--- license: cc dataset_info: features: - name: mask dtype: image - name: segments_info struct: - name: file_name dtype: string - name: image_id dtype: int64 - name: segments_info list: - name: area dtype: int64 - name: category_id dtype: int64 - name: id dtype: int64 - name: iscrowd dtype: int64 - name: isthing dtype: int64 - name: image_info struct: - name: coco_url dtype: string - name: date_captured dtype: string - name: file_name dtype: string - name: height dtype: int64 - name: id dtype: int64 - name: license dtype: int64 - name: width dtype: int64 splits: - name: train num_bytes: 35063720.0 num_examples: 5000 download_size: 32911960 dataset_size: 35063720.0 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* --- ## How to download 1. Set up environment ``` pip install datasets tqdm wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bytedance/coconut_cvpr2024/main/tutorials/download_coconut.py ``` 2. Use the download script to download the COCONut dataset splits. ``` python download_coconut.py # default split: relabeled_coco_val ``` If you want to download the other splits, you can put "coconut_s" or "coconut_b" ``` python download_coconut.py --split coconut_s --output_dir coconut_s ``` 3. Go to our offical github repo for detailed usage instruction: https://github.com/bytedance/coconut_cvpr2024