--- annotations_creators: - machine-generated language_creators: - found language: - en license: - mit multilinguality: - monolingual size_categories: - unknown source_datasets: - extended|qa_srl task_categories: - text-retrieval task_ids: [] pretty_name: 'LSOIE ' tags: - Open Information Extraction --- # Dataset Card for LSOIE ## Table of Contents - [Dataset Description](#dataset-description) - [Dataset Summary](#dataset-summary) - [Supported Tasks](#supported-tasks-and-leaderboards) - [Languages](#languages) - [Dataset Structure](#dataset-structure) - [Data Instances](#data-instances) - [Data Fields](#data-instances) - [Data Splits](#data-instances) - [Dataset Creation](#dataset-creation) - [Curation Rationale](#curation-rationale) - [Source Data](#source-data) - [Annotations](#annotations) - [Personal and Sensitive Information](#personal-and-sensitive-information) - [Considerations for Using the Data](#considerations-for-using-the-data) - [Social Impact of Dataset](#social-impact-of-dataset) - [Discussion of Biases](#discussion-of-biases) - [Other Known Limitations](#other-known-limitations) - [Additional Information](#additional-information) - [Dataset Curators](#dataset-curators) - [Licensing Information](#licensing-information) - [Citation Information](#citation-information) ## Dataset Description - **Homepage:** https://github.com/Jacobsolawetz/large-scale-oie - **Repository:** https://github.com/Jacobsolawetz/large-scale-oie - **Paper:** https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.11177 - **Leaderboard:** [Needs More Information] - **Point of Contact:** [Needs More Information] ### Dataset Summary The Large Scale Open Information Extraction Dataset (LSOIE), is a dataset 20 times larger than the next largest human-annotated Open Information Extraction (OIE) dataset. LSOIE is a built upon the QA-SRL 2.0 dataset by transforming the list of Questions and answers for each predicate to a tuple representing a fact. ### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards Open Information Extraction ### Languages The text in this dataset is english. ## Dataset Structure ### Data Instances A datapoint comprises one fact together with the sentence it was extracted from. There can be multiple facts for each Sentence. Each fact is represented by a tuple $(a_0, p, a_1,\dots a_n)$ where $a_0$ is the head entity $p$ is the predicate and $a_1, \dots,a_n$ represent the tail. ### Data Fields - word_ids : sequence of indices (int) representing tokens in a sentence, - words : a sequence of strings, the tokens in the sentence, - pred : the predicate of the fact, - pred_ids : ids of the tokens in the predicate, - head_pred_id : id of the head token in the predicate, - sent_id : sentence id, - run_id : , - label : Sequence of tags (BIO) representing the fact, e.g. if the fact is given by $(a_0, p, a_1, \dots, a_n) $ ### Data Splits [Needs More Information] ## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale [Needs More Information] ### Source Data #### Initial Data Collection and Normalization [Needs More Information] #### Who are the source language producers? [Needs More Information] ### Annotations #### Annotation process [Needs More Information] #### Who are the annotators? [Needs More Information] ### Personal and Sensitive Information [Needs More Information] ## Considerations for Using the Data ### Social Impact of Dataset [Needs More Information] ### Discussion of Biases [Needs More Information] ### Other Known Limitations [Needs More Information] ## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators [Needs More Information] ### Licensing Information [Needs More Information] ### Citation Information [Needs More Information]