# Distilled CNN/DailyMail Dataset This folder contains the distilled data and dataset loading script to build a dataset on top of it. - `cnn_bart_pl` is downloaded from [Saved Pseudo-Labels](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/main/examples/research_projects/seq2seq-distillation/precomputed_pseudo_labels.md), which is generated by facebook/bart-large-cnn, this corresponds to version "1.0.0". It contains train/validataion/test splits. - `pegasus_cnn_cnn_pls` is also downloaded from [Saved Pseudo-Labels](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/main/examples/research_projects/seq2seq-distillation/precomputed_pseudo_labels.md). It is generated by sshleifer/pegasus-cnn-ft-v2, and it corresponds to version "2.0.0". It only includes the train split. ## Updates - 03/16/2023 1. Remove "(CNN)" in the beginning of articles.