل المنبهات,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,66,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Louis Nelson Delisle-тің Another Passenger-ын ойнат .,B-artist I-artist I-artist B-album I-album O O,PlayMusic,330,PlayMusic Intents: koliko će biti hladno ovde za 1 sekundu,O O O B-condition_temperature B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,317,weather/find Intents: هل يعرض Patrick Still Lives في AMC Theaters,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,390,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Zeige mir die Vorstellungszeiten des Films The Great Gildersleeve in der Nähe des Kinos,O O O B-object_type O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-location O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,295,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 5 желтоқсанда Лихула монументінде ауа райы қандай болады ?,B-datetime I-datetime B-location I-location O O O O O,weather/find,359,weather/find Intents: dodaj ovog izvođača na moju plejlistu spotlight on country 2016,O O B-music_item O B-reference O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist,AddToPlaylist,275,AddToPlaylist Intents: What are my reminders ?,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Wat is de temperatuur vandaag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: pokaži mi najbliži bioskop koji prikazuje Bojkot [ Boycott ],O O B-location B-object_location_type O O B-movie_name O B-movie_name O,SearchScreeningEvent,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: find venligst sangen The Mad Magician .,O O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Da li će da pada kiša danas ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: Qual è il tempo a yellowstone ?,O O O O O B-location O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: qual è il tempo in francia oggi,O O O O O B-location B-datetime,weather/find,211,weather/find Intents: delete all alarms,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,117,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: ricordami di andare dai dottori il 21 agosto alle 3 del pomeriggio,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: تذكيري بالذهاب إلى الأطباء في 21 أغسطس الساعة 3 مساءً,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Check the timings for Snowbound at the closest movie theatre .,O O O O B-movie_name O O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,287,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Reserver et bord til 9,O O O O B-party_size_number,BookRestaurant,459,BookRestaurant Intents: play Jill Sobule album,O B-album I-album B-music_item,PlayMusic,281,PlayMusic Intents: remind me to go to the doctors on august 21st 3 pm,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,56,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Lav en reservation til fem på en tatar taverna i Sargents,O O O O B-party_size_number O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: set a birthday reminder for max,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: من فضلك احجز لي طاولة في حانة صغيرة تقدم لورنا دون .,O O O O O O B-restaurant_type I-restaurant_type O B-served_dish I-served_dish O,BookRestaurant,284,BookRestaurant Intents: oceni ovaj album sa 0 zvezdica,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: Tropische Stürme in der Karibik,B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O B-location,weather/find,190,weather/find Intents: Saya butuh jadwal untuk A Yiddish World Remembered di Dipson Theatres,O O B-object_type O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Оятқыштарды жой,O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,171,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 今天 会 是 天晴 吗?,B-datetime O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,73,weather/find Intents: Per favore apri Zvooq,O O O B-service,PlayMusic,288,PlayMusic Intents: تذكيري بضبط منبه ل ups,O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,135,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Leder efter et maleri med title With You,O O O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,318,SearchCreativeWork Intents: إعرض كل تذكيراتي,O B-reference B-reference-part,reminder/show_reminders,85,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Was ist die Wetterprognose für den 26 . September in Emerado Saint Pierre und Miquelon,O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location I-location I-location I-location,weather/find,332,weather/find Intents: Ертең таңертеңгі оятқышты алып таста,B-datetime I-datetime O O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,241,reminder/set_reminder Intents: max için bir doğum günü hatırlatıcısı ayarla .,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Jeg skal bruge et bord til 4 på Settha Palace Hotel i Saint Helena,O O O O O O B-party_size_number O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: Cancel reminder for concert,O O O B-reminder/todo,reminder/cancel_reminder,240,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Tilføj denne sang til dorthy's 80's party playliste,O O B-music_item O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: 设置 闹钟 为 明天 上午7点 。,O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,130,alarm/set_alarm Intents: макс үшін туған күн туралы еске салғышты орнат,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: How much time is left on alarm,O O O O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: Set alarm every minute for 20 minutes .,O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,181,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Lösche alle Erinnerungen,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,239,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Vis mig spilletiderne for animerede film på ArcLight Hollywood,O O O O B-movie_type I-movie_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,383,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Shattered Image'ı görmek istiyorum .,B-movie_name I-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,304,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Сен маған Harry Hood сагасын тауып бере аласың ба ?,O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,325,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Toyan-ды менің Epic Gaming ойнату тізіміме қос .,B-artist B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,422,AddToPlaylist Intents: 取消 我的 下一个 闹钟,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,102,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: 黄石 的 天气 怎么样?,B-location O O O,weather/find,45,weather/find Intents: هيا نسمع good Mohammad Mamle على Vimeo .,O O B-sort B-artist I-artist O B-service O,PlayMusic,349,PlayMusic Intents: 今天 的 气温 怎么样?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,95,weather/find Intents: Ho bisogno di una lista degli orari dei film del Speakeasy Theaters,O O O O O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,442,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Jeg vil gerne spise i Ramona,O O O O O B-location,BookRestaurant,455,BookRestaurant Intents: Set an alarm for 8am daily,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: أضف تذكير أسبوعي للبقالة .,O O B-recurring_datetime B-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Outcast'ı görmek istiyorum .,B-movie_name O O O,SearchScreeningEvent,345,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Speelt The Two Gladiators,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,323,SearchCreativeWork Intents: laat mijn wekkers zien,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,93,weather/find Intents: Was wird das Hoch heute sein ?,O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O O,weather/find,208,weather/find Intents: Looking for a game called Phinally Phamous,O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,408,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Buche mir eine Reservierung für das beste Bistro,O O O O O O B-sort B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,368,BookRestaurant Intents: Sarà nuvoloso oggi a Grindstone ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O B-location O,weather/find,209,weather/find Intents: tambahkan Muzika za decu ke playlist Crash Course saya,O B-entity_name I-entity_name I-entity_name O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference,AddToPlaylist,340,AddToPlaylist Intents: Vorrei ascoltare un ep del 1998 .,O O O B-music_item O B-datetime O,PlayMusic,259,PlayMusic Intents: Rhialto the Marvellous'a sıfır yıldız ver,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,410,RateBook Intents: Sonra hatırlat,B-datetime O,reminder/set_reminder,210,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Prikaži moj podsetnik,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,215,reminder/show_reminders Intents: リマインダー を 見 せ て,O O O O O,reminder/show_reminders,25,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Осы орындаушыны political punks ойнату тізіміне қос .,O B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,338,AddToPlaylist Intents: Ik heb een tafel voor 4 personen nodig in Saint Helena in Settha Palace Hotel,O O O O O B-party_size_number O O O B-location I-location O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,440,BookRestaurant Intents: Mahalledeki film seanslarını göster,B-location B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: احجز لـ 5 أشخاص لـ tatar taverna في Sargents,O O B-party_size_number O O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type O B-location,BookRestaurant,299,BookRestaurant Intents: play some Gary Lee Conner,O O B-artist I-artist I-artist,PlayMusic,393,PlayMusic Intents: Ingatkan saya untuk mengambil roti setelah bekerja,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,142,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: 把 Jerry Calliste, Jr 添加 到 我的 Te quiero 播放 列表 里 。",O B-artist I-artist I-artist O O B-reference B-playlist I-playlist O O O O,AddToPlaylist,400,AddToPlaylist Intents: prikaži sve podsetnike,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,0,reminder/show_reminders Intents: weer update Los Angeles,O O B-location I-location,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: Erstelle eine wöchentliche Erinnerung für Lebensmittel .,O O B-recurring_datetime O O B-reminder/todo O,reminder/set_reminder,166,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Beoordeel de huidige serie 4 punten,O O B-object_select B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit,RateBook,432,RateBook Intents: show the closest movie theatre that shows Boycott,O O B-location B-object_location_type I-object_location_type O O B-movie_name,SearchScreeningEvent,394,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Hvordan bliver vejret i Monument of Lihula den 5 december ?,O O O O B-location I-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,359,weather/find "Intents: Kan je het boek , Paris - When It Sizzles zoeken ?",O O O B-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O,SearchCreativeWork,450,SearchCreativeWork Intents: الطقس في تاهو نهاية هذا الأسبوع ؟,O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,124,weather/find Intents: أضف jack white إلى قائمة تشغيل This Is Shakira الخاصة بي,O B-artist I-artist O O O B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,414,AddToPlaylist Intents: 我 需要 一个 闹钟 设置 在 上午9点 早餐,O O O O O O B-datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,64,alarm/set_alarm Intents: هل سيكون الجو أكثر برودة بعد أربعة أشهر من الآن في Suwanee AK,O O O B-condition_temperature I-condition_temperature B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location B-location,weather/find,339,weather/find Intents: Setel alarm untuk jam 2 pagi,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,221,alarm/set_alarm Intents: at 4 tomorrow remind me to go to the mall,O B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,146,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Rate Cotton Comes to Harlem a 2,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: Bu albümü Spanish Beat çalma listesine ekle,O B-music_item B-playlist I-playlist O O O,AddToPlaylist,379,AddToPlaylist Intents: Da li se Bartok Veličanstveni [ Bartok the Magnificent ] prikazuje od sedam ujutru ?,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O O B-datetime I-datetime O,SearchScreeningEvent,278,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Prenota posto per 9 a Thurmont,O O O B-party_size_number O B-location,BookRestaurant,254,BookRestaurant Intents: herinner me om hond naar trimmer te brengen dinsdagmiddag 3 uur,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,105,reminder/set_reminder "Intents: Lav en reservation til 8 i Wardville , Kansas",O O O O B-party_size_number O B-location O B-location,BookRestaurant,314,BookRestaurant Intents: È freddo oggi ?,O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,217,weather/find Intents: Lütfen Zvooq'u aç,O B-service O,PlayMusic,288,PlayMusic Intents: Apakah perkiraan cuaca untuk Waurika di Samoa,O O O O B-location O B-location,weather/find,478,weather/find Intents: Bugün kar bekleniyor mu ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,185,weather/find Intents: spielt We Are Northern Lights in einem Kino,O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O O B-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,307,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: أريد حجز محطة Oregon Electric في North City .,O O O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name O B-location I-location O,BookRestaurant,475,BookRestaurant Intents: Ohio'da hava nasıl olacak ?,B-location O O O O,weather/find,371,weather/find Intents: vis alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/show_alarms,237,alarm/show_alarms Intents: оятқышты жойылғанға дейін күнделікті кешкі сағат 7:30-ға жоспарла,O O O B-recurring_datetime O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,134,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Saya mau Anda buat sebuah alarm baru untuk jam 8:45 besok pagi,O O O O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,232,alarm/set_alarm Intents: qual è la previsione ad Admire in TX dalle diciassette,O O O O O B-location O B-location O B-datetime,weather/find,353,weather/find Intents: Heb ik een paraplu nodig op woensdag ?,O O O B-weather/attribute O O B-datetime O,weather/find,5,weather/find Intents: 星期六 会 下雨 吗?,B-datetime O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: ガソリン を 入 れる よう に リマインド する 。,B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,4,weather/find Intents: Ik heb een lijst van Speakeasy Theaters film tijden nodig,O O O O O B-location I-location B-object_type I-object_type O,SearchScreeningEvent,442,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Che caldo farà oggi ?,O B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,199,weather/find Intents: Mencari sebuah lagu dengan judul Live at the Kings Center,O O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Aggiungi questo brano alla playlist 80's party di dorthy,O O B-music_item O O B-playlist I-playlist B-reference I-reference,AddToPlaylist,255,AddToPlaylist Intents: Pioverà domani ?,B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,202,weather/find Intents: Show me the schedule for ArcLight Hollywood for only animated movies,O O O B-object_type O B-location I-location O O B-movie_type I-movie_type,SearchScreeningEvent,383,SearchScreeningEvent "Intents: Che tempo farà a Sarygamyş Sanctuary il 21 agosto , 2035 ?",O O O O B-location I-location O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,374,weather/find Intents: Ricordami di rispondere alle email di lavoro stasera,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,170,reminder/set_reminder Intents: أريد مشاهدة I Dream of Jeanie في دار سينما,O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-object_location_type I-object_location_type,SearchScreeningEvent,447,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: ذكرني أن أتصل بأمي الليلة,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,186,reminder/set_reminder Intents: hows the weather today,O O O B-datetime,weather/find,194,weather/find "Intents: erinnere mich daran , einen Alarm für Ups einzustellen",O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,197,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Wat is de regensvoorspelling voor over een een uur in Zuid-Korea,O O O B-datetime O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location,weather/find,301,weather/find Intents: 今 日 は 雨 が 降 り ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,187,weather/find Intents: 雨 什么 时候 会 停 呢?,B-weather/attribute O O O O O,weather/find,126,weather/find Intents: 提醒 我 去 买 冰,O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,235,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Kommer det til at regne i dag ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: Juneteenth-ге 2 рейтинг бер .,B-object_name B-rating_value O O O,RateBook,409,RateBook Intents: 显示 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/show_alarms,32,alarm/show_alarms Intents: Batalkan semua pengingat,O B-reference O,reminder/cancel_reminder,218,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: 重新 设置 所有的 闹钟,O O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,123,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: ricordami di impostare le sveglie per la mattina,O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O B-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,91,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Tunjukkan saya film-film di Harkins Theatres .,O O B-movie_type O B-location I-location O,SearchScreeningEvent,498,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: book a party at their campus within the same area for churrascaria,O O O O B-location I-location B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: 给 我看 所有 的 提醒,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,8,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Vis mig spilletiderne for Southern Theatres,O O O O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,377,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Speel iets op Zvooq,O O O B-service,PlayMusic,279,PlayMusic Intents: Speel rich rex op Iheart,O B-track I-track O B-service,PlayMusic,277,PlayMusic Intents: alarmlarımı aç,B-reference-part O,alarm/set_alarm,195,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Vota The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure tre si 6 .,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name B-rating_value O B-best_rating O,RateBook,470,RateBook Intents: cancella il mio promemoria ricorrente per prendere le medicine ogni giorno alle 7 di mattina,O O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,reminder/cancel_reminder,57,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: zet herinnering om de Colts te zien een uur voor de wedstrijd begint,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,reminder/set_reminder,65,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Herinner me om de huur te brengen,O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,49,reminder/set_reminder Intents: таңертеңгі сағат 8-де дүкенге бару туралы еске салғышты орнат,B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,113,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Last Fm'de Eddie Vinson'un en yeni melodisini çal .,B-service I-service B-artist I-artist B-sort I-sort B-music_item O O,PlayMusic,256,PlayMusic Intents: Regnet es heute ?,B-weather/attribute O B-datetime O,weather/find,35,weather/find Intents: 他们 预测 会有 多大 的 雪 ?,O O O O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,161,weather/find Intents: slet alle alarmer,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,225,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Karadağ'daki bir creole tavernası'da 6 kişilik bir rezervasyon yap,B-location O B-cuisine B-restaurant_type B-party_size_number O O O O,BookRestaurant,380,BookRestaurant Intents: Vis mig alle mine påmindelser for i dag,O O B-reference I-reference O O B-datetime I-datetime,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Give Cotton Comes to Harlem en 2'er,O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O B-rating_value,RateBook,420,RateBook Intents: oceni ovaj udžbenik sa 1 od 6,O B-object_select B-object_type O B-rating_value O B-best_rating,RateBook,369,RateBook Intents: apakah akan hujan besok,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: Wetter Update Los Angeles,O O B-location I-location,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: 删除 所有 的 闹钟,O B-reference O O,alarm/cancel_alarm,24,alarm/cancel_alarm Intents: Fire in the Hole деп аталатын шығармашылық жұмысты тап,B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O O O O O,SearchCreativeWork,388,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 设置 一个 在 十月7号 的 提醒 闹钟,O O O B-datetime O O O,reminder/set_reminder,158,alarm/set_alarm Intents: 明 日 雨 は 降 り ます か 。,B-datetime I-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O O O O,weather/find,101,weather/find Intents: Hatırlatıcılarımı göster,B-reference-part O,reminder/show_reminders,13,reminder/show_reminders Intents: إعرض تذكيري,O B-reference-part,reminder/show_reminders,148,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Leder efter en sang med titlen Live at the Kings Center,O O O B-object_type O O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,361,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Find venligst TV serien Now We Are Married til mig .,O O B-object_type I-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,344,SearchCreativeWork Intents: 闹钟 还剩 多少 时间了,O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,26,alarm/time_left_on_alarm Intents: bu mevcut albüme 0 yıldız ver,B-object_select I-object_select B-object_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O,RateBook,336,RateBook Intents: Оятқышта қанша уақыт қалды,O O O O,alarm/time_left_on_alarm,42,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Бүгін қар жауады ма ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,159,weather/find Intents: Seyahat çalma listesine lütfen bu David Gahan şarkısını ekleyin .,B-playlist O O O O B-artist I-artist B-music_item O O,AddToPlaylist,487,AddToPlaylist Intents: Hatırlatıcılarımı iptal et,B-reference-part O O,reminder/cancel_reminder,136,reminder/cancel_reminder Intents: Prikaži mi sve moje podsetnike za danas,O O B-reference I-reference O O B-datetime,reminder/show_reminders,165,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Da li se Any Which Way You Can prikazuje za 15 sekundi,O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,SearchScreeningEvent,327,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: Jeg vil gerne have spilletiderne for A Yiddish World Remembered på Dipson Theatres,O O O O O O B-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name I-movie_name O B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,260,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: ما هي تذكيراتي ؟,O O B-reference-part O,reminder/show_reminders,27,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Setel alarm untuk jam 5 sore ini,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,55,alarm/set_alarm Intents: when does the forecast next show rain,O O O O O O B-weather/attribute,weather/find,58,weather/find Intents: weather update Los Angeles,O O B-location I-location,weather/find,81,weather/find Intents: 离 这儿 很远 的 天气 会怎样 ?,O B-location B-location O O O O,weather/find,315,weather/find Intents: Catedral dizisine dört yıldız ver .,B-object_name B-object_part_of_series_type B-rating_value B-rating_unit O O,RateBook,381,RateBook Intents: Tell me the weather forecast for Gibsland,O O O O O O B-location,weather/find,296,weather/find Intents: show all reminders,O B-reference O,reminder/show_reminders,39,reminder/show_reminders Intents: Prenota per i miei bambini ed io,O O B-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description I-party_size_description,BookRestaurant,373,BookRestaurant Intents: Wird es morgen regnen ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,174,weather/find Intents: Da li će da pada kiša sutra,O O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute B-datetime,weather/find,169,weather/find Intents: Imposta un promemoria per il compleanno di max,O O O O O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,7,reminder/set_reminder Intents: reservér en fest på deres campus indenfor det samme område som churrascaria,O O O O B-location I-location B-location I-location I-location I-location O B-restaurant_type,BookRestaurant,499,BookRestaurant Intents: Wie wird das Wetter am 5 . Dezember am Denkmal von Lihula sein ?,O O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-location I-location I-location O O,weather/find,359,weather/find Intents: Setel sebuah alarm untuk jam 8 pagi setiap hari,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime,alarm/set_alarm,28,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Tolong carikan saya video game berjudul 20 Hours in America .,O O O B-object_type I-object_type O B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,252,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Kannst du die Molecular Oncology Saga nachschlagen ?,O O O B-object_name I-object_name B-object_type O O,SearchCreativeWork,341,SearchCreativeWork Intents: is it hot ?,O O B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,219,weather/find Intents: Yarın süt almak için bir hatırlatıcı oluştur .,B-datetime B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,132,reminder/set_reminder Intents: alarmı 15 dakika ertele,O B-datetime I-datetime O,alarm/snooze_alarm,160,alarm/modify_alarm Intents: Laten we eten bij Oakfield over 17 seconden bij Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fist,O O O O B-location B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name I-restaurant_name,BookRestaurant,333,BookRestaurant Intents: Wat zijn mijn herinneringen ?,O O B-reference O O,reminder/show_reminders,182,reminder/show_reminders Intents: 今 日 は どれ くらい 暑 く なり ます か ?,B-datetime I-datetime O O O B-weather/attribute I-weather/attribute O O O O,weather/find,90,weather/find Intents: Ist es heute kalt ?,O O B-datetime B-weather/attribute O,weather/find,33,weather/find Intents: This Is Johnny Cash-ға derek watkins-тің әнін қос,B-playlist I-playlist I-playlist I-playlist B-artist I-artist B-music_item O,AddToPlaylist,387,AddToPlaylist Intents: ジェン の ため の 2 8 日 の 記 念 日 の 花 を 受 け 取 る リマインド を する 。,O O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime O B-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo I-reminder/todo O O O O,reminder/set_reminder,106,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Cumartesi yağmur yağacak mı ?,B-datetime B-weather/attribute O O O,weather/find,121,weather/find Intents: Setel alarm untuk jam 10 pagi,O O O B-datetime I-datetime I-datetime,alarm/set_alarm,175,alarm/set_alarm Intents: قيم Ruth خمسة من أصل 6 نقاط .,O B-object_name B-rating_value O O B-best_rating B-rating_unit O,RateBook,375,RateBook Intents: Is it going to snow today ?,O O O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime O,weather/find,137,weather/find Intents: akan seberapa panas hari ini,O O B-weather/attribute B-datetime I-datetime,weather/find,249,weather/find Intents: Buche einen Platz für 9 in Thurmont,O O O O B-party_size_number O B-location,BookRestaurant,254,BookRestaurant Intents: laat iets van Andrew Hewitt horen .,O O O B-artist I-artist O O,PlayMusic,437,PlayMusic Intents: zoek voor het boek The Girl Who Was Plugged In,O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name I-object_name,SearchCreativeWork,491,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Per favore cerca la canzone The Mad Magician .,O O O O B-object_type B-object_name I-object_name I-object_name O,SearchCreativeWork,396,SearchCreativeWork Intents: Vil du sætte alarmen hvert minut i 20 minutter ?,O O O O B-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime I-recurring_datetime O,alarm/set_alarm,189,alarm/set_alarm Intents: Erinnere mich Stephanie am Dienstag anzurufen,O O B-reminder/todo O B-datetime B-reminder/todo,reminder/set_reminder,52,reminder/set_reminder Intents: Voglio prenotare un ristorante per dieci persone .,O O O B-restaurant_type O B-party_size_number O O,BookRestaurant,418,BookRestaurant Intents: Mostrami il programma dei film nelle vicinanze,O O B-object_type I-object_type I-object_type B-location I-location,SearchScreeningEvent,479,SearchScreeningEvent Intents: 取消 我的 闹钟,O B-reference O,alarm/cancel_alarm,172,alarm/cancel_alarm