--- license: apache-2.0 library_name: transformers tags: [] --- # nox ![image/jpeg](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/64241c3d774cc340797429fc/u60xmpVM1K0AtPXZtw8b4.jpeg) The nox project is a set of tools that make it easy to use various fine tuning technologies using solar models. We constructed ko data using grammatically accurate data.(It's not perfect, but I tried my best.) And we created nox-solar model using a fine-tuning technique(sft,dpo) Our model, the nox-solar model, ranked first on the [Open Ko-LLM Leaderboard](https://huggingface.co/spaces/upstage/open-ko-llm-leaderboard). Currently, we are planning to make all code and datasets public. Through this, users are expected to be able to freely conduct research and development using Nox. ## Model Details * **Model Developers** : davidkim(changyeon kim) * **Repository** : [https://github.com/davidkim205/nox](https://github.com/davidkim205/nox) * **base mode** : Edentns/DataVortexS-10.7B-dpo-v1.8 * **sft dataset** : [davidkim205/kollm-converations](https://huggingface.co/datasets/davidkim205/kollm-converations) * **dpo dataset** : [davidkim205/kollm-comparision](https://huggingface.co/datasets/davidkim205/kollm-comparision) * **evalution** : [kollm_evalution](https://github.com/davidkim205/kollm_evaluation) * **evalution dataset** : [open-ko-llm-leaderboard datasets](https://huggingface.co/collections/davidkim205/open-ko-llm-leaderboard-datasets-65eea9e87fc3ae80787ee15a) ## Evaluation ### [The Open Ko-LLM Leaderboard](https://huggingface.co/spaces/upstage/open-ko-llm-leaderboard) | Model | Average | Ko-ARC | Ko-HellaSwag | Ko-MMLU | Ko-TruthfulQA | Ko-CommonGen V2 | | ------------------------------ | ------- | ------ | ------------ | ------- | ------------- | --------------- | | davidkim205/nox-solar-10.7b-v4 | 67.77 | 73.55 | 72.07 | 57.93 | 79.32 | 55.96 | ### [kollm_evalution](https://github.com/davidkim205/kollm_evalution) | model | Average | Ko-TruthfulQA_mc1 | Ko-MMLU | Ko-HellaSwag | Ko-CommonGen V2 | Ko-ARC-Easy | kobest | kobest_boolq | kobest_copa | kobest_hellaswag | kobest_sentineg | kobest_wic | | ----------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------- | ------- | ------------ | --------------- | ----------- | ------ | ------------ | ----------- | ---------------- | --------------- | ---------- | | davidkim205/nox-solar-10.7b-v4 | 69.48 | 63.16 | 48.59 | 85.93 | 87.21 | 71.16 | 60.8 | 55.91 | 77.5 | 57 | 89.67 | 48.81 |