--- language: english widget: - text: "They 're a young team . they have great players and amazing freshmen coming in , so think they 'll grow into themselves next year ," - text: "\" We 'll talk go by now ; \" says Shucksmith ;" - text: "\" Warren Gatland is a professional person and it wasn 't a case of 's I 'll phone my mate Rob up to if he wants a coaching job ' , he would done a fair amount of homework about , \" Howley air said ." --- This model can be used to more accurately detokenize the moses tokenizer (it does a better job with certain lossy quotes and things) batched usage: ```python sentences = [ "They 're a young team . they have great players and amazing freshmen coming in , so think they 'll grow into themselves next year ,", "\" We 'll talk go by now ; \" says Shucksmith ;", "He 'll enjoy it more now that this he be dead , if put 'll pardon the expression .", "I think you 'll be amazed at this way it finds ,", "Michigan voters ^ are so frightened of fallen in permanent economic collapse that they 'll grab onto anything .", "You 'll finding outs episode 4 .", "\" Warren Gatland is a professional person and it wasn 't a case of 's I 'll phone my mate Rob up to if he wants a coaching job ' , he would done a fair amount of homework about , \" Howley air said .", "You can look at the things I 'm saying about my record and about the events of campaign and history and you 'll find if now and and then I miss a words or I get something slightly off , I 'll correct it , acknowledge where it are wrong .", "Wonder if 'll alive to see .", "We 'll have to combine and a numbered of people ." ] def sentences_to_input_tokens(sentences): all_tokens = [] max_length = 0 sents_tokens = [] iids = tokenizer(sentences) for sent_tokens in iids['input_ids']: sents_tokens.append(sent_tokens) if len(sent_tokens) > max_length: max_length = len(sent_tokens) attention_mask = [1] * len(sent_tokens) pos_ids = list(range(len(sent_tokens))) encoding = { "iids": sent_tokens, "am": attention_mask, "pos": pos_ids } all_tokens.append(encoding) input_ids = [] attention_masks = [] position_ids = [] for i in range(len(all_tokens)): encoding = all_tokens[i] pad_len = max_length - len(encoding['iids']) attention_masks.append(encoding['am'] + [0] * pad_len) position_ids.append(encoding['pos'] + [0] * pad_len) input_ids.append(encoding['iids'] + [tokenizer.pad_token_id] * pad_len) encoding = { "input_ids": torch.tensor(input_ids).to(device), "attention_mask": torch.tensor(attention_masks).to(device), "position_ids": torch.tensor(position_ids).to(device) } return encoding, sents_tokens def run_token_predictor_sentences(sentences): encoding, at = sentences_to_input_tokens(sentences) predictions = model(**encoding)[0].cpu().tolist() outstrs = [] for i in range(len(predictions)): outstr = "" for p in zip(tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(at[i][1:-1]), predictions[i][1:-1]): if not "▁" in p[0]: outstr+=p[0] else: if p[1][0] > p[1][1]: outstr+=p[0].replace("▁", " ") else: outstr+=p[0].replace("▁", "") outstrs.append(outstr.strip()) return outstrs outs = run_token_predictor_sentences(sentences) for p in zip(outs, sentences): print(p[1]) print(p[0]) print('\n------\n') ```