--- license: bigscience-openrail-m pipeline_tag: text-classification widget: - text: "Please enter a sentence to classify its intent among various commercial and informational categories." labels: - Commercial - Non-Commercial - Branded - Non-Branded - Informational - Navigational - Transactional - Commercial Investigation - Local - Entertainment --- Multi-label binary sequence classification model developed by [Dejan Marketing](https://dejanmarketing.com/). This model is an albert/albert-base-v2 fine-tune trained to return an array of values for 10 classification labels. # Human-readable labels label_map = { 1: 'Commercial', 2: 'Non-Commercial', 3: 'Branded', 4: 'Non-Branded', 5: 'Informational', 6: 'Navigational', 7: 'Transactional', 8: 'Commercial Investigation', 9: 'Local', 10: 'Entertainment' }