0001|Amused|amused_1-15_0001.wav|Author of the danger trail, Philip Steels, etc. 0004|Amused|amused_1-15_0004.wav|Lord, but I'm glad to see you again, Phil. 0005|Amused|amused_1-15_0005.wav|Will we ever forget it. 0006|Amused|amused_1-15_0006.wav|God bless 'em, I hope I'll go on seeing them forever. 0007|Amused|amused_1-15_0007.wav|And you always want to see it in the superlative degree. 0011|Amused|amused_1-15_0011.wav|If I ever needed a fighter in my life I need one now. 0014|Amused|amused_1-15_0014.wav|Now you're coming down to business, Phil, he exclaimed. 0015|Amused|amused_1-15_0015.wav|It's the aurora borealis. 0021|Amused|amused_16-28_0021.wav|It fairly clubbed me into recognizing it. 0023|Amused|amused_16-28_0023.wav|A combination of Canadian capital quickly organized and petitioned for the same privileges. 0024|Amused|amused_16-28_0024.wav|It was my reports from the north which chiefly induced people to buy. 0027|Amused|amused_16-28_0027.wav|To my surprise he began to show actual enthusiasm in my favor. 0030|Amused|amused_29-45_0030.wav|I had faith in them. 0042|Amused|amused_29-45_0042.wav|How could he explain his possession of the sketch. 0044|Amused|amused_29-45_0044.wav|Her own betrayal of herself was like tonic to Philip. 0050|Amused|amused_46-56_0050.wav|In spite of their absurdity the words affected Philip curiously. 0051|Amused|amused_46-56_0051.wav|The lace was of a delicate ivory color, faintly tinted with yellow. 0052|Amused|amused_46-56_0052.wav|It was a curious coincidence. 0053|Amused|amused_46-56_0053.wav|Suddenly his fingers closed tightly over the handkerchief. 0002|Neutral|neutral_1-28_0002.wav|Not at this particular case, Tom, apologized Whittemore. 0003|Neutral|neutral_1-28_0003.wav|For the twentieth time that evening the two men shook hands. 0013|Neutral|neutral_1-28_0013.wav|He was a head shorter than his companion, of almost delicate physique. 0016|Neutral|neutral_1-28_0016.wav|There's Fort Churchill, a rifle-shot beyond the ridge, asleep. 0018|Neutral|neutral_1-28_0018.wav|There was a change now. 0019|Neutral|neutral_1-28_0019.wav|I followed the line of the proposed railroad, looking for chances. 0025|Neutral|neutral_1-28_0025.wav|I was about to do this when cooler judgment prevailed. 0026|Neutral|neutral_1-28_0026.wav|It occurred to me that there would have to be an accounting. 0029|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0029.wav|Their forces were already moving into the north country. 0031|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0031.wav|They were three hundred yards apart. 0033|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0033.wav|He unfolded a long typewritten letter, and handed it to Gregson. 0036|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0036.wav|She turned in at the hotel. 0037|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0037.wav|I was the only one who remained sitting. 0038|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0038.wav|We'll have to watch our chances. 0039|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0039.wav|The ship should be in within a week or ten days. 0040|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0040.wav|I suppose you wonder why she is coming up here. 0041|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0041.wav|Meanwhile I'll go out to breathe a spell. 0043|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0043.wav|It seemed nearer to him since he had seen and talked with Gregson. 0045|Neutral|neutral_29-56_0045.wav|He moved away as quietly as he had come. 0009|Angry|angry_1-28_0009.wav|He turned sharply, and faced Gregson across the table. 0012|Angry|angry_1-28_0012.wav|Gregson shoved back his chair and rose to his feet. 0028|Angry|angry_1-28_0028.wav|Robbery, bribery, fraud, 0010|Disgusted|disgustededed_1-28_0010.wav|I'm playing a single hand in what looks like a losing game. 0022|Disgusted|disgustededed_1-28_0022.wav|Hardly were our plans made public before we were met by powerful opposition. 0032|Disgusted|disgustededed_29-56_0032.wav|Since then some mysterious force has been fighting us at every step. 0034|Disgusted|disgustededed_29-56_0034.wav|Men of Selden's stamp don't stop at women and children. 0035|Disgusted|disgustededed_29-56_0035.wav|He stopped, and Philip nodded at the horrified question in his eyes. 0046|Disgusted|disgustededed_29-56_0046.wav|The girl faced him, her eyes shining with sudden fear. 0059|Disgusted|disgustededed_57-84_0059.wav|His immaculate appearance was gone. 0080|Disgusted|disgustededed_57-84_0080.wav|What if Jeanne failed him. 0082|Disgusted|disgustededed_57-84_0082.wav|His face was streaming with blood. 0020|Sleepy|sleepy_1-28_0020.wav|Clubs and balls and cities grew to be only memories.