--- license: other license_name: tongyi-qianwen-license-agreement license_link: >- https://github.com/QwenLM/Qwen/blob/main/Tongyi%20Qianwen%20LICENSE%20AGREEMENT pipeline_tag: text-generation --- GGUF importance matrix (imatrix) quants for https://huggingface.co/abacusai/Smaug-72B-v0.1 The importance matrix was trained for 100K tokens (200 batches of 512 tokens) using wiki.train.raw. **Update 2024-03-14**: * New quant IQ1_S using latest commit `4755afd1`. **Update 2024-03-02**: * New quants IQ2_S/IQ2_M, requires commit [a33e6a0d](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/commit/a33e6a0d2a66104ea9a906bdbf8a94d050189d91) or later. * The importance matrix was trained for ~50K tokens (105 batches of 512 tokens) using a [general purpose imatrix calibration dataset](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/discussions/5263#discussioncomment-8395384). * This is a different calibration dataset than the previous quants I posted so we can compare the quality Llama-2 conversation template and system prompt set to the [Qwen system prompt](https://github.com/QwenLM/Qwen/blob/main/examples/system_prompt.md). | Layers | Context | Template | | --- | --- | --- | |
[INST] \<\\>

{prompt} [/INST]