--- license: mit language: - en --- # MacBERTh This model is a Historical Language Model for English coming from the [MacBERTh project](https://macberth.netlify.app/). The architecture is based on BERT base uncased from the original BERT pre-training codebase. The training material comes from different sources including: - EEBO - ECCO - COHA - CLMET3.1 - EVANS - Hansard Corpus with a total word count of approximately 3.9B tokens. Details and evaluation can be found in the accompanying publications: - [MacBERTh: Development and Evaluation of a Historically Pre-trained Language Model for English (1450-1950)](https://aclanthology.org/2021.nlp4dh-1.4/) - [Adapting vs. Pre-training Language Models for Historical Languages](https://doi.org/10.46298/jdmdh.9152)