# Transformer-VAE (flax) (WIP) A Transformer-VAE made using flax. Done as part of Huggingface community training ([see forum post](https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/train-a-vae-to-interpolate-on-english-sentences/7548)). Builds on T5, using an autoencoder to convert it into a VAE. [See training logs.](https://wandb.ai/fraser/flax-vae) ## ToDo - [ ] Basic training script working. (Fraser + Theo) - [ ] Add MMD loss (Theo) - [ ] Save a wikipedia sentences dataset to Huggingface (see original https://github.com/ChunyuanLI/Optimus/blob/master/data/download_datasets.md) (Mina) - [ ] Make a tokenizer using the OPTIMUS tokenized dataset. - [ ] Train on the OPTIMUS wikipedia sentences dataset. - [ ] Make Huggingface widget interpolating sentences! (???) https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/tree/master/examples/research_projects/jax-projects#how-to-build-a-demo Optional ToDos: - [ ] Add Funnel transformer encoder to FLAX (don't need weights). - [ ] Train a Funnel-encoder + T5-decoder transformer VAE. - [ ] Additional datasets: - [ ] Poetry (https://www.gwern.net/GPT-2#data-the-project-gutenberg-poetry-corpus) - [ ] 8-bit music (https://github.com/chrisdonahue/LakhNES) ## Setup Follow all steps to install dependencies from https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/jax-quickstart-tpu-vm - [ ] Find dataset storage site. - [ ] Ask JAX team for dataset storage.