Source code for datasets.features.features

# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and the TensorFlow Datasets Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Lint as: python3
""" This class handle features definition in datasets and some utilities to display table type."""
import copy
import json
import re
import sys
from import Iterable
from dataclasses import _asdict_inner, dataclass, field, fields
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
from typing import Sequence as Sequence_
from typing import Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.types
from pandas.api.extensions import ExtensionArray as PandasExtensionArray
from pandas.api.extensions import ExtensionDtype as PandasExtensionDtype

from datasets import config, utils
from import Audio
from datasets.features.image import Image, encode_pil_image
from datasets.features.translation import Translation, TranslationVariableLanguages
from datasets.utils.logging import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

def _arrow_to_datasets_dtype(arrow_type: pa.DataType) -> str:
    _arrow_to_datasets_dtype takes a pyarrow.DataType and converts it to a datasets string dtype.
    In effect, `dt == string_to_arrow(_arrow_to_datasets_dtype(dt))`
    if pyarrow.types.is_null(arrow_type):
        return "null"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_boolean(arrow_type):
        return "bool"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_int8(arrow_type):
        return "int8"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_int16(arrow_type):
        return "int16"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_int32(arrow_type):
        return "int32"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_int64(arrow_type):
        return "int64"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_uint8(arrow_type):
        return "uint8"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_uint16(arrow_type):
        return "uint16"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_uint32(arrow_type):
        return "uint32"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_uint64(arrow_type):
        return "uint64"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_float16(arrow_type):
        return "float16"  # pyarrow dtype is "halffloat"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_float32(arrow_type):
        return "float32"  # pyarrow dtype is "float"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_float64(arrow_type):
        return "float64"  # pyarrow dtype is "double"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_time32(arrow_type):
        return f"time32[{arrow_type.unit}]"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_time64(arrow_type):
        return f"time64[{arrow_type.unit}]"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_timestamp(arrow_type):
        if is None:
            return f"timestamp[{arrow_type.unit}]"
            return f"timestamp[{arrow_type.unit}, tz={}]"
            raise ValueError(f"Unexpected timestamp object {arrow_type}.")
    elif pyarrow.types.is_date32(arrow_type):
        return "date32"  # pyarrow dtype is "date32[day]"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_date64(arrow_type):
        return "date64"  # pyarrow dtype is "date64[ms]"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_duration(arrow_type):
        return f"duration[{arrow_type.unit}]"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_decimal128(arrow_type):
        return f"decimal128({arrow_type.precision}, {arrow_type.scale})"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_decimal256(arrow_type):
        return f"decimal256({arrow_type.precision}, {arrow_type.scale})"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_binary(arrow_type):
        return "binary"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_large_binary(arrow_type):
        return "large_binary"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_string(arrow_type):
        return "string"
    elif pyarrow.types.is_large_string(arrow_type):
        return "large_string"
        raise ValueError(f"Arrow type {arrow_type} does not have a datasets dtype equivalent.")

def string_to_arrow(datasets_dtype: str) -> pa.DataType:
    string_to_arrow takes a datasets string dtype and converts it to a pyarrow.DataType.

    In effect, `dt == string_to_arrow(_arrow_to_datasets_dtype(dt))`

    This is necessary because the datasets.Value() primitive type is constructed using a string dtype


    But Features.type (via `get_nested_type()` expects to resolve Features into a pyarrow Schema,
        which means that each Value() must be able to resolve into a corresponding pyarrow.DataType, which is the
        purpose of this function.

    def _dtype_error_msg(dtype, pa_dtype, examples=None, urls=None):
        msg = f"{dtype} is not a validly formatted string representation of the pyarrow {pa_dtype} type."
        if examples:
            examples = ", ".join(examples[:-1]) + " or " + examples[-1] if len(examples) > 1 else examples[0]
            msg += f"\nValid examples include: {examples}."
        if urls:
            urls = ", ".join(urls[:-1]) + " and " + urls[-1] if len(urls) > 1 else urls[0]
            msg += f"\nFor more insformation, see: {urls}."
        return msg

    if datasets_dtype in pa.__dict__:
        return pa.__dict__[datasets_dtype]()

    if (datasets_dtype + "_") in pa.__dict__:
        return pa.__dict__[datasets_dtype + "_"]()

    timestamp_matches ="^timestamp\[(.*)\]$", datasets_dtype)
    if timestamp_matches:
        timestamp_internals =
        internals_matches ="^(s|ms|us|ns),\s*tz=([a-zA-Z0-9/_+\-:]*)$", timestamp_internals)
        if timestamp_internals in ["s", "ms", "us", "ns"]:
            return pa.timestamp(timestamp_internals)
        elif internals_matches:
            return pa.timestamp(,
            raise ValueError(
                    examples=["timestamp[us]", "timestamp[us, tz=America/New_York"],

    duration_matches ="^duration\[(.*)\]$", datasets_dtype)
    if duration_matches:
        duration_internals =
        if duration_internals in ["s", "ms", "us", "ns"]:
            return pa.duration(duration_internals)
            raise ValueError(
                    examples=["duration[s]", "duration[us]"],

    time_matches ="^time(.*)\[(.*)\]$", datasets_dtype)
    if time_matches:
        time_internals_bits =
        if time_internals_bits == "32":
            time_internals_unit =
            if time_internals_unit in ["s", "ms"]:
                return pa.time32(time_internals_unit)
                raise ValueError(
                    f"{time_internals_unit} is not a valid unit for the pyarrow time32 type. Supported units: s (second) and ms (millisecond)."
        elif time_internals_bits == "64":
            time_internals_unit =
            if time_internals_unit in ["us", "ns"]:
                return pa.time64(time_internals_unit)
                raise ValueError(
                    f"{time_internals_unit} is not a valid unit for the pyarrow time64 type. Supported units: us (microsecond) and ns (nanosecond)."
            raise ValueError(
                    examples=["time32[s]", "time64[us]"],

    decimal_matches ="^decimal(.*)\((.*)\)$", datasets_dtype)
    if decimal_matches:
        decimal_internals_bits =
        if decimal_internals_bits == "128":
            decimal_internals_precision_and_scale ="^(\d+),\s*(-?\d+)$",
            if decimal_internals_precision_and_scale:
                precision =
                scale =
                return pa.decimal128(int(precision), int(scale))
                raise ValueError(
                        examples=["decimal128(10, 2)", "decimal128(4, -2)"],
        elif decimal_internals_bits == "256":
            decimal_internals_precision_and_scale ="^(\d+),\s*(-?\d+)$",
            if decimal_internals_precision_and_scale:
                precision =
                scale =
                return pa.decimal256(int(precision), int(scale))
                raise ValueError(
                        examples=["decimal256(30, 2)", "decimal256(38, -4)"],
            raise ValueError(
                    examples=["decimal128(12, 3)", "decimal256(40, 6)"],

    raise ValueError(
        f"Neither {datasets_dtype} nor {datasets_dtype + '_'} seems to be a pyarrow data type. "
        f"Please make sure to use a correct data type, see: "

def _cast_to_python_objects(obj: Any, only_1d_for_numpy: bool) -> Tuple[Any, bool]:
    Cast pytorch/tensorflow/pandas objects to python numpy array/lists.
    It works recursively.

    To avoid iterating over possibly long lists, it first checks (recursively) if the first element that is not None or empty (if it is a sequence) has to be casted.
    If the first element needs to be casted, then all the elements of the list will be casted, otherwise they'll stay the same.
    This trick allows to cast objects that contain tokenizers outputs without iterating over every single token for example.

        obj: the object (nested struct) to cast
        only_1d_for_numpy (bool): whether to keep the full multi-dim tensors as multi-dim numpy arrays, or convert them to
            nested lists of 1-dimensional numpy arrays. This can be useful to keep only 1-d arrays to instantiate Arrow arrays.
            Indeed Arrow only support converting 1-dimensional array values.

        casted_obj: the casted object
        has_changed (bool): True if the object has been changed, False if it is identical

    if config.TF_AVAILABLE and "tensorflow" in sys.modules:
        import tensorflow as tf

    if config.TORCH_AVAILABLE and "torch" in sys.modules:
        import torch

    if config.JAX_AVAILABLE and "jax" in sys.modules:
        import jax.numpy as jnp

    if config.PIL_AVAILABLE and "PIL" in sys.modules:
        import PIL.Image

    if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
        if not only_1d_for_numpy or obj.ndim == 1:
            return obj, False
            return [_cast_to_python_objects(x, only_1d_for_numpy=only_1d_for_numpy)[0] for x in obj], True
    elif config.TORCH_AVAILABLE and "torch" in sys.modules and isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor):
        if not only_1d_for_numpy or obj.ndim == 1:
            return obj.detach().cpu().numpy(), True
            return [
                _cast_to_python_objects(x, only_1d_for_numpy=only_1d_for_numpy)[0] for x in obj.detach().cpu().numpy()
            ], True
    elif config.TF_AVAILABLE and "tensorflow" in sys.modules and isinstance(obj, tf.Tensor):
        if not only_1d_for_numpy or obj.ndim == 1:
            return obj.numpy(), True
            return [_cast_to_python_objects(x, only_1d_for_numpy=only_1d_for_numpy)[0] for x in obj.numpy()], True
    elif config.JAX_AVAILABLE and "jax" in sys.modules and isinstance(obj, jnp.ndarray):
        if not only_1d_for_numpy or obj.ndim == 1:
            return np.asarray(obj), True
            return [_cast_to_python_objects(x, only_1d_for_numpy=only_1d_for_numpy)[0] for x in np.asarray(obj)], True
    elif config.PIL_AVAILABLE and "PIL" in sys.modules and isinstance(obj, PIL.Image.Image):
        return encode_pil_image(obj), True
    elif isinstance(obj, pd.Series):
        return obj.values.tolist(), True
    elif isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame):
        return obj.to_dict("list"), True
    elif isinstance(obj, dict):
        output = {}
        has_changed = False
        for k, v in obj.items():
            casted_v, has_changed_v = _cast_to_python_objects(v, only_1d_for_numpy=only_1d_for_numpy)
            has_changed |= has_changed_v
            output[k] = casted_v
        return output if has_changed else obj, has_changed
    elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
        if len(obj) > 0:
            for first_elmt in obj:
                if _check_non_null_non_empty_recursive(first_elmt):
            casted_first_elmt, has_changed_first_elmt = _cast_to_python_objects(
                first_elmt, only_1d_for_numpy=only_1d_for_numpy
            if has_changed_first_elmt:
                return [_cast_to_python_objects(elmt, only_1d_for_numpy=only_1d_for_numpy)[0] for elmt in obj], True
                if isinstance(obj, list):
                    return obj, False
                    return list(obj), True
            return obj if isinstance(obj, list) else [], isinstance(obj, tuple)
        return obj, False

def cast_to_python_objects(obj: Any, only_1d_for_numpy=False) -> Any:
    Cast numpy/pytorch/tensorflow/pandas objects to python lists.
    It works recursively.

    To avoid iterating over possibly long lists, it first checks (recursively) if the first element that is not None or empty (if it is a sequence) has to be casted.
    If the first element needs to be casted, then all the elements of the list will be casted, otherwise they'll stay the same.
    This trick allows to cast objects that contain tokenizers outputs without iterating over every single token for example.

        obj: the object (nested struct) to cast

        casted_obj: the casted object
    return _cast_to_python_objects(obj, only_1d_for_numpy=only_1d_for_numpy)[0]

[docs]@dataclass class Value: """ The Value dtypes are as follows: null bool int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 float16 float32 (alias float) float64 (alias double) time32[(s|ms)] time64[(us|ns)] timestamp[(s|ms|us|ns)] timestamp[(s|ms|us|ns), tz=(tzstring)] date32 date64 duration[(s|ms|us|ns)] decimal128(precision, scale) decimal256(precision, scale) binary large_binary string large_string """ dtype: str id: Optional[str] = None # Automatically constructed pa_type: ClassVar[Any] = None _type: str = field(default="Value", init=False, repr=False) def __post_init__(self): if self.dtype == "double": # fix inferred type self.dtype = "float64" if self.dtype == "float": # fix inferred type self.dtype = "float32" self.pa_type = string_to_arrow(self.dtype) def __call__(self): return self.pa_type def encode_example(self, value): if pa.types.is_boolean(self.pa_type): return bool(value) elif pa.types.is_integer(self.pa_type): return int(value) elif pa.types.is_floating(self.pa_type): return float(value) elif pa.types.is_string(self.pa_type): return str(value) else: return value
class _ArrayXD: def __post_init__(self): self.shape = tuple(self.shape) def __call__(self): pa_type = globals()[self.__class__.__name__ + "ExtensionType"](self.shape, self.dtype) return pa_type def encode_example(self, value): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = value.tolist() return value
[docs]@dataclass class Array2D(_ArrayXD): shape: tuple dtype: str id: Optional[str] = None # Automatically constructed _type: str = field(default="Array2D", init=False, repr=False)
[docs]@dataclass class Array3D(_ArrayXD): shape: tuple dtype: str id: Optional[str] = None # Automatically constructed _type: str = field(default="Array3D", init=False, repr=False)
[docs]@dataclass class Array4D(_ArrayXD): shape: tuple dtype: str id: Optional[str] = None # Automatically constructed _type: str = field(default="Array4D", init=False, repr=False)
[docs]@dataclass class Array5D(_ArrayXD): shape: tuple dtype: str id: Optional[str] = None # Automatically constructed _type: str = field(default="Array5D", init=False, repr=False)
class _ArrayXDExtensionType(pa.PyExtensionType): ndims: Optional[int] = None def __init__(self, shape: tuple, dtype: str): if self.ndims is None or self.ndims <= 1: raise ValueError("You must instantiate an array type with a value for dim that is > 1") if len(shape) != self.ndims: raise ValueError(f"shape={shape} and ndims={self.ndims} don't match") self.shape = tuple(shape) self.value_type = dtype self.storage_dtype = self._generate_dtype(self.value_type) pa.PyExtensionType.__init__(self, self.storage_dtype) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, ( self.shape, self.value_type, ) def __arrow_ext_class__(self): return ArrayExtensionArray def _generate_dtype(self, dtype): dtype = string_to_arrow(dtype) for d in reversed(self.shape): dtype = pa.list_(dtype) # Don't specify the size of the list, since fixed length list arrays have issues # being validated after slicing in pyarrow 0.17.1 return dtype def to_pandas_dtype(self): return PandasArrayExtensionDtype(self.value_type) class Array2DExtensionType(_ArrayXDExtensionType): ndims = 2 class Array3DExtensionType(_ArrayXDExtensionType): ndims = 3 class Array4DExtensionType(_ArrayXDExtensionType): ndims = 4 class Array5DExtensionType(_ArrayXDExtensionType): ndims = 5 def _is_zero_copy_only(pa_type: pa.DataType, unnest: bool = False) -> bool: """ When converting a pyarrow array to a numpy array, we must know whether this could be done in zero-copy or not. This function returns the value of the ``zero_copy_only`` parameter to pass to ``.to_numpy()``, given the type of the pyarrow array. # zero copy is available for all primitive types except booleans # primitive types are types for which the physical representation in arrow and in numpy # # see # and """ def _unnest_pa_type(pa_type: pa.DataType) -> pa.DataType: if pa.types.is_list(pa_type): return _unnest_pa_type(pa_type.value_type) return pa_type if unnest: pa_type = _unnest_pa_type(pa_type) return pa.types.is_primitive(pa_type) and not pa.types.is_boolean(pa_type) class ArrayExtensionArray(pa.ExtensionArray): def __array__(self): zero_copy_only = _is_zero_copy_only(, unnest=True) return self.to_numpy(zero_copy_only=zero_copy_only) def __getitem__(self, i): return[i] def to_numpy(self, zero_copy_only=True): storage: pa.ListArray = size = 1 null_indices = np.arange(len(storage))[storage.is_null().to_numpy(zero_copy_only=False)] for i in range(self.type.ndims): size *= self.type.shape[i] storage = storage.flatten() numpy_arr = storage.to_numpy(zero_copy_only=zero_copy_only) numpy_arr = numpy_arr.reshape(len(self) - len(null_indices), *self.type.shape) if len(null_indices): numpy_arr = np.insert(numpy_arr.astype(np.float64), null_indices, np.nan, axis=0) return numpy_arr def to_list_of_numpy(self, zero_copy_only=True): storage: pa.ListArray = shape = self.type.shape ndims = self.type.ndims for dim in range(1, ndims): if shape[dim] is None: raise ValueError(f"Support only dynamic size on first dimension. Got: {shape}") arrays = [] first_dim_offsets = np.array([off.as_py() for off in storage.offsets]) for i, is_null in enumerate(storage.is_null().to_numpy(zero_copy_only=False)): if is_null: arrays.append(np.nan) else: storage_el = storage[i : i + 1] first_dim = first_dim_offsets[i + 1] - first_dim_offsets[i] # flatten storage for _ in range(ndims): storage_el = storage_el.flatten() numpy_arr = storage_el.to_numpy(zero_copy_only=zero_copy_only) arrays.append(numpy_arr.reshape(first_dim, *shape[1:])) return arrays def to_pylist(self): zero_copy_only = _is_zero_copy_only(, unnest=True) if self.type.shape[0] is None: return self.to_list_of_numpy(zero_copy_only=zero_copy_only) else: return self.to_numpy(zero_copy_only=zero_copy_only).tolist() class PandasArrayExtensionDtype(PandasExtensionDtype): _metadata = "value_type" def __init__(self, value_type: Union["PandasArrayExtensionDtype", np.dtype]): self._value_type = value_type def __from_arrow__(self, array: Union[pa.Array, pa.ChunkedArray]): if array.type.shape[0] is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Dynamic first dimension is not supported for " f"PandasArrayExtensionDtype, dimension: {array.type.shape}" ) zero_copy_only = _is_zero_copy_only(array.type, unnest=True) if isinstance(array, pa.ChunkedArray): numpy_arr = np.vstack([chunk.to_numpy(zero_copy_only=zero_copy_only) for chunk in array.chunks]) else: numpy_arr = array.to_numpy(zero_copy_only=zero_copy_only) return PandasArrayExtensionArray(numpy_arr) @classmethod def construct_array_type(cls): return PandasArrayExtensionArray @property def type(self) -> type: return np.ndarray @property def kind(self) -> str: return "O" @property def name(self) -> str: return f"array[{self.value_type}]" @property def value_type(self) -> np.dtype: return self._value_type class PandasArrayExtensionArray(PandasExtensionArray): def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray, copy: bool = False): self._data = data if not copy else np.array(data) self._dtype = PandasArrayExtensionDtype(data.dtype) def __array__(self, dtype=None): """ Convert to NumPy Array. Note that Pandas expects a 1D array when dtype is set to object. But for other dtypes, the returned shape is the same as the one of ``data``. More info about pandas 1D requirement for PandasExtensionArray here: """ if dtype == object: out = np.empty(len(self._data), dtype=object) for i in range(len(self._data)): out[i] = self._data[i] return out if dtype is None: return self._data else: return self._data.astype(dtype) def copy(self, deep: bool = False) -> "PandasArrayExtensionArray": return PandasArrayExtensionArray(self._data, copy=True) @classmethod def _from_sequence( cls, scalars, dtype: Optional[PandasArrayExtensionDtype] = None, copy: bool = False ) -> "PandasArrayExtensionArray": data = np.array(scalars, dtype=dtype if dtype is None else dtype.value_type, copy=copy) return cls(data, copy=copy) @classmethod def _concat_same_type(cls, to_concat: Sequence_["PandasArrayExtensionArray"]) -> "PandasArrayExtensionArray": data = np.vstack([va._data for va in to_concat]) return cls(data, copy=False) @property def dtype(self) -> PandasArrayExtensionDtype: return self._dtype @property def nbytes(self) -> int: return self._data.nbytes def isna(self) -> np.ndarray: return np.array([pd.isna(arr).any() for arr in self._data]) def __setitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice, np.ndarray], value: Any) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def __getitem__(self, item: Union[int, slice, np.ndarray]) -> Union[np.ndarray, "PandasArrayExtensionArray"]: if isinstance(item, int): return self._data[item] return PandasArrayExtensionArray(self._data[item], copy=False) def take( self, indices: Sequence_[int], allow_fill: bool = False, fill_value: bool = None ) -> "PandasArrayExtensionArray": indices: np.ndarray = np.asarray(indices, if allow_fill: fill_value = ( self.dtype.na_value if fill_value is None else np.asarray(fill_value, dtype=self.dtype.value_type) ) mask = indices == -1 if (indices < -1).any(): raise ValueError("Invalid value in `indices`, must be all >= -1 for `allow_fill` is True") elif len(self) > 0: pass elif not np.all(mask): raise IndexError("Invalid take for empty PandasArrayExtensionArray, must be all -1.") else: data = np.array([fill_value] * len(indices), dtype=self.dtype.value_type) return PandasArrayExtensionArray(data, copy=False) took = self._data.take(indices, axis=0) if allow_fill and mask.any(): took[mask] = [fill_value] * np.sum(mask) return PandasArrayExtensionArray(took, copy=False) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._data) def __eq__(self, other) -> np.ndarray: if not isinstance(other, PandasArrayExtensionArray): raise NotImplementedError(f"Invalid type to compare to: {type(other)}") return (self._data == other._data).all() def pandas_types_mapper(dtype): if isinstance(dtype, _ArrayXDExtensionType): return PandasArrayExtensionDtype(dtype.value_type)
[docs]@dataclass class ClassLabel: """Feature type for integer class labels. There are 3 ways to define a `ClassLabel`, which correspond to the 3 arguments: * `num_classes`: Create 0 to (num_classes-1) labels. * `names`: List of label strings. * `names_file`: File containing the list of labels. Args: num_classes (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of classes. All labels must be < `num_classes`. names (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional): String names for the integer classes. The order in which the names are provided is kept. names_file (:obj:`str`, optional): Path to a file with names for the integer classes, one per line. """ num_classes: int = None names: List[str] = None names_file: Optional[str] = None id: Optional[str] = None # Automatically constructed dtype: ClassVar[str] = "int64" pa_type: ClassVar[Any] = pa.int64() _str2int: ClassVar[Dict[str, int]] = None _int2str: ClassVar[Dict[int, int]] = None _type: str = field(default="ClassLabel", init=False, repr=False) def __post_init__(self): if self.names_file is not None and self.names is not None: raise ValueError("Please provide either names or names_file but not both.") # Set self.names if self.names is None: if self.names_file is not None: self.names = self._load_names_from_file(self.names_file) elif self.num_classes is not None: self.names = [str(i) for i in range(self.num_classes)] else: raise ValueError("Please provide either num_classes, names or names_file.") # Set self.num_classes if self.num_classes is None: self.num_classes = len(self.names) elif self.num_classes != len(self.names): raise ValueError( "ClassLabel number of names do not match the defined num_classes. " f"Got {len(self.names)} names VS {self.num_classes} num_classes" ) # Prepare mappings self._int2str = [str(name) for name in self.names] self._str2int = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(self._int2str)} if len(self._int2str) != len(self._str2int): raise ValueError("Some label names are duplicated. Each label name should be unique.") def __call__(self): return self.pa_type
[docs] def str2int(self, values: Union[str, Iterable]): """Conversion class name string => integer.""" if not isinstance(values, str) and not isinstance(values, Iterable): raise ValueError( f"Values {values} should be a string or an Iterable (list, numpy array, pytorch, tensorflow tensors)" ) return_list = True if isinstance(values, str): values = [values] return_list = False output = [] for value in values: if self._str2int: # strip key if not in dict if value not in self._str2int: value = str(value).strip() output.append(self._str2int[str(value)]) else: # No names provided, try to integerize failed_parse = False try: output.append(int(value)) except ValueError: failed_parse = True if failed_parse or not 0 <= value < self.num_classes: raise ValueError(f"Invalid string class label {value}") return output if return_list else output[0]
[docs] def int2str(self, values: Union[int, Iterable]): """Conversion integer => class name string.""" if not isinstance(values, int) and not isinstance(values, Iterable): raise ValueError( "Values {values} should be an integer or an Iterable (list, numpy array, pytorch, tensorflow tensors)" ) return_list = True if isinstance(values, int): values = [values] return_list = False for v in values: if not 0 <= v < self.num_classes: raise ValueError(f"Invalid integer class label {v:d}") if self._int2str: output = [self._int2str[int(v)] for v in values] else: # No names provided, return str(values) output = [str(v) for v in values] return output if return_list else output[0]
def encode_example(self, example_data): if self.num_classes is None: raise ValueError( "Trying to use ClassLabel feature with undefined number of class. " "Please set ClassLabel.names or num_classes." ) # If a string is given, convert to associated integer if isinstance(example_data, str): example_data = self.str2int(example_data) # Allowing -1 to mean no label. if not -1 <= example_data < self.num_classes: raise ValueError(f"Class label {example_data:d} greater than configured num_classes {self.num_classes}") return example_data @staticmethod def _load_names_from_file(names_filepath): with open(names_filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f: return [name.strip() for name in"\n") if name.strip()] # Filter empty names
[docs]@dataclass class Sequence: """Construct a list of feature from a single type or a dict of types. Mostly here for compatiblity with tfds. """ feature: Any length: int = -1 id: Optional[str] = None # Automatically constructed dtype: ClassVar[str] = "list" pa_type: ClassVar[Any] = None _type: str = field(default="Sequence", init=False, repr=False)
FeatureType = Union[ dict, list, tuple, Value, ClassLabel, Translation, TranslationVariableLanguages, Sequence, Array2D, Array3D, Array4D, Array5D, Audio, Image, ] def _check_non_null_non_empty_recursive(obj, schema: Optional[FeatureType] = None) -> bool: """ Check if the object is not None. If the object is a list or a tuple, recursively check the first element of the sequence and stop if at any point the first element is not a sequence or is an empty sequence. """ if obj is None: return False elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)) and (schema is None or isinstance(schema, (list, tuple, Sequence))): if len(obj) > 0: if schema is None: pass elif isinstance(schema, (list, tuple)): schema = schema[0] else: schema = schema.feature return _check_non_null_non_empty_recursive(obj[0], schema) else: return False else: return True def get_nested_type(schema: FeatureType) -> pa.DataType: """ get_nested_type() converts a datasets.FeatureType into a pyarrow.DataType, and acts as the inverse of generate_from_arrow_type(). It performs double-duty as the implementation of Features.type and handles the conversion of datasets.Feature->pa.struct """ # Nested structures: we allow dict, list/tuples, sequences if isinstance(schema, Features): return pa.struct( {key: get_nested_type(schema[key]) for key in schema} ) # Features is subclass of dict, and dict order is deterministic since Python 3.6 elif isinstance(schema, dict): return pa.struct( {key: get_nested_type(schema[key]) for key in schema} ) # however don't sort on struct types since the order matters elif isinstance(schema, (list, tuple)): if len(schema) != 1: raise ValueError("We defining list feature, you should just provide one example of the inner type") value_type = get_nested_type(schema[0]) return pa.list_(value_type) elif isinstance(schema, Sequence): value_type = get_nested_type(schema.feature) # We allow to reverse list of dict => dict of list for compatibility with tfds if isinstance(schema.feature, dict): return pa.struct({ pa.list_(f.type, schema.length) for f in value_type}) return pa.list_(value_type, schema.length) # Other objects are callable which returns their data type (ClassLabel, Array2D, Translation, Arrow datatype creation methods) return schema() def encode_nested_example(schema, obj): """Encode a nested example. This is used since some features (in particular ClassLabel) have some logic during encoding. To avoid iterating over possibly long lists, it first checks (recursively) if the first element that is not None or empty (if it is a sequence) has to be encoded. If the first element needs to be encoded, then all the elements of the list will be encoded, otherwise they'll stay the same. """ # Nested structures: we allow dict, list/tuples, sequences if isinstance(schema, dict): return { k: encode_nested_example(sub_schema, sub_obj) for k, (sub_schema, sub_obj) in utils.zip_dict(schema, obj) } elif isinstance(schema, (list, tuple)): sub_schema = schema[0] if obj is None: return None else: if len(obj) > 0: for first_elmt in obj: if _check_non_null_non_empty_recursive(first_elmt, sub_schema): break if encode_nested_example(sub_schema, first_elmt) != first_elmt: return [encode_nested_example(sub_schema, o) for o in obj] return list(obj) elif isinstance(schema, Sequence): # We allow to reverse list of dict => dict of list for compatiblity with tfds if isinstance(schema.feature, dict): # dict of list to fill list_dict = {} if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): # obj is a list of dict for k, dict_tuples in utils.zip_dict(schema.feature, *obj): list_dict[k] = [encode_nested_example(dict_tuples[0], o) for o in dict_tuples[1:]] return list_dict else: # obj is a single dict for k, (sub_schema, sub_objs) in utils.zip_dict(schema.feature, obj): list_dict[k] = [encode_nested_example(sub_schema, o) for o in sub_objs] return list_dict # schema.feature is not a dict if isinstance(obj, str): # don't interpret a string as a list raise ValueError(f"Got a string but expected a list instead: '{obj}'") if obj is None: return None else: if len(obj) > 0: for first_elmt in obj: if _check_non_null_non_empty_recursive(first_elmt, schema.feature): break # be careful when comparing tensors here if not isinstance(first_elmt, list) or encode_nested_example(schema.feature, first_elmt) != first_elmt: return [encode_nested_example(schema.feature, o) for o in obj] return list(obj) # Object with special encoding: # ClassLabel will convert from string to int, TranslationVariableLanguages does some checks elif isinstance(schema, (Audio, Image, ClassLabel, TranslationVariableLanguages, Value, _ArrayXD)): return schema.encode_example(obj) if obj is not None else None # Other object should be directly convertible to a native Arrow type (like Translation and Translation) return obj def decode_nested_example(schema, obj): """Decode a nested example. This is used since some features (in particular Audio and Image) have some logic during decoding. To avoid iterating over possibly long lists, it first checks (recursively) if the first element that is not None or empty (if it is a sequence) has to be decoded. If the first element needs to be decoded, then all the elements of the list will be decoded, otherwise they'll stay the same. """ # Nested structures: we allow dict, list/tuples, sequences if isinstance(schema, dict): return { k: decode_nested_example(sub_schema, sub_obj) for k, (sub_schema, sub_obj) in utils.zip_dict(schema, obj) } elif isinstance(schema, (list, tuple)): sub_schema = schema[0] if obj is None: return None else: if len(obj) > 0: for first_elmt in obj: if _check_non_null_non_empty_recursive(first_elmt, sub_schema): break if decode_nested_example(sub_schema, first_elmt) != first_elmt: return [decode_nested_example(sub_schema, o) for o in obj] return list(obj) elif isinstance(schema, Sequence): # We allow to reverse list of dict => dict of list for compatiblity with tfds if isinstance(schema.feature, dict): return {k: decode_nested_example([schema.feature[k]], obj[k]) for k in schema.feature} else: return decode_nested_example([schema.feature], obj) # Object with special decoding: elif isinstance(schema, (Audio, Image)): return schema.decode_example(obj) if obj is not None else None return obj def generate_from_dict(obj: Any): """Regenerate the nested feature object from a deserialized dict. We use the '_type' fields to get the dataclass name to load. generate_from_dict is the recursive helper for Features.from_dict, and allows for a convenient constructor syntax to define features from deserialized JSON dictionaries. This function is used in particular when deserializing a :class:`DatasetInfo` that was dumped to a JSON object. This acts as an analogue to :meth:`Features.from_arrow_schema` and handles the recursive field-by-field instantiation, but doesn't require any mapping to/from pyarrow, except for the fact that it takes advantage of the mapping of pyarrow primitive dtypes that :class:`Value` automatically performs. """ # Nested structures: we allow dict, list/tuples, sequences if isinstance(obj, list): return [generate_from_dict(value) for value in obj] # Otherwise we have a dict or a dataclass if "_type" not in obj or isinstance(obj["_type"], dict): return {key: generate_from_dict(value) for key, value in obj.items()} class_type = globals()[obj.pop("_type")] if class_type == Sequence: return Sequence(feature=generate_from_dict(obj["feature"]), length=obj["length"]) field_names = { for f in fields(class_type)} return class_type(**{k: v for k, v in obj.items() if k in field_names}) def generate_from_arrow_type(pa_type: pa.DataType) -> FeatureType: """ generate_from_arrow_type accepts an arrow DataType and returns a datasets FeatureType to be used as the type for a single field. This is the high-level arrow->datasets type conversion and is inverted by get_nested_type(). This operates at the individual *field* level, whereas Features.from_arrow_schema() operates at the full schema level and holds the methods that represent the bijection from Features<->pyarrow.Schema """ if isinstance(pa_type, pa.StructType): return { generate_from_arrow_type(field.type) for field in pa_type} elif isinstance(pa_type, pa.FixedSizeListType): return Sequence(feature=generate_from_arrow_type(pa_type.value_type), length=pa_type.list_size) elif isinstance(pa_type, pa.ListType): feature = generate_from_arrow_type(pa_type.value_type) if isinstance(feature, (dict, tuple, list)): return [feature] return Sequence(feature=feature) elif isinstance(pa_type, _ArrayXDExtensionType): array_feature = [None, None, Array2D, Array3D, Array4D, Array5D][pa_type.ndims] return array_feature(shape=pa_type.shape, dtype=pa_type.value_type) elif isinstance(pa_type, pa.DictionaryType): raise NotImplementedError # TODO(thom) this will need access to the dictionary as well (for labels). I.e. to the py_table elif isinstance(pa_type, pa.DataType): return Value(dtype=_arrow_to_datasets_dtype(pa_type)) else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert {pa_type} to a Feature type.") def numpy_to_pyarrow_listarray(arr: np.ndarray, type: pa.DataType = None) -> pa.ListArray: """Build a PyArrow ListArray from a multidimensional NumPy array""" arr = np.array(arr) values = pa.array(arr.flatten(), type=type) for i in range(arr.ndim - 1): n_offsets = reduce(mul, arr.shape[: arr.ndim - i - 1], 1) step_offsets = arr.shape[arr.ndim - i - 1] offsets = pa.array(np.arange(n_offsets + 1) * step_offsets, type=pa.int32()) values = pa.ListArray.from_arrays(offsets, values) return values def list_of_pa_arrays_to_pyarrow_listarray(l_arr: List[Optional[pa.Array]]) -> pa.ListArray: null_indices = [i for i, arr in enumerate(l_arr) if arr is None] l_arr = [arr for arr in l_arr if arr is not None] offsets = np.cumsum( [0] + [len(arr) for arr in l_arr], dtype=np.object ) # convert to dtype object to allow None insertion offsets = np.insert(offsets, null_indices, None) offsets = pa.array(offsets, type=pa.int32()) values = pa.concat_arrays(l_arr) return pa.ListArray.from_arrays(offsets, values) def list_of_np_array_to_pyarrow_listarray(l_arr: List[np.ndarray], type: pa.DataType = None) -> pa.ListArray: """Build a PyArrow ListArray from a possibly nested list of NumPy arrays""" if len(l_arr) > 0: return list_of_pa_arrays_to_pyarrow_listarray( [numpy_to_pyarrow_listarray(arr, type=type) if arr is not None else None for arr in l_arr] ) else: return pa.array([], type=type) def require_decoding(feature: FeatureType) -> bool: if isinstance(feature, dict): return any(require_decoding(f) for f in feature.values()) elif isinstance(feature, (list, tuple)): return require_decoding(feature[0]) elif isinstance(feature, Sequence): return require_decoding(feature.feature) else: return hasattr(feature, "decode_example") and feature.decode
[docs]class Features(dict): """A special dictionary that defines the internal structure of a dataset. Instantiated with a dictionary of type ``dict[str, FieldType]``, where keys are the desired column names, and values are the type of that column. ``FieldType`` can be one of the following: - a :class:`datasets.Value` feature specifies a single typed value, e.g. ``int64`` or ``string`` - a :class:`datasets.ClassLabel` feature specifies a field with a predefined set of classes which can have labels associated to them and will be stored as integers in the dataset - a python :obj:`dict` which specifies that the field is a nested field containing a mapping of sub-fields to sub-fields features. It's possible to have nested fields of nested fields in an arbitrary manner - a python :obj:`list` or a :class:`datasets.Sequence` specifies that the field contains a list of objects. The python :obj:`list` or :class:`datasets.Sequence` should be provided with a single sub-feature as an example of the feature type hosted in this list .. note:: A :class:`datasets.Sequence` with a internal dictionary feature will be automatically converted into a dictionary of lists. This behavior is implemented to have a compatilbity layer with the TensorFlow Datasets library but may be un-wanted in some cases. If you don't want this behavior, you can use a python :obj:`list` instead of the :class:`datasets.Sequence`. - a :class:`Array2D`, :class:`Array3D`, :class:`Array4D` or :class:`Array5D` feature for multidimensional arrays - an :class:`Audio` feature to store the absolute path to an audio file or a dictionary with the relative path to an audio file ("path" key) and its bytes content ("bytes" key). This feature extracts the audio data. - an :class:`Image` feature to store the absolute path to an image file, an :obj:`np.ndarray` object, a :obj:`PIL.Image.Image` object or a dictionary with the relative path to an image file ("path" key) and its bytes content ("bytes" key). This feature extracts the image data. - :class:`datasets.Translation` and :class:`datasets.TranslationVariableLanguages`, the two features specific to Machine Translation """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._column_requires_decoding: Dict[str, bool] = { col: require_decoding(feature) for col, feature in self.items() } def __setitem__(self, column_name: str, feature: FeatureType): super().__setitem__(column_name, feature) self._column_requires_decoding[column_name] = require_decoding(feature) def __reduce__(self): return Features, (dict(self),) @property def type(self): """ Features field types. Returns: :obj:`pyarrow.DataType` """ return get_nested_type(self) @property def arrow_schema(self): """ Features schema. Returns: :obj:`pyarrow.Schema` """ hf_metadata = {"info": {"features": self.to_dict()}} return pa.schema(self.type).with_metadata({"huggingface": json.dumps(hf_metadata)})
[docs] @classmethod def from_arrow_schema(cls, pa_schema: pa.Schema) -> "Features": """ Construct Features from Arrow Schema. It also checks the schema metadata for Hugging Face Datasets features. Args: pa_schema (:obj:`pyarrow.Schema`): Arrow Schema. Returns: :class:`Features` """ # try to load features from the arrow schema metadata if pa_schema.metadata is not None and "huggingface".encode("utf-8") in pa_schema.metadata: metadata = json.loads(pa_schema.metadata["huggingface".encode("utf-8")].decode()) if "info" in metadata and "features" in metadata["info"] and metadata["info"]["features"] is not None: return Features.from_dict(metadata["info"]["features"]) obj = { generate_from_arrow_type(field.type) for field in pa_schema} return cls(**obj)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dic) -> "Features": """ Construct Features from dict. Regenerate the nested feature object from a deserialized dict. We use the '_type' key to infer the dataclass name of the feature FieldType. It allows for a convenient constructor syntax to define features from deserialized JSON dictionaries. This function is used in particular when deserializing a :class:`DatasetInfo` that was dumped to a JSON object. This acts as an analogue to :meth:`Features.from_arrow_schema` and handles the recursive field-by-field instantiation, but doesn't require any mapping to/from pyarrow, except for the fact that it takes advantage of the mapping of pyarrow primitive dtypes that :class:`Value` automatically performs. Args: dic (:obj:`dict[str, Any]`): Python dictionary. Returns: :class:`Features` Examples: >>> Features.from_dict({'_type': {'dtype': 'string', 'id': None, '_type': 'Value'}}) {'_type': Value(dtype='string', id=None)} """ obj = generate_from_dict(dic) return cls(**obj)
def to_dict(self): return _asdict_inner(self, dict)
[docs] def encode_example(self, example): """ Encode example into a format for Arrow. Args: example (:obj:`dict[str, Any]`): Data in a Dataset row. Returns: :obj:`dict[str, Any]` """ example = cast_to_python_objects(example) return encode_nested_example(self, example)
[docs] def encode_batch(self, batch): """ Encode batch into a format for Arrow. Args: batch (:obj:`dict[str, list[Any]]`): Data in a Dataset batch. Returns: :obj:`dict[str, list[Any]]` """ encoded_batch = {} if set(batch) != set(self): raise ValueError(f"Column mismatch between batch {set(batch)} and features {set(self)}") for key, column in batch.items(): column = cast_to_python_objects(column) encoded_batch[key] = [encode_nested_example(self[key], obj) for obj in column] return encoded_batch
[docs] def decode_example(self, example: dict): """Decode example with custom feature decoding. Args: example (:obj:`dict[str, Any]`): Dataset row data. Returns: :obj:`dict[str, Any]` """ return { column_name: decode_nested_example(feature, value) if self._column_requires_decoding[column_name] else value for column_name, (feature, value) in utils.zip_dict( {key: value for key, value in self.items() if key in example}, example ) }
[docs] def decode_column(self, column: list, column_name: str): """Decode column with custom feature decoding. Args: column (:obj:`list[Any]`): Dataset column data. column_name (:obj:`str`): Dataset column name. Returns: :obj:`list[Any]` """ return ( [decode_nested_example(self[column_name], value) if value is not None else None for value in column] if self._column_requires_decoding[column_name] else column )
[docs] def decode_batch(self, batch: dict): """Decode batch with custom feature decoding. Args: batch (:obj:`dict[str, list[Any]]`): Dataset batch data. Returns: :obj:`dict[str, list[Any]]` """ decoded_batch = {} for column_name, column in batch.items(): decoded_batch[column_name] = ( [decode_nested_example(self[column_name], value) if value is not None else None for value in column] if self._column_requires_decoding[column_name] else column ) return decoded_batch
[docs] def copy(self) -> "Features": """ Make a deep copy of Features. Returns: :class:`Features` """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def reorder_fields_as(self, other: "Features") -> "Features": """ Reorder Features fields to match the field order of other Features. The order of the fields is important since it matters for the underlying arrow data. Re-ordering the fields allows to make the underlying arrow data type match. Args: other (:class:`Features`): The other Features to align with. Returns: :class:`Features` Examples: >>> from datasets import Features, Sequence, Value >>> # let's say we have to features with a different order of nested fields (for a and b for example) >>> f1 = Features({"root": Sequence({"a": Value("string"), "b": Value("string")})}) >>> f2 = Features({"root": {"b": Sequence(Value("string")), "a": Sequence(Value("string"))}}) >>> assert f1.type != f2.type >>> # re-ordering keeps the base structure (here Sequence is defined at the root level), but make the fields order match >>> f1.reorder_fields_as(f2) {'root': Sequence(feature={'b': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'a': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, length=-1, id=None)} >>> assert f1.reorder_fields_as(f2).type == f2.type """ def recursive_reorder(source, target, stack=""): stack_position = " at " + stack[1:] if stack else "" if isinstance(target, Sequence): target = target.feature if isinstance(target, dict): target = {k: [v] for k, v in target.items()} else: target = [target] if isinstance(source, Sequence): source, id_, length = source.feature,, source.length if isinstance(source, dict): source = {k: [v] for k, v in source.items()} reordered = recursive_reorder(source, target, stack) return Sequence({k: v[0] for k, v in reordered.items()}, id=id_, length=length) else: source = [source] reordered = recursive_reorder(source, target, stack) return Sequence(reordered[0], id=id_, length=length) elif isinstance(source, dict): if not isinstance(target, dict): raise ValueError(f"Type mismatch: between {source} and {target}" + stack_position) if sorted(source) != sorted(target): raise ValueError(f"Keys mismatch: between {source} and {target}" + stack_position) return {key: recursive_reorder(source[key], target[key], stack + f".{key}") for key in target} elif isinstance(source, list): if not isinstance(target, list): raise ValueError(f"Type mismatch: between {source} and {target}" + stack_position) if len(source) != len(target): raise ValueError(f"Length mismatch: between {source} and {target}" + stack_position) return [recursive_reorder(source[i], target[i], stack + ".<list>") for i in range(len(target))] else: return source return Features(recursive_reorder(self, other))
[docs] def flatten(self, max_depth=16) -> "Features": """Flatten the features. Every dictionary column is removed and is replaced by all the subfields it contains. The new fields are named by concatenating the name of the original column and the subfield name like this: "<original>.<subfield>". If a column contains nested dictionaries, then all the lower-level subfields names are also concatenated to form new columns: "<original>.<subfield>.<subsubfield>", etc. Returns: Features: the flattened features """ for depth in range(1, max_depth): no_change = True flattened = self.copy() for column_name, subfeature in self.items(): if isinstance(subfeature, dict): no_change = False flattened.update({f"{column_name}.{k}": v for k, v in subfeature.items()}) del flattened[column_name] elif isinstance(subfeature, Sequence) and isinstance(subfeature.feature, dict): no_change = False flattened.update({f"{column_name}.{k}": Sequence(v) for k, v in subfeature.feature.items()}) del flattened[column_name] self = flattened if no_change: break return self