import numpy as np import os join = os.path.join import gc from tqdm import tqdm import torch import monai, random from segment_anything import sam_model_registry from dataloader.sam_transforms import ResizeLongestSide from dataloader.dataloader import sam_dataloader from utils.SurfaceDice import multiclass_iou def fit(cfg, sam_model, train_loader, valid_dataset, optimizer, criterion, model_save_path): """ Function to fit model """ best_valid_iou3d = 0 device = cfg.base.gpu_id num_epochs = cfg.train.num_epochs for epoch in range(num_epochs): sam_model.train() epoch_loss = 0 valid_iou3d = 0 print(f"Epoch #{epoch+1}/{num_epochs}") for step, batch in enumerate(tqdm(train_loader, desc='Model training', unit='batch', leave=True)): """ Load precomputed image embeddings to ease training process We also load mask labels and bounding boxes directly computed from ground truth masks """ image, true_mask, boxes = batch['image'], batch['mask'], batch['bboxes'] sam_model ="cuda:{device}") image ="cuda:{device}") true_mask ="cuda:{device}") """ We freeze image encoder & prompt encoder, only finetune mask decoder """ with torch.no_grad(): """ Compute image embeddings from a batch of images with SAM's frozen encoder """ encoder = torch.nn.DataParallel(sam_model.image_encoder, device_ids=[3, 2, 1, 0], output_device=device) encoder ="cuda:{encoder.device_ids[0]}") sam_model ="cuda:{encoder.device_ids[0]}") image ="cuda:{encoder.device_ids[0]}") image = sam_model.preprocess(image[:, :, :]) image_embedding = encoder(image) """ Get bounding boxes to make segmentation prediction We follow the work by Jun Ma & Bo Wang in Segment Anything in Medical Images (2023) to get bounding boxes from the masks as the boxes prompt for SAM """ box_np = boxes.numpy() sam_trans = ResizeLongestSide(sam_model.image_encoder.img_size) box = sam_trans.apply_boxes(box_np, (true_mask.shape[-2], true_mask.shape[-1])) box_torch = torch.as_tensor(box, dtype=torch.float, device=f"cuda:{device}") if len(box_torch.shape) == 2: box_torch = box_torch[:, None, :] # (B, 1, 4) """ Encode box prompts information with SAM's frozen prompt encoder """ prompt_encoder = torch.nn.DataParallel(sam_model.prompt_encoder, device_ids=[0,1,2,3], output_device=device) prompt_encoder ="cuda:{prompt_encoder.device_ids[0]}") box_torch ="cuda:{prompt_encoder.device_ids[0]}") sparse_embeddings, dense_embeddings = prompt_encoder( points=None, boxes=box_torch, masks=None, ) """ We now finetune mask decoder """ sam_model ="cuda:{device}") predicted_mask, iou_predictions = sam_model.mask_decoder("cuda:{device}"), # (B, 256, 64, 64) image_pe=sam_model.prompt_encoder.get_dense_pe(), # (1, 256, 64, 64) sparse_prompt_embeddings=sparse_embeddings, # (B, 2, 256) dense_prompt_embeddings=dense_embeddings, # (B, 256, 64, 64) multimask_output=False, ) # -> (B, 1, 256, 256) predicted_mask ="cuda:{device}") true_mask ="cuda:{device}") loss = criterion(predicted_mask, true_mask) """ Upgrade model's params """ optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) loss.backward() clip_value = 1 # Clip gradient torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(sam_model.mask_decoder.parameters(), clip_value) optimizer.step() epoch_loss += loss.item() """ Validation step with IoU as the metric """ with torch.no_grad(): valid_iou3d = eval_iou(sam_model, valid_dataset, device=device) epoch_loss /= ((step + 1) * len(train_loader)) print(f'Loss: {epoch_loss}\n---') """ Save best model """ if best_valid_iou3d < valid_iou3d: best_valid_iou3d = valid_iou3d, join(model_save_path, f'{cfg.base.best_valid_model_checkpoint}{cfg.base.random_seed}.pth')) print(f"Valid 3D IoU: {valid_iou3d*100}") print('=======================================') print(f"Best valid 3D IoU: {best_valid_iou3d*100}") def eval_iou(sam_model, loader, device): """ We use IoU to evalute 3D samples. For 3D evaluation, we first concatenate 2D slices into 1 unified 3D volume and pass into model However, due to limited computational resources, we could not perform 3D evaluation in GPU. Hence, I set up to perform this function completely on CPU. If you have enough resources, you could evaluate on multi-gpu the same as in training function. """ gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.cuda.reset_peak_memory_stats() iou_score = 0 num_volume = 0 for _, batch in enumerate(tqdm(loader.get_3d_iter(), leave=False)): """ Load precomputed embeddings, mask labels and bounding boxes computed directly from ground truth masks """ image, true_mask, boxes = batch['image'], batch['mask'], batch['bboxes'] image ="cpu") true_mask ="cpu", dtype=torch.float32) """ Compute image embeddings """ sam_model ="cpu") image ="cpu") image = sam_model.preprocess(image[:, :, :]) image_embedding = sam_model.image_encoder(image) """ Get bboxes """ box_np = boxes.numpy() sam_trans = ResizeLongestSide(sam_model.image_encoder.img_size) box = sam_trans.apply_boxes(box_np, (image_embedding.shape[0], image_embedding.shape[1])) box_torch = torch.as_tensor(box, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) if len(box_torch.shape) == 2: box_torch = box_torch[:, None, :] # (B, 1, 4) """ Prompt encoder component """ box_torch ="cpu") sparse_embeddings, dense_embeddings = sam_model.prompt_encoder( points=None, boxes=box_torch, masks=None, ) """ Mask decoder component """ sam_model ="cpu") mask_segmentation, iou_predictions = sam_model.mask_decoder("cpu"), # (B, 256, 64, 64) image_pe=sam_model.prompt_encoder.get_dense_pe(), # (1, 256, 64, 64) sparse_prompt_embeddings=sparse_embeddings, # (B, 2, 256) dense_prompt_embeddings=dense_embeddings, # (B, 256, 64, 64) multimask_output=False, ) # -> (B, 256, 256) """ Transform prediction and evaluate """ true_mask ="cpu") medsam_seg_prob = torch.sigmoid(mask_segmentation) medsam_seg = (medsam_seg_prob > 0.5).to(dtype=torch.float32) iou_score += multiclass_iou((true_mask>0).to(dtype=torch.float32), (medsam_seg>0).to(dtype=torch.float32)) num_volume += 1 return iou_score.cpu().numpy()/num_volume def medsam_3d(yml_args, cfg): """ Training warm up """ torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') random.seed(cfg.base.random_seed) np.random.seed(cfg.base.random_seed) torch.manual_seed(cfg.base.random_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(cfg.base.random_seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.cuda.reset_peak_memory_stats() """ General configuration """ img_shape = (3, 1024) # hard settings image shape as 3 x 1024 x 1024 model_save_path = join("./work_dir", 'SAM-ViT-B') os.makedirs(model_save_path, exist_ok=True) print(f"Fine-tuned SAM (3D IoU) in {cfg.base.dataset_name} with {cfg.train.optimizer}, LR = {cfg.train.learning_rate}") """ Load SAM with its original checkpoint """ sam_model = sam_model_registry["vit_b"](checkpoint=cfg.base.original_checkpoint) """ Load precomputed embeddings """ train_loader, _, _, valid_dataset, test_dataset = sam_dataloader(cfg) """ Optimizer & learning rate scheduler config """ if cfg.train.optimizer == 'sgd': optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(sam_model.mask_decoder.parameters(), lr=float(cfg.train.learning_rate), momentum=0.9) elif cfg.train.optimizer == 'adam': optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(sam_model.mask_decoder.parameters(), lr=float(cfg.train.learning_rate), weight_decay=0, amsgrad=True) elif cfg.train.optimizer == 'adamw': optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(sam_model.mask_decoder.parameters(), lr=float(cfg.train.learning_rate), weight_decay=0) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Optimizer {cfg.train.optimizer} is not set up yet") """ Loss function In this work, we use a combination of Dice and Cross Entropy Loss to measure SAM's loss values. """ criterion = monai.losses.DiceCELoss(sigmoid=True, squared_pred=True, reduction='mean') """ Train model """ if not yml_args.use_test_mode: fit(cfg, sam_model=sam_model, train_loader=train_loader, valid_dataset=valid_dataset, optimizer=optimizer, criterion=criterion, model_save_path=model_save_path) """ Test model """ with torch.no_grad(): sam_model_test_iou = sam_model_registry["vit_b"](checkpoint=join(model_save_path, f'{cfg.base.best_valid_model_checkpoint}{cfg.base.random_seed}.pth')) sam_model_test_iou.eval() test_iou_score = eval_iou(sam_model_test_iou, test_dataset, device=cfg.base.gpu_id) print(f"Test 3D IoU score after training with {cfg.train.optimizer}(lr = {cfg.train.learning_rate}): {test_iou_score *100}")