{"age": 49, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 49-year-old female presents the symptoms of lymph_node_enlargement. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 49-year-old female presents the symptoms of meningitis_symptoms, pain, altered_urination, malaise, skin_lesion, lymph_node_enlargement, fever, discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "lymph_node_enlargement", "fever", "discharge"], "symptoms_remain": ["lymph_node_enlargement"], "symptoms_mask": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever", "discharge"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Testicular cancer", "Pyelonefritis", "Genital herpes", "Colon cancer"], "correct_answer": "Genital herpes", "restore_symptoms": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever", "discharge"]} {"age": 4, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 4-year-old male presents the symptoms of lymph_node_enlargement. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 4-year-old male presents the symptoms of meningitis_symptoms, pain, malaise, skin_lesion, lymph_node_enlargement, fever, discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "lymph_node_enlargement", "fever", "discharge"], "symptoms_remain": ["lymph_node_enlargement"], "symptoms_mask": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever", "discharge"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Genital herpes", "Testicular cancer", "Iron deficiency anaemia", "Rheumatoid arthritis"], "correct_answer": "Genital herpes", "restore_symptoms": ["meningitis_symptoms", "pain", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever", "discharge"]} {"age": 74, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 74-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 74-year-old female presents the symptoms of dyspareunia, pain, altered_urination, discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["dyspareunia", "pain", "altered_urination", "discharge"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["dyspareunia", "pain", "altered_urination", "discharge"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Gonorrhea", "Mastoiditis", "Vitamin B12 deficiency", "Oesophageal carcinoma"], "correct_answer": "Gonorrhea", "restore_symptoms": ["dyspareunia", "pain", "altered_urination", "discharge"]} {"age": 1, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 1-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 1-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, altered_urination, malaise, skin_lesion, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Genital herpes", "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)", "Mastoiditis", "Hernia Nuclei Pulposi (Radicular syndrome)"], "correct_answer": "Genital herpes", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "altered_urination", "malaise", "skin_lesion", "fever"]} {"age": 11, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 11-year-old woman?", "question_init": "A 11-year-old woman presents the symptoms of mass, pain, discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["mass", "pain", "discharge"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["mass", "pain", "discharge"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pyelonefritis", "Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome)", "Breast cancer", "Genital herpes"], "correct_answer": "Breast cancer", "restore_symptoms": ["mass", "pain", "discharge"]} {"age": 94, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 94-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 94-year-old female presents the symptoms of altered_appetite, pain, regurgitation. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "regurgitation"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "regurgitation"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Atrophic gastritis", "IBS (Constipation type)", "Oesophageal carcinoma", "Bacterial meningitis"], "correct_answer": "Atrophic gastritis", "restore_symptoms": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "regurgitation"]} {"age": 1, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 1-year-old male?", "question_init": "A 1-year-old male presents the symptoms of vomiting, altered_behaviour, runny_nose, congestion. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["vomiting", "altered_behaviour", "runny_nose", "congestion"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["vomiting", "altered_behaviour", "runny_nose", "congestion"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Otitis media acuta", "Testicular cancer", "Upper urinary tract infection", "Subarachnoidal bleeding"], "correct_answer": "Otitis media acuta", "restore_symptoms": ["vomiting", "altered_behaviour", "runny_nose", "congestion"]} {"age": 47, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 47-year-old woman presents the symptoms of altered_stool, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 47-year-old woman presents the symptoms of altered_appetite, pain, vomiting, altered_stool, altered_behaviour, crying, altered_breathing, cough, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "vomiting", "altered_stool", "altered_behaviour", "crying", "altered_breathing", "cough", "fever"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_stool", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "vomiting", "altered_behaviour", "crying", "cough", "fever"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Otitis media acuta", "Lumbago (Muscle strain)", "Oesophageal carcinoma", "Pulmonary edema"], "correct_answer": "Otitis media acuta", "restore_symptoms": ["altered_appetite", "pain", "vomiting", "altered_behaviour", "crying", "cough", "fever"]} {"age": 82, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 82-year-old male presents the symptoms of altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 82-year-old male presents the symptoms of fatigue, congestion, altered_breathing, cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["fatigue", "congestion", "altered_breathing", "cough"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["fatigue", "congestion", "cough"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pneumothorax", "Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome)", "Hernia Nuclei Pulposi (Radicular syndrome)", "Viral respiratory infection"], "correct_answer": "Viral respiratory infection", "restore_symptoms": ["fatigue", "congestion", "cough"]} {"age": 37, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 37-year-old woman presents the symptoms of dizziness, altered_movement, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 37-year-old woman presents the symptoms of altered_cardiac_rhythm, dizziness, altered_movement, discoloration, pain, altered_cardiac_sounds, fatigue, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["altered_cardiac_rhythm", "dizziness", "altered_movement", "discoloration", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "fatigue", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_remain": ["dizziness", "altered_movement", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["altered_cardiac_rhythm", "discoloration", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "fatigue"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Vitamin D deficiency", "Iron deficiency anaemia", "Atrophic gastritis", "Carpal tunnel syndrome"], "correct_answer": "Iron deficiency anaemia", "restore_symptoms": ["altered_cardiac_rhythm", "discoloration", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "fatigue"]} {"age": 58, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 58-year-old female presents the symptoms of altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 58-year-old female presents the symptoms of discoloration, pain, fatigue, inflammation, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["discoloration", "pain", "fatigue", "inflammation", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["discoloration", "pain", "fatigue", "inflammation"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Testicular cancer", "Lung cancer (NSCLC)", "Migraine", "Iron deficiency anaemia"], "correct_answer": "Iron deficiency anaemia", "restore_symptoms": ["discoloration", "pain", "fatigue", "inflammation"]} {"age": 44, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 44-year-old female presents the symptoms of focal_neurological_symptoms, stiffness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 44-year-old female presents the symptoms of focal_neurological_symptoms, pain, stiffness, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["focal_neurological_symptoms", "pain", "stiffness", "fever"], "symptoms_remain": ["focal_neurological_symptoms", "stiffness"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "fever"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pyelonefritis", "Bacterial meningitis", "Lower urinary tract infection", "Tension type headache"], "correct_answer": "Bacterial meningitis", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "fever"]} {"age": 0, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 0-year-old male presents the symptoms of dizziness, stiffness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 0-year-old male presents the symptoms of dizziness, vomiting, nausea, stiffness, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["dizziness", "vomiting", "nausea", "stiffness", "fever"], "symptoms_remain": ["dizziness", "stiffness"], "symptoms_mask": ["vomiting", "nausea", "fever"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Oesophageal carcinoma", "Tension type headache", "Vitamin B12 deficiency", "Viral meningitis"], "correct_answer": "Viral meningitis", "restore_symptoms": ["vomiting", "nausea", "fever"]} {"age": 37, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 37-year-old female presents the symptoms of altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 37-year-old female presents the symptoms of pain, alopecia, inflammation, altered_mental_state, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "alopecia", "inflammation", "altered_mental_state", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "alopecia", "inflammation", "altered_mental_state"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Testicular cancer", "Iron deficiency anaemia", "Asthma", "Functional constipation"], "correct_answer": "Iron deficiency anaemia", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "alopecia", "inflammation", "altered_mental_state"]} {"age": 21, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 21-year-old female presents the symptoms of dizziness, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 21-year-old female presents the symptoms of dizziness, alopecia, pain, altered_cardiac_sounds, altered_mental_state, altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["dizziness", "alopecia", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "altered_mental_state", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_remain": ["dizziness", "altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["alopecia", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "altered_mental_state"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Bladder cancer", "Lung cancer (NSCLC)", "Rheumatoid arthritis", "Iron deficiency anaemia"], "correct_answer": "Iron deficiency anaemia", "restore_symptoms": ["alopecia", "pain", "altered_cardiac_sounds", "altered_mental_state"]} {"age": 51, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 51-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 51-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, soreness, congestion, cough, fever. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "soreness", "congestion", "cough", "fever"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "soreness", "congestion", "cough", "fever"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Viral respiratory infection", "Upper urinary tract infection", "Mastoiditis", "Functional constipation"], "correct_answer": "Viral respiratory infection", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "soreness", "congestion", "cough", "fever"]} {"age": 37, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 37-year-old female presents the symptoms of altered_stool, flatulence. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 37-year-old female presents the symptoms of pain, altered_stool, flatulence, bloating. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "altered_stool", "flatulence", "bloating"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_stool", "flatulence"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "bloating"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["COPD", "Viral respiratory infection", "IBS (Constipation type)", "Pancreatitis"], "correct_answer": "IBS (Constipation type)", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "bloating"]} {"age": 1, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 1-year-old female presents the symptoms of dizziness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 1-year-old female presents the symptoms of dizziness, pain, seizure. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["dizziness", "pain", "seizure"], "symptoms_remain": ["dizziness"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "seizure"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Asthma", "Vitamin B12 deficiency", "Pancreatitis", "Atrophic gastritis"], "correct_answer": "Vitamin B12 deficiency", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "seizure"]} {"age": 21, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 21-year-old man presents the symptoms of stiffness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 21-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, fatigue, stiffness, fever, dryness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "fatigue", "stiffness", "fever", "dryness"], "symptoms_remain": ["stiffness"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "fatigue", "fever", "dryness"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pulmonary edema", "Rheumatoid arthritis", "Colon cancer", "Otitis media acuta"], "correct_answer": "Rheumatoid arthritis", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "fatigue", "fever", "dryness"]} {"age": 43, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 43-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 43-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, fatigue, fever, dryness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "fatigue", "fever", "dryness"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "fatigue", "fever", "dryness"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Rheumatoid arthritis", "Testicular cancer", "Pneumothorax", "Vitamin D deficiency"], "correct_answer": "Rheumatoid arthritis", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "fatigue", "fever", "dryness"]} {"age": 63, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 63-year-old woman?", "question_init": "A 63-year-old woman presents the symptoms of disability, difficulty_walking, pain, swelling, weakness. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["disability", "difficulty_walking", "pain", "swelling", "weakness"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["disability", "difficulty_walking", "pain", "swelling", "weakness"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Oesophageal carcinoma", "Bladder cancer", "Osteoarthritis", "Giardiasis"], "correct_answer": "Osteoarthritis", "restore_symptoms": ["disability", "difficulty_walking", "pain", "swelling", "weakness"]} {"age": 57, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 57-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 57-year-old female presents the symptoms of pain, weakness, altered_sensation. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Lung cancer (NSCLC)", "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)", "Atrophic gastritis", "Oesophageal carcinoma"], "correct_answer": "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"]} {"age": 21, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 21-year-old male presents the symptoms of altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 21-year-old male presents the symptoms of pain, lethargy, altered_breathing, fever, cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "lethargy", "altered_breathing", "fever", "cough"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "lethargy", "fever", "cough"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pneumonia", "Functional constipation", "Subarachnoidal bleeding", "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)"], "correct_answer": "Pneumonia", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "lethargy", "fever", "cough"]} {"age": 52, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "A 52-year-old woman presents the symptoms of altered_stool, flatulence. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 52-year-old woman presents the symptoms of pain, altered_stool, flatulence. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "altered_stool", "flatulence"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_stool", "flatulence"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pulmonary edema", "Ovarian cancer", "Bacterial enteritis", "Viral meningitis"], "correct_answer": "Bacterial enteritis", "restore_symptoms": ["pain"]} {"age": 80, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 80-year-old male presents the symptoms of altered_breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 80-year-old male presents the symptoms of tightness, altered_breathing, cough. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["tightness", "altered_breathing", "cough"], "symptoms_remain": ["altered_breathing"], "symptoms_mask": ["tightness", "cough"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Bacterial meningitis", "Asthma", "Viral respiratory infection", "Lower urinary tract infection"], "correct_answer": "Asthma", "restore_symptoms": ["tightness", "cough"]} {"age": 56, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 56-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 56-year-old female presents the symptoms of mass, skin_retraction, pain, discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["mass", "skin_retraction", "pain", "discharge"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["mass", "skin_retraction", "pain", "discharge"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pyelonefritis", "Upper urinary tract infection", "Pneumonia", "Breast cancer"], "correct_answer": "Breast cancer", "restore_symptoms": ["mass", "skin_retraction", "pain", "discharge"]} {"age": 53, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 53-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 53-year-old female presents the symptoms of pain, weakness, altered_sensation. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Pancreatitis", "Breast cancer", "Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome)", "Pulmonary edema"], "correct_answer": "Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome)", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "altered_sensation"]} {"age": 4, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 4-year-old male?", "question_init": "A 4-year-old male presents the symptoms of pain, weakness, incontinence_, altered_sensation. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "incontinence_", "altered_sensation"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "weakness", "incontinence_", "altered_sensation"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Bacterial enteritis", "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)", "Colon cancer", "Rheumatoid arthritis"], "correct_answer": "Lumbar spinal stenosis (Radicular syndrome)", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "weakness", "incontinence_", "altered_sensation"]} {"age": 30, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "A 30-year-old male presents the symptoms of aura. What is the likely diagnosis?", "question_init": "A 30-year-old male presents the symptoms of pain, vomiting, nausea, aura. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "vomiting", "nausea", "aura"], "symptoms_remain": ["aura"], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "vomiting", "nausea"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Otitis externa", "Subarachnoidal bleeding", "Viral enteritis", "IBS (Constipation type)"], "correct_answer": "Subarachnoidal bleeding", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "vomiting", "nausea"]} {"age": 47, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 47-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 47-year-old man presents the symptoms of pain, altered_weight, dysphagia. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Giardiasis", "Oesophageal carcinoma", "Cauda equina (Radicular Syndrome)", "Iron deficiency anaemia"], "correct_answer": "Oesophageal carcinoma", "restore_symptoms": ["pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"]} {"age": 34, "sex": "F", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 34-year-old female?", "question_init": "A 34-year-old female presents the symptoms of reflux, pain, altered_weight, dysphagia. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Bladder cancer", "Oesophageal carcinoma", "Subarachnoidal bleeding", "Pulmonary edema"], "correct_answer": "Oesophageal carcinoma", "restore_symptoms": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"]} {"age": 2, "sex": "M", "question_mask": "What is the likely diagnosis of the 2-year-old man?", "question_init": "A 2-year-old man presents the symptoms of reflux, pain, altered_weight, dysphagia. What is the likely diagnosis?", "symptoms": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "symptoms_remain": [], "symptoms_mask": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"], "antecedents": [], "antecedents_remain": [], "antecedents_mask": [], "options": ["Viral respiratory infection", "Gout", "Oesophageal carcinoma", "Viral enteritis"], "correct_answer": "Oesophageal carcinoma", "restore_symptoms": ["reflux", "pain", "altered_weight", "dysphagia"]}