SHEs are passionate! SHEs (Sidetracked Home Executives) are passionate people. There's nothing more true than this statement. Have you ever met a real SHE that isn’t? Oh, and we like to use exclamation marks too! One of my longtime SHE friends, LouAnn, was one of my guinea pigs for my Weight Loss book, The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here! She reported to me: “Who knows, maybe my “passion” for eating is a package deal with my “passion” for other things in life. Somehow, I need to trust in the wisdom and love of my Creator to know this was the perfect “problem” for me and be thankful for it. I will never quit trying to look my best and take these pounds off, but I’m going to quit pretending I can do so without suffering. I cannot. So, I’ve decided to turn this suffering into a prayer for others who are facing something worse. My neighbor works at Ronald McDonald House and has no shortage of stories about suffering far worse than a weight problem. I don’t have a child going into surgery today—but somebody does. My transmission is working—but somebody’s just went out—on the freeway. So for today, I’m going to think about how wonderful it will feel to wear my “skinny jeans” again and go fill up on steamed cauliflower. I’m starved and lunch is not for another two hours and that’s the pits. But, guess what else I get to do? I get to go hug my two healthy girls in the next room. Zero calories. I’ll take it.” When LouAnn wrote that to me, she was still counting calories and being hungry all the time. Since she’s followed me into the world of low-carb living, her suffering has diminished considerably. Now she can have that steamed cauliflower drenched in butter and covered with cheese! So much for suffering with hunger! You can get excited about being organized Back to the theme of this blog. When Peggy and I got organized, we both had the fear that we'd lose our zest for living. In Sidetracked Home Executives we said, “Sure we could be two of those perfectly organized women if we wanted to, but did our families realize what we’d lose: our creativity, our spontaneity, our laughter, and our vitality? We saw ourselves moving from job-to-job with no emotion, stripped of our zest for living: “Daddy, why is Mom so sad?” “Don’t bother her, dear. She’s organized—that’s the price we must pay to have hot meals and clean clothes.” No more would we consider our child’s request to tell him a story or read him a book as the most honored invitation we had ever received. HA! “Move aside, lad, I’m cleaning the groove in the patio door.” Is THAT what they wanted? NEVER! Of course they didn’t want us to change.” When we got our acts together, our enthusiasm came right along with it. It was that burning desire to change and a desire to help others that prompted us to write Sidetracked Home Executives: from pigpen to paradise. That enthusiasm is God’s gift to us and we can never lose it. (Maybe misplace it for awhile, but never lose it.) When we have enthusiasm, we get to bask in the stuff of heaven. Yes, there is heaven on earth and we can become part of it at will. Yes, we’re in the world with its suffering, but with our love of life and just a little order, they can keep us above the fray. To learn more about the SHE 3x5 card file system, this blog will help in a fun way. It was mostly written by a man. His wife is a SHE and he tells about her venture into the world of 3x5 cards: http://blog.cluborganized.com/weve-got-to-get-organized
Let's Talk About Time Clock Rounding Written by Complete Payroll If you have any employee that questions why the exact time they punched into work isn't always the same as the exact time that shows up on their time sheet, you'll want to share this article with them. Let's start here... Time clock rounding is a standard practice. Gone are the days when workers would literally "punch" in and out of their work shifts every day. In 2016, most businesses automate that with a computerized time and attendance system so that data automatically calcluates hours worked for the pay period. It's a win-win because it literally saves everyone time and money. Beyond that, most automated time and attendance system will also round the exact time to one of the following options... - the nearest five minute (:00, :05, :10, etc.) - the nearest one-tenth hour (:00, :06, :12, etc.) - the nearest quarter-hour (:00, :15, :30, etc.) So let's say your time and attendance system rounds to the nearest quarter-hour (every 15 minutes). If you clocked in at 8:07 a.m., your time sheet will automatically round your time to 8:00 a.m., paying you for an additional 7 minutes worked. However, if you clicked in at 8:08 a.m., time clock rounding will automatically correct your time to 8:15 a.m., which would mean you'll work for 7 minutes without pay. (It's clear to see which of the two scenarios employees will have a problem with.) Time clock rounding is legal. For over 50 years, a federal regulation has authorized the practice of time clock rounding. But it wasn't challenged in federal court until May of 2016 (as we write this article, just a few months ago). Here's the quick story... Andre Corbin, an employee of Time Warner, filed a class action lawsuit on the grounds that time clock rounding short-changed him wages. Even though the data showed that - as a result of time clock rounding - he either broke even or gained on 58% of his shifts, over the period of several months he would have earned an additional $15.02 (yes, fifteen dollars and two cents) had Time Warner not rounded his time. Corbin's believed unless EVERY employee either broke even or gained, then time clock rounding is both unfair and in violation of the federal regulation. Ultimately, Andre Corbin lost the suit because the court decided that the practice of time clock rounding is equitable and does not generally fail to properly compensate workers. In other words, it's fair because workers are just as likely to gain wages from time clock rounding as they are to lose it. If you want more details about the case, you can find them here. Time clock rounding is fair. That's really what this all comes down to. Because an hourly worker is just as likely to be paid for hours they didn't work as they are to not be compensated for hours they did work, time clock rounding is viewed as an ethical practice. Additionally, time clock rounding makes calculating payroll easier. Which is a benefit to both employers and employees - by making their pay stubs and hourly calculations simpler. Despite this, implementing and maintaining a time clock rounding practice can be tricky for the reasons Mr. Corbin decided to take his case to court. It's probably not a bad idea to conduct audits every once in a while to ensure employees aren't being short-changed wages based on the rounding. If you have any questions about time clock rounding, time and attendance systems or anything else related to payroll and taking care of your people - get in touch with us. We're always happy to help. If you're a small business owner or HR Manager trying to wrap your head around the complex world of time and attendance, check out our comprehensive resource page, Time and Attendance - A Complete Guide. This page spells out literally everything you'd need to know about time and attendance, including timekeeping procedures, time clocks, employee scheduling, compliance considerations, emerging trends and a whole bunch more.
Commanders in the Tigray Defense Army are now reporting in several Tigray media sites that atrocities suffered by the people of Tigray were committed by Beni Amir factions of the Eritrean Army. This news comes after many Eritrean army soldiers have been captured and interrogated. Easily identified by their dialects and characteristic facial markings they are now being heavily implicated in the raping, ransacking, and killing which happened in Tigray and still happening in Western Tigray. TDA sources say that Eritrean soldiers were acting under orders from the Eritrean and Ethiopian command structure. Witnesses to the killing of more than 80 civilians and priests at St. Mary’s Church in Axum, an important Ethiopian Orthodox shrine, told Al Jazeera in February 2021 that many Eritrean soldiers had the dialect and facial markings of the Beni Amir tribe. Investigations by Amnesty International also report Eritrean Beni Amir soldiers committed many killings of civilians in Tigray. Eritrea is semi-divided between Christians in the mountains and Muslim tribes in the valleys and periphery. Beni Amirs are a clan originally based in Sudan and present day Eritrea which traces its roots to at least the 15th century CE of the clan leader, Amer Ibn Kunnu. They have similar lineage to Kushites along the Nile River rather than the Tegaru people of modern day Tigray who are Semitic in origin. For centuries they were allied with Egypt and Sudan and then with the Italian colonists. They frequently have a facial scar on the cheek below the eye consisting of two lines which is different then the “eleven sign” of the Tegaru of Tigray. A Beni Amir leader known as Awate (Hamid Idris Awate) who trained and served in the Italian Army is credited with starting the armed struggle for independence. Then Idris Mohammed Adem started the Eritrean Liberation Front in 1960. A little more than 50% of the Eritrean population are Tigrinya (Semitic origin). While Beni Amir make up only a small percentage they have a long history of involvement with the Eritrean Army. Although initially in the 1970s the tyrant leader of Eritrea, Esaias Afwerki, was associated with the Christian Eritrean People’s Front which defeated their Muslim rival it now appears that Esaias who is now an atheist has created new bonds with at least a faction of the Beni Amir who have stayed in Eritrea serving in the military while many others left. They now have been reported as accepting Esaias Afwerki fascist ideology as their own. The Beni Amirs were once cattle grazers but destruction of farmland drove them to city dwelling. Over the past century they have frequently been involved in land disputes and conflict between Sudan and Eritrea.
When we think of what has been lost in the Tigray war or the Ukrainian war we count the dead, the injured, and the abused. I had a remembrance of a commercial that was frequently broadcast in the late 1970s while I was a medical student at Harvard titled A mind is terrible thing to waste by the United Negro College Fund. I suddenly had the revelation that what we do not think enough about in war is that we lose our future. A recent reading for Lenten reflection, Embracing Justice, I have done about social justice and what Christ visualized as an ideal society by Isabelle Hamley opines that Jesus calls for society to allow all members to use their talents for the greater whole in accordance with God’s rules of love, forgiveness, and putting others before one’s self. In my sixth decade of life the propensity for the world to be involved in cruel wars has not abated. Jesus in the Gospel remarks that war will be always be with us. A whole generation of talented people who could save lives and contribute to societal development have seen their chance to contribute delayed if not ultimately cancelled. Societies that hold back educational development opportunities for less favored groups, blockade necessities of life, destroy hospitals and schools are actually cheating themselves not just those they discriminate against. From 2015 to the end of 2020 I was Professor and Chief of Neurosurgery at Mekelle University Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital in the Tigray state of Ethiopia. After medical school our residents would go through a five year program to become neurosurgeons. I also taught medical students, surgery residents, and PhD candidates in Neurobiology. The vast majority of students I mentored at Mekelle University in Tigray demonstrated amazing maturity, original thinking, superb problem solving, and keen interest in playing a positive role for their community. Fellows and Senior residents would effectively come up with novel surgical ideas. A young faculty member who later became a PhD candidate published research on neural tube defects that attracted world wide attention. It served as a catalyst to develop prevention strategies for all of Ethiopia. Not just Tigray is being affected. Ethiopia is bankrupt from spending more than $6 billion in weapons while drastically cutting budgets for education and healthcare. Food shortages, fuel shortages, and sky rocketing consumer prices for essential items are crippling Ethiopia. I cannot see how anyone in Ethiopia imagines their life now is better than it was before November 2020. Adherence to God’s teaching maximally optimizes the transformation of the community. This transformation occurs because the interaction between God and man opens up new possibilities that man alone could not ponder. Societal downfall occurred in the Bible when leaders became fixated on their own advancement in ancient Israel. This corruption spread then throughout society and was inherited in subsequent generations. War, corruption, greed, and diminished belief in faith reduces the ultimate potential of societies members.
|Demand of the question Introduction. Contextual introduction. Body. Discuss how Indian Ocean Region (IOR) is important for Indian security? Discuss India’s policy of ‘Security and Growth for All in the Region’ (SAGAR) for IOR islands. Conclusion. Way forward.| The strategic importance of Indian Ocean Region (IOR) is ever increasing to the world order in general and Indian sub-continent in particular. A secure IOR is key to ensuring security of India’s national interests. The importance attached to sea lines of communication (SLOCs) security was first seen in India’s stated aspiration to become a net security provider in the region. In 2015, India started SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in the Region) strategy, making it the cornerstone of his engagement with the Indian Ocean rim and islands. Importance of Indian Ocean Region (IOR) for Indian security: - Energy security: Nearly 80% of India’s crude oil requirement is imported, which are mostly routed through the sea. Taking into account the total oil imports by sea, offshore oil production and petroleum exports, the country’s cumulative sea dependence for oil is estimated to be about 93%. Thus, IOR is very important to keep India’s oil route safe. - Trade security: Today, almost 95% of India’s trade by volume and 68 per cent of trade by value are routed via the Indian Ocean. Any impediment to flow of commercial traffic would have disastrous ramifications on her economic objectives. - Resources: India depends heavily on Indian Ocean resources for resources. Fishing and aquaculture industries are a major source of export as well as providing employment to more than 14 million people. Thus, securing presence in IOR is important for India. - Security threats: Militarily, the presence of a long coastline makes India vulnerable to potential threats emerging from the sea. One of the worst terrorist attacks in Mumbai was perpetrated by terrorists arriving by sea. India’s nuclear installations, coastal cities are at continuous threat from state and non-state actors. Thus, keeping an eye on the sea is important. - Piracy: The presence of non-traditional threats like piracy, smuggling, illegal fishing and human trafficking also present major challenges and hence, a secure Indian Ocean is key to securing India’s national interests. Multiple cases are reported in the past of drug smuggling near Gujarat coast, Mumbai coast etc. India’s policy of ‘Security and Growth for All in the Region’ (SAGAR) for IOR islands: - Safeguard land and maritime territories and interests: Enhancing capacities to safeguard land and maritime territories and interests is major focus under SAGAR initiative. India has held multilateral naval exercises called Milan in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands with 16 other countries and in the Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC). The success of maritime cooperative action against piracy in the Gulf of Aden is an example of the benefits of a cooperative approach which resulted in a dramatic decline in piracy incidents in the region. - Deepening economic and security cooperation: The emergence of the Blue Economy promises a new pillar of prosperity in the region with immense economic and employment potential. It is important to engage with IOR in Blue Economy initiatives, particularly in the areas of marine bio-technology, exploration and sustainable exploitation of ocean mineral resources, sustainable fishing practices, and harnessing of ocean energy.India is committed to extending port connectivity among the littoral states of the Indian Ocean and beyond. - Disaster management: Promoting collective action to deal with natural disasters and maritime threats like piracy, terrorism and emergent non-state actors is a goal under SAGAR. India is proactive in providing assistance to littoral islands during disaster. This was seen recently, in India’s support to Madagascar which was ravaged by the Cyclone Ava. The Indian Navy and Air Force provided 1,000 tonnes of fresh water to Male to help Maldives which is suffering from an acute drinking water crisis. The Annual Joint HADR exercises, conducted by Indian Navy, help in India to connect with other nations. - Working towards sustainable regional development through enhanced collaboration: India is targeting for re-energising economic activity in our islands and our coastal areas. There is a renewed focus on strengthening marine research, developing eco-friendly marine industrial technologies, promoting sustainable fisheries and ensuring the protection of the maritime environment.14 Coastal Economic Zones being developed under Sagarmala. - Engaging with countries: Engaging with countries beyond our shores with the aim of building greater trust and promoting respect for maritime rules, norms and peaceful resolution of disputes is one of the goals under SAGAR. India is working on a range of projects to improve maritime logistics in Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mauritius and Seychelles. Other initiatives include the Kaladan transport project leading to Sittwe port in Myanmar, the Trilateral Highway to Thailand, and the Chabahar port project in Iran. It is clear that, if India wants to become a serious Indo-Pacific player, it has to prioritise implementation of the SAGAR initiative. It is important for India to look beyond the Quad to partner with smaller littoral states and provide alternatives to China’s investment strategies.
Kévin Dietrich has been working on something I didn’t even know was possible: motion blur support for meshes that have a changing number of vertices, like fluid simulations. Tag Archives: blender Commonly Ignored Feature #18: Alt-Click If you Alt-Click on a property, it’ll work on all the selected objects at once, not just the active object. This works on most properties, including modifiers (as long as all the modifiers have the same name, which they do by default). I don’t think it needs any more explanation than that :) Rolling Shutter Coming to Cycles Sergey is working on another cool motion-blur-related(ish) feature: The rolling shutter effect, which you find in most photo and video cameras these days. This is presumably to help with integrating renders with fast moving camera footage, but of course you can use it for whatever crazy purpose you desire ;) It’s not in master just yet, but there’s a solid patch awaiting review: This is an attempt to emulate real CMOS cameras which reads sensor by scanlines and hence different scanlines are sampled at a different moment in time, which causes so called rolling shutter effect. This effect will, for example, make vertical straight lines being curved when doing horizontal camera pan. Sergey did a quick render test to demonstrate it a bit more clearly: New Pixel Filter Type: Blackman-Harris A new type of pixel filter called “Blackman-Harris” has been added to Cycles by Lukas Stockner to compliment the existing Gaussian and Box filters. From the commit: This commit adds the Blackman-Harris windows function as a pixel filter to Cycles. On some cases, such as wireframes or high-frequency textures, Blackman-Harris can give subtle but noticable improvements over the Gaussian window. See also: The initial patch with some discussions. What is a pixel filter you ask? As I understand it, it’s basically the function used to apply anti-aliasing in your render. Different filters use slightly different math and methods to calculate how each pixel appears relative to its neighboring pixels, which makes edges look smoother. The difference between the three types is most noticable on thin details like wires: Native IES Support on its Way There’s been an add-on available for quite some time that allows IES light profiles to be used in Cycles, but recently Lukas Stockner (the guy who brought you portal lamps) has been working on a patch that implements IES profiles natively (without requiring an add-on), which potentially means faster renders and more accurate results. This patch adds support for IES files, a file format that is commonly used to store the directional intensity distribution of light sources.[…] The new “IES Light” node is supposed to be plugged into the Strength input of the Emission node of the lamp. The user interface of the node is similar to the script node, the user can either select an internal Text or load a file. […] The local coordinate system of the lamp is used, so that the direction of the light can be changed. For UI reasons, it’s usually best to add an area light, rotate it and then change its type, since especially the point light does not immediately show its local coordinate system in the viewport. For now you’ll have to wait for the patch to be approved and added into master before you can try it out, unless you’re capable of applying the patch and building blender locally (which I failed at miserably). Cache BVH Is No More BVH caching was originally added in 2.62 in an effort to bypass the (at the time) slow process of building the BVH (Bounding Volume Heirarchy, which is used speed up ray tracing). It would basically store the BVH on your hard drive so that the next time you render the scene (assuming no geometry had changed), it would just read it from the hard drive instead of rebuilding it. But after just two more releases (2.64), BVH building was sped up dramatically by using all the CPU cores instead of just one. From then on, it was usually quicker to rebuild the BVH for each render than to read the cache from your hard drive, particularly in the case of animations where the BVH changes for each frame and has to be rebuilt anyway. And thus, that little Cache BVH checkbox became obsolete. To add fuel to the fire, the BVH cache was never actually cleared automatically (on Windows at least), leaving you with many gigabytes of cached data that you had to delete yourself. Just look in C:\Users\<you>\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.75\cache to see what I mean. Mine was 170 GB before I realized what was going on. So finally, Thomas has removed the BVH cache feature: Cycles: Remove the BVH cache feature. […] The BVH cache was added before we had a multi-threaded BVH build, and a lot of other optimizations were done since then, which makes this not useful anymore. Finally, we are free from the clutches of accidentally slow renders and congested hard drives.
Aichi is the biggest city in the Chubu region of Japan. It has over 7.5 million population, and the capital’s prefecture Nagoya is a business and transportation hub at the heart of Japan. It is easily reached from Tokyo in the Kanto region and Kyoto and Osaka in the Kansai region. Manufacturing is the main industry as the world-famous company Toyota has its headquarters in Aichi. The prefecture offers a number of entertaining spots for tourists to learn about the history and uniqueness of the region as well, including some beautiful castles. And Aichi is getting more attention from international tourists especially because of the opening of Ghibli Park in November 2022! Adding Aichi to your travel list will be a good idea, when you are traveling between Tokyo and Kyoto, you will easily make this prefecture a stopover! From Nagoya, you can also access the famous Nakasendo Route in the Kiso Valley. In this article, we will introduce the top 10 things to do in Aichi prefecture. 1. Nagoya Castle The beautiful Nagoya Castle is an iconic landmark in Nagoya city. It was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, who opened the Tokugawa Shogunate and governed the whole country for about 260 years during the Edo era. Most of the original constructions were burned down by fire during WW2, but the main five-story castle tower was restored in 1959. The castle is visited by a number of tourists all year round but is especially popular in spring when the numerous sakura trees, including several weeping cherry trees, are in full bloom. There is a special street called Kinshachi Yokocho just outside the gates of the castle. The newly opened tourist attraction contains many small shops, restaurants, and cafes standing along a cozy street. Visitors can enjoy local dishes and buy merchandise with a logo or pictures of the castle! 9 am – 4.30 pm 2. Osu Shopping District The Osu area in Nagoya refers to a busy shopping district full of lively small shops selling a large variety of products. It was once a shopping arcade for local people but later revitalized as a center of modern fashion and other new cultures. With its unique features and welcoming atmosphere, it is becoming more popular among young generations and foreign tourists with over 1,200 shops and restaurants. Visitors can find common activities and spots including tasty local food and historical spots including “Osu Kannon”, a representative Buddhist temple in the area. Many events are held in the area throughout the year. In addition, Osu is a great place to learn more about Japan’s anime culture, manga, and more! It offers enjoyable experience for everyone regardless of age and backgrounds. 3. Inuyama Castle Along with Nagoya Castle, Inuyama Castle is a famous historical spot in Aichi built in 1537. The samurai castle is listed among the 12 original castles in Japan and maintained the original main towers that were initially built in 1537. Inuyama Castle is one of Japan’s oldest surviving castles! It stands on a small hillside overlooking the Kiso River near the prefectural border between Aichi and Gifu. The surroundings boast plenty of nature which offers a peaceful atmosphere for visitors. The castle town nearby is full of well-preserved Japanese traditional buildings. In recent years, it has been attracting a number of tourists as a popular sightseeing spot where you can enjoy tasty dishes and find small gifts as well. 9 am – 5 pm 4. Meiji Mura Meiji Mura is an unique theme park located in Inuyama city. It aims to contribute to preserving the valuable constructions and properties from the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods. There are a number of historical buildings moved and reconstructed there from the original location, and 16 of them are officially designated as Important Cultural Property. The third largest theme park in Japan, is visited by many tourists not only from overseas but by Japanese nationals because it is a great place for everyone to learn more about Japan’s history. Regular events are organised such as mystery solving attractions. Visitors can participate in the events and explore the park to get a clue to solve the mystery! Opening Hours ~10 am – ~4 pm ※Opening hours vary for each month. Visit their website for details. There are three islands that are popular among tourists as sightseeing spots in Mikawa Bay. One of them is Himakajima, also known as Octopus Island as it is famous for octopus, and blowfish. The entire island is included in the Mikawa wan Quasi-National Park. It is the closest island to Nagoya and is easily reached from the ports on the mainland. There are a variety of activities offering different kinds of entertainment, so it is all up to you how to spend time in the relaxing island resort! You can play with dolphins, unwind at a relaxing beach, try fresh seafood, or just take a stroll around the island while feeling the sea breeze. 6. Sakushima Island Sakushima is another island located in Mikawa Bay. The basic concept is similar to Himakajima island, but it features a number of unique artworks which can be found everywhere on the island. Some of them are open-air exhibited, and visitors can take a picture and directly touch them for free. The artificial works create a photogenic scenery in harmony with the uninhabited nature around. It is also called “the island of cats”, so you might encounter cute wild cats while exploring the island. There are no traffic lights and convenience stores, and it feels like time goes by slowly on the island. There are some nice restaurants and cafes that serve refreshing drinks and lovely dishes with freshly caught seafood. 7. Senmi Shikizakura Did you know there is a place in Japan where you can enjoy both autumn leaves and cherry blossoms at the same time? At Senmichi in Toyota city, you can see the pink cherry blossoms and red/orange maples in full blossom in autumn! Shikizakura is a special type of sakura that blooms twice a year; once in spring, and again just as the autumn leaves are peaking! At Obara Fureai Park you can watch over 10,000 special cherry trees. The slope of the hill is covered with about 1,200 cherry blossom trees, creating a beautiful combination of autumn-colored leaves and cherry blossoms. The sight becomes all the more spectacular when the branches wave in the wind all along the slope. The view is usually at its best from mid-November through early December, but the peak period varies somewhat from year to year. 8. Chubu Centrair International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport serves as a center for domestic and international flights which connects the region to other areas and countries around the world. It is relatively small compared to other main international airports such as Narita International Airport, making it a great alternative. There are a number of restaurants and shops offering local foods and special merchandise and it also offers an open-air observation deck where you can watch the airplanes taking off and landing. There is a observation public bath called Fu no Yu for you to enjoy. Watching the airplanes and the beautiful sunset from a public bath is a wonderful experience. Close to the airport, you can find the Pottery Footpath. You can walk along the street with the unique scenery and learn the history of Tokoname Yaki pottery. Along the streets, you will see some cat statues including a big Maneki-neko (lucky cat). If you have to wait at the airport or decided to come to this area, this is a great place to visit! 9. Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium If you are looking for somewhere enjoyable for your family, Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium could be an option for you. It is one of the most famous aquariums in Japan and opened in 1992. It boasts a large collection of marine creatures over 500 species which are exhibited in various ways to entertain visitors. Visitors can enjoy exciting shows performed by large animals such as dolphins and killer whales at the huge tank. They also offer several informative events which enables visitors to learn about the marine ecosystems. It is an opportunity for kids to deepen their understanding of wildlife through interesting programs. Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium 9.30 am – 5.30 pm 10. Ghibli Park Ghibli Park is the first theme park that features Studio Ghibli films which will open on November 1st, 2022. It’s located in the vast park which is the former venue of the 2005 Aichi Expo. There’s no ride like Disneyland, but you can enjoy the world of Studio Ghibli while walking around the area where the beloved Studio Ghibli films come to life! There will be 5 areas featuring popular films, but first, they will open the 3 areas: Ghibli’s Grand Warehouse, Hill of Youth and Dondoko Forest. Ghibli’s Grand Warehouse features popular Ghibli films and the studio’s secret with some shops, cafes, and exhibitions. Hill of Youth is inspired by Whisper of the Heart, and Dondoko Forest is inspired by My Neighbor Totoro. In 2023, other 2 areas featuring Princess Mononoke, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and Howl’s Moving Castle will open. Booking a ticket for the designated date and entrance time beforehand is required. Also, you’ll need to book a ticket for each area. Please note that there’s no ticket available at the entrance. You can get a ticket at Boo-Woo Ticket or you can book a package with accommodation at major travel agencies. Food to try Nagoya has a unique food culture called “Nagoya Meshi”, and “Misokatsu” is what you shouldn’t miss once you visit there! The deep-fried pork cutlet with miso sauce offers an unforgettable taste even for those who have never tried it before. The rich miso taste goes well with white rice which is often served all together at local restaurants. The miso sauce is slightly sweet, so it is recommendable for kids who don’t like spicy food. There are a number of Misokatsu restaurants around the city, so please find your favorite and enjoy the specialty in Nagoya! Japan Wonder Travel Tours Japan Wonder Travel is a travel agency that offers guided tours throughout Japan. From private walking tours to delicious Food and Drink tours, we can help you organize the best tours just for you! If you want to explore Japan and learn more about the history and backstories of each area you are visiting, our knowledgeable and friendly English speaking guides will happily take you to the best spots! In addition, we can provide you with any assistance you may need for your upcoming trip to Japan, so please feel free to contact us if yu have any questions or need some help! ▶Tokyo Fish Market Tour @Tsukiji – Enjoy Local Food and Drink Explore the most lively and popular fish market in Tokyo and try some of the local’s favorite street foods and sake with one of our friendly and knowledgeable English speaking guides! ▶Tokyo 1–Day Highlights Private Walking Tour (8 Hours) There’s no better way to explore an area than taking a tour with a knowledgeable local guide. You will have the chance to learn about the history and interesting background stories of Tokyo, as well as discover some hidden gems which can be hard to do without a guide. ▶Kyoto Private Full Day Walking Tour On this full-day private tour of Kyoto, you will be able to see the highlights of Kyoto in just one day and at the same time develop a deeper understanding of both the culture of the area and Japan as a whole. Where to stay in Aichi - Nagoya Prince Hotel Sky Tower – 13 minutes walk away from Nagoya station and easy access to the sightseeing spots, night view over the city from the room is stunning. - Akariya Geihanro – Beautifully designed ryokan with onsen hot spring, Japanese style suite room with river view or castle view will be recommended to book. - Ryokan Syuku Kaifu – This ryokan is located along the coast and it offers an open-air onsen hot spring with magnificent view of the ocean. Relaxing bath time at sunset or under the full of stars would be the best experience of your trip. Aichi is where nature and historical sites coexist with the urbanized areas. With easy access and a wide variety of features, it offers fun and memorable experiences for everyone. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for more travel inspiration. Or tag us to get featured! Articles you might also enjoy This post may contain some affiliate links. When you click through and make a purchase we may receive some commission, at no extra costs to you.
Mystery Shop Sample Plans – How many shops? Previously we examined best practices in mystery shop scoring. Decisions regarding the number of shops are primarily driven by budgetary resources available and the level of statistical reliability required. Reliability at Individual or Store Level The most appropriate measure of reliability at the individual or store level is maximum possible shop distortion (MPSD). Given that shops are snapshots of specific moments in time, it is possible for unique events to influence the outcome of any one shop. It is possible, therefore, that the experience observed by the mystery shopper is not representative of what normally happens. Consider the following examples: a retail location is shopped hours after it was held up, or a bank teller is shopped on the day after her child was up sick all night, or a server at a restaurant just had an extremely bad day. In each of these cases, it is possible these external events impacted employee performance and the customer experience. How do we know if the experience is typical or not? Maximum possible shop distortion is the maximum influence any unique event can have on a set of shops to an individual or location. With one shop to a given location, we do not know if it is typical or not; we only have one data point, so the MPSD is 100%. It is possible the experience is not representative of what is typical. With two shops, the MPSD is 50%. If there are discrepancies within the shops, we do not know which is normal and which is the outlier. With three shops, we now have potentially two shops to point to the outlier (MPSD 33%). The MPSD continues to decline with each additional shop. As this graph illustrates, maximum possible shop distortion begins to flatten out relative to the incremental program cost as we approach 3 to 4 shops per store. This is where ROI in terms of improved reliability is maximized. Click here for the next installment in this series: Taking Action on Mystery Shop Results.
Employee engagement is an important measure for many organizations. It does provide an indicator as to whether employees are willing to go the extra mile in their work, something that is only driven by passion and meaning in what you do. However, in today’s business environment it is not enough. Why? Customers don’t really care how engaged you are in your work unless your are providing them with something valuable. It reminds me of a trip I took to Paris years ago. My wife an I decided to catch a train from the Gare de Lyon to the south of France and I needed some help to get on the right train. Recognizing an information center, I walked in to find it empty apart from 3 staff at the counter. Now my french is not as good as it should be (having a French mother!) but I could understand that the 3 staff were passionately discussing their weekend. This went on for about 3 or 4 minutes while I stood patiently infront of them. When there was finally a break in the conversation I tried to get their attention. One of the employees finally begrudging came to answer my questions. Ironically she refused to speak English so I was forced to muddle my way in French to finally get the answers I needed. It reminded me of the quote: “This job would be perfect if I just didn’t have to deal with customers” Now I recognize the french have some of the lowest scores for customer satisfaction in the world but my point here is that these employees were fully engaged in their work, no question they seemed very happy to be there. However they had not connected their work with their real reason for being there, to serve customers. I am not against employee engagement but the goal needs to be higher than that. Employee engagement must intersect with customer engagement for it to be a worthwhile initiative. You must be logged in to post a comment.
Marek’s disease (MD) is a highly contagious disease of chickens characterized by a) varying degrees of paralysis of wings and legs and/or b) development of lymphoid tumors. Marek’s disease is found in broiler chickens raised for meat and in laying hens maintained for egg production. “Range paralysis” is an old, but very descriptive name for MD. With this condition, chickens are unable to walk and tend to lie with one leg stretched forward and the other back. Paralysis of one or both legs is caused by accumulation of neoplastic lymphocytes in nerves which causes structural damage and nerve enlargement. Death often results from starvation and dehydration because paralyzed chickens are unable to reach food and water. After 3 weeks of age, chickens may develop tumors (lymphomas) in almost any tissue or organ. Chickens with lymphomas frequently become depressed, stop eating, often have pale shriveled combs, and become emaciated prior to death. Marek’s disease tumors are gray-white in color and may appear as distinct nodules or as a diffuse infiltration that makes the affected organ look paler than normal. Marek’s disease is a form of cancer caused by a herpesvirus (Gallid herpesvirus 2). Marek’s disease viruses are placed into categories based upon their ability to produce disease. These categories include mild, virulent, very virulent, and very virulent plus strains of Marek’s disease virus. The virus initially infects and destroys B lymphocytes which causes a transient immunosuppression. However, most neoplastic cells present in tumors consist of CD4+ helper T lymphocytes. In addition to paralysis and tumors that are the most common manifestations of MD, several other syndromes occur. Immunosuppression develops in the early stages of infection due to destruction of B lymphocytes that normally produce antibodies. Skin leucosis results from accumulation of neoplastic lymphocytes around feather follicles. “Gray eye” describes the appearance of chicken eyes after MD tumor cells have infiltrated the iris and cornea and results in blindness. Atherosclerosis in chickens is caused by MD virus and closely resembles chronic human atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is an accumulation of cholesterol‑filled plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels which reduces the diameter of the vessel lumen. Transient paralysis is caused by MDV-induced damage to blood vessels in the brain with subsequent leakage of fluid into the surrounding brain tissue. Temporary swelling of the brain causes chickens to develop nervous tics and twisted necks. Marek’s disease virus in large numbers are shed in keratinized feather follicle epithelial cells (dander) that slough off the surface of the skin of infected chickens and are disseminated by air currents. Shedding begins 2 to 4 weeks after infection, prior to the appearance of clinical disease, and can continue for the life of the chicken. Dander protects the virus from physical degradation and contaminated poultry house dust remains infectious for at least 4‑6 months at room temperature. Dander is a major component of poultry dust and inhalation of keratinized epithelium containing MD virus is the major route of infection. Chickens may contact residual dust and dander in the growing house from a previous flock or dust from adjacent chicken houses. Poultry dust can remain infectious for over a year. Contaminated dander may be spread from one location to another on undisinfected eggs, contaminated clothing, shoes, equipment, and vehicles. Feather tips contain MD virus and darkling beetles can carry the virus from one location to another. Once introduced into a house, infection spreads quickly from bird to bird. Transmission through the egg does not occur. Prevention requires a combination of good hygiene and vaccination. Chicks placed in a contaminated environment are likely to be infected within the first few days of life. Delaying the time of exposure allows more time for development of the chick’s immune system and immunity following vaccination in the hatchery. Up to 7 days is required for solid immunity following vaccination. Failure to prevent early exposure is the most common cause of vaccine failure. Exposure to MD virus can be delayed and the challenge dose diminished by careful cleaning followed by disinfection of the brooder house prior to chick placement. Thorough cleaning is an essential first step because droppings, dust, and other organic matter remaining on surfaces will inactivate disinfectants. Chicks should be housed in a building that do not contain older chickens. Older chickens are likely to be shedding MD virus and represent a potential source of infection for baby chicks. Marek’s disease vaccine was the first practical effective cancer vaccine in any species of animal and represented a major scientific advance in medical science. The first commercial vaccine against MD was the herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT, serotype 3) introduced in 1971 and still widely used today. HVT can still be obtained as a cell-free lyophilized vaccine that does not need to remain frozen to maintain potency. HVT became less effective as MDV in the field became more virulent. In the early 1980’s, bivalent vaccines containing HVT and naturally non-oncogenic serotype 2 MDV became available. Serotype 2 vaccine viruses include strains SB-1 and 301B/1. Serotype 3 vaccine (HVT) and a serotype 2 vaccine (SB-1 or 301B/1) have synergistic activity when combined and administered together. During the 1990s, field strains of MDV became even more virulent and a serotype 1 vaccine was employed to generate higher levels of immunity. This vaccine (Rispins, CVI988) was developed at the Central Veterinary Institute in the Netherlands and is now widely used in the United States and around the world. Serotype 1 and 2 vaccines are cell-associated vaccines and consist of frozen, viable MDV-infected cells that require storage and transport in liquid nitrogen. MD vaccines can be administered subcutaneously on the back of the neck at 1 day of age or in fertile eggs (in ovo) at 18 days of incubation. More broilers in the United States are vaccinated by the in ovo method. Vaccination of chicks to prevent Marek’s disease is strongly recommended. Marek’s disease vaccines are not perfect, but they are very effective. In most hatcheries, the cost of Mark’s disease vaccination is 19-20 cents per chick – money well spent to prevent a widespread disease of chickens. Iowa State University Written for Murray McMurray Hatchery January 27, 2014
Technology is not good for children. This is what some people have led us to believe. This is not true. There are countless benefits children will gain from being exposed to modern day technology. If you deny, be assured that they will search for other means to learn themselves because clearly, children of nowadays are smart and they pick up things easily. If you are still skeptical about exposing your child to technology, these reasons share by Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency should convince you to change your stance. The only question you should have in mind is when is the right time to expose these kids to technology? When kids play games and perform tasks on handheld devices, they need to concentrate on completing the task. These series of activities will gradually help them pay close attention to things whether they are playing with the device or not. Enhances social interaction Technology is fast becoming a common feature in classes. You find children using tablets and support educational technologies to do school work. And since they do school work with these tech tools, kids will be able to interact more and share among their peers. A parent should not frown at their kids when they use these tech devices for educational purposes. There are so many things children will learn from technology. As there are negatives, there are also positives. The onus is on you to ensure that they do not see the negative side of technology. This said technology expand the knowledge of a child to a level far beyond their age. They see things that they cannot learn in class. You will observe that you are developing a well-rounded and confident kid who can express him/herself anywhere. Improve cognitive performance There are synergistic apps, video games, and various kinds of educational challenges and programs available on different devices which are good for developing the cognitive functions of your kid. Unknown to you are grooming a genius! More fun for kids At that very young age, kids love to play. And intelligent and smart way to allow them to play games that require strategic thinking. Through this, they are having fun and also learning. Gives them an early sense of direction At a very tender age, quite a number of people do not know what lies ahead of them. With technology, they have a fair idea of what they want to do. And if you are able to guide them, they will certainly have a direction on where they are heading. Equip them with skills need for the future There is no gainsaying technology is the future. Anyone without tech skills will naturally fizzle out and he or she will be forced to acquire these skills. Hence, it is a good idea to equip them with these skills when they are growing.
May you never seek to read the final chapter… Before me is a fresh page. Thinking back, memories flood my mind as my pen soaks the surface with ink. Before the first page was complete, drops blur the words. I didn’t realize what I had done. I wrote of times gone by, wishing for times relived. Laughing at times of joy and embarrassed by times of naiveté. A child’s heart reminds me of the simple adventures forgotten over many winters. Traveling to distant lands with simple plans. Learning that the back yard extends further than the picket fence. Stepping out onto the road of life, I see many mountains ahead. Flowing down into the valleys of light. Flying over the rivers of pain into the Clouds of happiness. Each passage spoke of sunny days of tropical paradise followed by icy storms of long wintery nights. Like a hurricane, I found myself caught up in the whirl-wind of memories past. Just as the eye of the storm begins to pass… The rain resumes its reign. With each passing year, I found December less dear. Fewer parties were held until only I knew well. Heavy at times, memories can be. The mind can dwell like an ocean swells until the eyes can no longer damn the weight. Looking up, I see the sunrise peeking through the curtains. Wishing to see what new chapters were added. Another page… I begin anew.
With an ever increasing level of connection between consumers and businesses, questions about privacy inevitably surface. This is especially apparent in the field of healthcare, where patients expect not only discretion by their providers, but also ease of access. 2016 data suggested younger generations would increasingly expect electronic (e.g., mobile devices) access to medical records. Likewise, a 2017 NRC Health report predicted consumers would expect transparency in the healthcare field. To balance patient privacy with these emerging trends, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) implemented the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). To ensure your company is HIPAA compliant, check out our HIPAA guide and checklist below. Mobile usage to access ePHI. Source:NRC Health 2016 Healthcare Trends HIPAA for Dummies What is HIPPA? HIPAA first went into effect in 1996, with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) overseeing its implementation. Although HIPAA initially focused on medical coverage for patients transitioning between jobs and individuals with pre-existing conditions, it gradually evolved to include patient privacy standards. In 1998, the Security and Electronic Signature Standards Rule was proposed. This initiated access accountability for electronic file transfers. After the 2003 update, HIPAA laid out the guidelines for storing, transferring, and disposing of personal health information (PHI) under HIPAA privacy laws. This update, called the Privacy Rule, was a major expansion of HIPAA and served as the first major step to addressing privacy security concerns. Quick HIPAA Timeline In 2005, the HIPAA Enforcement Rule took effect, allowing the OCR to conduct investigations into complaints of negligence. In the event of a confirmed negligent act, the Department of Justice (DOJ) could issue penalties (fines/prison time) for non-compliance. However, as more and more health care practices became paperless, HIPAA again adjusted and now specifies safeguards for the privacy and security of electronic Personal Health Information (ePHI). Specifically, in 2009, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act laid out basic guidelines for transitioning to paperless records. In 2011, the OCR acquired a more pro-active stance and began conducting audits to ensure compliance. 60% of the entities examined in the first audit were deemed in violation of HIPAA standards. With various kinds of infractions taking place, the OCR introduced the Omnibus Rule in 2013, with the goal of using tiered levels of penalties [listed below] based on the severity of the infraction. Also Read: Top 5 Components of HIPAA Privacy Rule Who Must Comply with HIPAA’s Privacy Rule? According to HHS, health plans, health providers, and healthcare clearinghouses must abide by HIPAA regulations. However, life insurance or public agencies do not fall under such rules. Covered entities must guarantee any contracted businesses/associates comply with HIPAA standards (i.e., contracts specifying associates will comply with HIPAA). The HHS defines a business associate as a person or entity that performs certain functions or activities that involve the use or disclosure of protected health information on behalf of, or provides services to, a covered entity. Health Information Organizations (HIOs), health consultants, and clearinghouses fall into the business associate category, while the health providers category encompasses hospitals, physician practices, pharmacies, etc. HIPAA for the consumer In the broadest sense, HIPAA grants patients a level of control over who or what entities has access to their medical information. Under HIPAAs Privacy Rule, patients can request access to their records and file complaints if data appears to be incorrect. Furthermore, consumers possess the right to see who or what entities have accessed their information. Following the Acts stipulations, individuals designate persons who may access records in the event of an emergency. Above all, HIPAA ensures individuals maintain a hand in controlling their personal data by setting limits on healthcare entities. HIPAA for Businesses As noted above, HIPAA regulations apply to health plans, health providers, and healthcare clearing houses (facilities processing/analyzing data). Preventing unauthorized access and updating software offer a start to HIPAA compliance, but as the American Medical Association (AMA) notes, medical practices cannot solely rely on verified electronic health records technology; medical practices must also avoid medical cyberattacks by maintaining physical and procedural security measures to safeguard facilities containing PHI and ePHI. Newer HIPAA Updates: The more recent updates to HIPAA center on the HITECH Act. As previously mentioned, ePHI increasingly takes precedent over hard copies. The updates recommend hiring a designated security officer to oversee physical and technical safeguards. While this may not be possible for smaller entities, it is important, at the very least, to consult with a security expert and strategize ways to better protect PHI and ePHI. Furthermore, the definition for a data breach changed and now focuses on the level of probability that PHI or ePHI was compromised. Low probability may reduce liability and result in l OCR fines. Encompasses technical, physical, and administrative sectors. Technical security requires that data be encrypted to NIST standards, preventing any intercepted data from retaining value for threat actors. Mechanisms for decryption and authentication help ensure no data is illegally modified or deleted while in transfer. HIPAA also requires pins and passwords to access to data. Physical security guidelines include where the data is stored the cloud, remote data center, internal servers. Additionally, experts strongly recommend access be restricted and closely monitored. All entries (even maintenance) must be recorded with the goal of preventing theft, tampering, or removal of data. Similarly, any devices (mobile or desktop) accessing, transferring, or modifying PHI or ePHI must be recorded. Administrative security standards requirements focus on bringing physical and technical security measures together. HIPAA administrative tasks include implementing proper safeguards, monitoring access points, vetting employees and vendors, and staying informed on HIPAA requirement changes. A well-organized administrative security force will help OCR audits run smoothly. Medical entities, under the Privacy Rule of 2003, are responsible for ensuring patient records remain confidential and only shared with authorized individuals or companies. This not only includes electronic copies, but also hard copies. While malware, phishing attacks, and ransomware remain high threats, medical personnel must not disregard insider threats that may leak or illegally modify patient data. Compromised data will undermine patient confidence in a company and expose medical practices or vendors to scrutiny by the OCR. Penalties for failing to protect user data in accordance to the Privacy Rule may lead to either civil or criminal consequences, with the most severe criminal penalty of a $250,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison. HIPAA laws require that medical entities keep detailed records of who accessed data, as well as when and where the data was accessed. Well-kept records will ease the complexity of an OCR audit, which periodically reviews medical entities to ensure they are following HIPAA guidelines. Additionally, making sure employees understand no shortcuts can be taken will help guarantee HIPAA compliance and serve as defense evidence in the unfortunate event of a future data breach. The Consequences of Non-Compliance A 2017 study revealed 83% of US physicians were targets of cyberattacks, yet most physicians and medical practices worry implementing HIPAA guidelines will decrease efficiency and result in disgruntled patients. Acknowledging threats but disregarding HIPAA safeguards endangers both patient data and a companys financial standing. More importantly, it puts a company at risk of legal repercussions. If the OCR deems an entity is in non-compliance with HIPAA laws, two courses of action (COA) may be taken: civil or criminal. HHS deals with civil cases and determines the extent to which an entity should be penalized. This often encompasses fines, an allotted correction time, and restitution (if PHI was stolen or used to defraud patients). If the OCR believes criminal infringement occurred, the DOJ assumes control of the case. The COA taken ultimately depends on the category an entitys infringement falls into: - Unknown entity was not aware of any violation and made clear attempts to comply with all HIPAA rules - Reasonable cause entity had a reasonable cause and did not purposefully disregard regulations - Willful neglect with correction violation occurred due to willful neglect but was corrected within the allotted time period (usually 30days, although larger companies can apply for an extension) - Willful neglect without correction – violation occurred due to willful neglect and was not corrected within allotted time HIPAA Violation Penalties Source:HIPAA Journal It is important to understand that the category an entity falls into often hinges on the word knowingly and the extent to which the entity knowingly failed to comply with HIPAA. To avoid any ambiguity, the American Medical Association suggests entities use the the DOJ definition of knowingly – requiring only knowledge of the actions that constitute an offense. This means even those who have a general inkling of non-compliance may be held responsible; detailed knowledge is not the sole characteristic of a knowingly committed offense. Understand HIPAA compliance starts by making sure all employees understand the gravity of security. Holding employee training sessions and fostering an environment friendly to questions will help ensure guidelines are followed properly. If any questions remain unresolved, companies should seek outside advice in a timely manner. Assess next, companies must analyze whether their current practices hold up under scrutiny to HIPAA standards. Are files stored in secure facilities? Are file transfers encrypted? Are files disposed of properly from all repositories (or shredded in the case of hard copies)? Again, it is important to help employees understand that shortcuts cannot be taken. Implement After assessing your current standing, improve security standards where possible and fix improper practices. Redundancy is a key factor that is sometimes overlooked due to its implementation expense. However, investing in redundancy reduces the likelihood of a complete shutdown in the event of a ransomware or other attack. Likewise limiting access to only those with need to know status will limit threat surfaces. For small companies, hiring an outside firm to assist in analyzing weaknesses will help lessen the burden of becoming HIPAA compliant. Monitor implementing HIPAA standards is only half the battle against threats. Systems must be maintained and monitored to ensure data is accessed by only authorized individuals. This includes both internal systems and external (i.e., make sure to vet any outside contracting groups prior to transferring data). Again, it is crucial to keep detailed records of data entries, changes, transfers, or deletions. Anticipate In the cybersecurity world, its widely agreed that it is a question of when not if a data/system breach will occur. New technology means new threat vectors. Realizing this, it is important to constantly anticipate and brainstorm where weaknesses in technical and administrative systems may occur thus allowing a breach. On the simplest scale, updating systems to the latest software and staying informed of current breaches serve as basic proactive measures. Preparing for a HIPAA Audit Although there is no set time period between audits, it is important to be prepared. If the proper ground work is completed, an audit should be relatively stress free. Self-assessment serves as one of the best tactics for audit preparation. The first place to start is with risk what are the most vulnerable threat vectors? Next, compare countermeasures to threats. Are sufficient resources in place to combat threat actors? Make sure to closely examine medical equipment and administrative devices. Finally, analyze the measures in place to alert customers of breaches. Are customers able to access information regarding breaches? Are timely alerts sent out to notify customers of any breaches? After scrutinizing internal administrative safeguards, focus on aggregating and examining all business associates. HIPAA audits require a comprehensive list of business associates. Are proper procedures in place to vet associates? Are legal contracts completed (prior to data transfers) specifying HIPAA compliance must be maintained by the outside party? Its understandable to find HIPAA a bit overwhelming, but taking the time to ensure HIPAA compliance will be worth it for both customer peace of mind and company credibility. New technology engenders new security risks, so make sure to stay ahead of threats by reaching out for HIPAA advice today. Whether a small medical practice, large health provider, or medical clearinghouse RSI Security can help with HIPAA compliance. Download Our Complete Guide to Navigating Healthcare Compliance Whitepaper Not sure if your HIPAA or healthcare compliance efforts are up to snuff? Unsure about where to even start? Download RSI Security’s comprehensive guide to navigating the HIPAA and healthcare compliance labyrinth. Upon filling out this brief form you will receive the whitepaper via email.
- a daily journal so that the community can help you keep your finances/savings/investment habits in check - a personal experience (both good and bad) you had on your personal finance journey - a detailed analysis of why you think a particular cryptocurrency or stock is worth owning or why BTIR is flawed - a poem where you muse about why there’s more to retirement than just money - a comic you created using simple software or hand-drawn to perfection - an amusing short story where you share some profound lesson about managing your money - an opinion about a fiscal policy that needs to be heard Welcome to Seedly. As a community platform that connects you with a like-minded audience of 2.2 million readers (and growing), you too can have the opportunity to write about what matters to you and share your opinion with a community that cares about what you have to say. “How do I do that,” you ask? Well… you can do so via Seedly Opinions!
“Empowering Women: Keys To Success” Do you want to become an AFFILIFY expert? Visit: https://affilify.com Silvia Galati (co-founder of Affilify.com) does an exclusive interview with Ragne Sinikas (Coach, Public Speaker, Founder of World Women’s Conference and Awards and Founder The She Trust-fund and The Untoldstory Foundation). * Challenges of Women in business * Who are the big players in empowering women everyone should pay attention to. *Where should Women Entrepreneurs focus their efforts if they want to succeed in both the short and long term.. Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/Gy5xAQ/ Leave a Reply
New Feature: Submit and Edit Tutorials I’m going to tell you about two new features that I’m adding to TeachExcel. I’m currently putting the finishing touches on these features and would like to hear your thoughts about them so I can incorporate that into everything. Submitting New Tutorials You will soon be able to submit a new tutorial on any Excel related topic. I can’t think of everything and I certainly don’t know everything and this will allow you, the community, to help build the Excel knowledge-base and make it much more useful than it already is. - All registered users with a UserName will be allowed to submit a tutorial and also a downloadable Excel file along with their example. - I’m not sure yet if Macro enabled file uploads will be allowed for regular users. - Once you submit a tutorial, it will be reviewed to go on the site. - You will get credit for all content that you create by having your UserName listed on the tutorial as the author. - Eventually, I will have a profile page so it will be easy to view all tutorials from a specific author. - When creating a tutorial, there will be a template provided for you so that you can easily submit content in a format similar to the newer tutorials on this site, which includes having a navigation legend at the top of the tutorial. - You will also be able to submit macros! - I want to increase the repository of free macros on TeachExcel and make it much more useful. Note: you will not be allowed to submit an advertisement disguised as a tutorial. Some of the tutorials on TeachExcel are old; some are outdated; and, some are simply not as good as they should be; I want to give you the power to help out when you notice an issue. - You will be able to edit just about every tutorial and every macro on the site! - You can make a small edit, spelling error or spacing, or make bigger edits, such as adding a new section to a tutorial. - Once your edit is approved, you will be listed as an editor for that item. - All edits must be approved and you must be a registered user with a UserName in order to submit an edit. Gimme Some Feedback! 🙂 I’m just about finished setting up the above features and I welcome your input! I’m building these features to make this website more useful and better for you and everyone else and I can’t do it alone. Make sure to leave me any questions, comments, or thoughts in the comment section below and I will respond to them there. Have a great day! This would be good, I was just looking at your recent post about on tracing dependents and thinking that you could add clicking on the arrows to highlight the cell or go to another worksheet for linked details. I think the site can be much better if the community can control it a bit more and add to it and I definitely welcome the insight and additional info! 🙂
In a recent infographic we looked at some of the open banking gains seen around the world including an expected growth rate of 24.4% by 2026 reaching $43.1 billion in value. Lets look at North American companies and organizations who are helping move open banking forward to create a consumer friendly future for financial data that is secure and helps deliver exceptional products and services. We've listed everyone below that's included in the graphic above for your browsing convenience. Want to be included in VoPay's next 'Open Banking Movers & Shakers' list? Send us an email at: firstname.lastname@example.org • EQ Bank
What’s possible when the worlds of sports and technology play together… Hybrid sports and collaboration technology join together The great Billie Jean King, sporting legend and one of the 20th century’s most celebrated tennis players, once said, “sports are a microcosm of society.” The idea that sports reflect the best of the world we live in, and capture the human spirit in a common pursuit, really resonates with me. Though I am not a sporting fanatic, I am a technology fanatic. I see how the two disciplines share common philosophies of human connection, collaboration, and the never-ending quest for excellence. Both sports and technology have the power to bridge divides, forge common ground, and improve the human experience. Sports, like technology, has united nations, communities, friends, and adversaries in the spirit of comradery – pushing the boundaries of greatness and optimism. Whether on the pitch, on the court, on the course, or on the racetrack, sports are, and will continue to be a huge part of our local and global culture. Technology and sports, together, not only provide a new innovative outlet for recreation and connection, but the power to build a more inclusive world. NBC Sports Bay Area and NBC Sports California team up with Cisco Webex in pursuit of hybrid sports experiences NBC Sports Bay Area and NBC Sports California are the latest in a series of strategic Cisco partnerships in the new world of hybrid sports. This partnership, which goes live today, marks the fourth sports collaboration in 2021, between Cisco Webex and major sports empires, such as McLaren Racing, PGA Golf Australia, and German pro cycling team, Team DSM. For many people, the absence of live sports has been a significant void during these challenging times. Cisco’s mission is to bring sports to the masses, and to make the experience as interactive, exhilarating, and inclusive as the in-person experience. This partnership with NBC Sports Bay Area and NBC Sports California is a natural extension of that mission. Fans can get in on the action with game highlights, player-to-audience interaction, and promos surrounding their favorite Bay Area teams and athletes. Specifically, Cisco is now the official video-conferencing technology partner for NBC Sports Bay Area’s coverage of the Golden State Warriors and San Francisco Giants, and NBC Sports California’s coverage of the San Jose Sharks. Over the next 12 months, fans will see Webex technology in action as part of pregame and postgame video conference interviews as well. As Jordan Knopf, Vice President of Sales for NBC Bay Area Sports and NBC Sports California said: “Innovation through technology is at the core of live sports coverage and critical to delivering on our commitment to produce the highest quality, most engaging experience for sports fans throughout the region. Partnering with Webex allows us to provide those rich experiences for fans.” The innovation continues Fans may have missed out on the live sports experience during this past year, however, you can expect that technology innovations will continue to create new experiences, where fans can engage within their communities, and feel connected to their favorite sports teams and heroes. The Silicon Valley is the epicentre of technology and some of the greatest sporting teams in history, so you might say we’re perfectly matched to bring hybrid sports to the world. Be sure to look for the Cisco Webex logo at the upcoming NBC Sports Bay Area and NBC Sports California events! Powering People First Blog series that focuses on increasing and promoting personal well-being and building better quality connections and a more inclusive work experience for all WorldTour Team DSM takes to the road with Webex for a new hybrid sports experience Creating Exhilarating and Exciting Experiences with Cisco Webex and McLaren Racing Still need help? Learn more about Webex, join one of our upcoming training sessions Explore daily product demonstrations Visit our home page or contact us directly for assistance. May 15, 2023 — Kevin Adamson
“Don’t follow trends, start trends.” – Frank Capra The internet has come a long way since its inception, and it continues to evolve at a rapid pace. With the advent of new technologies and the increasing popularity of social media, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. As a result, many latest trends have emerged that had a positive impact on our world. One of the biggest trends on the internet today is the rise of social media. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have revolutionised the way we communicate and connect. They have also made it easier for people to share their thoughts and opinions, which has led to the emergence of new social movements and the empowerment of marginalised voices. Social media has also made it easier for businesses to connect with their customers and for individuals to promote their brands. Another trend on the internet is the increasing popularity of online streaming platforms. Services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime have made it easier for people to access their favourite TV shows and movies from anywhere, at any time. It has led to the emergence of a new type of content, known as “binge-worthy” shows, that gets designed to keep viewers hooked for hours on end. Online learning is also a trend that has gained mom entum in recent years. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy have made it easier for people to access education from anywhere in the world. It has led to the democratisation of education and has made it possible for people to acquire new skills and knowledge without the need for traditional educational institutions. In conclusion, the internet has become a boon for the world. The latest trends on the internet, such as social media, online streaming, and online learning, have had a positive impact on our lives. They have made it easier for people to connect, access education and entertainment, and promote their brands. As technology continues to evolve, we’ll likely see even newer trends emerge, offering even more opportunities for people to make the most of the internet.By Prasanjit Dutta - Tips For a Happier Family - Unlocking the Future: Navigating the Job Market of 2025 and Beyond. - Easy-Peasy Hyderabadi Biriyani Recipe - Explore The Beauty & Culture of Leh Ladakh - Exploring the Future of Indian Politics - Emerging Inconsistency of the Modern Fashion Industry - Impact of Latest Trends in Our Daily Life - Yes, Cancer Has an Answer
Have you ever wondered how to photograph the stars? Maria gives you her astrophotography tips, such as recommended camera gear, night photography settings, and Adobe Lightroom tips. Once you've gotten the hang of photographing stars, check out these other night photography videos: How to Photograph the Moon 2,079 Views· Posted 09/12/2016 In this B&H Prospectives video, Gabriel Biderman, author of Night Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots, shares expert tips for exploring the night with your camera. Among the topics he mentions are the inherent challenges in autofocusing at night and how to overcome this, the importance of pre-planning and scouting to identify ideal locations, the benefits of shooting continuous short exposures and stacking the
When it comes to marketing your products and services, customer engagement is by far the most valuable method of attaining desired goals and objectives. Engaged customers buy more, promote more, and are more loyal to your company. A recent survey conducted by Salesforce.com entitled State of the Connected Customer, involved responses taken from more than 8,000 consumers and business buyers across the globe. Their findings included that 73% of customers had higher expectations from other companies after receiving an extraordinary experience with one company. As you can see, customer engagement leaves quite an impact on your targeted audience. In this post, however, let us study how internal communication can help you further the process of engaging your customers. Impact of Internal Communication on Customer Engagement Shared Customer Knowledge Internal communications amongst your various departments help improve the flow of information. This, in regards, helps in the transfer of knowledge to the point where all assimilated data becomes equally shared amongst your various departments, including sales, finance, marketing, and management. Eventually, it allows everyone in your company to be on the same page down to every customer that you have dealt with in the past, managing during present times, and looking forward to in the future. As such, customer knowledge becomes shared, and no matter where your customer goes from there onwards, they are given the appropriate treatment as all of your departments understand your customers better and know how to deal with them properly. Tying in with the previous point we mentioned, as soon as customer knowledge becomes shared with all of your departments, your company will be able to cater to their needs at a more intimate level. Understanding their preferences, as well as the likes and dislikes of your customers, allows you to offer them a more personalized experience with your offered products and services. Not only are you able to address their pain points and deliver viable solutions to them, but you are also able to address their concerns and issues in a way that is more adequate for them to comprehend. It is not all fun and games when it comes to dealing with customers. In fact, there are times when you have to deal with inadequacies on your part. Hence there can arise a time where conflicts between your team and your customers have to be managed in an expedient manner. Internal communication allows you to deal with them every step of the way. Your approach to resolving their apprehensions becomes more holistic as you are able to see the bigger picture. With every department contributing and cooperating with each other to resolve the conflicts of your customers, you are able to apply much-improved conflict management to deal with any discrepancies that may have troubled your potential clients. Deliver on Promises In order to attract and appeal to your customers, you make promises to them, and they have to be upheld at all times. Otherwise, you might lose all respect and credibility that you built around your offered products on services. Through internal communications, you can stay informed about your customers, their past activities, and interactions with your company. Hence you are able to pinpoint their current standing with your organization, and this will allow your teams to follow up with the support your customer demands. In short, whatever promises you have made to them can be fulfilled more pleasantly, and any further confrontations can be avoided at all costs. Many companies focus on improving their time management skills to avoid any lags in their operations. With proper internal communications and established parameters, the steady flow of information between different departments of your workforce allows for improved time management. Any interruptions and redundancies are removed from your operations, and every action that your teams commit becomes more standardized as a result. This allows customer support and services to improve as well, enabling you to resolve conflicts in real-time. This is also a similar approach used by professional writers when students approach to buy dissertations from them. It goes without saying that internal communications allow your departments to offer customers a much more improved service than before. Your teams are able to respond better to their queries and offer them the solutions they are required to address concerns. Your customers do not have to wait for your response much longer as all information about them is made available to your teams, and they are ready to offer assistance regarding their reservations. Customers are not only treated well but are also provided with the support needed by them to move along the chain of command without any unnecessary delays. Through proper internal communication, you are able to deliver much-improved customer services. This allows your customers to be much more satisfied with your services. Esteemed and valued customers are provided with the proper treatment from your teams, and there is a definite show of courtesy and respect. Plus, if any new customers are joining your customer base, then they are provided with support along with proper enthusiasm from your departments to encourage long-term relationship building. Not only do you strengthen your bonds with customers but also make sure that they are not given the slightest chance to complain about your offered products and services. Surprisingly when you treat customers well, it naturally builds esteem and confidence in your employees as well. Plus, who doesn’t like to please people? The happier your customers are with your offered products and service, the more satisfied your employees become as well. The goodwill for your company is also nurtured, and with every happy customer comes a positive word of mouth for the way you treat them. All of this naturally inspires your team and workers to deliver to the best of their abilities and keep the energy going without any interruptions in between. Lastly, the praise and applaud customers make towards your company also uplifts the morale of your team and makes them feel more motivated. Setting up proper internal communication channels is the duty of the higher management. With adequate internal communication, a company can not only improve on its customer support services but also leave a positive impact on how they keep their customer engagement levels high. This results in not only improving your products and services but also assisting companies in developing a strong rapport amongst their customer base and clientele in the long run.
Emilie Schiess is a new Professor for the English department at Ball State University. Although her career at Ball State just begun, she strives to help her students reach their goals, have the curiosity to seek out new things, and the will to continue toward their goals when met with failure. When she’s not teaching or exploring better accommodations for students, she is reading dark academia fiction and non-fiction. Let’s welcome Emilie Schiess to Ball State! How would you describe your perspective on teaching? I view learning as an experience. To learn, we need practice, failure, curiosity, and observation. With this, I see the teacher as a key facilitator and model for the learning experience. When I plan a lesson, I’m trying to create an activity or memory that I think supports students in helping them reach their goals this way. Sometimes this is hands-on like sharing ideas or gathering data. Other times it is more like critiquing examples or writing down ideas. This way students remember what they experienced to better understand the material or concept. I also strive for teaching and learning to be enjoyable and personal. Everything I assign is something I genuinely want to read. For the class itself, I hope students enjoy it or find it memorable! I try to provide opportunities for students to share their own ideas or engage with what interests them. Are you working on any projects at the moment? Is it purely for your study or something that will influence your teaching? I am currently working on a research project that is connected to my teaching. I want to develop better accommodations for students in writing-intensive courses. The study has involved a survey and interviews, and I plan to present at a conference next semester. After this project, I have what feels like 100 ideas of things to pursue! Most of my research directly relates to teaching or my field of study (linguistics), but I am interested in interdisciplinary work and some creative projects. What are you currently reading, if anything? I like to cycle among nonfiction texts, dark academia fiction, and graphic novels. I most recently finished Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence by R.F. Kuang and Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe. Both were great reads! What are your hobbies or interests? I enjoy reading, baking, and journaling. I’m a big fan of bullet journals and stationery (like washi tape) on Instagram. I also enjoy staying current with the news and Internet trends. Who are your biggest role models and how did they influence your goals and career? All my past teachers are my biggest role models. The faculty I work with and the faculty that taught me as a student have been such creative, intentional, and passionate educators. My teaching philosophy was largely shaped by positive experiences in their classrooms. What is a piece of advice you would offer students? I would advise students to utilize all the campus has to offer. The Writing Center and the Counseling Center are great resources I always recommend, but we also have the Healthy Lifestyle Center, free software through the Tech Center, Cardinal Closet, and more. There are lots available on campus and in the community to support students. If you wish to learn more, visit Ball State English Department, and read here if you wish to see more New Faculty profiles like these!
New Bay coach brings the hammer For the record, the Hudson’s Bay athletic department hired Mike Funderburg as the new football coach because of his 29 years of experience on the football field. Of course, it did not hurt that the dude is a one-man odd-jobs shop. At a recent practice, I watched Funderburg turn an old, seven-man blocking sled into two new (but used) four- and three-men sleds. I am not much of a handyman, so I have no idea what he was using. It was powerful and sharp and it cut through metal like it was butter. Later, I found out the seven-man sled had been sitting near the Hudson’s Bay practice field for years. No one was using it. Weeds had overtaken much of it. Funderburg saw it as an opportunity for two new pieces of equipment. Later, the coach showed me what he had done with the interior of the trailers used to store the football gear. Before he arrived, the pads and other equipment used for practice were just throw inside the trailers, with no home for individual items. Funderburg built a series of shelves and now everything has its place. Bay fans just hope Funderburg is as good at building football programs. Hudson’s Bay will play at Washougal in Week 1. Game time is 7 p.m.
The first full day of 400+ ppm CO2 as recorded at Mauna Loa in Hawaii last week produced an outpouring of sentiment and grief from many, but the news has seemingly passed. Unfortunately, the arrival of such a day had become inevitable. Since the early days of the Keeling Curve at 315 ppm when it became clearly apparent that anthropogenic CO2 emissions were accumulating in the atmosphere, we have counting up the ppm to this day. Despite an early clear warning to the Johnson Administration at 321 ppm, it wasn’t long before there was a brief worry about global cooling. Then, with atmospheric chemistry growing as a discipline (probably on the back of concerns about a cold war nuclear winter), we were distracted at 332 ppm by the first major anthropogenic global concern, the hole in the ozone layer. But with a treaty negotiated and ratification underway by 349 ppm (only 17 ppm to sort that one out), it didn’t take long for the science community to remember that another big issue was lurking in the shadows. At 352 ppm and nearly 40 ppm on from the start of the Keeling Curve, James Hansen stated to a US Congressional Committee that; - The earth is warmer in 1988 than at any time in the history of instrumental measurements. - Global warming is now large enough that we can scribe with a high degree of confidence a cause and effect relationship to the greenhouse affect. - Computer simulations indicate that the greenhouse effect is already large enough to begin to effect the probability of extreme events such as summer heat waves. But it was another 13 ppm before the Kyoto Protocol was adopted by parties to the UNFCCC and 14 ppm more before it was finally ratified. 21 ppm later and it is a shadow of its former self, but at least with the legacy of some beginnings of a global carbon market. However, it is trading close to zero!! In the interim there was a valiant attempt at a new global deal, but even that was 12 ppm ago. Our goal to be avoided, 450 ppm, is now feeling a bit close for comfort, given we are already at 400 ppm and 300 ppm was only passed under the previous British monarch. Not to worry, it should only be another 15 ppm before a new global deal comes into force, although after more than 3ppm of discussion, the negotiations don’t really seem to have started. So we wait again, hopeful that someone has got a plan. But a lot can happen in 50 ppm if we try hard and we really want something!! After all, the first world wide web page was posted only 43 ppm ago! Anyone taking bets on when the global atmospheric CO2 concentration will peak? Let’s keep in mind: Europe’s efforts to control CO2 emissions, although noble, pale into insignificance against rising emissions elsewhere, driven by turbo-charged GDP growth in China, India, Brazil, etc. For all the talk, the spin, the greenwash, the regional carbon markets, the technology transfer mechanisms and innovative carbon financing initiatives, one thing is clear: none of this has yet worked at a global scale. Global emissions are on the rise. For these and other efforts to work, we need to get serious and scale up. The alternative is that we let this problem get so out of control that we need to view geoengineering as a serious option. I hope it doesn’t come to that. So let’s price this problem in a sensible, managed way and unleash the innovation that we know can get us to where we need to be. Then we get the jobs, the growth, the new industries and climate protection into the bargain. What’s the alternative? Bury our heads? Sing ‘la-la-la’ in the hope it all goes away? We have the technology, we have the money. What’s missing is the political will. Voters, NGOs and the private sector are looking to governments to lead. It’s high time they did. From a historical perspective the Earth is currently CO2 impoverished, it’s worth remembering that this CO2 is not new, but recycled. Over the Earth’s history, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have ranged from 180 ppm to over 6,000 ppm. Below 150 ppm, plant-life dies off on a massive scale. The Earth actually came very close to that point many times over the last 2 million years during the ice ages. At the bottom of the last ice age just 20,000 years ago, life on the planet literally teetered on the brink when CO2 fell to a level of just 180 ppm. No one disputes that man’s activities have helped to increase atmospheric CO2 concentration, and it should not be in dispute that plants and life on the planet are thankful that man has done so. At 400 ppm, the planet is a safer place to be and will be even safer at 800 ppm, as plant-life will be stimulated & crop yields will increase dramatically. It is likely to be cold and damp in Poland in mid-November, even in the absence of the “Gore Effect”. There are likely to still be three groups of nations at COP19: developed nations with advanced technology; developing nations which want that technology for free; and, not-yet-developing nations, which want the profits from the sale of the technologies the developing nations want for free. Not a promising basis for progress. There will also likely still be national politicians salivating over the prospects of carbon tax revenue; and, global politicians salivating over the prospects of that same carbon tax revenue. The prospect of a “cat fight” between national and global politicians over the same carbon tax revenue portends the possibility of some amusement at COP19. The global governance folks will likely never be happy, even if the “haves” ultimately have not and the “have-nots” ultimately have, since they would still have to “govern”. I find the concept of global governance by some sub-set of the tin-pot despots represented in the UN General Assembly strangely unappealing. I agree that the COP process seems to be more focussed on money transfer these days than it does on the hard job of mitigation. Such is the state of the world. Bad news for alarmists. In my office there is probably >1000 ppm of CO2 and I feel just fine. By the time the Earth reaches about 600ppm currently confirmed fossil fuel reserves will be burned and CO2 content in atmosphere will be about twice the average in Holocene. However, it is likely we won’t exceed Holocene warm periods. Is that from all the hot air you put out, Jiri? […] Source […] Such, at least, is the world of politicians, bureaucrats, what currently passes for “statesmen” and wannabe world rulers. David, try to be factual please. Sorry – couldn’t resist that one. Maybe you should read this:
Home is everything that I’ve left. An ever-shifting reality. The only one I know, really. I’ve never defined it so much as the physical spaces, but the memories that each portrayed. I don’t think I think of a single place when I think of home. When I feel lost, home are the places that I run to. Home is not where the heart is, it’s more of an internal compass–a suburban lighthouse, signaling and welcoming my retreat Home feels like being lost on coast to coast adventures somewhere in the heartland. Like burning twilight for the last inning of neighbourhood baseball. It’s being the last pick of that team captain and just being happy that we’re gonna play some ball. Home is made of flashing billboards of fading memories–sheet music to the harmony of youth. I think that when we talk about home we all feel this way to some extent. Home is not a collection of things and crafted building materials, but a collection of memories. Here, I think, comes the oft cited juxtaposition between a house and a home. A picture of the backyard of my childhood home is nothing I’d share on Instagram today. It’s green and overgrown in the summer, full of life—and more likely a murky brown, when not covered in snow, in the winter months. Yet, this is where I would often find myself escaping. Escaping even from the house that adorned the property. I spent summer evenings in the spaces in between my backdoor and the treeline chasing fireflies into soup containers. I’d marvel at their glow, and share with them that I’ve really been wanting a night-lite. Our property really only contained a half-acre, meager by suburban Midwest standards. But the treeline, which began in our backyard, was but the open door to childhood adventure. I know today that the relative size was no larger than a shopping center parking lot. But as I child it contained limitless possibilities and the entirety of nature. Maybe escaping from the sounds of familial bickering, or needing sometime away from my brothers and sisters, made me enjoy more the days we spent hiding in the never-ending shade of the massive oak-filled forest. Mother Nature never made old growth forests for climbing; the branches are far too high on the trunk to grab onto. This just made me wonder more what the world might look like, sitting atop the canopy. The smaller ones proved far better for climbing. The funny thing is, on afternoons I spent conquering altitude, I’d look down for the first time and remember that I’m afraid of such heights. It was at those moments that I’d stop, sit, and listen to the sounds of nothingness. I realized just recently that I am always earphones whenever I’m walking to/from class or my home, and in doing so, I’m never truly alone with myself like I’d have been on those branches. Heavy machinery tore down the grove one morning for a new development. I spend the predawn on the weathered porch of my East Vancouver tenement wondering if you’re already tired of the Ohio suns. Half a world away; I’m just happy it isn’t raining. It has been since the Olympics. I often am asked what this place means to me. I haven’t an answer for them, sometimes it just means that home is 2000 miles away. Yet, I often ask myself when waking up to the mountains on the north shore how I could live ever anywhere else. I don’t think you realize that a place is “home” until you leave it. When the sense of longing is tied to more than people. To a warm bed, a familiar scent, the sound that the chimney makes right before a storm. What I Learned In Class Today: Aboriginal Issues in the Classroom.Dir. Karrmen Crey and Amy Perreault. First Nations Studies Program, U. of British Columbia, 2007. Web. http://www.intheclass.arts.ubc.ca 3 thoughts on “2.1 – Home” Hi Rob – thank you for your story; um, I really like links too 🙂 thanks “When I feel lost, home are the places that I run to. Home is not where the heart is, it’s more of an internal compass–a suburban lighthouse, signaling and welcoming my retreat” Rob. Wow, I don’t know if I’ve ever heard a better, more poignant description of home. This really resonates with me. Again wow. In reading everyone’s blogs, I noticed almost all of us had similar things we called “home”, things that only meant something because they were the memories and the feelings that gave us us a sense of what home was. “Home feels like being lost on coast to coast adventures somewhere in the heartland. Like burning twilight for the last inning of neighbourhood baseball. It’s being the last pick of that team captain and just being happy that we’re gonna play some ball.” Rob “Putting it into words seems kind of arbitrary, like trying to describe the Universe or God, how it felt the first time you got slobbered on by your favorite dog, or the comforting scent of the air in your parent’s bedroom after waking up from a nightmare when you were a kid.” Courtney (me). Your connection to nature really resonated with me as well, as did the destruction of it. In my blog I write about how the connection to the land and my relationship with it growing up over the years, literally grounded me to this place I call home. Now this sense of home is also tied into the First Nation’s people who have cared for this land forever…I’m now looking at how my relationship with the land, and their relationship with the land has been informing me to make choices that support both. I feel that is my responsibility. Have you ever felt this being in California or in Vancouver… Questioning your own relationship to this place we call home… because Settlers values, and government policies have forcibly removed this land from First Nations people? I have too felt that shared feeling of being in possession of something that I myself never earned. As a kid I grew up in a fairly homogeneous white community in Ohio. At some point during the Industrial Revolution a working class section of town was built to service the needs of the town next door. At some point along the line, the demographics of the neighbourhood shifted to a largely African American population which resulted in a redistricting of the city to intentionally exclude the children in the poorer neighbourhood from the school district in the 1960’s. As you might imagine, the high school I went to nearly entirely lacked diversity. To experience this on a day to day basis felt like a had a role in its creation even though it happened decades before I was born. To this day I find it a travesty and cannot believe it has yet to be changed. Hitchcock, Andrew. We’ve Always Been Free. iUniverse Publishing, 2012. Print (Accessed via Web).
Advice for Graduating Students As Ms. Darbus once said, “you did it…you graduated.” Congratulations to all the graduates this year! We are so proud of you #intheUC and know you will all go on to do great things. Graduating college is a big transition and whether you’re moving or staying close to home, there will be changes for everyone. We gather some advice from UC staff as well as some inspirational people around the world! The first piece of advice is from Fabiola Aranda, the Assistant Manager of the HawkCard Office. “Take a moment to breathe! This is a big step and milestone in your life, and you will do great! Take the skills you learned here at Whitewater and any employment you had or internships and see where it can be applied in your new role. Make sure you create relationships from the beginning with your colleagues and supervisors and communicate! Also, outside of work, make sure to take care of yourself and don’t hesitate to ask for help whether it be from parents or anyone you are close with. Remember, you are not alone!” Tonia Kapitan, the UC Information Services and Warhawk Alley Coordinator suggests: “Be open to new possibilities and new pathways. You have more strengths in this moment than you will ever know. Go out there and be a Rockstar. Know that you have skill, you have adaptability, and you have perseverance to succeed. That is all you need to find the next best thing in your future. You will do amazing things and you will forever be a part of the Warhawk Community. Congratulations on your hard work Warhawks. It is time to celebrate you!” The UC Marketing Coordinator, Jenny Fisco recommends: “Take every interview you can and be open to jobs that you didn’t think you would want. You can learn something new in every interview, and every job you have. I can look back on my last few jobs, and pick out different skills that I have now, that I credit to those positions. Were they my dream jobs? Absolutely not. They did teach me a lot however, and that is how you get to your dream job. You keep learning and keep experiencing. Another piece of advice I would give is always be the person in the room that is looking to go above and beyond. Be the person that wants to help others and be a problem-solver. I had a co-worker once who asked questions every 2 minutes after she started, even though, they were things we had already gone over and she could’ve easily found the answers on her own. It frustrated everyone; Don’t be that person. It’s ok to ask questions but try to find the answer first. Interview advice: Know everything you can about the company you are interviewing for. Always have at least 3 questions prepared at the end, and ALWAYS send a hand-written ‘thank you’ note after the interview is over (that’s right, one with a stamp and an envelope). Just remember, getting a job is hard, and if you don’t find one within the first couple of weeks after you graduate, DO NOT get discouraged. It took me 5 months to find a job after I graduated, and I learned a lot about myself in that time. You will find the right job for you, and it will be worth the wait.” We hope you are able to take something from these staff members on life after graduation. You are about to embark one of the biggest transitions in life, but it’s not something to be afraid of. Once a Warhawk, always a Warhawk. Your Whitewater family cares about you and wants to see you succeed. Remember to connect with the UW-Whitewater Alumni Services (email@example.com) to find more ways to stay connected as an alum, but there are also many resources available to alumni. Have you already graduated? Feel free to leave more advice for upcoming graduates in the comments! Congratulations once again to all the graduates, we hope you find success and happiness after college! Leave a Reply
“The NOPD’s dirty. Yeah, and the Mississppi’s muddy.” Saturday morning, 12 December 2015 GM: Vinny and Lex say brief prayers of their own as the vampire burns. Vinny gives Lou a lift to the Greyhound terminal in Laplace, where the PI has another errand to undertake. The trio make a brief stop in Kenner, though, so Lex can use a bathroom. It’s while she’s gone that the younger detective turns to Lou and says, “So, there was something I wanted your advice on.” “About the paintings.” “You remember those?” Louis: The old man does. Then again, the old man remembers lots of things. Like 66,702: Kenner’s population as of the last census. 66,702 pairs of eyes and ears. Inadvertent eavesdroppers. Potential spies. And the census count just scratches the surface. Beyond the uncounted, there are also the uncountable. Birds. Bugs. Both kinds of bugs, actually. Thinking about it can drive a man to drink, or make him drive right off the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway. Hard to say which would be worse, especially as the old man’s done both. But not thinking about it… well, that just gets you dead. And the old man’s not ready to get there yet. Almost, but not yet. So he thinks about it, and the worm of paranoia writhes. It gnaws into his recent joy, eating away its corners and bruising what otherwise might be a simple conversation between friends. But the Big Easy doesn’t do simple, and it rarely does easy, either. Just like when Lou went looking into Micky Zyers for Vinny, back before a blonde-haired devil walked into his office and lit his life on fire. To be fair, his life was already on fire; the dame just brought gasoline. Regardless, the old man had looked into Zyers’ whereabouts after his explosive showdown with René and subsequent retreat into hiding. And as with so many of his investigations, the old man did not like what he found. Mickey was nowhere to be found because he had already been found—and by no less than the NOSTF. One didn’t have to pass the NOPD’s detective exam to see why Bobby’s off-the-books gang of vampire-hunting, but vampire-controlled, vigilantes would be interested in Mickey and the nicked Masquerade-threatening paintings. Nor did it surprise Lou when he discovered the NOSTF were ‘storing’ Mickey in the heart of their turf: the Vieux Carré. Breaking into their cop-guarded stronghold to ‘rescue’ the grade-A sleezeball wasn’t Lou’s idea of laying low, especially not in the wake of Rampart’s blowback. He was too hot, both with the fuzz and the leeches who held the NOPD’s if not also the NOSTF’s leashes. Explaining all of that to the Vigil-rejecting detective had proved equally problematic, and it’s unlikely to be any easier now. Still, Lou forces himself to tear his worm-gnawed attention away from every potential eavesdropper to face his friend. Once more, he wishes he had a cigarette. Once more, he pushes past his personal wishes. “Yeah, I remember them. I dig some digging there too, but the dirt I found wasn’t good, Vinny.” GM: “Oh, you did?” the one-time bantamweight asks, raising his eyebrows. “Well, I’ve done some too. The dirt I’ve found has been… mushy.” “So wanted to get a second opinion.” “Some other cops got to Zyers before I could.” “But he’s not at OPP.” “Hasn’t actually been booked for anything, as far as I can tell.” “Which seems funny, because the slimeball’s done a hundred things someone could bust him for if they wanted.” Louis: Lou nods. GM: “I don’t know if you already know, Lou, but there are cops who see everything that’s wrong, everything that’s dirty, about the department, and they say… no.” “I mean, hell.” “I’m on the take.” “Everyone’s on the fucking take.” Louis: Lou knows. Even now, retired and in hiding from his former colleagues, he knows. Better than most of those same cops. GM: “There’s talk, you know, about Drouillard stepping down. After that shit show with the shooting. Running for mayor.” “Delron replacing him.” “And fucking Cash Money, the new district commander!” Vinny shakes his head. Louis: Lou can’t help but raise a brow at that, jaded and calloused as he is. That’s news to him, and it’s bad news. It doesn’t get much dirtier than Delron and Cash Money, and the latter is dirty as they can come without a lick of blood. Sure, it doesn’t take poison to make a dirty rat stink, but a promotion for either is likely to put them on Savoy or his childe’s tab. Lou doesn’t like thinking about how bad those dirty rats would smell with poison… The old man doesn’t so shake his head so much as he shivers. GM: “He already leap-frogged up to LT, I guess what’s skipping captain too if your uncle runs the department?” “I hear one story, though, that he doesn’t want the job as commander.” “Because he’d have to wear a uniform.” Vinny shakes his head again. “Just fucking hell, Lou.” “And Gettis going off the deep end.” “What the fuck is this department coming to, sometimes.” Louis: Lou’s pretty sure the slimeball would find a way to slip that requirement, but the old man doesn’t say that out. No point in pouring salt into already sore wounds. But he does need to say something. At least once Vinny is done explaining. Which the cop isn’t. GM: “So, anyway.” “The guys who are saying enough is enough. Things have gone too far.” “They’ve asked me if I want to help out. To help cut out the cancer, too. They say I can get my hands on Zyers, if I do.” “They were cagey when I asked about how.” “But I know he’s not been arrested. And he’s nowhere on the streets. I’ve talked to every CI, every huckster, every grifter, crack fiend, hooker, slimeball, that I can think of, who he might have associated with. Zyers is off the streets. Has been for a while now.” “The guys I talked to make me thing he’s been held by them somewhere.” “But he hasn’t been arrested. This seems dirty, too.” “But isn’t everything?” “What the fuck is an arrest even worth these days. My dad got arrested, and you can debate whether that was right or wrong, but he had a pretty posh stay in OPP. Got deli sandwiches delivered for his meals and everything.” “And you can debate whether that’s right or wrong, but if you think about it, it doesn’t square with someone getting arrested. Defeats the point, doesn’t it, for jail to be a hotel stay?” “On the other hand, Dad tells me he saw several guys stab each other to death outside his cell, so you have that too. And even that is pretty light next to what a shit show that place was during Katrina.” Vinny shakes his head again. “I know this isn’t news to either of us.” “The NOPD’s dirty. Yeah, and the Mississppi’s muddy.” “But I’d be pissed if I looked out one day and it was solid mud.” “And I want Zyers. I want to get to the bottom of these paintings. They won’t get out of my head.” “So… what do you think, Lou?” Louis: The old man listens to Vinny’s racing freight train of thought, no less saddened despite foreseeing its ugly terminus. But maybe he can jump on and try to steer it away from the yawning canyon. Or maybe he’ll be dragged down into the abyss. The old man pauses as if hoping for some inspired words to fill his lips. But the only immediate sound is his growling stomach. He gazes eastward, towards the slow-rising sun as it bathes the Gulf in rosy gold. “There is no trap so deadly as the one you set for yourself.” He sighs, wishing he could taste nicotine and gin on his exhaling lips. Turning back to Vinny, he says, “If I’d had a son, I’d have hoped he became half the man you are.” GM: Lou doesn’t think he’s ever seen Vinny look… humbled? It’s an odd expression on the bantamweight, and he gives a low laugh as if to mask it. “For, what, being on the take and having a hard-on for some weird paintings?” Louis: Lou’s smile is more gentle than rueful as he briefly places a paternalistic hand atop Vinny’s. “I’m not calling for the canonization of St. Vincenzo.” “But hearing you talk about the city, our city… she’s like our mother. She’s old now. More than a little bitter, broken, and tired too. But you sometimes get glimpses that remind you of when she was young and beautiful. Full of life and vitality. A freshness that isn’t innocence, but can feel like it to a kid. She’s never been innocent, no mother is, really, save the Virgin Mary perhaps.” “But it doesn’t matter that mom’s no Madonna. That she’s taken on some weight here and there. Scars. Wrinkles. Varicose veins running down arthritis-swollen legs. Bags under her eyes from burning the candle at both ends. Sure, sometimes she comes home sloshed, and there was that time or two or twenty when she cuffed you for sassing her or for forgetting to take out the trash.” “She’s still your mom, and you love her. Because if you don’t, who will? You don’t have an old man looking out for her. He’s never been in the picture. She’s raised you all herself, all her own, trying to do her best.” “And sometimes, her best just blows your breath away. Like the time she baked that sky-high birthday cake after you thought she had forgotten all about you. Or when she took you to the beach, let you collect a bucket full of shells, and didn’t complain a bit when you dragged all that sand into her carpet. Or that summer night, when the music wafted through the window, and she danced. Danced like she was the star at the Dewdrop, her laughter like warm rain. Or the time she held you after your first bad breakup. She let you cry. And then later, when you’d become a man, and came home hurting and broken after one too many ugly cases, she still held you like her little boy. And because you couldn’t or wouldn’t cry, she cried for you.” “You love her, Vinny. You’re not blind to the mud, the ugly. You see it, you see her. All of her. And you still love her, still want to save her.” “How could I not love that?” “How could any man not want that in their son?” “She’s my mother too, after all.” GM: Vinny takes in Lou’s words slowly. Silently. Lets them wash over him like the rising dawn. Cold around the edges, but filled with an undeniable light and warmth. “…you make me want to give my mom a call, Lou.” “That was… something.” “I think you coulda been a writer, if you’d wanted.” “That was really something.” He clears his throat. “I’m not good with words, not like that. So I’ll just say that was, that was really something.” He rubs the back of his head. “I guess you’re right, though.” “I do love her.” Louis: Lou’s smile is more pained, but no less gentle as he responds, “I’ve just had longer to think about how to describe the tune that’s playing in both our hearts and heads.” GM: “She’s been shitty, a few times, but like you say.” “Only get one mom.” “And she’s been good more times than not.” Louis: The old man nods. “And while mom’s always had a soft spot for writers and artists, she doesn’t really need more of them. She’s got enough sons and daughters doing that. Some making it big, some starving.” “No, what she needs, always has, are kids willing to take out the trash. Because there’s a lot of it. Too much of it. She needs those who do what the badge claims. What every cop swears. To protect and serve.” “And she needs protection, Vinny. Not just from the likes of Ricky and Delron or the pukes they’re supposed to be busting. Sure, they kick her, hit her, and shake her down for a whole lot more than milk money. But her blackest bruises don’t come from them. Her worst abusers have always been the same culprits.” Lou dimes those culprits not with words, but with actions as he reaches into his trench and produces the stake. He offers that holy water-annointed spike like a reverse donation plate, a gesture asking Vinny to take rather than give. But it’s ultimately the same. Consecration. Offering. Sacrifice. GM: Vinny nods at Lou’s first words. The call to protect and serve. The one they both answered. The one not so different from the Vigil. The younger detective gives a soft intake of breath at the offered stake and all it represents. It’s not his first time receiving such an offering. It’s not his first time seeing Lou torch a vampire. He seems to briefly fumble for words. He looks between Lou’s face, the stake, and back at Lou. “But. Zyers. The paintings…?” Louis: Lou’s face is calm, like the eye of a hurricane. “It’s all the same Vinny. I can explain more, but it’s all the same. Same mud. Just a difference of how far downstream you stand.” GM: Vinny blinks. Then he seems to process. “Zyers. Is he… is he one of those…?” Louis: “It’s worse, Vinny.” GM: The other detective’s face sets. “Those paintings, Lou.” “I fucking want them.” “The artist, whoever’s behind them.” Louis: His one hand keeps offering the stake. “I know you do, and I’ll help in whatever way I can, no matter what you choose. But Vinny, you have to decide this first. Because it’s not about what we want.” “It’s about what she needs.” GM: Vinny looks back at the stake. He looks at it for a while. He doesn’t actually sweat, but Lou can see the signs. The way his breath gets shallower. How much more he blinks. The stiff, wooden look to his face. Perhaps he’s re-thinking Lou’s last words. She needs protection, Vinny. Her worst abusers have always been the same culprits. It’s all the same. Same mud. Vinny looks at the stake some more. He reaches out a hand. Grasps it around the handle. And takes it. Louis: Lou smiles. It even reaches his bourbon eyes. But it’s sad all the same. Proud. Grateful. But sad all the same. He looks like he might embrace Vinny, but the angles of the car are all wrong. So are the angles of the world. The old man settles for a paternalistic squeeze of Vinny’s shoulder. “I can’t say whether you made the best choice, kid.” “But I know you made the right one.” His smile remains. As does his sadness. Particularly as his now-free hand reaches into his trench’s inner breast pocket and produces an old crinkled cigarette case. He flicks it open with his thumb, revealing one last cigarette. Untouched. Well, not untouched. It’s clear it’s been touched a lot. But unspent. But the old man bypasses that coffin nail and uses his prosthetic hook to peel back the case’s lining, revealing a small, thin metal sheet. He stares at it for a moment as if regarding a ghost. Or perhaps he’s the ghost regarding it. That’s when his smile finally breaks into a sigh. His next words are quiet like suppressor-shot bullets: “Not anymore than I’m Louis Fontaine.” He passes the object to Vinny, allowing the cop to look at it in the light. Light which reveals it as a century-plus old tintype. An antique photo of two men. Two cops. Arm in arm. Sharing twin smiles so fierce they dare no cloud cross their sunny day. The details are a bit blurred by the tintype’s alchemy and age. The uniforms are well beyond outdated. So are the mustaches. So are the men. Still, it doesn’t take a detective to identify the two men. GM: “They gunned him down, Lou. Jeremy May gunned him down. A good cop gunned him down and got drummed off the force for…” Vinny starts, then tails off. It doesn’t take a detective. Anyone could tell they are the same men. But they look different, too. Maybe it’s some missed doses. Missed fixes. But they do look younger. Softer lines. Fewer lines. Kinder eyes. Fewer bags under those eyes. Fuller hair. But some of it might not be aging. Some of it might just be hard living. Hard living from another century-plus carrying the Vigil’s torch. Some hunters burn out. Most hunters do burn out, eventually. But most get singed, too, before they do. Singed from carrying the fire so close for so long. It burns and blackens them. Ages them before their time. Ages them even when they don’t age. But not so much that one needs to be a detective to see past that aging. One would think the photo shows two veteran cops early or mid-way through their respective careers. It’d be a perfectly believable photo. If it looked taken twenty rather than 120+ years ago. Vinny looks between Lou, the photo, and then Lou again. He frowns in consternation. Then he holds up the photo to the light. Squints at it. Turns it over. Feels it between his fingers. “This thing… doesn’t feel fake,” he says slowly. He looks at Lou, brow furrowed. “How? How is this is not fake?” Louis: The old man closes his eyes, and rests his weary head against the seat. “Because, kid, some truths are uglier than lies.” “But that still doesn’t mean we shouldn’t tell them. So I’ll explain. I said I would.” He opens his eyes, as if reflexively spotting Alejandra’s approach from the gas stop’s restroom. “Next stop, after we drop off Lex. She shouldn’t have to bare the burden of those truths. Not here, not now, at least.” He takes back the tintype and gently places it back in the cigarette pack and trench pocket. GM: Lex looks like she’s already finished relieving herself, as she’s in the gas station’s adjacent convenience store. Lou sees her just as she exits with a water bottle, a bag of chips, another pack of cigarettes, and an annoyed look. “Empleado de gilipollas,” she mutters as she gets in, closing the door with more force than strictly necessary, then looks at Vinny. “Asshole clerk.” “You want, I could sock him out for you,” the detective half-jokes. “No. Wasn’t all his fault. They didn’t have the brand I like.” Louis: That confession both comforts and alarms the barely sober Ret. Det. He can’t help but crank his eyes back to Lex’s pack. Half of him prays it’s not another menthol. Half of him prays it is. GM: She holds up a plainer-looking pack with a bigger warning label showing a hideous set of yellowed teeth with blackened gums. WARNING: CIGARETTES CAUSE MOUTH DISEASE, reads the label. “Wouldn’t have even bought this shit, but literally smoking vampiros always makes me smoke more,” she remarks sourly. ‘More’ is saying quite a lot for the always-smoking resident doctor. Louis: Menthol, Lou silently notes. Thank the bloody archangels. “Hey, Alejandra,” Lou says out loud. “Not to be a gilipollas myself, but could we leave that pack sealed till out next stop? Lottie told me she doesn’t like so much smoke in her ‘hair’.” He points his prosthetic hook at the soft-top. “Puto dolor to get out, right Lottie?” GM: The car rumbles beneath him. Lex doesn’t look thrilled, but accedes with an, “All right, sure.” “Cutting back doesn’t hurt anyway,” says Vinny. “Mm,” says Lex. Louis: Lou doesn’t reply. He knows the score. To Lex, you hurt either way. It’s just a matter of picking your pain. Still, the old man doesn’t begrudge the rare break from the menthol fumes, nor the even rarer moment of accord between the doctor and green-eyed car. Miracles never cease. Saturday morning, 12 December 2015 GM: Waffle House is a Louisiana staple. The food might not be good for you, but it sure is good, and it’s just the thing after smoking a vampire during the still-early dawn. Vinny, Lou, and Lex get a booth to themselves and order like it’s the Last Supper, if one ate supper for breakfast fast food. The trademarked All-Star Special consists of bacon slices, eggs over easy, waffle with butter and syrup, toast, and another item Lex isn’t initially sure of from the menu. Vinny tells her it’s hash browns. Lex thought it was sausage. Vinny says they can order sausage too. Lex says they should order the hash brown bowls too. True to their name, they’re hash browns, bacon bits, scrambled eggs, and cheese all stirred in a bowl. Vinny says they shouldn’t leave out waffles. The “starter” ones they got “don’t count.” They order chocolate chip waffles. Pecan waffles, for Lou. Extra syrup. Syrup for the waffles. Syrup for eggs and sausages, which they order more of separately, for the syrup. Should they order anything else, too? No one orders for themselves. Everyone shares. Everyone eats some of whatever they feel like eating. Lex laughs about how bad this is for them. Vinny laughs too and says between a bite of biscuit, “We all die anyway, don’t we? Let’s enjoy this for what it is.” “For what it is,” repeats Lex, raising her coffee in toast. Vinny raises his too. “For what it is.” Louis: “For what is,” the old man says in similar salute, smile, and damn it if he can’t help it, a tear. Saturday morning, 12 December 2015 GM: One substantial breakfast later, Lou and his younger two friends are stuffed and content. Vinny insists on footing the bill. Lex insists on splitting it. They eventually do. Neither of the two asks Lou to pay. Lex suggests they go on a walk to work off some of that breakfast. Vinny seems moderately amenable to the idea. He clearly wants to finish his earlier conversation with Lou. He’s saved, though, when Lex checks the time, swears in Spanish, and says she needs to get in to work. Vinny says he’s not on shift today and has “some business” in Kenner, which Lou supposes is technically true. Vinny offers to give her a lift back to Tulane Medical all the same, if Lou is amenable to another car ride before he catches his Greyhound. Louis: “You kids go ahead,” the old man responds, massaging his truthfully sore hip but milking it a bit more than strictly necessary. “Long rides, even in a ride as fine as Miss Beauregard aggravate my sciatica.” He gives Vinny a look. “Don’t worry about me. Might take a walk, catch a Little League game over in Larayo Park, or take a nap on the golf course.” He winks at Alejandra as if to say he’s joking. Probably. “But I’ll be here when you get back. I owe you some old cop stories and a whole lot more after that feast.” The old man doesn’t take no for an answer, just like he doesn’t let them leave before giving Alejandra a fierce goodbye hug that attempts to convey the words he cannot. Choking back tears, he gives Lottie B. a hushed admonishment to be nice…“the lady docto…”For Vinny’s sake." The old man then departs, leaving the might-be lovers with the echoes of an old 18th century song by Palomino, Canción Picaresca. “Mas como ya es hoy tarde, lo haré mañana.” (“But since it is already late today, I will do it tomorrow.”) The old man sings it badly. But he sings it true all the same. GM: Lex laughs. “At this hour you might get away with it. Besides. Who even plays golf anymore, anyway?” “The superintendent does,” says Vinny. “Never had any patience for myself.” “Me neither,” Lex concurs. Vinny rubs his very full belly. “One of us might as well exercise this off, anyway. Catch you back around, Lou.” Alejandra returns the hug just as fiercely. “Take this the right way, Lou. You smell better. Look better. Everything you’ve been doing these past few months… keep it up, okay?” Lottie B’s rumbled answer feels equivalent to Lex’s earlier “mm.” Lou has around 40 minutes to exercise his joints. He can walk a short distance to reach a a more scenic route at Lafreniere Park, where he can walk or jog along the two-mile track to watch white ibises foraging for food in the bayou. The children’s playground sits vacant at this hour in the morning, but the Christmas lights are up and shining dimly against the mid-dawn sun. The place might be something to see at night. Louis: Sadly, the old man has another destination tonight. Far less wholesome or idyllic, but still a place he needs to see. In the meantime, thought, he soaks up the waking rays of the December sun. He works outs his cramped joints en route to Lafreniere Park, and then winds down to watch the ibises in the bayou. The bucolic sight carries his mind back to older times. Not necessarily better, or even simpler. Just older. GM: The sun rises steadily overhead. It’s a moderate 50-something out; the coldest Louisiana often gets, before the daytime 70 high, but fortunately there’s no rain amidst the thick morning fog. Vinny meets Lou after he’s done several laps around the park. The younger detective looks at the long-beaked avians patiently stalking the water for fish. “Weirdly graceful, aren’t they, with those slow walks?” Louis: The old man doesn’t initially turn, just nods. “Yes, I suppose you could say that about the doctor’s legs, but I don’t think she’d take kindly to the ‘weirdly’ part.” A slow smile cracks his lips, as he ruefully glances at the Black Hand-descended cop. “Oh, you were talking about the bec croche?” GM: “There’s nothing weird about her legs, Lou,” Vinny smiles faintly back. Louis: “Make sure you tell her that.” “Just not in Lottie’s earshot.” GM: “’There’s nothing weird about your legs,’” Vinny repeats. “Words to make any girl blush.” Louis: The old man’s smile cracks into a guffaw. “Well, hell if I know what pickup lines get the juices flowing with your generation. About a year ago, I had this client try to repay me by setting up a… Tumblr, no Tinder account. Said she felt bad for me. That I was too lonely. Too sad. And that was coming from a ghost. She said something about life or love giving me ‘too many swipes left’. Not sure what the hell that means. Not sure I want to know.” He chuckles again. “But even an out of touch geezer like me can see you two have got it. The spark, chemistry, or whatever you kids call it now.” GM: It’s Vinny’s turn to guffaw, and hard, as Lou brings up Tinder. “Swipe left. It means, not interested. Show another possible match.” “Thoughtful client, though.” “Dead or not.” Louis: Lou shrugs. But he waits, eyeing the younger cop to make it clear he noticed how Vinny is continuing to dodge the real subject at hand. Then again, he might be dodging or delaying his own share of awkward topics. GM: The mirth on Vinny’s face fades. “Maybe. I know her family wouldn’t approve. I know Lottie wouldn’t approve.” “And both of them can be fairly violent in expressing that.” Louis: “Hmm, not sure whose’s wrath would be worse. Mexican Cartel or jealous teenager.” GM: Vinny snorts a laugh. “This was a good day for her, you know.” “Only bled over the seat after Lex left.” Louis: Lou nods. This time a bit more slowly like it might be an important crack in a long-cold case, put he has to mentally poke at it a bit to be sure. “That’s… that’s really good to hear.” At those words, he finally shifts to fully face his friend. “Speaking of which…” And that’s when he relates the conversation he just had with the Chevelle under Otis’ lodge carport. His offers. Her fears… but also hope. His hopes for her too, and fears. Ideas. When he finishes, he adds firmly but kindly: “I think she’s ready. To at least try. Maybe more. And that’s more than she’s ever been. You did that, Vinny.” “With kindness. Patience. Shared laughs, shared tears.” “She was shit deep, just like you were in OPP. And you hauled her out, just like Ida did to you. I hope you see that, kid. I hope you believe it.” “It’s up to her what she does with this second chance, but no matter what happens, what she chooses, it doesn’t change how you saved her and gave her that choice.” GM: Vinny takes that in slowly. “What she’s got, Lou.” “It’s a… a half-life.” “Isn’t something I’d want.” “Who wants to be stuck to a car forever.” “Not able to pig out at Waffle House, take a walk in the park, fuck a woman, hell, even take a dump.” “Who’d want that.” “Didn’t think there was much to do about it.” “But if you think your friend can help… okay.” “Guys rib me all the time for the pink coat anyway.” Louis: Lou laughs. “I heard pink is the new red. Or maybe that’s just on Tinder.” But behind the laughter are compassionate eyes. GM: Vinny snorts another laugh. “Isn’t in the NOPD.” “But they do it less than they used to.” “Joke’s gotten old.” Louis: “I know a thing or two about that,” quips the old man. And just like that, he knows it’s time. No more dodging or delaying. The laughter fades, and his face becomes serious, severe even. “You ready?” GM: Vinny gives a grim nod. An unsurprised nod. They were going to circle back to this, sooner or later. And he’s never let a ‘fake’ drop. |GM’s Note: This log is currently unfinished. Throwing it up because it may be a while before Sam’s player and I wrap it up in real life.| Previous, by Narrative: Story Thirteen, Celia XX Next, by Narrative: Story Thirteen, Celia XXI Previous, by Character: Story Thirteen, Louis II Next, by Character: Story Thirteen, Louis IV
“Kill their servants. Kill their families. Kill them all.” Tuesday night, 8 March 2016, PM GM: The Hussar continues to trim, shave, and sculpt his master’s facial hair from bedraggled to presentable. The process seems like it could take an hour or longer. Caroline can only imagine how much time he’s lost over the course of his Requiem. All of those hours, all of those years, removing the same physical defect night after night after night after night. Her sire does not appear to use the time idly, however. He’s still being shaved when Robert Congo enters the room and announces that his own master shall “see and hear all that transpires through mine senses.” Vidal does not acknowledge or respond to him. Donovan enters through the door shortly later. His achromatic gaze takes in the seated prince, the two ghouls, and Caroline. He says nothing at her presence. “Miss Malveaux is my childe,” the prince crisply states without preamble. “Seneschal Maldonato shall brief you on the details.” The sheriff says nothing. Caroline: Caroline stands as still as she ever did in her life. As still as death, offering nothing. She has nothing to offer without the prince’s invitation. She’d thought she might gloat in the moment, in the past, but that seems so petty now. Somehow she’d thought it would all be so much simpler if she could ‘succeed’, but everything just seems far more complex now. GM: “You have news of import,” Vidal states. “Bishop Malveaux has been murdered, Your Majesty,” Donovan answers. “He has been missing for nights. I have contacted his sire.” “The perpetrator remains unidentified.” The sheriff’s expression remains unchanged. So does that of Caroline’s sire. But she feels it. She feels the words before he even says them. “Twenty,” he breathes. His voice is a whisper. “Their ghouls’ families.” There’s an abrupt noise as the chair’s armrests crunch into splinters beneath her sire’s clenched hands. Caroline sees it in his eyes. A hatred so vicious and black it makes her almost physically sick. A hatred and wrath that does not twist his marble-still, statue-like face, but warps and blackens the reality around it. She could swear the paint is peeling beneath his gaze. It’s the same look he had upon Smith’s last words. The same look upon her brother-in-blood’s execution. “I have ruled this city with temperance and restraint.” “I have imposed no laws upon my subjects I do not impose upon myself.” “This is how I am repaid.” Caroline: The wave of fury is like the swelling of a wave before the tsunami hits the shore, sucking in everything in the room. The younger Ventrue says nothing. Dares say nothing, in the face of his wrath. It’s an actively painful thing, like staring into the sun on a summer’s day. GM: It’s her fault. Caroline: She had to. GM: It’s all her fault. Caroline: She’d have never gotten to him without it. She’d have been much less useful to him but for it. She did it as much for him as for herself. Maybe it’s true, or maybe it simply makes her feel better to lie to herself. GM: The prince’s voice dies. He does not speak. He does not move. He does not blink. Darkness abruptly explodes through the room like a tsunami, the shadows screaming to terrible life as they rip themselves free of their owners. Oily blackness crashes into the younger Ventrue, sending her hurtling across the room. It sticks to her like oil, slick rending talons, ink-slathered tentacles, and bogeyman’s grasping hands—a child’s night terrors given horrifying semblance and animation. Caroline smashes into a wall and then crashes chin-first against floor. The darkness hungrily alights, strangling, blinding, and swallowing her like a swarm of ravenous snakes. Maldonato is not here this time, yet there are so many more victims to suffer her sire’s wrath. The Hussar gives a strangled half-grunt, half-shout as the darkness pours over him. He kicks and punches to break free of the suffocating black morass. Congo is swallowed up. Caroline doesn’t see what happens to Donovan. The Beast’s howls recede in her ears by the time the darkness loses its animation and the shadows slither back to where they belong. Caroline watches hers silently step into place behind her back, feet joining back to feet. Caroline: She drags herself to her feet. Everything hurts. Her too-pale flesh black and blue with bruises, nowhere so greatly as around her jaw, where she’s fairly certain her abrupt meeting with the floor face first broke her jaw. Vita runs in rivets from rents in her arms and legs where she tried to protect herself. Too slow, the kind of nitpicking observation Claire would have made. She’s suffered worse. Far worse. And truthfully, it’s better than she deserves. She can tell herself that she had to do it. She can tell herself that it was the only way. She can tell herself that it had to happen for her to be with her sire. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve to suffer. GM: He suffered for her, after all. There’s little furniture remaining in the room to destroy. The throne-like chair is a black and rotted husk. The Hussar’s face is blanched and leeched of color. Its lines and shadows look so much more haggard, but the old slave silently rises to his feet. To serve. Congo’s shadow looks out of alignment. Its arms and legs are pointed in separate directions from his body. He does not get back up, nor open his eyes. Caroline: The Ventrue, despite her wounds, almost blinks between spaces to the maimed old ghoul’s side. She deserves to suffer. Other’s don’t. GM: A heartbeat is audible to her sensitive ears. But it is weak and fast, fading fading. Caroline: She needs not bring her wrist to her lips—there are plenty of rents enough on her arm to run her vitae down it, across her fingers, and into the old man’s lips. GM: Caroline finds herself the sole responder by his side. The ghoul’s lips remain still at first, with the first few trickles. Then he drinks thirstily. The wrinkles on his already lined face are so deep and haggard now, like black-rimmed canyons that give him an almost mummified appearance. But his shadow’s joints slowly re-affix into alignment with his body’s. He meets her eyes. He does not speak—not aloud. :: I shall not forget. :: Caroline: The thoughts bring a whisper of a smile—and its associated stab of pain—to her face, though not for their content. She’s glad the ‘kindly’ old ghoul wasn’t killed. Not for this. “Can you rise?” she almost whispers through split lips. GM: Caroline feels the beginnings of thoughts forming mind—that abruptly halt. The ghoul’s eyes stare straight behind her. Caroline: She turns. GM: It’s the sheriff. He looks much as he always has. He looks exactly as he always has. His garments and slicked-smooth hair are pitch black. His bone-smooth skin is china-white. His storm-like eyes remain absent of all color. They roil faintly like troubled, overcast skies, silent harbingers of a coming storm. His blank face is the same as he regards his master’s newly-revealed childe and the seneschal’s maimed ghoul. Exactly the same. There is no concern. There is no contempt. There is no jealousy. There is no confusion. There is not even indifference. There is just nothing. Here, in the heart of darkness that is her sire’s lair, in the face of such news, Caroline may perhaps have expected… something. But there isn’t. The figure before her looks like an automaton, a facsimile, a shell for something else. All just putting on a performance and reading from a script. All until now—when there is no script to reference. Perhaps her sire’s devouring shadows hurt him most all. Or perhaps there was nothing there to hurt. Nothing at all. Caroline: Another night he might frighten her. Other nights he did frighten her. But not tonight. Not here. And perhaps not anymore. She meets his dead man’s gaze with her own icy blue eyes. Blue eyes she inherited from her mother. She sees him with new clarity—clarity ripped from her rival’s very soul. She stands before him with new confidence, confidence of someone who knows who she is—and whom everyone else will soon know too. She stands between him and an old man blameless in what passed but suffering for it all the same. She is Caroline Malveaux-Devillers, savior more than once to those stuck down unjustly—and far from powerless in the face of violence. She is Caroline Malveaux-Devillers, heir to a king among kine and a queen among monsters. She is Caroline Malveaux-Devillers, childe of Augusto Vidal, Prince of this city. Even bleeding. Even battered. Even maimed by her sire’s rage she remains all of these things. And she is not afraid. GM: Yet even as that spiritual battle is fought and won by his childe, the prince wrestles with his own internal war. But he does not win the struggle against his Beast so easily. Caroline sees the so-sharp fangs still jut from his mouth as he whispers, “You will find this perpetrator, Sheriff.” His black gaze burns with hate. “There shall be executions. Nightly. All shall see. All shall witness. Blood shall not cease to flow from Perdido House until the criminal responsible for this act is found.” “A wise recourse, my prince,” the sheriff replies, his voice low. “Traitors infest your city. They speak against you nightly. We shall not lack for Kindred to make examples of.” “A blood hunt would further impress the crime’s gravity upon your subjects once the perpetrator is identified.” Caroline: “I pray you pardon my presumption, Sheriff, but why presume it was a Kindred?” Caroline voices softly, through her slowly knitting jaw. “Or at least one so easily struck down?” GM: “The perpetrator must be Kindred, my prince,” Donovan states. He does not look at Caroline. Caroline: Caroline does not gainsay him immediately. GM: “It shall project weakness if the bishop is believed to have been brought low by an inferior order of being.” The black fire behind Vidal’s eyes smolders slowly at the talk of traitors and weakness. Caroline: “If there is no immediate suspect, playing the blame on blasphemous kine has merits. It only projects weakness without resolution and catharsis. Until then it reinforces the sacred necessity of the Masquerade, turns the wraith of the faithful against the favorite tools of the prince’s foes, and gives opportunity to remove a known threat vice chase a shadow one.” “It unites the faithful with common and righteous fury, vice setting them at each other’s throats or under the skirts of the city’s pretenders, and will bring others to the faith.” “It also silences other rumors certain to arise, if there is no immediate suspect offered.” “At least, that is how I, a lay person, might view it, Your Majesty. I confess freely I lack the sheriff’s wealth of experience, but I have lived in terror of the prince’s justice before. My whole Requiem, in fact. Were I from lesser stock that terror might well have driven me to less noble ends.” GM: Caroline’s sire says nothing. The sheriff says nothing. But the former’s fangs do not retract. The hatred in the room is an almost burning, nigh-palpable sensation, slow-searing the souls of all who behold its principle. “Traitors, my prince,” the sheriff breathes. Vidal’s gaze slowly settles upon Donovan’s. “They are guilty in their hearts.” “Guilty by intent.” “Half the city would have slain the bishop had they believed themselves exempt from your laws.” “It matters not who slew him. The crime is shared by all.” Caroline: She lets her words speak for themselves. She has made her appeal. True, every word of it. She genuinely believes the course disastrous, even wrong. That her sire is making an error that will undermine him. That it’s morally wrong. GM: “Already do they conspire against Your Majesty. Primogen Opal has spurned your mercy for her childe’s sins.” Caroline: But she also knows how hollow her defense is, in truth. How she might put an end to this inquisition here and now, with but a handful of words. Hypocrite… whispers a dark part of herself. To rush to save Congo despite the blood covering her hands. To argue against the prince’s justice for a crime she committed. To deny responsibility for what she has wrought, no matter the cost. GM: “The executions for the bishop’s murder shall allow us pretext to thin the ranks of the Hidden Clan. Primogen Opal herself may be blamed as the bishop’s murderer. To postpone her execution is to press another blade into the Baron’s hands.” Caroline: "To strike at her without evidence will do the same with the rest of her clan—and the Anarchs besides. She is already in the Baron’s hands… " Caroline suggests. “Better to bait her to petty action that can be exposed for what it is.” GM: Thoughts well within Caroline’s mind. :: Cainite blood shall flow for what has transpired, Miss Malveaux. That battle is lost. Careful words, however, may yet amortize or attenuate that blood’s flow. :: Caroline: The exhaustion, weariness, and fury on her sire’s face tears at Caroline. So much of it she has been responsible for—intentionally and otherwise. It’s almost physically painful to look upon him as he is—and certainly more painful than any of her remaining wounds. “Your Majesty, I mean not to suggest that vengeance is neither deserved nor required, only that we have two opportunities before us, and to strike at the Baron and his newest pawn, Primogen Opal, is to forgo one and destroy the other.” “Perhaps, had I involved the sheriff in my plans, we might have more fully wrapped up the hunters in NOSTF and the Barrett Commission. I did not, and that failing is mine alone. Nonetheless, they’ve been left reeling and unmasked. We have leads as to other members and their families, and a direct tie to Mr. Savoy through his catspaw Gettis—long an invisible thorn within your domain. If we are able to tie them together we might not only cut off that blade in his hand, but also lay the blame for this directly on him or his closest supporters, destroying his carefully cultivated image within the Sanctified as a moderate and revealing him for what he is.” “That Mr. Savoy, perhaps alone in the city, seemed to suspect the truth of my lineage, and that serious attempts upon my Requiem began these last nights suggests to me his hand in this matter. He had long attempted to lure me into his service. The timing seems too coincidental.” “In contrast, the Baron’s latest plot is still in its infancy. We know of it, of the planned treachery at its heart. We can interrupt it at a time and place of our choosing, when it best benefits us—for instance when Primogen Opal makes her move against Primogen Duquette, after showing her true colors for all to see. Interrupting such a thing would too show our strength and invite infighting in our foes as they searched for the source.” “Doing so would drive the Anarchs—and perhaps even much of the hidden clan—from her defense and expose the Baron for the non-benign figure he is in truth.” “Certainly the sheriff is more immersed in the affairs of the archdiocese than I. Perhaps he advises more wisely for his many years of service or for knowledge I am not party to. I would offer only an alternative. Long have the pretenders to the throne nibbled like rats at its pillars, and long has the archdiocese sought to stomp them out. Perhaps a subtler blade might serve us well against the spreading cancer.” GM: The prince’s black gaze slowly burns. “Destroy the entire clan.” “Lay the groundwork. Gather intelligence. Manufacture pretexts. When their primogen betrays us, we shall root out the entire line, stem and root.” “The Nosferatu clan shall be exterminated from New Orleans.” “I have tolerated the lepers for long enough.” Caroline: Caroline says nothing further. It is not her place to gainsay her sire’s order. It’s a horrifying order. Caroline reflects on those among the hidden clan she has known—some monsters yes, Cartwright—but others among the most gentle souls among the All-Night Society. Gus Elgin, Sundown, Yi Huang. All condemned to death for the actions of another. Better than it might have been—it’s a less immediate and random slaughter—but a massacre nonetheless. Part of her wonders if he isn’t burning down his kingdom before his torpor out of spite, but that voice is very quiet next to the one that wants to weep for what he has been reduced to. GM: “The bishop’s disappearance shall likely be noticed before the primogen’s treachery, my prince,” the sheriff states. No reaction crosses his face at the previous order. “Find culprits to blame for the crime,” Vidal answers. “I leave them to your judgment. Kill their servants. Kill their families.” “Kill them all.” “As you command, my prince,” Donovan answers. “Continue your search for the bishop’s true murderer. You shall bring them here, staked, to receive my personal judgment and sentence.” The sheer force of the prince’s hatred ripples from him in nigh-palpable waves. “His sire has volunteered her services in the investigation,” the sheriff states. “If I may presume to speak as to an internal clan matter, there is an opening upon the Gerousia.” Caroline remembers well the Christos award the bishop presented him with during that Tuesday clan gathering. Caroline: Bitterly well. GM: “You may inform her of my permission to make her domain within the city,” the prince answers tersely. “That domain is contingent upon the success of her investigations.” “She shall be informed, my prince.” He continues, “The archbishopric sits vacant. Fathers Elgin and Morrow are ineligible to fill it. I am new to the cloth. I believe Mother Doriocourt would be suitable.” Vidal seems to silently deliberate the sheriff’s recommendation. “The archdiocese shall require new priests. Miss Malveaux shall also take up the cloth.” Donovan offers no response. Caroline: There’s no small irony in that for her. She silently accepts her sire’s will as before. Anything to make him happy. To stop the terrible wrath that has overtaken him. GM: “Convey my recommendation concerning Mother Doriocourt to the cardinal.” “He shall be informed, my prince.” He continues, “The rabble must be taught rebellion is futile. I advise that Mother Doriocourt’s consecration take place concurrently with the criminal’s execution and the Embrace of a new Sanctified childe. It would also be a suitable time for Deacon Benson to take holy vows.” “You may inform Mother Doriocourt of her permission to Embrace and Deacon Benson of the archdiocese’s need for further clergy,” Vidal answers. Caroline: “Binding others more closely that are otherwise drifting might too have value. Especially those of influence who might prove eager to participate in the culling of the hidden clan. Regent McGinn, for instance. A childe, perhaps one initiated into the faith, might remind him of the prince’s beneficence and encourage his closer ties to the throne.” GM: The dark fire in Vidal’s eyes burns anew at the word ‘drifting.’ “Name this treachery.” Caroline: “Only that following my Embrace, prior to my release, the elder ghoul of René Baristheaut revealed under questioning that Regent McGinn had received overtures from Mr. Baristheaut through Mr. Savoy’s court.” GM: “Miss Malveaux speaks in ignorance, my prince,” Donovan states dispassionately. “This matter was dealt with months ago.” Caroline: “As the sheriff says, my knowledge of those nights is truly that of an outsider. There were many matters from those nights—the Setites attackers, the motives of Mr. Baristheaut, the fallout of other plots surrounding them—that were and have remained opaque to me.” “I would not presume to malign my elder in blood clanmate unjustly, only to propose his appreciation for the opportunity to take a childe of his own.” GM: The prince’s baleful gaze does not diminish, but seems to glare out beyond the two. “Your ignorance is useless to me. Hold your tongue if you know naught of what you speak.” Caroline: The words are worse than a slap, even one delivered by the powerful elder. She bites her lip. “As you wish, Your Majesty.” “The absence of Bishop Malveaux will leave his domain open to raiding, especially within the church. I might recommend then only that the sanctity of your domain explicitly extend to encompass it until an appropriate custodian may be suitability identified.” GM: “Mother Doriocourt and I are the sole priests remaining not of the Hidden Clan, my prince,” Donovan states. “The kine’s archbishopric shall be well-served in the hands of the Sanctified archbishop and demonstrate further continuance of tradition.” The prince’s black gaze abruptly re-focuses. “He has not been seen since the time of Bishop Malveaux’s disappearance, my prince. Miss Gerlette has been unavailable to confirm the fact of his final death. Their killer are likely one and the same.” The hatred etched onto the prince’s motionless face at this latest news looks barely even human. He looks like a gargoyle, a demon, frozen in lifeless and eternal fury. Donovan does not speak. The prince does not speak. “Double the number of executions,” he finally hisses. “As my prince commands,” the sheriff answers dispassionately. “Mother Doriocourt is granted leave to oversee my domain over the Roman Catholic Church. You shall find this criminal, Sheriff. This blasphemer who would slay the humblest of my flock. Such men upon whose backs the foundations of our church is built. You shall find this criminal and bring them to me. Staked and spared the mercy of final death.” Caroline: “Mother Doriocourt is beset by duties likely to only grow with her assumption of duties as bishop if confirmed, to say nothing of her vital role in maintaining dominion over the police.” “I am to take the cloth, and have greater knowledge of the vacant domain than any other. I might also immediately move to use the associated resources to further delve into the influence of the hunter networks in the city that were doubtless funded in part by them. I would ask for reconsideration in this matter, Your Majesty.” And it would keep the domain in Ventrue hands. Caroline doesn’t add. GM: The weight of her sire’s stare settles upon her. “Mother Doriocourt is the archdiocese’s foremost expert on witch-hunters associated with the police. I have informed you I shall render unto you and expect from you the utmost best in all things. You shall have temporary rights over the domain. Produce superior results to Mother Doriocourt’s past investigations and the domain shall be yours permanently. Fail and its rights shall pass to her.” Nothing passes on Donovan’s face. Caroline: “I understand, Your Majesty.” “If Father Polk has also been destroyed, that also leaves open the question of duties as archivist for both Clan Ventrue and the holy church.” “The former might be ably filed by Ms. Adler. The latter, perhaps, by his childe, Ms. Gerlette, if she remains. At least until a better candidate might be identified to step into the role or she grows into it. It would provide continuity of that line.” And might even give her some purpose to her wrecked Requiem. Caroline has not forgotten that Roxanne and her Krewe, for her haughtiness, was a major reason she survived those early nights. The clan’s archives remain deeply interesting to her, but she expects to have ample enough matters to consume her time to follow. Simply having them ‘more’ available than they previously were (barely at all) would be a win enough. GM: Caroline can see that same haughtiness on the Hussar’s face, too, when she declares “if” Roxanne remains. “Miss Gerlette is unsuitable,” Donovan states coolly. “As caretaker of the church itself, Mother Doriocourt is qualified to care for its history.” Caroline: Donovan was the one that claimed she wasn’t reachable. “The sheriff is certainly more knowledgeable than I as to his childe’s capabilities, I would suggest only that even Bishop Malveaux took an assistant in that task, and that it would not be remiss in continuing to cultivate future talent. Serving as Mother Doriocourt’s assistant might be a positive influence upon Ms. Gerlette and allow the more elder Kindred more freedom.” As the discussion continues Caroline burns through vitae, knitting her cracked jaw, her smashed face. GM: “Is Miss Gerlette able to serve in such a capacity?” the prince inquires. “That is unknown, Your Majesty,” the Hussar answers. “Mr. Jenkins claimed she had attacked Scourge Meadows in vengeance for her slain coterie-mate. She believed that if another neonate had fought the scourge and survived to tell, it was within her means.” Caroline: Not hardly, Caroline offers in bitter memory. The fight with Roxanne had been all-too one-sided, especially compared to that with Meadows. The memory of the scourge’s claws is more than skin deep. GM: “Mr. Jenkin’s subsequent destruction at the scourge’s claws would suggest the Storyvilles aroused her ire.” The words drip with disdain. Caroline: “Ms. Gerlette was very far from a match for Scourge Meadows. The entire krewe is far from a match from her. If she attacked the scourge, especially with only half their strength, Ms. Gerlette would exist still only by her mercy or another’s intervention.” Caroline’s tone makes it very clear how unlikely she finds that idea. GM: “There are worthier matters to investigate than another missing Storyville, my prince,” Donovan states dispassionately. Caroline: “Certainly,” Caroline agrees. Even her own feelings for the one among their number are a muted memory, especially here, now, in front of her sire. GM: “The archives shall be overseen by Ms. Adler and Mother Doriocourt,” Vidal states. “If Miss Gerlette is found, she may serve in an assistive capacity.” GM: “I would next speak of Miss Malveaux’s punishment, Your Majesty,” Donovan states. “On what basis is this warranted?” “Claire Malveaux was an asset under mine and Bishop Malveaux’s joint supervision. Her witch-hunters slew Your Majesty’s foes. We were neither informed nor consulted as to Miss Malveaux’s plans. Claire Malveaux has been prematurely lost to us as an asset. In our communications, she informed me of contingency plans to damage the Masquerade irreparably in the event of her death. These had stayed my hand until her plans could be verified and dismantled.” Caroline: “Your Majesty, you know better than any that by necessity, all arrangements with hunters must be short term—they inevitably become a blade without a hilt that bites deep their wielder. Claire Malveaux’s death was ordered by the seneschal himself, the manner given to me to arrange as proof of my loyalty. If there was additional guidance to stay my hand, it did not reach me.” “Even had it not been so ordered, she played everyone for fools Your Majesty. Among her last words were declarations of her intent to stake and deliver me to Mr. Savoy for release after his ascension. She repeatedly conspired with Mr. Savoy to push me into his camp and only ever exposed a tiny portion of her knowledge, capabilities, or resources. Resources she actively devoted to undermining your rule. Those killed were among the most fanatical of the witch-hunters—mostly those infesting the police force. Others that remain are better suited for use or elimination now than ever before—many have already been identified.” “Of course, if it is Your Majesty’s will that I should be punished, I am your humble servant. My actions were indeed without coordination with the sheriff. I know not what other measures she had in place, but the dismantling of the network she assembled remains among my highest priorities.” GM: “Claire Malveaux’s death was ordered by Seneschal Maldonato. The implementation of that order was delegated to Sheriff Donovan and Bishop Malveaux, under whose supervision you were placed,” the prince states crisply. “Sheriff, select two retainers among Miss Malveaux’s retinue to slay.” “Miss DeMatthews’ former servant and the Olympian,” Donovan replies coolly. “Master, if I may speak, the sheriff’s time is occupied by many duties,” states the Hussar. “If it pleases you, I may dispatch the two in his stead.” Caroline can see the glint in the scarred, burned man’s hooded eyes. He wants to fight ‘the Olympian.’ “Do so,” Vidal states perfunctorily. His gaze re-affixes upon his childe. “I do not tolerate infighting. I do not tolerate insubordination. You will respect the archdiocese’s chain of command and your own place within it. If you cannot follow orders, you will not be trusted to issue them to others. Am I understood?” Caroline: “Yes, Your Majesty,” Caroline replies stiffly. Execution of her servants. Murder, really. Cold hate smolders towards the sheriff, like a limb immersed in ice water. Petty. It’s not the first time those in her service have died for her. It will not be the last, but the callousness of the sheriff in bringing the matter up is not something she shall forget. Never mind that the sheriff excluded her from all matters to do with Claire. Never mind that he repeatedly antagonized her, even staked her. It didn’t have to be this way. Shouldn’t have to be this way. GM: “I would raise one final matter, my liege, if you have no further orders for me,” Donovan states. Caroline: For not the first time the memory of the sheriff staked, to be turned over to Savoy floats through her mind. The seneschal was confident the blood bound ensured his loyalty, but Caroline has her doubts. She can think of no more ready agent to undermine the prince, and few ways his rule could have been more ill-served than by the sheriff’s increasingly monstrous reign of terror. GM: “In this time of uncertainty, your servants’ obedience is paramount. I would renew my blood oath to you and ensure my loyalties can waver in neither thought nor deed.” The prince stares upon his servant for a moment, then raises his wrist to his fangs. Donovan kneels to drink, then rises. The prince’s dark gaze smolders silently ahead. He does not speak. The sheriff does not speak. The ghouls do not speak. There is only silence interrupted by the scream of rain and wind against the massive window. A bolt of lightning strikes overheard. The sudden flash starkly illuminates the hoary Ventrue’s utterly motionless face. It looks like a statue wrought by one of the old masters—the whitest marble contrasted by pitch shadows. All blacks. All whites. And from those eternally burning eyes, nothing but black. Donovan bows and silently departs with neither haste nor sloth nor backwards glance. His automaton face is as blank as his master’s is dark. The ghouls follow in his wake. Caroline: Caroline stares a moment longer, in longing perhaps, before turning to follow. Whether or not the undead statue’s gaze follows her in turn she can’t say. But the image of those burning black eyes, alive with only hate, follows her for a long time. Tuesday night, 8 March 2016, PM Caroline: Caroline follows the others out the room, but calls out to Robert Congo when they are clear of it. “Mr. Congo.” When he pauses she stops a fair distance away. “I would speak with the seneschal, if he is available.” The Ventrue has healed the worst of her wounds, but her jawline is still a mass of ugly purple bruises. GM: “He is, madam.” The ghoul escorts her to his master’s office. Maldonato indicates that she assume one of the seats across from his desk. Caroline: She follows at a ‘healthy’ distance. For Congo. “Seneschal Maldonato,” she greets the elder. Their relationship has always been complex. Perhaps never more so than now. There are so few secrets between them. She takes the offered seat, pushing back a short distance from the table. Her fists are tightly clinched on her thighs, but her attention is clearly on the seneschal. She doesn’t try to hide the worry on her face. “That was terrible, for him. These nights have been terrible for him.” And for you, she doesn’t add, though her tone does. “He stared after your departure. Just stared, for hours at where you had stood. Then tonight… he seems… done. Tired. Exhausted with everything. And when he spoke, no other would raise a voice to gainsay anything he wished.” “Is this the future?” she asks. GM: The Moorish elder assiduously regards Caroline from behind the oaken desk. He’s dressed tonight in a familiarly double-breasted gray suit with a pale blue necktie and gold cufflinks. “Eternity’s rigors are great, Miss Malveaux, and the human mind is ill-suited to withstand them. Humans are cyclic beings. Days pass to nights. Spring passes to winter. A parent’s generation passes to their child’s. ‘To every thing, there is a season, and a time and purpose under Heaven.’” “Kindred are not human. The Requiem has no cycle: nights pass to days, and days pass to nights, but our minds do not register this passage of time. Sleep passes to wakefulness in an eyeblink. Yet we were once human, and we cannot so easily transcend the need for a cyclic existence. Torpor is how we satisfy this need. Rare is the Cainite who does not eventually succumb to its call.” “Some Kindred fear the sleep of ages. To surrender to its call and remove ourselves from the world is to return to a cyclic existence where we are not eternal. It is to experience our own death in microcosm.” “It is sleep but not sleep, where thoughts are sluggish as thick honey and take years to flow. It is a state where dreams and might-have-beens intercourse with true memories. It is a state where sounds and smells from the deepest recesses of one’s consciousness find their way to the surface again, but disturb the mind no more than a rose petal falling on a still pool of water. Time has no meaning; hunger has no meaning. There is no future. There is no past. There is but an endless and eternal now.” “It is restful.” “It is restorative.” “It allows the dead to experience some measure of true death and awaken refreshed, as a living man might awaken from a long and restful sleep.” “That is his future. His rest is long overdue.” Caroline: “But not yet,” Caroline almost whispers. “He has work still to do… I fear for him, though. That as he is, he may become his own worst enemy.” GM: “It is the way of things, Miss Malveaux, that there is always more work to do.” Caroline: God, if that isn’t the truth. “When does he get to rest?” GM: “When he chooses to lay down his crown.” Caroline: “He wanted to execute twenty Kindred. All their ghouls. All their mortal family. All their ghouls’ mortal family.” GM: “All that was discernible to Mr. Congo was discernible to mine ears.” “His rest is long overdue.” Caroline: “What must we do then, to assure it?” she asks seriously, a hint of desperation in her voice. GM: “He must first name you the heir to his throne. He has accepted you as his Blood and childe, but no more. One whose intended rule spans eternity has no need for an heir.” Caroline: “He must be convinced, then, that I am worthy. Capable,” she fills in. GM: “This fact must become reality and its truth self-evident to him,” Maldonato states in simultaneous agreement and correction. “No ruler governs without the consent of those whom they govern. You are in need of friends and allies from within traditional halls of power, Miss Malveaux.” Caroline: “Indeed,” Caroline answers bluntly. She bites her lip, the added sensitivity from the bruising making the sensation all the more acute. “I cannot be at war with his sheriff and also be his heir,” she says. “And buy-in from others is all but required—too many of whom I have unpleasant history with.” “Might you offer any wisdom on either point, Seneschal?” GM: “The sheriff desires your sire’s throne, Miss Malveaux. This fact has escaped the attentions of few in Elysium.” “Of all the would-be claimants among your sire’s allies, his eventual praxis remains the most probable, even weighed against the loss of his most potent ally.” Caroline: “He would appear to be a rare pillar remaining in the prince’s rule, to be treated as a rival,” Caroline answers with concern. GM: “The greatest impediment to the sheriff’s ascension is your sire’s recalcitrance. Even were he inclined to surrender his throne, to do so to the childe of our foe would leave him ill at ease. Time has served to erode his inhibitions, and present circumstance might erode them further still, but the fact of your existence has strengthened them anew.” Caroline: Caroline nods. “Perhaps I lack the proper context, but it seemed to me his actions this night were not the actions of one eager to see a continuity of rule. I can think of no surer path towards the archdiocese fall than a tyrannical rampage—unfettered execution’s in mass.” “By your strength and the prince’s, it may limp on, but deprived either, and with allies turned enemies by such wanton violence, it seems unlikely the Baron and Mr. Savoy both could be held off.” GM: “If the attempted genocide of the Hidden Clan should come to pass, our combined strength may yet be insufficient to retain praxis over the city,” Maldonato answers gravely. “That strength has waned over the past months even as our foes’ has waxed. There is a limit to how many losses we may endure. Mightier princes than your sire have lost their thrones.” “However, you have done well in postponing that genocide. His mind may yet be swayed to milder courses of action in the interim.” “Mercy shall not sway his mind, but proven actions to neutralize the clan’s threat may yet do so—such as the assistance of Primogen Opal’s clanmates in her removal, or the blaming of parties besides our prince for her demise.” Caroline: Caroline nods. “Tyranny without understanding breeds neither love nor respect. It is right that they should fear his judgment, but necessary too that they should perceive it as the prince’s justice, rather than his fury.” “If I had my way, Primogen Opal’s actions would be exposed in the moment, naked in their treacherous duplicity. Her conspirators in the action facing immediate and effective judgment. But no further. A show of the prince’s strength, justice, and control. They should remember why he is worthy of both fear and respect.” “Such an action would require all three to succeed.” “Which brings me back to the question. From where might strength be best sought, if the sheriff is to set himself against me?” “Or perhaps better stated, who that might be open to supporting the prince has cause to stand against Sheriff Donovan?” “My thoughts trended first towards clan, where Regent McGinn presents powerful, if distasteful, potential, but judging from the sheriff’s response tonight, I expect him to be off the table. He also possesses significant ambitions of his own. Prince Guilbeau offers some similar potential, but there were the concerns raised as to him when I was presented to my sire.” “Among the Sanctified, the sheriff stands in high regard likely to only grow as his childe assumes the title of bishop. She may lack the spiritual authority of Bishop Malveaux, the appearance of power remains power, and there are few other contenders.” “Only Father Elgin remains that might command significant respect, and my sire is likely to look ill upon further cultivation of that relationship. On the other hand, cultivation of him—and other loyalists among the Hidden Clan—might suffice to encourage a staying of my sire’s hand when the time comes.” “That leaves mostly outliers not firmly committed elsewhere. Primogen Poincaré and Duquette spring most readily to mind, though the former has his own ambitions and the latter her own reservations, I’ve enjoyed… pleasant relations with each.” “And Mr. Matheson, who is much the mystery to me.” “And of course, any I’ve missed or misjudged.” GM: “All Kindred of standing possess flaws and ambitions, Miss Malveaux, and all the more so in this climate of uncertainty. To desire allies with neither is to be lonely for allies indeed.” “Regent McGinn’s distasteful qualities are well-known, nor are we we ignorant of Mr. Guilbeau’s complicity in past crimes. Yet a Gerousia that afforded seats to neither of them would be lonely for members indeed.” “Your counsel was rejected on the demerits of its means rather than its ends. To demand that any sire initiate a childe into a covenant of the prince’s choosing is to abrade the sire’s pride and advertise the prince’s weakness. It is implicit in the promise of a childe’s creation that one may mold the fledgling to one’s will.” “Your sire’s hand may be stayed against the Hidden Clan if and only if its members demonstrate their loyalty to him through support against Primogen Opal. Such aid is easier requested than enlisted, for she is more than merely their primogen. She is their mother. I believe Mr. Cartwright the least loyal to his clanmates and easily bought off with Regent McGinn’s aid. Primogen Opal’s other blood descendants shall never consent to aid Prince Vidal against their ancestor and would likely follow her to the Baron’s camp even without our prince’s decree, so their slaughter harms us not. Father Elgin may be possible to sway. Few Kindred save Scourge Meadows have ever considered him as more than the unpresuming host, nor sought to understand his desires and ambitions. These remain abstruse to me. Regent Sundown might best be neutralized through token offers of covert aid that satisfy the prince without threatening the former’s apolitical status, yet so fine a line may be difficult to tread. Father Marrow might also be approached on the basis of shared faith. His association with the Baron has obscured his name in the eyes of many Sanctified.” “Among the Sanctified, there are many actors beyond those whom you have named. Their support is essential if you are to be a credible heir to our prince and alternative to the sheriff. Primogen of other clans and covenants have little cause to support a Kindred who cannot command her own covenant’s loyalty.” “Scourge Meadows is the first Sanctified whom I would make amends with, for reasons practical as well as political. She is no dumb beast and may make a second attempt on your unlife under more favorable circumstances. For all her faults, the scourge has drunk from our prince as deeply as you, and her actions remain a net benefit to the Church Eternal.” “Yet she has still left our prince’s service and answers to no master but her own interpretation of the archdiocese’s laws. Were she returned to the fold by the efforts of our prince’s childe, such a deed would at once uplift your name and grant hope for the covenant’s future. Miss Malveaux might be shown to unite as well as divide—and there is no little symbolism in a scion of the Kingship Clan bringing a Gangrel to heel. Every ruler requires a dog at their side. Few dogs are so feared as Caitlin Meadows. Only the sheriff’s name inspires equal dread among our enemies.” “Seek out why she has left our prince’s service. Perhaps therein may lie the answer to her return. Hound Agnello or her other childer might aid in such an endeavor.” “Yet a prince’s scion must have allies beyond dogs. Primogen Hurst, Mr. Harrison, Hound Wright, Deacon LaCroix, Mr. Pacuad, those further neonates of lesser name and achievement—without the support of the covenant’s rank and file, your rule shall end before it might ever begin. It is on the backs of such Kindred as Father Polk that lasting praxis is built. Kindred who faithfully carry out orders and aspire to little higher. The sheriff has allies beyond Mother Doriocourt and Deacon Benson, but these are not so immutable in their loyalties.” “Any Kindred must first win allies among their own age and standing if they are to aspire to ones of higher station. Cainites of mine years have always viewed neonates who seek our exclusive company with contempt. They are as your mortal family regard the ‘noveau riche’ who pretend above their station.” “This is why I have planned for a 70-year regency to permit you time to establish yourself among the Camarilla, to come more fully into your Blood’s power, and to facilitate a smoother political transition from one regime to the next. The Requiem of Chicago’s Prince Jackson has spanned 30 years and he insists he is master of his destiny. For so long as elders of comparable vintage to mine own reside in his city, I do not believe this claim.” Seventy years, Caroline recalls from her lessons with Becky Lynne, is the age at which the Lancea et Sanctum (and by extension, much of the city at large) considers a neonate to have (at least nominally) become an ancilla: a mirror number of the biblically allotted years of a mortal man’s life, spent instead in darkness. “All of these connections shall be facilitated by the growth of your domain and associated mortal holdings. I advise you to personally see to as many details as is feasible tonight. I shall aid in that domain’s expansion where I may, as shall your sire. He too desires the material success and prosperity of his childe.” Caroline: Caroline takes in the cynical commentary as to the rest of the Gerousia without great comment, though she does stop to inquire as to whether the seneschal believes either of the older Ventrue present attractive allies in his mind, and whether he has any thoughts as to the merits of them. Of the two, she judges McGinn to be significantly more powerful, but also more dangerous, while Guilbeau alienates fewer others by his nature and has a ‘relief’ system as it were, with his desire to retake his city. She largely agrees with Maldonato in so far as the Hidden Clan—she’s seen no sign they might break ranks. She fears without such an overt breaking, or significant value added, that her sire is unlikely to chance his course. Meadows is an interesting idea she hadn’t concerned, but it certainly seems to catch her interest. She inquires as to whether he might point her in the direction of a starting place for such an endeavor, or if there is a best way to approach the scourge. She takes the rebuke as to cultivating relationships only with older Kindred for what it is: intended well despite its pointedness. She inquires specifically whether she thinks Hound Wright might be swayed from the sheriff’s influence. She comments about the theological significants of the seneschal’s decision of seventy years before observing that whatever her regency—and with seventy years the prince might well have risen from torpor by its conclusion—they do not have seventy years to convince the prince of her worthiness, nor seventy years to gain allies and influence sufficient to hold off pretenders immediately (even if she takes that time to grow into her full influence). Even with the seneschal as regent and prince in all but name, she does not expect her sire to lay down if she is unable to establish herself, nor others to refrain from potentially lethal infighting even within the prince’s loyalists. GM: Maldonato believes all of the Gerousia to be allies worth cultivating. “It was by your sire’s will they ascended to that body’s ranks.” Caroline: She inquires more specifically if there are any allies that he would specifically suggest she avoid for reasons she might not otherwise immediately realize. GM: He corrects Caroline’s misinterpretation and repeats that there are Nosferatu whose loyalties he believes might be swayed. It is Miss Opal’s direct descendants, with the exception of Randolph Cartwright, whom he considers a futile cause. She might start with any of three Meadows’ childer, or perhaps the scourge’s other clanmates. The Gangrel clan also holds periodic gatherings known as ‘things’ where fights are frequent but rarely to the death. Caroline: She observes that there are few enough not from her line—but more lightheartedly than in an attempt to correct the elder. Caroline inquires as to whether such Gangrel gatherings are ‘welcoming’ to outsiders, or more closed as are Ventrue. GM: “Primogen Opal has six known surviving descendants within the archdiocese, including Mr. Cartwright. At least five further Nosferatu who do not share her bloodline also reside within the archdiocese.” Maldonato’s face is utterly without levity at Caroline’s remark. “You are fortunate to have erred in mine presence, Miss Malveaux. Such nescience would cost have cost you face before other Kindred of standing.” Caroline: Any hint of levity goes out like a candle snuffed out on a moonless night. “Thank you for the correction, Seneschal. I had meant only to convey that her line was one of the most prolific in the city—perhaps the most prolific outside of Primogen Chastain.” “I can understand how poorly that might be received if spoken so carelessly.” GM: “Mother Iyazebel’s line eclipses Primogen Opal’s in size by some half-dozen Kindred. Bishop Constantine’s line also exceeds the primogen’s by one descendant. The devil may lie in the details, but so too does truth.” “The line is middling in size relative to the other clans’. It is its members’ devotion to their matriarch that distinguishes it.” “Yet that devotion is sufficiently powerful as to influence perceptions, as evidenced by your own assumption. One must strive to see facts as they are and not as others would mispresent them.” Caroline: Caroline tilts her head. “Ah, you’re including those beyond the city or destroyed, Seneschal.” “I suppose they must be more ingrained in your mind more uniquely than mine, having a Requiem that spanned their own. Still, the point is well taken as to specificity of language in such conversations, especially among those who have seen so many years.” GM: As to Hound Wright, while Maldonato does believe him loyal to the sheriff, he also believes those loyalties more mutable than his childe’s or Deacon Benson’s. The Brujah might be swayed by her. As to the matter of her sire’s torpor, Pearl Chastain’s lasted some 80 years and was not her first (nor even second). Maldonato’s first torpor lasted approximately 120 years, when he was centuries younger and his blood thinner than Vidal’s is now. There are Cainites of greater age and thicker blood whose slumbers span centuries, even millennia. Ultimately, it is impossible for any Kindred to know how long Vidal’s torpor will last—“save perhaps the Agonistes. Fortuna is an unreliable ally, Miss Malveaux. I make no plans around what I cannot predict.” Maldonato’s operating assumption is that her sire’s sleep will last indefinitely. Maldonato replies that he would not have suggested the Gangrel’s things as a potential inroad with Meadows if he believed them nonviable. The Beast Clan is more open to the presence of outsiders than the Ventrue, yet they ascribe to their own customs, traditions, and form of honor (“they are more than feral beasts”). They are also far less shy than the Kingship Clan in expressing offense in a directly physical manner. Caroline would be well-served to arrive in the company of an established clanmate as a guest—and to expect a fight even if she causes no offense. Fighting is one of a thing’s typical activities. Caroline: Yes, because the last time I was sent to meet someone without guidance ended so well. Caroline bites back the acerbic thought of her meeting with Matheson in response to the seneschal’s critique of her questioning. GM: Doubtless her present audience would be utterly without sympathy. Caroline: “As to domain, and this night, should I confine my activities to Perdido House tonight, and in the foreseeable future?” GM: “I would make preparations to do so, Miss Malveaux. You may venture beyond Perdido House, but beware your safety if you choose to.” “Nevertheless, your doing so may prove propitious. You may assist the sheriff’s efforts to preserve the Masquerade in the wake of your mortal mother’s death.” Maldonato provides Caroline with Donovan’s ‘work’ phone number, along with the usual cautionary on telecommunications security. The expectation seems clear that whether they like each other or not, they are working together now. If requested, he provides contact information for other Sanctified Kindred. He also raises the matter of granting Caroline an expanded domain. It is better if she receives such an award before her lineage is publicly revealed, for it will not do to foster the impression that she owes all she has to her sire’s names alone. Caroline: Caroline doesn’t quite twitch at the naming of Claire as her mother, but ancient Moor is far too practiced a watcher of people to believe her unaffected by it. Still, she bites her tongue and addresses the matter he’s brought before her. “I’ve made no secret of my interest in the courts, and recently began cultivating some influence locally with Primogen Duquette’s permission. Opportunities to make positive use of that influence and cultivate more would tie into what I’ve already cultivated as well. The firm will need restructuring, but also stands alone. The Giani Building has its appeal to me, but ultimately nothing I built there need be more than temporary.” “The Malveaux family, obviously, as expressed before my sire. The influence there is significant and widespread even in the city. I should think maintaining those quite a challenge if I am to be sequestered here for a time.” “There’s also a small section of the Garden District that I also have my eye on,” she alludes to. GM: “Your safety may be guaranteed nowhere, Miss Malveaux, only ameliorated,” Malonato answers gravely. “Political circumstance, however, may prove a more efficacious shield than force of arms. Not a one of Prince Vidal’s prior heirs were ever publicly acknowledged as his intended successor. Your station may both attract and repel attempts upon your unlife.” “Expanding your protective detail may thus prove a sagacious use of your resources, now that your ghouls number two fewer. The childer of Washington D.C.’s Prince Vitel are protected at all times by agents of the Secret Service. I believe they have found the investment in vitae to have amply repaid itself.” Maldonato clarifies, however, that he was referring to a territorial grant of domain rather than a specific sector of kine society to grant Caroline domain over (though he is pleased to hear she has established a working relationship with one of the city’s primogen). He inquires as to what physical areas of the Central Business District she feels herself “most capable of assuming stewardship over.” “If you are inquiring as to your adoptive mother’s home, Miss Malveaux, such a grant of domain would be wholly titular,” the seneschal answers the matter of the Garden District. “Few are the Kindred who would not find their designs frustrated should they seek to claim the Walter Robinson House or its occupants for their own. Though a prince’s word may grant domain rights, power and cunning alone doth make such a claim reality.” Caroline: There’s a flash of anger at the idea that another Kindred might presume to claim her family. Their designs frustrated? How about their havens burned. Their kine gutted in the streets and every Kindred in their line extinguished. Some wars are worth fighting. She buries that thought as deeply as she can, turning over the suggestion of a geographic domain within the Central Business District. “I’m most familiar—and established immediate area around the Giani Building. I’d notionally pitch a block in either direction, but you’d be committing almost half of what was former Hound Agnello’s domain in so doing, and that’s unlikely to earn me any long term good will from the hound, and would also place me squared up against the domain of Mr. Savoy.” “Sitting on the corner of Canal Street had its benefits when I was fence sitting, but I have no illusions as to my ability to withstand any hostilities he could bring to bare.” She shakes her head. “The Giani Building was convenient when I was under Hound Agnello’s influence, but my commitments to it are not so deep as to blind me to its strategic weakness.” GM: “Hound Agnello’s domain is not being held in abeyance pending its former owner’s improvement in standing. The domain is a prosperous one and shall be awarded to any other Kindred whom I deem a worthy steward. Interested individuals have already sought to curry my favor.” Maldonato agrees with Caroline that the Giani Building’s location is less secure than a domain further away from the French Quarter. However, he does not consider that to be so bad a thing. Savoy has made repeated attempts to expand into Vidal’s territory, and the prince into Savoy’s. Kindred vassals fight these battles on their behalf. The seneschal does not consider such a role unbecoming of the prince’s childe. She will be expected to carry her weight in the faction and to help fight its battles. The operative question is whether that is best done through her physical domain or other avenues. Caroline: “I would never gainsay your right to dispense with your domain as you see fit, Seneschal. I would only observe that if my own influence might have bearing on Hound Agnello’s renaissance, such a thing might have value for all parties. Vice the alternative, that the new stewardship of his former domain be a barb between us other parties could exploit.” GM: “Such a barb will exist between Hound Agnello and other Kindred to receive his former domain, Miss Malveaux. Failing the hound’s immediate return to favor in mine eyes, he must reconcile himself to the fact that his territorial holdings shall pass to another.” Maldonato also raises the related question of whether she wishes to relocate her law firm to a floor on Perdido House. The prince and his lieutenants obviously spend much of their time in the building. Moving the firm there will better integrate it, and Caroline, into the flow of the prince’s operations. (She should also expect much of her future legal work to relate to Vidal’s and his lieutenants’ assorted enterprises.) The firm itself will also benefit from the building’s considerable security. However, Caroline is the firm’s owner and better aware of its needs than anyone else, so the final decision is hers. Caroline: She chews on that idea. “I’d originally intended to keep it largely independent, in the belief that it would be more approachable to Kindred perhaps… intimidated by Perdido House. But then my understanding of my role here was more opaque.” She runs her tongue across her fangs. “Much, I believe, depends on what the threats to my Requiem are, Seneschal, and how they might best be combated. The lengths gone through to remove prior heirs are clear, but how such pitfalls might be avoided moving forward is less so to me. Shall I set my ghouls to adding to my retinue, or leave Perdido House only in secret, or at the greatest urgency? I don’t imagine any of the three to be the plan—none project strength for either the archdiocese or myself. And yet, I imagine the threats to my Requiem will only grow once publicly acknowledged.” GM: “Threats must be met, Miss Malveaux, by either strength or guile, and no prince may rule by the latter alone. An eternally cloistered childe shall earn the respect of none.” “I would find it prudent to expand your ghouls’ retinue. I would find it prudent to relocate your law firm to a more secure location, given the dangers posed to your Requiem, in absence of any compelling reason to do otherwise.” “I do not consider independence from your sire to be a desirable state of affairs. Nor do I consider dependence upon your sire to be a preferable alternative. Interdependence is the state you must achieve if your futures are to end in aught but tragedy.” “Sheriff Donovan’s and mine own domains are closely linked to Prince Vidal’s, and his to ours. The value of this relationship exceeds that of any relationships you might form with Kindred lowly enough in station to be discomforted by Perdido House. Though it behooves any sovereign to be loved by their subjects, their foremost duty is to rule.” Caroline: “Verily,” Caroline agrees. “Strength is precisely the question. I’m as strong as any childe of this millennium in the city,” she states as fact. “But I don’t expect my foes to be neonates off the street. With guile I have stood against even far older Kindred at places of my choosing. But I labor under no illusions as to the limits of my strength.” “A balance to be struck, as in all things. Between prudence and the appearance of weakness.” The heiress doesn’t argue with the seneschal. Indeed, she agrees that relocating the firm to Perdido House as too many advantages to ignore. Doubly so if she’ll retain the ability to interact with it while under her sire’s tutelage. As the topic shifts back to possible domains, she identifies several likely areas, each several blocks, as promising candidates based on their demographics, useful services she might coopt there, or prospects for their development. None of them border the French Quarter. “I am not afraid of defending a domain against Mr. Savoy, but if this is to be a domain prior to my recognition, and I am to hold it during my sire’s promised education, I think it wiser that it have more inherent stability.” GM: Maldonato listens patiently to each one. The block around O’Keefe and Poydras, though somewhat large for a neonate of her years, is acceptable to him. Caroline may deal with poachers due to the relatively good feeding for the CBD and its close location to Storyville (the local name for the Rack rather than the former neighborhood). The seneschal seems more interested, though, by the prospective domain she identifies near City Hall—specifically, its legal institutions. Vidal will, unsurprisingly, not surrender the former, but will pass the DA’s office into her hands, along with the adjacent Civil District Court and First City Court. Some of the land to the east could also be hers, which includes some bars, restaurants, and similar establishments. It is less hunting than along O’Keefe and Poydras, however. At present, Maldonato does not wish to issue a large enough grant of domain to be the subject of speculation at Elysium. He is amenable to issuing a larger grant once the truth of her identity is made known. Caroline’s immediate grant should thus be one that she may best serve her sire by having additional time to cultivate. Caroline: She wants the DA’s office and District Court, but observes to have anything meaningful beyond it would require a massive geographic grant—to the east are mandated parking lots for the civil institutions, to the north is Tulane Medical, to the south is Perdido House, and to the west is largely industrial wasteland, so far as Kindred are concerned. She observes that with already wide ranging grants from her sire, a geographic base might make more sense—and raise fewer eyebrows than a grant of a major institution, which could come with official acknowledgment. GM: Maldonato does not believe it will raise overly much suspicion when Caroline is uniquely qualified to manage that institution on the prince’s behalf. There are no other Sanctified attorneys, after all, and such a sign of Vidal’s trust could raise her standing in the eyes of other Kindred. Nevertheless, he concurs that such a grant of domain may still occur later, if Caroline wishes to develop the area around O’Keefe first. Caroline: Caroline does not swim against the current: she can see readily enough the seneschal’s interest. So long as she is permitted to maintain her hexis over the Giani Building, she sees well enough the symbolic and practical value in dominion over the court and DA’s office. GM: “Arrangements shall be made,” Maldonato states. Caroline would be well-served to use any remaining time tonight, after she has rendered aid in whatever efforts to maintain the Masquerade the sheriff enlists her for, to begin laying groundwork for her hold over the legal system. Caroline: More to do. Thankfully, she already has plans drawn up for that eventuality. She bites her lip. “There’s another, more personal matter, Seneschal.” GM: “Proceed, Miss Malveaux.” Caroline: “Ms. Baker has not taken our… split… well. I had hoped…” She pauses, wrestling with the memory of Jocelyn’s charred body, of her tears at Caroline’s words. Of the sick thump the stake had made when Caroline drove it through her lover’s chest. I guess there was more there than the bond after all, she admits. She continues, “Time away from the city might do her well. I had hoped the means to contact her sire might be available.” GM: The seneschal frowns gravely. Caroline: The frown is like a slap. It’s a selfish request. A petty one. A poor use of the archdioceses resources. And to make it of him in the shadow of his own lover’s banishment must sting. But she cares. And she doesn’t know what else to do. Keep Jocelyn staked in her basement indefinitely? Just let her immolate herself? GM: “We are less than one hour departed from your sire’s audience, Miss Malveaux, and already you bring me news of further strife among our covenant’s house?” Caroline: “The opposite, in fact, Seneschal,” Caroline answers quietly. GM: “Elucidate, Miss Malveaux.” Caroline: Caroline’s face hardens. She spits out the answer clinically. “She wished that I wipe her memory of our fight over the thin-blood’s Embrace. After we split she fell into depression and later tried to immolate herself if we could not be together.” GM: Maldonato raises a forestalling hand. “Enough. I care not who authored your quarrels with Miss Baker, only for the fact they are unresolved. No longer will I suffer to hear the name Caroline Malveaux associated with strife and disunity among the Sanctified. That era is finished. Though I have vested much trust in you, do not believe me so temarious as to gamble the archdiocese’s future upon the actions of a single neonate. Other avenues yet remain should my trust prove unworthy.” “If you desire my aid or counsel in resolving your quarrels with Miss Baker, I shall render it. But I shall not facilitate her removal from the city and pull yet another stone, however small, from your sire’s crumbling house. More is expected of you now, Miss Malveaux. You may may end or continue your personal relationship with Miss Baker as you see fit, but you shall ensure she remains our prince’s obedient subject by our next meeting.” Caroline: The words leave Caroline feeling hollow, as though she’s experiencing an out of body experience, all the world distant. Foolish, to think the seneschal would care about a neonate, beyond her use to the archdiocese. Foolish to, to believe there might be a miracle fix to the problem, someone that could simply carry Jocelyn away to a better Requiem. Foolish, to put her own feelings, what’s left of her tattered conscience, ahead of her fa—her sire’s needs. The words that leave her lips feel as though they cannot possible travel the enormous distance between herself and the ancient Moor. “By your will, Seneschal,” she acquiesces. Previous, by Narrative: Story Twelve, Celia IV Next, by Narrative: Story Twelve, Emmett V Previous, by Character: Story Twelve, Caroline IV Next, by Character: Story Twelve, Caroline VI
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The holidays are right around the corner. Now is the time to be gearing up for those huge holiday sales. However, if you don’t take steps to ensure your business is protected, you may be singing a different tune this year. Protecting your business can be challenging. Not only do you have to take steps to safeguard the physical storefront you have, but also the sensitive information you collect from your customers. Don’t wait for disaster to strike to take action – use the tips and information here to ensure your business can get through the holidays unscathed this year. Review Your Security Policies with all Your Workers If you want to ensure your business remains secure through the holidays, you have to be able to rely on your employees. To make sure everyone is aware of the security policies in place, review them now. Be sure everyone is on the same page. Some of the things to cover include: - How to lock up valuable items - The cyber security policy you have in place - Rules about inviting people to the workplace for holiday events - Security action plan if an emergency occurs Ensure all Security Equipment is Functioning Properly After you have reviewed all your security policies and procedures, it’s time to test all of your security equipment. You need to ensure it is all functioning properly. The items to include in this test are: - Surveillance cameras (inside and outside) - Alarm systems - Panic buttons - Access control systems and smart locks - Cyber security software Once you have tested all this equipment, be sure there’s nothing that may obstruct it, such as your holiday decorations. Provide Updates about Special Holiday Hours to Your Security Company Are you planning to use a new schedule during the holidays? If so, you need to let your security company or alarm monitoring service know about it. This will ensure they know when to watch for any unusual activity. When it comes to the holiday season, there’s no question that it is a great time to make extra money; however, you also have to take steps to safeguard your business. The tips here will help you do just that.
Montgomery , Texas |Primary Discipline(s)||Triathlon, Masters Swimming, Road Running| |Bucket List Race||IM World Championships ,IM New Zealand, Hawai’i 70.3 and NYC Marathon| |Post-Race Drink||11 Below Oso Bueno, Iced cold Coke !| |Off-Day Activity||Reading, playing with my dogs ,relaxing ,cooking| I have been involved with triathlons since 2004 and Ironman events since 2009. I have been a swim coach for a club team and assistant coach for a local HS. I also coach for a triathlon club for tri specific swimming and have coached USMS. I have been using B70 goggles and wet suits ( which I LOVE ) , bags and caps for a decade now. I enjoy the sport and have dedicated myself to sharing my passion for swimming ,endurance events and B70 products.
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Canadian Companies Collaborate on Services to Condos Ottawa, Canada – February 5, 2020 BoardSpace is thrilled to announce an affiliation with Snaile Canada; a Canadian-based company that provides fully integrated, smart parcel lockers for retail outlets, pharmacies, office buildings, school campuses, commercial industry and multi-residential properties such as apartments and condominiums. “I am very excited to announce this new affiliation between BoardSpace and Snaile. We are both Canadian companies providing innovative tools for condos. What Snaile does for packages, BoardSpace does for boards; provide effective oversight for hard-to-manage aspects of condos.” – Pat Crosscombe, Founder & CEO of BoardSpace BoardSpace, a Canadian-based company, provides easy-to-use software for condos and non-profit boards to manage and organize their records, documents and to-do lists so that directors always find what they need, when they need it. Our software is purpose-built for condos and specifically designed for the workflow of board-led organizations. “Snaile is pleased to add BoardSpace to its partner roster and we think together we can help condominiums address issues in their operations that have historically been managed with little if any innovation” – Patrick Armstrong, CEO, Snaile Our companies are dedicated to providing tools that make the lives of condo directors and owners easier. Smart technology solutions like BoardSpace and Snaile just makes sense.
The satisfaction of shopping at a major chain retailer like Target is a great deal for many people. People carve out time from their hectic schedule to make a trip to the nearest Target store. Many people may relate to the pleasure that one person gets while shopping at Target. But what many people may not know is that the prices are changed sometimes on the mere factor of your closeness to the store. Let us know ‘Are Target Online Prices the same as In-store?’. What is Target? The general merchandise retailer is a multimillion-dollar company with its stores around the globe. They are headquartered in Minnesota, USA. Target is known for selling different types of products in their outlets, with a unique shopping experience, which maintains and increases their customer base. Are Target Online Prices the same as In-store? No, online prices are not the same as in-store prices at target. Many factors lead to the deviation in prices of the products at Target stores. But there are tricks which can help you to negate the price change and avoid you spending more than necessary. The roller-coaster of price change The practice of changing prices of products based on different factors like time of day, the demand of the product, and the location of the buyer is known as dynamic pricing. As deceptive as this practice may seem to some people, it is not illegal. For example, the E-commerce giant changes its prices almost every 10 minutes. The prices at Amazon are adjusted many times based on different factors that they use with the help of technology. This method proved to boost the profits by 25%. This forced many companies to adopt the same strategies to increase their profits. This strategy of dynamic pricing is not unique to Target. And customers who were not aware of this method ended up paying more for the same products than other people. During an investigation, it was found that Target would change the price of its products based on the fact whether the costumes were shopping from inside the store or from outside the store. Shopping from inside the store would mean that the customer was more than likely to buy the product, and shopping from outside would allow the store to offer some discounts on the same products to lure the customers. But it’s not just whether you are inside or outside the store that affects the pricing of the products. The prices are also changed based on the location of your city, suburb, or any other community you may be part of. Experiment of change An experiment was done to determine whether Target changes its price or not. In one instance, a customer was made to order products while being inside the parking lot of the store. For its second part, the customer was made to order the same products while being away from the store; at least a 50-feet distance was ensured before ordering. The results of this experiment were eye-opening, to say the least. There was a significant change in the bill for both times. Another experiment was done regarding the location. Different locations were submitted into the Target app while viewing the product. As the area kept on going near a big city, the price of the product kept on rising. Why are the prices changed? Target adjusts its prices of the products based on the factors of the local economy. So, you may end up paying more for the products even if you are shopping from the app, depending on where your order is fulfilled from in the end. It was noted that the prices are generally higher in the big cities. It is also assumed that the people have more income to spend in those cities. The matter is not limited to offline stores only. Target can also track your location while you use the app to shop and may change the price of products based on your location while making an order. It also analyzes your location from the address you may have saved on the app while purchasing some products. How to negate the price change? There are a few ways that can help you to prevent paying extra charges on goods. Given below are some of them to ease your life a bit. - Turn off your location: While shopping on the app, make sure to turn off the location. Open the app settings on your phone, go to the location and click on never. Doing this will restrict the app from using your location to change price, and only the online price of the products will be shown to you. - Price matching: Once you have the app open, make sure to compare the store prices with them. If there is a product with a higher price tag, you can get it reduced to the online price. The Target policy permits this feature. You can also have a price match while you check out. This can also be done within two weeks of the purchase. - In-app coupons: While you shop in the store, check the app for any coupons that you may have with you. Use them to get a better deal on the products. Also, if any other store is selling the same product at a lower price, Target will match the price. So, do your research before the shopping spree. To conclude, the online prices are not the same as in-store prices at target. Many factors lead to the deviation in prices of the products at Target stores. But there are tricks which can help you to negate the price change and avoid you spending more than necessary. Frequently asked questions: - Can I get the price reduced at target? Yes, you can get the price reduced at target.
When you read about the Law of Attraction, you’ll quickly discover that it’s vital to tap into your intuition and be alert to the possibility of signs from the Universe. Some such signs are fairly obvious. For example, you might repeatedly run into the same person who can help you on your road to career success, or an unusual invitation may catch your eye. However, some of the most potent signs come in the form of numbers, and many of us aren’t automatically looking out for these numerical patterns. As such, it’s extremely useful to become acquainted with the secret meanings of numbers 0-9. If you see any of these numbers (or any combination of these numbers) repeating in your life, consider how this information can help you progress towards your manifestation goals. The Secret Meaning Of Numbers 0 To 9 The Secret Meaning Of Number 0 The Number 0 – You Are On The Right Path This number is often associated with nothingness. Therefore, it cannot be your life path number but can be added on the end of other numbers to add greater significance, such as multiples of ten which suggest increased meaning and energy than one alone. If you keep seeing zeroes, don’t change anything you’re doing! This number is associated with being entirely on the right path, and with heading towards the best version of yourself. It’s a particularly reassuring number to see when you’ve been doubting yourself or your abilities, so look out for it even when you’re feeling insecure. The Secret Meaning Of Number 1 The Number 1 – Make Change And Embrace New Beginnings Seeing the number 1 suggests that you may be struggling with negativity. Plus, since you create your own reality, this number is a reminder that you may be accidentally creating more negativity. Think about why, and refocus your mind towards your desires rather than your fears to ensure you vibrate on a frequency of abundance rather than lack. Once you overcome this negativity, be sure to embrace any changes. One is a stepping stone and a number which represents beginnings. Other qualities associated with this number are strength and leadership. (If you are unsure what this new beginning may entail, be sure to get your full numerology reading here now.) The Secret Meaning Of Number 2 The Number 2 – Expect Harmony And Balance Have things been tough for you recently? Two symbolizes balance, so if you are currently surrounded by conflict and keep seeing the number 2, have faith that things will get better. Repetitions of the number 2 tell you that if you just hold on and wait for balance to come. Stay true to the vision you have for the future. In addition, know that optimism is justified. Alternatively, if you feel like nothing could go wrong, keep practicing positive thinking and be prepared for anything that may try and sway your mind to negativity. Design some affirmations based on the idea of strength and resilience, and say each one twice. Also concentrate on relationships, business partnerships, and teamwork. It may be seeing the number two everywhere is a sign that you need to work on your relationships with another person. The Secret Meaning Of Number 3 The Number 3 – Chase Your Dreams The number 3 indicates that sources of love and wisdom are nearby, and are yours to benefit from. It is also often associated with luck and good fortune. So, for example, if you’re having lunch with someone and see a lot of 3s on the check, think harder about how this person might be able to help you get what you want in life. This could be the exact right time to expand your knowledge base, chase your dreams and challenge yourself. Afterall, you may have luck and wisdom on your side. This has broad applicability, so may relate to everything from love to money, achievement and personal growth. The Secret Meaning Of Number 4 The Number 4 – Take A Leap Of Faith The number 4 can represent stability and routine. For example, the four seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter). However, if you’ve been seeing the number 4 a lot recently, you may be playing things just a little bit too safe. Maybe you’ve been living your life on a strict routine, planning extensively and waiting for the ‘right time’ to chase your dreams. Part of productive manifestation work involves pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and experimenting with new ways of being. Repeating 4s are a sign that you would benefit from taking a leap of faith in some respect. The Secret Meaning Of Number 5 The Number 5 – Offer Gratitude To The World Around You The number 5 is often associated with adventure and change. It will often appear when it’s time to start listening to your body (your five senses) and to the people around you. Perhaps you’re struggling with something by yourself, taking on too much or not collaborating with others. The number 5 is here to tell you that the most positive change will result from appreciating the world around you. Offer gratitude for what you see, hear, touch, smell and feel. It also suggests you may go on a journey (whether that be a mental, spiritual or physical journey). The Secret Meaning Of Number 6 The Number 6 – Rid Your Life Of Negative Energy In Tarot, six represents the Lovers. In this way, if you keep seeing the number six, it may be a sign you need to embrace inner peace and self-love. Similarly, when you’re being held back by anxiety or fear, it’s common to see the number 6 all around you. It lets you know that you need to find ways to move past these feelings if you’re going to manifest what you want. Journal work, therapy, and positive affirmations are some of the best tools at your disposal if you keep seeing the number 6. The Secret Meaning Of Number 7 The Number 7 – Prepare For A Spiritual Awakening The number 7 is intimately connected with new opportunities, especially ones that you weren’t expecting to come your way. It might appear in connection with job adverts, dating prospects, places to live or new classes, but no matter where you see repeated 7s you can be sure that there’s something highly advantageous hidden in plain sight. Furthermore, learn to listen to your gut. Trust your instincts when you keep seeing the number seven and prepare for a spiritual awakening. The Secret Meaning Of Number 8 The Number 8 – A Sign Of Success In China, 8 is an incredibly lucky number. This number is often a symbol of abundance and prosperity. The shape of the number eight also suggests themes of momentum and repetition due to its cycles and link to infinity. Therefore, if you keep seeing the number eight, be sure to purge any negative thinking, allowing positivity to exponentially grow inside of you. Seeing repeated occurrences of the number 8 is a generally positive sign, as this number is also tied to balance and success. Any time you see this number, it can point you towards changes to empower yourself, boost your self-confidence and become more influential in your chosen field. The Secret Meaning Of Number 9 The Number 9 – Share Your Wisdom With The World Finally, the number 9 is linked to compassion and empathy. It may be you are a natural empath. If you’re seeing it in your life then there’s a good chance that you’re bringing a lot of good into the lives of others. Nine can be a sign that you should share your talents and wisdom with the world! On the other hand, 9 is there to prompt you to think about whether you’re working too hard to meet the needs of others. It may be time to redirect some of that energy to your own aims and goals. However, no matter what, be sure to trust your own abilities and embrace your charitable nature.
Bigg Boss Season 13 is less than a week away from the finale episode, and the fans already can’t keep calm to witness if their favourite will win the show. Be it, Sidharth Shukla, Asim Riaz, Shehnaz Gill, Rashami Desai or Arti Singh, Mahira Sharma and Paras Chhabra, each of the Top 7 contestants have garnered a massive / huge fan following. But one thing that remained constant is the question of the maker’s bias towards Sidharth Shukla. Allegedly a proof is now going viral! It all started with an Asim Riaz fan account who shared a screenshot of how the makers have planned the call of the week in support of Sidharth Shukla, despite the caller wanted to direct it to Shehnaaz Kaur Gill known as Sana. Allegedly, the Shehnaaz Gill fan wanted to ask Sidharth Shukla a negative question regarding their relationship, but the makers have asked her to ask her a planned question that will set the Punjabi singer and Asim Riaz apart, and help bring Sidharth Shukla closer to Gill. The fan account has tweeted about it along with a video screenshot of the entire chat that they had with the caller of the week, who requested them to not leak the details. “#BB13 EXPOSED Caller of the week is a Shehnaz’s fan who wanted to ask a question to Sidharth Shukkla but the makers forced her to ask the same question to #AsimRiaz since it was a negative question. #ColorsTV bias towards Sidharth Shukkla exposed! Such a shame,” the tweet read. Check Out The Link : The tweet is now going viral all over with Asim Riaz fans left fuming, and slamming the Bigg Boss 13 makers. However, this is not something new, previously too there have been multiple occasions where viewers including famous personalities like Shilpa Shinde had felt that the makers along with Superstar Salman Khan are biased towards Sidharth Shukla. Do you feel it too?
After three huge successful seasons of Gandii Baat and a special episode over the last couple of years, ALTBalaji’s Gandii Baat, one of the platform’s most-famous/watched web series is all set to get the year off to a banging start with a bolder, steamier and more risque avatar. The massive successful web-series has collected a reputation amongst the masses for its portrait of stories revolving around the reality of blemish and taboos associated with sexual preferences and equations. The erotic slush-fiction webseries will showcase 4 new episodes in its latest season 4 featuring Saba Saudagar, Ankit Bharadwaj, Ashish Dixit, Garima Jain, Ibra Khan, Rishabh Shukla, Yash Chaudhary, Edin Rose, amongst others. In the 4th season of the much-awaited erotic anthology, audiences shall witness four adult-themed love stories spiced with steamy and jaw-dropping scenes. ‘Nar Naari’ is all about rural beliefs with the men and women of a village cross dressing for a week in their bid to rid themselves of a curse. In their fear of not wanting to be changed to the opposite gender, the episode gives viewers a lesson where they understand the emotional, physical and psychological effects on women leading to a better understanding and comfort between couples. The second story, ‘Kama Village’ is from the village Kaamj. While trading women for money has been witnessed for centuries, the twist in the tale here is seen where it’s the men and not the women who find themselves in the sex trade with their wives being the traders. The third story of the webseries, ‘Amar Prem’ is the story of a woman who feels different kinds of emotions for the 2 lovers men. While polygamy amongst men is not scowl upon, the same for a woman is tagged as a characterless act. The episode, like its forerunner, aims to break stereotypes by telling us that polyandry should be acceptable as well. The final story, ‘Purana Becho Naya Kharido’ is a story that brings two lonely hearts together. With emotions and passions running high point, the all episode gives the viewer a lot to guess about once a murder takes place. Speaking about the show, Garima Jain said, “Having played a character I’ve never portrayed before, I can’t tell you how excited I am to see the audience’s response. I’m glad that I got the chance to play a role in a path-breaking web series like this, which contributes to changing perceptions and stereotypes. With each story being completely different from the other, the viewer is in for a treat in the form of 4 fantastic tales / stories.” Commenting on being part of the show, Saba Saudagar said, “It feels good to be back for yet another show for ALTBalaji, one that has a massive fan-following amongst the masses. My character in Amar Prem is of a lady who is fond of 2 men. With changing situations, it’s great that a show like Gandii Baat speaks about such raw emotions that never see the light of day. Having highlighted a host of diverse topics, I hope the show once again becomes the talk of the town like all its previous seasons like 1, 2 and 3.” Offering a fresh take via the new season, the show is sure to satiate the audience by highlighting women’s desires and choices, with consent being a key theme of the show. The franchise is once again set to excite audiences and leave them asking for more with Gandii Baat Season 4 2020.
Starring: Akshay Kumar, Emraan Hashmi, Nushratt Bharuccha, Diana Penty, Abhimanyu Singh Director: Raj Mehta By Yogesh Mishra What could be the cost of a selfie? The answer should be "free." But is it? For some, perhaps yes, but for some, no. Sometimes, it can be a costly affair for a film star. History suggests that maintaining stardom is more challenging than achieving it. Director Raj Mehta’s "Selfiee" beautifully showcases such things. The plot revolves around Vijay Kumar (Akshay Kumar), a film star whose stardom is jeopardised due to his promise to take a selfie with RTO inspector Om Prakash Agrawal (Emraan Hashmi). Vijay Kumar was in Bhopal for a film shoot when he realised he needed a new driver's licence because he had misplaced his old one. He had no choice but to apply at the local RTO office in Bhopal only. RTO Inspector Om Prakash Agrawal was a big fan of actor Vijay Kumar, so he requested for a selfie with him and his school-going son in lieu of a driving licence. The actor agreed to come to the RTO office for 5 minutes for a selfie, but when he arrived, he was surrounded by the media, who began questioning why he came while driving a car without a license. His star image is at stake, so he blames Om Prakash for calling the media there for cheap publicity, and while returning empty-handed from there, he threatens Om Prakash with a tough revenge. Does Vijay Kumar get his driving license? Did Om Prakash really call the media, as he was suspected? What finally happens to the revenge of a superstar? To find out the answers to all of these questions, watch the film. The film's centre of attraction is actor Akshay Kumar, who has done justice to playing the role of a superstar with enormous stardom. His performance wowed the audience and compelled them to shake their legs to his iconic song Main Khiladi Tu Anari. On the other side, actor Emraan Hashmi has also impressed the audience with his mind-blowing performance in the role of a cop. Actresses like Diana Penty and Nushratt Bharuccha have given their best and, with their nice performances, made their presence felt. Apart from them, other artists like Abhimanyu Singh, Mahesh Thakur, and Meghna Malik, etc., have also done justice to their parts. Despite the fact that music does not play a significant role in the film, the music by Anu Malik, Tanishk Bagchi, Yo Yo Honey Singh, The PropheC, Lijo George-DJ Chetas, Vikram Montrose, Aditya Yadav, and Tarun is quite impressive. The iconic song "Main Khiladi Tu Anari" entertains the audience and enhances the beauty of the climax scene. Overall, this is one of the most entertaining films that keeps the audience engaged throughout. So, why wait? Go to your nearest movie theatre and watch it.
What joy and pride is associated with one's first school satchel! This happy fact is proof that its wearer is now a schoolchild.Danny proudly, happily wends his way to school, where his enthusiasm wanes somewhat but his curiosity grows. To the question put by grown-ups, "Is school a good thing?" - Danny cannot provide an answer. Sometimes it's good, sometimes bad. His little friend Kitty, who has had to stay another year in nursery school, is curious to know what good school is at all, together with the ability to write, read and count. She decides that she will stay at nursery school because she wants to become a nursery-school teacher, and they teach that in nursery school anyway. Don't they?We recommend Éva Janikovszky's playfully written, jolly little book, with its enchantingly colourful illustrations by László Réber, to lower-year schoolchildren and to their parents alike. Translated by Andrew C. Rouse. At School at Last ekönyv korlátlan számban letölthető (.mobi és .epub) ekönyv olvasók számára, valamint olvasható böngészőből illetve Apple, Windows 8 és Android alkalmazással is.
My wife and I will celebrate our second anniversary next month. We were married in Washington, DC five months before same-sex marriage became legal in our home state of North Carolina. We were tired of waiting and we thought that North Carolina would be one of the last sandbags against the rising tide of gay marriage. And the Old North State would probably still have been holding hands with Alabama and Mississippi if not for the decision of an “activist” (bite me) judge who ruled on October 10, 2014 that the state’s denial of marriage to same-sex couples was unconstitutional. 2014 was a euphoric year for me and for everyone who supported marriage equality as state after state fell into the “I do” column. I went to more weddings that year than I had since my early post-college days when all of my hetero friends were getting hitched. I remember going to Crate and Barrel what felt like every weekend back then to peruse yet another gift registry. The straights love their pizza stones. And all of those weddings that I attended two years ago were glorious in their own way, most especially my own. I confess that I was cranky (admittedly, not an uncommon state for me) that I had to leave the state that I had lived in and paid taxes in for almost 20 years, the state that my wife was born in, to legally marry the person that I love. That said, we wanted the legal protections and benefits that marriage provided so we had to leave our home to protect our home. Irony always tastes like metal to me. So there we were on a sunny late afternoon in spring, standing in front of a minister, a few dear friends and vases of cherry blossoms. It was a wedding that neither of us had ever dared to dream of and it was so far away from the dark nightmare of May 8, 2012 when Amendment One passed with 61% of the vote. We were surrounded by light and love and I have never felt more affirmed in my life. And it took 57 years for me to experience that feeling. Now the state that I live in and pay taxes in has decided to once again legislate discrimination into law in the form of HB2, the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, making it illegal for cities to expand on state laws regulating among other things, workplace discrimination and minimum wage standards. The Republican controlled legislature has reverted back to the fear mongering tactics that have served many states well over the past several years – you know, the old “God, guns and gays” strategy that Karl Rove and his cronies executed so efficiently. Just make it about everything but the real issues and scare the hell out of people along the way. Instead of genuine concerns like health care, poverty and education, make it about going into the opposite sex restrooms to rape and pillage our women and children. Make it about transgender folks because, Lord knows, they haven’t endured enough harm from inane misconceptions. And for good measure, shorthand the bill by calling it “the bathroom bill” to sensationalize the matter and divert the true discriminatory intent. Well guess what, Governor McCrory? We call bullshit on your bathroom bill. HB2 is unconscionable and it is mean and it is wrong. And I am pissed off. For the past 11 years, I worked for an AIDS service organization that provided services to mostly very poor people living with HIV. Their needs were great – housing, food and medical care. They also desperately needed acceptance and affirmation and damned if we weren’t pretty good at providing those things, too. Stigma is still a huge issue for anyone living with HIV/AIDS and HB2 cultivates stigma against LGBT North Carolinians in disgusting ways by promoting fear and ignorance over understanding and acceptance. And, as these bills always do, it marginalizes the least among us – the ones without money or power or position – the ones who are different. It seems as if every hour another business is coming out against HB2 including PayPal which announced yesterday that it would not proceed with a planned expansion in Charlotte, costing North Carolinians 400 good paying jobs. Maybe money is the only thing that will get the attention of the governor and the legislature but that makes me mad, too. This shouldn’t be about money; this should be about basic human decency, which should never be a partisan issue. The past few weeks I’ve revisited the words of the late great Harvey Milk, as I often do in times of civil strife. His words have a clarity and timelessness that fortify me. It takes no compromise to give people their rights. It takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people their freedom. It takes no survey to remove repression. ~Harvey Milk What’s at stake in North Carolina today goes way beyond party lines. It is time for all North Carolinians to put their principles over their politics and their paychecks. It is time for all of us to exchange our vows. “We are not this.”
2016: All Women, All the Time (An FAQ) In a way, 2015 was an excellent year for YA. Because there were awesome books! SO MANY AWESOME BOOKS! Off the top of my head: Bone Gap, A History of Glitter and Blood, The Truth Commission, See No Color, Infandous, Shadowshaper, Kissing in America, Out of Darkness, Dumplin’, MARTians, Delicate Monsters, The Scorpion Rules, All the Rage… and I could go on. But it’s also been an extremely hard year for many of us in the Young Adult community. There’s been a lot of conflict, a lot of hurt, a lot of not listening, and a lot of not being heard. Again and again, womens’ voices were brushed aside, dismissed, deemed irrational or deceptive or overreaction—which is something I pretty much always expect to see in our larger culture, but not so much in our supposedly warm and fuzzy and inclusive YA community. Naive, I know. And, as a straight white cisgendered woman, entirely privileged. This year, I’ve seen women offer up criticism about the female characterization in male-authored books, and I’ve seen women from marginalized groups offer up criticism about depictions of those same groups… and every time, I’ve seen them slapped down for being unkind and unfair, told that they should be quiet if they didn’t have anything nice to say, that they were just looking for things to be offended by, that they were looking too closely at the text. (That last one, coming from a literary community that is always fighting for more mainstream respect, is especially galling.) I’ve seen women make the same points again and again and again, and I’ve seen how somehow, very few people hear said point until a man steps up and repeats it. And of course, that situation gets exacerbated exponentially when you factor in intersectional marginalization. About a month ago, an essay ran here at Book Riot about a woman’s decision to read mainly women authors. It got plenty of positive THIS SOUNDS LIKE A FUN PROJECT comments, but it also got a lot of pushback. It spilled out from the comments and onto social media and ugliness was spewed and threats were made and it was just vile. And, as I watched that all play out, rather than scaring me off, all of the garbage levelled at that essay—and, of course, at the woman who wrote it—resulted in the realization that this year, every single book that I’ve read that I have connected on a kindred-spirit level has been a book written by a woman. It made me realize that lately, while I haven’t felt particularly welcome in a community that I used to consider welcoming, that I have felt embraced and affirmed and heard and challenged—in a positive way—by those same authors, in those same books. It made me realize that at the moment, I want to surround myself with womens’ voices. That I want to put my energy into listening to them, engaging with them, learning from them, and amplifying them. And so, in 2016, I’ve decided to read entirely women authors. Prose to poetry to comics, nonfiction to fiction, picture books to chapter books to YA to the adult market: for me, 2016 will be all ladies, all the time. And now, I shall provide you with the answers to a selection of predicted questions: DON’T YOU FEEL LIKE YOU’LL BE MISSING OUT? WHY WOULD YOU LIMIT YOURSELF LIKE THAT? It’s funny—people sit down and spend a year reading only Charles Dickens or Shakespeare or James Joyce, and I’ve never see this question asked. Meanwhile, in addition to whatever comes out next year, I’ve got the entire history of women’s writing to work with, so… no. No, I won’t feel like I’ll be missing out. ISN’T THAT SEXIST? If that isn’t enough of an answer for you, see above. If someone sitting down with Chas or Will or Jim for a year—focusing in on a specific body of work—isn’t sexist, neither is this. GOOD BOOKS ARE GOOD BOOKS. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO THE AUTHOR IS. That’s not a question. (But really, do you honestly think that an artist’s life experience or identity has no effect whatsoever with the body of work that they create? Like, REALLY? I understand separating the artist from the art, but the theory that perspective and again, life experience, don’t affect the art itself is just utterly illogical.) Also, you do you. Read what you want to read, and enjoy it. I’ll do the same.
« AnteriorContinuar » single vice does not stain him, as a warrior, in the pages of the historians of his age. In one respect, Vendôme and the Prince approached each other. They were both descended from houses equally illustrious. The Princes of Maurun* and Bourbon exhibited constellations of glory, (a rather misapplied phrase, surely,) for eight hundred years." Vendôme, our author had previously observed, inherited the intrepidity of his grandfather, Henry IV.; but it should be added, that his descent was illegitimate; and though the eulogy describes him as divested of pride, and uninfluenced by hatred or revenge, as well as chargeable solely with the foibles of prodigality and indulgence to the vices of others, yet the stern voice of history too loudly proclaims his own addiction to the most infamous depravity. His military talents are estimated by Napoleon, far above those of *The founder of the House of Savoy was Beroldo, or Bartholdo, Count of Maurienne, or Morienne, (not Maurun,) a district of the duchy, who lived at the end of the tenth century, but whose birth or country are unknown. (See Mémoires Historiques sur la Maison Royale de Savoie, par M. de Beauregard, tome i., 1816, 8vo.) He was, consequently, contemporaneous with the institutor of the House of Bourbon, Hugh Capet, whose possession of the French crown dates from 987. This latter is represented by historians in general, as of the noblest parentage, while Dante, as elsewhere noted, makes him acknowledge himself the son of a butcher: "Chiamato fui di là Ugo Ciapetta: Di me son nati i Filippi Luisi; Per cui novellamente è Francia retta. Purgatorio, Canto xx. 49-52. Louis Philippe, the late King of the French, was his thirty-third successor; and an exactly equal number of rulers have, in the same interval, governed Savoy. But, if equal in antiquity of descent, it denotes a signal oblivion, or disregard of history, to place in parallel of illustration, the great monarchy of France, and the duchy of Savoy, as Mr. O'Conor has here done. Well do we remember when to call Louis XVI., or his unfortunate child, otherwise than by the name of their patriarch, Capet, was of the greatest danger, probably fatal. M: CConor is, we think is myrzzation of Marthorough, wie weting a im. Dever nevntered genius or science in roposed Viw we may asas teicient nais ir vience! and yet ser im Mahorari umped a Malgiaques; wile sherently # De11. Tas the auga eva Engene za at The Tame of Malpiagues in our author's assertica s aler by die French of Baregrin-ray DX. The same ricinage; and is ww thence that Darkomum ancased on the 11th of Sept. 1709. is rear of the my: but the name of Malpiame as unizmy prevaled The name of Villars, WIN JERK & almost always miswritten Villiars Our printer; and the martial term, 14 & pa mumy, in equal error, is transformed te da vur, we can we believe, as affirmed at my 25 a 14 dhe Irish troops in France ARMIN V D number ty thousand. In fact PAG UM NÝ ZTR kat na hau assuring to French statements, Serene Histoire de France; must likewise point out the bad taste A. An author's onnanding sentence, in describing the Asifa & Sobolomberg (page 283.) "No other struggie du dig the war was so bloody. Hell itself could darbių szÌÌvă ▲ scene more horrible." The same censure qyblow to the sanguinary engagement of the French and perialists, on the banks of the Adda, in 1705. "Norwegians, Swedes, Irish, German, Sclavonians, de, were mixed up in this frightful affray. Thousands of voices roaring in different languages and chalexis 100 tubes pouring forth fire and death, and 10,000 bayonets crossing and clanking against each other in the work of butchery, exhibited a scene more horrible and destructive than the conflict of the elements, or the bursting of a volcano from the bowels. of the earth."-(page 305.) Immediately after, Mr. O'Conor introduces, on this occasion, a personal circumstance. "Persecution drove the unfortunate Irish from the banks of the Shannon to those of the Adda. Some of the ancestors of the writer of these pages, fell there, victims of their adherence to their religion, King and country. The inheritor of their wrongs, (the Italics are the author's,) he visited this spot after a lapse of one hundred and thirty years, in (1835,) his heart sickened, and his sympathies were excited to tears, on viewing the last scene of their sufferings." Such feelings as these were natural, and, in general principle, creditable; as also is Mr. O'Conor's reprobation of the revocation of the edict of Nantes, at page 295. But assuredly he is little justified in representing it, as a "proceeding even more oppressive than the penal code of Ireland." Its generating evils are then enumerated, not one of which, however, grievous as they are acknowledged, were the persecuted Catholics of Ireland exempt from, with aggravated infliction too, and longer endurance. Had Mr. Scully's Statement of the Penal Laws, Mr. Burke's impressive picture of their horrors, or Mr. MacCulloch's unbiassed recapitulation of the disgraceful, the inhuman Code, never met our author's eye? We are not unacquainted with the just complaints of the Huguenots; for in our recollection, and personal observation, though greatly mitigated, many grounds of suffering still remained unabrogated; but while Europe rung with these toowell founded complaints, the far more galling severi the sender of a most Lustrious reign fills fr short of the case of Ireland! The privileges which the Protestants of France enjoyed antecedent to the revocation. were far superior to those which the Roman Catholics of Ireland ever aspired to under a contrary establishment." This fact, too, is affirmed by the records of history; yet, even viewing the persecution as commensurate in degree, it should not be overlooked that the victims in France formed a very small portion of the nation; whereas those of Ireland constituted the bulk of the peoplethe nation itself, in Burke's words. The principle of tolerance, until lately, was recognised in Europe, quite as little in Protestant as in Catholic States; although, in weighing the distinctive motives and origin of a system, which each ascribed to divine command, "Compelle intrare," or, "Compel them to come in," as in St. Luke xiv. 23, we may not forget that the Catholics were possessors, their adversaries aggressors and invaders, with no legitimate claim whatsoever to pre-occupied ground. The laws peremptorily forbade the intrusive creed; but no sooner were their violators, after long suffering under, and exclaiming against them, in power, than they were fondly adopted, and rigorously executed. "Persecution," says Mr. Hallam, (Constitutional History, vol. i., p. 128,) and the fact, sanctioned by so high an authority, cannot be too often repeated, "is the deadly original sin of the reformed churches, that which cools every honest man's zeal for their cause, in proportion as his reading becomes more extensive." But before we enter directly on the history of the Irish Brigade in France, two anterior events connected with the wars of Ireland, appear to demand and warrant a retrogressive notice. The visits, we mean, of Richard II., to the island in 1394, and 1399, with the mission to the kingdom in 1549, from the French King Henry II., but confined to Ulster. Froissard, (livre iv., chap. 42,) relates the first with all the attraction, which has raised him to the supremacy of mediæval annalists. He states how Richard, in order to pacify the great chieftains of the country, after two centuries of internecine warfare, entertained and knighted in 1394, the four native kings of the island, whose names are strangely disfigured in his narrative. 1st- "Le Grand Anel, (O'Neil,) roy de Methe," which, of course, should be Ultonie, or Ulster. 2nd"Brin, (O'Brien,) roy de Thomond, et d'Arse," or King of Thomond and Clare; for in the manuscript, the French denomination of the second title more resembles the word Clare, than what the printed editions represent it. 3rd-" Artus Maquemaire, roy de Linstre," or Arthur MacMurragh, King of LeinConnor, roy de Chênour, (Connaught,) et d'Erpe," (probably Eyre, Connaught,) from
Characters of Shakespeare's Plays: & Lectures on the English Poets Creative Media Partners, LLC, 13. 8. 2015 - 458 strán (strany) This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant. Čo hovoria ostatní - Napísať recenziu Na obvyklých miestach sme nenašli žiadne recenzie.
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Bloodline Book 1 by Iuliana Foos Genre: Sweet Paranormal Romance Adventure Determined to turn her fantasy into reality, Ana starts her journey to become a vampire. Along the way, she learns the truth about their secret society, discovers her prestigious bloodline, and falls in love. Not all vampires are accepting of humans and war looms in the shadows. An ancient tome reveals the vampires’ alien descent and sparks war. An army bent on eradicating her coven’s existence threatens her new world. Survival or annihilation will be in Ana’s hands. Bloodline Book 2 In the year 2516 humans share Earth with elusive vampires and GeMs—a new species of blood-drinkers who appeared after the Flood. Months before his five-hundredth birthday, Theodor De Croix, Prince of The Old Coven, crosses paths with Vivienne. Torn between proving himself worthy of his bloodline and centuries-old beliefs about true love, he saves her life but rejects the idea that she might be sent to him by fate itself. Vivienne is a human scientist turned GeM in an accident. Body and mind forever altered, she struggles every day to adapt to her new life. Attracted to the man who saved her, but fearing his kind, she finds herself in more danger than ever. Caught up in a whirlwind of dreams and evil plots, both must confront their own demons in order to save each other, testing the powers of fate and love. Born and raised in Bucharest, Romania, Iuliana Foos currently lives with her husband in San Antonio, Texas. When she doesn't daydream or write, she enjoys drinking copious amounts of coffee and playing online multi-player games, hoping one day to have a white sanded beach as her backyard. Becoming a traditionally published author has been a life-long dream turned reality. Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway! Thank you so much for hosting me. :)ReplyDelete
We have lived in our Covington house for 15 years, and in all that time I have never owned a decent office chair. I have been making do with a hard back chair and a folded yoga mat as a cushion. I could easily have afforded an office chair but never went to the trouble to buy one. I was intimidated by the infinite selection of chairs, not knowing which one would last the longest. The first thing that breaks on fancy chairs is the height adjustment. A broken chair would whoosh to the bottom when I sat on it. On one of our daily walks, we passed a dark brown leather office chair sitting at the curb for garbage pickup. I gave the chair a quick once over and rejected it, thinking either the height adjustment or one of the wheels was probably broken. When we passed the chair a second time, I tried it out. The chair was comfortable and everything worked, so I decided to roll it home. The chair was in good shape except for the seat back where tiny pinpricks of white padding showed through the leather. I darkened the pinpricks with a brown Sharpie and glued down a few tears along the piping. Then I cleaned the leather, rubbed a restorative oil into the surface, and polished it. Now I had what looked like a brand-new office chair. The chair makes me smile when I see it at my desk. Last night, I tilted back in it with my bare feet on the bed and read a used copy of Paul Krugman’s End This Depression Now! about how to end the Great Recession that followed the 2007-2009 financial crisis. Krugman believed a burst of government spending would stimulate the economy enough to restore consumer demand. Today, consumer demand is so high, and product supply is so low, that it’s driving up inflation. I’m doing my part to fight inflation by not ordering a fancy new chair. 2 thoughts on “Chair” Love this. I tried to leave a comment but WordPress doesn’t recognize my password! I wanted to say, Unpacking the landfill starts at home. I’m glad you liked the piece. I agree about the landfill. I’ve been clearing out the unused household cleaning supplies from underneath all the sinks. I don’t know what to do with them, but it felt good to collect them. As you can see below, WordPress acknowledged your reply. Unfortunately, it hasn’t appeared on my blog site. I tried to reply to you and couldn’t make it work, either. I finished The Accommodation. Quite a finale, the last chapter. The all-Black suburb created out in the boonies in the ‘60s blew my mind. I see from Google Maps that it’s still there, nestled between Texas Instruments and the intersection of LBJ and Central Expressway. How ironic is that!
An exhaustive essay by Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri, one of the best film critics from India, an editor and writer along with an interview with the writers of the book, The Ultimate Biography, on the film legend and genius called Kishore Kumar Introducing the Genius of Kishore Kumar Singer, composer, lyricist, director, writer, actor — Kishore Kumar was all this and more. Apart from Satyajit Ray, I can think of no other person in cinema whose talents ranged across so many departments. As a playback singer, he had no parallels – not Mohammad Rafi, not Hemant Kumar, no one came close. As an actor, he was almost surreal in comedies like Half Ticket and Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi. It is only because we do not view comedy as an artform at par with tragedy and melodrama that his contribution as an actor has not been acknowledged. As a director and writer, he balanced the almost surreal Badhti Ka Naam Dadhi with the minimalist Door Wadiyon Mein Kahin. It is immensely sad that he did not have more films and songs to his credit as a composer and lyricist. Take a look at these dialogues — Kya dekh rahe ho, Prashant? (What are you seeing Prashant) Uss raaste ko jo duur pahariyon ke beech kho gaya. (I lost myself in that distant road among the hills) Haan, musafir aur raaste ka gehra sambandh hai. Shayad uss raaste ko dekh kar tum apni naye safar ke shuruwat ke barey me soch rahe hogay. (Yes, the traveller and the road has a deep relationship. Perhaps seeing that road, you are thinking of a new start for yourself) Jindegi ek safar hai, Joseph sahab, aur uss raaste ka koi anth nahin. Har purani raah ek nayi raah ko janam deti hai aur manzilon ke silsile kabhi khatam nehi hote. Sirf uska saath denewale musafir badal jatein hai. (Life is a journey, Joseph sahab, and that way has no ending. A new path is born of old roads and the stories never end. Only the traveller changes.) Theek kaha tumney, Prashant. Saath denewala musafir hamesha badal jatey hain. Magar na jane kyon log phir bhi jazbaati ho jatein hai. Darasal zindagi ka maqsad hai zindagi ka saath nibhana, par tum in raston ka saath nibhakar chaltey ho. Aisa kyon? (You are right, Prashant. The travelling companions always change. But people for some unknown reason become emotional. Actually, the goal of life is to be with life, but you walk along the paths. Why?) Unhi raaston mein hi toh zindagi hai, Joseph sahab … kahin khushi, kahin ansoo, kahin dukh, kahin hahakar, kahin itni bhook aur lachari ki insaan par zindagi bhari hain, aur kahin itni khushiyan ki aadmi sambhal hi nahin sambhalta. Hamein in sab ka saath nibhatey chalna hai … uss anjaney andekhe path par … jiska koi anth nahin… (Those paths is where you find your life, Joseph Sahab… Our Life is full of happiness, tears, sorrows, despair, sometimes it is full so much hunger and desperation that life becomes a burden and sometimes there is so much happiness that it spills over. That unknown, untrod path knows no end.) – A sequence from Door Ka Rahi, 1971 So entrenched is his reputation as a comic star that it might come as a surprise that this exchange above was scripted, directed and acted by Kishore Kumar in one of his most atypical roles. In the wake of his madcap antics in Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi (1958) and Jhumroo (1961), and the sustained lunacy of Half Ticket (1962, where he plays Vijaychand vald Lalchand vald Dhyanchand vald Hukumchand alias the child Munna, as also his own mother, in a performance that has no parallel in Hindi cinema), Door Gagan Ki Chhaon Mein (1964) was probably what audiences and critics of the era might have least expected from Kishore Kumar. Why only audiences and critics? As film folklore has it, even elder brother Ashok Kumar was sceptical of his ability to deliver the emotion required for serious songs. Composer Chitragupt had reportedly composed the beautiful ‘Itni badi yeh duniya’ (Toofan Mein Pyar Kahan,1966) only with Kishore Kumar in mind and even recorded it. Only to have the star of the film, Ashok Kumar, on whom the song was to be picturized, veto it. Ashok Kumar felt that his younger sibling did not have it in him to give the song the pathos it required and that only Mohammed Rafi could do it justice. The song was recorded again, this time by Rafi who did a brilliant job. And yet in his directorial ventures, Kishore Kumar time and again presented a facet of himself that other filmmakers never tapped and no other producer had the vision to explore. Which is why each of these films had the singer multitasking as producer, director, actor, writer and composer. Door Gagan Ki Chhaon Mein Based on the 1958 Western The Proud Rebel, starring Alan Ladd, Door Gagan Ki Chhaon Mein is the story of a soldier, Shankar (Kishore Kumar), who returns from a war to find that his wife and father have perished in a fire that has destroyed his house. The trauma has robbed his ten-year-old son Ramu (Amit Kumar in his maiden film appearance) of his voice. Shankar sets out on a quest to treat his son and restore his voice. On the way, they are waylaid by a villainous Thakur (Raj Mehra) and his thuggish sons (played by Iftikhar and Sajjan). They are rescued by the kind-hearted Meera (Bengali superstar Supriya Devi), who shelters them and becomes a surrogate mother to Ramu. It is unlike any film that Kishore Kumar had starred in (barring probably Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s Musafir). And though the inspiration may have been James Edward Grant’s story directed by Michael Curtiz, it is the influence of Satyajit Ray that is apparent in the making. The singer-director had reportedly watched Ray’s Pather Panchali thirteen times before embarking on his directorial debut. The setting is rural (barring one sequence set in the city) and the director gives us a close look at the landscape, the ramshackle hutments, the swaying fields, the water rippling in the ponds, even the dog that follows Ramu every step of the way. The film is of course now part of Hindi film legend because of its songs. Kishore Kumar himself wrote that ultimate father-son anthem ‘Aa chal ke tujhe’, a sequence that in the bonding between the two recalls the final sequences of Ray’s Apur Sansar. Shailendra penned the other classics, including Koi lauta de merayand Jin raaton ki bhor nahin haiand two Asha Bhosle gems. But it is in the way that Kishore Kumar eschews all trappings of his comic persona to capture the little moments around the characters that the film stands out in the midst of the fluffy entertainers that characterised the era. Interestingly enough, Iftikhar, who plays the main villain, also designed and painted the film’s title cards. The film was critically well-received, with even the impossible-to-please Baburao Patel of Filmindia calling it a film that “just misses out on being a classic”. Though not a big commercial success, the film did well enough, and Kishore Kumar had the last laugh vis-à-vis another film at the time which was expected to be a blockbuster. As Kishore Kumar narrated in his now-cult interview with Pritish Nandy, “It started with an audience of 10 people in Alankar. I know because I was in the hall myself … Even its release was peculiar. Subhodh Mukherjee, the brother of my brother-in-law, had booked Alankar for 8 weeks for his film April Fool, which everyone knew was going to be a blockbuster. My film, everyone was sure, was going to be a thundering flop. So, he offered to give me a week of his booking. Take the first week, he said flamboyantly, and I’ll manage within seven. After all, the movie can’t run beyond a week. It can’t run beyond two days, I reassured him. When 10 people came for the first show, he tried to console me. Don’t worry, he said, it happens at times. But who was worried? Then, the word spread. Like wildfire. And within a few days, the hall began to fill. It ran for all 8 weeks at Alankar, house full! Subodh Mukherjee kept screaming at me but how could I let go the hall? After 8 weeks when the booking ran out, the movie shifted to Super, where it ran for another 21 weeks! That’s the anatomy of a hit of mine. How does one explain it? … Can Subodh Mukherjee, whose April Fool went on to become a thundering flop?” Door Ka Rahi With Door Ka Rahi (1971), Kishore Kumar goes a step further with his character. Hindi cinema seldom has a drifter as the protagonist. As a people, we do not take to characters who do not have a definite goal in life – in the world of Hindi films that either means pursuing the girl you love or avenging the death of your family and loved ones. Prashant (Kishore Kumar) is unlike any hero in Hindi cinema. He does not have a love interest. He has no family of his own. He refuses to settle down at one place. Prashant reminds me of Larry Darrell, the protagonist of Somerset Maugham’s Razor Edge. The film opens with a sequence of an old man trudging his way through the snow before collapsing. As he breathes his last, he reminisces about his life and the many people he has known and whose lives he has touched. There’s Karuna who wants to set up home with him, there’s a group of orphans he takes care of, there’s his friend Vimal (Abhi Bhattacharya) and his family that includes his wife and her brother Jeetu (Amit Kumar) who are being exploited by their local zamindar and moneylender. In the final episode of the film, he comes across a widow Monica (Tanuja) and her father-in-law Joseph (Ashok Kumar). He reminds them of George, Joseph’s son and Monica’s husband. Even as Joseph proposes that he stay back and make a life with Monica, Prashant has to take a decision on the larger calling that beckons him. If one thought that Door Gagan Ki Chhaon Mein would be a hard act to follow musically, Door Ka Rahi goes one better with what are possibly the finest philosophical numbers in any Hindi film ever. No other Hindi film in my view has songs that so evocatively capture the essence of a film. If Shailendra’s ‘Chalti chali jaaye’, rendered by Hemanta Kumar in a splendid baritone, echoes the eternal journey that is life, Irshad’s words in ‘Panthi hoon main’, ‘Khushi do ghadi ki’ and the ephemeral ‘Beqarar dil tu gaaye ja’ evoke a spirit that few lyricists in Hindi cinema have managed. There’s also Manna Dey’s ‘Ek din aur gaya’ and the Kishore songlet ‘Mujhe kho jaane do’. Door Wadiyon Mein Kahin While Door Gagan Ki Chhaon Mein and Door Ka Rahi marked a break from the standard film fare of the times and Kishore Kumar’s image as an actor, Door Wadiyon Mein Kahin (1980) demonstrated his penchant for experimentation – one that earned the filmmaker plaudits from none other than Satyajit Ray himself. He not only did away with songs – in itself a huge creative decision given his stature as a singer – he decided to shun music altogether in the film. Thus, you have that rare Hindi film that does not have a background score. Instead, there is a remarkable array of natural sounds filling in – the crunch of feet on snow, the rustle of leaves, the soughing of the breeze, and silences which accentuate the bleak and forlorn ambience of the film. The film begins with an extreme close-up of a pair of eyes watching a bird in flight against the vast expanse of the sky, accompanied by the azaan on the soundtrack. The camera pulls back to reveal a man holding on to the bars of a prison window. Aslam (Kishore Kumar) is serving a term in this jail set in the middle of inhospitable mountainous terrain. He talks to the warden (Raza Murad – who is nameless in the film and is always addressed as ‘Inspector Sahab’) about how suffocating imprisonment can be for a man, and how envious he is of birds. At the first opportunity he gets, Aslam makes a run for it with his prison mate Ghulam Ali. While Ghulam Ali dies during the escape, Aslam finds himself in a farm inhabited by a mother-daughter duo, Olivia (Bindu, in quite a turn with her grating voice, in one of her rare starring roles) and Jennifer (Shyamalee). His presence sets off a chain of events involving the women, both of whom take a fancy to this man from nowhere. Interestingly, if in Door Ka Rahi, Prashant is a free spirit refusing to be tied down to one place or any human attachment, in Door Wadiyon Mein Kahin, Aslam seeks to break free but fails. The escape from the prison only leads him to another one in the form of Olivia and Jennifer’s house. As he tells the inspector at the end, the world, life itself, is a prison. The only difference with his erstwhile prison is in scale. And the only escape lies in death. Mamta Ki Chhaon Mein The last of these atypical films that he directed was his final outing too – Mamta Ki Chhaon Mein (1989). Unfortunately, Kishore Kumar passed away while the film was in production and it was Amit Kumar who completed it. Unlike the others in this list, Mamta Ki Chhaon Mein is not a very distinguished piece of filmmaking with a dated story celebrating the greatness of motherhood that belongs more to the hoary 1950s. It is surprising that Kishore, who broke away from established mores in the other films, zeroed in on this hackneyed theme for his swansong, which looks more like a love-letter to wife, Leena Chandavarkar. The film tells the story of Gauri (Leena Chandavarkar) who brings up her son Niranjan (Amit Kumar) single-handedly. She nurses a secret about Niranjan’s father which forms the crux of the film. Niranjan grows up with the question about his father haunting him all his life. He travels to the nearby town for his higher studies, and it is here that he comes in contact with a man (Raj Babbar) who claims to know Gauri and gives Niranjan an unsavoury take on her past. Niranjan confronts his mother, but she refuses to divulge her secret, leading to the two falling out. The rest of the film deals with the story of Gauri’s past and Niranjan’s realization that he has been unfair to his mother. It’s a poor film in every respect but it’s impossible not to feel nostalgic about a film that recreates one of Kishore’s cult crazy songs, ‘Allah Allah … Bhagwan bhagwan’ (Hum Do Daku, 1967). Or one that has what is probably Kishore’s last playback for Rajesh Khanna (who has a cameo in the film), aptly titled ‘Mera geet adhoora hai’. It was reported in the media at the time that the director had wanted Amitabh Bachchan in the role. However, the star was not forthcoming and that affected the relationship between the two. Kishore in fact hinted at this in an interview at the time and named Manmohan Desai as the one responsible for the rift between him and the star whose voice he was. Then there is the music of course. A standout album, this has some of Kishore’s most lovingly crafted songs. He himself sings two gems while Amit Kumar has four numbers which count among his best, including ‘Main ik panchhi matwala re’ (which he had earlier rendered in Door Ka Rahi) and the life-affirming ‘Beeti jaaye’ (the mukhda of which harks back to the antara of one of his hits from Jhumroo, ‘Ge ge ge geli jara Timbuktoo’. The composer in Kishore Kumar could not have asked for a better album to bid adieu. The Call of the Distant Horizon There are certain aspects that one finds in common across these films. An old man looking back on life. A loner as the protagonist – a man with a love for the road as well as the road less taken. A man with a unique philosophy of life. Time and again in these films you have the protagonist articulating that he does not know who he is, nor where he comes from or is bound for. As the character in Door Ka Rahi says – door ko apne qareeb bula leta hoon aur khud ko apne se door kar leta hoon (I embrace that which is faraway while I distance myself from me). There’s a lingering sense of the fleeting nature of life, a longing for a lost past. These lines from the film that Kishore hums hold true for almost all the protagonists across these films: Mujhe kho jaane do duniya ki nigahon se parey Jahan na dhoond sakey koi nazar mera nishaan Koi awaaz na pahunche, koi aansoo na bahey Kisi tinke, kisi zarre ko na ho mera ghuman Meri laash par rakhde kudrat hi ek safed kafan Rooh ko meri nazaron mein hi kho jaane do Dastaan meri hawaon ko hi dohrane do There’s an affinity for birds and the freedom they epitomize, for animals roaming in the wilderness, and for people at the margins, for example, the madman who befriends Ramu in Door Gagan Ki Chhaon Mein. And a genuine feel for harmony. It says something that the protagonist in Door Wadiyon Mein Kahin is a Muslim (the climax has a beautifully understated sequence where Aslam offers namaz while the police officer waits to arrest him) while Christians are pivotal characters in two of these films. None of these films is set in a city. The cinematography (Aloke Dasgupta in the first two and Nando Bhattacharya in the rest) captures the everyday sight and sound of the countryside. There’s a song in a bullock cart in each of these films (barring Door Wadiyon Mein Kahin) which articulate a philosophy of life and that of the film – Door Ka Rahi and Mamta Ki Chhaon Mein begin with such a song. There’s a feel for the topography that is very ‘Western’ in its look. Parts of Door Ka Rahi evoke Shane as the man rides from one destination to the next (Shane was probably a favourite of the singer as his unfinished film Neela Aasmaanhas a song, ‘Akela hoon main is jahan mein’, inspired by Shane’s theme). Door Gagan Ki Chhaon Mein is of course based on a Western and Kishore invokes the look of the original at many places. Door Wadiyon Mein Kahin stands out for some breath-taking shots of the barren snowy terrain against which the drama plays out. These film of Kishore Kumar may not have been great commercial successes. And his craft as a filmmaker may not secure him a rank among the best. There is however no denying his desire to go out on a limb and give us films that leave you with something to reflect on. He was seemingly unperturbed by the fact that the films wouldn’t run. As he told Pritish Nandy, “I tell my distributors to avoid my films. I warn them at the very outset that the film might run for a week at the most … Where will you find a producer-director who warns you not to touch his film because even he can’t understand what he has made.” And yet he made them. Why? “Because,” as he said, “the spirit moves me. I feel I have something to say.” On the evidence of these films, despite their flaws, the spirit behind them has the power to move the viewer too. Book Review of The Ultimate Biography Given the range of his contribution and the eccentricities that defined his personal life, a biography of Kishore Kumar that adequately covers his life and times is a tall ask. Anirudha Bhattacharjee and Parthiv Dhar’s exhaustive biography of the legend, audaciously titled The Ultimate Biography, pulls it off – well, almost. For one, it is a pleasure to come across a biography of a legend like Kishore Kumar that does not seem like an armchair hack job (refer to, say, Aseem Chhabra’s book on Shashi Kapoor, Yaseer Usman’s on Guru Dutt, Rajeev Vijaykar’s atrocious ones on Laxmikant-Pyarelal and Dharmendra and the many banalities that go for biographies these days). At close to 600 pages, this one is a painstakingly researched tome. And it does not even talk about his repertoire as a singer in that great a detail. As co-author Anirudha Bhattacharjee tells me, “If I were to make a selection of even a hundred of his songs – an impossible task – and talk about them, this book would have gone beyond 2000 pages.” Despite that, what the book covers by way of the trajectory of Kishore’s life is commendable. The authors have gone to great lengths to get first-person accounts, supplementing that with a great eye for trivia and other obscure facts. They incorporate all of this in bite-sized chapters, most of them three to four pages long, so that the reading never gets tedious. It also gives the book that essential quality in an era of short attention spans: you can open to any page and start reading. Though it does come at the cost of a detailed analysis of any one aspect. And it is a delight to have such detailed indexes – a general one and a song index – in a book. Most publishers have abandoned the index to cut costs. If I say the authors ‘almost’ pull it off, it is because the language leaves something to be desired. It could have done with a more rigorous copy-edit. The book gets off to an unfortunate start with the preface whose first paragraph had me scratching my head. And the inelegancies continue to haunt the careful, close reader off and on, with erroneous words, wrong sentence construction, often the syntax at odds. The authors seem to get carried away with the information they have to share, and some passages are a trifle overblown. One would also have loved to see the authors playing it a little less safe, assessing Kishore Kumar vis-à-vis his contemporaries, or providing a more comprehensive reading of his directorial ventures. Or for that matter talking of what accounts for his popularity in the years after his death. During my growing years, I distinctly remember reading about him being dismissed offhand – Naushad’s comments are part of cinematic folklore (he in fact left the jury when it was decided to honour Kishore with the Tansen Samman). I grew up with people who swore by Rafi and Manna Dey, Naushad and Madan Mohan. And Kishore, despite his popularity, was someone who always came off second best in these conversations. Something shifted in the last thirty years. It would have been fascinating to understand what did. In response to my question on this, Parthiv Dhar says, “Nothing changed. Naushad was an aberration.” He goes on to mention the crowds at Kishore’s funeral. Which is not the issue here. Something in the way we consume music has led to a Kishore and RD fandom like it probably never existed during their lifetimes. Why is it that with the opening of the airwaves, so to say, Kishore and RD have ruled almost all channels broadcasting music? None of their contemporaries – not Rafi, not Laxmikant-Pyarelal, definitely not Naushad or Mukesh – have enjoyed the kind of revival they have. The authors do not leave anything out – but the text often tends to become a chronological litany of facts. Fascinating, no doubt. And invaluable. But I could never shrug off the feeling that a book that has so much history and offers such delights, with authors who know the subject so well and don’t stint on research, should have been a little more. Tell us something about the process of writing the book. Given that all the dramatis personae are long gone, how difficult was it to put information together. Parthiv Dhar: Anirudha-da and I go a long way. In fact, around 2004-05, we started a campaign for the Bharat Ratna for Kishore Kumar, and did quite a fair bit of work. Probably it was at that time that writing a book on Kishore Kumar crossed our minds. I remember, we were clueless on the structure of the book owing to the multidimensional persona that Kishore was. My visit to Khandwa in 2010 and Anirudha-da’s book on R.D. Burman (with Balaji Vittal) winning the national award provided the much-needed impetus. Graduating to Kishore was a natural progression. The visit to Khandwa made me realise that it would be a crime not to write a book on him, given the paucity of knowledge. Kishore himself did not help matters much by being extremely economical with the press. The Khandwa and Indore visits brought me close to his friends and their families, his caretaker at the Ganguly House, his college professors who went out of their way in sharing with us breath-taking anecdotes and documents. Fittingly, the book is dedicated to Khandwa. Apart from that we had a fantastic time at Bhagalpur, interacting with his relatives like Ratna-di, daughter of his cousin Arun Kumar, getting a treasure trove of unknown events related to his maternal side. Meeting his secretary Abdul was also a high point in the making of the book. The decision to structure the narrative by ragas and their times: dawn, afternoon, evening. You slot Aradhana in the evening. I found that interesting. Anirudha Bhattacharjee: The structure with ragas developed organically given the enormous amount of material we had. The first draft was over a 1000 pages long. Giving it the structure enabled us to get clarity. As for Aradhana appearing under an evening raga … Madhubala passed away in 1969. That was probably a setback. His mother too passed away after a year. Kishore’s tenure as a hero had almost come to an end. He was forty. If we go back in time, K.L. Saigal passed away at the age of forty-two. Critics were urging Lata to stop singing in the late 1960s. She withdrew from the Filmfare awards after 1969. Hence, we equated the time with the evening of their lives. And extrapolated it to Kishore Kumar’s as well. Kishore had great strength of character and turned the tide … but that’s another story. Would you say that Kishore was the one true maverick genius of Hindi cinema, maybe even Indian cinema? The only other person who comes to mind is Satyajit Ray. Parthiv Dhar: Kishore Kumar was a phenomenon, the likes of whom you rarely encounter. He was perhaps the only person in showbiz whose reel and real lives were mirror images of each other. Precisely why there was no reason for him to ‘act’. You never knew whether he was acting on screen or being his own self. That held true even for his real life. His ratio of hits to total songs composed must be one of the highest in the world. He tried everything that the camera and the studios offered but unfortunately there were occupational hazards that clipped his wings. Had some of his unreleased songs and movies seen the light of day, he would have been unassailable. That he did all these only by pure observations and without any formal training made him a genius. As Rama Varma told us in a chat, he had the ability to identify shortcomings in a particular guitar string in the midst of a session without even looking at the guitar or the guitarist. Genius would be too small a word for him. However, we have not assumed much in the book and left the readers to judge for themselves. What in your view is his greatest contribution to the art of playback singing in India? The one thing that sets him apart from all the rest. Parthiv Dhar: Definitely the fact that he made singing appear so easy that emulation became an everyday affair. The clones would, of course, realise that the songs were after all not everybody’s cup of tea. But everyone would attempt a Kishore song. The very fact that he was an actor made him think like one when he would playback. Also, he was perhaps the only one to develop his texture and baritone with infrastructural progress each decade after independence. This led to him being probably the only one to realize that tragic songs need to make the audience cry, not the singer. Anirudha Bhattacharjee: All our male singers except Bhupinder and too some extent Yesudas have been tenors. Maybe the timber has varied, but they are tenors, nevertheless. In my opinion, K.L. Saigal, Kishore Kumar and Pankaj Mullick were tenors who had a unique quality in their voice: ‘dhaar’ and ‘bhaar’ (sharpness and weight). This they used to great advantage. For other singers, it was a case of either/or. Hence, Kishore could playback for Dev Anand using his ‘dhaar’ (Hum hain rahi pyaar ke), complement it with some ‘bhaar’ and ‘mizaaz’ when he sang for Rajesh Khanna (Kuch toh log kahenge), and use his ‘bhaar’ when he sang for Amitabh Bachchan (O saathi re). He also had a strong swarranth, which gave the songs resonance. Plus, his flux density was unique. Even with such a heavy voice, it would remain steady when negotiating long notes, something very difficult to achieve. I know from experience as I sing. He sang Saigal’s ‘Dil jalta hai’ in reverse, set the Malthusian theory to tune, introduced scatting, yodelling, nonsense/gibberish words (bam chik chik) to music in India … where would you place these innovations in his output? Do you think his comic genius came in the way of him being taken seriously as a singer for the longest time? Parthiv Dhar: He was born to innovate, and his childhood is testimony to that. Lateral thinking and he went hand in hand. Domesticating jackals, singing in reverse, giving nicknames to almost every friend, composer … the list is endless. How he handled the goof-up in Baap re Baap is a terrific example of his innovation. Similarly, making a wardrobe malfunction in Badhti Ka Naam Dadhi the reason for executing anything and everything as a director’s prerogative could be another. However, it is probably not true that his comic persona had anything to do with his singing. He started his career with several serious songs while simultaneously making people laugh in his movies. He gained recognition as a serious actor courtesy his roles in Bandi and Naukri and was known as a sufficiently good actor. He sang for all the top music directors till as late as 1958. That he had a long gap after that could be attributed to his preoccupation with Madhubala’s health. Let’s talk about him as an actor … would you agree that as a comic he had no parallels in India? It is only because comedy is not regarded as a genuine art form in India that there has been little recognition of him as an actor. Parthiv Dhar: A very difficult question and not proper to say that he had no parallels. It should not be forgotten that he was a hero in almost 99 per cent of his films, a fact renowned actors would be proud of. While reviewing Bandi, critics had placed him above his more famous brother (in those days). As mentioned earlier, he did not enact comedy, it was in his DNA although by nature he was an equally serious person. His comedy was a mix of slapstick, mimicry, antics. Very few would enact comic role as a hero for the entire length of time without appearing stale. Kishore Kumar had that quality. Where would you rank him as a filmmaker? Do you think he tended to overcompensate for his madcap image with his own films which were ‘serious’? Door Wadiyon Mein Kahin is a rather daring experimentation, even if the execution is amateurish. Even Ray commended its sound design. Your comments. Anirudha Bhattacharjee: As a filmmaker, he was a lateral thinker. He tried unique subjects. But the issue is that he got entangled in too many activities at the same time and could never devote himself properly to making films. Had he concentrated only on filmmaking, he might have made some great films. Door Gagan Ki Chhaon Mein and Door Wadiyon Mein Kahin could have been classics. You devote an entire chapter to Laxmikant Pyarelal. His songs with LP are not spoken of as much. You correct that, though you focus on their early collaborations… Anirudha Bhattacharjee: We focused on Mr X in Bombay, Sreemaan Funtoosh and Hum Sab Ustaad Hain primarily because these films gave him the dimension of a singer first and a hero later. Till then Kishore was viewed as an actor who also used to sing. People forgot Mr X in Bombay (it was a bad film) but remembered ‘Mere mehboob qayamat hogi’. Ditto for Sreemaan Funtoosh and Hum Sab Ustaad hain. Most did not even see these films. But ‘Yeh dard bhara afsana’ and ‘Ajnabee tum jaane pehchane se lagte ho’ became classics. So, on one side, Kishore emerged as a singer, while the actor gradually faded into the background. LP had a key role in this transformation. (Originally published in The Telegraph, Kolkata) Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri is a film buff, editor, publisher, film critic and writer. Books commissioned and edited by him have won the National Award for Best Book on Cinema twice and the inaugural MAMI (Mumbai Academy of Moving Images) Award for Best Writing on Cinema. In 2017, he was named Editor of the Year by the apex publishing body, Publishing Next. He has contributed to a number of magazines and websites like The Daily Eye, Cinemaazi, Film Companion, The Wire, Outlook, The Taj, and others. He is the author of two books: Whims – A Book of Poems (published by Writers Workshop) and Icons from Bollywood (published by Penguin/Puffin). 1958 movie produced by Kishore Kumar, also the lead actor. 1974 movie directed by Kishore Kumar, also the lead actor. In the Distant Valleys, 1980 film directed by Kishore Kumar, also the lead actor. The Distant Wayfarer, 1971 film Under the Shelter of the Sky Such a Large World Is there Love in Stormy Weather Traveler, 1957 film where Kishore Kumar played the lead Song of the Little Road, 1955 Satyajit Ray film The World of Apu, Satyajit Ray film 1959 Someone return my… lyrics of a song sung by Kishore Kumar Where nights do not have a dawn… lyrics of a song sung by Kishore Kumar 1964 film The Distant Traveler, 1971 film written, directed by Kishore Kumar who acted in the lead role. 1984 book with a title based on the Upanishads Let’s go on… lyrics of a song Prayers calls of the Muezzin In the Shadow of a Mother’s Love We, Two Bandits My song is half sung I am an intoxicated bird Past goes Middle of the song Start of the song Those who go to Timbuktoo Translation of the lines: Let me loose myself from the sight of the world Where no one can find me: No voices reach me, no tears be shed for me, No straw, no inklings trace my thoughts. Drape my body in a white shroud. Even spirits should lose sight of me -- My being should only waft in the breeze… 1953 American film Blue Skies, 1961 film ‘I am alone in this world’ RD Burman (1939-1994), Indian music director who composed film scores for more than 300 movies. Worship, a 1969 film ‘We are wayfarers of love’ Mood of the song People will say somethings… O Companions… Ending of the song ‘The heart burns’ sung by legenedary singer KL Saigal(1904-1947) My God!, 1955 film starring Kishore Kumar Slave, 1957 film starring Kishore Kumar 1964 film starring Kishore Kumar Mr Funtoosh, 1965 film starring Kishore Kumar We are all Experts, 1965 film starring Kishore Kumar ‘My Sweetheart will be a astounding’ ‘This moment filled with pain’ ‘Stranger you look familiar’ Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri is a film buff, editor, publisher, film critic and writer. Books commissioned and edited by him have won the National Award for Best Book on Cinema twice and the inaugural MAMI (Mumbai Academy of Moving Images) Award for Best Writing on Cinema. In 2017, he was named Editor of the Year by the apex publishing body, Publishing Next. He has contributed to a number of magazines and websites like The Daily Eye, Cinemaazi, Film Companion, The Wire, Outlook, The Taj, and others. He is the author of two books: Whims – A Book of Poems(published by Writers Workshop) and Icons from Bollywood (published by Penguin/Puffin). Click here to access the Borderless anthology, Monalisa No Longer Smiles PLEASE NOTE: ARTICLES CAN ONLY BE REPRODUCED IN OTHER SITES WITH DUE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BORDERLESS JOURNAL
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Blue State Judge Drops The Gavel On Democrat Official Blue State Judge Drops The Gavel On Democrat Official: (.) It’s a well-known fact that a few government laborers get compensated abundantly for their work. These “local officials” can anticipate six-figure pay rates, while individuals in their networks battle to squeeze by. I don’t know how these “communists” can look themselves in the mirror toward the beginning of the day. In any case, I surmise all that cash helps pad their hearts.(.) (.) One specific liberal procured an exceptionally significant compensation. She works in the City of Portland as a city official. Her yearly compensation surpasses $127,000. However, she has defaulted on a charge card. The organization is suing her, yet the radical would not appear in court. In this way, the appointed authority dropped the hammer on her.(.) " Breaking News: READ>> Pelosi’s Husband Could Be in Serious Trouble " (.) Presently, this is unusual. An extreme left city official from Portland had wouldn’t take care of her charge card obligation. The circumstance arrived at the courts, however, she wouldn’t show. Thus, the appointed authority requested Jo Ann Hardesty to pay $16,000 in past-due obligations and expenses. Sounds step? Indeed, the community worker procures more than $127,000 every year (.).
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When it comes to food, politics are a major factor in what we eat. From taxes to subsidies to trade agreements, political decisions shape the foods that make their way onto our plates, influencing our health and well-being. Whether you realize it or not, political factors can have a big impact on how you choose your groceries. For starters, governments set policies that dictate what kinds of food are accessible and affordable, who can produce or transport them, how they can be sold, and even what ingredients they contain. Taxation and subsidies provide incentives for companies to produce certain products, while trade agreements influence which goods can come in from other countries. Finally, regulations decide how food is produced – and what kind of safety rules must be followed. So it’s safe to say that when it comes to food, politics plays an important role. Let’s explore the ways that political factors can shape the choices we make about what we eat, and how those choices can impact our health. How Food Choice is Influenced by Political Factors When it comes to food, politics really drive the bus. You might not think about it when you’re wandering round a supermarket or grabbing lunch at a restaurant, but there are political forces at work that shape the kind of food you see and the prices you pay for it. For starters, there’s those policies that governments and lawmakers put in place. They can range from incentivizing healthy eating habits, to banning certain products outright. Then there’s taxation and subsidies – these affect the cost of food too. Trade agreements also play an important role in deciding what foods are available where, while rules governing food production have a massive impact. And then, of course, there’s the impact of all of these things on health. Let’s start with policies. Governments can be proactive in encouraging folks to eat better, with incentives such as free fruits and vegetables for low-income families. In extreme cases, they might even ban certain foods that don’t meet certain standards. Taxation and subsidies will affect the prices you pay too. Depending on the country and its views on food, it might make healthy options more affordable, or tax sugary drinks and fast food heavily. Trade agreements, meanwhile, will determine which foreign products get exported and imported, meaning certain foods may find their way onto shelves or be excluded altogether. Finally there are the regulations around food production. Laws govern how food is grown, processed, stored, and transported – all of which can have a big effect on the food you end up eating, both in terms of safety and quality. And it’s not just what ends up on your plate – it’s also the health implications of all this. For instance, when healthy options become more accessible, people tend to opt for them more often. On the other hand, cheap processed food that’s packed with salt, sugar, and artificial compounds can become more commonplace if it’s subsidized or taxed at lower rates. So, when it comes down to it, politics plays a huge role in influencing our food choices. From what winds up on store shelves, to the price we pay for it, to the impact on our health, it’s clear political factors help decide what we eat. Impact of Political Factors on Health Politics can have a huge impact on our health – whether it’s through the policies enacted or the incentives and disincentives implemented. As citizens, it’s important for us to be aware of this influence in order to make informed decisions about what we eat, how our food is produced, and ultimately how healthy we are. Government policies can affect what types of foods are available to us, as well as how it is produced and regulated. The costs of food and agricultural products can also be impacted by taxes and subsidies, while international trade agreements can lead to an influx of foreign-produced foods onto the domestic market. All of these political mechanisms shape our food choices and consequently, our health. When it comes to access to healthy food, political factors play an important role. Areas which are more economically disadvantaged often lack access to fresh and nutritious food, which then leads to higher rates of diet-related illnesses like obesity and diabetes. This is further exacerbated when unhealthy, processed foods become cheaper than healthier alternatives. Regulations around food production can also be shaped by political factors. For example, subsidies may encourage farmers to produce large amounts of high-calorie, low-nutrition food, while taxes on specific ingredients can limit their availability (and vice versa). In summary, political forces have a direct impact on our food choices, which can in turn affect our overall health. It is important to take a holistic approach to understanding our health, and consider how political factors might be influencing our diets and our health outcomes. Well, I’d say that if you take one thing from this discussion, it’s how important political factors are in influencing what and how we eat. Food policies, taxes and subsidies, trade agreements, and the regulations governing food production are all key players when it comes to shaping our dietary habits – both good and bad. Of course, it’s not all doom and gloom; though it can be hard to get access to healthy food in certain parts of the country, other areas provide a multitude of options. Ultimately, political factors have an undeniable impact on our food choices and health. We can’t deny the fact that these factors can shape our food environment in drastic ways. It’s important, however, to remember that it’s just as essential for individuals to make conscious decisions about what they choose to eat day by day. In the end, it’s up to us to decide what’s best for our bodies and wallets! Political Food Choices FAQ What are 4 factors that influence people’s food choices? As someone who’s been studying politics and food for many years, I can tell you that there are four main factors that influence people’s food choices. They include economic, cultural, environmental, and social influences. First, economic factors play a huge role in how people choose what to eat. The cost of food, limited access to certain types of food, availability of food, and food safety are all economic factors that weigh heavily on food choices. For instance, if you live in a low-income area, you may have to rely on cheaper food options, such as fast food restaurants, because of limited access to grocery stores. Second, cultural influences shape food choices, too. If a particular culture values certain foods or cooking methods, people in that culture may be more likely to prepare and consume those dishes. In addition, many religious or spiritual traditions have specific foods that are associated with them, which can drive decisions about what to eat. Third, environmental factors play an important role in choosing food. Climate, soil, water availability, and other environmental conditions can affect what crops are available in an area and where food is grown. For instance, in a drought-prone area, farmers may choose to grow more drought-resistant crops. Finally, social influences can influence how and what people eat. Peer pressure, lifestyle habits, food trends, and popular diets can all affect the types of food people choose. Additionally, media and marketing campaigns can also shape people’s eating habits. How our food choices are personal and political? As someone who has covered the food industry for decades, I can say it’s no secret that food choices are profoundly impacted by politics. From regional and agricultural deregulation to food safety, labeling, and advertising regulations, the political factors influencing what and how we eat are myriad. Government subsidies and market concentration in the food industry are two of the most pervasive political forces. Government subsidies for certain kinds of agricultural production, for example, make certain foods more affordable or more profitable to produce, leading to an oversupply of products like corn or soybeans that are used as components of processed foods. Market concentration, on the other hand, occurs when large food companies buy up smaller companies and consolidate their market power. This consolidation reduces competition, leading to fewer choices and higher prices for consumers. At the same time, it also creates more powerful lobbying voices in the political arena, which can push for policies that are more aligned with large food companies’ interests. In addition, labeling and food safety regulations also shape our food choices. Labels on food products help to inform consumers about the healthfulness of the food they are buying. Food safety regulations, meanwhile, ensure that the food we eat is safe to consume and is produced in a way that meets certain standard of quality. All of these political forces have a tremendous impact on our food choices. Understanding the interplay between politics and food is essential for forming food habits that promote health and well-being. After all, it’s no secret that what we eat can have a huge impact on our health and our bodies. What are the main factors affecting food choice? When it comes to food choice, there are a number of political factors at play that can influence what goes on our plate. One of the main factors is the country’s economic condition. Fluctuating economic conditions can affect the cost of food, making some items more affordable than others and changing the availability of certain foods at certain times. Political events such as trade agreements, sanctions, taxation policies, and commodity speculation can also greatly impact food choice. Other factors include government subsidies, which can make certain food items artificially affordable and encourage certain production practices, as well as marketing campaigns and regulations that influence food choices. For example, a government may attempt to influence citizens to purchase healthier foods by introducing nutritional labeling, advertising campaigns, and restrictions on certain additives. Furthermore, cultural norms and values play a role in food selection. For example, a population may choose to eat foods based on cultural beliefs, religious practices, or traditional dietary customs. In some cases, food choice may even be affected by geopolitical events such as wars or international agreements. In conclusion, food choice is influenced by a variety of political factors, including economic conditions, government subsidies, and cultural norms. Understanding these factors is key to making informed, conscious decisions about what we put on our plate.
By LEANN BURKE at Dubois County Herald JASPER — It’s been quiet on Jasper’s Patoka Riverfront, despite two major redevelopment projects in the works near the Jasper Train Depot. The Hoosier Desk factory at the corner of Fourth and Mill streets and the old Jasper Cabinet Factory behind the Jasper Train Depot will be redeveloped over the next few years. The Jasper Public Library and the Jasper Community Arts Commission plan to unite to build the Jasper Cultural Center where the Hoosier Desk building currently stands, and Indianapolis developer Boxer Girl LLC plans to develop Jasper Cabinet into a mixed use complex dubbed River Centre. The last action the public saw came in February when Boxer Girl demolished part of Jasper Cabinet as a kickoff to construction. Since then, not much has happened at either site. The quiet does not mean idleness, however. Behind-the-scenes work on both the Jasper Cultural Center and River Centre has been trucking along. In April, Indianapolis-based General Hotels — the company building and managing the hotel at River Centre— announced that the hotel will be an 80-room Fairfield Inn & Suites. The hotel will be constructed in the former block kiln building and will be an $8-million investment in Jasper. Before construction on the hotel can begin, Marriott International, Inc., Fairfield’s parent company, must sign off on the plans for the building. Jane Hendrickson of Boxer Girl said she expects everything to be in place for construction of the hotel to begin in September. Hendrickson has been working on obtaining Industrial Recovery Tax Credits for River Centre. Those were awarded to the project in June, clearing the way for work to begin. Hendrickson said she expects construction to begin on the rest of the development — 75 apartments, 36,000 square feet of retail space, a 200-space parking lot and several beautification projects in the area — in early 2018. She is working to fill the retail space, but cannot comment on what businesses or what kind of businesses may fill it. She is looking for a mix of retail and restaurant businesses, and she plans to have new signage up at the site in time for Strassenfest that will include leasing information and a phone number. Across Third Street from the River Centre will be the Jasper Cultural Center. No construction work has begun at that site, but Jasper Public Library Director Christine Golden hopes deconstruction can begin this year. Right now, though, the city, library and Louisville-based private developer, City Properties Group, are finalizing contracts that will govern the collaboration. In the set up, the City of Jasper will hold the contract with City Properties, and an interlocal agreement between the city and the library will ensure the library gets a fair say in discussions with City Properties and that the cost of the project is shared equally. For the project to move forward, the library board must approve the interlocal agreement. The library board discussed both contracts at its meeting last week and decided to table their decision. Board members only had about a day to review the lengthy documents and felt they needed more time. Board members will meet in a special meeting in the coming weeks to further discuss and vote on the contracts. The date and time of the meeting are to be decided. Once the library board approves the contract, City Properties will begin work on final designs and construction documents for the Cultural Center. Golden expects the project to go to bid by the end of the year, with construction beginning in the spring of next year. Once completed, the Jasper Cultural Center will house the Jasper Public Library and the gallery spaces and offices for the Jasper Community Arts Commission. There are also plans for a snack kiosk and gift shop of some kind, and the commission plans to have studio spaces. The groups are currently looking for a private entity interested in developing the boiler room at the site. In the original concept drawings, the boiler room was marked for a restaurant, but could instead be made into a retail space. If no one shows interest, the boiler room will be demolished when the rest of the building comes down. Anyone interested in the boiler room should contact Golden at 812-482-2712.
The San Sebastian Cathedral is the single most imposing structure in Lipa City if one does not count the huge malls within the city center. Our travel-photography group FUNtastic Philippines visited Lipa last Saturday and made the cathedral grounds our base for exploring this city. HISTORY OF THE CATHEDRAL Villa de Lipa was once the most affluent town in the Philippines mainly due to its most famous produce, coffee. From the City of Lipa website, one reads that Don Galo de los Reyes, then the governadorcillo of Lipa, introduced coffee of the Arabica species brought in from Mexico. The church was first constructed with light materials and a series of constructions and deconstructions happened under he administration of the Augustinians until Fr. Benito Baras, who was Parish Priest of Lipa for from 1865 to 1894 finally completed the construction of this parish church which would later become the cathedral, known to the locals as Katedral. From the webpage Batangas Hub (http://www.batangashub.com/4/category/san%20sebastian%20cathedral%20in%20lipa%20city/1.html), “Lipeños visit this place often without knowing that this church,The San Sebastian Cathedral, is the product of the townsmen’s motivation to build astonishing huge churches to compete with other cities nearby for the seat of the archdiocese in 1910.On that same year, Lipa was chosen by Most Reverend Jospeh Petrelli, D.D, to be the Diocese covering the provinces of Batangas, Laguna, Quezon Marinduque and Mindoro and later made the seat of the Archdiocese. It was constructed simple and bare without the murals and paintings until the 19th century when the colorful and extravagant images were drawn on the walls and ceilings. San Sebastian Cathedral is raised from rough-hewn, rectangular stone and has a six-storey octagonal bell tower that rests on a rectangular base of the small dome on top. It also features a grand baroque designed pipe organ which is the only one in Batangas Province and one of only 59 units in the Philippines.” Indeed, the Lipa Cathedral is easily one of the most beautiful places of worship in the country. Here are more photos I took on our visit.
Landscaping can turn a plain backyard into a beautiful and functional outdoor living space. Our designers transform the best backyard landscaping ideas into unique and personalized outdoor spaces. From native plants to ornamental shrubs, we design garden beds to complement the natural features of your space. Manicured landscaping boosts curb appeal in the front, and lush plantings create a peaceful oasis in the back. Bring your best backyard landscaping ideas and we work with you to incorporate a variety of colors and textures for a beautiful and visually interesting addition to your space. Custom outdoor lighting elevates landscaping from simply pretty to a dramatic statement. We use lighting to highlight key features in your landscaping and to cultivate a cozy and inviting atmosphere after the sun goes down. Pathways enhance functionality and safety by creating a sense of flow through your outdoor living space. Backyard landscaping ideas include integrating the path with the surrounding landscape, choosing natural materials, and using lighting for ambiance and style.
“Competitiveness is far more about doing what customers value than doing what you think you are good at.” The Blake Project, the consulting firm behind Branding Strategy Insider helps startups and emerging businesses and brands in their embryonic stages through the first five years of their growth journey. Drawing from our expertise in helping numerous businesses and brands develop and introduce their Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – the least expensive, time-consuming iteration of their product, our Startup Lab focuses on the core aspects of marketplace success such as business model strategy, brand strategy, innovation, creative execution, culture, customer experience, competitive set and customer insight. The Blake Project’s Startup Lab provides a guided, collaborative process where assumptions are questioned, futures are imagined and launched. Our 6 module program is not an incubator or an accelerator but a workshop driven approach delivered online or in person with the founder and/or leadership team. We launched the Startup Lab to help both funded and boot-strapping entrepreneurs gain access to critical expertise through a phased approach that accommodates smaller budgets, giving new ideas and their founders a greater chance for success. The innovators journey begins with a passion or a problem. Provocative questions reveal the ideal path and destination. The Blake Project helps get you there.
Hey bookworms! It has been a while! And by that, I mean about a week. I have been reading like crazy and am behind in writing reviews because I have about 3 in the queue right now. My latest read was a Cyclops (from the X-men) graphic novel called A Pirate’s Life For Me. Synopsis: RESCUED! But by whom? And is it really a rescue…or does this put Scott at greater risk than before? And what bounty are they hunting? Lots of shooting and things blowing up! The bad news: the Starjammers are about to die! The good news: Cyclops is no longer a Starjammer. Scott Summers is aboard a new space pirate ship, with a cruel, cutthroat captain, and a crew of criminals and killers. None of them trust Scott– and a few just might want to kill him! But, hey, that Captain’s daughter is kinda cute, right? Comicbook reviews are always short and sweet so I will keep the tradition with this one. I really enjoyed seeing Cyclops as a kid and bonding with his father. And space pirates?! I mean that is pretty awesome. I do have one question though….where was Alex? You know, his younger brother? The graphic novel had a pretty good pace and kept me interested. I thought it was for a pretty young audience until that ending which surprised me. I can honestly say that I dd not expect it to take the turn it did. I believe Cyclops is a pretty underrated X-men and deserves more respect considering he is powerful enough to blow a hole through a mountain. SO getting a comic just centered on him and his struggles was fun and enjoyable. I would say to pick this one up if you want a quick read about adventure and space pirates! Book Rating: 4/5 You can buy this book on Amazon and find it on Goodreads. Disclaimer: I bought this graphic novel with my own money and read it because I wanted to. If you want to see the rest of the books on my shelves, check out this bookshelf tour! This is part 2. Part one can be found on my youtube channel! Let me know if we have any of the same books! I’m glad you enjoyed the graphic novel! I always love a good book with space pirates. Yea I like when the Xmen are explored in their own storylines.
By Yuriy Gorodnichenko (UC Berkeley) and Ilona Sologub (VoxUkraine) The Russian aggression in Ukraine is a war crime that is on full display in real time. Viewers can watch live as Russian forces indiscriminately bomb residential areas and critical infrastructure, shell a nuclear power plant, and kill innocent civilians trying for flee the war. Anybody who cares about humanity is outraged by this aggression. But not people in Russia. At least not most of them. Polls and anecdotal evidence suggest that Putin continues to find strong support among Russian citizens. The brave people who protest in Moscow and other cities are too few in numbers to make a difference. After years of hateful propaganda, many people in Russia genuinely believe that Ukraine is run by Nazis and that the Russian government is doing a “military operation” in Ukraine to pacify them. Because no country is interested in engaging Russia militarily and Ukraine has no plans whatsoever to invade Russia, only Russians can stop this war of aggression. Putin is certainly not interested. A coup by Russian elites, co-opted into Putin’s regime, is wishful thinking. Hence, it has to be a mass movement that is motivated enough to stop the war. What would help them understand that the war is wrong, or at least that the war is not worth it? Obviously, the bodies of dead Russian soldiers being returned to their families will start to register with the Russian public. Just like human losses of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan made the regime very unpopular, Russian losses in Ukraine will erode support for the war. But this can take years of tragic deaths before the war comes to the doorstep of sufficiently many people in Russia. Clearly, the message should be delivered faster. Financial and economic sanctions on Russia can help to deliver this message. Indeed, they have already started to inflict some pain on the Russian economy. The ruble is in free fall. The banking sector is under stress. Trade ties and supply chains are disrupted. This creates a dissonance between propaganda (“Russia is winning”) and reality (shortages of goods, inflation, job losses). It will begin to dawn on many Russians that something is not quite right but Russia has not stopped the war yet and hence the screw of sanctions has to be tightened further. The obvious next step is to cut off Russian exports of oil and gas. This step will greatly limit the ability of the Russian government to finance their war of aggression. Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, announced that Russian energy is not on the table for now. This is morally wrong and it is up to Germany’s allies to convince them of the importance of this key step. However, even if the civilized world is unwilling to do the obvious, there are many other instruments to raise the cost of war for Russia. For example, Saddam Hussein, who used chemical weapons to kill civilians, was allowed to sell Iraqi oil but his regime could only use oil revenues to buy goods of a humanitarian nature (food, medical supplies, etc.). Gazprom could be denied control over gas pipelines and storage facilities in the EU to avoid the artificial shortages they themselves created in the wake of the Russian invasion. Gazprom and Russian oil companies should not have access to international capital markets directly or indirectly so that they are not “cash cows” for the Russian government. Payments for Russian oil and energy could also be delayed to reduce liquidity available to the Russian government. In addition, the civilized world has not exhausted other instruments to limit the ability of the Russian government to wage their war of aggression against Ukraine. More Russian banks can be excluded from international financial markets. By refusing to service aircraft, Boeing and Airbus effectively ground a large share of the Russian fleet. Software providers can similarly short-circuit many modern forms of economic activity. For example, if major providers of cloud services exit the Russian market, many businesses in Russia will find their operations disrupted. Because Russia is so integrated into the global economy, the vulnerabilities are endless. Where does this stop? It stops when Russia stops the war in Ukraine, when Ukrainian cities are not bombed, when innocent Ukrainians are not killed, when Russian forces withdraw from Ukraine. Will it work? The Soviet Union collapsed because it was unable to provide its citizens with basic goods and services. If the Soviet repressive machine could not cope with riots and dissent, Putin’s repression machine will not be able to handle these either. Internet is far more powerful than Radio Freedom to spread the truth. So far sanctions on Russia have been imposed in a piecemeal manner in response to atrocities in Ukraine: a leveled city in Ukraine is followed by a new tier of sanctions on Russia. Apparently, this approach has not deterred Putin from escalating the war. Only massive economic costs that bring on popular unrest in Russia will bring Putin to serious peace negotiations. So economic sanctions should be massive too. After all, “shock and awe” doesn’t have to apply to just military strategy.
As usual, I am here to give you cycling stories as I experience them as NAKANDI Before I go any further, I want to dedicate this post to a very kind girl – Irene Sanz Prevosti – who has been behind most of the content in this post And yes, I am currently in Barcelona (BCN), Spain for 6 months and living the life you hope to live at some point in your life – in case you haven’t (transcendence sniffs on my end yooooooo, I gotta brag for a moment 😊) Also, please don’t take that seriously, I am only testing your sense of HUMOUR Jokes aside, I am not sure how much you know about this ICONIC city, but I will narrate to you what I have experienced so far I came to BCN on the 16th of August 2021 to do my first semester of a masters in Biosciences and Bioengineering Innovations in Precision Medicine – yes yessssss, I am very BRILLIANT without a doubt, and yes I know you are thinking in those lines and yes another moment of transcendence 😊😅 I was so excited to come here especially because the few people that learnt about my travel plans prepped me about how I would enjoy the CYCLIST LANES and how convectional it is for women to ride bicycles. Being the adventurous newbie and excited individual I was, I thought I could check out my neighborhood on the first day of arrival to the city (My excuse was that I wanted to buy something to eat – yoghurt and cake to be exact) When I went out, my green self was amazed by how totally DIFFERENT everything was: how orderly the vehicles were on the streets without guidance from a traffic officer; the seriousness on people’s faces I passed by; NO BODA BODAS on the streets or someone cooeeing to sell me something or actually telling me that I am their “size” – WOW Did I mention that the average price of an avocado is 1 euro which translates to about 4,200UGX and my father’s compound has two avocado trees from which huge avocado fruits hang unharvested – story for ANOTHER DAY There was SOOOO much to be fascinated about that afternoon that I totally forgot the way back home – nothing to brag about here. Too make it worse, when I eventually (and inadvertently) found my building’s doorway, I couldn’t remember which level or door my “flat” was after entering the lounge. Messy and shitty can’t describe how I felt at that point in time – I mean I am only new in the city, and I don’t know where I should be sleeping – NOT SEXY AT ALL And then boooooom, a chic lady walked into the lounge and courteously greeted me saying “hola”,the literal meaning for hello (I later learnt that it’s addressed by anyone to anyone while in the lounge – speaks volumes about the courteousness of SPANIARDS 😊) “Holaaaa”, I responded as I thought to myself, “this is the time to ask, this is the moment Brenda – she seems nice” “….ummm necesito ayuda. ¿tu hablas inglés?”(ummm I need help, do you speak English? I naively asked. (In that one day, almost no one I interacted with spoke English and I was not exactly confident with my Spanish hence the question about if she spoke English) “Sí…yessss!!!” she answered with a bright face brimming with curiosity and decorum of wanting to help a stranger I explained my case, and even though she initially laughed (I mean I would laugh too if a stranger asked me to give them an idea about where their room was😅), she provided some guidelines about how I could solve the maze. Story cut short, we became friends and have been hanging out on several occasions including African dance workouts, having coffee, showing me around plus enriching my Spanish language skills Basically, she has been a linchpin of my smooth adjustment to life in Barcelona By now you have prolly connected the dots regarding who I am talking about; Irene Sanz Prevosti While enjoying the pastimes I share with Irene, the enthusiastic extrovert in me always found a way of talking about the topic of cycling in Uganda and my blog about it. Irene was amazed by this, so much so, that the conversation about cycling reminded her of her youthful cycling adventures This prompted her to suggest a trip around the city to revive those memories, in addition to using the opportunity to show me around while acquainting me with the dos and don’ts of cycling through BCN streets “YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!” was my response Before I go any further, you prolly think showing me around would be = visiting the awe-inspiring or revered destinations in BCN such as Gaudi’s marvels of architecture or Camp Nou(Barcelona FC’s stadium and the biggest in Europe), NOP NO! I would prolly have to visit them all to tell you about it like a Ugandan would If you are interested in caffeine jitters, tingles from cycling, cognizance of Spanish heritage, tales from experiencing great ambience then this post might give you a taste of each from a perspective of a Ugandan girl Also, for some words, I will use two dialects used in Barcelona; Catalan and Spanish, the former being a co-official language in the Catalonia region, that has BCN as its capital. Back to the story On the eve of our trip day – which happened to be a big weekend for the Fiestas de la Merce (La Mercè) celebrations, we had a full evening in a coffee shop that’s about 10 minutes away from our building. Irene had curated destinations for our trip based on the things she reckoned we would enjoy together as we go for this long-awaited trip As we treated ourselves to the outstanding orgasm – generating feeling of drinking coffee(only coffee drinkers will get this), Irene gave a brief background of each of the places we were to explore the next day and how she hoped the day would go. You see, I am always EXCITED to go for a ride; to experience life on a bicycle. But hearing from a cycling mate that they didn’t catch sleep because of a following day’s cycling adventure you will both experience is a true yardstick for how right your company is This was Irene the next day She narrated to me how unnecessarily alert her mind was as she tried to catch some sleep the night before, while on our way to the bicycle renting shop – the cheapest we found in the city The bikes we got were the feminal vintage Dutch kind that reflected how eased-up our ride was going to be On testing that they were perfect, we set out to start our trip with Irene as the lead Destination 1: Sirvent Parliament Colored with yellow patterns and imbued with a chill ambience, this street has the shop with the best ORXATA(in Catalan) drink in Barcelona – as highlighted by Irene The drink is made of chufas (tiger nuts), water and sugar, whose quality as you prolly guessed, is determined by the quality and quantity of tiger nuts This drink in my opinion tries to match the unique BUSHERA taste commonly drank from western Uganda and millet flour as the main ingredient(Very different ingredients, I know but hey this is what my taste buds decoded on my first sip) Irene explained that as much as the drink is commonly consumed by locals in Barcelona, its origin is from Valencia – another city in Spain. While we enjoyed the refreshing taste of orxata, another symbol of Barcelona hit our eyes – the Panot pattern The panot – which Irene wore as a bracelet, is a symbol of Barcelona and enamelled on slabs you cannot miss on most pavements in BCN streets (I bet you didn’t know this and yeah, you’re welcome🤗) Destination 2: Montjuïc Almost anyone I know that has been to BCN and to Montjuïc will narrate to you about how monumental this place is and OBVIOUSLY recommend that you go not just once while on a long stay in Barcelona I can’t agree more Being a birthplace to the city of BCN, this place is home to the outstanding antique MONTJUÏC Castle with the pathway leading to it having a series of fountains in different locations and a variety of different-sized medieval staircases and sculptures. Within the castle, is the National Museum of Art of Catalunya (Catalonia in English) Its strategic location gives a complete view of the span of the city of BCN, while at the top and for someone travelling on foot, the stairs are the obvious route to the MAGNIFICENT view While using a bicycle however, it’s not that obvious to get to the top, even with GOOGLE MAPS As we approached the vicinity with the terrific attributes I hinted on above, the most obvious thing to do was either carry our bikes and use the stairs (definitely not what I would go for) or look for a cycling lane to get to the top – easy peasy right The directions from google maps only led us to a dead end and away from the actual destination But was that reason to fret?! Not at all! Not with the various options we gazed upon as we entered the rabbit hole: Watching horses for example for Irene was something exotic since these are known to be rare in BCN and obviously expensive to ride; The Barcelona Olympic Park in Montjuïc that was constructed in the wake of 1992 Olympics games in BCN that led to displacement of poor inhabitants at that time, and currently purposed for sporty activities And as much as I was glad we got lost, we still had other places to go to let alone the top of the castle which we eventually made it to, at last The beauty of this place is BEYOND BELIEF, which I guess attributes it to being one of the most frequented places in BCN. The melodious notes from buskers coupled with dripping-water sounds from the fountain close to the top and mumbling from people of different ages in different languages is a symphony of its own; let alone the sights it offers, is definitely an exceptional experience worth doing either solitarily or people you enjoy spending time with. At that point in time, I remember the eyes of the typical Ugandan girl in me being contented even after covering half the journey we had planned Not our bellies though (Irene and I), as we had exhausted our bodies’ fuel sources which dictated our next destination Destination 3: Ciutat Vella Our next destination was Ciutat Vella (in catalan) whose literal meaning is Old City The idea was to go through this next route to a food place while visually pleasing our souls, the place being home to several notable places with Spanish heritage. While we pedalled through the streets, Irene cautiously told me to ALWAYS keep right (the Ugandan local in me had previously assumed that the left-hand British standards worked everywhere in Europe), and in places with no traffic lights, cyclists had the RIGHT OF WAY to cross such roads in presence of cars and surprisingly, the cars seemed to follow this subconsciously – wowwww, will this ever be a THING in Uganda?!🤔 Some of the places we saw include (in the order of the route from Montjuïc): Drassanes; a place near port Vell (a port in southeast BCN) where ships and boats in the old city were built, repaired, and maintained from. With my eyes, all I could see was civilization. Uganda too has a port called Port Bell similarly pronounced as the one in BCN, execpt fot the “r” in port that is more pronounced in Spanish than English. I am not sure why there is a similarity, and I didn’t bother to ask why. Columbus’ Monument; that was erected in memory of the famous Christopher Columbus or Cristóbal Colón in Spanish and with his help, Spain was able to have colonies in South America. The whole idea of having a sculpture of someone like him in present day doesn’t sit well Irene and I remember this sculpture sparking a conversation about capitalism, a topic that she will ardently talk about any day any time. Plaça Reial (in Catalan); Literal meaning for this is Royal Place which in the past was a place for community gatherings and on that day, had a concert going on in commemoration of the La Merce celebrations. Catedral de Barcelona: Pretty sure this is obvious. What stood out for me is that this is the only cathedral in Barcelona and one has to pay to enter😀 (no matter their intentions for visiting), just like other churches in BCN. Buenas Migas (in Spanish):– Literal translation being “good crumbs” and a place with great bread-based foods whose main expertise is in thick-breaded pizzas of different kinds(focaccia in Italian). The place had different continental foods in their display, and I would be lying if I said I knew 50% percent of them. My eyes could only recognize the cakes and the yoghurt (you prolly know my comfort food now) and the pasta, may be When time for ordering reached, our choices were based on what delighted our eyes most, which by the way was a hard task for me because everything looked super delicioso Destination 4: Libraries From our meal, we embarked on going to the last destination of the day which was libraries. First was an English bookstore called Come in, for me to pick a book I didn’t complete reading before I came to BCN and then La Central, another library that was not only bigger but also had a nice comfortable open-air outdoor facility for enjoying coffee while reading or having a book club Everything seemed to go smoothly, untilllllllllllll…….well until the following happened While inside the latter library, it dawned on us that Irene didn’t have her phone on her and neither could I find it in my bag – not a beautiful feeling especially after losing a wallet a fortnight before. I could relate with how she felt especially the part for her heart missing a beat at that point in time Lucky for her, she was not as dramatic as I would get when I lose something Instead, she INSTANTLY did what driven individuals like herself would do: trace back her steps that led her to her bike’s basket. And she did, with me running behind her And yes we fortunately found it QUIETLY waiting for us – so much for loving to be found by the right owners😅 Imagine how relieved we were! This we further reminisced about, amidst other day’s activities while indulging in one of our bonding rituals – COFFEE At some point, in the presence of the sun, it started to drizzle which according to Ugandan lore, is a sign that a LEOPARD is giving birth and for Spain according to Irene, WITCHES combing their hair. By the day’s end, my expectations for the trip were met to the hilt or even surpassed and totally worth Irene’s sleepless night. I mean, we did more than what I have mentioned in this blogpost but I will save you from reading an even longer post If you have any questions or concerns, you know I am ALWAYS HAPPY😊 to address them in the comments section below. Informative indeed, yet so much fun. Enjoyed the read LikeLiked by 1 person Thanks Bridget. I am super glad you passed by 😉 This is exceptionally well crafted LikeLiked by 1 person Wowwwwww. This comment gave me goose bumps, in a good way of course! Thank you Denis! You have really given me a simple mini tour of Bacelona from within my home comfort 👌 LikeLiked by 1 person It’s a pleasure Mark😊
The Cleveland Inner City Boxing Club is a member of USA Boxing, the national governing body of olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States. We provide opportunities for our members to participate in USA Boxing sanctioned local, regional, and national events. Our program teaches at risk youth the fundamentals and principles of boxing. Boxing gives them an alternative to the negative behavior that surrounds them such as drugs, violence, and crime. During the sessions the youth are taught the importance of discipline, responsibility, respect, and mental strength. This has been proven to stay with a person throughout his or her lifetime. The main goal is to serve as an intervention program for at risk youth as well as youth who desire to further their boxing career professionally.
The Cleveland Inner City Boxing Club is a member of USA Boxing, the national governing body of olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States. We provide opportunities for our members to participate in USA Boxing sanctioned local, regional, and national events. Our program teaches at risk youth the fundamentals and principles of boxing. Boxing gives them an alternative to the negative behavior that surrounds them such as drugs, violence, and crime. During the sessions the youth are taught the importance of discipline, responsibility, respect, and mental strength. This has been proven to stay with a person throughout his or her lifetime. The main goal is to serve as an intervention program for at risk youth as well as youth who desire to further their boxing career professionally.
Installing a skylight is a great way to add natural light and ventilation to your home and improve your overall energy efficiency. However, there are a few things you need to know before installing a skylight in your home. This blog post will discuss five tips to help make the process easier and ensure that your skylight is installed correctly. Don’t Skip These Tips If you’re planning on installing a skylight, be sure to keep the following tips in mind: First, you need to consider your skylight’s style and function. What features are most important? Do you want it to be domed or flat? Is it a functional window that opens, or is it stationary? There are many options available, so be sure to do your research before deciding. The next thing you need to consider is placement. Where do you want your skylight to go? Keep in mind that the placement of your skylight will affect the amount of light and ventilation it provides. For example, if you install your skylight on a north-facing portion of your roof, you should get consistent lighting year-round. Additionally, you’ll want to avoid installing them directly above heat-sensitive areas like showers or bathtubs, as well as places where they might be obstructed by furniture or other objects. Next, you need to decide on a mounting type. There are two main options: deck mount and curb mount. Deck-mounted skylights are designed to “hug” the roof and are made in a factory – perfect for new construction. Curb-mounted skylights sit on a metal frame that is raised above the roof surface. However, the current condition of your room impacts this choice. Curb-mounted skylights work best to replace old skylights. Otherwise, if you’re adding a skylight to an existing home, deck-mounted makes the most sense. There are two main types of glazing: clear and tinted. Clear glazing allows the most light to enter your home, but it can also cause glare and make your home warmer in the summer. Tinted glazing blocks some of the light, but it helps reduce glare and heat gain. Finally, you need to consider your roof type. If you have a flat or low-pitched roof, installing a skylight may not be possible. You’ll need to consult with an experienced roofer to see if your roof can support a skylight. Typically, to accommodate a skylight, the roof has to be about 5 to 15 degrees higher than the roof’s latitude. Additionally, not all roof types can accommodate skylights. For example, truss-framed roofs are not designed to be cut after installation. Attempting to could damage the structural integrity of the roof. Getting Started with an Experienced Roofer Now that you know what to consider before installing a skylight, it’s time to get started. The best way to ensure that your skylight is installed correctly is to work with an experienced roofer. At Bristlewood, we can help you choose the suitable model and placement for your home, as well as provide expert installation services to ensure your skylight doesn’t leak. Keep these tips in mind if you’re in the market for a new skylight. With a bit of planning and the help of an experienced roofer, you can enjoy all the benefits of natural light and ventilation in your home.
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On the Subject of Cowriting ©2004 By Bronson Herrmuth, MusicDish.com If you look at the current issue of Billboard magazine and check out the radio play list charts closely, you will quickly notice that the vast majority of the songs you see charted there were cowritten by two, three or more writers. There are many reasons for this, including the old saying "two heads are better than one" being high up on the list. I have cowritten with songwriters who write 10-15 songs a week on a regular basis, while cowriting with a half dozen (or more) different songwriters. They write with one songwriting partner in the morning, another one in the afternoon and a different one in the evening on a daily basis. They will actually go on the road with famous artists and write with them while they are on tour. It is normal for these writers to write hundreds of songs in any given year with most of those songs being cowritten. My first cowriting session was inspired by a trip to Nashville in 1983 and a meeting with a publisher who had expressed interest in publishing one of my songs, but only if it was rewritten. He loved the melody but was not sold on the lyrics, so he left it up to me. Rewrite and get a publishing contract, no rewrite, a pass. I went back home and tried several times to rewrite my song, but I just couldn't do it. I really did like it just the way it was and I couldn't come up with anything that I felt made it a better song. I was fortunate to know a very successful songwriter named Johnny McCollum, who lived in my hometown in Iowa. I called him and explained the situation, and he graciously agreed to cowrite with me. (Thank you, Johnny) I was still very apprehensive about the thought of changing what I had written in any way and Johnny realized this immediately. He gave me a wonderful lesson on how to cowrite that day and over the next few days, as our cowriting relationship and friendship progressed. We both agreed to leave my song just like it was and actually wrote a whole new song. We just rearranged the chord structure, using the same chords that the publisher had shown an interest in. A different melody and brand new words, but in the same key, style, and tempo of my other song. The publisher loved it and his company did end up publishing that song, and still does. I have gone on to write many songs with Johnny, and one of our songs was recorded and released by the group Mason Dixon in 1985. That song was called "Christmas Memories," and was actually a 3-way write with hit songwriter Dan Mitchell. Johnny and I wrote the lyrics and Dan wrote the music and sang the demo. Another of our cowrites entitled "Outlaw On The Run" was recorded and released by Michael Mason in 1996 on his CD, Say You're Gonna Stay. Here are some of my thoughts on the subject of cowriting: When you write with other songwriters, you open up the door to your finished songs being heard and pitched by more people. Your co-writer(s) and anyone working with them will now be pushing your finished cowrite, too. It enables your song to be heard by a lot more people when you cowrite, which of course increases your odds for success. This really comes into play if you are fortunate enough to write with already established successful songwriters who have publishing deals or just lots more connections in the business than you do. When you write with other songwriters you have someone you can bounce ideas back and forth with. You get stumped and they get inspired, which in turn helps you stay motivated. Your cowriter(s) can also give you ideas and help you think about things from a different perspective than your own. This aspect really comes into play if you write with someone of the opposite sex. As I am sure anyone reading this article can relate to the premise that men and women tend to come at the same subject from completely different viewpoints. I know songwriters who get very motivated creatively by knowing they have a cowriting session coming up. They find the meeting of the minds very inspiring and use this inspiration to fuel their solo writing. Cowriting keeps them focused and pushes them to keep writing, it gives them a reason to write. When you agree to cowrite with someone, it is very important to always have something new to contribute to the relationship. If you don't, chances are your cowriter won't want to keep writing with you. When you write with other songwriters, you can explore musical styles or genres that you would never approach yourself. It is very cool to listen to a song you wrote in a musical style you would never have been able to create writing alone. As a professional songwriter, your value is determined by the size and commercial strength of your personal song catalog, so the more great songs you have the better. Having songs you have written in many different styles and tempos can again increase your odds of having success as a songwriter. If an artist is looking for a blues song, you have one. Or a rock song, or a waltz, or a two-step or a big ballad, you have one. You get the idea. Your odds for success go way up the more songs you have. All of us are limited as songwriters by our ability to play our instrument, or our ability to sing, our range, our musically knowledge and training. When you write with other songwriters, you can open up incredible paths for your music that you would never explore alone. I know a very successful songwriter that wrote for 10 years, writing with his guitar and writing alone, with no success. His publisher introduced him to a piano player who was also a better singer than he was, and they started cowriting together. Hit after hit soon followed, and he attributes it to his being able to focus on the lyrics and not having to create the music, too. And of course, his cowriter's ability to play piano and sing so well. Preparation for a cowriting session is very important, as is punctuality. Don't be late and show up prepared. Have several of your in progress or unfinished song ideas ready and with you to bring to the table as a starting point. When cowriting, you start by bouncing your ideas back and forth with your co-writer, and then you both agree on the song you want to work on. Be prepared also to change what you have written. It does you no good to write with someone if you intend to ignore their ideas and input. It can take some getting used to when someone starts rewriting your "baby," but keep an open mind and be ready for it because it will happen. Probably a lot when you first start out, especially if you are cowriting with someone with more experience at songwriting and cowriting than you have. Cowriting is a great way to learn how to write songs professionally if you are a new songwriter. Writing with more experienced songwriters teaches you quickly some of the do's and don'ts that exist in the world of pro songwriting. For my first gig on Music Row in Nashville, I was fortunate to be put right in the middle of a staff of five very good songwriters, all of whom had previous commercial success with their songs. By cowriting with them one by one, I learned a lot about songwriting quickly, the first thing being most pro songwriters do not like to write with new songwriters. Pretty much the only way they will do it is if you can show them you have really good song ideas, that you can write and that you are willing to defer to their expertise when necessary. Sometimes cowriting doesn't work. You just don't relate to the person you are attempting to write with and nothing you can say or do will change that. If you find yourself in this situation, my advice is that you should gracefully and politely find a way to call it a day, even if you just started. Cowriting tends to be a very intimate relationship and for it to work, there has to be communication. If you don't like your cowriter personally, it is not easy to write with them and pretty much defeats the purpose of cowriting together. If you cowrite with very many people, this will happen to you, so don't be surprised when it does. Just find a way to make a quick exit and don't pursue the relationship again. Never hesitate to discuss writer share percentages with a cowriter. Have a clear-cut agreement when you cowrite with someone relating to how you are going to divide the rights to the song you are writing together. Industry standard is if you sit down with someone to create something brand new, no matter who had the original song idea, the split would be 50/50. If there are three writers, you split three ways, four writers, four ways, and so on. Depending on the situation and the amount of contribution by each cowriter to the song, the split might be 60/40 or 40/20/40 or 90/10. Whatever you decide with your cowriter(s) that the percentages of writer share should be, you have to discuss and agree on this before you start writing together. The same thing applies to the publishing percentage shares of your cowritten song, if you don't have a publisher. Be sure and bring a pad or two of paper and plenty of pencils or pens to any cowriting session. Have the song ideas you are bringing typed out and have several copies of each idea with you. Never forget to show respect to your cowriter(s). If you don't have respect for what they have to say, don't write with them. Listen to their ideas with an open mind. If you don't like the direction your song is taking as you work on it with your cowriter, tell them so and maybe even move on to another song and leave that one the way it is. Communication is essential, so say what's on your mind. Bring plenty of ideas and be ready to switch gears often, with a good attitude. It can be a lot of fun and very productive when you find the right cowriting partners. Successfully cowriting with someone is a very rewarding experience and almost always leads to long lasting creative and personal relationships. Just like the one I have with my long time amigo and cowriting partner, Johnny McCollum. Cowriting, I recommend it highly. Authors Note: I invite you to listen free to my narration of a few chapters from my book: Dedication & Acknowledgements - Dedication (2.1 MB) mp3 Chapter 3 - Rehearsing - Rehearsing (5.5 MB) mp3 Chapter 7 - Your Name - Your Name (8.6 MB) mp3 Top of Page Back to My Articles
On Saturday, Ms. Mig invited me to spend the afternoon with her family. They took Diana and me in the back of the pick-up for ice cream at the Western Dairies Mennonite farm. And since you’ve been good, I’ll show you this one. We also went to the huge Mennonite Farmer’s Trading store in Spanish Lookout (I call it Wal-Mart) and—get this—I ran into someone I knew! I saw a student and her family from San Marcos while Diana and I were buying massive quantities of gummy bears. I actually got to introduce two families in Belize who didn’t know each other. It’s the third time I’ve run into kids who know me outside the village. It felt like Fort Wayne, so, you know, like home. Before dinner, Diana took me to her neighbor’s house to ride horses (which I don’t really love) BUT I do love baby spider monkeys on leashes. Diana rode horses. I played with the little monkey. Hide & go seek The boys brought us this weird fruit from the top of the tree called Jack Fruit—little pods of sticky fruit that taste like a cross between bubble gum and bananas.I fed it to the monkey. When I got home, I was the third in the house to come down with an instant sore throat and sinus infection.They warmed water for me to shower with, and then sent me to bed with this: What?I always drink garlic syrup for my chesty cough.Don’t you?
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In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal and Chief Executive Bryan Strawser discusses how crucial it is to have a strong crisis leader in times of disruption and uncertainty. Topics discussed include what makes a strong crisis leader and how they lead their organization by being situationally aware. Relate Articles & Episodes - Article: How to set up a crisis management team in your organization - Article: Suiting Up for a Crisis Part I: The Crisis Leader - Episode #55: Crisis Leadership Roundtable - Episode #96: Crisis leadership in the time of Coronavirus
Ask Chip Bubela PRIME LOCATION ready for recreational or commercial development. Over 34 acres on Business Hwy 71 with State Highway frontage and Colorado River frontage. The property could be utilized as an income producing property, as a possible RV park or entertainment venue. This conveniently located property is amidst La Grange commercial businesses, minutes from Round Top Antique show and just one hour from Austin and Houston. You can't beat the location... don't miss this one!
It was a big recruiting win for Ohio State head coach Chris Holtmann when he lured Seth Towns back to his home state after starring at Harvard. Towns was expected to bring size, shooting ability, and solid defense to Harvard after being named the Ivy League Player of the Year in 2018. Unfortunately, a knee injury later that year and again in 2019 ended his seasons and led to him transferring to the Buckeyes. He played 25 games, averaging more than 10 minutes but just 3.8 points and 2.2 rebounds per game, in 2020-21. However, another injury, this time to his back sidelined Towns again. Then in September of last year, he decided to step away from the game. An offer for Buckeyes fans Now, Towns is going to give it another go, but not in Columbus. He has entered the transfer portal. Ohio State’s Seth Towns has entered the transfer portal. He has played college basketball since 2016. 2018-19: Harvard (Injured) 2019-20: Harvard (Injured) 2020-21: Ohio State 2021-22: Ohio State (Injured) 2022-23: Did not play 2023-24: TBD pic.twitter.com/UVfs3h0wqQ — CBB Content (@CBBcontent) May 16, 2023 Hopefully, Towns can find an environment where he can avoid injuries and play out his final season of basketball. We wish Seth the best at his next destination. Contact/Follow us @BuckeyesWire on Twitter, and like our page on Facebook to follow ongoing coverage of Ohio State news, notes, and opinion. Follow Michael Chen on Twitter.
90 Minutes of Video Game Play Wow what an awesome way to have a party!! My son fully enjoyed every minute of gaming with his friends! Buckeye Video Game Truck was amazing and the coaches were great. Thanks for making the party memorable for our son! My son & his friends loved it!! Best thing ever! Arrived early and kept the kids entertained. The guys did a great job helping the kids out if they had any questions. Would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for something different to do!! A world-class, top notch video gaming experience for kids. Staff is really nice and the truck is well kept...a real crowd pleaser. Highly recommended. Great school event! The truck showed up on time and was very clean and inviting. The staff was excellent and interacted well with students and volunteers. Would definitely recommend! We handle the set up and clean up Climate controlled, limo-style theater Upfront pricing with no hidden fees Included with every party Serving the Greater-Columbus region Plus movies and satellite TV Our amazing Laser Tag Parties are a BLAST! Realistic “combat” action right in your back yard, school, gymnasium – almost anywhere! We bring the Laser Taggers, the pop-up bunkers and our awesome Game Coach who instructs all players prior to game play! We can rotate players through for even the largest groups! We can fit the whole crowd…stadium-style seating allows up to 28 guests inside! We have the greatest games from XBox 360 and XBox One, Wii and Wii U, and Playstation 4! Summer or Winter, day or night, it’s always comfortable in here…we are climate controlled, and with our on-board generator, we’re self-powered, too! Our Game Coach will make sure the kids have a blast and the parents get a break! Our amazing mobile video game trailer will blow your guests away! We have the best birthday party idea in all of central Ohio, including Columbus and Franklin County and Delaware County. If you are taking measurements for a structure such as a building or fence, please provide the height of the structure here. If height does not apply to the wash, for instance for a gutter wash, leave this field empty. Please note if you enter a value here after taking measurements, you will need to take measurements again.
Federer won 6-1 6-4, the first two sets in the tournament where Isner had been unable to win at least 6 games (Isner won 9 of his 10 sets in tiebreaks!). Federer broke Isner in the very first game of the match and although Isner was able to hold his next service game he ended up losing the first set in 24 minutes, with three breaks. At the end of the second set Isner had intense foot pain and could merely move as he gingerly served in the 10th game, refusing to retire. This was Federer's 50th Masters final and he is now 28-22, just behind Novak Djokovic (33) and Rafael Nadal (32) on the all-time leaderboard. Barty beat Pliskova 7-6(1) 6-3 despite going down 1-3 in the opening set. The diminutive Aussie has an all-court game and deploys slice and topspin backhands. Surprisingly, Barty out-aced the WTA's top server, but this was mostly because Pliskova appeared to stop mounting an offense in the second set and was concentrating on holding her own serve instead of breaking Barty's.
We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, correctness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis. It is the reader’s responsibility to verify their own facts. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Wildfyre and its management. Assumptions made in the analysis are not reflective of the position of any entity other than the author(s) – and, since we are critically-thinking human beings, these views are always subject to change, revision, and rethinking at any time. Please do not hold us to them in perpetuity. Comments on this website are the sole responsibility of their writers and the writers will take full responsibility, liability, and blame for any libel or litigation that result from something written in or as a direct result of something written in a comment. The authors, the blog and Wildfyre are not to be held responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others.
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Cradle of Liberty Council, Boy Scouts of America Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Located off Route 202 on Valley Forge Road, past the Gateway Shopping Center and next to the Valley Forge National Park Serving the youth of Montgomery, Philadelphia and Delaware Counties by preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Cub Scouting for boys ages 7-10 (grades 1-5) Boy Scouting for boys ages 11-17 (grades 6-12) Venturing for young adults ages 14-20 Exploring for young adults ages 14-20
By Susanna Twidale and Shadia Nasralla LONDON (Reuters) – A cap on revenue and the lack of the kind of incentives offered to oil explorers are blocking the development of renewable energy in Britain, say industry officials who are pressing for changes ahead of this week’s budget. The British government has set targets for major increases in wind generation, for instance, as it seeks to meet a goal of net zero emissions by 2050 and to become more independent of imported energy following the supply disruption caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Representatives of the renewable energy sector say those goals could be missed without policy changes, especially as other countries are doing more to attract investment in green power. Among the most contentious issues is Britain’s Electricity Generator Levy (EGL), which the government implemented from the start of this year to combat high energy prices, and which the industry says is a “de facto windfall tax”. Rod Wood, managing director at wind energy developer Community Wind Power, is among those seeking changes to the EGL in Britain’s March 15 budget. “The taxation (EGL) is going to kibosh renewable targets the UK has set,” he said. Specifically, he wants it to include an investment allowance like the one oil and gas companies receive under their equivalent Energy Profits Levy (EPL). The EPL includes an investment incentive that means oil and gas firms can offset from their tax bill 91.40 pounds in every 100 pounds spent on new production. British government targets include increasing offshore wind capacity to 50 gigawatts (GW) from around 14 GW now. Wood said without tax changes, his company would be forced to halt development of three onshore Scottish projects, totalling 1.2 GW, which by 2025 could be generating enough power for more than a million homes. “When you look at how much costs have gone up in the UK versus stimulus packages on offer in the U.S., it’s not hard to see anyone who can will be relocating business there,” he said. U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration last year signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which delivers a support package for clean technology worth $370 billion. INFLATION, SUPPLY CHAINS, INTEREST RATES Other developers say the combination of levies, high energy prices, supply chain bottlenecks, inflation and interest rate rises means their projects are under threat. Denmark’s Orsted last week said its Hornsea 3 project in the North Sea, which at around 3 GW would be the world’s largest windfarm when built, could be paused unless it gets support such as tax breaks because costs have surged. Another major project is the Vattenfall group’s Norfolk Offshore Wind Zone. Rob Anderson, its project director, said the British government “must show its support for the sector in next week’s budget through capital allowances’. Under the EGL, a 45% tax on low-carbon power generators applies to revenue on power generation at an aggregate price above 75 pounds ($89) per megawatt hour (MWh). With wholesale electricity prices around 120 pounds/MWh, the level at which the tax kicks in is too low, Wood said, citing more generous levies in Europe. The European Commission has set a revenue cap on electricity companies, requiring them to hand over any excess revenue to national governments they get for selling their non-gas generated power over 180 euros ($190)/MWh. OIL AND GAS SECTOR UNHAPPY TOO Oil and gas producers, which have been subject to a windfall tax since May 2022, also want change. They say the Energy Profit Levy (EPL) windfall tax which last year raised the tax rate to 75%, one of the world’s highest, is shrinking producers’ access to funding. UK government revenue from oil and gas sector UK government revenue from oil and gas sector https://www.reuters.com/graphics/BRITAIN-OIL/TAX/akpezrnzavr/chart.png Renewable developers say the oil and gas sector has for years enjoyed tax breaks, while green groups say the sector should no longer be given any incentives given the need to phase out fossil fuel. The British fossil fuel industry says it is still necessary to invest in the ageing North Sea basin and home-grown fuel is far less polluting than importing oil and gas from distant places where supply might be more easily disrupted. It also says higher tax rates should kick in only when profits are derived from prices above a yet-to-be-agreed price floor, based on an historic average, rather than the entire profit regardless of price as is currently the case. The industry also wants the tax to apply to realised prices, which include hedging results, rather than broader market prices. Many oil and gas producers hedge large chunks of their output to comply with lenders’ demands, which means their exposure to market price changes is limited. Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt, in a meeting in December, rebuffed calls from the oil and gas industry to amend the windfall tax. Further meetings, including in late February with Treasury officials have taken place, but no change was expected from the March 15 budget, two industry sources said, declining to be named. Meanwhile, Britain’s biggest oil and gas producer Harbour, has announced job cuts and shunned the latest licensing round. TotalEnergies cut its UK investment programme by a quarter. ($1 = 0.8395 pounds) ($1 = 0.9459 euros) (Reporting By Susanna Twidale, additonal reporting by Shadia Nasralla; editing by Barbara Lewis)
By Iain Withers LONDON (Reuters) -Britain’s auditing watchdog has imposed a 7.5 million pound ($8.9 million) penalty on PwC for “serious breaches” found in audits of engineer Babcock International, the regulator said on Wednesday. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) said the penalties related to failings on audits of Babcock’s accounts up to the end of March 2017 and 2018, as well as one of its subsidiaries in the latter year. The fine was discounted by 25% to 5.6 million pounds due to early resolution, the regulator said. Auditing firms have faced tighter political scrutiny over the quality of their work in recent years, following a slew of high profile accounting scandals linked to some of Britain’s best-known companies including retailer BHS and builder Carillion. The FRC said breaches identified on PwC’s audits of Babcock included repeated failures to challenge management and obtain sufficient appropriate evidence. The firm also showed a lack of competence, care and diligence, the regulator said, citing one example where it found no evidence the audit team had read a 30-year contract with lifetime revenue of 3 billion pounds written in French. In this case, the audit team neither possessed French language skills nor obtained a translation of the contract, the FRC said. “We’re sorry that the work in question was not of the standard required and that we demand of ourselves,” a PwC spokesperson said. Babcock, which was not a party to the FRC investigation, said it had conducted a review of its contracts and balance sheet which reported initial findings in April 2021, resulting in a write-off of around 2 billion pounds. “This established an appropriate baseline for the financial performance of the group,” a Babcock spokesperson said. Two PwC partners – Nicholas Campbell Lambert and Heather Ancient – were also fined 200,000 pounds and 65,000 respectively, discounted to 150,000 pounds and 48,750 pounds respectively. The FRC’s investigation into PwC’s statutory audits of the Babcock group financial statements for 2019 and 2020 is ongoing. ($1 = 0.8460 pounds) (Editing by Sinead Cruise and Jason Neely)
Red Oak Counseling, Ltd. Red Oak Counseling is a Mental Health and Substance Abuse clinic. We specialize in addictions, eating disorders, relationships, family dynamics, trauma, work-related topics, and military concerns. We are conveniently located in Elm Grove and Oak Creek, Wisconsin. We are dedicated to enhancing quality of life and well-being by nurturing partnerships through continuous growth and healing.
I blogged last week about account audits. It was revolutionary I know. Edge of your seat stuff. But the audit focused on pure AdWords practices. The baseline. There’s also other stuff you need to be analysing and optimising. Sure your PPC account may be ideal but what if the website you send your traffic to resembles a digital steaming turd? So, audit outside AdWords. Let’s consider Google Analytics. What would you look at? These statistics aren’t so much down to your PPC manager as my previous Audit post. It depends on your client’s website. If they send all traffic related to jumpers to the homepage then blame can be placed on them for poor landing page selection. If your website doesn’t have static urls or a dedicated page to jumpers, there’s not much they can do. Analytics Audit. Look over a decent date range. Compare it to previous ranges. Look at test result data which correlates with AdWords test times. Have a look at the below. Landing Pages – Look at bounce rates, time on site, pages viewed from that landing page, top landing page. Is this page doing what you want it to? If not test another, send recommendations over to the relevant person. Exit Pages – Is exit bad on this page or does it promote a phone number or takes people off site? Is this a natural exit or is it a rubbish page for this traffic? Entrance – If 50% of your natural traffic comes through iPads has your account manager (if budget allows) tested iPad specific campaigns? Are they using this information? Are they testing the top entry pages? If it’s mobile are they nagging you to build a mobile friendly version of the website? Bounce Rate – Is it really high on specific pages? Source the URL back to AdWords. Maybe the blue jumper adgroup directs people to a shoe page. For the Blue shoe campaign, this page should have a high bounce rate. Returning Visits – Is your PPC bringing in new traffic or just helping people return via brand? Entry Sources – Any keyword areas that could be built on? Think of the organic keyword list as a PPC search query list, just not as extensive. Same as if any top referrers. Can you add GDN adverts to this page as a managed placement? Country and Language – If your site can be translated is there a need for it? It’s proactive for your account manager to be feeding this back to you. Site Search – Engage it and see what isn’t easy to find on your website. See what new areas you could potentially add to the search campaigns or suggest to your client to add. Day Parting and Entry Times – If one time, say 11pm, you get great conversions test increased bidding during this time in AdWords. PPC, as I have often said isn’t turn it on and leave it. A decent audit in Analytics can really reveal new areas or areas you may be lacking. GO through the data and feedback to your client or staff. Be proactive.
Union Bank Plc Dispels Rumour about impending Divestment by Core Investor Tier-2 Nigerian bank, Union Bank Plc, has reacted to a media publication which suggested that its major investor, Atlas Mara Limited, was in the process of divesting its 50% shareholding. According to a public disclosure that was signed by the Company Secretary (Somuyiwa Sonubi) and sent to the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Premium Time made unsubstantiated claims in its January 23rd article caption “Union Bank’s Principal Owner considering sale of 50% stake”. To this end, Union Bank Plc advised its all concerned stakeholders (including regulators, investors, and the general public) to disregard the publication. In a similar development, Atlas Mara Limited also released a statement which strongly condemned the publication by Premium Times, describing it as “rumours”. However, the company made it clear that it is currently exploring various options. “While it is the Company’s practice to refrain from comment on market rumours or speculation, we believe it is important to note that Atlas Mara has not received any offers from any local Nigerian bank or other bank wishing to acquire the Company’s stake in Union Bank of Nigeria (“UBN”). As previously announced to the market in 2019, the Board of the Company has been exploring a wide range of strategic options with the assistance of external advisers. That process is still underway and the Company’s strategic objectives have not changed,” part of the statement by Atlas Mara said. This brings us back to the media report under contention. Premium Times had cited Bloomberg which quoted people with insider knowledge about the situation. Apparently, Atlas Mara had received acquisition bids from both domestic and foreign parties interested in acquiring its 50% shareholding in the Nigerian bank. Now, there is a strong possibility that this is actually the case. But then again, Nigerian companies are notorious for trying to quell media reports about impending deals such as this, until they are finally ready to disclose the news themselves. Supreme Court Dismisses PDP’s Suit Against Tinubu, Shettima The Supreme Court dismissed a suit filed, seeking the disqualification of the president-el…
Atlas World Group Inc., will expand its Evansville, IN headquarters and plans to add up to 75 new jobs in Indiana by the end of 2023. The business will invest more than $1.1 million in relocation, software and equipment purchases for its 65,000-square-foot headquarters facility, and will move its international relocation services to Vanderburgh County from Seattle. Separately, it will form a new leasing company, AWG Equipment Leasing Inc. to offer competitive financing to its agents and owner-operators. Atlas World Group, a portfolio of companies that delivers transportation and related services globally through a network of agents and select service partners, anticipates its consolidation and expansion to be complete by 2023. “We have been in the Evansville community creating jobs for nearly 60 years, and we’re excited about this new chapter for Atlas,” said Jack Griffin, chairman and CEO of Atlas World Group. “Our primary goal is to make it easier for people to relocate, and we know this expansion will be extremely beneficial in that effort.” The Indiana Economic Development Corporation offered Atlas World Group up to $800,000 in conditional tax credits based on the company’s job creation plans. These tax credits are performance-based, so until employees are hired, the company is not eligible to claim incentives. The city of Evansville will consider additional incentives at the request of the Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville. “To take our economy to the next level, we need to keep attracting companies like Atlas World Group to locate and grow in Indiana,” said Governor Eric J. Holcomb. “We are grateful for their commitment and we’ll continue to do our part to build on this momentum by sustaining our pro-business climate and show businesses large and small why Indiana is the best state to live, work, grow, play and stay.” “The city of Evansville is proud to be the international headquarters for Atlas World Group and is grateful for the company’s decision to continue investing in our community by expanding in Southwest Indiana,” said Mayor Lloyd Winnecke. “Atlas considered several locations before deciding that Evansville offers the best option for sustained growth. We look forward to partnering with the company to recruit high-quality talent, which will continue to strengthen our community and promote positive progress.” Relocating Or Expanding Your Business In Indiana Considering Indiana for your company’s relocation or expansion project? Check out Business Facilities’ Indiana Incentives and Workforce Development Guide.
Why Does Your Home Have Low Water Pressure? Most homeowners have experienced low water pressure at one point or another. Whether you’re trying to wash dishes or you need a shower, you notice that you’re not getting adequate pressure to get the job done. There could be several reasons you’re having issues with your pressure level. Start By Assessing Your Water Conditions To help narrow down the cause of your low water pressure, you’ll first need to evaluate your water conditions. Use more than one faucet to verify that your low water pressure is happening at each different faucet. If it’s only happening at one faucet, it could be a problem with the fixture itself or the part of your water line that goes specifically to that fixture. Apart from checking different fixtures to verify whether you’re having a problem with your entire system or just one fixture, you’ll also want to check your water pressure on both cold and hot settings. If your water pressure is only low when you have your fixture set on hot, then it’s obvious that you only have a problem with your hot water line as opposed to your main water line. Top Reasons For Low Water Pressure If you live in an urban area where you are relying on city water, the cause of your low water pressure could be a citywide problem. Check with your neighbors to see if they have low water pressure as well to verify that it’s not a plumbing problem but a city issue. If they have good water pressure in their homes, then you can narrow it down to being an issue solely with your home. As a homeowner, you might want to check the valve of your main water supply line. Make sure that it is set to the fullest open position. If your water valve is set to the fullest open position, then it’s likely you have more of an in-depth problem that should be assessed by a plumbing professional. Reliable Plumbing Service Butler Heating & Air Conditioning provides reliable plumbing service to the entire Dayton, OH and surrounding areas. We can assist with all of your commercial, indoor air quality, heating, and cooling needs. Contact our office today to schedule your next service appointment.
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It might have been natural to despair at the hardships the COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed on Yellowknife businesses, but Rami Kassem kept a watchful eye on new opportunities. In August of 2020, he began working on a digital platform that would produce coupon vouchers for businesses in the city. After six months of working with a developer on the app, platform and website, Kassem’s Aurora Coupons went live in February. “I’ve been running Javaroma since 2009 and I’ve done lots of marketing for my business,” Kassem said. “I know that every business needs customers to come in and have their business needs met so they become loyal. So offers and promotions are useful. When the pandemic started I decided it was the right time to do it.” Aurora Coupons brings together local companies’ promotions of products and services into one app, saving customers the effort of learning about offerings on their own. The app also answers the need to maintain social distancing. “Loyalty cards or stamp cards aren’t good for the environment because they’re disposable. People are so careful about touching during COVID-19. People aren’t comfortable anymore with traditional coupon programs. I thought this was the right time to go fully digital and be one of the first companies in the NWT to do this, and hopefully one of the first in Canada to have it all on one platform.” About 26 companies have participated with offers on Aurora Coupons since it launched, with more than 800 downloads of the app and more than 10,000 visitors each month to the website. Kassem estimates 1,000 coupons have been redeemed. Featured businesses’ coupons are displayed on the main “browse offers” tab of the app. Clicking on the “locations” tab opens up a GPS map of Yellowknife with more than a dozen additional offers, including links to the businesses’ Facebook page and the distance of the business from the user. One of the first companies to join Aurora Coupons was the Northern Sky 360 Dome cinema. “(The owner) was very excited that the first time he put up the offers a lot of customers came to his business. There were $700 to $800 in sales just from coupons in February. And My World (children’s) Entertainment had a lot of coupons too. They were very happy with the platform.” The owner of Savannah’s Family Restaurant texted Kassem on the first day its coupon went on the app and said many new customers had came into the eatery. The placement of Inclusion NWT on the app helped raise money for its Bloomin’ Raffle program from May 14 to June 18 and “helped reach so many people so fast” as Kassem recalled organization spokesperson Daron Letts telling him. The Aurora Coupons platform also hosts the #ShopNWT Scan 2 Win campaign supported by the NWT Chamber of Commerce. Customers scan the QR code on the Scan 2 Win site, fill out the registration form and then upload photos of their receipts qrco.de/bcCn5H from shopping at participating businesses. Each point earned counts for $1, up to a maximum of $2,500 allowed in the #ShopNWT campaign. Once a user’s points reach $500 they’re entered into the draw for one of six $1,000 gift cards or one “Ultimate Staycation Package” courtesy of the the Explorer Hotel. The campaign wraps up on July 18 and winners will be drawn on July 23 on BuyNorth’s Facebook page. Kassem plans to develop Aurora Coupons even further by making the program detect the language of the user’s phone so that tourists from China, Japan, South Korea and elsewhere can see offers in their own languages. “I’m hoping that it will happen by the fall when tourism might pick up (again). And I will start making contacts with NWT Tourism and the City of Yellowknife to promote more offers. It’s important that tourists have information available in their languages,” he said. He also hopes by fall to expand the program to other communities such as Hay River, Fort Smith, Fort Simpson and Inuvik.
NOTTINGHAM, United Kingdom, May 20 (Reuters) – Arsenal’s last-ditch Premier League title aspirations were destroyed on Saturday by Nottingham Forest, who confirmed their top-flight survival with a 1-0 victory thanks to Taiwo Awoniyi. Mikel Arteta’s club, which was eight points ahead at the top only two months ago, has had a dreadful season, with their latest loss securing what seemed to be an inevitable-looking successive triumph for Manchester City. “I congratulate Manchester City. “They are the champions, and they deserved to win,” Arteta lamented. “I apologise because we created the illusion that we could do it, but we fell short, and that is my fault.” In contrast to the visitors’ despair, Steve Cooper’s Nottingham Forest were celebrating a stunning survival after accumulating 37 points to avoid relegation back to the second-tier Championship, from which they had escaped a year before. “I can’t believe we kept a clean sheet!” Cooper said, raising his fist at the ecstatic crowd at the sun-kissed City Ground on the banks of the River Trent. “It’s a day for the fans and a day for the players… Nobody has given up, and we have finally crossed the finish line. “I’m extremely proud and pleased.” In the 19th minute, Arsenal’s typically superb midfielder Martin Odegaard made a rare error, allowing Morgan Gibbs-White to drive forward before finding Awoniyi to poke the ball in and trigger frenzied celebrations. Arsenal controlled possession but failed to convert it, with Gabriel Jesus denied multiple occasions by the superb Keylor Navas in goal for the hosts. Forest used the counter-attack to create a number of opportunities. Arsenal is now second on 81 points with one game remaining, while Manchester City is third on 85 points with three games remaining, beginning at home against Chelsea on Sunday. ‘SPECIAL FEELING’ Forest sit 16th in the table, six points clear of the bottom three, assuring a return to the Premier League after a terrible 23-year exile. “It’s a special feeling right now, because we did it!” As spectators danced in the stands, Gibbs-White told Sky Sports. “It wouldn’t have been possible without them.” It’s by far the finest audience, the best supporters in the league.” Awoniyi, who rediscovered his form just in time for Forest’s critical run, scored thanks to a stroke of luck: Arsenal defender Gabriel grabbed the ball slightly ahead of him but smacked it off the striker’s thigh before it went past Aaron Ramsdale. Nottingham Forest’s 18% possession was the lowest ever recorded by a Premier League winning team. But, against a sluggish Arsenal, they should have won by more, with Felipe seeing a shot deflected wide among their several opportunities. And no one could argue that Forest earned their success after straining every sinew in recent weeks to pull off a survival that few outside the city expected. Forest will hope that the bonding experience of surviving relegation will guarantee a less terrifying ride next time after signing more than two dozen new players this season at a high cost. Arsenal led the Premier League table for 248 days in 2022-23, the longest in English top-flight history for a side that later failed to win the championship. After the first shock wears off, they will undoubtedly take satisfaction in having progressed significantly in recent years to finish second in what many see as the world’s greatest domestic league and begin planning how to improve even more next season. More in Sports: https://buzzing.today/sports/ Photo Credits: https://commons.wikimedia.org/
European Partners came together in Oviedo, Spain to undertake the BYMBE Train-the-Trainer programme The partners looked at the use of individual learning plans, how to build relationships with the young mothers. Later we looked at how understanding one’s own learning style can be used to help the young mothers to identify their own strengths and how best they can be applied in an educational setting. The last item on the agenda was measuring success and how this works in practise enabling the mothers to identify situations where they have been successful. This will enable them to see a value in their own strengths and achievements in order to motivate and encourage them in the future. Partners reflected on research from each country moreover how it would impact on the projects future success and how best to identify and work on any barriers to its success. Restorative practise exercises created a lot of emotion from the partners as we stepped into the shoes of the clients in terms of how they might feel about their own values, self-belief and education, this gave the partners a reflective space so that they can understand the difficulties the client may feel when embarking on this journey. We looked at how motivational interviewing can be used to build on the client’s confidence and strengths. We identified ways to help the clients to look at the support that they have around them and how this can be used as a tool to help them through the programme. The partners looked at communication skills, team roles and emotional intelligence, moreover, how these can we used when working with the clients to build confidence and improve their social skills. As we are aware for any young mother getting to a classroom can be a difficult task, travel, childcare in addition to the everyday stresses of can all be barriers to participation, therefore we looked at blended learning as a way of helping clients to engage with their education without leaving the home. The last day culminated in the partners from each country coming together to decide which of activities throughout the week would provide the best training materials to best suit the needs of the young Mothers. We believe that the programme developed by the BYMBE project is an excellent tool kit and will enhance the lives of those who participate in it. Each partner country is now in the process of delivering the training to professional in the field and the recruitment of young mothers so they may consider educational participation to enhance their life chances and reduce the risk of poverty and social exclusion.
BYU earns No. 6 seed in NCAA Tournament to face Villanova PROVO, Utah – BYU women’s basketball heard its name called for the NCAA Tournament on Sunday, earning an at-large bid as a No. 6 seed, facing off against No. 11 seed Villanova on Saturday, March 19, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. "We are really excited to have a chance to get to the tournament and be able to play," BYU head coach Jeff Judkins said. "We knew this year we were in and through our hard work in the whole season we got ourselves into a good position to have this opportunity." Tipoff is scheduled for 1 p.m. EDT at the Crisler Center. The game will be televised on ESPN News and also broadcast on BYU Radio SiriusXM 143 and 107.9 FM, the BYU Radio App and BYU Cougars App. This is the 11th appearance for the Cougars in the NCAA Tournament under head coach Jeff Judkins and 15th overall. The No. 6 seed tops the program’s previous high mark of a No. 7 seed, reached three different times (2019, 2016, 2006). BYU has won at least one game in the NCAA Tournament five times and advanced to the Sweet 16 twice (2014, 2002). Last year as a No. 11 seed, BYU beat No. 6 seed Rutgers 69-66 before falling to No. 3 seed Arizona 52-46 in the second round. "When you get into the tournament it's not really so much about where you are seeded but the matchup," Judkins said. "I know a little bit about Villanova and they are a good team that controls the ball and really works at it. It will be a big challenge for us but I am excited. I think we are in a bracket where we can do some damage if we play our game." Villanova finished second in the Big East, with an overall record of 23-8 and 15-4 in the league. The Wildcats are coming off a 70-40 loss to Connecticut in the Big East championship game. BYU and Villanova have met one time previously, with the Wildcats winning a 61-58 neutral site game in December of 1995. This year, BYU is 26-3 and won the West Coast Conference regular-season title with a 15-1 league record. Its No. 15 ranking in the AP Top 25 is the highest mark in program history. For the second-consecutive year, Judkins was named the WCC Coach of the Year and Shaylee Gonzales won WCC Player of the Year. Judkins is a semifinalist for the Naismith Women’s College Coach of the Year Award while Gonzales earned second-team All-America honors from The Athletic and is a finalist for the Becky Hammon Mid-Major Player of the Year Award. View the 2022 NCAA Tournament Bracket. The 2022 championship will be the first to have 68 teams. First Four games will be played on Wednesday, March 16, and Thursday, March 17, at four of the top-16 host sites. First- and second-round games will be played Friday, March 18, through Monday, March 21, at the top-16 seeds. Regional games will be played March 25-28, with Greensboro, North Carolina (Greensboro Coliseum) and Spokane, Washington (Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena) hosting regional semifinal and final games on March 25 and 27, while Bridgeport, Connecticut (Webster Bank Arena) and Wichita, Kansas (INTRUST Bank Arena) will host March 26 and 28. The 2022 Women's Final Four will be played April 1 and 3 at the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The semifinals will be at 7 and 9:30 p.m. ET on ESPN. The championship game will be played at 8 p.m. on ESPN. Whiting adds Jana Sallman to 2023 signing class BYU head coach Amber Whiting announced the addition of 6’3” forward Jana Sallman of Egypt to the 2023 signing class. Cougar comeback comes up short in WNIT loss to Rice BYU women’s basketball ended its 2023 season Friday evening with a 71-67 loss to the Rice Owls in the WNIT Postseason…
C4CE Votes – Steering Group 2015 Voting for your preferred representatives is a straight-forward two-step process. - Review the nominations below to familiarise yourself with the candidates - Place your vote on our voting page, making sure you number each candidate in order of your preference (1 is first preference, 10 is last preference) n.b. we only have 9 positions for 10 nominees – it’s important you number all the way to your last (10th) preference. - Voting will be carried out using standard preferential voting as described here - One vote per member organisation - Nominees can vote and can vote for themselves - Only members of C4CE are entitled to vote The poll is open until Monday 23 February. Make sure you submit your organisation’s vote no later than Monday 23 February. Remember, it’s only one vote per member organisation; make sure your vote counts. Or skip to the voting page: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QWHD8LH [/av_textblock] [av_toggle_container initial=’0′ mode=’accordion’ sort=”] [av_toggle title=’Gareth Johnston, Catholic Earthcare Australia’ tags=”] I believe community RE is the route to making fossil fuel free energy a reality – overcoming the logjam created by vested interests and science skeptics. Acting as a link between State Government and the community energy sector is a role I am good at and has resulted in concrete benefits for both C4CE and individual projects My experience with similar structures in the ‘No Interest Loans’ and ‘Sustainable Region’ sectors has led me to focus on the need for a structured, well funded and tightly directed ‘backbone’ function to support the model. I am prepared to be part of a loose knit ‘CRE virtual meeting place’ but would prefer that the coalition becomes a viable entity able to supply detailed technical and financial support to on ground projects
ClearSky are true pioneers in community energy in Australia. Setup in 2013 by the Northern Beaches (Sydney) chapter of Clean Energy for Eternity, the group’s objective was to empower local communities to benefit environmentally and economically from the production of clean energy. ClearSky Solar Investments launched its first project in 2013 with an installation on a pub in Boggabri NSW. Since then community investors have financed 12 projects across NSW and Victoria with a total capacity of 440 kW. Community investors get a return of between 6 to 9% depending on the terms of the contract. To date ClearSky Solar have raised over $650,000 in capital and have paid out $118,000 in quarterly payments to investors. Here’s a link to ClearSky’s new video and a map of their operating projects to date.
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Greene's DC jail visit pulls GOP closer to Jan. 6 rioters WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene swept into the District of Columbia jail to check on conditions for the Jan. 6 defendants, with Republican lawmakers handshaking and high-fiving the prisoners, who chanted “Let's Go Brandon!” — a coded vulgarity against President Joe Biden — as the group left. A day earlier Speaker Kevin McCarthy met with the mother of slain rioter Ashli Babbitt, a Navy veteran who was shot and killed by police as she tried to climb through a broken window during the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. And the House Republican leader recently gave Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusive access to a trove of Jan. 6 surveillance tapes despite the conservative commentator’s airing of conspiracy theories about the Capitol attack. Taken together, the House Republicans can be seen as working steadily but intently to distort the facts of the deadly riot, which played out for the world to see when Donald Trump's supporters laid siege to the Capitol, and in the process downplay the risk of domestic extremism in the U.S. In actions and legislation, the Republicans are seeking to portray perpetrators of the Capitol riot as victims of zealous federal prosecutors, despite many being convicted of serious crimes. As Trump calls for the Jan. 6 defendants to be pardoned, some House Republicans are attempting to rebrand those who stormed the Capitol as “political prisoners.” The result is alarming to those who recognize a dangerously Orwellian attempt to whitewash recent history. “There's no question Marjorie Taylor Greene and other Republicans are attempting to rewrite history,” said Heidi Beirich, the co-founder of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism. “They're making light of what was a serious attack on our democracy.” The tour Greene led at the local jail Friday comes as nearly 1,000 people have been charged by the Justice Department in the attack on the Capitol — leaders of the extremist Oath Keepers convicted of seditious conspiracy. The 20 or so defendants being held at the jail, many in pretrial detention on serious federal charges, are among those who battled police at the Capitol, officials said, in what at times was a gruesome bloody scene of violence and mayhem. Greene told The Associated Press the idea she’s trying to rewrite history is the “stupidest thing” she’s ever heard of, especially since the assault on the Capitol has been captured in the 41,000 hours of video that McCarthy made available to Fox News. “We can’t rewrite it — it’s all on video,” Greene told the AP. “You can’t change the history, but what we can do is expose the truth. That’s what we need to do,” Greene said. The country has been here before — in the aftermath of the Civil War, when the Lost Cause movement sought to reframe the battle over ending slavery in the U.S. as one of states’ rights, and again in the years following the Civil Rights movement as critics of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. questioned his transformative legacy. In the House under Republican control this year, the new leadership openly questions what happened on Jan. 6 as well as how the federal government is investigating and prosecuting extremists. Outside groups are raising money and rallying to the aid of Jan. 6 defendants. This past week, a Republican-led Judiciary subcommittee probed the federal government's treatment of parents protesting school board policies — sometimes violently — as unfair. Next week, the new Republican committee on the “weaponization" of the federal government will delve into First Amendment free speech rights on social media. McCarthy warned that the federal government is labeling parents as “domestic terrorists” for showing up at school board meetings, even though such prosecutions are extremely rare. His was a reference to a 2021 Justice Department memo from Attorney General Merrick Garland responding to the National School Board Association's concerns about violent protesters at school board meetings. Garland had directed federal law enforcement to address what he called a “disturbing spike” in harassment of school officials. Probing the matter, the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee released a report showing that in one federal investigation, the FBI interviewed a mom for allegedly telling a local school board “we are coming for you.” In another, the FBI investigated a dad who opposed COVID mask mandates after a tipster to a federal hotline said he "fit the profile of an insurrectionist” because he “rails against the government” and “has a lot of guns and threatens to use them.” “Parents should have a right to go to school board meetings and not be called terrorists,” McCarthy said. While Greene has said the Capitol attack was wrong, at the jail visit Friday she said she believes there’s a "two-tiered” justice system and that the Jan. 6 defendants are being “treated as political prisoners” for their beliefs. Democrats on the tour said that is categorically false. While the local jail came has long been the subject of complaints — the U.S. Marshals made plans to relocate 400 detainees after a surprise 2021 inspection found parts of the facility “do not meet the minimum standards” — the Jan. 6 defendants have been housed in a newer wing that was not cited as problematic in the Marshals' statement. The two Democrats who joined the tour as members of the House Oversight Committee said they both had visited detention facilities before. “It's probably as good as a jail can be,” said Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, a former public defender. Democratic Rep. Robert Garcia of California noted the way the Republicans led by Greene treated the Jan. 6 defendants as celebrities — shaking their hands and slapping backs when the lawmakers arrived in the jail facility. As they left, the defendants chanted the “Let's Go Brandon!” phrase against Biden, he said in a tweet. “What is most important to remember is that while Marjorie Taylor Greene and others want to treat these folks as pseudo celebrities, some of these folks are insurrectionists,” Garcia told reporters. “And we can't forget that.” Lisa Mascaro, The Associated Press
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Big Sunday happily welcomes you to Our Really Big Community Calendar. We try to include all kinds of volunteering and helping opportunities for all kinds of interests, talents, passions, and ages! As you’ll see, these include volunteering opportunities (one-time and long-term) as well as the chance to support a nonprofit by attending fundraising events. Plus, of course, we include all of Big Sunday’s homegrown events, too! Whoever you are, and whatever you do, there is someone out there who could use your help. If you have questions about our calendar, or would like to add a listing, please contact email@example.com or submit your event/opportunity via the button below. How it Works You can SEARCH by scrolling through the Months or by selecting different Categories or Tag functions. For a totally different view, try the Posterboard or Stream options! Feel free to submit an item for the calendar by clicking the “Submit Your Event / Opportunity” button above at the right-hand side of the page. Questions? Email firstname.lastname@example.org.
Keep it Caliente Experience working with blown glass and surround yourself with fine glass art that feels good in your hands and hearts.Live like an artist. Free-blown fine art & gifts.Shop Let us help you spread joy.Inquire Today Learn more about what we offer.See Services We love sharing what we do and we welcome you to join in on the excitement. Classes are back and our gallery is open. To stay in the loop on all things Caliente, sign up for our newsletter and we'll keep you in the know.Sign Up The beautiful #TexasStarHeritageAward, hand-crafted by Caliente Hot Glass This was an amazing experience. Ruth was great, and Glen was a graceful and pleasant teacher throughout the entire process. If you've ever wondered what glass blowing would be like, you should check them out. Best birthday experience in quite some time. I cannot say how much I love Caliente Hot Glass, Ruth, Glen and Oliver are awesome! If someone had shown me this bowl and told me I would make one just like it I would never have believed them. I really made this!!! They really are an amazing team and I highly encourage you to go try a class with them. You won’t be disappointed. Wow! What an experience this was. Went for the first time to do something I knew was something you don't do every day. Needless to say, it lived up to all the anticipation i held. Ruth and Glen were awesome! The experience itself was incredible...cannot wait to pick up the finished product but know it will be beautiful...Thank you for a memorable experience!! What an amazing time. Not knowing exactly what to expect, Glen and Ruth guided us through our first project with an unbelievable amount of knowledge and enthusiasm. We can't thank Glen and Ruth enough for an awesome experience and beautiful piece of art. Without a doubt we will be back. This is one of the most amazing life experiences I have had. This is so much more than an art experience...it is zen, failure, creation, fire, heat, patience, truth...and glass...and how all that relates to the fragility and wonder of life itself.
THESE WE BELIEVE... In the Scriptures - the Old and New Testaments - as verbally inspired of God and preserved for every generation (Psalm 12:6&7), and that they are the very Word of God and the final authority in faith and conduct (II Timothy 3:16). In one God, the Creator of all things and man (Genesis 1:1, 26, 27), eternally existing in three Persons in a three-fold relationship - that of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16, 17; Matthew 28:19). That man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death, which is separation from God: that the effect of Adam's sin is imputed to the whole race of mankind, and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature (Romans 5:12). That the Lord Jesus died for our sins (the sins of all men), according to the Scriptures, as a substitutionary sacrifice (I John 2:1 & 2), and that all who believe in Him are freely justified and stand before God accepted in the character and merit of Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1 & 2). In the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ (Luke 24:5 -7) and His ascension into Heaven (Acts 1:9-11); that in His present life He is the Head of the Church (Ephesians 1:22 & 23), the Lord of the individual believer (Romans 14:7-9), the High Priest over the House of God (Hebrews 4:14-16), and the advocate in the family of God (I John 2:1). In the personal (I Thessalonians 4:16-18), imminent (Hebrews 10:37), and premillennial second coming of Christ - first to receive His own unto Himself (I Thessalonians 4:16-18) and later to set up His earthly Kingdom and to reign over the redeemed Israel and all the nations of the world - that is, to bring peace and blessing to the whole world (Luke 1:31 - 33). That all, who by faith, receive the Lord Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5) and receive the Holy Spirit as a new nature (Romans 9:9 & 10) - that they are also anointed with the Spirit (1 John 2:20) and, by the Holy Spirit, are baptized into the body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:13). That God is the Spiritual Father only of those who trust His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior (John 1:12) - that only those saved through faith in Christ are spiritual brothers (Galatians 3:26, I John 1:7). That God commands us to be totally responsible for the education and training of our children (Deuteronomy 6:6-9), and that only Christ-centered education is acceptable to God (Colossians 2:2-8). We further believe that God commands us to refuse to allow our children to be taught any material contrary to the teachings of the Bible (Proverbs 19:27). We believe, finally, that no form of education or instruction is religiously neutral (John 15:5). Calvary Christian School Copyright © 2023 Calvary Christian School - All Rights Reserved. Powered by GoDaddy
Midcoast Maine is known for its beautiful topography. From clear views of the Penobscot Bay to dense greenery, there are diverse sights to be seen in our area! Get a glimpse of everything the town of Camden’s landscape has to offer with a visit to Camden Hills State Park. This Maine state park offers great views of Camden, Maine, thanks to its network of hiking trails. These multi-use trails also offer opportunities for other outdoor activities like biking, jogging, and more! When you’re ready to plan your trip, access our exclusive Camden, Maine, Travel Guide! This complimentary resource has local insight on what to do in Camden and the surrounding areas of Midcoast Maine. It’s the key to unlock an unforgettable trip to our area! Your Guide to Visiting Camden Hills State Park Where Is Camden Hills State Park? Camden Hills State Park is located near downtown Camden, Maine. It’s a short walk from our Inn, about 1.5 miles. Many of our guests enjoy a slow morning sipping coffee, people watching, and browsing the shops downtown, then head to Camden Hills State Park for an afternoon with nature. This Maine state park is open year-round from 9:00 a.m. to sunset. Due to increased snowfall, winter visitors may want to get on the list to receive Camden Hills State Park’s Trail Conditions & Alerts. Otherwise, this park is open for adventure 365 per year! Don’t Miss the Hiking Trails Camden Hills State Park is best-known for the Mount Battie Trail. This 1.1-mile trail boasts some of the best views around! Hikers who reach the summit of Mount Battie can enjoy panoramic views of the town of Camden as well as the Penobscot Bay. Be sure to bring a camera to capture the awe-inspiring scenery! Camden Hills State Park also offers a variety of other hiking trails for both novice and experienced hikers. The second-most popular selection is the Mount Megunticook Trail. This trail offers similar views to Mount Battie Trail, but is a bit more difficult to scale. Here are a few of our other favorite trails included in Camden Hills State Park’s trail network: - Slope Trail - The Ridge Trail - Zeke’s Trail Enjoy These Year-Round Activities Camden Hills State Park offers activities for outdoor enthusiasts of all interests! Depending on the season, visitors can enjoy peaceful activities like birdwatching, wildlife viewing, and horseback riding. Or, opt for something a bit more rigorous like off-road biking, cross-country skiing, and snowmobiling! Return to The Camden Maine Stay Inn Rest your muscles at the Camden Maine Stay Inn after a day of exploring Camden Hills State Park. Our Camden, Maine, bed and breakfast offers sophisticated guest rooms, luxurious amenities, and common areas. Any overnight stay at our Inn comes with complimentary access to our park-like garden and daily gourmet breakfast. Consider a stay in the Latanza Room during your next trip. This spacious, two-room suite features a brass queen-size bed, living room, and a private bathroom with a walk-in shower. Guests can also enjoy a bookcase stocked with literary works of all genres. The Latanza Room features modern amenities and comforts, with authentic touches like the Inn’s original wide-plank hardwood floors. Check our availability to start planning your trip!
On the afternoon of November 12, Deputy Lawrence W. Canfield (43) was conducting traffic enforcement near Coloma Road and Sierra Madre Court in Rancho Cordova. Canfield, a 13 year veteran, had been assigned to the Rancho Cordova Police Department’s motorcycle unit for the past four years. Canfield was travelling eastbound on Coloma when he spotted a speeding motorist by LIDAR. As he was in pursuit of the speeder with lights/sirens, a car travelling westbound turned left directly into Canfield’s path. Deputy Canfield was thrown from his motor and likely died instantly. The 79-year-old man driving the car that hit Deputy Canfield was detained and released as there was no “significant criminality” on his part. The driver had immediately stopped to provide aid along with other witnesses. Deputy Canfield was transported to Mercy San Juan Hospital in Carmichael where he was pronounced deceased. He is survived by his wife Michelle and their two sons Tylor (12 years) and Bryce (10 years). Canfield is also survived by his father, Bob Canfield, and siblings Shane, Mark, and Tia. Canfield served in the U.S. Army and was a second-generation law enforcement officer…his father is a retired Sergeant from Sacramento County Sheriff’s Dept. First Baptist Church of Elk Grove was filled to capacity on the morning of November 20 as more than 2,000 people came to pay their respects to Larry Canfield. The service held all the formality and honor of a peace officer’s funeral, but it was also filled with laughter as friends spoke of Canfield’s love for his family, dedication to his job, wicked sense of humor, and trademark unlit cigar. Canfield’s childhood friends said his history with law enforcement started long before Canfield was sworn in as a deputy. In their teens, the friends were chased by police for their mischief. Jimmy Stemler, a Clovis firefighter, joked that he felt comfortable sharing the potentially incriminating stories with an audience of cops because Sheriff John McGinness had assured him the statute of limitations had surely expired. Sheriff McGinness told mourners that Canfield ultimately lost his life doing what he loved to do and asked those grieving to take comfort in knowing that Canfield pursued and achieved his dreams. “He was a good and honorable man” who had shown fidelity to his family, his country, his department, chosen profession and the community he served. Deputy Scott Padgett, Canfield’s patrol partner and “wingman” said, “I lost a piece of me along with my dear friend that day, that day I will hate forever.” The last to address the congregation was Michelle Canfield, who spoke with humor and composure. “There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his family or his friends,” she said, adding that her husband had left her with two wonderful sons who will always remind her of him. She expressed gratitude for the support their family has received. “There are no words to describe the cold feeling and the terror when you hear the news,” Michelle said “but I know we are so loved.” The three-hour service ended with the static of a radio dispatcher’s attempts to raise “5Mary5,” Canfield’s call sign. First met with silence then Padgett – “5Mary10” – radioed the dispatcher to say his partner was “End of Watch.” A procession six miles long accompanied Canfield’s body to Galt Arno Cemetery, where he will be interred with his mother. At the cemetery, a 21-gun salute, bagpipes, a bugler’s taps, and a riderless horse paid homage to Canfield. Seven helicopters flew over, one veering to the west in “missing man” formation. A memorial fund has been established for the Canfield family: Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association Larry Canfield Memorial Fund c/o Exchange Bank 1420 Rocky Ridge Drive, Suite 190 Roseville, CA 95661 Acct # 1205001934 Routing Number: 121101985
It struck me recently when collaborating on documents that we all go about creating documents differently and there’s some great time saving features Word has to make navigating and restructuring your document fast and simple that you might be missing out on. Often when I start writing a document I try to break the document down into the sections I think it will need. What are going to be my main sections, and then how will I break each of those sections up? I don’t worry too much about getting it right first go, it’s more about getting the ideas out of my head and onto the screen. With these tips you’ll find it really simple to continually restructure your document as it takes shape. Tip #1 Using heading styles Using the built-in heading styles is fundamental to structuring your document into sections (and sub-sections) so that Word “understands” the hierarchy of your structure. You can use the Styles group in the ribbon to assign the built in heading styles, which are called Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4 …) My preferred approach however is the keyboard shortcut – just use CTRL+ALT+<the number corresponding to heading level>. For example if you want to apply Heading 1 style, put your cursor on the line and press CTRL+ALT+1, for Heading 2 style it’s CTRL+ALT+2 Also don’t use Heading 1 for the title of your document, use the Title style instead. Tip #2 Viewing your document structure Once you’ve got a few headings in your document you will be able to see the structure taking shape by showing the Navigation Pane. The Navigation Pane can be opened from the ribbon or keyboard shortcut CTRL+F The Navigation Pane “understands” those built-in heading styles and shows the headings in a hierarchical manner. Each level of heading is shown indented below its parent heading. The pane allows you to expand/collapse the structure and even set how many levels deep you want to view in the Navigation pane. All this adds up to an experience where you can see the whole structure of your document at all times while you are working on different parts of the document (even as it starts to get quite large). I find this really helps keep you focused on the section you are currently writing as you have instant visibility as to where that section fits within the hierarchy of the whole document. Tip #3 Navigating quickly around a large document Here’s where the Navigation Pane starts to really shine. Not only does it give you an ever present visualisation of your document structure, it’s also interactive. Simply click on any level heading and you are immediately taken to that place in your document. This is the fastest way I’ve found to jump around your document and get to the place you want to be – your mouse wheel will thank you. Tip #4 Rearranging your document structure Time for that Navigation Pane to flex it’s muscles even further. It makes restructuring the headings (sections) of your document super simple. Once you start writing content for one of your sections you start to think that section would make more sense higher up in the document. No sweat, just drag and drop that section in the Navigation Pane – as if by magic, the whole section (heading and all the content) is moved for you. Directly in the Navigation Pane you can also Promote/Demote headings (i.e. change their level). Now we have the tools to quickly and easily restructure the document as it organically takes shape. By using these tips I find that I put more focus and thought into the structure of my documents, which results in me being about to write the actual content faster and with less procrastinating (because I know where it fits in the larger story I’m trying to tell). All that thinking and focus on structure also has a huge benefit – it increases the clarity of your document and makes it far more readable. I hope these tips help you write incredible documents! Leave a Reply
CAMERON PARISH POLICE JURY TOWN HALL MEETING REDISTRICTING AND CONSOLIDATION OF CURRENT HEALTH UNIT AND COURTHOUSE & JAIL TAX The Cameron Parish Police Jury is pleased to announce the setting of three (3) meetings throughout the Parish. These meetings are intended to provide information to residents concerning Redistricting and the Consolidation of the Health Unit and Courthouse & Jail tax. Administrative Staff will be on hand to address concerns of the residents. All Parish residents, elected, and appointed officials are encouraged to attend. Public Meetings are planned for: Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at 6:00pm at the Old Hackberry Community Center located at 986 Main Street Wednesday, September 28, 2022, at 6:00pm at the Grand Lake Library located at 10200, Gulf Hwy Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at 6:00pm at the Cameron Parish Police Jury West Annex Office located at 148 Smith Circle. The Cameron Parish Police Jury encourages your participation. If you have further questions, please call the Police Jury at (337) 775-5718.
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