Source code for datasets.fingerprint

import inspect
import json
import os
import random
import tempfile
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import asdict
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa
import xxhash

from .info import DatasetInfo
from .utils.logging import get_logger
from .utils.py_utils import dumps

    from .arrow_dataset import Dataset

logger = get_logger(__name__)

# Fingerprinting allows to have one deterministic fingerprint per dataset state.
# A dataset fingerprint is updated after each transform.
# Re-running the same transforms on a dataset in a different session results in the same fingerprint.
# This is possible thanks to a custom hashing function that works with most python objects.

# Fingerprinting is the main mechanism that enables caching.
# The caching mechanism allows to reload an existing cache file if it's already been computed.

# Caching

_TEMP_DIR_FOR_TEMP_CACHE_FILES: Optional[tempfile.TemporaryDirectory] = None

[docs]def set_caching_enabled(boolean: bool): """ When applying transforms on a dataset, the data are stored in cache files. The caching mechanism allows to reload an existing cache file if it's already been computed. Reloading a dataset is possible since the cache files are named using the dataset fingerprint, which is updated after each transform. If disabled, the library will no longer reload cached datasets files when applying transforms to the datasets. More precisely, if the caching is disabled: - cache files are always recreated - cache files are written to a temporary directory that is deleted when session closes - cache files are named using a random hash instead of the dataset fingerprint - use :func:`datasets.Dataset.save_to_disk` to save a transformed dataset or it will be deleted when session closes - caching doesn't affect :func:`datasets.load_dataset`. If you want to regenerate a dataset from scratch you should use the ``download_mode`` parameter in :func:`datasets.load_dataset`. """ global _CACHING_ENABLED _CACHING_ENABLED = bool(boolean)
[docs]def is_caching_enabled() -> bool: """ When applying transforms on a dataset, the data are stored in cache files. The caching mechanism allows to reload an existing cache file if it's already been computed. Reloading a dataset is possible since the cache files are named using the dataset fingerprint, which is updated after each transform. If disabled, the library will no longer reload cached datasets files when applying transforms to the datasets. More precisely, if the caching is disabled: - cache files are always recreated - cache files are written to a temporary directory that is deleted when session closes - cache files are named using a random hash instead of the dataset fingerprint - use :func:`datasets.Dataset.save_to_disk` to save a transformed dataset or it will be deleted when session closes - caching doesn't affect :func:`datasets.load_dataset`. If you want to regenerate a dataset from scratch you should use the ``download_mode`` parameter in :func:`datasets.load_dataset`. """ global _CACHING_ENABLED return bool(_CACHING_ENABLED)
def get_temporary_cache_files_directory() -> str: """Return a directory that is deleted when session closes""" global _TEMP_DIR_FOR_TEMP_CACHE_FILES if _TEMP_DIR_FOR_TEMP_CACHE_FILES is None: _TEMP_DIR_FOR_TEMP_CACHE_FILES = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() return ################# # Hashing ################# def hashregister(t): def proxy(func): Hasher.dispatch[t] = func return func return proxy class Hasher: """Hasher that accepts python objets as inputs.""" dispatch = {} def __init__(self): self.m = xxhash.xxh64() @classmethod def hash_bytes(cls, value: Union[bytes, List[bytes]]) -> str: value = [value] if isinstance(value, bytes) else value m = xxhash.xxh64() for x in value: m.update(x) return m.hexdigest() @classmethod def hash_default(cls, value: Any) -> str: return cls.hash_bytes(dumps(value)) @classmethod def hash(cls, value: Any) -> str: if type(value) in cls.dispatch: return cls.dispatch[type(value)](cls, value) else: return cls.hash_default(value) def update(self, value: Any) -> None: header_for_update = f"=={type(value)}==" value_for_update = self.hash(value) self.m.update(header_for_update.encode("utf8")) self.m.update(value_for_update.encode("utf-8")) def hexdigest(self) -> str: return self.m.hexdigest() # Register a new hasher can be useful for two possible reasons: # 1 - optimize the hashing of large amount of data (e.g. pa.Table) # 2 - take advantage of a custom serialization method (e.g. DatasetInfo) @hashregister(pa.Table) def _hash_pa_table(hasher, value): def _hash_pa_array(value): if isinstance(value, pa.ChunkedArray): return hasher.hash_bytes(c.to_string().encode("utf-8") for c in value.chunks) else: return hasher.hash_bytes(value.to_string().encode("utf-8")) value = "-".join(col + "-" + _hash_pa_array(value[col]) for col in sorted(value.column_names)) return hasher.hash_bytes(value.encode("utf-8")) @hashregister(DatasetInfo) def _hash_dataset_info(hasher, value): return hasher.hash_bytes(json.dumps(asdict(value), sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8")) ################# # Fingerprinting ################# # we show a warning only once when fingerprinting fails to avoid spam fingerprint_warnings = {} def generate_fingerprint(dataset) -> str: state = dataset.__getstate__() hasher = Hasher() for key in sorted(state): if key == "_fingerprint": continue hasher.update(key) hasher.update(state[key]) # hash data files last modification timestamps as well for data_file in state.get("_data_files", []) + state.get("_indices_data_files", []): hasher.update(os.path.getmtime(data_file["filename"])) return hasher.hexdigest() def generate_random_fingerprint(nbits=64) -> str: return f"{random.getrandbits(nbits):0{nbits//4}x}" def update_fingerprint(fingerprint, transform, transform_args): global fingerprint_warnings hasher = Hasher() hasher.update(fingerprint) try: hasher.update(transform) except: # noqa various errors might raise here from pickle or dill if _CACHING_ENABLED: if not fingerprint_warnings.get("update_fingerprint_transform_hash_failed", False): logger.warning( f"Transform {transform} couldn't be hashed properly, a random hash was used instead. " "Make sure your transforms and parameters are serializable with pickle or dill for the dataset fingerprinting and caching to work. " "If you reuse this transform, the caching mechanism will consider it to be different from the previous calls and recompute everything. " "This warning is only showed once. Subsequent hashing failures won't be showed." ) fingerprint_warnings["update_fingerprint_transform_hash_failed"] = True else:"Transform {transform} couldn't be hashed properly, a random hash was used instead.") else: f"Transform {transform} couldn't be hashed properly, a random hash was used instead. This doesn't affect caching since it's disabled." ) return generate_random_fingerprint() for key in sorted(transform_args): hasher.update(key) try: hasher.update(transform_args[key]) except: # noqa various errors might raise here from pickle or dill if _CACHING_ENABLED: if not fingerprint_warnings.get("update_fingerprint_transform_hash_failed", False): logger.warning( f"Parameter '{key}'={transform_args[key]} of the transform {transform} couldn't be hashed properly, a random hash was used instead. " "Make sure your transforms and parameters are serializable with pickle or dill for the dataset fingerprinting and caching to work. " "If you reuse this transform, the caching mechanism will consider it to be different from the previous calls and recompute everything. " "This warning is only showed once. Subsequent hashing failures won't be showed." ) fingerprint_warnings["update_fingerprint_transform_hash_failed"] = True else: f"Parameter '{key}'={transform_args[key]} of the transform {transform} couldn't be hashed properly, a random hash was used instead." ) else: f"Parameter '{key}'={transform_args[key]} of the transform {transform} couldn't be hashed properly, a random hash was used instead. This doesn't affect caching since it's disabled." ) return generate_random_fingerprint() return hasher.hexdigest() def fingerprint_transform( inplace, use_kwargs=None, ignore_kwargs=None, fingerprint_names=None, randomized_function=None ): assert use_kwargs is None or isinstance(use_kwargs, list), "use_kwargs is supposed to be a list, not {}".format( type(use_kwargs) ) assert ignore_kwargs is None or isinstance( ignore_kwargs, list ), "ignore_kwargs is supposed to be a list, not {}".format(type(use_kwargs)) assert not inplace or not fingerprint_names, "fingerprint_names are only used when inplace is False" fingerprint_names = fingerprint_names if fingerprint_names is not None else ["new_fingerprint"] def _fingerprint(func): assert inplace or all( # check that not in-place functions require fingerprint parameters name in func.__code__.co_varnames for name in fingerprint_names ), "function {} is missing parameters {} in signature".format(func, fingerprint_names) if randomized_function: # randomized function have seed and generator parameters assert "seed" in func.__code__.co_varnames, "'seed' must be in {}'s signature".format(func) assert "generator" in func.__code__.co_varnames, "'generator' must be in {}'s signature".format(func) @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): kwargs_for_fingerprint = dict(kwargs) if args: params = [ for p in inspect.signature(func).parameters.values() if p != p.VAR_KEYWORD] self: "Dataset" = args[0] args = args[1:] params = params[1:] kwargs_for_fingerprint.update(zip(params, args)) else: self: "Dataset" = kwargs.pop("self") # keep the right kwargs to be hashed to generate the fingerprint if use_kwargs: kwargs_for_fingerprint = {k: v for k, v in kwargs_for_fingerprint.items() if k in use_kwargs} if ignore_kwargs: kwargs_for_fingerprint = {k: v for k, v in kwargs_for_fingerprint.items() if k not in ignore_kwargs} if randomized_function: # randomized functions have `seed` and `generator` parameters if kwargs_for_fingerprint.get("seed") is None and kwargs_for_fingerprint.get("generator") is None: kwargs_for_fingerprint["generator"] = np.random.default_rng(np.random.get_state()[1][0]) # remove kwargs that are the default values default_values = { p.default for p in inspect.signature(func).parameters.values() if p.default != inspect._empty } for default_varname, default_value in default_values.items(): if ( default_varname in kwargs_for_fingerprint and kwargs_for_fingerprint[default_varname] == default_value ): kwargs_for_fingerprint.pop(default_varname) # compute new_fingerprint and add it to the args of not in-place transforms transform = func.__module__ + "." + func.__qualname__ if inplace: new_fingerprint = update_fingerprint(self._fingerprint, transform, kwargs_for_fingerprint) new_inplace_history_item = (func.__name__, deepcopy(args), deepcopy(kwargs)) else: for fingerprint_name in fingerprint_names: # transforms like `train_test_split` have several hashes if kwargs.get(fingerprint_name) is None: kwargs_for_fingerprint["fingerprint_name"] = fingerprint_name kwargs[fingerprint_name] = update_fingerprint( self._fingerprint, transform, kwargs_for_fingerprint ) # Call actual function out = func(self, *args, **kwargs) # Update fingerprint of in-place transforms + update in-place history of transforms if inplace: # update after calling func so that the fingerprint doesn't change if the function fails self._fingerprint = new_fingerprint for inplace_hist_per_file in self._inplace_history: inplace_hist_per_file["transforms"].append(new_inplace_history_item) return out wrapper._decorator_name_ = "fingerprint" return wrapper return _fingerprint