Source code for datasets.metric

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Lint as: python3
""" Metrics base class."""
import os
import types
import uuid
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa

from . import config
from .arrow_dataset import Dataset
from .arrow_reader import ArrowReader
from .arrow_writer import ArrowWriter
from .features import Features
from .info import DatasetInfo, MetricInfo
from .naming import camelcase_to_snakecase
from .utils import copyfunc, temp_seed
from .utils.download_manager import DownloadManager
from .utils.file_utils import DownloadConfig
from .utils.filelock import BaseFileLock, FileLock, Timeout
from .utils.logging import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__file__)

class FileFreeLock(BaseFileLock):
    """Thread lock until a file **cannot** be locked"""

    def __init__(self, lock_file, *args, **kwargs):
        self.filelock = FileLock(lock_file)
        super().__init__(lock_file, *args, **kwargs)

    def _acquire(self):
            self.filelock.acquire(timeout=0.01, poll_intervall=0.02)  # Try to lock once
        except Timeout:
            # We couldn't acquire the lock, the file is locked!
            self._lock_file_fd = self.filelock.lock_file
            # We were able to acquire the lock, the file is not yet locked!
            self._lock_file_fd = None

    def _release(self):
        self._lock_file_fd = None

class MetricInfoMixin:
    """This base class exposes some attributes of MetricInfo
    at the base level of the Metric for easy access.

    def __init__(self, info: MetricInfo):
        self._metric_info = info

    def info(self):
        """:class:`datasets.MetricInfo` object containing all the metadata in the metric."""
        return self._metric_info

    def name(self) -> str:
        return self._metric_info.metric_name

    def experiment_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._metric_info.experiment_id

    def description(self) -> str:
        return self._metric_info.description

    def citation(self) -> str:
        return self._metric_info.citation

    def features(self) -> Features:
        return self._metric_info.features

    def inputs_description(self) -> str:
        return self._metric_info.inputs_description

    def homepage(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._metric_info.homepage

    def license(self) -> str:
        return self._metric_info.license

    def codebase_urls(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        return self._metric_info.codebase_urls

    def reference_urls(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        return self._metric_info.reference_urls

    def streamable(self) -> bool:
        return self._metric_info.streamable

    def format(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._metric_info.format

[docs]class Metric(MetricInfoMixin): """A Metric is the base class and common API for all metrics. Args: config_name (``str``): This is used to define a hash specific to a metrics computation script and prevents the metric's data to be overridden when the metric loading script is modified. keep_in_memory (``bool``): keep all predictions and references in memory. Not possible in distributed settings. cache_dir (``str``): Path to a directory in which temporary prediction/references data will be stored. The data directory should be located on a shared file-system in distributed setups. num_process (``int``): specify the total number of nodes in a distributed settings. This is useful to compute metrics in distributed setups (in particular non-additive metrics like F1). process_id (``int``): specify the id of the current process in a distributed setup (between 0 and num_process-1) This is useful to compute metrics in distributed setups (in particular non-additive metrics like F1). seed (Optional ``int``): If specified, this will temporarily set numpy's random seed when :func:`datasets.Metric.compute` is run. experiment_id (``str``): A specific experiment id. This is used if several distributed evaluations share the same file system. This is useful to compute metrics in distributed setups (in particular non-additive metrics like F1). max_concurrent_cache_files (``int``): Max number of concurrent metrics cache files (default 10000). timeout (``Union[int, float]``): Timeout in second for distributed setting synchronization. """ def __init__( self, config_name: Optional[str] = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, num_process: int = 1, process_id: int = 0, seed: Optional[int] = None, experiment_id: Optional[str] = None, max_concurrent_cache_files: int = 10000, timeout: Union[int, float] = 100, **kwargs, ): # prepare info self.config_name = config_name or "default" info = self._info() info.metric_name = camelcase_to_snakecase(self.__class__.__name__) info.config_name = self.config_name info.experiment_id = experiment_id or "default_experiment" MetricInfoMixin.__init__(self, info) # For easy access on low level # Safety checks on num_process and process_id assert isinstance(process_id, int) and process_id >= 0, "'process_id' should be a number greater than 0" assert ( isinstance(num_process, int) and num_process > process_id ), "'num_process' should be a number greater than process_id" assert ( num_process == 1 or not keep_in_memory ), "Using 'keep_in_memory' is not possible in distributed setting (num_process > 1)." self.num_process = num_process self.process_id = process_id self.max_concurrent_cache_files = max_concurrent_cache_files self.keep_in_memory = keep_in_memory self._data_dir_root = os.path.expanduser(cache_dir or config.HF_METRICS_CACHE) self.data_dir = self._build_data_dir() self.seed: int = seed or np.random.get_state()[1][0] self.timeout: Union[int, float] = timeout # Update 'compute' and 'add' docstring # methods need to be copied otherwise it changes the docstrings of every instance self.compute = types.MethodType(copyfunc(self.compute), self) self.add_batch = types.MethodType(copyfunc(self.add_batch), self) self.add = types.MethodType(copyfunc(self.add), self) self.compute.__func__.__doc__ += self.add_batch.__func__.__doc__ += self.add.__func__.__doc__ += # self.arrow_schema = pa.schema(field for field in self.buf_writer = None self.writer = None self.writer_batch_size = None = None # This is the cache file we store our predictions/references in # Keep it None for now so we can (cloud)pickle the object self.cache_file_name = None self.filelock = None self.rendez_vous_lock = None # This is all the cache files on which we have a lock when we are in a distributed setting self.file_paths = None self.filelocks = None def __len__(self): """Return the number of examples (predictions or predictions/references pair) currently stored in the metric's cache. """ return 0 if self.writer is None else len(self.writer) def __repr__(self): return ( f'Metric(name: "{}", features: {self.features}, ' f'usage: """{self.inputs_description}""", ' f"stored examples: {len(self)})" ) def _build_data_dir(self): """Path of this metric in cache_dir: Will be: self._data_dir_root/ (if not none)/ If any of these element is missing or if ``with_version=False`` the corresponding subfolders are dropped. """ builder_data_dir = self._data_dir_root builder_data_dir = os.path.join(builder_data_dir,, self.config_name) os.makedirs(builder_data_dir, exist_ok=True) return builder_data_dir def _create_cache_file(self, timeout=1) -> Tuple[str, FileLock]: """Create a new cache file. If the default cache file is used, we generated a new hash.""" file_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, f"{self.experiment_id}-{self.num_process}-{self.process_id}.arrow") filelock = None for i in range(self.max_concurrent_cache_files): filelock = FileLock(file_path + ".lock") try: filelock.acquire(timeout=timeout) except Timeout: # If we have reached the max number of attempts or we are not allow to find a free name (distributed setup) # We raise an error if self.num_process != 1: raise ValueError( f"Error in _create_cache_file: another metric instance is already using the local cache file at {file_path}. " f"Please specify an experiment_id (currently: {self.experiment_id}) to avoid collision " f"between distributed metric instances." ) if i == self.max_concurrent_cache_files - 1: raise ValueError( f"Cannot acquire lock, too many metric instance are operating concurrently on this file system." f"You should set a larger value of max_concurrent_cache_files when creating the metric " f"(current value is {self.max_concurrent_cache_files})." ) # In other cases (allow to find new file name + not yet at max num of attempts) we can try to sample a new hashing name. file_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) file_path = os.path.join( self.data_dir, f"{self.experiment_id}-{file_uuid}-{self.num_process}-{self.process_id}.arrow" ) else: break return file_path, filelock def _get_all_cache_files(self) -> Tuple[List[str], List[FileLock]]: """Get a lock on all the cache files in a distributed setup. We wait for timeout second to let all the distributed node finish their tasks (default is 100 seconds). """ if self.num_process == 1: if self.cache_file_name is None: raise ValueError( "Metric cache file doesn't exist. Please make sure that you call `add` or `add_batch` " "at least once before calling `compute`." ) file_paths = [self.cache_file_name] else: file_paths = [ os.path.join(self.data_dir, f"{self.experiment_id}-{self.num_process}-{process_id}.arrow") for process_id in range(self.num_process) ] # Let's acquire a lock on each process files to be sure they are finished writing filelocks = [] for process_id, file_path in enumerate(file_paths): if process_id == 0: # process 0 already has its lock file filelocks.append(self.filelock) else: filelock = FileLock(file_path + ".lock") try: filelock.acquire(timeout=self.timeout) except Timeout: raise ValueError(f"Cannot acquire lock on cached file {file_path} for process {process_id}.") else: filelocks.append(filelock) return file_paths, filelocks def _check_all_processes_locks(self): expected_lock_file_names = [ os.path.join(self.data_dir, f"{self.experiment_id}-{self.num_process}-{process_id}.arrow.lock") for process_id in range(self.num_process) ] for expected_lock_file_name in expected_lock_file_names: nofilelock = FileFreeLock(expected_lock_file_name) try: nofilelock.acquire(timeout=self.timeout) except Timeout: raise ValueError( f"Expected to find locked file {expected_lock_file_name} from process {self.process_id} but it doesn't exist." ) else: nofilelock.release() def _check_rendez_vous(self): expected_lock_file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, f"{self.experiment_id}-{self.num_process}-0.arrow.lock") nofilelock = FileFreeLock(expected_lock_file_name) try: nofilelock.acquire(timeout=self.timeout) except Timeout: raise ValueError( f"Expected to find locked file {expected_lock_file_name} from process {self.process_id} but it doesn't exist." ) else: nofilelock.release() lock_file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, f"{self.experiment_id}-{self.num_process}-rdv.lock") rendez_vous_lock = FileLock(lock_file_name) try: rendez_vous_lock.acquire(timeout=self.timeout) except Timeout: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't acquire lock on {lock_file_name} from process {self.process_id}.") else: rendez_vous_lock.release() def _finalize(self): """Close all the writing process and load/gather the data from all the nodes if main node or all_process is True. """ if self.writer is not None: self.writer.finalize() self.writer = None # release the locks of the processes > 0 so that process 0 can lock them to read + delete the data if self.filelock is not None and self.process_id > 0: self.filelock.release() if self.keep_in_memory: # Read the predictions and references reader = ArrowReader(path=self.data_dir, info=DatasetInfo(features=self.features)) = Dataset.from_buffer(self.buf_writer.getvalue()) elif self.process_id == 0: # Let's acquire a lock on each node files to be sure they are finished writing file_paths, filelocks = self._get_all_cache_files() # Read the predictions and references try: reader = ArrowReader(path="", info=DatasetInfo(features=self.features)) = Dataset(**reader.read_files([{"filename": f} for f in file_paths])) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError( "Error in finalize: another metric instance is already using the local cache file. " "Please specify an experiment_id to avoid collision between distributed metric instances." ) # Store file paths and locks and we will release/delete them after the computation. self.file_paths = file_paths self.filelocks = filelocks
[docs] def compute(self, *, predictions=None, references=None, **kwargs) -> Optional[dict]: """Compute the metrics. Usage of positional arguments is not allowed to prevent mistakes. Args: predictions (list/array/tensor, optional): Predictions. references (list/array/tensor, optional): References. **kwargs (optional): Keyword arguments that will be forwarded to the metrics :meth:`_compute` method (see details in the docstring). Return: dict or None - Dictionary with the metrics if this metric is run on the main process (``process_id == 0``). - None if the metric is not run on the main process (``process_id != 0``). """ if predictions is not None: self.add_batch(predictions=predictions, references=references) self._finalize() self.cache_file_name = None self.filelock = None if self.process_id == 0: predictions =["predictions"] references =["references"] with temp_seed(self.seed): output = self._compute(predictions=predictions, references=references, **kwargs) if self.buf_writer is not None: self.buf_writer = None del = None else: # Release locks and delete all the cache files. Process 0 is released last. for filelock, file_path in reversed(list(zip(self.filelocks, self.file_paths))):"Removing {file_path}") del = None del self.writer self.writer = None os.remove(file_path) filelock.release() return output else: return None
[docs] def add_batch(self, *, predictions=None, references=None): """Add a batch of predictions and references for the metric's stack. Args: predictions (list/array/tensor, optional): Predictions. references (list/array/tensor, optional): References. """ batch = {"predictions": predictions, "references": references} batch = if self.writer is None: self._init_writer() try: self.writer.write_batch(batch) except pa.ArrowInvalid: raise ValueError( f"Predictions and/or references don't match the expected format.\n" f"Expected format: {self.features},\n" f"Input predictions: {predictions},\n" f"Input references: {references}" )
[docs] def add(self, *, prediction=None, reference=None): """Add one prediction and reference for the metric's stack. Args: prediction (list/array/tensor, optional): Predictions. reference (list/array/tensor, optional): References. """ example = {"predictions": prediction, "references": reference} example = if self.writer is None: self._init_writer() try: self.writer.write(example) except pa.ArrowInvalid: raise ValueError( f"Prediction and/or reference don't match the expected format.\n" f"Expected format: {self.features},\n" f"Input predictions: {prediction},\n" f"Input references: {reference}" )
def _init_writer(self, timeout=1): if self.num_process > 1: if self.process_id == 0: file_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, f"{self.experiment_id}-{self.num_process}-rdv.lock") self.rendez_vous_lock = FileLock(file_path) try: self.rendez_vous_lock.acquire(timeout=timeout) except TimeoutError: raise ValueError( f"Error in _init_writer: another metric instance is already using the local cache file at {file_path}. " f"Please specify an experiment_id (currently: {self.experiment_id}) to avoid collision " f"between distributed metric instances." ) if self.keep_in_memory: self.buf_writer = pa.BufferOutputStream() self.writer = ArrowWriter(, stream=self.buf_writer, writer_batch_size=self.writer_batch_size ) else: self.buf_writer = None # Get cache file name and lock it if self.cache_file_name is None or self.filelock is None: cache_file_name, filelock = self._create_cache_file() # get ready self.cache_file_name = cache_file_name self.filelock = filelock self.writer = ArrowWriter(, path=self.cache_file_name, writer_batch_size=self.writer_batch_size ) # Setup rendez-vous here if if self.num_process > 1: if self.process_id == 0: self._check_all_processes_locks() # wait for everyone to be ready self.rendez_vous_lock.release() # let everyone go else: self._check_rendez_vous() # wait for master to be ready and to let everyone go def _info(self) -> MetricInfo: """Construct the MetricInfo object. See `MetricInfo` for details. Warning: This function is only called once and the result is cached for all following .info() calls. Returns: info: (MetricInfo) The metrics information """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def download_and_prepare( self, download_config: Optional[DownloadConfig] = None, dl_manager: Optional[DownloadManager] = None, ): """Downloads and prepares dataset for reading. Args: download_config (:class:`DownloadConfig`, optional): Specific download configuration parameters. dl_manager (:class:`DownloadManager`, optional): Specific download manager to use. """ if dl_manager is None: if download_config is None: download_config = DownloadConfig() download_config.cache_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "downloads") download_config.force_download = False dl_manager = DownloadManager(, download_config=download_config, data_dir=self.data_dir ) self._download_and_prepare(dl_manager)
def _download_and_prepare(self, dl_manager): """Downloads and prepares resources for the metric. This is the internal implementation to overwrite called when user calls `download_and_prepare`. It should download all required resources for the metric. Args: dl_manager (:class:`DownloadManager`): `DownloadManager` used to download and cache data. """ return None def _compute(self, *, predictions=None, references=None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """This method defines the common API for all the metrics in the library""" raise NotImplementedError def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "filelock") and self.filelock is not None: self.filelock.release() if hasattr(self, "rendez_vous_lock") and self.rendez_vous_lock is not None: self.rendez_vous_lock.release() if hasattr(self, "writer"): # in case it was already deleted del self.writer if hasattr(self, "data"): # in case it was already deleted del