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I Spy, and um- and um, uh, tag, uh, Mother May I, and /Speen the bills/- /Sping/- Spill the Beans. It's- You put your hands over your eyes and count to ten, and then you go out and look for, and you try to get to the base before they do and tag 'em out. And the last one you find, they it. See you put your shoes and say um, Tarzan was in a tree. You put your feets in. Everybody put their f- Tarzan was in a tree and he fell out. What color was his blood? Red. R-E-D spells the word red so you are not it. And [then you gonna] say red or blue or any color. Mm-hm. Uh-huh. And they be it. Engine /eminick in nine/ speeding down a cargo line. If the /jain/- train should jump your track, do you want your money back? They say yes or no. And um- <laugh> Oh [yeah we] played a pie and the devil. Um, Knock knock knock. Who is it? The p- The devil. What do you want? A pie. What kind? Strawberry. And then if he be king, you got to give it ten dollars. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. And running from- try to catch 'em. If you don't catch him, he goes in the sugar bowl. If you don't, he goes in the garbage can. You um, turn around. One, two- t- say, Mother, may I take three giant steps? And you take three giant step. If you take three giant steps, without her telling, she got to chase you. And um, red- one, two, three red light- you got to s- one, two, three red light and got to try to catch 'em. Turn all the way around, two, three, four, five. Like that. See um, it's a- you got to um, put your feets in and go, I s- No, go, Tarzan was in a tree and he fell out. What color was his blood? Red. R-E-T- R-E-D spells the word red and you are not in. And then, the last one be it. They got to be- They got to be in to tag from- try to tag you. And Mr. Freeze, you go- you do the same thing. And last one be it, as he tag you got to stay still, Mr. Freeze, til somebody else got to tag you, and the last one he freezes then he got to freeze everybody. And the last one he get, [is it.] Bottle caps? You mean what you take off the soda bottle? Yeah. Like um, throw 'em up in the sky, make 'em come back down, and try to hit the other top. Skelzies? No. Green Hornet, and um- and Bat- not Batman, and <snaps> this um, Lightning Call him Lightning. Yes. [When] it was on yesterday, he was fighting Batman and Robin. Huh? They end up being fighting Joker and them. And- Huh? Well, um, the Eggman, he- he had made this machine, and it makes stamps. Well, he- his man s- caught- /catched/ all of um, Batman and Robin and Green Hornet and Kato, and put 'em in there and pressed that thing. They came back out as stamps. And they- they came out with stamps- They was stamps. And they hung them on a wall. And they say /???/ See tomorrow episode of it. Then came on tomorrow and then they did um- They- Robin and Batman, he pressed a button and- and they uh- He wasn't in there. They was inside a machine. They was inside a machine, but when they came out, they thought they had- m- They pushed that button, and made a costume on them- [of] them. And got under the thing, and they came back out and put the Joker and them in there. And they came out with it on them. Well, like um, he gon- um, No it's not. It call- It's um- He's something like um, Apeman. He- You know, like, it be about f- ten mens, well he'll go around in circles. He had about fifteen men surround him. Oh yeah. He was going around so fast, he- and there was a hurricane coming, and um, he tried to stop it. And he stopped it though! And he broke his- his um, wrist. And the call let /unintelligible/. Anyway, he could never um, f- f- fly again. So the um- so he had this ring, and he come out- and then go out. He had a red- red suit, and he took it out. So the mens, some robbers, they was gonna rob the bank. And they was calling him. He couldn't- so he let his whistle um, /Mess/ of it had come out. So they sh- They shot it, and he- he- he was in a wheelchair rolling it around where they was. And they shot it, and it came back to 'em and laid down. He /paste it/ back up. And then when it- And then he got 'em! And then, he got- They gave him some sticks to walk on. And then, when they went back- when they went back, they- they um- they took him back to the hospital, and th- and th- they took the um, the thing off the- the um- They took it off his leg. The Stranger in Town. Well anyway, he- he rolled in town. So this fat man, he had killed his sister and his mother and his- and his father. They took his father and- took his father and his sister and cut they hair off. So when they came back- come in this- See, coming back with everybody t- looked at 'em, and he went on home. And he saw three of they- grays, so he went back. It was a fat man had this hair- put the hair on his head. He was bald head. He took his sister hair and put it on his head. He kind of fat, and the other man, Gunslinger, and then the other one, it was about f- ten mens. So he went in t- he was looking for all of 'em. So they hire him- hire him for the S- S- Sheriff. He get about twenty dollars. Anyway, when he went /around/ there, so the man- and- They told him who did it, and he ran out there and say- and said, See um, here. I put this scar on him. They had put a scar on him when he was little. And he r- he was looking for him. So he said, this a scar you put on me. He took him and hit him and took that bread and got him down on his- put it all over- stuck it in face. So when they took him, and he brung him and they- and he caught- he /catched/ one of 'em. He was after him himself and the law was after him. So d- he took him in. You know, like a prison, like the army mans held them in a fort. All the c- Well they put 'em in there. Each day they hang mans. So they took him in, and the next man he was looking for, so he went in this house. And when he- when he got there, they had left some gold. They wanted his father gold cause he had struck gold. So they wanted it. So, he was- he was coming u- back from town, and they had went in the house, snuck that there for him. Took a short cut. So he walked in there. He turned around. So he know somebody. He saw the f- the um, horses d- so he took the knife. One of 'em was in a tree so he was fast. So he say- Like, he had um- He had a gun there and a gun there. So he walk- he- and the man say- was gonna hit him with the knife and hit the ground. He jumped back and he went down and hit the ground and the knife stucked in 'em hisself. So he took the knife out of the man and /crawleded/ on the ground and c- started throwing things so they gonna race up there /and uh- I mean they sh-/ they started shooting at her. They thought that was him running around. He kept throwing things and /snucked/ in the back door. And then he got one of the mans- one of the mans- they was scared he got to the door. He /throwed/ a rock in there! <sound effect> And then he say, let's get out of here Frank. Or are you scared? Go on! So he went through the door. He say- kicked the door over. <sound effect> He fell out of the- one of the mans kept try to get away, like way down there- well he took a uh- when of his /??/ /and his-/ <sound effect> He fell off. And then he went into town, and then this old man there, some mans held- hold up the um, stage coach. And he- he- /?/- he went in to get- They had show two movies. So when they went into town, they hung that man and then- and then when they say, well that's all the man's. Here your money. And then he rode off into the West. And this was another one name um, Fistful of Dollars. Well, he walked into town- You know, he had on a- um- a bullet proof, and his shirts /open/ and it- You know the Mexican things- Had 'em hang down like that. Well he had a gun down. He pull it back like that. Well, and he had one of these short shot guns about short. Well, these mans was out looking for 'em, so he went into town. They say, Hey, /catcher that old whore/ /head/. So he say, Look at 'em. Let me- Watch me go over there and roughen 'em up. Went over there. Ain't you too- a little too young to be drinking beer, son? He say, Get your yellow stinking hands off of me. So then he say, Well you wanna get rough, huh? Well I show you how to get rough. So the Sheriff walked in and say, Stop this racket right now. Well he started it. So he walked through there, and they beat him up pretty bad. They had hit him so he went- and then when they- this lady found him, and she put him in a house. So, and he was /for/ loading his gun. It was this fast man had on black clothes. He load his gun. He jumped up like this, you know. He- he- Them- They- He /knowed/ him. You know, like you take your gun apart, held it one piece to here and one piece the- the um, thing you wind, have it there. And the um, the part laying there. So he put it together, and put that part there, so he know the man was coming up the steps. He gonna hear. The man try to be tricky so he- you know, like it's a big piece of- long pice of wood? He grabbed on there and jumped on- and kind of like he hung hisself. The man, you know, man say, Jump back. Boom! Kick the door open. <sound effect> And he ain't see him. He jumped on him. Boom! He f- fell down. And then say, <exhale> <exhale> <tsk tsk tsk> and got on his horse and rode out. And t- went into town, had him some beer. So when this um- then, with some more /all them mens/, he came into town and say, you killed my brother. So he came in there. He had about five mens with him. He say, <exhale> /tsk/ ready when you ready. <sound effect> <sound effect> They shot him. The bullets /bounceded/ off. So and when he had the shotgun, you know- But they gonna get her- They got him. You know? Like it be a /lean pursuit/ /??/ under the ground which you walk on. [Well it] was a man under there, and it was another man on the roof. And a man up there. He had a whole lot of mens surrounding him. He ain't know it though. Well, he walked on wood, and the man was just looking at him. He say, say- He jump back, and put the gun on there, Boom! The other man say <sound effect> /?/ from under there. So the next man, he say, <whistles>. /Telling like he was a man/ Frank! (whispered) He got me! He say, Where? Boom! [Got him!] Then someone say, /??/- hey Miss (whispered). What? Where are you? (whispered) I'm on the roof! (whispered) Okay! (whispered) I think he got the gold. (whispered) <sound effect> <sound effect> You know how it be some louder woods and things? He went out there. He say, He let all they horses go. Then he got behind one of the horses, and say, Hey you! <sound effect> <sound effect> Got three of 'em off the roofs and they say- He jumped over- You got my brother! Get down you fool! [<sound effect>] Got him in the head. So the Chinese- the um, Mexico, he say, You! <exhale> <sound effect> Like this, then- then he rode out the town. Then he say- Every time a man get in- Every time they went to hang the man, he shoot him down, get him on the horse and bring him back in, get some more money. Shoot him down and bring them, give them some more money. So and then he got away from stranger, Fistful of Dollar so he went home to his um, wife. The Mexican man went home to his wife. And then, they went to find him again, so we went- he left his wife and went out to this um, thing where they got all kinds of guns. He opened the door. You know the- the doors come- the /?/ when he push 'em open. And they had a target what you shoot at. Well he went out there and say, give me the gun. He say, I'm'a pay you for 'em. He say, I just wanna see one. So <sound effect> He shot at um, the um Mexico shoot so fast, she said, You keep the guns. You know, don't pay me. Bye bye. He rode on. He said, <exhale> I wasn't gonna pay you anyway. [Put the gun] up there and had a sack of gold. I should have t- I think I do that. <ts> <sound effect> <sound effect> Then /some/ rode out of town, he say, please /senor/. Don't take all my money. I need it. So he /ranned/ out on him. And cause it was some mans coming through the back door, and he went out the front door. And pretend like he- he put his shirt and put a piece of stick down there, put the hat over it, and pretend like he was /satting/ in the chair. He was out the door while they looking- was shooting at the chair and he- he- he- there was something that he put there telling it was him. So he ran on out of there. And then he got home. He had a knife up there, you know, [go around] like that. So he went in- he was started um, kissing his wife- and then you hear the mans coming. He jumped up there, behind the door, and after about five minutes choking his wife, <sound effect> <sound effect> Where is he? Where is he? <sound effect> He say- he got mad and then he just started <sound effect> hit the man. The other man say, <sound effect> He say, <sound effect> <sound effect> Hit him /in his/ forehead. All the bullets /runned/ out. And they started turning they head. So this old man- It was almost going off- This old man had a gun right here. Was a cook, so they had that /thing/ contacted go around like that, and then it's uh- <inhale> And /he say/, N- Fistful of Dollars was there, and a um- man with the moustache was there. H- Uh, no, n- um- Chinese- the um, Mexican was right there. And them old man with the um- the m- contact in his eye, they say, <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> They say, <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> <exhale> He say, and shot the other man. He fell. They got him in um- /he wrapped this in/ um- and say, Go home. <sound effect> And then he say, /Adios/. <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> They say, where you going? I'm going with you. Well, adios. Then he went- Fisful of Dollars went that way- and then uh, man, he kept shooting down, saving Fistful of Dollars. He went that way, and they went that way. Adios! you know. <sound effect> He went back home. He went- and he went to another town. He went off. He say, <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> <sound effect> Went off. We studying um, science and [R-] Yeah. Huh? /B- uh-/ Yeah. Subtracting from one to two. Mm-hm. Well some of um, they go out and play. Some of 'em go around and g- um, like steal things, something like that. Like this um, boy um, set the /???/- uh- the /??/ on fire. And they try to put on- put it on my brother. And we wasn't around there. We had went to see a parade yesterday and just got back. And some of 'em um, like to bring out they games outside like c- Twister and start a-playing. Some of 'em play j- j- rope, go swimming, go to camp, things like that. Play. Uh, go on little hike and stuff like that. Build things. Hm? Did I ever have one? Yes. The children. See um, this boy name um, /RD-NAME-1/- So the teacher, he c- he came in late. So he had went somewhere too, with his mother uptown to buy some shoes. And she got angry. He say, I went uptown with my mother. She took me uptown to buy some shoes. She say, put your name on that board. He say, I ain't late. I ain't putting my name out there. He wasn't late. [So] she say, put your name on that board, and she opened the desk (sound effect), went out there and took the ruler. Put your name on it. Hit the boy with the ruler- you- you- keep your hands off of me! Then, she s- told him- kept hitting him in his face with her fist. Say, I'm'a tell my mother. So she say, I'm'a take you down there, and you know what you're mother gonna do. She gonna beat you in the class. She gonna beat you right in front of the class with a switch, and you know it. Now /straight/ up that desk and get straight. And shut up. So he say, better keep your little black hands off of me, you old white- And like something like that- So, then he say- then she say, I'm gonna take you to the principal right now, He's like, keep your hands off of me! He took the book. And um, then this g- then she got him quiet. She took him down to principal. So the next day, this boy name /RD-NAME-2/ and /RD-NAME-3/- so kept hitting on /RD-NAME-3/. Cause /RD-NAME-3/um, wrote in her book- she- y- um, sh- sh- she um, m- wrote in a book, a little scratch in the book. And s- s- um, the book was already um, wrote in. So she made /RD-NAME-3/ write it all over- erase all of it- everything was in the book. What she didn't put in. So she's like, I ain't really writing nothing in there. So she hit the teacher in the eye and her contact lense it came out. But some of 'em make her do that. Mm-hm. Coming in late, going uptown with my mother. But one time, she tore my shirt. When I [first] went to school- first went- when school started again- first day- well, my n- I had my new shirt. She tore it. No, see, <clears throat> um, the boy kept hitting me in the back. And I /telled/ him I'm gonna- and I went and tell the teacher and she say, be quiet. Wouldn't let me- And I'm gonna tell her anyway. So when she come grabbing me on my shirt, /?/ slamming me through the door, I told her, hey, keep your hands off of me cause I know what I'm talking about. And this boy name /RD-NAME-3/, he was tryna be tricky, pretend like he don't do nothing all the time. When we have a substitute, he run around in the room and when the teacher come by, he say, I don't do nothing. And then she just send him down to the principal, let him take notes and stuff. Y- Yeah. Her name was Miss /RD-NAME-1/. See um, one thing, she didn't even let us- one thing my other teacher name- who tore my shirt? Well she didn't let us go outside at all. Only- teach- only time we went outside when we had a /substitute/. Yeah, well, I was in the third /grade/. So, um, it was /RD-NAME-2/, and um, /RD-NAME-3/, the boy who let she do her- Well, anyway, when I was in the um- she ain't let nobody do n- no drawing but me. [So] when um- so she let us go outside. If it be raining, she let us play games in there. And um, and uh, every- we have parties, um, Halloweens, Christmas and stuff. Sh- That was- Her name was Miss /RD-NAME-1/, and her uh, daughter, was going to the uh, that school. That's on- [best] teacher I had. Oh yeah! Um, a boy was gonna do that the last day of school. Huh? They told on him. And um, he brought um- See, um, we was having art you know, so the boy b- brought a knife to school for the teacher. So he didn't get to use it, and they /throwed/ it out the window. And um, and then, and he was- and then when he- he brought- he- we- we went to store went day. You know, this apartment but it had a store in it. Like um, trophies and um, stuff like that. A lot of um, things like that. And knife, uh, one of these- /these little soft i-/, long dagger things. Well, he- we saw him s- um, took that and put it- put it down here. He took it and put it down there, and took a whistle. So he took that home. So the next day, I told the teacher- people say, /RD-NAME-1/ took a knife out of the um, /thingy/. And she ain't believe it. So she say, did you boy? Did- I didn't take nothing out of there. And I say- he say- it was uh, about twelve inches long. And she say, come on, I'm going down- yeah, I know, you tell a lies. He always telling. We go and see your mother. We gonna see your princip- I'm'a call your mother, and she gonna come up here and beat you in front of the class. How you like that? Say, she ain't gonna do nothing. She gonna come up here and beat you. Huh? [Yeah.] Yeah. /RD-NAME-2/, /RD-NAME-2/ /RD-NAME-2/ /RD-NAME-2/ /RD-NAME-3/. Peoples like that. Like uh, Mexico and [stuff?] Yeah, /RD-NAME-2/ do. But I don't know about the rest. And /RD-NAME-3/ do too. And /RD-NAME-4/ do. And I do. Um, language. /??/ Oui- oui Madame. Mi- Oui Madame (whispered). Ou- Oui madame. Mi bien, merci Madame. Et vous? /??/ Um, good morning. French. Uh-huh. [Um-] /RD-NAME-3/, he light skin. /RD-NAME-2/ No. What would he have to do? Nothing. Huh? First, I go and talk to him and ask him what his name, like I did this boy name /RD-NAME-2/. I went to talk to him, and he wanted to be- be with us. So I talked to him. He was with us. I wanted to be a football player. The Redskins. Be a good b- good quarterback. [Yes.] What kind of games did kids play around your neighborhood? Kids your age. Any others? How do you sp- How do you play uh, I Spy? Mkay. How about the first time you're starting out? How do you pick the kid that's it? Mm-hm. [/inaudible/] Any color. Mm-hm. And you keep doing it til there's only one left? Um, do you know any other rhymes like that or is that the only one you use? Mm-hm. Any others? Do you ever use high spy, stick 'em in the eye? /?/ [You know that one?] How's that go? Hm. How do you play Mother May I? <laugh> Mm. Hm, that's good. How about tag? How does that go? Mm-hm. Mm-hm. Mm. Mm-hm. Oh, that's [good.] You ever play um- Is there any games that you play with bottle caps? Mm-hm. What? Mm-hm. Ever hear of a game called Skelzies? Kids in New York play that one a lot. Okay, good. Um, what's your f- what are your favorite TV shows? Mm-hm. What uh- Do you remember one story on the Green Hornet that was real good? /What was [that one]/? What happened? What happened? How did it start? How did it start? Mm-hm. Hm. Hm. [Mm-hm.] Mm-hm. Mm-hm! What about Lightning? What- what happened on that that was cool? Mm-hm. Why w- do you remember a story on that one? Hm. Mm-hm. Hm. Good. Have you seen a movie that was real good that you remember? Recently. Mm-hm, what was that about? Hm. Hm. Mm-hm. Mm-hm. Mm. Mm-hm. Hm. <laugh> Hm. Is that the end? Mm-hm. Hm. Yeah, that's good. What was that about? Mm-hm. Mm-hm. Mm-hm. [Mm.] <laugh> [<laugh>] <laugh> [<laugh>] <laugh> Mm-hm. [<laugh>] Hm. Hm. [Mm-hm.] <laugh> Hm. Hey, you tell a good story. Um, tell me about your school. What did you study last year? Fifth grade? Tell me the subjects. [What about] numbers? What's that called? What's that called? /And/ subtracting? What's that called? Something like Arithmetic? Okay. Um, what do kids do during the fall and winter after school gets out? Mm-hm. Mm-hm. Hm. Mm-hm. Good. Did you ever have a teacher that hollered a lot? Did you ever have a teacher that hollered a lot? Mm-hm. What made the teacher holler? Doing what? What did they do that made her mad? [Huh.] Mm-hm. So you don't think it's fair when she does that stuff? Mm-hm. Did you ever- Did she ever get after you? [/Is that right/?] What for? For being late or what? Hm. Um, what- did you ever have- who was the best teacher you ever had? Do you remember? One teacher that was real good? What was she like? Mm-hm. What did you like about her? Mm-hm. Hm. Hm. But this other teacher did let you go out? Mm-hm. Mm-hm. [Hm.] Mm. Hm. [/Good./] That's good. A- Were you ever in a class where the kids played a trick on the teacher? Like putting tacks on her seat or something? But did he chicken out or what? Did he chicken out or what? Oh. So what happened to him? Mm-hm. Hm. Hm. Mm-hm. Okay. Is there a bunch of kids that you always play with? Hang around with? Is there a bunch of kids you always play with? [Or hang] around with. What do you call their first names? Do any of those kids speak any foreign languages? Like Spanish or anything? [Mm-hm.] Alright. Mm-hm. You do? What do you speak? Can you say something? What does that mean? What language is that? That's pretty good. Are those boys all colored? Is one of 'em a leader? [Is one] kid that's sort of the leader that everybody else listen to? I mean is there any of the kids in the group that's sort of a leader? That sort of tells y'all what to do. And everybody listen to 'em. No? Okay. What if a new kid moves into the block and wanted to play with y'all, what would he have to do? What would he do? Just come out and- Would he come out- just come out and hang with you or? What would he do? Mm-hm. Okay. Good. What do you wanna be when finish school? Oh yeah? What team would you like to play with? Right here in Washington. What does a football player have to do to get- what do you have to do to get to be a football player? Mm-hm. You play football? [Obviously.] Good.