--- license: cc-by-4.0 --- Touché23-ValueEval ================== [link](https://webis.de/data.html#touche23-valueeval) Usage: ``` from datasets import load_dataset import ast def convert_labels(example): example["Labels"] = [i for i in ast.literal_eval(example["Labels"])] return example valueeval23 = load_dataset("webis/Touche23-ValueEval") training_dataset = valueeval23["training"].map(convert_labels) ``` See available dataset parts: ``` valueeval23 ``` The `Labels` for each example is an array of 1s (argument resorts to value) and 0s (argument does not resort to value). The order is the same as in the original files: ``` labels = ["Self-direction: thought", "Self-direction: action", "Stimulation", "Hedonism", "Achievement", "Power: dominance", "Power: resources", "Face", "Security: personal", "Security: societal", "Tradition", "Conformity: rules", "Conformity: interpersonal", "Humility", "Benevolence: caring", "Benevolence: dependability", "Universalism: concern", "Universalism: nature", "Universalism: tolerance", "Universalism: objectivity"] ```