--- license: mit pipeline_tag: text-classification base_model: cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest datasets: - dwancin/mbti tags: - transformers - text-classification - psychology language: - en widget: - text: Leave me alone - text: Party is my life - text: To be, or not to be, that is the question --- # Myers–Briggs Type Indicator This model is based on the personality types of the [Myers–Briggs Type Indicator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2%80%93Briggs_Type_Indicator). ## Types 0. - **(E)** extraversion - **(I)** introversion 1. - **(S)** sensing - **(N)** intuition 2. - **(T)** thinking - **(F)** feeling 3. - **(J)** judging - **(P)** perceiving