jerome-ai's picture
license: apache-2.0

Wadhwani AI Pest Management Open Data

This dataset is a Hugging Face adaptor to the official dataset hosted on Github. Please refer to that repository for detailed and up-to-date documentation.


This dataset is large. It is strongly recommended users access it as a stream:

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset('wadhwani-ai/pest-management-opendata', streaming=True)

Bounding boxes are stored as geospatial types. Once loaded, they can be read as follows:

from shapely.wkb import loads

for (s, data) in dataset.items():
    for d in data:
        pests = d['pests']
        iterable = map(pests.get, ('label', 'geometry'))
        for (i, j) in zip(*iterable):
            geom = loads(j)
            print(i, geom.bounds)

The bounds of a geometry are what most object detection systems require. See the Shapely documentation for more.