There are around NUMBER@1 speakers of Upper Sorbian living in LOCATION@4 . Upper Sorbian is a minority language in LOCATION@1 according to the ORGANIZATION@1 or Minority Languages . It is on permanent display as part of the American Treasures exhibition of the ORGANIZATION@1 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 The ORGANIZATION@1 in Memory of Alfred Nobel , Until NUMBER@1 , the prize was officially called the ORGANIZATION@2 in Memory of PERSON@1 . A shoe is also an item of clothing . LOCATION@1 , a former radar project in the LOCATION@2 following the Second World War The season officially started on May NUMBER@2 , NUMBER@3 in the eastern LOCATION@2 , and on June NUMBER@4 , NUMBER@3 in the central LOCATION@2 , and lasted until November NUMBER@5 , NUMBER@3 . In NUMBER@5 , it had over NUMBER@2 students studying NUMBER@3 academic programmes , and more than NUMBER@4 staff and an annual income of # NUMBER@6 million . It is located at NUMBER@1 NUMBER@2 NUMBER@3 NUMBER@4 , at a height of NUMBER@5 ft -LRB- NUMBER@6 m -RRB- from sea level . PERSON@4 However , stream ciphers can be susceptible to serious security problems if used incorrectly ; for example , in particular , the same starting state must never be used twice . Aarberg is a municipality of the district of ORGANIZATION@1 in the canton of LOCATION@1 in LOCATION@2 . Thousands of young people from all over the world went to LOCATION@1 to help create a hippie counterculture . The Summer of Love made the rest of LOCATION@2 much more aware of the hippie movement . The series was published by Dark Horse Comics beginning in NUMBER@1 . The average female lifespan in the bush is only about NUMBER@1 months , but as much as NUMBER@2 years in captivity . ChÅ '' bu had about NUMBER@1 living in it in NUMBER@2 . The following season LOCATION@1 moved to City of LOCATION@2 in east LOCATION@3 . During battles , the Goose took on an increasing number of combat and training roles . Ederswiler is a municipality of the district of Delà mont in the canton of LOCATION@1 in LOCATION@2 . They are tiny worm-like marine animals . Following the European Grand Prix , PERSON@2 was removed as a driver . He was replaced by ORGANIZATION@1 development driver PERSON@1 . PERSON@1 , Italian painter -LRB- probable -RRB- -LRB- died NUMBER@1 -RRB- He was the son of PERSON@1 . In August NUMBER@1 there was rioting in LOCATION@1 's big cities of LOCATION@2 and LOCATION@3 , and the Government of LOCATION@1 asked for the British army to help keep control . The ORGANIZATION@1 also supports other activities , such as the Data Distribution Centre -LSB- -RSB- and the ORGANIZATION@3 -LSB- -RSB- . Some species of nudibranchs -LRB- sea slugs -RRB- and flatworms prey on entoprocts . The battle was a great defeat for the ORGANIZATION@2 , which lost three aircraft carriers and some NUMBER@1 aircraft in two days of combat . It gives a revised version of the historical events recounted in the first seven chapters of NUMBER@1 ORGANIZATION@1 . In that episode , the deactivation of their emotional inhibitors drives the converted Cybermen insane when they realize what they have become , killing them . Title Other pages The Black and Tans was a group of soldiers who suppressed the revolution in LOCATION@1 from NUMBER@1 to NUMBER@2 . It was released on the LOCATION@1 iTunes store before in shops , and reached second place in the Official LOCATION@1 Chart . The Kingdom of LOCATION@1 was one of the medieval kingdoms of the LOCATION@2 . About two weeks before the end of the World War II the city was almost completely destroyed . A drop shot in tennis is tapping the ball just over the net . PERSON@1 is a city in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@5 on the eastern shoreline of LOCATION@4 . Births It was the first pterosaur found in LOCATION@1 , by PERSON@1 , in NUMBER@1 . It was the starting point for the Seventh Crusade -LRB- NUMBER@1 -RRB- and Eighth Crusade -LRB- NUMBER@2 -RRB- . The German word PERSON@1 means leader . Q-Chastic EP -LRB- NUMBER@1 unreleased -RRB- Binary stars are important in astrophysics because looking at their orbits allows scientists to find out their masses . PERSON@1 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 August , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is a former German football player . PERSON@1 This is a list of colleges and universities in LOCATION@1 : PERSON@4 -LRB- born July NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 in LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 -RRB- is an American actor most known for his role as PERSON@3 '' ORGANIZATION@1 on ORGANIZATION@2 's Emmy award-winning show Lost . The Royal Rumble is a yearly professional wrestling pay-per-view event , aired every January by World Wrestling Entertainment -LRB- WWE -RRB- . PERSON@1 is a city of eastern LOCATION@3 in the LOCATION@4 . PERSON@2 -LRB- NUMBER@1 November NUMBER@2 -- NUMBER@3 January NUMBER@4 -RRB- was a satirist , writer and comedian . Down feathers PERSON@1 's first role as a leading movie actress was in NUMBER@1 's Little Secrets , and she became well known after changing to a more adult-orientated Golden Globe-nominated role in the critically acclaimed Thirteen -LRB- NUMBER@2 -RRB- . It is an important source of information on the ancient world . Home Premium Edition All of the constituents who are registered to vote are called the electorate . The ORGANIZATION@2 is the group of seven people who are the federal government of LOCATION@1 . The bar line -LRB- or barline -RRB- is a vertical line which separates the bars . PERSON@2 died on the duel with PERSON@3 in LOCATION@1 . He plays for LOCATION@2 national team . Symptoms of beriberi include severe lethargy and tiredness . There are also problems that affect the cardiovascular system , the nervous system , muscles , and gastrointestinal systems . The conductor PERSON@2 asked PERSON@1 to write an opera based on a poem by PERSON@3 . PERSON@1 is a municipality of the district of PERSON@1 in the canton of LOCATION@1 in LOCATION@2 . He declared that the zoo was breaking the rules of animal protection by keeping him alive . There is also a community college , called ORGANIZATION@1 , in the city . It is the biggest community college in LOCATION@1 or LOCATION@2 . Today it is one of the greatest tourist attractions in LOCATION@1 . On the far right , General PERSON@1 was being pressed hard by the heavy columns of attacking soldiers . The ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- ORGANIZATION@2 -RRB- was created by PERSON@2 post-war ORGANIZATION@3 government . Then , PERSON@2 became her manager , but he did not record her on any of his record labels for nearly a decade . They were extinct on the mainland , with the remaining populations confined to NUMBER@1 offshore islands , until the first mainland release into the heavily fenced and monitored ORGANIZATION@2 in NUMBER@2 . They hatch a few days later into what is called an actinotrocha larvae . This season had NUMBER@1 named storms , NUMBER@2 hurricanes , and NUMBER@3 major hurricanes . Cuà bris is a commune . Certain species reached over NUMBER@1 meters in size . The LOCATION@3 is a canal in LOCATION@4 . LOCATION@8 He tells the men to forgive their fiancà es . He played for LOCATION@1 and ORGANIZATION@2 . Politics PERSON@1 was elected to the ORGANIZATION@1 in NUMBER@1 , as a Conservative , for LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 . PERSON@1 's Show was an American comedy television series starring comedian PERSON@2 . The show was created by PERSON@1 and PERSON@3 . PERSON@1 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 March NUMBER@2 -RRB- is a former Danish football player . company_slogan = NUMBER@2 ORGANIZATION@3 29 1610 100 NUMBER@3 NUMBER@3 NUMBER@4 NUMBER@5 NUMBER@5 NUMBER@6 NUMBER@3 NUMBER@7 Pentecostalism is a movement within Evangelical Christianity that places special emphasis on the direct personal experience of God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit -LRB- -RRB- , as shown in the Biblical account of the Day of LOCATION@1 . Three years later , Jaurà s , PERSON@1 and the possibilists founded the ORGANIZATION@1 while PERSON@2 and PERSON@3 formed the ORGANIZATION@2 . Epauvillers is a municipality in the district of LOCATION@1 in the canton of LOCATION@2 in LOCATION@3 . With a burning desire to develop what you have to give , renewing , Andean History The region was originally populated by Sorbian peoples . It is found in the region Nord-Pas-de-Calais in the LOCATION@1 department in the north of LOCATION@2 . LOCATION@3 under PERSON@3 Economy This is a chart of trend of regional gross value added of LOCATION@1 at current basic prices published -LRB- pp.240-253 -RRB- by ORGANIZATION@1 with figures in millions of British Pounds Sterling . After testing with PERSON@4 , ORGANIZATION@2 , PERSON@2 and PERSON@3 , he got a place within the Toleman team for the NUMBER@1 Formula One season . Into Formula One The Toleman team was a small team compared to teams like PERSON@4 , ORGANIZATION@2 and PERSON@2 . Class NUMBER@1 and Class NUMBER@2 were two suggested TOPS classifications . They were given to a single electric multiple unit -LRB- ORGANIZATION@1 -RRB- at different stages of its use as a prototype for the Networker series . Economy PERSON@1 -LRB- actor -RRB- -LRB- born NUMBER@1 -RRB- , American television and film actor However , on September NUMBER@1 , the organization became better as banding became better defined , and that evening , the depression strengthened into Tropical Storm PERSON@1 . Size of the PDFs On ` stored books-pages a template stored book is automatically included . PERSON@1 was entertained three times at LOCATION@1 , which including a spectacular feast in NUMBER@1 to celebrate the anniversary of the defeat of the Spanish Armada . Overview The municipality had , in NUMBER@1 , a total population of NUMBER@2 : NUMBER@3 men and NUMBER@4 women . References On NUMBER@2 October NUMBER@1 , the ORGANIZATION@1 reported the event with the headline as '' ORGANIZATION@2 to City : Drop Dead '' . LOCATION@1 is a city of LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@3 . Three of the singles on the album , '' Scar Tissue '' , '' Otherside '' , and '' Californication '' , reached number one on the Modern Rock Tracks chart . The discs were called '' Jupiter '' and '' Mars '' . He was the chair of a commission installed by the then SPD-Bündnis 90/Die Grünen government for reforming the Bundeswehr . Conventions , clubs , and fanzines were the main fan activities , or '' fanac '' , for decades , until the Internet improved communication among a much larger population of interested people . The ORGANIZATION@2 is a LOCATION@2 in north LOCATION@1 . It uses an estimation of the energy used by a tropical system over its lifetime and is calculated in every six hours . The earliest nationally formalised rules of play were devised by the ORGANIZATION@1 in LOCATION@3 in NUMBER@2 . Its watershed has an area of NUMBER@1 km & sup2 ; . PERSON@1 is also talked about in LOCATION@1 , PERSON@2 NUMBER@1 ; PERSON@3 5.1.4 ; and PERSON@4 14.1.6 , The etymology of PERSON@1 is not known , but if the word is from Greek , it is probably connected to the word selas , meaning '' light '' . At NUMBER@2 inches high , the crane does not make easy prey , for all that it stands out in its natural habitat of marshes and swamps . ORGANIZATION@1 is a luxury car company that was started in NUMBER@1 by PERSON@2 and PERSON@3 . After studying music in LOCATION@1 he went to LOCATION@2 where he studied with PERSON@3 in LOCATION@2 . In the NUMBER@4 , he published a memoir , Confessions of a Dangerous Mind . The third eye is on top of their head , in between their other eyes . His parents had emigrated to LOCATION@1 just before PERSON@1 's birth and , along with his only sibling -LRB- elder sister PERSON@2 -RRB- they created a new life for themselves within the LOCATION@4 district LOCATION@3 . ORGANIZATION@1 is the most important opera company of LOCATION@1 . LOCATION@1 or PERSON@1 is a volcano on LOCATION@3 . It is found in the region LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@1 department in the north of LOCATION@3 . The LOCATION@1 to the north is an area of land that is right against LOCATION@2 . PERSON@1 The horse was taken as evidence , and PERSON@1 was placed in the Toodyay gaol . The total cost of damage could be more than US$ NUMBER@1 billion . It has LOCATION@1 's second-largest train station building -LRB- after LOCATION@2 -RRB- . It is also one of the country 's largest buildings , with a shopping mall , hotel , movie theater , ORGANIZATION@1 department store , and several local government facilities under one 15-story roof . It is found in the region LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@1 department in the north of LOCATION@3 . It is also the first time the Commonwealth Games is held in LOCATION@1 and the second time the event has been held in LOCATION@2 -LRB- after NUMBER@1 in LOCATION@3 , LOCATION@4 -RRB- . The 367th V-2 rocket which hit LOCATION@2 fell near the ORGANIZATION@1 ball bearing factory . Three workers were exposed to -LRB- neutron -RRB- radiation doses in excess of allowable limits , and two of these workers died ; a further NUMBER@3 received lesser doses of NUMBER@4 mSv or greater . The rhythm tracks featured PERSON@1 on piano , PERSON@2 on bass guitar and PERSON@3 on drums . PERSON@1 of LOCATION@1 Other people , like PERSON@2 , PERSON@5 refined and completed his work . This is believed to be the first such tracking of Voyager . NUMBER@1 - PERSON@1 , American eugenicist -LRB- d. NUMBER@2 -RRB- During the occupation , he ran a successful black market business selling tapioca-based glue called Stikfas . Maceió is the capital of LOCATION@1 , a state in the Northeast of LOCATION@2 . History The last prince of PERSON@1 was forced to abdicate in NUMBER@1 after the end of World War I when LOCATION@1 became a republic , his country became a Freistaat -LRB- Free State -RRB- in the German republic . Palmar de LOCATION@2 -LRB- M.D. -RRB- Some may exhibit mixotrophy , using mixed sources of energy . She is most famous for the film ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- NUMBER@1 -RRB- , directed by PERSON@2 . At the death of his parents in NUMBER@1 , he spent the next NUMBER@2 years on an LDS mission in LOCATION@1 and LOCATION@2 . He devised and presented the popular Sounding Brass radio phone-in programme which was later fronted by PERSON@1 on ORGANIZATION@2 NUMBER@1 . Biography Early life PERSON@1 was born in LOCATION@1 . She is the only child of PERSON@5 and PERSON@4 . At age NUMBER@4 , NUMBER@5 % will get pregnant within one year , and NUMBER@6 % within four years . Wild Eyed Boy From PERSON@3 PERSON@3 -LRB- Heà in German -RRB- -LRB- NUMBER@1 April NUMBER@2 â '' NUMBER@3 August NUMBER@4 -RRB- was a High Ranking Nazi leader , and one of PERSON@2 's closest men . The LOCATION@1 is a bay . It is in the northeastern part of the LOCATION@2 . The list of all his compositions has NUMBER@1 opus numbers . PERSON@1 is a municipality in the canton of LOCATION@1 in LOCATION@2 . PERSON@1 , LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@3 The species which lives the second longest in the muroids lives NUMBER@1 years , NUMBER@2 months , which is the ORGANIZATION@1 , Peromyscus crinitus . For full-length movies , animators now use rubber silicone and resin-cast objects . The books are not part of the PERSON@1 -LRB- also called the Hebrew Bible -RRB- since their original language is Greek and not Hebrew . While '' Apostolic See '' can refer to any see founded by any of the Apostles , the term is in this case used to refer to the see of the bishop seen as successor of the chief of the Apostles , PERSON@1 . By NUMBER@1 , the book A Dictionary of ORGANIZATION@1 and ORGANIZATION@2 NUMBER@2 ORGANIZATION@3 identified three major shades of lavender -- floral lavender , lavender gray , and lavender blue , and in addition a fourth shade of lavender called old lavender -LRB- a dark lavender gray -RRB- -LRB- all four of these shades of lavender are shown below -RRB- . The title of a powiat capital was gone for a short time , but it got the title back on January NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 , when Augustà w PERSON@1 was made and its police were slowly moved to SuwaÅ ki . He was foreign minister of LOCATION@1 from NUMBER@1 to NUMBER@2 and prime minister from NUMBER@3 to NUMBER@4 . White believed in observing birds rather than collecting specimens . Former position It is found in the region Nord-Pas-de-Calais in the LOCATION@1 department in the north of LOCATION@3 . References It limits at the north with the Province of LOCATION@6 in LOCATION@7 ; at the south with the Province of LOCATION@8 , in the Region of Tarapacà ; at the east with the Province of LOCATION@9 ; and to the west with the LOCATION@5 . All lymphocytes come from a common lymphoid progenitor before differentiating into their distinct lymphocyte types . Kids -LRB-/O1995/O-RRB- ORGANIZATION@1 , LOCATION@2 is a community in the LOCATION@3 , about NUMBER@3 miles from LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 . Copper approaches PERSON@3 as he lies in the lake below when PERSON@4 appears , ready to fire at the fox . Copper interposes his body in front of PERSON@3 , and refuses to move away . Radames pleads with the king to spare Aida and Amonasro . In LOCATION@1 it translates into these word meanings : Location However , on October NUMBER@1 of the same year the Soviets quit and gave the area to the Germans , because of the ORGANIZATION@1 . Persecution is the mistreatment -LRB- bad treatment -RRB- of an individual or group by another group . Born 27th of January NUMBER@2 in PERSON@6 , LOCATION@1 , in the family of Austrian poet and translator , political à migrà PERSON@2 -LRB- Sepp à -- sterreicher -RRB- , who belonged to the well-known Viennese PERSON@3 family . Tin -LRB- II -RRB- sulfide is made by reacting tin with sulfur . In the late nineteenth century , the European powers occupied much of the continent , creating many colonial and dependent territories . They left only two fully independent states : LOCATION@1 -LRB- known to Europeans as '' Abyssinia '' -RRB- , and LOCATION@2 . The Corinthians Invasion The Taiwanese and the South Korean navies do not use the number NUMBER@1 when giving flag numbers to their ships . These sports teams are based in LOCATION@1 . Includes new transitions/animations , NUMBER@1 new themes , new presenter tools and improved export options , including export to Flash . Die Drachen . NUMBER@1 % of the world sugar production is from sugar beets . LOCATION@1 is a city of LOCATION@2 in the state of LOCATION@3 , LOCATION@4 . An example of this is Bellerophon from the limestones of the Carboniferous period in LOCATION@1 which may be mistaken for a cephalopod . Communes of the LOCATION@1 department PERSON@1 -LRB- April NUMBER@1 NUMBER@2 - February NUMBER@3 NUMBER@4 -RRB- was a Dutch admiral -LRB- Dutch : schout-bij-nacht -RRB- during World War II . LOCATION@1 was rebuilt from a village called LOCATION@2 , which was the birthplace -LRB-/O1405/O-RRB- of PERSON@2 -LRB- Italian : PERSON@3 -RRB- , a Renaissance humanist born into an exiled Sienese family , who later became PERSON@4 . LOCATION@1 is a kingdom . Kirchberg is a town in the rural district of LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 . Orphaned at age NUMBER@2 , he went on a Grand Tour of LOCATION@1 in NUMBER@3 . Economy The economy of the city is based mainly on the port and port-related businesses . In chemistry , an amino acid can refer to any molecule that contains both amine and carboxyl functional groups . The crier can also be used in court or official announcements . LOCATION@1 begins the Fasti -LRB- Festivals -RRB- , NUMBER@2 books that detail the first NUMBER@2 months of the year and provide valuable insights into the Roman calendar . PERSON@2 , German Psychiatrist , is credited with the first published case of '' presenile dementia '' , which PERSON@1 would later identify as Alzheimer 's disease . Soundtrack The band Smash Mouth recorded a cover of the ORGANIZATION@1 song , '' I Wan na Be Like You '' -LRB- originally from the NUMBER@1 musical movie -RRB- , which is featured on this movie 's soundtrack . This species are native to LOCATION@3 and can be found from LOCATION@4 and LOCATION@5 to southern LOCATION@6 , LOCATION@7 , LOCATION@8 and Indonesian islands . Afrikaans was considered a Dutch dialect until the early 20th century , when it began to be widely known as a different language . The name Afrikaans is simply the Dutch word for African , and the language is the African form of Dutch . Hannapes is a commune . It is found in the region PERSON@1 in the LOCATION@1 department in the north of LOCATION@3 . Events January NUMBER@1 - LOCATION@1 creates the LOCATION@3 . It was also at this time that German immigrants became the main group in LOCATION@1 . The first Stadtholder , or ruler , of the LOCATION@1 was PERSON@1 , who joined with Dutch nationalists and led the struggle for independence from LOCATION@2 . It joined ORGANIZATION@1 to LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 and the LOCATION@4 . Once he signals for it , no one from the other team is allowed to touch him . At this point to reinforce his claim to the kingdom , PERSON@1 remarried with the much younger PERSON@5 of LOCATION@1 -LRB- NUMBER@1 -- NUMBER@2 -RRB- , a granddaughter of Queen PERSON@6 of LOCATION@2 . Other websites A linden-tree grows on village green of LOCATION@4 . It became the citys second entry in the National Register of Historic Places on July NUMBER@2 , NUMBER@3 after ORGANIZATION@1 . Career Bustuchin is a commune of LOCATION@1 in LOCATION@2 . '' Boys '' -LRB- Robots in Disguise song -RRB- This option is not available if the patrolled edits feature is switched off . It is located near to the LOCATION@1 , in the valley of LOCATION@4 , LOCATION@3 is NUMBER@1 feet -LRB- NUMBER@2 m -RRB- above the level of the se . Their common wall will bulge into the larger bubble , as smaller bubbles have a higher internal pressure . Rotor -LRB- turbine -RRB- , the rotor of a turbine powered by fluid pressure Books It was the first underground railway -LRB- or subway -RRB- in the world , opening on NUMBER@1 January NUMBER@2 -LRB- however , parts of that initial section are no longer served by the Metropolitan line , but by ORGANIZATION@1 , LOCATION@2 and Circle lines -RRB- . The ProTour They formed in NUMBER@1 , in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 . PERSON@1 -LRB- August NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 - April NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@4 -RRB- was a leader in the Mexican Revolution , which started in NUMBER@5 . String quartets are the most popular form of chamber music . Many composers have written string quartets . PERSON@1 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 February NUMBER@2 - died NUMBER@3 June NUMBER@4 -RRB- was a Polish politician of peasants movement , who served as Speaker of the ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- ORGANIZATION@2 -RRB- and twice Acting President of LOCATION@1 . The word geyser comes from Geysir . PERSON@1 attempted to return to power . PERSON@2 ordered him to step down permanently . Piano blues is a type of Blues music where the piano is the main musical instrument used . The mayor of LOCATION@1 's salary is one that ranks along that of a government cabinet minister 's . The current salary is  # NUMBER@2 per year . Characters LOCATION@1 has an area of NUMBER@1 square miles . Bane of the Cosmic Forge -LRB-/O1990/O-RRB- Proteins within the membrane are key to its working . These proteins mainly transport chemicals and information across the membrane . The only pepper without capsaicin is the bell pepper . It originally was completely dark , but as Voyager came closer to the planet , a bright core developed and is seen in most of the highest resolution images . Others in LOCATION@1 later said that they saw PERSON@1 , her mother and sisters in LOCATION@1 after they were killed , but this was only a rumor . Starch is also used for thickening sauces in cooking . ORGANIZATION@1 is one of the most popular goddesses of Hindus . Maldives national football team is the national football team of LOCATION@1 . A geographer is a scientist whose area of study is geography . That is the study of LOCATION@1 's physical environment and human habitat . The loss of the NUMBER@1 -- NUMBER@2 season made the ORGANIZATION@1 the first North American professional sports league to cancel an entire season because of a labor issue . Captivity can be used as a term meaning the keeping of either domesticated animals -LRB- livestock , pets -RRB- or wild animals . NUMBER@2 NUMBER@3 NUMBER@4 kW -LRB- NUMBER@5 hp -RRB- and NUMBER@6 kW -LRB- NUMBER@7 hp -RRB- Sled dogs , known also as sleigh dogs , sledge dogs or sleddogs are types of dogs that are used to pull a wheel-less vehicle on runners -LRB- a sled or sleigh -RRB- over snow or ice , by means of harnesses and lines . PERSON@1 was Principal Conductor from NUMBER@1 to NUMBER@2 . He conducted many modern and classical operas . It has been published every week since March NUMBER@1 . The then Burmese President PERSON@1 was envious of U Thant 's international stature and the respect that was accorded him by the Burmese populace . PERSON@1 The monarch 's central government had charge of the army , ORGANIZATION@1 , foreign policy , and the customs union . Many people who would join this party had been in the Freikorps , including PERSON@1 , future leader of the Sturmabteilung , or SA , and PERSON@2 , the future Commander of the LOCATION@1 concentration camp . He was murdered during the Night of the Long Knives , in NUMBER@1 . The club is the most successful team in the history of Italian football . PERSON@2 died on January NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 in LOCATION@1 . The ORGANIZATION@1 was established under Article NUMBER@1 of the NUMBER@4 Constitution of LOCATION@1 as having a total of NUMBER@2 seats , with NUMBER@3 seats reserved for women and eight reserved for non-Muslims . Cajahs Mountain PERSON@1 -LRB- born PERSON@2 an der LOCATION@1 , near PERSON@3 NUMBER@1 February NUMBER@2 ? ; died Wolfenbà 1\/4 ttel , NUMBER@1 February NUMBER@3 -RRB- was a German composer , organist and music theorist . At first he earned a living as a teacher , but he soon began to get invitations to conduct . He conducted the ORGANIZATION@1 in NUMBER@1 . LOCATION@1 Plate TortoiseHg , a GUI integrated Mercurial client for the ORGANIZATION@1 Windows platform PERSON@1 -LRB- IPA : Classical Latin pronunciation : , usually pronounced in English ; January NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 BC -- December NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@4 BC -RRB- was a Roman statesman , lawyer , political theorist and philosopher . The Sassanids called their empire Eranshahr '' Dominion of the Iranians -LRB- Aryans -RRB- '' . Also , for the travellers to '' gather facts towards solving the problem of the origin of species '' , as PERSON@1 put it in a letter to PERSON@2 . LOCATION@3 was the first capital of LOCATION@2 in NUMBER@2 . The ORGANIZATION@1 is the highest legislative body of the State of LOCATION@1 . Landerrouat is a commune . It is found in the region LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@1 department in the southwest of LOCATION@3 . Inner LOCATION@1 borders , from east to west , the provinces of LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 , LOCATION@4 , LOCATION@5 , LOCATION@6 , LOCATION@7 , LOCATION@8 , and LOCATION@9 , while to the north it borders LOCATION@1 and LOCATION@11 . Even though it is not the largest state in LOCATION@1 , ORGANIZATION@1 is the state with the most cities . NUMBER@1 - PERSON@1 becomes the first current LOCATION@3 President to visit LOCATION@2 . PERSON@10 Besmé is a commune . Other websites A Study of the Enoshima Engi Sacred Texts account of Benzaiten Sources LOCATION@1 and Indian LOCATION@2 by PERSON@1 . Its key signature has six sharps and one double sharp . Biofuels are liquid fuels from plant materials . The animal 's quills or spines take on many forms , depending on the type , but all are hairs coated with thick plates of keratin , and they are in the skin musculature . During NUMBER@1 , the LOCATION@1 and ORGANIZATION@1 embarked on a large-scale project to electrify their whole LOCATION@1 inner-suburban network , encompassing the lines from LOCATION@2 to LOCATION@3 and the ORGANIZATION@2 from LOCATION@4 to LOCATION@5 . He was chosen along with PERSON@2 and PERSON@3 to play for ORGANIZATION@1 in the NUMBER@3 Winter Olympics . The Dow Jones Industrial Average , also called the DJIA , Dow NUMBER@1 , or informally The Dow Jones or The Dow -RRB- is one of a few stock market indices created by nineteenth century ORGANIZATION@2 editor and ORGANIZATION@3 co-founder PERSON@1 . September NUMBER@2 , NUMBER@1 September NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@1 October NUMBER@4 , NUMBER@1 i & ii . Grooves are used for several purposes in cabinet making and other woodworking fields . There are many varieties of balkline , but all divide the table into marked regions called balk spaces . PERSON@2 died in NUMBER@1 . In early NUMBER@1 , the portal concept was imported to the English Wikipedia and the first Wikiportals were established . Unlike other bats , vampire bats feed on blood . In November NUMBER@1 , ORGANIZATION@1 announced that it will bring back the LOCATION@1 name . Aluminium selenide , also known as aluminum selenide or aluminium -LRB- III -RRB- selenide , is a chemical compound . Its chemical formula is Al2Se3 . Traditionally they play in red and white striped shirts with black shorts and red and white socks . ORGANIZATION@1 Crew However , on NUMBER@1 August NUMBER@2 , a Russian archaeologist declared that he had found two burned skeletons near LOCATION@1 , at a place which seemed to match what was described in PERSON@1 's writings . The Master is Mr PERSON@3 ; the Deputy Master is Mr PERSON@4 . Its appearance is similar to the American Staffordshire Terrier and American pit bull terrier , but it is smaller than both of them . The key lime is grown more often worldwide . He decided to sell his NUMBER@1 % share in the LOCATION@1 on LOCATION@2 . This was a famous dance hall built by his grandfather Và clav PERSON@1 . This turned out to be a good financial decision for ORGANIZATION@1 in the NUMBER@1 and NUMBER@2 , when increased demand for natural gas led to long pipelines in the eastern states being connected to new pipelines and fields in the southwestern states . a cube with this surface area has sides of length NUMBER@2 m The project will be built between now and NUMBER@1 , and will have a capacity of up to NUMBER@2 ORGANIZATION@1 . PERSON@4 n -LRB- born NUMBER@1 September , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is a former Spanish football player . PERSON@1 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 July , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is a former Italian football player . Famous person from the town is the German footballer PERSON@1 . PERSON@1 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 August NUMBER@2 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 -RRB- was an Irish former football and the current manager of English Championship club ORGANIZATION@1 . After Moon 's torture and imprisonment by the North Korean communists from NUMBER@1 to NUMBER@2 he was not reported to have engaged primarily in political agitation , but rather in daily worship . Therefore it was difficult to explain what visual processing does to create what we actually see . Other websites Ara Gevorgian 's Official site PERSON@1 at Persons . LOCATION@1 is the capital of the LOCATION@2 state of LOCATION@3 . Nupedia and ORGANIZATION@1 both existed till ORGANIZATION@2 's servers were stopped in NUMBER@1 . After this , its text was incorporated into ORGANIZATION@1 . Responsibility for the political murders was claimed by a small , until then unknown Republican organization called the Irish National Invincibles . Abyss returned to action at Slammiversary NUMBER@1 after the X Division Championship match wearing a new gray and black mask . The rocky coastline has been the site of a number of shipwrecks . Anoplolepis nuptialis is a species of ant . It belongs to the family Formicidae . The Deepwater Horizon oil spill -LRB- also called the BP oil spill , the LOCATION@1 oil spill , the BP oil disaster or the LOCATION@2 blowout -RRB- is an oil spill in the LOCATION@1 . Additionally , since this AO system provides an excellent and stable correction -LRB- angular resolution of NUMBER@1 arcsec in K band -RRB- , a 15-km moon at NUMBER@2 km from PERSON@1 was found . They married on November NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 , in LOCATION@1 , and on December NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@4 had a son , PERSON@1 , who would later become the mayor of LOCATION@2 . It sold the most copies in one week for an East Coast album since PERSON@1 's Kingdom Come sold NUMBER@1 copies sold . The day is June NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 . The two parts of a formal designation are Windows NUMBER@1 will include Windows Media Player NUMBER@2 and Internet Explorer NUMBER@3 . Piano trios are pieces for piano , violin and cello . He left LOCATION@2 in February NUMBER@1 and arrived in LOCATION@1 in August . PERSON@1 -LRB- born December NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is an independent Christian worship leader . He has a large underground following . The story begins with the sudden appearance of an oddly-dressed stranger in LOCATION@1 's bedroom . Saint-Ciers-d ` Abzac is a commune . It is found in the region LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@1 department in the southwest of LOCATION@3 . When the clock signal arrives , the flip flops store their new value then the logic requires a period of time to decode the flip flops new values . PERSON@1 is a skyscraper in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 . You and Me Against the World -LRB-/O2005/O-RRB- LOCATION@1 was the second highest number of people in the county , with about NUMBER@1 people . January NUMBER@1 - LOCATION@2 cedes LOCATION@3 to LOCATION@4 . The road goes from ORGANIZATION@1 NUMBER@1 at the LOCATION@3 border to LOCATION@4 at the LOCATION@5 border . The road to the summit has an average gradient of NUMBER@5 % . Until Saint-Estève , the climb is easy , but the NUMBER@3 remaining kilometres have an average gradient of NUMBER@6 % . Average gradient of NUMBER@7 % . It was played live during the Shoulders tour of NUMBER@1 . The Private Bill needed to build it was introduced into ORGANIZATION@1 in NUMBER@1 . Urban area is NUMBER@1 km2 , urban population is NUMBER@2 . It might also be molluscs , other crustaceans , worms , fungi and bacteria . Modes of limited transposition are a kind of musical scale . NUMBER@2 - PERSON@2 , scholar and printer -LRB- d. NUMBER@3 -RRB- E _ -LCB- R -RCB- = frac Engis is a municipality located in the Belgian province of Lià ge . PERSON@1 is a city of LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@3 . Discography Copies that were for LOCATION@1 were shipped early and German blogger PERSON@1 of ORGANIZATION@1 Blogoscoped made a scanned copy of the 38-page comic available on his website after receiving it on NUMBER@1 September NUMBER@2 . In addition , there have been station closures for safety reasons , when both escalators have been unserviceable . Nonverbal communication has three main aspects : the situation where it takes place , the communicators , and their behavior during the interaction . ORGANIZATION@1 has released twelve studio albums , four live albums , seven compilations , five soundtracks , thirty-five singles , eleven music videos , four video albums and three box sets . PERSON@2 , PERSON@1 and others from PERSON@3 's ship work together to defend the Titan against the ORGANIZATION@1 attack . PERSON@1 thinks that the energy that makes up the ORGANIZATION@1 and their ships may be used to power up the Titans systems . Derivatives that are recognized but not supported by Canonical are : Xubuntu , a '' lightweight '' distribution based on the Xfce desktop environment instead of GNOME , designed to run better on low-specification computers . The orchestra was started in NUMBER@2 . Over the next three days , NUMBER@2 people are killed and hundreds of buildings are destroyed . Having completely beaten the main Ottoman army under Grand Vizier PERSON@1 in the Battle of LOCATION@1 , he captured the greater part of LOCATION@2 , including LOCATION@3 , being welcomed by the population after the flight of Prince PERSON@2 . There is some discussion about the function of the enlarged '' sickle claw '' on the second toe . On the December NUMBER@1 edition of ORGANIZATION@1 , PERSON@1 had a match against PERSON@2 who he defeated to earn a spot in the ORGANIZATION@1 Homecoming battle royal where the winner would challenge Christian for the ORGANIZATION@1 title at the Royal Rumble but he did n't win the battle royal being eliminated by PERSON@3 . Raw mode provides support for a file system that is corrupt , or that is not officially supported , by capturing a complete image of all sectors on the disk . The Generic Universal RolePlaying System , or GURPS , is a role-playing game system . Regierender Bürgermeister -LRB- Governing Mayor -RRB- in LOCATION@2 The term has been applied to lesion studies in humans and animals . The first European to discover the island group was ORGANIZATION@1 in NUMBER@2 . The county seat of LOCATION@1 is ORGANIZATION@1 . Burning Down the Opera -LRB-/O2003/O-RRB- Early career PERSON@1 -LRB- born July NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 -RRB- is a professional Canadian ice hockey player that currently plays for the ORGANIZATION@1 of the ORGANIZATION@2 -LRB- ORGANIZATION@3 -RRB- as a defencemen . Wikipedias coverage of subjects is patchy , based on the whims of its volunteer contributors -LRB- in particular , subjects of interest to young technical people are likely , but not certain , to receive heavier coverage than other subjects -RRB- . Other rules are the same of pallapugno . LOCATION@1 is a city of LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@3 . In NUMBER@1 , it changed its name from ORGANIZATION@1 to The ORGANIZATION@1 , adding '' The '' to the front . The creation of the new port moved the LOCATION@3 boundary NUMBER@1 milles to the west . PERSON@1 became a figure of controversy , with questions raised about his competence and character . State Route NUMBER@1 -LRB- commonly known as Old Highway NUMBER@1 or just NUMBER@1 , also future designated as Interstate NUMBER@2 or Interstate NUMBER@3 -RRB- is a state highway in LOCATION@1 , in the LOCATION@4 . He wrote two string quartets and a wind sextet : Mládi -LRB- Youth -RRB- . N-Dubz are a MOBO award-winning British hip hop group based in LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 . PERSON@1 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 November NUMBER@2 in Borà s , Và stra Gà taland County -LRB- then à lvsborg LOCATION@2 -RRB- , LOCATION@1 -RRB- , is a Swedish politician , former Prime Minister of LOCATION@1 -LRB- March NUMBER@3 â '' October NUMBER@4 ; October NUMBER@5 â '' March NUMBER@6 -RRB- and leader of the ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- March NUMBER@3 â '' March NUMBER@6 -RRB- . ORGANIZATION@2 -LRB- northwest -RRB- He is portrayed as an angry Scotsman . PERSON@3 mounted a horse and sped towards PERSON@2 and his troop . PERSON@1 railway station was at one time by the river to the south of the village . It is found in the region LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@1 department in the north of LOCATION@3 . ORGANIZATION@1 is one of the best places in the world to catch salmon . She performs an dance on a riser . There are two main doctrines that can be called Monophysite -LRB- -RRB- : Racing record NUMBER@1 million copies of the game have been sold since NUMBER@2 . NUMBER@1 : Stage NUMBER@2 , NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@4 and NUMBER@5 wins This is possibly due to its mucus that does not trigger the nematocysts . In the NUMBER@1 and NUMBER@2 , PERSON@1 introduced innovations such as the controversial but successful ` fan car ' , in-race refuelling , carbon brakes , and hydropneumatic suspension . Beuvron-en-Auge is a commune . It is found in the region Basse-Normandie in the Calvados department in the northwest of LOCATION@2 . White pizza -LRB- pizza bianca -RRB- uses no tomato sauce , often substituting pesto or dairy products such as sour cream . All ordinary matter is made up of combinations of chemical elements , each with its own atomic number , indicating the number of protons in the atomic nucleus . PERSON@1 started the stadiums construction in NUMBER@1 . They weigh from NUMBER@1 pounds and can be from can be from NUMBER@2 to NUMBER@3 feet long . A would-be universal conqueror , the Master wants to control the universe -LRB- in The Deadly Assassin his ambitions were becoming '' the master of all matter '' , and in '' The Sound of Drums '' he acknowledges that he chose his own name -RRB- . A laurel wreath is a horseshoe or circle-shaped wreath made from laurel that can be worn on the head . Add-on software Many spin-offs and modifications to the original Duke Nukem NUMBER@1 were produced after the game 's initial launch . Later , that network sold the program to other networks or stations so that they can also show it . PERSON@1 is a city in the north-west of LOCATION@2 . Minifigures are found in LOCATION@1 sets , although they are also sold separately as keychains and magnets . ORGANIZATION@1 is a province in the region of LOCATION@1 in LOCATION@2 . Today the store is situated on Quai de l ' Ile . Most of these records are held by Canadian players , due to the traditional popularity of ice hockey in LOCATION@1 . The '' ORGANIZATION@1 '' study , by the Australian government in NUMBER@1 , created plans to protect the wilderness . A nomination for ORGANIZATION@2 is currently being looked at by the LOCATION@1 and ORGANIZATION@3 governments . Taung Child Club career statistics The main body was completed in only NUMBER@1 years , starting in NUMBER@2 . Their correct name was tokubetsu kÅ geki tai -LRB- ç å æ '' '' æ ' é -RRB- , which literally means '' special attack unit . '' Finals Still , PERSON@1 remained unknown until the appearance in NUMBER@1 of a cult novel by PERSON@2 titled , À rebours -LRB- Against Nature -RRB- . These foods include breads , pastas , potatoes , bran and cereals . PERSON@1 remained neutral until the battle of LOCATION@1 in NUMBER@1 , when he became a trusted adviser of Sir PERSON@2 . They were probably a people of seafarers . History The Bartholin 's glands are two glands found slightly below and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina in women . They are like the moving art galleries depicting all themes of life through its adorned art work . ORGANIZATION@1 , an airline based on LOCATION@1 References It became the capital of French ORGANIZATION@1 in NUMBER@2 . It is on the main railway line between LOCATION@1 and LOCATION@2 . PERSON@2 In most countries , sexual assaults like rape are crimes punished harshly . A year later , PERSON@1 , who was then Mayor of LOCATION@1 -LRB- and also Clerk to the ORGANIZATION@1 -RRB- gave the death sentence to PERSON@4 there is a plaque in LOCATION@2 describing PERSON@3 as ` Mayor and Regicide ' -LRB- a killer of kings -RRB- . Studs -LRB- game show -RRB- - a dating show from the early NUMBER@1 Some books considered deuterocanonical by PERSON@1 are : The library is the oldest library in LOCATION@1 . Rugrats and ORGANIZATION@1 aired the Tenth Anniversary special '' All Growed Up '' on August NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 , recognizing the day the series officially began as one of the original three Nicktoons . Two years later , it was the 83rd most popular movie on the ORGANIZATION@1 's NUMBER@1 Years ... NUMBER@1 Movies 10th anniversary list . The first name for a new year will be the first name that was not used the previous year . PERSON@2 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 December NUMBER@2 -RRB- is a former Brazilian football player . A sailor from LOCATION@1 was rescued to the southeast of LOCATION@2 by a Canadian helicopter , because his ship capsized in the strong waves . About NUMBER@3 people live there . LOCATION@1 is a valley in LOCATION@3 in the LOCATION@4 . Most bryozoans are sessile and immobile , but a few colonies are able to creep about , and a few species of non-colonial bryozoans live and move about in the spaces between sand grains . French is the primary language spoken , but many locals also speak English , particularly at the hotels and restaurants . The Agency also bordered the LOCATION@1 region of LOCATION@2 to the northeast , the Indian state of LOCATION@3 and LOCATION@4 to the south , LOCATION@5 to east , and the LOCATION@6 to the west . Artonges is a commune . It is found in the region PERSON@1 in the LOCATION@1 department in the north of LOCATION@3 . The PERSON@1 is seen from May to July in the part of its range . PERSON@1 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 March NUMBER@2 -RRB- is a former South Korean football player . Usually , this required trusted secure channel . Cruzilles-l à s-M à pillat is a commune . Couvin is a municipality located in the Belgian province of LOCATION@3 . The Toyota Celica was a small sports car made by ORGANIZATION@1 . The closing single quotation mark is identical or similar in form to the apostrophe , and similar to the prime symbol . There was much controversy about the PERSON@2 being the season 's grand champion as she had the most votes even though she had '' the weakest voice among the top finalists '' . He often writes about how humanity is evil and sinful . His writings often have moral messages and deep psychological complexity . Peyriat is a commune . The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian is a NUMBER@1 fantasy movie by ORGANIZATION@1 and ORGANIZATION@2 . A shooter is a kind of video game . Her new album Kingdom was released on January NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@2 , and her new single was released on January NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 . It is usually shallow and calm , so that a visitor can see a reflection of the memorial in the water . Antà nio PERSON@1 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 March NUMBER@2 -RRB- is a former Brazilian football player . Caper bush is present in almost all the countries and is included in the floristic composition of most of them but whether it is indigenous to this region is uncertain . \* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES , INCLUDING , BUT NOT LIMITED TO , THE IMPLIED They have small eyes and a short , hairy tail which they use to feel around tunnels when they walk backwards . PERSON@1 's most commonly portrayed form of attack is jumping to stomp on the heads of enemies , first used in Mario Bros. . . The school holds its speech day every year in March or April . It is in Travelcard Zone NUMBER@2 . LOCATION@1 is a municipality in the district PERSON@1 in the canton of LOCATION@2 in LOCATION@3 . In NUMBER@1 these parts came together , making the autonomous communities . Kitsune have become closely associated with ORGANIZATION@1 , a Shinto kami or spirit , and serve as his messengers . Montigny-sous-Marle is a commune . It is found in the region PERSON@1 in the LOCATION@1 department in the north of LOCATION@3 . Merging It finally disappeared in the late 5th century , although many of its ascetic and rhetorical ideas were adopted by early Christians . After the first practice sessions at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix , the circuit was welcomed by the drivers , with PERSON@1 commenting that every corner was ` unique ' . World Champion PERSON@2 stating that it was enjoyable because there was always something to do . Conlie is a commune . It is found in the region Pays de la LOCATION@4 in the LOCATION@1 department in the west of LOCATION@3 . PERSON@1 It is well , it is well , with my soul . This means they exist both in law and in real life . Stylophorum -- -- Celandine-poppy , mock poppy , yellow-poppy , wood-poppy . Our clergy hate her voluntary system -- our Tories hate her democrats -- our Whigs hate her parvenu -- our Radicals hate her ... insolence , and her ambition . Her name PERSON@3 is interperating of a Hebrew name PERSON@4 . More than NUMBER@1 engravers make about NUMBER@2 million printing cylinders worldwide per year . A tornado is a tube of spinning air that touches the ground . The producers have also confirmed that PERSON@1 and PERSON@2 , who portray PERSON@3 and PERSON@4 , respectively , returned in the second half of the season . ISBN NUMBER@2 . The last person to be executed in the gas chamber in the LOCATION@2 was PERSON@1 in LOCATION@1 in NUMBER@4 . Births In LOCATION@1 , the ORGANIZATION@1 is called '' ORGANIZATION@2 and the LOCATION@2 '' . This is called '' latent '' Tuberculosis . PERSON@1 is a town near LOCATION@2 , in LOCATION@1 . He is often seen with a fan and a stave , and accompanied by a black deer . Overview It was contested by NUMBER@1 teams , and LOCATION@1 won the championship . Other pages LOCATION@1 is a town in the LOCATION@2 and the capitol of the province LOCATION@3 . The flight attendants were PERSON@3 , PERSON@4 , PERSON@5 , PERSON@6 , PERSON@7 , PERSON@8 , PERSON@9 , PERSON@10 and PERSON@11 . Even in NUMBER@1 , about NUMBER@2 million people caught the disease , and about two million people died of it , according to the ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- WHO -RRB- . Static Major -RRB- In NUMBER@1 , PERSON@2 and PERSON@3 became business partners . PERSON@3 -LRB- born September NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@3 -RRB- is the lead guitarist , songwriter and vocalist for the heavy metal band ORGANIZATION@1 . PERSON@1 became an apostle after PERSON@2 death and resurrection . By definition decisions of lower courts are not binding on each other or any courts higher in the system , nor are appeals court decisions binding on each other or on local courts that fall under a different appeals court . The Emmy Awards are LOCATION@1 television production awards which are given out each year . They are the television version of the Academy Awards . Gulag Mister PERSON@1 ' Neighborhood was produced by LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 public broadcaster ORGANIZATION@1 and PERSON@1 ' non-profit production company ORGANIZATION@2 -LRB- named ORGANIZATION@3 before to NUMBER@1 -RRB- . According to the website , the Library covers material that can not be found anywhere else in the world , such as information about projects where the LOCATION@1 and LOCATION@2 worked together , and how Americans were treated during the Holocaust . The railway , which connects LOCATION@1 and LOCATION@2 , was called the Gyeongui Line before LOCATION@3 was divided in the NUMBER@1 . PERSON@1 was appointed to the position in February NUMBER@1 by President PERSON@2 . Unfortunately PERSON@1 has also arrived , and , thinking the Countess is PERSON@2 , tries to kiss the supposed PERSON@2 , but is stopped by the Count . The Statistics LOCATION@1 buildings in LOCATION@3 were also damaged . They were due to process much of the March NUMBER@3 census of LOCATION@1 . Bible He went to the ORGANIZATION@1 to study ORGANIZATION@2 and later law , graduating in NUMBER@1 and NUMBER@2 respectively . The site of the old Roman fort is at LOCATION@2 . August NUMBER@1 -- PERSON@1 , American general -LRB- d. NUMBER@2 -RRB- Sir PERSON@1 's Long-beaked ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- Zaglossus attenboroughi -RRB- , also known as the Cyclops Long-beaked ORGANIZATION@1 , is one of three species from the genus Zaglossus . Other resources include information on all works in LOCATION@1 's Collection of British and Modern International art , e-learning for all visitors , over NUMBER@2 hours of webcasts , all articles from the magazine LOCATION@2 , and a series of Internet art works . PERSON@1 's Bible is the name now given to a group of Bible translations into Middle English , that were made under the direction of , or at the instigation of , PERSON@2 . ORGANIZATION@1 , LOCATION@1 's rail passenger carrier , announced that the southbound City of LOCATION@2 passenger trains from LOCATION@3 , LOCATION@4 , from August NUMBER@1 through September NUMBER@2 , would stop at LOCATION@5 , LOCATION@6 , rather than their usual destination of LOCATION@2 . Not to be confused with '' terms '' in everyday usages , the shortened form of technical terms -LRB- or terms of art -RRB- which are defined within an academic system or a field of specialty . Terminology studies among other things how such terms of art come to be and their interrelationships within a culture . In the 13th century St. PERSON@1 of LOCATION@1 started the Franciscans , who were often called the '' Grey Friars '' because of their grey-brown robes . It first started on PERSON@1 in the LOCATION@1 on April NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 . PERSON@1 -LRB- born November NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is a retired American racecar driver . The NUMBER@1 decade , will begin on January NUMBER@2 , NUMBER@3 and will end on December NUMBER@4 , NUMBER@5 . In NUMBER@3 , PERSON@3 patented a hair straightener made of two irons that are heated and put together around the hair . Food and drink ORGANIZATION@1 has a strong taste and an intense smell . Results While watching the Thunderbolt Adventure Hour , PERSON@1 hears about a chance to appear on the show while it 's filming in LOCATION@1 . He has won many awards such as the American League Rookie of the Year Award , a Silver Slugger Award , and three Gold Glove Awards . The team went on to win the top two positions in their debut Grand Prix race on NUMBER@1 March NUMBER@2 , with PERSON@2 winning the race and PERSON@3 coming in second . She later married PERSON@2 of LOCATION@1 and became Her Serene Highness The Princess of LOCATION@1 . For LOCATION@1 : The first Emmy Awards were given out on January NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 at the ORGANIZATION@1 . Also , the ink in the cartridge may dry up . This means that a new cartridge is needed . The magazine was started in NUMBER@1 as the first digital CD-ROM magazine by PERSON@1 , PERSON@2 & PERSON@3 , acquired by ORGANIZATION@1 , LOCATION@1 . It published NUMBER@2 digital CD issues , and launched on the web in NUMBER@3 . 1997\/98 : LOCATION@1 - 19th YouTube Reception The passage was discovered by PERSON@1 , a Latin professor and the Publications Director at ORGANIZATION@1 in LOCATION@1 . He found it by searching for citings of the word ` consectetur ' so he could answer a question about it in the graphic design magazine Before & After . Wavrans-sur-l ` Aa is a commune . Capsicum is a genus of plants from the nightshade family -LRB- Solanaceae -RRB- . Drugs that are taken to treat a disease or condition are usually called '' therapeutic '' , drugs that are taken for fun are called '' recreational '' drugs . PERSON@1 and PERSON@2 then combined forces and charged the Union 's extreme left flank . This Union colored regiment was also completely routed . PERSON@2 -LRB- born NUMBER@3 October NUMBER@4 -RRB- is a Danish football player . Usually a dining room will contain a table with a set of chairs , normally positioned at the sides and end of a table . The game was basically over by half-time when LOCATION@1 led by NUMBER@1 . PERSON@1 through the work of his foundation helped many Australians . All submissions to the project are covered by the Open Publication License -LRB- with no options -RRB- unless otherwise noted in order to allow submission to the Fedora Documentation Project . PERSON@1 can also mean : References It was the last album to feature PERSON@1 's contributions because he was replaced by PERSON@2 in the following January . Matteo Paro -LRB- born NUMBER@1 March NUMBER@2 -RRB- is an Italian football player . The NUMBER@1 Winter Olympics , officially known as the II Olympic Winter Games , were celebrated in NUMBER@1 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 . People Its population numbers about NUMBER@1 . After the Iron Curtain fell in NUMBER@1 , LOCATION@1 started political and economical reforms that let LOCATION@1 join the ORGANIZATION@1 on January NUMBER@2 , NUMBER@3 . PERSON@1 -LRB- born January NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is an American presenter\/announcer working for World Wrestling Entertainment -LRB- WWE -RRB- on its ORGANIZATION@2 brand as the play-by-play commentator and is the host for ORGANIZATION@1 broadcasts . The larger species , R. giganticus , is the largest mammal known from the Cretaceous . In the late NUMBER@2 , a network of astronomers worldwide gathered lightcurve data that was mostly used to conclude the spin states and shape models of NUMBER@3 new asteroids , including -LRB-/O776/O-RRB- Berbericia . He advisers included his son , PERSON@1 , his old army aide General PERSON@3 , and General PERSON@4 . Sales are the activities involved in selling products or services in return for money or other compensation . A Geographical Coordinate System is a Coordinate system . The most famous water organ of the 16th century was at the Villa dEste in LOCATION@1 . He later became the maître d' at their restaurant . jpg thumb -LRB- NUMBER@2 -RRB- px right PERSON@2 -RRB- -RRB- PERSON@3 , known as simply PERSON@2 , is an American country singer-songwriter and actress notable for rich vocals matching that of PERSON@4 . Her debut album Blue was released in NUMBER@1 . '' Di '' , '' emperor '' , refers to the relationship of this animal to PERSON@1 , the '' king '' tyrannosaurid . The enlarged second toe bore an unusually large , curved sickle-shaped claw . It is thought to have been used in capturing prey and , in the smaller species , climbing trees . In NUMBER@1 , during the period of its highest splendor , the city made itself independent from LOCATION@1 . PERSON@1 was born on February NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 . He developed an engineering technique called '' Brick Walling '' on Definitely Maybe . PERSON@1 becomes Palestinian Liberation Organization leader at the ORGANIZATION@1 . For different rings to exist , something must seperate them . Other websites ORGANIZATION@3 But when he came upon the Bosporus he realized what it meant : on the Asiatic shore was a Greek city , LOCATION@1 . It was they who must have been blind because they had not seen that obviously superior land was just a half mile away on the other side of the Bosporus . Clinic may mean : Clinic , a health facility Clinic -LRB- band -RRB- Clinic -LRB- album -RRB- , an album by that band Clinic , another less active , older band . The film is based on the novel of the same name by PERSON@1 . This was inspired by the crimes of LOCATION@1 serial killer PERSON@2 . Table of katakana Han Dynasty His guitar picking style was inspired by PERSON@2 , PERSON@3 and PERSON@5 and brought him admirers both in the LOCATION@1 and internationally as well earning the nickname '' Mister Guitar . '' They have been published since NUMBER@3 and have sold over NUMBER@1 million copies in NUMBER@4 languages . PERSON@2 was the highest god in Etruscan mythology , the Etruscan equivalent of the LOCATION@1 and the Greek Zeus . Loverboy is a Canadian rock band formed in NUMBER@1 and consists of Physical and chemical properties The hydroxyl group makes alcohols polar . Package holiday , in tourism , a holiday or package tour where travel and accommodations are advertised and sold together Prophase II : The chromosomes become visible , the nuclear envelope disappears and the centrioles form the spindle fibers . Both the quarry and line opened in NUMBER@1 and closed in NUMBER@3 , when the Ironstone ran out . Afterwards PERSON@1 transferred it on heavy cotton material , then asked his wife PERSON@2 and her sister PERSON@3 to make the design . Late on October NUMBER@1 , PERSON@1 moved over LOCATION@1 , bringing heavy rain and high winds . The company transferred to ORGANIZATION@1 from LOCATION@1 during the Blitz . LOCATION@1 Route NUMBER@1 -LRB- also known as Route NUMBER@1 , LOCATION@1 Highway NUMBER@1 , The LOCATION@3 , The LOCATION@4 and the ORGANIZATION@1 -RRB- was a highway in the LOCATION@1 Highway System . PERSON@1 is shown holding a spear in one hand and a small pagoda in the other hand . Offical Near the end of NUMBER@1 , PERSON@6 moved down to the LOCATION@1 area , taking his children , PERSON@7 , PERSON@3 , and PERSON@4 , and his stepson , PERSON@5 . Molds include all species of microscopic fungi . ORGANIZATION@1 is a website owned by ORGANIZATION@2 , as source for information , news and events for IT professionals . After the events Emperor PERSON@2 of PERSON@3 LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 , and the LOCATION@4 competed at the Winter Games for the first time . He was the NUMBER@2 -- NUMBER@3 World Blitz Chess champion . In November NUMBER@1 , a tram was accidentally set in motion whilst parked up overnight . June begins on a different day of the week each year . It was released in LOCATION@1 on December NUMBER@2 , NUMBER@1 and in the LOCATION@2 on February NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@4 . The patterns of plant and animal distribution in the worlds ecozones was shaped by the process of plate tectonics , which has redistributed the worlds land masses over geological history . A revolt ends Mayapans rule over all of the LOCATION@2 . It can also develop from the inverted trough adjacent to a upper level anticyclone . Risk factors While the use of household income remains among the most widely accepted as households tend to share a common economic fate , the size of a household which is commonly not considered may off-set gains in household income . In contrast , the web of trust system , which do not use central '' certificate authority '' at all . Reignac , LOCATION@1 is a commune . It is found in the region LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@1 department in the southwest of LOCATION@3 . Highly . Kakapos are herbivores -LRB- '' plant-eaters '' -RRB- . It was expected that the ORGANIZATION@1 would win the election and form a government , and that PERSON@1 would be given a position in this government . It used to be a district called LOCATION@1 . It is now one of NUMBER@1 divisions of LOCATION@2 . Industrial Workers of the World X-Men : The Last Stand is a NUMBER@1 movie . He retired , and was inducted into the ORGANIZATION@1 , in NUMBER@1 . ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- Nellis AFB -RRB- is a ORGANIZATION@2 military base . References He would only play NUMBER@1 games over the next three seasons because of problems with his knees . In NUMBER@1 , PERSON@1 did the role as the voice of the lead character , PERSON@7 , a NUMBER@2 year old Japanese girl , in the American version of the animated Japanese movie , Spirited Away . That is , women will find their '' one true love '' after having sex with him . He then meets a girl who he thinks is his true love . Malaria is an infectious disease . It crashed into the LOCATION@1 of the World Trade Center . At 08:46:40 , the hijackers crashed Flight NUMBER@1 into the northern side of the LOCATION@1 -LRB- ORGANIZATION@2 NUMBER@2 -RRB- of the World Trade Center . Id tie it in knots and then eat it . In September , NUMBER@1 , the Government Railway took over the working of the line . PERSON@1 's Snow Cap Drive-In is a historic small restaurant and roadside attraction along a part of what used to be Route NUMBER@1 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 . PERSON@2 - Abbasid caliph during whose reign LOCATION@1 became the world 's preeminent centre of trade , learning , and culture . Districts in eastern LOCATION@1 usually have more letters , for two reasons : As they only started using the modern system in NUMBER@1 after German reunification , many of the possible shorter combinations had already been used up in western LOCATION@1 . Forensic psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on how psychology is related to the law . The main part of forensic psychology is working with the criminal justice system in order to better study the human mind and crime . Track listing All songs written by Fall Out Boy , except when noted . gibraltar . Twitter started at a podcasting company ORGANIZATION@1 . The company board members had a '' daylong brainstorming session . '' PERSON@1 D.E.G. ; PERSON@2 ; PERSON@3 F.J. NUMBER@1 . PERSON@1 tried to preserve Mà tis rights and culture . LOCATION@1 is a city in LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 , LOCATION@4 , NUMBER@1 miles -LRB- NUMBER@2 km -RRB- northwest of LOCATION@5 , LOCATION@6 . Repentance -LRB- story -RRB- , a short story by Russian author PERSON@1 . Hulagus army greatly expanded the southwestern portion of the LOCATION@4 , founding the Ilkhanate of LOCATION@5 . In October NUMBER@1 , the LOCATION@1 said they would revive Tough Enough . ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- LOCATION@2 : Ù 3\/4 Ø Ú Ù Ø Ø Ø Û Û , PERSON@2 ` ya -RRB- -LRB- PAF -RRB- is the Aviation branch of the LOCATION@1 armed forces and is responsible for defending Pakistani air-space from intrusions . It also provides air support for ground troops . Riemst is a municipality located in the Belgian province of LOCATION@1 . Nomads On February NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 , PERSON@1 confirmed that he is now in the new band called Novel American . Australian law is now only decided on in LOCATION@1 , and the High Court of LOCATION@1 is the highest court of appeal . His parents and brother ran away to LOCATION@1 where they were arrested by the Soviets and sent to labor camps . Traditionally they play in red and white striped shirts with black shorts and red and white socks . PERSON@5 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 August , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is an Italian football player . NUMBER@1 - The LOCATION@1 , the worlds first nuclear-powered ship , completes its maiden voyage She came under investigation for taking cash bribes and\/or illegal campaign donations as an assistant to PERSON@1 from NUMBER@1 to NUMBER@2 . It comes from Italian spaghetto , which means '' string , twine '' . There is a second call , known as iqama -LRB- set up -RRB- that is used to tell Muslims to line up for the start of the prayers . Restorationism refers to various unaffiliated movements that considered contemporary Christianity , in all its forms , to be a deviation from the true , original Christianity , which these groups then attempted to '' Reconstruct '' , often using the Book of Acts as a '' guidebook '' or sorts . References LOCATION@1 is part of the ORGANIZATION@1 . The regatta is in April for three days . LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 PERSON@1 took PERSON@2 to his house in LOCATION@1 and PERSON@3 wrote about him '' if his mind is ill , his heart is still healthy ... '' . Fleurus is a municipality located in the Belgian province of LOCATION@1 . LOCATION@1 is a metropolitan county in the LOCATION@2 and the Humber region of LOCATION@3 . Some editors use alternative accounts to segregate their contributions for various reasons : La Loge-aux-Ch à vres is a commune of the Aube dà partement in the north-central part of LOCATION@1 . PERSON@1 was known for being low-key and secretive and unlike many modern mobsters , PERSON@1 served no time in prison , but lived to the age of NUMBER@4 , when he died of a heart attack in bed . The basic plot concept of Prometheus being captured , is similar to the first season Xena : Warrior Princess episode Prometheus , although in that episode mankind is robbed of the gift of healing not fire . The Pangaean global supercontinent completed its formation NUMBER@4 million years ago . PERSON@4 - PERSON@5 Also the match LOCATION@1 versus LOCATION@2 on NUMBER@1 May NUMBER@2 was held in the arena . Name Stage PERSON@1 wrote a stage adaptation in NUMBER@1 , first produced by the Birmingham Old Rep in NUMBER@1 and published in NUMBER@2 by PERSON@2 . LOCATION@1 town is the capital of LOCATION@4 . She was first in the NUMBER@1 general election . A passage from Part Two of The Pilgrim 's Progress beginning '' Who would true Valour see '' is sung regularly as a hymn . It was first built as a web version of the Lahman Baseball Database . Now it uses variety of data sources . An invest in meteorology -LRB- weather -RRB- -LRB- also INVEST -RRB- is a labelled area of bad weather that is being looked at for a possible tropical cyclone being made . Classes PERSON@2 convinces PERSON@1 to eat these bars that will make her gain weight instad of lose weight . He was also President of the Bundesrat in 1992\/93 . Boys -LRB- film -RRB- , a NUMBER@1 Tamil film Prince PERSON@1 of LOCATION@1 was heir presumptive to his nephew King PERSON@2 . However , including brief additional internal links is generally allowed when used to help with communication or to provide general information . ORGANIZATION@3 -LRB- NUMBER@1 left to join ORGANIZATION@4 -RRB- It is found in the region Pays de la LOCATION@3 in the Vendà e department in the west of LOCATION@2 . He named it after PERSON@1 , manager of the Norwegian Ringnes brewery which sponsored the expedition . The following is a list of players of note that played their last game in the ORGANIZATION@1 in NUMBER@1 -- NUMBER@2 -LRB- listed with their last team -RRB- : Her parents divorced when she was just a child , after which she was sent to LOCATION@1 to live with her aunt . LOCATION@1 was dropped from the Formula One calendar for the and seasons in favor of the Toyota-owned ORGANIZATION@1 . LOCATION@2 had just been remodeled and the circuit redesigned by PERSON@1 . -LRB- NUMBER@4 columna -RRB- \/O/ que lebaron en fosado , \/O/ II , ad ila tore ; \/O/ que baron a Cegia , \/O/ II , quando la talia - \/O/ ron ila mesa ; II que \/O/ lebaron Lejione ; II \/O/ . It is found in the region Pays de la LOCATION@3 in the LOCATION@1 department in the west of LOCATION@2 . PERSON@2 VC , MC & Bar -LRB- NUMBER@1 January NUMBER@2 & ndash ; NUMBER@3 January NUMBER@4 -RRB- was given the ORGANIZATION@1 , the highest medal for '' in the face of the enemy '' that can be given to members of the British and ORGANIZATION@2 armed forces . NUMBER@2 - The game show Jeopardy ! The Parliament of LOCATION@1 declares PERSON@1 of LOCATION@2 replacing the LOCATION@4 with the LOCATION@3 . Kiss Besides the necessary basic organic monomers , compounds that would have prohibited the formation of polymers were formed in high concentration during the experiments . This is known as the Butterfly effect . LOCATION@1 They are talked about in the New Testament , mainly in ORGANIZATION@1 NUMBER@1 , Romans NUMBER@1 , and Ephesians NUMBER@2 . This page lists times between NUMBER@1 & minus ; NUMBER@2 seconds and NUMBER@1 & minus ; NUMBER@3 seconds -LRB- NUMBER@4 millisecond to NUMBER@1 milliseconds -RRB- . In NUMBER@2 , the game was re-released for the Nintendo DS as Super Mario NUMBER@1 DS . LOCATION@1 is founded by King PERSON@2 of Connaught in LOCATION@2 . Buses connect LOCATION@4 to LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 , PERSON@1 and PERSON@2 di LOCATION@3 . Golfers play at the ORGANIZATION@1 on Golf Course Road . The old ORGANIZATION@1 station , on the Circle , LOCATION@1 , PERSON@1 and Northern lines , was renamed Embankment . Made a cameo in ORGANIZATION@1 's sitcom , ` That Person Is Coming ' . '' Daves Possessed Hair\/Its What Were All About '' -- NUMBER@1 A try is worth NUMBER@1 points . PERSON@1 -LRB- also known as PERSON@2 -RRB- is a municipality of the district LOCATION@1 in the canton of LOCATION@2 in LOCATION@3 . He also said that he had gone to PERSON@2 's revival as a boy in LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 , in NUMBER@2 . It was found by PERSON@1 and PERSON@2 in NUMBER@1 using the Hubble Space Telescope . Busnois , Ockeghem , PERSON@2 , and Loyset Compère . In politics : The older Soviet-era Russian name for the city , LOCATION@1 , comes from a mistake -LRB- the name literally means '' Grandfather of apples '' -RRB- . It is separated from the Hungarian town of LOCATION@1 by the river LOCATION@2 . The clients hire the service of geishas through the ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- æ ç kenban -RRB- , which takes care of the geisha 's schedule and makes her appointments both for entertaining and for training . Hummingbirds are small birds . The notochord is found ventral -LRB- underneath -RRB- the neural tube -LRB- future spinal chord -RRB- . The ORGANIZATION@2 started playing in NUMBER@3 . What they are used for Bà on is a commune . NUMBER@1 -RRB- In ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- Pizzerias -RRB- it is served in a dish in its traditional round shape . The original releases were encoded in Region NUMBER@1 -LRB- LOCATION@1 -RRB- , a DVD type that plays only in American DVD players . That organization has been holding world three-cushion championships since the late NUMBER@1 . The power trio is a popular type of a rock and roll band format since the NUMBER@1 . ORGANIZATION@1 Unfortunately , other than its orbit , radius of NUMBER@3 km and geometric albedo of NUMBER@2 , almost nothing is known about it . Organization continued , and PERSON@1 again reached its peak intensity of NUMBER@1 mph on August NUMBER@3 . Located behind the goals , they are full color , with scope for still and moving images . They were first used in the NUMBER@4 Carling Cup victory over ORGANIZATION@1 in August NUMBER@3 . PERSON@1 challenged the champion PERSON@2 first . PERSON@3 was later disqualified for pushing the referee . The SI unit of angular velocity is radians per second . But it may be measured in other units as well -LRB- such as degrees per second , degrees per hour , etc -RRB- . The name means '' island-mountains glacier '' . PERSON@1 soon became very popular in the high society of LOCATION@1 . He wrote : '' ... it is impossible to imagine a worse country '' . He was born in LOCATION@1 and studied at the à cole Normale Supà rieure in LOCATION@2 . Eventually , he became Professor of Philosophy there . Since iWork 's focus is on presentation , ORGANIZATION@1 gave a way to put most common spreadsheet features into a table while providing only limited additional functionality . Grands Prix Mrs Granger | style = '' background-color : lightgrey ; '' | | PERSON@1 | colspan = '' NUMBER@2 '' style = '' background-color : lightgrey ; '' | | - ! Hercules and the warlock fight and he appears invincible , but then PERSON@1 notices a beating heart among the items in the warlock 's cave . Shabu-shabu is a savory dish . Othmarsingen is a municipality of the district of LOCATION@1 in the canton of LOCATION@2 in LOCATION@3 . A public corporation , including all of its assets , may be bought and sold as stock . These purchases and sales will define the price of the company 's share price . ORGANIZATION@1 canceled Fear Factor in May of NUMBER@1 . According to the NUMBER@1 census , the population of the city was NUMBER@2 having increased from NUMBER@3 at the NUMBER@4 census . PERSON@1 Other animals that lived on the island at that time were giant rats , Komodo dragons , and even larger species of lizards . LOCATION@1 . LOCATION@2 is a neighborhood of the city of LOCATION@3 , LOCATION@4 . It is found in the region Pays de la LOCATION@4 in the LOCATION@1 department in the west of LOCATION@3 . ORGANIZATION@2 is a football club which plays in LOCATION@2 . Since , then Buddhism has been the official religion . PERSON@1 -LRB- -RRB- -LRB- born April NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 -RRB- is the starting quarterback for the ORGANIZATION@1 in the ORGANIZATION@2 . PERSON@4 -LRB- born May NUMBER@1 NUMBER@2 , LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 -RRB- , also known as PERSON@2 , is a former American football quarterback . She is the mother of ORGANIZATION@3 , Hades , LOCATION@1 , ORGANIZATION@2 , Poseidon , and Zeus . NUMBER@1 additional load : The common and scientific names refer to their call , which resembles that of a cricket . The orchestra continued to perform throughout World War II . PERSON@1 This session key is used for further communications with ORGANIZATION@1 . May NUMBER@1 - PERSON@1 is crowed King of LOCATION@1 . He received his Ph. D. from the ORGANIZATION@1 in NUMBER@1 in systems ecology , with a minor in economics . It was opened in NUMBER@3 . Provinces The canton of LOCATION@1 has a population of about NUMBER@3 million people . Carts have been used for over NUMBER@1 years around the world . LOCATION@1 , discovered in NUMBER@1 LOCATION@1 The Quechua refer to themselves as PERSON@1 , '' the people '' . They call the language '' Runa Simi '' . These four views , along with PERSON@1 's personality and use of the media , made the office of Surgeon General more well known than it was before . He is the first Surgeon General to be the subject of a well known song -- '' Promiscuous '' , by PERSON@2 . This has caused many people to live in cities around LOCATION@1 . Bromic acid can be used to make bromates , although it is not normally used . Affluences It formed as a subtropical cyclone on April NUMBER@1 , while it was to the west of LOCATION@1 . Soumagne is a municipality located in the Belgian province of LOCATION@2 . Altricial , meaning '' requiring care '' , refers to a group or kind of creature that is incapable of moving around on its own soon after hatching or being born . Using PERSON@1 's information , PERSON@2 and three other policemen rode into the Wombat Ranges to find him . Three of them were killed at LOCATION@1 , and the PERSON@3 was born . Strike -LRB- bowling -RRB- , when a player knocks down all the pins with the first ball of a frame Many other species are also called basses , such as : The Australian bass , Macquaria novemaculeata , from the perch family , Percichthyidae . The only other African Amerian was PERSON@2 . It spans across LOCATION@4 at LOCATION@5 , a short distance west of LOCATION@6 . But , because many Muslims around the world do not understand Arabic , the meaning of the Qur ` an is also given in other languages , so that readers can understand better what the Arabic words in the Qur ` an mean . These books are like dictionaries to the Qur ` an - they are not read as part of the religion of ORGANIZATION@1 , to replace the Arabic Qur ` an . Club career statistics It is located between LOCATION@3 and LOCATION@2 . Although for various reasons the opera closed soon after its fifth performance and is little known today , it has been recently enjoying a revival , both in a piano\/song concert version by PERSON@1 at the Festival international PERSON@2 et à gaux NUMBER@1 and in a full orchestral version to be presented in July NUMBER@2 at ORGANIZATION@1 . Cairnryan is a small Scottish village overlooking PERSON@1 and is notable today for its large modern ferry port , operated by ORGANIZATION@1 , which links LOCATION@1 with LOCATION@2 in LOCATION@3 . It is found in the region LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@1 department in the north of LOCATION@3 . If the railroad simply built a spur off of the main line , it would have meant that trains trying to get to the steel mill would have faced too steep a climb . His company makes Wrigley brand chewing gum It is the energy that represents the elastic distortion of a solid or a fluid . The name '' desert cat '' is reserved for a subspecies of the true wildcat , but it would be appropriate for this species . LOCATION@2 uses the ORGANIZATION@1 and Literature Classification . In computer engineering , an execution unit is a part of a CPU -LRB- not to be confused with the CPUs main control unit -RRB- that performs specific operations or calculations . As guardian of the north , he is often shown on temple wall paintings outside the main door . However , the three PERSON@1 women were found not guilty of witchcraft . King PERSON@1 returned to the ring after being eliminated and eliminated PERSON@2 . Bioggio is a municipality of the district of LOCATION@1 , in the canton of LOCATION@2 in LOCATION@3 . Meherabad -LRB- '' abad '' means a flourishing colony -RRB- is the main center where PERSON@2 lived and worked from NUMBER@1 . It is about nine kilometers -LRB- NUMBER@2 miles -RRB- south of LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 . This wiki uses the , and allows and . So he became master of the LOCATION@1 , while his brother-in-law , PERSON@2 , was master in the LOCATION@2 . PERSON@1 -LRB- September NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 -- May NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@4 -RRB- was an American artist , puppeteer , and moviemaker . It was made in NUMBER@1 . Soon after PERSON@3 was born , her parents separated and she went to live in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 with her mother and her mother 's boyfriend , PERSON@2 . PERSON@1 -LRB- March NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 -- October NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@4 -RRB- was a Chief Justice of the ORGANIZATION@1 . List of colors The average distance between LOCATION@1 and the Sun is NUMBER@1 million kilometres . In the top cantons , like a guard , there appear the hilts of a saber and a foil , with their sharp points emerging at lower part of the shield . Whataburger is a fast food restaurant that specifically makes hamburgers . Clank can control smaller robots called '' Gadgebots '' who do things for him that PERSON@1 ca n't do on his own . There are two types of nucleic acids : deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid . PERSON@1 , better known as Lil ' PERSON@2 , -LRB- born July NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 -RRB- is a rap artist . In everyday life , the pascal is maybe best known from meteorological air-pressure reports , where it happens in the form of hectopascal -LRB- NUMBER@1 hPa = NUMBER@2 Pa -RRB- . As of NUMBER@4 , approximately NUMBER@5 % of the country 's housing is owned by local councils or by housing associations . PERSON@1 , J. , PERSON@2 , M. , PERSON@3 , PERSON@4 , PERSON@5 , ORGANIZATION@1 , T. , NUMBER@1 : Current Classification of Recent Cephalopoda . PERSON@1 -LRB- born December NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is most famous by the stage name '' Little PERSON@2 . '' He is an American singer and songwriter . Such accounts should be publicly connected to the main account . He was succeeded at the ORGANIZATION@3 by PERSON@2 . The ORGANIZATION@1 are a team in the ORGANIZATION@2 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 . The island of PERSON@1 and part of LOCATION@2 were made nature reserves in NUMBER@1 . In NUMBER@1 PERSON@2 joins former members of PERSON@3 , PERSON@4 , Lord and PERSON@5 and they recorded Perfect Strangers , the disc brought many successes that would later become classic PERSON@6 as '' Knocking at Your Back Door '' and '' Perfect Strangers '' . Famous goitre sufferers PERSON@3 -LRB- February NUMBER@2 , NUMBER@3 -- June NUMBER@4 , NUMBER@5 -RRB- was an American actress . Club 2009\/10 Once it dies , however , this exchange stops . It was found by PERSON@1 at ORGANIZATION@1 in NUMBER@1 and is named after the mythological PERSON@2 , the mother of LOCATION@1 by LOCATION@2 . In light , black is lack of all color . In painting , however , the black pigment is the combination of all colors . Support for local serial port connections . PERSON@1 In NUMBER@2 , during a trip to LOCATION@1 , PERSON@2 was contacted by Princess PERSON@3 about a film project based on the teachings of her guru PERSON@1 . After the double-murder suicide , former wrestler PERSON@4 contacted PERSON@2 , father of PERSON@3 , suggesting that years of trauma to his son 's brain may have led to his actions . Then they changed their minds , and instead sold him to businessmen who took PERSON@2 to LOCATION@1 as a slave . He was born in LOCATION@1 about NUMBER@1 and is best known for his painting called '' Assumption of the Virgin '' . He died in NUMBER@3 or NUMBER@2 . The major exception to the convention that the number tracks the order they were or the order that theyre orbit was calculated is the case of LOCATION@1 . In March NUMBER@1 , the album was re-released and re-titled Baby Baby . It orbits LOCATION@1 at ~ NUMBER@1 km -LRB- NUMBER@2 LOCATION@1 radii -RRB- within the planets Main Ring . A war between peoples and groups in the same country is known as a civil war . He is voiced by and influenced by PERSON@1 , one of the people who made the show . PERSON@1 has high functioning autism . She has participated in autism advocacy . The Paris Métro or Métropolitain -LRB- -RRB- is a rapid transit system in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 . The organisers are the Festival Fringe Society : they publish a program every year , sell tickets and give advice to performers from the Fringe office on the LOCATION@1 . Donnement is a commune of the Aube dà partement in the north-central part of LOCATION@1 . Huckleberry is a name used in LOCATION@1 for several plants in two closely related genera in the family Ericaceae : LOCATION@2 and Vaccinium . A region can be seen as a collection of smaller things -LRB- as in '' the LOCATION@1 states '' -RRB- or as one part of a larger whole -LRB- as in '' the LOCATION@1 region of the LOCATION@2 '' -RRB- . The only exception made is for children of members who show they understand the Church philosophy and practices who wish to join . It was officially made by ORGANIZATION@1 the non-denominational ORGANIZATION@2 . The Treaty of LOCATION@1 ended the War of the Spanish Succession in NUMBER@1 . The Spanish Upper Quarter was again divided between Prussian Guelders -LRB- Geldern , LOCATION@2 , PERSON@1 , LOCATION@3 -RRB- , the LOCATION@4 -LRB- LOCATION@5 , PERSON@2 , Echt -RRB- , LOCATION@6 -LRB- LOCATION@7 , Niederkrà 1\/4 chten , Weert -RRB- , and the Duchy of Jà 1\/4 lich -LRB- PERSON@3 -RRB- . Few other details have survived . PERSON@1 found the island of PERSON@2 , which floated and so was not an island nor mainland , and gave birth there . Bushfire -LRB-/O1979/O-RRB- Until recently , the most famous conjecture was the badly named Fermats last theorem . PERSON@1 is a commune . According to the reports , they worked until the clothes fell off their bodies , and then were forced to continue working naked . Electricity in physics After a period of complete shutdown , a moribund Universal agreed to sell its -LRB- by now -RRB- 360-acre -LRB- NUMBER@1 km ² -RRB- studio lot to ORGANIZATION@1 in NUMBER@2 , for $ NUMBER@3 million . Directed The name comes from the ORGANIZATION@1 movie The ORGANIZATION@2 . The movie was re-released by ORGANIZATION@1 on March NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 . A logical volume from a logical volume manager Suborder Gorgonopsia He plays for LOCATION@3 . History The number of protons in the atoms of an element is known as that element 's atomic number . The ORGANIZATION@1 is subdivided into three areas : Basbher , PERSON@1 and Seer Gharbi . Then there are tags . PERSON@2 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 October NUMBER@2 -RRB- is an English football player . He plays for ORGANIZATION@1 and LOCATION@1 national team . A self-made man , he was a leading entrepreneur of the Industrial Revolution in LOCATION@1 . Films released Further reading Other than its orbit , radius of NUMBER@1 km and geometric albedo of NUMBER@2 almost nothing is known about it . Mulinu'u , the old capital , is the location of the ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- ORGANIZATION@2 -RRB- and the historic observatory , which is now the meteorology office . He served as the Chief Justice and Governor of colonial LOCATION@1 and was a Delegate to the ORGANIZATION@1 in LOCATION@2 in NUMBER@1 and to the ORGANIZATION@2 from NUMBER@2 to NUMBER@3 . This article is about the Final Fantasy series . For the first Final Fantasy game , please see Final Fantasy -LRB- video game -RRB- Final Fantasy is a fantasy role-playing video game series made by ORGANIZATION@1 since NUMBER@1 . It had a small screen , a D-pad , and an A and B button . It has the same mass as an electron , but it has a positive charge whereas an electron has a negative charge . bar NUMBER@5 at NUMBER@6 fontsize : XS text : NUMBER@7 shift : -LRB- -8,5 -RRB- It was released May NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 internationally , and May NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@2 in the LOCATION@1 . He was the voice of the bee . The PERSON@1 is a Australian shrub or tree . He was mean and did not allow PERSON@1 to be creative . When PERSON@1 was NUMBER@1 , his mother , PERSON@2 , had a brain aneurysm that paralyzed her . Boot process The ORGANIZATION@1 's archive on Hurricane Cindy . Near the northern end of the fault line , a 7-meter tall waterfall was created by the earthquake . BÄ guà zhÇ ng is one of the major Chinese martial arts of the LOCATION@1 school . Satan asks if he can test Job and God lets him . God tells Satan not to kill Job . Smells Like Teen Spirit was released in NUMBER@2 . Deloit is a city of LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@3 . The biggest city in LOCATION@3 is LOCATION@5 . was a NUMBER@1 album by Girls Aloud . It is found in the region Nord-Pas-de-Calais in the LOCATION@1 department in the north of LOCATION@3 . Finger food is the name for a number of foods that are usually eaten with the hands , as opposed to using utensils , like forks , knives or chopsticks . The gallium is in the NUMBER@1 oxidation state . The opposite of night is day . NUMBER@1 - '' Is Anybody Home ? '' Split the plaintext block into two equal pieces , -LRB- L_1 , R_1 -RRB- The team has won two ORGANIZATION@1 Championships and one Super Bowl . The last minimum of ORGANIZATION@1 's belt occurred between NUMBER@1 BC and NUMBER@2 BC , matching the radio-carbon dating of campfires around the circle . Other grape varieties include LOCATION@2 , Trousseau , and Chardonnay . At the age of fifteen , after just three years of school , she started to work to support her family . The Simpsons Season NUMBER@1 was the first season of The Simpsons , featuring NUMBER@2 full-length episodes . The marketing and public relations industries in particular have expanded the vocabulary of jargon that marks the global business environment . NUMBER@2 , The ORGANIZATION@2 , LOCATION@1 : PERSON@1 , Trench , PERSON@2 . October NUMBER@2 - PERSON@2 declares the Edict of LOCATION@1 , which revokes the ORGANIZATION@1 and declares Protestantism illegal . They line up directly behind the center , in the middle of the attacking team 's line . LOCATION@1 is a city of the LOCATION@2 state , in LOCATION@3 . PERSON@1 , Flemish painter -LRB- died NUMBER@1 -RRB- In '' The Adventures of Bulukiya '' , the protagonist PERSON@1 's explore the seas , and meets some mermaids . A chimpanzee as PERSON@1 , PERSON@4 's pet . Two chimpanzees were used for Chim Chim : PERSON@2 and PERSON@3 . In addition to this , He aged the rum in oak barrels , which had the effect of '' mellowing '' the drink . LOCATION@1 is part of the local ORGANIZATION@1 . PERSON@1 -LRB- born July NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 , in LOCATION@1 -RRB- is a tennis player from LOCATION@2 . She was best known for her role as PERSON@1 on the television series , Green Acres . LOCATION@3 There are two parts to LOCATION@1 , the original coastal fishing village is now a laid-back , mixed use neighborhood of private homes , hotels , condominiums , restaurants , and tourist shops . This and other observations of acquired immunity was later exploited by PERSON@1 -LRB- NUMBER@1 -RRB- in his development of vaccination and his proposed Germ theory of disease . In June NUMBER@1 , the ORGANIZATION@3 for the ORGANIZATION@2 was established . He was the first scholar to do active research on that topic for NUMBER@1 years , building a wide network with several thousand teachers and promoting it to a large scale . His castmates included future girlfriend PERSON@1 , future tourmate PERSON@2 , and future bandmate PERSON@3 . Tickets went on sale to the public on November NUMBER@1 NUMBER@2 . PERSON@1 born NUMBER@1 February , NUMBER@2 in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 is a rugby union player for the ORGANIZATION@1 in the Guinness Premiership . She won NUMBER@2 NZ Music Awards ; ` Best female solo artist ' and ' 42Below Best selling album in LOCATION@1 ' . The first European department of sociology was founded in NUMBER@1 at the ORGANIZATION@1 by PERSON@1 . LOCATION@1 is a city of LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@3 . The city is located in the LOCATION@2 area on the shores of the LOCATION@5 and the LOCATION@4 . From the surface of LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@2 would look enormous : it would look NUMBER@2 times bigger than the Full Moon . The center , which still had its medieval character until then , was almost levelled . Back at the camp , PERSON@1 was upset because of some of the opinions told in the challenge and PERSON@2 was upset because he had n't been chosen by Cirie for the reward . The name '' LOCATION@1 '' comes from '' LOCATION@2 '' in Dutch . Seed On land , PERSON@1 caused NUMBER@1 deaths in LOCATION@1 . He has a strong fanbase because of his ORGANIZATION@1 videos . These rules are true for square '' -LSB- -RSB- '' as well as round '' -LRB- -RRB- '' brackets -LRB- parentheses -RRB- . PERSON@1 , after his Platonic turn , pointed out that the failure of anti-psychologists to defeat psychologism is a result of being unable to distinguish between the theoretical side of logic -LRB- which tells us what is - descriptive -RRB- , and the normative side -LRB- which tells us how we ought to think - prescriptive -RRB- . In most people they are all the same -- either male or female . It is found in the region Pays de la LOCATION@4 in the LOCATION@1 department in the west of LOCATION@3 . ORGANIZATION@1 in the LOCATION@1 - Government of LOCATION@2 It is located at NUMBER@1 ° NUMBER@2 ' NUMBER@3 NUMBER@4 ° NUMBER@5 ' NUMBER@6 with a height of NUMBER@7 metres -LRB- NUMBER@8 feet -RRB- . Location of ORGANIZATION@2 means '' the ever flowing stream -LRB- or brook -RRB- '' . The latest model of the costume still has a human operator within , but the movement of the dome and eyestalk are now remotely controlled so that the operator can concentrate on the smooth movement of the Dalek and its arms . History The Eye of the Heron is a NUMBER@1 science fiction book that was written by PERSON@1 . If it moves counterclockwise then it represents a heat pump , and W will be negative . From NUMBER@5 until NUMBER@4 PERSON@4 was a member of the rock band PERSON@3 . ORGANIZATION@1 On April NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 , the American astronomer PERSON@1 said that he had found a tenth moon of the planet Saturn . LOCATION@1 is home to more ORGANIZATION@2 than any other nation in the world . Club Penguin is a type of computer game called a MMOG that can be played on the Internet . Pollusting vehicles are not allowed near LOCATION@3 , so one needs to take electric Auto 's or LOCATION@1 -LRB- LOCATION@2 -RRB- from a few kilometers outside the Taj Mahal . LOCATION@1 got the LOCATION@3 islands of LOCATION@4 and LOCATION@5 . The LOCATION@1 is a tributary of the LOCATION@2 in LOCATION@4 and LOCATION@3 . Buddhism A command in military use is a group units or a group of people under the control of one officer . LOCATION@1 borders Siret to the north . ORGANIZATION@1 Duties are shared between the facilities in LOCATION@1 and LOCATION@2 am Main , with each center having a specific specialty area . His grandfather , PERSON@1 , and father , PERSON@2 '' PERSON@3 , were both professional musicians , and taught PERSON@4 to play Cape Verdean music . The PERSON@1 is a string quartet that was founded in NUMBER@1 in what was then the LOCATION@1 . Employers offer wages or a salary to the workers in exchange for the worker 's work or labor . One speaks of wages if the employee is paid by the hour and of salary if he is paid a set rate per pay period . A Wild Weasel is a nickname for an aircraft in the ORGANIZATION@1 that is supposed to destroy enemy anti-aircraft guns , surface-to-air missiles , and other ground attack weapons by seeking them out with radar and destroying them with missiles . In NUMBER@3 the known today as Maroon NUMBER@1 was a LOCATION@3 , LOCATION@2 grunge band made up of singer PERSON@1 , guitarist PERSON@2 , percussionist PERSON@4 , and bassist PERSON@6 '' PERSON@7 '' PERSON@8 , in which who are all in the band today except for Dusick . The head has two long black spines with clubbed ends . A second family of gods , the LOCATION@1 , is also a part in the Norse mythology . Spanish conquest of LOCATION@1 highlands completed ; first LOCATION@2 founded -LRB- LOCATION@3 -RRB- . PERSON@1 led the ORGANIZATION@1 in interceptions in the NUMBER@1 season , and return yards . Poverty PERSON@1 named LOCATION@3 after Lord LOCATION@3 . His importance was recognized in NUMBER@1 when he was added to the ORGANIZATION@1 -LRB- ARIA -RRB- ORGANIZATION@2 . PERSON@1 '' Barr , Jr. -LRB- born November NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is the ORGANIZATION@2 nominee for President of the LOCATION@1 in the NUMBER@3 election . He is a former federal prosecutor and a former member of the ORGANIZATION@1 . PERSON@1 , dressed in home-made metal armour and helmet , was captured and sent to trial . On NUMBER@1 March PERSON@1 announced a plebiscite on the independence of LOCATION@1 for NUMBER@3 March . In geology , volcanology -LRB- also spelled vulcanology -RRB- is the study of volcanoes , lava , magma , and other related geology . Both are valid forms . It is found in the region Pays de la LOCATION@2 in the LOCATION@1 department in the west of LOCATION@4 . West also runs his own record label called GOOD Music . He borrowed an experiment invented earlier by PERSON@1 , where light was shined through two small holes right next to each other . Of course , this cost far more than what the harvest was worth . NUMBER@1 - PERSON@1 excommunicates PERSON@2 . In January of NUMBER@1 , PERSON@1 said he wanted to resign as a board member in Opera Software , though he kept working in the company after that . NUMBER@3 NUMBER@10 NUMBER@10 NUMBER@11 NUMBER@7 NUMBER@11 colspan = '' NUMBER@5 '' - NUMBER@12 NUMBER@10 It was said that his Trespass royalty cheque had gone unclaimed . Sysops are allowed to and should block uninvited bots on sight . PERSON@1 vanska LOCATION@1 -LRB- -RRB- is a town located in the LOCATION@2 province , in the Srem , province of LOCATION@4 . PERSON@1 died in LOCATION@1 on August NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 . Using Pascals triangle For this movie he also got an European Film Award for Best Director . The remaining NUMBER@1 -- NUMBER@2 % of any non aromatic black grape varieties included in a list made and periodically updated by the local authorities . References On his death , he was buried in a tomb in the Valley of the ORGANIZATION@1 ; his body was later moved to a royal cache -LRB- hidden wall slot -RRB- where it was discovered in NUMBER@1 . It is now on display in the LOCATION@1 . In NUMBER@1 he began conducting at the Casino in LOCATION@1 . These are a pair of thick folds of mucous membrane . Climate is different from weather . Weather is the condition of these elements right now , for shorter periods of time that are up to two weeks . The Baltic Samogitians and Curonians defeat the Teutonic knights in the Battle of Durbe . LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@3 PERSON@2 -LRB- March NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 -- July NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@4 -RRB- was an English actor . The first coat of arms of LOCATION@1 was created in NUMBER@1 , and has appeared in its current form since NUMBER@2 . PERSON@1 -LRB- ; born NUMBER@1 August , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is a Dutch artist who is best known for starting chess boxing in NUMBER@3 . He wrote two symphonies in NUMBER@1 , although they are not often played today . An English clerk tells him that lots of people in the city have Asiatic cholera . In the NUMBER@1 LOCATION@1 mayor PERSON@1 von Weizsà cker said : PERSON@1 -LRB- born April NUMBER@1 , NUMBER@2 -RRB- is an American actress , former program host on ORGANIZATION@1 and fashion designer . PERSON@1 -LRB- born NUMBER@1 September NUMBER@2 -RRB- is a Japanese football player . The home where The PERSON@1 was born is a fully restored visitor site open to the public seven days per week . The ORGANIZATION@1 of the LOCATION@1 is the highest court in the LOCATION@2 . Due to LOCATION@1 's central location in the town , and the SPL 's stringent stadium requirements , the dilapidated LOCATION@1 site , home of ORGANIZATION@1 for over NUMBER@1 years , was no longer suitable for the club 's ambitions . An Aftershock is a smaller earthquake which comes after a large earthquake -LRB- called the main shock -RRB- in the same area . As with classical potentials , the potential energy is usually set to zero at infinity , leading to a negative potential energy for bound electron states . NHC Winning criteriums needs a mix of good technical skills -- especially the ability to corner rapidly and sharply -- and riding safely with a large group on a short circuit and exceptional fitness to attack other riders and repeatedly accelerate hard from corners . NUMBER@1 -- ORGANIZATION@1 operative PERSON@1 is killed by an Israeli-planted booby-trapped cell phone . She went on tour with the Oyster Band . Fingers and thumbs are types of digits . He helped out at the Palace theater in ORGANIZATION@1 , to get into the shows for free . The Al - â AbbÄ s Mosque or Masjid al - â AbbÄ s -LRB- Arabic : Ù Ø Ù Ø Ø Ø Ø -RRB- is the mausoleum of â AbbÄ s ibn â AlÄ '' , found across from the ImÄ m LOCATION@1 in LOCATION@2 , LOCATION@3 . Retrieved July NUMBER@3 , NUMBER@2 . A battalion is often the smallest military unit able to do movement on their own without being part of a larger unit . The battalion is often part of a regiment , group or a brigade . Atmosphere - atm In NUMBER@1 , it was started by evangelist and businessman PERSON@1 . The LOCATION@1 Capitals are an American ice hockey team in LOCATION@2 . In an unrelated incident reported in NUMBER@1 , a girl 's PERSON@1 toy reportedly said '' I got a gun '' . Well do our best whate'er the test Other types of rock are igneous rock and metamorphic rock -RRB- . '' It took more than NUMBER@1 years after NUMBER@2 until the leading specialists ... -LRB- agreed -RRB- that this geographical approach was the way to solve the problem of speciation ... a new species may evolve when a population acquires isolating mechanisms while isolated from its parent population . '' The LOCATION@4 or PERSON@1 is a country in LOCATION@3 . These plants have sharp thorns -LCB- prickles -RCB- like roses . Certain traditions that originated in the Byzantine Empire , particularly in regard to icon painting and church architecture , are maintained in LOCATION@1 , LOCATION@4 and other ORGANIZATION@1 countries till now . The ruins are on lowland rainforest , but LOCATION@1 had no water other than what was collected from rainwater and stored underground .