Source code for datasets.tasks.text_classification

import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import ClassVar, Dict

from ..features import ClassLabel, Features, Value
from .base import TaskTemplate

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class TextClassification(TaskTemplate): # `task` is not a ClassVar since we want it to be part of the `asdict` output for JSON serialization task: str = "text-classification" input_schema: ClassVar[Features] = Features({"text": Value("string")}) label_schema: ClassVar[Features] = Features({"labels": ClassLabel}) text_column: str = "text" label_column: str = "labels"
[docs] def align_with_features(self, features): if self.label_column not in features: raise ValueError(f"Column {self.label_column} is not present in features.") if not isinstance(features[self.label_column], ClassLabel): raise ValueError(f"Column {self.label_column} is not a ClassLabel.") task_template = copy.deepcopy(self) label_schema = self.label_schema.copy() label_schema["labels"] = features[self.label_column] task_template.__dict__["label_schema"] = label_schema return task_template
@property def column_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return { self.text_column: "text", self.label_column: "labels", }