{"century":9,"index":1,"line1":"In the house of the translator of Bourg,","line2":"The letters will be found on the table,","line3":"One-eyed, red-haired, white, hoary-headed will hold the course,","line4":"Which will change for the new Constable."} {"century":9,"index":2,"line1":"From the top of the Aventine hill a voice heard,","line2":"Be gone, be gone all of you on both sides:","line3":"The anger will be appeased by the blood of the red ones,","line4":"From Rimini and Prato, the Colonna expelled."} {"century":9,"index":3,"line1":"The \"great cow\" at Racenna in great trouble,","line2":"Led by fifteen shut up at Fornase:","line3":"At Rome there will be born two double-headed monsters,","line4":"Blood, fire, flood, the greatest ones in space."} {"century":9,"index":4,"line1":"The following year discoveries through flood,","line2":"Two chiefs elected, the first one will not hold:","line3":"The refuge for the one of them fleeing a shadow,","line4":"The house of which will maintain the first one plundered."} {"century":9,"index":5,"line1":"The third toe will seem first","line2":"To a new monarch from low high,","line3":"He who will possess himself as a Tyrant of Pisa and Lucca,","line4":"To correct the fault of his predecessor."} {"century":9,"index":6,"line1":"An infinity of Englishmen in Guienne","line2":"Will settle under the name of Anglaquitaine:","line3":"In Languedoc, Ispalme, Bordelais,","line4":"Which they will name after Barboxitaine."} {"century":9,"index":7,"line1":"He who will open the tomb found,","line2":"And will come to close it promptly,","line3":"Evil will come to him, and one will be unable to prove,","line4":"If it would be better to be a Breton or Norman King."} {"century":9,"index":8,"line1":"The younger son made King will put his father to death,","line2":"After the conflict very dishonest death:","line3":"Inscription found, suspicion will bring remorse,","line4":"When the wolf driven out lies down ion the bedstead."} {"century":9,"index":9,"line1":"When the lamp burning with inextinguishable fire","line2":"Will be found in the temple of the Vestals:","line3":"Child found in fire, water passing through the sieve:","line4":"To perish in water Nimes, Toulouse the markets to fall."} {"century":9,"index":10,"line1":"The child of a monk and nun exposed to death,","line2":"To die through a she-bear, and carried off by a boar,","line3":"The army will be camped by Foix and Pamiers,","line4":"Against Toulouse Carcassonne the harbinger to form."} {"century":9,"index":11,"line1":"Wrongly will they come to put the just one to death,","line2":"In public and in the middle extinguished:","line3":"So great a pestilence will come to arise in this place,","line4":"That the judges will be forced to flee."} {"century":9,"index":12,"line1":"So much silver of Diana and Mercury,","line2":"The images will be found in the lake:","line3":"The sculptor looking for new clay,","line4":"He and his followers will be steeped in gold."} {"century":9,"index":13,"line1":"The exiles around Sologne,","line2":"Led by night to march into Auxois,","line3":"Two of Modena for Bologna cruel,","line4":"Placed discovered by the fire of Buzanais."} {"century":9,"index":14,"line1":"Dyers' caldrons put on the flat surface,","line2":"Wine, honey and oil, and built over furnaces:","line3":"They will be immersed, innocent, pronounced malefactors,","line4":"Seven of Bordeaux smoke still in the cannon."} {"century":9,"index":15,"line1":"Near Perpignan the red ones detained,","line2":"Those of the middle completely mined led far off:","line3":"Three cut in pieces, and five badly supported,","line4":"For the Lord and Prelate of Burgundy."} {"century":9,"index":16,"line1":"Out of Castelfranco will come the assembly,","line2":"The ambassador not agreeable will cause a schism:","line3":"Those of Riviera will be in the squabble,","line4":"And they will refuse entry to the great gulf."} {"century":9,"index":17,"line1":"The third one first does worse than Nero,","line2":"How much human blood to flow, valiant, be gone:","line3":"He will cause the furnace to be rebuilt,","line4":"Golden Age dead, new King great scandal."} {"century":9,"index":18,"line1":"The lily of the Dauphin will reach into Nancy,","line2":"As far as Flanders the Elector of the Empire:","line3":"New confinement for the great Montmorency,","line4":"Outside proven places delivered to celebrated punishment."} {"century":9,"index":19,"line1":"In the middle of the forest of Mayenne,","line2":"Lightning will fall, the Sun in Leo:","line3":"The great bastard issued from the great one Maine,","line4":"On this day a point will enter the blood of Fougeres."} {"century":9,"index":20,"line1":"By night will come through the forest of Reines,","line2":"Two couples roundabout route Queen the white stone,","line3":"The monk king in gray in Varennes:","line4":"Elected Capet causes tempest, fire, blood, slice."} {"century":9,"index":21,"line1":"At the tall temple of Saint-Solenne at Blois,","line2":"Night Loire bridge, Prelate, King killing outright:","line3":"Crushing victory in the marshes of the pond,","line4":"Whence prelacy of whites miscarrying."} {"century":9,"index":22,"line1":"The King and his court in the place of cunning tongue,","line2":"Within the temple facing the palace:","line3":"In the garden the Duke of Mantua and Alba,","line4":"Alba and Mantua dagger tongue and palace."} {"century":9,"index":23,"line1":"The younger son playing outdoors under the arbor,","line2":"The top of the roof in the middle on his head,","line3":"The father King in the temple of Saint-Solonne,","line4":"Sacrificing he will consecrate festival smoke."} {"century":9,"index":24,"line1":"Upon the palace at the balcony of the windows,","line2":"The two little royal ones will be carried off:","line3":"To pass Orleans, Paris, abbey of Saint-Denis,","line4":"Nun, wicked ones to swallow green pits."} {"century":9,"index":25,"line1":"Crossing the bridges to come near the Roisiers,","line2":"Sooner than he thought, he arrived late.","line3":"The new Spaniards will come to Beziers,","line4":"So that this chase will break the enterprise."} {"century":9,"index":26,"line1":"Departed by the bitter letters the surname of Nice,","line2":"The great Cappe will present something, not his own;","line3":"Near Voltai at the wall of the green columns,","line4":"After Piombino the wind in good earnest."} {"century":9,"index":27,"line1":"The forester, the wind will be close around the bridge,","line2":"Received highly, he will strike the Dauphin.","line3":"The old craftsman will pass through the woods in a company,","line4":"Going far beyond the right borders of the Duke."} {"century":9,"index":28,"line1":"The Allied fleet from the port of Marseilles,","line2":"In Venice harbor to march against Hungary.","line3":"To leave from the gulf and the bay of Illyria,","line4":"Devastation in Sicily, for the Ligurians, cannon shot."} {"century":9,"index":29,"line1":"When the man will give way to none,","line2":"Will wish to abandon a place taken, yet not taken;","line3":"Ship afire through the swamps, bitumen at Charlieu,","line4":"St. Quintin and Calais will be recaptured."} {"century":9,"index":30,"line1":"At the port of Pola and of San Nicolo,","line2":"A Normand will punish in the Gulf of Quarnero:","line3":"Capet to cry alas in the streets of Byzantium,","line4":"Help from Cadiz and the great Philip."} {"century":9,"index":31,"line1":"The hearthquake at Mortara,","line2":"The tin island of St. George half sunk;","line3":"Drowsy with peace, war will arise,","line4":"At Easter in the temple abysses opened."} {"century":9,"index":32,"line1":"A deep column of fine porphyry is found,","line2":"Inscriptions of the Capitol under the base;","line3":"Bones, twisted hair, the Roman strength tried,","line4":"The fleet is stirred at the harbor of Mitylene."} {"century":9,"index":33,"line1":"Hercules King of Rome and of \"Annemark,\"","line2":"With the surname of the chief of triple Gaul,","line3":"Italy and the one of St. Mark to tremble,","line4":"First monarch renowned above all."} {"century":9,"index":34,"line1":"The single part afflicted will be mitered,","line2":"Return conflict to pass over the tile:","line3":"For five hundred one to betray will be titled","line4":"Narbonne and Salces we have oil for knives."} {"century":9,"index":35,"line1":"And fair Ferdinand will be detached,","line2":"To abandon the flower, to follow the Macedonian:","line3":"In the great pinch his course will fail,","line4":"And he will march against the Myrmidons."} {"century":9,"index":36,"line1":"A great King taken by the hands of a young man,","line2":"Not far from Easter confusion knife thrust:","line3":"Everlasting captive times what lightning on the top,","line4":"When three brothers will wound each other and murder."} {"century":9,"index":37,"line1":"Bridge and mills overturned in December,","line2":"The Garonne will rise to a very high place:","line3":"Walls, edifices, Toulouse overturned,","line4":"So that none will know his place like a matron."} {"century":9,"index":38,"line1":"The entry at Blaye for La Rochelle and the English,","line2":"The great Macedonian will pass beyond:","line3":"Not far from Agen will wait the Gaul,","line4":"Narbonne help beguiled through conversation."} {"century":9,"index":39,"line1":"In Albisola to Veront and Carcara,","line2":"Led by night to seize Savona:","line3":"The quick Gascon La Turbie and L'Escarene:","line4":"Behind the wall old and new palace to seize."} {"century":9,"index":40,"line1":"Near Saint-Quintin in the forest deceived,","line2":"In the Abbey the Flemish will be cut up:","line3":"The two younger sons half-stunned by blows,","line4":"The rest crushed and the guard all cut to pieces."} {"century":9,"index":41,"line1":"The great \"Chyren\" will seize Avignon,","line2":"From Rome letters in honey full of bitterness:","line3":"Letter and embassy to leave from Chanignon,","line4":"Carpentras taken by a black duke with a red feather."} {"century":9,"index":42,"line1":"From Barcelona, from Genoa and Venice,","line2":"From Sicily pestilence Monaco joined:","line3":"They will take their aim against the Barbarian fleet,","line4":"Barbarian driven 'way back as far as Tunis."} {"century":9,"index":43,"line1":"On the point of landing the Crusader army","line2":"Will be ambushed by the Ishmaelites,","line3":"Struck from all sides by the ship Impetuosity,","line4":"Rapidly attacked by ten elite galleys."} {"century":9,"index":44,"line1":"Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you,","line2":"Saturn will be converted from gold to iron,","line3":"Raypoz will exterminate all who oppose him,","line4":"Before the coming the sky will show signs."} {"century":9,"index":45,"line1":"None will remain to ask,","line2":"Great Mendosus will obtain his dominion:","line3":"Far from the court he will cause to be countermanded","line4":"Piedmont, Picardy, Paris, Tuscany the worst."} {"century":9,"index":46,"line1":"Be gone, flee from Toulouse ye red ones,","line2":"For the sacrifice to make expiation:","line3":"The chief cause of the evil under the shade of pumpkins:","line4":"Dead to strangle carnal prognostication."} {"century":9,"index":47,"line1":"The undersigned to an infamous deliverance,","line2":"And having contrary advice from the multitude:","line3":"Monarch changes put in danger over thought,","line4":"Shut up in a cage they will see each other face to face."} {"century":9,"index":48,"line1":"The great city of the maritime Ocean,","line2":"Surrounded by a crystalline swamp:","line3":"In the winter solstice and the spring,","line4":"It will be tried by frightful wind."} {"century":9,"index":49,"line1":"Ghent and Brussels will march against Antwerp,","line2":"The Senate of London will put to death their King:","line3":"Salt and wine will overthrow him,","line4":"To have them the realm turned upside down."} {"century":9,"index":50,"line1":"Mendosus will soon come to his high realm,","line2":"Putting behind a little the Lorrainers:","line3":"The pale red one, the male in the interregnum,","line4":"The fearful youth and Barbaric terror."} {"century":9,"index":51,"line1":"Against the red ones sects will conspire,","line2":"Fire, water, steel, rope through peace will weaken:","line3":"On the point of dying those who will plot,","line4":"Except one who above all the world will min."} {"century":9,"index":52,"line1":"Peace is nigh on one side, and war,","line2":"Never was the pursuit of it so great:","line3":"To bemoan men, women innocent blood on the land,","line4":"And this will be throughout all France."} {"century":9,"index":53,"line1":"The young Nero in the three chimneys","line2":"Will cause live pages to be thrown to burn:","line3":"Happy those who will be far away from such practices,","line4":"Three of his blood will have him ambushed to death."} {"century":9,"index":54,"line1":"There will arrive at Porto Corsini,","line2":"Near Ravenna, he who will plunder the lady:","line3":"In the deep sea legate from Lisbon,","line4":"Hidden under a rock they will carry off seventy souls."} {"century":9,"index":55,"line1":"The horrible war which is being prepared in the West,","line2":"The following year will come the pestilence","line3":"So very horrible that young, old, nor beast,","line4":"Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France."} {"century":9,"index":56,"line1":"The army near Houdan will pass Goussainville,","line2":"And at Maiotes it will leave its mark:","line3":"In an instant more than a thousand will be converted,","line4":"Looking for the two to put them back in chain and firewood."} {"century":9,"index":57,"line1":"In the place of Drux a King will rest,","line2":"And will look for a law changing Anathema:","line3":"While the sky will thunder so very loudly,","line4":"New entry the King will kill himself."} {"century":9,"index":58,"line1":"On the left side at the spot of Vitry,","line2":"The three red ones of France will be awaited:","line3":"All felled red, black one not murdered,","line4":"By the Bretons restored to safety."} {"century":9,"index":59,"line1":"At La Ferte-Vidame he will seize,","line2":"Nicholas held red who had produced his life:","line3":"The great Louise who will act secretly one will be born,","line4":"Giving Burgundy to the Bretons through envy."} {"century":9,"index":60,"line1":"Conflict Barbarian in the black Headdress,","line2":"Blood shed, Dalmatia to tremble:","line3":"Great Ishmael will set up his promontory,","line4":"Frogs to tremble Lusitania aid."} {"century":9,"index":61,"line1":"The plunder made upon the marine coast,","line2":"In Cittanova and relatives brought forward:","line3":"Several of Malta through the deed of Messina","line4":"Will be closely confined poorly rewarded."} {"century":9,"index":62,"line1":"To the great one of Ceramon-agora,","line2":"The crusaders will all be attached by rank,","line3":"The long-lasting Opium and Mandrake,","line4":"The Raugon will be released on the third of October."} {"century":9,"index":63,"line1":"Complaints and tears, cries and great howls,","line2":"Near Narbonne at Bayonne and in Foix:","line3":"Oh, what horrible calamities and changes,","line4":"Before Mars has made several revolutions."} {"century":9,"index":64,"line1":"The Macedonian to pass the Pyrenees mountains,","line2":"In March Narbonne will not offer resistance:","line3":"By land and sea he will carry on very great intrigue,","line4":"Capetian having no land safe for residence."} {"century":9,"index":65,"line1":"He will come to go into the corner of Luna,","line2":"Where he will be captured and put in a strange land:","line3":"The unripe fruits will be the subject of great scandal,","line4":"Great blame, to one great praise."} {"century":9,"index":66,"line1":"There will be peace, union and change,","line2":"Estates, offices, low high and high very low:","line3":"To prepare a trip, the first offspring torment,","line4":"War to cease, civil process, debates."} {"century":9,"index":67,"line1":"From the height of the mountains around the Isere,","line2":"One hundred assembled at the haven in the rock Valence:","line3":"From Chateauneuf, Pierrelatte, in Donzere,","line4":"Against Crest, Romans, faith assembled."} {"century":9,"index":68,"line1":"The noble of Mount Aymar will be made obscure,","line2":"The evil will come at the junction of the Saone and Rhone:","line3":"Soldiers hidden in the woods on Lucy\u2019s day,","line4":"Never was there so horrible a throne."} {"century":9,"index":69,"line1":"One the mountain of Saint-Bel and L'Arbresle","line2":"The proud one of Grenoble will be hidden:","line3":"Beyond Lyons and Vienne on them a very great hail,","line4":"Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain."} {"century":9,"index":70,"line1":"Sharp weapons hidden in the torches.","line2":"In Lyons, the day of the Sacrament,","line3":"Those of Vienne will all be cut to pieces,","line4":"By the Latin Cantons Macon does not lie."} {"century":9,"index":71,"line1":"At the holy places animals seen with hair,","line2":"With him who will not dare the day:","line3":"At Carcassonne propitious for disgrace,","line4":"He will be set for a more ample stay."} {"century":9,"index":72,"line1":"Again will the holy temples be polluted,","line2":"And plundered by the Senate of Toulouse:","line3":"Saturn two three cycles completed,","line4":"In April, May, people of new leaven."} {"century":9,"index":73,"line1":"The Blue Turban King entered into Foix,","line2":"And he will reign less than an evolution of Saturn:","line3":"The White Turban King Byzantium heart banished,","line4":"Sun, Mars and Mercury near Aquarius."} {"century":9,"index":74,"line1":"In the city of Fertsod homicide,","line2":"Deed, and deed many oxen plowing no sacrifice:","line3":"Return again to the honors of Artemis,","line4":"And to Vulcan bodies dead ones to bury."} {"century":9,"index":75,"line1":"From Ambracia and the country of Thrace","line2":"People by sea, evil and help from the Gauls:","line3":"In Provence the perpetual trace,","line4":"With vestiges of their custom and laws."} {"century":9,"index":76,"line1":"With the rapacious and blood-thirsty king,","line2":"Issued from the pallet of the inhuman Nero:","line3":"Between two rivers military hand left,","line4":"He will be murdered by Young Baldy."} {"century":9,"index":77,"line1":"The realm taken the King will conspire,","line2":"The lady taken to death ones sworn by lot:","line3":"They will refuse life to the Queen and son,","line4":"And the mistress at the fort of the wife."} {"century":9,"index":78,"line1":"The Greek lady of ugly beauty,","line2":"Made happy by countless suitors:","line3":"Transferred out to the Spanish realm,","line4":"Taken captive to die a miserable death."} {"century":9,"index":79,"line1":"The chief of the fleet through deceit and trickery","line2":"Will make the timid ones come out of their galleys:","line3":"Come out, murdered, the chief renouncer of chrism,","line4":"Then through ambush they will pay him his wages."} {"century":9,"index":80,"line1":"The Duke will want to exterminate his followers,","line2":"He will send the strongest ones to strange places:","line3":"Through tyranny to ruin Pisa and Lucca,","line4":"Then the Barbarians will gather the grapes without vine."} {"century":9,"index":81,"line1":"The crafty King will understand his snares,","line2":"Enemies to assail from three sides:","line3":"A strange number tears from hoods,","line4":"The grandeur of the translator will come to fail."} {"century":9,"index":82,"line1":"By the flood and fierce pestilence,","line2":"The great city for long besieged:","line3":"The sentry and guard dead by hand,","line4":"Sudden capture but none wronged."} {"century":9,"index":83,"line1":"Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very mightily,","line2":"It will min the great theater filled:","line3":"To darken and trouble air, sky and land,","line4":"Then the infidel will call upon God and saints."} {"century":9,"index":84,"line1":"The King exposed will complete the slaughter,","line2":"After having discovered his origin:","line3":"Torrent to open the tomb of marble and lead,","line4":"Of a great Roman with Medusine device."} {"century":9,"index":85,"line1":"To pass Guienne, Languedoc and the Rhone,","line2":"From Agen holding Marmande and La Reole:","line3":"To open through faith the wall, Marseilles will hold its throne,","line4":"Conflict near Saint-Paul-de-Mausole."} {"century":9,"index":86,"line1":"From Bourg-la-Reine they will come straight to Chartres,","line2":"And near Pont d'Antony they will pause:","line3":"Seven crafty as Martens for peace,","line4":"Paris closed by an army they will enter."} {"century":9,"index":87,"line1":"In the forest cleared of the Tuft,","line2":"By the hermitage will be placed the temple:","line3":"The Duke of Etampes through the ruse he invented","line4":"Will teach a lesson to the prelate of Montlhery."} {"century":9,"index":88,"line1":"Calais, Arras, help to Therouanne,","line2":"Peace and semblance the spy will simulate:","line3":"The soldiery of Savoy to descend by Roanne,","line4":"People who would end the rout deterred."} {"century":9,"index":89,"line1":"For seven years fortune will favor Philip,","line2":"He will beat down again the exertions of the Arabs:","line3":"Then at his noon perplexing contrary affair,","line4":"Young Ogmios will destroy his stronghold."} {"century":9,"index":90,"line1":"A captain of Great Germany","line2":"Will come to deliver through false help","line3":"To the King of Kings the support of Pannonia,","line4":"So that his revolt will cause a great flow of blood."} {"century":9,"index":91,"line1":"The horrible plague Perinthus and Nicopolis,","line2":"The Peninsula and Macedonia will it fall upon:","line3":"It will devastate Thessaly and Amphipolis,","line4":"An unknown evil, and from Anthony refusal."} {"century":9,"index":92,"line1":"The King will want to enter the new city,","line2":"Through its enemies they will come to subdue it:","line3":"Captive free falsely to speak and act,","line4":"King to be outside, he will keep far from the enemy."} {"century":9,"index":93,"line1":"The enemies very far from the fort,","line2":"The bastion brought by wagons:","line3":"Above the walls of Bourges crumbled,","line4":"When Hercules the Macedonian will strike."} {"century":9,"index":94,"line1":"Weak galleys will be joined together,","line2":"False enemies the strongest on the rampart:","line3":"Weak ones assailed Bratislava trembles,","line4":"Liibeck and Meissen will take the barbarian side."} {"century":9,"index":95,"line1":"The newly made one will lead the army,","line2":"Almost cut off up to near the bank:","line3":"Help from the Milanais elite straining,","line4":"The Duke deprived of his eyes in Milan in an iron cage."} {"century":9,"index":96,"line1":"The army denied entry to the city,","line2":"The Duke will enter through persuasion:","line3":"The army led secretly to the weak gates,","line4":"They will put it to fire and sword, effusion of blood."} {"century":9,"index":97,"line1":"The forces of the sea divided into three parts,","line2":"The second one will run out of supplies,","line3":"In despair looking for the Elysian Fields,","line4":"The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the victory."} {"century":9,"index":98,"line1":"Those afflicted through the fault of a single one stained,","line2":"The transgressor in the opposite party:","line3":"He will send word to those of Lyons that compelled","line4":"They be to deliver the great chief of Molite."} {"century":9,"index":99,"line1":"The \"Aquilon\" Wind will cause the siege to be raised,","line2":"Over the walls to throw ashes, lime and dust:","line3":"Through rain afterwards, which will do them much worse,","line4":"Last help against their frontier."} {"century":9,"index":100,"line1":"Naval battle night will be overcome,","line2":"Fire in the ships to the West min:","line3":"New trick, the great ship colored,","line4":"Anger to the vanquished, and victory in a drizzle."}