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Update README.md

Step 1: Prepare the data

  • Read the text file containing English and German sentences.
  • Split the lines and extract the English and German parts.
  • Store the English sentences in the input_texts list and German sentences in the target_texts list.
  • Write the sentences to a CSV file named 'deu_deu.csv' with columns 'eng' and 'deu'.

Step 2: Load the pre-trained T5 model and tokenizer

  • Load the 't5-base' model and tokenizer, which are pre-trained on various language tasks.

Step 3: Tokenize the input and target texts

  • Use the tokenizer to convert the input_texts and target_texts into tokenized representations.
  • Pad the tokenized sequences to the same length and create attention masks.

Step 4: Fine-tune the T5 model on the translation task

  • Define an optimizer (AdamW) to update the model's parameters.
  • Set the model to training mode and iterate over a specified number of epochs.
  • Zero the gradients, compute model outputs, calculate the loss, backpropagate, and update the parameters.
  • Print the loss for each epoch.