--- license: other tags: - text-to-image - stable-diffusion - lora - diffusers - template:sd-lora - person - concept - scenery - magical - magic - fantasy - sparkles base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 instance_prompt: magical widget: - text: 'magical, noon, scenery, scenic university in a Great Tree of Life, ' output: url: >- 3552130.jpeg - text: 'magical, golden hour, scenery, "at the Majestic Beacon", ' output: url: >- 3552107.jpeg - text: 'magical, noon, blue sky, clouds scenery, in a Inspiring Alien Artifact Site, ' output: url: >- 3552111.jpeg - text: 'magical, natural sunlight interior, in a Refined campsite, ' output: url: >- 3552118.jpeg - text: 'magical, gargantuan,indescribable fantasy megacity outside of reality , , ' output: url: >- 3552124.jpeg --- # Envy Magical XL 01 ([CivitAI](https://civitai.com/models/197120))

Makes everything all magical and sparkly and such. Trigger word is "magical".

## Image examples for the model: ![Image 1](3552107.jpeg) > magical, golden hour, scenery, "at the Majestic Beacon", ![Image 2](3552111.jpeg) > magical, noon, blue sky, clouds scenery, in a Inspiring Alien Artifact Site, ![Image 3](3552118.jpeg) > magical, natural sunlight interior, in a Refined campsite, ![Image 4](3552124.jpeg) > magical, gargantuan,indescribable fantasy megacity outside of reality , ,