# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and the TensorFlow Datasets Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Lint as: python3
""" This class handle features definition in datasets and some utilities to display table type."""
from collections.abc import Iterable
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
from pandas.api.extensions import ExtensionArray as PandasExtensionArray
from pandas.api.extensions import ExtensionDtype as PandasExtensionDtype
from . import utils
from .utils.file_utils import _tf_available, _torch_available
from .utils.logging import get_logger
logger = get_logger(__name__)
if _torch_available:
import torch
if _tf_available:
import tensorflow as tf
def string_to_arrow(type_str: str) -> pa.DataType:
if type_str not in pa.__dict__:
if str(type_str + "_") not in pa.__dict__:
raise ValueError(
f"Neither {type_str} nor {type_str + '_'} seems to be a pyarrow data type. "
f"Please make sure to use a correct data type, see: "
arrow_data_type_str = str(type_str + "_")
arrow_data_type_str = type_str
return pa.__dict__[arrow_data_type_str]()
def _cast_to_python_objects(obj: Any) -> Tuple[Any, bool]:
Cast numpy/pytorch/tensorflow/pandas objects to python lists.
It works recursively.
To avoid iterating over possibly long lists, it first checks if the first element that is not None has to be casted.
If the first element needs to be casted, then all the elements of the list will be casted, otherwise they'll stay the same.
This trick allows to cast objects that contain tokenizers outputs without iterating over every single token for example.
obj: the object (nested struct) to cast
casted_obj: the casted object
has_changed (bool): True if the object has been changed, False if it is identical
if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
return obj.tolist(), True
elif _torch_available and isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor):
return obj.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist(), True
elif _tf_available and isinstance(obj, tf.Tensor):
return obj.numpy().tolist(), True
elif isinstance(obj, pd.Series):
return obj.values.tolist(), True
elif isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame):
return obj.to_dict("list"), True
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
output = {}
has_changed = False
for k, v in obj.items():
casted_v, has_changed_v = _cast_to_python_objects(v)
has_changed |= has_changed_v
output[k] = casted_v
return output if has_changed else obj, has_changed
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
if len(obj) > 0:
for first_elmt in obj:
if first_elmt is not None:
casted_first_elmt, has_changed_first_elmt = _cast_to_python_objects(first_elmt)
if has_changed_first_elmt:
return [_cast_to_python_objects(elmt)[0] for elmt in obj], True
if isinstance(obj, list):
return obj, False
return list(obj), True
return obj if isinstance(obj, list) else [], isinstance(obj, tuple)
return obj, False
def cast_to_python_objects(obj: Any) -> Any:
Cast numpy/pytorch/tensorflow/pandas objects to python lists.
It works recursively.
To avoid iterating over possibly long lists, it first checks if the first element that is not None has to be casted.
If the first element needs to be casted, then all the elements of the list will be casted, otherwise they'll stay the same.
This trick allows to cast objects that contain tokenizers outputs without iterating over every single token for example.
obj: the object (nested struct) to cast
casted_obj: the casted object
return _cast_to_python_objects(obj)[0]
class Value:
"""Encapsulate an Arrow datatype for easy serialization."""
dtype: str
id: Optional[str] = None
# Automatically constructed
pa_type: ClassVar[Any] = None
_type: str = field(default="Value", init=False, repr=False)
def __post_init__(self):
if self.dtype == "double": # fix inferred type
self.dtype = "float64"
if self.dtype == "float": # fix inferred type
self.dtype = "float32"
self.pa_type = string_to_arrow(self.dtype)
def __call__(self):
return self.pa_type
def encode_example(self, value):
if pa.types.is_boolean(self.pa_type):
return bool(value)
elif pa.types.is_integer(self.pa_type):
return int(value)
elif pa.types.is_floating(self.pa_type):
return float(value)
return value
class _ArrayXD:
def __post_init__(self):
self.shape = tuple(self.shape)
def __call__(self):
pa_type = globals()[self.__class__.__name__ + "ExtensionType"](self.shape, self.dtype)
return pa_type
def encode_example(self, value):
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
value = value.tolist()
return value
class Array2D(_ArrayXD):
shape: tuple
dtype: str
id: Optional[str] = None
# Automatically constructed
_type: str = field(default="Array2D", init=False, repr=False)
class Array3D(_ArrayXD):
shape: tuple
dtype: str
id: Optional[str] = None
# Automatically constructed
_type: str = field(default="Array3D", init=False, repr=False)
class Array4D(_ArrayXD):
shape: tuple
dtype: str
id: Optional[str] = None
# Automatically constructed
_type: str = field(default="Array4D", init=False, repr=False)
class Array5D(_ArrayXD):
shape: tuple
dtype: str
id: Optional[str] = None
# Automatically constructed
_type: str = field(default="Array5D", init=False, repr=False)
class _ArrayXDExtensionType(pa.PyExtensionType):
ndims: int = None
def __init__(self, shape: tuple, dtype: str):
assert (
self.ndims is not None and self.ndims > 1
), "You must instantiate an array type with a value for dim that is > 1"
assert len(shape) == self.ndims, "shape={} and ndims={} dom't match".format(shape, self.ndims)
self.shape = tuple(shape)
self.value_type = dtype
self.storage_dtype = self._generate_dtype(self.value_type)
pa.PyExtensionType.__init__(self, self.storage_dtype)
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__class__, (
def __arrow_ext_class__(self):
return ArrayExtensionArray
def _generate_dtype(self, dtype):
dtype = string_to_arrow(dtype)
for d in reversed(self.shape):
dtype = pa.list_(dtype)
# Don't specify the size of the list, since fixed length list arrays have issues
# being validated after slicing in pyarrow 0.17.1
return dtype
def to_pandas_dtype(self):
return PandasArrayExtensionDtype(self.value_type)
class Array2DExtensionType(_ArrayXDExtensionType):
ndims = 2
class Array3DExtensionType(_ArrayXDExtensionType):
ndims = 3
class Array4DExtensionType(_ArrayXDExtensionType):
ndims = 4
class Array5DExtensionType(_ArrayXDExtensionType):
ndims = 5
class ArrayExtensionArray(pa.ExtensionArray):
def __array__(self):
return self.to_numpy()
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.storage[i]
def to_numpy(self):
storage: pa.FixedSizeListArray = self.storage
size = 1
for i in range(self.type.ndims):
size *= self.type.shape[i]
storage = storage.flatten()
numpy_arr = storage.to_numpy()
numpy_arr = numpy_arr.reshape(len(self), *self.type.shape)
return numpy_arr
def to_pylist(self):
return self.to_numpy().tolist()
class PandasArrayExtensionDtype(PandasExtensionDtype):
_metadata = "value_type"
def __init__(self, value_type: Union["PandasArrayExtensionDtype", np.dtype]):
self._value_type = value_type
def __from_arrow__(self, array):
if isinstance(array, pa.ChunkedArray):
numpy_arr = np.vstack([chunk.to_numpy() for chunk in array.chunks])
numpy_arr = array.to_numpy()
return PandasArrayExtensionArray(numpy_arr)
def construct_array_type(cls):
return PandasArrayExtensionArray
def type(self) -> type:
return np.ndarray
def kind(self) -> str:
return "O"
def name(self) -> str:
return f"array[{self.value_type}]"
def value_type(self) -> np.dtype:
return self._value_type
class PandasArrayExtensionArray(PandasExtensionArray):
def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray, copy: bool = False):
self._data = data if not copy else np.array(data)
self._dtype = PandasArrayExtensionDtype(data.dtype)
def copy(self, deep: bool = False) -> "PandasArrayExtensionArray":
return PandasArrayExtensionArray(self._data, copy=True)
def _from_sequence(
cls, scalars, dtype: Optional[PandasArrayExtensionDtype] = None, copy: bool = False
) -> "PandasArrayExtensionArray":
data = np.array(scalars, dtype=dtype if dtype is None else dtype.value_type, copy=copy)
return PandasArrayExtensionArray(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
def _concat_same_type(cls, to_concat: Sequence["PandasArrayExtensionArray"]) -> "PandasArrayExtensionArray":
data = np.vstack([va._data for va in to_concat])
return cls(data, copy=False)
def dtype(self) -> PandasArrayExtensionDtype:
return self._dtype
def nbytes(self) -> int:
return self._data.nbytes
def isna(self) -> np.ndarray:
if np.issubdtype(self.dtype.value_type, np.floating):
return np.array(np.isnan(arr).any() for arr in self._data)
return np.array((arr < 0).any() for arr in self._data)
def __setitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice, np.ndarray], value: Any) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError()
def __getitem__(self, item: Union[int, slice, np.ndarray]) -> Union[np.ndarray, "PandasArrayExtensionArray"]:
if isinstance(item, int):
return self._data[item]
return PandasArrayExtensionArray(self._data[item], copy=False)
def take(
self, indices: Sequence[int], allow_fill: bool = False, fill_value: bool = None
) -> "PandasArrayExtensionArray":
indices = np.asarray(indices, dtype="int")
if allow_fill:
fill_value = (
self.dtype.na_value if fill_value is None else np.asarray(fill_value, dtype=self.dtype.value_type)
mask = indices == -1
if (indices < -1).any():
raise ValueError("Invalid value in `indices`, must be all >= -1 for `allow_fill` is True")
elif len(self) > 0:
elif not np.all(mask):
raise IndexError("Invalid take for empty PandasArrayExtensionArray, must be all -1.")
data = np.array([fill_value] * len(indices), dtype=self.dtype.value_type)
return PandasArrayExtensionArray(data, copy=False)
took = self._data.take(indices, axis=0)
if allow_fill and mask.any():
took[mask] = [fill_value] * np.sum(mask)
return PandasArrayExtensionArray(took, copy=False)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._data)
def __eq__(self, other) -> np.ndarray:
if not isinstance(other, PandasArrayExtensionArray):
raise NotImplementedError("Invalid type to compare to: {}".format(type(other)))
return (self._data == other._data).all()
def pandas_types_mapper(dtype):
if isinstance(dtype, _ArrayXDExtensionType):
return PandasArrayExtensionDtype(dtype.value_type)
class ClassLabel:
"""Handle integer class labels. Here for compatiblity with tfds.
There are 3 ways to define a ClassLabel, which correspond to the 3
* `num_classes`: create 0 to (num_classes-1) labels
* `names`: a list of label strings
* `names_file`: a file containing the list of labels.
Note: On python2, the strings are encoded as utf-8.
num_classes: `int`, number of classes. All labels must be < num_classes.
names: `list<str>`, string names for the integer classes. The
order in which the names are provided is kept.
names_file: `str`, path to a file with names for the integer
classes, one per line.
num_classes: int = None
names: List[str] = None
names_file: str = None
id: Optional[str] = None
# Automatically constructed
dtype: ClassVar[str] = "int64"
pa_type: ClassVar[Any] = pa.int64()
_str2int: ClassVar[Dict[str, int]] = None
_int2str: ClassVar[Dict[int, int]] = None
_type: str = field(default="ClassLabel", init=False, repr=False)
def __post_init__(self):
# The label is explicitly set as undefined (no label defined)
if not sum(bool(a) for a in (self.num_classes, self.names, self.names_file)):
# if sum(bool(a) for a in (self.num_classes, self.names, self.names_file)) != 1:
# raise ValueError("Only a single argument of ClassLabel() should be provided.")
if self.num_classes is None:
if self.names is None:
self.names = self._load_names_from_file(self.names_file)
if self.names is None:
self.names = [str(i) for i in range(self.num_classes)]
elif len(self.names) != self.num_classes:
raise ValueError(
"ClassLabel number of names do not match the defined num_classes. "
"Got {} names VS {} num_classes".format(len(self.names), self.num_classes)
# Prepare mappings
self._int2str = [str(name) for name in self.names]
self._str2int = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(self._int2str)}
if len(self._int2str) != len(self._str2int):
raise ValueError("Some label names are duplicated. Each label name should be unique.")
# If num_classes has been defined, ensure that num_classes and names match
num_classes = len(self._str2int)
if self.num_classes is None:
self.num_classes = num_classes
elif self.num_classes != num_classes:
raise ValueError(
"ClassLabel number of names do not match the defined num_classes. "
"Got {} names VS {} num_classes".format(num_classes, self.num_classes)
def __call__(self):
return self.pa_type
[docs] def str2int(self, values: Union[str, Iterable]):
"""Conversion class name string => integer."""
assert isinstance(values, str) or isinstance(values, Iterable), (
f"Values {values} should be a string " f"or an Iterable (list, numpy array, pytorch, tensorflow tensors"
return_list = True
if isinstance(values, str):
values = [values]
return_list = False
output = []
for value in values:
if self._str2int:
# strip key if not in dict
if value not in self._str2int:
value = value.strip()
# No names provided, try to integerize
failed_parse = False
except ValueError:
failed_parse = True
if failed_parse or not 0 <= value < self.num_classes:
raise ValueError("Invalid string class label %s" % value)
return output if return_list else output[0]
[docs] def int2str(self, values: Union[int, Iterable]):
"""Conversion integer => class name string."""
assert isinstance(values, int) or isinstance(values, Iterable), (
f"Values {values} should be an integer " f"or an Iterable (list, numpy array, pytorch, tensorflow tensors"
return_list = True
if isinstance(values, int):
values = [values]
return_list = False
if any(not 0 <= v < self.num_classes for v in values):
raise ValueError("Invalid integer class label %d" % values)
if self._int2str:
output = [self._int2str[int(v)] for v in values]
# No names provided, return str(values)
output = [str(v) for v in values]
return output if return_list else output[0]
def encode_example(self, example_data):
if self.num_classes is None:
raise ValueError(
"Trying to use ClassLabel feature with undefined number of class. "
"Please set ClassLabel.names or num_classes."
# If a string is given, convert to associated integer
if isinstance(example_data, str):
example_data = self.str2int(example_data)
# Allowing -1 to mean no label.
if not -1 <= example_data < self.num_classes:
raise ValueError(
"Class label %d greater than configured num_classes %d" % (example_data, self.num_classes)
return example_data
def _load_names_from_file(names_filepath):
with open(names_filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return [name.strip() for name in f.read().split("\n") if name.strip()] # Filter empty names
class Translation:
"""`FeatureConnector` for translations with fixed languages per example.
Here for compatiblity with tfds.
Input: The Translate feature accepts a dictionary for each example mapping
string language codes to string translations.
Output: A dictionary mapping string language codes to translations as `Text`
# At construction time:
datasets.features.Translation(languages=['en', 'fr', 'de'])
# During data generation:
yield {
'en': 'the cat',
'fr': 'le chat',
'de': 'die katze'
languages: List[str]
id: Optional[str] = None
# Automatically constructed
dtype: ClassVar[str] = "dict"
pa_type: ClassVar[Any] = None
_type: str = field(default="Translation", init=False, repr=False)
def __call__(self):
return pa.struct({lang: pa.string() for lang in sorted(self.languages)})
class TranslationVariableLanguages:
"""`FeatureConnector` for translations with variable languages per example.
Here for compatiblity with tfds.
Input: The TranslationVariableLanguages feature accepts a dictionary for each
example mapping string language codes to one or more string translations.
The languages present may vary from example to example.
language: variable-length 1D tf.Tensor of tf.string language codes, sorted
in ascending order.
translation: variable-length 1D tf.Tensor of tf.string plain text
translations, sorted to align with language codes.
# At construction time:
datasets.features.Translation(languages=['en', 'fr', 'de'])
# During data generation:
yield {
'en': 'the cat',
'fr': ['le chat', 'la chatte,']
'de': 'die katze'
# Tensor returned :
'language': ['en', 'de', 'fr', 'fr'],
'translation': ['the cat', 'die katze', 'la chatte', 'le chat'],
languages: List = None
num_languages: int = None
id: Optional[str] = None
# Automatically constructed
dtype: ClassVar[str] = "dict"
pa_type: ClassVar[Any] = None
_type: str = field(default="TranslationVariableLanguages", init=False, repr=False)
def __post_init__(self):
self.languages = list(sorted(list(set(self.languages)))) if self.languages else None
self.num_languages = len(self.languages) if self.languages else None
def __call__(self):
return pa.struct({"language": pa.list_(pa.string()), "translation": pa.list_(pa.string())})
def encode_example(self, translation_dict):
lang_set = set(self.languages)
if self.languages and set(translation_dict) - lang_set:
raise ValueError(
"Some languages in example ({0}) are not in valid set ({1}).".format(
", ".join(sorted(set(translation_dict) - lang_set)), ", ".join(lang_set)
# Convert dictionary into tuples, splitting out cases where there are
# multiple translations for a single language.
translation_tuples = []
for lang, text in translation_dict.items():
if isinstance(text, str):
translation_tuples.append((lang, text))
translation_tuples.extend([(lang, el) for el in text])
# Ensure translations are in ascending order by language code.
languages, translations = zip(*sorted(translation_tuples))
return {"language": languages, "translation": translations}
class Sequence:
"""Construct a list of feature from a single type or a dict of types.
Mostly here for compatiblity with tfds.
feature: Any
length: int = -1
id: Optional[str] = None
# Automatically constructed
dtype: ClassVar[str] = "list"
pa_type: ClassVar[Any] = None
_type: str = field(default="Sequence", init=False, repr=False)
FeatureType = Union[
def get_nested_type(schema: FeatureType) -> pa.DataType:
""" Convert our Feature nested object in an Apache Arrow type """
# Nested structures: we allow dict, list/tuples, sequences
if isinstance(schema, dict):
return pa.struct(
{key: get_nested_type(schema[key]) for key in sorted(schema)}
) # sort to make the type deterministic
elif isinstance(schema, (list, tuple)):
assert len(schema) == 1, "We defining list feature, you should just provide one example of the inner type"
value_type = get_nested_type(schema[0])
return pa.list_(value_type)
elif isinstance(schema, Sequence):
value_type = get_nested_type(schema.feature)
# We allow to reverse list of dict => dict of list for compatiblity with tfds
if isinstance(value_type, pa.StructType):
return pa.struct(dict(sorted((f.name, pa.list_(f.type, schema.length)) for f in value_type)))
return pa.list_(value_type, schema.length)
# Other objects are callable which returns their data type (ClassLabel, Array2D, Translation, Arrow datatype creation methods)
return schema()
def encode_nested_example(schema, obj):
"""Encode a nested example.
This is used since some features (in particular ClassLabel) have some logic during encoding.
# Nested structures: we allow dict, list/tuples, sequences
if isinstance(schema, dict):
return dict(
(k, encode_nested_example(sub_schema, sub_obj)) for k, (sub_schema, sub_obj) in utils.zip_dict(schema, obj)
elif isinstance(schema, (list, tuple)):
sub_schema = schema[0]
return [encode_nested_example(sub_schema, o) for o in obj]
elif isinstance(schema, Sequence):
# We allow to reverse list of dict => dict of list for compatiblity with tfds
if isinstance(schema.feature, dict):
# dict of list to fill
list_dict = {}
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
# obj is a list of dict
for k, dict_tuples in utils.zip_dict(schema.feature, *obj):
list_dict[k] = [encode_nested_example(dict_tuples[0], o) for o in dict_tuples[1:]]
return list_dict
# obj is a single dict
for k, (sub_schema, sub_objs) in utils.zip_dict(schema.feature, obj):
list_dict[k] = [encode_nested_example(sub_schema, o) for o in sub_objs]
return list_dict
# schema.feature is not a dict
if isinstance(obj, str): # don't interpret a string as a list
raise ValueError("Got a string but expected a list instead: '{}'".format(obj))
return [encode_nested_example(schema.feature, o) for o in obj]
# Object with special encoding:
# ClassLabel will convert from string to int, TranslationVariableLanguages does some checks
elif isinstance(schema, (ClassLabel, TranslationVariableLanguages, Value, _ArrayXD)):
return schema.encode_example(obj)
# Other object should be directly convertible to a native Arrow type (like Translation and Translation)
return obj
def generate_from_dict(obj: Any):
"""Regenerate the nested feature object from a serialized dict.
We use the '_type' fields to get the dataclass name to load.
# Nested structures: we allow dict, list/tuples, sequences
if isinstance(obj, list):
return [generate_from_dict(value) for value in obj]
# Otherwise we have a dict or a dataclass
if "_type" not in obj:
return {key: generate_from_dict(value) for key, value in obj.items()}
class_type = globals()[obj.pop("_type")]
if class_type == Sequence:
return Sequence(feature=generate_from_dict(obj["feature"]), length=obj["length"])
field_names = set(f.name for f in fields(class_type))
return class_type(**{k: v for k, v in obj.items() if k in field_names})
def generate_from_arrow_type(pa_type: pa.DataType):
if isinstance(pa_type, pa.StructType):
return {field.name: generate_from_arrow_type(field.type) for field in pa_type}
elif isinstance(pa_type, pa.FixedSizeListType):
return Sequence(feature=generate_from_arrow_type(pa_type.value_type), length=pa_type.list_size)
elif isinstance(pa_type, pa.ListType):
feature = generate_from_arrow_type(pa_type.value_type)
if isinstance(feature, (dict, tuple, list)):
return [feature]
return Sequence(feature=feature)
elif isinstance(pa_type, _ArrayXDExtensionType):
array_feature = [None, None, Array2D, Array3D, Array4D, Array5D][pa_type.ndims]
return array_feature(shape=pa_type.shape, dtype=pa_type.value_type)
elif isinstance(pa_type, pa.DictionaryType):
raise NotImplementedError # TODO(thom) this will need access to the dictionary as well (for labels). I.e. to the py_table
elif isinstance(pa_type, pa.DataType):
return Value(dtype=str(pa_type))
raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert {pa_type} to a Feature type.")
[docs]class Features(dict):
def type(self):
return get_nested_type(self)
def from_arrow_schema(cls, pa_schema: pa.Schema) -> "Features":
obj = {field.name: generate_from_arrow_type(field.type) for field in pa_schema}
return cls(**obj)
def from_dict(cls, dic) -> "Features":
obj = generate_from_dict(dic)
return cls(**obj)
def encode_example(self, example):
example = cast_to_python_objects(example)
return encode_nested_example(self, example)
def encode_batch(self, batch):
encoded_batch = {}
if set(batch) != set(self):
raise ValueError("Column mismatch between batch {} and features {}".format(set(batch), set(self)))
for key, column in batch.items():
column = cast_to_python_objects(column)
encoded_batch[key] = [encode_nested_example(self[key], obj) for obj in column]
return encoded_batch
[docs] def copy(self):
return Features(super().copy())