--- license: cc-by-nc-2.0 language: - en metrics: - accuracy pipeline_tag: feature-extraction tags: - medical - pytorch --- ## LVM-Med: Learning Large-Scale Self-Supervised Vision Models for Medical Imaging via Second-order Graph Matching (Neurips 2023). We release [LVM-Med](https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.11925)'s pre-trained models in PyTorch and demonstrate downstream tasks on 2D-3D segmentations, linear/fully finetuning image classification, and object detection. LVM-Med was trained with ~ 1.3 million medical images collected from 55 datasets using a second-order graph matching formulation unifying current contrastive and instance-based SSL.



## Table of contents * [News](#news) * [LVM-Med Pretrained Models](#lvm-med-pretrained-models) * [Further Training LVM-Med on Large Dataset](#further-training-lvm-med-on-large-dataset) * [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) * [Preparing Dataset](#preparing-datasets) * [Downstream Tasks](#downstream-tasks) * [Segmentation](#segmentation) * [Image Classification](#image-classification) * [Object Detection](#object-detection) * [Citation](#citation) * [Related Work](#related-work) * [License](#license) ## News - **14/12/2023**: The LVM-Med training algorithm is ready to be released! Please send us an email to request! - If you want to have other architecture, send us a request by email or create an Issue. If the requests are enough, we will train them. - Coming soon: ConvNext architecture trained by LVM-Med. - Coming soon: ViT architectures for end-to-end segmentation with better performance reported in the paper. - **31/07/2023**: Release ONNX support for LVM-Med ResNet50 and LVM-Med ViT as backbones in `onnx_model` folder. - **26/07/2023**: We release ViT architectures (**ViT-B** and **ViT-H**) initialized from LVM-Med and further training on the LIVECell dataset with 1.6 million high-quality cells. See at this [table](#further-training-lvm-med-on-large-dataset). - **25/06/2023**: We release two pre-trained models of LVM-Med: ResNet-50 and ViT-B. Providing scripts for downstream tasks. ## LVM-Med Pretrained Models
Arch Params (M) 2D Segmentation (Dice) 3D Segmentation (3D IoU) Weights
ResNet-50 25.5M 83.05 79.02 backbone
ViT-B 86.0M 85.80 80.90 backbone
After downloading the pre-trained models, please place them in [`lvm_med_weights`](/lvm_med_weights/) folder to use. - For **Resnet-50**, we demo **end-to-end** segmentation/classification/object detection. - For **ViT-B**, we demo **prompt-based** segmentation using bounding-boxes. **Important Note:** please check [```dataset.md```](https://github.com/duyhominhnguyen/LVM-Med/blob/main/lvm-med-training-data/README.md) to avoid potential leaking testing data when using our model. **Segment Anything Model-related Experiments** - For all experiments using [SAM](https://github.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything) model, we use the base architecture of SAM which is `sam_vit_b`. You could browse the [`original repo`](https://github.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything) for this pre-trained weight and put it in [`./working_dir/sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth`](./working_dir/) folder to use yaml properly. ## Further Training LVM-Med on Large Dataset We release some further pre-trained weight on other large datasets as mentioned in the Table below.
Arch Params (M) Dataset Name Weights Descriptions
ViT-B 86.0M LIVECell backbone Link
ViT-H 632M LIVECell backbone Link
## Prerequisites The code requires `python>=3.8`, as well as `pytorch>=1.7` and `torchvision>=0.8`. Please follow the instructions [here](https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/) to install both PyTorch and TorchVision dependencies. Installing both PyTorch and TorchVision with CUDA support is strongly recommended. To set up our project, run the following command: ```bash git clone https://huggingface.co/duynhm/LVM-Med cd LVM-Med conda env create -f lvm_med.yml conda activate lvm_med ``` To **fine-tune for [Segmentation](#segmentation) using ResNet-50**, we utilize U-Net from `segmentation-models-pytorch` package. To install this library, you can do the following ones: ```bash git clone https://github.com/qubvel/segmentation_models.pytorch.git cd segmentation_models.pytorch pip install -e cd .. mv segmentation_models_pytorch_example/encoders/__init__.py segmentation_models.pytorch/segmentation_models_pytorch/__init__.py mv segmentation_models_pytorch_example/encoders/resnet.py segmentation_models.pytorch/segmentation_models_pytorch/resnet.py ``` ## Preparing datasets ### For the Brain Tumor Dataset You could download the `Brain` dataset via Kaggle's [`Brain Tumor Classification (MRI)`](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sartajbhuvaji/brain-tumor-classification-mri) and change the name into ```BRAIN```. ### For VinDr You can download the dataset from this link [`VinDr`](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/awsaf49/vinbigdata-512-image-dataset) and put the folder ```vinbigdata``` into the folder ```object_detection```. To build the dataset, after downloading the dataset, you can run script ```convert_to_coco.py``` inside the folder object_detection. ```bash python convert_to_coco.py # Note, please check links inside the code in lines 146 and 158 to build dataset correctly ``` More information can be found in [```object_detection```](./object_detection). ### Others First you should download the respective dataset that you need to run to the [`dataset_demo`](/dataset_demo/) folder. To get as close results as your work as possible, you could prepare some of our specific dataset (which are not pre-distributed) the same way as we do: ```bash python prepare_dataset.py -ds [dataset_name] ``` such that: `dataset_name` is the name of dataset that you would like to prepare. After that, you should change paths to your loaded dataset on our pre-defined yaml file in [`dataloader/yaml_data`](/dataloader/yaml_data/). Currently support for `Kvasir`, `BUID`, `FGADR`, `MMWHS_MR_Heart` and `MMWHS_CT_Heart`. **Note:** You should change your dataset name into the correct format (i.e., Kvasir, BUID) as our current support dataset name. Or else it won't work as expected. ## Downstream Tasks ### Segmentation ### 1. End-to-End Segmentation **a) Training Phase:** **Fine-tune for downstream tasks using ResNet-50** ```bash python train_segmentation.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/buid_endtoend_R50.yml ``` Changing name of dataset in ``.yml`` configs in [```./dataloader/yaml_data/```](./dataloader/yaml_data/) for other experiments. **Note**: to apply segmentation models (2D or 3D) using ResNet-50, we suggest normalizing gradient for stable training phases by set: ```bash clip_value = 1 torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(net.parameters(), clip_value) ``` See examples in file [```/segmentation_2d/train_R50_seg_adam_optimizer_2d.py```](./segmentation_2d/train_R50_seg_adam_optimizer_2d.py) lines 129-130. [//]: # (#### Fine-tune for downstream tasks using SAM's VIT) [//]: # (```bash) [//]: # (python train_segmentation.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/buid_endtoend_SAM_VIT.yml) [//]: # (```) **b) Inference:** #### ResNet-50 version ```bash python train_segmentation.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/buid_endtoend_R50.yml -test ``` For the end-to-end version using SAM's ViT, we will soon release a better version than the reported results in the paper. [//]: # (#### SAM's ViT version) [//]: # (```bash) [//]: # (python train_segmentation.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/buid_endtoend_SAM_VIT.yml -test) [//]: # (```) ### 2. Prompt-based Segmentation with ViT-B **a. Prompt-based segmentation with fine-tuned decoder of SAM ([MedSAM](https://github.com/bowang-lab/MedSAM)).** We run the MedSAM baseline to compare performance by: #### Train ```bash python3 medsam.py -c dataloader/yaml_data/buid_sam.yml ``` #### Inference ```bash python3 medsam.py -c dataloader/yaml_data/buid_sam.yml -test ``` **b. Prompt-based segmentation as [MedSAM](https://github.com/bowang-lab/MedSAM) but using LVM-Med's Encoder.** The training script is similar as MedSAM case but specify the weight model by ```-lvm_encoder```. #### Train ```bash python3 medsam.py -c dataloader/yaml_data/buid_lvm_med_sam.yml -lvm_encoder ./lvm_med_weights/lvmmed_vit.pth ``` #### Test ```bash python3 medsam.py -c dataloader/yaml_data/buid_lvm_med_sam.yml -lvm_encoder ./lvm_med_weights/lvmmed_vit.pth -test ``` You could also check our example notebook [`Prompt_Demo.ipynb`](/notebook/Prompt_Demo.ipynb) for results visualization using prompt-based MedSAM and prompt-based SAM with LVM-Med's encoder. The pre-trained weights for each SAM decoder model in the demo are [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1tjrkyEozE-98HAGEtyHboCT2YHBSW15U). Please download trained models of LVM-Med and MedSAM and put them into [`working_dir/checkpoints`](./working_dir/checkpoints/) folder for running the aforementioned notebook file. **c. Zero-shot prompt-based segmentation with Segment Anything Model (SAM) for downstream tasks** The SAM model without any finetuning using bounding box-based prompts can be done by: ```bash python3 zero_shot_segmentation.py -c dataloader/yaml_data/buid_sam.yml ``` ### Image Classification We provide training and testing scripts using LVM-Med's ResNet-50 models for Brain Tumor Classification and Diabetic Retinopathy Grading in FGADR dataset (Table 5 in main paper and Table 12 in Appendix). The version with ViT models will be updated soon. **a. Training with FGADR** ```bash # Fully fine-tuned with 1 FCN python train_classification.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/fgadr_endtoend_R50_non_frozen_1_fcn.yml # Fully fine-tuned with multiple FCNs python train_classification.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/fgadr_endtoend_R50_non_frozen_fcns.yml # Freeze all and fine-tune 1-layer FCN only python train_classification.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/fgadr_endtoend_R50_frozen_1_fcn.yml # Freeze all and fine-tune multi-layer FCN only python train_classification.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/fgadr_endtoend_R50_frozen_fcns.yml ``` To run for ```Brain dataset```, choose other config files ```brain_xyz.yml```in folder [`./dataloader/yaml_data/`](/dataloader/yaml_data). **b. Inference with FGADR** ```bash # Fully fine-tuned with 1 FCN python train_classification.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/fgadr_endtoend_R50_non_frozen_1_fcn.yml -test # Fully fine-tuned with multiple FCNs python train_classification.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/fgadr_endtoend_R50_non_frozen_fcns.yml -test # Freeze all and fine-tune 1-layer FCN only python train_classification.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/fgadr_endtoend_R50_frozen_1_fcn.yml -test # Freeze all and fine-tune multi-layer FCN only python train_classification.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/fgadr_endtoend_R50_frozen_fcns.yml -test ``` ### Object Detection We demonstrate using LVM-Med ResNet-50 for object detection with Vin-Dr dataset. We use Faster-RCNN for the network backbone. You can access [`object_detection`](./object_detection) folder for more details. ## Citation Please cite this paper if it helps your research: ```bibtex @article{nguyen2023lvm, title={LVM-Med: Learning Large-Scale Self-Supervised Vision Models for Medical Imaging via Second-order Graph Matching}, author={Nguyen, Duy MH and Nguyen, Hoang and Diep, Nghiem T and Pham, Tan N and Cao, Tri and Nguyen, Binh T and Swoboda, Paul and Ho, Nhat and Albarqouni, Shadi and Xie, Pengtao and others}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.11925}, year={2023} } ``` ## Related Work We use and modify codes from [SAM](https://github.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything) and [MedSAM](https://github.com/bowang-lab/MedSAM) for prompt-based segmentation settings. A part of LVM-Med algorithm adopt data transformations from [Vicregl](https://github.com/facebookresearch/VICRegL), [Deepcluster-v2](https://github.com/facebookresearch/swav?utm_source=catalyzex.com). We also utilize [vissl](https://github.com/facebookresearch/vissl) framework to train 2D self-supervised methods in our collected data. Thank the authors for their great work! ## License Licensed under the [CC BY-NC-ND 2.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/) (**Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic**). The code is released for academic research use only. For commercial use, please contact [Ho_Minh_Duy.Nguyen@dfki.de](Ho_Minh_Duy.Nguyen@dfki.de) [//]: # (### f. LVM-Med ) [//]: # (#### Training Phase) [//]: # (#### Fine-tune for downstream tasks using ResNet-50) [//]: # () [//]: # (```bash) [//]: # (python train_segmentation.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/buid_endtoend_R50.yml) [//]: # (```) [//]: # (#### Fine-tune for downstream tasks using SAM's VIT) [//]: # (```bash) [//]: # (python train_segmentation.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/buid_endtoend_SAM_VIT.yml) [//]: # (```) [//]: # (#### Inference) [//]: # (#### Downstream tasks using ResNet-50) [//]: # () [//]: # (```bash) [//]: # (python train_segmentation.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/buid_endtoend_R50.yml -test) [//]: # (```) [//]: # (#### Downstream tasks using SAM's VIT) [//]: # (```bash) [//]: # (python train_segmentation.py -c ./dataloader/yaml_data/buid_endtoend_SAM_VIT.yml -test) [//]: # (```)