diff --git "a/dev.csv" "b/dev.csv" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/dev.csv" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -,text,id,label -0,"Rumors that Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are allegedly on the verge of divorce have been circulating as early as a few weeks into their marriage. New reports claimed that there is a new woman involved in Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux's alleged rocky relationship and it's none other than Jen's close friend, Chelsea Handler. Is the former ""Friends"" star jealous because her new husband and her pal are getting too close? Quite the opposite. A source claimed that Justin allegedly can't stand Chelsea and her antics. ""Recently, Justin came home to find Chelsea cooking breakfast in their kitchen ... completely naked,"" Celeb Dirty Laundry reported. ""Chelsea hates wearing clothes, and she documents her naked adventures on social media all the time."" ""But Justin Theroux has forbidden her from having any more naked romps in his house while he is out of town,"" the report continued. According to an insider, Chelsea Handler was allegedly just trying to be funny. Unfortunately, Justin Theroux wasn't laughing. Apparently, Theroux confronted Aniston about her friend and how she irritates him. ""Chelsea thought it was hilarious, but Justin was really annoyed. Apparently Jen got in the habit of inviting Chelsea over for boozy girls' nights whenever he was away filming,"" OK! Magazine reported, as quoted by CDL. ""It bugged him to come home and find Chelsea there and the house a mess, but he bit his tongue. But now that he and Jen are married, he is establishing some ground rules, chief among them is that Chelsea is no longer welcome in their guest room,"" the report said. It has been previously reported that the newly weds are allegedly having problems over Jennifer Aniston being jealous because of Justin's purported closeness with his ""The Leftovers"" co-star, Margaret Qualley. The newlyweds' friends are hoping that the couple work out their differences especially since the couple is allegedly in the process of adopting a baby.",0,0 -1,"Before you judge Hillary Clinton as a Republican presidential candidate, you should have all your information. Not only is she representing what every woman could strive to become, but the personal love story of the Clintons will tug at your heartstrings. Bill and Hillary’s love story started very appropriately – in a college class of political and civil rights. Bill claims that Hillary had a sense of “self-possession and strength” that he found magnetic. Hillary Clinton was the one to approach Bill, saying, “You know, if you’re going to keep looking at me, and I’m going to keep looking back, we should know each other. I’m Hillary Rodham”. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Why Is This Never Mentioned About The Brady Bunch? When asked in interviews, both Bill and Hillary have been known to say their meeting was ‘love at first sight’. She said that he was the first man ever not to be “scared” of her. Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Feeling Old? Do This Once A Day And Watch What Happens Hillary took part in the student council at high school but she didn’t always want a job in politics. Back when she was a kid, she wanted to be an astronaut, a baseball player, and a journalist. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Why Is This Never Mentioned About The Brady Bunch? It is said to be their “intellectual fascination” with each other that keeps them together through the good and the bad. “We’ve been walking and talking and laughing together ever since”. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Feeling Old? Do This Once A Day And Watch What Happens As a part of her college experience, Hillary actively participated in all things political on campus. As a result of being incredibly focused on her career goals, she rejected Bill Clinton’s proposal twice, until Bill did this… Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Feeling Old? Do This Once A Day And Watch What Happens Bill then decided to try something else. The second time he proposed, he said, “I really want you to marry me, but you shouldn’t do it”. Hillary was baffled – “What is this boy up to?”, she thought. Thing is, he really meant it at the time, but things took a different turn shortly after… Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Why Is This Never Mentioned About The Brady Bunch? You know what they say – third time’s the charm! Bill and Hillary ended up getting married in their living room in October 1975, with only 15 guests there to celebrate their love. “I married my best friend,” said Bill, “I was still in awe after more than four years”. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Feeling Old? Do This Once A Day And Watch What Happens Having a strong woman by his side was by no means easy. The only thing Bill was really hoping was that Hillary choosing him and rejecting his advice to pursue her career was a decision she wouldn’t end up regretting. And so, things kept heating up. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Why Is This Never Mentioned About The Brady Bunch? Just a year after tying the knot, the Clintons moved to Little Rock where Bill became attorney general and Hillary became a part of the oldest law firm in Mississippi. Hillary’s career didn’t stop there – she eventually founded the “Arkansas Advocates for Families and Children”. More surprises were coming, though! Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Learn 10 Signs of Alcoholism To Help You Identify An Alcoholic In February 1980, just 15 minutes after Bill got home that day, Hillary’s water broke, and their daughter Chelsea was born just before midnight. Bill called the birth of Chelsea “the miracle of a new beginning”. “My daughter had the best mother in the whole world”, said Bill. Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Feeling Old? Do This Once A Day And Watch What Happens Just like any other child, Chelsea loved the slumber parties, family vacations, and had a passion for ballet and volleyball. Despite Hillary’s incredibly successful career as a politician, she always prioritized her family – something Bill always loved. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Feeling Old? Do This Once A Day And Watch What Happens Throughout the rest of the 80’s, Bill and Hillary just tried to make things work, both as politicians and as a family. In 1983, Hillary pursued attempting to change the education standards after a court claimed their schools were the worst in America. What she did was incredible… Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Why Is This Never Mentioned About The Brady Bunch? Nine years later, Bill would run for president, and the same people who said their state had the worst schools in America suddenly claimed they had the most improved education in America. All because of how hard Hillary worked at developing different standards. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Why Is This Never Mentioned About The Brady Bunch? In the early years, where Bill was averse to conflict, Hillary was blunt and straightforward. Even after rumors spread of Bill’s infidelity, Hillary claimed, “he’s still the most interesting, energizing, and fully alive person I’ve ever met”. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Top Doctor: ""The Ultimate Health Habit You Need in Your 50s"" After the couple got married, Hillary refused to change her name to Clinton, claiming it would take away her individuality and not let her keep her personal life and Bill’s professional life separate. She gave in after Bill’s opponent in the Democratic primary made a massive issue out of Hillary’s feminist nature. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Learn 10 Signs of Alcoholism To Help You Identify An Alcoholic Just because Bill Clinton run for office doesn’t mean he didn’t enjoy an occasional laugh throughout the campaign. Here are the Clintons and Bill’s running mate Al Gore in the back of the campaign bus in 1992. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Why Is This Never Mentioned About The Brady Bunch? Hillary Clinton appears to be the kind of woman who doesn’t let circumstances stand in the way to her achievements, and this photograph perfectly portrays her true colors. Young, fierce, and intelligent – that’s who you are, Hillary. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Feeling Old? Do This Once A Day And Watch What Happens Even after becoming president, Bill never took his eyes off of his First Lady. Here they are at a ’50s theme party celebrating Hillary’s 47th birthday in the East Room of the White House. Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Top Doctor: ""The Ultimate Health Habit You Need in Your 50s"" After becoming president, Bill felt like it was only natural to make Hillary in charge of the health care task force. In 1997, Congress agreed to pass Children’s Health Insurance Program, which is still a crucial part of Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Here’s Why Guys Are Obsessed With This Underwear… Why Is This Never Mentioned About The Brady Bunch?",1,0 -2,"The Business Council of Westchester will be honoring one of its own in November. Hillary Clinton, a Chappaqua resident who ran unsuccessfully for president last year, will be presented the Westchester Global Leadership Laureate Award on Monday, Nov. 20 at the Business Council's annual fall dinner at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook. “We are pleased to present Westchester’s own Hillary Rodham Clinton with this special award in recognition of her lifetime of achievement in New York, the nation, and the world,’’ said Marsha Gordon, President, and CEO of the Business Council of Westchester. “We are honored that she has agreed to accept the award in person and to speak at the dinner.’’ Previous speakers have included Cardinal Timothy Dolan, New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and 60 Minutes reporter Steve Kroft. Clinton represented New York as senator from 2001 to 2009, resigning to become Secretary of State. Click here to sign up for Daily Voice's free daily emails and news alerts.",2,0 -3,"MAINZ, Germany — At least 17 ISIS militants have arrived in Europe concealed as refugees, according to Germany’s domestic intelligence service. Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of the BfV agency, said in an interview with the daily FAZ newspaper over the weekend that “most of them are already in prison or dead."" The total includes two suspects who died in the Paris terror attacks, according to the report. Last year, Germany alone welcomed more than 1.1 million migrants, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan. In an interview with NBC News earlier this year, Maassen said that ISIS was trying to ""send a political, not an operational signal"" by capitalizing on the migrant crisis. “It wanted to show ... that it is capable of smuggling terrorists to Europe concealed as refugees and that every refugee can be a terrorist,"" the intellgence chief added. His agency's annual security report published last week notes that Europe is faced with “a new dimension of [Islamist] terror,"" stating that “it has to be assumed that ISIS is planning further attacks in Europe, including Germany.”",3,0 -4,"Chappelle-Nadal then deleted it in a panic. Maria Chappelle-Nadal was removed from her committee assignments the next week. But she was not removed from public office. On Thursday Chappelle-Nadal compared Trump to Hitler. Because…. Republicans are Nazis. FOX 2 reported: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch interviewed Chappelle-Nadal about the tweet. She tells the newspaper that, “I have a First Amendment right to share my opinion, and if a meme is offensive to people, they should look at the First Amendment again,” she said. “Then ask yourself why you have different qualifications for a black woman of Puerto Rican descent than other people putting up a meme with no words. It’s Twitter.” Sponsored Sponsored",4,1 -5,"made in china ( Image by twicepix) Permission Details DMCA Article originally published in LaborPress By Robert Weiner and Ben Lasky After deferring to China for Korea and seeing no results, President Trump's return to disciplining China over trade crimes is the right position. On Aug. 14, President Trump authorized a probe on China's trade practices, with a focus on intellectual property theft as well as theft of American technologies. Add to the mix: devalued currency, refusal to sell fair quantities of American-made products, unbelievably low worker wages, lead and other poisons in dog food and baby food, plagiarized health and cancer research, deficient tires. Trump has now come back around to the correct view. The President slipped off the wagon for a while. He pressed on the point that the U.S. needed China to help deter a nuclear North Korea. However, dozens of missile tests later, with Kim Jong Un even closer to a long-range nuclear weapon, Trump now realizes that China only used the North Korea bait to give themselves more trade freedom against us. It is time to call the Chinese government out. The U.S. economy is weakened by Chinese intellectual property theft, counterfeit goods, and deficient products competing with American brands. China was unwilling to help make North Korea release Otto Warmbier early enough to get him medical help. In an interview on CNN Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) the Senate Democratic Leader, told Trump how to handle China: ""You say, 'you can't push America around anymore,' which they've been able to do for administration after administration. Stop doing that. The President should say, 'You're not dealing with North Korea the way you should be.'"" On June 20, Trump tweeted about Warmbier, ""While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!"" Instead, China is giving us a victory here and there-- they will now import beef from us. That's nice of them. Apparently we can sell cows to China, but not cars. Schumer criticized Trump for at first reversing course. In an April 12 press conference right after his meetings with China's leader, Trump said, ""They're not currency manipulators,"" which he had called them at least fifteen times on the campaign trail. Schumer said of Trump and his team, ""Now they say they (China) aren't manipulating their currency. They are. I think China just does what it wants ""They gain trillions of dollars by stealing intellectual property, by dumping excess steel and aluminum. The way to get China to help with North Korea is be tougher with them on trade."" President Trump said that when he met with President Xi at the White House, ""After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it's not so easy. I felt pretty strongly that they had a tremendous power [over] North Korea."" Of course China has leverage over North Korea. North Korea depends on China as a trading partner. In 10 minutes, Trump's view on China for thirty years apparently changed with a persuasive short argument from the president of a country that continually walks all over the U.S. This was Trump listening to the ""last man in the room"" at its worst. Trump said he told President Xi, ""The way you're going to make a good trade deal is to help us with North Korea; otherwise we're just going to go it alone."" The last part of that sentence is what the U.S., along with its allies, should do. China will help regardless because it's in China's own interest to do so. Not allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. has been a Democratic issue for over forty years, from Dick Gephardt to Bernie Sanders, and it became a key one for Trump too-- a rare area of campaign agreement. The president's promise to stand up to China was one of the major reasons he won the election. China should not get a free ride because we want their help with North Korea. In 2015, the FBI released a survey of 165 anonymous companies, half of which reported they had been victims of economic espionage. Of that half, 95 percent blame China. The counterfeit goods market in China costs companies $20 billion a year. Are they buying us by Americans enjoying a $30 ""Rolex"" from a Times Square vendor? Simply put, China's illegal actions are costing American jobs. To prevent a nuclear North Korea, the recent U.S. deployment of the ""mother of all bombs"" was as much a warning to other countries, including North Korea, as it was about destroying ISIS tunnels in Afghanistan. The U.S. has military might and is willing to use it. North Korea knows that. It is not worth caving to China, who costs the U.S. billions of dollars a year, and allowing them to keep manipulating currency and committing economic espionage. Otto Warmbier's coma and death, and Korea's missile tests and H-bomb, are just more proof Schumer is right--Instead of making nice with China, President Trump must hold them accountable, as he promised. Robert Weiner is a former Clinton White House spokesman and spokesman for the House Government Operations Committee. He was senior staff for Congressmen Ed Koch, Charles Rangel, Claude Pepper, and John Conyers, Jr. Ben Lasky is senior policy analyst at Robert Weiner Associates and Solutions for Change. Iconic ‘Caddyshack’ Scene Has One Huge Flaw No One Noticed Iconic ‘Caddyshack’ Scene Has One Huge Flaw No One Noticed Top Content in the Last 2 Days (by Page Views) Trump Colors The Flag Wrong, Reveals His True Stripes by Meryl Ann Butler (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Even now, John McCain finds a way to put Trump in his place Posted by Meryl Ann Butler (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Not Enough to Impeach Trump -- Entire Presidency Should Be Annulled by Robert B. Reich (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Biochemically Quashing Roundup's Carcinogenicity~Stephanie Seneff, MIT Genius~~Tulsi Gabbard Weighs in Against Roundup by Stephen Fox (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) McCain: Johnny Wet-Start Gets A Pass from the Media by Richard Volaar (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) The Real Crisis For The United States by Clarc King (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Be Careful What You Ask For: Wasting Time with Manafort, Cohen, and Russiagate by Jim Kavanagh (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) What Recent NY Primary Upset Means for Voters Everywhere by Joan Brunwasser (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Trump Can't Have A Dog by Rob Kall (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Pesticide Studies Won E.P.A.'s Trust, Until Trump's Team Scorned 'Secret Science' - 'Weaponized Transparency.'"" Posted by Susan Lee Schwartz (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) When America Was Great by Ethan Indigo Smith (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) So How Many Poor Vietnamese Did McCain's Bombs Kill in 23 Runs? by Jay Janson (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Top Democrats are taking health care industry cash then opposing candidates who support ""Medicare for all"" by Tarbell org (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) There's nothing suspicious about Jen Moore's death. There's nothing suspicious about Jen Moore's death. There's nothing Posted by Josh Mitteldorf (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) What Did Pope Francis Know About Cardinal McCarrick -- And When Did He Know It? by Thomas Farrell (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) This is Our Time by Timothy Gatto (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) News from Humptydumptytribe--that eclipses anything else you read these days by Daniel Geery (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Weather Disasters, Climate Change, Human Options by Arshad M Khan (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) 2018 Peace Prize Awarded to David Swanson by David Swanson (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Dead 'Yemeni Kids? Murdering Children By the Millions For Money and Power Is An American Way of Life by Jay Janson (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Internet Censorship: Today, Alex Jones– tomorrow, YOU by Josh Mitteldorf (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Time for Dems to Kick the Corporate Money Addiction by Larry Butler (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Have an Active Kellogg-Briand Day by David Swanson (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) There Is No Limit To Presstitute Hypocrisy by Paul Craig Roberts (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Senator John McCain served his country with honor; Trump said, ""nope, not me!"" by Michael Payne (With membership, you can see # of pageviews) Go To Top 50 Most Popular made in china ( Image by twicepix) Permission Details DMCA Article originally published in LaborPress By Robert Weiner and Ben Lasky After deferring to China for Korea and seeing no results, President Trump's return to disciplining China over trade crimes is the right position. On Aug. 14, President Trump authorized a probe on China's trade practices, with a focus on intellectual property theft as well as theft of American technologies. Add to the mix: devalued currency, refusal to sell fair quantities of American-made products, unbelievably low worker wages, lead and other poisons in dog food and baby food, plagiarized health and cancer research, deficient tires. Trump has now come back around to the correct view. The President slipped off the wagon for a while. He pressed on the point that the U.S. needed China to help deter a nuclear North Korea. However, dozens of missile tests later, with Kim Jong Un even closer to a long-range nuclear weapon, Trump now realizes that China only used the North Korea bait to give themselves more trade freedom against us. It is time to call the Chinese government out. The U.S. economy is weakened by Chinese intellectual property theft, counterfeit goods, and deficient products competing with American brands. China was unwilling to help make North Korea release Otto Warmbier early enough to get him medical help. In an interview on CNN Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) the Senate Democratic Leader, told Trump how to handle China: ""You say, 'you can't push America around anymore,' which they've been able to do for administration after administration. Stop doing that. The President should say, 'You're not dealing with North Korea the way you should be.'"" On June 20, Trump tweeted about Warmbier, ""While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!"" Instead, China is giving us a victory here and there-- they will now import beef from us. That's nice of them. Apparently we can sell cows to China, but not cars. Schumer criticized Trump for at first reversing course. In an April 12 press conference right after his meetings with China's leader, Trump said, ""They're not currency manipulators,"" which he had called them at least fifteen times on the campaign trail. Schumer said of Trump and his team, ""Now they say they (China) aren't manipulating their currency. They are. I think China just does what it wants ""They gain trillions of dollars by stealing intellectual property, by dumping excess steel and aluminum. The way to get China to help with North Korea is be tougher with them on trade.""",5,1 -6,"Print Close Top Hillary Clinton aides were upset a Muslim man was publicly named as the shooter in a 2015 massacre that left 14 people dead, and a longtime Clinton confidant even expressed regret that the terrorist wasn’t a white man, according to purported emails released by WikiLeaks on Sunday. The emails were part of a trove of messages stolen from the gmail account of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, who has had a long association with the Democratic presidential nominee and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. The email chain began on Dec. 2, when digital operative Matt Ortega forwarded a tweet from MSNBC host Christopher Hayes that named one of the shooters in the San Bernardino, Calif., attack as Sayeed Farook. Consultant Karen Finney forwarded the email to Podesta, commenting, “Damn.” Podesta responded: “Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk [sic] was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter.” Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, gunned down 14 people and injured 22 in a terror attack during a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center on Dec. 2. The attackers pledged their allegiance to ISIS before dying in a shootout with police later in the day. But Podesta’s written lament of the shooter’s ethnicity underscores a long-running aversion in the Clinton campaign – and many in the Democratic party at large – to associating terrorist acts with any aspect of the Islamic religion. In a 154-page debate prep book that was developed two months after the San Bernardino attacks, and also unearthed in the WikiLeaks document dump, topic 47 is devoted to “Should we call this Islamic terrorism?” Nowhere in the suggested seven-point answer does “Islamic terrorism” make an appearance. Instead, it’s suggested that Clinton call the enemy “radical jihadists.” “Now, of course there are those who twist Islam to justify mass murder,” point three begins. “But we can’t buy into the same narrative that these barbaric, radical jihadists use to recruit new followers. Declaring war on Islam or demonizing the Muslim-American community is not only counter to our values – it plays right into the terrorists’ hands.” Point seven states: “Radical jihadists underestimate us. We won’t turn on each other or turn on our principles. We will keep our country safe and strong, free and tolerant. And we will defeat those who threaten us.” Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has made a concerted effort to note that Clinton and President Obama don’t use Trump’s preferred descriptive term, “Radical Islamic terrorism.” Obama held a lengthy press conference earlier this year to specifically address why he refused to link Islam and terrorism. But in the wake of the Orlando nightclub terror attack in June, and amid more Trump prodding, Clinton relented somewhat. “Whether you call it radical jihadism or radical Islamism, I’m happy to say either,” she said at the time. “I think they mean the same thing.” The latest email release was the ninth day this month that emails from Podesta's account were revealed on WikiLeaks. So far, about 12,000 of 50,000 alleged emails have been released. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/16/wikileaks-podesta-lamented-that-muslim-not-white-man-named-as-killer-in-2015-massacre.html",6,0 -7,"Jul 1, 2017 at 3:15 PM The progressive strategy of investigating President Donald Trump nonstop for Russian collusion or obstruction of justice or witness tampering so far has produced no substantial evidence of wrongdoing. The alternate strategy of derailing the new administration before it really gets started hasn’t succeeded either, despite serial efforts to sue over election results, alter the Electoral College vote, boycott the inauguration, delay the confirmation of appointments, demand recusals, promise Trump’s impeachment or removal through the 25th Amendment, and file suit under the Emoluments Clause. A third strategy of portraying Trump as a veritable monster likewise so far has failed in four special elections for House seats. Apparently progressives have accepted the idea that Barack Obama’s formula of twice winning the Electoral College is not yet transferable to other progressive candidates such as Hillary Clinton. And they probably have concluded that Obama’s progressive political agenda proved unpopular with voters by 2010 and had to be implemented by ad hoc executive orders — presidential prerogatives now utilized by Donald Trump to overturn the ones Obama issued. A fourth potential pathway to power would be a return to Bill Clinton’s pragmatic agendas of the 1990s. But apparently progressives find that centrist remedy worse than the malady of losing elections — given that during the Obama tenure, more than 1,000 state and local offices were lost to Republicans, in addition to majorities in the House and Senate, and a majority of governorships and legislatures. What next? Trump acts as if he is a Nietzschean figure, assuming that anything that does not destroy him only makes him stronger. And now, slowly, his accusers are becoming the accused. One nagging problem with the progressive case against Trump for purported Russian collusion and obstruction of justice was that members of the Obama administration had more exposure to those allegations than did the political newcomer Trump. Last year, then-FBI Director James Comey testified that not only did former Attorney General Loretta Lynch improperly meet in secret with Bill Clinton during an investigation of Hillary Clinton, but that Lynch had asked Comey to downplay the investigation into Hillary’s use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state. Comey confessed that he had reluctantly agreed to Lynch’s request. Last month, in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Comey admitted that he asked a friend to leak notes about Comey’s earlier conversation with Trump in hopes of forcing the nomination of a special investigator to lead the Russia investigation — perhaps a successful gambit, given that Comey’s friend, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, was soon appointed to that role. Comey also wrongly dismissed Hillary Clinton’s email problems because of a perceived lack of criminal intent — a supposedly mitigating circumstance that legally should have had no bearing on things. As far as alleged Russian collusion, there had long been conservative accusations that Bill and Hillary Clinton used Hillary’s status as secretary of state to leverage honoraria for Bill and donations to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for concessions to Russian interests. Moreover, Russian tampering efforts had been going on for months before the 2016 election, but without any retaliatory measures from the Obama administration, which knew about Russia’s meddling. In an inadvertent hot-mic request in 2012, Obama asked outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to urge Russian President Vladimir Putin “to give me space” during Obama’s re-election campaign, so that after his assumed success, Obama could reciprocate with “more flexibility” on Russian issues. In the present highly charged climate, would that be seen as a form of Russian collusion? Meanwhile, the House Intelligence Committee is still investigating whether top Obama administration officials wrongfully used the power of foreign-intelligence collection to conduct surveillance of Americans — particularly members of the Trump campaign. The point is not whether the Clintons, James Comey, Barack Obama or members of the Obama administration can be proven to have engaged in illegal or unscrupulous behavior. Rather, the lesson is that progressives should have offered alternative political visions that might have won back the American people rather than attempting to terminate the Trump presidency on charges to which the progressive side was far more vulnerable. Now that Trump is emerging from successful House special elections and has fended off six months of media attacks, celebrity invective and progressive efforts to abort his tenure, he seems to be going back on the offensive. Currently, House and Senate investigations are doing to Democrats what has been done Trump. So far these probes seem to have better chances to prove alleged wrongdoing. What does all this political back-and-forth mean? Democrats struck preemptively to take out Trump before he unwound the Obama legacy. That effort has probably been stalled. The return volley is being launched at a time when an energized Trump is gaining momentum on health care and tax reform, and an improving economy. In sum, to thwart a new president’s policies, it is probably wiser to offer alternative agendas instead of trying to destroy him before he has even entered office. Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.",7,1 -8,"Drew Magary wants a word with anyone who's about to be on the wrong side of history. Earlier this week, the Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold uncovered yet another Donald Trump scam job, in which he used over $250,000 in charitable donations to help pay off his legal bills. And, because this is Trump, that sordid (and almost certainly illegal) bit of money laundering is just ONE despicable detail of the story. There are many more, including Trump’s club trying to welch on a $1 million hole-in-one payout (out of all of Trump’s bad qualities, his steadfast refusal to pay people what he owes them, while bragging about it, is the most enraging), along with the old bit about Trump blithely ignoring local ordinances so he could put a big, dipshit flagpole up at the Mar-A-Lago club, with his lawyers stating—with a straight face—that a smaller flag “would fail to appropriately express the magnitude of Donald J. Trump’s . . . patriotism” (NOTE: Until recently, Trump didn’t know what the stripes on the flag symbolized). None of this is surprising, of course. Trump is a liar and a crook, and he commits abominable acts at such a frenetic pace that they get lost in the fury surrounding whatever horrible thing he does next. Keith Olbermann needed over 17 minutes on this site just to list a fraction of the atrocities Trump has staged during election season, and he’s gonna need 17 more minutes to cover what happens between now and Election Day. Remember when Trump said he would get rid of food regulations? That was Thursday. Regardless, in the end, people are still gonna vote for this man. Maybe not enough to get him elected, but still: it’ll be in the tens of millions. (Note to the people causing the polls to fluctuate: What the fuck is wrong with you? I gotta meet the five percent of people who saw Hillary come down with pneumonia and were like, “Forget her, gimme the dictator with dryer lint hair.”) Nothing that Trump says, no damning piece of Trump reportage, and certainly no opinion piece like this one will stop his voters from pulling the lever. Nor will anything stop Trump from being the officious, braindead goon that he is. He will never answer for his crimes, and there’s a frighteningly large portion of the electorate that will always love him for that. And so I’d just like to say to that portion of the electorate: Fuck you. No, seriously. Go fuck yourselves. I’m not gonna waste any more time trying to convince you that you’re about to do something you’ll regret forever. I’m not gonna show you old clips of Trump saying rotten things. I’m not gonna try to ANNIHILATE Trump by showing you records of his hypocrisy and greed. I’m not gonna link to a John Oliver clip and be like, “THIS. So much this.” Nothing’s gonna take down Trump at this point, so I’m not gonna bother. No no, this post is for ME. I am preaching to the sad little choir in my soul here. Because while Trump is a miserable bastard, YOU are the people who have handed him the bullhorn. YOU are the people willing to embarrass this nation and put it on the brink of economic ruin all because you wanna throw an electoral hissy fit. YOU are the people who want to revolutionize the way America does business by voting for its worst businessman, a disgusting neon pig who only makes money when he causes problems for other people instead of solving them. YOU are the thin-skinned yokels who clutch your bandoliers whenever someone hurls the mildest of slurs at you (“deplorables”), while cheering Trump on as he leaves a bonfire of truly hateful invective everywhere he goes. YOU are the people willing to overlook the fact that Trump is an unqualified, ignorant sociopath because DURRRR HILLARY IS BAD TOO DURRRR. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video You know what? No, she’s not. She’s fine. I lived through one Clinton, and I can live through another. My reasons for hating Trump are better than your reasons for hating Hillary. Show me all the arguments against her you like. You guys don’t give a shit about facts and research when it comes to Trump, so I’m not gonna give a shit about whatever clumsy meme you cook up to explain why she did Benghazi. Nope. Sorry. Fuck your arguments, and fuck you. Trump has shown no respect for anyone, so I don’t see why you deserve any either. Whatever mildly frustrating centrist liberal bureaucracy that Hillary presides over will be fine compared to the spray tan mushroom cloud that would arise all because YOU thought Trump was such a brave, un-PC dickhead to everyone within shouting distance. Trump is human waste. He is the worst of America stuffed into a nacho cheese casing, and he is emblematic of the kind of arrogant, flag-waving, trashy, racist moron that the rest of us have to DRAG kicking and screaming into the 21st century: Cliven Bundy, Sean Hannity, Kim Davis, and on and on and on. Trump voters are the people who have spent the past decade or so voting insipid obstructionists into office, sending death threats to anyone who even mentions the idea of gun control, demanding 100% tax cuts on millions of dollars they can only daydream about making, and getting suckered in by any Oil Party candidate waving a NO GAYS flag. Fuck them. These are needy hillbilly loons who are just as starved for attention as Trump himself. And voting for Trump is their way of emulating him, of saying FUCK YOU to everyone else as a mission statement, with no regard for the fallout. The old saw is that people get the politicians they deserve, and I’ll be crestfallen if Trump wins and proves this to be true once more. If you vote for him, you’re not making America great again. You are killing it. You are telling the world that America isn’t worth it. You are telling the world that all of our big talk about freedom and unity and ideals is just a load of shit, and that you would prefer a smoldering dystopia where freedom is just a flimsy cover for evildoing, led by a man who believes that strength is measured only in killing people. You are handing the most important job on Earth to Napoleon from Animal Farm. And you are revealing your breathtaking ignorance to everyone except for yourself. I can’t believe you can’t see this. I want you to see this. I wanna shine a big fucking light in your face and scream at you that Trump isn’t even qualified to be human, much less President. How are you gonna change the system if you elect some corrupt idiot who has no clue how to DO IT, huh? Can’t you see this? Haven’t you heard this asshole talk? THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? But I already know that’s a futile effort. So fuck you, and fuck the GOP leaders who are too chickenshit to stand up to you. I’m not gonna wish deportation or imprisonment or some kind of fantastical hyperbolic death upon you. I’m not gonna ask for a wall to be built on the Mason-Dixon line. No no, I think you people deserve the EXACT same fate as Trump himself, and that is to lose, badly. That’s what should happen to you. You and your hamburger puppet leader deserve to live the rest of your days arm-in-arm in disgrace, branded as losers for eternity. Because that’s what you are. Drew Magary is a GQ correspondent and author, most recently of "" The Hike.""",8,1 -9,"Money ( Image by 401(K) 2013) Permission Details DMCA The walls are closing in on Congress. Terrifying walls of water from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which, when the damage is totaled, could rise to a half trillion dollars. The Walls of War: The multi-trillion dollar ongoing cost of Afghanistan, Iraq and other interventions. The crumbling walls of the U.S. infrastructure, which need at least $3 trillion to be repaired or replaced. A wall of 11 million undocumented immigrants, whose deportation could easily cost $200 billion. The planned wall at the Mexican border, which some estimates place at $67 billion. Then there is the Wall of All, the $20 trillion national debt. The walls of debt are closing in. At moments of crisis in our nation, in addition to invoking the assistance of Higher powers, we can call upon the Constitution for guidance. Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution contains a long-forgotten provision, ""the coinage clause,"" which empowered Congress ""to coin (create) Money."" The ability to create money to meet the needs of the nation is a sovereign power, which enables a nation to have control of its own destiny. The same article indicates the Founders anticipated having to borrow money on the full faith and credit of the United States. Enter the Funding Act of 1790, which assumed and paid off the debt of the colonies and retired the financial obligations of the newly created states now united. This was a powerful, object lesson in debt retirement, relevant today. It is abundantly clear from a plain reading of the coinage clause that the Founders never intended that the only way the government was to be funded was to borrow money. The needs of the nation were to come from a system of not borrowing wherein money was a neutral value of exchange connecting resources, people and needs, without debt attached. In 1913, the passage of the Federal Reserve Act ceded the constitutional power to create money (and control of our national destiny), to the Federal Reserve, a quasi-private central bank. At this fateful point, the only way money could be brought into being was to borrow it, whereby money became equated with debt. The money system transited from public control to private control, and there it has remained. Instead of following the path set forth by the Founders to create money directly, our government became obliged to borrow from private banks, which assumed the sovereign power to create money from nothing and then loan it to the government, turning on its head the intention of the Founders. As a member of Congress, I came to the conclusion that while the debate over taxation was interesting, it was wholly insufficient. One must first study how money is created, before one can sensibly have a discussion of how it is to be taxed. With the help of staff, I spent a full five years working with legislative counsel to come up with a way to realign with the founding principles, to reclaim and to re-establish for our nation the sovereign power to create money. The vehicle was H.R. 2990, the National Emergency Employment Defense (NEED Act), which articulates why the current debate over the debt ceiling should lead directly to a debate about monetary policy, and the origins of the debt-based economic system. In our work on the NEED Act, we propound that the present monetary system has led to a concentration of wealth, expansion of national debt, excessive reliance on taxation, devaluation of the currency, increases in the cost of public infrastructure, unemployment and underemployment and the erosion of the ability of Congress to meet the needs of the American people. This system has been a source of financial instability where the banks' ability to create money out of nothing has become a financial liability for the American taxpayers. When banks engaged in speculative lending, turning the financial system into a casino, they were bailed out while millions of Americans lost their homes. No surprise that today we are told there is not enough money for creating jobs, rebuilding America, health care, education and retirement security. But there is always money to bail out the banks. Let us take the opportunity afforded in the debate over the debt ceiling to regain control of our sovereignty and our national destiny. We can have a future of abundance instead of poverty, but we must first take down the wall which separates us from our true sovereignty, the power to coin and create money. Let us return to first principles, and reclaim the constitutional power to coin and create United States money and spend it into circulation to meet the needs of the nation and reduce taxes. Two hundred and thirty years ago this month, delegates from 13 states gathered in a constitutional convention, which set the stage for ratification. Let us summon that same revolutionary spirit and its wisdom to guide us in the days ahead. Money ( Image by 401(K) 2013) Permission Details DMCA The walls are closing in on Congress. Terrifying walls of water from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which, when the damage is totaled, could rise to a half trillion dollars. The Walls of War: The multi-trillion dollar ongoing cost of Afghanistan, Iraq and other interventions. The crumbling walls of the U.S. infrastructure, which need at least $3 trillion to be repaired or replaced. A wall of 11 million undocumented immigrants, whose deportation could easily cost $200 billion. The planned wall at the Mexican border, which some estimates place at $67 billion. Then there is the Wall of All, the $20 trillion national debt. The walls of debt are closing in. At moments of crisis in our nation, in addition to invoking the assistance of Higher powers, we can call upon the Constitution for guidance. Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution contains a long-forgotten provision, ""the coinage clause,"" which empowered Congress ""to coin (create) Money."" The ability to create money to meet the needs of the nation is a sovereign power, which enables a nation to have control of its own destiny. The same article indicates the Founders anticipated having to borrow money on the full faith and credit of the United States. Enter the Funding Act of 1790, which assumed and paid off the debt of the colonies and retired the financial obligations of the newly created states now united. This was a powerful, object lesson in debt retirement, relevant today. It is abundantly clear from a plain reading of the coinage clause that the Founders never intended that the only way the government was to be funded was to borrow money. The needs of the nation were to come from a system of not borrowing wherein money was a neutral value of exchange connecting resources, people and needs, without debt attached. In 1913, the passage of the Federal Reserve Act ceded the constitutional power to create money (and control of our national destiny), to the Federal Reserve, a quasi-private central bank. At this fateful point, the only way money could be brought into being was to borrow it, whereby money became equated with debt. The money system transited from public control to private control, and there it has remained. Instead of following the path set forth by the Founders to create money directly, our government became obliged to borrow from private banks, which assumed the sovereign power to create money from nothing and then loan it to the government, turning on its head the intention of the Founders. As a member of Congress, I came to the conclusion that while the debate over taxation was interesting, it was wholly insufficient. One must first study how money is created, before one can sensibly have a discussion of how it is to be taxed. With the help of staff, I spent a full five years working with legislative counsel to come up with a way to realign with the founding principles, to reclaim and to re-establish for our nation the sovereign power to create money. The vehicle was H.R. 2990, the National Emergency Employment Defense (NEED Act), which articulates why the current debate over the debt ceiling should lead directly to a debate about monetary policy, and the origins of the debt-based economic system.",9,1 -10,"No purchase necessary to enter. Void Where Prohibited By Law. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Google, Amazon or Dollar Shave Club. All participant information is being provided to dealmaxx.net. By entering this sweepstakes you will be added to the dealmaxx Deal Hunter news. You are not obligated to remain on this email list in order to win this prize. Check this item out on Dollar Shave Club Drawing Will Be February 28th at 3PM EST",10,0 -11,"The Queen has sent a message of condolence to the President of the United States of America following a shooting on Sunday evening in which at least 58 people were killed, and over 500 others were injured. In a statement, The Queen said: “Prince Philip and I were saddened to learn of the terrible attack in Las Vegas. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the families and those who have been injured.” The incident, which is now the worst mass shooting in recent American history, happened on Sunday evening and is said to have been perpetrated by a 64-year-old man named as Stephen Paddock. Paddock opened fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel towards a festival which was being attended by 22,000 people. It is not known what the motive for the attack was. However, investigators have said that there is no evidence the 64-year-old was linked to any international terrorist group. President Donald Trump described the attack as “pure evil” and praised the emergency services saying that their speed saved lives. It is understood Mr Trump will be visiting Las Vegas later this week. This is a developing story. More information will be added to this page as it becomes available. Sponsored",11,0 -12,"MADISON – U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-02) released the following statement after the White House announced the Keystone XL Pipeline will be exempt from President Trump’s executive order requiring construction projects to be built with American steel. “President Trump has repeatedly vowed to build construction projects with American steel as a way to support manufactures and create jobs here at home—even going as far as making it one of his first signed executive orders,” Rep. Pocan said. “But now, he has decided that a major construction project will not abide from his own Buy America plan. House Republicans have already shown their hand by opposing provisions to permanently require American steel be used in our country’s infrastructure projects. If President Trump is concerned with livelihood of American workers, he should take steps to ensure the Buy America Act is strongly and meaningfully enforced. Unfortunately, the President’s talk about ‘Buy America’ is proving to be just another broken promise to the American people.” Previously, Rep. Pocan sent a letter to the Trump transition team asking the President to enforce and expand the Buy America Act, and also highlighting Congressional Republican leadership’s opposition to requirements that American tax dollars go to companies that employ American workers. To date, Rep. Pocan did not receive a response from the transition team, nor have White House officials responded in any capacity.",12,1 -13,"One word defined the immigration debate under former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama: amnesty. Under President Trump, it might be two: chain migration. “Our current immigration system fails Americans,” Trump said at the White House on Thursday “Chain migration is a total disaster, which threatens our security and our economy and provides a gateway for terrorism.” Trump said it again when spelling out what would have to be in a bill to codify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, ending in March, in order for him to sign it. DACA protects undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as minors from deportation. Because Obama created it through executive action, there are questions about its legal and constitutional basis. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced in September that the program would be phased out for these reasons. “Any legislation on DACA must secure the border with a wall,” Trump remarked after meeting with Republican senators on the issue. “It must give our immigration officers the resources they need to stop illegal immigration and also to stop visa overstays. And, crucially, the legislation must end chain migration. It must end the visa lottery.” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders described the president as reiterating in the meeting with GOP senators the administration’s “view that any action on DACA must come with action on the president's immigration reform principles, which were released last year.” “These include a physical border wall on the southern border; interior enforcement, which includes more ICE and Border Patrol agents; as well as a crackdown on sanctuary cities; and reforms to our legal immigration system, like ending chain migration and the visa lottery program in favor of a merit-based immigration system,” Sanders said at Thursday’s press briefing. “Next week, the president is inviting a bipartisan group of senators to the White House to discuss next steps on responsible immigration reform and to continue that discussion,” she added. “Chain migration” is a phrase used to describe a feature of immigration law that allows immigrants to sponsor their relatives to come to the U.S. Family reunification is responsible for more than two-thirds of legal immigration annually, while less than 10 percent come for primarily employment-based reasons. Immigration restrictionist argue this produces a mismatch between immigrant skill levels and the U.S. labor force, at the expense of American workers and recent immigrants. A bill introduced by Sens. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and David Perdue, R-Ga., endorsed by Trump in August, would cut immigration in half in part by limiting family-based immigrant sponsorship to spouses and minor children. They would like to see something like this provision be part of any DACA deal. “Look, if you give amnesty to one or two million illegal immigrants who were brought here through no fault of their own, as kids, you’re going to have at least a couple negative effects,” Cotton said on Fox News. “And one of those negative effects is you’re going to have a whole new chain of chain migration. The way to control for that negative effect is to stop chain migration.” The immigration hawks at Numbers USA have launched a six-figure ad campaign to inform the public and to help the phrase ""chain migration"" take its place in the political lexicon alongside ""amnesty."" The group’s president, Roy Beck, uses the words together. “While Congress debates yet another amnesty, we want to help Americans visualize how the presence of chain migration categories means that amnesties are never limited to the people receiving them but instead open up lifetime work permits to millions more of their extended family and in-laws,�� Beck said in a statement. Many of the Republicans negotiating with Senate Democrats on a DACA fix favor more expansive immigration policies than Trump. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., for example, was part of the Gang of Eight and is a co-sponsor of the Democrats’ preferred bill for resolving the status of DACA. Social conservatives helped beat back a 1990s attempt to reduce immigration in part by limiting chain migration on the grounds that family reunification was a pro-family policy. Many immigrant communities and their advocates also oppose the change, arguing that it is already too difficult to immigrate to the U.S. and, this is, itself, a driver of illegal immigration. But Graham suggested Thursday that Trump could succeed where Obama and Bush failed if lawmakers were willing to compromise. “There's a bill to be had,” he said at the White House. “If you want it bad enough, we'll get it and it will be good for the country. Everybody has got to give a little bit. But I've never been more optimistic about an immigration reform proposal making it to the president's desk right now.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., has been a persistent critic of Trump on immigration, among other issues, and asked for a place at the table on DACA negotiations when the administration was lobbying him on tax reform. Still, Flake tweeted in December that he could make some concessions the White House wanted, specifically mentioning chain migration. “We can fix DACA in a way that beefs up border security, stops chain migration for the DREAMers, and addresses the unfairness of the diversity lottery,” he wrote. “If POTUS wants to protect these kids, we want to help him keep that promise.” Trump has held to these positions even after his split Steve Bannon, who pushed for immigration restrictions when he was working at the White House and has published numerous articles on the subject on his media site Breitbart. Pressure is building to craft a legislative solution for DACA, as beneficiaries’ work permits are starting to expire and there are concerns about how long it would take to ramp up the program again if Congress authorized its revival. “We must BUILD THE WALL, stop illegal immigration, end chain migration [and] cancel the visa lottery,” Trump tweeted Thursday evening. “The current system is unsafe [and] unfair to the great people of our country — time for change!”",13,1 -14,"In October 2017, Colin Kaepernick told a CBS reporter he would stand for the national atnthem if he were signed by an NFL team. In October 2017, a rumor spread that former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick — who National Football League teams have refused to sign since his 2016 silent protest during the national anthem — had said he would be willing to stand during the national anthem if he was signed by a team. Kaepernick was the first NFL player to sit, and then kneel, during the anthem, in protest against police brutality and racial injustice. The Daily Wire web site wrote: According to a breaking news report from the Associated Press, former San Francisco 49ers second string quarterback Colin Kaepernick now says that he’ll stand during the national anthem if an NFL team suddenly decides to give him a job: BREAKING: Quarterback Colin Kaepernick tells CBS he’ll stand during national anthem if given chance to play football in NFL again. According to CBS News, which sat down with the out-of-work NFLer for “several hours,” Kaepernick is actively looking for work, and is willing to abdicate his year-long national anthem protest, if only an NFL team would deign to allow him to warm their bench. The sports web site Bleacher Report similarly reported: Free-agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who remains unsigned after sitting or kneeling during the national anthem throughout the 2016 season, said he plans to stand if signed by an NFL team. Jason La Canfora of CBS Sports revealed Kaepernick’s intentions Sunday. These reports (and others) were ultimately based on claims made by CBS reporter Jason La Canfora, who has since resiled from these claims. The Daily Wire’s story has been updated to reflect that, and the Associated Press has deleted its tweet. However, as of press time, the Daily Wire’s article retained its original, inaccurate headline “QB Colin Kaepernick Now Says He’ll Stand for the National Anthem If He’s Signed to a Team.” As of press time, the Bleacher Report has not yet updated its story. On 7 October 2017, CBS reporter Jason La Canfora appeared on the show NFL Today and summarized a conversation he had had with Kaepernick. During that segment, La Canfora described the player’s determination to return to an NFL team, and claimed: He’s not planning on kneeling, he’s going to donate all his jersey sales, and he’s planning on standing for the anthem, if given the opportunity. However, a day later Colin Kaepernick appeared to allude to the inaccuracy of that account, in this tweet: A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. Kaepernick’s girlfriend, radio presenter Nessa Diab, directly refuted La Canfora’s claims: The reports that Colin will stand for the anthem are completely false! He has never discussed this with anyone. pic.twitter.com/tWusUBJMeF NFL Today deleted a video of La Canfora’s claims from its Twitter account, and La Canfora himself posted a series of tweets clarifying that he had not, in fact, discussed the possibility of standing for the national anthem in his conversation with Kaepernick. Wanted to clarify one thing regarding @Kaepernick7. When I was asked about his whether or not he would sit or stand for anthem … Standing for Anthem wasn’t something that I spoke to Colin about sat. I relayed what had been reported about him standing in the future… Reports about @Kaepernick7 standing for anthem had not been refuted. However, I cant say if they are true or not. Colin and I didn’t discuss Colin would have to address any future demonstrations. I didn’t ask him if he would sit or stand. Our chat primarily about his will to play I know @Kaepernick7 is fully committed to playing football and helping those in need. What he would do during the Anthem I do not know It was not the first time that a news organization reported Kaepernick’s purported willingness to stand during the anthem. In March 2017, Adam Schefter wrote an article headlined “Colin Kaepernick to stand during national anthem next season,” in which he cited anonymous sources: Quarterback Colin Kaepernick will stand during the national anthem next season, sources told ESPN on Thursday. Kaepernick no longer wants his method of protest to detract from the positive change he believes has been created, sources told ESPN. He also said the amount of national discussion on social inequality — as well as support from other athletes nationwide, including NFL and NBA players — affirmed the message he was trying to deliver. Schefter did not quote Kaepernick himself in the article or offer verifiable proof. We could not find any evidence to corroborate Schefter’s claim. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.",14,0 -15,"The FBI is advising people to hang up if they receive a call from a woman screaming for help. A decades-old virtual kidnapping scam is placing more U.S. residents at risk of becoming potential victims, the FBI warned on its website. The scheme takes many forms, but basically callers trick victims into paying ransoms to free family or friends who have been “kidnapped.” The virtual abductors coerce victims to pay a ransom before victims can find out that no one has been kidnapped. The FBI had been tracking virtual kidnapping calls primarily from prisons in Mexico between 2013 and 2015. The callers targeted individuals who spoke Spanish, the FBI said. Most of the victims were from the Los Angeles and Houston areas. The FBI issued the warning because kidnappers have widened their pool of potential victims by no longer targeting only specific individuals and Spanish speakers. The callers also are cold-calling numbers in various cities. In a recent investigation, the FBI found that more than 80 people have fallen victim to the new tactics in California, Minnesota, Idaho and Texas. Those victims paid more than $87,000 in ransom. An FBI spokeswoman for the Kansas City offices said she was not aware of any instances that have occurred in Kansas or Missouri where the FBI was involved. The scam works this way: The potential victim answers a call and hears a woman screaming, “Help me!” The victim might blurt out a name, like Mary, asking her if she’s OK. At that point, the caller will tell the victim that Mary has been kidnapped and she will be harmed if ransom isn’t paid quickly. The scam is successful when victims don’t know the whereabouts of their loved ones. The scammers typically demand that the ransoms are wired to Mexico. The amount is typically less than $2,000 because of legal restrictions for wiring larger amounts across the border, the FBI said. However, two victims in Houston were coerced to pay larger ransoms by making money drops. A federal grand jury charged a 34-year-old Houston woman in July with 10 counts, including wire fraud and money laundering, for her involvement in the scam. The charges are the first federal indictment in a virtual kidnapping case, the FBI said. Robert A. Cronkleton: 816-234-4261, @cronkb How to avoid falling victim If you receive a call from someone demanding ransom for an alleged kidnap victim, the FBI suggests: If you believe a real kidnapping has taken place, call 911. Source: FBI",15,0 -16,"The editor-in-chief of the ultra-conservative, Steve Bannon-run news outlet Breitbart admitted during a radio broadcast Friday morning that his team's defense of defeated Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore was a bid to protect President Donald Trump from the potential fallout from the various accusations of sexual misconduct against him. During Friday morning's broadcast of the SiriusXM Patriot station's ""Breitbart News Daily"" program, host and editor-in-chief Alex Marlow stated in no uncertain terms that Moore was a ""horrible,"" ""terrible"" candidate, though the media property's allegiance to Trump left him with ""no option"" but to defend his positions and his alleged behavior. Multiple women have alleged that both the president and Moore either harassed or assaulted them in their years before taking elected office. ""There was no option to throw Judge [Roy] Moore under the bus,"" said Marlow. ""If you set the standard that Roy Moore, who was accused of abusing five women . . . If you make that the standard, the left is going to use it to take out President Trump."" Marlow continued to cast doubt on the credibility of Moore's accusers, but reinforced the notion that, at the end of the day, his publication's support of the Alabama candidate was not about the contender himself. ""There was never any reason to cave unless you have a . . . unless you would like President Trump to get removed from office,"" he continued. ""And if not even removed from office, at least have massive distractions from his agenda so that we never accomplish anything for the remainder of the president's term."" Marlow added that ""much of the Republican Party"" would like to see the president's leadership derailed on those terms. ""Much of the Republican Party does not see that as a negative,"" he said. He continued his critique of Moore. ""When you've got a race when you've got a horrible candidate. Let's not — you guys are being too polite about Roy Moore — he was a terrible candidate,"" he said. ""His message did not resonate, he had all the baggage, he had the scandal. When he'd run for statewide office he'd only won in very tight races or relatively tight, considering he's the Republican. Roy Moore was not a good candidate at all."" Throughout the contentious 2017 Alabama special election to replace Jeff Sessions, whom Trump nominated for Attorney General shortly after he won the presidency, Breitbart was one of Moore's more active, vociferous defenders. Working hard to deny the many claims of sexual misconduct against him, forward the candidate's bizarre, often unconstitutional positions and cast aspersions on his opponents — first GOP primary candidate Luther Strange and then Democratic contender and eventual victor Doug Jones — Breitbart became a sort of mouthpiece for the Moore campaign, even when the campaign could barely speak on its own behalf. Indeed, Breitbart leader and former Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon directly campaigned for Moore, framing the candidate as a Trumpian, anti-establishment vanguard of a new ultra-conservative takeover of Congress (even though the president backed Strange in the primaries). It seems now that even Bannon's underlings knew Moore was a poor choice for Bannon's planned conservative insurrection, an effort that now appears dead in the water. As if it needs to be said, the cynicism of a news outlet backing a candidate it knows to be a poor politician — and perhaps an even worse person — for the benefit of another potentially equally compromised figure is titanic. But then again, there has never been anything idealistic or pure about Breitbart's support of the president or, indeed, the president's support of the hard-right racial, political and cultural agenda that publication and its followers espouse. They are all ""useful idiots"" for each other. With that as the power exchange active in both conservative politics and conservative media, it only stands to reason that a ""terrible,"" ""horrible"" candidate such as Moore would go so far and create so much noise standing on their shoulders. Listen to the whole segment below.",16,1 -17,Trump or Clinton? No -- not for president. We're talking about Halloween. Both candidates are pretty popular among trick or treaters this year. Display and Costume in Seattle sold out of Donald Trump masks a few days ago. They only have a few Hillary Clinton masks left. KING 5’s Ted Land visited the packed store on Sunday as last-minute shoppers looked for political costumes.,17,0 -18,"CNN's Don Lemon called President Trump a liar, petty, and devoid of the facts after he held a rally Tuesday night in Phoenix. Lemon also questioned Trump's fitness for office and if he is ""stable."" ""He's unhinged, it's embarrassing and I don't mean for us, the media because he went after us, but for the country,"" Lemon said. ""His speech was without thought, it was without reason, it was devoid of facts, it was devoid of wisdom. There was no gravitas. There was no sanity there,"" Lemon said.",18,1 -19,"President Trump’s approval ratings continue to lag behind those of past presidents at the same point in their first terms. In the video above, see why his approval rating is lower than even President Ford’s.",19,0 -20,"Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock: The Abominable Bride Televizyonun Oscar'ları sahiplerini buldu. Muhteşem törenin kazananları burada. Bryan Cranston, All The Way Courtney B. Vance, The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story (KAZANAN) Cuba Gooding Jr., The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story Tom Hiddleston, The Night Manager Andre Braugher, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Keegan-Michael Key, Key & Peele Louie Anderson, Baskets (KAZANAN) The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story (KAZANAN) Will Forte, The Last Man on Earth Viola Davis, How to Get Away With Murder Black-ish Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Veep (KAZANAN) Kerry Washington, Confirmation Sarah Paulson, The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story (KAZANAN) Rami Malek, Mr. Robot (KAZANAN)",20,0 -21,this is a test data this is a test data this is a test data,21,0 -22,"A new undercover video shows New York Times audience strategy editor Nick Dudich bragging about his anti-Trump bias and his history as a former antifa member. Conservative activist group Project Veritas released the video on Tuesday, showing Dudich joking about being objective, before saying: “No, I’m not. That’s why I’m here.” Dudich emphasized his influence within the Times newsroom, saying that his “imprint is on every video we do.” The editor also claimed to be a former antifa member who frequently assaulted alleged neo-Nazis. “Yeah, I used to be an antifa punk once upon a time,” Dudich says, referring to the militant far-left movement that has repeatedly attacked conservatives and Trump supporters. Keep reading…",22,0 -23,"Why Did Mayor Petty Hire Well Known Communist Dan Margolis To Run His Campaign Smear Team And Serve On The Library Board? Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information. Beautiful day outside. Perfect weather for Worcester’s Mayor Moron, Joe Petty, to do a standout with his communist friend Red Danny Margolis: Ya got that? The mayor of the second largest city in Worcester is working hand in hand with a guy who admittedly is trying to foment communist revolution, and targeted black churches because he believed they were vulnerable. This ain’t McCarthyism hyperbole either. Red Danny freely admits it all. Check out his Wiki page: “Dan Margolis was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1976. In 2006 he was chair of the New York State Communist Party USA. In addition he writes for the People’s World, covering local New York City and state issues, as well as events at the United Nations. He joined the Communist Party USA in 2001.” He has his own page on the American Communist Party’s website. According to his bio on there, his plan is to support people like Mayor Petty, because this is generally what communists do: “The Communist Party can exercise a leadership role by helping to show the importance of electing or defending Democrats as part of an overall strategy on the road towards socialism.” Communism only appeals to people in impoverished areas where they have given up and believe capitalism has failed them. Thus why Mayor Petty seems inclined on making Worcester’s people trapped in cycles of poverty. It’s why he wants to make Worcester a sanctuary city – so we can lose $59 million in federal funding. Red Danny was pumped when Obama won, and as the chairman of the Communist Party of New York, he gave the following statement, claiming that this was the “biggest continuation of that revolutionary spirit”: Where he expressed how bad he thinks the collapse of communism has been for the Russian people: Soviet Union obviously had problems, but now there are drugs, poverty, and unemployment. Life has gotten worse for the Russian people. Gangsters are running the streets. Actually, now Communist Parties are voted back to power by the people in such places like Moldova, Belarus, and Chech Republic. People didn’t like the shock therapy that Yeltsin had introduced. Boris Yeltsin once stood on a tank and protected the legitimate government from armed communists trying to stage a coups. Naturally Dan is not a fan of Boris Yeltsin. All of this information is public. Just a Google away for any responsible leader. Joe knows exactly who Red Danny is but he employs him on his campaign team anyway because he’s a useful idiot. One of his “morons.” He knows that Red Danny has his own blog where he makes up lies about Turtleboy Sports raping girls and blah, blah, blah. He also knows that Red Danny is OBSESSED with Councilor Michael Gaffney. And together Turtleboy and Gaffney are a HUGE threat to Petty’s grip on the taxpayer’s money. He ain’t giving that up without a fight, and he has no problem using communist revolutionaries. There’s a good chance he actually HIRED Dan to write his silly little blogs. Don’t worry though – within a couple days he’ll write another blog denying that Petty hired him. He a good soldier like that. But a picture doesn’t lie: Oh, and did we mention that Dan Margolis is also running the failed Turtleboycott campaign that harasses local businesses? The same businesses that Mayor Moron claims he wants to attract and keep in the city. Here’s the best part – he voted for his buddy Red Danny to be appointed to the Library Board on May 31 when he thought no one was looking: The City Council Tuesday night elected Daniel M. Margolis of 15 Rugby St. to the Worcester Public Library Board of Directors. Mr. Margolis was one of three candidates who sought to fill a vacancy on the library for for a term that expires on Dec. 31, 2019. Mr. Margolis received six votes, followed by Edward R. Carr who received four votes and Paul DePalo who received one vote. The two people who Red Danny beat? Edward R. Carr has a PhD and is a professor at Clark. Paul DePalo is a lawyer with 12 years of experience. Both of them are much, much more qualified than Red Danny, and unlike him they didn’t just move here last year after failing to foment revolution in New York City. Yet Mayor Puddy voted for his unqualified boy. Because this is how they gain legitimacy in our government. The rats get in this way. They sneak in the backdoor when no one is looking, and Petty orchestrates the whole thing. Not just him either – Councilors Khrystian King, Kate Toomey, George Russell, Tony Economou, and Candy Carlson all voted for him as well. Every single one of them has the power to Google, and they all read Turtleboy. They knew EXACTLY who they were voting for. And yes, you read that right – Sarai “Titi Ho” Rivera did not vote to put Danny in. Even though he’s got her back till the cows come home: This is the state of the city right now. People like Red Danny are allowed to serve in our government – an admitted, openly communist revolutionary. People like Etel Haxhiaj get appointed to the CAC under Petty’s watch, and deny ANYONE who “supports” Turtleboy Sports a job they are overly qualified for on city boards. Make no doubt about it – Petty is the mastermind here. Red Danny, Etel, Mosaic – these are just his goons. Because Petty does a great job of convincing everyone he’s this “nice guy” because he doesn’t get his hands dirty. Some people thinks Gaffney is a dick because he fights his own battles. Not Petty though. He just outsources to labor to nudniks with nothing to lose like Red Danny. But make no doubt about it – Dan Magolis is his right hand man and by far his biggest asset. This is what a vote for Mayor Moron is a vote for in November. Vote the Turtleboy Ticket: Mayor – Mike Gaffney Councilors at Large: Gaffney, Konnie Lukes D3: Davis Assare D4: Coreen Gaffney D5: Paul Franco School Committee: Everyone except Dante Comparetto. We urge you to support the following local businesses.",23,1 -24,"President Trump issued a stern warning to John McCain after the Senator bashed the Commander-in-Chief’s unabashed nationalism. “People have to careful, because at some point I fight back,” Trump told WMAL radio host Chris Plante. “I’m being very nice. I’m being very, very nice. But at some point I fight back, and it won’t be pretty.” McCain responded to Trump’s comments moments later, saying that he has “faced far greater challenges than this,” according to CNN. Speaking at an award ceremony in Philadelphia Monday night, McCain warned against “ spurious nationalism” and the dangers of the U.S. abdicating its global leadership responsibilities. “To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of Earth’ for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history,” John McCain said at the National Constitution Center. Senator Bob Corker is relishing his lame-duck status, using it as an opportunity to bash President Trump without fear of political retribution. After last night’s speech by Senator McCain, where the Senior lawmaker ripped President Trump’s nationalistic agenda, Corker says he loved the speech — so much so that he gave the ailing military veteran a ‘big hug,’ on the Senate floor. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) on Tuesday praised the speech Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) gave a day earlier, in which the Arizona Republican blasted “half-baked, spurious nationalism.” Sponsored Sponsored",24,1 -25,"Police in Dubai reopened streets near one of the world's tallest residential skyscrapers after firefighters successfully extinguished a Friday blaze, forcing residents to evacuate in the middle of night. No injuries have been reported, but a few people were treated for smoke inhalation. This isn't the first time the 86-story building caught fire, having done so just 2.5 years earlier. The cause of Friday's fire wasn't immediately known, but, in the past, infernos in Dubai have been linked with highly flammable building cladding. The Associated Press contributed to this report. A skyscraper in the United Arab Emirates burst into flames Thursday when the Torch Tower in the Dubai Marina began blazing in the night sky. Flames began racing up the 86-story building, which is a popular residence for expats living in the UAE’s largest city. Footage of the conflagration circulating on social media shows firefighters frantically trying to stop it from spreading. The Dubai Media Office confirmed the UAE’s Civil Defence is fighting the inferno raging at the tower. “Firefighting squads from four Civil Defence stations have been deployed to bring the fire under control,” a spokesman said. Some Twitter users on Thursday voiced shock at the fire burning at the Torch, which is the world’s fifth largest residential building at 1,105 ft. tall. Other people on the social media platform noted that hundreds of people evacuated the same building during a February 2015 fire. People across multiple social media outlets ranging from Facebook to Instagram, meanwhile, shared video footage of the rare event. Civil Defence officials told the Sun that they had “successfully evacuated” the Torch while fire fighters tried stopping the blaze. The Sun reported that the 2015 fire at the same building was quickly brought under control, resulting in no fatalities and seven people receiving treatment for smoke inhalation. A Dubai Police spokesperson told the Gulf News that the fire broke out on the tower’s ninth floor before spreading four floors higher. The BBC reported that the Torch boasts 676 apartments, with a two-bedroom flat starting at more than $500,000. Residents at the property also have access to an eight-story garage, according to the BBC, and a swimming pool which overlooks Dubai’s waterfront. The Torch is expected to be the 32nd tallest building in the world, according to the Skyscraper Centre. The Associated Press contributed to this report.",25,0 -26,"And now a twitpic featuring a photo of the two most powerful men in Washington, D.C. Good conversation with @BarackObama Wise words, & much appreciated http://say.ly/pco5ulp So what were the ""wise words"" in said ""good conversation?"" According to The Washington Times, Griffin said President Obama spoke to him about ""protecting myself."" Griffin and Obama both were in the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. for the NCAA Tournament matchup between Syracuse and Marquette. Obama's concerns are in lock-step with Washington Redskins coach Mike Shanahan, who spoke of the need for Griffin to protect himself better following a spectacular rookie season that ended with a wrecked knee. As for Obama, this isn't the first time he's given safety advice to a prominent NFC East quarterback. At a fundraiser in Oakland last year, Obama had a message for Michael Vick during a conversation with former Eagles cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha. ""Tell Vick to slide,"" the president said. This is the same Obama who said in December that if he had a son, he's not sure he'd let him play football. It's safe to say any football being played on White House grounds is of the two-hand touch variety. Follow Dan Hanzus on Twitter @DanHanzus.",26,0 -27,"At the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, thousands of great Americans are represented by priceless family heirlooms, donated to help them museum to share their experiences. Among them is the freedom paper donated by 83-year-old Elaine Thompson. It belonged to her great, great, great grandfather, Joseph Trammell of Loudon County, Virginia, reports CBS News correspondent Jericka Duncan. “You can pick up this and touch it and know that it was in his hands. Now doesn’t that send a chill down your back?” Thompson asked, holding up the folder. Trammell protected his freedom using a tin box, knowing the paper held his only proof that he was no longer someone’s property. “As long as he had this, they could not enslave him,” Thompson said. “Not easily, anyway.” His freedom paper, Thompson said, offers an image of who Joseph Trammel was during a time when photos were rare. He was five-feet-seven-inches tall in height, with several marks on his body. “The one thing I was curious about is about the scars that they mention. Probably he was beaten at some point,” Thompson said. The tin box is the only one like it at the National African American Museum of History and Culture. During our interview, founding director Lonnie Bunch came by to personally show his appreciation. “It means a lot to me, it really does,” Bunch told Thompson. Nearly 40,000 items were donated – more than any other Smithsonian museum – including pictures, clothing furniture, jewelry and more. “They fill vast silences in the record,” said Paul Gardullo, a curator at the museum. To Gardullo, each of the personal heirlooms are treasures. “These are things that are irreplaceable and priceless,” Gardullo said. But many of these cherished keepsakes have a way of churning up old wounds. Rosemary Crockett donated her father’s jacket. “My dad flew 149 missions during World War II. Fifty missions were the norm,” Crockett said. “Now, white guys were going home after 50 missions.” Her father, the late Lt. Col. Woodrow Wilson Crockett, was a member of the Tuskegee Airmen, the first group of black military personnel to fight in World War II. “When they came back from overseas, they came off the Liberty ship. And there was a sign saying ‘White this way, colored that way,’” Rosemary recalled. “And they get back to the same… situation, that they left.” And sharing that important history to future generations keeps people like Rosemary Crockett and Elaine Thomspon giving what’s left of a story that should never be forgotten. “For people who look at some of these artifacts or even these very painful times and say, ‘slavery is over, we should move forward, why do we have to keep talking about it,’ what do you say to that?” Duncan asked. “The past is never over because it influences what people do later on,” Thompson said. People continue to donate personal items. Curators here said they’re already making plans for this museum to evolve, just like history. The National Museum of African American History and Culture will open to the public on Saturday, Sept. 24.",27,0 -28,"When it comes to illegal smuggling, criminals will try to push anything for a profit. Money is the goal, and it doesn’t matter who or what is being transported; if there is money to be made, you’d better believe that they will go to whatever lengths they can to cash in. Unfortunately, much of the time, living things are the cargo. In certain areas of the world, particular species sell for extraordinary prices on the black market, as immoral as it may seem to traffic them. This was on the minds of officials who recently stopped a large truck carrying freight at the Chinese border. After becoming suspicious about what was on board, they decided to take a look inside. What they found was deeply disturbing, to say the least… Crossing from one country to another, even without a great deal of cargo, can be an extremely difficult process. After all, border crossing almost always warrants a thorough investigation. Few know this more than illegal smugglers. Each and every day, literally tons of products are shipped from place to place in huge cargo trucks. Most of the time, they’re perfectly legal items traveling from warehouse to warehouse. Sometimes, however, these trucks contain illegal freight, such as narcotics. These drugs can be molded into various shapes resembling actual legitimate items to throw off the police. There’s seemingly no end to what criminals are willing to do… Border officials are well aware of the potential criminal activity that they could encounter. That’s why they’re well-trained to handle any situation of the sort that may arise. Still, the strange things they uncover might surprise you. In one instance, a large cargo truck was stopped by officials at the Chinese border. The paperwork that the driver gave to border patrol was slightly inaccurate, which instantly raised suspicions. When officials peered into the back of the truck, it initially seemed like everything checked out. Nonetheless, the authorities wanted to take a closer look to be sure that nothing fishy was going on… Police ordered the cargo to be unloaded and inspected to ensure it wasn’t anything illegal. There was a lot to go through, but they needed to be certain there wasn’t anything unlawful slipping into the country. It took a large team of workers to help figure out exactly what was going on. Every individual on duty was required to examine each one of the boxes extremely closely. They weren’t sure if they’d find anything, but they had a hunch… When the police finally uncovered what was being transported, they were horrified. Needless to say, the driver was immediately arrested. He wasn’t the only one involved, however, and police wanted to get to the bottom of this operation… Most people probably wouldn’t believe what terrifying items that the border patrol officials finally uncovered in the back of the truck. It’s a good thing that they put a stop to this before it was too late! Find out what they discovered in the video below… (Warning: may be disturbing to some viewers.) The illegal transporting of animals needs to stop. Hopefully, authorities will continue to crack down on this practice so we can put an end to it once and for all. Share this alarming story with your friends below.",28,0 -29,"During a press conference, Las Vegas Metro Police under Sheriff Kevin McMahill told reporters that the department is still unclear on shooter Stephen Paddock's motivation for the attack he perpetrated earlier this week. Lombardo also asked anyone with more information about the attack to come forward. He said that he believed that someone must have seen something that was out of place, whether it was suspicious activity, or someone who seemed to be acting strangely. The girlfriend of the man behind a recent mass shooting in Las Vegas told investigators he displayed “mental health symptoms” before the attack, according to NBC News. NBC News on Friday reported that one former FBI official briefed on the matter confirmed that Marilou Danley recently made the remark about Stephen Paddock. “[Danley] said he would lie in bed, just moaning and screaming, ‘Oh, my God,’” another former FBI official aware of the situation said. NBC News’s sources said Paddock may have been in mental or physical anguish before committing the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history last Sunday. Accusations of fake news are everywhere lately. How well can you tell apart the actual fake headlines from the real ones in this quiz? Test your skills! The sources added, however, that the FBI has not yet identified what motivated Paddock to open fire upon an outdoor concert. The FBI also does not believe Paddock’s mental health had eroded to a point that would have triggered him to begin his rampage, according to NBC’s sources. Federal and state law enforcement officials additionally confirmed to NBC News that Paddock had been prescribed an anti-anxiety medication called Valium. Some Twitter users on Friday speculated about Danley and her reported remarks to investigators about her boyfriend. One of the former FBI officials said that investigators are additionally scrutinizing about six media devices Paddock left behind. The search includes an inquiry into Paddock’s web browsing history before he began shooting at a country music event last weekend. Responding police found Paddock dead inside his hotel room on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. The shooting killed at least 58 people and wounded more than 527 others, sparking renewed national debate over gun control.",29,0 -30,The history of a great nation is a history of the people who have shaped it. Read about the men and women who have made the United States of America what it is today,30,0 -31,"In an interview with Fancast in 2010, Elisabeth said (via The Huffington Post), ""I am not ultra-ultra-conservative on every issue. I actually support gay marriage."" She reiterated that stance on The View in July 2011, calling demonstrations against same-sex marriage ""uncalled for and tasteless,"" adding, ""If you think anything is killing heterosexual marriage, the only thing that's killing heterosexual marriage is heterosexual marriage.""",31,0 -32,"Liberals have used Hurricane Harvey to their advantage in almost everything: climate change, abortions and now DACA. ABC’s Martha Raddatz exploited the hurricane in a desperate argument to keep DACA. It ain’t gonna work, sister! The American people have spoken, and we want Obama’s “Dreamers” out of here, PERIOD! For that matter, fake Republicans (like Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio) who want these illegal alien anchor babies to stay also need to shut their yap, because they’re directly going against the will of the American people. We are concerned for the future of AMERICAN children, not illegal alien anchor babies. They’ve got to go back! Watch the video:",32,1 -33,"People have been quick to point out how a bombing in Austin, Texas is reported in the wider media. Police said today that the suspect linked with a series of deadly parcel bombs targeting Austin, Texas, is dead. The suspect was killed after detonating a device when officers approached his car. Four bomb attacks took place in Austin, the state capital, and one in Schertz. The blasts that began in Austin earlier this - involved package bombs and a tripwire and all said to be related. The bombings killed two people and left the Texas capital terrorised with fear for 19 days. Thank you FBI. The Austin bomber, a 24 year old white male (therefore not classified as a terrorist ) will no longer TERRORIZE Austin residents. #AustinBombing Imagine if the Austin bomber was a Mexican or Muslim. When the Austin Police chief announce that the bombing suspect was found, Trump would had been calling for a ban of immigrants or the immediate building of his stupid wall. FACT: This is a white terrorist! #AustinBombing Bombings have barely made the news. Black people murdered by a white male, no surprise that the media isn’t interested. #AustinBombing Could you imagine what Donald Trump, Republicans and Fox News would have been saying if the #AustinBombing terrorist was Muslim, Black or Latino? But no, he was a 24 year old white male so it’s just another passing news story not a 24/7 tool to fear-monger against minorities Austin bomber was a 24 year old white male. I am sure he will be described as a sick individual instead of terrorist. #AustinBombing #DomesticTerrorism #AustinBombing.....24 year old white male suspect killed after detonating last bomb as police closed in. Or, as the rest of the world sees it, American Terrorist kills himself with own device. If you still believe terrorists are only Muslims with a backpack, I truly pity you. Some were a little blunt than others. This shit is fucking terrorism, stop being fucking dumb. but noooo it can’t possibly be terrorism if they’re not a muslim. #AustinBombing",33,0 -34,"Their ideological vanities are under threat as never before. The chronic weakness of their regime has been further exposed by the triumph of a US presidential candidate who does not share their devotion to open borders, the destruction of national identities and the march of globalisation. What makes Trump’s victory all the more chilling for EU leaders is that he looks certain to be a strong ally of Britain as we regain our independence. Ever since the referendum, the Brussels elite has comforted itself with the illusion that Britain outside the EU will be left hopelessly isolated. The Eurocrats and their Remain cheerleaders in Britain were only too thrilled when President Obama arrogantly warned that, in the event of Brexit, we would have to “get to the back of the queue” for any future trade deal with the US. But the arrival of Donald Trump has transformed the landscape. He is far closer to Britain than to Brussels. It is the EU that will have to get to the back of the queue. Tellingly, the first European politician that Trump has met since his election was Nigel Farage, the EU’s nemesis. The deepening sense of alarm in Brussels was reflected in the decision by the EU’s foreign affairs chief, Italian socialist Federica Mogherini, to summon all the foreign ministers of the member states to a special dinner last night to discuss the implications of Trump’s election. As one European diplomat admitted at the weekend: “We would never have held a similar dinner if Hillary Clinton had been elected. It shows how much we are panicking.” Sensibly our own Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson refused to attend this self-indulgent feast of grief. With his gift for the original phrase, he urged EU bosses stop wallowing in their “collective whinge-o-rama” and come to terms with the democratic verdict of the American people. Yet, in truth, the EU politicians are so manically attached to their federalist dogma that they would not dream of adopting a pragmatic, flexible response to Trump. On the contrary, they will just use Trump’s success to push for more central power, more integration, more unity. “The EU should treat his election as a wake-up call to take charge of our own destiny,” says Guy Verhofstadt, the Belgian federalist fanatic. The EU will this week discuss plans to impose a European defence strategy, complete with its own EU army and military headquarters. It is precisely that kind of federalist megalomania which shows why Brussels is such a threat to the stability and peace of Europe, a far greater menace than Trump ever could be. Ever since Trump first became a contender for the US presidency there has been a fashionable narrative which paints him as a dangerous, ignorant clown who could blow up the western world with his reckless inexperience. But the real risks actually come from smug globalisers such as Hillary Clinton and the EU federalists with their contempt for national sovereignty at home and abroad. It was the EU, filled with an imperialist ambition to expand its territory, that provoked an incendiary confrontation with Russia over Ukraine, whereas Trump wants co-operation with Putin. Similarly, the western policy of trying to bring down President Assad of Syria with the help of Islamic extremist rebels has only prolonged the civil war there. It will be no surprise if the war ends once Trump takes office, enabling Putin and Assad to crush the rebels. In the wake of Trump’s victory the head of Nato Jens Stoltenberg said that “we face the greatest challenges to our security in a generation”. But why is that? It is because the pathetic, supine ruling classes of Europe have allowed our enemies to flourish in our midst. They are destroying our civilisation from within. Through their fixation with free movement they have promoted the import of Islamic extremism and terrorism on an epic scale, while their ruthlessly imposed doctrine of cultural diversity has meant continual appeasement of Muslim militancy. Trump wants to challenge the jihadists: figures such as Mogherini, a Communist in her youth, just want to surrender to them. “Islam is a victim” and “belongs in Europe”, she proclaims. EU policy, not Trump, has brought squalor, social breakdown, organised misogyny and financial chaos to Europe. The filthy migrant squatter camps in France and the predatory sex attacks in Germany are the twin symbols of the nightmare that Brussels has inflicted on the continent. By condemning patriotism, undermining solidarity and slashing military spending, Europe’s politicians have left the member states defenceless. And can the same rulers hector Trump about American isolationism when they refused to take any serious responsibility for the strength of their countries’ own armed forces? Trump has a mandate from the American people. Unelected and unaccountable, EU President Jean-Claude Juncker and his crew have no such democratic legitimacy. Juncker sneered last week that “we need to teach the President-elect what Europe is and how it works”. But it doesn’t work. The entire EU project has been a catastrophic failure.",34,1 -35,"UPDATED 10/18/17, 2:45 p.m. ET: NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell held a press conference on Wednesday and spoke about how the NFL wants players to stand during the national anthem. However, he also reemphasized that the league will not try to force players to stand at this point. ""We just had two days of conversation of which this was a fair amount of dialogue and I think we all see this the same way,"" Goodell said. ""We want our players to stand. Our focus is on the opportunity we have to make our communities better through these efforts with our players. We’ll deal with these issues as they come up."" Goodell steered clear of directly addressing the tweet Donald Trump sent out on Wednesday about the NFL's decision not to force players to stand. Goodell: ""were focusing on what we should be doing as the NFL,"" in response to more questions about Trump's Tweets Additionally, Goodell said he wants the league to ""stay out of politics"" and talked about how he hopes that there will eventually be ""zero"" players kneeling during the anthem. See original story below. As per usual, Donald Trump's using his personal Twitter account to spew garbage takes about shit he doesn't truly understand. Just a week after saying a one-game suspension would have scared Colin Kaepernick from kneeling in protest of the national anthem ever again (ROFL), he's back on Twitter clapping at the NFL for not bringing the hammer down on players who are still protesting. The NFL has decided that it will not force players to stand for the playing of our National Anthem. Total disrespect for our great country! ""The NFL has decided that it will not force players to stand for the playing of our National Anthem,"" Trump tweeted. ""Total disrespect for our great country!"" This is no doubt in response to the NFL saying they would not prohibit players from protesting the anthem late last week. If Trump was so concerned about players protesting the national anthem—which, again is a part of the First Amendment—why doesn't he stop the police from murdering black people? You know, what these fucking protests are actually about. If Trump's so concerned about people openly resisting the tradition of bigging up America before playing a game, why doesn't he go to the root of the problem? Oh right, because while he spews a hatred for ""fake news,"" he has no problem feeding the fuckery. I forgot.",35,1 -36,"Now that a federal judge has held Obama's illegal ""executive amnesty"" unconstitutional, perhaps U.S. senators will remember that they swore to uphold the Constitution, too. Back when they needed our votes before the last election, Republicans were hairy-chested warriors, vowing to block Obama's unconstitutional ""executive amnesty"" -- if only voters gave them a Senate majority. The resulting Republican landslide suggested some opposition to amnesty. Heading into the election, college professor Dave Brat took out the sitting House majority leader and amnesty-supporter Eric Cantor in a primary, despite being outspent 40-1. It was the greatest upset in history since the 1980 ""Miracle on Ice"" at the Lake Placid Olympics: Never before has a House majority leader been defeated in a primary. And Brat did it by an astonishing 55.5 percent to 45.5 percent. Again, the voters seemed to be expressing disquiet with amnesty. After that, even amnesty-supporting Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., was denouncing Obama's executive amnesty. ""If the president were to do that,"" he said, ""and we have a Republican majority in the United States Senate, why, we have a number of options that we don't now have to remind him to read Article I of the Constitution."" Poll after poll showed Americans ranking illegal immigration as the No. 1 most important problem facing the nation. We haven't changed our minds. Last week, an Associated Press-Gfk poll showed that Obama's single most unpopular policy is his position on illegal immigration. In other words, Obamacare is more popular than amnesty. That's like losing a popularity contest to Ted Bundy. Since at least 2006, voters have insistently told pollsters they don't want amnesty. Seemingly bulletproof Republican congressmen have lost their seats over amnesty. President Bush lost the entire House of Representatives over amnesty. What else do we have to do to convince you we don't want amnesty, Republicans? Make it a host on ""The View""? Before the election, then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell complained that Obama's decision to delay his executive amnesty until after the election was a ploy to prevent Americans from ""hold(ing) his party accountable in the November elections."" But voters went ahead and held Obama accountable! Now McConnell is Senate majority leader -- and he claims his hands are tied. McConnell's spokesman at the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Brad Dayspring, predicted that Obama's amnesty threat would drive voters to ""elect a new Senate (that) will stand up to the president."" Check! Mission accomplished! Done and done! Officially off our bucket list. OK, guys, your turn. When do you start standing up to the president? Hello? Hell-oooo? To gin up votes, ""Republican insiders"" told the Washington Examiner last fall that ""the results of the midterm elections"" would determine how ""aggressive"" the GOP would be in fighting Obama's amnesty. Voters gave you a blow-out victory, Republicans. You cleaned their clocks. (Have you seen Harry Reid lately?) Where's that promised aggression on amnesty? Republicans and George Will tell us they can't stand up to Obama's executive amnesty because the media are unfair. Oh, well, in that case, never mind! This is news to them? They didn't know the media were unfair when they were promising to block Obama's illegal amnesty before the elections? The media have blamed the GOP for every failure of Republicans and Democrats to reach an agreement since the Hoover administration. This isn't a surprise development. Why don't Republicans attack the media? People hate the media! Their power is eroding -- and it would erode a lot faster if Congress would challenge them. Instead of submitting to the media's blackmail, my suggestion is, take their gun away. Tell voters what the media won't: that Obama's ""amnesty"" will give illegal aliens Social Security cards and three years of back-payments through the Earned Income Tax Credit, even though they never paid taxes in the first place. Could we get a poll on that: Should the government issue work permits to illegal aliens and give them each $25,000 in U.S. taxpayer money? I promise you, Obama would lose that vote by at least 80-20. Even people who are against hounding illegal aliens out of the country aren't clamoring to open the U.S. Treasury to them. Tell voters that the media are refusing to report on Senate Democrats' weeks-long filibuster against a GOP bill that would defund Obama's illegal ""amnesty."" Contrary to hysterical claims by the media and George Will, the government won't shut down if the Democrats' filibuster goes on forever. The government is funded! Only the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be ""defunded."" Which means, let's see ... I'm counting on my fingers ... yes, that's right: NOTHING. Nearly all DHS employees are deemed ""essential"" personnel who are required to stay on the job even if the department's budget doesn't pass -- the Secret Service, the Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Customs and Border Protection and the Coast Guard. Approximately 200,000 of DHS's 230,000 employees are required to keep working through what the media will hysterically call a ""government shutdown."" By ""government shutdown,"" the media mean: ""some secretaries will not go to work."" Why don't Republicans spend all their airtime attacking the media for lying about what Obama's amnesty does and what the Democrats are doing? It's hard to avoid concluding that Republicans aren't trying to make the right arguments. In fact, it kind of looks like they're intentionally throwing the fight on amnesty. If a Republican majority in both houses of Congress can't stop Obama from issuing illegal immigrants Social Security cards and years of back welfare payments, there is no reason to vote Republican ever again. COPYRIGHT 2015 ANN COULTER DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL UCLICK",36,1 -37,"Many of you have probably heard Donald Trump’s ignorant comments about NFL players protesting injustices against African Americans by now. But in case you haven’t, we’ll get right to it. On Friday, Trump held a rally in Alabama and gave his true thoughts about the mostly African American NFL players, who take a knee in protest of the mass murders and injustices of Black people by police. Trump then called the players ‘sons of bitches’ while urging the NFL team owners to fire them: Trump wishes NFL owners would tell anthem protesters ""get that son of a bitch off the field right now"" pic.twitter.com/gq4EH3lNoY — Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) September 23, 2017 “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he’s fired. He’s fired!’,” Trump said. “You know, some owner is gonna do that. He’s gonna say, ‘That guy disrespects our flag, he’s fired.’ And that owner, they don’t know it. They don’t know it. They’re friends of mine, many of them. They don’t know it. They’ll be the most popular person, for a week. They’ll be the most popular person in this country.” Well, now Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs has taken to social media and declared a virtual war against the racially motivated antics by the president of the United States. Here are the messages Diddy posted in response: @diddy:THE LINE HAS BEEN CROSSED!!!! Time to show them #blackexcellence LETS GO! #teamlove REPRESENT REPRESENT! Repost this to the world Not only did Combs make a plea to the world to spread the message about Trump, he also extended a word of advice for ALL NFL players to take a stand on Sunday: Many people have taken to social media to call out Trump after his NFL comments and to urge NFL players to ALL take a knee come Sunday: Racism. Police brutality. This is what the NFL protests were about from the start. Not about disrespecting the flag or anthem. #TakeAKnee pic.twitter.com/P1KfJJw24S — The Undefeated (@TheUndefeated) September 23, 2017 ** Remember they tried to take their medals away… #TakeAKnee pic.twitter.com/LJElYVHGSB — me (@destro1979) September 23, 2017 ** I'M a vet taking a knee. I didn't fight for your right to be a racist who equates white supremacy with military service. #TakeAKnee — R. J. Clark (@Soph_Clydesdale) September 23, 2017 Dear @NFL players, Please #TakeAKnee on Sunday. We support your FIRST Amendment right to protest. Sincerely,America — Michael Skolnik (@MichaelSkolnik) September 23, 2017 ** If peaceful protests did nothing, the powerful wouldn't try so hard to silence them. #TakeAKnee pic.twitter.com/0aONI66gJF — NYCLU (@NYCLU) September 23, 2017 ** Why's it OK for our President to #TakeAKnee to Vladimir Putin, but not for a Football player to do so in peaceful protest? — Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) September 23, 2017 ** If you are still on the fence, remember this: Trump attacked Colin Kaepernick with more conviction than he has NAZIS #TakeAKnee — The NFL Boycott (@TheNFLBoycott) September 23, 2017 As is usually the case, Trump has yet again contradicted himself. He’s gone on record defending white supremacists in the media. In 2011 he also tweeted that when citizens burn the American flag its is a “respectful way” to “voice their displeasure.” Well that's interesting, #dotard is fine burning the flag but not #TakeAKnee? Where are the squeals from the 'patriots'? @realdonaldtrump pic.twitter.com/4MYRIFqEMK — Deep State USMC (@johnpmcneil02) September 23, 2017 I wish I could say I was surprised by Trump’s latest racially/culturally/socially biased antics, but unfortunately folks, I am not.",37,1 -38,"""Boobs Are Back"" Article refers to a controversial article re-published by The New York Post newspaper about female celebrities embracing their chest cleavage as a fashion statement. The article became the subject of mockery on the internet. On July 31st, 2017, The Sun [1] newspaper published an article ""Curve Your Enthusiasm,"" which posits a celebrity trend of female stars embracing their chest cleavage, pointing to several prominent celebrities, like Rihanna, as examples. The following day, The New York Post [2] newspaper republished the article under the headline ""Boobs Are Back in a Big Way."" When they shared the article on Twitter that day, the post (shown below) received more than 700 retweets and 3,700 likes. That day, the article became the subject of controversy. Shortly after the article posted, many started reacting to the article with sarcasm, disgust and confusion (examples below). The central theme of the complaints centered around the question ""were boobs ever out?"" Several media outlets covered the article and the reaction, including Allure, [3] Someecards, [4] Cosmopolitan [5] and more. Twitter [6] published a Moments page to archive the article and the reaction.",38,0 -39,"Obtain Quest: Talk to the hooded old man near the bridge again. Prerequisites (As Far As I’m Aware): Completion of Making A Lord (May have to talk to Mohawk groupie in slums) Guide Talk to the old man again and this time he’ll complain about Captain Mohawk stealing his pickles. During the cutscene with the mayor, you are presented a choice to stop the old man, kill him, or do nothing. I choose to do nothing which led to the old man being banished. Go back to the East Slums. Fight Mohawk and he will flee. Return to the mayor for your reward.",39,0 -40,"Salah Abdeslam wasn't in Belgian court as verdict announced over police shootout that came four months after Paris attacks Salah Abdeslam refuses to rise for judge at trial in hometown of Brussels, where he briefly evaded capture in deadly shootout with police String of lawsuits filed wants Twitter, Facebook to pay damages for failing to stop violent extremists from using their platforms ""The conviction … sends a clear message to those who fund terrorism [that they] will be prosecuted and potentially face lengthy prison sentences,” official says A year ago Sunday, 130 people were killed in terror attacks across Paris. The Bataclan theatre, which reopened over the weekend, saw the worst of the attacks. Charlie D'Agata has more. CBS Boston confirms Trump wasn't lying about getting a letter from Bill Belichick, but was he right about getting Tom Brady's vote? Islamist extremists like those who carried out two waves of attacks in Paris last year will look to increase their capacity to kill, Patrick Calvar testified Parliamentary probe of 2015 Islamic extremist attacks in France looked at whether they could have been avoided, and what can be learned Lawsuit claims social media companies ""knowingly permitted"" ISIS to recruit members, raise money and spread ""extremist propaganda"" One of the late Bataclan concert hall attackers was part of the group from Strasbourg, who claim they had no part in the organized assault Belgian authorities made five terror related arrests Friday, including Mohamed Abrini, a wanted suspect for his links to the Paris terror attacks. He could also possibly be the ""man in the hat"" in the Brussels airport bombing. Charlie D'Agata reports.",40,0 -41,"RUSH: I used to read The Economist. It's a British magazine that focuses on economic matters. It's also a journal of opinion disguised, and my memory is that The Economist -- and I'm talking 20 years ago, now, 25 years. I haven't read it in a long, long time. It used to be approved reading by the intellectual right. My memory was that it was valuable here and there. It had some decent insight. But they're gone. Look at this: The Economist explains how Donald Trump may be making life easier for MS-13, the street gang. This is very long, typically long. The Economist's argument, the point is Trump's tough talk is encouraging and emboldening the street gang MS-13. That's right! Tough talk at the North Korean lunatic dictator? That's just making him bigger! That's just making him tougher. That's just steeling his resolve. Now Trump is doing the same thing -- he's talking tough on MS-13 -- and what's happening? He's making them bigger! Let me ask you a question: What is the status of illegal immigration in the country today versus when Trump was inaugurated? In fact, let's just measure it year over year. Illegal immigration is way down, is it not? I mean, it's down by a factor of millions, is it not? It is, folks. Don't doubt me. Have we had any significant changes in the law? Has there been any comprehensive or otherwise immigration reform or new legislation? The answer is, no. There hasn't been any substantive change whatsoever. How has Donald Trump been approaching the issue? Well, since the middle of 2015, he's been talkin' tough on it, and he's been tellin' people we're going to build a wall -- and he's been telling people that if they come in illegally, we're going to track them down and we're going to deport them. He's been telling people if they're here illegally and we find them we're going to deport them. The point is Donald Trump has been talking tough on illegal immigration, and what has happened? It's way down. The number of people trying to get into the country illegally is way, way down. Now if you listen to the left, Donald Trump's tough talk on illegal immigration should have them pouring over the border. Donald Trump's tough talk on illegal immigration should be making these illegal immigrants and their coyotes and their supporters twice or three times as committed to get in here. But it's not working out that way. Just the enforcement of existing law -- the promise to enforce existing law, the threat to enforce existing law, the commitment to build the wall, the tough talk, the committed talk on the policy -- is actually working. It is causing there to be a massive, major reduction in the numbers of people attempting to get into the country illegally. There's documented evidence that tough talk is working. Honest, tough talk is working. Yet, tough talk with Kim Jong-un? ""Oh, no! It's going to lead to nuclear war! Oh my God, we're going to die!"" Same thing with MS-13, according to The Economist. Donald Trump is making life for these gang members easier and easier. He's talking tough and he's just helping them recruit more members. Now you can't have it both ways.",41,1 -42,"Joe Arpaio, the 85-year-old disgraced former Arizona sheriff who recently announced his candidacy for a Senate seat in the same state, spewed the false and racist assertion on CNN that former President Barack Obama's birth certificate is fabricated and that he wasn't born in the United States. ""No doubt about it. No doubt about it,"" Arpaio told CNN's Chris Cuomo after being asked if the birth certificate was a phony. ""We have the evidence. I’m not going to go into all the detail, but yes, it’s a phony document."" Of course, President Donald Trump endlessly promulgated the debunked conspiracy for years, even accrediting Arpaio, and only recently said in 2016 that he believed Obama was truly born in Hawaii and not Kenya. An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 6, 2012 Congratulations to @RealSheriffJoe on his successful Cold Case Posse investigation which claims @BarackObama's 'birth certificate' is fake — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 18, 2012 Always remember, I was the one who got Obama to release his birth certificate, or whatever that was! Hilary couldn't, McCain couldn't. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 29, 2014 The president pardoned Arpaio on Aug. 25 — a Friday night, when most of the nation's attention had been focused on the arrival of Hurricane Harvey. In his pardon, Trump praised Arpaio as a lifelong public servant who enforced the rule of law. ""Arpaio’s life and career, which began at the age of 18 when he enlisted in the military after the outbreak of the Korean War, exemplify selfless public service,"" the statement said. ""Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life’s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now 85 years old, and after more than fifty years of admirable service to our Nation, he is worthy candidate for a Presidential pardon."" The former Maricopa County sheriff was convicted of criminal contempt of court in July, after a judge found that Arpaio had violated court orders to stop detaining undocumented immigrants, as Salon has previously reported. Arpaio has a long and well documented history of abusive and racist law enforcement tactics and violated a court order ""to temporarily cease making immigration-related arrests after he was sued for racial profiling."" We’ve sued Joe Arpaio for denying women prisoners access to abortion, for victimizing people with disabilities, and for racially profiling Latinos. We’ve won every time. https://t.co/ZqFWblFiwx — ACLU (@ACLU) January 9, 2018 Coincidentally, Trump has repeatedly praised himself as the law and order candidate, while often demonstrating the opposite. Arpaio announced a bid for Sen. Jeff Flake's Arizona Senate seat and is the perfect fit for the president's hardline immigration agenda and widespread federal crackdowns.",42,1 -43,"Justice Department began investigation of police department's patterns, practices after 2015 death of Freddie Gray The U.S. Justice Department unloaded on Baltimore's police department Wednesday, accusing officers of routinely targeting African Americans. Federal and local officials are now demanding change. Jeff Pegues reports. The Justice Department has released a scathing report on the Baltimore Police Department, highlighting routine violations of civil rights and discrimination towards African-Americans. CBS News justice reporter Paula Reid joins CBSN with details. Criminal charges have been dropped for the remaining Baltimore officers in the death of Freddie Gray. Gray's neck was mysteriously broken in a police van. After four trials and no convictions, the prosecutor conceded it would be impossible to convict any of the cops. Jeff Pegues reports from Baltimore. After failing four times in a row to get a conviction, prosecutors decide not to pursue charges against the last of six cops arrested for a black man's death in custody Lt. Brian Rice, the highest ranking of the six officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray, was found not guilty Monday. It's the fourth trial to end without a conviction after the death of the Baltimore man in police custody. Kris Van Cleave has more. CBS News' Paula Reid breaks down the acquittal of Lt. Brian Rice, who was charged with involuntary manslaughter in the 2015 death of Freddie Gray. Baltimore police officer Caesar Goodson was acquitted Thursday of second-degree murder and all other charges in the death of Freddie Gray One of six police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray was found not guilty Monday. Gray sustained fatal injuries in police custody last year, spurring violence across Baltimore. Chip Reid has more Prosecutors had said Officer Edward Nero arrested Gray without probable cause and was negligent when he didn't buckle his seat belt In the wake of the Baltimore riots after Freddie Gray's death, police commissioner Anthony Batts was fired. He told CBS News' Jeff Pegues he thought the city was just starting to make improvements to be built upon. It's been a year since the death of Freddie Gray in police custody sent Baltimore into riots. The man who was in charge, former police commissioner Anthony Batts, was fired in the fallout. Since that moment Batts has maintained his silence -- until he spoke with Jeff Pegues. When the 25-year-old died April 19, 2015, and riots erupted, Baltimore and its residents were forced to confront old, painful issues It's been one year since the death of Freddie Gray, a black man who died while in police custody. Gray's death led to violent clashes and a national debate over the relationship between police and the black community. Deray McKesson is an activist and Baltimore mayoral candidate, and joins CBSN to discuss what has changed in the city since last year. Court rules that Officer William Porter must testify against co-defendants charged in case of 25-year-old who died in police custody Baltimore judge ruled that Officer William Porter, whose trial ended in a hung jury, does not have to testify against three fellow officers",43,0 -44,"WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Officials are calling it animal cruelty like they've never seen before. As Hurricane Irma’s outer bands inch closer to Florida, animal control officers said they are hustling to rescue abandoned animals. RELATED: Florida preps for storm as Hurricane Irma | Football games in Florida canceled ahead of Hurricane Irma | Florida air travel shuts down ahead of Hurricane Irma | This is what Hurricane Irma looks like from space And these aren't pets who are just being left inside, Director of Animal Care Diane Suave said. “They are left in a yard, in a pen they cannot escape from or tethered to trees or poles,” she said. Palm Beach County Animal Care reports animal control officers have rescued 49 dogs and two cats in the last 48 hours. “Even a tiny bit of sand can hurt an animal when it’s traveling through 100-plus mph winds,” Sauve said. Animal control officers were slowly pulled off the road at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Sauve said once winds reach a sustained 35 mph, no officers will be permitted to rescue animals. “We are asking the public, if it is safe, consider sheltering any animals you see left outside,” she said. Both Sauve and State Attorney Dave Aronberg said they promise to prosecute anyone who left their animals outside to fend for themselves during Hurricane Irma. “This is a prime example of animal cruelty,” Aronberg said. “We will find you, and we will prosecute you.” Sauve said officials will use every paper trail imaginable to track down animal cruelty offenders. “It’s unconscionable,” she said. “We will not stand for it here in Palm Beach County.” HURRICANE IRMA | Real-time tracking maps, Hurricane supply kit info & Hurricane Center IMPORTANT LINKS Hurricane Supply Kit Checklist | Things to know before the storm | Preparations for your pets | Power outage maps & resources | Know your evacuation zone | Price gouging: How to protect yourself and report it | Insurance protection: Video tape home inventory | Tampa Bay sandbag locations | Find a hurricane shelter near you | Hurricane Irma Emergency Phone Numbers | Evacuations underway | Closures and Alerts | Storm Surge Map Copyright 2017 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Print this article Back to Top",44,0 -45,"There was a break-in at Stephen Paddock’s Reno home on Sunday. Local police say they were called to the home by a neighbor who says they saw the lights on. RT reported: Reno police officer Tim Broadway told The Associated Press, “Nobody really saw anything, just a light was on with nobody in the residence.” Broadway said officers discovered that “someone had broken into the house” and he immediately contacted the FBI. He added that the suspects broke into the home through the front door over the weekend, but said he was not sure exactly how they gained entry. Police are not aware of any damages or anything that was stolen. There are no suspects at this time or any descriptions of a suspect. According to KOLOtv investigators searched Paddock’s Reno home on October 3rd and found firearms. At a news conference Tuesday afternoon, Investigators said they found five handguns, two shotguns and a “plethora of ammunition” and electronics. The house is being treated as a potential crime scene. At least some of the guns found on Paddock’s properties had been bought at the Cabela’s store in Verdi. We can’t even trust the FBI at this point so who knows what really happened with this ‘break-in’. The current Head of the FBI in Las Vegas was appointed by former FBI Head and now admitted leaker James Comey. Is this why the investigation is such a mess? The investigation into the events and the motive behind the Las Vegas shooting last Sunday night is in flux. To date no motive is provided by the FBI and local police. Last week a press conference was held jointly by the FBI and the local Sheriff in Las Vegas concerning the recent murder of at least 59 people in that city. The Sheriff appeared transparent in the information he supplied. But the major question that everyone wanted to know was – why did the killer do it? What was his motive? Monday we found out that the killer shot the security guardbefore he fired on the crowd of people. This directly contradicts with the earlier report that the security guard found the room of the killer and stopped him from shooting on the crowd. As a result many more questions are raised like – Why the change in story? Why did the killer ever stop shooting on the crowd if the security guard did not stop him? The FBI’s lack of transparency along with the corrupt and criminal acts by former FBI Directors lead all of America to begin forming conspiracy theories and to further lose trust in the FBI. In a significant timeline change, Sheriff Lombardo reveals Mandalay Bay security guard, Jesus Campos, was shot BEFORE the Las Vegas attack started. “Las Vegas sheriff says Mandalay Bay security guard was shot 6 minutes before first shots were fired at crowd.,” reports ABC News. https://twitter.com/ABC/status/917516195342905344?ref_src=twsrc% 5Etfw&ref_url=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com% 2F2017% 2F10% 2Fsignificant-timeline-change-sheriff-reveals-mandalay-bay-security-guard-shot-vegas-attack% 2F https://twitter.com/mattdpearce/status/917513534342172672?ref_src=twsrc% 5Etfw&ref_url=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com% 2F2017% 2F10% 2Fsignificant-timeline-change-sheriff-reveals-mandalay-bay-security-guard-shot-vegas-attack% 2F https://twitter.com/mattdpearce/status/917513740995649537?ref_src=twsrc% 5Etfw&ref_url=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com% 2F2017% 2F10% 2Fsignificant-timeline-change-sheriff-reveals-mandalay-bay-security-guard-shot-vegas-attack% 2F Jesus Campos, the security guard has been “hailed as a hero after risking his life seeking out Stephen Paddock’s sniper’s nest,” according to Newsmax. Newsmax reports: Paddock shot the unarmed Campos in the leg as he was moving toward the room outside in the hallway, The Daily Beast reported being told by Dave Hickey, president of the International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America. Campos had taken an elevator to the 32nd floor of the hotel because the stairway door had been blocked, The Daily Beast said, and when Campos got to the door where he suspected Paddock was barricaded, he was met with gunfire through the door. The wounded Campos then radioed casino dispatch informing them of his and Paddock’s location in the hotel. Police said the suspect fired some 200 rounds at them as they approached the room, The Daily Beast noted. In another wild turn, Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino worker says he dodged bullets before Paddock shot at the Las Vegas concert crowd. A hotel engineer at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino says he radioed for help as soon as gunman Stephen Paddock started shooting at him and a security guard. “I could feel them (bullets) pass right behind my head,” engineer Stephen Schuck told NBC News’ “Today” on Wednesday. “Something hit me in the back.” Schuck was on a higher level of the Las Vegas hotel on Oct. 1 when he got a call to look at a fire exit door that wouldn’t open on the 32nd floor. That’s the same floor where Paddock would fire on a concert 1,200 feet below, killing at least 58 people. Why is the information only coming out now? How has this hotel employee only spoke at now? Sponsored Sponsored",45,1 -46,"Let’s face facts: Our president holds racist views. Opinion Donald Trump’s words hit the headlines again with reports, first in The Washington Post, that he railed Thursday against immigrants from “shithole” countries, such as Haiti, El Salvador and in Africa, and called for taking more people from Norway, which is nearly 90 percent white. But those who have been paying attention already suspected the darkness in Trump’s heart. The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms It should have been obvious from the despicable things he said about Mexican immigrants. It should have been clear from his anti-Muslim rants. It seeped through in his reaction to the deadly march in Charlottesville, Va., putting white supremacists on the same level as civil rights demonstrators. And now it’s emerging again in the debate over Dreamers and Salvadorans who have been protected from deportation. Trump says he wants an $18 billion wall on the border with Mexico, and an end to the visa lottery and “chain migration.” His entire immigration policy seems to have the goalof reducing immigration from non-white countries and somehow boosting immigration from Europe. Trump says he wants to put America First in all matters. But this isn’t the America that many of us cherish – the nation of immigrants, of the Statue of Liberty. Advocacy groups for immigrants condemned what Trump reportedly said, and Democrats plan to introduce a censure resolutionnext week. Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, tweeted that the president’s comments “are further proof that his Make America Great Again agenda is really a Make America White Again agenda.” The White House issued a statementthat didn’t deny his slur, but defended his stand on immigration. Early Friday, Trump, who never apologizes for anything, offered a denial in a series of tweets, though it’s difficult to take him at his word given his track record of lies. “The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used,” the president tweeted. “What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made – a big setback for DACA!” Later Friday, Trump signed the proclamation for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Reading prepared remarks, he called the civil rights icon a “great American hero” who preached racial equality. He refused to answer questions about the uproar, including whether he was racist. To say the scene was jarring doesn’t begin to capture how bizarre it was. This is beyond the daily drama and craziness coming out of this White House, and is already hurting the nation’s standing around the globe. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California said Trump’s “vile comments” only “make the jobs of Americans stationed all over the world harder – soldiers, diplomats and businesses.” “We all need to stop pretending that there are no consequences when the most powerful person in the world espouses racist views and gives a wink and a nod to the darkest elements in our society,” Feinstein said in perhaps her toughest statement yet on Trump. “If the president can’t control himself and lead this country with the authority, dignity and leadership it requires, then he shouldn’t be the president. There’s no room for racism in the Oval Office.” Yet the sad truth is that all of this may actually solidify Trump’s support among some in his base – the one-third of Americans who apparently will stand by him no matter what he does or says, no matter how outrageous or unfair or damaging. For me, however, the conclusion is inescapable. He’s a stain on the presidency. He’s a demagogue. And he very well could be a full-on racist. It’s terrible. But it would be even worse if we ignore it. Sign up Foon Rhee: 916-321-1913, @foonrhee",46,1 -47,"A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit families of Pulse victims filed against several social media companies alleging they didn’t do enough to stop ISIS propaganda that radicalized gunman Omar Mateen. The order to dismiss the lawsuit was filed Friday, the same day a jury of 12 acquitted Mateen’s widow Noor Salman, who was charged with aiding and abetting a foreign terror organization and obstruction of justice. Family members of nine victims and four survivors of the nightclub shooting sued Twitter, Facebook and Google on December 19, 2016, claiming that the online platforms “aided and abetted” and “conspired” with the Islamic State, an international terrorist organization, to commit the June 12, 2016 attack. The lawsuit alleged that the companies knew “that ISIS members and its official news outlets use numerous accounts” on the social media platforms to “publish the organization’s messages and to recruit and ‘radicalize’ persons such as Mateen.” They argued that because Mateen was able to access videos of beheadings and other “jihadist material” through their platforms, they contributed to his “self-radicalization.” But the Michigan court ruled that the Orlando shooting was not directly committed by ISIS, nor did the companies do anything to support Mateen. U.S. District Judge David M. Lawson wrote in his dismissal that there is no definitive evidence suggesting that the material Mateen saw online directly led to the attack, “other than that the principles espoused in them motivated Mateen to carry out the dreadful act.” “The only conduct involved with the attacks that is described with any particularity is Mateen’s,” Lawson wrote, which suggests that he planned and conducted the shooting “in isolation, when he ‘self-radicalized’ by perusing Internet postings, and then acted on his self-informed radical sentiments.” During the Salman trial in Orlando, prosecutors released Mateen’s web activity in the weeks leading up to the attack, including Google and Twitter searches related to ISIS, terrorism, and FBI surveillance. bpadro@orlandosentinel.com or 407-232-0202 or follow me on Twitter @BiancaJoanie",47,0 -48,"When the discussion of gun control rears its ugly head, some well-meaning proponent of “common sense gun measures” invariably tells us that no one wants to take our guns. They swear that they only want the “bad” guns. Maybe they’ll say, “No one needs an assault rifle” but if you mention bans on bolt action guns or handguns, they start backing up with their hands in supplication. “No, no, no, no. No one wants to do anything about those,” he’ll say. That means he’s either wrong or lying. Democratic politicians have been brainwashed by political hacks like me to begin all of their statements about guns by declaring support for the Second Amendment and a deep affinity for the cultures of hunters and sportsmen—even if they themselves have never fired weapons. We call them “gun safety” proposals instead of “gun control” measures because pollsters and consultants divined that “gun safety” would be less alarming to gun voters, and that gun voters were to be coddled at all cost. The Democratic gun control strategy fails because it is defined by this poverty of ambition—the determination never to look beyond fear of political repercussions. Universal background checks and a ban on high-capacity magazines are good ideas and we should seize the opportunity to enact them if it presents itself. But they won’t come anywhere close to making gun violence in America a tolerable problem. We are nibbling around the edges instead of proposing bold, meaningful solutions such as: These proposals are essentially omitted from the national conversation largely because Democrats are scared that the NRA will spin them disingenuously to inflame gun owners. Again, Democrats presume their hand is the weaker of the two. Last week, Republicans rejoiced, and some Democrats winced privately, when Nancy Pelosi said she hoped regulation of bump stocks—the device the Las Vegas shooter used to make his weapon more deadly—would be a “slippery slope” to further regulation. Democrats were concerned that Pelosi had handed the NRA a political cudgel the group would brandish against every one of them. But Pelosi was right, and I would like to see more Democrats find her courage, because the alternative is to surrender our ideals, and the moral high ground, for no discernible upside. Written by former Obama staffer Dan Pfeiffer who seems absolutely in love with gun control. After all, he calls for a national gun buyback program similar to Australia’s but fails to inform his readers that the buyback was simply a more palatable gun confiscation program masquerading as choice. Then again, this is the guy who says this, followed by claiming, “Republicans currently control every branch of government and the NRA is still producing agitprop aimed at convincing gun owners that liberal Democrats and radical leftists are going to come after their guns.” He says this without a hint of irony at the fact that he is telling Democrats to come after our guns. The entire post is nothing more than a paper dedicated to trying to convince Democrats that the answer to guns is to move even more to the left on guns, to stop pretending that they don’t want all the guns, yet he has the nerve to blame the NRA for producing videos? It should be noted that the video he chose is the one where Dana Loesch calls out the leftist media for lying. It actually doesn’t say a thing about how Democrats want all the guns. Not that it matters to someone like Pfeiffer. All that matters is that Democrats aren’t being honest about coming after all of our guns. He’s annoyed they won’t be honest, but I’m going to let Dan know something. We already know they want them all, and that’s why no one is backing down. Especially since none of his proposals would have stopped Las Vegas.",48,1 -49,"President Trump has issued an order banning the 'Saturday Night Live' television show. In April 2017, the St. George Gazette web site published an article positing that President Trump had signed an executive order forcing NBC’s popular and long-running Saturday Night Live sketch comedy TV program off the air: Today President Donald Trump made what could very well prove to be the most controversial move of his presidency by signing Executive Order 14838, which cancels the television show Saturday Night Live, or SNL. Under the new order, it is now illegal for any private or federally funded agency to air or show footage of the popular television show in any format. Any company or individual who violates this order can now face fines of up to $250,000 and five years in federal prison. During the press conference today, Trump explained that his decision was based on a personal belief that the show is “divisive” and “contrary to America’s deepest held values.” “Saturday Night Live is the definition of fake news and that is why it is now gone forever,” Trump told reporters. “It mocks the very beliefs that keep this great country running smoothly. I’ve never found the show to be humorous and I don’t know how it stayed on the air as long as it did, but I made sure to put an end to that today. I know some actions that I take are questioned by those who don’t want or understand freedom; these are people who hate America, but I know my true supporters are with me on this decision to cancel SNL, just like all my other brilliant ideas.” Trump’s signing of Executive Order 14838 comes after more than two seasons of Saturday Night Live attacking the current President. There was no truth to this story (the premise of which would clearly constitute a violation of the First Amendment right to free speech). This item originated with the St. George Gazette, one of many fake news web sites which masquerade as the online arms of (non-existent) newspapers. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.",49,0 -50,"There are not many newspapers that have published positive views on Donald Trump, but the GOP nominee rejected the praise of this one outright. The Crusader, the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan, leapt to defend Trump in its quarterly issue with a front-page banner headline, “Make America Great Again. Pastor Thomas Robb, the Klan’s national director, wrote,“Can America really be great again? This is what we will soon find out.” In an interview with the Washington Post, Robb embraced Trump’s campaign, but he denied that his opinion piece amounted to a formal endorsement “Overall, we do like his nationalist views and his words about shutting down the border to illegal aliens. It’s not an endorsement because, like anybody, there’s things you disagree with,” Robb said. “But he kind of reflects what’s happening throughout the world. There seems to be a surge of nationalism worldwide as nationals reclaim their borders.” The paper quotes Trump’s slogan and features a large photo of Trump wearing the hat, but it does read more like an essay on the nationalist strain of the GOP nominee’s campaign slogan than a traditional endorsement. “While Trump wants to make America great again, we have to ask ourselves, ‘What made America great in the first place?’” the article continues. “The short answer to that is simple. America was great not because of what our forefathers did — but because of who our forefathers were. America was founded as a White Christian Republic. And as a White Christian Republic it became great.” The Trump campaign was quick to denounce the publication, issuing this statement Tuesday night: “Mr. Trump and the campaign denounces hate in any form. This publication is repulsive and their views do not represent the tens of millions of Americans who are uniting behind our campaign.” White nationalist and former Klansman David Duke announced his support for Trump in February, and initially, Trump was slow to reject it when asked about it by CNN, saying he “didn’t know anything about him.”",50,0 -51,"Internet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ******************************************************************************** Nine years ago, Christopher Mirasolo, 27, raped a woman. She got pregnant as a result of the alleged crime. Now, Mirasolo—a convicted rapist—has been awarded joint legal custody of the child by Detroit Judge Gregory S. Ross following a DNA paternity test which showed him to be the child’s father. Yes, you read that correctly. The man who made a child through rape, was convicted of rape, and served time for rape, will now be granted joint custody of the child born from rape. The victim’s attorney, Rebecca Kiessling, is now asking for special protection afforded to her client under the federal Rape Survivor Child Custody Act. The Act, which President Obama signed the Rape Survivor Child Custody Act into law on May 29, 2015, terminates the parental rights of any parent who raped the opposite sex. The decision to terminate the parental rights must be based on clear and convincing evidence that the resulting child was conceived through rape. Kiessling filed objections last Friday against Ross’ decision to award custody to the parent who’s believed to have raped the lady whose identity must be kept confidential because of the nature of the crime. Kiessling remarked: This is insane…Nothing has been right about this since it was originally investigated. He was never properly charged and should still be sitting behind bars somewhere, but the system is victimizing my client, who was a child herself when this all happened. So apparently angered by Ross’ decision, the rape victim’s attorney continued by accusing the court of implementing deception to make the ruling. An assistant prosecutor on this, Eric Scott, told me she had granted her consent, which was a lie — she has never been asked to do this and certainly never signed anything In granting parental rights to Mirasolo, Ross has prevented the woman from fleeing the presence of her alleged attacker. In other words, the rape victim now has to be within driving distance of her rapist at all times. And in a bizarre and some would say ironic turn of events, the rape victim may, in fact, go to jail if she does not comply with the court’s demands. Kiessling remarked that her client is, “not allowed to move 100 miles from where she had been living when the case was filed, without court consent.” If she does not comply with the order, she can be locked up. “So the prosecutor told her she had to come home immediately or she would be held in contempt of court,” the rape victim’s lawyer said. For anyone who may be wondering about the details of the alleged rape, the lawyer provided a glimpse into the kind of horrific and violent torture the rape victim allegedly endured. She said Mirasolo raped her client when her client was just 12 and the man was 18. She described the incident in detail. She, her 13-year-old sister and a friend all slipped out of their house one night to meet a boy and the boy’s older friend, Mirasolo, showed up and asked if they wanted to go for a ride…They thought they were going to McDonald’s or somewhere…Instead, he tossed their cellphones away, drove to Detroit where he stole gas from a station and then drove back to Sanilac County, where he kept them captive for two days in a vacant house near a relative, finally releasing the older sister in a park. He threatened to kill them if they told anyone what happened. Instead of prosecuting Mirasolo to the fullest extent of the law, he was offered a plea deal for being a first-time offender and was back on the streets after less than 7 months in jail. He went on to commit another rape on a young teenager in 2010 and served only four years for the second rape. Now, Judge Ross has given him parental rights to his first victim. Barbara Yockey, Mirasolo’s attorney did not indicate her client had any intention of being a parent to the child who happens to be the product of a reportedly brutal rape. Yockey said the paternity test and subsequent custody proceedings were initiated after the other parent applied for state services. Chris was notified of the paternity matter and an order of filiation was issued last month by the court saying he had joint legal custody and reasonable visitation privileges…He never initiated this. It was something routinely done by the prosecutor’s office when a party makes application for state assistance. The Detroit News also spoke with the mother. She, too, was unaware of the court’s proceedings. She said; I think this is all crazy…They (officials) never explained anything to me. I was receiving about $260 a month in food stamps for me and my son and health insurance for him. I guess they were trying to see how to get some of the money back. Following the horrific rape, the victim dropped out of school and moved in with relatives in Florida. She went to a government office to change her address and was notified she had a court order demanding her return to Detroit. Part of me didn’t want to come back home because I was scared…I would’ve got contempt of court if I hadn’t shown. I would’ve been thrown in jail. With respect to the rape itself, she said: I didn’t talk about it, I tried to put it behind me, but that’s never possible. You never forget what happens. Tiffany, the name she gave to the hosts, which is not her real name, gave her opinion about Ross’ decision to put her rapist’s name on her son’s birth certificate. (I’d been told), he’d have to fight for any kind of rights…Then this judge just hands him these rights, like he deserves them. She’s not alone in her belief that Mirasolo should be denied parental rights. The convicted rapist’s second victim shares her sentiments. She told reporters: When I read the (Detroit News) article, I was disgusted…I guess there is no way they can do anything to him, because he has already served sentences in both cases. But there is no way he should have custody…And I don’t think he should even be allowed around any children without supervision. Yes, America, this is the judicial state of affairs in which many of our residents currently endure. A convicted rapist is given parental rights he didn’t want, to a woman who didn’t want him to have any association with her or her child, and who’d even relocated out of state. The woman was ordered to return to the state where she was raped and forced to live within two hours drive of the perpetrator (100 miles). Worse still, she may actually be forced to confront her attacker when and if he ever wants to spend time with his biological child. Jack Burns is an educator, journalist, investigative reporter, and advocate of natural medicine.",51,1 -52,"After only nine months in office, President Trump and family had already spent $147 million on personal travel, amounting to one-and-a-half times as much as President Obama and family spent in the eight years of the latter's presidency. Based on the limited information available as of October 2017, the Trump family's monthly travel expenditures during the early part of his administration exceeded the monthly spending averages of President Obama and family. The stated total of $147 million for President Trump and family's travel expenditures over nine months was vastly exaggerated and unsupported by actual data. The expenses incurred by United States presidents and their families on vacation trips and other travel away from the White House are an evergreen topic of partisan debate, given that much of those, including the requisite round-the-clock Secret Service protection and use of military aircraft for travel, are footed by the federal government. (By longstanding convention, even presidential vacation travel is categorized as “official business” for accounting purposes, since it is assumed, the Congressional Research Service tells us, that the president is always on duty.) In that vein, an Internet meme loosed on social media nine months into Donald Trump’s presidency made the claim that taxpayer expenditures on vacations, golf, and personal security for the president, First Lady Melania Trump, and their youngest son Barron had thus far averaged more than $16 million per month, as compared to an average of about $1 million per month for travel by President Obama and immediate family during Obama’s entire eight years in office. This is the text: As of October 14, 2017 Taxpayer dollars spend on vacations, golf and personal security while not at the White house for Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha $98,000,000.00 over 8 years or $1,020,833.33 per month Taxpayer dollars spend on vacations, golf and personal security while not at the White house for Donald, Melania and Barron $147,000,000.00 over 9 months or $16,333,333.33 per month Not a peep from Conservatives. If accurate, the comparison is all the more striking in that Trump was an inveterate critic of President Obama’s travel and vacation expenses for years: The Obama’s Spain vacation cost taxpayers over $476K http://t.co/W6kIpd5x They love to spend money. “I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump told The Hill in 2015. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.” While campaigning for the presidency in 2016, Trump said to the American people: “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf.” In point of fact, according to a report in USA Today, Trump only spent five of his first 26 weekends as president holed up exclusively in the White House. The rest entailed trips to his nearby golf clubs. In early August 2017, CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller toted up how many days Trump had spent away from the White House versus the number of days Obama spent offsite and found that Trump’s total, at all or part of 41 days away from Washington, was nearly twice Obama’s, at all or part of 21 days away (although George W. Bush had them both beat at 61 days away). Although it’s too soon as of October 2017, just nine months into his presidency, to render even a semi-complete portrait of the Trump family’s travel expenses (such details are rarely released except in response to Freedom of Information Act inquiries, and sometimes not even then), preliminary indications are that Trump’s past criticisms of Obama will come back to haunt him. Looking at the information we do have, the Obama family’s travel expenses during the entire eight years of his presidency totaled approximately $106 million, according to the most recent FOIA numbers released by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, who kept close tabs on Obama’s spending. The Obamas’ travel expenses therefore averaged about $1.1 million per month over the course of his term. Turning to Trump, the alleged $147 million already spent on travel by the president and his family during his first nine months in office wildly exceeds anything supported by actual data. That having been said, it does appear, based on the information available, that Trump and family have indeed likely outstripped the Obamas in terms of monthly travel costs, albeit by a smaller margin than claimed. Judicial Watch, who have vowed to monitor Trump’s travel expenses as closely as they did Obama’s (FOIA requests are already on file), reported in July 2017 that two months into Trump’s presidency taxpayers were already on the hook for $3.58 million in charges for air travel alone (i.e., excluding auxiliary costs such as Secret Service housing, local transporation, police protection, etc.) by the president, first lady, and vice president during February and March. That’s roughly $1.8 million per month, $700,000 more than the Obamas’ monthly average, which included the auxiliary costs we don’t yet have for Trump. Focusing just on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago trips, of which there were seven between Inauguration Day and mid-August 2017, an attempt at a more comprehensive estimate by the progressive watchdog group Center for American Progress Action Fund settled on a cost of roughly $3 million per trip — a total of $21 million for all of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago stays through August, amounting to $2.6 million per month). The reliability of that estimate has been rightly called into question, given that it was generalized from a Government Accountability Office report written well before Trump took office, but it is indicative of how high the Trump family’s travel costs — when they are updated to include actual Secret Service expenses and incidentals might well go. For that matter, obligatory Secret Service protection extends to all of Trump’s children, including his two adult sons, whose security costs while traveling are borne by American taxpayers even though they don’t work for the administration, instead running their father’s international business holdings. According to CBS News, lodging and transportation costs for federal agents protecting Eric and Donald Trump Jr. on their travels had already surpassed $190,000 by the end of President Trump’s third month in office. Also indicative is a USA Today report that in addition to his Mar-a-Lago residencies, as of 21 August Trump had racked up five visits to his private golf club in New Jersey. At these two locations, the Secret Service spent $60,000 on rent for the golf carts needed to protect the president. If that pattern continues, American taxpayers can expect to be dinged for as much as $103,000 per year in golf cart rentals alone. Although there isn’t yet enough information to work up a detailed comparison of the Trump family’s travel expenses versus the Obama family’s, it seems a near certainty, barring a dramatic change in lifestyle, that the Trumps’ expenses will continue to outpace the Obamas’ by a healthy margin, although nowhere approaching the $15 million-a-month disparity alleged by Internet sources. Snopes.com has long been engaged in the battle against misinformation, an effort we could not sustain without the support of our readers. If you'd like to learn more about how you can support us, click here.",52,0 -53,"Donald Trump has virtually stopped trying to win this election by any conventional metric and is instead stacking logs of grievance on the funeral pyre with the great anticipation of setting it ablaze if current polls turn out to be predictive. There is something calamitous in the air that surrounds the campaign, a hostile fatalism that bespeaks a man convinced that the end is near and aiming his anger at all within reach. As his path to victory grows narrower, his desperation grows more pronounced. Last week a steady stream of women stepped forward to accuse Trump of some form of sexual assault, abuse or inappropriate behavior. Trump’s response has been marked by a stunning lack of grace and dignity, let alone contrition or empathy, a response much like the man himself. Instead, he is doubling down on sexism. On Thursday, Trump said of the People magazine reporter who accused him of forcibly kissing her: “Look at her. Look at her words. You tell me what you think. I don’t think so.” He said on Friday of the woman accusing him of groping her on an airplane: “Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you.” He also said of Clinton, “When she walked in front of me, believe me, I wasn’t impressed.” His response to these charges has been surprisingly — and perhaps, revealingly — callow. He has mocked, whined, chided, bemoaned and belittled. It’s as if the man is on a mission to demonstrate to voters the staggering magnitude of his social vulgarity and emotional ineptitude. He has dispensed with all semblances of wanting to appear presidential and embraced what seems to be most natural to him: acting like a pig. Furthermore, everything is rigged against him, from the media to the election itself. He’s threatening to sue The New York Times. He says he and Clinton should take a drug test before the next debate. These are the ravings of a lunatic. Trump is back to carelessly shooting off his mouth and recklessly shooting himself in the foot. It is sad, really, but for him I have no sympathy. He has spent this entire election attacking anyone and everyone whom he felt it would be politically advantageous to attack. Trump, now that you’re under attack, you want to cry woe-is-me and have people commiserate. Slim chance, big guy. The coarseness of your character has been put on full display, and now the electorate has come to cash the check you wrote. Trump now looks like a madman from Mad Men, a throwback to when his particular privileges had more perks and were considered less repugnant. He looks pathetic. He is a ball of contradictions that together form a bully, a man who has built a menacing wall around the hollow of his self. He is brash to mask his fragility. But in a way, Trump was authentically made in America. America has a habit of romanticizing the playboy as much as the cowboy, but there is often something untoward about the playboy, unseemly, predatory and broken. For years, Trump built a reputation on shuffling through women, treating his exploits with jocularity and having too much of America smiling in amusement at the bad boy antics. But he’s not a kid; he’s a cad. And he seems constitutionally incapable of processing the idea that wealth is not completely immunizing, that some rules are universally applicable, that common decency is required of more than just “common” folks. He seems genuinely offended that he should be held to the same standards of truth, decorum and even law as those less well off. Trump is in fact the logical extension of toxic masculinity and ambient misogyny. He is the logical extension of rampant racism. He is the logical extension of wealth worship. He is the logical extension of pervasive anti-intellectualism. Trump is the logical extension of the worst of America. With him you get a man who believes himself superior in every way: through the gift of fortune and the happenstance of chromosomes. He believes the rules simply don’t apply. Not rules that govern the sovereignty of another’s body, not rules that dictate decorousness. And the Republican Party was just the right place for him to park himself. When you have a political party that takes as its mission to prevent government from working instead of to make government work, a party that conflates the ill effects of a changing economy with the changing complexion of the country and is still struck by fever over the election of President Obama, Trump is a natural, predictable endpoint. Furthermore, Trump is what happens when you wear your Christian conservative values like a cardigan to conveniently slip off when the heat rises. Trump is fundamentally altering American politics — coarsening them, corrupting them, cratering them. And America, particularly conservative America, has only itself to blame. Republicans sowed intolerance and in its shadow, Trump sprang up like toxic fungi.",53,1 -54,"By ALICIA PARLAPIANO and ADAM PEARCE While Donald J. Trump or Hillary Clinton will represent the entire country, the Americans who selected them are a small part of it. The United States is home to 324 million people. Each square here represents 1 million people. 103 million of them are children, noncitizens or ineligible felons, and they do not have the right to vote. Estimates for ineligible felons are from 2010. 88 million eligible adults do not vote at all, even in general elections. Based on the share of eligible adults who voted in the 2012 general election. An additional 73 million did not vote in the primaries this year, but will most likely vote in the general election. Does not include people who voted in caucuses, which have less reliable turnout numbers. A small percentage of people vote in primaries but not in general elections, and they are also not included. The remaining 60 million people voted in the primaries: about 30 million each for Republicans and Democrats. But half of the primary voters chose other candidates. Just 14 percent of eligible adults — 9 percent of the whole nation — voted for either Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton. The overall shares were about the same in 2008, the last cycle without an incumbent president running. Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton will be working to win the votes of these three groups. Polls suggest they will be separated by just a handful of squares.",54,0 -55,"Web hosting company GoDaddy on Monday tweeted that it has given the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, 24 hours to find another internet service provider. A GoDaddy spokesman told the New York Daily News that the Daily Stormer violated its terms of service by posting a blog deriding a woman killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday. Heather Heyer, 32, died when a man drove his car into a crowd of people protesting a white nationalist rally there Saturday. Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin on Sunday posted an article characterizing Heyer as “fat” and “childless.” “Given this latest article comes on the immediate heels of a violent attack, we believe this type of article could incite additional violence, which violates our terms of service,” GoDaddy spokesman Dan Race said in an email to the Daily News. Some Twitter users on Monday praised GoDaddy for taking a stand against the Daily Stormer following Anglin’s controversial blog. Other people on the social media platform criticized GoDaddy for hosting the Daily Stormer for as long as it did before Monday’s announcement. GoDaddy’s decision will reportedly force the Daily Stormer’s operators to transfer dailystormer.com to another internet provider. The hacking collective Anonymous also took credit Monday for targeting the Daily Stormer following Anglin’s blog. “This site is now under the control of Anonymous,” a post on the Daily Stormer’s front page said. “For too long the Daily Stormer and Andrew Anglin have spewed their putrid hate on this site,” it added. “That will not be happening anymore.” The post did not mention GoDaddy’s message to the Daily Stormer, and the article about Heyer was not taken down. The so-called “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville last Saturday turned violent when white nationalists and anti-fascist demonstrators broke into violence. James Alex Fields Jr., 20, ultimately drove a car into counter-protesters there, killing Heyer and injuring more than a dozen others. Two Virginia State Police officers additionally died Saturday following a helicopter crash authorities linked to the Charlottesville rally.",55,0 -56,"TIL: Police departments will literally do anything to get us to stop killing each other on the road, even succumbing to meme culture… — Big Uzi Vert (@BlvckGrip) August 21, 2017 The NSW Police Force is Australia’s oldest and largest police organization, and serves a population of seven million citizens in New South Wales. Also, they’re apparently into browsing Reddit, because they just used the “Man Looking at Woman” meme to promote safer driving… This isn’t the first time a police department has tried to promote public safety via “hip” means, and it surely won’t be the last. But are memes an effective way to get people to stop texting and driving? Probably not, because until they finally start using that tax money to hire legitimate graphic designers who up their font game, we’re going to continue to refuse to care about our safety on the road. What do you think of the NSW Police Force using the “Man Looking at Woman” meme to promote road safety? Do you think this is a good way to get people to be more conscious of their driving habits? Let us know on Twitter @Smosh!",56,0 -57,"The rapidly-evolving story concerning the FBI’s renewed interest in Hillary Clinton’s email sever has a number of players. Some are famous, others are not. Here are some people involved in the latest political drama. Once a rising star in the Democratic Party, Weiner was an outspoken and telegenic congressman from the outer boroughs of New York City. He married senior Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin in 2010 in a ceremony officiated by Bill Clinton, and was mentored by Sen. Chuck Schumer. Then, in 2011, he accidentally tweeted an explicit photo from himself, which eventually led to his resignation from Congress. He launched a comeback bid for Mayor of New York City in 2013, and was briefly the frontrunner until it was revealed that he was still sending explicit photos to people other than his wife, sometimes under the pseudonym Carlos Danger. Over this past summer, authorities opened an investigation into Weiner’s alleged sexting with an underage girl, which at one point included a picture of his young son. Abedin announced that she was separating from Weiner in August, but the investigation eventually led to the discovery of a laptop containing thousands of emails potentially relating to the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server. Appointed FBI director in September 2013 by President Obama, Comey has a long and distinguished record in law enforcement, including a stint as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2002 to 2003. He then became a deputy attorney general under President George W. Bush until 2005 before leaving to accept a series of lucrative private sector jobs. A Republican for most of his life, Comey contributed to the presidential campaigns of both Sen. John McCain and Gov. Mitt Romney, but said in 2016 he was no longer registered with the GOP. In July, he attracted criticism from Republicans for declining to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton over the use of her private email server, a decision he announced in a press conference. Last week, he sent a letter to Congress notifying the chairs of relevant committees that the investigation had resumed due to information obtained during a separate investigation. It was later revealed that FBI investigators looking into Anthony Weiner had found a laptop used by him and his wife, Huma Abedin, containing thousands of emails potentially going to-and-from Clinton’s private server. McCabe joined the FBI in 1996, serving out of the New York field office and focusing on organized crime. According to his official FBI biography, he has held senior positions in the counterterrorism and national security divisions, eventually becoming deputy director, the bureau’s second-in-command position, in February. His wife, Jill McCabe, was an unsuccessful Democratic Virginia state senate candidate in 2015, and received nearly $500,000 in campaign funds from Gov. Terry McAuliffe political action committee. McAuliffe is a close Clinton ally, but Andrew McCabe still reportedly oversaw the wide-ranging investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. McCabe did, however, recuse himself from a separate investigation into McAuliffe due to his wife’s ties to the governor. In early October, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal’s Devlin Barrett, agents investigating Anthony Weiner notified McCabe that a laptop had been discovered that could contain emails pertinent to the separate investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server. FBI investigators originally looked through the laptop looking for child pornography, and required another court order to look for emails relating to the server to-and-from Weiner’s wife, Clinton aide Huma Abedin. The GOP chairman of the House Oversight Committee has been closely tracking the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers as secretary of state. On Friday, Chaffetz tweeted that FBI Director James Comey had learned about new emails pertinent to its investigation into Clinton. Comey had sent him and other Republican committee chairmen on Capitol Hill a vague letter about the discovery. Chaffetz said that the case had been reopened. Before the development, Chaffetz told The Washington Post last week that he planned to spend “years” investigating Clinton. Despite never running for office before, McCabe launched a campaign last year to run for a state Senate seat in Virginia. She is the wife of FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe who, has been overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers when she led the State Department. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a former top aide to the Clintons, reportedly recruited McCabe for the seat in an effort to tip the balance of the state Senate. While she was recruited around the time that The New York Times broke the Clinton emails story, the FBI didn’t launch its investigation into it until July 2015 and Andrew McCabe wasn’t promoted to his current role until earlier this year. McAuliffe’s political action committee donated nearly $500,000 to Jill McCabe’s campaign, which was unsuccessful. Chaffetz asked Andrew McCabe last week to provide documents about his wife’s Senate campaign amid questions about a possible conflict of interest. The emails being reviewed by the FBI were found on laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner in the course of a separate investigation into Huma Abedin’s now-estranged husband, Anthony Weiner. He was allegedly sexting with a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. Abedin was said to be “surprised” by the emails on the computer, and during her interview with the FBI, she said she had given up all relevant electronic devices used for emails relating to her work for Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state. After an earlier sexting scandal over the summer, Abedin announced she was separating from Weiner. Abedin was deputy chief of staff for Clinton but served in the capacity of a consultant, rather than as State Department staff. During this time, she also consulted for Teneo, a strategic consulting firm founded by a former Bill Clinton aide, Doug Band, and for the Clinton Foundation. Her overlapping jobs have been at the center of questions about whether Clinton’s State Department was too close to the Clinton Foundation and to Teneo. Abedin has been called the Clintons’ “second daughter” -- Bill Clinton even officiated at her 2010 wedding to Weiner. She was born in Michigan to Saudi intellectuals and was subsequently raised in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She returned to the U.S. for college and became an intern for Clinton in 1996, who was first lady at the time. She has served as traveling chief of staff and senior adviser to Clinton, as well. A close Clinton ally and former chair of the Democratic National Committee, McAulifee was elected Virginia governor in 2013. McAuliffe’s PAC donated nearly $500,000 to the Virginia state senate election campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, the wife of FBI official Andrew McCabe. According to The Wall Street Journal, McCabe oversaw the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. At the same time, the Virginia Democratic Party contributed another $207,778 in the form of mailers to McCabe. The Virginia governor responded to insinuations by Republicans that his PAC’s donation to McCabe was an attempt to influence the FBI. “I think we’re in silly season,” he told WTVR last week. The only time he met her husband, Andrew McCabe, was on Mar. 7, he said: “It was about Jill, highly qualified, she’s a medical doctor, and she’s a community leader. That’s why we were supporting her.” McCabe ultimately lost the election to incumbent GOP State Sen. Dick Black. The FBI is also investigating the propriety of some donations to McAuliffe’s own 2013 gubernatorial campaign, including one by Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang, CNN reported. Wang was born in China but is a permanent U.S. resident, which could make him eligible to make campaign contributions. McAuliffe’s friendship with both Clintons goes back to Bill Clinton’s presidency -- he was one of Clinton’s top fundraisers and later went on to chair the DNC. When the Clintons were short of money after they left the White House burdened by legal debt, it was McAuliffe who secured the loan with $1.35 million of his own money, the New York Times’ Adam Nagourney reported at the time (they paid him back soon after). And the Clintons were big supporters of both his gubernatorial bids.",57,0 -58,"Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel stepped right into it on Thursday evening. While Kimmel has spent a lot of the week calling out President Donald Trump and the NRA, this time he decided to take his attacks to a whole new level. Instead of going after the president or an organization, he attacked millions of Americans who don't support gun control. Kimmel tweeted: Dear crazies: it is fascinating that 500 innocent people get shot and your anger is directed at me. Think about that https://t.co/TTMxEcjdbZ Kimmel calling gun owners crazies backfired on the celebrity big time: It's fascinating that Stephen Paddock shot over 500 people and you are blaming guns and politicians. One and only one person to blame. I use to watch u every nite. Stopped that when u became not funny, & think your celeb status can use it for Your political agenda. I'm a longtime fan jimmy, sometimes it seems like you are talking down to us and or lecturing. Please stick to making us laugh. Oh sweetie, it might be a good idea to do some research prior to assigning blame to the wrong people. Facts matter! A DISNEY SHAREHOLDER WHO IS ABOUT TO START COMPLAINING ABOUT YOU. LOUDLY. Stop the rants. Stick to comedy. Politics is NOT your forte So only you have compassion. Only you feel sorrow. Only you care about innocent life. But 100 million who support their rights are crazies. It's crazy to hop on your platform to cudgel & shame innocent people for an act by a madman, then call them crazy when they get mad at you. Kimmel hasn't issued an apology for his statement. But it appears that fans would appreciate it he stayed out politics and stuck to comedy. Their fiery response to his remark really says it all.",58,1 -59,"It's hard to stay away from strong opinions surrounding the election, even from those not allowed to vote. Apparently, even from kids not big enough to ride Splash Mountain. Jimmy Kimmel, megaphone for children everywhere, took to the streets to ask some kids about their feelings on President-elect Trump. One kid showed us his ""angry face."" (It's really angry.) One kid thinks he's going to be ""HUUUUUGE!"" One Canadian kid is less than thrilled about a potential mass exodus to his home country, but will welcome Snoop Dogg with open arms. One kid thinks he looks ""like a dope."" One kid thinks he might murder her mom. But ... optimism, right? At least he didn't steal their Halloween candy!",59,0 -60,"Donald Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway reacted to Trump's debate performance and the fact he held a press availability with four women who have accused the Clintons of misconduct. ""These women want to be heard,"" Conway said of Kathleen Willey, Kathy Shelton, Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Corbin Jones. ""I'm really proud of Donald Trump for raising it in exactly the right way,"" she told Megyn Kelly on The Kelly File, "" How does Hillary Clinton treat these women after the fact?"" Conway was referring to Clinton's statement that alleged victims of sexual assault ""deserve to be heard"". ""Or, are we excluding those who have had contact with her husband?"" Conway asked. ""Juanita Broaddrick in the pre-debate press availability said 'Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton attacked me'. This is her chance to tell her story."" ""If [Hillary] is going to... be some Joan of Arc for women...she totally ignored all four of the women tonight."" Clinton, then Hillary Rodham, represented the accused rapist of then-12-year old Shelton, and reportedly laughed about the case after the suspect was vindicated. Willey and Jones have accused Bill Clinton of assault and have insinuated that Hillary Clinton enabled him and attacked them. Regarding Trump's vulgar recorded discussion with Billy Bush, Conway said it was ""disgusting [and] offensive, and I'm not going to excuse what he said."" What do you think? Let us know in the comments below. Overdoses Suspected After Little Girl Alerts Bus Driver About Unresponsive Parents",60,1 -61,"It’s suddenly big news that there are perverts in Hollywood. The really big news is that former President Barack Hussein Obama’s communist and terrorist-support network remains a state secret. Attorney General Jeff Sessions won’t touch it. Until we come to grips with Obama, our first Marxist president with radical Muslim sympathies, we are adrift as a nation. He ran for office as a “committed Christian,” a monumental deception to conceal his record of service to the communist cause, Muslim background, and grooming by suspected Soviet espionage agent Frank Marshall Davis. As the world marks the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Russian revolution, America should take note of our own communist revolution – the eight years of the Obama presidency and his leadership of the global anti-Trump “resistance.” A WND story says former Trump White House aide Sebastian Gorka believes radical Islamic jihadists, China and radical leftists pose the greatest threats to U.S. national security, but that “they will be defeated by President Trump and his supporters who are restoring America’s global dominance and reclaiming the country’s culture.” Based on the record so far, this is as likely as Hollywood coming completely clean about Harvey Weinstein’s perversities. Russia is not even on the list of Gorka’s top three threats! Yet Russia is behind the Jihadists, is in an alliance with Red China, and still backs the radical leftists. Gorka tells WND, “The immediate term threat is the Shia-jihadis – this is Iran, this is the Republican Guard, Hezbollah. If they get nuclear weapons, that’s a game changer and that’s why it’s so important the president decertified the Iran deal.” Yet, Iran’s nuclear weapons program is made possible by Russia. Why no mention of that? And why didn’t Trump cancel the Iran deal as he promised to do? In the first place, Obama should have been impeached. Under United Nations auspices, he ordered the bombing of Libya, in order to depose a ruler, Gadhafi, who had given up his weapons of mass destruction and was fighting al Qaeda. The massacre of Americans in Benghazi by Jihadists resulted from this illegal and unconstitutional war. All of this benefited the Muslim Brotherhood. Indeed, Obama issued a secret 2011 Presidential Study Directive-11, or PSD-11, supporting this radical Islamist group throughout the Middle East. National security reporter Bill Gertz said, “The directive, according to officials familiar with its contents, outlined how the administration would seek to support the Muslim Brotherhood around the world despite the Islamist supremacist organization providing the ideological underpinning for jihadist terrorism for both al Qaeda and its successor, the Islamic State.” PSD-11, which is still secret, should be released by the Trump Administration and declared exhibit number one in a criminal investigation of Barack Hussein Obama. Trump was supposed to turn things around. In Afghanistan, Gorka tells WND that Trump’s speech sending more American soldiers to their deaths in an endless conflict didn’t use the words “radical Islamic terrorism.” He was upset about that omission. But Trump also didn’t mention Russia’s role in sending arms to a Taliban faction killing our troops. This is what we called the Red Jihad, a book quoting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as saying that Soviet/Russian support for international terrorism made radical Islam into the threat it is today. He explains that, “without the support offered by the Soviet bloc and the Arab world, international terrorism would revert to its earlier, localized manifestations before the 1960s and would hardly dominate the global scene.” If you want to defeat radical Islam, engineer regime change in Russia, which is still the global center of revolutionary violence against America. Domestically, Sebastian Gorka mentions in the WND interview the influence of Obama associates Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn in academia, but ignores how their communist terrorist networks spawned the Obama candidacy and presidency. These networks, nurtured even today by Bill Ayers in his new book, Demand the Impossible: A Radical Manifesto, are promising an uprising of some sort on November 4. The Refuse Fascism group, which is behind the November 4 protests, is a front of the Revolutionary Communist Party and its founder, former Ayers and Dohrn associate Bob Avakian. As we document in Comrade Obama Unmasked, Obama supported America’s enemies at every opportunity, including the communist regime in Cuba, the communists running South Africa, and even the FARC narco-terrorists in Colombia. But he stands out during his eight years in office as the real Russian agent, who was passive when Russia invaded Ukraine and Syria, gave Russia a nuclear weapons advantage over the U.S., and awarded the Russians special trading privileges. Working with Russia, he conceived the Iran nuclear deal. However, on his way out the door, in a classic Marxist dialectical maneuver, his CIA director John Brennan launched an investigation of President Trump as a Russia agent. It was a stroke of genius that put Trump on the defensive, gave the liberal news media months of joy, and resulted in multiple Russia-gate investigations, including by a former FBI director determined to get Trump. On the 100th anniversary of the Virgin Mary Fatima revelations about Russia’s threat to world peace, we also learn from Dr. Paul Kengor’s new book that the Soviets were behind the May 13, 1981, attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. The book, A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century, says Reagan’s CIA director Bill Casey confirmed the Soviet role, in the face of official CIA resistance to the finding. Until the reality of Obama’s communist support is examined and the secret role of Russia in global conflict exposed, the former president and America’s enemies will have the upper hand. But Gorka and Trump seem clueless. “China has the most leverage to deal with North Korea,” Gorka told WND. “And the fact that the president and Ambassador Haley at the U.N. have managed to convince China that even if you’re in a competition with us, you will not profit by having a nuclear war on your border and they joined us with Russia – it’s a big deal – in the tightest sanctions package against North Korea in history, that tells you how big a problem North Korea is. China may be our long term enemy, but they don’t a war in their back doorstep either.” Does he really think another in an endless series of U.N. resolutions will make any difference? The U.N. is another communist front, designed by a Russian agent working in our State Department by the name of Alger Hiss. Have we forgotten? Working through the U.N. is a dangerous dead end. Our book The Sword of Revolution conclusively demonstrates that the “Sino-Soviet split” was a fraud. What’s more, the “collapse” of Red Russia was itself a fraud, too. Together, China and Russia, combined with Obama’s inaction during his two terms, have made a nuclear North Korea a reality. What’s more, China is still communist. An article in China Daily, entitled, “Adapting Marxism called crucial,” explains how Marxism is guiding the country’s future. Here’s a quote: President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China [CPC] Central Committee… said that as a party upholding Marxism, the CPC should make sure its theories keep up with the times. Drifting away from or betraying Marxism will lead to the Party’s losing its soul and direction as it moves forward, Xi added. Marxism is unsurpassed in achieving great heights and having a huge influence, he said. The reliance on China to deal with its nuclear client, North Korea, is another dead end. The key failure involves the inability or unwillingness to investigate Obama’s global network and what his anti-American policies were designed to do. In terms of the threat within, consider that the FBI website still features wanted posters of two fugitives: Donna Borup and Elizabeth Anna Duke, both members of the May 19th Communist Organization. Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, a speaker at our upcoming November 10 National conference on Obamunism, has cited evidence that Obama was a member or supporter of the May 19th Communist Organization, an above ground support group for the Weather Underground based in New York City from 1978-1985. He notes that the May 19 Communist Organization was described by Obama pal and former communist terrorist Bill Ayers as providing “a sea for the guerillas to swim in.” Some May 19 members committed acts of violence and terrorism, such as the 1981 Nanuet Brinks robbery and murders, the bombing of South African offices in 1981, and the U.S. Capital bombing in 1983, notes Gilbert. He adds, “I spoke with a former FBI informant who told me the May 19th Communist Organization had a weapons training camp in the Catskill Mountains, run by former Black Panthers. In addition, some May 19 members were sent to Cuba for several weeks each year with the Venceremos Brigades, a continuation of the SDS/Weather Underground program begun in the sixties, for explosives training from Cuban intelligence, DGI.” Here’s the big revelation: “A former May 19 member I spoke with identified Obama as participating in their public protests and meetings. In his ‘Dreams’ book, Obama mentions transferring to Columbia to pursue his interest in activism and recounts attendance at some events similar to those sponsored by May 19.” This might help explain why Borup and Duke are still on the loose. And why Obama never demanded the extradition of Black Liberation Army cop-killer Assata Shakur and FALN bomb-maker William Morales from Cuba. In addition to the focus on Obama, our November 10 conference will expose the Red Pope, Francis, who was Obama’s collaborator after a George Soros-engineered coup forced Pope Benedict to resign. The old joke, “Is the Pope Catholic?,” is not funny anymore. This pope is not Catholic; he’s a communist. *Cliff Kincaid has written two books on Obama, two on the United Nations, and many on media bias. His public policy group America’s Survival, Inc., has produced several films and videos on America’s first Marxist president and was instrumental in disclosing Obama’s communist connections in Chicago and Hawaii before he was elected. Cliff can be reached at Kincaid@comcast.net",61,1 -62,Reporter Maxwell is a politics reporter for Business Insider. He previously wrote for the Huffington Post and helped produce the Working podcast for Slate. He has also written about music and film for Washington City Paper.,62,0 -63,"Acting head of crime intelligence Major-General Pat Mokushane has been axed from his position. This comes after reports that he has a criminal record and that he is being investigated for running his business from work. News24 reports that Mokushane’s termination was signed by acting national commissioner Lesetja Mothiba on August 17. “This letter serves to inform you that the acting appointment of Major-General PM Mokushane as the Divisional Commissioner: Crime Intelligence has been terminated with immediate effect,” the letter reads. Earlier this month, City Press reported that Mokushane has a criminal record and that he had an affair with another officer’s wife. The report stated he was arrested in 1993 for possession of suspected stolen property. He has denied the allegations. News24 further reported the police portfolio committee was told Mokushane had suspended a police officer who revealed that Mothiba was misled about Mokushane’s clearance.",63,0