--- license: apache-2.0 datasets: - mlabonne/guanaco-llama2-1k language: - en metrics: - accuracy pipeline_tag: text-generation tags: - code --- # Model Card This model is designed to provide enhanced performance over the base LLaMA 2 Chat 7B model by incorporating more recent data and domain-specific knowledge. The fine-tuning process aimed to improve the model's accuracy, conversational abilities, and understanding of up-to-date information across a range of topics. ### Model Description The model was fine-tuned on a curated dataset composed of the following sources: Updated Information Dataset: A collection of recent articles, news updates, and relevant literature ensuring the model has access to current information. Domain-Specific Datasets: Specialized datasets in areas such as technology, medicine, and climate change, aiming to enhance the model's expertise in these fields. Conversational Interactions: A dataset derived from anonymized conversational exchanges, improving the model's natural language understanding and generation in chat-like scenarios. - **Developed by:** Aneeb Ajmal - **Language(s) (NLP):** English - **License:** Apache 2.0 - **Finetuned from model:** LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI) 2 Chat 7B ## Training - **Fine-Tuning Period:** 1 hour - **Optimizer:** paged_adamw_32bit - **Learning Rate:** 2e-4 - **Training Infrastructure:** Google Colab T4 GPU - **Evaluation Metrics:** Accuracy, Perplexity, F1 Score, and Domain-Specific Benchmarks ## Ethical Considerations During the development and fine-tuning of this model, considerations were made regarding: - **Data Bias and Fairness:** Efforts to mitigate biases in the training data and ensure fair representation across demographics. - **Privacy:** Measures taken to anonymize and protect sensitive information in the training data. - **Use Case Restrictions:** Guidelines on responsible usage, highlighting areas where the model's predictions should be used with caution. ## Intended Use This model is intended for use in applications requiring enhanced conversational abilities, up-to-date information, and domain-specific knowledge, including but not limited to chatbots, virtual assistants, and information retrieval systems. It is not designed for scenarios requiring absolute accuracy, such as medical diagnosis or legal advice. ## Limitations The model may still exhibit biases or inaccuracies in certain contexts, despite efforts to mitigate these issues during fine-tuning. The effectiveness of the model can vary significantly depending on the domain and specificity of the queries. ## How to Use You can access this model by using the transformers library directly. ## Contact For questions, feedback, or support regarding the fine-tuned LLaMA 2 Chat 7B model, please contact maneebajmal@gmail.com.