--- license: mit dataset_info: features: - name: version dtype: string - name: data list: - name: a dtype: int64 - name: b dtype: float64 - name: c dtype: string - name: d dtype: bool splits: - name: train num_bytes: 58 num_examples: 1 download_size: 2749 dataset_size: 58 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* task_categories: - text-to-speech language: - en --- # Dataset Card for Llama-VITS_data The dataset repository contains data related with our work "Llama-VITS: Enhancing TTS Synthesis with Semantic Awareness", encapsulating: - Filtered dataset `EmoV_DB_bea_sem` - Filelists with semantic embeddings - Model checkpoints - Human evaluation templates ## Dataset Details - **Paper:** Llama-VITS: Enhancing TTS Synthesis with Semantic Awareness - **Curated by:** Xincan Feng, Akifumi Yoshimoto - **Funded by:** CyberAgent Inc - **Repository:** https://github.com/xincanfeng/vitsGPT - **Demo:** https://xincanfeng.github.io/Llama-VITS_demo/ ## Dataset Creation We fileterd `EmoV_DB_bea_sem` dataset from EmoV_DB (Adigwe et al., 2018), which is a database of emotional speech that contains data for male and female actors in English and French. EmoV_DB covers 5 emotion classes, amused, angry, disgusted, neutral, and sleepy. To factor out the effect of different speakers, we filtered the original EmoV_DB dataset into the speech of a specific female English speaker, bea. Then we use Llama2 to predict the emotion label of the transcript chosen from the above 5 emotion classes, and select the audio samples which has the same predicted emotion. The filtered dataset contains 22.8-min records for training. We named the filtered dataset `EmoV_DB_bea_sem` and investigated how the semantic embeddings from Llama2 behave in naturalness and expressiveness on it. Please refer to our paper for more information. ## Citation If our work is useful to you, please cite our paper: "Llama-VITS: Enhancing TTS Synthesis with Semantic Awareness". ```sh @misc{feng2024llamavits, title={Llama-VITS: Enhancing TTS Synthesis with Semantic Awareness}, author={Xincan Feng and Akifumi Yoshimoto}, year={2024}, eprint={2404.06714}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ```