]> MuniIssuance Ontology for the process in which municipal bonds are issued. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT Copyright (c) 2013-2023 EDM Council, Inc. announce securities issue bond counsel correspondent A bank, brokerage or other financial institution that is not a direct DTC member. Correspondents rely on direct DTC Participants to perform their DTC settlement services d t c c member A firm which is a member of DTCC. Note: this Actor may perform any of the Roles described elsewhere in this Issuance model, i.e. the DTCC Member may also be any of the Actors defined. REVIEW: does this apply to ALL the defined Actor types? debt auction process debt issue over allotment terms Terms for Change to an Issue Amount for Debt securities debt underwriting closing debt underwriting issuance process dissemination dissemination underwriter equity demutualization process equity i p o process equity underwriting issuance process issuance agent issuance closing The process of crediting the DTC participant account on settlement date with the position for the new issue. The overall closing process includes the exchange of funds that happens outside of DTC. issuance crediting participant issuance financial advisor issuance printer issuance process participant issuance settlement 1 issue over allotment terms Terms for Change to an Issue Amount. A provision in an underwriting agreement, which allows members of the underwriting syndicate to purchase additional shares at the original price. Also known as a green shoe. Note that this set of terms does not refer to over-allotment as change to a the total issue amount issued to an individual investor. That would require separate but similar terms. FIBIM has "Over Allotment Amount" as an individual term. issuer counsel muni debt offering The process step of offering a Municipal Debt security for issue. muni issuance process participant obligor paying agent potential muni underwriter An intermediary between an issuer of a security and the investing public. An underwriter can either be DTC Participant or Correspondent who would clear the underwriting deal using the Crediting Participant. private placement process participant registered security issuance process registration remarketing agent securities issuance context securities underwriting issuance Underwriting, as a method of Securities Issuance. securities underwriting issuance process The process by which debt instruments are offered to the market by a syndicate of underwriters who underwrite the issue. servicer transfer agent trustee underwriting issuance closing underwriting issuance requestor underwriting process activity underwriting process actor any actor within the DTYCC Underwriting Process or any other Underwriting Process. Note: At present all these Actors (e.g. Underwriter) are defined simply as Process Actors and not as specializations of this type of Actor. Therefore this Actor is a Union of all of those. actual closing date The date in which closing has been done for the underwriter of a security. advises announcement comments Free form description of Purpose of Issue, Source of funds etc. announces issue of dissemination decision date and time Date and Time when the Dissemination Underwriter made the Decision about Dissemination. facililtates remarketing facilitates payment facilitates transfer formal award date and time Date and time the issuer formally accepts a bid for Competitive Issues or, the Date and Time the Bond Purchase Agreement is executed for Negotiated Issues. Time Zone: Include in date/time data or add a term for it? gives rise to has agent has bond counsel has financial advisor has issuance guarantor has issuer counsel has obligor has paying agent has potential issuer has printer has remarketing agent has servicer has subscriber has transfer agent has trustee includes step is agent in is bond counsel is crediting participant is issuer counsel is trustee issuance settlement date Settlement date for the initial Issuance transaction. makes decision on maximum over allotment amount The maximum amount that is available as part of providing the over-allotment option. maximum over allotment percentage The percentage that is available as part of providing the over-allotment option. maximum over allotment shares The maximum amount of shares that are available as part of providing the over-allotment option. obligor to offering requestor over allotment available Whether an over-allotment option is available for the security. over allotment expiry period days Number of calendar days after the closing of initial offering for expiry of over-allotment option. participates in prints produces refers to registered under requested by requests sale method Sale Method of the security. services step subscriber subscribes to Subscriber responds to marketing / draft propspectus, indicates interest and is allocated shares / debt units based on interest. subscribes to underwrites underwriting process actor has identity underwritten by