diff --git "a/train.csv" "b/train.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/train.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +,text,id,label +0,"As seen on The Five Police Group Boycotts Ben & Jerry's After Black Lives Matter Endorsement As more women come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against Donald Trump, the Republican nominee is lashing out at the mainstream media, which he claims is running with this ""total fiction"" to distract from Hillary Clinton's scandals. At a rally in Greensboro, N.C., Trump said these accusations are part of a conspiracy involving the Clinton campaign and what he called “the corrupt media.” Greg Gutfeld agreed with much of Trump's assessment on ""The Five"" today, saying, ""The media wants Hillary to win. There's no doubt about that."" Judge Jeanine on Trump Accusers: 'All on One Day? It's a Little Too Convenient' Gutfeld explained that Trump has actually been ""set up,"" as he was given countless hours of coverage and ""billions of dollars of free media,"" only to have the rug pulled out from under him. ""The media ... [and] Hillary and Obama, they knew elevating Donald Trump - giving him an air of respectability in the press, as well - turned him into the Republican nominee. Then, out came the knives."" Watch the co-hosts of ""The Five"" discuss above, and let us know what you think in the comments. New WikiLeaks Bombshell: Clinton Aides Discussed 'Emails to and from POTUS'",0,0 +1,"Donald Trump is a pathological liar. All those who support him are being lied to daily. Once again, Trump has told his gullible supporters that we are letting people in by the thousands who are not vetted and that we don’t know who they are. Refugees must first apply to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which collects documents and performs interviews. Less than 1 percent of refugees get approved for relocation. If they are approved, they are referred to the State Department to begin the vetting process. More information is collected and they are put through security screenings from the National Counterterrorism Center, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms If the refugee is Syrian, they must go through another layer of security, which includes further checks by a special part of Homeland Security, the USCIS fraud detection and National Security directors. There, interviews with USCIS officers would take place and fingerprints run through biometric databases of the FBI, Homeland Security and Department of Defense. If all these are passed, health screenings take place. Then refugees are enrolled in cultural orientation classes while information continues to be checked. This process typically takes 18 to 24 months after applying to the UN. This is the most vigorous vetting anyone has ever faced to enter the U.S. Donald Trump is trying to instill fear in the gullible supporters that he has. He has lied about his health records, his tax returns, President Obama’s birth certificate, election fraud (31 cases of voter impersonation in over 1 billion votes) and hundreds of other things, and those who choose to believe him either don’t care about his lies or aren’t smart enough to find out the truth for themselves. Danny Duncan Palmetto",1,1 +2,"Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom weighs in on significance behind the FBI reopening the case against Hillary Clinton. The FBI announced Friday afternoon it will reopen its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server during her tenure as Secretary of State. The decision comes as the FBI said it is reviewing new information related to the original case. James Kallstrom, former FBI assistant director, discussed the news on the FOX Business Network. “These guys that run the FBI now came to the conclusion that they look like absolute fools and that they’ve done a horrible job, they’ve thrown the agents under the bus, they discredited the FBI’s reputation,” he told Neil Cavuto. “And I can tell the people listening to you, it’s not the FBI agents, believe me. It’s two or three people at the top of the FBI.” Kallstrom believes the government agency shouldn’t have started an investigation in the first place if it didn’t meet certain guidelines. “If they were not ever going to impanel a grand jury, that means you really don’t conduct a criminal investigation. You don’t have subpoena power, you don’t have warrants. That was apparently apparent early on in this investigation. I would’ve liked to have seen somebody with the integrity not to just conduct an investigation that doesn’t meet any of the criteria of how the FBI operates,” he stated. He added: “I suspect that they never had a really bonafide investigation because the Justice Department wouldn’t let them do it.",2,0 +3,"Britain has to tell the EU that it wants to go by invoking Article 50 of the EU rulebook for the first time in history. Article 50, which is set out in the Lisbon Treaty, is the legal mechanism for the withdrawal of a member state from the EU. The use of Article 50 will start the timer on a two-year process of exit talks over Britain’s political divorce from the 28-member bloc. At the end of the two-year period, Britain will be expelled from the EU unless member states unanimously decide to extend the deadline. The new Prime Minister Theresa May has said that she will trigger Article 50 before the end of March 2017. But the process could be delayed because the Government is being forced to get approval from Parliament in order to do so. The Supreme Court has held up a High Court decision that the use Article 50 needs to be agreed by Parliament to the delight of EU voters. Pro-EU will be given a fresh opportunity to try and block Brexit by voicing their concerns in the House of Commons and Lords. There are fears that Brexit could be delayed until after the German election in autumn 2017 or even postponed indefinitely. There is no timescale for how soon after a referendum Article 50 must be invoked. But the British Government is under pressure to start the process as soon as possible in order to put an end to the uncertainty that has engulfed Europe. The European Council has said: “We now expect the United Kingdom Government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may be. “Any delay would unnecessarily prolong uncertainty. “We have rules to deal with this in an orderly way. Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union sets out the procedure to be followed if a member state decides to leave.” Fri, June 24, 2016 The EU referendum result is not legally binding so in theory Parliament could ignore the will of the people by deciding to stay in the EU. This is because Parliament is sovereign and the EU vote was an “advisory referendum”, as opposed to a “binary” referendum which has a fixed outcome. Therefore the EU referendum legislation does not force the Government to automatically take Britain out of the EU. But the political reality is that Theresa May's Government has no choice but to follow through on the electorate’s wishes. Politicians have repeatedly stressed that there was “no going back” if the British people voted to back Brexit in the referendum.",3,0 +4,"A photo of empty bus seats caused a heated debate on Facebook because people thought they saw six women in burqas. The image was shared to a Norwegian anti-immigration group with the question: “What do people think about this?” Members sounded off, saying things like: “It looks really scary, should be banned. You can never know who is under there. Could be terrorists with weapons.” “Get them out of our country, those who look like collapsed umbrellas. Frightening times we are living in.” “I thought it would be like this in the year 2050, but it is happening NOW!!!!” The user who posted the photo wanted to show people the dangers of jumping to conclusions and spreading fake news. Norway's right-wing government recently proposed a law that would ban Muslim women from wearing full face veils in schools.",4,0 +5,"What if Idaho sends a message to the rest of the country that we value and respect everyone, especially women, minorities, veterans and the disabled — those denigrated and disrespected by the Republican candidate for president. Idahoans stand for fairness, civility, kindness and compassion. Let go of your ties to the Republican Party for this election and vote for Hillary Clinton and for all the other Democratic nominees. It’s time to stand for fairness. Voting along party lines just to vote for the party does not make sense in this election. Vote Democratic. Barbara A. Elliott, Boise Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms",5,1 +6,"Las Vegas police confirmed the man they believe to be responsible for killing more than 58 people is Stephen Paddock. Here's what we know about him. - Stephen Paddock is a 64-year-old white male. - Paddock was not known to the federal authorities, but was known to local law enforcement. - He lived in Mesquite, Nevada with Marilou Danley on Babbling Brook Ct. Police are searching his house. NBC reporting #LasVegas shooter as Stephen C Paddock who looks to be living at this address with Marilou Danley who Police are searching for pic.twitter.com/Ib1FQMhDBC - Police said that Ms Danley was seen sitting with the suspected shooter in a car before the incident and they are searching for her. She is described as an Asian female who is 4'11"". - He was found on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Casino. Police said he had numerous weapons with him. - Police believe he killed himself in a hotel room before they found him. Marilou Danley who #LasVegas police are searching for in connection to the #mandalaybay shooting has previously been to events at hotel: pic.twitter.com/djBDEmHKU0 - Police believe this was a ""lone wolf"" attack and he was the only shooter. Over 58 people died and more than 500 were injured after a gunman opened fire at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival which was taking place across the road from Mandalay Bay on the famous Las Vegas Strip. This makes it the biggest mass shooting in US history.",6,0 +7,"North Korea must denuclearise the peninsula amid World War 3 scares, Counsellor to the President, Kellyanne Conway has warned. Speaking to Fox News, Donald Trump’s top aide said: “Well the President’s position, our position on North Korea has never changed. “He continues to apply maximum pressure.” Ms Conway added that the United States is “very happy” to see a more unified effort against Kim Jong-un’s regime. She said: “North Korea must denuclearise the peninsula region and we’re very happy that there seems to be a more unified international effort in this regard, in that pursuit. “You see the United Nations resolution on December 22, very recently, you see the previous resolutions unanimously in support of the United States position with respect to North Korea."" Mr Trump’s aide added that North Korea is a threat to the entire world, not just the US. She said: “This is key because this President has made clear from the beginning and constantly throughout the first year of his presidency that a nuclearised North Korea is not just a danger and a threat to America, and to any freedom and democracy loving people, but to the entire world and the world is responding.” It comes after President Trump threatened North Korea with his ""much bigger and more powerful"" nuclear button following menacing undertones in Kim Jong-un's speech on New Year's Day. Mr Trump wrote on Twitter: ""North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the 'Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.' ""Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!"" North Korea has been fanning fears of World War 3 by refusing to heed calls for denuclearisation – with leader Kim engaging President Trump in an escalating war of words. But Kim appeared to offer an olive branch to neighbouring South Korea – a close US ally – by suggesting North Korea could use the 2018 Winter Olympics to organise diplomatic talks with Seoul to defuse tensions with the international community.",7,0 +8,The FBI just blew the Hillary Clinton case wide open she could literally be going to jail. FBI just dropped could put her in the category of bonafide traitor. FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial n-u-c-l-e-a-r deal with Moscow. Senate Judiciary opens probe into Obama-era Russian uranium bribery… PAPER: Stunning cover-up,8,1 +9,"Jemele Hill in September 2016. Jemele Hill, the outspoken host of ESPN’s 6:00 p.m. SportsCenter, called President Donald Trump a “white supremacist” on Twitter. ESPN later posted a statement, saying her comments “do not represent the position of ESPN” and she knows her comment was “inappropriate.” The White House called Hill’s comments a “fireable offense.” The 41-year-old Hill has been hosting the 6:00 edition of SportsCenter, dubbed SC6 with Michael Smith since February. Hill and Smith previously co-hosted Numbers Never Lie and His & Hers before they were promoted to the flagship show. You can follow Hill on Twitter. Here’s what you need to know about Hill’s politics and her latest brush with controversy. Hill’s tweet about Trump was posted late on September 11 after she retweeted a The Hill article about musician Kid Rock, who has been teasing a run for Michigan Senator after launching KidRockforSenate.com in July. The article is about Rock’s long Facebook post about the “extreme left.” ““Pretty funny how scared I have them all and their only agenda is to try and label people / me racist who do not agree or cower to them,” Rock wrote. “He loves black people so much that he pandered to racists by using a flag that unquestionably stands for dehumanizing black people,” Hill wrote, referring to the singer’s use of the Confederate Battle flag. After a back-and-forth with other Twitter users, Hill wrote, “Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.” Hill also tweeted other messages about Trump. “He is unqualified and unfit to be president. He is not a leader. And if he were not white, he never would have been elected. He has surrounded himself with white supremacists — no they are not “alt right” — and you want me to believe he isn’t a white supremacist?” She went on, “Trump is the most ignorant, offensive president of my lifetime. His rise is a direct result of white supremacy. Period. The height of white privilege is being able to ignore his white supremacy, because it’s of no threat to you. Well, it’s a threat to me.” “Donald Trump is a bigot. Glad you could live with voting for him. I couldn’t, because I cared about more than just myself,” she wrote. After the tweet gained attention in the conservative media, ESPN issued a statement. “The comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the President do not represent the position of ESPN,” the statement reads. “We have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate.” Hill has continued to Tweet, but on other subjects. Hill has made her politics clear on her Twitter page. She has a tweet with photos of her 2015 and 2016 visits to the White House to meet President Barack Obama pinned to her page. Twitter users frequently complain to her, and she typically responds. In January 2016, ESPN issued a memo to employees to avoid making political comments. Since then, Sage Steele lost a hosting position after writing that she was sad to see the “joy” in the faces of anti-Trump protesters. Curt Schilling was famously fired in April 2016 for an offensive post about transgender people. After the Pulse nightclub shootings in Orlando in June 2016, when a man killed 49 people inside a gay nightclub, Hill wrote, “So in a country where we have done everything possible to undermine the LGBTQ community, we are suddenly lecturing Islam on homophobia. Oh.” Forbes asked ESPN PR why Hill wasn’t fired after that message. A spokesperson told the magazine that Hill’s statement wasn’t a violation of the 2016 memo. ESPN has been dealing with subscriber losses for some time, and its apparent liberal slant on politics has taken the blame in the media. Conservatives point to Schilling’s firing and Caitlyn Jenner receiving the Arthur Ashe courage award in 2015 as examples. Not firing Hill for her comments will certainly not help. SportCenter‘s Linda Cohn also admitted that politics are hurting ESPN. During a conference in June, Hill defended the coverage of political topics, noting that the athletes they cover have made it difficult to avoid politics. “I just hadn’t noticed the correlation between us being called more liberal as you see more women in a position on our network… as you see more ethnic diversity, then all of a sudden ESPN is too liberal. So I wonder, when people say that, what they’re really saying,” Hill said, reports Yahoo News. “The other part of it is that we’re journalists, and people have to understand, these uncomfortable political conversations… the athletes are dragging us here.” Hill continued, noting that they never asked Colin Kaepernick to kneel during the national anthem and they didn’t expect Gregg Popovich to go off on Donald Trump during press conferences. “You have athletes saying they’re going to the White House, not going to the White House, that’s all sports news,” Hill continued. “It didn’t just start with this generation of athletes, it’s always been that way. Sometimes when I hear a viewer say they don’t want their politics mixed with sports, I say, ‘What did you think about Muhammad Ali?’ And then all of a sudden it’s glowing praise.” Hill made similar comments in an interview with Newsday. “Whether we want to discuss it or not, athletes are dragging us into these conversations,” Hill said in January. “It’s not that Mike and I wake up one day and say, ‘Hey, today we’re going to be MSNBC.’ It’s usually based off a news story that is relevant to sports.” Hill has been at ESPN since 2006, when she joined EPSN.com as a columnist. Over time, she began appearing on ESPN TV shows, including First Take, Outside the Lines and others. A short time after she was hired, she spoke with the Columbia Journalism Review about being a young, black female journalist and the reaction you get when you write about race. “Any time you write about race, people get incensed,” Hill said in 2006. “I recently wrote a column saying that there is just as much evidence against Lance Armstrong as there is [against] Barry Bonds, and part of the reason there is this extraordinary benefit of the doubt extended to Lance is because he’s white. That’s not the overwhelming reason, mind you. Just a factor in the whole equation. I got a ton of mail about that one, even though I posed the racial element in the next-to-last graf of the column.” In 2011, she started the His & Hers podcast with Michael Smith, which soon replaced Smith’s Numbers Never Lie in 2013. They continued hosting the show until they moved to SportsCenter. Their part of the show is known as SC6 With Michael And Jemele. The Los Angeles Times reported in March that Smith and Hill signed new contracts, even as ESPN had its massive lay-off earlier this year. Hill told Dan Patrick that their contracts weren’t up for another year when they were approached to host SC6. “The fact that they asked us to do this, that’s a key part of it. This was not our plan. We were about a year out from our contract being up,” Hill said in January. “We knew that they liked us and wanted us to keep doing our thing. We were of the mentality that we were just going to be His and Hers. And what were things that were needed to improve that? And the way it just kind of happened caught us by surprise.” In 2008, Hill had her first brush with controversy at ESPN. The Detroit native compared rooting for the Boston Celtics instead of the Pistons to “saying Hitler was a victim.” “Rooting for the Celtics is like saying Hitler was a victim. It’s like hoping Gorbachev would get to the blinking red button before Reagan. Deserving or not, I still hate the Celtics,” Hill wrote. Hill was suspended for a week and the statement was taken out of her column. She also wrote an apology. However, this was actually just the start of another controversy, as ESPN’s Lou Holtz made a similar remark later that year. He apologized too, but wasn’t suspended. In an interview with Deadspin, Hill shrugged it off. “Many have said that ESPN treated me unfairly. The 64,000 question: How do I really feel? My initial answer is a story, or rather, a moment,” she told Deadspin in 2008. “A couple years ago, I was visiting the Poynter Institute, one of the foremost journalism think tanks in the country, and I sat in on a session taught by one of my favorite columnist and people, the Washington Post’s Sally Jenkins. A student asked her if she ever got upset when other writers rewarded — particularly if she knew they weren’t as good. And Sally said — and I’m paraphrasing here — that she always prided herself on keeping her eyes on her own career. That’s my answer. That’s how I feel.”",9,1 +10,"Linda Gibbs died on 31 August aged 70. She was told her cancer diagnosis was terminal on 14 July. Hours after receiving the news, she was called by someone claiming to be from her telephone provider who told her a direct debit payment had failed. She gave them her bank details and PIN number and was told someone would come and collect her card to sort the payment out. A woman arrived at her home in Nuneaton and collected the card, which was then used to buy thousands of pounds worth of jewellery. Warwickshire Police have released photographs of a woman they want to interview in connection with the investigation, who, they say, may have been wearing a wig at the time the pictures were taken. Mrs Gibbs' daughter, Anita Foxley, said: ""My mum was very vulnerable after being told she had terminal cancer and to be targeted by these people is unforgivable. The extra stress this put on her life in her last days was unbearable. ""When they targeted her... she must have been at the lowest point that she's ever been at... I imagine that they preyed on that. Obviously they must have been very convincing, and mum must have trusted them,"" she added. ""I would really like to see justice served on the woman who came to my mum's door that day."" Kevin Knight, of Warwickshire Police, said: ""These types of heartless criminals regularly prey on the most vulnerable members of the community and in this case they have targeted someone who had just received the most awful news. ""You can only imagine the impact this had on the final weeks of Mrs Gibbs' life and the anger it continues to cause her family. We believe the woman in these photos has information that will be vital to our enquiries. Please bear in mind that she might be wearing a wig,"" he added.",10,0 +11,"Susan Rice has a unique gift to make the news every time she speaks. Instead of looking in the mirror and considering her ill-advised statements about the cause of terrorism and a deserter’s supposedly meritorious record, this time she blames the backlash on the intersection of race and gender. In short, she claims she is being attacked because she is a black woman. In reality, she is being attacked because she is a ridiculous partisan hack, whose disconnect from basic facts and ability to repeat the most ridiculous spin and talking points from the Obama administration is as ridiculous as it is stunning. If we measured political ability by a person’s capacity to say laughable talking points with a straight face, Susan Rice has to be the politician of the century. She first made the news when she commented on the 2012 attacks in Libya that killed the US ambassador and 3 other Americans. Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails (the ones that weren’t illegally deleted of course), revealed that she told multiple people almost immediately that the events in Libya were terrorist attacks. But in public, Susan Rice went on five Sunday talk shows to claim they attacked in response to a video even though it was plainly obvious to anybody watching that there was more to the attack than a video. The next time she resurfaced she tried to defend Bowe Bergdahl, an army soldier captured by the Taliban. When the Obama administration secured his release Susan Rice again went on morning talk shows. This time she said he served with “ honor and distinction.” But this was completely outrageous because most of his comrades said he defected to the enemy and the army court martialed him for desertion. The trade also sparked a significant debate over the wisdom in trading one (subpar) soldier for five terrorists. Now she has resurfaced again. Her name has entered the conversation in regards to the so-called Russian hacking of the election. Among all of the arguing, Susan Rice admitted to being one of the individuals that unmasked figures in the Trump campaign. Unlike the hysteria over little more than innuendo linking the Trump campaign with Russia, unmasking can be a serious crime. As a result she has been the subject of intense disagreement and scrutiny. Despite regularly sticking her foot in her mouth and repeating talking points that have tenuous connections to reality, she now blames much of the backlash on racism and sexism. An independent prosecutor will investigate the matter and all related issues. Until then, I’m marveling at the utter ineptness of Susan Rice. She supplies so many howling and guffaw inducing talking points but does it with such sincerity and a straight face that I almost wish she would be in the news every day. To have a partisan hack that is willing to spy on their political enemies and fall on their sword must be important for Obama and Clinton. But she also supplies her own daggers every time she speaks.",11,1 +12,"Original report: Web hosting company GoDaddy is booting the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, over an inflammatory post about the woman killed in the deadly car attack on people protesting a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. According to CBS News, GoDaddy announced the move after receiving complaints about an article on the site that made derogatory comments about Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer's appearance and views. ""We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service,"" GoDaddy tweeted from its verified account. We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service. Hours later, a post appeared on the Daily Stormer claiming that hacking group Anonymous had taken control of the site and would shut it down within 24 hours. ""THIS SITE IS NOW UNDER THE CONTROL OF ANONYMOUS,"" the post read. ""WE HAVE TAKEN THIS SITE IN THE NAME OF HEATHER HEYER A VICTIM OF WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORISM."" Anonymous tweeted that it had ""no confirmation"" that its hackers were involved and suggested that the Daily Stormer was behind the stunt. We have no confirmation that ""Anonymous"" is involved yet. Looks more like a DS stunt. Wonder if they are having issues finding a new host. https://t.co/ikXXRBfC5p Anonymous later added, ""To be clear, we're saying they weren't hacked. This is DS lying in an attempt to play victim to their audience later."" To be clear, we're saying they weren't hacked. This is DS lying in an attempt to play victim to their audience later. © 2018 Cox Media Group.",12,0 +13,"A Muslim man was shocked to have his request for a judge to acknowledge Sharia law denied in court. Nadir Ibrahim Ombabi, a Minnesota taxi driver, was killed in a car accident. Following his passing, legal proceedings began to determine a settlement for his spouse or surviving family. A wrongful death suit was filed, in which Ombabi's estate was rewarded $183,000 to go to his wife. Ombabi's brother, Hasameldin Ibrahim Imbabi, subsequently disputed the ruling on the grounds that the money should be distributed to his family in accordance with Sharia law. One of the specifics of that argument was that the men should receive ""twice the share of the female."" ""[The brother] further asserts that “the principles of the private international law should have been applied from the beginning since the law of all parties (the decedent, his widow and decedent[‘s] next of kin) is the Islamic Law and they are all Muslims and follow the specifics of the religion.” … [The brother’s] main assertion of error appears to be that the district court should have applied Sudanese Islamic law instead of Minnesota law when distributing the wrongful-death settlement proceeds…. [He] also asserts that the district court erred by refusing to honor a legal declaration issued by the Sudanese Family Court in Khartoum regarding distribution of the wrongful-death settlement proceeds under Sudanese Islamic law,"" court documents stated, the Washington Post reported. The judge, however, denied the man's argument due to lack of legal representation and specious arguments. Many reader applauded the judge's decision to reject Sharia law. ""Muslim man has no grounds to stand on with that, Sharia Law has NO place in this country ... these people need to get it through their thick skull that the US Constitution which is law of our land and Sharia Law does not and cannot co-exist in our land!"" one Newsiosity reader commented on the site's Facebook page. ""Welcome to America. If you want to immigrate here and live here then follow our laws and rules. ""When in Rome Do as the Romans Do "" You are in our country .. respect the laws here or go back to your original country. This an example of what is totally wrong with this country now Everyone who comes here wants America to accommodate them and expect us to change . Not happening,"" another added.",13,0 +14,"SANTA MARIA, Calif. - California is now officially a ""sanctuary state"" after Governor Brown signed controversial State Senate Bill 54 which limits local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration authorities. SB 54, called the California Values Act, was hard fought in the state legislature on its way to the Governor's desk over the issue of public safety versus protecting people living in California illegally. SB 54 protects jail inmates from being held in custody until immigration agents can come and pick them up regardless of their immigration status. The California State Sheriff's Association strongly opposed SB 54 saying, among other things, it protects so-called non-violent offenders including gang members, drug dealers and sex offenders from deportation. SB 54 also protects illegal immigrants from deportation while at public schools, hospitals and courts. ""Today I am very pleased to announce the governor of the great State of California, Governor Jerry Brown, signed Senate Bill 54, the California Values Act"", said Democrat Senator Kevin De Leon of Los Angeles who introduced SB 54 earlier this year in response to the Trump Administration's immigration policies, ""our President is pursuing biased law enforcement policies based on the principles of white supremacy."" In a written statement after signing SB 54 into law Thursday, Governor Brown said the California Values Act ""does not prevent or prohibit ICE or the Department of Homeland Security from doing their own work in any way. This protects public safety and ensures that hard working people who contribute to the state are respected."" The Trump Administration has been threatening to withhold federal funds from states that declare themselves as sanctuaries. The California Values Act takes effect January 1, 2018.",14,0 +15,"* [http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/midwest/ct-wisconsin-voters-pro-trump-america-20170207-story.html Rural Wisconsin voters await economic revival in a part of now pro-Trump America]. This article is from the ''Chicago Tribune''. Published on February 7, 2017 and written by '''Claire Galofaro''' of the ''Associated Press'', it is based on interviews with former Obama voters who then voted for Trump in [[Crawford County, Wisconsin]].([[Crawford County, Wisconsin|Crawford County]] is one of twenty-three [[Pivot Counties in Wisconsin]].) * [http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/midwest/ct-wisconsin-voters-pro-trump-america-20170207-story.html Rural Wisconsin voters await economic revival in a part of now pro-Trump America]. This article is from the ''Chicago Tribune''. Published on February 7, 2017 and written by '''Claire Galofaro''' of the ''Associated Press'', it is based on interviews with former Obama voters who then voted for Trump in [[Crawford County, Wisconsin]].([[Crawford County, Wisconsin|Crawford County]] is one of twenty-three [[Pivot Counties in Wisconsin]].) +::*Ms. Garafola also wrote ''[https://apnews.com/7f2b534b80674596875980b9b6e701c9 How a community changed by refugees came to embrace Trump]'' for the Associated Press on April 19, 2017 about [[Androscoggin County, Maine]] and ''[https://apnews.com/21cc9528cabd4578996c3f118d8d656f Trump won places drowning in despair. Can he save them?]'' on August 19, 2017 about voters in [[Grays Harbor County, Washington]]. * [http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/donald-trump-support-popularity-vigo-county-214774 I'm Still All Trumped Up]. Politico Magazine; February 13, 2017; author '''Adam Wren'''. This article is about [[Vigo County, Indiana|Vigo County]], which is one of five [[Pivot Counties in Indiana]]. * [http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/donald-trump-support-popularity-vigo-county-214774 I'm Still All Trumped Up]. Politico Magazine; February 13, 2017; author '''Adam Wren'''. This article is about [[Vigo County, Indiana|Vigo County]], which is one of five [[Pivot Counties in Indiana]].",15,0 +16,"Mr. Trump says Mrs. Clinton wants “amnesty for everybody, come on in, come on over.” Mrs. Clinton said that she had helped eight million children obtain health coverage, Sept. 11 responders receive medical care and children get safer medicines. Mr. Trump said Mrs. Clinton ignored 600 requests for increased security from J. Christopher Stevens, the ambassador to Libya, and communicated only with Sidney Blumenthal. Mr. Trump accused Mrs. Clinton of being there for President Obama’s “line in the sand” in Syria. She said she wasn’t. Mr. Trump, referring to the effect of Nafta and other free-trade agreements, said, “We lost our jobs.” Mr. Trump said that the United States signed a “peace treaty” to bring an end to the civil war in Syria. Mr. Trump admitted that he used a $916 million loss declared on his 1995 tax returns to avoid paying federal income taxes. But he refused to say how many years he paid no income tax and simultaneously claimed to have paid a “tremendous” amount of taxes. Mr. Trump said we have hundreds of thousands of people pouring into the United States from places like Syria, and we have no idea who they are. Mr. Trump said that growth is “down to 1 percent” and that taxes in the United States are the “highest in the world.” “Since the Great Recession the gains have all gone to the top.” Mr. Trump said “maybe there is no hacking,” in response to Mrs. Clinton’s claim that Russians are engaged in an unprecedented effort to influence the election — on Mr. Trump’s behalf. Mr. Trump said that Mrs. Clinton “wants to go to a single-payer plan” like the health care system in Canada. Mr. Trump said “many people saw” bombs all over the apartment of a couple who committed the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif. Mrs. Clinton deleted 33,000 emails from her private server even after she got a subpoena from Congress. Mr. Trump said that a Clinton associate pushed the “birther” notion against Obama in 2008. Mrs. Clinton said there was no evidence her email has been hacked by a foreign power. Former President Bill Clinton was impeached, lost his law license and paid an $850,000 fine to Paula Jones. Mr. Trump accused Mrs. Clinton of laughing about getting a man acquitted of raping a 12-year-old girl. When Mr. Trump was asked whether he has kissed women or groped women without consent, as he claimed on a recently released video, Mr. Trump said no, he had not. Mr. Trump said that Obamacare is leading to insurance rate increases that are “astronomical.” Mr. Trump said that last year, the United States had a trade deficit of $800 billion.",16,0 +17,"SEATTLE - Three brothers in their 70s and 80s have been arrested in Seattle for allegedly possessing images of child-sex abuse with police still investigating them, according to Seattle Police Department. >> Read about the latest in the investigation here On Aug. 19, Seattle child sex crime detectives say they acted on a tip from a relative who arrived to clean out the garage of the brothers. The relative called 911. At the home, detectives collected a staggering amount of child porn. They also found evidence of the sexual exploitation of young girls as well as children's worn clothing and underwear, children’s shoes, toys and movies. Homeland Security's Internet Child Exploitation team assisted in the search, which involved digging for potential buried evidence under locked sheds and garages. Neighbors in the quiet Green Lake neighborhood along Northeast 59th St.Street say they always wondered about the dilapidated house and the three guarded, mysterious Emery brothers who lived there since 1962. ""I've never seen a girlfriend, a wife, a woman of any type visit that house,"" said Don Smith, who lives next door. Seattle police say the brothers, ranging in age from 78 to 82, began molesting their own sister and eventually molested other young relatives for decades. None of them had ever married, none had their own children or many relationships outside their own siblings. Police arrested 82-year-old Charles Lee Emery in a Queen Anne nursing home. Eighty-year-old Thomas Edwin Emery and 78-year-old Edwin Harold Emery were arrested at their home. Scroll down to read about the manifesto. Detectives say Charles, Thomas and Edwin sexually molested young relatives for years, and collected pictures and even children's shoes. But detectives say it was Charles' ""manifestos"" about Satanic rituals, kidnapping, raping and killing girls that led them to dig under sheds, searching for evidence of potential murder. Detectives say one of Charles' writings was found buried and partially burned -- along with a child's hat. ""Their writings express desires to kill children,"" said Capt. Mike Edwards, who leads SPD's Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force. The search extended from the home in the Green Lake neighborhood to another home the brothers owned 90 miles away in Shelton. ""It's very clear that these three individuals have an obsession with young female children, they've had this obsession for most if not all of their lives, and they acted on it,"" said Edwards. Charging documents indicate SPD detectives questioned Edwin Emery and his relatives about child porn found on his computer in 2013, but no charges were ever filed. Now detectives are hoping to identify the children in the photos and they hope to find victims who may have been molested decades ago and never came forward. Neighbors have been wondering exactly what happened in this home since investigators swarmed the home over the weekend. The new details Seattle police and court documents revealed leave them stunned. For decades, neighbors didn't think much about the three brothers who've lived there for 55 years. “I just thought they were harmless weird old guys,” said Julie Vandenberg, who lives directly across the street. Neighbors saw the investigators in hazardous materials suits and police bring out box after box of evidence on Friday and Saturday. Watch coverage from our report over the weekend below, scroll down to keep reading. “It was shocking. I didn’t know what to think,” said Smith, who watched investigators work late into the night Friday from his home next door. “It’s way worse than I thought. It is sickening, it's really sickening,” Vandenberg said. “Something happened to little children here - it sounds like little girls, and that's horrific.” Neighbors say many young children live on the block. The neighbors say they wish they would've noticed some sign earlier, about what was going on in the house but they're just glad the three brothers aren't there to victimize kids any longer. Neighbor Don Smith said he was surprised the allegations were kept quiet for so long. ""I mean, to be next door to these guys for all these years, if. If they're going out every day and doing something like that, I was like, wow. This is too much"" © 2018 Cox Media Group.",17,0 +18,"A couple of weeks ago, after the row over Trump ""fat-shaming"" Alicia Machado, I suggested the Republican candidate lay off our weight. Now, and I can hardly believe I'm having to write this, I suggest he lay off our vaginas. The day after a video tape emerged in which he suggested he could have any woman he wants because he's a star and so could just ""grab them by the pussy"", Mr Trump is in a whole ocean of hot political water. Enough, quite possibly, to sink any chance he had of winning the White House. Why this tape - and not the myriad other controversies that have dogged him in recent weeks? First, analyse what he actually says. There is something particularly sexist, I'd say abusive, about this recording. Read this excerpt: ""When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."" ""Whatever you want,"" the interviewer says. ""Grab 'em by the pussy, you can do anything,"" Trump replies."" It's the way Mr Trump reveals that he sees women as a piece of sexual meat, something he wants, grabs, discards that is so damning. Surveys (US government and UN) suggest one in five American women are the victim of rape or attempted rape and a staggering 83% of girls suffer sexual harassment at school. Mr Trump is not guilty of either of those but his language is exactly the kind of language that encourages men and boys to feel it's okay to abuse women. There is a violence in the phrases ""grab 'em by the pussy"" and ""you can do anything"" that any victim of abuse would recognise and that most women would find sickening. To dismiss the tape as mere ""locker room banter"" and imply that the people who are offended are making an unnecessary fuss, or to say, as he did in his bizarre overnight apology tape, that this is just a distraction, compounds his problem. But this tape doesn't just offend women, judging from the reaction in the Republican party - it has offended a lot of men too. Whether those men will now withdraw their endorsements of him is yet to be seen. Mr Trump has denigrated people before. His comments about Muslims and Mexicans have arguably been equally grotesque and many, including some Republicans, have suggested they disqualified him for the presidency too. Not everyone in America, however, knows a Muslim or a Mexican. Most people, and most voters, do have wives, mothers, sisters or daughters and that's why this tape touches a nerve, with both sexes, in a way his previous remarks haven't. Powerful men using their position to get sex is nothing new, even in the White House. JFK and Bill Clinton paved that path. Today some of Trump's supporters are making the case that anyone who voted for Bill Clinton has no right to be offended by Donald Trump. I've been critical of Mr Clinton's treatment of women, and of Mrs Clinton's role in shielding him, but those supporters are missing the point. In 2016, don't we all want more from our leaders than another man who feels getting sex from whoever they want, whenever they want is simply one of the perks of power? For my two daughters, I know I do. How Mr Trump manages the fallout from this isn't clear. He doesn't like apologising. Indeed, he has bragged about never doing so. Yet overnight he did release a video statement in which he said: ""I said it, I was wrong, and I apologise."" In the tape he then goes on to attack both Clintons' records. So on Sunday night, when he debates with Hillary Clinton for the second time, will he raise the issue of Bill Clinton's affairs and Hillary's role in discrediting the women involved, or will he keep quiet about sex altogether? In the past Mr Trump has not been able to resist lashing out when he's under attack. So, whatever his advisers may caution, I suspect we will see more of that in St Louis on Sunday night.",18,1 +19,"HUNTINGTON BEACH (FOX 11 / CNS) - New video has emerged showing what happened before the shooting took place that left a man dead in Huntington Beach on Friday. A Huntington Beach police officer fatally shot a suspect outside a 7-Eleven store Friday in a confrontation that was caught on video and posted online. WARNING: VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES AND CONTENT The shooting occurred about 9:30 a.m. outside the store at 6012 Edinger Ave., where the suspect got into a scuffle with the officer just before the shooting, according to a Huntington Beach Police Department spokeswoman. The suspect later died at a hospital, police said. It happened fast, and like most everything these days, was captured on cell phone video by a bystander. A Huntington Beach Police Officer, in a violent struggle with a man outside a 7-11. The man appears to be a transient, and what spurred their initial interaction is still not clear. After a few seconds of fighting...the two pull away, the man appears to have something in his hand. What it is is not clear. The officer, a few feet away, takes aim with his handgun and fires, once...twice...7 times. The suspect at first takes the shots standing up, then crumbles to the ground. It's quite graphic, quite real, and quite dramatic. In fact, we don't even want to show it on TV it's that violent. The suspect would later die at a hospital and per protocol, the Orange County Sheriff is taking over the investigation. What made this all the more scary was that diagonally across the street is Marina High School. Police ordered it ''locked down'' and immediately cell phones lit up with texts and emails between parents, students, and administrators. There was confusion and near panic among some over reports that there was an active shooter on campus, which there was not. Why? Well, it appears that the shooting happened adjacent to a shopping center called 'Marina Village'. On campus there's an area referred to as ''The Village"", so reports of a shooting in ''The Village"" or at ""The Village'' led to understandable confusion. Yet one of the benefits of social media and that fact that every student has a cell phone, is that the accurate story got out there quickly and students and parents worst fears were calmed within minutes. Cell phone video of the shooting was posted on Twitter, showing the officer firing five shots at the suspect, who stumbles, collapses against a wall of the convenience store, then crumples to the ground.",19,0 +20,"As previously reported, embattled Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is the subject of a devastating expose detailing decades of sexual harassment. Donald Trump Jr. trolled Hillary Clinton on Saturday in a viral tweet. “Weird, Hillary has been really quiet about Harvey Weinstein. You would think she would be all Over this. #WhatHappened?” Weird, Hillary has been really quiet about Harvey Weinstein. You would think she would be all Over this. #WhatHappened? — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 7, 2017 But Don Jr. wasn’t finished yet. Donald Trump Jr. challenged sometime comedian Jimmy Kimmel to share his thoughts on liberal icon and sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. Sponsored Sponsored",20,0 +21,"You know it's an election year when the President of the United States is tweeting about the NFL's referee apocalypse. NFL fans on both sides of the aisle hope the refs' lockout is settled soon. -bo Obama's Twitter feed then pointed to a recent telephone interview with WTAM-AM in Cleveland, in which the POTUS pined for the return of locked-out officals. ""But one thing I got to say, though, is it just me or do we have to get our regular refs back?"" Obama asked WTAM's Bill Willis ( via the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel). ""I can't get involved with it, but I'm just expressing my point of view as a sports fan."" In a potentially related story, Mitt Romney has dropped Paul Ryan as his running mate in favor of Ed Hochuli. Follow Dan Hanzus on Twitter @danhanzus.",21,0 +22,"Mr. Trump said that health insurance premiums were “going up 60, 70, 80 percent,” and “next year, they’re going to go up over 100 percent.” Tens of thousands of Syrian refugees “who are definitely ISIS-aligned — we now have them in our country.” Mr. Trump said a cease-fire agreement between the United States and Russia allowed Russia to control more territory in Syria, because the Russians outplayed the United States. On projections that Mr. Trump’s proposals would raise the national debt, he said that “they’re wrong because I’m going to create tremendous jobs.” Mr. Trump criticized the Obama administration’s support of publicizing in advance the Iraqi-led attack on Mosul, which just began. Mr. Trump said the nuclear deal with Iran will “absolutely” let it obtain nuclear weapons. Mrs. Clinton said Mr. Trump tweeted that the Emmy’s were “rigged” when he did not win for “The Apprentice.” Regarding Mrs. Clinton’s private email server, Mr. Trump said that “she’s guilty of a very, very serious crime.” Mr. Trump asserted that $6 billion went missing from the State Department while Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state. Mrs. Clinton said that when her husband, Bill Clinton, was president, the fiscal position of the federal government improved: A $300 billion budget deficit turned into a $200 billion surplus, she said. And, she added, “we were actually on the path to eliminating the national debt.” Mrs. Clinton said Mr. Trump didn’t even raise the issue of the border wall with the Mexican president, since he choked. Mr. Trump said Mrs. Clinton deleted 33,000 of her private emails after she got a subpoena. When asked about the many women who have come forward to allege they were kissed or groped by Mr. Trump without their consent, Mr. Trump said the stories were largely debunked. “We’ve lost our jobs. We’ve lost our businesses. We’re not making things anymore.” Mr. Trump suggested that South Korea and Japan do not pay any of the costs of maintaining American military bases on their territory. Mrs. Clinton said her fiscal plan “doesn’t add a penny to the debt.” Mrs. Clinton said that Mr. Trump’s economic plan “might lose 3.5 million jobs” while giving tax cuts to people at the very top. “People are going to pour in from Syria — she wants 550 percent more than Barack Obama.” Mrs. Clinton said that Mr. Trump is willing to “spout the Putin line” and “get help from him” in the election. Mr. Trump said “our country has no idea” if the Russians are responsible for the emails published by WikiLeaks. Mr. Trump said that Mrs. Clinton’s support for abortion rights would allow a fetus to be ripped from a woman’s womb in the ninth month of pregnancy, in some cases just a few days before a baby is born. Mr. Trump said Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was forced to apologize for negative comments about him. Mrs. Clinton said the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court allowed “dark money” to stream into politics.",22,0 +23,"NEW YORK (KGUN9-TV) - Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva has been released from police custody following his arrest in New York Tuesday. The Tucson area legislator was part of a group sitting in the street in front of Trump Tower. He was involved in a demonstration protesting President Donald Trump's plans to end DACA; the order from then-President Obama protecting from deportation undocumented people who were brought to the U.S. when they were too young to have decided on their own to come to this country. Grijalva was charged with two counts of disorderly conduct---one for disrupting traffic, one for refusing to disperse. A public information officer for New York Police says the Congressman was fingerprinted and given paperwork instructing him to appear before a judge at a future date. Police arrested ten people in all. Grijalva has been a vocal critic of President Trump and his policies, and a strong advocate for protecting DACA recipients from deportation.",23,0 +24,"Heading into Election Day 2016, the Donald Trump campaign has a very specific path to 270 Electoral College votes. In order to win the election, Trump must win nearly every single battleground state and retain every state that Mitt Romney won in 2012 as well. Plus, there are a few states that Trump is hoping to flip from blue to red. So what exactly are the states that Trump needs to win if he hopes to become president? First, there are 21 states that Donald Trump will win essentially by default. These are the states that traditionally always vote for the Republican candidate, and they add up to 163 Electoral College votes. If Hillary Clinton were to somewhat win in just one of these states, it would be a complete shock. The states are: Then there are two states that usually vote for the Republican candidate but where Hillary Clinton has actually been somewhat close in the polls. Still, it seems likely that these states will stay red as they have been for a long time, but it’s necessary for Trump to defend himself here if he wants to win the election. Those states are: If we add these two states to Donald Trump’s column, plus all the traditionally red states, the Republican nominee is now at 190 Electoral College votes. He needs 80 more votes to become president. What remains are six battleground states that could realistically be won by either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Those battlegrounds are: All of these states add up to 80 Electoral College votes, meaning that if Trump wins all of the states we have mentioned so far, he hits 270 electors exactly, and he becomes the next president of the United States. The state that Donald Trump absolutely must win in order to be elected president is Florida. Technically Trump can win without it, but the path would become so narrow as a result that it’s almost impossible to imagine Hillary Clinton not winning if she turns Florida blue. If Florida is called for Hillary Clinton on the evening of November 8th, you can essentially consider this the announcement that Hillary Clinton has won the presidency. Florida is worth 29 Electoral College votes. Really, though, Trump does not have much wiggle room, and so basically all of the six battleground states – plus one battleground district – are must wins for him. Because the aforementioned path is so narrow, the Trump campaign is also looking at a fourth category, states that are leaning towards Hillary Clinton and that traditionally vote blue but that Trump hopes he can turn red. Winning any one of these would dramatically increase his odds of victory, as they would give him some room to lose another battleground state but still win the election. Winning any of them would also start eating into Hillary Clinton’s path rather than simply forging Donald Trump’s. Those blue states, accompanied by the lead Hillary Clinton currently has in the polls according to Real Clear Politics, are: To summarize, with each of the battlegrounds (Florida, Iowa, Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Ohio) losing one means Trump must make up for it by winning a combination of blue states (Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin) . If Trump loses a single battleground but does not compensate for it with a victory in a blue state, Hillary Clinton wins the election. And if Trump loses two battleground states, that will be almost impossible to recover from. With that in mind, here are a few scenarios, albeit somewhat unlikely scenarios, where Trump could recover from the loss in a battleground state. Read more about Donald Trump and Melania in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com: Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox.",24,0 +25,"A ""Muslim migrant"" beats up a boy on crutches in a video posted to a site in the Netherlands. On 29 November 2017, United States President Donald Trump retweeted three videos from Jayden Fransen, the deputy leader of the far-right anti-Islam organization Britain First who was found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment in November 2016. As this group has a penchant for sharing out-of-context, misleading, and false information, it wasn’t surprising that at least one of these videos, which purportedly shows violent acts committed by Muslims, had a misleading caption : Although the video is frequently accompanied by the caption “Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches,” there is no evidence to support this assertion, which in fact came, like so many other unfortunate assumptions, from its comment section. This video was first posted to the web site Dumpert.nl, a popular video portal in the Netherlands, in May 2017. Although the original posting largely focuses on the act of hitting a person on crutches, and it was not shared with any claims about the attacker’s religion, some people on the comment section naturally — and baselessly — assumed that the perpetrator was Muslim. As the video was reposted to other web sites, the unfounded claim that the attacker was a Muslim migrant followed it. Shortly after this video was posted to Dumpert.nl, Dutch police officers were able to locate the attacker and arrest him. A news report from the Telegraaf identified him as a 16-year-old boy from Monnickendam. The report made no mention of the boy’s religion. Further, when this months-old video was brought back into the spotlight in November 2017 thanks to a retweet from President Trump, Dumpert.nl posted a short article that mocked Trump for sharing the video: (By the way, fake news! Dader was geen moslim en geen immigrant. Maar leuk geprobeerd Trumpie) (By the way, fake news! Perpetrator was not a Muslim and not an immigrant, but nice try Trumpie) Geenstijl, the web site that operates Dumpert, also stated that the attacker in the video was not a Muslim: Moreover, the perpetrator was not a Muslim, let alone a migrant, but simply a Dutchman. The official Twitter account of the Public Prosecution Service of North Holland also disputed the claim that the attacker in this video was a Muslim migrant. In a message posted on 29 November 2017, they explained that the video showed a May 2017 quarrel between two minors. The attacker, who was born in the Netherlands, was placed in the HALT Program, an alternative settlement for young first time offenders: A video has been shared on twitter in which an argument between two underage boys can be seen. This incident took place in May of this year. The public prosecution service Noord-Holland has studied the file submitted by the police. (1/2) The suspect, who was born and raised in the Netherlands, received a HALT settlement ( https://t.co/w62MNOFvug). This has been successfully completed. (2/2) The Netherlands Embassy in the United States also took to Twitter to tell to President Trump that “facts do matter” and that the attacker in the video was not a Muslim migrant: . @realDonaldTrump Facts do matter. The perpetrator of the violent act in this video was born and raised in the Netherlands. He received and completed his sentence under Dutch law.",25,0 +26,"UPDATE: 09/12/17 This morning Walt Disney World opened its gates to all four theme parks to guests. Even though the parks looked immaculate, several attractions were closed today (or delayed) due to debris caused by Hurricane Irma. We walked around Magic Kingdom to see if we could identify the causes behind these delays. Walt Disney World Railroad has trees down across the tracks. Tom Sawyer Island is also currently closed due to Hurricane Irma’s after effects. Jungle Cruise has also been reported as needing at least a week to remove the debris before it can be operational. ********************************************************* Hurricane Irma passed over Walt Disney World last night and has since turned into a Tropical Storm. Florida curfew remains in effect until 6pm today for Osceola and Orange counties. Approximately 300,000 are without power in Orange Country alone. Luckily we have not heard of any of the Walt Disney World Resorts losing power overnight. WFTV 9 ABC News reported earlier this morning seeing a “load” of tour buses pass them by. It appears they were carrying linemen to EPCOT to help get the power back on. Lights remain on at Walt Disney World and damage appears minimal https://t.co/qpSXVU9KVo pic.twitter.com/7bSh2epOuP — WDWMAGIC.COM (@wdwmagic) September 11, 2017 Overall it seems that Walt Disney World had relatively minimal damage and the lights remain on. Disney World is still advising their resort guests to remain in their room/building and will notify everyone once the curfew is lifted. Let’s take a look at photos from the different resorts this morning post-Hurricane Irma. Please be patient as some pictures take a bit to load. Tree down @WaltDisneyWorld #caribbeanbeachresort . Just one of #IrmaWDW damages. pic.twitter.com/pPOr6It8ud — mike feltner (@MikeyzDead) September 11, 2017 — mike feltner (@MikeyzDead) September 11, 2017 Caribbean Beach has some tree damage The aftermath of #HurricaneIrma, here at Disney’s Port Orleans French Quarter. Quite a few trees down. 🌳 #LiveFromWDW pic.twitter.com/PztJf5mKj9 — CafeFantasia 💫 (@CafeFantasia) September 11, 2017 Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – French Quarter has quite a few trees down. — Stuart, Becky & Leo (@StuartBeckyLeo1) September 11, 2017 Here's a look behind Disney's Contemporary Resort this morning: #HurricaneIrma pic.twitter.com/Dc3P0xveLG — Attractions Magazine (@Attractions) September 11, 2017 Very minor damage this side of the Animal Kingdom Lodge Savannah, already seen park rangers out surveying damage too pic.twitter.com/9yxSkBww1V — shook in wdw 🌈 (@carackobama) September 11, 2017 Contemporary Resort and Animal Kingdom Lodge Savannah both look like they fared pretty well through the storm. From tiki man's pageOasis pool at the Polynesian pic.twitter.com/1s6EMOxtdb — Ed @ Baylakes edge (@DisneyMoose) September 11, 2017 Watching this tree fall last night at our hotel at Disney. FInally seeing itthis morning, lucky it went the other way! @WFTV @BShieldsWFTV pic.twitter.com/wMLYD7wAgD — Katie Herron (@Nsgirlkt) September 11, 2017 Polynesian seems to have been hit worst. Trees are down but it doesn’t sound like any hit the buildings. — Theme Parks & Beyond (@ParksandBeyond) September 11, 2017 All-Star Music Resort has seen its share of tree debris as well. We will continue to update this page as we receive additional information on the state of the Walt Disney World Resort this morning. Stay Tuned! Are you ready to start planning your amazing Disney vacation? Our friends at MickeyTravels (designated with Platinum Earmarked status by Disney) can help! Click Here for your FREE No Obligation Quote from one of their Authorized Disney Vacation Planners. Ready to experience Disney for yourself? There are still fantastic 2017 Summer and Fall packages to be had. Click here or send an email for a FREE, no obligation quote with an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner. Want more help planning your next Disney vacation? As an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner, my goal is to help you plan the Magic your way. I create customized itineraries, book advanced dining and FastPass+ reservations, monitor for discounts for your vacation, and much much more! And did I mention that my services are FREE? Get in touch toll-free at 1-800-454-4501, via email at mickeytravelssarah@gmail.com or follow along on Facebook. Thank you for visiting Chip and Co - Your home for the best in Disney News!",26,0 +27,"Following a deadly shooting in Las Vegas that has left more than 50 people dead and over 200 injured, celebrities are taking to social media to express their grief. Authorities shut down part of the Las Vegas Strip and Interstate 15 after receiving reports of an active shooter at the Route 91 Harvest festival, near the Mandalay Bay Casino at about 10:10 p.m. local time. Sheriff Joe Lombardo of Las Vegas Police confirmed at a news conference that the shooter had fired from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay. He said officers responded and the suspect was dead. Jason Aldean was performing as the shooting began. On Instagram, he said he his crew members were safe and that he was ""heartbroken."" ""Tonight has been beyond horrific,"" he captioned a picture of the city. A post shared by Jason Aldean (@jasonaldean) on Jake Owen, who was slated to perform ahead of Aldean Sunday called the event ""unimaginable."" ""Please pray,"" he tweeted. Praying for everyone here in Vegas. I witnessed the most unimaginable event tonight. We are okay. Others arent. Please pray. Chris Young tweeted that he clung to ""the floor of a trailer behind the stage"" and later added that he felt ""lucky to be alive."" Spent I don't know how long on the floor of a trailer behind the stage... know multiple people are dead. Listening to that gunfire... I'm not gonna say anything else other than I'm lucky to be alive. As are many others... and so many people are gone... this is heartbreaking Little Big Town performed at the same festival a year ago, and tweeted out their prayers. One year ago we played Route 91 on Sunday night. Our prayers are with all the first responders, artists, crew and mostly the country fans. pic.twitter.com/CTGg7Qm6MJ Brad Paisley dedicated his prayers to those at the festival and tweeted, ""There are no words right now that suffice."" Praying for everyone at #HarvestFestival. There are no words right now that suffice. Miranda Lambert said her heart had been broken. Charles Kelley of Lady Antebellum tweeted that he was, ""Praying 4 everyone in the country community & everyone at the scene. My heart is sick over the news in Las Vegas. Praying 4 everyone in the country community & everyone at the scene. Kelsea Ballerini thought of ""the fans who came to sing and dance and be free and happy."" Just sad. And so sorry for the fans who came to sing and dance and be free and happy. thinking of everyone there & my friend @Jason_Aldean. Those outside of the country community were also in mourning. Celine Dion, who has a residency at Caesars Palace, said that she was ""Praying for all the innocent victims and their families."" Praying for all the innocent victims and their families in Las Vegas - Céline xx... #LasVegas Mariah Carey offered her thoughts to those affected. ""Praying for everyone's safety,"" she tweeted. Horrified to hear about the shooting in #LasVegas. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. Praying for everyone's safety 🙏💔 Trey Songz, who tweeted he was in Vegas at the time of this incident, offered his prayers and shared that he and his team were safe. Don't even know what to say. To be in Vegas while this is happening, brings a pain to my heart. My team and I are safe Thank God! Prayers up Ne-Yo, who is from Las Vegas, called the news ""crazy"" and hoped people could ""stay safe."" Hearing crazy news coming out of my hometown... Las Vegas, please, stay safe. Kendra Wilkinson, a co-host of a show at Paris Las Vegas, said she was ""absolutely sick to my stomach."" No words, just absolutely sick to my stomach.... Vegas be safe. Prayers to victims. 😔 A befuddled Paris Hilton asked, ""What is our world coming to?!"" I can't believe what just happened in Las Vegas! What is our world coming to?! 😭 My prayers go out to the victims & their families. 🙏 Ruby Rose expressed her deepest condolences. ""I'm so sorry for what is happening right now,"" she tweeted. ""It is horrific just to see the videos.. I can't imagine what you are feeling."" Vegas keep safe. I'm so sorry for what is happening right now. It is horrific just to see the videos.. I can't imagine what you are feeling. Sam Smith described the scene as ""horrifying,"" adding his ""heart and soul is with all the victims & their families and friends."" Horrifying scenes in Las Vegas. My heart and soul is with all the victims & their families and friends. Everybody please stay safe. With tears in his eyes, DJ Steve Aoki told viewers in a video with a Henderson, Nev. geotag to ""check on each other"" and ""stay indoors."" Khloé Kardashian exlaimed, ""Things have got to change!"" This is heartbreaking to learn about! Things have got to change! 🙏🏽 Mandy Moore called the news ""devastating."" Las Vegas. No words.💔 Victims and their families are in our thoughts and prayers. This is absolutely horrific and devastating. Actress Holly Marie Combs took a stand against automatic weapons, writing, ""My only thought is that amount of rounds in automatic rifle should not be available or made or allowed."" I am at a loss watching Las Vegas. My only thought is that amount of rounds in automatic rifle should not be available or made or allowed. Assault rifles were on Sheryl Crow's mind. ""Can we discuss the loss of rights of people going to a concert because of the lack of assault rifle regulations?"" she tweeted. Can we discuss the loss of rights of people going to a concert because of the lack of assault rifle regulations? Chloë Grace Moretz called the Las Vegas police members who responded ""true (heroes)."" A post shared by Chloe Grace Moretz (@chloegmoretz) on",27,0 +28,"She’s young, attractive, articulate, conservative, and black! Candace Owens is surely the worst nightmare of the hard-Left wing of the Democrat party. For decades, those folks have taken the black vote for granted. Now blacks are waking up, and that could spell doom for Democrats — hence their “interest” in Latino-Americans, especially illegal immigrants. In the 2-minute video above, hear Candace’s advice and warning for Latinos — namely, don’t be scammed by Democrats the way that America’s blacks have been. Check out her longer speech too (below) given to the Conservative College Student Action Summit in January, 2018. She explains clearly how Democrats are eyeing illegal immigrants as the most promising new voting livestock for their Big-Government-Dependency Plantation. Owens’ message isn’t new, but her youth and style makes her among the best to reach America’s young people, no matter what identity group the Democrats assign them to. Thomas Sowell is fantastic, but he cannot reach young people the way Owens can. Via WFP",28,1 +29,"A Grain of Saul is a weekly column that digs into some of the biggest issues we face as a nation and as an international community in search of reliable data, realistic solutions, and — most importantly — hope. More and more women are reporting that Harvey Weinstein harassed or sexually assaulted them. After an explosive piece in The New York Times, which cited several women's firsthand accounts of Weinstein's alleged ""sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact,"" it appears the dam has broken. Yesterday, a piece in The New Yorker quoted nearly a dozen on the record firsthand accounts of Weinstein's harassment and sexual assault and included never-before-heard audio recordings from a New York Police Department sting operation in which Weinstein appears to admit to groping model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez. Although Weinstein apologized in a statement for at least some of the behavior referenced in the New York Times article, he denied the sexual assault allegations following the New Yorker piece's release. That piece, a gut-punch for anyone holding out hope the worst wasn't true, was notably written by journalist Ronan Farrow. Farrow is the estranged son of Woody Allen, another Hollywood magnate accused of sexual assault. Those allegations (which Allen denies) were made by his own daughter, Ronan's sister Dylan. With so many accusers against Weinstein now on the record, including household names like Gwyneth Paltrow, Cara Delevingne and Angelina Jolie, all corners of the country are offering their hot takes in the discussion. Perhaps one of the most unfortunate reactions has been to politicize the story, as some conservative pundits have grasped onto Weinstein — a major Democratic donor Michelle Obama once publicly praised as a ""wonderful human being"" — as illustrative of rotten liberal America. But this isn't a uniquely Democratic problem. Fox News, a notoriously right-wing news outlet, has had to dismiss a slew of on-air talent because of sexual assault allegations. Our Republican president appeared to admit on tape to sexually assaulting women (and has also been photographed chumming it up with Weinstein). The point being: this isn't a partisan or even a political issue. This is — largely — an issue with men, specifically men who yield any kind of power. The allegations leveled against Weinstein, Allen, Bill Cosby, Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, Anthony Weiner and President Trump are not unique to Hollywood or a certain political party. It's not always famous and powerful men, either: it's the Catholic Church, Penn State football, orthodox Jews, professional athletes, universities, and your local retail store. The list goes on. In many of the cases that have made national headlines, though, wealthy men in positions of significant power have leveraged their status to pressure or force women into sexual encounters. Those women are then shamed, threatened with lawsuits and silenced if they speak out. Perhaps most unsettling about these stories is that there is almost always someone who could have stepped up and stopped the harassment or assault. In Farrow's story, he wrote that 16 former and current employees of Weinstein's companies had witnessed or had knowledge of unwanted sexual advances Weinstein made in work-related settings. Sixteen! And that's just the number of current or former employees who happened to speak to Farrow. What about all the ones who didn't? What about the ones who were too scared to speak to a reporter? Weinstein's case, again, isn't unique. In President Trump's infamous Hollywood Access tape, television host Billy Bush laughs offthe notion that Trump could simply ""grab women by the pussy"" because he was a star. His supporters and advisers dismissed it as ""locker room talk."" Former Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly and former CEO Roger Ailes were repeatedly reported to human resources at Fox Newsand, reportedly, no action was taken. Football coach Joe Paterno was let go from Penn State because of what he may or may not have known about convicted rapist Jerry Sandusky. An entire film was made about the Catholic Church spending years trying to fend off reporters who wanted to get the truth out about rampant sexual abuse by priests. In many cases, campus rape stories include bystanders who don't intervene when a clearly intoxicated woman is taken home by a less intoxicated man. People — especially men who are in positions of power — have the ability to step in and stop these stories from happening. And we cannot forget that there are male survivors of sexual assault, and they are every bit as worth protecting. Terry Crews came out on Twitter to share a story about being assaulted by another man who allegedly grabbed his penis while Crews was standing next to his wife at a Hollywood function. Crews said he decided not to retaliate with allegations against the man because he didn't want to be ostracized, noting that ""the predator has power and influence."" Instead, he let it go, like many women do, because he couldn't stop asking himself if anyone believe him and if the repercussions for speaking out would be life-changing. If Terry Crews, a wealthy, well-known man is wary of reporting his assault, imagine the obstacles that face many other sexual assault survivors. It's time for men to police our own communities, our own friends and our own family members. It's time for men to stop being passive observers of the kinds of harassment and overt sexism that are all too common in the spaces we dominate. It's time for men to stand up for the victims we see in our day-to-day lives, and to create spaces, environments, communities, teams, companies and homes where everyone feels safe and supported enough to speak truth to power. The issue of sexual assault cannot simply be a ""women's issue."" It cannot be a political talking point. It cannot be a Democrat or Republican or religious or campus issue. Sexual assault is a men's issue. It is my issue. It is your issue. And it's about time we did something about it.",29,0 +30,"Few words could be more apposite to the tactics of the Remainers. On Thursday morning, after the High Court ruled that the Government cannot use the Royal Prerogative to trigger Article 50, Gina Miller – the woman behind the case – stood outside the Royal Courts of Justice and tried to prove Abraham Lincoln wrong. With a straight face she said that the case had nothing to do with the EU. “This is about process, not politics.” And she’s not alone. Almost to a man and woman the Remainers have told us that all they have been trying to do is right a wrong. That it’s a simple matter of democracy and parliamentary sovereignty being re-established and the fact they are all Remainers is irrelevant. They really do think you can fool all of the people all of the time. Because in the real world the case was brought by people who had only one motive: to screw up this first stage of Brexit. It had almost nothing to do with process and everything to do with politics. And it’s not going to stop here. There is almost nothing the Remainers won’t do to try to keep us in. If that means showing contempt towards the result of the referendum – well, they won’t bat an eyelid. The entire history of the EU shows that whenever a referendum goes against them the Eurofanatics ignore it and demand another one. Which is of course exactly what some – such as Owen Smith, the Labour MP who was beaten out of sight by Jeremy Corbyn this summer – are now saying, arguing that any deal done by the Government should be subject to another referendum. For others there’s no need even to hold a second referendum. They want simply to ignore the referendum and let Parliament put the kybosh on Brexit. Most won’t admit to this because they know that it’s toxic. But some, such as Labour MP David Lammy, are open about their contempt for the electorate. Mr Lammy said that when Parliament decides on Article 50: “I will be voting in what I believe to be the interests of the country – which I think all MPs will take on board – and will absolutely not be voting to trigger Article 50.” This is the crux of the matter because the real issue isn’t whether or not Parliament should have a vote. The real issue is how Parliament will vote. Be clear about what many of the Remainer MPs want: to stop Brexit. And remember that a clear majority of MPs backed Remain in June. They speak about parliamentary sovereignty (which, incidentally, can only be reestablished if we leave the EU). But that’s a fig leaf. What they are really concerned with is finding whatever ways they can to stop Brexit. Let me tell you what is coming next. When MPs have to vote on triggering Article 50 they will come up with some entirely spurious but supposedly democratic reason why they have to vote No. It’s got nothing to do with not honouring the referendum result, they’ll tell us. How could you even think that?! No, it’s because… blah blah blah. On and on it will go. Every time the issue is discussed they will come up with supposedly plausible reasons to do with democracy and fairness that mean they have no choice, they’ll say, but to vote No. In reality they will have only one motive: stopping Brexit. Their hope and plan is that the longer any decisions are delayed the more chance there is of a change of mood. And they will do their damnedest to create that change of mood. So in parallel they will use their powers to try to ensure we have the worst possible deal so that they can re-argue the referendum debate when the deal is done. We are seeing this already with Hilary Benn, the Remainer chair of the new House of Commons select committee on Brexit, demanding that the Government reveals its negotiation stance – and so hand a huge advantage to Brussels. But they are playing with fire. The will of the people has been clearly expressed. The referendum was unambiguous. There is no wriggle room. Brexit must mean Brexit. If it doesn’t – if Remain MPs use their powers to frustrate the will of the people – then they will provoke one of the greatest constitutional crises since the Civil War. Thu, March 2, 2017 Parliament will be defying the people over the result of a referendum that Parliament itself called. But the constitutional crisis may be the least of it. It is a truism of modern politics that voters are disengaged – that their faith in the political class and political institutions is collapsing. In the US that is reflected in Donald Trump’s ascendancy. In France, Marine Le Pen owes her rise to a similar trend. We have a proud tradition that has always pushed extremists and rabble-rousers to the edges. If, however, our politicians were to show that they do not merely fail to connect with voters but are actively contemptuous of them, it is difficult to see how we could avoid disaster. To say there would be anger would barely come close. Not only would our political system be on the point of collapse there would be riots. And it would be a political crisis entirely of the Remainers’ making. These are worrying times. It is not just Brexit that is imperilled by their behaviour. It is our entire political system.",30,1 +31,"Members of the Dallas Cowboys organization have been reluctant to protest the national anthem, with head coach Jason Garrett calling the anthem “sacred” and Dez Bryant saying he wouldn’t protest. Their attitudes mirror what’s coming from the top. Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has made it clear that he opposes national anthem protests. In an interview with FOX Business, Jones said he did “not think the place” to express opinions is by protesting the flag. ""I do not think the place to express yourself in society is as we recognize the American flag."" – Jerry Jones on National Anthem protests pic.twitter.com/3JkrdMhwWy — FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) September 24, 2017 Jones’ thoughts echo that of many Americans, though as the demonstrations attest, there are many who disagree. Based on his public comments, it would be a surprise to see a display from any Cowboys on Monday night.",31,0 +32,"Former Dems Now Backing Trump: 'Our Country's Going in the Wrong Direction' If you've ever seen ""Watters' World,"" you know that some American adults are pretty clueless. But what about the youth of the nation? Jesse Watters hit the streets of New York City to see what kids think about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the major issues facing the country. What have you heard about Hillary Clinton? What do you think about Donald Trump? ""Equal rights, feminism, that's very important nowadays."" Watch the ""Watters' World"" clip above, and let us know what you think in the comments. Clinton Aide in New WikiLeaks Email: 'We Need to Clean This Up. He Has Emails from Her'",32,0 +33,"In the space of a day, R. Kelly‘s name has catapulted back into the headlines after a shocking exposé alleged that he is leading a secret “sex cult” and is holding women against their will. Since the story hit the wire, the singer has, via his publicist, denied the claims and alluded to taking legal action. However, it’s quickly becoming clear that the drama isn’t going anywhere. The family of alleged hostage Jocelyn Savage held a press conference claiming that Kelly has brainwashed the 21 year old. So much so that she effectively has Stockholm Syndrome: In a twist, Jocelyn sat down with TMZ to refute the claims of her family, insisting that she has been receiving their messages but has willingly cut off communication with them. She wouldn’t, however, reveal what her current living arrangement is nor which city she resides in: Sigh. Keep it locked on That Grape Juice for the latest.",33,0 +34,"For the third debate in a row, Donald Trump expressed doubt that Russia was behind recent hacks of Democratic groups, putting him at odds not just with Hillary Clinton, but with the entire U.S. intelligence community. “She has no idea whether it’s Russia, China, or anybody else,” Trump said at the final presidential debate held in Las Vegas Wednesday night. “Hillary, you have no idea.” “Do you doubt 17 military and civilian agencies,” Clinton fired back. “And our country has no idea,” Trump said. “Yeah, I doubt it, I doubt it.” In this case, Clinton had it right. Two weeks ago, the U.S. intelligence community announced it is “confident that the Russian government directed the recent compromises of e-mails.” The candidates also challenged on a number of other issues throughout the debate. On the issue of immigration, Trump said Clinton agreed with his signature proposal. “Hillary Clinton wanted the wall. Hillary Clinton fought for the wall in 2006,” Trump said. “I voted for border security, and there are...” Clinton began speaking, before Trump interrupted, “And the wall.” We rate Trump’s claim as partially true. As a senator, Clinton did vote for a bill to build 700 miles of fencing along parts of the 2,000-mile Southern border, but not a massive wall as Trump has proposed. Trump accused Clinton Wednesday night of hiring people to disrupt his allies. “She���s the one, and Obama, that caused the violence,” Trump said. The truth on that score is unclear. Democratic contractors were caught on video, appearing to plan to provoke Trump supporters. But there’s no indication Clinton’s campaign paid for it or even knew about it. As in previous debates, Trump denied making some controversial comments that are immortalized on video. “He said that he could not possibly have done those things to those women because they were not attractive enough for them to be assaulted,” Clinton said. “I did not say that. I did not say that,” Trump said. But in Greensboro, North Carolina, Trump told a crowd, “Believe me. She would not be my first choice. That I can tell you.” “He also went after a disabled reporter, mocked and mimicked him on national television,” Clinton said. “Wrong,” Trump denied. But he did that too, at a campaign rally at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. “I don’t remember!’ He’s going like, ‘I don’t remember!’” Trump said, imitating his physical handicap. On the budget, Clinton claimed that her proposals on infrastructure and education would not add a penny to the debt because she has ways to pay for all of them. Independent analysts said that’s false -- her plan add $200 billion to the debt over the next decade. Trump’s plans, they said, would add $5.3 trillion.",34,0 +35,"BERKELEY, Calif. (KCRA) — Several fights broke out during largely-peaceful protests in Berkeley Sunday afternoon when about 4,000 people converged on the city, police said. Thirteen people who ranged in ages from 20 to 47 years old, were arrested for ""various violations” including assault with a deadly weapon and felony assault during the events, Berkeley police said. Of the people arrested during the protests, several were wearing masks while others were connected to assaults. Two men were arrested after exchanging blows. The SFGate reported they were quickly swept up by officers inside Civic Center Park. Police detained Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson at the protests. The SFGate reported he was handcuffed after being chased by a mob of demonstrators who took swings at him and pepper sprayed him. Police said Gibson was actually ""rescued"" and was not arrested or charged. The crowd began to diminish around 3:30 p.m., six hours after a march led to the protests. The event was one of several rallies that had been called for Sunday in Berkeley, a day after a controversial freedom rally planned by Gibson in San Francisco fizzled amid throngs of counterprotesters. Hundreds of people gathered on the UC Berkeley campus around 10 a.m. Sunday. They then marched to Civic Center Park, where police had set up barricades and secured the area with bomb sniffing dogs. The march was part of the Bay Area Rally Against Hate Rally. In a statement early Sunday, the group said ""we fully intend to move forward with (the Rally Against Hate)"" on the campus despite calls by the university police department for people to stay away for safety reasons. The rally was held in response to the planned right-wing protest ""No To Marxism in America."" However, organizer Amber Cummings canceled the protest on Friday, saying Berkeley officials and left-wing extremists made it impossible to hold the event and she would be the sole attendee. Despite the cancellation, hundreds of ring-wing protesters showed up to the park. Around 1 p.m., police reported the crowd had grown to several thousand. A skirmish broke out between several dozen left-wing demonstrators and a handful of right-wing supporters. The skirmish was tense but ended quickly. The left-wing protesters surrounded the small number of right-wing supporters, then shouted at them and pushed them. The right-wing protesters sought protection from police and were escorted away. Before the unpermitted events, Berkeley police put into place several rules in response the protests, stating, ""To ensure the peaceful expression of free speech, the City of Berkeley will be prohibiting sticks, pipes, poles and anything else that can be used for a 'riot' at Civic Center Park."" Other banned items include explosives, pepper spray, axes, dogs (except for service animals), eggs, torches and more. Police also said anything that ""covers or partially covers the face and shields the wearer's face from view, or partially from view, is prohibited."" However, protesters with an anarchist group arrived at the park wearing masks and hoods that covered their faces. The group of more than 100 hooded protesters, with shields emblazoned with the words ""no hate"" and waving a flag identifying themselves as anarchist, broke through police lines, avoiding security checks by officers to take away possible weapons. Then the group blended in with the rest of the crowd. The group pushed their way past police barricades and into Civic Center Park. They assaulted at least five people by punching and kicking them. Gibson was one of the people assaulted by the group. Police broke up the fights, using what appeared to be a smoke grenade to stop one scuffle. The three people who were attacked ran behind police lines to escape. Then around 2:30 p.m., more than 1,000 people left the park and began marching north Martin Luther King Way. An hour later, the crowd had diminished and many roads reopened. ---- The Associated Press contributed to this story.",35,0 +36,"The left continues to harp on unproven allegations that Donald Trump inappropriately touched women and said dirty words 11 years ago many are wondering where the outrage is about Joe Biden. For years the vice president’s inappropriate touching of women, and the invading of their personal space, has been a punchline seen as harmless. But now that the barrage of claims against Trump has reached its zenith social media has begun asking where the mainstream news sources are on “creepy Uncle Joe’s” unwanted encroachments. #WomenWhoVoteTrump wonder why Joe Biden gets a pass on “inapropriate touching.” Yikes!⤵If this was Trump, imagine the MSM headlines . #MAGA pic.twitter.com/gtk64X3tXH — Trump the Hill (@TrumpTheHill) October 15, 2016 @CNN @andersoncooper @Maddow @MSNBC Where’s the Wall 2 Wall segment on Creepy Uncle Joe Molesting Young Girls/Women? #HYPOCRITES #NVDebate pic.twitter.com/vODHxrEF0g — Truth Is Power (@truthispower777) October 15, 2016 #OnHillarysTeleprompter would someone tell Joe Biden that touching women and making them uncomfortable makes you unfit for office — Robert Wilson (@rwlawoffice) October 15, 2016 Katie Pavlich – It’s Time For a National Conversation About Joe Biden’s Inappropriate Touching https://t.co/ZHpbwjI5XU — Diamond Barbarian (@NoMoreElitists) October 14, 2016 No prof of Trump touching women. Watch Joe Biden Rub, Touch And Kiss His Way To Beck-Like Creepiness – YouTube https://t.co/jFWNo4ssgF — R. Wolfe (@WhoWolfe) October 14, 2016 Joe Biden can’t Keep his Hands off Women, a known fact! Always touching them! HYPOCRIT! pic.twitter.com/nNc1QFG7Hk — TRUMP/ PENCE 2017! (@audreyringrose) October 13, 2016 BIDEN IS A CLASS-A PERV. TALK ABOUT GROPING, HE’S ALWAYS TOUCHING WOMEN. IT’S RIGHT IN OUR FACES! https://t.co/aBAr2mzrlb — DeplorableWhatWhat7 (@OpinionOnion7) October 13, 2016 . @frankthorp Sure let’s have that conversation https://t.co/wC1deHu544 — Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) October 9, 2016",36,1 +37,"On the left, and among Donald Trump's conservative critics, a new debate has emerged: is the media to blame for the businessman's rise, or are Republican primary voters simply ""idiots,"" as New York Magazine's Jon Chait argued recently, and unable to recognize a con-artist when they see one? This is a false choice. There are plenty of factors that went into Trump becoming the presumptive GOP nominee, and the incessant media coverage of his every utterance and movement probably contributed to his sky-high negatives. But it's unserious, not to mention smug, to assume that Trump has been playing all of his Republican supporters for dupes. You don't need to worship Trump to vote for him. You don't even have to like him, or think he's always honest, because these are not the factors at the heart of Trump's appeal. Consider this from Michael Cooper, a writer, attorney, and liberal Democrat who lives in rural North Carolina. ""My Republican friends are for Trump. My state representative is for Trump,"" he wrote in U.S. News in March. ""People who haven't voted in years are for Trump. He'll win the primary here on March 15 and he will carry this county in the general. His supporters realize he's a joke. They do not care. They know he's authoritarian, nationalist, almost un-American, and they love him anyway, because he disrupts a broken political process and beats establishment candidates who've long ignored their interests."" This, I think, nicely sums up the core of Trump's support. Yes, there is a cult of personality around the candidate, and some of his backers do seem to think of him as a man who can do no wrong. But the breadth of Trump's support alone indicates that we're dealing with more than just full-fledged #TrumpTrain devotees. We're also dealing with the people Cooper writes about, the ones who aren't so enthralled with the man himself but recognize him as a change agent. And the truth is that a President Trump would, of course, be a change agent. A Hillary win would likely take us to something like the pre-Trump status quo ante, which is one reason why so many D.C. and Wall Street Republicans will wind up supporting her -- they'll still know how to play the game in a second Clinton presidency. A Trump victory, meanwhile, will undoubtedly lead to profound upheaval in our political system. The policies he'll pursue in office are still something of a mystery, but due to his lack of a real, grounding political philosophy, we can assume that he'll embrace positions to both the right- and left-of-center. In effect this would be something like a third party in American politics, and one in control of the White House no less -- a Party of Trump, which will find itself at odds with both stalwart conservatives like Ben Sasse and progressives like Elizabeth Warren. Occasionally he'll find common cause with one side, and sometimes with the other. You could even see him putting together odd bedfellows like Sherrod Brown and Jeff Sessions to pass new restrictions on trade. Any way you look at it, he would scramble everything we know about American politics. You can argue that the changes that Trump would bring to this country would be disastrous, or that he's morally and intellectually unfit for the office. But the one safe bet we have about a Trump presidency is that it would provoke a realignment in our politics and bring about an end to the elite governing consensus of the last several decades. America's many establishments -- Republican and Democrat, liberal and conservative - would all suddenly find themselves on the outs. The Democrats have signaled that they'll run on the idea that a Trump presidency is just too ""risky"" and ""dangerous."" But that shows a real misunderstanding of his appeal as a candidate. The subtext of every Trump rally is basically take this risk, take this gamble -- it may all end in tears, but it's worth a shot. America isn't working anymore, his argument goes. It's not working for Americans, Americans know that, and all those smug elites are to blame. How do we fix that? Hard to say: Trump, remember, has a habit of contradicting himself within the same sentence when answering questions about his policy specifics. But step one is blowing up the system, and that's exactly what Trump is promising to do. Is it childish to want the political system to be completely upended even if the consequences might be disastrous? Maybe. But in a country where a plurality of Americans think that ""people like them"" were better off 50 years ago, at least according to a recent Pew survey, it should also be expected. We can dismiss Trump's voters as low-class, knuckle-dragging racists who deserve, in some sense, to suffer. But that wouldn't be wise from a governing standpoint or, for Trump's opponents, a tactical one. If you think that Trump's voters don't get what's best for them, then it's up to you to sell them on why they're wrong -- to make the case that free trade leads to cheaper, better goods for everyone, that immigration greatly benefits the economy, that a ""Muslim ban"" is immoral and would only help groups like ISIS. That the system, for all its faults, can still be reformed, and that allowing Trump to raise hell in Washington will only make his supporters' lot worse. But to just dismiss them as ""idiots"" is, well, stupid. It plays into his hands; it justifies the anti-elite impulse he's exploited. The consensus among all the poll-watchers and data-heads who have consistently underestimated Trump from the onset is that Hillary is all but certain to win in November. And they might be right. But if Trump pulls off the upset, the smugness and lack of empathy that defines too many of his detractors will be in large part to blame.",37,1 +38,"Are you sick of Republicans? Or just right-wingers in general? Do you want to send a message to Washington that you aren't going to buy into their racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic and classist nonsense for one second longer? Then do the very thing that Donald Trump unintentionally encouraged in a recent tweet: Encourage Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2020! Crooked Hillary Clinton is the worst (and biggest) loser of all time. She just can’t stop, which is so good for the Republican Party. Hillary, get on with your life and give it another try in three years! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 18, 2017 I'm sure this is the part where the Clinton-haters — be they Trumpers, Bernie Bros or anything in between — will say something to the effect of, ""Of course he wants her to run again. That's the only way he'll get re-elected!"" Slow your roll there. Clinton's poll numbers aren't too good right now (OK, they're downright atrocious), but there are still four great reasons to consider choosing her as the Democratic nominee in 2020. Even better, all but one of them has to do with an emotion that has no place in this season (which is why I absolutely had to write this article for Thanksgiving weekend): Spite. Delicious, nutritious spite. 1. Hillary Clinton is the Winston Churchill to Vladimir Putin's Adolf Hitler. I agree with the basic principle of Godwin's Law: The first person to invoke Hitler in a political debate should normally lose. The exception, of course, has to be when someone has genuine Hitler-like qualities. A foreign despot who has invaded neighboring countries and has a right-wing nationalist agenda is about as Nazi-like as you can get. This is where Clinton offers a quality that no politician in America can beat. While Republicans are trying to tar her with a bogus scandal connecting her to Russia (and anyone who believes Clinton did something wrong in the Uranium One deal lacks credibility on all matters political), the reality is that no candidate can be better described as Russia's nemesis than Clinton. Putin has always hated Clinton because of his innate sexism, which has manifested in his policies, and she certainly didn't endear herself to him by publicly criticizing Russian corruption in 2011. As the ample connections between the Trump campaign and Russia or its water-carriers like WikiLeaks clearly demonstrate, the one person we know we can trust more than anyone is the candidate who Putin very obviously did not want to see as America's president. 2. Hillary Clinton being elected president (at last) would monumentally piss off misogynistic trolls, and what's not to like about that? I can't think of a single political figure in recent American history who has been hated as deeply, or for as long, as Hillary Clinton. From the moment she emerged on the national stage in 1992 as a distinctly feminist prospective first lady, she has been the target of right-wing wrath woefully out of proportion to anything she has ever said or done. The reason for this is sexism. It's not the chic thing to say right now, but no other explanation really makes sense. Yes, Hillary Clinton is more centrist than either party likes these days, but why is she singled out for opprobrium here when her husband — who actually served as president — remains popular despite holding the exact same views? The same point can be made about the claim that she is corrupt or too establishment. To the extent that these accusations are valid, they are no more true of Clinton than of the vast majority of politicians from both parties (especially Trump). At the very least, the next Democratic presidential candidate needs to be a woman — perhaps not Clinton specifically, but certainly a woman, to offset the symbolic gut-punch of the first female candidate getting cheated by an overt misogynist. And speaking of cheating ... 3. By winning the popular vote convincingly in 2016, Hillary Clinton has earned the right to be considered the presumptive nominee in 2020. As I wrote in September, Clinton is the first defeated presidential candidate to win the popular vote without being automatically considered a frontrunner in the next election. Two of the previous four popular vote-winning also-rans were actually elected in the subsequent cycle (Andrew Jackson in 1828 and Grover Cleveland in 1892), while two others were widely regarded as frontrunners before dropping out for personal reasons (Samuel Tilden and Al Gore). Let us not forget that, for all of the smack talk about how poorly Clinton ran her campaign, she bested Trump by nearly 3 million votes. This was no razor-thin margin of victory, but a decisive expression of the American public's preference. In terms of percentage points, her margin of victory was roughly comparable to that by which Jimmy Carter beat Gerald Ford in 1976 or George W. Bush beat John Kerry in 2004. She also held Trump to a lower percentage of the popular vote than that garnered by Mitt Romney in 2012. 4. We can expect her to be a good president. Frankly, the worst thing that can be said about a potential 2020 Clinton candidacy, especially in America's current cultural and political climate, is that her husband still hasn't answered for the numerous sexual abuse accusations against him. While it may seem unfair for Hillary to be held accountable for Bill's alleged predations, it can plausibly be argued that she played a role in helping him cover them up. If that is ever proved beyond a reasonable doubt, she should be given the heave-ho. Then again, Bill Clinton is also widely associated with the economic, social and foreign policy conditions of the beloved 1990s, and is greatly missed for that reason. And since few dispute that Hillary was her husband's co-president during that halcyon decade, that association can still remain a giant advantage. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Clinton demonstrated through the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform that she would work with progressives on pursuing a policy agenda very close to their own goals. On issues ranging from raising the minimum wage and fighting global warming to scaling back the war on drugs, she would stand exactly where the majority of grassroots activists in the party want her to be. Plus — while this has been noted countless times before, it deserves repetition — she has ample experience as a U.S. senator and secretary of state in actually getting things done. That ability to get things done, by the way, is why Clinton had high approval ratings as secretary of state (usually in the 60s), even proving more popular than President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in 2011 and 2012. Her stock may be low now, but it's been low in the past (such as when she ""ran"" to be first lady in 1992), and it has always recovered. Arguably the big political question facing a potential Hillary 2020 campaign will be whether that bounce occurs at a fortuitous moment for her. It very well could, and wouldn't that be a giant helping of the dish best served cold?",38,1 +39,"The rise of right wing nationalism comes with a massive side dose of bad faith arguments. So argues Sasha Polakow-Suransky, the author of “ Go Back to Where You Came From: The Backlash Against Immigration and the Fate of Western Democracy,"" which examines the explosion of far-right anti-immigration politics in both Europe and the United States. People like Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen are reactionaries, Polakow-Suransky told me on ""Salon Talks,"" but they like to hide behind liberal values like equality and secularism when launching attacks on Muslim immigrants. “What these parties are doing, especially in France and Holland, is they’re telling gays, they’re telling feminists, and they’re telling Jews even, ‘We are the only ones who will protect you,” he said. “The threat all of you face is from Islam and Muslims and we’re the only party that can stand up to that.’” These politicians want voters to believe they’re not neo-Nazis and skinheads, he continued, but in reality, they’re “weaponizing secularism to target a specific group.” Polakow-Suransky, who is an Open Society Foundations fellow and has held previous positions as an op-ed editor at the New York Times and as a senior editor at Foreign Affairs, says he sees similarity in how “our president reacts to a horrible terrorist attack,” such as the murders in New York City on Halloween, and other crimes. “You see a real gulf between the reactions to any crime perpetrated by an Islamic extremist and crimes committed by white nationalists or other groups,” Polakow-Suransky said. “I think that shows they’re targeting a specific group rather than talking about universal values that we all share.” Watch our full ""Salon Talks"" conversation on Facebook. Tune into Salon's live shows, ""Salon Talks"" and ""Salon Stage,"" daily at noon ET / 9 a.m. PT and 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT, streaming live on Salon and on Facebook.",39,1 +40,"Donald Trump has been hiding in plain sight. Or not hiding. Seldom, if ever, has an American politician so aggressively acted out and imposed his unfiltered personality on the public, consequences be damned. And yet, the final weeks of the presidential campaign now are wholly centered on the media's shocking revelations about who he really is. ""Well, where have you been?"" is one glaring question for the media. The other is about how complicit the media has been in covering for him until now. Trump is a thrice-married beauty pageant owner, a compulsive attention seeker and a sexual braggart. The possibility of him not engaging in lewd, loutish, outre and, for a presidential candidate, scandalous behavior is nil. Was no one in the media looking? Did nobody care about the details? Or was it just not possible to believe what was as clear as the noses on our faces? A journalist's job can't be so easy as that. Or, perhaps, it was just a case of not wanting to belabor the obvious: It would hardly seem to advance the discussion to insist that Trump is an oaf, brute, philistine and cad, which is, of course, exactly the shocked — shocked! — point that now repeatedly is being made in the campaign's final days. Or, as the candidate uniquely created and promoted by the media, has he been gamely protected and tolerated through stages of amusement, gratefulness (""It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS,"" said CBS Corp. chief Leslie Moonves earlier in the cycle, no doubt now regretfully), incredulity and alarm, until we reached the horror stage in September with a sudden leveling of the polls, prompting the media to act in righteous concert? The unavoidable awkwardness, of course, is that so many of the details about Trump's particular sort of sleaziness, so many smoking guns, actually have been in the hands of the media all along. The more or less fatal bullet came from the NBC-owned infotainment show Access Hollywood. Billy Bush, who would become a Today show regular this summer — that is, an employee of the NBC News division of NBCUniversal — was the other party to the tape. He knew! Reports indicate that inside NBC he was talking openly about what he knew since this past August. Still, perhaps this wasn't seen so much as news but as Trump being Trump, as hilarity. Really, does the video reveal anything about Trump that was not previously known? Bush, now losing his Today role, becomes something of a tragic figure in this. In the business of stroking celebrities, he now is reviled for stroking one. Likewise, NBC, ever on the job of the care and maintenance of NBC stars, was no doubt instinctively reluctant to shoot one — one, as it happens, running for president. Part of the rationale about the video's news value, and for why the media should be so righteous about stomping on Trump now, is the seeming singularity of the vulgarity in Trump's own voice. (For those without television or internet, he told Bush, among other things, he ""moved"" on Bush's Access Hollywood co-anchor Nancy O'Dell ""like a bitch"" and noted ""when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."") To have imagined it, to have intellectually appreciated what it must be, is nothing like actually hearing it. And yet, it turns out his real voice, offering a detailed and nuanced account of his sexual views and habits, was not at all unique. What he said theoretically in private to Bush he has said publicly over and over again with many variations — including agreeing with the description of himself as a sexual predator — to Howard Stern, for 30 years a leading champion of sexual harassment practices. Trump himself — recalling Gary Hart's fatal invitation to reporters to follow him if they didn't believe his claims of virtue — assured Anderson Cooper during the second debate that, in fact, he really didn't do the things he said he did. Voila! Among the accounts to swiftly contradict him was one from a former People reporter, Natasha Stoynoff, assigned to cover Trump and Melania at Mar-a-Lago in 2005 on the occasion of their first wedding anniversary. During the interview, in Stoynoff's telling, Trump sexually assaults her with a sudden kiss and grope. It is pretty much only Trump himself who now points out that the article she wrote based on this interview is a celebratory one. Nobody else, least of all anyone in the media, is saying People published a fraudulent story. It lied: People had firsthand proof the marriage was something other than what it said it was but drooled sycophantically over the couple anyway. The influence of People contributed to creating the celebrity stature of Trump. Now, with no more information than it had then, it wants to take that stature back. Who's responsible for what? Who's less trustworthy here? Another aspect of the media rationale for why now and not before involves the recently enshrined journalistic principle that the testimony of one victim brings out supporting testimony of others — and now there's a growing list of Trump grope victims — quite putting aside the fact that when witnesses have the opportunity to compare accounts, that necessarily lessens reliability. While it is wholly believable that Trump systematically mashed a lot of women, it also is as reasonable that the rudeness and grossness he has made no secret of, only now, in the tailoring of a chorus of accounts (lawyers shaping the language of decade-old memories) inflates to a media consensus of sociopathic if not criminal behavior. Indeed, The New York Times, when it previously pursued the issue of Trump's behavior toward women for an article in May, relying on independent accounts, came up with an entirely different tenor of story — ""a complex, at times contradictory portrait of a wealthy, well-known and provocative man and the women around him, one that defies simple categorization."" Trump, not surprisingly, now that he has been simply categorized as a sex abuser, makes matters worse for himself. By attacking the media — with toothless threats of lawsuits — he fortifies its unity and its certainty. But you can see why he's hurt and confused. For so long the media encouraged him to be Donald Trump. Thirty years of enabling him and encouraging him. And through more than 18 months of campaigning for president, it really seemed like he was going to get away with being who he was. But let no one forget: The media, if it makes you — in this instance with great civic resolve — can break you, too. This story first appeared in the Nov. 4 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.",40,1 +41,"After Colin Kaepernick rightly chose to kneel during the national anthem before NFL games, many racists and idiots came out with critical response to what was a peaceful, important statement against police brutality and systemic American racism. That’s what Kap’s protest is about. Brutality and racism. Violence against people of color, unimpugned state violence at that. Kap’s protest is strictly against racism, which is what this country was built on. On the backs of African slaves shipped here catch-style to do white people’s work. Kap’s protest is decidedly not against the American flag. Anyone — including our moron President — that tries to argue otherwise is themselves a moron. “But the troops!” you might scream. The troops are a manifold and variegated thing. Here’s a former Marine sayingthat Kap’s protest is nececcesary. Chaps is good. Many of them fight for Kaepernick’s right to stand down during the national anthem. You want to shit on those troops too? Here’s a picture of Laremy Tunsil, a wonderful and beautiful left tackle, kneeling out of solidarity with fellow Americans before Sunday’s game against the New York Jets, which the Dolphins lost, 20-6. That doesn’t matter at all, though. He kneels at left. Hat off to Tunsil for this action. “Respecting the flag” and “respecting the anthem” before football games are perhaps the dumbest notions floated among sports fans. Sporting events are not flag-worthy at all. Nobody else in the world does this. Further, THESE ATHLETES ARE HUMAN PEOPLE. Laremy Tunsil is a real person with real political beliefs, and his political beliefs include “black people shouldn’t be killed by the police with impunity.” That’s a pertinent thing to assert. Tunsil’s politicism is important.",41,1 +42,"Trump is so far off the reservation that he is claiming that Republican Special Counsel Robert Mueller is a Democrat who worked for Obama for eight years. Neither of these statements is true. Video: Trump said, “But you have a group of investigators that are all Democrats. In some cases, they went to the Hillary Clinton celebration that turned out to be a funeral. So you have all these investigators that are Democrats. In all fairness, Bob Mueller worked for Obama for eight years.” The Special Counsel is not a Democrat. He is a Republican. Robert Mueller did not work for Obama for eight years. He was replaced as FBI Director by James Comey in 2013. In 2011, Obama asked Mueller to say on beyond his initial ten-year term, and the Senate approved his request. Trump is in complete meltdown mode, and he is inventing reasons out of thin air for why he can’t sit down for an interview with the Special Counsel. The investigation is not a biased witch hunt against him. The Russia investigation is being run by members of Trump’s own party. Facts matter. The fact is that Trump is lying and running away from doing an interview with Mueller. For more discussion about this story join our Rachel Maddow and MSNBC group.",42,0 +43,"The level of doublethink involved in being a contemporary member of the GOP is astounding. Former Presidential candidate and current Donald Trump sycophant Mike Huckabee can barely even remember basic facts, like whether or not Trump has ever admitted to committing sexual assault. The things Republicans have to tell themselves and the public in order to continue pushing their agenda take some serious mental gymnastics. We have Presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway coining the term “alternative facts.” Former Press Secretary Sean Spicer became a laughing stock for his outrageous defenses of President Donald Trump’s statements and behavior. And the person who took Spicer’s Job, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, has continued that trend. For example, she suggested that ESPN analyst Jemele Hill be fired for bullying President Trump on Twitter, despite the fact that the President regularly uses his own Twitter account to shout down opponents and turn his followers against others. However, Sarah’s father Mike Huckabee may take the cake with his comments on Fox & Friends this morning. Conservatives have loved speaking about disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein and his donations to Democratic causes and candidates, and Trump’s favorite morning team and Huckabee decided to tie it back to Hillary Clinton yet again. Host Abby Huntsman started things off by addressing Huckabee: “There was also an uncomfortable moment when she talked about President Trump, how he admitted to being sexual assaulter. She was asked about the Weinstein situation and she mentioned how her husband – Bill Clinton – what he did was in the past. Anyone watching that, I think, was a little squirmy in their seat. She even looks squirmy, talking about it. Has President Trump ever admitted to being a sexual assaulter?” Anyone with a halfway functioning brain would of course recall the infamous Access Hollywood tape where Trump bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy” because he was famous. Huckabee, apparently, lacks that halfway functioning brain, responding: “I don’t recall that that has ever happened.” He then proceeds to turn the discussion back to Bill Clinton, who, if you recall, was President twenty years ago. Fairly selective memory there, Mike. So keep playing in your big boy trucks, Donald, and know that your sycophants are doing everything in their power to rewrite history. Watch the ridiculous exchange below: Featured image via Flickr user Gage Skidmore / CC BY-SA 2.0.",43,1 +44,"Amanda Marshall was Oregon’s federal district attorney. Then the scandals started catching up to her. Let’s recap her sordid history. Appointed by Obama in 2011, Marshall resigned in 2015 after allegedly stalking a subordinate and having an affair, and later faced internal probes (no pun intended). Marshall is the DA who pursued charges, even to the point of double jeopardy, against Dwight and Steven Hammond, the eastern Oregon ranchers who preemptively set controlled burns to stop wildfires from encroaching on their property. After already serving time in federal prison, Marshall encouraged the judge to re-imprison them for a harsher sentence. Those actions are what prompted the Malheur Wildlife Refuge protests in early 2016. In 2014, Marshall was caught on camera conspiring with Gabby Gifford’s gun control group, Americans For Responsible Solutions, to scheme up new gun control laws and propaganda. She spoke of wanting to force county Sheriffs to enforce federal gun laws, while also being one of the voices saying that local law enforcement shouldn’t enforce federal immigration laws. Of course the anti gun folks were more than happy to feature Amanda Marshall as a guest speaker at a summit presented by Ceasefire Oregon and “Oregon Alliance To Prevent Gun Violence”. Now she faces ethics complaints with the Oregon State Bar. The Oregonian reports: The panel determined there was probable cause to bring ethics charges against Marshall for violating rules dealing with honesty and trustworthiness. The case now advances to the trial phase. A panel will convene, likely sometime in the spring, to determine if Marshall has engaged in misconduct. Punishment for ethics violations range from a public reprimand to a suspension or disbarment. The disciplinary board identified two rules Marshall may have violated, one involving criminal conduct that reflects poorly on a lawyer’s honesty and trustworthiness or fitness and the other dealing with conduct involving fraud and dishonesty. Marshall’s lawyer, Allison Martin Rhodes, said Monday that Marshall “has always acknowledged” that she “was not completely truthful” when asked by a superior about the relationship. Martin Rhodes has said Marshall lied when asked if she had sex with her subordinate but was subsequently forthcoming in a four-hour interview with authorities. The professional standards agency opened an investigation last year after the U.S. Department of Justice’s inspector general found Marshall had engaged in a yearlong “intimate and personal” relationship with a subordinate. The inspector general said Marshall, who now practices law in McMinnville, violated sexual harassment laws, lied to investigators and tried to block the investigation. The Inspector General’s Office in March 2015 opened an investigation of Marshall. She took a leave of absence that month, citing health reasons that included post-traumatic stress disorder. She officially resigned on May 15, 2015, amid the internal review. It’s just fitting that someone with ties to the Obama administration and anti-gun organizations is caught up in a series of scandals and lies. Sponsored Sponsored",44,1 +45,"ILOSM family the situation between Usher and his STD accuser, Quantasia Sharpton, has just gotten even more real. For Ms. Sharpton, it’s bad, but for Usher, it’s great. As we previously informed you all, Quantasia claimed that she’d met Usher at his concert and then had a one night stand with him later that night, without him telling her that he allegedly has herpes… It was her details ( and the prior lies she was accused of telling about other celebs) that caused many Usher fans to call her bluff though. Sharpton claimed that after Usher’s concert, she went back to her Days Inn hotel room and Usher called her, then went to Days Inn to sex her up like Color Me Badd (okay she didn’t say the Color Me Badd part, but if the shoe fits…). Anywho, after fans heard her ‘Days Inn’ claim, they were like ‘Chile please…Usher ain’t rollin’ up to a cheap Days Inn hotel room to have sex with you.’ Days later, an alleged Days Inn worker then claimed she saw Usher walk into the hotel to go see Quantasia. The worker also said the only reason she revealed that is because she didn’t like that Usher reportedly said to the press that Quantasia isn’t “his type.” Many Usher fans didn’t buy the employee’s story either. Fast forward to today and Usher has spoken, through his team, to provide 3 facts that shoot down Quantasia’s claims, according to TMZ. Check out what was reported by Usher’s people below… 1. WIFE/MANAGER: Sources close to the singer tell TMZ … he says there was never a hotel hookup with Quantasia Sharpton, telling friends, in November 2014 he was on the verge of getting engaged to Grace Miguel. Usher tells them at the time of his alleged encounter, Grace was his manager and they spent ALL their free time together. His people say when the two weren’t enjoying free time, it was all business, and they were inseparable. The couple got engaged less than 2 months after the alleged Days Inn tryst.-via TMZ 2. ACCUSER’S TIMELINE CONFLICT: Usher’s people also say on the night in question his show ran late, which pushed the meet-and-greet well after midnight … and that flies in the face with Quantasia’s timeline in which she claims she hooked up with the singer around 12. -via TMZ 3. TRAVEL SCHEDULE CONFLICT: We’re told his travel schedule was super tight too … making it even more unlikely he even had time to step out for a secret trip to the Days Inn. -via TMZ Sometimes it’s best to make moves in silence…I wonder if Quantasia Sharpton and her attorney, Lisa Bloom, are now wishing that she did, because this is turning out to be a mess.",45,1 +46,"Donald Trump is our next president, which means Keith's not going anywhere. Catch every episode of his new GQ show, The Resistance, and then come join the fight. Don't miss Keith Olbermann's new book, Trump Is F-cking Crazy (This Is Not a Joke) Available now on Amazon Keith Olbermann's suits, starting with episode 100, provided by Tallia Orange",46,0 +47,"Corey Taylor doesn’t like Donald Trump. In fact, that’s probably something of an understatement, the President being dubbed ‘the Cheeto’ throughout America 51. But on the other hand, Corey doesn’t like the two-party system of American politics at all, which he makes abundantly clear at the beginning of his fourth book. One thing The Great Big Mouth loves, however, is his country – the United States Of America. In his typical stream-of-consciousness style, often flailing wildly off-topic, the Slipknot frontman airs his gripes with all the political bullshittery that has gone down on his home turf recently. While his previous books have taken aim at the unending list of humanity’s traits that annoy Corey, this is a takedown of modern-day politics and (of course) the Trump administration from a man who admits he feels no kinship to either big party, but has a wealth of knowledge on American politics and a comical yet vicious tongue to match. Using his band life and turbulent childhood as reference points throughout, Corey shares his liberal views on everything from Black Lives Matter to Reaganomics, with cursing and caps lock firmly in place, forever reminding the reader that he’s an asshole (his words!). And while not everyone will agree with the points made on these pages, this asshole knows his shit.",47,0 +48,"The Dallas Cowboys made headlines before their Week 3 “Monday Night Football” game against the Arizona Cardinals when they briefly knelt on the field — alongside owner Jerry Jones — and then stood with arms linked during the national anthem. While some saw the move as a good compromise between protesting during the anthem and respecting the flag, others were surprised and disappointed the Cowboys took a knee at all. Why is there politics in the middle of football? Protest on your own time! Political agenda being shoved down my throat everywhere No escape — TexasGirl (@HannahIvers) September 26, 2017 Well, Dez Bryant has good news for those who weren’t happy with the demonstration: It won’t be repeated. TRENDING: MLB Player Goes 7 Straight Games With HR, Sets Franchise Record The Cowboys’ star receiver told the Dallas Morning News that the team will go back to doing what it did before Monday night’s game: “We’re going to stand and put our hand over our heart.” Bryant said the Week 3 protest “was just a response to [President Donald] Trump. That’s all that was.” Trump had suggested last week that he’d like to see NFL owners fire players who protest during the national anthem. Jones said Friday morning on KRLD-FMthat Bryant appeared to be “torn” before the protest took place in Arizona. “I’m so appreciative of how the team responded,” said Jones. “It was a trying time. Players were truly under pressure, external pressure from their relationships. They were really under pressure to basically in many cases kneel at the flag.” As for this week, Bryant said, “I’m going to leave all of that in the past. It is what it is. I’m focused on this week. I don’t even want to think about it. I’m done.” Trump also tweeted that he had spoken with Jones and confirmed that the players will stand for Week 4. Spoke to Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys yesterday. Jerry is a winner who knows how to get things done. Players will stand for Country! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2017 It appears the Cowboys will be back to business as usual come Sunday. Dallas will look to build upon its Week 3 victory over the Cardinals as it hosts the surprising Los Angeles Rams at AT&T Stadium. We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.",48,0 +49,"Donald Trump, Republican nominee for president, does not believe in the United States Constitution. That’s a strong statement, but it’s increasingly clear that it’s true. Trump wants to be president of a country whose fundamental organizing document he almost completely disagrees with. Even if he has read the Constitution – which is a serious question, as raised by Khizr and Ghazala Khan during the DNC – Trump doesn’t believe in its core principles and values. You know, the principles and values that make America great. This disdain was on full display Monday. When talking about the recent bombings in New York and New Jersey, Trump lamented the fact that the Constitution would require suspected bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami to be treated fairly. “He will be represented by an outstanding lawyer. His case will go through the various court systems for years and in the end, people will forget and his punishment will not be what it once would have been. What a sad situation,” he said. “We must have speedy but fair trials and we must deliver a just and very harsh punishment to these people.” Trump also decried that Rahami would be given “amazing hospitalization” and “a fully modern and updated hospital room.” Putting aside Trump’s inaccurate assessment of the quality of medical care prisoners receive and the woefully underfunded public defender system in the U.S., Trump is attacking some of the bedrock principles of American justice. Ever since Gideon v. Wainwright, the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution has been understood to require that everyone charged with serious offenses in this country receive defense counsel. This protection for criminal defendants is cause for celebration, not castigation. Speaking about this right in glowing terms, the Supreme Court has said it is “necessary to insure fundamental human rights of life and liberty” and called this a “noble ideal” without which there can be no fair trial. Similarly, the Eighth Amendment prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment.” We already know from Trump’s advocating extreme forms of torture that he is no fan of this part of the Constitution, but his comments Monday make that even clearer. Prisoners’ serious medical needs cannot be ignored; doing so would be “cruel and unusual.” The Supreme Court has explained that “infliction of such unnecessary suffering is inconsistent with contemporary standards of decency” and outlined the basic principle that “the public be required to care for the prisoner, who cannot, by reason of the deprivation of his liberty, care for himself.” Just this weekend, he once again showed that he couldn’t care less about the First Amendment. After The New York Times published a story finding that Trump relied on $885 million in tax breaks to build his real estate empire in New York City, Trump tweeted, “My lawyers want to sue the failing @nytimes so badly for irresponsible intent. I said no (for now), but they are watching. Really disgusting.” Of course, as any middle school student will tell you, the First Amendment protects the freedom of the press. Part of that protection is that no public figure can sue as a result of a bad story without proving malice, meaning that the journalists knew the story was false or demonstrated complete disregard for whether it was true. This standard is crucial in protecting the press from being attacked by people who don’t like unflattering coverage. Without this principle, the press would be too scared to write pieces critical of the powerful, and the First Amendment would be virtually meaningless. It’s been clear from other contexts, though, that “ virtually meaningless” is how Trump views the First Amendment as a whole. Among other things, he has called for violence against individuals expressing their opinions and advocated for a religious test for those entering the country. These positions fly in the face of the First Amendment’s protection of free expression and freedom of religion, as well as its guarantee against an established state religion. Trump is no fan of the rest of the Constitution either. His recently announced maternity leave plan includes no coverage for fathers, which shows his lack of concern for the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause; his insistence that women and doctors should be punished for abortion shows that he doesn’t believe in a constitutional right to privacy under the Due Process Clause; he has promised to violate treaties, which are constitutionally recognized sources of law; he doesn’t understand the difference between state and federal authority, the basic principle of federalism which underlies the Constitution; nor does he care about separation of powers, the founding constitutional idea that the president, Congress and the courts have different responsibilities in order to prevent tyranny. In other words, other than his repeated invocation of the Second Amendment, including his not-so-oblique references to one of his supporters shooting Hillary Clinton (something that came up again this weekend), Trump has shown that he disagrees not just with one or two isolated parts of the Constitution – which would be within normal democratic bounds, and is countenanced by the Constitution’s amendment process – but rather with the very fabric of the document. This is highly unusual in American politics, where most debate occurs against the backdrop of accepted constitutional principles. Trump doesn’t appear to accept those principles at all, and instead seems to want to be president of a country with a foreign understanding of government and its relationship to the people. If Trump were elected, he would have to swear the same allegiance to the Constitution that every president has before him: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Based on how he has campaigned over the past year, if he were to utter those last 10 words, he would be lying – as has become par for the course with Donald Trump.",49,1 +50,"Brynn Anderson/AP Photo In his Alabama appearance for Roy Moore, Steve Bannon turned in an intellectually and morally putrid performance even by his standards. There is a partisan case for voting for Moore, which is simply that Republicans can’t afford to lose a Senate seat over the next three years and Moore’s failings must be ignored or rationalized away for the larger good of the party. This is not an elevated line of reasoning and is not obviously correct on its own terms. With Democrats throwing John Conyers and Al Franken overboard, Senate Republicans would be welcoming into their ranks a potent symbol of sexual malfeasance to be used against them in the 2018 midterms. It’s a better argument, though, than the tawdry justifications offered up by Bannon, who parachuted into an already disreputable campaign and dragged it through the gutter. Bannon seems to misunderstand the nature of the deplorables he seeks to lead. “Deplorable” is supposed to be an unfair, disparaging term for people who believe reasonable but politically incorrect things (immigration should be restricted, NFL players should stand during the national anthem, all lives matter, etc.). It shouldn’t be a license for doing truly deplorable things. Democrats, at least some of them, now want to jettison Bill Clinton and are saying that they were wrong to defend him during his scandals. For his part, Bannon wants to pick up the ethics of the party of Clinton and transfer them into the GOP. In Alabama, Bannon used that phrase redolent of the 1990s, “the politics of personal destruction.” Who is doing the destroying? Why the globalists, of course. There is nothing they aren’t capable of. It’s not clear why the globalists would be so fixated on defeating Moore that they’d work behind the scenes to get a bunch of women — and corroborating witnesses — who don’t know each other to lie about Moore having a romantic interest in them when they were teenagers. It seems a lot of effort to defeat a man who is arguing he should be elected to provide another vote for corporate tax cuts. Bannon referred to a conspiracy against Donald Trump in the way the “Access Hollywood” tape was brought to light, somewhat jocularly. But his mind-set is deeply conspiratorial. Because there are so many forces arrayed against you — the globalists, the establishment, the media — you are freed of any moral responsibility or standards. In fact, the mere mention of the words “honor” or “integrity” is a terrible provocation. Bannon launched his scurrilous attack on Mitt Romney because the former Republican presidential nominee used those terms in opposing Moore. Bannon shot back, in a truly perverse riff, that Moore has more honor in his “pinkie” than the entire Romney clan; per Bannon, Moore served in Vietnam and Romney didn’t, and none of Romney’s sons joined the military. Obviously, if going to Vietnam and having kids who served in the military is the sole measure of honor, Trump fails the test, and John McCain passes it. This doesn’t stop Bannon from considering Trump the great savior of the republic and McCain a disgrace. But it’s not worth trying too hard to unpack Bannon’s spiel. There is a huge element of play-acting here. Bannon waited to see which way the wind was blowing in Alabama. If Moore were still running consistently behind Democrat Doug Jones, Bannon wouldn’t be holding a campaign rally for him and challenging Romney to come down to Alabama to prove his manhood. He’d be looking to minimize the damage and shift the blame (the advantage of the specter of an all-powerful establishment is that it can be blamed for anything). Privately, Bannon can’t be thrilled that he’s stuck with Moore, and he must know that Moore is a kook, even if he can’t admit it in public. Bannon likes to attack everyone else in the party for lacking courage, but in Alabama, he’s afraid to admit he backed a bum candidate and afraid to acknowledge the truth about Moore. The urgency to get the party to back Moore-type candidates isn’t immediately apparent. If the point is just to hold Republican Senate seats, safer, more conventional Republicans are better suited to the task. If the point is just to support the Trump agenda, safer, more conventional candidates are as reliable, and perhaps more reliable than the likes of Moore, who opposed the Graham-Cassidy health care bill (“Rand Paul praises Roy Moore for opposing Obamacare repeal effort” is how one headline put it at the time). Part of the point has to be to elect candidates who have no standards for the sake of it. Bannon may be thinking ahead to a time when the Trump sex allegations become a live issue again or when a true scandal emerges from the Robert Mueller investigation. In this scenario, will there be anyone more naturally inclined to be dismissive of the accusers or other evidence than former Judge Roy Moore? Bannon may also believe that a GOP with a highly attuned ethical sense can’t truly be the party of the working class. In which case, who is the one who has contempt for the “rubes”?",50,1 +51,"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that “Trump could be the greatest president in history.” In a 14 December 2016 interview with CNN’s Don Lemon, Robert Kennedy, Jr. said that “I think Trump can be any kind of president he wants. I think he could be the greatest president in history if he wanted to.” Kennedy, who spoke these words prior to Donald Trump's taking office, was speaking in general terms about his hope that Trump would become a great president, seeing optimism in the fact that Trump appeared at the time to be unbound by ideology. On 14 December 2016, President John F. Kennedy’s nephew, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, appeared on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon to discuss the appointment of former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State (a move Kennedy, an environmental activist, was strongly opposed to). In an earlier segment on that night’s show, Lemon and his guests had drawn comparisons between the Trumps and the Kennedys, referencing remarks made by former Microsoft head Bill Gates a day earlier, with Lemon’s asking Kennedy Jr. how he felt about this comparison: We’ve discussed this on this show during the primary season, but Bill Gates has said today that Trump could be a new JFK. Some people look how close the Trump family is and how connected the children are to the family business and any they could be like the Kennedys. […] How do you feel about that? Kennedy’s answer, essentially, was not that Donald Trump had already done and achieved things that would fairly rank him as the “greatest President in history,” but that the comparison of Trump to the Kennedy family could turn out to be fair, because Donald Trump “is less bound by ideology than any president probably that we’ve had this century.” His statement was one of optimism for the future and was not rooted in anything Donald Trump (who had yet to assume office) had actually done as President: I think Trump, you know, because he doesn’t have obligations, he doesn’t owe anything to anybody, if he’s — I think if he cares about history and he understands that history is his principal audience, that he could be an extraordinary president. […] He said to Leonardo DiCaprio the other day that he wanted to be the next Teddy Roosevelt and he can easily do that he could — but I think it’s important to start by surrounding yourself with advisers who share that idealism and not people who are just working for the oil industry. I think he can be any kind of president he wants. I think he could be the greatest president in history if he wanted to. Since that exchange, numerous pro-Trump websites have run with Kennedy’s statement that “I think [Trump] could be the greatest president in history” without offering the any of the context that led to up to it. Numerous YouTube videos excerpt this brief segment, posted under the title “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Drops Bombshell: ‘Trump Could Be Greatest President In History!'” Other sites have added their own slanted commentary to Kennedy’s remark, frequently suggesting the conversation happened more recently. In a May 2017 post frequently reshared on Facebook, ConservativeFighters.com gleefully and rhetorically asked: “Can you hear the sobs coming from liberal protesters when a left-wing icon like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. finally admits the truth?” While Kennedy is certainly a Democrat, he has expressed willingness to work with Trump in the past, especially during the timeframe when the Don Lemon interview took place. Trump allegedly offered Kennedy (though Trump later disputed this) the chance to head a controversial commission on “vaccine safety” that had been widely panned by the medical community back in January 2017. However, because Kennedy’s words, in full context, were not offered as complimentary of Trump’s actions as a president (which he wasn’t at that point) but as a general hopefulness for the future, we rate this claim as a mixture. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.",51,0 +52,"Athletes choosing to kneel during the national anthem is currently a controversial topic in the US. The this past weekend, 27 players from the Jacksonville Jaguars and Baltimore Ravens opted to take a knee during the singing of the US national anthem before a game at Wembley Stadium in London. This was the most players ever to kneel during the national anthem in a single NFL game ever. The defiant stance has become a sign of protest against racial inequality within the US, and more recently, against President Trump's lacklustre response to the Charlottesville white-nationalist rally last month, and the heated aftermath that followed. The defiant stance first made national news following a preseason game in 2016, when Colin Kaepernick sat down (as opposed to the tradition of standing), during the playing of ""The Star-Spangled Banner"". His reasoning was divisive, but simple: ""I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder"" Eventually, Kaepernick conversed with former NFL player and US military veteran, Nate Boyer, and they both agreed that kneeling would be a much more respectful way to protest, whilst still showing respect for those who have fought in the US military. But the Jaguars and the Ravens weren't the only NFL teams to show solidarity against President Trump this week. The Pittsburgh Steelers, Oakland Raiders, Washington Redskins and more all protested in one way or another - with the Seattle Seahawks and Tennessee Titans even choosing to remain their locker rooms during the playing of the national anthem. And yet, what's even more inflammatory is President Trump's reaction to the silent protests. Instead of addressing the issues of racial injustice, Trump has hit out at the NFL, stating that fans should “refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country”, and that any players who take a knee should be fired or suspended. But President Trump isn't the only fan tuning in every week to witness the protests. Young children are incredibly impressionable, and one six-year-old in particular decided to demonstrate a protest of his own during the pledge of allegiance at his elementary school. As reported on ABC Action News, a six-year-old boy in Pasco County knelt down during a reading of the pledge of allegiance - an action that his teacher found disrespectful of the country, and disrespectful of the flag. The teacher send a text message to the boy's mother, informing her, ""I knew where he had seen it. But I did tell him that in the classroom, we are learning what it means to be a good citizen"". The teacher then told the child to ""stand up and stop it"", something that the boy's mother does not believe is her ""right"". The boy's mother said that she did not tell her son to take a knee, but also does not want her son to be silenced. She is now asking the school to be more open-minded, as she believes the issue is ""much bigger"" than her son. Linda Cobbe of Pasco County schools stated that they follow state law, and that the only way a student can be exempted from reciting the pledge of allegiance is with a written request from the parents, and even then, ""they must stand"". Cobbe also agreed that a more beneficial approach would have been to pull the boy to the side of the class and discuss the matter, instead of punishing him in front of the other students. But the mother believes that this shouldn't just be about her son: ""The bigger issue is cultural. They have demonstrated to me, through multiple incidents, that they don't take inclusion and diversity serious"". Both the boy's mom and the school are now hoping that the incident will be something everyone can learn from, as the school ""does not want to infringe on anyone's rights"". Should the boy and his mother be punished? Was it simply just a child copying something his favorite football team did one TV, or was he fighting for his right to be heard and respected in the community? One thing is for sure, the actions of the NFL are being seen and heard across the nation by everyone.",52,0 +53,"This article is part of the Opinion Today newsletter. You can sign up here to receive more briefings and a guide to the section daily in your inbox. Republicans are starting to talk openly about refusing to fill Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court seat not only through the end of President Obama’s term but indefinitely. Ted Cruz, Charles Grassley and John McCain have all sent such signals, as have some other prominent conservatives. It’s worth taking this talk seriously. Too many top Republicans have made clear in recent years that they care more about winning than about adhering to political norms or doing what’s best for the country. You can see this attitude in the willingness to shut down the government, the threats to default on the national debt and the stated desire to make Obama a failed president. The political scientists Thomas Mann and Norm Ornstein call it “ asymmetric polarization”: the two political parties have come to behave quite differently. Refusing to seat a ninth justice, simply for ideological reasons, would be a clear and worrisome break with democratic tradition. It would send the message that Republicans believe a president should be able to exercise the Constitutional power to name justices only if that president were Republican. It would represent a new level of partisan cynicism. I hope that the wiser heads within the Republican Party prevail after the election. But Democrats should be prepared for the alternative. The alternative would mean that Senate control — which remains up in the air, given the tightness of recent polls — will be crucial. If Republicans hold the Senate, a President Hillary Clinton would be at their mercy with any nominee. If Democrats take the Senate, they would have an obvious fallback plan: eliminating the 60-vote threshold of the filibuster — as a Senate majority can always do — and confirming a justice with 51 votes. As long as Republicans keep talking about permanent obstructionism, Democrats should not hesitate to use that option. What I’m reading: Jeff Shesol, at The New Yorker, has an excellent breakdown of the growing signs of the Republicans’ Supreme Court obstructionism.",53,1 +54,"President Trump responded to reports that special counsel Robert Mueller is about to indict people in his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election by pointing the finger at Democrats. Trump said the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with the Kremlin is “phony,” “bad for our country,” a “witch hunt,” and “evil politics.” He added the news that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for the unverified dossier alleging scandalous behavior by Trump has united Republicans. “Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?), the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more,” Trump tweeted. “Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia, ‘collusion,’ which doesn't exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R's are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!” The $12 million figure refers to the amount of money Clinton’s campaign paid to Perkins and Cole, a law firm that then paid Fusion GPS to do opposition research on Trump. Fusion GPS then paid former British spy Christopher Steele, who authored the dossier on Trump that was released shortly before the inauguration. It’s not clear if all $12 million the Clinton campaign paid to the law firm went toward funding the dossier. Trump was also referring to a deal between an American company and a Russian government agency to purchase the company, which controlled about 20 percent of the country’s uranium supply. Clinton’s State Department was one of nine government agencies that signed off on the purchase, and that decision has come under new scrutiny after revelations that the FBI was investigating if Russians were trying to gain influence in the American uranium industry. Later on, Trump added the new focus on the Russia investigation is likely a distraction from the Republican push for tax reform. ""All of this 'Russia' talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT!"" Trump tweeted.",54,0 +55,"Opinion Modal Trigger Voters’ top concerns are the stagnant economy and the threat of terrorism, but you wouldn’t know it from Hillary Clinton’s TV ads or campaign speeches. She’s trying to twist the presidential race into a referendum on political correctness. Too embarrassed to run on her party’s economic record or her failed stint as secretary of state, she’s positioning herself as top cop of the speech police. For example, Hillary is running an ad depicting pre-teen girls looking self-consciously in the mirror, agonizing over their bodies. Sometimes such young girls’ worries turn into deadly eating disorders, ultimately killing 10 percent of those affected. Clinton cynically exploits the pain and fear felt by thousands of families. Her ad uses a voiceover of Trump saying things like “she ate like a pig” and “does she have a fat ass?” Parents struggling with their child’s eating disorder run to one doctor after another frantically seeking answers. The causes are complex and still not entirely known — but no one believes the cause is Donald Trump. Some experts blame Hollywood’s glorification of skinny women for at least contributing to the rash of eating disorders and young girls’ body-image struggles. Instead of trying to muzzle Trump and other men, why isn’t Hillary calling out her big supporters in the entertainment industry? The same question applies to Hillary’s double standard in bashing Trump for lewdness but celebrating it in popular music. Clinton’s latest super PAC ads condemn Trump’s bawdy 2005 remarks on a bus with show-biz journalist Billy Bush. Trump bragged to his buddy, “I moved on her like a bitch.” Clinton claims to have been outraged when she heard it, calling it “horrific.” Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald chuckles at Clinton’s hypocritical “sudden onset of Victorian vapors.” After all, Clinton has no problem with the salacious lyrics of her pal and supporter Beyoncé. Even when Beyoncé sings: “I came to slay bitch . . . when he f–k me good I take his ass to Red Lobster.” Clinton says, “I want to be as good a president as Beyoncé is a performer.” Trump can’t catch a break with Clinton, even when he’s trying to do the right thing. Another Clinton ad attacks Trump reaching out to inner-city African-Americans with promises of more jobs and school choice. Reminding minority voters that Democratic politicians have failed to improve their economic opportunities, Trump asks for their vote, saying: “What the hell do you have to lose?” Clinton’s ad says: “Everything.” It follows her ad featuring Ku Klux Klan members praising Trump. It’s McCarthyite guilt by association. Trump has no connection to the group. What’s Trump actually guilty of? Poaching on Hillary’s turf. Worse than tarring Trump, she’s labeling cops, teachers and millions of other Americans racists. Whenever she talks to black audiences, she stokes racial resentment. She told the NAACP that whites “need to recognize our privilege and practice humility.” All whites, she claims, have “implicit bias,” and she wants bias training for police and other professions. Implicit bias — you’re told you have it even if you don’t realize it, no matter how colorblind you try to be, and denying your bias just proves it. Implicit bias is PC drivel. There’s no solid data to support it, cautions social scientists Philip Tetlock of UPenn and Gregory Mitchell of the University of Virginia and experts from New York University and the University of Connecticut. But if Clinton becomes president, we’ll all be undergoing re-education at school or work to cure our “implicit bias.” To see what President Hillary’s America would be like, look at most college campuses today. Few on campus dare to question Black Lives Matter, militant multiculturalism and “safe spaces” to spare students from challenging ideas. Hillary’s dictating how Americans talk about race, sex, even body shapes. Trump calls it like he sees it. He doesn’t stick to the well-rehearsed rhetoric of a career politician. But his supporters are sick and tired of political correctness. He’s not running for saint. He’s running to get the job done, something Hillary Clinton has already proven she can’t do. Betsy McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.",55,1 +56,"On Monday ESPN suspended Jemele Hillfor 2 weeks in response to her tweets encouraging NFL fans to boycott anyone who sponsors Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones. Hill's tweet was in response to Jones comments that any player who disrespected the flag would be cut from his team. In a statement ESPN said, ""Jemele Hill has been suspended for two weeks for a second violation of our social media guidelines. She previously acknowledged letting her colleagues and company down with an impulsive tweet. In the aftermath, all employees were reminded of how individual tweets may reflect negatively on ESPN and that such actions would have consequences. Hence this decision."" ESPN says that it has accepted the apology of Jemele Hill for tweeting that President Trump and his followers are ""white supremacists."" Earlier this week, the co-host of ESPN's “SC6 with Michael and Jemele"" fired off a series of tweets calling the President a ""bigot"" and ""white supremacist."" Hill apologized for her tweets on Wednesday. ""My comments on Twitter expressed my personal beliefs."" She wrote on Twitter. ""My regret is that my comments and the public way I made them painted ESPN in an unfair light."" The network issued a followup statement after her apology and said that Hill has a right to her personal beliefs, but said that they are not reflective of the company's opinions or beliefs. ""She has acknowledged that her tweets crossed that line and has apologized for doing so. We accept her apology,"" they wrote. ESPN has been under intense scrutiny after they pulled their broadcaster Robert Lee off air “as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding"" in August. The Associated Press contributed to this report. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is calling for the termination of an ESPN anchor after she called President Donald Trump a white supremacist on Twitter. “That is one of the more outrageous comments that anybody could make and certainly is something that is a fireable offense by ESPN,” Sanders said on Wednesday. This comes after Jemele Hill, who co-hosts a ESPN show called “SC6 with Michael and Jemele,"" fired off a series of Tweets denouncing Trump and calling his supporters white supremacists. EPSN soon issued a statement in response to Smith's remarks. “The comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the president do not represent the position of ESPN,” the network said. “We have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate.” ESPN on Tuesday distanced itself from anchor Jemele Hill’s tweets calling President Trump “a bigot” and “a white supremacist.” “The comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the president do not represent the position of ESPN,” the network tweeted from its public relation’s department’s account. “We have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate,” ESPN added of Hill, a co-host on the 6 p.m. broadcast of the network’s “SportsCenter” program. Hill on Monday had a series of Twitter exchanges with other users that involved her harshly criticizing Trump. “Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/other white supremacists,” she said in one tweet. “Trump is the most ignorant, offensive president of my lifetime,” Hill added in another post. “His rise is a direct result of white supremacy. Period.” Hill added in a third tweet that “Donald Trump is a bigot” before going on to deride the president’s supporters. “The height of white privilege is being able to ignore his white supremacy, because it’s of no threat to you,” she said. “Well, it’s a threat to me.” Some Twitter users on Wednesday praised Hill for singling out Trump, while others lambasted her decision instead. ESPN is owned by Disney, and neither company elaborated on a possible punishment for Hill, who was on Tuesday night’s broadcast of “SportsCenter” like normal. Former National Football League (NFL) quarterback Colin Kaepernick, meanwhile, on Tuesday voiced support for Hill on Twitter. Kaepernick remains unsigned after playing with the San Francisco 49ers from 2011 to 2016 in a situation that remains controversial in the football world. The professional athlete began kneeling during the National Anthem last year to protest police brutality and racial injustice. Supporters say Kaepernick is making a legitimate stand for social justice, while critics charge he is acting unpatriotic instead. These celebrities ended up deleting their Twitter accounts. Let's get started!",56,1 +57,"The story is told that one evening, President Lincoln greeted a Congressional delegation, ushered them into his private study and asked their business. “We present you with a petition,” said the group leader, “demanding that you dismiss General Grant.” “And why should I do that?” asked Lincoln. “Grant is a drinker,” replied the leader. “He is known to have been drunk in his tent.” The president replied, “Gentlemen, I wish all my generals drank what Grant drinks; he wins!” This is how we should regard President Trump’s tweeting and his unbecoming, personal attacks on members of the media. We may cringe at Mika’s still-bleeding face, as we would in the tent of a drunken general. But Trump wins! In office barely five months, he has moved sure-footedly to correct the derelictions of the feckless fool who preceded him. His cabinet, the best since Lincoln, the Keystone pipeline, the impeccable Supreme Court nominee, the gathering of what amounted to the formative meeting of a Middle East NATO to defeat ISIS, the facing up to North Korea and Iran and Russia and China, the withdrawal from the rigged, insufferable Paris Climate Accord, sealing our borders to prohibit illegal entry, especially entry by dreadful thugs and terrorists, and moving aggressively to rid the country of those thugs and illegals like MS-13 and the monster who killed Kate Steinle, whom Obama welcomed, either directly or through insolent benign neglect. And on and on. We are awestruck at the vision, purpose and energy Trump has brought to the leadership of his country. But he is yet hampered by a war at home. The Democrats, the Progressives (or do I repeat myself), the Radicals, The Anarchists, the Communists, the university intelligentsia, Black Lives Matter, all amalgamated into a huge mass of vicious, unhinged hatred for Donald Trump. He alone stands between A Great America and the Sorosification of America. And so we see a level of disgusting personal attack on Mr. Trump such as has never been seen before, including faux-beheadings, calls for his impeachment, calls for his assassination, magazine covers depicting the president’s head with the cross hairs of a rifle at his temple, queries about his sanity, “professional” assertions of his imbalance, bastardized Shakespearean plays, allegations that he is a modern Hitler, utterly invented stories of misconduct by Trump or his team, based on unidentified “sources.” Ad nauseam. I propose you did a disservice to your community and your country when you admonished Rep. McSally to come out and vigorously oppose President Trump and school him in proper conduct (“Time for McSally to take a stand,” July 5, Page A6). And I propose you were in error when you promised that if she did not follow your advice, she would be punished in 2018 by the voters. You have it exactly backward. She owes her president her complete loyalty. She doesn’t need your advice. She is already wobbly enough. And, if she is punished at the 2018 election, it will be for failure to support and defend her president, and the punishment will be at the hands of We The People, who elected Mr. Trump.",57,1 +58,"Brazil’s new Migration Law relaxes criminal penalties for migrants. At a recent protest against this law in São Paulo, Muslim migrants demonstrated their distaste for dissent. Jihad Watch reader Natan sends in this video and writes: Terrorist Attempt at Anti-Migration Law Protest in Brazil. Syrian immigrants throw homemade bombs at peaceful people protesting at Av. Paulista in São Paulo, Brazil. The attack took place on May 2, when the group of protesters was walking. The attack was recorded by one of the protesters. In the video it is possible to see when the Muslims ignited the artifact and launched against the civilians. Police arrested the attackers, the crime was registered at a local police station.",58,0 +59,"In his election campaign, Mr Trump was clear about his desire to build a ""great great"" wall along the border of the US and Mexico which he believes will bring an end to illegal immigration from South and Central America. LBC presenter Ian Collins received a call from Mexican Josephine, who explained why she could not wait for work to begin on the wall. Josephine believes people from her native country are victimised because the Mexican government does not do enough for their people and have no authority when it comes to handling crime, especially in relation to drugs. She said: “We get the blame for all these criminals. “The Mexican government has turned a blind eye and the war has been lost with the drugs. “Many areas of Mexico have become worse than Chicago. “People are shooting themselves... they look after their family and they have machine guns and they drive around in trucks.” Collins then asked: “So you’re saying Donald Trump wasn’t being a racist then? I don’t want to put words in your mouth I just want to be clear.” Tue, December 13, 2016 “No, no, no,” Josephine replied. Since becoming President-elect has reiterated his intention to crack down on immigration. Speaking to CBS in his first major interview since being elected Mr Trump said: “What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably two million – it could be even three million – we are getting them out of the country or we are going to incarcerate.” Collins, attempting to understand why the Mexican woman was so pleased about Mr Trump’s election success, said: “Was he saying something that lots of people think but are too scared to say?” Josephine said: “Yes, and another thing is that I love the people that are here that I know, I know many people that are Asians, that are Arabs, good speaking English people, but there are very few. “The most people in the area don’t want to mix, and they are very hostile. “Everything has been twisted. I have scrutinised everything in this campaign and newspapers said today he is getting rid of three million migrants. “But they missed a word. Trump said ‘illegal criminals’.”",59,1 +60,"The NFL national anthem story isn’t going away anytime soon. During many debate shows that air on cable sports networks, it was topic one. This was especially true during true during FS1’s Undisputed with Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe. As the FS1 Dynamic Duo began discussing the topic, Sharpe went on an incredible eight-minute rant on how NFL owners suddenly got an awakening about President Trump’s comments at an Alabama rally about players who kneel during the national anthem. Sharpe first said he was “disappointed and … unimpressed,” about the whole thing. And then he expressed why he was disappointed and unimpressed: “I’m disappointed, Skip and Joy, because this is the tipping point. Of the 7,537 things that President Trump has said in the last 50 years, him calling an NFL player a ‘SOB’ is what brought the NFL, the owners and players together. And while some might be moved by the conscience of these NFL owners, it wasn’t their conscience that moved them. It was the cash. Because see Skip, what we know about people with money, they don’t like to be told what to do…they don’t like being bullied. You see, President Trump has bullied a lot of people …” Sharpe then mentioned Trump’s comments on Mexico, attacking a Gold Star family after last year’s Democratic National Convention, and his statements to former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about women saying, “that did not shock the conscience of NFL owners.” And he also pointed out a number of owners, including Jerry Jones, Daniel Snyder, Shad Khan, and Robert Kraft, who contributed to Trump’s inauguration. “Now I’m unimpressed because this wasn’t a protest. This was unity. So what are we showing solidarity against, Skip? We’re showing solidarity because President Trump .. he challenged the very men … wealthy, wealthy men … billionaires and he told them what you should do if someone protests, you should fire them. They don’t like being told what to do, Skip. “And then, Skip, he called players that protested the anthem … he called them ‘SOB’s.’ Think about that now, he called them ‘SOB’s.’ That’s what got the owners, that’s what got the players to unite. “Is that the worst that he’s ever said? Absolutely not. Never called Vladimir Putin an ‘SOB,’ Never called (Erdogan) of Turkey an ‘SOB,’ even those men that walked down the streets in Charlottesville, Virginia … he never said ‘SOB’ …” This was an impassioned Sharpe. He also pointed out Colin Kaepernick, who started the kneeling during the national anthem, was forgotten and the NFL owners were uniting against Donald Trump. “It wasn’t until he came for the NFL that their conscience was shocked!” Sharpe said of all the teams that issued statements this weekend, only the Seattle Seahawks got the reason why they were denouncing the President’s statements. And he also set his sights on fellow FS1 analyst Ray Lewis for previously criticizing Kaepernick and then kneeling on the sideline with the Baltimore Ravens in London on Sunday. Sharpe said he was “very disappointed” in him, saying Lewis “sat in that chair right there saying that he could never kneel, never not stand for the national anthem” citing those who died fighting for the flag and then he went down on both knees. “What are you kneeling for?” It was one of the more emotional segments on Undisputed in its brief history.",60,0 +61,"Do Not Resist is an order to the viewer: Watch. Videos in newsfeeds depicting the murder of black men by police open automatically without warning on our screens all the time, forcing another wave of trauma for some black folks and other people of color. This film changes the perspective, offering on-the-ground footage of protests, police-academy training and interviews with people involved in both. Why does our society so often discount the stories of black people who face danger from the police? The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has just passed a ruling declaring that it is reasonable for black men to flee police officers, so great is the risk. In this new and vital documentary, Craig Atkinson interrogates what is happening in American police departments and why cops' presence on the streets looks more and more like war. There's no need for commentary in the film when footage from protests in Ferguson, Missouri, immediately following Michael Brown's death at the hands of a police officer shows squads of cops in riot gear, holsters on their hips, facing down young black men wearing shirts reading ""STOP KILLING US."" Why do police act this way? What is the culture creating this? At local and national levels, Atkinson investigates. His visit to a police academy, where officers in training are told that the riskiness of their day jobs guarantees great sex back home, illuminates the objectification, detachment and selfish brutality of American police culture — and why it might be so seductive. Atkinson focuses on the growing resistance to it; we must, too. Director:Craig Atkinson Writer:Craig Atkinson",61,0 +62,"President Donald Trump criticized some in the National Football League Friday night at a rally for Alabama Republican Senate candidate Luther Strange, saying team owners should fire players for taking a knee during the national anthem. Trump added that if fans would ""leave the stadium"" when players kneel in protest during the national anthem, ""I guarantee, things will stop."" Trump said NFL owners should respond to the players by saying, ""Get that son of a b**** off the field right now, he's fired. He's fired!"" Unable to play video. HTML5 is not supported! ""For a week, (that owner would) be the most popular person in this country. Because that's a total disrespect of our heritage. That's a total disrespect for everything we stand for,"" Trump said. Last year, Colin Kaepernick -- formerly with the San Francisco 49ers, but currently without a team -- drew national attention for refusing to stand during ""The Star-Spangled Banner"" prior to kickoff. ""I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"" Kaepernick told NFL Media in August 2016. His protest spurred both support and backlash. Following the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where white supremacists gathered to protest the removal of a Confederate soldier statue, Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett told CNN he would follow suit. ""I can't stand for the national anthem,"" Bennett said. ""I can't stand right now. I'm not going to be standing until I see the equality and freedom."" Trump also took aim at NFL efforts to prevent concussions. ""They're ruining the game, right?"" he said. ""They're ruining the game.""",62,0 +63,"Tropical Storm Harvey is building up strength in the Gulf of Mexico. A hurricane may be on our hands, and it’s headed to Texas and Louisiana, where it is predicted to do a lot of flooding with massive amounts of rain and 80 mph winds. Update (8/25/17; 8:29 P.M.): Hurricane Harvey has seriously picked up. The storm has upped the ante to a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds as high as 130 mph. Gusts of winds have been reported to be as high as 155 mph. Update (8/27/17; 10:45 P.M.): Massive flooding has reached Houston and many areas of southeast Texas, with 20 inches of rain hitting some areas. However, the hurricane has since dwindled from a Category 2, with sustained winds of 110 mph. More flooding and rainfall is expected into Wednesday, with meteorologists predicting 50 inches of rainfall. Three deaths have already been reported along with 12 injuries. Update (8/29/17; 7:52 P.M.): Harvey is officially a tropical storm. However, that doesn’t downplay the danger. An incredible amount of flooding has been reported in the Houston area. There are now 14 official causalities of the storm, including a family of six and a Houston police officer. Update (9/5/17; 1:34 P.M.): The death toll of Hurricane Harvey has increased to at least 60 causalities as a direct result of the storm. Officials are expecting up to 20 inches of rain in eastern Texas and southwestern Louisiana, starting Friday (August 25) up until the beginning of next week. As a result of the impending storm, Portland, Texas, is already being evacuated. Corpus Christi Mayor, Joe McComb, just announced that a voluntary evacuation is highly encouraged especially if you are in a low-lying area. — H-E-B Prepared (@HEBPrepared) August 24, 2017 Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell have also evacuated their employees. Flights in-and-out of the area have been cancelled and delayed. Gas stations are currently running out of gas as people are attempting to escape the path of the hurricane. On Thursday, Hurricane Harvey can be found in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s been predicted that the storm will be into Texas by Friday, and will advance even more as it enters Louisiana. Flooding is expected in both states. The current speed of the hurricane is 80 mph. San Patricio County issues mandatory evacuation https://t.co/VEEaYZrMpS via @callerdotcom #HurricaneHarvey #RGV — Teddy Wilson (@reportbywilson) August 24, 2017 Schools in Houston have been closed in anticipation of Hurricane Harvey. Districts are announcing closures for public schools, community colleges, and universities. Hurricane Harvey school closures in Houston: Districts already announcing closures https://t.co/Dwd7vFuhFZ via @houstonchron — Andrew Blankstein (@anblanx) August 24, 2017 Here’s a short list of some of the schools that will be closing down as a result of the storm.",63,0 +64,"A total of 16 women joined together Monday to address their stories of sexual assault and sexual harassment at the hands of President Donald Trump. While many of these women came forward during the 2016 election, the Trump campaign attacked them, their lives and many right-wing activists invented information designed to discredit them. The three women that spoke earlier to Megyn Kelly sat at a table with documentarian Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films. He commended the reporters who have investigated the many accounts across all industries about sexual harassment. “There was one man that wasn’t being held accountable — who’s not being called out,” Greenwald said. That’s why he decided to create the documentary with the women. “It really had an impact on your heart, your soul, your emotions,” Greenwald said. He noted that so many women came forward to warn Americans, but “attention was not paid.” Today, Greenwald said “we know better. We know a lot better,” when it comes to predators. He demanded those in politics to act against anyone of either party not to give anyone “a pass.” Jessica Leeds, Samantha Holvey and Rachel Crooks each introduced themselves, telling story after story of their horrifying encounters with Trump. “I have a new dream now that this man will be held accountable for his actions and that future women will not be treated as less than just because they are a woman,” Holvey said. Crooks noted that given Trump owned the building in which she worked, she didn’t have any power to do anything. “Given this hostile work environment, my only solution at the time was to simply avoid additional encounters with him,” Crooks said. “I do realize that in the grand scheme of things there are far worse cases of sexual harassment, misconduct and assault. But make no mistake, there is no acceptable level of this behavior. That some men think they can use their power, position or notoriety to demean attack women speaks to their character and not ours. Which, believe me, is a tough lesson learned.” She went on to say that it was only through other remarkably similar accounts that she felt empowered to come forward. “Instead, this was serial misconduct and perversion on the part of Mr. Trump,” Crooks continued. “Unfortunately, this behavior isn’t rare in our society. Many women of any background can be victims. The only reason I am here today is because this offender is the president of our country.” She went on to note that Trump had dismissed his “Access Hollywood” tape as “locker room talk,” but “having been the victim of such actions, I knew better.” She asked that some things should transcend politics and that all people, regardless of position or power be held accountable for their actions, including Trump. Leeds walked through her disgusting story and further encounter, saying that she never once anticipated being on the front page of a newspaper. She was “absolutely destroyed” by Trump’s election. “The United States is a big strong country,” Leeds said that she thought at the time. “We can survive this person.” But women kept coming up to her in public and told Leeds their own story. She said that she had hoped things were better for women in business, but “apparently I was wrong.” When the Harvey Weinstein story hit and woman after woman began to come forward, people were finally being held accountable. “Except for our president,” Leeds said. She quoted Trump’s White House, who has said that the women are all “liars.” She noted that some are holding men accountable for bad behavior, however, “our president is not being held accountable for what he is and who he is.” Leeds said that this is part of the problem that is happening in Alabama. Crooks agreed, saying that Trump endorsed Roy Moore because he denied the allegations and it “worked for him.” Lisa Boyne spoke via phone to the press conference, telling her own story of being invited to a dinner party with Trump in the West Village. She said that he wanted the women to rate other women on a 1 to 10 scale. While at dinner, the men used the table as a “casting couch.” The women were brought to the table one by one and he told them to walk across the table. Boyne said that Trump looked up their skirts as they walked by. She said that John Casablancas ordered her to drink more but she refused and he was bothered by her refusal. She ultimately excused herself to the ladies room and from the restaurant. She explained that over the years her story was met with shame and questions of why she was there. She tried to pitch it to reporters, but no one wanted to hear it. “As a parent I was so deeply deeply offended… because he had a son around the age of my son and what sort of values are we teaching our children when we say that something like rape is ‘locker room talk,'” she shouted. “And that her husband talking about that is ‘boy talk.’ Everybody is normalizing as something that boys and men say in the locker room. That is the talk of horrible people and Trump keeps staying it to the press pool. And you’re all taking it in like it’s normal. It is not a normal way for people to talk. Why aren’t people calling him out on that. Something that is so horrific — I’m so fed up of listening to people. We take it in like it’s nothing. We shouldn’t teach our boys to talk like this.” She went on to say it was “one thousand times worse that what Al Franken has done.” Watch the full event below: You can watch the clip of the Brave New Films documentary below:",64,1 +65,"GREENVILLE, S.C. — Two people are dead after an officer-involved shooting Friday afternoon on White Horse Road, according to the Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis. The sheriff’s office got a call that a man with a gun was chasing a woman near McAfee Funeral Home, according to Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis. Deputies responded to a call that came in just after 4 p.m. according to dispatch. The shooting happened near the McAfee Funeral Home on White Horse Road, dispatch said. As the woman ran across White Horse Road, the man shot her, according to Greenville County Coroner Parks Evans. He said when deputies confronted the man, the man fired at deputies. The coroner said the deputies returned fire killing him. The woman was taken to Greenville Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead just before 5:30 p.m., said Evans. Saturday afternoon the Greenville County coroner's office identified the woman as Candy Rosario, 25, of Greenville. Witnesses on scene said a deputy confronted the man and ordered him to put down his gun and the deputy was forced to discharge their weapon after the man did not put the gun down. Witnesses on scene said about 10 to 15 shots were fired. On Sunday, the Greenville County coroner identified the man as Ramiro Bravo Ramirez, 34, of Greenville. The coroner said autopsy results on Ramirez are still pending. Dispatchers said White Horse Road reopened around 6 a.m. on Saturday. All of the deputies are fine and the investigation has been turned over to SLED, Lewis said. Following standard procedure, the deputy is placed on administrative leave while the investigation is pending. We will continue to update this story as we get new information.",65,0 +66,"Disgraced Hollywood producer and mogul Harvey Weinstein has been under the spotlight as multiple disturbing allegations of him sexually abusing women have come to the public's attention following an article published by the New York Times. The abuse has allegedly been occurring for over three decades, with the earliest case cited being from 1984. TMZ writes that on Wednesday morning Weinstein's daughter Remy called 911 to notify police that her father was ""suicidal and depressed."" The 22-year-old and her father were reportedly arguing. The morning's event took place in the Los Angeles area. The Daily Mail reportsthat Weinstein attempted to flag down a ride from a random driver following the argument. When the police arrived, Remy reportedly made no mention that her father was suicidal, and said it was a family dispute. Actresses Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Mira Sorvino, Rosanna Arquette, Heather Graham, Ashley Judd, Asia Argento, and others have come forth with their personal stories of Weinstein's sickening and sexually abusive behavior. Weinstein's wife Georgina Chapman left the famed Hollywood producer on Tuesday. In a statement made to People, Chapman wrote, ""My heart breaks for all the women who have suffered tremendous pain because of these unforgivable actions. I have chosen to leave my husband. Caring for my young children is my first priority and I ask the media for privacy at this time.""",66,0 +67,"PUYALLUP, Wash. - A man who police say is connected to nearly a dozen robberies was shot by an officer after a chase Wednesday morning. The suspect is expected to survive after undergoing CPR at the scene. The officer responded to the Denny's restaurant near South Hill Mall for reports of an armed robber threatening employees and customers. The officer began chasing a pickup truck that was speeding away. The driver lost control and crashed into a concrete overpass pillar nearby, police say. That's when the passenger pointed a gun at the driver, prompting the officer to fire a shot, injuring the gunman. The suspect was given CPR until medics could arrive and transport him to the hospital. Police say the suspect, a 37-year-old convicted felon, is tied to at least ten other robberies in the Pierce County area. The driver, a 39-year-old who is also a convicted felon, was arrested and booked into the Pierce County Jail, The officer is now on paid administrative leave, which is standard procedure after an officer fires their gun.",67,0 +68,"A recent Sacramento Bee commentaryby another anti-Trump ankle biter (“Horrified by Trump? Just tell yourself it could be worse,” by Foon Rhee) talked about how horrified he was by President Trump. How Trump’s belittled our allies, demonized immigrants and endangered the environment — the usual mind vomit leftists spew forth on a daily basis. He talked about Russian collusion, which after 11 months and nearly $7 million has yielded no evidence whatsoever, and how Trump is undermining America by deregulating the EPA and repealing Obama’s health care debacle, which is true since Trump is trying to improve both fiascos. The writer then goes on to say that as horrible as Trump is, it could be worse. That is also true, especially if Hillary had been elected. She would not only have increased the growing malignancy of a liberal ideology that has made a mockery of the presidency, the IRS, the FBI, the DOJ and the media, but we’d have both Clinton serial women abusers and compulsive liars in the White House. On Hillary’s website one can open tabs on ethnic, religious and sexual minorities all related to the nature of diversity, power and oppression, but unlike Trump’s, there’s not one mention of her vision of a true American community. Why is that? The afternoon's latest local news Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Larry Bargenquast, Paso Robles What do you think? The Tribune welcomes your opinion. Send your letters to the editor to letters@thetribunenews.comor submit your letter here. Letters should be no longer than 200 words. Your letter must include your address and phone number. Writers are limited to one letter a month. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, clarity and taste. All letters and Viewpoints become the property of The Tribune.",68,1 +69,"Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos was an ""accomplice"" to Las Vegas Strip mass shooter Stephen Paddock. On 5 October 2017, the disreputable web site GotNews.com — run by notorious Internet troll Chuck C. Johnson — reported (with no evidence or citations) that the security guard being lauded as a hero for his role in helping to stop the massacre perpetrated by Las Vegas Strip shooter Stephen Paddock was, in fact, an accomplice in the shooting. Stephen Paddock, 64, has been named as the lone gunman by law enforcement in the 1 October 2017 mass shooting, in which he fired on a music festival crowd of 22,000 with a modified automatic weapon from a suite in the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, killing 58 and wounding hundreds. High-ranking officials from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, the law enforcement agency leading the investigation, have said that while they still don’t know if Paddock had any accomplices in planning the attack, they have on several occasions confirmed that per their investigation, he was the only shooter. Large-scale tragedies like mass shootings and terrorist attacks have been unfortunate lures for conspiracy theorists and purveyors of false information in the Internet age. Disreputable web sites latch on to the chaotic aftermaths of such incidents to seduce audiences with “alternatives” to official investigations, claiming to harbor the “truth” that dishonest officials and the “mainstream media” are hiding from the public. For example, GotNews stories carry this fundraising plug: You won’t hear this stuff from the lying mainstream media. Keep the GotNews mission alive: donate at GotNews.com/donate or send tips to editor@gotnews.com. If you’d like to join our research team, contact editor@gotnews.com. GotNews didn’t provide in its story any evidence to support their claim that hotel security guard Jesus Campos was an accomplice, other than an anonymous “official” with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). GotNews reported: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives now believes Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock likely had help planning and executing the deadliest mass shooting in US history from none other than the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino security guard who was shot in the leg that night, a senior ATF official told GotNews. Jesus Campos has been praised for his apparent heroics on October 1st, as he supposedly rushed to Paddock’s suite, was shot in the upper thigh through the door, and continued to help get people to safety despite his wounds. However, a new report indicates the ATF now believes he was likely an accomplice of Paddock’s, and may have even been involved in the initial shooting as a second gunman from the other broken window in Paddock’s 32nd-floor room. According to an ATF official, these suspicions are corroborated by the extreme amount of gunpowder residue found on Campos’ hands. “They believe he killed Paddock, shot holes through the door and his own arm to produce physical evidence for his cover story, then went and lay next to the elevator,” a senior ATF official doing ballistic work for the shooting told GotNews. The ATF contacted GotNews to notify them the story was inaccurate; the story was then updated with this disclaimer: The ATF has disputed GotNews’ source, saying “the information in the article is incorrect,” in the following article on a theory regarding the Las Vegas shooting. “Please know that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is the lead of the investigation of the shooting in Las Vegas and ATF is assisting. This is an ongoing investigation where we continue to work with our law enforcement partners,” the ATF said. This article will continue to be updated with developments. If you have any tips, email editor@gotnews.com However, another disreputable web site, YourNewsWire.com, which regurgitated the GotNews story on 6 October 2017, did not include this crucial “update” to alert readers that the allegations in the story were disputed by the very agency cited. We followed up with the ATF to ask whether any of their employees had been in contact with GotNews. The agency responded: We do not believe that any ATF officials spoke to GotNews or mentioned to anyone that Mr. Campos was a second shooter. We sent Johnson a detailed list of questions about the GotNews story, but Johnson only responded asking that we “please print” his claim to have a source with ATF. We found no evidence to support stories that report Campos acted in any other way than heroically. Campos has been hailed as a hero by the police department for not only locating Paddock’s room, but braving a hail of gunfire in doing so.. Police said Campos provided them with a door key to the suite and stayed to help them evacuate other guests until officers ordered him to seek medical aid for a gunshot wound to the leg (there are no reports that Campos had a wound to his arm, as GotNews claims). During a 4 October 2017 press conference, Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said: But his [Campos’s] bravery was amazing because he remained with our officers, providing them the key pass to access the door, and actually continued to help them clear rooms until our officers demanded that he go seek medical attention. In another update on 6 October 2017, LVMPD Undersheriff Kevin McMahill reiterated that Campos’s actions were nothing other than heroic: Most of you also now know the name of the Mandalay Bay security guard, who you’ve all named in the media, and I’ll just reaffirm to you that Jesus Campos is a true hero. I can tell you now just a little bit more that I know about what he did that particular day. We now know that he was dispatched to what they call a door alarm on the 32nd floor. He went up there to investigate the open door and as he was doing his job diligently, he came under fire by our suspect. As you know, he was struck in the leg. He turned around and retreated. He notified his dispatch, which was absolutely critical to us knowing the location, as well as advising the responding officers as they arrived on that 32nd floor. I can tell you that this was a remarkable effort by a brave and remarkable man. I want to say today that I don’t think we’ve done a good enough job recognizing him and his actions, and for that I apologize. I just want to take the moment and clear the record that he’s an absolute hero. This is not the first time Johnson has framed an innocent person (a heroic one, no less) in the aftermath of a deadly incident. Dallas attorney Andrew Sommerman is representing in a pending defamation suit the family of Joel Vangheluwe, who Johnson wrongly identified as the driver of the Dodge Charger that ran down a group of counter-demonstrators at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in mid-August. He said of Johnson: When one does not care about the facts or how it affects people, it damages lives and creates a further disaster than what was originally created. On 12 August 2017, GotNews “ retracted” the article naming Vangheluwe as the driver of the car that rammed into the crowd, leaving 32-year-old Charlottesville resident Heather Heyer dead, allegedly because the police hadn’t yet named a suspect. Why GotNews backtracked in that case to defer to police but not in the case of Campos is unclear but accuracy doesn’t seem to have been the goal — as of 6 October 2017, the GotNews story still says “police have not identified the suspect,” even though James Alex Fields was not only publicly identified but also charged with the crime the day the story was published. Johnson, 28, has a long and dizzying history of scandal as a semi-successful Internet troll. He gained widespread notoriety when he attempted to out a woman who had anonymously written a disputed column about being raped on campus for Rolling Stone, but then identified the wrong woman. In 2015, he joined a short list of people banned by Twitter after a tweet asking supporters for funding to help “take out” civil rights activist DeRay McKession. Johnson is also behind the crowdfunding web site WeSearchr, where he has raised funds for supporters of the neo-Nazi web site Daily Stormer and a movement of white supremacists who chartered (then abandoned) a ship in an effort to scuttle the efforts of aid organizations trying to rescue migrants making the deadly Mediterranean Sea crossing between North Africa and Europe. During a press briefing on 9 October 2017, Lombardo said investigators revised the shooting timeline, noting that Paddock shot Campos six minutes before he opened fire on the crowd. Lombardo acknowledged that Campos was shot at 9:59 p.m. Responding to AP reporter Ken Ritter’s question, Lombardo said: Yes, the timeline associated with the original shot and Mr. Campos has changed. Through investigation, as I have conveyed to you from the very beginning, in your zest for information and my zest to ensure the public safety and the calming of their minds, is some things are going to change. Now they are minute changes, OK. There’s not this all-encompassing answer associated with the information that we presented before, in other words it’s not completely inaccurate, but what we have learned is Mr. Campos was encountered by the suspect prior to his [Paddock’s] shooting to the outside world. Variations: On 12 October 2017, readers asked about a purported CNN item reporting the claim as news: Hello will you please tell me if the CNN report released today October 11th “Breaking News – Police Arrest Mandalay Security Guard Jesus Compos As Second Shooter In Las Vegas Massacre” is true or false? Thank you for your time A fake news web site posing as CNN published an article reiterating the debunked rumor on 11 October 2017: Breaking News – Police Arrest Mandalay Security Guard Jesus Compos As Second Shooter In Las Vegas Massacre CNN) Breaking News – Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Compos has been arrested accused of being an accomplice and second shooter in the Las Vegas massacre that claimed the lives of 59 people and injured more than 500. Jesus Campos had originally been praised for his apparent heroics on October 1st, as he supposedly rushed to Paddock’s suite, was shot in the upper thigh through the door, and continued to help get people to safety despite his wounds. However, FBI officials involved in the investigation now believe he was an accomplice of Paddock’s, and was involved in the initial shooting as a second gunman from the other broken window in Paddock’s 32nd-floor room. The domain name (cnn-internationaledition.com) and use of CNN’s logos successfully duped social media users into believing the story was legitimate and sharing it. Hosting records revealed that the site was registered on 10 October 2017, one day prior to the publication of the article. Additional registrar details indicated that the site was registered outside the United States by an individual, not CNN. 9 October 2017, 5:10 P.M.: Added additional information that Campos was shot sooner than initially thought by investigators. 12 October 2017, 5:35 P.M.: Added information about an iteration from cnn-internationaledition.com, a fake news web site posing as CNN. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.",69,0 +70,"In an article focusing on free speech on the campus, The New York Times tells its readers that the UC Berkeley faculty is divided over whether or not the university should allow right-wing speakers to appear on campus. Their most recent concern was motivated by a ""Free Speech Week"" event that was being put together by provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, who was invited by a small campus group called Berkeley Patriot. He was going to appear on the campus in February, but his scheduled speech was canceled after protesters prevented it from taking place. The upcoming event was scheduled to take place from September 24-27, but as Rick Moran reports in these pages, it was announced today that Berkeley Patriot canceled the event. Participants initially mentioned were Steve Bannon and Ann Coulter, but now it has become apparent that neither planned to attend. Listed speaker Charles Murray announced he would not participate in any event Milo had arranged “because he is a despicable asshole.” Murray’s name, moreover, was listed without his knowledge or consent. All of these announced speakers regularly enrage leftist students and send them into conniptions. To confound issues even more, Milo Yiannopoulos announced he would appear and speak anyway at the famous Sproul Plaza, the site of the 1964 Free Speech Movement protest. Promising surprises, he now is asserting his right to free speech as a private citizen to speak on campus without any formal group sponsorship or invitation. Saying he would appear this Sunday at noon, there is certain to be a large police presence as well as a vast group of leftist protestors, most likely including Antifa groups. The highlight at the now suspended conference was to be the ""Mario Savio Award,” given to the individual who in their eyes has most represented the idea of free speech. The name of the award is also meant to anger liberals. Mario Savio led the famous Berkeley protests in the 1960s. When the university moved in October of 1964 to prevent a protestor from speaking, students spontaneously surrounded the police car he had been put in. Savio gave an eloquent speech that made him famous from on top of the police car. Soon 3000 or more students arrived. Then they took over Sproul Plaza, the administration building. Eventually, scores of police arrived and arrested those students who had taken over the building. Now Yiannopoulos is co-opting the once liberal and leftist cause of free speech as his own, and in effect positing that he and his associates are the ones acting in Savio’s spirit. An organizer of the original '60s protests, playwright and author Barbara Garson, called Free Speech Week a “grotesque parody” of the movement she helped lead. As of today — the 23rd — the event will not take place. Yet Milo's appearance — should he show up — has forced the university authorities to spend one million dollars arranging for security, since they fear the kind of violence that erupted in Charlottesville when Antifa appeared to contest the neo-Nazis and racists who planned a rally there. It’s getting very expensive for conservatives to speak. Recently, Ben Shapiro spoke without incident and reported he had a fruitful exchange of opinion with liberal and leftist students, although security for his talk cost UC Berkeley $600,000.",70,1 +71,"President Donald Trump said Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey “lied and leaked” information and ultimately protected Hillary Clinton, while also questioning the credibility of the FBI’s probe into her email. Trump’s early morning tweets come in the wake of news that the bureau’s former director had drafted a statement exonerating Clinton before the investigation was over. “Wow, FBI confirms report that James Comey drafted letter exonerating Crooked Hillary Clinton long before investigation was complete. Many people not interviewed, including Clinton herself,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Comey stated under oath that he didn’t do this-obviously a fix? Where is Justice Dept?” “As it has turned out, James Comey lied and leaked and totally protected Hillary Clinton. He was the best thing that ever happened to her!” the president added later. Newsweek reported Monday on documents released by the FBI that included an email sent on May 2, 2016, by Comey to other FBI officials that included a file titled “Drafts of Director Comeys July 5, 2016 Statement Regarding Email Server Investigation Part 01 of 01.” Despite Comey having already drafted a statement on the investigation into Clinton’s email practices while at the State Department, the probe would continue on for months. Clinton herself was not interviewed until July 2, 2016, three days before Comey held a press conference to announce that the FBI would not recommend filing charges against the former secretary of state. That Comey had drafted a statement exonerating Clinton with months to go before the completion of the investigation has raised concern among Republicans on Capitol Hill, including Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who wrote a letter to current FBI Director Christopher Wray noting that “the outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts.” While the president has complained that Comey was too easy on Clinton, the former secretary of state has made no secret that she believes it was Comey’s late October 2016, announcement that the bureau was examining potentially fresh evidence related to the email investigation that cost her the election. The evidence examined by the bureau came up fruitless, but Clinton has complained that the resurfacing of the scandal so close to Election Day reintroduced doubt into voters’ minds. Trump, who reveled in the bureau’s investigation into Clinton throughout the campaign, fired Comey last May, a move the White House initially said was based on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s assessment of Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation. Trump later conceded that he had already made his mind up to fire Comey before receiving Rosenstein’s recommendation and that he had made the decision with the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election weighing on his mind.",71,0 +72,"(WEYI/WSMH) -- The Michigan State Police out of Detroit took to Twitter reporting the claims of a viral video about human trafficking in a Metro Detroit suburb are not accurate. ""It was investigated by law enforcement and not a case of human trafficking. He was right about being vigilant but that’s about it,"" said the State Police on Twitter. This is the Facebook post where Nick Ahmad claims human trafficking almost happened to his wife and others. The video has been viewed over 650,000 times and shared close to 30,000 times. After an investigation the Michigan State Police took to twitter saying the viral Facebook video is not accurate.",72,0 +73,"Hillary Clinton has made it official. The former secretary of state announced that she will be seeking the nomination for President of the United States on Sunday with a campaign video on her official website. The spot opens with various people talking about their hopes for 2015, ending with Clinton saying, “I’m getting ready to do something too. I’m running for President.” “Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,” she continues. “Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion. So you can do more than just get by, you can get ahead and stay ahead.” Clinton’s run for the presidency will hardly come as a surprise. The politician has long been hyped as the Democratic front-runner for the 2016 election. This marks Clinton’s second time vying for the presidency. She first ran during the 2008 election, but lost the Democratic ticket to then-junior senator Barack Obama. Clinton later served on Obama’s cabinet, working as the secretary of state from the start of his presidency in 2009 through Feb. 1, 2013. When Clinton, 67, left her position in 2013, political watchers took it as a sign that the former first lady was preparing for her own campaign in 2016. Her announcement makes her the first major candidate to seek out the Democratic nomination. On the Republican side, Senator Ted Cruz, from Texas, and Senator Rand Paul, from Kentucky, have already thrown their hats into the ring. Given Clinton’s high profile (and the fact that her candidacy has been speculated about for years), she has become a major target for both other Democratic hopeful nominees and Republicans. The past few months haven’t been without scandal. In March, she admitted to using a private email address while working as the secretary of state because it was “convenient.” While the politician said that she was “allowed” to use her personal email, critics took issue with the fact that it caused an issue for journalists requesting records through the Freedom of Information Act and Benghazi investigators who have subpoenaed Clinton. More on Hillary Clinton: • Hillary Clinton Officially Joins the 2016 Presidential Race • Inside Hillary Clinton’s Decision to Run: ‘We Need to Break Down the Highest, Hardest Glass Ceiling’ • Barack Obama Offers Advice to Hillary Clinton for Her 2016 Run • What Should We Call Bill If Hillary Wins? He Has Some Ideas",73,0 +74,"Colin Kaepernick continues to be in the news, though recently it is largely for what he isn’t doing. He was released from the San Francisco 49ers earlier this year, and he has yet to find work despite several tantalizing openings due to roster upheaval and injuries on other teams. This is because many NFL owners and fans did not like how he kneeled for the national anthem. They viewed it as a self-indulgent and disrespectful act that politicized what should have been a nonpolitical event. But, showing their continued march towards irrelevancy, left leaning commentators like Ryan Clark on ESPN’s Mike and Mike show are now saying Kaepernick is a victim. Without a hint of irony, Clark said that Kaepernick was the “flag bearer” for blacks in America and the NFL. But in order to use that analogy, a person would have to actually respect the flag, and this in turn undermines the narrative that liberals and activists are peddling. The narrative from activists, race hucksters, and many politicians is that blacks are disproportionately targeted by cops and the judicial system. That they are victims of systemic poverty that leads to crime, and that the root causes and issues that are important to them are not being addressed. This narrative isn’t wholly disconnected from reality, but it’s twisted into an overtly political narrative that often undermines meaningful reform. Flag bearers are important in history because they often represent the focal point of command and control. The flag was usually close to the commander, and the flag moving forward on the battlefield could communicate an attack when it was too loud for words. It was an honorable tradition to carry the flag, and the enemy often aimed for the flag bearer, which made it the most dangerous spot on the battlefield. Raising the flag on Iwo Jima became one of America’s most cherished memorials, and seeing the flag through a nightly bombardment supplied our national anthem. No compatible source was found for this video. The importance of the flag doesn’t seem lost on Ryan Clarke and other analysts when they compare Kaepernick to a flag bearer. This makes their use of that analogy all the more tone deaf. They are so blinded by their victim narrative that they don’t recognize that his very protest was actually an insult to the flag. It’s tougher to find people more removed from the poor and supposedly discriminated members of inner cities than professional athletes. Acting macho and street tough is part of their persona, but it’s just as authentic as professional wrestling. These athletes are part of the one percent, who make more money than most Americans and play in taxpayer subsidized stadiums while getting special treatment. I can’t think of an individual more unsuited to lead the supposed civil rights crusade for blacks than a pampered 1% athlete. But with a black President, Secretary of State, and Supreme Court Justice, it’s tough to argue that racism is worse now than in the past when athletes stood and honored the flag. If Ryan Clarke and other liberal sports analysts want to praise the act of kneeling for the anthem, they should avoid using analogies that underscore the importance of the flag.",74,1 +75,"Vegas gun shop posts 'pre-Hillary sale' advertisement pic.twitter.com/eV2TSNm1lP — FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) October 17, 2016 Pence: Media 'Piling On' Trump with 'Unsubstantiated Claims' Giuliani: Trump Claims Seem 'Coincidental', 'WikiLeaks Info More Relevant' Fr. Morris: Hillary Aides 'Want to Line Up Catholic Church with Dem Platform' A Las Vegas gun store is offering a ""pre-Hillary sale,"" saying that gun prices will rise under a Hillary Clinton administration. In an advertisement over the weekend in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Westside Armory said it was holding the sale on tactical rifles. “Don’t wait!” the advertisement reads. “Prices will skyrocket after Crooked Hillary gets in.” The advertisement shows a picture of a Smith & Wesson M&P Sport II, a semiautomatic tactical rifle, which the store is selling for $699.99. Let us know what you think in the comments. FAIR AND BALANCED... Don't miss the final presidential debate, moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace, on Wednesday, October 19th at 9:00pm ET on Fox News Channel! LOOK: Car Split Completely in Half After NY DUI Collision Pirro: If Hillary Picks Justices, 'No One Will Give a Damn About Trump Claims' Democrat Caught on Tape: 'Might Be Executive Orders' from Clinton on Gun Control",75,0 +76,"It seems that Corey Feldman was telling the truth about those 1993 tapes on which he named names of alleged sexual predators in Hollywood. In October, the former child actor claimed that he once told the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office about all of the alleged sexual predators in Hollywood during an interview related to the investigation of molestation accusations against Michael Jackson. The Sheriff’s Office previously said it didn’t have the records Feldman had referred to. On Wednesday, Fox News reported that it received confirmation from the Santa Barbara County sheriff that they did in fact have the tapes that Feldman was referring to. The publication received confirmation in an emailed statement: “Following the recent inquiries into the Sheriff’s Office interview of Mr. Feldman in 1993, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office conducted an additional review for any stored items remaining from the Michael Jackson investigation. In a container which included the original reports from the investigation, the Sheriff’s Office located some detective working copies of audio recordings made during the investigation. A copy of Mr. Feldman’s interview was located. The recording is being turned over to the Los Angeles Police Department. Due to the fact that this case involves the alleged sexual abuse of a child, we are unable to comment further and any documentation or evidence related to this case is exempt from release” Feldman appeared on “Today” in October and told — ironically enough — Matt Lauer that he was crowd-sourcing $10 million for a documentary he claims will expose the truth about sex abuse in Hollywood. “I’ve told the police … They’re on record. They have all of this information. But they were scanning Michael Jackson. All they cared about was trying to find something on Michael Jackson. Michael was innocent … I told them, ‘He was not that guy,'” Feldman said at the time. Trending headlines DOWNLOAD OUR FREE NEWS APP © 2018 Cox Media Group.",76,0 +77,"SEATTLE - Seattle police say they arrested three men as hundreds of demonstrators and counter-protesters converged downtown Seattle one day after violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia. The rally organized by the conservative pro-Trump group known as Patriot Prayer — and a counter protest aimed at standing against hate — were planned for Sunday. A barricade separated the groups of protesters in downtown Seattle. Police officers stood by dressed in black, riot gear. Police said they used pepper spray and blast balls to disperse crowds after fireworks were thrown at officers. Those arrested were a 40-year-old man for obstruction, a 37-year-old man for assault and a 25-year old-man for assault. It all began peacefully enough as hundreds of activists stepped off from Denny Park just before 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Counter protesters included members of the Veterans for Peace, Socialist Party, Washington Federation of State Workers and other groups. Counter-protesters marched from Denny Park through downtown Seattle to Westlake Park, but many of those protesters were prevented from reaching the “freedom rally.” But some counter-protesters did make it. During the rally, some of the demonstrators began trying to run past Seattle police. When that didn't work, they tried taunting the officers with silly string. As the crowd surged toward police, they were doused with pepper spray. Council member Mike O'Brien expressed frustration over the crowd being kept away from Westlake Park. ""Why weren't the demonstrators not allowed to get to Westlake Park?"" O'Brien said. ""I don't know what the call was. I'm not in a position to second guess that at the moment."" He added he would like to find out why police prohibited the crowd from reaching Westlake Park. Many marchers said they were there to simply take a stand, especially after what happened in Charlottesville. ""They are missing out on the love that exists here on the other side,"" said Rev. Priscilla Paris Austin, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in South Lake Union. ""If they can push themselves through to see past their fear, they can find the love that exists here for them as well."" The pro-Trump group ""Patriot Prayer"" gathered for a rally in Westlake Park that it billed as in support of freedom and free speech. On its Facebook page, the Patriot Prayer groups posted: “Seattle is running our state with a pedophile as a mayor. The West Coast has slowly been infected with communist ideologies throughout our entire culture. It is a belief that the individual is weak and that we are all victims. This is the lie of the century. No matter who you are, we are all amazing people with the ability to do anything that we put our minds to. These liberal strongholds run off of hatred and negativity. Patriot Prayer will bring in a positive message to Seattle that the people are starving for..” Patriot Prayer’s first speaker stated a message from the organizers; that the incident in Charlottesville was an act of terrorism and should be denounced, and that white supremacists were not welcome at their event. He called for peace and love and said anyone who attended for racist reasons should leave. He then said that Seattle and America’s values are inclusive values. His message was met by boos by some in the crowd. The latest on the ""Freedom Rally"" put on by 'The Patriot Prayer', a conservative group, and the ""Solidarity Against Hate"" counter-protest in Seattle. All times local. Click here to see photos of today's rally and counter-protest. [4:57] The scheduled event at Westlake Park has concluded. Police will remain in the area for the time being. [4:45] Seattle Police have made an arrest at 5th and Pine. Police have made an arrest at 5th and Pine. More details to follow. [3:54] An update from the Seattle Police Department: Police continue to maintain a presence at a separate event at Westlake Park. [3:47] Demonstrators are marching back to Denny Park, according to the Seattle Police Department. Demonstrators are marching back to Denny Park. Some in the crowd are throwing items at the officers who are providing traffic control. [3:03] The Seattle Police Department has issued a Dispersal Order at 2nd and Pine. Police also have confiscated weapons, and have made arrests. The number of arrests is unknown at this point. Dispersal order issued at 2 & Pine. Please leave/avoid the area. Police confiscated these weapons & have made arrests. pic.twitter.com/AzxscIg1tQ [2:00] The ""Solidarity against hate group has marched from Denny Park to Westlake Park where the conservative ""Freedom Rally"" group is located. [1:00] One of two groups that planned to march in downtown Seattle Sunday has said the group will not march, but gather in light of the violence that erupted at a Charlottesville, Va., rally Saturday. The Patriot Prayer, a conservative, pro-Trump group, will gather at 2 p.m. at Westlake Park. Opponents, which include members of the Veterans for Peace, Socialist Party, Washington Federation of State Workers and other groups, had planned to march after the Patriot Prayer group originally announced it would march in Seattle on August 13. They will gather at Denny Park at 1 p.m. The Patriot Prayer group had touted the event as a “Freedom Rally”; opponents of their messaging say the group is homophobic, racist and bigoted. The group has been criticized for inciting violence at recent gatherings in Portland and Vancouver, B.C. The Columbian newspaper recently did a profile on the group's lead, Joey Gibson. © 2018 Cox Media Group.",77,0 +78,"The DNC has gone beyond the pale this year in using an anchor baby Karla Ortiz, her illegal mother and a second illegal immigrant, Astrid Silva, to promote illegal immigration at their convention this year. The child puppet of the Clinton machine was brought on stage to share that she is afraid that her mommy and daddy would be “forced to leave”. The crowd went wild, cheering for this law-breaking family and for the wanton use of a child to promote their open border agenda. Breaking the law, as we have seen with Hillary, is no big deal, and therefore breaking into this country is also of no consequence to Democrats. In fact, one can almost hear Hillary say, “What difference does it make? Let them all stay, as long as they vote for me.” Read the remarks swirling on Twitter regarding Karla Ortiz and her illegal immigrant parents on the next page. Hillary has no shame and will use whomever she pleases to make it to the White House. Yeah…great job breaking the law. Everyone is super proud of your family. In today’s Democrat Party, rules and laws mean absolutely nothing if they hurt your feelings. It doesn’t get anymore clear than this. Immigrants are obviously great for this country in many ways. But that’s not the conversation the left wants to have. They want to demonize anyone who thinks we should be able to control who comes in and malign anyone who believes that immigrants should come here legally the right way. It’s pathetic to watch them cloud the issue like this. Here are some of the responses that started pouring in instantly from the left. I am the daughter of an immigrant & a daughter of the American Revolution. Our nation’s diversity is our greatest strength #DemsInPhilly This girl’s speech about the fear of deportation brought people to to tears #DemsInPhillyhttps://t.co/pKq5xcNQjM via @fusion — Mike de la Rocha (@mrmikedelarocha) July 26, 2016 #KarlaOrtiz Beautiful speech I literally cried. #inspiring#weareallamericans#america — Francisco Aguilar (@francoj559) July 26, 2016 Mother-daughter duo who could be separated by deportation try to humanize immigration issues at DNChttps://t.co/jakOnulP8o — Annelize Bester (@AnnelizeBester) July 26, 2016 28-year-old illegal immigrant, Astrid Silva, blasted Donald Trump in her speech at the DNC for his promise to “separate families”: “When I was four years old, my mother and I climbed into a raft and we crossed a river to join my dad in America for a better life,” Astrid Silva, who hails from Mexico, said in remarks delivered to the 4,000-plus Democratic delegation. Silva was the first illegal immigrant to deliver a major speech at either party’s nominating conventions. “My family and I are here because of people like Sen. Harry Reid,” she said, highlighting the Senate minority leader’s defense of DREAMers, or young adults who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. “When Donald Trump talked about deporting 11 million people, he’s talking about separating families like mine,” Silver said. “Hillary Clinton understands that this is not who we are as a country.” “I know she will fight to keep our families together. I know she will,” Silver said of the former secretary of state. Ahead of her convention speech, Silver told Fusion she hoped the invitation to speak demonstrated “the stark contrast” between the Democratic National Convention and the Republicans’ four-day gathering in Cleveland last week, “where undocumented people [were] being called horrible names.” Forget law and order and rational thought, let’s just let our feelings do the voting and put the Queen of Law Breaking in the White House. If Trump doesn’t make it into the White House America as we have known and loved her will cease to exist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8IfRNwyfaM",78,1 +79,"A wave of liberal rage has marked the last 11 months since the rise and subsequent election of President Donald Trump. Antifa protestors clad in black masks shut down college campuses, destroy property and indiscriminately attack those they disagree with, whether women or the elderly. Meanwhile, CNN fires Kathy Griffin for taking photos with a bloody replica of the president’s decapitated head. Amid this backdrop, The Huffington Post publishes an article calling for the execution of Trump and “everyone assisting his agenda.” Then, shots ring out as a man gorged on media hysteria attempts to slaughter Republican congressmen while they practice for a charity baseball game. The aggression since Trump’s nomination is difficult to enumerate, but nevertheless, The Daily Caller News Foundation pored over media reports to compile a close but non-exhaustive list of violent acts against conservatives in months following the Republican National Convention. No compatible source was found for this video. In creating the list, The DCNF reviewed numerous articles detailing attacks and violent threats against conservatives and Trump supporters. While there are examples of anonymous threats, The DCNF chose to include only those that resulted in the cancelling of events and two to members of Congress deemed credible. Some instances of violence between rival protestors were not included as it was difficult to ascertain who initiated the event. To see the list of attacks visit The Daily Caller. By now, you already know that Republican lawmakers were the target of a brutal and unjustifiable shooting in Virginia. House majority whip Steve Scalise was shot several times and has been hospitalized. He appears to be in critical but stable condition. Several other Republican lawmakers witnessed the carnage. The shooter, “socialist democrat” James Hodgkinson, wasn’t so lucky, succumbing to wounds received in a shootout with police officers. This shooting is a harsh reminder of the growing vitriol in American politics where violence between liberal and conservative hard-liners is only becoming more common, with both sides committing inexcusable violence. The shooting occurred during an early morning baseball practice. The shooter, Hodgkinson, appears to have been an ardent Bernie Sanders supporter and opposed President Trump. His choice of targets was almost certainly not random and was likely premeditated. Hodgkinson is from Illinois but has been staying in the DC area for at least six weeks. Besides Scalise, two police officers were wounded during the shooting. Senator Paul Rand, who witness the event, has hailed the police officers and credited them for preventing a far worse tragedy. The police officers present were there to guard Scalise. Hodgkinson already had a track record with the police before the shooting. He had previously been charged with assault and battery for punching a woman in the face with a closed fist. He also confronted that woman’s boyfriend with a shotgun, reportedly firing one shot in the air. Apparently, he also physically abused his daughter, and police were called when he started shooting several pine trees on his property. Neighbors were worried that bullets would strike nearby homes. Hodgkinson also claimed to be a “democratic socialist” on his social media profiles. Writing to the Belleville News-Democrat, he stated, “I don’t ever again want to hear how great a president [Ronald Reagan] was. All he did was give tax breaks to the rich and put the rest of the country (or at least 13.1 percent) out of work.” He added, “To think the Republican Party can call this man their idol is un-American. It’s all about the money.” To read rest of article visit OpsLens.",79,1 +80,"President Donald Trump forecasted that Bernie Sanders would run against him in 2020 “even if he’s in a wheelchair,” and mocked the Vermont senator by imitating a scrunched-up body. Trump expressed that opinion over the summer when he invited four Democratic lawmakers to the White House, and also asked, “Who is going to run against me in 2020? Crooked Hillary? Pocahontas?” the New York Times reported on Saturday. At 70 years old, Trump was the oldest president to be inaugurated in the U.S. Trump, now 71, is nearly five years younger than Sanders, who would turn 79 in 2020. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speaks during a rally against President Donald Trump's travel ban outside the Supreme Court in Washington, DC, U.S. January 30, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein Reuters But Sanders’s wife Jane in June said that the senator was actively advocating for policies benefiting the working class and that his age wasn’t a factor. “Ageism is the last ‘ism’ that seems to be acceptable to people, and I never felt that it was whether somebody was too young or too old,” she told the New York Times. “You win some. You lose some. And you keep on going and maybe you can win the next one.” Bernie Sanders, who lost the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton last year, has started addressing some of his political shortcomings including his lack of foreign policy connections, a sign he may be gearing up for a 2020 bid, POLITICO reported late last month. Other Democrats that Trump called out over the summer have not indicated they will make a bid for the presidency. After Trump in October tweeted he hopes Clinton will run against him, Clinton told BBC Radio 4, “No, I’m not going to run again,” but that she would continue to speak out against Trump. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who Trump refers to as “Pocahontas” because she claims to have a Native American background, is considered a top Democratic contender. In August, she brushed off the idea, saying, “I'm doing my job every single day. I am not running for president, I'm doing my work."" Meanwhile, some Republicans recently have cast doubt over whether Trump will seek reelection—even though he is raising millions of dollars for a campaign. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in October told the Today show that if Trump runs again, “I would support him, yes, but I'm not so sure what will happen."" Shortly after, Senator Rand Paul said Republicans ""need to know (if) President Trump (is) running for re-election,” and, “I think you won't know that until you get into sort of second, third year of his presidency."" Trump’s approval rating has remained very low as a probe into whether he and his campaign colluded with Russians in the 2016 election widens. More from Newsweek",80,0 +81,"Photo by MaryHelen Avalos The Sons of the American Legion recently retired a torn and tattered American flag and presenting a new one to Adrea Ricke, Globe Public Library Manager. From left to right: A.J. Sprague, Sons of the American Legion Adjutant and Finance Officer; Margaret Smith, American Legion Adjutant; Jesse Horta, member; Su Samra; Adrea Ricke, Library Manager and Hector Samra, Legion member.",81,0 +82,"Usually, the person with the most information makes better decisions. But when you rely on info that’s wrong, chances increase that your decisions are wrong. So it is with Florida’s solar power ballot Amendment 1. Opponents are funneling misinformation into the discussion. The truth is that by voting for Amendment 1, Florida voters have a historic opportunity to advance solar power in the Sunshine State, at the same time ensuring that energy consumers are treated fairly; this includes those who choose solar and those who do not. What does the amendment do? It constitutionally guarantees individuals and businesses the right to buy or lease solar equipment to produce their own energy; this means consumers will always have the right to generate their own solar electricity, and politicians cannot tamper with that right. Contrary to what opponents say, solar customers can still sell any excess electricity they generate back into the electric grid. More importantly, it protects Florida consumers from scams, rip-offs, overcharging and unfair subsidies. It treats all electricity consumers fairly. Because it is renewable energy, a tax break is provided. This is because renewable solar energy aids in protecting the environment. If you choose not to install solar, you won’t be required to subsidize the costs of electric grid access and back-up power to those who do. Another good point made by Florida TaxWatch is that, for Floridians who want the right to provide their own energy needs, “this amendment raises that right to Constitutional status, which strengthens that right, as it cannot be changed by state or local governments without going back to the voters.” Something else you should know, since we are seeing political leftists like the League of Women Voters dishing out misinformation to welcoming publishers like The Palm Beach Post (which editorially calls Amendment 1 a “fraud”), is that this ballot initiative is being supported by a wide list of groups other than utility companies. These include bipartisan coalitions of business, civic, non-profit and faith-based organizations working to promote solar energy without sacrificing common sense consumer protection. Many of those opposing Amendment 1 are companies that don’t want you to buy your own solar panels to generate your own electricity because they want you to buy solar electricity from them. Their business model is to lock consumers into 20-year contracts to put their solar equipment on your roof and sell you the electricity from it. And here’s the awful catch: The current published price for one of the leading companies, Solar City, is nearly 50% higher than what average Floridians pay for electricity today, plus its contract includes an automatic 2.9% cost increase—double what Floridians normally face. Something else these opponents fail to divulge is that they want a subsidy to operate their business model in Florida, a “stand-by charge” uniformly applied to every electric customer to ensure their model makes economic sense—for them. I do not believe that’s good for Floridians. Amendment 1 protects consumers from this type of subsidy. The Amendment does not block ownership of solar, it does not make solar more expensive, and it certainly does not discourage people from installing solar on their homes. These are outright lies to pull the wool over your eyes. Florida deserves a holistic approach to solar. Thankfully, Amendment 1 will provide a constitutional framework for solar in the Sunshine State, which will keep politicians and special interest groups from tampering with it.",82,0 +83,"Rose McGowan, one of 28 actresses and film industry figures who has accused Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct, blasted colleagues Ben Affleck and Matt Damon for allegedly remaining silent about the charges for years. Then the Twitter police stepped in. We'll get there. Affleck and Damon were accused of helping kill a 2004 New York Times story about Weinstein's inappropriate sexual behavior. McGowan called Damon a “spineless profiteer”: Hey @mattdamon what’s it like to be a spineless profiteer who stays silent? pic.twitter.com/rp0OrRrpqJ She was a tad bit more concise with this blast at Affleck: Ben Affleck fuck off This tweet from Affleck really set her off: To which she responded: @benaffleck “GODDAMNIT! I TOLD HIM TO STOP DOING THAT” you said that to my face. The press conf I was made to go to after assault. You lie. OK, now that you understand the flavor of the whole thing, enter, the Twitter police. McGowan announced on Wednesday via Instagram that the Twitter powers that be had suspended her account for 12 hours — with the countdown to begin after she deleted the “tweets that violate our rules”: No word what those “rules” are, given Twitter is littered with F-bombs and worse on a daily basis, not to mention brutal ad hominem attacks against anyone and everyone. In 1997, then-23-year-old McGowan reportedly reached a $100,000 settlement with Weinstein over what The New York Times described as “an episode in a hotel room during the Sundance Film Festival,” Business Insider reported. Oddly, ten years later, McGowan and Weinstein were all smiles as they arrived, arm-in-arm, at the Los Angeles premiere of the film “Grindhouse'” in March 2007: TMZ originally reported that the producer would be getting help in Wickenburg, Arizona. But Thursday morning, it reported that Weinstein is now in the Scottsdale, Arizona, area at a rehabilitation center for treatment of “behavioral issues,” including sexual addiction. As is often the case, (see: “Anthony Weiner,” et al.) Weinstein's apologies and subsequent claims of desiring help come only after decades of alleged inappropriate sexual behavior, including alleged rape, after finally being outed.",83,0 +84,The article was inaccurate in that it claimed that the German children in question had been forced to carry out work for migrants. The Kiel Ministry of Education confirmed that the school had come up with the idea because some migrant children sat in the class. It said that the students themselves thought of the project.,84,0 +85,"That black adolescents receive harsher disciplinary punishments at school than their white peers for the same offenses is troubling enough. But federal data showing that even at the preschool level black students are nearly four times as likely to be suspended as their white peers is especially shocking. What it suggests is that racial biases are creeping into classrooms filled with 4-year-olds and that schools are effectively criminalizing black children, particularly boys, when they are barely out of diapers. Two years ago, federal civil rights officials issued guidance calling on school districts to train their teachers to overcome this problem and showing districts how to recognize and avoid discriminatory practices. But researchers are just beginning to understand the psychological mechanisms that lead teachers who see themselves as loving, supportive figures to discriminate against minorities. Chief among these mechanisms, according to a new reportfrom Yale University’s Child Study Center, are racial preconceptions that shape the way the teachers view black boys in particular. These preconceptions were found to exist in black as well as white preschool teachers. In the study, the Yale researchers showed teachers a dozen brief video clips of four well-behaved preschool-aged children, two boys, one black and one white, and two girls, one black and one white, working and playing together in a classroom. Though the children were behaving calmly, the teachers were asked to look for signs of behavior that might become problematic. A computer program that tracked the eyes of the teachers as they watched the video showed that both black and white teachers watched the black children, especially the boys, longer when looking for signs of trouble. And when the researchers asked teachers which child had commanded the most attention, 42 percent of them chose the black boy, 34 percent the white boy, 13 percent the white girl and 10 percent the black girl. In other words, the black boy in this study received far more scrutiny from teachers than his behavior warranted. This brings to mind the “driving while black” phenomenon, in which police officers stop African-American motorists without cause, or stop-and-frisk practices that predominantly single out blacks. The Yale study is consistent with previous research suggesting that teachers tend to see “acting out” by black children as more threatening than similar behavior in white children, and thus deserving of disproportionately harsher punishments. This is counterproductive on a number of counts, but what’s really at stake here is the future of these children, whose early disciplinary problems put them at greater risk later on of falling behind, dropping out and eventually getting caught up in the juvenile justice system.",85,0 +86,"Disney’s Hollywood Studios is quite often looked at as a ‘half-day park.’ People believe that it doesn’t have much to offer in the form of attractions and entertainment, and so they only spend a few hours in the park dedicated to celebrating film and stage classics. While Hollywood Studios is undergoing a significant amount of changes as they begin to construct both Star Wars Land and Toy Story Land, this doesn’t mean that the park doesn’t have much to offer. Here are four reasons why we keep going back to Disney’s Hollywood Studios: 4. Excellent restaurants One of the things I love most about Disney’s Hollywood Studios is the table service restaurants because they are so wonderfully themed. From elegant and classy to old-fashioned and heart-warming, these restaurants do a great job of serving you high quality food with high quality service. I love the old Hollywood vibe and decadent menu at the Hollywood Brown Derby, especially for a special night out. I also love the Sci-Fi Dine In Theater, with its unique theming and restaurant setup and classic American menu. The 50’s Prime Time Café is another great option if you want a fun dining experience, and you’re even allowed to watch TV during dinner. 3. Star Wars If you’re a fan of the classic franchise, then you are definitely going to keep going to Hollywood Studios. Though Star Wars Land isn’t set to open for another few years, there is still an abundance of Star Wars to go around in the meantime. Guests can ride Star Tours: The Adventure Continues and come face to face with some of the most beloved, and feared, characters of the franchise. They have even updated the ride to include characters from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Fans of Star Wars can also head to the Star Wars Launch Bay located in the animation courtyard. Inside, they will have the chance to browse through Star Wars merchandise and meet Chewbacca and Kylo Ren. 2. Entertainment Disney’s Hollywood Studios does have quite a fun mix of entertainment, though many people choose to skip right over most of it. One of the park’s most spectacular forms of entertainment is Beauty and the Beast—Live On Stage. If you are a fan of the movie and a fan of musicals, this Broadway style show will have you singing and bopping along to the movie’s most inspiring songs. Another big attraction in the park that I, personally, would consider a form of entertainment is the Frozen sing-a-long in the theatre that once housed the American Idol Experience. Two Arendelle historians, who bring the house down every time I see it, bring this fun and enchanting retelling of the story to life. Plus, who doesn’t love to belt out ‘Let It Go’? And we can’t forget about the nighttime show, Fantasmic! Step inside Mickey Mouse’s imagination and see just how powerful your dreams can be, complete with plenty of appearances from your favorite Disney characters. The park has also recently introduced a new holiday nighttime spectacular titled Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM! With plenty of special effects, projections and fireworks, it’s sure to become a family favorite. 1. Rides For a park so small, Hollywood Studios has a killer lineup of attractions that is only going to get better as it continues to get expanded. People come from all over the world just to experience the Tower of Terror, which is a classic ride that has been helping guests ‘drop in’ since 1994. Hollywood Studios is also home to one of the few classic roller coasters Disney has—Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster. With high speeds, twists, turns and funky music, this attraction is a must-do during your time in the park. One of the more recent additions to the park, and my personal favorite, is Toy Story Midway Mania, which lets you battle your friends and family in five carnival-inspired games inspired by different Toy Story characters. And, of course, we can’t forget about The Great Movie Ride, which is a must-do for any film fans visiting the park. You get to step inside some of the most iconic movie scenes in film history, and you even get to be part of the show as well. These are only a few of the attractions available to you, but it proves that there are many things that will keep you coming back. Though many people will try to argue that Disney’s Hollywood Studios isn’t a park worth spending an entire day at, there are many reasons why they’re wrong. With a variety of restaurants, entertainment and attractions, there are plenty of things to do that will keep you and your family entertained all day long. Be sure to check out all that Hollywood Studios has to offer during your next trip. BONUS TIP: Consider planning and booking your next Disney trip with an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner you can trust like MickeyTravels. They’ll help you get the best Walt Disney World deal, share expert advice and their services are totally FREE! It’s genius!",86,1 +87,"Emails leaked from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s private email account Friday by WikiLeaks addressed using executive privilege to keep the emails between Hillary Clinton and President Obama from being released, a 2008 survey testing reaction to then-Sen. Obama’s Muslim father and use of cocaine, and a suggestion from former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm on how to take Clinton out of the “bubble.” March 2015: Podesta wrote to Cheryl Mills about withholding emails between Clinton and Obama Six days before Hillary Clinton spoke to reporters at the United Nations about her private email server, Podesta wrote to Cheryl Mills, “Think we should hold emails to and from potus? That’s the heart of his exec privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They may not care, but I seems like they will.” In September, Politico reported that the State Department would not release emails exchanged between Clinton and Obama to the public, citing the “presidential communications privilege,” which is another name for the executive privilege. Claiming the privilege enables the president to withhold certain information that has been requested by other branches of government or by the public. This means that the emails the two wrote to each other won’t be released until 5 to 12 years after the end of the Obama administration, as dictated by the Presidential Records Act. January 2008: Clinton pollster proposed message testing lines on Obama--including reference to his Muslim father, past cocaine use An email referring to “McCain Survey-3” from Greenberg research listed a number of survey questions with “negative facts” about Clinton’s primary opponent, then-Sen. Obama. Kristi Fuksa, of Greenberg Research, sent the email to Democratic operatives including Podesta, Paul Begala, Tara McGuinness and Susan McCue The statements floated included subjects like his upbringing among Muslims, his father’s Muslim faith, his referring to past cocaine use as “a little blow” -- here’s the survey: * 1 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) was the only candidate at a recent event not to cover his heart during the national anthem and he has stopped wearing an American flag pin. * 2 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) benefited from a land deal from a contributor who has been indicted for corruption. * 3 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) would personally negotiate with the leaders of terrorist nations like Iran and North Korea without preconditions. * 4 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) voted against allowing people to use handguns to defend themselves against intruders. * 5 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) plans to raise taxes by 180 (one hundred and eighty) billion dollars a year to pay for his government-run health care plan * 6 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) voted repeatedly against emergency funding bills for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. * 7 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh)‘s father was a Muslim and Obama grew up among Muslims in the world’s most populous Islamic country. * 8 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) is ranked as one of the ten most liberal members of the Senate because of his support of issues like gay adoption. * 9 (Other) * 10 (All) * 11 (None) * 12 (Don’t know/refused) * 13 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive the procedure. * 14 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) supports giving driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants * 15 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) described his former use of cocaine as using “a little blow.” Begala told the Washington Post that the survey was named for John McCain because “it was designed to test attacks that might come in the general election.” He also pointed out that “every campaign and every PAC tests potential negatives against the candidate they support...that’s all it was.” July 2015: Jennifer Granholm’s suggestion on how to get Clinton out of the “bubble” The former Michigan governor suggested Clinton could dispense with the idea that she’s “out of touch” by doing “work days,” in which she’d pick “8 occupations that she is willing to spend one day working at. She humbles herself, but gives dignity to the workers whose salaries she wants to raise.” Some of Granholm’s suggestions included working as a janitor in a school cafeteria, at a daycare center, making beds in a hotel, bussing tables at Denny’s or working “behind the counter at McDonalds or Chipotle’s!” CBS News’ Steve Chaggaris and Donald Judd contributed to this report © 2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",87,0 +88,"President Trump took a shot at Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday, describing him as ""beleaguered"" in a tweet about the Russia investigation. ""After 1 year of investigation with Zero evidence being found, Chuck Schumer just stated that ""Democrats should blame ourselves,not Russia,"" Trump tweeted. ""So why aren't the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?"" read his follow-up tweet. Trump disclosed in a New York Times interview on Wednesday that he would not have hired Sessions if he had known that Sessions would recuse himself from the Russia probe. ""Should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else,"" Trump said. The president's comments prompted speculation that Sessions would resign from his post. However, a day after the interview was published, Sessions said he plans on continuing in the role. ""I’m totally confident that we can continue to run this office in an effective way,"" Sessions said.",88,0 +89,"I have never been prouder to be an American. That might seem like a strange confession in these dark times, when there is so much divisiveness in the country. Every day we are faced with cringe-worthy behavior by our country’s leaders: sexual harassment, enabling hate groups by publicly echoing their messages, the enactment of policies that curtail the constitutionally guaranteed civil rights of the nonrich. We who love our country are often left embarrassed, enraged and exhausted. It’s as if some jokester slapped a going out of business sign on our country’s back and scribbled underneath: everything (we stand for) must go. Then why am I so proud of America? Because, to paraphrase what Thomas Paine famously said during the Revolutionary War, these are the times that try Americans’ souls. It is during tumultuous times like these—times when we are challenged to defend our most sacred beliefs with more than trite slogans on caps—that real heroes rise up to face that challenge. Among these heroes are the athletes who recognize that they have a responsibility not just to defend a goal or a hoop, but also to defend American values and ideals. There are certain iconic images that will forever live in our social collective unconscious of activist athletes who risked their lives, not to mention their careers, to uphold their principles and commitment to their country: Jesse Owens receiving his gold medal in the 1936 Berlin Olympics while a German runner-up beside him gave the Nazi salute. John Carlos and Tommie Smith raising their black-gloved fists when receiving their medals at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics to protest injustice and poverty in the African-American community. In 1996, Nuggets guard Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf bowing his head in prayer during the national anthem as a protest against racism. In 2014, LeBron James and other NBA players wearing i can’t breathe shirts to protest Eric Garner’s death at the hands of police. These heroes remind us what true patriotism is: people caring more about protecting the principles of the Constitution than about their own careers, fame, money or even lives. Colin Kaepernick, the recipient of this year’s Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award, is one such hero. What makes Colin so deserving of this award is that he fully embraced all of those risks in order to remind Americans about systemic racism. This is exactly what Muhammad Ali did when, at the height of his boxing career, he refused to be drafted during the Vietnam War. Ali knew that he was not at risk of being sent into combat and could have served as a celebrity soldier. But he insisted on standing up for his principles, even though it cost him millions of dollars and resulted in death threats, harsh attacks from the press and public, the loss of his title and the possibility of prison. Since Colin first declined to stand for the national anthem on Aug. 14, 2016, to call attention to the astounding number of unarmed African-Americans killed by police, the citizens have responded with both praise and condemnation, just as they always have whenever anyone exercises their right to free speech on a contentious topic. This is the same treatment bold Americans of conscience have always received. People rarely want to hear the truth when that truth reveals problems they don’t want to face. It’s easier to blame the messenger and ignore the message. He is forcing the country to continue to have a meaningful conversation about racial inequality when many want to pretend there is no problem. That’s why Colin has been vilified and glorified, ostracized and memorialized, demonized and idolized. Though supporters have come and gone, Colin has never wavered in his commitment. This selfless courage has inspired other athletes—from high school to professional ranks—across all sports, races and genders to make their voices heard. He is forcing the country to continue to have a meaningful conversation about racial inequality when many want to pretend there is no problem. Sports Illustrated’s Muhammad Ali Legacy Award was created to honor individuals whose career in athletics has directly or indirectly impacted the world. On Nov. 30, it was reported that a group of about 40 NFL players and league officials had reached an agreement for the league to provide approximately $90 million between now and 2023 for activism endeavors important to African-American communities. Clearly, this is the result of Colin’s one-knee revolution and of the many players and coaches he inspired to join him. That is some serious impact. It has always been perplexing that people criticize athletes like Colin as being unpatriotic because they are exercising the rights the Constitution protects. It’s especially puzzling when they are accused of disrespecting the national anthem, which contains the lyrics, “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave,” and was written by a man who referred to blacks as an “inferior race of people.” When that song is playing, it seems like an especially appropriate time to bring up the fact that 200 years after it was written, we are still treating African-Americans as an inferior race by denying them equal opportunities in education, jobs, health care and voting. We praise our military for risking everything to make sure America lives up to the promises in the Constitution: equal opportunity and respect for all people. Upon hearing about the establishment of the award in his honor, Ali said, “I know there will be a great tradition of champions to receive this award in the future, and I look forward to celebrating their spirit and accomplishments.” Were my old friend still alive, I know he would be proud that Colin Kaepernick is continuing Ali’s tradition of being a selfless warrior for social justice. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is a former recipient of the Sports Illustrated's Muhammad Ali Legacy Award. His new book Becoming Kareem: Growing Up On and Off the Court details his most influential mentors, including his lifelong friend, Muhammad Ali.",89,1 +90,"Donald Trump fully embraced his inner neocon before the United Nations today. He lashed out at North Korea, indicating that he was ready to ‘totally destroy’ it. He upbraided Iran as a corrupt and malignant regime that had taken America and its allies to the cleaners with the nuclear deal—’One of the worst and most one-sided transactions.’ And for good measure, he scoffed at various socialist regimes around the globe. The only term missing in his dyspeptic assessment of the carnage around the world was ‘axis of evil,’ the phrase that George W. Bush made famous when he decried Iran, North Korea and Iraq after the 9/11 attacks. The language he deployed was seldom less than apocalyptic. Like Bush, he embraced the tone of moral superiority: ‘If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.’ When it was not chiliastic, Trump indulged in snark, referring to ‘Rocket Man’ as being on a ‘suicide mission.’ There can be no doubting that the regimes Trump referred to are as nasty as they come. But enmeshing America in an Asian land war would surpass any of the follies that it has experienced in the Middle East. Russia and China can only hope that Washington becomes stuck in another unwinnable war. What served America well during the cold war wasn’t overt confrontation such as in Vietnam, but the strategy of containment. Certainly Trump’s speech fitted with the desire he is now expressing to stage a massive military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue on 4 July to match, or even surpass, the festivities surrounding the Bastille Day parade that left him agog this past July in Paris, where he was the guest of Emmanuel Macron. One problem is that the avenue isn’t actually strong enough to withstand the weight of tanks rolling over it. Never mind. For Trump, these are mere details. He has apparently become enamoured by a vision of a militarised America that can set wrong aright abroad, whenever and wherever it pleases. His bellicosity is discordant, however, with the more isolationist America First doctrines that he brayed about during the presidential campaign. America First has been converted into a bellicose unilateralism. If anything, it sounds like neocon 2.0. It was notable that during his speech at the UN, Trump veered from claiming, on the one hand, that it was imperative to respect the national sovereignty of individual nations to alleging, on the other, that there is no burking the necessity of taking out regimes that he, and he alone, deems inimical to American interests and values. What about the country that meddled with the 2016 American elections, thereby violating the precious sovereignty Trump dwelled upon? There was nary a word about Russia. The most that can be hoped for with Trump’s speech is that it was simply more rodomontade. The danger, as so often with the old boy, isn’t if he’s insincere. It’s if he really means what he said.",90,1 +91,"We saw this coming a mile away. Early Thursday, the controversial Milwaukee County Sheriff, David Clarke resigned without any notice. The move was a surprising one but we should have known that President Trump had something to do with it. The former Wisconsin sheriff gave his resignation on Thursday to join the Trump administration. While Clarke submitted his letter of resignation Thursday afternoon, the letter did not include the details of why he quit and what was next for the sheriff. However, CNN reports that Clarke will join the Trump administration but what exactly he will be doing is still unknown. Trump has pegged him earlier this year for a role, but Clarke withdrew from consideration within a few days of the announcement. According to CNN: “It’s unclear what job Clarke will take in the administration, but one of the sources said he’s expected to join the White House. Clarke likely won’t be offered a Senate-confirmed role because his nomination would face opposition from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.” Back in May, Clarke publicly announced he’d accepted a position as an assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland Security. But according to sources, no official offer had been made to him at the time of his announcement and was forced to withdraw from consideration. Clarke is known for defending Trump against racial claims. After the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, many critics spoke about against Trump’s response and his failure to condemn white supremacy. Clarke went on Sean Hannity’s show to defend the President by stating that he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. Perhaps, Clarke will be joining the Trump team just to do television appearance on Trump’s behalf to combat claims of racism and bigotry. Only time will tell. What do you think about Clarke’s move?",91,1 +92,"Oct 19, 2017 at 3:09 PM From Washington, D.C. to the NFL and Hollywood, America’s idols are tumbling down. This is not a bad thing. For too long, we have wasted precious time and money worshipping these so-called “social justice” warrior hypocrites who continue to disappoint. Here’s to hoping all this disappointment will lead us back to what really matters, but don’t count on it. Huge swaths of Americans still bow at the altar of social justice. They believe government-forced “charity” will advance us to an utopian paradise where everyone enjoys the same outcome, despite personal effort, upbringing, unique abilities and education. Truth is, though, social justice is an oxymoron based on the false premise that the cure for injustice is leveling the playing field and redistributing wealth. As former Vice President Joe Biden once said, “You may call it redistribution of wealth ‒ I just call it being fair.” Karl Marx would be so proud. Marx hated religion, private property and Judeo-Christian values as much as leftists do today. That’s why you should bolt out of any place of worship that combines Jesus, social justice and the government in the same sentence. In his book, “The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism,” economist Friedrich Hayek nails what’s really at stake: “The aim of socialism is no less than to affect a complete redesigning of our traditional morals, law and language ‒ and on this basis to stamp out the old order and the supposedly inexorable, unjustifiable conditions that prevent the institution of reason, fulfillment, true freedom and justice.” Yesteryears’ creepy social justice warriors are now out of the closet and no longer hide their agenda. Instead, they give it a pink boa and parade their intentions to destroy capitalism, silence free speech and scrub Judeo-Christian values from the public square. They harp about injustice and claim only they can fix it, which is one of the most arrogant, egotistical piles of hogwash you’ll ever hear. All that, while they divide us into two groups, normal folks and them. They believe normal folks are about as smart as slugs, therefore incapable of coherent reasoning and self-care. To them, everyday Americans aren’t diamonds in the rough, they are pliable, moldable objects used to reshape America into a socialist nightmare like Venezuela. As I’ve said before, Democrats’ sacrosanct belief that the government was created to control how fairness is spread around is nothing more than a modern-day effort to reinvent Robin Hood, without all the chivalry and green tights. Those who romantically embrace the concept of social justice believe the misnomer that stealing from some and passing it on to those who should have had it in the first place will result in some sort of righteous leveling. Leftists don’t own the market on charity. Normal folks leave government out of the mix and combine their compassion with common sense. They bring food in one hand and a rifle in the other, knowing if they teach someone how to hunt, they’ll eat for a lifetime. In comparison, leftists bring Trader Joe’s bagels in one hand and a voter’s registration card in the other. Seizing the opportunity to convert their victims into non-thinking entitlement aficionados, they stop at nothing to meet an immediate need, then lead them by their noses to leftist-run metropolises where crime and government handouts abound. I know, the devil is always in the details, but I’ll go ahead and say it anyhow. Forced “charity” doesn’t bring about justice. Instead, it creates injustice when it stirs up animosity between the less fortunate and those being penalized, taxed, for their hard work under penalty of prosecution. In sharp contrast, there is a power in authentic generosity that no amount of government social-engineering could or will ever match. The social justice crowd should dust off the knees they protest with and try it sometime. ^ Susan Stamper Brown lives in Alaska and writes on culture, politics and current events.",92,1 +93,"Stephen C. Paddock has been identified as the lone shooter in the Las Vegas shooting that occurred at the Route 91 Harvest Festival, as reported by USA Today. The shooter is currently dead and suicide has been reported as the probable cause of death. Since news of the shooting broke, Paddock’s family has begun to speak out and his brother Eric, from Orlando, Florida, has been talking to the media. Get to know more about the shooter through his brother Eric, the incident itself, and how Eric Paddock views the tragedy. “Not an avid gun guy at all…where the hell did he get automatic weapons? He has no military background,” gunman’s brother says pic.twitter.com/EMSKLQGYFM — CBS News (@CBSNews) October 2, 2017 In an interview with Daily Mail, Eric Paddock said that his brother had no political or religious affiliation of which he was aware. Paddock added that: He was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo also told FOX News that a motive is not known, explaining: We have no idea what his belief system was. Right now, we believe he was the sole aggressor and the scene is static. Unfortunately, ISIS accounts online are claiming Stephen C. Paddock actually converted to Islam months ago and the shooting was on their behalf. It is unclear if this is coming from actual ISIS propaganda accounts or random supporters, though Good Morning America has begun discussing the possibilities of this as well. The Associated Press has posted the above tweet, announcing this news. Brother Eric Paddock tells Daily Mail that their family is confused and shocked. He explained: We know absolutely nothing, this is just, we are dumbfounded … We have absolutely no idea. Our condolences go to the victims and all their families. The Orlando Sentinel reports that, according to public records, much of Stephen C. Paddock’s family resides in Florida. Eric Paddock says that his 90-year-old mother, who lives close to him, is struggling to cope with the news and is “in shock”. Paddock told Daily Mail: Our family is OK, we’re sitting in here in our house hoping that everyone doesn’t attack us. My mother is 90 years old, lives down the street from me, we’re just completely dumbfounded. Like his brother was reported to be, according to his Facebook page, Eric Paddock is retired, like several of his family members in Florida. Stephen C. Paddock was living in Nevada at the time of the shooting. Stephen C. Paddock and his brother’s relationship was not strained, but they were not very close. Eric Paddock said that he and his brother lived on different coasts and that they did not speak very often. Eric Paddock said his brother was a regular at Las Vegas casinos, according to Good Morning America, and Stephen used to work as an accountant. In an interview with Las Vegas Review Journal, Paddock also said: We have no idea how this happened. It’s like an asteroid just fell on top of our family. He then added: There is no reason we can imagine why Stephen would do something like this. All we can do is send our condolences to the people who died. Just no reason, no warning … As far as we knew, he had enough money to live the rest of his life in comfort. Paddock said that, as much as he knew, his brother had no known health or financial problems at the time of the shooting. With over 50 people dead and over 400 injured in the shooting, this is reported to be the deadliest shooting in American history. Country star Jason Aldean was on stage performing at the time of the shooting and he ran off stage once aware of what was happening. Shooter Stephen C. Paddock opened fire from a 32nd floor hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino.",93,0 +94,"TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Attackers have mounted simultaneous gun and suicide bomb assaults on Iran's parliament building and the tomb of the republic's revolutionary founder in Tehran. At least seven people were killed and 35 others injured in the twin assaults, the semi-official Fars agency reported. The attacks were the most audacious State media reported that gunmen stormed the parliament building in Tehran and went on a shooting spree. At least one attacker detonated a suicide bomb. Five people died and at least 25 were injured there, Fars reported. At the same time, a gun and suicide bomb attack targeted the Ayatollah Khomeini mausoleum on the southern outskirts of the Iranian capital. Two people died and 10 were injured at the shrine, Fars said. A woman was arrested after the attack at the tomb, Fars reported, adding that another attacker has been surrounded by security officers. CNN has not independently verified the number of victims and it was not immediately clear whether the number of dead included the suicide bombers. The attackers were holding a number of hostages inside the highly-fortified parliament building, Press TV reported, as Iranian officials scrambled to establish who was behind the attacks or whether they were coordinated. A picture from semi-official Fars news agency shows a man lowering a young boy from a window of the parliament building onto the street as another man holding a gun watches over them from another window. The man with the gun is reportedly a policeman helping with the evacuation. Attacks of this nature are extremely rare in Iran, particularly in the highly-controlled capital where tourist and government sites are tightly policed. Gun ownership is heavily controlled in Iran, raising speculation that the attackers' guns were smuggled into the country. Symbolic attack Iran's parliament, also called the Islamic Consultative Assembly or Majlis, has 290 members. It has female members and has representatives for religious minorities including Christians, Zoroastrians and Jews. It is currently unclear how the attacker or attackers entered the parliament building, which has multiple security checkpoints. The location of the mausoleum attack is symbolic, targeting the tomb of the Islamic Republic's founder and first supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. He led the revolution that overthrew the Shah in 1979 and was Iran's leader for 10 years. The mausoleum is located around 25 kilometers (15 miles) from the parliament. Attacks rare Such attacks in Iran are rare, but the country -- with its largely Shiite population -- has been involved in military actions against Sunni terrorist groups such as ISIS, who regard Shiites as apostates. Last year, Iran's government said it thwarted ""one of the biggest plots"" by terror groups targeting Tehran and other major cities during the month of Ramadan. This year's holy month started almost two weeks ago on May 26. The last major attack in Iran was in 2010 when a Sunni extremist group carried out a suicide attack against a mosque in Sistan-Baluchistan killing 39 people. Kurdish groups have carried out small scale attacks against Iranian security forces in the north-west of the country. Print this article Back to Top",94,0 +95,"Following another dump of his personal emails, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, is claiming that Russian hackers targeted his account to try and influence the presidential election -- and he suggested that those hackers tipped off a Trump advisor. CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes reports that Podesta on Tuesday went step-by-step through all the contact Donald Trump and his campaign aides have had with Russian actors or with Wikileaks. He argued that it’s all circumstantial evidence pointing so some kind of secret understanding between Trump and the highest reaches of the Russian government. Podesta said the theft of 10 years worth of emails from his gmail account is now being investigated as part of the FBI’s larger probe into hacks at the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The U.S. intelligence community said on Friday that it is “confident” those hacks were directed by the “Russian government.” “Russian interference in this election and their apparent attempt to influence it on behalf of Mr. Trump is, I think, of -- should be of utmost concern to all Americans,” Podesta told reporters from the Clinton campaign plane. Podesta noted that long-time Trump confidant Roger Stone appeared to have advance notice of the hack, when Stone tweeted back in August: “Trust me, it will soon be the Podesta’s time in the barrel.” Stone also recently told Florida Republicans that he was in touch with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The emails are a revealing and sometimes embarrassing window into the workings of a major campaign. In one, now-interim DNC chair Donna Brazile (who was working for CNN) appears to slip the campaign a “question” Clinton was to be asked at a CNN town hall during her primary contest against Bernie Sanders. In another, Starbucks CEO and major Clinton donor Howard Schultz called the campaign “stale” and lacking the “transparency that the American people...will need to trust and ultimately elect” Clinton. Trump, for his part, has brushed off accusations that his words and his proposals seem to favor Putin. “She doesn’t know if it’s the Russians doing the hacking,” Trump said during Sunday’s presidential debate town hall. He also claimed “I know nothing about the inner workings of Russia.” In North Carolina, President Obama said Trump sounded much like a Russian dictator when he threatened to jail Clinton if he won. “I frankly never thought I’d see the day when we had a major party candidate who would be promoting those kinds of notions,” the president said at a Clinton campaign event. Podesta said he doesn’t know why Trump would be sympathetic to Russia, but he suggested that it might be his business dealings or his fascination with Vladimir Putin. He added that he expects the leaks to soon follow the pattern of other Russian-led hacks, where they begin by releasing real documents at first -- and then start releasing fake ones.",95,0 +96,"This post is the opinion of the the author and does not necessarily represent The Good Men Project. Today Trump has pulled the old bait & switch on a group of Americans called “Dreamers”. The harpooning of DACA targets people who are by all accounts as American as apple pie: the children of immigrants. They take nothing away from anybody. They cost nothing and do nothing but contribute to our nation’s greatness. They are fundamentally what America is all about, really. This decision illuminates the fundamental character of this administration: cruel and mean. No longer can there be any denying what Trump’s agenda is. His tenure has but one goal: to eradicate everything and anything associated with Barack Obama. He hasn’t even tried to hide it. I’d previously written that Trump is the Middle Finger President. His one obvious competency is his capacity to give the middle finger to anyone that doesn’t kiss his butt. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that Trump is the middle finger himself. He represents a minority of Americans: mostly uneducated, working class/poor whites who feel angry and left behind. They are resentful of the gains that blacks, people of color, and immigrants have made. The majority of them are economically insecure and bent on finding someone to blame because they don’t have the mettle to examine themselves. White supremacy suits them just fine. Among the educated Trump supporters, most of them are elderly, in retirement, who have too much time to sit and get hypnotized by Fox News. They parrot spitting Obama’s name like a foreign four letter word. Enough has unfolded in the past 9 months to clarify exactly what Trump’s presidency is about, and it’s clear that it’s about anything but serving America. At this point, he’s alienated a good percentage of his own party. No need to regurgitate the stream of officials he’s fired or who’ve walked away from his administration. No need to replay senior members of his own party denouncing his behavior. It’s become glaringly obvious: this guy is about one thing, and that is being the stand-in for a basket of American’s once labeled “deplorables”. While this sounds like a petty insult, the polls have been consistent: approximately 1/3rd of Americans have deplorable views about black people, people of color, LGBT, and immigrants. They are overwhelmingly white, and while they are not all Trump supporters, ALL Trump supporters are in this demographic. This is his base. Trump has responded by making every single decision he can to appease and please them. Nothing offended them worse than Barack Obama in the White House. As such, he’s dedicated his entire term to doing nothing other than wiping Obama’s name from the annals of American history. The only problem (for him) is, he’s actually done the reverse. Initially, it appeared that approximately 45% of the country was in his camp. This was alarming and deeply distressing for those who held President Obama as a champion of the environment, of civil rights reforms, and the people. President Obama’s grace and personal skills helped pave the way for a global relationship with the rest of the world. That made many of us feel safer. In just 9 months, Trump has managed to alienate our closest allies, and wall the USA off from much of the world. We look in the mirror and find ourselves facing a toddler-like madman lobbing hydrogen bombs at us. Kim Jong Un is the perfect shadow reflection for Trump who claims to be the “great negotiator” who’s going to make “great deals” all over the world. So far, he’s been successful at one thing: rolling back approximately 800 of Obama deals, mostly concerning the environment, civil rights, and immigration. Look forward: 100 years from now, historians will look back to this era as the turning of the tide in American culture and politics. Trump’s name will forever be etched in the books as the provocative agitator who turned America on its head. For all his publicity stunts and lust for fame, he probably didn’t think it would go this way. Because of his monumental effort to white-out Obama’s name from history, it will forever be impossible to mention Trump without talking about Barack Obama. History will show that trump would never have been possible if not for President Obama. Van Jones called it “white lash”. It’s a rebound reaction from a white demographic entirely uncomfortable with the idea of a progressive black man in the White House. To make matters worse, Obama’s a far more dignified, intelligent, and graceful man than most of us can ever hope to be. Who else could have enraged white supremacists this much? And who other than Trump could have emboldened them enough to take their hoods off and show their faces, marching while shouting racists chants with such shameless bravado? There are no more sacred cows. When he cut funding to Meals on Wheels, most of us thought, huh? What’s wrong with you? Then it was school lunches for children, which prompted Michelle Obama to twist up her face (very un-Beyonce like) and say, “what’s wrong with you?” Now comes DACA and the whole world screws up its face and shouts, “WTF is wrong with you???” Here’s what’s wrong with him: there is a tiny fragment of our society that applauds this sort of attitude, and he is a slave to applause. Speaking of slaves, these are the same people who, when polled said they thought slaves should never have been freed. The same people when polled said they thought white supremacists and Neo Nazis were being marginalized more than people of color. The same people who think the media is a bigger threat to democracy than white supremacists. These are the people Trump is playing to. As such, whenever he’s under fire – which is often – he goes on the campaign trail and holds a MAGA rally, where he (in the words of John McCain) “fires up the crazies”. This is the demographic who hold his base intact, and according to polls should he alienate them, his approval ratings dip into the single digits. Trump and his tiny base have one agenda: to wipe Obama’s name from the books. Unfortunately for him, in the years to come, his name will stand in the shadow of Obama as historians will establish comparisons that will have Trump turning in his gold plated grave. Thanks to Trump, by comparison, President Obama will be seen as a great visionary of supernatural eloquence and character. Trump’s legacy will be pitifully tarnished as the president who did nothing but roll back Obama’s reforms. He will be forever known as the president who stood for nothing more than giving a middle finger to President Obama. All to appease a racist, small minded base standing on their last quivering leg. They’ve found their hero, the archetypal symbol of white supremacy in Donald Trump. In 100 years, when history looks back, it will be Donald Trump’s anti-legacy that will give torque to Obama’s legacy. No matter how many Obama regulations and laws Trump rolls back, whether it be the Paris Accord or Cuba or DACA, history will cast a glorious light on Obama. Much of this will we can owe to the spotlight Trump gave him. We will recognize that this dark era is the result of a progressive black man and his family coming to power, agitating the shadow of racism and white supremacy in America. Because of him, the rising up of this ugly shadow that we now see so clearly is firmly in our collective cross hairs. In 100 years, we will give thanks for Donald J. Trump for making the target so big and easy to hit. We’ll be grateful for how simple he made it for us to see our disease. We will thank him for ushering in a new dream because we were finally able to cut the illness out and begin our healing. Thanks to Donald Trump, we’ll be able to see Barack Obama for the great man that he was, and we’ll build a monument to him upon the failures of Trump and his ilk. I bet Trump didn’t see that coming.",96,1 +97,"Off-Site audio mp3 of Address [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio. (2)] I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the ""unalienable Rights"" of ""Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."" It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked ""insufficient funds."" But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children. It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, ""When will you be satisfied?"" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. **We cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: ""For Whites Only.""** We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until ""justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.""1 I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ""We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."" I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of ""interposition"" and ""nullification"" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; ""and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.""2 This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning: My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride, From every mountainside, let freedom ring! And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that: Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!3 ** = Content within red asterisks absent from this audio. For reasons unknown to this writer, the audio has been edited -- at least once -- to exclude the content noted in double asterisks in the main text area above. Click player below or here for audio of the content in red asterisks. Audio includes surrounding content for reference beginning with ""There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights"" and ending with ""righteousness like a mighty stream."" 1 Amos 5:24 (rendered precisely in The American Standard Version of the Holy Bible) 2 Isaiah 40:4-5 (King James Version of the Holy Bible). Quotation marks are excluded from part of this moment in the text because King's rendering of Isaiah 40:4 does not precisely follow the KJV version from which he quotes (e.g., ""hill"" and ""mountain"" are reversed in the KJV). King's rendering of Isaiah 40:5, however, is precisely quoted from the KJV. 3 At: http://www.negrospirituals.com/news-song/free_at_last_from.htm Also in this database: Martin Luther King, Jr: A Time to Break Silence Audio Source: Linked directly to: http://www.archive.org/details/MLKDream Image #2 Source:. http://www.jfklibrary.org External Link: http://www.thekingcenter.org/ Page Updated: 11/14/17 U.S. Copyright Status: Text and Audio = Restricted, seek permission. Image #1 = Uncertain. Image #2 = Public domain. Copyright inquiries and permission requests may be directed to: Estate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Intellectual Properties Management One Freedom Plaza 449 Auburn Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30312 Fax: 404-526-8969",97,0 +98,"The boogie man is real. He is not a monster with long fangs, sharp claws, red eyes, and a tail who lives in your closet and comes out when the bedroom light is off. He is, in fact, a man of different ages, height, weight, and skin complexion. He is the Black man. Throughout our time in America, the Black man has been demonized as this being who is a destructive, carnivorous, raping, and murderous beast who is a danger to every human on this planet. This belief has been the motivation for many acts of violence towards the Black man: beatings, stabbings, lynching, as well as legislation such as the Black Codes and the 1994 Crime Bill. The thought of the African-American man being an out-of-control criminal and sexual predator has marred him in society by white men, white women, and even his own community. Dr. Tommy J. Curry, professor of philosophy at Texas A&M University, hopes to fight the perception of the Black boogie man with his new book, The Man-Not: Race, Class, Genre, and the Dilemma of Black Manhood. The Man-Not was written to show the Black man as something other than a caricature of violence: as a full-bodied person. Can people who have been studied and labeled as irredeemable and misogynist by white and Black feminist groups be viewed as men who are capable of vulnerability? Can a being that has not only historically been the target of violent racist attacks by white men and women be victims of sexual violence from said people as well? I became aware of Dr. Curry by listening to an interview he gave on the podcast, “The Context of White Supremacy”, a show dedicated to discussing racism with other non-white people. What struck me was not how well researched Curry’s theories on white supremacy were. Although his thoughts were grounded in facts, I was taken aback by how fearless he was in addressing racism, not only to the academia or “academy” as he likes to call it, but in everyday life. Dr. Curry’s explanation of how white people cannot be ignorant about racism was mind altering. Instead of blaming it on no contact or lack of socialization, Curry pushes back and lays the responsibility on white culture itself, “We know that white people have done the same type of behaviors. They have discriminated against Black people; they’ve called Black people niggers and God knows what other names. They always vitiated, secluded, and segregated Blackness. To repeat those things doesn’t seem to be the work of ignorance, in fact, it seems to be the repetition of historical knowledge of about how to treat Black folk. So when we see the same thing, ignorance seems to be the unrealistic apologetic.” To this day it is the most valuable theory on race that I have heard in the past five years. The main part of The Man-Not is broken down into five chapters. In “On Mimesis and Men”, Dr. Curry reveals the justification of enslaving and controlling the Black man and the origin of the “Black Beast” narrative. In “Lost In a Kiss?”, Dr. Curry discusses Eldridge Cleaver’s lost manuscript The Book of Lives, Cleaver’s thoughts on the sexualization of Black men in prison, and how the mere existence of Black life provokes an attack by white racists. “The Political Economy of Niggerdom” is a look into the negative perception of Black men held by many in the academy and other PWI’s (Predominately White Institutions). Dr. Curry highlights that many of the current theories being taught in colleges about African-American males are inaccurate and based on racist thought. “Eschatological Dilemmas” talks about the often victimized Black male through sexualized violence, and why they are not afforded the ability to be seen as victims. Finally, “In the Fiat of Dreams” illustrates how not only the death of Black men and boys is de-centered, but it is thought of as deserving. Each chapter in The Man-Not presents a case of the African-American men and boys being in constant danger for existing. On the state of the Black man, Dr. Curry comments, “To be a Black male is to live in constant fear of being accused of some offense against another. Black men live in a world where any accusation against them is thought to be evidence of their guilt. Imagine a world in which any individual who can be thought of as a victim of a Black male has the power to define him as a criminal. This is the world many Black males find themselves imprisoned within, too often defined by the accusations of others against them rather than their actual character.” This is a part of the everyday existence of being Black. Your word means very little. If someone accuses you of a crime, the thought is that you are guilty of said crime. If you look like a criminal, chances are you are one. I thought about Michael Bennett, the Seattle Seahawks football player who was held at gunpoint by police for “looking like a suspect.” The benefit of the doubt is never given to us. I was very interested in reading “Lost In a Kiss?”, the section of the book that highlights Cleaver’s lost manuscript, The Book of Lives. I had read Cleaver’s raw Soul on Ice when I was young and had been fascinated by his view on white supremacy. It wasn’t the bourgeois look into racism that many of his contemporaries had, but a gritty, gutter, street-level take on racist whites and the system they preside over. The Book of Lives, an unpublished writing of Cleaver’s, spoke about homosexuality in prison and how, in Dr. Curry’s words, “prisons are hedonistic warehouses.” This ties into the theme of The Man-Not: the specific societal and historic vulnerability of Black men and the white supremacist order, making the Black male disposable. “Lost in a Kiss?” also talks about the irrational fear that whites possess towards Black people and the violence that Blackness attracts. Dr. Curry quotes Frantz Fanon, author of the classic book The Wretched of The Earth on this issue: “The Negro is phobogenic, meaning that the Negro triggers a pre-rational fear in the mind of the white. This fear objectifies the Negro, over-determining his being as the phantasm of the white mind. The objectified Black is endowed with evil intentions and with all the attributes of a malefic power.” After I read this, I thought of the unarmed Black men that were gunned down by police – from the adult Mike Brown, Walter Scott, down to the young Tamir Rice. Black men of all ages and sizes inspire fear. The most impactful chapter of The Man-Not is “Eschatological Dilemmas: Anti-Black Male Death, Rape, and the Inability to Perceive Black Males Sexual Vulnerability”. Dr. Curry perfectly illustrates that throughout his time in America, the Negro has never been seen as a victim of sexual violence. Through his raging appetite to rape women and elongated member, the Black man cannot be raped. “The hyper-masculine stereotypes of Black males make it almost unfathomable for many onlookers to see Black men and boys as victims of women’s violence or rage,” Dr. Curry says. Chapter 4 also analyzes the sexualized pressure that led to many Black men being killed in the late 1800’s. Because he was a Black man and could rape, the white woman was in potential danger and these men had to be lynched. “He has to be controlled. He has to be locked away…” This way of thinking has not only been used throughout the years to falsely convict Black men of raping and sexually assaulting white women, but has forever stamped the Black man as hypersexual in his own community. While The Man-Not spends much of its time combating the negative stereotypes that reduce the Black man to a caricature, it also muses about life as a Black child seeing the violence that is directed at him because he is male. Dr. Curry writes, “Imagine what it means to see this life from the eyes of a Black boy, anxious and afraid of a youthful death – doubtful that he could live long enough to be a Black man?” This is something that every Black man living in America realizes: that he could be a victim of police terrorism, state-sanctioned murder, or even killed at the hands of a white vigilante who believes his or her life is in danger. I have written about this extensively, knowing that our life is perilous. In the land rife with anti-Black male sentiment, The Man-Not presents the case for why Black men have not only been historically a target of every type of violent attack and stereotype, but that because of their Black maleness, this eliminates any supposed privilege they would share with white men. Dr. Curry describes a world where even though Black men have the lowest employment, the lowest life expectancy, and the highest percentage of people who are incarcerated in the United States in numbers that far exceed those at the height of South African Apartheid, there is a supposed inherent advantage to being Black and male. African-American men constitute the lowest numbers of being students and instructors in college. They are also killed by police at a larger percentage than any other living group. With all this being said, they are to have male privilege and are subjects of discourse taught in universities that African-American men are pathologically oppressive and violent. This special type of vitriol is called “Black Misandry” a term Dr. Curry and his colleagues have popularized when discussing the anti-Black male thought. The Man-Not destroys this train of thought with facts and that is what makes it such a powerful book. The Man-Not is an important work that is essential in the day and age of disposable blog entries that ride on incorrect tropes about Black men. This is factual work backed up by data that can be proven, and that is what is missing in conversations about race. The Man-Not is a very dense book. There is a lot to digest here, but a book about racism and white supremacy should not be a quick read. This is a triumph in Black studies and about how the African-American man and boy is written. I felt pride and satisfaction reading this book. A Black man writing a book to humanize Black men and boys: it couldn’t have come at a better time for me and everyone else. — ◊♦◊ Sign up for our Writing Prompts email to receive writing inspiration in your inbox twice per week. All Premium Members get to view The Good Men Project with NO ADS. A $50 annual membership gives you an all-access pass. You can be a part of every call, group, class, and community. A $25 annual membership gives you access to one class, one Social Interest group, and our online communities. A $12 annual membership gives you access to our Friday calls with the publisher, our online community. Need more info? A complete list of benefits is here. Photo: Pixabay",98,0 +99,"There are TWO genders: male and female. It’s for liberals to get that under their skin because it’s a biological FACT. It’s ridiculous for Liberals advocate for mentally ill people to have sex change surgeries. They need help, not to be maimed. Our country has failed these people under Obama…but now President Trump is ENDING the politically correct BS. It’s time to do the right thing!! According to usa politics today: Had state-funded schools, colleges and universities not complied with the directive, it could put public institutions at risk of losing federal funding. As a result, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor temporarily blocked the Obama directive nationwide in August. In his ruling, O’Connor said Title IX “is not ambiguous” about sex being defined as “the biological and anatomical differences between male and female students as determined at their birth.” Trump is going to bring back family values and Christian values to America again! It’s time this country to become conservative and normal again! We should stop with the promotion of liberal sick values, all that sick attitude, we have to be normal and sane and good people again! No more transgender, gay, abortions, drugs, crimes, illegals etc… We have to have law and order, strong police, strong border, strong military, strong churches, more freedom, less socialism, less communism, less utopia, lower taxes, less regulation! That is the Trump rule, that is the Trump philosophy, and we voted for that! And if he do that, America will be great again! So, GO TRUMP GO! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND PRESIDENT TRUMP! (h/t) The Blaze",99,1 +100,"I disagree with Scott Walker on everything, except this. Scott Walker and I are rarely on the same side of political issues. He's the Republican union-busting governor of Wisconsin and I'm a bleeding-heart coastal liberal, and yet here we are coming together on one of the most important issues of the day. In some ways, it's almost inspiring for its bipartisanship. https://twitter.com/ScottWalker/status/793450901092438017 Scott Walker is absolutely right. If you loved the last eight years with the president who currently has a 52 percent approval rating, then you should vote for Hillary Clinton. If you're happy that gay marriage is legal and that the White House has prioritized protecting the civil rights of marginalized groups, you should vote for Hillary Clinton. If you're glad that there are 16.5 million fewer uninsured Americans than there were eight years ago, then you should vote for Hillary Clinton. If you like that the economy has added over 10 million jobs since Barack Obama took office, you should vote for Hillary Clinton. If you like that the unemployment rate is well below historical norms, then you should vote for Hillary Clinton. If you like that Barack Obama is not a xenophobic orange goblin, you should vote for Hillary Clinton. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video So, yeah. Again, Scott Walker makes a great point here.",100,1 +101,"When I was fourteen or sixteen – pardon me, but I don’t remember precisely, nor did these things make any impression in the international mainstream media – mom and I went to what was probably an illegal demonstration in downtown Porto, Portugal. No, I am not sure if it was illegal, or even honestly what the demonstration was for. Around that time it might have been for anything, including in support of whoever was the most right-wing candidate available. (Don’t get excited. It was never further to the right than social democrat, and at one time it was the socialist candidate.) What I remember of that demonstration — one in a string of them — were the shots from above. If my memory serves me (and understand that after these many years things run together, but be patient, there’s a point to this), the demonstration was in Avenida dos Aliados, which despite the name is a plaza, hemmed in between tallish, nineteenth/early twentieth century stone buildings. I’d guess from memory four or five stories high. The shots came from either the upper windows or the roof of one of these buildings. As someone in the crowd, I remember people startled, starting to move, eddies in the packed multitude, and then someone ahead of us going down, bloodied. At that point, the running started. I don’t know how I ended up running near a wall (we were pretty much in the center of the space) but I remember the moment a hand shot out, grabbed me, and pressed me flat against the wall. The shots continued through this, btw. The person who grabbed me was my mom, and for the next few minutes, we resisted the crowd going by so close they might pull us with them. I don’t remember how many people were shot. Maybe four. Far more died in running down an underground passage, trying to get away/to the train station. That last is what my mom saved me from. This is also why my blood boiled this morning when Hillary Clinton ran her ill-informed, loud mouth about the shooting in Las Vegas. We’ll leave alone the fact that the “silencer” doesn’t indeed render guns silent. Larry Correia covered that recently in a wonderful post at his blog. But even if it were possible to silence shots completely, would it be a bad thing, to prevent panic and the subsequent trampling? Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton wasn’t the only person speaking while wearing a stylish colon hat. Facebook and probably all the news media — I’m working on a book and at any rate have no intention of subjecting my blood pressure to that kind of hammering — are full of “experts” and “observers” and “commenters” talking about how this wouldn’t have happened if we had only banned private gun ownership.",101,1 +102,"Mining is one of the most destructive forces currently on the face of the planet. Mines, since the Industrial Era, have poisoned the environment and its workers alike. Gold mining is particularly destructive as its waste carries mercury and cyanide, which are typically used to extract gold from rock. These potent neurotoxins persist in the environment, poisoning the soil, and contaminate water supplies permanently. Gold mining also releases hundreds of tons of elemental mercury into the air annually. In addition, this type of mining is considered particularly destructive because of its wastefulness – over 20 tons of rock and soil must be “treated” and then dislodged to produce enough gold for a single ring. Recently, in the US, the toxic consequences of gold mining were on full display when the Environmental Protection Agency’s incompetence in cleaning out an abandoned gold mine turned the Animas river orange after heavy metal-laden mining waste drained into the river. Before this tragic accident, the EPA had reported that 40% of Western US watersheds had been permanently contaminated by mining. Now that gold mining is not as common as it once was in the US, many other countries have been exploited by gold mining firms in its absence. One of these countries is Australia. Mining in Australia is a major industry with gold mining in Western Australia alone generating over $10 billion every year. However, some of the gold mines there have been experiencing a costly and unexpected problem as nature has apparently decided to fight back against its incursions. Drones that are used to survey the territory around gold mines are being destroyed by native wedge-tailed eagles. Rick Steven, a mine surveyor in the region, said that he had lost nine of his Trimble UX5 drones to eagles, which he labeled “the natural enemy” of drones. After the attacks began, Steven camouflaged his drones as baby eagles. However, the ruse only worked temporarily as 50 flights later the eagles realized the disguised drones were not what they seemed. Each of these drones costs an impressive $20,000, meaning that gold mining companies are losing money fast thanks to the eagles’ intervention. One of these companies, Gold Fields, has already lost over $100,000. This isn’t the first case of animals fighting back against the degradation of the environment in recent months. Less than a month ago, a herd of wild buffalo appeared out of nowhere in a seeming show of support to the Native Americans and their allies protesting the Dakota Access pipeline. The buffalo, who are considered sacred by the Sioux tribe, appeared by the thousands in a stampede that interrupted a confrontation between protestors and police. After the event, many speculated that the buffalo had appeared to show their solidarity with the protestors and indicated that nature was fighting back against exploitative corporate practices. Hopefully, these acts of defiance from the natural world will inspire people to follow their lead in taking a stand against the corporations destroying the planet. What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news! This article ( Eagles Destroy Corporate Drones, Cost Mining Company More Than $100,000) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com",102,1 +103,"Quick: what is the appropriate response to the stabbing death of a human? And let's just never mind the fact that the stabbing was completely random and unprovoked. Or that the victim just happened to be days away from graduating from Bowie State University and had recently been commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army and was preparing to move to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for training in defending the country against chemical attacks. What is important here, since it seems to be the only thing that is ever important in these situations, is that the victim - Richard Collins III, 23 - was Black. His murderer, Christopher Urbanski, 22, who saw fit to plunge a knife into Collins's chest for reasons no one apparently knows but the FBI is investigating as a ""possible"" (possible!!!) hate crime, is white. Yes, ""possible."" As a matter of fact, Urbanski, who was charged with assault and first- and second-degree murder and is being held without bail, is a member of the white supremacist Facebook group Alt-Reich: Nation, according to NBC 4 Washington. So yes, it is fair to say that it is certainly ""possible"" this was a hate crime. Ah, but the story doesn't end there, because why would it. After Collins died, a civilian employee of the Anne Arundel County Police Department in Maryland took to social media to praise the act. Welby Burgone, a police-academy recruit and obvious national treasure in Trump's America, worked in the Anne Arundel County Police Department’s communications department as a civilian employee. He was also a classmate and presumable ""boy"" of Urbanski's. When one Matt Worth posted on Twitter: ""Fuck Yeah Sean!!!! That’s what happens when n***as try and get frosty with an OG. Talk shit, stabbed, lol."" To which Burgone replied with a meme that he apparently found funny, even though it objectively isn't funny under ANY circumstances, and certainly not when it refers to the slaying of a fellow human being. Thankfully, because sometimes the world isn't a completely awful place, the Anne Arundel Police Department also didn't find it funny and immediately suspended Burgone, issuing the following statement: ""The actions of this employee are a betrayal of the values of the Anne Arundel County Police Department. Any employee who espouses or supports hateful or racist ideology will be held accountable and we will not allow the public’s trust in their police department to be eroded."" This person is, however, still alive and freely roaming the streets being a good ol' 'Murican and contributing to the ""dialogue"" on his possible pro-hate crime radical extremist white supremacist group, and will go on to find employment elsewhere and ban together with like-minded fragile white men and possibly even reproduce and indoctrinate his progeny into his viciously racist ideology, all the while hiding behind his God and guns, so, awesome. Honestly it's hard to say what the most disturbing part of this story even is.",103,1 +104,"It’s no secret that Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has great disdain for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Shortly before the Democratic National Convention, the activist released incriminating email showing that the DNC had worked against Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in favor of a Clinton nomination. Though that did much to shake up supporters of the American political system and infuriate supporters of Sanders, the Vermont Senator pledged his support to Clinton nonetheless. He cited that it was important to unify the party and prevent a Trump presidency. Rigged or not (and it’s most definitely rigged), is this truly the reason Bernie Sanders gave up the good fight? According to Assange, Bernie Sanders was threatened. During an interview with Australian journalist John Pilger, who is based in the United Kingdom, Assange disclosed some very concerning information. Pilger, who is working on a documentary about Assange, asked: “Julian, we cut you off earlier when you were talking about what you felt were the most significant emails that you have released. Is there any last one that you’d like to mention? And also, do you have any thoughts on Bernie Sanders? I mean what is your opinion why Bernie Sanders drop out of the race?” Assange responded: “Look, I think—you know, we know how politics works in the United States. Whoever—whatever political party gets into government is going to merge with the bureaucracy pretty damn fast. It will be in a position where it has some levers in its hand. And Bernie Sanders was independent candidate trying to get the nomination trough the Democratic Party and if you ask me he did get the nomination, but he was threatened to drop out.” Again, Assange has promised to release incriminating emails which are sure to result in Clinton’s indictment. He says he has evidence that Hillary made deals with an alleged Islamic state sponsor, as well as damning information about the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton campaign knows he’s on to her, too, which is why a strategist called for an assassination of Assange on TV. “Of course, we’re very interested in revealing the truth about any candidate and yes we have some material about Bernie Sanders that will be published,” Assange added. What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news! This article ( Julian Assange: This Is The REAL Reason Bernie Sanders Dropped Out Of The Race) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com",104,0 +105,"Michael Douglas has jumped ahead of allegations he masturbated in front of a former employee, insisting he’s not about to sit back and become the villain of a harassment story. The Basic Instinct star claims staff at both The Hollywood Reporter and Variety have reached out for feedback concerning accusations he pleasured himself in front of an employee three decades ago, and he’s keen to get ahead of the story, before he joins the likes of Harvey Weinstein, Louis C.K., Jeremy Piven, and Brett Ratner, among others, who have been accused of sexual misconduct. Douglas has turned to movie news website Deadline to set the story straight, stating, “I felt the need to get ahead of this.” Revealing that The Hollywood Reporter contacted him via his attorney regarding the woman’s claims that he used “colourful language” in front of her, “spoke raunchily, or dirtily with friends of mine in private conversations on the phone”. The woman’s third claim was that the actor masturbated in front of her, to which Douglas responds, “I remembered this woman: sophisticated intelligent, good sense of humour, a novelist, who has written books and published novels and was an active feminist, and proud of it. My head was reeling. I just couldn’t put this together.” Insisting she “could have excused herself” if she was offended by the language he used in private conversations, Douglas adds the allegations he blackballed the unnamed women are “completely untrue”. He adds that the claims he masturbated in front of her are “a complete lie, fabrication”. According to the actor, the journalist at The Hollywood Reporter agreed to sit on the story over the holidays, but in the New Year the publication got back in touch and said, “‘She’s (accuser) running around, possibly trying to give this story to other people, so we’re going to run with it’. “I said, ‘I don’t think that’s justification, just because you might get scooped, to run a story like this’… I was floored,” he continues. “I didn’t know what to say and I tried to digest it. The accusations are minimal, except of course for the idea of masturbating in front of her. She supposedly had three friends who would back her up, that she had mentioned this to… “How am I, in a 50 year career in this industry, dealing with an employee 33 years ago who perhaps is disgruntled that I let her go, even though I have never heard from her in 32 years. And a legitimate trade publication is going to try and print this story? There is no corroboration, just that they found out somebody else might run the story.” Douglas calls the whole saga “extremely painful”, adding, “I pride myself on my reputation in this business… I’m bewildered why, after 32 years, this is coming out, now. “The part that hurt the worst is having to share something like this to your wife and your children. My kids are really upset, have to go to school worrying this is going to be in some article about me, being a sexual harasser. They’re scared and very uncomfortable.” Douglas also states this isn’t “the New Year I had anticipated”, adding he’s worried the drama may affect upcoming work he has booked. “I’m fearful,” he says. “I have jobs going with studios who all seem to be supportive at this time. I’m hurt, really hurt and offended and I wonder if people realize when you do something like this, it hurts a lot more than just one person.” Play Video Play Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Remaining Time -0:00 This is a modal window. Foreground --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Opaque Background --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Window --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Font Size 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 300% 400% Text Edge Style None Raised Depressed Uniform Dropshadow Font Family Default Monospace Serif Proportional Serif Monospace Sans-Serif Proportional Sans-Serif Casual Script Small Caps Defaults Done ATLANTA — Desmond Marrow rejoiced when the officer he said choked him during an arrest was fired soon after a video of the encounter went viral. But now his lawyers say police and elected…",105,0 +106,"President Trump holds a joint press conference with Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah of Kuwait. Trump on Thursday also seemingly touted his administration's success against ISIS compared with his predecessor, former President Obama. ""What we do is kill ISIS,"" Trump said of America's involvement in Syria. ""We have done better in eight months in my presidency that was accomplished during the last eight years. ISIS is disappearing rapidly."" President Trump on Thursday said it would be a ""very sad day"" for North Korea if the U.S. military needed to use force against it. ""Military action would certainly be an option,"" he said during a press conference. ""Nothing is inevitable. I would prefer not going the route of the military, but it could certainly happen."" ""Our military is stronger now,"" Trump added. ""Each day new and beautiful equipment is delivered, by far the best in the world. Hopefully we don't use it on North Korea. But if we do use it on North Korea, it will be a very sad day for North Korea. I will tell you that North Korea is behaving very badly and it's gotta stop."" President Trump on Thursday praised Kuwait for its contributions to defeating the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other terrorist groups. ""The United States is proud to have contributed to the liberation of Kuwait and the friendship we have built together in the years since,"" he said, referencing the First Gulf War from 1990 to 1991. ""We also thank Kuwait for its humanitarian leadership and its partnership in the fight to destroy ISIS,"" Trump added in a joint press conference with Kuwaiti leader Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah. President Trump and Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, the leader of Kuwait, on Thursday are appearing together in a joint press conference after meeting in Washington, D.C. Thursday's meeting comes as Kuwait tries mediating an ongoing diplomatic crisis between Qatar and its Arab neighbors in the Middle East. Trump initially seemed to side with Saudi Arabia on the disagreement, but he then instructed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to back the Kuwaiti mediation initiative. Tillerson and other U.S. diplomats have since traveled through the region to boost Kuwait's efforts, but the dispute has dragged on despite their efforts. Trump was also expected to discuss global efforts to isolate North Korea by halting employment of its guest workers during his talks with Al Sabah. Kuwait has about 6,000 North Korean guest works within its borders as worldwide tensions rise over the Asian nation's pursuit of nuclear weapons. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",106,1 +107,"After months of criticism that GoDaddy was providing a platform for hate speech, the Web hosting company announced late Sunday that it will no longer house the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website that promotes white supremacist and white nationalist ideas. GoDaddy said in a tweet that Daily Stormer had been told it had 24 hours to move its website domain to another provider because it had “violated” the Web host’s “terms of service.” “We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service. GoDaddy’s announcement was in response to an appeal from a Twitter user who called attention late Sunday to an online post by Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin. The post disparaged Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old woman killed Saturday in Charlottesville, police say, after a man plowed into a crowd with his vehicle. GoDaddy Drops White Supremacist Site 'Daily Stormer' Google and GoDaddy give a neo-Nazi website the boot GoDaddy responded to The Daily Stormer's vulgar article about Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer by banning the white supremacist site from its service. The Daily Stormer then tried to transfer its domain registration to Google. Google terminated The Daily Stormer's registration soon after, saying: - Google statement to Business Insider TheStreet.com http://launch.newsinc.com/share.html?trackingGroup=90108&siteSection=gatehouse&videoId=32829648 BACK Embed <iframe width=""590"" height=""332"" src=""http://launch.newsinc.com/?type=VideoPlayer/Single&widgetId=1&trackingGroup=69016&playlistId=19132&siteSection=gatehouse&videoId=32829648"" frameborder=""no"" scrolling=""no"" noresize marginwidth=""0"" marginheight=""0"" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> Privacy Policy | Terms of Use Heyer was among the hundreds who had turned out to protest against the controversial rally being held by white supremacist groups, including neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members. The suspect, James Alex Fields Jr., 20, of Ohio, has been charged with one count of second-degree murder, three counts of malicious wounding and another count related to the hit-and-run, police said. In the Daily Stormer post, Anglin characterized Heyer as dying in a “road age incident.” He said she was a “drain on society” and disparaged her appearance. “Most people are glad she is dead,” he wrote. ″ @GoDaddy you host The Daily Stormer - they posted this on their site,” Twitter user Amy Siskind said in an appeal to the Web hosting company. “Please retweet if you think this hate should be taken down & banned.” Siskind’s post was shared more than 5,000 times. GoDaddy spokesman Dan Race confirmed the company’s decision to boot the Daily Stormer in an email to The Washington Post. He said the article about Heyer violated GoDaddy’s terms of service, Race said. “Given The Daily Stormer’s latest article comes on the immediate heels of a violent act, we believe this type of article could incite additional violence, which violates our terms of service,” Race wrote in the email. Early Monday, just hours after GoDaddy made its announcement, a note appeared on the Daily’s Stormer’s website claiming it had been taken over by the hacking activist group Anonymous “in the name of Heather Heyer a victim of white supremacist terrorism.” But a Twitter account claiming to be linked to Anonymous said it could not confirm that the Daily Storm was hacked. “Remain cautious,” it advised. The Daily Stormer and other websites characterized as espousing racist or anti-Semitic views have registered domain names with GoDaddy and use a privacy service called Domains by Proxy that is affiliated with GoDaddy, the Daily Beast reported last month. Critics have pushed GoDaddy to ban these sites from its service, arguing that providing them a platform enables hate speech. GoDaddy has previously said that the content, however “tasteless” and “ignorant,” is protected by the First Amendment. The company told the Daily Beast in July that a Daily Stormer article threatening to “track down” the family members of CNN staffers did not violate Domains by Proxy’s terms of service. “We do not see a reason to take any action under our terms of service as does not promote or encourage violence against people,” Ben Butler, GoDaddy’s director of network abuse, told The Daily Beast. “While we detest the sentiment of this site and the article in question, we support First Amendment rights and, similar to the principles of free speech, that sometimes means allowing such tasteless, ignorant content.” The Daily Stormer has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as the “top hate site in America,” and publishes content disparaging Jewish people, people of color Muslims and women.",107,0 +108,"Gov. Pat McCrory Sunday called the weekend firebombing of a North Carolina Republican headquarters “an attack on our democracy,” while one GOP official called it an act of “political terrorism.” In a tweet, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump blamed “Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina.” Hillsborough police said somebody threw a bottle of flammable liquid through the window of Orange County’s GOP headquarters, setting campaign signs, supplies and furniture ablaze before burning itself out. A swastika and “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” were spray painted on the side of an adjacent building. No damage estimates were available. The afternoon's latest local news Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms “The firebombing of a local political headquarters in Orange County is clearly an attack on our democracy,” McCrory said in a statement. “Violence has no place in our society – but especially in our elections. … I will use every resource as governor to assist local authorities in this investigation.” Hillsborough Mayor Tom Stevens said, “This highly disturbing act goes far beyond vandalizing property; it willfully threatens our community’s safety … and its hateful message undermines decency, respect and integrity in civic participation.” Hillsborough police and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were continuing to investigate. The incident took place in Orange County, home of the University of North Carolina in nearby Chapel Hill. The county is overwhelmingly Democratic. Democrats and independents outnumber Republicans 5-1. ALL SAFE IN ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. With you all the way, will never forget. Now we have to win. Proud of you all! @NCGOP Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning @NCGOP Thank you Mr. @realDonaldTrump. We will not be silenced nor suppressed by this evil act. We will pray for those who seek to harm us. While Democrats condemned the bombing, Trump tweeted: “Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning @NCGOP.” But Clinton’s campaign tweeted, “The attack on the Orange County HQ @NCGOP office is horrific and unacceptable. Very grateful that everyone is safe.” The North Carolina Republican Party responded, “Thank you for your thoughts & prayers, Sec. @HillaryClinton.” Later, the party responded to Trump, “Thank you Mr. @realDonaldTrump. We will not be silenced nor suppressed by this evil act. We will pray for those who seek to harm us.” The attack on the Orange County HQ @NCGOP office is horrific and unacceptable. Very grateful that everyone is safe. Thank you for your thoughts & prayers, Sec. @HillaryClinton. North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Patsy Keever called the bombing “outrageous.” “The North Carolina Democratic Party strongly condemns this attack,” she said. “Violence has no place in our political system. … Our deepest sympathies are with everyone at the North Carolina Republican Party.” Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper tweeted, “Violence has no place in our democracy and can not be tolerated. The culprits must be caught and brought to justice.” Dallas Woodhouse, executive director of the state GOP, called the bombing “political terrorism.” “The office itself is a total loss,” he said. “The only thing important to us is that nobody was killed, and they very well could have been.” Later, Woodhouse said, “Whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent, all Americans should be outraged by this hate-filled and violent attack against our democracy. … Everyone in this country should be free to express their political viewpoints without fear for their own safety.” The flaming bottle, which Woodhouse described as a significant Molotov cocktail, and bomb, was thrown through a window that bore the words “Freedom spoken here.” “This is a horrific, horrific act of political terrorism, one that we will not succumb to and one that we will answer,” he said. “When people try to stifle freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, you must come back with more speech and aggressively defend your rights.” Woodhouse also mentioned the graffiti that said “Nazi Republicans leave town or else.” “Or else what? That is what we all wonder, or else what,” he said. “Because we’re not going anywhere.” Woodhouse said a van had already been brought in from Durham, and campaigners would go back to work in the heavily Democratic county. Volunteer Bob Randall was there to clean up Sunday. He said he believes that the bombing was an act of political terrorism and that it would get people angry and motivated to vote Republican. “The idea is to intimidate us, to make us crawl back in the shadows,” he said. “But I think it’s going to backfire on them.” The incident comes barely three weeks before an election marked by heightened tensions and passion on both sides. On Sunday the Bangor Daily News reported that about 20 cars were vandalized with spray paint outside a Saturday rally for GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. Earlier this year violence broke out with protesters at a Trump rally in Chicago. And one protester was sucker-punched at a Trump rally in Fayetteville. “You hope (the firebombing) is an isolated incident,” said Ferrel Guillory, a political analyst at UNC Chapel Hill. “It always happens that toward the end of the campaign, emotions get both frayed and intensified.” The Rev. William J. Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP, condemned the act. Barber told the Associated Press, “While vigorous debate on issues is acceptable, we in the NAACP denounce any kind of violence that is perpetrated toward our citizens or any political party.” Woodhouse said he’s sending an advisory to county Republican offices across the state warning them to take extra caution. Anyone with information is asked to call the police department’s tip line at 919-732-3975. The (Raleigh) News & Observer’s Chris Cioffi and The Associated Press contributed. Jim Morrill: 704-358-5059, @jimmorrill",108,0 +109,"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said Saturday the second flight test of an intercontinental ballistic missile demonstrated his country can hit the U.S. According to analysts, North Korea's missiles would be capable of reaching Los Angeles, New York or Chicago. The Korean Central News Agency said Kim expressed ""great satisfaction"" with the test. The Pentagon confirmed Friday morning that North Korea launched another ballistic missile. ""We are assessing and will have more information soon,"" said Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman. Japanese government spokesperson Yoshihide Suga said the missile flew for roughly 45 minutes and landed off the Japanese coast in waters near Japan and the Korean Peninsula. Japanese public broadcaster NHK said the coast guard has issued safety warnings to aircraft and ships. The launch occurred one day after Congress approved a legislative package that includes economic sanctions against North Korea. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the projectile may have landed in the sea. He also confined that he has confirmed a meeting of the National Security Council. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",109,0 +110,"Dear Lefties: It’s official! You are very special, according to science. Throughout history, being left-handed has been viewed as a weakness or something to overcome. Heck, just 20 years ago, studies said that left-handed people die sooner and were prone to more accidents. Why? It’s not your fault, lefties—you’re living in a world built for right-handed people! Doors are made for the right hand. Simple household items like scissors and can openers are made for the right hand. Even writing can be more of a challenge for lefties. But studies have revealed some interesting facts about left-handedness. And, it turns out, there are some serious perks to being a leftie—including a higher likelihood of excelling at sports and better problem-solving skills (take that, righties!). Read on for some fun facts about and great perks of being left-handed. In spite of a good deal of research over the years, there still isn’t a definitive answer as to why some humans are left-handed. It could be partly hereditary from the mother’s side of the family tree. Another theory is that if there is more testosterone in the womb, there’s a greater chance the baby will be left-handed. In one study, twins were twice as likely to be left-handed as compared to the rest of the world. Various studies estimate that between 5 and 26 percent of the population is left-handed. But those numbers vary depending on culture and region being studied. RELATED: Here are some more things you might not know about left-handed people: About 25 percent of all MLB players are left-handed (or “southpaws”). And baseball’s not the only sport that’s advantageous for lefties. Interactive sports like tennis give lefties the upper hand. In fact, one report showed a whopping 40 percent of top tennis players are left-handed. Since left-handed athletes’ movements are different, opponents aren’t used to reacting to them. Athletes are built on routines, and when you disrupt their routine, it throws off their game. Back in the day, left-handed students were forced to write with their right hands in an attempt to correct what was seen as a problem. Even with these questionable practices going on, the trait of left-handedness has not died. Instead of survival of the fittest, left-handedness is sort of a “survival of the unexpected.” For instance, in primitive cultures, 27 percent of people living in war-like regions were left-handed, compared to 3 percent in peaceful regions. Perhaps that’s because the right-handed fighters never saw the left hook coming. Scientists believe lefties are better at divergent thinking, or coming up with multiple solutions to a problem. As a result, they are more likely than right-handed counterparts to pursue careers in science, art and technology. Famous lefties who made names for themselves in those fields include Marie Curie, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Pablo Picasso, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman and Jean-Paul Gaultier—an impressive lineup! Doctors can tell if a baby is left-handed through ultrasound. Most babies, or 90 percent of them, move their right arm and suck on their right thumbin the womb. That other 10 percent? Future lefties! While studies about whether left-handed people are officially “better” thinkers are inconclusive, there is anecdotal evidence that lefties are very smart. Famous left-handed brainiacs include Albert Einstein, President Barack Obama, Bill Gates, as mentioned above, and Neil Armstrong. Not bad company to keep! One study showed that most lefties were born between March and July. From this information, we can deduce that most lefties were conceived between June and October. As to what this indicates, well, researchers aren’t quite there yet—but it is an interesting finding nonetheless!",110,0 +111,"Warning: Image below is NSFW. Lena Dunham has always used sexuality to drive a conversation about real-world issues, and that was evident with her Halloween costume. On Monday night, the “Girls” creator and star posted on Instagram this photo of what she was dressing as for Halloween: That’s right, she went out as a “Grabbed P—y,” as she called it. She’s of course referring to the now-infamous remark Donald Trump made while shooting a segment for Access Hollywood back in 2005, which leaked in October. “I know that hearing those words was painful for everybody,” she told People of the inspiration behind the costume. “I think women, and people of colour, and Muslims who have been searched at the airport, and transpeople who have been denied their rights, all know what it feels like to have their body taken from them. Those comments aren’t just about women — they were about everyone whose body is treated like the property of other people.” Follow Business Insider Australia on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.",111,0 +112,"(Newser) – Miss America chairman and CEO Sam Haskell resigned Saturday—just a day after saying he wouldn't, the New York Daily News reports. He was joined by chairman Lynn Weidner, president and COO Josh Randle, and board member Tammy Haddad. The resignations of Miss America leadership come after HuffPo published internal emails Thursday that feature Haskell calling a former Miss America winner ""fat and gross"" and joking that he's one of very few people who haven't had sex with her, according to USA Today. He also mused about renaming Miss America winners ""c--ts,"" as per the Hollywood Reporter. On Friday, Haskell was suspended pending an investigation as 49 former Miss America winners signed a petition calling on pageant leadership to resign. Haskell remained adamant that he wouldn't resign over what he said were false accusations and a ""mistake of words."" In a statement, the Miss America Organization says Haskell's resignation will take effect immediately. Randle and Weidner will stay on for the coming weeks to ""facilitate a smooth transition."" ""The board thanks Lynn and Sam for many years of tireless work for, and significant financial support to, both the Miss America Organization and thousands of young women,"" the statement reads. In addition, the board says it ""will be conducting an in-depth investigation"" into the emails.",112,0 +113,"by Walter W. Murray, reporter The easily triggered college students of the left won’t let facts stand in the way of their false outrage. In a hilarious video that’s going viral, students at the University of California, Santa Barbara were hopping mad over President Donald Trump’s plan to send troops to the U.S.-Mexico border just 200 miles away… not knowing they were trashing former President Barack Obama, too. “It’s not justified!” seethed one of the students. “It is, like, a totally uncalled-for act of power.” Sponsored: Did Russians “hack” the secret to eternal energy? Another came right out and admitted to Cabot Phillips of Campus Reform, who filmed it, that “I’m not a huge fan of the military to begin with.” The footage shows student after student steaming over the plan to increase border security. Take a look here — Just one problem: The very act they’re livid over — the actions they blame on Trump — are the same exact moves made by former President Barack Obama, the hero of the young leftists. When that fact is dropped on them, it leaves the liberals stunned into silence. Sponsored: Wow! Scientists discover blood pressure-improving effects of 3 common foods In 2010, Obama sent up to 1,200 troops to the border as part of the $110 million Operation Phalanx. Those troops assisted border patrol with more than 17,000 apprehensions of people caught trying to cross illegally. They also intercepted massive amounts of drugs, including 56,342 pounds of marijuana with a street value of more than $100 million. Liberals didn��t make a peep at the time! Sponsored: Is this Ronald Reagan’s secret cancer cure? When told that Obama did the same thing, these young leftists were left stammering and one was literally speechless. They couldn’t approve the move because Trump did it — but they couldn’t condemn it anymore, either, since their hero did the same thing. “That’s kind surprising,” was the best response one of the students could manage. “People have been so conditioned to think anytime they hear ‘President Trump’ they have to oppose it,” Phillips observed in a Fox News interview. “They’re taught in the classroom, they’re taught by society and the media, it must be horrible, it must be racist.” Sponsored: Did you see this news? It’s not just Obama did the same thing. California Gov. Jerry Brown has also authorized sending National Guard troops to the border both during the Obama administration and now again under Trump. While his most recent act also involved sending a sulky letter filled with textbook liberal gripes, he also was forced to admit that National Guard troops play an essential role in U.S. border security. “Your funding for new staffing will allow the Guard to do what it does best: support operations targeting transnational criminal gangs, human traffickers and illegal firearm and drug smugglers along the border, the coast and throughout the state,” Brown admitted in the letter to Trump. “Combating these criminal threats are priorities for all Americans — Republicans and Democrats.” For your eyes only (personal matter) [sponsored] Quote that letter to the left – tell them Trump said it – and you can bet they would take to the streets. Resist! Just don’t ask them who or what they’re resisting because clearly, they don’t know. — Walter W. Murray is a reporter for The Horn News. He is an outspoken conservative and a survival expert, and is the author of “ America’s Final Warning.”",113,1 +114,"The King County executive shared strong words as conservative, pro-Trump group known as “Patriot Prayer” descended on downtown Seattle in the wake of violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia. Demonstrators billed its “freedom rally"" supported freedom and free speech. Executive Dow Constantine issued this statement as the demonstration was underway Sunday afternoon: “To the white supremacists and fascists who gathered today at Westlake Center under the false pretense of patriotism the day after the violence that a similar group sparked in Charlottesville, I have a message to share on behalf of the people of King County.” “We fought a Civil War against slavery, and you lost. We fought a World War against fascism, and you lost. Today, we stand united against the hateful rhetoric you have brought to our community. And you will lose again.” >> See photos from the demonstration here Other Washington state leaders, including Sen. Patty Murray, condemned the actions and made a call for people to ""stand up and fight back."" Portland-based Patriot Prayer’s Facebook event on its rally didn’t give clear reasons on why people were demonstrating. But the event page listed a variety of items the group claimed it was worried about – including sexual allegations against the Seattle mayor and what the group called “communist ideologies.” Leader Joey Gibson started the rally with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer asking for peace on the West Coast. Speakers in the rally called the Charlottesville incident an act of terrorism, said that white supremacists were not welcome at their event, and asked anyone who attended for racist reasons to leave. Gibson, who hosted a Patriot Prayer event earlier in the summer at The Evergreen State College, spoke to KIRO Radio on Monday and further spoke on his group's message. He said that he was not at Westlake Park to preach hate. “I have no idea what the hell they’re thinking about [this weekend] with the torches, David Duke and [Richard] Spencer, but I do not stand with that. The whole thing. I don’t understand what the hell happened yesterday. But they did it on purpose to tear apart this country,” Gibson told KIRO Radio. The “freedom rally"" message was met by boos in the crowd as counterprotesters with the “solidarity met by hate” demonstration converged. ""We don't want fascism in America,"" said counter-protester Mave Bowman, who lives in Los Angeles. ""We don't tolerate violence like what happened [this weekend] so this is our way of saying no to like the Trump regime."" Counterprotesters marched from Denny Park through downtown Seattle to Westlake Park, but many of those protesters were prevented from reaching the ""freedom rally"" location. But some counter-protesters made it. A barricade separated the groups of protesters in downtown Seattle. Police officers stood by dressed in black, riot gear. Police said they used pepper spray and blast balls to disperse crowds after fireworks were thrown at officers. Three people were arrested: a 40-year-old man for obstruction, a 37-year-old man for assault and a 25-year old man for assault. Council member Mike O'Brien expressed frustration over the crowd being kept away from Westlake Park. ""Why weren't the demonstrators not allowed to get to Westlake Park?"" O'Brien said. ""I don't know what the call was. I'm not in a position to second-guess that at the moment."" Seattle was just one of the cities in the United States on Sunday that had protesters decrying hate and racism. In Charlottesville over the weekend, neo-Nazis, skinheads, Ku Klux Klan members and other white nationalists gathered to ""take America back"" and oppose plans to remove a Confederate statue in the Virginia college town, and hundreds of other people came to protest the rally. The groups clashed in street brawls, with hundreds of people throwing punches, hurling water bottles and beating each other with sticks and shields. Eventually, a car rammed into a peaceful crowd of anti-white-nationalist protesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. A Virginia State Police helicopter deployed in a large-scale response to the violence then crashed into the woods outside of town. Both troopers on board died. President Donald Trump condemned what he called an ""egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides,"" a statement that Democrats and some of the president's fellow Republicans saw as equivocating about who was to blame. The White House later added that the condemnation ""includes white Supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi and all extremist groups."" Some of the white nationalists at Saturday's rally cited Trump's victory, after a campaign of racially charged rhetoric, as validation for their beliefs. Some of the people protesting Sunday also point to the president and his campaign, saying they gave license to racist hatred that built into what happened in Charlottesville. The Associated Press contributed to this report. © 2018 Cox Media Group.",114,0 +115,"Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft on the outrage over the Clinton email investigation. With FBI Director James Comey announcing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal would be reopened, Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft weighs in on the backlash as well as the political fallout as Election Day quickly approaches. “Well, first of all, I’m deeply saddened by what’s happened by the Justice Department,” Ashcroft told the FOX Business Network’s Neil Cavuto. Ashcroft then brought up claims that the Department of Justice blocked the FBI from using many of the investigative tools available to it in its investigation of the Clinton Foundation. “There’s been a pervasive perversion of the Justice Department process over and over again and recent reports like in The Wall Street Journal that suggest that, not only suggest, allege that the Justice Department has denied investigative tools to be used in investigations related to the Clinton Foundation and frankly, the absence of the use of tools that should have been used in the initial investigation of Hillary Clinton.” As a result, Ashcroft explained, “The Justice Department sent the FBI in to investigate the Clinton Foundation with its hands tied behind its back.” The fact that the investigation is being reopened now, so close to the election, was not a surprise to Ashcroft, but the result of stonewalling by Hillary Clinton and her staffers. “This isn’t an October surprise in my judgment, this is the continuity of an issue which had been stonewalled, for which information had been requested which was not fully given and there was an erroneous statement earlier, much to the acclaim of the people who did the stonewalling, that the investigation was over.” According to Ashcroft, it is unfair for the Clinton campaign to blame the FBI for the timing of the announcement when the campaign’s stonewalling is ultimately at fault due to its lack of transparency and delays in providing information requested. “There’s a sense in which it’s a little disingenuous to be complaining about information coming out late when you are the cause of the information coming out late because of a significant stonewalling effort that’s been unfortunately facilitated by the way in which the Attorney General and others have allowed this particular investigation to be conducted.” Ashcroft viewed this investigation as damaging the credibility of the Justice Department he once knew. “This is not the Justice Department that I knew, in which I trusted, which I admired.”",115,0 +116,这一周实在太糟糕了,每天打开手机都会觉得这个世界已经疯了。无论国内还是国外都陷入了无止尽的混乱,糟糕的天气也并没有起到任何调剂的作用。在这一周的最后一天,穿的像一个无忧无虑的男孩子吧,整身牛仔布的 Loewe 配上一双拖鞋,用打扮来逃离这个疯狂的世界。 如果你足够看的开,也可以用这个皮拖鞋踩水。 近日,三星公布两项专利。其中一项是通过利用面板和电极组成的“人造肌肉”,让智能手机即使被折叠成了不同的外形,仍然可以利用内部���制器对电压进行控制,让手机可以被使用。另外一个折叠屏幕的专利,展示了双屏折叠的设计。 部分领域三星确实走在了前面,但是折叠的意义是? 来自俄罗斯的汽车设计师 Grigory Gorin 设计了一款特别的奥迪概念车。在“恐怖伊万”的设计中,这款车搭载的是核动力系统。这款概念车的名称为 Mesarthim F-Tron Quattro,在后轴前方安装了一套核动力装置,该装置产生的电能为电池充电,最后由电池为电机供电。 开着这辆车上街,绝对所有人都绕着走。 昨天下午,针对停止烧钱大战甚至进行合并的传言,滴滴和 UBER 中国都正式给予否认。滴滴官方表示,我们并无将 UBER 中国并入滴滴这种类似计划,也不对市场流言做过多评论。UBER 中国方面则表示对谣言和揣测不予置评。 也可能是因为名字的问题,“步滴”、“滴步”都够难听的了。 在不到一个月的时间里,星巴克的彩虹色饮料在互联网上相关话题数已经超过了百万,可是在菜单上我们却找不到它们。虽然星巴克的“秘密菜单”我们都很熟悉,但这次就连星巴克的咖啡师也一头雾水并且在社交平台上询问:“我们该对一杯橙色特饮收多少钱?”不过,看到彩虹饮料这么受欢迎后,星巴克还是在不久前提供了一份官方的配方。 星巴克最后看上去像是回应消费需求而给出的各种颜色饮料配方,也太快了吧? 除了竞选总统,Donald Trump 还能干吗?他亲自参与设计一块手表。48mm 的表盘,印满了 Trump 的 Logo,采用18K黄金打造,售价100万美金,表背有他的签名刻字。对于本次设计,Trump 本人满意到不得了,连着说出三次“Great”肯定了自己在腕表设计上的好品味。当然他本人也是黄金表款的忠实爱好者,百达翡丽、劳力士等只要是黄金款的,都被他戴上过手腕子。比起克林顿、奥巴马等美国领导人在购表上选的平民款(几百美金左右),Trump 表示:我选择,我喜欢。 黄金,自古富商们的通用审美标志。 亚马逊最近上线了一个新的作品类别 Singles Classics,它可以让你读到来自杂志和文集中的经典短文。具体来说,Kindle 找到散落在各类期刊中的知名论文、新闻报道,将它们单独上架。现在这个类别包含有140篇文章,来自《时代周刊》、《名利场》、《大西洋月刊》、《纽约客》、《花花公子》……它们的年代久远,有些甚至发表于上世纪60年代。 这对杂志出版商也许是个好事。 传奇影业获得了《口袋妖怪》真人电影的拍摄权,但故事可能和我们想象中的不太一样。电影将基于“侦探皮卡丘”的故事展开,但是关于影片的其他细节均处于保密之中。据悉,影片将于2017年开始制作。 一想到皮卡丘是主角,还是真人版,不禁心头一凉。 里约奥运会在即,近日,自称“巴西哈里发国”的组织将 ISIS 首领巴格达迪称作“信众的埃米尔,穆斯林的哈里发”,并承诺将完全服从他,建立反抗“敌人”的“安拉的宗教”。面对上述情况,巴西情报机构认为,极端恐怖教义的传播以及针对讲葡萄牙语的受众,这些都增加了反恐的复杂性。 里约刚刚削减了奥运会期间的安保预算…而且据悉,里约的警察已经有五个月没拿到工资了。 贝克汉姆为天空体育拍摄全新预告片。在影片中,小贝直接在晨跑中经历一年四季,还时不时停下来跟球迷一起庆祝胜利,在人群中各种闪避动作。另外,在影片中还出现了他经典的抓金发动作。 但是最后却被狗狗狂追……,116,0 +117,"Imgur | floridali There's a sweet sense of justice when people get exactly what they had coming to them. It's like even the universe is rooting against jerks, along with all of us. All of these people are going to think twice next time they try something that turns us into the eye roll emoji. And yet she had no idea that her own hand was betraying her! In the end, she just gave herself bunny ears. But left their license plate on the car that they hit! What justice is this? Pretty sure they will never hit and run again. But left their really expensive sunglasses at the table. Also, dining and dashing on a $25 bill? Really? What kind of sick people do such things! "" Runs after hitting my car in parking lot. Workers get info and call the police. She gets caught because she ran out of GAS. Received two tickets as she only had a permit."" Little did they know they were stealing from a genius. This girl had truly the perfect plan to get her bike back. Look at her proud smile! But ended up pranking himself even more. The fact that it's a donkey only makes it more hilarious. He just can't win. ""Lava butt"" is seared into my brain and I will never be able to get it out. What a rude awakening this person is in for. If you live in a city where parking enforcers are basically walking panic attack-inducing humans, then this is truly a welcome sight. And the sign then being crushed by said rock slides. Whoops. It's almost a better warning though. Don't ever mess with garbage men! They definitely showed this person up and I'm here for it. Good luck getting out of that. Can't help but laugh over this photo. Cats always walk across our keyboards, maybe it's time they know what it feels like! This has to be the worst feeling in the entire world for this woman, but also the best feeling for the dude. Karma, baby! Joke's on him! Even driving a fancy car doesn't matter when it comes to cement. And trying to cut people off, to boot. It's restricted for a reason! Let's all hope that this car floats because they're going to have a hard time, that's for sure. And then this happened to them. Yup, I'd say that got exactly what they had coming. You know, like the one thing that could easily identify who he is. This is why you don't ever hit and run, people! And the person driving the Smart car was not going to deal with that today. Smart car person is doing the work of the people. It's also a good way to get your motorcycle run over. Worth it? But she just put the candy in the cabinet with the plates. She deserves him eating her candy if she can't find a better hiding spot. And then got that on their tire. Oh man. When you park like that though, you absolutely deserve the boot. There's no way around it. I hope that kid learned his lesson. Being a decent human being includes not shaming or making fun of somebody trying to better themselves. This mom is awesome. Don't be this guy. Does anyone else want to know what restaurant manager had the guts to post something like this? Note: don't be a terrible human and leave your taxi driver without paying. It's stealing and you deserve whatever you have coming to you. Don't worry, I'm sure she just shook it off. And then said bike was promptly thrown into the bushes. Really, though. How are you going to park your bike in a full spot? Not that I ever want to find myself in this situation but...you know.",117,0 +118,"At least 58 people are dead and 518 more wounded after a gunman opened fire on a country music festival in Las Vegas Sunday night. The assailant opened fire with a fully automatic weapon just as Jason Aldean was beginning his show at the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Videos posted on social media show Aldean, one of the biggest names in the genre, singing as very rapid gunfire begins in the background. He can be seen running from stage as he, and the thousands in the crowd who came to see him, realized the horror of what was happening. No matter how often these tragedies occur (and it is far too often), one never goes into an event thinking it will happen then or there. The terror is unimaginable. In this case, it was also protracted. A gunman continued to rain bullets on the audience for up to two terrifying hours, reports indicate. Victims ran to safety, according to NBC News, during momentary breaks in the violence, at which point the shooter presumably reloaded. He was found on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Casino, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, and shot dead. “Right now we believe it’s a solo act, a lone wolf attacker,” Lombardo told reporters. “We are pretty confident there is no longer a threat.” The gunman has not yet been identified. Aldean said he was safe in an Instagram post early Monday, sharing an image of the city and asking for prayers for the victims: “Tonight has been beyond horrific. I still dont know what to say but wanted to let everyone know that Me and my Crew are safe."" ""My Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved tonight,” he wrote, clearly as stunned and traumatized as anyone else. “It hurts my heart that this would happen to anyone who was just coming out to enjoy what should have been a fun night.” Aldean’s wife Brittany Kerr posted her own message on Instagram, saying, “We are safe… our angels were definitely watching over us tonight."" ""No words for what happened,"" she added. ""Just horrific. Praying for everyone.” Witness accounts are what you would expect - unable to fully do justice to what happened as you read this, but terrifying nonetheless. Country star Jake Owen was one of the witnesses, having just finished his set and was still on stage when the shooting started. ""There was blood on people and you could see a couple of people in the streets that looked like they had been shot,” Owen added. Ivetta Saldana told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, “It was was a horror show. People were standing around, then they hit the floor.” Robyn Webb, who was at the concert along with her husband last night, told the newspaper, “It just kept coming. It was relentless.” Authorities, meanwhile, are searching for a 62-year-old woman named Marylou Danley, whom they believe is the gunman’s roommate. Police have searched a home in Mesquite, Nevada, 85 miles from Las Vegas, where it is believed the gunman lived with Danley. She is considered a person of interest in the case. UPDATE: Police have identified the assailant as Stephen Paddock, 64. He is shown above with his companion, Danley. Paddock is believed to have begun his attack around 10:00 pm local time and to have continued shooting for two hours. Police were reportedly able to locate Paddock quickly due to the smoke from his weapon setting off hotel fire detectors. Paddock's motives for the shooting remain unclear. Early reports indicate that he was not a member of any militant group. He was not known to hold extremist political or religious beliefs, though the investigation into the matter is just hours old. Danley was apprehended for questioning at 3:40 a.m. In any case, reports indicate that several guns, including at least eight rifles, were found in the room rented by Paddock and Danley. “We have no idea what his belief system was,” Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said during his press briefing early this morning. More details to follow as this shocking story develops ... UPDATE: The death toll is now 58 and climbing, according to an ABC News report, with more than 518 people wounded. Expect that to tragically rise as the day progresses.",118,0 +119,"One lucky person is about to be a few hundred million dollars richer. A massive $447.8 million jackpot is up for grabs for the lucky person who picked the winning numbers. The winning numbers are: 20, 26, 32, 38, 58 and Powerball number: 3. The single winning Powerball ticket matching all six numbers was sold in Sun City, California. California Lottery officials said Sunday morning that the winning ticket was sold at Marietta Liquor & Deli in southern California's Riverside County, about 80 miles south of Los Angeles. Officials say the earliest the ticket could be redeemed is 8 a.m. Monday morning. The winner has one year to claim the prize. The retailer where the winning ticket was sold will receive a $1 million ""retailer bonus."" The estimated prize is based on a winner choosing an annuity, which pays off over 29 years. The cash prize would be $273.1 million. Both prize amounts would be before taxes are deducted. Powerball is played in 44 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",119,0 +120,"A former Secret Service officer who published an explosive tell-all from his days guarding the Bill and Hillary Clinton White House is planning to file a defamation lawsuit against his detractors, The Post has learned. A lawyer for Gary Byrne, whose book “ Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate,” has sent notices to Media Matters for America and David Brock informing them that he intends to file suit. “Officer Byrne will bring legal action against you, in your personal capacity, and against Media Matters,” a lawyer for the former Secret Service officer wrote to Brock, a loyal Clinton ally and the founder of the liberal advocacy group Media Matters. The letter requests Brock and Media Matters to “hold” all records and communications associated with their communications regarding Byrne — including “Any communication(s) between David Brock and The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton” regarding the former Secret Service officer, suggesting there might be collusion between the campaign and her defenders. It also demands Brock “immediately and publicly retract any statement or inference by yourself and/or Media Matters to the effect that Officer Byrne was not fully truthful in recounting within ‘Crisis of Character’ details from any previous testimony.” Additionally, Byrne’s attorney demanded a retraction for “the utterly false statement(s) that Officer Byrne was not in close proximity to President William Jefferson Clinton.” His lawyer states that “some of our best witnesses to such immediacy are George Stephanopoulos, John Podesta, Leon Panetta, Bruce Lindsey, Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Clinton himself — who appear to have already confirmed … under oath … the regular proximity of Officer Byrne to the President for many years.” Byrne claims the liberal advocacy group tried to hurt his credibility to defend the Clintons. Lawyers for Brock and Media Matters, Marc Elias and Ezra Reese, acknowledged receiving the letter from Byrne’s lawyer. Elias is also a lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s presidential election campaign. Byrne, who has been a surrogate for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, told The Post, “We’re moving forward with the suit regardless” of whether retractions are issued. My goal here is to get the message out – that everything in my book is true.” Byrne has sent a similar letter — and has threatened similar legal action — to Jan Gilhooly, president of the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service, who also questioned the claims made in “Crisis of Character.” Byrne expects the legal filings to come after the November presidential election.",120,0 +121,"SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The U.S. government improperly spent $84 million to help plan for a massive project to ship Northern California water to Southern California, a new federal audit said. Federal officials gave $84 million to help finance the water districts' planning, backed by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown, to build two giant water tunnels to re-engineer the state's water system, according to the audit by the inspector general's office of the U.S. Interior Department obtained by The Associated Press. By California law and by an agreement by the water districts, California water districts and not federal taxpayers are supposed to bear the costs of the $16 billion project, the audit said. The proposed tunnels are part of Brown's decadeslong push for a project that would more readily carry water from green Northern California south, mainly for use by cities and farms in central and Southern California. Voters rejected an early version of the proposal in a statewide vote in the 1980s. California water districts are making final decisions on whether to go ahead with the controversial project. The inspector general says federal authorities did not fully disclose to Congress or others that it was covering much of the cost of the project's planning. The actions by the Bureau of Reclamation, which is part of the Interior Department, mean that federal taxpayers paid a third of the cost of the project's planning up to 2016, the audit said. Central Valley water districts that were supposed to pay 50 percent of the tunnels' planning costs contributed only 18 percent, the audit found. California officials, meanwhile, have consistently said no taxpayer money was being spent on the project. Asked if auditors wanted contractors to repay the money, Interior spokeswoman Nancy DiPaolo said, ""We certainly hope so."" That decision was up to California, she said. Thomas Birmingham, general manager of the sprawling Central Valley rural water district Westlands, which received one of the largest shares from the government, said he knew of nothing about the arrangement that was ""inconsistent with either state or federal law."" ""The state was aware of it,"" Birmingham said of the federal payments. ""No one indicated this was somehow a violation of the letter or spirit of the agreement"" guiding the costs of the project. Birmingham said water districts would be responsible for reimbursing the federal money if the project went forward and benefited those districts. Spokespeople for the Bureau of Reclamation, Brown's office and the state Department of Water Resources either had no immediate comment Friday or did not respond to requests for comment. The audit's findings were ""appalling,"" said Doug Obegi of the Natural Resources Defense Council environmental group, which has opposed the project on the grounds that it would speed up the extinction of several endangered native species. ""The public is paying for what a private party is supposed to pay for,"" Obegi said. ""That is taking the public's money, and that's not OK."" A former lobbyist for Westlands, David Bernhardt, has been a top official in the Interior Department under the George W. Bush administration and again under Trump. Critics long have said Westlands has benefited from its ties to the federal agency, which the water district and Interior deny. ""I wish I were surprised to learn that the Westlands Water District colluded with the Interior Department to hide millions of dollars in unauthorized payments from Congress, but this is typical of the longstanding and incestuous relationship between the largest irrigation district in the country and its federal patrons,"" said U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman, a California Democrat.",121,0 +122,"Barack Obama, 56, and wife Michelle Obama, 53, finally released an official statement on Oct. 10, about the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment accusations and it’s not pretty, according to media outlets such as TMZ. “Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein,” the statement reads. “Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status.” The former U.S. president and first lady’s daughter Malia Obama, 19, interned at Harvey’s company, The Weinstein Company, before attending Harvard University and Harvey even donated $680, 000 for Barack’s 2012 re-election campaign. “We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories,” the statement continued. “And we all need to build a culture – including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect – so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future.” Barack and Michelle’s statement comes just hours after a video message from the Republican National Committee, first reported by Daily Mail, condemned him for his silence in the case. Harvey has been accused of sexually harassing multiple women including many actresses he’s worked withsuch as A shley Judd, 49. The film producer continues to make headlines from the unfortunate situation with the most recent one involving an announcement that his wife, Georgina Chapman, 41, is leaving him. It’s been five days since the first allegations surfaced and since then, more and more women are coming forward with their own shocking stories. Harvey’s made various iconic films over the years, including Pulp Fiction, The Crying Game, and Shakespeare in Love. HollywoodLifers, what do you think about the Obamas’ opinion on the Harvey Weinstein scandal? Tell us your thoughts here.",122,0 +123,"Yesterday, Twitter announced that it would be testing out a new feature — changing its character limit from 140 to 280. AND PEOPLE FLIPPED OUT. No one likes change, and as much as everyone makes fun of Twitter, we want it to stay the same. LISTEN TO US, @JACK! Here are some of the best reactions to Twitter’s proposed character limit change! old twitter: send nudes bb new 280 char twitter: dearest Penelope, it's been a harsh winter's time since thou booty has graced thy screen — Licensed Esthetician (@SortaBad) September 26, 2017 me: i will never tweet 280 charactersalso me: (checking twitter every minute) why havent they given me 280 characters, ddo i not deserve it — jomny sun (@jonnysun) September 27, 2017 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣦⣤⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢡⣤⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⠜⢾⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⠿⠃⠄⠀⠀⠈⠀⠉⠉⠑⠀⠀⠠⢈⣆⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢶⣷⠃⢵⠐⠰⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⢟⣽⣆⠀⢃⠰⣾⣶⣤⡼⢳⣦⣤⣴⣾⣿⣿⠞⠀⠈⠉⠉⠛⠛⠉⠉⠉⠙⠁⠀⠀⡐⠘⣿⣿⣯⠿⠛⣿⡄⠀⠀⠁⢀⣄⣄⣠⡥⠔⣻⡇⠀⠀⠀⠘⣛⣿⣟⣖⢭⣿⡇⠀⠀⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣿⣽⡇⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⡇⣿⣿⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⡀⠸⣿⣿⡏⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⠇⠀⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠈⣿⣿⠀⠀⢸⣿⡿⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⠀⠀⢀⣿⡇⠀⣠⣴⣿⡿⠟⠀⠀⢸⣿⣷⠀⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈you know i had to do it to em — ?ߠߛߋߕ?⁰⁰? (@NO_BOOT_DEVICE) September 27, 2017 If you're upset about the 280 characters thing, just imagine what John Kelly must be thinking — Amir Tibon (@amirtibon) September 26, 2017 ┳┻|┻┳| ┳┻|┻┳| ┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻|┻┳|┳┻| _┻┳| •.•) this seems excessive┳┻|⊂ノ┻┳| — dan mentos (@DanMentos) September 27, 2017 a better idea is to instead start taking away one character at a time, every night, until no one can tweet anymore — pilot (@pilotbacon) September 26, 2017 The 280-character limit is a terrible idea. The whole beauty of Twitter is that it forces you to express your ideas concisely (1/47) — James Poniewozik (@poniewozik) September 26, 2017 the world: trump gonna get us kilt via tweets twitter: ok here's more characters! — Desus Nice (@desusnice) September 26, 2017 twitter: tweets in english are harder to fit in 140 charactersme: pic.twitter.com/foYz4M4gl3 — bubtebdi durect (@xenobIade2) September 26, 2017 looking forward to being able to do the big tweets pic.twitter.com/ikJYcK6XDg — jon hendren (@fart) September 27, 2017 Okay, hear me out, maybe the new character limit will destroy twitter and we'll all finally be free — Sarah (@thetigersez) September 27, 2017 literally my only talent was being able to think of tweets exactly 140 characters long. i don't know if I will be able to alter this to 280. — christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) September 26, 2017 . @realDonaldTrump has been wrecking America 140 characters at a time. Imagine what he could do with 280 now. — Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue) September 27, 2017 Prediction: Every 280 character tweet will be a reply from a man to a woman and begin with the word ""Actually."" — (((OhNoSheTwitnt))) (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 27, 2017 *sees 280* CONSCIENCE: ""don't do it."" *still 223 left* ""srsly don't."" *closes eyes* SOMEBODYONCETOLDMETHEWORLDISGONNAROLLMEIAIN'TTHESHARPESTTOOLINTHESHEDSHEWASLOOKINGKINDOFDUMBWITHHERFINGERANDHERTHUMBINTHESHAPEOFANLONHERFOREHEADWELL, — Sean O'Kane (@sokane1) September 27, 2017 So funny they're making tweets longer since the ideal tweet is still 0 characters — Megan Amram (@meganamram) September 27, 2017 This is 280 characters exactly. COINCIDENCE???? pic.twitter.com/YkkDBgPhRw — Ryan Nanni (@celebrityhottub) September 26, 2017 every 280 character tweet pic.twitter.com/jyAG0YpU1V — Hector Diaz (@iamHectorDiaz) September 26, 2017 Is it a bad sign that Twitter personally reduced me to just 70 charact — Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) September 27, 2017 bitch just 'cause you can do 280 characters doesn't mean you SHOULD, if your tweet is long i'm SKIPPIN' IT, boy bye — Tyler Oakley (@tyleroakley) September 27, 2017 TWITTER USERS: It would be nice if you stopped people making death threats. TWITTER: OK, but what if those death threats could be LONGER? — Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) September 26, 2017",123,0 +124,"The FBI has discovered a batch of new emails that “appear to be pertinent” to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, according to a letter FBI Director James Comey sent to the chairs of pertinent Congressional and Senate committees Friday. The FBI’s investigative team briefed Comey Thursday about the new emails and is now assessing, Comey wrote, “whether or not this material may be significant.” In his letter, the FBI director also warned the committee chairs, “I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work.” Law enforcement sources told CBS News’ Jeff Pegues that the sheer volume of emails and the process of examining them will take days. Investigators are looking into whether they contain classified information. In a hastily arranged press conference Friday night, Clinton said it was “imperative” for the FBI to “explain this issue ... without delay.” Clinton said she is “confident” the conclusion reached in July about her emails will not change and downplayed its potential effect on the election. “I think people a long time ago made up their minds about the emails,” she said. The new emails -- which potentially number in the thousands -- came from a laptop that had been shared by top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her now-estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, CBS News’ Jeff Pegues reported. Asked if Abedin had shared with her what might have been discovered, Clinton said she had no information and “we don’t know what to believe.” “We’ve heard these rumors, we don’t know what to believe, and I’m sure there are going to be even more rumors, which is why it is incumbent on the FBI to tell us what is going on,” Clinton said. “Right now, you’re guess is as good as mine, and that’s not good enough.” Clinton’s campaign said it had no advance knowledge of Comey’s letter, and the campaign staff found out about it only after the news had broken Friday afternoon, while Clinton was on a two-hour,15-minute flight traveling with staff and with reporters to Cedar Rapids, all of whom had little or no Wi-Fi access for most of the duration of the flight Reporters shouted questions to Clinton as she walked from the plane in Cedar Rapids to the car that took her to her rally. She just smiled and waved, ignoring the questions. House Oversight Committee chair Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, announced the FBI’s discovery of the emails. FBI Dir just informed me, ""The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation."" Case reopened Pegues confirmed Friday that the new batch of emails was discovered during the investigation into the August sexting scandal of Anthony Weiner, the husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, after the agency seized electronic devices belonging to the couple. Weiner was alleged to be exchanging sexually explicit messages with a 15-year-old girl. Comey’s letter to Congress informed lawmakers that he was supplementing his previous testimony on the matter of the investigation, which was completed in July. At the time, Comey recommended no charges against Hillary Clinton, which was accepted by the Justice Department. Following the release of the FBI letter, House Speaker Paul Ryan reiterated his call for the Director of National Intelligence to stop giving classified briefings to Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee. “This decision, long overdue, is the result of her reckless use of a private email server, and her refusal to be forthcoming with federal investigators,” Ryan said in a statement. “I renew my call for the Director of National Intelligence to suspend all classified briefings for Secretary Clinton until this matter is fully resolved.” State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Friday that the Department is trying to figure out what these emails pertain to and whether they’re relevant to Clinton’s time as secretary of state. Toner said they can’t make any assumptions that they are, “but they may be.” If so, Toner said the State Department is ready to cooperate with the FBI, but as of Friday afternoon, the department had not been contacted by the agency. Donald Trump weighed in on the news at a Friday rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, saying that “perhaps justice will be done” after the FBI takes further investigative steps on the emails. The audience roared, “Lock her up! Lock her up,” as Trump declared, “Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before...We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.” Trump also commended the FBI for now being “willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made” in announcing its investigation was complete. “This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understood and it is everybody’s hope that it is about to be corrected,” he said. Later, Trump said of the “system” he has claimed to be “rigged” for several weeks: “It might be not be as rigged as I thought. I think they’re going to right the ship, folks. I think they’re going to right this yet.” John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chair, called on Comey in a statement to “immediately provide the American public more information than is contained in the letter” sent to Senate and House committee chairmen. “Director Comey’s letter refers to emails that have come to light in an unrelated case, but we have no idea what those emails are and the Director himself notes they may not even be significant,” Podesta wrote Friday afternoon. “The Director owes it to the American people to immediately provide the full details of what he is now examining. We are confident this will not produce any conclusions different from the one the FBI reached in July.” He added that, in the months since the email investigation was completed, partisan efforts have continued to undermine the agency. “Donald Trump and his Republican allies have been baselessly second-guessing the FBI and, in both public and private, browbeating the career officials there to revisit their conclusion in a desperate attempt to harm Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign,” Podesta said. The timing of the revelation has angered some former Department of Justice employees. Former spokesman Matthew Miller called the disclosure “inappropriate” on Twitter and suggested that Comey had broken a cardinal rule: But today's disclosure might be worst abuse yet. DOJ goes out of its way to avoid publicly discussing investigations close to election. 5/ CBS News’ Jeff Pegues, Catherine Reynolds, Nancy Cordes, Andres Triay, Steven Portnoy and Hannah Fraser-Chanpong contributed to this report.",124,0 +125,"August 2016 was the warmest August on record for global land/ocean surface combined, according to NOAA. Records go back to 1880. This is the 16th consecutive month that a new, record high global temperature average has been set. Fourteen of the fifteen highest monthly global temperature anomalies have occurred since February 2015. August 2016 averaged 0.92 deg. C above the 20th century average, breaking the old August record of +0.87 just set in August of 2015. In terms of land surface only, August 2016 averaged 1.29 deg. C. above the 20th century average, breaking the old record of +1.10 deg. C. set in August 2015. For ocean surface, August 2016 was the 2nd warmest August on record averaging 0.77 deg. C. above the 20th century average. The warmest August on record occurred last year (+0.79). For the record, the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) was neutral for the month of August. Weak La Nina or neutral conditions are predicted for the remainder of this year. ---------- Warmest June-August period on record The June-August 2016 period was the warmest such period on record, according to NOAA. June-August 2016 averaged 0.89 deg. C. above the 20th century average, beating out the record of +0.85 set in 2015. The 10 highest three-month global temperature departures in the record have all occurred since August-October 2015. ------------- Warmest January-August period on record globally The January-August 2016 period was the warmest such period on record, according to NOAA. So far this year, the average temperature anomaly was +1.01 deg. C., which easily beat out the previous record of +0.85 set last year. Based on these numbers I conclude that 2016 will easily end up as the warmest year on record globally. ------ All images courtesy of NOAA.",125,0 +126,"BUTLER COUNTY, Ohio (WKRC) - Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones has written a letter to President Trump, asking him to send Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to Ohio, specifically to his county. In the letter, Sheriff Jones also calls for ICE to shut down businesses that hire illegal immigrants. He asks President Trump to come to Butler County, sit down with him and work on a plan to start ""Work Place Enforcement"". Sheriff Jones says he's also tired of illegal immigrants committing crimes here, bringing in drugs and risking the health and safety of citizens ""every day that this country allows them to be here"". Sheriff Jones spoke at a Trump rally in Sharonville last July.",126,0 +127,"Rio Arriba County Fire Marshal Carlos Esquibel (center) watches an ambulance, Dec. 22, after a man in a red Ford Edge was reported to be overdosing off Riverside Drive. The man was transported to the Española Hospital and his car was towed. The police blotter is published to give readers an abridged look at criminal activity in their community and neighborhoods. It is simply an illustration of what local law enforcement, funded by taxpayers, must deal with daily throughout the Española Valley. Española Police officers, Ohkay Owingeh Tribal Police, Rio Arriba County Sheriff’s deputies or State Police responded to the following calls: Daughter is in no danger Dec. 19 7:35 a.m. A State Road 76 caller said someone shattered a store window. 8:55 a.m. A Fairview Lane caller said her nephew broke into her house. 2:38 p.m. A Saiz Lane caller said a man wearing a beanie was next door, taking copper from a house. 4:14 p.m. A Chama Middle School caller said her mother’s car window was broken. 4:24 p.m. A Private Drive in Hernandez caller said her boyfriend was threatening to hurt her and her daughter and he also damaged her car, as well as her mother’s car. 6:10 p.m. A County Road 48 caller said her daughter was in danger because the daughter’s boyfriend kidnapped her, had a wire, may choke her and threatened to kill her if she called the police. She said he is also armed with a knife. She refused to give dispatchers her name. The daughter then called dispatchers and said she had an argument with her mother and the mother falsely claimed she had been kidnapped. Mail theft is a federal crime Dec. 20 11:17 a.m. A County Road 40 caller said she lent her car to her brother, but he has not returned it and she wanted to report it as stolen. She said he borrowed it at 9:40 a.m. and said he would be back within five minutes. 11:37 a.m. A West Jonathan Drive caller said she works in the soup kitchen and two women were fighting outside. She said they left once they heard someone was going to call the police. 1:22 p.m. A County Road 41 caller said he was driving in Alcalde when someone shot at his white Cadillac. 2:08 p.m. A Ghost Ranch caller said he had a box in the mail, and it was stolen from the mailbox. He said this is the second or third time it’s happened. 4:14 p.m. A Spruce Street caller said she is receiving text messages from her ex-boyfriend, who wrote that he is going to damage her and her aunt’s cars. 7:52 p.m. A North Riverside Drive caller said two girls and three guys were beating up a man on the ground. 10:08 p.m. A Subway on Riverside Drive caller said an older man was sitting at a table, refusing to leave and he was intoxicated. The employees told the man they needed to close the restaurant, but he still refused to leave and told them to go ahead and call the police. He was taken to the Española Hospital, per his request. 10:44 p.m. A Giant gas station caller said two women were hitting each other at one of the gas pumps. Do him a favor and leave Dec. 21 12:45 p.m. A Rio Chama Chevron gas station caller said there was a couple by one of the pumps and the male was refusing to hand a baby to the female The woman then yelled for him to give the baby back to her or else the police would come and take the baby. 4:15 p.m. A man walked into the Española Police Department to report a case of identity theft. 4:45 p.m. A Calle de Pajarito caller said a man came by in the morning, accused her of stealing from him, and said he would kill her and her family for it. 5:05 p.m. A Wal-Mart caller said a woman was inside one of the bathrooms, refusing to come out, and there was a lot of drug paraphernalia in there. It was an employee. 5:54 p.m. A State Road 215 caller said her son was riding his dirt bike home from his grandpa’s house when a truck tried to run over him. 6:25 p.m. A Paseo de Paulina caller said a woman came by to do him a favor, but now she won’t leave. An Española police officer told her to leave. Too much vodka Dec. 22 6:35 a.m. A County Road 158 caller said she tried to start her car and found that it would not start and her radio and other things were missing. 9:45 a.m. A Valley Drive caller said someone took their manger scene from their front porch during the night. She said they took everything, but left the baby Jesus. Noon An Española Elementary School caller said a fifth grade student broke a window. 1:23 p.m. A Cañada Court caller said someone broke into a house and stole all the appliances. She then found them next door after she learned the former tenant had given them to the neighbor. 1:30 p.m. A Private Drive caller said it appeared a man was overdosing on alcohol and there were empty vodka bottles around him. 8:43 p.m. A Private Drive caller said an 18-year-old man appeared to be overdosing, he was unconscious and snoring. Sheriff’s deputies administered the overdose-reversing drug Narcan. 11:08 p.m. A Camino Cielo Grande caller said her neighbors were yelling and breaking things and they had a 15-year-old child in the house. Officers found no evidence of a fight. Laying it down Dec. 23 12:11 a.m. A Rio Chama Chevron gas station caller said someone broke the windows and doors to his business but nothing was missing. He said it appeared rocks had been thrown through the windows. 1:01 a.m. A Private Drive in Chimayó caller said someone broke into her truck and stole a drill. The truck was left unlocked. 1:58 a.m. A Calle Ramon Espinosa caller said she could hear someone knocking and ringing her door bell. She said she did not know who it was and did not want to check and see. 12:14 p.m. A Wal-Mart caller said a customer punched him in the back. He did not want to file a police report. 12:16 p.m. A Private Drive caller said a man who lives down the road got into her garage and tried stealing a chainsaw, but he was caught in the act by her father-in-law. 4:06 p.m. A Private Drive in Alcalde caller said his neighbor came to his house and broke his kitchen window. 6:38 p.m. A North Riverside Drive caller said a man was passed out on the cement in front of a business. He was breathing, but unresponsive. The man was transported by ambulance to the emergency room. 8:48 p.m. A South Riverside Drive caller said a drunk man walked into the business and he told him to leave. Instead of leaving, the man laid down on the ground and complained he could not walk due to severe leg pain. He was transported to the Española Hospital. 9:08 p.m. A Calle Cristobal caller said his ex-wife came to his house and smashed things that they both own. Holiday cheer overcomes fight Dec. 24 3:29 a.m. A U.S. Highway 285 caller said some people were at her house, trying to steal a truck, driving all over her property and hitting trees with the truck. 3:38 p.m. A North Riverside Drive caller said a bald man was beating a woman. 6:35 p.m. A Silver Lane in Ohkay Owingeh caller said her drunk 43-year-old daughter was causing a disturbance. 8:08 p.m. An Allsup’s caller said a blonde, dark-complected woman appeared to be prostituting herself, along with a couple other women, outside of the gas station. 9:04 p.m. A U.S. Highway 84 caller said her 46-year-old father was not conscious, but breathing, after he took all of his medications at once. She said she just got home and found him like this, but she had received a text message from him at 8:40 p.m., saying goodbye. The man was transported to the Española Hospital, alive. He left a suicide note. 11:14 p.m. A Calle del Sol caller said she was talking to her cousin, when she got into it with a woman driving an Escalade, and the woman pulled a knife on her. An Española police officer was down the street when the incident occurred and he told dispatchers neither side wanted to press charges and instead, continue with the holiday. The Escalade was towed. Watch your step Dec. 25 5:13 a.m. A South Monterey Lane caller said a man in a gray hoodie was yelling things and he wanted him checked out. 4:06 p.m. A North McCurdy Road caller said an intoxicated man was walking around in the area and he wanted him checked out. 4:25 p.m. A Santa Claran Hotel Casino caller said a drunk man wanted an ambulance because he thought his ribs were broken. 6:37 p.m. A State Road 399 caller said he needed an ambulance because he fell in a hole while playing with his dog. 7:07 p.m. A Camino Santa Cruz caller said three boys were throwing rocks at cars as they drove by. 8:08 p.m. A Fairview Lane caller said a woman threw him out of the house and stole his money, as well as his shoes and hat. He did not want to press charges against her.",127,0 +128,"In June 2008, when she conceded the Democratic presidential race to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton famously noted that ""we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time."" More than eight years later, she will literally be standing underneath one as the final votes are counted on Nov. 8. On Wednesday, the Clinton campaign announced her election night party would be held at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan. The building has a literal glass ceiling. Let’s hope the campaign has insurance for it if she wins. Reminder: The Javits Center, where Hillary Clinton is holding her election night party, has a literal glass ceiling pic.twitter.com/RvGLDx9cAc The Javits Center, which opened in 1986, is the busiest convention center in the country and contains a massive 840,000 square feet of exhibition space. The center just finished a $460 million renovation. The election event will be for supporters and volunteers.",128,0 +129,"A racial slur was found on a boys bathroom stall at a Kansas City, Kan., school, according to reports. “Kill all n------,” someone wrote on a stall at Piper High School, Fox4 reported. The message was discovered Wednesday, and a special assembly was held Thursday to address the issue, according to KSHB. In response to the incident, Fox4 reported some students planned to protest for the first 20 minutes of class on Friday. The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Piper High administrators could not immediately be reached Friday morning. “We should all just be getting along. It doesn’t matter what color our skin is,” Delaney Degroot, a freshman, told KSHB. Piper High Principal John Nguyen sent an email home to parents addressing the incident, Fox4 reported. “PHS maintains a zero-tolerance stance regarding racist, discriminatory, and threatening comments,” he wrote. “School administration is working diligently with our School Resource Officer in conducting an aggressive investigation to determine the origin of the comment. At this time, the investigation has revealed no credible safety threat whatsoever to PHS students or staff.” About a year ago, a similar incident upset students, according to Fox4. Then a student wrote, “Kill all Blacks.” The student was later disciplined. Max Londberg: 816-234-4378, @MaxLondberg",129,0 +130,"Permission Details DMCA Donald Trump continued his campaign of incendiary statements over the weekend, threatening to launch a war with North Korea that could unleash a nuclear catastrophe. On Saturday afternoon, the US president tweeted that past administrations ""have been talking to North Korea for 25 years."" This ""hasn't worked,"" he wrote, adding: ""Sorry, but only one thing will work!"" Asked later to elaborate on what he meant, Trump replied, ""You'll figure that out pretty soon."" These threats came three weeks after Trump's tirade at the United Nations General Assembly September 19, when he declared that the US was ""ready, willing, and able"" to ""totally destroy"" North Korea, a country of 25 million people. Four days later, Trump threatened to assassinate the North Korean leader. If the North Korean foreign minister's speech at the UN ""echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man [Kim Jong-Un],"" Trump wrote, ""they won't be around much longer!"" On Thursday, Trump organized a White House dinner with US military leaders, which had all the hallmarks of a meeting of a war cabinet. During a photo op before the dinner, Trump, surrounded by generals in military uniform, likened the moment to ""the calm before the storm."" Asked what storm he was talking about, Trump would only say, ""You'll find out soon."" To the extent that Trump's words are interpreted as a genuine expression of the policy and plans of the United States government, the inescapable conclusion is that the world stands on the brink of the most devastating military conflict since the outbreak of World War II. Were language and reality in correct political alignment, the present situation would be described officially as an ""Imminent danger of war."" Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, embroiled in a political conflict with Trump, warned that the president's reckless threats were leading the United States ""on the path to World War III."" But despite Corker's statement on Sunday, there is, within the ruling elite and its media, a staggering disconnect between consciousness and reality. The public declarations emanating from the White House are being reported by the media as if they will have no consequences. The thinking seems to be that Trump doesn't mean what he says. The consequences of a war would prove to be so catastrophic that Trump is simply bluffing. But what if he isn't? What if the North Korean government takes the threats of the American president, as it must, seriously? With Trump having publicly declared that he will destroy North Korea and that the doomsday hour is fast approaching, how will the Pyongyang government interpret American military actions near the borders of its country? With only minutes to make a decision, will the regime view the approach of a US bomber toward North Korean airspace as the beginning of a full-scale attack? Will it conclude that it has no choice but to assume the worst and initiate a military strike against South Korea? Will it fire missiles, as it has threatened, in the direction of Japan, Guam, Australia, or even the United States? From a purely legal standpoint, North Korea can claim, in light of Trump's threats, that such action on its part would be an act of self-defense, a legitimate response to an imminent military threat. Aside from the calculations of Pyongyang, one must assume that the regimes in Beijing and Moscow are also looking at the unfolding developments with increasing alarm. While the American media, as is its wont, responds complacently and thoughtlessly to Trump's threats, the Chinese regime cannot avoid viewing them with deadly seriousness. Trump is, after all, the commander in chief of the American military. He has the power -- which Congress has shown no interest in challenging -- to order military actions. A US attack on North Korea would pose an overwhelming threat to China. As in 1950, a war against North Korea would -- even if it did not rapidly escalate into a nuclear exchange -- lead inexorably to an American incursion across the 38th Parallel. The last time the US military crossed the border into North Korea, the Chinese responded with a massive military counterattack. There is no reason to believe that the present-day regime in Beijing would remain passive in the face of a new US invasion of North Korea. It would view an American invasion as an unacceptable violation of a geopolitical arrangement on the Korean peninsula that has been in existence for nearly 65 years. Beijing's reaction would be influenced by the already tense conditions that exist in the Asia-Pacific region. For years, the US has been systematically building up its military forces in the South China Sea under the ""Pivot to Asia"" initiated by the Obama administration. The purpose has been to militarily encircle China, which dominant sections of the ruling class consider the major competitor to US interests. Over the weekend, China's main regional competitor, Japan, declared that it fully backed Trump's threats against North Korea. Thus, the outbreak of war between North Korea and the United States would inevitably involve China, which, in turn, would draw all of Asia, as well as Australia, into the bloody maelstrom. Nor would it be possible for Europe and Latin America, which have their own interests in Asia, to stand aside. Little has appeared in the American media about the consequences of war with North Korea. An article in Newsweek in April concluded that a war would leave one million people dead, assuming that it did not involve the use of nuclear weapons or any other outside powers. In a comment in the Los Angeles Times last month, retired Air Force Brigadier General Rob Givens calculated that 20,000 South Koreans would die every day in a war on the peninsula, even without the use of nuclear weapons. If the war were to develop into a nuclear exchange -- as the Trump administration has threatened -- the consequences would be catastrophic. In addition to the millions or tens of millions killed outright, climate experts warned in August that even a regional nuclear war would cool the planet by up to 10 degrees Celsius, potentially sparking a global nuclear winter that would wipe out agricultural production. Despite all the evidence that war could break out at any time, the American media persists in its refusal to take the events seriously. The New York Times epitomized this media effort at chloroforming the population in its October 6 article on Trump's remarks before the generals, which stated that Trump has a ""penchant for provocative statements"" and takes ""an obvious delight in keeping people guessing."" Writing as if what was involved was merely a matter of White House gossip and intrigue, the Times stated that the ""timing"" of the ""calm before the storm"" statement was ""particularly tantalizing."" ""But it is equally plausible,"" the article concluded, ""that Mr. Trump was merely being theatrical, using the backdrop of military officers to stir up some drama."" The efforts of the media to downplay the danger are contradicted by signs of serious divisions within the Trump administration. There are rumors that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will be forced out or could resign, following statements from Trump last month directly undermining Tillerson's moves to resume negotiations with the North Korean government. Thursday's meeting of top advisers in the White House, decked out in their uniforms, may have been an effort by Trump to ensure that he has the military on his side in advance of war. These divisions, however, are tactical in character. In the final analysis, Trump speaks not simply for himself, but for the US ruling class. The dominant factions of the ruling oligarchy are united on the basic strategy of using its military force to maintain its hegemonic position abroad. Trump uses exceptionally crude and brutal language to justify American foreign policy. But he is not the author of Washington's hegemonic strategy. The United States has been at war almost continuously for more than 25 years. This weekend marked the sixteenth anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan. The Pentagon is conducting military actions all over the world, usually without the American people being informed of the deployment of military personnel. The death in combat this past week of four American soldiers in the African country of Niger came as a total surprise to the public. A war with Korea could break out at any time. This is the reality of the situation. Rather than speculating idly over whether Trump is merely bluffing, the critical task is the building of a powerful movement, based on the working class, against the drive to war. The very fact that the American president smirks and laughs as he threatens millions with annihilation is itself sufficient proof that the US political system is terminally sick and capable of any crime. Permission Details DMCA Donald Trump continued his campaign of incendiary statements over the weekend, threatening to launch a war with North Korea that could unleash a nuclear catastrophe. On Saturday afternoon, the US president tweeted that past administrations ""have been talking to North Korea for 25 years."" This ""hasn't worked,"" he wrote, adding: ""Sorry, but only one thing will work!"" Asked later to elaborate on what he meant, Trump replied, ""You'll figure that out pretty soon."" These threats came three weeks after Trump's tirade at the United Nations General Assembly September 19, when he declared that the US was ""ready, willing, and able"" to ""totally destroy"" North Korea, a country of 25 million people. Four days later, Trump threatened to assassinate the North Korean leader. If the North Korean foreign minister's speech at the UN ""echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man [Kim Jong-Un],"" Trump wrote, ""they won't be around much longer!"" On Thursday, Trump organized a White House dinner with US military leaders, which had all the hallmarks of a meeting of a war cabinet. During a photo op before the dinner, Trump, surrounded by generals in military uniform, likened the moment to ""the calm before the storm."" Asked what storm he was talking about, Trump would only say, ""You'll find out soon."" To the extent that Trump's words are interpreted as a genuine expression of the policy and plans of the United States government, the inescapable conclusion is that the world stands on the brink of the most devastating military conflict since the outbreak of World War II. Were language and reality in correct political alignment, the present situation would be described officially as an ""Imminent danger of war."" Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, embroiled in a political conflict with Trump, warned that the president's reckless threats were leading the United States ""on the path to World War III."" But despite Corker's statement on Sunday, there is, within the ruling elite and its media, a staggering disconnect between consciousness and reality. The public declarations emanating from the White House are being reported by the media as if they will have no consequences. The thinking seems to be that Trump doesn't mean what he says. The consequences of a war would prove to be so catastrophic that Trump is simply bluffing. But what if he isn't? What if the North Korean government takes the threats of the American president, as it must, seriously? With Trump having publicly declared that he will destroy North Korea and that the doomsday hour is fast approaching, how will the Pyongyang government interpret American military actions near the borders of its country? With only minutes to make a decision, will the regime view the approach of a US bomber toward North Korean airspace as the beginning of a full-scale attack? Will it conclude that it has no choice but to assume the worst and initiate a military strike against South Korea? Will it fire missiles, as it has threatened, in the direction of Japan, Guam, Australia, or even the United States? From a purely legal standpoint, North Korea can claim, in light of Trump's threats, that such action on its part would be an act of self-defense, a legitimate response to an imminent military threat. Aside from the calculations of Pyongyang, one must assume that the regimes in Beijing and Moscow are also looking at the unfolding developments with increasing alarm. While the American media, as is its wont, responds complacently and thoughtlessly to Trump's threats, the Chinese regime cannot avoid viewing them with deadly seriousness. Trump is, after all, the commander in chief of the American military. He has the power -- which Congress has shown no interest in challenging -- to order military actions. A US attack on North Korea would pose an overwhelming threat to China. As in 1950, a war against North Korea would -- even if it did not rapidly escalate into a nuclear exchange -- lead inexorably to an American incursion across the 38th Parallel. The last time the US military crossed the border into North Korea, the Chinese responded with a massive military counterattack. There is no reason to believe that the present-day regime in Beijing would remain passive in the face of a new US invasion of North Korea. It would view an American invasion as an unacceptable violation of a geopolitical arrangement on the Korean peninsula that has been in existence for nearly 65 years. Beijing's reaction would be influenced by the already tense conditions that exist in the Asia-Pacific region. For years, the US has been systematically building up its military forces in the South China Sea under the ""Pivot to Asia"" initiated by the Obama administration. The purpose has been to militarily encircle China, which dominant sections of the ruling class consider the major competitor to US interests. Over the weekend, China's main regional competitor, Japan, declared that it fully backed Trump's threats against North Korea. Thus, the outbreak of war between North Korea and the United States would inevitably involve China, which, in turn, would draw all of Asia, as well as Australia, into the bloody maelstrom. Nor would it be possible for Europe and Latin America, which have their own interests in Asia, to stand aside. Little has appeared in the American media about the consequences of war with North Korea. An article in Newsweek in April concluded that a war would leave one million people dead, assuming that it did not involve the use of nuclear weapons or any other outside powers. In a comment in the Los Angeles Times last month, retired Air Force Brigadier General Rob Givens calculated that 20,000 South Koreans would die every day in a war on the peninsula, even without the use of nuclear weapons. If the war were to develop into a nuclear exchange -- as the Trump administration has threatened -- the consequences would be catastrophic. In addition to the millions or tens of millions killed outright, climate experts warned in August that even a regional nuclear war would cool the planet by up to 10 degrees Celsius, potentially sparking a global nuclear winter that would wipe out agricultural production.",130,1 +131,"Members of a Houston mosque barricaded themselves inside and refused to help people evacuating Hurricane Harvey. On 31 August 2017, repeat offender TheLastLineOfDefense.com published a “ report” on the “Ramashan Mosque” in Houston, which according to them, refused to help people seeking relief from the flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey: The building can easily hold over 500 people, much more than the 27 currently inside. But the imam of the mosque, Aswat Turads, says that they absolutely cannot accept any non-Muslim people because it’s against their religion. “The Quran is very clear,” Turads told local news radio station WXTX, “we are forbidden from helping infidels, no matter how much we want to. If we allow Christians and Jews inside, we are violating a fundamental tenant of Islam and will be punished by Allah. The original version of the story (and an equally fake follow-up post) also included a picture of Canadian imam Ibrahim Hindy, who publicly refuted the story, saying that not only was he in Saudi Arabia completing the hajj Islamic pilgrimage at the time the massive storm hit Texas, he has never been to that state in his life at all: The site quickly swapped out its photographs in response. The current version of the story now includes an Associated Press picture of a Lebanese cleric, Ahmad al-Assir, who was arrested by authorities in his country in August 2015. This story is a complete fabrication, and neither the “Ramashan Mosque” or “Aswat Turads” exist. The radio station named in the article, WXTX-FM, is actually based out of Columbus, Georgia and not Texas. TheLastLineOfDefense.com is a known purveyor of fake news stories. Its disclaimer reads: America’s Last Line of Defense is a satirical publication that may sometimes appear to be telling the truth. We assure you that’s not the case. We present fiction as fact and our sources don’t actually exist. Names that represent actual people and places are purely coincidental and all images should be considered altered and do not in any way depict reality. In other words, if you believe this crap you’re a real dumbass. Despite its complete lack of any factual content, the hoax story was shared thousands of times; it was also picked up and run verbatim as true by other web sites. In reality, several Houston mosques have taken people in and performed volunteer food and donation drives to help victims of the storm. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.",131,0 +132,"It used to be pretty easy to tell the difference between advertising and editorial content on Facebook. If a post had a little ""sponsored"" label on it, that was a red flag telling you, ""Hey, a brand paid for this, you should treat it as an advertisement."" But that line has gotten blurrier for Facebook users, especially over the last few months as Facebook has limited how far posts from media companies can spread on their own (so-called ""organic reach""). In January, Facebook announced that it would de-emphasize publisher content in favor of "" friends and family"" posts. One of the main complaints I heard from folks on the publisher side was that Mark Zuckerberg didn't actually want less publisher content on Facebook: He wanted publishers to pay him to help their articles spread. ""Facebook is now pay to play,"" was a lament I heard many times. And that is what many publishers - from The New Yorker, to The Wall Street Journal, to Marie Claire (and Business Insider) - have been doing for certain articles, with more frequency since the algorithm change. They have paid Facebook to help their editorial, journalistic articles spread. The Facebook posts that link to these articles are labeled ""sponsored,"" because they are technically ads, but they link to normal news articles. When you follow the link to the publisher's website, the article isn't a piece of ""sponsored content,"" even though the Facebook post is labeled ""sponsored."" Confusing, right? But that's only the start of the rabbit hole when it comes to the blurring of the lines between advertising and editorial content on Facebook. Traditionally, media companies have worked to separate advertisements from journalistic writing (and to properly label ""advertorial"" content). But in the world of Facebook, these outlets don't always even have control over how posts appear to readers. Positive articles about companies like Uber (for instance) are being turned into promotional ads, sometimes without the media organizations being made aware. It can be hard for readers to wade through, so we decided to break it down for you in a way that is easy to digest. We'll walk you through the various types of ""sponsored"" posts on Facebook and what they mean. Let's start with the one I just mentioned: Purely editorial articles that are being promoted with ""sponsored"" posts on Facebook. This basically happens when a publisher wants to boost an article it thinks has viral potential, and can bring the publisher in much more advertising (or subscriber) revenue than it is paying Facebook to push it into your feed, or get new readers. Here is what that looks like from The New Yorker on an editorial article titled "" The Great Sadness of Ben Affleck"": And here's one from The Wall Street Journal on an editorial article titled "" Silicon Valley to Washington: Why Don't You Get Us"": Just scrolling through my Facebook feed casually, I noticed many such articles from outlets ranging from those above to Marie Claire (as mentioned), Ranker, Screen Rant, Elite Daily, U.S. News and World Report, and so on. They really run the gamut editorially. Okay, so this type of post is easy enough to understand. Here is where it starts to get more confusing. Sometimes, the subject of an article pays Facebook to promote an editorial article written about them - presumably one that paints them in a positive light. These are also technically ""ads"" on Facebook, but the journalism they are promoting was not paid for by the subject. The article itself is not ""sponsored content,"" even though the Facebook post is ""sponsored."" Here's an example with Uber and CNET: CNET wrote this article about Uber's new CEO, titled "" Uber's U-turn: How the new CEO is cleaning house after scandals and lawsuits."" To be clear, this was written by a reporter at CNET and was not paid for by Uber. It's just a regular news article. But Uber clearly liked the piece and is now paying Facebook to spread it far and wide. Here is an example from the video world. This editorial video (not an ad) by NowThis Money is being promoted by the subject of the video, Adam Khafif. Adam Khafif's Facebook page is sharing a NowThis Money post from its Facebook page, and that share is being ""sponsored"" (i.e. boosted by paying money to Facebook). See, it gets very convoluted. But the main point is that the underlying video, and in this case even the underlying original Facebook post, isn't an ad - but the subject of the video is paying for a ""sponsored"" Facebook post to promote it. Sometimes these ""sponsored"" posts are even geo-targeted, like the one on this article from The New Yoker titled "" Divinity on the Dance Floor,"" which is being ""promoted"" not even by its subject (DJ Robert Hood), but by the nightclub where he performs regularly ( Schimanski): Now let's get to influencers and celebrities. Sometimes publishers pay influencers (people with big Facebook followings) to promote their articles. This used to be done a lot through organic Facebook reach ( here's an article on this about George Takei.) But now I've only seen it recently in the form of ""sponsored"" posts. Here's an example from Snoop Dogg and FashionBeans: Snoop Dogg in this instance is technically paying Facebook to promote an article from FashionBeans, titled ""Here Are The Most Obnoxiously Rich Suburbs Of America's Biggest Cities,"" that really has nothing to do with him. But most likely what is happening is that FashionBeans is paying him to promote it, then he is paying Facebook. So the idea is that while FashionBeans could directly pay Facebook to promote the post, the promotion is more effective (dollar for dollar) if Snoop Dogg's name is attached. Now we get to the last category: actual ""sponsored content"" from a media company. This is an instance of ""advertorial,"" where the advertiser is directly paying the media company to sponsor the actual article itself. Here's an example from BuzzFeed and NBC Sports: In these cases, the word ""with"" is usually employed in the Facebook post to denote which company is paying for the underlying content. It's marked again if you follow the link to BuzzFeed's site: Notice that the ""Brand Publisher"" is NBC Sports. So this is actually an ad - not only on Facebook but on BuzzFeed's site as well. And there you have it, we've come to the end of our guide to understanding who is paying to get journalism or advertising in front of you on Facebook. One last thing to remember is that no matter who is paying for a ""sponsored"" Facebook post - outlet, subject, or influencer - if you check the actual article after following the link, it should clearly mark whether the article is an advertisement or a journalistic piece.",132,0 +133,"A Michigan woman who sacrificed the chance to prolong her own life so she could give birth has died. Nick DeKlyen told the Associated Press that his wife, Carrie DeKlyen, died Saturday morning surrounded by family. ""I'll see you in Heaven,"" was among the last things Nick DeKlyen said to his wife. Doctors removed Carrie DeKlyen's feeding and breathing tubes on Thursday after she gave birth to the couple's sixth child, Life Lynn DeKlyen. The little girl was born prematurely and weighs 1 pound, four ounces, but is doing well. Carrie DeKlyen chose to forgo chemotherapy to treat her brain cancer so she could give birth to her daughter. ""Me and my wife, we are people of faith,"" Nick DeKlyen told the Detroit Free Press. ""We love the Lord with everything in us. We talked about it, prayed about it."" The couple from the western Michigan city of Wyoming was married for 17 years. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",133,0 +134,"“Saturday Night Live” takes swings at all political candidates, regardless of party. And with Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon portraying Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, they keep hitting the mark. The show has a long history of making fun of everyone with their impersonations. Both Baldwin and McKinnon have been praised for their spot-on impressions of celebrities, musicians and politicians. Trump has even joined in on the fun in the past while acting as a host. On Saturday’s broadcast of the show, the actors took on the second debate between Trump and Clinton, and the GOP nominee was the focus of some pointed satire from Baldwin. “Tonight, I’m going to do three things. I’m going to huff. I’m going to puff. I’m going to blow this whole thing,” Baldwin, as Trump, said in the sketch. After the show, Trump took to Twitter to let people know that once it gets personal, he’s no longer laughing. While Trump and his supporters seem convinced that “Saturday Night Live” is trying to bring down his campaign, a lot of people took to Twitter to remind everyone that the show is all in the name of satire. Regardless of where you stand, one thing is for sure -- whether Trump likes it or not, these sketches will continue at least through November 8th.",134,0 +135,"Earlier this year, two hunters suffered gun-related injuries while camped out at the Circle Dug Ranch, a Texas ranch near the U.S.-Mexico border. According to Texas Monthly, a 26-year-old hunting guide named Walker Daugherty was shot in the abdomen. One of his clients, 59-year-old Edwin Roberts, was shot in the arm. When Daugherty reported the incident to law enforcement officials, he and his fiancée claimed that the gunfire came from illegal Mexican immigrants who were attempting to steal the Daugherty’s RV and kidnap their clients. After the incident, a GoFundMe page was launched to help Daugherty pay for his medical expenses. According to KOSA CBS 7, the now-inactive campaign page stated that Daugherty was shot by illegal immigrants who were trying to steal his RV. More than $25,000 was raised to cover Daugherty’s medical expenses. Upon hearing the story, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller posted a message to Facebook calling Daugherty a hero and pledging his support for a border wall. “This is why we need the wall and to secure our borders,” wrote Miller. According to the Dallas News, the post was shared 6,500 times before Miller deleted it. Weeks later, law enforcement officials determined Daugherty’s story was false. According to KOSA CBS 7 in Texas, an investigation by the Presidio County Sheriff’s Department found that the gunfire did not come from immigrants crossing the border — it came from the hunters themselves. That’s right: friendly fire. Investigators determined that Daugherty shot Roberts and that another hunting guide, Michael Bryant, shot Daugherty. The Daugherty family reportedly released a statement about the Presidio County Sheriff’s investigation that was published on the blog The Westerner. “We do not deny that our hunter client was hit by a bullet that resulted from a horribly fearful and confusing situation. However, the bullet that shot our son was not. That shot came later and from an entirely different direction. We are unable to reveal all the details of the event at this time but we do not agree with the Sherriff’s stated conclusion to the incident.” Read their full statement here. Daugherty and Bryant have since been indicted on charges of deadly conduct by discharging firearms in the direction of others, reports the Austin American-Statesman.",135,0 +136,"During Drew Brees' media whirlwind in New York on Tuesday, the New Orleans Saints quarterback levied yet another serious criticism of the NFL. He said that the suspended Saints coaches are afraid of speaking out about their situation. ""I've been informed a lot of those coaches feel there are further sanctions being held over their head if they don't cooperate with the investigation,"" Brees said on The Dan Patrick Show, via ProFootballTalk. ""If they were to speak out on behalf of the players, maybe that's the fear they have."" NFL spokesman Greg Aiello has told a variety of outlets that there is simply no truth to Brees' claims. ""Of course people are free to speak, as Joe Vitt has done,"" Aiello told Around the League on Wednesday. ProFootballTalk's Mike Florio reported that Sean Payton and Gregg Williams fear further retribution if they say anything. As Aiello points out, Saints interim coach Joe Vitt has spoken out against the league. Vitt wondered aloud if NFL evidence has been tampered with. After Williams' indefinite suspension was announced, the league indicated that Williams' cooperation with future proceedings would be a factor in his possible reinstatement. ""Commissioner Goodell said he will give close attention to the extent to which Coach Williams cooperates with the NFL in any further proceedings,"" the league explained in a March 21 statement detailing Williams' punishment. Cooperating with proceedings doesn't mean Williams has to take a vow of silence. But that's essentially what he's done to this point. The back-and-forth between the players and the league over the bounty evidence is seemingly never-ending. We would be surprised if the coaches got involved publicly. Payton and Williams have openly apologized, admitted their mistakes, and seem to want to move past the controversy as much as possible.",136,0 +137,"Ex-FBI Director James Comey went rogue, according to testimony Wednesday from Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions said in a Senate hearing that by clearing Hillary Clinton from prosecution for leaking and transmitting classified and top secret emails, Comey acted as investigator, judge and jury. And that is why he was fired. Sessions was addressing questions from Sen. Diane Feinstein about why Comey was fired as FBI chief. AG Sessions “I don’t think the significance of the ERROR that Comey made on the Clinton matter is fully understood”! pic.twitter.com/5LrYvbBYNO — ‘GITMO’ BAMA ▪️ (@President1Trump) October 18, 2017",137,0 +138,"Three House Democrats on Wednesday introduced a resolution to censure and condemn President Trump over his response to recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. The measure was introduced by Reps. Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ), Jerry Nadler (NY) and Pramila Jayapal (WA). The trio’s resolution calls for Trump’s censure over his “inadequate response to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.” The proposal also cites Trump for “his failure to immediately and specifically name and condemn the groups responsible for actions of domestic terrorism” in Charlottesville. The group’s resolution additionally demands that Trump “fire any and all advisors who have urged him to cater to the alt-Right movement in the United State.” The document criticizes Trump “for employing people with ties to white supremacist movements in the White House.” White House officials with ties to white supremacy include chief strategist Steve Bannon and national security aide Sebastian Gorka, according to the resolution. Bannon previously served as the executive chairman of Breitbart, which he characterized as “the platform for the alt-right” last year. Gorka formerly worked as a national security editor at Breitbart, an outlet which has faced accusations of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and misogyny. Trump insisted Tuesday that there is “blame on both sides” for bloodshed in Charlottesville last weekend. “What about the alt-left that came charging at the – as you say, the alt-right?” he asked a reporter. “Do they have any semblance of guilt?” “What about the fact they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs?” Trump continued at Trump Tower in New York City. “Do they have any problem? I think they do.” “I have condemned neo-Nazis. I have condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me.” White nationalists descended upon Charlottesville last weekend to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. One person died last Saturday when a car drove into people protesting the white nationalists in the city. Two other Virginia State Police Department officers were killed the same day in a helicopter crash authorities linked to the unrest.",138,0 +139,"Tucker Carlson said that Hillary Clinton spun a yarn of conspiracy theories about her election loss during a speech on Wednesday. Mike Huckabee joined ""Fox & Friends"" to discuss Hillary Clinton's return to the public eye with a speech over the weekend in the Poconos. A retired NYPD detective and private investigator running against New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio posted a video to Facebook challenging the Democrat to a push-up contest. A professor at a southern California college went on a diatribe against President-elect Donald Trump, and the unnamed student who recorded her may be facing punishment.",139,0 +140,"Once this Harvey Weinstein debacle is completely finished, Hollywood will be a haven of racial, gender and financial equality. Ha, ha — right. The ongoing saga of Harvey Weinstein’s downfall continues with news about the former mogul possibly being stripped of his Oscar. As police in New York and London investigate the many complaints against him of sexual assault, rumours persist that Weinstein will be booted from the Producers Guild of America. Meanwhile, the name of The Weinstein Company will be changed and Weinstein’s name will be taken off future projects. Even the man’s political contributions are being returned or handed over to women’s charities. Other industry bigwigs and political leaders are being pilloried for not condemning Weinstein fast enough. His wife has left, his adult daughter feared he was suicidal, and people are lining up to savage the guy. Soon, he’ll be drawn and quartered in a public place, no doubt. On the business side, it’s been reported that The Weinstein Company is a shambles, with agents and talent trying to get themselves and their projects away from the bad smell, and upcoming films such as The Current War and The Upside in release limbo. The Financial Times says that Goldman Sachs is “exploring options” for its small stake in The Weinstein Company — and really, people, if the Goldman Sachs is taking the moral high ground, consider yourself toast. So why — just out of interest — is a 30-year problem coming to light now? Did we reach a tipping point? Was Mr. Weinstein’s career in decline? Is there a power struggle nobody knows about in the offices of the company? Have we reached some sort of landmark in the ongoing saga of sexual impropriety and the war between men and women? Doubtful. Still, it’s interesting that several formerly untouchable guys have been taken down recently, including Bill Cosby, Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes and Donald Trump, that last dude being just a bit tougher to get rid of than the others. Why is the Weinstein case different? It’s not as if Harvey Weinstein varies much from all the other handsy creeps in his business — oohhh, the names we’d insert here — and casting couch stories have plagued the industry since Florence Lawrence first fluttered her eyelashes circa 1906. Some of the more interesting fallout from the Weinstein case involves the support weasels — every Weinstein staffer who knew things were rotten is under a cloud, and so is every agent, manager, casting agent, publicist or assistant who knowingly sent some poor girl to talk to Weinstein in a hotel room. And how about the lawyers who handled the hush money all those years? Be interesting to see who gets tackled next. Since Weinstein is no doubt just a difference in degree, not in kind, it’s tough to say if this uproar will change anything on a permanent basis in his industry. Still, it would be interesting to know why Hollywood is such a sleazy place. The movie industry really is a cesspool of sexual harassment and bullying; hard to know how so many people go to work every day in such an atmosphere of fear and loathing. Many an analyst has decreed that vast amounts of money and power will do it every time, and maybe that’s true — look at Dominique Strauss-Kahn, or Silvio Berlusconi, or even l’il old home-grown Jian Ghomeshi. People will risk a lot to get anywhere near rich and famous, and an industry that allows ordinary people — capable of memorizing dialogue and playing make-believe — to be treated like gods is an industry in which every sort of predatory behaviour will no doubt thrive. How to explain the sexually predatory behaviour of men in every other industry is a bit more of a mystery. Play Video Play Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Remaining Time -0:00 This is a modal window. Foreground --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Opaque Background --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Window --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Font Size 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 300% 400% Text Edge Style None Raised Depressed Uniform Dropshadow Font Family Default Monospace Serif Proportional Serif Monospace Sans-Serif Proportional Sans-Serif Casual Script Small Caps Defaults Done Riley Fleming and Wes Heffernan have been going back and forth all year, so why wouldn’t you expect them to do the same thing in the PGA of Alberta Championship? “We’ve been so close, it’s…",140,1 +141,"On 'Hannity,' Republican lawmaker from South Carolina says he wants to give John McCain the send-off he deserves.",141,1 +142,"— George and Amal Clooney have donated $1 million to Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit that strives to put an end to domestic hate groups and extremists, in response to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier this month. “What happened in Charlottesville, and what is happening in communities across our country, demands our collective engagement to stand up to hate,” the actor and humanitarian lawyer said in a joint statement. >> Related: More than 900 active hate groups in the U.S., report says On Aug. 12, a rally in Charlottesville turned violent when a group of white nationalists clashed with counterprotesters. One woman was killed when a car plowed into the crowd at the rally. According to Reuters, the donation comes from the Clooney Foundation for Justice, which the couple created in 2016 to promote justice worldwide in courtrooms and classrooms. Southern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen released a statement thanking the Clooneys for “standing with (the organization) at this critical moment in our country’s fight against hate.”",142,0 +143,"As the GOP divides at the rate of human cells, and a self-destructive President Trump causes his own supporters to question how he can succeed, Democrats have refused to fill the leadership void with a better vision of governance. Instead, they are partnering with the flailing Republicans and their president in failure. Democrats are leaning indulgently on the politics of race and gratuitous opposition to Trump, and they appear content to be the party of sanctuary cities, safe spaces and single-payer health care. Weeks ago they released an “agenda” designed to offer voters “A Better Deal,” but who would know what’s in it since all they talk about is Trump? Meanwhile, if Trump’s trajectory doesn’t improve, the party may face the weakest, most unpopular president in modern times in 2020 -- but with who? Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are running, or think they are. Why are they being encouraged? Sounding like a garden-variety conservative, liberal New York Times columnist Charles Blow asked last week on Twitter: “Serious question: What is the Dem party now in addition to anti-Trump? What does it stand for now? Also, who’s leading? #GhostParty.” The last two weeks have been Trump’s worst in office, yet it seems the lower he sinks, Democratic leaders do likewise. The president’s pathetic and irresponsible response to a white supremacist demonstration in Charlottesville -- where a protester was mowed down by a driver and killed -- has prompted not only fellow Republicans to criticize Trump but now his own National Economic Council director, Gary Cohn, as well. Still, Democrats went overboard. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is calling on Congress to censure the president for the “repulsiveness of his words and actions,” adding that “every day, the president gives us further evidence of why such a censure is necessary.” Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election and any potential ties the president and his campaign had to those activities, responded Friday, saying in a Twitter post that he will co-sponsor a censure resolution because Trump “expresses views inimical to our values.” Rep. Jackie Speier, another member of the committee, has called for Trump’s removal under the 25th Amendment. Speier tweeted that “POTUS is showing signs of erratic behavior and mental instability that place the country in grave danger.” Rep. Keith Ellison, deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said on CNN Monday that POTUS has “sympathy” for white supremacists. He’s not just a congressman anymore but a party official -- no wonder the DNC’s fundraising is at a record low. Rep. Maxine Waters, whose late-in-life internet fame recently landed her on “The View,” tweeted the day after Charlottesville that “Trump has made it clear - w/Bannon & Gorka in the WH, & the Klan in the streets, it is now the White Supremacists House. #Charlottesville.” Should Democrats win back the House next year, Waters would be chairman of the Financial Services Committee, an influential voice at the leadership table. Former Vermont Gov. and DNC Chairman Howard “The Scream” Dean said last week, “If you want to vote for a racist in the White House, then you better vote for Republicans.” The party elder recently declared he would stop contributing to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee because it will consider recruiting pro-life candidates. After all these years, eight of them during President Obama’s two terms, Pelosi is now calling on the House Speaker Paul Ryan to remove Confederate statues -- which “have always been reprehensible” -- immediately from the halls of Congress “if Republicans are serious about rejecting white supremacy.” Polling after the events in Charlottesville show that while a majority of Americans disapprove of Trump’s response, 62 percent said monuments to Confederate leaders should remain. Yet these monuments are suddenly a pressing federal issue to national Democrats. Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, who enjoys great respect across aisle, has gone a step further than his party’s left, saying the statue removal is “not a matter of political correctness,” but “of public safety and homeland security.” This from the man who never made the issue a priority as head of DHS. While countering Trump is essential -- after all, Republicans are doing the same -- the focus should remain on even more fundamental matters: guarding the Constitution and the separation of powers; stressing facts over falsehoods; preventing a government shutdown that Trump’s lobbying for; defending the right to a free press to hold him accountable; urging him to pay cost-sharing reduction payments under the Affordable Care Act to provide more certainty to the fragile exchanges; and pushing for any bipartisan cooperation possible on health care, tax reform and infrastructure projects. Democrats must leave the fight to stop him and his family from running a kleptocracy, an issue the GOP remains silent on, to outsiders who have filed lawsuits. Leave the statue debate to the states. Leave the questions of his stability to Republicans like Sen. Bob Corker. Leave the Russia investigation to special counsel Robert Mueller. Let the media report on West Wing dysfunction or how much Trump television watches. Democrats should leave all that alone. Democrats must also decide whether they want President Obama back in the spotlight. Rudderless and leaderless, some party operators long for him swoop in and right the ship, yet they still blame him for sinking it with epic election losses from 2009 to 2016. As they attempt to plot a path forward and regain seats in state legislatures, governorships, the U.S. House and Senate -- and someday the White House -- Democrats need new faces and leaders and can’t lean too heavily on the 44th president. Yet some are calling for him to be a loud voice: “None of the potential Democratic presidential candidates have the visibility or credibility to be effective,” party strategist Brad Bannon told The Hill. Finally, as Democrats like Reps. Brad Sherman, Al Green and Gwen Moore continue to push for impeachment, party leaders must avoid what Obama’s onetime senior adviser David Axelrod warned would likely be a costly mistake. “Remember: A third of the country supports this president,"" he said on CNN. ""That's a very dangerous road to go down. And if you ever did go down that road, you’re opening a Pandora’s box that will never end."" What’s already in that box is widespread voter disgust. People are turning away from both parties and the pool of gettable voters is shrinking, which means base politics will be less and less effective in the years to come. Democrats must convince voters they take governing more seriously than partisan politics and will focus on economic growth instead of statues, tweets and Russia. Or they can stay in the minority a lot longer. A.B. Stoddard is associate editor of RealClearPolitics and a columnist. She is also host of ""No Labels Radio"" on Sirius XM's POTUS Channel.",143,1 +144,"Major League Baseball, the sport of Jackie Robinson and long ago a touchstone of civil rights, saw its first athlete join the movement started by Colin Kaepernick and inflamed this weekend by President Trump. Oakland Athletics catcher Bruce Maxwell, who hinted at such an action earlier in the day, knelt during the national anthem before Saturday night's game against the Texas Rangers. From the @sfchronicle’s Santiago Mejia, here is A’s rookie Bruce Maxwell becoming the first MLB player to take a knee for the anthem: pic.twitter.com/q8QVY9hW15 Maxwell, a 26-year-old catcher from Alabama, composed several tweets Saturday in the wake of President Trump's comments Friday night to ""fire the sons of (expletives)"" in the NFL who kneeled for the anthem. Kaepernick's protest was conceived in the wake of social injustices and the shooting of unarmed African Americans by law enforcement. Maxwell's tweets Saturday made it clear that Trump's verbiage took the movement to another level: ""This now has gone from just a BlackLives Matter topic to just complete inequality of any man or woman that wants to stand for Their rights!"" This now has gone from just a BlackLives Matter topic to just complete inequality of any man or woman that wants to stand for Their rights! In a profane Instagram post, he implored ""every single NFL player"" to kneel on Sunday, and then he followed up his words with actions before Saturday night's game in Oakland, kneeling in the dirt in front of the A's dugout at the Coliseum. There was immediate support from his organization. Teammate Mark Canha kept a hand on Maxwell's shoulder as he engaged in his protest as the anthem played, and wrapped him in a hug once it concluded. And the A's sent out a message of support moments after the protest. Maxwell has played in 104 career games and has a lifetime .256 batting average. He entered the season as the A's 10th-best prospect, according to Baseball America. Maxwell, like Kaepernick an African American of mixed race, was born in Germany while his father was stationed there in the Army. He was raised in Alabama, site of Trump's Friday night speech during which the president blasted NFL players for kneeling during the anthem and also bemoaned what he seemed to consider an overriding concern within the league for brain injuries. Saturday morning, Trump took umbrage at Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry's reluctance to visit the White House and rescinded any invitation. Trump's speech and morning-after tweets aroused a sports world that had largely let Kaepernick - currently without an NFL job - kneel alone since his protest began in August 2016. As NFL players geared up for what may be a significant day of protest before Sunday's games, and NBA players blasted the president on social media as well, Maxwell's Twitter and Instagram feeds went beyond his usual penchant for Alabama Crimson Tide football. A post shared by bruce_maxwell (@bruce_maxwell) on But until he took a knee before Saturday's game, baseball did not yet have a player join in anthem protests that started with Kaepernick and continued through various NFL players and even to U.S. women's national soccer team star Megan Rapinoe. The NFL and NBA are both majority African American leagues. Major League Baseball's decline in African American participation has been well-documented and this year, just 7.1% of players on opening-day rosters were black, according to a USA TODAY Sports analysis. That's the lowest percentage since 1958. In September 2016, shortly after Kaepernick's protests began, Baltimore Orioles All-Star outfielder Adam Jones told USA TODAY Sportsthat a similar protest in MLB was unlikely because African-American players ""already have two strikes against us, so you might as well not kick yourself out of the game. In football, you can’t kick them out. You need those players. In baseball, they don’t need us. “Baseball is a white man’s sport.’’ Saturday night, Maxwell took that risk, inspired to act by what he saw around him and unafraid of any consequences.",144,0 +145,"Hillary Clinton is beginning to increase her odds of winning Florida in many election forecasts, while other models say that Donald Trump is now likely to capture the state. On November 6th, FiveThirtyEight was forecasting a Donald Trump victory in Florida, giving him a 52.5 percent chance of winning. The state has flipped from red to blue in the past 24 hours; as of November 7th, the FiveThirtyEight model now gives Donald Trump a 48.5 percent chance of winning Florida, with Hillary Clinton having the better odds of 51.6 percent. On their forecast, we can see a clear dip that occurs in the immediate aftermath of the news that the FBI would be looking into new emails relevant to the Hillary Clinton investigation, but now her lead is beginning to rise again. FiveThirtyEight is also forecasting that Hillary Clinton will win 48.2 percent of the popular vote in Florida, while Donald Trump will receive 48.0 percent of it. But in The New York Times’ The Upshot, Florida is actually beginning to move in Donald Trump’s direction. On November 6th, the Times’ model gave Hillary Clinton a 70 percent chance of winning the state, but now, this number has gone down to 66 percent. And two weeks ago, before the FBI news was released, Hillary Clinton had an 80 percent chance of winning Florida on The Upshot. The model currently gives Clinton an 84 percent chance of becoming the next president. Clearly, Clinton does not absolutely need Florida to win, while Donald Trump almost certainly can’t reach 270 Electoral College votes without it. On PredictWise, Hillary Clinton now has better odds of winning Florida than she did yesterday. On November 6th, Clinton was given a 73 percent chance of winning Florida by PredictWise, but now that has gone up two points to 75 percent. Surprisingly, PredictWise is actually giving Clinton better odds of winning Florida today than she had prior to the FBI announcement on October 28th. Hours before that news dropped, Clinton’s odds of winning Florida were at 72 percent. In the aftermath of that bombshell, her odds fell all the way down to 58 percent, but she has now more than recovered from it. Nationally, PredictWise gives Clinton an 89 percent chance of winning the election, up two points since yesterday. Meanwhile, a dramatic shift has taken place on The Huffington Post’s forecast. On Sunday, this model gave Clinton a 93 percent chance of winning Florida, and the state was placed in the “probable Clinton” column. Twenty-four hours later, Florida has been moved into the “battleground” column, and her odds of winning the state have dropped down to 89 percent. The Huffington Post has also moved North Carolina from “probable Clinton” into “battleground.” One day ago, Clinton’s projected minimum number of Electoral College votes was 317, but now that has dropped down to 273. Clinton has seen a very slight bump in DailyKos‘ election forecast, though. On November 6th, they gave her a 74 percent chance of winning Florida, but that has now gone up one point to 75 percent. This bump also came as DailyKos released its final election prediction. They expect Hillary Clinton to win 323 Electoral College votes – including that of North Carolina and Florida – and Donald Trump to win 215 votes. It’s easy to see why all these shifts have taken place, as several key Florida polls were released on Monday that show the race to be much tighter than it was just one day ago. Yesterday, Hillary Clinton was ahead in Real Clear Politics’ Florida polling average by 0.9 percentage points, but today, Trump leads by 0.3 percent. No polls have yet been released that reflect the FBI’s recent announcement that they would still not be recommending charges against Hillary Clinton after reviewing the new set of e-mails, so it remains to be seen if Clinton will be able to recover even more of her lead in the aftermath of that news. 6 Comments",145,0 +146,"Geopolitical tensions are mounting after state-run North Korean news media released footage of what appears to be the successful test of a devastating missile dropkick. In newly released footage, North Korean President Kim Jong-Un is seen celebrating as missile dropkick collides feet-first with an ocean target, causing a huge “bump.” The missile dropkick was reportedly launched from the country’s Technical Operations Pad for Thermonuclear and Underwater Reconnaissance Networks of Ballistics Used for Catastrophic Kinetic Launching Exercises, or T.O.P. T.U.R.N.B.U.C.K.L.E. International weaponry experts have long known that North Korea is capable of launching a Powerbomb — perhaps even an Exploder Suplex — but the possibility that the country now has a missile dropkick in its arsenal has caused alarm worldwide and throughout the WWE Universe. U.S. President and WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump has insisted he has “zero tolerance” for North Korea’s missile dropkick tests and will, if necessary, send Bobby Lashley over to “take care of them” before Trump himself shaves Kim Jong-Un’s head.",146,0 +147,"The killer left a cryptic note on a table in his room the night of the attack. There are now reports that the cryptic note was full of random numbers. The Metro reported: A cryptic note full of random numbers has been found in the Las Vegas shooter’s hotel room, police say. Authorities are still trying to find out what drove Stephen Paddock to launching the worst mass shooting in US history. The mystery piece of paper was found near his dead body and Sheriff Lombardo said it’s been sent off for analysis. It is not believed to be a suicide note. The 64-year-old to killed 58 and injured 489 when he opened fire on people at the Route 91 Harvest Festival off the Las Vegas strip on Sunday night. Investigators are looking into whether Paddock also planned a car bombing. Investigative journalist Laura Loomer noticed something interesting. The killer targeted the Harvest 91 festival on October 1 or 10-1. I was thinking about the numerology surrounding the #LasVegasShooting at Harvest 91 on October 1. 91 10-1 That would be 9/11/01. Eerie. pic.twitter.com/NExJJHQi8S — Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) October 7, 2017 Sponsored Sponsored",147,1 +148,"It’s not often that a suspect’s attorney calls the police officer who arrested him a “true hero;” but in John Picerno’s eyes, that exactly what Overland Park Police Sergeant Scott Ferguson is. Back in April, Ferguson was on night patrol when he spotted a vehicle driving along the wrong side of road with no headlights on. He pulled the car over, but the driver quickly took off again…only to crash into a fire hydrant. Dash cam footage from Ferguson’s patrol car then shows the drunk driver exiting his vehicle. He stood there hunched over with his hands behind his back, until Ferguson began approaching. That’s when the driver pulled out a pistol. Rather than brandishing his own weapon, Ferguson wrestled the gun out of the driver’s hands – and the driver to the ground where he was finally handcuffed. At his hearing in August, the suspect pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and battery on a law enforcement officer, as well as driving under the influence. After serving 170 days of his sentence, he was placed on probation. But according to Picerno, his lawyer, he should just be thankful he’s alive. “He is very lucky and both he and his family are very grateful for the officer, Sgt. Scott Ferguson, who exercised extreme discretion during the incident,” Picerno said according to the Kansas City Star. He added that Ferguson likely would’ve been justified in firing his weapon in that situation. “No one is tougher on law enforcement than me,” he continued. “I have to say Sgt. Ferguson is a true hero in my book. He is an example of what good policing looks like.” We couldn’t agree more. You can watch the dash cam video here.",148,0 +149,"A roundup of some of the most popular, but completely untrue, headlines of the week. None of these stories are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked these out; here are the real facts: NOT REAL: Charlottesville Killer Was Hillary Supporter, Funded By Soros THE FACTS: James Fields, who's charged with murder after police say he drove his car into a Charlottesville, Virginia, crowd last weekend, supported President Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, his former teacher told the AP. GoFundMe confirmed that it removed ""multiple campaigns"" to raise money for Fields; none were started by billionaire George Soros, who has been a frequent target of hoax sites. The stories shared by YourNewsWire and other sites claim Fields' arrest is part of a ""false flag"" aimed at sparking a civil war. ___ NOT REAL: President Trump Fires All 14 Muslim Federal Judges THE FACTS: There aren't any Muslims on the federal bench and the president has no authority to fire federal judges. Abid Qureshi, a Washington, D.C., attorney, was nominated last year by former President Barack Obama to be the first Muslim federal judge, but he wasn't confirmed by the Senate. The hoax story by a site named As American As Apple Pie and shared by others also claimed Trump used the ""evacuation clause"" to remove the judges. There is no such clause that is part of federal law. ___ NOT REAL: MYSTERIOUS NAZI SUBMARINE FROM WWII DISCOVERED IN GREAT LAKES THE FACTS: Divers didn't find a German U-boat at the bottom of the Lake Ontario despite a story posted last year by admitted hoax outlet World Daily News Report, shared recently by other sites. The story suggests the ship may have sunk during the non-existent Battle of Niagara Falls. The photos included with the article show in reality a rusted Soviet submarine and two divers from a 2010 expedition to the North Pole by a French team. ___ NOT REAL: British PM Theresa May: Pedophiles Should be Allowed to Adopt Children Too THE FACTS: The story by Neon Nettle is based on a 2010 article by a British law professor that called for May, who was the U.K.'s home secretary at the time, to relax rules banning sex offenders from caring from children. May had previously ordered a review of vetting procedures for adults coming into regular contact with children other than their own, but May's spokesman said at the time that her office wouldn't consider allowing pedophiles to adopt. ___ NOT REAL: What Adam Sandler is Saying About Mormons THE FACTS: The comedian didn't come to the defense of Mormons on a recent podcast, despite a slew of identical articles on websites designed to look like local news outlets. The story claims Sandler stepped into say Mormons were ""decent people"" when an unnamed interviewer began to disparage them. All of the sites include a disclaimer saying the stories on them aren't real. ___ This weekly fixture is part of The Associated Press' ongoing efforts to fact-check claims in suspected false news stories. ___",149,0 +150,"We’re talking the real deal here, not that namby-pamby chemical castration. An Alabama lawmaker introduced a bill Monday that would require certain sex offenders to be permanently and physically castrated prior to being released from prison. The offenders that the bill targets are the worst of the worst — predators of young children. Republican Rep. Steve Hurst introduced the measure requiring anyone older than 21 who is convicted of “certain sex offenses” against children age 12 or younger to pay for the surgical procedure before they serve the end of their prison sentence. This isn’t a first for Hurst — he’s introduced similar legislation seven times since 2006, but most of his efforts never made it out of committee, according to CBS News. He was prompted to begin this crusade as the result of a visit from a foster parent advocacy group that relayed a “horrible” story of abuse. “I’ve often wondered what that child went through, physically and mentally, and what kind of shape he’s in now,” Hurst said Monday. “They (sex offenders) have marked these children for life. They will never get over it. And if they’ve marked children for life, they need to be marked for life.” CBS News reported: Hurst in 2005 agreed to remove castration requirements from legislation setting tougher sentences for sex offenders. Several House members at the time told The Associated Press they feared the castration language would have made the bill unconstitutional. In 2011, Hurst co-sponsored a bill that classified the sexual abuse of a child 6 years or younger as a capital offense, allowing courts to sentence offenders to life without parole. Alabama residents have mixed feelings about the measure. “Somebody that wants to mess with a little girl or little boy that age should be castrated, and they should not be able to mess with any other kids,” Keith Dison told CBS affiliate WIAT. “I understand prison and going to prison for a long time for some kind of crime like that, but to physical mutilate someone…that’s a little out there…it’s crazy,” Jessica George told the station. Watch the report via CBS News.",150,0 +151,"A convoy used by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has become a death trap for fighters with the radical Islamic terrorist group. American planes have carried out a number of air strikes on ISIS forces while largely avoiding civilian casualties. According to multiple reports and Pentagon spokesmen, the convoy consisted of 17 buses that were departing an ISIS-held enclave after striking a deal with the radical Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah and the Syrian army. However, the United States scrambled assets to attack the convoy, and cratered the road ahead of the busses. While six of the vehicles turned back towards the city of Palmyra, the other 11 have been stranded for at least 10 days. Since then, they have become almost irresistible bait for the terrorist group. Over 85 terrorists have been hit by coalition air strikes since the convoy was stranded. This has saved the United States and the rest of the anti-ISIS coalition the time and effort of hunting them down. The U.S.-lead anti-ISIS coalition has allowed deliveries of food and water to the convoy, to which ISIS fighters have been drawn to ""[l]ike moths to the flame,"" according to comments by DOD spokesman Ryan Dillon, an Army colonel. ""We were able to exploit it and take advantage,"" he said, noting that over 40 vehicles, from technicals to a tank, have been hit trying to aid the convoy. ""We were able to continue to just observe and pick them off one at a time,"" Col. Dillon added. The experienced ISIS troops have also apparently grown frustrated during the siege. During one of the deliveries, an internal squabble broke out. ""You could clearly tell they were going to fisticuffs,"" Dillon said. There was no word on whether the internal fighting among the ISIS terrorists saved the coalition additional trouble.",151,0 +152,"So there is a new meme going around on Twitter, that is becoming so popular even Kenny G is getting in on the action. It’s basic set up is a multiple choice dating profile questionnaire asking you who you are and what you’re looking for. It’s been around for almost a week, but really took off in the last few days, and I’m not even sure what to call it since it doesn’t seem to have an official name. There are a million great spins on this, but here are some of our faves! I'm: ⚪️a man⚪️a woman?coming out of my cage And I've: ⚪️never felt this way before⚪️had the time of my life?been doing just fine — bumblegoat (@NECROMANClNG) August 19, 2017 Some:⚪️Man⚪️Woman?Body Once told me, the⚪️Man⚪️Woman?World was gonna roll me I ain't the:⚪️Man⚪️Woman?Sharpest tool in the shed — Noah Oxendale (@noahoxendale) August 20, 2017 And they were: ⚪ Very nice⚪ Walking? Roommates Oh my god, they were: ⚪ Dead⚪ Nearby? Roommates — Kristian (@celestialmiller) August 20, 2017 I am a: ? Man⚪️ Woman Looking for: ⚪️ Men⚪️ Women? Beyonces 2016 LEMONADE album to receive the album of the year Grammy it deserved!! — Jack (@Shnapped) August 15, 2017 I am a: ?Man⚪️Woman Looking for: ⚪️Men⚪️Women?That damn fourth Chaos Emerald pic.twitter.com/izBw8Y1FPo — Lonely Goomba (@LonelyGoomba) August 20, 2017 steve: big man in a suit of armor, take that away what are you? tony: ? genius? billionaire? playboy? philanthropist — m (@tjhmmnd) August 20, 2017 I'm a ⚪️ Man⚪️ Woman? G Looking for: ⚪️ A Relationship⚪️ Casual Sax? Serious Sax — Kenny G (@kennyg) August 20, 2017 I am a: ?Gundam Fighter ⚪️Woman Looking for: ⚪️Men ⚪️Women ?This man. Have you seen him around town? pic.twitter.com/UzJAYWwa2p — Kraker (@kraker2k) August 20, 2017 I am a ⚪️man ?bro ⚪️woman looking for ⚪️woman ?another bro to chill five feet away from in a hot tub because i'm not gay⚪️man — em (@parkerisadork) August 19, 2017 I am a:⚪ Male⚪ Female? Clown Fish Looking for:⚪ A boyfriend⚪ A girlfriend? My son Nemo — Trevor Jones (@jonestm97) August 19, 2017 two: ⚪️men⚪️women?bros sitting in a: ⚪️pool⚪️jacuzzi?hot tub five feet apart cause they're not: ⚪️straight⚪️ace?gay — ari (@aurorahowlter) August 20, 2017 I am a: ⚪️Man⚪️Woman?Father Looking for: ⚪️Men⚪️Women?MY SON HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON pic.twitter.com/Ituz9wenYt — Scampi (@lmScampi) August 20, 2017 I am a: ⚪️Man⚪️Woman?Gordon Ramsey Looking for: ⚪️Men⚪️Women?THE LAMB SAUCE — lis (@abratasas) August 20, 2017 Where did you: ?come from?⚪️go? Where did you: ⚪️ come from??go? Where did you: ?come from?⚪️go? Cotton-Eyed Joe — ? (@oscarewilde) August 19, 2017 I am a⚪️ man⚪️ woman? evil sorcerer Shang Tsung Seeking⚪️ men⚪️ women? to challenge Earthrealm's greatest champions in MORTAL KOMBAT — Jared Rosen (@notquitefrodo) August 20, 2017 what team?⚪️cobras?wildcats⚪️ravens what team?⚪️bulldogs?wildcats⚪️panthers WILDCATS?GET'CHA HEAD IN THE GAME — beth (@midtownhoIIand) August 20, 2017 i am a: ⚪️ man? woman looking for: ⚪️ men⚪️ women? thor: ragnarok getting the hype it deserves — pinned (@gaytonys) August 17, 2017 I am a: ? Man⚪️ Woman Looking for: ⚪️ Men⚪️ Women? Mariah Carey's Grammys that were wrongfully snubbed from 1995 masterpiece Daydream — . (@illcurable) August 15, 2017 I am a: ⚪️Man⚪️Woman?Pac-Man Looking for: ⚪️Men⚪️Women? The ability to press Z without immediately falling into a dark depression pic.twitter.com/iuvzfohak4 — its_me_klc (@its_me_klc) August 20, 2017 AHHH: ⚪️OOO⚪️AHHH?ᵃʰʰʰʰʰʰ stop i could've dropped my: ⚪️donut ⚪️bagel ?croissant — juliah (@spideystights) August 20, 2017 I am a:⚪️ Man⚪️ Woman? Genji Looking for:⚪️ Man⚪️ Woman? Healing — Tina ? (@TinaDayton) August 20, 2017 I am a:⚪️ Man⚪️ Woman? Young Boy Looking for:⚪️ Man⚪️ Woman? My father to take me into the city to see a marching band — Spiciest Emo Meme (@ThyArtIsMemes) August 20, 2017 I'm:⚪️ a man⚪️ a woman? guy fieri and I'm:⚪️ running⚪️ walking? rolling out looking for americas greatest diners drive-ins and dives — Chance Harbour (@ChanceHarbour) August 20, 2017",152,0 +153,"Via Daily Caller: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt announced he would sign a proposed rule to repeal the centerpiece of former President Barack Obama’s plan to fight global warming. Pruitt announced his intention to withdraw the Clean Power Plan (CPP) to applause from a crowd gathered at a mining event on Monday. EPA has been working to repeal the CPP for months. The Obama administration finalized the CPP in 2015, which aims to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. Obama used the CPP as part of his plant to meet the goals of the Paris climate accord.",153,0 +154,"Before taking her life, August Ames left a suicide note behind in her car. Within the note that was addressed to her family and friends, August allegedly apologized for killing herself in a public park, The Blast reports. However, according to the Medical Examiner, August failed to mention the bullying and online harassment she suffered in the days leading up to her suicide at any point in her message, which was discovered by authorities. We reported earlier how the Ventura County Medical Examiner spokesperson said that the official cause of death was asphyxiation from hanging herself, an act which she committed in a park 20 minutes away from her home. Immediately after her death, many of her friends initially believed that she had taken her life as a result of cyberbullying after August tweeted about refusing to do a scene with a male adult performer who had done gay porn. While the suicide note did not indicate that bullying was an impetus for August taking her own life, we reported earlier how Dr. Jenn Mann informed us that bully victims are 229 times more likely to commit suicide than non-victims, according to a study by Yale University. It’s now also come to light that August reportedly had mental health issues that stemmed from when she was allegedly sexually assaulted as a kid. One of August’s friends and fellow porn star Alison Tyler said that the porn industry could have been a lot more supportive of August, and that August had never been “homophobic” despite claims that a controversial tweet she posted was potentially gay-bashing. Click here to see the saddest celebrity deaths of 2017. HollywoodLifers, do you think more light will be shed on August’s death? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.",154,0 +155,"Regarding Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post, Oct. 7: The Washington Post has the audacity to call out Fox News and the GOP while writing its liberal garbage defending Hillary Clinton and Democrats, who have led this country down a dangerous path of socialist leaning. I know this paper is being led by an ex-Post employee, but please give your readers a break. The Statesman must have an editorial department; why not use them instead of importing this junk. Karl Betar, Meridian Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms",155,1 +156,"It was one year ago today. During the second presidential debate in St. Louis, Missouri, candidate Trump told Hillary Clinton, “You’d be in jail!” when he enters the White House. IT WAS THE BEST DEBATE LINE EVER!!!! TRUMP to Hillary: BOOM! It’s now been one year and Trump supporters are still waiting to see Crooked Hillary behind bars. Trump supporters weren’t kidding when they chanted, “Lock her up!” at Trump rally after Trump rally. In 2015 former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani famously said Hillary Clinton should be investigated for breaking 15 federal laws. Rudy Giuliani: General Petraeus was got prosecuted for doing approximately one-tenth of what she’s alleged to have done… There are specific federal crimes, I could give you a list of fifteen of them if you’d like, that she should be investigated for, for which there needs to be an answer. According to the public record, the answer to many of those is there is probable cause to believe she committed a crime. I qualify that by saying the public record. It’s been a year since President Trump told Hillary Clinton to her face that he would lock her up. Americans are tired of a two-tiered judicial system — one for the elites and one for the common man. Sponsored Sponsored",156,1 +157,All Countries Australia Bermuda Canada England New Zealand Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland Scotland United States All States Alaska Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming American Samoa Guam Marshall Islands Micronesia Northern Marianas Palau Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands U.S. Minor Outlying Islands All Michigan obituaries Ann Arbor News Battle Creek Enquirer Bay City Times Benzie County Record Patriot Big Rapids News Cheboygan Daily Tribune Daily Tribune Detroit Free Press Flint Journal Gladwin County Record and Beaverton Clarion Grand Rapids Press Grand Traverse Insider Heritage Newspapers Hometown Life Huron Daily Tribune Ionia Sentinel Iosco County News-Herald Jackson Citizen Patriot Kalamazoo Gazette Lansing State Journal Livingston Daily Press & Argus Manistee News Advocate Midland Daily News MLive.com MLive.com Monroe News Morning Star Publishing Morning Sun Muskegon Chronicle Oscoda Press Saginaw News on MLive.com Sturgis Journal The Daily Reporter The Daily Telegram The Detroit News The Herald Review The Hillsdale Daily News The Holland Sentinel The Lake County Star The Leader The Macomb Daily The Oakland Press The Sault News The Times Herald The Voice,157,0 +158,"Tuesday January 17, 2017: Eric hopes for a breakthrough, Thomas and Steffy chat about their lives, and Bill counsels Liam to have patience. In San Francisco, Ridge pours a drink and Quinn accepts another as well. She asks him to leave, but he’s not going anywhere. Quinn warns Ridge that if he thinks she’d betray Eric, he doesn’t know a damn thing about her. Ridge invites her to make him understand. Quinn opens up about feeling disrespected and used repeatedly. She recalls how Bill tossed her aside, and all the men who came after him were the same. Ridge notes he’s nothing like Bill Spencer. Incredulous, Quinn points out what Ridge was planning to do to her – he’s exactly like him! She says Eric is the first man to respect her and she’s not giving that up…ever. Ridge explains it’s his job to protect his dad from people like her. Quinn counters if she was a golddigger she would have gone after Bill’s millions. She becomes emotional describing what it was like to raise Wyatt while poor and trying to start a business. Ridge sees why she built a wall around herself, but says she went too far, with Liam for example. Quinn screams that she hates who she was then, but finally she has a life worth living because of love. “I am not letting you take that away from me!” Ridge reiterates that he wants to protect his father since Quinn goes through the world pushing people away. Quinn protests that she had to, to survive, but Eric saw through that and took a chance on her. She sobs that after years of being alone anymore, she’s not now, and she doesn’t ever want to be alone again. Ridge softens, and assures her she’s not alone. He can see why his father fell for her – he sees the beautiful woman she hides from the world. “It’s going to be fine.” Ridge warns she has to stop spinning webs and building walls. “You’re amazing. Trust that.” They embrace…and then kiss. Both look stunned. At the Forrester mansion, Katie is concerned about being alone with Eric while Quinn’s out of town. He reassures his neighbor that Quinn trusts him as much as he trusts her. They joke about Ridge and Quinn being in San Francisco. Eric is hoping for some sort of breakthrough. In Malibu, Bill and Liam discuss Spencer Publications business, but Liam is distracted. He wants Steffy to come home. Bill opens up about his frustrations with Brooke. He counsels that sometimes you just have to know that things will work out even if it takes time. Bill predicts Steffy will move back in with Liam and Brooke’s marriage to Ridge won’t happen. Bill is certain Ridge will mess up; he always does. Just in: B&B’s Linsey Godfrey reveals photos of herself as a zombie for Living With the Dead role At the loft, Thomas tells Steffy he doesn’t know when Caroline is coming back. He hints that when she and Douglas do arrive, it would be nice not to have a roommate. Steffy explains that she’s waiting to move back into Liam’s out of fairness to Wyatt. Talk turns to Quinn. Steffy will never trust her. Thomas wonders why she hasn’t had a meltdown yet. Steffy just hopes Eric’s not too badly hurt when she does. Next on The Bold and the Beautiful: Ridge and Quinn are surprised by their changing feelings toward one another. Photo credit: Howard Wise/JPI - Candace Young",158,0 +159,"Ashley Judd is the absolute worst. I want to like her, I really do. Sometimes she chooses a good cause, like speaking up for trafficked and abused children. Those are the activities she should stick to. Unfortunately, Judd had to go to the ""Women's March,"" where hundreds of thousands of women wore pink ""pussy"" hats while claiming to be upset that Trump had used that word once. She performed ridiculous slam poetry, screeching defamatory accusations about the president wanting to have sex with his daughter and about other terrible things about which she had no first-hand knowledge. (You can watch the video below if you have the stomach for it.) But at no time did she ever discuss a man who she did know did horrific things. No ""by the way, Harvey Weinstein is a dirtbag who tried to get me to watch him shower for a part."" Why didn't that come up? I find it very difficult to believe Judd is this angry at Donald Trump, a man who has never done anything to her, or provably to anybody, when there is a man who did do something horrible to her whom she could be screeching about. She needs therapy. And possibly tranquilizers. Jennifer Lawrence was recently interviewed for her epic fail of a movie, Mother, and gave Democratic talking points like ""equality for women in the workplace,"" blamed Trump for hurricanes, and rattled off the same tired Leftist arguments we've heard forever. During another interview, she claimed that she is terrified of Trump and wanted to make a video of herself saying ""F*** you!"" to him. Lawrence claimed she felt she could be a spokesperson for women who are underpaid: That seems disingenuous, because she kept quiet about the creepy mogul who everyone in Hollywood appears to have known was abusing women. Why stay quiet over that? Don't you have a responsibility to alert other women that there is a serial sexual predator in their midst? Lawrence hasn't alleged any harassment from Weinstein, although she is seen looking awkward in many photos with him while he holds her too close to his massive girth. It wouldn't surprise me if she had first-hand knowledge of his depravity. Gwyneth Paltrow is the most apolitical in this list. While she supported Obama, she never had anything more interesting to say beyond how handsome she thinks he is. Mostly she spends her life divorcing people and selling outrageously priced trinkets to rich women online. While she doesn't fit in the category of commenting on Trump, she bears much responsibility in this scandal.",159,1 +160,"How much money did it cost the nation's taxpayers for Vice President and Official Glarer at North Korea Mike Pence to spend just enough time in Indianapolis on Sunday to storm out of a Colts game in protest of a protest? CNN has an estimate just for the plane alone: According to the Air Force, flying a C-32, the model of plane used for Air Force 2, for one hour costs about $30,000. Pence's flight from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,000. Pence then flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles on Sunday, which took about four hours and 45 minutes, costing about $142,500. The grand total: about $242,500. Keep in mind this is just for the plane. It does not include any of the ancillary costs that accrue anytime the vice president travels anywhere. There were increased security costs to local police once Pence was on the ground in Indianapolis. Costs to locals stuck in traffic as roads were likely closed for his motorcade. Costs to the Colts to increase security at the stadium. And so on. All so Pence could release a statement that was the equivalent of his infamous stern gaze across the Demilitarized Zone at North Korea: I left today's Colts game because President Trump and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem. At a time when so many Americans are inspiring our nation with their courage, resolve, and resilience, now, more than ever, we should rally around our Flag and everything that unites us. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I don't think it's too much to ask NFL players to respect the Flag and our National Anthem. I stand with President Trump, I stand with our soldiers, and I will always stand for our Flag and our National Anthem. Pence's office would like you to think this was just a spontaneous reaction by a man proud of his flag and his nation. This is belied by the fact that his reporters traveling with him were not allowed out of their vans when they arrived at the Colts' stadium but were told ahead of time that “there may be an early departure from the game by VPOTUS.” It is also belied by this tweet sent Sunday afternoon by Donald Trump: I asked @VP Pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country. I am proud of him and @SecondLady Karen. The Colts were playing the San Francisco 49ers, the former team of Colin Kaepernick, who started the kneeling protests a year ago. The chances that Mike Pence would see players kneeling were approximately 100 percent. He knew this ahead of time, yet he still chose to fly from Las Vegas to Indianapolis despite the fact that he had to fly back to California immediately afterwards for fundraisers, just so he could get a picture of himself holding his hand over his heart (a picture his staff immediately made the header photo on his Twitter page) before theatrically storming out and scolding the NFL players for offending him. A real leader might have tried to find out exactly why the players started kneeling in the first place, which was to protest police brutality and racism, and then spoken with them and tried to figure out ways to address their concerns. Mike Pence did the exact opposite. As of Monday morning, he has yet to make a peep about the white nationalists returning to Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday night to once again rally around the Robert E. Lee statue there. That he is seemingly far more concerned with staging a political stunt slapping down African-American players protesting systemic racism tells you all you need to know about him. Oh, and to top it off, one of the fundraisers Pence is attending in California is for Dana Rohrabacher, the strongly pro-Russia congressman. Fiction writers could not make this up. Please note: This is a commentary piece. The views and opinions expressed within it are those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect the editorial opinion of IJR.",160,1 +161,"Governor Cuomo of New York is threatening to sue the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to stop its ongoing raids to detain illegal immigrants wanted for serious crimes like assault and rape. A staggering 80% of those apprehended in recent ICE raids in New York were either convicted criminals or charged with crimes. But Mr. Cuomo is siding with criminals over their victims. He’s playing politics. Faced with a challenge on his left flank from Cynthia Nixon, he’s desperate to prove his liberal bona fides. Public safety be damned. The governor is parroting Democrats across the nation who claim ICE should be abolished because it’s breaking apart families and peaceful communities. The facts prove otherwise. Eighty-eight percent of the illegal immigrants arrested in recent Los Angeles ICE raids and 81% arrested throughout California, according to the latest ICE data, had criminal convictions. These are bad guys. So when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi claims that “unjust and cruel” ICE raids “terrorize innocent immigrant families,” don’t buy it. Mr. Cuomo is making the same bogus claim. Last Thursday, the governor denounced an ICE raid on an Upstate farm looking for Marcial DeLeon-Aguilar, a three-time deportee convicted for felony aggravated assault. Mr. Cuomo complained that Aguilar’s children had to watch their father being pinned by officers to block his escape. What about families victimized by violent illegals? Since January 2016, at least 25 Long Island youths have been executed by the MS-13 gang of Central American illegals. Some of the victims were left so mutilated they could hardly be identified. MS-13 beats the youngsters with baseball bats, puts plastic bags over their heads to suffocate them and then slices off their noses, ears and lips with machetes. No one reads these victims their constitutional rights. ICE’s Operation Matador targets MS-13 gang members. Yet Mr. Cuomo seems angrier at the ICE agents than at the MS-13 butchers. Laughably, Mr. Cuomo issued a “cease and desist” letter to ICE last week, ordering federal agents to touch base with local police before taking enforcement action. Mr. Cuomo doesn’t have a leg on which to stand. Check the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution: Uncle Sam doesn’t need Andrew Cuomo’s permission to enforce federal laws. Why the surge in visible, violent sweeps? ICE is forced to conduct sweeps out in residential communities because New York’s sanctuary laws are preventing the agency from taking custody of criminal aliens before they’re released from jail, like the agency used to do. As ICE’s Deputy Director Thomas Homan points out, these sanctuary policies are needlessly exposing New Yorkers to violence. Mr. Cuomo is mimicking California Democrats, who are in open rebellion against federal law enforcement. In February, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf issued a public alert about a planned ICE raid in her city before it took place, tipping off hundreds of wanted criminals to scatter. Attorney General Sessions said to Ms. Shaaf, “How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of law enforcement just to promote your radical open borders agenda?” Political pandering is driving this agenda. An amazing 27% of California’s population are immigrants. Immigrants disproportionately favor big government. California hasn’t elected a statewide Republican since 2006. New York is moving in the same direction, with 23% of its population foreign-born and Democrats gaining increasing control of state government. Mr. Cuomo and other Democrats have been resisting the federal crackdown on immigrant-related crime and calling for increased spending on after-school music and sports programs to provide an “alternative” to gang activity in immigrant communities. That’s nonsense. Brutes willing to torture and mutilate a human being with a machete will not be dissuaded by learning to play the flute. President Trump calls them “animals” who have turned peaceful neighborhoods “into bloodstained killing fields.” He’s got the right plan: “We will find you. We will arrest you. We will jail you. And we will deport you.” Ms. McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research. receive the latest by email: subscribe to the new york sun's free mailing list",161,1 +162,"The media’s reporting has now become one of the most central issues being covered by the media. Trump’s fitness to serve is simply a piece of fake news that his enemies are using to relentlessly attack him. The issues are not the central matters that concern Trump’s opponents – they just seem focused on one thing – bringing President Trump down – with no red lines as to how to achieve that goal. Let’s hope political discourse takes a step upwards and we can return to discussing the main issues. Some corners of the media seem to have totally lost focus on what their jobs are supposed to be. The State of Israel is very used to this entire idea of fact inventing and fact-bending. Just like Donald Trump has been saying, the New York times has been using headlines such as: “Ten die in PLO Fighting” as far back as the 80’s. Instead of reporting that warring Arab factions in Lebanon had killed other Arab factions in Lebanon, the clear implication was that the Israeli Army killed 10 more Arabs. This was noted by US Ambassador to the UN, Jeane Kikpatrick. The key aspect was not whether or not the news was fake or not, but whether or not the implication that the publications were hoping to get across would stick. In the case of the New York Times, it was a clear anti-Israel bias that spread across ABS, NBC, and CBS during their War in Lebanon. The bias against Israel has continued to this day and has been augmented by CNN’s slanted reporting. Fox News is occasionally a breath of fresh air on Israel, but not always;. So, when Donald Trump takes on the biased media with terms like fake news, it is a pleasure to see and watch the pompous anti-right wing media cringe. Indeed, most of the mass media has completely lost it. Add to favorites. To view your favorites click here This video has 2 votes",162,1 +163,"Opinion editorial Modal Trigger As soon as FBI Director James Comey announced the revival of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server, Democrats went on the attack — against Comey. The lowest is the party’s top smear-meister: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. The same Harry Reid who flat-out lied in 2012 in claiming a “confidential source” told him Mitt Romney had paid no income taxes for a decade. (In fact, Romney paid millions.) The same Harry Reid who still calls that lie “one of the best things I’ve ever done” — simply because “Romney didn’t win.” Now he’s wildly accusing Comey of suppressing evidence about Donald Trump’s “close ties and coordination” with Vladimir Putin’s government. And he’s not alone: Democrats and their media allies have unleashed an unbridled attack on Comey, accusing him of violating federal law with his Friday letter to Congress. He’s endangering democracy, they say, and deliberately sabotaging Clinton. What a load of hypocritical hooey. In June, Democrats praised Comey to the skies after he gave Hillary a free pass on her private server. Never mind that, as former Attorney General Michael Mukasey argued, her actions appear to have violated several statutes, and others have been prosecuted for far less. Now that Comey wants to check the e-mails from Anthony Weiner’s devices, he’s become an agent of the “vast right-wing conspiracy” that Clinton says has been hounding her for 25 years. Sorry: After clearing Clinton four months ago, Comey had no choice but to announce the discovery of potential fresh evidence in the case — evidence that should’ve been handed over long ago. If he’d tried to keep a lid on it, the political impact would be far bigger when the news inevitably leaked. We’re glad to see the White House playing it cool, announcing that President Obama doesn’t believe Comey is trying to influence the election outcome. The fault here is not with the FBI but with the Democrats’ own candidate, Hillary Clinton, who plainly believes the law doesn’t matter if it conflicts with her desire for secrecy. Just as Harry Reid believes the truth doesn’t matter — as long as the Democrats win.",163,1 +164,"The 1st Amendment is the most well known to Americans of all the amendments in the Bill of Rights. It contains some of the most familiar phrases in political discussion, such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The 1st Amendment reads like this: ""Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."" The 1st Amendment protects your right to believe and practice whatever religious principles you choose and your right to say what you believe, even if it is unpopular or against the will of elected officials. It also protects your right to publish any information you want, join together with whomever you want and ask the government to correct its own errors. What exactly does the 1st Amendment mean and how does it apply to people today? Does it have relevance to you today? It sure does. In fact, it affects just about everything you do. The 1st Amendment has seven clauses. This page has a brief description of each clause with links to more detailed information about the history and purpose of each section. The Opening Phrase of the 1st Amendment says ""Congress shall make no law."" This opening phrase immediately tells exactly who this amendment is aimed at... and that entity is Congress. So the 1st Amendment specifically prohibits Congress from making laws interfering with the rights mentioned in the amendment. It does not however, prohibit the states from making such laws, nor does it prohibit individuals from restricting these rights to those who may be under their authority, such as a parent and child or an employer and an employee. For one hundred years the 1st Amendment was understood to only apply to the federal government, but after the Civil War and the 14th Amendment was added to the Constitution, courts began to forbid the states to interfere with these rights as well due to an idea called ""due process of law."" Learn more about the Opening Phrase of the 1st Amendment here. The Establishment Clause is the part of the 1st Amendment that says Congress shall make no law ""respecting an establishment of religion."" This is a very crucial part of the American Constitution. It prohibits the government from establishing a state religion or denomination and from directing people in what they must believe. Without the Establishment Clause, the government could choose a state religion and force everyone to participate in it. It could also punish anyone who didn't adhere to its chosen faith. This clause has been the focus of much debate in the last half century. Some Americans believe that whenever the government is involved, absolutely all religious expression must be forbidden in order to comply with the Establishment Clause. For example, they might say a public school football team should not pray at a football game because the school is a government funded school. Other Americans believe the government must make certain allowances for religious expressions in public events and buildings because Americans are a very religious people. They belive a high school football team prayer or a government employee displaying a cross at work does not violate the Establishment Clause because it is simply a personal expression and not an expression endorsed by the state. Indeed, in the minds of some, banning expressions of religious faith like this is a violation of another clause of the 1st Amendment - the Free Exercise Clause, because it seeks to control the religious expressions of citizens. Learn more about the history and purpose of the Establishment Clause here. The Free Exercise Clause is the part of the 1st Amendment that says Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or ""the free exercise thereof."" This phrase deals with the restriction on Congress to regulate anyone's religious practices. In general, Congress cannot tell people how they can or cannot express their religious beliefs. Such things as telling people when or how to pray, when they should go to church or to whom they should pray, are off limits to lawmakers. In general, this is the case, but sometimes, minority religious groups may want to practice something that is not generally accepted or that the state has a very strong interest in regulating. For example, polygamy, ritual sacrifice and drug usage have been banned at times, because there is a compelling public interest in eliminating these behaviors. In such cases, the Supreme Court has often ruled that the Free Exercise Clause does not apply. In other words, the Free Exercise Clause does not give free license to any behavior that someone says is their religious belief. You can learn all about the Free Exercise Clause here. The Freedom of Speech Clause is the part of the 1st Amendment that says, ""Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech."" British history contained a long string of suppression by those in authority of those with whom they disagreed. Many British subjects had been thrown in prison for voicing their religious and political beliefs. The Americans intended to prevent this from ever happening in their newly formed republic. This is one of the protections in the Constitution that Americans hold most dear. They value it because it allows them to speak out against government policies they don't like. It also allows them to express the religious beliefs of their choosing. Negatively speaking, many people abuse this right by slandering people they disagree with, or using ugly and offensive language, racial epithets or hateful language about people who are different than they are. Generally, freedom of speech is considered to be not only the words people speak, but any type of expression that is used to convey an idea. Such things as picketing, wearing symbols or burning the flag are considered protected forms of speech because they are expressing the ideas of the people participating in them. You can learn more about the Freedom of Speech Clause by clicking here. The Freedom of the Press Clause states that ""Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom... of the press."" This was a very important principle to the Founding Fathers of America because of the importance the press played during the Revolutionary War. Without the press, the Founding Fathers would have found it very difficult to distribute their views to people in other parts of the country. The press turned out to be a very important instigation in getting Americans to consolidate their views against England and in spreading the concepts that would justify a break with England. English history contained no freedoms for the press whatsoever. All publications were subject to governmental review before publication. Criticisms of the government were strictly prosecuted as sedition. All Americans wanted the right to criticize their government freely as well as to discuss other topics whenever they chose. If you would like to learn more about the Freedom of the Press Clause, please click here. The Freedom of Assembly Clause is the part of the First Amendment that reads like this: ""Congress shall make no law... abridging... the right of the people peaceably to assemble..."" This clause is also sometimes referred to as the Freedom of Association Clause. This clause protects the right to assemble in peace to all Americans. The Freedom of Assembly was very important to early Americans because without the right to assemble, they could not coordinate their opposition to the British government. The Freedom of Assembly was recognized to be of utmost importance if the Americans were to be successful in establishing a government of the people. The Freedom of Assembly Clause has been relied upon by many groups in American history, such as civil rights groups, women's suffrage groups and labor unions. Government officials in each case tried to restrict the speech of these groups and prevent them from meeting, organizing and getting their message out. The Freedom of Assembly proved to be an important factor that allowed these groups to prosper and see their visions fulfilled. You can learn more about the history and importance of the Freedom of Assembly Clause here. The Freedom of Petition Clause of the 1st Amendment reads like this: ""Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom... of the people... to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."" The freedom to petition the government was very important to early Americans because of their experience with trying to get King George III and Parliament to respond to their grievances. The colonists were so angry about the Monarchy's refusal to acknowledge their grievances that they mentioned this fact in the Declaration of Independence. The freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances has come to include the right to do such things as picketing, protesting, conducting peaceful sitins or boycotts and addressing government officials through any media available. You can read more about the history and meaning of the Freedom of Petition Clause here. Preamble to the Bill of Rights Learn about the 1st Amendment here. Learn about the 2nd Amendment here. Learn about the 3rd Amendment here. Learn about the 4th Amendment here. Learn about the 5th Amendment here. Learn about the 6th Amendment here. Learn about the 7th Amendment here. Learn about the 8th Amendment here. Learn about the 9th Amendment here. Learn about the 10th Amendment here. Learn more about the Bill of Rights with the following articles: Last updated 8/7/12",164,0 +165,"Recently, Erin Elizabeth from HealthNutNews wrote up an expose about the past year’s findings concerning the many disappearances of holistic doctors. In case you’re not aware, the confusing conundrum first began when Dr. Bradstreet was found dead exactly one year ago – yes, on Father’s Day – in the U.S. The noted autism doctor, researcher, and parent was found in a river with a gunshot wound to the chest. While authorities at first thought his death was a result of suicide, it has since been confirmed that Dr. Bradstreet was murdered and that the wound was not self-inflicted. His family, like the families of many other missing and dead naturopathic practitioners and MD doctors, believe that he was murdered for using and promoting controversial therapies, such as GCMaF. According to Elizabeth, nearly 50 doctors have now died or gone missing under mysterious circumstances. This riveting finding has resulted in some exposure on the topic – including articles by the New York Times, The Independent UK, and network affiliates such as ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, but the whole story – or the many threads connecting the various murders– is not being told. For this reason, the activist took to the internet today, on the one-year-anniversary of the first of the mysterious deaths, to express how serious of a concern these events are. Right now in the United States, consumers are being told that they are not enough and that they must purchase more items on credit, eat high-fat, high-sugar foods, take prescription pills they cannot afford, and buy into the fear-mongering propaganda. In effect, America – perceived to be one of the most “developed” nations in the world – spends more on ‘health care’ than any other affluent nation, yet still has the worst state of health as a collective. Many suspect this is because a small elite controls the majority of corporations and mediaand, in effect, the government. Unhealthy ideals are being pushed on the public for the sake of profit. In fact, according to one Berkeley doctor, conventional treatments for concerns such as cancer are less effective than forgoing treatment in the first place. Of course, if the public knew that eating healthier, getting exercise, thinking positive thoughts, simplifying their life, and letting go of toxic people and situations would dramatically transform their health, the world would be a much different place. It seems that health practitioners that promote the idea that every individual can be their own doctor by taking responsibility for their own health rather than waiting for emergency medicine are being targeted, as they are going against a system which is corrupt and toxic. Click KEEP READING to read the full story. Or, at least, that’s what Elizabeth’s findings have concluded. The activist’s attention on this topic may have earned her – and her colleagues – death threats, but the efforts have paid off. A documentary is actually being made to shed more light on the mysterious deaths, and more information on that up-and-coming film will soon be shared. Below is a detailed timeline of 34 doctors’ deaths within the last year. We’ll let you be the judge on whether or not the untimely demise of many of these practitioners is fate or suspect. What matters most is that if these doctors were killed because they’re practicing true medicine, the injustice is uncovered and the parties responsible pay for their crimes. Dr. Bradstreet formerly of Florida, and now practicing in Georgia, was found with a gunshot wound to his chest in a river. The small town locals ruled the death almost immediately as a suicide, but many have their doubts. This same day in Mexico, June 19th, 2015, three doctors were traveling to the State Capital to deliver some papers and were reported missing. This is the only case outside of the U.S. Authorities said they found the bodies, but the families say those bodies look nothing like their family members and they are demanding more proof and more testing. A sad but riveting article was written about those details here. I also did an exclusive interview with the Bradstreet family as they publicly said I was the only journalist they trusted to talk about the horrific incident. Father’s Day, Florida East Coast: Two chiropractors are found dead. Their names are Dr. Baron Holt and Dr. Bruce Hendendal, both fathers. Dr. Hedendal also held a PhD in nutrition from Harvard. Both were presumably healthy and described as very fit. There is still no cause of death listed, for either doctor in any articles we find. A few people have contacted me about Dr. Hedendal, 67, but admit that they were surprised by his death and still find it shocking. (Update: Family and loved ones of Dr. Hedendal have spoken to the media that they are suspicious of his death and want answers. Interestingly, Dr. Holt (33), lived in North Carolina which is the state where Dr. Bradstreet’s body (the first doctor to be found) was discovered two days prior. Dr. Holt was visiting Jacksonville, Florida, though, when he died there. Dr. Bradstreet (see story #1) was living in Georgia at the time of his death and before that he lived in the neighboring state of Florida. A few mutual friends of Dr. Holt have contacted me. They are doctors and have shared with me a cause of death that I find rather shocking and cannot confirm, therefore, out of respect for the family, I will not list that here. Both were well loved by their patients, community, friends and family.) The beloved holistic Theresa Sievers, MD was found murdered in her home. Her co-worker says she was known as the “Mother Teresa of South Florida.” Her husband and children were in Connecticut at a family reunion when she was murdered. The authorities have been investigating for two weeks “around the clock,” and now say that she was targeted. Her murder was not random nor was it a home invasion and when the facts come out, “books and movies will be written about it.” It’s that big of a story. On the very same day, June 29th, Jeffrey Whiteside, MD, a pulmonologist, went missing- vanishing when he simply “walked away”. Dr. Whiteside, known for his successful treatment of lung cancer, disappeared in Door County, Wisconsin while vacationing with family. He was on foot and numerous reports have called it “mysterious,” saying he vanished without a trace. They’ve been searching now for three weeks and even colleagues have joined in (along with bloodhounds, drones search parties, and helicopters) but not one shred of evidence has surfaced. (UPDATE: Two arrests were made in the death of Teresa Sievers and one of the assailants called himself the “Hammer” on Facebook (Dr. Sievers was allegedly killed with a hammer). The other was one of her husband’s childhood friends who was just recently extradited to Florida. His attorney says there is evidence to show he had no involvement whatsoever with the crime. Her husband, Mark Sievers, has not been arrested at this time.) Patrick Fitzpatrick, MD goes missing. He was traveling from North Dakota to neighboring Montana (which he did often as his son lives there) and his truck and trailer were found on the side of the road. The search has expanded but authorities say it’s as if he vanished without a trace. He’s 6′ tall and described as Irish-looking with a goatee (details can be found in the links). Lisa Riley, 34 years old, DO (Doctor of Osteopathic medicine) is found in her home with a gunshot wound to her head. Her husband who found her and called 911, has a prior record. He was previously charged with the attempted murder of his ex, Ms. King, before charges were eventually dropped. Evidence showed that there was gun residue found on Ms. King’s hand and not Mr. Riley’s. Riley’s story corroborated this, but King’s allegedly didn’t, and her story kept changing (click link in this paragraph for their story with details on all of this). Mr. Riley has since been charged with the death of his wife, Lisa Riley. We’ll see what happens in court. Prev Next A month to the day after the first doctor (Jeff Bradstreet, MD) was found dead with a gunshot wound to his chest, Dr. Ron Schwartz was found murdered in his E. Coast Florida home.Sadly, he was shot to death. We don’t know if he was holistic, but he was licensed and lived between Florida and Georgia. He was a gynecologist who lived in an unincorporated part of Jupiter, Florida on a few acres of land and there are reports he ran an organic lawn service on the side. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, a holistic MD, dies suddenly. The same day another holistic doctor is also found dead (see below). They both allegedly died of heart attacks, though their own friends and family say publicly it doesn’t add up. I had met Dr Gonzalez and his amazing wife, and my better half has interviewed him several times. His official website says that while they initially thought it was a heart attack, his autopsy does not support that belief and shows no heart attack. They are awaiting further tests. “Dr Gonzalez was in excellent health otherwise so his passing is quite unexpected.” It is reported that he was alone at the time of his death. Countless people every week (including close friends) write me questioning the fact that he died “naturally”. He also said in several interviews (including the last one before he died) that he thought big pharma wanted him to get hit by a bus or that he might die suddenly. Frightening metaphors and a mystery we hope to get to the bottom of soon. Dr Abdul Karim, an outspoken and loved holistic (biological) dentist, 41 years of age, is found dead alongside the road by a passerby. He had been preparing for a half marathon and was allegedly out training that night. His old fraternity brother (lifelong friends), friends of many years, and patients said it didn’t add up. He was in perfect shape and ate an extremely healthy diet. Mainstream news said he had a “massive heart attack” but many who knew him have written to me with their sincere doubts. Authorities announce they have found the body of Dr Jeffrey Whiteside who has been missing for over 3 weeks. Chief Deputy Pat McCarty said at the news conference on Thursday that a .22 caliber gun was recovered at the scene. Investigators believe the body was there for “some time”. Osteopath Mary Bovier is found slain to death in her home in Pennsylvania. Her significant other, who we are told is also an osteopath, was questioned and released. At this time there have been no arrests and there are no suspects. I report that Jeffrey Whiteside’s death is officially ruled as a suicide but the local press calls the investigation a “mess” (described here in detail). Many are shocked at how long it took for details to emerge and countless people write me with their doubts. Even local authorities were asked by the local press if they’d heard of my stories. They admitted they had, but hadn’t been contacted by the feds on the case. I broke the news to the health community of 29 holistic doctors (also referred to in the German press as homeopaths/ND’s/psychiatrists) who were found poisoned by an overdose of a hallucinogenic drug. I’ve done several updates of the articles, using a German translator, but the whole story of what really happened has still not been revealed. One thing most can agree on; it was a large overdose and mainstream German news reports that some were in “life threatening situations” when dozens of ambulances and a helicopter arrived to the chaotic scene. The good news? All lived and have allegedly made a full recovery (though some had to be restrained for their safety for some time). I reported that our colleague, best selling author and holistic MD, Mitch Gaynor, is found dead outside his country home; an hour or so from Manhattan where he practiced. We knew Dr Gaynor and had just finished an advanced copy of his book that he had sent to us. It was quickly called a suicide by the local sheriff. The NY Times wrote me asking for details and we had a nice exchange. Even though I have gently broken the news on this and many other stories, the NY Times fails to source me (I didn’t expect them to source HealthNutNews, though the Guardian UK and other mainstream sources have for some time). UPDATE: Mitch Gaynor, MD had been on RT not long before he died. We wanted to contact them for comment, but soon after Mitch was found dead? the founder of RT was found dead in his Washington DC hotel room. We announce that Dr Marie Paas is found dead of an alleged suicide. She was well known for her animal advocacy. People on her Facebook page seemed shocked and in disbelief about her death. Unlike the 3 others by this date who were alleged suicides (one who has been officially confirmed) we don’t know the location where Dr Paas was found, nor the details of her alleged suicide. Many seem concerned for her pets, who they say she loved very much. Prev Next Jerome E. Block, M.D, jumped to his death from Central Park West residence. Authorities say Block jumped from the 20th floor of his residence around 9:30 a.m. Details and video can be found here. ;besides the 13 doctors covered thus far who died in non accidental deaths, we have 5 chiropractor deathsthat were accidents. We also have more deaths of doctors here: some described as freak accidents. Again, we didn’t include them in the official unintended series. We have the famous holistic ABC News doctor, Jamie Zimmerman, who allegedly slipped and fell and hit her head in Hawaii while on vacation, and who was carried out to sea. We also have more accidental deaths of holistic doctors here in NY (accidental), and yet another here of a famous holistic MD! We literally couldn’t keep up at times there were so many. January 2016 I didn’t include PhD’s in the series (unless they were also an MD, DO or DC) but then just this past few weeks we saw 2 Canadian PhD’s/researchers killed. One was stabbed in what his friends called a safe neighborhood. Another, a Phd (who was a wife and mother of two) was hit while jogging near the beach and then buried in a shallow grave on the tourist island of Grenada. Then days later a holistic doctor is also attacked there with his wife (physician’s assistant) on this same tiny island of Grenada (see #18). This is where we suddenly start seeing a spate of cancer researchers killed which hadn’t happened previously and then suddenly we have a one every few days. A top MD, John Marshall, 49, who was a former 4th generation Marine, had served in Afghanistan, and had survival training, was found dead in the Spokane river and they pulled his body out that day. He was said to be in great shape and was doing his usual run in Spokane, near the river. Authorities say he somehow must have fallen into the river and drowned and almost immediately said it was death by drowning. (UPDATE: Dr Marshall’s wife (also a doctor and surgeon) has hired her own investigator and is questioning the quick call by Seattle PD. Again, more families are questioning these deaths and what some find absurd rulings by authorities.) Our own friend of ten long years, holistic doctor Rod Floyd, was found dead at his home here in Florida. He just miles from us and I’d been to their home and they’d been to mine. It was definitely not suicide in any way and his wife of 37 years says he was “hearty and healthy” and calls it an accident. That’s all I’ll elaborate on right now, as even I don’t know all the details. Dr Floyd did buy a sauna from me (but that wasn’t involved in his death which I was told initially). Besides being a chiropractor, Dr Floyd was also a clinical professor at Palmer Chiropractor College near where we live. He and his wife have also run the Natural Awakenings magazine for some time. Our whole community is shocked and saddened by his death. Believe it or not just a few short weeks later, a holistic MD and his wife (a physician’s assistant) were attacked, while on a relaxing beach stroll, by a sword wielding man in the same place- the tiny island of Grenada. The holistic MD survived. Sadly his wife was murdered and raped by the machete wielding attacker. Both perps in each attack of the doctors in Grenada in a couple of weeks are reported to have been recently released from prison and in both crimes (allegedly unrelated) the men just nonchalantly turned themselves in after the crime. Some experts have their theories on this. I won’t elaborate at this time. Grenada locals are shocked and say they’ve never seen anything like this- let alone twice in a row. The new spate of cancer researcher/doctors who are killed or found dead doesn’t slow down and this might be the strangest of them all: Yet another cancer researcher, Professor Alan Clarke, 52, was found dead in the wood in hanging from a tree in a rubber body suit on December 28th, 2015 and they ruled it accidental. Just a week later, to the day, after losing our local friend and holistic doctor; Rod Floyd we lost another local friend also right here in our same local holistic community. The wonderful young Paige Adams FNP, B-C, also lived just up the road here locally in Florida was found dead at her home. She had worked closely for many years with her good friend and colleague Dr Bradstreet. The problem is Dr Bradstreet started off this whole holistic series when he was found dead in a river. Now we have his close friend (and our friend!) and his colleague of many years found dead. She was so young so this is particularly heartbreaking. Paige Adams had asked to stop by the house to see us days before she died. I feel awful for not taking her up on that, and my heart goes out to her family and patients. She is the only one in this entire series I’ve ever written about who is not a doctor of some sort (DC, MD, DO, and even a PhD at the end) But she was a board certified Nurse Practitioner whose patients rave about her endlessly. She also stated publicly (which you’ll see in the link) that if anything happened to her don’t assume it was an accident. Cancer HIV Researcher in Seattle- Cheryl Deboer is found dead in a culvert with a plastic bag over her head. Investigators quickly state they can’t see any evidence that it’s a homicide, but her mother and other relatives state publicly there is no way she crawled 1.5 miles through brambles and water and mud to put a plastic bag over her head in a culvert. They stated that if she would have wanted to take her life (and listed plenty of reasons why she wouldn’t with a happy family and job at the famous cancer research lab) she could have done it much more easily. The general public tends to agree with the family. Families are now starting to question these ridiculous statements called so quickly by local authorities. Some are hiring their own investigators and doubting local authorities. Many are wondering if the local authorities are to be trusted. Prev Next Yet another cancer researcher found dead in a field. He was only 34, and found in a safe quaint area in the countryside and people are astounded. Nearly immediately authorities announce his death is ‘not suspicious’, but there is a public outcry of how that could be so. We still have zero answers as to his cause of death. Wednesday, Triple homicide: Prominent Holistic doctor Henry Han, was found murdered on his 7 acre Santa Barbara estate, along with his wife and daughter, only 5 years of age. All were shot and wrapped in plastic. An arrest is quickly made of a young man who has no priors and lived with his father oceanside in Santa Barbara. His father was EX CIA. We will update as details emerge. Dr Harsch, 59, a self described holistic medicine MD was killed while riding his bicycle with a group of friends. He was the only one hit and none of the others were injured whatsoever. See details here.(Editor’s note: We had another holistic doctor earlier in the series also killed on a bicycle ride last year and many of her friends and loved ones contacted me about their concerns and questions on her death). Dr Rose Polge, 25 apparently walked off her job where she worked at Torbay Hospital in Devon, and was missing for almost two months. She allegedly wrote a letter to the Health Secretary about her feelings on a political situation there with the doctors. Police later recovered her body from the sea more than 50 miles away from where a hoodie (believed to belong to her) was found. There is now an inquest into her death after post-mortem results proved inconclusive. A holistic doctor and well known professor, Dr Rasmussen, 76, in the Boston area, was found dead. She taught classes at a local University and discussed natural health, nutrition and biology, was found stabbed to death in her home. She was stabbed over 30 times and no arrests have been made at this time. Not to be confused with the case of Pennsylvania Osteopath Mary Bovier, also found stabbed to death in her home. No arrests have been made in either murder. One of the strangest cases yet is holistic MD and acupuncturist Dr Clogston, 68, who was missing 3 weeks and eventually found dead in his car which was allegedly found off the route some say he took to work for 30 years. The peculiar part is Dr Clogston went missing on March 14, was reported missing on March 15, but then seen by someone who “knew him well” according to local authorities (they say this on video on the news). So how then- was he found dead weeks later in his car? Many would like to know. This is one of the strangest to me out of around 40 mysterious deaths. Dr Suutari, an outspoken holistic doctor in the Los Angeles area, who had a beautiful family and new child, allegedly took his own life on Mother’s day in the garage.Here are what details we know on this sad death. Prominent investigator hired by Dr Marshall’s wife (She’s also an MD and a surgeon) and investigator says on CBS news that the “accidental death” of Dr Marshall (that I reported on first in January) is most likely a professionally staged murder by someone in military or police. A must watch… An arrest was made in the death of holistic doctor Mary Louise Yoder. The curious part is that Dr. Yoder actually died in or around July 22nd 2015 (last year – a very busy week for holistic doctor deaths) and authorities almost immediately said she died of natural causes despite being fit, uber healthy and just 60 years old. I did not include her in the series originally since the authorities mistakenly said it was natural. So oftentimes we have authorities making these quick calls only to find out later they were completely false (why the rush officers?) So for months, Yoder’s death was considered “natural” until reports say a family member demanded an investigation. Now, this June, her employee (who was listed as her daughter on her obituary – they were so close) was arrested and it’s said she poisoned her. The employee is only 23 years old and had said Yoder meant the world to her. Keep updated on this story as new details may emerge. A man stormed into a holistic doctor’s office and gunned the man down and then turned the gun on himself – taking both their lives. A client walked in and saw them on the ground with a woman who worked there screaming. The very next day – see #34) another man went into another holistic doctor’s office and killed him. These could be total coincidence, but we report all mysterious murders/suicides/unexplained sudden deaths of holistic doctors so are including them on this recap. Another man stormed into a holistic doctor’s office (just a day later) and murdered the alternative MD in cold blood with a knife. The victim was Dr. Tiejun Huang Ph.D./MD R.Ac, RMT, DTCM. Dr Huang was a sports medicine specialist at the Beijing Olympic Games, a professor in sports medicine and rehabilitation and performs acupuncture and Chinese “Tuina” massage. You can read all the details here. Dr Huang allegedly knew his assailant (authorities said immediately) but we had a holistic doctor gunned down by a man the day before in his office (see #33) who they say knew his assailant too. 2 holistic doctors in under 2 days murdered in their offices does raise eyebrows. What are your thoughts? Please share this news and comment below! This article ( 50 Holistic Doctors Have Mysteriously Died In The Last Year, But What’s Being Done About It?) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com Prev Next",165,1 +166,"In a report titled ‘Roy Moore’s Facebook page shared inflammatory memes, article praising Russia’s anti-gay laws,’ CNN (Cable News Network), one of most rabid left-wing, anti-conservative channels in the United States, sternly criticized the conservative contents of the Facebook page belonging to Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for US Senate in Alabama. Among Moore’s Facebook posts hated by CNN the most highlighted was the BarbWire article “ Conservative Russians Give Moral Lesson to Facebook’s Homosexual Propaganda,” written by me. CNN said, Moore’s Facebook page also shared an article from the religious conservative website BarbWire.com in July 2015 with the headline, “Conservative Russians Give Moral Lesson to Facebook’s Homosexual Propaganda.” The article highlighted efforts by some Russians to counter a feature on Facebook that allowed users to overlay a rainbow over their profile picture. Trending: English Professor Assigns Trump-Bashing Books “The strongest reaction came from conservative Russians who overlaid an image of the colors of their country’s flag — white, blue and red — over their profile picture,” the article read, adding that users also “countered the homosexual #LoveWins hashtag with #pridetobestraight and #pridetoberussian.” The article also described Russia’s efforts to crack down on the LGBT community, including the country’s so-called “gay propaganda law,” as a “strong stance in defense of traditional family values.” CNN added, Moore shared an article in July 2015 that praised Russia’s anti-gay laws and Russians who opposed Facebook’s feature that allowed users to change their profile pictures to celebrate same-sex marriage: I considered it a privilege to have a my conservative BarbWire article shared by Judge Roy Moore. I considered it an even greater privilege to have my name connected with fine conservative leaders such as James Dobson and Chuck Norris, in the official list of endorsements of Moore. As a conservative evangelical Christian, I am not surprised that CNN attacked Moore just because he shared one of my BarbWire articles. After all, what expect from the Communist News Network? Portuguese version of this article: CNN ataca Roy Moore só porque ele compartilhou meu artigo no portal conservador BarbWire The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Barb Wire.",166,1 +167,"Opinion Modal Trigger Hillary Clinton boasts that her experience traveling to 112 countries as secretary of state qualifies her to be president. Don’t believe it. Evidence shows she left the State Department in shambles and our nation weaker. Her record at Foggy Bottom disqualifies her to be president. Her failures go beyond leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, the ridiculous Russian “reset” and the carnage in Syria that she and President Obama idly watched unfold — and that gets more horrific daily. A string of investigative reports from the Obama administration shows that she botched key management jobs as secretary of state, threatening American lives and our diplomatic secrets. Clinton’s State Department repeatedly rebuffed requests for additional security for the vulnerable compound at Benghazi, Libya. The result? Heavily armed terrorists were able to storm the compound and kill Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. But Benghazi wasn’t an isolated case. Clinton failed to secure diplomatic posts in Pakistan, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and other global hot spots. Internal State Department reports show the posts lacked emergency plans in case of attack. Guards assigned to them had no training in chemical or biological threats and, amazingly, some hadn’t undergone background checks. Clinton tried to weasel out of taking the blame for Benghazi, testifying to Congress that she wasn’t personally involved in embassy security. But emails later revealed that was false. Investigators also point to Clinton’s total neglect of cybersecurity. The Bush administration — reeling from the attack on the World Trade Center — had made it a top priority to protect information flow among embassies, the CIA and the FBI. But Clinton dropped the ball, creating what the department’s inspector general called “undue risk in the management of information.” In November 2013, the IG issued an alert to the State Department’s top executives about the urgent “recurring weaknesses” in cybersecurity that had been red-flagged in six previous reports between 2011 and 2013, almost all on Clinton’s watch. The “recurring weaknesses” had still not been addressed, including vulnerabilities to hackers. One of those previous reports — from July 2013 (shortly after Clinton’s departure) — described how much of the cybersecurity work was actually being done by contractors rather than department staff, contrary to government policy. John Bentel, in charge of State’s cybersecurity during Clinton’s tenure, is one of the five State Department staffers who demanded immunity before talking to FBI investigators about Clinton’s private-server scheme. He apparently took his duties regarding Clinton’s secret server more seriously than his duties to safeguard national cybersecurity. According to an IG report, Bentel “instructed his subordinates not to discuss the secretary’s email.” Rudy Giuliani said on Saturday Clinton’s use of a private email service for official business was like taking “all our top-secret material and throwing it out on Fifth Avenue.” Outrageous, but still a lesser offense than Clinton’s neglect of the entire department’s digital security — exposing communications between thousands of agents and diplomats across the globe. Even after WikiLeaks released 250,000 confidential State Department documents in 2010, Clinton didn’t plug the obvious holes in State’s cyber setup. Yet during Monday’s debate, Clinton had the nerve to claim that she takes threats to the nation’s cybersecurity very seriously. That’s a laugh. Hillary’s management of finances at State was also slipshod, according to inspector general reports that point to a whopping $6 billion unaccounted for during her tenure. Clinton’s chaotic mismanagement created “conditions conducive to fraud,” the IG warned, and made it harder “to punish and deter criminal behavior.” She must have felt right at home. True to Clinton’s instinct to cover up problems rather than fix them, she thwarted several investigations of sexual misconduct and prostitution at State. Investigators complained of “an appearance of undue influence and favoritism.” So what are the odds Hillary would run the federal government with integrity, keep the nation safe and get taxpayers more for their money? Zero. Betsy McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.",167,1 +168,"In response to Joyce Newman’s recent letter about a conversation about guns: According to the National Right to Life Organization, approximately 600,000 babies are murdered every year by Planned Parenthood with more than 52 million murdered since Roe v. Wade. This makes Planned Parenthood the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world. Is she willing to have a serious conversation about that? Where is her outrage over that? More people die every year from overdoses or auto accidents then from guns. More people die every year from obesity then from guns. Where is her outrage over those issues? The left’s obsession with gun “control” is just that, control. It has always been about Democrats wanting to control every aspect of your life. They support Planned Parenthood but go ballistic when a gun is used to kill someone. It’s the old game of “don’t pay any attention to what’s going on over there, but look what’s happening here.”",168,1 +169,"There is apparently nothing wrong with America that can’t be blamed on Donald Trump. He is single-handedly destroying the Republican Party, trashing presidential debates and spoiling the reputation of locker-room talk. And — breaking news alert! — Trump is even changing journalism. His habit of saying things that nobody ever said before is forcing reporters to unleash their partisan views instead of just giving the facts. Some of these charges may be true, but the one about Trump changing journalism is demonstrably false. All the more so because it comes from the editor of the New York Times, who happens to be the actual guilty party. Dean Baquet, the Gray Lady’s boss for two years, recently claimed that Trump’s campaign had forced the paper into a new way of covering politics. “I think that he’s challenged our language,” Baquet told an interviewer. “He will have changed journalism, he really will have.” The claim is presented as one of those chin-stroking insights about a new paradigm that liberals spot around every corner. In fact, it is just another example of the Times getting it all wrong. Trump didn’t change the Times — Baquet did. He’s the one who authorized reporters to abandon the paper’s standards when covering Trump and express their personal political opinions. Or, as Baquet said in the interview with Nieman Lab’s Ken Doctor, the struggle for fairness is over. “I think that Trump has ended that struggle,” Baquet boasted. “I think we now say stuff. We fact-check him. We write it more powerfully that it’s false.” Fact-checking, of course, is often in the eye of the beholder, and quickly morphs into opinion when there is no restraint or neutral standard. The result is the paper’s relentless, daily assault on Trump, to the advantage of Hillary Clinton. Opinions, all uniformly anti-Trump, now ooze from the paper’s every pore, with headlines on front-page “news” articles indistinguishable from daily denunciations on the editorial and op-ed pages. This is not a mere continuation of the old liberal bias that infected the Times, the Washington Post and the broadcast networks for years. This is a malignant strain of conformity that strips away any pretense of fairness in favor of strident partisanship. The signal that the Times abandoned its traditional church-state separation of news and opinion came in an article by the paper’s media reporter two months ago. In his August piece, Jim Rutenberg declared that most reporters saw Trump “as an abnormal and potentially dangerous candidate,” and concluded they had a duty to be “true to the facts, in a way that will stand up to history’s judgment.” Baquet, in the interview, cited the Rutenberg piece, saying it “nailed” his thinking. He also said he started “down this track” years ago, during the dispute over weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and made it clear he believed then-President George W. Bush and then-Secretary of State Colin Powell lied to take America to war. The Trump treatment, he said, was a logical extension: “I think he gave us courage, if you will. I think he made us — forced us, because he does it so often, to get comfortable with saying something is false.” This is not a mere continuation of the old liberal bias that infected the Times, the Washington Post and the broadcast networks for years. This is a malignant strain of conformity that strips away any pretense of fairness in favor of strident partisanship. Baquet offered another example that got him to this point. He accused Republicans of lying in their “swift-boat” charges against Democratic nominee John Kerry in the 2004 campaign. It is not incidental that his examples all involve allegedly dishonest Republicans, and none involves dishonest Democrats. Nothing better explains why the Times fails to give Clinton the same scrutiny it gives Trump. More than 60 percent of voters regard her as fundamentally dishonest, but Baquet sees only Republicans as liars. Simply put, his political bias precludes fair journalism. And once standards are gone, they are gone forever, meaning anyone wanting to work at the Times will face a political litmus test. Baquet’s defense of slanted coverage is reflected in the trove of emails WikiLeaks released from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. Times reporters and columnists repeatedly show up in partisan ways. Washington correspondent John Harwood sends Podesta his private approval of Hillary Clinton appearances, as if he’s on the team. Columnist Nicholas Kristof, in advance of an interview with Bill Clinton, emails his questions, which Podesta’s team passes around to staffers to shape Clinton’s answers. A Washington reporter gives Hillary Clinton veto power over quotations he can use from an interview. Another reporter is praised as someone who has “never disappointed” in delivering stories the campaign wants “teed up” for public consumption. As the editor, Baquet should be outraged that his staff secretly compromised the paper’s integrity. But as the editor who eliminated the Times’ standards, he’s getting the biased paper he wanted. Mayor Bill de Blasio won’t take questions from The Post these days, so here are questions all City Hall reporters should insist he answer. No. 1: Has the mayor or his lawyer been informed that de Blasio is a target of federal and state investigations? No. 2: Has the mayor been ordered to testify before a grand jury? Has he voluntarily offered to do so? No. 3: Did the mayor ask teachers union president Michael Mulgrew for the $350,000 contribution the union gave to de Blasio’s political slush fund, the Campaign for One New York, a month before the union got a $9 billion contract? No. 4: Did de Blasio or his wife, Chirlane McCray, personally receive any money, gifts or other things of significant value from the consultants paid millions of dollars by the Campaign for One New York? No. 5: Who is paying the legal fees of de Blasio and City Hall aides? How much, if any, taxpayer money has been spent representing them? The public has a right to know what the mayor knows about the investigations, including the possibility he will face criminal charges. The reporters in Room 9, the legendary home of the City Hall press corps, should ask these questions every day until they get answers. Reading the emails hacked from John Podesta’s account, I felt squeamish. But two facts settled my stomach. First, the emails reveal the greed and backstabbing among the Clinton clan. There is no honor among those thieves. Second, the claim that the messages are forged or a Russian plot illustrate how the family fudges facts it can’t deny. That means the emails offer the unvarnished truth, making them unique in Clinton land. Alan Schulkin will never eat lunch in New York again. The Manhattan Democratic representative on the city’s Board of Elections was caught telling an inconvenient truth, saying, “I think there is a lot of voter fraud.” Schulkin was being secretly taped by an undercover journalist, so maybe his party will forgive him for saying what everybody knows to be true. Otherwise, he’s going to be a very hungry man.",169,1 +170,"John Legend has added his voice against those speaking out against disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, who has been accused of sexual harassment, assault and rape by multiple women in Hollywood. He was recently fired from the Weinstein Company but has reportedly vowed to continue making movies. TMZ spoke with Legend and asked for his thoughts on the matter. He said: “I think he did some despicable things and he is rightfully being shamed for it. He shouldn’t be working in Hollywood if he’s abusing his position that way. I think it’s good we’re bringing light to this issue and hopefully more women will be able to tell their stories. Men need to listen and change their behavior.“",170,0 +171,"UPDATE May 22, 2018: The Little Rock Police Department has recovered human remains in Chalamont Park, the last place Ebby Steppach was seen. May 25, 2017: Crime Watch Daily joins in the hunt for a missing Arkansas teenager whose parents fear she may have been kidnapped and forced into the dark world of sex-trafficking. Ebby Steppach, 18, was planning to go to the Little Rock Police Department to report an alleged sexual assault. But before she could make talk to cops -- she vanished. She's a young woman who has become famous in Little Rock, Arkansas for all the wrong reasons. ""Everyone knows Ebby,"" said KARK-TV reporter Mitch McCoy. ""Ebby is the 'Little Rock Girl.' You can say the name Ebby Steppach and most people will know who you're talking about."" She went to a house party to kick off the weekend. But that was the end of the good times for 18-year-old Ebby. ""Ebby went to a party on a Friday night and had been assaulted, and there was a videotape,"" said Ebby's mother Laurie Jernigan. And it's the beginning of a nightmare for her and her family. ""She got extremely upset about it and was threatening to go to the police about it. And then two days later she disappears? Yes."" And now only Crime Watch Daily tracks down a key witness who sheds light on the frightening possibilities. Laurie Jernigan says her daughter Ebby is a joy to have around. But Ebby has an independent streak too. ""When she started pushing the boundaries, it was 'I have a car of my own, I should be able to come home when I want,'"" said Laurie. When Ebby got that first car, a whole new world opened up, and she's taking the ride all the way. ""She didn't realize the danger,"" said Laurie. One night Ebby heads to a party in Little Rock. ""She did have bad influences on her life, some that I didn't know,"" said Laurie. The next morning Ebby sends a frightening text message to her friend Gage Fulton. Gage read the text out loud on a phone call to private investigator Monty Vickers, who recorded the conversation. ""I was hanging with some dudes last night and we smoked and I had sex with one of them and he [----]ing recorded me dude, like when I wasn't looking."" Videotaped during a sexual encounter -- Ebby doesn't tell Gage who did it. But he tells Vickers that she is horrified and confused. Vickers: ""Did she tell you that she was raped?"" Fulton: ""She said she felt forced into it. Her last text message to me is 'I am going to go kill myself.'"" But Ebby doesn't kill herself. She is enraged, and plans to do something about it. That same night, she again sends a text, this time to her stepfather Michael Jernigan while he is at dinner with the family. ""An incident had occurred at that party that she wanted to discuss, and discuss with the police,"" said Michael Jernigan. ""There had been an encounter with a particular individual at that party that he had videotaped."" Michael leaves a message with Ebby that he's heading to her grandparents' house where she is staying. But he gets no response. ""I called over to her grandparents to ask if she was over there. They stated that she left, said that she was going to meet me,"" said Michael. But Michael says there hadn't been an arrangement to meet anywhere. And it is the last contact he ever has with his stepdaughter. But suddenly the family hears from Ebby the next day when she answers a phone call from her brother Trevor. Like everyone else he has been trying desperately to reach her. ""She answered and he said 'Where are you?' And she said 'I'm out in front of your house,'"" said Laurie Jernigan. ""So he hung up and says cool and he goes out there and she's not there. So he calls her back. She answers and she says she's messed up and he said 'Where are you?' And she said 'I'm in my car,' and he said 'Where is your car?' And she said 'I don't know,' and hung up. And that's the last time anyone's talked to her."" And now the family is truly alarmed and terrified for the fate of their Ebby. ""He called the police immediately, and he said 'You've got to look for her car. I know something is wrong. Something's happened,'"" said Laurie. ""They listed her as a runaway and they weren't going to look for her."" No possibility that she just decided to leave town on her own for whatever reason? ""She would move out and hang out, which was really unusual, but she would never run away and not talk to her family,"" said Laurie. And Ebby's family is searching for her everywhere. Until days after her disappearance, they suddenly get news that leaves them thunderstruck once more. Ebby's abandoned car is reported at a nearby city park by security guard Guy Hooper. A surveillance image shows her car on the road shortly after she went missing. But police are not saying exactly where or if anyone was in the car with her. ""I called Little Rock and notified them that the car had been sitting there for three days, and they had gotten the car and taken it in,"" said Guy Hooper. ""It was devastating. I can't describe to you how bad that was that night. Finding her car and not her, you might as well tell me she was dead. It was unimaginable,"" said Laurie. And what police find in her car only deepens the family's fear that something terrible has happened to Ebby. ""What 18-year-old leaves her cellphone or their clothes? Her makeup? She spent all of her money on makeup. Her contact lenses, she can't see without contacts,"" said Laurie. But Laurie says she still cannot convince police that Ebby is a victim of foul play and not a runaway. ""No matter how hard I tried I could not get detectives to do anything about it,"" said Laurie. Not only that, Ebby's family says they still don't know if some of the people who were with her at that party have even been questioned by police. Stepdad Michael Jernigan says Ebby gave him some names in that last text conversation, but he will not reveal them for fear of jeopardizing the ongoing investigation. ""I know two of the individuals,"" said Michael. Do the police know who they are? ""Yes."" Ebby Steppach, 18, has been missing for weeks after disappearing on Oct. 25, 2015. And the alarming possibility that she has been sex-trafficked haunts everyone who knows this case. How does the sex-trafficking work? ""They pick up this girl, lock her up in a room, feed her with heroin, keep her doped up,"" said private investigator Monty Vickers. ""They charge guys to have sex with her, to the point where she is just a zombie slave."" The best-case scenario is Ebby is still alive, but being sex-trafficked. ""That's the worst-case scenario to me,"" said Ebby's mother Laurie. ""If she's not with us anymore, she's in peace."" The search for any sign of her goes on, with no results. Ebby's family hires private investigator and former Little Rock Police detective Monty Vickers. He says he tries to help the department work better with the family. ""The last thing that we need to do is to run out here and start our own investigation and interfere with the police investigation in some way, so we basically did nothing other than try to communicate with the police department and stay in communication with the family,"" said Vickers. But he still does a lot of digging himself. About five months after Ebby goes missing, he visits security guard Guy Hooper, the man who reported Ebby's abandoned car at a city park. We tracked down Guy Hooper ourselves, and he gave us the shocking details about seeing Ebby with two young black men in the park only days before she disappeared. ""It was late evening, I advised them all, everybody to leave the park, which they did,"" said Hooper. ""Then a few days later I run into her again with another young black gentleman. This time they were in the back seat of the car. And the third time she was back with another couple gentlemen."" He's sure it was Ebby? ""Yes sir,"" said Hooper. ""After I saw the pictures of her later on, of course -- I didn't have a name at the time."" And Hooper says he notices one guy in particular, who he says is there all three times. ""They were hugging, kissing back and forth,"" said Hooper. Does he remember what these guys looked like, especially the one she was close to? ""He was about five-foot-six, five-seven, had long dreads,"" said And his eyewitness account is about to go ballistic when we show him what we've brought along with us. There was a bust involving sex-trafficking that took place in Louisiana but the individuals that were arrested many of them have connection to Little Rock. We showed Hooper their mug shots to see if he recognized any of them. ""It's this middle one on the top and the gentleman on the left,"" said Hooper. Which individual was the one kissing and hugging Ebby? ""This gentleman right here, the guy with the dreads,"" said Hooper. How positive is Hooper? ""About 70 percent. I'm pretty sure this was the gentleman that was directly with her,"" said Hooper. It is a stunning development that could have a major impact on the search for Ebby. The man with the dreadlocks is Keith Pruiett, 21, of Little Rock. Police in Arkansas have not connected him with Ebby's disappearance. But Pruiett was recently charged with human-trafficking and promoting prostitution near Shreveport, Louisiana. Also charged in that case in Louisiana is 23-year-old Gary Jackson of Little Rock. Gus Hooper also pointed out Jackson as the second man he believes he saw in the park with Ebby. Both men are currently in jail in Louisiana awaiting trial, and we have been not been able to contact them or anyone representing them. Little Rock Police have not named either man, or any suspects, in Ebby Steppach's disappearance. We don't know if the Little Rock Police Department has ever seen the potential bombshell evidence that Crime Watch Daily has brought to the table. So Crime Watch Daily went right over to the station and hand it to them personally. We couldn't get the lieutenant or a detective on camera, but we ran into Public Information Officer Steve Moore out front. ""I'm trying to find him and I'm going to call the assigned detective and give him this also,"" Moore said. Police say they are actively pursuing the information we provided them. ""I think there's a lot more to the story,"" said KARK-TV's Mitch McCoy. McCoy from has been on the story since Ebby first went missing. ""I think that there are a lot of unknowns with this case that sooner or later will come out. The question is when,"" said McCoy. McCoy interviewed retired detective Tommy Hudson, who recently worked on the case. Today Hudson says the investigation is back on track. He won't discuss sex-trafficking, but he does lean toward foul play. ""My opinion is is somebody has her and somebody's done something to her,"" McCoy tells Crime Watch Daily. And Ebby's family says that they are now satisfied that police are doing everything possible to find their daughter. ""I have full confidence in who has her case now,"" said Ebby's mother Laurie Jernigan. ""I can actually sleep at night knowing that there are those looking for her. Thank God we have someone now, we have people now that understand that and check on that as soon as they can."" Ebby Steppach stands 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs about 110 pounds. She also may have dyed her blond hair black after her disappearance.",171,0 +172,"Donald Trump’s first week The Republican billionaire made a victory speech in New York yesterday, just after Hillary Clinton conceded defeat to him by phone. Mr Trump promised to put America first, saying: “I will be President for all Americans and this is so important for me.” He later tweeted: “The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. We will all come together as never before.” The real estate developer is due to meet outgoing President Barack Obama at the White House today to discuss the transfer of power. Despite their differences, Mr Obama said: ""We are now all rooting for his success in leading and uniting the country."" Mr Trump, who has never governed before, is also starting putting together a top team to run his administration. Hillary Clinton gave an emotional speech yesterday, saying: ""This is painful and will be for a long time."" Donald Trump’s first months Over the next two months, Mr Trump will get ready to take power before he enters the White House on January 20. His victory will be confirmed though an Electoral College vote and he will official announced as the next President on January 6. Mr Trump will also work to repair relations with the Republican Party, which has retaken control of the Senate and House of Representatives. House speaker Paul Ryan said: “We are eager to work hand-in-hand with the new administration to advance an agenda to improve the lives of the American people."" One of his first battles with Congress is likely to be over his controversial plans to build a vast wall along the border with Mexico. Donald Trump’s first 100 days Once in the White House, Mr Trump will immediately set about undoing as much of Mr Obama’s legacy as possible. He has proposed bringing Congress back for a special session to repeal Obamacare - the outgoing President’s landmark health reforms. In his first 24 hours as President, Mr Trump has pledged to suspend immigration from “terror-prone” regions of the world. He also says he will begin removing more than two million illegal immigrants from America and introduce “extreme vetting”. Wed, November 9, 2016 Other immediate actions include tax cuts, appoint a new Justice to the Supreme Court and axing funding for UN climate change projects. He will also announce the US’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and start reviewing all of America’s trade deals. The new President has vowed to rip up trade deals that do not serve America's interests. He has attacked the US free trade deal with Mexico and Canada. Mr Trump will also start to develop relationships with world leaders and looks set to have good relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.",172,0 +173,"Don't freak out the next time you see President Barack Obama sans wedding ring—he and Michelle are still #goals. In fact, the reason why Obama often goes ringless has us loving the First Couple—who recently celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary on October 3—all the more. Prepare to melt... It appears that President Obama keeps his left-hand naked because he wants to keep his most precious valuable safe, and doesn't want to risk anything happening to his wedding band. A video recently surfaced on the Washington Post of President Obama discreetly slipping off his wedding ring and placing it in his pocket as he approached a small crowd to shake hands—seemingly indicating that he wants to keep it close and out of any potential harm's way. (Like snatchers or who-knows-what-else. People be crazy.) Even with all of the Secret Service agents surrounding him, Obama still takes the utmost precautions with his beloved wedding ring. How's that for a sweet husband? However, if Obama were to lose his wedding ring—say it slips out of his pocket—he could always call the Ring Finders.",173,0 +174,"At Price Hill Chili Restaurant in Hamilton County, Ohio, Tuesday morning, they served up hot coffee, scrambled eggs and a side of politics. CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller asked voters there whether the FBI’s decision to re-open Hillary Clinton’s email investigation is changing any minds. “I am standing by Hillary,” one said. “I am really rooting for Trump this year,” said another. Watch the video above for more reaction from swing state voters.",174,0 +175,"Ia bertujuan meningkatkan tentangannya terhadap pengiktirafan Baitulmaqdis sebagai ibu negara Israel oleh Donald Trump. ISTANBUL: Presiden Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdogan menyatakan kesediaan Turki membuka kedutaannya di Baitumaqdis Timur dalam usaha meningkatkan tentangan terhadap pengiktirafan kota itu sebagai ibu negara Israel oleh Presiden Donald Trump. Erdogan sebelum ini mengetuai kecaman umat Islam terhadap langkah AS itu dengan mengadakan sidang kemuncak bersama pemimpin Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam (OIC) minggu lalu di Istanbul, yang menggesa dunia mengiktiraf Baitulmaqdis sebagai ibu negara Palestin. Baitulmaqdis Timur dikuasai Israel selepas dirampas dalam perang 1967, tindakan yang tidak pernah diiktiraf oleh masyarakat antarabangsa. “Kerana ia diduduki, kita tidak boleh ke sana dan membuka kedutaan,” kata Erdogan dalam ucapan kepada partinya di kota Karaman. “Tetapi, Insya Allah hari tersebut hampir tiba dan … kita akan secara rasminya membuka kedutaan kita di sana,” katanya tanpa memberikan tarikh yang tepat. Turki kini mempunyai konsulat umum di Baitulmadis. Ankara turut mempunyai hubungan diplomatik penuh dengan Israel, dan seperti negara lain, kedutaannya berada di Tel Aviv. Erdogan yang membantah keputusan Trump termasuk memindahkan kedutaan Amerika Syarikat (AS) ke Baitulmaqdis berkata ia sejajar “logik dan pemahaman zionis dan evangelis.” Beliau berkata orang Yahudi tidak mempunyai hak untuk “merampas” Baitulmaqdis yang merupakan “ibu negara umat Islam”. “Sila berhenti di mana anda berada dan jangan cuba melakukan operasi zionis,” katanya. “Jika anda cuba, anda harus membayarnya dengan harga yang mahal.” Erdogan memuji hasil sidang OIC pada 13 Disember lalu yang katanya menunjukkan “dunia memilih untuk bersatu”. Bagaimanapun sekutu AS iaitu Arab Saudi dan Emiriyah Arab Bersatu hanya menghantar pegawai rendah, bukan pegawainya menghadiri sidang tersebut. Erdogan memberi amaran kepada umat Islam dalam ucapannya agar menentang “perang saudara” di mana pertempuran antara satu sama lain “hanya membantu negara pengganas seperti Israel”. Israel bertindak balas dengan kenyataan Erdogan beberapa hari kemudian. Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu berkata beliau “tidak terkesan” dengan kenyataan tersebut. Ketika dihubungi AFP, jurucakap kementerian luar Israel enggan memberi komen mengenai kenyataan terkini Erdogan. Bantahan berlaku hampir setiap hari di Turki terhadap langkah Trump. Di kebanyakan bandar di tenggara Diyarbakir, Kurdish, beribu-ribu orang mengibar bendera Palestin dan melaungkan slogan seperti “pembunuhan beramai-ramai tidak akan berhenti jika semua umat Islam tidak bersatu.” Dalam ucapan berasingan, Perdana Menteri Binali Yildirim berkata “mulai sekarang kita mengisytiharkan Timur Baitulmuqaddis yang diduduki sebagai ibu negara Palestin”, sambil menambah Turki ingin melihat penyelesaian untuk Baitulmaqdis yang akan memuaskan hati kedua-dua belah pihak dalam konflik itu. Jurucakap Erdogan, Ibrahim Kalin – penasihat dasar luar negeri utama presiden – menulis dalam akhbar bahawa langkah Trump mewakili “campuran bertoksin populisme dan unilateralisme”. Menerusi Daily Sabah pula, beliau menulis salah satu akibat positif ialah isu rakyat Palestin sekali lagi menjadi pusat perdebatan global. “Momentum baharu ini harus digunakan untuk mencari keamanan yang adil dan berkekalan,” kata Kalin. Tahun lepas, Turki dan Israel mengakhiri perselisihan yang dicetuskan Israel pada 2010 yang menyebabkan 10 aktivis Turki mati selain ketegangan diplomatik. Kedua-dua pihak sejak itu meningkatkan kerjasama, terutamanya melalui pelan saluran paip gas yang diketuai menantu Erdogan dan Menteri Tenaga, Berat Albayrak. Tetapi Erdogan yang menganggap dirinya sebagai “Wira Palestin” membuat serangan lisan terhadap dasar Israel. OIC akan mengadakan mesyuarat tergempar di Turki pada 13 Disember ini bagi menyelaraskan respons terhadap keputusan Washington. Trump mungkin sedang mewujudkan satu platform untuk meminta konsesi daripada Israel nanti.",175,0 +176,"South Park is one of television's longest-running shows, a 20-seasons-and-counting award-winning cultural behemoth that has spawned movies, imitations, and countless time-wasting memes. But could the show be, at least in part, responsible for one of the scariest political movements of the present moment? Lindsey Weedston thinks so. Weedston, a 29-year-old writer from Bothell, Washington, penned an article for The Establishment recently which argued that the show helped lead to the rise of the alt-right. The piece, "" How 'South Park' Helped Empower the Alt-Right,"" grabbed my attention enough that I decided to call her up and see why exactly she thought Kyle, Cartman, and crew led us to Richard Spencer, 4Chan, and Charlottesville. Our conversation, edited lightly for length and clarity, is below. To start off, how does South Park treat what some people might think of as ""PC culture""? I read a post that explained this really well—South Park’s highest moral goal is to not care. It treats PC culture as [if] the opposite of PC culture is not to care about anything. So caring about an issue is basically stupid, and pretty much every episode goes back to: it doesn’t matter, being PC is uncool, and not giving a fuck about anything is the way you should feel. In your article you trace a history of that attitude, starting with the misinterpretation of a character in an Oliver Stone movie. Can you take me through that? That was interesting. So [the 1987 movie] Wall Street, I didn’t know before I researched for the article that Oliver Stone actually meant it the opposite of how so many people took it. Wall Street was supposed to be an indictment of Wall Street and the type of person that thinks greed is good. It was very interesting to find that so many people actually went with the mantra ""greed is good,"" and it seems like that has shaped a lot of our culture. Now we have prosperity Christianity—actually telling people that God wants them to collect as much wealth as possible. It’s not just Wall Street. For a long time, our capitalist society has led up to this idea that the ultimate goal is to collect as much wealth as possible. That movie accelerated the idea of collecting all the wealth and power you can. And then you talk about shock jock’s of the ’80s and ’90s, the Howard Sterns of the world. What does that have to do with the South Park-popularized attitude of caring being uncool? The original title of this article I pitched was actually ""The History of Celebrated Assholes."" My first draft of the piece, I ended up researching early forms of shock and asshole comedy. I found out the person considered the first shock jock was actually a black man, Petey Greene. Howard Stern was influenced by him. It’s really interesting to learn the kind of things he talked about. He was appealing because he was very down to Earth, and he spoke to the black community in a very straightforward way that no white disk jockey had ever before. When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, he went on air and started speaking to the community, and is credited with calming the situation down. You can go on YouTube and find some of the shows and listen to the way he speaks. It’s very colloquial. He just acts like a normal person. I think white people at the time looked at that as being shocking, and that’s why he was labeled as a shock jock. He was really active in the community. He promoted education and feeding the hungry. He wasn’t an asshole, but history is very interesting. In my original draft, I wrote about how he influenced Howard Stern. Howard Stern was actually invited onto his show. Stern went on in black face and used the n word, and Greene thought it was funny. Greene died fairly young, so then you move onto Howard Stern’s career. Howard Stern, I’m sure, has done some good stuff in his life. But he is very much associated with the shock jock label, and a lot of what he does is just to rile people up. I think it’s interesting how you have that transition from somebody who was just being real and communicating to his people in a way that made sense to him; and then you have Howard Stern, who makes a lot of money—and in fact an entire career—from pissing people off. How do you get to the alt-right from that? How does South Park's overall attitude connect to the alt-right? I believe that South Park's anti-PC messages paved the way for white supremacist groups to recruit much of the largely white male fanbase into what is now referred to as the alt-right, or other groups that are identical in all but name. Matt and Trey promoted this idea that you should be able to say or animate anything you want in the name of satire and humor, and any harm that it caused either didn't exist or didn't matter. When they experienced backlash for their intensifying mockery of already-vulnerable groups and their attitude of, ""Repeating horrible things said by bigots up to and including Nazis is funny because it upsets people,"" they reacted by depicting their critics as free-speech-oppressing caricatures like the "" PC bro."" They promoted the idea that marginalized people—trans people, people of color, Jewish people, etc.—speaking out against harm caused by South Park's brand of ""humor"" and [the show's] ""I do what I want"" attitude are the real oppressors. White supremacist groups and their better-at-PR counterpart the ""alt-right"" use this message constantly to recruit young white men and boys. They tell these kids that they're the ones being oppressed by those telling them that they have privilege, and therefore need to make some effort to at least not use certain words and maybe examine prejudiced attitudes they might have picked up from a culture that is prejudiced in many ways. The alt-right promotes the idea of white male victimization, drawing in youth that has been told by South Park that the plight of marginalized groups doesn't matter and that ""political correctness"" is oppressing them. Once those groups have their loyalty, they can then indoctrinate these young guys into straight up white supremacist ideas under the guise that ""the PC police don't want you to think about this."" I don't think Matt and Trey meant to create an army for the alt-right, but they seem to be leaning into it rather than admitting that they might have messed up. Cartman plays a big part in your article. He’s often not the hero in the storylines of the individual episodes, but he is a fan favorite. Can you break down why that’s a problem? Cartman is a perfect representation of satire gone wrong. Just like with Wall Street, the people who view your content take the literal meaning of something instead of taking it as the indictment that it is. It’s pretty clear, especially in the earlier episodes, that you’re not supposed to like Cartman. You aren’t supposed to identify with him. You’re supposed to hate him, or at least understand he is the opposite of the ideal of a human being. That is supposed to be represented in his bigotry, his ignorance, and his appearance as well, with him being fat. And yet he is a fan favorite, and people do identify with him. I think it was Matt Stone who said he identifies with Cartman more than any of the other characters. I think their original intention was to say, okay, don’t be like Cartman. But instead, you have the opposite reaction of people idealizing his attitude and his selfishness and his desire to make people suffer and his bigotry. He has become a representation of how the fans feel that you should be. Can you talk about "" South Park Republicans""—South Park being adopted by right wingers? That plays into what I think is the logical conclusion of the anti-PC movement. Like I said in the article, there has been a rebellion against this idea of being PC. Political correctness has evolved into a derogatory term meaning, you are being sensitive to someone. It has become this big boogeyman. There is an idea that there is this social justice warrior, PC police entity who will come and yell at you and punish you if you say what you are actually thinking. So there has been a rebellion against this strawman. It has come down to, if you care about anyone at all, if you want to be sensitive to anyone’s needs, then you’re this politically correct nerd or you’re a nun with a ruler or an authority figure telling people what to do. You are therefore uncool and the enemy. It’s very reactionary. But it’s so popular and so widespread on the right now, and you actually have people coming out with articles and people in the White House using that rhetoric to help further their political careers. So it’s really not surprising to me that there articles out there saying South Park is right on actual political issues. What has followed South Park’s wake? The first example that comes to mind is a lot of the cultural treatment of trans people. South Park has had some really transphobic content. Even before the Caitlyn Jenner episode, there was the whole treatment of Mr. Garrison and his sex change. I remember the episode where they included footage of an actual gender affirmation surgery, just saying, ""look how gross this is."" They had a caption like, ""This is footage of the actual surgery,"" as though it’s supposed to be horrible and sad because it’s gross. But any surgery looks gross and disgusting. Their definite goal was to be like, this is gross and this is wrong. You see a huge amount of transphobia from a lot of alt-right groups. You have these bathroom bills that are trying to keep trans people out of public restrooms, which is basically keeping them out of public life. It’s trying to keep them from having access to any kind of normal life. The sudden emergence of the bathroom bills surprised me, but maybe it shouldn’t have. It seemed to come out of nowhere, but then you look at the timing and it does kind of follow Caitlyn Jenner’s coming out to the public as a woman. That in itself probably would have gotten some backlash, but then you look at how popular South Park is, and there’s no way it didn’t play a role in people reacting the way they did: reacting like, oh that’s just so gross—their existence is gross and wrong. You end your essay with a call for what you call radical kindness. What does that mean? Radical kindness comes from being around young people, specifically in communities that are more social justice-oriented. In my community, I’m seeing a shift towards memes being positive and used to uplift people. I think people are just tired of beating on each other and attacking each other, and the younger generations especially are starting to rebel against that. I feel like a lot of what my generation, millennials, has put out there has been negative. We’re kind of a depressed generation, so I think younger people are reacting to that and deciding, let’s be nice to each other. In a society where being mean to each other is the norm, kindness is punk. That’s rebelling. That’s what’s cool.",176,1 +177,"Luis Ruiz is a fifth-degree black belt in karate and a martial arts instructor. His stepson, Antonio Pina, happens to be a third-degree black belt. Perhaps it was that the two men knew they could handle themselves that they fearlessly engaged with an attacker. One night, they were walking to their home in Brooklyn, NY. Ruiz heard a piercing scream. When they looked around, they noticed a woman being brutally beaten by a man. “We notice that he’s grabbing her and slamming her on the ground,” Ruiz told CBS. The father told his son to call for help. Ruiz quickly approached the criminal. “So I say ‘hey, is everything OK, are you guys OK?’ The guy gets up like nothing, turns to his right and walks away like he wasn’t doing anything wrong,” he said. Ruiz then comforted the woman, whose face, he says, was swollen beyond recognition and bloodied. The father and son were able to identify the attacker as Todd Deas. Police say he had 19 prior arrests, including rape and sexual abuse, and had recently been released on parole. Had they not been there, who knows what would have happened. “Hero is a big word. I’d rather think we just did the right thing, and that everyone in the neighborhood and in the world would do the right thing,” Ruiz said. Please SHARE if you think what Ruiz and his son did was very brave! Due to restrictions, this video cannot be viewed in your region.",177,0 +178,"US President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump meet in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC. President-elect Donald Trump and future First Lady Melania Trump are meeting with President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama at the White House and are expected to discuss efforts toward a smooth transition of power. President elect Donald Trump , with his wife Melania Trump, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, gives the thumbs up after a meeting in the Majority Leaders office in the US Capitol in Washington, DC. Earlier in the day President elect Trump met with US President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.",178,0 +179,"You can see where this is headed, the once bright and shiny democracy going down the drain before the holidays are out. The Russians, the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and his agents, desperate men flipped and singing to save their souls — all may soon be gone, by President Trump’s design. If there’s any outrage left in the tank, use it now, because Trump has signaled exactly what he’s going to do. First, he had to set some brush fires, impugning the legitimacy of the rule of law — an old dictator’s trick. Trump is no Hitler, but when the German Reichstag burned in 1933, it was all the Nazis needed to gut civil liberties. So, before Trump can fire the prosecutor who is hot on the corruption trail of those in the president’s inner circle, he needs a pretext. He could just work his way down the line at the Justice Department, until he found a quisling willing to remove the special counsel. But before he gets to that, he has to delegitimize the whole investigation. Thus, he’s now attacking the F.B.I., saying the agency is in “Tatters” and its standing “the worst in History.” Bashing cops — wasn’t that what those Black Lives Matter people did to disrespect Blue Lives? Thank God we have Sarah Huckabee Sanders as a moral clarion in a crisis. “When you’re attacking F.B.I. agents because you’re under criminal investigation, you’re losing,” she tweeted. Sorry — that was Sarah Huckabee Sanders of a year ago, before she was paid to defend the liar in chief. Trump’s lawyer, John Dowd, has been busy clearing out more brush, making the preposterous claim that the president cannot obstruct justice because he’s the nation’s chief law enforcement officer. If Trump shot somebody on Fifth Avenue — his own suggested redline — he could, as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, tell the cops to quash the investigation. See, when the president does it, it’s not a crime. This defense was floated during the two impeachment episodes of the 20th century. The third time will not be a charm. But Trump’s team already has gone from there is no collusion or obstruction to, so what? If it happened, it’s no biggie. They don’t appear to be the least bit troubled by a stunning report from a whistle-blower. As Trump was pledging to put America first during his Inaugural Address, his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was texting a former business associate serving foreign clients. With Trump in, the sanctions against Russia would be “ripped up,” clearing the way for big money to be made on the inside, according to the report made public Wednesday. Ignoring that story, Trump’s media wing is doing its job. Sean Hannity, at state-run television, went on a vein-popping rant Tuesday against law enforcement, complete with conspiracy charts. He called the federal authorities “a team of so-called investigators.” As for their boss, he said that “Mueller is frankly a disgrace to the American justice system and has put the country on the brink of becoming a banana republic.” He’s certainly learned the art of projection from his master. The Wall Street Journal, channeling its owner and Trump whisperer Rupert Murdoch, has been making much of the same case, albeit without the spittle. Don’t forget, this is the same Robert Mueller who won wide bipartisan praise when he was appointed special counsel: a career prosecutor, the longest-serving director of the F.B.I. since J. Edgar Hoover, awarded the Bronze Star for his service as a Marine in Vietnam. Republicans love him. Or they did until he started closing in on Trump’s closest associates. Mueller should be fired, the Russian enablers now claim, because one of his agents said some bad things about Trump. This agent, Peter Strzok, was reassigned over the summer, as soon as his comments came to light. Wow, a G-man has opinions. The cops I know, a couple of longstanding friends, have more opinions than I. The facts are what matter. And the facts are pointing in a very bad direction for the gang that can’t collude straight. Trump has got to be sweating it; he was said to be “seething” when two of his campaign aides were indicted and a third pleaded guilty in October. He looked punch-drunk at recent public events. Now that he’s a felon from a guilty plea last week, Flynn is cooperating with Mueller. He knows plenty. Trump could pardon him and try to bring him back into the fold. The outrage would be minimal among the Banana Republicans. Sure, they got their tax-relief-for-the-rich bill passed, so they may no longer need Trump after he signs it. But now they’re dreaming of more — cutting Medicare and health care for children, so they have a reason to keep him around. If Trump fires Mueller, he can start the new year clean. His base will stick with him. Though voters believe, by a nearly 2-1 margin, that Russians interfered with the United States election, Republicans do not. Party before country — in the face of a dangerous turn toward authoritarianism, that’s all that matters.",179,1 +180,"Following the latest FBI developments in Hillary Clinton’s email probe, Donald Trump ripped the Justice Department and top Clinton aide Huma Abedin on Saturday, firing off a tirade during his triumphant swing through western states. “It’s reported today, this morning that the Department of Justice was fighting the FBI,” Trump said in Golden, Colorado. “And that’s because the Department of Justice is trying so hard to protect Hillary.” Trump was referencing reports that Attorney General Loretta Lynch recommended that FBI Director James Comey not publicly disclose the new emails -- what the Justice Department viewed as a violation of its long-standing practice not to comment on ongoing investigations. “There are those, and I happen to be one of them, who think Hillary offered Loretta Lynch a reappointment as attorney general. I happen to be one of them,” Trump said. Offering no proof, the Republican nominee posited that Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, had bribed Lynch with the position when the two had an impromptu meeting earlier this summer on a plane in Arizona. The two met just days before the FBI completed its probe into the private email server. “Perhaps, just perhaps, of course he said he only talked about golf and the grandchildren, but he was on the plane for 39 minutes, he went to Arizona, an unbelievable place, but there are those who think when he went onto the plane that’s what he discussed just prior to a decision being made,” Trump said. The New York real estate mogul then trained his biting attacks on Abedin and her husband, former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner. The emails tied to the Clinton probe were found on the separated couple’s electronic devices from a separate FBI investigation into Weiner’s sexting scandal. “Did I call him correctly, did anybody see?” Trump asked, pointing to his prior criticisms of Weiner. “It’s called good judgement, it’s called good instincts. If you check out the tweets, or if you check out whatever it is I wrote about him, it is so perfect, I said. And that was done a long time ago, but they found, by looking at Anthony Weiner, a major, major, major sleaze, they found what may be some of the 33,000 missing and deleted emails.” Trump has, in the past, wondered whether Abedin was a national security concern because of her relationship to Weiner. “[Abedin’s] receiving very, very important information and giving it to Hillary. Who else is she giving it to?” Trump said back in August. “Her husband has serious problems and on top of that, he now works for a public relations firm...So how can she be married to this guy who’s got these major problems? She’s getting her most important information, it could be, in the world. Who knows what he’s going to do with it? Forget about her.” Trump’s speculation on what the newly surfaced emails contained, however, remains unfounded. The FBI has yet to release any further details about the information found in the emails. Clinton’s campaign, in the meantime, has defended Abedin, with campaign chair John Podesta telling reporters on a conference call that the staff stands behind her. “There’s no evidence of wrongdoing, no charge of wrongdoing, no indication that this was even about Hillary,” Podesta said Saturday. He added that Comey’s letter to top Republicans in the House and Senate was “long on innuendo and short on facts.” Podesta added that Comey knew “full well what Republicans in Congress would do with it” and blasted House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, in particular for taking “the opportunity to distort the facts.” CBS News’ Hannah Fraser-Chanpong contributed to this report.",180,0 +181,"Donald Trump has, finally, all but united the Republican Party – in denunciation of his continued, race-based attacks on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over the civil lawsuits against the candidate’s Trump University. “I disavow these comments. I regret those comments that [Trump] made,” said House Speaker Paul Ryan during a press conference Tuesday. “Claiming a person can’t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment … it’s absolutely unacceptable.” And Sen. Mark Kirk, a Republican from Illinois facing a tough reelection battle this year, flat out withdrew his support for his party’s nominee, saying “Donald Trump’s belief that an American-born judge of Mexican descent is incapable of fairly presiding over his case is not only dead wrong, it is un-American.” Last week, Trump charged that his plan to build a wall between the U.S.-Mexican border was “an absolute conflict” of interest, charging to the Wall Street Journal that Curiel could not preside fairly over the Trump University case because he is “of Mexican heritage.” (Curiel was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants.) Speaking again to CNN’s Jake Tapper last Friday, Trump maintained his position: “He’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico.” When Tapper asked if, by saying that Curiel could not due his job because of his race, “is that not the definition of racism?” Trump responded, “No, I don’t think so at all.” Amid the fierce backlash from his own party, Trump put together a damage-control statement late Tuesday promising not to say anything more about Curiel or the lawsuit – after this: “It is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical attack against people of Mexican heritage. I am friends with and employ thousands of people of Mexican and Hispanic descent. … While this lawsuit should have been dismissed, it is now scheduled for trial in November. I do not intend to comment on this matter any further.” Just one day earlier, Trump encouraged supporters on a private conference call on Monday to join his chorus by publicly questioning the judge’s credibility, two participants on the call told Bloomberg Politics. Several Republican politicians, including former Massachusetts senator Scott Brown, were involved in the call, during which Trump overturned a Sunday email from his staff that ordered his most prominent supporters – those surrogates who speak for him on cable news talk shows and at campaign appearances – to cease all talk of the lawsuit and Curiel. “Take that order and throw it the hell out,” Trump said on the call, according to Bloomberg Politics. Numerous other prominent Republicans have joined Ryan in disavowing Trump’s sentiments, including South Carolina’s junior senator Tim Scott – the Senate’s only black Republican – who told CNN the commentary is “racially toxic.” Added Arnold Schwarzenegger on Twitter, “Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov.” Freshly-minted presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton also issued a warning on Monday that Trump may next focus his attacks on “women judges … or maybe a judge with a disability, or perhaps one who was a former POW, or African-American.” “He’s trying to demean and defame a federal judge who was a very accomplished federal prosecutor,” she continued on MSNBC. “This is dangerous nonsense that undermines the rule of law, that makes him appear to be someone who has no respect for fellow Americans,” Clinton said. “And I think it is yet more evidence why this man is dangerous and divisive and disqualified from being president.”",181,1 +182,"Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ******************************************************************************** A self-proclaimed Alt-Left “leader” has vowed to use a baseball bat embedded with nails to “crush skulls” during a “Patriot Prayer” peace rally set to take place in San Francisco this weekend. The Twitter user, who goes by the handle @ibPrinceJordan, tweeted, “The Patriot Prayer rally is a nazi white supremacist event. I’ll be their to crush some nazi skulls.” He repeated the threat in a series of other tweets that have now been deleted. “Can’t wait! Going to bring this nailed bat for some nazi pounding,” read one. The user is located in San Francisco, which is where the event will take place at Crissy Field on Saturday, suggesting he does indeed plan to attend the march. His Twitter bio reads, “Alt-Left resistance leader. iraq war survivor. cute communist & catholic.” Despite numerous other prominent Twitter users drawing attention to the violent threat, the account has not been suspended. What makes the threat even more absurd is that organizers of the Patriot Prayer rally have specifically said its aim is to “promote peace, love and unity,” and that racists are not welcome. The leader of the “Patriot Prayer” rally, Joey Gibson, has vehemently denounced neo-nazis, yelling “F*** white supremacists!” at a recent rally. Even the SPLC, which routinely tars conservatives with a broad brush, does not consider Patriot Prayer to be a hate group, reports Fox News. To the alt-left, that doesn’t matter. Anyone to the right of Michael Moore is fair game for violent assault. Remember, in the aftermath of Charlottesville, the mainstream media relentlessly attacked Trump for saying both sides were responsible for violence, tacitly endorsing the violent alt-left. CNN even changed a headline at the request of Antifa to disguise the fact that the group routinely engages in violence. Given that the mainstream media has emboldened unhinged thugs by exalting them as “anti-fascists,” any violence that occurs at the “Patriot Prayer” rally will be their responsibility. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 ********************* Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.",182,0 +183,"Sen. Richard Durbin discusses President Trump's immigration comments following the City of Chicago's 32nd Annual Interfaith Breakfast commemorating the life of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Jan. 12, 2018. (Jose M. Osorio / Chicago Tribune) What did you say when President Donald Trump referred to Haiti, El Salvador and some African nations as “shithole countries”? What did you say when the president of the United States followed that comment by suggesting he’d rather see more immigrants from countries like Norway? No compatible source was found for this media. Whether now or in the future, you will be asked this question: What did you say? Did you call out the obvious racism behind those statements? Did you acknowledge that the leader of the free world — by title, anyway — had shown himself to be a white supremacist, casually expressing his dislike of brown-skinned immigrants and preference for white European immigrants? Were you outraged that such comments from a sitting president were antithetical to the ideals that have always made America a beacon of hope and opportunity? What did you say? Did you speak out? Did you denounce the comments, as Rep. Mia Love, a Utah Republican whose parents came to America from Haiti, did, saying in a statement: “This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. … The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.” Or did you keep quiet? Take note, because you will be asked. Trump’s has been a presidency filled with jaw-dropping moments of offensive behavior, but this one will stand out over time, both for its profane nature and its naked racism. So what did you say? Did you look for excuses? Did you toss out a “Well, what about …” scenario you thought might take the heat off? Did you scream something about “identity politics” and try to pretend that this is the fault of others, not the fault of the transparently racist old man in the White House? Did you say he has a point? Did you say, “Well, those countries are shitholes, aren’t they?” Did you forget how people once described immigrants from Italy and Ireland? Did you forget the words on a plaque at the Statue of Liberty? “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Did you forget those words, or just ignore them? Did you smile about a tax break and say nothing? Did you not put the pieces together and consider all the other times Trump has shown us exactly who he is? Did you tamp down memories of his calls for the execution of the Central Park Five, even after the young men, four black and one Latino, were found innocent? Did you explain away what Trump was implying in this tweet from 2013: “According to Bill O'Reilly, 80% of all the shootings in New York City are blacks-if you add Hispanics, that figure goes to 98%. 1% white.” Did you disregard his years-long birther crusade against the nation’s first black president? His description of Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals? His regular criticism that immigrants coming from predominately nonwhite nations are examples of those countries’ “worst people”? Did you not let yourself see the pattern? Did you twist logic into knots and blame it on the media? On political correctness? What did you say when our president called other countries “shitholes” and you had to shield your children’s ears from profanity on the nightly news? What did you tell your children about this moment? How did you explain the president’s words? Tell me, what did you say? Mark it down, let it be known. Because you will be asked this again someday. And if you stayed silent, if you made excuses, if you tried to fool yourself into believing this is appropriate presidential behavior, if you let it slide because this presidency might somehow line your pocketbook, then you will be remembered as complicit, as one who stood by and let America’s decency get dragged through the mud. And if you laughed, or if you smiled, or if you nodded your head in agreement, you will be remembered just as Trump will: as a racist, a fool and an absolute embarrassment. rhuppke@chicagotribune.com RELATED President Trump owes the country an apology » What happened when I followed Trump's example and started lying all the time » Trump attacks protections for immigrants from 'shithole' countries in Oval Office meeting »",183,1 +184,"""Day One"" is a multi-part series in which CBS News' Margaret Brennan speaks with former U.S. government officials on the major foreign policy issues the next president will inherit on the first day of their presidency. The next president will face countless challenges on day one. Among the biggest is the ongoing civil war in Syria. Margaret Brennan spoke with Leon Panetta -- a former CIA director, defense secretary, and White House chief of staff -- about the road ahead for U.S. involvement in the war-torn nation. LEON PANETTA: Inaction is not an option in Syria because if you stand back, the situation is gonna get worse. Look, the best-case scenario would be to have Assad step down, to have a transitional government be able to establish itself representing each of the factions that are there -- the Sunnis, the Kurds, the Shias. And then, frankly, have the Russians and whatever is left of the Syrian forces join with the United States in going after ISIS to truly defeat them. That would be the best-case scenario. MARGARET BRENNAN: What are the odds of that? PANETTA: Not very good. Not very good. BRENNAN: What's the worst-case scenario? PANETTA: The worst-case scenario is that Assad continues to remain in power, continues to kill Syrians. That refugees continue to flow out of Syria, that the Russians continue to have a presence there and continue to attack our moderate forces that we're trying to train in Syria. And that ISIS then uses that and creates an even bigger base from which to conduct attacks against this country. That's the worst-case scenario. BRENNAN: Sounds like you're describing what's happening now. PANETTA: It is what's happening now. And it's what can continue to happen in the future if we don't deal with it. BRENNAN: There are around 300 special operators in Syria right now. Will the next president have to commit more American boots on the ground? PANETTA: I think the likelihood is that the next president is gonna have to consider adding additional special forces on the ground to try to assist those moderate forces that are taking on ISIS, and that are taking on Assad's forces. And we have to increase our air strikes. We've got to do all of those things in order to put increasing pressure on ISIS but also on Assad. We can't surrender one objective for the other. We've gotta continue to press on both fronts. BRENNAN: Is it possible to defeat ISIS without challenging Assad? PANETTA: I think it's very difficult as we've seen to conduct effective operations against ISIS when we're dealing with Assad's forces pressing us in different places. And when we're dealing with the Russians who go in and literally bomb the very forces that we're training to go after Assad and to go after ISIS. We cannot have that situation continue in the future. Protect our forces there. BRENNAN: So the U.S. has to confront Russia? PANETTA: We are hoping upon hope that the Russians will do the right thing. They're not gonna do the right thing without pressure. They're not gonna do the right thing without giving our diplomats greater leverage than what they have now to deal with the Russians. To do that we have got to make very clear that we have objectives to achieve, that we intend to press to achieve those objectives, and that we will not allow them to divert us from the goals of defending ourselves. Here's where the candidates stand:",184,0 +185,"The world Is watching and so is oil as the death toll rises in the streets of Iran, where the people revolt against a terrible economy and the lack of any real freedoms and rights. At least 19 people were reported killed in street protests in Iran, while President Hassan Rouhani on one hand defended their right to protest but on the other hand warned he would show “no tolerance” for those who incite unrest. Many arrests have been made and the government of Iran says it may seek the death penalty, for what they say are crimes against God, in demonstrations that have gone on for over 5 days in a row. President Trump tweeted that ”Iran is failing at every level despite the terrible deal made with them by the Obama Administration. The great Iranian people have been repressed for many years. They are hungry for food & for freedom. Along with human rights, the wealth of Iran is being looted. TIME FOR CHANGE!” The uprising in IRAN is just another risk factor in a global oil market that is tightening. Strong global demand and shale oil production that is falling far short of what the Energy Information keeps telling us it is. Reports from the Texas Railroad Commission is telling us that Texas shale oil production has been stagnant and not rising as the production decline rate year over year is taking its toll. Total oil stocks are down a whopping 135M barrels just since April even as U.S. oil production is supposedly at a record high. Bad data is becoming a bigger risk as underinvestment has led to the least amount of oil discoveries in 70 years and the global oil replenishment rate ratio fell to 11 percent this year, down from more than 50 percent in 2012 according to a new report. That is a dangerous situation, especially because of the over estimates of shale oil output. ETF reports that this has led to the lowest ever volumes of oil discoveries in 2017, Rystad Energy said last week. While the low-level of discoveries is not an immediate threat to global oil supply, it could become a threat ten years down the road, according to Rystad Energy. In ten years’ time, U.S. shale production may peak, at least according to OPEC that sees shale peaking after 2025, although the cartel has conceded that U.S. tight oil has defied previous forecasts and has increased production more than initially expected and will continue to do so in the short-term. This year has seen less than 7 billion barrels of oil equivalent discovered globally, a volume as low as last seen in the 1940s, Rystad Energy has estimated. What worries analysts the most is the fact that this year the reserve replacement ratio–the amount of discovered resources relative to the amount of production–was a mere 11 percent, compared to 50 percent in 2012, Sonia Mladá Passos, Senior Analyst at Rystad Energy, said. The other ongoing risk is Venezuela. An explosion over the weekend that hit Venezuela’s largest refinery was an accident waiting to happen. Deferred maintenance and bad management as the Venezuelan government stole money and failed to do even the most basic maintenance for the facility according to sources. Reuters reported that a former oil minister excoriated Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in a newspaper column on Sunday, accusing the leftist leader of behaving like biblical King Herod and plunging the oil-rich nation into economic devastation. Rafael Ramirez, who was the all-powerful head of the oil ministry and state energy company PDVSA for a decade, has long been a rival of Maduro. In recent months, Ramirez has grown increasingly critical of Maduro’s handling of a fourth straight year of recession that has triggered malnutrition, widespread food and medicine shortages, the world’s steepest inflation, and a surge in emigration. A furious Maduro ordered Ramirez to resign as the nation’s United Nations ambassador in New York last month after an article entitled the “The Storm” was perceived as an attack on his government. We haven’t even got to the cold. Wicked winter weather is causing a surge in oil and natural gas and coal demand. Demand for coal burns hit three-year high causing to temporarily put it above natural gas as the top s U.S. power sources. There are reports that they were shortages of natural gas in Northern Alberta county under state of emergency due to natural gas disruption. The report said that large parts of northern Alberta was under a state of emergency over the weekend due to low natural gas pressure and system outages. The Energy Report has kept our bullish outlook and we still believe that the double bottom at $26 a barrel was a generational low. Despite all the bearish hype that the market had last year and bad info this year oil looks poised for a big move. Make sure you are hedged! I am hearing from many folks still that were underhedged last year and are now paying the price. Thanks, Phil Flynn Questions? Ask Phil Flynn today at 312-264-4364 A Subsidiary of Price Holdings, Inc. – an Employee Owned Diversified Financial Services Firm. Member NIBA, NFA Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Investing in futures can involve substantial risk of loss & is not suitable for everyone. Trading foreign exchange also involves a high degree of risk. The leverage created by trading on margin can work against you as well as for you, and losses can exceed your entire investment. Before opening an account and trading, you should seek advice from your advisors as appropriate to ensure that you understand the risks and can withstand the losses. The information and data in this report were obtained from sources considered reliable. Their accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed and the giving of the same is not to be deemed as an offer or solicitation on our part with respect to the sale or purchase of any securities or futures. The Price Futures Group, its officers, directors, employees, and brokers may in the normal course of business have positions, which may or may not agree with the opinions expressed in this report. Any decision to purchase or sell as a result of the opinions expressed in this report will be the full responsibility of the person authorizing such transaction. Reproduction and/or distribution of any portion of this report are strictly prohibited without the written permission of the author. Trading in futures contracts, options on futures contracts, and forward contracts is not suitable for all investors and involves substantial risks. ©2017 Tune into the Fox Business Network (FBN) is the best in business! Make it your New Year TV Home! The MoneyShow Orlando is coming in February. Get out of the cold! Go to the Money Show! Sign up for my class talking about a historic bottom in oil and what it means for your future. Time Is running out Go to Flynn.OrlandoMoneyShow.com.",185,1 +186,"Anonymous have denied claims that they hacked the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer, after a post appeared claiming that the hacktivist group was “now in control” of the site. A post titled ‘END OF HATE: ANONYMOUS NOW IN CONTROL OF DAILY STORMER’ appeared on the far-right site earlier this morning, suggesting that Anonymous were going to bring an end to The Daily Stormer following the events of the Charlottesville “Unite The Right” rally, which saw white nationalists converge to protest plans to remove a Confederate statue. The rally led to multiple conflicts between the nationalists and counter-protesters, ultimately leading to the death of civil rights activist Heather Heyer, who was one of many hit by a vehicle driven by white supremacist James Alex Fields. Many outlets reported that Anonymous had infiltrated The Daily Stormer website in response to the events of Charlottesville, with the post on the site reading: “WE HAVE TAKEN THIS SITE IN THE NAME OF HEATHER HEYER A VICTIM OF WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORISM. FOR TOO LONG THE DAILY STORMER AND ANDREW ANGLIN HAVE SPEWED THEIR PUTRID HATE ON THIS SITE. THAT WILL NOT BE HAPPENING ANYMORE”. However, Anonymous have stated that they believe the post was made by The Daily Stormer in a “stunt” designed to “woo their clueless base.” The clarifications were made by @YourAnonNews, the largest Anonymous Twitter account, who believe that The Daily Stormer had made the post themselves in order to explain away technical issues the site was experiencing, after web hosting company GoDaddy had banned them from using the service. We have no confirmation that ""Anonymous"" is involved yet. Looks more like a DS stunt. Wonder if they are having issues finding a new host. https://t.co/ikXXRBfC5p — Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) August 14, 2017 This is likely to be the derps from dailystormer engaging in a silly troll to woo their clueless base. If we're proven wrong, so be it. https://t.co/dkiXGCDEwY — Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) August 14, 2017 And all the old content is left up by a ""UNITED FORCE OF ELITE HACKERS"" on a shit post site ""UNDER THE CONTROL OF ANONYMOUS."" Doubtful. https://t.co/FNYRCYWEDx — Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) August 14, 2017 If goal of Daily Stormer was to get us to celebrate a BS claim, it backfired. Seriously, suck less. — Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) August 14, 2017 The neo-Nazi site has been given 24 hours to find a new host, otherwise it will be taken offline by GoDaddy. The post suggesting Anonymous were now in control of the site also stated that The Daily Stormer would be taken offline within 24 hours, suggesting that its creators are looking for a conspiratorial explanation as to why the site has disappeared if GoDaddy removes it from the internet.",186,0 +187,"Channel 4 have been accused of “brownfacing” in a row over a documentary showing a white woman disguised as a Muslim complete with darkened skin. Katie Freeman, 44, was given a prosthetic nose, fake teeth and darkened skin as she filmed My Week As A Muslim. The show documents Ms Freeman's experiences in Manchester in the week after a terror attack at the city's arena that killed 22 people. Described as an attempt to challenge stereotypes, the show aimed to give the the 44-year-old a ""chance to meaningfully walk in the shoes of someone from a different background."" However, when a trailer for the show aired on Tuesday, viewers took to social media to slam the nature of Ms Freeman's disguise. One wrote: ""What the f*** is this? Channel 4 has totally missed the mark here. Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to put prosthetics on somebody to make them a caricature of people of a different race (as if being white and Muslim are exclusive anyway)? On primetime TV in 2017? Madness."" Another bemused commenter simply wrote: ""Did they...brownface her?"" On Twitter, viewer Alice Beggs said: ""Just saw Channel 4 have a show called 'My Week As A Muslim' where this white woman has brownface and prosthetics so she can learn about racism etc. Because god forbid we just listen to Muslims when they tell us what abuse they get."" Another criticised Channel 4 for not ""actually following a Muslim poc (person of colour) and documenting their life, instead of doing this"". Before Ms Freeman underwent the transformation, she admitted she would avoid sitting next to a Muslim on public transport because ""you see them and think they're going to blow something up"", the Daily Mail reported. She later said she was shocked by the level of abuse she suffered in the course of the programme. During one incident in which someone shouted ""f****** Muslims, in this town?"" as she walked past her local pub. Ms Freeman lived with Saima Alvi, a Muslim woman, during filming for the show. The 49-year-old told of the abuse she suffers regularly. She said: ""It's very humiliating that I am pigeon-holed or put in the same box as a terrorist. ""What I have learnt is that there are genuinely nice people who are unfortunately misled about Islam."" Speaking to the Daily Mail, Fiyaz Mughal, founder of community cohesion group Faith Matters, said: ""This is trying to drive ratings by racial stereotyping. Channel 4 needs to apologise. ""If you are trying to bridge divides, what message does it send to Muslim communities that people think of you in a certain way? That certain crude facial characteristics are what defines you as Asian?"" The show's executive producer, Fozia Khan, defended the programme, told the Daily Mail: ""The programme allowed Katie to meaningfully walk in the shoes of someone from a different background and to experience what it is like to be a part of the British Pakistani Muslim community rather than just observe as an outsider."" My Week As A Muslim is due to be broadcast by Channel 4 on Monday at 9pm.",187,0 +188,"Are you tired of Liberals and lawmakers trying to undermine our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms? Then do something about it! We must get ahead of this storm because it is bearing down on us in full force! They preach that we need more and more gun control every single time there is some sort of mass shooting, even though the mass shootings are nearly always a crazed Democrat. The gun used by Stephen Paddock in the Las Vegas massacre on Sunday was already an illegal gun! Further more going to show that gun control does not work. Criminals DO NOT OBEY THE LAW! They will still have guns, even if they are illegal. As Sean Davis explains at the Federalist automatic weapons (or machine guns) are already banned or almost unattainable under existing federal law. Secondly, the concert was a “gun free zone.” All guns were already banned there. Thirdly, Paddock would have had to have done a lot of work beforehand to prepare for this unspeakable act. There is nothing that Congress could do to stop someone as committed as Paddock was. Finally, Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire explains that making policy on the heels of a terrible event is usually a bad idea. Gun control laws remove guns from law abiding citizens, so that they can no longer defend themselves, and emboldens criminals, who won’t follow the laws anyway. In other words, without guns, we are sitting ducks! Taking rights away from law-abiding citizens is not the solution! If you agree, and want to have your voice heard, sign the petition to Congress! We WILL stand for what we believe in! MOLON LABE! The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com",188,1 +189,"Junkbunny Who Tried Buying Xanax Off Turtleboy Tried Suing EMT After She Came After Him On An Ambulance Ride And Has Declared War On Turtle Riders Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information. For the first time ever today two junkboxes messaged the Turtleboy business page to ask if we had Xanax for sale.One of them was Jessica Kane, who according to her Facebook page lives in Pawtucket, but she insists she lives in Smithfield, RI. Odds are she knows her way around the Bucket though, and could probably tell you which corners yield the highest dividends. Just sayin. Anyway, she reached out to us looking for zannies: But Jessica Kane was just warming up. Because it wasn’t enough to message a blog that frequently shames junkboxes and ratchets, looking for drugs, she had to take on turtle riders too……. “I’ll beat ur ass corn.” That’s a new one. As you can see she is alleging that we are the ones who solicited her to see if she wanted to buy drugs off us. Ya got that? This is what Turtleboys do every day. We scour the Internet looking for junkboxes to sell our excess zannies to. Definitely. Anyway, turns out she doesn’t have a drug problem, her “job” just doesn’t offer health insurance. Naturally then her only recourse was to message Turtleboy and see what he was charging. She can’t afford health insurance, but cash money sure ain’t a problem: That right there is a lot of mushroom tip participation trophies!! As you can see, she’s sticking to her story that we messaged her first, which obviously makes TONS of sense. She kept posting a screenshot showing what appears to be us contacting her first, asking if she was looking for zannies. She just forgot that in the very blog she was commenting on anyone could clearly see that she was the one who initiated contact: Oops!! After that it was time to bust out the CAPS LOCK!! Thirteen years is a long time to be prescribed Xanax. And by “prescribed” she means, “treated Diego to a basket lunch in exchange for illegal narcotics.” Up next was the “I’ll fuck everyone up” portion of the Gospel of Ratchet: Yea guys, she’s totally not a junkie. She just so happens to message random community Facebook pages looking to score drugs. And occasionally she gets busted with crack cocaine: Besides that she’s totally NOT a junkie. But it’s all good in the hood because she got that shit dismissed!! Therefore she never got caught with crack cocaine. (P.S. turtle riders are savage) Next up in the ratchet script was the threat to call the cops: So if you’re keeping score at home, this woman approached us about buying drugs, admitted to the cops that she did so, and the cops responded by turning their focus on cyberbullying. Because NOTHING IS MORE SERIOUS THAN CYBERBULLYING, EVEN ADDICTION!! You can’t make this stuff up. Only on Turtleboy. This is why we are the greatest blog that’s ever existed. Good luck finding this sort of entertainment at Barstool. But her story checks out because her uncle is the chief of police: We just don’t know what town he’s the chief of police in. Wherever he is, I’m sure her imaginary uncle would be thrilled to find his junkie niece name dropping him on Turtleboy. But wait, it gets better. Last year she made headlines when she was getting her biweekly free ambulance ride to the ER when she claimed she was abused by one of the first responders. And in one of the greatest MSM fails of all time, NCB “Investigative” Team fell for her act hook, line, and sinker: That interview was amazing. She literally puts on a blazer and some non-prescription glasses and the schmucks on this “I-Team” just assume she’s a law-abiding non-ratchet member of society. A local woman turned to the NBC 10 I-Team for answers after she captured a confrontation inside a North Providence ambulance on cell phone video. The video shows an EMT lashing out at her, appearing to slap her in the face and swearing at her several times. “He then smacked me across my face,” Jessica Kane said of the July 30 incident. North Providence officers were responding to a domestic disturbance call when they came into contact with Kane, who is epileptic. A police report obtained by NBC 10 shows the officers saw her have a seizure and lose consciousness. They called the North Providence Fire Department for medical aid, and an ambulance arrived a short time later. “As soon as I was put into the rescue, I was called a drug addict, which I am not,” she said. “I was just belittled so much. It made me feel like the people here to treat me were there to just accuse me.” Oh yea, she’s TOTALLY not a drug addict. She’s just been arrested for crack cocaine and messages random Facebook pages with 99,000 followers to see if they can sell her Xanax. Oh, and her raspy “life kicked the shit out of me and I’m only 26” voice wasn’t a dead giveaway or anything like that. The video shows the EMT appear to slap Kane in the face, causing her to drop her phone. “That’s assault!” she screams on the tape. “I’ll give you assault!” the man responds. Watch the video if you haven’t already. She’s all fucked up and aggressive and is taping the guy who probably knows her middle name, date of birth, and blood type because he deals with her so often. She won’t shut the fuck up and approaches him while taping. She gets too close. He pushes her away from him. Assault. That’s how stupid the NBC 10 “I-Team” is. The unidentified EMT can also be heard telling Kane to “shut the (expletive) up.” She said the verbal abuse continued once she arrived at the hospital, moments not captured in the video. “He said, ‘If you don’t get the F up off this stretcher, I’m going to rip you by your hair,’” Kane told NBC 10. Funny that none of that is on the tape. Guess we’ll just have to take this crackbunny’s word for it. NBC 10 also reviewed the police report from officers who arrived that day. They noted that Kane was difficult to deal with, writing that, “Jessica was yelling and screaming in the middle of the road” and was “extremely belligerent.” The police report continues, saying that Kane “became hostile, trying to unbuckle herself and get off the stretcher.” Boom. Mystery solved. Kane was released after spending about five hours at Fatima Hospital, and her cell phone was returned. That’s when she said she found the video she recorded in the ambulance in her iPhone’s “Recently Deleted” folder. She believes someone tried to erase it while the phone was out of her control. “I actually received my phone back and I saw that they tried to delete the video,” she said. Oh yea, I’m sure that’s what happened. Why would she lie? She’s wearing a blazer and glasses!! Kane hired an attorney and said she plans to file an assault complaint with Rhode Island State Police. As of Wednesday, state police said they had not yet received the complaint or been contacted by Kane about the incident. Translation – she called up Dick N. Vulva, never paid him, got high, and never followed through with her massive lawsuit. Anyway, we were still confused how the hell Jessica Kane got the impression that we were zanny salesmen. Turns out there was a whole background story: You can’t make this shit up. In August we blogged about this Lawrence ghettopoon selling Xanax on Facebook: Evidently Jessica Kane read the headline of this blog, assumed that we were the ones selling zannies, waited until she got her check on the first of the month, and then hit us up for the hookup. Just another day at Turtleboy. Shit like this never gets old. I love my job way too much. One guy suggested that it was a slow week: Dude, not one, but two junkbunnies messaged us assuming we sell Xanax from our Facebook page. If you don’t think that’s getting blogged about then you don’t know Turtleboy. Exactly!! Someone gets it! From now on I think this is what you people should start doing: Brilliant. This could be a weekly segment. We urge you to support the following local businesses. They provide terrific services for the community!",189,1 +190,"The Aspiring Ashanti Regional Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) Alhaji Mohammed Sani has called on the founder of Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG) Kofi Akpaloo to publicly apologise to Northerners in Ghana for saying they can never be Presidents. Mr Akpaloo in a recent interview with Abusua Nkommo hosted by Kwame Adinkra said ‘no Ghanaian will vote for a Northerner to be a President of Ghana’ after the abysmal performance by the former President John Dramani Mahama in the 2016 elections. According to Akpaloo, Northerners who were given the nod to lead the country failed Ghanaians and that Ghanaians will not vote for Northerners in 2020 elections. But speaking on Abusua Nkommo with Kwame Adinkra, Alhaji Sani described as ‘misguided missile’ the tribal comment by Mr Akpaloo that Northerners cannot be in the helm of affairs of the country. He advised the founder of Liberal Party of Ghana to retract his statement warning to retaliate in equal measure if he fails to do so. ‘…This is a misguided missile by Akpaloo, his comment is an insult to Northerners, what research has he conducted to come out with such comment?. If he has personal issues with John Mahama, he shouldn’t rope in all Northerners in his hatred. What kind of language is that, he should stop insulting a group of people, is he important than other people?. ‘He should withdraw and apologise, I am highly offended by his comment, if he refuses, I will be forced to wage war words against him,’ he stated. Alhaji Sani entreated Ghanaians to stop tagging people on tribal lines and judge them according to their performances.",190,0 +191,"Donald Trump will address the nation from New York City this evening as the president elect of the United States. The Trump campaign has been holding its election night party all night at the New York Hilton Midtown, with the festivities beginning at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Trump’s supporters have become more and more energized as the hours have ticked on, and Trump will take the stage to address them soon. The speech can be viewed live in the embedded YouTube player via Right Side Broadcasting. It’s not currently known when Trump will take the stage, as we’re still awaiting for many more results to come in. But at about 1:00 a.m., Decision Desk HQ officially made their call that Donald Trump has been elected president, and it looks incredibly unlikely that the election will end any other way at this point. It’s difficult to overstate how monumental of an event this is in the history of American politics. Donald Trump went into this election night being seen as having no real shot at the White House, with many Democrats not even expecting the race to be remotely close. Trump has pulled off what will likely go down as the most shocking political upset in history, and the election result proved nearly every single poll and electoral projection wrong. In fact, it seemed for a while that even Donald Trump himself wasn’t sure that he was going to win the election. After all, when he was asked during the presidential debate whether he would concede to Hillary Clinton if he loses, Trump refused to commit to doing so, saying, “I’ll keep you in suspense” seemingly because part of him doubted he could pull this thing off. Obviously, conceding to Hillary Clinton is no longer an issue. So what will Trump say in his speech tonight? Both supporters and detractors alike are hoping for the new president to start to heal the divide after an incredibly heated and contentious election cycle. It’s also unknown how Donald Trump may address Hillary Clinton, his opponent who he has repeatedly said should be in jail. Hillary Clinton is also expected to speak from the Javits Center in New York City, although many of her supporters have already left the arena in tears. Read more about Donald Trump and Melania in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com: Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox.",191,0 +192,"By Joe Boatwright: I’m amazed that there is still an argument surrounding global warming. Most of the literature is full of articles from organizations that deal with planetary weather issues or other political organizations that have joined the climate change movement. Conclusively, none of any of their global warming predictions have come to fruition. Almost every assertion has been debunked or proven false, sometimes by other parts of the same organization! Why should conservatives continue to debate liberals on this topic? Firstly, conservatives should always try to stop any insanity from the left, no matter what the subject. Secondly, the left continues to put forth their agenda on global warming, no matter how idiotic. So unfortunately, the right must respond against these arguments (again, no matter how absurd). Rush Limbaugh agreed by positing another reason: “The only reason we’re even talking about global warming — well, the real only reason — is its part of the left’s agenda of expanding government worldwide, raising taxes worldwide, and a key ingredient of this is blaming average citizens for the problem.” The conservative fight is to keep the left’s ‘one world order’ and worldwide tax increases from happening. We should not allow them to blame anyone for something that does not exist and can’t be proven. Back in August 2014 Alex Newman wrote in The New American, “Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry.” This excellent article details in length the litany of failed global warming predictions. It also criticizes organizations like the UN that recanted some of their farcical claims, sometimes even before they could be proven wrong. In one instance, the UN discovered their ‘scientific’ evidence came from the World Wildlife Fund propaganda literature. The claims from the liberal agenda of these organizations are so outlandish that it wouldn’t be surprising for them to throw in some type of zombie apocalypse. Global Warming is not scientific; it has become a political issue with many commenters who act as experts. In addition, articles that have been debunked continue to be echoed in other commentaries. These commentaries continue to make further inane assertions based on information already proven wrong. Global warming theorists who act as though this information is the word of God have taken the definition of non-sequitur to another level. Neuman points this out: “the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has acted as the main scaremonger for the global warming lobby that led to the Kyoto Protocol.” However, “the IPCC is a political, not scientific, body.” Only liberal extremists still beat the global warming drum — you shouldn’t be listening. No compatible source was found for this video. However, global warming myths continue to circulate periodically, despite being dispelled at length. For instance, there is the worry of our ecosystems being disrupted by rising temperatures or increasing CO2. Numerous studies show that there is no proof of rising temperatures distinct from natural system variations, and atmospheric CO2 is a beneficial fertilizer for plants! Regardless of the causes of these variations, the planet’s ecosystems have been adapting since the beginning of time. Almost as an urban legend, abnormal ice melting claims about both the north and south pole regions continue. But the only thing that is abnormal is that anyone believes them. I had two liberal colleagues at the CIA who believed in global warming and neither had any proof to justify their opinions. One had just experienced a hurricane and said that he would crush anyone’s head who was a non-believer in global warming. He was later fired, not because of his global warming beliefs, but because of his poor analytical skills. Our very liberal office allowed the other colleague to show slides from a vacation trip to the Arctic Circle. In addition, an alleged diminishing local animal population was presented as further proof. Of course, no real proof was presented. As one of the senior analysts of the office, I took no real part in the discussions. Office politics aside, I took to heart Mark Twain’s saying, “never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” However, in their defense, they never professed to be experts — they were just more misguided liberals (is that redundant?) who are plentiful everywhere including the intelligence agencies. How can you argue with the so-called global warming experts that use the inanest ‘evidence’ and arguments to support their claims? For instance, it is amazing how many ‘experts’ use fictional movies about global warming to support their claims! If Al Gore gives up on Global Warming, he should move on to vampires, werewolves, and zombies. There are plenty of movies with that type of scientific evidence! I’m surprised that people aren’t curious why there are no other climate claims other than global warming. For example, what happened to concerns about oceans. Seriously, decades ago severe pollution and rising sea levels was as big of a concern as global warming. I read that there was a swordfish in the Smithsonian that was over 150 years old, and that a group of global warming advocates would have conclusive proof of the effects of industrial man if the tissue in the swordfish was significantly different from fish of today. However, examination showed that it wasn’t. Thus, they had to go back to their old theory of rising oceans, which of course, can’t be proven either. When I was living in the D.C. area, one of the stations was particularly proud of their new Doppler radar that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. They touted that it could predict snow arrival, as well as depth. As a former Army air defender with a knowledge of this radar, I didn’t think they fully understood its capabilities or value. The other stations predicted the weather just as well without the radar, one station even used an old wooden yardstick to show the depth of the snow. Their depth measured the exact same as the station with the Doppler. Some cynics believe accuracy was never the goal in any global warming forecasts anyway; the goal was always to gain more money, power, and influence. I agree with other rational, logical ‘climate deniers’ that “the Earth’s climate has always changed, and very likely will continue to change, regardless of what humans do. What is now clear, though, is that the establishment has no idea what those changes will be — much less what drives the changes or how to control them.” However, does it really matter to a liberal what the truth is? They control almost all of the main stream media,which in turn presents their propaganda. It is shamefully evident why there are so few conservative messages from the media. If the left are so correct, shouldn’t they still compare and contrast their opinion with others to prove their point?",192,1 +193,"By T.A. Frank; VanityFair: With Donald Trump busy spreading havoc around the world—most recently tweeting about James Comey’s testimony, or feeding into the crisis over Qatar—it’s reasonable to ask who can be bothered to gripe about Hillary Clinton. But I can. One makes the time. Or maybe one doesn’t, but in a two-party system there’s only one alternative to the party of Trump, and the role of Clinton in that party is therefore important. Lately, it has been increasing. Hillary has been making high-profile public appearances and started talking frankly about her distaste for Trump and her dismay over the people and things that cost her the election. She has even founded a PAC called Onward Together, a 501(c)(4) that will “advance progressive values.” Whether we like it or not, the Clintons are back in the game. It’s up to the rest of us to figure out if we approve. Just about everything we do lends itself to a generous or hostile interpretation. Our friends think we feed the poor because we have genuine compassion, and our enemies think we do so because we want to look good. The benign take on motives isn’t always closest to the truth, but it’s the better bet. (On the occasions that I’ve had an inside view of something in the glare of the press, those with the darkest take on it have usually been wrong.) I’ve been tough on Chelsea Clinton—hard not to be—but Hillary Clinton has a much higher accomplishment-to-self-regard ratio. So why not start generously? To read rest of article visit VanityFair. No compatible source was found for this video. By Brian Brinker; OpsLens: Now that Hillary Clinton is making her way back into the public spotlight, we’re starting to hear a lot more about who’s to blame for her loss. Of course, President Trump is at the top of her list. So too are members of her campaign staff, pollsters, The New York Times, supporters who didn’t show up at the polls, James Comey, Putin and the Russians, and various others. You know whose name you’re not going to find? Hillary Clinton’s own. Save perhaps for President Trump, no one else is singularly so responsible for her loss than Hillary herself. Yet, she has so far proven unwilling to take any of the blame. As Hillary stated in a recent interview, “I take responsibility for every decision I make—but that’s not why I lost.” In other words, the blame doesn’t fall on Hillary’s shoulders, at least in her mind. However, as the nominee and candidate for president, no one else should have to shoulder as much blame as Hillary. And I say this as someone who does believe that sexism and other “unfair” factors played a role. Still, it wasn’t sexism that inspired Hillary to ignore voters in Michigan and Wisconsin and to jet set out to California to meet with rich donors. And it wasn’t sexism that inspired a largely negative campaign that focused on why people should vote against Donald Trump, rather than why they should vote for Hillary Clinton. Turns out that her campaign didn’t inspire a lot of people to the polls. Sexism may have been a factor in Hillary’s inability to connect with voters, especially working and middle class voters. But there were many other factors as well. Hillary has a tendency of coming off as an elitist. She can’t pour a beer, she hasn’t driven a car in years, and she always seemed to struggle to relate to people directly. Her campaign, meanwhile, was mostly tone deaf. After winning the DNC nomination, she largely blew off Michigan and Wisconsin. The problem is that if you want midwestern voters, you have to meet with them and respect them. You can’t ignore them and skip off to sunny California to eat triple-digit meals and hob knob with celebrities and millionaires instead. To read rest of article visit OpsLens.",193,1 +194,"BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:50 P.M.) – The battle for Al-Mayadeen proved to be a decisive victory for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their allies, as they were able to successfully uproot the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) from this large city in the Deir Ezzor Governorate. For ISIS, their defeat at Al-Mayadeen could not come at a worse time, as their battlefield woes in Al-Raqqa and central Syria have handicapped their remaining forces inside the country. On Sunday, Syrian news channels posted several videos showing the aftermath of the Al-Mayadeen battle and the recently liberated areas surrounding the city. The footage showed scores of dead ISIS terrorists and a large number of armored vehicles that were destroyed by the Syrian Arab Army during their one week long offensive. Gone. With Al-Mayadeen liberated, the Syrian Army will now turn their attention to the provincial capital and Al-‘Umar Oil Fields in order to expel the Islamic Sate from more areas in Syria.",194,0 +195,"Dozens of protesters gathered Saturday at Lawyers Mall in Annapolis to talk about President Donald Trump. This time, they were in support of him. About 50 people of diverse background who turned out for the Making America Great Again, Already! rally wore Trump T-shirts and hats, posed for pictures with Trump signs and waved Trump flags to show their support for the president’s agenda. It is the same site where numerous rallies have been held with speakers who have been critical of the president. Trump “has people against him … from within the party, from the media. We are here to support and endorse what he has been doing for the military and the economy,” said Sajid Tarar, a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan and founder of Muslim Americans for Trump. The rally comes at a time of intense controversy for the president. An ABC News/Washington Post poll from this month showed 66 percent of Americans said Trump has done more to divide the country than unite it. He recently criticized NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality against African-Americans. And the rally was held the same day as marches with speakers expected to be critical of the president were staged across the country in support of racial justice. Another is planned Sunday at Lawyers Mall. But Saturday, the crowd outside the State House had a different message. The rally, co-sponsored by Muslim Americans for Trump and Sikh Americans for Trump, was intended to bring together minority communities not typically associated with Trump’s largely white base and demonstrate support for Trump’s ideas. Tarar has been a vocal Trump supporter from early on; he prayed onstage at the Republican National Convention and spoke favor of the then-candidate. Trump’s statements about Muslims and Islam are not directed at the faith as a whole, Tarar said, nor at every Muslim American. It would be impossible, Tarar said, to cast blame on every person belonging to the world’s second-largest religion. “As a Muslim, I saw him as a relief. I saw him as the person who can fight the terrorism,” Tarar said. He said Trump’s travel ban, which originally blocked immigrants from Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan, isn’t a ban at all but a pause, to ensure thorough vetting of the people from these countries. The original restriction on travel from these six countries has expired and been replaced with an order that bans varying degrees of immigration from Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. Tarar and Sikh Americans for Trump founder Jesse Singh both immigrated to the U.S. — “legally,” Singh told the crowd. Like Tarar, he attended the president’s inauguration. Singh said when he first arrived in Dulles International Airport in Virginia, he saw a futuristic marvel in the sleek terminals and busses that whisked passengers to and fro. But the bus that dropped him off in 1986 is the bus that he is still taking today, adding that the more impressive airports are now the ones in his home country of India. “Last year I went to India, and that airport I left is now looking futuristic,” Singh said. “When I came to Dulles Airport, the same 30-year-old bus with loose doors and torn carpet came to receive me. So, when Donald Trump says our infrastructure has gone down, he’s totally right.” Other speakers, including Republican strategist and commentator Ivan Garcia-Hidalgo, praised the president’s crackdown on illegal immigration and promise to build a border wall. At one point, a “Build that wall!” chant briefly broke out among the rallygoers. Garcia-Hidalgo spoke of a booming economy, a low unemployment rate and a strong stock market, and defended Trump’s response to the devastation to Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. Michael Cohen, who serves as Trump’s personal lawyer, also spoke at the rally via phone and thanked those gathered for their support. Congress has not yet approved funding for the border wall, but the Trump administration has announced companies that are building prototypes. Additionally, Congress has not passed any economic legislation, but the administration introduced a tax reform plan Wednesday. Maryland is a predominantly blue state. More than 60 percent of state voters cast ballots for Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election, and she edged Trump by 6,016 votes in Anne Arundel County. But Marcus Anthony, a Fairfax County, Virginia, resident, said he attended the rally to “preserve the other side.” “We live in a highly liberal area,” Marcus said. “As it is today, a lot of our side is continuously oppressed … It’s our responsibility to retain our perspectives.” All minorities are not against the president, Singh said. “Minorities have the same agenda as any other Americans,” he said. “We want America to be great again.”",195,0 +196,"""I can't believe that I'm saying that a candidate for president of the United States has bragged about sexually assaulting women."" And so First Lady Michelle Obama captured the sentiments of a majority of Americans during an emotional stump speech for Hillary Clinton on Thursday afternoon that lambasted Republican nominee Donald Trump's repeated demeaning and derogatory treatment of women. Speaking before a crowd in Manchester, New Hampshire, Mrs. Obama stated that the leaked Access Hollywood video of Trump bragging about groping, kissing, and trying to have sex with women has ""shaken [her] to [her] core."" ""It would be dishonest and disingenuous to move on to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream,"" the first lady said. ""We can't sweep this under the rug as another sad footnote in a disturbing election season. This was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior."" Refusing to call Trump by name—only referring to him as Hillary Clinton's ""opponent""—Mrs. Obama denounced the Republican candidate's defense of his past remarks as simple ""locker room talk"" while explaining how personal these comments felt to her—and for all women. For Trump, the 2005 Access Hollywood appearance was not an isolated incident. He has gone on record numerous times to comment on women in, typically, one of two ways: As objects of his own sexual gratification or as threats that should be wholly diminished for their intellect, ambition, or appearance. Though Trump has repeatedly claimed the ""locker room talk"" defense since the tape leaked last Friday, numerous women have since come forward to report their own sexual assaults at the hands of Donald Trump—meaning that this wasn't just talk, it was predatory action. Like millions of Americans, Mrs. Obama, felt shock and outrage over Trump's behavior, and could not believe that there are still people in this country who view women with such little regard, let alone the fact that one of them is trying to become the next president of the United States. ""This is not normal. This not politics as usual. This is disgraceful,"" Mrs. Obama said. ""It doesn't matter what party you belong to—Democrat, Republican, Independent—no woman deserves to be treated this way."" Asserting that Trump is in no way qualified for the executive branch or be a role model for children who look up to the president, the first lady then praised Hillary Clinton for her longstanding commitment to public service (even saying that she has more experience than both ""Barack or Bill""), before declaring that the former secretary of state would be the only candidate who could unite the country and guide the American public with strength and compassion. Making a call to undecided voters, Mrs. Obama urged them not to cast a protest vote or sit the election out entirely, saying that doing so would only help clear a path for Trump to the White House. She referenced the 2012 election, in which President Obama won New Hampshire by 4,000 votes. Though that figure might have seemed like a definitive win for the incumbent president, it broke down to a total of just 66 votes per precinct—or, dozens of votes that could make or break a candidate's victory. She additionally cited the power of women voters in this election, and the influence they can have in choosing the next president. A recent report from Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight election forecast suggested that if only women voted, Hillary Clinton would win by an overwhelming majority (which, horrifyingly, prompted a #Repealthe19th social media campaign among Trump supporters). Mrs. Obama invited all women to take this power seriously and use it to elect a candidate who has not only been a pillar of support for women, but would teach America's children that any kind of degrading, hateful rhetoric is wholly unacceptable. ""We, as women, have all the power we need to determine the outcome of this election,"" Mrs. Obama said. ""We have the knowledge, we have a voice, we have a vote. And on November 8, we as women, we as Americans, we as decent human beings, can declare that enough is enough and we do not tolerate this kind of behavior.""",196,1 +197,"WASHINGTON — Former undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson is looking to crowdfund enough money to buy Twitter so President Donald Trump can’t use it. Wilson launched the fundraiser last week, tweeting: “If @Twitter executives won’t shut down Trump’s violence and hate, then it’s up to us. #BuyTwitter #BanTrump.” The GoFundMe page for the fundraiser says Trump’s tweets “damage the country and put people in harm’s way.” As of Wednesday morning, she had raised less than $6,000 of the billion-dollar goal. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders calls the fundraiser a “ridiculous attempt” to shut down the president’s First Amendment rights. Wilson’s identity as a CIA operative was leaked by an official in former President George W. Bush’s administration in 2003. She left the agency in 2005. If @Twitter executives won’t shut down Trump’s violence and hate, then it’s up to us. #BuyTwitter #BanTrump https://t.co/HhbaHSluTx",197,0 +198,"The FBI is advising people to hang up if they receive a call from a woman screaming for help. A decades-old virtual kidnapping scam is placing more U.S. residents at risk of becoming potential victims, the FBI warned on its website. The scheme takes many forms, but basically callers trick victims into paying ransoms to free family or friends who have been “kidnapped.” The virtual abductors coerce victims to pay a ransom before victims can find out that no one has been kidnapped. The FBI had been tracking virtual kidnapping calls primarily from prisons in Mexico between 2013 and 2015. The callers targeted individuals who spoke Spanish, the FBI said. Most of the victims were from the Los Angeles and Houston areas. The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms The FBI issued the warning because kidnappers have widened their pool of potential victims by no longer targeting only specific individuals and Spanish speakers. The callers also are cold-calling numbers in various cities. In a recent investigation, the FBI found that more than 80 people have fallen victim to the new tactics in California, Minnesota, Idaho and Texas. Those victims paid more than $87,000 in ransom. An FBI spokeswoman for the Kansas City offices said she was not aware of any instances that have occurred in Kansas or Missouri where the FBI was involved. The scam works this way: The potential victim answers a call and hears a woman screaming, “Help me!” The victim might blurt out a name, like Mary, asking her if she’s OK. At that point, the caller will tell the victim that Mary has been kidnapped and she will be harmed if ransom isn’t paid quickly. The scam is successful when victims don’t know the whereabouts of their loved ones. The scammers typically demand that the ransoms are wired to Mexico. The amount is typically less than $2,000 because of legal restrictions for wiring larger amounts across the border, the FBI said. However, two victims in Houston were coerced to pay larger ransoms by making money drops. A federal grand jury charged a 34-year-old Houston woman in July with 10 counts, including wire fraud and money laundering, for her involvement in the scam. The charges are the first federal indictment in a virtual kidnapping case, the FBI said. Robert A. Cronkleton: 816-234-4261, @cronkb How to avoid falling victim If you receive a call from someone demanding ransom for an alleged kidnap victim, the FBI suggests: If you believe a real kidnapping has taken place, call 911. Source: FBI",198,0 +199,"A remarkable thing happened recently. You might have missed it, because while it happened in plain sight, it also happened in increments. You had to put the pieces together to appreciate the magnitude of it. You see, America repudiated its president. This, of course, was in response to that pathetic performance in the wake of the tragedy in Charlottesville, Va., when he suggested moral equivalence between white supremacists and those who protest them. In response, America — a pretty broad swath of it, at least — has condemned him. The reference is not to the shellacking he took from pundits or the reprovals of GOP leaders Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. These things were to be expected. But you did not expect the Chairman and CEO of Merck to quit the president’s American Manufacturing Council. And Ken Frazier’s departure, which he framed as “a matter of personal conscience,” was just the opening salvo. He was followed through the door by members of that panel and others. By week’s end, two presidential business advisory groups had ceased to exist and plans for a third had been scrapped. Members of the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities also resigned en masse. Meantime, Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s club and de facto presidential getaway in Florida, saw a rash of charities canceling their fundraising events. The Washington Post listed the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, Susan G. Komen and the American Cancer Society among those who have chosen to hold their galas elsewhere. And there is yet more. Bob Corker, a respected Republican senator who has heretofore sought to engage with the president, raised sharp questions not just about Trump’s competence, but also his “stability,” and called for “radical changes” in the White House. Five military chiefs also spoke out against the bigotry in Charlottesville, in a striking reproach of their commander. Graduates of Liberty University called on fellow alumni to return their diplomas to protest LU president Jerry Falwell Jr.’s support for Trump. And it was announced that the president would not be attending the Kennedy Center Honors in December, nor host the traditional White House reception for the five honorees after three of them had spoken of boycotting the event. And really: How toxic are you when Lionel Richie doesn’t want to shake your hand? It seems that a great many Americans reached a moment of decision and reacted as you would have hoped. Trump and his apologists and enablers should take note, because this does not bode well for them. For all its powers of law making, war making, budget drafting, and diplomacy, the presidency also embodies the power of moral suasion. A president uses what Theodore Roosevelt called “the bully pulpit” — the honor and prestige of his office — to stand for what is right and remind us to do likewise. Problematically, that office is occupied now by a man with no moral compass, a man whose only true North is self. So what happened was sadly predictable. What was not predictable was this chorus of castigation from such a wide spectrum of American life. The stunning rebuke offers heartening evidence that we have not yet completely abandoned who and what we are supposed to be. Again, this is a moment of decision. Those who chose to separate themselves from Trump declared their values — and character. Those who supported him did, too.",199,1 +200,"Unable to play video. HTML5 is not supported! After the violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, over a Confederate monument, internet companies are making it difficult for white supremacist groups to organize online. Neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer was booted from web host GoDaddy after the rally. GoDaddy tweeted the site violated its terms of service. The Daily Stormer then tried to move to Google and then a Russian domain, but both hosts rejected the site. Twitter and LinkedIn also canceled Daily Stormer-related accounts, and YouTube has cracked down on accounts associated with alt-right figures. SEE MORE: Phoenix's Mayor Wants President Trump To Delay A Rally In The City White supremacists aren't being allowed to express themselves through song, either. Spotify is purging white supremacist music from its archives. And Pandora said it's making sure there's nothing like that on its service. This was a trend before the ""Unite the Right"" rally even started. Airbnb deleted accounts of users it suspected were trying to book rooms in Charlottesville before the event. White supremacists aren't just being blocked from posting on the internet. They're also being blocked from profiting from it. Crowd-funding sites like Patreon and GoFundMe blocked the accounts of alt-right figures and groups, forcing some to use a knockoff called Hatreon. Trending stories at Newsy.com",200,0 +201,"The Veterans Recognition Foundation built Veterans Park in Longview, Texas to serve as a thank you for the work of veterans in all branches of the military and as a reminder of their sacrifice. Unfortunately, something happened earlier this week in the park that has deeply upset many veterans and visitors. The Longview News-Journal reports that the statue of the Unknown Solider has been destroyed. Air Force veteran David Applewhite posted a photo to Facebook saying, “One of the statues guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier monument has been pushed over by vandals at the Veterans Plaza in Longview! Was not young children who did this!” Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any news on who could have ruined the statue, nor if this was definitely an act of vandalism. Some are speculating that it could have been the result of a structural failure in a weak part of the sculpture. Several Longview residents are expressing their anger on social media, calling for all kinds of punishments for the vandals. Others are just hoping to see the statue repaired as quickly as possible. The Veterans Plaza website has a “ support” page where they accept donations to rebuild what was lost.",201,0 +202,"Despite what you've been reading about the far right's consternation with Bruce Rauner over his ostensible support for abortion in Illinois, I think it's been a pretty good month for the governor. The union-busting Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees case that he initiated has made it to the Supreme Court. And he's got liberal groups like Planned Parenthood praising him for his stance on reproductive rights. It looks like he may be able to put together the band of rabid right-wingers and abortion-rights moderates who helped elect him in the first place. I know that sounds like the oddest of coalitions—but it just goes to show you what a clever politician can buy with his billions. The Republican right-to-lifers are furious that Rauner flip-flopped and signed HB 40, the reproductive rights bill that expanded Medicaid funding for some abortions and eliminated the controversial ""trigger provision"" from state law. (The trigger language would've made abortions illegal in Illinois should Roe v. Wade be overturned.) And many, including Steve Bannon, are talking about recruiting someone to mount a primary challenge against Rauner. But I think it's mostly bluster. In fact, I can't understand why they're so outraged. They knew what they were getting when they overwhelmingly voted for Rauner back in 2014. Rauner made no secret of his support for abortion. In 2014, his wife, Diana Rauner, went so far as to take out an ad assuring pro-choice Democrats that when it came to abortion rights her husband would be no different than his opponent, former governor Pat Quinn. Backed by many pro-choice moderates in DuPage County, the North Shore, and the Gold Coast, Rauner edged out Quinn and promptly went to work bankrupting public education by vetoing the budget. Earlier this year, the governor panicked when it looked as though he might be losing support among downstate Republicans. So he assured right-to-life legislators he would veto HB40. That enraged pro-choice voters, who claimed he was betraying his lifelong commitment to their cause. Rauner found himself in a jam. He had to decide which group he could least afford to alienate on the eve of next year's election: Gold Coast and North Shore moderates or rabid Republicans. Obviously, he went with the former, at least partly because, if push came to shove, they might actually vote for a Democrat. As for the rabid right, he probably figured he'd give 'em a tax break and they'd follow him off a cliff. Of course, Rauner was slick about it. Over the summer he made a real show of inviting various pro-choice women to his office to explain to him how important it was to pass HB40. And then on September 28, he signed it, making a big deal about it, like he was King Solomon making a wrenching decision as opposed to a lifelong abortion supporter doing what he'd promised to do four years ago. In any case, it seems to have worked. Key players in the pro-choice movement fell for it. When Rauner signed HB40, Planned Parenthood of Illinois sent an e-mail calling on members to ""thank Governor Rauner."" Puh-lease! A more accurate response would've been ""Thanks for nothing, Bruce!"" Even if the strategy fails and he doesn't win reelection, Rauner's in a perfect position to achieve his great dream of damaging, if not destroying, public unions in Illinois thanks to the Janus case. Mark Janus is a state employee who argues that his First Amendment rights are being violated because state law requires him to contribute a ""fair share"" portion of his paycheck to the union that represents him—in this case, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. In particular, he doesn't think he should have to donate money to a union with which he disagrees politically. It's called a fair-share contribution because the money guarantees that workers share the cost of financing a union that represents them in bargaining and grievance hearings. On February 9, 2015, a few weeks after he took office, Rauner issued an executive order halting automatic fair-share deductions from paychecks. Several unions and attorney general Lisa Madigan sued and Rauner's executive order was overturned. Rauner also filed a suit in federal court seeking to stop automatic fair-share contributions on First Amendment grounds. In 2016, a federal judge ruled against Rauner, decreeing that the governor didn't have standing in the case. By then Janus had joined the case—as a state employee, he clearly has standing. Janus is being represented by the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, a union-busting outfit that's financially supported by the Koch brothers, the Walton Family Foundation, and other stalwarts of the far right. On September 28, the Supreme Court agreed to hear Janus's case. The suit is similar to one filed by Rebecca Friedrichs, a teacher in California, who lost when the Supreme Court was deadlocked 4-4. Since then President Trump and the Senate have put conservative Neil Gorsuch on the court. So unless another judge flips—c'mon Justice Kennedy, you can do it!—it looks like SCOTUS will issue a bruising blow against unions, which will have to scramble to keep up their funding. This is a cruel irony on many levels. For one thing, government employees such as Janus will be relatively defenseless without unions if they're fired or harassed by a powerful politician like Rauner. Good luck getting the National Right to Work Foundation to help them with that. As for Rauner's friends at Planned Parenthood—well, with a drop in membership, unions will be less able to help elect Democrats. So really the assault on unions is an attempt to cripple the Democratic Party. You don't think the Koch brothers actually give a hoot about workers like Mark Janus, do you? If Democrats can't beat Republicans, they can't enact liberal-minded measures, like—oh, just to pick one—reproductive rights. Think about this, Planned Parenthood. Your good friend, Bruce, is throwing you under the bus once again. Only this time he's got a more roundabout way of doing it. v",202,1 +203,"Image via Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images This is how it starts. Everyone needs to pay attention because one day we might look back at this moment as a pivotal moment when the federal government reinvigorated a campaign against Black protesters and activists. According to ForeignPolicy, the FBI’s counterterrorism unit is warning that “black identity extremists” are a major threat to law enforcement officers. They even have a cute acronym for “these types” of people, BIE. Peep the langage used here: “The FBI assesses it is very likely Black Identity Extremist (BIE) perceptions of police brutality against African Americans spurred an increase in premeditated, retaliatory lethal violence against law enforcement and will very likely serve as justification for such violence,” “Perceptions”. PERCEPTIONS. “Perceptions of police brutality against African Americans”…ain’t no “perceptions”, b!tc#! We KNOW the police whoop our azzes just for living. Our collective response to the police shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson is the catalyst for the Black boogie men who are taking aim at cops if you let them tell it: “The FBI assesses it is very likely incidents of alleged police abuse against African Americans since then have continued to feed the resurgence in ideologically motivated, violent criminal activity within the BIE movement,” Again, “alleged”. Pay. Attention. The feds are labeling Black folks who are angry at systemic racism as domestic terrorists. Something that the President didn’t do when addressing the tiki-torchers in Charlottesville. You know what America does when they perceive a group of people to be terrorists…at least when they’re Black or brown. Guess they don’t see neo-Nazis and alt-right azzholes in that same light. Imagine that.",203,1 +204,"U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested 97 people after raiding a Tennessee meat processing plant, in what civil rights activists say was the largest crackdown at a single place in almost a decade. ICE spokeswoman Tammy Spicer announced the raid in a statement on Friday and said that of the 97 people taken into custody from Southeastern Provision meat processing plant in eastern Tennessee, 11 people were arrested on criminal charges, 54 were placed in detention and 32 were released. She said they were all arrested on suspicion of being in the country illegally. The National Immigration Law Center said it believes this was the largest single-workplace raid since George W. Bush was president, the Washington Post reported. Federal immigration officials did not confirm if it was the largest. This was the latest crackdown on illegal immigrants by the Trump administration after he announced last year that ICE agents would be targeting employers that choose to hire immigrants knowing they are illegal. A total of 21 people were arrested after immigration agents raided 7-11 stores nationwide in January. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",204,0 +205,"Trump has told sources that he expects to appoint three more Supreme Court Justices before the end of his first term, Axios reports. Trump has already nominated conservative judge Neil Gorsuch​, who was confirmed and then sworn into office in April of 2017. Gorsuch replaced ​the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Trump believes that Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, who​ is 81 years old, will soon be out. Kennedy is rumored to be considering retirement. You can read the exchange with Trump, obtained by Axios, below. ""Ok,"" one source told Trump, ""so that's two. Who are the others?"" ""Ginsburg,"" Trump replied. ""What does she weigh? 60 pounds?"" ""Who's the fourth?"" the source asked. ""Sotomayor,"" Trump said, referring to the relatively recently-appointed Obama justice, whose name is rarely, if ever, mentioned in speculation about the next justice to be replaced. ""Her health,"" Trump explained. ""No good. Diabetes."" Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 84 years old, while Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor is just 63 years old. Sotomayor, who was appointed by President Obama, is the first Latina to serve on the Supreme Court. She was diagnosed with diabetes as a child. Ironically, Trump is the oldest person to be elected president in U.S. history. The reality television star is 71 years old. One source is quoted as saying, ""it's all about the numbers for him,"" which is not surprising because we are talking about a man who constantly bragsabout numbers, whether it be rating numbers, the size of the crowd at his inauguration or crowds for his rallies in general.",205,0 +206,"In Arizona, there is a special election to replace Rep. Trent Franks, who resigned earlier this year. Making special appearances to help the Democrat in that race are the kids from Parkland, Florida. These are the kids the left-wing media has promoted because of their demands for gun control, since the mass shooting in Parkland that killed 17. The left’s obsession with gun control is nothing new. The left embraced the creation of the Brady Center to Prevent Handgun Violence after its creation in the 1980s. Other left-wing attempts to repeal and block the Second Amendment rights of Americans go further back. As a policy idea, gun control has been a disaster. Ignoring the fact that it is one of the preferred tools of tyrants, gun control simply does not work. Britain essentially banned firearms after the 1996 Dunblane massacre. While Britain, for more than 20 years, has had the kind of gun control American liberals can only dream of, the results have not been good. Crime in London is out of control. In gun-free London, a number of people have been shot to death in the last three months. Only a year ago, the BBC reported that gun crime had risen by 42 percent. How could that be? The left promises us that if we only ban guns, crime will go away. In the absence of guns, many criminals in the U.K. have turned to knives. And guess what? The politicians in Britain are now pushing knife control. The issue for Americans is not simply the removal of the right to bear arms. It is a fundamental intrusion on one of the most basic liberties someone may have. Freedom. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the draft of the Virginia Constitution, “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” The keywords in Jefferson’s draft were “free man.” One of the fundamental rights that any free man or woman has is the right to self-defense. Free people can defend themselves. Slaves cannot. The left ignores the fact that when guns are used in this nation, they are overwhelmingly used for self-defense. But it is this fundamental right of self-defense that the left challenges and would see destroyed in America. In the last 20 years in America, an alarming change has taken place in schools. Before this time, if two children became involved in a fight at school, the school would try to determine who started the fight and punish that child. No longer. Now, both children (or more) are punished. It does not matter if one child was trying to defend himself against a bully. It doesn’t matter if someone else started the fight, the mere act of self-defense becomes a punishable offense. The left has this obsession with people and the nation being defenseless. They want to strip away the rights of citizens to use weapons to defend themselves. They do not like the idea of something like missile defense to protect this nation against an attack. The left loves to preach to us. They tell real Americans that it is necessary to strip away our rights to make us safe. In 1783, William Pitt spoke in the House of Commons and said, “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” That perfectly sums up the left. Their goal is tyranny and their objective is to reduce every American to the status of a slave. • Judson Phillips is founder of the Tea Party Nation. © Copyright (c) 2018 News World Communications, Inc. —- This content is published through a licensing agreement with Acquire Media using its NewsEdge technology.",206,1 +207,"An unattended package near the north fence of the White House was cleared by the Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Tuesday afternoon. The White House was placed on an apparent lockdown Tuesday while President Trump was en route to Arizona for a rally in Phoenix, according to multiple reports. The Hill reported that Secret Service cleared the White House’s North Lawn and sent media members and construction workers in the area into the West Wing. The Secret Service confirmed via Twitter that it and the Washington, D.C. Police Department were responding to an unattended package near the north fence of the White House complex. Trump is reportedly heading to a campaign-style rally in Phoenix late Tuesday, an event which is also expected to draw major protests. The president will also reportedly visit a Border Patrol facility in Yuma, Arizona before Tuesday’s rally. Trump will examine Border Patrol equipment such as a Predator drone and an agency boat during his stop in Yuma. Immigration is a major issue for Trump’s supporters, and the president campaigned extensively on the topic during last year’s White House race. Trump has long vowed to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, arguing it will reduce illegal immigration and increase America’s border security. The president has also pledged to take a tougher stance on drug trafficking across America’s borders.",207,0 +208,"In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, FEMA said they would only give aid to victims if they had received (unspecified) vaccinations. In late August and early September 2017, false rumors began to spread on Facebook and Twitter that FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) was refusing to give aid to victims of Hurricane Harvey unless they had been vaccinated, and that the agency was forcing people to undergo vaccinations in order to receive aid. These rumors are entirely false, and we could not find any iteration of them which provided even a fabricated source or citation. Fema is saying that Texans will have to have a vaccine shot in order to get aid are you paying attention. Despite including absolutely no evidence whatsoever, the post was shared more than 5,000 times within a few days. A search of FEMA’s press releases, Facebook account and Twitter account shows that the agency has not said any such thing. Not only that, but a FEMA spokesperson definitively rejected the rumors in a statement sent to us: There is absolutely no requirement for Hurricane Survivors to be vaccinated in order to receive assistance from FEMA. They only need to register with FEMA for assistance. They can do this online at disasterassistance.gov or call 1-800-621-3362. This is just the latest in a series of false claims surrounding FEMA, and forms part of the long-standing “ FEMA camps” conspiracy theory, which holds that the federal government is planning to build concentration camps and impose martial law in the aftermath of a natural disaster.",208,0 +209,"What is a dotard? In one of the strangest war of words we’ve seen here at PolitiFact, President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un traded insults recently, culminating in the use of the insult ""dotard."" Merriam-Webster noted that searches for the word spiked. Older PolitiFact staffers informed our younger counterparts that a dotard is someone who has entered his or her dotage, and that dotage is ""a state or period of senile decay marked by decline of mental poise and alertness,"" according to Merriam-Webster. Kim Jong Un hurled the word at Trump in response to Trump’s recent speech at the United Nations, saying that Trump’s speech was ""unprecedented rude nonsense one has never heard from any of his predecessors. A frightened dog barks louder. I’d like to advise Trump to exercise prudence in selecting words and to be considerate of whom he speaks to when making a speech in front of the world."" Later in the statement, Kim said, ""Whatever Trump might have expected, he will face results beyond his expectation. I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire."" Trump responded on Twitter: ""Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before!"" Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before! Where this war of words will lead is anyone’s guess. PolitiFact recently reviewed the issues surrounding North Korea as a preview to Trump’s speech at the United Nations, and we fact-checked Trump’s speech as well.",209,0 +210,"OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) — An Oklahoma man has been arrested after attempting to detonate a vehicle bomb parked outside a downtown Oklahoma City bank. Jerry Drake Varnell, of Sayre, was arrested August 12 in Oklahoma City. Court documents show that at 1 a.m. 23-year-old Varnell attempted to detonate what he believed was a van loaded with explosives parked in an alley next to BancFirst, 101 N. Broadway. Court documents show that the FBI learned of Varnell's plot in December 2016 after being notified by a confidential informant of his plot to ""bomb the Federal Reserve Building in Washington D.C. in a manner similar to the Oklahoma City Bombing."" The informant later told Varnell that they had access to anhydrous ammonia and ammonium nitrate. The two then began collecting items to develop an explosive device. In May 2017, Varnell allegedly told the informant he wanted to target BancFirst in downtown Oklahoma City instead because ""I don't wanna kill a bunch of people"". Court records show that Varnell admitted to ""holding 3 percent ideology"" during a meeting with the informant. ""Varnell expressed a desire to start the new revolution. His targets included institutions with affiliation to the U.S. Government in Washington D.C."" FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Raul Bujanda said. The DOJ reports that Varnell continued to advance his plans to build a device and had a statement ready to be posted to social media following the explosion. On August 11, Varnell met with an undercover FBI employee that was posing as the supplier of the anhydrous ammonia. The two then drove to a mini-storage unit in El Reno and began constructing the device. All of the items used to construct the bomb were inert and provided by the undercover employee. Varnell then allegedly drove the van with the device to an alley by BancFirst and left on foot. The undercover employee picked up Varnell and the two drove a short distance away. Court records show that Varnell used a ""burner"" cell phone to dial a number to detonate the bomb several times. He was then arrested by FBI agents. The FBI reports that that monitored Varnell closely during the months-long plot. He has been charged with attempting to use explosives to destroy a building in interstate commerce. Varnell was arraigned in federal court Monday afternoon. The U.S. Attorney's Office plans to seek indictment from the grand jury within 30 days. If convicted, he faces up to 30 years in prison. United States Attorney Mark Yancey and FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Raul Bujanda spoke to the media Monday to discuss the arrest. Major Bill Weaver with the Oklahoma City Police Department says Varnell's plan was derailed thanks to a concerned citized and a committed group of law enforcement. ""This goes to show what happens when someone that sees something says something and then law enforcement works forward to interdict that threat,"" Weaver said. BancFirst has released the following statement on the incident: BancFirst has been working cooperatively with the FBI. At no time were employees, customers or the general public ever in any danger. We believe our BancFirst downtown Oklahoma City building was a random and convenient selection by the suspect. There is no further threat or reason for concern. We take comfort and our company embraces a deep appreciation and admiration for the men and women of the FBI for their diligent and dedicated work in protecting our nation.",210,0 +211,"By Kathryn Blackhurst; LifeZette: LifeZette Editor-in-Chief Laura Ingraham said that Never-Trumper Republicans and resisting liberals are “happiest” when President Donald Trump’s approval numbers go down, even if their own numbers plummet as well. Ingraham, who was guest-hosting Tuesday on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” blasted balking GOP members of Congress and Democrats for blocking and stalling the president’s legislative agenda throughout his first 200 days in office. Noting that Republican senators such as Jeff Flake (Arizona), John McCain (Arizona), and Thom Tillis (North Carolina) delight in making rounds on the news talk shows to criticize Trump, Ingraham pointed out their own plunging approval numbers as the American voters wait for them to fulfill their campaign promises. “Do you know what a liberal’s idea of Armageddon is? No, it’s not a nuclear North Korea, but a successful Trump presidency. Do you know what the Never-Trump Republicans on Capitol Hill fear the most? No, it’s not ISIS and it’s not a 5,000-point [drop] in the Dow, but a successful Trump presidency,” Ingraham said. “Today is the 200th day of this administration,” she added. “And despite the hyperventilation and alarmism we’re hearing from the national press corps — they’re prematurely declaring the Trump administration a failure, of course — but in fact, it’s the resistance to Trump that is playing a risky gambit.” No compatible source was found for this video. In this “resistance,” Ingraham included Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and “supposed right” senators such as Flake, McCain and Tillis. And what unites all of them is their sad and rather pathetic fear and loathing of President Trump,” she said. “So they want you so saturated in this endless and mindless Russia story deal, and other irrelevant West Wing staff intrigues that’s mostly fueled by leaks, that you even begin to believe their negative spin. And let’s face it — these people are happiest when his numbers go down, when his legislation and his confirmations stall, even if their own approval numbers go down, too. It’s like they don’t even care.” Pointing to recent Quinnipiac University poll measuring congressional approval ratings, Ingraham noted these politicians have plummeted even as Trump’s numbers have dwindled into the 30s. “And Trump’s approval rating may only be about 37 percent according to one poll, but check this out. Tom Tillis’ approval rating, North Carolina — 29 percent. Nancy Pelosi’s — 27 percent. Chuck Schumer’s is 26 percent, and [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell’s is a very impressive 17 percent,” Ingraham said, noting that McConnell has failed repeatedly to rally 50 of 52 GOP senators in support of various measures to repeal and replace Obamacare. “Now despite two years of non-stop bile and vitriol from Washington’s bipartisan elite class, Trump is actually beating all of them,” she added. “Now while of course it’s true that key legislative successes are lacking, whether on health care, tax reform, infrastructure — but it’s equally true as well that President Trump has done a lot even without Congress to make our lives better.” Ingraham said that Trump does need to work on boosting his approval numbers, but she argued the president has “done a heck of a lot in just 200 days.” Pointing to the successful confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s slashing of Obama-era red-tape and regulations, the thriving stock market, consumer confidence and more, Ingraham said that Trump’s presidency hasn’t been the failure that the media, the Left and the Never-Trumpers are making it out to be. “His approval numbers — yeah, they need boosting, that’s for sure. But considering the 24/7 media onslaught against him, the distraction of the Russia probe, and the resistance from Congress — both sides in Congress — he’s done a heck of a lot in just 200 days,” she said. “And if he can keep focused and he can keep his team motivated, keep them together, and put pressure on the Hill to deliver on some of these big issues, he’ll improve his numbers and he’ll grow the populist movement.” To read related content visit LifeZette.",211,1 +212,"Donald Trump has defended the use of guns in America by comparing a London hospital to a “war zone” because of knife crime. Speaking at a pro-gun rally, the US president claimed that knife crime in London is so bad that one unnamed hospital in the capital is “like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds” with “blood all over the floors”. He told the National Rifle Convention (NRA) in Dallas: “I recently read a story that in London, which has unbelievably tough gun laws, a once very prestigious hospital right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds. All of us here today are united by the same timeless values. We believe that our liberty is a gift from our creator, and that no Government can ever take it away. We believe in the rule of law - and we support the men and women of law enforcement. We have pride in our history... pic.twitter.com/eONj1Y8oju “Yes that’s right, they don’t have guns they have knives. And instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. “We’re here today because we recognise a simple fact. The one thing that has always stood between the American people and the elimination of our Second Amendment rights has been Conservatives and congress willing to fight for those rights, and we’re fighting.” At least 38 people in London have lost their lives to knife crime so far this year, the Met confirmed. “Thanks to your activism and dedication you have an administration fighting to protect your Second Amendment” @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #NRA pic.twitter.com/YHUqnpjMjy Mr Trump also argued that the Paris terror attack could have been prevented if more people were armed. “The terrorists would have fled or been shot and it would have been a whole different story,” he said. The 2015 attack left 130 dead after terrorists carried out a series of suicide bombs and mass shootings in the French capital.",212,0 +213,"Gutterpube Who Says “F All Them Crackas” Who Got Shot In Vegas, Is A Deadbeat Dad Coke Dealer Who Claims He Donated Drug Proceeds To PR Relief Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at [email protected] for more information. Obviously the big story of the day is the massacre that occurred in Las Vegas last night at a Country Music concert, where at least 50 people were killed by a man from a 32nd floor hotel room at Mandalay Bay casino. Naturally this has already been politicized, with people arguing about immigration, gun control, and all things Trump. Oh and Hillary said this: The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017 But yea, Trump is the only one who tweets dumb things. Good thing the democrats gave us a viable alternative in 2016 that we could really get behind. Those machine gun silencers are a real killer. Anyway, we have no interest in going all political about this. Maybe Jay Dub will. Just not my cup of tea. What we do is always find the worst people on the Internet and see what they have to say about this tragedy. Today’s winner is an illiterate drug dealer from Hartford named Allen Lozada, AKA AP El Titere. Here’s his initial reaction to the mass shooting: He might not have finished his GED, but he basically sees the world the same exact way 99% of employees at CNN do – everything is Trump’s fault. And those crackas who were peacefully watching a concert in Vegas? They deserved it. The whole thing was a big setup to draw attention away from hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. He was just getting started though: But he’s one of the good guys because he admits to donating his profits from drug transactions towards disaster relief: Oh yea, he’s a winner. And you’ll never guess who his favorite bouncing ball team is….. There’s gonna be a lot of talk in the days and weeks ahead about banning whatever guns were used in Las Vegas. But I think we can all agree that what REALLY needs to be banned are flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hats and anyone who is inclined to wear them. There are plenty of responsible, law abiding gun owners out there. But there has never, ever, ever been a decent, law-abiding person who has chosen to wear that thing on their head. If you know anyone that owns that hat, disassociate with them immediately. They will only bring you down. He even rocks the Chicago Bulls winter hat when he’s pouring out some Henny for the homeys in the January: Easy on the Henny Allen – it’s not good for your bowels: I know when I die I want people to come to my headstone and drink copious amounts of Red Bull and Henny, the nectar of the hoodrats. He really misses his boy, who I’m sure lived a noble and worthwhile life, because now that Sito isn’t around, he doesn’t have anyone to come scoop him up to he can “turn up on these fuck n words”: You can also find Allen Lozada on Deadbeatdirectory.com, with his own profile: Oh good, he’s a cokehead deadbeat “dad,” who allegedly threatened to choke his baby until she turned blue. Shocking. Especially considering his overall philosophy on women: When he eventually gets killed by a cop and SJWs pretend like his death is an actual loss to the community, he wants you to commemorate him by burning Hartford to the ground: He’s very familiar with the inside of a courthouse: He lives the good life by cashing in his SSI check for stays at the Marriott: Last year things were beginning to look up for Allen. He was trying to stay out of the police logs, and gave himself one Internet cookie for going a full month without stabbing, shooting, or running over someone with a car: He gets another Internet cookie for going four days sober: And he’s going legit because the “feds out here snatching everybody”: Also this: I have no idea what that means, but it sounds important. VERY important. Anyway, it is gonna be interesting to see what the killer’s motivation was in Las Vegas. He shot at a country music festival. A place that more than likely was filled with people who voted for Donald Trump. Not saying that’s his motive, but he could’ve shot up any large group of people and he chose this one. Just sayin. Either way, Allen Lozada is a useless sack of gutterpubes, and the 50+ who died in Las Vegas are much, much bigger losses to society than he could ever be. We urge you to support the following local businesses. They provide terrific services for the community!",213,1 +214,"A substitute teacher in a Texas elementary school called police on a six-year-old Muslim boy with Down syndrome, fearing he was a terrorist. Mohammad Suleiman's father, Maher, felt discrimination was in play after the teacher claimed the boy kept repeating 'Allah' and 'boom' in his Pearland, Texas, classroom. 'Mohammad was born with Down Syndrome chromosome 21, the father said to F ox 26 about his son's intellectual difficulties and his inability to speak, something the school claimed he could do. 'It's not true, he doesn't speak at all.' Teacher calls police on special needs student CONNECTING... A substitute teacher at CJ Harris Elementary school in Pearland, Texas, allegedly called the police on Mohammad Suleiman, six, (pictured) and claimed he was a terrorist Maher can't help but be disgusted by the allegations against his son being a terrorist that the substitute teacher at CJ Harris Elementary School made. 'She claimed he was a terrorist,' added Maher. 'This is so stupid, it's discrimination. Actually, it's not implied discrimination, it's actual discrimination.' The phone call placed by the teacher prompted both the police and Child Protective Services to launch investigations into the Suleiman family. The teacher said that Mohammad kept saying 'Allah' and 'boom' but his father, Maher, asserts that the boy has down syndrome and does not speak 'This is so stupid, it's discrimination. Actually, it's not implied discrimination, it's actual discrimination,' the father (pictured) said 'The last three to four weeks have been the hardest of my life,' said Maher. 'My wife and kids were crying a few days ago and I told them everything is fine.' The Pearland Police Department did tell FOX26 that an investigation took place but found that there was no need for police involvement. Child Protective Services is still conducting their investigation. Due to privacy laws, the Pearland Independent School District has not released any information pertinent to either the student or the personnel, according to a spokesperson. The phone call placed by the teacher prompted both the police and Child Protective Services to launch investigations into the Suleiman family",214,0 +215,"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump made his first ""Crooked Hillary"" Twitter post less than 48 hours into the new year Tuesday, accusing a former Clinton aide of ""disregarding basic security protocols,"" and calling his own Justice Department a ""deep state."" ""Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols,"" he wrote. ""She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others"" Attacking his former Democratic opponent from the 2016 presidential election and taking aim at his own Justice Department struck familiar tones for the new year. Almost 14 months after the 2016 presidential election, Trump has kept up a regular drumbeat of attacks on Clinton. Last year, Trump also criticized the Justice Department and Attorney General Jeff Sessions for not pursing investigations of his political opponents. Tuesday morning’s Twitter post followed an article in the Daily Caller, a conservative publication that Trump closely monitors. The article said Abedin forwarded some government passwords to her private Yahoo email account in 2009, when Clinton was secretary of state. Yahoo was hacked in 2013, which affected all 3 billion of its accounts. After the breach, the data was offered for sale by a hacking collective based in Eastern Europe. Trump also implored his administration to investigate Abedin. The term ""deep state"" typically refers to a shadow government of agency officials who secretly plot to influence policy; they are usually associated with countries that have authoritarian elements that undercut democratically elected leaders. On Friday, the State Department released about 3,000 of Abedin’s work-related emails. The emails were found on the laptop of Abedin’s now estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, and were released as part of a public records request. The emails found on Weiner’s computer are a sore spot for Clinton. James Comey, the former FBI director, had notified Congress shortly before the 2016 election about the existence of newly discovered emails that could be relevant to the closed investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state. Clinton, in a book released last year, said Comey’s October 2016 disclosure hurt her campaign’s momentum and helped Trump win the election. In his Twitter post, Trump also referred to the case of a Navy sailor who was jailed for taking pictures inside a military submarine. According to a report in Fox News, the sailor had hoped to receive a pardon from the president, but has not.",215,0 +216,"Ever since last week’s High Court judgment threw a spanner in the works of the Government’s plan to use the Royal Prerogative to trigger Article 50 there have been all sorts of rumours and suggestions as to how the Government is going to deliver Brexit. Theresa May has already said she will appeal to the Supreme Court. Brexit Secretary David Davis confirmed this in the Commons on Monday. Another suggestion is to bring forward a Bill that specifically rejects the High Court’s ruling and hands the Government the power to act alone. Or there’s the idea of a simple one-line Bill to trigger Article 50 itself. And those are just the more obvious ideas. There seem to be as many different theories and suggestions as there are EU members. The moment we trigger Article 50 the clock starts ticking and we know we will leave the EU 24 months later, deal or no deal. Brexit will mean Brexit Things would be so much better if, as in the joke, we didn’t have to start from here. Or, to put it another way, if Mrs May had done what her predecessor had suggested should happen. Because for all his faults David Cameron got one thing bang on. Back in February, when he was setting out to MPs the details of the pathetic “deal” he had negotiated with the EU, Mr Cameron made clear what he thought would and should happen if we voted for Brexit: “If the British people vote to leave there is only one way to bring that about, namely to trigger Article 50 of the treaties and begin the process of exit and the British people would rightly expect that to start straightaway.” The referendum took place in June. Theresa May’s plan is to trigger Article 50 by the end of March next year. Even if she sticks to that timetable that will have been a nine-month wait. By no stretch of the imagination can that be described as triggering Article 50 “straightaway”. But Mr Cameron was clearly right that the British people would expect the process to have started straightaway. With hindsight it is surely now clear to everyone who isn’t plotting to stop Brexit – and was clear after the referendum to many of us – that Mrs May should have done what Mr Cameron said would happen and triggered Article 50 as soon as she entered Downing Street. Indeed he might even have done so himself. Imagine how different things would now be. Instead of politics being consumed with questions of procedure and timing – almost all of which are fig leaves pushed by Remainers who don’t want us to leave – and instead of the Remainers being handed ever more time to plot how they can frustrate the will of the British people, the path would have been set and the referendum result honoured. Straightaway. The moment we trigger Article 50 the clock starts ticking and we know we will leave the EU 24 months later, deal or no deal. Brexit will mean Brexit. Unless there is a unanimous decision by the rest of the EU to change that timetable nothing can alter that. So that’s what should have happened. But the fact that it didn’t doesn’t mean there aren’t important lessons for the future as to what should now happen and how we can avoid a further mess. Mrs May repeated after the High Court ruling that she still plans to trigger Article 50 by the end of March. The crucial word here is “by”. That doesn’t necessarily mean waiting until March. It means making sure it’s done by March, which could mean acting now. And there are compelling reasons why she should put a stop to the uncertainty and trigger Article 50 now. Most obviously it would destroy the Remainers’ attempts to keep us in. They are playing for time. They have been doing that since the vote and will continue doing so for as long as they can. Their hope is that the longer they delay Article 50 being triggered, the more they can make a case that the referendum result is no longer valid. Make no mistake about this: they will do whatever they can to stop Article 50 coming into force. That’s just one reason why appealing to the Supreme Court carries a huge risk: that the Government might lose. The Remainers who brought the case are using the language of parliamentary scrutiny because it sounds appropriate and modest. But their goal isn’t scrutiny: it’s destruction. They want to destroy the referendum result. And handing them any victory, especially from the Supreme Court, is unnecessary and unwise. Wed, September 14, 2016 On Monday the Brexit Secretary confirmed in the Commons that the Government could introduce a one-line Bill triggering Article 50 now, bypassing any Supreme Court decision. The Remainers would then be put on the spot and their plots exposed. Voting against triggering Article 50 would reveal their real agenda of ignoring the referendum result. They would doubtless seek to amend the Bill and use every parliamentary device at their disposal. But their motives would be obvious and the wiser among them would surely realise the huge risk they were running with democracy itself. They would in reality have no choice but to accept the result of the referendum and implement Article 50 – or risk sticking two fingers up to the very idea of a sovereign people. And even the Remainers, surely, are not that wilful.",216,1 +217,"There's been a lot of talk this week about President Trump's mental state. Psychiatrists have weighed in calling him a ""very sick man."" Former associates report that people close to him are ""deeply concerned about his mental health.” It's been reported that he's telling people that the person on the ""Access Hollywood"" tape wasn't really him, and claiming (again) that he actually won the popular vote. But the most vivid and obvious evidence that Trump is becoming even more unbalanced even than before (which is saying something) comes from his Twitter feed, which has been a daily dumpster fire ever since word came down that Michael Flynn had apparently made a deal with Robert Mueller. Trump's Twitter is a window into his mind, and right now it isn't offering an attractive view. He's madly tweeted lies about his tax plan, applauded himself for single-handedly causing the stock market to rise, insulted the media, slandered old friends and condemned some of the famous men who have been fired for sexual harassment. Apparently he is more assured of his omnipotence than ever, since he was rewarded with the presidency while all those other guys have been brought low. He's put on quite a show and all of it has further degraded the presidency and embarrassed the nation before the world. But there was one series of tweets that stood out and it's so bad that it may have actually caused a diplomatic break with our closest ally. On Thursday morning, for some inexplicable reason, the president of the United States retweeted three videos claiming to be Muslim extremists perpetrating violence. One purported to show a group of Muslims pushing a boy off a roof, another claimed to show a Muslim destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary and a third supposedly showed a Muslim immigrant hitting a Dutch boy on crutches. The Dutch embassy clarified that the third video actually of two native-born dutch boys fighting, and did not involve Muslim immigrants at all. The tweets were from a vile British neofascist named Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of a tiny far-right, anti-immigrant group called Britain First. You may recall that prior to the Brexit vote last year a Labour Party member of Parliament named Jo Cox was assassinated by a man who shouted the words ""Britain First"" before he killed her. According to the Daily Beast: The group had previously struggled to garner mainstream-media coverage of their video stunts, which include mosque “invasions” and “Christian patrols” during which uniformed thugs carrying white crosses attempt to intimidate minority citizens. On Wednesday, Trump catapulted Fransen and the group’s leader Paul Golding, who is also a convicted criminal, into the global conversation. Trump sent those videos out to his millions of followers; hundreds of millions more may have seen them through other social media and mainstream news by now. These anti-Muslim videos are the worst kind of hate propaganda, the kind of thing one expects to find deep in the bowels of the extremist right-wing internet. Needless to say, Fransen was delighted and thanked Trumpfor ""sharing the videos with his ""44 MILLION FOLLOWERS! GOD BLESS YOU TRUMP! GOD BLESS AMERICA!"" The reaction was swift. Prime Minister Theresa May's office rebuked the president in a statement which said that Britain First ""divides communities in their use of hateful narratives which pedal lies and stoke tensions. This causes anxieties to law-abiding people. The British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents; decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this."" Trump himself was not contrite, of course. He responded this way: . @Theresa_May, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2017 The British Parliament did not take this well. In speech after speech members demanded that Trump's invitation for a state visit (already controversial) be rescinded. Labor M.P. Stephen Doughty declared that by sharing those tweets, Trump had shown himself to be ""either a racist, incompetent or unthinking — or all three. I love America, it is a country and people of extraordinary generosity, courage, kindness and humanity — but this president represents none of those things.” London Mayor Sadiq Khan said May should use ""any influence she and her government claim to have with the president” to ask that he “delete these tweets and to apologize to the British people.” None of that is going to happen, of course. Trump's state of mind at the moment is that following his racist instincts are what got him to the most powerful office on earth and following those instincts is the winning formula going forward. We are all well aware of Trump's bond with the old-fashioned American far right. David Duke is a big fan and applauded him for retweeting the videos. Trump thinks that one can be a ""very fine person"" and still carry a torch and march with Nazis shouting ""Jews will not replace us"" in American cities. His xenophobic rhetoric toward Mexicans and Muslims, and his barely concealed racism, have been obvious for years and were major selling points during his campaign. Trump has also shown an affinity for the neofascist right in Europe, perhaps under the influence of Steve Bannon, who has developed alliances with such groups for some time through his Breitbart International media venture. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said later that Trump did not know who Jayda Fransen was before he retweeted her, and claimed he was trying to ""elevate the issue"" of extremist violence in Europe. That's not enough. He has been retweeting white supremacists and neofascists for a long time. Quite likely he doesn't know who they all are either, but he obviously likes what they have to say and he's happy to use his platform of tens of millions of followers and the prestige of the White House to spread their message far and wide. May did not rescind the invitation to the state visit. But the British don't seem to be in any hurry to set a date either. Plans for a ""working visit"" from Trump in January have been dropped, which seems wise. Our president seems to have done something that nobody else has been able to do in Britain lately: He brought left and right together -- in mutual loathing for him. Over the Thanksgiving holiday Trump made a weird, cryptic comment to Coast Guard troops, saying, ""You never know about an ally, an ally can turn, you're going to find that out."" Maybe he was talking about himself.",217,1 +218,"Microsoft busted Kremlin-linked hackers who broadened their targets in the United States. And Facebook, YouTube and others found new influence campaigns originating from Russia and Iran.",218,0 +219,"Bernice Burgos, the alleged ‘side chick’ in T.I. and Tiny’s marriage, hit The Breakfast Club this morning to discuss all the drama. As you know, Tiny discussed Burgos during a recent appearance on The Wendy Show, stating that Bernice stepped out of line and clearly didn’t know her place (click HERE if you missed that). Well now, Burgos is playing her position and in her latest interview, claims she and Tip were never a ‘thing’ and that their interactions was only for “business”. Video below… In the video clip above, Bernice apologizes about the entire social media fiasco between her and Tiny stating “I’m very disappointed in what I did.” She continues… Social media sometimes will put you in a place that you have to fight with people you don’t even know. On her ‘relationship’ with T.I. and being called a ‘homewrecker’, Burgos states, It was only for business… I got introduced for a movie. Check out the full interview below…",219,0 +220,"Actor Terry Crews has taken to social media to share his experience with sexual assault in Hollywood. The 49-year-old Brooklyn Nine-Nine star told his story as more allegations about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein were made public. Crews alleges that another 'Hollywood honcho' touched him inappropriately in 2016. In a Twitter thread tonight, he wrote: ""This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME. My wife [and] I were at a Hollywood function last year [and] a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates. ""Jumping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything [and] we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk. ""I was going to kick his ass right then - but I thought twice about how the whole thing would appear. '240 lbs. Black man stomps out Hollywood Honcho' would be the headline the next day. ""Only I probably wouldn't have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL. So we left."" Crews added that he told everyone he knew and worked with about what happened to him. And that the executive called him the next day to apologise, but never explained his reason for the assault. He said he never took it further, as we would be ""ostracized, [which is] par for the course when the predator has power and influence. Who's going to believe you?"" Credit: PA Images ""Hollywood is not the only business where this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior- you are not alone,"" Crews added. ""Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless."" It comes after a number of high-profile women in Hollywood went public with claims of inappropriate behavior by film producer Weinstein, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Mira Sorvino, Asia Argento, and Rosanna Arquette. As we have previously noted at LADbible, figures released previously by the Ministry of Justice, showed that more than one in 10 victims of rape or attempted rape in the UK are male. A report published in 2015, titled 'Silent Suffering: Supporting The Male Survivors Of Sexual Assault', revealed that as few as 3.9% of male victims of rape and sexual assault report the crime to police. Featured Image Credit: PA Images",220,0 +221,"By Kathryn Blackhurst, LifeZette: American Spectator Senior Editor John Fund blasted the media for refusing to cover former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s “ravings” claiming that “voter suppression” contributed to her Election Day loss, during an interview Wednesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.” Fund, a national-affairs columnist for National Review Online, said both Democrats and the mainstream media ridiculed President Donald Trump for claiming that 3 million to 5 million people voted illegally while giving Clinton a complete pass for her claims. Pointing to the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s Monday report proving that more than 5,556 illegal voters were enrolled across 138 of Virginia’s counties and cities, Fund claimed that voter fraud is far more substantiated than Clinton’s claims. “There’s no evidence that voter ID laws prevent people from voting. What really defeated Hillary Clinton was that in every single swing state, including states that don’t have voter ID, African-American turnout went down because African-American voters didn’t particularly like Hillary Clinton,” Fund said. “What we have is the Democrats actively trying to hide the ball on any attempt to find out if there is voter fraud,” Fund continued. “All they do is yell ‘voter suppression!’ But they don’t have any evidence. They don’t have any statistics. They don’t have any of them. All they have are Hillary Clinton’s ravings.” No compatible source was found for this video. Fund referred to Clinton’s recent interview with New York magazine in which she insisted, “I would have won had I not been subjected to the unprecedented attacks by Comey and the Russians, aided and abetted by the suppression of the vote, particularly in Wisconsin. . . . Whoever comes next, this is not going to end. Republicans learned that if you suppress votes you win.” Declaring this unsubstantiated claim to be utter nonsense, Fund noted that even liberal organizations such as the fact-checking site Snopes, Vox, and Slate have all “called Hillary’s assertion that she lost because of voter suppression just a fantasy.” “But by the way, how much media coverage did you get?” Fund said. Instead, Trump’s claims of 3 million to 5 million people illegal voters have been getting all the attention. “Trump should have never have said it. It discredits the cause,” Fund conceded. “Having said that, the outrage against Trump was perfectly appropriate. But where’s the outrage at Hillary Clinton coming up with her fantasy about voter suppression with just as little evidence? I don’t know if anyone in the media … has talked about it or heard about it.” Pointing once again to Virginia and its resident “consigliere of the Clinton White House,” Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Fund noted that he has “desperately tried to prevent groups like the Public Interest Legal Foundation to go into voter registration rolls and try to find out who has been removed from the rolls in Virginia because” they were illegally registered to vote when they obtained a driver’s license. “That would be the evidence that there were non-citizens voting in our elections,” Fund said. “Well, McAuliffe sent out a directive to every local election official: Don’t cooperate with these questions. And it turns out they now have the answers from 138 communities in Virginia. Not the whole state, just part of it, [that] 5,500 non-citizens have been removed from the voter registration rolls in the last 5 years. Over a third of them had been voting.” The real issue, Fund insisted, is former President Barack Obama’s reluctance to investigate or illegal voting or allow others to investigate whether the country’s democratic election process had been compromised. “For eight years, state after state asked the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security, ‘You have a list of every legal alien in the country, people with green cards, student visas. Please send us the list. All we’ll do with it is match it with out voter-registration rolls and see if some non-citizens are registering and possibly voting,'” Fund said. “For eight years the Obama administration refused to turn over those lists, claiming ‘privacy’ considerations, which were bogus,” Fund added. “The reason why he claimed there is no voter fraud is he’s actively trying to hide it.” The Trump administration has since set up, by executive order, a commission to investigate voter fraud. This article was used with permission from LifeZette.",221,1 +222,"Occasionally, the news suggests glimmers of Hope: CO-OPTATION SAVES THE NATION- {rhyme} Our nation’s Trump-era history get reversed in this yuugely-odd mystery: - - The Donald the Dems have co-opted!! Their policies Trump has adopted!! The Opposition has clout to drag America out of the stupid Repug-dug ditch. Huzzah for The Donald’s switch. ========= Show All Comments",222,0 +223,"The mainstream media is floating rumors that Trump White House Chief of Staff John Kelly was removed from Air Force One this week and may be resigning. Kelly has been assigned Trump duties the past few months. According to conversations with Steve Bannon John Kelly is not allowing President Trump to receive his news from conservative news outlets. Pajamas Media reported: Bloomberg White House correspondent Jennifer Jacobs reports on Twitter that Trump’s chief of staff, General John Kelly, was originally going to be on the Air Force One flight to Las Vegas but was “pulled off flight” at the last moment. Gen. Kelly was originally going to be on AF1 to Vegas with Trump today but was pulled off flight, I'm told.WH not answering Qs about it. — Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) October 4, 2017 Although the White House initially refused to answer her questions about this rather akward move, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders eventually said that there’s “nothing to read into here,” explaining: He is basically always on the manifest. Sometimes he travels, and sometimes he doesn’t. An important caveat, of course, but Huckabee’s explanation did not prevent Scott Dworkin from tweeting that not one, not two, but three people have told him that this may very well be General Kelly’s last week as Trump’s chief of staff. I’ve heard from three people from different circles on the Hill that this may be John Kelly’s last week as Trump’s Chief of Staff. #AMJoy https://t.co/T9AGHeGR9y — Scott Dworkin (@funder) October 4, 2017 Sponsored",223,1 +224,"QUANTICO, Va. — President Donald Trump laced into FBI leadership Friday, while proclaiming his loyalty and support for law enforcement in an address at the agency's training academy. ""It's a shame what's happened"" with the FBI, the president said as he left the White House for a speech at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Virginia. He called the agency's handling of Hillary Clinton's email investigation ""really disgraceful"" and told reporters ""we're going to rebuild the FBI."" Shortly afterward, Trump lavished praise on graduates of a weeks-long FBI National Academy program and their families, touting their accomplishments and pledging his unwavering support. Trump told law enforcement leaders he is ""more loyal than anyone else could be"" to police. ""Anti-police sentiment is wrong and it's dangerous,"" he added. ""Anyone who kills a police officer should get the death penalty."" Trump used the speech to promote his administration's tough-on-crime policies, delivering a stern warning to members of the international gang MS-13 that his administration will root them out and arrest them. He also celebrated his decision to make it easier for local police forces to purchase surplus military equipment, and questioned rising violence in Chicago. ""What the hell is going on in Chicago? What the hell is happening there,"" he asked. Hours before, White House Deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley told Fox News Channel that edits to former FBI Director James Comey's statement on Clinton's private email server and anti-Trump texts from a top agent are ""deeply troubling."" ""There is extreme bias against this president with high-up members of the team there at the FBI who were investigating Hillary Clinton at the time,"" Gidley charged, as special counsel Robert Mueller pushes on with a probe of possible Trump campaign ties to Russia. Gidley says Trump maintains confidence in the FBI's rank-and-file. Edits to the Comey draft appeared to soften the gravity of the bureau's finding in its 2016 investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state. ""It is very sad when you look at those documents, how they've done that is really, really disgraceful, and you have a lot of really angry people who are seeing it,"" Trump said of the document. Gidley said the disclosure of politically charged text messages sent by one of the agents on the Clinton case, Peter Strzok, were ""eye-opening."" Strzok, who was in the room as Clinton was interviewed, was later assigned to special counsel Robert Mueller's team to investigate potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign. He was re-assigned after the messages were uncovered this summer. About 200 leaders in law enforcement from around the country attended the weeks-long FBI National Academy program aimed at raising law enforcement standards and cooperation. Coursework included intelligence theory, terrorism and terrorist mindsets, law, behavioral science, law enforcement communication, and forensic science.",224,0 +225,"Iran and Russia plan to destroy Western Europe, the US, and Canada by means of a new wave of millions of Syrian Sunnis fleeing to the West to escape the Shiite takeover of Syria. In my weekly column two months ago, I claimed that Iran is the real victor in the Syrian civil war. Using the war against ISIS as a smokescreen, it is taking over large swathes of Syrian territory, mainly in the scarcely populated middle and eastern parts of the country. In the more fertile and densely populated west of Syria, there are Iraqi, Afghan, and Iranian Shiite militias augmenting Lebanese Hezbollah fighters who were given carte blanche to do whatever Hassan Nasrallah decides to do there. Assad’s strength continues to increase as ISIS and the other rebel forces lose ground. The brutality of Russian involvement and the cruelty of Shiite militias overcame the anti-Assad forces, the turning point occurs when in 2015, Turkey’ s Erdogan was forced by Russia to cease his aid to the rebels and ISIS. Today, although Erdogan is an unwilling ally of Russia, Alawite Assad still sees him, justifiably, as an Islamist enemy. The Kurds of northeast Syria, treated as below third class citizens until 2011, will never agree to live under Arab mercy once again and it is reasonable to assume that should Syria remain an undivided country under Assad’s rule, the Kurds will preserve relative autonomy in their region – or fight the regime for their rights. That is certainly a problem, but the main issue facing a united Syria is going to be the drastic demographic changes the country is going to face. First of all, about half of Syria’s citizens – close to 10 million – are refugees, half located in Syria and the other half in Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, other Arab countries, Europe, North and South America, Australia and even Israel. Syrian refugees who reached points outside the Arab world will in all probability stay put, benefitting from the secure and orderly lives they can now lead. On the other hand, the 3.5 million now in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey are awaiting the end of hostilities in order to return to their homes. Those expectations may be dashed, however, because Syrian reality is totally changed, and large parts of its cities are in ruins after six and a half years of a cruel and bloody war. Countless bombs dropped from planes and helicopters, artillery and tank barrages, mines, and explosives planted by both sides have made much of urban Syria, where most of the fighting took place, unsafe to live in. In Homs, Aleppo, Adlib, Hamat and many other cities, entire neighborhoods will have to be razed and their infrastructure rebuilt from scratch. Decades and billions of dollars are needed to rebuild the country and I, for one, do not see the world’s nations standing in line to donate the necessary funds. Refugees will not agree to switch their tents in Jordan for ruined buildings lacking basic infrastructure in a desolate and destroyed Syria. The other reason the refugees will not return is their justified fear of the new lords of the land – the Shiites. Iran has been moving Shiites from Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan to Syria for a long time in a clear attempt to change the demographic makeup of the country from the Sunni majority it had before the civil war broke out in 2011. The issue could not be more clear because it is no secret that the pre-civil war Sunni majority considered the Alawite ruler’s heretic idol worshippers who had no right to live in Syria, much less rule over it. The Alawites know well that the Sunnis rebelled against them twice: The first time was from 1976 to 1982, a rebellion that took the lives of 50,000 citizens. The second time, slowly drawing to an end, has cost the lives of half a million men, women, children and aged citizens of Syria. The Alawites intend to prevent a third rebellion and the best way to do that is to change the majority of the population to Shiites instead of Sunnis. They will not allow the Sunni refugees to return to their homes, leaving them eternal refugees whose lands have been taken over by the enemy. Iran, meanwhile, will populate Syria with Shiites from Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. This ethnic cleansing is the Ayatollah’s dream come true, the dream that sees a Shiite crescent drawn from Iran through Iraq and Syria to Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea. This will cover the eastern Arab world from the north, while the war in Yemen is being fought in order to create a parallel southern crescent, entrapping Saudi Arabia and Jordan between the two. With the help of Allah, both those countries and Israel, the Small Satan, will soon fall into the hands of the Shiites, while Europe and America do nothing because who cares when Muslims fight other Muslims? The Shiite majority in Syria will play along with Lebanon’s Hezbollah, their natural allies, and it is possible that some form of federation might be created between the two in order to push the Lebanese Christians out of the picture, “persuading” them to flee to other countries, leaving Lebanon to its “rightful” Shiite masters. This explains Nasrallah’s eager willingness to fight on Syrian soil as well as the opposition of those against Nasrallah to his involvement there. The new demographic situation in Syria will convince the Sunni refugees that they have no place to which to return. They will try their best to be allowed to leave Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey for any country, preferably North America and Europe, willing to allow them entry. I predict a process that is the exact opposite of the one the world expects to take place when “peace” breaks out in Syria: Instead of refugees returning to their birthplace, expect the mass flight of Sunni refugees from the region, and expect a heightened incidence of Islamist terror in the countries that allow them in. The reasons are obvious: 1. Former ISIS and rebel forces will infiltrate along with the refugees, because they, too, are Sunni. They are filled with fury and hatred for the Western countries who were part of the coalition that fought ISIS or stood by without aiding the rebels. Some of them will continue their Jihad on European and North American soil. Expect shootings, explosives and ramming attacks against citizens of these countries. 2. Some of the refugees will not find work and live on the economic and social fringes of society, in poverty-stricken Islamist neighborhoods which have already existed for years in many European cities, and where the local police fear to tread. Poverty and life on the fringe of society will turn some of the Muslim young people into easy prey for terrorist organization recruiters who arouse the desire for Jihad by describing the accepting host countries as decadent societies infected with permissiveness, prostitution, alcohol, drugs, materialism, and corruption. They present the countries that allowed the immigrants entry as having done so to take advantage of them as industrial slaves, garage hands, cashiers and other degrading occupations, while the privileged citizens are lawyers, accountant, businessmen, and homeowners who take advantage of the migrants in humiliating ways. It is only a matter of time until young Muslims, especially those who were taught that “everyone is equal” in Western schools, enlist in terrorist organizations. 3. Countries which allow in refugees will suffer a higher crime rate as a result, including violence in public places, sexual attacks, and harassment, housebreaking, car theft, substance abuse, unreported work to avoid paying taxes and illegal construction. This will all occur at the same time these countries expend a larger part of their budgets on social services for the refugees, from child allowances to unemployment, health and old age benefits. At this point in time, the percentage of second and third generation immigrants populating the prisons in Western Europe is significantly larger than their percentage in the general population. 4. Increased economic, social and security problems in Europe and North America as a result of the rise in the number of migrants will lead to a rise in the strength of the right and the extreme right. This will, in turn, lead to more social tensions in the West. Members of Parliament whose only wish is to be re-elected will adapt their parliamentary activity – especially the laws they promote – to the expectations of the rapidly Islamizing constituencies, sacrificing their own people’s interests on the altar of their political careers. Many Europeans, aware of their elected leaders’ betrayal, will despair and leave those socially and economically deteriorating countries. This will increase the rate at which Europe turns into an Islamic region. And that is how the agreements Iran and Russia will soon coerce Syria into accepting are going to start a chain reaction increasing the number of refugees and pulling Europe down to a point of no return, without the world understanding what is going on. The Atlantic Ocean is not wide enough to protect North America from this debacle crossing the sea. This is how the Iranian Ayatollahs intend to destroy the heretic, permissive, drunk and materialistic West. More of the unfortunate Syrian millions will find themselves exiled to the heretic countries hated by the Ayatollahs, and Iran will operate from Syrian soil to vanquish Europe and America. Reprinted with author’s permission from Israel National News",225,1 +226,"President Trump responded to the Senate Republican's inability to pass a skinny version of Obamacare's repeal the only way he knows how: Twitter. Senate Republicans weren't able to muster enough votes to pass their skinny repeal of Obamacare. Senators voted 49-51 shortly before 2:00 a.m. Friday morning. Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) cast a surprise ""no"" vote. He was joined by GOP Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine). The bill, titled the Health Care Freedom Act, would have repealed the individual insurance mandate. It would also have repealed the employer mandate for eight years. GOP leaders and Vice President Mike Pence huddled with McCain, Murkowski and Collins before the vote, which was stalled for nearly an hour. A few minutes before the vote, McCain crossed the chamber to huddle with Democrats. McCain's ""no"" vote came as a shock to many. Democrats applauded the move on Twitter. The vote is a devastating blow for Republicans who have fought for months to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and will likely have to start the process all over again. ""This is clearly a disappointing moment,"" Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said shortly after the final vote tally was called. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer admitted that the current health care law is not perfect and called for Republicans and Democrats to work together to fix the problems with Obamacare. Other memorable moments from the health care debate: Now the Senate will move on to the defense budget.",226,0 +227,"Well, this is odd. Former President Obama has chosen not to host hard-copy versions of his manuscripts and letters in his presidential library. Is the former Commander-in-Chief hiding something? The move has “historians scratching their heads.” Fox News report: The Obama Foundation is taking an unconventional approach to the presidential center and library being planned in Chicago. It’s opting to host a digital archive of President Barack Obama’s records, but not keep his hard-copy manuscripts and letters and other documents onsite. That means no thumbing through the ex-president’s correspondence on the health care fight or first drafts of his State of the Union addresses. The decision has historians scratching their heads. “All archivists are waiting to see how this will work, because we are all struggling with how to make things available digitally,” Peggy Glowacki, a manuscripts librarian at the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told the Chicago Tribune. An interesting piece of information to note is evidence surrounding Susan Rice’s role in the ‘unmasking’ probe have been moved to the future library. The documents were moved to the Obama Library and under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office. President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton said Wednesday on Fox & Friends that President Trump can obtain these records from the Obama Presidential Library because they are federal records. Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy said that the President himself could obtain the records if he were to ask for them. Tom Fitton: “Yes, they are still federal records. They are under the control of the national archives and he can get ’em. If he needs them, then the President can conduct his official duties he can get them, Subpoenas issued by Congress can get them. Special Counsel Mueller, if he decides to actually investigate real crimes like the unmasking, the illicit surveillance, the leaking–he could get them if he issued subpoenas. There are options to get these records and they need to be taken because there could be elements of the records in the other agencies, but these are key White House records about what the White House was up to and that to me is as important as anything else.” Sponsored Sponsored",227,1 +228,"President Donald Trump on Tuesday began dismantling the government program protecting hundreds of thousands of young immigrants who were brought into the country illegally as children. Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared the Obama administration’s program “an unconstitutional exercise of authority” that must be revoked. New applications will be halted for President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program, which has provided nearly 800,000 young immigrants a reprieve from deportation and the ability to work legally in the U.S. in the form of two-year, renewable work permits. “I’m here today to announce that the program known as DACA that was effectuated under the Obama administration is being rescinded,” Sessions announced. Cummins Inc., the Columbus-based global diesel engine maker and power company, issued a statement after the DACA announcement. Here’s the statement by Chairman and CEO Tom Linebarger: “The decision by the Trump Administration to rescind DACA is discriminatory, harmful and sets our country back. These young people deserve every opportunity to continue living, working, and thriving in the United States – for nearly all of them the U.S. is the only country they have ever known. This is their home. Dreamers are our colleagues, our friends and our neighbors. They strengthen our country through daily contributions to our companies, our universities and our communities. We have a moral obligation to help these young people, protect them from living in fear, and to prevent families from being torn apart. Cummins stands in full support of Dreamers and we ask Congress to take immediate action to pass the Dream Act or find a permanent legislative solution to support these young people before anyone is affected by this decision. We hope that Americans speak out and make it clear to Congress and the President that we stand with the Dreamers.” Dreamers are our colleagues, friends & neighbors. We are deeply disappointed with today's decision to rescind #DACA. https://t.co/4ExwUP3Knt pic.twitter.com/DlzcvMpuiX — Cummins Inc. (@Cummins) September 5, 2017 Cummins is proud to stand #withDreamers who make our company and our communities stronger. #DefendDACA https://t.co/bAUfrBBckE — Cummins Inc. (@Cummins) September 2, 2017 Cummins currently employs approximately 55,400 people worldwide and serves customers in approximately 190 countries and territories through a network of approximately 600 company-owned and independent distributor locations and approximately 7,400 dealer locations. Cummins earned $1.39 billion on sales of $17.5 billion in 2016. Groups planning rally in Columbus Some Columbus area churches and organizations are planning a Rally in Support of Dreamers at 6:30 p.m. today at Columbus City Hall, 123 Washington St. The rally is being organized to support immigrant children threatened with deportation, said The Rev. Felipe Martinez, First Presbyterian Church. In an announcement about the rally, organizers said President Donald Trump is planning to rescind the executive order known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). DACA protects from deportation young undocumented immigrants (known as Dreamers) who were brought to the United States as children by their parents, the announcement states. Those who attend the rally will be asked to write to their senators and congressman asking them to pass legislation which would place DACA protections into law. Participants are asked to show their support by bringing American flags and signs expressing love and solidarity. Collaborating partners include First Presbyterian Church, Bartholomew County Indivisible, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbus, SuCasa and Islamic Society of Columbus. From Vice President Mike Pence, a Columbus native: From @POTUS: In best interests of country & keeping w/ office of POTUS obligations @DHSgov will begin orderly transition & wind-down of DACA pic.twitter.com/UHXpulFSWs — Vice President Pence (@VP) September 5, 2017 From @POTUS' statement: President Obama made an end-run around Congress and violating the core tenets that sustain our Republic. — Vice President Pence (@VP) September 5, 2017 . @POTUS said, ""Only by the reliable enforcement of immigration law can we produce safe communities, a robust middle class & econ. fairness."" — Vice President Pence (@VP) September 5, 2017 . @POTUS: We'll resolve DACA w/heart & compassion thru lawful Dem process while ensuring immigration reform provides benefits for US citizens — Vice President Pence (@VP) September 5, 2017 Indiana University has also issued a statement. ""Indiana University is deeply disappointed in the Trump Administration's decision to end the #DACA program."" https://t.co/it1aukEMp9 — Indiana University (@IndianaUniv) September 5, 2017",228,0 +229,"A Connecticut woman bought a desk from Staples, but after a few years grew tired of it. She decided to sell it to Noah Muroff and his wife for about $150 on Craigslist. There was nothing peculiar about the transaction at all. Muroff and his wife had difficulty fitting the desk into the room. They decided to take it apart to fit it in. After Noah removed the filing cabinets, he noticed a plastic bag poking out. First, he saw a $100 bill. Then he saw that inside there were stacks of them. He and his wife counted the money. There was a whopping $98,000. “If we didn’t take those drawers out, we never would have found it,” Muroff said. But he knew immediately that he couldn’t keep the money. He called the woman he bought it from. It turned out she hid her inheritance in the desk and couldn’t remember where she put it. When Muroff called her, she was speechless. “She was so shocked and touched that anyone would call,” he said. “She said, ‘You could have kept the money and nobody would have ever known.'” Muroff, who is a rabbi, and his wife believe honesty is the most important thing. “We both agreed that this is not our money,” he said. “If God wants us to have $98,000, he’ll make sure to give it to us in some other way.” The woman was so grateful, she summed up how she felt in a thank-you card. “I do not think there are too many people in this world that would have done what you did by calling me. I do like to believe that there are still good people left in this crazy world we live in. You certainly are one of them,” the woman wrote. “I cannot thank you enough for your honesty and integrity.” Please SHARE this story if you’re glad Noah Muroff did the right thing for the woman! Due to restrictions, this video cannot be viewed in your region.",229,0 +230,"An online fundraiser for the family of Heather Heyer, who was killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday when a car plowed through a group of counterprotesters, has raised nearly $225,000 -- exceeding by more than four times its original goal. Donations continue to pour into the GoFundMe account. TRENDING NOW: “Heather Heyer was murdered while protesting against hate,” the GoFundMe account creator, Felicia Venita Correa, wrote in the account’s page description. “We are raising money to give to her family for anything that they may need. The family is aware of this and is in complete charge of when and where the funds will be released. She is a Greene County native and graduated from William Monroe High School. Her mother (whom I will not name until she is ready) said “She died doing what was right. My heart is broken, but I am forever proud of her. She will truly be missed.” The banner image on Heyer’s Facebook page spoke of civic engagement: President Donald Trump addressed Heyer’s death via Twitter without naming her, writing: “Condolences to the family of the young woman killed today, and best regards to all of those injured, in Charlottesville, Virginia. So sad!” First person piece: ‘ This is not my Charlottesville’ Authorities arrested James Alex Fields, 20, of Ohio, and charged him with second-degree murder, three counts of malicious wounding and one count of failing to stop at an accident that resulted in a death. The Associated Press reported three other arrests stemming from Saturday’s chaos in Charlottesville, where people protesting the removal of a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee clashed with counterprotesters. Troy Dunigan, 21, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, was charged with disorderly conduct; Jacob L. Smith, 21, of Louisa, Virginia, was charged with assault and battery; and James M. O’Brien, 44, of Gainesville, Florida, was charged with carrying a concealed handgun. JUST IN: Booking photo of James Alex Fields, Jr. @NBC29 pic.twitter.com/9nxtsvqNmt In a statement on Saturday, Trump blamed “many sides” for inciting the violence -- an equivocation that’s drawn criticism from across the political spectrum. Here are comments from Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, who was once Trump’s rival for the presidential nomination, and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder: @realDonaldTrump, thanks, at long last, for condemning hate in speech and action. Our work here is just beginning. Yours is too. Very important for the nation to hear @potus describe events in #Charlottesville for what they are, a terror attack by #whitesupremacists If ISIS rammed a car into a crowd this would be labeled quickly & logically. Charlottesville - call it what it is, domestic terrorism. “We agreed that the hate and the division must stop, and must stop right now,” Trump said during remarks issued from his New Jersey resort. “We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation and true affection for each other,” he said. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It’s been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump. Not Barack Obama. It’s been going on for a long, long time.” He also called for a swift return of law and order. Here are some excerpts from the statement, posted on Trump’s Twitter feed: We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST. pic.twitter.com/FesMiQSKKn What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. #Charlottesville pic.twitter.com/DB22fgnu6L © 2018 Cox Media Group.",230,0 +231,"Thursday's New York Times features accounts by two women who say Donald Trump made unwanted sexual advances. The Trump campaign called the article ""fiction,"" and his lawyer demanded the paper retract its story and issue an apology. Michael Barbaro, New York Times' national political reporter and host of the Run-Up podcast, and reporter Megan Twohey join ""CBS This Morning"" to discuss their article.",231,0 +232,"Senator Chuck Grassley sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray last week asking if there is a possibility that the contents of the dossier were “surreptitiously funneled” from foreign intelligence agencies to U.S. intelligence agencies essentially creating “an echo” of reporting information from the dossier. Grassley pointed out that Christopher Steele, the British spy who compiled the garbage dossier acknowledged in a London court that he indeed shared the 35-page document with British intelligence agencies. Per the Daily Caller: “It is possible that this political dossier’s collusion allegations…may have also been surreptitiously funneled into U.S. intelligence streams through foreign intelligence sharing,” Grassley wrote in his letter to Wray. “If so, that foreign information would likely have ended up within the FBI’s investigation of allegations of collusion between Trump associates and Russia.” According to some reports, foreign intelligence agencies have shared information with U.S. investigators that matches some of the allegations about collusion laid out in the dossier. But Trump and members of his campaign named in the dossier have denied the allegations. Grassley also said, “it may not have been clear to the FBI that the foreign reporting was actually based on the work of Mr. Steele and Fusion GPS. If this in fact happened, it would be alarming.” As previously reported, a third deadline passed for the FBI and Justice Department to hand over subpoenaed documents to the House Intelligence Committee relating to the debunked Russian dossier on September 22nd. The big question is, did the FBI actually use this garbage dossier to obtain a FISA warrant like reports suggest? The Obama FBI used a secret court order to wiretap Manafort. We the people deserve to know if the debunked dossier was used to obtain this FISA warrant in order to spy on Trump’s camp. What we do know is that Comey cited this dossier in some of his briefings: FBI Director James Comey has cited the dossier in some of his briefings with lawmakers in recent weeks as one of the information sources used by his bureau to bolster its probe, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation told CNN. We also know that Fusion GPS, the company that commissioned the dossier is a Democrat oppo research firm. Via Paul Sperry of the New York Post: A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump is stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party. Fusion GPS was on the payroll of an unidentified Democratic ally of Clinton when it hired a long-retired British spy to dig up dirt on Trump. In 2012, Democrats hired Fusion GPS to uncover dirt on GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. And in 2015, Democrat ally Planned Parenthood retained Fusion GPS to investigate pro-life activists protesting the abortion group. One of the most outrageous unconfirmed allegations in the report claims the Russians recorded Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on each other in a Moscow hotel room previously occupied by President and Mrs. Barack Obama. And the liberal media and Secret Service and John McCain believed this nonsense? Now we learn Rep. Nunes has issued subpoenas to the firm behind the discredit dossier. Zerohedge reports: CNN reports that Nunes earlier this month issued subpoenas to the founders of Fusion GPS, the Washington opposition research firm that originally helped procure the dossier, demanding that they participate in public hearings before the House Intelligence Committee, and turn over all pertinent documents. Earlier this year, Nunes announced that he was stepping aside from directing the committee’s Russia inquiry when he became the subject of an ethics investigation into his handling of classified information after he informed the White House about the possibility that members of the Trump campaign were legally surveilled during the race before informing his own committee. Nunes’ Democratic colleagues have repeatedly accused Nunes of deliberately trying to undermine the FBI’s investigation by forcing the agency to reveal sensitive details about the dossier that the intelligence community previously decided to withhold from the January report on the intelligence community’s finding that Russia had interfered with the election. Here is more background on the now-discredited Trump Dossier. With just ten days to go before he was sworn in as America’s forty-fifth president, the political establishment went nuclear on President-elect Donald Trump with a double-barreled blast of “leaked” “intelligence” reports by CNN and BuzzFeed. The documents contained explosive, but unverified, opposition research that alleged intel ties between Russia and Trump and also claims Russia holds sexual blackmail material over Trump. Sponsored Sponsored",232,1 +233,"Stephen Paddock has been identified as the sole suspect in the Las Vegas concert shooting that took place on Sunday night. Police say that Paddock opened fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more. Police found “ more than 10 rifles” in Paddock’s hotel room. The 64-year-old Mesquite, Nevada, resident is deceased, according to police. It has been reported that he committed suicide. Just about 12 hours following the attack, the Associated Press reported that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, adding that Paddock converted to Islam “months ago.” BREAKING: Without providing evidence, Islamic State claims Las Vegas attack, says shooter converted to Islam months ago. — The Associated Press (@AP) October 2, 2017 “The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the mass shooting in Las Vegas, saying that the perpetrator was ‘a soldier’ who had converted to Islam months ago, without providing any evidence to support the claim… It did not name the suspected shooter…but said he had ‘executed the operation in response to calls to target countries of the coalition’ batting the extremist group in Iraq and Syria,” reports the Associated Press. ISIS has not released any kind of video to support their claims. Many people are skeptical about Paddock’s involvement with the group and officials have yet to confirm or deny any ties between ISIS and Paddock. Paddock’s brother, Eric, spoke to the Daily Mail about the shooting. He told the outlet that his brother didn’t have any political or religious affiliation. Eric also clearly stated his opinion on the shooting, saying it was “not a terror arrack.” “He was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something. We know absolutely nothing, this is just, we are dumbfounded,” Eric Paddock explained. “He has no political affiliation, no religious affiliation, as far as we know. This wasn’t a terror attack…He’s my brother, we don’t have a very close relationship but we talk occasionally. There’s no rhyme or reason here, it makes no sense,” Eric added. The FBI is not currently investigating any ties between ISIS and Paddock.",233,0 +234,"Dozens of students walked out of Vice President Mike Pence’s commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame on Sunday. One student sported a rainbow cape, while a number of others who walked out in protest bore rainbow flags on their graduation caps. Pence, a former governor of Indiana, has a history of hostility toward the LGBTQ community. In his remarks at the Indiana university, the vice president criticized what he called campus “safe spaces” and urged students not to suppress free speech. “While this institution has maintained an atmosphere of civility and open debate, far too many campuses across America have become characterized by speech codes, safe spaces, tone policing, administration-sanctioned political correctness ― all of which amounts to the suppression of free speech,” he said. “These practices are destructive of learning and the pursuit of knowledge.” Pence is not the only political speaker who’s received a mixed welcome at the university. In 2009, then-President Barack Obama faced protests over his support for abortion rights, with some graduates choosing to skip the ceremony altogether.",234,0 +235,"There’s a lot to dissect here, but first things first: why would the White House need to deploy a Melania Trump stunt double? Nobody really knows the answer to that question, but it doesn’t have anyone less convinced that President Donald Trump had a Melania decoy by his side during a press conference on the White House lawn on October 13. The masterful conspiracy theory was posited by intrepid internet explorer Andrea Wagner Barber, who posted a video of the presser on Facebook. Andrea pointed out that Melania didn’t look exactly like herself, and thousands on Twitter agreed. Watch the video below, and scroll through this gallery of Melania Pics to see if you can spot the difference! To the casual viewer half-paying attention to another POTUS and FLOTUS appearance, there’s really nothing amiss about Melania. It’s when you look closer that you see some subtle differences. “Melania” — if that’s her real name — is wearing massive sunglasses that cover half her face. Chic, or suspicious? Her lips appear to be much bigger and differently shaped. As some have pointed out, her hair is a little frizzy and dry, far from the pristine condition she usually keeps it in. Could it be a wig? Pay attention to the president, too. He says, “My wife, Melania, who happens to be right here…” Why would he need to point that out? Is he letting the world know that this isn’t Melania, and the real one’s chilling in Air Force One? Thinking about it, this isn’t the first time that he’s seemingly been confused about Melania’s whereabouts while they happen to be in the same room. During their trip to Texas to visit the victims of Hurricane Harvey, he said, “Melania wanted to be here today” during a press conference. Melania was standing directly beside him in her FLOTUS hat. Did Melania stay home and send out a decoy in her disaster heels? Of course, the most logical answer here is that Melania was simply having a bad hair day, wore a little too much lipliner, and on impulse bought a pair of sunglasses that her friends haven’t told her don’t work yet. Or…the conspiracy theorists have a valid point. Political decoys have been used throughout modern history to protect high-powered individuals from harm, or to attend to duties they cannot fulfill themselves. However, the technique’s been used very sparingly, and most likely wouldn’t work for someone like Melania. Let these voters tell you why they’re absolutely convinced we’ve got a bodysnatcher in the White House: HollywoodLifers, do you think the White House is using a Melania Trump stunt double? Let us know!",235,1 +236,"JOHNSTON, Iowa — An Iowa woman faces multiple charges after police said she left her four children home alone while taking a trip to Europe. Erin Lee Macke, 30, of Johnston, is charged with four counts of child endangerment – substantial risk, and one count of transfer of pistol or revolver to a person under 21. Johnston police Lt. Tyler Tompkins told KCCI that Macke left her children ages 12, 12, 7 and 6 alone at home Sept. 20 while she traveled to Germany. Tompkins said the children were left alone for 24 hours before the police department and Iowa Department of Human Services received a tip and visited the children. The children told police, “Mom left them and left the country,” police said. Tompkins told KCCI that police contacted Macke Sept. 21 and that Macke told officers she planned to be in Germany until Oct. 1. ""All of her sitter options fell through, and she left the kids in the care of the two 12-year-olds,"" Tompkins said. He admitted that the case is well out of the ordinary. “I’ve never heard of anything like this before,” Tompkins said. “We have situations where parents go next door or parents may go out for the night, and while that’s not advisable either depending on the age of the children, obviously leaving the country is a totally different situation. This, where a parent has left the country and left the kids home alone, I’ve never heard of it before.” Authorities said they convinced Macke to return to the United States before Oct. 1. She arrived Wednesday evening and was arrested Thursday morning. Police said the 12-year-old children are staying with family and the seven- and six-year-old children are with their father. Macke is charged with one count of transfer of pistol or revolver to a person under 21 because there was a firearm within reach of the children in the home, according to police.",236,0 +237,"Permission Details DMCA As I predicted, the erasing of American history will not be limited to Confederate monuments. Last week a member of the board of trustees of the Dallas, Texas, school district recommended changing the name of James Madison High School. James Madison was the father of the US Constitution, considered by Identity Politics, the political ideology of the Democratic Party and the American liberal/progressive/left, to be a ""racist document."" From a British reader comes the news that the various segments of Western society divided into victim groups by Identity Politics have divided very finely and have turned on one another. On September 13, the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) and their bitter enemies, Trans Activists, clashed in a fist fight in London's Hyde Park. 60-year-old Maria MacLachlan, who describes herself as a ""gender critical feminist,"" was knocked to the ground. The presstitutes at the New York Times even use the crossword puzzle to spread their lies and disinformation. This morning one of the clues was ""like the peninsula seized by Russia in 2014."" The NYT is referring to Crimea, for 300 years a Russian province with a Russian population that voted by a 97% majority to rejoin Russia when the US overthrew the Ukrainian government in a coup. The NYT presstitutes treat this exercise in democracy as ""Russian aggression."" As the ""newspaper of record,"" clearly the record is falsified. My northern acquaintances believe that the South, by definition, is racist even though the cities that were the heart of the Confederacy are ruled by black mayors. The mayor of Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederacy, Levar Stoney, is black. The mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed, is black. The Mayor of Columbia, South Carolina, Stephen Benjamin, is black. Because of Identity Politics, these black mayors cannot prevent southern history from being cast down the Memory Hole. Any black mayor who stood up for historical truth would be branded an ""Uncle Tom."" There is no greater absurdity than moving history off its factual basis and substituting a fictional basis as dictated by Identity Politics. In the United States -- indeed, in the entirely of the Western world -- history has become a construction that serves not the truth but special interests. This is the reason that the Western World is doomed. Peoples whose history is destroyed are defenceless. They have no idea who they are.",237,1 +238,"Hillary Clinton’s niece is turning her back on her “selfish” aunt — to endorse Donald Trump for president. “I support Donald Trump 100 percent,” Macy Smit, the daughter of Bill Clinton’s half-brother Roger Clinton, declared to RadarOnline. “I have been a Democrat my entire life, but Trump is what we need right now — somebody who is going to stand up for us. I think at this point Hillary just wants it for the history books — to be the first woman president for selfish reasons,” the Tampa hairstylist continued. Smit, 25, admitted she’s never met Hillary Clinton, and said that side of the family doesn’t think much of her. “Something tells me the Clinton side looks at me and my mother as not good enough, but we’re hard-working,” Smit told the gossip site. Roger Clinton was a deadbeat dad who dumped Smit’s mom, Martha Spivey, shortly after she became pregnant with his child, according to RadarOnline. “The Clintons are all talk!” Spivey, 50, told the site. “Hillary says she’s all about family, but she’s got a niece she’s never met and never acknowledged. The Clintons have never helped us out.” Hillary’s lost the trust of even more voters with her inconsistencies:",238,1 +239,"CNN's Don Lemon discusses a potential ""whitelash"" created by President Trump with network contributor Van Jones and his panel. From Friday's broadcast of CNN Tonight:",239,1 +240,"Officers from the BFE, Germany’s special police unit, modelled their elaborate gear at a special press conference in the city. Haenel assault rifles, heavy-duty ballistic protection helmets and body armour are items amongst the long-list of equipment that at least 70 police officers received to use in the event of a terrorist attack. According to the German news website NDR.de, the decision to equip the police force with the expensive heavy-duty equipment was due to the ongoing threat posed by Islamic State. The Survivor 1 armoured personal carrier, which will be used for anti-terror police operations, can deal with chemical, nuclear and biological warfare agents in order to protect officers inside the vehicle from exposure. Mon, July 25, 2016 The heavy-duty SK4 rated protection gear can even stop a round fired from an AK-47 rifle. Germany splashed the cash on the Hamburg’s police unit a few weeks after ISIS claimed responsibility for the stabbing of two people in Hamburg on October 16. A few days later, German police officers were called to raid refugee centres and homes in Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia to find suspects who were involved in organised criminal actives such as bodily harm, blackmail, illegal restraint and harassment. Germany splashed the cash on the Hamburg’s police unit a few weeks after ISIS claimed responsibility for the stabbing of two people in Hamburg on October 16. A few days later, German police officers were called to raid refugee centres and homes in Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia to find suspects who were involved in organised criminal actives such as bodily harm, blackmail, illegal restraint and harassment.",240,0 +241,"brightcove.createExperiences(); Donald Trump is one step closer to securing the Republican nomination for president. Following Tuesday night’s primary in Indiana, the GOP front-runner was named the presumptive nominee after Texas Senator Ted Cruz announced that he was suspending his campaign. “Donald Trump will be presumptive GOP nominee, we all need to unite and focus on defeating @HillaryClinton #NeverClinton,” Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus tweeted. Although, Trump and Cruz were far from cordial opponents throughout the race, the billionaire businessman said what Cruz did was a “brave thing to do because we want to bring unity.” While Cruz revealed he was leaving the race as there no longer seemed to be a “viable” path to the White House, Ohio Governor John Kasich has not announced the end of his campaign. However, even with Kasich still in the race, Trump sits in a comfortable position to officially take the nomination if he secures the required 1,237 delegates needed to win his party. “Tonight’s results are not going to alter Gov. Kasich’s campaign plans,” Kasich’s chief strategist John Weaver said, according to CNN. “Our strategy has been and continues to be one that involves winning the nomination at an open convention.” While Kasich’s camp continues to be optimistic, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton‘s campaign – which also took a blow to her campaign when Senator Bernie Sanders won Indiana – released a statement, condemning the announcement that Trump is the Republican party’s presumptive nominee. “Fundamentally, our next president will need to do two things: keep our nation safe in a dangerous world and help working families get ahead here at home,” the statement, obtained by PEOPLE, read. “Donald Trump is not prepared to do either. Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump has demonstrated that he’s too divisive and lacks the temperament to lead our nation and the free world. “With so much as stake, Donald Trump is simply too big of a risk. Hillary Clinton has proven that she has the strength to keep us safe in an uncertain world and a lifelong record of fighting to break down the barriers – economic and social – that hold working families back. While Donald Trump seeks to bully and divide Americans, Hillary Clinton will unite us to create an economy that works for everyone.” While Trump ignored any criticism, saying during his victory speech at Trump tower, “We’re going to win in November”, he faced backlash from another opponent in the form anti-Trump adds that the Progressive Change Campaign Committee has released in an accelerated campaign against Trump. According to a press release from the PCCC, the ads will highlight Trump’s “hate-mongering, his disrespect for women, and his belief that American wages are ‘too high’.” “We have already begun running ads across the nation hitting Donald Trump – defining him early and moving the debate to our turf. This is key to winning.” Other opponents of the real estate mogul quickly vocalized their opinions, including former adviser to Jeb Bush Tim Miller who currently serves as the spokesman for an anti-Trump super-PAC, Our Principles PAC. “Never ever, ever Trump. Simple as that,” Miller tweeted Despite lots of criticism, the presidential hopeful did find support in Sarah Palin, who has endorsed the former reality star before, but also took to Facebook sharing a video in which she calls for unity “on the road to making America great again.” Trump also spoke about unity on Tuesday night, adding in his speech that his focus is on bringing the Republican Party together after “and amazing evening.”",241,0 +242,"Illegal aliens, paid Soros protesters, angry Black Lives Matter terrorists inspired by Obama’s race war and Bernie Sanders supporters who have absolutely no idea why they showed up, sent four innocent police officers to the hospital; prevented thousands of innocent Americans from exercising their First Amendment right. Where are all of these “concerned citizens” (especially the Black Lives Matter terrorists) to protest for a solution for the murder of 117 people in Chicago already this year? Trending: NEW MEXICO FIVE Planned Terror Attack At Atlanta Hospital…Judge Let Them Out On Bond! George Soros Moveon.org group takes responsiblity for Alinsky style violent protests against free speech at Trump rally: Moveon.org shows its support for Socialist, Bernie Sanders. Here they “warn” anyone who opposes his radical ideology: Four police officers were sent to hospital: Violence against police officers is not only acceptable with Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter terrorists, its necessary to create chaos and panic: What kind of violent protest would be complete without Barack Obama’s good friend, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers: Actual terrorist Bill Ayers is protesting against trump in Chicago. pic.twitter.com/7dqat4Dvmh It’s probably just a coincidence that on a day that Obama was too busy to attend Nancy Reagan’s funeral, he was able to address a crowd about his hate for Trump only hours before this organized chaos in Chicago: And finally, we’re wondering how much our Organizer In Chief had to do with this Alinsky style chaos in Chicago: Illegal aliens, paid Soros protesters, angry Black Lives Matter terrorists inspired by Obama’s race war and Bernie Sanders supporters who have absolutely no idea why they showed up, sent four innocent police officers to the hospital; prevented thousands of innocent Americans from exercising their First Amendment right. Where are all of these “concerned citizens” (especially the Black Lives Matter terrorists) to protest for a solution for the murder of 117 people in Chicago already this year? Trending: NEW MEXICO FIVE Planned Terror Attack At Atlanta Hospital…Judge Let Them Out On Bond! George Soros Moveon.org group takes responsiblity for Alinsky style violent protests against free speech at Trump rally: Moveon.org shows its support for Socialist, Bernie Sanders. Here they “warn” anyone who opposes his radical ideology: Four police officers were sent to hospital: Violence against police officers is not only acceptable with Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter terrorists, its necessary to create chaos and panic: What kind of violent protest would be complete without Barack Obama’s good friend, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers: Actual terrorist Bill Ayers is protesting against trump in Chicago. pic.twitter.com/7dqat4Dvmh It’s probably just a coincidence that on a day that Obama was too busy to attend Nancy Reagan’s funeral, he was able to address a crowd about his hate for Trump only hours before this organized chaos in Chicago: And finally, we’re wondering how much our Organizer In Chief had to do with this Alinsky style chaos in Chicago: Illegal aliens, paid Soros protesters, angry Black Lives Matter terrorists inspired by Obama’s race war and Bernie Sanders supporters who have absolutely no idea why they showed up, sent four innocent police officers to the hospital; prevented thousands of innocent Americans from exercising their First Amendment right. Where are all of these “concerned citizens” (especially the Black Lives Matter terrorists) to protest for a solution for the murder of 117 people in Chicago already this year? Trending: NEW MEXICO FIVE Planned Terror Attack At Atlanta Hospital…Judge Let Them Out On Bond! George Soros Moveon.org group takes responsiblity for Alinsky style violent protests against free speech at Trump rally: Moveon.org shows its support for Socialist, Bernie Sanders. Here they “warn” anyone who opposes his radical ideology: Four police officers were sent to hospital: Violence against police officers is not only acceptable with Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter terrorists, its necessary to create chaos and panic: What kind of violent protest would be complete without Barack Obama’s good friend, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers: Actual terrorist Bill Ayers is protesting against trump in Chicago. pic.twitter.com/7dqat4Dvmh It’s probably just a coincidence that on a day that Obama was too busy to attend Nancy Reagan’s funeral, he was able to address a crowd about his hate for Trump only hours before this organized chaos in Chicago: And finally, we’re wondering how much our Organizer In Chief had to do with this Alinsky style chaos in Chicago:",242,1 +243,"Apparently, condemning the NFL's kneeling protests of the national anthem is a step too far for CNN commentator Keith Boykin. He believes that, because of President Trump's tweeting, he sees an anti African-American trend -- that Trump is a racist puppet master, attempting to pull the strings on the black community. Boykin said, ""We have a white supremacist president of the United States. He's encouraging white supremacists."" And the CNN host even called him out for saying that, questioning whether he could back up that statement. But, then he said something even more radical:",243,1 +244,"A clearer picture is coming into focus on the Democrat IT scandal that may help explain why Democrats have been so reluctant to condemn the Awans or help the police with the investigation. It also might explain why former DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been so jumpy lately. New information about a massive cybersecurity breach, gleaned from a senior House official with direct knowledge of the investigation, implicates the former chair of the House Democratic Caucus, then-Rep. Xavier Becerra, who is now the attorney general of California and a rising star in Democratic politics. Xavier Becerra was told by cops his server had major cybersecurity issues re: Imran. A fake server was given to cops He's remained silent. This scandal isn't about bank fraud, folks. Kudos to Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller for chasing down this story, even as the Democratic media complex either poo-pooed or ignored the growing scandal. As Ace of Spades noted, at some point the legacy media is going to have the explain to their audiences why they didn't report on this major story all year long. Now-indicted former congressional IT aide Imran Awan allegedly routed data from numerous House Democrats to a secret server. Police grew suspicious and requested a copy of the server early this year, but they were provided with an elaborate falsified image designed to hide the massive violations. The falsified image is what ultimately triggered their ban from the House network Feb. 2, according to a senior House official with direct knowledge of the investigation. The secret server was connected to the House Democratic Caucus, an organization chaired by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra. Police informed Becerra that the server was the subject of an investigation and requested a copy of it. Authorities considered the false image they received to be interference in a criminal investigation, the senior official said. Data was also backed up to Dropbox in huge quantities, the official said. Congressional offices are prohibited from using Dropbox, so an unofficial account was used, meaning Awan could have still had access to the data even though he was banned from the congressional network. Awan had access to all emails and office computer files of 45 members of Congress who are listed below. Fear among members that Awan could release embarrassing information if they cooperated with prosecutors could explain why the Democrats have refused to acknowledge the cybersecurity breach publicly or criticize the suspects. According to the DCNF's source, the Awans’ use of Dropbox went well beyond casual use. They were ""funneling of huge quantities of data offsite where it could not be taken back by House authorities.""",244,1 +245,"Donald Trump lit a fresh controversy this week with his suggestion that ""Second Amendment people"" could stop Hillary Clinton from naming her judicial picks, if she becomes president - a remark many interpreted as a suggestion that gun rights activists could violently target Clinton or her judicial nominees. """"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,"" Trump said at a rally on Tuesday. ""Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know. But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day."" Trump and his defenders say critics misread the remark. They insist the GOP nominee was merely talking about Second Amendment supporters peacefully exercising their political power to prevent Clinton from appointing jurists to the federal bench. And some have pointed to a similar gaffe Clinton made in 2008 to argue that Trump deserves the benefit of the doubt. As the Democratic nomination was slipping from her grasp in May 2008, Clinton faced calls to drop out and endorse then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, who'd at that point built a virtually insurmountable lead in the primary. When she was asked by a South Dakota newspaper at the end of that month why she was still running, Clinton replied, ""You know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? ...We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California."" To some, Clinton's response suggested she was staying in the race because there was a possibility Obama could be killed, as Bobby Kennedy had been during the 1968 Democratic primary. After an indignant eruption from Obama's team, Clinton quickly backtracked: ""I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation and in particular the Kennedy family was in any way offensive. I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever."" It wasn't quite a pristine mea culpa - she apologized ""if"" her remark was ""in any way offensive,"" not for the remark itself. But it's worth noting that she was considerably more contrite than Trump has been in response to his own misstep. ""Give me a break,"" Trump scoffed to Fox News when asked about the criticism. His campaign released a statement blaming the ""dishonest media"" for manufacturing the controversy. On May 25, 2008, days after Clinton's remark on RFK, her spokesman, Howard Wolfson, appeared on ""Face the Nation"" to offer the campaign's version of events. ""What she clearly said, and what she meant, was that, in previous election cycles--and she referenced first her husband's in 1992, and then 1968--we've had campaigns that have gone on into June and actually beyond,"" he said. ""And so her reference to Senator Kennedy was a historical reference. The people in the room in South Dakota where she said this at the newspaper found nothing peculiar about it. She has said this before; there was no commentary or discussion about it when she'd said it before. And I think, unfortunately, her remarks have been blown out of proportion. She very quickly made clear what she meant. If she caused anyone any discomfort or pain--because it is obviously a very sensitive topic--she apologized. But she was talking about it in a historical context."" Still, Wolfson later added, he didn't believe Clinton owed Obama a personal apology. ""Her remarks were not about Senator Obama,"" Wolfson explained. ""They had nothing to do with Senator Obama. And so, you know, there would be no reason for her to apologize to Senator Obama.""",245,0 +246,"On July 28 1982, President Ronald Reagan designated August 14 as Navajo Code Talkers Day. Reagan called it a day dedicated to ""all members of the Navajo Nation and to all Native Americans who gave their special talents and their lives so that others might live."" ""When called upon to serve the United States, [the Navajo Nation] contributed a precious commodity never before used in this way. In the midst of the fighting in the Pacific during World War II, a gallant group of men from the Navajo Nation utilized their language in coded form to help speed the Allied victory."" According to the U.S. Marine Corps, Code Talkers took part in every assault by Marines in the Pacific during the war from 1942 to 1945 serving in all Marine six divisions. The Code Talkers were a vital part to the Allied forces victory as the Navajo language is the only spoken code to have never been deciphered. ""The dedication and unswerving devotion to duty shown by the men of the Navajo Nation,"" Reagan said the proclamation, ""should serve as a fine example for all Americans."" PHOTOS: Honoring the Navajo Code Talkers",246,0 +247,"Asking the wrong questions will yield the wrong answers. If you ask yourself, as President Trump did — “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? [...] They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own — brought in by parents at a young age”- you will surely find the answer is no. However, if you ask yourself if you should support the proposed resurgence of the flagrantly unconstitutional and unjust “amnesty” that greatly disadvantages American millennials, the answer is less clear. The resurgence of the debate over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy would put all millennials in direct competition with illegal immigrants who were granted DACA permits, whether it be through college admissions, job opportunities, or wages. DACA creates competition in the higher education system that inherently favors illegal immigrants through policies such as affirmative action. Affirmative action mandates equal opportunities for, and often results in a larger presence of, minority groups in workplaces and, most notably, universities. Dreamers with permits qualify for affirmative action, giving young immigrants an advantage over not just the skilled worker, but also American college applicants. DACA recipients have seized on American millennials’ ability to receive financial aid and college scholarships in multiple states. Approximately one out of every four DACA recipients — about 200,000 individuals — live in California. California allows Dreamers to receive in-state college tuition and 19 other states have followed suit. The California Dream Act, embolden by DACA, has set a precedent for states to generously allocate funding to students who have entered or were brought into the country Illegally. California is merely one example of states diverting funding from the middle class to fund Dreamers. To fund the Cal Grant entitlement for the state’s “neediest” students, California has “phased-out” the Middle-Class Scholarship Program. Implementing the California Dream Act made certain that undocumented and nonresident students are eligible for state financial aid, and that alone accounts for $67 million of the increase in Cal Grant spending. However, California students and taxpayers are not the only ones who have felt the impact and burden of DACA. California serves as an example of how scholarship and state-funded aid for the average DACA recipient creates a disadvantage for Americans of similar income classes. Middle-Class American students are less likely to receive financial aid from universities and institutions, due to the diverting funds, implemented in State Dream Acts, emboldened by DACA. Additionally, DACA creates competition in the workforce, for the millions of jobless American millennials. Currently, over 10 percent of millennials remain unemployed. There are 800,000 millennials from other countries who are competing legally in the workplace for the same occupations where American millennials are looking for work. According to the Migration Policy Institute, there are an estimated 2.1 million illegal immigrants who are DACA-eligible in the United States in addition to the 800,000 already enrolled. However, the ultimate issue facing both millennials and Americans is that DACA allows for unjust amnesty. The United States admits approximately 1 million legal permanent immigrants every year, which is more than any other nation in the world. It is unjust to the millions of Americans and resident legal immigrants who followed the rules. Giving blanket amnesty to those who neglect to follow our laws is irresponsible and rewards those who fail to follow the rules. Refusing to enforce the law equally, by making special exceptions for favored groups, puts a burden on citizens and lawful residents in the states (especially border states) with the irresponsible federal abdication of immigration law. DACA also blatantly encourages more illegal immigrants to enter the United States in hopes of future amnesty. Granting legal status to Dreamers streamlines the pipeline of illegal immigration through extended family sponsorship. This is a slippery slope for America. The narrative on DACA touts the promise of the American dream by advertising the many who have benefited from the system. What it fails to mention are the impacts and burdens DACA has thrust upon the American millennials. Sydney Jacobs (@the_poli_chick), a Las Vegas, Nevada native, currently resides in Washington D.C and works in Republican politics.",247,1 +248,"By: Rachel Blevins/ The Free Thought Project President Trump issued his first official pardon on Friday, sparing former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was found guilty of criminal contempt after he violated a court order in a racial profiling case by continuing to target illegal immigrants. While both Trump and many of his supporters have applauded Arpaio, who refers to himself as “America’s toughest sheriff,” there is one thing he is not always tough on—pedophiles. In fact, according to a report from the Associated Press in December 2011, Airpaio’s office failed to investigate“more than 400 sex-crimes” that were reported in Maricopa County from 2005 to 2007, “including dozens of alleged child molestations—that were inadequately investigated and in some instances were not worked at all.” The report cited current and former police officers familiar with the cases who claimed that victims of the horrific crimes were as young as 2 years old. In El Mirage, the city where Arpaio’s office was providing contract police services, officials reportedly discovered at least 32 reported child molestations, and even though suspects were known in all but six cases, Arpaio “failed to follow through.” While Arpaio made headlines for his infamous Tent City Jail, a camp in which nearly 1,000 illegal immigrants were forced to live outdoors in Arizona’s sweltering 120-degree heat, he did not make headlines for his treatment of the children of illegal immigrants. According to the officers who worked with him, many of those children were victims of sex crimes, which Arpaio ignored, as he let their American citizen predators run free. After Arpaio’s contract ended, and his office was no longer required to provide police services for El Mirage, Detective Jerry Laird told the AP he found that an overwhelming majority of the cases he received from the office hadn’t been worked, which meant that “there were no follow-up reports, no collection of additional forensic evidence and zero effort made after the initial report of the crime was taken.” While some of the cases Arpaio’s office neglected were turned over to prosecutors, the report noted that the El Mirage Police Department claimed “most were no longer viable—evidence dating as far back as 2006 had grown cold or wasn’t collected in the first place, victims had either moved away or otherwise moved on.” Arpaio held a news conference in response to the 2011 report, in which he said, “If there were any victims, I apologize to those victims.” As The Free Thought Project has reported, a number of cases involving pedophiles have come to light under the Trump Administration, such as a pedophile ring investigation that resulted over 900 arrests in May, and a sex-trafficking investigation that resulted in over 1,000 arrests earlier this month. This raises the question—why aren’t Arpaio and other members of his office being held to the same standards? Joe Arpaio’s harsh treatment towards illegal immigrants has stirred up controversy, but his outright neglect of children who are victims of sex crimes seems to have slipped under the radar. Children have no control over which country they are born in, and they are the most vulnerable to predators. If a child is a victim of a sex crime, the question of whether the predators are “illegal aliens” or “legal American citizens” should not keep officials like Sheriff Arpaio from holding them accountable for their actions, and he should be held accountable for his failure to do so.",248,1 +249,"There has been no shortage of talk recently about taking action to remove President Donald Trump from office, with Trump’s Charlottesville response proving to be a breaking point for many Republicans who had previously supported him. However, journalist Joan Walsh cautioned Americans to take a long, hard look at Trump’s would-be successor Mike Pence before we get excited about Pence being behind the Resolute desk in place of Trump. Wrote Walsh in an article bluntly titled “Why Mike Pence is Worse than Donald Trump” in The Nation, “You probably have these debates with your friends, too: Do we want Donald Trump to resign, or be impeached, which would leave us with Vice President Mike Pence in charge?…Would the low-charisma Pence, who looks like a B-movie producer’s idea of a president, be easier to defeat, especially given the GOP fratricide that would commence with Trump’s departure, however it came about?” She continued, “I try never to care about the political implications of whether Trump should stay or go. He should go, because he’s a racist authoritarian who got help from a foreign adversary to become president. He should go, because he’s more likely to stumble into war than Pence is. But I never let that obscure the truth, either: Pence is a far worse person, because of his creepy Handmaid’s Tale patriarchal approach to women’s equality. But also because he usually knows he’s lying about Trump, and their administration’s agenda, and he lies anyway.” Walsh then brought up disturbing comments the vice president made this past week during an appearance on the Today show. Said Pence, protesting the removal of Confederate monuments, “When I walked, back in 2010, across the Edmund Pettus Bridge with John Lewis, arm in arm, and we remembered Bloody Sunday, and the extraordinary progress of the civil rights movement, I can’t help but think that rather than pulling down monuments, as some are wont to do, rather than tearing down monuments that have graced our cities all across this country for years, we ought to be building more monuments.”Commented Joan about Pence, “I don’t think he gives a damn about the folks who protest these shameful statues. What was most galling about Pence’s comment, though, was that he used his bond with Lewis to clean up Trump’s despicable equation of Nazis and white supremacists with their opponents, who are the modern-day incarnation of John Lewis.” Do you think she is correct about Pence?",249,1 +250,"MSNBC host Joe Scarborough expressed wariness on Thursday morning about the timing and source of the recent slew of sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump. The “Morning Joe” host speculated that allegations by multiple women in publications such as People magazine, The New York Times, BuzzFeed, and the Palm Beach Post may have been coordinated by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. He argued that sexual assault victims would have had months to come forward with allegations, and cited Trump’s inflammatory comments about Fox News host Megyn Kelly as a potential “triggering event.” . @JoeNBC on new accusations against Trump: I’m sceptical about the *timing*… Talk about an October surprise. https://t.co/lQ2gP5QD99 — Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) October 13, 2016 “I’m talking about the timing of all of this dropping, talk about an October surprise,” Scarborough said. “There have been 1,000 triggering events that would have made sense. If I had been sexually harassed by this man, the Megyn Kelly story would have given me and opportunity.” He added: “There have been 1,000 reports of this already. I’m just asking why all the sudden this stuff is dropping in October. Perhaps it’s all innocent. Perhaps there’s no oppo drop. Perhaps it’s not coordinated.” The allegations come after a 2005 video was released on Friday showing the Republican presidential nominee boasting about kissing and forcing himself on women without their permission. During the second presidential debate, Trump denied that he ever sexually assaulted women. The Trump campaign is already pushing back against the allegations. Trump’s attorneys sent a letter to the New York Times early Thursday morning denying the allegations and threatening to sue the paper for defamation if the paper didn’t issue a retraction. The real-estate magnate also took to Twitter to defend himself. The phoney story in the failing @nytimes is a TOTAL FABRICATION. Written by same people as last discredited story on woman. WATCH! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2016 Why didn’t the writer of the twelve year old article in People Magazine mention the “incident” in her story. Because it did not happen! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2016 Follow Business Insider Australia on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.",250,0 +251,"Souvenirs from this week's Republican National Convention in Cleveland took no prisoners. From Trump bumper stickers that call Clinton the B-word (wow) to a poster depicting Clinton in dominatrix gear (double wow) to Trump- and Clinton-themed condoms (triple wow), the swag was as surreal and distasteful as this historic election has been — and that's saying something. Photos by Steve Truesdell.",251,0 +252,"Terry Crews, photographed Nov. 2017. Billy & Hells for TIME When dozens of women came forward with sexual assault and harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein—who has continued to deny all allegations of non-consensual sex—actor Terry Crews noticed that some people on Twitter were skeptical. Crews knows from personal experience how hard it is to experience harassment and muster the courage to speak out: He says he was groped by William Morris Endeavor agent Adam Venit at an industry event in front of his wife. The agency said they suspended and demoted Venit, who declined to comment for this article. He has since returned to work. Crews is now suing Venit and the agency for sexual assault. Crews—who was recognized as one of the Silence Breakers, TIME’s Person of the Year—realized that men had a responsibility to lend credence and support to these women’s claims. Almost without thinking through the consequences, Crews tweeted out his own story; in his viral series of tweets, he became one of the first men to join the chorus of women speaking out about harassment. Crews spoke to TIME about the reception to his story and why it’s imperative that men advocate for women’s rights. What was the moment you decided to speak out about what happened to you? I’d actually just read a comment someone made on Twitter about one of Weinstein’s accusers. It went something like: She’s just looking for attention and a payday. It really affected me. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I remember going to my phone and I started writing. And I couldn’t stop. What it became was this sixteen-tweet missive from me. I just remember having to say what I felt. I was really angry because these women were being discounted. These women were being discarded. Their pain was just—it was nothing. I wanted to join in. I wanted to say something. I wanted to support. But I did have to let these women know they weren’t alone. And that I understood. My whole mission was to give them strength. Don’t accept the shame that people are giving you. Because that’s what it was. They were being shamed. They were being victimized again. I just couldn’t stand for it. Watch: Why the Silence Breakers Are the 2017 Person of the Year Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration Time 0:00 Loaded: 0% 0:00 Progress: 0% 0:00 Progress: 0% Stream TypeLIVE Remaining Time -0:00 Playback Rate 1 Chapters Descriptions Subtitles Captions Audio Track This is a modal window. Caption Settings Dialog Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window. TextColorWhiteTransparencyOpaqueBackgroundColorBlackTransparencyOpaqueWindowColorBlackTransparencyTransparent Font Size50% Text Edge StyleNone Font FamilyProportional Sans-Serif What was the reaction like? In a matter of hours it had become the #1 trending topic on Twitter. And I had a realization: I didn’t check with my wife, I didn’t check with my publicist, I didn’t check with anybody. I just did it. But at that moment, I was free. Until men stand up and say, “This harassment, this abuse, these assaults are wrong,” nothing will change. If I was silent, it would mean I’m consenting to all of it. I always have felt women have been able to take care of themselves, 100%. But men need to hold other men accountable. That’s my thing. I came up in the cult of masculinity, in football and the sports world and entertainment. You’re in places and guys are saying the wildest thing. People need to be called on that. You need to be held accountable for the things you say, the things you do. What it came from is literally a belief that as a man you are more valuable than a woman. The reason I have the authority to say it is because I was like it. I truly believed I was more valuable than my wife and kids. Until I had a major paradigm shift in my own life—it was like I hit rock bottom in order for me to see that I had it all wrong. I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault. It’s not. What happened to me was a prime example. People were saying, “You should have beat him up.” I’m like, “Why is no one questioning him?” No one questions the predator. The person who is doing the harassment doesn’t even get a question. You know why? Because they just expect it. And I said, “No more.” Why are you questioning the victim here? Let’s flip it. What would you say to people who think this is becoming a witch hunt? Hollywood was so far into the fact that everyone thought this behavior is normal. It needs to swing all the way back. What we need is a reset. People say, “Oh, it’s a witch hunt. People could lie.” You know what? First of all, the thread of that is going to keep people right. We need to know you can’t do it. If it’s not a witch, it’s a witch hunt. If there are actual witches there, we need to stop them. I have people coming to me saying, “Hey, man. You could ruin this guy’s life.” Very clever. That’s a very clever thing to say. But he ruined it when he did it. All these people need to be disciplined into knowing what is acceptable and what isn’t. The only way to do that is by holding people accountable every time. This is something that gives my life meaning. There’s no reason why—why should I be the guy to survive Flint, Michigan; survive forty-nine years on this Earth; married twenty-eight years with five kids, the whole thing—and then I just sit in my big house and relax. This gives my life meaning. Now I know why I was put here. Let me tell you—the guy who messed with me messed with the wrong guy. Is Hollywood a microcosm for how power is imbalanced in the rest of the world? I believe that. It is in every field, in every business, in sports, in politics. It’s bipartisan. It’s not Democratic, it’s not Republican, it’s not Russian, it’s not American, it’s not black, it’s not white. Because I am an African-American man, I’ve been just as vocal about the abuses in my own community. The pimp culture, where guys are praised for having two or three girls. I’ve been to the rally for civil rights, and they will look at a woman and say, “Bitch, sit down.” And you’re like, “Wait a minute—this is civil rights here.” When it’s like, as a black man, I’m equal to a white man, but they don’t believe that a man is equal to a woman. Self-defeating. Self-destructive. How are you going to get justice, and you aren’t even treating the women in your circle with justice? If you’re a Democrat, you can’t gloss over your own problems of the people in your party. If you’re a Republican, you can’t gloss over those problems in your party. If you’re American, you can’t say just because I’m an American, let’s gloss over that stuff. And sometimes you’ve got to be willing to walk alone. I get most of my courage from my wife. When I went through my trauma, she was right there with me. I’m very thankful to have a wise woman on my team. This interview has been edited and condensed.",252,0 +253,"Week of August 7: Monday August 7: Joey puts himself in harm’s way to save Kayla. Brady interrogates Victor, who finally comes clean. Gabi makes a difficult decision regarding Chad. Sonny is stunned by Paul's news. Tuesday August 8: ""Marlena"" breaks up with John. Anjelica lures Adrienne into a trap. Brady's jealousy threatens to push him over the edge. Nicole makes a risky move to be near Holly. Wednesday August 9: Hattie breaks Bonnie out of Statesville. Steve and Kayla clash over the situation with Tripp and Joey. Brady gets the wrong idea about Nicole and Eric. Justin makes a confession to Sonny. Thursday August 10: More: Days recap: Chad plays the martyr and turns himself in to the police More: Beloved, unforgettable soap characters who touch our hearts Tripp secretly decides to skip town. Anjelica meets with Bonnie for the first time and explains her first order of business. Lani is put in a tough position at work. Chad and Abigail's reunion takes a surprising turn. Friday August 11: More: Deconstructing DOOL: A well-rounded week showcased zaniness, drama and that Chabby reunion Bonnie breaks Lucas's heart. Brady breaks into Eric's room and makes a shocking discovery. Chad and Sonny compare notes about the night of Deimos's murder. Marlena wakes to find herself trapped. Find late-breaking Days of our Lives news, and who is coming and going at Days of our Lives. Follow Soaps.com on Twitter, Days of our Lives on Twitter, Soaps.com on Facebook and Soaps.com on Instagram. Photo credit: Jill Johnson/JPI - Amy Mistretta/Christine Fix",253,0 +254,"An attorney for the former University of Virginia dean suing Rolling Stone for defamation alleged during closing arguments that the magazine’s campus rape story was reported with a “reckless disregard for the truth.” Attorney Tom Clare charged that Rolling Stone “needed a villain” for the Nov. 2014 feature piece — and the story’s author, Sabrina Erdely, decided former associate dean of students Nicole Eramo fit the bill. “Every one of her stories has a victim, a villain and a vindicator … Ms. Erdely and Rolling Stone were intent on imposing that on this story,” Clare said. “It had all of the elements of a perfect story, but when something sounds too perfect to be true, it probably is.” Eramo, who is seeking $7.5 million, claims the since-discredited story portrayed her as turning a blind eye to gang rape claims made by a former student identified as “Jackie.” Clare argued that the defamation case is not about rape, but about journalistic failure. The lawyer said Erdely left out important details in her piece on purpose, like the fact that Eramo took Jackie to the police on two separate occasions. ‘Every one of her stories has a victim, a villain and a vindicator…’ “They made a decision to remove [from the article] every reference to the police and that’s actual malice,” he said. Clare also blasted Erdely for ignoring red flags, such as Jackie’s refusal to put her in touch with sources who could corroborate her alleged gang rape account. “Jackie’s refusal to put Ms. Erdely in touch with people who could confirm or deny her story was a giant, waving red flag,” he insisted. “Once they decided what the article was going to be, it didn’t matter what the facts were,” Clare added. Rolling Stone’s attorney Scott Sexton countered that Erdely put a “tremendous amount of work” into the article, but was ultimately fooled by Jackie. “Sabrina was acting in good faith when she wrote the article with the information she had,” he insisted. “Our world would shut down if we walked out that court room door and expected everyone to lie to us.” Sexton also said that because Eramo is a public figure, Erdely had every right to criticize her. “She is a highly compensated public servant… we are entitled as citizens to criticize a public figure,” he explained. Sexton argued that Eramo’s attorneys are intent on proving that the story was republished in Dec. 2014 — when the magazine added an editor’s note to the piece after Jackie’s rape account had been called into question — because they, “have no case for actual malice” before then. One of the questions jurors will be asked is whether they believe that Rolling Stone “affirmatively reiterated the content of any false and defamatory statements.”",254,0 +255,"— As a survivor of childhood sexual trauma, there are many misconceptions I live with on a daily basis. My pain is treated as fodder for jokes and people with backgrounds like mine are assumed to be abusers-in-the-making. Both of these are very real issues, but today I want to talk about a third issue that many people don’t even realize about sexual abuse victims: the effect that the abuse has had in obscuring our own understanding of our sexual and gender identities. It’s impossible for some of us to even understand what an innate gender or sexual identity would even feel like. Our entire perception of our “true” gender and orientation is mutilated by our experiences. It’s a well-established fact that child abuse does not cause homosexuality or gender fluidity, nor does gender fluidity or homosexuality cause people to become child abusers. This is an important truth that needs to be continually disseminated as too many people still think there is a causal link in one direction or both. It is unfortunate, however, that the well-intentioned desire to keep the LGBT community from being maligned has resulted in the experiences of many CSA victims being silenced because it confuses the narrative. It is a testimony that is actually quite simple: for many victims of CSA, especially repeated CSA, nothing about their identity can be fully separated from the early trauma. That includes sexual orientation and gender identity. Which means that many CSA survivors will tell you that they cannot say with a straight face that their perception of their gender identity or sexual orientation was not shunted down a different road by their experiences. This requires a steady mind and a grasp of nuance to understand what is being said. Obviously not all, or even the majority if, gay CSA victims attribute their orientation to their abuse. Nor do, or should, gender fluid victims give credit to abusers when it comes to discovering their true self. What it does mean, however, is that men who do say their identity was affected by their trauma should not be dismissed out of hand. In abusive situations, coercion is often mixed with reward (such as emotional attention) and being forced to do something can still lead to physical arousal. Such experiences can rewire the brain into seeking out similar situations as an adult for complex psychological reasons other than because of natural inclination. Among male victims, the term “SSA” (same-sex attraction) continues to be a meaningful term. This is a term that in other circles has become appropriately abandoned, given the connection and connotations it has with fundamentalist conversion therapies. On its face, the term is benign and non-judgmental. In usage, however, it is a denial of orientation as an innate and non-changing element. That aspect of it, which when applied to homosexuals en masse is insulting and invalidating, is ironically exactly why some CSA survivors willingly apply it to themselves. Because they are not convinced that their sexual attraction to men was not the result of early trauma. In fact, they feel as if recognizing that attraction and their true orientation are at odds is actually a more authentic description of themselves. I’ve seen the term “abuse reactive” to label the difference between people who are able to know themselves apart from the abuse and people for whom the self before the trauma is a black hole difficult or even impossible to ever fully explore. One of the confusing aspects to this is that throughout history and even to this day, boys who showed effeminate characteristics were and are more likely to be denied a proper support system. They are more likely to be bullied and socially isolated and seen as unsatisfactory by both peers and adults. This puts them at a greater risk of abuse. No child is immune from the risk of being preyed upon, but many predators look for the outcast unlikely to be listened to or believed and desperate for ANY adult attention. Therefore, because of society’s prejudice, LGBT youth are often at greater risk of being sexually exploited. Drawn to signs of non-heteronormative behavior or not, a predator may very well strike before the boy himself understands his own orientation and gender. Across his entire lifespan, a male is most in danger of being sexually assaulted between the ages of 4 and 13. Think about what you didn’t know about yourself at age 7. The risk here is that conversation like this only gives fire to the bigots who want to say that there is something “wrong” with everyone who identifies as LGBT. That would be the wrong takeaway. The correct lesson is to believe individuals. For those who say “I was always this way,” believe them. For those who say “I can’t tell you for sure” or “I’m pretty sure my SSA was caused by my abuse,” believe them too. Don’t silence their voice because some people might misinterpret it. Don’t assume you know their true selves better than they do. — More on this subject by Dr. Joe Kort: Sexual abuse disorients you; it does not orient you. __ Photo credit: Getty Images",255,0 +256,"People are hungry to learn more about Hillary Clinton’s Wikileaks scandal, but you wouldn’t know it if you get your news from the mainstream media. The search term “Wikileaks” dwarfs the term “Trump Women,” according to an info graphic shown on “Fox & Friends” on Saturday, but the network news coverage does not reflect the interest. ABC News devoted four minutes to discussing Trump’s sex scandals while NBC did 5 minutes and CBS did 3 minutes on the topic. By contrast, ABC spent a paltry one minute on Clinton’s Wikileaks scandal while CBS devoted two minutes to the email leaks. But NBC was, by far, the worst. With precisely no coverage at all the peacock network simply pretended the scandal didn’t exist. trump-women-vs-wikileaksw Play Video Not many on social media were surprised. . @tuckercarlson: “Here’s a breakdown [of coverage] for the three major networks.” pic.twitter.com/9wY725Tipa — Fox News (@FoxNews) October 14, 2016 This the game Hillary is playing, The accusers come out of the woodwork and chew up the Air Time, all the Plan — OhReally (@OhReally22) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson What hope do we have for a fair and prosperous future if the media insists on covering up corruption? 😪🙏🇺🇸🙏 — Deb (@ddefrankie) October 15, 2016 The MSM is so afraid of Hillary’s negatives they avoid https://t.co/thJgzAOODZ — Hopper (@sofshoe) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson Of course it is covered more. They don’t want to show what HC does. I am sick of her free and to run for president. — Frances Shelton (@FrancesShelto20) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson this is a shame. Media is not supposed to be biased, but these outlets are bought by the Clintons. #clintonslaves — Tommy Mora (@TommyTommyjmora) October 15, 2016 @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson Of course they do not report news, they are a Dems PR outlets no journalists, come on! — MRHF (@Jovisoul) October 15, 2016",256,1 +257,"Harvey Weinstein, 65, could be in deep trouble regarding the sexual assault claims from the many women who have come forward. “”In order to go to prison, Harvey would have to be convicted of a felony, like rape,” Darren Kavinoky, California Criminal Defense Attorney of 1.800.No.Cuffs shared EXCLUSIVELY with HollywoodLife.com. “In order for him to go to prison, he would have to get sentenced for more than a year. What is dangerous about Harvey’s behavior, and crimes of a sexual nature, is that he could be subject to consecutive sentencing. When you are talking about sex offenses, you get mandatory consecutive sentencing where the punishments stack one on top of another. So you get these really insanely long sentences in sex based cases that you don’t see in other areas of law.” SEE THE LIST OF HARVEY”S ACCUSERS HERE. “If multiple women come forward and he is accused then convicted of many sex crimes, molestation, harassment and ultimately rape, he could easily be behind state prison bars for 10, 20, 30 years or even longer depending on how many women come forward and what he is ultimately convicted of,” Darren continued. “Furthermore, all of his alleged victims could, after criminal convictions, victims could then sue Harvey civilly for damages. With a net worth of an estimated $800 Million Dollars, depending on the number of victims, Harvey could easily lose his fortune in court, to his victims. He could be wiped out, and spend the rest of his life behind bars, broke, penniless and disgraced.” In addition to the general sexual assault accusations, Harvey made headlines this week after it was reported that his company, The Weinstein Company, allowed him to sexually harass women as long as he paid all the money owed if he got sued. The controversial reports surrounding the film producer have caused a lot of backlash on social media with stars speaking out against him and there have been reports that he has recently checked into rehab for his issues. HollywoodLifers, do you think Harvey should lose his fortune? Tell us here!",257,0 +258,"They've got her now, just you wait. Republicans in Congress have Hillary Clinton in their sights, and it's all going to be different this time. They're demanding that the Justice Department appoint a special counsel to investigate Clinton, or more specifically, a couple of different matters relating to her, including the sale of a company that mines uranium and the Russia dossier, in which an opposition researcher assembled potentially damaging information on Donald Trump in 2016. What America obviously needs is a prosecutor with unlimited resources and subpoena power to get to the bottom of these matters, because ... because ... well because Hillary Damn Clinton, that's why! You may have noticed that Hillary Clinton is not actually the president, a fact that has left Republicans who were looking forward to four or eight years of rip-roaring investigations rather bereft. So why not have the Justice Department investigate the president's former opponent? Maybe they'll get to lock her up after all. Sure, that's something that tends to happen in countries where elections are a prelude to tyranny, but isn't the American system far too lenient on people who commit the crime of losing an election? What is the point of all this? The answer is a bit complicated, but first let's quickly address the Republicans' complaint. In their fantasy world, what demands investigation is chiefly this: Hillary Clinton gave 20 percent of our uranium to Russia in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation, and there was obviously something fishy going on. However, every bit of the previous sentence is false, other than that there is a person named ""Hillary Clinton,"" a thing called ""uranium,"" a place called ""Russia,"" and an organization called the ""Clinton Foundation."" In fact, the Russian government controls a company that has rights to mine a portion of the uranium located within the United States (far less than 20 percent), and the uranium isn't allowed to leave the country. The sale of that company was approved in 2013 by a board that includes representatives of nine different federal agencies; though the State Department is one of the nine, Clinton had no personal role in the decision. The donations to the Clinton Foundation that supposedly were payback actually occurred in 2007, before she became secretary of state, from a man who no longer had any stake in the company by the time the sale took place (you can read more here or here). As for the Russian dossier, it was opposition research of the kind undertaken by candidates for every significant office in America. It contained some salacious rumors about Donald Trump, but the Clinton campaign didn't even make them public. In short, this isn't the kind of thing you appoint a special counsel to investigate. When this was brought up by far-right Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), whom retired Speaker of the House John Boehner recently referred to as a ""legislative terrorist,"" at a Judiciary Committee hearing this week, even Attorney General Jeff Sessions seemed uninterested. But Jordan and his compatriots are hardly alone; the president himself recently said it's ""very discouraging to me"" that the Justice Department is not ""going after Hillary Clinton."" If there's one thing Republicans know, it's how to work a Clinton scandal. You start with wild charges, whether there are any facts behind them or not, then start to hold hearings, create a rising din in the conservative media, and before you know it, you've woven a scandal out of nothing. Of course, you have to pretend that you care very deeply about consular security or proper email management or whatever the ostensible topic of the scandal is, but they can manage that without too much trouble. This formula has to be understood as serving multiple goals. In the short run, it merely makes trouble for Democrats, putting them on the defensive and dominating the news. Now that Trump is president, it could also help distract attention from the administration's scandals. Since this story involves Russia too, it can potentially create a fog in the addled mind of the American public, to the point where ""Russia"" is just associated with a bunch of Washington corruption that involves both parties. In the longer run, the investigation can act as a lever, producing something more consequential than whatever it set out to investigate. Republicans don't have to know what they're fishing for at the outset; it's enough to hope that there might be something waiting to be uncovered. The Benghazi investigation revealed the existence of Clinton's private email server, so who knows what an investigation into the uranium company might produce? And then there's the emotional component. Investigating Hillary Clinton promises a return to a simpler time, when Republicans felt a sense of righteousness and purpose, and didn't have to worry about crafting complicated legislation that required difficult tradeoffs. That stuff is just no fun. The trouble with the project, however, to return to where we started, is that Hillary Clinton is not the president and is never going to be the president. She's gone. There isn't anything to be gained by rooting around like pigs hoping to unearth a truffle of scandal buried somewhere in the woods of Chappaqua. All it does is make them look like sore winners. Which of course is exactly what they are. Nothing in the last year has turned out the way they thought it would, and they have no idea what to do about it. A good Clinton scandal would make everything make sense again. But they probably won't get it, so they'll just have to content themselves with defending the toddler in the Oval Office and worrying about which of their candidates are going to turn out to have a thing for teenage girls. Oh — and maybe passing some legislation. If they get around to it.",258,1 +259,"Google banned my channel with 80,000 people on it so join my Newsletter so they can’t stop us! A young man named Gio Rios just proved the FBI is lying scum about the Las Vegas shooting! Everything we’ve been told by the FBI and Fake News on TV is now officially a fraud! Listen to his riveting testimony as he talks about the multiple shooters he saw and the lies the FBI told about it all! Tell Trump to start firing people until the truth comes out! This is outrageous! We are worse than a banana Republic! The FBI must be investigated for fraud and coverup! We cannot allow the FBI and the Fake News to get away with this any longer. Spread this patriot’s testimony to every person you know. Tell them the FBI are liars and our news is fake! Tweet to Trump @potus and @realdonaldtrump and tell him God told us in his Word to tell the truth! Tell him we all know the FBI is lying over Las Vegas! Tell him to do a press conference and stop the lies! Send him this video! We are not going to take the lies anymore! “And Ye Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Free” John 8:32",259,1 +260,"Defense Secretary James Mattis warned Monday that the US Army needs to “stand ready” for put into action its various options for attacking North Korea, saying “neither you nor I can say” what the future holds, and that it’s purely up to President Trump. Mattis presented the preparations to attack North Korea as necessary because of “continued provocations” by Pyongyang, despite North Korea not having said much of anything in recent weeks, other than being concerned that Trump has declared war during the many, many times he’s talked about destroying North Korea. While Trump has largely been driving the North Korea war hysteria for months on end, he’s been virtually the sole instigator of such talks lately, condemning diplomacy on a near-daily basis,and insisting that “ only one thing will work” against them, ominously threatening to show us all what that is “pretty soon.” Repeated threats to “totally destroy” North Korea have been among his most favored talking points on any subject since the UN General Assembly. Mattis’ talk of keeping the Army ready to carry out that threat only adds to concern that the US could start a massive war at any moment.",260,0 +261,"The current political alliance between President Trump and Roy Moore isn’t new – their collusion goes back at least to 2011. It was then that the two teamed up to promote the “Birther Lie” that President Obama was not born in the USA. They served as active and vocal leaders of this racist cause over the five-year period from 2011 to 2016. President Obama’s short form and long form birth certificates were released by the Dept. of Health of the State of Hawaii, in June 2008 and April 2011 respectively. The birth records show that Barack Hussein Obama II was born at 7:24 pm on August 4, 1961, in the Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu, to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama and Barack Hussein Obama. In the face of this documentary evidence, many early “Birthers” gave up the cause. But not Trump and Moore. They relentlessly promoted the lie, claiming in public speeches and interviews that they were privy to inside information that these birth certificates were forgeries. Moore, who began his involvement in the cause in 2008, declared to World Net Daily in 2010 that there was “substantial evidence that Obama was not born in our country.” Trump, who didn’t publicly join the cause until 2011, tweeted on August 6, 2012 that “an ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud.” Moore’s “substantial evidence” and Trump’s “extremely credible source” never, of course, materialized. Moore combined his birther claims with the Islamophobic lie that Obama was secretly a Muslim, while Trump cleverly used the lie in his Presidential campaigns of 2012 and 2016 to solidify the nationalist, racist, anti-Obama core of his base. The political effectiveness of the Birther Lie can be seen in the results of the NBC poll of September 2016. In the responses by registered Republicans only 28% agreed with the statement that “Barack Obama was born in the United States.” Another 41% disagreed, and 31% stated that they didn’t know one way or the other. The Birther Lie appears to have sowed doubt about the President being born in the U.S., and thus the legitimacy of his Presidency, among nearly three-quarters of registered Republicans. Trump officially gave up the “Birther Lie” on Sept. 16, 2016, with Moore doing so 3 months later. When Trump gave up the lie, however, he replaced it with another one – naming his opponent Hillary Clinton as the originator of the whole birther idea, again of course without any evidence. And now, in late 2017, Trump has apparently decided to revive the lie, letting people around him know that he still believes it. The “Birther Lie” shows us that Trump and Moore are inveterate liars. So why should we believe them when they completely deny the credible testimonies of the more than 21 women who accuse one or the other of these men of sexual molesting them? Once again, these “birther buddies” would like us to ignore credible evidence and believe more of their big fat lies. Guest author Tony Nugent is a symbologist, an expert in ancient symbols. He taught at Seattle University for fifteen years in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies and is an ordained Presbyterian minister.",261,1 +262,"The Dallas Cowboys will go back to their previous stance on the national anthem Sunday against the Los Angeles Rams, receiver Dez Bryant said. The team will stand with their hands over their heart for the anthem. There will be no pre-anthem kneel for unity as they did last Monday against the Arizona Cardinals. That show of solidarity was about joining the brethren across the league in responding to the expletive-filled attacks from President Donald Trump against the players who kneeled during the anthem in protest against racism and social injustice. “We’re going to stand, we’re going to stand and going to put our hand over our heart and we’re going to do what we did before,” Bryant said. “You all know what that was, that was just a response to Trump and that’s all that that was.” The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Owner Jerry Jones said earlier Friday on his radio show that Bryant “was absolutely torn” about the decision and was getting a lot of pressure to kneel. The compromise of kneeling before the anthem and standing during it was one way of appeasing both sides, per Jones. Asked about the external pressures to protest and being torn on the issue, Byrant passed. Sports Highlights Up Next: Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald Your video will play in: 5 seconds Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald NFL Network insider Ian Rapoport reports that the Los Angeles Rams seem to be making progress on a new contract for Los Angeles Rams defensive end Aaron Donald. Play Video | 00:52 Your video will resume shortly. 00:52 Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald NFL Los Angeles Rams | 00:52 01:34 Patrick Peterson highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Arizona Cardinals | 01:34 02:50 How good will Dak and Zeke need to be for Cowboys to make playoffs? NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:50 05:24 Texans vs. Rams highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Los Angeles Rams | 05:24 04:51 Cardinals vs. Cowboys highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Arizona Cardinals | 04:51 00:52 Can't-Miss Play: Muffed punt turns into wild scramble and Cardinals TD NFL Arizona Cardinals | 00:52 00:38 Can't-Miss Play: Patrick Peterson jumps in front of receiver for easy pick-six NFL Arizona Cardinals | 00:38 02:04 Sunday Ready: Dak Prescott NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:04 02:06 What does Frederick's absence mean for Cowboys? NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:06 01:19 How Elliott, Prescott are affected by o-line injuries DraftKings NFL | 01:19 Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration Time 0:00 Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Stream TypeLIVE Remaining Time -0:00 Playback Rate 1 Chapters Descriptions Subtitles Captions Audio Track This is a modal window. No compatible source was found for this media. Advertisement X “I’m going to leave that all in the past,” Bryant said. “You know, it is what it is. I’m focused on this week. I’m letting that ... I don’t even want to think about it. I’m done with that.”",262,0 +263,"New York Police Officer Miosotis Familia was brutally gunned down in cold blood by Alexander Bonds early Monday morning in an unprovoked attack. Officer Miosotis Familia was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. According to Infowars Bonds encouraged people to vote for Hillary Clinton. Would you look at that we have another cop killer, and the cop killer is a Hillary Clinton supporter. Wednesday’s identified assassin of a New York Police Department (NYPD) officer was a Hillary Clinton supporter, according to the killer’s Facebook page. So there you have it America this cop killer was another radicalized American done in by Obama's war a cops which Hillary Clinton supported as well. This once again shows the danger that Obama's and Hillary's rhetoric have given cops nationwide, as the last Presidency of Obama in the last two years of his administration made the environment for LEO's a very dangerous one as both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama stated over and over again that police officers target blacks. Go figure though we have a cop killer again who is not only a Hillary advocate but an all out Democrat.",263,1 +264,"In a bizarre turn of events, NBC News reports Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock wired $100,000 to the Philippines one week before Sunday’s mass murder. Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock wired $100,000 to an account in his live-in girlfriend’s home country of the Philippines in the week before he unleashed the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, according to multiple senior law enforcement officials. But while officials have confirmed that Marilou Danley was in the Philippines on Sunday when Paddock opened fire on a crowd attending a country music festival on the Vegas Strip, it was not known whether the money was for her, her family, or another purpose. Danley, 62, who had traveled to Hong Kong on Sept. 25, could fill in some of the blanks when she returns to the U.S. on Wednesday, the officials said. Her arrival airport was not known. As Americans begin to pick up the pieces from Sunday’s mass shooting in Las Vegas, new details are emerging in connection to Stephen Paddock’s financial activities. A new report by ABC News says over 200 reports of suspicious activities were made to authorities. ABC News reports: As authorities pick apart the life of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock, they have come across one major thread of suspicious behavior: how he handled his money. Paddock’s recent financial transactions have become a key focus for investigators looking to learn more about the Nevada man and why he launched the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. In the last three years alone, more than 200 reports about Paddock’s activities, particularly large transactions at casinos, have been filed with law enforcement authorities, ABC News was told. Sponsored Sponsored",264,1 +265,We believe this is a great opportunity to contact people you have not heard from lately and surprise them with your text messages. Now is your time to say all that you want by sending free SMS to your friends and relatives in Europe. Check out the countries available in our list and have fun by sending free SMS to your loved ones for Free!,265,0 +266,"A Fox News host and panelist alleged that it was Hillary Clinton that colluded with Russia and thus should be taken to jail — not President Donald Trump. While Russian bots sowed division among Democratic voters, attacked people of color, attacked Hillary Clinton, worked to suppress voters of color then spread fake voter fraud claims, Fox News thinks this was a campaign in favor of Clinton’s 2016 bid. “Well, if it’s really a big threat and we want to stop them from meddling in our elections, why is it that during a three-year time span the Obama administration really didn’t do much to stop this from happening,” asked Town Hall editor Katie Pavlich. She referred to the 2012 election debate in which Mitt Romney cautioned that Russia was the greatest American foe over radical ISIS or Taliban extremists. However, 2016 was the first election Russia is known to have infiltrated. Pavlich and the host then turned to wonder why 300 elected officials didn’t show up for the classified briefing held at the FBI involving the “Gang of 8.” The 300 members likely didn’t have a high enough clearance level to view the classified documents. The “Gang of 8” all have the proper security clearance level to have viewed the documents. The Fox host asked former Clinton staffer Adrienne Elrod if the entire Russia scandal could have been avoided if former President Barack Obama had stopped Russia before they even started. Elrod explained that there was a lot of work going on behind the scenes. Given the security level, it’s likely much of the information available at the time could not be made public. She noted she wished Obama had acted prior to the election but asked what Trump is doing today to stop Russia from acting in the 2018 election. The Fox host along with Pavlich went on to claim that Clinton was colluding with Russia because her campaign partially paid the law firm that bought the opposition research dossier from Christopher Steele. Another portion of the dossier was paid for by Republicans hoping to discredit Trump prior to the general election. For that reason, Fox News believes Clinton colluded with Russia more than Trump did. Fox News hosts have also alleged that Clinton is behind the meeting with the Russian lawyer at Trump Tower. Watch the full conversation below: 00:00",266,0 +267,"The NFL Players Association is making an attempt to open up the lines of communication between the camps of Richie Incognito and Jonathan Martin. NFL Media's Albert Breer reported that the NFLPA contacted the agents of Incognito and Martin on Wednesday morning to request a meeting, according to a source apprised of the plan. The proposal calls for the meeting to occur in Florida with union chief DeMaurice Smith present. Incognito was suspended indefinitely by the Miami Dolphins after the team was presented with evidence that Incognito sent abusive and racially insensitive messages to Martin via text message and voice mail. The suspension was handed down six days after Martin abruptly left the team after an incident at the Dolphins' dining facility. NFL Media's Jeff Darlington reported last week that Martin sought treatment at a South Florida hospital immediately after leaving the team. He left the hospital a short time later and now is at home in California with his parents. A local news affiliate tracked down Incognito on Tuesday as he left a doctor's appointment in Fort Lauderdale. ""You know what, I'm just trying to weather the storm right now,"" Incognito told WSVN-TV. ""This will pass.""",267,0 +268,I reserve you reserve he reserves we reserve you reserve they reserve I am reserving you are reserving he is reserving we are reserving you are reserving they are reserving I reserved you reserved he reserved we reserved you reserved they reserved I was reserving you were reserving he was reserving we were reserving you were reserving they were reserving I have reserved you have reserved he has reserved we have reserved you have reserved they have reserved I have been reserving you have been reserving he has been reserving we have been reserving you have been reserving they have been reserving I had reserved you had reserved he had reserved we had reserved you had reserved they had reserved I had been reserving you had been reserving he had been reserving we had been reserving you had been reserving they had been reserving I will reserve you will reserve he will reserve we will reserve you will reserve they will reserve I will be reserving you will be reserving he will be reserving we will be reserving you will be reserving they will be reserving I will have reserved you will have reserved he will have reserved we will have reserved you will have reserved they will have reserved I will have been reserving you will have been reserving he will have been reserving we will have been reserving you will have been reserving they will have been reserving I would reserve you would reserve he would reserve we would reserve you would reserve they would reserve I would be reserving you would be reserving he would be reserving we would be reserving you would be reserving they would be reserving I would have reserved you would have reserved he would have reserved we would have reserved you would have reserved they would have reserved I would have been reserving you would have been reserving he would have been reserving we would have been reserving you would have been reserving they would have been reserving reserve Let's reserve reserve accrue - adopt - afford - bare - cant - capture - compare - confirm - create - delete - doom - draft - endeavor - exhaust - gift - giggle - hang - insure - knit - learn - let - like - love - manage - menace - miss - monger - omit - open - orient - prevent - rent - restore - save - see - ski - spill - spot - to be - to do - to go - to have - tough - web,268,0 +269,"The tropical storm that hit the southern Philippines on Friday and Saturday has left at least 200 people dead and many homeless. The island of Mindanao was the worst hit. The local administration there has been criticised for not doing enough to help. A survivor from Tubod town, where an entire neighbourhood was destroyed, told Al Jazeera that they have ‘never experienced a flood like it'. Al Jazeera’s Rob McBride reports from Tubod Town, Southern Philippines.",269,0 +270,"CHAPPAQUA, N.Y. -- Hillary Clinton will be telling her side of the story. Clinton, a Chappaqua resident, is set to write ""What Happened,"" her recounting of her loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. The book will be published on Sept. 12 by Simon and Schuster. “In the past, for reasons I try to explain, I’ve often felt I had to be careful in public, like I was up on a wire without a net. Now I’m letting my guard down,"" Clinton, who previously served as Senator and Secretary of State, said. The book will discuss what it was like to face Trump, Russian interference and the experience Clinton had of being the first woman nominated for president by a major party. Simon and Schuster is calling it ""her most personal memoir yet."" Clinton had previously written the memoirs ""Living History,"" and ""Hard Choices."" In November, Clinton is set to speak at the Business Council of Westchester's annual dinne r, where she will receive the Westchester Global Leadership Laureate Award Click here to sign up for Daily Voice's free daily emails and news alerts.",270,0 +271,"While officially the White House is condemning the ISIS suicide attacks in Tehran today, in keeping with their policy of being against ISIS, President Trump’s own statement on the matter appeared less than wholly sympathetic, attributing the attacks to Iran “ falling victim to the evil they promote.” President Trump has made clear since the campaign that he does not like Iran, and spent much of his recent trip to the Middle East pushing hostility toward Iran, as well as portraying Iran as being to blame for most of the terrorism in the region. That ISIS is the world’s biggest terrorist organization, and that Iran has been heavily supporting both Iraq and Syria in fighting ISIS, doesn’t fit into Trump’s narrative, and the fact that ISIS just launched terrorist attacks in Tehran is particularly unwelcome to the US agenda of trying to spin everything wrong in the Middle East as being Iran’s fault. President Trump’s answer to this, then, is to remind everyone that Iran is a “state sponsor of terrorism,” an official designation by the US government which means effectively nothing, and only currently applies to three countries that the US doesn’t like, none of whom has anything to do with ISIS, al-Qaeda, or other major international terrorist groups.",271,0 +272,"Will this outrage stand? Today’s breaking story of the DOJ surveilling the communications of POTUS Trump’s longtime personal attorney is just now filtering through news watchers across the country. Remember, the Cohen surveillance was referred to by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, (and signed off by the DOJ’s #2 Rod Rosenstein who was the one who originally pushed for President Trump to fire then FBI Director James Comey) meaning it was effectively Mueller’s operation. And what THAT means is Robert Mueller was wiretapping the Trump White House. THIS HAS NEVER BEEN ALLOWED BEFORE. Early reports indicate at least one direct phone call between President Trump and Cohen was surveilled/recorded. In a normal world, as soon as the President of the United States was on the line, the DOJ would have initiated an all stop on surveillance. That has been long-standing (albeit unofficial) protocol for decades. That didn’t happen which would indicate capturing the President’s communications to Cohen was the primary purpose of the Mueller-originating surveillance all along. Consider this that the Department of Justice is charged with upholding the powers of the Constitution but in this case (and likely many-many others) it has shredded those same Constitutional protections in order to bring down a duly-elected President of the United States. When will enough Americans finally stand up and say ENOUGH? This is no longer merely about President Trump. It isn’t about Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative. This is about America, our personal liberties, and the now-fractured foundation that was the Constitution. For if the government can go after a sitting president via such questionable/illegal means it can come after any of us at any time. Hear that knock at your door? It’s for you.",272,1 +273,"A big pro-Trump rally called “The Mother of All Rallies” (or MOAR for short) is taking place today in Washington, D.C. These are photos from the event, to give you an idea of what is happening today. The MOAR rally began its opening ceremonies at the north end of the Mall, near the Washington monument, at 11 a.m. Eastern, according to their website. “Keynote speakers will include author Hamody Jasim, Marco Gutierrez founder of Latinos for Trump, and congressional candidate for California Omar Navarro. The band Madison Rising is the featured performer. Panel discussions on a number of hot topics are also planned and much will be happening throughout the day and evening.” Peter Boykin, president of Gays for Trump and a speaker at the rally, told the Washington Post that some topics discussed at the event will be more controversial, including transgender men and women in the military, Sharia law, and the dreamers immigration program. According to the event’s website, the rally is focused on freedom, putting America first, and uniting everyone under the American flag: …No confederate flags, communist flags, or foreign flags allowed. This is not a Democrat or Republican rally. It’s not a left or right rally. We condemn racists of all colors and supremacy of all colors. Our patriots are of all colors and we are uniting under our constitutional rights. We are Americans and our color shouldn’t matter.” The event’s Facebook page mentions that the event is “in support of American values, American culture, American traditions, and of course President Donald Trump.” About 2,000 people RSVP’d for the event on Facebook, and an additional 6,200 indicated that they were interested in the event. The organizers originally wanted one million people at the event. But both Jason Webber, an organizer of the Juggalo rally, and Peter Boykin, a speaker at the MOAR rally, told The Washington Post that their events don’t plan to interact with each other and they don’t expect any brawls. Supporters have also been posting on Twitter and other social media sites about the event. Some counter protesters showed up too: The website for the event took pains to set itself up as different from the Charlottesville rally, saying that they wanted American flags and Confederate flags would not be allowed. The event was also heavily pro-Trump.",273,0 +274,"In many ways, money orders are safer than personal checks and cash. There’s no risk of a bounced check and associated fees when paying with a money order because the money order is prepaid in cash. Using a money order reduces the risk of theft because the buyer must specify the recipient. In order to cash a money order, the recipient must appear in person and show identification. And, while cash can be lost, money orders come with a tracking number, so money orders can be replaced. Since Rite Aid has many locations, and its stores are often open 24/7, you can save yourself a trip to the bank and just buy a money order next time you pick something up at Rite Aid. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about buying a money order at Rite Aid. And, if Rite Aid isn’t the right store for you, stick around to the end of this article for a list of similar stores that also sell money orders. Does Rite Aid have MoneyGram? Does Rite Aid have Western Union? Rite Aid sells money orders through Western Union. Money orders are available during store hours so that means Rite Aid Western Union hours are the same as store hours. You can find the nearest store and their hours using the Rite Aid store locator. 4,242 of Rite Aid’s 4,586 locations sell money orders, so make sure your location sells money orders by using the Western Union’s agent locator. Select “search by agent”, and filter your search for Rite Aid and money orders. According to Rite Aid customer service, you can purchase a single money order for up to $500 and multiple money orders up to $2,999. So, for example, if you need to pay $1,000, you can go to Rite Aid and purchase two $500 money orders to meet your needs. Rite Aid only accepts cash payment for money orders; you cannot pay with a debit card or credit card. There is a fee of $0.99 per money order. While on the call with Rite Aid, we also confirmed that money orders are available for purchase during regular store hours. Simply ask to buy a money order at a register; all of the registers can generate money orders. Remember, you can only buy a money order with cash. Rite Aid doesn’t cash money orders, even money orders sold at Rite Aid. Here’s our article about where to cash a money order. Rite Aid also has a number of other services you may want to take advantage of while you’re there buying a money order. If you don’t have a Rite Aid near where you live or work but you still need to purchase a money order, there are plenty of other options. For a list of all the places to buy money orders, including stores similar to Rite Aid, convenience stores and grocery stores see our article Where Can I Get a Money Order?. If you’re looking for a place to cash a money order, you have fewer options. Your best bet is to deposit the money order into your own bank account, wait for it to clear, and then withdraw the funds. If you want to cash a money order, again, your own bank is the best option. But, there are some other places to cash a money order. See the complete list in our article, Where Can I Cash a Money Order? For people who want to pay bills, purchase goods, or simply want to send guaranteed funds without the risk associated with exchanging cash, money orders are a trusted method of payment. Rite Aid money orders are convenient because of the low fees, numerous locations, and long hours. No Rite Aid near you? There are many similar convenience and pharmacy stores that also sell money orders.",274,0 +275,"Hillary Clinton's ""What Happened"" Book is an upcoming memoir written by Hillary Clinton discussing the contentious 2016 United States presidential election. The book title was widely mocked on Twitter following its announcement in late July 2017. On July 27th, 2017, Hillary Clinton unveiled the title of her upcoming book What Happened, a memoir discussing experiences during her 2016 presidential run against Donald Trump (shown below). [1] That day, Twitter user @Kno tweeted a photoshopped version of the book cover edited to read ""What in the Entire Fuck Happened?"" (shown below, left). Meanwhile, Twitter user @ColeLedford11 posted a photoshopped picture of the inside of a book with a passage about Clinton getting ""3 million more votes than Trump even with his collusion with the Russian government"" (shown below, right). Also on July 27th, several Twitter users posted joke names for the book along with the hashtag ""#BetterNamesForHillarysBook"" [2] (shown below). Meanwhile, The Daily Dot [3] published an article about the online reaction to the book titled ""Hillary Clinton’s new book title is getting laughed off of Twitter.""",275,0 +276,"Please sign in with your WRAL.com account to comment on this story. You also will need a Facebook account to comment. Oldest First I think WRAL should be ashamed! How can you just assume this person is a man? What if that is not the pronoun they choose for themselves and here you are all over your story just, ""Man"", ""his"", ""he"".I mean what you've basically done is committed a terroristic act on trans-non-binary people everywhere. You should post a public apology because I'm literally autistic and this makes me want to cry. I'm not even joking right now! I cannot believe how insensitive this story is!If this were California, you'd be in jail right now!! Just when I have a sliver of faith in humanity, I go and read WRAL story comments. Good job being horrible people. That is one creepy looking ""guy."" So Democrats want their daughters to be okay with going to the restroom with this guy? Where does the story say anything about anyone using a female restroom? So...is it possible for them to assault each other and never trigger an ""assault on a female"" charge that often coincides with domestic disputes? Oldest First",276,0 +277,"I was listening to a Christian radio show awhile back before I was scheduled to go on, and one of the guests before me was talking about the organization he formed to fight back against powerful liberals in the United States and the ideologies they are spending billions of dollars to advance. This man kept talking about how liberalism is a “threat” to Christianity, and how any number of liberal political ideologies are going to somehow damage the faith, though he wasn’t very specific as to how. Similarly, I was watching a video the other day in which the Christian missionary called Islam “the greatest threat to Christianity today.” Really? A threat to what? Make Christianity untrue? So many American Christians, evangelicals in particular, are paralyzed by fear. We talk about how political liberalism or Islam are “threats” to Christianity and make compelling cases for why our brothers and sisters in Christ should devote time, money and other resources to protect Christianity against these threats. Christianity is not threatened by modern political liberalism, any strand of Islam (violent or non-violent) or any other worldview on the entire planet. I tweeted last week: “If you view other religions or worldviews as ‘threats’ to Christianity, I kind of wonder if you know how the story ends.” The idea that something could be a “threat” to Christianity implies that, somehow, Christianity could be put on a sort of “endangered religions” list, or that Christians could become extinct altogether. This is a lie fueled by hearts that have made an idol of power and influence. Christianity, defined by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the implications of that gospel, offers the world what other worldviews cannot. So, Christians who want the best for their communities and the world are right to work for Christianity’s spread around the world. But, particularly among conservative evangelicals in 21st-century America, there seems to be a feeling that Christianity is at risk of extinction. This is not the case. Is Christianity at risk of losing its powerful influence over America? Yes it is (most say it already has). Is Christianity at risk of becoming less and less socially acceptable in America and bordering on being considered “hate”? Yes it is. For some, these two truths are terrifying and are indicative of the impending demise of Christianity. Do not believe this lie. It is right to be concerned for the millions of Christians around the world who are being threatened. This is a reality about which we should be praying regularly. But “threatened Christians” do not make a “threatened Christianity.” Christianity’s existence and well-being is not dependent on how widespread it is accepted in America or the world. Christianity is dependent on the finished work of Christ. Period. This means nothing is a “threat” to Christianity. Plenty of forces—worldviews, political ideologies and more—threaten Christianity’s dominance in America. For some, Christianity’s dominance in America and the Western world is what legitimizes it. It is these people who believe Christianity is threatened. Because it’s true—Christian dominance in America and the West is being overshadowed by other worldviews. Praise God that the Christian faith is not dependent on its 21st-century cultural dominance, but by the dominion of its eternal, glorious God. When you claim that ISIS or the Democrats or whomever else is threatening Christianity, you spit in the face of the God who conquered sin and death because you’re afraid he can’t conquer competing worldviews. Christianity doesn’t have to be the most popular worldview in America to be the right one. Sometimes I think American evangelicals push for the widespread acceptance of Christianity because they want to be “right” more than they want the world to flourish in the grace of God. No terrorist attack, peaceful mosque or Supreme Court justice can knock down the house whose cornerstone is Christ. But it will demolish the house whose cornerstone is cultural favor. Romans 8:35 says, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?” Or liberals, or ISIS, or Supreme Court Justices, or car bombs? The foundation of our faith is seated on the throne because his work is finished. He’s not concerned. Why should we be? This article originally appeared here.",277,1 +278,"US President Donald Trump on Thursday dismissed an upcoming book on his campaign and administration as ""full of lies"" and invented sources, after unsuccessfully attempting to block its release. “I authorised Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times) for author of phony book! I never spoke to him for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don't exist,” Mr. Trump tweeted in reference to Michael Wolff's “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.” “Look at this guy's past and watch what happens to him and Sloppy Steve!” Mr. Trump wrote. It was unclear to whom Mr. Trump was referring, with possibilities including Steve Bannon, his former chief strategist, and Steve Rubin, the president of Henry Holt and Company, which is publishing Wolff's book. The book quotes key Mr. Trump aides, including Mr. Bannon, expressing serious doubt about his fitness for office. Mr. Trump has been enraged by the betrayal by Mr. Bannon — a man who engineered the New York real estate mogul's link to the nationalist far right and helped create a pro-Trump media ecosystem. After Mr. Trump instructed his lawyers to try to block the release of the book, the publishers responded by moving the release date up by four days to Friday.",278,0 +279,"Jesus Campos, the Mandalay Bay security guard who alerted police to the Las Vegas shooter, is speaking out for the first time about the violent encounter that left him with gunshot wounds. Jesus opened up to Ellen DeGeneres ... detailing the harrowing moments leading up to him discovering Stephen Paddock on the 32nd floor, just as he was starting to open fire on the crowd of concertgoers below. He thinks a loud slamming door during his routine check of the floor is what tipped off his location to Paddock, who then started shooting into the hallway -- and hit Campos in the leg. Miraculously, Campos says he was still able to somehow get on his radio and tell his team shots had been fired. You can hear his full story on Wednesday's episode of 'Ellen.'",279,0 +280,"Politicians are trying to deceive you. Modern (American) politics is essentially a game in which politicians say and do whatever they possibly can to persuade people that they are an ideal leader deserving of a vote. But you already know that. Hopefully. Most of us are pretty cynical about politics and straight-up expect politicians to lie to us. We understand that posturing, over-promising, tricky rhetoric, and psychological manipulation are par for the course in the political arena. Interestingly, though, I’ve been hearing some claims regarding the current presidential race that contradict the typical cynicism with which most people view political candidates. Specifically, I’ve heard many people expressing the belief that Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are refreshingly different from typical political candidates. Why? Because they say what they really feel and think, supposedly. They aren’t just talking heads. They’re real people who will let their real views and ideas be known, for better or worse. That might be true, to some extent. Trump and Sanders might be more authentic than most politicians (which wouldn’t take much). It’s almost impossible to say. But even if they are, make no mistake: They are still playing the game like everyone else. I’m not saying anything about their merits as candidates or people, and I’m not making any kind of moral judgment. I’m just saying that they too are posturing, over-promising, and employing tricky rhetoric and psychological tactics to win over their audiences. Don’t think for a second that they’re not. No one would have a prayer of winning a presidential race without doing those things. But people are viewing them as utterly genuine. People are taking them at face value. Sanders has this effect on people because he’s so fiercely passionate about the issues. I actually believe he sincerely cares about the things he wants to change, and so he exudes an earnestness while speaking that captivates many people, especially people in my generation. Nonetheless, I assure you that Sanders is self-aware of his grandiose, fiery style and his calls for revolution. He knows he’s over-promising, and he’s consciously trying to create a tsunami of unrealistically high hope for a better world and ride that wave into the White House, like Obama did. It’s a good strategy, though if he gets elected, many people will probably be upset when the revolution doesn’t arrive, when the billionaire class continues to exist, and when big money continues to influence politics.¹ Trump, on the other hand, is perceived as honest because he says and does so many ludicrous things, compared to traditional candidates. Trump’s behavior is so ridiculous that people can’t fathom that most of it could be an act, a strategy, a role he’s learned to play. But it is. And whereas Bernie is trying to ride a wave of hope into the White House, Trump is trying to ride a wave of fear and anger. Trump’s appeal is downright frightening because we are at a rather precarious moment in the history of the United States and the history of the world. The planet is filled with nuclear warheads; environmental crises are occurring/looming; the largest refugee crisis since World War II is taking place. The 21st century is a time in which the countries of the world need more than ever to cooperate with one another, consider a global perspective, and devise strategies that will make the human enterprise sustainable through the 21st century and hopefully far beyond. But Trump isn’t much of a cooperator. He’s explicitly stated that he wants to build a wall around much of the United States, and he’s made comments that reveal a frighteningly uncritical and violent approach to international relations (on ISIS: “I would bomb the shit out of ’em,” and “ … you have to take out their families.”). From my vantage point, a leader like Trump is more likely to help bring about World War III than a more sustainable, equitable, and unified human enterprise.² Many people don’t see it this way, though. Many believe that Trump’s aggressive and America-centric approach to politics will be our saving grace. This may have something to do with the hypothesized psychological divide between people who lean Left versus people who lean Right. Some fascinating studies have suggested that there are neurobiological differences between liberals and conservatives. One study found, for instance, that conservatives tend to respond to threatening situations with more aggression than liberals. If one wanted to appeal to conservative-minded people, it follows then that one could paint a picture of the world as One Giant Threat to America and propose an extremely aggressive plan to ameliorate the situation. As we’ll see, Donald Trump is a master of this persuasive tactic. He’s a master of a number of other tactics as well, and the cumulative effect of these tactics is that he’s gone from being considered a joke candidate to having a decent chance of becoming the next leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world. Let’s take a closer look at the various tactics Trump has used to climb into his present position. The following points were gathered primarily from two YouTube videos³ created by Charlie Houpert, which provide an excellent analysis of Trump’s various psychological strategies. You’ll find the videos embedded at the bottom of this article, if you’d like to watch them, but that isn’t necessary, as I’ll thoroughly summarize the 12 strategies they discuss. Trump has said, “You’re going to have more World Trade Centers. It’s going to get worse and worse, folks,” and “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing drugs; they’re bringing crime; they’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” These are blatant instances of fear-mongering. Trump deliberately hones in on frightening statistical rarities — terrorist attacks against the US and immigrants who are dangerous rapists — and acts like they’ve become the norm. Violence has actually declined over recent decades and centuries, but Trump makes it seem like the opposite has happened. Why does he do this? Charlie Houpert, the creator of the videos I mentioned, explains it well: “Fear is an incredibly powerful emotion. It captures our attention like no other emotion can. We focus intensely on the thing that is giving us that fear. Secondly, it shuts down higher thinking. When we’re terrified by a bump in the night, we don’t focus on the probability that it’s just the wind. Our critical thinking skills dip as we focus solely on protecting ourselves. Thirdly, it feels crappy, so the fastest way to get out of fear and move toward a powerful emotion is to move into anger.” Major news outlets portray the world as a terrifying place because doing so captures people’s attention. Trump is doing the same thing. Fear ensnares our attention like nothing else can, while simultaneously short-circuiting our higher cognitive functioning. This is unsettling because our natural response to fear is to escape or destroy whatever is threatening us as quickly as possible. It is quite natural for humans to cope with fear by becoming angry and aggressive. Trump fuels this fire of fear-driven rage and hostility as much as he possibly can and directs it toward non-American outgroups. He says things like “China is taking our jobs; they’re taking our money,” and “Syrians are now being caught at the Southern border; we don’t know who they are; could be ISIS.” He sets up false dichotomies between the interests of Americans and the interests of other humans of the world, such that if you disagree with him, you appear to be anti-American. This leaves many credulous viewers with one obvious response: to be an angry, aggressive, Trump-supporting American who views the rest of the world with suspicion and aggression! This potent combination of fear-, anger-, and aggression-mongering then sets Trump up for one of his most effective lies: that he is the only big, strong man tough enough to do what needs to be done to kick everyone else’s ass and “make America great again.” Trump makes unrealistic claims such as “No one else will keep you safe,” and “No one is going to mess with us.” He presents himself as the most dominant and strongest-willed candidate — the only candidate capable of returning the US to its rightful position as Imminent, Dominant Global Superpower. But again, do we need America to dominate other countries/entities at this point in history? It’s likely that some amount of military action is advisable, as certain groups (e.g. ISIS) are committing brutal crimes against innocent people. However, if one looks at the bigger picture, it becomes clear that cooperation rather than conflict must become the rule in the human enterprise, if the human species is to persist into the deep future. On a planet now laced with nuclear warheads, unbounded aggression is no longer an option. And in a biosphere facing various environmental crises, our species must recognize the collective goal of devising sustainable systems to avert catastrophe. But, as I mentioned earlier, research has suggested that conservative-minded people respond more aggressively to threatening situations than liberal-minded people. Instinctively aggressive people respond favorably to Trump’s call for a return to an Ultra-Dominant America. That some people are more instinctively aggressive than others is not a “bad” thing. Clearly, this arrangement was beneficial in our primal past, or we would not have evolved this way. However, we don’t live in the world of our distant ancestors anymore. We live in a world in which excessive aggression/conflict is a potential threat to the entire biosphere and all sentient life. Thus, we need leaders who are capable of taking calculated aggressive measures after a thorough analysis of all available courses of action, not leaders whose default response to problematic circumstances is to use hyper-aggressive military force, as Trump wishes to do. The world is a damn complex and ambiguous place, but admitting this reality is not a good political strategy. It’s much more effective to paint the world as a simple place where things are either X or not-X. To do so is to commit the ‘false dilemma’ fallacy. A quintessential example is a much-cited statement made by George W. Bush in 2001: “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” It comforts people to tell them that things must be either this or that because it makes them feel that they understand the insanely complex bramble of global affairs that no individual human actually understands en toto. Trump is brilliant at reducing the complexity of the world to black-and-white narratives. One of his favorites is the narrative of Winners vs Losers. In Trump’s story, America has been unambiguously losing in recent memory; America is becoming a perma-loser before our eyes, and we’re just getting used to it. Of course, with Trump as president, America is going to start winning again in all regards. “We’re going to start winning so much that you’re going to get used to winning instead of getting used to losing,” he has said. Does it even make sense to conceive of individual countries as “winners” or “losers” in a world where the future of our entire species and all life on Earth is potentially at stake? Probably not. Yet Trump’s black-and-white narrative appeals to our desire for simple, digestible stories and our American hyper-competitiveness. And again, when people are afraid and angry, they are primed to accept whatever convenient narrative promises to allow them to escape their fear, and thus the absurdly vague and reductive America is Going to Start Winning So Much Again That We’ll Have Nothing to Worry About story begins to seem quite alluring indeed. One downside of portraying yourself as the Big Strong Man is that there will still always be situations in which someone gets the best of you, making you appear foolish or weak. Donald Trump has found himself in this situation on a number of occasions. One of the most notable was a situation in which Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly confronted Trump about past comments in which Trump had called women he disliked “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.” This question was a potential landmine for Trump, but he interrupted Megyn Kelly halfway through her question by saying, “Only Rosie O’Donnell.” This comment caused an uproar of laughter in the audience and all but derailed the inquiry into Trump’s juvenile and dehumanizing remarks. Trump has perfected this strategy of deflecting potential threats through the use of humor. As Charlie Houpert put it: “So that is the power of laughter. It is a pattern interrupt[ion]. You can’t stay booing and upset and angry when somebody makes you uncontrollably laugh. It also makes you more receptive to whatever comes next that somebody has to say because they’ve already started to lead you emotionally. So what Donald Trump is doing is using laughter to take control of situations where he’s starting to lose control. And what that does for him is it effectively helps him dodge any points that you make against him because he can almost erase them with a laughing crowd.“ Humor isn’t Trump’s only strategy for avoiding discussion of some of the more contentious issues in his record. Another favorite strategy of his is to simply act superior to all opponents and criticisms. In one of the GOP debates, Jeb Bush attempted to point out that Donald Trump had completely changed his stance on ISIS in a matter of two months. As Jeb was saying this, Trump didn’t even pay him the courtesy of looking in his direction. Instead, he looked only at the audience with an expression of disbelief and disgust that said, “Who is this guy?” This maneuver indicates to the audience that Bush’s attack is ridiculous, laughable, not even worthy of attention, allowing Trump to bypass any sort of rational discussion. By contrast, when Trump attacked Bush, Bush looked directly at Trump with an expression of distress and disconcertedness, playing perfectly into Trump’s game. Jeb appeared to be something of a confused and insecure novice looking to Big Daddy Trump for answers. This point is related to the previous two, but it deserves emphasis. Trump’s power plays — whether making jokes in the face of criticism or acting superior to other candidates — are all aimed at making him appear as the leader of a game in which everyone else is merely a player. In social dynamics, this is referred to as “frame control.” Trump frames every interaction as if he is unquestionably superior to those around him, as if everyone else is in his world. When it comes to politics, whichever politician has the strongest and most unflinching frame will make that frame a perceived reality. And Trump is very good at unflinchingly selling his frame. As a billionaire, thick-skinned businessman, he’s been practicing this tactic for decades. Combine this with his fear-mongering, anger-mongering, and presenting himself as the One Great Strong Solution to Loser America, and you’ve got a potent combination of factors coming together to make Donald Trump appear to be an untouchable, iron-willed leader in comparison to his opponents. Another of Trump’s favorite tactics (and another form of frame control) is to trap other candidates in double-bind situations. Essentially, this means that he puts them in positions where it doesn’t matter what they say or how they react to him — however they respond, he will come out looking better and they will come out looking worse. Charlie Houpert cites the example of Trump taunting Jeb Bush about having low energy during one of the GOP debates. Trump says, “I know you’re trying to build up your energy, Jeb, but it’s not working.” In the face of such a statement, Jeb Bush has two options: to try to ratchet his energy up or keep it where it is/take it down a notch. If he chooses the former, he appears to be reacting to Trump, making Trump look like he’s in control. If he chooses the latter, he remains low-energy and Trump can just steamroll him throughout the debate. It’s a lose-lose situation for Jeb Bush, and this is the power of a double-bind. Donald Trump repeats emotionally provocative words like “strong” and “win” over and over and over. The second of Charlie Houpert’s videos shows one absurd clip in which Trump manages to say the word “win” 12 times in about 15 seconds. This tactic subtly conditions people to associate strength and victory with the Trump campaign. You might think that this tactic is silly or would only be effective on unintelligent people, but you’d be wrong. There’s a reason large companies pour millions of dollars into ad campaigns with catchy taglines and jingles: through sheer repetition, certain associations become embedded in the mind, if only on an unconscious level. Watch the documentary Century of the Self sometime if you don’t believe me. Trump loves to hammer social proof. He repeats over and over and over that he’s ahead in the polls or that people agree he won a particular debate. As social creatures, we have a distinct and sometimes malignant tendency to do and believe whatever we think everyone else is doing and believing. Trump understands the importance of this fact, and so at every turn, he acts as if he has an army of people behind him. Trump is also very careful to avoid negative social proof. For instance, at one point Trump appeared on the O’Reilly Factor, and Bill O’Reilly suggested that people had seen Trump as a “buffoon” when he first announced his campaign. Trump outright rejected this statement, acted as if it was outrageous, and assured the audience that people did not feel that way. He was very deliberate and forceful about this because he knows that what people think other people think is one of the most potent forces driving human belief and behavior. His decades in business almost certainly ingrained that lesson into his mind. Trump loves to assert that authority figures approve of him and disapprove of other candidates. The second video of Charlie Houpert’s cites Trump saying, “Larry Kudlow likes my tax plan,” and “Experts wonder if Cruz can run the US because he was born in Canada.” Trump understands that especially in our uncertain postmodern world with its endless sources of competing information, people look to experts to form their opinions. There is also a cognitive bias known as the Asch effect that is relevant here. From Wikipedia: “In repeated and modified instances of the Asch conformity experiments, it was found that high-status individuals create a stronger likelihood of a subject agreeing with an obviously false conclusion, despite the subject normally being able to clearly see that the answer was incorrect. So not only do we tend to feel pressure to conform with the herd, but we also feel pressure to agree with high-status individuals. Here’s an off-the-cuff armchair-evolutionary-psych explanation for this phenomenon: When our ancestors lived as bands of hunter-gatherers, it was beneficial to have an extraordinary level of cohesion of belief and action in a given tribe; it was often a matter of life or death. Thus, tribes in which people unquestioningly accepted the worldview passed on by wise elders and readily conformed to the herd mentality would be more likely to survive. Anyway, for whatever reason, we’re much more likely to believe something if an authority figure or expert tells us it’s true. Trump understands this and takes advantage of it at every turn. This might come as a surprise, but humans actually suck at making rational decisions and are much more likely to make emotion-driven decisions. This is a great thing a lot of the time because in many areas of life, our emotions and feelings are excellent indicators of an appropriate course of action. But when it comes to choosing the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world, it might be a bad idea to vote for a guy because his smile gives you the warm fuzzies. Unfortunately, it’s damn difficult for humans to use rationality, especially if they haven’t been trained to think critically or haven’t researched the various cognitive biases that result in inaccurate thinking. Donald Trump knows that most people make their decisions on the basis of emotion rather than reason. He also knows that there are certain methods of manipulating people’s emotions to get them to do what you want. Most all of the items on this list — from fear-/anger-mongering and deflection via humor to repetition, social proof, and appeal to authority — are effective methods of making people feel very confident about a position, despite the fact that they haven’t considered any statistical evidence or rational arguments. Donald Trump understands this, and that’s why you’ll never see him engaging in a rational discussion of the issues or of the criticisms levied against him. When challenged to do so, Trump will deflect via humor, appeal to vague authorities or social proof, or utilize some sort of half-relevant anecdote to appeal to emotion and distract from his shortcomings. As I said before, Donald Trump isn’t the only one playing the manipulation game. Other candidates also understand that people are emotional creatures, and any candidate who wants to have a chance of winning must use some or all of these tactics. Such is the nature of American democracy in 2016. What’s frightening about Trump is that he’s so damn good at playing this game. He’s spent decades learning the subtle art of being a dominant social presence and persuading people to do what he wants them to do. His actual values and ideas could be egregiously ill-conceived. Hell, they could be a recipe for World War III. But because he’s such a talented hypnotist politician, his actual values and ideas don’t matter that much. If he wins the race, it will be because he effectively encouraged and harnessed the fear, anger, and emotion-driven decision-making of a large portion of the American public. Personally, I would prefer not to find out what happens to America after electing one of the most effective fear- and anger-mongers since, uh, Adolf Hitler. I would prefer not to find out if a man who has spent the last 30 years plastering his name on everything he could put his name on gives two shits about the interests of most Americans. I would prefer not to find out if a businessman with no political experience is prepared to approach the challenges of the presidency with wisdom and acumen. I would prefer not to find out if Trump’s hard-ass, violence-friendly approach to political problems is as dangerous for planet Earth as I think it is. If you found this article educational or important in any way, please pass it on to your friends. 1. Don’t get me wrong: I like Bernie and would likely vote for him if he were to get the nomination. All I’m saying is that he’s playing the game too, and that in reality, he had no choice but to play the game if he wanted to have any chance of winning. 2. One could also argue that an extremely passive or pacifistic US President could inadvertently cause a World-War-III situation by failing to take action to neutralize dangerous groups or leaders who are gaining power. Some argue that this is essentially what happened pre-World War II. My view is that we need leaders who are capable of taking aggressive measures after a thorough analysis of all available courses of action, not leaders whose default response to problematic circumstances is to use hyper-aggressive military force. 3. The two outstanding videos that inspired this post and provided many of the insights: Start your journey now",280,1 +281,"During the 1950s “Red Scare,” innocent Americans were smeared and sometimes blacklisted for being supposed Communists. Real subversives existed, including Alger Hiss, a traitor and Soviet spy whom liberals – to their misfortune – made into a poster boy of McCarthyism. But the actual number of Communists was tiny and utterly not commensurate with the fervent public witch hunt led by right-wingers. Today’s group hysteria comes from the left, as a fanatic political mob sees racists behind every door. Their paranoia is not harmless, as they use the racist bogeyman to intimidate political adversaries – and sometimes erstwhile friends – while seeking to silence political dialogue. As with the Red Scare, there’s some reason for vigilance regarding actual racists, as Charlottesville reminded us. But as with the hunt for Communists under every bed, the scare tactics far outweigh the actual problem. The New McCarthyism revealed its full absurdity this week via the ACLU’s Twitter stream, which had the temerity to post a picture of an adorable young toddler holding an American flag and a doll with the tag line “This is the future that ACLU members want.” Because the girl (TRIGGER WARNING: I assume it’s a girl, given the doll) happens to be blonde and Caucasian, the ACLU was promptly attacked – the ACLU! Immediately the politically correct rage mob commenced a digital protest led by credentialed injustice professionals such as Professor Nyasha Junior of Temple University who posted, “A white kid with a flag?!” Yes, Professor. In much of America outside of your faculty lounge, young American children waving Old Glory warms the heart and makes us smile rather than prompt thoughts of white supremacy lurking under the sheets. Did the ACLU, a group once known for taking brave and unpopular stands, hold its ground or, better yet, simply ignore the online rabble? Sadly, no. The organization shortly responded with a Kermit the Frog image saying “That’s a very good point” and the post “When your followers keep you in check and remind you that white supremacy is everywhere.” Come again? This lovely young kid holding a flag equals “white supremacy”? Who even thinks of such things? Answer: the diversity hustlers. Shame on the ACLU, which apparently should have posted a picture of a gender-fluid dark-skinned child, holding a rainbow flag, perhaps with a COEXIST sticker on [gender-neutral pronoun] wheelchair. This is not merely social-media silliness. It’s not even lunacy, although it certainly seems insane. This is a weapon used cynically and viciously -- little girls are apparently acceptable collateral damage -- by the left to isolate and demonize opponents, and particularly President Trump and his supporters. As MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch said of Trump: “He is a racist -- can we just say it once and for all?” Such accusations are not rare. If I had a dollar for every time the mainstream media accused Trump and his voters of racism, I’d be about as rich as the recent Powerball winner. As a Hispanic, I believe that people of color, for far too long, have been taken for granted by the Democratic Party. I also believe that the Trump movement represents real policy solutions for the woes of poverty and violence that burden too many African-American and Latino citizens. But the digital rage mob holds people like me in particular contempt, as I saw during the 2016 campaign in the form of a constant stream of online slurs. Yes, today’s liberals are quick to use racism’s terms when it suits their purposes, calling me a “coconut” (brown on the outside, white on the inside) and “Tio Tomas” (Uncle Tom in Spanish). One of the main reasons America has succeeded as a country lies is our rejection of the tribalism that afflicts and paralyzes so much of the world. America is an idea, and one open to all who embrace it, regardless of skin color, heritage, or religion. To be sure, America must own the racist sins of our history. Thankfully, such systemic racism is just that, history – as evidenced by electing twice to our highest office an African-American man with a decidedly un-European name. Instead of allowing a new scourge, this Racist Scare, to corrode our discourse, we must embrace our common American identity, rooted in our best traditions and elucidated in our founding documents. We should be difficult to offend and slow to accuse others of the disease of prejudice. As the incumbent president of the United States explained in his inaugural address seven months ago: “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for bigotry.” Amen. Steve Cortes, a contributor to RealClearPolitics and Fox News, is the national spokesman for the Hispanic 100, an organization that promotes Latino leadership by advancing free enterprise principles. His Twitter handle is @CortesSteve.",281,1 +282,"Before Democrats burn James Comey in effigy, they should think about how the FBI director came to have an outsized influence in the election in the first place. It’s not something Comey sought or welcomed. A law enforcement official who prizes his reputation, he didn’t relish becoming a hate figure for half the country or more. No, the only reason that Comey figures in the election at all is that Democrats knowingly nominated someone under FBI investigation. Once upon a time — namely any presidential election prior to this one — this enormous political and legal vulnerability would have disqualified a candidate. Not this year, and not in the case of Hillary Clinton. The country has clearly lowered its standards in this election, and Donald Trump’s madcap candidacy provides evidence of that almost every day. But Hillary’s nomination was itself an offense against American political norms and an incredibly reckless act. And the Democrats were supposed to be the party acting rationally. Clinton effectively locked up the nomination in June and wasn’t cleared of criminal wrongdoing by the FBI until July. What if she had been indicted? Would Democrats have run her anyway? Would they have substituted in a 74-year-old socialist who had lost the nomination battle, or someone else who hadn’t even run? Any of these circumstances would have been unprecedented, but Democrats risked it. They did it, in part, because they could never bring themselves to fully acknowledge the seriousness of the email scandal and, relatedly, the ethical miasma around the Clinton Foundation. They considered it all another desperate trick of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. Clinton henchman David Brock demanded that the New York Times retract its initial report of Clinton’s exclusive use of a private email account in March 2015. A parade of Democratic operatives pooh-poohed the whole thing, from Clinton spokesman Karen Finney (“a politically motivated series of attacks”) to James Carville (“not going to amount to a hill of beans”) to Howard Dean (“hooey”). When they first got on a debate stage together last October, Bernie Sanders, the only man who had a chance to stop Clinton, pleased the crowd with a ringing denunciation of interest in her emails. Democrats bought the just-so stories offered up by the Clinton campaign. The FBI investigation was just a “security review.” The FBI wasn’t investigating Hillary, but only her server. Anything to deflect from the seriousness of the matter. While Democrats willfully looked the other way, they put Comey in an impossible position. An indictment would change the course of American history. That was all on him. He ultimately blinked. But he also put on the record the recklessness of Clinton’s practices as secretary of state in an attempt to create public accountability. Comey’s conduct is open to criticism, but there’s no way to please everyone when handling a case with such high political stakes. His notification to Congress last weekend is another case in point. All that can be said is that if Democrats didn’t want the FBI to have any part in the election, they could’ve considered that before nominating Clinton. Trump may be a deeply flawed candidate, but he caught a wave of popular fervor; Hillary, with her astonishing vulnerabilities, is a production of the Democratic elites who did everything to get her over the finish line. Just how vulnerable is she? If it weren’t for the new trove of Huma Abedin emails, the blockbuster news this week would come via a Wall Street Journal report that the FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation — although Fox News reported the same thing at the beginning of the year, and Hillary, of course, dismissed it as an “unsourced and irresponsible claim that has no basis.” The email scandal and Clinton Foundation will dog Hillary until Election Day and, should she win, into her presidency. For this, she has no one to blame but herself — and her irresponsible enablers.",282,1 +283,"Former Dawson’s Creek star James Van Der Beek is joining Terry Crews in admitting he has experienced sexual harassment as a man in Hollywood. Van Der Beek added his voice to the chorus of men and women condemning disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, in the wake of numerous sexual misconduct allegations. “What Weinstein is being accused of is criminal. What he’s admitted to is unacceptable — in any industry. I applaud everybody speaking out,” Van Der Beek wrote on Twitter before revealing his own experience with sexual harassment. “I’ve had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men, I’ve had them corner me in inappropriate sexual conversations when I was much younger,” he wrote. “I understand the unwarranted shame, powerlessness & inability to blow the whistle. There’s a power dynamic that feels impossible to overcome.” See his tweets below. This week, in the wake of the Weinstein scandal, Crews also revealed via Twitter that he was groped in the past by an unnamed Hollywood executive. “This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD,” Crews wrote before explaining he was targeted last year by a “high-level Hollywood executive” who “groped my privates.” “I understand and empathize with those who have remained silent. But Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator,” Crews wrote. “Hollywood is not the only business [where] this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior — you are not alone. Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless.” Weinstein has been accused of sexual misconduct by numerous women, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd, Rosanna Arquette, Cara Delevingne, and more. In a statement to The New Yorker, which detailed numerous allegations — including claims made by actress and filmmaker Asia Argento that Weinstein raped her by forcibly performing oral sex on her — the producer “unequivocally denied” allegations of non-consensual sex. The statement, released by his representative, continued, “Mr. Weinstein has further confirmed that there were never any acts of retaliation against any women for refusing his advances. Mr. Weinstein obviously can’t speak to anonymous allegations, but with respect to any women who have made allegations on the record, Mr. Weinstein believes that all of these relationships were consensual. Mr. Weinstein has begun counseling, has listened to the community and is pursuing a better path. Mr. Weinstein is hoping that, if he makes enough progress, he will be given a second chance.”",283,0 +284,"In recent months, late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has taken to scaremongering his audience with well-worn Democratic Party talking points regarding health care insurance policy. Between yuks, he occasionally accuses Republicans of being would-be baby killers, which is treated as an important political development because, well, Jimmy Kimmel is famous. This week, the comedian was back to explain why the new Graham-Cassidy Republican ""repeal"" bill is bad news. There were only two things wrong with his monologue: Almost everything he said was either completely untrue or highly misleading, and his simplistic emotional appeal was completely disconnected from the real world. The comedian's interest in policy was sparked by the harrowing experience of having a newborn son who suffered from a rare health condition. Thankfully, his boy is OK. ""If your baby is going to die and it doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make,"" said an emotional Kimmel in May. ""I think that's something that, whether you're a Republican or a Democrat or something else, we all agree on that, right?"" Yes, everyone agrees. As far as I know, there isn't a single politician in America who has ever supported allowing babies to die because they are born with birth defects, even if the parents can't pay. Not pre-Obamacare, and not post-Obamacare. In any event, after Kimmel's May rant, Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy showed up on his show to explain his position. These types of culture encounters shouldn't be dismissed, because the fact is most viewers are unaware of specific policies and have a notional understanding that's prejudiced by the establishment media's coverage. Cassidy came up with something he called the ""Jimmy Kimmel Test,"" a test that no ""family should be denied medical care, emergency or otherwise, because they can't afford it."" Kimmel claims that the new bill doesn't meet this threshold. ""This guy, Bill Cassidy, just lied right to my face,"" the talk-show host said on Tuesday night during an extended political rant. He went on to say, ""And by the way, before you post a nasty Facebook message saying I'm politicizing my son's health problems, I want you to know: I am politicizing my son's health problems."" OK. He explained: ""Coverage for all? No. Fact, it will kick about 30 million Americans off insurance."" Not a single person would be ""kicked off"" his or her insurance. Rather, the Congressional Budget Office review of the AHCA found that of the 24 million Americans who would no longer have health insurance after an Obamacare repeal, 14 million would choose not to buy insurance in 2018 in the absence of a penalty. And if Obamacare were not repealed, the CBO projects another 6 million people would voluntarily leave the Obamacare markets. Now, if you don't believe Americans should be afforded the choice to leave or not buy insurance, just say that. No one is being kicked off. Moreover, if Kimmel supports the individual mandate, Graham-Cassidy allows California to institute it -- as I am sure it would. Kimmel says: ""Pre-existing conditions? Nope. If the bill passes, individual states can let insurance companies charge more if you have a pre-existing condition."" States would be allowed to apply for waivers to change what qualifies as an essential health benefit as long as they still preserve ""adequate and affordable health insurance coverage"" for people with pre-existing conditions. You may prefer price fixing to allowing states flexibility to try and fix these problems, but Graham-Cassidy does not break the ""Jimmy Kimmel Test."" Kimmel might not be aware that there is no plan in place that has government cutting checks after every surgery. Kimmel then implored his audience to call Cassidy to stop the imaginary bill he had just described. It's a shame that Kimmel didn't provide a number to call for the tens of millions of Americans who have seen their premiums and out-of-pocket costs skyrocket under Obamacare's strictures. Is there no number available for those who are sick of being in exchanges that coerce them to buy plans they don't need that are sold by companies they don't like in fabricated, noncompetitive ""markets"" with dwindling choices? Anyway, so went a monologue that could have been written by any liberal activist. Which is to say it was all about cheap zero-sum emotionalism. Kimmel doesn't believe Americans deserve the chance to reduce the cost of health care with market-based reforms on the state level, or in giving states any flexibility in catering their plans to their own citizens. Kimmel believes California and New York should spend more per capita and smaller states should suffer. Kimmel doesn't believe that individuals and families should be allowed to contribute to health savings accounts or use them to help pay ever-growing insurance premiums. Kimmel wants average Americans to suffer. You see? Anyone can play this game. COPYRIGHT 2017 CREATORS.COM",284,1 +285,"Donald Trump reported raising $100 million for his presidential campaign and the Republican party in September, a number that trails far behind Hillary Clinton’s fundraising haul in the same month. Trump’s campaign sent a statement Saturday announcing its “new fundraising record,” which will fill the coffers for his presidential bid as well as the joint efforts of the Republican National Committee, and various state GOP parties. The campaign said Trump himself contributed $2 million of that total. In total, the campaign and its affiliated joint fundraising committees finished September with approximately $75 million cash on hand. “These numbers show that Donald Trump continues to have incredible broad based support from across America,” Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s finance chairman. But Trump’s campaign apparatus is playing a catch-up game compared to Hillary Clinton’s behemoth fundraising efforts, which drew in more than $154 million for her campaign and the Democratic Party in September alone. HFA, along with the campaign’s other joint fundraising committees, began the month of October with a combined $150 million cash on hand. And when it comes to advertising, the numbers in the final stretch of the campaign continue the election-cycle trend of Clinton outspending Trump. Bloomberg reports that Clinton and various super PACs supporting the Democratic nominee have booked ads through election day with buys totaling $78.3 million. The amount is more than twice what Trump and his super PAC backers have scheduled -- $50 million, according to Kantar Media.",285,0 +286,"The National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said the hurricane is bringing “devastating” storm surge, extreme winds and heavy rains” to extensive parts of Florida. “Extremely dangerous hurricane Matthew heading for Florida,” the NHC warned last night. “If you are one of ~1.5 million people in Florida under evacuation instructions, leave those storm surge areas and mobile homes now!” The latest map, from the NHC, shows that the eye of the hurricane is travelling along the coast of Florida towards Georgia and the Carolinas. It is not yet known if the hurricane will go back out to sea after passing Florida but before reaching the other states further north. The governors of Florida, Goergia the Carolinas have declared a state of emergency amid fears that the storm could wreak havoc on today. It added that just a “small deviation” off track could bring the major onshore with terrible consequences. A Hurricane Warning is in effect along the East Coast from Florida to South Carolina. A Hurricane Watch alert is also affecting parts of North Carolina. It added: “Although strong winds and heavy rain are being experienced, the eye and thus the strongest winds are currently remaining just offshore. “Hurricane force winds are very close to the coast of Florida and the outer eyewall of Matthew is touching Cape Canaveral. A wind gust of 107 mph was recently recorded.” “When a hurricane is forecast to track roughly parallel to a coastline - as Matthew is forecast to go from Florida through South Carolina - it becomes very difficult to estimate the impacts this far in advance,” the NHC added. The Met Office said: ""It is likely the eye of Hurricane Matthew will pass very close to the entire eastern coastline of the US state on Friday. ""Over the weekend it is expected that Matthew will weaken and turn north and northeast and affect the coastal areas of Georgia and the Carolinas. ""However, this is the point at which uncertainty grows in forecasts. ""It is looking increasingly likely that later in the weekend Matthew will turn out to sea, but the timing of this cannot be stated with certainty. ""Thus it is unclear how far north along the US coast will see impacts from Matthew."" Met Office tropical prediction scientist Julian Heming explained that there are differences between the models that track the “very oblique” path of the hurricane towards the US. A full evacuation has been announced in South Carolina after Hurricane Matthew tore its way through the Caribbean. A state of emergency has been declared across the whole state of South Carolina and 1.1million people are set to be evacuated across the state. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley urged communities along to coast to evacuate at least 100 miles away and fill their cars full of gas before they set off on their journeys. A NHC spokesman said the eye of the hurricane looks ""like it's going to impact the Carolinas"" at the end of the week or over the weekend. North Carolina’s Governor Pat McCrory has declared a state of emergency in 66 counties in central and eastern North Carolina. Parts of North Carolina have been evacuated. Mr McCrory also called on farmers to harvest their crops as soon as possible to prevent devastating flood damage if the hurricane hits. “We want to have everything in place early prior to the potential of an earthquake hitting North Carolina,” he said. “I’m hoping this is a false alarm but we can’t gamble - we won’t gamble - with people’s lives.” Large swathes of Georgia have been evacuated and there is a state of emergency in place. But Georgia might be spared if the eye of the hurricane goes back out to sea before reaching the state. Mr Heming warned that the hurricane was approaching the US at an oblique angle which means that ""small shifts can make a big difference"". Even if the eye of the hurricane does not hit Georgia, there will be strong winds, rain, rip currents and dangerous conditions at sea. Matthew has been downgraded from category four to category three but it remains extremely powerful. Tue, October 4, 2016",286,0 +287,"Early this year, Donald Trump made the seemingly audacious suggestion that Hillary Clinton was somehow responsible for Bill Clinton's infidelities. Trump called her an ""enabler"" and said she ""attacked the women who Bill Clinton mistreated afterward."" In typical Trump fashion, the comment was designed to get attention. Mrs Clinton has been a champion of family issues and women's rights throughout her career, so the idea that she was the enabler of someone Mr Trump has called ""the greatest abuser of women in the history of politics,"" appeared outrageous. And yet, something resonated in Mr Trump's description of Hillary. There was a kernel of truth to his claim and now it is hurting Mrs Clinton with young female voters. The New York Times today has a long article outlining Mrs Clinton's role in the political handling of her husband's sexual affairs. It's pretty damning, and for Clinton's supporters it must make unpleasant reading. Anyone with an iota of empathy, of course, sympathises with what Hillary Clinton went through during the Lewinsky scandal. I was here and covered the story. It was grim, and the image of Chelsea steadfastly holding both parents hands as they walked, heads slightly bowed, to the helicopter on their way to that summer holiday in Martha's Vineyard will stick with me as one of the more poignant family portraits ever taken. Dealing with a spouse's unfaithfulness is traumatic in private. It must be an even deeper circle of Hell when splashed on the front of every newspaper. What is disconcerting now, however, is Hillary's role in pursuing the women themselves - Gennifer, Paula, Monica, they all, according to both the New York Times and previously published accounts, became the subject of brutal, organised discreditation campaigns. In 1992, Hillary told Esquire magazine that if she had the chance to cross examine Flowers, she would ""crucify her."" Taking such determined steps to destroy a woman's reputation in order to protect her husband's political career smacks of depressingly cynical calculation. The Clintons hired a famous private investigator to dig up the women's pasts with the aim of destroying their reputations. It is not clear from the Times' reporting to what degree Mrs Clinton favoured this tough approach. Did she drive it or just give it an accepting nod? Maybe the more relevant point is that she condoned it. Hillary also famously called Ms Lewinsky a ""narcissistic loony toon,"" according to a friend's testimony. A staff member who was close to Hillary said she referred to Mr Clinton's affairs as ""bimbo eruptions"". And there's the problem for young women voters. Why should the character or the sexual past of these women be relevant to the truthfulness of their claims? Indeed, Mr Clinton went on to confess to affairs with both Ms Flowers and Ms Lewinsky, after initially denying them. By discrediting the women, the Clintons were spreading the subliminal message that it was somehow their fault more than Bill's. What were they trying to prove - that he was led astray by sexual predators? In 2016 that sounds grotesque. Today's sexual mores are very different from the 1980s and 1990s. Young women today expect women to stand up for other women, particularly in the area of sexual relations and particularly when those sexual relations involve a very powerful man and a younger woman. Younger women who have been through bruising college sexual abuse scandals across America have little tolerance for women who in any way cast blame on the victim. That empathy extends to consensual affairs - they just don't like women shaming other women. Which is exactly what Hillary Clinton was complicit in doing, according to the New York Times, and other previous accounts. Mrs Clinton's supporters say this is all old news, and is part of a right-wing attempt to slime her. Many millennial voters weren't even born when Monica and Bill were cavorting in the Oval Office. This is their first introduction to this sordid story. However the Clinton campaign tries to spin it, it just doesn't look great for their candidate.",287,1 +288,"With 11 days left in the presidential election, the FBI’s decision to launch another investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system for government business threatens to upend an already volatile race. At the most, it could turn at least some voters to rival Donald Trump, who has rested much of his pitch on the argument that Clinton is dishonest and who grabbed at the news immediately as a gift to salvage his trailing campaign. With less but still important impact, it could freeze the momentum to Clinton that has helped her pull ahead in past weeks. At a minimum, it could have a nominal effect on an electorate that already had doubts about her honesty, and has already started voting. FBI Director James Comey set off the late October furor with a letter to Congress on Friday saying the agency was launching another investigation into Clinton’s personal email server after obtaining additional information in an unrelated case Thursday. “The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation,” Comey wrote in the letter. “I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.” Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Current Time 0:00 / Duration 3:10 Trump on newly discovered Clinton emails: at last justice will be done Advertisement Donald Trump was holding a rally in New Hampshire when news broke that the FBI would review new emails in its investigation of Hillary Clinton. He called the inquiry “bigger than Watergate.” By McClatchy Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta called the announcement so late in the campaign “extraordinary” and urged the FBI to release all of the details of what it is examining. “We are confident this will not produce any conclusions different from the one the FBI reached in July,” Podesta said, referring to the FBI decision earlier not to seek any prosecution of Clinton. His eagerness to address the matter as fast as possible underscored the mysterious nature of the new investigation and the impact it could have. Donald Trump and his Republican allies have been baselessly second-guessing the FBI and, in both public and private, browbeating the career officials there to revisit their conclusion in a desperate attempt to harm Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta The news spread quickly, including through the battleground state of North Carolina, one of several where a turn of a few percentage points still could decide the race. “This is definitely going to influence me,” said Democrat James Smythers, a warehouse manager from Princeton, North Carolina. “I’ll lean to Trump if he makes her pay for what she’s done.” A great day in our campaign just got even better. FBI reviewing new emails in Clinton probe @CNNPolitics https://t.co/WBltG2lAK6 EDITORS: BEGIN OPTIONAL TRIM “The perception she’s untrustworthy has existed for years,” said Luke Perrin, a North Carolina State University sophomore from Hickory, North Carolina, who’s a Clinton supporter. “This is going to add to that perception.” EDITORS: END OPTIONAL TRIM At a rally featuring Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence in Raleigh, the mood was buoyant among those waiting, but not overwhelmingly so. “Five days ago I was down in the dumps, reading the polls,” said Republican Suzanne Morse, a retiree from Clayton, North Carolina. “Now I think there’s hope. It may not make a big difference, it may not be in the millions, but every vote counts.” Even if it doesn’t drive voters to Trump, it could stop any momentum to Clinton. “Voters who are on the bubble and maybe leaning toward Hillary, this puts the brake on,” said Republican pollster Neil Newhouse. The FBI’s decision to reopen their criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret email server just 11 days before the election shows how serious this discovery must be. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus Clinton, leading in both national polls and battleground-state surveys, had been trying not to cause any waves as the election winds down. She had benefited greatly from bad news about her opponent – multiple women accusing Trump of sexual assault following the release of a decade-old video in which he bragged about groping women – and was working to avoid any change in that narrative. Now Republicans will work hard in the next few days to use the latest development to drive the argument that Clinton is unfit. “Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before,” Trump said Friday in Manchester, New Hampshire, as the crowd broke into chants of “lock her up.” “We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.” Clinton email scandal + Anthony Weiner = a volcanic news cycle that will serve as an 11 day negative ad worth millions. Trump will have to rely on news media coverage to drive much of that message, having made the tactical decision much earlier not to spend as much time as Clinton did raising money – money he now could use to buy ads on the FBI news. EDITORS: BEGIN OPTIONAL TRIM New fundraising reports just this week showed Clinton and associated Democratic committees had more than $62 million on hand as of Oct. 20, nearly four times the almost $16 million Trump and Republicans had. EDITORS: END OPTIONAL TRIM And he may have a bit of an uphill battle, given how many voters likely have already made up their minds about Clinton – or have already voted. EDITORS: BEGIN OPTIONAL TRIM “Is it an unfortunate piece of the agenda?” asked Democratic pollster Mark Mellman. “The fact that we’re sitting here 11 days before the election talking about emails again? Yes, but I don’t think it fundamentally alters the race.” “The truth is this is a story that’s been out there a long time,” he said. “Most people have reached a conclusion on it one way or the other.” EDITORS: END OPTIONAL TRIM Both campaigns now agree Director Comey needs to put forward more information about what prompted this letter to GOP chairmen. Indeed, voters have already seen thousands of Clinton’s emails released by the State Department and thousands of her aides’ emails released, some illegally, by news organizations, conservative groups and the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks. “Most people have already decided who they’re going to vote for and I don’t think this will influence people who have decided,” said Jacob Trubey, a North Carolina State University freshman from Cary, North Carolina, who is not affiliated with either party. “I just think it’s going to be salacious for the next 10 days unless there’s some bombshell out there,” said Kim Alfano, a Republican strategist. “I don’t think this will do anything dramatic to the race.” The Democratic and Republican parties are offering a choice between a candidate under FBI investigation, and Donald Trump. Voters deserve a lot better than that. America deserves better than that. Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate for president Another potential mitigating effect: The news comes after millions already have voted. An estimated 17.1 million people had voted as of Thursday, and the surge of early voting is giving Clinton an important boost in swing states. EDITORS: STORY CAN END HERE Nancy Gray, a retired high school counselor from Monterey Bay, Caliornia., for example, said she’d already voted for Clinton by mail and had tuned out politics until election night. “I’m not even paying attention, I’m so sick and tired of all the political stuff,” she said. John Fetterman, mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, and a Clinton surrogate who was about to introduce former President Bill Clinton to a crowd in Reading, Pennsylvania, on Friday, said he hadn’t gotten any “panicked calls from the campaign.” “I don’t know how to quote a shoulder shrug,” Fetterman said of his reaction to the email development. “It’s just kind of a nothing burger. Could it move the needle a couple of points? Possibly. But I don’t think it’s going to be meaningful. I really feel Pennsylvania is comfortably blue.” Vera Bergengruen and Lesley Clark contributed to this report. Anita Kumar: 202-383-6017, @anitakumar01 David Goldstein: 202-383-6105, @GoldsteinDavidJ David Lightman: 202-383-6101, @lightmandavid",288,0 +289,"A 2014 study in France found that one-third of French births were non-white. The was before the mass migrant invasion of Europe supported by French, German, EU and Vatican leaders. 73% of children born in Paris are African. The national rate in France of African births is 39% African births will outnumber French births in France in 3 to 5 years. This will not end well. By 2022, African births will outnumber French births in France.This type of multiculturalism will kill the entire country and culture. pic.twitter.com/57IydjhZP7 — /pol/ News Infinity (@polNewsInfinity) October 14, 2017 Sponsored Sponsored",289,1 +290,"A group of anti-fascists attacked and stabbed a man outside his home in Vermont for not condemning a local white nationalist. On 16 August 2017, the right-wing web site BigLeaguePolitics.com reported that a Vermont man was attacked by an “antifa mob” — a description the alleged victim said did not come from him. Sam Wormer, the subject of the story, told us that he was met by five men outside his home a night earlier. Two of the five men, he said, attacked him directly while the other three “just kinda hung back,” but he disputed the story’s premise blaming anti-fascist groups: I honestly dont think antifa had anything to do with this. I personally believe this was a false flag attack perpetrated by the far right to further their own agenda. Big League Politics interviewed Wormer after he posted a picture of himself on his Facebook page with a visible cut to his stomach, which he told us came from a box cutter blade. The caption read: This is social justice apparently. This is what i get for sticking up for someone. Cowards. Wormer’s attackers have not been identified. He said that even though he was called a “Nazi” and a “fascist”, he did not describe them as being anti-fascists, either. He said there is a loosely organized antifa group in the area, which contacted him after the incident “trying to figure out what happened [and] who’s responsible, and have been very very supportive”. Wormer, who has not sought medical attention but filed a police report after the attack, first attracted media attention when he was interviewed in a Burlington Free Press story about Ryan Roy, a local man who was fired from his job after being identified as one of the participants in a white supremacist march held in Charlottesville, Virginia on 11 August 2017. Roy described himself as a white nationalist and supporter of President Donald Trump to the Free Press. He also said: Obviously I would advocate for racial separation and racial nationalism or repatriation or even a return to — our country was a white country up until the 1965 Hart-Celler Immigration Act. That legislation, which was signed into law by then-President Lyndon B. Johnson on 3 October 1965 and went into effect in June 1968, did away with quotas for immigrants to the U.S. based on their country of origin and instead gave priority to immigrants whose relatives already lived in the country, as well as those with “specialized skills.”. According to Wormer, he was “completely shocked” to see Roy in a Vice News report about the rally and did not agree with his beliefs, but still opposed subsequent demands online for him to be fired or lose custody of his child. Taking away somebody’s job and livelihood — I mean, that’s just adding fuel to the fire. I don’t think any good is going to come of this on anybody’s side. He said that he was attacked shortly after he made a separate comment about Roy on Facebook, which read: I believe he’s doing what he truly believes is right, and despite all the anger and hate pointed his way right now he stands by his choices. There’s a lot to be said for that. I respect him for that, and I won’t stand with those people who are trying to have Ryan’s child taken away or have him fired. I can’t, he and his family have done too much for me. Sorry but my allegiance is with Ryan no matter his choice, even if I can’t agree with him. You can hate me for it, but I stand with my decision and if any violence comes his way I will stand with him. I don’t agree with his actions but he has stuck up for me and other marginalized people when nobody else would. That is what family does. Wormer said besides the attack on him, his roommate and his roommate’s mother also received death threats, including “a threatening call”. Wormer also told us that Roy contacted him after the attack: He and his mother both reached out to me and made sure I was okay and safe, and thanked me for standing up for him. Police in Essex Junction, where Wormer lives, told us they have “nothing currently to report” on the matter. But Wormer said he would press charges if the people responsible were caught. “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt,” he said. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.",290,0 +291,"(Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) [Verse 1: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] It doesn't matter what they say I won't accept it in any single way and-a Through the floors and-a through the cabling They're permeating in through every single day But I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers And we're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you [Buildup: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] What you wanna do What you wanna do What you wanna do Don't let 'em run you What you wanna do What you wanna do What you wanna do Don't let 'em run you (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 1: Bruno Balanta] Don't let them run you [Verse 2: Olly Simmons] They're gonna take it all away This is a war and the enemies engaging But you can see through their lies and decide for your life I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers We're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 2] [Verse 1: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] It doesn't matter what they say I won't accept it in any single way and-a Through the floors and-a through the cabling They're permeating in through every single day But I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers And we're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you [Buildup: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] (Do what you wanna do) (Do what you wanna do) (Do what you wanna do) (Don't let 'em run you) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 3: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] You! You! You! Don't let 'em run you! Don't let 'em run you [Verse 2: Olly Simmons] They're gonna take it all away This is a war and the enemies engaging But you can see through their lies and decide for your life I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers We're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 4] [Outro: Bruno Balanta] Don't let 'em run you",291,0 +292,"Former Dems Now Backing Trump: 'Our Country's Going in the Wrong Direction' Donald Trump joined Bill O'Reilly on ""The Factor"" tonight to discuss a wide range of topics, including his claims that the election is rigged against him. ""The system is rigged,"" Trump said, arguing that the media has been ""horrible"" in their coverage of him, while giving Hillary Clinton a pass for her various scandals. He added that Clinton was also given a pass by the Justice Department and the FBI for her private email server and mishandling of state secrets. ""She is so guilty in so many different ways that she shouldn't even be allowed to run for president,"" Trump stated. ""So right there, the system is really rigged."" The Republican nominee added that he also isn't ruling out the possibility of widespread election fraud, with votes being miscounted at locations around the country. O'Reilly pointed out that there aren't any ""hard facts"" to back up such allegations. ""On a mass level ... 120 million American votes ... the thing's going to be dishonest? Do you believe that?"" O'Reilly asked. Trump asserted that there are 1.8 million deceased people registered to vote and 2.8 million people registered to vote in two states. ""There are things that are going on, Bill."" Watch the ""O'Reilly Factor"" interview above, and let us know what you think in the comments. Clinton Aide in New WikiLeaks Email: 'We Need to Clean This Up. He Has Emails from Her'",292,0 +293,"You knew this was coming. But now that President Trump is in office the liberal media had suddenly developed a new found interest in government spending. On Sunday Vice President Mike Pence attended the Indianapolis Colts game against the San Francisco 49ers. The VP had planned to attend the game for weeks. But after the NFL millionaires disrespected the US flag and military by kneeling during the national anthem, Vice President Pence and his wife walked out of the game. The liberal media is attacking the vice president for defending the flag and military. Several liberal hacks lashed out at the vice president after he left the game. This is CNN: How much did Vice President Mike Pence’s trip to Indianapolis to watch — and then abruptly leave — a football game Sunday between the Indianapolis Colts and San Francisco 49ers cost? Here is an estimate of just the air costs (which does not include costs of advance personnel, Secret Service or support on the ground): According to the Air Force, flying a C-32, the model of plane used for Air Force 2, for one hour costs about $30,000. Pence’s flight from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,000 Pence then flew from Indianapolis to Los Angeles on Sunday, which took about four hours and 45 minutes, costing about $142,500. The grand total: about $242,500. Sponsored Sponsored",293,1 +294,"Methinks she doth protest too much -- and too late. Those who condemned President Trump for not condemning white supremacist groups quickly and forcefully enough after Charlottesville have no problem with Hillary Clinton taking five full days to hypocritically condemn sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. Maybe she was pondering the similarities between Weinstein’s predatory activities and that of her husband. Both used their positions of power to extort sexual favors, sometimes forcibly, from women. And just as Hollywood looked the other way for the sake of career advancement so too did Hillary Clinton as she rode her husband’s attained coattails to political prominence. So her recent expression of disgust over Weinstein’s activities ring hollow: At long last, the people who do the strategic planning for Hillary Clinton and tell her what emotions she should imitate in response to various stimuli have weighed in and they have decided that Harvey Weinstein is not a nice man: “I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein. The behavior described by the women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior...” Hillary Clinton knew who and what Weinstein was as surely as she knew and knows what Bill Clinton is. Weinstein has been joined at the hip with the Clintons for a couple of decades… Ironically, as it turns out, he was a major defender of Bill Clinton in the Lewinski affair though Weinstein seemed to favor aiming at the ficus bushes rather than blue dresses. At the same time, mind you, that Hillary Clinton was active in directing a campaign to paint the battalion of women who had been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton as morally decrepit if not outright crazy. Between Hillary’s campaigns and the Clinton Foundation (out of curiosity, is the FBI still investigating this?) she has benefited from as much as a quarter million dollars from Weinstein. Hollywood was a major funder of both the Clinton and Obama political machines, and many a Hollywood star defended Bill Clinton’s sordid activities as a personal matter as long as he was doing a good job as President. They similarly defended Weinstein as Michelle Obama once did, as a “wonderful human being”, as well as “a good friend and just a powerhouse” Both the Obamas and Clintons knew Weinstein well and neither should be given a pass for feigning ignorance and shock at his activities: None other than CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said on Tuesday evening that former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama should not get a “pass” on Harvey Weinstein. In fact, Toobin said their association with Weinstein throughout the years is a “dark mark on their record.” “I don’t think we can give the Clintons and the Obamas a pass here,” Toobin said on Anderson Cooper 360. He cited Seth MacFarlane’s creepy joke about Weinstein at an Oscars event and added that MacFarlane’s joke illustrated that “a lot of people knew or had very strong suspicions that this was a very bad guy.” “The Obamas and the Clintons embraced him, did fundraisers with him, paid tribute to him,” Toobin continued. “I think it’s a dark mark on their record…” The Obamas also finally said on record that they were “disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein.” “Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein,” the Obamas said in a statement. “Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status. We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture -- including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect -- so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future…” As Breitbart News has reported, Weinstein visited the Obama White House on at least 13 occasions and Obama’s daughter, Malia Obama, “recently wrapped up an internship at the New York City offices of The Weinstein Co.” Right. Perhaps Weinstein wanted to see where Bill Clinton dropped his cigar in the Oval Office. Hillary, of course, should be all too familiar with Harvey Weinstein’s despicable behavior. She watched her husband do the same and worse for decades as she also allegedly fought for women’s rights, except for the right of their victims to leave the room unmolested. Hillary famously said that all claims of rape, abuse, and harassment should be deemed credible and be believed until proven otherwise. It seems there was an exception for her husband, an exception required by her need to ride his coattails to power, just as Hollywood excused Weinstein because he could advance or kill the careers of those he exploited. Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey as well as, some would suggest, a cast of thousands, have been groped, fondled, and used as sexual objects by one William Jefferson Clinton. Was Hillary appalled and shocked at her husband’s predatory activities or did she blame it on that “vast right-wing conspiracy”? And then there’s Juanita Broaddrick, who has accused President Clinton of rape. Juanita Broaddrick’s story is a credible one, and one of the many “ bimbo eruptions” that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton handled during her husband Bill’s presidential campaign As Linda Tripp, confidante of former Clinton intern Monica Lewinsky, told the Daily Mail of how Hillary both enabled and covered up Bill’s many dalliances: Tripp said: 'His political success was largely dependent upon Hillary. He owed her a great deal. As is widely acknowledged, Hillary took care of all the 'bimbo eruptions' of which there were thousands in order to present to the world an electable candidate. 'In this endeavor she was ruthless. She destroyed women so that their stories never saw the light of day.' So much for fighting for women’s rights. At a Trump press conference in 2016, Broaddrick, tired of being accused of being part of that vast right-wing conspiracy, and afraid that her attacker would once again occupy the White House with the woman who orchestrated the attacks on Bill Clinton’s “bimbo eruptions”, repeated her accusation: “Actions speak louder than words,” Broaddrick said. “Mr. Trump may have said some bad words but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don’t think there’s any comparison.” Broaddrick, who has said Hillary threatened her, appeared with fellow Clinton sexual assault victims Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey appeared in an interview at presidential suite of the historic Watergate and related the taleof Bill’s assaults and their fear of Hillary’s retaliation: In an exclusive video interview at the presidential suite of the historic Watergate Hotel, the victims of Bill Clinton’s alleged sexual assault -- Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones -- got together for the first time in person to express their personal fear of Hillary Clinton and to warn voters that Clinton does not stand for women’s issues.. The three women, who say their lives were forever changed by their experiences with the Clintons, used words like “terrified” and “frightened” to describe their feelings about the prospects of a Hillary Clinton presidency… “We were not willing participants,” Broaddrick said. “These were crimes.” In a separate interview, Broaddrick shared her own story of brutal sexual assault which she says Bill Clinton perpetrated against her. Willey called out NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell and CNN’s Jake Tapper by name, challenging them: “These are not infidelities. A rape is not an infidelity. These are crimes. Any other people would be in jail… “This is no longer about infidelities, indiscretions, girlfriends, sex, interns -- none of those. This is about a serial rapist, a predator, and his wife who has enabled his behavior all of these years.” Later in this interview, Jones, Willey, and Broaddrick expressed fear at how a potential President Hillary Clinton would use the power of her office. “It terrifies me and it should terrify all women,” Jones stated about Hillary’s presidential ambitions. “It should terrify all men and women,” Willey added. “She will annihilate any enemy. All of her enemies. Anybody who has spoken against her. Across the board for I don’t know how many years. She will get rid of them.” “No woman who advocates for women attacks the victims of sexual assault be it by her husband or anybody else,” said Willey. The women argued that the term “enabler” best describes Hillary Clinton’s role in her husband’s alleged sexual crimes. Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton – sexual predators separated at birth. Hillary and Hollywood knew them and their activities full well and tolerated them for similar reasons. We should be appalled, if not shocked, at their craven hypocrisy as both have waged a sick and depraved and very real war on women. Daniel John Sobieskiis a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.",294,1 +295,"On the morning following an excellent Champions League game, what do you know? The Daily Record has yet another story linking Celtic fans to extremism, and this one is as bent looking as it’s possible to be. Today they are featuring a “Celtic fan” who sent a “bomb threat” to Ibrox with an ISIS twist. On Twitter. And it doesn’t take much to knock this story on its ass. This “person” joined Twitter in July this year. He or she has a grand total of 59 followers and follows a grand total of 125. This is the textbook definition of a complete non-story; if this person exists at all The Record has elevated them beyond utter irrelevance and used them to beat the rest of our support. I would suggest this story has been manufactured. I had a look at this Twitter twat’s timeline; he is a clown. He rants about various subjects in the kind of pre-school language Twitter is full of. The Record knows full well this is an idiot with a few fried brain cells, but I said the other day that an agenda is being pursued here and this is another demonstration of it. To have blown a tweet by a complete nobody off Twitter into a story that smears the Celtic support as a whole is an act of malevolence against our club, and as per usual with that arse-rag the story is so weak that no-one wants to stand their own name beside it. It carries the standard appellation for a story which is Utter Mince; “Daily Record Online Reporter” – or Daily Record Shit-Stirring Troll, a far more accurate description. Basically, a clown whose job is to scour Twitter and Facebook for any anti-Celtic angle they can find. I know nobody in our support still reads this gutter-rag … I still do not understand why anyone from our club is willing to talk to its “journalists” or entertain their presence at our ground. This publication does not wish us well, I cannot put it more bluntly than that. The paper claims to have reported this “incident” to Police Scotland. Talk about wasting police time. Hiding a blatant smear job behind civic virtue … a new low even for them.",295,0 +296,"Colin Kaepernick is one of the most divisive players to have ever played in the NFL, on the back of his stance against police brutality last year, and his refusal to stand during pre-game national anthems as a result. Criticism rained down on the former San Francisco 49ers Quarterback for his actions, but he also won support aplenty from fellow athletes and onlookers for his social justice stance. The 29-year-old is currently unemployed because of his actions, however, and NFL clubs are reluctant to touch him because of the publicity that his protests attract. Speak out and you're damned, so it goes. Kaepernick is one of the most courageous sports stars in the world, and should be lauded for not accepting what others know is wrong, but keep their mouths shut anyway. Instead, despite being one of the best quarterbacks in the game, he doesn't have a club. US president Donald Trump was speaking at a rally in Alabama on Friday night when he took declining NFL TV ratings to task, going on to claim that the lack of physicality in the game was a reason for this. Then he turned his attention to the Milwaukee man's tendency to kneel during national anthems, and without mentioning by name, referred to him as a ""son of a bitch."" “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL Owners, when someone disrespects our flag to say, ‘get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he’s fired, he’s fired,” Trump said to the crowd. ... trump taking a veiled shot at colin kaepernick, says owner should say: ""get that sonofabitch off the field right now... he's fired!!"" pic.twitter.com/ttbOd0VrPG — fake nick ramsey (@nick_ramsey) September 23, 2017 “You know, some owner is going to do that. He’s gonna say, ‘that guy disrespects our flag, he’s fired.’ And that owner, they don’t know it. They don’t know it. They’re friends of mine, many of them. They don’t know it. They’ll be the most popular person for a week. They’ll be the most popular person in the country.” It really is amazing just how brainwashed Trump's following is, and many of them were celebrating these comments like they were gospel, just like his own son was. Love this: @realDonaldTrump on NFL players disrespecting our flag/anthem: ""get that son of a bitch off the field right now - YOU'RE FIRED!"" — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 23, 2017 There are still sane people out there, and Kaepernick's mother Teresa spoke of her pride at her son's actions, as did many more. A nation is people, not a symbol. A protest for the eradication of racism that violates millions of those people is not disrespect. https://t.co/yeeRG4hAEz — Be A King (@BerniceKing) September 23, 2017 Smh & all because @Kaepernick7 is exercising his right as an American citizen to protest. — Bishop Sankey (@BishopSankey) September 23, 2017 Guess that makes me a proud bitch! — Teresa Kaepernick (@B4IleaveU) September 23, 2017 The war goes on.",296,1 +297,"Mrs. Clinton said Senator Bernie Sanders has been a “largely very reliable supporter” of the National Rifle Association. Hillary Clinton said “of course” she would sign legislation raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. Mrs. Clinton said more guns brought into New York and used in crimes come from Vermont, on a per capita basis, than any other state. Senator Bernie Sanders said Hillary Clinton has received significant contributions from the fossil fuel industry. ""If you look back to Iowa, Ted did change his view and his stance on ethanol quite a bit."" Gov. John Kasich said he would pressure China to use its influence on its neighbor North Korea, resist its aggression in the South China Sea and strengthen United States capabilities to fight Chinese cyberhacking. Marco Rubio said that the political and human-rights situation in Cuba had worsened since President Obama made his diplomatic opening to the island. Donald J. Trump said he would ""listen to the generals"" in deciding how many troops to commit to the battle against ISIS -- and the numbers he is hearing are 20,000 to 30,000. Ted Cruz said Hillary Clinton, like Donald Trump, expresses a desire to be neutral between the Israelis and Palestinians. Trump: ""G.D.P. was zero, essentially, for the last two quarters."" Marco Rubio says that most green cards are granted on the basis of family relationships. ""We're going to have to make changes in Social Security."" Mr. Kasich said he held 200 town hall-style meetings in New Hampshire. Mr. Trump said the families of some Sept. 11 hijackers were allowed to leave the U.S. days before the attacks. Mr. Cruz claimed Donald J. Trump repeatedly donated to Mrs. Clinton, writing several checks to her presidential campaign eight years ago. ""Every other country we do business with, we are getting absolutely crushed on trade."" Mr. Rubio said two-thirds of the votes cast in the Republican primaries and caucuses to date have gone against Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump says he has beaten Hillary Clinton in many general election polls. Mr. Kasich said he was the only candidate to mention jobs at last week’s Republican debate. Mr. Rubio said Donald J. Trump received draft deferments because he had injuries from playing squash. Mr. Trump said the Canadian border is about four times as long as the Mexican border. Mr. Trump said he never advocated for the United States to topple Libya's Muammar el-Qaddafi. Democratic-appointed Supreme Court justices always stay Democratic; not so for Republicans. Mr. Rubio says Obamacare ""is not just a bad health care law. It is a job-killing law."" Mr. Rubio said Donald J. Trump criticized Mitt Romney’s use of the term “self-deportation.” Donald J. Trump funded the ""Gang of Eight"" senators who forged immigration legislation. Mr. Trump said Ted Cruz does not have the endorsement of a single Republican senator. Mr. Trump said he used foreign workers at his Palm Beach club because Americans don't want temporary jobs in Florida. Mr. Trump says we are ""losing $500 billion a year"" to China. Donald J. Trump suggested he was not soliciting campaign contributions. Mr. Cruz says Donald J. Trump has contributed to John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid. Mr. Cruz said Marco Rubio told Univision that ""he would not rescind President Obama's illegal executive amnesty on his first day in office."" ""We have in Social Security right now thousands and thousands of people that are over 106 years old. Now, you know they don't exist."" ""It's been over 80 years since a lame-duck president has appointed a Supreme Court justice."" ""The Constitution actually doesn't address that particular situation."" Mr. Sanders said that none of the Republican presidential candidates believe that climate change is real. Waterboarding “does not meet the generally recognized definition of torture.” Mrs. Clinton said Mr. Sanders voted in 1998 for a resolution favoring regime change in Iraq. Mr. Sanders suggested that Mrs. Clinton was not welcoming to child immigrants from Central America. “Marco Rubio has gone on Univision and said in Spanish, ‘No, no, no, I wouldn’t rescind amnesty.’” Mr. Christie said a nurse quarantined during the Ebola outbreak had symptoms. North Korea's new missile launch ""is the direct result of the failures of the first Clinton administration."" ""Right now, we're the highest-taxed country in the world."" Mr. Trump tried to use eminent domain to take an older woman's home. Mr. Christie said President Obama was in favor of paying ransom for hostages. Mr. Cruz said his campaign mistakenly spread the word that Ben Carson was quitting the race because of a CNN report. Mr. Christie said Marco Rubio did not vote for his own Hezbollah sanctions act. Mr. Rubio said New Jersey's credit rating had been downgraded nine times during Gov. Chris Christie's tenure. ""When you ran against Senator Obama, you thought him naïve because he thought it was a good idea to talk to our enemies."" ""Almost all new income and wealth is going to the top 1 percent."" Mrs. Clinton said Bernie Sanders's vote against ""Ted Kennedy's immigration reform"" in 2007 was not progressive. Mrs. Clinton says that experts agree that her Wall Street reforms are the toughest. “Millions of Americans have lost their jobs” because of President Obama’s health care law. Mr. Rubio said Hillary Clinton “wants to put Barack Obama on the Supreme Court of the United States of America.” Chris Christie said New Jersey’s job growth in 2015 was the best in the past 15 years. Marco Rubio said that other countries would go along when he ripped up the Iran deal. Chris Christie said neighbors of the San Bernardino attackers knew of their plans. Cap-and-trade emissions regulations would ""destroy our economy."" The average worker ""has lost $4,000 in the last seven years of his income because of this administration."" Ted Cruz says he would carpet bomb the Islamic State, which Obama has failed to do because he has weakened the military. ""My voting record in the Senate, during my years, is almost 90 percent, which is significantly higher than Barack Obama's or Hillary Clinton's was when they were running for president."" ""The leader of Goldman Sachs is a billionaire who comes to Congress and tells us we should cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid."" Senator Bernie Sanders said that the United States must transform its energy system away from fossil fuels and toward energy-efficiency and sustainable energy. ""I've got the most comprehensive legislation in the Senate to do that,"" he said. Hillary Clinton said Senator Bernie Sanders called President Obama “weak” and “disappointing,” and, in 2011, “publicly sought someone to run in a primary” against him. Hillary Clinton said that, because of the Affordable Care Act, ""We now have driven costs down to the lowest they've been in 50 years."" Senator Bernie Sanders said the United States spends almost three times more than the British on health care. Senator Bernie Sanders said 29 million people in the United States do not have health insurance. Donald J. Trump said he never suggested imposing a 45 percent tariff on Chinese goods. Donald J. Trump asserted that China, by manipulating its currency, has cost the United States ""millions and millions of jobs."" Senator Marco Rubio said President Obama had played down the threat of the Islamic State, which practices ""genocide against Christians and Yazidis and others in the region."" Gov. Chris Christie said President Obama and Hillary Clinton failed to enforce a red line in threatening to use military force if President Bashar al-Assad of Syria used chemical weapons against his own people. And he said Mrs. Clinton called Mr. Assad a reformer. Jeb Bush said he would move the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as a signal to Iran. Gov. Chris Christie said he did not support President Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Kasich said wages have not climbed “because the Federal Reserve kept interest rates so low.” Discussing his eligibility to be president, Mr. Cruz recalled that in September, Donald J. Trump ""said that he had had his lawyers look at this from every which way, and there was no issue there."" Mr. Cruz said he disclosed bank loans that he obtained for his 2012 Senate campaign with the Senate, but his failure to disclose them to federal elections officials was just a paperwork error. ""We have the lowest percentage of Americans working today of any year since 1977."" “I never believed Edward Snowden was a good public servant the way that Ted Cruz once said, that he had done a public service for America.” Asked about his proposal for a 45 percent tariff on Chinese goods, Mr. Trump said, ""I don't even know where the 45 percent came from."" Mrs. Clinton said legislation that Bernie Sanders supported in 2005 forbids all lawsuits against gun makers and sellers. Mr. Rubio accused Chris Christie of having a record similar to President Obama's on issues like education, gun control and abortion. Mr. Christie said the murder rate had increased by 18 percent in Chicago and 11 percent in New York. Mr. Trump raised questions about whether Ted Cruz was eligible to be president because he was born in Canada. “I'm one of the few of the candidates that actually shows up to vote. Both Cruz and Rubio are missing the vast majority of their votes.” “Vladimir Putin is a person who has killed. He’s jailed and murdered journalists, political opponents. He bombed an apartment building as a pretext to attack the Chechens. He is responsible for the downing of that Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, because he provided the antiaircraft weaponry that was used for that.” “Our country is falling apart, frankly. Our infrastructure is a disaster. Our bridges are falling down. Sixty-one percent of our bridges are in danger.” Mrs. Clinton said Donald J. Trump “is becoming ISIS’ best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.” “Senator Sanders voted against the Brady Bill. Senator Sanders voted to give immunity to gun dealers. And Senator Sanders voted against even research dollars to look into this public health issue.” Mr. Sanders said he voted against the Iraq war because of his opposition to unilateral action. “I have never supported legalization” for undocumented immigrants. “There were numerous people, including the mother, that knew what was going on. They saw pipe bombs sitting all over the floor. They saw ammunition all over the place.” “On September 10th, 2001, I was named chief federal prosecutor in New Jersey.” Mr. Cruz’s characterizations of his vote on the USA Freedom Act, which expanded N.S.A. surveillance “so we now have cellphones” and other data. ""Do you know how many illegal aliens George W. Bush deported? 10 million."" ""When I stand across from King Hussein of Jordan, I say to him, 'You have a friend again, sir, who will stand with you to fight this fight,' he'll change his mind."" Mrs. Fiorina said Stanley A. McChrystal and David H. Petraeus were ""retired early because they told President Obama things that he didn’t want to hear."" Mr. Rubio said the Islamic State took root because of Bashar al-Assad's decision to bomb his own people, and because of President Obama's unwillingness to arm the rebel groups. Mrs. Fiorina said Silicon Valley companies “do not need to be forced, they need to be asked” to help law enforcement get access to encrypted data. Rand Paul on Marco Rubio: “He is the one for an open border that is leaving us defenseless.” At Hewlett-Packard, Mrs. Fiorina said she provided equipment to assist the National Security Agency. Mr. Trump said he “certainly would never have made that horrible, disgusting, absolutely incompetent deal with Iran, where they get $150 billion. They're a terrorist nation.” “One of the first things I do in terms of executive order if I win will be to sign a strong, strong statement” that “anybody killing a police officer — death penalty.” “I am self-funding my own campaign. I have no people giving me money.” A poll asserting that 25 percent of Muslim Americans condone acts of violence against other Americans was from a “very highly respected group of people.” “I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.” Ted Cruz was “part of that coalition that worked with the Democrats like Chuck Schumer and the A.C.L.U. to harm our intelligence programs.” “I said Osama bin Laden is going to come and do damage to us. And nobody believed it.” Mr. O'Malley said parents and students were being charged 7% to 8% interest on government-backed college loans. Mrs. Clinton said she introduced legislation to rein in executive compensation on Wall Street. Mrs. Clinton said that wages, when adjusted for inflation, have been stagnant since the end of the Clinton administration. Mr. Sanders said the United States is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to maintain 5,000 nuclear weapons. “I got to know him very well because we were both on ‘60 Minutes,’” Mr. Trump said, referring to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia Mrs. Fiorina said she met President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia “not in a green room for a show, but in a private meeting.” Mr. Paul says that if you want to live in a city with lower inequality, you live in a city with a Republican mayor. Dwight D. Eisenhower “moved a million and a half illegal immigrants out of this country.” “If we were serious about it, we would raise the capital requirements.” Mr. Trump said the United States was better off letting Russia and its president, Vladimir V. Putin, confront the Islamic State. Mr. Trump complained that the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal did nothing about currency manipulation, which is a key problem with China.",297,0 +298,"The line of Republican cowards attempting to curry favor with Donald Trump stretches out the door, around the building, down the block, through the next door overflow room, and extends up to space, where it circles around the moon like Dr Manhattan. There's sniveling turdface Ted Cruz, who, among other things, listened to Trump call his wife ugly and his dad a traitor and a murderer. There's J Crew crewneck used to wipe pig vomit off of a misspelled yield sign Paul Ryan, who Trump has basically played the one-way dozens with for three years. And of course there's Most Racist Cracker Barrel Manager Ever Jefferson Sessions, who's remained mute as a Nazi church mouse as Trump continues to drink his milkshake on Twitter every day. But none of these cowards compare to the cowardice standard exhibited by John McCain; whose cowardice is legion and legendary, massive and magnificent. It's been only two years since Darth Cheeto — who was then still just Anakin Skyrapist — doubted McCain's war hero bonafides and added (quite humorously, I must admit) ""I like people that weren’t captured."" And now, here's McCain jumping out of his government-funded death futon to deny government-funded death futons to other sick people, all to support a President who disrespected the fuck out of him and whose only substantive agenda and platform is to erase everything the preceding President did. Again, Washington is full of cowards. But what makes McCain's cowardice special is that his whole entire personal and political brand is bravery. Well, ""bravery."" You expect people like Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan to be rats. But John McCain has created, attached himself to, and submerged himself in this maverick narrative; that he's somehow different from the rest of those craven motherfuckers. That he does what he does, but does what he does with integrity. And this story only exists and has been able to persist because he was a bad pilot. His ""bravery"" is to bravery what Arby's ""roast beef"" is to roast beef. Fuck him.",298,1 +299,"Officials familiar with the situation say that NATO has agreed to join the US-led anti-ISIS coalition on an alliance level, with indications that Germany and France were the last nations to agree to the formal move, which will be announced during the Brussels summit. All NATO members are already individually members of the anti-ISIS coalition, and diplomats say that the move will have no actual consequence, and seemingly is being done just for the sake of a “purely symbolic” gesture during President Trump’s visit. President Trump has always been keen to bring NATO deeper into the ISIS war, of course, and has made a big deal about NATO’s obsolescence because it wasn’t formed specifically to deal with terrorism, claiming in April that “ back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism.” While shortly after his election most NATO officials were just attacking Trump for being too “pro-Russia,” recently they seem to be eager to please him, so long as it only requires symbolic actions that won’t amount to anything.",299,0 +300,"Surprisingly a lot of people are standing with Colin Kaepernick in his decision not to stand during the national anthem, ""calling the Star Spangled Banner ""weak"" and saying that he doesn't truly love the song. Here is what he had to say on twitter: For those defending the current anthem, do you really truly love that song? I don't and I'm very good at singing it. Like, one of the best He continued to add: My vote is for America the Beautiful. Star spangled banner is a weak song anyway. And then you read this... https://t.co/iAE62FAbxj John Legend linked to an article titled, ""Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know: The National Anthem Is A Celebration Of Slavery"" The article makes the arguement that an unsung verse of the Francis Scott Key poem is a moral ""atrocity."" The author claims the end of the rarely sung third verse ""literally celebrated the murder of African-Americans."" The verse reads: No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. @johnlegend not sure why it's turned into a battle over the lyrics of our anthem. The lyrics were never Colin's argument in the first place All of John Legend's tweets were made in support of the 49ers quarterback who refused to stand while the national anthem was being played during a preseason game. Kaepernick said that his sitd own was for ""people that are being oppressed"" and he'll end the protest when ""I feel like that flag represents what it's supposed to represent.""",300,0 +301,"From Israel’s prime minister down to the lowliest clerk, from the Commander in Chief down to the lowest ranking officer, from the Mossad down to the police by way of the Shabak – since 1994, everyone has been chanting the same mantra about peace with Jordan. The prevalent reasoning is that peace with Jordan is Israel’s most important strategic resource for the following reasons: 1.Security: The 500-kilometer border between Israel and Jordan is Israel’s longest border with another country, reaching from Hamat Gader and the Yarmouk River in the north down to Eilat in the south. Jordan makes sure the border is quiet along its entire length and prevents hostile forces from approaching it and continuing west into Israel. If not for the peace declared between the two states, Israel would have to keep large forces along the border to guard it against infiltration. Israel sees the very existence of Jordan to its east as a security asset in itself because Jordan acts as a buffer zone between the Jewish state and the violent chaos in Iraq, Syria, and Iran. There is full cooperation between the Jordanian and Israeli armies, including visits by officers, the handing over of information, and coordinated activity along the border, under the assumption that radical groups are a shared enemy. In exchange for this, it is said, Israel played a part in guarding Jordan’s northern and eastern borders during the years 2014-16, the period when ISIS posed a threat to Jordan. 2. Jordan is the second Arab nation to have signed a peace treaty with Israel, proving that Israel can find itself accepted in the Middle East as a sustainable country with whom former enemies can make peace by rethinking their previous positions. This could occur despite the August 1967 Khartoum Arab summit where it was declared that the Arab nations would not recognize Israel, would not negotiate with Israel and would not make peace with it. King Hussein of Jordan was a party to these decisions but carried on negotiations with Israel, recognized it and signed a peace treaty, as did Egypt before him. The obvious conclusion is that any Arab nation can do the same, making peace with Jordan a significant accomplishment, 3. There is a wide array of cooperative ties between Israel and Jordan, mostly in the economic sphere. Three issues are involved: a. Israel has a multi-billion dollar contract with Jordan according to which it sells gas extracted from Israel’s Mediterranean gas fields to Jordan’s electricity company; b. Israel recognized “Qualified Industrial Zones” in which Israeli funds are invested, Jordanians are employed and Americans are the buyers, providing employment for thousands of Jordanian families; c. cooperative ventures such as the Water Canal, tourism, flights, trade, and academia – thousands of Israeli Arab students attend Jordanian Universities and their degrees are recognized in Israel. In exchange for recognition, Israel granted the Hashemite Kingdom, and especially its king, special status in the Jerusalem sites considered holy by Islam, mainly the al Aqsa Mosque, giving Hussein and his son Abdullah today, a significant stamp of approval in the Islamic world. This stamp of approval is especially important in granting much-needed legitimacy to the Hashemite Kingdom. The Palestinian majority and even some Bedouin groups question that legitimacy, since the Hashemites are not originally Jordanian, having come from the western section of the Arabian Peninsula, Hijaz, where the two Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina are located. The British gave the Transjordan Emirate to Abdullah I, great grandfather of today’s Abdullah. He is considered a foreign transplant, giving rise to questions of legitimate rule, and the special status at al Aqsa is intended to give him a shot of legitimacy, stabilizing his regime. The king pays the salaries of hundreds of Jerusalem Waqf officials. Another payment Israel took upon itself is the handing over of 50 million cubic meters of drinkable water to Jordan every year. The plan was to bring this water from the Sea of Galilee, but the drought of the last few years has lowered the level of the water in the lake, so Israel has substituted expensive desalinated water instead. Jordanian agriculture in the Jordan Valley is made possible in part because of this Israeli water. All the points raised here give Israel the feeling that the peace agreement with Jordan is successful, certainly more successful than the one with Egypt, with whom there is much less cooperation on non-security related issues. Israel’s payment for this by handing over water and securing Jordan’s status in Jerusalem is one Israel can handle in exchange for the premise that peace with Jordan serves Israeli interests. All the parties to Israel’s government are united in supporting the maintenance of peace with Jordan at all costs. Where did we go wrong? The first and main point is that Israel ignores the fact that the peace agreement is totally dependent on the continuation of the illegitimate Hashemite dynasty. In 1994 that meant Hussein, today it is Abdullah II, but the future is unclear because there are quite a few people in Jordan and outside it who see Abdullah as the last Hashemite monarch. What comes next? There are several possible answers to that query, ranging from a military junta made up of local Bedouin ruling the various populations, on to a civil war that leads to the country splitting in two, with a Palestinian state rising in the northwestern part of the country where there is a Palestinian Arab majority. It is no secret that the Palestinian majority in Jordan is opposed to the peace treaty with Israel. One reason is the recognition a treaty grants Israel and another is the fact that it does not include the so-called “right of return” of the 1948 refugees to within Israeli borders, including compensation for the possessions they left behind them and the years of suffering they underwent in refugee camps. The Palestinian majority in Jordan feels no commitment to the peace agreement; it was signed by King Hussein, not by them. For this reason, most of the professional associations in Jordan – lawyers, journalists, doctors and others – do not allow their members to partner with Israelis. Most of their members are Palestinian Arabs who see the peace agreement as the result of the king’s betrayal of their cause. The peace agreement upon which Israel and Jordan are signed and everything Israel has paid, is paying and is willing to pay to preserve and guard that peace will be utterly worthless the day a rebellion breaks out against the king, or some assassin or suicide bomber, G-d forbid, succeeds in killing him. The house of cards Israel built around him will collapse instantaneously, the peace agreement and any others signed in its wake will become fond memories. Whoever takes the king’s place will restart the process and expect Israel to pay even more than it had originally paid – that is, if the country remains united. If that new leader is a Palestinian Arab, the price will entail the return of a significant number of 1948 refugees to the state of Israel, not to the Palestinian State that may exist by then. The king knows full well that the possibility that he could be assassinated by a Palestinian Arab, as his great grandfather was in 1951 in Jerusalem, is not far-fetched. That is the reason his armed bodyguards are not Arabs, but members of the Circassian ethnic minority who stem from the Caucasian Mountain region and do not have their eyes on the throne, meaning that they are not suspected of planning to murder the king or poison his food. The king’s mistrust of the Palestinian Arabs, who make up the majority of his subjects, has led him to keep them out of the armed forces, police, foreign ministry and especially from internal security organizations and intelligence. There are several Palestinian Arabs in the government and parliament who serve as token representatives, but the majority of them know exactly what the Hashemites think of the majority of Jordan’s citizenry, those who define themselves as Palestinians – never calling themselves Jordanians because that is used for Bedouin, viewed as lower class by the Palestinians, who are farmers and city dwellers. The Palestinian Arabs in Jordan are the economic engine of the country. They make up most of the merchants, manufacturers, businessmen, lawyers, accountants, academics, journalists, arts and media personalities, and they generally avoid contact with Israel and Israelis. They conduct a consistent and strict boycott of Israel. The king respects their position for two reasons: One, he has no way to force the peace agreement upon them, and two, he is quite content to show Israel that the peace agreement is not secure because of Palestinian opposition, allowing him to demand more and more from Israel in order to guard its interests and keep the king in power. The cost of the peace agreement with Israel is prohibitive. First, Israel respects the status it granted the kingdom in Jerusalem, even though there is no precedent in the entire world for a sovereign state granting another country special rights in its capital city on that state’s most holy site. In 1994, when this was decided during the peace talks, Israel wasn’t worried about Hussein who hated Arafat and agreed with Israel that there must never be a Palestinian state. The status Israel granted him on the Temple Mount was in order to prevent Arafat and the Islamic Movement from taking over the site. King Abdullah II has turned Jordanian policy around and is an ardent supporter of the establishment of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria., one that will be able to look over at Israel and threaten it with missiles and short range mortars that hit from Dimona and Beer Sheva in the south, up along the coastal plain from Ashkelon, the Ashdod port, greater Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion airport, to Haifa and its port and all the way to Afula and Beit She’an. Long range weapons will threaten all the rest of Israel. Abdullah is actively creating a strategic threat to the state of Israel that will most probably be ruled by Hamas, which won most of the seats in the Palestinian legislature in 2006 and led a violent takeover of Gaza in 2007. Abdullah would like to see these scenarios repeat themselves, a most realistic possibility. King Abdullah displayed his hostility towards Israel poverty in two recent events. This past March he freed the Jordanian soldier who, in cold blood, murdered seven school girls from Beit Shemesh in 1997 as they took part in a class trip to the “Peace Island” (!!!) in Naharayim. His father, King Hussein, came to pay a condolence visit to the families in Beit Shemesh, while his son lets the murderer go free. What price did he pay for this slap in the face to Israel? Zilch. Nothing. Jordan acts against Israel as a matter of course in international circles, especially UNESCO and the UN Human Rights Council, two places that constantly attempt to delegitimize Israel. Jordan encourages and pushes for the decisions that deny Jewish tradition in Jerusalem, undermining the historical and religious foundations for the existence of the Jewish State. This is meant to spread the feeling to the world that Israel’s establishment is a result of British colonialism, one that must be canceled so that “Falestin” is restored to its “historical owners” – the Palestinians. Abdullah, like the Palestinian Arabs, thinks that if he succeeds in removing Jerusalem from the State of Israel, the resulting demoralization will send the Jews packing. Establishing a Palestinian Arab state that will threaten Israel’s security and destroy the Jewish state, is the strategic objective of King Abdullah because it will prevent a Palestinian State from arising in Jordan. If a Palestinian state is created in the hills of Judea and Samaria, the king intends to get rid of all the Palestinian refugees who entered Jordan in the 1948 war, about one and a half million people, plus several hundred thousand who entered Jordan over the last seventy years. A demographic pressure in the Palestinian state will become terrorist pressure that turns life in Israel into Hell – exactly what Abdullah wants. He coordinates his activities with Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas, seeing eye to eye with them on the main goal – destroying Israel in order to save the Hashemite Kingdom from becoming a nation of Palestinians. We would do well to remember what most of us have long forgotten: The clueless group of irresponsible Israeli politicians who gave Jordan its unconditional and unlimited special status in Jerusalem is the same group whose idiotic policies brought terrorist Arafat back from the garbage bin of politicians in Tunisia and granted him the closest thing to a state, The stars of this stellar group included Shimon Peres, Yossi Beilin, and Alon Liel, who dragged Yitzchak Rabin into the most dangerous political trap, endangering the continued existence of the State of Israel. Jordan today, it must be concluded, is working non-stop on the cover of its peace treaty with Israel to destroy the Jewish State and create a Palestinian one instead. What is worse is that Israel refuses to admit to the situation and continues most carefully to keep the agreement, hoping calm will prevail along the border until the next elections. Every politician knows that if during his term, relations with Jordan deteriorate, the media – our shallow, slanted and agenda-ridden media – will accuse him of being the cause of the agreement’s nullification, making him pay the price for the next round of elections. That is why politicians bolster up the temporary tactical quiet, ignoring the strategic threat to the very existence of the state posed by the peace agreement. If Israel’s leaders felt endangered by the actions of Abdullah, they would do something to prevent his destructive activities, cleverly disguised as military and economic cooperation. The problem is that in their view, short term tactical advantages are preferable to attending to strategic problems that affect the long term. We are all going to pay a high price for this way of running things on the part of Israel’s decision makers – as can be seen by the security equipment crisis last month in Jerusalem. King Hussein was all for Israel’s continued existence and did not question Jerusalem ‘s status. That’s why peace with him was positive in general. His son Abdullah changed his father’s strategy and works tirelessly to create a Palestinian state on the ruins of the destroyed Jewish one. Now that King Abdullah’s nefarious scheme has been revealed, Israel must rethink its Jordanian route and work to create a Palestinian Arab state in all or part of Jordan, since the majority of the people there are Palestinian Arabs. The alternative is establishing a Palestinian state on Israeli territory with its capital in Eastern Jerusalem, a strategic danger to Israel. There is no reason that the Jewish people, who returned to its land after 2000 years of exile, should pay with its very existence for the survival of the Hashemites brought by the British from Hijaz to rule the most artificial country in the world – Jordan. Reprinted with author’s permission from Israel National News",301,1 +302,"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, thinks “much too much” has been made of Hillary Clinton’s statement to the FBI that she did did not know that the “(C)“ markings on her emails meant and speculated that they referred to “paragraphs marked in alphabetical order.” Pelosi was asked by CBS News’ Josh Elliott whether Americans should be concerned that Clinton said she didn’t know what the markings meant. “I think they shouldn’t be that concerned,” she said on “CBS This Morning.” “I think that the secretary of state deals with a large number of issues -- 30,000 emails -- we’re talking about a few that may have been marked ‘confidential.’ ‘Classified...’ and ��secret’ and ‘highly sensitive’ is where it becomes more problematic.” “The fact is that whatever it was that Hillary Clinton dealt with in that manner had no threat to our security,” Pelosi continued, “and I think that too much has been made of this.” The attention being paid to the issue, she called “a distraction” from Congress’ unfinished business. Congress returns this week for a brief session before the November elections. There are two things it must get done -- prevent the government from shutting down on Oct. 1 by passing a short-term spending bill and provide funding for the fight against the Zika virus. The House minority leader complained that the president had asked for the resources to fight Zika in February, but “not one cent has been appropriated by Congress.” Zika funding has been held up because Democrats and Republicans have been fighting over how much to allocate to stop the virus, whether the money should be taken from anti-Ebola efforts, and they’re also arguing about funding for contraceptive measures. Pelosi said Republicans were rejecting anything that has to do with reproduction in the bill. Zika, which has been linked to birth defects, is transmitted by mosquitoes, and by sexual contact.",302,0 +303,"Steve Bannon, the former White House chief strategist, has hired a lawyer as he prepares to appear before the House Intelligence Committee as part of its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, according to a report. Bannon hired Bill Burck, a co-managing partner of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP’s Washington, D.C., office, according to The Daily Beast. White House counsel Don McGahn and former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus hired Burck in September to represent them in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Bannon is scheduled to testify before the House Intelligence Committee next week. Sources told The Daily Beast the former chief strategist intends to “fully cooperate.” Bannon was hired as chief executive of the Trump campaign in August 2016 and was tapped by President Trump to serve as White House chief strategist. He left his post there in August 2017 and returned to Breitbart News as its executive chairman. But, Bannon and Breitbart parted ways earlier this week amid a spat between President Trump and his former chief strategist. Bannon made derogatory comments about the president and his family in a new tell-all book, prompting a fiery condemnation from Trump. Though Bannon had previously avoided being swept up in the Russia probe—until the House Intelligence Committee asked last month for him to appear before lawmakers—he had been discussing the probe with Trump behind the scenes.",303,0 +304,"Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama have enlisted Chance the Rapper for their first-ever Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago. Taking place Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, the inaugural event is set to bring “hundreds of leaders from around the world” together to “exchange ideas, explore creative solutions to common problems and experience civic art, technology and music from around the world,” according to Billboard. In addition to performing, Chano will serve as curator alongside some all-star musical guests, including Gloria Estefan and the National, who will headline. I’m curating a concert on Nov. 1 for the #ObamaSummit. Follow @ObamaFoundation so you don’t miss it. That’d be a terrible thing. — Lil Chano From 79th (@chancetherapper) October 13, 2017 Chance has a rich history with the Obamas. His father once worked for President Obama, while Michelle has publicly praised his $1 million donation to Chicago Public Schools. “Chance, I am grateful for everything you’ve done on behalf of our young people back home,” said the former POTUS during a recent concert. “I’m hopeful that everyone who is at the concert today, everybody who is getting involved, everybody who’s been part of the parade, all of you are of the mindset that you can do anything that you want to do, as long as you put your mind to it.” Last year, Chance beamed while discussing his famous supporters, who still resided in the White House at the time. “If you go up there, you’ll probably hear Coloring Book,” he said. “This is not a joke at all…Malia [Obama] listens to Coloring Book. And I send them stuff sometimes…Barack was talking about it. Or, uh, President Obama was talking about it.”",304,0 +305,"Dumbfounded that Donald Trump beat his hand-picked successor, Hillary Clinton, as president, former President Barack Obama and a top aide began plotting to “destroy” the president-elect around Christmas, according to a new book on Democrat efforts to undermine President Trump. What’s more, the goal was to not just damage the Trump presidency but set the Republican president up for impeachment, according to Ed Klein’s latest from Regnery Publishing, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump. It goes on sale tomorrow. In an exclusive excerpt provided to Secrets, Klein described a ""Christmastime"" dinner during which national security adviser Susan Rice pushed plans to “unmask, or disclose, the names of several Trump campaign associates who were mentioned or whose conversations were captured in intelligence intercepts of Russian officials.” Klein, a former New York Times editor who has written several insider accounts critical of the Clintons and Obamas, said that Obama knew of Rice’s efforts to disclose the names in hopes they would leak to the media and spark an investigation. “He knew Rice wanted to encourage leaks to the Washington Post and the New York Times accusing Trump and his campaign of colluding with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the American presidential election,” Klein wrote. “If Rice’s plot succeeded — that is, if it could be proved that Trump had colluded with Putin during the campaign or, later, if it could be proved that he had tried to prevent an investigation into such collusion — Trump would likely face charges of impeachment,” said the new Klein book. But, he added, Obama didn’t know that his closest aide, Valerie Jarrett, was behind the plot. Rice eventually had to testify to Congress about her actions, and denied leaking Trump campaign and associate names. Klein does not reveal his source other than offering the source as Jarrett’s “friend.” During the dinner, wrote Klein, first lady Michelle Obama raised concerns that the effort was clearly a political plot to “sandbag” Trump. Rice, however, is quoted saying she was worried about national security and she referenced the leaks of Democratic National Committee emails, embarrassing to the Clinton campaign, by Russian sources. She wanted, said the book, to make sure that the alleged links to the Trump campaign and Russia became public before Trump came to office. “She said she was afraid that once Trump got into the White House, the evidence of collusion would be covered up or destroyed,” wrote Klein. At that point during the dinner, the former first lady, said the book, cautioned that the plot could “bite us in the ass.” As her husband mulled Rice’s plea to unmask the names by lowering security clearances, Jarrett’s “friend” told Klein, “Most of the time he had to choose between the lesser of two evils. This was an example of such a dilemma. It was clearly unethical to use illegal leaks to sabotage Trump. But Barack could argue that it was his patriotic to duty to draw attention to the possibility that the Trump campaign had conspired with the Russians to influence the outcome of an American election.” At point, his source said, “Valerie piped up. ‘Well,’ she said, ‘[FBI Director James] Comey thinks Susan’s on to something. He’s investigating whether the Trump campaign cooperated with the Russians. There must be something there.’” Klein concluded, “Valerie has a sixth sense how to handle Barack and Michelle. She understood Michelle’s reservations and her desire to protect her husband, and she wanted to give Michelle a chance to vent. But Valerie left no doubt that she was in favor of Barack going along with Susan’s scheme.” Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's ""Washington Secrets"" columnist, can be contacted at pbedard@washingtonexaminer.com",305,1 +306,"""There’s something happening here."" — Buffalo Springfield, 1967 Every major leftist movement the world has seen has been totalitarian by nature. Occasionally this brand of extremism arises elsewhere along the ideological spectrum, such as Islamo-fascism, but Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany remain the archetypes of the socialist genre of dictatorship among many incarnations which clearly include today’s “liberal Democrats” in the United States. Contemporary liberal Democrats reveal their totalitarian proclivities in many subtle ways, such as support for single-payer healthcare and all other forms of big government, and some that are not so subtle. Recent years have seen a surge in the latter variety. Shouting down conservative speakers on college campuses to silence their views has been ongoing, but now the practice has graduated to violent attacks on speakers and audiences. There is no record of comparable suppression of speech by conservatives. And why is it only the left that abides no dissent from its preferred orthodoxy? The adherents expose through their own behavior that they fear a fair debate of ideas, so they attempt to quell intellectual challenge through brute force—just as all autocrats do. America’s so-called liberal Democrats resort to the most aggressive tactics out of the Saul Alinsky manual, i.e., destroy any threat to the radical agenda. Truth is beside the point to them. To substantiate via illustration of such Stalinist “politics of personal destruction,” here are a few examples: (1) Mitt Romney, as 2012 presidential candidate, was Mr. Nice Guy until Democrats got ahold of him. Then the public found out that he had abused his dog, caused an employee to die of cancer, and sadistically imprisoned women in a torture device known as a binder! All this derived from the Obama campaign’s suitably-named “ kill Romney” strategy. Of course, candidate Obama’s own personal history was deemed off-limits. Hypocrisy is a familiar trait of leftist totalitarians. (2) Poor George W. Bush. Investigations by three different governmental commissions concluded that he did not lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. If anything, he received the same information worldwide intelligence agencies did about Saddam’s WMD arsenal. Yet “Bush lied” was burned into the national consciousness through liberal Democrat propaganda, paving the way for election of a true leftist president. (3) Barack Obama advanced the practice of despotic repression by weaponizing every office of his government for domestic political use. The IRS campaign of terror against conservative groups was only one of the most obnoxious. Richard Nixon received an article of impeachment for much less. (4) The grand master of personal destruction politics was Bill Clinton, who slimed anyone seen as a threat whether James McDougal, Ken Starr, or Juanita Broaddrick. This m.o. was the whole point of the “war room” of Clinton’s permanent campaign, not to mention Hillary’s “bimbo eruption"" squad. A colorful couple, those Clintons. Hillary, in particular, was a disciple of leftist Saul Alinsky. (5) Currently we have liberal Democrat rioters, following the Occupy Wall Street slow-motion riot. Black Lives Matter extremists demand the murder of police, and the misnamed Antifa ironically lives the fascist ideal of causing mayhem whenever someone utters a thought contrary to liberal Democrat political correctness. After the first violent act by a right-wing fringe fanatic in many years, in Charlottesville, the fake news narrative is that conservatives are the violent ones. In reality, almost all political violence in this country is committed by the far left (for example, a Bernie Sanders-supporting maniac actually attempting to assassinate Republican members of Congress). (6) A telling symptom of the left’s nascent despotism is the public shaming of any entity that disagrees with them, e.g., organizing against businesses that violate leftist dogma by supporting a traditional position. For instance, dare to agree with the view on homosexual marriage held until a few years ago by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and you become a target. (Recall Alinsky’s “isolate it, freeze it, personalize it.”) Likewise, the revelations about leftist groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center demonizing those they disagree with. The left decided long ago to downplay debate over ideas—their ideology having failed empirically all over the world—and to simply use neo-McCarthyist tactics instead. (7) In Animal Farm, some pigs really are more equal than others. Hillary Clinton was found to have committed numerous email felonies, and then the gutless James Comey said “never mind.” Clinton’s Benghazi malfeasance with Barack Obama also has gone unpunished. The political elite elevating itself above the law is a hallmark of leftist dictatorship. (8) One of the liberal Democrats’ favorite slander devices is the accusation of racism, which has become the supreme insult in our society. White-on-black racism, in particular, has become socially unacceptable, which actually is a measure of how anti-racist America has become in overcoming vestiges of its more primitive state. Recognize, however, that for the past 45 years, the only legally permissible, sometimes legally mandated, racial discrimination in the U.S. is that which is committed in favor of minorities against Caucasians. This is the extreme state of our social law, for better or worse, yet many on the left trot out “white supremacist” allegations more often than we can count. There is a more substantive reason for the liberal Democrat amalgam’s resort to this odious tactic, beyond findings of its marketing effectiveness: Liberal Democrats cannot permit the mass healing of race relations in our country. They need to aggravate those relations so their side is better able to exploit the issue. Is there no limit to their neo-McCarthyist cynicism? Politics is everything to liberal Democrats, because government power is everything to them. (9) Perhaps the worst of the Big Lies was “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” designed to give liberal Democrat government absolute life-and-death power over all citizens through the enactment of Obamacare. What better way to achieve totalitarian rule than mortal power over all the ruled people? See why socialized medicine is the liberal Democrats' Holy Grail? A broader explanation for the liberal Democrats’ current hysteria: Their camp had some very sinister plans for the country, and was oh-so-close to ultimate success. With the election of President Hillary Clinton, a prospective second straight subversive in the office, Democrats could have finally amnestied 11 million illegal aliens, i.e., new Democrat voters, thereby ensuring that no Republican could ever again be elected president. This outcome would establish their goal of a one-party dictatorship, in effect―if only it had happened. The dream scenario having been snatched away is what has driven the liberal Democrats over the edge. So, in their delirium, they lash out. It is all understandable for a group of closet totalitarians in the throes of catastrophic disappointment. And if they tear the nation apart as they act out, so much the better, in their warped view. They always despised the country anyway. Now the plan is for arch-socialist Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren (who misrepresented her own race for financial gain), to win the presidency in 2020 for a slightly postponed takeover. Pleasant dreams, America. There is something happening here. John Gaski is an associate professor at the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. He is a long-time registered Democrat and long-time registered Republican—intermittently, not simultaneously. If you would like to write an op-ed for the Washington Examiner, please read our guidelines on submissions here.",306,1 +307,"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at his election night rally in New York early on Nov. 9, 2016. Trump stunned America and the world Wednesday, riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States.",307,0 +308,"Yet again we see more evidence that the media and leftist government officials are lying to the American public. What is the agenda? What reality are they try to protect? Why are they risking violence when it is unnecessary? Watch this video posted on Facebook by Will Johnson, a common sense conservative, who intends to be a part of a free speech rally this weekend in San Francisco. As he states it is intended to be a pro Trump rally, however it is clearly being painted by politicians and the media as a white supremacist rally with a call for the presence of Antifa. How is it possible to have a white supremacy rally when the rally barely has any white people attending? I’ll let you figure that one out! Watch the video below. https://www.facebook.com/newlypress/videos/1875854002678972/",308,1 +309,"Considering over 60 percent of United States citizens support going to war with North Korea, one would hope the majority would be able to, at the very least, locate the country on a map. Unfortunately, no such luck. The laughable discovery was made when Jimmy Kimmel and his team visited Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, and asked passersby to locate North Korea on a map. Many citizens were upfront about their lack of geographic knowledge but guessed anyway. Their estimates ranged from Canada to the Middle East to Australia. Only the minority actually knew where North Korea is located. Though the political situation in the United States is less than ideal at present, at least the people interviewed aren’t in charge of firing any missiles. What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news!",309,0 +310,"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Friday called allegations of Russian election meddling a “hoax,” and insisted the media was the “greatest influence” on the 2016 campaign. Trump’s tweets early Friday appeared to respond to Facebook’s announcement that the social media giant will provide to congressional investigators the contents of 3,000 ads bought by a Russian agency. “The Russia hoax continues, now it’s ads on Facebook. What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favour of Crooked Hillary?” He later added: “The greatest influence over our election was the Fake News Media ‘screaming’ for Crooked Hillary Clinton. Next, she was a bad candidate!” The Russia hoax continues, now it’s ads on Facebook. What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favor of Crooked Hillary? The greatest influence over our election was the Fake News Media ""screaming"" for Crooked Hillary Clinton. Next, she was a bad candidate! Facebook has faced growing pressure from members of Congress to release the content of the ads. The company has already handed over the ads to the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Facebook also says it will now require political ads to disclose both who is paying for them and all ad campaigns those individuals or groups are running on Facebook.",310,0 +311,"Nelly has been arrested for allegedly raping a woman, TMZ reports. According to Law enforcement sources, a woman has accused the rapper of raping her on his tour bus in Washington. The alleged rape is reported to have occurred at approximately 3:45 AM Saturday, with Nelly being arrested on second degree rape charges around 7:00 AM. Nelly is currently on tour with country act Florida Georgia Line. He was set to take the stage in Ridgefield, Washington Saturday night. Friday night's show took place at the White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, WA. Q13 FOX correspondent and anchor Brandi Kruse reports that Nelly met the alleged victim in Seattle after the show. There has been no official word from Nelly's representatives at this time. Further coverage to come as information arrives. UPDATE: Nelly's attorney has released a statement to Page Six, among other publications. Read it below. Nelly is the victim of a completely fabricated allegation. Our initial investigation, clearly establishes, this allegation is devoid of credibility and is motivated by greed and vindictiveness. I am confident, once this scurrilous accusation is thoroughly investigated, there will be no charges. Nelly is prepared to address and pursue all legal avenues to redress any damage caused by this clearly false allegation. Nelly's last tweet was at 3:23 AM EST or 12:23 AM PDT (local Washington time) Saturday. It reads, ""Anytime you feel like the whole world is against you you need to scratch that shit its really you against the whole world because the whole world don't know you exist."" TMZ has posted a video of the rapper that was reportedly filmed earlier in the night. Watch it below.",311,0 +312,"A lot of Californians are mad as hell. Some even say they’re not going to take it anymore. ""It"" is the result of November’s presidential election. What these Californians are doing is organizing a secessionist movement — as in, taking California out of the United States. Their movement is called Calexit, as in Brexit. Their inspiration is the growing gulf that separates them — politically, culturally, demographically — from the rest of the union. Hillary Clinton outpolled Donald Trump by a two-to-one margin here. ""Without California, Trump would have won the popular vote,"" tweeted conservative pundit and Trump critic David Frum. The Golden State has a population of 39 million people, more than any other state in the union, and more people than in all of Canada. Metro Los Angeles alone is home to close to 19 million, a total greater than Ontario and Alberta combined. As Frum points out, those are numbers that come with economic clout, and therein lies the rub for many Californians. The U.S. without California, he writes, would be the world’s second-ranked technology power instead of the first. It’s home to Silicon Valley and companies such as Google, Apple, Cisco, Intel, Oracle, and SpaceX. California boasts the world’s sixth largest economy, greater than France, Italy, South Korea and India. California is also culturally distinct from much of the rest of the U.S. It’s synonymous with liberal causes, from environmental protection to gun control to health care, and that has other Americans judging Californians, and not in a flattering way. It’s a reality not lost on Marcus Ruiz Evans, one of the movers and shakers behind Calexit. ""California,"" he admitted to the Washington Post, ""(is) seen as weird."" That weirdness extends to politics beyond the presidential variety. Gov. Jerry Brown has vowed to ensure Californians have health insurance coverage, offered through the state-run health exchange called Covered California, even if Trump Republicans repeal ObamaCare. But where the state most hears a different drummer is on immigration. Californians are decidedly in favour of it, and it’s easy to see why. California has the largest immigrant population in the union, approximately 10 million in total, a quarter of those undocumented. If you’re not an immigrant in California, you know one. Or two. Or more. In response to Trump’s ambitions to engage in large-scale deportation of illegal immigrants, the state legislature is considering a bill that would declare the state a ""sanctuary."" Lawmakers have even hired former Obama attorney general Eric Holder to battle the Trump administration on the issue. That step earned the enmity of the new president. ""Trump claims California is ‘out of control,’ "" writes columnist George Skelton in the Los Angeles Times, though the irony is undoubtedly lost on the president. Trump has threatened to cut off federal funds to California. ""We’ll defund,"" Trump told Fox News. ""We give tremendous amounts of money to California."" The problem is that, like residents of Canada’s ""have"" provinces, Californians contribute more money to the federal treasury than what comes back. There has been much grousing about the Trump administration ever since the threats were levelled, fertile ground for Calexit. The secessionists even have the support of Silicon Valley billionaires Peter Thiel and Shervin Pishevar. Companies like Google have expressed concern about their ability in an anti-immigrant climate to recruit foreigners for jobs not enough Americans are qualified to fill. In January, the group Yes California was given permission to circulate a petition with the intention of putting the sovereignty question on the 2018 ballot. If the petition is successful — close to 600,000 signatures are required — a special vote to decide the state’s future would follow in 2019. Calexit does have its skeptics. ""Canadians know you don’t escape the shadow of your giant neighbour by drawing a border,"" wrote Prof. Timothy William Waters in the Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he believes secession is a bad idea. Such opinions are far from universal. According to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll taken in California, one-third of respondents support ""peaceful withdrawal from the union."" As one tweeter wrote: ""We’ll just take our avocados and legal weed and go."" Terry McConnell is a former Edmonton Journal columnist, editorial writer and copy editor now living in California",312,0 +313,"TAMPA BAY, Fla. - Americans around the country are being urged to donate blood at their local blood center in order to assist victims of Hurricane Irma. OneBlood, a Florida based blood center, resumed blood collections on Tuesday. All blood types are needed, however, there is an urgent need for platelet donors and people with O negative blood. Hurricane Irma forced OneBlood to suspend operations for three days and as a result, there is an urgent need to replenish the blood supply in Florida. Donors should visit www.oneblood.org for donor center hours and blood drive locations. OneBlood, in coordination with America’s Blood Centers and Blood Centers of America, has been actively arranging for shipments of blood to be brought in to Florida by blood centers from around the country. OneBlood is urging people living outside of Irma’s path to visit their local blood center and donate blood as soon as possible to assist those desperately in need in Florida. Those interested in donating blood may contact the following organizations to find a local blood drive and to schedule an appointment:",313,0 +314,"Facebook has set up a crisis response page so people who are in Las Vegas can let people know they are safe. More than 50 people died in the shooting and at least 400 people have been injured in the shooting, according to Las Vegas police. The shooting started around 10:08 p.m. local time. Those numbers would make this the deadliest mass shooting in United States history. The suspect has been identified as local man Stephen Paddock, 64. Paddock was shooting from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay, Sheriff Joe Lombardo said. Lombardo said the shooter is dead. Police believe Paddock killed himself before law enforcement entered the room, Lombardo said. People can check in to let Facebook friends now they are in Las Vegas and that they are safe. Police also advise people to call 1-866-535-5654 to check in on loved ones.",314,0 +315,"Ninety-two percent of Muslims in the U.S. are proud to be American, even though 75 percent say there is ""a lot"" of discrimination against Muslims in the U.S. Nine-in-ten Muslims reported having a positive feeling about living in the U.S., even though 75 percent believe it has become harder to be Muslim in the U.S. in recent years. The survey found that Muslims feel that the main problems they face in the U.S. are negative media coverage about the religion (60 percent), misconceptions about Islam (9 percent) and President Trump’s attitudes and/or policies towards Muslims (9 percent). The survey was conducted Jan. 23 to May 2, and 1,001 U.S. Muslim adults participated. Nearly 48 percent have experienced some type of discrimination. Researchers at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) found that the number of hate groups specifically targeting Muslims in the U.S. has nearly tripled in the past year. SPLC reported that there were 34 hate groups in 2015 and the figure has risen to 101. The SPLC attributed the increase in hate groups in part to Trump's campaign rhetoric. ""The growth has been accompanied by a rash of crimes targeting Muslims, including an arson that destroyed a mosque in Victoria, Texas, just hours after the Trump administration announced an executive order suspending travel from some predominantly Muslim countries,"" SPLC said in a statement. But despite the backlash Muslims have received from Trump's presidency, participants said they have experienced support in the past few months from non-Muslims",315,0 +316,"It is a rich if tragic irony that the same progressives denouncing Richard Spencer and demanding that municipal statues be torn down for their alleged white supremacist qualities are themselves closely aligned with a white supremacist-tied group. I am speaking, of course, of Planned Parenthood, which is to the abortion-loving Left what Adolf Hitler’s bunker would have become to fascists had Germany not demolished it in the late 1980s: a sort of holy shrine upon which adulation and adoration can be fixated. Read Full Article »",316,1 +317,"Donald Trump ran on many braggadocios and largely unrealistic campaign promises. One of those promises was to be the best, the hugest, the most competent infrastructure president the United States has ever seen. Trump was going to fix every infrastructure problem in the country and Make America Great Again in the process. That is, unless you’re a brown American. In that case, you’re on your own, even after a massive natural disaster like Hurricane Maria. Puerto Rico’s debt, which the Puerto Rican citizens not in government would have no responsibility for, has nothing to do with using federal emergency disaster funds to save the lives of American citizens there. The infrastructure is certainly a mess at this point after a Category 5 hurricane ripped through the island, and 84 percent of Puerto Rican people are currently without electricity. Emergency efforts after Hurricanes Irma and Harvey reportedly went very well and Trump praised himself as well and even saw his disastrous approval ratings tick up slightly as a result. However, the insufficient response in Puerto Rico has nothing to do with Trump, in his mind, and can only be blamed on the people there who do not live in a red state and have no electoral college votes to offer the new president for 2020. They’re on their own. Twitter responded with sheer incredulity at Trump’s vicious attack on an already suffering people. YouTube",317,1 +318,"The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS. The opinions expressed are his own. Reuters has not edited the statements or confirmed their accuracy. @realDonaldTrump : - HAPPY EASTER! [0827 EDT] - Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. ""Caravans"" coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL! [0956 EDT] - Mexico is doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border, and then into the U.S. They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL! [1025 EDT] - These big flows of people are all trying to take advantage of DACA. They want in on the act! [1028 EDT] -- Source link: (http://bit.ly/2jBh4LU) (http://bit.ly/2jpEXYR) (Compiled by Bengaluru bureau)",318,0 +319,"Plastic is plaguing the environment left and right and one of the single biggest contributors is the use of single-use plastic bottles. This includes water bottles and those used for other beverages, like sodas and sugary sports drinks, and the demand for them is only increasing despite global efforts to stem plastic usage in the bud. Plastic bags and bottles ravage the Earth from production to disposal, and yet humans buy approximately one million bottles per minute, according to Euromonitor, a market research group. Those numbers are expected to increase by another 20% by 2021, which will devastate climate, beaches, oceans, and all of the animals that reside in these areas. According to figures from Euromonitor, humans bought 480 billion plastic bottles in the year 2016, which is 300 billion more than the numbers from a decade ago. To make matters worse, less than half of those bottles was collected for recycling and only about 7% of those collected were turned into new bottles. Manufacturers complain that using recycled plastic ruins the appeal of the bottles and that it costs more to use these materials, which will fall on the consumer. Experts speculate that this demand for 20,000 bottles per second has been exacerbated by the on-the-go, urban culture that has taken over in cities in China and the Asia Pacific region. With an increased population comes a rise in the demand for PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles, which is why Chinese citizens bought 73.8 billion bottles last year, up more than 5 billion since the year before it. “[China] is a critical country to understand when examining global sales of plastic PET bottles, and China’s requirement for plastic bottles continues to expand,” said Euromonitor’s head of packaging, Rosemary Downey. It’s not enough that reusable water bottles are trending right now because that doesn’t help the nations who can’t trust the cleanliness of their tap water. This surge in buying plastic bottles is also largely driven by developing countries, where disposability is more important than sustainability and being eco-friendly. “This increase is being driven by increased urbanization,” Downey said. “There is a desire for healthy living and there are ongoing concerns about groundwater contamination and the quality of tap water, which all contribute to the increase in bottle water use.” If municipalities would clean up their water or work to provide safe drinking water to certain regions for the first time, it’s likely that plastic pollution, especially when it comes to bottles, would decline dramatically and slow the environmental health crisisthat is building every day. Sadly, it’s estimated that approximately 5 to 13 million tons of plastic leak into the ocean every single year, ultimately to be worn down into fragments that float in the water column and can sometimes become a part of one of the many garbage patches. Fish, sea birds, and other marine life will eat the specks of plastic or even consume larger pieces, which can eventually kill them. Since humans consume a variety of fish from the ocean, these plastics can also make their way onto our dinner plates. “The plastic pollution crisis rivals the threat of climate change as it pollutes every natural system and an increasing number of organisms on planet Earth,” said Hugo Tagholm, the CEO of Surfers Against Sewage. “Current science shows that plastics cannot be usefully assimilated into the food chain. Where they are ingested they carry toxins that work their way on to our dinner plates.” There are several solutions that groups and experts have suggested to reduce the number of plastic bottle usage, ranging from cutting bottles out cold turkey to encouraging a payment system to use plastic bottles. While some places, like San Francisco, banned the sale of plastic bottles, other groups advocate for what’s called a circular economy. In the circular economy, plastic bottles would be used, recycled, refilled, and reused, effectively reducing waste. Surfers Against Sewage is currently campaigning for a deposit return system to be implemented in the UK, which the equivalent of CRV that is collected in the U.S. that can be returned to people that recycle their bottles or cans. If you aren’t compelled by these reasons to stop using plastic bottles, consider what your beaches will look like once plastic dominates the world even more. Remote islands with little to no beach clean-ups have shown evidence of extreme pollution along their coast and upwards of 18 tons on their beaches, revealing what the future of even the nicest beaches will be. Consider purchasing a reusable water bottle today and making a huge difference for the environment.",319,1 +320,"In Washington, the ostensible story is rarely the real story. We know, for example, that former President Clinton engineered a meeting with President Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, on the tarmac of the Phoenix Airport on June 27, 2016. That’s the official story, replete with the charming and intentionally disarming detail that all they talked about was their grandchildren. It was just coincidental, don’t you know, that at the time the FBI was looking into Hillary Clinton’s use of a “personal” email server to send, receive and store classified information. And it was also simply coincidental that just a few days later, the director of the FBI – who served under Attorney General Lynch – announced that he wouldn’t recommend a prosecution of Hillary Clinton. Richard Nixon must be rolling over in his grave. What we haven’t known, until now, is that a frantic scramble erupted in the halls of the FBI to cover up this meeting. What we haven’t known, until now, is that a frantic scramble erupted in the halls of the FBI to cover up this meeting. In fact, the FBI turned its sharp light not on the scandalous meeting between the attorney general and Bill Clinton – but rather on one of the whistleblowers who got the word out. The organization I head, Judicial Watch, asked the FBI on July 7, 2016, for any records that might pertain to the infamous tarmac meeting. We had to sue after we were ignored by the agency. Then the FBI told us flat-out that it couldn’t find any records. And we now know that was flat-out untrue. Because, in responding to another one of our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, the Justice Department gave us heavily redacted documents that showed there were additional documents tucked away at the FBI headquarters. If not for Judicial Watch's lawsuits these documents would still be hidden today. Because of the revelation in our other lawsuit, the FBI – without our knowledge—""reopened"" our FOIA request. The agency supposedly found about 30 pages of information, which it needed six weeks to review. The FBI finally gave them to us late Thursday. Now we know why the FBI played shell games. The documents show that FBI officials were concerned solely about the leaking of details of the tarmac meeting. None of the documents show top agency officials cared one whit about the propriety of the meeting itself, but only about who blew the whistle on the covert tête-à-tête. In one email, an FBI official writes “we need to find that guy.” And in another we learn that the Phoenix FBI office was contacted “in an attempt to stem any further damage.” An FBI official working on Lynch’s security detail even goes so far as to suggest non-disclosure agreements to keep the full facts from coming forth. No wonder the FBI didn’t turn these documents over until we caught it red-handed, hiding and lying about them. Simply put, the FBI appears to be fully complicit in a cover-up that attempted to influence a presidential election for a favored candidate – Hillary Clinton. And the truth was trampled on a Phoenix tarmac. Tom Fitton is president of Judicial Watch. Founded in 1994, Judicial Watch Inc. is a constitutionally conservative, nonpartisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.",320,1 +321,"Ever since a 2015 poll revealed that a certain slice of Americana supported bombing Agrabah, the fictional city Disney's Aladdin calls home, it's been interesting to consider what other fictional countries have actually messed with the United States and totally gotten a pass. Agrabah didn't actually damage its relations with the U.S., presumably because the U.S. either doesn't exist yet in that world, or because they don't have oil. Meanwhile, a number of other countries have attacked America and/or its American heroes and haven't yet met the full-on retaliation they deserve. These guys have been sending special agents to try and kill American heroes FOR YEARS. Pottsylvania is populated entirely by special agents and saboteurs. Their children are taught assassination techniques and espionage practices from an early age, their highest medal is the Double Cross and their mysterious dictator (known only as ""Fearless Leader"") makes Kim Jong-Un look like a teddy bear. Their two most active agents are skilled infiltrators and have never been captured. Bilya is supposed to be a fictional Arab state in the Middle East. These guys had the balls to shoot down an American F-16, capture its pilot, and then sentence him to hang in a show trial. Luckily, the pilot's 16-year-old son Doug (an Air Force Academy reject) and Chappie, an Air Force Reserve pilot, steal two F-16s of their own and fly off to Bilya to rescue him. What should have happened was America launching an all-out raid on Bilyan infrastructure and military targets. Then, after they released the American they took for no reason, the Bilyans would pay us back the $18 million they owe us for shooting down our F-16. This nondescript South American country has more coups than a flock of pigeons (say that sentence aloud for the full effect). For some reason, all of their worst representatives seem to end up in the United States, ready to coerce American heroes to do their bidding. Fortunately, John Matrix lives inside an unlimited ammo cheat code world. In ""Commando,"" a deposed dictator named Arius kidnaps John Matrix' daughter to force him to kill the current president (of Val Verde). Spoiler Alert: he doesn't even make it to Val Verde. Instead, he ices every single person who came near his daughter. In ""Die Hard 2,"" terrorists hit an airport to free another captured dictator, ruining John McClane's Christmas, everyone's flight schedules, and never taking any blame for what they do. In ""Predator,"" Dutch Schaeffer's commando team has to mount a hostage rescue from guerrillas in Val Verde. You might know what happens next (hint: it has something to do with an invisible alien). Seriously, how many times do they get to mess with America before we do something about this? Who is the President in this movie universe? And I am dying to know more about this place – what are the exports, other than terrorism and contras? Latveria is an Eastern European nation tucked back into the Carpathian Mountains, led by a guy whose name is freaking Dr. Victor von Doom. Even George W. Bush could convince the world that this guy needed to be ousted, and he wouldn't have to throw Colin Powell under a bus to do it. Dr. Doom is obviously a state sponsor of terrorism. Doom is responsible for the proliferation of chemical weapons, attempted assassinations of allied heads of state, and oh so many crimes against humanity. The Fantastic Four can bring down Hitler, a being who eats planets, and the Prince of Darkness, but can't seem to overthrow this tiny country and oust its metal-faced dictator? It's time to send in the Marines.",321,0 +322,"Donald Trump has responded to the emotional speech given by the father of a fallen Muslim U.S. Army soldier at the Democratic National Convention this week. In an interview with ABC News‘ George Stephanopoulos on Saturday, Trump fired back at Khizr Khan’s statement that he has “sacrificed nothing” for his country. “I’ve made a lot of sacrifices,” Trump said. “I work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve had tremendous success. I think I’ve done a lot.” Khan addressed Trump directly in his Thursday speech at the DNC, challenging the Republican presidential nominee’s proposed ban on Muslim immigrants to the U.S. “Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America. You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities,” Khan said. “You have sacrificed nothing and no one.” In his interview with Stephanopoulos, Trump also took a jab at Khan’s wife Ghazala, who stood silently next to her husband at the DNC as he spoke about their son Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed by a car bomb in Iraq in 2004 and posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star for his heroism. “If you look at his wife, she was standing there,” Trump said. “She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.” Trump echoed this sentiment in an interview Friday with the New York Times‘ Maureen Dowd. When Dowd asked him about Khan’s heartfelt speech, Trump’s only response was, “I’d like to hear his wife say something.” Ghazala told MSNBC in an interview on Friday that she was too emotional to speak about her son at the DNC, but opened up to MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell about her son’s bravery.",322,0 +323,"You cannot vote for Donald Trump and pretend that this is just another election, and he is just another candidate. Evan Vucci/AP It’s easy to make fun of the hats. It’s not so easy to contemplate what makes so many people think America’s greatness is in desperate need of reformation, or what would make them turn to someone like Donald Trump to make it a reality. America has flaws as deep as its founding, when the men who laid down basic principles of human rights – principles that have endured 240 years – were fed and clothed by human beings they owned. That paradox still defines the fault lines of our nation, and it’s along those lines we are drawing the ugliest election in modern history. It isn’t just economic anxiety or trade deals or the opioid epidemic driving the mostly white, mostly male movement behind Trump’s campaign. It is the existential fear of displacement from a world that has slowly – too slowly, for too long – been chipping away at white male supremacy. The “grab ’em by the pussy” moment was disastrous for Trump’s campaign; it reinforced the defining narrative of his sexism. But it drew his strongest supporters even closer to him, because it reminded them of the world they’re losing. They want to live in an America where they can grab women by the pussy and brag about it to their friends. They want to casually use the n-word – just for the bad ones; they’re not racist! – without being set upon by the PC police. They want what’s coming to them, what’s owed them. And they are willing to burn down the world to get it. Donald Trump is the worst major-party candidate for president in American history. This is not a close call. By virtually any measure, he is unfit to lead a Cub Scout troop, let alone the nation with the world’s most powerful military. It’s worth going back and reading the transcripts of his debates with Hillary Clinton just to remember how he speaks when he’s answering questions off the cuff. It’s breathtaking how incapable he is of forming a single coherent thought. The expectations for him were so low that there was little to no coverage of his failure over four-and-a-half hours to say anything intelligent about any issue important to the American people. He meanders, he interrupts, and he whines. He is uninformed and unprepared. Trump’s values are, in a word, deplorable. He launched his campaign calling Mexican immigrants rapists, issued a call for a ban on immigration by Muslims, and said women should be punished for getting an abortion. He lies, constantly, about everything. He stokes anger and fear and even violence among his supporters. He nurtures their very worst instincts. He brags he has the best temperament, but that’s nonsense. He’s lashed out and punched down, attacking the parents of a dead soldier, a former beauty pageant winner who gained weight, countless reporters and anyone he perceives as insulting him. It is impossible to predict exactly how deep a disaster Donald Trump’s presidency would be, but there’s no limit to the potential for horror. Think how much we still don’t know about Trump – how he hasn’t released his taxes, how many women there likely are who haven’t come forward – and you can imagine the scandals and corruption that lie in wait. Consider how thin his policy knowledge is and how impulsively he reacts to insults, and imagine his twitchy little fingers on the nuclear button. Donald Trump cannot be president of the United States. And while Trump has a considerable movement of supporters who see him as a great conquering hero, who believe every word of his lies, no matter how outlandish and easily disproven, there are many people, even at this late hour, who are torn about whether they can support him. Maybe they’re deeply conservative Republicans who despise what they believe Clinton would do to the country. Maybe they’re independents who see constant stories about her emails and have genuine fears about her judgment. But now is the moment for every last American to decide what it truly means to be a citizen. You can be reluctant about Hillary Clinton. You don’t even have to vote for her (though I did, without doubt or hesitation). What you cannot do is vote for Donald Trump and pretend that this is just another election, and he is just another candidate. It is your minimum duty as a citizen not to support a racist, sexist, unqualified, dishonest, corrupt manchild who celebrates everything that’s ugly about America and not a single thing that’s great about it. No matter how left out or left behind you feel, voting for Trump is nothing short of a moral failure. It’s a vicious act against the human beings, mostly women and people of color, who would suffer miserably under his presidency. It’s an act of violence against America itself, whose greatness has always been about progressing from more oppression to less – slowly, sometimes haltingly, but forward. The promise on those red hats is to turn back in the other direction. The greatness they sell is a lie. Watch Donald Trump’s acceptance speech after becoming the new President-elect of the United States.",323,1 +324,"The NFL plans to allow the FBI and IRS investigations into the businesses run by new Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam to sort itself out before it decides whether it will take any action. NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said a report that Haslam might be asked to step down as the investigation into Pilot Flying J continues is inaccurate. ""There are no such plans,"" Aiello said. Haslam told the Associated Press on Friday that he will continue to run the Browns. ""No change,"" Haslam said. ""I look forward to the draft next week."" Haslam said earlier Friday he won't resign from his position as CEO of Pilot Flying J. ""Why would I step down? I haven't done anything wrong,"" Haslam said Friday while speaking at his company's headquarters in Knoxville, Tenn. ""It still appears to us that this investigation is focused on a very narrow band of a very large company -- questions about how rebates were handled to a very small percentage of our trucking company customers."" An FBI agent's affidavit, which was unsealed Thursday alleges that Pilot Flying J -- the truck stop operator owned by the Haslam family -- engaged in a fraud scheme designed to keep money owed to its customers. According to the documents, multiple current and former employees of the company told authorities that Haslam, who purchased the Browns for $1.05 billion last October, knew of the fraud and was present at meetings where it was discussed. The NFL declined to comment on the matter. Haslam released the following statement Thursday: ""I've read the affidavits. I now understand more clearly the questions the federal investigators are exploring. I maintain that the foundation of this company is built on its integrity and that any willful wrongdoing by any employee of this company at any time is intolerable. We will continue to cooperate with the federal investigation and continue our own investigation in these allegations. I value the relationships we have with our customers, our vendors and our team members across this country and regret that they have to go through this with us, but I trust and believe their faith in this company and its principles has never been misplaced."" According to The Associated Press, Haslam arrived in Cleveland on Thursday, three days after FBI and IRS agents executed four search warrants at Pilot Flying J company headquarters. The AP reported that at a Tuesday news conference in Knoxville, Haslam revealed the government is investigating rebates offered by the truck stop chain, but said, ""We believe we did nothing wrong."" His family -- including his brother, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam -- owns 59 percent of the business. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",324,0 +325,"Earlier this morning, President Trump took to Twitter to announce his decision to ban transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. military. After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow…… — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017 ….Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming….. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017 ….victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017 “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military,” Trump announced via Twitter. “Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.” The announcement drew swift responses on the social media platform. “No American, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity, should be prohibited from honor + privilege of serving our nation #LGBT,” tweeted Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL). “Pleased to hear that @realDonaldTrump shares my readiness and cost concerns, & will be changing this costly and damaging policy #readiness,” tweeted Rep. Vicky Jo Hartzler (R-MO). Just spoke to a Trump administration official about the transgender military decision. Here's what they said… pic.twitter.com/eOWdvlxTfd — Jonathan Swan (@jonathanvswan) July 26, 2017 Trump’s decision will roll back military policy after the Obama administration lifted the ban last year, allowing transgender soldiers to openly serve in the United States Military. The Department of Defense policy drew sharp criticism, as it supported service members looking to change their gender, making them eligible to receive coverage for “medically necessary care and treatment.” “This is the right thing to do for our people and for the force,” former Defense Secretary Ash Carter said in announcing the policy. “We’re talking about talented Americans who are serving with distinction or who want the opportunity to serve. We can’t allow barriers unrelated to a person’s qualifications prevent us from recruiting and retaining those who can best accomplish the mission.” It is not yet clear what effect this decision will have on the roughly 250 transgender individuals currently serving openly in the armed forces. SOUND OFF: Do you support Trump’s decision to ban transgender citizens from serving in our armed forces?",325,0 +326,"As the New Year 5778 begins, 88% of Israeli Jews say that they are happy and satisfied with their lives. This makes sense. Israel’s relative security, its prosperity, freedom, and spiritual blossoming make Israeli Jews the most successful Jewish community in 3,500 years of Jewish history. The same cannot be said for the Jews of the Diaspora. In Western Europe, Jewish communities that just a generation ago were considered safe and prosperous are now besieged. Synagogues and Jewish schools look like army barracks. And the severe security cordons Jews need to pass through to pray and study are entirely justified. For where they are absent, as they were at the Hyper Cacher Jewish supermarket in Paris in 2015, assailants strike. Western European Jewry’s crisis is exogenous to the Jewish communities. It isn’t the Jews who caused the crisis, which may in time cause the wholesale exodus of the Jews from Europe. The crisis is a function of growing levels of popular antisemitism spurred by mass immigration from the Islamic world and the resurgence of indigenous European Jew-hatred, particularly on the far Left. This is not the situation among American Jewry, which at the dawn of 5778 also finds itself steeped in an ever-deepening crisis. And while antisemitism is a growing problem in America, particularly on university campuses, unlike their European counterparts, American Jews could mount and win a battle against the growing anti-Jewish forces. But in large part, they have chosen not to. And they have chosen not to fight the anti-Semites because they are in the midst of a self-induced identity crisis. First, there is the problem of demographic collapse. According to the Pew Research Center’s 2013 study of American Jewry, nearly 60% of American Jews intermarry. Based on the Pew data, the Jewish People Policy Institute published a report in June that noted that not only are 60% of American Jews who get married marrying non-Jews, only half of American Jews are getting married at all. And among those who are getting married, less than a third are raising their children as Jewish in some way. Earlier this month, a study of American Jews was published by the Public Religion Research Institute. It found that not only hasn’t the situation improved since the Pew survey was published, the trend toward assimilation and loss of Jewish identity among American Jews has accelerated. In 2013, 32% of American Jews under 30 said that they were not Jews by religion. Today the proportion of Jews under 30 who say they have no relation to the Jewish faith has ballooned to 47%. Not surprisingly, the wholesale abandonment of Jewish faith by nearly half of young American Jews has taken a toll on the two liberal streams of American Judaism. According to the study, the percentage of American Jews who identify as Reform or Conservative Jews is in free fall. Whereas in 2013, 35% of American Jews identified as Reform, today, a mere four years later, only 28% identify as Reform. The situation among Conservatives is even worse. In 2013, 18% of American Jews identified as Conservatives. Today, only 14% do. Among Jews, under 30 the situation is even starker. Only 20% of American Jews under 30 identify as Reform. Only 8% identify as Conservative. To be sure, the trend toward secularism and assimilation among US Jewry is not new. And over the years, Reform and Conservative leaders have adopted varying strategies to deal with it. In 1999 the Reform movement tried to deal with the problem by strengthening the movement’s religious practices. Although the effort failed, the impulse that drove the strategy was rational. American Jews who seek spiritual and religious meaning likely want more than a sermon about Tikkun Olam. The problem is that they also want more than a rabbi donning a kippa and a synagogue choosing to keep kosher. This is why, as the number of Reform and Conservative Jews is contracting, the number of American Jews who associate with the Orthodox movement is growing. Between 2013 and 2017, the proportion of young American Jews who identify as Orthodox grew from 10% to 15%. Moreover, more and more American Jews are finding their spiritual home with Chabad. Today there are more Chabad houses in the US than Reform synagogues. Unable to compete for Jews seeking religious fulfillment, the Reform and Conservative movements have struck out for new means of rallying their bases and attracting members. Over the past year, two new strategies are dominating the public actions of both movements. First, there is a selective fight against antisemitism. While antisemitism is experiencing a growth spurt in the US progressive movement, and antisemitism is becoming increasingly overt in US Muslim communities, neither the Reform nor Conservative movements have taken significant institutional steps to fight them. Instead, both movements, and a large swath of the Jewish institutional world, led in large part by Reform and Conservative Jews, have either turned a blind eye to this antisemitism or supported it. Take for instance the case of Davis, California, imam Amman Shahin. On July 21 Shahin gave a sermon calling for the Jewish people to be annihilated. His Jewish neighbors in the progressive Jewish communities of Davis and Sacramento didn’t call the police and demand that he be investigated for terrorist ties. They didn’t demand that his mosque fire him. Instead, led by the Oakland Jewish Federation, local rabbi Seth Castleman, and the JCRC, they embraced Shahin. They appeared with him at a public “apology” ceremony, where he failed to apologize for calling for his Jewish colleagues, and every other Jew, to be murdered. All Shahin did express regret that his call for genocide caused offense. On the other hand, the same leaders stand as one against allegations of antisemitic violence stemming from the political Right. In the face of an utter lack of evidence, when Jewish institutions were subjected to a rash of bomb threats last winter, Reform and Conservative leaders led the charge insisting that far-right antisemites were behind them and insinuated that the perpetrators supported President Donald Trump. When it worked out that all of the threats were carried out by a mentally ill Israeli Jew, they never issued an apology. So, too, the Reform and Conservative movements, like the rest of the American Jewish community, treated the Charlottesville riot last month like a new Reichstag fire. They entirely ignored the violence of the far-left, antisemitic Antifa protesters and behaved as though tomorrow neo-Nazis would take control of the federal government. They jumped on the bandwagon insisting that Trump’s initial condemnation of both groups was proof that he has a soft spot for neo-Nazis. The problem with the strategy of selective outrage over antisemitism is that it isn’t at all clear who the target audience is. Survey data shows that the more active Jews are in the synagogue, the less politically radical they are and the more devoted to Jewish causes they are. So it is hard to see how turning a blind eye to leftist and Muslim antisemitism will rally their current membership more than they already have been rallied. Moreover, the more radicalized Jews become politically, the more outlets they have for their political activism both as Jews and as leftists. No matter how anti-Trump Conservative and Reform leaders become, they can never rival the progressive forces in the Democratic Party. Prospects for success of the second strategy are arguably even lower. The second strategy involves cultivating animosity toward Israel over the issue of egalitarian prayer at the Kotel. Last June, the government overturned an earlier decision to build a passageway connecting the Western Wall Plaza with Robinson’s Arch, along with the Southern Wall, where egalitarian prayer services are held. The government also rescinded a previous decision to have representatives of the Conservative and Reform movements receive membership in the committee that manages the Western Wall Plaza. The government’s first decision was non-political. The Antiquities Authority nixed the construction of the passage due to the adverse impact construction would have on the antiquities below the surface. As to the second decision, it is far from a matter of life and death. The committee has no power to influence egalitarian prayers for better or for worse. And yet, rather than acknowledge that the decision was a setback but it didn’t harm the status of egalitarian prayer at the Wall, the Reform and Conservative movements declared war against the government and dragged much of the organized Jewish establishment behind them. The Reform leadership canceled a scheduled meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and the Jewish Agency Board followed suit. Six hundred Conservative rabbis signed a letter to Netanyahu accusing him of betraying Diaspora Jewry and announcing they would be forced to reconsider their support for Israel. Ambassador David Friedman, who had just taken residence in Israel a month before the explosion, used his first public remarks as ambassador to call his fellow American Jews to order. Friedman said, “Yesterday, I heard something that I thought I’d never heard before. And I understand the source of the frustration and the source of the anger. But I heard a major Jewish organization say that they needed to rethink their support for the State of Israel. “That’s something unthinkable in my lifetime, up until yesterday. We have to do better. We must do better,” he said. But in the intervening months, the Conservative and Reform movements have not relented in their attacks. They have ratcheted them up. The thinking appears to be that if they can make this problem look like a life or death struggle between Israel and progressive Jewry, they can both keep their dwindling bases engaged and attract members of the increasingly anti-Israel Jewish far Left. The problem with this is that just as they cannot outdo the Democratic Party in their hostility toward Trump, so the Conservative and Reform movements cannot be more anti-Israel than Jewish Voices for Peace and other anti-Israel Jewish groups. The question for Israelis is what this failure of the mainstream American Jewish leadership means for the future of Israel’s relationship with American Jewry. Jewish survival and continuity through the ages have been predicated and dependent on our ability as Jews to uphold the commandment of the sages that all Jews are responsible for one another. As the most successful Jewish community in history, Israel has a special responsibility for our brethren in the Diaspora. The first step toward fulfilling our duty is to recognize the basic fact that while it is true that the American Jewish community is in crisis, the leaders of that community are in an even deeper crisis. And the key to strengthening and supporting the community is to bypass its failed leadership and speak and interact directly with American Jews. Reprinted with author’s permission from Caroline Glick",326,1 +327,"We have made great strides in the policing of thought in this country. Just ask Brendan Eich, one of the founders of Mozilla, developers of the web browser Firefox. Eich had just landed a promotion to the big chair as Mozilla’s CEO. He lasted all of nine days. The reason? Back in 2008 Eich donated a thousand dollars to support Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative to ban same-sex marriage. The unearthing of this donation led to protests from gay rights activists and the h igh profile call for a boycott of Firefox by dating site OkCupid.com. Eich, as many people in circumstances such as his, was stricken with the sudden desire to “spend more time with his family” and quietly resigned. Regardless of your position on same sex marriage, those activists who led to Eich’s resignation should be ashamed. Their basic message? “You’d better be tolerant. Or else we will show you a display of true tolerance. By crushing you.” In fact, it is no longer enough to be tolerant. Prior to his resignation, Eich told tech site CNET “[i]f Mozilla cannot continue to operate according to its principles of inclusiveness, where you can work on the mission no matter what your background or other beliefs, I think we’ll probably fail.” In the same interview, he said that he wished for those who were calling for his ouster to know that “without getting into my personal beliefs, which I separate from my Mozilla work — when people learned of the donation, they felt pain. I saw that in friends’ eyes, [friends] who are LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered]. I saw that in 2012. I am sorry for causing that pain.” Wow. Eich sounds like an intolerant jerk! No, strike that. He sounds like a dedicated and thoughtful professional who was able to separate his work and personal lives–as well he should have been. But to the activist crowd, it’s not enough that people are tolerant. They must offer affirmation of the LGBT agenda or pay the price. Their much vaunted toleration doesn’t extend to those who might have opposing viewpoints, like Eich. Of course, gay rights activists claim that Eich’s views are not deserving of toleration because he sought to strip them of their rights. This may or may not be the case, but I’d wager that many of them aren’t such dogged defenders of rights when asked about, say, the Second Amendment. And I’m hearing curiously little from these champions of freedom about the fact that 70 percent of California’s African Americans and over 50 percent of Hispanics voted for Prop 8. The uncomfortable fact for the left is that 2008 was the same election in which minority voters pulled the levers in droves for President Obama. Even more uncomfortable? President Obama himself was opposed to same sex marriage in 2008. But, then, it’s not about principle. It’s about ramming through the “right” outcomes. An Associated Press piece about Eich’s resignation asks “whether the episode undercuts the well-groomed image of Silicon Valley as a marketplace of ideas and diversity of thought, and whether, in this case, the tech world surrendered to political correctness enforced through a public shaming on social media.” Geez, ya think? Andrew Sullivan, the unreliably conservative columnist had this to say: Will [Eich] now be forced to walk through the streets in shame? Why not the stocks? The whole episode disgusts me – as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society. If this is the gay rights movement today – hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else – then count me out. If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us. The trite knock at the religious right is to be expected from a regular guest on Bill Maher’s show, but Sullivan is right to call the gay rights activists out on their bullying tactics. And the man has skin in the game, as an openly gay man who has long supported same sex marriage. Kudos to Sullivan for recognizing that support for an issue doesn’t require the squashing of all dissenting viewpoints. Liberals like to mock those who speak of the “gay agenda.” The real agenda, they claim, is for homosexuals to be able to live out their lives in dignity with their loved ones. Such efforts at destroying opposition unfortunately make that more difficult to believe. And activists forget that perhaps next time, they won’t be the ones to define which thought crimes should be prosecuted. In a society which encourages the personal destruction of dissenters, any one of us can develop the desire to “spend more time with family” at any time.",327,1 +328,"Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ******************************************************************************** Earlier this week, CNN published a story titled “ White supremacists by default’: How ordinary people made Charlottesville possible,” which basically said that every single person that voted for Donald Trump to be president was a White Supremacist by Default. John Blake, CNN Enterprise writer/producer, is the article’s author. Blake blamed Trump voters for helping to advance white supremacy. How, you may ask? Because even the ordinary, non-racist Trump supporter was giving space for white supremacists to operate and are ultimately the reason for what took place in Charlottesville, Virginia. “It’s easy to focus on the angry white men in paramilitary gear who looked like they were mobilizing for a race war in the Virginia college town,” Blake wrote. “But it’s the ordinary people — the voters who elected a reality TV star with a record of making racially insensitive comments, the people who move out of the neighborhood when people of color move in, the family members who ignore a relative’s anti-Semitism — who give these type of men room to operate.” Now, Blake is a Black man. Given the fact he is writing at CNN, would it be safe to assume he supported Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarkah? If so, would it also, given the fact of his warped logic here, be fair to use his logic against him and say that he is responsible for the violence of the knockout game, Black Lives Matter and the advancement of Black Power movements like the New Black Panthers and Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam? Yeah, it makes a point, but it wouldn’t be fair to say, would it? Blake was not alone in putting this piece together. He cited Mark Naison, a political activist and history professor at Fordham University in New York City, who compared Trump supporters to the “nice people” in Nazi Germany and Rwanda. “That was the twisted formula that made the Holocaust and Rwanda possible and allowed Jim Crow segregation to survive: Nice people looked the other way while those with an appetite for violence did the dirty work,” Naison said. “You have to have millions of people who are willing to be bystanders, who push aside evidence of racism, Islamophobia or sexism. You can’t have one without the other.” Blake then went on to say that there are four groups of people who play a part in racial divisions in the country, based on Ms. Naison and others. “Many of the white racists who marched in Charlottesville were condemned because they openly said they don’t believe in integration or racial equality,” Blake wrote about Trump supporters. “But millions of ordinary white Americans have been sending that message to black and brown people for at least a half a century. They send it with their actions: They don’t want to live next to or send their children to school with black or brown people, historians say.” Then there are those who thought Trump’s comments about both sides having issues when it comes to racial hatred. “Trump’s ‘many sides’ response, though, wasn’t that abnormal in the context of US history,” wrote Blake. “It used to be the norm for white political leaders to draw a moral equivalence between racists and those who suffered from their acts of brutality, historians say. It’s the “yes, but” rhetorical maneuver — condemn racism but add a qualifier to diminish the sincerity of what you just said.” Trump’s comments were spot on for anyone paying attention. Obama had stirred up racial tensions in America to the point that even Black people were saying he was doing it. Then Blake decided to list a third group. This group is those who “choose chaos.” “Many voters knew Trump would bring something else to the Oval Office — chaos,” Blake wrote. “That’s why they chose him. He’s their first reality TV president, one writer says.” “Many voted for Trump because they liked the persona he cultivated as the star of ‘The Apprentice,'” he continued. “Reality TV rewards characters who say rude and reprehensible things, characters are often cast as racial stereotypes, and those who provoke the most chaos get the most attention, says Joy Lanzendorfer, author of the Vice article, ‘How Reality TV Made Donald Trump President.'” Again, he never mentions the chaos we saw across the country that was sparked by the Black Lives Matter crowds. To do that would demonstrate the hypocrisy of his article. Finally, there are those that Blake says “look the other way.” “If you want to know why those white racists now feel so emboldened, it may help to look at all the ordinary people around you, your neighbors, your family members, your leaders,” Blake wrote. “But first, start by looking at yourself.” Well, turn about is fair play. Perhaps, Mr. Blake should look in the mirror and then take a look at the lying, manipulative and deceitful propaganda outlet he is working for, then maybe, he might get a clue at just how badly he has been indoctrinated before he points the finger at people who have light skin and labels them all racist because of some delusional logic that he possesses. Mr. Blake might also wonder how he is emboldening the racism of those in his own community. Courtesy of Freedom Outpost Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Tim is also an affiliate for the Joshua Mark 5 AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle. Follow Tim on Twitter.",328,1 +329,"President Donald Trump once left his son, Donald Trump Jr., stranded on a tarmac after he was five minutes late for a flight, the president's first wife Ivana Trump wrote in her new book ""Raising Trump."" Ivana referenced the anecdote when describing a key feature of Donald and the rest of the Trump family that she learned when she and the future president first began dating. ""The entire Trump clan arrived exactly on time,"" she wrote. ""I learned early on that they were punctual to an extreme. For them, 'on time' meant five minutes early."" ""When Donald arrived in a boardroom, or took his seat on an airplane and the door closed, that was that,"" she continued. ""If you weren't on the inside, the meeting or the flight would start without you. Donald once left Don Jr. standing on the tarmac for being five minutes late to the airport."" Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: Roger Stone explains what Trump has in common with Richard Nixon See Also: SEE ALSO: McConnell gives strongest hint yet that GOP should gut the biggest weapon Democrats have to halt Trump's judicial nominees",329,0 +330,"Vice President Biden defended Hillary Clinton’s decision to use a private email server as secretary of state in an interview Thursday with “Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson. Dickerson asked Biden about a lesson from his Grandfather Finnegan: “Public servants are obliged to level with everybody, whether or not they’ll like what he, the public servant, has to say.” He asked the vice president, “Do you think that applies to Hillary Clinton’s dealing with this private server that she set up?” “Well, I think it’s a combination of a couple of things,” Biden replied. “One, I don’t think she understood the gravity of setting it up. She thought it was, ‘This is okay to do.’” Clinton has said she set up her private server for the sake of convenience, but she has since acknowledged that it was a mistake and that she would use the government system if she had to do it over again. Biden further suggested that Clinton may be a bit battle-scarred from her long time in the public eye, and he said that may have contributed to her initial clumsy response to the email controversy. “This woman has been so battered over 30 years,” Biden explained. “I think then when faced with, ‘This is a problem,’ I think instead of just cutting it and dealing with it immediately, there’s always an inclination to overthink it.” The vice president also weighed in on his own future after his time in the Obama administration. “I’m not going away,” he began. “Everything from this issue of violence against women, to income inequality, to the cancer ‘moonshot,’ I’m gonna devote the rest of my life to this.” “I have been so proud of being involved in public service that I’m not sure exactly how I’m gonna do it,” he added, “other than the structure of [the] American political system.” When Dickerson asked Biden what he’ll do on his final day in office, the vice president replied, “What I’m going to do is go home and begin to figure out what I do for the rest of my life.” More of Dickerson’s interview with the vice president will air Sunday. Check your local listings for airtimes.",330,0 +331,"Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and his wife, Jane Sanders have hired prominent defense attorneys amid an FBI investigation concerning possible bank fraud, according to CBS News and Politico Magazine. The investigation centers on a loan that Jane Sanders secured to expand Burlington College when she was its president. Jane Sanders allegedly distorted school donor levels in a 2010 loan application for $10 million from People's United Bank to buy 33 acres of land for the school, which shut down in 2016. Bernie Sanders told the Washington Post that the investigation would clear his wife of any wrongdoing. Rich Cassidy has reportedly been hired to represent Bernie Sanders, while high-profile Washington defense attorney Larry Robbins is reportedly representing Jane Sanders.",331,0 +332,"Hillary Clinton was boring and exceptionally well-prepared. Donald Trump was exciting but embarrassingly undisciplined. He began with his strongest argument — that the political class represented by her has failed us and it’s time to look to a successful dealmaker for leadership — and kept to it pretty well for the first 20 minutes. Then due to the vanity and laziness that led him to think he could wing the most important 95 minutes of his life, he lost the thread of his argument, he lost control of his temper and he lost the perspective necessary to correct these mistakes as he went. Methodically and carefully, Hillary Clinton took over. Her purpose was to show she was rational and policy-driven, the kind of person who could be trusted to handle a careful and delicate job with prudence and sobriety — and that he was none of these things. And she succeeded. By the end of the 95 minutes, Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O’Donnell and about how he hasn’t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking. Most important, he set ticking time bombs for himself over the next six weeks. As she hammered him on his tax returns, he handed her an inestimable gift by basically saying he pays no federal taxes despite his billions — and moreover, that if he had done so, it would have been “squandered” anyway. By the end of the 95 minutes, Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O’Donnell and about how he hasn’t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking. That’s not going to go away, nor is her suggestion that his refusal to release his returns is the result of his either not being as rich as he says or not being as charitable as he claims. Clinton quoted him saying in 2006 that he hoped for a housing meltdown because it would provide buying opportunities and thereby goaded him into saying “that’s called business, by the way.” To which she quickly replied that 9 million people lost their jobs and 5 million lost their homes in the housing meltdown he was so excited about. Blammo. His reply to Hillary’s recitation of the fact he’d begun his career settling a Justice Department lawsuit about racial discrimination in Trump housing was that there was “no admission of guilt,” which is the sort of thing the villain said at the end of “LA Law” and sounded no better in real life. Even when he could have taken her down, he was so incompetent he didn’t go for it. A question about cybersecurity was the perfect opportunity to hammer Clinton on her outrageous mishandling of classified information. Instead, he went into a bizarre digression in which he alternately wondered whether his son Barron might grow up to become a hacker and defended Vladimir Putin from the accusation Russia had tapped into the Democratic National Committee’s emails (which the FBI says almost certainly happened). That has to count as the biggest choke of his political life. By the time the last 15 minutes rolled around, he was reduced to yammering about Rosie O’Donnell being mean to him and Hillary running mean commercials about him and praising himself because there are some really terrible things he could have said about Hillary but hasn’t. By this point, even his smart closing zinger — “she has experience but it’s bad experience” — was buried inside a weird word salad that reduced its effectiveness to almost nil. His supporters should be furious with him, and so should the public in general. By performing this incompetently, by refusing to prepare properly for this exchange, by not learning enough to put meat on the bones of his populist case against Clinton, he displayed nothing but contempt for the people who have brought him this far — and for the American people who are going to make this momentous decision on Nov. 8.",332,1 +333,"Medical science is constantly making cancer breakthroughs, however there’s an extensive process to bring treatments to the public. After making a discovery in the lab and performing tests, there are human clinical trials that require oversight by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before approval. That being said, there are some promising new treatments (with some currently still in the investigational stages) targeting cancer, and they could prove valuable to millions of patients in the U.S. and beyond in the future. Here are six experimental cancer treatments that are catching attention from the medical world… BestMedicalDegrees.com outlines this experimental use of heat to target tumors. This technique can zero in on specific areas or heat the whole body, which will break down protein cells within a tumor and cause them to die, notes the source. While the treatment can potentially blast away existing cells, it could also help prevent new ones from forming. “Hyperthermia Therapy is very exciting because, if it turns out to be a viable treatment, this will destroy the cancerous tumors from the inside out and hinder its ability to infect more healthy cells,” adds the source. Also called adoptive cell transfer, the experimental technique aims to improve the ability of a patient’s natural T-cells (lymphocytes for immunity) to fight cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute. Doctors can take the best and most active T-cells that have invaded a tumor and extract them to multiply in a lab – the patient’s immune cells are then wiped out and the lab-grown cells are re-infused back to them, it adds. There are variations of this treatment, and the first use of it targeted metastatic melanoma, which can spread quickly through the body. Modified T-cells are also being looked at to treat other solid tumors as well as hematologic cancers (cancers of the blood), it adds. ABC News says in an article that this therapy consists of drugs that are aimed at destroying only specific cancer cells, without negatively affecting healthy cells as many existing treatments do. “Thus, people taking the drugs too often suffer horrible side effects on top of whatever havoc the cancer itself is already wreaking,” notes the source. ABC says the leading drug in this new therapy is called Glivec (or STI571). It is designed to treat a specific form a leukemia called chronic myeloid leukemia, which has about 7,000 new cases per year in the U.S., adds the source. “Doctors are extremely hopeful that the drug could provide a model for similar drugs to treat cancers affecting many thousands more people,” it notes. The National Cancer Institute detailed a potential new cancer therapy in early 2017, which looks to target ovarian cancer cells. The basics are that tumor cells “express” a protein called TNFR2, which can prevent a patient’s natural immune system from attacking a tumor. Researchers have developed new antibodies that target TNFR2, as well as having the ability to kill ovarian cancer cells, thus “killing two birds with one stone,” notes the source. The team found that ovarian cancer cells express an abnormal level of TNFR2 that can promote tumor growth – and the source points out other types of cancers, such as colon and kidney cancer, also show unusual TNFR2 production. This therapy, which the American Brain Tumor Association said was recently approved by the FDA for glioblastoma (an aggressive brain cancer), usually follows surgery and radiation therapy, adds the source. It involves ceramic discs called transducer arrays to deliver electromagnetic energy to the scalp. “These electrical fields exert selective toxicity in proliferating cells thereby halting cell division and destroying the cancer cells,” notes the source. While the treatment is used in conjunction with oral chemotherapy drugs for glioblastoma (GBM), it can be used on its own to target recurrent (returning) GBM when other options have been exhausted, according to the source. Usually, having a virus is a bad thing. However, this therapy essentially involves introducing a virus to cancer cells that leave healthy cells alone, notes StandUp2Cancer.org. The virus only seeks out cancer cells due to their genetic mutation that normal cells don’t have, it explains. One treatment in particular is called Reolysin, developed by a Canadian biotechnology company, notes the source. The site notes that almost 300-patients “with various forms of cancer” in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. have been treated with this therapy, which infects cancer cells and causes them to explode. Apparently, side effects (such as a low-grade fever) are a lot milder than those associated with chemotherapy and radiation, it adds.",333,0 +334,"Metal Man is the easiest second easiest third easiest Robot Master from Mega Man 2, AKA the Best Mega Man game ever. Dr. Wily made Metal Man for combat purposes. But since Wily is stupid enough to model Metal Man after Cut Man, Metal Man is weak to the Mega Buster. But he never really died. He is now figuring out his revenge alongside Quick Man against Mega Man (And Air Man). You'll figure it out. Metal Man's real name was Harper Jose, a Hispanic dentist.",334,0 +335,"Writing in the Yorkshire Post, Sir Bernard Ingham warned Donald Trump that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not be “contained by sweet talk”. He also told the President-elect he was “America’s people’s idea of the best of a bad job”. Sir Bernard, who was the former Prime Minister’s press secretary from 1979 to 1990 warned Mr Trump could not succeed by ignoring US debt and hoping to “bomb Islamic terrorism out of existence”. He wrote: “You need to convince people that what is good for Americans would be good for them, too. “You will only do that if America becomes happier with itself. “You will be considered a great president if, at the end of your first term, the world is more stable and prosperous than you found it on taking the oath.”",335,0 +336,"President Obama won't just be handing over the keys to the Oval Office in January — he will also be relinquishing the all-important @POTUS Twitter account. Obama is the first sitting president to join Twitter, making this transition unprecedented. However, there's already a plan for what happens next. On January 20, 2017, when either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton takes office, they'll gain access to the @POTUS account and its 11 million followers, according to Twitter. The National Archives and Records Administration will also archive other Twitter handles, including @WhiteHouse, @VP, and @PressSec, according to Twitter. One big question mark is what will happen to the @FLOTUS Twitter account. While it's also included in the transition, it's possible Twitter may need to change that to @FMOTUS come January 20 if we elect our first female president.",336,0 +337,"News Modal Trigger Alex Jones and his conspiracy-obsessed website InfoWars prompted a series of disruptions at pro-Clinton rallies this week by offering $5,000 to anyone who can be heard shouting “Bill Clinton is a rapist.” During an event in Greensboro, NC, on Tuesday night, President Obama was bombarded by protesters who donned shirts with slogans accusing the ex-president of rape. “Those folks are auditioning for a reality show,” Obama joked at the hecklers. “Get your own rally!” POTUS repeatedly barked. “If you can’t get your own rally, don’t come mess up somebody else’s rally.” Jones, an avid Donald Trump supporter, has been offering up the bounty to Bill-bashers for about a week now. His supporters have since been spotted at Hillary events in Miami and Wisconsin, where the former president was targeted during an appearance in Milwaukee Saturday. The typically-jovial Arkansan looked visibly rattled when a protester shouted “rapist” at him during a discussion about the billionaire candidate’s position on global warming. “No one can dispute the fact,” Clinton said about climate change, after which the person in the audience added: “That you’re a rapist!” After several uncomfortable seconds, the former commander-in-chief began laughing and smiling. “You gotta feel sorry for them. They had a bad day yesterday,” he said, in reference to Friday’s video leak in which Trump was caught speaking crudely about women. It was not clear if Jones has actually made good on his $5,000 offer. An InfoWars spokesman told The Post on Wednesday night that at least 13 “successful participants” had so far come forward to claim their $5,000 prize. However, many people who participated had still not contacted the site for their payouts as of 9:30 p.m. The spokesman added that none of the protesters had been paid yet and that checks were set to be mailed at the end of the week. According to the website, the “Bill Clinton Rape” offer will be running through the election, or until $100,000 in prizes have been given out.",337,0 +338,"President Trump fired back at North Korea’s taunt, claiming that his nuclear button is bigger and better than Kim Jong Un’s. The administration also cut aid to Pakistan, citing its protection of terrorists, and Trump took aim at former White House strategist Steve Bannon, after the release of a bombshell book.",338,0 +339,"As seen on Watters' World 'More Scandalous Than We Can Fathom': Huckabee Goes Off on Clinton Foundation RPT: Aggressive Protesters Push, Spit on Trump Supporters at Fundraiser Trump: 'Obama Ought to Get Off the Golf Course' and Go to Louisiana Flood Zone On last night's ""Watters' World"" special, Jesse Watters dropped by New York City's Dominican Day Parade to learn about Dominican culture and to ask revelers about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the 2016 race. ""Are you guys out here celebrating or are you just looking for girls?"" My vote is for Hillary Clinton, because I think she represents women. To be honest, Trump doesn't know how to make up his mind. You don't like Trump or Hillary... what about me? Watch more the ""Watters' World"" clip above. 'Low-Level Simpleton': Thief Leaves Nasty Note After Stealing Man's Trump Sign",339,0 +340,"The hotel security guard wounded in the Las Vegas mass shooting has been arrested as an accomplice to that event. Fake news web sites capitalized on the tragedy of the 1 October 2017 mass shooting event in Las Vegas by proffering various unfounded conspiracy theories as “news,” particularly those positing that a “second shooter” took part in the carnage in additional to the one who rained bullets onto a concert crowd from a room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel. In particular, fake news sites focused on Jesus Campos, the Mandalay Bay security guard who reportedly went to investigate a door alarm on the 32nd floor and was wounded in the leg when the shooter fired an estimated 200 bullets through his hotel room door. Those sites initially reported (without any evidence) that Campos was not an innocent victim wounded in the course of his duties, but was actually suspected of being an accomplice in the mass shooting. On 12 October 2017, an impostor CNN lookalike web site doubled down on that tidbit of fake news by posting an article holding that Campos (whose name was repeatedly misspelled as “Compos”) was not only suspected of being an accomplice to the shooting, but had actually been arrested on the grounds that he, too, shot at concert-goers from the Mandalay Bay’s 32nd floor suite — and then shot the real perpetrator in the head (fatally) and himself in the arm (superficially) to provide cover for his actions: Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Compos has been arrested accused of being an accomplice and second shooter in the Las Vegas massacre that claimed the lives of 59 people and injured more than 500. Jesus Campos had originally been praised for his apparent heroics on October 1st, as he supposedly rushed to Paddock’s suite, was shot in the upper thigh through the door, and continued to help get people to safety despite his wounds. However, FBI officials involved in the investigation now believe he was an accomplice of Paddock’s, and was involved in the initial shooting as a second gunman from the other broken window in Paddock’s 32nd-floor room. According to a senior FBI official, authorities became suspicions by the extreme amount of gunpowder residue found on Campos’ hands and inconsistencies in his timeline of events. “We believe he killed [the shooter], shot holes through the door and his own arm to produce physical evidence for his cover story, then went and lay next to the elevator,” the FBI official told CNN. Although some confusion remains, as of this writing, about the precise timing of when Campos was wounded relative to the onset of the larger mass shooting rampage, law enforcement has not at any time suggested that Campos was an accomplice to that mass shooting, much less taken him into custody on that basis. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.",340,0 +341,"Here’s one thing we can all say for certain regarding the latest twist of the Hillary Clinton email scandal: James Comey, who was once regarded as the Eliot Ness of law enforcement, a modern day straight-shooter impenetrable to political pressure, will instead leave the office of FBI chief as something closer to Inspector Clouseau. Don’t take my word for it; that’s the assessment of just about every law enforcement official, both former and present, I spoke to in the hours following his bizarre decision on Friday to reopen the case on the legality of Hillary Clinton’s email server, just days before the Nov 8 presidential election. It was bizarre, these people tell me, because the whole sordid Hillary Clinton email saga should never have gotten this far; Comey launched an investigation that developed far more evidence than anyone in law enforcement ever believed existed that Hillary Clinton broke the laws involving the receipt of sensitive government documents over an easily hacked private email server while she was President Obama’s secretary of state. My sources in law enforcement were pretty convinced Comey would do the right thing and recommend charges to the Obama Justice Department, despite its political consequence, because the evidence was there and Comey was supposed to be so non political. He was a Republican appointed by Democrat Barack Obama to run a quasi independent investigative arm of the DOJ because he had a fierce independent streak. He famously brought white-collar cases during the pro-business Bush Administration as the US Attorney for the Southern District. Later in a senior position in the Bush DOJ, he refused to approve aspects of the government's domestic surveillance program. But there appears to be limits to Comey's independence, these same people now concede. In July, Comey came up with an odd excuse for not recommending criminal charges against Clinton: He couldn’t develop enough evidence that Clinton intended to break the law under the standard of “gross negligence.” It was such an odd set rationale that Comey laid out for not bringing that case that most people listening to him at first thought he was laying out his reasoning to bring charges, as he explained one reckless move after another from Clinton in establishing the private server and private emails for handing all her government business. Indeed he initially laid out such a convincingly damning case against Clinton that markets began to crash for much of Comey’s tortured remarks as investors initially came to the conclusion that Hillary Clinton would be indicted and someone as crazy as Donald Trump could become president. That didn’t happen, of course, as Comey would explain -- and the markets that day recovered as he announced how Hillary Clinton may have done something criminal even if she never intended to do it and as a result he was giving her pass. Note to reader: Markets will take criminal over crazy any day of the week. But that wasn't the sentiment inside the FBI, where according to my law enforcement sources, a near mutiny broke out among career agents who believe there was plenty of evidence pointing to Clinton's gross negligence that Comey initially said never existed, and that their boss caved to political pressure from the Obama DOJ. Recall, Attorney General Loretta Lynch just had a private meeting with former president and possible first husband Bill Clinton just days before Comey handed in his verdict, which added to the fetid smell of the FBI chief's decision. Then there was the evidence: Remember, Clinton has never given much of a rationale for using only a private email account via her own server to send and receive state department related emails other than its convenience, which should never outweigh national security. Meanwhile, career agents argued her intent was inherent in simple creation of the private email server and exclusive use of a private email is supposed to be verboten under various laws including the Espionage Act. Her supporters point out that others like Bush Administration Secretary of State Colin Powell used a private email account, but that omits the fact that Powell’s email was from a computer he kept at the state department and he used it before the document laws were beefed up post 9-11. He also didn’t go through the process of creating his own easily hacked private server. Another difference: Clinton used her private account exclusively, and Powell didn’t. That’s probably because Powell didn’t have a reason to have a private server that he could control and erase its contents; He didn’t have a private charity that would do business with the federal government and would become a private enrichment vehicle, as Hillary and her former-president husband Bill have in the form of the Clinton Foundation. Now we have Comey possibly looking to make amends with his troops, possibly looking to cover his rear end, definitely looking incompetent, because of all people Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former Congressman, and soon-to-be ex husband of Hillary Clinton confident, Huma Abedin. FBI agents, investigating Weiner’s alleged depravity with an underage girl, stumbled across some more Hillary-related emails from Abedin, and as we learned Friday an investigation that was ""closed"" is now suddenly open. I say closed in quotes to underscore the murkiness of FBI investigative procedures. Cases are rarely officially closed and even when they are the bureau will leave the door open that additional information would re-ignite their efforts. If you think this story could get any more surreal consider the following: law enforcement sources tell Fox Business that Weiner could soon cooperate with the Feds, and that can’t be good news for his wife or her boss. (an attorney for Anthony Weiner tells Fox News there is no cooperation agreement in place) Weiner, I am told, was miffed at the Clinton’s for keeping him away from the campaign before his latest sexting episode. Now facing a possible prison term for alleged dealings with an underage girl he has even more incentive to cooperate against his soon-to-be ex-wife and the Clintons. I can't tell you whether the new emails will reach Comey's standard for gross negligence, but that's really besides the point. The country could have been spared this spectacle if he had just done the right thing in July and recommended a charge against Clinton. Then the Democrats could have regrouped and given the nomination to Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden or someone who doesn't stand a chance of being indicted or impeached if elected. Yes if Hillary Clinton manages to win, she will be a sitting duck for every GOP investigative committee, particularly as the odds grow the Republicans will now keep the House and possibly the Senate. If you thought the last eight years were contentious, you ain't seen nothing yet. Thank you, James Comey.",341,1 +342,"The military taught me at an early age that one must know their enemy. This adage does not simply pertain to combat either. In all facets of your life, you must always endeavor to see things from the perspective of others. Not only does this allow you to empathize with them, but it also shows you the way to gain the tactical advantage. The greatest pundit of this would have to be Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese warlord who wrote the book The Art of War. This book is one of the best books on strategy ever written. This strategy goes far beyond the confines of combat, however. He spends a great deal of time discussing how war is mostly a mental game, explaining that force is simply one facet within an expansive set of options. One of my favorite quotes is, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” I do this very well. In fact, I do it too well. Just ask my wife. I know how I argue and I know how she argues, and I use this knowledge to my advantage every time. It is not intentional at this point, just something that has been ingrained into me. So at the end of the day, I can respect an adversary who is capable of truly manipulating a situation to gain the psychological advantage. It is for this reason that I must tip my hat to the Democratic party as a whole. I try very hard to be honest regardless of which side of the political aisle you may be on. When someone does something wrong, I will call them out for it. Typically, this is very easy to do with the Democrats, as virtually everything about their platform goes against what I believe the Constitution stands for. With that being said, I must also recognize when my enemy is gaining the advantage through manipulation; while I may not agree with their methods, I have to respect and be impressed with their results. Consider this—the Democrats have for the past eight years seen a huge loss in political power. According to Fox News, the total loss of Democrat-held elected positions as of December 2016 was 1,042. In fact, during the Obama reign, they went from 55 to 46 Senate seats and from 256 to 194 House seats at the federal level. Things didn’t improve at the state level, with the number of Democratic governors going from 28 to 16 and a total loss of 958 legislative seats. No compatible source was found for this video. There is only one way to look at these numbers—a complete and total repudiation of liberal policies and beliefs. What made this even funnier at the time was how the Democrats then doubled down on their divisiveness. A great example is when Sally Brown, DNC Chair hopeful, stated that, “My job is to listen and be a voice and shut other white people down when they want to interrupt…We have to teach [others] how to communicate, how to be sensitive and how to shut their mouths if they are white.” Or even when Howard Dean said that hate speech wasn’t protected speech. My favorite, though, was when Tom Perez, Democratic National Committee chair, said that if you wanted to be a Democrat, you had to be pro-choice. However, what was originally funny to me quickly curdled into shock. The problem is that the Democrats have something going for them that those on the other side simply don’t seem to be able to do. They know their enemy. They know how to manipulate the Republicans in office to give the left everything they want. I would never have believed that this was possible. The Republicans own both houses of Congress and had the overwhelming support of the American people. They were elected into office to enact the items that they ran on: defunding planned parenthood, repealing Obamacare, enacting tax reform, and building a wall. What did they accomplish out of that? Nothing! To make it even worse, they showed their incompetence by releasing Obamacare version 2.0. How is it possible for a party to have the majority control at both the state and national levels and yet not be able to enact the very legislation that it ran on? The answer to that is the Democratic party. Not only were they able to keep the Republicans from moving on their platform, they now get to pass the buck on the failure of Obamacare to the Republicans. Now, in a continuing show of their exceptional ability to control the government even when not in power, they have managed to have special council appointed to look into the Russian involvement in the election cycle. This ensures that even though there has been no evidence to suggest that the Trump administration did anything illegal, the question remains front and center over his presidency. They were even able to avoid the same scrutiny within their own party, where there were a plethora of potentially illegal actions that were swept under the rug. I hate to say it, but my hat is off to you, Democratic party. You have managed to ensure the catastrophic collapse of the party who won control of the country due to your failed policies. So how is it possible that they were able to do this? The answer is simply that they actually believe in their cause. This has both helped and hurt them. Wanting an America with less freedom and constricted liberties does not sell well. At the end of the day, there is only so much crazy talk the populace can endure without finally shutting you down. However, when you truly believe in your cause, the elected posts are secondary to what your message is. This is not true for the Republicans, who clearly covet power over the interest of the country. They are so worried about keeping their control that they would turn on their own principals to protect themselves. Knowing this allows the left to continue to move their position and policies forward, even when not in power, and the right is doing the same thing that they always do. They are sitting by and watching out of fear that they will be blamed. The typical Republican politician is clearly not capable of real leadership. Real leadership inspires those around them and rallies them under a single banner. The sad thing is that in this case, this was the banner that the American people elected their officials to turn into reality. If the Republicans do not figure this out quickly, they are setting themselves up for more than just a loss. They are looking at a complete shakeup of their party. Maybe that is what is needed, though. Maybe this is actually for the best. I remember right before retiring telling my son that there comes a point in every career when you are no longer able to bend and adapt. You have grown too complacent in your ways and view new ideas and thoughts as a threat to your existence. It is at this point that you have become the dinosaur. I am pretty sure that at this point, what the party needs is an extinction-level event, and the Democrats are more than willing to lead us to that well.",342,1 +343,"Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press”, former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway called on President Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton to calm protests that have broken out in opposition to Donald Trump’s election as president. Referencing thousands of protesters outside Trump Tower in Manhattan, chanting “Not my president”, Conway said “I think it’s time for them to give this man a chance, too.” According to Conway, President-Elect Trump has already addressed the protesters and “he will continue to address them. He’s going to be the president of all people.” But, she added, “This is a two-way street.” “It’s time really for President Obama and Secretary Clinton to say to these protesters: ‘This man is our president,’” Conway continued. Conway cited what she claimed was media hypocrisy, saying that if Hillary Clinton had won and “if there were two Donald Trump protesters somewhere, people would be freaking out that his supporters were not accepting the election results.” Speculation has already begun about what President-Elect Trump’s administration will look like, especially who will serve as his Chief of Staff in the White House. Conway commented on reports RNC Chair Reince Priebus and Trump Campaign CEO Steve Bannon are the top candidates being considered for the post. While she said both will “have big roles in a Trump administration”, she particularly highlighted what she sees as Bannon’s qualifications for the job. “I think having worked with him and known him, Steve Bannon, in this particular campaign, was the general. And he is much more the Goldman Sachs managing partner and much more the naval officer, I think, than people realize. That’s a big part of his background.” Conway denied that Bannon, who also served as editor of conservative site Breitbart, would come to Washington to proverbially “burn it down.” Finally, Conway commented on recent reports that Hillary Clinton partially blamed her loss in the election on FBI Director James Comey. While calling Secretary Clinton “a woman of enormous gifts and talents”, Conway said “I just can’t believe it’s always somebody else’s fault. Sometimes you just have to take a look in the mirror and reflect on what went wrong.”",343,0 +344,"Singer Seal is calling out critics for suggesting he attacked Oprah Winfrey over her relationship with Harvey Weinstein, insisting he was speaking out against hypocrisy in Hollywood. The Kiss From a Rose star came under fire earlier this week after he took to Instagram to question Oprah’s friendship with the disgraced producer, writing. “Oh I forgot, that’s right… you’d heard the rumours but you had no idea he was actually serially assaulting young stary-eyed (sic) actresses who in turn had no idea what they were getting into. My bad,” he snapped, adding a meme featuring Oprah and Harvey at events together. But now the singer insists he wasn’t trying to discredit Winfrey. “Now let’s get straight to it,” he says in a new video posted on Facebook. “Let me start by saying that I have an enormous amount of respect for everything that Oprah has achieved and contributed in her life.” “What I re-posted was not an attack on Oprah at all,” he adds. “She just happened to be the person photographed with the pig (Weinstein) in the picture. No, what I re-posted was commentary on the hypocritical and double standard nature and behaviour of Hollywood…” In his message, Seal also slams actress Stacey Dash for tweeting a link to an article about Seal’s original post and writing, “Ouch, he does make a good point though.” “And Stacey Dash, keep my name out of your mouth,” he continues. “Do not re-tweet, re-quote anything I have said in order to reinforce your self-hating agenda… Again, this was not an attack against Oprah. This was an observation of the toxic nature of Hollywood and I believe that a conscious people are a progressive people…” Oprah addressed the Weinstein sex scandal on her Facebook account late last year, writing: “I’ve been processing the accounts of Harvey Weinstein’s hideous behavior and haven’t been able to find the words to articulate the magnitude of the situation.” More than 80 women, including Mira Sorvino, Rose McGowan, Ashley Judd, and Gwyneth Paltrow, have now accused the disgraced studio boss of inappropriate behaviour, assault, rape, and misconduct. Weinstein maintains that while he may have behaved badly in the past he has never forced a woman to have sex with him.",344,0 +345,"Many liberal talking heads have made a big deal out of the supposed demographic wave facing Republicans and conservatives as the nation morphs into a more diverse population. Growth rates amongst minorities have begun to exceed those of whites. The narrative goes like this — as the white, European-based population diminishes, America will become less conservative and more socialist, demanding more and more free stuff. The rich will just have to pay for it — in other words, the takers will get more from the makers. While the demographic trend may be true, the pre-conceived outcome is anything but. I’m not one to forecast a ‘conservative century’, but I will say the notion that the up-and-coming generation largely believes in socialism is a falsehood. First of all, many minority groups have historically held conservative values. Although this trend has diminished to some extent, due to the brainwashing and self-imposed victimization of minority youth, it has not gone away entirely. Hispanics go to church; they believe in hard work. I’ve know many Hispanic businessmen and families who are angry at the open border crowd pushing for illegal immigration and benefits for millions of undocumented immigrants. They did not go through the process legally as many immigrants have and this annoys successful minority entrepreneurs. There is also the fact that ‘Obamanomics’ and social welfare policies did nothing to help the minority groups he promised to assist. Aside from increasing dependency on government, every other statistic for prosperity for minorities went down. No compatible source was found for this video. Many minorities are starting to see this. I recently overheard one minority veteran tell someone at the VA that the government aid was helpful but what he really needed was a job. Trump is right — the dignity of work is a beautiful thing to behold. The election of President Donald J. Trump has been a game changer when considering the political support for one side of the spectrum. The identity politics of the Left has done nothing but cause election losses. That is a fact. The white, working-class, middle-American will be missing for a long time in the Democratic Party. Hillary Clinton made it perfectly clear that the Left did not care about flyover country during the election. The overt racism of Black Lives Matter and other minority hate groups has further cemented this condition. What does the Left offer the hard-working American? It doesn’t offer a job. It doesn’t offer dignity. It just offers derision of other Americans and government dependency. This is not what American wants — hence the election of Donald Trump. Trump sure has delivered, on his promises that is. Jobs are being created; economic optimism is soaring; plants are opening; coal mines are being dug; and business investment is growing again. I read today that Trump will push for America to be the energy capital of the world. The optimism is only going to grow. The business climate is only going to get better. Americans have seen the results of a decade of socialist, liberal, culturally Marxist policies, and they don’t like it. But most of all, the policies don’t work. All Obama and his minions brought to the table was failure, massive failure. Failure in government, failure in the economy, failure in foreign policy and national security, and failure in the ability of a citizen to realize the American dream. Americans have had enough. Of course, there will always be those who choose to be dependent on government and live off the largess of others. But my gut tells me as Trump makes America great again, many of those people will see the light and actually get a job. The younger generation, who is now moving to college age and called Generation Z, have seen all of this happen. They have seen their parents struggle. They have seen their parents lose their dignity. They have seen their parents becoming dependent on the local commissar for a handout. They will also see the opposite — they will see the fruits of capitalism. They will see factories open. They will feel the optimism. There will be no where else to attribute this change in circumstances except to Trump and conservative policies. America is becoming one big learning lab for its younger citizens. In addition to the national policies changing the face of America, there will be changes in our university and educational systems. We are at the zenith of cultural Marxism right now in this country. It is painfully obvious that the communism lovers in our institutions of higher education have had the run of the asylum and wreaked havoc. There will be changes here. I don’t know what form it will take or how it will happen, but the groundswell of public outrage and alumni queasiness about the lack of freedom of speech on campus is coming to a head. There will be consequences. It is not okay for speech to be restricted anywhere in our educational process. It is not okay for due process to be withheld from male victims of rape accusations. It is not okay for tenured professors to spew racist and communist propaganda at our young people. This will change, I am confident of it. The pendulum is slowly starting to swing the other way. Generation Z will face a smaller sea of Neo-Bolsheviks as they enter college. This is a good thing. There was a study released recently which delved into the political beliefs and tendencies of Generation Z as they move to take the place of the Millennial generation. There could not be a more striking divide between the ‘live in your parent’s basement’ generation and the new group coming of age. The study concluded that Generation Z is the most conservative since the end of World War II. This is a stunning revelation and I believe it is due to the factors I have outlined above. They have been able to observe the two different views of the world, the two ways of living your life as a taker and a maker. They want to be the latter. Perhaps it is deeper and more simple than that. Perhaps they have seen that the Democratic Party — the Left, the ‘progressives,’ the cultural Marxists, the racists, whatever you want to call this rag-tag opposition to President Trump and Make America Great Again — have nothing to offer that will make their lives more successful or fulfilling. Perhaps Generation Z has seen with their own eyes that the Democratic Party is nothing more than a huge, stinking mountain of organized crime, that desires to steal from other’s hard work and vision. Maybe that is why even the term ‘hard work’ is now deemed a ‘micro aggression’ by these idiots. Yes, I believe that America is about to experience a generation of success and prosperity, driven by a reawakening of conservative principles. Before the election, I did a book signing in a hotel near an airport. The young manager of the place was an Indian man. He came over and started asking me questions from time-to-time when the crowd thinned down. The conversation quickly turned to politics and he guardedly asked me my opinions on Trump and Hillary — I gave them to him. As I was packing my things to leave an hour or so later, he came over and quietly informed me that he was voting for Trump. “My family did things legally,” he declared, “I can’t stand the Democrats.”",345,1 +346,"(Newser) – President Trump defended Michael Flynn on Monday by invoking Hillary Clinton. While speaking to reporters, the president said he felt ""very badly for Flynn"" and declared that the FBI treated the former national security adviser much more harshly than it did Clinton. ""Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI,"" said Trump, per Politico. ""Nothing happened to her. Flynn lied, and they destroyed his life. I think it's a shame."" He specifically referenced Clinton's grilling by the FBI over her email server in July 2015. ""It was the most incredible thing anyone's ever seen,"" said Trump. ""She lied many times, nothing happened to her. Flynn lied and it's like they ruined his life. It's very unfair.” As USA Today points out, former FBI chief James Comey testified to the contrary before Congress. ""We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI,"" Comey said in July 2016, when he still ran the agency. There's no such gray area on Flynn: He admitted lying to the FBI in his plea agreement. (Controversy over a presidential tweet on the subject continues.)",346,0 +347,"Not too long ago we wrote about KFC following 11 people on Twitter: The five Spice Girls and six guys named Herb (including UFC referee Herb Dean). That’s right, six herbs and five spices! If you missed the article, check it out here. Well the gentleman that noticed this (@edgette22 on Twitter) has now been rewarded. You might think that the obvious choice would be a life supply of KFC right? Wrong… that’s not KFC’s style. What do you know, that’s Edge being given a piggyback ride by the Colnel himself! A work of art yes, a strange gift… also yes. But wow KFC’s marketing team are inventive. People on Twitter went mad for this of course! Edge had also been the victim of some controversy surrounding the whole debacle, so this will come as a welcome treat. What do you think? Images via: Twitter / @edgette22",347,0 +348,"Shoutout To This Father-Son Duo Who Avenged Their Daughter/Sister’s Death By Kidnapping And Kicking The Shit Out Of Her Heroin Hookup Until He Named Names Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information. Trashlive: Hours after a 32-year-old woman from Western Massachusetts fatally overdosed in Rhode Island on Monday, her father and brother were arrested in what police are calling a kidnapping and attack on her suspected heroin hookup. Police arrived on Baldwin Hill Road in the small Berkshire County town of Egremont around 4:15 p.m. to find the late woman’s father allegedly choking and striking a struggling man while his son helped hold down his arms. Both father and son were “screaming different versions of ‘you killed my [expletive] daughter’ and ‘you killed my [expletive] sister,'” according to a report by Egremont Police Officer Hans Carlson, obtained Friday by MassLive. The man was able to escape the slow-moving van on Baldwin Hill Road, whereupon both Lombardis allegedly followed him out and continued the attack, which residents of the street observed and reported to police, who intervened in a quick response. I don’t normally condone vigilantism, but at the same time, we’re living in a state filled to the brim with Deval Patrick judges that let scumbags out onto the street time and time again. Some times you just gotta do what you gotta do. Nah mean? Big shoutout to this father and son duo who realized that this was the only way they were going to receive any sort of satisfaction. There’s no way the idiot they kidnapped ever saw it coming either. There’s a reason it was just the son that was supposed to show up. The Dad looks like he done killed 4-5 people before. Plus his name is Ralph. I don’t fuck with guys named Ralph who wear shirts like that. That’s just common sense. Meanwhile the son appears to be your average Berkshire hippie jock who is no stranger to craft beer festivals: Never in a million years did the “victim” think that guy right there was gonna kidnap him in a van and waterboard him to kingdom come until he named names. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – there is no one more gutless than a heroin dealer. Pot dealers are great, and coke dealers I don’t have strong opinions on. Know why? Because they do their own product. Heroin dealers don’t. Because they’d be dead pretty quickly. If you can’t stand by your product then you’re a piece of shit. People who sell heroin are choad monkeys because they KNOW they’re profiting off of the self-destruction of another person. There has never, ever, ever been a positive affect of heroin. Ever. You are selling poison to stupid and vulnerable people who don’t know any better. You are the lowest of the low. Granted the guy they kicked the shit out of wasn’t the actual dealer. But he knew who the dealer was and it was time to name names. This is the only way to get that information. Big props for doing it mafia style too by using a van, and telling the idiot they picked up that they were gonna magically fix his debt problems. The only surprising part about this story is that they got caught in Egremont. Egremont is easily top 5 places to dump a body in Massachusetts. Ever been there before? It’s a real trip. Nestled next to Alford, Mount Washington (there’s a town called Mount Washington), New York state, and the metropolis of Great Barrington, there’s no reason for anyone to ever go to Egremont. Ever. The fact that this nudnik jumped out of the van and people were actually there to see it is nothing less than a statistical miracle. I don’t wanna say that father and son are heroes, but they kind of just revolutionized the opiate epidemic. If you sell heroin, you no longer get a free pass from some SJW judge. You get old school punishment from the family. At least that might present a detriment for potential dealers down the road. We urge you to support the following local businesses. They provide terrific services for the community!",348,1 +349,"Published March 12, 2015 BREAKING: Two police officers reportedly were shot early Thursday outside the police department in Ferguson, Mo. amid protests that followed the resignation of the town’s police chief. The shooting was first reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Ferguson Police Lt. Col. Al Eickhoff told the paper that he did not believe the officers were from his department and had no information on the extend of their injuries. The Post-Dispatch reported, citing a police source, that one of the officers was from St. Louis County, while the other was from Webster Groves, another St. Louis suburb located south of Ferguson. KTVI reported that as many as 200 protesters had gathered outside the police station to demand more changes in the city’s government after the resignation of Police Chief Tom Jackson Wednesday afternoon. The station reported that at least one person had been arrested and that protesters were blocking traffic on nearby Florissant Road. The Associated Press reported that the crowd had appeared to be dwindling when the shots were heard. The Missouri Highway Patrol told the AP that troopers were heading to the scene. Jackson was the sixth Ferguson employee to resign or be fired after a Justice Department report cleared white former officer Darren Wilson of civil rights charges in the shooting of black 18-year-old Michael Brown this past August, but found a profit-driven court system and widespread racial bias in the city police department. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",349,0 +350,"Department of Homeland Security and counter-terrorism officials are in contact with Spanish authorities in the aftermath of the terrorist attack that killed at least 13 people and left more than 80 injured on Thursday at a busy tourist area in Barcelona, Spain, according to DHS officials who spoke with Circa. DHS spokeswoman Anna Franko, said that the acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke has been briefed on the situation in Barcelona, Spain and remains in contact with U.S. allies in Europe in lieu of the ongoing investigation. A van slammed its way through crowds of people in the well-known area of Las Ramblas avenue. The area was reportedly crowded with locals and tourists who frequent the restaurants and shops in the historic district. The above message in Spanish was posted on a confirmed ISIS media page on the secure Telegram app. Islamic State praised the attack on their official Telegram account and have claimed responsibility in statement carried on its Aamaq news agency. Some U.S. Law enforcement officials say the attack bears similar hallmarks of past attacks and the groups of has reportedly called for using vehicles as primary weapons against civilians, followed by secondary attacks using weapons against bystanders. Catalan Interior Minster Joaquim Forn confirmed at a press conference that 13 people were killed and more than 50 injured. Catalan police are treating the incident as a terror attack and have sealed off the area, according to reports. The city has canceled public events. Metro and train stations are also closed at the request of city officials and emergency services. Police at the scene in Barcelona after the van crash. The situation is being closely monitored by Duke, who is being kept apprised of developments, Franko said. ""DHS has reached out to Spanish authorities, and the Department is standing by to support our allies as they respond to and recover from this horrendous attack,"" Franko added. ""Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and those affected. We will not let terrorism become the new normal. Instead, such acts of violence only harden our resolve to fight back against violent extremists, bring them to justice, and dismantle their networks. DHS will continue its efforts to raise the baseline of our security across the board and to work with foreign partners to help them do the same."" FBI is not currently commenting on the situation as it is fluid and the Spanish authorities are leading the investigation. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson weighs in on the attack in Spain. State Department officials did not immediately respond for comment, as to whether or not Spanish authorities have asked for assistance from the United States to help with the terror investigation. Spanish authorities continue to remain vigilant and local authorities have asked people in the Las Ramblas area of the city, where the attack took place to remain on alert, according to reports. RELATED STORIES: 13 are dead and more than 50 injured in the Barcelona attack a government official said Sen. Grassley says partisan lawsuits against President Trump should also implicate Hillary Clinton U.S. Ambassador to Israel asks organization to reconsider it's opposition to McMaster and Tillerson",350,0 +351,"Eminem ignited a social media firestorm at the BET awards Tuesday with the release of a blistering rap on President Donald Trump. The recorded video shows the rapper in a parking garage freestyling on political controversies like the NFL's national anthem protests, Trump's proposed border wall and his international diplomacy. Warning: Explicit language in video below In one verse he rapped: ""This is his form of distraction/Plus, he gets an enormous reaction/When he attacks the NFL, so we focus on that/Instead of talking about Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada/All of these horrible tragedies and he's bored and would rather cause a Twitter storm with the Packers."" In another: ""But we better give Obama props/Because what we got in the office now's a kamikaze that'll probably cause a nuclear holocaust."" Soon after ""The Storm"" was released, the video became a top trending topic on Twitter, racked up hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube and sparked reactions from multiple celebrities. LeBron James quoted his lyrics in a tweet: ""Racism is the only thing he's Fantastic 4(fantastic for), cause that's how he gets his rock off, he's orange. Sheesh @Eminem."" Racism is the only thing he's Fantastic 4(fantastic for), cause that's how he gets his rock off, he's orange. Sheesh @Eminem!! 🔥🔥✊🏾🔥🔥 #United pic.twitter.com/wcL28BCWpy In the video, Eminem also raised a fist in support of NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, whose decision to kneel during the anthem sparked the current controversy. In response, Kaepernick tweeted: ""I appreciate you @Eminem."" Ellen DeGeneres also tweeted her praise: ""I (heart) @Eminem."" There was no immediate reaction Tuesday from Trump or the White House press office.",351,0 +352,"Pentagon officials are used to looking for ISIS everywhere they can nowadays, and have found a security threat from them in the Caribbean, where ISIS obviously isn’t a huge thing, but where growing numbers of people trying to join ISIS are seen as a concerning trend. Marine General John Kelly, set to retire later this month, says that these small numbers of ISIS supporters are a particular risk, because in small nations like Trinidad and Tobago, they don’t have anything comparable to the US military or the TSA to combat ISIS. Gen. Kelly declared that “just a few of these nuts can cause an awful lot of trouble down in the Caribbean,” complaining many of the islands don’t even have proper militaries, let alone something like the US military, a leviathan that intervenes globally and rivals the scope off any in human history. ISIS issued a video for Trinidadian recruitment way back in 2015, showing a recruit from the island and his three young children calling on the island’s Muslim population to join the fight. About 5% of the island’s population is Muslim, or about 60,000 people. The indications are that Caribbean-wide ISIS recruitment was around 150 people, up from 100 the prior year. In reality, the “threat” here is much less about Trinidad not having a globe-hopping military, than that ISIS isn’t making such a big deal about recruits coming to Syria anymore, and is instead pressing them to launch attacks at home. This is particularly problematic for the US because many Caribbean islands are popular tourist destinations, and American tourists are a likely target.",352,0 +353,"The readers of my column are well aware I’m not a fan of MGM CEO Jim Murren. I’ve called him “the worst CEO in America” because he entangled his company in radical leftist politics — including the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an organization tied to terror and called by many experts a front group for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. I actually felt bad for MGM when this tragedy first happened. But could it have happened to any Vegas resort? Or were there factors at play that led to this property being chosen for this terrible mass murder? Murren was appointed by Barack Obama to the Homeland Security Council. From that perch, Murren had insider access to the detailed threats aimed at Vegas. What did he do to prepare and adequately safeguard his guests? Several MGM security guards and ex-security guards have called my radio show in recent days. They described MGM’s security as “woefully undertrained and understaffed.” One ex-MGM security guard called to say Murren’s first act in taking over Luxor and Mandalay Bay was to disarm most of the guards and declare MGM hotels “gun-free” zones. Maybe that’s why the shooter chose Mandalay Bay. Why has the timeline involving Mandalay Bay guard Jesus Campos changed so many times? Did he approach the shooter’s room before or after the mass murder started? If it was before, why weren’t the police called? Did the shooter choose a MGM property because VIP high roller clients were free to use service elevators, thereby avoiding scrutiny? Finally, was the CEO of MGM focused on his properties? Was the security of his customers a main priority? Or was he distracted? SEC records for September reveal more than $200 million in stock selloffs from MGM officers and directors. From July 31 to early September, Murren sold more than 80 percent of his MGM stock. This certainly paints the picture of a CEO with a lack of faith in his own company. Or did Murren have one foot out the door? Was he distracted and uninterested, perhaps making plans to leave? Why else would a CEO sell off a large majority of the shares he owns in his own company? Was Murren focused on MGM security as a major terror attack was being planned at his property? Or was he too busy selling off his shares, at the right price, into the open market, without Wall Street noticing? MGM’s top executives and key board members also sold huge amounts of stock in September. How about this eye-popping number? In the past three months, according to SEC Form 4, MGM insiders sold off 6,387,163 shares. Guess how many those same insiders bought? Zero. Also in September, while MGM’s CEO and insiders were selling off huge amounts of their own company stock, MGM announced a billion-dollar stock buyback program. In other words, they used “other people’s money” to buy back MGM stock on the open market to prop up the price. Talk about the world’s worst conflict of interest. Shareholders were forced to spend $1 billion to buy “undervalued MGM stock” at the same time the CEO and his team couldn’t wait to get out. Question: What if MGM had used that same $1 billion to upgrade security or hire twice as many security staff instead of to prop up its stock price while the CEO was selling? Lastly, did Murren sign for a special “terrorism rider” on MGM’s liability insurance policy? Will a designation of “terrorism” vs. criminal mass murder affect the payout from the insurance policy? Could declaring this a terror act change MGM’s bottom line by billions of dollars? Inquiring minds want to know. Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.",353,1 +354,"Chris Brown, 27, was stopped from a potential physical altercation by police at a charity basketball game on the anniversary of 9/11 (video below). The singer got into such a heated argument with someone in the stands that the cops were called in to intervene before the situation escalated any further. The incident occurred at the Power 106 Celebrity Basketball Game at USC, reports TMZ. Video footage shows Brown becoming visibly upset as he leans over the bench seats to argue with a spectator. The music was too loud to make out exactly what words were exchanged, but USC cops can be heard saying, “ I don’t care who’s here, get it straight.” Brown walked away twice but came back moments later each time to continue the quarrel, according to the Daily Mail. At one point, the R&B singer was encircled by cops as he tried to explain the situation. Brown has become the latest high-profile star to join Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest against police brutality and racial inequality in America. Before the basketball game, Brown did not observe the anthem. Instead, Brown laughed with friends as he sat during the song’s performance. The anthem was sung by R&B singer Tank, who asked the audience to stand “in the wake of 9/11” and in respect for those who lost their lives in the September 2011 terrorist attacks. However, Brown applauded Tank at the end for his effort. Brown was arrested just last week after a standoff with police officers at his Tarzana home over allegations he threatened a woman with a gun. During the event, Brown posted videos on social media in which he denounced the police and said he was being unfairly demonized.",354,0 +355,"Barack Obama has shortened the sentence of whistleblower Chelsea Manning, She will be released on May 17, instead of remaining in military custody until 2045 as originally sentenced.",355,1 +356,"The German public have, as predicted, kept ahold of nurse. But it is the breakthrough of the AfD into the German Parliament that is causing headlines around the world. Of course the four-year old party’s electoral success is also unsurprising. In elections last September the AfD were elected to representative roles in most of the country’s regional assemblies and beat Merkel’s party into third place in her own constituency. Nevertheless, yesterday’s electoral breakthrough is stunning and the success of this four-year-old party is among other things now causing a predictable rash of 1930s analogies. In a media landscape where very few papers can afford any foreign coverage at all, and a social media landscape which blows around slightly sourced stories with a further splash of personal self-aggrandisement, understanding a phenomenon like the AfD is harder than it should be. Many Europeans find themselves caught. Firstly by the fact that the mainstream political class has done something mad in recent years. As I recently explained at book-length, it is inevitable that things will get complicated when the people in charge of Europe make decisions as appalling as those Angela Merkel made in 2015. What she occasioned in unilaterally opening the continent’s doors to the world may have been humanitarian and may have had some good intentions. But it was also reckless, short-sighted and will cause severe issues for German society for generations to come. Most of that impact – including the daily reports of crime and sexual assault – never make it further than the German-language press, and often not even there. What are the public to do when their leaders and media behave like this? One idea is that the public shouldn’t have any choice and should be forced to keep voting for the same old parties anyway. This obviously suits the incumbents, and is best achieved by depicting any and all parties concerned about immigration – including the mass immigration which people across the political spectrum now say they acknowledge to have been an unrepeatable disaster – as Nazis, fascists and racists. The incumbent politicians and parties acknowledge they have made mistakes, promise not to repeat those mistakes but insist that anyone wishing to make them pay any political price must recognise that they are voting for a Fourth Reich. It’s a clever, cynical ploy, employed by politicians and much of the media across Germany even more than the UK. Their problem is that at some point the public recognise the ploy. And in particular a moment arrives when the spell-words used by the political mainstream begin to fail. Already terms like ‘racist’, ‘Nazi’, ‘far-right’ have been worn down almost everywhere in Europe. The few people who continue to claim that the public’s concerns are all racist are themselves the ones who now look ridiculous. All they do is ensure that the public care less and less about the words they are called. This has a follow-on problem which is especially worth pondering in Germany. For if the media and political class call everybody a racist and a Nazi for years, and the public can see that these people often called racists and Nazis (Ukip in Britain, for instance) are – whatever else you might think of them – clearly not Nazis or racists, then you set up another problem down the road. Anyone who has heard a hundred different people being called Nazis who they knew not to be Nazis is unlikely to have their anti-Nazi antennae intact when the accusation is made for the hundred and first time. This is among the problems that Merkel and co have now set up. The AfD’s platform and pronouncements require close and unbiased attention. This should include having their words and actions reported accurately. To her credit, Merkel – the great absorber of political difference – has said that she will work to bring back the people who voted AfD this weekend. This suggests that she might – just might – take what is essentially the second broad option for Europe’s political mainstream. That is to stop pretending that anything from a quarter to three-quarters of the general public across Europe are Nazi, fascist, racists who need to be reprogrammed, fought, denounced or ignored. Instead it is to recognise that the concerns of the public are concerns that should be addressed and remedied by the political mainstream. Which isn’t, surely, such a radical idea. We’ll see which path Germany now goes down. More than Germany’s politics will depend on it.",356,1 +357,"Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ******************************************************************************** While North Korea dominated much of the news of late and the recent events in Charlottesville, VA have been the talk of the internet over the last couple of days, the recent revelation of the “Memo that rocked Washington,” which exposes the deep state subversion against President Trump and explaining the tactics being utilized, is being spun as “crazy” with the writer of the memo being labeled a “nutcase” by the MSM, who has converged on a narrative in a weak attempt at damage control. The memo is embedded in full below, so readers can read the seven-page memorandum produced in May by the former director of strategic planning at the National Security Council, Rich Higgins. Before we detail some of the highlights from the memo, then offer the document in full, lets take a look at Higgins credentials, the man that the media is doing their best to discredit with labels like nutcase (MediaIte) with outlets like Washington Post calling the memo itself “crazy.” Not only was Higgins the the former director of strategic planning for the NSC, before being fired by Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster for writing the memorandum, but perhaps more impressive, the Army veteran was also a former Pentagon official who specialized in irregular warfare. Department of Defense defines Irregular Warfare in a 100 page document from 2007, in the following manner: Irregular warfare (IW) is defined as a violent struggle among state and nonstate actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations. IW favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities, in order to erode an adversary’s power, influence, and will. It is inherently a protracted struggle that will test the resolve of our Nation and our strategic partners. Our adversaries will pursue IW strategies, employing a hybrid of irregular, disruptive, traditional, and catastrophiccapabilities to undermine and erode the influence and will of the United States and our strategic partners. Meeting these challenges and combating this approach will require the concerted efforts of all available instruments of US national power. Influencing foreign governments and populations is a complex and inherently political activity. This Joint Operating Concept (JOC) describes the military role in protracted IW campaigns; however, these campaigns will fail if waged by military means alone. The nature of IW requires the US Government (USG) to achieve the level of unified action necessary to integrate all available instruments of national power to address irregular threats. The USG will have to develop “Whole of Government” approaches to waging IW at the political, strategic, operational, and tactical levels. Other government agencies must build their capacity to operate in unstable or hostile environments. Irregular warfare is about people, not platforms. IW depends not just on our military prowess, but also our understanding of such social dynamics as tribal politics, social networks, religious influences, and cultural mores. People, not platforms and advanced technology, will be the key to IW success. The joint force will need patient, persistent, and culturally savvy people to build the local relationships and partnerships essential to executing IW. So a man that specialized in irregular warfare tactics for the Pentagon, writes a seven-page memo which details a plot to overthrow the President of the United States, by globalist members of the deep state, with the intentional help of propaganda being fed to the media in order to influence the public, using tactics he was responsible for observing while at the Pentagon in order to save American militarylives, and the media starts screaming “nutcase,” and “crazy,” and “conspiracy theory!” Something doesn’t smell right here. MEMO THAT ROCKED THE NSC & SENT THE MSM INTO DAMAGE CONTROL MODE The memo is titled “POTUS & Political Warfare,” and starts off detail some background on the “information campaigns designed to first undermine, then delegitimize and ultimately remove the President,” calling it “political warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle.” While naming the actors, such as the media, Democrats, establishment Republicans, and explaining what each gains in their political warfare campaign against the president, it is on Page 5 of the document embedded below, where Higgins detailed the “Adversary Campaign Plan,” in the following manner: Adversary Campaign Plan. Political Warfare has been described as “propaganda in battledress.” The effort directed at President Trump is executed along one overt, as well as two covert, lines of effort: • The overt line of effort is PUBLICITY. Publicity is the straightforward projection of a case that builds a picture in the audience’s mind designed to garner support. It is facts without context and information the adversary wants the audience to possess that creates an impression and sets conditions. It seeks to establish good will and receptiveness to additional inputs. • There are two covert lines of effort: PROPOGANDA and INFILTRATION/SUBVERSION. o Propaganda is the deliberate direction, even manipulation, of information to secure a definite outcome. It is an attempt to direct the thinking of the recipient, without his conscious collaboration, into predetermined channels that are established in the Publicity line of effort. It is the unwitting conditioning of the recipient by devious methods with an ulterior motive that seeks to move them incrementally over time into greater belief and acceptance of message transmitted in the Publicity line of effort. o Infiltration and subversion operate internal to the targeted organization in order to inform, target, coordinate, and amplifythe effects of the publicity and propaganda. Both operate to gather intelligence, obstruct legitimate courses of action, provide inside information, and leak sensitive information that undermines the leadership and suppresses the morale of friendly elements. o Infiltration of political and social groups within a target state is done for the purpose of extending counter-state influence and control. The endgame is concealed and may involve illicit activities. o Subversion undermines or detaches the loyalties of significant political and social groups within the target state and transfers political and/or ideological loyalties to the counter-state. As thcounter-state forms, a counter-elite of influential individual and key leaders within the target state will later facilitate the legitimacy and permanency of the new regime. On page #6 we see “Political Warfare Executive – The Meaning, Techniques and Methods of Political Warfare,” which accurately captures what we at ANP have been documenting and reporting on for years, including how the media is being used to deliberately push “pseudo-realities,” in a campaign to “delegitimize President Trump,” with preferred narratives including the “Russia hacked the election”, “Obstruction of Justice”, “Hiding Collusion”, and “Putin Puppet.” As is explained, each of these “pseudo-realities,” is geared toward a specific propaganda point, the first an attempt to push the “illegitimate” narrative, the second to push the “corrupt” narrative,” the third to push the “dishonest” narrative and the last to push the idea of “treason.” Supporting Narratives. Meta-narratives are supported by an ongoing series of supporting-narratives that can be swapped out as circumstances warrant. It is important to recognize that these stories do not have to be true, valid or accurate to serve their purpose. Over time, deserved or not, the cumulative effect of these supporting narratives will result in a Trump fatigue. From a political warfare perspective, President Trump’s inability to meet this challenge will cast him as a weak failed leader. The entire memo is embedded below, read it and decide for yourself. Below the memo we analyze why a man that specialized in irregular warfare for the Pentagon, was fired by McMasters for detailing what many in the Independent Media have been documenting since Trump won the election. WHY WAS HIGGINS FIRED? We have largely refrained from weighing in on H.R. McMasters, despite the fact that his stances on Iran, Islamic Terrorism, the Paris Accord, were more in line with Obama policy than President Trump’s policy, where in each case McMasters lost his argument and the President aligned himself with the promises made, keeping them rather than allowing McMasters to influence his decisions, but according to recent reports, the second McMasters saw this internal memo, he “detonated,” and then proceeded to fire the man that wrote it. The memo was written in May, but after McMaster discovered it, Higgins was called into the White House counsel’s office on July 18 and questioned about it. On July 21, he was fired by McMaster’s deputy, but not explicitly given a reason why. As to McMasters stances on a variety of issues that do not align with the president’s base, that can be chalked up to “politics” as Trump the businessman was well known for hiring people with opposing views as to look at all angles before making his decisions, it was not surprising in the least that he brought McMasters on. The firing of the director of strategic planning for the NSC on the other hand, for utilizing his experience in known irregular warfare methods for and tactics for the Pentagon, to warn of a campaign against a sitting president by multiple factions, including globalists, deep state members within the intelligence community, and the media, forces us to ask the question of whether McMasters is part of the “political warfare” campaign against President Trump? That is a question President Trump should be asking. BOTTOM LINE The fact that the media was called out directly in the memo, highlighting the part they play in pushing “pseudo-realities,” in order to generate a narrative to influence the general public, explains clearly why they are in all-out damage control mode trying to discredit the writer of the NSC memo that rocked Washington, because he just publicly exposed them all. The fact that the media, Trump haters, neverTrumpers, establishment Republicans, and Democrats are all supporting McMasters, also begs the question: Is he one of the enemy within? The fact that he fired a man trying to protect the president from other enemies within, might be the answer to that question. A couple other articles detailing other Trump loyalists fired by McMasters and the campaign to #FireMcMasters, discussed below: Help Keep Independent Media Alive, Become A Patron for All News PipeLine at https://www.patreon.com/AllNewsPipeLine h/t SHTFplan.com",357,1 +358,He thinks children these days have too much freedom. She has the freedom to do as she likes. a political prisoner struggling to win his freedom These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'freedom.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.,358,0 +359,"Martin Truex Jr. stands during the national anthem before opening race of the NASCAR Cup Series. More than 100 NFL players took a knee during ""The Star Spangled Banner"" on Sunday in response to President Trump's fiery comments slamming players who kneeled during the National Anthem. But during Sunday's NASCAR Cup Series opener in Loudon, New Hampshire, seemingly all drivers, crew and team members stood with their hands on their hearts before the race after multiple team owners threatened to fire drivers who refused to do so. AP has further details: Several team owners and executives had said they wouldn’t want anyone in their organizations to protest.Richard Childress, who was Dale Earnhardt’s longtime team owner, said of protesting, “It’ll get you a ride on a Greyhound bus.” Childress says he told his team that “anybody that works for me should respect the country we live in."" ""So many people gave their lives for it. This is America.” Dale Earnhardt Jr.—who's set to retire with a staggering 26 wins at the end of this season—disagreed with his late father's former colleague. The racing legend came out in support of Americans' ""granted rights"" to conduct ""peaceful protests"" and quoted President Kennedy in a tweet. Seven-time NASCAR champion and team owner Richard Petty took the strongest stance on the issue. The 72-year-old Hall of Fame driver said that anybody who takes a knee should be thrown ""out of the country. Period"" Richard Petty’s sentiments took it a step further, saying: “Anybody that don’t stand up for the anthem oughta be out of the country. Period.""""What got ’em where they’re at? The United States.”When asked if a protester at Richard Petty Motorsports would be fired, he said, “You’re right.” NASCAR'S organization-wide refusal to protest garnered praise from President Trump, who tweeted that he was ""proud"" of supporters and fans who ""won't put up with disrespecting"" the flag. As the final game of NFL Week 3 commences Monday night, many are wondering if the Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones—who contributed $1 million to Trump's inauguration fund—will protest alongside his players before taking on the Arizona Cardinals in Phoenix. What do you think?",359,0 +360,"Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free. (America never was America to me.) Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed-- Let it be that great strong land of love Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme That any man be crushed by one above. (It never was America to me.) O, let my land be a land where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the air we breathe. (There's never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this ""homeland of the free."") Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? And who are you that draws your veil across the stars? I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart, I am the Negro bearing slavery's scars. I am the red man driven from the land, I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek-- And finding only the same old stupid plan Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak. I am the young man, full of strength and hope, Tangled in that ancient endless chain Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land! Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need! Of work the men! Of take the pay! Of owning everything for one's own greed! I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil. I am the worker sold to the machine. I am the Negro, servant to you all. I am the people, humble, hungry, mean-- Hungry yet today despite the dream. Beaten yet today--O, Pioneers! I am the man who never got ahead, The poorest worker bartered through the years. Yet I'm the one who dreamt our basic dream In the Old World while still a serf of kings, Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true, That even yet its mighty daring sings In every brick and stone, in every furrow turned That's made America the land it has become. O, I'm the man who sailed those early seas In search of what I meant to be my home-- For I'm the one who left dark Ireland's shore, And Poland's plain, and England's grassy lea, And torn from Black Africa's strand I came To build a ""homeland of the free."" The free? Who said the free? Not me? Surely not me? The millions on relief today? The millions shot down when we strike? The millions who have nothing for our pay? For all the dreams we've dreamed And all the songs we've sung And all the hopes we've held And all the flags we've hung, The millions who have nothing for our pay-- Except the dream that's almost dead today. O, let America be America again-- The land that never has been yet-- And yet must be--the land where every man is free. The land that's mine--the poor man's, Indian's, Negro's, ME-- Who made America, Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain, Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain, Must bring back our mighty dream again. Sure, call me any ugly name you choose-- The steel of freedom does not stain. From those who live like leeches on the people's lives, We must take back our land again, America! O, yes, I say it plain, America never was America to me, And yet I swear this oath-- America will be! Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death, The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies, We, the people, must redeem The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers. The mountains and the endless plain-- All, all the stretch of these great green states-- And make America again!",360,0 +361,"Jimmy Kimmel addressed crestfallen Clinton supporters on Wednesday night in the hopes of helping them cope with Trump’s election victory. “A lot of voters woke up this morning happy that Donald Trump had won the election, but the other half of them, especially here in California, were very upset,” Kimmel noted. “People were shocked, despondent, some were even crying.” As a result, the late-night host decided to walk his viewers through the five stages of grief. The first stage in the process is denial, which Kimmel summarized as “no, the host of Celebrity Apprentice can’t possibly be our president, CNN must have the math wrong.” After that comes the anger stage: “Who do I blame for this?” Kimmel wondered. “Bernie? The FBI? Gary Johnson? Jill Stein?” “How is it possible that half the country is too busy to even vote?” he continued. “They all managed to play Pokémon Go.” After getting that out of his system, Kimmel moved on to the third stage: bargaining. “Maybe this needed to happen to wake up everyone up,” he reasoned. “Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe he’ll only build the wall waist high, to keep short people out.” This rationalization period was quickly followed by depression, “where you get a spoon and you just eat peanut butter out of the jar.” Finally, many jars of peanut butter later, Kimmel suggested that tearful voters will eventually reach acceptance – possibly with the aid of some narcotics. “No matter how you feel about it, Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America,” Kimmel said. “So thank god we legalized marijuana yesterday.” California passed Proposition 64, a law legalizing recreational marijuana. Watch here.",361,0 +362,"Muslim Labour MP Tulip Siddiq has called on Trump to clarify whether to not Brits travelling to the US will be subject to ideological tests in order to gain entry. Back in August, Trump spoke about introducing “extreme vetting”, which would involve would-be immigrants being questioned on subjects such as their religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. But his campaign team were not clear on whether this process would apply to the millions of tourists who visit the country each year. Trump did state that if he was elected, those excluded from visiting the country would include people who didn’t believe in the U.S Constitution, support bigotry and hatred, believe Shariah law is more important than US law, or would not “flourish in the country”. Tulip, the Labour MP for Hampstead and Kilburn, told the Telegraph: “With the stark reality of the American election now beginning to settle in, Mr Trump needs to clarify immediately whether or not British tourists will have to take these so-called ‘ideological tests’ before being able to continue on their holidays in the US. “Millions of British Muslims will feel feel despair at the possibility of being singled out for this sort of prejudiced scapegoating, which will only encourage division and hatred in society.” Jack Dromey, a shadow Labour business minister, added: “Is Donald Trump really saying that a proud British Muslim mum and dad travelling to America to their daughter’s wedding will have to undergo extreme vetting first? “He needs to clarify whether or not he will treat a million Muslims in Britain as second class citizens, potentially a risk to American security? Tue, October 18, 2016 “It is foolish and irresponsible behaviour which can only feed fundamentalism.” Those planning to travel to the US soon may find immigration changes will have passengers speeding through customs. Anyone who has travelled to the US will know the queues in the airport for their passports to be inspected are long. It is the last thing people want to be doing after a long-haul flight and a dose of jet lag. But now, travellers will find this process has just got a lot faster. The Department of Homeland Security has announced plans to expands pre-clearance programme. The pre-clearance programme will see passengers going through the immigration and customs inspection before they board the flight to the US. This in turn will mean that once they arrive, they can move swiftly on to collect their baggage.",362,0 +363,"Ever since Kimmel became a DNC talking head, he’s become America’s “moral conscience.” — But now the host isn’t so sure! He claims he isn’t — and therefore need not crack jokes about Harvey Weinstein. That’s rich! “First of all, the Harvey Weinstein thing, people like this false equivalence of that’s somehow equivalent to what happened in Las Vegas,” Kimmel added, arguing that the alleged assault of dozens of women does not deserve the same reaction as the killing of nearly 60 people. He said that Weinstein is “not a friend of mine,” adding, “I’m not in the movie business.” As a once and future Oscar host who is friends with many of the movie stars in Weinstein’s orbit, that claim is a hard one to buy. On GMA, Kimmel went on to accuse “gun nuts” of “trying take any comedy bit I did out of context and use it as some kind of proof” that he is not an ally for women, including some pretty gross moments from The Man Show. Kimmel doesn’t seem at all bothered that conservatives want nothing to do with him and his show now. Washington Examiner reports: Critics like conservative commentator Ben Shapiro have slammed Kimmel for parading as a “moral arbiter.” “I’m not. I mean, I agree with him. I’m nobody’s moral arbiter,” Kimmel told CBS. “You don’t have to watch the show. You don’t have to listen to what I say.” A defiant Kimmel added that he doesn’t say “I don’t mind” because he preferred “everyone with a television to watch the show.” “But if they’re so turned off by my opinion on healthcare and gun violence then, I don’t know, I probably wouldn’t want to have a conversation with them anyway,” he continued. “Not good riddance, but riddance.” The last place you want to be is on the receiving end of Ben Shapiro’s laser sharp tongue. The Daily Wire founder obliterated late night host Jimmy Kimmel’s “abhorrent,” and “nasty” gun control views. Almost two weeks after demolishing Jimmy Kimmel over his asinine health-care tirades, conservative star and podcast host Ben Shapiro obliterating the ABC late-night host on Tuesday for an “abhorrent, “gross,” and “nasty” gun control rant touting confiscation and mauling those against his views as monstrous. “Jimmy Kimmel should not cheered for what he did last night. Jimmy Kimmel should be asked to provide the evidence for his suppositions rather than the evidence for his emotions. Again, I believe he’s sincere. Sincerity does not make what you’re saying smart,” Shapiro argued at the end of his podcast, which featured over 20 minutes on Kimmel’s post-Las Vegas shooting rant. Key highlights below: Shapiro on leftists dividing America: “Last night, he did a long shitck about gun control that was entirely based on emotion and it was really nasty. It was really nasty. I don’t think it was nasty because he doesn’t care. He cares. It’s really nasty because he’s suggesting that you and I don’t care. It doesn’t matter that you lost sleep last night and I lost sleep because of what happened. It doesn’t matter that we’re all heartbroken over what happened. We don’t agree with Jimmy Kimmel’s evidence-less suggestions about gun control. That means that we don’t care. We are bad people. You want to know why the country is not unified? It’s because of stuff like this. It’s not because we disagree on policy. We’ve been disagreeing about policy forever. It’s because there are certain people in the American public discourse who feel it necessary to impute bad motives to people who disagree and that’s what Kimmel’s doing here.” Shapiro on Kimmel’s take about AR-15s: “So, number one, the Founders would have wanted us to have AR-15s because the fact is, back in the day, all the weapons that people had were military grade weapons, right? A musket was a military-grade weapon. Now, AR-15s aren’t military grade…Civilian guns are very different from military-issued guns. For him to say the Second Amendment doesn’t cover things like AR-15s — a semi-automatic rifle, is akin to me saying the First Amendment doesn’t cover TV because the Founders hadn’t seen a TV, would never know what it’d look like, and don’t understand how it works. It’s a silly argument. As far as the idea that ARs aren’t used for home defense, again, asinine. I have a bunch of friends who use ARs for home defense.” Sponsored Sponsored",363,1 +364,"Deputy Editor, Politics and Military & Defense Pamela is the deputy editor overseeing the Politics and Military & Defense sections of Business Insider. She was previously the politics editor, and before that was a senior reporter covering domestic politics, foreign policy, and national security. Before BI, she worked for the Associated Press in Indianapolis. She has also written for The Columbus Dispatch, the Scripps Howard news wire, and the New York Observer.",364,0 +365,"Male voters must break their sexist inclinations so the country can “get over the hump” and elect its first female president, President Obama said Tuesday. In a message directed “to the guys out there” at a campaign rally at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, Obama said, “[T]here’s a reason why we haven’t had a woman president before…” “And we have to ask ourselves, as men — because I hope my daughters are going to be able to achieve anything they want to achieve — and I know that my wife is not just my equal but my superior,” he continued. “I want every man out there who’s voting to kind of look inside yourself and ask yourself, if you’re having problems with this stuff, how much of it is that we’re just not used to it. So that, like, when a guy is ambitious and out in the public arena and working hard, well, that’s okay; but when a woman suddenly does it, suddenly you’re all like, well, why is she doing that?” he added. Obama’s closing argument for his possible successor comes as GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has a slight edge over Hillary Clinton in the Buckeye State. The RealClearPolitics average of Ohio pollsshows the mogul with a 2.5-percentage-point lead, with Trump getting 46.8 percent of the vote and Clinton 44.3 percent.",365,1 +366,"On Friday, a day after former Mesa, Arizona police officer Philip Brailsford was acquitted of second-degree murder charges, state officials released a graphic video of the shooting, showing the victim begging for his life. In the video, another officer, now-retired Sgt. Charles Langley, orders seemingly-terrified Daniel Shaver to cross his legs, crawl and keep his hands raised straight up in the air prior to the fatal shooting. The officers were responding to a call alleging a man was pointing a gun out of a window, The Washington Post reports: ""After the officer involved was acquitted of second-degree murder charges, officials in Arizona released graphic video showing Daniel Shaver crawling on his hands and knees and begging for his life in the moments before he was shot and killed by police in January 2016."" …. ""The shooting, by Philip “Mitch” Brailsford, then an officer with the Mesa Police Department, occurred after officers responded to a call about a man allegedly pointing a rifle out of a fifth-floor window at a La Quinta Inn. Inside the room, Shaver, 26, had been doing rum shots with a woman he had met earlier that day and showing off a pellet gun he used in his job in pest control."" Wrongful-death lawsuits against the city of Mesa have been filed by Shaver's family members. WARNING: Video contains graphic, disturbing content. test test Please support CNSNews today! (a 501c3 non-profit production of the Media Research Center) DONATE",366,0 +367,"Modal Trigger Comedian Tom Arnold is claiming Hillary Clinton begged him to release footage of President Trump using racial slurs just days before the November election. The 57-year-old alleged last year he had video of Trump repeatedly saying “n—–” and “every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever,” but is now saying Clinton called him just two days before Americans went to the polls to plead for its release, the Telegraph reported. “I had all the outtakes from Trump saying the N-word on ‘The Apprentice,’” said Arnold, who was just voted off Australia’s “I’m A Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here!” “[Clinton] called me two days before the election and said, ‘Please release that,'” Arnold claimed, alleging that the Democratic nominee said, “The weight of the free world is on your shoulders.” “I’d love to be a hero, but I can’t hurt these families,” he claimed to have responded. Arnold says he might still release the reel with “their permission,” thought it remains unclear if he was referring to the targets of Trump’s vitriol or “The Apprentice” producers. In an interview before going on the British sitcom, Arnold told a radio host he didn’t want to release the hate speech out of respect for those involved. “Well, now, these people — two editors and an associate producer — are scared to death. They’re scared of his people, they’re scared they’ll never work again,” he said on Dori Monson’s radio show. The American actor and comic, who starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1994 film classic “True Lies,” also said he didn’t think releasing the racist rant “would work.” “I don’t think people would care,” he said. Trump still managed to cinch the electoral vote despite national outrage surrounding the October release of the notorious “grab them by the p—-” video.",367,0 +368,"According to the latest damning snippet from Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury, President Donald Trump tried to “rationalize” why people would join the KKK. From the New York Times review: There are lots of arresting details in the book. We learn that the administration holds special animus for what it calls “D.O.J. women,” or women who work in the Justice Department. Wolff writes that after the white supremacist mayhem in Charlottesville, Va., Trump privately rationalized “why someone would be a member of the K.K.K.” Many believe the anecdotes and quotes from Wolff’s book should be treated with a healthy dose of skepticism, but this one is not implausible. Trump went on the record in the wake of the Charlottesville white supremacy march that left Heather Heyer dead, saying he believed there were “ good people” on both sides of the protest, one side of which was rife with Neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Trump was widely criticized for the response, which many considered a tacit endorsement of white supremacy. During his presidential campaign, an old New York Times story was unearthed that reported Trump’s father, Fred, back in 1927, was arrested at a rally in 1927 where KKK members were present. It was never proven whether he was participating in the rally or a member of the group. David Covucci is the Layer 8 editor at the Daily Dot, covering the intersection of politics and the web. His work has appeared in Vice, the Huffington Post, Jezebel, Gothamist, and other publications. He is particularly interested in hearing any tips you have. Reach out at dcovucci@thedailydot.com.",368,1 +369,"INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) - Former Colts head coach Tony Dungy announced on Twitter Thursday morning that he's donating money to help a city near Tampa Bay remove a Confederate statue. Dungy tweeted a picture of the front page of the Tampa Bay Times saying Hillsborough would need $140,000 in private funds in the next 30 days to move the statue. He said he and his wife ""are in for $5K"" and then challenged Tampa's sports teams to pitch in as well. Since Charlottesville, there has been a surge in efforts to move or outright destroy statues of Confederate war leaders from Gainesville, Florida to Baltimore, Maryland. There has also been a renewal of efforts to protect the monuments. President Donald Trump tweeted that it's ""Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart"" with the removal of such statues around the country. Maine's Republican governor Paul LePage went so far as to say removing Confederate statues is ""just like"" removing a monument to victims of the 9/11 attacks.",369,0 +370,"Stinkin’ Dinkadoodles! Gupta Patel Slams New Bill Passed To Teach Your Kids Anal Sex In Public School And He’s Fired Up Like A Samosa Fresh Out The Pan! Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at [email protected] for more information. Everyone knows and loves Gupta Patel – Turtleboy’s crazy Indian Tech Guy and proud convenience store proprietor. He’s never blogged for us before but something caught his eye in the news that sent him reeling. Let’s give him a warm welcome as he has a meltdown about the statehouse deciding to teach kids as young as 12 how to safely take it in the back door! Your uncle Gupta read this one news article last night and choke on his Vodka Slushee! Last Thursday, the Massachusetts Senate passed new sex education package by a 31-6 vote in favor. Look like the usual chutiyas in the statehouse been drinking the same strange flavor KoolAid again. Take a look at this nutty-ass booshit: From New Boston Post— As it did in 2015, the Massachusetts Senate passed a bill nearly entirely along party lines on Thursday dictating how school districts teach sex education; and just like two years ago, the biggest sticking point for the bill’s opponents was the lack of an opt-in stipulation for parents and guardians. Unlike in 2015, however, it is likely this version of the bill will reach the House floor for a vote, but it remains to be seen if lawmakers on the other side of the State House attach the failed parental opt-in amendment touted Thursday by House Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester). Following the 31-6 vote in favor that saw the only Democratic opposition come from state Senator Michael Rush of West Roxbury, Tarr praised the “robust and healthy debate” that transpired Thursday afternoon but expressed “hope that as it makes its way through the legislative process” that lawmakers outside the Senate will wind up adopting proposals like a parental consent stipulation. The bill’s lead sponsor, state Senator Sal DiDomenico (D-Everett) took issue with Tarr’s opt-in proposal. “This amendment would gut the bill,” DiDomenico claimed, noting that the legislation already features an opt-out amendment for both parents and school districts. “This amendment would effectively take all the work we put together and throw it out the window. “We do not have opt-in for science, math, English — we don’t have any opt-in initiative for any other subjects in our schools — this subject in particular could save lives.” Other Democrats who spoke out in opposition to Tarr’s amendment included state Senator John Keenan of Quincy, Worcester’s Harriet Chandler, and Boston’s Sonia Chang-Diaz. Keenan and Chang-Diaz added that a parental consent requirement would add an unnecessary level of bureaucracy, with Keenan claiming that it “would require school districts to chase down the parents of every single student” while Chang-Diaz noting that “many of my colleagues in the chamber in the minority are avid proponents of small streamlined government.” Chandler claimed that an opt-in provision would result in a “very limited number of people who would be taking advantage of it.” “The alternative of what we’re talking about is our children learning about these behaviors from what they hear on the school bus or read on the Internet,” she added. State Senator Vinny deMacedo (R-Plymouth), responding to Keenan’s point, used student field trips as an example of opt-in protocol. “I don’t think that’s an impossible hurdle to overcome,” he said. “The reality is that asking parents if they’re comfortable with this or not is not a stretch by any means.” Tarr appeared to take issue with the claim linking parental approval to an added layer of bureaucracy. “Well well well, it is interesting that some of these folks have stood at this microphone and suggested somehow that obtaining parental consent is so burdensome that we shouldn’t follow through with this,” Tarr quipped. “Suggesting that the role of a parent should be subordinate to the role of bureaucracy, now that’s a deeply concerning thought.” Tarr also challenged DiDomenico’s claim that an opt-in provision would “gut the bill.” “That somehow this bill is jeopardized by the fact that we might want to involve parents in the decision making — what does that suggest about the priorities of the bill?” Tarr questioned. “It suggests that somehow we ought to subordinate the role of the parent to the role of the state. “It’s also been suggested that we don’t have opt-in provisions for math, science, and other things, well that is true, but we also don’t have opt-out provisions for those things, because they don’t fit the same matter as the subject matter that we’re discussing here.” Conservative organizations, including the Massachusetts Family Institute, are vehemently opposed to the bill over the proposed curriculum’s subject matter, which suggests that instruction regarding sexual aspects such as anal intercourse is age-appropriate for children as young as 12.Some of the instructional material approved by state education officials was created by Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. “If you have to have an affirmative act from a parent in order to go on a school trip, should you not have to have the affirmative act of a parent to be involved in education that involves morality, subjective judgment, and important health matters?” Tarr said. “I think the matter speaks for itself.” DiDomenico responded to Tarr’s argument by noting he is not looking to subvert the role of parents and countered that he “would put this in the same category as English, math, and science.” “In some respects I’d put it ahead of those subjects,” DiDomenico added. “There are life-ending, life-long consequences, and a critical mistake can change their lives forever.” State Senator Barbara L’Italien (D-Andover) also spoke, mentioning an incident in which her older sister became pregnant during high school. “Getting married at age 17 locked her into a life of virtual poverty,” L’Italien said. “I wish there had been accurate health information when she was a student back in the ’70s, I think her life might have changed dramatically. “There are times when government needs to be proactive, and protective, and this is one of those situations.” Sweet Baby Vishnu! The anal sex education is age appropriate for 12 year old? What fucking version of goddamn Kama Sutra they been reading? The Paul Georgio translation? This Hindu had the very very bad nightmares after reading this news! In my dream, my daughter, Gupta Jr, was back in the grade school. I was watching my favorite American movie “Mansion of Blood” and Mindy Robinson was just about to show all the peoples her hot hot Samosas when my daughter come running through the door, She say “Papa! Papa! I have the question about the sex!” And I say “Yes my little one, I have been preparing for this conversation long time. Ask your papa your questions”. She say “Papa, when will it stop hurting my ass so much?” Your old Uncle Gupta almost had the bad heart attacks! “As it did in 2015, the Massachusetts Senate passed a bill nearly entirely along party lines on Thursday dictating how school districts teach sex education; and just like two years ago, the biggest sticking point for the bill’s opponents was the lack of an opt-in stipulation for parents and guardians.” Really? Uncle Gupta think the biggest sticking point probably gonna be the anal sex. Seriously though. You can opt out of goddamn Pledge of Allegiance in school in Massachusetts without facing the punishments, but you can’t opt out of learning how to send your pork soldier to the battle in Brownsville? “The bill’s lead sponsor, state Senator Sal DiDomenico (D-Everett) took issue with Tarr’s opt-in proposal. “This amendment would gut the bill,” DiDomenico claimed, noting that the legislation already features an opt-out amendment for both parents and school districts. “This amendment would effectively take all the work we put together and throw it out the window. “We do not have opt-in for science, math, English — we don’t have any opt-in initiative for any other subjects in our schools — this subject in particular could save lives.” Ganesha, please take me now, These chutiyas gonna drive this humble Hindu to carnivorism. “Johnny, study the maths and the science good so you can be great physicist someday!” “Susie! finish your English homeworks so you can be excellent writer someday.” Mary! Make sure you don’t miss any of the Massachusetts mandated sex education class so you can be great wide receiver some day!” In the name of heavenly teacher Guru Deva please reincarnate these people as pimples on Kim Kardashian’s face at bukake session after Black Lives Matter rally. State Senator Barbara L’Italien (D-Andover) also spoke, mentioning an incident in which her older sister became pregnant during high school. “Getting married at age 17 locked her into a life of virtual poverty,” L’Italien said. “I wish there had been accurate health information when she was a student back in the ’70s, I think her life might have changed dramatically. Ms. Barbarabhen! Did you really just say “Damn, my sister’s life would be so much better now if only she had taken the rusty trombone in her swamp starfish that one time instead of in her hoo-ha.”?? It Take one real classy lady to say she wishes her niece or nephew had taken a wrong turn down Willy Wonka’s garbage chute. Uncle Gupta don’t think it’s too strange that Barbara L’Italien advocating for taking it from the behind. Nobody gonna want to be looking at this in the face during the hot nookie-nookie session.. Holy mother of Kali! Blowjob from this one probably count as anal anyways. No surprise here really . Both L’Italien and Chandler recently vote to give themselves fat pay hike, so they have lot of experience stuffing the pepperonis in the peoples hot pockets. This one Hindu here don’t know about you, but when I see Hariette Chandler’s face, the first thing that come to mind not going to be anal sex: Sweet baby Hannuman! Her ass probably look like dying Yoda’s forehead. Going to work up her Lincoln Log Factory probably sound like punching a fist into the open jar of Miracle Whip! (Miracle Whip! Two jars for five dollar at my Main South Happy Hindu Mart Convenience Store in Worcester. Next five minute only.) She so old her dunghole probably look like the hopper on a meat grinder after Porketta night. This one Sonia Chang-Diaz though? Would. This Hindu just saying. “There are times when government needs to be proactive, and protective, and this is one of those situations.” I agreeing that government should be protective and proactive. Maybe if they had voted to give the Police the Kevlar Vests instead of giving their fat samosa asses big raise it would have been good start. Educating the 12 years old child about anal sex? Not so much. You know what going to happen in the class full of 12 years old kids when teacher start talking about the anal and oral sex? Gonna be like comedy scene in bad Hindi movie. Maybe not during class, but afterwards they gonna make the fun. “Rectum? Damn near killed him!” joke gonna get old real quick in the cafeteria. State Legislators are calling this bill the “Healthy Youth Act”. That really nice way of putting it. As usual with these “Dheela Lund Ni Olaad” (That my Gujarati language for “Sons of the broken penis”), the devil is in the details…and Uncle Gupta all about the details! One of the textbooks approved in the bill is called “Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works,” put out by the Planned Parenthood. Book is only available in bundles of 50, and this thrifty Indian man not buying if he can’t find the coupon or get the good deal. I ferret couple passages out on the internets for you. You’re welcome. One lesson teaches the childrens that A dental dam is “placed over the vulva or anus during oral sex”. Then it goes on to say the people can also use the “Non-Microwaveable Saran Wrap”. Papa Gupta spend most of his daughter’s pre-teen years yelling at her to do the healthy things. “Don’t touch that! Do not step in the dog mess! Don’t put the statue of Baby Krishna in your mouth! Wash Your hands before eating! Use the Purell after shaking Senator McGovern’s hand!”. Now, she would have to go to school next day and learn how to toss the big salad?? It’s ok though…. Happy Hindu Mart sell plenty of non-microwaveable Saran Wrap. This handsome Indian TurtleBoy don’t think Saran Wrap company be too happy knowing sex education class teaching the children to use their product to cover the chocolate cannoli. Another lesson talk about using the “ internal condom that is inserted into the anus.” They say it acts as a barrier but warns that “it may slip out of place during vaginal or anal intercourse and may be difficult to insert.” Wait…what you say? I had to call my cousin the Gastroenterologist about this one. Dr. Dharmendra Tubupyeresh. I say “Hey, Dharmendra, you ever hear of such thing?” He say to me “Gupta, you been lighting up the porn hub again? Yes there is such the thing.” He send me over this picture. “Insert two fingers inside the condom and gently push it into the anal cavity. The inner ring can be removed after inserted if desired.” Lovely. 12 year old gonna learn how to shove the ziplock bag up the friend’s wazoo before doing the zoom-zoom in the boom-boom. When Uncle Gupta first read this news, he knew something smell funny…and not just the anal sex! Then this bald prick rears his ugly head and everything make sense… Senator Jamie Eldridge. You might remember him from such blogs as these. This bhenchod one real professional turtle poking man! In my former country he would not have been problem because we would have already kill him already. Notice how he don’t tweet about the content of the bill…only that the Mass Senate GOP (all six of them) oppose it. Let me tell you something, Senator Jamie…nobody going to oppose young adults learning the safe ways to make the sweet nookie-nookie, but not letting parents opt them out? What kind of glass dinka-doodle you been smoking from? This Hindu gets it. Too many kids having the sex at young age… Definitely should be options available to teach healthy sexual practices to children, but if any citizen ever texted the contents of some of these lessons to a child, they would go to the prison. And we all know what happen in prison. Dunghole come out looking like Saarlac sand monster from the Return of the Jedi. Anyway, this Hindu try hard to reach these senators on Twitter but they not responding. Wonder why. Namaste TurtleBoy Nations! May the supple trunk of Ganesha goose your buttocks!",370,1 +371,"On Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order that will begin to deplete the Affordable Care Act, and allow companies to offer cheaper healthcare plans with fewer benefits. Or, as he put it, he is “saving the American people from the nightmare of Obamacare.” Just a few hours later, the Trump administration announced it's ending federal subsidies for health insurance companies that help millions of low-income people pay deductibles and out-of-pocket costs. These subsidies were projected to cost about $9 billion this year, according to the New York Times, and nearly $100 billion in the coming decade. The new decision will go into effect immediately, the Health and Human Services Department announced on Thursday. According to the Times, without the subsidies, ""insurance markets could quickly unravel."" Insurers have already threatened to pull out of the insurance exchanges created under Obamacare if subsidies are cut off, because they said they will need much higher premiums. “The government cannot lawfully make the cost-sharing reduction payments,” the White House said in a statement. “Congress needs to repeal and replace the disastrous Obamacare law and provide real relief to the American people.” In a joint statement, Senate and House Minority Leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi said Trump has “apparently decided to punish the American people for his inability to improve our health care system.” They consider Trump's decision ""a spiteful act of vast, pointless sabotage leveled at working families and the middle class in every corner of America.""",371,1 +372,"(GMG) - The question is going to be asked many times, by many people: Did global warming cause or have any impact on Hurricane Irma? What about Harvey? While there is tremendous agreement among scientists about the basic science of climate change, politics and social media have created an atmosphere where a lot of incorrect information is being bantered about. Here's the truth about the relationship between global warming and hurricanes Irma and Harvey. Scientists are uncertain about whether global warming will cause more hurricanes. In fact, some scientists say that a warmer planet will actually result in fewer hurricanes. However, that is not the entire story. A warming world means that ocean temperatures increase, too. And we all know that warm ocean water is the fuel that power hurricanes. So, even if the coming decades show a decrease in overall hurricanes, those hurricanes that do develop in otherwise favorable conditions will likely be stronger. The bottom line is that our future may be one of fewer but stronger hurricanes. Is that good or bad news? Fewer hurricanes mean a lower chance that one hits Florida. But a hurricane that does form and heads our way will likely be stronger, with a more severe storm surge and higher winds. Something else to consider is that, as the world warms, more ocean water evaporates into the atmosphere (which has been documented...it's happening). This water vapor is what hurricanes turn into rainfall. Our warmer world with higher atmospheric humidity means that tropical weather systems have more moisture to tap into, which means greater potential for increased rainfall. Statistics show that extreme precipitation events nationwide are increasing, and this also applies to tropical systems. What most people don't realize is that, as summer wanes and we transition into fall, hurricanes are the atmosphere's natural mechanism to return the summertime water vapor back into the ocean. So, hurricanes are necessary to balance the planet's water budget. The only problem is that people get in the way, and hurricanes of the future likely will have higher rainfall and increased potential for catastrophic flooding events -- also due to higher storm surges, resulting from higher sea levels from the warming climate. Now, let's apply all of this information to hurricanes Irma and Harvey: --------- Did global warming cause Irma or Harvey? No. Both hurricanes could have developed, regardless of the warming climate. Could global warming have affected Irma’s record strength, or Harvey's rapid intensification, just before landfall? Harvey strengthened rapidly from a Category 1 to a Category 4 storm in just over a day, undoubtedly due to very warm Gulf of Mexico waters it traveled over in otherwise favorable conditions. It was the first Category 4 storm to make landfall in Texas since Hurricane Carla in 1961. Irma became the strongest Atlantic basin hurricane when its winds increased to 185 mph, also due to very warm ocean temperatures and otherwise favorable conditions. There is no question that the warmer ocean temperatures we’re experiencing now have been impacted by the warming climate. So, global warming may have been part of the reason that Harvey rapidly intensified just before landfall, and Irma became a record-breaking hurricane. Did global warming cause the incredible rain amounts that Harvey produced? As we discussed above, increased atmospheric humidity due to global warming is making storms such as Harvey more predisposed to heavier rainfall. However, this is not the only reason Texas saw such extraordinary rain totals. Remember that most hurricanes (such as Irma) come and go: they make landfall and keep on moving. Hurricane Harvey became a tourist. It hung around for a while and meandered due to weak steering currents. While most people focus on wind, the true destructive power of that storm was water. Bands of torrential rain plagued southeast Texas for more than five straight days. Think about that for a moment: Hurricane and tropical storm-induced heavy rain bands, day after day. The bottom line is that, while global warming may have provided Harvey with extra water vapor to generate increased rainfall, the bigger reason for the catastrophic rain amounts was the storm's unusually slow movement. And by the way, there is no way to know, based upon our current knowledge, whether global warming had any impact on Harvey's slow movement. Hopefully, future research will answer that question. By Meteorologist Paul Gross Graham Media Group 2017",372,0 +373,"President Donald Trump took a new swipe at U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday, referring to him in a tweet as ""beleaguered"" and wondering why he isn't digging into Hillary Clinton's alleged contacts with Russia. (REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein) President Trump took his criticism of Jeff Sessions to a... good grief, you're going to always have squabbles of course the president wasn't happy that Sessions recluse himself from the Russian investigation from the Russian investigation... it's one of those situations damned if you do and damned if you don't... User from CA 2017.7.25 You will not get another ine because the democrats will not put another attorney general through Get down to business now and let all this other junk go by the way side repeal obama care and put another health care in but if you guys do not get together and quit going against each other because you want more medical Vicky Walters 2017.7.25",373,0 +374,"© 2016 Bloomberg Finance LP A chat with the host of the trashiest talk show in television history about Trump, Hillary, and the State of the Union. You can see it, almost: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton sitting just a few steps from each other onstage, going at each other’s throats. “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country,” Clinton levels. Trump cuts in with a threat: “Because you’d be in jail.” The audience goes wild, collectively gasping, then cheering, either for their audacious, say-it-like-it-is savior, or because they’re just thrilled with the entertainment. Maybe a chair gets thrown. It’s not hard for Jerry Springer to picture some of the crazier moments from the 2016 presidential election on the set of his eponymous talk show. After all, the Jerry Springer Show traffics in drama and dysfunction, and that ugly scene—minus the chair throwing—played out live at the second presidential debate last week, one of the most brutal in recent history. “I've never had a guest on my show who I thought should be president,” says Springer, laughing. “Ever. Except the guy who married his horse.” Faced with the prospect of a Trump presidency, Springer, a former Democratic mayor of Cincinnati who once ran for governor of Ohio, has thrown his hat back in the political ring to make the case for Clinton. Last month, he tweeted his assessment of the options facing the American people: “Hillary Clinton belongs in the White House. Donald Trump belongs on my show.” We’ll let him explain. GQ: The second debate was one of the most savage—and personal—we’ve ever seen. How much did it remind you of your show? Jerry Springer: I mean, good God. Other than his money, how in the world is he different than people that are on my show? And that's not trying to be cute. That's the truth. I mean, I think about the issues of the people that come on our show, the language they use, the relationship dysfunctions. You know, other than your net worth, what is the difference, and why do people wind up calling people on my show trash? I've always said that wealthy people haven't cornered the market on propriety or morality or decency. We keep thinking, just because people are poor and maybe didn't go to college or something that all of the sudden they're trash, and then we see this running for president? The behavior's the same. After the first debate, you tweeted that Trump belongs on your show. In the style of segments like “My Girlfriend is a Man” and “I Married a Horse,” what would you call the episode starring him? [laughs] Great question. Oh gosh, I’ve gotta think…""I’ll Beat That Blank To The White House."" A hallmark of your show is when people start throwing chairs at each other. Be honest: Do you ever feel like thwacking Trump with a folding chair? [laughs] Well, I’m nonviolent. I think he wouldn’t come on my show—nothing to do with chairs—he wouldn’t come on my show because he wouldn't want his hair pulled. You know, they're always pulling off the wig? That's why he wouldn't come on the show. There’s been speculation that Trump is planning a new media empire to capitalize on his momentum after the election. Are you worried he’s going to take your job? ""I'm sorry. I've ruined the culture."" Well he’s far better on television than I am, so I'm not worried, because I'm 73 years old. [phone rings in the background] Some other person calling for money. [laughs] It's funny because, on a side note, and then I'll answer your question, once you're identified as being a Democrat and Hillary supporter, etc., then every Democrat running in the country starts calling you for money. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video The problem with him doing my show is you've got to be able to tell the difference between a host and the guests. So they would have to run a graphic, they would have to keep saying, ""He's the host, he's the host, he's the host."" But other than that, yeah, he's phenomenal on television. You’re an ardent Hillary Clinton supporter. Aside from “she’s not a demagogue,” what’s your case for her? Certainly in my lifetime, there’s never been a human being more prepared, and more knowledgeable and more balanced to be president of the United States who hasn't already been one. In other words, when you run for reelection for president, you already know all of the world issues. But for someone who hasn't yet been president, I don't think there's another human being that could sit down with her and would know as much about what's going on in the world, has thought more about all these issues for her whole lifetime, than she has. She really is the most qualified person ever to run for president who hasn't been president before. And there's no particular benefit for me other than I love my country. I mean, I'm not looking for a political job. I'm literally just a citizen. And I do take it seriously. I'm [from] an immigrant family. So I take the State of Liberty very seriously. I mean, my family was lost in the Holocaust. We believe in the State of Liberty. This was the place we were going to come. And then you have someone running for president who is opposed to the idea [of] America? Religious, ethnic and all that kind of freedom? And wants to replace the State of Liberty with a wall? So I compare that to the qualifications of a Hillary. You’ve talked about how the election is personal for you. How does it hit home? Someone comes to me and says, ""Well, if you knew Trump, he isn’t personally bigoted."" It doesn't matter—that's irrelevant. He’s smart enough to know that he is giving cover, he is giving voice to a very ugly notion that you will be judged in this country based on where you're from and what your religion is, what your ethnicity is, and in some instances, even what your color is. And gender. And your disabilities, if you have any. Well, we all have some disabilities. But it’s, like, oh my god, this is so un-American. It's, like, a cruel irony to say we're going to make America great again. Hey! First understand what America is. That is personal. You’re the former mayor of Cincinnati. What have you learned about politics in the two decades you’ve been doing your show that you didn't know during your political career? I always knew we were all alike and the only thing that separated us [is] some of us were luckier in the gene pool of parents, and some of us had more money, and stuff like that. And I saw that in politics, and I see it in the people on my show. ... 99 percent of what we are, we had nothing to do with. Not one person you will ever meet had anything to do with the decision to be born, to whom you'd be born, what kind of health, what kind of brain, what era, what country. None of this stuff. The last one percent of what we become is maybe due to our own efforts. But even that is based on what we were born with. If you understand that, then you will never ever judge people based on what they are. You will only judge people based on what they do. I guess I kind of knew that all along, and every job I’ve ever had just confirmed what I've always believed, is that human beings are alike. Some are just luckier. Your show is in its 26th season— I apologize. [laughs] I'm sorry. I've ruined the culture. I'm so sorry. Oh, please, Rebecca, forgive me. I forgive you! What’s one moment from this election that would have been way better on your stage? Well, any of the debates, clearly. And obviously the video. I mean, really. You can’t even make a parody of it anymore. I can't—it's almost, they’re throwing softballs at me. It's, like, ""Hey! Here's a show topic, here's a show topic."" I mean, I could have done a whole season of shows just on this campaign. But again, it’s one thing to have a television [show] about that, which is the purpose of the show, to have it about dysfunctional behavior, and another thing to say, ""Gee, why doesn't the person on this show run for president?"" What? Who thought that was a good idea? You’ve said Trump’s blurring of politics and entertainment helped propel him to the GOP nomination. Are shows like yours to blame for Trump’s rise? No, no one show. Lots of people watch the show and behave properly.",374,0 +375,"Remember back in August of 2015, when Donald Trump's women problem was contained to calling Rosie O'Donnell a ""pig"" at the first Republican debate and saying Megyn Kelly had ""blood coming out of her wherever"" for asking legitimate questions about his sexist treatment of women? Fast forward to present day (or, more accurately, last night), and we now have former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (and current Trump surrogate) literally daring Kelly to call Bill Clinton a ""sexual predator"" on live television after trying to denounce the coverage of Trump's numerous sexual misconduct allegations as unfair and biased. Thank goodness there are only 13 more days till the election because, honestly, how much more of this can the American people take? What began as a conversation between the Fox News anchor and former speaker of the house about Donald Trump's dwindling poll numbers soon turned into a hostile exchange about sexism, media bias, and the election. Recent reports, including one conducted by Fox News, show Clinton's numbers growing in several key states, making Trump's chances of becoming president all the more slim. Gingrich quickly interjected that all these polls are biased—""Fox News? I don't think so,"" Kelly countered—before he launched into an attack on the media as a whole for focusing on the Access Hollywood tape and the numerous women who have come forward to corroborate the things Trump articulated on the leaked footage, rather than the leaked transcripts of Hillary Clinton's Wall Street speeches or her plans to allow ""600 million people"" to migrate to the country. ""The three major networks spent 23 minutes attacking Donald Trump [after the third presidential debate] and 57 seconds on Hillary Clinton's secret speeches,"" Gingrich said. ""You don't think this is a scale of bias worthy of Pravada and Izvestia?"" (Quick history aside: Pravada and Izvestia were two newspapers published in Soviet Russia.) Kelly articulated that ""if Trump is a sexual predator""—which Gingrich quickly denied—and was revealed to have a lengthy history of sexual misconduct, Americans—especially American women—have the right to know this about a presidential nominee and the media should be required to cover it. Or so she tried to articulate before Gingrich once again interrupted her for using ""inflammatory"" language ""that is not true."" ""You are fascinated by sex and you don't care about public policy,"" said a man who spent his tenure as speaker of the house obstructing the president and twenty-plus years dwelling on Bill Clinton's sexual history. ""Me? Really?"" Kelly countered, before Gingrich doubled down, saying, ""That's what I get out of watching you tonight."" Kelly responded to this, saying, ""You know, Mr. Speaker, I'm not fascinated by sex, but I am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we're getting in the Oval Office and I think the American voters would like to know."" ""Therefore we're going to send Bill Clinton back to the East Wing because, after all, you're worried about sexual predators?"" Gingrich interjected. ""Listen, it's not about me. It's about the women and men of America. The poll numbers show us that the women of America, in particular, are very concerned about these allegations, and, in large part, believe they are a real issue and don't want to dismiss the women."" Kelly barely made her point before Gingrich once again interrupted, saying, ""You want a comment on whether the Clinton ticket has a relationship to a sexual predator?"" ""We, on The Kelly File, have covered that story as well,"" she countered. ""I want to hear you use the words 'Bill Clinton, sexual predator.' I dare you. Say 'Bill Clinton, sexual predator,"" Gingrich said, smirking all the while. Kelly, as expected, kept her cool, explained that she had, in fact, covered Clinton's past behavior on her show, before making the most sound counter-argument to Gingrich's challenge. ""He's not on the ticket,” Kelly said. “The polls also show the American public is less interested in the deeds of Hillary Clinton’s husband than they are in the deeds of the man who asks us to make him president, Donald Trump.” As the segment drew to an end, Kelly bid farewell to her contentious guest, saying, ""We’re going to have to leave it at that and you can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them, Mr. Speaker. Thanks for being here.” To which Gingrich replied, ""And you too."" Watch the full segment below.",375,1 +376,"Prior to Sunday's presidential debate, four women who have accused the Clintons of wrongdoing, including allegations of sexual deviancy, spoke at a press availability with Republican Donald Trump. Observers said Trump meant to contrast his vulgar leaked 2005 audiotape with the allegations from the women about their mistreatment at the hands of the Clintons. ""It's so important...when people are talking about... the words that Donald Trump uttered--he's very embarrassed...he's apologetic for those words,"" Juanita Broaddrick, 73, told Sean Hannity. Broaddrick has accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1978, and has said that Hillary Clinton attacked her character after she came forward with the original accusations. ""I've never heard one apology for what Hillary Clinton did to me after she threatened me after her husband raped me. I did have an apology from Bill Clinton, although he'll never admit it--I'd like to see him do it in-person,"" she said. Broaddrick added that she ""feared"" a Clinton presidency because she suspected that Hillary Clinton would seek retribution against her for speaking out once more. Watch the full clip above and let us know what you think in the comments. Krauthammer: Trump Threat to Prosecute Hillary Sounds Like a 'Banana Republic'",376,1 +377,"Hillary Clinton called Monica Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony tune.” She called Gennifer Flowers “some failed cabaret singer.” She said Republicans in Congress had organized “a vast right-wing conspiracy” against her husband, President Bill Clinton. And now the former secretary of state and defeated Democratic presidential candidate says those of us still interested in the investigating of her conduct are engaging in an “abuse of power.” Hillary Clinton expects special treatment. She always has. The real question is: why did the FBI give it to her? The FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton was referred to as “special” in an email sent by current FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. He was the assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office before his promotion to the second-ranking spot in the bureau. Despite a deep web of connections to Clinton, McCabe formally recused himself from the email investigation only a week before the 2016 election. McCabe’s admissions are telling, but not inaccurate. Four months have passed since 20 members of the House Judiciary Committee demanded a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton. No action from the Department of Justice has been taken. Only a special person could have her spouse meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on a tarmac in Phoenix during an ongoing criminal investigation. Recently released emails show that Bill Clinton purposely altered his departure to get time alone with Lynch. While the FBI was very concerned with punishing the agent who disclosed the Lynch-Bill Clinton meeting, the impropriety of the gathering garnered far less attention. When Lynch told then-FBI Director James Comey to refer to the Hillary Clinton investigation as a “matter” rather than an “investigation,” language had a special meaning. According to McCabe, “the decision was made to investigate (Hillary Clinton) at HQ with a small team.” The double standard is glaring. More prosecutors are currently investigating President Trump than were assigned to the Oklahoma City bombing, but Hillary Clinton got the small team at HQ. And how did the “small team at HQ” handle the investigation? In a word – special. Somewhere between the first and the final draft, Comey’s statement changed. He first wrote that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server was “grossly negligent.” The final draft said she was “extremely careless.” Comey’s exoneration was drafted before the FBI interviewed key witnesses – including Clinton herself. When Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough confronted officials about the depth of Clinton’s crimes, he faced threats and “personal blowback” against him and his family. McCullough’s reports were delivered to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Clapper spoke of the “heartburn” that exposure would create for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. In every instance, being special has redounded to Hillary Clinton’s political and legal benefit. Not so for President Trump. Some at the Department of Justice and the FBI seem to have a special bias against the president. FBI Agent Peter Strzok sent biased anti-Trump text messages. He worked on both the Clinton email scandal and the Mueller probe. It remains unclear what evidence he reviewed, generated or damaged in either investigation. Four months have passed since 20 members of the House Judiciary Committee demanded a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton. No action from the Department of Justice has been taken. As members of the Judiciary Committee, we have demanded an investigation into the FBI’s procedures, practices, oversight and reporting. If biased agents have tainted evidence, we need to see it. If politically-interested prosecutors have an agenda, we need to know it. If our government institutions are being undermined by the deep state, we must expose it. After all, equal treatment under the law is just one thing that makes America so special. Republican Matt Gaetz represents Florida's 1st congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives.",377,1 +378,"As seen on Justice With Judge Jeanine Issa: Comey Reopening FBI Clinton Email Probe 'Matter of His Integrity' In her Opening Statement last night, Judge Jeanine Pirro said FBI Director James Comey owes it to the American people to reveal what new information made him decide to reopen the Hillary Clinton email investigation. ""He's got to tell us what was discovered what was so big that he violated Justice Department and FBI guidelines and alerted the nation. He cannot hide behind protocol,"" Judge Jeanine said. She also called for a ""thorough, unbiased investigation,"" with search warrants, empaneling a grand jury and a deal with Huma Abedin to get the top Clinton aide to talk. ""Jim, go back to your roots,"" Judge Jeanine said. ""You were once a great prosecutor. Don’t let Washington ruin you, too. You need to send these Clintons back to where they came from."" Read the full transcript below, and let us know what you think in the comments. Liberals Bash FBI Director Comey Over Clinton Probe After Praising Him in July Mother of Jailed Sailor: 'Hold Hillary to Same Standards' as My Son on Classified Info The FBI’s ability to get Huma Abedin- Hillary Clinton's closest advisor, confidante and State Department deputy chief of staff - to sing will make or break this election. Right now, reports are the FBI is negotiating with Huma's lawyers, stemming from her joint computer with pervert husband, disgraced ex -congressman Anthony Weiner. Here we go again: We are nine days from an election that will redefine this nation. And as I said last night, we're on the precipice of yet another constitutional crisis because of the Clintons. This time, involving an alleged pedophile, our nation's top secrets and a couple of grifters from Arkansas. You already know how I feel about all this from my open last night. The American people are entitled to know before we go to the voting booth what it was that caused FBI Director Comey to reopen the case. He's got to tell us what was discovered what was so big that he violated Justice Department and FBI guidelines and alerted the nation. He cannot hide behind protocol. The Justice guidelines 'don't let me talk' rule doesn't work anymore. The 'we don't comment on pending cases' doesn't work anymore. There are no ethical prohibitions. You have been invited by the target and her surrogates to release the information that caused you to reopen a closed case. If there is an indictment, Hillary is now foreclosed from objecting to such disclosure. My bet is, she knows you wont - but thinks that she’s calling your bluff. If she really wanted to know, all she has to do is sit down with Huma and ask her. The investigation is then not compromised, since documentary evidence - here emails - do not change. So it's time to do what you didn't do last year- a thorough unbiased investigation, using all the tools available search warrants and empaneling a grand jury. No more mother may I routine. You’re the one who got yourself in this mess. And now the American people are in a bigger mess. In 2013 Huma signed a document under penalty of perjury when she left the state department that she had turned over all classified materials and that she was not retaining copies. It seems that metadata on 650 thousand emails suggest otherwise. Huma swore under oath that she searched thru all her devices for anything state related. She had a chance to turn things over and she didn’t. Start your negotiation there, Mr. Director. You've got her in a corner. It's time to throw some punches. Make your deal with Huma now. If you don't and Hillary gets elected, no one will care. Hillary will do what she’s always done. She'll be appalled at Huma. She’ll say she didn't know. She didn't remember. She short-circuited. She had a brain clot. She had no idea. Look, the American people are already traumatized by the Clinton scandals and we just can’t take 4 more years of them. Word is that although Justice told your FBI guys to shut down the Clinton Foundation investigation, it’s still ongoing. The justice dept. is dirty and you know it. Our attorney general actually pleaded the fifth on the Iran ransom probe. Loretta Lynch meeting with the spouse of a target and then the target herself days later saying I will keep Loretta Lynch as my attorney general is bribery pure and simple. Jim, go back to your roots. You were once a great prosecutor. Don’t let Washington ruin you too. You need to send these Clintons back to where they came from. It’s time for you to buck up put on your big boy pants and make a deal with Huma for the sake of this nation. You've got till Tuesday.",378,1 +379,"The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops called out former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon just days after he accused the Catholic Church of having ulterior motives in helping undocumented immigrants. James Rogers, the USCCB's chief spokesman, called Bannon's comments ""preposterous"" in a interview on Sirius Radio. Rogers was referring to Steve Bannon's interview with Charlie Rose on ""60 Minutes"" where he claimed the Catholic Church only needs ""illegal aliens"" as worshipers. Rogers says Bannon's statements are untrue. ""Our pro-immigration stance is based on fidelity to God's word and honors the American dream. For anyone to suggest that it is out of sordid motives of statistics or financial gain is outrageous and insulting,"" he added. ""And the Bible is so clear, so clear, that to treat the immigrant with dignity and respect, to make sure that society is just in its treatment of the immigrant is Biblical mandate,"" Dolan said. ""It's clear in the Old Testament -- my Jewish neighbors remind me of that all the time -- and it's clear from the lips of Jesus when he said, 'Whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do to me. When I was a stranger -- meaning an immigrant or a refugee -- you welcomed me.'"" Bannon's comments have drawn widespread criticism. Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, said in an interview on the Catholic Channel on Sirius XM, ""I don't really care to go into what I think is a preposterous and rather insulting statement that the only reason we bishops care for immigrants is for the economic because we want to fill our churches and get more money."" The full interview of Steve Bannon on ""60 Minutes"" will air this Sunday. Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is accusing the Catholic Church of needing ""illegal aliens"" as worshipers. “The Catholic Church has been terrible about this,” he said while discussing immigration policy in a new interview Thursday. “The bishops have been terrible about this.” “[It’s] because [they’re] unable to really to – to – to come to grips with the problems in the church,” Bannon continued on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” “They need illegal aliens, they need illegal aliens to fill the churches.” “They have an economic interest. They have an economic interest in unlimited immigration, unlimited illegal immigration.” Bannon was discussing President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA temporarily blocks undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children from deportation and lets them get renewable work permits. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday announced that Trump’s administration would eliminate the program in six months. Nearly 800,000 “Dreamers,” or DACA recipients, have benefited from the program since former President Barack Obama’s administration implemented it in 2012.",379,0 +380,"Briefly: In our opinion, full (150% of the regular full position) speculative short positions in gold, silver and mining stocks are justified from the risk/reward perspective at the moment of publishing this alert. Gold moved back and forth on Friday and the accompanying volume was high, but that’s not the only important thing that we can discuss today. The week is over and we have weekly changes and weekly volume levels to analyze and we saw major moves in the important ratios. Additionally, we discovered a self-similar pattern in gold that has critical and volatile implications going forward. Let’s start with Friday’s session and the changes in the gold market (chart courtesy of http://stockcharts.com). Gold moved sharply back and forth as both positive and negative data was released and ultimately it ended the session a few dollars higher (based on kitco’s prices, the closing price was $1,279.60). Why was the reaction so significant? The reason could be technical – the apex of the triangle was likely to be accompanied by a turnaround and since we just saw a more visible top a couple of days ago and apparently gold doesn’t want to form a bottom here, then the only remaining outcome is a local daily top that doesn’t change much – which is what we saw. Why do we think that gold doesn’t want to bottom here? Because if it did, it would have ended Friday’s session much higher. If gold doesn’t want to move higher, then silver must really hate that “thought”. The white metal declined once again and even though gold closed a bit higher, it managed to close lower. The move lower by itself is already bearish as it took place on visible volume, but it’s very bearish once we take into account Thursday’s breakdown. We previously commented on it in the following way: Silver declined and it reversed before the end of the session, which appears to be a reversal. But does this reversal really have bullish implications? It doesn’t seem to be the case. The volume wasn’t huge enough to confirm the reversal and it was not low enough to invalidate the bearish implications of the decline either. The key thing to the proper analysis of the silver price swing is the awareness of what the USD and S&P 500 did. The former declined a bit, while stocks truly soared, which created perfect circumstances for a silver rally. Yet, instead of a rally, we saw a decline and a move below the rising support line based on the August and October lows. Consequently, silver’s action was very bearish as it showed great weakness in this market. Moreover, the mentioned support line could be viewed as a neck level of a head and shoulders pattern (with a rather long right shoulder, similar to the one that we saw in the euro), which serves as an additional bearish indication (it’s only a small addition to the bearish implications of the breakdown as such, as its implications are bearish regardless of the H&S formation being in place or not). On Friday, the general stock market declined significantly but almost the entire decline was reversed before the end of the session. If we consider Thursday and Friday together, the S&P 500 index still rallied considerably, but silver declined and was unable to invalidate its breakdown. The implications are strongly bearish. Let’s move back to gold for a few minutes. In terms of the euro, the bearish signals are much more profound. Gold has just broken below the rising, medium-term support line and the most recent local top was formed approximately at the apex of the triangle pattern (in terms of time). The latter makes it considerably more likely that an important top was just formed and thus that the breakdown that we just saw will be confirmed. As far as the apex of the triangle is concerned, it’s actually a combination of two such patterns – they are based on the same tops and bottoms, but in one case (red lines) they are based on the intraday extremes and in the other case (black lines) they are based on the daily closing prices. The most recent top took place right between the apexes created based on both patterns. The mentioned breakdown is almost confirmed. Almost, because we would prefer to see three consecutive closing prices below the support line to see it as strong resistance, but we have already seen two of them, a weekly close and also a failed attempt to move back above the line. The breakdown is very close to being fully confirmed and the bearishness of the implications increased significantly based on Friday’s session. Speaking of breakdowns, we saw one in the gold to S&P 500 ratio, which… is nothing new, but still quite exciting and important. Why? Because due to several failed attempts to break below this level, we had to be skeptical toward the breakdown this time. The question was: ”Would this time be any different?” It turned out that this time was different as the ratio moved back to the previously broken level, verified it as support and then continued to move lower on huge volume (precisely, the ratio itself doesn’t have volume, so what we mean is the ratio of volumes). Why would the above be a big deal? Because this ratio moves in tune with gold when it comes to major price moves and – more importantly – there was only one similar case in the past 15 years when we saw a similar breakdown and it was in the early stages of the 2012 – 2013 decline. Back then, it was a warning sign that practically nobody noticed. You’ll probably not see it anywhere (except for this publication) this time either. Naturally, the implications are strongly bearish as the breakdown now appears believable. From the weekly point of view, we see that mining stocks declined and broke below the rising support lines based on the 2016 and 2017 lows and that the breakdown took place on big volume. All that happened after two weeks of low-volume upswings that we commented on in last Monday’s alert: Finally, the weekly volume levels in the GDX ETF paint a very bearish picture for the following weeks. The GDX ETF is after 2 small, weekly rallies that were accompanied by very low volume when compared with the previous weeks. The last week had less trading days, but that doesn’t explain the previous week’s low volume reading. Moreover, we didn’t see similarly low volume readings in the past Novembers, which suggests that we are correct to view the low volume levels as something important and meaningful. The only comparable situation from the recent past took place in mid-2014 (marked with a black arrow). In the following weeks, the GDX price was cut by a third. The bearish implications of the above just became more bearish as back in 2014, the first big-volume weekly decline meant that the big slide had just begun. The breakdown can also be seen in the case of the HUI to S&P 500 index ratio. In other words, by looking at gold stocks’ performance relative to other stocks. The breakdown is clear and confirmed by both weekly and monthly closing prices. The implications are bearish. All in all, the medium-term outlook is clearly bearish based on the above and based on the factors that we discussed previously and it seems that we’ve been correct to be holding the short positions in metals and miners (especially in silver and miners). Still, it seems that the vast majority of the potential that these positions have is still to be realized. This is particularly the case given the similarities between what we’re seeing now and what we saw before the previous slides. We already discussed some of those similarities above, but there’s also something else that is likely in play right now. In early October, we described the analogy in performance between 2008 and the current period (at the moment) in gold stocks. It was almost two months ago, so even if you read it at that time, it might be worth reading it once again today (by the way, we are making that alert available publicly, so if you know someone who’s interested in precious metals, but has doubts about using technical analysis to analyze it, please send them the link to that alert – they might change their minds - https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/gold-trading/the-more-things-change-the-more-they-stay-the-same/) – it’s truly amazing how the similarity continued almost to the letter even though the two cases are almost a decade apart. Even the initial retracement of the HUI Index (38.2%) was identical. However, today we are not going to repeat the October analysis – we are going to discuss something alike… in gold. That’s right, the gold market features similarities to its performance back in 2008. Before moving to details, let’s state that the analogy is far from perfect. That’s probably why we didn’t discover it earlier. However, it’s not the point to be picky about a technique, but rather to see if there is anything that it can give us and make us particularly aware of things that could come. With regard to the latter goal in mind, it seems that we have something very valuable. In both cases, we have a sharp rally that preceded a top, then we saw some kind of consolidation and another attempt to move higher, which failed (mid-2008 and second half of 2012) and started a decline. The decline was more or less twice the size of the decline from the key (March 2008 and late 2011) top. In 2008, we saw a corrective upswing that was followed by a move to almost the final bottom and from mid-2013 to early 2015 we saw several such corrective upswings. After the initial bottom (September 2008 and the final part of 2015) gold soared sharply. The sizes of the upswings differ on a relative basis, but it’s understandable as back in 2008 the moves took place in a very short time, so the levels of emotionality among market participants were much higher. After the sharp rally, gold consolidated a bit (late September 2008 and mid-2016), then declined and moved close to the previous highs once again (October 2008 and September 2017). The decline that started thereafter in 2008 was the biggest and sharpest decline in many years. Naturally, this does not bode well for the near-term gold outlook. Conversely, it seems that we can expect the most important part of the decline to be just around the corner. The above implication is not the only interesting thing about the analogy, though. The detail that could be important going forward is the moment when the decline took a breather. At this time, the moves take more time, so the pauses could be longer and more visible as well and if we get enough bullish confirmations once gold moves to certain price levels, we might even adjust the trading position temporarily. In 2008, the first interim pause was at the most recent important low and the second pause was approximately the level from which the sharpest part of the previous huge rally started, which was strengthened by another support level (the previous low). We don’t have price levels that would be 100% analogous, but we can see which levels are most similar. In our view, the most recent important lows would be close to the $1,200 level (March, May, and July 2017 bottoms) and the next strong support will be provided by the $1,120 - $1,130 area. That’s approximately from where gold soared most sharply in early 2016 and this level is strengthened by the December 2016 low. These levels are most likely to generate support strong enough to trigger at least corrective rallies based on the analogy to what we saw in 2008 and based on their own strength as support. Naturally, that’s what appears likely based on the data that we have today and the likely scenario could change as new developments unfold. There’s one more thing that we left for the analytical dessert. Namely, back in 2008 the previous key low (September 2008 low, which is analogous to the late 2015 bottom) didn’t trigger even a small rally. Consequently, even though a bottom or at least a correction will be widely expected once gold moves below $1,100, gold may continue to move lower and slide through $1,050 like a hot knife through butter. Finally, there’s one more thing that makes the current situation in gold similar to 2008 – the overall increase in the volume levels. We already discussed, why the yearly volume levels at record highs should not be viewed as bullish (final part of the November 14 alert that we’re linking to) and today we would like to add the observation that back in 2008 the volume levels also broke to new highs and stayed there for a long time. Yes, the volume has been growing almost constantly, but the 2008 and 2017 buildups in volume still stand out. The growth is much sharper than in other years and no other period is comparable to those years. Since the 2008 volume buildup was followed by a sharp decline in the precious metals sector, it seems that we might see something similar also this and/or the next year. Summing up, there are multiple bearish signals in the gold market and in the rest of the precious metals sector and the analogies to previous major declines further support the bearish outlook. The big decline in PMs appears to be underway as the previously discussed long-term signals remain in place: gold’s huge monthly volume, the analogy in the HUI Index, the analogy between the two most recent series of interest rate hikes, and the RSI signal from gold priced in the Japanese yen. To summarize: Trading capital (supplementary part of the portfolio; our opinion): Short positions (150% of the full position) in gold, silver and mining stocks are justified from the risk/reward perspective with the following stop-loss orders and exit price levels / profit-take orders: In case one wants to bet on junior mining stocks' prices (we do not suggest doing so – we think senior mining stocks are more predictable in the case of short-term trades – if one wants to do it anyway, we provide the details), here are the stop-loss details and exit prices: Long-term capital (core part of the portfolio; our opinion): No positions (in other words: cash) Insurance capital (core part of the portfolio; our opinion): Full position Whether you already subscribed or not, we encourage you to find out how to make the most of our alerts and read our replies to the most common alert-and-gold-trading-related-questions. Please note that the in the trading section we describe the situation for the day that the alert is posted. In other words, it we are writing about a speculative position, it means that it is up-to-date on the day it was posted. We are also featuring the initial target prices, so that you can decide whether keeping a position on a given day is something that is in tune with your approach (some moves are too small for medium-term traders and some might appear too big for day-traders). Plus, you might want to read why our stop-loss orders are usually relatively far from the current price. Please note that a full position doesn’t mean using all of the capital for a given trade. You will find details on our thoughts on gold portfolio structuring in the Key Insights section on our website. As a reminder – “initial target price” means exactly that – an “initial” one, it’s not a price level at which we suggest closing positions. If this becomes the case (like it did in the previous trade) we will refer to these levels as levels of exit orders (exactly as we’ve done previously). Stop-loss levels, however, are naturally not “initial”, but something that, in our opinion, might be entered as an order. Since it is impossible to synchronize target prices and stop-loss levels for all the ETFs and ETNs with the main markets that we provide these levels for (gold, silver and mining stocks – the GDX ETF), the stop-loss levels and target prices for other ETNs and ETF (among other: UGLD, DGLD, USLV, DSLV, NUGT, DUST, JNUG, JDST) are provided as supplementary, and not as “final”. This means that if a stop-loss or a target level is reached for any of the “additional instruments” (DGLD for instance), but not for the “main instrument” (gold in this case), we will view positions in both gold and DGLD as still open and the stop-loss for DGLD would have to be moved lower. On the other hand, if gold moves to a stop-loss level but DGLD doesn’t, then we will view both positions (in gold and DGLD) as closed. In other words, since it’s not possible to be 100% certain that each related instrument moves to a given level when the underlying instrument does, we can’t provide levels that would be binding. The levels that we do provide are our best estimate of the levels that will correspond to the levels in the underlying assets, but it will be the underlying assets that one will need to focus on regarding the signs pointing to closing a given position or keeping it open. We might adjust the levels in the “additional instruments” without adjusting the levels in the “main instruments”, which will simply mean that we have improved our estimation of these levels, not that we changed our outlook on the markets. We are already working on a tool that would update these levels on a daily basis for the most popular ETFs, ETNs and individual mining stocks. Our preferred ways to invest in and to trade gold along with the reasoning can be found in the how to buy gold section. Additionally, our preferred ETFs and ETNs can be found in our Gold & Silver ETF Ranking. As a reminder, Gold & Silver Trading Alerts are posted before or on each trading day (we usually post them before the opening bell, but we don't promise doing that each day). If there's anything urgent, we will send you an additional small alert before posting the main one. ===== Latest Free Trading Alerts: On Wednesday, Trump nominated Goodfriend to the Fed’s Board of Governors. What does it mean for the gold market? S&P 500 index lost 0.2% on Friday, following volatile trading session and a bounce off support level at 2,600 mark. Is this a topping pattern or just another consolidation within medium-term uptrend? ===== Hand-picked precious-metals-related links: ===== In other news: ===== Thank you.",380,1 +381,"Here’s some good advice. Please don’t place valuables likes money and passports in a planes overhead compartment! A couple was flying from Chicago back to Munich last week when they forgot some very precious and valuable cargo onboard. The couple left a bag containing $166,000 in the planes overhead compartment! Lucky for them, the story has a happy ending… The couple was able to go through customs using ID cards, not realizing that the bag they left behind contained their passports and “American cashier’s checks – worth a total of $166,000,” according to T+L. The man had just inherited the large sum of money from his mother. A cleaner saw the bag on the plane and turned it over to the airline. The airline then gave it to the local police who found the cashier’s checks inside. When the police figured out who the owners of the bag were, they had already left the airport. According to T+L the “police tracked them down to their home about two hours away“. Once the man was told what he had left on the plane he headed right back to the airport to claim the valuable bag! Lucky for them this story ended well!",381,0 +382,"Postpartum depression has become more visible as celebrity moms including Brooke Shields, Drew Barrymore and Chrissy Teigen have publicly shared their struggles with feeling sad and hopeless after birth. But when a father – Adam Busby, from reality TV show “OutDaughtered” – recently opened up about his own postpartum depression, he received instant backlash, including comments telling him to “man up.” Despite the skepticism, postpartum depression in fathers is very real, with estimates that around 10 percent of men report symptoms of depression following the birth of a child, about double the typical rate of depression in males. Postpartum depression in women has been linked with hormonal shifts, but the role of hormones in men’s postpartum depression has been unknown. In an attempt to solve this mystery, my colleagues and I recently tested whether men’s levels of the hormone testosterone are related to their postpartum depression risk during early parenthood. We found that men’s testosterone levels might predict not only their own postpartum depression risk, but their partner’s depression risk as well. Testosterone levels in flux through life changes Testosterone is an androgen hormone, responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics. It promotes muscle mass and body hair growth, and motivates sexual arousal and competitive behavior. Many studies have found that testosterone dips in new fathers across the animal kingdom. Among animals that engage in the biparental care of offspring – Mongolian gerbils, Djungarian hamsters, California mice and cotton-top tamarins – males show lower testosterone levels following the birth of pups. Human males also often show declines in testosterone around the birth of their infants. In one of the largest studies of testosterone and fatherhood, anthropologist Lee Gettler and his colleagues followed over 600 single men in the Philippines for about five years. If men became partnered fathers during that time, their testosterone levels decreased more than the men who stayed single. Gettler also found that fathers who spent more time with their children showed lower testosterone, suggesting that testosterone may be suppressed by paternal caregiving. Along similar lines, psychologist Robin Edelstein and I found that men assessed repeatedly over their partner’s pregnancy showed declining testosterone levels from early to late pregnancy. Men whose testosterone dropped more dramatically were more likely to report postpartum commitment and investment in their romantic relationships with their partners. Researchers still haven’t identified exactly what causes men’s testosterone to change over the transition to parenthood. Possible suspects include proximity to the partner or infant, increased stress or disrupted sleep and exercise routines. Lower testosterone, higher depression Previous research has linked testosterone with men’s depression levels in general. Low testosterone may contribute to the feelings of lethargy and disinterest in normally pleasurable activities that characterize depression. In fact, some psychiatrists have even suggested prescribing testosterone supplements to treat depression in men. However, no studies had specifically looked at the potential role of testosterone in fathers’ postpartum depression. My colleagues and I analyzed data from the Community Child Health Research Network, a National Institutes of Health-funded study of new parents’ health and well-being. The study recruited moms after the birth of an infant and followed them for several years, along with their partners. At one of the study sites, in Lake County, Illinois, men also provided saliva samples for testosterone analysis when their infants were around nine months old. Both moms and dads reported on their symptoms of depression several times across the first few years of parenthood. We found that dads with lower testosterone reported feeling more depressed. This fits with other research into how testosterone and depression work together. But ours is the first study to observe this relationship specifically in fathers of infants. Given that many men show drops in testosterone over the transition to parenthood, this finding may help explain why the postpartum period is such a high-risk time for depression in men. An unexpected side effect – for the moms We were surprised when we examined links between men’s testosterone and their partners’ depression. Yes, low testosterone seemed to put men at higher risk for depressive symptoms. But men’s levels had the opposite effect for their partners: Women with lower-testosterone partners actually reported fewer symptoms of depression. Why would that be? We tested one possible explanation by looking at how women rated their relationships. It turned out that moms paired with low-testosterone men reported higher relationship satisfaction, and their higher relationship satisfaction predicted lower rates of depressive symptoms. In other words, having a low-testosterone mate might make for a better-quality relationship, in turn reducing the likelihood that women will become depressed. We know social support from a partner can protect women against developing postpartum depression, so our finding fits with that research. Lower-testosterone men may be more dedicated to their relationships or spend more time with children, helping to relieve some of the pressure on moms. At around 15 months postpartum, we also checked moms’ ratings of whether their partners hurt, threatened, yelled at or insulted them. If men had higher testosterone, moms reported higher levels of intimate partner aggression about six months later. Testosterone is associated with more aggressive and competitive behavior. Our finding shows a potential dark side to high testosterone in the postpartum period. Dads also told us about their parenting stress at 15 months postpartum, reporting on emotions such as feeling trapped by parenting responsibilities, believing their children made too many demands on them and lacking warm feelings toward their children. At first, we didn’t find a link between men’s testosterone levels and their parenting stress. But after we statistically controlled for the relationship between low testosterone and depression, we saw that higher testosterone put men at greater risk of experiencing problems in the parenting relationship. This result suggests that, once you adjust for their potentially lower risk of depression, high-testosterone men may find parenting to be more stressful. A happy medium for testosterone? Our results suggest that fathers of infants might be at risk at both sides of the postpartum testosterone spectrum. At low levels, they might be more vulnerable to depression. But at high levels, they might have less satisfying and more aggressive relationships, less happy partners and more parenting stress. In terms of resilience to depression and stress, men with average levels of postpartum testosterone seemed to fare best. Our findings reveal that men’s postpartum testosterone has a complex relationship with family health. From an evolutionary perspective, lower testosterone during the transition to parenthood may help motivate men to invest in their family. In the animal kingdom, lower-testosterone males spend more time with infant pups and show less aggression toward them. So it makes sense that human males would show shifts in testosterone as they adapt to parenthood. But these shifts may make men more vulnerable to mood disorder symptoms. Perhaps this is because lower-testosterone men are taking a more hands-on role in the family and helping more with infant care. Their contributions are great news from the family’s perspective, but may put men at heightened risk of some of the same depressive symptoms that many new mothers face. After all, caring for infants is hard, draining work. In modern industrialized societies like the United States, many new parents lack the extended family support networks that can help lighten the burden of childcare. And in the U.S., paternity leave is a rarity, and many dads struggle with family-unfriendly work arrangements that drain time and energy. Just as new moms can feel overwhelmed and isolated after spending long hours tending to their babies, so too can dads. If new dads (or moms) are experiencing depressed moods after the birth of their infants, they can take some comfort in the fact that these feelings are normal – and may even be rooted in our evolutionary biology. There’s no shame in seeking help, whether it’s talking to a friend, prioritizing sleep and exercise, or visiting a therapist. Postpartum depression affects the whole family and should be taken seriously. Darby Saxbe, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Southern California – Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.",382,0 +383,"Days after Steven Bannon’s blustery, accusatory interview on “60 Minutes,” in which he warned the apostates blocking President Trump’s agenda that he’s coming after them, Trump confirmed it -- there is no such thing as Trumpism. In recent weeks he’s assured Democrats he backs legalizing the Dreamers, affirmed a commitment to foreign aid in front of the United Nations, and said he’s adding troops in Afghanistan. Will Trump now accept “better” terms he wants in the Paris climate accord? Too bad for Bannon, because none of this is remotely the fault of his favorite punching bags, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, just Trump himself. Bannon’s new self-described role as “wingman” growling from outside instead of inside the White House -- where as chief strategist he fought openly against the “globalist” forces he believed included Trump’s family members -- isn’t going very well. Trump keeps screwing things up for the Breitbart News commander. After getting fired last month he lamented to the Weekly Standard that “the Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over.” But upon reflection, Bannon realized that lame duck talk diminishes his own power, so he’s in overdrive fighting for scraps of a policy vision the president embraces spasmodically. Bannon says he’s enjoying having “my hands back on my weapons,” but he’s outside looking in at a West Wing filled with elites from Goldman Sachs -- the very definition of “the swamp” that Bannon is always frothing about. There, a president is spending political donations on legal fees while his staffers go deep in debt with mounting lawyer bills, visitor logs are kept secret so voters have no idea who is permitted into the Oval Office to influence the president, and a kleptocracy thrives where Trump and his children continue to be enriched by business connected to foreign governments, including the Chinese. Cabinet secretaries are using government planes for private use and private planes for government work -- violations that would have sparked endless Breitbart bonfires under President Obama. In reality, however, there was little left of Trumpism to trumpet even before Bannon was fired. He’s got the travel ban (or at least a modified version of it), and maybe the promised withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement; Bannon will claim credit if Trump pulls out of the Iran nuclear deal -- but that’s about it. On trade and immigration, the president has retreated from Bannon’s barricade-crashing proposals and has not withdrawn from NAFTA, not imposed tariffs on Chinese steel imports, has three times backed off threats over funding for a border wall and now come out in favor of what Bannon calls “amnesty.” Yet Bannon has declared war, promising to take out incumbent Republican senators who aren’t sufficiently loyal to the president. Targets are guilty of insufficient fealty to Trump himself, not to an agenda once thought of as Trumpism. With the backing of loyal mega-donor Robert Mercer, the Bannon forces are targeting Sen. Jeff Flake, and potentially Sens. Bob Corker and Roger Wicker as well. GOP leaders are incensed over the millions more they will spend protecting those lawmakers, money that could be spent trying to knock off Democrats. Currently Bannon is working to elect Roy Moore to replace sitting Sen. Luther Strange in the Alabama Senate race. Trump has endorsed Strange, also backed by McConnell. Bannon is backing the more Trumpian candidate and, well, Trump is not. Bannon, ironically, purports to be interested in protecting GOP majorities in Congress. Before he could imagine Trump giving away the store on DACA to Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Bannon declared in his “60 Minutes” interview that preserving President Obama’s executive order would cause a GOP civil war. He expects Dreamers to run out their permits and “self-deport,” because “amnesty is non-negotiable.” He also said, “I’m worried about losing the House now because of this,” adding that his fear is “in February and March it will be a civil war inside the Republican Party.” But if civil war in the GOP isn’t Bannon’s aim, it's hard to know what is. He blames everything on Ryan and McConnell. “They do not want Donald Trump’s populist economic agenda to be implemented. It’s very obvious. It’s obvious as night follows day,” he told Charlie Rose. In the name of Trumpism, Bannon swallows heavy doses of denial. After all, when Trump threatened to withdraw from NAFTA, the president’s kids and other aides made calls to the Canadian government and arranged for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to call Trump and talk him off the ledge. It wasn’t Ryan or McConnell. Trump’s approval ratings remain low, Bannon said, “because he hasn’t -- we haven’t gotten the wall built.” Earth to Steve: Trump has signaled to Congress the wall is a joke. In the wake of the DACA debacle, Breitbart called the president “Amnesty Don,” yet Bannon himself has stayed sheepishly silent. Ann Coulter, author of “In Trump We Trust,” tweeted: “Looks like Bannon got it wrong. That shadowy force trying to nullify the 2016 election ... is @realDonaldTrump.” Rep. Steve King told the Associated Press the president was destroying his support by betraying his campaign promise, and that his base is “irreparable, disillusioned beyond repair.” King added, “No promise is credible.” Sam Nunberg, a close Bannonite, conceded: “The reality is sinking in that the Trump administration is on the precipice of turning into an establishment presidency.” But Bannon isn’t just breaking plates at Breitbart, he’s building his own brand. Last week, like any other dime-a-dozen elitist, Bannon attended an investor conference in Hong Kong. He told the exclusive gathering he speaks to Trump every two-to-three days, despite White House denials that the president has spoken more than once with Bannon since he left. Before Trump disappointed him on DACA, Nunberg had hailed Bannon’s increased influence with Trump. “I think Steve leaves and a week later he [Trump] pardons Arpaio and they suspend DACA. I don’t think there was any coincidence there,” Nunberg told BuzzFeed. Bannon remains fixated on the threat China poses to the United States, has grimly predicted we will be at war with that nation within five-to-10 years over its buildup of military installations in the South China Sea, and said we’re already “at economic war” with China. Yet his domestic bark in this regard doesn’t seem to be the same as his overseas-investor-conference bite. Once there, the New York Times described Bannon as “more subdued about the purported Chinese threat.” The Wall Street Journal reported he described Trump’s great respect for President Xi and prospects for trade, but that “the U.S. needs to play a stronger role in changing the system in China, an attendee recalled.” It’s a far cry from a trade war on steel. Perhaps over time, Bannonism will go the way of Trumpism. A.B. Stoddard is associate editor of RealClearPolitics and a columnist. She is also host of ""No Labels Radio"" on Sirius XM's POTUS Channel.",383,1 +384,"Hillary Clinton’s campaign is refocusing on Donald Trump and turning away from the latest investigation of her emails, reminding voters of all the reasons why she believes Trump is unqualified to be president. At three Florida rallies Tuesday, CBS News’ Nancy Cordes reports that Clinton ticked through her opponent’s most notorious comments about the opposite sex. “I want all the girls in America to know: you are valuable,” Clinton said at a rally in Fort Lauderdale. “Don’t let somebody like this bully tell you otherwise!” To another crowd in Dade City, Florida, she added: “He calls women ugly, disgusting, nasty, all the time... He doesn’t see us as full human beings.” For proof of her closing argument, Clinton turned to former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, who Trump publicly shamed in 1997 for gaining a little weight. “He said to me, Miss Piggy, Miss Housekeeping, Miss Eating Machine,” Machado said, joining Clinton in Dade City. It’s a closing argument aimed not just at female voters but also the men who love them. The Clinton campaign released a series of ads Tuesday -- all of them with the same message. “I wouldn’t feel good as a father voting for somebody like that,” one man says in an ad. In Columbus, Ohio, President Obama warned that Trump is unlikely to change. “If you disrespected women before you were elected, you will disrespect women once you’re president,” he said. But in Fort Lauderdale, a protester interrupted Clinton with a sign that said her husband, former President Bill Clinton, is a rapist -- a common sight at Clinton rallies that set her off last night. “I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous divisions and behaviors of people who support Donald Trump,” Clinton said. Aides to the Democratic nominee insist the race is not as tight as new polls suggest. And yet they’ve begun airing ads in four states that supposedly tilt their way: Michigan, Virginia, Colorado, and New Mexico. The campaign says that is not a sign of nervousness -- it’s a sign that they still have a startling $150 million in the bank so why not put it to good use, especially if it helps Democrats down the ballot. But that doesn’t explain why Clinton has added a stop in one of those states -- Michigan -- to an already packed schedule.",384,1 +385,"CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Rolling Stone’s deputy managing editor admitted on the stand Thursday that mistakes were made with the magazine’s since-discredited campus rape story, testifying that it “broke a lot of us.” “Everyone was yelling at us and rightfully so,” Sean Woods said of the reaction to the story after gang rape claims made by a University of Virginia student, identified only as Jackie, were called into question. “We needed people to know that we were addressing it as our story was falling apart.” The editor testified at the defamation trial against Rolling Stone, which is being sued for $7.85 million by former UVA associate dean Nicole Eramo, who claims the magazine’s “A Rape on Campus” story painted her as being indifferent to Jackie’s allegations that she was gang raped at a fraternity. “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” Woods told Eramo in court. “If? Did you hurt her or not? …Do you think Ms. Eramo was hurt by this story?!” the former dean’s lawyer, Libby Locke, asked him angrily. “I do. I think she is a public figure and subject to criticism,” Woods explained. Earlier, he’d said that none of the journalists involved with the piece ever fully “recovered.” “You pick up the pieces and you move on,” he said. “I think all of our reputations were trashed. It was a terrible blow.” Woods said he offered to resign after they decided to retract the story in Dec. 2014, but Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner wouldn’t let him. He testified that he was in denial when he left a voicemail for Jackie after the story was retracted saying, “We are standing behind the story. We want to stand by the story.’” “It’s like the stages of grief,” he told jurors.",385,0 +386,"WASHINGTON Newly leaked emails show consternation among those closest to Hillary Clinton about how Bill Clinton’s business dealings might damage his reputation and potentially affect her presidential hopes. The emails, posted Monday by the WikiLeaks organization, also give insight into tension and turmoil within the Clinton Foundation while Clinton was serving as secretary of state. The chief operating officer of the family charity was reported to be threatening to commit suicide over the stress. WikiLeaks began releasing on Friday what it says are years of messages from the accounts of Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta. Podesta has acknowledged his emails were hacked, but warned the messages may have been altered or edited to do political damage to Clinton. It wasn’t immediately clear who hacked Podesta’s emails, though U.S. intelligence officials last week blamed the Russian government for a series of breaches and leaks intended to influence the presidential election. The emails that circulated among Podesta, Chelsea Clinton and former Bill Clinton aide Doug Band detail internal tensions that simmered inside the Clinton Foundation and appear to have played a role in Band’s departure from the family charity. Internal concerns among Clinton family intimates about Band and the private corporate advisory firm he co-founded, Teneo Holdings, have been previously detailed in several media accounts. But the new emails provide raw glimpses of an apparent power struggle between the Clintons’ daughter and Band, who worked closely for Bill Clinton for more than a decade after the end of the Clinton administration. In an email exchange from December 2011, Chelsea Clinton tells Podesta and others - including Clinton adviser and current Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe - that she’s increasingly concerned about Teneo. The email includes a forwarded news article that alleges that Bill Clinton had collected $50,000 a month through Teneo from MF Global, the commodities brokerage formerly run by former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, while MF Global was preparing to file for bankruptcy. Chelsea Clinton told Podesta and others that two people separately came up to her at a London event for the Clinton Foundation to raise concerns that someone representing Teneo clients had been calling members of the British Parliament “on behalf of President Clinton” without her father’s knowledge. Chelsea Clinton said the calls had people in London “making comparisons” between the “profit motivations” of the former president and former Prime Minister Tony Blair. “Which would horrify my father,” Chelsea Clinton wrote. Band wrote in an email that Chelsea Clinton seemed more concerned about critical news coverage about MF Global, a derivatives broker, and Band’s advisory firm, Teneo, than published reports about Bill Clinton’s infidelity. “I realize it is difficult to confront and reason with her but this could go (too) far and then we all will have a real serious set of other problems,” Band vented in an exchange sent to Podesta. “I don’t deserve this from her and deserve a tad more respect. ... She is acting like a spoiled brat kid who has nothing else to do but create issues to justify what she’s doing because she, as she has said, hasn’t found her way and has a lack of focus in her life.” The emails reflect the ascendance of Chelsea Clinton - as early as 2011 - inside the family charity. The younger Clinton was recently was anointed as the Clinton Foundation’s future leader if her mother wins the presidency next month. Bill Clinton announced in August that he planned to step down from the charity’s board if his wife becomes president. Chelsea Clinton will remain on the organization’s board. Bill Clinton explained in a letter to supporters in August that he would resign and stop raising funds for the charity to eliminate “legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest.” Calls seeking comment from the Clinton Foundation and from Teneo, where Band works, received no response Monday. Also in December 2011, Clinton Foundation chief operating officer Laura Graham contacted Band to complain that stress she blamed on the former president and Chelsea Clinton was causing her to consider suicide. Band wrote that when Graham called him, she was in her car parked near the water with her foot on the gas pedal. He said he dissuaded her from hurting herself. “She called me to tell me the stress of all of this office crap with wjc and cvc as well as that of her family had driven her to the edge and she couldn’t take it anymore,” Band wrote in an email to Podesta and Cheryl Mills, then Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff. Graham later departed the Clinton Foundation, taking a new job with the Empire State Development Corporation. Phone messages left for Graham on Monday received no response. © 2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.",386,0 +387,"As we are writing this, Donald Trump is clothed in his war regalia as he prepares for a battle with the judiciary, the press, the CIA and probably innocent Americans. The good news is that we have a powerful and high-ranking military officer is not going to let Trump oppress the world. Air Force Chief of Staff Dave Goldfein may not have called Trump out directly, but his words are pointed at the president. In his interview with the press, Goldfein didn’t spare words of wisdom that Trump should better listen to. Earlier this week, President Trump aka ‘Orange Tyrant’ was at the MacDill Air Force Base to give his ridiculous and meaningless speeches. Imagine what he told the military officers who left what they should be doing to listen to him if they don’t like him, he is not going to like them. Barely a day after the president made this comment; Goldfein apparently seemed to implicitly attack what the president said. He said that “This is a great opportunity to step back and remind ourselves and the American people of the oath we take as members of the military.” Goldfein said that the oath they too and they always retake every time they were promoted was to defend and support the American Constitution against any enemy both in the domestic and foreign arena. By design, these military officers do not pledge to defend or support any leader or party because they are apolitical. The military is not too friendly with the president according to Goldfein, one day; the military may be protecting the people from Trump. Goldfein indirectly criticized the disastrous raid in Yemen authorized by Trump, the assurance of Trump that the SEAL was going to have a field only pointed out that he was a local fish without the experience of swimming in the international waters. One of the things that Goldfein is proud of is the fact that the military cannot lose sight that they go to war with their values. People who are critical of the efforts that the military undertakes each day to stop causalities are not aware of who the military are. Indeed, Goldfein is a true patriot who defends the real values of American. We are happy with the service that he is offering passionately to our country to ensure that our ideals are maintained. It doesn’t look like the upper class of the military really like Trump. They have rejected the requested Trump made for the military to go for the fascist-style military parade for his Inauguration Day. Americans need patriots like Goldfein. It is time for each one of us to stand up.",387,1 +388,"(ThyBlackMan.com) Even though I am black, I was raised on Superman’s; truth, justice and the American way. I always believed Americans were the world’s good guys. As a kid, I watched my mom cry over “I Love Lucy” TV stars Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz getting a divorce. I remember our entire family, mom, dad and five kids gathered around our single television; nail-biting tension in the air as we nervously awaited the final out for our Baltimore Orioles to win the World’s Series over the Pittsburgh Pirates. Despite our country’s racial issues, we patriotically embraced the distinct American culture. We were Americans. When President JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country“, I believe a majority of Americans agreed with him. For years, I sang my song, “Celebrate America” http://bit.ly/2h0Swyv at Naturalization Oath of Allegiance Ceremonies. I thought it was pretty cool that mine was the first song new Americans heard after taking their oath of allegiance. I witnessed thousands of immigrants who jumped through all the hoops, learned our language and history and tearfully pledged their allegiance. I still remember a gentleman who appeared to be in his 90s, raised to his feet from a wheelchair by a grandchild on each arm. Their entire family wept as he took his oath. Clearly, it meant something extremely special to become an American. It pained me deeply watching Obama lower the bar, redefining and dumbing down what it means to be an American. Obama rolled out the red carpet welcoming tens of thousands of illegals to invade our country for welfare benefits; even benefits unavailable to American citizens. http://washex.am/2eL6TGl For immigrants legally becoming new citizens, Obama made pledging to defend our county optional. http://bit.ly/1MkmOmR Assuming Hillary would win the WH, Obama figured his illegal invaders would eventually be gifted voting rights. It did not matter to Obama that they had no desire to embrace our culture, respect our flag or learn to speak English. In essence, Barack Obama took the majestic shine off of becoming an American. The late queen of cosmetics, Mary Kay Ash said the speed of the leader is the speed of the gang. Unarguably, Obama’s disdain and disrespect for Americanism trickled down infecting our country. Public schools banned the singing of “God Bless the USA/Proud to be an America“. http://bit.ly/2mFeyFG Students were barred from wearing t-shirts to school featuring the U.S. flag on Cinco De Mayo http://fxn.ws/2ojaNGY, claiming it was hateful and insensitive to illegal Mexican students. Multimillionaire pro athletes refused to stand for our national anthem, proclaiming themselves victims of America. Their example of dissing our flag trickled down to high and middle school athletes across America. http://bbc.in/2uuuyAu Under Barack Obama, JFK’s words inspiring Americans to strive for excellence for the good of their country were thrown on the junk-heap of forgotten history. Obama’s new Americanism was about demonizing and punishing self-reliant achievers, pandering to lazy parasites and addicting as many Americans as possible to big government dependency. Due to decades of our Leftist controlled public schools abandoning teaching U.S. history, far too many Americans quickly surrendered their precious God-given and fought for freedom and liberty for a free Obama phone and his promise to Robin Hood the rich. Ben Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Barack Obama actually launched an ad campaign begging illegals to apply for food stamps. http://dailym.ai/1PPPdR1 Using a Hispanic soap opera , Barack Obama told illegals that applying for as many U.S. government freebie programs as possible was the honorable thing to do for their families. http://bit.ly/2tH14AA It was also painful watching Barack Obama insidiously divide Americans into supposed victimized voting blocs; blacks, Hispanics, women, transgenders and so on. Suddenly, we became an entitlement-minded gimme-society; everyone running around claiming America abused them and therefore owed them a living. I kept thinking what the heck is going on. We are better than this. I wanted to scream from the roof tops, “This is not who we are. Darn it, we are AMERICANS!!!” In my song, “We Are Americans” http://bit.ly/1AIVqp6 , I ask my fellow Americans to repent and return to our founding principles. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Mark Levin recently penned a book in which he brilliantly articulated the source of my heartache for my country; the well-orchestrated cultural and moral decline of America. Levin’s book is titled, “Rediscovering Americanism And The Tyranny of Progressivism” http://amzn.to/2udTux9 The good news is Donald Trump winning the WH in an electoral landslide proves that despite decades of Leftists trying to convince Americans that we are the greatest source of evil in the world, the masses still love our country and long to see her made great again. And for that, I am extremely hopeful and grateful. Prayerfully, Trump will usher in us becoming Americans again. Staff Writer; Lloyd Marcus Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama. Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network. Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.",388,1 +389,"Only hours after President Donald Trump's aide, Kellyanne Conway, had a fiery exchange with CNN's Chris Cuomo over whether or not the White House was obsessed about Hillary Clinton, the president completely undercut her argument. On Thursday morning, the president, spending his "" Executive Time"" watching ""Fox & Friends,"" angrily tweeted about his Democratic opponent in 2016, while slamming the infamous dossier in an attempt to distract from the ongoing probe by special counsel Robert Mueller into the Trump campaign's alleged ties to the Kremlin. Disproven and paid for by Democrats “Dossier used to spy on Trump Campaign. Did FBI use Intel tool to influence the Election?” @foxandfriends Did Dems or Clinton also pay Russians? Where are hidden and smashed DNC servers? Where are Crooked Hillary Emails? What a mess! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2018 But just the night before, Conway vociferously defended Trump and insisted no one in the White House cared about Clinton. ""We don't care about her. Nobody here talks about her,"" Conway said. ""Nobody here talks about Hillary Clinton, I promise you."" ""We don't care about her. Nobody here talks about her."" Kellyanne Conway claimed that while many cannot get over the 2016 presidential election, the White House does not talk about Hillary Clinton. https://t.co/VvVVbeeLyK pic.twitter.com/W73q9nZnF5 — CNN (@CNN) January 11, 2018 Conway also asserted that the public still had not gotten over the election and that most haven't moved on. Trump, however, was handing out electoral maps last year touting his victory. ""So many people can’t get over the election results,"" Conway said. Cuomo fired back, ""Says my friend who can’t keep Hillary Clinton’s name out of her mouth."" ""I'll make you a deal,"" Conway said. ""I'll never talk about her [Clinton] again, but then you can't talk about the 2016 election."" ""I'm not, I haven't mentioned the election once,"" Cuomo replied. In recent months, Conway has tweeted about Clinton on numerous occasions herself. It took Hillary abt 5 minutes to blame NRA for madman's rampage, but 5 days to sorta-kinda blame Harvey Weinstein 4 his sexually assaults. — Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) October 10, 2017 So, Hillary blames Bernie 4 Trump's ""Crooked Hillary"", blames Obama 4 ""lay off Bernie"", blames Bernie Bros 4 sexism. https://t.co/6MjMmc3q8m — Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) September 5, 2017 The two continued to talk over each other, and Cuomo brought up the alleged Russian election meddling, as well as the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting in which top Trump campaign officials met with a Russian lawyer with potential ties to the Kremlin in order to receive dirt on Clinton. ""The idea that we would have to look any further than Hillary Clinton to beat Hillary Clinton is a fantasy,"" Conway said. The CNN host added, ""Is we inconclusive of Don Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, who went to a meeting with a Russian lawyer who was promising dirt on Hillary Clinton?"" ""And what came of that meeting? Absolutely nothing,"" Conway responded. ""That's not the point,"" Cuomo emphasized. ""The point is why you went."" In essence, Conway's behavior was a larger metaphor of the Trump presidency. Either Conway — who delivered to America the phrase ""alternative facts"" — was deliberately lying about Trump's personal obsession with deflecting and pointing the finger at Clinton, or she has proven yet again that the right hand still has truly no idea what the left is doing. The exchange didn't end on television, though, continuing on Twitter Thursday morning. So fun to see the predictable heads exploding, but I should've finished that sentence #CuomoPrimeTime @CNN. ""Nobody in the White House talks about Hillary Clinton"" when noting whose presidential leadership = historic tax cuts & economic boom, reg reform, put ISIS in retreat. — Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) January 11, 2018 hey kellyanne - good thing no one talks about hrc in the white house. is ""nobody"" new potus code name? https://t.co/3r9q0VWKOK — Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) January 11, 2018 Hey @ChrisCuomo - when we are forced to think/talk about hrc it's because you and your colleagues can't let go of an election she/you lost. Sad!Proven further by after a 30-minute interview about policy and accomplishments, HRC is all you and others can say... https://t.co/SuL5EspkRE — Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) January 11, 2018 And the coda of this story comes from Kellyanne Conway, who went on ""Fox & Friends,"" where she talked about Hillary Clinton. ""We only have to talk about her because people won't let go of an election she lost miserably."" -- @KellyannePolls on Hillary to @foxandfriends this morning.Yes, really. — Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) January 11, 2018",389,1 +390,"The newly-installed constitutional assembly led by President Nicolas Maduro has ousted Venezuela's chief prosecutor on Saturday, a move that signals that the embattled government is making swift moves to consolidate power. Hails of ""traitor"" and ""justice has arrived"" erupted from the 545 pro-government delegates during the unanimous vote to remove the top law enforcement official, Luisa Ortega, from her post. The assembly replaced her with a staunch government supporter. The delegates said they were acting in response to a ruling by the government-attacked Supreme Court, which was separately considering a request to sanction Ortega. Speaking to journalists after her removal, Ortega said dozens of national guardsmen in riot gear barred her from entering her office, alleging that authorities wanted to get their hands on sensitive information implicating high-level officials in dirty dealings. ""Do you know what they want to achieve with this? They want to hide the corruption and violation of human rights taking place in Venezuela that I will continue to denounce,"" Ortega said. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro plans to seat a new controversial constituent assembly in an effort to rewrite the country's constitution despite continued opposition protests. The new legislative body's constitution would nullify the other branches of government, leading opposition leaders to call on citizens to protest in the streets in objection. Maduro is expected to seat the 545-member body at the legislative palace in the capital of Caracas on Friday, just yards from the opposition-led National Assembly. He plans to attend the assembly's opening session and promised to use the assembly itself to attack his political opponents. ""The only way they'll get us out of here is by killing us,"" National Assembly first vice president Freddy Guevara told the Associated Press. ""They will never have a seat that the people of Venezuela gave us."" Maduro's assembly was elected on Sunday, despite opposition claims that the election itself was rigged in favor of Maduro supporters, resulting in a boycott. The U.S. State Department condemned the assembly on Thursday, claiming the rigged election only served to empower ""the Maduro dictatorship."" Several U.S. lawmakers joined in the condemnation, including Sen. Marco Rubio who issued a message of support to the Venezuelan people in Spanish. ""At a time of deep divisions in our own politics, both the left and the right here in the United States support the people of Venezuela and condemn the Maduro government,"" said Rubio. ""Even those who sympathized and defended the late Hugo Chavez, condemn the direction Nicolas Maduro has taken your country."" The senator added that Venezuelans are ""only a free and fair election away from a better future."" Sen. Bob Menendez, senior member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, claimed a ""sham election"" was used to elect the pro-Maduro assembly. ""Nicolas Maduro's decision to move forward with a sham election to create a constituent assembly and shred his country's constitution offers yet another disturbing example of how dangerously unfit this man is to lead country,"" said Menendez in a statement released on Monday. Venezuela's legislative palace has been the scene of violent protests in recent weeks. Three months of bloody protests and a beleaguered economy have taken a serious toll on Venezuelans. Conditions are expected to worsen should Maduro and his supporters be successful in rewriting the constitution. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",390,0 +391,"According to the mayor of the Cadiz town Rota, on Spain's southernmost coast, the authorities have found 12 of the migrants after they fled on foot and are looking for 30 others. It has been reported in the Spanish media that all of the asylum seekers are men and the missing migrants fled by running into nearby fields when they arrived. Wed, February 15, 2017 The 12 migrants who have been found are from the sub-Sahara and Morocco and they arrived on the beach known as Juan and Juana. A crane has moved the dinghy from the beach where the migrants managed to paddle their craft ashore despite strong winds in the area. In October, dozens of migrants protested about the living conditions in a Spanish detention centre. The protesters held up banners demanding freedom and dignity. After thousands of migrants from Africa crossed over to Spain in 2014 and 2015, the country’s authorities stepped up security and passed a law enabling its border police to refuse migrants the opportunity to apply for asylum. The European Union (EU) is now desperately attempting to cut the number of African migrants making their way to Europe. Thousands of migrants have targeted Spain as a route into the EU and the UK. Migrants have particularly targeted the Spanish colonies of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco.",391,0 +392,"Hollywood will not easily recover from Harvey Weinstein -- not for a long time. The hypocrisy level has hit Defcon 1, 9.9 on the Richter scale. Hollywood’s politics have always been a self-serving charade, a liberal masquerade for a rapacious and lubricious lifestyle. But now, thanks to the Weinstein scandal, we see it more clearly than ever. And it couldn't be more repellent. (I had always thought Bill Clinton would have made the greatest studio executive of all time. Now I'm convinced of it.) If conservative investors had any courage, this would be the time to make a hostile takeover of the movie business. Unfortunately, they don’t. I know this from bitter personal experience. Wealthy conservatives are delighted to support the Philharmonic, but when it comes to popular culture they turn away, as if afraid to get their hands dirty. That this is a huge mistake should be obvious. They have abandoned the culture -- and our children -- to the creepiest people imaginable. What is going on in Hollywood is far from being just about Harvey. It’s approaching a pandemic. So many previously silent assaulted or raped women are coming out of the woodwork, it seems like a long-belated remake of “Cheaper by the Dozen.” No one knows who will be next or if it will stop at Harvey. The rot is everywhere, even, perhaps especially, in the precincts of “high art.” Gwyneth Paltrow says now is the time to put an end to these attacks on women. But where was she years ago when Harvey got “handsy” with her? Looking the other way while earning millions and garnering Oscars. Meryl Streep claimed she was clueless about Weinstein’s repulsive antics. Time to award her her greatest Oscar yet -- for playing someone deaf, dumb, and blind while living as a troglodyte in the Gobi desert. Either the woman’s a liar or an utter nincompoop. I’ll go with the former. As for the great feminist George Clooney -- the first male star out of the box to condemn Weinstein’s behavior -- let’s give him the Nobel Prize in virtue signaling. By coming forward, he was able to ace out his competition -- Howard Zinn-loving Matt Damon, who disgraced himself forever by covering up for Harvey a decade ago. (For those who may have missed it in the onslaught of sleazy details, Damon assured then New York Times reporter Sharon Waxman that Miramax’s high-paid Italian representative was a genuine “creative film executive” and not Harvey’s European procurer, as was, evidently correctly, rumored. Damon is the same “progressive” movie star who makes films opposing school choice for the masses while living in a thirty million dollar house and sending his kids to private school. I take it back -- maybe we should give him the Nobel in virtue signaling.)",392,1 +393,"ODESSA, TX (KWES) - An Odessa man and his company are donating $1 million to the American Red Cross towards Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The Red Cross said they're expecting to spend $30 million from their funds on the rebuilding. As The Red Cross is helping with the aftermath, they're also preparing for an even stronger hurricane to hit the country. ""This is a marathon, it's not a sprint, so this is gonna go a long way to help those people recover,"" said Tracy Austin, Executive Director of the American Red Cross of The Permian Basin. John Bushman, owner of Investment Centers of America (ICA), decided to give back after watching families and single mothers trying to survive the high floodwaters. He describes to us what he saw on TV. ""So all she [single mother] can do is put out a white flag for the police to come help her. She's just standing there with an 8-month-old baby in her arms, I don't know where the other two minor children were that got mentioned were, probably on top of the roof already,"" said Bushman. ""So if that doesn't bring tears to your eyes or makes you think, then I don't know [what will]."" The American Red Cross can't ignore a stronger hurricane, Irma. Irma could possibly hit Florida or the east coast, needing the American Red Cross to give even more help. ""We will deploy and we encourage everyone to take cover, to go to their shelters, and also to prepare in advance,"" said Austin. ""Right now, that's our messaging to make those preparations in advance and to take cover and go to a shelter because this is going to be a massive storm."" The American Red Cross won't know what help to deploy until after Hurricane Irma makes landfall. Even though many resources are in South Texas, they say they're ""Red Cross ready."" You can donate or sign up to volunteer at redcross.org Copyright 2017 KWES. All rights reserved.",393,0 +394,"CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. - The reporter of a botched Rolling Stone article about a brutal gang rape at the University of Virginia willfully ignored facts and statements that disproved her preconceived storyline about the school’s callousness toward sexual-assault victims, an attorney for the former associate dean of students said in his closing arguments Tuesday. University administrator Nicole Eramo is seeking $7.5 million from the magazine over its portrayal of her in the 2014 story by Sabrina Rubin Erdely about the alleged sexual assault of a woman identified only as “Jackie.” Eramo claims she was unfairly portrayed in the article as trying to sweep Jackie’s sexual assault under the rug in order to protect the university. Attorney Tom Clare argued Tuesday that Erdely set out from the beginning to tell a story of “institutional indifference,” brushed off statements from her sources that didn’t fit that narrative and pushed her own views about the administration onto the vulnerable women she was interviewing. “Once they decided what the article was going to be about, it didn’t matter what the facts were,” Clare said. The story about Jackie’s rape set off a firestorm at the University of Virginia and in schools nationwide and prompted police to launch an investigation into the alleged assault. Eramo received hundreds of angry letters and emails and faced protesters outside her office. The story crumbled after other news outlets began asking questions and police found no evidence to back up Jackie’s claims. The article was officially retracted in April 2015. Eramo must prove that Rolling Stone statements about her made her appear “odious, infamous or ridiculous” and that the magazine acted with “actual malice,” meaning it knew that what it was writing about her was false or should have known it was false. A lawyer for Rolling Stone, Scott Sexton, said in closing statements there is no evidence the magazine knew a botched story about a gang rape at the University of Virginia was false before publishing it. While the women Erdely interviewed - including Jackie - told her that Eramo was their fiercest advocate, Clare argued that Erdely was so invested in her preconceived storyline that she was “blind to the facts.” He argued that Erdely purposely set out to make Eramo the “villain” because she knew she was an “easy target” and couldn’t speak publicly about Jackie’s case due to federal privacy laws. “It’s reckless, it’s cavalier and it’s intentional,” Clare said. Over the course of the more than two-week trial, the 10 jurors have watched 11 hours of video testimony, heard from a dozen live witnesses and have examined nearly 300 exhibits. Seven jurors will deliberate and three will be named as alternates. © 2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.",394,0 +395,"WASHINGTON, D.C. (WTHR) - Indiana lawmakers in Washington are joining the chorus against white supremacist groups. Rep. André Carson (D-Ind.) is co-sponsoring legislation with more than 30 members of Congress that calls for President Donald Trump ""to strongly condemn white nationalists, the Ku Klux Klan, and other hate groups that make up the 'alt-right'."" The lawmakers are also demanding the president fire officials in the Trump administration who support white supremacists, specifically naming Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka. BREAKING: I've introduced a resolution with 31 co-sponsors demanding Trump fire any staff who've endorsed or supported white supremacists. pic.twitter.com/2WuGMqhQPa ""The President of the United States and his advisors should serve as an example to the rest of the country,"" Rep. Carson said. ""As the country unites against this violent and hateful movement, people who fail to stand up to white nationalism and neo-Nazism should not be in a position of power."" The legislation, outlined in a release from Carson's office, also calls for Trump to ""use all available resources"" to address the growth of hate groups in the country and to ""unite all Americans against hate."" Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) took to Twitter Tuesday evening to denouce the groups:",395,0 +396,"Shelly Yost is a cashier at Kroger. One day, she noticed an older woman making a bizarre purchase. The woman was buying $2,000 worth of iTunes gift cards. Something seemed off. Yost asked the woman why she was buying so many gift cards. The elderly woman said her granddaughter was in jail with a broken nose and that she needed to buy the gift cards to bail her out. The story was a red flag. The cashier had heard this one before. The woman was in a panic. She was terrified for her granddaughter’s well-being. “I want to let you know your granddaughter is OK. This is a scam that we know happens,” Yost told her, but the woman refused to believe it. “I asked her if she would please wait, and let me call the Sylvania police, so they could tell her that they would never accept gift cards as payment for somebody in jail. I didn’t want her to go somewhere else.” Yost stalled the frightened woman for as long as she could while she quickly slipped away to call the police. Yost also noticed the woman had a keychain from an assisted living facility and called them. The police arrived and talked the woman down. The assisted living facility was grateful. “The next day, they showed up, and they were the most genuine people,” said Yost. “They hugged me so tight and thanked me over and over. And they handed me a card, which I took and said ‘Thank you’. When I opened it later, there was super-nice gift in there.” Please SHARE if you think Yost went above and beyond what any cashier would normally do! Due to restrictions, this video cannot be viewed in your region.",396,0 +397,"Former George W. Bush communications director Nicolle Wallace reported Tuesday multiple senior Republican officials have told her that to expect that special counsel Robert Mueller is pursuing an obstruction of justice case against President Donald Trump. “Three Republicans with close ties to the Trump White House, all veterans from previous Republican administrations, tell me that it’s clear from their conversations and contacts with the president’s inner circle that Bob Mueller is trying to build an obstruction of justice case,” MSNBC host of “Deadline: White House” reported Tuesday. “One of them going even farther and saying that the White House is now flying blind and doesn’t know who else might already be cooperating with Mueller’s team,” Wallace explained. That was not the only major news Wallace broke in the first minutes of her show. Wallace also introduced former U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg, who worked on the staff of both Robert Mueller and James Comey of the FBI. “Would you surmise that Donald Trump’s taxes are something that Bob Mueller either has or will seek to obtain?” Wallace asked. “I would, Nicolle, and here’s why. I was a federal prosecutor for a long time and a white collar prosecutor, at the beginning of any case what you need are leads, how do you get those? The first thing you do, you get credit reports and you get tax returns,” Rosenberg explained. “I don’t know that they have the tax returns, but I know what white collar tax attorneys do, they get tax returns,” Rosenberg noted.",397,0 +398,"Illustration by Shakeil Greeley for GQ / Getty Images Laugh to stop yourself from crying. There are only seven days left in the 2016 presidential. Seven more days and, barring a last-minute constitutional crisis, this non-stop misery ride will finally be over. How long has it been? Eight? Twelve? Thirteen years? No one really knows any more. All we know is that the 2016 election has done to American democracy what cocaine did to Gary Busey's career, and, much like being stuck in an elevator with Gary Busey, it's hard not to pray for the sweet release of death. A presidential candidate bragging about sexual assault, a presidential candidate threatening to put is political opponent in jail, dog-whistle racism, actual straight-up racism; it's fair to say we're at a historic low-point in the story of American democracy. If only President Obama could wipe the Internet clean before he leaves office, so we never have to be reminded of this god-awful mess ever again. All that said, there was one bright light during these dark times: Twitter.com. Previously home to die-hard One Direction fans and a few hundred-thousand accounts pretending to be Will Ferrell, Twitter was undoubtedly responsible for some of this election cycle's most vile rhetoric—I mean, just look at Trump's tweets. But there's no denying it also came into its own during the 2016 election. It wasn't fun watching Donald Trump routinely debase our country's political system, but I'm not going to pretend the well-crafted tweets that sparked into existence as a result weren't also a welcome catharsis. To commemorate this bizarre time in our nation's history, we've compiled a chronological list of the 100 funniest* tweets of this genuinely terrible, and mostly unfunny, election. Hopefully, if there's anything left in the smoldering rubble that will be America after November 8th, they can be a reminder that there was at least some good in the parade of garbage. Now let's all agree to never ever do this ever again. *According to us. Please don't @ me. https://twitter.com/robdelaney/status/595313535489581056 https://twitter.com/mulaney/status/634155794724814848 https://twitter.com/IamEnidColeslaw/status/634517124124381188 https://twitter.com/ruinedpicnic/status/637482075638075392 https://twitter.com/SirEviscerate/status/638537356342075392 https://twitter.com/harikondabolu/status/666764215949074432 https://twitter.com/sageboggs/status/667828163557232644 https://twitter.com/pattymo/status/672896890237775872 https://twitter.com/iamchrisscott/status/673952110761807875 https://twitter.com/TheDweck/status/687844188881293312 https://twitter.com/bazecraze/status/691284564170375170 https://twitter.com/recordsANDradio/status/703051814669852673 https://twitter.com/kibblesmith/status/718541379966738433 https://twitter.com/TheNardvark/status/694968109040586754 https://twitter.com/behindyourback/status/695438054887026688 https://twitter.com/RexHuppke/status/701237173291524096 https://twitter.com/danguterman/status/708229794299645952 https://twitter.com/Ethan_Booker/status/713479005387767808 https://twitter.com/HumanPog/status/713741562761584640 https://twitter.com/InternetHippo/status/716365904901083136 https://twitter.com/clmazin/status/720259227067920385 https://twitter.com/sbstryker/status/727658556233670657 https://twitter.com/DanMentos/status/728320591598526464 https://twitter.com/morninggloria/status/728299373176737792 https://twitter.com/i_zzzzzz/status/733518431740252160 https://twitter.com/danreilly11/status/751259888433582084 https://twitter.com/cafedotcom/status/740378718925950978 https://twitter.com/Reince/status/740993607289688065 https://twitter.com/badbanana/status/740949015009710080 https://twitter.com/RadioFreeTom/status/742041665251205121 https://twitter.com/meiamanthony/status/743160996320129024 https://twitter.com/MattOswaltVA/status/751267557311586304 https://twitter.com/FullFrontalSamB/status/754005058786910208 https://twitter.com/PaulBegala/status/754343099157979137 https://twitter.com/KidFury/status/755279481917566976 https://twitter.com/amfmpm/status/755449902931607557 https://twitter.com/mattaukamp/status/755511596047298564 https://twitter.com/iamchrisscott/status/756323071871574017 https://twitter.com/GarrPhillips/status/756568645564850176 https://twitter.com/AJemaineClement/status/756347488601272320 https://twitter.com/OwensDamien/status/757640786091671552 https://twitter.com/MikeDrucker/status/758139850214244352 https://twitter.com/joshgondelman/status/758508667058659328 https://twitter.com/TimDuffy/status/758417030827696128 https://twitter.com/Walldo/status/758868709251293185 https://twitter.com/ingridostby/status/758869304037158912 https://twitter.com/MazMHussain/status/759573678480887808 https://twitter.com/gilbertjasono/status/760303035742576640 https://twitter.com/jonlovett/status/760593157176176640 https://twitter.com/DLin71/status/761023573158789120 https://twitter.com/LeonHWolf/status/717111637317173249 https://twitter.com/JosephScrimshaw/status/763100832124456961 https://twitter.com/emilynussbaum/status/771921076775489537 https://twitter.com/mitchellvii/status/772460287572185088 https://twitter.com/desusnice/status/772477614191742976 https://twitter.com/theferocity/status/772835879043928064 https://twitter.com/DannyZuker/status/774718154412961793 https://twitter.com/pixelatedboat/status/775542746157158400 https://twitter.com/JoshMarvine/status/775835316078784512 https://twitter.com/evepeyser/status/776592616934805504 https://twitter.com/MattMackowiak/status/776619326862299136 https://twitter.com/abwhite7/status/776481595721129984 https://twitter.com/joereid/status/776811718345449472 https://twitter.com/morninggloria/status/777560106837929985 https://twitter.com/jbarro/status/779369940402921472 https://twitter.com/SylviaObell/status/779762088101212161 https://twitter.com/DanaSchwartzzz/status/780219640744120321 https://twitter.com/aparnapkin/status/782039812404412416 https://twitter.com/McJesse/status/783145829267898368 https://twitter.com/ziwe/status/783289615977414656 https://twitter.com/michaelschaub/status/783490647361671168 https://twitter.com/JennyJohnsonHi5/status/784120727158951936 https://twitter.com/laurenreeves/status/784526072851357696 https://twitter.com/willrahn/status/784501181464846340 https://twitter.com/aedwardslevy/status/784504443047911424 https://twitter.com/BillDixonish/status/784531620539822081 https://twitter.com/jonfavs/status/784529991463755776 https://twitter.com/shani_o/status/784576626248024064 https://twitter.com/gabedelahaye/status/784887498333827072 https://twitter.com/johncbussey/status/784769252758806528 https://twitter.com/BuckyIsotope/status/784605739058880514 https://twitter.com/meganamram/status/785273637901185024 https://twitter.com/ditzkoff/status/785291824273428480 https://twitter.com/SkipperClay/status/785294315270660097 https://twitter.com/Moochie_BMN/status/785296514792976384 https://twitter.com/jonnysun/status/785299378705670145 https://twitter.com/kibblesmith/status/784985960631205888 https://twitter.com/saladinahmed/status/786387229908152320 https://twitter.com/McJesse/status/786237633282400256 https://twitter.com/ch000ch/status/786983664571781120 https://twitter.com/RobbySlowik/status/786936084710166528 https://twitter.com/TheRealDratch/status/787830961895575552 https://twitter.com/double_cupp_me/status/789088080426831872 https://twitter.com/cecicardelle/status/789588565604925441 https://twitter.com/jrhennessy/status/790293668183670784 https://twitter.com/dubstep4dads/status/790298630100021249 https://twitter.com/saladinahmed/status/791407536884764672 https://twitter.com/Powerful/status/791812553659875328 https://twitter.com/GrahamDavidA/status/792085787529674756 https://twitter.com/Olivianuzzi/status/792078001064280064",398,0 +399,"Fulfilling his role as the titular head of “The Resistance,” Barack Obama took to Facebook Tuesday to snipe at the Trump administration’s announcement that it was rescinding the 44th president’s 2012 executive action called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. “We shouldn’t threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own,” Obama said. His post was florid and self-serving. But five words in his lengthy screed —“through no fault of their own” -- are undeniably true. It’s not the fault of the “dreamers” that their parents brought them here, without papers, as minors. On that we can agree. But whose fault is it that they are still in limbo? For that answer, Obama needn’t take to social media. He can simply look in the mirror. Ten years ago, a narrow consensus was forged in Washington, if only briefly. Its architects were Edward Kennedy and John McCain. Their carefully crafted legislation created a new temporary work visa, established an electronic data base for employers to check employees’ work status, and earmarked money for border enforcement. It also provided a path to citizenship for an estimated 11.6 million illegal immigrants, provided they paid a fine and back taxes, met English and civics requirements, and stayed on the right side of the law. President George W. Bush signaled his support. But the vote was going to be close, which Kennedy and McCain knew. Conservatives dismissed the path-to-citizenship as a fig leaf for amnesty. Organized labor hated the guest-worker program, known as Y-1. McCain and Kennedy could have overcome that opposition, albeit narrowly, except for one last little group of senators. Call it the Senate Presidential Wannabe Caucus. Its membership included Illinois freshman Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York. That’s only two votes, but it was enough. On June 6, 2007, Sen. Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat, introduced an innocuous-sounding rider to the McCain-Kennedy bill. Its official description was “an amendment to sunset the Y-1 non-immigrant visa program after a 5-year period.” As everyone in the Senate understood, this was a “poison pill” designed not to shore up the bill, but sink it. Dorgan got his way, too. The amendment passed 49-48, essentially killing comprehensive immigration reform. Kennedy was incensed. He’d implored Dorgan and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid not to do it. McCain felt particularly sandbagged by Obama, who’d inserted himself into the legislative negotiations uninvited, wrangled a concession he wanted, then voted with Dorgan. McCain assumed Obama didn’t want George W. Bush or himself -- the man Obama expected to face in 2008 -- to get credit for immigration reform. Ted Kennedy, who ended up endorsing Obama over Clinton anyway, believed this, too. Kennedy died in 2009 before he could convince Obama to revisit this issue. It wouldn’t have mattered. The GOP was becoming more nativist, the Democrats more cynical. The chance for a legislative solution had come and gone. But what about a non-legislative solution? This turned out to be President Obama’s specialty, the niceties of constitutional democracy be damned. In June 2012, with shifting public opinion polls now in his favor, Obama issued DACA, which he called “a temporary, stopgap measure” to curb the practice of deporting undocumented Americans brought to this country before their 16th birthday. Was this constitutional? It might have been, had the president announced that because his Justice Department lacked the personnel to adequately adjudicate 11 million cases, it was necessary to prioritize law enforcement’s areas of emphasis and that, henceforth, no federal government resources would be spent on deporting the “Dreamers.” Wink. Wink. But that’s not what Obama did. He announced a formal new government program granting work permits to those without papers. This “temporary, stopgap” measure superseded existing federal immigration law and, two years later, Obama sought to expand DACA, prompting a legal challenge from several states. Was the president on shaky constitutional ground? One assumes so, if for no other reason than Obama repeatedly said so himself – and he did it in precise and colorful language. On Cinco de Mayo in 2010, he said, “Anybody who tells you … that I can wave a magic wand and make it happen hasn't been paying attention to how this town works.” “I am president, I am not king,” he said that October. “I can't do these things just by myself.” “I know some here wish that I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself. But that’s not how democracy works,” he said in April 2011. “I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books,” he added in July 2011. “… Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting … but that's not how our system works. That's not how our Constitution is written.” Later, he had the temerity to claim he hadn’t changed his stance, a howler that blew the minds of media fact-checkers. So that’s the backstory to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Tuesday announcement that the administration will rescind DACA because it’s unconstitutional. Trump has not spoken against DACA itself; moreover, he sent out a tweet reassuring “Dreamers” that they have nothing to worry about for six months. This gambit suggests that Trump wants DACA codified into law, apparently as part of a comprehensive package. Instead of responding to this overture in a spirit of compromise, Democrats chose vitriol and name-calling, their default position in the Trump era. Luis Gutiérrez, an Illinois congressman, called White House Chief of Staff John Kelly a “disgrace to the uniform he used to wear” over DACA. Remember last summer when every Democrat and most of the media went medieval on Trump for picking a fight with a Gold Star family? Well, John Kelly is a Gold Star dad, too. Luis Gutiérrez never wore the uniform. For sheer demagoguery, it was hard to top Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton’s erstwhile rival had this to say: “Trump’s decision on DACA is the ugliest and most cruel decision ever made by a president of the U.S. in the modern history of this country.” When one considers Woodrow Wilson re-segregating the federal workforce or FDR interning 110,000 Japanese-Americans who committed no crime, the thought occurs that this is possibly the most ignorant utterance by a U.S. senator in the modern history of this country. But historic amnesia was the Democrats’ de facto strategy and, in the interest of efficiency, they used the same talking points. “Trump is clueless & cruel,” tweeted former California Sen. Barbara Boxer. “Above all he is a coward.” Nancy Pelosi described it as “cowardice” and “cruelty.” Chuck Schumer called it “heartless.” And so it went. One wonders if this was DNC-circulated messaging, drawn up by some 24-year-old staffer. Someone apparently too callow to know that today’s Democrats are a historic anomaly. Normally Congress likes it when a president respects their prerogative to make law. Or perhaps these talking points weren’t written by a millennial. Perhaps they were written by a certain ex-president trying to help us forget that when he and Hillary Clinton -- along with Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and Bernie Sanders -- had the chance to grant 11 million immigrants access to the American Dream, they instead chose, for partisan purposes, to keep them in the shadows.",399,1 +400,"Harvey grew into a hurricane on Thursday and authorities have reinforced their warnings as wind speeds have risen to 125 mph. Harvey could potentially be the fiercest hurricane to hit the United States in years. Such strong gusts are expected to be accompanied by 3 feet of rain and 12-foot storm surges. Forecasters have called Harvey a ""life-threatening storm"" and say that million of people could be swamped as the storm moves through counties inland. (The Associated Press contributed to this report) The National Hurricane Center has issued an advisory on Thursday, instructing Texas residents along the Gulf of Mexico coast to ""rush"" their preparations as hurricane Harvey strengthens. The hurricane is forecast to become a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of 80 mph, according to National Hurricane Center. The center reportedThursday afternoon that the tropical storm will make landfall late Friday night or early Saturday morning along the south-central Texas coast. ""Harvey has intensified quickly this morning, and is now forecast to be a major hurricane at landfall, bringing life-threatening storm surge, rainfall, and wind hazards to portions of the Texas coast,"" the center wrote. People residing like coastal cities like Corpus Christi were encouraged to evacuate from their homes on Thursday. The mayor Joe McComb, called for people to leave in the ""strongest possible terms."" Some are surprised how much the hurricane has strengthened. A hurricane warning was issued for the Texas coast early Thursday, blanketing an area from Port Mansfield to Matagorda. Forecasters indicated that Harvey could become a hurricane after regaining tropical storm strength and began drifting towards the Gulf of Mexico. Harvey’s maximum sustained winds increased to near 60 mph Thursday, re-establishing its status as a tropical storm. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said additional strengthening is expected, resulting in Harvey emerging as a hurricane by the time its expected to reach Texas’s southern coast Friday. Some Twitter users on Thursday voiced alarm over Harvey, while others noted its name’s resemblance to comedian Steve Harvey. Harvey was centered about 335 miles southeast of Port Mansfield around 8 a.m. local time Thursday and heading north-northwest at about 10 mph. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) ordered the State Operations Center to elevate its readiness level, freeing up resources there for possible rescue and recovery maneuvers. The governor also pre-emptively declared a state of disaster for 30 counties on or near the Texas coast to speed the deployment of state resources to those impacted. Texas emergency officials on Wednesday asked residents along the state’s upper coastline to relocate or prepare to head inland. People in low-lying areas were urged to seek higher ground, and individuals elsewhere were instructed to closely follow official announcements. Rice farmers in coastal Matagorda County late Wednesday rushed to harvest their crops as Harvey nears. People on South Padre Island, for their part, filled sandbags that evening to protect exposed businesses and houses from the storm. Other locations in the forecast path, finally, sought out generators, plywood and other goods from hardware stores as a safety precaution. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",400,0 +401,"This week, a Minneapolis mayoral candidate is running on major police reform that involves disarming the city’s police force. Raymond Dehn revealed the radical approach to public safety he’ll be taking should he be elected mayor in an interview with Fox 9 Minneapolis less than two weeks following the death of an Australian national by the name of Justine Damond. Damond, of course, was the woman shot and killed by Officer Mohamed Noor on July 15 while attempting to report the sound of a woman screaming behind her house. No one will ever know for sure whether it was the fireworks taking place in the area that night or if it was the alleged “slapping” of the patrol car by the victim just before the shooting that caused it. The only absolute in this tragic situation is that Justine Damond—a woman who called the police for help—is dead from a bullet shot from an officer’s gun. As is the case with every high-profile (Officer Involved Shooting) OIS, the equation cannot be balanced by departmental explanations that offer no objective truth in the minds of the masses. People are angry. They don’t want explanations. They want action. Dehn, of course, knows this and is attempting to capitalize on it at the polls by painting police with a broad brush as incompetent and unnecessarily armed. Don’t miss the fact that the District 59B representative only wants MPD officers to be restricted from carrying firearms on their hips. If he had it his way, he’d still allow them to keep guns in their vehicles. Therefore, his “solution” doesn’t even attempt to prevent the Justine Damond death from occurring. It’s an empty proposal made at an opportune time. There’s a reason the Justine Damond story has become an international story. It is a statistical anomaly. According to the Washington Post OIS Database, of the 574 civilians killed in officer-involved shootings so far this year, Damond is one of five unarmed women. The other four casualties on this list are Sariah Marie Lane, Ambroshia Fagre, Elena Mondragon, and Alteria Woods. No compatible source was found for this video. Lane, Fagre, and Mondragon were all killed while riding as passengers of fleeing vehicles that had been suspected by police to be stolen, involved in burglaries, and/or armed robberies. All four vehicles were used as deadly weapons by their drivers as they rammed police in attempts to get away. Woods, on the other hand, was used as a human shield by her boyfriend during a SWAT raid targeting him and his father for multiple shootings. While these four women were killed during deadly force encounters in which they were accessories to crimes committed by boyfriends, Damond’s case is entirely unique. The trend continues if we go back a few years. In 2016, three unarmed women were killed by police. Jessica Williams was shot in San Francisco after nearly trapping one officer between a fence and the stolen vehicle she was attempting to flee in. Kelsey Hauser was killed riding as a passenger in a stolen vehicle when her boyfriend attempted to run over officers after leading them on a high-speed pursuit in California. The third was 12-year-old Ciara Meyer, who was struck and killed after a constable’s bullet passed through her father’s arm. Meyer’s father reportedly pointed a rifle at the chest of one constable as he served an eviction order at the apartment. Meyer was set to lose his apartment. Instead, he got his daughter killed. In 2015, three unarmed women were shot and killed by police. India Kager was killed in Virginia while driving a vehicle with a homicide suspect in the passenger seat. When police approached the vehicle in a convenience store parking lot, Kager’s passenger opened fire on police. Both were killed in the shootout. The second was a 55-year old woman named Bettie Jones during a domestic violence call in Chicago. As an officer opened fire on a bat-wielding man in the apartment, Jones was caught in the cross-fire. The third, Autumn Steele, was shot by an officer responding to a domestic violence call in Iowa. Steele and her husband were actively fighting upon the officer’s arrival. After being bitten by the family dog, the officer fell backward while opening fire on the animal. Two rounds hit Steele instead. Each of the eleven officer-involved shootings involving “unarmed” females in the past three years is tragic—but the trend shows that seven of them were killed while engaging in criminal activity with boyfriends with a penchant for violence. Bettie Jones, Ciara Meyer, and Autumn Steel were killed as bystanders in legitimate deadly force encounters where officers feared for their lives. That leaves Justine Damond in a class of her own. Like I said, her death is the anomaly of all anomalies. Politicians like Raymond Dehn are free to use their own history of criminality to bolster their political profile in a society that loves a comeback story. Being a recovering cocaine addict and felon doesn’t preclude anyone from running for mayor, but when a politician takes advantage of tragedies such as Justine Damond’s death to suggest that police officers should place themselves in imminent danger…well, that’s where the line needs to be drawn. Despite advances in proficiency for firearms training over the course of several decades, 27 police officers have already been murdered by gunfire in the line of duty this year. In 2015, the total was 47. In 2016, it was 63. According to the Officer Down Memorial Page, we are currently on track to lose around the same number to gunfire this year. Hopefully, we’ll buck the trend. Every officer will tell you that there is a wide spectrum of skill levels as it relates to weapons tactics, handling, and marksmanship. What we’ll also all tell you is that the level of skill a cop possesses matters little if someone is hellbent on killing them. An easy response for anyone telling you Dehn is onto something is to tell them that many of the gunfire-related deaths American police get hit with each year are ambushes. The most self-confident man or woman knows that it doesn’t take much skill to walk up behind them, point a gun to the back of their head, and pull the trigger. Our guns—readily accessible at our hips—are of little use in defending an attack from a gunman who’s got the jump on us. Just last week, Lieutenant Aaron Allan was shot 14 times by the occupant of a rolled-over vehicle on an Indiana roadway. One minute the LT is trying to help people involved in a car accident, and the next he’s getting shot dead by one of them. Earlier this month, New York State Trooper Joel Davis was shot while exiting his vehicle upon arrival at a domestic disturbance. Like Lt. Allen, he hadn’t even gotten the chance to get out of his holster. Four days prior to that, there was Detective Miosotis Familia, who was shot one time in the back of the head in the Bronx while writing in her note pad. Policing in America has become less and less desirable over the years, and the decline in numbers of police patrolling the streets shows it. The city with a major staff shortage will tell you the reason is “a stronger economy” creating more competition for prospective employees. The cop-hating fringe of the public will tell you, “Good. We don’t need them.” The local police union will tell you that it’s because of low pay, dissolving of pensions, lawsuits, etc. The police officer will tell you it’s because the risk is no longer worth it. Many officers feel like this job is punishing whether we do our jobs or we don’t. We’re trained to carry guns to save the lives of others and our own. If we don’t use deadly force when we should, we’re screwed. If we do use it when we should, we’re still screwed. Every now and then, we use it when we’re not supposed to—and that gets twisted to look like it’s the national norm. To pretend that police officers anywhere in America can do the job we do without access to a firearm by our side is to be willfully ignorant of the dangers we face daily in a society armed to the teeth with guns. We are not Great Britain, Ireland, or France. People don’t use machetes to hack at us, or vehicles to run us over. They come at us with guns—and we require our own to stand a chance. Whether it be Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, or Berkeley, mark my words, the progressive metropolis that turns officers into guinea pigs for this social experiment will find itself without a test subject—and without a police force.",401,1 +402,"The infamous Access Hollywood tape in which Donald Trump brags about his ability to “grab” women with impunity because he’s famous is real, Access Hollywood‘s hosts asserted on Monday—just in case the president had any doubts. In response to a report that Trump was questioning the authenticity of the 2005 hot-mic recording, which captured the former reality TV star saying he could “grab [women] by the pussy,” Access Hollywood host Natalie Morales said on Monday’s show that the tap is, in fact, “very real.” “We wanted to clear something up that has been reported across the media landscape. Let us make this perfectly clear: The tape is very real,” Morales said. “Remember his excuse at the time was ‘locker room talk.’ He said every one of those words.” TRUMP: The ""Access Hollywood"" tape might be fake After the Washington Post revealed the tape ahead of the 2016 presidential election, Trump apologized and at no time stated that the tape was faked. When CNN’s Anderson Cooper pressed Trump on whether he “understood” that what he said was an admission of sexual assault, Trump pushed back, dismissing his comments as “locker room talk.” “I don’t think you understand what was said,” Trump responded to Cooper during an October 2016 presidential debate. “This was locker room talk. I’m not proud of it. I apologized to my family, I apologized to the American people. Certainly, I’m not proud of it, but this was locker room talk.” Following publication of the tape, at least 16 women came forward to say Trump sexually harassed or assaulted them. test test News that Trump reportedly questioned the tape’s veracity—once to a senator and, more recently, once to an adviser, according to the New York Times—brought the tape back to the surface amid an outpouring of allegations against high-profile men across entertainment, politics, and media. During Monday’s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to address Trump’s reported skepticism of the tape’s legitimacy and characterized the tape as unimportant because Trump won the election. “The president addressed this, this was litigated and certainly answered during the election by the overwhelming support for the president and the fact he’s sitting here in the Oval Office today,” she said.",402,1 +403,"The slaughter that happened last Sunday evening in Las Vegas, when an American man shot randomly into a crowd of around 22,000 at a music festival, was the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. It also continued a pattern of terrorist attacks: all terrorists who have carried out lethal attacks in the U.S. since 9/11 have been citizens or permanent residents. In Trump’s first speech to Congress, he claimed “the vast majority of individuals convicted of terrorism and terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country.” That is a flat-out lie that earned Trump “ four Pinocchios” — the most dishonest rating given by fact checkers at Washington Post. Here’s the truth: 154 people have been murdered by terrorists on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001; according to the New America Foundation, all of these murderers were U.S. citizens or legal residents. This means of course that none of these terrorists came from the countries listed in Trump’s travel ban, even though the United States is supposedly a safer place thanks to the travel ban. In fact, as New America points out: “None of the deadly attackers since 9/11 emigrated or came from a family that emigrated from one of these countries nor were any of the 9/11 attackers from the listed countries. Eight of the lethal attackers were born American citizens.” This is not to deny that there have been deadly attacks since 9/11 that have been inspired by jihadism and foreign terror groups. The deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history prior to the Las Vegas killings took place in June 2016, when Omar Mateen, an ISIS-inspired terrorist who was an American-born citizen of Afghan descent, opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, murdering 49 people and injuring another 53. Nor can we ignore the vicious attacks carried out by ISIS militants that have killed or injured hundreds of people in England, France and Canada. Just this week two women were killed in a stabbing attack in Marseille, France, by a man allegedly promoting Islamic extremism. In the U.S. however, more terrorist attacks have been carried out by white American men than jihadists. Here are a few of those attacks, as highlighted by Vox: Reaching back further in time, remember Charleston, South Carolina and Sandy Hook, Connecticut? White American males are the primary terrorist threat in the U.S. While Trump is busy “keeping American citizens safe” by denying innocent Muslims the right to enter the U.S., he is also increasing the number of people the U.S. is guilty of killing worldwide. In the years since 9/11, the U.S. has been responsible for thousands of deaths, including 7,000 of its own soldiers, in the “War on Terror.” Americans troops are still fighting and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq. With the Taliban going strong, Trump recently announced his decision to send more troops to Afghanistan. The invasion of Iraq by the U.S. helped destabilize the entire region and lead to the creation of ISIS, which has been waging its brutal war in the Middle East since then. And let’s not forget the American complicity in the destruction of Yemen. The U.S. has sold billions of dollars worth of deadly weapons to Saudi Arabia, which has used them to attack Yemeni civilians, resulting in the deaths of over 10,000 people. Far from facing this hypocrisy, Trump is now talking about revising export regulations to make it even easier for American arms manufacturers to sell to international buyers. Meanwhile Trump has put in place a travel ban on visitors from mainly Muslim-majority countries, who are fleeing from this deadly chaos. If you agree the Muslim ban is cruel and misguided, please sign this Care2 petition, telling Trump to stand up for American values and abolish the immigration ban. Photo Credit: Robert",403,1 +404,"Hillary Clinton apparently can't escape the "" deep state."" The Daily Beast reported Thursday that the Department of Justice has taken an interest in a familiar subject — the infamous email server of the former Democratic presidential candidate and her alleged bungling of classified information. Citing a source close to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, The Daily Beast claims that the Justice Department wants to know how those tasked with investigating Clinton's private email server went about their probe. DOJ officials are also reportedly interested in tallying the classified material contained in her emails and finding out ""who put that information into an unclassified environment,"" The Daily Beast says. Before Clinton was cleared of criminal wrongdoing by the FBI in July 2016, the former secretary of state claimed that many of the emails on her server were classified after the fact or that she was unaware of which ""headers"" denoted that an email was classified. Clinton's emails are a favorite grievance of President Trump, who has repeatedly called for his erstwhile political rival to be investigated again. As such, people within the DOJ are reportedly concerned that Trump's vocal tweets on the matter could cause the impression that the law enforcement agency is only doing the president's bidding. An unnamed former DOJ official even suggested to The Daily Beast that it was ""an open question"" if this inquiry would occur ""without a political directive from the White House."" The Justice Department would not comment on the reported inquiry to The Daily Beast. Read the full story here. Kelly O'Meara Morales",404,0 +405,"Another day, another uncomfortably shady revelation about Donald Trump's presidential campaign and possible connections to Russia. This time, it's the news that FBI investigators wiretapped Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort not once, but two times before and after the presidential election, per a CNN report. The news source reported on Sept. 18 that the surveillance continued into the early part of 2017, when Manafort had long since left the Trump team but was still in communications with the President. Several sources told CNN that the intelligence which the investigation collected included communications that “sparked concerns… that Manafort had encouraged the Russians to help with the campaign,” though at least two sources specifically added that the evidence wasn't conclusive. Manafort was surveilled under a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant, which must be backed with information showing suspicion that the subject could be acting as an agent of a foreign power. The warrant must be approved by top officials in the FBI and the Department of Justice. Notably, there's a big piece of the puzzle missing. CNN reports that the FBI was not surveilling Manafort during the now-infamous meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer with Kremlin connections in June 2016, which then-campaign manager Manafort and Trump's son-in-law and current White House adviser Jared Kushner also attended. But even with the missing pieces, the fact that government investigators were able to get the warrant, with such a high bar for approval, means that things are getting real for the investigation into Trump campaign leaders' dealings with Russia. Manafort was originally investigated for his alleged shady dealings with former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, who was at the head of a pro-Russian party which was driven out in 2014 by civil unrest and street protests. Manafort's firm was accused of lobbying for Yanukovych's interests while failing to register with the U.S. government as a lobbyist for a foreign power. In fact, that accusation is why Manafort left the Trump campaign back in August of 2016, after reports of the connections surfaced. CNN's sources said that the second warrant, the start date of which is unknown, was based on efforts to investigate possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Russian agents. So basically, for the first warrant there needed to be suspicion that Manafort was dealing with the Ukrainians (which, yeah, he was). For the second, investigators needed suspicion he was talking to Russian operatives — which is way more specific, and given Manafort's role in the Trump campaign, could be incredibly damning. On the other hand, the report also gives some near-credibility to Trump's old claim that former President Barack Obama was wiretapping him (and by ""credibility,"" I mean you have to tilt your head and squint to ""see"" it). Back in March, Trump tweeted an accusation that Obama had wiretapped him at his residence at his eponymous Trump Tower shortly before the 2016 election, calling the former president ""sick."" Representatives of both Obama and the Department of Justice said that the claims were baseless. While Manafort keeps a residence at Trump Tower, there is still no evidence Trump himself was under surveillance. Which, however, doesn't mean he wasn't picked up by the surveillance on Manafort. CNN notes that Trump and Manafort continued to communicate for months after Manafort left the campaign, even after the FBI investigation into the former campaign manager became public knowledge. The conversations reportedly continued until lawyers for both men ""insisted they stop."" Special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the investigation into Russian interference in the election, reportedly told Manafort in July that the investigation planned to indict him, according to The New York Times. Agents reportedly showed up at Manafort's house with a search warrant, combing through his Virginia home and taking away binders of documents, computer files, and even photos of his wardrobe. A physical search warrant is unusual for someone whose lawyer has already been in touch with the Justice Department, as Manafort's has been — and is an indicator that prosecutors had probable cause to believe that the home contained evidence of a crime, and were concerned about destruction of evidence. As former federal prosecutor Jimmy Gurulé told the Times, “clearly they didn't trust him.” So, it's not looking good for old Paul, here. To say the least.",405,0 +406,"Police in Georgia say officers have responded to reports of shots fired at a high school and a teacher who may have been barricaded in a classroom is in custody. Police in Dalton tweeted that no children were hurt or were in danger. Police spokesman Bruce Frazier tells The Associated Press that the scene is secure. Police are not immediately saying what happened inside the school. Police say the school has been evacuated and students have been taken to the Northwest Georgia Center. Police are advising parents to go there to pick them up. Repeat: no children hurt, no children in danger. Dalton is about 90 miles (145 kilometers) north of Atlanta. The identity of the teacher has not been released. The high school's website says it has 2,000 students. Click/tap here to subscribe to Khaleej Times news alerts on WhatsApp. Make sure you add our number +971545860953 under Contacts on your phone for uninterrupted service.",406,0 +407,"Setting the tone for the night. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton failed to shake hands at the startof the second presidential debate on Sunday, October 9, bunking tradition and kicking off the evening with two cold shoulders. The presidential candidates took to the stage in St. Louis for their second face-off, with Anderson Cooperand Martha Raddatz at the helm. After the two candidates were introduced, Clinton, 68, and Trump, 70, walked onstage from opposite sides of the floor and retained grim expressions and stiff body language as they greeted one another, pointedly choosing not to shake hands prior to their explosive 90-minute debate. Trump's wife Melania Trump and daughter Ivanka Trump were photographed shaking hands with Clinton's husband, former president Bill Clinton. The political opponents’ icy demeanor comes just two days after the GOP presidential candidate was caught on newly released 2005 footage bragging about forcibly kissing and groping women to Access Hollywood host Billy Bush. “You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them,” Trump can be heard saying on the controversial audio clip. “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the p–sy. You can do anything.” Trump’s lewd remarks have had serious repercussions in the subsequent 48 hours, including a string of high-status Republican officials denouncing the real estate moguland the RNC withdrawing their financial support from the candidate. In response to the fall-out, Trump issued a video statement via Twitter on Saturday, October 8. “Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am,” he says on the video. “I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize.” In recent weeks, Trump has come under fire for his numerous misogynistic comments about women in the past, including his most recent Twitter attack on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, whom he once called “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping.” Despite the GOP leadership’s distancing itself from Trump, however, the former Apprentice host vowed not to drop out of the race. “The media and establishment want me out of the race so badly — I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! #MAGA,” he tweeted prior to the debate. When Cooper, 49, directly asked Trump: ""You bragged that you sexually assaulted women. Do you understand that?"" the Republican presidential candidate once again insisted that his words were just ""locker room talk"" and tried to deflect attention to ISIS, who are ""really bad."" Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now!",407,0 +408,"Honestly, at this point in the 2016 presidential election, nothing should surprise you anymore. That includes when a sitting vice president says at a rally that he’s ready for fisticuffs with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. But it’s just another nugget for the late-night shows to feed off of, and that’s what “The Daily Show” did Wednesday night. Host Trevor Noah broke down the situation: Vice President Joe Biden said on the campaign trail for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton that he doesn’t want to debate Trump, and instead he wishes they were in high school so Biden could take Trump “behind the gym.” Trump responded by saying at one of his rallies, “Joe Biden wants to take me to the back of the barn… I’d love that.” Noah, now confused about where the fight is actually going to take place, points out, “This is why you don’t let old guys into Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is remember where Fight Club is.” Watch the complete clip below: Follow Business Insider Australia on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.",408,0 +409,"From AFP. Any opinions expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News. Iraqi special forces are facing “fierce” resistance as they battle the Islamic State group in southwest Mosul, a commander says.",409,0 +410,"Deception can destroy confidence. Pamela Myer, the author of “Liespotting: Proven Techniques to Detect Deception” has made a career developing interview techniques and identifying verbal and non-verbal ques a person trying to lie to you might exhibit. Follow TI: On Facebook Follow Business Insider Australia on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.",410,0 +411,"Trump Jr. allowed Tuesday night in an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News Channel that ""he has probably met with other people from Russia"" but insisted that he did not attempt to coordinate to impact the election or try to damage Hillary Clinton. He repeatedly suggested that the charges of collusion were ""ridiculous"" and ""overplayed"" and insisted that his father knew nothing about the June 2016 meeting. ""It was such a nothing there was nothing to tell"" his father, said Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. eagerly accepted help from what was described to him as a Russian government effort to aid his father's campaign with damaging information about Hillary Clinton, according to the emails. The email exchange posted to Twitter by President Donald Trump's eldest son shows him conversing with a music publicist who wanted him to meet with a lawyer from Moscow. The publicist describes the lawyer as a ""Russian government attorney"" who has dirt on Clinton as ""part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."" In one response, Trump Jr. says he would ""love"" to hear more. President Donald Trump says his eldest son is ""a high-quality person,"" and he applauds ""his transparency."" In a tweet Tuesday night, the president promoted his son's appearance on Fox News and called him a ""great person who loves our country."" My son, Donald, will be interviewed by @seanhannity tonight at 10:00 P.M. He is a great person who loves our country! White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders read a brief statement from the president Tuesday in response to revelations that Trump Jr. agreed to hear damaging information on Hillary Clinton as part of the Russian government's effort to help his father. Trump Jr., who was deeply involved in his father's presidential campaign, released the emails along with a statement describing the disclosure as an effort ""to be totally transparent."" The emails with publicist Rob Goldstone show that Trump Jr. was told that the Russian government had information that could ""incriminate"" Clinton and her dealings with Russia. Here's my statement and the full email chain pic.twitter.com/x050r5n5LQ The messages were the latest disclosure to roil the ongoing investigation into potential coordination between Trump's campaign and Russia, which U.S. intelligence agencies have said sought to influence the outcome of the election in Trump's favor. As congressional committees and Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a former FBI director, investigate, the emails will almost certainly be reviewed for any signs of potential campaign collusion with the Kremlin, which the White House has repeatedly denied. Mueller spokesman Peter Carr declined to comment on the emails, citing the ongoing investigation. Here is page 4 (which did not post due to space constraints). pic.twitter.com/z1Xi4nr2gq In the emails, Goldstone wrote to Trump Jr. that the information ""would be very useful to your father."" Goldstone was working to connect Trump Jr. to Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, who later met with Trump Jr. in New York at Trump Tower. Veselnitskaya has denied that she ever worked for the Russian government and said on Tuesday that she doesn't represent the Russian government, only herself. She also said she ""couldn't have had"" information on Hillary Clinton. ""If it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer,"" Trump Jr. replied to Goldstone in one of a series of email exchanges the younger Trump posted to Twitter. The emails, dated early June, show Goldstone telling Trump that singer Emin Agalarov and his father, Moscow-based developer Aras Agalarov, had ""helped along"" the Russian government's support for Trump. The elder Agalarov was involved with Trump in hosting the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. The two men also had preliminary discussions about building a Trump Tower in Moscow that fell through. Trump also appeared in a music video with the younger Agalarov. Goldstone at one point said he could send the information to Trump's father first directly ""via Rhona,"" an apparent reference to the elder Trump's longtime assistant Rhona Graff. The email release followed days of evolving accounts from Trump Jr. about the nature of the meeting and its purpose. The president's son posted the emails only after they were obtained by The New York Times. On Saturday, Trump Jr. described the encounter as being a ""short introductory meeting"" focused on the disbanded program that had allowed American adoptions of Russian children. Moscow ended the adoptions in response to Magnitsky Act sanctions created in response to alleged human rights violations in Russia. A day later, Trump Jr. changed his account, acknowledging that he was told beforehand that Veselnitskaya might have information ""helpful"" to the Trump campaign, and was told by her during the meeting that she had something about Clinton. In his third description of what occurred, on Tuesday, Trump Jr. said he had believed the information he would hear about Clinton would be political opposition research. He said that he first wanted to speak by phone, but that when that didn't work out, he was told that the attorney would be in New York ""and I decided to take the meeting."" ""The woman, as she has said publicly, was not a government official,"" Trump Jr. said in the Tuesday statement. ""And, as we have said, she had no information to provide and wanted to talk about adoption policy and the Magnitsky Act."" The Trump Organization has confirmed the authenticity of Trump Jr. posts on Twitter releasing the email chain. Associated Press writers Nekesa Mumbi Moody in New York and Julie Bykowicz in Washington contributed to this report.",411,1 +412,"While President Donald Trump was inside the Pensacola Bay Center auditorium in Florida on Friday night, urging people to vote for Senate candidate Roy Moore, Ivanka Trump’s pointed comment on accusations against the Alabama Republican was plastered on a political ad outside. The giant ad covered the sides of a truck that was parked across the street from the auditorium and then was driven around the rally. The ad featured a giant photo of Ivanka’s face along with her cutting comment about Moore in an Associated Press interview last month. “There’s a special place in hell for those who abuse children,” she said. (She also said in that interview that she had “no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts.”) She criticized Moore just days after The Washington Post reported he had had inappropriate relationships with teens when he was in his 30s. One woman said he removed her clothing and groped her when she was just 14. The ads were arranged for Trump’s Pensacola rally by American Bridge, a liberal group and PAC. “Try as Trump and the Republican Party might, there’s no way to escape the truth about Roy Moore or Ivanka Trump’s own words,” American Bridge spokeswoman Allison Teixeira Sulier said in a statement. “It’s a disgusting new low that the President, the RNC, and the rest of the Republican Party are trying to help send a pedophile to the US Senate, and the American people won’t soon forget it.” The New York Times reported last month that Trump was angry with his daughterfor speaking out against Moore. The president strongly supports the former judge despite multiple accusations of sexual misconduct. Related Video:",412,0 +413,"FBI Director James Comey caused a major shakeup in the presidential election with his letter Friday revealing a review of newly-discovered emails related to the FBI previously-closed investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private server. Here is a rundown of what we know (and what we don't) so far: What emails were discovered? Many things remain vague and unknown about the newly uncovered emails. What we do know is that the FBI believes they are ""pertinent"" to its investigation into Clinton's use of a private server during her tenure as secretary of State. According to an official close to the investigation, there are thousands of new emails under review. What we don't know is whether they contain any classified material or could have any bearing on the previous investigation. Could the emails lead to criminal charges against Clinton? That is impossible to know at this point. In a speech Friday, Clinton said she is ""confident"" that the new developments won't change the FBI's recommendation not to prosecute her for improperly handling classified materials. Although Comey could not put a timetable on how long it will take to review the new material, a source tells USA TODAY that is unlikely it will be completed before Election Day. What is the connection to Anthony Weiner? The emails were discovered as part of an investigation into former New York congressman Anthony Weiner, who is suspected of having sexually charged communications with a 15-year-old girl. Investigators came across the emails while looking into devices used by Weiner. Weiner is married to — and currently separated from — longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin who had access to the same device or devices. Why did Comey make the review public? In his letter to lawmakers, informing them of the latest developments, Comey said he thought it was important to update them ""in light of my previous testimony,"" which said the investigation had been concluded. Did Attorney General Loretta Lynch approve of Comey's letter to lawmakers? No. Lynch objected to Comey's decision to notify Congress that the FBI was reviewing newly discovered email, an official familiar with the matter told USA TODAY. Lynch based her objection on a long-held Justice Department policy that federal authorities should not take any action that may interfere with an election. Did Lynch try to stop Comey? Yes. Lynch shared her objections just hours before Comey sent the letter, according to USA TODAY's source. The FBI director weighed the attorney general's advice during a spirited discussion of the matter Thursday and early Friday, but in the end, Comey felt compelled to act. When is the election? Tuesday, November 8.",413,0 +414,"Arizona Sen. John McCain has been diagnosed with brain cancer. McCain was in the hospital to remove a blood clot from above his left eye when a tumor was located. Doctors revealed that McCain has been diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive cancer. The statement says the 80-year-old senator and his family are reviewing further treatment, including a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. The doctors say McCain is recovering from his surgery amazingly well and his underlying health is excellent, according to the statement. McCain responded to the ""outpouring of support"" in seemingly good spirits Thursday, promising over Twitter that ""unfortunately for my sparring partners in Congress, I'll be back soon, so stand by!"" I greatly appreciate the outpouring of support - unfortunately for my sparring partners in Congress, I'll be back soon, so stand-by! The office of McCain sent a statement that read, ""On Friday, July 14, Sen. John McCain underwent a procedure to remove a blood clot from above his left eye at Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix. Subsequent tissue pathology revealed that a primary brain tumor known as glioblastoma was associated with the blood clot. Scanning done since the procedure (a minimally invasive craniotomy with an eyebrow incision) shows that the tissue of concern was completely resected by imaging criteria. The senator and his family are reviewing further treatment options with his Mayo Clinic care team. Treatment options include a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. The Senator’s doctors say he is recovering from his surgery ‘amazingly well’ and his underlying health is excellent."" The statement continued, ""Senator McCain appreciates the outpouring of support he has received over the last few days. He is in good spirits as he continues to recover at home with his family in Arizona. He is grateful to the doctors and staff at Mayo Clinic for their outstanding care, and is confident that any future treatment will be effective. Further consultations with Senator McCain’s Mayo Clinic care team will indicate when he will return to the United States Senate."" His daughter, Meghan McCain, tweeted out a message, ""The news of my father's illness has affected every one of us in the McCain family. My grandmother, mother, brothers, sister and I have all endured the shock of the news, and now we live with the anxiety about what comes next."" John McCain's wife Cindy posted a message on Instagram reading: ""Thank all of you for the wonderful thoughts. @senjohnmccain is doing well. We as a family will face the next hurdle together. One thing I do know is he is the toughest person I know. He is my hero and I love him with all my heart."" McCain was the GOP's presidential nominee in 2008. A Navy pilot, he was shot down over Vietnam and held as a prisoner for 5 ½ years. The Associated Press has contributed to this report.",414,0 +415,"Although he attended the 2004 Republican National Convention, and supported the GOP’s former gubernatorial candidate for New York state in 2002, the Bay Shore, NY native told Piers Morgan earlier this year that he’s actually an Independent. WWE superstar Dwayne ""The Rock"" Johnson is a registered Republican, and was reportedly invited to speak at the 2000 Republican National Convention. ""I realize that the majority of people in the entertainment business happen to be Democrats,"" Doherty has said about her conservative views. ""I have no problem with that. And they should have no problem with the fact that I'm a Republican."" The Hills pot-stirrers were big McCain-Palin supporters in 2008. ""I'm voting for John McCain,"" Montag told Us Weekly in 2008. ""I'm a Republican and McCain has a lot of experience."" Still, the pair weren't going to let their candidate's defeat by Barack Obama bring them down. ""We're behind America and America's decision,"" Pratt told MTV News. ""You win some, you lose some."" Performing at GOP fundraisers does not a Republican make, according to Rimes. When asked via Twitter last year why she agreed to participate in a Republican fundraiser in Washington, D.C., she replied, ""It's a job! I'm entertainment, not making a political stance,"" and added that she performed at the Democratic convention years ago and for Clinton ""several times."" The former Melrose Place scene-stealer is a registered member of the Republican party.",415,0 +416,"How many disasters must Puerto Rico suffer? After Hurricane Maria tore through the Puerto Rico, President Donald Trump was extremely slow to acknowledge that the U.S. territory was in dire need of aid. When Trump finally decided it was time to visit these Americans in need, his trip was a disaster in itself. Here are some of the shockingly insensitive, incompetent and tone-deaf things Trump said during his trip to Puerto Rico: Despite criticism from Puerto Rican leaders and the fact that only 32 percent of Americans approve of how he’s handled the disaster, Trump has spent much of his time on the island insisting that everything has been going terrifically! “I think it’s now acknowledged what a great job we’ve done,” he said. “In Texas and in Florida, we get an A+, and I’ll tell you what: I think we’ve done just as good in Puerto Rico.” “We only heard thank yous from the people of Puerto Rico,” he told another reporter. Here’s an idea: rather than telling people what a great job he’s done, Trump should actually just do a great job, and then the people of Puerto Rico will do the complimenting for him. Trump played upon an old, terrible stereotype of Latino laziness when he alleged that Puerto Ricans “ want everything to be done for them.” According to Trump in the same tweet, the leadership of Puerto Rico was ineffective and they couldn’t manage to get their own people to participate in the relief work. This comment is as dog whistle-y as racist dog whistles get, which is why it’s entirely fair that internet commenters started sharing this photo en masse to remind Trump who exactly likes to have everything to be done for him: While handing out flashlights to hurricane survivors, Trump couldn’t help but comment on the supposed pointlessness of the exercise. “Flashlights?” he said aloud. “You don’t need ‘em anymore. You don’t need ‘em.” Why Trump felt the need to say that is unclear, especially since at that point 95 percent of Puerto Rico was still without electricity. Maybe Trump was being taken to places with power, but the vast majority of Puerto Ricans could really use those flashlights to, you know, see at night. At least he wasn’t physically throwing the flashlights at the people of Puerto Rico. During another moment, Trump began tossing paper towel rolls one at a time to the crowd. It’s not only an inefficient manner of distributing supplies to people in need of resources, it’s a pretty degrading one. As much as Trump may fancy himself some sort of rock star, these aren’t fans attending a concert looking for free merchandise. Technically, Trump didn’t say anything in this instance, but the disrespect spoke volumes in his actions alone. The nerve of Puerto Rico to have a hurricane – don’t they know how expensive recovery efforts are? Trump made sure they were well aware at a press briefing on the island. “I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you threw our budget a little out of whack,” he said. Hahaha, what a funny joke, right? The president didn’t make residents of Texas or Florida feel like they were a waste of money, so it seems extra suspect for the president to say something like this after already treating Puerto Ricans as lesser American citizens. In the face of his initial inaction, Trump has repeatedly tried to downplay the scale of Hurricane Maria. While speaking to Puerto Rican officials he said, “If you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds of people that died…” Trump said. Sorry, there’s no need to finish that sentence, did Trump just really suggest a place experiencing massive devastation was not a “real catastrophe”? It’s true that the death count in Puerto Rico is significantly lower than that of Hurricane Katrina, but if that’s enough to make Trump “proud” (his own words) of how he’s handled this crisis, he’s completely off base. In an interview on Tuesday, Trump told Fox News that to help Puerto Rico, he was going to “wipe out” their existing debt. “You can wave goodbye to that,” he said. Honestly, it was one of the most productive ideas to come out of the Trump administration throughout the disaster… too bad it seems that Trump was babbling without having consulted with his staff who are not on board with this idea. Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney backtracked on the president’s comments saying, “I wouldn’t take it word for word with that,” insisting that the White House would instead focus on providing disaster relief. Way to get Puerto Rico’s hopes up!",416,1 +417,"Nigerian Police personnel of the Kaduna State Police Command are presently carrying out a peaceful protest against the non-payment of their August and September salaries. Eight Police commands namely: Kaduna, Kebbi Gombe, Nasarawa, Ekiti ,Bayelsa, Imo and Ogun are reportedly owing August and September salaries, PREMIUM TIMES learnt. The protest, which cuts across the rank and file of the command, has over 2000 protesters who are gathered in front of the Salaries Office inside the command headquarters. Cyril Abeh, the state commissioner of police, who said the delay in payment was from the finance ministry’s IPPS office and not the fault of the police, appealed for restraint. “They are police officers operating under the law, if they misbehave, we will deal with them according to the law. This is mutiny. I am in the field attending to a very important security matter, but will be on my way back to headquarters to address them now,” he said. Some of the protesting officers accused the minister of finance, Kemi Adeosun of refusing to allow President Muhammadu Buhari to know the ”exact situation regarding the non payment of the police salaries.” “She already lied to Mr President that all is well. How can you fight corruption and you don’t pay police their two months salaries,” an officer said.",417,0 +418,"President Donald Trump on Sunday strongly condemned what he described in tweets as a ""mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria"" that allegedly left women and children dead. He laid the blame squarely at the feet of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia and Iran for backing resident Bashar al-Assad, who he called an ""animal."" Trump also warned, ""Big price to pay."" ""Open area immediately for medical help and verification. Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever. SICK!"" the president wrote. In the third of a series of tweets, he faulted former President Barack Obama for not intervening in Syria during his time in office. In April of last year, Trump ordered a Tomahawk missile strike against a Syrian airbase for a similar chemical attack. Sunday's posts left many wondering if Trump would potentially retaliate against the Syrian government, which is backed by Russia. The criticism of Putin is arguably his strongest critique of Russia since he took office 442 days ago. Syrian aid groups and activists allege that dozens of people died in a suspected chemical weapons attack on the city of Douma, the last rebel stronghold in eastern Ghouta where Assad has pursued an intensive bombing campaign. The Syrian American Medical Society said that more than 500 cases, mostly women and children, suffered symptoms “indicative of exposure to a chemical agent” and 42 were reported dead. Both Syria and Russia deny involvement in Sunday’s alleged chemical attack. Homeland Security adviser Tom Bossert said on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that the White House is considering how to respond. He added that the national security team had been speaking to the president “all throughout the evening and the morning.” “I wouldn’t take anything off the table,” he said. The State Department, meanwhile, provided a full-throated critique of Russia in a statement on Saturday night that claimed that the nation had “breached its commitments to the United Nations” and called “into question [Russia’s] commitment to resolve the overall crisis and to larger non-proliferation priorities.” “Russia, with its unwavering support for the [Assad] regime, ultimately bears responsibility for these brutal attacks, targeting of countless civilians, and the suffocation of Syria’s most vulnerable communities with chemical weapons,” State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said. Last week, Trump reluctantly agreed to keep U.S. troops in Syria, though he stressed to his national security team his desire to end U.S. involvement in the conflict as soon as possible. Republican and Democrat leaders decried the alleged chemical attack on Sunday, calling for the U.S. to hold the Assad government accountable. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who serves on the Armed Services Committee called on the White House to act. “If [the president] doesn’t follow through and live up to that tweet, he’s going to look weak in the eyes of Russia and Iran,” Graham said on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday. “This is a defining moment.” Others from the president's own party piled on. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said on CNN's ""State of the Union"" that Trump should rethink his plans for an early withdrawal from Syria and consider another targeted attack on Syria's military facilities, such as the one he ordered a year ago. ""That may be an option that we should consider now,"" she said. ""But it is further reason why it is so important that the president ramp up the pressure and the sanctions on the Russian government, because, without the support of Russia, I do not believe that Assad would still be in office."" Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., also blasted the president, as he said Trump signaling last week that the U.S. would withdraw from Syria only served to embolden Assad, Russia and Iran to conduct the attack. While McCain said it was good that Trump criticized all three parties on Twitter, he said social media posts meant little in this situation. ""The question now is whether he will do anything about it,"" he said. ""The President responded decisively when Assad used chemical weapons last year. He should do so again, and demonstrate that Assad will pay a price for his war crimes."" In the House, Republicans were also riled up and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said that the United States should continue to lead in holding Assad and Russia accountable. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, who serves as chair of the House Homeland Security Committee voiced his agreement on Fox News and called for military action. “We’re not going to occupy countries anymore, but this cannot stand in the civilized world,” McCaul said. “This needs to be responded to in a very firm and strong way. I think we need to deal also with Russia and Iran’s involvement in this. I think they are complicit.” Democrats also called for the White House to act and coordinate an international response. Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., said on CBS's ""Face the Nation"" that ""President Assad needs to be held accountable for his war crimes."" ""We need to make sure that there is a proceeding started by the international community to hold him accountable,"" said Cardin, who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. ""This is not the first use of chemical weapons."" House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that Putin needed to be held accountable for the alleged attack as he had enabled ""these war crimes."" But how to do that rests with the White House, she added. “Members of Congress expect a comprehensive intelligence briefing on this attack as soon as possible,"" she said in a statement. ""The Trump Administration must finally provide a smart, strong and consistent strategy in Syria.” Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., said it could affect Mike Pompeo, who Trump nominated to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, as he enters Senate confirmation hearings this week. “The United States must not waiver in our utter rejection of the use of chemical weapons anywhere in the world, by anyone, for any reason,"" Menedez said in a statement. ""During his upcoming hearing, I expect Secretary of State-nominee Pompeo to articulate an actual policy for Syria.”",418,0 +419,This is now bigger than who becomes the next president. Trump is a threat to our democracy.,419,1 +420,"GOP congressional candidate Paul Nehlen has drawn on anti-Semitic sympathy to rally support for his fledgling campaign, BuzzFeed News reported Friday. Nehlen — who is running against House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) in a Republican primary this summer — ran a Twitter group chat where he rallied white nationalists to attack his opponents, BuzzFeed News reported. One of Nehlen's stated adversaries was the ""Jewish media,"" who he believed had ""coordinated"" to smear him after he lost the support of Breitbart News for sending tweets about white pride. Nehlen's list of targets included conservative personality John Cardillo, author Kurt Schlichter, and former Boston Red Sox pitcher turned Breitbart radio host Curt Schilling. All three men, BuzzFeed News notes, are conservatives who distanced themselves from Nehlen. The candidate turned to his Twitter group to ask for some backup, writing, ""Cardillo and others like him are working for Jewish media. Then, there are the fake conservatives who happen to be Jewish."" Per screenshots published by BuzzFeed News, Nehlen then added: ""I'm going to decimate them all. And y'all are gonna help me."" Sources who spoke to BuzzFeed News said that ""such requests were common"" from Nehlen. One of the group chat's most notable participants is Richard Spencer ally Eli Mosley, who heads a white nationalist group of his own called Identify Evropa, BuzzFeed News points out. Mosley is a polarizing figure even among white nationalists, as many reportedly think he sparked the violence at last year's ""Unite the Right"" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a woman was killed by a white nationalist. Read more about Nehlen's group chat at BuzzFeed News. Kelly O'Meara Morales",420,0 +421,"This past weekend, Americans watched in shock as “alt-right” members, neo-Nazis and white nationalists descended upon Charlottesville, Virginia, attempting to spread their message of hate and intolerance. Clashes between white nationalists and counter-protesters were numerous. One counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed when a man rammed his car into several counter-protesters. The man, 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr., was later charged with second-degree murder. Earlier that day, he was photographed displaying the symbols of a white nationalist group called Vanguard America, which later denied he was a member. That weekend journalist Shaun King posted a video of several men beating a 20-year-old man named Deandre Harris. King, who was attempting to confirm the identities of the men behind the beating, found that one of the men, Alex Michael Ramos, identifies as Latino. A group called the Atlanta Antifascists then tweeted that Ramos was affiliated with the Atlanta chapter of the far-right organization Proud Boys and the far-right militia called the Georgia Security Force. When a viewer asked why he marched with racists, Ramos said, “I stood by racist people but they weren’t racist to me.” Ramos’ assertion that his Puerto Rican roots meant he couldn’t be racist is a prime example of Latinos who are completely ignorant of their ability to perpetuate white supremacy. Guess what? Latinos, both here and in Latin America, do and say plenty of things that promote anti-blackness — and most of the time we don’t even blink an eye when it happens. When it comes to discussing racism, we often subscribe to the black vs. white binary that we often see in the United States. If our views aren’t extreme, if we’re not a “full-blown racist,” then we’re completely absolved of perpetuating anti-blackness, right? Wrong. When we think like that, we tend to ignore the colorism — often subtle — that permeates through much of Latin America. It’s a difficult thing to confront, but if we don’t address it within our own community, we can’t expect it to magically resolve itself. Pulitzer prize-winning Dominican-American author Junot Diaz once said, “White supremacy’s greatest trick is that it has convinced people that it exists always in other people, never in us.” Don’t believe him? When he was fired over the comments, Figueroa wrote an open letter to Michelle Obama saying he isn’t racist because he comes from a bi-racial family. Meanwhile, in Mexican print media… ?? pic.twitter.com/xwyW0QWfJc — Laura Martínez® (@miblogestublog) August 17, 2017 Yes, Real Madrid are nicknamed “Los Blancos,” but the joke is clearly rooted in the idea that “white supremacy” is a problem “over there” in the U.S. and not in Mexico, where they released a stamp celebrating a cartoon character that is a racist stereotype. Right now would be a good time for us to revisit that and not just stop there, but continue to educate ourselves on how we can make sure we’re not promoting white supremacy.",421,1 +422,"A lady identified as Monisola (@Monaayy), has taken to the social networking platform to talk down on women who are in the habit of broke-shaming men. There is a mentality in this part of the world which has led to a lot of unrealistic expectations from women who believe it is their entitlement to be taken care of and to be with a wealthy men and as a result of this, they tend to look down on struggling men. The lady who appears to be fed up with this mentality, took to the online platform to share her opinion concerning the issue. She wrote:“I’m sick of broke shaming. It is obnoxious and cruel. To expect a man to be financially buoyant simply because he’s a man is just as offensive as expecting a woman to cook and clean simply because she’s a woman. Not every man has deep pockets .” “If we’re kicking against patriarchal norms then we can’t *expect* men to be rich because they’re men, especially if you as a woman don’t even have your own money! That’s a disgraceful double standard. If you don’t want the validity of your womanhood to be evaluated based on your domestic prowess, then stop devaluing men for being “broke”. “Everyone is on their personal journey. He’ll get there when he gets there. If you don’t want to date a man without money, fine, you have every right to make that choice. But don’t shame him for his financial status. “That is cruel. Money does not grow on trees. I even see women shaming men for being in the exact same financial position as them and honestly I’m embarrassed. Don’t be hungry please.” The post which went viral on social media, received several reactions from people who seemed to be in agreement with her post. Read the thread in full below; Stay updated with the latest Nigerian news from Information Nigeria",422,0 +423,"A woman is facing charges as part an investigation by the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office to crack down on illegal slot machines. Phalla Colman, 54, was arrested Thursday and charged with operating an illegal gambling establishment, operating an illegal lottery and possession of slot machines, according to a news release. Detectives began investigating Colman’s business at 3325 15 St. E., Bradenton, several weeks ago after she was suspected of running an illegal internet café or gambling establishment. Detectives were able to develop the case and obtain warrants for Colman’s arrest and the search the establishment, the release said. On Thursday, they searched her business and arrested her. Detectives seized 111 computer monitors, 79 computer towers and $3,415 in currency. Be the first to know when big news breaks Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Jessica De Leon: 941-745-7049, @JDeLeon1012",423,0 +424,"CHANDLER, AZ - The Chandler Unified School District says an off-duty Phoenix officer left a gun at Hamilton High School on Friday. The gun was reportedly found by a student in a restroom at the Hamilton library. The school district says the Phoenix officer was on campus at the time and left the gun in the restroom in a holster. That officer is being questioned and has not been arrested at this time, according to the district. We've reached out to Chandler police for more information and are awaiting a response. A statement was sent Friday afternoon to parents by the school’s principal: Dear parents and guardians, I am writing to you to let you know that a student found a loaded handgun in a holster on a handicap rail in the stall of a restroom in the Hamilton Public Library this afternoon (the library on the Hamilton campus). The student reported the gun to city library staff immediately, it was retrieved and secured by the Chandler Police School Resource Officer and students are safe. The adult community member who was visiting the Chandler Public Library and left his gun in the bathroom stall, returned for his gun and has been identified by the Chandler Police Department. Police investigated and determined that no crime had been committed. Sincerely, Chris Farabee Acting Principal, Hamilton High",424,0 +425,"The Islamic State has released an official statement via its Amaq News agency regarding the July 14, Bastille Day terrorist attack in Nice, France, carried out by Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel. Police have identified Bouhlel as responsible for murdering up to 84 people by ramming into them with a truck and shooting at them at a Bastille Day celebration. The 31-year-old French-Tunisian attacker told police he was delivering ice cream in order to get on the promenade, which was closed to traffic for the celebration, The Daily Mail reports. ISIS released a statement about the attack this morning citing an “insider source.” Read it below: The attack followed the orders of a previous video purportedly released by the Islamic State, in which it told its jihadists in France who could not make it to Iraq or Syria to use cars or trucks as weapons. Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox.",425,0 +426,"When you’re caught in a lie, it can be difficult to know what to do. As much as it may be morally correct to admit your wrongdoing, that’s too embarrassing and shameful for some individuals to handle. Unfortunately, that’s why many people find themselves only getting deeper and deeper into their lies. In order to cover up for themselves, they just keep making up more and more details until their story spirals out of control. One group of people that tend to know how to deal with liars easily are legal professionals. So when this cop tried to make up a law right to an attorney, you can imagine that things quickly got out of hand! Like many people looking to make a few extra dollars these days, Wilmington, North Carolina resident Jesse Bright had been using some of his spare time to serve as a driver for the ride-sharing app Uber. However, he also had a day job—one that would come in handy later. Soon enough, Jesse was surrounded by officers. He thought that the whole situation seemed suspicious, to the point that he was afraid that one of the cops may have slipped something onto his passenger seat.",426,0 +427,"Almost a half-century ago, in 1968, the United States seemed to be falling apart. The Vietnam War, a bitter and close presidential election, antiwar protests, racial riots, political assassinations, terrorism and a recession looming on the horizon left the country divided between a loud radical minority and a silent conservative majority. The United States avoided a civil war. But America suffered a collective psychological depression, civil unrest, defeat in Vietnam and assorted disasters for the next decade -- until the election of a once-polarizing Ronald Reagan ushered in five consecutive presidential terms of relative bipartisan calm and prosperity from 1981 to 2001. It appears as if 2017 might be another 1968. Recent traumatic hurricanes seem to reflect the country's human turmoil. After the polarizing Obama presidency and the contested election of Donald Trump, the country is once again split in two. But this time the divide is far deeper, both ideologically and geographically -- and more 50/50, with the two liberal coasts pitted against red-state America in between. Century-old mute stone statues are torn down in the dead of night, apparently on the theory that by attacking the Confederate dead, the lives of the living might improve. All the old standbys of American life seem to be eroding. The National Football League is imploding as it devolves into a political circus. Multimillionaire players refuse to stand for the national anthem, turning off millions of fans whose former loyalties paid their salaries. Politics -- or rather a progressive hatred of the provocative Donald Trump -- permeates almost every nook and cranny of popular culture. The new allegiance of the media, late-night television, stand-up comedy, Hollywood, professional sports and universities is committed to liberal sermonizing. Politically correct obscenity and vulgarity among celebrities and entertainers is a substitute for talent, even as Hollywood is wracked by sexual harassment scandals and other perversities. The smears ""racist,"" ""fascist,"" ""white privilege"" and ""Nazi"" -- like ""commie"" of the 1950s -- are so overused as to become meaningless. There is now less free speech on campus than during the McCarthy era of the early 1950s. As was the case in 1968, the world abroad is also falling apart. The European Union, model of the future, is unraveling. The EU has been paralyzed by the exit of Great Britain, the divide between Spain and Catalonia, the bankruptcy of Mediterranean nation members, insidious terrorist attacks in major European cities and the onslaught of millions of immigrants -- mostly young, male and Muslim -- from the war-torn Middle East. Germany is once again becoming imperious, but this time insidiously by means other than arms. The failed state of North Korea claims that it has nuclear-tipped missiles capable of reaching America's West Coast -- and apparently wants some sort of bribe not to launch them. Iran is likely to follow the North Korea nuclear trajectory. In the meantime, its new Shiite hegemony in the Middle East is feeding on the carcasses of Syria and Iraq. Is the chaos of 2017 a catharsis -- a necessary and long overdue purge of dangerous and neglected pathologies? Will the bedlam within the United States descend into more nihilism, or offer a remedy to the status quo that had divided and nearly bankrupted the country? Is the problem too much democracy, as the volatile and fickle mob runs roughshod over establishment experts and experienced bureaucrats? Or is the crisis too little democracy, as populists strive to dethrone a scandal-plagued, anti-democratic, incompetent and overrated entrenched elite? Neither traditional political party has any answers. Democrats are being overwhelmed by the identity politics and socialism of progressives. Republicans are torn asunder between upstart populist nationalists and the calcified establishment status quo. Yet for all the social instability and media hysteria, life in the United States quietly seems to be getting better. The economy is growing. Unemployment and inflation remain low. The stock market and middle-class incomes are up. Business and consumer confidence are high. Corporate profits are up. Energy production has expanded. The border with Mexico is being enforced. Is the instability less a symptom that America is falling apart and more a sign that the loud conventional wisdom of the past -- about the benefits of a globalized economy, the insignificance of national borders and the importance of identity politics -- is drawing to a close, along with the careers of those who profited from it? In the past, any crisis that did not destroy the United States ended up making it stronger. But for now, the fight grows over which is more toxic -- the chronic statist malady that was eating away the country, or the new populist medicine deemed necessary to cure it. (C) 2017 TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC. Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. His latest book is The Savior Generals from BloomsburyBooks. You can reach him by e-mailing author@victorhanson.com.",427,0 +428,"A photograph shows a black police officer protecting participants in a white supremacist protest in Charlottesville. On 12 August 2017, just after the occurrence of violent and tragic events at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, left multiple people dead, an image was widely circulated via social media seemingly showing a black police officer calmly standing guard to protect a group of racist protesters carrying Confederate flags, wearing Ku Klux Klan garb, and issuing Nazi salutes: Although this photograph was genuine, it was not — as was widely assumed (or stated) in social media posts — a picture snapped at the 12 August 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville. The image had been posted online well over a month earlier, as shown in this 9 July 2017 tweet from Tucson, Arizona, police chief Chris Magnus: Photo says it all. Police around nation called upon w/regularity to protect 1st Amend rights no matter how heinous they may find the speech. pic.twitter.com/3keTS7bdX2 It was also posted on Facebook at that time by Kimberly Payne Hawk, who described the pictured policeman as “Charlottesville Police Officer Nash”: A few days later, Frank Somerville of Oakland television station KTVU wrote of the latter posting that: Kimberly’s post went viral. But there were also a number of really nasty comments. And Kimberly later posted this in response: “On Monday I saw a photo from the KKK rally that moved me and I posted it. Now it has gone viral and mean, angry people are coming out of the woodwork. I do not care about the rude comments towards me but I am becoming quite irritated at the attacks on our local police officer. He is getting attacked for being an African American police officer who was protecting the free speech rights of the klan and I am getting accused of being a supporter of racism because my sister is a police officer. It must be a horrible way to live to be so defensive and angry all the time. I hope these people can find some happiness and peace at some point in their lives.” I’m dumbfounded that anyone could criticize this officer and what he’s doing. Thank you Officer Nash for your service. And thank you Kimberly Payne Hawk for posting this. The image originated with a Ku Klux Klan rally held in downtown Charlottesville on 8 July 2017: The photograph was snapped by during that protest by Jill Mumie, one of several shots she captured on her iPhone: That afternoon, she positioned herself near an area that had been cordoned off “in anticipation of what might unfold.” She purposefully stayed in front of the officer, waiting for what she felt was the right moment that captured the “bizarre” scene that was unfolding. Once the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan arrived, she recalled “a huge surge of people behind me.” And so with her iPhone, Mumie tried a few different shots. In one outtake, a girl stands beside the officer, snapping a picture of the commotion as the officer stares elsewhere. The angle of his chin, the tilt of his head, something felt off. In another outtake, the attention is focused on a man behind the officer who displays a middle finger in Mumie’s direction. The officer pictured in the image was a Charlottesville High School school resource officer named Darius Nash, who said, “I don’t feel like I’m a hero for it. I swore to protect my city and that’s what I was there to do. I don’t think it makes me a hero, just doing what I believe in.” Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.",428,0 +429,"Tionne ‘T-Boz’ Watkins recently revealed that a family member was killed at the hands of an itchy trigger-fingered cop. Watkins hit the the net with her heartbreaking story about her cousin, 25-year-old Eddie Russell, Jr., who was shot multiple times and killed by police in Peoria, Illinois. The department is investigating the fatal shooting death, however T-Boz and her family are disputing the officer’s account of what happened. T-Boz posted the tweets above with the following caption: My Cousin Was Shot 18 Times Including the Face and Back of His Head! He Harmed NO ONE EVER! He Had Mental Health Issues AND THE COPS KNEW THAT! Anything he’s ever Done Was minor and NON VIOLENT! Eddie Russell Jr -A Human-Being -A Son- Brother-Friend-Nephew – Cousin-HUMAN! The cops told his mother to call him out on a bullhorn USED her saying “WE WILL GIVE HIM THE HELP HE NEEDS” and He Came Out Because He Heard His Mother and They used beyond excessive force to gun him down also with heavy artillery used in warfare! 18 times? Shot eighteen times??? IF THEIR GOING ON WHAT HES HOLDING AT THE BANK THAT ISN’T A GUN! (Picture Is Posted)They Keep saying he had a gun! I don’t see a gun in his hand at the bank they say he tried to rob! That’s NOT A GUN! They blocked everyone off including neighbors at a 4 block radius including his mother and father and family!People could NOT go home! So no camera phones accessible is that why? COPS DIDN’T HAVE ON BODY CAMS now isn’t that convenient! They Lied and told family members Eddie Jr was at the hospital to get them away from the house knowing he was dead outside the house where they killed him! They kept his BODY OUTSIDE ON THE GROUND FOR MANY MANY HOURS! First they reported he ran out shooting =LIES! Then one cop shot =LIES! Then 5-6 shots =LIES! Then 5-6 cops shot YEAH CLEARLY! But why SO MANY TIMES? Why THE AR15? They didn’t even wait for the negotiator to arrive or is it that the negotiator took his time getting there? They haven’t Even Gave my cousin the RESPECT of trying to call and explain WHAT HAPPENED IN DETAIL TO HER CHILD! He needs JUSTICE! His Mother and Father and Family need JUSTICE!!!! This wasn’t a hostage situation! He didn’t threaten anyone’s life! This was a mentally iLL young man who needed help and should have received just that! PLEASE HELP HIS MOTHER AND SPREAD HER STORY SO SHE CAN GET THE HELP SHE NEEDS AND JUSTICE FOR HER SON!!!! His Mother Has Tried For Many Years To Get Her Son Mental Health Counseling He Needed! The system Failed Him and Her! #AmericaIsTainted #TrumpIsAChump #TakeAKnee #BendAKnee #JusticeForEddieJr #Shot18Times #tboz #tlc #tbeezy #tlcarmy #justice #peoriaillinois #EddieRussell Eddie Russell, Jr., who suffers from mental illness, was named as a suspect in an armed robbery. Officers claim he robbed the First Mid-Illinois Bank and Trust before returning home where an hours-long police stand-off ensued. Officers reportedly fired their weapons after Russell, Jr. emerged from his home. According to police accounts, Russell, Jr. exited the home in an “aggressive” manner and the officers stated they believed he was holding the same handgun used in the robbery. Eddie Russell, Jr. was pronounced dead at the scene on Wednesday, September 20. Condolences to T-Boz and her family. Hopefully they will find the answers they seek in this horrible tragedy.",429,0 +430,"Turns Out The Uxbridge Fresh Prince Of Bad Hair Is 19, Still In High School, And Put Uxbridge High On Lockdown After A Gun Incident On Snapchat Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information. Earlier today we blogged about the Uxbridge Fresh Prince of Bad Hair, who thought it would be wise to shoot a cop car with a BB gun, and then shoot an autistic man the next day. We couldn’t find his Facebook page, but within an hour we had a million people pointing us to his Uxbridge street name – Tre Patterson: As you can see, we’re dealing with a real winner here. Turns out this 19 year old is STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL!! I shit you not. That’s why the two others he was with aren’t having their names released – because they’re his minor friends from high school. He tells kids in his peer group what things were like “back in my day.” This year Tre, who recently moved here from “down south,” and claims to have enrolled at Uxbridge High School because the coach at UConn told him it would help him get recruited, was suspended multiple times. One of the incidents happened when he got the school put on lock down because he had beef with kids from another school on snapchat, and he claimed he had a gun on snapchat, DURING SCHOOL HOURS, and the other kids were coming to UHS with more guns. After being uncooperative with the principals AND the cops about it, he was escorted off the premises and suspended. Not expelled- just suspended. Because I’m sure when he came back he had a newfound thirst for knowledge and a desire to follow school rules. He also was on the basketball and football teams, but hardly ever played because his grades weren’t good enough. It’s hard passing college prep math when you’re only 19 years old. So much for UConn. Here he is all dolled up for the first of many junior proms to come for Tre-Tre: Of course he’s the cool kid because he can legally buy booze in Canada and no one else can: Don’t worry though, the fam is holding it down on Facebook and has gone full free my boi! Apparently his response to the cops after he shot the autistic man was that he “didn’t know he had autism.” Because it’s OK to shoot people with BB guns in public as long as they’re not autistic. Oh, and autistic people all have tattoos on their forehead that let them know they’re autistic. That’s literally the though process of this nudnik. Anyway, this is yet another example of the failed educational policies from our state and federal government. This is what happens when administrators value their graduation rates more than the well-being of the entire school – they keep shitheads like this in school instead of expelling them. Because it looks better on a chart if they have less dropouts. Oh, and don’t forget that schools all have mandates from the federal government, due to Arne Duncan’s reign of terror, to reduce suspension rates, particularly for students of color. So now schools like Uxbridge are forced to keep morons like this, who obviously have no intention of learning, enrolled in schools. They make it impossible for teachers to do their job and they poison the rest of the student body with their bullshit. Uxbridge High School lost an entire day of learning because of him. If somehow he graduates this year he’ll be 20 when he does so. And it will only be the result of social promotion, fueled by a desire for better charts. We urge you to support the following local businesses.",430,0 +431,"Last Sunday, a frightfully organized lone gunman opened fire on a crowd of 22,000 people at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. In his room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, he had 23 guns, some of which were outfitted with bump stocks (devices which allow semi-automatic weapons the capability to mimic the gunfire of automatic weapons). He killed 58 people and injured 527 before being discovered, killing himself before police could apprehend him. In the wake of the worst mass shooting in modern United States history, the NRA CEO's response to the Las Vegas shooting was defiant, belligerent, and utterly tone deaf. Romper has reached out to the NRA and is awaiting a reply. NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre, normally a man who keeps a low profile, offered a rare interview with Fox News on Thursday. While he did call the Las Vegas shooting an ""unimaginable tragedy"" during his interview, LaPierre insisted that stricter gun laws would not change mass shootings: LaPierre went on to quickly accuse the ""other side"" of the tragedy; notably Democrats and celebrities who have been vehemently calling for gun control legislation. The NRA CEO lashed out and accused them of trying to politicize a tragedy, and attempting “to piggyback their whole agenda to ban guns, restrict law abiding people for the last 20 years, this circus, on the back of this tragedy.” The CEO became especially agitated when discussing what he believes to be the double standard coming out of Hollywood: Of course, LaPierre doesn't have actual facts to back up those claims, and it's important to remember that he is talking about fictional depictions in action movies. When LaPierre accused those unnamed ""Hollywood elites"" of ""protecting themselves with guns,"" while supposedly wanting to get rid of guns, he has clearly forgotten that few people who have weighed in on stricter gun control have not called for an outright ban of firearms, according to Salon. His interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity was terribly off the mark, focused on Hollywood, rather than the ""unimaginable tragedy"" he referenced at first and then appeared to quickly forget. Movies in Hollywood do depict deaths, but not actual deaths caused by real guns. Here are a few real-life statistics about gun use in America: However badly LaPierre would like to shift the focus from the Las Vegas shooting victims to his personal vendetta against Hollywood action films, it can't happen. The reality is, the families of those victims need a real, informed, empathetic response to the mass shooting. Not a distraction. Because they are real people who lost real loved ones at the hands of a man with real guns. This isn't a movie. It's real life.",431,0 +432,"Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ******************************************************************************** If you recall, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was one that was always talking about money in politics while hypocritically soliciting donations from some of the world’s most corrupt people and organizations. Now, it’s come to light that Clinton apparently funneled over $800,000 from her campaign money to her new political PAC, Onward Together, which is backing several groups of resistance against the current administration, including ANTIFA. The Daily Caller reports: As a presidential candidate, Clinton railed against “dark money” groups like Onward Together. Clinton transferred$800,000 from her failed 2016 presidential campaign to Onward Together shortly before announcing the group’s launch in May, documents the campaign filed with the FEC reveal. Clinton doesn’t even deny that she is supporting such groups. In an email signed by her that went out last week asking for money, Clinton wrote, “You may not have heard much about the work we’re doing at Onward Together,” Clinton wrote. “That’s because we’re working behind the scene to fund, support, and amplify the work of the groups we’re supporting. We’re not the story: they are.” Each of five political groups that were mentioned were contacted by The Daily Caller and asked if they were being funded and supported by Onward Together. Out of those five, only one group, the Soros-backed Indivisible, responded. “Onward Together has not given any financial support to us,” Helen Kalla, an Indivisible spokesperson, wrote in an email. Kalla added that Clinton’s group has “been amplifying and highlighting our work through their digital networks,” which she explained has consisted of “retweeting [Indivisible], and they’ve highlighted our work via their emails to their list too.” Onward Together is not required to reveal donors’ identity as a 501(c)4 “social welfare” organization. The group also will not be revealing those identities, something that is only occurring to protect the guilty. Meanwhile, because the Trump administration did not keep its promise to investigate and seek prosecution of Mrs. Clinton, she is freely promoting her blame book, What Happened, and now she is funding the little Communists known as ANTIFA, which are working against the administration and against the very heart and soul of American culture and history. But we can’t do anything about the Clintons because they are really good people, right Mr. President? Courtesy of Freedom Outpost Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Tim is also an affiliate for the Joshua Mark 5 AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle. Follow Tim on Twitter.",432,1 +433,"Permission Details DMCA The Labor Day parades are over. The bands have packed up. The muscular speeches celebrating workers are finished. The trash is getting collected from parks across the country. And now conservative politicians from Trump on down will revive their systematic efforts to weaken unions and undermine workers. Trump -- despite all the populist bunting that decorates his speeches -- sustains the deeply entrenched Republican antipathy to organized workers. Their attack is relentless. Trump's budget calls for deep cuts in the Labor Department, eviscerating job training programs and cutting -- by 40 percent -- the agency that does research on workplace safety. It would eliminate the program that funds education of workers on how to avoid workplace hazards. It even savages money for mine safety enforcement for the miners Trump claims to love. Trump is systematically reversing any Obama rule that aided workers. He signed legislation scrapping the rule that required federal contractors to disclose violations of workplace safety and employment and anti-discrimination laws. His Labor Secretary has announced his intention to strip millions of workers of the overtime pay they would have received under Obama DOL regulations. Trump is creating a pro-business majority at the National Labor Relations Board, which will roll back Obama's efforts to make it easier for workers to organize, and make it possible to hold home companies responsible for the employment practices of their franchisees. The GOP's Anti-Union Strategy This is simply standard operating procedure for today's Republican party. Long ago, Republicans realized that organized labor was a central ""pillar,"" as Grover Norquist described it, of Democratic Party strength. Now Republican office holders at every level -- from county officials to statehouses to judges -- know that their job is to weaken labor unions. From right to work laws to administrative regulations to court challenges, Republicans sustain an unrelenting attack. And aided by our perverse globalization strategies, they've been remarkably successful. Unions are down to about 7 percent of the private workforce. Public employee unions, a relative stronghold, are facing court challenges -- essentially allowing workers to enjoy the benefits of union negotiations without paying dues -- that will decimate their membership. True conservatives would embrace unions. They are a classic ""mediating institution,"" a voluntary civic organization between government and the individual. Unions increase the voice and power of workers in the workplace, helping to keep executive accountable, and to protect workers from abuse. They also educate their members, teach democracy, and are central to community volunteer and service efforts. They teach and practice democratic citizenship. The modern Republican Party, of course, is the party of big business and big money. It isn't conservative; it is partisan. And weakening unions is a constant target. While Republicans understand how important unions are to Democrats and to workers, Democrats don't seem to get it. Sure, they line up to get union donations; most will vote to defend unions and worker programs. But as the money in politics has gotten bigger and the unions have gotten weaker, the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party has become more powerful. The result is clear. When Republicans get control, they attack unions relentlessly. When Democrats gain control, as they did in 2012 with the election of Barack Obama and Democratic majorities in both houses, labor law reform, empowering workers to organize is not a priority. Obama essentially told unions that if they could get the votes, he'd sign the law, but he wasn't leading the charge. And so as under Carter and Clinton, changing the law to make it easier for workers to organize and bargain collectively didn't happen. Unions Under Siege Now unions are under siege. Yet it is hard to imagine how a small ""d"" democracy can be robust, or a large ""D"" Democratic Party can regain its mojo without a revived movement of workers. It's time for Democrats at every level to realize: strengthening workers and their unions isn't an elective; it's a requirement and a first priority. The loop works like this: Unions are in decline. As a result, unions lose influence inside the Democratic Party. The Democrats then feel no pressure to stem unions' decline, and the economically disadvantaged lose what was once their most powerful advocate. Then the cycle continues. We cannot revive unions, and we have no template for egalitarian politics without them. Unions aren't simply economic actors. They're political actors. Labor still needs the Democrats. The Democrats, more than they realize, still need labor. But most of all, all those who want to build a fairer society need their partnership. Republican elites understand the doom loop. Big business, small business, and Tea Party alike have pushed hard against unions. As the parties have polarized, Republicans have taken the gloves off, risking the votes of the 40 percent of union members who back Republicans in order to crush a pillar of the Democratic coalition. Even President Bernie Sanders would have real trouble rebuilding unions in the face of a Republican Congress and a federal judiciary eager to swat down pro-labor executive action. Even without Republican politicians digging their graves, labor unions face deep challenges. In the private sector, unions must sign contracts workplace by workplace. Gawker writers here and home-care workers there will continue to organize their workplaces, but the barriers remain dauntingly high. In the public sector, unions have stood steady. But cops and teachers alike face blowback for putting their own prerogatives above the public interest. And if the Supreme Court bans the collection of agency fees in the public sector (thus imposing ""right to work""), public-sector union membership could halve in a decade. Permission Details DMCA The Labor Day parades are over. The bands have packed up. The muscular speeches celebrating workers are finished. The trash is getting collected from parks across the country. And now conservative politicians from Trump on down will revive their systematic efforts to weaken unions and undermine workers. Trump -- despite all the populist bunting that decorates his speeches -- sustains the deeply entrenched Republican antipathy to organized workers. Their attack is relentless. Trump's budget calls for deep cuts in the Labor Department, eviscerating job training programs and cutting -- by 40 percent -- the agency that does research on workplace safety. It would eliminate the program that funds education of workers on how to avoid workplace hazards. It even savages money for mine safety enforcement for the miners Trump claims to love. Trump is systematically reversing any Obama rule that aided workers. He signed legislation scrapping the rule that required federal contractors to disclose violations of workplace safety and employment and anti-discrimination laws. His Labor Secretary has announced his intention to strip millions of workers of the overtime pay they would have received under Obama DOL regulations. Trump is creating a pro-business majority at the National Labor Relations Board, which will roll back Obama's efforts to make it easier for workers to organize, and make it possible to hold home companies responsible for the employment practices of their franchisees. The GOP's Anti-Union Strategy This is simply standard operating procedure for today's Republican party. Long ago, Republicans realized that organized labor was a central ""pillar,"" as Grover Norquist described it, of Democratic Party strength. Now Republican office holders at every level -- from county officials to statehouses to judges -- know that their job is to weaken labor unions. From right to work laws to administrative regulations to court challenges, Republicans sustain an unrelenting attack. And aided by our perverse globalization strategies, they've been remarkably successful. Unions are down to about 7 percent of the private workforce. Public employee unions, a relative stronghold, are facing court challenges -- essentially allowing workers to enjoy the benefits of union negotiations without paying dues -- that will decimate their membership. True conservatives would embrace unions. They are a classic ""mediating institution,"" a voluntary civic organization between government and the individual. Unions increase the voice and power of workers in the workplace, helping to keep executive accountable, and to protect workers from abuse. They also educate their members, teach democracy, and are central to community volunteer and service efforts. They teach and practice democratic citizenship. The modern Republican Party, of course, is the party of big business and big money. It isn't conservative; it is partisan. And weakening unions is a constant target. While Republicans understand how important unions are to Democrats and to workers, Democrats don't seem to get it. Sure, they line up to get union donations; most will vote to defend unions and worker programs. But as the money in politics has gotten bigger and the unions have gotten weaker, the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party has become more powerful. The result is clear. When Republicans get control, they attack unions relentlessly. When Democrats gain control, as they did in 2012 with the election of Barack Obama and Democratic majorities in both houses, labor law reform, empowering workers to organize is not a priority. Obama essentially told unions that if they could get the votes, he'd sign the law, but he wasn't leading the charge. And so as under Carter and Clinton, changing the law to make it easier for workers to organize and bargain collectively didn't happen. Unions Under Siege Now unions are under siege. Yet it is hard to imagine how a small ""d"" democracy can be robust, or a large ""D"" Democratic Party can regain its mojo without a revived movement of workers. It's time for Democrats at every level to realize: strengthening workers and their unions isn't an elective; it's a requirement and a first priority. The loop works like this: Unions are in decline. As a result, unions lose influence inside the Democratic Party. The Democrats then feel no pressure to stem unions' decline, and the economically disadvantaged lose what was once their most powerful advocate. Then the cycle continues. We cannot revive unions, and we have no template for egalitarian politics without them. Unions aren't simply economic actors. They're political actors. Labor still needs the Democrats. The Democrats, more than they realize, still need labor. But most of all, all those who want to build a fairer society need their partnership.",433,1 +434,"When the Graham-Cassidy bill failed to reach the Senate floor last week, the media wanted to put a stake in the heart of the administration’s agenda, declaring all Obamacare repeal efforts to be dead. For the millions of Americans struggling under the Affordable Care Act regime, however, the fight to make lemonade out of lemons must continue this fall. Luckily, conservatives in Congress who want to see the end of Obamacare and understand the perils of inaction are not giving up. Earlier this week, America Rising Squared, a conservative policy organization which I lead, issued a path forward. We outline five popular conservative actions Congress and the president can take by the end of the year to protect taxpayers and those disproportionately harmed by the ACA while the larger repeal effort remains delayed until next year. The first step is to protect them from new Obamacare taxes coming in January. Americans should be encouraged to know that conservatives in the Senate have introduced legislation to stop the health insurance tax and the medical device tax. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) and 10 fellow conservative senators, including Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), introduced legislation last week to stop the insurance tax. In the House, a bipartisan effort is underway to do the same, led by Republican Rep. Kristi Noem of South Dakota and Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. These members of Congress understand that Obamacare taxes will harm Americans of all walks of life, and will disproportionately harm seniors and small businesses. In all, if Congress fails to act, the health insurance tax would amount to a new annual $14.3 billion tax increase. Republicans don’t want to see a tax hike go into effect on their watch, and Democrats don’t want to put more of a burden on vulnerable Americans, so action is required now. Second, there should be no bailouts for Obamacare. While bipartisanship is a key to success in getting legislation passed, the president and conservatives in Congress ought to fight back against all efforts to bail out this law. When House Republicans sued President Obama in 2014 over the health-care act's cost-sharing subsidies, a federal judge sided with the plaintiffs, deeming these bailouts unconstitutional. The Obama administration appealed, so today President Trump can easily drop that appeal and end unconstitutional Obamacare cronyism. Liberals in the Senate want new bailouts, but conservatives such as Cruz have warned colleagues that they must oppose any such efforts. The third step needed to cripple the health care law and protect Americans is for President Trump to direct the IRS to weaken the individual mandate and expand the hardship exemptions. The individual mandate has forced many Americans to purchase coverage they do not want and cannot afford, and even candidate Obama admitted in 2008 that under Massachusetts' plan, “there are people who are paying fines and still can’t afford [health insurance], so now they’re worse off than they were.” He was right, and President Trump can give these Americans relief from fines easily by directing the IRS to ease the mandate. The two final steps the president and Republicans in Congress can take before the end of the year is to fully implement 90 percent cuts to Obamacare marketing, which would save the federal government some $90 million, and fully protect American seniors from new taxes on Medicare plans. Among the taxes going into effect next year, those enrolled in Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D will see taxes increased nearly $3,000 each over the next decade if Congress fails to act. Time is running out, and President Trump and Republicans in Congress must act now to stop new Obamacare taxes, end the cronyism of bailouts, free Americans from burdensome federal mandates, cut wasteful ACA marketing, and protect America’s seniors. President Trump and conservatives have it within their power today to stop the most harmful aspects of the health care law, but time is short; the time to act is now.",434,1 +435,"Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ******************************************************************************** ( Natural News) A stunning new science paper authored by climate change alarmists and published in the science journal Nature Geoscience has just broken the back of the climate change hoax. The paper, authored by Myles R. Allen, Richard J. Millar and others, reveals that global warming climate models are flat wrong, having been deceptively biased toward “worst case” warming predictions that now turn out to be paranoid scare mongering. The paper, entitled, “ Emission budgets and pathways consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 °C,” concludes that the global warming long feared and hyped by everyone from Al Gore to CNN talking heads was based on faulty software models that don’t stand up to actual measured temperatures in the real world. In technical jargon, the paper explains, “We show that limiting cumulative post-2015 CO2 emissions to about 200 GtC would limit post-2015 warming to less than 0.6 °C in 66% of Earth system model members.” In effect, the current global warming software models used by the IPCC and cited by the media wildly over-estimate the warming effects of CO2 emissions. How much do they over-estimate warming? By about 50%. Where the software models predicted a 1.3 C rise in average global temperatures, only a rise of about 0.9 C has actually been recorded (and many data points in that average have, of course, been fabricated by climate change scientists to push a political narrative). In other words, carbon dioxide emissions don’t produce the warming effects that have been blindly claimed by climate change alarmists. “Climate change poses less of an immediate threat to the planet than previously thought because scientists got their modelling wrong,” reports the UK Telegraph. “New research by British scientists reveals the world is being polluted and warming up less quickly than 10-year-old forecasts predicted, giving countries more time to get a grip on their carbon output.” In other words, the climate change threat has been wildly overstated. The fear mongering of Al Gore and the government-funded science community can truly only be described as a “junk science hoax.” “The paper … concedes that it is now almost impossible that the doomsday predictions made in the last IPCC Assessment Report of 1.5 degrees C warming above pre-industrial levels by 2022 will come true,” writes James Delingpole. He goes on to say: One researcher – from the alarmist side of the argument, not the skeptical one – has described the paper’s conclusion as “breathtaking” in its implications. He’s right. The scientists who’ve written this paper aren’t climate skeptics. They’re longstanding warmists, implacable foes of climate skeptics, and they’re also actually the people responsible for producing the IPCC’s carbon budget. In other words, this represents the most massive climbdown from the alarmist camp. Are we about to see climate change alarmists owning up to the fact that real-world data show their software models to be rooted in junk science? The unraveling has begun, but there is so much political capital already invested in the false climate change narrative that it will take years to fully expose the depth of scientific fraud and political dishonesty underpinning the global warming hoax. What’s clear from all this is that IPCC software models were deliberately biased in favor of the worst-case “doomsday” predictions in order to terrorize the world with a fake climate change hoax. But now the fake science is catching up to them, and they’re getting caught in their own lies. The software models, by the way, were fraudulently programmed with dishonest model “weights” to produce alarming warming predictions no matter what temperature data points were entered into the system. This is best explained in this Natural News article which goes into great detail, covering the IPCC global warming software modeling hoax: The same left-wing media outlets that fabricated the “Russian hacking” conspiracy, curiously, have remained totally silent about a real, legitimate hacking that took place almost two decades earlier. The IPCC “global warming” software models, we now know, were “hacked” from the very beginning, programmed to falsely produce “hockey stick” visuals from almost any data set… include “random noise” data. What follows are selected paragraphs from a fascinating book that investigated this vast political and scientific fraud: The Real Global Warming Disaster by Christopher Booker(Continuum, 2009). This book is also available as an audio book from Audible.com, so if you enjoy audio books, download a copy there. Here’s what Booker found when he investigated the “hacking” of the temperature data computer models: From “The Real Global Warming Disaster” by Christopher Booker: (bold emphasis added) Nothing alerted us more to the curious nature of the global warming scare than the peculiar tactics used by the IPCC to promote its orthodoxy, brooking no dissent. More than once in its series of mammoth reports, the IPCC had been caught out in very serious attempts to rewrite the scientific evidence. The most notorious instance of this was the extraordinary prominence it gave in 2001 to the so-called ‘hockey stick’ graph, mysteriously produced by a relatively unknown young US scientist, which completely redrew the accepted historical record by purporting to show temperatures in the late twentieth century having shot upwards to a level far higher than had ever been known before. Although the ‘hockey stick’ was instantly made the central icon of the IPCC’s cause, it was within a few years to become one of the most comprehensively discredited artefacts in the history of science. Similarly called into serious doubt was the reliability of some of the other temperature figures on which the IPCC based its case. Most notably these included those provided by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), run by Dr James Hansen, A1 Gore’s closest scientific ally, which were one of the four official sources of temperature data on which the IPCC relied. These were shown to have been repeatedly ‘adjusted’, to suggest that temperatures had risen further and more steeply than was indicated by any of the other three main data-sources. …Out of the blue in 1998 Britain’s leading science journal Nature, long supportive of the warming orthodoxy, published a new paper on global temperature changes over the previous 600 years, back to 1400. Its chief author was Michael Mann, a young physicist-turned-climate scientist at the University of Massachusetts, who had only completed his PhD two years before. In 1999 he and his colleagues published a further paper, based only on North America but extending their original findings over 1000 years. Their computer model had enabled them to produce a new temperature graph quite unlike anything seen before. Instead of the previously familiar rises and falls, this showed the trend of average temperatures having gently declined through nine centuries, but then suddenly shooting up in the twentieth century to a level that was quite unprecedented. In Mann’s graph such familiar features as the Mediaeval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age had simply vanished. All those awkward anomalies were shown as having been illusory. The only real anomaly which emerged from their studies was that sudden exponential rise appearing in the twentieth century, culminating in the ‘warmest year of the millennium’, 1998. As would eventually emerge, there were several very odd features about Mann’s new graph, soon to be known as the ‘hockey stick’ because its shape, a long flattish line curving up sharply at the end, was reminiscent of the stick used in ice hockey. But initially none might have seemed odder than the speed with which this obscure study by a comparatively unknown young scientist came to be taken up as the new ‘orthodoxy’. So radically did the ‘hockey stick’ rewrite all the accepted versions of climate history that initially it carried all before it, leaving knowledgeable experts stunned. It was not yet clear quite how Mann had arrived at his remarkable conclusions, precisely what data he had used or what methods the IPCC had used to verify his findings. The sensational new graph which the IPCC made the centrepiece of its report had been sprung on the world out of left field. …Yet when, over the years that followed, a number of experts from different fields began to subject Mann’s two papers to careful analysis, some rather serious questions came to be asked about the basis for his study. For a start, although Mann and his colleagues had cited other evidence for their computer modelling of historical temperatures, it became apparent that they had leaned particularly heavily on ‘proxy data’ provided by a study five years earlier of tree-rings in ancient bristlecone pine trees growing on the slopes of California’s Sierra Nevada mountains. ‘Proxies’ used to calculate temperature consist of data other than direct measurement, such as tree rings, stalactites, ice cores or lake sediments. According to the 1993 paper used by Mann, these bristlecone pines had shown significantly accelerated growth in the years after 1900. But the purpose of this original study had not been to research into past temperatures. As was made clear by its title – ‘Detecting the aerial fertilisation effect of atmospheric C02 enrichment in tree-ring chronologies’ – it had been to measure the effect on the trees’ growth rate of the twentieth-century increase in C02 levels. Tree rings are a notoriously unreliable reflector of temperature changes, because they are chiefly formed during only one short period of the year, and cannot therefore give a full picture. This 1993 study of one group of trees in one untypical corner of the US seemed a remarkably flimsy basis on which to base an estimate of global temperatures going back 1000 years. Then it transpired that, in order to show the twentieth-century section of the graph, the terrifying upward flick of temperatures at the end of the ‘hockey stick’, spliced in with the tree-ring data had been a set of twentieth-century temperature readings, as recorded by more than 2,000 weather stations across the earth’s surface. It was these which more than anything helped to confirm the most dramatic conclusion of the study, that temperatures in the closing decades of the twentieth century had been shooting up to levels unprecedented in the history of the last 1,000 years, culminating in the ‘warmest year of the millennium’, 1998. Not only was it far from clear that, for this all-important part of the graph, two quite different sets of data had been used. Also accepted without qualification was the accuracy of these twentieth-century surface temperature readings. But the picture given by these was already being questioned by many expert scientists who pointed to evidence that readings from surface weather stations could become seriously distorted by what was known as the ‘urban heat island effect’. The majority of the thermometers in such stations were in the proximity of large and increasingly built-up population centres. It was well-established that these heated up the atmosphere around them to a significantly higher level than in more isolated locations. Nowhere was this better illustrated than by contrasting the temperature readings taken on the earth’s surface with those which, since 1979, had been taken by NASA satellites and weather balloons, using a method developed by Dr Roy Spencer, responsible for climate studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Centre, and Dr John Christie of the University of Alabama, Huntsville. Surprisingly, these atmospheric measurements showed that, far from warming in the last two decades of the twentieth century, global temperatures had in fact slightly cooled. As Spencer was at pains to point out, these avoided the distortions created in surface readings by the urban heat island effect. The reluctance of the IPCC to take proper account of this, he observed, confirmed the suspicion of ‘many scientists involved in the process’ that the IPCC’s stance on global warming was ‘guided more by policymakers and politicians than by scientists’. What was also remarkable about the ‘hockey stick’, as was again widely observed, was how it contradicted all that mass of evidence which supported the generally accepted picture of temperature fluctuations in past centuries. As was pointed out, tree-rings are not the most reliable guide to assessing past temperatures. Scores of more direct sources of proxy evidence had been studied over the years, from Africa, South America, Australia, Pakistan, Antarctica, every continent and ocean of the world. Whether evidence was taken from lake sediments or ice cores, glaciers in the Andes or boreholes in every continent (Huang et ai, 1997), the results had been remarkably consistent in confirming that the familiar view was right. There had been a Little Ice Age, across the world. There had similarly been a Mediaeval Warm Period. Furthermore, a mass of data confirmed that the world had been even warmer in the Middle Ages than it was in 1998. The first comprehensive study to review this point was published in January 2003 by Dr Willie Soon and his colleague Dr Sallie Baliunas of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. They had examined 140 expert studies of the climate history of the past 1,000 years, based on every kind of data. Some had given their findings only in a local or regional context, others had attempted to give a worldwide picture. But between them these studies had covered every continent. The question the two researchers had asked of every study was whether or not it showed a ‘discernible climate anomaly’ at the time of (1) the Little Ice Age and (2) the Mediaeval Warm Period; and (3) whether it had shown the twentieth century to be the warmest time in the Millennium. Their conclusion was unequivocal. Only two of the studies they looked at had not found evidence for the Little Ice Age. Only seven of the 140 studies had denied the existence of a Mediaeval Warm Period, while 116 had confirmed it. On the crucial question of whether or not the twentieth century had been the warmest of the past thousand years, only 15 studies, including that of Mann himself, had unambiguously agreed that it was. The vast majority accepted that earlier centuries had been warmer. The conclusion of Soon and Baliunas was that ‘Across the world, many records reveal that the twentieth century is probably not the warmest nor a uniquely extreme climatic period of the last millennium.’ But if Mann and his colleagues had got the picture as wrong as this survey of the literature suggested, nothing did more to expose just how this might have come about than a remarkable feat of analysis carried out later in the same year by two Canadians and published in October 2003. (S. McIntyre and R. McKitrick, 2003, ‘Corrections to the Mann et al. (1998) proxy databse and northern hemispheric average temperature series’, Energy and Environment, 14, 752-771. In the analysis of McIntyre and McKitrick’s work which follows, reference will also be made to their later paper, McIntyre and McKitrick, 2005b, ‘The M & M critique of the MBH98 Northern Hemisphere climate index, Update and applications’, Energy and Environment, 16, 69-99, and also to McKitrick (2005), ‘What is the “Hockey Stick” debate about?’, op. cit.) Stephen McIntyre, who began their study, was a financial consultant and statistical analyst specialising in the minerals industry, and was later joined by Ross McKitrick, a professor of economics at Guelph University. Neither made any pretensions to being a climate scientist, but where they did have considerable expertise was in knowing how computers could be used to play around with statistics. They were also wearily familiar with people using hockey sticklike curves, showing an exaggerated upward rise at the end, to sell a business prospect or to ‘prove’ some tendentious point. Intrigued by the shape of the IPCC’s now famous ‘hockey stick’ graph, in the spring of 2003 McIntyre approached Mann and his colleagues to ask for a look at their original data set. ‘After some delay’, Mann ‘arranged provision of a file which was represented as the one used’ for his paper. But it turned out not to include ‘most of the computer code used to produce their results’. This suggested to McIntyre, who was joined later that summer by McKitrick, that no one else had previously asked to examine it, as should have been required both by peer-reviewers for the paper published in Nature and, above all, by the IPCC itself. (This account of the ‘hockey stick’ saga is based on several sources, in particular Ross McKitrick’s paper already cited , ‘What is the “hockey stick” debate about?’ (2005), and his evidence to the House of Lords Committee on Economic Affairs, ‘The Economics of Climate Change’, Vol. II, Evidence, 2005. See also David Holland, ‘Bias and concealment in the IPCC Process: the “Hockey Stick” affair and its implications’ (2007), op. cit.) When McIntyre fed the data into his own computer, he found that it did not produce the claimed results. At the heart of the problem was what is known as ‘principal component analysis’, a technique used by computer analysts to handle a large mass of data by averaging out its components, weighting them by their relative significance. One of the first things McIntyre had discovered was that the ‘principal component analysis’ used by Mann could not be replicated. ‘In the process of looking up all the data sources and rebuilding Mann’s data set from scratch’, he discovered ‘quite a few errors concerning location labels, use of obsolete editions, unexplained truncations of various series etc.’ (for instance, data reported to be from Boston, Mass., turned out to be from Paris, France, Central England temperature data had been truncated to leave out its coldest period, and so forth). But the real problem lay with the ‘principal component analysis’ itself. It turned out that an algorithm had been programmed into Mann’s computer model which ‘mined’ for hockey stick shapes whatever data was fed into it. As McKitrick was later to explain, ‘had the IPCC actually done the kind of rigorous review that they boast of they would have discovered that there was an error in a routine calculation step (principal component analysis) that falsely identified a hockey stick shape as the dominant pattern in the data. The flawed computer program can even pull out spurious hockey stick shapes from lists of trendless random numbers. ’ (McKitrick, House of Lords evidence, op. cit.) Using Mann’s algorithm, the two men fed a pile of random and meaningless data (‘red noise’) into the computer 10,000 times. More than 99 per cent of the time the graph which emerged bore a ‘hockey stick’ shape. They found that their replication of Mann’s method failed ‘all basic tests of statistical significance’. When they ran the programme again properly, however, keeping the rest of Mann’s data but removing the bristlecone pine figures on which he had so heavily relied, they found that the Mediaeval Warming once again unmistakably emerged. Indeed their ‘major finding’, according to McKitrick, was that Mann’s own data confirmed that the warming in the fifteenth century exceeded anything in the twentieth century.44 One example of how this worked they later quoted was based on comparing two sets of data used by Mann for his second 1999 paper, confined to proxy data from North America. One was drawn from bristlecone pines in western North America, the other from a tree ring chronology in Arkansas. In their raw state, the Californian series showed a ‘hockey stick’ shape; the other, typical of most North American tree ring series, showed an irregular but basically flat line with no final upward spurt. When these were put together, however, the algorithm emphasised the twentieth-century rise by giving ‘390 times as much weight’ to the bristlecone pines as to the trees from Arkansas.45 In other words, although Mann had used hundreds of tree ring proxies from all over North America, most showing a flattish line like that from Arkansas, the PCAs used to determine their relative significance had given enormously greater weight to those Californian bristlecones with their anomalous ‘hockey stick’ pattern. Furthermore, McIntyre and McKitrick found that Mann had been well aware that by removing the bristlecone pine data the ‘hockey stick’ shape of his graph would vanish, because he had tried it himself. One of the files they obtained from him showed the results of his own attempt to do this. The file was marked ‘Censored’ and its findings were nowhere mentioned in the published study. What, however, concerned McIntyre and McKitrick as much as anything else about this extraordinary affair was what it revealed about the methods of the IPCC itself. Why had it not subjected Mann’s study to the kind of basic professional checks which they themselves had been able to carry out, with such devastating results? Furthermore, having failed to exercise any proper quality control, why had those at the top of the IPCC then gone out of their way to give such extraordinary prominence to ‘the hockey stick data as the canonical representation of the earth’s climate history. Due to a combination of mathematical error and a dysfunctional review process, they ended up promoting the exact wrong conclusion. How did they make such a blunder?’ Continue reading The Real Global Warming Disaster by Christopher Booker (Continuum, 2009), available at BN.com, Amazon.com and Audible.com. What all this reveals, of course, is that the global warming “hockey stick” is fake science. As Booker documents in his book, data were truncated (cut off) and software algorithms were altered to produce a hockey stick trend out of almost any data set, including random noise data. To call climate change “science” is to admit your own gullibility to science fraud. The IPCC, it turns out, used science fraud to promote global warming and “climate change” narratives, hoping no one would notice that the entire software model was essentially HACKED from the very beginning, deliberately engineered to produce the alarming temperature trend the world’s bureaucrats wanted so they could terrorize the world into compliance with climate change narratives. The Russians didn’t hack the 2016 election, in case you were wondering. But dishonest scientists really did hack the global warming modeling software to deceive the entire world and launch a whole new brand of climate change fascism that has now infected the minds of hundreds of millions of people across the planet. Everything they’ve been told about climate change, it turns, out, was all based on a software hack. Courtesy of Natural News",435,1 +436,"Allah's decrees enshrine inequality. Although Allah allows a husband to beat his wife, there is no provision in the Qur'an for a wife to beat her husband. Nor can she initiate a divorce. Only men can do so, and with relative ease. In ""Heretic,"" Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains the shackles of sharia for women, including ""the right of men to have unfettered sexual access to their wives, the right of men to practice polygamy, and the restriction of women's legal rights in divorce cases, in estate law, in cases of rape, in court testimony, and in consent to marriage."" According to Sharia, women (and little girls) who are captives of war can be raped by their Muslim captors. But girls who have sex outside of marriage are flogged, and women who commit adultery are stoned. Two incidents almost 14 centuries apart show just how deeply the exploitation of women is ingrained In Sharia. In August 2014, after Muslim fighters captured Yazidi villages in the Sinjar region of northern Iraq, they executed the men and adolescent boys by spraying them with automatic-weapons fire. What happened to women and children might truly have been worse. As chronicled in the Islamic State on-line magazine ""Dabiq,"" ""After capture, the Yazidi women and children were then divided according to the Sharī'ah amongst the fighters of the Islamic State who participated in the Sinjar operations, after one fifth of the slaves were transferred to the Islamic State's authority to be divided."" Captives were sent ""to Syria or to other locations inside Iraq, where they were bought and sold for sex."" According to a report in The New York Times, one of the captives, a 12-year-old Yazidi child, was raped by a devout Muslim fighter who ""took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her - it condoned and encouraged it."" Sadly, the victim was just one of countless thousands in the history of Islam. In 627, Muhammad and his fighters invaded the villages of the prosperous Banu Mustaliq Jewish tribe on the shores of the Red Sea. As with the Yazidis, the Jewish men and boys murdered by Muhammad and his Muslim hordes were spared the unthinkable atrocities their loved ones were about to suffer. In accordance with the law of Allah, many were raped, others sold as chattel. Muhammad, revered by Muslims the world over as the founder of their religion, took a Jewish woman as booty after having her husband and hundreds more men beheaded. Then he forced her on his bed and added her to his stable of wives and concubines. Though the Yazidi and Mustaliq atrocities bookend nearly 1,400 years of Islamic history, their treatment of female captives was virtually identical. Why? Because, as chronicled in ""Dabiq,"" what the Islamic State does in the 21st century is an authentic application of the teachings and practices of Muhammad. Ayaan Hirsi Ali tells the horrifying story of a 13-year-old girl in Somalia who was found guilty of adultery after reporting that she had been raped by three men. Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow - named after Muhammad's 9-year-old wife - was dragged, screaming and flailing, into a sports stadium in Kismayo to be stoned. ""It took four men to bury her up to her neck in the hole,"" Hirsi Ali wrote. ""Then fifty men spent ten minutes pelting her with rocks and stones. Then she was dug out of the ground and two nurses examined her to see if she was still alive. Someone found a pulse and breathing. Aisha was returned to the hole and the stoning continued."" After she died, ""a local sheik told a radio station that Aisha had provided evidence, confirmed her guilt, and 'was happy with the punishment under Islamic law.'"" When will equality-minded Americans stand up for women's rights around the globe? Hank Hanegraaff is the author of ""MUSLIM: What You Need to Know about the World's Fastest-Growing Religion"" and the host of the ""Bible Answer Man"" radio broadcast and the ""Hank Unplugged"" podcast.",436,0 +437,"By FoxNews: City officials in Los Angeles have been trying to legalize street vending for years — L.A. is one of the few major cities where the practice is still illegal — but their efforts are finally gaining ground with local lawmakers. The reason for this hasty change of heart? Lawmakers are trying to stick it to President Trump and his immigration policies. According to NPR, many of the 50,000 street-vending operations in L.A. are currently run by immigrants, some of whom may be in the country illegally. So, in order to prevent U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials from having another reason to detain, arrest or deport vendors, the Los Angeles City Council is moving to legalize vendor operations across the city. To read rest of article visit FoxNews. No compatible source was found for this video. By Stephen Owsinski; OpsLens: Ever wake up and go on about your day as you please, without complying with laws or having to pay your fair share of taxes? Although a tax-free life is enticing, I firmly adhere to my patriotic duty as an American citizen investing in the United States by paying taxes. However, “sovereign citizens” do not feel that way and opt to make up their own rules which, basically, refrain from playing by the rules whatsoever. A man in Washington County, Oregon did just that. He ignored our laws and thought he’d be Scot-free of responsibility…until a deputy sheriff got behind his pickup truck and saw his license plate. It read “No driver license or insurance required.” You know how license plates have unique characters identifying the vehicle/owner, like ABC-123? Well this sovereign citizen’s vehicle license was to the point, displaying the special characters “PRIVATE” below which were the words “Not for Commerce Use – Private Mode of Travel.” Craftily, the license plate also had a logo depicting our shared planet, encircled by the words “Peace on Earth…Good Will Towards Men.” No color scheme was used, only a black-on-white graphic design. Frankly, because it was so well designed, I am led to believe it was mass-produced for other sovereign citizens to tool around in their cars or trucks, doing as they please. Entitlements come in all shapes and forms; just ask any cop about the bizarre culture they encounter on the streets. For his role, Richard Leroy Garrison, 63, was arrested and charged with failure to carry and present a valid license and interfering with a peace officer. His vehicle bearing a fake license plate was impounded by Washington County cops. Why impounded? Since Garrison’s vehicle was involved in the commission of a crime, law enforcement authorities reserve the right to tow said mode of transportation. Besides, every state’s motor vehicle laws require that only properly registered cars be permitted to drive upon its public thoroughfares. Invalid license plates equates to an immobilized car, so towing is the remedy. It is customary protocol throughout the United States as it pertains to motor vehicle statutes and compliance with same. Like pay-to-play, only legitimate. Motor vehicle registration fees, surcharges and taxes fund the actual public roads motorists drive upon. So, a so-called sovereign citizen like Mr. Garrison is traversing roadways we paid for, exempting himself from highway maintenance. In his mind, it’s that simple. This is not the first time a self-professed sovereign citizen motoring down a tax-payer funder public roadway was stopped by police and arrested for his/her vehicle’s attached license plate. I’m not referring to a state-issued, legally sanctioned license plate with a minor expiration date violation. In most cases, that is a civil infraction resulting in nothing more than a ticket or warning to get it updated. I am referring to an artificial DIY license plate clandestinely manufactured by anti-government groups whose membership believes it does not have to comply with our nation’s laws. These folks are not only anti-police—although it is law enforcement officers who get to engage their subversive tendencies—they are opposed to all-things-government. Self-proclaimed sovereign citizens go about their lives fully relinquishing the responsibility of social norms practiced and funded by law-abiding citizens. Adhering to all federal, state and local laws is not their cup of tea. Therefore, the Tea Party –whose “mission is to bring awareness to any issue which challenges the security, sovereignty, or domestic tranquility of our beloved nation, the United States of America”– is definitely not in the cards for this bunch. So what exactly is a sovereign citizen and what are the philosophies, objectives, and membership all about? According to the FBI, sovereign citizens can be violent extremists. The FBI defines “sovereign citizens” as “ domestic terrorism” made of members who are deemed “anti-government extremists who believe that even though they physically reside in this country, they are separate or ‘sovereign’ from the United States. As a result, they believe they don’t have to answer to any government authority, including courts, taxing entities, motor vehicle departments, or law enforcement.” The perils are palpable. Our nation has experienced instances whereby some proclaiming sovereign citizenship had no pause before going up against and horrifically murdering police officials, exacting full-on gun battles. The FBI reports that sovereign citizens are a “ growing domestic threat to law enforcement,” capable of violence and government subversion. At its core, sovereign citizenship holds jurisdictional indifference and believes the US operates without care or concern for its citizens. Hence, they go it alone, albeit illegally. Sovereign citizens can poke holes in our national security defenses as well as our country’s stability. Be not fooled by statistics and verbiage claiming sovereign citizens are a loosely-knit group informally conducting their lives without any recognized leadership. In fact, federal intelligence agencies do not bill them as neither an anarchist group nor a militia, “although they sometimes buy and use illegal weapons.” However informal they may be as a demographic, their belief system fuels the dangers they present. Spontaneous outbursts when stopped by police have culminated in volleys of bullets. Police training now includes how to deal with sovereign citizens, and law enforcement trainers indoctrinate street cops in optimal ways to handle these particular encounters. FBI reports indicate these folks are engaged in and finance themselves with white collar crimes such as mortgage fraud, counterfeit currency and money orders, credit fraud, identity theft, and false tax filings. Just as it is often said “Driving is a privilege, not a right” accorded by law, the allowance is never free. And that is the pulse of “sovereign citizen” philosophy, that they do as they please without abiding by government…to include (exclude) paying a fair share otherwise known as taxes. Given Mr. Garrison’s age, I presume he listened to Frank Sinatra croon “I Did It My Way.” He may also have had the experience of listening to lyrics such as “I Fought the Law and the Law Won.” I bet getting his vehicle out of police impound will be an interesting feat for Mr. Garrison and others embracing the sovereign citizen belief system. Must be legal to roll on down the road, no ifs, ands or buts. Back to square one: “May I see your registration, please?”",437,1 +438,"On November 7, starting around midnight Eastern Time, Twitter.com went down. The outage only lasted around 30-45 minutes, but users believe it had to do with WikiLeaks, the U.S. election, and a DDoS attack. Before the outage, WikiLeaks tweeted about #DNCLeak2, a release of 8263 new emails from the DNC. It seems to be true that #DNCLeak2was trending on Twitter before the blackout, but has since been removed from the trends list. A bit after the outage, the hashtag was added to the trends list once again. Many are connecting the #DNCLeak2, which implied the Clintons were responsible for the killing of Vince Foster — whose death was ruled a suicide. Here are some twitter users’ ideas on the subject: DDOS ATTACK BY GOV IN PROGRESS! THEY WILL DO THIS THRU ELECTION NIGHT! THEY DONT WANT US COMMUNICATING! STEALING ELECTION UNDER BLACK OUT! — Deplorable Jack! (@risetoflyy) November 7, 2016 Do you think Twitter was in on the outage? Do you think the NSA was involved? Leave your thoughts below!",438,0 +439,"Mr Sanders challenged Mrs Clinton in the Democratic primary campaign, gaining massive support from disenchanted Democrats who were not willing to support Mrs Clinton. Speaking to BBC Radio 4, Mr Sanders, a senator from Vermont, was asked whether he would have fared better against President-elect Trump than Mrs Clinton. “There are polls out that suggest that but the answer is you don’t know, you really don’t know,” he told the Today programme. “I would have loved to have had the opportunity. I think it is possible [that he could have won]. “Hindsight is 20/20. I don’t know.” Pressed again on whether he would have proved a tougher challenge for Mr Trump, Mr Sanders continued to dodge the question. He repeated: “I don’t know.” The 75-year-old then said it was important to note Hillary Clinton actually won the popular vote ahead of Mr Trump. While more people voted for the former Secretary of State, Mr Trump triumphed in the all-important electoral college, winning 290 electoral votes to Mrs Clinton’s 232. In his new book, ‘Our Revolution’, Mr Sanders has called for a fundamental reassessment of the Democratic Party – which he believes has lost sight of its basic principles. Speaking to NPR Mr Sanders said: “I think it’s time for a fundamental reassessment and I think what that reassessment has got to entail is to understand that we cannot have a party that will win if we continue to become dependent on big money interests and campaign fundraisers all over this country.” Discussing the shift of voters from Barack Obama to Donald Trump , Mr Sanders added: “I think a lot of people who voted for Barack Obama in 2008, voted for Barack Obama in 2012, and who like Barack Obama, said ‘You know what, I am going to go for Trump because he has been clear about feeling the pain of working families.” Speaking to donors in a conference call following her defeat, Mrs Clinton said FBI Director James Comey had played a crucial role in her defeat. She said the FBI’s investigations into emails linked to her had halted momentum she had built up following numerous sexual assault allegations which had been levelled against Mr Trump. Mrs Clinton also claimed the investigations “fired up” Trump supporters.",439,0 +440,"With a tumultuous and long-standing feud between Reza Farahan and Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi finally resolved, the Shahs of Sunset can get back to more important things, like peace in the Middle East. Just how does a Shah go about tackling the task that has eluded generations of people worldwide? By throwing a politically incorrect party, of course! Reza and Mike Shouhed nurse their hangovers at lunch, while they recover from Shervin Rpoohparvar’s Malibu party the night before. Mike never went to bed and when Mercedes “MJ” Javid shows up, it looks like she hasn’t either….for days. Talk turns from being hungover to how much Mike’s family means to him and that includes family in Israel that he hasn’t seen in over ten years. Hey, wouldn’t it be “the dope-est” if all of the Shahs went to Israel too? Apparently so, according to Reza. He is looking to connect with the Jewish side of his life via a posh vacation with his friends. When they try and get MJ on board, she initially balks, saying she doesn’t want to leave her father while he is sick. But she quickly realizes that she needs a break from her stressful life and I guess another cast trip with this bunch of hooligans is something she might find relaxing. She thrives in chaos after all! A very pregnant Asa Soltan Rahmati takes a break from talking about her pregnancy to go kaftan boutique hunting with her family. Just kidding, she is still talking about it, saying that her family business is even more important now that there is another family member on the way. And everyone knows you can only sell kaftans out of a non-working refrigerator for so long before you have to upgrade to a ramshackled store front, which is exactly what Asa is doing. The landlord (and old friend of Asa’s) shows up in his landlord-y best, which includes a sundress, pink tights, rainbow wig, and nipple eyelashes, that he immediately shows off to everyone. Is this included in the rent? Never mind that, Asa has some sage to burn and twirls of happiness to make around the space so that it is cleansed and ready to sell kaftans. GG and thousands of her hair extensions are putting good things out in the universe and you know what that means – good things are coming back. Things like walking in a tacky sequined romper down a runway for some designer no one has ever heard of, I guess? Clearly, she must be friends with this designer and clearly, there is a shortage of eligible models for fashion week in L.A. because why else would someone risk having their clothes ripped off incredible hulk style, mid-catwalk if something doesn’t go Lochnessa’s way? I guess only time (and one fashion show) will tell. Reza is shopping for his “Gaza Strip, Israeli, Palestine, Peace in the Middle East” party and guys, I cannot stress for the life of me the importance of quotations in this recap. These are Reza’s words, not mine. With that disclaimer out of the way, back to culturally insensitive shopping, y’all! Destiney, who is off the People’s Couch and a supporting cast member now, shows up to help with the decorations. If this is anything like Mike’s party, Reza should know this isn’t a good idea but then again, Reza isn’t known for being classy when it comes to décor. He also isn’t known for being culturally sensitive but he explains that being a refugee from a war-torn country, where you can be hung for being gay, leaves him with a desire to poke fun at it as a way of coping with his feelings. He invites Destiney to the Israel trip since husband Adam Neely can’t come due to better judgment work. Destiney also likes “dope” things and taking a trip to Israel is one of them, so she happily accepts. MJ, despite not being married, has some marital advice for all of us: you must date your husband until the day you die. I have some marital advice for MJ: you must marry a man for him to qualify as your husband. But my advice aside, MJ saying date nights are about romance and making sure your man knows that you still want to have sex. And how does one send up a smoke signal that you want to have a baby with said man? If you’re MJ, you simply tell him “eff it, I want to get ovulation strip and get pregnant.” If you’re fiancé Tommy Feight, your response is something along the lines of surprise, then a brief mention of being more responsible adults before bringing a child into this world, then saying let’s go for it. MJ reasons that Salma Hayek and Halle Berry did it, so why can’t she? I don’t have the answer to that but my guess would be that neither Salma nor Halle lived in a dirty, one bedroom apartment with no running water. That certainly wouldn’t preclude you from having a baby but it might make child rearing a little easier, don’t you think? With a big bite into a Korean BBQ rib, Tommy says he’s in and vows to stop and get ovulation test strips on the way home. At L.A. Fashion Week, GG (not to be confused with Gigi, an actual supermodel), has arrived to the show and is already swigging champagne and ordering around hair and makeup like she’s been a horrible person all her life. Oh, wait…she has! Shervin comes to support her but can’t manage to even have a conversation, thanks to all the naked models in the room. Within minutes of arriving, GG’s mood gets darker than her raccoon eye makeup after seeing Janice Dickinson, one of the world’s first supermodels, wearing the tacky sequined romper SHE was supposed to be wearing! GG is about to throw some murderous vibes into the universe and snaps at the designer to get “that old a** b**ch another outfit”. Reza and Adam arrive just in time to see this and obviously, can’t get enough. Shervin is oblivious because, boobs. Finally, GG takes a deep breath and says “fine” to another equally ugly sequined outfit and the team puts the finishing touches to her glamorous roadkill look. With Lochnessa contained, Reza decides to invite Shervin on their trip to Israel and Shervin takes a pass, saying it would negatively affect some of his business relationships. Reza is confused and doesn’t understand why everyone just can’t join him in feeling “Jew-y,” while GG can’t understand why she would want to go somewhere where they want to bomb Palestinians. Reza waives off her statement and a symbolic champagne bottle pops loudly in the background, startling them all. Reza is still trying to get everyone on board and thinks exclaiming “eff Iran” out of frustration will do it. GG is offended but doesn’t really have time to discuss it further since she has a catwalk to go trip down. MJ has escalated pretty quickly on the baby fever scale and is already making Tommy pinky swear he won’t masturbate anymore. Her plan is to get knocked up and then have a legal wedding ceremony so her babies won’t be “bastards.” Oh MJ, if only anyone could take your idiotic morals to heart, but it’s so hard when you can’t even figure out how an ovulation test works. I know, it’s hard to read directions and pee on something without your fiancé standing over you to help, but I promise, it’s not nearly as hard as taking care of a baby, married or not. Maybe Salma and Halle are just better at reading directions. Despite almost clawing Janice Dickinson’s face off at the fashion show, GG is transitioning to a calmer, happier person and that means clearing the toxic energy out of her life. Or, what normal people would call, moving. Shervin and Annalise come over to help and thankfully, there are no naked models in the room so Shervin can remain focused. They quickly find out that GG isn’t just harboring toxic energy in her apartment but boxes of old blow up donuts she used to sit on after her butt implant surgery. Mike arrives and it turns out, his moving company is in charge of moving all the furniture and butt donut boxes. Yes, Mike opened a moving company and he says it’s not sexy but it’s a solid investment in a business because you can’t replace movers with robots. I didn’t know you could replace shoes with robots either so not sure why that business got tossed aside but whatever. Mike doesn’t even bother to wear his own shoe line to help move and is quickly complaining about scuffing up his new Adidas. The night of Reza’s big party and everyone is going all out in costume. MJ gets ready eating fried rice in her bathroom while getting her makeup done. At the party house, Reza and Adam arrive, dressed in full Orthodox Rabbi costumes. Reza muses that since he is more in tune with the Jewish side of his religion, he hopes he can wear the outfit without being disrespectful. In his next breath, he is showing off his “sexy burqa bitches,” who are there to entertain and serve the party goers in headscarves and sequined bikinis. Mike arrives as Moses, Asa arrives as…pregnant, but claims she is world peace, simply because she draped a white scarf that’s painted with a peace sign around her stomach. MJ is in a skin tight skeleton costume with side boob and Shervin comes in an orange suit, saying he’s an immigrant from the seventies. GG arrives in a full burqa and dark sunglasses, all which make it impossible for her to get drunk quickly. GG still isn’t sold on going to Israel and when Reza asks, Shervin also expresses concerns about being welcomed. Mike promises that Israel is very accepting, but GG pushes back again, saying they are not of Muslims. It starts to get a little heated but GG’s real issue is Reza’s comment to “eff Iran.” In a surprising twist, Reza immediately apologizes, explaining that he loves everything about Iran but the government. Asa tries to bring resolution to the conversation by reminding everyone how important it is that they respect each other’s journey. That’s enough for GG to fully get on board and agree to go to Israel so she celebrates by grinding on Mike, proving that all you need is love and a little dry humping to make the world a better place. TELL US – WERE YOU OFFENDED BY REZA’S COMMENTS? Photo Credit: Bravo Sponsored Sponsored",440,1 +441,"Vic We Have No Party: ""We are missing something from that hospital bill f ..."" LeftCoast Dawg: ""What is said at Bruce Ohr's behind doors testimony ..."" Case Zzyzx: ""Max Kellerman. ESPN still has an asshole to d ..."" Sponge: ""[i] One simply has to ask for how long was Juan t ..."" Laughing in Texas: ""Good morning, horde! ..."" Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet!: ""It is always more fun minding other people's busin ..."" MAGA: ""Daily Caller has an article up that the Chinese pu ..."" Eric Hartman: ""I see PDT had to restore the White House flag to h ..."" Blutarski: ""The Romanian twitter is awesome. Also, Kathy Ir ..."" Forgot My Nic [/i]: "" [i]The plastic straw myth was a class project of ..."" Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) [/b][/i][/s][/u]: ""[i] 28 This just in, John McCain is still dead. ..."" illiniwek: ""A few more Rs in the Senate might help a few thing ..."" One Handed Typing Morning Report Monday Overnight Open Thread (8/27/18 ) Could This Possibly Be Real? Get Woke, Get Fired: ESPN Severs Ties With Jemele Hill Jacksonville Madden Tournament Shooter Had a History of Being Hospitalized for Mental Illness; Prescribed Anti-Psychotic Medication Eli Lilly Pulls Sponsorship of Conor Daly's NASCAR Team, Due to Racist Slur His Father Used a Decade Before He Was Even Born Kurt Schlichter: It's Time to Purge the #FakeNews Conservatives Official Twitter Ruling: Saying That Dana Loesch's Children Must be Murdered to ""Make Her Understand"" Does Not Violate Twitter's Rules Trump Strikes Preliminary Deal with Mexico on Trade; Stock Market Jumps Pope Francis: No Comment About Whether I Reinstated a Cardinal Had I Been Warned Was Guilty of Serious Sexual Improprieties; Let's Talk About The Trip I'm Taking Primary Document: The Audio Paul Anka Haiku Contest Announcement Integrity SAT's: Entrance Exam for Paul Anka's Band AllahPundit's Paul Anka 45's Collection AnkaPundit: Paul Anka Takes Over the Site for a Weekend (Continues through to Monday's postings) George Bush Slices Don Rumsfeld Like an F*ckin' Hammer Democratic Forays into Erotica New Shows On Gore's DNC/MTV Network Nicknames for Potatoes, By People Who Really Hate Potatoes Star Wars Euphemisms for Self-Abuse Signs You're at an Iraqi ""Wedding Party"" Signs Your Clown Has Gone Bad Signs That You, Geroge Michael, Should Probably Just Give It Up Signs of Hip-Hop Influence on John Kerry NYT Headlines Spinning Bush's Jobs Boom Things People Are More Likely to Say Than ""Did You Hear What Al Franken Said Yesterday?"" Signs that Paul Krugman Has Lost His Frickin' Mind All-Time Best NBA Players, According to Senator Robert Byrd Other Bad Things About the Jews, According to the Koran Signs That David Letterman Just Doesn't Care Anymore Examples of Bob Kerrey's Insufferable Racial Jackassery Signs Andy Rooney Is Going Senile Other Judgments Dick Clarke Made About Condi Rice Based on Her Appearance Collective Names for Groups of People John Kerry's Other Vietnam Super-Pets Cool Things About the XM8 Assault Rifle Media-Approved Facts About the Democrat Spy Changes to Make Christianity More ""Inclusive"" Secret John Kerry Senatorial Accomplishments John Edwards Campaign Excuses John Kerry Pick-Up Lines Changes Liberal Senator George Michell Will Make at Disney Torments in Dog-Hell The Ace of Spades HQ Sex-for-Money Skankathon A D&D Guide to the Democratic Candidates Margaret Cho: Just Not Funny More Margaret Cho Abuse Margaret Cho: Still Not Funny Iraqi Prisoner Claims He Was Raped... By Woman Wonkette Announces ""Morning Zoo"" Format John Kerry's ""Plan"" Causes Surrender of Moqtada al-Sadr's Militia World Muslim Leaders Apologize for Nick Berg's Beheading Michael Moore Goes on Lunchtime Manhattan Death-Spree Milestone: Oliver Willis Posts 400th ""Fake News Article"" Referencing Britney Spears Liberal Economists Rue a ""New Decade of Greed"" Artificial Insouciance: Maureen Dowd's Word Processor Revolts Against Her Numbing Imbecility Intelligence Officials Eye Blogs for Tips They Done Found Us Out, Cletus: Intrepid Internet Detective Figures Out Our Master Plan Shock: Josh Marshall Almost Mentions Sarin Discovery in Iraq Leather-Clad Biker Freaks Terrorize Australian Town When Clinton Was President, Torture Was Cool What Wonkette Means When She Explains What Tina Brown Means Wonkette's Stand-Up Act Wankette HQ Gay-Rumors Du Jour Here's What's Bugging Me: Goose and Slider My Own Micah Wright Style Confession of Dishonesty Outraged ""Conservatives"" React to the FMA An On-Line Impression of Dennis Miller Having Sex with a Kodiak Bear The Story the Rightwing Media Refuses to Report! Our Lunch with David ""Glengarry Glen Ross"" Mamet The House of Love: Paul Krugman A Michael Moore Mystery (TM) The Dowd-O-Matic! Liberal Consistency and Other Myths Kepler's Laws of Liberal Media Bias John Kerry-- The Splunge! Candidate ""Divisive"" Politics & ""Attacks on Patriotism"" (very long) The Donkey (""The Raven"" parody)",441,0 +442,"Hours after the deadliest shooting in U.S. history, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tweeted a statement attacking the NRA. Clinton asked followers to “put politics aside” and “stand up to the NRA”. Her message came shortly after the devastating Las Vegas massacre that left more than 50 dead and 200 injured. Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017 Clinton wrote, “The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.” A bill introduced earlier this year by Republican Jeff Duncan, frames the issue as a public health matter, saying that gun owners risk suffering hearing damage without access to silencers. Her response, which also called for a change in access to firearms, contrasted President Donald Trump’s response: My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas shooting. God bless you! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2017 Gun rights was a major issue between the two candidates during last year’s election. Trump called himself a defender of gun rights and the Second Amendment, while Clinton called for “common sense” regulations on who was able to buy weapons and the need for background checks. The NRA endorsed Trump in the election. Former Vice President Joe Biden also called on Congress to “act now to save lives.” How long do we let gun violence tear families apart? Enough. Congress & the WH should act now to save lives. There's no excuse for inaction. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 2, 2017 Connecticut’s senators, who have pushed for tighter gun control ever since the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, were also quick to issue statements Monday. “Nowhere but America do horrific large-scale mass shootings happen with this degree of regularity,” Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said in a statement. “This must stop. It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren’t public policy responses to this epidemic. There are, and the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference. It’s time for Congress to get off its ass and do something.” The primary suspect, Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nev., was found dead in his room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel and casino, where he had at least 10 rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox.",442,0 +443,"THURROCK Muslim community gathered to show their solidarity with victims of Manchester attack. A large number of Muslims gathered in Grays from around Thurrock to pray for the victims of this vicious attack. Mr. Abu Khayor and Qaisar Abbas on behalf of Thurrock Muslim community said “We strongly condemn this coward attack on innocent people. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. The Thurrock Muslim community stands united in the face of those who seek to harm and divide us. We also pay tribute to our emergency services, police, and volunteers who worked tirelessly to save lives.”",443,0 +444,"No purchase necessary to enter. Void Where Prohibited By Law. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Google, Amazon or Stanley. All participant information is being provided to dealmaxx.net By entering this sweepstakes you will be added to the ‘dealmaxx deal alert’ and the ‘freebiealert daily’. You are not obligated to remain on either of these email lists in order to win this prize. All participant information is being provided to dealmaxx.net. Check out the Stanley 65-Piece Homeowner’s Tool Kit on Amazon",444,0 +445,"When the constitution was being forged, there was much discussion about what exactly the nation was to be. Some wanted only the loosest of connections between the states, with states being more like individual nations and the Federal Government being little more than a common union, agreeing to join together to protect from outside forces that would attempt to harm any state. When the northern states decided that slavery was to be illegal, southern states were concerned about how they would continue to run their plantations. The issue of ""states rights"" was one of the largest concerns during the time before the civil war broke out. Southern states wanted to decide for themselves if slavery was to be legal, not letting northern states make such decisions for them. People from the north found the practice to be so reprehensible that they wanted to force the south to stop the practice. While slavery was a significant reason for the civil war, States Rights divided the nation and the defeat of states rights was a significant blow to the efforts of the original founders of the constitution. 19 people found this useful",445,0 +446,"Former President Barack Obama has reportedly been called to serve jury duty next month, according to The Chicago Tribune. On Friday, Chief Judge Tim Evans reportedly told county commissioners during a budget hearing that Obama had not only been called for jury duty in Cook County, but that he was also planning on serving it, according to the Tribune. “He made it crystal-clear to me through his representative that he would carry out his public duty as a citizen and resident of this community,” Evans later told the newspaper. “Obviously, we will make certain that he has all the accoutrements that accompany a former president,” Evans continued. “His safety will be uppermost in our minds.” Last week, Obama joined forces with the four other living former United States presidents to host a relief concert to aid victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria. The event, “Deep From the Heart: The One America Appeal,” was held at Texas A&M and featured performances by Sam Moore, Yolanda Evans, Lyle Lovett and a special guest appearance from Lady Gaga — and it apparently also featured a little comedy from George W. Bush. After all five former presidents took the stage at the event, Bill Clinton stepped to the mic to deliver remarks. Meanwhile, behind him, the younger Bush made an unknown comment to Obama out of the corner of his mouth, prompting his predecessor to break into laughter. Obama quickly stifled his laughter as Bush smiled and shot him a couple of sideways looks. While Bush’s remark was sadly inaudible to the rest of us, Stephen Colbert stepped up to offer some guesses at what he said during Monday’s episode of The Late Show. Cueing up a clip from the concert and doing his best Dubya impression, Colbert quipped, “Hey, were you born in Kenya?” Another option: “Twenty bucks if you pants Clinton right now.” Or perhaps Bush said, “Yo, real quick — where’s Puerto Rico?”",446,0 +447,"By Tom. During the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit in New Delhi on Friday, former President Barack Obama threw some expert-level shade President Donald Trump's way. As the world knows, Trump can't tear himself away from Twitter. He seems to thrive on approval, especially on social media.",447,0 +448,"Steve Bannon is on the warpath, continuing his mission to drain the swamp. This is hardly a new revelation. Long before President Trump was a glint in the Tea Party’s eye, the Breitbart News chairman was hard at work laying the foundation to what would be a dominating force in Republican politics at the intersection of Conservatism, Libertarianism and Populism – promoting the likes of Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul to national prominence. The former Chief White House Strategist is fresh off stumping for firebrand jurist Roy Moore, who claimed a decisive victory against Sen. Luther Strange – a swamp varmint appointed under dubious circumstances to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ vacated Alabama Senate seat. Bannon’s influence in the Alabama blowout has many wondering what’s next for the populist rabble-rouser. CNN’s Dana Bash reports the political tactician is setting his sights on the 2018 midterms, crisscrossing the country in search of populist candidates to remake the Republican Party, and blackballing swamp creatures who refuse to be drained. From CNN: “The populist movement is going to do a house cleaning of all those individuals that made a living off the conservative grassroots while stabbing them in the back,” a source familiar with Bannon’s thinking tells CNN. Bannon is beginning that effort by trying to blackball GOP campaign strategist Jeff Roe, who worked for Sen. Luther Strange, who lost Tuesday’s primary to Roy Moore. Bannon is spreading the word that he believes Roe is responsible for dirty tactics against Moore, and alleging that Roe worked with President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner to mislead Trump about the state of the race in Alabama in and around Trump’s endorsement of Strange. Following his speech at Moore’s victory rally Tuesday night where Bannon credited “the people” with the victory, he vowed to help the populist wing of the GOP win other Senate battles in 2018. To that end, he flew from Alabama to Colorado to begin recruiting western candidates to run against Republican incumbents…. Bannon also plans to head back down south to have meetings with those who may want to run in Tennessee for the seat Sen. Bob Corker announced he will vacate, and in Mississippi, to challenge sitting Republican Sen. Roger Wicker. Bannon’s rage against crony capitalism has already electrified the base, striking fear in the hearts of the ivory tower establishment who have enriched themselves on the backs of average Americans. As a former Goldman Sachs banker who grew disillusioned with their strong-arm tactics, Bannon witnessed the decimation of the working middle class, as Wall St. firms facilitated the largest betrayal of Americans in history while creating a looming debt bubble which could still lead to systemic collapse. Bannon’s unique purview of high-level greed is potent, and his disgust towards establishment is fueled in large part by the incestuous revolving door between DC and Wall Street. Bannon witnessed first hand how Goldman Sachs, once a monastery to the ambitious investment banker, became The Black House. As President Trump and Steve Bannon, two of the Right’s most influential figures today continue to remake the Republican Party, an important question arises; In whose image will the future of the Conservative movement be cast? At first glance, Trumpism and Bannonism bear many similarities. Rooted in right-wing populism and traditionalism alike, both ideologies seek to shift the center of power from Corporate America back to the American worker. Both men believe the elite have benefited disproportionately from globalization, while hallowing out a once prosperous middle class in the process. And both Trump and Bannon have furiously railed against a swamp that has profited handsomely from endless spillage of blood and treasure abroad, while cities at home suffer from racial and economic tensions stoked by the Obama administration. In short, both Trump and Bannon see that the world is suffering from systemic division orchestrated at the highest levels, and Western cultures are actively being destroyed under the false pretense of humanitarianism and open-border politics. Finally, in order to preserve America’s borders, language and culture, both men believe an impenetrable wall must be built to prevent illegal aliens from breaching the nation’s geography. That’s where the similarities between Trumpism and Bannonism end. A key difference, if not the difference between Trump and his former chief strategist, is the President’s penchant for compromise and dealmaking, while Bannon is far less malleable in his beliefs. Where Trumpism fails the ideological purity test – which risks alienating his base, Bannonism is brimming with the very civic nationalism that led to Trump’s win. Herein lies the rub for Trump voters – the commander-in-chief has demonstrated a very ‘swamp-like’ flexibility on matters ranging from healthcare to immigration, leaving Trump’s most oft-repeated campaign promises on the cutting room floor. In September, for example, President Trump shocked Washington by announcing a tentative framework to work with Democratic leadership on DACA and the looming budget crisis. Washington Times reports: President Trump and Democratic leaders on Wednesday did what Washington does best: striking a bipartisan deal to boost borrowing and spending, keeping the government running into the next fiscal year and speeding disaster relief to Texas and Florida. Mr. Trump accepted the deal offered by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer at a White House meeting, seeing it as a chance to get ahead of a series of pressing fiscal problems that needed to be fixed this month. But the agreement blindsided Republican leaders, including House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, who just hours earlier called Democrats’ proposal “ridiculous and disgraceful.” For some reason, however, Trump’s most vocal opponents on the right didn’t seem to be caught off guard by his “deal,” with a smirking Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, as ‘Never-Trumpers’ have long warned that the President was nothing more than a chameleon who couldn’t be trusted to prosecute the Republican agenda. According to Schumer, President Trump even suggested against building the border wall between the U.S. and Mexico – a move which would be seen by Trump’s loyal base as the ultimate betrayal. Breitbart News reports: This week on the “Pod Save America” podcast, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) detailed the debt ceiling and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy negotiations he had with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and President Donald Trump earlier in the month. Schumer said, “On DREAMers, he said, you know, that he understood that they didn’t come in through any fault of their own, that they’re good Americans, good kids. And then he said he wants the wall in return. And we said ‘No. No wall, Mr. President.’ And he tried that for about 15 minutes, but he’s not going to push me around verbally or any other way.” He added, “And he finally said, “OK, we won’t do the wall. We’ll do some other kind of border security.” Was such an offer ever made by Trump? One may never know, and thus exists the problem. Under Bannon’s more hard-line economic nationalism, claims of Trump wavering would have been branded as nothing more than propaganda from the left. Instead, an increasingly malleable Trump is disappointing even his most ardent supporters. Bannon’s endgame Steve Bannon’s refusal to bend the knee to deep-state establishmentarians would betray his mission; elect enough Populist Conservatives to Congress to successfully implement the MAGA agenda in earnest – reshaping the country to such a degree that even if a Democrat manages to win the presidency, Populism and Economic Nationalism continue to dominate the political spectrum – restoring faith in government among the abandoned middle class. Bannonism, by its very nature, views compromise with the establishment as a last resort. This approach appeals to Trump’s base, who went to the polling booths to actively resist threats to National Security, the economy, and the American way of life. Alas, it’s clear that the desires of American conservatives have fallen on tone-deaf ears. One need look no further than the Alabama Senate race – which saw Trump flagrantly abandon his base by supporting deep-state candidate Luther Strange over Bannon-supported economic nationalist Roy Moore. And instead of rallying behind the MAGA candidate, traditionally pro-establishment conservative outlets were more concerned with optics than substance. National Review’s Reihan Salam, for example, seemed to be disproportionately concerned that Moore would provide CNN with endless soundbytes and fodder. “When I look at Roy Moore, I see someone who is clearly apocalyptic, and I don’t see anything else to him, and I think that it’s bad news for the GOP. It’s great, great news for CNN, the Washington Post and every big mainstream news media outlet that will cover every single one of his utterances,” complained Salam in the latest edition of The Editors, a podcast led by National Review’s Charles C.W. Cooke and Rich Lowry. The concern is embryonic of the neurosis plaguing the establishment (and like it or not, a powerful subset of the Conservative movement). They actually care what the talking heads on CNN think. Meanwhile, every-day American conservatives have stopped trusting the Very Fake News network. Perhaps it’s high time Republican elites follow suit. Sponsored Sponsored",448,1 +449,"While President Donald Trump is attempting to fulfill his campaign promise to reduce illegal immigration, some young adults who were raised in America are fearing deportation. Among those who could be deported is Jesus Contreras, a 23-year-old paramedic who worked six-straight days last week, rescuing fellow Houston-area residents from the flooding left behind from Hurricane Harvey. Contreras told NBC News last week that his family came to the United States when he was age 6. His family wanted to escape what he described as a ""violent situation"" in his hometown of Nuevo Laredo. After six exhausting days of saving lives, Contreras learned on Friday that Trump was considering ending DACA. DACA protects a group of 800,000 American residents from deportation. Those 800,000 young undocumented immigrants were those who entered the United States as a child and have been in the United States since 2007. Those who qualify under DACA are given two-year work permits, which allows them to stay in the United States with some legal status. ""We just got hit by a hurricane here — and now we're getting hit by another storm, an even bigger one,"" Contreras told NBC News on Friday. The threat of getting deported made it more challenging for first responders during Harvey, Contreras told the Houston Chronicle. ""People were scared that boats from U.S. immigration services were out there,"" Contreras told the Chronicle. ""People weren't sure if they were trying to round up people from the water and take them straight to the immigration center."" On Tuesday, Trump is expected to announce that DACA will come to an end in six months. The six months give a deeply divided Republican-held Congress an opportunity to do something it has struggled to do: Immigration reform. While Trump was on the campaign trail, he promised to end DACA. But since being elected, Trump said that those under DACA ""shouldn't worry."" In the meantime, people like Contreras continue to go to work not knowing how many days they have left in America. ""These are families just like anybody else,"" Contreras told NBC News. ""We're as American as can be."" Copyright 2017 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Print this article Back to Top",449,0 +450,"Donald Trump defended past disparaging remarks about women during Thursday’s GOP debate, saying he doesn’t have time for “total political correctness” and that oftentimes he’s just kidding. “You've called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals,” Fox News debate moderator Megyn Kelly told Trump. “Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president,” she added. Trump said those comments were directed at TV personality Rosie O’Donnell, who has publicly feuded with Trump in the past. “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I've been challenged by so many people and I don't frankly have time for total political correctness and to be honest with you this country doesn't have time either,” Trump shot back to cheers. “Frankly what I say and oftentimes it's fun, it's kidding, we have a good time,” Trump added.",450,0 +451,"POLK COUNTY, Fla. - People with active warrants in one Florida county might want to think twice about heading to a shelter for Hurricane Irma. HURRICANE IRMA | Real-time tracking maps, Hurricane supply kit info & Hurricane Center IMPORTANT LINKS Hurricane Supply Kit Checklist | Things to know before the storm | Preparations for your pets | Power outage maps & resources | Know your evacuation zone | Price gouging: How to protect yourself and report it | Insurance protection: Video tape home inventory | Tampa Bay sandbag locations | Find a hurricane shelter near you | Hurricane Irma Emergency Phone Numbers Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd posted on his official Twitter account Wednesday that deputies will be checking identification at the county's shelters, and anyone with a warrant will be arrested and taken to ""the safe and secure shelter called the Polk County Jail."" Judd also posted that sex offenders and sex predators would not be admitted to the shelters. Sheriff's spokeswoman Carrie Horstman says they're trying to educate the public before the storm hits this weekend. She says they're hoping people with warrants will turn themselves and use the next few days to deal with their legal issues. If you go to a shelter for #Irma and you have a warrant, we'll gladly escort you to the safe and secure shelter called the Polk County Jail https://t.co/Qj5GX9XQBi If you have a warrant, turn yourself in to the jail - it's a secure shelter https://t.co/UFNGNafJh8 We cannot and we will not have innocent children in a shelter with sexual offenders & predators. Period. https://t.co/DlhqjqFrkM",451,0 +452,"(Newser) – If his TV was tuned to Fox News on Tuesday, President Trump surely didn't like what he heard. Rep. Trey Gowdy, a Trump ally and chairman of the House Oversight Committee, appeared on the network to poke holes in Trump's claim that the FBI planted a spy in his 2016 campaign. According to memos from James Comey, ""President Trump himself … said, 'If anyone connected with my campaign was working with Russia, I want you to investigate it,' and it sounds to me like that is exactly what the FBI did,"" Gowdy said, referring to reports that FBI informant Stefan Halper reached out to Trump advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page before the 2016 election. Gowdy added that a Justice Department briefing last week convinced him the move had ""nothing to do"" with Trump. What Politico calls Gowdy's ""significant pushback against the president"" then received backing from another Trump supporter, Fox News commentator Andrew Napolitano. ""There is no evidence"" to support Trump's claims that a spy infiltrated his campaign in order to pass information to the Obama administration and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, and ""I'd want to see evidence before I made an allegation that outrageous,"" he said, before describing Halper's actions as ""standard operating procedure in intelligence gathering and in criminal investigations."" Despite anchor Shepard Smith later saying much the same, Trump stuck to his ""Spygate"" theory at a Tuesday rally in Nashville, asking the crowd, ""How do you like the fact they had people infiltrating our campaign?"" per the Post.",452,0 +453,"The US Supreme Court has ruled that Donald Trump’s ban on travellers from six Muslim-majority countries and two others can go into full effect, even as legal challenges against the executive order continue in several states. The ban means that the US can refuse entry visas to travellers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, as well as North Korea and Venezuela. “The ruling does not mean that the Supreme Court has accepted the ban as constitutional, but that it finds persuasive the Trump administration’s argument that an emergency injunction against the ban was unnecessary,” The Guardian reports. US Attorney General Jeff Sessions called the ruling ""a substantial victory for the safety and security of the American people"". “The Constitution gives the President the responsibility and power to protect this country from all threats foreign and domestic, and this order remains vital to accomplishing those goals,” Sessions said. Omar Jadwat, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Immigrants’ Rights Project said he was disappointed by the court’s decision. “President Trump’s anti-Muslim prejudice is no secret - he has repeatedly confirmed it, including just last week on Twitter,” Jadwat told The Washington Post. “We continue to stand for freedom, equality, and for those who are unfairly being separated from their loved ones.”",453,0 +454,"YORK, PA — A video circulating on Facebook has some residents in York city crying foul, while the York City Police Department is encouraging residents to not jump to conclusions. CBS21 News' Brandi Proctor spoke with York City Police Chief Wes Kahley who explained the video showed only a small portion of what happened and that his officer was defending himself. Watch the video here: Chief Kahley stated he does believe the 10-second video is disturbing, but added that it's the events leading up to the video that caused the officer to react. The video showing 23-year-old Melissa Penn, being punched by an unidentified police officer surfaced on social media early Monday morning. Police allege Penn caused a disturbance inside the popular bar on the 400 block of East Market Street in York before attacking the office and kneeing him several times. -- All of this happened before the cameras started rolling. Residents CBS21 News spoke with say seeing a woman being punched is hard to watch, regardless of the circumstance. ""One thing we want to make sure of, is that our officers are doing their jobs correctly. We want to make sure they are treating people with respect. Again, I don't expect any officers to be punching bags,"" Chief Kahley said. Police say there is more video that may be released in the future. In the meantime, they are asking the public to not draw any conclusions. Police said the woman depicted in the video has been arrested, but did not release the charges pending against her.",454,0 +455,"A Hillary Clinton campaign staffer responded to an interview with a Black Lives Matter activist with one word: “yuck.” Clinton staffers circulated a radio interview in January with one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter Alicia Garza. Clinton herself flagged the interview, according to a new batch of hacked emails released by Wikileaks. In an email, Clinton’s research director Tony Carrk asked his team to find the interview because “HRC said there was a segment with a woman from BLM who said HRC/WJC ruined black lives.” Another staffer then sent a transcript of an interview on the New Yorker radio hour with Garza, who said Hillary “shunned and lectured” Black Lives Matter during a “ tense” meeting with the group in August 2015. At the end of the interview Garza said she would not vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election. Sara Solow, a domestic policy adviser to Clinton, responded to the transcript saying, “yuck.”",455,0 +456,"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies provided advanced warning to Russia about a major terrorist plot in St. Petersburg, allowing Moscow to thwart an attack that could have killed “large numbers of people,” the White House said on Sunday. “President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia called President Donald J. Trump today to thank him for the advanced warning the United States intelligence agencies provided to Russia concerning a major terror plot in Saint Petersburg, Russia,” the White House said in a statement.",456,0 +457,"Hurricane Harvey reveals an America that many in the media seem not to know exists: a multi-ethnic, multiracial country where people, for the most part, get along. For those who claim that President Donald Trump ""coarsened"" our politics and ""set back race relations,"" Hurricane Harvey was pretty bad optics. Only weeks ago, some Democrats were counting the days toward Trump's impeachment and an early departure from the presidency. But last week they saw Trump, in Texas, looking quite presidential in his role as comforter in chief. They saw photos of a president soothing and embracing survivors, no matter their race or gender or sexual orientation. If he is a germaphobe, his fear must be in remission, as he hugged adult survivors and held kids in his arms. Texans, including black ones, appeared pleased by Trump's visit even as Democrats like Maxine Waters have denounced him as ""racist,"" calling for his impeachment as Harvey was bearing down on Texas. Imagine this: neighbors helping neighbors, irrespective of race. But really, this is an old American story. Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville traveled to this fascinating new country called the United States of America in the 1830s. He wrote about what he considered an astonishing number of ""mutual aid societies,"" or charitable organizations and clubs set up to help a community's needy. Tocqueville wrote: ""Americans group together to hold fetes, found seminaries, build inns, construct churches, distribute books, dispatch missionaries to the antipodes. They establish hospitals, prisons, schools by the same method. Finally, if they wish to highlight a truth or develop an opinion by the encouragement of a great example, they form an association. ... ""The love and respect of your neighbors must be gained by a long series of small services, hidden deeds of goodness, a persistent habit of kindness, and an established reputation of selflessness. ... I have seen Americans making great and sincere sacrifices for the key common good and a hundred times I have noticed that, when needs be, they almost always gave each other faithful support."" Tocqueville considered Americans' remarkable spirit of charitable giving a matter of enlightened self-interest: ""American moralists do not claim that one must sacrifice oneself for one's fellows because it is a fine thing to do but they are bold enough to say that such sacrifices are as necessary to the man who makes them as to those gaining from them. ... They do not, therefore, deny that every man can pursue his own self-interest but they turn themselves inside out to prove that it is in each man's interest to be virtuous. ... Enlightened self-love continually leads them to help one another and inclines them to devote freely a part of their time and wealth to the welfare of the state."" America just elected and re-elected a black president. Still, President Barack Obama famously said racism is ""still part of (America's) DNA."" Well, America's DNA clearly changed, and dramatically so. In 1958, when Gallup asked whether Americans would vote for a black person for president, 54 percent said, ""No."" A 2006 Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll found just 3 percent of Republicans and 4 percent of Democrats said they would not vote for a black presidential candidate. In fact, more Americans (14 percent) said they would not vote for a Mormon or a 72-year-old than the number who refused to vote for a black president. In the 1950s, interracial black-white marriages were extremely rare. Today, intermarriage of all races and ethnicities accounts for 17 percent of all marriages. This is why sane observers of O.J. Simpson's 1995 murder trial considered its defense a joke: that LAPD officers, including an Asian-American criminalist, seething at Simpson for having married a blue-eyed blonde, leaped at their opportunity to frame him. In liberal Los Angeles, where intermarriage is common? In the 1950s over 90 percent of Americans disapproved of black-white marriages, while recent polls say about 90 percent approve. If America were as racist as many in the media think, why do blacks excel in two of the most competitive fields -- sports and entertainment? On Forbes' list of highest-earning celebrities, blacks occupy seven of the top 25 slots, including Sean Combs, who clocks in at $130 million annually; Beyonce at $105 million; and Drake at $94 million. On Forbes' list of highest-earning athletes, blacks occupy 13 of the top 25 spots, including LeBron James at $86 million; Kevin Durant at $60 million; and Stephen Curry at $47 million. Watch out, Trump-hating media. As more blacks recognize that Republicans are not out to get them, and they look at cities like Detroit under Democratic leadership, Trump can potentially tip the black vote in his party's direction more than any Republican since Abraham Lincoln. COPYRIGHT 2017 LAURENCE A. ELDER DISTRIBUTED BY CREATORS.COM",457,1 +458,"Mrs Clinton had courted the so-called alien disclosure community for the past year after it emerged she and campaign manger John Podesta were keen to release any top-secret files held by the US Government about the subject of aliens and UFOs. Their pledge was closely followed by the Paradigm Research Group, a campaign organisation set up by Steve Bassett, the only registered lobbyist on the UFO issue in the US. Mr Bassett has been calling for an end to an alleged ""truth embargo"" that he and other UFO enthusiasts believe was put in place by global government to hide the truth about aliens visiting earth from the public since the infamous 1947 Roswell UFO incident in New Mexico. But, now Mr Bassett is hoping Hillary Clinton and Mr Podesta can still influence incumbent President Barack Obama to disclose the files and reveal the truth before he leaves office in Janaury. A statement on the PRG website says: ""There are 70 days left to persuade Secretary Clinton, John Podesta and President Obama to engage the media on the extraterrestrial issue leading to a White House/Pentagon rapprochement and Disclosure under President Obama."" In January, Mrs Clinton said she also wanted to open up on what is happening at the mysterious Area 51 military base in Nevada, where UFO conspiracists believe evidence of alien technology is hidden away. Clinton claimed she would “get to the bottom” once and for all of questions and controversy over what the US Government does or does not know about the mysterious subject. Responding to questions about UFOs from a reporter during an election interview in New Hampshire, she said: “Yes, I am going to get to the bottom of it.” Clinton even admitted that she realises Earth may have actually been visited by extraterrestrials. Clinton and husband former president Bill Clinton have allegedly tried to force disclosure of UFO files before, but even when the latter was in the White House it did not fully happen. Bill Clinton met billionaire Laurance Rockefeller at his ranch in Wyoming in 1995 where they held discussions on the “Rockefeller Initiative” to secure release of all previously classified UFO files. In 2007, Mrs Clinton acknowledged that among the top freedom of information (FOI) requests her husband received as president were requests related to UFO and alien disclosure. She added in the new interview: ""I think we may have been visited already. We don’t know for sure.” In 2014 her Mr Podesta said his biggest regret during his time as top adviser to President Obama was not securing release of classified UFO files. Other alien hunters are now banking on President elect Donald Truth to unlock the files. UFO blogger Scott C waring said: ""Will Trump reveal UFO info to the public, or will he skirt this issue?""",458,0 +459,"that's hot I mean, it worked in Brazil, where Gisele Bündchen — supermodel, World Wildlife Federation representative, and behind-the-scenes shaper of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady’s political consciousness — tweeted at Brazilian President Michel Temer: It's our job to protect our Mother Earth. @MichelTemer, please say NO to reducing protection in the Amazon! https://t.co/KkKF4MrhGg Bündchen’s tweet concerns legislation that would have removed protection from some parts of the Amazon rainforest. Temer’s administration has been remarkably anti-conservation, threatening indigenous lands in favor of new agricultural, mineral extraction, and hydroelectric developments. And lo! Temer responded: That means, “I vetoed those bills, because you are extremely beautiful.” NO! It just means, “I vetoed those bills.” This seems like a good approach to try in America. Can someone please text Kendall Jenner to ask if she feels like doing something substantive for the greater good? The EPA is really hot right now.",459,1 +460,"In March 2016, Trump tweeted: “Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used an image of Melania from a GQ shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!” Trump followed up his initial comment by retweeting an unflattering photo comparing Heidi Cruz with his wife, Melania, stating, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It was reported in the same story that a friend of Diana, Selina Scott, said the princess felt stalked after her divorce from Prince Charles; Trump “bombarded Diana at Kensington Palace with massive bouquets of flowers.” In a tweet that Trump later deleted, he wrote on April 16, 2016: “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?” In December 2015, Trump said Clinton “got schlonged” by President Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential primaries. In doing so, he turned the Yiddish word for penis into a verb. According to CNN, Yiddish scholars were shocked by the word’s use in a “filthy” context. Trump condemned Clinton for “shouting” during her appeal to female voters. In an MSNBC interview, he acknowledged that he was using gendered terms when referencing Clinton’s decibel level. Trump has also criticized her credentials for president by saying, “Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote. The only thing she’s got going is the women’s card.”The Republican candidate followed that remark up by calling Clinton an “enabler” of her husband’s infidelity. California: Say Goodbye To Your Mortgage If You Have No Missed Payments Forget Skinny Jeans. These Are What You Should Be Wearing This Summer. Thinking About Solar For Your Home? Read This First ""Gesture of love"": Photo of police officer breastfeeding malnourished baby goes viral Members of Amazon tribe never seen by outsiders filmed by drone Natasha Aponte, woman who tricked thousands of men on Tinder, explains purpose behind dating competition Ivana Trump worked for the Trump Organization after they were married. She was president of Trump’s Castle casino resort and the Plaza Hotel. According to the New York Times, she was only paid an annual salary of $1. He wrote in his book “The Art of the Comeback” that he regretted taking Ivana out of the role of being his wife and making her a businesswoman, because business then dominated their personal lives as well. Ivana has praised her ex-husband, telling the New York Post that his trust in her business skills was proof of his respect for women. She said, “He loves women. But not a feminist.” When she filed for divorce from Trump, instigated by his affair with Marla Maples, she stated in a deposition that her husband had raped her. However, she later said that “it was all the lawyers,” adding, “I was never abused.” It was Donald Trump’s affair with Marla Maples that led to his divorce from Ivana Trump. The couple married in 1993 and divorced six years later in 1999. It was Trump’s relationship with Maples that also provided fodder for recently resurfaced allegations that Trump posed as his own public relations rep in interviews with various publications. In a 1991 phone interviewwith People magazine reporter Sue Carswell, a recording of which was released in May 2016, a rep who identified himself as “John Miller” explained why Trump had left Maples for Italian singer-model Carla Bruni. In the interview, “Miller” bragged that Trump was constantly pursued by famous women and that “he’s living with Marla and he’s got three other girlfriends.” According to Carswell, Trump later apologized for the ruse, saying it was a “joke gone awry,” though he currently denies he ever posed as his own rep. In the recording of the phone conversation, “Miller” -- whose tone, cadence and style of speaking are all remarkably Trump-like -- gave intimate details of Trump’s encounters with celebrities like Italian singer and model Carla Bruni and pop star Madonna. Of stories that Trump dated Bruni, the woman now married to former French President Nicolas Sarkozy told London’s Daily Mail, “Trump is obviously a lunatic.” She stated Trump dreamed up the match for publicity sake. “It’s so untrue and I’m deeply embarrassed by it all.”",460,1 +461,"The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is recommending to the Justice Department that no charges should be brought against Hillary Clinton for her use of private email servers as secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday. ""Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,"" Comey said after detailing the FBI's findings in its investigation of Clinton's use of personal email servers. ""No charges are appropriate in this case."" Comey announced that the FBI has completed its investigation of Clinton's use of a personal email server and is now referring the matter to the Justice Department to decide whether to prosecute. Comey made clear he didn't coordinate his statement with the Justice Department or any other part of the government. The FBI assessed whether classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on Clinton's personal email server or whether classified information was mishandled intentionally or in a grossly negligent way -- which is a felony -- or whether people knowingly removed classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities, which is a misdemeanor, Comey said. He added that the FBI also investigated whether there was computer intrusion by nation states or hostile actors. Comey said that the FBI found that Clinton actually used ""several different servers"" and administrators of those servers during her four years as secretary of state as well as ""numerous mobile devices"" to send and receive email on her personal domain. When one of the servers was decommissioned in 2013, the software was removed, but millions of email fragments remained in a ""slack space of the server"" which the FBI had to use to piece the puzzle of her emails back together. ""We searched through all of it to understand what was there and what parts of the puzzle we could put back together again,"" Comey said. From the group of approximately 30,000 emails that Clinton provided to the State Department, the FBI found 110 emails in 52 email chains that ""have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received,"" Comey said. Eight of those chains contained top-secret information, Comey said, 36 chains contained information that was considered secret at the time and eight were considered confidential. Comey said that the FBI ""found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them in some way."" Therefore, Comey said the FBI has ""reasonable confidence"" that there was ""no intentional misconduct"" in connection to the sorting of Clinton's emails. The FBI director, however, slammed Clinton for her general use of the email server. ""There is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information,"" he said, adding that anyone in Clinton's position or in the positions of people she communicated with ""should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation."" Comey said that the FBI did not find ""direct evidence"" that Clinton's personal email domain was hacked successfully, but cautioned that the government is ""unlikely to find such direct evidence."" At the same time, he warned that ""hostile actors gained access"" to private email accounts with which Clinton was in regular contact. He also said that because Clinton sent and received work emails in territories of sophisticated adversaries, Comey said, ""It is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton's personal email account."" The conclusion of the investigation comes after Clinton met with FBI officials in Washington for three and a half hours Saturday about her use of the private email server she used while she was secretary of state, her campaign said. Federal investigators also interviewed Clinton's top aides, including Huma Abedin, who was questioned in April. Clinton had turned over her email server to the FBI in August, and at the time she turned it over, it had been wiped clean. In May, Clinton told CBS News that she expected a quick conclusion to the FBI probe into whether she mishandled classified information on her server, which Clinton used exclusively to send and receive State Department correspondence. ""I always took classified material seriously,"" she told ""Face the Nation"" host John Dickerson. ""There was never any material marked classified that was sent or received by me. And I look forward to this being wrapped up."" There has been increased scrutiny of the Justice Department, which oversees the FBI, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch after she had a spontaneous half-hour-long meeting with former President Clinton early last week.The attorney general said Friday of the meeting with Clinton that she ""certainly wouldn't do it again,"" a sentiment seconded by the former president and by Hillary Clinton, who told MSNBC in an interview that ""hindsight is 20-20."" Lynch confirmed Friday that she would be accepting the recommendations of the career prosecutors in the email case, though she stopped short of formally recusing herself from the matter. CBS News' Paula Reid contributed to this report.",461,0 +462,"U2 has cancelled its September 16 concert in St. Louis, Missouri after a night of unrest over a police officer’s acquittal that saw rocks thrown at officers, injuries, and arrests. The mayor’s house was damaged, and a public library’s windows smashed, among the other developments. In the midst of all of this, U2 wrote on Saturday morning on Twitter: “Tonight’s St. Louis Show Cancelled ‘We cannot risk fans’ safety.” The iconic band released a lengthy statementexplaining the decision to no longer play at The Dome America Center. It was posted to U2’s website and reads: Live Nation and U2 regrettably announce their St. Louis show scheduled for tonight, September 16, 2017 has been cancelled. “We have been informed by the St. Louis Police Department that they are not in a position to provide the standard protection for our audience as would be expected for an event of this size. We have also been informed that local crowd security personnel would not be at full capacity. In light of this information, we cannot in good conscience risk our fans’ safety by proceeding with tonight’s concert. As much as we regret having to cancel, we feel it is the only acceptable course of action in the current environment.” – Live Nation and U2 Fans who purchased tickets online will receive a refund on the credit card tickets were ordered on. Refunds for non-internet purchases will be available starting Monday at 10am at point of purchase. Here’s the band’s tweet on the cancellation: Here’s some of the reaction on Twitter. Some people expressed sadness, others said they were angry (at those causing the unrest, at U2), and others wanted the band to make a social statement. The concert being cancelled upset fans on social media, but it was just one of multiple closings in St. Louis because of riots and protests over a judge’s acquittalof a white police officer in the shooting death of an African-American man, Anthony Lamar Smith. Prosecutors had argued that the former police officer, Jason Stockley, planted a gun after the shooting, something he denied.",462,0 +463,"Only seven months into his puzzling presidency, Donald Trump has accomplished an odd achievement: He’s made Sigmund Freud relevant again. Although the father of psychoanalysis is no longer fashionable, the Freudian concept of psychological projection is alive and well. “I think he’s crazy,” said Sen. Jack Reed, a Rhode Island Democrat, speaking into an open microphone about Trump. J. Brien Comey, father of fired FBI director Jim Comey, thinks Trump belongs “in an institution.” Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin has questioned the president’s “mental stability.” These aren’t isolated examples. Many prominent liberals, conservatives, moderates, and libertarians have concluded that the president is off his rocker. The tangible evidence for that proposition is thin, and Trump seems to be enjoying himself more and more. Maybe we’re all just projecting. “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is the phrase used by those sympathetic to the president to explain liberals’ hair-on-fire response to anything Trump says or does. TDS is also an occupational hazard of being a member of the Republican establishment or a movement conservative who cares about such trite concepts as political principles. This became clear again last week in the hysteria over Trump’s approach to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. In response to the administration’s original announcement rescinding DACA, liberals came unglued. Not content to call the decision dumb and racist, which they did, they played the sanity card. “It is lunacy,” opined Minnesota’s Democratic governor, Mark Dayton. The president, added HBO comedic pundit John Oliver, is out of his mind. “Utter insanity,” proclaimed Susan Hay, a co-founder of a Florida-based pro-immigrant and refugee nonprofit. That was then. A few days later, after dining on Chinese food (you can’t make this stuff up) at the White House with Democratic congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Trump reversed field on DACA. In the real world, such a development is called processing new information. In modern U.S. politics, it’s considered treason -- or insanity. This time, it was conservatives who melted down. Ann Coulter pronounced it the death of the GOP brand; Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, an immigration hardliner, claimed it would “crack” Trump’s core base of support; various commenters on conservative news sites theorized that Trump had been taken over by aliens. Not the illegal kind, the kind from outer space. Since before Trump’s inauguration, Democratic attorneys in the nation’s capital have contemplated replacing Trump under the 25th Amendment’s requirement that the president is able to “discharge the powers and duties of his office,” i.e. impeaching him on grounds he’s intellectually incapacitated. Although this idea itself is bonkers, Coulter alluded to it—not unfavorably—Friday. “At this point,” she tweeted, “who DOESN’T want Trump impeached?” Fellow conservative pundit Laura Ingraham, more measured in her criticism, noted that MSNBC host Joe Scarborough had spent most of the year speculating that Trump is “mentally unstable [but] is praising him today.” Ordinary civilians are getting into the psychology racket, too. “Jody,” an Arizona conservative who dialed in to Ingraham’s radio show, said she was suffering from a new strain of the disease: “Pelosi Trump Schumer Disorder,” she called it. “I am done if they don’t build the wall.” Jody was kidding, or at least half-kidding, but stressing out to this degree over politics is becoming a national obsession. It can’t be healthy. And as for labeling as cuckoo those with whom we disagree, well, that’s an old KGB tactic. We can’t let Vladimir Putin do that to us. Unfortunately, the psychology racket is full of those with no sense of history. A new book arrived, unsolicited, in the mail recently with a long title: “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.” The cover gives the game away, but the publisher also included a foreword from 91-year-old psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, who offers the melodramatic view that clinicians who don’t warn the world about Donald Trump’s shortcomings are akin to Nazi doctors who worked at Auschwitz. At the risk of practicing medicine without a license, I’d suggest that this historical comparison is de facto evidence of TDS -- and paranoid grandiosity. A better title would have been “27 Angry Democrats With Advanced Degrees Who Voted Against Trump and Say He’s Crazy Although They’ve Never Met Him.” Lifton and others associated with this project are part of something called the “Duty to Warn” project. The word “duty” is a term of art, given that since 1973, the American Psychiatric Association had cautioned its members against diagnosing patients they’ve not personally evaluated. Although this seems like common sense, it’s more than that: It’s a hard-earned lesson. It’s called the “Goldwater Rule,” and it comes from the 1964 presidential campaign. In October of that year, when educated elites were just as unhinged over the idea of a Republican populist in the White House as they are today, provocative left-wing pamphleteer Ralph Ginzburg published an article in his “Fact” magazine with an incendiary headline: “1,189 Psychiatrists Say Goldwater Is Psychologically Unfit to Be President!” For those too young to remember, Barry Goldwater was a conservative Arizona senator and the Republican Party’s 1964 presidential nominee. Key in the creation of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Goldwater was also a decorated World War II pilot, a fiscal conservative, a fierce anti-communist, and friends in the Senate with John F. Kennedy. As Donald Trump would do 52 years later, Goldwater wrested the GOP nomination away from the Establishment, creating a fissure in Republican politics that exists to this day. Unlike Trump, Goldwater did not become president. He lost to Lyndon Johnson in a historic landslide. I’ve never heard any political observer blame the Fact magazine article for that defeat, but it was so nasty and gratuitous that when the campaign was over Goldwater filed a libel suit in federal court. Of the 12,356 psychiatrists queried by Ginzburg, 2,417 responded – and only 657 pronounced Goldwater psychologically fit to be president. Some 1,189 of these quacks diagnosed the senator -- on the record, with their names attached – as unfit, offering such dubious diagnoses as “megalomania,” “paranoid personality, “emotionally unstable,” “immature,” “grossly psychotic,” “mass murderer,” “immoral,” “chronic schizophrenic,” “dangerous lunatic” and – stupidest of all -- “cowardly.” Goldwater won his case, despite the high bar public officials face in such matters. When he testified in federal court, he came across as rational, composed, normal, and emotionally healthy. His critics were the ones who were unhinged. Is that happening again? Donald Trump seemed almost happy last week. Sure, he wants good coverage in the New York Times. Doesn’t everyone? And, yes, he’d rather spend time with Chuck Schumer than Mitch McConnell. Who wouldn’t? He wants to build a wall to prevent future waves of illegal immigration, but has a soft spot for “Dreamers.” He was in his element comforting hurricane victims. These traits make him crazy? He could be the sanest politician in Washington right now.",463,1 +464,"President-elect Mr Trump outlined his tough stance to root out the millions who are in the country illegally, particularly criminals. Mr Trump said that once the border was “secure”, immigration officials would take a decision over what action to take with remaining migrants. But he also said deportations would take place “immediately” after he entered the White House. He said: “What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate. “But we’re getting them out of our country, they’re here illegally.” He said a “determination” would be made about remaining illegal immigrants. He said: “After the border is secure and after everything gets normalised, we’re going to make a determination on the people that they’re talking about who are terrific people, they’re terrific people but we are gonna make a determination at that. “But before we make that determination… it’s very important, we are going to secure our border.” Last night, Ukip MEP Gerard Batten called on Britain to take tougher action on illegal immigrants and said it would be easier to do so after having left the European Union. He said: “Donald Trump is absolutely right. By their very nature, illegal immigrants are in the country illegally. “Why wouldn’t you deport them? We should do the same. “People who come here illegally should be sent back home and those who have committed crimes expressly so. “Donald Trump isn’t constrained by the Human Rights Act and the European Court of Human Rights so he can get rid of them. When we leave the EU we can do that too. We have something like a million illegal immigrants here.” Paul Nuttall, also a Ukip MEP, said: “I fully support and agree with Trump’s stance… and I wish Britain was better at deporting foreign criminals. “Not only are they in the country illegally, they have broken their obligation to live by the rules of the host country. “Why should we spend our hard-earned money, that could otherwise be spent on the NHS or education, on keeping people that shouldn’t even be in the country in our prisons? They should be sent back.” Tue, December 13, 2016 Conservative MP Peter Bone said: “What Donald Trump is tapping into is the deep frustration that people here have, that people come here illegally, commit crime and then can’t be deported because of their human rights. “We also need to be robust in returning illegal immigrants. “One of the frustrating things is that when someone comes here and they break the law we seem to be powerless to deport them. “We should not be worried about their human rights. Britons are fed up with people abusing the system.” In June, the Commons’ Home Affairs Committee called for urgent action to “significantly” reduce the number of foreign offenders, estimated to number 13,000. Last week, during an official visit to India, Prime Minister Theresa May suggested she might further streamline visa application processes for Indians if Delhi made it easier for Britain to deport Indian citizens who had over-stayed. At the weekend, during his first recorded TV interview after being elected on Tuesday, Mr Trump was asked whether a wall with Mexico would be built and said: “Yes,” but he appeared to backtrack suggesting it would be partly “some fencing”. Mr Trump said: “For certain areas… a wall is more appropriate… I’m very good at this, it’s called construction.” Following Mr Trump’s win, Mexico has reiterated that it would not fund any wall. A wave of protests continued yesterday afternoon in New York and Oakland in California as demonstrators took to the streets for the fifth consecutive day. Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets since the results from Tuesday showed Mr Trump had secured enough votes in the 538-person electoral college to clinch the presidency. In the main. the protests have been peaceful and have decried Mr Trump for his campaign promises to clamp down on immigration and register Muslims along with claims the former reality TV star had sexually abused women. So far, arrests have been in the dozens and a number of police have been injured. Slogans including “not my President” and “love trumps hate” were chanted by campaigners on the march in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and elsewhere. Protesters say Mr Trump threatens their civil and human rights. The protests come as it emerged that Hillary Clinton could receive two million more votes than Mr Trump when the final tally is made. The latest findings show Democrat Mrs Clinton has received 400,000 more votes than the President-elect – 60.4 million compared with 60 million. Millions of votes are yet to be counted in the pro-Democrat state of California and experts believe Mrs Clinton’s win of the popular vote could be extended to two million. Campaigners are fighting for reform as they suggest the US electoral college system is outdated. The result is similar to the situation which arose in the 2000 election when Al Gore lost having defeated George W Bush in the popular vote.",464,0 +465,"Hundreds marched against a scheduled (but then canceled) ""Dixie Freedom Rally"" in Austin, Texas, on Saturday. Public pressure against the event was immense, and after receiving threats of violence, the Texas Confederate Militia decided to postpone the event to a later date. That didn't stop the counter march the Austin chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America had planned. Chanting their way through downtown Austin, the capital of Texas, demonstrators denounced Confederate symbolism and called for the dismantling of public works and streets that bear the name of Confederate icons. At the end of the march, fights broke out both between protesters and between protesters and police. Two people were arrested. Event organizers reached out to lawyers and are fighting the charges. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, only Virginia has more Confederate symbols (which include roads, schools, statues and county names) than Texas. Austin has already been taking steps to remove public reminders of its history as part of the Confederacy. Just last week Texas House Speaker Joe Strauss called for removal of a plaque near the Capitol that asserts slavery was not the underlying cause of the Civil War. And finally after years of resistance, administrators at the University of Texas Austin decided to take down Confederate statues on campus. Related stories The University of Texas is removing its Confederate statues Workers removed a statue of Robert E. Lee from a Dallas park under police guard Retailers say Confederate flag sales are surging after Charlottesville",465,0 +466,"When the removal of a sign becomes a sign of the times… In the open border utopia ushered in by President Barack Obama, it’s no longer socially acceptable to think Americans speak English and thus, down comes a famous sign at Geno’s Steaks in South Philly. More from Fox News: Geno’s has held its prominent location at South Philadelphia’s ‘cheesesteak junction’, at the diagonal meeting of 9th and Passyunk–and across from cheesesteak originator “Pat’s”, since 1966, but Vento’s contentious sign set it apart from the rest. Joey Vento, who died in 2011 at age 71, drew regional and national attention over his “This is America, When Ordering Speak English” sign posted to the walk-up window at ‘Geno’s’. After Vento’s death, his son Geno, named for his father’s shop, apparently decided to take the sign down. SEE ALSO: Dana Perino Erupts ‘Like Mount Vesuvius’: ‘After 20 Years Of Defending These Guys … Done!’ Turns out, the descendant of Italian immigrants never refused service to anyone and said he posted the sign as political commentary on illegal immigration, according to Fox News. Geno’s Steaks released a statement on the removal of the sign, saying it’s time to move on. “While Geno continues to honor his father’s traditions of good quality food, cleanliness and giving back to the community, he has decided that after 10 years it is time to move on,” the statement said. “It’s not about the sign. It’s about what you do and what your mark in life is, and Geno wants to change that mark in life.” Geno’s was in the news recently when GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, who is strongly opposed to illegal immigration, came by for a cheesesteak while campaigning.",466,0 +467,"All in all, the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards was a pretty good Emmys. Stephen Colbert didn't make a single racially insensitive joke, Lena Waithe gave an incredibly inspiring acceptance speech, the gay episode of Black Mirror won twice, and there was not a Modern Family win in sight. But there was one dark cloud over the evening: the surprise, supposedly comedic appearance by disgraced former press secretary Sean Spicer. Judging by the Sean Spicer Emmy reactions on Twitter, viewers were not pleased to see this angry little man joking around with his pal Stephen Colbert on their television screen. Maybe it's a good thing the 2017 Emmys got this questionable political stunt out of the way early. The Former White House Press Secretary to President Trump was brought out on stage by host Stephen Colbert at the end of his opening monologue. The real Spicer rolled out on a mobile podium, famously used by Melissa McCarthy in her impressions of him on Saturday Night Live. The real Spicer got a few jokes in. He referenced his famously inaccurate judgment of the inauguration crowd size by saying, Ha ha. Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Get it? It's totally fine that he spewed blatant lies to the American public, because now we can all laugh about it together! The audience laughed and cheered for this former face of the Donald Trump presidency, and then later in the night gave all the Emmys to The Handmaid's Tale, you know, that show about how a dystopian, oppressive government is a bad thing. Yay, cognitive dissonance! Anyways, I'm not the only one who found this particular political stunt to be in fairly bad taste. The reaction on Twitter to Sean Spicer's Emmy appearance was overwhelmingly negative — from both regular viewers and celebrity viewers. Former SNL player and actress Jenny Slate tweeted that she was ""so grossed out"" by the decision. She said, Similarly, actor Zach Braff tweeted, Filmmaker and actor Rob Reiner, known for his role as Max Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street, tweeted, And of course, though she didn't share her opinion on Twitter, Melissa McCarthy's reaction when the camera cut to her during the real Spicer's bit said a thousand words: She did not approve. Many non-celebrities also shared their disapproval on Twitter, some viewer lamenting the double standard for 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and this small angry liar. Others critiqued the Television Academy for its hypocrisy. Again, though the night was filled anti-Trump sentiment, inspiring speeches about political activism, and supposedly subversive post-Trump television, Spicer was still invited onto that very same stage where that all took place. And according to journalist Chris Gardner of The Hollywood Reporter, who attended the show, Spicer had no lack of fans and attention after the Emmys. Gardner tweeted, Don't you just love it when lying politicians — who are so terrible at their job even Donald Trump has to fire them — become beloved, whacky celebrities? Thanks for that one, Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.",467,1 +468,"Despite being around for more than a century, suppressors aren’t really used in crimes. In fact, it seems like the only time you see a crime committed with a suppressor, it’s where having the suppressor itself is illegal for whatever reason. They’re just not used that way very often. However, if the Hearing Protection Act passes as part of the SHARE Act, suppressors will likely become far more common. That has the hysterical tribe at The Trace worried about criminals getting their grubby little paws on them via theft. Congress could vote as soon as this week to repeal part of an 80-year-old law that has forced owners of silencers to register the devices with the federal government. Supporters of removing restrictions on silencers have dismissed the concerns of opponents by pointing out that suppressors, as they’re also known, are today rarely used in crimes. The more pertinent public safety question, however, is what could happen if many more silencers enter circulation. Even with the hurdles that silencer buyers must deal with, demand for the items is already increasing, fueled by a new generation of suppressors and some slick marketing. There are now more that 1.3 million of them registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, up from about 360,000 just five years ago. There’s also evidence to suggest that as silencers have gained a foothold with gun owners, some are winding up in the black market. We’ve written before that as goes the legal gun industry, so goes the criminal arsenal. Firearms and related tools like extended magazines that are initially sold legally end up in criminals’ hands in several ways: unregulated private transactions, straw purchases and, of course, theft. To be sure, theft is a legitimate concern. It’s impossible to keep things out of criminals’ hands because they’re often acquired via theft, either directly or indirectly on the black market. I’d like to applaud The Trace for at least acknowledging that criminals are unlikely to walk into a gun store and buy suppressors. Good for them. Make no mistake, criminals will get their hands on suppressors via theft. It’s going to happen, unfortunately. Of course, criminals can make suppressors in their garage right now. All the information is on the internet for anyone and their brother to look at if they so choose. It’s been that way for years. Yet they’re still rarely used in crime. Why is that? Take a look at this photo of a suppressed pistol, since handguns are the preferred weapon of the average criminal. Note that the suppressor extends well beyond the weapon. In fact, it doubles the overall length of the weapon. Guess what this does? It makes it very, very difficult to hide a suppressed firearm. Seriously, try tucking one of those in the front of your pants sometime and see how quickly you draw. This makes suppressors very difficult to sneak into a convenience store. It’s also difficult to mill about waiting for someone to pull the gun on and rob. While criminals will, no doubt, get their hands on suppressors in the course of their “career,” it won’t really help them much. They’re terrible options for their line of work, and with the internet’s instructions laying the mysteries of the suppressor bare years ago, there’s no reason to fear them getting into any crooks hands. They’re likely already there, and they figure out quickly they’re useless for their purposes.",468,1 +469,"President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on the ""fake"" news media in a series of tweets early Saturday morning, lashing out at CNN after the network corrected a story on the Trump campaign and Russia. Trump accused CNN of making a “vicious and intentional mistake” and called on the network to fire those responsible, and also called for ABC reporter Brian Ross, who has been suspended, to be fired for a separate erroneous report. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is introduced during the CNN presidential debate at The Venetian Las Vegas on December 15, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Getty Images ""Fake News CNN made a vicious and purposeful mistake yesterday. They were caught red handed, just like lonely Brian Ross at ABC News (who should be immediately fired for his “mistake”),"" Trump wrote. ""Watch to see if @CNN fires those responsible, or was it just gross incompetence?"" Trump continued to taunt CNN in a second tweet. ""CNN’S slogan is CNN, THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS. Everyone knows this is not true, that this could, in fact, be a fraud on the American Public. There are many outlets that are far more trusted than Fake News CNN. Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!"" the president tweeted. The news media has been one of Trump’s most frequent targets since he took office in January. He derides organizations that publish reports critical of him as ""fake news."" In July, he was accused of inciting violence against journalists after he tweeted a gif showing himself body slamming a CNN avatar. In the corrected CNN report Trump referred to, it was claimed that Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., had received a “heads up” email on September 4, ahead of the release by WikiLeaks of a cache of emails stolen from DNC servers, allegedly by Russian government linked hackers. CNN later corrected its report to state that Trump Jr. had in fact received the email on September 14, subsequent to their public release by WikiLeaks. The network has said it will not discipline the reporters responsible for the story, because they followed company procedure and used multiple sources to verify the claims, and does not believe they acted with malicious intent. ABC’s chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross had mistakenly reported on-air that Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russian officials before the 2016 presidential election. The network later corrected the report to state that Trump had made the request as president elect, prior to taking office in January. Fox News, whose coverage Trump has praised and contrasted with CNN's, also issued a correction for a story Friday in which it was claimed that one of the women who has accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual assault forged his signature in a high school yearbook. At a rally in support of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore Friday night, Trump had attacked news networks. “CNN apologized just a little while ago,” Trump said, referring to the error correction. “They apologized. Oh, thank you, CNN. Thank you so much. You should’ve been apologizing for the last two years.” More from Newsweek",469,0 +470,"We have over 74,000 city photos not found anywhere else, graphs of the latest real estate prices and sales trends, recent home sales, a home value estimator, hundreds of thousands of maps, satellite photos, demographic data (race, income, ancestries, education, employment), geographic data, state profiles, crime data, registered sex offenders, cost of living, housing, religions, businesses, local news links based on our exclusive technology, birthplaces of famous people, political contributions, city government finances, employment, weather, natural disasters, hospitals, schools and libraries. In addition to our huge collection of data, we have also created our Top 100 City Lists and Top 101 City Lists. These lists rank cities in hundreds of categories, including income, crime, most gay couples, most cars, shortest commute, biggest houses, best educated residents and many more. We also have thousands of random city pictures submitted by our users.",470,0 +471,"In Chicano history, the women who formed a vital part of social justice movements have often been swept aside; forgotten or ignored as their male counterparts receive the bulk of the praise for their collective work. Their visibility is imperative as Chicanas continue to work in social justice, fighting the good fights within various movements. The book documents the experiences of 61 Chicanas from the ’60s to the present who have paved the way in the fight for human rights as educators, attorneys, activists, artists and more. Some of the women featured have passed, while others remain active. Each of their stories were written by an author of their or their loved ones’ choosing, creating beautiful pieces that bring together women for the purpose of honoring women. The project came about by the Chicano Archive Committee at San Diego State University, which works to document the people and historical events that have occurred around the Chicano movement. Committee members and co-editors Sonia Lopez and Rita Sanchez selected the women featured in “Chicana Tributes” to document what they believe is missing from the history books. Lopez, a longtime activist and educator, was the first person to teach a Chicana history class at San Diego State back in 1972. Back then, she found a need to address Chicana issues, and still sees the need today. “There’s still not enough information on Chicanas that have contributed to history, society and the community,” she says. “They need to be recognized.” Among the women featured are ACLU leader Norma Chavez, Laura Rodriguez, matriarch of the National Historic Landmark Chicano Park, Charlotte Hernandez Terry, the first woman to paint a mural at Chicano Park, and Delia Moreno, who along with her daughters form Trio Moreno, which played protest trio music during important events in the Chicano movement. “It’s amazing that these women still had the courage and resilience in spite of all their hardships,” Lopez says. “We’re trying to teach people this is life. Life is a struggle. Part of becoming who you are is a struggle. And for us, especially, as Mexicanas on this side of the border. We chose the word ‘chicana’ to define our own identity, tell our history, tell our story and tell our roots. By reading this story people will learn, people will appreciate and feel inspired.” “I think young women today are looking for role models,” she adds. “I don’t feel that we have enough role models out there of people that are doing things or have done things to inspire, to motivate. With this book, young women can see that it’s possible to do. The groundwork has been laid by the women featured in this book.” READ: This Chicana Is Taking Over The Instagram Page Of A Major Art Museum To Show Off Chicano Art",471,1 +472,"An FBI agent was reportedly injured when a flash grenade detonated Wednesday in a New York City parking garage. Officials told NBC's local affiliate in New York that one person was taken to Bellevue Hospital to receive treatment for burns on his hand. The agent was handling the device when it went off, officials said. Witnesses told the New York Daily News that they called 911 after hearing a small explosion and seeing smoke coming from the back of a federal building that houses the FBI and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.",472,0 +473,"President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that his administration “will be taking strong action today” to address what he complained are especially weak border security protections that must be addressed by Congress and the construction of a border wall. “Our Border Laws are very weak while those of Mexico & Canada are very strong. Congress must change these Obama era, and other, laws NOW!” Trump wrote on Twitter. “The Democrats stand in our way - they want people to pour into our country unchecked....CRIME! We will be taking strong action today.” Trump’s online post, which did not come with further details as to what steps his administration would take, came one day after he announced that he would deploy U.S. troops to guard the southern border with Mexico until his promised border wall is completed. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said later Tuesday that Trump’s plan would mobilize the National Guard, which his two immediate predecessors had also done along the U.S.-Mexico border, and also press Congress to take steps to close “loopholes” in the nation’s immigration laws. Sanders did not say when or how many troops Trump would mobilize or where they would be deployed. The president has been especially preoccupied with border security this week, seemingly agitated by a group of migrants, mostly from Honduras, that was making its way north through Mexico, past immigration checkpoints and military bases, en route to the U.S. Trump said Tuesday that that group had been broken up by Mexican authorities, who he said did so only after he demanded they act. More broadly, Trump has struggled to get traction in Congress for his border security priorities, namely that the border wall he promised during the 2016 campaign would be paid for by Mexico. Democrats have thus far been largely unwilling to go along with plans for the president’s wall. Trump has complained loudly about what he has called their obstructionism and has urged the Senate GOP leadership to do away with the chamber’s legislative filibuster, something Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has vowed never to do.",473,0 +474,"ISIS is ""dreaming that Hillary Clinton becomes President. ISIS, their number one dream, Hillary Clinton, let her become President. She's the one that allowed it to form, she's the one that watched it go, now they say it's in 32 countries, worse than ever."" A dozen interviews with ISIS extremists and a review of their social media networks by Foreign Affairs magazine found that the terrorist group has a strong preference in the 2016 election: they'd like to see Donald Trump elected, not Clinton. Fact checkers have also reviewed Trump's repeated claim that ISIS' rise is directly Clinton's fault and declared it to be false.",474,0 +475,"(CNSNews.com) - Continuing a series of tweets on lax border security Wednesday, President Donald Trump promised quick action: ""We will be taking strong action today,"" he promised, without getting specific. His full tweet, coming shortly after 7 a.m., read: ""Our Border Laws are very weak while those of Mexico & Canada are very strong. Congress must change these Obama era, and other, laws NOW! The Democrats stand in our way - they want people to pour into our country unchecked....CRIME! We will be taking strong action today."" On Tuesday, Trump said he plans to send the U.S. military to guard the border with Mexico: “We have very bad laws for our border, and we are going to be doing some things — I’ve been speaking with General Mattis — we’re going to be doing things militarily,” said Trump at a White House meeting with leaders of the Baltic nations. “Until we can have a wall and proper security, we’re going to be guarding our border with the military,"" he said. ""That’s a big step. We really haven’t done that before, or certainly not very much before.” Since Easter Sunday, when Fox News and The Drudge Report featured news about a caravan of Central Americans making their way to the United States through Mexico, Trump has issued a dozen tweets on border security. On April 3, he tweeted: The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our “Weak Laws” Border, had better be stopped before it gets there. Cash cow NAFTA is in play, as is foreign aid to Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen. Congress MUST ACT NOW! WE WILL PROTECT OUR SOUTHERN BORDER! On April 2: As ridiculous as it sounds, the laws of our country do not easily allow us to send those crossing our Southern Border back where they came from. A whole big wasted procedure must take place. Mexico & Canada have tough immigration laws, whereas ours are an Obama joke. ACT CONGRESS Honduras, Mexico and many other countries that the U.S. is very generous to, sends many of their people to our country through our WEAK IMMIGRATION POLICIES. Caravans are heading here. Must pass tough laws and build the WALL. Democrats allow open borders, drugs and crime! DACA is dead because the Democrats didn’t care or act, and now everyone wants to get onto the DACA bandwagon... No longer works. Must build Wall and secure our borders with proper Border legislation. Democrats want No Borders, hence drugs and crime! Mexico is making a fortune on NAFTA...They have very strong border laws - ours are pathetic. With all of the money they make from the U.S., hopefully they will stop people from coming through their country and into ours, at least until Congress changes our immigration laws! Mexico has the absolute power not to let these large “Caravans” of people enter their country. They must stop them at their Northern Border, which they can do because their border laws work, not allow them to pass through into our country, which has no effective border laws. Congress must immediately pass Border Legislation, use Nuclear Option if necessary, to stop the massive inflow of Drugs and People. Border Patrol Agents (and ICE) are GREAT, but the weak Dem laws don’t allow them to do their job. Act now Congress, our country is being stolen! On April 1: Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. “Caravans” coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL! Mexico is doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border, and then into the U.S. They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL! These big flows of people are all trying to take advantage of DACA. They want in on the act! Read More Please support CNSNews today! (a 501c3 non-profit production of the Media Research Center) DONATE",475,0 +476,"LAS VEGAS — Warning: Videos that appear in this article may include graphic content Despite rumors, Las Vegas authorities still believe only man was responsible for killing at least 59 people and injuring 527 after he opened fire on an outdoor concert late Sunday. It is now the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Around 10 p.m. local time, a gunman opened fire on the Route 91 Harvest Festival from inside the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino across the street. SWAT teams quickly surrounded the concert and the casino, and officers used explosives to get into the hotel room where the suspect was inside, authorities said. The gunman, identified as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, was found dead. Police believe he killed himself prior to their entry. Overall 23 guns, including a number of long rifles, were found in his room, Las Vegas Police Undersheriff Kevin McMahill told CNN. Paddock is from Mesquite, Nev., about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo says Paddock first checked into the hotel on Sept. 28. Authorities obtained a search warrant for the home of Stephen Paddock in Mesquite, Nevada. Authorities stormed the house, which is in an upscale neighborhood, on Monday afternoon. They closed a two-block stretch around the house in a neighborhood that has a community clubhouse with a tennis court and a billiard room. Las Vegas police say they found 19 firearms in the house. Three SWAT team trucks and a bomb squad truck accompanied police. Authorities are asking that anyone with possible photos or video from the incident call 1-800-225-5324. Police say they located 62-year-old Marilou Danley, who was initially wanted as a person of interest in this incident. Danley, who was out of the country at the time, is not believed to have been involved in the shooting. Paddock's brother Eric told reporters that Danley is his brother's girlfriend. There was no immediate word on the motive for the bloodbath. Lombardo said authorities believe it was a “lone wolf” attack. Without providing evidence, the Islamic State claimed the attack, saying the shooter converted to Islam months ago. FBI officials later disputed this report, saying that there is no known link between the suspect and any international terror group. Mesquite police also searched the suspected gunman's home. At a press conference, authorities say they seized in excess of 18 additional firearms, in additional to some explosives and several thousand rounds of ammo. Another residence in Northern Nevada is about to be searched by SWAT teams, police said. Eric Paddock, who lives in Florida, told the Orlando Sentinel: “We are completely dumbfounded. We can’t understand what happened.” Eric Paddock told WESH that ""it's like an asteroid has hit the family,"" and that the family has ""no reason, rhyme, rationale"" for the attack. They say he had no criminal past and no group affiliation. The Paddock family says the alleged shooter was a multi-millionaire real estate investor. Eric shared an image of himself with Stephen, pictured below, from 15 years ago. Two Las Vegas police officers are being treated at a local hospital for injuries they sustained during the shooting, Lombardo said. In addition, the sheriff stated that there were off duty officers attending the concert who died, including a LVMPD officer. Country music star Jason Aldean was performing at the end of the three-day festival when the gunman opened fire. Video of the shooting then showed Aldean stopping and the crowd getting quiet as if they were unsure of what had just happened. The gunman paused and then fired another volley of muzzle flashes from the gold glass casino as more victims fell to the ground while others fled in panic. (Warning: Viewers may find the video below upsetting.) Terrifying video from the scene shows people panicking at the sound of rapid gunfire and screaming as they scrambled to escape. Some hid behind concession stands, while others crawled under parked cars. As the 22,000 fans in the crowd began to flee, witnesses reported seeing flashes of light coming from the Mandalay Bay tower high above. A witness, only identified as Christine, describes the horrifying moment: ""We saw Jason run off stage, and people all over on the floor the grassy area in front of the stage, someone falling, someone screaming and running,"" she said. ""The shots just kept coming, and so we were going down and when we got down, there was a man that was shot right there, he was all bloody and unconscious."" Monique Dumas said that everyone instantly crouched when they heard the shots. ""It seemed there was a pause in the gunfire and the people in the yellow shirts were telling the people to 'go, go, go, go' ... the gunfire never ended, it seemed like it went on and on and on,"" she said. A nurse who was off-duty witnessed the scene described it. Storme Warren described watching the chaos erupt once people began to run for their lives, saying: ""We stepped over the bodies, we saw the people, we saw the heart-wrenching sadness from relatives grabbing hold of their loved ones."" Flights in and out of Las Vegas' McCarran Airport were also held because of the situation. Aldean took to social media to say he and his crew are safe, adding: ""Tonight has been beyond horrific."" President Donald Trump tweeted: ""My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas shooting. God bless you!"" Later in the day Monday, President Trump called the shooting ""an act of pure evil,"" and praised first responders. He said he will travel to Las Vegas on Wednesday. The Mayor of Las Vegas Carolyn Goodman tweeted: ""Pray for Las Vegas. Thank you to all our first responders out there now."" ""While the sun is shining in Las Vegas, it is a very dark and black day,"" Goodman said at a Monday press conference. The mayor also confirmed that a city hall employee was among the dead. A prayer vigil is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. local time in front of Las Vegas City Hall. Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval tweeted, calling the attack a ""heinous act of violence."" Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchinson told reports that all victims who had been transported to University Medical Center of Southern Nevada survived the injuries sustained in the shooting. ""If you were alive and went into UMC hospital last night, you are still alive,"" said Hutchison. UMC is the only Level I trauma center in the state of Nevada. MGM Resorts, the owners of the Mandalay Bay Casino, tweeted: ""Our thoughts & prayers are with the victims of last night's tragic events. We’re grateful for the immediate actions of our first responders."" Facebook has set up a crisis response page to help people establish whether their loved ones are safe. One distraught witness told reporters ""this kind of stuff cannot happen in America."" ""We need to come together and fight for America, because this is our country, this is our nation, this is our people, we need to stand together to fight this thing out,"" he said. 49 people were killed when a gunman opened fire at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando in June 2016. Orlando Police Chief John Mina tweeted condolences for all those affected by the mass shooting in Las Vegas, saying in part: ""This community, and the men and women of OPD, know all too well the anguish that is gripping the residents, visitors and law enforcement community in Las Vegas."" The U.S. Homeland Security Department says there is no “specific credible threat” involving other public venues in the U.S.",476,0 +477,"Through their bullying demands for submission to their dogma they are destroying the very liberties on which our democratic society is based. A disturbing example of this trend can be seen in the case of British gymnast Louis Smith, who was punished this week by officialdom for showing insufficient reverence towards Islam. The action against him by his professional body British Gymnastics arose after a video emerged of Smith and fellow gymnast Luke Carson joking about the religion at a private wedding in a Northamptonshire hotel. In the footage which caused the furore Carson mimicked the Islamic prayer practice and shouted “Allah Akbar”, while Smith laughed at his antics. For this behaviour Smith has been turned into a pariah. He has received death threats from jihadists and vilification from the media. On Tuesday a disciplinary panel at British Gymnastics suspended him from competition for two months and warned him that the reprimand will stay on his record for two years. Smith committed no legal offence. He did not physically hurt anyone but in today’s Britain he is guilty of a thought crime by daring to indulge in religious satire. It is like a modern version of the Cromwellian regime that existed in the 17th century with its determination to crack down on any signs of heresy, only now the faith held to be sacred and inviolable is not Protestantism but Islam. In this new climate of creeping totalitarianism any mockery of the Muslim faith, even in private, will not be tolerated. The anachronistic law against blasphemy was meant to have been swept away in 2008 but the offence has returned with a vengeance due to the accelerating Islamification of Britain. Louis Smith has effectively been treated as a blasphemer against Islam and is now forced to undergo public penitence for his sins. He was hauled up in front of ITV’s Loose Women, who had decided to appoint themselves as the guardians of the new official orthodoxy. One panellist, TV presenter June Sarpong, was ferocious in her condemnation, accusing Smith of racism, xenophobia and prejudice. But this goes to the heart of the problem with this case. His critics pretend that any kind of criticism of Islam is a form of racism or bigotry. In the same vein Muslim leaders constantly talk of “Islamophobia” if any of their religious sensitivities are challenged. But Islam is not a race, it is a belief system, and like all faiths it should be open to questioning, censure or humour. The idea that any religion, especially one as controversial as Islam, should be above debate is repugnant. Religious freedom is one of the cornerstones of our civilisation. The alternatives are absolutist theocracy and violent sectarianism, precisely the characteristics of too many Muslim societies in the Middle East and Asia. In the wake of the Louis Smith incident the Muslim Council of Britain predictably bleated about “Islamophobia”, arguing that British society must “realise the need for people to follow their faith with dignity”. The council should also recognise the need to abide by the values of our country, one of which is open discourse free from clerical tyranny. It is disgraceful that British Gymnastics, like so many other craven public authorities, is eager to do the work of the zealots. By punishing Smith they are effectively endorsing the hardliners. The chief executive Jennie Allen said that competitors such as Smith and Carson should “use their profile to have a positive impact on sport and communities”. The implication is that athletes must suspend their own opinions and instead act as evangelists for the ruling doctrine of political correctness. Equally offensive are the grotesque double standards. British Gymnastics and the media would have never worked themselves up into such a froth of phoney indignation if Smith had mocked Catholic prayer rituals. In fact Christianity is subject to constant attacks and satire without any demands for disciplinary action. Joking about the Christian faith has long been a key ingredient of British comedy from Dave Allen to Father Ted. Nor does the state show much respect for Christian sensibilities, as highlighted by the case where a firm of devout bakers in Belfast was fined for refusing to make a cake with a political slogan in favour of gay marriage. The reason for this hypocrisy is simple: Islamic grievances and demands for special treatment come cloaked with the menace of violence. “Our religion will not be mocked” is a threat, not a plea. Tue, July 31, 2012 The intimidation is real, as shown by the relentless catalogue of global slaughter against those deemed to have offended Islam. But instead of defending our freedoms, Western rulers wallow in desperate appeasement dressed up as tolerance. The determination to punish Louis Smith is the flipside of officialdom’s impulse to surrender, as shown in the growing acceptance of sharia courts. As for Smith himself, he has embarked on a tour of abject repentance, visiting a number of mosques where he claims to have discovered “the true meaning behind the religion of peace”. In those words there is a chilling echo of the end of George Orwell’s novel 1984: “He had learnt to love Big Brother.”",477,1 +478,"Imagine spending your life not only in a cage but in a dark recess of someone’s basement. This was a reality for a poodle named B.B., who was rescued from a North Carolina puppy mill by animal workers with the Humane Society of the United States. When she was found last September, B.B. was tiny and had clearly been impregnated over and over again. “She was very tiny, and she looked like this helpless creature,” said Jessica Lauginiger, animal crimes manager at HSUS. Upon being rescued, B.B. was transported to Cabarrus Animal Hospital along with the animals. However, she captured the attention of Brenda Tortoreo, the establishment’s receptionist. Tortoreo told The Dodo: “B.B. was in a corner. She looked pitiful. She was scared to death… And I said, ‘That’s the one I’m going to take home.’” Because B.B. spent her entire life in a tiny cage, she didn’t know what to make sense of freedom at first. “I put B.B. down on the floor, and she kept going in circles — not running, but walking,” Tortoreo said. “I guess that’s all she knew to do. I put her in the living room, and to go into the hallway, she would not cross that border [between rooms]. I have two granddaughters who live with me, so I would put her in one of my granddaughters’ rooms, and she was terrified of rugs. She just wanted off the rug.” The puppy had never seen the sun, so that was new, as well. “She never knew what sun was,” Tortoreo explained. “She didn’t know what grass was, and she was terrified of it.” However, space, plenty of cuddles, and an excess of love have resulted in B.B. slowly understanding that her life before was anything but normal. “She runs around the house,” said Tortoreo. “She’s eating like crazy — she was originally about 3 and a half pounds, but I think she’s maybe about 10 pounds now. She loves the grass now, and she loves playing with the other dogs in the backyard.” “About three weeks ago she started licking me — she’d never done that before,” Tortoreo added. “She’s really come out of her shell. She’s my little princess.” What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news!",478,0 +479,"Attorney General Jeff Sessions warned Tuesday that sanctuary cities in the U.S. will lose millions in grant money if they do not comply with federal agents' efforts to deport undocumented immigrants. Sessions issued a statement announcing new requirements for local governments that wish to receive money from a federal grant program called the ""Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Programs."" The rules require local governments to alert the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at least 48 hours before releasing inmates from local jails who are wanted by DHS agents. It also requires local governments to allow DHS agents to enter local jails and interview inmates suspected of being undocumented immigrants. ""So-called sanctuary policies make all of us less safe because they intentionally undermine our laws and protect illegal aliens who have committed crimes,"" Sessions said in his statement. ""These policies also encourage illegal immigration and even human trafficking by perpetuating the lie that in certain cities, illegal aliens can live outside the law."" ""We must encourage these 'sanctuary' jurisdictions to change their policies and partner with federal law enforcement to remove criminals,"" Sessions added. Sessions has been a fierce advocate for cracking down on illegal immigration. ""These long overdue requirements will help us take down MS-13 and other violent transnational gangs, and make our country safer,"" he said. The new requirements will apply to cities seeking grants starting in September.",479,0 +480,"SEATTLE - The Las Vegas Metro Police Department (NVMPD) released new body camera video on Friday from its investigation into the encounter with officers and Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett. Bennett in early September accused Las Vegas police of racially motivated excessive force, saying he was threatened at gunpoint and handcuffed following a report of gunshots at an after-hours club at a casino hotel. Bennett, who has recently remained seated during the national anthem prior to football games, posted a statement to Twitter detailing his side of the story. >> See photos here frame-by-frame from when Michael Bennett was put in the back of a police car The NVMPD first gave a news conference in early September about the accusations, saying there was no evidence Bennett was detained because of his race. On Friday, the sheriff reported no evidence of excessive force, and he showed the controversial interaction between Bennett and officers. According to the department, officers were investigating an active shooter call — which turned out to be false — and Bennett running quickly prompted a chase. The chase ended with the controversial encounter. Scroll down below to read expanded sections on what happened. Related coverage The Las Vegas Police Department has shared body camera video during a news conference of the scene that unfolded outside and inside the casino-hotel, The Cromwell and Drai Nightclub, leading up to the incident with Bennett on August 27. The video shows officers responding to an active shooter call, which turned out to be false. According to police, a stanchion was knocked over during a fight, which prompted reports of a shooting. As officers investigated, patrons panicked as they tried to leave the building. Video shows people screaming and scrambling to get out of the casino and others trying to hide. See video of when chaos unfolded, and scroll down to keep reading. In the body camera video, officers can be heard telling people to leave casino. Thousands of people were in the area at the time of the active shooter call, according to police. Bennett was crouched down as officers approached, and then he quickly ran, and jumped over a ledge onto busy Flamingo Boulevard. This led officers to chase him and order him to the ground, police said. Watch the video of his interaction with officers while in the back of a police car below. Scroll down to read Bennett's letter. After digging into 861 tapes, police released new body camera video on Friday that showed officers putting Bennett in the back of the police car. Bennett is panicked, asking what he did wrong, and pleading to be let go. Sheriff Joe Lombardo said the video shows some claims that Bennett made were not true, such as a gun being held to his head. Lombardo said that while officers had a gun in hand while putting Bennett in cuffs, it was not directed at his head. As for the claims officers said they would, ""blow his ******* head off,"" Lombardo reports his department found no evidence of that. Bennett wrote in his letter that he was visiting Las Vegas to watch the Mayweather-McGregor fight, and he was on the way to his hotel when he was detained. According to Bennett's statement, police ordered him to the ground at gunpoint, jammed a knee into his back and handcuffed him so tight that his fingers went numb. According to Bennett, one officer placed a gun near his head and warned him if he moved his would ""blow his ******* head off."" In his letter, Bennett called it an excessive use of force, simply because he was a ""black man in the wrong place at the wrong time."" Read his full letter below, and scroll down to watch video of part of the encounter. A brief video obtained by TMZ Sports surfaced just hours after the letter. It showed part of the encounter between police and Bennett, where he lay on the ground as an officer puts him in handcuffs. “I wasn’t doing nothing, man,” Bennett is heard saying in the video. “They told us to get out and everybody ran.” Bennett's attorney, John Burris in Oakland, California, said he believed the TMZ 30-second video clip showed some of how his client was treated. ""We think there was an unlawful detention and the use of excessive force, with a gun put to his head,"" Burris told The Associated Press. ""He was just in the crowd. He doesn't drink or do drugs. He wasn't in a fight. He wasn't resisting. He did nothing more or less than anyone in the crowd."" Burris said Bennett waited to make public his account of the incident until after Burris contacted Las Vegas police last week by letter and email, seeking police records of Bennett's detention. In addition to explaining the events leading up to the encounter, police commented on social media commentary that the detention was motivated by race. “Many of the folks ... have called this an incident of biased-based policing … police officers focused solely on the race of an individual … I can tell you as I stand here today I see no evidence of that,” said NVMPD Undersheriff Kevin McMahill. ""In fact as you may have noticed, while officers were searching the casino they were able to evacuate many patrons of all races. It’s also important for me to note to you both of the officers involved in this incident in question are of Hispanic origin,"" McMahill said. McMahill invited Bennett and his legal team to make a formal statement to the officers. According to McHill, after his detention, Bennett told officers that he understood the events that led to the incident. He did mention to police that he had an issue with the officer who held a gun to his head. In their second news conference, Lombardo commended the officers for following their training, and he called them heroic for running into a possible active shooter situation. One of the officers involved in the incident did not have his body camera activated. Bennett is one of the 200 NFL players who didn’t participate in the national anthem over the weekend in the wake of President Donald Trump suggesting the NFL bar players from kneeling in protest. The entire Seahawks team also didn’t participate during the anthem and sat out in the lockerroom before their game against the Tennessee Titans. Over the last year, Bennett has been a leader of the national anthem protests started by former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Before President Trump’s comments on the NFL, Bennett gave this reason for his protesting: “I have always held the strong conviction that protesting or standing up for justice is just simply the right thing to do. This fact is unequivocally, without question, why before every game, I sit during the national anthem – because equality doesn’t live in this country, and no matter how much money you make, what job title you have or have much you give, when you are seen as a ‘n*****,' you will be treated that way."" Pete Carroll supports his players and Bennett. At a news conference on Monday, Carroll told reporters he understands why people are upset with the protests, but he hopes that they listen. ""It is not about denigration of the flag or our country,"" Carroll said. ""We all can learn what we want to learn out of this, but I hope we learn about empathy."" © 2018 Cox Media Group.",480,0 +481,"This question is entirely rhetorical because the BBC and its crew of analysts and right-on comedians have told us already: America will be engulfed by a tidal wave of sexism, racism and xenophobia; the dollar will collapse and with it the global economy; by the end of his first week Trump will be so drunk with power that he’ll make a clumsy pass at some White House intern, miss and accidentally press the red button which triggers a nuclear war… Call me an optimistic fool but I don’t believe any of this nonsense. Not only do I think that a Donald Trump presidency would be far less disastrous than a Hillary Clinton one but I’d even suggest – albeit cautiously – that the world might become a better, safer, more prosperous place. Let me stress that Donald Trump is by no means my dream candidate for the post of the next leader of the free world. I perfectly well accept that he is a vulgar, rude, bullying, ignorant, sexist chancer who entered the presidential race on a whim and may end up getting the job only by default. But Donald Trump has at least two massive qualities in his favour. The first is that he is not Hillary, a corrupt, ailing serial fibber with a dubious track record (from the Whitewater financial scandal to Benghazi, where her negligence may have resulted in the murder of the US ambassador) and a snooty contempt for the law demonstrated most by the FBI investigation into her hidden emails. And the second is that he is not a paid up member of the Washington DC establishment. Trump, not unlike Nigel Farage, is the voice of the ordinary bloke or woman who has had just about enough of the remote, spoilt, anti-democratic political elite. Yes, America is a very different place from Britain but there are definitely echoes in the US presidential campaign of the tensions which led so many of us to vote for Brexit. While America’s rich have got richer, living standards for its working folk have remained stagnant for decades. This is at least in part because of a cosy stitch-up between the governing elite – lawyers, corporations, politicians and the overmighty US central bank the Federal Reserve – which has entrenched its own power by making it almost impossible for those lower down to climb the ladder. Adding to these financial pressures are the frustrations caused by mass illegal immigration and also by the liberal elite’s obsession with political correctness, which has led to a woefully bad state education system, an increase in Islamist terrorism and a burning sense of injustice, especially among blue-collar Americans that they can’t speak their minds and that their country is no longer their own. Trump’s proposed solutions – build a wall on the Mexican border to stop immigration, ban Muslims(!), protect American jobs with tariff barriers on imports, hammer the Federal Reserve, stop wasting gazillions of dollars pretending to “combat” climate change – may be impetuous and in some cases extreme. But the point is here at last is a politician bold enough to address the real and pressing problems that most of his contemporaries have preferred to brush under the carpet. While Obama has fiddled during his eight years as president the world has burned: the Middle East crisis has worsened; terrorism has proliferated; Russia and China have flexed their muscles; the eurozone has stagnated; the refugee problem has got out of control; and almost nothing has been done to address the underlying economic problems that led to the 2008 crash. If Hillary gets in, it will be more of the same. Trump on the other hand is a radical who might actually press the reset button. Tue, November 8, 2016 Take Russia: for the Washington establishment it’s the world’s biggest geopolitical threat with Putin being painted as the new Stalin. But Trump just isn’t interested in prolonging the Cold War, let alone provoking a Third World War. He sees Putin as a flawed man with whom he can nonetheless do business. This will appal those who just want to focus on Putin’s human rights record but may come as a relief to those who would prefer to have Russia as an awkward ally rather than as a belligerent, chippy basket case on Europe’s doorstep. Let’s hope this strategy works because one of the bigger worries about Trump is his view on Nato: he has even suggested – against Nato policy – that if one of its member states were attacked, America wouldn’t necessarily go to its defence. This is one of those areas where you have to hope that the wiser counsels of his advisers will prevail. That said, it would be no bad thing if Trump’s remarks about Nato members failing to pull their weight were to concentrate the minds of European governments, ours included, on the woeful neglect of our defence budgets. No one is pretending that Trump is the dream presidential candidate but then we’ve just had eight years of the “dream” one – or so the slavish liberal media kept telling us – and he was useless. Maybe the time has come for someone who really does want to make America great again. And if we’re lucky perhaps a little bit of that optimism will rub off on the rest of us too.",481,1 +482,"After another week of violence and mayhem, it's clear Hillary Clinton's controversial assessment of Trump's fans was, well, generous.",482,1 +483,"The NFL‘s position after commissioner Roger Goodell‘s news conference Wednesday was clear: The league wants its players to stand for the national anthem. However, it appears there will be no rule passed to force that issue. Goodell had a news conference at the NFL’s fall meetings that lasted about 20 minutes and almost every question was related to the anthem and player protests. Goodell’s main talking point was that the NFL also will listen to its players about social issues and wants to be a part of the solution. Everyone was focused on what will happen at NFL games with the national anthem, which has become the most divisive issue among fans that the league has seen in a long time. “We believe everyone should stand for the anthem,” Goodell said. “That’s an important part of our policy, it’s also an important part of our game that we all take great pride in. It’s also important for us to honor our flag and our country and we think our fans expect us to do that.” The best outcome for the NFL would be for the players to stop protesting without the league making a rule change. Goodell sounded like the league hopes that if it keeps working with its players to help with their issues, with racial equality and law enforcement reform, then perhaps the protests will end. “The fact is, we have about a half a dozen players that are protesting,” Goodell said. “We hope and we’re going to continue to work to try to put that at zero. That’s what we’d like to do. But we want to make sure we’re understanding what the players are talking about, and that’s complex.” The number Goodell cited seems low, considering seven San Francisco 49ers players alone took a knee for last Sunday’s anthem, and as many as 30 49ers players were taking a knee two weeks ago. But it appeared he wanted to make it a point that it’s not as widespread of an issue as it is being made out to be. Goodell was asked why the NFL wouldn’t make it a rule to stand. New York Giants owner John Mara told the Daily News that the league has no plans to make a rule about standing for the anthem. “We believe our players should stand for the national anthem. That’s an important part of our game and our moments, and we believe in that,” Goodell said. “I think we also have to keep focus on this: We have about six or seven players involved in this protest at this point. This is something, what we’ve tried to do is we’ve tried to deal with the underlying issue and understand what it is they’re protesting and try to address that matter. The important thing for us is to be able to do that and take that opportunity to make real differences in our community. That is really what’s ultimately going to be the important aspect for us long term. Because this is a long-term issue. “I understand the way our fans feel about this issue, and we feel the same way about the importance of our flag, the importance of patriotism, and I believe our players feel that way. The will state to you and they have stated to everyone publicly, they’re not doing this in any way to be disrespectful to the flag, but they also understand how it’s being interpreted.” Goodell was also asked about the latest tweet from President Donald Trump about the NFL. The NFL has decided that it will not force players to stand for the playing of our National Anthem. Total disrespect for our great country! Goodell said he has not talked to Trump about the anthem issue. “We respect our country, respect our flag, respect our national anthem,” Goodell said. “I think you look at our clubs and what they do on a daily basis, look at our players and what they do and how they participate in that, we all feel very strongly about our country and our pride.”",483,0 +484,"Could Trump's Missing Signature Force Him to Be Deposed? Immunity Deal Shows Value of CFO in Prosecution... MCCAIN'S LONG GOODBYE... White House returns flag to half staff... Beatty, Hart, Bloomberg pallbearers... AZ Gov Aims To Please With Replacement Pick... Pope silent on claim he ignored abuse... Ex-Official: Ambassador Telling 'Truth'... Cardinals defend selves over cover-up storm... Diocese buys $2.3M home for retiring bishop... NAmerica's 1st sex doll brothel to open... Shocking trend: Pet owners abuse own animals to get drugs... Silicon Valley Takes Another Step Toward Autonomous Flying... Robot strawberry pickers could end need for human workers... Bot hunts fish... Droid butlers coming to Miami hotel... Missouri first state to regulate use of word 'meat'... STUDY: Air pollution causes 'huge' intelligence reduction... Burning Man: 10 hours to get in! Whiteouts, high winds, dust storms cause festival to stop entry... Photos... How to be human: The man who was raised by wolves... PAPER: Saudi Arabia's barbaric plan to behead human-rights activist... After driving ban ends, women taste thrill of speed... Provocative Erdogan statue erected for German art festival... SAfrica Civil War? White Farmers, 'Black Hitler' Willing To Die Over Land... FRONT PAGES UK THE PAPERS WORLD HEADLINES BOXOFFICE TV RATINGS ABCNEWS ADWEEK ATLANTIC AXIOS BBC BILD BILLBOARD BLAZE BOSTON GLOBE BOSTON HERALD BREITBART BUSINESS INSIDER BUZZFEED CBS NEWS CBS NEWS LOCAL CELEBRITY SERVICE C-SPAN CHICAGO SUN-TIMES CHICAGO TRIB CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CNBC CNN DAILY BEAST DAILY CALLER DEADLINE HOLLYWOOD DER SPIEGEL E! ECONOMIST ENT WEEKLY FINANCIAL TIMES FORBES FOXNEWS FRANCE 24 FREE BEACON FREE REPUBLIC HOT AIR HELLO! HILL HILL: JUST IN H'WOOD REPORTER HUFFINGTON POST INFOWARS INTERCEPT JERUSALEM POST LA DAILY NEWS LA TIMES LIFEZETTE LUCIANNE.COM MEDIAITE MOTHER JONES NATION NATIONAL REVIEW NBC NEWS NEW REPUBLIC NEW YORK NY DAILY NEWS NY OBSERVER NY POST NY TIMES NY TIMES WIRE NEW YORKER NEWSBUSTERS NEWSMAX PEOPLE PJ MEDIA POLITICO RADAR REAL CLEAR POLITICS REASON ROLL CALL ROLLING STONE SALON SAN FRAN CHRON SKY NEWS SLATE SMOKING GUN TALKING POINTS MEMO TIME MAG TMZ [UK] DAILY MAIL [UK] DAILY MAIL FEED [UK] DAILY MIRROR [UK] DAILY RECORD [UK] EVENING STANDARD [UK] EXPRESS [UK] GUARDIAN [UK] INDEPENDENT [UK] SUN [UK] TELEGRAPH US NEWS USA TODAY VANITY FAIR VARIETY WALL STREET JOURNAL WASH EXAMINER WASH POST WASH TIMES WEEKLY STANDARD WORLD NET DAILY ZERO HEDGE Marquee Republican Races Set to Test Loyalty to President... McCain Death, Florida Shooting Cast Shadows... Enraged Student Arrested After Snatching MAGA Hat Off Classmate's Head, Slapping Teacher... ",484,0 +485,"President Donald Trump is calling on NFL players once again to stand during the national anthem. He tweeted Saturday that players should stand on Sunday, saying they should respect the U.S. flag and country. More than 200 players either knelt or used other means as expressions of unity last weekend. NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart said such actions are not a protest against the anthem or the flag. The players knelt last weekend in response to social injustice. Full teams, along with some team owners, linked arms either before or during the anthem. Three teams — Pittsburgh, Seattle and Tennessee — did not take the field until after the anthem. Very important that NFL players STAND tomorrow, and always, for the playing of our National Anthem. Respect our Flag and our Country! Trump had earlier called on NFL owners to fire players who didn't stand for the anthem. Previously, Trump also said National Football League team owners are ""afraid of their players."" Earlier this week, he called for action against those who kneel during the national anthem to protest racial injustice. Trump said he began criticizing the players because he has ""so many friends that are owners."" He added: ""I think they are afraid of their players, if you want to know the truth, and I think it's disgraceful."" The president spoke in an interview that aired Thursday on ""Fox and Friends."" He says ""most people agree"" with him. NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart called the president's statements ""inaccurate."" ""I believe there was a statement our owners are afraid of our players and owners requested intervention by political leaders to kick this off,"" Lockhart said. ""Those statements are not accurate."" Trump has spent days attacking players who kneel during the anthem. He insists the NFL should require players to stand. Responding to Trump, hundreds more players have been sitting, kneeling, locking arms or remaining in locker rooms. If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL,or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect.... ...our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU'RE FIRED. Find something else to do! ""The owners are clearly united in a sense that the attacks on the game, on the NFL, on the players were unfair and unfounded, and that there was unity among the group,"" Lockhart said, noting that about two-thirds of the 32 team owners were at league headquarters this week for committee meetings. ""I think there was also a sentiment ... that the issues are being obscured and distorted by people with political agendas,"" Lockhart said. ""I think they made it clear they support our players, but also support our country, the national anthem, the flag—all of the things some have suggested we don't."" The Associated Press contributed to this report.",485,0 +486,"It will be only a matter of days before the Democratic Party press in America starts taking up the suggestion of Chancellor Merkel of Germany that we seek with North Korea a pact of appeasement like the one the Obama administration engineered with the ayatollahs at Iran. “I could imagine such a format being used to end the North Korea conflict,” Frau Merkel told the Frankfurter Allgemeine. Were Germany asked to participate, the chancellor warned, she would say yes “immediately.” This is a devilish demarche, coming, as it does, at a time when the American administration is seeking to demonstrate its resolve against North Korea’s atomic bomb program. Frau Merkel’s interview is calculated to short-circuit any refusal on President Trump’s part to certify Tehran’s compliance with the Obama-Khomeini pact. It is dog-whistling to the New York Times, which is no doubt scrambling to get aboard the Merkel appeasement. Let’s see if it can bring aboard Mr. Trump’s newest pal, Senator Schumer. New York’s senior senator, now the minority leader, played a double role in the drama on the Iran appeasement. Ostensibly he opposed the pact. Yet he refused to take a leading role in the fight against it, even when opponents sought to have have the pact itself put to a proper vote. In other words, he took a powder. That was all the more disappointing because it was clear that if the pact had been put to the Senate it would have been rejected. This point is acknowledged even by the Times, which concedes that the Iran pact was opposed in the Congress “overwhelmingly.” The Gray Lady suggests that “many critics now see its value,” though its editorial fails to name any such critics. Germany, of course, never gave a fig about what the Congress thought of the pact. And why should it have? The Obama administration took the unratified deal straight to the United Nations, where Ambassador Power voted against the Congress of her own country. “It’s presumptuous of some people to suspect that France, Russia, China, Germany, Britain ought to do what the Congress tells them to do,” Secretary of State Kerry snickered. President Putin must have loved that line. Frau Merkel, in any event, isn’t waiting for any formal nod in respect of what President Trump wants to do about the Iran deal — or about North Korea. She’s prepared to leap right into a negotiated settlement with Pyongyang that would, if Iran is any guide, leave its communist camarilla not only entrenched but richer to boot. This is a moment for President Trump to remember the 30 American states that lofted him to office. The platform on which he stood described the Iran deal as a “personal agreement” between President Obama and his negotiating partners. It described it as “non-binding on the next president.” Mr. Trump himself promised to “rip up” the agreement. That he has grounds to do so was underscored last week at Washington by his envoy at the United Nations, Governor Haley. She is a better tribune of American interests than Chancellor Merkel. receive the latest by email: subscribe to the new york sun's free mailing list",486,1 +487,"Some time back it was reported that an alert Maryland police officer saw an Islamic woman in an SUV videotaping a bridge’s support structures. He arrested the driver, Ismail Elbarasse—a Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood operative. An FBI raid on Elbarasse’s home unearthed a trove of Islamic doctrinal books and key Muslim Brotherhood documents—which became evidence in the largest terrorism-financing trial in U.S. history. Islam’s books are “the real bomb,” Muslim reformer Islam al-Behery said. Its ideology is “its blueprint” for world domination. A document from the Elbarasse raid outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s phased plan to destroy Western civilization from within: Phase One: Secret establishment of leadership. Phase Two: Gradual public profile by infiltrating government, the judiciary, finance, intelligence, police, prisons, military, education and religious institutions. Phase Three: Escalation prior to conflict and confrontation with rulers using mass media. Phase Four: Publically confront the government using political pressure. Weapons training domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour. Phase Five: Seize power to establish the Islamic state. Other documents outline the plan to replace the U.S. Constitution with sharia (Islamic law). Sharia is based on the Quran and other Islamic writings. Moderates see it a spiritual struggle, or outwardly observe it for fear of reprisal. But for radicals, sharia is the legal and political foundation for jihad and global rule, a power play to force Islam on the world. The D.C. based Center for Security Policy calls it a “totalitarian ideology” controlling all legal, political, military, economic and social life. No other laws or governments may coexist with sharia. It’s primarily political, not religious; though in America it masks itself as a religion to manipulate the First Amendment as a front for seditious activity. The Quran requires all Muslims to wage jihad (holy war) against infidels (non-Muslims). Jihad calls for multiple stages and platforms—violent and pre-violent. An Elbarasse memorandum calls the pre-violent “settlement process” in North America “civilization jihad” to destroy the Western way of life. In jihad’s final, violent stage, non-Muslims convert or die. Though jihad is obvious in North America and Europe, it’s not limited to the West. The phased plan is a template for radical Muslim subjugation. Indonesia, a secular, mostly moderate Muslim-majority democracy, is a case in point. Its motto, “Unity in Diversity” reflects its six religions and 300 ethnicities. Though religious parties’ gains in national elections have been paltry, locally elected Islamists passed more than 400 sharia ordinances, according to economist.com. Christian incumbent Basuki Tjahaja “Ahok” Purnama lost a recent governor’s race when radical Islamists told Muslim voters that Islam forbids voting for Christians. A video of Ahok’s rebuttal was edited to appear he was insulting the Quran. Charged with blasphemy, he lost the election and was sentenced to jail. Ahok’s conviction—accompanied by violent rallies and death threats, shows the chilling influence on pluralism by “hardline Islamism that the government and judiciary are reluctant to oppose,” said Time reporter Nicola Smith. In Indonesia, radical Islamists have advanced their plan for global dominance to Phase Four. Then there’s Iran, whose visceral anti-Semitism and poisonous ideology infuses jihad and sharia, but with a twist. The late Ayatollah Khomeini, and his successor, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, sidestepped Shi’a believe that the Mahdi (12th Imam), a quasi-messianic figure, must return before waging jihad and adopted an ideology promoting a senior Shiite cleric to theocratic political power over Shiites worldwide. Khomeini offered himself as successor to the 12 Imams, thus “inheriting the mantle of leadership directly from Muhammad,” said expert Clare Lopez. Khomeini inserted his doctrine into the 1989 constitution, in which the regime’s objective is global conquest under sharia rule and nuclear dominance is a surefire path to achieve that goal. Iran and its proxies not only menace Israel’s existence and portend regional upheaval, the “bomb” of Islamist ideology threatens the lives and freedoms of every sovereign nation in the world. Reprinted with author’s permission from Jerusalem Post",487,1 +488,"With the end of his second term on the horizon, President Obama spoke to 60 Minutes this week, reflecting on his achievements -- and on the problems not yet solved. At the top of that list is the protracted crisis in Syria, where more than 250,000 people have died, according to UN reports, and some 12 million have been forced from their homes. Correspondent Steve Kroft asks President Obama about the lack of progress in Syria, but Obama says improvement takes time. ""In a situation that is as volatile and with as many players as there are inside of Syria, there aren't any silver bullets,"" he says. One of those players, Kroft points out, is Russia, which recently stepped up airstrikes and naval bombardments in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. President Putin ""is challenging your leadership, Mr. President,"" Kroft says. Obama disagrees. ""Steve, I've got to tell you, if you think that running your economy into the ground and having to send troops in in order to prop up your only ally, is leadership, then we've got a different definition of leadership,"" he says. Kroft and Obama discuss domestic issues as well, including gun violence. At a press conference after last week's mass shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, Obama urged the country to do more to prevent these tragedies. In the unaired clip below, Kroft asks the president if he can personally make a difference. Obama acknowledges that his options are limited. ""We are running out of administrative actions that could really move the needle in reducing gun violence in this country,"" he says. At the same time, he adds, ""it is not realistic to think that this Congress will pass any common sense gun safety legislation."" But that doesn't mean a public outcry can't effect change, Obama says. ""The most important thing I can do right now is just to keep on lifting up the issue and saying, 'It doesn't have to be this way,'"" he tells Kroft. ""I genuinely believe that."" The two-part interview also touches on the 2016 presidential race, and the candidates on both sides of the aisle. Kroft asks the president what he thinks of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. ""He is, you know, the classic reality TV character,"" Obama says. ""At these early stages, it's not surprising that he's gotten a lot of attention."" As to whether that attention will evaporate, the president declines to speculate. ""I'll leave it up to the pundits to make that determination,"" Obama says. ""I don't think he'll end up being president of the United States."" At different moments in the interview, the president turns reflective, taking stock of his time in office and eyeing the year ahead. In the unaired clip below, he tells Kroft that, at this point, he's learned to trust his instincts. ""The nice thing about being a veteran in anything is your fear kind of goes away,"" he says. ""There's no doubt I'm better at this job now than I was when I started."" At the end of the interview, Kroft asks Obama if he's glad he can't run for president again. Obama says he feels a mixture of satisfaction at what he's accomplished and a desire to still do more. ""But by the time I'm finished, I think it will be time for me to go,"" he says, adding that new blood in the White House is essential for a healthy democracy. ""Do you think if you ran again, could run again, and did run again, you would be elected?"" Kroft asks. ""Yes,"" says Obama, without missing a beat.",488,0 +489,"“In fourteen hundred and ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue…. Today, Christopher Columbus is celebrated as a mythical hero by some – complete with songs, poems, and fictional tales about his great adventure across the Atlantic to explore the majestic land that would eventually be known as the Americas. There are fifty four communities named after the explorer in the United States, including the District of Columbia. “Hail, Columbia” was the United States’ unofficial national anthem until 1931. A federal holiday, “Columbus Day,” is celebrated every second Monday in October. Despite all of this, historians have begun to tear down the Columbus myth: That he discovered America. That he proved the world wasn’t flat. ( That had been well-known for more than a millennium in Columbus’ time. In fact, scholars had a pretty good idea of what the circumference of the Earth was, which was part of the dissent against Columbus making his trip- Columbus thought Asia was bigger than it is and the world much smaller, leading one of the scholars commissioned by the monarchy to investigate the plausibility of Columbus’ journey succeeding to say, it was “impossible to any educated person”). That he came to America in the name of exploration. And, finally, that he came in peace. Quite simply, most of these “facts” are unequivocally false or half-truths. Columbus sailed the ocean blue to look for wealth and, officially, in the name of Christianity. What he mostly did, though, was enslave and rape the natives he met, sold girls (as young as nine by his own account) into prostitution, and committed numerous acts so heinous that he was forcibly removed from power and sent back to Spain in chains. Christopher Columbus was brutal, even by the standards of his age, leading Bartolome de las Casa, who accompanied Columbus on one of his voyages, to write in his The History of the Indies, “Such inhumanities and barbarisms were committed in my sight as no age can parallel… My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature that now I tremble as I write.” In August 1492, Columbus departed Spain with three ships – the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Santa Clara (nicknamed “the Nina”). After two months on the high seas, land was spotted. Now, before they had left, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella had promised to whoever spotted land first a reward of a silken jacket and an annuity of ten thousand maravedis. The lookout on the Pinta was Rodrigo de Triana and he was the first to spot land. He shouted to the rest of the crew down below, and the Pinta’s captain announced the discovery with cannon fire. When it came time to receive the reward though, Columbus claimed he actually saw a light in the distance several hours prior to Triana’s shout, “but it was so indistinct that I did not dare to affirm it was land.” The reward reportedly went to Columbus. Upon landing on the island, which he would call San Salvador (present-day Bahamas), Columbus immediately went to work finding gold and enslaving the native populations. Specifically, Columbus, upon seeing the Arawaks (the peoples of the region) come out of the forests frightened of the men with swords, but bearing gifts, wrote in his journal, They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They would make fine servants . . . with fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want. As other European visitors would observe, the Arawaks were legendary for their hospitality and their desire to share. Again saying Columbus about the Arawaks, “are so naive and so free with their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them would believe it. When you ask for something they have, they never say no. To the contrary, they offer to share with anyone.” Columbus quickly took advantage of this. Seeing that they wore gold studs in their ears, he rounded up of a number of Arawaks and had them lead him to where gold was. The journey took them to present day Cuba and Haiti (but Columbus thought it was Asia), where they found specks of gold in the river, but not the enormous “fields” Columbus was expecting. Nonetheless, he wrote back to Spain saying that, “There are many spices, and great mines of gold and other metals.” This report earned him financing for a second voyage, this time with 13 ships and twelve hundred men. While he never ended up filling up these ships with gold, he filled them with another “currency” and one that would have a horrendous effect on the world going forward – slaves. In 1495, Columbus arrived back in the New World and immediately took 1500 Arawaks as prisoners. Of those 1500, he picked 500 to be shipped back to Spain as slaves (about two hundred died on the journey back), starting the transatlantic slave trade. The rest were forced to find what little gold existed in the region. According to noted historian Howard Zinn, anyone over 14 had to meet a gold quota. If they didn’t find enough gold, they would have their hands cut off. Eventually, when it was realized there wasn’t much gold in the region, Columbus and his men just took the rest as slaves and put them to work on their newly established estates in the region. Many natives died and their numbers dwindled. In the 15th century, modern historians believe there were about 300,000 Arawaks. By 1515, there were only 50,000 left. By 1531, 600 and by 1650, there were no longer any full-blooded Arawaks left on the islands. The way Columbus and his men treated the women and children of these populations was even worse. Columbus routinely used the raping of women as a “reward” for his lieutenants. For example, here’s an account from one of Columbus’ friends and compatriots, Michele de Cuneo, who accompanied Columbus on his second journey to the New World, on what Michele did to a native “Carb woman.” Michele wrote that, While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral [Columbus] gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of whores… Going further, Columbus wrote in a letter from 1500, A hundred castellanos are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand. As illustrated in a recently discovered 48 page report found in the Spanish archives written by Francisco De Bobadilla (charged with investigating Columbus’ rule at the behest of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, who were troubled by allegations of some of Columbus’ acts), a woman who verbally insulted Columbus’ family was stripped naked and made to ride around the colony on a mule. After the trip was done, her tongue was cut out by the order of Columbus’ brother, Bartolomé, who Columbus then congratulated for successfully defending the family’s honor. Needless to say, these and numerous other such acts ultimately resulted in De Bobadilla having Columbus removed from power and sent back to Spain in chains. After Columbus came, and was forced out, the Spaniards continued his policy of enslavement and violence. In 1552, the Spanish historian and friar Bartolome de las Casas published multiple volumes under the title The History of Indies. In it, he described the collapse of the non-European population. Casas writes that when the men were captured and forced to work in mines looking for gold, rarely if ever returning home, it significantly impacted the birth rate. If a woman did give birth, she would be so overworked herself and malnourished, that she often could not produce enough milk for the baby. He even reported that some of the women “drowned their babies from sheer desperation.” There are lot more examples, writings, and research that points to one fact – Christopher Columbus was a lamentable individual. Nobody’s perfect- if we restricted celebrated individuals to those who didn’t have any major flaws, we’d have few humans to celebrate- and it’s extremely important to view things in the context of the time individuals lived in. But even in his age, many of his acts were considered deplorable by his peers, which is in no small part why Columbus was arrested for his conduct in the New World. Combined with his truly historic and widespread impact being incidental to what he was actually trying to do (so a little hard to celebrate him for even that side of his life), maybe it is time that we let go of the myths we learned about Christopher Columbus in elementary school and stop celebrating Columbus, the man. If you liked this article, you might also enjoy our new popular podcast, The BrainFood Show ( iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, Feed), as well as: Bonus Fact: Expand for References",489,0 +490,"As seen on Fox & Friends Former FBI Asst. Director: Original Clinton Probe 'Not a Real Investigation' Fmr CNN Executive Reacts to Donna Brazile-Hillary Debate Question Leak On ""Fox & Friends"" this morning, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.) reacted to the ""unbelievable tragedy"" of two Iowa police officers being gunned down in their squad cars. ""The assault on our law enforcement professionals in this country is out of control,"" Flynn said. He said that the leadership in our country needs to come out and say, ""This has got to end."" Flynn, a Donald Trump supporter, said that the law enforcement community is reaching out to the Republican presidential nominee because he's willing to speak up on their behalf. ""This is just another tragedy, another example of the lack of safety that we have in our streets and in our country for these police officers."" What do you think? Let us know in the comments. What Did Clinton Campaign Chair Mean By 'Dump Emails' Before Subpoena? Krauthammer: Clinton 'Drowning in Cumulative Effect' of WikiLeaks, FBI Probe Gutfeld on Clinton 'Sexism': Hillary 'Looks Out for Only Herself'",490,0 +491,"Mike Vanderjagt's brief run as a middle-school soccer coach is on the ropes. The former Indianapolis Colts kicker has been suspended from that role after a March incident in which Vanderjagt allegedly grabbed a student by the throat at Charter Middle School in Marco Island, Fla. The Naples Daily News reported Thursday that Vanderjagt, a school parent, was investigated by police for attacking a student who taunted him with cries of ""wide left, wide left"" through a rolled-up piece of poster board doubling as megaphone. Flashback: Vanderjagt missed a game-changing field goal attempt at the end of the Colts' AFC Divisional playoff loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers in January 2006. According to police, Vanderjagt was crossing the school's parking lot when he heard the taunts. The student told authorities the former kicker ""walked up to him, grabbed him by the throat and started cursing at him."" Vanderjagt told police he simply placed his hand on the child's shoulder. He claimed a mouthy band of students had been issuing the insults for months. Vanderjagt admitted growing tired of the taunts. Police went so far as to file the incident with the State Attorney's office, which ruled that no charges would be issued against Vanderjagt. He has apologized to the student and currently awaits word from the school's principal about his coaching future. In the meantime, this former NFL kicker is running a pizza joint on Marco Island. Strange days, indeed.",491,0 +492,"SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) — California is now one step closer to becoming sanctuary state. The Assembly Judiciary Committee approved Senate Bill 54 on Wednesday along party lines -- with eight Democrats voting in favor and three Republicans opposed. Under the proposed bill, ICE agents would be prohibited from entering county jails unless they have a warrant. Get the full story in the video above.",492,0 +493,"Much of the ugliness we see on the Left today is embodied in groups like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. Both groups think they are oppressed, both are obsessed with identity politics, and both are steeped in Marxist ideologies. You’d think that they would get along just fine but that’s not the case. People who have their identities wrapped up in victimhood are narcissistic by nature. They want the spotlight at all times, and can’t stand to see someone else hog it. So it was probably just a matter of time before these two groups clashed.",493,1 +494,"Remember when we told you how an injured officer sued the Black Lives Matter movement and DeRay McKesson after getting shot by Gavin Long in the infamous July 17, 2016 attack in Dallas? The cop, who only goes by John Doe Smith, was shot in the head and through the intestine during the attack that claimed two police lives and wounded several others. He blamed Black Lives Matter for their presence on the scene “inciting violence” to cause Gavin to snipe the cops, and sought damages to the tune of $75,000 for his surgery bills. The thing is… Black Lives Matter is a movement, not a specified group of people or a business. So there’s really no one in particular to sue. According to TMZ, the judge ultimately dismissed the case due to the fact that BLM is a social movement, and McKesson as an individual was only using his first amendment right by appearing at the protest — not inciting anyone to commit any acts of violence. It’s truly unfortunate what happened to his officer, but you can’t blame the peaceful protestors on the scene exercising their rights for the reckless actions of one disturbed individual. WENN/Getty",494,0 +495,"Sex-trafficking is happening in nearly every city and in every state in the U.S. In an all-new Crime Watch Daily in-depth investigation, we take you inside the epidemic that has exploded in recent years. Human trafficking is defined in the simplest terms as the exploitation of another person through force, fraud or coercion. The average age of trafficking victims entering the sex trade world is 13 years old. According to Mary Mazzio's documentary I Am Jane Doe, there are more than 1.6 million homeless or runaway kids on the streets of America, and up to 15 percent of them have fallen victim to sex-trafficking. ""That's hundreds of thousands of children every day, and that's only the homeless and runaway population,"" said Mazzio. HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN LOS ANGELES Crime Watch Daily rode along with a group of undercover deputies from the L.A. County Sheriff's Department as they busted men looking to hook up with underage girls. TRAFFICKING IN HOUSTON In Houston, Texas, one woman is tackling the problem from a very different angle. She's not a sex worker -- not anymore. ""I know what it's like to be more afraid to go home than you are to get in a car with a stranger,"" said former trafficking victim Rebecca Bender. Bender become a victim for nearly six years, traded between three different traffickers in all. She says it was only after police busted her trafficker for tax evasion that she was able to finally break free. But it would take years to get her life back on track. After a decade free from the life, Rebecca Bender is about to go back on the streets, posing as a sex worker to expose just how big the problem may be in your town. TRAFFICKING DELUNA Much like the heroin epidemic we are now facing, sex-trafficking is a massive problem in the United States. These are not just women being brought in from other countries. We're talking about teens, or even younger, being recruited from middle schools and high schools in just about every city in America. So far we've taken you undercover on sex-trafficking stings and you've see some cities that have become sex-slave hubs. Crime Watch Daily interviews a young woman lured into the sex-trade world and how it's now landed her in prison doing serious time. Lizette Deluna ran from abuse at home into the arms of a sex-trafficker. Now she's in prison in Texas, convicted of trafficking herself. How did she get there? She share her journey exclusively with Crime Watch Daily. TRAFFICKING IN DEKALB COUNTY Crime Watch Daily teams up with law enforcement agencies all over the country who are cracking down on the illegal sex trade business. On the streets of Georgia, we encountered an alleged pimp that was more than happy to talk to us. TARGETING ONLINE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING No matter where we went, there seemed to be one name that kept coming up: Backpage.com. Operating in more than 900 cities worldwide, the online classifieds website commands, by some estimates, more than 80 percent of all online sex ad revenues. And it's through those ads that many allege the company has knowingly permitted the sale of underage children. ""The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has stated that at least 73 percent of all reports to them, of online sex trafficking, where does it happen? Backpage.com,"" said I Am Jane Doe filmmaker Mary Mazzio. Just recently, under pressure from the U.S. Senate, Backpage did shut down its adult section in the United States. The company itself may be worth more than $500 million, and by some estimates, 99 percent of that global income comes from illicit ads. For their part, Backpage claims no responsibility for what they call third-party content. But in a series of new civil suits brought by former victims, attorney Erik Bauer claims Backpage actually helped edit the ads to make them appear more legitimate. Not long ago, Backpage CEO Carl Ferrer, along with former owners Michael Lacey and James Larkin were actually brought up on pimping charges by former California Attorney General and current U.S. Senator Kamala Harris. Crime Watch Daily Correspondent Melissa McCarty was there during their latest arraignment. They ignored our questions, but considering the serious nature of the charges, we had to keep trying. The judge granted Crime Watch Daily exclusive access inside the courtroom for the proceedings, where ultimately the defense requested a delay. While they wait for the next hearing, Carl Ferrer is released on a $500,000 bond, while Larkin and Lacey get out on $250,000 bonds. ""We have lost all common sense,"" said Mary Mazzio. ""If you had a site that said 'Murder for Hire,' do you seriously think the American public would stand for that, that a federal jurist would stand for that? But because it's prostitution, it's 'Pretty Woman,' it's the victimless crime, it's the world's oldest profession, you know what -- not that big of a deal."" So is there a solution? Can awareness alone help stop the problem? And just how many more lives will be stolen for sex? RESCUING A TRAFFICKED DAUGHTER The parent and the pimp. How far will one dad go to rescue his girl from the clutches of a criminal? ""Say no to drugs. Stay in school."" These are the things brad smith thought to teach his daughter. But there was one threat that never even crossed his mind. This is not a victimless crime. And to all the ""johns"" out there feeding the illegal sex trade, you can be sure that law enforcement and Crime Watch Daily will not stop until you are in handcuffs. RESOURCES The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has resources for mental health professionals, law enforcement personnel, health care professionals, and survivors on the signs of trafficking and services for human trafficking survivors. Children of the Night is a privately funded non-profit organization established in 1979 and dedicated to rescuing America’s children from the ravages of prostitution. GenerateHope provides a safe place for survivors of sex trafficking to be restored through long-term housing, healing, psychotherapy and education. Since recovery from sexual exploitation is a long-term process, GenerateHope provides individualized support to work through past trauma until the women reach the ability to live independently and become a positive influence on their communities and future generations. Help fight trafficking by uploading photos of your hotel room. These photos will be used to determine where perpetrators of sex trafficking are committing their crimes. #HumanTrafficking #SexTrafficking #SexCrimes #SexualAssault #Prostitution #Rape",495,0 +496,"President Donald Trump's nominee for federal judge in Alabama was just approved by every Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee — even though he was unanimously rated ""not qualified"" by the American Bar Association. Brett J. Talley is 36 years old, has only practiced law for three years and made a series of partisan comments on his blog in 2016 that would normally be considered unbecoming of a judge, like referring to the Democratic presidential candidate as ""Hillary Rotten Clinton,"" according to the Los Angeles Times. Although Talley does have degrees from the University of Alabama and Harvard Law School and clerked for two federal judges, he has never argued a motion, making it nearly unprecedented for him to be considered as a candidate for a lifetime appointment. One of Talley's most controversial statements was a blog post in which he claimed that President Barack Obama was ""about to launch the greatest attack on our constitutional freedoms in our lifetime."" He added, ""The object of that war is to make guns illegal, in all forms."" After a commenter wrote that Americans would ""resort to arms when our other rights — of speech, press, assembly, representative government — fail to yield the desired results,"" Talley said he agreed with him. When asked about these statements by the Senate Judiciary Committee, Talley said he was merely ""trying to generate discussion. I wanted people to be able to use my blog to discuss issues, to come together and find common ground."" The president has directly praised Talley as being an ""untold story"" that ""nobody wants to talk about."" ""When you think of it, Mitch [McConnell] and I were saying, that has consequences 40 years out, depending on the age of the judge,"" Trump said in October. ""But 40 years out."" One other factor that may have contributed to Talley's nomination: He was mentored by Sen. Luther Strange of Alabama and worked in the Justice Department office that chooses judicial nominees. Talley isn't the only Trump judicial nominee who has been the subject of raised questions. Charles Goodwin, who was nominated to the federal bench in Oklahoma, was the first judicial nominee since 2006 to receive a ""not qualified"" label from the American Bar Association. Jeff Mateer, who was nominated to the federal bench in Texas, aroused controversy by referring to transgender children as proof of ""Satan’s plan"" and denounced the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage as ""disgusting."" John Bush, who was confirmed to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, wrote a blog post arguing that slavery and abortion were the ""two greatest tragedies in our country.""",496,1 +497,"And the Trump chronicles continue. Presidential hopeful Donald Trump said he supports creating a mandatory database to track Muslims in the United States. “I would certainly implement that. Absolutely,” Trump, 69, told NBC News between campaign events on Thursday in Newton, Iowa. “There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases. We should have a lot of systems.” When asked by the reporter whether Muslims would be legally obligated to register in the database, the business mogul responded: “They have to be. They have to be. ” He said that the country’s Muslims would register for the database at “different places,” adding, “It’s all about management.” The comments come less than a week after terrorists wreaked havoc on the French capital, taking the lives of at least 129 people and injuring more than 300 others in a series of coordinated attacks. The attacks have prompted calls for new restrictions on accepting Syrian refugees. On Thursday, the House passed a bill to drastically tighten screening procedures on Syrian refugees, requiring key national security agencies to determine whether each Iraqi and Syrian refugee poses a threat, CNN reports. The White House vowed that President Barack Obama would veto the bill. Trump’s recent comments stem from an earlier interview with Yahoo News on Thursday in which he did not reject the idea of requiring Muslims in the U.S. to register into a database or present a special ID that noted their religion. “We’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” the 69-year-old said. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques.” The Council on American-Islamic Relations criticized the candidate for the comments in a statement on Thursday, and a council spokesman told NBC, “We’re kind of at a loss for words,” adding that the database plan is comparable to that of prewar Nazi Germany. However, when a reporter asked Trump about the difference between Muslim databases and requiring Jews to register in Nazi Germany, Trump replied, “You tell me.” He did not answer when asked what consequences would be implemented for Muslims who refused to register. He later denied responding to questions regarding a potential Muslim database at all, adding that he didn’t “know where you heard that.” Trump isn’t the only Republican to come under fire regarding comments made after the Paris attacks. Ben Carson is facing criticism for comparing blocking Syrian refugees from entering the U.S. to protecting a child from a “rabid dog.” Meanwhile, GOP hopeful Ted Cruz has said that Obama is endangering the safety of Americans by allowing Syrian Muslim refugees to enter the U.S. However, he says, America should provide a “safe haven” for Christian refugees. He added that the U.S. would need to “vet anyone coming in,” a practice the White House called a “religious test,” CNN reports.",497,0 +498,"Sebastian Gorka, who served seven months as deputy assistant to President Trump, alongside former chief strategist Steve Bannon, sat down with Circa to talk about his time in the White House, the ""deep state,"" the future of Trump's Make America Great Again agenda and the Washington, D.C. ""bureaucratic swamp."" Question and Answer with Sebastian Gorka: Sara Carter: There's a lot of supporters who are concerned now that with the departure of both you and Mr. Steve Bannon, that the MAGA (Make America Great Again) agenda is gone. Is that true? Sebastian Gorka: No, not at all. I know a lot of people are worried, a lot of people that, from the base felt that November the 8th was politically a revolutionary moment. The fact that Steve left and then a week later I resigned, I always tell people ""relax."" Count to 10. Take a deep breath. Whether or not the president's agenda succeeds isn't a function of where I sit or where Steve has an office. The president's supporters aren't just individuals who have to be inside the White House. They can be on the outside. And what, what a lot of Steve's critics didn't understand, who celebrated his resignation, Steve today is more powerful than he's ever been. It's like that scene from ""Star Wars"" when Ben Kenobi gets slain by Darth Vader. I will be more powerful than you can ever imagine. Steve Bannon is now the most powerful man outside of the Oval Office in America. I'm not joking, he is, because there are things you can do, legal things -- OK, relax Huffington Post -- there are legal things that you can do as a private citizen that you cannot do as a government employee. Sara Carter: But then access to the president, that's also very important? Sebastian Gorka: Yes. Sara Carter: So when you're not in the White House, you're outside the White House, how does that affect access? Sebastian Gorka: OK. I'm not gonna give away any inside baseball, but let me give you an example. When I was deputy assistant to the president, I'd walk in and out of the Oval Office and I'd regularly see people like Corey Lewandowski, I'd see Dave Bossie in the Oval [Office] with the President. Now, neither of those individuals had a government ID card, neither of them worked for the White House, but they were in there with the president and I can assure you they weren't talking about the weather. So, one thing to know about the president, he is very loyal to those who have been loyal to him. And the idea that you can isolate Donald J. Trump from people he trusts who don't happen to be inside the building is, of course, absurd. So, the President talks to lots of different people and several of them do not work for the White House. So relax. View the slideshow Sara Carter: This brings me to your resignation letter. Sebastian Gorka: Yes. Sara Carter: In your resignation letter you state that there are people ascendant within the White House that do not support the President's MAGA agenda? Explain that, and who are these people? Sebastian Gorka: OK, so first things first, I'd like to try and explain what was special about November the 8th. And if you remember, there was a film, a great John Milius film called ""Red Dawn"" in the 80s about the Soviet Cuban invasion of America and the resistance that American patriots put up to it. The president of the United States won against the whole establishment on November the 8th. He was just accidentally the GOP's candidate. He had nothing to do with the swamp, nothing to do with the GOP, nobody took him seriously when he announced and what did he do? He proceeded to wipe the floor with 16 establishment GOP candidates and then defeat a woman who'd officially spent $700 million on a position she thought was owed to her. This is the rank outsider. So what happened on November the 8th? It's like the wolverines from Red Dawn, a scrappy bunch of insurgents defeated the mighty empire that is the swamp. As a result, when we moved into the White House, Steve, myself, the president, it was the most leveraged, hostile takeover in political history in the modern age. Because it was a small group of people that came in to run the largest government in the run. Sorry, if you add the armed forces, millions of employees. So, what happened is a natural event. In the intervening months, the establishment figures reacted to the antibodies that represent the MAGA agenda and boxed us out, tried to cut us out of the policy agenda. Fired a lot of the more junior people in the NSC. That's the point at which Steve and then later I realized look, uh, this is about eight years of President Trump and then eight years of President Pence. We have to think about the long game. And if right now we're being undermined internally, what we do is we go on the outside and we support the agenda from the outside. That's why I became the chief strategist for the Make America Great Again Coalition. That's why Steve is doing all kinds of things right now. That's why I predict that in the near future, before Christmas probably, there will be some very high-level personnel changes in the White House that are driven by the president. It's important to know, apart from [Robert] Mueller -- he's a holdover, ignore him -- every single, high-ranking or, or less than high-ranking firing in the last eight months was not driven by the president. OK? All those people fired from the NSC, [Anthony] Scaramucci, these were people who were fired by people other than the president. I think the president already realizes he's being given bad advice on key issues. The Alabama race tells you everything you need to know. And now he's going to get rid of some people who aren't on message and have nothing to do with the original agenda. Take the quiz! Sara Carter: Would one of those people happen to be Secretary of State [Rex] Tillerson? Sebastian Gorka: The President reached out to me the day after I resigned. He thanked me for my service. He said he is gonna stick to the agenda and he'd like me to support him from the outside. That's exactly what I'm doing. One of the things I promised myself I wouldn't do is attack individual members of the cabinet who aren't part of the agenda. So, I'm not gonna talk about individuals just yet, but I'll talk about principles and the fact is, um, Tucker Carlson had a segment after Steve left the White House that I think is crucial to understanding the reality of what's going on in the West Wing. I don't think Tucker Carlson is a big fan of Steve Bannon or Breitbart, I may be wrong, but he said one very trenchant thing. He said, ""Whatever you think about Steve Bannon, there's one thing that's certain. He would not be at home in a White House under Hillary Clinton."" There are people in the administration of Donald J. Trump who not only would have been at home in a Hillary Clinton White House, they would have been cabinet members in a Hillary White House. So that's the current problem, but again, relax. It's a temporary state of affairs. Sara Carter: So the president is surrounded, in your opinion, by some people that would have been comfortable in a Hillary Clinton White House and may be pushing those agendas? Sebastian Gorka: The president has this sense, and I guarantee you right now, he knows who around him is now consistently giving him bad advice and sooner or later he will make decisions to remove those people from around him. Sara Carter: Explain the ""deep state."" Sebastian Gorka: I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the phrase ""deep state."" I love conspiracy theories but only as entertainment. There's a reason they're called theories. Conspiracy theories kill critical thought. I prefer the phrase ""the deep state."" The deep state isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a real thing. Let me give you an example. So, I didn't work in the NSC, I worked for Steve. I was a strategist in the office, or the chief strategist to the president. But because of my national security portfolio, I attended regular classified meetings with the NSC on whatever issue it was. The Qatar crisis, the ISIS plan, you name it. And a pattern developed in these meetings which is really disturbing and explains the permanent state. You're sitting in, a White House meeting that is the pinnacle of policy making in the most powerful nation in the world. The NSC makes national security policy. There's nothing above it apart from, you know, the President and his National Security Advisor. You sit there for an hour, an hour-and-a-half, with key members of the NSC, invited guests from the CIA, DIA, outstations from the Pentagon, you name it. And for 90 minutes on a key issue, you didn't hear the name of the president. You didn't hear mention of the president's strategic objectives, and you didn't hear mention of what he said yesterday in Warsaw or Riyadh. And it would be up to me, the guy with the funny accent, after 90 minutes to say, ""Uh, hey guys. Did you hear what the President said yesterday in Riyadh about ISIS? Did you hear what the President said about NATO in Warsaw?"" This is what the president wants to achieve and we're all gonna be on message, right? So what I saw is that the swamp isn't Capitol Hill. A lot of people think the swamp is the political professional class of congressmen and women. The swamp is much more. The professional bureaucratic class in America that believes that they know better than the president elected by the people of America to run this country. A GS14, a GS15 who's been at State Department or CIA for 20 years and thinks, ""Oh, I, I've been doing this for so long. I don't care what the president says about Qatar, we need to do this. I don't care what the President says about X, Y, Z, we need to do this."" That undermines American democracy and that's the permanent state, and that's what we have to push back on if democracy is to thrive in America. Related Stories: Former WH strategist, Sebastian Gorka, hit back at the 'fake news industrial complex' Sebastian Gorka resigned from his position in the White House View the slideshow",498,0 +499,"“They’ve forgotten about us.” I don’t remember where I heard this, perhaps somewhere in the small town of Blacksburg, Virginia, but the context was definitely political. The IRS is always out to get our money – of course the government hasn’t forgotten about us, right? But the more I thought about it, the more I realized the meaning behind that statement. Since the founding days of the United States, a problem has always been the power balance between small states and big states. Presently, this has evolved into the local balance between rural areas and urban areas. I remember hearing in government class how just a dozen or so of the largest cities in the United States could swing the popular vote to one political party and realizing just how valuable the electoral college is to modern politics. There’s no simple alternative to balancing out protecting the interests of the rural minority and forwarding those of the urban majority. From the U.S. Census: “Rural areas cover 97 percent of the nation’s land area but contain 19.3 percent of the population.” This is a huge disparity; how can state governments look out for rural counties when urban counties dominate the political sphere? For many in southwestern Virginia, it seems that politicians are always subverting rural interests in favor of the dense, northern urban areas. Even the President and many other conservatives use this idea of rural areas being left out to win votes. From his always-rambunctious Twitter account, Trump proclaimed: “The Democrats in the Southwest part of Virginia have been abandoned by their Party. Republican Ed Gillespie will never let you down!” In a time of great change and technology around the globe, sometimes it can feel as if rural areas are being left behind. Given this context, I’d like to quickly transition to a discussion about the political frustrations surrounding the Confederate flag. The Civil War was definitely fought over slavery, but does that make the Confederate flag racist? Probably. But I’d also like to consider what the Confederate flag symbolizes to many in the South. Growing up, Confederate flags were never really made out to be a big deal. I remember thinking nothing of the raised Confederate flags on the way to swim meets and camps. I remember the public outcry throughout the region when the school sent out an announcement banning Confederate attire. Even recently, right before I came to Stanford, I was driving home one night and pulled up next to a beat-up pickup truck flying two large Confederate flags at a traffic light. It felt pretty normal, albeit a little strange especially because of the earlier South Carolina flag controversy and the happenings in Charlottesville. This was the norm. The problem is just how commonplace these provocative items are in the region. These rural Southerners, a legislative minority, are painted as villains, outcasts for not seeing these items as strange in such an apparently “progressive” society. This is an issue because first off, no one likes being called a villain, and secondly, to many of these people – who have seen crumbling infrastructure, a stagnating economy and skyrocketing health care premiums (one of my older teachers always complained about his wife’s new insurance bill under Obamacare) – are we really that progressive? And how high should working out our flag issues be on our priorities list? Should we be arguing over a flag when there are places with exactly zero professional medical attention? I remember watching the local news and finding out that in nearby Wise County, Virginia, the only time people can receive medical attention is once a year, when a mobile clinic known as the Remove Area Medical arrives. General health is deteriorating every year as lung cancer and obesity set in. Things really aren’t looking up for the people here. The fact that a colored piece of cloth is generating the most media coverage instead of a terrible healthcare crisis here is a sort of a slap in the face to the coal miner with permanent nerve damage or the diabetic who can’t access insulin. We tend to separate the world into “us” and the “other,” but we fail to realize that the “other” may also be struggling to come to grips with the world too. There are definitely two sides to the argument, and I’m not advocating for any position. There are many parts of the country that need work. Racism is a huge problem that we need to solve as soon as possible. Denigrating an important bloc of people for the sake of making a point will only divide the nation even more. If we are to move forward and be “progressive,” we need to set aside distractions, unify in our actions and put our attention to the big picture. Contact Tiger Sun at tgsun ‘at’ stanford.edu.",499,1 +500,"It's a debate playing out across America. Should statues and memorials of Confederate soldiers and officers remain standing, or should they be removed. Those in favor of removing the statues say the statues represent racism. Those who want the statues to remain complain that removing the statues would be an attempt to get rid of history. What do you think? Should cities and states get rid of Confederate statues and memorials?",500,0 +501,"Depraved ISIS thugs are little more than serial rapists who claim sex assault is a byproduct of implementing teachings of the Qur’an. The grisly details are laid out in a new report by Nikita Malik called, “ Trafficking Terror: How Modern Slavery and Sexual Violence Fund Terrorism.” In it, a Yazidi survivor describes how ISIS henchman would line up young girls against walls before groping their chests. “If they had breasts, they could be raped; if not, they would wait three months to check again,” Victim 1 said, according to an interview cited in the report. The girls – many of them minors – were raped together in rooms as children looked on, she said after finally eluding ISIS’ grip. Victim 1 also described how she was raped by six ISIS guards one night after attempting to flee. “She was raped in every place possible,"" the report reads. ""She was forced to do things that were disgusting to her and they kept her without clothes in this room so that anybody could come at any time and rape her.” Yazidi women were told by brainwashed ISIS brides that they needed to be raped to become fully Muslim, according to the report. They were often sold, but lost monetary value the more times they were purchased by men in Iraq and Syria. The report also describes how sexual depravity continues to act as a pull factor for prospective terrorists “Sexual slavery serves as an incentive for new recruits and foreign fighters, with the promise of wives and sex slaves.” writes Malik. The Henry Jackson Society reports human trafficking brought Islamic terrorist groups upwards of $30 million last year. It’s believed ISIS could turn to kidnapping and sex slavery as a means to sustain itself as its shrinking caliphate continues to crumble.",501,0 +502,"A note to Steve Bannon: No matter what your beliefs are, the most dangerous thing you can do is cross Donald Trump. The fallout against the former White House political strategist and Trump confidant is continuing this week, in the wake of his comments appearing in Michael Wolff's tell-all book, ""Fire and Fury,"" and as his political foes are celebrating his perceived demise and his political friends are starting to distance themselves from him. One of Bannon's strongest allies — the Mercer family, which is funding Breitbart — issued a stinging rebuke on Thursday, but limited the scope of their attack to what Bannon said about the president. ""I support President Trump and the platform upon which he was elected,"" Rebekah Mercer told the Washington Post. ""My family and I have not communicated with Steve Bannon in many months and have provided no financial support to his political agenda, nor do we support his recent actions and statements."" And CBS reported Friday that Mercer ""cut all ties"" with Bannon because that's what Trump wanted her to do. . @CBSNews confirms Steve Bannon's longtime benefactor Rebekah Mercer cut *all ties* with him at the request of White House officials in the aftermath of #FireAndFury. pic.twitter.com/8eICjpp6Qw — ryan kadro (@RyanKadro) January 5, 2018 But Mercer is continuing to finance Breitbart, which has not only been Bannon's political agenda, it's been his political essence. Bannon made Roy Moore his candidate in the Alabama special election. When Moore's major flaws were exposed, Bannon dispatched Breitbart's staffers to attack the women who accused Moore of trying to date them when they were teenagers. After the election, Breitbart's editor admitted that they were acting as political operatives in their decision to cover the election. So while Breitbart's funders are wondering whether or not to cut ties with Steve Bannon, it's important to realize that Bannon's legacy will certainly live on. It will just be more Trump-friendly.",502,1 +503,"“Bigger than Watergate!” Donald Trump exulted about the discovery of new emails from Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state. Sure, they could be. They could also be pleas from Clinton that Huma Abedin fetch her a skinny latte from Starbucks. We don’t know. And the horrifying thing is that the F.B.I. director, James Comey, didn’t seem to know, either, even as he disclosed their existence to the world. How strange but how fitting. This entire election is being conducted in the key of hysteria, and Comey just found a way to amplify that ugly music. Listen, Clinton made an awful decision in setting up a private email server, then compounded that error by dragging her feet through defensive non-apologies that gave the story such legs. Now she limps to the finish line when she should be hitting full stride. But Trump is as much of a part and player in this latest chapter of the email saga, because of the one-syllable grenade that he keeps lobbing at the body politic, his furious mantra over these final weeks. “Rigged,” “rigged,” “rigged.” Many Americans have come to believe that. Many others are rightly determined to prove to that group how wrong they are, or at least not to add accelerant to the wildfire. And so all of us, including Comey, operate in a befouled atmosphere, tailoring our actions to it. Comey obviously felt that he was in a bind and clearly believed that by disclosing the emails as soon as possible — and not, say, delaying until he had some sense of what the F.B.I. was dealing with — he had the best chance of avoiding any possible charges of a cover-up later, and was acting with the cleanest conscience. But his desire to be a Boy Scout may have eclipsed sound judgment here, and rectitude is a quaint, shortsighted notion in an election this rife with accusations of bias, this primed for scandal, this frenzied. Were the emails in question sent to or from Clinton? Comey didn’t and perhaps couldn’t say. What about them warranted inspection? Again, he had nothing to offer. He told F.B.I. employees in a memo that he was hoping, with his announcement, not “to create a misleading impression” of some hugely significant discovery. But that’s exactly and predictably what he did. Most Democrats were outraged. “Mr. Comey said he was duty bound to inform Congress,” Bob Kerrey, the former senator and governor, told me. “Quite the opposite is the case. He was duty bound to make an announcement after he completes his examination of the emails.“ Indeed, he broke with the longstanding F.B.I. policy of not commenting on ongoing investigations. He also defied the wishes of senior officials in the Department of Justice, according to various news reports early Saturday afternoon. And he frustrated everyone — conservatives, liberals, Trump, Clinton — because his disclosure was all questions, no answers. Regardless, the media went nuts, declaring that the development could bend the shape of the race and assuming damage to Clinton without any polling or other evidence to back that up. “We don’t know what this means yet except that it’s a real bombshell,” the journalist Carl Bernstein said in a phone interview on CNN on Friday, adding: “It is unthinkable that the director of the F.B.I. would take this action lightly, that he would put this letter forth to the Congress of the United States saying there is more information out there about classified emails and call it to the attention of Congress unless it was something requiring serious investigation.” A viewer couldn’t see him licking his chops but could hear it. Even the many news organizations that stressed the possible innocuousness of the emails and emphasized how very little we knew contradicted that caution with the length, number and front-and-center placement of their stories about this development. Why? The Politico writer Glenn Thrush had a thought, expressed in this tweet: How is this supposed to play out? If, a few days from now, the F.B.I. determines and announces that none of the emails contain classified information or anything else of concern, will Trump and Clinton’s other enemies conceivably believe that? Hah! They’ll be shouting “rigged” all over again. They’ll be shouting it louder than ever. It wouldn’t be normal practice for the F.B.I., in an effort to buttress its determination, to release the emails, many of which are presumably private communications of Abedin’s. And those might be too intimate for her to make public herself. But now that Comey has flagged the whole batch of them, suspicion will never die. And if the emails are fresh cause for concern, will that be knowable, and digestible, before Nov. 8? On this point, too, we’re all in the dark. What a steaming mess, and that’s a comment partly on this specific situation but also on this election, which has devolved into a junkyard of innuendo, lies and conspiracy theories. Trump doesn’t bear all the blame for that, but he bears an ample share of it. On the subject of conspiracy theories, I can offer some comic relief, noting that he and Rush Limbaugh couldn’t get on the same page about the new emails on Friday. Even as Trump was praising Comey and saying that the election might not be quite as rigged as he’d feared, Limbaugh was telling his listeners that Comey was “just doing this to take everybody’s attention off of the WikiLeaks email dump” that was embarrassing Clinton and her aides. “The cynical view,” he said, “is that Comey is still carrying water for Clinton and is trying to get everybody to stop paying attention on the WikiLeaks dump because it’s starting to have an impact.” Let me get this straight: The crooked F.B.I. and the corrupt media throw just enough dirt at Clinton so that she’s sure to track it into the Oval Office? Thank God for Limbaugh. God help the rest of us.",503,1 +504,"BERKELEY, Calif. (KCRA) — Several fights broke out during largely-peaceful protests in Berkeley Sunday afternoon when about 4,000 people converged on the city, police said. Thirteen people who ranged in ages from 20 to 47 years old, were arrested for ""various violations” including assault with a deadly weapon and felony assault during the events, Berkeley police said. Of the people arrested during the protests, several were wearing masks while others were connected to assaults. Two men were arrested after exchanging blows. The SFGate reported they were quickly swept up by officers inside Civic Center Park. Police detained Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson at the protests. The SFGate reported he was handcuffed after being chased by a mob of demonstrators who took swings at him and pepper sprayed him. Police said Gibson was actually ""rescued"" and was not arrested or charged. The crowd began to diminish around 3:30 p.m., six hours after a march led to the protests. The event was one of several rallies that had been called for Sunday in Berkeley, a day after a controversial freedom rally planned by Gibson in San Francisco fizzled amid throngs of counterprotesters. Hundreds of people gathered on the UC Berkeley campus around 10 a.m. Sunday. They then marched to Civic Center Park, where police had set up barricades and secured the area with bomb sniffing dogs. The march was part of the Bay Area Rally Against Hate Rally. In a statement early Sunday, the group said ""we fully intend to move forward with (the Rally Against Hate)"" on the campus despite calls by the university police department for people to stay away for safety reasons. The rally was held in response to the planned right-wing protest ""No To Marxism in America."" However, organizer Amber Cummings canceled the protest on Friday, saying Berkeley officials and left-wing extremists made it impossible to hold the event and she would be the sole attendee. Despite the cancellation, hundreds of ring-wing protesters showed up to the park. Around 1 p.m., police reported the crowd had grown to several thousand. A skirmish broke out between several dozen left-wing demonstrators and a handful of right-wing supporters. The skirmish was tense but ended quickly. The left-wing protesters surrounded the small number of right-wing supporters, then shouted at them and pushed them. The right-wing protesters sought protection from police and were escorted away. Before the unpermitted events, Berkeley police put into place several rules in response the protests, stating, ""To ensure the peaceful expression of free speech, the City of Berkeley will be prohibiting sticks, pipes, poles and anything else that can be used for a 'riot' at Civic Center Park."" Other banned items include explosives, pepper spray, axes, dogs (except for service animals), eggs, torches and more. Police also said anything that ""covers or partially covers the face and shields the wearer's face from view, or partially from view, is prohibited."" However, protesters with an anarchist group arrived at the park wearing masks and hoods that covered their faces. The group of more than 100 hooded protesters, with shields emblazoned with the words ""no hate"" and waving a flag identifying themselves as anarchist, broke through police lines, avoiding security checks by officers to take away possible weapons. Then the group blended in with the rest of the crowd. The group pushed their way past police barricades and into Civic Center Park. They assaulted at least five people by punching and kicking them. Gibson was one of the people assaulted by the group. Police broke up the fights, using what appeared to be a smoke grenade to stop one scuffle. The three people who were attacked ran behind police lines to escape. Then around 2:30 p.m., more than 1,000 people left the park and began marching north Martin Luther King Way. An hour later, the crowd had diminished and many roads reopened. ---- The Associated Press contributed to this story.",504,0 +505,"Permission Details DMCA US President Trump's threats this week to shut down critical news media is an ominous sign of how fragile American democratic rights have become. For Donald Trump to impugn media freedom -- albeit in his usual whimsical, boorish fashion -- nevertheless shows how far democracy has been eroded in the ""land of the free."" The latest furore followed a report this week by NBC in which Trump purportedly harangued his top Pentagon advisers for a 10-fold increase in the US nuclear weapons arsenal. Trump's outlandish demand was reportedly made during a high-level national security meeting back in July. It was the same meeting during which Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is said to have scoffed at Trump's antics and called him a ""moron."" Trump has reacted angrily to the reports, dismissing them with his characteristic jargon as ""fake news."" But, adding to the furore, the president also went on to question whether the broadcasting license of NBC and other networks should be cancelled because of what Trump views as ""fake news."" That is, the president is speculating on shutting down media outlets. Such a move by a president would be legally unviable, according to US laws. But it shows the kind of slippery slope that US media and democratic rights are on. Trump's latest musing about shutting down NBC and other channels drew predictable outcry from US media, who rightly to a degree, deplored his attack on democratic rights. The irony is, however, that the attack on American democratic rights has already been underway before Trump entered the White House, and without much protest from the same media outlets who are now railing against Trump over this rant. We can point to the increasing surveillance powers of federal intelligence agencies which have steadily encroached since the September 2001 terror incidents in New York and Washington DC. Media freedom in the US has been under assault for a long time. Trump's latest outburst is not a one-off anomaly. In recent weeks, the US government has moved to severely restrict the freedom of Russia-based news media operating in the country. A move that has so far not been reciprocated by Moscow on US media operating in Russia. Russian state-owned news channel RT has been forced to register as a ""foreign agent"" which will curtail how it carries out normal journalistic functions. Sputnik, another Russian state-owned channel, is also under investigation by US authorities over allegations of destabilizing American politics with ""fake news."" The crimping of Russian news media is part of a wider campaign to suppress all alternative media outlets, including US-based websites, which are being labelled as agents of ""foreign interests"" because of merely posting articles sourced from RT and Sputnik. The willing participation of US internet companies, Google, Twitter and Facebook, in blocking news sources that are designated ""fake"" or ""interfering in US politics"" is another troubling sign of how citizens' access to information is being curtailed. These gatekeepers of information are openly moving to restrict access to ""authoritative,"" ""respectable"" media outlets. Many of these ""respectable"" news outlets, such as the New York Times and Washington Post, have in the past been guilty of purveying outrageously fake news, like the ""weapons of mass destruction"" claims which led to the 2003 US war in Iraq that killed over a million people and unleashed on the world the ongoing scourge of jihadist terrorism. There is absolutely no credible evidence that Russian news media or alternative US-based sites are systematically engaged in an ""influence campaign"" to destabilize American democracy. Sure, there is plenty of false information on the internet available through platforms like Facebook, which most Americans now rely on for their news feed. But to lay the blame for this on Russian media is preposterous scapegoating. What really is the issue here is that US authorities and established media companies simply can't abide rival outlets that are providing an alternative, critical perspective. For example, Russia's RT and Sputnik have given much critical coverage on the war in Syria, as well as conflicts in Ukraine, Yemen and elsewhere. Both channels have reported, with documentary evidence, on how the US government and its NATO and regional allies have been complicit in an illegal, covert war for regime change in Syria involving support for extremist militant groups. This is a critical perspective with grave legal and political implications for Washington and its allies. Just because the US government does not like this kind of unflattering coverage does not legitimize its opprobrium of ""fake news."" The latter charge is brazenly being used as a pretext to censor discomfiting information. There are many other international issues where Russian media are giving a valid, alternative viewpoint. And because official US interests are offended by this critical perspective, the authorities are moving to ostracize Russian media with the spurious allegation of ""foreign agents"" and ""undermining American democracy."" But the paramount issue here is that this is an audacious attack on American democratic rights of free media and freedom of speech, as supposedly enshrined in the US Constitution's First Amendment. All of the US established news media have propagated the bogus narrative of ""Russian influence"" and ""Russian fake news."" This narrative plays well for political opponents of President Trump, primarily in the Democrat party. On this issue, Trump is right when he denounces as ""fake news"" the campaign to pillory Russia and to allege that the Kremlin directed state-owned media to influence the November presidential election in Trump's favor. There is simply no evidence that Russian news media were or are engaged in anything nefarious to destabilize US democracy. Russian media have and do give critical news coverage. If that ""destabilizes"" Washington's illicit activities in overseas' wars then that's what responsible journalism should be doing. To curb this journalism because it offends geopolitical interests is, frankly, censorship and the actions of a tyrant. Trump's latest threats to shut down the American news channel NBC over alleged ""fake news"" are indeed menacing. The NBC report on Trump's nuclear weapons ranting appear to be credible in any case. But the outcry from US media over Trump's boorish threats are hypocritical. Their concern seems to be based on a superficial contempt for Trump as a loathsome individual -- as opposed to a principled defense of democratic rights, and media freedom in particular. The US media outlets that are piously railing against Trump over his ""assault on the Fourth Estate"" are the same outlets which have piled on the pressure to suppress alternative media outlets like Russia's RT and Sputnik, as well as other US-based independent information sources that are being demonized in McCarthyite fashion as ""foreign agents."" And, again, much of this hostility towards alternative media is motivated by the fact that these alternative media have admirably exposed the hypocrisy and criminality of US authorities. Also exposed is the aiding and abetting by the servile establishment media who have long covered up for the US authorities and their illicit activities in overseas' wars and against citizens at home. American democratic rights are indeed on thin ice. But that was the case long before the elephantine Trump arrived on the scene. His clumsy lurching is merely serving to illustrate how treacherously thin the ice has become upon which US democracy now stands. Permission Details DMCA US President Trump's threats this week to shut down critical news media is an ominous sign of how fragile American democratic rights have become. For Donald Trump to impugn media freedom -- albeit in his usual whimsical, boorish fashion -- nevertheless shows how far democracy has been eroded in the ""land of the free."" The latest furore followed a report this week by NBC in which Trump purportedly harangued his top Pentagon advisers for a 10-fold increase in the US nuclear weapons arsenal. Trump's outlandish demand was reportedly made during a high-level national security meeting back in July. It was the same meeting during which Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is said to have scoffed at Trump's antics and called him a ""moron."" Trump has reacted angrily to the reports, dismissing them with his characteristic jargon as ""fake news."" But, adding to the furore, the president also went on to question whether the broadcasting license of NBC and other networks should be cancelled because of what Trump views as ""fake news."" That is, the president is speculating on shutting down media outlets. Such a move by a president would be legally unviable, according to US laws. But it shows the kind of slippery slope that US media and democratic rights are on. Trump's latest musing about shutting down NBC and other channels drew predictable outcry from US media, who rightly to a degree, deplored his attack on democratic rights. The irony is, however, that the attack on American democratic rights has already been underway before Trump entered the White House, and without much protest from the same media outlets who are now railing against Trump over this rant. We can point to the increasing surveillance powers of federal intelligence agencies which have steadily encroached since the September 2001 terror incidents in New York and Washington DC. Media freedom in the US has been under assault for a long time. Trump's latest outburst is not a one-off anomaly. In recent weeks, the US government has moved to severely restrict the freedom of Russia-based news media operating in the country. A move that has so far not been reciprocated by Moscow on US media operating in Russia. Russian state-owned news channel RT has been forced to register as a ""foreign agent"" which will curtail how it carries out normal journalistic functions. Sputnik, another Russian state-owned channel, is also under investigation by US authorities over allegations of destabilizing American politics with ""fake news."" The crimping of Russian news media is part of a wider campaign to suppress all alternative media outlets, including US-based websites, which are being labelled as agents of ""foreign interests"" because of merely posting articles sourced from RT and Sputnik. The willing participation of US internet companies, Google, Twitter and Facebook, in blocking news sources that are designated ""fake"" or ""interfering in US politics"" is another troubling sign of how citizens' access to information is being curtailed. These gatekeepers of information are openly moving to restrict access to ""authoritative,"" ""respectable"" media outlets. Many of these ""respectable"" news outlets, such as the New York Times and Washington Post, have in the past been guilty of purveying outrageously fake news, like the ""weapons of mass destruction"" claims which led to the 2003 US war in Iraq that killed over a million people and unleashed on the world the ongoing scourge of jihadist terrorism.",505,1 +506,"A Republican student association at San Diego State University is facing backlash for sending a letter demanding Muslim students condemn last week’s terror attacks in Barcelona. The Republican Club at San Diego State University wrote to the Muslim Student Association, claiming that the campus community could not move forward creating ‘an inclusive environment for all students’ until radical terrorism was “disavowed”. The letter said if no condemnation was forthcoming, the leaders of the student group should be forced to resign. The letter, signed by SDSU College Republicans Chairman Brandon Jones, stated in part that “until radical Islamic terrorism is disavowed by the Muslim Student Organization at SDSU, we cannot move forward in creating an inclusive environment for all students on campus.” It added the Muslim Student Association’s leadership should resign if they do not disavow Islamic terrorism. The national Muslim Student Association expressed support for the San Diego State chapter for “their solidarity, strength and perseverance in the face of ignorance and hate.” The Young Democratic Socialists of SDSU responded by declaring: “We condemn the San Diego State College Republicans’ disgraceful statement towards the SDSU Muslim Student Association and the SDSU Muslim community. Retract and apologize now.” The Transfronterizo Alliance Student Organization, which describes itself as working to create an “inclusive campus environment for SDSU students who live a transborder lifestyle,” joined the chorus.",506,0 +507,"What has happened to our country, that we will nominate a man for president who has bullied, bad-mouthed and intimidated the public for decades? What has happened to our moral values? What are we teaching our children and grandchildren? How can the Republican Party accept this hateful, racist, sexual predator who has lied, cheated people and paid no taxes? Donald Trump does not care about the Constitution and shows his ignorance about it every day. He is threatening people who do not support him, even within his own party. He has incited violence and says if he wins he’ll put his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, in jail. He has encouraged his supporters to intimidate voters at the polls, and now they are threatening a revolution. These are people like the Bundys — if they don’t get their way, they threaten their opponents with weapons. Trump has spread conspiracy theories that the election is rigged to help anger his base, which includes the KKK, the mentally unstable and those who hate immigrants. Trump and his supporters will not accept defeat. Are citizens ready to live in a lawless nation? He wants to be king. It’s frightening to consider that he supports Vladimir Putin and has encouraged Russian hacking. Trump is unstable and unfit to represent this nation. Clinton may have some baggage, but she does not hold a candle to Trump. Trump is not running against Bill Clinton, so stop blaming Hillary for Bill’s mistakes. If you don’t like Clinton you have other reasonable choices, but please, never Trump. We cannot let our nation fall to a racist dictator. President Obama has more dignity in his little finger than Trump has in his whole body. Pam Wixom West Haven",507,1 +508,"Councilor Mike Gaffney Quotes Voltaire About Free Speech, Failed Reporter Buttmunch Billy Shaner Says He Was Quoting A White Supremacist Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information. Yesterday Worcester City Councilor Michael Gaffney wrote a letter to Turtleboy about his disgust towards Worcester Magazine Editor Walter Bird for the way Bird sexually harasses and tries to hook up with women who he has business dealings with. But why did Councilor Gaffney wait until now to release this damning information? Well, he was probably mad that Buttmunch Billy Shaner, his newest minimum wage reporter, insinuated in the recent copy of their free newspaper that Councilor Gaffney subscribed to white nationalist ideology: YIKES: Quoting a white supremacist is not the best look, especially after one of them rammed a car into a group of people, killing one and injuring 19. With that in mind, I bring you a recent article in the Worcester Independent Leader by City Councilor At-Large Mike Gaffney blasting city leadership for policies that favor big business and development. While I felt the article did a fine job portraying his perspective, a friend pointed out something worrying toward the bottom. Just before the last sentence, there’s a quote overlaying an image attributed to Voltaire. The quote reads: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” It is often attributed to Voltaire, although it has been disputed as to whether he, in fact, said it. A prominent and supremely controversial white supremacist named Kevin Alfred Strom did, however.. Among other things, Strom has denied the Holocaust, advocated for a Neo-Nazi party and pleaded guilty to child pornography possession charge. The quote kind of takes a different meaning in proper context, I think. So let me get this straight. Gaffney gives a completely applicable quote about the dangers of censoring free speech, which he and most other people attribute to Voltaire – the philosopher whose writings most historians agree was a driving force in the American Revolution. And what does Billy do? He goes out of his way to turn this into Gaffney quoting a white supremacist. For the record, even the far left attributes this quote to Voltaire: Voltaire: ""To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise"" #JeSuisCharlie pic.twitter.com/uAK8KF3C6i — Sam Sussex (@SamSussex) January 8, 2015 So do Palestinians who want to criticize Israel: To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.-Voltaire #GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/k3yt6jzHNH — Persia (ر) (@persiatx) August 13, 2014 So did Trump’s lucky sperm: To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.Voltaire — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 25, 2013 This is what you get when you Google image that quote: In other words, everyone thinks Voltaire said this. No one knows for sure if he did or didn’t. All we do know is that a random white supremacist from West Virginia also wrote it here 25 years ago. So obviously Councilor Gaffney has been brushing up on his 25 year old West Virginia white supremacist literature. Either that or he, just like many progressives and conservatives before him, believe this is a Voltaire quote. Anyone with a brain could see what Buttmunch Billy was trying to do here. He doesn’t like Gaffney because he’s a social justice warrior. He tries to play if off like he’s just “reporting the news” but he doesn’t do a very good job hiding it. Keep in mind that the Turtlegram and Gazette called Gaffney a “slave master” two years ago for investigating a fraudulent non-profit that just so happened to be run by a black woman. They act like it’s harmless to throw these labels out there. It’s not. And what I love about Gaffney is that he’s not afraid to fire back at these frauds, which is exactly what he did on his Facebook page last night: Juicy!!! Walter Bird didn’t write the blurb, but his newest employee did. I’m sure Walter appreciates Buttmunch Billy dragging him into a world of shit that is Turtleboy blowback. But what choice did Gaffney have? We’re the only media outlet in town that tells the truth. The rest are clearly against him, so why should he place nice with them any longer? Either way, Walter is the editor. He approved of this. He allowed his newest employee to insinuate that the Vice Chairman of the City Council quotes white supremacists. Buttmunch Billy quickly objected on Gaffney’s Facebook page: Yea Mike. He didn’t actually call you a racist. He just insinuated that you are inspired by white supremacist literature and freely quote them in order to push your agenda in Worcester. What’s the harm? YIKES!! Instead of just apologizing and admitting he fucked up, Buttmunch Billy doubled down and said that he was NOT insinuating any racism on his part: Yea dude, no one believes you. You’re not good at lying. You don’t go out of your way to research a meme’s origins, and then attribute it solely to a white supremacist, unless you’re trying to tie Gaffney to that particular white supremacist. We’re not as stupid as you are. Plus, who cares? Yea, there’s no consequences to being tied to a controversial white supremacist just a couple days after one of them murdered a woman with his car. It’s not like Joe Petty and his mindless followers will use that against him. Oh wait….. “Councilor Gaffney quotes white supremacist.” That’s the story now. That’s how it will be told from this point forward. Buttmunch Billy knew this, which is why he wrote it in the first place. But it’s not his fault: “It’s not on me the way partisans choose to use my reporting.” See? He was just reporting the facts by going out of his way to suggest that Gaffney quoted a Nazi. Not his fault how people react to that. Kind of like how people like Billy don’t blame Trump when his supporters do fucked up shit. Many accused him of racebaiting, but Buttmunch Billy once again disagreed: Yea, totally not race-baiting. White supremacy has nothing do with race. Then things got even juicier: Busted!!! Apparently Billy was texting Gaffney wanting to know why a post from one of his trolls named Eric Malouin was deleted: Notice the face he forgot to crop out after he screenshotted: Oh I see now – it was a group effort from Worcester Magazine. No wonder Gaffney wanted to spill the bins on their boss – they conspire to make him look bad and they got caught in the act. Nice going Billy. So that means Lyford was watching this all go down, started screenshotting his boy Eric’s troll comments, and then cried about it to Buttmunch Billy when Gaffney blocked him. Because Josh was too much of a pussy to confront Gaffney himself. Sad. It looks as if the local African-American community was not impressed with their race baiting: Boom. Roasted. Once Gaffney threatened to spill the bins on Walter’s sexting scandal, Billy realized he fucked up. He’s only been on the job a couple months and his childish vendetta was about to lead to the public humiliation of his boss. So he was all like, “Why not focus on my behavior?” Because Walter allowed this to happen. What you write reflects upon him. When South Shore Turtlegirl offends large groups of people they go after the brand, not the blogger. We all own it together. It’s OK though, because “Worcesteria” is “irreverent.” Yea, it’s just a joke Mike!! So I called you a white supremacist. Big deal snowflake!! His “friend” thought it was funny: At least he understands that without doing stuff like this no one would actually read his columns: I hate to even give Buttmunch Billy attention he so dearly craves. He writes about us EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Or so I’m told, I don’t read it myself. My grandmother calls me about it on her landline. He’s baiting for us to write about him because he’s smart enough to realize that becoming a Turtleboy villain will at least make him somewhat relevant. But now he’s finally got our attention. Unfortunately for him he was completely exposed for being the fraud that he is, and his boss might lose his job. We urge you to support the following local businesses.",508,1 +509,"Alex Jones delivered one of his all-time wildest rants against MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, whom he compared to demons, parasites and disease. The InfoWars host attacked the “Morning Joe” co-hosts Tuesday in a crazed tirade that included a bug-eyed, tongue-lolling impersonation of a demonic Brzezinski, reported Right Wing Watch. “They’re both like horrible foot-long tapeworms, man, I’m telling you,” Jones said. “Tapeworms that we vomited out and crapped out and they’re just trying to force-feed themselves back into our lives. They’re like gonorrhea or syphilis, I mean they are just — they’re like HIV, they’re like cancer. They are just — I mean, you have to understand, folks, they literally want to destroy you. God, they’re evil. Do you realize how evil these people are?” He promised the friends-turned-critics of President Donald Trump would be “removed” once Jones and his followers triumphed over their enemies, and then launched into a frenzied spasm of unholy gibberish. “They’re like from upside-down world, folks,” Jones said, making a reference to the Netflix series “Stranger Things.” “You have to understand. They’ve broken into this dimension. They want to destroy us.”",509,0 +510,"The Columbia University Law School professor and confidant of former FBI Director James Comey refuted a charge by President Donald Trump and his advocates in the media Monday: that Comey shared classified information with journalists. Daniel Richman, with whom Comey shared at least one memo -- the contents of which Richman shared with New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt -- said President Trump was simply wrong. ""No memo was given to me that was marked 'classified,'"" Daniel Richman told CNN. ""No memo was passed on to the Times."" Richman did share the contents of one memo, he said, but ""the substance of the memo passed on to the Times was not marked classified and to my knowledge remains unclassified."" During Senate testimony in June, in which he said he gave memos to someone he described as a Columbia University professor, Comey said he specifically wrote the memos to avoid including classified information. ""My thinking was, if I write it in such a way that I don't include anything that would trigger a classification, that'll make it easier for us to discuss, within the FBI and the government, and to -- to hold on to it in a way that makes it accessible to us,"" Comey told senators. On Sunday, writing in The Hill, John Solomon reported that, ""More than half of the memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents."" CNN has not independently verified The Hill's report. The Hill's reporting raised ""the possibility,"" Solomon reported, that ""Comey broke his own agency's rules and ignored the same security protocol"" that Comey criticized Hillary Clinton for disregarding. Solomon did not report that the possible breaking of FBI rules was determined to have happened, nor did he report that this would be a violation of the law. Yet that is how President Trump depicted it in a tweet Monday morning: ""James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal!"" One of the issues at play may have to do with whether any contents of the Comey memos have since been upgraded to classified, although that has not been definitively reported by CNN. The-CNN-Wire ™ & © 2017 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.",510,0 +511,"Most of the country condemned Kathy Griffin’s now-infamous photo shoot holding a fake severed head of President Trump. The shocking photo shoot prompted a nationwide outrage and sparked debate over whether or not Griffin should be investigated as a threat to national security. As the Trump family reacted to the photo, it was reported that President Trump’s youngest child—11-year-old Barron—had seen the photo while watching the news and became understandably upset. The one thing these so-called artists fail to take into account is the impact their message will have on family members of their targets. It’s incredibly hard to believe that creating images of this violent nature wouldn’t provoke thought into how they will affect families or even the audience. Not only was Griffin’s photo shoot and full admission of wrongdoing completely unacceptable by anyone’s standards, it was disrespectful to victims of terrorism and their families. Radical Islamic terrorists are notorious for beheading innocent people—including Americans—for propaganda videos. By far, the most disgusting social media post came from some guy who apparently won big on Jeopardy over ten years ago. Ken Jennings took to Twitter and decided to campaign for Dirtbag of the Year. “Barron Trump saw a very long necktie on a heap of expired deli meat in a dumpster. He thought it was his dad and his little heart is breaking,” the game show winner from 2004 posted on his Twitter account. He even defended Griffin’s actions, citing—you guessed it—another game show from the ‘90s where he said Griffin was known for holding up severed heads. Barron Trump saw a very long necktie on a heap of expired deli meat in a dumpster. He thought it was his dad & his little heart is breaking — Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) May 31, 2017 This kind of reaction is absolutely reprehensible, especially under the circumstances. CNN has since announced that Kathy Griffin has been fired from her job as a New Year’s Eve announcer for the network alongside Anderson Cooper, who also expressed outrage over the violent photo. With serious reactions to the photo taking place in the United States, opportunists usually crawl out of the woodwork to make a sad attempt at humor. This was a huge fail. Attacking a child who was understandably disturbed by the gruesome image of his father’s mock beheading is a new low in our society. Adding to this creep’s sentiment, Rosie O’Donnell weighed in via her Twitter account, dismissing Barron Trump’s reaction by asking, “Do you think he saw anything about these 2 heroic men who died defending young girls? Hatred promoted by his father?”This was in reference to the two men who were killed in Oregon defending a Muslim girl from an attack. Regarding which, by the way, President Trump released a statement condemning the act as hatred that has no place in the United States. It seems like reactions to disturbing incidents like the Kathy Griffin photo expose the true nature of individuals and separate those with compassion for humans—regardless of political belief—from truly heinous people.",511,1 +512,"Despite the fact that the Las Vegas shooter would have passed any an all background checks, some on the left still think background checks will somehow solve all of our ills in this country. They’re absolutely convinced that universal background checks will miraculously keep guns out of the hands of not just criminals, but also the man who may someday open fire on an unsuspecting crowd enjoying some music. However, what they think will happen and what actually occurs tends to be rather dissimilar. But such expanded background checks wouldn’t have stopped any of these attacks. Since 2000, all of our mass shooters obtained their weapons without using private transfers. Attacks such as the San Bernardino massacre in California and the Umpqua Community College shooting in Oregon occurred in states that already have universal background checks. Indeed, mass public shootings have recently occurred in France, Belgium, Norway, Germany and other European countries where these background checks also exist. This hole in their argument is so glaring that even some of the media have noticed it. Last year, ABC News’s Jon Karl asked Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), “Why are we focusing on things that have nothing to do with the massacres that we are responding to?” Murphy responded, “We can’t get into the trap in which we are forced to defend our proposals simply because it didn’t stop the last tragedy.” But obviously Karl’s question wasn’t just limited to the most recent attack. Research looking at U.S. data has consistently found no evidence that any type of background checks reduce rates of violent crime. Michael Bloomberg’s groups are the source of contrary claims, but they fail to analyze the national data in an academic manner. They compare states with background checks next to those without them. They do not compare states before and after background checks are imposed. The fact is that criminals have a pipeline for inexpensive black market guns that require no background checks either, as was illustrated by CBS in their report on Chicago gun crime. They’re not looking for private sellers who want the best dollar they can get from a prospective buyer. They want a gun, they want it cheap, and they want it now. Let’s also face the fact that criminals are, by definition, lawbreakers. They’re not concerned with whatever laws you pass because they’re already breaking so many, they figure, “What’s one more?” Despite claims by the leftists on social media, no one supports another massacre. No one at all. However, it doesn’t make any sense to make proposals that do nothing except inconvenience and burden law-abiding gun buyers who want to follow the law. While I may disagree with Sen. Feinstein’s bump-fire stock ban proposal, at least that makes some sense in light of what we know from Las Vegas. Universal background checks? Nope. No sense at all. Of course, why should anyone be surprised? These are the same people who still think banning guns will somehow ban violence in general while doing nothing about the underlying causes. Right now, things are no different except they’re also trying to ban things that have no bearing on what happened, just because they figure the public will back it at the moment. And I’ve had people wonder why I call these people ghouls.",512,1 +513,"(WEYI/WSMH) -- The Michigan State Police out of Detroit took to Twitter reporting the claims of a viral video about human trafficking in a Metro Detroit suburb are not accurate. ""It was investigated by law enforcement and not a case of human trafficking. He was right about being vigilant but that’s about it,"" said the State Police on Twitter. This is the Facebook post where Nick Ahmad claims human trafficking almost happened to his wife and others. The video has been viewed over 650,000 times and shared close to 30,000 times. After an investigation the Michigan State Police took to twitter saying the viral Facebook video is not accurate.",513,0 +514,"After constant attacks from the political and media elites, Steve Bannon has some of the thickest skin in America. Washed up rapper Eminem ripped Bannon during his now infamous BET Hip Hop Awards freestyle. When asked what he thought of the diss, the Breitbart boss offered a classic response. Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon does not “give a shit” about Eminem’s freestyle roast in which he name-checks Bannon in his attempted takedown of President Donald Trump. “On the record: Honey badger don’t give a shit,” Bannon reportedly told Joshua Green, the Bloomberg reporter and author of the best-selling Devil’s Bargain book, on Wednesday evening. At the BET Hip Hop Awards on Tuesday, Eminem appeared in a video in which he attacked Trump and referenced Bannon. As TGP previously reported, Eminen went on a four minute freestyle rap against President Donald Trump. This was very poor poetry. Hip Hop is really hurting these days. Complete with references to Steve Bannon and the KKK. Of course, there is no truth to anything Eminem was rapping about. But what the hell. Meanwhile inner cities across the US continue to suffer and wither away with their drugs, gangs and Democrat politicians. (Warning on Language) Eminem obviously wants to be invited back next year. What a disgrace. Sponsored Sponsored",514,1 +515,"Donald Trump rose to power by telling disaffected white people that the past represents the right and natural order. Joe Raedle/Getty The rise of President-elect Donald J. Trump is a triumph for white supremacy and misogyny that too many of us believed was impossible in the United States in 2016. Trump’s promise to “Make America Great Again” is a call to return us to a past in which white men of all classes could expect the government to protect their economic and social dominance relative to racial minorities and women. It’s a harkening back to the “greatness” of a time when programs like the New Deal and the G.I. Bill created a path to a middle-class life through government benefits that were systematically denied to black people. When you didn’t have to let black people live in your white apartment buildings. When it was difficult or dangerous for a person of color to participate in the political process by voting. When only white men were judges. When black men accused of sexual assault were presumed guilty and faced execution, but powerful white men were free to treat women’s bodies as their property without facing legal consequences or even outrage. When men were men, and women knew their value depended on their attractiveness and subservience to those men. When a high school diploma entitled a white man to a good job without competition from people of color, women or robots. Trump rose to power by telling disaffected white people that the past represents the right and natural order, and he can bring it back. He made no secret of who he would take our country back from: minorities, women, immigrants, Muslims, Jews. And despite his open disdain for the rule of law, he often justified his mission by invoking the language the reactionary right has long used to describe their quest to turn back time: “restoring the Constitution.” It is imperative that we stop letting the right own the Constitution. Given that we’re about to have a president with dictatorial aspirations, and both houses of Congress controlled by the Republican Party from which he sprang, the public needs more than ever to understand and demand our constitutional protections. We must be a meaningful check on how much damage these people can do. But for that to happen, liberals are going to have to stop letting the right’s claims to constitutional authority for their preferred social order go unanswered. Too often, liberals and progressives treat the Constitution as an obsolete document written by white men who enslaved black people and treated women as property that has little relevance to our modern battles. In doing so, we’ve ceded the ground to white men longing for the good ol’ days. Yes, the Constitution was written by white guys who got a lot very wrong, and it would indeed be a bankrupt document if it were frozen in time. But while the Founders lacked the empathy or courage to recognize that “We the People” includes people of all colors, religions and genders, they enshrined revolutionary principles of what liberty entails and left room for us to interpret and amend the document to be more in keeping with those principles. Liberals must articulate a vision of the Constitution, because what Americans understand the Constitution to say acts as a constraint on what politicians and courts can do. Historically, we’ve made major strides by getting our fellow citizens to accept evolved interpretations of the Constitution’s text – for example, by arguing that segregation violates the right to equal protection of the law, and that forcing a person to carry a pregnancy to term against her will violates her 14th Amendment right to liberty. The shocking election of Donald Trump tells us we haven’t made nearly as much progress as we thought toward convincing our fellow citizens that all people are created equal and protected by the Constitution. It’s a moment to remember that in the not-so-distant past a suffragette demanding the full rights of citizenship could be imprisoned and force-fed, and even more recently black people doing the same were beaten and lynched. In hindsight, it was somewhat naive to think the country had changed so much and so quickly that it would resoundingly reject Trump’s misogyny, racism and xenophobia. Right now, in the days and weeks and months after Trump’s upset victory, we must articulate a vision of the Constitution to combat the idea that our changed country is a deviation from it. It is deeply unsettling to a large segment of Americans that they can suffer in economic malaise while a black man occupies the highest office, as the country becomes less white and Christian, and as women assume new roles. We need to be clear that there is no going back to when things were “great” just for white men – the changes we’ve seen are the inevitable result of moving closer to the equality the Constitution requires. We’re here, we’re queer, we’re female, we’re black, we’re brown, we’re Jewish and we’re Muslim. As dire as things feel today, Trump, his supporters and the Republicans who bred them will eventually have to get used to it. We must explain to change-resistant white people that an altered country is the inevitable result of adhering to the founding document they claim to revere. But the more concrete and immediate reason we have to start talking about the Constitution is that many of the things Trump wants to do are not only terrible policy, but flagrantly unconstitutional. We just elected a man who has proposed torturing people, making religious discrimination official policy, banning abortion and “loosening up” the First Amendment, along with a Congress full of Republicans who have proven incapable of standing up to him. We cannot let shock and fear and defeatism paralyze us. When Trump proposes something that is off-the-table constitutionally, We the People must tell him early and often and loudly that we’re not going to take it. Donald Trump becomes president-elect of the United States. Watch here.",515,1