Source code for datasets.arrow_reader

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and the TensorFlow Datasets Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Lint as: python3
""" Arrow ArrowReader."""

import copy
import math
import os
import re
import shutil
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Union

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq

from datasets.utils.file_utils import DownloadConfig

from .naming import _split_re, filename_for_dataset_split
from .table import InMemoryTable, MemoryMappedTable, Table, concat_tables
from .utils import cached_path, logging

    from .info import DatasetInfo  # noqa: F401
    from .splits import Split  # noqa: F401

logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)


_SUB_SPEC_RE = re.compile(
    ),  # remove ^ and $

_ADDITION_SEP_RE = re.compile(r"\s*\+\s*")

class DatasetNotOnHfGcs(ConnectionError):
    """When you can't get the dataset from the Hf google cloud storage"""


class MissingFilesOnHfGcs(ConnectionError):
    """When some files are missing on the Hf oogle cloud storage"""


class FileInstructions:
    """The file instructions associated with a split ReadInstruction.

        num_examples: `int`, The total number of examples
        file_instructions: List[dict(filename, skip, take)], the files information.
            The filenames contains the relative path, not absolute.
            skip/take indicates which example read in the file: `ds.slice(skip, take)`

    num_examples: int
    file_instructions: List[dict]

def make_file_instructions(name, split_infos, instruction, filetype_suffix=None):
    """Returns instructions of the split dict.

        name: Name of the dataset.
        split_infos: `List[SplitInfo]`, Dataset splits information
        instruction: `ReadInstruction` or `str`
        filetype_suffix: `Optional[str]` suffix of dataset files, e.g. 'arrow' or 'parquet'

        file_intructions: FileInstructions instance
    name2len = { info.num_examples for info in split_infos}
    if not isinstance(instruction, ReadInstruction):
        instruction = ReadInstruction.from_spec(instruction)
    # Create the absolute instruction (per split)
    absolute_instructions = instruction.to_absolute(name2len)

    return _make_file_instructions_from_absolutes(
        name=name, name2len=name2len, absolute_instructions=absolute_instructions, filetype_suffix=filetype_suffix

def _make_file_instructions_from_absolutes(name, name2len, absolute_instructions, filetype_suffix=None):
    """Returns the files instructions from the absolute instructions list."""
    # For each split, return the files instruction (skip/take)
    file_instructions = []
    num_examples = 0
    for abs_instr in absolute_instructions:
        length = name2len[abs_instr.splitname]
        filename = filename_for_dataset_split(
            dataset_name=name, split=abs_instr.splitname, filetype_suffix=filetype_suffix
        from_ = 0 if abs_instr.from_ is None else abs_instr.from_
        to = length if is None else
        num_examples += to - from_
        single_file_instructions = [{"filename": filename, "skip": from_, "take": to - from_}]
    return FileInstructions(

class BaseReader:
    Build a Dataset object out of Instruction instance(s).

    def __init__(self, path: str, info: Optional["DatasetInfo"]):
        """Initializes ArrowReader.

            path (str): path where tfrecords are stored.
            info (DatasetInfo): info about the dataset.
        self._path: str = path
        self._info: Optional["DatasetInfo"] = info
        self._filetype_suffix: Optional[str] = None

    def _get_table_from_filename(self, filename_skip_take, in_memory=False) -> Table:
        """Returns a Dataset instance from given (filename, skip, take)."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _read_files(self, files, in_memory=False) -> Table:
        """Returns Dataset for given file instructions.

            files: List[dict(filename, skip, take)], the files information.
                The filenames contain the absolute path, not relative.
                skip/take indicates which example read in the file: `ds.slice(skip, take)`
            in_memory (bool, default False): Whether to copy the data in-memory.
        assert len(files) > 0 and all(isinstance(f, dict) for f in files), "please provide valid file informations"
        pa_tables = []
        files = copy.deepcopy(files)
        for f in files:
            f["filename"] = os.path.join(self._path, f["filename"])
        for f_dict in files:
            pa_table: Table = self._get_table_from_filename(f_dict, in_memory=in_memory)
        pa_tables = [t for t in pa_tables if len(t) > 0]
        if not pa_tables and (self._info is None or self._info.features is None):
            raise ValueError(
                "Tried to read an empty table. Please specify at least info.features to create an empty table with the right type."
        pa_tables = pa_tables or [InMemoryTable.from_batches([], schema=pa.schema(self._info.features.type))]
        pa_table = concat_tables(pa_tables) if len(pa_tables) != 1 else pa_tables[0]
        return pa_table

    def get_file_instructions(self, name, instruction, split_infos):
        """Return list of dict {'filename': str, 'skip': int, 'take': int}"""
        file_instructions = make_file_instructions(
            name, split_infos, instruction, filetype_suffix=self._filetype_suffix
        files = file_instructions.file_instructions
        return files

    def read(
        """Returns Dataset instance(s).

            name (str): name of the dataset.
            instructions (ReadInstruction): instructions to read.
                Instruction can be string and will then be passed to the Instruction
                constructor as it.
            split_infos (list of SplitInfo proto): the available splits for dataset.
            in_memory (bool, default False): Whether to copy the data in-memory.

             kwargs to build a single Dataset instance.

        files = self.get_file_instructions(name, instructions, split_infos)
        if not files:
            msg = 'Instruction "%s" corresponds to no data!' % instructions
            raise AssertionError(msg)
        return self.read_files(files=files, original_instructions=instructions, in_memory=in_memory)

    def read_files(
        files: List[dict],
        original_instructions: Union[None, "ReadInstruction", "Split"] = None,
        """Returns single Dataset instance for the set of file instructions.

            files: List[dict(filename, skip, take)], the files information.
                The filenames contains the relative path, not absolute.
                skip/take indicates which example read in the file: `ds.skip().take()`
            original_instructions: store the original instructions used to build the dataset split in the dataset.
            in_memory (bool, default False): Whether to copy the data in-memory.

            kwargs to build a Dataset instance.
        # Prepend path to filename
        pa_table = self._read_files(files, in_memory=in_memory)
        # If original_instructions is not None, convert it to a human-readable NamedSplit
        if original_instructions is not None:
            from .splits import Split  # noqa

            split = Split(str(original_instructions))
            split = None
        dataset_kwargs = dict(arrow_table=pa_table, info=self._info, split=split)
        return dataset_kwargs

    def download_from_hf_gcs(self, download_config: DownloadConfig, relative_data_dir):
        Download the dataset files from the Hf GCS

            dl_cache_dir: `str`, the local cache directory used to download files
            relative_data_dir: `str`, the relative directory of the remote files from
                the `datasets` directory on GCS.

        remote_cache_dir = HF_GCP_BASE_URL + "/" + relative_data_dir.replace(os.sep, "/")
            remote_dataset_info = os.path.join(remote_cache_dir, "dataset_info.json")
            downloaded_dataset_info = cached_path(remote_dataset_info.replace(os.sep, "/"))
            shutil.move(downloaded_dataset_info, os.path.join(self._path, "dataset_info.json"))
            if self._info is not None:
        except FileNotFoundError:
            raise DatasetNotOnHfGcs()
            for split in self._info.splits:
                file_instructions = self.get_file_instructions(
                for file_instruction in file_instructions:
                    remote_prepared_filename = os.path.join(remote_cache_dir, file_instruction["filename"])
                    downloaded_prepared_filename = cached_path(
                        remote_prepared_filename.replace(os.sep, "/"), download_config=download_config
                    shutil.move(downloaded_prepared_filename, os.path.join(self._path, file_instruction["filename"]))
        except FileNotFoundError:
            raise MissingFilesOnHfGcs()

class ArrowReader(BaseReader):
    Build a Dataset object out of Instruction instance(s).
    This Reader uses either memory mapping or file descriptors (in-memory) on arrow files.

    def __init__(self, path: str, info: Optional["DatasetInfo"]):
        """Initializes ArrowReader.

            path (str): path where Arrow files are stored.
            info (DatasetInfo): info about the dataset.
        super().__init__(path, info)
        self._filetype_suffix = "arrow"

    def _get_table_from_filename(self, filename_skip_take, in_memory=False) -> Table:
        """Returns a Dataset instance from given (filename, skip, take)."""
        filename, skip, take = (
            filename_skip_take["skip"] if "skip" in filename_skip_take else None,
            filename_skip_take["take"] if "take" in filename_skip_take else None,
        table = ArrowReader.read_table(filename, in_memory=in_memory)
        # here we don't want to slice an empty table, or it may segfault
        if skip is not None and take is not None and not (skip == 0 and take == len(table)):
            table = table.slice(skip, take)
        return table

    def read_table(filename, in_memory=False) -> Table:
        Read table from file.

            filename (str): File name of the table.
            in_memory (bool, default=False): Whether to copy the data in-memory.

        table_cls = InMemoryTable if in_memory else MemoryMappedTable
        return table_cls.from_file(filename)

class ParquetReader(BaseReader):
    Build a Dataset object out of Instruction instance(s).
    This Reader uses memory mapping on parquet files.

    def __init__(self, path: str, info: Optional["DatasetInfo"]):
        """Initializes ParquetReader.

            path (str): path where tfrecords are stored.
            info (DatasetInfo): info about the dataset.
        super().__init__(path, info)
        self._filetype_suffix = "parquet"

    def _get_table_from_filename(self, filename_skip_take, **kwargs):
        """Returns a Dataset instance from given (filename, skip, take)."""
        filename, skip, take = (
            filename_skip_take["skip"] if "skip" in filename_skip_take else None,
            filename_skip_take["take"] if "take" in filename_skip_take else None,
        # Parquet read_table always loads data in memory, independently of memory_map
        pa_table = pq.read_table(filename, memory_map=True)
        # here we don't want to slice an empty table, or it may segfault
        if skip is not None and take is not None and not (skip == 0 and take == len(pa_table)):
            pa_table = pa_table.slice(skip, take)
        return pa_table

class _AbsoluteInstruction:
    """A machine friendly slice: defined absolute positive boundaries."""

    splitname: str
    from_: int  # uint (starting index).
    to: int  # uint (ending index).

class _RelativeInstruction:
    """Represents a single parsed slicing instruction, can use % and negatives."""

    splitname: str
    from_: Optional[int] = None  # int (starting index) or None if no lower boundary.
    to: Optional[int] = None  # int (ending index) or None if no upper boundary.
    unit: Optional[str] = None
    rounding: Optional[str] = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        assert self.unit is None or self.unit in ["%", "abs"]
        assert self.rounding is None or self.rounding in ["closest", "pct1_dropremainder"]
        if self.unit != "%" and self.rounding is not None:
            raise AssertionError("It is forbidden to specify rounding if not using percent slicing.")
        if self.unit == "%" and self.from_ is not None and abs(self.from_) > 100:
            raise AssertionError("Percent slice boundaries must be > -100 and < 100.")
        if self.unit == "%" and is not None and abs( > 100:
            raise AssertionError("Percent slice boundaries must be > -100 and < 100.")
        # Update via __dict__ due to instance being "frozen"
        self.__dict__["rounding"] = "closest" if self.rounding is None and self.unit == "%" else self.rounding

def _str_to_read_instruction(spec):
    """Returns ReadInstruction for given string."""
    res = _SUB_SPEC_RE.match(spec)
    if not res:
        raise AssertionError("Unrecognized instruction format: %s" % spec)
    unit = "%" if"from_pct") or"to_pct") else "abs"
    return ReadInstruction("split"),"rounding"),
        from_=int("from")) if"from") else None,
        to=int("to")) if"to") else None,

def _pct_to_abs_pct1(boundary, num_examples):
    # Using math.trunc here, since -99.5% should give -99%, not -100%.
    if num_examples < 100:
        msg = (
            'Using "pct1_dropremainder" rounding on a split with less than 100 '
            "elements is forbidden: it always results in an empty dataset."
        raise AssertionError(msg)
    return boundary * math.trunc(num_examples / 100.0)

def _pct_to_abs_closest(boundary, num_examples):
    return int(round(boundary * num_examples / 100.0))

def _rel_to_abs_instr(rel_instr, name2len):
    """Returns _AbsoluteInstruction instance for given RelativeInstruction.

        rel_instr: RelativeInstruction instance.
        name2len: dict {split_name: num_examples}.
    pct_to_abs = _pct_to_abs_closest if rel_instr.rounding == "closest" else _pct_to_abs_pct1
    split = rel_instr.splitname
    if split not in name2len:
        raise ValueError('Unknown split "{}". Should be one of {}.'.format(split, list(name2len)))
    num_examples = name2len[split]
    from_ = rel_instr.from_
    to =
    if rel_instr.unit == "%":
        from_ = 0 if from_ is None else pct_to_abs(from_, num_examples)
        to = num_examples if to is None else pct_to_abs(to, num_examples)
        from_ = 0 if from_ is None else from_
        to = num_examples if to is None else to
    if abs(from_) > num_examples or abs(to) > num_examples:
        msg = "Requested slice [%s:%s] incompatible with %s examples." % (from_ or "", to or "", num_examples)
        raise AssertionError(msg)
    if from_ < 0:
        from_ = num_examples + from_
    elif from_ == 0:
        from_ = None
    if to < 0:
        to = num_examples + to
    elif to == num_examples:
        to = None
    return _AbsoluteInstruction(split, from_, to)

[docs]class ReadInstruction: """Reading instruction for a dataset. Examples of usage: .. code:: python # The following lines are equivalent: ds = datasets.load_dataset('mnist', split='test[:33%]') ds = datasets.load_dataset('mnist', split=datasets.ReadInstruction.from_spec('test[:33%]')) ds = datasets.load_dataset('mnist', split=datasets.ReadInstruction('test', to=33, unit='%')) ds = datasets.load_dataset('mnist', split=datasets.ReadInstruction( 'test', from_=0, to=33, unit='%')) # The following lines are equivalent: ds = datasets.load_dataset('mnist', split='test[:33%]+train[1:-1]') ds = datasets.load_dataset('mnist', split=datasets.ReadInstruction.from_spec( 'test[:33%]+train[1:-1]')) ds = datasets.load_dataset('mnist', split=( datasets.ReadInstruction('test', to=33, unit='%') + datasets.ReadInstruction('train', from_=1, to=-1, unit='abs'))) # The following lines are equivalent: ds = datasets.load_dataset('mnist', split='test[:33%](pct1_dropremainder)') ds = datasets.load_dataset('mnist', split=datasets.ReadInstruction.from_spec( 'test[:33%](pct1_dropremainder)')) ds = datasets.load_dataset('mnist', split=datasets.ReadInstruction( 'test', from_=0, to=33, unit='%', rounding="pct1_dropremainder")) # 10-fold validation: tests = datasets.load_dataset( 'mnist', [datasets.ReadInstruction('train', from_=k, to=k+10, unit='%') for k in range(0, 100, 10)]) trains = datasets.load_dataset( 'mnist', [datasets.ReadInstruction('train', to=k, unit='%') + datasets.ReadInstruction('train', from_=k+10, unit='%') for k in range(0, 100, 10)]) """ def _init(self, relative_instructions): # Private initializer. self._relative_instructions = relative_instructions @classmethod def _read_instruction_from_relative_instructions(cls, relative_instructions): """Returns ReadInstruction obj initialized with relative_instructions.""" # Use __new__ to bypass __init__ used by public API and not conveniant here. result = cls.__new__(cls) result._init(relative_instructions) # pylint: disable=protected-access return result def __init__(self, split_name, rounding=None, from_=None, to=None, unit=None): """Initialize ReadInstruction. Args: split_name (str): name of the split to read. Eg: 'train'. rounding (str, optional): The rounding behaviour to use when percent slicing is used. Ignored when slicing with absolute indices. Possible values: - 'closest' (default): The specified percentages are rounded to the closest value. Use this if you want specified percents to be as much exact as possible. - 'pct1_dropremainder': the specified percentages are treated as multiple of 1%. Use this option if you want consistency. Eg: len(5%) == 5 * len(1%). Using this option, one might not be able to use the full set of examples, if the number of those is not a multiple of 100. from_ (int): to (int): alternative way of specifying slicing boundaries. If any of {from_, to, unit} argument is used, slicing cannot be specified as string. unit (str): optional, one of: '%': to set the slicing unit as percents of the split size. 'abs': to set the slicing unit as absolute numbers. """ # This constructor is not always called. See factory method # `_read_instruction_from_relative_instructions`. Common init instructions # MUST be placed in the _init method. self._init([_RelativeInstruction(split_name, from_, to, unit, rounding)]) @classmethod def from_spec(cls, spec): """Creates a ReadInstruction instance out of a string spec. Args: spec (str): split(s) + optional slice(s) to read + optional rounding if percents are used as the slicing unit. A slice can be specified, using absolute numbers (int) or percentages (int). E.g. `test`: test split. `test + validation`: test split + validation split. `test[10:]`: test split, minus its first 10 records. `test[:10%]`: first 10% records of test split. `test[:20%](pct1_dropremainder)`: first 10% records, rounded with the `pct1_dropremainder` rounding. `test[:-5%]+train[40%:60%]`: first 95% of test + middle 20% of train. Returns: ReadInstruction instance. """ spec = str(spec) # Need to convert to str in case of NamedSplit instance. subs = _ADDITION_SEP_RE.split(spec) if not subs: raise AssertionError("No instructions could be built out of %s" % spec) instruction = _str_to_read_instruction(subs[0]) return sum([_str_to_read_instruction(sub) for sub in subs[1:]], instruction) def to_spec(self): rel_instr_specs = [] for rel_instr in self._relative_instructions: rel_instr_spec = rel_instr.splitname if rel_instr.from_ is not None or is not None: from_ = rel_instr.from_ to = unit = rel_instr.unit rounding = rel_instr.rounding unit = unit if unit == "%" else "" from_ = str(from_) + unit if from_ is not None else "" to = str(to) + unit if to is not None else "" slice_str = f"[{from_}:{to}]" rounding_str = ( f"({rounding})" if unit == "%" and rounding is not None and rounding != "closest" else "" ) rel_instr_spec += slice_str + rounding_str rel_instr_specs.append(rel_instr_spec) return "+".join(rel_instr_specs) def __add__(self, other): """Returns a new ReadInstruction obj, result of appending other to self.""" if not isinstance(other, ReadInstruction): msg = "ReadInstruction can only be added to another ReadInstruction obj." raise AssertionError(msg) self_ris = self._relative_instructions other_ris = other._relative_instructions # pylint: disable=protected-access if ( self_ris[0].unit != "abs" and other_ris[0].unit != "abs" and self._relative_instructions[0].rounding != other_ris[0].rounding ): raise AssertionError("It is forbidden to sum ReadInstruction instances with different rounding values.") return self._read_instruction_from_relative_instructions(self_ris + other_ris) def __str__(self): return self.to_spec() def __repr__(self): return "ReadInstruction(%s)" % self._relative_instructions def to_absolute(self, name2len): """Translate instruction into a list of absolute instructions. Those absolute instructions are then to be added together. Args: name2len: dict associating split names to number of examples. Returns: list of _AbsoluteInstruction instances (corresponds to the + in spec). """ return [_rel_to_abs_instr(rel_instr, name2len) for rel_instr in self._relative_instructions]