Dataset Not Avaiable (This use old file but it is delete)

by Indramal - opened

I am try to download dataset using following code.

from datasets import load_dataset
#ds = load_dataset('super_glue', 'boolq', split='train')
ds = load_dataset('wikipedia','', beam_runner='DirectRunner')

But now it is not available.
Old Dataset -
New List -

I got following error for old dataset
FileNotFoundError: Couldn't find file at

Please update this it. My suggesting is use "latest" word instead of using "20220301" number.

Datasets Maintainers org

Thanks for reporting, @Indramal .

Note that we are going to deprecate this dataset: it only contains the pre-processed data for 6 of the languages.

I would recommend that you use the current official "wikimedia/wikipedia" dataset, with the pre-processed data for all the languages and for the latest dump 2023-11-01.

albertvillanova changed discussion status to closed

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