# This is based heavily on the huggingface APPS metric import re # to run the solution files we're using a timing based approach import signal import sys # for capturing the stdout from io import StringIO from typing import List, Tuple # used for testing the code that reads from input from unittest.mock import patch, mock_open import numpy as np from pyext import RuntimeModule from wrapt_timeout_decorator import timeout as wrapt_timeout import threading from ..datasets.schema import assert_test_format_codeforces from flows import logging log = logging.get_logger(__name__) lock = threading.Lock() def evaluate_solution_for_problem( candidate_solution, hidden_tests_io=None, public_tests_io=None, timeout=10, debug=False, add_extra_imports=False, allow_truncated_io=False, ): with lock: """See the readme for the output format of this function.""" if hidden_tests_io is None: hidden_tests_io = [] if public_tests_io is None: public_tests_io = [] if candidate_solution is None: results_dict = { "compilation_status": False, "compilation_error_message": "No code was provided.", "timeout_error": False, "hidden_tests_results": [ { "status": False, "error_message": "No code was provided.", "generated_output": None, "input": test[0], "expected_output": test[1], } for test in hidden_tests_io ], "public_tests_results": [ { "status": False, "error_message": "No code was provided.", "generated_output": None, "input": test[0], "expected_output": test[1], } for test in public_tests_io ], } return results_dict @wrapt_timeout(timeout, use_signals=False) def run_tests(): hidden_tests_results = check_correctness( candidate_solution, hidden_tests_io, timeout, debug, add_extra_imports, allow_truncated_io ) public_tests_results = check_correctness( candidate_solution, public_tests_io, timeout, debug, add_extra_imports, allow_truncated_io ) return hidden_tests_results, public_tests_results try: hidden_tests_results, public_tests_results = run_tests() timeout_error_occurred = False except BaseException as e: log.info(e) hidden_tests_results = {} public_tests_results = {} hidden_tests_results["compilation_status"] = True public_tests_results["compilation_status"] = True timeout_error_occurred = True hidden_tests_results["error_message"] = "Timeout error." hidden_tests_results["results"] = [ { "status": False, "error_message": hidden_tests_results["error_message"], "generated_output": None, "input": test[0], "expected_output": test[1], } for test in hidden_tests_io ] public_tests_results["results"] = [ { "status": False, "error_message": hidden_tests_results["error_message"], "generated_output": None, "input": test[0], "expected_output": test[1], } for test in public_tests_io ] # the compilation status shouldn't depend on the tests assert hidden_tests_results["compilation_status"] == public_tests_results["compilation_status"] results_dict = { "compilation_status": hidden_tests_results["compilation_status"], "compilation_error_message": hidden_tests_results["error_message"], "timeout_error": timeout_error_occurred, "hidden_tests_results": hidden_tests_results["results"], "public_tests_results": public_tests_results["results"], } return results_dict def check_correctness( candidate_solution: str, tests: List[Tuple[List[str], str]], timeout: int = 6000, debug=True, add_extra_imports=False, allow_truncated_io=True, ): """ wrapping the testing code in a global timeout, based on huggingface code """ assert_test_format_codeforces(tests) inputs, outputs = [], [] if len(tests) > 0: inputs, outputs = zip(*tests) compilation_error, results = run_test( candidate_solution, inputs, outputs, timeout, debug, add_extra_imports, allow_truncated_io ) assert len(results) == len(inputs) for result in results: assert isinstance(result["generated_output"], str) or result["generated_output"] is None assert isinstance(result["status"], bool) assert isinstance(result["error_message"], str) or result["error_message"] is None assert isinstance(result["input"], list) assert isinstance(result["expected_output"], str) compilation_status = compilation_error == "" if compilation_status: compilation_error = None return {"compilation_status": compilation_status, "error_message": compilation_error, "results": results} class TimeoutException(Exception): pass def timeout_handler(signum, frame): log.info("alarm went off") # return raise TimeoutException signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler) # used to capture stdout as a list # from https://stackoverflow.com/a/16571630/6416660 # alternative use redirect_stdout() from contextlib class Capturing(list): def __enter__(self): self._stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self._stringio = StringIO() # Make closing the StringIO a no-op self._stringio.close = lambda x: 1 return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.extend(self._stringio.getvalue().splitlines()) del self._stringio # free up some memory sys.stdout = self._stdout def run_test(code, inputs, outputs, timeout: int = 6000, debug=True, add_extra_imports=False, allow_truncated_io=True): """ runs the code and tries to match inputs and outputs the scraped testcases may be incomplete if allow_truncated_io==True, then we ignore an EOF exception at the end of the generated output """ # Disable functionalities that can make destructive changes to the test. results = [] if isinstance(code, list): tmp_test = code elif isinstance(code, str): tmp_test = code.split("\n") else: raise AssertionError("code must be provided as list of lines or string with \\n linebreaks.") # parse the code into code and imports import_lines = [] future_import_lines = [] code_lines = [] for x in tmp_test: if (not x.startswith("from ")) and (not x.startswith("import ")): code_lines.append("\t" + x + "\n") else: if "__future__" in x: future_import_lines.append(x + "\n") else: import_lines.append(x + "\n") # assemble a new solution snippet which wraps the generated solution in a function code() new_test = "stdin = sys.stdin\nstdout = sys.stdout\n" new_test += '__name__="__main__"\n' new_test += "def code():\n" new_test += "\tstdin = sys.stdin\n\tstdout = sys.stdout\n" for line in code_lines: new_test += line sol = "\n".join(future_import_lines) sol += "import sys\n" if add_extra_imports: sol += "import time\nimport itertools\nfrom itertools import accumulate, product, permutations, combinations\nimport collections\nfrom collections import Counter, OrderedDict, deque, defaultdict, ChainMap\nfrom functools import lru_cache\nimport math\nfrom math import sqrt, sin, cos, tan, ceil, fabs, floor, gcd, exp, log, log2\nimport fractions\nfrom typing import List, Tuple\nimport numpy as np\nimport random\nimport heapq\nfrom heapq import *\n" sol += "\n".join(import_lines) + "\n" + new_test if debug: log.info(f"sol = {sol}") method_name = "code" signal.alarm(timeout) # convert the solution snippet into a pyext runtime module sol_module = None try: sol_module = RuntimeModule.from_string("tmp_sol", "", sol) signal.alarm(0) except Exception as e: signal.alarm(0) if debug: log.info(f"type 1 compilation error = {e}") for inp, out in zip(inputs, outputs): # consider all inputs failed results.append( { "status": False, "input": inp, "expected_output": out, "generated_output": None, "error_message": repr(e), } ) return repr(e), results assert sol_module is not None signal.alarm(0) try: method = getattr(sol_module, method_name) # get_attr second arg must be str except: signal.alarm(0) e = sys.exc_info() log.info(f"unable to get function error = {e}") for inp, out in zip(inputs, outputs): # consider all inputs failed results.append( { "status": False, "input": inp, "expected_output": out, "generated_output": None, "error_message": repr(e), } ) return repr(e), results # go through all tests, call our runtime module with the inputs # then compare with the reference output for index, (test_input, reference_output) in enumerate(zip(inputs, outputs)): result_object = { "input": test_input, "expected_output": reference_output, } # if the last token of the input is truncated and marked with "..." we delete it input_truncated = False if "".join(test_input).strip().endswith("...") and allow_truncated_io: test_input = test_input[:-1] input_truncated = True # sometimes the last input token is "" # if len(test_input)>0: # if test_input[-1]=="": # test_input = test_input[:-1] error_code = None with Capturing() as generated_output: try: call_method(method, test_input) # reset the alarm signal.alarm(0) except Exception as e: # runtime error or took too long signal.alarm(0) error_code = e if debug: log.info(f"Call-based runtime error or time limit exceeded error = {repr(e)}{e}") signal.alarm(0) # in some cases we run into truncated tests # in such cases we expect the error code to be None, EOFError or ValueError if ( (input_truncated or reference_output.strip().endswith("...")) and allow_truncated_io and (error_code is None or isinstance(error_code, EOFError) or isinstance(error_code, ValueError)) ): generated_output = generated_output[:-1] reference_output = reference_output.rstrip("...") if len(generated_output) == 0: # no output left, we pass by default result_object.update( **{ "status": True, "generated_output": "\n".join(generated_output), "error_message": None, } ) results.append(result_object) else: result_object.update( **{ "status": string_compare(generated_output, reference_output, True), "generated_output": "\n".join(generated_output), "error_message": None, } ) results.append(result_object) # if the input and output are not truncated, we don't allow any errors elif error_code is not None: result_object.update(**{"status": False, "generated_output": None, "error_message": repr(error_code)}) results.append(result_object) # finally, if there are no errors, we expect the output to match the reference output else: # the execution went well, let's compare the outputs result_object.update( **{ "status": string_compare(generated_output, reference_output, False), "generated_output": "\n".join(generated_output), "error_message": None, } ) results.append(result_object) return "", results def string_compare(candidate, correct, truncate_output=False, floating_point_accuracy=0.01): candidate = [o.strip().lower() for o in candidate] correct = correct.strip().lower() # normalize whitespace candidate = "\n".join(candidate) candidate = re.sub("\s+", " ", candidate).strip() correct = re.sub("\s+", " ", correct).strip() # split into individual tokens candidate = candidate.split(" ") correct = correct.split(" ") # some tests may be truncated, if we allow this we don't enforce equal length of inputs/outputs if not truncate_output: if not len(candidate) == len(correct): return False # if we allow truncated io, the last token of the output may have been corrupted if truncate_output: correct = correct[:-1] # when zip is used for lists of unequal length it will give as many pairs as there are items in the shorter list for left, right in zip(candidate, correct): if left == right: continue try: int_left = int(left) int_right = int(right) if int_left == int_right: continue except ValueError: pass try: float_left = float(left) float_right = float(right) if np.abs(float_left - float_right) < floating_point_accuracy: continue except ValueError: pass return False return True def call_method(method, inputs): if isinstance(inputs, list): inputs = "\n".join(inputs) inputs_line_iterator = iter(inputs.split("\n")) # sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) # @patch('builtins.input', side_effect=inputs.split("\n")) @patch("builtins.open", mock_open(read_data=inputs)) @patch("sys.stdin", StringIO(inputs)) @patch("sys.stdin.readline", lambda *args: next(inputs_line_iterator)) @patch("sys.stdin.readlines", lambda *args: inputs.split("\n")) @patch("sys.stdin.read", lambda *args: inputs) # @patch('sys.stdout.write', print) def _inner_call_method(_method): try: return _method() except SystemExit as e: pass finally: pass return _inner_call_method(method)