Main classes¶
(description: str = <factory>, citation: str = <factory>, homepage: str = <factory>, license: str = <factory>, features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, post_processed: Optional[] = None, supervised_keys: Optional[] = None, builder_name: Optional[str] = None, config_name: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[str, datasets.utils.version.Version]] = None, splits: Optional[dict] = None, download_checksums: Optional[dict] = None, download_size: Optional[int] = None, post_processing_size: Optional[int] = None, dataset_size: Optional[int] = None, size_in_bytes: Optional[int] = None)[source]¶ Information about a dataset.
DatasetInfo documents datasets, including its name, version, and features. See the constructor arguments and properties for a full list.
Note: Not all fields are known on construction and may be updated later.
- Variables
description (str) –
citation (str) –
homepage (str) –
license (str) –
features (Features, optional) –
post_processed (PostProcessedInfo, optional) –
supervised_keys (SupervisedKeysData, optional) –
builder_name (str, optional) –
config_name (str, optional) –
version (str or Version, optional) –
splits (dict, optional) –
download_checksums (dict, optional) –
download_size (int, optional) –
post_processing_size (int, optional) –
dataset_size (int, optional) –
size_in_bytes (int, optional) –
(dataset_info_dir: str) →[source]¶ Create DatasetInfo from the JSON file in dataset_info_dir.
This function updates all the dynamically generated fields (num_examples, hash, time of creation,…) of the DatasetInfo.
This will overwrite all previous metadata.
- Parameters
dataset_info_dir (str) – The directory containing the metadata file. This should be the root directory of a specific dataset version.
The base class datasets.Dataset
implements a Dataset backed by an Apache Arrow table.
(arrow_table: datasets.table.Table, info: Optional[] = None, split: Optional[datasets.splits.NamedSplit] = None, indices_table: Optional[datasets.table.Table] = None, fingerprint: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ A Dataset backed by an Arrow table.
(key: Union[int, slice, str]) → Union[Dict, List][source]¶ Can be used to index columns (by string names) or rows (by integer index or iterable of indices or bools).
()[source]¶ Iterate through the examples.
If a formatting is set with
rows will be returned with the selected format.
(column: str, index_name: Optional[str] = None, host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, es_client: Optional[elasticsearch.Elasticsearch] = None, es_index_name: Optional[str] = None, es_index_config: Optional[dict] = None)[source]¶ Add a text index using ElasticSearch for fast retrieval. This is done in-place.
- Parameters
column (
) – The column of the documents to add to the index.index_name (Optional
) – The index_name/identifier of the index. This is the index name that is used to callDataset.get_nearest_examples()
. By default it corresponds tocolumn
.host (Optional
, defaults to localhost) – host of where ElasticSearch is runningport (Optional
, defaults to 9200) – port of where ElasticSearch is runninges_client (Optional
) – The elasticsearch client used to create the index if host and port are None.es_index_name (Optional
) – The elasticsearch index name used to create the index.es_index_config (Optional
) –The configuration of the elasticsearch index. Default config is:
{ "settings": { "number_of_shards": 1, "analysis": {"analyzer": {"stop_standard": {"type": "standard", " stopwords": "_english_"}}}, }, "mappings": { "properties": { "text": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "standard", "similarity": "BM25" }, } }, }
es_client = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch() ds = datasets.load_dataset('crime_and_punish', split='train') ds.add_elasticsearch_index(column='line', es_client=es_client, es_index_name="my_es_index") scores, retrieved_examples = ds.get_nearest_examples('line', 'my new query', k=10)
(column: str, index_name: Optional[str] = None, device: Optional[int] = None, string_factory: Optional[str] = None, metric_type: Optional[int] = None, custom_index: Optional[faiss.Index] = None, train_size: Optional[int] = None, faiss_verbose: bool = False, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]¶ Add a dense index using Faiss for fast retrieval. By default the index is done over the vectors of the specified column. You can specify
if you want to run it on GPU (device
must be the GPU index). You can find more information about Faiss here:For string factory
- Parameters
column (
) – The column of the vectors to add to the index.index_name (Optional
) – The index_name/identifier of the index. This is the index_name that is used to calldatasets.Dataset.get_nearest_examples()
. By default it corresponds to column.device (Optional
) – If not None, this is the index of the GPU to use. By default it uses the CPU.string_factory (Optional
) – This is passed to the index factory of Faiss to create the index. Default index class isIndexFlat
.metric_type (Optional
) – Type of metric. Ex: faiss.faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT or faiss.METRIC_L2.custom_index (Optional
) – Custom Faiss index that you already have instantiated and configured for your needs.train_size (Optional
) – If the index needs a training step, specifies how many vectors will be used to train the index.faiss_verbose (
, defaults to False) – Enable the verbosity of the Faiss index.dtype (data-type) – The dtype of the numpy arrays that are indexed. Default is
ds = datasets.load_dataset('crime_and_punish', split='train') ds_with_embeddings = example: {'embeddings': embed(example['line']})) ds_with_embeddings.add_faiss_index(column='embeddings') # query scores, retrieved_examples = ds_with_embeddings.get_nearest_examples('embeddings', embed('my new query'), k=10) # save index ds_with_embeddings.save_faiss_index('embeddings', 'my_index.faiss') ds = datasets.load_dataset('crime_and_punish', split='train') # load index ds.load_faiss_index('embeddings', 'my_index.faiss') # query scores, retrieved_examples = ds.get_nearest_examples('embeddings', embed('my new query'), k=10)
(external_arrays: numpy.array, index_name: str, device: Optional[int] = None, string_factory: Optional[str] = None, metric_type: Optional[int] = None, custom_index: Optional[faiss.Index] = None, train_size: Optional[int] = None, faiss_verbose: bool = False, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]¶ Add a dense index using Faiss for fast retrieval. The index is created using the vectors of external_arrays. You can specify device if you want to run it on GPU (device must be the GPU index). You can find more information about Faiss here:
For string factory
- Parameters
external_arrays (
) – If you want to use arrays from outside the lib for the index, you can setexternal_arrays
. It will useexternal_arrays
to create the Faiss index instead of the arrays in the givencolumn
.index_name (
) – The index_name/identifier of the index. This is the index_name that is used to calldatasets.Dataset.get_nearest_examples()
.device (Optional
) – If not None, this is the index of the GPU to use. By default it uses the CPU.string_factory (Optional
) – This is passed to the index factory of Faiss to create the index. Default index class isIndexFlat
.metric_type (Optional
) – Type of metric. Ex: faiss.faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT or faiss.METRIC_L2.custom_index (Optional
) – Custom Faiss index that you already have instantiated and configured for your needs.train_size (Optional
) – If the index needs a training step, specifies how many vectors will be used to train the index.faiss_verbose (
, defaults to False) – Enable the verbosity of the Faiss index.dtype (
) – The dtype of the numpy arrays that are indexed. Default is np.float32.
(item: dict)[source]¶ Add item to Dataset.
New in version 1.6.
- Parameters
item (dict) – Item data to be added.
- Returns
¶ The cache files containing the Apache Arrow table backing the dataset.
(features: datasets.features.Features, batch_size: Optional[int] = 10000, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = True, cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 10000, num_proc: Optional[int] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Cast the dataset to a new set of features.
- Parameters
features (
) – New features to cast the dataset to. The name of the fields in the features must match the current column names. The type of the data must also be convertible from one type to the other. For non-trivial conversion, e.g. string <-> ClassLabel you should usemap()
to update the Dataset.batch_size (Optional[int], defaults to 1000) – Number of examples per batch provided to cast. batch_size <= 0 or batch_size == None: Provide the full dataset as a single batch to cast.
keep_in_memory (
, defaultFalse
) – Whether to copy the data in-memory.load_from_cache_file (
, default True if caching is enabled) – If a cache file storing the current computation from function can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.cache_file_name (Optional[str], default None) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the results of the computation instead of the automatically generated cache file name.
writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().num_proc (Optional[int], default None) – Number of processes for multiprocessing. By default it doesn’t use multiprocessing.
- Returns
– A copy of the dataset with casted features.
(features: datasets.features.Features, batch_size: Optional[int] = 10000, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = True, cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 10000, num_proc: Optional[int] = None)[source]¶ In-place version of
.Deprecated since version 1.4.0: Use
instead.- Parameters
features (
) – New features to cast the dataset to. The name of the fields in the features must match the current column names. The type of the data must also be convertible from one type to the other. For non-trivial conversion, e.g. string <-> ClassLabel you should usemap()
to update the Dataset.batch_size (Optional[int], defaults to 1000) – Number of examples per batch provided to cast. batch_size <= 0 or batch_size == None: Provide the full dataset as a single batch to cast.
keep_in_memory (
, defaultFalse
) – Whether to copy the data in-memory.load_from_cache_file (
, default True if caching is enabled) – If a cache file storing the current computation from function can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.cache_file_name (Optional[str], default None) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the results of the computation instead of the automatically generated cache file name.
writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().num_proc (Optional[int], default None) – Number of processes for multiprocessing. By default it doesn’t use multiprocessing.
(column: str) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Casts the given column as :obj:
and updates the table.- Parameters
column (str) – The name of the column to cast (list all the column names with
() → int[source]¶ Clean up all cache files in the dataset cache directory, excepted the currently used cache file if there is one.
Be careful when running this command that no other process is currently using other cache files.
- Returns
– Number of removed files.
¶ Names of the columns in the dataset.
¶ The Apache Arrow table backing the dataset.
(index_name: str)¶ Drop the index with the specified column.
- Parameters
index_name (
) – The index_name/identifier of the index.
(filename: str, format: str = 'tfrecord')[source]¶ Writes the Arrow dataset to a TFRecord file.
The dataset must already be in tensorflow format. The records will be written with keys from dataset._format_columns.
- Parameters
filename (
) – The filename, including the .tfrecord extension, to write to.format (str, optional, default “tfrecord”) – The type of output file. Currently this is a no-op, as TFRecords are the only option. This enables a more flexible function signature later.
(function: Optional[Callable] = None, with_indices=False, input_columns: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, remove_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = True, cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, fn_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, num_proc: Optional[int] = None, suffix_template: str = '_{rank:05d}_of_{num_proc:05d}', new_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Apply a filter function to all the elements in the table in batches and update the table so that the dataset only includes examples according to the filter function.
- Parameters
function (
) –Callable with one of the following signatures:
function(example: Union[Dict, Any]) -> bool
function(example: Union[Dict, Any], indices: int) -> bool
If no function is provided, defaults to an always True function:
lambda x: True
.with_indices (
, default False) – Provide example indices to function. Note that in this case the signature of function should be def function(example, idx): ….input_columns (
or List[str], optional) – The columns to be passed into function as positional arguments. If None, a dict mapping to all formatted columns is passed as one argument.batch_size (
, optional, default 1000) – Number of examples per batch provided to function ifbatched = True
. Ifbatch_size <= 0
orbatch_size == None
: provide the full dataset as a single batch to functionremove_columns (List[str], optional) – Remove a selection of columns while doing the mapping. Columns will be removed before updating the examples with the output of function, i.e. if function is adding columns with names in remove_columns, these columns will be kept.
keep_in_memory (
, default False) – Keep the dataset in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.load_from_cache_file (
, default True) – If a cache file storing the current computation from function can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.cache_file_name (
, optional) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the results of the computation instead of the automatically generated cache file name.writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().fn_kwargs (
, optional) – Keyword arguments to be passed to functionnum_proc (
, optional) – Number of processes for multiprocessing. By default it doesn’t use multiprocessing.suffix_template (
) – If cache_file_name is specified, then this suffix will be added at the end of the base name of each. For example, if cache_file_name is “processed.arrow”, then forrank = 1
andnum_proc = 4
, the resulting file would be “processed_00001_of_00004.arrow” for the default suffix (default _{rank:05d}_of_{num_proc:05d})new_fingerprint (
, optional) – The new fingerprint of the dataset after transform. If None, the new fingerprint is computed using a hash of the previous fingerprint, and the transform arguments.
(new_fingerprint, max_depth=16) → Dataset[source]¶ Flatten the table. Each column with a struct type is flattened into one column per struct field. Other columns are left unchanged.
- Returns
– A copy of the dataset with flattened columns.
(max_depth=16)[source]¶ In-place version of
.Deprecated since version 1.4.0: Use
(keep_in_memory: bool = False, cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, disable_nullable: bool = True, new_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Create and cache a new Dataset by flattening the indices mapping.
- Parameters
keep_in_memory (
, default False) – Keep the dataset in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.cache_file_name (Optional[str], default None) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the results of the computation instead of the automatically generated cache file name.
writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().features (Optional[datasets.Features], default None) – Use a specific Features to store the cache file instead of the automatically generated one.
disable_nullable (
, default True) – Allow null values in the table.new_fingerprint (Optional[str], default None) – The new fingerprint of the dataset after transform. If None, the new fingerprint is computed using a hash of the previous fingerprint, and the transform arguments
(type: Optional[str] = None, columns: Optional[List] = None, output_all_columns: bool = False, **format_kwargs)[source]¶ To be used in a with statement. Set __getitem__ return format (type and columns).
- Parameters
type (Optional
) – output type selected in [None, ‘numpy’, ‘torch’, ‘tensorflow’, ‘pandas’, ‘arrow’] None means __getitem__ returns python objects (default)columns (Optional
) – columns to format in the output None means __getitem__ returns all columns (default)output_all_columns (
default to False) – keep un-formatted columns as well in the output (as python objects)format_kwargs – keywords arguments passed to the convert function like np.array, torch.tensor or tensorflow.ragged.constant.
(buffer: pyarrow.lib.Buffer, info: Optional[] = None, split: Optional[datasets.splits.NamedSplit] = None, indices_buffer: Optional[pyarrow.lib.Buffer] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Instantiate a Dataset backed by an Arrow buffer.
- Parameters
buffer (
) – Arrow (
, optional) – Dataset information, like description, citation, etc.split (
, optional) – Name of the dataset split.indices_buffer (
, optional) – Indices Arrow buffer.
- Returns
(path_or_paths: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike, List[Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]]], split: Optional[datasets.splits.NamedSplit] = None, features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, cache_dir: str = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Create Dataset from CSV file(s).
- Parameters
path_or_paths (path-like or list of path-like) – Path(s) of the CSV file(s).
split (
, optional) – Split name to be assigned to the dataset.features (
, optional) – Dataset features.cache_dir (
, optional, default"~/datasets"
) – Directory to cache data.keep_in_memory (
, defaultFalse
) – Whether to copy the data in-memory.**kwargs – Keyword arguments to be passed to
- Returns
(mapping: dict, features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, info: Optional[Any] = None, split: Optional[Any] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Convert
to apyarrow.Table
to create aDataset
.- Parameters
mapping (
) – Mapping of strings to Arrays or Python lists.features (
, optional) – Dataset (
, optional) – Dataset information, like description, citation, etc.split (
, optional) – Name of the dataset split.
- Returns
(filename: str, info: Optional[] = None, split: Optional[datasets.splits.NamedSplit] = None, indices_filename: Optional[str] = None, in_memory: bool = False) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Instantiate a Dataset backed by an Arrow table at filename.
- Parameters
filename (
) – File name of the (
, optional) – Dataset information, like description, citation, etc.split (
, optional) – Name of the dataset split.indices_filename (
, optional) – File names of the indices.in_memory (
, defaultFalse
) – Whether to copy the data in-memory.
- Returns
(path_or_paths: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike, List[Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]]], split: Optional[datasets.splits.NamedSplit] = None, features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, cache_dir: str = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, field: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Create Dataset from JSON or JSON Lines file(s).
- Parameters
path_or_paths (path-like or list of path-like) – Path(s) of the JSON or JSON Lines file(s).
split (
, optional) – Split name to be assigned to the dataset.features (
, optional) – Dataset features.cache_dir (
, optional, default"~/datasets"
) – Directory to cache data.keep_in_memory (
, defaultFalse
) – Whether to copy the data in-memory.field (
, optional) – Field name of the JSON file where the dataset is contained in.**kwargs – Keyword arguments to be passed to
- Returns
(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, info: Optional[] = None, split: Optional[datasets.splits.NamedSplit] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Convert
to apyarrow.Table
to create aDataset
.The column types in the resulting Arrow Table are inferred from the dtypes of the pandas.Series in the DataFrame. In the case of non-object Series, the NumPy dtype is translated to its Arrow equivalent. In the case of object, we need to guess the datatype by looking at the Python objects in this Series.
Be aware that Series of the object dtype don’t carry enough information to always lead to a meaningful Arrow type. In the case that we cannot infer a type, e.g. because the DataFrame is of length 0 or the Series only contains None/nan objects, the type is set to null. This behavior can be avoided by constructing explicit features and passing it to this function.
- Parameters
df (
) – Dataframe that contains the dataset.features (
, optional) – Dataset (
, optional) – Dataset information, like description, citation, etc.split (
, optional) – Name of the dataset split.
- Returns
(path_or_paths: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike, List[Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]]], split: Optional[datasets.splits.NamedSplit] = None, features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, cache_dir: str = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Create Dataset from text file(s).
- Parameters
path_or_paths (path-like or list of path-like) – Path(s) of the text file(s).
split (
, optional) – Split name to be assigned to the dataset.features (
, optional) – Dataset features.cache_dir (
, optional, default"~/datasets"
) – Directory to cache data.keep_in_memory (
, defaultFalse
) – Whether to copy the data in-memory.**kwargs – Keyword arguments to be passed to
- Returns
(index_name: str) →¶ List the index_name/identifiers of all the attached indexes.
- Parameters
index_name (
) – Index name.- Returns
(index_name: str, query: Union[str, numpy.array], k: int = 10) →¶ Find the nearest examples in the dataset to the query.
- Parameters
index_name (
) – The index_name/identifier of the index.query (
Union[str, np.ndarray]
) – The query as a string if index_name is a text index or as a numpy array if index_name is a vector index.k (
) – The number of examples to retrieve.
- Returns
scores (
) – The retrieval scores of the retrieved examples. examples (dict
): The retrieved examples.
(index_name: str, queries: Union[List[str], numpy.array], k: int = 10) →¶ Find the nearest examples in the dataset to the query.
- Parameters
index_name (
) – The index_name/identifier of the index.queries (
Union[List[str], np.ndarray]
) – The queries as a list of strings if index_name is a text index or as a numpy array if index_name is a vector index.k (
) – The number of examples to retrieve per query.
- Returns
total_scores (List[List[float]) – The retrieval scores of the retrieved examples per query. total_examples (List[dict]): The retrieved examples per query.
¶ datasets.DatasetInfo
object containing all the metadata in the dataset.
() → List[str]¶ List the colindex_nameumns/identifiers of all the attached indexes.
(index_name: str, es_index_name: str, host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, es_client: Optional[Elasticsearch] = None, es_index_config: Optional[dict] = None)¶ Load an existing text index using ElasticSearch for fast retrieval.
- Parameters
index_name (
) – The index_name/identifier of the index. This is the index name that is used to call .get_nearest or .search.es_index_name (
) – The name of elasticsearch index to (Optional
, defaults to localhost) – host of where ElasticSearch is runningport (Optional
, defaults to 9200) – port of where ElasticSearch is runninges_client (Optional
) – The elasticsearch client used to create the index if host and port are None.es_index_config (Optional
) –The configuration of the elasticsearch index. Default config is:
{ "settings": { "number_of_shards": 1, "analysis": {"analyzer": {"stop_standard": {"type": "standard", " stopwords": "_english_"}}}, }, "mappings": { "properties": { "text": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "standard", "similarity": "BM25" }, } }, }
(index_name: str, file: Union[str, pathlib.PurePath], device: Optional[int] = None)¶ Load a FaissIndex from disk.
If you want to do additional configurations, you can have access to the faiss index object by doing .get_index(index_name).faiss_index to make it fit your needs.
- Parameters
index_name (
) – The index_name/identifier of the index. This is the index_name that is used to call .get_nearest or .search.file (
) – The path to the serialized faiss index on disk.device (Optional
) – If not None, this is the index of the GPU to use. By default it uses the CPU.
(dataset_path: str, fs=None, keep_in_memory: Optional[bool] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Loads a dataset that was previously saved using
from a dataset directory, or from a filesystem using eitherS3FileSystem
or any implementation offsspec.spec.AbstractFileSystem
.- Parameters
dataset_path (
) – Path (e.g. dataset/train) or remote URI (e.g. s3//my-bucket/dataset/train) of the dataset directory where the dataset will be loaded from.fs (
, optional, defaultNone
) – Instance of the remote filesystem used to download the files from.keep_in_memory (
, defaultNone
) – Whether to copy the dataset in-memory. If None, the dataset will be copied in-memory if its size is smaller than datasets.config.MAX_IN_MEMORY_DATASET_SIZE_IN_BYTES (default 250 MiB). This behavior can be disabled by settingdatasets.config.MAX_IN_MEMORY_DATASET_SIZE_IN_BYTES = None
, and in this case the dataset is not loaded in memory.
- Returns
.if dataset_path is a path of a dataset directory: the
requested,if dataset_path is a path of a dataset dict directory: a
with each split.
(function: Optional[Callable] = None, with_indices: bool = False, input_columns: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, batched: bool = False, batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, drop_last_batch: bool = False, remove_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = None, cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, disable_nullable: bool = False, fn_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, num_proc: Optional[int] = None, suffix_template: str = '_{rank:05d}_of_{num_proc:05d}', new_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Apply a function to all the elements in the table (individually or in batches) and update the table (if function does update examples).
- Parameters
function (
) –Function with one of the following signatures:
function(example: Union[Dict, Any]) -> Union[Dict, Any] if batched=False and with_indices=False
function(example: Union[Dict, Any], indices: int) -> Union[Dict, Any] if batched=False and with_indices=True
function(batch: Union[Dict[List], List[Any]]) -> Union[Dict, Any] if batched=True and with_indices=False
function(batch: Union[Dict[List], List[Any]], indices: List[int]) -> Union[Dict, Any] if batched=True and with_indices=True
If no function is provided, default to identity function:
lambda x: x
.with_indices (
, default False) – Provide example indices to function. Note that in this case the signature of function should be def function(example, idx): ….input_columns (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], default None) – The columns to be passed into function as positional arguments. If None, a dict mapping to all formatted columns is passed as one argument.
batched (
, default False) – Provide batch of examples to function.batch_size (Optional[int], default 1000) – Number of examples per batch provided to function if batched=True batch_size <= 0 or batch_size == None: Provide the full dataset as a single batch to function.
drop_last_batch (
, default False) – Whether a last batch smaller than the batch_size should be dropped instead of being processed by the function.remove_columns (Optional[List[str]], default None) – Remove a selection of columns while doing the mapping. Columns will be removed before updating the examples with the output of function, i.e. if function is adding columns with names in remove_columns, these columns will be kept.
keep_in_memory (
, default False) – Keep the dataset in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.load_from_cache_file (
, default True if caching is enabled) – If a cache file storing the current computation from function can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.cache_file_name (Optional[str], default None) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the results of the computation instead of the automatically generated cache file name.
writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().features (Optional[datasets.Features], default None) – Use a specific Features to store the cache file instead of the automatically generated one.
disable_nullable (
, default True) – Disallow null values in the table.fn_kwargs (Optional[Dict], default None) – Keyword arguments to be passed to function.
num_proc (Optional[int], default None) – Number of processes for multiprocessing. By default it doesn’t use multiprocessing.
suffix_template (
) – If cache_file_name is specified, then this suffix will be added at the end of the base name of each: defaults to “_{rank:05d}_of_{num_proc:05d}”. For example, if cache_file_name is “processed.arrow”, then for rank=1 and num_proc=4, the resulting file would be “processed_00001_of_00004.arrow” for the default suffix.new_fingerprint (Optional[str], default None) – the new fingerprint of the dataset after transform. If None, the new fingerprint is computed using a hash of the previous fingerprint, and the transform arguments.
¶ Number of columns in the dataset.
¶ Number of rows in the dataset (same as
(column_names: Union[str, List[str]], new_fingerprint) → Dataset[source]¶ Remove one or several column(s) in the dataset and the features associated to them.
You can also remove a column using
with remove_columns but the present method is in-place (doesn’t copy the data to a new dataset) and is thus faster.- Parameters
column_names (
Union[str, List[str]]
) – Name of the column(s) to remove.new_fingerprint –
- Returns
– A copy of the dataset object without the columns to remove.
(column_names: Union[str, List[str]])[source]¶ In-place version of
.Deprecated since version 1.4.0: Use
instead.- Parameters
column_names (
Union[str, List[str]]
) – Name of the column(s) to remove.
(original_column_name: str, new_column_name: str, new_fingerprint) → Dataset[source]¶ Rename a column in the dataset, and move the features associated to the original column under the new column name.
- Parameters
original_column_name (
) – Name of the column to rename.new_column_name (
) – New name for the column.new_fingerprint –
- Returns
– A copy of the dataset with a renamed column.
(original_column_name: str, new_column_name: str)[source]¶ In-place version of
.Deprecated since version 1.4.0: Use
instead.- Parameters
original_column_name (
) – Name of the column to rename.new_column_name (
) – New name for the column.
()[source]¶ Reset __getitem__ return format to python objects and all columns.
Same as
(index_name: str, file: Union[str, pathlib.PurePath])¶ Save a FaissIndex on disk.
- Parameters
index_name (
) – The index_name/identifier of the index. This is the index_name that is used to call .get_nearest or .search.file (
) – The path to the serialized faiss index on disk.
(dataset_path: str, fs=None)[source]¶ Saves a dataset to a dataset directory, or in a filesystem using either
or any implementation offsspec.spec.AbstractFileSystem
.- Parameters
dataset_path (
) – Path (e.g. dataset/train) or remote URI (e.g. s3://my-bucket/dataset/train) of the dataset directory where the dataset will be saved to.fs (
, optional, defaultsNone
) – Instance of the remote filesystem used to download the files from.
(index_name: str, query: Union[str, numpy.array], k: int = 10) →¶ Find the nearest examples indices in the dataset to the query.
- Parameters
index_name (
) – The name/identifier of the index.query (
Union[str, np.ndarray]
) – The query as a string if index_name is a text index or as a numpy array if index_name is a vector index.k (
) – The number of examples to retrieve.
- Returns
scores (
) – The retrieval scores of the retrieved examples. indices (List[List[int]]
): The indices of the retrieved examples.
(index_name: str, queries: Union[List[str], numpy.array], k: int = 10) →¶ Find the nearest examples indices in the dataset to the query.
- Parameters
index_name (
) – The index_name/identifier of the index.queries (
Union[List[str], np.ndarray]
) – The queries as a list of strings if index_name is a text index or as a numpy array if index_name is a vector index.k (
) – The number of examples to retrieve per query.
- Returns
total_scores (
) – The retrieval scores of the retrieved examples per query. total_indices (List[List[int]]
): The indices of the retrieved examples per query.
(indices:, keep_in_memory: bool = False, indices_cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, new_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Create a new dataset with rows selected following the list/array of indices.
- Parameters
indices (sequence, iterable, ndarray or Series) – List or 1D-array of integer indices for indexing.
keep_in_memory (
, default False) – Keep the indices mapping in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.indices_cache_file_name (Optional[str], default None) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the indices mapping instead of the automatically generated cache file name.
writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().new_fingerprint (Optional[str], default None) – the new fingerprint of the dataset after transform. If None, the new fingerprint is computed using a hash of the previous fingerprint, and the transform arguments
(type: Optional[str] = None, columns: Optional[List] = None, output_all_columns: bool = False, **format_kwargs)[source]¶ Set __getitem__ return format (type and columns). The data formatting is applied on-the-fly. The format
(for example “numpy”) is used to format batches when using __getitem__. It’s also possible to use custom transforms for formatting usingdatasets.Dataset.set_transform()
.- Parameters
type (Optional
) – Either output type selected in [None, ‘numpy’, ‘torch’, ‘tensorflow’, ‘pandas’, ‘arrow’]. None means __getitem__ returns python objects (default)columns (Optional
) – columns to format in the output. None means __getitem__ returns all columns (default).output_all_columns (
default to False) – keep un-formatted columns as well in the output (as python objects)format_kwargs – keywords arguments passed to the convert function like np.array, torch.tensor or tensorflow.ragged.constant.
It is possible to call
after callingset_format
. Sincemap
may add new columns, then the list of formatted columns gets updated. In this case, if you applymap
on a dataset to add a new column, then this column will be formatted:new formatted columns = (all columns - previously unformatted columns)
(transform: Optional[Callable], columns: Optional[List] = None, output_all_columns: bool = False)[source]¶ Set __getitem__ return format using this transform. The transform is applied on-the-fly on batches when __getitem__ is called. As
, this can be reset usingdatasets.Dataset.reset_format()
- Parameters
transform (Optional
) – user-defined formatting transform, replaces the format defined bydatasets.Dataset.set_format()
A formatting function is a callable that takes a batch (as a dict) as input and returns a batch. This function is applied right before returning the objects in __getitem__.columns (Optional
) – columns to format in the output If specified, then the input batch of the transform only contains those columns.output_all_columns (
default to False) – keep un-formatted columns as well in the output (as python objects) If set to True, then the other un-formatted columns are kept with the output of the transform.
¶ Shape of the dataset (number of columns, number of rows).
(num_shards: int, index: int, contiguous: bool = False, keep_in_memory: bool = False, indices_cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Return the index-nth shard from dataset split into num_shards pieces.
This shards deterministically. dset.shard(n, i) will contain all elements of dset whose index mod n = i.
dset.shard(n, i, contiguous=True) will instead split dset into contiguous chunks, so it can be easily concatenated back together after processing. If n % i == l, then the first l shards will have length (n // i) + 1, and the remaining shards will have length (n // i). datasets.concatenate([dset.shard(n, i, contiguous=True) for i in range(n)]) will return a dataset with the same order as the original.
Be sure to shard before using any randomizing operator (such as shuffle). It is best if the shard operator is used early in the dataset pipeline.
- Parameters
num_shards (
) – How many shards to split the dataset into.index (
) – Which shard to select and return.contiguous – (
, default False): Whether to select contiguous blocks of indices for shards.keep_in_memory (
, default False) – Keep the dataset in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.load_from_cache_file (
, default True) – If a cache file storing the current computation from function can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.indices_cache_file_name (
, optional) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the indices of each shard instead of the automatically generated cache file name.writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().
(seed: Optional[int] = None, generator: Optional[numpy.random._generator.Generator] = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = True, indices_cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, new_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Create a new Dataset where the rows are shuffled.
Currently shuffling uses numpy random generators. You can either supply a NumPy BitGenerator to use, or a seed to initiate NumPy’s default random generator (PCG64).
- Parameters
seed (
, optional) – A seed to initialize the default BitGenerator ifgenerator=None
. If None, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. If an int or array_like[ints] is passed, then it will be passed to SeedSequence to derive the initial BitGenerator state.generator (
, optional) – Numpy random Generator to use to compute the permutation of the dataset rows. Ifgenerator=None
(default), uses np.random.default_rng (the default BitGenerator (PCG64) of NumPy).keep_in_memory (
, default False) – Keep the shuffled indices in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.load_from_cache_file (
, default True) – If a cache file storing the shuffled indices can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.indices_cache_file_name (
, optional) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the shuffled indices instead of the automatically generated cache file name.writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().new_fingerprint (
, optional, default None) – the new fingerprint of the dataset after transform. If None, the new fingerprint is computed using a hash of the previous fingerprint, and the transform arguments
(column: str, reverse: bool = False, kind: str = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = True, indices_cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, new_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None) → datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset[source]¶ Create a new dataset sorted according to a column.
Currently sorting according to a column name uses numpy sorting algorithm under the hood. The column should thus be a numpy compatible type (in particular not a nested type). This also means that the column used for sorting is fully loaded in memory (which should be fine in most cases).
- Parameters
column (
) – column name to sort by.reverse (
, default False) – If True, sort by descending order rather then ascending.kind (
, optional) – Numpy algorithm for sorting selected in {‘quicksort’, ‘mergesort’, ‘heapsort’, ‘stable’}, The default is ‘quicksort’. Note that both ‘stable’ and ‘mergesort’ use timsort under the covers and, in general, the actual implementation will vary with data type. The ‘mergesort’ option is retained for backwards compatibility.keep_in_memory (
, default False) – Keep the sorted indices in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.load_from_cache_file (
, default True) – If a cache file storing the sorted indices can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.indices_cache_file_name (Optional[str], default None) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the sorted indices instead of the automatically generated cache file name.
writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. Higher value gives smaller cache files, lower value consume less temporary memory.new_fingerprint (Optional[str], default None) – the new fingerprint of the dataset after transform. If None, the new fingerprint is computed using a hash of the previous fingerprint, and the transform arguments
¶ datasets.NamedSplit
object corresponding to a named dataset split.
(path_or_buf: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike, BinaryIO], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, **to_csv_kwargs) → int[source]¶ Exports the dataset to csv
- Parameters
path_or_buf (
) – Either a path to a file or a BinaryIO.batch_size (Optional
) – Size of the batch to load in memory and write at once. Defaults todatasets.config.DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE
.to_csv_kwargs – Parameters to pass to pandas’s
- Returns
int – The number of characters or bytes written
(batch_size: Optional[int] = None, batched: bool = False) → Union[dict, Iterator[dict]][source]¶ Returns the dataset as a Python dict. Can also return a generator for large datasets.
- Parameters
batched (
) – Set toTrue
to return a generator that yields the dataset as batches ofbatch_size
rows. Defaults toFalse
(returns the whole datasetas once)bacth_size (Optional
): The size (number of rows) – Defaults todatasets.config.DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE
- Returns
dict or Iterator[dict]
(batch_size: Optional[int] = None, batched: bool = False) → Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Iterator[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]][source]¶ Returns the dataset as a
. Can also return a generator for large datasets.- Parameters
batched (
) – Set toTrue
to return a generator that yields the dataset as batches ofbatch_size
rows. Defaults toFalse
(returns the whole datasetas once)bacth_size (Optional
): The size (number of rows) – Defaults todatasets.config.DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE
- Returns
pandas.DataFrame or Iterator[pandas.DataFrame]
(test_size: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, train_size: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, shuffle: bool = True, seed: Optional[int] = None, generator: Optional[numpy.random._generator.Generator] = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = True, train_indices_cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, test_indices_cache_file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, train_new_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None, test_new_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None) → DatasetDict[source]¶ Return a dictionary (
) with two random train and test subsets (train and testDataset
splits). Splits are created from the dataset according to test_size, train_size and shuffle.This method is similar to scikit-learn train_test_split with the omission of the stratified options.
- Parameters
test_size (
, optional) – Size of the test split If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. If None, the value is set to the complement of the train size. If train_size is also None, it will be set to 0.25.train_size (
, optional) – Size of the train split If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size.shuffle (
, optional, default True) – Whether or not to shuffle the data before splitting.seed (
, optional) – A seed to initialize the default BitGenerator ifgenerator=None
. If None, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. If an int or array_like[ints] is passed, then it will be passed to SeedSequence to derive the initial BitGenerator state.generator (
, optional) – Numpy random Generator to use to compute the permutation of the dataset rows. Ifgenerator=None
(default), uses np.random.default_rng (the default BitGenerator (PCG64) of NumPy).keep_in_memory (
, default False) – Keep the splits indices in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.load_from_cache_file (
, default True) – If a cache file storing the splits indices can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.train_cache_file_name (
, optional) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the train split indices instead of the automatically generated cache file name.test_cache_file_name (
, optional) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the test split indices instead of the automatically generated cache file name.writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().train_new_fingerprint (
, optional, defaults to None) – the new fingerprint of the train set after transform. If None, the new fingerprint is computed using a hash of the previous fingerprint, and the transform argumentstest_new_fingerprint (
, optional, defaults to None) – the new fingerprint of the test set after transform. If None, the new fingerprint is computed using a hash of the previous fingerprint, and the transform arguments
(column: str) → List[Any][source]¶ Return a list of the unique elements in a column.
This is implemented in the low-level backend and as such, very fast.
- Parameters
column (
) – Column name (list all the column names withdatasets.Dataset.column_names()
).- Returns
– List of unique elements in the given column.
(type: Optional[str] = None, columns: Optional[List] = None, output_all_columns: bool = False, **format_kwargs)[source]¶ Set __getitem__ return format (type and columns). The data formatting is applied on-the-fly. The format
(for example “numpy”) is used to format batches when using __getitem__.It’s also possible to use custom transforms for formatting using
.Contrary to
returns a new Dataset object.- Parameters
type (Optional
) – Either output type selected in [None, ‘numpy’, ‘torch’, ‘tensorflow’, ‘pandas’, ‘arrow’]. None means __getitem__ returns python objects (default)columns (Optional
) – columns to format in the output None means __getitem__ returns all columns (default)output_all_columns (
default to False) – keep un-formatted columns as well in the output (as python objects)format_kwargs – keywords arguments passed to the convert function like np.array, torch.tensor or tensorflow.ragged.constant.
(transform: Optional[Callable], columns: Optional[List] = None, output_all_columns: bool = False)[source]¶ Set __getitem__ return format using this transform. The transform is applied on-the-fly on batches when __getitem__ is called.
, this can be reset usingdatasets.Dataset.reset_format()
.Contrary to
returns a new Dataset object.- Parameters
transform (Optional
) – user-defined formatting transform, replaces the format defined bydatasets.Dataset.set_format()
A formatting function is a callable that takes a batch (as a dict) as input and returns a batch. This function is applied right before returning the objects in __getitem__.columns (Optional
) – columns to format in the output If specified, then the input batch of the transform only contains those columns.output_all_columns (
default to False) – keep un-formatted columns as well in the output (as python objects) If set to True, then the other un-formatted columns are kept with the output of the transform.
(dsets: List[datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset], info: Optional[Any] = None, split: Optional[Any] = None, axis: int = 0)[source]¶ Converts a list of
with the same schema into a singleDataset
.- Parameters
dsets (
) – List of Datasets to (
, optional) – Dataset information, like description, citation, etc.split (
, optional) – Name of the dataset split.axis (
{0, 1}
, default0
, meaning over rows) –Axis to concatenate over, where
means over rows (vertically) and1
means over columns (horizontally).New in version 1.6.0.
(boolean: bool)[source]¶ When applying transforms on a dataset, the data are stored in cache files. The caching mechanism allows to reload an existing cache file if it’s already been computed.
Reloading a dataset is possible since the cache files are named using the dataset fingerprint, which is updated after each transform.
If disabled, the library will no longer reload cached datasets files when applying transforms to the datasets. More precisely, if the caching is disabled: - cache files are always recreated - cache files are written to a temporary directory that is deleted when session closes - cache files are named using a random hash instead of the dataset fingerprint - use
to save a transformed dataset or it will be deleted when session closes - caching doesn’t affectdatasets.load_dataset()
. If you want to regenerate a dataset from scratch you should use thedownload_mode
parameter indatasets.load_dataset()
() → bool[source]¶ When applying transforms on a dataset, the data are stored in cache files. The caching mechanism allows to reload an existing cache file if it’s already been computed.
Reloading a dataset is possible since the cache files are named using the dataset fingerprint, which is updated after each transform.
If disabled, the library will no longer reload cached datasets files when applying transforms to the datasets. More precisely, if the caching is disabled: - cache files are always recreated - cache files are written to a temporary directory that is deleted when session closes - cache files are named using a random hash instead of the dataset fingerprint - use
to save a transformed dataset or it will be deleted when session closes - caching doesn’t affectdatasets.load_dataset()
. If you want to regenerate a dataset from scratch you should use thedownload_mode
parameter indatasets.load_dataset()
Dictionary with split names as keys (‘train’, ‘test’ for example), and datasets.Dataset
objects as values.
It also has dataset transform methods like map or filter, to process all the splits at once.
[source]¶ A dictionary (dict of str: datasets.Dataset) with dataset transforms methods (map, filter, etc.)
¶ The cache files containing the Apache Arrow table backing each split.
(features: datasets.features.Features)[source]¶ Cast the dataset to a new set of features. The transformation is applied to all the datasets of the dataset dictionary.
You can also remove a column using
with feature butcast_()
is in-place (doesn’t copy the data to a new dataset) and is thus faster.- Parameters
features (
) – New features to cast the dataset to. The name and order of the fields in the features must match the current column names. The type of the data must also be convertible from one type to the other. For non-trivial conversion, e.g. string <-> ClassLabel you should usemap()
to update the Dataset.
(features: datasets.features.Features)[source]¶ In-place version of
.Deprecated since version 1.4.0: Use
instead.- Parameters
features (
) – New features to cast the dataset to. The name and order of the fields in the features must match the current column names. The type of the data must also be convertible from one type to the other. For non-trivial conversion, e.g. string <-> ClassLabel you should usemap()
to update the Dataset.
(column: str)[source]¶ Casts the given column as :obj:
and updates the tables.- Parameters
column (str) – The name of the column to cast
() → Dict[str, int][source]¶ Clean up all cache files in the dataset cache directory, excepted the currently used cache file if there is one. Be carefull when running this command that no other process is currently using other cache files.
- Returns
Dict with the number of removed files for each split
¶ Names of the columns in each split of the dataset.
¶ The Apache Arrow tables backing each split.
(function, with_indices=False, input_columns: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, remove_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = True, cache_file_names: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, fn_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, num_proc: Optional[int] = None) → datasets.dataset_dict.DatasetDict[source]¶ Apply a filter function to all the elements in the table in batches and update the table so that the dataset only includes examples according to the filter function. The transformation is applied to all the datasets of the dataset dictionary.
- Parameters
function (callable) – with one of the following signature: - function(example: Dict) -> bool if with_indices=False - function(example: Dict, indices: int) -> bool if with_indices=True
with_indices (bool, defaults to False) – Provide example indices to function. Note that in this case the signature of function should be def function(example, idx): ….
input_columns (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], defaults to None) – The columns to be passed into function as positional arguments. If None, a dict mapping to all formatted columns is passed as one argument.
batch_size (Optional[int], defaults to 1000) – Number of examples per batch provided to function if batched=True batch_size <= 0 or batch_size == None: Provide the full dataset as a single batch to function
remove_columns (Optional[List[str]], defaults to None) – Remove a selection of columns while doing the mapping. Columns will be removed before updating the examples with the output of function, i.e. if function is adding columns with names in remove_columns, these columns will be kept.
keep_in_memory (bool, defaults to False) – Keep the dataset in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.
load_from_cache_file (bool, defaults to True) – If a cache file storing the current computation from function can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.
cache_file_names (Optional[Dict[str, str]], defaults to None) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the results of the computation instead of the automatically generated cache file name. You have to provide one
per dataset in the dataset dictionary.writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().fn_kwargs (Optional[Dict], defaults to None) – Keyword arguments to be passed to function
num_proc (Optional[int], defaults to None) – Number of processes for multiprocessing. By default it doesn’t use multiprocessing.
(max_depth=16)[source]¶ Flatten the Apache Arrow Table of each split (nested features are flatten). Each column with a struct type is flattened into one column per struct field. Other columns are left unchanged.
(max_depth=16)[source]¶ In-place version of
.Deprecated since version 1.4.0: Use
(type: Optional[str] = None, columns: Optional[List] = None, output_all_columns: bool = False, **format_kwargs)[source]¶ To be used in a with statement. Set __getitem__ return format (type and columns) The transformation is applied to all the datasets of the dataset dictionary.
- Parameters
type (Optional
) – output type selected in [None, ‘numpy’, ‘torch’, ‘tensorflow’, ‘pandas’, ‘arrow’] None means __getitem__ returns python objects (default)columns (Optional
) – columns to format in the output None means __getitem__ returns all columns (default)output_all_columns (
default to False) – keep un-formatted columns as well in the output (as python objects)format_kwargs – keywords arguments passed to the convert function like np.array, torch.tensor or tensorflow.ragged.constant.
(path_or_paths: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]], features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, cache_dir: str = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Create DatasetDict from CSV file(s).
- Parameters
path_or_paths (dict of path-like) – Path(s) of the CSV file(s).
features (
, optional) – Dataset features.cache_dir (str, optional, default="~/datasets") – Directory to cache data.
keep_in_memory (bool, default=False) – Whether to copy the data in-memory.
**kwargs – Keyword arguments to be passed to
- Returns
(path_or_paths: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]], features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, cache_dir: str = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Create DatasetDict from JSON Lines file(s).
- Parameters
path_or_paths (path-like or list of path-like) – Path(s) of the JSON Lines file(s).
features (
, optional) – Dataset features.cache_dir (str, optional, default="~/datasets") – Directory to cache data.
keep_in_memory (bool, default=False) – Whether to copy the data in-memory.
**kwargs – Keyword arguments to be passed to
- Returns
(path_or_paths: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]], features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, cache_dir: str = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Create DatasetDict from text file(s).
- Parameters
path_or_paths (dict of path-like) – Path(s) of the text file(s).
features (
, optional) – Dataset features.cache_dir (str, optional, default="~/datasets") – Directory to cache data.
keep_in_memory (bool, default=False) – Whether to copy the data in-memory.
**kwargs – Keyword arguments to be passed to
- Returns
(dataset_dict_path: str, fs=None, keep_in_memory: Optional[bool] = None) → datasets.dataset_dict.DatasetDict[source]¶ Load a dataset that was previously saved using
from a filesystem using eitherS3FileSystem
.- Parameters
dataset_dict_path (
) – Path (e.g."dataset/train"
) or remote URI (e.g."s3//my-bucket/dataset/train"
) of the dataset dict directory where the dataset dict will be loaded from.fs (
, optional, defaultNone
) – Instance of the remote filesystem used to download the files from.keep_in_memory (
, defaultNone
) – Whether to copy the dataset in-memory. If None, the dataset will be copied in-memory if its size is smaller than datasets.config.MAX_IN_MEMORY_DATASET_SIZE_IN_BYTES (default 250 MiB). This behavior can be disabled by settingdatasets.config.MAX_IN_MEMORY_DATASET_SIZE_IN_BYTES = None
, and in this case the dataset is not loaded in memory.
- Returns
(function, with_indices: bool = False, input_columns: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, batched: bool = False, batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, remove_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = True, cache_file_names: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000, features: Optional[datasets.features.Features] = None, disable_nullable: bool = False, fn_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, num_proc: Optional[int] = None) → datasets.dataset_dict.DatasetDict[source]¶ Apply a function to all the elements in the table (individually or in batches) and update the table (if function does updated examples). The transformation is applied to all the datasets of the dataset dictionary.
- Parameters
function (callable) – with one of the following signature: - function(example: Dict) -> Union[Dict, Any] if batched=False and with_indices=False - function(example: Dict, indices: int) -> Union[Dict, Any] if batched=False and with_indices=True - function(batch: Dict[List]) -> Union[Dict, Any] if batched=True and with_indices=False - function(batch: Dict[List], indices: List[int]) -> Union[Dict, Any] if batched=True and with_indices=True
with_indices (bool, defaults to False) – Provide example indices to function. Note that in this case the signature of function should be def function(example, idx): ….
input_columns (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], defaults to None) – The columns to be passed into function as positional arguments. If None, a dict mapping to all formatted columns is passed as one argument.
batched (bool, defaults to False) – Provide batch of examples to function
batch_size (Optional[int], defaults to 1000) – Number of examples per batch provided to function if batched=True batch_size <= 0 or batch_size == None: Provide the full dataset as a single batch to function
remove_columns (Optional[List[str]], defaults to None) – Remove a selection of columns while doing the mapping. Columns will be removed before updating the examples with the output of function, i.e. if function is adding columns with names in remove_columns, these columns will be kept.
keep_in_memory (bool, defaults to False) – Keep the dataset in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.
load_from_cache_file (bool, defaults to True) – If a cache file storing the current computation from function can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.
cache_file_names (Optional[Dict[str, str]], defaults to None) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the results of the computation instead of the automatically generated cache file name. You have to provide one
per dataset in the dataset dictionary.writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().features (Optional[datasets.Features], defaults to None) – Use a specific Features to store the cache file instead of the automatically generated one.
disable_nullable (bool, defaults to True) – Disallow null values in the table.
fn_kwargs (Optional[Dict], defaults to None) – Keyword arguments to be passed to function
num_proc (Optional[int], defaults to None) – Number of processes for multiprocessing. By default it doesn’t use multiprocessing.
¶ Number of columns in each split of the dataset.
¶ Number of rows in each split of the dataset (same as
(column_names: Union[str, List[str]])[source]¶ Remove one or several column(s) from each split in the dataset and the features associated to the column(s).
The transformation is applied to all the splits of the dataset dictionary.
You can also remove a column using
with remove_columns but the present method is in-place (doesn’t copy the data to a new dataset) and is thus faster.- Parameters
column_names (
Union[str, List[str]]
) – Name of the column(s) to remove.
(column_names: Union[str, List[str]])[source]¶ In-place version of
.Deprecated since version 1.4.0: Use
instead.- Parameters
column_names (
Union[str, List[str]]
) – Name of the column(s) to remove.
(original_column_name: str, new_column_name: str)[source]¶ Rename a column in the dataset and move the features associated to the original column under the new column name. The transformation is applied to all the datasets of the dataset dictionary.
- You can also rename a column using
with remove_columns but the present method: takes care of moving the original features under the new column name.
doesn’t copy the data to a new dataset and is thus much faster.
- Parameters
original_column_name (
) – Name of the column to rename.new_column_name (
) – New name for the column.
- You can also rename a column using
(original_column_name: str, new_column_name: str)[source]¶ In-place version of
.Deprecated since version 1.4.0: Use
instead.- Parameters
original_column_name (
) – Name of the column to rename.new_column_name (
) – New name for the column.
()[source]¶ Reset __getitem__ return format to python objects and all columns. The transformation is applied to all the datasets of the dataset dictionary.
Same as
(dataset_dict_path: str, fs=None)[source]¶ Saves a dataset dict to a filesystem using either
.- Parameters
dataset_dict_path (
) – Path (e.g. dataset/train) or remote URI (e.g. s3://my-bucket/dataset/train) of the dataset dict directory where the dataset dict will be saved to.fs (
, optional, defaultsNone
) – Instance of the remote filesystem used to download the files from.
(type: Optional[str] = None, columns: Optional[List] = None, output_all_columns: bool = False, **format_kwargs)[source]¶ Set __getitem__ return format (type and columns) The format is set for every dataset in the dataset dictionary
- Parameters
type (Optional
) – output type selected in [None, ‘numpy’, ‘torch’, ‘tensorflow’, ‘pandas’, ‘arrow’] None means __getitem__ returns python objects (default)columns (Optional
) – columns to format in the output. None means __getitem__ returns all columns (default).output_all_columns (
default to False) – keep un-formatted columns as well in the output (as python objects)format_kwargs – keywords arguments passed to the convert function like np.array, torch.tensor or tensorflow.ragged.constant.
It is possible to call
after callingset_format
. Sincemap
may add new columns, then the list of formatted columns gets updated. In this case, if you applymap
on a dataset to add a new column, then this column will be formatted:new formatted columns = (all columns - previously unformatted columns)
¶ Shape of each split of the dataset (number of columns, number of rows).
(seeds: Optional[Union[int, Dict[str, Optional[int]]]] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, generators: Optional[Dict[str, numpy.random._generator.Generator]] = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = True, indices_cache_file_names: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000)[source]¶ Create a new Dataset where the rows are shuffled.
The transformation is applied to all the datasets of the dataset dictionary.
Currently shuffling uses numpy random generators. You can either supply a NumPy BitGenerator to use, or a seed to initiate NumPy’s default random generator (PCG64).
- Parameters
seeds (Dict[str, int] or int, optional) – A seed to initialize the default BitGenerator if
. If None, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. If an int or array_like[ints] is passed, then it will be passed to SeedSequence to derive the initial BitGenerator state. You can provide oneseed
per dataset in the dataset dictionary.seed (Optional int) – A seed to initialize the default BitGenerator if
. Alias for seeds (the seed argument has priority over seeds if both arguments are provided).generators (Optional Dict[str, np.random.Generator]) – Numpy random Generator to use to compute the permutation of the dataset rows. If
(default), uses np.random.default_rng (the default BitGenerator (PCG64) of NumPy). You have to provide onegenerator
per dataset in the dataset dictionary.keep_in_memory (bool, defaults to False) – Keep the dataset in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.
load_from_cache_file (bool, defaults to True) – If a cache file storing the current computation from function can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.
indices_cache_file_names (Dict[str, str], optional) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the indices mappings instead of the automatically generated cache file name. You have to provide one
per dataset in the dataset dictionary.writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().
(column: str, reverse: bool = False, kind: str = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, load_from_cache_file: bool = True, indices_cache_file_names: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = None, writer_batch_size: Optional[int] = 1000) → datasets.dataset_dict.DatasetDict[source]¶ Create a new dataset sorted according to a column. The transformation is applied to all the datasets of the dataset dictionary.
Currently sorting according to a column name uses numpy sorting algorithm under the hood. The column should thus be a numpy compatible type (in particular not a nested type). This also means that the column used for sorting is fully loaded in memory (which should be fine in most cases).
- Parameters
column (str) – column name to sort by.
reverse – (bool, defaults to False): If True, sort by descending order rather then ascending.
kind (Optional str) – Numpy algorithm for sorting selected in {‘quicksort’, ‘mergesort’, ‘heapsort’, ‘stable’}, The default is ‘quicksort’. Note that both ‘stable’ and ‘mergesort’ use timsort under the covers and, in general, the actual implementation will vary with data type. The ‘mergesort’ option is retained for backwards compatibility.
keep_in_memory (bool, defaults to False) – Keep the dataset in memory instead of writing it to a cache file.
load_from_cache_file (bool, defaults to True) – If a cache file storing the current computation from function can be identified, use it instead of recomputing.
indices_cache_file_names (Optional[Dict[str, str]], defaults to None) – Provide the name of a path for the cache file. It is used to store the indices mapping instead of the automatically generated cache file name. You have to provide one
per dataset in the dataset dictionary.writer_batch_size (
, default 1000) – Number of rows per write operation for the cache file writer. This value is a good trade-off between memory usage during the processing, and processing speed. Higher value makes the processing do fewer lookups, lower value consume less temporary memory while running .map().
(column: str) → Dict[str, List[Any]][source]¶ Return a list of the unique elements in a column for each split.
This is implemented in the low-level backend and as such, very fast.
- Parameters
column (
) – column name (list all the column names withdatasets.Dataset.column_names()
)- Returns
] – Dictionary of unique elements in the given column.
(type: Optional[str] = None, columns: Optional[List] = None, output_all_columns: bool = False, **format_kwargs)[source]¶ Set __getitem__ return format (type and columns). The data formatting is applied on-the-fly. The format
(for example “numpy”) is used to format batches when using __getitem__. The format is set for every dataset in the dataset dictionaryIt’s also possible to use custom transforms for formatting using
.Contrary to
returns a new DatasetDict object with new Dataset objects.- Parameters
type (Optional
) – Either output type selected in [None, ‘numpy’, ‘torch’, ‘tensorflow’, ‘pandas’, ‘arrow’]. None means __getitem__ returns python objects (default)columns (Optional
) – columns to format in the output None means __getitem__ returns all columns (default)output_all_columns (
default to False) – keep un-formatted columns as well in the output (as python objects)format_kwargs – keywords arguments passed to the convert function like np.array, torch.tensor or tensorflow.ragged.constant.
(transform: Optional[Callable], columns: Optional[List] = None, output_all_columns: bool = False)[source]¶ Set __getitem__ return format using this transform. The transform is applied on-the-fly on batches when __getitem__ is called. The transform is set for every dataset in the dataset dictionary
, this can be reset usingdatasets.Dataset.reset_format()
.Contrary to
returns a new DatasetDict object with new Dataset objects.- Parameters
transform (Optional
) – user-defined formatting transform, replaces the format defined bydatasets.Dataset.set_format()
A formatting function is a callable that takes a batch (as a dict) as input and returns a batch. This function is applied right before returning the objects in __getitem__.columns (Optional
) – columns to format in the output If specified, then the input batch of the transform only contains those columns.output_all_columns (
default to False) – keep un-formatted columns as well in the output (as python objects) If set to True, then the other un-formatted columns are kept with the output of the transform.
(feature: Any, length: int = - 1, id: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ Construct a list of feature from a single type or a dict of types. Mostly here for compatiblity with tfds.
(num_classes: int = None, names: List[str] = None, names_file: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ Handle integer class labels. Here for compatiblity with tfds.
There are 3 ways to define a ClassLabel, which correspond to the 3 :param * num_classes: create 0 to (num_classes-1) labels :param * names: a list of label strings :param * names_file: a file containing the list of labels.
Note: On python2, the strings are encoded as utf-8.
- Parameters
num_classes – int, number of classes. All labels must be < num_classes.
names – list<str>, string names for the integer classes. The order in which the names are provided is kept.
names_file – str, path to a file with names for the integer classes, one per line.
(dtype: str, id: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ The Value dtypes are as follows:
null bool int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 float16 float32 (alias float) float64 (alias double) timestamp[(s|ms|us|ns)] timestamp[(s|ms|us|ns), tz=(tzstring)] binary large_binary string large_string
(languages: List[str], id: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ FeatureConnector for translations with fixed languages per example. Here for compatiblity with tfds.
- Input: The Translate feature accepts a dictionary for each example mapping
string language codes to string translations.
- Output: A dictionary mapping string language codes to translations as Text
# At construction time: datasets.features.Translation(languages=['en', 'fr', 'de']) # During data generation: yield { 'en': 'the cat', 'fr': 'le chat', 'de': 'die katze' }
(languages: Optional[List] = None, num_languages: Optional[int] = None, id: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ FeatureConnector for translations with variable languages per example. Here for compatiblity with tfds.
- Input: The TranslationVariableLanguages feature accepts a dictionary for each
example mapping string language codes to one or more string translations. The languages present may vary from example to example.
- Output:
- language: variable-length 1D tf.Tensor of tf.string language codes, sorted
in ascending order.
- translation: variable-length 1D tf.Tensor of tf.string plain text
translations, sorted to align with language codes.
# At construction time: datasets.features.Translation(languages=['en', 'fr', 'de']) # During data generation: yield { 'en': 'the cat', 'fr': ['le chat', 'la chatte,'] 'de': 'die katze' } # Tensor returned : { 'language': ['en', 'de', 'fr', 'fr'], 'translation': ['the cat', 'die katze', 'la chatte', 'le chat'], }
(description: str, citation: str, features: datasets.features.Features, inputs_description: str = <factory>, homepage: str = <factory>, license: str = <factory>, codebase_urls: List[str] = <factory>, reference_urls: List[str] = <factory>, streamable: bool = False, format: Optional[str] = None, metric_name: Optional[str] = None, config_name: Optional[str] = None, experiment_id: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ Information about a metric.
MetricInfo documents a metric, including its name, version, and features. See the constructor arguments and properties for a full list.
Note: Not all fields are known on construction and may be updated later.
The base class Metric
implements a Metric backed by one or several datasets.Dataset
(config_name: Optional[str] = None, keep_in_memory: bool = False, cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, num_process: int = 1, process_id: int = 0, seed: Optional[int] = None, experiment_id: Optional[str] = None, max_concurrent_cache_files: int = 10000, timeout: Union[int, float] = 100, **kwargs)[source]¶ A Metric is the base class and common API for all metrics.
- Parameters
config_name (
) – This is used to define a hash specific to a metrics computation script and prevents the metric’s data to be overridden when the metric loading script is modified.keep_in_memory (
) – keep all predictions and references in memory. Not possible in distributed settings.cache_dir (
) – Path to a directory in which temporary prediction/references data will be stored. The data directory should be located on a shared file-system in distributed setups.num_process (
) – specify the total number of nodes in a distributed settings. This is useful to compute metrics in distributed setups (in particular non-additive metrics like F1).process_id (
) – specify the id of the current process in a distributed setup (between 0 and num_process-1) This is useful to compute metrics in distributed setups (in particular non-additive metrics like F1).seed (Optional
) – If specified, this will temporarily set numpy’s random seed whendatasets.Metric.compute()
is run.experiment_id (
) – A specific experiment id. This is used if several distributed evaluations share the same file system. This is useful to compute metrics in distributed setups (in particular non-additive metrics like F1).max_concurrent_cache_files (
) – Max number of concurrent metrics cache files (default 10000).timeout (
Union[int, float]
) – Timeout in second for distributed setting synchronization.
(*, prediction=None, reference=None)[source]¶ Add one prediction and reference for the metric’s stack.
- Parameters
prediction (list/array/tensor, optional) – Predictions.
reference (list/array/tensor, optional) – References.
(*, predictions=None, references=None)[source]¶ Add a batch of predictions and references for the metric’s stack.
- Parameters
predictions (list/array/tensor, optional) – Predictions.
references (list/array/tensor, optional) – References.
(*, predictions=None, references=None, **kwargs) → Optional[dict][source]¶ Compute the metrics.
Usage of positional arguments is not allowed to prevent mistakes.
- Parameters
predictions (list/array/tensor, optional) – Predictions.
references (list/array/tensor, optional) – References.
**kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments that will be forwarded to the metrics
method (see details in the docstring).
- Returns
dict or None
Dictionary with the metrics if this metric is run on the main process (
process_id == 0
).None if the metric is not run on the main process (
process_id != 0
(download_config: Optional[datasets.utils.file_utils.DownloadConfig] = None, dl_manager: Optional[datasets.utils.download_manager.DownloadManager] = None)[source]¶ Downloads and prepares dataset for reading.
- Parameters
download_config (
, optional) – Specific download configuration parameters.dl_manager (
, optional) – Specific download manager to use.
(anon=False, key=None, secret=None, token=None, use_ssl=True, client_kwargs=None, requester_pays=False, default_block_size=None, default_fill_cache=True, default_cache_type='bytes', version_aware=False, config_kwargs=None, s3_additional_kwargs=None, session=None, username=None, password=None, asynchronous=False, loop=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Access S3 as if it were a file system.
This exposes a filesystem-like API (ls, cp, open, etc.) on top of S3 storage.
Provide credentials either explicitly (
) or depend on boto’s credential methods. See botocore documentation for more information. If no credentials are available, useanon=True
.- Parameters
anon (bool (False)) – Whether to use anonymous connection (public buckets only). If False, uses the key/secret given, or boto’s credential resolver (environment variables, config files, EC2 IAM server, in that order)
key (string (None)) – If not anonymous, use this access key ID, if specified
secret (string (None)) – If not anonymous, use this secret access key, if specified
token (string (None)) – If not anonymous, use this security token, if specified
use_ssl (bool (True)) – Whether to use SSL in connections to S3; may be faster without, but insecure
s3_additional_kwargs (dict of parameters that are used when calling s3 api) – methods. Typically used for things like “ServerSideEncryption”.
client_kwargs (dict of parameters for the botocore client) –
requester_pays (bool (False)) – If RequesterPays buckets are supported.
default_block_size (int (None)) – If given, the default block size value used for
, if no specific value is given at all time. The built-in default is 5MB.default_fill_cache (Bool (True)) – Whether to use cache filling with open by default. Refer to
.default_cache_type (string ('bytes')) – If given, the default cache_type value used for
. Set to “none” if no caching is desired. See fsspec’s documentation for other available cache_type values. Default cache_type is ‘bytes’.version_aware (bool (False)) – Whether to support bucket versioning. If enable this will require the user to have the necessary IAM permissions for dealing with versioned objects.
config_kwargs (dict of parameters passed to
) –kwargs (other parameters for core session) –
session (botocore Session object to be used for all connections.) – This session will be used inplace of creating a new session inside S3FileSystem.
following parameters are passed on to fsspec (The) –
skip_instance_cache (to control reuse of instances) –
listings_expiry_time, max_paths (use_listings_cache,) –
is a subclass of s3fs.S3FileSystem, which is a known implementation offsspec
. Filesystem Spec (FSSPEC) is a project to unify various projects and classes to work with remote filesystems and file-system-like abstractions using a standard pythonic interface.Examples
Listing files from public s3 bucket.
>>> import datasets >>> s3 = datasets.filesystems.S3FileSystem(anon=True) >>>'public-datasets/imdb/train') ['dataset_info.json.json','dataset.arrow','state.json']
Listing files from private s3 bucket using
.>>> import datasets >>> s3 = datasets.filesystems.S3FileSystem(key=aws_access_key_id, secret=aws_secret_access_key) >>>'my-private-datasets/imdb/train') ['dataset_info.json.json','dataset.arrow','state.json']
and customaws_profile
.>>> import botocore >>> from datasets.filesystems import S3Filesystem >>> s3_session = botocore.session.Session(profile_name='my_profile_name') >>> >>> s3 = S3FileSystem(session=s3_session)
Loading dataset from s3 using
.>>> from datasets import load_from_disk >>> from datasets.filesystems import S3Filesystem >>> >>> s3 = S3FileSystem(key=aws_access_key_id, secret=aws_secret_access_key) >>> >>> dataset = load_from_disk('s3://my-private-datasets/imdb/train',fs=s3) >>> >>> print(len(dataset)) 25000
Saving dataset to s3 using
.>>> from datasets import load_dataset >>> from datasets.filesystems import S3Filesystem >>> >>> dataset = load_dataset("imdb") >>> >>> s3 = S3FileSystem(key=aws_access_key_id, secret=aws_secret_access_key) >>> >>> dataset.save_to_disk('s3://my-private-datasets/imdb/train',fs=s3)
(dataset_path: str) → str[source]¶ preprocesses dataset_path and removes remote filesystem (e.g. removing
)- Parameters
dataset_path (
): path (e.g.dataset/train
) or remote uri (e.g.s3://my-bucket/dataset/train
) –
(fs: fsspec.spec.AbstractFileSystem) → bool[source]¶ Validates if filesystem has remote protocol.
- Parameters
fs (
) – An abstract super-class for pythonic file-systems, e.g.fsspec.filesystem('file')