diff --git "a/train.csv" "b/train.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/train.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,9815 @@ +stories_beginging +one day [MALE] bought a lottery ticket +[FEMALE] and [MALE] had a very lovely wedding ceremony +[FEMALE] was relaxing at a coffee shop +[FEMALE] needed new socks +[MALE] decided he wanted more privacy in his house +i heard that my library had a certain new book that i wanted to read +as a kid i try to think of routes to take to trick or treat +i got a phone call today +[FEMALE] needed school clothes +[MALE] showed up unannounced on his brother 's doorstep +[FEMALE] loved to sing +years ago i met this well dressed man on the street +[FEMALE] was sad that she had no one to spend christmas with +[FEMALE] went to the state fair +i looked over at the teenager and asked her to quiet down +[MALE] was very nervous +[FEMALE] needed to go to a doctor 's appointment +the bandmates were in the van for a tourthey started getting cranky +[MALE] had to get repairs done on his car +[MALE] took a bus up to the ancient acropolis +hocus pocus found the dusty diary +we went to go catch a movie last night +i was sentenced to prison for murdering my wife +[MALE] made a cheap movie with some friends +[FEMALE] liked to go fishing +she blamed me for everything that happened +[MALE] and [MALE] were fighting +[NEUTRAL] has been in love with a girl for years +[NEUTRAL] wanted to throw up her dinner +[MALE] went swimming in the ocean +[MALE] took one of each of his shoes to the clothing store +[FEMALE] had lost her keys +[MALE] left a single cigarette in an empty pack of smokes in his car +[FEMALE] was looking for meaning in her life +mother was kidnapped last weekend +[MALE] kicked [MALE] in the face and punched him in the stomach +[FEMALE] got a plant for her birthday +i once lived on a farm with a pond +i really need a new toaster +[MALE] loves to play on his computer all the time +[MALE] decided to steal a police car +[MALE] created an app to translate the bible to the klingon language +the old woman was a nasty piece of work +[MALE] was shopping at his regular grocery store +[MALE] had known he was gay since before he knew what that word meant +"[FEMALE] hated spiders , but her mom hated flies more" +"one afternoon , i let my dog , pandy , outside to play" +i was looking through the house for my homework +a group of friends and i went to a corn maize +i learned how to program when i was young +i woke up and i was very hungry +[MALE] woke in the middle of the night +the man bought some yeast +[MALE] was short the market +[MALE] and [MALE] went to the local restaurant +[MALE] was learning lines for the role of a lunatic in an upcoming play +[FEMALE] was on her way at the airport to [FEMALE] +[MALE] was eating candy all day +[MALE] loved to run laps around the track +[NEUTRAL] wanted to travel to [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] love to play outside +dessie wanted to meet a new mate +today i went to the mall to look at shoes +[NEUTRAL] went to the mall yesterday +[MALE] worked at a grocery store +[MALE] was in the 3rd grade +the lady was looking through her jewelry box +[MALE] is down at the race track +spanish fork set up a rodeo +[MALE] wants to find an interesting accessory for his outfit +[FEMALE] baked some bread +roni is a cat lover +i remember being young and going to new [NEUTRAL] +[NEUTRAL] was standing in the living room +[NEUTRAL] went hiking up a tall mountain peak one day +ken sighed and kicked his desk in frustration +[FEMALE] wife 's boss [MALE] went on a cruise last year +[NEUTRAL] was changing the light bulb +[FEMALE] moved in a new apartment that had a sparkling pool +bry had a dog +[MALE] 's wife made two bagged lunches +"today is the day , [FEMALE] is so excited to go car shopping" +[FEMALE] was traveling on vacation +[FEMALE] got a new pair of shoes +[MALE] was typing an essay for class +it was a busy night at the restaurant +[MALE] snyder got into a car accident yesterday +[MALE] 's new year 's resolution was to lose some weight +today my friend was traveling by airplane to [FEMALE] +[MALE] opened his eyes and smiled as the wind caressed his skin +[FEMALE] wife used the vacuum cleaner today +[FEMALE] 3rd was [MALE] donut day this year +[FEMALE] heard that jell-o would help your hair and nails grow +the peterson 's loved visiting their vacation home for every year +[FEMALE] challenged her dad to a game of jeopardy +i went on vacation last week +[MALE] was trying heroin for the first time +[FEMALE] took her kids sledding when it snowed +[MALE] woke up at 7 :15 in the morning +the college preparation test was very difficult +"[MALE] was very nervous about meeting his new supervisor , [NEUTRAL]" +a kitten climbed high up in a tree +a stray cat followed me home +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] went out on the lake in [FEMALE] 's boat +"startled , [FEMALE] fell from off the top of the girl pyramid" +in high school i played [NEUTRAL] in the music man +[MALE] always felt the need to be sarcastic +[MALE] 's dad was a cowboy who rode horses +a baby rocked in it 's highchair +the teacher blew his whistle +[FEMALE] lost her wedding ring +"[MALE] went to his local bookstore , like usual" +janae is very active on facebook +[MALE] was n't supposed to make microwave popcorn without permission +[MALE] bought a new dog at the pet store +[FEMALE] had a very bad cold +i strained my back today +[FEMALE] joined an internet dating site +[FEMALE] 1000 page report was due before midnight +[MALE] loves the cold +[MALE] really loved band in college +"[MALE] loved dogs , and always played with his friends ' dogs" +karn always wanted a boat +the man borrowed some butter +[FEMALE] took out a bag of chips +there was a storm where [FEMALE] lived +[FEMALE] received a dozen roses at her desk +our 2 year old granddaughter shia is fussy +[MALE] went to a motorcycle bar for a drink +[MALE] was playing a crane game while his friend 's watched +[FEMALE] had her first job interview today +[MALE] bought a new remote control car +[MALE] needed to make money +[MALE] loved chocolate milk +i was on my way to work last night +[FEMALE] had a stray dog in her backyard +[NEUTRAL] loved astronomy +it was a warm [NEUTRAL] +the horse showed up to our house +[FEMALE] loved dogs of all kinds +i found a frog on the edge of a pond today +the great herds of animals moved across the savannah +[FEMALE] son 's friend [MALE] just came back from [MALE] +[MALE] wanted to become a ballerina +[MALE] went to the beach +[NEUTRAL] was unemployed +i had to go to the dentist yesterday +[NEUTRAL] had been overweight ever since she 'd had her third child +[NEUTRAL] wanted to be a novelist but his parents had other plans for him +"today we arrived at cozumel , with the most turquoise water" +[MALE] was going to pick up his girlfriend +"when i was 7 year 's old , my grandpa turned 80" +[FEMALE] works at the zoo +[MALE] was at a theme park +[MALE] 's favorite soup is chicken soup +every day around lunchtime all of kits animals take naps +for breakfast i decided to have some cereal +[FEMALE] wished to visit another country +the man typed fast +[MALE] had just lost a tooth that day +i was watching sports on tv +[FEMALE] wanted to become a great scientist one day +i was tasked with writing the school newspaper one week +[NEUTRAL] old lady was walking across the street +[FEMALE] wanted to save money on a coffee grinder +it was sports day at [MALE] 's school +[MALE] and [NEUTRAL] were playing a video game +[MALE] and [MALE] were going to visit their grandma out of state +[MALE] bought a house in the middle of the woods +[MALE] 's computer suddenly stopped working +[MALE] dreamed of being a pirate one day +[FEMALE] was going to the bar +[FEMALE] needed to buy tissues +a team of people competed in an event +[FEMALE] was walking very carefully +last night i planned to make hamburgers +yesterday [MALE] debuted his third fashion collection +[FEMALE] wanted to go to the zoo +i was working on my laptop today +one of our neighbors complains constantly +i was walking down the street with my phone +[FEMALE] had just been given a car even though she was only 16 +[FEMALE] loved to look at the stars at night +[NEUTRAL] the lab was adopted by wonderful puppy parents when he was 2 +[MALE] and his friends loved to go down to the river +[FEMALE] had a craving for something salty +[FEMALE] wanted to build a fort in her playroom +[MALE] and his wife were at home on his day off +[NEUTRAL] loves to play video games at the arcade +i just got home from an [FEMALE] grande concert +[FEMALE] liked to spend a lot of time at the lake +[MALE] and [MALE] were rivals on the same hockey team +[FEMALE] friends and i were playing in the street on the fourth of july +[MALE] never did well at school +i went to the baseball game[FEMALE] favorite pitcher was playinghe gave up a lot of home runshe was pulled from the gamei left disappointed +[MALE] was married for 60 years +i never had money but wanted to learn more about it +the children were going to a movie +[FEMALE] had just moved into a new house +[FEMALE] showed up for the dance team tryouts +[FEMALE] had always wanted to learn how to bake a cake +turk does n't like to drink water +[FEMALE] did n't trust her boyfriend +he was running low on money so he was shopping at a dollar store +the children loved to play video games all day long +[FEMALE] and [MALE] decided to eat at an indian restaurant +grandma needed her room painted +[FEMALE] 's older sister began taking dance lessons earlier this year +a man wanted to get a group together in his game to kill a boss +[MALE] hated being sick +[FEMALE] noticed a car circling the neighborhood +[FEMALE] was riding her mountain bike +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were siblings +[MALE] struggled in his algebra class +[MALE] told [MALE] he 'd endorse him as a candidate +[MALE] and [MALE] were supposed to meet in a pub +finally having a day off was a relief to janeal +[MALE] went to the hardware store with his father +[NEUTRAL] was the shortest boy in his classroom +yesterday i got into a fight with my friend [MALE] +[FEMALE] wanted to try ice skating +it was raining really hard in louisiana +[FEMALE] had a pen pal +[MALE] needed a new car +[FEMALE] wanted to go abroad real bad +[MALE] decided to put in a load of laundry after work +[MALE] is playing a game of basketball +[MALE] gave his friend some money as a loan +[NEUTRAL] and [FEMALE] went to a party together +a little baby was sleeping +[FEMALE] bought an old house +the man ran into the emergency room bleeding everywhere +[FEMALE] got offered a great high paying job in a factory +i made a warm scarf for my mom +[FEMALE] saw a big spider on her wall +[FEMALE] little rat terrier [FEMALE] loves to chase squirrels +[MALE] was very excited that he just turned 21 +[MALE] 's parents took [MALE] to the zoo +[FEMALE] 's science fair was coming up today +[MALE] woke up in the morning to take his morning shower +[NEUTRAL] was flying a kite +[FEMALE] joined track in third grade +[MALE] started sneezing and coughing +[NEUTRAL] was driving down the road +it was time for my daughter to go to college in another state +it was a cold day +[FEMALE] bought a ticket for her town 's annual raffle +[FEMALE] liked going to the movies with her friends +[FEMALE] was sewing an item for a customer +[FEMALE] saw that she had a new neighbor +[MALE] applied for a very sought after job +the [MALE] children went running in the woods +[NEUTRAL] had a gun that she loved to shoot +[MALE] was walking to school on a rainy day +the athlete went to practice +[MALE] wanted to be on the soccer team +[FEMALE] needed a dress for prom +[FEMALE] 's neighbor was an old lady with a big rose garden +i had a massive headache +[MALE] was hungry +[NEUTRAL] wore her grey sweater all the time +[FEMALE] noticed there was a new girl at school +[FEMALE] 's mom rushed her out of the bed +i was in my car in traffic +[FEMALE] wife could not fall asleep last night +one day [FEMALE] and her friends went to the planetarium +[FEMALE] was about to catch a flight +[FEMALE] told her husband women have it harder at work +i 've always loved butterflies +[FEMALE] family was on vacation in [FEMALE] +[MALE] put in his application at a web development firm +[MALE] started manipulating photos and making graphics in high school +[FEMALE] was dancing with her friends in the club +[MALE] wanted to be more organized +the balance of the economy was measured in great length +we found ants in the water of our keurig +at the epcot park we went through to the aquarium +the man liked to fidget +[NEUTRAL] was at the mall +[FEMALE] and [MALE] went to a chinese food restaurant for lunch +[MALE] goes to rob a bankhe has to pay for his family +[FEMALE] was working in a fast food place +[MALE] swung his golf club +i have trouble walking because of a stroke +[MALE] had smoked for years +[FEMALE] was shopping in the mall +[NEUTRAL] 's work was having a christmas party +[FEMALE] had tried eating tuna before but had never eaten salmon +[MALE] had a favorite walnut +[MALE] had just qualified as a substitute +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were climbing a tall tree in the backyard +[FEMALE] was having a baby +[FEMALE] has needed a new pair of shoes for months +[FEMALE] owned [MALE] money +"as a boy , i picked up a centipede , thinking it was a caterpillar" +[MALE] was driving home from work one day when a car hit him in back +"[MALE] loved his wife , but he was a weak man" +[MALE] randomly decided he wanted cable +[MALE] was upset one night +one day i came across a tea house +[MALE] tried to open the door but a furry dog would n't let him +the neighborhood always has a pool party +[FEMALE] was running for mayor +[MALE] was now ten and could be left without a babysitter +i was eagerly waiting for a package to arrive +i once had a roommate who put a ton of sugar in his coffee +[MALE] had a dog named [FEMALE] +[MALE] had a lot of remotes for his home theater system +i love eating pasta +[FEMALE] wife got her ashes this [FEMALE] +[MALE] bought the new black sabbath albumhe sat in his room and turned off the lightshe lit candles to set a moodhe listened to the album the whole way throughhe loved it +[FEMALE] had a crush on the neighbor +it was christmas morning and [FEMALE] and her family were opening presents +[NEUTRAL] was looking after a friend 's cat for the weekend +[MALE] lost his glasses +[NEUTRAL] realized something was wrong with her washing machine +[MALE] went skating with friends +[FEMALE] was at work +[FEMALE] loved fishing +[MALE] had diabetes +[NEUTRAL] raised one vicious german [MALE] +[FEMALE] friend stayed with me in the hotel +[NEUTRAL] wanted to eat at a restaurant she 's never been to +[MALE] loved to watch olympic curling +the student was doing his homework +[NEUTRAL] 's mom packed her a ham sandwich for lunch again +[NEUTRAL] ordered a pizza +i got a new kitten yesterday +[MALE] was playing basketball with his neighbor +[NEUTRAL] 's preteen daughter was going to her very first sleepover +[MALE] noticed a wild hare in his yard one night +[FEMALE] had a hard time falling asleep at night +[FEMALE] loves pork chops +[MALE] was obsessed with fantasy football for three years +[MALE] enjoyed reading the newspaper every day +[FEMALE] began to feel nauseated after lunch +the kids were walking down the street +all of her life [NEUTRAL] loved being near the water +[MALE] was 20 when her sister died from cancer +[FEMALE] was trying to sneak out of her house +"[NEUTRAL] wanted to go to bed , but thought he 'd do just one more task" +the floorboard squeaked underfoot +[FEMALE] was excited to go to dinner at [FEMALE] 's +[MALE] was excited to lose his first tooth +[FEMALE] left buckets of water out for her fish tanks +[FEMALE] neighbor used to decorate his house for christmas +[MALE] was at a picnic +the baseball player wanted to hit the ball and reach first base +i decided that i needed a new computer +i was walking down the street one late night +i was sitting my backyard +the family went to the fare +[MALE] made a special cake for the cake walk +[MALE] was walking to the grocery store +[FEMALE] was reading a thriller book when she heard a noise outside +[NEUTRAL] went to see a fortune teller +i had saved up enough money to go on a week long vacation +[FEMALE] was playing outside in her backyard +[NEUTRAL] and [FEMALE] were twins +[FEMALE] loved nature and to hike in the woods +[MALE] had been preparing for baseball tryouts all winter +i hated mechanical turk +[MALE] the peregrine falcon fell out of his nest as a baby +it had snowed the night before +[MALE] had always wanted to write an article for his local paper +[NEUTRAL] hosted a checker party at his house with dress requirements +[MALE] 's work had labor shortages +[FEMALE] was in the hospital giving birth to her first child +melo really liked to play sports +[MALE] was very bored at work +[MALE] 's friend [MALE] played the drums +[FEMALE] reached for a bag of grapes +i have a date with grandpa today +[FEMALE] had a soccer game on friday +[MALE] and kosmo were best friends +[MALE] went speed dating one night +[MALE] [MALE] is known as the [MALE] +[FEMALE] had a big crush on a popular teen heart-throb +[FEMALE] was waiting on her granddaughter [FEMALE] to get dressed +i went to the store with only five dollars +[MALE] walked into the classroom monday morning +[FEMALE] was starting her job as a kindergarten teacher +[MALE] escaped from prison +[FEMALE] had never been on a private jet before +[MALE] had an addiction +[FEMALE] was caught in a snowstorm one day +the family boarded the train +[MALE] was really drunk +i always wanted a game system +[FEMALE] had been out in the sun for a long time +[FEMALE] loves christmas time +"[FEMALE] put on her best dress , a red and blue modest shift" +[MALE] was poor +[FEMALE] was sleeping on the beach +[MALE] saw it one day while walking downtown with his mom +[MALE] was having dinner with his family +the spider made a web +d'albe albe liked to sing +[FEMALE] was waiting for the elevator with her grandmother +all the kids in the neighborhood came out after dinner +skyler was fascinated by insects +[FEMALE] sister [FEMALE] has a very curious toddler +i was appalled that my water bill was so high +[MALE] is responsible for finding a venue for his wedding +we lost power +[NEUTRAL] was cleaning out his fridge one day +the trumps volunteered to house a young refugee girl +[FEMALE] was a new mom +[FEMALE] studied hard for the big test coming up +[FEMALE] went to her ten year high school reunion +[FEMALE] was out for a walk with her friends +[NEUTRAL] silently sat savoring a piece of chocolate candy in her closet +i was in such a hurry to my appointment +[MALE] was down on his luck and living behind a strip mall dumpster +the scientist worked diligently on the slab for many years +the party inside the club was going to be [MALE] 's biggest affair +[MALE] was feeling upset lately +[FEMALE] was at home sick +[MALE] was depressed for many years and had n't laughed in a long time +i answered the phone to an unknown caller for some reason +[NEUTRAL] 's second successful date was set to be a movie night +[MALE] was really hungry +[FEMALE] friends and i wanted to do something +i enjoy cruising very much +one time as i was growing up the summer was really boring +[MALE] has always wanted to learn how to tie a necktie +[MALE] got into an argument with his basketball coach today +[MALE] came home with a note from school +the store where i work sometimes has lots of shoppers +[MALE] was n't sure which barbecue grill he wanted to buy +[FEMALE] started to get headaches in school +[FEMALE] went to the fair after work +[MALE] went in a submarine to the bottom of the challenger deep +when we were kids we had a lot of stuffed animals +[MALE] works for a clothing company +[MALE] had never traveled by plane +the kids liked to say tongue twisters +[FEMALE] baby was walking in the kitchen +[FEMALE] 's car was on its last legs +there was a new club opening down the street +[FEMALE] decided she needed a new best friend +[MALE] had to mail a package at the post office +i was up late one night watching television +[FEMALE] always wanted to learn how to ride a horse +four skiers went up a tall hill +[MALE] asked his daddy to give him pizza +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] came from [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] loved to play basketball +[MALE] was pulled over by the police +[FEMALE] had to pack a sandwich +[FEMALE] sister-in-law 's apartment was inspected today +[MALE] was at his cafeteria +in 1998 we set off fireworks by the pond where we live +[FEMALE] was writing an essay about about cats +[NEUTRAL] complained about his tiring homework assignment +[MALE] was going to sleep +[MALE] really wanted a new tv in his room +[MALE] was a homeless student who heard about mturk on campus +a police officer stopped [MALE] in the middle of the street +the winter of 1993 was bad in [MALE] +[MALE] had been anticipating the dub show car show all year +when i was a boy my parents used to take my brother and i to the park +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were recently married +[NEUTRAL] had some unused packing boxes after he moved into his new house +[MALE] loved to ride his bike around town +[NEUTRAL] planned to push her groceries home in a stroller +last summer i started a garden +[MALE] was walking down a street one afternoon +[MALE] was 16 and wanted to quit school +[MALE] had never been on a boat before +scrambles the cat was adopted in late [FEMALE] from a shelter +[MALE] was my first dog +[MALE] had a head full of curly hair +[FEMALE] wanted everything to be perfect for her guests ' visit +[FEMALE] needed gravel for her new fish tank +[FEMALE] refused to drop her panties for the man +[NEUTRAL] loved the outdoors +"[FEMALE] , [MALE] went to church with his family" +one day [MALE] was in charge of helping to prepare dinner +after a night of snowing my yard was filled with snow +[MALE] and sam went to the movies +[MALE] was doing the dishes +[MALE] has always wanted to bake an apple pie +[FEMALE] has always dreamed of working at the cafe downtown +[MALE] wanted to be an actor +"[MALE] was a very poor , but kind man" +farm girl [FEMALE] could n't wait to move to the city +[FEMALE] spent a day by the pool +[MALE] decided to incorporate more fresh vegetables into his diet +[FEMALE] had come by [FEMALE] 's home for dinner +i look forward to watching the olympics every four years +[FEMALE] had rolled her hair in rollers +yesterday i went to a taco truck +the man traveled to [NEUTRAL] +some friends decided to have a picnic +[FEMALE] watched a scary movie in her room +[MALE] noticed his drums sounding a bit off at the last gig +her boss had just left the office +[FEMALE] went to get her nails done +[NEUTRAL] eats protein bars for breakfast every day +[MALE] wanted a tattoo so badly +i used to collect comic art +[MALE] was a picky eater +[MALE] was on a picnic with his family +[FEMALE] was listening to music +[MALE] thought he was a very talented poet +[MALE] was building a bed +the ducks played their championship basketball game today +"christmas day was upon us , and everyone in the family was happy" +we went to a community yard sale last week +[NEUTRAL] wanted to buy her first car +[FEMALE] had cooked two eggs for breakfast +[FEMALE] wanted a new lamp +[MALE] was very hungry after work +when i was young we had an in the ground swimming pool +i was cleaning my kitchen last night +[MALE] had a big football game to play in one day +[FEMALE] was yawning +i was making breakfast for my family +[MALE] noticed graffiti in his school 's bathroom +[FEMALE] sat by the fire +[FEMALE] loved the rain +[FEMALE] 's car was sliding in the snow +i was xmas shopping the other day +[MALE] had an old stove +[FEMALE] went to new york on vacation +[FEMALE] was a small girl with few friends +[MALE] submitted his application for the graduate program +[FEMALE] received a bright yellow winter coat for her birthday +the [MALE] family had a fire in their home one day +[MALE] 's family was growing +[MALE] bought new headphones +[FEMALE] loved being organized +while taking the trash out [MALE] noticed a rat +[FEMALE] 's college was looking for judges for a writing competition +[FEMALE] was part of the cheerleading squad +[MALE] had been in foster care since he was a baby +two men were talking in a bar +[MALE] was at his father 's funeral +a new park opened in the neighborhood +[FEMALE] threw a frisbee to her dog +"when he was 16 , [MALE] 's family had to move to louisiana" +jerod put on some old music he listened to as a teenager +[FEMALE] dog likes to chase my cat +[MALE] and [MALE] were best friendsone day [MALE] was having a bad day[MALE] notices this and wanted to do somethinghe took [MALE] out to his favorite restaurantjakes mood improved and he was very appreciative +[MALE] was taking his first flight +[FEMALE] 's teacher wrote a word on the blackboard +[FEMALE] is in a biology class +today i ordered a new silver coin +[MALE] laid in bed while his wife worked on her crowdsourcing website +[MALE] was the cutest dog anyone had ever seen +the weitz family decided everyone would make their own christmas card +[FEMALE] studied hard for her test +[MALE] [MALE] was a legendary basketball player +[FEMALE] loved [MALE] and helping people +[NEUTRAL] was playing football +"this fourth of [FEMALE] , our family went up state to a cabin on a lake" +i woke up early to watch cartoons yesterday +[FEMALE] nephew 's wife is obese +[FEMALE] extended family was planning a visit to see me +[FEMALE] went swimming in the beach +[FEMALE] had been practicing for weeks for the dance +[FEMALE] had to go to the doctors +[FEMALE] was about to go inside of the grocery store +the bowling alley was in a state of chaos +[MALE] was playing outside +[FEMALE] mother bought me a crock pot +[NEUTRAL] was feeling sad because her husband was sick +[FEMALE] was five when her mom announced she was getting sisters +[FEMALE] was jubilant when she came out of her boss ' office +[FEMALE] girlfriend drug me to the opera with her +ron was a fast food worker at wendy 's +[MALE] was a [MALE] +[MALE] had a vision of a product to save lives +[NEUTRAL] laughed so hard her ribs hurt +[MALE] was traveling in [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] decided to start a diary +it was christmas morning +[MALE] was shoveling the snow in his driveway +[MALE] was having a birthday party at his house this weekend +i was excited for fall +[MALE] wanted ice cream but he was sick +"in the restaurant kitchen , one of the cooks was making sauce" +[MALE] saved his money from his job for years +[FEMALE] was supposed to take her sat exams in a few hours +[MALE] was eating at a restaurant +[NEUTRAL] made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich +[FEMALE] had never been on an airplane before +[MALE] needed a new car +[FEMALE] brought home a wheel of cheesecake +a new family moved in next door to [NEUTRAL] +[FEMALE] had been with [MALE] for a few months +the smiths had just gotten married +[MALE] loves to play in the snow +[FEMALE] was very old +the man tried to start the tractor +[NEUTRAL] loved the change of seasons +[MALE] wanted to go on a road trip +[MALE] decided to become a bodybuilder +[MALE] needed groceries but his car was at the mechanic 's +[MALE] wanted to color in a coloring book +[MALE] was doing a science report +[MALE] went on a diet but he did n't lose weight +when [MALE] was in kindergarten he learned an important lesson +[FEMALE] loved doing makeup so much she wanted to make it her career +[MALE] started having second thoughts about some of his deepest beliefs +[FEMALE] had never been ice skating before +i went to file my yearly taxes last week +[FEMALE] 's was grounded for burning her leg with a curling iron +[NEUTRAL] had a huge fear of going near the ocean +the pilot was nervous about the weather +[MALE] was having a terrible day +lewy awoke one snowy morning with an empty tummy +[MALE] was a great basketball player +[FEMALE] had just returned home from work to see a fire +[NEUTRAL] was fed up with income inequality +she was small and grey +[FEMALE] was worried that she was pregnant +[MALE] was the oldest of three brothers +[FEMALE] was feeling hungry +i used to play tennis all the time with friends +"when my parents came home , i was scared" +[MALE] was an expert in trading stock futures +[FEMALE] mom told me not to cut through neighbors ' yards when coming home +[NEUTRAL] wanted a new puppy +[FEMALE] went to the post office to by a stamp +[MALE] sat at home as if he had n't a care in the world +the weather had finally turned cooler +our nephew lived in fl and [MALE] from 2000 to 2005 +[FEMALE] needed a new suit for her job +the pitcher threw a high lob towards the batter +[FEMALE] parents have just completed remodel of her new bathroom +the dentist gave [MALE] some numbing medication +[FEMALE] was talking to her friend on the phone +[FEMALE] wife and i have a small bed +[NEUTRAL] wanted to get his girlfriend a great christmas gift +[MALE] took a walk +there was a man who worked at a job +[FEMALE] had never been on a plane before +[MALE] decided he wanted to start making coffee at home +i have so many pictures in my phone +[MALE] had a 9am flight to chicago +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] had been friends since high school +[MALE] and [FEMALE] decided to have a picnic +[MALE] moved into a house that was very old +[MALE] was sleeping on a full size bed +[MALE] and [MALE] decided to play horse +a couple talked about date ideas +[MALE] was having his morning coffee at work +[MALE] loved to travel +[MALE] had three roommates +[FEMALE] walked into a wall when not paying attention +i was outside watching a flock of young sparrows +[MALE] was 14-years-old and had been in [NEUTRAL] for 30 days +[NEUTRAL] decided to get herself a snack +[FEMALE] was excited to get a new neighbor +the computer in the supermarket had a glitch +[MALE] always wanted to jump out of a plane +[MALE] was sitting in a movie theater +[FEMALE] pretended she was sick because she did n't want to go to school +[MALE] was outside playing in the yard +the doctors told [MALE] she had a form of sarcoma +[FEMALE] opened their garage one saturday morning +"every day , [FEMALE] watched the school bus pick up her older sister" +i saw a huge cookie on my co-worker 's desk +[MALE] dreamed of becoming a guitar player +kara had forgotten to go grocery shopping +[MALE] was looking for [FEMALE] on the globe +[MALE] wanted to become a chef +[MALE] found an old guitar in his attic +[FEMALE] was the new girl at school +[FEMALE] found out she was pregnant +[MALE] had tried to see the loch ness monster on his trip to scotland +[MALE] 's friend let him borrow his new bike +[MALE] wanted a treehouse +[FEMALE] lost her keys one day +it was forecast to rain that day +the old woman had trouble doing her grocery shopping +[MALE] was watching tv when his town 's sirens went off +[MALE] agreed to babysit his nephew today +[FEMALE] and [NEUTRAL] decided to have a movie night +[NEUTRAL] likes to paint in his spare time +i cooked some sausage last night +iko could n't wait for it to rain +[MALE] was constantly sick +[FEMALE] spent three weeks in [FEMALE] this summer as an exchange student +we walked to the garden behind the mansion +[FEMALE] grandmother and i planted a peach tree last summer +[FEMALE] invited [FEMALE] to go shopping with her +[FEMALE] loved animals very much +[MALE] was a middle school student +[FEMALE] was a soccer player +the kids were listening to the radio +[FEMALE] had a flower growing outside her house +[FEMALE] was part of a competition +when [FEMALE] saw [MALE] for the first time it was love at first sight +[MALE] was talking to [FEMALE] +[MALE] came to pick [FEMALE] up for prom +[MALE] loves to play the drums +[MALE] likes computers +[FEMALE] was a habitual smoker +the quilts displayed throughout the large hall were stunning +[MALE] has worn glasses almost his entire life +yesterday my friend showed me her pretty new tattoo of a rose +[MALE] was considering playing football in high school +"after a long day at school , [FEMALE] was tired" +[MALE] had seasonal allergies +[MALE] was the head manager at 711 +[MALE] wanted to take an online economics course +[FEMALE] and [MALE] met at summer camp when they were young teens +the huge man moved quickly down the stairs +[MALE] wanted to travel the world +today i sold a book on amazon +[MALE] was very hungry +[FEMALE] bought her prom dress a size too small +[MALE] was making pasta one night +a woman found a mouse in her kitchen +[MALE] is trick or treating +[MALE] was going steady with his girlfriend for 2 months +[MALE] is a dog +i went on a trip with my class in college +"[MALE] was an excellent chef , he considered cooking an art" +[MALE] studied the presentation +[MALE] and [FEMALE] had had the same bed for seven years +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] wanted to watch the redskins game +[MALE] was taking his sat test on friday +[NEUTRAL] wanted to push her baby sister 's stroller +[FEMALE] started feeling sick +[MALE] had a few friends at school +he picked me up at 10 pm +[FEMALE] invited friends and family over for easter +[FEMALE] loved gymnastics and dance +[FEMALE] 's mother brought her the phone +snooki wanted to eat some ice cream from an ice cream shop +the lake family loves the zoo +[MALE] loved flowers +"when [FEMALE] came home , her daughter was sobbing on the sofa" +"a past due notice arrived in the mail , but [MALE] ignored it" +[FEMALE] had taken 30 minutes to calm down after a bad morning +one day [MALE] heard a knock on his door +the neighbors treated the squirrel as if it was a pet +[FEMALE] was visiting her aunt in new [MALE] city +i used to have a really cool black go kart +[MALE] was driving home from work +[MALE] was studying the civil war in school +[FEMALE] got a new chemistry set for christmas +[MALE] 's class had a short story contest +[MALE] enjoyed watching movies +[MALE] plays basketball every day +[FEMALE] was set up on a blind date +when i was a teenager i had two cats that hated each other +it was my first time cooking dinner for myself +[FEMALE] roommate listened to the radio as i studied for an exam +"[MALE] was a seaman and a fisherman , even as a teenager" +[MALE] needed to pay the property taxes on his car +[FEMALE] picked up her phone since she got a text +[FEMALE] was grocery shopping +the archaeologist was setting up a dig in egypt +[MALE] had left early to make an appointment +[MALE] was at home +[MALE] was downloading a game to his phone +[FEMALE] had a cat who died of old age +[MALE] was forced to go back to his hometown +[FEMALE] was driving home with her granddaughter [FEMALE] +"[FEMALE] warned her boyfriend , [MALE] , that she hated surprise parties" +[FEMALE] was outside watering her flowers +the city of connellsville experienced a bad flood +[FEMALE] 's class was going on a field trip to the local zoo +i needed a new outfit for my job interview +[NEUTRAL] had been waiting for her college acceptance for weeks +[NEUTRAL] spent days working on his landscaping +[FEMALE] wanted a pet +[MALE] had three great children +[MALE] was very fond of his aunt +[FEMALE] struggled with school +the drama teacher was casting for roles in the school play +[FEMALE] and [MALE] had just gotten a new puppy +[MALE] was in the bahamas on vacation +"one day at the zoo , i walked over to the gorilla enclosure" +i remember when my tooth is aching and it 's really painful +mom and dad had no clue what to do on the weekend +[NEUTRAL] was out shopping for some new pants +[NEUTRAL] went to play tennis with her friend +[MALE] 's computer crashed every 20 minutes +[MALE] was in a bad car accident +the class was having free drawing time +[FEMALE] met a girl at school +[NEUTRAL] went to the carnival +i stayed home since i did n't have money to go out +[MALE] glared at his captives in disgust +[FEMALE] had been doing her homework all day +[MALE] went to church with his second cousin +there once was a drag racer on the highway +[FEMALE] needed a new dining set +[MALE] had just got a new job +[NEUTRAL] stood in line for inspection in the army +[FEMALE] went fishing at the lake with her dad +"[NEUTRAL] wished she could go on vacation , but had no extra money" +[FEMALE] 's skin was rough and dry from winter +[MALE] planned to major in law at college +the pool sparkled invitingly as marlee looked out at it +the wrestler climbed to the top rope +[FEMALE] 's air conditioner quit working on a hot [FEMALE] day +a woman accidentally left a candle burning in her house +one day i overslept and was late for work +[NEUTRAL] was very tired after work +[FEMALE] used to be a fan of the new [MALE] mets +[MALE] loved taking his truck to the mountains +[FEMALE] wanted a pink bike for her birthday +[FEMALE] was bored watching tv with her grandpa +i was walking my dog +[FEMALE] had n't been feeling like herself lately +[MALE] bought diving equipment and took lessons +[FEMALE] was afraid of roaches +[MALE] was going to a local beekeeper to get some fresh honey +[FEMALE] was an excellent speller +[MALE] had a trouble with commitment +[FEMALE] dad took me to a basketball game when i was little +[MALE] went to check into a hotel he 'd reserved +[MALE] wanted a table +the st [MALE] 's day parade was winding through town +[NEUTRAL] was going on his first sale pitch with [MALE] +"[MALE] , [MALE] , and [MALE] decided to go to a cafe instead of a bar" +[NEUTRAL] wanted to be in the school play +[FEMALE] was expecting a baby soon +[FEMALE] lived with her parents +[MALE] was a married man +"when everyone came to the party , we played musical chairs" +[MALE] found out at the age of 18 he was adopted +[FEMALE] missed her grandparent very much +[MALE] called in sick to work +[MALE] wants to get out of his house after watching tv all day +[FEMALE] was to bring cranberry sauce for thanksgiving dinner +[FEMALE] and her family were attending the state fair for the weekend +[FEMALE] could n't stand babysitting little [MALE] [NEUTRAL] +the man was being chased +[FEMALE] realizes she has no clean clothing for the coming week +[MALE] sat on the beach when a stranger appeared +[NEUTRAL] was on his middle school basketball team +[MALE] was the only one that took the trash out +[NEUTRAL] patrolled the neighborhood in his cop car that night +matty raced home from school +i had been working very late for the past week +[FEMALE] invited her school friends over for coffee +[NEUTRAL] worked hard at her job +[MALE] was on his way to violin practice when he saw a cat +[FEMALE] was sitting on her porch talking to her sister +[FEMALE] felt tingling in her hands at feet +[MALE] wanted to cook his own fried chicken +[FEMALE] makes great pies +the mitchells put a new fence up in their yard +[FEMALE] did not know how to swim +one day [MALE] went outside to check his mail +[FEMALE] was exhausted earlier +the [MALE] family had recently found themselves homeless +[FEMALE] was going on a date the upcoming weekend +[MALE] had two dogs that loved him dearly +[FEMALE] wanted to try and grow her own lime tree +the friends went on a camping trip +[NEUTRAL] had never been to a concert before +[FEMALE] grandpa had an old farm cat +the kids were at the zoo +[NEUTRAL] applied for a job at a restaurant +[MALE] decided to go exploring +[NEUTRAL] had a day off and wanted to go to the park +[MALE] wanted to go with his friend to a concert +[FEMALE] fought with her mom over being grounded +[NEUTRAL] was in art class +[NEUTRAL] as in class when he felt ill +[MALE] went to a glassblowing workshop for a field trip +[FEMALE] liked learning about nutrition +[MALE] wanted to visit las [NEUTRAL] for most of his adult life +[FEMALE] needed to travel for work +[MALE] took his friends to the arcade for his birthday +[MALE] did n't have his father around and joined a gang +[FEMALE] was at the store pulling out some cash +on my birthday i had a cake made by my wife +[FEMALE] was a 16 year old girl +[FEMALE] bought a new house with a big yard +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were madly in love +[MALE] realizes that he has n't eaten anything all morning +[MALE] sold an item online +i prepared my chicken teriyaki sub in the kitchen +[MALE] came home from work to find his wife upset +[NEUTRAL] wanted to get high before class +[NEUTRAL] felt a blemish forming on her face +i decided to go fishing at the local lake +[MALE] was at a friend 's house +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] works for the philadelphia phillies +we lived next to a pond +we loved to tease [MALE] +tonight i was hungry +[MALE] felt weak +[MALE] noticed a bad smell +[FEMALE] took her elderly dad to a fine restaurant +[MALE] was dusting his furniture in his room +[MALE] feels very lonely +[NEUTRAL] owned a small convenience store +[FEMALE] was walking to the bathroom +"[NEUTRAL] loved cars , money and women" +"[FEMALE] wanted to dye her hair , but her mom would n't allow it" +[NEUTRAL] wanted to surprise his daughter [NEUTRAL] with a new puppy +[FEMALE] professor assigned oral presentations of our thesis subjects +[MALE] went to visit his uncle [MALE] for the first time in years +[MALE] wanted to fly to [FEMALE] to visit his brother +the man smelled cinnamon rolls +[MALE] finds out his grandmother keeps her money under a mattress +[MALE] was on a boat in the ocean +[MALE] was very superstitious +[MALE] hated walking to school +one day my friend [FEMALE] gave us brownies +i went to the store to buy bodywash +[MALE] wanted to make some money for new school clothes +[NEUTRAL] went to the library to borrow a book +"he liked his roommate , and she knew , but he never admitted it" +[MALE] went down to storage to steal some copying paper +[FEMALE] needed to buy a gift for her mother 's birthday +[NEUTRAL] was playing outside on his bike +[FEMALE] was planning on cooking dinner for some church members +the man ironed his shirt +[NEUTRAL] was underage +[NEUTRAL] had a volleyball game to play for her team +[MALE] was driving down the boulevard and listening to music +[MALE] was trying to watch a movie +yesterday i played thumb war with my brothers +[MALE] had a leg injury +"that 's a very long bridge , [MALE] thought" +i went to the store to buy milk +[FEMALE] decided to go shopping to get a gift for [MALE] +every night the alarm would go off at [MALE] 's house +[MALE] wanted to buy a new guitar +[MALE] 's family went strawberry picking +[FEMALE] was ecstatic to find she won special concert tickets +[MALE] 's car unexpectedly got towed +[FEMALE] wanted to go for a walk +[FEMALE] started online school +"[FEMALE] took a trip to the library , she has never been there" +[NEUTRAL] never ate sandwiches +i had a reunion with my high school friends in 2013 +the heater at [NEUTRAL] 's apartment was n't working +[MALE] wanted to start a youtube channel +[MALE] was taking his dog [MALE] out for a long walk +i take an elevator to get to my office +[MALE] works two jobs at two different companies +[MALE] 's parents adopted a kid +[MALE] wanted to become a painter +[FEMALE] and her friend [FEMALE] needed to research dolphins +[FEMALE] was proud of her new velvet couch +[MALE] was always scared of worms +[MALE] wanted to see a gorilla in-person +[MALE] had a shirt he really liked +[NEUTRAL] was asleep in bed when her dog woke her up +[MALE] recently needed to get a flu shot +[MALE] was a football player +[MALE] wanted to win the huge chocolate bunny +[FEMALE] moved in with new roommates she met online +[FEMALE] 's dog was a troublemaker +there was a storm near [MALE] 's home +i decided to dye my own hair +the children laughed as it started raining on them +davie bowne was reaching the end of his life +[FEMALE] was emptying out the cat litter +[FEMALE] liked [NEUTRAL] but did n't know how to let him know +[NEUTRAL] went to the spca +[FEMALE] had never felt a strong connection to her grandmother +[MALE] went on his first yacht ride yesterday +"slick [NEUTRAL] is a big black cat , named for his many lucky escapes" +[FEMALE] dropped her phone in the toilet +[MALE] arrived at the office for his first day at work +the people gathered in the woods +[FEMALE] was about to attend a new workout class +[MALE] had never been to a water park before +[MALE] went to the pizza shop +[FEMALE] was playing hide and seek with her brothers +[FEMALE] loved her cell phone +the clouds started to become dark outside +[MALE] needed to finish a project +[MALE] went camping with friends +"today while i was driving , i received a text" +[FEMALE] finished first place in her school 's geography quiz +[MALE] and boyle were headed to the ice cream shop +[FEMALE] put some kool-aid in a wine glass +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were walking through the city +[FEMALE] had carpenter ants in her house +[MALE] was a supervisor at a law firm +joann wanted an in-ground pool +[FEMALE] wrote her very own play +it was [MALE] and [FEMALE] 's first anniversary and they went on a date +"[MALE] was such a good baseball player , he had many fans" +[MALE] never liked taking pictures +[FEMALE] went to the gym four times a week +a general and his men were surrounded in a fort +i used to have a crush on a girl named [FEMALE] +it was [FEMALE] 's birthday today +the kids were learning about space +tamra had always wanted to drive a dune buggy +[NEUTRAL] bought a dogsled +[FEMALE] always enjoyed going to the lake with her grandpa +[MALE] debated whether or not to venture into the woods +the young woman was excited to come to [FEMALE] +[MALE] was at the beach +[MALE] was planning on going home for the holidays +[MALE] had never eaten pork +it was over 90 degrees outside +[FEMALE] wanted to build a fort in her backyard +[MALE] was playing darts with his friends +[MALE] has a big spelling test +[FEMALE] wanted to wear her mom 's dress +[MALE] wanted his son to get into a sport +[MALE] 's family was going on a trip +[MALE] wanted watch a movie +[NEUTRAL] is having a sleepover +[NEUTRAL] had a very long stick +her favorite food was quiche +[NEUTRAL] was making sweet tea +[MALE] was n't feeling well +[FEMALE] recently had owned a small cabin +the little girls had a sleepover +[MALE] does not like to go to school +[FEMALE] wanted to be a nurse +i had never gone to a military ball before +[MALE] preferred playing old computer games +[FEMALE] was exhausted after her long jog through central park +[MALE] was traveling with his wife +i hate going to the department of motor vehicles for any reason +[NEUTRAL] heard his alarm go off +[NEUTRAL] 's next door neighbor has a new dog living with him +[MALE] was working in a [FEMALE] submarine +[NEUTRAL] had to get up early for work on [FEMALE] +[MALE] found that [FEMALE] was overemotional +[FEMALE] dad said that it looked good enough to stop +i decided i wanted to play the keyboard +[FEMALE] loved painting +[FEMALE] girlfriend found out she 's allergic to birth control +i tried playing basketball with a friend the other day +[NEUTRAL] decided to go to the fair +[NEUTRAL] played the flute in her rock band +[FEMALE] was excited to graduate +i took a friend to a college party for church +in 2006 i went to a chess club christmas party +[NEUTRAL] liked to ride in the back the school bus +[FEMALE] was n't a very careful driver +[FEMALE] went to the store for fish sticks +i was in grade school when my family gave me surprise gift +[MALE] walked outside to put the trash at the road one night +[MALE] had struggled with poor eyesight for years +[MALE] was very wealthy +i was walking in the neighborhood and noticed a strange object +[MALE] went to camp +[MALE] was flying out for business +[NEUTRAL] was a creative high school student +[FEMALE] wanted a new dress +[FEMALE] was a widower who lived by herself +one day [MALE] is walking down the sunny streets of fresno +yesterday i had my first art class +"[MALE] was playing on his bike with his friend , [MALE]" +ken was trying to get to work +nickole was so excited to be in beauty school +[NEUTRAL] alumni of the university escorted the group around school +[FEMALE] bought some stock in a company yesterday +there was an empty lot in town +[MALE] was on his way to the beach +i was invited to eat at my boyfriend 's house this evening +[MALE] wanted to learn karate +[MALE] 's mom bought him new hiking boots for an upcoming vacation +[FEMALE] was afraid to drive +a man was angry that he kept getting people to annoy him at his house +i joined a charity last month +[MALE] was on the way to work in his car +we passed by a dark alley in the middle of the night +[MALE] went to the doctor for a checkup +the man down the street has a nice dslr +"before i walked out of my office , my boss called me" +[MALE] always liked playing football +[MALE] was tired after working all night and had to drive home +[MALE] needed a job to get an apartment +[MALE] had a dog who he loved with all his heart +[MALE] left at the same time every morning for work +[NEUTRAL] hid his friends keys in the couch +[MALE] was driving when he got lost in chinatown +[FEMALE] had fallen asleep with her laptop +[MALE] wanted a new phone +[MALE] had been working at a hotel for three years +[FEMALE] missed seeing hummingbirds all the time +sura was raised a buddhist +[NEUTRAL] wanted to switch into the electrical engineering program +[MALE] loved to watch television with his grandma +granny was getting ready for bingo one night and felt like being wild +[MALE] was renovating his house +[FEMALE] 98 year old friend [MALE] is lonely +the rabbit was stuck in the trap the farmer had set out +[FEMALE] was very hungry +[FEMALE] brother has always done things in extreme fashion +the couple took a romantic trip to the lake +[FEMALE] lived in a small apartment in a suburban area +[FEMALE] had to walk to her second job after work +[NEUTRAL] took the trash out one day +[FEMALE] found a dirty cat outside +there once was a soldier named [MALE] +[MALE] and his friend pressed the neighbor 's doorbell +[NEUTRAL] had been coughing every morning for weeks +"[NEUTRAL] was a bratty , know it all girl" +[MALE] was trying to cut some paper +[MALE] was volunteering at a festival +[MALE] was a chef and a very good one at that +[FEMALE] bought a dress for the dance +[MALE] was looking forward to visiting his grandparents +[MALE] has never been to japan +one day a very unfit man decided to get fit and run a marathon +[FEMALE] was making cookies for her mom 's birthday +[MALE] was driving along a road at night +[MALE] 's dog was a mess +[FEMALE] wanted to grow fruits and vegetables +the man picked grapes +tonight he was going to win the street race +[FEMALE] wanted to stop having a monotonous boring life +[NEUTRAL] was a big baseball fan +dipa was feeling like having a treat +[MALE] needed to put in a new sim card +i had a bad rash on my arm +[MALE] has never had a beer in his life +[MALE] had a new job +[MALE] watched the snow fall when he came home from school +[FEMALE] was bored after school +[MALE] got his first car for his 16th birthday +[FEMALE] was on vacation with cousins to [MALE] in [MALE] +i started to run short on wages and my rent was due +[NEUTRAL] 's child was too focused in the arcade +[FEMALE] was going swimming +as i walked down the sidewalk i noticed a nice dog sitting there +[MALE] walked outside to get the mail +i wanted to go swimming in a pool this [FEMALE] +[MALE] found a wallet in the men 's room one day +[MALE] was visiting philadelphia +"[MALE] and his girlfriend , [FEMALE] , were walking down a trail in the park" +"[MALE] had to wake up now , so [FEMALE] shook her tenderly" +it was a hot day +[FEMALE] started the puzzle +the cat sensed danger +[FEMALE] was tired of her carpet +[MALE] had to really use the bathroom before boarding his flight +[MALE] was watching a big fight +[FEMALE] 's daughter had been throwing up all night +[FEMALE] was walking in the mall with her mom +[MALE] is driving back home from a business trip +[NEUTRAL] wanted to join the basketball teamhe went for the try outshe did very poorly +[MALE] bought a new vehicle +[MALE] was at the park with his dad +[FEMALE] was [FEMALE] so she decided to grow potatoes +[MALE] moved a lot +the man added salt +[FEMALE] needed to take another class for her school +[FEMALE] was invited to lunch with her co-workers +[MALE] went down to the playground +[MALE] had a craving for chicken alfredo +i have to take a statistics course for my major +[NEUTRAL] wanted to color [FEMALE] eggs +every year i try to list what i want to accomplish +i noticed my car was low on gas +[FEMALE] just learned how to drive +[FEMALE] friend and i tried to have a competition yesterday +it was christmas time and we were ready to decorate our tree +[FEMALE] mom 's boyfriend got me a present for christmas +[MALE] loves running on the treadmill at his gym +[FEMALE] niece was in an abusive relationship +[FEMALE] loved the swings +[MALE] was getting fast food +[MALE] was at work when he got a call from his wife +"the winds shifted to the east , and [MALE] became stressed" +[FEMALE] had to get her phone back before her mom found out +"since [NEUTRAL] is moving today , she tried to rearrange her shelf" +[FEMALE] was learning how to do a cartwheel +[MALE] has always dreamt of seeing new [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] always liked spicy food +the cow fell asleep +[NEUTRAL] often wore clashing clothing +[MALE] wrote in his diary every single day +[MALE] was sad +cat had been very sad for a while and her doctor suggested medication +it was almost 2 am and [FEMALE] sat in the backseat bored +[NEUTRAL] heard a funny noise outside +[FEMALE] was back in the gym +"[NEUTRAL] , a young boy , wanted to make an art project" +[FEMALE] spilled her wine on her new expensive carpet +[MALE] was out swimming with a friend +[MALE] was driving home from work +[MALE] loved jogging +he wanted to ask the girl out +[MALE] was at a party +[FEMALE] 's mother had died when she was a baby +the kims decided to go on vacation +one day i decided i wanted to become a professional baseball player +"tonight , [MALE] was going to confess his love to his crush" +[MALE] is living in a new apartment with 2 other women +swarthanger took a leisurely stroll down broad st +the night had gotten cold +[MALE] was on facebook +[MALE] and his dad were excited +[MALE] panics when he realizes the rent money is gone from the table +[FEMALE] was sitting at her desk at work +[MALE] recently visited a local art exhibit in his town +[FEMALE] was in art class when it was announced they would be painting +[FEMALE] was making a glass of lemonade +[MALE] made pasta for dinner +i voted for a governor in 2014 +[MALE] loved to go shopping +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were experienced climbers +[MALE] the waiter was bored at the slow restaurant +[FEMALE] was having a hard time at work +the waitress served my food to me +the people gathered to protest the court 's ruling last week +[MALE] wanted to learn karate +[FEMALE] went to the zoo for the first time +jimbob worked in a small town at a car repair shop +grandma [MALE] cooked a large pot of gumbo for lunch +"one day , [MALE] forgot to bring his headphones for his bus ride" +i love the sport of football so much +[FEMALE] enrolled her daughter in daycare when she was four months old +[FEMALE] decided that she would like to make christmas cookies +[FEMALE] owned a bakery +[MALE] was sitting at his computer and watching tv +[MALE] 's son was on a little league team +it was halloween night and [FEMALE] was handing out candy +[MALE] was performing in a band +we decided to watch the neverending story +[FEMALE] knew her baby sister [FEMALE] wanted ice skates +[NEUTRAL] wanted to be a country singer +"knowing that reviews sell books , [MALE] sought reviews for her new title" +[MALE] and [MALE] were eating pizza +[MALE] stared in disbelief at the flooded basement +i finally broke down and bought my daughter a tablet +"[MALE] had a black cat , but she did n't like the cat" +[FEMALE] was trying to communicate with [MALE] +alistair bought a piggy bank to save with +i spent the night in a haunted house once +[MALE] was driving along a country road late one night +[FEMALE] tiptoed into her father 's garage to see what he was up to +ken took time out of his day to look at his niece 's broken down car +[FEMALE] had a crush on [MALE] +the man put his dog on a leash +the local bank was robbed one day +[FEMALE] needed new shoes +[MALE] was in need of his first car +[NEUTRAL] showed off his new ladder to his friend [MALE] +[MALE] decided his dog needed a buddy +ron had a pet duck +[MALE] 's family could n't afford to send him to college +[MALE] was a manager at a grocery store +on tally went to the beach +[MALE] watched a documentary on body building last night +[FEMALE] got an envelope in the mail +[NEUTRAL] was bored +[NEUTRAL] dreaded having to go to school +[FEMALE] had to work overtime +[MALE] was looking for something to wear +[FEMALE] was doing her makeup +i had a video game match against my friend +[NEUTRAL] 's cousin was coming to town +tawny was feeling depressed +"for christmas break , the school mandates to plug everything out" +[MALE] and his wife went to the top of the empire state building +[FEMALE] did not get a good night 's sleep +[FEMALE] friends came over to my house and wanted to have a bonfire +[MALE] was sick +[FEMALE] was on her computer during a hailstorm +[MALE] was finally on the varsity football team after two years on jv +[MALE] was riding to work on the train +[NEUTRAL] went to the concert with her friend [FEMALE] +i decided to get a new sweatshirt yesterday +[MALE] was going to a baseball game with his family +[MALE] had a crafty grandmother +the man turned on his music +[MALE] swiped left and his opponent swiped right +"after a week of waiting , the jv volleyball roster was posted" +[MALE] wanted to buy a luxury car to replace his old volvo +four-year old [FEMALE] decided to help her mother by doing the dishes +[FEMALE] family bought a bucket of fried chicken to the beach +today i played 4 speed chess games with my friend +[MALE] wanted to try out a pound burger +[MALE] was ironing his clothes +[FEMALE] and her friends went to the lake to swim +[MALE] was singing loudly to [FEMALE] 's cheap thrills +[MALE] loves walking to the marathon +the man broke his glasses +[MALE] told one of the richest men in the world about an experience +[FEMALE] was having a yard sale +[MALE] drinks one or two liters of soda daily +[FEMALE] watched a red robin land on her lawn +[FEMALE] had always loved the xylophone +"[FEMALE] wanted to move to [MALE] , [MALE]" +[FEMALE] ran to the shoreline +[FEMALE] was a serious shopper and always has coupons +[MALE] was a good employee +[FEMALE] was rude to her grandma [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] and her friend [MALE] were shopping +[MALE] awoke a few minutes late +[MALE] decided to take an afternoon nap +[MALE] buys a ps3 on ebay +[MALE] walked over to his friend [NEUTRAL] 's house +"[FEMALE] , our neighbor , came over for a couple drinks" +[MALE] loved to ski but his family did not have very much money +[MALE] liked to fly small planes +"when my teacher came into class , she looked angry" +i wanted to learn the guitar +[MALE] went to the dentist to have his tooth pulled +[FEMALE] was starving but running out of food +one day [FEMALE] went to the beach with her mother +[FEMALE] decided to boil some eggs one day +we went on a trip to [MALE] 's mountain when i was in college +[MALE] was scuba diving in the maldives +[FEMALE] was bored so she decided to put on makeup +[NEUTRAL] gathered some things from the library +[MALE] is delivering a pizza +[FEMALE] took her kids to the park +[MALE] could not get his microscope to focus +[FEMALE] 's birthday is quickly approaching +[NEUTRAL] got a new iphone +we always played super bowl bingo during the big game +[FEMALE] left the bathroom to go to her classroom +[MALE] invited his friends over for a very special meal +[FEMALE] thinks she 's the prettiest girl because she got a flipper +[FEMALE] woke up one night to the sound of footsteps +[FEMALE] and her girlfriends went on a camping trip +[FEMALE] lived in baltimore during the riots +"[MALE] was a very bad , evil man" +[FEMALE] took the day off at the beach +[FEMALE] was a two year old with lots of energy +[FEMALE] was driving home from a party +[MALE] loved rodents +[FEMALE] and [MALE] lived in a neighborhood with forest behind them +[MALE] went to a seafood restaurant +[MALE] 's girlfriend was more generous when they broke up +[MALE] was very bad at tennis +[MALE] loved a show series he was watching +a fisherman living in a jungle noticed dark rainclouds +maddy thought it 'd be amusing to swing from the chandelier +[FEMALE] was a huge lost fan +[MALE] wanted to change her hair color +i was walking with [MALE] around the woods +[MALE] needed money and payday was a week away +[FEMALE] family recently got locked in an escape room +a woman traveled to [FEMALE] +"two years ago , i met this guy on facebook" +i had to go to class today despite being sick +i went out yesterday +[MALE] made himself a sandwich for lunch +as a result of my stroke i have use of one hand only +i was at a fancy restaurant +[MALE] blew up a cherry bomb in the boy 's bathroom at school +today was [NEUTRAL] 's first trip to the [MALE] store +"[MALE] packed sandwiches , salads , and desserts to take on a picnic" +[NEUTRAL] had a wild horse named apple +[MALE] suddenly felt ill +[FEMALE] did not want to go to the fair +[NEUTRAL] knew her brother needed new shoes +i wanted to stop drinking caffeine +[FEMALE] was jealous when her big sister became a girl scout +[MALE] wanted to do well on his road test +"i was moving to another state almost 1 ,000 miles away" +[NEUTRAL] decided to take her leftovers to work for lunch +[NEUTRAL] was in the bahamas with friends +[MALE] was a good kid +[FEMALE] jogged often +[FEMALE] and the girls were excited to go on a boating trip +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] liked playing board games +i was sitting alone in a foreign country with no money +the school children took a field trip to the zoo +[NEUTRAL] [MALE] was posting a tweet on mirrors +little [MALE] wanted a play house +i needed to get some honey +[FEMALE] decided she wanted to make tacos for dinner +[MALE] needed to lose weight +i was walking down the hall and i stubbed my toe +[MALE] liked the internet +[NEUTRAL] had a box of books +[FEMALE] was tired of eating only healthy stuff at home +[MALE] and [FEMALE] love kittens and they always wanted one +[FEMALE] looked through her photos at family christmases +[MALE] loved to watch tv and spent many hours a day on the couch +ladd is a superb swimmer +there was a dog stuck at home while his owners worked +little [FEMALE] had a pet catfish that lived in her little pool +[FEMALE] white shirt had spaghetti stains in the front +[FEMALE] could n't find a dress to wear to the school dance +"last week , [MALE] was very excited" +i was walking down the streets of tripoli +[MALE] was walking on an icy sidewalk +[MALE] wanted to switch football positions because he was n't satisfied +[FEMALE] took her kids to the new petting zoo +trance was a professional ball player +yesterday i was late for work +[FEMALE] wanted to find the perfect dress +[MALE] was very tiny for his age and got bullied +[MALE] was on his way to the store +[MALE] was spending time with his friends as he frequently does +zinaida went to the rose garden +[FEMALE] girlfriend and i were going to the movies +the florist was hard at work +[FEMALE] parents live a few blocks from me +yesterday i took my mother to the quilt show +the clouds are covering the sky today +[FEMALE] took a picture with her family and her boyfriend +i have always dreamed of travelling in a huge rv +[MALE] waited until his mom was n't looking +a friend of ours told us to watch a show called blippy +dannie did n't like eating breakfast +[NEUTRAL] wanted a [FEMALE] doll house for christmas +one day the zander family went to the art museum +the family wanted to adopt a pet +[MALE] and [FEMALE] came back to the campsite proudly displaying a trout +[FEMALE] teacher gave me a paper to write +[FEMALE] has a toothache +[MALE] was busy painting a wall in his house +[MALE] wanted to win his first race +[MALE] wanted to learn to play the piano +[MALE] invited his friend [MALE] to his house +[MALE] found [FEMALE] at the party +"[NEUTRAL] , seven , needed help with some of his computer homework" +"every day on his way to the office , [MALE] took the elevator upstairs" +[FEMALE] and her children were camping in the woods +"one day , my mom bought me a gumball from a machine" +[FEMALE] was going on a long hike +a rebellious teen snuck out of his house at night +[MALE] lost his driving privileges and had to walk everywhere +[FEMALE] went to the local pool +i saw my ladder in my friend 's yard +[FEMALE] was busy in the kitchen +[FEMALE] friend used to live in alaska +poor [MALE] girlfriend broke up with him today +the bath tub stopped draining one day +kara was invited to a karaoke night with her friends +i went to buy a new computer mouse +[MALE] did n't like his city mayor +"[NEUTRAL] was a bully , and bullied all the kids at school" +[FEMALE] was halfway through her tightrope walk +[FEMALE] 's favorite doll broke +[MALE] 's girlfriend was easily scared +there use to be this amazing burger joint near [MALE] 's house +[FEMALE] bought new make up +[MALE] went fishing in the middle of the day +[MALE] rode his bike home from school +[MALE] had always wanted a new car +[NEUTRAL] was standing on a bridge over a stream +[MALE] was rollerblading around with a friend +[MALE] had worked for his company for many years +"it was a nice winter day , and [MALE] needed something to do" +i was in gymnastics class +[FEMALE] tried to get a cab into the city from her house +[MALE] 's friend was having a party and he really wanted to go +[MALE] wanted to take [FEMALE] to the prom +[FEMALE] visited a bakery yesterday +there was once a little daisy +[MALE] drove home drunk one night +[NEUTRAL] always worked hard at work +"[FEMALE] and [MALE] got divorced , but they remain friends" +[FEMALE] loved fruit +i told [FEMALE] to avoid touching the pot +it was a gorgeous sunny morning +[FEMALE] was usually late for school +[MALE] the dog sits on the floor near the table during meals +[MALE] 's favorite meal when he was young was beanie weenie +i had a big performance today +[NEUTRAL] wanted to host a shower for his niece [FEMALE] for her wedding +i was cleaning my kitchen one day +[FEMALE] bought the latest iphone +a rabbit hopped into the yard +[NEUTRAL] was walking through the park one day +[MALE] is playing a game of basketball +i decided to buy some new cologne +mariam prepared chicken broth in a small pot +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] carefully put candy all over straw hats +twas the night after the first day of junior high +[MALE] needed to plant seeds after the winter +i was running with the ball in order to score a touchdown +the woman slammed the door +[NEUTRAL] loved driving his charger +[FEMALE] decided to have a bbq for [FEMALE] 4th +[MALE] was writing short stories +[FEMALE] wants to be more active +[NEUTRAL] was on a road trip to visit her family on the west coast +[FEMALE] found her mom dead on the couch +[MALE] wanted to play outside on a stormy day +it did n't take long for everyone to dislike [MALE] +jabim had always been a poor student +[MALE] owned a home and wanted to take in his mother +[MALE] went to the computer +[FEMALE] computer broke and i needed to buy a new one +[MALE] was running around his neighborhood for exercise +the golfer polished his balls +[MALE] needed a new car +[MALE] went to get a new glasses prescription +[MALE] heard a noise +[FEMALE] 's friend [FEMALE] was talking to [FEMALE] and [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was going to her first school dance +i took my girlfriend to a new arcade that opened up around the town +[FEMALE] had all of her teeth removed today +yandy rode her bike for the first time +[MALE] hated school +[NEUTRAL] wanted to make her mother a birthday present +[MALE] has a puppy named [MALE] +[FEMALE] caught the bus for the first time +[MALE] went to the doctor for an eye exam +[MALE] was an expert surfer +[MALE] was an incorrigible smoker +[FEMALE] made chili for her boyfriend +[FEMALE] watched too much tv +[MALE] was scared of red ants +we all went out to dinner together +little [MALE] wore a costume of cardboard and foil +[FEMALE] was having a hard time getting her kids to eat vegetables +[NEUTRAL] was getting ready for work +same went to visit his uncle at the farm +[MALE] rafted down a river in a tube +[FEMALE] bought a ticket to see the new [FEMALE] wars movie +it was [FEMALE] 's first hockey game +[FEMALE] has always wanted to have her writing published +[MALE] was excited about school today +[FEMALE] was an adventurous eater +"in music class one day , [FEMALE] suggested the next school play" +[FEMALE] dog liked to swim in the lake +[MALE] has a very structured workout program to help him achieve goals +our cousins came to visit +"[MALE] wanted to enter the spelling bee , but he was a bad speller" +i tried to learn [NEUTRAL] chinese +[FEMALE] online chess rating is usually 1200 to 1300 +[MALE] was finally old enough to ride the bumper cars at the fair alone +[FEMALE] was struggling to make a meal in her kitchen +[MALE] had never been fishing before +[MALE] always liked penguins +lorelai lived in a gold house +[NEUTRAL] wanted to use her cell phone +[MALE] went to the park everyday after work with his dog named bruno +[FEMALE] 's friend [FEMALE] called her +[FEMALE] was outside at the dentist office +[MALE] was mowing his yard +[MALE] was eager to leave school +[MALE] did n't want to hire someone to decorate his home +[FEMALE] tried to tickle [MALE] +[MALE] was an excellent marksman +the man gave the beggar some money +[NEUTRAL] and her husband were disagreeing +[MALE] turned on his printer and was greeted by an error message +[MALE] ran to his friends house +[FEMALE] ran away from home when she was 18 years old +[MALE] is an avid cigarette smoker +"a few years ago , [MALE] fell off of a ladder and broke his arm" +[FEMALE] lived in a cold and drafty house +[MALE] invited lots of people over +a very short man was cursed with a very high voice +[NEUTRAL] was having dinner with friends +[MALE] found a quarter on the sidewalk +a new park opened in town +the motorcycle act began simply enough with wheelies +[MALE] is looking for ways to make his apartment feel more comfortable +"when my ex husband moved out , everything was a mess" +i had a report due on [MALE] +he wanted his daughter to be well educated +[FEMALE] 's parents were horrified that she still sucked her thumb +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] has [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was at a pizza party +[FEMALE] got a summer job babysitting +[FEMALE] son bought a single speed bike a year ago +[FEMALE] was in the boy scouts +[MALE] had an old toy box in his room +[MALE] learned to play the guitar at a very young age +[FEMALE] wanted to make potato soup +[MALE] was wrestling with his brother +[FEMALE] was looking for a very specific movie poster +[MALE] is anxiously waiting for school to start in [MALE] +[MALE] dropped his medicine in the sink +[MALE] and his family wanted to build a swing set in their backyard +[FEMALE] was texting her friend about a boy that she liked +our pantry was very empty +[FEMALE] was shopping +[FEMALE] was doing chat hits with other workers on mturk +[MALE] did not want to clean his room +[MALE] arrived at his job +[MALE] was eating lunch with friends +the teacher handed our tests +[MALE] 's friends invited him to blow off fireworks one night +[MALE] felt weak after having the flu +[MALE] was in charge of driving a big fire truck +[MALE] sold his chainsaw to a local rancher +[FEMALE] and [MALE] went on a date +[FEMALE] two sisters and i heard our dad come in from work +a bully pulled [MALE] 's hair trying to start a fight +[MALE] was starving and went to get seafood by himself +[MALE] got home from a long day at work +i wanted to crochet a scarf +the gavel rang out across the room after the sentence was given +[MALE] was about to turn thirty +[FEMALE] worked around the clock for weeks +[FEMALE] son started playing baseball last year +i was playing with my dog in the backyard +[FEMALE] was out of milk +[FEMALE] was really struggling in her physics class at school +[NEUTRAL] had a beautiful dog +[MALE] wanted to become an artist +[FEMALE] loved fish tacos +[MALE] went to a nightclub +[FEMALE] bought a watermelon +"[MALE] did n't like books , not one bit" +[FEMALE] had recently graduated from college and moved to [NEUTRAL] +[FEMALE] was baking an apple pie +[MALE] was morbidly obese +[NEUTRAL] found out she had to update her phone +[FEMALE] had bought a fridge online +[FEMALE] cousin hosted a barbecue at her house +[MALE] 's father was teaching him how to catch rabbits +"[MALE] 's mom got a new boyfriend , [MALE] , three years after her divorce" +[FEMALE] was mowing the yard one [FEMALE] day +[FEMALE] liked to walk alone late at night +[FEMALE] 's son was getting married +[MALE] never had a dad growing up +[MALE] wanted to have lots of friends +[NEUTRAL] really wanted a new puppy +during the first week of school [MALE] 's class did lots of team building +[FEMALE] uncle [MALE] took us on nature walks in the upper peninsula +[MALE] has a biology test on friday +[NEUTRAL] did n't have her own car +[MALE] wanted to cosplay at a local convention +[FEMALE] was looking for a new car +one of [FEMALE] 's favorite desserts was jello +[MALE] is a wide receiver at his local high school +[MALE] met a new friend named [MALE] +[MALE] was spending a day on the beach +i am chinese +[FEMALE] and [MALE] are getting married today +the door to the main office opened and the principal entered +[MALE] was at an atm +the elections were coming up for a new president +[FEMALE] woke up happy on [MALE] 's day +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] were in a beach house on vacation +[MALE] 's cousins took him out for his birthday +[FEMALE] decided to try calamari for the first time +[FEMALE] was proud of her heritage +[FEMALE] never finished school and had a lot of trouble reading +[MALE] was in medical school listening to a lecture +[FEMALE] was grocery shopping +[MALE] decided to start a blog +[NEUTRAL] was at the mall when she found a necklace she really liked +[MALE] loved to write +[MALE] decided he wanted to stay up to date on current events +[FEMALE] daughter is [FEMALE] +[NEUTRAL] 's car got a flat tire +the match between [MALE] and [FEMALE] began +[MALE] was at an antique store +[MALE] owned a dog named [MALE] +[NEUTRAL] huge bug hovering around some red flowers caught [FEMALE] 's attention +[MALE] bought a new pair of pants at the mall +[MALE] bought a fried chicken breast +[NEUTRAL] 's car broke down earlier in the week +[FEMALE] got a brand new pair of shoes +today [NEUTRAL] is having a new food +the next door neighbor planned to buy a car +ynez decided on a whim to learn how to dance to a foxtrot +[FEMALE] had a husband named [MALE] +[MALE] loved superheros +[MALE] made a record better than most musicians +[MALE] was downloading music to his computer +[NEUTRAL] needed to pay his rent +[MALE] handed out valentines day cards to everyone at work +[FEMALE] had a garden +[MALE] thought he was stronger than all of his friends +he wrapped his arm around her neck +[MALE] wanted to explore the jungle +i left work in my car +it was [FEMALE] 's first lunch in junior high +[MALE] lived outside the city but loved partying there on saturdays +[FEMALE] was planning a wedding +[FEMALE] likes to work +[MALE] is a great cook +[FEMALE] began the day by yelling at [MALE] +i had a dream last night +[FEMALE] was a single mother who needed money badly +[MALE] was visiting tunisia +[MALE] wanted to quit smoking - he smoked a whole pack a day +[FEMALE] was ecstatic when she found out she was pregnant +[MALE] was studying chemistry in college +[FEMALE] 's grandmother gave her two gifts for christmas +[FEMALE] was very hungry +[FEMALE] lived in a big city near her family and friends all of her life +i was really hungry at my house +avi was doing a science fair project on global warming +i found these chips with all these strange flavors +she opened the energy drink and took a sip +i was walking to the portables in my school +[NEUTRAL] loved doing puzzles +[MALE] 's doctor told him his weight was high and it was unhealthy +ron had just switched from freelancing to working in an office +[FEMALE] went in to take her sats +[MALE] bragged to his friends about his athleticism +[FEMALE] wanted so badly to be apart of her school 's debate team +kiyah is fascinated by outer space +[FEMALE] came from a wealthy family +[MALE] liked to be a bully at school +[MALE] was playing his guitar at school +ron had a case of beer and needed to chill it quickly +[FEMALE] woke up hungry +[FEMALE] was camping with her friends +[MALE] normally filled up his water jugs for 25 cents a gallon +[FEMALE] and her sister have n't spoken in many year 's +a great artist came to the town fair and set up shop +[MALE] went out to the club last night +[FEMALE] and her best friend loved going to tanning booths +[MALE] was a tree trimmer +[FEMALE] needed a new fence +[MALE] was taking an art class +[FEMALE] signed up to compete in a pageant +"[MALE] was tired after work , but he decided to go to the gym anyway" +after the movie tangled [FEMALE] became obsessed with lanterns +there was a loud roar from the break room in the steel mill +[MALE] brought his dog to the beach +[FEMALE] was given a baby blanket when she was born +[NEUTRAL] had messy hair +a farmer grew peaches +[FEMALE] always loved hearing her father play his harmonica +[MALE] went to his locker at the end of the work day +the girl walked in her room +[NEUTRAL] was getting a new boss at work +[MALE] enjoyed basketball very much +[MALE] was working on his car +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were going on a cruise for their anniversary +the man went to therapy +[FEMALE] really needed to pay off her credit card +[FEMALE] nephew moved to the suburbs this summer +[NEUTRAL] was really excited +[NEUTRAL] was supposed to go kayaking +[MALE] heard a scream from next door +[MALE] was nervous on thanksgiving day +[MALE] carried his trash outside +[MALE] wanted to make the best hot sauce for his wings +[NEUTRAL] needed new shoes +[FEMALE] loves accessories +i tried to make a gingerbread house with my kids +[MALE] was walking home from work when it started raining +the boy had a project +[MALE] was in class +[FEMALE] knows that soda is very unhealthy but she loves the taste +[NEUTRAL] was in middle school +[FEMALE] was at home doing dishes +i fell asleep on my patio +[MALE] wanted new shoes to go running in +[MALE] worked at the counter of a local fast food restaurant +[FEMALE] wanted to buy a book +[NEUTRAL] was a punk rock guy +it was a hot day +[NEUTRAL] was visiting a new friend +[NEUTRAL] made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich +[NEUTRAL] found a cat on her way home from school +[MALE] was having a hard time at home +[MALE] worked very hard and made eight dollars +[FEMALE] liked to listen to the radio +i had heard about a great new haircutting product called flowbee +gilly thought she was old enough to make her own breakfast +[MALE] was overweight and always tired of not having a girlfriend +[FEMALE] from new [MALE] did not like having fat thighs +[FEMAL] loved to go fishing +i went to see my favorite band in concert +things are getting a little rowdy at [NEUTRAL] 's bar +[FEMALE] loved jumping on the trampoline in her backyard +[FEMALE] wanted the family to all have special christmas stockings +[FEMALE] 's friends took her to a taco truck +we arrived at the airport very early in the morning +[MALE] stopped at a four way intersection +[FEMALE] had a month to sell 50 candy bars for her soccer team fundraiser +last night i tried to cook dinner for my family +[MALE] and a female friend started to talk often +[FEMALE] took a trip to the store +[FEMALE] is a lazy worker and dependable +[MALE] needed some new shoes +[MALE] wanted a set of headphones that he could not afford +[FEMALE] wanted some oatmeal +[MALE] and [MALE] were playing baseball +[MALE] and [MALE] began to play cards +[MALE] was a senior in high school +[FEMALE] loves to make necklaces with beads +[MALE] lived too much in the past +[MALE] had gone on a date with [FEMALE] and took her back to his house +[NEUTRAL] was nervous for picture day +[MALE] was clinically depressed +[FEMALE] always had chicken wings whenever she could +[FEMALE] was lactose intolerant +[FEMALE] was at the park and a loose dog was watching her +[NEUTRAL] had a kenpo sparring tournament that he was preparing for +i went to my friend [MALE] 's house +grandma tried to climb a small hill +[MALE] loved to eat chips +[MALE] was getting ready to play in his first soccer match +[FEMALE] really had to go to the bathroom +[FEMALE] was walking through the park one day +[MALE] was very health conscious +it was [NEUTRAL] 's birthday yesterday +[NEUTRAL] went out to eat with her friend +[FEMALE] was very fat +[MALE] was always a very shy girl +[MALE] spent a lot of time away from home +[NEUTRAL] waited until the day of prom to get his hair cut +[MALE] was really into beer +[NEUTRAL] loved tanning +[MALE] 's girlfriend had a creepy doll +[MALE] 's mother lost her job +five-year-old [MALE] was watching the news with his parents +[MALE] went to bed but forgot to adjust his clock for dst +today went as usual until i got home +[FEMALE] loved to watch ice skating on tv +the kids did n't have anything to do +[FEMALE] went to a fancy dinner +[FEMALE] was home alone because her parents were on a trip +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were best friends +[MALE] took [FEMALE] to the movies +[NEUTRAL] believes that god is real +"when [FEMALE] was a small child , a bee stung her arm" +[FEMALE] liked to chew on the cap of her pen +[MALE] 's cats brought in lice +[FEMALE] and her friend [NEUTRAL] sat swinging in the porch swing +it was a terrible snow storm in [MALE] +[MALE] did n't have many friends in his class +[FEMALE] had a job interview +[MALE] had asparagus on his plate +[MALE] was smoking a cigarette +[MALE] was on vacation +the family went to the zoo for the holiday +some teenagers were playing basketball at school +[NEUTRAL] had to go grocery shopping +i was reading a book +[FEMALE] was on her way to class one day when she met a handsome boy +there was a bird at my window +[FEMALE] wife bought a fitbit on ebay +[MALE] just signed the papers to buy his first house +[MALE] wanted to have a big thanksgiving dinner +[FEMALE] decided to take her dog for a walk +it was time to look for new car +everytime [FEMALE] slept she would wake up feeling tired +[MALE] left the house unlocked in case she decided to come back +"there [MALE] sat , waiting to play his cards" +[FEMALE] hobby is taking selfies in front of poets ' homes or graves +[MALE] had recently graduated college +[MALE] was making whiskey at home +[FEMALE] worked hard to save money +i bought a new grill to barbecue on +[NEUTRAL] enjoyed planting a garden every spring +[MALE] worked in a restaurant +[FEMALE] and her dad arrived at her dorm +[FEMALE] sister is going to have a baby +[MALE] needed to take his bed apart +[FEMALE] daughter is 14 weeks pregnant +[FEMALE] dropped her tv remote by mistake one day +kara needed some new shoes +[NEUTRAL] was recently enjoying a picnic at the park +[MALE] was very afraid of beetles +[MALE] was coming home from a camping trip +[MALE] went to the laundromat to wash his clothes +there is a weekly religion class at church for children +[MALE] was in the hospital +we had a gig booked at a local bar +[MALE] joined a pie eating contest +[MALE] was the [MALE] of a great kingdom +cat was a graphic designer +[FEMALE] was driving home in the snow +[FEMALE] grandma joined a contest in her small hometown +the family decided to camp out in the backyard +[NEUTRAL] and [NEUTRAL] were watching tv +[FEMALE] little cousin wanted a spooky halloween costume +[FEMALE] and her nephew were playing a zombie video game +[MALE] has been working all night on studying +[FEMALE] was watching funny girl with her grandparents +i standing in line at the movie theater +[MALE] wanted to create a video game +[MALE] wanted to play football when he grew up +[FEMALE] was a senior in her high school +we live in the same building as my sister-in-law +the front of the drawer was falling off +in 2001 i wanted a pair of [MALE] 's +[MALE] wanted to play basketball throughout high school +the class watched the giant animal move across the field +[NEUTRAL] could n't decide on a logo for his new business +[MALE] saw a posting at [NEUTRAL] corporation and applied right away +[FEMALE] husband and i own a small boat +"one day , [MALE] bought a new baseball glove" +[FEMALE] needed to get away +[NEUTRAL] drove a rather old car +[FEMALE] has a job interview scheduled +a young black lab would always follow [FEMALE] whenever she went jogging +[MALE] was excited for show and tell today +[MALE] was driving his golf cart to the beach +[FEMALE] was at the ice cream parlor +"[FEMALE] was a very pretty and smart girl , but she was mean to others" +the men were on a trip +"as a child , [MALE] loved watching great acting performances in films" +[FEMALE] was upset she could n't find her new watch +[NEUTRAL] 's favorite sport was basketball +[FEMALE] was cold +[MALE] father was handing his son his old watch +[MALE] is playing a trivia game with his girlfriend +"[MALE] was in class , waiting for the end of the day" +[NEUTRAL] had wanted a pet dog for her whole life +[FEMALE] loved everything about the rainy +ron watched a karate tournament +our condo buildings were managed by elite management in 1998 +today i had to do inventory at work with my boss +[FEMALE] sat at her breakfast table drinking coffee and eating waffles +[FEMALE] wanted a hot date with her boyfriend [MALE] +[MALE] had always wanted to be a farmer +[FEMALE] was the oldest girl in the [FEMALE] egg hunt +the farm was very small +[MALE] never fired a gun before +"when it was 3 o'clock , i went outside" +[MALE] stood outside the courtroom nervously +[FEMALE] niece bought as guinea pig for her ten year old daughter +[MALE] was walking the fairgrounds +[MALE] was working in his shop and decided he had way too much stuff +[MALE] could not find his parents +[MALE] loved his mom +[MALE] was cooking pasta +i was in a fraternity on campus that threw a lot of loud parties +it was a warm but windy day at [MALE] 's house +time loved the taste of fresh tomatoes so he planted some +[MALE] was a professor +[MALE] was cooking at his job +[MALE] 's dad got a job transfer +[MALE] 's in laws frustrated her to no end +we took a two week vacation to [NEUTRAL] last year +[MALE] wanted to try something new +[FEMALE] went with her family to the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins +[FEMALE] has a terrible forehand +[MALE] loved to go travelling +i needed my glasses the other day +[FEMALE] had a warrant for her arrest +[NEUTRAL] needed new shoes +the [MALE] 's visited [NEUTRAL] +i cleaned my room recently to make it easier to get around +[MALE] enjoyed playing in the mud +[NEUTRAL] was scared of big dogs +[MALE] got a new bike +there was a stray cat named sampson +once i had a babysitter who was kind of mean +[FEMALE] was looking for a new home +[FEMALE] took out a large container of ice cream +[FEMALE] liked to watch movies while she worked +[MALE] did the grocery shopping for his family +[FEMALE] had never made stew before +[NEUTRAL] 's daughter loved drinking capri sun +[MALE] was out eating dinner with a date +[MALE] was really into celebrating halloween +[FEMALE] wanted to get a brand new tv +[MALE] went into the library to check out books about airplanes +i had an old laptop that began to malfunction +[MALE] had always loved going fast even from a young age +i was petting my cat yesterday +new neighbors moved in next door to [FEMALE] with their 28 cats +[FEMALE] had gone to the cemetery +[FEMALE] was on a test drive with a car salesman +[FEMALE] was sitting in the cafeteria alone +i noticed that my fish tank was getting dirty +the woman hushed the man +[MALE] walked past the girls sitting on the table +we went to a local store when with our mom when we were younger +[FEMALE] was washing her hands in the bathroom +[FEMALE] had chores to do every day +"[FEMALE] daughter works at an rmv in revere , massachusettslast week a policeman assigned to the rmv saw a car in the lot" +i went to the store to buy meat +[FEMALE] was born the last of 14 kids +[FEMALE] won the spelling bee +[FEMALE] was at her desk but she needed to use the bathroom +[FEMALE] was practicing running for her school 's competition +[FEMALE] husband and i have been itching bug bites like crazy +[MALE] needed new fish for his tank +a man was walking down an alley +[FEMALE] hated reading books +[MALE] was dj at a friend 's wedding +"it was the first day of school , and [MALE] received his schedule" +[FEMALE] went to the lake with her sister +[MALE] wanted to be a cop +one day [FEMALE] and [MALE] went out for a romantic dinner +[MALE] had rented a dvd out of a automated stand +[MALE] was struggling to stay awake in college +[FEMALE] wife and i decided to put new floors in our home +the waiter carried a bowl of soup on the second floor +i used to live in an apartment +[MALE] was told many times not to play ball in the house +"[MALE] left all of his glass , aluminum , and plastic in his garage" +[FEMALE] has worked as a nurse her whole life +[NEUTRAL] was driving down the interstate on his way to work +[MALE] was walking on the busy street +[MALE] called [MALE] and said he wanted to set [MALE] up with a girl +"when i was a child , i liked cartoons" +[MALE] was confused as to what to wear for halloween +yesterday i bought some good ice cream +[MALE] ordered some chinese food on his way home +the man visited a foreign country +[MALE] was into boxing +[MALE] wanted to go to the movies +[MALE] 's teacher assigned the class to collect insects +[MALE] took his dog [FEMALE] to the dog park +halloween was rolling around +[NEUTRAL] took a probiotic for digestion everyday +[FEMALE] was dragged to a metal concert by her boyfriend +"[MALE] was sad that his cat , fluffles , had died" +[MALE] wanted to be an nba all [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] had been in good health all year +[FEMALE] found a very hyper cat in the alley +[MALE] was shopping in a pet store +[MALE] got money for his birthday +[FEMALE] mom was very good at skating when i was younger +when it did n't rain much we would turn on the hose in the back yard +"[NEUTRAL] , 12 , was tired of being bullied by [MALE]" +this morning i woke up and checked my ebay account +[FEMALE] wanted a pot bellied pig for a pet +[MALE] wanted to play basketball +[MALE] had a rough life +there were a few fruit flies in my kitchen +[MALE] went camping alone in the woods +[MALE] and [MALE] were roommates +"[FEMALE] was terrified of spiders , so she always had her husband kill them" +i flew to [FEMALE] last week +the [MALE] family decided to drive to [MALE] +[FEMALE] woke up one night to a crashing sound +[MALE] went to the shopping mall to look for some shoes +i entered a contest to see who could stand on one foot the longest +the kid on the street would n't stop running +a group of college students came into the restaurant +i decided to cook some salmon +i have known about my science quiz for three weeks +[FEMALE] likes black men +[MALE] 's shoes wore down from playing sports +[MALE] no longer wants to live in a small apartment +[FEMALE] physics teacher told us about the upcoming test +[FEMALE] brother [MALE] always played tricks on me +[MALE] 's class went to the museum +[NEUTRAL] was feeling hungry one day at home +[FEMALE] wanted to be a nurse in her future +[NEUTRAL] 's mom bought a special dessert for her at the store to make +"yesterday , i went shopping for shoes" +the president gave his employee a special job +[FEMALE] 's family was going on a trip to mississippi +today i got a new dog +a prisoner was able to sneak in a lot of stage makeup into jail +[FEMALE] and [MALE] once found a nest of mice in a desk drawer +[FEMALE] cooked spinach and chicken for dinner +[MALE] was a good student athlete +i was easily bored in class since the teacher was monotonous +[FEMALE] got a job at the local pharmacy +[MALE] got hurt +[FEMALE] was a little chubby and wanted to lose 20 pounds before summer +[MALE] played wide receiver for his high school football team +[NEUTRAL] was on a diet +the bloods and the crips are always enemies +the man tasted the food +i asked the burglar to turn around and leave +[FEMALE] and her sister were watching music videos +[FEMALE] dog [MALE] had an affliction where he kept scratching over and over +[NEUTRAL] works at a small airport +[FEMALE] had been wanting to buy a candle +the mayor of a small town had planned a parade for spring +i had never been interested in learning to speak [MALE] +our building concierge joseph is from [FEMALE] +one day [MALE] the milkman was making his rounds through town +one day [MALE] and [FEMALE] went for a walk in the woods +i ordered a small plastic mouthpiece from china for less than a buck +[MALE] wanted chocolate but his pantry was empty +[FEMALE] went to the department store +[NEUTRAL] wanted to see home alone in the theater +[NEUTRAL] was excited for the snow +i love to play soccer after school +it was 7 in the morning when [FEMALE] 's mother awoke her +[FEMALE] was helping her mom put up christmas ornaments +[FEMALE] was sketching in public +[MALE] noticed that his nails had grown long +[MALE] 's dad took him to the carnival yesterday +as a little kid i never got to play catch +[MALE] decided to cook a special meal for her boyfriend +[FEMALE] wanted to be a doctor when she grew up +[NEUTRAL] wanted to go to college in another state +"in my spiritual counseling practice , i had some challenging clients" +[MALE] 's city was hit by a heavy storm +"wanting to spend more time with her daughter , [FEMALE] planned a trip" +a small child went to the zoo with his parents +[NEUTRAL] wanted a designer purse but could not afford to buy it +the man squeezed the cheese +[FEMALE] wanted a new hair color +[FEMALE] headed out the door to pick up her son after school +[MALE] always thought that he was a great bowler +[MALE] was looking for a new career +i finally got my pants out of the dryer +[NEUTRAL] 's dog was going to have puppies any day +i had been trying to ignore an abscess that was infecting my groin +[MALE] was sad +[FEMALE] went to the theme park +[MALE] was an accountant +[FEMALE] loved fashion design +[MALE] wanted to backpack across europe +[FEMALE] sent a lovely table for her dinner party +i went on a guided nature hike in estonia +i had a friend that i did n't know well but let her over my house +[MALE] was strolling in the park one bright afternoon +[FEMALE] was nine months pregnant +i wanted to make a ladder by which we could climb a tree +[MALE] got a set of drums for his 15th birthday +[FEMALE] has never won first place in anything +[MALE] loves to drive fast +[FEMALE] always wanted a sister +[MALE] was making dinner +the library in my town is having a lot of activities coming up +[FEMALE] hips were always sore +[FEMALE] loved to practice yoga +[FEMALE] 's boss passed out the new work schedule +[NEUTRAL] was lying in bed and noticed a bad smell +[MALE] was at the grocery store +[MALE] was always afraid of dogs +[FEMALE] wanted a new backpack +"[FEMALE] was never very coordinated , especially when it came to sports" +in 2012 we visited our friends [MALE] and roe in nh +[FEMALE] helped her daughter shop for a costume +[FEMALE] gave us a piece of cake tonight +the [MALE] family decided they wanted to move to [FEMALE] +there was a homeless man sitting outside the mall +one night [MALE] and [MALE] decided to go for a midnight swim +"[MALE] grew up wanting to be a doctor , just like his father" +the kids played their new [MALE] band [FEMALE] game +[FEMALE] was painting a piece of furniture +it was the last game of the season +i was really scared when i moved into a new city +[FEMALE] needed new jeans for school +[FEMALE] was at the zoo with her parents +[FEMALE] loved chocolate [MALE] cookies +[MALE] was visiting his grandfather +[MALE] needed to put her daughter on a flight +every year when [NEUTRAL] comes i wish for snow +[NEUTRAL] 's dad moved to alabama when she was young +[NEUTRAL] was going through a nasty divorce +[NEUTRAL] wanted to be a flight attendant +[MALE] applied for a loan to go back to school +[MALE] picked out a vanity mirror +[MALE] never liked intense rides +[MALE] was hired to write a jingle for an advertisement +[FEMALE] had 50 chocolate bars to sell for her club fundraiser +[FEMALE] brother [NEUTRAL] spoke to his friend [MALE] the other day +[FEMALE] did not want to cook +taking a speech class was the last thing [FEMALE] wanted to do +[FEMALE] had received a new assignment in class +[MALE] enjoyed model rocketry +[FEMALE] visited a local pet store to buy dog food +i lived in [FEMALE] +jil needed a new fan for the living room +[MALE] has a test in science +[FEMALE] created a viral video online +[MALE] went to dinner at his friend 's house one night +the family was taking a trip +[MALE] 's toddler flushed something down the toilet +[MALE] and his wife had been married for many years +i put in new lights on my car last night +[FEMALE] loved teddy bears +[MALE] was redoing his kitchen +[FEMALE] wanted to skate +[FEMALE] is on the basketball team +ken enjoys running +the olympics were happening in rio +[MALE] was a rich kid +[FEMALE] had an important exam in the morning +it snowed so much that the roads were closed +i went to bestbuy to get an ipad yesterday +[MALE] was into photography +[MALE] was great at creating web pages +[MALE] works at the local grocery store +[FEMALE] work recently added a parrot to our lobby +[FEMALE] lurched forward as the ostrich tried to insert its beak inside +[FEMALE] had many daughters +[MALE] went on vacation with his family for a week +tonight is the night that i get my test results +[MALE] had been practicing his moves +[MALE] had a heart attack +[MALE] always hated going to the dentist +the kids were helping pack their lunches +[MALE] was a careless man +[MALE] loved going to the gym +[FEMALE] entered an art contest to win a scholarship +[MALE] was trick or treating with his cousins +[MALE] needed a job +[MALE] loved to play baseball +the women all chatted online +i was hungry but my cupboard was bare +the class was looking toward to math class +venita works in an office +two women decided to race to the top of a mountain +dad was supposed to watch the kids when mom went to work +[MALE] was really thirsty +[FEMALE] decided to connect with old friends +[FEMALE] was really smart +i went to the fishing harbor +"on [MALE] 6 , our building held a cookout" +[FEMALE] needed to get into her locked house +[NEUTRAL] was a cia agent who felt sorry for a guy she had to spy on +[MALE] wanted to join the bicycle club like his friend [MALE] +[MALE] 's dog would not stop barking +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] stole a car one night +the man went to a pay phone +erik was grilling steaks +[FEMALE] chose a movie from a dvd case +[MALE] was running late for class +it was a warm day yesterday +the other day i wondered where does honey come from +[NEUTRAL] was cooking dinner for her parents for the first time +[MALE] 's favorite animal was the penguin +a woman went to her twentieth high school reunion +[MALE] had a nice fish tank +[FEMALE] really wanted a new dining room set +[MALE] finally cleaned his carpet +[FEMALE] got a new puppy +kara was excited about her new phone +[NEUTRAL] wanted to go to the dance +[MALE] was planning on getting his first tattoo but was scared +[MALE] got cut from the basketball team his junior year +after a long day my father used to go the bar +[MALE] was an avid skier +[NEUTRAL] decided to drink more water every day +sometimes the weather got bad at our water park +[FEMALE] was an excellent volleyball player +[MALE] was on a first date +when i was young there was a stray cat that was sick +[NEUTRAL] was going to visit her grandparents +i was working at walmart one day many years ago +[MALE] and his wife are quite old +[MALE] 's toaster was old +[FEMALE] was given her mother 's wedding ring +[MALE] was struggling to make more money +[FEMALE] needed a new eyeliner +[MALE] needed a lot of money so he went to the casino +[FEMALE] bought a parrot +"today when [MALE] went jogging , he saw a suspicious bag on the trail" +[MALE] has been playing the monopoly contest at his local grocery store +[MALE] needed a job +there was an overweight man named [MALE] +[FEMALE] wanted to have a party +[FEMALE] awoke feeling hungry on a visit to her aunt and uncle +[NEUTRAL] tried to move through the traffic +[FEMALE] is in her forties and decided to go get her college degree +"while on my way to work this morning , i got a flat tire" +the homeowner heard a scary noise in the attic +when i was younger i had a lot of cds stashed in my locker +[MALE] had bought a lottery ticket every friday after work +[NEUTRAL] was a corgi puppy with stumpy little legs +i was so happy when my parents gave me my very first car +i was once trying to study for an exam +"[MALE] lived in a small , cramped , basement apartment" +[MALE] was self-conscious about his nose +"back in grade school , i had this teacher who does n't teach us well" +[MALE] 's father took him to a large parking lot for driving lessons +"this morning , i attended a training at my work office" +the house had been abandoned +the 8th grade class wanted to let the church know about a fundraiser +i walked to the mailbox to see if i got any mail +[FEMALE] was lonely +[MALE] took out a rock from his pocket +[FEMALE] lost her cat +[FEMALE] wanted to have a picnic with her friend this weekend +the fair came to town a few weeks ago +[MALE] was in a lot of debt +[MALE] was feeling really tired +this past weekend i took my children to a new playground +[FEMALE] shoes were becoming very worn out +[MALE] and [FEMALE] went on a hike +[MALE] wanted to learn how to play the piano +[MALE] was making some coffee +[MALE] needed a way to move his stuff +[FEMALE] loved to garden in her backyard +[MALE] was driving down a back road +the bus always came by [MALE] 's house around six thirty in the morning +"[MALE] , [MALE] , and [FEMALE] decided to form a study group" +[NEUTRAL] needed new makeup +[MALE] was having thanksgiving dinner with family +[NEUTRAL] 's third grade class went to the pumpkin patch +[NEUTRAL] was babysitting her nephew +"after a long flight to [FEMALE] , i went to claim my baggage" +[MALE] took his dog to the dog park +the customer ordered a milkshake +the girl had a lemonade stand +[FEMALE] went to the mall +[MALE] 's girlfriend was the jealous type +"our dog , mooch , volunteered to live with us so we never fenced him in" +[FEMALE] was cleaning a fan in her house +[NEUTRAL] had never gone kayaking +[FEMALE] went to the hair salon to dye her hair +i was flying back to the us and booked a regional flight separately +one day i decided to get a new type of dish sponge +"[FEMALE] 's first act as fall carnival chair , was recruiting a committee" +[FEMALE] ordered new make up online +i was frantic when my dog ran away +every year for [MALE] 's birthday his mom made this a blueberry pie +[FEMALE] 's sister [FEMALE] had a new butterfly robe +[NEUTRAL] wanted to gain strength in her arms +he did n't want to go out on such a windy night but felt compelled +[FEMALE] drove into town for some errands +[MALE] thought [FEMALE] was a very pretty girl +the new cook in the restaurant wanted to prove himself +[FEMALE] is a smoker +[FEMALE] expected to go to sleep early today +[FEMALE] wanted to get her ears pierced +[MALE] loved to paint with his hands +[MALE] decided to try out for the baseball team +[MALE] wanted badly to be a writer +[FEMALE] had taken her metal detector to the beach +one of my hobbies is candle-making +i bumped into my neighbor [NEUTRAL] today +it was friday +[MALE] was crying because his kite was stuck in a tree +[FEMALE] was nervous about starting fifth grade +a tear dripped down [FEMALE] 's face +[FEMALE] wanted to get away for a quiet vacation +[MALE] was so shy that he had never asked a girl for a date +[MALE] was getting tired of his job +[FEMALE] and i went to the beach one time +a community theater held open auditions for my favorite musical +a pair of robins built a nest in a man 's tree +[MALE] was at a restaurant +i was with friends at a botanical garden +[FEMALE] made her favorite sausage rolls +[FEMALE] was cleaning out her hallway closet +in 1999 mcdonald 's was giving away inspector gadget figures +i went to the store +[MALE] knew how to surf +[FEMALE] spotted a seagull in the sky +[MALE] wanted to try raw milk +[MALE] ate a lot of gassy foods +[MALE] has been out of work for several weeks +[MALE] had been training for a marathon +[FEMALE] wanted to be class president +[MALE] 's television stopped working one morning +[MALE] 's family got a new chair +a man saw his idol at a musical concert +[NEUTRAL] did n't know what to be for halloween +[MALE] really loved to bowl +a couple of months ago we got 10 ducks +[FEMALE] had just moved into her first apartment +the other day my friend [MALE] bought a tv +yesterday i got out of bed and went to work +"one year , my family and i drove from [FEMALE] to canada" +[MALE] had only been playing soccer for six months +[FEMALE] decided to open a lemonade stand +[FEMALE] was no longer talking to [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] wanted to buy a new dog +one day in fifth grade was set aside for [FEMALE] day +[MALE] saw a snake in his yard +ken wanted to be a pro ball player +[NEUTRAL] has a new boss at his job +it was [NEUTRAL] 's first trip to [MALE] world +i bought myself a mint plant for my window +[NEUTRAL] had to have an xray +[MALE] and [FEMALE] had each outlived their respective spouses +[MALE] to an engineering class +a man wanted to take a flight +she had a dream about little fairies +[MALE] had surprised the whole family when he came home that day +[NEUTRAL] was playing in the yard with his friends +[MALE] had to go to the dentist after his lunch break +[FEMALE] 's old car was falling apart +[MALE] stopped by his favorite bakery to buy some bread +[FEMALE] had been excited when she discovered her mom was having a baby +[NEUTRAL] was starting at a new school +i got an ipad +[MALE] had an old bike +"alone one night , [FEMALE] watched a ghost movie that left her nervous" +[MALE] went on a camping trip with his brother [MALE] +the whistle blew and [NEUTRAL] started to run +[MALE] worked on the local news station as a weatherman +[NEUTRAL] rolled his ankle playing basketball at school +[FEMALE] did not understand english well +[NEUTRAL] and [NEUTRAL] 's [MALE] and [FEMALE] party was coming up +i went to buy a soda today +[MALE] had a lot of things planned for the day +[MALE] notices that he is feeling very bored +[MALE] wanted to do marathons just like his dad did +[MALE] had a mandatory reading for his class +[FEMALE] took her family on a trip to [NEUTRAL] +[FEMALE] was broke +[FEMALE] was excited to be attending a concert that evening +[FEMALE] mom lost her wallet when she got home from school +[FEMALE] downloaded a new game on her phone +i was driving down the street +"[NEUTRAL] , my college roommate , stole a license plate" +[MALE] brought his boombox to school +i sent flowers and a big cookie to my wife for v day +[FEMALE] and her husband had two children +this morning i left my house and got in my car +[MALE] opened the window in his room to let in cool air +[MALE] rented a beach house in mississippi for a week +[FEMALE] was painting her bedroom +[FEMALE] was training her new kitten +[NEUTRAL] arrived at the beach very late +[MALE] 's grandma woke him up for church +[MALE] was driving home +[FEMALE] family got up one morning while on vacation +he raised his hand before he struck her +[FEMALE] niece 's daughter [NEUTRAL] went swimming last week +our 2 year old granddaughter visited us from nyc +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were sitting on a bench by a lake +the man shopped for pants +[MALE] had finally had enough of his car always breaking down +[MALE] bought a vintage bicycle at a neighbor 's yard sale +[NEUTRAL] went shell hunting on the beach today +[NEUTRAL] walked outside to check her mail +[MALE] was having a fun time coming up with short stories +[MALE] spent a lot of time playing video games +i drew a picture of a volcano +[MALE] was at the plate +"it 's a funny story how i met rapper 50 cent , before he was famous" +[FEMALE] had experienced a death of a newborn in her life +[MALE] took a wrong turn and got lost in the desert +[FEMALE] dog loves to run in the woods +it was [FEMALE] 's summer break +[MALE] hated his boring glasses +there was always a stray walking around outside +i collect comic book original art +[NEUTRAL] just got engaged yesterday +[MALE] went on a camping trip with his church +[MALE] got lost on the way to a friend 's house +there was a old white lady that had powers +[MALE] and his family went on a vacation to the beach +[MALE] walked through thick fog from his mailbox to his house +i wanted to protect myself from the dregs of society +[MALE] was running for president +[FEMALE] buddies and me drove to las [NEUTRAL] for some fun +[MALE] was wondering who was reading his short stories +kara loved to eat nachos +[MALE] was excited for christmas time +[MALE] likes movies +i love to watch my greyhound run +[MALE] was playing in the sandbox +[MALE] got in a car accident and thought it was his fault +[MALE] majored in journalism at his university +[MALE] wanted a new dress +[MALE] was out partying last night +[FEMALE] was at work when a headache started +[NEUTRAL] wanted a puppy +[FEMALE] was nervous staying with her cousin in san [MALE] +[FEMALE] was signing up for new trash collection services +[NEUTRAL] really loved this new juice her mother bought +[MALE] and his daughter went to a pet store to pick a pet +[FEMALE] was sick with the flu and called out of work +[MALE] was a coach +we all were on a golf trip +last night i was hungry +[FEMALE] did n't want to go to the dentist +[MALE] the cat meowed loudly in the morning +[MALE] asked [FEMALE] to go on a date +[FEMALE] niece has an eight year old son named [MALE] +[MALE] wanted to make rice +"while [MALE] was taking a walk , he witnessed an unusual sight" +uncle [MALE] was the best uncle +it was job review day at [MALE] 's work +[FEMALE] really wanted to go to [FEMALE] 's birthday party +[FEMALE] was working at the register that day +[NEUTRAL] was getting married on [FEMALE] +a farmer bought new property +[FEMALE] picked up the gift +[NEUTRAL] is told he will get a prize for doing good on a test +[MALE] had asked [MALE] if he need to go to the store[MALE] had said he did not[NEUTRAL] don had to go to the store by himselfhe went and bought all the grocerieshe had a lot of groceries to pack into the car by himself +[FEMALE] needed a taxi from her hotel +[MALE] and the family were excited and ready for their trip to [MALE] +[MALE] was scheduled to do a makeup consultation for a bride today +the floor was wet +[MALE] felt very important +[NEUTRAL] was enjoying a day at the lake with his dad +when i was a kid we got a tank full of fish +[FEMALE] daughter started kindergarten yesterday +[FEMALE] was getting ready to go to bed +a man was driving to visit friends when he got a call from his wife +[MALE] was arrested for manslaughter +[MALE] did n't feel fulfilled in his life +[MALE] was a large character in the family +[FEMALE] starts a new dance class today +[FEMALE] took her parrot [NEUTRAL] outside +[MALE] was picking blueberries +i am disabled while my wife works +we had dinner tonight with our friend [MALE] +[MALE] decided he would never sleep again +there was a pretty girl named [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] wanted to paint her walls +[FEMALE] wanted to see the world +[FEMALE] loved searching for clues about her family tree +[FEMALE] 's school club needed to raise money +[MALE] really hated gym class +one night [FEMALE] forgot to set her alarm clock +[FEMALE] was at the gym +it was a beautiful and sunny day at the ballpark +[MALE] and [MALE] kept chickens in a coop in their backyard +[MALE] was fishing in the swamp +[MALE] and his family went to vacation in fort lauderdale +[FEMALE] daughter is an amazing photographer +[MALE] liked playing games with his brothers +ron ordered delivery pizza and was looking for his wallet to pay +the election for magistrate [MALE] was held on [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] had a dangerous cat named muffles +iva wanted to buy a dog +[FEMALE] awoke refreshed +[FEMALE] never knew his father +"[FEMALE] worked a lot , she did not get to see her pals muchshe invited over her friend [FEMALE]she cleaned up her whole house in preparation for [FEMALE][FEMALE] came over , and they ate , and chattedthey had a lot of fun , and [FEMALE] went home" +in recent years there have been many new inventions +a group of boys would not sit down on the school bus +yesterday i took my dog to the dog park +[NEUTRAL] went on a vacation to [FEMALE] +wine is [NEUTRAL] 's favorite drink +[MALE] had a very odd sense of humor +a man bought a gallon of milk for 375 cents at the store +[FEMALE] went to the supermarket to buy maple syrup +[FEMALE] was trying to throw a pot +[FEMALE] saw a lot of white specs on her shoulder +our daughter went to [NEUTRAL] in 2005 +[NEUTRAL] 's toddler son wanted fort for his house +[MALE] had to get a root canal +i was hungry while staying up late +[MALE] had never gone rafting before +"after a long day at work , [MALE] decided to treat his family" +i always try to close my chicken coop just before dark +[FEMALE] went with her friends to get her nails done +i took my son [MALE] to the bank with me +i went outside to sit on a bench today +i decided to spice up my fruit +it was time for [MALE] to pay rent for his apartment +i woke up in the middle of the night +[FEMALE] needed a new car +[MALE] had never fed a baby before +[FEMALE] was skiing for the first time +[MALE] is down on his luck +[MALE] was able to anything he tried +[MALE] was feeling a bit sick +i was going to a fancy party +yesterday i was working very hard at work +i noticed that the roof to my house was leaking +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] have been married for 25 years +[FEMALE] went to new [MALE] city for the first time +i went to a chinese restaurant today +the elderly gentleman got on the bus for a shopping trip +[FEMALE] made some pasta +it had been 3 days since [FEMALE] asked her mother when they were leaving +[MALE] called [NEUTRAL] at 8 o'clock and asked her for company +[MALE] had a terrible dream +[MALE] decides that he spends too much money buying food at restaurants +[MALE] is an electrician +[MALE] was a full time apprentice of a great archaeologist from school +[FEMALE] had just decorated for christmas +[FEMALE] learned that she had a lot of mediterranean heritage +[MALE] was looking forward to seeing [MALE] +[FEMALE] was thinking about getting a new car +jaris ran out of firewood +i was showering +[MALE] loved painting and had been doing it for years +[MALE] was a very clumsy boy +[FEMALE] had to have her wisdom teeth out +the instructor told [MALE] to start driving +[FEMALE] love her chocolate +[MALE] is a security guard for a factory +[MALE] wanted to win the race at school +[MALE] was entered into a raffle at his work place +lenard was never able to get anywhere on time +we went to [NEUTRAL] [MALE] for our honeymoon +[MALE] worked hard as a salesman to feed his big family +[MALE] was smacking the grass with a tennis racket +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] invited me to a concert +last [FEMALE] i bought an ice cream cake for a kid 's birthday +[MALE] practiced for many years on his guitarhe started to get pretty good and decided to start a bandhe called up a few of his buddies and asked who was interestedhe found enough people to start a bandthey started practicing and playing together +[MALE] was an astronaut +[FEMALE] 's mom promised her a new bike if she got all a 's +[MALE] was a proud dog owner +[FEMALE] wanted to get her nose done +[FEMALE] was the scrabble champion of her family +[NEUTRAL] moved into a new apartment +[MALE] had a shirt he loved +it was a cold winter night +i entered the game hoping to enjoy myself +[FEMALE] had just arrived home after school +[MALE] wanted to prank his friends +[MALE] decided he was gon na go out +[MALE] was hoping to meet new friends so he joined a library book club +i had a weird dream last night +i put my pants on one leg at a time +[NEUTRAL] saw an ad in the newspaper for free bricks +the wind was blowing and rain was falling +[MALE] was taking a nice hot shower +[FEMALE] had very frizzy hair +over the weekend it rained for 3 hours +[FEMALE] 's ex-boyfriend would n't stop calling her +it was [FEMALE] 's first time on a plane +[NEUTRAL] was spending time with her friend +[MALE] was looking forward to a new thriller +[MALE] was an artist +i use to ride my horses down along the river near our house +[MALE] was at the mall +"i had my baby grandson , [MALE] , for thanksgiving" +[MALE] is a college student and his major is in broadcast communicationsone day he hope to become a radio host for his own show +one of my favorite activities as a kid was playing house +i used to be scared to share my feelings +[MALE] was in a really good mood +i woke up yesterday morning and saw that i was getting chubby +[NEUTRAL] got into the business of selling chemical enhancements via spam +[FEMALE] was finishing up her first day of volleyball practice +[MALE] is really interested in robotics +[MALE] had a dead tree in his yard +[FEMALE] was at her grandparents for christmas +i joined my friend in the gym to lift weights +[FEMALE] ex and i decided things were going well again +[MALE] wanted to be on the football team +[FEMALE] loved watching tv +the mailman threw a huge box in front of my house +[NEUTRAL] swayed back and forth on top of the bridge +[MALE] 's niece was going to have a birthday party this weekend +[NEUTRAL] went to los angeles for a big conference +[FEMALE] went bowling with a couple of friends +[MALE] 's dad wanted him to become a businessman +[MALE] went camping with his friendthey discovered that they forgot cups +[MALE] 's headphones have n't worked for many weeks +[FEMALE] and her sister were fierce competitors +[FEMALE] daughter 's college roommate went to a party +it was independence day and [FEMALE] wanted to see the fireworks +[FEMALE] has been out of work +[MALE] was reading comics at night +[FEMALE] was planning her grocery list +[FEMALE] had some free time that week +[FEMALE] went to [FEMALE] in the spring +a journalist decided to write a story +[MALE] was a genius who had made a fortune on the stock market +[FEMALE] 's bedroom was cold in the winter +[MALE] was moving to new [MALE] city +today [MALE] was going to disneyland for the first time +[MALE] loved watching movies +[FEMALE] sister-in-law got married for the second time in 1997 +"[MALE] shot the woman in the face , spreading it on the ceiling" +[FEMALE] was on her last round of chemotherapy +[MALE] was required to take a computer programming class +i was throwing the baseball with my son +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] decided to go to the mall +[NEUTRAL] studied all night for his exam +[FEMALE] was fascinated by old abandoned buildings +i saw a nice hat at the store this morning +[FEMALE] crazed pizza +the hat outlet had a sale on hats +i went all day without eating +i loved cleaning the house with a broom +[FEMALE] could not find a single sock in her room +[NEUTRAL] was protesting a building site outside her house +[NEUTRAL] was reading a book in the bath tub +[MALE] had spent all summer walking around a lot +[MALE] noticed that his hair was becoming more gray every year +[FEMALE] needed braces +[NEUTRAL] was going to a concert this weekend +a movie that [MALE] has been wanting to see came out today +[MALE] wanted to learn how to sing +i was playing on top of the monkey bars one day +[FEMALE] phone battery got fried so i decided to buy a new one +[NEUTRAL] needed to update her phone card +[NEUTRAL] had a black kitten when she was younger +[MALE] broke his leg playing football +[MALE] had a friend over +[FEMALE] had a bad cough +[NEUTRAL] and [NEUTRAL] went shopping at the mall +the classroom dark turned dim +[MALE] was hungry +[MALE] was working at the mall +[FEMALE] needed some free time to write her book +[FEMALE] tripped during her physical education class +[FEMALE] loved her job +our dogs are a very important part of our family +[MALE] had just pitched a great game against a good team +[FEMALE] parrot likes to fly around the house whenever she wants +"during a movie night , i was craving food" +[MALE] was boasting about how good of a runner he is +the soldiers moved into position +[NEUTRAL] 's teacher assigned the class to make dioramas +[MALE] was a good basketball player +the yard began to fill with butterflies +[MALE] was watching his two sons +[MALE] bought an old bar to renovate +every year on the fourth of [FEMALE] my family and i go to the cape +[MALE] wanted to help animals +a man flipped a coin one hundred times +the cat was feeling very energetic this evening +[FEMALE] sat at home in her living room watching sports +[MALE] was ready to settle down and get married +[MALE] decides he needs a better way to keep in shape +[FEMALE] had a quiz +[FEMALE] had never liked tea +[FEMALE] first speech assignment is due tomorrow +the man had an interview +the other day i saw a pink squirrel +[FEMALE] friend 's parents are separated +a man suffered a life changing event +[FEMALE] hated sharing her toys with her brother [MALE] +i ate at mcdonald 's the other day +[FEMALE] loved her father dearly +i took my boys fishing +[FEMALE] and [MALE] had been married 50 years +[MALE] had been a smoker for fifteen years +the man chewed his food +[FEMALE] wanted to crochet a scarf for her boyfriend +[NEUTRAL] found a bird 's nest in his front yard one day +[NEUTRAL] is a seamstress +[NEUTRAL] was walking home from school with his friends +[MALE] was texting on his phone while walking on the sidewalk +when [MALE] was five he went to the beach for the first time +we went to dinner last night +[FEMALE] job puts me in contact with lots of people +[FEMALE] 's husband gave her new diamond earrings for her anniversary +[FEMALE] did n't want to go to recess +[FEMALE] is doing a marathon run +[MALE] drove a convertible +[MALE] is a big fan of game of thrones +[MALE] bought black fabric dye to dye his white shirts black +[MALE] was in a bad car accident +[MALE] was doing poorly in his college english class +[FEMALE] was given the lead role in swan lake +[NEUTRAL] was making waffles at his diner +[MALE] loved [FEMALE] so much that one day he asked her to marry him +[MALE] decided he needed to do laundry +[MALE] 's coworkers knew that he loved gardening +[MALE] was playing poker with friendsthere was no money involved +the junior baseball team needed a name +[MALE] wanted to go to a concert +the figure skater was preparing for a big competition +"i 've always wanted a dog , but my mom thinks i 'm irresponsible" +i went camping a few weeks ago and saw some bears +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] were at the bar +we went to the feed store the other day +[MALE] wanted to bake his brother a birthday cake +[FEMALE] was on the internet and saw how many people liked blogs +[MALE] is traveling to san [MALE] next week +[FEMALE] proudly drove her new car to work +[FEMALE] was enrolled in a cooking class +[FEMALE] had a new job at [MALE] 'sshe was excited to find out what her duties were +[FEMALE] decided she wanted a new purse +[MALE] was nervous about baseball tryouts +[MALE] loved to take walks in gardens and see flowers +[NEUTRAL] posted whiny statuses on facebook often +[FEMALE] and some friends were driving to las [NEUTRAL] +[FEMALE] had a sleepover for her birthday +[FEMALE] kept being told that she looked thinner +[FEMALE] favorite restaurant in town was the kfc on the corner +[MALE] was playing hop scotch with friends +"during the night time , i got a phone call" +[MALE] was feeling lonely +[MALE] was traveling across the country by bus +[MALE] was 16 and wanted a car +[FEMALE] had a severe ear infection +[MALE] was a telephone guru who knew the power of positive advice +[MALE] woke up to a loud noise at night +[NEUTRAL] was just a local boy from [FEMALE] +[MALE] was working at the family banana stand +[MALE] had newly joined a distinguished preparatory school +i got a new puppy last week named [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was dragged to a movie +we saw the simpsons movie when it first ran +[NEUTRAL] was putting up the ornaments on her tree +[FEMALE] kept hearing things at night outside her window +[MALE] visited the local gym in his neighborhood +[MALE] traded shoes with an online buyer +[FEMALE] wanted to take a yoga class +[NEUTRAL] can no longer fit his favorite shirt +the day had record heat +[MALE] wanted to visit some ancient ruins +mara wanted to make her own pizza +[MALE] was a very quiet boy +a truck parked in our building driveway +[MALE] had been having bad headaches +i saw this new pair of shoes online and decided to contact the seller +[FEMALE] was very tired +[MALE] went for a jog very early one morning +there was a huge storm +ken bought a surprise for his kids +i arrived on time for my surgery +[MALE] was an urban explorer +ness wanted to see the world +"[MALE] and [MALE] loved to surf , so they drove to the beach" +[FEMALE] was getting a new rug +"[MALE] was visiting dover , [NEUTRAL]" +jll 's mom is coming to visit +[MALE] 's mother encouraged him to eat more for breakfast +[NEUTRAL] was extremely upset with her husband +the man turned on his phone +i needed a laptop for my job +[NEUTRAL] wanted to learn how to bake a cake +[MALE] knew it was forbidden to go in the attic +[FEMALE] went to summer camp near the ocean +[MALE] and his friends played hide and seek +in new [NEUTRAL] the motor vehicle department requires emissions tests +[FEMALE] was supposed to graduate soon but her grades were low +[MALE] loved music +[FEMALE] 's class was doing a unit on the old [MALE] +[FEMALE] had a daughter +[MALE] decided he wanted to run a marathon +[FEMALE] was in illinois with her family +[MALE] was a farmer +[MALE] hated the neighbors two doors down +[MALE] was cleaning his pool one day +[FEMALE] had broken the zipper pull on her suitcase +[MALE] was in a deep slumber +[FEMALE] 's friends had a video game +i slept outside on my trampoline last [NEUTRAL] +[NEUTRAL] has never won a contest before +[FEMALE] had gotten a poster from the store +i decided that i wanted to adopt a cat +the [MALE] family likes to make pizzas together on fridays +[MALE] is very poor +a few weeks ago i went to get my ears pierced +[MALE] went to the deli for a sandwich +[MALE] took a speedboat from the tip of [FEMALE] north +[MALE] and [FEMALE] just had twins +[MALE] was playing basketball +[FEMALE] stood in the aisle with a book in each hand +[MALE] [MALE] 's park is a toy store in cambridge +[MALE] was a very naughty boy who loved to do naughty things +"[FEMALE] siblings , my mom , and i were on a road trip to visit our family" +i used to do heroin +[MALE] and [NEUTRAL] looked forward to the new roller coaster all winter +[FEMALE] was a 12 year old that hated to smile +[MALE] had a bad day at work +[MALE] wanted to visit a national park +[MALE] wanted to make lasagna for dinner +[FEMALE] worked at an office for three years +[FEMALE] sister in law is very angry about her job +[NEUTRAL] was fired after arriving late four days in a row +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were downtown at an intersection +[MALE] was tired of his house being a mess +[FEMALE] was tired of being the only woman in her chess club +[MALE] was going on vacation +last week my son went to six flags with his friends +[MALE] 's roommates were short on their rent +this summer i had a full-time job at parrot cove boat rentals +[MALE] was in middle school +[FEMALE] was teaching a class for the first time one day +i took my dog to the dog park today +[FEMALE] kept locking her keys in her car +[MALE] volunteered to do a fundraising campaign +[MALE] started taking piano lessons weekly +the kids were looking for bugs +[FEMALE] drank a specific brand of bottled water +[MALE] wanted to be a reporter ever since he was a kid +[FEMALE] was a healthy 30-year-old black woman +[FEMALE] 's dog galloped into the dining room +[MALE] wanted a new purse +the sickness started out just like any other +today i decided to learn how to make bread +[MALE] liked cooking +"in a heated chess match , [MALE] was two moves from winning" +"i 've always been shy , and i could never bring myself to be social" +[MALE] had an upcoming test +[FEMALE] went to the ranch with her mother +[MALE] bought a new set of tools +[FEMALE] had a large four-wick candle burning on her coffee table +[FEMALE] was happy her first class in junior high was all new kids +[FEMALE] was watching a show yesterday +i was working the register at the local drug store +[FEMALE] decided to dye her dark hair light red +[MALE] balanced his checkbook +[MALE] 's grandfather hid 2 dozen eggs on [FEMALE] +not a peanut butter sandwich again +[MALE] 's dad savored a cup of coffee every morning +our neighbors down the hall had a very noisy party +[FEMALE] was coming and [NEUTRAL] wanted to get new jackets +[FEMALE] loved to cook and always spent time in the evening cooking +[MALE] hated his job so much that he quit today +[FEMALE] woke up feeling nauseous +[MALE] often liked to take walks alone +i wanted some new curtains for my house +i tried to log into a website +[FEMALE] made a friendship bracelet for her best friend +the man was hungry +[NEUTRAL] was always shy and nervous around girls +[FEMALE] loved to read +[MALE] has an important work meeting at 7 am +[FEMALE] went out despite the bad weather +[FEMALE] had a lovely garden +[NEUTRAL] needed to go to school +[FEMALE] decided to make dinner +being a flower girl was a big responsibility +[MALE] was a 10 year old boy +[FEMALE] was a manager at a retail store +[FEMALE] was a farmer +"[MALE] was visiting lancaster , pennsylvania" +the family liked going bowling together +[FEMALE] had been swimming at the park +[MALE] was bored on a [FEMALE] +i went for a hike in the canyon yesterday morning +[MALE] was drunk downtown +[FEMALE] was casted for a reality show +[MALE] was a foreman +[FEMALE] had been ill with cancer +[MALE] had a friend [MALE] +[MALE] needs to earn extra money for school +[FEMALE] lost her job right before christmas +[MALE] was walking down the street +when i was in my car i turned on my windshield wipers +"[FEMALE] sister in law [MALE] went to greenfield , [FEMALE] yesterday" +[MALE] was drunk at the bar +[FEMALE] daughter can not make up her mind +[FEMALE] was at her daughter 's house +[MALE] had a beautiful garden +[MALE] was anxious about her 25 year class reunion +[MALE] wanted to go to sleep +[FEMALE] had rheumatoid arthritis and was in pain frequently +[FEMALE] is mean to her boyfriend +[FEMALE] boyfriend and i decided to go see a new movie +[MALE] was a large black lab puppy +[NEUTRAL] worked very hard in the weight room to play football +[MALE] needed a new car +the woman had a baby +[FEMALE] tried to bake a cake for her son +[MALE] wanted to go to space camp but it was very expensive +i decided to visit my childhood home +[FEMALE] mom bought a bird when i was six +[FEMALE] wanted to go skating +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] seemed happily married +[MALE] hates winter +[MALE] was at the beach on vacation +the 2007 patriots team was considered by most the best of all time +i was talking to my 78 year old neighbor [MALE] today +i was watching a movie last night in my room +[FEMALE] is hideous but very smart +today i went to the store +[NEUTRAL] had a big list of christmas presents to buy +[MALE] is swimming in the lake +[MALE] desperately need to make a phone call +[MALE] could n't eat pork +the smiths loved their new house +i wanted to make cheese +[FEMALE] thought country music was terrible +hales found out she was pregnant +[NEUTRAL] had just moved into his new house +[FEMALE] started to learn to cook at a young age +a boy and his large dog walked towards me earlier today +[NEUTRAL] had saved a file on her computer +[FEMALE] planted moonflower seeds in front of her house +[NEUTRAL] had a violin and she was learning to play it +[MALE] was stranded on a small island in the ocean +[NEUTRAL] went as usual to practice at the indoor gymnasium +[MALE] woke up one day with a very bad headache +[MALE] was being babysat while his mom was out +[FEMALE] went to the local nail salon to get a pedicure +[MALE] went camping with his family on a beach one summer +there once was a man who went to throw garbage out +the dog peed on my carpet +[FEMALE] had two ferrets +[MALE] was a race car driver +[MALE] wanted to learn how to cook +[MALE] had a desire to be a salesman for an international company +[FEMALE] bought her son an educational toy +[MALE] dropped his toothbrush into the toilet +i moved into a very small apartment +[FEMALE] always wanted to be the most popular girl in school +janna kept on waking up super tired +[NEUTRAL] looked into the fridge +[MALE] worked at a museum +[MALE] went to the beach with his family +[NEUTRAL] asked his girlfriend to cut his hair +it was my first christmas in a newly constructed house +i decided to throw a cookout last weekend +[MALE] went to the store to buy a lottery ticket +[FEMALE] loved playing monopoly +[MALE] liked to wear shorts +[MALE] was a teenager and joined a boxing gym +[FEMALE] did n't want to attend the movies with [MALE] +[FEMALE] thought she would be more confident with more hair +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] went to jamaica on his honeymoon +[MALE] 's mother was determined to see him marry well +[MALE] was on a cruise ship for vacation +[FEMALE] decided she would try a different ice cream flavor +[FEMALE] son decided to go to a party +[FEMALE] saw a large bee in her apartment +[MALE] owed people money +[FEMALE] had to go away for a few months +the dancers gathered together +[FEMALE] was supposed to pay her water bill one day +[MALE] went for a walk on the beach +"[MALE] was the scrawniest guy in his gym class , and was always teased" +[MALE] always had perfect attendance at school +[FEMALE] had just moved to a new country +[MALE] and [FEMALE] went on a trip to find valuable rocks +[MALE] sat at his desk answering calls +[FEMALE] was very excited for [FEMALE] +[MALE] dreaded going to his older sister 's dance recital +i was on vacation in [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was driving to work on the highway +[MALE] and his family were making christmas cookies +[MALE] had just started junior high +[FEMALE] was crossing the street when a car swerved right +[MALE] had a very hectic week at work +[FEMALE] was drinking milk +[FEMALE] loved to face paint +[MALE] has a science test +[MALE] is dreading the day of his lunch meeting with his boss +[MALE] had n't seen his father in years +[MALE] went to a family party with his mom +[MALE] had to public speak +[MALE] needed to do laundry but he felt guilty not doing a full load +[MALE] raced to get to his favorite bagel shop before they closed +i went to sit on the bench in front of our building today +[MALE] is the first chair trumpet player +i asked my cousin if we can hang out today +[MALE] loved lego 's +it was a very hot and humid day +[FEMALE] had a best friend lisa +[FEMALE] decided to play in her soccer match +during an intense board game there was a confusing situation +[MALE] has liked alicia for years +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] decided to take a coast-to-coast road trip +[MALE] hated [MALE] +at midnight on [FEMALE] street a man was murdered +[NEUTRAL] loved fall +[FEMALE] woke one night with a toothache +our building internet went down on [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] wrote every day to his pen pal in [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] was going to the pool +i make bracelets from little beads +[NEUTRAL] came home with a lot of [MALE] homework +[MALE] was walking to his room with his laptop +i fell out of a 3 foot high tree +[MALE] had planned his trip to [FEMALE] carefully +[MALE] wants to add excitement to his life +[FEMALE] dropped her ipod in the toilet +[FEMALE] went to her grandma 's house +[MALE] decided to invest in some penny stocks +[FEMALE] wanted lilies in her wedding bouquet +the family enjoyed taking nature walks together +[MALE] was very nervous about his upcoming science test +[FEMALE] was fresh off the plane in the [NEUTRAL] +i had a knack for getting free things on the internet +in 2005 my wife wanted to go to a doll show +the [MALE] family was elated to go pick out their christmas tree +[MALE] wanted to be a superhero +i retired from my job in [NEUTRAL] of 2012 +[MALE] wanted to go to [MALE] very badly +[MALE] and [MALE] were playing basketball at the park +[FEMALE] had new [FEMALE] [MALE] pencils +i had been getting a lot of acne recently +[MALE] knew the auto warranty industry was not for him +the road was filled with traffic +the last week of summer [FEMALE] decided to have a cookout +[MALE] 's friend [NEUTRAL] showed up at his house with two giant jawbreakers +[MALE] was really popular in high school +a man went to an airfield and rented a small airplane +[FEMALE] measured her foot to get her shoe size +[FEMALE] 's computer was acting weird +[FEMALE] had to buy a new pair of pants +[FEMALE] father was out of work and did n't know what to do +[FEMALE] always likes to clean the house on [FEMALE] afternoons +[MALE] went to light the grill +the cashier checked out my items at the supermarket +i had a huge blister on my ankle +[MALE] has been unemployed for several months +a lawyer reviewed some law books to help his client +[NEUTRAL] had the most unruly curly hair +[MALE] was in his kitchen +[MALE] went to the gym with his friend +[MALE] went to a yoga class +[FEMALE] was incredibly lonely +[MALE] enjoyed watching movies at the theater +[FEMAL] was hungry for pizza +[MALE] was in great shape +[MALE] had leftover pizza in his refrigerator +[MALE] wanted a new pet +[MALE] wants to sell the restaurant +i visited my little cousin today +"i needed a way to listen to music for free , so i asked a friend" +[MALE] and [FEMALE] needed a sofa for their apartment +[FEMALE] is unhappy at work +[MALE] and [FEMALE] wanted to eat out +[MALE] broke his foot last week playing basketball +[FEMALE] wanted to skydive +[MALE] advertised for help in the paper +[NEUTRAL] lost his job at the post office last week +[MALE] 's house was looking dreary +today i was standing in line texting on my phone +[NEUTRAL] was playing in his living room with his toys +[FEMALE] was a very selfish person +[FEMALE] could n't understand why her baby had started crying +the students decided to graph the weather +[NEUTRAL] has been wearing glasses since he was little +[MALE] never liked working in the yard +[MALE] ordered a new phone online +[FEMALE] school mascot is the beavers +[MALE] was an aspiring pop star +i am pretty weak +[MALE] made a speech +[MALE] went to the kitchen to search for a snack +[MALE] looked at his nails +[MALE] checked to make sure no one was around +[MALE] had gotten bitten by a dog when he was younger +[FEMALE] bought a game for her nephew +[NEUTRAL] made pens for the business elite +"walking by the fish tank , [MALE] noticed it was empty" +[FEMALE] was hungry for smothered cabbage +[FEMALE] whined a lot +the girl scouts rang the doorbell +[MALE] was in ballet class +[FEMALE] saw the indicator light on her dash for low oil +[FEMALE] grandparents took my brother and i to lego world +[FEMALE] brother sent me an email awhile ago +last night i dreamed about my friends in nh +it was a hot summer day +[FEMALE] had a bad cough at school +[FEMALE] did n't like animals +[NEUTRAL] always wanted to be a farmer +[NEUTRAL] and her family were decorating for christmas +[MALE] was working hard on his project +i bought a car towards the end of the year last year +[FEMALE] loved nothing more than to bake cookies +a man walked down the street and stopped to take out his phone +[MALE] needed to wake up early the next day +"when i woke up this morning , i did n't feel like going to work" +[MALE] took up amateur bodybuilding when he was a teenager +[FEMALE] just downloaded pokemon go on her phone +[NEUTRAL] was a twin +[FEMALE] wanted to work out +[MALE] loved sushi +[MALE] was at the arcade when he saw the claw game +[FEMALE] needed a new shirt for school +[FEMALE] was determined to win the big jackpot +[MALE] had a slippery bathtub +i received a strange phone call today +"i was a five-year-old in new orleans , and it was mardi gras" +i have twenty nine mixing bowls in my house +[FEMALE] woke up extra early +[FEMALE] and her family were ready for their big trip +[FEMALE] wanted to go outside and play at the park +[NEUTRAL] was nervous about a possible emergency situation +[MALE] moved to tanzania to get back to nature +[MALE] was throwing rocks at a nearby lake +[MALE] had always wanted to learn another language +[MALE] loved making funny videos +[MALE] thought he did n't have to follow rules +i began making fish curry for my boyfriend and i +a lady across the street was selling her dog +[NEUTRAL] had always wanted to live in [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] loved gymnastics +"aj grew up in upstate new [MALE] , but he had a strange accent" +[FEMALE] wanted to save one hundred dollars for a vacation +[FEMALE] daughter decided to try acrobats for dance this year +i installed a new doorbell in my house +[FEMALE] friend asked if he can have a chip +[FEMALE] was riding a roller coaster with her friends +[FEMALE] has a crush on her classmate [MALE] +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] lives in his car +[MALE] was trying to grill some burgers one day +[MALE] traveled to the beach +[FEMALE] was trying to install an app on her phone +[MALE] met [FEMALE] when they were little kids +[FEMALE] mom threw my white clothes into the washer +[FEMALE] was not feeling well +[FEMALE] was feeling lonely +[FEMALE] bought a cute new pet +dank memes liked to make terrible posts on the internet +[NEUTRAL] was visiting her grandmother +[FEMALE] went to the shore to meet the sailors on leave +[FEMALE] was told she needed glasses +[MALE] was at home sitting at his desk +i was trying to run to the touchdown +gale wanted to spend her weekend at a casino +he never thought he 'd make it to 18 +we went to a wedding in sacramento in 2010 +[MALE] had a girlfriend but started to see her less and less +[NEUTRAL] was reading a book outside +i love having fresh flowers in my house +[FEMALE] was on a picnic in the park +[FEMALE] always arrived first for class +[FEMALE] was pregnant +[FEMALE] wanted to sing in the school musical +[FEMALE] was n't feeling well +[MALE] wanted to be a rapper +[FEMALE] and her husband do n't get along +[FEMALE] decided to cook quinoa for her dinner +"last night , there was an awful storm" +[MALE] wanted to watch [FEMALE] 's concert from coachella +[FEMALE] had a crush on a boy in her class +[MALE] had always been scared of cats +[MALE] walked up his driveway and saw something odd +i challenged my friend to a game of basketball +[MALE] loves big machines +do n't need a new chair +[FEMALE] was excited for her vacation in [NEUTRAL] +[FEMALE] record for traveling to my hometown is four hours +sparkle was getting too many rejections from ocmp 75 hits on mturk +"one morning , [MALE] 's car would n't start" +[FEMALE] had always wanted to pursue a master 's in public health +[FEMALE] called [MALE] and asked if they can meet up somewhere +[FEMALE] had worked hard all week +[NEUTRAL] loved singing +[MALE] tried to get some candy from the vending machine +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were getting tired of wearing matching clothes +[FEMALE] was playing her tuba one afternoon +it was a really windy day outside +the thought of doing bungee jumping scared me +[NEUTRAL] had too much stuff +in a week was [FEMALE] 's final exam +"[MALE] wanted a happy meal , but he was gluten free" +[FEMALE] looked inside her stocking +[FEMALE] likes candles +[MALE] was tucking his daughter into bed +one morning i tried to work +"when i was bartending , two of my favorite actors came into my work" +[MALE] lived on a farm +[NEUTRAL] dreamed of being a famous chef +[MALE] spent most of the day packing boxes +i dated a legally blind person in 1979 +our family went to church last [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] had a burn from playing with a curling iron +[NEUTRAL] wanted a dog +[NEUTRAL] was driving on the highway +there was a woman down the street who did laundry for money +[MALE] had a weight problem +[FEMALE] looked at her family 's coats on the coat rack +"one night , my dog would not stop barking" +[MALE] wanted to learn guitar +[MALE] needed one more quarter for bus fare +the boys wanted to go for a ride +[FEMALE] had always wanted to learn a new language +[MALE] was never in the popular crowd +[FEMALE] works in a starbucks +[MALE] went to the beach +[MALE] liked working on his car +[NEUTRAL] was out of shampoo +[MALE] 's apartment was being cleaned for bugs +[FEMALE] tried to play her clarinet with a split reed +[FEMALE] sister recently helped me score a sweet deal on [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] wanted to drive around +[MALE] new today would be make or break +[FEMALE] called her dad to ask for money +i found a penny on the sidewalk while on my way to work +[FEMALE] was very anxious to perform in the school play +i smelled something foul in the house +yesterday i was baking a cake +i was babysitting my little cousin +[FEMALE] really wanted to lose weight +[MALE] went to the bank +[FEMALE] loved kids +[MALE] 's friends set him up with a blind date +[MALE] wanted to be a doctor +[FEMALE] saw a cute puppy at a shop +[FEMALE] had a poster of a model on her wall +[MALE] wanted to vote in this year 's election +as [FEMALE] walked around the playground alone [FEMALE] came and joined her +[FEMALE] friend decided on taking me to the renaissance fair for some fun +[FEMALE] had fallen in love with a professional video gamer +[MALE] wanted to meet an eagle +[NEUTRAL] had been on a diet +[FEMALE] decided to push me on the ground +[MALE] could not remember his address +[MALE] really enjoyed working for the geohive group +[NEUTRAL] was working at a diner +[MALE] was excited about his cute new puppy +i needed new brake pads for my car +a man wanted to improve his tennis skills +[MALE] was working in the office when the fire alarm went off +[FEMALE] was making fun of how old my shoes were +i 'm a big fan of [MALE] and [MALE] +[MALE] was going on his very first airplane ride to new [MALE] +two men wandered the woods looking for deer to hunt +we had finally made it there +[FEMALE] fell asleep last night with gum in her mouth +[MALE] was promoted to the position of bank manager +[MALE] desired to improve his memory +[MALE] is upset when his girlfriend wins valedictorian instead of him +[MALE] was lactose intolerant +[FEMALE] was visiting her friend +she did n't like that she had lost control +[MALE] was n't feeling very well +[FEMALE] had written a best-selling fantasy novel +[FEMALE] decided she was going to keep her house cleaner +[MALE] met an attractive female at a bar +[MALE] did n't want his son to know he was afraid of clowns +[MALE] had just heated up a mug of hot cocoa +[MALE] rented a movie +[MALE] always had some spare duct tape lying around +[MALE] went to a walmart +i was playing baseball in the park with friends +i had a boyfriend back in college +the kids made some flubber +[MALE] was an extremely nervous man +the doctor diagnosed [FEMALE] with gad +the best entry in the christmas parade was called run run [MALE] +when we were camping we saw a bear +the lion escaped the zoo +it was christmas +[MALE] has spent many years in [MALE] but never visited the aquarium +[MALE] was a high school wrestler +[FEMALE] ground some peanuts +[FEMALE] wanted to let her hair grow long +"one morning , [FEMALE] made breakfast for her husband" +[MALE] is a great drummer +one day it was raining and [NEUTRAL] wanted to go out and play +[NEUTRAL] wanted a boat +[MALE] had a baseball game coming up +[NEUTRAL] decided to run a race with her friends +[NEUTRAL] wanted to be a pro batter since he was a kid +"as summer started , ron fell and broke his leg on the swing" +[NEUTRAL] is riding his skateboard +[FEMALE] was in fifth grade and struggling in math +"arielle loved cooking with her great-grandmother , [FEMALE]" +the magician had always been inspired by magic +[MALE] 's yard was covered in dead leaves +the neighbors had been complaining about [NEUTRAL] 's dog +[MALE] was hiking in the forest +chantel stopped in front of the red traffic light +there was a senior assembly in the auditorium today +[MALE] was interested in the new airport that was under construction +[NEUTRAL] cross was annoyed +[FEMALE] was so frustrated +[FEMALE] was pregnant +[MALE] was listening to music +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] had a crush on the same guy +[NEUTRAL] celebrated every chinese new year with his family +a man at the office looked at his massive stack of paperwork +[MALE] came home one day and noticed his old pet rabbit had n't eaten +[FEMALE] was digging in the dirt +[FEMALE] went to the fair with her sisters +[MALE] had been working on a 1000-piece puzzle +[MALE] decided to get into shape +ron and his wife buy a house that needs a lot of work +a brother and sister liked throwing golf balls on the roof +[FEMALE] loved hot water +the [MALE] family decided friday they would start a weekly movie night +the boy liked to wear crazy things +[MALE] wanted a day off school +a man was at city hall to support a new police station +one day a car smashed into [MALE] 's on the highway +[MALE] was out for a morning run +[NEUTRAL] needs to party a little +[MALE] attended [FEMALE] church service with his family +[FEMALE] was fishing with her family +after months of hard training i was ready for my first boxing match +this summer i went to a concert with my girlfriend +[MALE] was traveling overseas +[FEMALE] went into the bathroom and brought her phone with her +[MALE] waited and waited for his friend [FEMAL] to show up +[MALE] had been thinking about using his froggy potty for while now +[FEMALE] went to [FEMALE] to see her grandparents over the summer +[FEMALE] was starting second grade +the news reporters were stationed in the tent +[FEMALE] and [MALE] went to the donut store where they made them fresh +[MALE] was watching tv after school +[FEMALE] entire life i only wanted someone to love me +i went christmas shopping last weekend +[FEMALE] wanted to go to her friend [FEMALE] 's house +i usually play chess online with my friend [MALE] +[MALE] met up with his kids at the park +one day snow and ice covered the ground +[FEMALE] 's parents wanted her to get out her excess energy +[FEMALE] fell in love with a great guy +i had a blind date +[FEMALE] was helping her son with his work +[MALE] hated his job +[MALE] always loved to perform on stage +[MALE] went to his boss to ask for his paycheck +[FEMALE] took her dog outside +[MALE] wanted to send money to his family in eastern europe +[MALE] needed a big amount of money +he was pumped for the new trailer to be released +[FEMALE] found herself easily distracted +[FEMALE] was painting the center line on the highway +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] were playing chess +[MALE] has been feeling really bored +someone 's dog got loose in my neighborhood +[MALE] wanted a sandwich +friday was [MALE] and his group of friends ' favorite day of the week +[FEMALE] was moving +[MALE] was using his wife 's laptophe noticed an unread message +[MALE] wakes up and goes for a walk every morning +the baby shook from the cold room +[MALE] was having difficulty in his history class +the first thing [MALE] did when he bought a house was change the locks +[NEUTRAL] lived in an area prone to wildfires +joana loves buying shoes but not wearing it +"in his senior year of high school , [MALE] was excited to go to prom" +one day [NEUTRAL] took a trip to detroit +[FEMALE] feels ready to start dating +[FEMALE] did n't have any money +[MALE] had a problem with his computer +[FEMALE] was afraid of flying on an airplane +one day i saw a cab stop in my building 's driveway +[FEMALE] did n't appear to age +[MALE] had two big sisters +[MALE] took a whiff of the strong paint +[MALE] was laid off from work +[NEUTRAL] was not very artistic +[MALE] always wanted to be a writer growing up +[MALE] got a new ball today +[FEMALE] had to cook dinner for her family +[MALE] is running late after his english class +"[MALE] had one job , to destroy the barracks" +[FEMALE] told her mom she was sick so she could stay home from school +"for the third night in a row , young [MALE] had fallen out of his bed" +the quarterback threw the ball +[MALE] was riding his bike through the park +[MALE] wanted to surprise his wife +[FEMALE] was walking into her house when her foot went through the porch +mr [MALE] went to the local coffee shop +[MALE] and his brother were playing video games +[MALE] was terrified of dogs +[FEMALE] went on a hike +with the last $ 500 that [MALE] had he went to the hardware store +[MALE] 's parents fight all the time +[FEMALE] was born a healthy baby girl +[MALE] had lots of chores to do +the concert started when everyone came +[FEMALE] had a very small suit +[MALE] saw cartoons where people slid on banana peels +i ate grass jelly when i was five +[MALE] decided he was going to try to forgive and forget +i wanted to play an old game one day +[MALE] was tired at his desk +[FEMALE] wants to be a cat for halloween +[FEMALE] was spooked so easily her friends loved to pull pranks on her +[MALE] went swimming with friends +[FEMALE] coworker [FEMALE] just ended a ten-year affair +[FEMALE] woke up and noticed something on her window +the bush tore the shirt sleeve +[MALE] loved to go outside when it was a sunny day +today was the first sunny day in a week +[FEMALE] and her grandma were going grocery shopping +[FEMALE] coworker [FEMALE] was thin when she started in 1985 +[MALE] was a playful boy as a child +[FEMALE] is almost as attractive as her sister +"as a kid , i went fishing with my grandpa" +[MALE] wanted to improve his health +[NEUTRAL] got her paper back +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were drinking a chocolate shake together +[FEMALE] needed to find a cheap car but did n't know where to start +[MALE] decided to buy a horse +[MALE] got up early one dayhe dressed and he took the bus to workthe bus broke down near his officehe walked the rest of the wayhe arrived just in time to punch in +[FEMALE] boyfriend and i spent the holidays with my parents in [MALE] +[MALE] has a lot of unusual friends in high school +[FEMALE] had been dating [MALE] for a month +yesterday i went to nyc to see the thanksgiving parade +the coaches gathered for a draft +a man 's house is robbed +today is [FEMALE] 's 50th birthday +[MALE] was late again +[NEUTRAL] wanted to buy a motorcycle +roger was the lookout for a bank heist +[FEMALE] wanted a koala for a pet +[MALE] was a great athlete when he was young +it was a very hot summer day +[MALE] was a high school basketball player +[MALE] was excited to run a 5k race +[MALE] realized he was gay when he was 30 years old +"frustrated by his life , the man sat on the couch and watched tv" +[FEMALE] was trying to open a can +[FEMALE] loved nice smells +"one morning , [FEMALE] woke up hungry" +falling into the pit was the worst +[FEMALE] went to the grocery store to purchase fruit +"when i was six , my family took me to [NEUTRAL]" +"spooky the cat loves to eathe woke up one morning , and the bowls were empty" +ron wanted to learn how to sing +[NEUTRAL] was having a surgery +[MALE] was an aggressive kid +[FEMALE] loved her ipod +[MALE] noticed that his pond was very messy and needed to be cleaned +[MALE] had just gotten engaged +[FEMALE] dreamed to fly over the ocean +i went to see my new pcp this morning +i met a girl named [FEMALE] the first day of school +the boys were playing video games +[FEMALE] wanted to lose weight +[MALE] had been writing in starbucks for the past few days +a woman was walking +[FEMALE] daughter 's friend in middle and high school lives in ca +i have been a vegan for several years +the woman lost twenty pounds +"for a few consecutive days in fourth grade , i was out sick" +[FEMALE] lived in the house behind moe +[MALE] is walking down the street +[MALE] was angry at losing the game +[FEMALE] was really excited about the olympics +[MALE] had very large hands +[MALE] has just been dumped by his woman +[MALE] was riding his dirt bike in the woods +[FEMALE] needed extra money +[NEUTRAL] liked to watched soccer +[FEMALE] entered the school 's talent contest +[MALE] took a science class +[MALE] was a terrible basketball player +[NEUTRAL] was wondering in the woods one day +[NEUTRAL] and her friends were vacationing in dubai +[FEMALE] decided to throw a surprise birthday party for [FEMALE] +it was time to take the kids to school +[MALE] needed to buy a textbook for his biology class +[MALE] was skeptical that his plan would work +one morning the smith family heard a knock on the doorthe dad looked outside to see it wasoutside stood a witch who was wrinkled with a mustacheher hair was falling out and teeth were greenshe smiled and asked can i use your phone +[MALE] loved to play video games +[FEMALE] was making a pizza at work +[MALE] malone was a science teacher with a passion for music +haylee hates to do her taxes every year around [FEMALE] +year 's have passed since [MALE] last tried to write a novel +[FEMALE] loved playing solitaire +[MALE] liked to tinker with things +[FEMALE] was a girl scout +[FEMALE] always wore a pointy hat at school +[FEMALE] 's daughter [FEMALE] informed her that she needed candy +[MALE] was upset about something his friend [FEMALE] did +outside was completely hot +the elastic on all of tom 's underwear was too loose +i had bought a house with an inground pool +[FEMALE] was taking a family trip to her native [FEMALE] +[MALE] was diagnosed with cancer +[MALE] was sitting on a table with his friends +[FEMALE] entered her horse [MALE] in the county fair show +lowe forgot his lunch one day +[FEMALE] loved [FEMALE] [MALE] books +[MALE] had a neighbor who was a widow +[MALE] bought a new game +the girl was nervous +[MALE] and his dog were in the park +i met a wonderful guy on the internet +[FEMALE] was a girl who did not obey her parents or safety rules +[MALE] had a basketball game tonight +[FEMALE] was good at game theory +[FEMALE] just got a used washer and dryer +[FEMALE] was doing her laundry +today is [MALE] 's birthday +[FEMALE] and [MALE] live together in [FEMALE] +we took the kids out for halloween +[FEMALE] went to a sushi restaurant with her family +[MALE] looked at the high dive of his community pool with interest +[NEUTRAL] purchased the most perfect pearl earrings +[MALE] broke his leg +[FEMALE] wanted to go to the prom +last night i made eggs +i was going to cook dinner so i started boiling some water +[FEMALE] was making her first thanksgiving turkey +[FEMALE] was a red light +the train left the station and headed to the city of [MALE] +[MALE] danced around for the crowd +[FEMALE] had been dreading her grandpa 's funeral +[FEMALE] had taken 6 ibuprofen +we have some neighbors that make us miserable +[FEMALE] entered a pie contest at the county fair +[MALE] loved to play many sports +a kangaroo jumped out of its enclosure at the zoo +the bear lumbered along the forest path +the man assembled a cradle +[FEMALE] wrote a poem that impressed her teacher +[MALE] and [FEMALE] have been trying to have a baby for several year 's +i dropped out of school +at night the campers could hear the wolves howl in the distance +[FEMALE] wanted to make a sandwich +[FEMALE] was nervous about the prom because she did n't have a date +[MALE] was going through a bad divorce +[MALE] was walking through the snow +i was in a blackout last week +[NEUTRAL] went to middle school +i went to the grocery store this morning +[FEMALE] friend went to the food court to search for food +it had all come down to this for demetri +[MALE] loved to play [FEMALE] crush +i needed to catch some fish for food storage for winter +mallorie was sleeping over at [FEMALE] 's house +day really wanted a new bike +"[NEUTRAL] was only 13 , but she wanted to learn to cook" +[FEMALE] was feeling sick +[MALE] still calls the party-line to meet girls +[NEUTRAL] works outdoors in an area with many stray dogs +[FEMALE] [FEMALE] was a lonely single child who wanted a friend +[MALE] was doing some baking +[MALE] loved to follow politics +we had a family party last weekend +i love going to the mall +"every dentist visit , the dentist asked if he flossed" +[NEUTRAL] wanted to make pancakes this morning but she did n't have milk +"little [MALE] wanted a new toy wagon for his birthdayhis sister , [FEMALE] , had broken his old wagon" +a circus act began and 100 clowns came to the main stage +[FEMALE] really wanted to go to the dance +[MALE] walked through the art gallery with a focused eye +[MALE] was furiously trying to get to the carnival +[FEMALE] was told to have half her book done for the editor by monday +[MALE] wanted to go to the olympics for running +i recently got a new car +[MALE] was learning how write music +[FEMALE] decided to kiss another man behind her boyfriend 's back +[FEMALE] saw a squirrel as she stood in her yard +[FEMALE] purchased a printer online from a large retailer +the family had been car shopping for weeks +[MALE] was so hungry she could have eaten a cow +[FEMALE] had her jewelry in a small tupperware with drawers +the woman drove down the road +[FEMALE] wanted to get a good job +[MALE] is waiting for a package +"it was [MALE] 's 21st birthday , and he decided to get drunk" +"a boy had his father come in to tuck him in , like every night" +[FEMALE] had been working hard for weeks +[FEMALE] always had shot nails +[MALE] and his father were going hunting in the woods +[FEMALE] and her friends decided to have a lemonade stand +[FEMALE] 's car was out of gas +the couple had been fighting +[MALE] placed a lot of value on food +the day of the big game had arrived +[MALE] 's car broke down right before a job interview +twin sisters [FEMALE] and [MALE] were planning [MALE] 's date +[MALE] has been dreaming of starting his own business +[MALE] lived in an association suburb that has rules +today i played spotify on my [NEUTRAL] +[FEMALE] wanted a cup of coffee +[FEMALE] thought she hated mustard +[MALE] was having trouble falling asleep +[MALE] 's and [NEUTRAL] ' gambling operation worked simply +[NEUTRAL] had a bad day at work and did not want to cook +[FEMALE] was feeling a little bit sad +[FEMALE] recently got engaged +[MALE] asked all his friends to help him move +ron was starting a class in the fall +[MALE] 's eldest daughter was 4 year 's old +[MALE] wanted to be a great tennis player +[MALE] went to the grocery store one day +i accidentally broke a window in my house +it had been raining for 2 days straight +[FEMALE] 's mother was trying to teach her to drive +[NEUTRAL] 's neighbors had just moved into the house +[MALE] has always wanted to be married +[NEUTRAL] 's business partner was stealing from him +[MALE] could n't find his keys +[FEMALE] wanted to make something special for dinner +[FEMALE] and [MALE] wanted to have a baby +[FEMALE] was from a traditional indian family +[FEMALE] goes grocery shopping every [FEMALE] after church +she felt like the freak in school +[MALE] gets bullied and beaten every day at his new school +i had a friend in college that i spoke to a lot +[MALE] decided to bake his own bread +[NEUTRAL] wanted to quit his meth addiction +[FEMALE] needed to get across the playground +i 've always wanted both a cat and a dog +[MALE] was walking in his farm when he felt some pinch on his leg +[FEMALE] and her new husband had taken dance lessons for their wedding +in 2014 i got our friends [MALE] and his wife [FEMALE] a museum membership +[MALE] decided to move out of his parent 's house +[FEMALE] liked to eat snacks in her bedroom +[FEMALE] and i were on our way out when we decided to go pet shopping +"[MALE] loved planes , and he talked about them often" +[FEMALE] decided to throw a halloween party +"in the spring , [NEUTRAL] bought some flowers to hang by her front porch" +[MALE] got a job in east [MALE] +[FEMALE] son went to hull last weekend +[FEMALE] wife has an iphone 6s +[FEMALE] was worn out from working too hard +[MALE] had to get to a meeting +[MALE] reached his ninetieth birthday last week +a ski instructor showed me how to ski +[NEUTRAL] strolled merrily along a private bike trail he enjoyed +one year i kept procrastinating getting my car registration renewed +[MALE] grew up with a reputation for trying to take people 's money +[MALE] was hosting the weekly game night at his house +[MALE] heard a weather report while listening to the radio +[MALE] has always loved ice cream +[FEMALE] was trying to work overnight +[MALE] was driving through the night +[FEMALE] wanted to get around having to copy and paste her id constantly +[MALE] was nearly asleep when she heard the rustling +[NEUTRAL] is eating breakfast +"[NEUTRAL] loved lions , and when she found they were endangered , she wept" +[NEUTRAL] was drunk at the bar +[MALE] was walking down the street +[MALE] used to work at mcdonald 's +[MALE] 's teacher told the class wikipedia was not an acceptable source +"for his party , [MALE] was baking brownies for his guests" +i tried to fight off the sad feelings +[MALE] wanted to earn money for a toy gun +[NEUTRAL] works at a boutique +[MALE] had never gone snowboarding before +[FEMALE] purchased the biggest turkey she could find +[FEMALE] is cooking a pizza +i finally reached into the front of the lines with my friends +"on a hot day , [FEMALE] went to sleep in the basement because it was cooler" +i got an ipad last week +[MALE] was tending to his yard +[FEMALE] was scared of roaches +[FEMALE] had been riding her bike with training wheels +[MALE] saw the bottom of the hill from the top +[FEMALE] was hosting a beach bonfire +[FEMALE] was angry at her dad when she left for school +edwards loved wild animals +[MALE] was determined to get some work done +[FEMALE] has n't shown up for work the last week +apart of physical education was to learn different sports +[MALE] was staying with his friends parents +[MALE] had a passion for construction +[FEMALE] loved money more than anything or anyone in the world +[FEMALE] had a 1000 word essay she needed to prepare for class +[FEMALE] liked to eat chicken wings +[MALE] was a fan of basketballit was now [MALE] madness season in college basketballhe sat on his couch and watched many of the gameshe was rooting for his hometown villanova wildcatshe is anxiously awaiting to see how they do +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] were about to go on their first date +[MALE] wanted to be a professional photographer +[NEUTRAL] was excited about her new closet +[FEMALE] was walking to the store +[MALE] was at a concert with his girlfriend +[FEMALE] has been practicing on her violin +[NEUTRAL] was invited to a party +[NEUTRAL] began to notice something wrong with his mother +i wanted to propose to my girlfriend +[FEMALE] was forcing her friends to eat at the taco place +a man in alabama wanted to see what life was like up north +the cop pulled over the woman for driving too fast +[FEMALE] 's mom had just come home from a trip +i have a friend that loves the color blue +[FEMALE] received an email from her school this morning +winters are cold and snowy where we live +[FEMALE] always wanted to be able to drive a manual car +[MALE] had recently lost his job +ron always used the elevator at work +[MALE] used his computer every day for many hours +[FEMALE] was ready to go back to her classroom +[NEUTRAL] loved to play softball +[MALE] invited me to his hotel room for drinks +[MALE] was supposed to meet his date at 6pm +[FEMALE] was unhappy +i had a neighbor when i was a kid +[FEMALE] friends and i went on a cruise +[FEMALE] played in a soccer game today +[MALE] was in the final laps of a car race +divine went to the school and she forgot to bring her umbrella +[FEMALE] was a waitress +[MALE] only ate eggs +[FEMALE] was having a lot of financial trouble +[MALE] hopped from log to log +[NEUTRAL] was laying in bed but could n't seem to sleep +"our apartment was vandalized , but i did n't know by my best friend" +today is [MALE] 's first day at school +[MALE] had a small restaurant +last year [MALE] was about an inch too short for the big roller coaster +[FEMALE] decided to make lasagna +[FEMALE] cousin came to town to visit yesterday +as i donned my shirt in the morning i noticed a button was gone +[MALE] was excited about her first year of college +"[MALE] was a professional dog walker , and he worked often" +[FEMALE] was taking out the garbage +[MALE] was reading his favorite book +[NEUTRAL] was an award winning guitar player +[MALE] wanted to cook hot dogs but had no wieners or hot dog bread +[MALE] and his wife got a divorce +the team was traveling to a game +[FEMALE] was going out of town +[FEMALE] was assigned to make cookies +[FEMALE] was sad her father had passed away +"when i was at the water park , i saw a hornet nest" +all of the male members of the [MALE] family were in the [FEMALE] +[MALE] was running for local office +the man made a joke +[MALE] arranged to date a girl he met on the internet at the movies +[MALE] decided to take on a project for the summer +last summer i traveled all through asia +the train conductor looked up from his controls +[FEMALE] put her new brand named shoes under her bed +[NEUTRAL] was packing his kids ' lunches +i notice that my brother was walking about the house +[MALE] had always wanted to clean his garage +last night i was playing video games +i like to dress up for school each morning +[MALE] left his keys at the grocery store +[FEMALE] was redoing her bathroom +[MALE] was running late for work +[MALE] was excited for his sixth birthday +[FEMALE] best friend was from [MALE] +[FEMALE] mother gave me the desk that belonged to her grandmother +[FEMALE] logic professor decided to teach us how to solve proofs +[MALE] had a bird that loved to hang out by his window +[MALE] hates his boss +i do n't think the odds of that happening were very good +i had an important meeting +[MALE] always wanted to fly as a kid +[FEMALE] was such a cheery girl +we visited philadelphia in 2005 +[FEMALE] decided to pick a bunch of flowers +i needed to make money really fast +[FEMALE] needed to do research about dolphins +[MALE] grabbed the dog 's leash from the closet +[MALE] was in a bad neighborhood when he found a sick dog +[FEMALE] wife had a nice life insurance contract +[FEMALE] was reading through her [FEMALE] news feed +[FEMALE] wants to go to the dance with [MALE] +[FEMALE] was fishing in the ocean one morning when a storm rolled in +[FEMALE] wanted to get a cheeseburger +[MALE] needed to deposit a check +[FEMALE] notices that her toenails have grown long and uneven +it was very sunny today +[FEMALE] is so nervous for her finals +i had to go to the store one day to buy dog food +[MALE] told [FEMALE] there was a apple tree down the street +[MALE] had been feeling pain in his knee for weeks +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were in a relationship and appeared to be in love +[MALE] started dating [FEMALE] +[MALE] had not seen his cat for the past few days +[FEMALE] found out that her boyfriend cheated on him +[FEMALE] wanted to go to a new class at her gym +[MALE] was eating his favorite dessert +i wanted to run for my high school +[MALE] taught english in a small school in [FEMALE] +"as the family was eating dinner one winter day , the lights went out" +[FEMALE] had been unhappy in her marriage for many year 's +[FEMALE] liked [MALE] +[FEMALE] saw an expensive new vacuum being advertised on tv +"[FEMALE] loved eating at fun , new places" +[FEMALE] feet were hot +[MALE] was a graduate student studying archaeology +i went into the restaurant to buy a sandwich +[FEMALE] arrived at starbucks to get her usual non-fat latte for the day +[FEMALE] was watching tv waiting for a music video premier +[MALE] and [FEMALE] decided to ride the 4-wheeler out to cut a christmas tree +i took my first plane ride today +[NEUTRAL] decided to go to the beach +[FEMALE] woke up to the sound of meowing +i was skateboarding with my friends at the park +[FEMALE] 's family was driving back to minnesota +domino 's pizza was one of the first pizza chains i remembered +one day [MALE] woke up with an itch +ron really wanted to join the baseball team +dil 's theatre troupe was performing shakespeare plays outdoors +[FEMALE] loves to go for a walk every evening +i did n't want to break up with my girlfriend +i prefer songs that have unconventional vocals +[FEMALE] was in class playing with her friend +the [MALE] family was on a bus headed towards the great pyramid +[MALE] admonished his younger sister never to touch the outlet +i was taking a math class at a local college +beltar was from [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] wanted her new house to have a fresh coat of paint +grandma was cooking pasta for the entire family +[MALE] loved to dance growing up +[MALE] loved to eat food at diners +"[FEMALE] was n't happy in her relationship , as it was dull" +[FEMALE] was trying to buy lighters +[FEMALE] sister-in-law had jury duty in 2010 +[MALE] had been anticipating the movie for months +[FEMALE] really wanted a new puppy +[NEUTRAL] went outside to walk his dog +[MALE] was at the local club +[MALE] went to a bar and ordered a club soda +[MALE] drew robots all the time +tracie went swimming in the ocean +[FEMALE] moved from [FEMALE] to illinois last month +[MALE] 's jawbone cracked before he fell on the floor +[FEMALE] went to buy a burrito +[MALE] had been doing karate for two year 's now +i also liked how older generations wore nice hats +[MALE] 's car had problems steering for a long time +[MALE] was trying to write poems +[FEMALE] was walking in the mall one day when she saw [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] worked for a retirement home +[MALE] has never celebrated st [MALE] 's day +[MALE] was starting a new job +[MALE] has a job blogging for a company on the internet +salim woke up with a fever and a cough +[MALE] 's mom got a text +[MALE] was a slow driver +[MALE] bought an old car to work on for fun +one time a guy and i who liked each other needed clarity +"when i was a child , i was always given stuffed animals" +"on [FEMALE] 12th , our friend 's 24 year old son had a knee operation" +the football team was undefeated +[MALE] was given an assignment to write a short story for his class +[FEMALE] 's teacher died from a heart attack +"when she they played statue at school , she always won" +[FEMALE] was n't feeling well when she got home from school +"this morning , [MALE] could n't get his hair to look good" +[MALE] really loved a girl named [MALE] +[MALE] had problems with his television +stormy asked if i could be her new mama +[MALE] was at the beach +[FEMALE] loved to bake +[FEMALE] was passing out candy on halloween +"as a reward for starting to eat healthy , i got a bad case of diarrhea" +[FEMALE] had been looking for her her phone for an hour +[MALE] wanted to compete in a golf competition with his friend +[FEMALE] made cookies everyday +[MALE] and his friend curly we 're going climbing in venezuela +i was walking to the store and heard some music +[MALE] was very skilled at shaping sculptures +we went into the woods to find our christmas tree +the man told the truth +[FEMALE] was single +[FEMALE] 's parents were getting a divorce +[MALE] went to get his hair cut +[FEMALE] drifted on the ocean for many days +[FEMALE] wanted to go sledding +[MALE] wanted to bake a pie for his family +[NEUTRAL] was ceo of his own company +[MALE] was a new dad +[MALE] was playing outside after the rain +[MALE] was looking for something to eat +the football game began +[FEMALE] had spilled her jewelry all over the floor +at last the day of the fall carnival arrived +ms [MALE] ' kindergarten class watched caterpillars spin cocoons +[NEUTRAL] got her first [FEMALE] doll at age 5 +i saw a mouse in my house +we were assigned many book reports in 9th grade english class +[MALE] went in a fast food restaurant to order a cheeseburger +[FEMALE] was at the aquarium +[FEMALE] was out with friends +[MALE] 's dog had long claws +[FEMALE] and her husband went on vacation +[MALE] was playing catch with [MALE] +[NEUTRAL] had many friends his own age +i baked some cookies +[MALE] wanted to build an add on to his house +"when i was in high school , i took a class in woodworking" +[MALE] wanted to play the lottery +[FEMALE] has been practicing everyday so she can beat [FEMALE] at the big race +[NEUTRAL] loved eating cake +[NEUTRAL] wanted to know why her boyfriend [MALE] dumped her +[FEMALE] was afraid of flying +a tree started as a little seed +[MALE] washed the neighborhoods laundry +[FEMALE] kidnapped a woman 's five year-old son +[FEMALE] new her nephew liked video games +"it was a warm , sunny day in february" +[FEMALE] wanted to hit the town +[MALE] pushed the stroller down the sidewalk +i 've always liked trains +"[FEMALE] loved eating pie , and she could eat a lot of it " +[MALE] joined the orchestra +[MALE] 's family did not have internet service +[MALE] really wanted to learn the [MALE] language +[MALE] wanted to open a new bank account +there was a couple who went shopping +[FEMALE] did n't know how to bake good cookies +[FEMALE] was drinking water in class +[MALE] and [MALE] were best friends +"[MALE] went camping , wanting to build his own shelter and live simply" +"while he was home in bed , [MALE] got a call from a friend" +[FEMALE] needed aloe for her burn +[MALE] and [FEMALE] went to the park +[FEMALE] 's favorite singer of all time is [FEMALE] dion +[FEMALE] nephew just moved into a new house +[FEMALE] was shy about her feet size +[FEMALE] friend made me a smoothie last night +[FEMALE] and her friends went to the park to meet the boys +[MALE] had a deep interest in robotics +[MALE] saved money to buy headphones for over two months +[FEMALE] was always forgetting a street near her home was closed +[FEMALE] got tickets to see [MALE] west in concert +[MALE] loved going to his favorite candy store +[MALE] loved gold +ola was on her first trip to [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] wanted to get a new computer +[MALE] was on his bluetooth home speakers +[FEMALE] was having a long night +i called my mom to pick me up from school +[MALE] had retired from fighting +[FEMALE] was about to go to the dance +[FEMALE] lived in a subdivision with an [FEMALE] +[MALE] was a very lonely guy +[MALE] loves the first day of school +[MALE] had a big lawn with tall grass +[MALE] has a chemistry test tomorrow +"years ago , i visited my boyfriend at his house in the country" +[MALE] is in his final year of college +[FEMALE] mom was heating a pot of stew chicken +[FEMALE] was starting [MALE] high +[MALE] wanted a carrot cake for her birthday +"[MALE] was a picky eater , and an unhappy person" +[FEMALE] was learning how to tell time +i got a job selling cookies door to door +[FEMALE] got a job delivering pizzas for a restaurant +i am very picky about my pets +[MALE] was going to an important interview +[FEMALE] mom came home from work +"after my physics class ended , i ordered chinese food on campus" +[FEMALE] took out a knife +[FEMALE] was driving along a county road +[FEMALE] bought a dozen donuts +i was sleeping soundly +[FEMALE] was selling girl [NEUTRAL] cookies in her neighborhood +[FEMALE] had ordered a tv stand online +"[MALE] had a voice , but could n't sing" +the kids were gathered on the street +[FEMALE] was nervous for her test +[MALE] was on a fishing trip with his dad +[FEMALE] was in college and went home for the holidays +[MALE] needed a job very badly +[MALE] wanted to be in the [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] married [MALE] knowing he had been married before +[FEMALE] was listening to her phone messages +[NEUTRAL] and her family went to the lake to go tubing +the teenage boy offered to help his classmate with math +it was [MALE] 's and his girlfriend 's anniversary today +i came home early from work today +[NEUTRAL] is 22 year 's old +[MALE] 's friend visited him +[MALE] loved to eat meat a lot +[MALE] punched a man who offended his girlfriend +i took my dog out to the park yesterday +[MALE] decided to buy a smartphone +[NEUTRAL] was walking in public to a restaurant +[MALE] loved to play with his dog +i learned to play chess when i was 10 +[MALE] was playing the stock market +[FEMALE] visited the doctor for her yearly checkup +[MALE] is a 78 year old phd who lives in the building +a person posted a post on a forum +jazz 's family was driving on the highway +i recently began developing my own video game +[FEMALE] had a long week at work +[FEMALE] favorite director is ingmar bergman +"ember called around for wedding photographers , yet could n't find one" +[MALE] was getting coffee at the cafe when he saw a familiar man +"although [FEMALE] 's team was winning , she was mad at [FEMALE]" +[FEMALE] and her friend wanted to play basketball +[MALE] had a huge party +[FEMALE] was a hardworking student +[FEMALE] sat down and turned on her favorite television show +i ate a handful of psychedelic mushrooms +[MALE] had too many girlfriends +[MALE] 's upstairs neighbors were really loud +[MALE] was talking on the phone +[MALE] loved broccoli +[NEUTRAL] 's bathroom was filthy +[FEMALE] was cooking soup for supper +[MALE] answered the phone +[NEUTRAL] had a fear of flying +[MALE] had a dog named lovely +holmberg hosted a radio show every day +[MALE] worked twelve hours a day +mom was worried we were watching too much tv +[NEUTRAL] notices that his hands become very dry in the winter +[FEMALE] always drinks coffee in the morning +[MALE] adopts two lion cubs +everyone knew that [MALE] was racist at work +[FEMALE] was excited to find a designer dress on a discount rack +[NEUTRAL] wanted to learn to cook better for her family +the family was weathering a thunderstorm +[FEMALE] is hungry +[FEMALE] had been in a relationship with [MALE] for awhile +[FEMALE] was driving to her parent 's house +the [MALE] family had a large pet python +[FEMALE] was tired +[FEMALE] was doing laundry and her first load was in the dryer +[MALE] was a little puppy in a brand new home with a new family +a journalist wanted to write a story +[MALE] likes to race cars for a living +[FEMALE] and her husband had one son +[MALE] felt ashamed that all his friends played banjo and he did n't +izzie was at the pumpkin patch +[NEUTRAL] kept looking at her hand +[NEUTRAL] gave his girlfriend a pair of flowers +[MALE] joined his high-school soccer team +[MALE] decided to take his new car out for a drive +there is a big bike race across [FEMALE] +[MALE] was on the beach with some friends +[MALE] has a math test tomorrow but he completely forgot +[FEMALE] had been given an hour to work in the school library +the big baseball game was tomorrow +the walls are lit up +[FEMALE] sat down to watch tv after a long day of work +joslyn 's parents could only afford for her to go into disneyland +[FEMALE] had recently started her first year of high school +[FEMALE] was looking for her binoculars when she found the necklace +[FEMALE] work made a mistake with my paycheck +[FEMALE] was meeting [MALE] at the park +[NEUTRAL] spent thousands of dollars on a high end computer +[NEUTRAL] loved her garden +the teacher handed out a sheet of paper to everyone +[NEUTRAL] just joined a band +[MALE] and [FEMALE] broke up after a lengthy romance +[FEMALE] 's husband and sons had been out sledding all afternoon +[NEUTRAL] is shopping at the mall when a man approaches her +[FEMALE] forgot her key at home +[FEMALE] girlfriend called me in the morning to break up with me +[MALE] was known as a robber of people +[MALE] was on his lunch break +i went hiking yesterday in the mountains +[FEMALE] sat on the pews in the church +[MALE] went swimming in the quarry +[FEMALE] loves to bake bread +[MALE] wanted to learn how to swim +[FEMALE] was not a nice girl +[FEMALE] had a test on friday +[FEMALE] thought she was the best basketball player +i entered the pool hall ready for action +[FEMALE] had just gotten her hair done at the salon +[MALE] is very tired +[MALE] had a girlfriend who he had dated for two years +[MALE] smoked cigarettes even though his parents did n't approve +[MALE] bought a cabin in the woods +"the family was taking a trip to moab , [NEUTRAL]" +[FEMALE] loves music +[FEMALE] was walking on the boardwalk +[MALE] is going through sleep paralysis +[FEMALE] was looking for some extra spending money +[MALE] is noticeably weak from an illness today +[MALE] had spent all summer sleeping in +"[FEMALE] friend [MALE] has a son , 16" +the boys were so excited they could n't even sleep that night +i decided to go to the park +[FEMALE] met her new roommate online +[NEUTRAL] wanted to help his community +[FEMALE] wife has hello [FEMALE] pajamas +[MALE] did not have the best memory +[MALE] was driving his four wheeler through the mud +dilbert liked soda +[MALE] was losing his hair +[FEMALE] took a gap year after high school +[MALE] was playing in his yard when a kitten walked over +[MALE] was playing a game with his friends +i really needed new shoes last week +[MALE] invited a few friends over to go fishing +[MALE] used a machine to make a new key +i fell down playing basketball the other day +[MALE] was excited for his high school reunion +he sat back and sighed +[FEMALE] had a lot of bills to pay +sally was walking to the park +[MALE] sold an item on ebay +we were headed down the highway at 65 miles per hour +[MALE] wanted to play video games instead of going to work +[MALE] was always forgetful +[FEMALE] decided to volunteer at a farm +the two classes of children engaged in a game of tug of war +[MALE] was always trying to impress [MALE] +[NEUTRAL] had a hunger for chocolate cake +[MALE] 's nas had n't been working for months +[MALE] was at a party with friends +last week we visited our two year old granddaughter in new [MALE] +[FEMALE] had applied to mit +one day desi 's husband was a few minutes late coming home +there was something i needed to do +[MALE] enjoyed playing monopoly and various board games +[NEUTRAL] hated his girlfriend 's friends +one day [MALE] was riding his bike +[MALE] loved listening to music +the boy had a swimming party +[MALE] was handing out candy bars for halloween +the snow fell over the small town overnight +[FEMALE] is a young girl in high school +[FEMALE] was the only kid in the house did n't have a pet to sleep with +jeanette had enjoyed a subscription with her local paper for months +[MALE] had a day off from work +i called the chinese restaurant and ordered some orange chicken +[NEUTRAL] was in the running for president +[MALE] started selling weed +[MALE] tried out for his high school basketball team[MALE] got cut from the team +at magic kingdom i went on splash mountain +[FEMALE] heard about a program in school +[FEMALE] enjoyed watching her friends skate +[FEMALE] needed to go school clothes shopping +[FEMALE] was putting her baby down for a nap +[MALE] was sitting and waiting for the bus +[FEMALE] friend said that i had to work overnight +[MALE] always felt jittery and uneasy +[FEMALE] bought a bag of apples at the grocery store +[FEMALE] was working on a new project +[MALE] had to wait a half an hour to get inside of his school +louie walked to the subway +[MALE] was downtown in the winter +i decided to take a break from college +the hijacker demanded everyone 's money and a parachute +the lady was 100 years old +[MALE] was a beer drinker +[FEMALE] was shopping with her sister +[FEMALE] 's mom was taking pictures for the christmas card +[MALE] was walking on a wooded path deep in a park +[MALE] sat down at the cafeteria and reached for a napkin +[NEUTRAL] felt sick while at work +[FEMALE] mother bought me a toy robot once +[MALE] decided to have a walked at the park +[FEMALE] received a tablet for her birthday +[FEMALE] decided to try to lose some weight +[NEUTRAL] was driving on the street with her mom +it was time to look for a new car +i was hungry so i went to the kitchen to make a snack +[FEMALE] was about to have her first baby +[MALE] made a video that went viral online +[MALE] decided to go on a hiking trip in [FEMALE] +[MALE] had never played football before +last weekend i visited asturias in northern [MALE] +[NEUTRAL] 's friend [MALE] had 5 of the 6 toys from a cereal box +[FEMALE] was out to dinner with her friends +i went to the fridge to get a bottle of water +[MALE] decided to grow a paired goatee +our city put pianos out all over town for people to play +[MALE] teaches undergraduate physics lab +[MALE] was donating blood +[FEMALE] went for a hike +[MALE] is up for a promotion at work +[MALE] was playing basketball and broke his finger +i played four games of speed chess with my friend [MALE] last week +[MALE] and i wanted to go to the movies +[FEMALE] is retiring soon +[FEMALE] friend is a girl and she is my classmate +i was going back to my aunt and uncle 's +a total of nine friends went to celebrate their graduation +[MALE] played his heart out +[MALE] was not looking forward to the holidays +[FEMALE] favorite car is the mini [MALE] +i saved up money for a long time +[FEMALE] was very ill with the chickenpox +"because [NEUTRAL] lost her job , she was about to lose her home" +[MALE] wanted to have someone to grow old with +[FEMALE] 's brother had moved out of the house +[MALE] got done writing a story +"when i was a boy i wanted to dance , but my dad wanted no part in it" +it was family reunion time +ken tried to do laundry +[MALE] always loved playing the piano +[FEMALE] was a lonely girl who loved to ice skate +[NEUTRAL] played basketball for his high school +we went on a hike through the jungle +[FEMALE] family put up our christmas tree thanksgiving night +[FEMALE] went to the mall to buy her mother something for christmas +[MALE] had a project due +[FEMALE] niece lived with an abusive boyfriend +[MALE] loved basketball +[MALE] grabbed his golf bag and shoes +a couple times a year my friends and i go roller skating +[MALE] was bummed when they cancelled reading rainbow +[MALE] noticed that all his friends enjoyed hunting +[MALE] went on a trip alone +[FEMALE] wanted homemade popcorn +[MALE] was on the track team +[FEMALE] made a cake for her mother +[NEUTRAL] had a huge football game in one week +[MALE] hit [MALE] on the head very hard +[MALE] had two cats +[MALE] wanted to throw a surprise birthday party for his friend [FEMALE] +[MALE] asked his friend what he thought about god +the man lit a match +[MALE] was getting married +[MALE] loves women +[MALE] tried to buy some bread and meat to eat +the kids began to play hide-and-go-seek in the backyard +[FEMALE] 's daughters were fighting over the remote +[FEMALE] forgot to remove her lipstick from her pocket +[FEMALE] was born to rich parents +[NEUTRAL] notices that he car has not been running well lately +[MALE] liked playing the piano +[MALE] and [MALE] wanted to have fun today but did n't know what to do +[FEMALE] 's mother always praised her daughter 's drawings +[MALE] ate an entire carton of ice cream +[NEUTRAL] was trying to teach her two year old to walk +[MALE] was riding his dirt bike with his family +[MALE] needed a bank +[FEMALE] decided to adopt a dog +there was only three cupcakes left for my parents and me +[MALE] picked up a book at a thrift store +[FEMALE] was terrified of spiders +[FEMALE] enjoyed playing peek-a-boo +[FEMALE] needs to pay her bills +[FEMALE] was visiting her boyfriend [MALE] at his house +[FEMALE] the cat fell into the trash can +i went to the dog park with my black lab +the gym class was learning how to play badminton +[MALE] was on vacation and had gotten a hotel room in the city +[FEMALE] was only five years old +[MALE] visited a canyon +[FEMALE] and her friends were in a band +[FEMALE] learns that her favorite band will be playing in town next week +[FEMALE] was packing his lunch for school +[FEMALE] was a very cheerful kid +[MALE] lost his hat at the train station +little [FEMALE] loves her teddy bear +[FEMALE] and her friends went out to play archery +[FEMALE] 's kitten loved her treats +[MALE] had a story floating around in his mind +[MALE] wanted to become a cop +[MALE] and abriel were twins +the woman took a pregnancy test +i laid down beside my dog +[MALE] had a science test in the morning +"since she was a little girl , [FEMALE] knew what she would name her kids" +[MALE] was in the middle of a conversation +[FEMALE] was walking in the forest +[MALE] love to play poker +the band was on tour +[MALE] and [MALE] were minors but wanted to see an r-rated movie +the family signed up for sailing lessons +[FEMALE] decided she was going to take her cat for a walk +[MALE] noticed that guys who can play guitar often have girlfriends +[MALE] wanted to start up a online clothing business +it was a hot summer day +[MALE] liked this girl +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were baking an apple pie +[NEUTRAL] always liked full moons +[NEUTRAL] was out for a walk in a new city +"[MALE] was a scientist and loved clouds , he rarely smiled" +[NEUTRAL] was washing the dishes +[FEMALE] was getting dressed for work +[NEUTRAL] was at the beach +there was a terrible earthquake +[FEMALE] had an issue with her laptop +the kids are competing to see who can break the wooden block +[FEMALE] wife got a raise at her job +[FEMALE] was visiting a friend named [FEMALE] +[MALE] stayed late to help his boss at work +i put some coins in a snack machine +[MALE] was an amazing guitar player +[MALE] has never liked visiting family very much +[MALE] bought something for his hunting trip +[MALE] is tired of his office job +[MALE] took his wife on a studio tour +[FEMALE] was brushing her hair +one day i ride on the bus going home +[FEMALE] was in her school 's media center +aunt [FEMALE] was always fair +[NEUTRAL] recently went to the beach in key [MALE] +i was riding home with my father and did n't use my seat belt +little [FEMALE] wanted to have a garden +[FEMALE] is trying to learn the piano +[MALE] had a frog +the [MALE] family loves potatoes for dinner +[FEMALE] was a spoiled child +[FEMALE] became pregnant unexpectedly +[FEMALE] and her husband were expecting their fourth child +[FEMALE] 's apartment did n't have central heat and air +"when i was little , i really wanted a puppy" +the doorbell rang +[FEMALE] had a laptop for a few years +"[NEUTRAL] came out to his mom , determined to be true to himself" +[MALE] hated that his roommate never turned off the lights +[NEUTRAL] anthropologist found some bones at a dig site +[MALE] 's grandfather passed away recently +we planted tulips a few weeks ago +[FEMALE] brother and i screamed +a tailor went to a mercer to purchase some cloth +[FEMALE] father brought home 6 fishes +[MALE] was posting hits on mturk +[NEUTRAL] thought her younger sister [FEMALE] needed a boyfriend +"one day [MALE] , a writer , experienced writer 's block" +[MALE] lived in the desert with his wolf-dog hybrid [MALE] +[NEUTRAL] was always made fun of at work +i always wondered if clown college was a real thing +[NEUTRAL] locked herself out of her house +there are many forms of therapy to promote relaxation +[MALE] was at a party +yesterday there was a very heavy fog in our city +[MALE] was colorblind +i was playing tennis one day +[FEMALE] was overweight for most of her life +the woman divorced her husband +[MALE] begged his parents to send him to summer camp +[FEMALE] was curious about her religion +[FEMALE] really wanted to be a camp counselor +[MALE] went on a long drive +[FEMALE] signed up for a 5k run +[MALE] blew up the balloons then handed [FEMALE] the streamers +[FEMALE] was on her way to her parents christmas dinner +[FEMALE] 's brother [MALE] had pushed his father +[MALE] wanted to be a lawyer his entire life +[MALE] owned a carpentry business +[MALE] was pretending to be a wizard like his favorite movie +[MALE] was nervous about his career after graduation +[MALE] was a dog lover +[MALE] was at the lake with his family +[MALE] taped a trash bag over his broken window +every time [FEMALE] 's mother comes to visit she criticizes everything +the girl saw corncobs were going to waste at the farm +twas the night before christmas +[FEMALE] ate lots of vegetables +[FEMALE] was traveling in south [FEMALE] +i was eating at a fancy restaurant +[MALE] was sitting in class +we are visiting our good friends in nh this christmas +[FEMALE] loved artichokes +[MALE] decided to mow the grass on monday +[FEMALE] second grade class were asked to write stories about their family +[NEUTRAL] was excited to go speed dating +last week we were hiking in the woods +i work in a really busy office overseeing multiple people +[MALE] was driving +i bought a used computer +[MALE] decided to go to his pond +[FEMALE] suffered to live a loveless life +[MALE] has had it with dean +[NEUTRAL] wanted to teach his dog a new command +[MALE] wanted to build a fire +[MALE] was a part of an amateur baseball league in his city +living in the middle of rural [NEUTRAL] meant long bus rides for [MALE] +[FEMALE] 's son was a preteen and growing quickly +it was winter and the flu was going around +i took my young daughter to the animal shelter +i wanted to do something meaningful about an overflowing city dump +a baker made an amazing wedding cake +we bought a vcr in 2014 +friday night football is very popular in the south +one day the teller family went to a baseball game +[FEMALE] was on a road trip with 3 friends +today was [FEMALE] 's first day at her new school +i needed to fit a regression to a data set +[FEMALE] was driving to work +[FEMALE] was really bored +the cowboy and the cow stand in the corral together +it had rained for days and the kids were misbehaving +today i took my son for his first haircut +[MALE] 's favorite ice cream was chocolate +a little boy played with a ball alone +[MALE] pulled into the hotel after a long drive +[FEMALE] took her golden retriever to the beach +the boy sat at the table +the new house is so perfect for us +a mobster lent several hundred dollars to a poor man +[MALE] and [MALE] worked in an ice warehouse +[FEMALE] skipped lunch at work in order to save money +there was a new phone coming out +[MALE] took a shower +[MALE] was sad +[NEUTRAL] wanted to try to make jam +[MALE] was feeling happy when he walked into his math class +[FEMALE] bought some shares of a company yesterday +[FEMALE] was embarrassed of her country cousin +[MALE] had a good job that he lost unexpectedly six months ago +[MALE] wanted to drink smoothies more often +[MALE] bought a new dog and walked him everywhere +[FEMALE] always thought gardening looked fun +[FEMALE] was sitting at a stop light in the turn lane +[FEMALE] was in the kitchen looking for a snack +i stepped outside to get the mail +in 2011 i went swimming +[MALE] had a crush on his classmate [FEMALE] +i woke up early this morning +[FEMALE] was on birth control +[FEMALE] friend 's son injured his knee this summer +[FEMALE] family visited me last week +it was a stormy day in seattle +[FEMALE] was away at college +[MALE] arrived back home from a trip +[FEMALE] parents planted a maple tree on the day that i was born +[MALE] woke up feeling tired so he wanted some coffee +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] rose early to continue their state fair adventures +[FEMALE] wore her favorite purple dress to school +[MALE] was a geology minor in college +[MALE] was approaching his first day as a college professor +[FEMALE] was coming home from work +[MALE] had a hamburger store +a mountain climber went to the top of the highest peak around +[MALE] was excited to get his first hunting rifle +[MALE] found his life extremely repetitive +[FEMALE] the kitten loves to play +[FEMALE] felt unfulfilled in her career +[FEMALE] wanted to bake cookies for her family 's holiday party +[NEUTRAL] signed up for a four week fishing class +[FEMALE] 's mom took her to a new self serve yogurt store +[MALE] went to a bicycle shop to look at bicycles +[MALE] put the sandwich he made himself on the table for a moment +[FEMALE] was playing hide and seek with her friends +[FEMALE] was watching her son play football +[NEUTRAL] watched the sky darken +i take a daily walk every single day +[FEMALE] was playing by the river when she noticed [FEMALE] near by +shad wanted to go to clown college +[FEMALE] had never cooked a chicken before +[FEMALE] loved ice cream +[MALE] wanted a puppy +"[FEMALE] neighbor [FEMALE] has a 2 year old granddaughter , [FEMALE]" +[FEMALE] was knitting +kori went for a walk in the park +[MALE] was in a chess competition +[MALE] was at work when he got a phone call +[FEMALE] introduced herself to [FEMALE] +one day i went to the mall to get some new shoes +[MALE] just sat at home watching south park all day +[FEMALE] loved white meat food items +today there was a leak in our building +[FEMALE] forgot to eat breakfast one morning +[FEMALE] has never liked wearing deodorant +[FEMALE] was always the best math student in her classes +[FEMALE] knew her family wanted to help with christmas dinner +[MALE] 's favorite food is lasagna +[MALE] 's family spoke spanish at home +[FEMALE] friend needed a ride to the airport +yesterday my soccer team won the game +i had a dream last night +[FEMALE] noticed that her doll was not wearing shoes +[FEMALE] turned on her laptop to check her email +[FEMALE] had been using the same phone for three years +neither of them felt well +i took the back road into town last [FEMALE] +the man honked his horn +[FEMALE] bought a brand new car +"[FEMALE] and her two kids went to the parkthe two kids were playing at the parkthe two children find a little gray kittenthe little gray kitten follow the children back to their table[FEMALE] , her two kids and the gray kitten left the park for home" +several years ago [FEMALE] moved to [FEMALE] +[NEUTRAL] was at her grandmother 's house +[MALE] decided to walk on a trail from [NEUTRAL] to canada +[MALE] played his flute in the talent show +it was going to be one of those days +[MALE] had an extensive collection of bottle caps +[FEMALE] son and i were out hiking +[MALE] wanted to join the wrestling team but was very nervous to +[MALE] got an expensive electric bill +[NEUTRAL] smoothed her skirt and fixed her hair +one day i went to the beach +the weather was very hot +it was hard to be an only child +the boy opened the cereal box +[FEMALE] and [MALE] went on a cruise to alaska +i was washing my hands +[FEMALE] family stayed in a hotel for a week while our car was repaired +[MALE] hated to clean +[FEMALE] was eating some bread one day +[MALE] rode his bike through the forest path +"i turned the light on in my bathroom , but the light did n't come on" +[MALE] had a pet puppy +[NEUTRAL] had been with her company for eight years +[FEMALE] grass was turning very brown +[MALE] and [MALE] loved professional wrestling +[FEMALE] wanted to call her friends +[MALE] began using coconut oil in significant quantities +[MALE] was working while his son ran around the house playing +[MALE] was excited to vote +[MALE] 's wife had to get a job +[FEMALE] went to the local farm +last night i decided to cook for my boyfriend +mya wanted to throw her brother a birthday party +[MALE] wanted to be a famous race car driver +i was in a hurry to get to work today +[FEMALE] wanted some highlights +[FEMALE] offered to babysit her neighbor 's kids +it was halloween and all of my neighbors are out +[NEUTRAL] is walking around the forest by himself +the tour guide greeted us in a friendly manner +[FEMALE] needed to improve her math skills +i bought an inflatable raft in 1995 +[FEMALE] went to the river +[MALE] was in a new movie +[NEUTRAL] had shut down a tree in his yard but he still had a stump +[MALE] was practicing karate +[FEMALE] was at lunch when her friend [FEMALE] came over +[MALE] was the hot young piano prospect in jazz +[FEMALE] had lunch with [FEMALE] who was the sister of her crush [MALE] +yesterday i watched a five minute workout on my tablet +[FEMALE] was in class one day +[MALE] 's class was headed into st [MALE] for a field trip +[FEMALE] was laying in bed +i had the stairs near me +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were best friends +[MALE] had a flat tire on his way to a job interview +the flight arrived late and the hotel pub was about to close +the man took off in his airplane +[MALE] is a 78 year old retired professor who lives in the building +[MALE] had annoying neighbors +[MALE] is a shortstop for his little league team +[MALE] played with his army men all the time +[MALE] was busy watching the news +[NEUTRAL] worked hard every day in the mine +[MALE] was tossing and turning one night +[MALE] tried getting a reasonable price for his truck +[MALE] went for a jog in the park +cat loved bold makeup +[MALE] 's dog was a messy eater +shemecka loved money but she hated spending her own +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were married and were excited for their first babythe baby was a healthy bouncy boy and was named max[MALE] grew up to be a handsome boyhe met a girl named [FEMALE] online and married her in vegas[FEMALE] happens to be the daughter of heather whom [MALE] divorced earlier +[MALE] 's grandma had a heart attack +the man saw a rainbow +[FEMALE] visited her dad in akron +the instructor announced the lab that we 're going to perform +[MALE] has an english test tomorrow +[MALE] asked [FEMALE] on a date yesterday to an italian restaurant +[MALE] bought a new kitchen table +[FEMALE] 's landlord said that she could have one cat +[FEMALE] friends and i got together for a movie last week +[FEMALE] family was constructing a chair +[MALE] planted a garden in his backyard +[MALE] had been having trouble with his water heater +[MALE] had ants in his backyard +[FEMALE] says she has been spending too much on groceries +"before the game started , people were barbecuing in front of the arena" +[NEUTRAL] 's boyfriend was overseas making money +[MALE] is bored +[FEMALE] was often bullied at his elementary school +[MALE] always had crooked teeth +i really want to learn how to rollerblade +"last summer , during my nightly swims , i saw rats in the trees" +[FEMALE] has just started a job that is close to her apartment +[FEMALE] 's internet was n't working +i filled my car with one tank of gas +[FEMALE] knew a secret about his friend 's boyfriend +fried was tired of being a youth minister +i was walking to grab something to eat with my friends a while back +i met a man on the bench today +[FEMALE] unexpectedly found out she was pregnant +[MALE] picked up his vhs tape with a glad smile +[MALE] decides he would like to host a party for his friends +[MALE] and his wife were eating lunch at a cafe +[MALE] decided he would go fishing on [NEUTRAL] +[FEMALE] went to a baseball match +[FEMALE] saw the bullies beating up the new boy +[MALE] was very annoyed by the next door neighbor 's barking dog +[MALE] went to brazil for his yearly vacation +[FEMALE] 's favorite water was on sale +[MALE] loved many animals +i was suppose to play rugby at the park this weekend +"[MALE] started feeling sick one day , and has n't been well since" +[FEMALE] always got good grades in school +i was offered a new job with better pay and benefits +[FEMALE] had a pet cat +i love hot food +[MALE] had bought a cheap brand of trash bags +"when i was in the dollar store , i looked around" +[FEMALE] was waiting in line at walmart one night +i went to the bookstore +[MALE] wanted to win his town 's ping pong tournament +[FEMALE] niece 's daughter is applying to colleges +last weekend [FEMALE] and her friends went to the club +today i was watching a movie on tv +[FEMALE] 's doctor told her she had diabetes +[FEMALE] woke up and covered herself in a set of blankets +[FEMALE] was looking forward to going to prom with her boyfriend [MALE] +[MALE] 's first date in months was going well at first +[FEMALE] was trying to be a better soccer player +[FEMALE] found a book that she wanted to read +i used to like to swim at the beach +[MALE] was homelesshe needed a place to live +hilary was a woman who was destine for great things +[MALE] lay in the hospital bed surrounded by his family +[FEMALE] signed up for a knitting class +[MALE] graduated from college last fall +[MALE] tracked some dirt into his house on his slippers +[MALE] had a twin brother named [MALE] +i looked up +[MALE] was on the high school football team +the final game was tomorrow +i talked to my niece on [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] went out surfing one day +[FEMALE] hobby is taking selfies with people from various faiths +[FEMALE] went to a movie at a movie theater +[FEMALE] had an infant daughter +[FEMALE] needed new shoes for a dance +[MALE] and [FEMALE] went on a date to the museum +[FEMALE] was planning to go to the beach with her husband +[FEMALE] was driving home from work one night +[MALE] had finally made it +i spent the weekend potty training my son +[FEMALE] was injured on the job and could n't work for a while +[MALE] was driving down the road one day really fast +[NEUTRAL] and her boyfriend were saying a long goodbye +[MALE] wanted to write comic strips with a nice message +once a construction worker was angry at his boss for a pay cut +[MALE] went to his mailbox and paused +[MALE] entered the kick-boxing ring with confidence +[FEMALE] friend [FEMAL] kept calling me +[FEMALE] and her friends were about to go to different colleges +"[FEMALE] was seventeen , and had still never had a boyfriend" +[FEMALE] was going to the grocery store on the bus +[MALE] wants to learn a new language +it was a beautiful november day in minnesota +i went to mythology class in high school +[NEUTRAL] opened a can of root beer +[MALE] was playing basketball with his friends +[FEMALE] decided she needed to get in shape +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] hooked up with me a few years ago +we went to tanglewood last [FEMALE] +[NEUTRAL] loved the night sky +[FEMALE] loved tattoos +[MALE] owned his first car for two years +last month i bought a desktop christmas tree +[NEUTRAL] did n't enjoy going bowling +i saw a giant cockroach on the wall of my apartment +[FEMALE] went to a new hairdresser to get her hair done +[FEMALE] had been selected for jury duty +[FEMALE] wanted to play volleyball +[MALE] was an all star athlete +i walked my dog this morning +the teams were tied with two seconds to go +for a couple months boxes were thrown in the backroom +[MALE] is a black and white dog that barks at anything out of place +as filled in the application he was already feeling relief +[MALE] 's saltwater fish tank was struggling +[FEMALE] loved to walk along the beach +one day i was watching some tv with my little brother +i had a beautiful goldfish +[MALE] was on his way to [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] high school band went to new york +"i met [MALE] when he was 96 , in 2013" +[FEMALE] had just received some birthday presents +[NEUTRAL] had to milk the cows every morning on her parents ' farm +last week i took a bus to the city +[MALE] was told that he failed his class +[FEMALE] wanted to go to the dance +[NEUTRAL] was at the store trying to buy food +menzel 's family was from [FEMALE] +"[FEMALE] was a recent graduate , and could n't wait to live on her own" +[MALE] wanted to learn to play the guitar +[FEMALE] bought a sexy witch costume for a halloween party +[FEMALE] was invited to a wine and painting class +[MALE] was getting ready for halloween night +[MALE] was licking a lollipop +[MALE] lived in a century-old apartment building +i 'm really excited about tax season +last month my bike was stolen +death used to scare me +i wanted a new haircut +"as a teenager , i needed to get braces" +[FEMALE] heard about a new movie coming out +[FEMALE] korean friend took me to the asian side of town +[NEUTRAL] procrastinated his essay +the professor did not give us any homework +nee was running a race +i needed drinks so i went to the local market +[MALE] loved going fishing with his dad +[NEUTRAL] received a letter in the mail to report to jury duty +[FEMALE] was shopping for shoes at [FEMALE] 's +a girl named [NEUTRAL] wanted to fight [MALE] +a girl named [NEUTRAL] was hungry +i was making toast +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] went out for lunch +[MALE] and his mom went to the library +[FEMALE] had a formal school dance coming up +[FEMALE] was so excited to be able to see the pandas at the zoo +[FEMALE] was on a trip in [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] sister in law lost her husband in 1984 +the student council were having a hard time deciding on themes +[MALE] wanted a nice new car +we went to the water park yesterday +[MALE] and [MALE] went to an nfl football game for their anniversary +[MALE] was putting away some paperwork in the attic +[MALE] was not looking forward to his role in his cousin 's wedding +[MALE] was fishing down at the lake +the man bought tomatoes +[FEMALE] was walking through the rainy with her umbrella +i stood there staring at the volleyball in my hand +[FEMALE] brother had a goldfish +[NEUTRAL] was decorating her christmas tree +[FEMALE] overheard a comment that she thought was rude +[FEMALE] went swimming in the ocean +i like playing in the ball pits +[MALE] woke up late today for work +the pastor droned on with his [FEMALE] morning sermon +[MALE] walked into his barn to grab some hay to feed the horses +[FEMALE] wanted to use a coupon she had +"when my father died , he left to my brother his car and all his money" +[MALE] had been at the casino all day +[NEUTRAL] went to the grocery store to prepare for a hurricane +[MALE] had his very first t-ball game +[MALE] took his wife and kids to the zoo today +i remember the day when gas prices dropped very low +[NEUTRAL] had been watching his teammates play from the sidelines +"[FEMALE] has two white mice , [MALE] and [MALE]" +[MALE] had been hearing a new song on the radio he really enjoyed +[FEMALE] squealed when [MALE] gave her the ring +[FEMALE] and her family have a house in tornado alley +[MALE] was a college student +[MALE] was cat sitting for a friend +[FEMALE] was going to prom +noble was skiing in the mountains with his family +[MALE] was moving out on his own +the playground was [NEUTRAL] 's favorite place to be +[FEMALE] 's dad was a military officer and her mom was a doctor +"[NEUTRAL] travelled to ukraine , to scatter his father 's ashes" +i had to take a walk to the store last night +[MALE] booked a cruise to surprise his wife for their anniversary +[MALE] likes to eat +[MALE] was late to class one day and took a seat +[FEMALE] was in a hurry to get home after picking up her son +[MALE] was very excited about the release of pokemon go +[FEMALE] booked a late appointment with her hairdresser +the [MALE] family decided to finally get a puppy +[FEMALE] always required permission to go outside +flagg wanted to go shopping +[FEMALE] does not fit in at school +[MALE] and [FEMALE] went out to see the new movie +[FEMALE] tried to get [MALE] to notice her +[FEMALE] could n't fall asleep +[FEMALE] tried to clock out of work early to attend a party +[FEMALE] 's loved cartoons +i used to use a lawn service to fertilize my grass +[MALE] went camping with his family +we were supposed to catch the ferry +[NEUTRAL] needed to clean her office +[MALE] thought he was really smooth on his date with [FEMALE] +i 've been playing a lot of pokemon go lately +[FEMALE] mom was coming upstairs and suddenly her legs stopped working +[FEMALE] did n't pay much attention to her daily horoscope +[MALE] loved to surf +"[MALE] loved women , and women loved [MALE]" +[FEMALE] needed to access her phone as quickly as possible +[FEMALE] was on her way to work +[FEMALE] likes flowers +[FEMALE] was not feeling well +[MALE] had some pain medication that he used occasionally +[FEMALE] was sad when her fish died +[NEUTRAL] made breakfast for her boyfriend +[FEMALE] dog [FEMALE] is now 6 years old +[NEUTRAL] was n't sure what he wanted to do after college +[FEMALE] was raking the leaves +there was a rumble in the park +[MALE] bet me he could make me laugh in under a minute +the day started out like any normal summer day +a man tried many methods to improve his college exam scores +[MALE] went camping in the mountains last weekend +[FEMALE] was very sad +[MALE] was walking home from school +[FEMALE] has a new car +mother bear could n't rescue her cubs from the garbage dumpster +[MALE] had a hard upbringing +[FEMALE] was at an ethiopian restaurant with her mom and dad +"before i left my class , i found my friends wallet on his seat" +[MALE] cut her finger while chopping food +[MALE] and [MALE] were middle school students +[FEMALE] was a very good gymnast +[FEMALE] daughter turned fifteen years old +[MALE] wants to visit brazil but he does n't speak portuguese +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] likes to make up dramatic stories +zyah likes to play outside +the kid got a new video game for his birthday +a boy was burning a big fire behind his house +a man once sat down to write a story for his job +[FEMALE] was drunk home alone +[MALE] was terrible with figuring out how to use technology +[FEMALE] was getting married +the government found new technology +[MALE] was new to the neighborhood +[MALE] was getting ready for the big snow storm +[FEMALE] enjoyed staying up late at night +[MALE] asked a question +[FEMALE] loves to cook for her family +i forgot it was tax season already +the boy 's mother took him to see an eye doctor +[MALE] got a call about the car he was trying to sell +"last year , [FEMALE] moved to a new apartment" +[MALE] went to hardee 's for breakfast +[MALE] walked into a saloon one day +[MALE] wanted to go see his favorite team play baseball +[FEMALE] was on her way home from a family trip +[FEMALE] school had a jump rope competition once +[MALE] loved playing various video games +[MALE] always wanted to travel to [NEUTRAL] +[FEMALE] loved to sing +[FEMALE] neighbor walked out her front door +[MALE] prepares to go to work +[FEMALE] just wanted to relax at home +[MALE] was expecting a package in the mail +[MALE] really liked [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] has decided to host her family 's christmas party this year +"[FEMALE] 's dog , buttons died rather suddenly" +[MALE] was swimming the [FEMALE] ocean +[MALE] wanted to buy some furniture +[FEMALE] 's friend was very thoughtful and often sent her gifts +[MALE] was watching tv with his son +[FEMALE] was craving fried chicken +the school band was practicing for a marching competition +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were dating +[MALE] was watching netflix at home +[FEMALE] friend was good at baseball +[MALE] went to a local chicken fast food joint +[FEMALE] boss asked me to find the mean value of a data set +[MALE] was snowboarding with his friends in the mountains +the man 's pants had a hole +[FEMALE] woke up late on garbage day +"one day , [MALE] heard a strange noise coming from the wall" +[MALE] was driving his car on the highway +i was over my friends house last night +[FEMALE] loved to dance +"during the last period of the day , an announcement was made" +[MALE] went to the store for new pants +[MALE] loved fencing and often dueled other children +terrence was leaving work after working the 2nd shift +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were camping +[FEMALE] loved gymnastics +[NEUTRAL] was travelling in the tour bus +[FEMALE] was understudy for the lead role in the school play +[MALE] was very close to his dad and loved him greatly +[MALE] had always wanted to come here +[MALE] was falling behind in school +[FEMALE] cousin could n't get her baby to drink water +[FEMALE] needed to make dinner for her family +[MALE] was going to get a glass of water +[NEUTRAL] felt she was the fastest and the best housekeeper at the hotel +the [MALE] family has family dinner every [NEUTRAL] +i took out a plate of food from the kitchen +3 dogs were sitting idle +[FEMALE] needed a new dress for prom +[MALE] came out of the doctor 's office +[FEMALE] son 's friend [MALE] is korean +it was just my mom and i at the time +[MALE] was feeling uneasy +[MALE] needed to do his groceries but his car broke down +[FEMALE] loved her husband +[FEMALE] was at a casino +[MALE] was always in transitory relationships +[MALE] made her famous spaghetti for her boyfriend +[FEMALE] took her family to the farm +[FEMALE] always left her purse on the top of her shopping cart +kara was a shy girl +[MALE] found an axe in his garage +i always wanted to adopt a pet +i felt very lucky today +i wrote a huge to do list that i need to complete +[FEMALE] was driving in the woods one night +[FEMALE] and [MALE] got married last week +[MALE] was headed to school yesterday morning +"[MALE] was a very happy boy , but he did n't have many friends" +[FEMALE] friend took a bookbinding class +[FEMALE] and [MALE] got a new apartment +[MALE] herrington liked to lift weights +[FEMALE] went to an attorney to get a divorce from [MALE] +[MALE] lived alone on a houseboat for many years +the [MALE] family went to the [MALE] dealership to look at cars to buy +"i just finished reading brighton , a murder mystery" +[FEMALE] dad always thought if there was n't periods in usa it was wrong +[MALE] woke up very late for school +i took an exam last week +[MALE] stopped on the highway to get gas +on [MALE] 4th i attended a fundraiser +[FEMALE] yelled out that the computer was broken again +[FEMALE] was the prettiest waitress in the club +[FEMALE] sister in law celebrated her 25th wedding anniversary yesterday +the [MALE] family went on a road trip +"when i was young , i dreamed of flying" +"[MALE] needed to give his dog , [FEMALE] , a bath" +one morning i woke up and my dog was very ill +[MALE] and [NEUTRAL] were best friends +[FEMALE] had to sell cookies for her girl group +[MALE] 's brother was an alcoholic +[MALE] was taking an online math class +[FEMALE] had a favorite pair of socks +[MALE] and stefanie organized a knitting party for their friends +[MALE] was applying to college +i was camping in the mountains with my best friend +[MALE] and [MALE] were out in the garden playing catch +[MALE] had had a huge fight with his parents +[MALE] put a dog door in so his dogs could go out by themselves +[MALE] spent all day decorating the christmas tree +[MALE] was trying to pay attention in class +recently my community banned the provision of bags in shops +[FEMALE] practiced for months for the audition to a play +[FEMALE] was trying to become a babysitter +"i love my dog , perhaps since the moment i laid eyes on him" +a bee had flown through the window in my health class +[FEMALE] woke up extra early today +[MALE] was friends with all the cool kids in school +there are many homeless people in [FEMALE] +[NEUTRAL] was at summer camp +i woke up early on my mother 's birthday +[MALE] became a moderator of a new forum +january disliked her name +[MALE] was trying to park +[MALE] had never grown a beard before +[MALE] went to her closet to throw out old clothes +i had to go get a refill on my medication +it was a rainy day +[MALE] was in the school play +i was walking to the store +after dinner was over the waitress brought the check +[FEMALE] went to the mall of [FEMALE] +[MALE] is having a bbq party over the weekend +[MALE] bought some soda at the store in the summer +"one day , it was raining very hard" +the researcher observed the tiger from behind a bush +[MALE] spent very little time outdoors +[MALE] bought himself a new coat +[FEMALE] wanted a change of living environment +i heard the band play at a music festival +[MALE] 's daughter was starting kindergarten +[MALE] is very pleased to have a newspaper to read +[MALE] was looking for ways to cheer herself up +[FEMALE] got a job at a local fast food joint +[NEUTRAL] wanted a new cat +she had flirted with him ever since they started working together +when i was a child my family would drive to cape cod +[MALE] decided to wear a hat today +i was afraid of the dark as a young kid +"in the weeks leading up to his heart attack , i talked to my father" +[FEMALE] was sorting through her bills +[MALE] plays soccer in a local soccer league +i remember when i was in first grade we were assigned to read +we had trouble displaying our christmas cards last year +[FEMALE] 's older sister had had twin babies +i wanted to use a pedometer to measure my walking +i wanted to build a garden in my backyard one day +[MALE] was heading home from school one day +[FEMALE] had been having a problem with mice in her home +[MALE] took his son to the wedding +[MALE] 's neighbors had kids +"last year , [MALE] turned 35" +"ron liked his new apartment , but it was pretty hot in there" +[MALE] was not very good at school +[FEMALE] checked out a few items at the supermarket +[MALE] 's well went dry +[NEUTRAL] started to hear voices when he was 10 years old +[FEMALE] 's cat was going crazy +[MALE] once had a dream +the baby was very small +[MALE] plays electric guitar for a living +[MALE] is tired of his boring job and sad life +[MALE] was hungry one morning +[NEUTRAL] was a star high school student +[MALE] was walking down the street and he saw a woman crying +[MALE] was playing in a baseball game +[MALE] played sick to get out of going to school +[FEMALE] shopped for a gift to impress her new mother-in-law +[FEMALE] was vacuuming when she saw something fly by her head +[FEMALE] took [NEUTRAL] out to dinner at [FEMALE] o'malley 's +[NEUTRAL] has a math test tomorrow +[FEMALE] had not expected caring for twins to be so exhausting +[MALE] walked outside in his favorite pair of shorts +when i was 12 i got my first job +[FEMALE] found a checkbook on the ground +[FEMALE] loved to eat double cheeseburgers every day of her life +[FEMALE] loved christmas time +the racers were approaching the 200th lap +[FEMALE] had been reading a book for a long time +[FEMALE] lived in a very old house with old wiring +"shortly after i turned fifteen , i ran away from home" +[NEUTRAL] 's radio needed to be fixed +[FEMALE] yelled out to her brother that it was ballet day +i made a new year 's resolution to get in shape +[FEMALE] 's friends mentioned that she had gained some weight +"it rained hard one night , and [MALE] was worried about his basement" +a man installed a security system +[MALE] loved to see islands +[MALE] is a school janitor +[MALE] had to work on his birthday +every year thousands of trees are cut down +the howards love [FEMALE] and they visited every summer +[FEMALE] was lactose intolerant +dotty was alarmed to see the red circle on her chest +i bought a cheap jacket +[FEMALE] was having a contest at school +[MALE] found a new favorite treat +"when i was in fourth grade , we had to learn to type" +[MALE] had a real bad issue with his temper +i could hear the outboard motor before i saw the boat at our dock +[MALE] was bought new video games when they came out +[FEMALE] loved taking photos +[MALE] befriended the new kid in school +[FEMALE] looked in the mirror and she was unhappy +[MALE] loved when he could review products for free +the brothers wrestled in the front yard +[MALE] really wanted a tattoo +a human once tried to eat meat +a man was doing laundry one fine day +[NEUTRAL] refused to eat the deer her mother made for dinner +[NEUTRAL] had quite a large ego +[FEMALE] had a lot of things she never used +when i was younger my mom used to punish me by grounding +"feeling fatigued after a long day of work , [FEMALE] needed to relax" +[MALE] 's family was moving and he had to change schools +[MALE] and [FEMALE] decided to go on vacation to chicago +some bad people tried to pick a fight with [NEUTRAL] +[FEMALE] called his friend [MALE] to find out where [MALE] was +[FEMALE] recently joined the art school +[FEMALE] husband took a shower this morning +[MALE] wanted to join a fraternity +[MALE] was playing a pickup game of basketball +[MALE] had a dog +it was getting late and [FEMALE] was ready to go home +[MALE] had never liked eating fruit +[MALE] hated christmas +[MALE] had never been on a roller coaster +the hicks family loved spending time together +[MALE] was obsessed with super heroes +fridays are date night for the smiths +[NEUTRAL] bought a half gallon of chocolate milk +the man opened a hamburger stand +shemecka thought she would be okay after her boyfriend left her +[MALE] wanted to become a real estate agent +"last night , [MALE] had a dream that he was chosen for a lottery" +[MALE] and [NEUTRAL] were excitedly preparing for their wedding day +[FEMALE] had wanted to sing in the church choir +[MALE] hated taking the bus to school +"[MALE] did n't want his younger brother , [MALE] , to use his computer" +[MALE] 's family has a lake house +[MALE] wanted to impress a girl at school +[MALE] and [MALE] awoke early one morning +every year i plant eggplants in my garden +[MALE] had to go to the dentist +[MALE] discovered a huge scorpion in his [FEMALE] home +[FEMALE] mom is n't that old +[FEMALE] was asleep in her bed +[FEMALE] stopped at the store on her way to work +we used to eat chinese roast pork more often +[MALE] was very strong for his age +[FEMALE] loved potatoes +we had ham steaks for dinner tonight +[MALE] had a pet bird +[MALE] was enjoying the day after thanksgiving with her family +"at midnight , [NEUTRAL] woke to his wife 's screaming" +[MALE] thought he was the smartest person in his class +[MALE] was playing catch with her baby sister +it was a glorious day for hiking +[MALE] decided to visit the duck pond +one day [FEMALE] was bored +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were always good friends +[MALE] has a girlfriend in another city +the teacher handed some papers out to her students +[MALE] was looking forward to going to the park +[NEUTRAL] needed a new pair of headphones +[FEMALE] 's mom worked hard to buy a coat for her daughter +[MALE] was walking to class one morning +[MALE] was going fishing +i can hear the ice cream man somewhere in my neighborhood +[MALE] sat in the coffee shop waiting for his friend [MALE] +[FEMALE] was looking forward to eating her favorite cereal +[MALE] needed a new laptop for school +[MALE] loved visiting the bank +[FEMALE] was snuggled in bed throughout the thunderstorm +trust was having a bad day +[FEMALE] went to get some pizza +"when ron was 10 , he got a hamster for his birthday" +[MALE] was nervous about the test +[MALE] recently made a big life decision +[NEUTRAL] and his band were invited to play at a party +[FEMALE] and her friend [FEMALE] went to [MALE] [FEMALE] after school +[FEMALE] wanted a hobby +[MALE] was playing chess +[MALE] did n't have a lot of friends +[MALE] loved helping others +it was a special day +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were using hula hoops while rollerblading at a park +[MALE] needed some bbq meat +[MALE] was shopping for jeans +[MALE] went to a cafe and ordered coffee +i used to walk home from school with a girl from the neighborhood +[FEMALE] 's mom was supposed to pick her up at 8 +i woke up one morning at 8 :30 +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] decided to treat themselves to a spa day +[FEMALE] wanted a suntan +[MALE] was selling hats +we were at the zoo one day +[MALE] found some seeds in an old shoebox +i had a stroke in 2011 +[MALE] and his wife were on a trip to [MALE] using a bus +[MALE] dusted his guitar off +i found out my father had cancer the other day +[MALE] was looking forward to his birthday +[MALE] 's landlord was trying to force him to move out +there is a man named [MALE] +[MALE] had never seen the ocean before +[FEMALE] spacebar stopped working +[FEMALE] was craving pizza for dinner +[FEMALE] was a clumsy child +[FEMALE] was performing the moonwalk for talent show +the bird landed under the large rose bush +[MALE] had a keen interest in movies +[FEMALE] went out with her friends +ani was cooking her dinner +[FEMALE] agreed to run her school 's annual haunted house fundraiser +the school group went on a field trip +[MALE] sat in his favorite chair in his living room reading a book +[FEMALE] was trying to download an app on her phone +[MALE] had a test coming up in three days +[FEMALE] loved to go to the class taught by a new teacher in school +[FEMALE] was driving to work yesterday morning +[MALE] took a flight into [FEMALE] +i was riding my bicycle near downhill near my house +[FEMALE] was on a field trip with her third grade class +[MALE] found a puppy in the field behind his house +[MALE] is a dancer +i had an interview with a recruiting firm scheduled +[MALE] was a great basketball player +[MALE] decided to attend a cooking class +"[FEMALE] wanted a son , but she and her husband were barren" +[MALE] loved to go hiking +[FEMALE] was trying to study for her algebra class +[MALE] 's car broke +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were dorm mates and enemies +[NEUTRAL] was riding his bike home from school +[NEUTRAL] went to a chinese restaurant +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] loved arancini +[FEMALE] loved to paint near her bedroom window +[MALE] was going to drive a friend home +[FEMALE] had studied all weekend for the math test +it had been raining all evening +[MALE] has decided to make pizza with the kids +[MALE] needed a new suit +[MALE] and his brother were hunting for [FEMALE] eggs +[FEMALE] introduced herself to me +[MALE] got into a fight with his friend +[MALE] has a macbook +[FEMALE] was at work at bath and body works +"once , i decided to build my very own computer" +i used to have a couch upstairs in my room +[FEMALE] wanted her dad to have a birthday cake +[NEUTRAL] spilled water on her keyboard +[MALE] challenged [MALE] to a friendly game of poker +at first the wilcos thought getting a puppy was a good idea +[FEMALE] 's grandmother had a birthday coming up +mya wanted to be a cook +[MALE] loved to swim +[FEMALE] was a very odd little girl +i was a heavy child growing up +[MALE] was attending the annual awards ceremony at his workplace +[FEMALE] was at the dentist 's office +[FEMALE] was sleeping so soundly +a nurse at a hospital was working get shift in the labor unit +[FEMALE] family got together inside my cousin 's house +[FEMALE] wife and i went to applebee 's for our anniversary +[FEMALE] was at risk of getting evicted from her apartment +[FEMALE] was walking her son through the town +[FEMALE] has noticed that her roommates are becoming increasingly messy +[NEUTRAL] was a quiet kid +[FEMALE] was digging in the sand box one day +[MALE] decided to get renter 's insurance +a baseball team had a game scheduled for [FEMALE] [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] went shopping yesterday +[MALE] hates travelling for his job +[MALE] woke up one morning not feeling well +[FEMALE] was on a camping trip +[MALE] was bad at cooking steak +[NEUTRAL] online vendor took my money then cancelled my order +[MALE] could n't sleep +[MALE] saw a cat laying on the curb by his house +there was a concert in [FEMALE] +"driving down the road , i saw a car accident off to the right" +it was the fourth of july +duffie always went out to garden in the morning +[MALE] and jean were playing in the classroom +[FEMALE] was in love with a man +[MALE] is a very clumsy boy +[FEMALE] is 45 and still lives with her parents +[FEMALE] was walking outside barefooted +[MALE] lubritorium was a gas station on western avenue in brighton +the mom bought a birthday cake from the store +[NEUTRAL] 's wedding ring fell into the faucet +"[MALE] and her best friend , [FEMALE] , wanted to take a road trip" +[FEMALE] parents decided to purchase a brand new house +[MALE] got a new tv for his family +[FEMALE] went to the local supermarket +the woman was getting her hair done +yesterday [NEUTRAL] took some selfies +[NEUTRAL] told his parents he was gaythey disapproved and threatened to kick him out +[NEUTRAL] had never been on a steamboat before +[FEMALE] and her brother made friends with a man who moved next door +he sent me a message when i joined [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was getting ready for the prom +"as a kid , [MALE] could run very fast" +i was in the bathroom one morning getting ready for work +[FEMALE] sister-in-law b was driving out yesterday afternoon +tj was very excited when his parents gave him a chemistry set +[FEMALE] was playing outside +[MALE] won a contest for a chain restaurant +[MALE] was bored during the summer and watched videos on youtube +[MALE] was working at his parents subway store +some of my favorite childhood memories stem from going to the beach +[NEUTRAL] went shopping in town and parked in the town center +"after i got my learner 's permit , my mom let me drive home" +the man got his cat neutered +[MALE] wants a new coat from the store +the ball shot out of the pipe quickly +[FEMALE] had forgotten to call her best friend +[MALE] wants to be a scientist +[FEMALE] 's neighbors were having a party +[FEMALE] went to the swimming pool +[MALE] really wanted to quit smoking cigarettes +[MALE] 's wife told him to take the trash out +[MALE] had a lot of junk +[FEMALE] was a mother of four who enjoyed her cigarettes +[MALE] worked on mechanical turk +[MALE] designed a treasure map +[FEMALE] had suffered a lot of abuse when she was a child +i have never ice skated +[NEUTRAL] bought a christmas tree for her house +"they say that life can change in the blink of an eye , they 're right" +yesterday i bought a couch +i entered the airport for the first time +every year the sarver 's celebrated christmas at their winter lodge +the family entered the car +[MALE] was driving to work one morning +[MALE] is excited for family dinner +[FEMALE] was swimming in the pond with her friends +i went to visit my uncle +we were visiting our daughter in 2009 +[FEMALE] had ordered vanilla bean cheesecake at a restaurant +[MALE] was tired after working in the yard all day +"as a young writer , [MALE] had hated getting rejection letters" +[FEMALE] fell in love with a book she borrowed from the library +[MALE] never reacts to anything +[FEMALE] 's baby woke up with a fever +[NEUTRAL] wanted a class ring +[FEMALE] had no clean clothes +[MALE] decided to eat whenever he got stressed out +[MALE] bought the newspaper that day +[MALE] visited his grandfather 's farm last week +[FEMALE] was going to a football game +[MALE] went to the ski slopes +we heard something crying under an abandoned car +[MALE] and [MALE] were best friends +[FEMALE] 's dream was to go on a long hiking adventure on a trail +[NEUTRAL] was always terrified of the tree near her window +[MALE] was playing catch with his dad +[MALE] worked at the post office +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] had picked a whole bushel of apples +[MALE] attended middle school in [NEUTRAL] +"[NEUTRAL] want to enter a race , he saved up his money for a bike" +[MALE] is an extremely loud person +it was christmas eve +[NEUTRAL] was constantly late for work +[FEMALE] was a high school girl who needed some cash +i went to this new pizza place yesterday +the cave explorers reached a dead end +"[FEMALE] 's dad was having an [FEMALE] egg hunt , and [FEMALE] was excited" +the man went to the parking garage +[FEMALE] woke up on monday morning +"whenever [MALE] was stressed out , he decided to eat" +[FEMALE] went to the donut shop +[NEUTRAL] went outside +[FEMALE] was watching the new sci-fi show at her uncle 's house +tallon met a girl on the bus +[MALE] did n't have much money +andra is a chef +[MALE] was very tired from working a ten hour day +[FEMALE] and her husband were on a mission trip +yesterday i visited my transit authority for paratransit eligibility +[FEMALE] felt really alone +[FEMALE] wanted to impress everyone at her school dance +the man studied art +[FEMALE] was excited when an astrophysicist asked her out +[MALE] wanted a job as a bank teller +[FEMALE] graduated college and was excited for her future +[FEMALE] helped a difficult customer pick out an outfit for her niece +the manager at the grocery store was the only who could make keys +the man saw a friend at a coffee shop +[MALE] 's favorite football team had a big game coming up +i was watching football with my friend 's dad +[FEMALE] has a cat that ripped a few window screens +[MALE] had a new sled that he could n't wait to try out +[MALE] joined his school 's swim team +[MALE] rode his bike to school everyday +[FEMALE] daughter was in high school during 9 / 11 +the teacher took the class to get a drink of water +[FEMALE] and her friend went on a trip to hollywood +[MALE] constantly ran out of breath +[NEUTRAL] loved going to the playground +[FEMALE] wanted to buy her mother a necklace for her birthday +[MALE] felt ready to have a cat +[MALE] was turning 21 year 's old +[NEUTRAL] had taken down her hair +[FEMALE] had n't answered any of [NEUTRAL] 's calls +the [NEUTRAL] 's loved costco +[FEMALE] had always wanted a puppy +"[MALE] was sitting in his algebra class , feeling bored" +[NEUTRAL] just had a baby +[MALE] 's glasses were dirty +a guy came up to me at a bar asking to see my shirt +the rainy started on [FEMALE] +i was mowing the yard on a summer day +[MALE] and [NEUTRAL] had planned a beach trip for the coming weekend +i was asked to give a public address to a sizable crowd +[MALE] has a math test tomorrow +the man took a shower +[NEUTRAL] likes food +[NEUTRAL] had never been on a jet ski before +[FEMALE] flyer is getting ready to back handspring in the load in position +[MALE] woke up one day and realized it was cold +[MALE] felt the thud of his fist against the cold hunk of meat +[FEMALE] stood outside her apartment +[FEMALE] was in high school +[MALE] had not a creative bone in his body +[NEUTRAL] lived in a big city and she loved it +[MALE] and his friend [NEUTRAL] went for a hike on a forest trail +[MALE] 's ears perked up at a song in his playlist +[FEMALE] strolled into her sitting room +[FEMALE] loved to make mud pies in her backyard +[MALE] was fishing with his dad +[MALE] had a bad cold +i placed the burrito wrap into the toaster +[MALE] was trying to go to sleep +[MALE] wanted the perfect suit to wear at for his wedding +[FEMALE] was studying english +[MALE] was excited to have gotten a camera for christmas +[MALE] 's baby was laying in his grip +[FEMALE] wanted to learn how to bake a cake +[MALE] was a freshman in college +[FEMALE] sister in law 's brother had polio +[FEMALE] had a crush on a guy who worked at blockbuster +[FEMALE] ordered a couple of pizzas +there was a cake competition on [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] thinks he 's the toughest guy in school +[MALE] went to college at the local junior college +i did n't know what role i should play +[MALE] was walking to his last class for the day +[FEMALE] was doing poorly in science class +[FEMALE] was young and unmarried when she got pregnant +[MALE] was new to living in new [MALE] +this was the last thing [MALE] ever expected +the day was finally here +[FEMALE] 's pet bird sat on the back of the couch +[MALE] loved playing sports +[FEMALE] 's mother taught her to play spades +bay wanted to be able to write in cursive +[NEUTRAL] the puppy had to go to the vet for her shots +[MALE] was playing with his legos +[FEMALE] woke up to do nothing today +one day my brother was walking outside barefoot +[FEMALE] was popular blogger online +[MALE] needed some bananas +[MALE] is doing some light shopping one day +[MALE] had a special pillow that he loved sleeping with +[FEMALE] workplace had a fire in 1984 +i got a new knife set for my birthday +[MALE] was hanging out with some friends +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were best friends +[NEUTRAL] was about to leave the house +[MALE] is a man in love with his girlfriend +[MALE] loved bird watching +[FEMALE] 's car door was frozen shut +[NEUTRAL] gathered all her pots and pans from the kitchen +"mathias had epilepsy ever since he could remember , as a child even" +the drum line was having a problem keeping the beat +i walked into the liquor store +[MALE] loved science experiments +[FEMALE] and her husband had just bought a new home +[FEMALE] needed to renew her driver 's license +bridgett woke up +[FEMALE] 's mom bought her a phone for her sixteenth birthday +[FEMALE] felt stressed by her job +[FEMALE] was not very proficient with math +[MALE] loved to eat food +[FEMALE] was a rude and angry person +[MALE] and his wife went camping in the woods every summer +[FEMALE] joined the band +[MALE] noticed the cat was acting weird +[MALE] had always wanted to own a restaurant +beardo birdo was a slovenly man +[FEMALE] secretly got her ears pierced +[MALE] loved music and owned thousands of old records +[MALE] saw this video online that was very graphic and shocking +[FEMALE] wanted a gift for her husband +i had a few drinks with my boyfriend the other day +me and my best friend fixed my car +[MALE] greatly missed his grandparents +we had our carpeting cleaned last [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] told his mother he wanted to have a picnic at the park +[NEUTRAL] worked as a cook at an all day breakfast restaurant +[MALE] was walking behind a couple of slow people at the grocery store +[MALE] is out shopping with his father +[MALE] was stuck at the table again +[MALE] was visiting switzerland +[MALE] had always been good at basketball +[MALE] hurt his finger +i was hanging a new net on our basketball goal +[FEMALE] was doing science homework +"after [MALE] was arrested , the office slapped handcuffs on him" +[MALE] and [MALE] looked forward to going to this new restaurant +[FEMALE] and a group of girl friends were on a road trip +[MALE] was working as a server at a restaurant +jo-jo was a pretty girl +the dog went into the kitchen +[NEUTRAL] could n't stop thinking about that man she met at a party +i was walking along and playing pokemon go on my phone +[MALE] and [NEUTRAL] went to the toy store +janna always loved children +i woke [FEMALE] and [MALE] up for school this morning +[MALE] decided to learn krav maga +the best friends went on a girls trip to a wine vineyard +[NEUTRAL] was n't sure what she was in the mood for +i wanted to volunteer +the highlight of the zoo visit was the otter exhibit +[FEMALE] mom bought a porcelain dog for the porch +[NEUTRAL] saw ads on tv that offered new cars at low prices +[FEMALE] told her boyfriend about learning a new language +[MALE] woke up in the middle of the night +one day a dog found its way to a girl playing in her yard +[FEMALE] was having a baby +[MALE] went strawberry picking with his family last weekend +[FEMALE] bought a bookcase for her new apartment +[FEMALE] brother and i had plastic [FEMALE] eggs +[NEUTRAL] wanted a boyfriend +[NEUTRAL] worked at a soup kitchen but was unhappy +[MALE] is a suspicious sort of man +[MALE] and his buddies bought tickets to the horse races +[FEMALE] was married to her high school sweetheart +[MALE] called the u-haul support line +[FEMALE] loved to eat hamburgers +[FEMALE] and [NEUTRAL] were best friends +the television signal was weak +[NEUTRAL] 's lawn was not looking too good +[MALE] was out shopping +[MALE] was having chest pain +[NEUTRAL] was at work yesterday when she heard a customer yell to call 911 +[FEMALE] wanted the new boy to see her angry face +[MALE] woke up in the middle of the night with chest pains +[FEMALE] was going to a party +[MALE] was stopped on the side of the road with a flat tire +[MALE] is camping +[FEMALE] and her family make homemade sausage +[MALE] is going to visit [FEMALE] next year +[MALE] has taken a break from college classes for many year 's +[MALE] bought a new computer game +laundry day is [NEUTRAL] 's least favorite day +the kids gathered their ingredients to make a pizza +[MALE] purchased a birthday cake +[NEUTRAL] had to give a presentation at a conference on a fungus +[FEMALE] was waiting on an elevator with a man +last week i broke a bottle +[MALE] loved watching movies +[FEMALE] was pregnant and taking a shower +[FEMALE] found a lottery ticket printout on the ground +"[MALE] had always been the best pool player in his group of friendsone day , a new person appeared and challenged [MALE] to a gamethey had a good game , but [MALE] lost in the endhe realized that he did n't always have to be so competitivehe became a better friend to his friends , and a better person" +i had practice quite a bit before i took my driver 's license +spume [MALE] was furious +[FEMALE] had a cute dog +[MALE] was bored one afternoon +[NEUTRAL] is ten years old +[FEMALE] was very nervous when she left her 3 year old at preschool +[FEMALE] wanted to make a good impression at the upcoming dance +[NEUTRAL] was having a great time riding her bike with her friend +[FEMALE] 's mom brought home boxes of cracker [MALE] +kaylyn graduated with honors from nursing school +[MALE] decided to learn how to drive +[FEMALE] was having a good dream +we thought we had paid to see our favorite band perform that night +[FEMALE] wanted a picture of her jumping +[MALE] and [MALE] moved from the city onto a farm +[MALE] worked for five years at an iron foundry +[MALE] was at a chili cooking contest +[MALE] 's lamp broke +[FEMALE] loved to go swimming +[NEUTRAL] was craving some cereal +[MALE] was feeling extremely depressed about life +[FEMALE] went on a date to an italian restaurant +[MALE] 's cousin ran to him +[FEMALE] ordered a sandwich at the restaurant +[NEUTRAL] received detention for playing a prank +tahar went to get [NEUTRAL] +i came home from work and was very hungry +"[MALE] was a ferocious turker , he amassed thousands of hits" +[MALE] was taking a trip +[MALE] hates having to do his chores +every year my in-laws take my family to [MALE] world +[MALE] was n't able to ride the big roller coaster last year +tonight our son came over to do his laundry +i had an old car i needed gone +[NEUTRAL] got a bag of candy from his mom +[MALE] was not feeling well after dinner +the men went hunting +i ran my own lemonade stand when i was a kid +ken was at a monster truck show +there was a strong storm at [MALE] 's house +[FEMALE] always wanted to see a broadway show +i have a favorite memory of when i was a young teen +[MALE] drove into a parking garage in an unfamiliar city +[MALE] wanted to get in shape +[MALE] sneezed loudly +[MALE] woke up late one morning +[MALE] loves playing sports with his friends +[MALE] was a competitive tennis player +[MALE] was expecting a letter from his brother in the military +[MALE] took [FEMALE] to a hot air balloon flight +[FEMALE] has always wanted to be a mother +[FEMALE] was cooking supper for her and her husband +i was teaching my son some numbers +[FEMALE] was driving to her friends house +[MALE] told his roommates to scram because he had a girl coming over +[FEMALE] roommate is a manipulative sort +[MALE] worked for a company that molded plastic +[FEMALE] went shopping +"[NEUTRAL] had a date , but he was so low on money" +[MALE] needed a new pair of jeans +[MALE] got his report card back and it was n't good +[MALE] smelled something coming from the kitchen +[MALE] wanted to play baseball on his high school team +the man went for an interview +[FEMALE] decided to make cookies one morning +[FEMALE] looked at her bags of trash with pride +[NEUTRAL] was so excited as she was going to get her first [MALE] bag today +[NEUTRAL] loved wearing her favorite jeans +[NEUTRAL] had a subscription to a magazine +[MALE] bought an entire extra large pizza for himself +[FEMALE] decides to bring her children to the playground one day +when my dad was 17 he was drafted into the army +[FEMALE] was often bored and lonely +[FEMALE] cousin has a pet bird +[MALE] loved hot dogs +i downloaded the new pokemon go app +[MALE] fought hard for his interim heavyweight belt +[MALE] did n't want to go to a private school +[MALE] bought some stock in a tech company +[MALE] was looking forward to a quiet weekend at home +i was walking down the street +ken was happy to divorce his wife +[MALE] was riding his bike to school +a long time ago i had a not-so-serious girlfriend +[MALE] had a bad reputation +[MALE] was sleeping on his sofa when he heard a noise +i got offered a job yesterday +[MALE] went to the beach +[FEMALE] 99 year old friend [MALE] sits on the bench a lot +[MALE] was not a morning person +[MALE] eats spaghetti at home every night +[FEMALE] nephew recently bought a house in stoughton +[FEMALE] was going to help her cousin at his small business +i was at the grocery store buying some ice cream +the perseids meteor shower happens once a year +[MALE] had a great weekend +[FEMALE] 's big soccer game had just started +[FEMALE] was looking up into the starry sky +"leaving the movies one afternoon , [FEMALE] and [FEMALE] saw a photo booth" +[MALE] has had the same guitar for ten years +[FEMALE] came over to my house to do a craft project +it was a sunny and warm afternoon +[FEMALE] went to the aquarium +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were chatting on the bus ride home +[MALE] works in the kitchen of an upscale restaurant +[FEMALE] liked rave parties +[NEUTRAL] was ready to purchase a condo +[FEMALE] woke to the sound of banging at her front door +[FEMALE] had a crush on robert +[FEMALE] awoke and went to the kitchen +[NEUTRAL] has always wanted a bunny +"[MALE] loved his puppy , and they played together every day" +[NEUTRAL] had n't been home to see her family in a long time +ala was at a fine restaurant +[FEMALE] participated in a race +a drop of condensation slid down the outside of the glass pitcher +every summer my cousins would come over and we camp in the backyard +[MALE] 's teacher posted a reminder about the history exam the next day +after playing outside in the snow [FEMALE] was feeling quite chilly +the chef was preparing for a job interview +last week my granddaughter got a new bed +i went on vacation with my family to canada +[MALE] always wanted to be a cop +[NEUTRAL] was excited to get the newly released cell phone +[MALE] loved toast and therefore worked at a company called toast +"i was a mean older sister , and one day i had a brilliant meal idea" +[FEMALE] thought she was a great tennis player +[FEMALE] was so nervous about her first day at the new school +[NEUTRAL] wanted to go to the school dance +[MALE] loved eggnog +[MALE] grew up loving the subject of history +yesterday i tried to make dinner for my boyfriend +bevin used to have lots of money +[MALE] wanted to invest his money in some way +[FEMALE] has really been struggling in school as of late +[MALE] was trying to help [FEMALE] set up an email account on her phone +i was going outside to smoke +[MALE] was a good student and got perfect grades +[FEMALE] was out for a walk in the street +"last night my dog , [MALE] , went out just before bedtime" +i was at the gym on [FEMALE] +i bought the movie breathless for my 19 year old niece +[MALE] tried to go to sleep +[NEUTRAL] wanted to go clubbing +[FEMALE] had recently had her heart broken by her boyfriend +[MALE] and [MALE] were watching a detective show on tv +[FEMALE] had just travelled for a day on a bus +[FEMALE] was four wheeling with her friends +[NEUTRAL] was a personal trainer +louie was going to run away from home +[FEMALE] had just recently gotten a parrot +[MALE] was watching tv +the couple ordered oysters at dinner +[FEMALE] was very nearsighted but scared to wear glasses +[MALE] has had an obsession with dinosaurs since he was very little +[FEMALE] was about to make some eggs +[FEMALE] paid five dollars to enter a raffle +[NEUTRAL] wanted a pet for his birthday +[NEUTRAL] was playing a video game +"when i was in high school , i tore a ligament on my collarbone" +[FEMALE] 's eyes were unusually large +[MALE] was behind on his rent +[MALE] hated his neighbors +"[FEMALE] was impressed that [MALE] liked her , he was rich" +ron and his friends were hanging out late at night +[MALE] only had two plates to eat off of +[MALE] was a neighbor who lived two houses down from mine +[NEUTRAL] always enjoyed playing chess +[MALE] moved into a new house +[FEMALE] has a test at school +[FEMALE] decided to take up boxing +i went to mcdonald 's to get [MALE] fries +this morning i was having a bad feeling +"while my mom and dad were washing dishes , my dad sprayed her" +[MALE] wanted to convince a girl that he was worthy of a date from her +[FEMALE] had a lot of homework to do +[MALE] was at a picnic +he told her he broke the glasses on purpose +"since it was independence day , we decided to light fireworks" +[FEMALE] 's big brother died in a car accident +the astronauts were on the platform +[MALE] woke up and saw it was a nice sunny day +[NEUTRAL] was savvy in business and real estate +"he walked around the park , every day" +[FEMALE] had a final exam in biology +[MALE] was out playing with friends +[MALE] the grouch was my mom 's algae eater +[MALE] watched someone do tricks on a skateboard +[MALE] decided to plant a garden +i asked my wife to make fish tacos for me for dinner +[MALE] had a birthday +yesterday [MALE] asked [FEMALE] out for a date +[MALE] and [FEMALE] had been friends for years +[MALE] always watched surfing on tv +[FEMALE] got a lot of candy for halloween +there was a turtle in a pet storethe turtle did not have a name +[FEMALE] decided to start a new weight loss program +[MALE] was going to build a ladder to the moon +[FEMALE] was trying to listen to an old mix tape from school +[FEMALE] was looking forward to getting to know her college roommate +[MALE] wanted to be a better camera man +today while in the cafeteria my stomach growled loudly +[MALE] decided to cook dinner +[MALE] bought a new pontoon boat +[MALE] and his friend were having a conversation while walking +[MALE] was homeless and living in an alley +[MALE] was very adventurous +i have always wanted to go to [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] 's dog was not feeling too well +suzanna grew up watching her grandma make jelly from scratch +[MALE] likes live shows +[NEUTRAL] brought her new white shoes to show her friends +[FEMALE] was served with a lawsuit +[MALE] had been on a diet for about two weeks +[NEUTRAL] bought a new stamp with his name on it +[FEMALE] looked up a recipe for lasagna online +[MALE] woke up feeling very ill +[FEMALE] was finally done enrolling in high school +i was cleaning out my room +[NEUTRAL] felt ill when he woke in the morning +[MALE] was eating with friends +[NEUTRAL] was eager for his first day of middle school on monday +[FEMALE] was worried that her daughter might get a b on her report card +[FEMALE] loved flamingos +[NEUTRAL] is freaking out before his wedding to [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] family got ready for church today +[MALE] needed to create a new presentation for his job +at 7 year 's old [MALE] did n't like cartoons +[MALE] was getting married in two months +i put on my jogging clothes and shoes +[FEMALE] awoke in a good mood +[MALE] walked through his yard and heard a growl +when i was growing up i lived in [MALE] +[NEUTRAL] was throwing a birthday party for his friend +[MALE] is in high school +[MALE] always received a generous allowance from his parents +the smith 's wanted to get away +i was on a plane yesterday +[MALE] was always bad at basketball +the fireworks were pretty far away +[MALE] wanted to take pictures +"i had a stroke in 2011 , and could not walk for 8 weeks" +[FEMALE] went for a drive +[FEMALE] noticed her boots were having trouble fitting +i was taking my dog for a walk +the kids wanted to play a game +[MALE] really wanted to ride a motorcycle +[FEMALE] lost her leg in an accident +[FEMALE] turned four yesterday +the [MALE] family were all quite excited +[FEMALE] sister-in-law b has a lot of pain +i went on a hike by a nearby park +[MALE] plays football +[FEMALE] was trying to make corned beef +[MALE] was walking around downtown +[NEUTRAL] moved to the united states to pursue a better life for himself +[MALE] drove to the gas station to get gas +the man put in green contacts +[MALE] was driving down the road one day +i decided to make breakfast for my mom and dad this morning +i started my new job yesterday +today i logged onto amazon mturk +[MALE] was a famous jazz musician +[FEMALE] was put in charge of the school festival +[MALE] wanted to be a poet +[FEMALE] parents enjoy going to the casino +the travel agent advised her against taking the bus from [FEMALE] +"every friday , the girls from work get together to have a girl 's night" +[MALE] was a great basketball player +i 've been hunting for a job for a while +"[FEMALE] dog , [MALE] , knows not to beg" +we went on splash mountain at [MALE] +a baby was getting fussy +i looked everywhere for the itch cream +[MALE] wanted to fit in at his new school +[MALE] decided he wanted to do something new +[MALE] wanted to have a daughter +[FEMALE] was a very talented girl +[MALE] worried about eating too much food +i walked into my math class +"when cally returned home , she noticed her rug was askew" +[NEUTRAL] was in the skating finals +i awoke very tired +[MALE] loved writing with mechanical pencils +[FEMALE] was proud that she fed her kids oatmeal for breakfast +[MALE] was staying in an apartment +[MALE] was late for work one morning +[FEMALE] loved exploring the wooded acres behind her family 's farm +[FEMALE] and her grandparents decided to watch a movie +[NEUTRAL] won a lot of money in a bet +[FEMALE] and her mom decided to walk door to door to sell cookies +[FEMALE] went to visit her grandma at the cemetery +[MALE] wanted to surprise his for their 5th wedding anniversary +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] was married for 71 years +many people do not know that you can actually show rabbits +[FEMALE] decided to participate in the fun run +"while i was driving , the person in front of me was moving slow" +[NEUTRAL] was walking home from school +[NEUTRAL] got injured during football practice +[NEUTRAL] went to play basketball with his friends +we had a naming ceremony for our granddaughter in 2014 +[FEMALE] watched a scary movie +[NEUTRAL] 's mother bought her a poker set for christmas +[FEMALE] mom threw away my homework in the trash +on my mom 's birthday she got a new blender +we found a little puppy wandering through our yard +[MALE] wanted to learn how to drive +[FEMALE] was tired of her posh existence in [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] 's television stopped working today +[FEMALE] decided to purchase new furniture for her new apartment +[MALE] was a toddler +[MALE] scrubbed the cows +[MALE] walked to the local pet store +i decided to try doing jumping jacks for exercise +[MALE] wanted to learn how to swim +i took a figure drawing class in college +it was time for breakfast +[FEMALE] went to the park with her brother +a female approached the office +[MALE] rode in a small canoe with [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] got caught sneaking out of the house +"[FEMALE] had a good job , but it had some drawbacks" +[FEMALE] got a job which required direct deposit +[MALE] was at a baseball game with his glove ready to catch a ball +[MALE] had always wanted to try rock climbing +[FEMALE] had the perfect prom dress +"the first guy that ever proposed marriage to me , was [MALE]" +[FEMALE] straightened her hair everyday +[MALE] loved to make his living robbing banks +[FEMALE] was going on a camping trip +[FEMALE] would sing in her church every [FEMALE] +ken was driving home +jelly turned twelve +[MALE] was unhappy at work because of the pay +[FEMALE] bought her dog a squeaky stuffed animal +"one morning , [MALE] ' wife woke up feeling sick" +reby wanted a doll for christmas +[NEUTRAL] did not stop at a stop sign +[MALE] has been scared of clowns since he was young +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were hanging out on a rainy day +[MALE] was writing at his desk +[FEMALE] mailbox was getting loose +[FEMALE] 's mom had a jeep but [FEMALE] could n't drive it +[FEMALE] was in the kitchen making dinner +[NEUTRAL] was driving home +[MALE] had round glasses +the math teacher announced a pop quiz as class began +[MALE] almost missed school yesterday +three girls were swimming when they found a frog +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] went to the fair +[FEMALE] had a crush on a boy +[MALE] and his band decided to enter the school talent show +[MALE] wanted to play basketball +[MALE] did not study for the upcoming test +[MALE] went to his friend 's place +"in his final basketball game , [NEUTRAL] broke his leg" +[MALE] was on a cruise +[FEMALE] loved watching a movie about the ocean +[FEMALE] bought a new pair of heels +[MALE] just got promoted at his job +[MALE] was sad +in [FEMALE] 's classroom her math teacher was absent with a cold +i took an algebra class many years ago +"when he was 19 year 's old , [MALE] became a scuba diver" +the rising wind bent the long grass +the kid finished the assignment +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were putting together a puzzle +i was sitting outside with a friend drinking outside a parking lot +[MALE] was late and in a rush +some archaeologists were looking for a lost city hidden in the forest +the boy applied to college +[MALE] wanted to stop biting her nails +[FEMALE] wanted to watch her shows +[MALE] loved dogs +[NEUTRAL] had been training for her first 5k all summer +[NEUTRAL] walked into the front of his new school +[MALE] is on a date +one of my favorite things to do is write +[MALE] was really thirsty +[FEMALE] recently got her nails done +i cooked spaghetti for the first time today +[MALE] had a lot of hobbies +[MALE] decided to buy his first pet +[FEMALE] met a nice prince on the internet +the man tied a knot +[FEMALE] was exercising at gym +[FEMALE] 's favorite food was salmon +[MALE] loved to play the drums +[MALE] wanted to become an awesome guitar player +[FEMALE] is really trying to get into shape for her wedding +"[FEMALE] loved cooking , and used to cook for her family on occasions" +[MALE] and [MALE] were going to prank their high school english teacher +[NEUTRAL] was driving a small boat +[MALE] was driving his car on the highway +i had lunch with my two high school friends +[FEMALE] daughter is going back to school next week +[MALE] had always wanted to eat chinese food +[FEMALE] joined a gym to get in shape +[NEUTRAL] dreamed of being a concert pianist +[MALE] took a ferry to [MALE] [MALE] +[MALE] was a very successful businessman +[NEUTRAL] was on vacation +[FEMALE] 's mom was upset with her +[FEMALE] decided to take her boyfriend car shopping with her +[MALE] gave an apology to his us friends on behalf of canada +[FEMALE] was doing laundry +[MALE] was very hungry in class +[MALE] had always wanted to learn how to swim +[NEUTRAL] was in the attic +the family went on a road trip across the country +[FEMALE] 's dog ran away +there was a big golf tournament +"[MALE] 's parents got a divorce , and his mom decided she was moving" +i was eating an apple when i began to choke +[MALE] turned on the machine +[MALE] was feeling homesick +[FEMALE] had a crush on her friend [MALE] 's friend [MALE] +[MALE] had an interesting job +the woman made a bowl of popcorn +[MALE] is a huge [MALE] [MALE] fan +[MALE] needed a new pair of shoes +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were singing together +[MALE] waited in line at a popular coffee shop +i have a new favorite show on television +[FEMALE] was not always this good at sales +it was free slurpee day at 7 / 11 +[MALE] 's teacher told the class they would have a math test on friday +[MALE] had to have back surgery +[FEMALE] weighed herself constantly +[FEMALE] had n't slept well over the night +[FEMALE] is a chef +[MALE] picked a book out from the book store +[MALE] loved to cook +it was getting increasingly more difficult for [FEMALE] to see +[FEMALE] roommate and i bought a new futon for our living room +[MALE] was not a suitable replacement for [MALE] +[FEMALE] loves to take photos of nature +[FEMALE] girlfriend and i developed a strange [MALE] 's day tradition +[FEMALE] loved every kind of soda +[FEMALE] and her family wanted to take a vacation this year +[MALE] love the new puppy his mother bought him +[MALE] took [NEUTRAL] bowling on their second date +the man designed a deck with a pool +[MALE] needed money +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were excited about the new restaurant in town +[FEMALE] wanted to watch the olympics but her tv broke +the man ordered a pizza with pesto +[MALE] played football for his school +[FEMALE] went to the store +[FEMALE] was at her cousin 's house to drop off some borrowed dishes +[NEUTRAL] 's son had some homework +"[FEMALE] , a teenager , is amused with how popular her mother is" +dooly was the name of her new dolly +i decided to start eating a healthy diet +[FEMALE] had recently gotten a summer job at the mall +[NEUTRAL] was watching television +i have been straightening my hair for about seven years now +[NEUTRAL] loved her job +[MALE] wanted a new carpet +i was award a free trip to [FEMALE] +[MALE] wanted to see a new movie +[MALE] was invited to the [FEMALE] hawkins dance at school +[NEUTRAL] wanted to go to the new candy shop +we used to have two remotes from xfinity +[MALE] has been alone for most of his life +[FEMALE] wanted to get cable in her home +[MALE] has been working hard to finish his degree +a group of mentally-handicapped people formed a cult +[MALE] made a cheese sandwich +[FEMALE] wanted to make a cake for her boyfriend 's birthday +[FEMALE] was excited to tell her mom that she was engaged +[FEMALE] friend 's younger sister is 41 +[FEMALE] was in the car with her dad one night +[NEUTRAL] was lonely and wanted male attention +[MALE] had to work two jobs to pay rent +the artist released new work +[MALE] wanted to make breakfast +"[FEMALE] wanted blonde hair , but her mom said she could n't dye it" +i was at the beach with my youth group +[MALE] was a wonderful student who always got good grades +[MALE] lived in an apartment on the top floor +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were fighting over the tv remote +[FEMALE] came down with a cold +keesha and her family lived in kansas +"the approaching storm was a big one , and [MALE] was nervous" +[FEMALE] brother saved up all month to buy a new video game +[FEMALE] had a bad cough +[FEMALE] went to the zoo +[FEMALE] bought a new toy +myriam received a dictionary for her birthday +[FEMALE] and her friend were watching music videos +i was categorizing websites for a search engine +[FEMALE] has been getting in shape +everyone raced to the grocery store before the impending snow storm +[FEMALE] was driving home after a long day of errands +i had a box of tools +[MALE] woke up one morning +[FEMALE] loved to hand out candy to the kids on halloween +[MALE] had recurring dreams about an approaching tornado +[FEMALE] needed something to do +[FEMALE] went to bed extremely late one night +[FEMALE] was studying for her final exam +[MALE] was working at an office +"when i was 8 , i moved to a new school district" +a young girl was at the grocery store after work one night +[MALE] went to work as a band director right after college +[FEMALE] 's shirts all fit her strangely +[MALE] was different than most kids +[MALE] wanted to join her school 's film club +i had a great time fishing the other day +he had a craving for chicken +[MALE] went to visit his mom +[FEMALE] brother threw my sisters food on the ground +[FEMALE] wanted to go on a ghost hunt +the man fell from the roof +[FEMALE] family invited my uncle over for dinner +it was [FEMALE] 's turn to let the dog outside +i arrived at camp three days ago +[MALE] likes to play poker +[MALE] was at home +[MALE] and i wanted to watch a movie together last night +[MALE] was n't confident he would land the job +[MALE] 's mom took him to the ice cream parlor +[MALE] and his sister were hunting for shells on the beach +[FEMALE] was a little old lady who was resourceful and clever +[FEMALE] was on a road trip +[MALE] got drunk and went to the beach +[MALE] was on a boy scout camping trip +[FEMALE] had been getting stomach aches every day +[MALE] was making some pizza for his wife 's birthday +a frog sat on a log +[NEUTRAL] knew his girlfriend was upset with him +[MALE] noticed he had put on a lot of weight recently +the road was very slippery when the car hit the lamppost +[FEMALE] began to feel cold in her house +[MALE] and [FEMALE] went to the movies +[FEMALE] was at a doctor 's appointment +[FEMALE] locked her keys in her car +"[FEMALE] was late to work , but she could n't find her umbrella" +[FEMALE] roommate was not good at managing time in the mornings +i made plans for dinner with my girlfriend +[MALE] heard that his neighbor 's dog died +[MALE] decided to enter a woodworking contest at his school +[FEMALE] 's car shut down on the road +[FEMALE] could n't decide between the pink bunny and white horse +[FEMALE] received a manuscript +[MALE] was getting married +[MALE] is a car dealer +i was taking my economics exam +they noticed bees in the house even those spring had just started +[FEMALE] wanted to have a new look +[NEUTRAL] was underemployed +[FEMALE] was nervous about her date +a non-professional football team challenged the jets to a game +[MALE] walked into his class with a new haircut +biscuits was the nickname of my best friend +a new litter of [MALE] corgi puppies played together +[FEMALE] was on the phone with [FEMALE] who was out of town +[MALE] was driving his car +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] heard a noise coming from an abandoned house +[FEMALE] son heard a kid calling someone else names +[MALE] was doing some spring cleaning +our 2 year old granddaughter [FEMALE] visited from nyc last week +today i gave a chess lesson to my friend [MALE] +[FEMALE] needed a halloween costume +i wrote a long letter to my friend [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] came into her boyfriend 's room +[MALE] 's parents were gone for the weekend +[FEMALE] was a pretty model +[MALE] was working on an important work project +[MALE] went to a ball game with [MALE] +[FEMALE] had n't seen her little sister in years +[MALE] was worried that he could n't get home to see his family +[MALE] loved to try new foods +[FEMALE] went to a pizza restaurant +when i was a kid i wanted nothing more than to grow up +[NEUTRAL] graduated from cosmetology school and got her license +[FEMALE] was an investment banker +[MALE] had a weight problem +[FEMALE] wife does not like a truck parked by our driveway +[FEMALE] loves video games +everyone got together +[FEMALE] son and our neighbor got together for a play date +[FEMALE] fingers were swelling from arthritis +[MALE] 's desk was very dusty +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were going on a road trip +[MALE] 's car had broken down +[MALE] brought his cards to a friends house +[FEMALE] 's dog was hungry +[MALE] had to cut up two crates of onions for work +[FEMALE] was supposed to work at her novel all night +[MALE] loved his dad 's old hot rod +[FEMALE] wanted to learn to embroider +[MALE] thought about joining the army +[FEMALE] girlfriend bought a car without telling me first +[FEMALE] was reading about the benefits of camel milk online +[MALE] loves to do magic but his father does n't approve +i went to work yesterday +a school was about to open a new building +[MALE] played basketball with his friends +[MALE] was driving home after a long day at work +julianna had just had her first baby +i took my daughter back to school shopping +i went to the store to buy food to make a salad +[FEMALE] was on the bus on her way home +[NEUTRAL] was running late for work +a boy had a dream of playing basketball +[FEMALE] studied for weeks before the spelling bee +"[MALE] was at the movies with a new girl , [FEMALE]" +"it was friday , and [MALE] could not wait to get home" +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were playing on the seesaw +i thought [FEMALE] how to make a paper plane +mac started writing an editorial in the school paper +[MALE] always loved the horse races at his local track +the finster family had planned their first trip to the beach +ness wanted to throw a surprise party for her sister +[MALE] was at a concert +[MALE] was a very bad doctor +[MALE] did not value his hygiene like he should have +[MALE] heard a strange noise in the dark +[FEMALE] decided to sign up for a painting class +[MALE] made a mixtape for his girlfriend +[MALE] was feeling a bit ill +[MALE] was hungry +[MALE] 's grandma wanted to surprise him with a gift +[FEMALE] was feeling lonely in class +yesterday i ate some raspberries +[MALE] really wanted chrome rims for his car +[MALE] always wanted to make people happy +[MALE] was visiting a third world country +[MALE] went on a trip to new [MALE] +[FEMALE] was bored at work +[MALE] and [MALE] loved to go hiking +[FEMALE] was in the basement at her home +[FEMALE] wanted to be better +[MALE] wanted to make a smoothie +[FEMALE] invited the girls to her house on the islands +the electricity around the neighborhood turned off +[MALE] wanted to change his career and become sell real estate +the announcer called out [NEUTRAL] 's name +"on monday , i had to board a plane at 6 pm" +[FEMALE] brought her kids to the shelter to pick out a puppy +she moved closers to the window to look out +[NEUTRAL] wanted to be the team captain of her local volleyball team +[MALE] had always wanted to write a movie +[FEMALE] had always wanted an outdoor game to play with her kids +sampson was a strong and ferocious rottweiler +[NEUTRAL] needed money really bad +[MALE] and his parents went to garage sales every [NEUTRAL] +i visited a friend who worked at the humane society +[FEMALE] was coming down with a cold +[FEMALE] loved to eat bell peppers +[NEUTRAL] 's favorite pants had a rip in them +[MALE] and his three friends were always messing around +[FEMALE] was on the varsity basketball team +[FEMALE] was in a bad mood when she got to her desk +[MALE] was driving down the street when he saw a car wreck +[FEMALE] volunteered at an animal shelter last year +historians debated history +[MALE] was making a side dish for thanksgiving +[MALE] went out in a field with a metal detector +[FEMALE] wanted to be a model +[MALE] wanted to do well on his test +[FEMALE] had always been interested in learning how to juggle +[FEMALE] had an oral exam in science class +aj was having trouble with his math homework +[FEMALE] decided to make a strawberry yogurt smoothie +[MALE] realized he needed a change in his physical health +a man dove from an airplane and fell towards the earth +[MALE] had to clean the basement +there was an old tree at a local park +[MALE] had been pitching all of his life +the cashier handed the ice cream to [FEMAL] +"while sitting at home , [NEUTRAL] felt a slight pain in her chest" +[MALE] 's father came in from mowing the lawn +[MALE] was an avid hiker +[NEUTRAL] was on a train headed to chicago +[FEMALE] was having a lot of back pains +[FEMALE] 's hands were cracked and dry +[MALE] and his brother [MALE] were playing with a hot wheels track +[MALE] went to the gaeltacht to learn [FEMALE] +the kids were excited to go to the theater +[MALE] was on a long trip in the car +it was a school day and i was reading a book +[NEUTRAL] was truly a selfish girl +[FEMALE] needed a new makeup pallet +a man found a dog on the beach +[NEUTRAL] wanted to go to a new club everyone was talking about +i went to start my car last friday +[FEMALE] 's daughter 's birthday is tomorrow +[MALE] was drunk at the bar +[FEMALE] loved heavy metal music +[MALE] was at his desk working when his phone rang +[FEMALE] was ready for the weekend after a long work weekshe went to work on her friday and daydreamed about the nightshe and her boyfriend were going to be going to the moviesthey were going to see gods of egypt togethershe finally got out of work and let out a loud cheer +"every day when [MALE] gets home from work , he is very tired" +she had a huge skin tag on her neck +[FEMALE] had the opportunity to visit alaska +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] went to the old tire swing on the hill +[MALE] played goalie on a terrible hockey team +[FEMALE] went to the zoo in her town +[MALE] was tasked with finding his family 's christmas tree +"[MALE] 's cocker spaniel , [MALE] was just 8 weeks old" +[MALE] had always been shy +a group of children were playing a game of hide and seek +chung had become frustrated with his daily life +i had recently moved to [FEMALE] +there was a big race with many laps on a circular track +[NEUTRAL] lost the bleach cap +dj went to a shoe store with mom to buy new shoes +there was a town with a hurricane close by +[FEMALE] decided she wanted to learn to cook +[FEMALE] was on a run +[MALE] loved his cat +[MALE] had not spoken with his mother in 15 year 's +[NEUTRAL] was a lonely kid +[FEMALE] had been on a trip +[MALE] took his lighter out and waited +[FEMALE] was in the park walking her dog spot +[MALE] wanted the headphones that all of his friends were wearing +[NEUTRAL] has a big speech tomorrow +[MALE] was getting married in a day +[FEMALE] was on the basketball team +[MALE] wanted to learn how to fish but his dad was very busy +"i , owner of a company , announced the availability of company vehicles" +[MALE] was working on his roof +several people were walking around the mall +[FEMALE] loved watching real housewives of [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] and her brother went fishing +"last year , me and my friends took a road trip" +[FEMALE] was almost ready to leave the house +[MALE] wanted to buy a new car +[FEMALE] was riding in her toy jeep +[FEMALE] was getting married +[FEMALE] had massive teeth +i had to call into work this morning because of the flu +[FEMALE] noticed that the weather outside looked bad +a man robbed [MALE] 's house +[MALE] was the oldest brother out of three +[FEMALE] was walking to her next class +[FEMALE] sister used to paint a lot back in high school +[MALE] will never forget his favorite halloween +[FEMALE] tripped on her shoe while carrying a small tupperware +[NEUTRAL] wanted to have a pool party for his birthday +[MALE] realized his pantry was completely out of food +[MALE] was going to his graphic design class +[MALE] had a hard time at work +[MALE] 's apartment smelled bad +[FEMALE] met a man and they dated for two year 's +[FEMALE] was at her public library trying to find a book +yesterday [FEMALE] was asked out by a gorgeous young man +[MALE] noticed that the jacket is not heavy enough for the cold winter +the [MALE] family all got ready in formal wear +the man went to a cabin in the woods +[FEMALE] made a pan of lasagna +"[MALE] had worked hard all week , and decided to relax on [FEMALE]" +the reichardt 's were staying in a wonderful hotel +[MALE] was a quiet kid +the choir wanted to raise money for their trip +i was in my limousine when it got a flat tire +[NEUTRAL] was finally done with her music video +[FEMALE] was driving to [MALE] alone +[NEUTRAL] and her sister found a wallet on the street one day +[FEMALE] wanted to bake some cookies for her daughter +[FEMALE] was in a rush to get to school +a long time ago i got my mother 's car stuck in the sand +[MALE] loved to build large lego buildings +[MALE] went to pick up his mail +i was making dinner for my family the other night +[NEUTRAL] 's band was n't the best +[MALE] loved to eat corn +[FEMALE] looked over the directions for the experiment +[FEMALE] wore a skirt to school +[MALE] was known as a returning student +ron went cold with dreadful certainty +[MALE] was trying to tell a story to friends +[NEUTRAL] lost her cell phone +[MALE] wanted to give his mom a great present +[FEMALE] stood in the school bathroom alone +i was playing with my dog and fell down the stairs +yesterday i was cleaning up after a party +[MALE] went with his family to watch his little brother play baseball +a friend told me lime juice plus kool [MALE] taste really good +[FEMALE] set an appointment to get a manicure +[FEMALE] wife and i had decided to visit the [FEMALE] keys in january +i found an old coworker on [FEMALE] last month +gerty was very afraid of earthquakes +i bought a container of kinetic sand +[NEUTRAL] needed a necklace to wear to prom +a fbi agent infiltrated the mob +[FEMALE] begged to go to the horse races with her dad +[NEUTRAL] was failing her math class +[MALE] heard a really corny joke from one of his kids +davidson was moving toward the hoop +i dated [MALE] for 2 years in high school +[MALE] had always dreamed of visiting canada +i love recycling +[FEMALE] was on her daily run +[MALE] was a very timid boy in the 5th grade +[MALE] has always loved sports +[MALE] had been down the slide at the park lots of times +i went to the store to buy a new mouse pad +[MALE] needed to work in the fields +it was [MALE] 's first baseball game +[FEMALE] ordered a pizza and took it home +[MALE] had two kids of own +"[MALE] was sick every weekend , all weekend long" +[MALE] always beats [FEMALE] at soccer +[NEUTRAL] was rich growing up +[MALE] 's grown up dog had just had her first litter of puppies +[MALE] was flying to the cook islands +[MALE] decided to spend the sunny afternoon in the park +[MALE] was trying to lose some weight +julianna was expecting a baby and had gone into labor +the tired pilgrims made their way across the great desert +[MALE] visited the zoo with his family +[FEMALE] found a cat on the street +the group got together in front of the ice skating ring +[MALE] never practiced his violin +[FEMALE] little sister and i went to a school festival +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were very excited +i was just about to clock out from work +[FEMALE] favorite superhero is batman +[FEMALE] just had a baby boy +[NEUTRAL] really wanted a new bracelet +[MALE] 's neighbors sounded like they were fighting +[MALE] wanted to buy a car but his credit rating was bad +tonight we went to look at the stars +[FEMALE] was having a hard time reading +[FEMALE] family went horse riding on our vacation +[MALE] threw his bowling ball down the lane and waited +i wanted some hot mustard on my egg roll +[FEMALE] and [NEUTRAL] had everything they needed to make a huge sand castle +there was a small dog named [NEUTRAL] +[NEUTRAL] is walking home +[FEMALE] looked in her stocking +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] gave each other the silent treatment in the hall +[FEMALE] had a large test tomorrow +it was a beautiful day when [MALE] woke up +[MALE] bought four cans of blue paint +[FEMALE] was so tired +[MALE] woke up excited +[MALE] was furious at his friend +[MALE] always likes beef jerky +[FEMALE] sister-in-law loves bubble witch +[MALE] had family in britain +[FEMALE] was driving her convertible +it had been hot for five days +[FEMALE] was commissioned to paint a mural at the school +the field for the final four has been established +[MALE] and his wife were talking one day +[MALE] had a long term crush on [FEMALE] +[MALE] really wanted a hamburger +the professor gave everyone a final exam +[MALE] took [FEMALE] to a monster truck rally +junipers liked to collect coins +[MALE] enjoyed dancing a lot +[MALE] was nervous for tonight +[MALE] was riding in her convertible +[FEMALE] was curious about an old email inbox +[MALE] was away on vacation +[NEUTRAL] always helped his dad plant trees +[NEUTRAL] and his friends were stranded in a small town +i got dressed for the upcoming party tonight +[MALE] has had really bad canker sores for a week +[MALE] was nine but sometimes still wet the bed +[MALE] and his dad went to the town ice carving festival +[MALE] had his very first sleepover last weekend +[FEMALE] and her dorm mate [FEMALE] disliked each other +[MALE] was playing in his yard +[FEMALE] bought the last pair of [FEMALE] janes at the local shoe store +[NEUTRAL] went and got a new shirt +[MALE] wanted to become fit +me and my girlfriend have been dating for over 8 years +[MALE] wanted to learn how to surf +i was at a diner one evening +[NEUTRAL] loved playing with his cowboy toys +[MALE] wants to go to college +[MALE] loved his mom 's fried chicken +[MALE] and [FEMALE] 's mom died and they were cleaning her condemned house +[FEMALE] converted to [MALE] +[FEMALE] arrived at the hotel +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] became lovers +i never knew what a 401k was until yesterday +mac loved working in his shop +"aunt [FEMALE] signed up for a cpr course , because her parents were aging" +the family arrived at the campsite early in the morning +[FEMALE] was on a winding road near her home during a snowstorm +[MALE] wanted to have a romantic evening +[MALE] wanted to buy a new car +[FEMALE] sister in law [FEMALE] 's daughter smokes +[MALE] had mounting piles of bills to pay +we had a party last weekend +the detective was investigating a theft at the grocery store +[FEMALE] averaged 7 hours of sleep every night +[FEMALE] was a great cook but had no family nearby to cook for +[MALE] and [FEMALE] went out on their dock +[NEUTRAL] went to a thrift store to buy vinyl albums +[MALE] loved meditation +[MALE] was getting a bad case of insomnia +[MALE] broke his leg the other day +[MALE] was skateboarding with his friends +[FEMALE] went to the island of tahiti +[NEUTRAL] loved to bake as a young girl +[FEMALE] went to south [FEMALE] last year +[FEMALE] was very tired while driving +there was a young child +[MALE] went to the grocery store to buy some things +[MALE] really wanted to marry [FEMALE] +i asked my wife what she wanted for valentines +[MALE] wanted to send a birthday card to his grandmother +[NEUTRAL] wanted a new table +[MALE] was at the pool with some girls +[MALE] stayed up until 5 am +[MALE] lost his key one the walk home from school +[MALE] wanted to watch a movie with friends +[NEUTRAL] received the pizza from the store and went to her car +[MALE] 's girlfriend loved flowers +i was using the bench press in the gym +[MALE] went to town in his car like normal +[FEMALE] and [MALE] had a pet tarantula +[MALE] met [MALE] at a bar that evening +[MALE] was with his friends on a late night +[FEMALE] 's mom brought home a box of donated clothes +[FEMALE] friend came over and we hid [FEMALE] eggs +i was going to a different state to visit some friends +[MALE] 's girlfriend always made fun of his hair +[NEUTRAL] was in for a surprise when she purchased pb2 peanut butter +[NEUTRAL] wanted to build a treehouse +today i cleaned out the cat 's litter box +[FEMALE] was working on a complicated jigsaw puzzle +[NEUTRAL] had three opinions left to write +i had to drive to the parking office to get my parking permit renewed +[FEMALE] was driving down a country road one day +[MALE] got a goldfish +[NEUTRAL] went door to door to try to sell magazines +[FEMALE] remembered standing at this same quilt show last year +serge wanted to have fresh eggs daily +[MALE] 's house caught on fire +[MALE] took his bike out of storage +[FEMALE] was sitting in her home +[MALE] liked to play pool +[MALE] was driving his friends home from the bar +[NEUTRAL] was walking down the road +[MALE] did n't want his parents to get divorced +we spent 4 days in rome not long ago +[MALE] was going on vacation this summer +[FEMALE] was in her math class +[FEMALE] was playing ball with her brother outside +[FEMALE] was in labor +[FEMALE] and her mother loved to bake +i was flying from [FEMALE] to san [MALE] +it was [MALE] 's last day as a newsman +[FEMALE] bought a talking scale to help her lose weight +[MALE] thought he was a great guitar player +"growing up , i have never had a pc that could play games" +he cursed out loud +[MALE] bought a new hat +[MALE] was nervous about spending a week at camp +[FEMALE] took her laundry to the cleaners every week +[MALE] thought he was the best musician in all of philadelphia +the people waiting on the platform heard a loud bang +[MALE] ordered the biggest milkshake on the menu +[MALE] had been in and out of the hospital for a while +[FEMALE] found a necklace in her grandmother 's attic +[FEMALE] has participated in dance classes for her entire life +swarthy [MALE] was a bouncer at a local club +[FEMALE] has gone through a lot of doubt in her life +[FEMALE] had a very dirty car +i realize that wheat flour was bad for my stomach +[FEMALE] was very allergic to cheese which gave her migranes +[MALE] was working in an office +porters friends and family have noticed that he has gained weight +i bought a cheap used desk for work +the family had waited all year for this night +[MALE] lays bricks for a living +[MALE] lost his leg in a motorboat accident +[MALE] enjoyed a long dinner with friends at a nice restaurant +[MALE] had trouble paying attention his class +[NEUTRAL] was getting ready for his bowling match that night +[FEMALE] had a father who was a police officer +[FEMALE] had a bluetooth +there was a candy bar in the pool +[MALE] poured water into the pot +ron feels tired after working very hard +[FEMALE] and his family ordered chinese one night +[FEMALE] was going to the post office +[FEMALE] hated doing laundry +i will be moving to [FEMALE] soon +did you hear the horrible storm last night +[MALE] and [FEMALE] took their kids to the beach +the bell rang at exactly 8 :01 +[MALE] wanted to grow up and become a lawyer +a cop car with it 's siren on approached [MALE] +[FEMALE] moved to japan when she was 25 +[NEUTRAL] wanted to learn a new sport +one day the brother and sister wonder who could make better bread +[FEMALE] had always loved singing +[FEMALE] studied hard all throughout her senior year +the rocket was never found again +[FEMALE] was walking home from the park +[FEMALE] was buying a pair of shoes for her daughter +[MALE] told a lie +[MALE] owned a mid-sized construction company +[MALE] loved nature +[FEMALE] had just moved into a new house +i just printed out years worth of pictures i had on my computer +[FEMALE] was redoing her bathroom +[FEMALE] new house has an infestation of fruit flies +on monday i went to lunch with my friend +[FEMALE] needed books on dolphins for a project at school +[FEMALE] team played against a group of people at the court +[MALE] went to the dentist for a routine cleaning +[FEMALE] needed to take the bus to her parents house +[FEMALE] was on a tight budget but agreed to go antiquing with her friends +[MALE] went to las [NEUTRAL] for his bachelor party +[MALE] always stood out on the corner playing +[FEMALE] was so bad with technology that her friends mocked her for it +[MALE] wanted to be a singer +[MALE] argues with people on [FEMALE] all the time +[FEMALE] was pregnant and her doctor had some concerns +[MALE] loved playing football +a girl found a message on the beach +[MALE] continually examined his head +[FEMALE] 's mom wanted her to drink more fruit and veggie juice +[FEMALE] wanted to get rid of her tattoo +[MALE] got the horses out of the barn +[FEMALE] was gaining weight +[MALE] noticed a new lamp at home +[NEUTRAL] wanted to make some fresh lemonade +[FEMALE] was really sad since her beloved pet cat passed away +yesterday i was racing my wagon down the hill +[MALE] was nearing a panic +aunt [FEMALE] put a bet on [FEMALE] [MALE] +[MALE] was a huge fan of a band +[MALE] was telling jokes to [MALE] +[FEMALE] needed her son 's christmas wish list +[MALE] was broke and needed money +i loved swimming at the beach +[MALE] had always wanted to take a train trip across the country +[MALE] was a phenomenal bowman +[FEMALE] could n't decide who to have as a bridesmaid +[NEUTRAL] feels sad that he may never have children +i just learned how to ice skate last week +[MALE] wanted to be a computer programmer +[MALE] 's dad was disappointed when his son tried out for choir +[FEMALE] spotted a dog running loose on her way home from work +[MALE] was excited +today my daughter asked me to adopt a new child +[MALE] likes to play music +[FEMALE] 's parents were thrilled when they saw the results of her iq test +the chef at a restaurant wanted to make a new salad +[FEMALE] mother always told me i never had a father +[FEMALE] was very nervous +i worked in a hotel for a few years +[MALE] had a nasty cough +[FEMALE] wanted to make cookies +sanjay was a poor man in [FEMALE] +i was sitting on the bench yesterday waiting for pizza +"in the second video , it was christmas time" +i bought a new mower last summer +[FEMALE] got out of the shower and went to the mirror +[FEMALE] spared a centipede baby +[FEMALE] shoes were getting very worn and smelly +we were driving to my brother 's yesterday +[MALE] had to do the laundry +today i bought a new plant +when my dad was young he liked to climb trees +[MALE] wants to check the new fast food place in town +[NEUTRAL] and [FEMALE] were walking home from school +i wanted to go to yosemite national park +[MALE] had been answering questions for the last hour +i went to whole foods today +[NEUTRAL] planted a tree +[FEMALE] was going to drive her car out of town +[FEMALE] needed to make a phone call +[FEMALE] was to home bored on summer break +[FEMALE] was very pregnant with her firstborn child +[FEMALE] loves books +[NEUTRAL] got a new puppy from the shelter +[MALE] ran a membership only swimming pool +[NEUTRAL] had to go on a field trip to the history museum +[FEMALE] girlfriend loves showing me internet videos +went to a restaurant named chili 's +[MALE] did n't know what to get his wife for her birthday +[FEMALE] was very excited when she lost her first tooth +the kids were going to visit their grandparents +[MALE] was finally of voting age +[FEMALE] had rear-ended someone at a red light +[FEMALE] was running in the park one day +[FEMALE] was scared +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were highschool sweethearts 50 years ago +[FEMALE] had big dreams of opening her own bakery +[FEMALE] internet went out at the house +shilo hated hospital rooms +i had to get new tires for a long trip +[NEUTRAL] left for work for work one morning and forgot his coffee +ken was at the bar +[MALE] found out he and his wife were having a baby +cobie was the most attractive girl in class +[MALE] wanted to be a writer +[FEMALE] wanted a new candle for her apartment +[MALE] 's family always made hot dogs for dinner +[FEMALE] went to the dentist +[MALE] walked through the grass barefooted to take the trash out +i went out to pick up dinner +i wanted to go on a diet +"in the morning , i would let the dog out and go back to bed" +[NEUTRAL] went snorkeling while in [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] needed an emergency dentist +[MALE] had a big work project to do +[FEMALE] was going to cook french toast for her family +[MALE] wanted to learn how to ride a bike +[MALE] failed all of his exams this week +[FEMALE] bought a bunch of bananas at the store +[FEMALE] 's dad had given her money to buy a phone card +the parents bought their daughter a car +[FEMALE] spends a lot of time alone +[FEMALE] got up early so she could take a brisk 2-mile walk before work +[MALE] reviewed the work +[FEMALE] wanted her kids to eat healthy things +[FEMALE] was getting married +[NEUTRAL] needed a job that she was good at +[MALE] grabbed the soda can +[MALE] went to a tropical island over the summer +"[MALE] was at work but needed a coffee , he stepped out to get one" +our neighbors [FEMALE] and her son [MALE] were away all summer +[MALE] knew [FEMALE] was too conceited about her photography +[FEMALE] was at the mall and hungry for a snack +[FEMALE] boyfriend had a bad day +[MALE] 's son had a baseball game today +[FEMALE] was a teacher at a high school +[NEUTRAL] was inside his home +[FEMALE] could n't wait to get to the beach +[NEUTRAL] went out to eat at a restaurant +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] were about to get into an argument +[MALE] was feeling very tired +[MALE] was at the mall +the dog dug a hole +[MALE] decided to go to the gym for exercise +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] were fighting over a blanket +[MALE] thought his new trench coat was very sleek +there was a fire drill at [MALE] 's job one morning +[MALE] was an adept mechanic with a mysterious and dark past +[FEMALE] friend asked me for help when he was writing his book +[FEMALE] has been wanting a puppy for years +[MALE] was allergic to peanuts +the boy learned about farming +the cat hid in the bush +one time my cousins and i were playing at my grandparents +we had pizza for dinner tonight +[FEMALE] was in charge of planting trees in a city +[MALE] had just finished high school +[FEMALE] was n't feeling well +the bulb blew in my lamp last night +[FEMALE] occupational therapist worked with me in 2011 +i was nervous because i was about to finish my driver 's test +we were learning about graphs in 6th grade +"driving up to her mother 's house , [FEMALE] saw an icy patch of walkway" +[MALE] 's father was a firefighter +[NEUTRAL] 's neck had been hurting recently +[FEMALE] went to the mall with her friends +[FEMALE] was backstage during her dance recital +today was a very hot day +[MALE] just got fired from work +[MALE] went to a work retreat at a fish camp +[FEMALE] had a little goldfish +the twin baby boys just would not sleep at the same time easily +[MALE] was in love +[MALE] had just learned how to used the telephone at home +[NEUTRAL] sat in class with her classmates staring at the clock +[FEMALE] wanted pasta for lunch +[FEMALE] was in detention +[FEMALE] always loved her grandmother 's biscuits +[FEMALE] had a cat +[FEMALE] friend and i wanted to buy a new car +[MALE] 's friends wanted him to meet a certain girl +[FEMALE] had a whole bunch of oranges +[MALE] had bought a new movie +[MALE] 's girlfriend loved flowers +one day i was walking down the avenue in my city +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] 's father was into indian religion +[FEMALE] decided to invite her boyfriend over +we woke up early this morning for therapy +[FEMALE] was a good cook +[MALE] liked bees +i played three games of chess with my friend [MALE] last night +[FEMALE] went to the store to buy groceries for a special dinner +[NEUTRAL] woke up for work earlier than usual this morning +[MALE] bought a dog for his mom +[MALE] liked learning card tricks +[MALE] was hanging out with his friend [MALE] +[FEMALE] wanted to see a concert with her friends +[NEUTRAL] ordered a beautiful dress +"[FEMALE] had best cancer , but the treatment had made her hair fall out" +"it was a clear night , perfect for fireworks" +there was a boy in a choir who was very rude +the professor began covering the lecture today +[FEMALE] boss ' daughter got engaged in 1996 +it was the first time [FEMALE] and her husband were going to buy a house +[MALE] was playing catch with his dog +[MALE] was always the happiest person in a room +[MALE] wanted to throw a house party for [MALE] 's birthday +[MALE] was very nervous to ask [FEMALE] out on a date +[NEUTRAL] got a pink balloon from the store today +[MALE] was a farmer +it was cold in [MALE] 's house +[FEMALE] 's dad had drowned when she was four +[MALE] experienced neck pain +[FEMALE] wife saw a video on cooking mac and cheese with bacon +[MALE] was having his picture day on school monday +[MALE] had a new dessert called ice berries +[MALE] was trying to earn a few extra dollars over the summer +[FEMALE] was heading home from the bar one night +[FEMALE] took her kids out to find a restaurant for dinner +there is nothing sweeter than a new baby +[MALE] was always up for volunteering during his spare time +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] went on a trip to visit their aunt +[FEMALE] went to cvs near her home +"after moving out on his own , [MALE] felt lonely" +[FEMALE] had stolen my marbles and would n't return them +[NEUTRAL] had a crush on a classmate +[FEMALE] was far from being sweet +[NEUTRAL] loved to play soccer in the street with his friends +the last customer in the canoe shop came 4 minutes before close +[MALE] parked his car at an incline +[FEMALE] was sitting at house +[FEMALE] 's mom decided the family should go to the beach +[FEMALE] was in a book reading club +[MALE] was a young fireman +[FEMALE] friend [FEMALE] is a yoga instructor +there once was a very special raven +[MALE] loved milk +[MALE] had just gotten off work and was headed straight home +[MALE] was watching television +[FEMALE] wanted to go to the beach +[MALE] had broken a picture frame +[MALE] always watched a tv show called circle one +[FEMALE] wanted mashed potatoes all day +[MALE] found a bag of marijuana in his teenage son 's bedroom +[FEMALE] loved to have adventures +[MALE] needed new running shoes +[MALE] was allergic to peanuts +[MALE] had just converted to judaism +[FEMALE] bought a gift for her son 's teacher +[NEUTRAL] was competing in a pie eating contest +[FEMALE] is getting married today +i was a data entry clerk +[NEUTRAL] was a great athlete +it was one week before christmas +[MALE] was driving to work early in the morning +[FEMALE] was n't used to wearing lipstick +jrue dealt with leg injuries throughout his career +[MALE] made a sand castle at the beach +[FEMALE] left oklahoma city on a cold [NEUTRAL] morning +[MALE] loved meat +[MALE] was driving his car +[MALE] chased after the rainbow through the fields +two drunks at the bar got so drunk they could n't speak coherently +[FEMALE] dad has always been into running +[MALE] built a treehouse +[MALE] was at a garage sale +i want to start taking better care of things +[FEMALE] is a 90 year old woman who lives in our building +[FEMALE] bets her friend that she can go a week without junk food +the jogger ran up the hill +[MALE] was a photographer +yesterday was mother 's day +i woke up one morning and was very bored +[FEMALE] has always wanted to try running a marathon +i read in the news that a criminal escaped from jail +[MALE] was struggling in school +[MALE] wanted to join his high school football team +[MALE] 's dog was walking with a limp +[FEMALE] had her make professionally done all her life by one person +[MALE] was an actor in a play +[MALE] 's assignment was due today +auntie elm likes to cook dinner +[NEUTRAL] loved street racing +[FEMALE] tried to defend her opponent +[MALE] 's apartment was broken into +[MALE] listed his electric generator for sale on the community list +[FEMALE] was in her second year of dance when she moved to group two +i was invited to a halloween party for this weekend +the man moved to [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] wanted to go to the beach +[MALE] often wore earbuds in his ears +[FEMALE] was walking home from school +everyone was eating dinner on the ship +[MALE] had his teeth cleaned and the dentist took pictures of his teeth +[MALE] had to wake up for work in a couple of hours +i took my son to preschool today +[MALE] was driving his work truck in the winter +the family got together today +[FEMALE] wanted to adopt a child +[MALE] went in for his regular check up +every year [FEMALE] bakes her husband a cake for his birthday +i was tired but not ready to go to sleep yet +[MALE] wanted to do something special for his son +[NEUTRAL] alluded to a treasure hidden behind his house +someone knocked on [FEMALE] 's door +[NEUTRAL] always let his dog out on the yard +[MALE] needed new oil for his car +[MALE] was moving some boxes to his new house +[MALE] has a big exam tomorrow +i was tending to my garden in late november +[FEMALE] was planning on walking with her baby +"when i was a child , i was in my grandma 's yard trying to catch a bird" +[FEMALE] liked to go to the casino +i went to the doctor yesterday today for a check up +[NEUTRAL] 's first wrestling match was last [NEUTRAL] +it was the annual field trip at [FEMALE] 's school and she excited +[MALE] bought a new pair of boots +[MALE] went skiing for the first time ever +"[MALE] liked to drink , but he often got carried away" +cad wanted to go hiking +[MALE] wanted to ride her bike +[NEUTRAL] 's beard was growing too long +i was home alone relaxing watching tv +[MALE] went outside to play +[FEMALE] loved watching movies all the time +i went on a road trip with my friends +[FEMALE] was grounded and had to stay in the house +i was walking down the street in the city +[FEMALE] was extremely afraid of spiders +[FEMALE] 's daughter won first place in a competition +[MALE] was born on a farm +i was playing with my cousin +[MALE] tried to propose to [FEMALE] at a basketball game +[FEMALE] knelt in front of her toy box +[MALE] was playing darts at his favorite bar +spot is a beagle and she loves to run +[MALE] was growing out his hair +[NEUTRAL] was a picky eater +a family was really tired of sitting in the house +[MALE] decided he wanted a fish +[FEMALE] was wearing a beautiful white dress to the dance +they boys had a fishing trip planned +i adopted a homeless family for christmas +[FEMALE] took a picture of herself breastfeeding her baby +[FEMALE] decided to host a tea party for her stuffed animals +[MALE] loved plants +[MALE] notices that his car is getting dirty +jll is excited when her boss quits +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were moving into a new house +i went through rush in college +[MALE] was offered a cooking show for a new cable network +"when the little boy went home , he could n't find his mother or father" +[FEMALE] had always wanted to be a singer +[MALE] had a really old computer +[FEMALE] needed a new pair of slippers +[MALE] was hired to do data entry for a tech company +our friends from nh visited us last week +[MALE] was at home +the art teacher showed [FEMALE] 's class how to make snowflakes +[FEMALE] was moving out into a home of her own +driving down the road [MALE] saw flashing lights in his rearview mirror +[MALE] went to the zoo today +[FEMALE] woke up and stretched +[MALE] used to play football in high school +[MALE] had to get his fingerprints done +[FEMALE] was going to write a speech on dolphins for class +[MALE] bought a new pair of socks +i was sitting on the floor +prices for gas were going up +[MALE] was at a new bar +[MALE] pulled into the driveway +the match was tied 25-25 +[MALE] and [FEMALE] 's wedding day had finally arrived +[FEMALE] wanted to plant a vegetable garden in her backyard +i do mturk every day +[MALE] worked in construction +[MALE] bought some plants +[FEMALE] worked hard to prepare thanksgiving dinner +[FEMALE] was eating at a restaurant +[NEUTRAL] had been a drug addict almost as long as he had been a farmer +everyday he walked by the mural and it reminded him of her +[FEMALE] 's father died before she was born +[MALE] and jenni were having an ultrasound that day +the man grabbed the woman 's purse +[MALE] was going to the movies +[MALE] had feared replacing the broken crown +once there was a man and woman in a tiny flat +i wanted to buy a sparkly ring +the other day i took a train ride into the city +[MALE] 's aunt brought home some cold cut turkey +i got home from work early +[FEMALE] needed to clear out the pantry +[FEMALE] was proud of her blossoming spanish skills +[FEMALE] is one of the managers for football games and the university +[FEMALE] wanted a pair of fancy sandals from the store +[MALE] bought chocolates from the store +it was a hot day +the kids loved playing games +we met a guy in the labrat boarding house that loved girls +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were small children +[FEMALE] was tired of her husband 's bad manners +binch [MALE] owned a company that manufactured winches +there was a dirty plate in the sink +[MALE] was watching a funny movie +[NEUTRAL] wanted some money to buy a new dress +"on october 17th , our local hot dog shop celebrated its birthday" +[MALE] hit his golf ball and watched it go +in 1998 we had to get uniforms for my son +[FEMALE] hated walking to school a mile each way +the man went to germany +[MALE] had an old grey truck +[MALE] was filming a prank video for youtube +i was writing an essay +[NEUTRAL] packed a lunch for the field trip +[MALE] was walking outside to tend to his garden +[NEUTRAL] had just moved to a new house +when i was in college i thought having a child is easy +i was out on a date eating sushi with my girlfriend in malibu +"under the [NEUTRAL] administration , two sisters got their green cards" +[FEMALE] needed her book bag for school +one day i drove from [FEMALE] to [MALE] +i am very nervous and squeamish in medical environments +[MALE] decided to support [MALE] for the election +[MALE] lived in a nice community +[FEMALE] was driving on a icy winding road +[MALE] found out he had an asthma +[FEMALE] carried her items to the checkout aisle +[FEMALE] cooked dinner for her family +[NEUTRAL] wanted to write a murder mystery novel +"dean was running for presidenthe was seen by the media as kind of crazyduring a speech , he let out a triumphant yellthis caused a backlashhe ended up backing out of the race" +[MALE] noticed a stain in his pants +[NEUTRAL] needed new brakes +the garage sale looked pretty typical with knick knacks and junk +[MALE] went to the orthodontist today +[FEMALE] loved her dog [FEMALE] +the dog ran into the room +[MALE] was dating a girl +when cat was three she had an imaginary friend +[MALE] was sitting at his work desk +our team went to a certain track meet every year +[NEUTRAL] was out for a walk +[FEMALE] uncle lives on a bay +[MALE] walked over to a bus stop and sat down +[NEUTRAL] 's birthday was coming up the following monday +i hated fall +[FEMALE] dog was in the backyard +[MALE] visited his parents for the holiday +a police showed up at the house +[NEUTRAL] bet that he could tame his pet lizard +[MALE] commutes on the train to work every day +our pet dog was weighed at the vet yesterday +[MALE] was walking down the street and saw a homeless man +[MALE] wanted to be a painter +[MALE] was helping a friend move +[FEMALE] had been searching for weeks for her wedding dress +[MALE] bought gifts for his son for christmas +a stealth bomber flew high above enemy lands +[FEMALE] went on a mission trip with her church +[FEMALE] felt like she was getting stuck in a boring routine +[FEMALE] was looking for a plane ticket +[FEMALE] was about to travel to malaysia +a former coworker had an affair +[MALE] had just bought a new video game +[MALE] went into his room one morning and saw a giant spider by a hole +[MALE] was buying some pumpkins for his family to carve +last summer my family went to a water park resort in [FEMALE] +[MALE] accidentally ran over his neighbor 's flower bed last week +[FEMALE] took her sons to see [FEMALE] [MALE] at the mall +[MALE] noticed his dog was licking his chops non stop +[MALE] was excited to start his online cooking course +[MALE] worked at an office that had a contest +[MALE] was climbing the tree when he heard a crack +[FEMALE] loved to pet her neighbor 's dog +[FEMALE] friend [NEUTRAL] was 22 when she moved into the building +[MALE] was working in his office +"[MALE] was on an island for vacation , walking through some shops" +"[MALE] , [MALE] , and [NEUTRAL] were three brother only a year apart in age" +[MALE] asked his parents for a bike but they could n't afford one +the man hung a painting +i found a swimming pool full of green water this morning +the [MALE] went to the beach every year +there is a fossil shop on the isle of wight called island gems +[MALE] was a reporter who sought notoriety and fame +it was the weekend and [MALE] had no school +the man went to the restaurant +[FEMALE] was at her apartment +[FEMALE] had fair skin +[MALE] had horrible vivid nightmares +tiff wanted a turtle for her birthday +[FEMALE] lost her job after her daughter was born +[NEUTRAL] was listening to music on his ipod +i purchased a high-end mechanical keyboard +[FEMALE] was hungry one night +the house was a burned out husk that teenagers partied in +[FEMALE] was a teenager who never found time to spend with her family +[FEMALE] 's grandma was visiting +[MALE] inherited an old clock from his father +the children were ready to lay down +[NEUTRAL] wanted to save on his energy bill +[FEMALE] picked her mother up from the train station +was spending thanksgiving with my parents +[FEMALE] wanted to get her trees trimmed +[MALE] rarely went to church +[FEMALE] woke up famished at 3am +i decided to go on a road trip to [NEUTRAL] to mount [MALE] +[MALE] needed to get a shot +i work in a transit authority +[FEMALE] was nervous +[FEMALE] really wanted a new phone +i was painting the living room last week +[FEMALE] wanted to grow her hair long +i tried to make a bowl of cereal this morning +i worked in downtown [MALE] in 2010 +[NEUTRAL] 's job was having a contest +[MALE] was learning how to bake bread +[FEMALE] is an avid tennis fan +[MALE] had never been bowling before +[MALE] could n't sleep +one of my closest friends had asked me to help him move +[NEUTRAL] went fishing with his dad +[FEMALE] mother went into the basement today +[FEMALE] neighbor [FEMALE] was waiting for the bus today +[MALE] recently asked his teenage son to help him mow the lawn +[MALE] thought that he had failed his math test +[FEMALE] lived alone in a big blue house in the forest +[MALE] had a debilitating disease +[FEMALE] and her husband wanted to take a small trip +[MALE] was supposed to take out the trash +[MALE] moved to a new house +[MALE] woke up with a pain in his leg +the floor in my apartment was a mess +it was my birthday +[FEMALE] was visiting [NEUTRAL] for her first time +[MALE] had recently graduated college and was unemployed +[NEUTRAL] wanted to try a new bagel place +[MALE] heard a mean comment that was directed towards him +[MALE] lived at home with his mom +i was shopping +[MALE] loved basketball he wanted to play for his school 's team +[NEUTRAL] forgot to set her alarm +[NEUTRAL] 's parents gave him a dollar for each lost tooth +[MALE] met [FEMALE] in elementary school +[NEUTRAL] had to drive to the airport to catch a flight to [MALE] +[FEMALE] mother has always been there for me for as long as i could remember +[MALE] 's parents signed him up for little league baseball +[MALE] was so excited for christmas +[FEMALE] had four kids that were involved in many different activities +i decided to look for a job +fannie went swimming in a pond that had leeches +[MALE] was taking a woodworking class +[MALE] wanted to go on the water ride +i was sitting at my computer desk one day +preslie made the best memphis bbq around +when my brother and i were little we were in the scouts +[FEMALE] was n't sure if she could muster the courage to leave +the dog appeared almost to be laughing +[MALE] was depressed because his girlfriend had broken up with him +a month ago i read that my favorite singer sister was gay +[FEMALE] was shopping at target +[MALE] loved to go camping and watch nature shows +i went out to the grocery store with my mother today +the teacher blew the whistle for recess to end +[FEMALE] was concerned about her upcoming prom +once i went to a hockey game +[FEMALE] was home drunk +[FEMALE] liked to sit out back on her patio every evening +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were neighbors +[MALE] was washing dishes +a man had an awkward conversation with a business partner +[FEMALE] wishes to learn to ride a bike +[NEUTRAL] wanted strawberry ice cream +[FEMALE] loves planning parties +[MALE] is in love +[MALE] fell asleep at a party after one too many drinks +[MALE] was nervous that prom was coming up +[MALE] had always been afraid of farm animals +i decided to make thanksgiving dinner from scratch +[MALE] was a recent college grad +little [NEUTRAL] was walking in the neighborhood +i went to the airport yesterday +[MALE] won tickets to a rock concert +[MALE] had just seen the sacred aboriginal site of uluru +every year around thanksgiving there is a feast +[FEMALE] needed to transfer some money from one account to another +[MALE] wanted a bike +[FEMALE] went off to college across the country +when i was in kindergarten i never liked to talk in front of my class +ron wants to find something to do this afternoon +i had to move cities for my new job +[MALE] was a well respected businessman and neighbor +[MALE] stole a wallet at a party on friday +the woman took great care of her garden +[MALE] was just getting into work +[FEMALE] was scared to get her ears pierced for the first time +i helped make custom jars yesterday with my sister +[FEMALE] was a server at a restaurant +[FEMALE] went to the park with her mom +[MALE] had never ironed his clothing +[NEUTRAL] wanted to quit smoking +the gas station i frequent to buy coffee was robbed +[MALE] visited a new city +[FEMALE] bought a dozen eggs at the store +one day [FEMALE] and her friends decided to play mini golf +[MALE] needed a new oven +addie was at the zoo with her family +[FEMALE] mom taught me how to make pasta +[MALE] and [FEMALE] are moving to [FEMALE] +[NEUTRAL] was walking to get her mail +[NEUTRAL] loves to wear his pajamas +[FEMALE] loved the book she was reading +[MALE] served the volleyball +[FEMALE] was hungry and decided to eat a [NEUTRAL] butter sandwich +[MALE] needed to buy a new water heater +[MALE] told a lie to his friend +[MALE] wanted to buy a racing wheel for his computer +[MALE] could n't start his day without coffee +[MALE] enjoyed going to the arcade every single day +the woman produced an album +[FEMALE] wanted to get her mother a great gift for mother 's day +it was [FEMALE] 's birthday +[NEUTRAL] liked going to her neighborhood pool in the summer time +[MALE] would always read his children bedtime stories before bed +[MALE] had worked very hard at his science project +[MALE] went on a cruise vacation +[NEUTRAL] wanted to paint her living room olive green +one day my niece 's six year old son acted up in school +the store started a pharmacy online +[MALE] was excited to spend the day at the beach +i found this recipe for a fun fruit bowl +i walked inside my sister 's filthy house +[FEMALE] was running low on infant formula +[MALE] woke up at 7 am to the sound of his stomach growling +[FEMALE] 's granddaughter [FEMALE] was giving her major attitude +[MALE] lost his job +[MALE] was walking down the city streets +[FEMALE] did n't believe in ghosts +"[FEMALE] went to school with a guy named , clem" +"a year ago , i decided i wanted to buy a house" +[NEUTRAL] was sitting on the couch one day +[MALE] had always been a trouble maker +[MALE] had reservations at a hotel +i went to the store today to buy some ice cream +[FEMALE] was hungry for a snack +[FEMALE] loved reading +[MALE] watched the baseball game on television +[MALE] has grown up in a family of fishermen +[MALE] had lived a good life when he was about to die +it was [MALE] 's first day of school +the winter season in kansas was n't usually too bad +[MALE] needed to change his oil +[MALE] had a son in high school +[MALE] was shooting in target practice +[FEMALE] was jogging with [NEUTRAL] in the park +[FEMALE] heard a noise outside her window +[MALE] was fined for jaywalking on his birthday +[MALE] loved the outdoors +[MALE] wanted a job +i decided to start my own business +[MALE] was in his 70s and had long since lost his first wife +"it was already almost noon , and [FEMALE] was feeling hungry again" +[MALE] likes to turn off my computer monitor +[FEMALE] was in class with her crush [MALE] +[FEMALE] always found cards when she went walking on the streets of nyc +"two gymnasts , [MALE] and [MALE] , were having a handstand contest" +[NEUTRAL] had always wanted to be a doctor because he liked to help people +[MALE] desperately wanted to be a professional golfer when he grew up +[MALE] was driving in the highway +[NEUTRAL] could not find his other shoe +[MALE] had never tried ping pong before +kacey was making whipped cream +[MALE] loved everything about rice +[MALE] was a college graduate when his parents divorced +[FEMALE] was asleep in her room at 8 am +[FEMALE] wanted to find the perfect gift for her granddaughter +[MALE] was playing pool with a friend +[MALE] turned 21 last week +[FEMALE] was tired of being stuck in the house all alone +[MALE] 's parents told him they were moving to chicago +i did n't think it was possible to be addicted to marijuana +[MALE] was good student but came from a poor family +[MALE] had just checked into his japanese hotel +i wanted to have custom playing cards printed +we had a lot of cookouts in front of our condo building +[MALE] 's car died on him +[FEMALE] wanted to clean behind the refrigerator +[MALE] was traveling out of state +"[MALE] , an elderly and frail man , was moved by charity solicitations" +[FEMALE] had a 7 month old baby who woke up every night to eat +[MALE] had to take a business trip for work +[NEUTRAL] and [FEMALE] were playing at the pool +[MALE] went for a walk in the woods behind his house to gather kindling +[MALE] loaded his large bag into his truck +i got new glasses in the spring of 2015 +mom and dad were about to get off work and thinking about what to eat +[MALE] 's parents enrolled him in a piano class +[MALE] and his friend were talking over lunch one day +i was walking in the park when i saw a very attractive guy +[MALE] went to the hardware store for some paint +"as a kid , i took up gymnastics" +[NEUTRAL] 's skin looked terrible +[MALE] was a cake maker +[MALE] and his friends decided to go hiking +[MALE] was scared of skating +[FEMALE] was playing in her living room +[MALE] was cleaning his apartment +[MALE] invited his girlfriend home for thanksgiving +mira was a very old woman who lived by herself +a man greeted me in school +[MALE] got a telescope for his birthday +i really wanted to win the lottery +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] likes to eat clams for dinner +[MALE] met a mexican girl and they fell in love +[MALE] was at the beach with friends +[MALE] took his son to a toy store +[NEUTRAL] recently enrolled into college for her master 's degree +[NEUTRAL] did not want to go to [FEMALE] 's party +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] decided to take a road trip to see old architecture +[MALE] was hungry and his stomach growled +[MALE] wanted to set himself apart from the crowd +[FEMALE] was at the park with friends +[NEUTRAL] was crossing the street +[MALE] 's mouth felt sort of weird +[MALE] studied for his exam in the library +[FEMALE] wanted to speak a lot of languages +i do n't usually listen to commercial christmas music +[FEMALE] was laying around watching tv one night +a frontman for a band went to [FEMALE] to film a music video +[NEUTRAL] is terrified of flying +[MALE] did not like to read books +one day the acker family decided to go stargazing on the hill outside +[MALE] is the kicker on the football team +[FEMALE] wanted to become a vegetarian +[NEUTRAL] smelled the stranger standing on the lawn +[FEMALE] was diagnosed with brain cancer +[MALE] did n't like to play the recorder in front of people +[FEMALE] told her best friend a secret about her crush +i have been going to the library every day after school +[MALE] wanted to go down to the nearby cemetery +[FEMALE] 's new kitten left the house infested with fleas +[FEMALE] was at an [FEMALE] party +[MALE] coached the lakers +[NEUTRAL] had never been to a funeral +the candy store was having a sale +[MALE] was out at the bar with his friends one night +"[FEMALE] woke her friends [NEUTRAL] , and [NEUTRAL] up at 12 :30 pm" +i always wanted to scuba dive in caves +[MALE] was very nervous about his interview +[MALE] decided to go on a blind date with [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was cooking some stew +there was a mean janitor at my school +[FEMALE] had a paper due at school in the morning +i got a chitty chitty bang bang book for my 7th birthday +[FEMALE] recently played at a rock show in sacramento +[MALE] was new in college and tried to join a frat +a heat wave swept the city one summer +[FEMALE] had fallen on ice in the middle of the street +[MALE] had decided tonight would be the night he proposed to delana +[FEMALE] was losing patience with her dog 's disobedience +[NEUTRAL] went to a chinese restaurant on a blind date +a rainstorm had caused severe damage to the roof of the house +[MALE] started to write a story +[MALE] is the boss at his sales company +[MALE] thinks he 's the best at video games +[NEUTRAL] wanted to be an astronaut his entire life +when [FEMALE] 's husband died she was very lonely +"[NEUTRAL] was running late , she needed to catch the bus to work" +[MALE] is has a miserable marriage +we lived in a housing project +[MALE] was an avid skateboarder +[NEUTRAL] and her mom were planning to go to a garage sale +ruil moved to the us from mexico +[FEMALE] enjoyed kayaking +[MALE] was a private investigator +[FEMALE] started school yesterday +when i was a little girl i loved [MALE] +[MALE] was cooking for the family +[FEMALE] decided that she really wanted a new tattoo +the friends drove across the border to buy a bunch of fireworks +[MALE] bought a pool +the politicians were in their final days of campaigning +[MALE] was racing +[FEMALE] was really popular +[FEMALE] was on a flight +[NEUTRAL] had cat named tux +every winter the [MALE] 's visit their ski lodge +[MALE] could n't stop sneaking food from the kitchen late at night +[MALE] was scared of boxes +[FEMALE] liked toys alot for xmas +[FEMALE] started playing soccer for the first time +[FEMALE] loved her grandmother 's fresh made ice tea +[NEUTRAL] decided she needed a new look +[FEMALE] loved to watch the shopping channel +[NEUTRAL] was 85 years old and in a retirement home +[FEMALE] new printer was printing poorly today +[MALE] tossed a bag of chips into his backpack before he walked to school +[FEMALE] has always wanted to wear a pair of high heels +the newly married couple decided to buy a house +[MALE] got home from school one day +[FEMALE] did not want to get up early +[MALE] wanted to buy his girlfriend an engagement ring +[MALE] took a shower before he left for work +[MALE] lived at a fraternity house +[FEMALE] wanted to lose weight and straighten her hair +every [FEMALE] [MALE] does his laundry for the upcoming week +i came home today from a big day at work +i came to class early in order to find a good seat +[FEMALE] friends and i were playing pool at my house +[NEUTRAL] wanted to go to the parkhis mom told him it was going to rain +[MALE] and his brother [MALE] were playing in their backyard +[FEMALE] heard there was a public transport delay on the ttc +[MALE] was bored so he went to read the forum +[MALE] was visiting a museum in [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] poured herself a big bowl of cereal +[FEMALE] was watching a documentary on tv +[NEUTRAL] is a 6 year old boy who lives with me +[NEUTRAL] 's mother told him to always put his shoes away +[FEMALE] owned a cat named twinkles +[NEUTRAL] wanted to give [NEUTRAL] a massage +[MALE] was in a ferocious gang +[MALE] and [FEMALE] recently began a relationship together +[FEMALE] had just reached the summit of the tall mountain +i was training to become a cashier in a casino +[FEMALE] was short on money all of time +[MALE] whistled a popular tune as he worked at his desk job +[MALE] was a distance walker +[FEMALE] was sitting at the back of the school bus +[FEMALE] loved to eat chili dogs even though they gave her gas +i got called into work last night +[FEMALE] wanted to move to japan +when i went to walmart i was going to pay in cash +i talked to my friend [MALE] 's wife today +nashville is [FEMALE] 's favorite place to visit +[FEMALE] had a new classmate at school +[NEUTRAL] was very hungry and decided to go to her favorite restaurant +[FEMALE] entered the classroom along with the rest of her classmates +[FEMALE] loved to go fishing +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] went on a date +[NEUTRAL] invited all his friends over +gale always wanted to try acting +[FEMALE] parents decided to take my brother and i on a road trip +i bought an electric shaver a year ago +the teacher gave the class a writing assignment +a little girl asked for a pet for her birthday +[MALE] wanted to build his son a treehouse for his birthday +[FEMALE] was cooking for her kids +[FEMALE] was a great performer +gating was a distance runner +five people played poker one night +[NEUTRAL] 's fourth grade class was knitting scarfs for the homeless +one time i ran a three kilometer race +everyday i would see a green caterpillar outside my house +[MALE] wanted to play an instrument +this year i plowed my field and with my new tractor +[FEMALE] had an old vcr +[NEUTRAL] stayed out late with his friends one weekend +[MALE] told his son it was quiet time before bed +[MALE] and [NEUTRAL] observed a rat running across their kitchen floor +[MALE] waited by the bus stop +[FEMALE] and her friend were at a seafood restaurant eating crab legs +[FEMALE] went to her waitressing job after school +[MALE] broke up with her boyfriend and was single again +[FEMALE] wanted some hot cocoa +[NEUTRAL] woke up feeling miserable +[FEMALE] was getting ready for halloween +[MALE] took his daughter to the farmer 's market +familyfix spends their summer vacation at the same beach every year +[FEMALE] niece 's daughter was accepted into the university of alabama +the first time i had seen a horse i was awestruck +the lamb ate grass +[NEUTRAL] slipped in the mud at her friend 's house +[NEUTRAL] wanted to get her belly button pierced +there was a problem with [FEMALE] 's left eye +[FEMALE] loves to draw +naya went for a perm +[MALE] ran his own business +[FEMALE] is a very insecure girl that does n't think highly of herself +[MALE] was trying a new trick at the skate park +[MALE] wanted a new living room chair +[MALE] was a farmer +[FEMALE] noticed smoke coming from the next room +[FEMALE] was working on paying some bills +[MALE] loves to play video games +"[MALE] , a college student , had frequent bouts with feeling depressed" +a group of thieves broke into the house +[MALE] got a new phone because he was tired of his old one +[FEMALE] had grown a beautiful flower garden +ron was playing football outside with his friends +[FEMALE] got flowers from her boyfriend +[FEMALE] likes to wear makeup +[NEUTRAL] wanted to eat lunch +jase was hungry +[MALE] is pitching at a baseball game +[FEMALE] was in labor early one morning +[FEMALE] was doing the dishes +i went out to eat chinese food last night +[FEMALE] hated everything about her nose +[MALE] killed [MALE] +[MALE] was sitting at home +[MALE] was a big fan of sweets +the blacksmith took the glowing metal out of the fire +the man bought a gift +[FEMALE] son had to read frankenstein for summer reading +[FEMALE] loved to eat dessert a lot +i went apple picking with my sweetheart the other day +"[MALE] is starting his first job at mcdonald 'sfrom the start , everything is loud and chaotic" +[FEMALE] was washing the dishes +[FEMALE] was enjoying her lovely afternoon at the park +[MALE] kept bragging to [MALE] about his money +[MALE] has an oyster in his fish tank +there was a creative child who wanted to be an author +[MALE] needed to make a quick hundred bucks +[MALE] was playing in his yard +it had been worn down to a few strings +[FEMALE] was walking through the store +[MALE] was a bright young college student +[FEMALE] had always dreamed of a vacation to [FEMALE] +i bought a new pair of shoes online +[MALE] was excited to see what was for lunch +[MALE] was very poor +[MALE] sat at the piano in his teacher 's studio +[MALE] loved to play hide and go seek +i was up all night studying for an exam and got a terrible ache +i was rushed into my dental appointment yesterday +[FEMALE] and i stayed up all night talking +i was raking leaves in my front yard +[MALE] lived two states away from his family +a tree fell in [MALE] 's backyard +[FEMALE] 's favorite thing to do [FEMALE] morning was eat bunny ears +the little bunny was new in the world +the telephone on the desk rung +[FEMALE] was driving in the country one night +[FEMALE] went to the beach +a gas station was set on fire +[NEUTRAL] was at the beach with her parents +i lit a cigarette +[MALE] went to the dentist +today was such as long day +[MALE] was nervous about applying for a job at a local plant nursery +[MALE] remembered a movie he loved when he was younger +[FEMALE] went to the store to buy some bathroom towels +the chef 's planted lots of crops on their farm +[MALE] 's friends dared [MALE] to eat a rotten banana +[MALE] loved whole milk +"as kids , they went on vacation and stopped at howe 's cavern" +[FEMALE] stood there +i pride myself on the quality of my packets +[NEUTRAL] downloaded some music online +[FEMALE] was so excited +[FEMALE] son 's car ac stopped working two weeks ago +[MALE] always dreamed of being a cage fighter +[MALE] went out on the ocean +[MALE] went for a nice hike in the woods +roger [MALE] was an astronaut on a lonely mission +[FEMALE] was n't very bright +we lived above a candy store in chinatown in 1960 +[MALE] was training for a marathon +[MALE] has never stayed in a large city +[MALE] was supposed to run errands +[MALE] i booking a flight to cancun +grandma had always wanted to run a restaurant +[FEMALE] favorite food is pizza +today [MALE] is getting a haircut +[FEMALE] was on edge +[MALE] wanted some new socks +[FEMALE] decided to take a walk to a park +when [MALE] returned from the beach he shook his clothes to remove sand +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] stuck candy all over some hats for the [FEMALE] parade +[FEMALE] decided to take a trip with her christmas bonus +[NEUTRAL] took her little boy [NEUTRAL] to the pool +it was finally thanksgiving day +[MALE] was excited about opening up his new electronics store +[MALE] was eating at a high end restaurant +a group of students created their own club +me and my family went on a hike in the woods +[NEUTRAL] was n't a very good cook +i was on my way to work in my car +[FEMALE] wants to get around her new town faster but hates parking +[MALE] went to a restaurant to order food +[FEMALE] saw a poster for an upcoming play +[MALE] was running and he ripped his pants +[MALE] was bored of his daily life +[MALE] wanted to mail a gift to his mom in a different state +[MALE] went apple picking with his mother +[MALE] was thinking about voting for the president in 2008 +[NEUTRAL] is a thief who has been stealing from houses +[FEMALE] was baking chocolate chip cookies with her mother +[FEMALE] was walking to her boyfriend 's house +[NEUTRAL] 's neighbor was moving to a different country +[MALE] and [MALE] were best friends +[MALE] has a geometry test in the morning +[FEMALE] entered a contest at the local grocery store +[MALE] wanted some coffee +[FEMALE] woke up early +[MALE] was starving to death +[FEMALE] was at the library looking for a book for a report +"[MALE] needed new boots , but he could n't afford them" +[MALE] is working on a very important project for his boss +i was about to bake some cookies +[MALE] recently joined a baseball team called the little tee 's +[FEMALE] was excited to get hired at the local pet store +[MALE] injured his shoulder playing handball +[MALE] took his daughter and son to the dentist +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were both hard working lawyers +the man closed his eyes +[MALE] went to the atm +[FEMALE] wanted to learn to ride a bike +[FEMALE] was out partying late [FEMALE] night +[FEMALE] had some twizzlers +i was feeling a little hungry +[MALE] bought a fish +[MALE] and his wife [MALE] were driving to her parents home one day +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were playing monopoly one afternoon +[MALE] loved playing the guitar +[MALE] feels a little tired of being alone all day +the captain of the new steamship wanted to test it out +[MALE] always wanted a dog but his parents did n't allow him to +[MALE] has never eaten indian food +[FEMALE] lived alone and wanted a pet +a squirrel scampered across the yard +two friends lived out in the middle of the alaskan wilderness +[FEMALE] could n't figure out what was wrong with her computer +a woman was sitting on the bench in front of my building +[MALE] had to attend a late evening meeting at work +the girl was in a lot of pain +[FEMALE] was ready to leave for the weekend +the store advertised hot dogs for free +it was late in the year +i have been playing hockey on the lake all winter +[MALE] was throwing a frisbee around with [NEUTRAL] +[MALE] was walking home +[FEMALE] worked hard to become a femme fatale +[MALE] received a letter in the mail +i have a thing about pencil erasers +[FEMALE] and her friends were walking home from school +[MALE] has a sack full of rocks +[FEMALE] was only five but she had to have a scary surgery +[FEMALE] was going to school to become a doctor +it was 7 am when [FEMALE] 's grandma woke her up +[FEMALE] liked to read stories +[MALE] wanted to be a gangster +[FEMALE] dad first taught me how to drive a car +[MALE] went to the park to ride his skateboard +i sat on the bench with my friend [MALE] yesterday +the mom and baby went into the yard +[FEMALE] needed a new computer +[MALE] was a short order cook at a diner +[MALE] wanted to become a chef +[MALE] was a caring man +[FEMALE] hated being a waitress +[NEUTRAL] needs a new guitar +[FEMALE] returned from the beach with sand in her shoes +[MALE] woke up to a loud crashing sound +[FEMALE] is at the pet store buying food for her cat +[MALE] was my ex-boyfriend of two years +i kept getting a message that my phone needed updated +ken took his neighbor 's dog for a walk +learning to do math was difficult for her +we went to be our guest restaurant while we were in [MALE] +"[MALE] was n't a very good reader , and that made him sad" +[MALE] was terrified of going to the dentist for the first time +[FEMALE] sister in law was angry +[FEMALE] was pregnant and very happy +[FEMALE] was failing in college and was about to get kicked out +[FEMALE] was great at making cornbread +[MALE] woke up feeling very tired +[FEMALE] was excited about halloween this year +[MALE] took a hike in the woods +[FEMALE] was excited to be leaving illinois and going back to minnesota +it was raining out but [FEMALE] needed to walk to work +i used to love biking +[NEUTRAL] had all of the food and drinks ready for the super bowl party +[MALE] was excited because he was leaving for camp this week +[MALE] thought he was a great basketball player +[MALE] hated to shop +[FEMALE] loved her mother 's catfish +[NEUTRAL] had never been to the beach +[FEMALE] was scared for her history test today +[NEUTRAL] loves to play the lottery +[MALE] bought a new board game and took it to his friend 's house +[NEUTRAL] sat by a pond holding a sandwich +[FEMALE] got on the phone to share a juicy piece of gossip +[MALE] came over to the united states to host a talk show +[FEMALE] son and daughter played an [FEMALE] fools joke on me +[FEMALE] had a lot of hope for her career +[MALE] offered [MALE] a ride home from school +"[FEMALE] 's neighbor 's , ms [MALE] , cat gave birth to a litter of kittens" +[MALE] woke up one morning and got up to put clothes on +[MALE] was frustrated that his new pet dog would not behave +[FEMALE] loved designing clothes +[MALE] took a vacation to the beach +"when growing up , most girls did not like him" +[FEMALE] was going to call her boyfriend but got hiccups +[NEUTRAL] had many brothers and sisters +"jin-woo rushed across campus , he was late for his 8am lecture" +[MALE] went to the cd store +[FEMALE] wife is retiring +the power was out on [FEMALE] 's block +i needed my driver 's license +[FEMALE] had a birthday party +the merkle 's always went to grandmas for christmas +[MALE] wanted to be a football player +we bought balloons for a party last week +[MALE] was n't paying attention while driving +in the middle of a deserted neighborhood sat a single stop sign +[FEMALE] had just landed a cushy new government job that required travel +[MALE] fell in love with a girl +"[FEMALE] was going to jail , and she was excited" +[NEUTRAL] was going hunting with his dad +the woman bought some amazing new shoes +[FEMALE] was frustrated by the construction next door and could n't sleep +[FEMALE] wanted to surprise her boyfriend +[MALE] was not having a good day at all +[NEUTRAL] took his lunch break by the pond outside his office building +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] is a pushover to his kids +[MALE] was a clock collector +[MALE] was picking up a friend +the kids loved playing with pool noodles +i was studying tamil in college +[MALE] did n't have a permit to park in the student parking lot +the two friends hated their job +i was waiting for the bus to the airport +a woman decided to test the accuracy of an aphorism +[NEUTRAL] was playing the water gun game at a carnival +the couple went to church +[FEMALE] was just waking up in her bed +traffic on the highway came to a complete standstill +[MALE] was jet skiing +the couple rented a yurt +[FEMALE] got the news her friend had cancer +[FEMALE] moved into a new neighborhood and a new school for her kids +[MALE] was visiting the city of hamburg +"[MALE] was watching his daughter , [FEMALE] 's , ballet performance" +[MALE] was planning to wash his car today +"when i was sixteen i took my girlfriend [FEMALE] , who was 18 , to a movie" +[FEMALE] daughter wants to take gymnastics classes +[MALE] 's grandma died at age 70 +[MALE] decided he 'd like to start playing poker +[FEMALE] wanted to grow a garden +[MALE] was working late at his job +[FEMALE] was looking forward to her trip +a group of us play chess at work +[MALE] had always had back pain after working +[FEMALE] always wanted a makeover from the today show +it was midnight +kara needed a new jacket +[FEMALE] always wanted to visit new [MALE] +[FEMALE] wanted to try out for the dance team +[MALE] was at the bar +marylinn took the home pregnancy test to discover she was pregnant +[FEMALE] friend and i were sitting in class today +[MALE] wanted a new video game but did n't have the $ 20 to buy it +[FEMALE] has always been very ticklish +[FEMALE] wanted a phone of her own +it was finally time to decorate the christmas tree +[MALE] took [MALE] to his house +[FEMALE] 's car was making strange noises again +[FEMALE] had been shopping all day +i decided to clean my windows +[FEMALE] 's kids were bored +[FEMALE] was walking to her bedroom +[FEMALE] had always wanted to get a tattoo +[NEUTRAL] was hungry after school +i found out my cat is pregnant +[FEMALE] wanted to be a lawyer +[FEMALE] two brothers were smacking the mountain with shovels +[FEMALE] wanted to lead a healthier life +the temperature was soaring higher and higher +[FEMALE] 's family was close friends with the parish priest +[MALE] was going on a fishing trip +"for [FEMALE] 's 21st birthday , she could not wait to go to las [NEUTRAL]" +[MALE] 's parents got a new dishwasher +[MALE] 's teacher had given them a genealogy project +the zimmy family loves animals +i wanted to see if i could save some money so i started using coupons +[MALE] was a sleepwalker +the scientist needed to find a vaccine for the virus +[FEMALE] niece has a low paying job +[FEMALE] was turning eight today and was excited for her birthday +the bathroom was really dirty +[FEMALE] was a fast at typing +"one night , while i was tired , i felt a burst of energy" +[FEMALE] needed a part time job at college +kaitlin loved the outdoors +i went to the river by my neighborhood +[FEMALE] was late at work +[FEMALE] lived in los angeles +[MALE] was out with his friends +"one morning , [MALE] was admiring his crush , [FEMALE]" +[FEMALE] 's sister said she should try yoga +[MALE] woke in the night with severe back pain and heartburn +[FEMALE] lit a fire in the fireplace +the kids liked to play games in the gameroom +[FEMALE] bought a potato +i just realized the year is almost over +ken had to turn his rented car in and needed a lift +[MALE] and i went bowling last [NEUTRAL] +[FEMALE] had forgotten to defrost meat for supper +[MALE] was excited about the marching band contest on [NEUTRAL] +ron is planning a trip out with the boys +[FEMALE] found a tiny bird on the ground +it was [FEMALE] 's birthday +[NEUTRAL] 's parents were divorced +[MALE] needed to wake up for school +[MALE] writes reviews of video games +[FEMALE] was interested in witchcraft +[MALE] went on the pool +[MALE] had always wanted to swim at a nearby lake +[NEUTRAL] went to rojo restaurant with friends from work +[FEMALE] 's husband [MALE] stopped for ice cream after work +[MALE] got into his car to pull out of his driveway +[FEMALE] was driving back home +[FEMALE] was doing laundry herself for the first time +[NEUTRAL] went to the dentist to get her filling +[FEMALE] tried to move across a bush +[MALE] danced at work while waiting tables +[FEMALE] thought she smelled something +[MALE] wanted to remember his dreams better +[NEUTRAL] is redheaded +today we went to queens to see our granddaughter +the train pulled into the station +the man listened to the radio in his car +[FEMALE] noticed a strange figure in the bush +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were best friends in first grade +i used to play racketball with my friend at school +[MALE] and his family had gone on vacation +the [MALE] family had a dog named [MALE] +the representative handed my new phone today +it was my first semester of college +[MALE] wanted to celebrate the fourth of [FEMALE] by lighting fireworks +[FEMALE] lost her cat +[MALE] lost his boxing match +one afternoon [FEMALE] found an old chest in the attic +dj thrill had to finish this new song by tonight +[MALE] was excited to see his friends that afternoon +the waitress served a cup of coffee to [FEMALE]she ended up having a small spasm on her arm +[FEMALE] was going getting dressed for school one morning +[MALE] had a lot of money +[MALE] was enjoying a summer day of inspecting cicada shells +every evening my mother 's boyfriend brought us a box of donuts +[FEMALE] uncle and i decided to set up a bed +[MALE] always took the same route to go home after school +"[MALE] was almost 1 year old , but he could n't walk" +[MALE] needed to turn in a big project on mondaythe deadline had been pushed over the weekend +[FEMALE] was on her way to work +[MALE] wanted to show his son how to fish +[MALE] was in a band with his best friends +we are doing the [NEUTRAL] [NEUTRAL] festival this week +[FEMALE] was making some chicken +i was swinging my brother +[MALE] felt he 'd been a bad friend to [MALE] recently +[FEMALE] and [MALE] 's mom spent a lot of money on school supplies +[FEMALE] was making popcorn +[MALE] was extremely afraid of heights +the rose bush bloomed +[FEMALE] 's dog had three puppies +[MALE] had gotten a few fish for his aquarium +[FEMALE] hated taking her ballet classes +ten tenten was an engineer +"one day i went out , leaving our cat home alone" +[MALE] is addicted to smoking cigars +[NEUTRAL] woke up when the sun fell on her face +[MALE] was excited to be taking his driver 's test +it was time for [MALE] 's first day of school +[FEMALE] rent was due +[MALE] wanted a pet monkey +"as part of a trip , [FEMALE] and her friend went to the ice cream factory" +the man sat at his desk and did n't know what to do +[MALE] had a bad cough for weeks +i wanted to purchase a new lighter +i love to play checkers +rena felt depressed one day +[FEMALE] threw a christmas party +[MALE] used a laptop regularly and started experiencing wrist pain +[MALE] was tasked with moving merchandise +one day [FEMALE] decided to make some gifts to her friends +[MALE] has always wanted to play the bass guitar +"every time [MALE] and [FEMALE] went out to lunch , [FEMALE] showed up late" +[MALE] did n't know if he liked the other tenant +"[FEMALE] had always kept freshwater fish , but loved saltwater" +[FEMALE] could n't find her homework anywhere +i had planned to go listen to [MALE] palahniuk give a speech +[FEMALE] was going to be a bridesmaid for her friend 's wedding +[NEUTRAL] was having a perfectly pleasant day at the beach +the [MALE] [MALE] concert was two week away +[MALE] was always a slow eater +[MALE] never ate peas before +[MALE] was a famous reclusive writer +[MALE] wanted to go to [NEUTRAL] but did n't have enough money +[FEMALE] 's grandmother took her for a manicure +[FEMALE] went to a fancy [MALE] restaurant with her family +[FEMALE] had a project due +[NEUTRAL] wanted to hold a tea party +[MALE] and his family were at a drive through zoo +i spent the day at the park +[MALE] 's friends knew he had a soft heart for women +[FEMALE] decided to take her son to the museum +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] had cocoa in the park on a cool day +[MALE] and [FEMALE] had been dating for 3 years +i can never watch a youtube video without there being any sort of ad +[MALE] was tired of his roommates eating his food +[MALE] borrowed a book from a friend +the other day we had a terrible thunderstorm +a terrible windstorm had blown up by [FEMALE] 's house +[MALE] was unplugging his lamp one night +[MALE] had never won anything in his life +[FEMALE] had a baby boy +a man bought a new house for his family +mrs [MALE] has always been known as a tough teacher +it was pitch black on the battlefield +[MALE] was excited but sad because his parents said they were moving +everybody thought [MALE] was too dumb to be an astronomer +[MALE] was out with friends one day +[FEMALE] 's mother found a tape of cursing rap music +[MALE] hated snakes +i was driving my car when a brown car slid on the snow and hit me +[FEMALE] was about to go out +[MALE] wanted to go bungee jumping +"one day , a neighbor left a box of photos by the dumpster" +the boys were going camping alone for the first time +[FEMALE] needed to get new car tires +[MALE] woke up in the middle of the night +[MALE] met a girl at work +[FEMALE] threw a party +usually i enjoy christmas +[MALE] worked for a liquor store +[NEUTRAL] 's mother loved going to horse races +[MALE] had weak teeth +[FEMALE] science report is due tomorrow +[NEUTRAL] was moving +[MALE] went out to walk the dog +it was raining hard in [MALE] 's area +[MALE] wanted his autobiography to be written +[MALE] had always wanted to meet people nearby his apartment +i came home from buying groceries +the counselor called her into his office +when i was a kid my sister pulled the chair out from under me +[MALE] worked in a butcher shop +[MALE] 's hamster escaped overnight +[MALE] 's dog [MALE] was very old +jerod asked [FEMALE] to be his girlfriend last [NEUTRAL] +little [MALE] loved drawing +[FEMALE] was shopping on her favorite website +[NEUTRAL] took the bus home from school +[FEMALE] wanted to drive out of town for a summer holiday +[MALE] has a grand garden in his backyard +[MALE] was exhausted +[FEMALE] was poor and out of food +one day [FEMALE] was checking the television guide looking for a show +[FEMALE] goal is to leg lift over two hundred pounds at the gym +[MALE] was traveling in bulgaria +[FEMALE] wanted to start a butterfly garden +yesterday i asked my friends to come over to watch television with me +i thought [FEMALE] was cool +mbe is short for the minnesota [MALE] ensemble +[FEMALE] wanted to go to the school dance +[MALE] likes to run barefoot +[FEMALE] wanted to slim down +[FEMALE] friends and i were exploring my neighborhood +[FEMALE] was pregnant +[FEMALE] dad is cooking burgers for us during 4th of [FEMALE] +helan wanted to be a stand up comic +parents opened a savings account for their daughter +[FEMALE] was working as a waitress +[FEMALE] uncle showed up ringin my doorbell +[MALE] was way too outspoken to work for anybody +[FEMALE] was playing chess with [MALE] +[FEMALE] had worked in stockroom at [MALE] 's for 3 months +[MALE] enjoyed playing the guitar +on the bus ride home [FEMALE] showed her older friend [FEMALE] her new watch +[MALE] and [FEMALE] have been arguing a lot lately +i wanted to watch a movie on my video game console +the waiter took the order from a table and wrote it down +[MALE] got a set of bocce balls for his birthday +i was told i should make my movement more real +luisa and her family were performers in a travelling circus +[FEMALE] went to the beach the first day of her summer vacation +[MALE] was swinging a toy sword around his house +[FEMALE] was filming herself doing scripted actions to earn money +the chicago bulls went 72-10 one season on their way to a title +the man shot a deer +[FEMALE] wife went toy shopping yesterday +[FEMALE] and her friends were enjoying a night in a hot tub +[FEMALE] was very late for her doctor 's appointment +it was a beautiful day in the park when [FEMALE] was walking with [MALE] +[FEMALE] won a pair of red and gold leggings +[NEUTRAL] 's favorite time of the summer was campfire stories +[FEMALE] loved to dye her hair +[MALE] loved going to the zoo +there was nothing [MALE] liked to eat more than granola bars +[FEMALE] wanted to make a garland for her dad 's birthday +"i woke up in the middle of the night , hearing footsteps" +[MALE] enjoyed watching rc car races +[FEMALE] wanted to play monopoly +[MALE] heard great music coming from the bar +[MALE] walked to and from work every day +[MALE] was the new popular kid at his school +[NEUTRAL] was making smoothies +[FEMALE] was taking a trip to the beach +[MALE] was turning 25 today +[MALE] 's car had broke down +[NEUTRAL] lived on a boat +[MALE] was having insomnia trouble +[MALE] got an urgent call from his brother +[MALE] saw a beautiful girl at the club +marlee 's mom told her to be home by 7 :00 pm +[FEMALE] brother and his family went to buy food for a grave visit +the kids had a lot of energy +[FEMALE] had a new toy +[FEMALE] loves to watch tv +[MALE] said a mean thing to [MALE] +the [MALE] 's were driving to grandma 's house +[FEMALE] was home alone one night +[FEMALE] was brushing her teeth +[FEMALE] friend [FEMALE] loves yoga +[FEMALE] saw a house with the light on +something huge and hairy was running toward her +[NEUTRAL] was nervous for her test +[FEMALE] brother and i only lived in the same house until i was 14 +lorie missed her younger sister [FEMALE] +[MALE] was at a farm +[NEUTRAL] 's dad is excited to give him a car +it was [MALE] 's first night on the boat at his new job +[MALE] is a 10 year old boy +our kitten got out of the house and ran towards the road +[MALE] and [FEMALE] need groceries for their apartment +[FEMALE] realized one day that her feet were hurting +[FEMALE] was always stressed +[NEUTRAL] and [NEUTRAL] 's wedding was coming up in six months +[MALE] saw the snow come down +[MALE] was on a first date +[FEMALE] neighbor got a new bike +the weatherman was calling for a 95 % chance of snow +[FEMALE] enjoyed playing her flute in the school band +[MALE] did n't trust his girlfriend +[FEMALE] was allergic to bees +[MALE] was learning how to draw +[FEMALE] has a new recipe for pumpkin pie +[FEMALE] was walking along the breakwall by the sea +[FEMALE] was baking muffins +the boy was frustrated +today i built a fort with my dad +[MALE] was a private investigator +[MALE] was excited to see his family for christmas +[FEMALE] never received any cards for her birthday +[FEMALE] and her brothers spent time in the woods +holice liked to play lazer tag +[MALE] was on trial +mom decided to make cookies +[MALE] took his dog [MALE] to the lake one summer afternoon +[MALE] went on a date with [MALE] +[FEMALE] loved being outdoors +[FEMALE] visited her nan in cornwall +[MALE] mom was always after him to tie his shoelaces +[FEMALE] needed new sandals for her trip +our daughter went to [MALE] college from 2003 to 2007 +[MALE] 's truck had been having trouble starting +the lake family goes on a road trip each summer +[NEUTRAL] had a favorite shirt +[NEUTRAL] had a broken faucet +[MALE] bought new speakers for his computer +"driving home one day , i noticed the traffic was worse than usual" +i inside an auto parts store to the counter +[MALE] wanted to dj electronic music +[MALE] had no car +[MALE] likes cookies +[NEUTRAL] was hungry[NEUTRAL] decided to go to the store +[FEMALE] was going to get her first tattoo +[MALE] heated up some water to make tea +[FEMALE] played some checkers +it was very warm outside today +[FEMALE] woke up and felt numb one one side of her body +[MALE] wanted a new puppy +gameboy is a big orange cat +last week i went to chinatown with my friend +[FEMALE] wanted desperately to have a baby +"yandy had no experience , but wanted to start a record label" +i was driving across the country to visit my in-laws +[FEMALE] was going to a rock concert +starting my first day of college was terrifying +it was winter +[MALE] and his girlfriend shared everything with each other +we had a huge fight this morning over the coffee +[NEUTRAL] and [FEMALE] were in a store +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were pregnant +[FEMALE] won tickets to a comedy show +[FEMALE] had poured herself a glass of wine +[MALE] get his paycheck +[MALE] was in ninth grade and never did well in math +i met sudeep in college +[MALE] ordered a pizza pocket from a nearby food truck +[MALE] was doing an interpretative dance +[MALE] dropped his wet paint brush on the ground +"[MALE] moved into a nice , new apartment" +[FEMALE] was a teacher at an elementary school +[MALE] played frisbee golf for the first time today +[MALE] was moving out of his apartment +[FEMALE] had no coat +"flying in a wingsuit looks scary , but [MALE] had to try it" +[MALE] watched his family sitting around to avoid the heat +[MALE] had poor health +[MALE] was bored with the everyday meals he always cooked +"[FEMALE] was n't a model , but she was pretty and outgoing" +i too was caught up in the internet selling craze +[MALE] found a stray cat walking on the street +[FEMALE] was eating dinner +little [MALE] loved to draw and play with blocks +the competition was close +[NEUTRAL] loved to bake +[FEMALE] and her boyfriend were chatting one day +[FEMALE] has been with her company for 5 long years +the other day i bought a scratch off lottery ticket +[MALE] went to the bookstore +[MALE] noticed that he had a fever and tried to stay in bed +[NEUTRAL] received her school supply list +[MALE] traveled a lot for his job +[MALE] bought lunch for john +[NEUTRAL] was heavily pregnant +[FEMALE] needed service on her cable box +[MALE] was flipping pages excitedly +[MALE] went to a school where others were rich but he was poor +[FEMALE] was winding down +[NEUTRAL] was getting prepared for his interview for his first job ever +i was upset yesterday because my ipad was dead +[FEMALE] teacher assigned an essay online +[MALE] was a practical joker +[MALE] was eating his lunch +[FEMALE] dad and i went to ride jet skis one day +[FEMALE] was invited to a party +[FEMALE] was drinking soda in her mom 's car +[FEMALE] was in the car sleep on the backseat +[MALE] 's printer got a paper jam +dental care costs less in [NEUTRAL] +tonight my wife made turkey burgers for dinner +the record executive hung up the phone +i went to the dollar store with my child +i made spaghetti last night +i really wanted to get a new smartphone +[MALE] was downtown with his wife +[MALE] wanted to become a professional tennis player +[MALE] had been very well behaved this week +[FEMALE] was meeting her friend [MALE] downtown +[MALE] was a film buff who loved horror movies +[MALE] and [FEMALE] invited [FEMALE] and [MALE] out camping on [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was in need of a new car +[MALE] had a stomachache +mom was making dessert for after supper +rosy loved fruit +[NEUTRAL] wanted to go out for her birthday +[FEMALE] did not know what costume to pick for halloween +[FEMALE] needed to pry open a frozen car door +the big bang theory predicted background radiation in the sky +[MALE] was going to a party +[FEMALE] neighbor 's dog had been shitting all over my yard +[MALE] was on the bus +[MALE] was always exploring the country +[FEMALE] was on a skiing trip with her parents +[MALE] walked to work yesterday +i went to a gas station to get some gas for my car +i wanted to build a casino +[FEMALE] had a stalker +last week [FEMALE] took her driver 's test +i was playing with my dog in the backyard +[MALE] loves to jump on his trampolinehe does flips and kicks all the time +[MALE] decided to hike the pacific crest trail to improve his health +[MALE] is being overworked at work +[MALE] thought he was disappointed with his wife +[MALE] was a poor boy in a very big city +[MALE] is excited for the summer months +[MALE] was a reindeer herder +there were many flavors of ice cream to choose from +[FEMALE] niece had a child at 18 +[MALE] and his family were watching football +the sixth grade was having an election for a new president +[MALE] was a great singer +[FEMALE] 's friend [MALE] lived across town +the [MALE] family woke up early to go to the beach +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were playing a board game +[MALE] is in prison +[MALE] 's favorite thing about getting mail was the packaging +[FEMALE] is in need of a new car +[FEMALE] loved going to the park +[FEMALE] went to the beach to get a suntan +[NEUTRAL] and her family were very excited +[MALE] loved doing magic tricks +the town parade route went right by [MALE] 's house +[FEMALE] needed a gift for her friend +[FEMALE] husband has decided he wants to be a stay at home dad +[MALE] had never flown on a plane +[MALE] joined his newspaper school club +[NEUTRAL] was in a car accident +[NEUTRAL] was a senior on her high school tennis team +[FEMALE] played for her school 's softball team +for breakfast [NEUTRAL] had a donut form the new shop in town +[FEMALE] and her friends were at lunch +[FEMALE] wanted to lose weight +[FEMALE] and her friends decided to meet at the restaurant +we went to the carnival every year when i was younger +[FEMALE] put on her riding helmet and chaps after she saddled her horse +i live in a small neighborhood +[MALE] tried to peek at [NEUTRAL] 's text messages +[MALE] was playing baseball with [MALE] +[MALE] loved pasta +[FEMALE] was contemplating her relationship with her boyfriend +[MALE] loved fresh tomatoes +"[FEMALE] sensed her boyfriend , [MALE] , had commitment issues" +i went to an italian restaurant a few weeks ago with my friend +[MALE] spent many hours at his computer everyday +[FEMALE] put up a new fence so her dogs could play in the yard +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were expecting a new baby +i wanted to have children +i saw the baby sparrow fall out of the nest +[MALE] loved to play basketball with his friends +there was a major drought +[MALE] was playing in his first poker tournament tomorrow +[MALE] was really excited to get the newest iphone +[MALE] drove to the flea market for a special shoe sale +[NEUTRAL] and her friends decided to meet up +[FEMALE] had snuck out of her house +[MALE] went to the store +[FEMALE] 's student loans just kicked in last week +[NEUTRAL] loved to fish +[MALE] has a science quiz tomorrow +a little boy fell into a cage at the zoo +i went down to the tidepool to watch the tide roll out +[FEMALE] friend joann did not like chocolate growing up +[MALE] was the only one of his friends who was not an athlete +"when i was a little girl , i had a sled" +the town 's bread truck driver was very eccentric and called bread boy +"during lunch break , [FEMALE] rushed into her car and drove off from work" +[FEMALE] is a vegetarian +[MALE] loved woodworking +[MALE] and [MALE] went hiking in a cave +[FEMALE] wanted a new shirt +[MALE] was camping in the forest +[MALE] puts some pasta in boiling water to cook +[MALE] was an aussie puppy that was now 6 months old +[MALE] had to play a music show in an hour +[MALE] was from the midwest +"[MALE] loved playing video games with friends , but he got mad easily" +at work one day [NEUTRAL] was talking about kittens +[MALE] owned a large herd of cattle +[FEMALE] was playing soccer at school +[FEMALE] was crying +the chinese ferment eggs until they are black +[MALE] was a mixed martial artist +a guy named john was studying for chemistry +[MALE] was a great shot +[NEUTRAL] and his friend were walking through a forest trail one day +[MALE] had been putting off restocking his kitchen for weeks +[MALE] was making a sandwich +[NEUTRAL] had the most unruly curly hair +[FEMALE] refused to sleep with men without being married +i went shopping for my sorority formal +[FEMALE] picked up a prescription at the pharmacy +it was beginning to look like spring +[MALE] was mountain biking through the forest +[MALE] packed his suitcase full of clothes for a business trip +during the twelfth grade all the guys planned a party +kariem raised a small flock of chickens +[NEUTRAL] 's favorite meal to cook was chili beans +i have enjoyed hamburgers since i was a little girl +the man ate uncooked meat +the contractor came to [MALE] 's house to give an estimate +[FEMALE] wanted to have a successful youtube channel +[FEMALE] planted a tree when she was very young +[MALE] was carefully finishing his watercolor painting in art class +[FEMALE] went to her grandparents after school +[FEMALE] was scared +[FEMALE] 's cousin [FEMALE] was at her house visiting +[FEMALE] always wanted to be a singer +everybody always told [MALE] that he was too skinny +[FEMALE] promised her cousin she would visit him this summer +[FEMALE] began dating a boy named [MALE] from school +[MALE] wanted to go to art school +[NEUTRAL] was excited because the weather forecast was predicting snow +[MALE] had some time off from work he had to use up +[FEMALE] had been drawing since a very young age +[MALE] wants to be a guitar teacher when he grows up +[FEMALE] was getting ready for a formal dance +[MALE] stole a car with his friends +when i was in 9th grade my biology teacher was very relaxed +i was getting ready for my sister 's wedding +"i always thought i was a good fighter , until i had one" +"[NEUTRAL] rented the boat named for her , the kayak" +[MALE] was tempted to order food from a local restaurant +[FEMALE] daughter starting screaming the other night in bed +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were going to see fireworks for the 4th of [FEMALE] +[NEUTRAL] was feeling sick one day +[MALE] visits a local farm that specializes in red currants +[FEMALE] saw a stray cat on the street +[MALE] 's college friends were on his way to his wedding +[MALE] walked to his car after a long day of work +[FEMALE] found a dollar on the sidewalk +me and my friend were out fishing in the middle of a lake +[FEMALE] wanted to dance ballet +uki was a gangster in south chicago +[FEMALE] wife bought me a bike in 2000 +[FEMALE] was performing gymnastics +[MALE] was taking a test +[NEUTRAL] had never drank before +[FEMALE] needed a job +our friends are indian and german +[FEMALE] was not well liked by the other kids at her school +misha was obsessed with mirrors +[FEMALE] went on a hike alone in the desert +[FEMALE] loved to jump as high as she could +[FEMALE] 's father passed away +[MALE] went to lebowski 's house for a meeting +[FEMALE] brother called me +[NEUTRAL] is driving his car down the road +[FEMALE] had 5 voicemails on her phone when she woke up +[MALE] was n't looking where he was going +i wanted a drink from the drink machine +[MALE] was a clown at a child 's birthday party +we decided to take a break +[MALE] wanted to be a bodybuilder +[MALE] was journeying through morocco +2 year old [MALE] was at his foster parents ' home when he got a call +[MALE] was the star quarterback for the cyclones +[NEUTRAL] was trying to reach a book +[MALE] is a huge [FEMALE] wars fan +"yesterday , i talked to my neurology teacher" +[MALE] wanted to go swimming one day +[MALE] was a very political person +[FEMALE] was trying to write a song +[MALE] joined his high school cross country team +"one morning , [FEMALE] had two plain pieces of toast to eat" +[MALE] works for a big company +[MALE] got picked on at school by a bully +[FEMALE] was worried about how she would pay for her son 's tuition +[FEMALE] really wanted to do something fulfilling with her life +tonight dinner was shells with tomato sauce +[FEMALE] needed a new dress for the school dance +[FEMALE] set her alarm for 5 :00 am +[MALE] was sitting on his couch looking really sad +[MALE] is a senior in high school +[MALE] was camping by himself +charly was a seven year old boy who loved to paint +little [FEMALE] wanted a donkey pinata for her party +[MALE] had a gambling problem +[MALE] was riding in a plane for the first time to [FEMALE] +[MALE] was doing some yard work at his house +[FEMALE] had always wanted to take a cruise but could n't afford it +our 2 year old granddaughter visited from nyc last weekend +[FEMALE] decided to bake muffins +i wanted to plant a tomato plant +it had all come down to this +[FEMALE] got 4 inch heels to wear to prom +she accidentally tipped over the monitor +[FEMALE] was leaving the grocery store with a ton of bags +[FEMALE] and her dad went to the ice cream shop +[MALE] always wished he could make better pie than his grandmother 's +last week [MALE] decided to make pizza for all his friends +kara had a friend name [MALE] and they did everything together +[MALE] cooked dinner for his girlfriend +[MALE] was helping [MALE] move a couch +[MALE] was at the club +[FEMALE] who was in the wedding was wearing bright makeup +[MALE] loved golf +[MALE] stopped by the gas station to put gas in his car +hailie wanted to go apple picking +[MALE] was walking across his living room +in october of 2014 we visited our daughter and her husband in nyc +[FEMALE] friend told me that my golf swing needed some practice +[MALE] computer broke +[FEMALE] has been trying for years to lose weight +[FEMALE] and [MALE] bought an old house when they got married +lyndsey has been having children since she was 14 years old +[MALE] got ta new car +i had to learn how to water ski +[FEMALE] liked writing for the school newspaper +[FEMALE] chatted with her friends online everyday +"struggling with my depression , i felt the need to seek out help" +when walking home from a convenient store i noticed two dogs +[MALE] opened the curtains +[NEUTRAL] was given a part in the school ballet +i was playing legos with my nieces the other day +delanie was over weight +i was making orange smoothies at home +a man woke up one day +[FEMALE] was playing outside in the lawn +[MALE] was excited to take a trip to the candy store and could not wait +[MALE] wanted to pay a fair price for a good +[FEMALE] went to the beach one day +[MALE] worked at a bar +playing in the rain was one of [NEUTRAL] 's favorite things to do +[FEMALE] loved cats +[FEMALE] 's boyfriend loved bacon +[NEUTRAL] was excited to be in the top two +[MALE] bought a sub from the local supermarket +[MALE] enjoys relaxing on his day off +kio loved playing video games +i tried to learn [NEUTRAL] chinese +[FEMALE] 's brother offered to shake her hand on halloween +the family liked visiting new places +rena has a hard time falling asleep +[MALE] was on a date +[MALE] was tasked the job of hiding the eggs for a egg hunt +[FEMALE] wanted to learn an instrument +[MALE] was a fighter professionally +it was an extremely windy day at pats house in [FEMALE] +i wanted to learn computer science +we watched a football game with [MALE] last month +i decided to flirt with a cute waiter by leaving a note with the bill +it was the end of february and it had been snowing hard +[FEMALE] was taking down the sticky fly paper +[MALE] went to walmart +every [FEMALE] i meet my grandfather for coffee +[MALE] heard from a reliable co-worker that [FEMALE] was going to be fired +[MALE] got a new job +always make sure the saddle is on correctly before mounting a horse +"after years of living with his parents , [MALE] wanted a change" +[MALE] got a phone call +[MALE] 's teacher assigned a worksheet for homework +[MALE] finds it difficult to stay awake at work +[FEMALE] is on a farm +[FEMALE] asked her mother if they could buy a kitten +[FEMALE] was going to the prom for the first time +[FEMALE] is a theater major at a university +i watched the movie goal yesterday +[MALE] was always trying to impress [FEMALE] +finals week was the most stressful week of school +[FEMALE] friends took a ferry to [FEMALE] scotia +[MALE] just got a new job that pays more money +[NEUTRAL] carried a two-headed coin he used to con people +[FEMALE] stepped outside and heard a meow +[FEMALE] chased after her favorite dog +"[MALE] was a political person , he was gay and in management" +[MALE] bothered her parents for a pet +[MALE] was running and realized his shoe had ripped +[NEUTRAL] asked his crush on a date +the man called her for the first time last week +i went to the candy store with my friends once as a kid +[FEMALE] had always considered herself youthful +[FEMALE] roommate used to take long showers +i really wanted to adopt a cat +[FEMALE] wants to have something nice to drink before bed +[FEMALE] was working late +[FEMALE] and her family went on a wilderness trip +[NEUTRAL] made wings for her friends at a party +[FEMALE] loved watching the series friends +[MALE] 's house has a large apple tree in the backyard +[MALE] and his friends were watching a movie +[MALE] had recently purchased a violin +[MALE] was not the best player on his soccer team +[MALE] could n't remember how he acquired so many pillows +[NEUTRAL] and her boyfriend lived an hour away +[FEMALE] is very lonely +[NEUTRAL] 's son was forever losing his eyeglasses +[MALE] thought having rolling luggage for school was a good idea +[NEUTRAL] could not find any clean socks in his house +[NEUTRAL] brought several ingredients from the store +[MALE] ' tire on his car was getting low +[MALE] put all his things in his bag to get ready for school +[FEMALE] moved a lot when she was a kid +[MALE] played football for his middle school team +[MALE] was supposed to conduct research on a project +[FEMALE] 's phone was broken +the babysitter [FEMALE] was asked to care of the two children +[MALE] moved to juarez from pennsylvania +[MALE] wanted to improve his typing speed +[MALE] went for a walk in the woods during a windstorm +[MALE] 's class was in the library at school +[FEMALE] daughter 's old college roommate came to visit today +[NEUTRAL] decided she wanted to lose weight +[FEMALE] was excited to choose toys from the yearly christmas catalog +"[FEMALE] was having money trouble , which made her nervous" +our dog ran away +he ca n't make the same mistakes as before +[NEUTRAL] began advertising for the dance +[FEMALE] was twenty one and wanted to buy her own house +[FEMALE] was driving along +[FEMALE] was an ungrateful lady +[MALE] wanted to have a delicious dinner +i am reading a novel by orhan pamuk +[FEMALE] was in the dentist chair +when [FEMALE] felt that familiar grumble in her stomach she looked up +the man dove down into the ocean +[MALE] loves candy +[FEMALE] and her sister were n't enjoying each others company +"[NEUTRAL] had been writing his novel for months , but could n't finish it" +"the family was driving to a restaurant for dinnerhowever , the two boys in the back seat were bickering" +[MALE] has regretfully gone blind +[MALE] needed a new hobby +[MALE] was a forgetful person +[MALE] had a fast approaching midterm exam +[MALE] was looking for a part-time job +[FEMALE] had a problem with her diet +the laundromat owners took apart every washing machine and drier +[MALE] loved his girlfriend [FEMALE] +all his life [MALE] was made fun for being too damn small +[MALE] liked hacking computers +"several months ago , [MALE] broke his arm" +our family just recently bought a new dog +[MALE] was tossing and turning all night +i am a online bookseller +[FEMALE] went on a date +[NEUTRAL] came home from the grocery store +[MALE] was n't very happy being single +[FEMALE] has been working hard all year long +[FEMALE] was new at her high school +[FEMALE] was enrolling in high school +i went on a dinner cruise from a nearby harbor +[MALE] 's daughter knocked on our door to see if we wanted any cookies +[FEMALE] 's music teacher could no longer sing +i spilled grape juice all over my keyboard +ken went to his friend 's house for dinner +[FEMALE] cleaned her apartment +two guy friends wanted to explore a nearby haunted tunnel +[MALE] was new to construction work +a house had a rat problem +i woke up this morning and saw that it had snowed +"a few years ago , we had had a particularly bad winter" +[FEMALE] bought a puppy from a pet store +[MALE] is in charge of chair backs for the local university football team +"one day [MALE] took the horse out and [FEMALE] , the dog , followed" +[MALE] liked frosted flakes +[MALE] recently got in a accident with his bicycle +[FEMALE] mom accused my girlfriend of stealing money from the safe +a man wanted to be an adept typist +[MALE] worked for the local college +[MALE] wanted to get a new jobhe keeps applying but no one gets back to him +[FEMALE] was celebrating her birthday +"[MALE] 's son , [MALE] , loves to paint his nails" +[FEMALE] was presented an amazing career opportunity +i was frustrated by my husband 's lack of appreciation for soup +the man studied law +i collect pez dispensers +[MALE] wanted to learn to cook +[MALE] was tired of cleaning his house to sell it +[NEUTRAL] was going to a hotel in a foreign country +[MALE] was playing videogames in the living room +[MALE] had a master 's degree in computer science +the dog was very tiny +[FEMALE] was at the gas station buying a snack +[FEMALE] room was feeling a little dim +we went to visit our daughter and her in laws last week +[FEMALE] wanted to learn how to do a cartwheel +[NEUTRAL] was at the park with her friends +[FEMALE] went to the mall yesterday +the elementary school was taking [MALE] 's class to the aquarium +[FEMALE] best friend lives in new [MALE] +[FEMALE] aunt was on the way home from work [FEMALE] +it had been a long day of working outside +everyone always said she was pretty +[MALE] heard the doorbell ring +[MALE] has always been worried about tasting cabbage +[MALE] was supposed to be dieting +[MALE] is on vacation in the woods with his family +i learned how to play the flute in college +ron could not sleep because he heard a whining cat in his backyard +[MALE] stood by a fountain and watched people toss in coins +[FEMALE] was taking a bath +[MALE] went to the doctors for a physical +[FEMALE] desperately wanted a baby of her own +[MALE] and his wife came into their friend 's house +[NEUTRAL] was running late in the airport +[MALE] did n't like to waste money on water bottles +[FEMALE] wanted to save money on a computer +dj had just moved from her home for college +[MALE] enjoys watching videos online +[FEMAL] grew corn in his field +i took a class about [MALE] and the holocaust +[MALE] owned a dairy farm +ness was on a trip to see her namesake lake in scotland +on [NEUTRAL] i heard a loud knock on the door +[FEMALE] dated [MALE] because he was a musician +[MALE] was eating an apple pie +[MALE] was getting married +[MALE] thought online encyclopedia projects were a noble human project +[MALE] loved to roller blade +[MALE] went to an electronics store to buy good quality headphones +[MALE] and his friends were bored one day +our building driveway is one way +a new grocery store was opening in town +loraline was living alone for the first time +[FEMALE] was saving for a new doll she saw at the toy store +[MALE] had a bad tooth ache +[NEUTRAL] was obsessed with tigers +[FEMALE] collapsed on her bed in tears +[MALE] loved to run through the park +[MALE] woke up one morning and very ill +there used to be this amazing chinese restaurant by my house +[NEUTRAL] was at the store +[MALE] was waiting in line for food +[FEMALE] likes watching reality tv +[MALE] had read about a website where he could meet women for a date +[MALE] 's cousin convinced him to take tennis lessons +[FEMALE] and her family had been at her uncle 's house most of the day +a barbarian was walking through the woods one day +[FEMALE] 's niece was turning 3 on [NEUTRAL] +i sent my friend [FEMALE] some candy for [FEMALE] +the cows wore bells that tinkled as they moved +roger wanted to wear his new shirt to school +about a week ago i lost my job +[NEUTRAL] was just arriving at work +[NEUTRAL] was having a baby +[FEMALE] felt down +i had to turn in a progress report at work +it was [FEMALE] 's turn to do the dishes +[MALE] has always hated her teeth +the photographer was looking for something interesting to photograph +[FEMALE] had made all her plans and the direction she was going in +the [MALE] family went on a cruise for their summer vacation +[NEUTRAL] made a chocolate cake for her boyfriend +[FEMALE] wanted money to go to the mall +[MALE] was supposed to be paid today +i did n't want to go to school yesterday +[MALE] and [NEUTRAL] had waited all year for the first day of summer +[FEMALE] was excited about the big sale at her favorite store +[MALE] bought a new motorcycle +[FEMALE] 's class did a unit on family history +i lived in norway +[MALE] was feeling sick +[FEMALE] was late to class on the first day of 9th grade +the airplane took off as soon as everyone got on board +[MALE] always wanted a green tractor +uncle [MALE] suffered from ulcers caused by constant stress +[FEMALE] is driving to work +i was trying to leave my house in a rush but i could n't find my keys +[FEMALE] left her houseplant outside during the summer +"[FEMALE] brought home a black man to her big home in [MALE] , ms" +[FEMALE] was taking a shower +[FEMALE] dad was in the military when i was in elementary and middle school +[MALE] loves to play online games +[NEUTRAL] the cat was recently adopted by a nice family of three +i was looking through apps for my daughter the other day +[MALE] decided to try a new casserole recipe +"when [MALE] inherited a lot of money , he decided to invest it wisely" +[NEUTRAL] found out that his wife was cheating on him +[MALE] was skateboarding at the park +we went to the town today +[MALE] found a job in the least likely place +[MALE] left his phone on his desk at school +[MALE] is part of the school soccer team +[MALE] decided that he wanted to eat pizza for dinner +i took my friend to the electronics store +[MALE] worked in the fashion industry +[MALE] often crafted custom bows for hunters +the lady was walking her dog through an apple orchard +[MALE] was a very old man +[MALE] loved his iphone very much +[MALE] moved his piece into check +[FEMALE] fb friend roger recently lost his father to alzheimer 's +[NEUTRAL] found a stray cat that was tame and friendly outside of work +[FEMALE] was an aspiring animator +[MALE] and [NEUTRAL] discussed a movie +[MALE] asked [FEMALE] out in a date +the local elementary school was having a musical performance +there was this rest american bar and grill near my work +[NEUTRAL] always lost to [MALE] in their ping pong matches +[FEMALE] worked as a gift wrapper at [FEMALE] 's +[MALE] was tired of drinking regular beer +[FEMALE] coworker [FEMALE] dressed nicely at work +"when [MALE] asked [FEMALE] to go to a concert , she was excited" +[MALE] wanted to become a mechanic +they had this wine tasting at the store +[FEMALE] loved cheating on her boyfriend +[FEMALE] was struggling to feed her family +[MALE] recently bought a new house +[MALE] went to the park yesterday morning to play frisbee golf +[NEUTRAL] 's class was going to a school assembly in the auditorium +[FEMALE] name was [MALE] +[MALE] is sitting alone on a bench +[FEMALE] was at work when her boss called her in for a meeting +[MALE] has a catering business +the couple was taking a romantic trip +i went to baltimore in 2003 to audition for music school +[MALE] was taking pictures of his family at the beach +[FEMALE] decided to install the electrical wiring in the house +the couple loved binge watching shows +today was [FEMALE] 's birthday +i was applying to jobs +[FEMALE] felt sick when he woke up +[MALE] was on a first date +[FEMALE] was going grocery shopping +[MALE] was on a blind date +[MALE] was out with friends +[FEMALE] was busy studying for her math test +i have never been a fan of [FEMALE] wars +[MALE] wanted to play the piano +[FEMALE] brother bought a salamander from the pet store +[FEMALE] was so excited for prom +[MALE] went through the swamp in search of a legendary monster +[FEMALE] was going for a drive +[MALE] and [FEMALE] washed up on shore +[FEMALE] sixteen year old daughter told me she wanted a tattoo +[FEMALE] and [MALE] decided to drive to [NEUTRAL] from san [MALE] +i went fishing with my dad one day +i wanted to become muscular +one day [FEMALE] went to the zoo +the man was hitchhiking across the country +[FEMALE] dad fought in the war in [MALE] +[MALE] 's girlfriend dumped him +[NEUTRAL] saw a bird in the tree in her backyard +[MALE] was a foreigner +[FEMALE] 's parents always wanted her to play the oboe +i was living in my car and needed internet +[MALE] left kansas to make it in new [MALE] +[NEUTRAL] wanted to learn piano +[MALE] loved cake a lot +[FEMALE] needed some pearls to wear to the ball tonight +[FEMALE] went to [FEMALE] with her family one summer +i got a brand new skateboard for christmas +[NEUTRAL] had been doing really well at work lately +[FEMALE] bought a bottle of blue nail polish +[NEUTRAL] hated going to the dentist +[MALE] was trying to sleep +the forecast called for snow +[MALE] was walking around his campus +"in my junior year , i had to play without [FEMALE]" +[FEMALE] was having problems getting her kids to do their homework +[FEMALE] had a project deadline for her most important customer +[MALE] put a bagel on the table +[MALE] had n't graduated high school +[FEMALE] had to go to the city +[MALE] is a homeless man +"[FEMALE] mom was driving during the hurricane , searching for a gas station" +[MALE] was nervous about his science test at school the next day +[FEMALE] doctor told me to take my pills before sleeping tonight +"for their summer vacation , the millers went on a road trip" +[FEMALE] girlfriend wanted a record player +[MALE] was out hiking with friends +[MALE] noticed that his bedroom felt very messy +[MALE] 's favorite team was playing football on television +[FEMALE] had homework +one christmas day all of my family were at my grandparents ' house +[MALE] was excited about starting college +i was driving my son to his baseball game +[NEUTRAL] is out to dinner with her boyfriend +[NEUTRAL] enjoyed fine arts and entertainment +[MALE] was lucky enough to graduate from a great college in a big city +[FEMALE] decided to make her own candles +[MALE] wanted to sleep +[MALE] looked at his coin collection and saw it was dirty +roger wanted to go get breakfast +"[FEMALE] saw that one of her guppies was very fat , maybe pregnant" +years ago [FEMALE] offered me the chance to have my own show +[MALE] 's neighbors ran a restaurant +[MALE] was set to run a marathon +[MALE] got home and noticed the mail on the counter +i liked scarves +[MALE] was on the track team at school +[MALE] 's dad bought him a minibike for his birthday +[MALE] woke up in the middle of the night +the air smelled bad +[FEMALE] liked two boys at her high school +i just finished my first batch of pies and carried it outside +i have a phobia about caterpillars +vernisha was a daycare teacher +[MALE] was swinging his golf club +i needed a new bracelet but did n't feel like buying a new one +[NEUTRAL] volunteered to make cookies for the party +[FEMALE] was on a long flight +[MALE] was seventeen years old and living in a new community +[MALE] had a bunch of batteries for his speakers +[MALE] took a walkhe then saw a kid by himself +[MALE] had studied hard for his test +[MALE] was bored from being at home +[NEUTRAL] had dreams of being a singer +[MALE] was eating dinner with his parents +i have trouble accomplishing big goals +one day [FEMALE] went to the beach with her friendsit was a gorgeous sunny day +[FEMALE] loved pizza so much she wanted to make some of her own +adri was very nervous to start her day +[FEMALE] 's ex comes back into the picture +[MALE] wanted to see the mountains of [FEMALE] +our manager [MALE] is very lazy +[MALE] saw a goat at the fair +[MALE] woke up 8 o'clock in the morning +[FEMALE] loved sour candy +i left my dog [MALE] in the car with the windows down while i shopped +[MALE] went to the grocery store for bananas +[MALE] wanted to influence his favorite radio station +[MALE] was twelve and seeing his first action movie in the theater +[NEUTRAL] was into rapping +[NEUTRAL] took out his camera to film a movie with his friends +[MALE] was listening to music in his car +[FEMALE] was n't feeling well +[MALE] just signed up to be in my english class +the man had a seizure +[FEMALE] wondered how she was going to pay for christmas gifts +[FEMALE] was in the backseat of the car on a road trip +[FEMALE] had been using her phone all day +[FEMALE] and her friends went to a casino +[FEMALE] loved dancing +[MALE] was out for lunch +i was having writer 's block +"one day , i noticed my grass was getting long" +[MALE] dug a large pond in his backyard +[MALE] went on a mountain hike by himself +[NEUTRAL] wanted to be a famous singer +one time my two cousins got a pit bull puppy +[NEUTRAL] has a big exam on friday +[NEUTRAL] m worked at an animal shelter +[FEMALE] invited her family over for thanksgiving dinner +i was exhausted one night driving home from school along the highway +[MALE] wanted his wife to bake croissants +the [MALE] family were vacationing in the country of guatemala +[MALE] noticed that he had a toothache +[MALE] was on the prowl for a new home +[MALE] and his buddies were going to float down a river +[MALE] forget to study for his math test +[FEMALE] began a new job at the local sandwich shop +[MALE] made meatloaf for his wife +[FEMALE] was in the library at school +[NEUTRAL] was at a concert +[FEMALE] was going to play on her new toy +[MALE] had a big exam coming up +[FEMALE] was very pale +[MALE] wanted a treehouse +i knew that i was a very good swimmer +[FEMALE] was learning how to use roller blades outside of her house +[MALE] owned a bonsai tree +[FEMALE] had to go back on the ferry +[MALE] had a fascination with total institutions +every day [MALE] would drink several cups of coffee +i was a born again protestant +[MALE] was getting mad at her neighbors +[FEMALE] wondered why she pays so much for cable television +i had a brand new laptop computer +[FEMALE] was bored and wanted to do something exciting +[FEMALE] friend [FEMALE] had a nice black dress +[MALE] left his back door open and his cat got out +[FEMALE] was home alone with her sleeping kids +a man wanted to increase his flexibilityhe began watching yoga videos on youtube +when we were kids our grandfather always visits us in our house +in 1994 my wife bought me a chess set +[MALE] made some scary felt puppets +[FEMALE] was born into mob ties +[NEUTRAL] did not feel well +[MALE] stayed home on his day off of work +[NEUTRAL] wanted to go to church +[MALE] wanted to change his last name +[MALE] wanted to go for a walk +[NEUTRAL] was helping his dad weed around the bushes +[MALE] had some homework to do +[FEMALE] watched the merry go round as she waited to get on +i was on my way to work +i decided one day that i wanted a furry companion +i 've never been very athletic +[MALE] was opening a new restaurant +[FEMALE] wanted me to get her chicken nuggets +[MALE] is 8 months old +[FEMALE] found a sack of coins outside a store in town +[MALE] was at the store with his mom and his brother +[FEMALE] was finishing up her last day at this high school +i was so excited that it was time for [FEMALE] break +[MALE] wanted a burger +i went to the store to look for dinner +[MALE] was playing frisbee with his brother and his dog +[MALE] bought a bicycle +[MALE] was shopping at the mall for a new fur coat +[MALE] had always wanted his own pet +i went to the at & t store today +[NEUTRAL] was bored in his room while he was grounded +[FEMALE] was filthy +[MALE] was playing at [NEUTRAL] 's house +lela was involved in an insurance swindle worth millions +[FEMALE] was cleaning out her house +[FEMALE] lived in a lighthouse +[MALE] and his friends decided to visit top golf +[FEMALE] owned a video rental store +[FEMALE] was baking hand pies +[FEMALE] was babysitting her four year old niece +[FEMALE] and her boyfriend were seeing a movie +[MALE] hated the cold weather +[MALE] was a middle school student +[FEMALE] decided to buy a new kitty +[FEMALE] had a large collection of stamps +[MALE] hated mowing +[MALE] knew people were trespassing in his yard +"it was night time in the [MALE] house , and time for bed" +we had a little black and white rooster named [MALE] +i bought my son a baseball +[FEMALE] adopted a new dog for her family +[FEMALE] sister took my daughter for the week +[MALE] saw a contest from his favorite snack company +[FEMALE] wanted popcorn +[NEUTRAL] had practiced hard all season +[FEMALE] was a lonely child +"i met my husband on line , where we spent hours emailing each other" +[MALE] glanced outside to see that it was still snowing +[FEMALE] was studying in [FEMALE] as an exchange student +collins had always wanted his own house +[MALE] forgot his e-mail password +[MALE] once was a little cat +[FEMALE] went to a conference in chicago +i went on a run at the park one day +[FEMALE] nephew just moved to a new home in the suburbs +[MALE] was out for a stroll +[MALE] 's cat would not stop meowing +[FEMALE] loves to go hiking +[FEMALE] signed up to run the chicago marathon +our family had went fishing and caught a few fish +[FEMALE] has been invited to play at her friend [FEMALE] 's home +[FEMALE] loved to read +[MALE] was on a fishing trip +snapper jumped into a murky lake +[MALE] was packing up to move +[MALE] asked his mother for treasure +[FEMALE] always wanted to go on a [FEMALE] egg hunt +[NEUTRAL] was excited about the science fair +[MALE] showed up at a room at 4 for his final exam +[MALE] had a terrible case of stuttering +[FEMALE] did n't have a boyfriend for [MALE] 's day +i had lunch with [MALE] and [MALE] three years ago +[FEMALE] loved knitting +[FEMALE] hated her family +[NEUTRAL] 's mom said she was going to get an apple +[MALE] was talking to [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] had a job interview in three days +[MALE] hates to cut his hair +[FEMALE] was hungry +[FEMALE] was in the first grade when she began to dislike boys +[FEMALE] bought herself a new treadmill +"one day , my family 's dog ran away" +i went to a children 's birthday party +[FEMALE] sister in law gave my wife lottery tickets for her birthday +the ship was beginning to lose its course +[MALE] went on a trip to the nasa space agency +one day [FEMALE] was hiking +[NEUTRAL] was leaving to surprise his girlfriend in [FEMALE] tomorrow +[FEMALE] was sneaking out of her boyfriend 's window +[NEUTRAL] had been looking for a job +lysandra 's purchasing a couch on craigslist +[MALE] painted the basket +[FEMALE] 's parents were on their way to a cruise +[MALE] and his wife [MALE] got lost on their vacation +[MALE] had a hard time getting her children to floss their teeth +[FEMALE] wondered if she had made the right decision on joining the tour +[FEMALE] was playing a videogame her friend had given her +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] got married yesterday +i started using the monkey emoji with one of my best friends +[FEMALE] was as at the minnesota state fair with [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was going to sleep +[MALE] wanted to make a sandwich +"[FEMALE] was caught during a silly teenage prank , and arrested" +i recently started work at a medium-sized housing company +[MALE] saw a bike that he wanted in a store window +[MALE] had a solo musical act in his hometown +[FEMALE] was a great listener and always had good advice +[MALE] was sitting in his house one morning +"i sell things on ebay , amazon , and craigslist" +[FEMALE] was riding bikes with her friend [FEMALE] +i saw a car outside +[MALE] gets kicked out of his house +for a long time i have desired going to south [FEMALE] +"the lamp was old , obviously an antique" +we woke up late and it was raining +[FEMALE] was excited to go to brunch with [MALE] +[NEUTRAL] went to the library to study +[FEMALE] made a cake for her dad 's birthday +[MALE] bought maple syrup from a local farm +[FEMALE] was invited to a buffet with her parents +[FEMALE] had a lizard and her name was [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] bought a new purse +i went inside my local barber shop +[MALE] wanted to be the best at video games +i was very hungry one day and went to my kitchen to get food +[FEMALE] goes on spring break +[MALE] had a stuffed bear when he was young +the girl tried on a bathing suit +[NEUTRAL] was so depressed on the morning of her 14th birthday +[MALE] was mingling at a black tie party with office people +the fair was in town last weekend +[MALE] was a very rich man +[FEMALE] 's class was having a drawing contest +the family drove up the mountain +[MALE] 's pet snake escaped one day +[MALE] really likes to ride his bicycle +we have a very comfortable easy chair +[FEMALE] sister and i had finally gotten to decorate the christmas tree +[MALE] ran a comedy show every [FEMALE] night +[FEMALE] was dreading the weekend +i am a stay at home mom +[NEUTRAL] applied to be in a research study at her university +the ride seemed tame to the mother +i got a box of wine for a party +[MALE] was getting finished with a school paper on his computer +[MALE] went to the basement to check a fuse +we had a new concierge for the 3 to 11 pm shift +[NEUTRAL] was in the bathroom showering +[MALE] was looking to make extra money before college started +[MALE] decides to walk to a stream near his home +[FEMALE] was a girl who enjoyed making things with tools +the kids could n't sleep on christmas [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] are bilingual kindergarteners +[MALE] was n't feeling too well +[MALE] was a very creative and artistic child +a young woman wanted to be able to defend herself +[FEMALE] decided to launch an air attack on japan +[FEMALE] was a very strict teacher +[FEMALE] was running late for a party due to traffic +[FEMALE] was getting ready for school +[MALE] dropped his old cell phone +[FEMALE] wanted a haircut +[MALE] and his friends wanted to take a trip to chipotle +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were going on a picnic +[FEMALE] was lost when an elderly woman offered to help +last week i went on my first date with my love interest +i received a phone call at work from a new construction company today +mira was making bad decisions +[MALE] was excited about his new sega [FEMALE] +a man was running while listening to his headphones +[MALE] 's doctor said he had to eat healthier +i saw this really large limo the other day +[MALE] was terrified of the dark +the man painted a mark on the fence +police were examining the crime scene +[FEMALE] had $ 5 in fines at the library +[MALE] drove his car to school everyday +we had to go to the barn to get wood +[FEMALE] and her family decided to go snorkeling one summer day +[FEMALE] had a craving for peanut butter cookies +[MALE] hated spinach +i was trying to finish my homework assignments +[MALE] was eating at his local fast food place +[FEMALE] wife and i went out on [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was on a cruise ship when the boat stalled +[MALE] wanted to save money on oat milk +i was in my bedroom +[MALE] was getting ready for a big show with his band +[MALE] 's boss stocked the break room with many types of tea +[FEMALE] found a tiny kitten wandering in the street +[FEMALE] finished up her speech +"[MALE] 's daughter , [FEMALE] , wanted a cake for her birthday" +[NEUTRAL] was getting out of her comfort zone +[MALE] attended school to be a meteorologist +[FEMALE] was talking to her friend on the phone +[MALE] is a suburban husband and father in his 50s +[MALE] sat on the couch to watch television +"[MALE] was very thin , and he was nervous about his weight" +[FEMALE] had a fascination with the occult +[MALE] loved to eat fat +i decided to take my first trip to [NEUTRAL] last month +i was skateboarding +"in the evening , [MALE] gets hungry" +ron was boiling water for pasta +[FEMALE] niece 's daughter is a high school senior +[FEMALE] 's 60th birthday is approaching +[NEUTRAL] had a rat in her attic +i got a job at a meatpacking place that paid me twice my old salary +"as i child i came across a worm crawling , as i was playing" +[NEUTRAL] 's job was having an event at a local restaurant +i needed to simulate a data set +i once entered a music contest at school +[FEMALE] had interviewed at a bank near her home +[FEMALE] and her sister were born several years apart +[MALE] fixes cars in his garage as a hobby +[FEMALE] was dreading school starting for her daughters +i had to make an apple pie for thanksgiving +[NEUTRAL] did n't have friends +we lived in a basement condo +[FEMALE] got a new dog named [FEMALE] +[MALE] was vacationing in the australian outback +[MALE] is a brand new father +[MALE] is worried about his internet speed +terrence purchased a sailboat recently +[FEMALE] 's favorite movie is the wizard of oz +we moved into cambridge in 2013 +ken wanted big muscles like his friends had +i bought a lot of new groceries from the store +the family woke on a [FEMALE] and wanted omelets for breakfast +[NEUTRAL] was a slow typist +[MALE] had a faithful dog +the house was small at first +the kids were having the most fun playing in the yard +[FEMALE] was cleaning her closet last week +[MALE] was playing in a chess tournament +[MALE] ordered a lot of products off the internet +[NEUTRAL] was doing the laundry +[FEMALE] had a problem with cocaine +[FEMALE] loved doing taxes +[FEMALE] was disappointed she did n't get to play in her first game +[MALE] was feeling tired and had to get up to go to school +[MALE] walked into the grocery store +[MALE] hated the house he lived in and the people living in it +[MALE] and his team were ready +[NEUTRAL] and [FEMALE] had been dating for many months +[NEUTRAL] got a job as a coach in his home town +[NEUTRAL] watched his mom making the sandwich +[FEMALE] was trying to potty train her two year old +[NEUTRAL] loved her earbuds but they just broke +[FEMALE] did n't like reality shows +[MALE] wanted to be a performer +[FEMALE] is in the fifth grade +[MALE] and his friend were sleeping outside in their yard +[MALE] and [MALE] worked at a factory +[MALE] 's mom handed him a dollar +[MALE] and his high school basketball team were in the state finals +[MALE] wanted cereal for breakfast +[FEMALE] went to the beach +"[MALE] got a great job offer to do government roofingthe job was set to pay 60 dollars per hour[MALE] could not turn it down and accepted the jobthat day [MALE] went to lunch with his father[MALE] then went to work , and worked harder than ever" +[FEMALE] wanted shoes +[FEMALE] [NEUTRAL] hit me with a ruler +[MALE] decided he needed to toughen up +[FEMALE] went to the beach +a couple was feeling stressed out at home +"one winter day , the roads were covered in ice" +the man got his shoes shined +[NEUTRAL] and his dad were going on a trip together +[MALE] hated to dress in a suit +[MALE] loved comic books +[MALE] always wanted to see new [MALE] +[MALE] loved drinking beer but he had never seen a brewery +[MALE] checked a book out from the library +[FEMALE] walked to the store +[MALE] went camping in bear infested woods +[FEMALE] 's pet bird spot has gotten out of her cage and flown away +[MALE] was trying to get into shape +[MALE] has to buy his wife [FEMALE] a gift for their anniversary +[FEMALE] 's grandma was showing her pictures from her childhood +[FEMALE] diet said to weigh myself before i left for work this morning +the kids in the [FEMALE] school were very excited +our apartment building has a clubroom +[MALE] was planning a camping trip with friends +[NEUTRAL] went to the animal shelter +[FEMALE] had a crush on a guy in her class +the man spilled sugar +[MALE] was a tech guy +[FEMALE] loved cookies of all kinds +[FEMALE] took out several ingredients to prepare eggs +there was a family of groundhogs living in our yard +[MALE] wanted to learn how to drive +[FEMALE] admired the music of the doors +it was christmas time +"two friends , [FEMALE] and [MALE] decided to rent an apartment together" +[MALE] was using a lot of data +[NEUTRAL] is in war +[MALE] 's dog would n't stop barking one night +[MALE] slept well the night before +[MALE] was generating bills for the association members +some friends and i were drinking at the bar +[FEMALE] had wanted new clothes +[MALE] is playing basketball +[FEMALE] friend r and her husband g were going to a beach party +the boy caught a carp +[FEMALE] was walking home with some groceries +[MALE] was renovating his bathroom +[MALE] got a rubik 's cube for christmas +[FEMALE] 's women 's group wanted to do something chivalrous +[FEMALE] was camping by herself in the woods +paulie was a huge fan of sports +[FEMALE] made a new friend named [MALE] at the library +"[NEUTRAL] had her friend , ron , over for dinner one night" +[NEUTRAL] loved watching the sunset from a hill +i went to a corn maze in middle school +[FEMALE] was invited to her best friend 's wedding +[MALE] recently went to a nightclub with some friends +[FEMALE] wanted a new pet +[MALE] was an english teacher in [FEMALE] +[NEUTRAL] has always had rather long hair +[MALE] was a bodybuilder +for my 40th birthday party we went out to eat +[NEUTRAL] was much older than him +[MALE] was walking down the street +i 'm not a big reader +[MALE] wanted to play a prank on a colleague +last night at the bar i wanted one more beer +the hubbell family went on a camping trip together +i won a houseplant at an open house for a veterinary clinic +"one day , rachelle 's heart stopped pumping" +[FEMALE] was in the 2nd half of detention +i went to a roller coaster park +[NEUTRAL] was called into the game to replace on of his friends +[MALE] had just been to the grocery store +it was [FEMALE] 's first night as a waitress +[FEMALE] son had to read macbeth in the eighth grade +[FEMALE] is a beautiful woman who wants to model +[FEMALE] had nine kids +[FEMALE] was pregnant and at a check-up +[MALE] went to a party with friends and had a few drinks +[MALE] was a black and white dog who was taken to the shelter +[FEMALE] friend 's daughter lives in ca +[FEMALE] was lost in the wilderness +[MALE] did n't like country music +it was [FEMALE] 's fifth birthday +[MALE] arrived early at the airport for his flight +[FEMALE] friend [MALE] and i played speed chess tonight +[NEUTRAL] needed new clothes +"i invited my friend [FEMALE] to mini-golf with me , hopefully being a date" +[FEMALE] wife got a yankee candle for christmas +[MALE] was a faster runner than [MALE] +[MALE] had a sweet tooth +three friends lived together +[MALE] decided to make a bag of popcorn +[NEUTRAL] 's husband [MALE] asked her to make lasagna for dinner +the children in [FEMALE] 's class drew pictures of seahorses +it was 20 below outside in minnesota in february +it was [MALE] 's first day of school +all [MALE] 's friends called him grimey +[FEMALE] mom did n't buy anything to eat tonight +[MALE] wanted a pair of heelys +[FEMALE] is getting married two months from now +i love my cat very much +[FEMALE] decided to get into shape +[MALE] did n't like cats +[MALE] went to the allentown art festival +the [MALE] family invited over the neighbors for dinnerthey loved being courteous and inviting over neighborsthey made a wonderful roast beef dinnerthe neighbors came over at around 6 pmthey all greatly enjoyed the dinner +[FEMALE] needed new shoes +i woke up so excited +[FEMALE] always enjoyed stand up comedy +[FEMALE] is on a budget with both her time and money today +"[MALE] had an old , uncomfortable bed in his room" +[FEMALE] went to sit on [FEMALE] 's lap +[MALE] worked late unexpectedly one night +today i bought some new shoes +[MALE] went to the mailbox +[FEMALE] practiced moaning +[FEMALE] loved to make italian food +[FEMALE] decided to take her dog on a walk +[FEMALE] and [MALE] both liked each other +[FEMALE] was used to using the virtual keyboard to type on her ipad +i was bored in my room one day +[FEMALE] 's dad tried to teach her to ride a bike on the road +[MALE] got a new job in a different state +[NEUTRAL] 's friend was a famous fashion designer +[FEMALE] lips were bleeding +[FEMALE] friend ate ketchup on ice cream all of the time +[FEMALE] daughter went on vacation with friends last week +[FEMALE] thought the radio was not good +the man was shopping +"at the casino , [MALE] was having a really great night" +[MALE] was excited to be on his neighborhood swim team +[FEMALE] was in charge of washing dishes today +one day my girlfriend and i were bored +[MALE] wanted to run a marathon +[FEMALE] still had sand on her face and clothes +[MALE] was in love +[MALE] never locked his bathroom window +[FEMALE] nephew 's wife is very obese +the power in [FEMALE] 's house went out +[FEMALE] is nervous about her flight while she waits in the terminal +[MALE] was wandering around the neighborhood with a pickup truck +[MALE] was new in school +i picked up a bottle of red dye yesterday +"[MALE] [MALE] wrote three best sellers , now he 's bored" +[MALE] found a dog in a barn +[MALE] was at [MALE] [FEMALE] late at night +[FEMALE] decides to skip some rocks at the pond +davie was enjoying a terrific summer day at the beach +the dog was asleep in bed +[FEMALE] needed her appendix out +"one summer , i taught english classes in [MALE] [MALE]" +i worked at the mbta for 26 years +[FEMALE] was making a cake +julieanne was a couch potato +a phone ran in an empty office +[FEMALE] wore a dress to a february funeral +[FEMALE] signed up for a social media account +i had heard on tv that there was snow coming soon +[FEMALE] was hungry for a snack +i stayed after-school and needed a ride home +[MALE] loved nachos as a kid +[FEMALE] was invited to [FEMALE] 's studio apartment +[NEUTRAL] enjoyed his job +[MALE] was invited to a party +in the debate the moderator asked the candidate if he could dance +the game was tied at 89 with 30 seconds to go +i cut down a lot of trees in my yard +we went to see this great band yesterday +i fell asleep on the beach one day +it was very windy that day +[MALE] hated writing +[MALE] had a lot of helium balloons at a party +[FEMALE] knew that staying home alone was n't a good idea +[MALE] taunted the wrong person and ended up dead +[MALE] was mountain climbing +[MALE] loved to watch the neighborhood go by +[MALE] recently saw an advertisement for a glass making class +"on christmas [FEMALE] , [MALE] and [FEMALE] went up the mountain" +[FEMALE] friend [FEMALE] is starting work in [NEUTRAL] +the family got packed and headed on the road to [FEMALE] +[NEUTRAL] was excited to have engagement photos taken +[MALE] was recording his speech for class +[FEMALE] walked her dogs along the beach everyday +[MALE] wanted to buy a new computer +[FEMALE] friend and i decided to make latkes +[MALE] and [FEMALE] went to the supermarket +[FEMALE] was walking down the street when she saw a new store +[MALE] was sitting in class +the man heard a noise in the woods +it was a cold and wet winter day +[MALE] was scared of big malls +[FEMALE] [MALE] was always bragging about how everyone adored her +[NEUTRAL] ran an online business +[NEUTRAL] wanted to play a board game with his daughter +colin was a very picky eater +[FEMALE] needed money to buy baby clothes +[MALE] woke up in the middle of the night +[MALE] was n't drinking enough water +[MALE] was watering the flowers with a hose +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] went to a craft show +[FEMALE] loves to go swimming at the beach +[MALE] skipped school a lot +[MALE] was a professional whale watcher +[MALE] and [FEMALE] knew buying a house was hard +[NEUTRAL] was making a pickle and cheese sandwich +some friends of ours are huge fans of geocaching +[MALE] had a major chemistry test that morning +[MALE] grabbed the lit marijuana joint +[MALE] was initially excited when his wife announced she was pregnant +[MALE] was going to sing karaoke +[FEMALE] was going to start kindergarten +[MALE] dubbed today a day of love +last week i was at a friend 's bbq +[FEMALE] 's family was going on a trip to mississippi +[FEMALE] worried about eating healthy food +geena loved photography +[FEMALE] wife and i had a date night +[MALE] was pulled over by a police officer +our daughter moved to nyc from [MALE] +i finally bought the house of my dreams +there was a recall on cans of tuna +[MALE] knew he could make something of himself +[MALE] was recently laid off from work +a man named [MALE] once wanted to go abroad +[MALE] had a diaper rash +[MALE] went for a walk with his pet goldfish +[FEMALE] 's class was visiting a real working farm +[FEMALE] was a nine year old ballet student +[MALE] recently bought a mountain bike +[MALE] has always been afraid of snakes +[MALE] notices that his hair has become unruly and long +[FEMALE] 's neighbors raised chickens in their backyard +i got in an accident a couple of months ago +[FEMALE] was fighting with [NEUTRAL] +the man hid some money +"while i worked at the grocery store , my third grade teacher came in" +[FEMALE] friend and i wanted to adopt a cat +[NEUTRAL] realized it was the day before her husband 's birthday +[NEUTRAL] wanted to be more flexible +[MALE] had a dirty house +[MALE] was 4 years old when he started getting hives +[MALE] carried a bag of trash +[MALE] and [MALE] wanted to find something really old +[FEMALE] was excited to see the eclipse with her class +[FEMALE] had been preparing for her piano recital for months +[FEMALE] heard the school bus approaching as she walked to the bus stop +i played speed chess with my friend [MALE] today +[MALE] wanted to know if flea circuses really exist +[FEMALE] has a big test tomorrow +[NEUTRAL] handed a batch of flowers to [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was at a party for her friend [FEMALE] 's birthday +[FEMALE] was walking in the rain +[FEMALE] and her fiance were both soldiers +[FEMALE] liked soda pop +fariah was walking to school +[FEMALE] arrived at work to discover her manager had been promoted +i was teaching my friend how to use a computer +[MALE] was excited to go to the fair +[FEMALE] went to the grocery store +[MALE] needed to replace a closet door +[MALE] broke up with his long-time girlfriend +[MALE] was exploring philadelphia +[NEUTRAL] bought a new pair of holey jeans +there were two small holes in my apartment +[NEUTRAL] entered his school 's art competition +[MALE] and his buddies drove to a campsite in the wilderness +[MALE] loved to play in the dirt +[FEMALE] son 's favorite song is about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches +today is [MALE] 's birthday +i found a bright red beetle on my rug +[FEMALE] has always wanted to be a cop +[MALE] has misplaced his glasses +the chair salesman came to town and set up a display +the day started cold and rainy +[FEMALE] went hunting with her boyfriend for the first time +[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] were best friends +[FEMALE] got an iguana +[MALE] was the right fielder on his high school baseball team +it was my birthday and i always wanted a new ipod +[FEMALE] needed a better paying job +[MALE] had his friend over +[MALE] got the chicken pox from a classmate +[NEUTRAL] was in the middle of baking cookies one day +[MALE] glad a really bad cold +[FEMALE] found a fried chicken recipe +[MALE] wanted to get into better shape +[MALE] mom wanted a ipad for christmas +i learned to bowl when i was 11 +[MALE] went to the beach to surf +[NEUTRAL] was in a rush to leave the house for work +"it takes a lot to make a stew , so [MALE] added ingredients" +tinderton was a very quiet town that very few people visited +i recently attended a wine tasting at a local winery +[MALE] 's class was on a bus headed for the museum +[FEMALE] and her friends ditched art class on day to head downtown +he picked up the drill +[FEMALE] does n't know too much about politics +[MALE] wanted to learn how to play a song +[MALE] loved baseball and wanted to play for a local team +we were washing our clothes for the week +i decided to move back in with my parents +[FEMALE] had n't slept well +[FEMALE] was checking out at the store +[MALE] was listening to music when he adjusted his headphones +[MALE] 's bowling experience somehow threw out his back +[MALE] loved walking on the local trails +[FEMALE] had a disorder +[MALE] visited his mother 's house over the weekend +[FEMALE] mom bought me a scooter for christmas +[MALE] had a bad day at work +brain is the varsity basketball coach for the boy 's team +[FEMALE] was a dog that loved to go on walks +[FEMALE] liked to know what she was getting for christmas +[NEUTRAL] went to the pool +[FEMALE] waited to hear the sound of the ice cream truck driving by +[MALE] enjoyed building computers +[FEMALE] was in freshman biology +aurelie has been away from her boyfriend for months +[MALE] was an avid reader +[FEMAL] is always cold +[MALE] had a recipe for spaghetti sauce +[FEMALE] decided to take a europe vacation +[MALE] went to the gas station to buy a lottery ticket +one day [FEMALE] asked her mother to teach her how to knit +[MALE] had a dog whom he loved very much +i was on a hike with my friend one day in a forest +[FEMALE] and her friend [FEMALE] went to a seafood restaurant +[FEMALE] was at the grocery store with her four kids +[FEMALE] was a chef in a kitchen +the kids rode their bikes to the pool +a girl named [FEMALE] in pigtails asked the vendor for cotton candy +[FEMALE] had a store +[NEUTRAL] comes home with bruises after his first day of school +[FEMALE] moved with her parents to a new city +the woman bought an apple +[MALE] went for a long bike ride +[FEMALE] was at a theme park +[MALE] and his wife [FEMALE] went on a week 's vacation +[MALE] had tons of wires on the floor of his room +[FEMALE] was browsing through magazines +[FEMALE] is walking through a forest with her little brother +she named the puppy [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] went to the kitchen at her friend 's house +[NEUTRAL] was an expert at ignoring advertisements when he surfed the web +i yell at my kids all the time to put the toothpaste cap back on +one person influenced my life more so than any other person +[MALE] wanted to got trick or treating with his friend [MALE] +[FEMALE] was playing the back yard when she spotted a bees ' nest +[FEMALE] was looking through her grandmother 's attic +[NEUTRAL] was having her morning coffee in her living room +this seemed like an average monday +[FEMALE] was the star of her school 's basketball team +[MALE] had just started his summer vacation +i thought i saw something in the corner of my eye +[MALE] nailed [MALE] with a dodgeball as hard as he could +[FEMALE] was a tough girl +[MALE] was a soldier in the [MALE] war +[MALE] was making french fries +[MALE] hates cats +a recent stroke left [FEMALE] unable to move her left side +roger had a fluffy pet rabbit hopping around his floor +i went on a trip to las [NEUTRAL] last year +[MALE] 's water heater was electric +[MALE] had just moved to a small town and was looking for work +[MALE] decided he wanted to keep a daily diary +[MALE] had been in business for 10 years +i sent my girlfriend to get a replacement part for my car +[MALE] loved to eat +[MALE] was driving down the road +[MALE] was at school +[FEMALE] loved horses a lot +"[MALE] got off the bus , already feeling the heat of the day" +[FEMALE] had a break at work +i bought a used 4x4 in the winter +[NEUTRAL] the cat was settling in with his new family +[FEMALE] nephew has a two year old boy +[MALE] is in the army +[FEMALE] decided to have a picnic +[FEMALE] loved jazz music +it was a very long day +[MALE] ordered a oven roasted chicken sandwich from the restaurant +i was a ballerina as a young girl +[FEMALE] turken and her husband did n't have much luck conceiving +there was a shootout a few minutes ago +[FEMALE] was at the grocery store +[MALE] wanted to earn some extra income +the barber told me where to sit when i came into the stop +[FEMALE] loved records +[FEMALE] paid for the bicycle and got her family ready +franked picked up his wife 's nail polish smelling it deeply +[FEMALE] celebrated her 31st birthday last month +[MALE] wanted to be a professional soccer player +[MALE] spilled milk on the carpet +[NEUTRAL] recently took a cruise to the virgin islands +"[FEMALE] wanted to sew a new dress , but had no experience" +[MALE] noticed someone following him home from school +[MALE] began having severe headaches and blurry vision +[MALE] and [FEMALE] had been dating for a year +the couple went to take a hike in the woods +xena grunted with effort as she climbed the mountain +[FEMALE] had a big secret that she had been hiding for a while +[NEUTRAL] was afraid of planes +[NEUTRAL] decided to get a cat +it was [MALE] 's first day of school +[MALE] had a three year old daughter who would n't listen +[MALE] wanted to purchase a new car +[FEMALE] was free to leave the principal 's office +[MALE] just turned 5 yesterday +"one winter day , [FEMALE] was driving home from school" +[FEMALE] did n't drink but she wanted to fit in +yesterday i ordered a bunch of coffee table books online +[NEUTRAL] 's mom could n't stop complaining about the sink leakage +there was a massive comet passing over the sky +it started to rainy on [FEMALE] 's walk home from school +[MALE] had a couple of pet turtles as a kid +we found a big tin of foreign coins in the trash +[FEMALE] wanted to publish an anthology +[MALE] was on his way to a party +[MALE] needed a job so he went into a store to ask for work +"when [MALE] works hard , he makes more money" +[FEMALE] saw there was a movie marathon +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were enjoying a warm and muggy evening on the farm +last week i had a terrible sunburn +he had been gone for half an hour before she started to worry +[FEMALE] was driving to her job +i weighed 214 lbs when i was 15 and had a high body fat percentage +"[MALE] moved up north , where it got much colder than he was used to" +i found a lost dog in the park one day +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] had a long distance relationship +[FEMALE] just moved into a new apartment +[MALE] had just made some rice in the microwave +"while walking in his backyard , little [MALE] found a baby bird" +[MALE] let his auto insurance lapse +the kids were complaining again +[MALE] got a really bad cold from his daycare site +[FEMALE] 's mom did n't want the nyquil [FEMALE] bought +oreo the dog wanted to chew on his bone +[MALE] 's had information on her brothers and a lack of funds +[MALE] wanted to replace the granite on his island in the kitchen +[MALE] loved whales +[MALE] 's girlfriend believed in psychics +[FEMALE] was very nervous about her first piano recital +[MALE] was stopping at a drive thru for breakfast +[FEMALE] was walking home from college one day +[MALE] was always told that he was too slow to play ping pong +[NEUTRAL] had heard that a vacuum could explode from picking up gunpowder +i fell recently and have trouble getting up +[MALE] has been craving a good steak all week +[FEMALE] became mad when [MALE] did n't tell her where he went out +two girls were tall growing up +[MALE] wanted to make a fresh new loaf of bread +[MALE] was always afraid of flying +i loved baseball +i borrowed my sister 's car to run errands +[NEUTRAL] is pregnant +[FEMALE] wanted a special treat +[MALE] lived in an apartment +[NEUTRAL] was sad about his eyes +[FEMALE] did not speak english +[NEUTRAL] wanted to see a psychic after her father died +[FEMALE] was excited for her next paycheck +i was throwing a football +iva signed up for a hot dog eating contest +"[MALE] was skeptical , but he started a relationship with [FEMALE]" +[MALE] was scared of mice +[NEUTRAL] wanted to take a vacation with her husband +[FEMALE] and her husband decided to move to another state +late last night i awoke to a strange sound of a cupboard opening +we took our ten year old niece to nyc in 1983 +[NEUTRAL] in law gave us a yankee candle for christmas +[MALE] walked off the bus and walked towards his house +it was sunny when [MALE] drove to work +[FEMALE] was a very arrogant person +one day [MALE] and [MALE] went out for dinner +[NEUTRAL] was shopping in the grocery store +i went to a fast food joint +[FEMALE] had just bought a shower curtain online +everyone loved to smoke out of [NEUTRAL] 's beautiful bong +[FEMALE] was finally getting a kitten +[FEMALE] wanted to look her best for her high school prom +[MALE] has lost his cellphone +[FEMALE] grandpa always sends me packets of newspapers in the mail +[FEMALE] lived with her adopted father and his girlfriend +[FEMALE] had finally gotten her pencil back from [MALE] +while at work two people met +we were watching basketball on tv +[MALE] liked to make juice out of fresh fruit +[MALE] never studied for tests +[FEMALE] realized that her current fish tank was way to small +[MALE] woke early and excitedly ran to his parents room +brick was a rough boy +[FEMALE] mom left the house to go to work early +[FEMALE] has a baby named [NEUTRAL] +they sat and thought for hours +a large family went to the airport +[MALE] had never liked reading much +[FEMALE] and her family went on a cruise +i decided to take a shortcut to work +a family really loved rainbows +[FEMALE] wife was feeling sad +[MALE] always had issues with insomnia +[FEMALE] was going for a tryout to be in a play +[MALE] bought a restaurant +last week i went rock climbing with my friend [MALE] +[MALE] really liked this girl [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] entered into a local cupcake competition +[MALE] went to the lake one day to fish +[FEMALE] had only won one medal in her life +the johnsons always went to the beach for vacation +[MALE] was scared of the color yellow +[FEMALE] had her wedding today +[NEUTRAL] was afraid of getting vaccinations so she always refused them +[FEMALE] had a lover named [MALE] +nicolas loved to bath every single day +the laundry service now offered colored chef coats +[NEUTRAL] 's grandfather sent a box of gifts for christmas +[NEUTRAL] was in middle school +[FEMALE] felt sad about the child who lost his mother +i poured a glass of wine today +[MALE] needed to draw a portrait for school +the other night i heard a loud crash +[MALE] painted his sons bat +[NEUTRAL] decided to throw a house party +[FEMALE] always hated her school photo +the stickers glittered in the sunlight +[FEMALE] needed a new bedspread +[MALE] was kicked out of his house +[NEUTRAL] was at summer camp +[MALE] got a job in a city far away from his friends +i sat down to eat some nuts +[FEMALE] was making dinner for her family +[FEMALE] decided that her bathroom needed a good cleaning +[MALE] knew he would be rich one day +[MALE] did not have electricity where he lived +[MALE] opened his market +[FEMALE] sister in law 's grandson is 25 +[MALE] raised a kennel of puppies to sell +[FEMALE] and her friend were in the girl scouts +[MALE] and [MALE] are my coworkers +the girl felt pain in her mouth +[MALE] turned four months old +[FEMALE] liked to read articles online at work +gob liked to ride his bicycle to work every day +[FEMALE] son wanted some lunchables as a snack +[MALE] needed to send an email for his homework +[MALE] woke up and walked into his kitchen to make coffee +there was a banging noise across the house +[MALE] needed new boots +[FEMALE] was with her friends at a summer festival +[NEUTRAL] went for a walk +jame 's devices are everywhere +[NEUTRAL] loved staying up late and waiting for her dad +[NEUTRAL] and [MALE] decided to build a treehouse to hang out in +[FEMALE] had a new phone +[MALE] went to the barber for a trim before the prom +[FEMALE] could not find [MALE] anywhere +[MALE] jerked hard on the [FEMALE] brand chainsaw 's pull throttle +[MALE] was wandering through the forest +[FEMALE] wanted to become a babysitter +i never cleaned the bathroom at my house +"more than once now , i have stayed in a country longer unintentionally" +[FEMALE] went roller skating for the first time today +[MALE] bought a new suit +[MALE] wanted to smoke a cigarette +[FEMALE] and [MALE] decided it was time to get divorced +[NEUTRAL] had always wanted to go to a hockey game +[MALE] is afraid of clowns +[FEMALE] had always wanted to learn to brew beer +[MALE] saw a huge spider crawling on his ceiling +last [NEUTRAL] our building threw a summer barbeque +[MALE] learned how to write the alphabet slowly +[FEMALE] was dropped from a stunt during cheer practice +[MALE] decided to cook dinner +working in a small town hardware store is a nice job to have +[FEMALE] friend visited from germany +[FEMALE] was feeling extremely thirsty +[MALE] communicated with an exchange student for several years +"when i was a kid , i fell on my bicycle" +[NEUTRAL] got his left ear pierced as a fashion statement +[MALE] went to the doctor +i got a professional massage today for the first time ever +our neighbors were poor grad students +[FEMALE] nephew posted a fb photo of his son and dog +i went to see a scary movie the other day +[FEMALE] and [MALE] were excited to learn they had a baby on the way +"[FEMALE] college roommate , [MALE] , and i were eating in the cafeteria" +[MALE] was at a concert +[MALE] was excited about getting a new puppy +[FEMALE] was cooking dinner for her husband +[NEUTRAL] and [FEMALE] were having a baby +i decided to bake a cake for my friend 's birthday +[MALE] likes to run marathons +[MALE] and her mom were camping +every [FEMALE] [FEMALE] goes to the park with her teddy bear +[MALE] ran out of the house with her bag and cup +[MALE] was excited to go to the carnival +[MALE] made papier mache masks in his spare time +[MALE] had a girlfriend in high-school +a thief stole some candy and ran out of the store +lyra was addicted to drugs +it was one of the hottest nights +[FEMALE] was starving +[MALE] began to sneeze at work +[FEMALE] and [MALE] went on their first cruise +[MALE] has wanted to learn how to make rice for months +[FEMALE] was very picky +[NEUTRAL] was doing her makeup +we invited all of our friends over +all of [MALE] 's friends love to skateboard +we moved from our condo in 2013 +[FEMALE] had a hot date +[NEUTRAL] featured in her first movie last summer +[MALE] and [FEMALE] went to the grocery store +[FEMALE] was playing in the park +[FEMALE] always felt pale +[FEMALE] was a mom of two +[FEMALE] was very worried that her mommy was in the hospital +[FEMALE] wife put on a dress +[FEMALE] finally put baby for a nap +[MALE] wants to go hunting +[NEUTRAL] was a great volunteer +[MALE] worked overtime every week +i got poked in the eye by a stick +i attempted to buckle my seatbelt on the roller coaster +[FEMALE] was a little person +[FEMALE] went to the gas station to buy bottled water +i do n't like writing my short stories on my computer +[MALE] was driving to work in heavy traffic +[MALE] and his wife took a trip to bermuda +[FEMALE] and her team were at the end of the season +"up until this point , [MALE] spent most of his adult life single" +the robber fired off one shot into the bank ceiling +[FEMALE] wants to be a cheerleader +[FEMALE] was hired to work at [MALE] 's +[MALE] was planning on playing guitar at an open mic +[FEMALE] hurried home from work +[FEMALE] neighbor was illiterate +[FEMALE] wanted a tattoo +[MALE] had read a lot about the virtues of growing his muscles +[MALE] was a fire chief who wanted to retire to [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] adopted a puppy +[MALE] was about to begin his freshman year of college +[MALE] hates his job at mcdonald 's +[NEUTRAL] was nervous about getting her test back +[FEMALE] just finished a bowl of ice cream +the woman cut her hair short +"parties are usually lame , but this was a new level of lame" +kara was grilling several chicken breasts +coach signals the thumbs up sign and yells music 's on +when [FEMALE] went into the candy store she saw a lot of cheap things +[MALE] loved his father 's car +we spent an entire weekend putting up a cover over our patio +i remember staying over at a friends house for a sleepover +there was a squirrel running around outside of my apartment +the kids were so excited to go to the amusement park +[MALE] 's landlord let him know the rent was going up next month +[NEUTRAL] 's family was going snorkeling in key [MALE] +[MALE] was always asked to join a local gang +[MALE] woke up with a really bad stomach ache one [FEMALE] morning +[FEMALE] did not know how to ride a bike +[MALE] is telling everybody his car got stolen +[FEMALE] 's parents dropped her off at her babysitters at 6am on a monday +[FEMALE] was in the basement at her grandparents +one day a few years ago i was on a road trip with a friend +[MALE] was very scared of swimming in the water +we had dinner in [FEMALE] tonight +[MALE] 's school day had been cancelled due to rain +[FEMALE] was playing with her friends near a rock wall +i donated to a charity for three years +[NEUTRAL] was nervous to get her college letter back +[MALE] had cucumbers growing in his garden +the young couple had a weekend free of obligations +the professor handed the exams to everyone +[MALE] wanted a new car +[MALE] was an android developer +[MALE] was with his friends on a hike +[MALE] was at a state fair +[MALE] picked up a bag of chips in a corner store +it was [FEMALE] 's first day of school +[FEMALE] was a ten year old girl +[MALE] was going snorkeling +[FEMALE] was nervous to be in her first play +[FEMALE] sister in law 's husband is renovating their daughter 's room +[MALE] was very thirsty +"[FEMALE] had a big , new home" +[MALE] wanted to get a new watch +i opened the large door with my shoulder +[FEMALE] is a fifty year old woman who lives with her husband +a large storm arose from seemingly nowhere +"when [MALE] coded a website with adwords , he thought he 'd get rich" +[MALE] had a really bad toothache +[FEMALE] was going to visit her family in minnesota +i played ten games with my friend [MALE] on [FEMALE] +the kids were supposed to do chores every day +[MALE] was constantly coughing +[FEMALE] did n't know what desk to buy +[MALE] loved to try new things +[FEMALE] had a favorite brand of bottled water +i ordered a new belt off the internet +[FEMALE] was on a family vacation +[FEMALE] was walking to school one morning +[MALE] was trying to write an essay +[MALE] had been married for several years +the farm had a lot of animals +[FEMALE] wanted to be a fashion designer +today was [FEMALE] 's first day of scuba diving +i always listen to music in the car on the way to work +[FEMALE] came back from work +[MALE] is playing football +i went to play tennis with a lot of friends +[NEUTRAL] always wanted to go to disneyland +[FEMALE] loved to make cakes +there were some trucks in a lot behind my house +i had not went to church at all in the past several years +[FEMALE] friend ask me to tell him a story +one day [FEMALE] heard a loud bang from her front room +"when [FEMALE] got an angel figurine gift , she thought it was precious" +[FEMALE] 's husbands brought home two surprise guests for dinner +[MALE] wanted to do something special for his wife for [MALE] 's day +colin broke up with his girlfriend when he moved to minnesota +[FEMALE] wanted to look her very best on her wedding day +lamie mcramie knew it had to be done +[NEUTRAL] was a great cook +we drove to a nearby college to compete in a band tournament +it was a rainy and gloomy day +[FEMALE] girlfriend and i like watching movies +[FEMALE] had found a bed & breakfast that looked great +[FEMALE] was graduating from her high school +[MALE] was a violent man +the woman was indecisive +[FEMALE] 's parents had long talked about going up in a hot air balloon +[MALE] had a friend named [MALE] who had a crush on some girl he met +[FEMALE] resolved to go to the gym every day to lose weight +[MALE] always loved model train sets +[MALE] needed some new tools +[MALE] approached the pull-up bar with confidence +kara went bowling with her family +[FEMALE] had a new baby girl +[FEMALE] dogs ate all of the trash while i was sleeping +[FEMALE] ordered a toy for her daughter online +[FEMALE] was upset she lost her new watch +[MALE] went to the zoo with his friends +[NEUTRAL] made the best gumbo in town +[MALE] was camping with his friends +[NEUTRAL] was trying to complete tasks for her boss +[MALE] liked hunting with his father +[FEMALE] saw someone flying a kite at the park one day +[MALE] smelled something foul +[MALE] was on boating while on holiday +our neighbor [MALE] is a hunter +[FEMALE] 's grandmother wanted some tea +"i had a friend who played violin , and i played piano" +there was this italian place next to where [FEMALE] lives +[FEMALE] wanted to go to an amusement park for her birthday +[MALE] stood near the monkey enclosure at the zoo +[FEMALE] and her friends went apple picking +[FEMALE] is diagnosed with a rare disease +i have always been deathly afraid of snakes +a frog hopped out of the pond +[MALE] really wanted some quick dinner +[FEMALE] learned badminton from his dad +every year me and my mom take a family trip +[FEMALE] went to pick up her rental car +i bought a new car +[MALE] had a headache +[FEMALE] brother baked a pan of brownies when our parents were gone +[FEMALE] family and i took a helicopter ride in [FEMALE] +[FEMALE] was flying a kite one windy afternoon +cool c was a hip hop artist from philadelphia +[NEUTRAL] was trying to watch a video on her phone +[MALE] was arrested for a robbery +[FEMALE] decided to have a picnic for her three children +[FEMALE] once worked at the sweet store +[MALE] is a little over weight +[MALE] wanted to take his new girlfriend on a date +[FEMALE] loves to run through the woods +[FEMALE] was driving to work one day +[MALE] and [FEMALE] were sleeping soundly in the same bed +[MALE] bought a new dog +all of [FEMALE] 's kids had moved out of the house +[MALE] hated camping +i set off to climb the mountain at 4 :00am with everything i needed +a little boy named [MALE] sure did love his sweets +i built a large treehouse in our backyard +i did a fundraiser for church +[MALE] loved [FEMALE] 's music +it was [FEMALE] 's first day bar tending and she was excited +[NEUTRAL] had just arrived at school +[FEMALE] had gained fifty pounds over the last year +[FEMALE] loved tie dye +[FEMALE] had flown to [FEMALE] +[MALE] prepared for weeks for the show +[MALE] has always been single +[MALE] had a huge collection of video games +[MALE] had big dream of being famous +we played monopoly last night +[FEMALE] was having trouble sleeping +[MALE] made a ham sandwich +[MALE] was trying to lose weight +[MALE] went to the grocery store one afternoon +[MALE] was wearing an apron to bake cookies +[FEMALE] was on the way back from a job interview +i have a one acre garden +[MALE] and [FEMALE] shared a bedroom +one day i was being really impatient with myself +[FEMALE] snuck her mom 's makeup bag into school one morning +roger is a secret agent +[MALE] wanted to learn about sloths +[FEMALE] went to the plant nursery to get some stuff to make a garden +[MALE] was making a stew +[FEMALE] is a recovering alcoholic and has n't drank in years +[MALE] went to his family 's party +"when i was a child , i went to the lake with my brothers" +"growing up , [MALE] has always loved to watch wrestling" +[MALE] 's dog ran away on [NEUTRAL] after he left the gate open +[MALE] and [FEMALE] go camping +[FEMALE] thought she would make a nice dinner for her husband +"working at an animal shelter , [FEMALE] met a dog rescued from a puppy mill" +[NEUTRAL] filmed a movie with his friends +[NEUTRAL] is a football player and needs to improve his speed +roger lost his job +[MALE] woke up at 6 in the morning +[NEUTRAL] was running for the train +[FEMALE] loved her wealth and traveling +i once decided to prank my older brother +[MALE] loves video games +"when i first saw presto 's picture , i knew he needed to be my dog" +[FEMALE] was working very hard to catch up on her bills +[MALE] had loved computers since he was a little boy +[FEMALE] coach always told me to not trust in my talents +[MALE] is a great ping pong player +i play an online game involving warships +the girl scouts knocked on [MALE] 's door +[FEMALE] really hoped that it would snow overnight +[MALE] was running late for school +[NEUTRAL] had always had friends when he lived in his old town +"while on his way to work , [MALE] noticed a police car slowing traffic" +[MALE] was lost on the streets +[MALE] thought that his ability as a pitcher was the best +the candle was burning up on the shelf +[FEMALE] friend took me to the gun range today +[FEMALE] dad and i like to hunt for worms