--- configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: lean_proofsteps path: "lean_proofsteps/*.parquet" - split: isa_proofsteps path: "isa_proofsteps/*.parquet" --- Proofsteps data from Proof-Pile-2 includes proofsteps for Lean and Isabelle ```python from datasets import load_dataset ds = load_dataset( "xu3kev/proof-pile-2-proofsteps" ) ds DatasetDict({ lean_proofsteps: Dataset({ features: ['text', 'meta'], num_rows: 3432 }) isa_proofsteps: Dataset({ features: ['text', 'meta'], num_rows: 260726 }) }) ``` Quoting from appendix of [LLEMMA: AN OPEN LANGUAGE MODEL FOR MATHEMATICS](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2310.10631.pdf) ``` B.1.2 LEAN PROOFSTEPS We extract a dataset of (tactic state, next tactic) pairs from Mathlib 4 (mathlib Community, 2020) using the lean-training-data (Morrison, 2023) tool. We use Mathlib 4 commit c779bd5, which was created on August 20th 2023. B.1.3 ISABELLE PROOFSTEPS We construct a dataset of Isabelle proofs, building upon the PISA dataset Jiang et al. (2021). Isabelle Proofsteps comprises proofs from the Archive of Formal Proofs and Isabelle Standard Library, scraped with PISA Jiang et al. (2021). Each entry in the dataset includes the theorem statement, the proof states and the proof steps, separated by specific tags. To maintain the integrity of evaluations using the PISA test set, we decontaminate Isabelle Proofsteps by removing theorems whose names overlap with those in the PISA test set. Although this approach results in a strict filtering – removing more than 10,000 theorems although there are only 3600 in the PISA test set – we consider it acceptable in order to mitigate data contamination. After filtering, Isabelle Proofsteps contains 251,000 theorems. ```