1 One side of the armed conflicts is composed mainly of the Sudanese military and the Janjaweed , a Sudanese militia group recruited mostly from the Afro-Arab Abbala tribes of the northern Rizeigat region in Sudan . One side of the armed conflicts is made of Sudanese military and the Janjaweed , a Sudanese militia recruited from the Afro-Arab Abbala tribes of the northern Rizeigat region in Sudan . One side of the armed conflicts is composed mainly of the Sudanese military and the Janjaweed, a Sudanese militia group recruited mostly from the Afro-Arab Abbala tribes of the northern Rizeigat regime in Sudan. One side of the armed conflicts is made up mostly of the Sudanese military and the Janjaweed, a Sudanese militia group whose recruits mostly come from the Afro-Arab Abbala tribes from the northern Rizeigat region in Sudan. One side of the armed conflicts is composed mainly of the Sudanese military and the Janjaweed , a Sudanese militia group recruited mostly from the Afro-Arab Abbala tribes in Sudan . One side of the armed conflicts is composed mainly of the Sudanese military and the Janjaweed , a Sudanese militia group recruited mostly from the Afro-Arab Abbala tribes of the northern Rizeigat region in Sudan . One side of the armed conflicts consist of the Sudanese military and the Sudanese militia group Janjaweed. The Sudanese military and the Janjaweed make up one of the armed conflicts, mostly from the Afro-Arab Abbal tribes in Sudan. One side of the armed conflicts is mainly Sudanese military and the Janjaweed, which recruited from the Afro-Arab Abbala tribes. 2 Jeddah is the principal gateway to Mecca , Islam 's holiest city , which able-bodied Muslims are required to visit at least once in their lifetime . Jeddah is the main gateway to Mecca, Islam's holiest city, which able-bodied Muslims are supposed to viisit at least once in their lifetime. Jeddah is the holiest city, and gateway to Mecca , for muslims,.0 which able-bodied Muslims are required to visit at least once in their lifetime . Jeddah is the gateway to Mecca which is Islam's holiest city and Muslims are required to visit at least once. Jeddah is the main gateway to Mecca, Islam's holiest city. Able-bodied Muslims must visit Mecca at least once in their lifetime. Jeddah is the main entrance to Mecca, the holiest city in Islam, which all healthy Muslims need to visit at least once in their life. Jeddah is the principal gaeway to Mecca. It is the holiest city of Islam. It is beleived that Muslims who are able should visit the place at least once in their lifetime. Jeddah is the main gateway to Mecca, Islam's holiest city, which healthy Muslims are required to visit at least once in their life. Jeddah is the main entrance to Mecca , Islam 's holiest city , which pure Muslims are required to visit at least once in their lifetime . 3 The Great Dark Spot is thought to represent a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune . The Great Dark Spot is thought to represent a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune. The Great Dark Spot is thought to be a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune . The Great Dark Spot is assumed to be a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune The Great Dark Spot is regarded as a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune. The Great Dark Spot is thought to represent a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune . The Great Dark Spot is thought to show a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune . The Great Dark Spot is thought to represent a hole in the methane. It is thought that the Great Dark Spot might be a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune. 4 His next work , Saturday , follows an especially eventful day in the life of a successful neurosurgeon . His next work at Saturday will be a successful neurosurgeon . His following work, Saturday, follows an especially eventful day in the liveliness of a successful neurosurgeon. Saturday is an eventful day for a specialized doctor who performs surgery on the brain. His next work is Saturday which is an eventful day in the life of a neurosuregon. His next work, Saturday, will show how very busy and varying the life of a brain doctor is. His next work, Saturday, follows a fun day in the life of a good doctor. Saturday followes an especially eventful day in the life of a successful neurosurgeon. Next Saturday his job will be to follow the day in the life of a successful neurosurgeon. 5 The tarantula , the trickster character , spun a black cord and , attaching it to the ball , crawled away fast to the east , pulling on the cord with all his strength . The tarantuala, the trickster, spun a black chord and attached it to the ball, crawling away fast to the east and pulling the chord with all his strength. The tarantula , the trickster character , spun a black cord and , attaching it to the ball , crawled away fast to the east , pulling on the cord with all his strength . The tarantula spun a black cord and crawled away fast to the east while pulling on the cord with its strength. The tarantula, the trickster character, spun a black cord and, attaching it to the ball, crawled away fast to the east, pulling on the cord with all his strength. the trickster spun a black cord and , attaching it to the ball , crawled away fast to the east , pulling on the cord with all his strength . The tarantula, a tricky thing, spun a black cord that it attached to the ball, after which it crawled away fast to the east, pulling on the cord with all his strength. The tarantula, the fraud character, spun a black cord and, connecting it to the ball, moved along speedily to the east, revulsion on the cord with all his might. The tricky tarantula spun a black web and attached it to the ball. Afterwards, it crawled away and pulled the web with him. 6 There he died six weeks later , on 13 January 888 . He died six weeks later on January 13th 888. That is where he died six weeks later, on January 13, 1888. He died on January 13th, 888. here he died six weeks later , on 13 January 888 . There he died six weeks later , on 13 January 888 He died six weeks later on January 13, 888 There he died six weeks later, on 13 January 888. He died there six weeks later on January 13, 888. 7 They are culturally akin to the coastal peoples of Papua New Guinea . Their culture is similar to the culture of the coastal peoples of Papua New Guinea. Culturally, they are like the coastal peoples of Papua New Guinea. Their culture is similar to the coastal peoples if Papua New Guinea. Their culture is like that of the costal peoples of Papua, New Guinea . They are similar to the coastal peoples of Papua New Guinea. They are culturally similar to the peoples living near sea of Papua New Guinea . They are culturally akin to the coastal peoples of Papua New Guinea . They are culturally similar to the coastal people of Papua New Guinea. 8 Since 2000 , the recipient of the Kate Greenaway Medal has also been presented with the Colin Mears Award to the value of £ 5000 . Since 2000, the recipient of the Kate Greenway Medal has also been presented with the Colin Mears Award to the value of 5000 pounds. Since 2000 , the person who won Kate Greenaway Medal has also been given the Colin Mears Award to the value of £ 5000 . Since 2000, the person who won the Kate Greenaway Medal has also won the 5000 pound Colin Mears Award. Since 2000, the recipient of the Kate Greenaway Medal has also been presented with the Colin Mears Award to the value of £5000. Since 2000 , the recipient of the Kate Greenaway Medal has also been presented with the Colin Mears Award to the value of £ 5000 . The recipient of the Kate Greenaway Medal has also been presented with the Colin Mears Award since 2000. The Award valued £ 5000. Since 2000, the winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal has also been given the Colin Mears Award, valued at $5000. Since 2000, the receiver of the Kate Greenway medal has also been presented with the colin Mears Award to the value of £ 5000 9 Following the drummers are dancers , who often play the sogo ( a tiny drum that makes almost no sound ) and tend to have more elaborate — even acrobatic — choreography . The drummers are dancers and often play the sogo which they tend to have arcobatic choreography. Behind the drummers are dancers , who generally play the sogo ( a tiny drum that makes almost no sound ) and have habit to have more detailed— even gymnastic— dance . Following the drummers are dancers , who often play the sogo ( a tiny drum that makes almost no sound ) and tend to have more elaborate — even acrobatic — choreography . the drummers are dancers , who often play the sogo and tend to have more elaborate — even acrobatic — choreography . Following the drummers are dancers , who usually play the sogo ( a tiny drum that makes almost no sound ) and tend to have more detailed — even acrobatic — choreography . Drummers playing a sogo (a tiny drum that makes little sound) are followed by elborately choreographed dancers. After the drummers come the dancers, who often play a tiny drum, called a sogo, that makes almost no sound, besides displaying what are usually more difficult, and even acrobatic, movements. After the drummers come the lively dancers who often play a small quiet drum called a sogo. 10 The spacecraft consists of two main elements : the NASA Cassini orbiter , named after the Italian-French astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini , and the ESA Huygens probe , named after the Dutch astronomer , mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens . The spacecraft is having two main parts. One is known as NASA Cassini orbiter. It is named after Giovanni Domenico Cassini, an Italian-French astronomer. The other part is known as ESA Huygens probe. It is named after Christiaan Huygens. He was a Dutch astronomer,mathematician and physicist. The spacecraft consists of two main elements : the NASA Cassini orbiter , named after the Italian-French astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini , and the ESA Huygens probe , named after the Dutch astronomer , mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens . The spaceship is made of the NASA Cassini orbiter, named after Giovanni Cassini, and the ESA Huygens probe, named after Christiaan Huygens. The spacecraft consists of two main elements : the NASA Cassini orbiter , named after the Italian-French astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini , and the ESA Huygens probe , named after the Dutch astronomer , mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens The spacecraft has two main parts: the NASA Cassini orbiter , named after the Italian-French astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini , and the ESA Huygens probe, named after the Dutch astronomer, , mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens. the NASA Cassini orbiter , named after the Italian-French astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini , and the ESA Huygens probe , named after the Dutch astronomer , mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens are the two main elements in space craft. The spacecraft consists of two main elements: the NASA Cassini orbiter is named after astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini and the ESA Huygens probe is named after astronomer, mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens. The spacecraft is made of two main elements : the NASA Cassini orbiter , named after the Italian-French astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini , and the ESA Huygens probe , named after the Dutch astronomer , mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens . 11 Alessandro ( " Sandro " ) Mazzola ( born 8 November 1942 ) is an Italian former football player . Alessandro Mazzola is an Italian former football player. The former Italian football player Alsessandro (Sandro) Mazzola was born 8 November 1942. 1. Allessandro ("Sandro") Mazzola, born 8 November 1942, used to be an Italian football player. Alessandro (Sandro) Mazzola, born November 8, 1942 was an Italian football player. Alessandro ( " Sandro " ) Mazzola ( was born on November 8, 1942 and was a football player for Italy. Alessandro ( " Sandro " ) Mazzola ( born 8 November 1942 ) is an Italian earlier football player . Alessando Mazzola ("Sandro"), born on 8 November 1942, used to be an Italian football player. Alessandro Mazzola is an Italian former football player, ( born 8 November 1942 ). 12 It was originally thought that the debris thrown up by the collision filled in the smaller craters . It was thought that the debris thrown up by the collision filled the smaller craters. Originally, it was thought that smaller craters were filled in with debris from the collision. It was originally thought that the debris thrown up by the crash filled in the smaller craters. Originally people thought that the debris thrown up by the collision filled in the smaller craters. It was originally thought that the scattered remains of the collission filled the smaller circulare depressions in the ground. In the beginning, it was thought that the pieces thrown up by the crash filled in the smaller holes. It was originally thought that the debris thrown up by the collision filled in the smaller craters . It was originally thought that the debris thrown up by the collision filled in the smaller craters . 13 Graham attended Wheaton College from 1939 to 1943 , when he graduated with a BA in anthropology . Graham attended Wheaton College from 1939 to 1943 and graduated with a BA in anthropology. Graham attended Wheaton College from 1939 to 1943 to get BA graduate in anthropology. Graham attended Wheaton College from 1939 to 1943 to complete graduation in BA with Anthropology. Graham went to Weaton College from 1939 to 1943 when he graduated with a BA in anthropology. Graham attended Wheaton College from 1939 to 1943. He graduated there with BA in Anthropology during this period. Graham attended Wheaton College from 1939 to 1943 and graduated with a BA in anthropology. Graham attended Wheaton College from 1939 to 1943 graduating with a BA in anthropology. Graham attend Wheaton College from 1939 to 1943 and graduated with a BA in anthropology. 14 However , the BZÖ differs a bit in comparison to the Freedom Party , as is in favor of a referendum about the Lisbon Treaty but against an EU-Withdrawal . However , the BZO is different from a bit in comparison to the Freedom Party , as is in kind act of a referendum about the Lisbon Treaty but against a EU-Withdrawal The BZO differs in comparison with the Freedom Party which it favors a referendum about the Lisbon Treaty but is against an EU-Withdrawal. However the BZÖ is a little different from the Freedom Party. They are in favor of a referendum about the Lisbon Treaty but are against an EU-Withdrawal. However , the BZÖ is different from a comparison to the Freedom Party , as is in favor of a referendum about the Lisbon Treaty but against an EU-Withdrawal . However, the BZO is comparatively a little bit different from the Freedom Party, as is in support of a mandate about the Lisbon Treaty but against an EU-Withdrawal. However , the BZÖ differs a bit in comparison to the Freedom Party , as is in favor of a referendum about the Lisbon Treaty but against an EU-Withdrawal . However, the BZÖ differs a bit in comparison to the Freedom Party, as it is in favor of a referendum about the Lisbon Treaty but against an EU-Withdrawal. Otherwise , the BZÖ differs a bit in comparison to the Freedom Party , as is in support of a referendum about the Lisbon Treaty but against an EU-Withdrawal . 15 Many species had vanished by the end of the nineteenth century , with European settlement . Many species had disappeared by the end of the nineteenth century , with European settlement . Many species have vanished by the end of the nineteenth century. Many species had disappeared by the end of the nineteenth century, With European settlement, with euopean settlement many species havebeen vanished Many species had disappeared by the close of the nineteenth hundred, with European settlement. As an after effect of the European settlement, many species had disappeared by the end of the nineteenth century. In nineteenth century by european settlement many species have been vanished. Many types had disappeared by 1899 when Europeans came. 16 In 1987 Wexler was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame . In 1987 Wexler was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 1987 Wexler was admitted to the Rock and Roll hall of Fame. In 1987 Wexler was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 1987 Wexler was put into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 1987 Wexler was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame . In 1987, Wexler was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 1987, Wexler became a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 1987 Wexler was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 17 In its pure form , dextromethorphan occurs as a white powder . In its pure form , dextromethorphan lives as a white powder . In its pure form dextromethorphan occurs as white powder. In its pure form , dextromethorphan occurs as a white powder . In its pure form, dextromethorphan occurs as a white powder. Dextromethorphan is a white powder in its pure form. The pure form of dextromethorphan is white powder In its original state , dextromethorphan is appear as a white powder In pure form, dextromethorphan occurs as a white powder 18 Admission to Tsinghua is extremely competitive . entrance to Tsinghua is very very difficult. It is hard to get into Tsinghua because alot of people want to get in. statement to Tsinghua is greatly in competitive It is hard to get into Tsinghua. Admission to Tisinghua is competitive. Getting admitted to Tsinghua is very competititive. GETTING ADMISSION IN TSINGHUA IS DIFFICULT Admission to Tsinghua is competitive. 19 Today NRC is organised as an independent , private foundation . Today NRC is organised as an independent foundation . Today, NRC functions as an independent, private foundation. NRC is organised as an independent, private foundation nowadays. Today, the NRC acts on its own as a private foundation. Today NRC is organised as an independent , private foundation . Today NRC is organizes as an independent, private foundation. NRC is organised as an independent private foundation. Today NRC is organised as a private autonomous foundation. 20 It is situated at the coast of the Baltic Sea , where it encloses the city of Stralsund . It is situated at the coast of the Baltic Sea , where it encloses the city of Stralsund . It is on the coast of the Baltic Sea, where it surrounds the city of Stralsund. It is located at the coast of the Baltic Sea, where it surrounds the city of Stralsund. It is located at the coast of the Baltic Sea where it surrounds the city of Stralsund. It is located at the coast of the Baltic Sea, where it closes in the city of Stralsund. It is located by the Baltic Sea which is near Stralsund It is at the Baltic sea coast, where it encloses the city of Stralsund. It is located at the coast of the Baltic Sea , where it sutrrounds he city of Stralsund . 21 He was also named 1982 " Sportsman of the Year " by Sports Illustrated . Sports Illustrated named him "Sportsman of the Year" in 1982. He was also named 1982 "Sportsman of the Year" by Sports Illustrated. He was named 1982 "Sportsman of the Year" by Sports Illustrated. He was also named 1982 "Sportsman of the Year" by Sports Illustrated. He was also named 1982 " Sportsman of the Year " by Sports Illustrated . He was also named 1982 "Sportsman of the Year" by Sports Illustrated. He was also named 1982 " Sportsman of the Year " by Sports Illustrated . He was also named 1982 "Sportsman of the Year" by the magazine Sports Illustrated. 22 Fives is a British sport believed to derive from the same origins as many racquet sports . Fives, a British sport, came from the same games as many racquet sports. Fives is a British sport believed to have the same origins as many racquet sports. Fives is a British sport believed to have the same origins as many raquet sports. Fives is a British sport to be derive from the same origins as racquet sports. Fives is an English sport He believed to comes from the same origins as many racquet sports . Fives is a British sport. It is believed to have origins like that or other racquet sports. Fives is a British sport believed to have the same origins as many raccquet sports. Fives are a British sport believed to derive from the same origins as many racquet sports. 23 For example , King Bhumibol was born on Monday , so on his birthday throughout Thailand will be decorated with yellow color . All over Thailand the color yellow will be used to celebrate King Bhumibal For example King Bhumibol was born on Monday, so on his birthday throughout Thailand will be decorated with yellow. King Bhumibol was born on Monday and in Thailand his birthday is decorated with yellow color. For example, King Bhumibol was born on Monday, so on his birthday all of Thailand will be decorated with yellow color. For example, King Bhumibol was born on Monday, so on his birthday thoroughout Thailand will be decorated yellow. For example , King Bhumibol was born on Monday , so on his birthday everywhere in Thailand will be painted with yellow color . For example , King Bhumibol was born on Monday , so on his birthday throughout Thailand will be decorated with yellow color . King Bhumibol birthday throughout the day of Monday so Thailand will be decorated with yellow color . 24 Both names became defunct in 2007 when they were merged into The National Museum of Scotland . Both names are no longer used and were combined as the National Musuemof Scotland When both the names were merged into The National Museum of Scotland they becames extinct in 2007. Two together names became extinct in 2007 when the were united into The National Museum of Scotland. Both names became defunct in 2007 when they were combined into The National Museum of Scotland . Both names became dead in 2007 when they were combined into The National Museum of Scotland. Both names stopped being used in 2007 when they became a part of the National Museum of Scotland. Both names became defunct in 2007 when they were merged as The National Museum of Scotland. Both names became obsolete in 2007 when they were combined into The National Museum of Scotland. 25 Nevertheless , Tagore emulated numerous styles , including craftwork from northern New Ireland , Haida carvings from the west coast of Canada ( British Columbia ) , and woodcuts by Max Pechstein . tagore emulated various styles including craftwork from northern new Ireland, carvings from the west coast of canada and woodcuts by max pechstein neverthelessly Nevertheless , Tagore emulated numerous styles , including craftwork from northern New Ireland , Haida carvings from the west coast of Canada ( British Columbia ) , and woodcuts by Max Pechstein . Nevertheless, Tagore copied many styles, such as crafts from northern New Ireland, Haida carvings from the west coast of Canada and wood carvings by Max Pechstein. Nevertheless , Tagore emulated numerous styles , including craftwork from northern New Ireland , Haida carvings from the west coast of Canada ( British Columbia ) , and woodcuts by Max Pechstein . However, Tagore copied numerous styles, including craftwork from northern New Ireland, Haida carvings from the west coast of Canada (British Columbia), and woodcuts by Max Pechstein. Nevertheless, Tagore copied many styles, including craftwork from northern New Ireland, Haida carvings from the west coast of Canada, in British Columbia, and woodcuts by Max Pechstein. though that is so, Tagore made an attempt to be like a great number of general looks, including craftwork from of the north New Ireland , Haida designs in wood from the west go down slope of Canada (UK Columbia ) , and woodcuts by Max Pechstein Nevertheless, Tagore copied numerous styles, including craftwork from northern New Ireland, Haida carvings from the west coast of Canada (British Columbia), and woodcuts by Max Pechstein. 26 On October 14 , 1960 , Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy proposed the concept of what became the Peace Corps on the steps of Michigan Union . John F. Kennedy, a Presidential candidate, proposed the idea for what became the Peace Corps on the steps of Michigan Union on October 14, 1960. On October 14 , 1960 , Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy proposed the concept to make the Peace Corps on the steps of Michigan Union . On October 14 1960 Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy proposed the concept of what became the Peace Corps. On October 14 , 1960 , Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy suggested the theory of what became the Peace Corps on the steps of Michigan Union . On October 14 , 1960 , Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy proposed the concept of what became the Peace Corps on the steps of Michigan Union Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy proposed the Peace Corps on the steps of Michigan union in 1960. On October 14, 1960 on the steps of Michigan Union, presidential hopeful, John F. Kennedy, shared his idea which later became the Peace Corps. On October 14, 1960 , Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy first talked about the idea of what became the Peace Corps on the steps of Michigan Union. 27 She performed for President Reagan in 1988 's Great Performances at the White House series , which aired on the Public Broadcasting Service . She did a show for President Reagan in 1988's Great Performances at the White House Series, which was shown on television on the Public Broadcasting Service. She performed in the Great Performances at the White House series for President Reagan and it was shown on the PBS channel. She performed for President Reagan in 1988 's Great Performances at the White House series , which showed on the Public Broadcasting Service . She performed for President Reagon in 1988's Great Performanced at the White House Series, which aired on the PUblic Broadcastin Service. She performed at the White House for President Reagan in 1988. She performed for President Reagan in 1988's Great Performances at the White House series aired on the Public Broadcasting Service. She worked for President Reagan in 1988 's Great Performances at the White House series , which aired on the Public Broadcasting Service . Her performance at President Reagan's 1988 "Great Performances at he White House" series was aired on PBS. 28 Perry Saturn ( with Terri ) defeated Eddie Guerrero ( with Chyna ) to win the WWF European Championship ( 8:10 ) Saturn pinned Guerrero after a Diving elbow drop . Perry Saturn and Terri defeated Eddie Guerrero and Chyna to win the WWF European Championship (8:10) Saturn pinned Guerrero after a Diving elbow drop. Perry Saturn (with Terri) beat Eddie Guerrero (with Chyna) after a Diving elbow drop to win the WWF European Championship (8:10). Perry Saturn (with Terri) beat Eddie Guerrero (with Chyna) to be WWF European Championship (8:10) Saturn beat Guerrero after a Diving elbow drop. Perry Saturn ( with Terri ) defeated Eddie Guerrero ( with Chyna ) to win the WWF European Championship ( 8:10 ) Saturn pinned Guerrero after a falling elbow drop . Perry Saturn defeated Eddie Guerrero to win the WWF European Championship. Perry Saturn ( with Terri ) defeated Eddie Guerrero ( with Chyna ) to win the WWF European Championship ( 8:10 ) Saturn pinned Guerrero after a Diving elbow drop . Perry Saturn ( with Terri ) defeated Eddie Guerrero ( with Chyna ) to win the WWF European Championship ( 8:10 ) Saturn pinned Guerrero after a Diving elbow drop . Perry Saturn with Terry won against Eddie Guerrero who was with Chyna and won the WWF European Championship at 8:10. Saturn's victory was through a Diving elbow drop at Guerrero and pinned him. 29 She remained in the United States until 1927 when she and her husband returned to France . She stayed in the United States until 1927 then she and her husband went to France. She stayed in the United States until 1927, then she and her husband went back to France. She stayed in the United States until 1927 when she and her husband went back to France. It has She remained in the United States until 1927 when her husband returned to France . She stayed in America until 1927 then went back to France In 1927 she and her husband left the United States and returned to France. She stayed in the USA until she returned to France with her husband in 1927. She stayed in the United States until 1927 when she and her husband went back to France. 30 Despina was discovered in late July , 1989 from the images taken by the Voyager 2 probe . Despina was discovered in late July , 1989 from the images taken by the Voyager 2 probe . Despina was discovered in late July , 1989 by the image Voyager 2 probe . Despina was discovered in late July 1989 from the images taken by the Voyager 2 probe. Despina was discovered in July 1989 from images taken by the Voyager 2 probe. The discovery of Despina was at the end of July, 1989 by using the images taken by Voyager 2 probe. The discovery of Despina took place in late July,1989. The photos taken by the probe Voyager 2 helped the discovery. Despina was discovered in late July, 1989 from the images taken by the Voyager 2 probe. Images taken by the Voyager 2 probe in late July, 1989, revealed Despina. 31 The first Italian Grand Prix motor racing championship took place on 4 September 1921 at Brescia . The first Italian Grand Prix motor racing championship took place on 4 September 1921 at Brescia. The first Italian Grand Prix motor racing held on 4 September 1921 at Brescia . Brescia hosted the first Italian Grand Prix championship race on September 4, 1921. The first Italian Grand Prix motor racing championship took place on September 4, 1921 at Brescia. The first Italian Grand Prix motor racing championship happened on 4 September 1921 at Brescia. The first Italian Grand Prix motor racing championship took place on 4 September 1921 at Brescia . The first Italian Grand Prix motor racing championship took place on September 4 1921. The Italian Grand Prix motor racing championship was first ever held at Brescia on 4 September 1921 32 He also completed two collections of short stories entitled The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns and Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales . He also completed two collections of short storeis. The one title was The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns. The other one was titled as Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales. He also finished two sets of short stories which were the given the titles"The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns " and "Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales ." 1. He also finished two collections of short stories with titlesThe Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns and Seven different and Ghostly Short Stories. He also completed two collections of short stories entitled The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns and Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales . Short stories is entitled The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns and Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales . He also completed two collections . He also finished two sets of short stories called The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns and Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales. He also finished two groups of short stories entitled, "The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns" and "Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales." He completed two collections of short stories entitled The Ribbajack and Other Curious Yarns and Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales. 33 At the Voyager 2 images Ophelia appears as an elongated object , the major axis pointing towards Uranus . At the Voyager 2 pictures Ophelia appears as a stretched object . A stretched object was the major axis . It pointing towards Uranus . from the voyager 2 images ophelia seems to be an elongated object,the major axis pointing towards uranus In the images taken by the Voyager 2, the moon Ophelia looks like it is stretched out and pointing towards Uranus. At the Voyager 2 images Ophelia seems to be a lengthier object , the main axis aiming towards Uranus . At the Voyager 2 images Ophelia appears as an elongated object. At the Voyager 2, images of Ophelia appear as an elongated object, the major axis pointing towards Uranus . At the Voyager Ophelia will appears, the major axis pointing towards Uranus as an elongated object . The Voyager 2 images of Ophelia appear as a long object pointing towards Uranus. 34 The British decided to eliminate him and take the land by force . The British decided to put an end to him and take the land by force. The British decided to eliminate him and forcibly take the land. The Britishers took a decision to get rid of him permanently and forcefully grab the land. The British decided to eliminate him and take the land by force. The British settle to remove him and take the land by violence. The British decided to eliminate him and take the land by force. The British decided to get rid of him and forcefully take the land. The British decided to remove him and take the land by fighting for it. 35 Some towns on the Eyre Highway in the south-east corner of Western Australia , between the South Australian border almost as far as Caiguna , do not follow official Western Australian time . There are some towns in western Australia that do not follow official Western Australian Time. Some towns on the Eyre Highway do not follow official Western Australian time. These in the south-east corner of Western Australia, between the South Australian border. It is almost as far as Caiguna. Some towns on the Eyre Highway in the south-east corner of Western Australia , between the South Australian border almost as far as Caiguna , do not use official Western Australian time . Towns on the Eyre Highway in Western Australia do not follow Western Australian time. Some towns on the Eyre Highway in the southeast corner of Western Australia do not follow official Western Australian time. There are some towns on the Eyre Highway in the south-east corner of Western Australia, lying between the South Australian border and nearly as far as Caiguna. These towns do not follow official Western Australian time. the Eyre Highway in the south-east corner of Western Australia do not follow official Western Australian time . Some towns on the Eyre Highway in the southeast corner of Western Australia, between the South Australian border almost as far as Caiguna, do not follow official Western Australian time. 36 In architectural decoration Small pieces of colored and iridescent shell have been used to create mosaics and inlays , which have been used to decorate walls , furniture and boxes . Small pieces of colored and shiny shell has been used to decorate walls, furniture and boxes. Small pieces of colored and irridescent shell are used to create mosaics and inlays that are then used in architectural decor to decorate walls, furniture and boxes. In structural decoration, small pieces of colored and sparkling shell have been used to create mosaics and inlays, which have been used to decorate walls, furniture, and boxes Small pieces of colored and iridescent shell were used to create mosaics and inlays on walls, furniture and boxes. Small pieces of colored and iridescent shell have been used as architectural decorations to create mosaics and inlays, which have been used to decorate walls, furniture and boxes. Small pieces of iridescent shells have been used to create mosiacs and inlays in architectural decoration, on walls, furniture and boxes. In interior decorating, small pieces of colored and iridescent shells have been used to make mosaics and inlays used to decorate walls, furniture and boxes. In architectural decoration Small pieces of colored and iridescent shell have been used to do mosaics and inlays , which have been used to decorate walls , furniture and boxes . 37 The other incorporated cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula include Rancho Palos Verdes , Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills . Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills are three cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The other incorporated cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula include Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills. Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills are combined cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The other incorporated cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula include Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills . The incorporated cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula include Rancho Palos Verdes and both Rolling Hills and Estates. Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills are incorporated cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The otehr incorporated cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula include the Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills. The other started cities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula include Rancho Palos Verdes , Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills . 38 Fearing that Drek will destroy the galaxy , Clank asks Ratchet to help him find the famous superhero Captain Qwark , in an effort to stop Drek . Clank asks Ratchet to help him find the famous superhero Captain Qwark because he is afraid that Drek will try to destroy the galaxy and wants to stop him. Afraid that Drek will destroy the galaxy, Clank asks Ratchet to help him find the famous superhero Captain Qwark in order to stop Drek Clank aked Rachet to help him find the famous superhero Captain Qwark, so they could stop Drek from destroying the galaxy. Fearing that Drek will destroy the galaxy, Clank asks Ratchet to help him find the famous Captain Qwark, to help stop Drek In order to stop Drek from destroying the galaxy, Clank asks the help of Ratchet to find the famous superhero Captain Qwark. Because Clank was afraid that Drek would destroy the galaxy, he asked Ratched to help him find Captain Qwark, the famous superhero. Clank was fearing that Drek will destroy the galaxy , he asked Ratchet to help him find the famous superhero Captain Qwark , in an effort to stop Drek . Fearing that Drek would destroy the galaxy, Clank asks Ratchet to help him find the superhero Captain Qwark in an effort to stop Drek. 39 It is not actually a true louse . It's not actually a true louse. It is not really a true louse. It is not really a true louse . It is not really a true louse. It is not a louse. It's not really a louse. It is not a louse in the technical definition of this term. It is not actually a true small insect. 40 He advocates applying a user-centered design process in product development cycles and also works towards popularizing interaction design as a mainstream discipline . He favors product development cycles that features an easy to use design process and works towards bringing interaction design into mainstream popuarity. He recommends using a design process that focuses on the user and he tries to make interaction design more common. He advocates applying a user-centered design process in product development cycles . It also works towards popularizing interaction design as a mainstream discipline . He advocates applying a user-centered design process in product development cycles . It also works towards popularizing interaction design as a mainstream discipline . He recommends using a user- focused design process in product development cycles and also works towards popularizing interaction design as a mainstream subject. He encourages using a user-centered design process in product development cycles and also works towards making known interaction design as a popular use. In product development cycles, he recommends a design process that focuses on the user, and also actively encourages mainstream disciplines to include interaction design as one of their offerings. He approves of applying a user friendly process in product development and works toward making it mainstream. 41 It is theoretically possible that the other editors who may have reported you , and the administrator who blocked you , are part of a conspiracy against someone half a world away they 've never met in person . It is possible that the other editors who may have reported you is a part of the conspiracy. Similarly the administrator who blocked you may also be a part of the conspiracy. The conspiracy is against someone they have not met in prison. In theory, it is possible that the other editors who may have reported you and the administrator who blocked you are part of a conspiracy against someone half a world away that they have never met in person. The other editors, those who may have reported you , and the administrator who blocked you , could be part of a conspiracy against a stranger half a world away. It is theoretically possible that the other editors who may have reported you , and the administrator who blocked you , are part of a conspiracy against someone half a world away they 've never met in person . It is oretically possible that the other editors who may have reported you , and the administrator who blocked you , are part of a conspiracy against someone half a world away they 've never met in person . It is theoretically possible that the other editors who may have written about you , and the officer who blocked you , are part of a bad plan against someone miles away , they 've never met face to face. It is theoretically possible that the other editors who may have reported you , and the head of the organization who blocked you , are part of a secret plan to play a unlawful trick against someone half a world away they 've never met in person . It is possible that other editors may have reported you and the administrator who blocked you are part of a conspiracy against someone a world away they've never met. 42 Working Group I : Assesses scientific aspects of the climate system and climate change . Working Group I : makes note of climate system and climate change Working Group One: Check scientific qualities of the climate system and climate change. Assesses scientific aspects of the climate system and climate change in working group 1 Working Group I : Assess scientific aspects of the climate system and climate change. Working Group I: Asseses scientific aspects of climate system and change. Working Group One assesses scientific aspects of the climate system and change. Working Group I : Assesses scientific aspects of the climate system and climate change . Working Group I: Assesses scientific aspects of the climate system and climate change. 43 The island chain forms part of the Hebrides , separated from the Scottish mainland and from the Inner Hebrides by the stormy waters of the Minch , the Little Minch and the Sea of the Hebrides . The island chain forms part of the Hebrides, separated from the Scottish mainland and from the Inner Hebrides by the stormy waters of the Minch, the Little Minch and the Sea of the Hebrides. The island chain forms part of the Hebrides , separated from the mainland of Scotland and from the Inner Hebrides by the violent waters of the Minch , the Little Minch and the Sea of the Hebrides . The island chain forms part of the Hebrides, separated from the Scottish mainland and from the Inner Hebrides by the stormy waters of the Minch, the Little Minch and the Sea of the Hebrides. The island chain forms part of the Hebrides, detached from the Scottish mainland and from the Inner Hebrides turbulent waters of the Minch, the Little Minch and the Sea of the Hebrides. The island chain forms part of the Hebrides , separated from the Scottish mainland and from the Inner Hebrides by the stormy waters of the Minch , the Little Minch and the Sea of the Hebrides . The island chain included within Hebrides remains demarcated from the Scottish mainland and the Inner Hebrides by the rough waters of the Minch, the Little Minch, and the Sea of the Hebrides. The stormy waters of the Minch, the Little Minch and the Sea of the Hebrides separate the island chain that forms a part of the Hebrides from the Scottish mainland and the Inner Hebrides. The island chain forms part of the Hebrides , separated from the Scottish mainland and from the Inner Hebrides by the violent waters of the Minch , the Little Minch and the Sea of the Hebrides . 44 Orton and his wife welcomed Alanna Marie Orton on July 12 , 2008 . Orton and his wife greeted Alanna Marie Orton on July 12, 2008. Orton and his wife were happy to have Alanna Marie Orton on July 12, 1008. Orton and his wife welcomed Alanna Marie Orton on July 12 2008. It has Orton . His wife welcomed Alanna Marie Orton on July 12 , 2008 . Orton and his wife became parents to Alanna Marie Orton on July 12, 2008. Orton and his wife welcomed Alanna Marie Orton on July 12, 2008. Orton and his wife had Alanna Marie Orton on July 12, 2008. Orton's wife gave birth to their daughter, Alanna Marie Orton, on July 12, 2008. 45 Formal minor planet designations are number-name combinations overseen by the Minor Planet Center , a branch of the IAU . Formal minor planet designations are number-name combinations overseen by the Minor Planet Center. Formal minor planet designations are number-name combinations overseen by Minor Planet Center. Former minor plant designations are number-name combinations overseen by the Minor Planet Center, a branch of the IAU. Formal minor planet designations are number-name combinations looked after by the Minor Planet Center, a branch of the IAU. Formal minor planet designations are number-name combinations given by the Minor Planet Center, a branch of the IAU. Usual lesser planet marking outs are number-name series supervised by the Minor Planet Center, an offshoot of the IAU. Small planet classifications are number-name combinations supervised by the Minor Planet Center , a branch of the IAU . Formal minor planet names are combinations of numbers and names, and are overseen by the Minor Planet Center, which is a branch of the IAU. 46 By early on September 30 , wind shear began to dramatically increase and a weakening trend began . By early on September 30 , wind shear began to dramatically increase and a weakening trend began . Early September 30, wind shear increased quickly and began a weakening trend. Early on September 30 wind shear began to increase and a weakening trend began. Early on September 30, there was a big increase in wind shear and then a weakening trend began. By early on September 30 , wind shear began to suddenly increase and a weakening movement began . Wind speed began to increase dramatically and a weakening trend began by early on September 30. By early on September 30 , wind get cut began to with sudden, surprising increase and a making more feeble general direction began On September 30, wind shear began to dramatically increase and a weakening trend began. 47 Each entry has a datum ( a nugget of data ) which is a copy of the datum in some backing store . Each entry has a datum (a nugget of data) which is a copy of the datum in some backing store. Each entry has a nugget of data, also called a datum, which is a copy of the datum in some backing store. Each entry has a datum (a nugget of data) which is a copy of the datum in some backing store. Each entry has a piece of information ( a nugget of data ) which is a copy of the in formation in some backing store . Each entry has a datum ( a nugget of data ) which is a copy of the datum in some backing store . Each entry has a data which is a copy of the data in some backing store . Each entry has a datum ( a nugget of data ) which is a copy in some backing store . Each entry has a nugget of data in which is a copy of it in some backing store. 48 As a result , although many mosques will not enforce violations , both men and women when attending a mosque must adhere to these guidelines . Although many mosques will not enforce rules, both men and women when there must follow these rules As a result, although many mosques will not implement violations, both men and women who attend a mosque must follow these guidelines. As a result, though many mosques will not allow to go against these guidelines, both men and women must obey them when attending a mosque. As a result, men and women must adhere to these guidelines when attending a mosque, even though many mosques will not enforce violations. Although many mosques will not punish rule violations, both men and women attending a mosque must follow these rules. As circumstances, in spite of many places of prostration, together men and women when accompanying a place of prostration should stay attached to these course of actions. many mosques will not enforce violation both men and women when attending a mosque muast know this As a result , although many mosques will not enforce violations , both men and women when attending a mosque must adhere to these guidelines . 49 Mariel of Redwall is a fantasy novel by Brian Jacques , published in 1991 . Mariel of Redwall is a fiction novel in the category of fantasy by author Brian Jacques, published in 1991. Mriel of Redwall is a fantasy novel. It was written by Brian Jacques and published in the year 1991 Mariel of Redwall is a fantasy novel by Brian Jacques , published in 1991 . Mariel of Redwall is a fantasy novel by Brian Jacques. Mariel of Redwall is a fairy tale novel by Brian Jacques, published in 1991. Mariel of Redwall is a fantasy book by Brian Jacque from 1991. The fantasy novel Mariel of Redwall by Brian Jacques was put up for sale in 1991. Mariel of Redwall is a fantasy novel by Brian Jacques , published in 1991 . 50 Ryan Prosser ( born 10 July , 1988 ) is a professional rugby union player for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership . Ryan Prosser who was born on 10 July,1988 is a professional rugby union player, he has played for Briston Rugby in the Guinness Premiership. Ryan Prosser is a professional rugby union player for Bristol Rugby. Ryan prosser, born on 10 July, 1988, is a professional rugby union player. He plays for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership. Ryan Prosser ( born 10 July , 1988 ) is a professional rugby union player for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership . Ryan Prosser ( born 10 July , 1988 ) is a professional rugby union player for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership . Ryan Prosser (born July 10, 1980) is a professional union player for the Bristol Rugby Club, playing in the Guiness Premiership rugby competition. Ryan Prosser, born July 10, 1988, is a professional rugby union player for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership league. Ryan Prosser (born 10 July, 1988) plays Rugby for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership . 51 Like previous assessment reports , it consists of four reports , three of them from its working groups . The assessment report contiains four reports, just like previous reports, and three of them are from working groups. Similar to previous reports, it consists of four parts, three of them from working groups. Like last assessment reports , it is made of four reports , three of them from its working groups . The report has 4 parts, 3 coming from working groups. Like previous assessment reports, it consists of four reports, three of them from its working groups. Like previous assessment reports , it consists of four reports , three of them from its working groups . It consists of four assessment reports, like previous ones, with three of them from its working groups. Like previous assessment reports, it consists of four reports, three from its working groups. 52 Their granddaughter Hélène Langevin-Joliot is a professor of nuclear physics at the University of Paris , and their grandson Pierre Joliot , who was named after Pierre Curie , is a noted biochemist . Their granddaughter Hélène Langevin-Joliot is a professor of nuclear physics at the University of Paris , and their grandson Pierre Joliot , who was named after Pierre Curie , is a noted biochemist . Their granddaughter Hélène Langevin-Joliot is a professor of nuclear and grandson Pierre Joliot is a biochemist Their granddaughter Helene Langevin-Joliot is a teacher at the University of Paris, and their granson Pierre Joliot is a well known scientist. Their granddaughter Hélène Langevin-Joliot is a teacher of nuclear physics at the University of Paris , and their grandson Pierre Joliot , who was named after Pierre Curie , is a famous biochemist . Their granddaughter Hélène Langevin-Joliot is a professor of nuclear physics at the University of Paris , and their grandson Pierre Joliot , named after Pierre Curie , is an important biochemist . Their granddaughter Helene Langevin-Joliot is a professor of nuclear physics at the University of Paris and grandson Pierre Joliot is a biochemist. Their granddaughter Hélène Langevin-Joliot is a professor (a teacher of the highest rank in a college or university) of nuclear physics at the University of Paris , and their grandson Pierre Joliot , who was named after Pierre Curie , is a well known biochemist . Their granddaughter Hélène Langevin-Joliot is a professor of nuclear physics at the University of Paris, and their grandson Pierre Joliot, who was named after Pierre Curie, is a noted biochemist. 53 This stamp remained the standard letter stamp for the remainder of Victoria 's reign , and vast quantities were printed . This stamp stayed the standard letter stamp for the rest of Victoria's reign, and many were printed. This stamp remained the standard letter stamp for the remainder of Victoria's reign. This impression remained the standard letter stamp for the remainder of Victoria 's reign, and immense quantities were printed. Lots of quanitities were printed of the stamp, as it was the standard letter stamp for all of Victoria's reign. This stamp stayed the standard letter stamp for the remainder of Victoria 's reign , and a lot of them were printed . The standard letter stamp for the remainder of Victoria 's reign , and vast quantities were printed . This stamp remained the standard letter stamp for the remainder of Victoria's reign. Large quantities of them were printed. This stamp stayed as the standard letter stamp for the rest of Victoria's reign, and many of them were printed. 54 The International Fight League was an American mixed martial arts ( MMA ) promotion billed as the world 's first MMA league . The world's first MMA league was the International Fight League, and American mixed martial arts. The International Fight League was an American mixed martial arts ( MMA ) promotion billed as the world 's first MMA league . The International Fight League was an American mixed martial arts ( MMA ) event adveritzed as the world 's first MMA club. The International Fight League was an American mixed martial arts ( MMA ) promotion billed as the world 's first MMA league . The International Fight League was an American mixed martial arts ( MMA ) promotion billed as the world 's first MMA league . The International Fight League was an American mixed martial arts promotion that was the first MMA league. The International Fight league was billed as the world's first mixed martial arts (MMA) league. The International Fight League was an American mixed martial arts ( MMA ) advance billed as the world 's first MMA league . 55 Giardia lamblia ( synonymous with Lamblia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis ) is a flagellated protozoan parasite that colonises and reproduces in the small intestine , causing giardiasis . Giardia lamblia is a flagellated protozoan parasite that colonises and reproduces in the small intestine , causing giardiasis . Giardia Lamblia is a flagellated protozoan parasite that colonizes and reproduces in the small intestine, causing giardiasis. Giardia lamblia is a flagellated protozoan parasite that colonises and reproduces in the small intestine, causing giardiasis. Giardia lamblia (equivalent with Lamblia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis) is a scourged diverse group of eukryotes host that settles and duplicates in the small intestine, causing an intestinal dissorder. Giardia lamblia is a flagellated protozoan parasite that colonises and reproduces in the small intestine. Giardia lamblia ( same meaning with Lamblia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis ) is a flagellated protozoan parasite that colonises and gives birth in the small intestine , causing giardiasis . Giardia lamblia ( synonymous with Lamblia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis ) is a weird-shaped parasite that lives and reproduces in the small intestine, causing a condition called giardiasis Giardia Lamblia, which also goes by Lamblia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis, is a flagellated protozoan parasite that colonises and reproduces in the small intestine, cauing giardiaisis. 56 Aside from this , Cameron has often worked in Christian-themed productions , among them the post-Rapture films Left Behind : The Movie , Left Behind II : Tribulation Force , and Left Behind : World at War , in which he plays Cameron " Buck " Williams . Aside from this , Cameron usually worked in Christian-themed productions , among them the post-Rapture films Left Behind : The Movie , Left Behind II : Tribulation Force , and Left Behind : World at War , in which he plays Cameron " Buck " Williams . Apart from this, Cameron has worked in many movies with Christian themes, such as, the post-Rapture films, Left Behind: The Movie, Left Behind II: Tribulation Force, and Left Behind: World at War, where Cameron plays "Buck" Williams. Aside from this , Cameron has often worked in Christian-themed productions , among them the post-Rapture films Left Behind : The Movie , Left Behind II : Tribulation Force , and Left Behind : World at War , in which he plays Cameron " Buck " Williams . apart from this , Cameron has generally worked in Christian-themed productions , in them the post-Rapture films Left Behind : The Movie , Left Behind II : Tribulation Force , and Left Behind : World at War , in which he plays Cameron " Buck " Williams . Apart from this, Cameron has used to work in Christian-themed productions, among them the post-Rupture films Left Behind: The Movie, Left Behind II: Tribulation Force, and Left Behind: World at War, in which he plays Cameron "Buck" Williams. Other than this, Cameron has often worked in Christain-themed productions, among them the post-Rapture films Left Behind: The Movie, Left Behind II; Tribulation Force, and Left Behind; World at War, in which he plays Cameron "Buck" Williams. Cameron has often worked in Christian-themed productions, in that some of the Movie left behind : Tribulation Force, World at War Cameron has also starred in Christian-themed movies, including the post-Rapture films: Left behind - The Movie, Left Behind II - Tribulation Force, and Left Behind - World at War, in which he plays Cameron "Buck" Williams. 57 This was the area east of the mouth of the Vistula River , later sometimes called " Prussia proper " . This area, which later was sometimes called "Prussia proper", was east of the place where the Vistula River begins. This was the area east of the mouth of the Vistula River, later sometimes called "Pussia Proper." This was the area east of the mouth of the Vistula River, sometimes called "Prussia proper." This is the area of east of the mouth of the Vistula River , later sometimes called " Prussia proper " . This was the area east of the Vistula river, later called "Prussia proper". This was the area, east of the mouth of the Vistula River, later sometimes called "Prussia proper". This was the area east of the mouth of the Vistula River , later sometimes called " Prussia proper " . The east mouth of the Vistula River is called "Prussia Proper". 58 After graduation he returned to Yerevan to teach at the local Conservatory and later he was appointed artistic director of the Armenian Philarmonic Orchestra . fter graduation he came back to Yerevan to teach at the local Conservatory and then he was appointed artistic director of the Armenian Philarmonic Orchestra . After he graduated, he taught at the local conservatory at Yerevan and was later made the artistic director of the Armenian Philamonic Orchestra. After graduation he returned to Yerevan to teach at the local Conservatory and was later appointed artistic director of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra Following arrangement he revert to Yerevan to teach at the place Conservatory and kater he was predetermined artistic director of the Armenian Philarmonic Orchestra. After graduation, he returned to Yerevan to teach at the local Conservatory. He was later chosen to be the artistic director for the Armenian Philarmonic Orchestra. After becoming a person with a degree he returned to Yerevan to teach at the nearby glasshouse and later he was having all necessary things able-at-art person in control of the Armenian Philarmonic Orchestra After graduation he went back to Yerevan to teach at the local glasshouse and later he was appointed artistic director of the American Philarmonic Orchectra. After getting a college degree, he came back to Yerevan to educate the students at the local Conservatory and afterwards he was assigned the job of an artistic director of the Armenian Philarmonic Orchestra . 59 The story of Christmas is based on the biblical accounts given in the Gospel of Matthew , namely - and the Gospel of Luke , specifically - . The story of Christmas is based on the biblical accounts given in the Gospel of Matthew , namely - and the Gospel of Luke , specifically - . The story of Christmas is based on the biblical accounts given in the Gospel of Matthew and Luke. The story of Christmas is based on the Gospel of Matthew and specifically the Gospel of Luke. The Christmas story is based on the biblical accounts given in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The story of Christmas Is Based On Biblical Accounts In The Gospel Of Matthew, And The Gospel Of Luke. Christmas has a story taken from the Bible. It is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew. The story is particularly from the Gospel of Luke. The Christmas story is from the Bible's story by Matthew, mainly from Luke's gospel The story of Christmas is based on the biblical accounts given in the gospel of matthew and luke 60 Weelkes was later to find himself in trouble with the Chichester Cathedral authorities for his heavy drinking and immoderate behaviour . Weelkes later found himself in trouble with the Chichester Cathedral authorities for his heavy drinking and immoderate behavior. Weelkes' heavy drinking and inappropriate behavior got him into trouble later on with the Chichester Cathedral authorities. Weelkes was later to find himself in problem with the Chichester Cathedral authorities for his too much drinking and bad behaviour . Weelkes had a habbit of heavy drinking and was immoderate in behaviour. He was later to find himself in trouble with the Chichester Cathedral authorities for these characters. Weelkes later found himself in trouble with the Chichester Cathedral authorities for his heavy drinking and excessive behaviour. Weelkes alcoholism and bad behavior got him in trouble Weelkes was later to find himself in trouble with the Chichester Cathedral authorities for his heavy drinking and immoderate behaviour . Weelkes was to find himself in trouble with the Chichester Cathedral authorities for his drinking and immoderate behaviour. 61 So far the ' celebrity ' episodes have included Vic Reeves , Nancy Sorrell , Gaby Roslin , Scott Mills , Mark Chapman , Simon Gregson , Sue Cleaver , Carol Thatcher , Paul O 'Grady and Lee Ryan . Until now the ' celebrity ' chapters have shown Vic Reeves , Nancy Sorrell , Gaby Roslin , Scott Mills , Mark Chapman , Simon Gregson , Sue Cleaver , Carol Thatcher , Paul O 'Grady and Lee Ryan . So far the 'celebrity' episodes have included Vic Reeves, Nancy Sorrell, Gaby Roslin, Scott Mills, Mark Chapman, Simon Gregson, Sue Cleaver, Carol Thatcher, Paul O'Grady, and Lee Ryan. So far the ' celebrity ' episodes have included Vic Reeves , Nancy Sorrell , Gaby Roslin , Scott Mills , Mark Chapman , Simon Gregson , Sue Cleaver , Carol Thatcher , Paul O 'Grady and Lee Ryan . So far the 'celebrity' episodes have contained Vic Reeves, Nancy Sorrell, Gaby Roslin, Scott Mills, Mark Chapman, Simon Gregson, Sue Cleaver, Carol Thatcher, Paul O 'Grady and Lee Ryan The celebrity episodes have included Vic Reeves, Nancy Sorrell, Gaby Roslin, Scott Mills, Mark Chapman, Simon Gregson, Sue Cleaver, Carol Thatcher, Paul O'Grady and Lee Ryan. So far, the ' celebrity ' episodes have included Vic Reeves, Nancy Sorrell, Gaby Roslin, Scott Mills, Mark Chapman, Simon Gregson, Sue Cleaver, Carol Thatcher, Paul O 'Grady and Lee Ryan. So far the ' famous person ' episodes have included Vic Reeves , Nancy Sorrell , Gaby Roslin , Scott Mills , Mark Chapman , Simon Gregson , Sue Cleaver , Carol Thatcher , Paul O 'Grady and Lee Ryan . So far, the "celebrity" episodes include Vic Reeves, Nancy Sorrell, Gaby Roslin, Scott Mills, Mark Chapman, Simon Gregson, Sue Cleaver, Carol Thatcher, Paul O'Grady and Lee Ryan. 62 It was discovered by Stephen P. Synnott in images from the Voyager 1 space probe taken on March 5 , 1979 while orbiting around Jupiter . It was found by Stephen P. Synnott in images from the Voyager 1 space probe taken on March 5 , 1979 while orbiting around Jupiter . It was discovered by Stephen P. Synnott in images from the Voyager 1 space probe while orbiting around Jupiter on March 5, 1979. It was discovered by Stephen P. Synnott in images taken on MArch 5, 1979 from the Voyager 1 space probe as it orbited around Jupiter. It was found out by Stephen P. Synnott in images from the Voyater 1 space probe. The images were taken on 5 March, 1975 when it was revolving around Jupiter. It was discovered by Stephen P. Synnott, in images from the Voyager 1 space probe taken on March 5, 1979 while going around Jupiter. Stephen P. Synnot discovered it in images taken by the Voyager 1 space probe on March 5, 1979, as it orbited around Jupiter. It was discovered by Stephen P. Synnott in images from Voyager 1 space probe taken on March 5 1979 while orbiting Jupiter. The images captured while orbiting around Jupiter on March 5th, 1979 led Stephen P. Synnott to the discovery. 63 Gomaespuma was a Spanish radio show , hosted by Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser . Gomaespuma was a Spanish radio show hosted by Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser. 1. Gomaespuma was a Spanish radio show , presented by Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser . Gomaespuma was a Spanish radio show hosted by Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser. Gomaespuma was a Spanish radio show hosted by Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser. Gomaespuma was a Spanish radio show , hosted by Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser . Gomaespuma was a Spanish radio show , hosted by Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser . Gomaespuma was a Spanish radio show that was hosted by Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser. Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser hosted the Spanish radio show Gomaespuma. 64 On 16 June 2009 , the official release date of The Resistance was announced on the band 's website . On June 16 2009 the official release date of The Resistance was announced on the band's website. On 16 June 2009 , the band's website announced the official release date of The Resistance . on 16 June 2009, the official release date of the Resistance was advertised on the band's website. The official release date of "The Resistance" was announced on the band's website on June 16, 2009. On June 16, 2009, the band's website announced the official release date of The Resistance. On 16 June 2009 , the official release date of The Resistance was informed on the band 's website . The official release date of The Resistance was announced on the band 's website on 16 June, 2009. The official release date of The Resistance was on 16 June 2009 which was announced on the band's website. 65 He is also a member of another Jungiery boyband 183 Club . He is also a member of 183 Club, which is another Jungiery boyband. He is a member of 183 Club. Besides being a member of the 183 Club, he is also a member of another boyband overseen by Jungiery Entertainment. He is also a part of another Jungiery boyband 183 Club He is also a member of another Jungiery boyband 183 Club . He also acts as a member of another jungiery boyband 183 club. He is a member of Jungiery boyband 183 club. He is also a participant of another Jungiery boyband 183 Club . 66 The Apostolic Tradition , attributed to the theologian Hippolytus , attests the singing of Hallel psalms with Alleluia as the refrain in early Christian agape feasts . The Apostolic Tradition , connected to the scientist Hippolytus who is an expert in theology , starts the singing of Hallel psalms with Alleluia as the repeated line in early Christian lovable and wonderful festivals . The apostolic tradition attributed to Hippolytus attests the singing of Hallel psalms with Alleluia as the refrain in early Christian feasts. The Apostolic Tradition, which is credited to the theologian Hippolytus, mentions the singing of Hallel psalms with Alleluia as the refrain in early Christian agape feats. The singing of Hallel psalms with Alleluia is according to the Apostolic Tradition. It is done so to abstain from in early Christian agape feast or love feast. This is attributed to the theologian Hippolytus. It is confirmed that the singing of Hallel psalms with Alleluia as the refrain during religious meals by the Apostolic Tradidion, credited to the theologian Hippolytus. The Apostolic Tradition , attributed to the theologian Hippolytus , attests the singing of Hallel psalms with Alleluia as the refrain in early Christian agape feasts . The Apostolic Tradition , attributed to the theologian Hippolytus , attests the singing of Hallel psalms with Alleluia as the refrain in early Christian agape feasts . The Apostolic Tradition , associated to the theologian Hippolytus , approves the singing of Hallel psalms with Alleluia as the theme in early Christian open meals festivals. 67 In return , Rollo swore fealty to Charles , converted to Christianity , and undertook to defend the northern region of France against the incursions of other Viking groups . Rollo swore fealty to Charles , changed to Christianity , and undertook to standby the northern region of France against the incursions of other Viking groups . Rollo swore to Charles, and undertook to defend the northern region of France against the incursions of other Viking groups. Rollo converted to Christianity and defended the northern region of France against attacks from Viking groups because he was loyal to Charles. Rollo swore his allegiance to Charles, then converted to Christianity while defending the northern region of France against other Viking groups. Therefore, Rollo served Charles, converted to Christianity, and defended northern France from the Vikings. In return, Rollo pledged faithfulness to Charles, became a Christian, and took steps to defend the northern region of France against any other Viking groups. Rollo swore fealty to Charles while converted to Christianity and took to defend the northern region of France against other Viking groups. In return, Rollo said he would be loyal to Charles, he became a Christian, and began protecting the northern region of France against Viking attacks. 68 It is derived from Voice of America ( VoA ) Special English . It comes from Voice of America (VoA) Special English. It is made from Voice of America ( VoA ) Special English . Voice of America ( VoA ) Special English It is derived It is comes from Voice of America ( VoA ) Special English . It comes from Voice of America (VOA) Special English. It comes from Voice of America (VoA) Special English. 1. It is obtained from Voice of America (VoA) Special English. It is derived from Voice of America (VoA) Special English. 69 Disney received a full-size Oscar statuette and seven miniature ones , presented to him by 10-year-old child actress Shirley Temple . Disney got a full-size Oscar statuette and seven miniature ones, given to him by 10-year-old child actress Shirley Temple . Disney received a full-size Oscar statuette and seven miniature ones , given to him by 10-year-old child actress Shirley Temple . Disney received a full-size Oscar statuette and seven miniature ones , presented to him by 10-year-old child actress Shirley Temple . Disney received a full-size Oscar statuette and seven tiny ones , presented to him by 10-year-old child actress Shirley Temple Disney received a full-size Oscar statuette and seven miniature ones, presented to him by 10-year-old child actress Shirley Temple. The then 10 year-old child actress, Shirley Temple, gave Disney a full-size Oscar statue and seven miniature ones. Disney received a full-size Oscar statuette and seven miniature ones presented to him by child actress Shirley Temple. Shirley Temple gave Disney a large Oscar statue and seven small ones. 70 It was the first asteroid to be discovered by a spacecraft . It was the first asteroid discovered by a spacecraft. It was the first asteroid found by a spacecraft. It was the first asteroid to be discovered by a spacecraft . It was the first asteroid to be discovered by a spacecraft. It was the before planetoid to be found by a spacecraft. The first asteroid was discovered by a spacecraft. It was the first asteroid discovered by a spacecraft. the first asteroid who discovered the spacecraft . 71 Hinterrhein is an administrative district in the canton of Graubünden , Switzerland . Hinterrhein is an governmental district in the canton of Graubünden , Switzerland . Hinterrhein is an administrative district in the canton of Graubünden , Switzerland . Hinterrhein is an administrative district in the canton of Graubünden , Switzerland . Hinterrhein is an administrative district in the canton of Graubunden in Switzerland. Hinterrhein is a district in Graubünden , Switzerland . Hinterrhein is an administrative district in the canton of Graubuden Switzerland. Hinterrhein is in the district of Graubunden Hinterrhein is one of the administrative districts located in Graubünden , Switzerland. 72 It continues as the Bohemian Switzerland in the Czech Republic . It is still called as the Bohemian Switzerland in the Czech Republic. It is still the Bohemian Switzerland in the Czech Republic. It goes on today as the Bohemian Switzerland of the Czech Republic. It still exists as Bohemian Switzerland in the Czech Republic. It continues as the Bohemian Switzerland in the Czech Republic. It continues as Bohemian Switzerland in Czech Republic. It continues as the Bohemian Switzerland in the Czech Republic . It continues as the Bohemian Switzerland in the Czech Republic . 73 This leads to consumer confusion when 220 ( 1,048,576 ) bytes is referenced as 1 MB ( megabyte ) instead of 1 MiB . The consumer gets confused when 220 bytes is called 1 MB, instead of 1MiB. The consumer gets confused when 220 bytes is converted as 1 MB. 220 bytes is otherwise 1,048,576 and MB stands for megabite. Actually it should be converted as MiB instead of 1MB. This leads to consumer confusion when 220 ( 1,048,576 ) bytes is referenced as 1 MB ( megabyte ) instead of 1 MiB . This leads to confusion when 220 ( 1,048,576 ) bytes is referenced as 1 MB ( megabyte ) instead of 1 MiB . Consumers become confused when 220 bytes are referred to as 1 MB (megabyte) instead of 1 MiB. Consumers are confused when 220 bytes is referred to as 1 MB instead of 1 MiB. This leads to consumer confusion when 220 bytes is referenced as 1 MB instead 1 MiB. This leads to consumer confusion when 220 ( 1,048,576 ) bytes is mentioned as 1 MB ( megabyte ) instead of 1 MiB . 74 The incident has been the subject of numerous reports as to ethics in scholarship . The incident has been the subject of numerous reports regarding scholarship ethics. The incident has been the subject of reports as to ethics in scholarship. The issue has been the topic of many reports concerning ethics in scholarship. The happening has been the subject of many reports as to ethics in scholarship . the subject of numerous reports as to ethics in scholarship . The incident has been the subject of many reports as to ethics in scholarship. The incident has inspired many reports about ethics in studies. The incident has been the subject of many reports as to standards in scholarship. 75 They are castrated so that the animal may be more docile or may put on weight more quickly . They are castrated so that the animal is docile or may put on weight quickly. They are neutered so that the animal may be tamer or may gain weight more quickly. They are castrated so that the animal may be more docile or may put on weight more quickly . They are castrated to make the animal behave better or to make it fatten more quickly. They are neutered so that the animal may be more calm or gain weight more quickly. They are castrated so that the animal may be more docile or may put on weight more quickly . They are castrated so that the animal may be more gentle or may put on weight more quickly . Their testes are sugically removed so that the animal may be more unresisting or may put on weight more speedly. 76 Seventh sons have strong " knacks " ( specific magical abilities ) , and seventh sons of seventh sons are both extraordinarily rare and powerful . Seventh sons have strong " knacks " ( specific magical abilities ) , and he is extraordinarily rare and powerful . Seventh sons have strong " knacks " ( particular magical skills) , and seventh sons of seventh sons are both very rare and powerful . Seventh sons have strong specific magical abilities and seventh sons are both rare and powerful. Seventh sons are born with strong and specific magical abilities; seventh sons of a seventh son are extraordinarily powerful and rare. Seventh songs have strong "knacks" (special unique skills), and seventh sons of seventh sons are both exceptionally rare and powerful. Seventh sons have strong magical abilities, while the seventh son of a seventh son's abilities are rare and powerful. Seventh sons have strong "knacks" (special magic powers) and seventh sons of seventh sons are very rare and very powerful. Sons that are seventh born are strong 77 Benchmarking conducted by PassMark Software highlights the 2009 version 's 52 second install time , 32 second scan time , and 7 MB memory utilization . PassMark Software tested standards of 2009 version and the highlights are 52 second install time, 32 second scan time and 7MB memory utilization. PassMark Software's benchmarking highlights the 2009 version's 52 second install time, 32 second scan time, and 7 MB memory utilization. Benchmarking conducted by PassMark Software highlights the 2009 version's 52 second install time, 32 second scan time, and 7 MB memory utilization. Comparisons conducted by PassMark Software highlights the 2009 version 's 52 second install time , 32 second scan time , and 7 MB memory utilization . Tests meant to grade benchmark levels were conducted by PassMark Software and highlighted the 2009 version's 52 second install time, 32 second scan time, and 7mb memory utilization. Benchmarking run by PassMark Software shows the 2009 version 's 52 second install time , 32 second scan time , and 7 MB memory use. Benchmarking conducted by PassMark Software highlights the 2009 version 's 52 second install time , 32 second scan time , and 7 MB memory utilization . Benchmarking is conducted by PassMark Software . Benchmarking highlights the 2009 version 's 52 second install time , 32 second scan time , and 7 MB memory utilization . 78 Volterra is a town in the Tuscany region of Italy . Volterra is a town in the Tuscany area of Italy . region of itally tuscanny is a volterra town Volterra is a town in the Tuscany region of Italy. Volterra is a town in a part of Italy called Tuscany. Volterra is a town in the Tuscany region of Italy . Volterra is a town in Italy. Volterra is a town in Italy in the Tuscany region. Volterra is a town in the Tuscany region of Italy . 79 Historically , the sensations of itch and pain have not been considered to be independent of each other until recently , where it was found that itch has several features in common with pain , but exhibits notable differences . Historically , the sensations of itch and pain have not been considered to be independent of each other until recently , where it was found that itch has several features in common with pain , but exhibits notable differences . Feelings of itch and pain have not been thought to be completely seperate from each other. It was recently found that itch has more than one part in common with pain, even though it feels very different. The senses of itch and pain have not been considered to be independent of each other until recently, where it was found that itch has several features in common with pain, but also has notable differences. In the past, until recently, feelings of itch and pain were not thought to exist seperately until it was found that itch, which has some features that are like those found with pain, shows some important differences. Even though, the feel of itch and pain are said to be dependent on each other historically, a recent research says that itch not only has many aspects in common with pain , but also shows some notable differences. The sensations of itch and pain have never been considered to be independent of each other until recently where it was found that itch has many features in common with pain but exhibits differences. The sensations of itch and pain have not been considered to be not related recently. Itch has several features similar to pain. But now it is clear that itch and pain exhibit notable differences. he sensations of itch and pain have not been considered to be independent features in common, but exhibits notable differences . 80 The tongue is sticky because of the presence of glycoprotein-rich mucous , which both lubricates movement in and out of the snout and helps to catch ants and termites , which adhere to it . The tongue is sticky because of the presence of glycoprotein-rich mucous , which both oils movement in and out of the beak and helps to catch ants and termites , which sticks to it . Glycoprotein-rich mucous helps make tongue sticky, which in turn, lubricates the in and out movement in snout and helps catch ants and termites who get stuck to it. The tongue is sticky because of the presence of glycoprotein-rich mucous , which both lubricates movement in and out of the snout and helps to catch ants and termites , which adhere to it . The tongue is sticky because it has glycoprotein-rich mucous on it which helps it move out of the snout and which helps ants and termites stick to it. The tongue is sticky because of the glycoprotein rich spit that eases the flow in and out of the mouth and helps catch ants and termites that stick to it. The tongue is sticky because of the presence of glycoprotein-rich mucous. This feature helps movement of tongue in and out of the mouth by providing lubrication. It also helps catch ants and termites since the stickiness make them adhered to the tongue. The tongue is sticky because it has glycoprotein-rich mucous, which both lubricates movement in and out of the snout and helps in catching ants and termites, which stick to it. The tongue is sticky because of the presence of substance glycoprotein-rich mucous , which both lubricates movement in and out of the snout and helps to catch ants and termites , which adhere to it . 81 The same tram had derailed on 30 May 2006 at Starr Gate loop during previous trials . The same team had derailed on 30 May 2006 at Starr Gate loop during previous trials. The same tram had gone out of rails on 30 May 2006 at Starr Gate loop during last trials After derailing during previous trips, the exact same tram derailed on May 30, 2006 at Starr Gate loop. The tram previously derailed during trials on May 30th, 2006 at Starr Gate Loop. The tram that derailed on May 30, 2006, at Starr Gate loop, is the same one that derailed during previous trials. The same tram had derailed on 30 May 2006 at Starr Gate loop before. The same tram had realised on 30 May 2006 at Starr Gate loop during previous trials . In tests that had been done before on 30 May 2006, the same tram came off the tracks at Starr Gate loop. 82 There are statues of Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson , both former Ipswich Town and England managers , outside the ground . There are statues of Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson, both former Ipswich Town and England managers, outside the ground. There are statues of Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson , both former Ipswich Town and England managers , outside the ground . There are statues of Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson outside the ground. Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson were both former Ipswich Town and England managers. Outside the ground there are statues of Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson, both former Ipswich Town and England managers. There are statue of Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson , both earlier Ipswich Town and England managers , outside the ground . There are statues of Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson, both former managers of Ipswich Town and England, outside the grounds. There are statues of Sir Alf Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson who are former Ipswich town and England managers. There are statues of Sir Ramsey and Sir Bobby Robson, both used to be Ipswich Town and England managers, outside the ground. 83 Take the square root of the variance . Take the square root of the variance. Square root the difference. Take the square root of the mean square deviation. Take the square root of the variance. Take the square root of the variance . Get the square root of the variance Take the square root of the variance . Take the square root of variance. 84 Volunteers provided food , blankets , water , children 's toys , massages , and a live rock band performance for those at the stadium . Volunteers provided food, blankets, water, children's toys, massages and a live rock band performance for those at the stadium. Volunteers gave food, blankets, water, children's toys, massages, and a live rock concert for the people at the stadium. Volunteers gave food , blankets , water , children 's toys , massages , and a live rock band performance for those at the stadium . Volunteers supplied food , blankets , water , children 's toys , massages , and also arranged for a live rock band performance for those at the stadium . Volunteers provided a live rock band performance for those at the stadium . AT THE STADIUM THE VOLUNTEERS GAVE FOOD , BLANKETS , WATER , CHILDREN'S TOYS , MASSAGES AND A LIVE ROCK BAND PERFORMANCE. Volunteers gave food, blankets, water, children's toys and messages to the people at the stadium. They also performed a live rock band before them. Social workers gave food , large pieces of cloths to cover the people for warmth , water , children 's toys , rubbed the muscles and joints of the body with the hands to relieve tension or pain , and a live rock band show for those at the stadium . 85 Vouvray-sur-Huisne is a commune in the Sarthe department in the region of Pays-de-la-Loire in northwestern France . Vouvray-sur-Huisne is a community in the Sarthe department in the area of Pays-de-la-Loire in northwestern France . Vouvray-sur-Husine is a Commune in the Sarthe department in northwestern France. Vouvray-sur-Huisne is a commune in the Sarthe department in the region of northwestern France Vouvray-sur-Huisne is a commune in the Sarthe department in the region of Pays-de-la-Loire in northwestern France . Vouvray-sur-Huisne is a commune located in Sarthe department of Pays-de-la-Loire in northwestern France . Vouvray-sur-Huisne is a French community. It is in the Sarthe department in the region of Pays-de-la-Loire in northwestern France. Vouvray-sur-Huisne is a division of government in the Sarthe department in the area of Pays-de-la-Loire in Northwestern France. Vouvray-sur-Huisne is a commune in the Sarthe department, in the region of Pays-de-la-Loire, in northwestern France. 86 If there are no strong land use controls , buildings are built along a bypass , converting it into an ordinary town road , and the bypass may eventually become as congested as the local streets it was intended to avoid . If there are no strong land use controls the bypass, as a result,may become congested . This is because buildings are built along a bypass converting it into an ordinary town road. The byepass is intended to avoid such congestion. If there are no strong land use controls, the bypass may eventually become as congested as the local streets. If there are no strong land use controls , buildings are built along a bypass , changing it into an ordinary town road , and the bypass may eventually become as congested as the local streets it was intended to avoid . Lacking strong land use controls, buildings are often built along a bypass; this changes the bypass into an ordinary road, which becomes as congested as the local streets. If there are no strong land use controls , buildings are built along a bypass , converting it into an ordinary town road , and the bypass may eventually become as congested as the local streets it was intended to avoid . If there are no strict land use controls , buildings are built along a side roads, making it into an ordinary town road , and the bypass may eventually become as crowded as the local streets it was supposed to avoid . Without strong rules for land use, buildings can be built on a bypass, which turns it into an ordinary town road and allows the bypass to become as busy and overused as the local streets it was supposed to avoid. If there are no strong land use controls, buildings are built along a bypass into an ordinary town road, and may eventually become as congested as the local streets it was intended to avoid . 87 It is also a starting point for people wanting to explore Cooktown , Cape York Peninsula , and the Atherton Tableland . It is a starting point for people wanting to explore Cooktown, Cape York Peninsula and Atherton Tableland. It is also a starting point for people wanting to explore Cooktown , Cape York Peninsula , and the Atherton Tableland . It is also a starting point for those who want to explore Cooktown, Cape York Peninsula, and the Atherton Tableland. It is also a starting point for people who wishes to explore Cooktown, Cape York Peninsula, and the Atherton Tableland. It is also a starting point for people wanting to explore Cooktown, Cape York Peninsula and the Atherton Tableland. It is also a starting point for people wanting to explore Cooktown, Cape York Peninsula, and the Atherton Tableland. It is also a good place to start for people who want to look around Cooktown, Cape York Peninsula and the Atherton Tableland. It is also a starting point for people wanting to search Cooktown , Cape York Peninsula , and the Atherton Tableland . 88 Bruises often induce pain but are not normally dangerous . Bruises often hurt but are not normally dangerous. Discoloration of the skin cause pain but are not usually perilous. Scratches often start pain but are not generally dangerous . Bruises often induce pain but are not normally dangerous Bruises can often cause pain, but are not normally dangerous. Bruises induce pain but are not dangerous. Though bruises cause pain,they are generally not dangerous. Bruises may hurt, but are not usually dangerous. 89 None of the authors , contributors , sponsors , administrators , vandals , or anyone else connected with Wikipedia , in any way whatsoever , can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages . None of the authors, contributors, sponsors, administrators, vandals, or anyone else connected with Wikipedia, in any way whatsoever, can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages. None of the authors, contributors, sponsors, administrators, vandals or anyone else connected with Wikipedia can be responsible for your use of the information in or linked from these web pages. None of the authors , contributors , sponsors , administrators , vandals , or anyone else connected with Wikipedia , in any way whatsoever , can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from these internet pages . No one connected with Wikipedia in any way is responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages. None of the authors , contributors , sponsors , administrators , vandals , or anyone else connected with Wikipedia , in any way whatsoever , can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages . None of the authors , contributors , sponsors , administrators , vandals , or anyone else connected with Wikipedia , in any way whatsoever , can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages . None of the authors, contributors, sponsors, administrators, vandals, or anyone else connected with Wikipedia, in any way whatsoever. can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages. No one connected in any way with Wikipedia can held responsible for what individuals do with the information contained in their web pages. 90 George Frideric Handel also served as Kapellmeister for George , Elector of Hanover ( who eventually became George I of Great Britain ) . George Frideric Handel also served as choirmaster for George, the Elector of Hanover, who eventually became George I of Great Britain. George Frideric Handel also served as Kapellmeister for George , Elector of Hanover ( who eventually became George I of Great Britain ) . George Frideric Handel also served as Kapellmeister, Elector of Hanover. George Frideric Handel also performed duties as Kapellmeister for George , Elector of Hanover ( who after a series of problems became George I of Great Britain ) . George Frideric Handel also was director of music for George , Elector of Hanover ( who in time became George I of Great Britain ) . George Frideric Handel also served as Kapellmeister for George , Elector of Hanover ( who eventually became George I of Great Britain ) . George Frideric Handel served as Kapellmeister for George, Elector of Hanover. George Frideric Handel also served as Kapellmeister for George, Elector of Hanover (who finally became George I of Great Britain). 91 Their eyes are quite small , and their visual acuity is poor . Their eyes are quite small , and their visual acuity is poor . Their eyes are small and their visual acuity is poor. Their eyes are very small and their eyesight clarity is poor. Their eyes are very small and they do not see well. Their eyes are quite small , and their visual acuity is poor . Their eyes are quite small, and their visual acuity is poor. Their eyes are small in size and their sight is not good. Their eyes are very little, and their sight is inferior. 92 They are rivaled as biological materials in toughness only by chitin . They are rivaled as biological materials in toughness only by chitin. They are compared to biological materials in toughness because of chitin. They are rivaled as biological materials only compared to chitin. Only chitin rivals them as biological materials. They are rivaled as biological materials in toughness. Their durability are comparable to chitin. Chitin is the only natural material that is stronger. They are rivaled as biological materials in toughness only by chitin 93 Oregano is an indispensable ingredient in Greek cuisine . Oregano is a necessary ingredient in Greek cuisine. Oregano is a necessary part of in Greek way of cooking . Oregano is a basic ingredient in Greek food. Oregano is an important part of Greek cooking. Oregano is an essential ingredient in Greek cuisine . Oregano is a not replaceable part in Greek cuisine . Oregano is an ingredient in Greek Cuisine. Oregano is a well know additive in Greek cooking. 94 Tickets can be retailed for National Rail services , the Docklands Light Railway and on Oyster card . Tickets can be retailed for National Rail services and the Docklands Light Railway on Oyster card. Tickets can be retailed for National Rail services , like the Docklands Light Railway and Oyster card . Tickets can be retailed for National Rail services, Docklands Light Railway and on Oyster card. Tickets can be sold for National Rail services, the Docklands Light Railway and on Oyster card. You can purchase tickets for National Rail Services on the Docklands Light Railway using Oyster Card. Tickets can be sold (available even as single tickets) for National Rail services , the Docklands Light Railway and on Oyster card . Tickets can be used for National Rail services, the Docklands Light Railway and on Oyster card. Tickets can be sold for National Rail services , the Docklands Light Railway and on Oyster card . 95 These works he produced and published himself , whilst his much larger woodcuts were mostly commissioned work . These works he produced and published himself , whilst his much bigger woodcuts were mostly outsourced work . These works he both produced and published, while his larger woodcuts were commissioned work. These works he produced and published himself , whilst his much larger woodcuts were mostly commissioned work . whilst his larger woodcuts were mostly commissioned work produced and published himself for these works. These works he created and published himself, while his much larger woodcuts were mostly commissioned to other companies to create. He made these woodcuts himself, but some of his larger pieces were mostly done because someone paid him to make them. His much larger woodcuts were commissioned work and the rest he produced and published himself. His very large woodcuts were usually commissioned jobs, but he produced and published these works for himself. 96 The historical method comprises the techniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write history . In writing history, there is a method called the historical method which uses primary sources and other evidence to research the historical events. The historical method is made up of rules and ways that historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then write history. In,the historical method ,the techniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write history . The historical method is made of the techniques and guidelines by which historians use main sources and other proof to research and then to write history . The historical method comprises the techniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write history . The historians use certain historical method to write history. The method consists of certain techniques and guidelines. They use primary sources and other evidence to research to compose the history. The historical method consist of techniques and guidelines which historians use primary sources as well as evidence to research and write history. The historical method includes the techniques and guidelines used by historians to research and write history. 97 The sheer weight of the continental icecap sitting on top of Lake Vostok is believed to contribute to the high oxygen concentration . The Lake Vostok has a very large weight of the continental icecap on its waters. The high oxygen concentration of the lake water may because of this icecap. The upright weight of the worldwide icecap sitting on top of Lake Vostok is considered to give to the high oxygen concentration . The sheer weight of the continental icecap sitting on top of Lake Vostok is believed to contribute to the high oxygen concentration . The weight of the continental icecap sitting on top of Lake Vostok is believed to contribute to high oxygen concentration. The sheer weight of the continental ice cap on top of Lake Vostok is believed to contribute to the high concentration of oxygen. Just the weight of the continental ice cap sitting on top of Lake Vostok is believed to contribute to the high oxygen level. The large weight of the continental icecap sitting on top of Lake Vostok is thought to add to the high oxygen level. The sheer weight of the continental icecap sitting on top of Lake Vostok is believed to contribute to the high oxygen concentration . 98 As of 2000 , the population was 89,148 . In the year 2000, the population was 89,148. As of 2000, the population was 89,148 . As of 2000, the population was 89,148. In 2000 the population was 89148. The population was 89,148 same as that of 2000. As of 2000 , the population was 89,148 . As of the 2000 census, population was 89,148. As of 2000 , the population was 89,148 . 99 Aliteracy ( sometimes spelled alliteracy ) is the state of being able to read but being uninterested in doing so . Aliteracy is being able to read but uninterested in read. Aliteracy ( sometimes spelled alliteracy ) is the state of being able to read but uninterested in doing so . Aliteracy is defined as being able to read but having no interest in doing so. Aliteracy/alliteracy is the state of being able to read but being uninterested in doing so. Aliteracy ( sometimes spelled alliteracy ) can be defined as the state in which a person has the capacity to read but has no interest in it. Aliteracy (sometimes spelled alliteracy) is the state of being able to read but not interested in doing so. Aliteracy (sometimes spelled alliteracy) is the state of being able to read but being not interested in reading. Aliteracy (sometimes spelled alliteracy) is the state of being able to read but being uninterested in doing so . 100 Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid compound used as a pharmaceutical . pharmaceutical has used a Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid compound used as a pharmaceutical. Mifepristone is a man-made steroid substance used as medicine. Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid compound used as a pharmaceutical . Mifepristone is a man made steroid substance which is used as medication. Mifepristone is an artificial steroid used as a medicine. Mifepristone is a man made steroid product used as a medicine. Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid compound which is used as a medicine. 101 It will then dislodge itself and sink back to the river bed in order to digest its food and wait for its next meal . It will then dislodge itself and sink back to the river bed in order to digest its food and wait for its next meal . It will then get away from its place and sink back into the river bed in order to digest its food and wait for its next meal . It will then remove itself and sink back to the river bed to digest its food and wait for its next meal. It will then eject itself and sink back to the river ground in order to digest its food and wait for its next food . It will dislodge itself and sink back to the river bed in order to digest its food and wait for the next meal. I will then go back to that river bed as to digest its food and wait for its next meal . Then it will dislodge itself and sink back to the river bed so that it can digest its food and wait for its next meal. It will then let go and sink back to the river bed in order to digest its food and wait for its next meal. 102 Furthermore , research has shown children are less likely to report a crime if it involves someone that he or she knows , trusts , and / or cares about . Furthermore , research has shown children are less likely to report a crime if it involves someone that he or she knows , trusts , and / or cares about . According to research, there are fewer chances of kids reporting a crime, if someone dear to him or her is involved in it. Also , research has shown children are less likely to report a crime if it involves someone that he or she knows , trusts , and / or cares about . Furthermore, research has shown that children are not as likely to tell about a crime if it involves someone they know, trust or care about. Research shows that children are less likely to report a crime involving someone that they know or trust. Research indicates children will not report a crime when it involves a person they know, trust or care about. Furthermore, research has shown that children are less likely to report a crime if it includes someone that he or she knows, trusts, and / or cares about. Research shows children are less likely to report a crime if it involves someone the child trusts or cares about. 103 Today , Landis ' father has become a hearty supporter of his son and regards himself as one of Floyd 's biggest fans . Landis' father has become a supporter of his son and regards himself as one of Floyd's biggest fans. Floyd Landis' father is a hearty supporter and big fan of Landis. Today, Landis's father is an open supporter of his son and is one of Floyd's biggest fans. Today , Landis ' father has become a hearty supporter of his son . It regards himself as one of Floyd 's biggest fans Landis' father has become a hearty supporter of his son today. He considers himself as one of the biggest fans of Floyd. Landis' father became a supporter of his son today and now is one of Floyd's biggest fans. Today , Landis ' father has become a hearty supporter of his son and thinks himself as one of Floyd 's biggest fans . Nowadays, Landis' dad has grown to be a cordial advocate of his son in commends himself as Floyd's largest fans. 104 Shortly after attaining Category 4 status , the outer convection of the hurricane became ragged . Shortly after reaching Category 4 status, the outer convection of the hurricane became worn out After attaining Category 4 status, the outer convection of the hurricane became ragged. Shortly after becoming Category 4, the outer convection of the hurricane became ragged. Shortly after attaining Category 4 status, the outer, upward motion of the hurricane grew ragged. Shortly after attaining Category 4 status, the outer convection of the hurricane became ragged. Shortly after becoming a category four, the outer convection of the hurricane became worn-out. the outer convection of the hurricane became ragged, after attaining Category 4 status. Shortly after winiing Category 4 status , the outer displacement of the hurricane became patched . 105 The equilibrium price for a certain type of labor is the wage . The balanced price for any kind of labor is called a wage. The fair price for a specific type of work is the salary that is paid. The equilibrium price for a certain type of labor is the wage . The equilibrium price for a certain type of labor is the wage. The wage for a certain type of labor is the market wage. The wage is the equilibrium price for a certain labor. The balanced price for a type of work is the wage. The equilibrium price for a type of labor is the wage. 106 Convinced that the grounds were haunted , they decided to publish their findings in a book An Adventure ( 1911 ) , under the pseudonyms of Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont . The authors, using pseudonyms Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont, published the book An Adventure, in 1911, written about particular hauntings. Convinced that the grounds were haunted, they decided to publish their findings in a book An Adventure (1911), under the fictitious name of Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont. After making sure that the grounds were haunted,they decided to publish their discovery in a book An Adventure ( 1911 ) , under the nicknames of Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont . Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont were convinced the grounds were haunted and published the book An Adventure in 1911. Convinced that the grounds were haunted , they decided to publish their discoveries in a book An Adventure ( 1911 ) , under the pseudonyms of Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont . Since they believed that the grounds were haunted, they decided to publish their findings in the book, A Convinced that the grounds were haunted they decided to publish their findings in a book An Adventure under the names of Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont. Convinced that the grounds were visited by souls, they decided to publish their findings in a book An Adventure ( 1911 ) , under the false name of Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont . 107 He settled in London , devoting himself chiefly to practical teaching . He teaches in London. He settled in London, concentrating fully on practical teaching. He settled in London , devoting himself chiefly to practical teaching . He lived in London, spending his time mostly on practical teaching. He settled in London devoting himself to practical teaching. He chose London as his residing place and dedicated himself mainly to practical teaching. He settled in London and he committed himself to practical teaching. He rooted in London, devoting himself mainly to practical teaching. 108 Brunstad has several fast food restaurants , a cafeteria-style restaurant , coffee bar , and its own grocery store . Brunstad has many fast food restaurants , a cafeteria-style restaurant , coffee bar , and its own grocery shop . Brunstad has many fast food restaurants, a cafe style restaurant, coffee bar and a grocery store. Brunstad has several fast food restaurants, a cafeteria-style restaurant, coffee bar, and its own grocery store. Brunstad has a few fast food restaurants, a cafeteria, coffee shop and a grocery store. Brunstad has a few restaurants , a cafeteria-style restaurant , coffee bar , and a grocery store . Brunstad has several fast food restaurants, a cafeteria-style restaurant, coffee bar, and grocery store. Brunstand is home to several types of conveniences: fast food restaurants, a caferteria-style restaurant, a coffee bar and its own grocery store. Brunstad has one cafeteria-style restaurant, one coffee bar and one grocerty store, but has several fast food restaurants. 109 He left a detachment of 11,000 troops to garrison the newly conquered region . He left 11,000 troops to garrison the newly conquered region. He left a detachment of 11,000 troops to garrison the conquered region. He left a detachment of 11,000 troops to guard the newly conquered region. He left a group of 11,000 troops to protect the newly conquered region He left the detachment of 11,000 troops to garrison the newly conquered region . He left a squad of 11,000 troops to guard the newly conquered area. He left 11,000 troops to stay in the newly conquered region. He left 11,000 troops to occupy the newly conquered region. 110 In 1438 Trevi passed under the temporal rule of the Church as part of the legation of Perugia , and thenceforth its history merges first with that of the States of the Church , then ( 1860 ) with the united Kingdom of Italy . In 1438 Trevi passed under the time-limited rule of the Church as part of the place for political statements of Perugia , and thenceforth its history goes into together first with that of the States of the Church , then ( 1860 ) with the United Kingdom of Italy In 1438 Trevi passed under the temporal rule of the Church as part of the legation of Perugia , and thenceforth its history merges first with that of the States of the Church , then ( 1860 ) with the united Kingdom of Italy . In 1438 Trevi passed under the temporal rule of the Church as part of the legation of Perugia, and thenceforth its history merges first with that of the States of the Church, then (1860) with the united Kingdom of Italy. In 1438 Trevi passed under the non spiritual rule of the Chruch as a part of the diplomacy of Perugia. From then onwards its history combined with that of States of the Church first. Afterwords it was with the united Kingdom of Italy, which was in the year 1860. In 1438 Trevi bypassed temporal rule of the Church as part of the government of Perugia, so its record comes together first with the States of the Church, then (1860) with the United Kingdom of Italy. In 1438 Trevi passed under the temporal rule of the Church as part of the legation of Perugia , and therefore its history merges first with that of the States of the Church , then ( 1860 ) with the united Kingdom of Italy . In 1438 Trevi passed under the materialistic rule of the Church as part of the authority of Perugia , and so its history combines first with that of the States of the Church , then ( 1860 ) with the united Kingdom of Italy . In 1438 Trevi passed under the temporal rule of the Church and history merges first with that of the States of the Church then with Italy. 111 The depression moved inland on the 20th as a circulation devoid of convection , and dissipated the next day over Brazil , where it caused heavy rains and flooding . On 20th depression moved inland as convection less circulation and after weakening over Brazil it caused heavy rains and flooding . The depression moved inland on the 20th as circulation devoid of convection and dissipated the next day over Brazil. The depression moved to inland on the 20th and next day over Brazil , where it caused heavy rains and flooding . The low pressure area that moved inland on the 20th lacked upward mobility and died off the next day over Brazil, where it caused heavy rains and flooding. The low pressure of atmosphere moved to the land on 20th. It moved having no convection. It moved over Brazil the next day. It caused heavy rains and flooding there. The depression moved inland on the 20th as a circulation devoid of convection , and dissipated the next day over Brazil , where it caused heavy rains and flooding . The distress moved inland on the 20th as a circulation withou the displacement, and dumped the next day over Brazil , where it caused too much rains and flooding . On the 20th the depression moved inland as a circulation without convection, and it dissipated the next day over Brazil, where it caused heavy rains and flooding. 112 The New York City Housing Authority Police Department was a law enforcement agency in New York City that existed from 1952 to 1995 . The New York City Housing Authority Police Department was a law enforcement agency in New York City from 1952 to 1995. The New York City Housing Authority Police Department was a law enforcement organization in New York City that existed from 1952 to 1995. The New York City Housing Authority Police Department was a law enforcement agency in New York City that existed from 1952 to 1995 . The New York City Housing Authority Police Department was a law enforcement agency in New York City that existed from 1952 to 1995. The New York City Housing Authority Police Department was a law enforcement agency in New York City. It was functioning from 1952 to 1995. The New York City Housing Authority Police Department was a law enforcement agency in New York City that existed from 1952 to 1995 . The New York City Housing Authority Police Department was a New York City law enformcement agency from 1952 to 1995. The New York City Housing Authority Police was a police department that operated from 1952 to 1995. 113 The current lineup of the band comprises Flynn ( vocals , guitar ) , Duce ( bass ) , Phil Demmel ( guitar ) , and Dave McClain ( drums ) . The current lineup of the band comprises Flynn ( vocals , guitar ) , Duce ( bass ) , Phil Demmel ( guitar ) , and Dave McClain ( drums ) The band is made up of Flynn on vocals and guitar, Duce on bass, Phil Demmel on guitar, and Dave McClain on drums. Right now the band members are Flyn, who does vocals and guitar, Duce, bass, Phil Demmel, guitar, and Dave Mclain, drums. The current lineup of the band comprises Flynn ( vocals , guitar ) , Duce ( bass ) , Phil Demmel ( guitar ) , and Dave McClain ( drums ) . The band has these people in it: Flynn (vocals , guitar) Duce (bass) Phil Demmel (guitar) and Dave McClain (drums). The current lineup of the band having among its parts Flynn ( vocals 1 , music instrument with 6-cords ) , Duce ( bass ) , Phil Demmel ( music instrument with 6-cords ) , and Dave McClain ( drums ) . The current lineup of the band has Flynn on vocals and guitar, Duce on bass, Phil Demmel on guitar and Dave McClain on drums. Flynn on vocals and guitar, Duce on bass, Phil Demmel on guitar and Dave McClain on drums form the current lineup of the band 114 Advocacy Countries with a minority Muslim population are more likely than Muslim-majority countries of the Greater Middle East to use mosques as a way to promote civic participation . Assisted Countries with a little Muslim population are more likely than Muslim-majority countries of the Greater Middle East to use mosques as a way to promote public participation . Countries with a minority Muslim population are more likely than Muslim-majority countries of the Greater Middle East to use mosques as a way to promote civic participation. Advocacy Countries with a minority Muslim population are more likely to use mosques as a way to promote civic participation than Muslim-majortiy countries of the Greater Middle In the Greater Middle East, Advocacy Countries with smaller Muslim populations are more likely than countries with larger Muslim populations to use mosques as a way to get civilians to participate. Advocacy Countries with a minority Muslim population are more like than Muslim-majority counties of the Greater Middle East to use moseques as a way to promote civic participation. Advocacy Countries with a minority Muslim population are more likely than Muslim-majority countries of the Greater Middle East to use mosques as a way to promote civic participation . Advocacy countries with a minority Muslim population are more likely to use mosques as a way of promoting civic participation than the predominantly Muslim countries of the Greater Middle East. a minority Muslim population use mosques as a way to promote civic participation. 115 The characters are foul-mouthed extensions of their earlier characters Pete and Dud . The characters speak bad language of their earlier characters pete and dud The charactets are foul-mouthed versions of their earlier versions, Pete and Dud. The new characters are based on their earlier characters of Pete and Dud with the addition that they are now foul-mouthed. The cast are offensive speaking alikes of their earlier cast Pete and Dud . The characters of Pete and Dud are foul-mouthed of their earlier The characters are foul-mouthed extensions of their earlier characters Pete and Dud. The characters are foul-mouthed extensions of their earlier characters Pete and Dud . The characters are dirty and foul spoken extensions of their characters Pete and Dud which were previously done. 116 Johan was also the original bassist of the Swedish power metal band HammerFall , but quit before the band ever released a studio album . Johan was also the original bassist of the Swedish power metal band, Hammerfall, but quit before the band ever released a studio album. Johan was the original bassist of the Swedish power metal band HammerFall but quit before the band released a studio album. Johan was also the original bass guitar player of the Swedish power metal band HammerFall , but quit before the band ever released a studio album . Johan was also the original bass player of the Swedish power metal band HammerFall, but left before the band released a studio album for ever. Johan was also the original bassist of the Swedish band HammerFall, but quit before the band ever released a studio album. Johan was also the first form bassist of the swedish power metal band HammerFall , but equal before the band ever given a work-room book of pictures Johan was also the original bassist of the Swedish power metal band HammerFall , but quit before the band ever released a studio album . Johan was the original bassist of the Swedish Power Metal Band HammerFall, but quit before the band ever released a studio album. 117 In 1998 , Culver ran for Iowa Secretary of State and was victorious . In 1998, Culver successfully ran for Iowa Secretary of State. In 1998, Culver ran for Iowa Secretary of State and was victorious. In 1998, Culver ran for Iowa Secretary of State and won. In 1998, Culver ran for Iowa Secretary of State and won. In 1998 , Culver ran for Iowa Secretary of State and was winner . In 1998 , Culver ran for Iowa Secretary of State and was victorious . In 1998 Culver ran for Iowa Secretary of State and won. In 1998 Culver was elected Iowa Secretary of State. 118 In 1990 , Mark Messier took the Hart over Ray Bourque by a margin of two votes , the difference being a single first-place vote . In 1990 Mark Messier took Hart over Ray Bourque by two votes, the difference being a first-place vote. In 1990, Mark Messier took the Hart over Ray Bourque by a margin of two votes, the difference being a single first-place vote. Two votes was the difference . In 1990 , Mark Messier took the Hart over Ray Bourque by a margin being a single first-place vote . Mark Messier won 2 votes i.e. first place vote In 1990, a single first-place vote allowed Mark Messier to take the Hart over Ray Bourque by a margin of two votes. In 1990 , Mark Messier took the Hart over Ray Bourque by a margin of two votes , the difference being a single first-place vote . In 1990, Mark Messier won the Hart trophy, beating Ray Bourque by two votes overall and by just one first-place vote. In 1990, Mark Messier took the. Hart over Ray Bourque by a border of two votes, the deviation being a single first- home vote 119 Shade sets the main plot of the novel in motion when he impetuously defies that law , and inadvertently initiates a chain of events that leads to the destruction of his colony 's home , forcing their premature migration , and his separation from them . The main plot of the novel is when Shade defies the law and sets off a chain of events that lead to the destuction of his colony's home and becoming separated from them. Shade makes the main conspiracy of the novel in motion when he impulsively resists that law , and carelessly starts a chain of events that leads to the destruction of his colony 's home , forcing their early migration , and his separation from them . Shade puts the novel into motion when he hastily defies that law; he unintentionally starts a chain of events that leads to the destruction of his colony's home, premature migration, and separation from them. Shade sets the main plot of the novel in motion when he impetuously defies that law , and inadvertently initiates a chain of events that leads to the destruction of his colony 's home , forcing their premature migration , and his separation from them . Shade sets the main plot of the novel when he defies that law and initiates events that leads to the destruction of his home and forcing their migration as well as separation. Shade sets the main plot of the novel in motion when he hastily defies that law, and ignorantly initiates a chain of events that leads to the destruction of his colony's home, forcing their premature migration, and his separation from them. Shade sets the main secret plan of the novel in motion when he impetuously defies that law , and inadvertently initiates a chain of events that leads to the destruction of his colony 's home , forcing their premature migration , and his separation from them . When Shane breaks the law in a rash manner, the main plot of the novel is set in motion with a series of unexpected events that leads to Shane's separation from his fellow colonists after they flee the destruction of their home. 120 The female equivalent is a daughter . The female equivalent is a daughter . The female equal is a daughter The female equivalent is a daughter. The girl equals to a daughter . The female equivalent is a daughter. The female equivalent is a daughter . The female equivalent is the daughter. The similar girl is a daughter . 121 He was diagnosed with inoperable abdominal cancer in April 1999 . He was diagnosed with abdominal cancer in April 1999. He was told he had serious abdominal cancer in April 1999. He was diagnosed with inoperable abdominal cancer in April 1999. He was diagnosed with inoperable abdominal cancer in April 1999. He has been diagnosed with inoperable abdominal cancer in April 1999 . In April of 1999, he was found to have stomach cancer that an operation would not fix. He was diagnosed with inoperable abdominal cancer in April 1999 . He was diagnosed with adbominal cancer in April 1999. It could not be subjected to surgery. 122 Prior to the arrival of the storm , the National Park Service closed visitor centers and campgrounds along the Outer Banks . Before the arrival of the storm, the National Park Service closed visitor centers and campgrounds along the Outer Banks. the National Park Service closed visitor centers and campgrounds along the Outer Banks before the storm could arrive. Before the storm came , the National Park Service closed visitor centers and campgrounds with the Outer Banks . Before the storm came, the park service closed the center and camps down Prior to the storm arrival, the National Park Service closed visitor centers and campground along the Outer Banks. Prior to the arrival of the storm , the National Park Service closed visitor centers and campgrounds along the Outer Banks . Before the storm came, the National Parks Service closed the visitor centers and the places where people were camping along the Outer Banks. the National Park Service closed visitor centers due to the arrival of the storm. 123 The form of chess played is speed chess in which each competitor has a total of twelve minutes for the whole game . The form of chess played is speed chess, in which each player has a total of twelve minutes for the whole game. The form of chess played is speed chess in which each player has twelve minutes for the game. One way to play chess is called speed chess where each player has twelve minutes for the whole game. The form of chess played is speed chess in which each player has a total of twelve minutes for the whole game . The form of chess played is speed chess where each player has a total of twelve minutes for the whole game. Speed chess is a form of chess. It is played by two players. Each player has a total of twelve minutes. The type of chess played is speed chess in which each player has a total of twelve minutes for the complete game . The type of chess played is speed chess, in which each player has a total of twelve minutes for the whole game. 124 The Amazon Basin is the part of South America drained by the Amazon River and its tributaries . The Amazon Basin is the part of South America drained by the Amazon River and those who pay tribute to it. The Amazon Basin is the part of South America drained by the Amazon River and its tributaries . The Amazon Basin is the part of South America. It is drained by the Amazon River and its tributaries. The Amazon Basin is where the Amazon River and it's Tributaries drain into in South America. The Amazon Basin is the part of South America depleted by the Amazon River and its canals. The Amazon Basin is part of South America drained by the Amazon River and tributaries. The Amazon river and its tributaries drain the Amazon basin which is a part of South America. The Amazon Basin is in South America and is drained by the Amazon River and the smaller rivers leading off it. 125 The two former presidents were later separately charged with mutiny and treason for their roles in the 1979 coup and the 1980 Gwangju massacre . The two former presidents were later charged, each on their own, with mutiny and treason for their roles in the 1979 coup and the 1980 Gwangju massacre. The two former presidents were later separately charged with mutiny and treason for their roles in the 1979 coup and the 1980 Gwangju massacre . The two former presidents were separately charged with mutiny and treason for their roles in the 1979 coup and 1980 Gwangju massacre. The two former presidents were later separtely charged with mutiny and treason. They were allegedly played roles in the 1979 coup and the 1980 Gwangju massacre. The two former presidents were later separately charged with mutiny and treason for their roles in the 1979 coup and the 1980 Gwangju massacre . The two past presidents were charged with mutiny and treason for what they did during the 1979 Gwangju massacre. The two former presidents were later separately charged with mutiny and treason for their roles in the 1979 coup and the 1980 Gwangju massacre . The two earlier presidents were afterwards separately charged with mutiny and treason for their roles in the 1979 coup and the 1980 Gwangju genocide . 126 Moderate to severe damage extended up the Atlantic coastline and as far inland as West Virginia . There was moderate to severe damage all the way up the Atlantic coastline and as far inland as West Virginia. Moderate to severe damages extended up the Atlantic coastline and as far inland as West Virgnia. Medium to too much damage went up the Atlantic coastline and as far inland as West Virginia . Moderate to severe damage extended up the Atlantic coastline and as far inland as West Virginia. Modest to serious damage reached up the Atlantic coastline and as far inland as West Virginia. Moderate to severe damage was up the Atlantic coast and inland to West Virginia. Moderate to severe damage extended up the Atlantic coastline and as far inland as West Virginia . The damage went up the Atlantic coastline as far inland as West Virgina 127 Because the owner tends to be unaware , these computers are metaphorically compared to zombies . these computers are metaphorically compared to zombies as the owner was not concious about it Because the owner is mostly unaware , these computers are symbolically compared to zombies . Because the owner tends to be unaware, these computer are compared to zombies. Because the owner tends to be unaware , these computers are metaphorically compared to zombies . When the proprietor conduces to be unconcious, these computers are metaphorically considered to supernatural. The owner doesn't manage things well and his computers compare to zombies. Because the owner tends to be unaware , these computers are metaphorically compared to zombies . These computers are compared to zombies with metaphor because of the way the owner tends not to notice things. 128 The wave traveled across the Atlantic , and organized into a tropical depression off the northern coast of Haiti on September 13 . The wave traveled across the Atlantic and organized into a tropical depression off the coast of Haiti on September 13. The wave traveled across the Atlantic, and became a tropical depression at the coast of Haiti. The wave traveled across the Atlantic, and organized into a tropical depression off the northern coast of Haiti on September 13. On September 13 a tropical depression occured due to wave travelling accross the Atlantic After having traveled across the Atlantic, the wave became a tropical depression off the coast of Haiti on September 13. The wave traveled across the Atlantic, and became a tropical depression off the northern coast of Haiti on September 13 . The wave traveled across the Atlantic , and organized into a tropical depression off the northern coast of Haiti on September 13 . The wave moved across the Atlantic, and developed into a tropical storm off the northern coast of Haiti on September 13. 129 For example , the stylebook of the Associated Press is updated annually . The stylebook of the Associated Press is updated yearly. For example, the stylebook of the Associated Press is updated once a year. For example, the Associated Press style book is updated annually. For example, the book on writing style of the Associated Press is changed every year. For instance, the stylebook of the Associated Press is updated every year. For example , the stylebook of the Associated Press is updated per annum For example , the stylebook of the Associated Press is updated yearly. To show the meaning, the stylebook of the Associated Press is changed once each year to make sure it is up to date. 130 The four canonical texts are the Gospel of Matthew , Gospel of Mark , Gospel of Luke and Gospel of John , probably written between AD 65 and 100 ( see also the Gospel according to the Hebrews ) . Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were most likey written after Christ There are four canonical texts in the bible-Matthew, Mark, Luke and John-likely writtine between AD65 and 100. The four canonical texts are the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, probably written between AD 65 and 100. (Refer also the Gospel according to the Hebrews). The four canonical texts are the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, written between AD 65 and 100. Most likely penned between AD 65 and 100, the four canonical texts consist of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and also reference the Gospel according to the Hebrews.. The four canonical texts are the Gospel of Matthew ,Mark ,Luke and John , probably written between AD 65 and 100 ( see also the Gospel according to the Hebrews ) . The four approved texts are the Gospel of Matthew , Gospel of Mark , Gospel of Luke and Gospel of John , probably written between AD 65 and 100 ( see also the Gospel according to the Hebrews ) . The four canonical texts are the Gospel of Matthew , Gospel of Mark , Gospel of Luke and Gospel of John , probably written between AD 65 and 100 ( see also the Gospel according to the Hebrews ) . 131 Since the end of the 19th century Eschelbronn is well known for its furniture manufacturing industry . Since the end of the 19th century Eschelbronn is well known for its furniture making business. Eschelbronn is well known for its furniture manufacturing industry since 19th century. Since the end of the 19th century Eschelbronn is known for its furniture manufacturing industry. Since the end of the 19th century, Eschelbronn has been well known for it's furniture manufacturing industry. Eschelbronn has been well known for its furniture manufacturing industry since the 19th century. Eschelbronn has been known by many for making furniture since the late 1800's. Eschelbronn has been well known for its furniture manufacturing industry since the end of the 19th century. Since the end of the 19th century Eschelbronn is known a lot for its furniture manufacturing industry. 132 The upper half also resembles the coat of arms of the former district Oberbarnim . the former district Oberbarnim, also resembles the upper half of the coat of arms. The top half also looks like the coat of arms of the former district Oberbarnim. The upper half also looks like the coat of arms of what used to be the district of Oberbarnim. The upper half resembles the coat of arms of the former district Oberbarnim. The upper half also looks like the coat of arms of the former district Oberbarnim. The upper half also looks similar to the coat of arms of the former district Oberbarnim. The top looks like the coat of arms of the old district Oberbarnim. The upper half also resembles the coat of arms of the former district Oberbarnim . 133 Unlike the clouds on Earth , however , which are composed of crystals of ice , Neptune 's cirrus clouds are made up of crystals of frozen methane . Unlike the clouds on Earth , however , which are composed of crystals of ice , Neptune 's cirrus clouds are made up of crystals of frozen methane . Unlike the clouds on Earth, which are made of ice crystals, Neptune's cirrus clouds are made of frozen methane crystals. The cirrus clouds on Neptune are different from the clouds on earth in composition. The cirrus clouds are composed of crystals of frozen methan. But the clouds on Earth is composed of crystals of ice. Unlike the clouds on Earth, which are made up of ice crystals, Neptune's clouds are made up of frozen methane. Unlike Earth's clouds which are composed of ice crystals, Neptune's cirrus clouds are made of of frozen methane crystals. Unlike the clouds on Earth which are composed of crystals of ice, Neptune's cirrus clouds are made up of crystals of frozen methane. Neptune 's cirrus clouds are made up of crystals of frozen methane . While clouds on Earth are made up of crystals of ice, Neptunes's cirrus clouds are made up of crystals of frozen methane. 134 Their participation is limited until they reach legal adulthood . They are not able to participate before they reach adulthood as per the law. Their inclusion is not much until they reach legal adult age . They are involved very little until they become adults. Their participation is limited until they reach adulthood. They can participate only when they attain adulthood legally. They cannot join until they are legally adults. Their decision-making is limited until they reach legal adulthood . Their cannot participate until they reach adulthood. 135 Development Stable releases are rare , but there are often Subversion snapshots which are stable enough to use . Development Stable releases are rare , but there are often Subversion snapshots (an informal photograph taken quickly) which are stable enough to use . Development Stable versions are hard to find, but you can often find Subversion snapshots that are reliable enough to use. Development Stable releases are rare but there are Subversion snapshots which are stable enough. Development Stable releases are rare, but there are often Subversion snapshots which are stable enough to use. Development stable releases are rare, but there are often subversion snapshots which are stable enough to use. Development Stable releases are rare , but there are general Subversion pictures which are stable enough to use . Development Stable releases are not common, but there are often Subversion snapshots which are stable enough to use. Development Stable releases are rare , but there are often Subversion snapshots which are stable enough to use . 136 Finally in 1482 the Order dispatched him to Florence , the ‘ city of his destiny ’ . In 1482 the Order dispatched him to Florence. Finally in 1482, the Order dispatched him to Florence, the ‘city of his destiny’. Finally, in 1482, the Order sent him to Florence, the "city of his destiny". Finally in 1482 the Order dispatched him to Florence , the ‘ city of his destiny ’ Finally in 1482 the Order dispatched him to Florence , the ‘ city of his destiny ’ . He was finally ordered to the city of Florence, where he was meant to be, in 1492. Finally in 1482 the Order sent him to Florence, the 'city of his destiny'. Finally, in 1482 the Order sent him to Florence, the 'city of his destiny.' 137 In the Soviet years , the Bolsheviks demolished two of Rostov 's principal landmarks - St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral ( 1908 ) and St George Cathedral in Nakhichevan ( 1783-1807 ) . In the Soviet years , the Bolsheviks demolished two of Rostov 's principal like St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral ( 1908 ) and St George Cathedral in Nakhichevan ( 1783-1807 ) . In the Soviet years, the Bolsheviks destroyed two of Rostov's principal landmarks - St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1908) and St George Cathedral in Nakhichevan (1783-180 7). In the Soviet years, the Bolsheviks demolished two of Rostov's principal landmarks -St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1908) and St George Cathedral in Nakhichevan (1783-1807). In the Soviet years , the Bolsheviks demolished two of Rostov 's principal landmarks - St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral ( 1908 ) and St George Cathedral in Nakhichevan ( 1783-1807 ) . In the Soviet years , the Bolsheviks destroyed two of Rostov 's main landmarks - St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral ( 1908 ) and St George Cathedral in Nakhichevan ( 1783-1807 ) . The Bosheviks destryed two principal landmarks of Rostov during the Soviet years. One was St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in the year 1908. The other was St George Cathedral in Nakhichevan during the period 1783-1807. In In the Bolshevik era, two of Rostov 's principal landmarks - St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral ( 1908 ) and St George Cathedral in Nakhichevan ( 1783-1807 ) were demolished. In the Soviet years the Bolsheviks demolished two of Rostov's landmarks: St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and St George Cathedral in Nakhichevan. 138 He died on May 29 , 1518 in Madrid , Spain and was buried in the church of San Benito d 'Alcantara . He died on May 29 , 1518 in Madrid , Spain . It was buried in the church of San Benito d ` Alcantara . He died in Madrid, Spain on May 29, 1518, and was buried in the church of San Benito d 'Alcantara. He died on May 29, 1518 in Madrid, Spain and was put into his grave in the church of San Benito D'Alcantara. He died on May 29 , 1518 in Madrid , Spain and was buried in the church of San Benito d 'Alcantara . On May 29th, 1518 in Madrid, Spain he died and was buried in the church of San Benito d'Alcantara. He died on May 29, 1518 in Madrid, Spain and was buried in the church of San Benito d 'Alcantara. He perished on May 29, 1518 in Madrid , Spain and was interred in the church of San Benito d 'Alcantara. He died on May 29 1518 in Spain and was buried at the church of San Benito d 'Alcantara. 139 This was demonstrated in the Miller-Urey experiment by Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey in 1953 . This was shown in the Miller-Urey experiment by Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey in 1953. This was shown in the Miller-Urey experiment by Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey in 1953. This was demonstrated in the Miller-Urey experiment by Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey in 1953 . In 1953 Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. used the Miller-Urey experiment to prove this. This was shown in the Miller-Urey experiment by Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey in 1953. This was demonstrated in the Miller-Urey experiment by Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey. In 1953, Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey demonstrated this in the Miller-Urey experiment. Miller-Urey experiment demonstrated it in 1953. 140 Cogeneration ( also combined heat and power , CHP ) is the use of a heat engine or a power station to simultaneously generate both electricity and useful heat . Cogeneration is a combination of heart and power to simultaneously generate both electricity and useful heat . Cogeneration ( also joined heat and power , CHP ) is the use of a heat engine or a power station to produce both electricity and useful heat , at the same time . Cogeneration or combined heat and power, CHP is the use of a heat engine or power station to simultaneously generate both electricity and useful heat. Cogeneration is the use of a heat engine or a power station to generate both electricity and useful heat at the same time. Cogeneration ( also combined heat and power , CHP ) is the use of a heat engine or a power station at the same time generate both electricity and useful heat. Cogeneration (also combined heat and power, CHP) is the use of a heat engine or a power station to generate both electricity and useful heat at the same time. Cogeneration ( also has at need heat and power , CHP ) is the use of a heat engine or a power station to at the same time produce both electrics and useful heat . Cogeneration is the use of a heat engine or a power station to generate electricity and heat simultaneously. 141 On occasion the male " den master " will also allow a second male into the den ; the reason for this is unclear . On opportunity the male "den master" will let a second male inside of the den;the basis for this is poorly explained. On occasion the male "den master" will allow a second male into the den. On incident the male " den master " will also allow a second male into the den ; the reason for this is not clear . On occasion the male " den master " will also allow a second male into the den ; the reason for this is unclear . Sometimes the male "den master" will aslo permit a second male into the den. But the reason for this behaviour is not clear. No one knows why a male "den master" will sometimes let another male into the den. Although the reason is not clear, sometimes the male "den master" will also allow a second male into the den. Sometimes the male "den master" will also allow a second male into the den; the reason for this is unclear. 142 A Wikipedia gadget is a JavaScript and / or a CSS snippet that can be enabled simply by checking an option in your Wikipedia preferences . A Wikipedia gadget is a JavaScript and/or a CSS snippet that can be enabled simply by checking an option in your Wikipedia preferences. A Wikipedia gadget is a JavaScript and / or a CSS snippet that can be enabled simply by checking an option in your Wikipedia preferences . A Wikipedia gadget is a JavaScript or a CSS snippet or both together, and these can be enabled simply by checking an option in your Wikipedia preferences. A Wikipedia gadget is a JavaScript or a CSS snippet that can be enabled by checking an option in the Wikipedia preferences. A Wikipedia device is a JavaScript and / or a CSS snippet that can be enabled simply by checking an option in your Wikipedia preferences . A Wikipedia gadget is a JavaScript and/or a CSS snippet than is enabled by checking an option in your Wikipedia preferences. A bit of code written in JavaScript and / or CSS that you would like to use on your computer may be provided by Wikipedia; and you may use it just by checking an option for it in your Wikipedia preferences. A Wikipedia gadget is a Javascript and/ or a CSS snippet that can be put to use simply by checking an option in your Wikipedia preferences. 143 Below are some useful links to facilitate your involvement . Below are some useful links to help your involvement . Below are some useful links to help you with your part in this. Below are some useful links to guide you in your involvement. Below are some useful links to make your involvement easier. Below are some useful links to help your involvement. Below are some useful links to make your involvement easier. Below are some useful links to facilitate your involvement . Below are some links to facilitate your involvement. 144 He served as the prime minister of Egypt between 1945 and 1946 and again from 1946 and 1948 . He served as prime minster of Egypt from 1945 and 1946 as well as from 1946 through 1948. He was the prime minister of Egypt between 1945 and 1946 and again from 1946 and 1948 . He served as prime minister of Egypt from 1945-1946 and 1946-1948. He has been the prime minister of Egypt from 1945 to 1946 and again from 1946 to 1948. He served as the prime minister of Egypt between 1945 to 1946 and again from 1946 to 1948 . He was the prime minister of Egypt between 1945 and 1946 and again from 1946 to 1948 He served as the prime minister of Egypt from 1945 to 1948 . He served as the prime minister of Egypt from 1945 to 1948. 145 She was left behind ( explanations for this vary ) when the rest of the Nicoleños were moved to the mainland . People have different thinking about why she was left behind when the Nicolenos were moved to the main part of the country. All the Nicoleonos were shifted to the mainland but her, and the reason for this is not clear. The remaining Nicoleños moved to the mainland leaving her behind. She was left behind ( explanations for this vary ) when the other Nicoleños were moved to the country . She was left behind when the rest of the Nicolenos were moved to the mainland. She was left behind (more than one reason was given for this) when the rest of the Nicolenos were moved to the mainland. They left her alone and moved the rest of the Nicolenos to the mainland. When Nicoleños were moved to the mainland, she was left behind 146 James I appointed him a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal , where he served as an organist from at least 1615 until his death . James I made him a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, where he served as an organist from at least 1615 until his death. James I appointed him a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, where he attended as an organist from at least 1615 until his death James I appointed him a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal where he served as a organist from 1615 until his death. James I appointed him a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, where he served as an organist from 1615 until his death . James I appointed him a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal , where he served as an organist from at least 1615 until his death . He was appointed as a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal by James I. He served as pianist there from 1615 until his death. James 1 made him a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, where he worked as an organist from at least 1615 until his death. James I appointed him a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal , where he worked as an organist from at least 1615 till his death . 147 Chauvin was embarrassed to receive his award and initially indicated that he may not accept it . Chauvin was embarrassed to get his award and at first said that he may not accept it. Chauvin was uncomfortable to receive his award andfinally he decided that he may not accept it. Chauvin is embarrassed to receive his award and initially indicated that he may not accept it . Chauvin felt shy getting his award and at first said that he might not get it. Chauvin was embarrassed to receive his award and indicated that he might not accept it. Though he initially indicated that he may not accept it, Chauvin was embarrassed to receive his award. Chauvin was embarrassed to receive his award and indicated that he might not accept it. Chauvin felt uncomfortable to receive his award and earlier said that he may not accept it . 148 Later , Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that had grown up around it as ends in themselves , even if Esperanto is never adopted by the United Nations or other international organizations . Later, Esperanto speakers started to see the language and culture that had grown up around it as ends in themselves, though Esperanto is never accepted by the United Nations of other international organizations. Later, Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that had grown up around it as ends in themselves, even if it is never used by the United Nations or other international organizations. Later, Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that had grown up around it as ends in themselves, even if Esperanto is never adopted by the United Nations or other international organizations. Later , Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that had grown up around it as ends in themselves , even if Esperanto is never adopted by the United Nations or other international organizations . Later , Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that had grown up around it as ends in themselves , even if Esperanto is never adopted by the United Nations or other international organizations . Later , Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that had grown up around it as ends in themselves , even if Esperanto is never adopted by the United Nations or other international organizations . Even if Esperanto is never adopted by the any international organizations, including the United Nations, their speakers are beginning to see the language and culture grow. Later, Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that had grown up around it as an end in itself, worthwhile, even if Esperanto was never to be used by the United Nations, or by any other international organization. 149 Dry air wrapping around the southern periphery of the cyclone eroded most of the deep convection by early on September 12 . Early September 12, dry air wrapping around the southern area of the cyclone caused most of the heat to leave. Dry air wrapping around the southern edge of the cyclone eroded most of the deep convection by early September 12. Dry air wrapping around the southernmost part of the cyclone caused a reduction in the storm's upward mobility by early on September 12. Dry air wrapping around the southern periphery of the cyclone eroded most of the deep convection by early on September 12 . Dry air wrapping around the southern periphery of the cyclone eroded the deep convection by September 12. Dry air surrounding around the southern periphery of the cyclone destroyed most of the deep displacement by early on September 12 . Most of the deep convection of the cyclone eroded. This was due to dry air covering around the southern peripher of the cyclone. This was on early 12 September. Dry air protect around the southern periphery of the cyclone eroded most of the deep convection by early on September 12 . 150 Calvin Baker is an American novelist . Calvin Baker is an American novelist. Calvin Baker is an American story writer. Calvin Baker is an American who writes novels. Calvin Baker is an American novel writer . Calvin Baker is an American writer of books that are fiction. Calvin Baker is an American novelist. Calvin Baker is an American novelist . Calvin Baker is a person who writes novels and is an American by birth. 151 Eva Anna Paula Braun , died Eva Anna Paula Hitler ( 6 February 1912 – 30 April 1945 ) was the longtime companion and , for a brief time , wife of Adolf Hitler . Eva Anna Paula Braun , died Eva Anna Paula Hitler ( 6 February 1912 – 30 April 1945 ) was the longtime companion and , for a brief time , wife of Adolf Hitler . Eva Anna Paula Braun died as Hitler companion and wife. Eva Anna Paula Braun died ( 6 February 1912 – 30 April 1945 ) was the longtime companion and of adolf hitler. Eva Braun was once married to Hitler eva anna paula braun known for a short period as eva anna paula hitler who was hitler's wife during the period and for more time his companion(1912-30)died (april 1945) Eva Anna Paula Braun, who died Eva Anna Paula Hitler, lived from February 6, 1912 to April 30, 1945 and was Hitler's longtime companion and, for a short time, his wife. Eva Anna Paula Hitler (neé Braun), the longtime companion and briefly the wife of Adolf Hitler, lived from 6 February 1912 to 30 April 1945. Eva Anna Paula Hitler was the wife of Adolf Hitler for a brief time. She was Eva Anna Paula Braun before becoming the wife of Hitler. She was a longtime companion of Hitler. She was born on the 6th of February 1912 and died on the 30th April 1945. 152 Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number . Each license is given a number. License version number is unique. Each version of the License is given a different version number. Each version of the License is given a unique version number . Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number . Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. A distinct version number is given to each version of the License. Each form of the permit is givin a different version number. 153 Most IRC servers do not require users to register an account but a user will have to set a nickname before being connected . Most IRC servers only require a user to set a nickname. Most IRC servers do not require users to register an account . A user will have to set a nickname before being connected . Most IRC computers do not need users to register an account but a user will have to set a small name before being connected . Most IRC servers do not want users to register an account, but a user will have to specify a nickname before being linked. Most IRC servers do not require users to register an account but a user will need to have a nickname before being connected. Most IRC servers don't make you have an account but you will have to have a nickname before getting on. Most IRC servers do not make users register an account but a user will have to choose a username before being connected. As far as IRC servers are concerned,users do not have to register an account, but they will have to select a nickname to get connected. 154 That same year he also received a mechanics certificate , becoming the youngest certificated airplane mechanic in New York . That same year he also got a mechanics certificate , becoming the youngest certificated airplane mechanic in New York . He received a mechanics certificate, being the youngest certificated airplane mechanic in New York. On the year he became the youngest certificated airplane mechanic in New York he also received a mechanics certificate. That same year, he also received a mechanics certificate; he became the youngest certified airplane mechanic in New York. The same year he received a mechanics certificate becoming the youngest certificated airplane mechanic in New York. That same year he also got a mechanics certificate , becoming the youngest certificated airplane mechanic in New York . He received a mechanics certificate the same year he became the youngest certified airplane mechanic in New York. He got a mechanics certification that year, too, making him New York's youngest, fully-certified aircraft mechanic. 155 SummerSlam ( 2009 ) is an upcoming professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by World Wrestling Entertainment ( WWE ) , which will take place on August 23 , 2009 at Staples Center in Los Angeles , California . SummerSlam ( 2009 ) is an upcoming professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by World Wrestling Entertainment ( WWE ) , which will take place on August 23 , 2009 at Staples Center in Los Angeles , California . SummerSlam ( 2009 ) is an next professional wrestling pay-per-view show produced by World Wrestling Entertainment ( WWE ) , which will take place on August 23 , 2009 at Staples Center in Los Angeles , California . SummerSlam ( 2009 ) is an upcoming expert fighting pay-per-view event produced by World fighting amusement ( WWE ) , which will take place on August 23 , 2009 at Staples Center in Los Angeles , California summerslam(2009) the upcoming wrestling pay-per-view event is produced by world wrestling entertaintment(wwe).it will take place on agust 23,2009 at staples center in los angeles,california SummerSlam is a pay-per-view wrestling event, which will take place on August 23 at the Staples Center in LA, California. On August 23rd 2009 WWE SummerSlam at Staples Center in LA will air on pay-per-view. SummerSlam (2009), produced by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) will be held on August 23, 2009 at Staples Center in Los Angeles and will be available on pay-per-view. Summerslam is an upcoming professional wrestling pay-per-view produced by World Wrestling Entertainment which will take place on August 23 2009 at the Staples Center. 156 Usually portrayed as being bald , with long whiskers , he is said to be an incarnation of the Southern Polestar . Usually portrayed as being bald , with long whiskers , he is said to be an incarnation of the Southern Polestar . Often shown as bald with long whiskers, he is said to be an incarnation of the Southern Polestar. Usually portrayed as being bald , with long whiskers , he is said to be an incarnation of the Southern Polestar . Usually portrayed as being bald, with long whiskers, he is said to be an incarnation of the Southern Polestar. It is said that the Southern Polestar is bald and has long whiskers. Portrayed as being bald with long whiskers, he is said to be an incarnation of the Southern Polestar. He is usually shown as bald with long whiskers and people say he looks like the Southern Polestar. Generally pictured as being bald , with long Mustache , he is said to be an embodiment of the Southern Polestar . 157 A few animals have chromatic response , changing color in changing environments , either seasonally ( ermine , snowshoe hare ) or far more rapidly with chromatophores in their integument ( the cephalopod family ) . Some animals change color when their environments change, a process called chromatic response, either seasonally, as with ermine and snowshoe hare, or far more rapidly with chromoa tophonres in theri integument (the cephalapod family.) A few animals change color depending on the changing environment with seasonally or far more rapidly. A few animals have chromatic response while changing color in changing environments either seasonally or more rapidly with chromatophores in their integument. A few animals have chromatic response , changing color while changing environments , either seasonally ( ermine , snowshoe hare ) or far more quickly with chromatophores in their outre protective layer (the cephalopod family ) . A few animals have chromatic response , changing color in changing environments , either seasonally ( ermine , snowshoe hare ) or far more rapidly with chromatophores in their integument ( the cephalopod family ) . A few animals can respond by changing colors when the environment changes or when seasons change. A few animals have related to the colours response , changing color in changing environments , either seasonally ( ermine , snowshoe hare ) or far more rapidly with chromatophores in their integument ( the cephalopod family ) . There are certain animals having chromatic response. They have the ability to change their body color according to the environment. It happens seasonally as in ermine and snwoshe hare. In the case of cephalopod family the color change is far more rapid with chromatophores in their integument. 158 Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship ( 14:10 ) Venis pinned Rikishi after Tazz hit Rikishi with a TV camera . Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a steel cage match to keep is WWF Intercontinental Championship, Venis pinned Rikishi after Tazz hit Rikishi with a t.v camera. Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship (14:10) and Venis pinned Rikishi after Tazz hit Rikishi with a TV camera Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a Steel cage match to keep the WWF Interncontinental Championship (14:10). Venis got hold of Rikishi after Tazz hit Rikisi with a TV camera. Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship ( 14:10 ) then Venis pinned Rikishi after Tazz hit Rikishi with a TV camera . Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship ( 14:10 ) Venis caught Rikishi after Tazz hit Rikishi with a TV camera . Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF Intercontinetal Championship. Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF International Championship (14:10). Vinis pinned Rikishi after Tazz hit Rikishi with a TV camera. Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship ( 14:10 ) Venis pinned Rikishi after Tazz hit Rikishi with a TV camera . 159 This closely resembles the Unix philosophy of having multiple programs each doing one thing well and working together over universal interfaces . This looks like the Unix idea of having several programs with each doing one thing and working together. This closely looks alike the Unix philosophy of having many programs each doing one thing well and working together over global networks . This resembles the Unix way of thinking of having many programs doing affair well, while working together over universal interfaces. This closely looks like the Unix Philosophy of having number of programs each doing one thing well and working together over universal interfaces. This resembles the Unix philosophy of having multiple programs that each do one thing well and work together over universal interfaces. This closely similarly to each other the Unix philosophy of having multiple programs each doing one thing well and working together over universal interfaces . This is much like the Stravinsky idea of having more than one program which each do one thing well and which work together across many platforms. This is like the Unix method of have many programs each doing one thing well and working together over universal interfaces. 160 He came from a musical family ; his mother , LaRue , was an administrative assistant and singer , and his father , Keith Brion , was a band director at Yale . His was a musical family, as his mother, LaRue, was a secretary and singer, while his father, Keith Brion, was a band director at Yale. He came from a musical family ; his mother , LaRue , was an administrative assistant and singer , and his father , Keith Brion , was a band director at Yale . His parents were musical. His mother LaRue was a singer and his father Keith Brion was a band director at Yale. His parents were part of the music industry. He came from a musical family ; his mother , LaRue , was an official helper and singer , and his father , Keith Brion , was a band director at Yale . He came from a musical family; his mother, LaRue, was an administrative assistant and singer, and his father, Keith Brion, was a band director at Yale. He had family with good musical background. His mother LaRue was a singer. She was working as an administrative assistant. His father Keith Brion was a band director at Yale. He came from a musical family in which his mother Larue was an administrative assistant and father Keith Brion was a band director at Yale. 161 The largest populations of Mennonites are in Canada , Democratic Republic of Congo and the United States , but Mennonites can also be found in tight-knit communities in at least 51 countries on six continents or scattered amongst the populace of those countries . The largest populations of Mennonites are in Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo and the United States. Mennonites also live in close communities in at least 51 countries on six continents, or scattered throughout the populations of those countries. The number of Mennonites population is found the greatest number in Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo and the United States. But this community can be found in large numbers in at least 51 countries of six continents. They are found dispersed among the other population of these countries. The largest populations of Mennonites are in Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo and the United States , but it is the sixth continents out of 51 countries. The largest populations of Mennonites are in Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo and the United States but Mennonites can be found in communities in 51 countries on six continents. While the largest groups of Mennonites are in Canada, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and in the United States, individual Mennonites, as well as tight- knit communities, can also be found among the populations of at least 51 countries on six continents. The largest populations of Mennonites are in Canada , Democratic Republic of Congo and the United States , but Mennonites can also be found in tight-knit communities in at least 51 countries on six continents or scattered amongst the populace of those countries . The largest populations of Mennonites are in Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo and the United States, but Mennonites can also be found in tight-knit communities in at least 51 countries on six continents or scattered amongst the population of those countries. 1. The largest populations of Mennonites are in Canada , Democratic Republic of Congo and the United States , but Mennonites can also be found in well-organized communities in at least 51 countries on six continents or scattered amongst the populace of those countries . 162 Naas is a major " Dublin Suburb " town , with many people living in Naas and working in Dublin . Naas is a great "Dublin Suburb "town, with many people living in Naas and working in Dublin. Naas is a main " Dublin Suburb " town , with many people living in Naas and working in Dublin . Naas is a major suburban town in Dublin that many people live in for the commute to work in Dublin. Naas is a "Dublin Suburb" town with people living in Naas and working in Dublin. Naas is a major " Dublin Suburb " town , with many people living in Naas and working in Dublin . Naas is a major "Dublin Suburb" town, with many people living in Naas and working in Dublin. Naas is a big town outside of Dublin where many Dublin workers live. Naas is a major "Dublin Suburb" town, as many people live in Naas and work in Dublin . 163 Acanthopholis 's armour consisted of oval plates set almost horizontally into the skin , with spikes protruding from the neck and shoulder area , along the spine . Acanthopholis's armour was made up of oval plates that were put into the skin lengthwise and had spikes that jutted out from the neck and shoulder area, across the spine. Acanthopholis's armour consisted of oval plates set horizontally into the skin, with spikes sticking out of the neck and shoulder area along the back Acanthopholis 's armour consisted of oval plates set almost horizontally into the skin , with spikes protruding from the neck and shoulder area , along the spine . Acanthopholis 's armour consisted of oval plates set almost horizontally into the skin , with spikes protruding from the neck and shoulder area , along the spine . An acanthopholis' armour consisted of oval plates set almost horizontally into the skin, with spikes protruding from the neck and shoulder area, along the spine. Acanthopholis's armour consisted of oval plates set horizontally into the skin with spikes outward from the neck and shoulder area. Acanthopholis 's armour consisted of oval plates set almost flat into the skin , with the thin pointed piece of metal projecting from the neck and shoulder area , along the spine . Acanthopholis' armour was made up of egg-shaped plates running from side to side from the skin with spikes coming from the neck and shoulder along the backbone. 164 Origin Irmo was chartered on Christmas Eve in 1890 in response to the opening of the Columbia , Newberry and Laurens Railroad . Origin Irmo was rented on Christmas Eve in 1890 in response to the opening of the Columbia , Newberry and Laurens Railway line. Due to the opening of the Columbia,Newberryand Laurens Railroad in 1890, Origin Irom was chartered on Christmas Eve. When the Columbia, Newberry and Laurens Railroad opened, Irmo station was charter on December 24, 1890. Origin Irmo came into existence on Christmas Eve in 1890. It was in response to the opening of the Columbia, Newberry and Laurens Railroad. Origin Irmo was chartered on Christmas Eve in 1890 in response to the opening of the Columbia, Newberry and Laurens Railroad. Origin Irmo was chartered on Christmas Eve in 1890 in response to the opening of the Columbia , Newberry and Laurens Railroad . Origin Irmo was chartered on Christmas Eve in 1890 in response to the opening of the Columbia , Newberry and Laurens Railroad . The Origin Irmo line was chartered on Christmas Eve, in 1890, in response to the opening of the Columbia, Newberry and Laurens Railroad lines. 165 Conversely , bills proposed by the Law Commission , and consolidation bills , start in the House of Lords . The bills proposed by the Law Commission and consolidation bills start in the House of Lords contrarily. Conversely , bills proposed by the Law Commission , and consolidation bills , start in the House of Lords . Bills proposed by the Law Commission and consolidation bills start in the House of Lords. Also, consolidation bills and bills proposed by the Law Commission start in the House of Lords. Bills proposed by the Law Commission , and consolidation bills , start in the House of Lords . To indicate that the bills proposed by the Law Commission , and consolidation bills , start in the House of Lords . Consolidation bills and bills proposed by the Law Commission start in the House of Lords. The Law Commission proposes bills, but consolidation bills start in the House of Lords 166 In the years before his final release in 1474 , when he began preparations for the reconquest of Wallachia , Vlad resided with his new wife in a house in the Hungarian capital . In the years before his final release in 1474 , when he began preparations for the reconquest of Wallachia , Vlad resided with his new wife in a house in the Hungarian capital . Before his final release in 1471, when he began to prepare for the reconquest of Wallachia, Vlad lived with his new wife in a house in the Hungarian capital. In the years before his final release in 1474 , when he began preparations for the reconquest of Wallachia , Vlad resided with his new wife in a house in the Hungarian capital . Before his final release in 1474, Vlad lived with his new wife in the Hungarian capital, where he prepared for his second conquest of Wallachia. Vlad and his new wife resided in the Hungarian capital where he made plans to retake Vlad was staying with his new wife in a house in the Hungarian capital. This period was before his final release in 1474. He began the preparations for the recover of Wallachia by conquest during the time of his release.. Years before his last release in 1474, when he was getting ready to retake Wallachia, Vlad lived with his new wife in a house in the capital of Hungary. In the years before his release in 1474, when he began preparations for reconquest of Wallachia, Vlad resided with his wife in a house in the Hungarian capital. 167 You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text , and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text , to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version . You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text to the end of the list of Cover Texts. You can add 5 words or less as a front cover text and 25 or less as a back cover text to the end of the list of cover texts in the modified version. for the cover texts in the modified version you have to add a passage of five words as a front-cover text and apassage upto 25 words as back-cover text You may add a sentence of up to five words printed on the front of the book, and sentences of up to 25 words printed on the back of the book, to the end of the list of cover wording choices in the version that allows changes. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text , and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text , to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the altered Version . a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, in the Modified Version . You can add a verse of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a paragraph of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the amended version. To the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version, you may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text 168 He is interred in the Restvale Cemetery in Alsip , Illinois . He is interred in Restvale Cemetery in Alsip Illinois. He is buried at the Restvale Cemetery in Alsip, Illinois, He is interred in the Restvale Cemetery in Alsip , Illinois . He is buried in the Restvale Cemetery in Alsip, Illinois. He is laid to rest in the Restvale Cemetery in Alsip , Illinois . He is buried in the Restvale Cemetery in Alsip, Illinois. He is buried in the Restvale Cemetery in Alsip, Illinois He is buried in the Restvale Cemetery in Alsip, Illinois. 169 Bone marrow is the flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of bones . Bone marrow is the flexible tissue found in the hollow insides of bones. Bone marrow is the flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of bones . Bone marrow is the flexible tissue found in the inner empty space of bones. Bone marrow is a mass of flexible tissue fills the interior hollow part of bones. Bone marrow is the flexible tissue found inside bones . Bone marrow is the bendable part found in the empty spot inside of bones. Bone marrow is the tissue found in the hollow interior of bones. Bone marrow is the elastic tissue found inside bones. 170 Reflection nebulae are usually blue because the scattering is more efficient for blue light than red ( this is the same scattering process that gives us blue skies and red sunsets ) . Reflection nebulae are commonly blue because the scattering is more powerful for blue light than red (this is the same reason for the sky appears in blue and the sunset in red colors Reflection nebulae are usually blue because the scattering is more efficient for blue light than red ( this is similar scattering process that gives us blue skies and red sunsets ) . Because the scattering process that gives us blue skies and red sunsets works better for blue light, reflection nebulae are more often blue. Reflection nebulae are usually blue because the scattering is more efficient for blue light than red. This same process gives us blue skies and red sunsets. Reflection nebulae are blue because the scattering is more efficient for blue light than red. Reflection nebulae (a cloud of gas and dust in outer space) are usually blue because the random spreading in various directions is more capable for blue light than red ( this is the same spreading process that gives us blue skies and red sunsets ) . Reflection nebulae are usually blue because the scattering is more efficient for blue light than red (the same scattering process that gives us blue skies and red sunsets). Reflection nebulae are usually blue because the scattering is more efficient for blue light than red ( this is the same scattering process that gives us blue skies and red sunsets ) . 171 Monteux is a commune of the Vaucluse département in southern France , in the area Provence-Alpes-Côte d 'Azur . Monteux is a commune of the Vaucluse département in southern France , in the area Provence-Alpes-Côte d 'Azur . Monteux is a commune of the Vaucluse départment in southern France , in the area Provence-Alpes-Côte d 'Azur . Monteux is a commune of the Vaucluse departement in France. Monteux is a commune of the Vaucluse department in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Monteus is a community of the Vaucluse department in southern France, in the area Provence-Alpes-Coted d'Azur. Monteux is a town of the Vaucluse département in southern France , in the area Provence-Alpes-Côte d 'Azur . Monteux is a commune of the Vaucluse département in southern France, in the area Provence-Alpes-Côte d 'Azur Monteux is a discussion of the Vaucluse department in southern France, in the area of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur. 172 MacGruber starts asking for simple objects to make something to defuse the bomb , but he is later distracted by something ( usually involving his personal life ) that makes him run out of time . MacGruber asked for many items to help shut the bomb off but he was distracted and ran out of time. MacGruber starts asking for objects to defuse the bomb but he is distracted by something that makes him run out of time. MacGruber starts asking for simple things to make something to make the bomb useless , but he later loses focus due to something ( usually involving his personal life ) that makes him run out of time. MacGruber starts asking for simple objects to make something to set off the bomb, but he is later distracted by something usually involving his personal life) that makes him run out of time. MacGruber invented a simple objects to defuse the bomb, but it is failed. MacGruber starts asking for simple items to make something to deactivate the bomb , but he is later interfered by something ( usually involving his personal life ) that makes him run out of time . All MacGruber needed was simple objects to defuse a bomb; however, as usual, he was distracted by personal issues and ran out of time. MacGruber begins requesting for easy things to make something to remove the fuze from the bomb, but later he is diverted by something (commonly involving his personal life) that causes him run out of time. 173 This was substantially complete when Messiaen died , and Yvonne Loriod undertook the final movement 's orchestration with advice from George Benjamin . This was substantially complete when Messiaen died , and Yvonne Loriod undertook the final movement 's of orchestration with advice from George Benjamin . Yvonne Loriod completed the final decided movement, with advice from George Benjamin, when Messiaen died. This was greatly complete when messian died, and Yvonne Loriod undertook the final movement's orchestration with advice from George Benjamin. This was almost done wiht Messiaen died, and Yvonne Loriod finished it with help from George Benjamin. As this was almost finished when Messiaen died, Yvonne Loriod took on the final movement's orchestration with advice from George Benjamin. This was complete when Messiaen died and Yvonne Loriod took the final movement's orchestration with advice from George Benjamin. This was fully complete when Messiaen died, and Yvonne Loriod attempted the final movement's orchestration with advice from George Benjamin. This was almost finished when Messiaen died, and Yvonne Loriod started work on the final movement 's orchestration with advice from George Benjamin. 174 Shi 'a Muslims consider Karbala to be one of their holiest cities after Mecca , Medina , Jerusalem and Najaf . Shi'a Muslims consider Karbala to be one of their holiest cities after Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and Najaf. Shi'a Muslims think of Karbala as one of their holiest cities after Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and Najaf. Shi 'a Muslims believe Karbala to be one of their godly cities after Mecca , Medina , Jerusalem and Najaf . Shi'a Muslims consider Karbala one of their holiest cities after Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, and Najaf. Shi 'a Muslims consider Karbala to be one of their holiest cities after Mecca , Medina , Jerusalem and Najaf . Shi'a Muslims consider Karbala to be one of their holiest cities after Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and Najaf. Shi'a Muslims consider Karbala to be one of their holiest cities after Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and Najaf. Shi'a Muslims think about Karbala as one of their holiest cities after Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and Najaf. 175 The PAD called for the resignation of the governments of Thaksin Shinawatra , Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat , whom the PAD accused of being proxies for Thaksin . The Pad called for Thakin Shinaatra, Samak Sundaravej and Somchai to step down as government leaders because the Pad considered them to be used by Thaksin. The PAD called for the resignation of the governments of Thaksin Shinawatra, Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat, whom the PAD accused of being proxies for Thaksin. The PAD called for the resignation of the governments of Thaksin Shinawatra, Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat whom the PAD accused of being proxies for Thaksin. The PAD accused the governments of Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat of being proxies for the Thaksin Shinawatra government, and called for all three to resign. The PAD called for the resignation of the governments of Thaksin Shinawatra , Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat , whom the PAD accused of being proxies for Thaksin . The PAD called for the resignation of governments of Thaksin Shinawatra, Samak Sundaravej, and Somchai Wongsawat, whom the PAD said were proxies for Thaksin. The PAD called for the resignation of the governments of Thaksin Shinawatra , Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat. The PAD called for the resignation of the governments of Thaksin Shinawatra , Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat , whom the PAD accused of being proxies for Thaksin . 176 However travel through very remote areas , on isolated tracks , requires advance planning and a suitable , reliable vehicle ( usually a four wheel drive ) . However, travel through very remote areas, on isolated tracks, requires advance planning and a suitable, reliable vehicle (usually a four wheel drive). Traveling through remote areas, on isolated tracks, requires advance planning as well as a good, reliable vehicle, usually with four wheel drive. Traveling through remote and isolated areas typically requires planning and a reliable four wheel drive vehicle. However travel through very remote areas, on isolated tracks, needs advance planning and a suitable, dependable vehicle (usually a four wheel drive). However travel in remote areas usually needs a car that works well and is right for it, usually with four wheel drive. Advance planning and a suitable , reliable vehicle ( usually a four wheel drive ) when we decide to travel through very remote areas. However travel through very very far or distant areas , alone on the tracks , requires advance planning and a suitable , reliable vehicle ( usually a four wheel drive ) . However travel through very remote areas , on isolated tracks , requires advance planning and a suitable , reliable vehicle ( usually a four wheel drive ) . 177 While at Kahn he was chief architect for the Fisher Building in 1928 . He was a chief architect fot Fisher Building in 1928 when he was at Kahn While at Kahn he was chief architect for the Fisher Building in 1928 . He was a chief architect at Kahn for the Fisher Building in 1928. While at Kahn he was chief architect for the Fisher Building in 1928. When at Kahn he was chief architect for the Fisher Building in 1928 . In 1928, while at Kahn, he was chief architect for the Fisher Building. He was chief architect for the Fisher Building in 1928 . When he was at Kahn in 1928 ,he was the chief architect for the Fisher Building . 178 He excuses himself because he has to leave for rehearsal , and he and Dr. Schön leave . He excuses himself because he has to leave for rehearsal, Dr.Dr. Schön leave He has to be at rehearsal, so he and Dr. Schön leave. He and Dr. Schön leave for rehearsal after he excuses himself. He asks permission to go because he has to go for rehearsal , and he and Dr. Schön go. He says he has to go to practice and he and Dr. Schön leave. He excuses himself to leave for rehearsal, along with DR. Schon. He excuses himself because he had to leave for rehearsal. He excuses himself because he and Dr.Schon have to leave for rehearsal. 179 Britpop emerged from the British independent music scene of the early 1990s and was characterised by bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s . Britpop emerged from the British independent music scene of the early 1990s and was characterised by bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s . Britpop emerged from the British independent music scene of the early 1990s and was characterised by bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s. Britpop came from the British independent music scene in the early 1990s, influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s. Britpop emerged from the British independent music scene of the early 1990s and was characterised by bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s . In the early 1990s Britpop emerged from the British Independent Music Scene and was decribed as bands that were influenced by Bristish guitar pop of the 1960s and 1970s. Britpop emerged from the British independent music, and was influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s. Britpop begined from the British independent music scene of the early 1990s and was represented by bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s . Britpop came into view from the British independent music scene of the early 1990s. It was marked by bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s. 180 This was absorbed into battalions being formed for XI International Brigade . This was added to battalions being formed for XI International Brigade . This was taken into the army which was being formed for the XI International Brigade . This was absorbed into battalions that were formed for XI International Brigade. It was absorbed into battalions being formed for XI International Brigade . This was absorbed (involved or entertained) into battalions being formed for XI International Brigade . This was taken up into body of men ready to fight being formed for the XI International army unit This was engrossed into formations being formed fo XI International Brigade. This was absorbed into battalions being formed for XI Brigade. 181 The Sheppard line currently has fewer users than the other two subway lines , and shorter trains are run . The Sheppard line not only has fewer users than the other two subway lines, it also runs shorter trains. Right now the Sheppard line has fewer users than the other two subway lines, so shorter trains are run. The Sheppard line currently used other then then two subway lines. The Sheppard line currently has fewer users than the other two subway lines. The Sheppard line now has less users than the other two underground lines , and shorter trains are run . The Sheppard line now has less users than the other two subway lines, and shorter trains are run. The other two subway lines have more users than the Sheppard line. Shorter trains run through it. The Sheppard line has fewer users than other two subway lines and shorter trains are run. 182 It has a capacity of 98,772 , making it the largest stadium in Europe , and the eleventh largest in the world . It can seat 98.772, which makes it the largest stadium in Europe, and the eleventh largest in the world. It can hold 98,772, making it the largest stadium in Europe, and the eleventh largest in the world. It has a capacity of 98,772 making it the largest stadium in Europe and eleventh largest in the world. It can accommodate 98,772 people which makes it the largest stadium in Europe and the eleventh largest in the world. It has a capacity of 98,772 , making it the largest stadium in Europe , and the eleventh largest i It has a accommodation of 98,772 , making it the biggest stadium in Europe , and the eleventh biggest in the world . It has a capacity of 98,772 , making it the largest stadium in Europe , and the eleventh largest in the world . With a capacity of 98,722, this stadium is the largest in Europe and eleventh largest in the world. 183 In December , 1967 , Ten Boom was honored as one of the Righteous Among the Nations by the State of Israel . In December, 1967, Ten Boon was honored as part of the Righteous Amoung the Nations by the State of Israel. In December of 1967, Ten Boom was honored as one of the Righteous Among the Nations by the State of Israel. Ted Boom was honored as one of the Righteous Among the Nations by the State of Israel in December, 1967. In December 1967 , the State of Israel honored Ten Boom as one of the Righteous Among the Nations. The State of Israel called Ten Boom one of the "Righteous Among the Nations" in December 1967. The State Of Israel awarded Ten Boom as one of the Righteous Among the Nations in December. 1967. In December 1967, Israel honored Ten Boom as a member of the Righteous Among the Nations. In December 1967, Ten Boom was honored as one of the Righteous Among the Nations by Israel. 184 Some articles are quite lengthy and rich in content while others are shorter ( possibly stubs ) and of lesser quality . Some clauses are rather lengthy and rich in content while others are shorter (possibly stubs) and of lesser quality. Some articles are quite lengthy and rich in content while others are shorter ( possibly stubs ) and of lesser quality . Some articles are quite lengthy and rich in content while others are shorter ( possibly stubs ) and of lesser quality. Some articles are actually very long and rich in matter, but at the same time others are shorter (possibly short end) and of lesser quality. Some articles are quite lengthy and rich in content while others are shorter ( possibly stubs ) and of lesser quality . Some articles are very long and have a lot of content, while others are shorter and possibly stubs as well as of lesser quality. Some stories are really long and detailed, while others are shorter and not as good. Some articles are lengthy and rich in content while others are shorter and less quality. 185 About 95 species are currently accepted . About 95 kinds are being accepted now. About 95 species are currently accepted . About 95 species are currently accepted. About 95 species are currently accepted. About 95 species are currently accepted. About 95 species are currently accepted 95 species are accepted. About ninety-five species are currently accepted. 186 Eugowra is said to be named after the Indigenous Australian word meaning " The place where the sand washes down the hill " . Eugowra is said to be named after the Indigenous Australian word meaning " The place where the sand washes down the hill " . Eugowra is said to be named after the Indigenous Australian word meaning " The place where the sand washes down the hill " . Eugowra is named after the Indigenous Australian word meaning "The place where the sand washes down the hill." Eugowra is said to be named after the native word meaning "The place where sand washes down the hill". Euphoria is said to be named after the nearby Australian word that is " The place where the sand washes down the hill Eugowra, named after an Indigenous Australian word, means "The place where the sand washes down the hill." Eugowra is said to be named after the indigenous Australian word meaning, "the place where the sand washes down the hill." Eugowra is said to be named after the original or native Australian word meaning " The place where the sand washes down the hill " . 187 Terms such as " undies " for underwear and " movie " for " moving picture " are oft-heard terms in English . words like undies, movie, are oft-heard terms in English . Terms such as " undies " for underwear and " movie " for " moving picture " are common phrases in English . The term "undies" means underwear and the term "movie" means moving picture. These two are often heard terms in English. "undies" for underwear and "movie" for motion picture are English slang words. Words like "undies" for underwear and "movie" for "moving picture" are common in English. Terms like "undies" for underwear and "movie" for moving picture are oft-heard terms in English. We often come across shorter versions of words to represent certain words such as "undies" to represent underwear and the word "movie" that stands for a moving picture. Terms such as "undies" for underwear and "movie" for "moving picture" are oft-heard terms in English. 188 Jurisdiction draws its substance from public international law , conflict of laws , constitutional law and the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government to allocate resources to best serve the needs of its native society . Power moves towards its material from community national boundaries, opposition of laws, organizational law and ability of the administrative and creative offshoots of government to assign support to best serve the needs of its native society. Jurisdiction draws from public international law, conflict of laws, constitutional law, and the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government to use resources to serve the needs of their society. Jurisdiction draws its substance from public international law , conflict of laws , constitutional law and the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government to allocate resources to best serve the needs of its native society . Jurisdiction draws its substance from public international law. conflict of laws, constitutional law and the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government to allocate resource to best serve the needs of its native society. Judiciary gets its substance from public international law , conflict of laws , constitutional law and the powers of the executive and parliamentary branches of government to distribute resources to best serve the needs of its local society . Jurisdiction draws its substance from public international law, conflict of laws and the powers of the executive and legislative branches of goverment to allocate resources to serve the needs of its society. Jurisdiction comes from various types of laws and governments distributing resources to serve society. Jurisdiction is obtained from public international law, conflict law, constitutional and executive and legislative branches of government in order to determine the resources needed to serve the citizens. 189 He followed this with several other pieces about Hiawatha : The Death of Minnehaha , Overture to The Song of Hiawatha and Hiawatha 's Departure . He followed this with other pieces about Hiawatha: The Death of Minnehaha, Overture to The Song of Hiawatha and Hiawatha's Departure. He followed this with several other pieces about Hiawatha : The Death of Minnehaha , Overture to The Song of Hiawatha and Hiawatha 's Departure . He followed with pieces about Hawatha:The Death of Minnehaha, Overture to The Song of Hiawatha and Hiawatha's Departure. He wrote other pieces about Hiawatha after the first, including "The Death of Minnehaha, Overture to the Song of Hiawatha" and "Hiawatha's Departure." He followed it with more pieces about Hiawatha : The Death of Minnehaha, Overture to The Song of Hiawatha, and Hiawatha's Departure. He followed this with several other pieces about Hiawatha : The Death of Minnehaha , Overture to The Song of Hiawatha and Hiawatha 's Departure . He followed this with several other pieces about Hiawatha : The Death of Minnehaha , Overture to The Song of Hiawatha and Hiawatha 's Departure . in addition to several other pieces about hiawatha he followed the death of minnehaha,overture to the song of hiawatha and his depaarture 190 The capital of the state is Aracaju ( pop . Aracaju is the capital of the state. Aracaju is the capital. The capital of the state if Aracaju. The wealth of the state is Aracaju The capital of the state is Aracaju. The capital of the state is Aracaju (pop). The capital of the state is Aracaju ( pop . Aracaju is the capital of its state. 191 Despite this , Farrenc was paid less than her male counterparts for nearly a decade . Even so, Farrenc was paid less than her male peers for nearly 10 years. Despite this, Farrenc made less money than males in her field for almost a decade. Despite this , he was paid less than her male counterparts for nearly a decade . Despite this , Farrenc was paid less than her male colleges for nearly a 10 years . Farrenc was paid less than the men in her field for nearly 10 years in spite of this. Despite this Farrenc was paid less than her male counterparts for about a decade. Even though Farrenc made less than the men for almost ten years Farrenc was paid less than her male counterparts for nearly a decade. 192 Gumbasia was created in a style Vorkapich taught called Kinesthetic Film Principles . Vorkapich taught Gumbasia in a style called Kinesthetic Film Principles. Gumbasia was made in a style Vorkapich taught called Kinesthetic Film Principles . Gumbasia was made using Kinesthetic Film Principles which was taught by Vorkapich. Gumbasia was created in a style Vorkapich taught called Kinesthetic Film Principles. Gumbasia was created in a style Vorkapich, follows the principle of film Kinesthetic. Gumbasia was crated in a style Vorkapich taught called Kinesthetic Film Principles. Gumbasia was made in a style called Kinesthetic Principles, taught by Vorkapich. Gumbasia was made in a style Vorkapich taught called Kinesthetic Film Principles . 193 The lawyer , Brandon ( Waise Lee ) , became his idol , and MK Sun grew up to be a lawyer . The lawyer Brandon ( Waise Lee ) was his idol as MK Sun grew up to be a lawyer. The lawyer , Brandon ( Waise Lee ) , became his hero , and MK Sun grew up to be a lawyer. The lawyer , Brandon ( Waise Lee ) , became his idol , and MK Sun grew up to be a lawyer . The lawyer Brandon Waise Lee became his idol and MK Sun grew up to be a lawyer. MK Sun grew up to be a lawyer, like his idol Waise Lee. He admired the lawyer, Brandon (Waise Lee) and MK Sun grew up to be a lawyer. Like his idol, Brandon ( Waise Lee ), MK Sun became a lawyer. MK Sun grew up to be a lawyer just like his idol Brandon. 194 ISBN 1-876429-14-3 is an historic township located near Cowra in the central west of New South Wales , Australia in Cabonne Shire . ISBN 1-876429-14-3 is an historic suburb located near Cowra in the central west of New South Wales , Australia in Cabonne Shire . ISBN 1-876429-14-3 is a historic township located near Cowra in the central west of New South Wales, Australia in Cabonne Shire. ISBN 1-876429-14-3 is an historic township located near Cowra in the central west of New South Wales, Australia in Cabonne Shire. ISBN 1-876429-14-3 is an historic township located near Cowra in the central west of New South Wales , Australia in Cabonne Shire . ISBN 1-876429-14-3 is an historic township located near Cowra in the central west of New South Wales , Australia in Cabonne Shire . ISBN 1-876429-14-3 is a historic township located near Cowra in the central west of New South Wales, Australia in Cabonne Shire. ISBN 1-876429-14-3 is an historic township located near Cowra in the central west of New South Wales , Australia in Cabonne Shire . ISBN 1-876429-14-3 is a historic township located in Austrailia near the town of Cowra. 195 Military career Donaldson enlisted in the Australian Army on 18 June 2002 . Donaldson inlisted in Australia's army on June 18, 2002 to start his military career. As per the military career, Donaldson was enlisted in the Australian Army on 18th june 2002 Military career Donaldson enlisted in the Australian Army on 18 June 2002 . Military career Donaldson enlisted in Australian Army on June 18 2002. Donaldson signed up for the Australian Army on 18 June 2002. Donaldson enlisted for his military career in the Australian Army on 18 June 2002. Donaldson began his military career when he enlisted in the Australian Army on June 18th, 2002. Donaldson joined the Australian Army on 18 June 2002. 196 Prospectors from California , Europe and China were also digging along the Peel River and up the mountain slopes . Prospectors from California, Europe and China were also digging along the Peel River and up the mountain slopes. Miners from America, Europe, and China were digging near the Peel River and up the mountains. People from California, Europe and China were digging beside the Peel River and up the mountains looking for valuable things.. Prospectors from California, Europe and China are digging along the Peel River and the mountain slopes. documents from California , Europe and China were also digging along the Peel River and up the mountain slopes . Prospectors from California, Europe, and China were also digging along the Peel River and mountain slopes. The people from California, Europ and China were also digging along the Peel River and up the mountain slopes in search or petroleum or valuable metals. Prospectors from California, Europe and China also dug along the Peel River and up the mountain slopes. 197 Before the advent of the pocket calculator , it was the most commonly used calculation tool in science and engineering . Before the invention of the pocket calculator , it was the most commonly used calculation tool in science and engineering . Before the pocket calculator it was the most used calculation tool in science and engineering. Before the arrival of the pocket calculator , it was the most commonly used calculation tool in science and engineering . Before the arrival of the pocket calculator , it was the most commonly used calculation tool in science and engineering . Before the advent of the pocket calculator , it was the most commonly used calculation device in science and engineering . It was the most often used calculation tool in science and engineering before the invention of the pocket calculator. It was the most commonly used calculation tool in science and engineering before the pocket calculator. Before pocket calculators were created, it was the most used tool for doing math in science and engineering. 198 The Kindle 2 features 16-level grayscale display , improved battery life , 20 percent faster page-refreshing , a text-to-speech option to read the text aloud , and overall thickness reduced from 0.8 to 0.36 inches ( 9.1 millimeters ) . The Kindle 2 features grayscale display, improved battery life, and overall thickness reduced. The charectiristics of The Kindle 2 includes 16-level grayscale display, longer battery life, 20 percent speedier page -refreshing, a text-to-speech option to read the text loudly, and the total thickeness lowered to 0.36 inches (9.1 millimeters) from 0.8 inches. Reduced from 0.8 to 0.36 inches (9.1milimeters,) the Kindle 2 has less thickness, 20% faster page-refreshing, a text-to speach option, to read the text aloud, and a 16-level grayscale display. The Kindle 2 has improved in several ways. Its display is better; the battery lasts longer; it loads pages faster; it offers test-to-speech so it reads the text to you and it is thinner. The Kindle 2 features 16-level grayscale display, improved battery life, 20 percent faster page-refreshing, a text-to-speech option to read the text aloud, and overall thickness reduced from 0.8 to 0.36 inches (9.1 millimeters). The Kindle 2 features 20 percent . It faster page-refreshing . a text-to-speech option to read the text aloud , and overall thickness reduced from 0.8 to 0.36 inches ( 9.1 millimeters ) . The Kindle 2 features 16-level grayscale display, improved battery life, 20 percent faster page-refreshing, a text-to-speech option and overall thickness reduced from 0.8 to 0.36 inches. The Kindle 2 features 16-level grayscale display , improved battery life , 20 percent faster page-refreshing , a text-to-speech option to read the text aloud , and overall thickness reduced from 0.8 to 0.36 inches ( 9.1 millimeters ) . 199 Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk . Yoghurt or yogurt is a milk-based food made by bacterial fermentation of milk. Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product made by bacterial fermentation of milk . Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product that is made by bacterial fermentation of milk. Yogurt is a dairy product made with bacteria and milk. Yoghurt, also called yogurt, is a dairy product produced when bacteria ferments in milk. Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk . Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product produced by fermentation of milk. Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product made by adding bacteria to milk and letting it ferment. 200 Seventy-five defencemen are in the Hall of Fame , more than any other current position , while only 35 goaltenders have been inducted . Out of seventy-five defencemen in the hall of fame, only 35 goaltenders have been inducted. 75 defencemen are in the Hall of Fame , more than any other position , while only 35 goaltenders have been inducted . While there are only thirty-five goaltenders in the Hall of fame, there are seventy-five defencemen, more than any other position held today. Seventy-five defencemen are in the Hall of Fame, more than any other current position, while only 35 goaltenders have been inducted. Seventy-five defencemen are in the Hall of Fame , more than any other current position , while only 35 goaltenders have been inducted . Seventy-five defencemen are there in the Hall of Fame, more than any other current position, while only 35 goaltenders have been called up. Seventy-five militarymen are in the Hall of Fame , more than any other ongoing position , while only 35 goaltenders have been called up . Seventy-five defencemen are in the Hall of Fame while only 35 goaltenders have been inducted. 201 Alternative views on the subject have been proposed throughout the centuries ( see below ) , but all were rejected by mainstream Christian bodies . Different views on the subject have been brought up over the centuries (see below), but all were rejected by mainstream Christian bodies, Alternative views on the subject have been proposed throughout the centuries but all were rejected by Christian bodies. Although different views on the subject were offered thoughout the centuries, none were accepted by the mainstream Christian churches. Mainstream Christian bodies rejected all the alternative views on the subject that were proposed over the centuries. (See below). other views on the subject have been suggested throughout the centuries ( see below ) , but all were rejected by main Christian bodies . Mainstream Christian organizatoins have rejected alternative views through the centuries (see below). . Alternative views on the subject have been proposed throughout the centuries ( see below ) , but all were rejected by mainstream Christian bodies . Mainstream Christian groups denied alternative views on the subject throughout the centuries. (see below) 202 The album , however , was banned from many record stores nationwide . The album is banned from many record stores nationwide . The album , on the other hand, was banned from many record shops in the whole country. The album was banned from many record stores across the country. However, the album has been prohibited from many record stores in the entire nation. However, the album was banned nationwide from many record stores. The album was banned from many record stores. The album, however, was not allowed in many record stores across the country. The album was not allowed in many record stores in America. 203 The legs are wide at the top , and narrow at the ankle . The legs are wide at the top, and narrow at the ankle. The legs are wide and the top and get smaller by the ankle The legs are wide at the top , and narrow at the ankle . The legs are wide at the top , and narrow at the ankle . The legs are wide at the top, and narrow at the ankle. The legs are wide at the top and narrow near the ankle. The legs are wide at the top and narrow at the ankle. The legs are wide at the top, and slim at the ankle 204 In late 2004 , Suleman made headlines by cutting Howard Stern 's radio show from four Citadel stations , citing Stern 's frequent discussions regarding his upcoming move to Sirius Satellite Radio . In late 2004 , Suleman made headlines by cutting Howard Stern 's radio direct relay from four Citadel stations , citing Stern 's frequent discussions regarding his upcoming move to Sirius Satellite Radio . In late 2004 , Suleman made headlines by cutting Howard Stern 's radio show from four Citadel stations , mentioning Stern 's frequent talks of his next move to Sirius Satellite Radio . Late in 2004, Suleman made headlines by cutting Howard Stern's radio show from four Citadel stantions, saying it was due to Stern's many talks about his upcoming move to Sirius Satellite Radio. In 2004 Suleman made headlines by cutting Howard Stern's radio show from four Citadel stations, citing Stern's discussions regarding his move to Sirius Radio. In late 2004, Suleman made headlines by removing Howard Stern's radio show from four Citadel stations, citing Stern frequently talking about his upcoming move to Sirius Satellite Radio. Late in 2004 Suleman was noticed for cutting Howard Stern's radio show from four stations since Stern brought up his move to Sirius Satellite Radio. In late 2004, Suleman was in the news for cutting Howard Stern's radio show from four Citadel stations, stating that he did so because of Stern's repeated discusions about his future move to Sirius Satellite Radio. Howard Stern's many discussions regarding moving his radio show from Sirius Satellite Radio caused Suleman to cut Stern's show from four Citadel stations in 2004. 205 The company opened twice as many Canadian outlets as McDonald 's " Wendy 's confirms Tim Hortons IPO by March " , Ottawa Business Journal , December 1 , 2005 , and system-wide sales also surpassed those of McDonald 's Canadian operations as of 2002 . The company opened two times as many restaurants in Canada as McDonald 's " Wendy 's confirms Tim Hortons IPO by March " , Ottawa Business Journal , December 1 , 2005 , and sales throughout the company were also greater than those of McDonald 's Canadian business as of 2002. The company opened twice as many Canadian outlets as McDonald 's " Wendy 's confirms Tim Hortons IPO by March " , Ottawa Business Journal , December 1 , 2005 , and system-wide sales also surpassed those of McDonald 's Canadian operations as of 2002 . As per the Ottawa Business Journal, December 1, 2005, the company opened twice as many Canadian outlets as McDonald's "Wendy's confirms Tim Hortons IPO by March". The system wide sales of the company also excelled those of McDonald's Canadian operations as of 2002.'s The company opened twice as many Canadian outlets as McDonald 's " Wendy 's confirms Tim Hortons IPO by March " , Ottawa Business Journal , December 1 , 2005 , and system-wide sales also surpassed those of McDonald 's Canadian operations as of 2002 . The company opened twice as many Canadian outlets as McDonald's, and system-wide sales also surpassed McDonald's 2002 Canadian operations. "Wendy 's confirms Tim Hortons IPO by March," Ottawa Business Journal , December 1 , 2005. The company opened twice as many Canadian outlets as McDonald 's Canadian operations as of 2002 . The company opened twice as many Canadian shops as McDonald 's " Wendy 's confirms Tim Hortons IPO by March " , Ottawa Business Journal , December 1 , 2005 , and system-wide sales also increased those of McDonald 's Canadians from record of 2002 . The Ottawa Business Journal, December 1, 2005, noted that the company opened twice as many Canadian outlets as McDonald's or Wendy's, beating the system-wide sales of McDonald 206 Plot Captain Caleb Holt ( Kirk Cameron ) is a firefighter in Albany , Georgia and firmly keeps the cardinal rule of all firemen , " Never leave your partner behind " . Plot Captain Caleb Holt ( Kirk Cameron ) is a firefighter in Albany , Georgia and trictly keeps the first rule of all firemen , " Never leave your partner behind " . Plot Captain Caleb Holt (actor: Kirk Cameron) is a firefighter in Albany, Georgia. He firmly keeps essential rule of all firemen, "Never leave your partner behind". Kirk Cameron Plot Captain is a firefighter in Albany , Georgia and firmly keeps the cardinal rule of all firemen , " Never leave your partner behind " . small bit of land Captain Caleb Holt ( Kirk Cameron ) is a firefighter in Albany , Georgia and firmly keeps the unbroken number rule of all firemen , " not ever let go of your one married to another behind " . Plot Captain Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a firefighter in Albany, Georgia and firmly sticks to the first rule of all firemen, "Never leave your partner behind." Plot Captain Caleb Holt played by Kirk Cameron is a firefighter in Georgia and keeps the rule of all firemen, "Never leave your partner behind". Captain Caleb Holt (played by actor Kirk Cameron) is a fireman in Albany, Georgia and believes the fireman rule "Never leave your partner behind". Kirk Cameron, a firefighter in Albany,Georgia, always follows this rule: Never leave your partner behind. 207 He won the presidential election held on 2 March 2008 with 71.25 % of the popular vote . He conquered the presidential poll on 2 March 2008 with 71.25% of the popular vote. He won the presidential election on 2 March 2008 with 71.25% of the popular vote. He won the presidential election on March 2nd, 2008 with 71.25% of the popular vote. He won the presidential election held on 2 March 2008 with 71.25 % of the popular vote . He won the presidential election conducted on 2 March 2008 and secured 71.25 % of the total votes polled. He won the presidential election conducted on 2 March 2008 with 71.25 % of the famous vote . He won the election with 71% of the vote. He won the presidential election held on 2 March 2008 with 71.25 % of the people vote . 208 The plant is considered a living fossil . The plant is considered a living fossil. The plant is considered a living fossil . The plant is seen as a living fossil. The plant is thought to be a living fossil. The plant is a living fossil. The plant is a living fossil. The plant is thought of as a living fossil. The plant is considered a living fossil. 209 In 1990 , she was the only female entertainer allowed to perform in Saudi Arabia . as a female entertainer she alone was allowed to perform in saudi arabia during 1990 She was the only female entertainer allowed to perform in Saudi Arabia during 1990. In 1990 , she was the only female entertainer allowed to perform in Saudi Arabia . In Saudi Arabia (1990) there was only one female entertainer allowed to perform. In 1990 , she was the only female entertainer allowed to perform in Saudi Arabia . In 1990 , she was the only girl entertainer allowed to perform in Saudi Arabia . In 1990, she was the only female entertainer allowed to perform in Saudi Arabia. In 1990 she was the only female entertainer allowed to perform in Saudi Arabia. 210 Orchestration Stravinsky first conceived of writing the ballet in 1913 . Stravinsky first conceived of writing the ballet in 1913. The composer Stravinsky first thought of writing music for the ballet in 1913. Orchestra leader Stravinsky first thought of writing the ballet in 1913. Stravinsky first though to write the music for the ballet in 1913. Orchestration Stravinsky first dreamt up with writing the ballet in 1913. Stravinsky first thought of writing the ballet's orchestration in 1913. Orchestration Stravinsky firts considered writing the ballet in 1913 Orchestration Stravinsky first conceived of writing the ballet in 1913 . 211 Protests across the nation were suppressed . Protests across the nation were stopped. There was a suppression of protests across the nation. Protests across the nation were stifled The authorities forcibly put an end to protests across the nation. Protests across the nation were suppressed. Protests across the nation were put down. Protests across the nation were stopped. Protests across the nation were suppressed. 212 Offenbach 's numerous operettas , such as Orpheus in the Underworld , and La belle Hélène , were extremely popular in both France and the English-speaking world during the 1850s and 1860s . Offenbach 'S a great number of operettas , such as Orpheus in the Underworld , and La beautiful woman Helene , were greatly pleasing to all in both France and the english-talking earth during the 1850s and 1860s Offenbach's many operattas, including Orpheus in the Underworld and La belle Helene, were very popular in France and the English-speaking world in the 1850s and 1860s. Offenbach 's numerous operettas , such as Orpheus in the Underworld , and La belle Hélène , were verypopular in both France and the English-speaking world during the 1850s and 1860s . Offenbach 'S a great number of operettas , such as Orpheus in the Underworld , and La beautiful woman Helene , were greatly pleasing to all in both France and the english-talking earth during the 1850s and 1860s . During the 1850s and 1860s, Orpheus in the Underworld and La belle Hélène were some of the famous Offenbach's operettas in both France and the English-speaking world. Offenbach 's numerous operettas , such as Orpheus in the Underworld , and La belle Hélène , were very great popular in both France and the English-speaking world during the 1850s and 1860s . Offenbach's many operettas, such as Orpheus in the Underworld, and La belle Hélène, were very popular in France and in the English-speaking world during the 1850s and 1860s. Offenbach's operettas, such as Orpheus in the Underworld and La belle Hélène, were very popular in France and the English-speaking world during the 1850's and 1860's. 213 Roof tiles dating back to the Tang Dynasty with this symbol have been found west of the ancient city of Chang 'an ( modern-day Xian ) . Roof tiles during Tang Dynasty with this symbol have been found west of the ancient city of Chang 'an or modern-day Xian. Roof tiles used during the dynasty of Tang were recovered from the west of ancient city of Chang'an. They carried this symbol. The city Chang'an nowadays known as Xian. Roof tiles dating back to the Tang Dynasty with this marking have been found west of the ancient city of Chang'an (present day Xian). Roof tiles date back to the Tang Dynasty with this symbol which was found west of the ancient city of Chang'an. Roof tiles dating back to the Tang Dynasty with this symbol have been found west of the ancient city of Chang 'an ( modern-day Xian ) . roofing tiles used before the tang dynasty with this symbol is found in western parts of ancient chang'an(modern-day xian) Roof tiles of the time of the Tang Dynasty with this symbol have been found west of the old city of Chang 'an ( modern-day Xian ) . Roof tiles dating back to the Tang Dynasty with this sign have been found west of the old city of Chang 'an which today is called Xian. 214 Jeanne Marie-Madeleine Demessieux ( February 13 , 1921 November 11 , 1968 ) , was a French organist , pianist , composer , and pedagogue . Jeanne Marie-Madeleine Demessieux was a French organist, pianist, composer and pedagogue. Jeanne Marie-Madeleine Demessieux ( February 13 , 1921 November 11 , 1968 ) , was a French organist , pianist , composer , and pedagogue . Jeanne Marie-Madeleine Demessieux ( February 13 , 1921 November 11 , 1968 ) , was a French organist , pianist , composer , and a strict teacher. Jeanne Marie-Madeleine Demessieux (February 13, 1921 November 11, 1968), was a French organist, pianist, composer, and a strict teacher. Jeanne Marie-Madeleine Demessieux lived from February 13, 1921 until November 11, 1968 and was a French organist, pianist, composer and teacher. Jeanne Marie-Madeleine Demessieux (February 13, 1921–November 11, 1968), was a French organist, pianist, composer, and pedagogue. Jeanne Marie- Madeleine Demessieux , born on 13th February 1921 and died on 11th November 1968, was a French organist,pianist,composer and teacher. Jeanne Marie-Madeleine Demessieux was a French organist , pianist , composer , and pedagogue . 215 By most accounts , the instrument was nearly impossible to control . It was nearly impossible to control the instrument, by most accounts. Most people said that the device was very hard to control. Most people say the instrument was almost impossible to control It was found that the instrument was nearly impossible to control . The instrument was almost impossible to control. Most said, the tool was almost impossible to control. By most accounts , the instrument was nearly impossible to control . Most accounts is that the instrument was almost impossible to control. 216 Santa Maria Maggiore ( St. Mary the Greater ) , the earliest extant church in Assisi . Santa Maria Maggiore ( St. Mary the Greater ) , the earliest extant church in Assisi . Santa Maria Maggiore ( St. Mary the Greater ) , the oldest church in Assisi . The earliest extant church in Assisi is St. Mary the Greater. Santa Maria Maggiore, known as St. Mary the Greater, is the earliiest church in Assisi still in existance. Santa Maria Maggiore is the earliest extant church in Assisi. Santa Maria Maggiore ( St. Mary the Greater ) , the first extant church in Assisi . Sanata Maria Magiore (St. Mary the Greater), the earliest surviving church in Assisi. Santa Maria Maggiore (St. Mary the Greater) is the earliest church in Assisi that is still surviving. 217 Characteristics Radar observations indicate a fairly pure iron-nickel composition . Radar testing shows composition of mostly iron-nickel. Characteristics Radar observations mentioned a fairly pure iron-nickel composition Characteristics Radar observations show a fairly pure make up of iron and nickel. Characteristics Radar observations indicate a fairly pure iron-nickel composition. Characteristics Radar observations show a adequately pure iron-nickel composition . Radar observations indicated a pure iron-nickel composition. Characteristics Radar observations point out a composition made of iron and nickel which is pure to some extent. Characteristics Radar observations show a fairly pure iron-nickel composition. 218 Railway Gazette International is a monthly business journal covering the railway , metro , light rail and tram industries worldwide . Railway Gazette International is a monthly business journal covering railway, metro, light rail and tram industries. Railway Gazette International is a monthly trade journal of the worldwide railway, metro, light rail and tram industries. Railway Gazette International is a monthly business journal covering the railway , metro , light rail and tram industries worldwide . Railway Gazette International is a monthly piece of business reading talking about the railway, metro, light rail and tram companies from around the world. Railway Gazette International is a monthly business book covering the railway , metro , light rail and tram industries in all over the world . Railway Gazette International, a monthly business journal covers the railway, metro, light rail, and tram industries worldwide . Railway Gazette International is a monthly business journal covering the railway, metro, light rail and tram industries around the world. Railway Gazette International covers, worldwide, the railway, metro and light rail and tram industries, in its monthly business journal. 219 He was appointed Companion of Honour ( CH ) in 1988 . He was appointed Companion of Honour in 1988. He became Companion of Honour (CH) in 1988. He was named Companion of Honour (CH) in 1988. He was appointed Companion of Honour ( CH ) in 1988 . He was made Companion of Honour (CP) in 1988. In 1988 he was appointed Companion of Honour (CH). In the year 1988 he got the appointment as the Companion of Honour(CH). He has been appointed Companion of Honour ( CH ) in 1988 . 220 Loèche harbours the installations of Onyx , the Swiss interception system for electronic intelligence gathering . Loèche harbours of Onyx is the Swiss interception system for electronic intelligence gathering. Loèche harbours the installations of Onyx , the system for electronic intelligence gathering . Loeche is used in the installation of Onyx, the Swiss Interception system for collecting information about electronics. Loèche harbours the installations of Onyx, the Swiss interception system for electronic intelligence gathering. Loèche harbours the installations of Onyx , the Swiss interception system for electronic intelligence gathering . Loeche harbours the installations of Onyx. It is the Swiss interception system for electronic intelligence gathering to collect informations using electronic and satellite sources. Loeche harbors the land with buildings of onyx ,the Swiss interception system for electronic intelligence the parts in folds Loeche harbours the installations of Onyx which is the Swiss interception system. 221 A matchbook is a small cardboard folder ( matchcover ) enclosing a quantity of matches and having a coarse striking surface on the exterior . A matchbook is a small cardboard folder (or matchcover) that holds some matches and has a rough area on the outside. A matchbook is a small cardboard folder with matches and a coarse striking surface. A matchbook is a small cardboard folder enclosing a quantity of matches and having a coarse striking surface on the exterior . A matchbook is a small cardboard box that holds matches and has a rough surface to strike on its outside. A matchbook is a small cardboard folder (matchcover) that contains a number of matches and has a stiff exterior made for striking. A matchbook is a small cardboard folder (matchcover) enclosing a quantity of matches and having a coarse striking surface on the exterior. A box of matches is a little pasteboard binder (concealment) surrounding a collection of matches and possesing a rough igniting the top part on the outer boundary. A matchbook is a small cardboard folder enclosing a quantity of matches and has a coarse striking surface on the exterior. 222 She was among the first doctors to object to cigarette smoking around children , and drug use in pregnant women . She was one of the first doctors that said cigarette smoking near children and drug use in pregnant women was not safe. She was the first doctors to object to cigarette smoking around children , and drug use in pregnant women . She was among the first doctors to object to cigarette smoking around children and drug use around pregant women. She was one of the first doctors against cigarette smoking around kids, and drug use in pregnant women. She was one of the first doctors who had an issue with pregnant women using drugs and smoking around children. She was one of the first doctors to object to cigarette smoking around children and to drug abuse by pregnant women. She was one of the first Drs to advise against smoking around children and drug use during pregnancy She was among the first doctors to object to cigarette smoking around children, and drug use in pregnant women . 223 Defiantly , she vowed to never renounce the Commune , and dared the judges to sentence her to death . She refused to give up the Commune and prefered the death sentence Boldly, she swore to always stand with the Commune, and dared the judges to order her death. Defiantly, she made a promise to never give up the Commune, and dared teh judges to sentence her to death. She bravely promised that she would never quit the commune and challenged the judges to give her a death sentence. disobedently , she sweared to never deny the commune , and challenged judges to sentence her to death She vowed to never renounce the Commune and dared the judges to sentence her to death. Boldly, she promised never to give up the Commune, and challenged the judges to give her the death penalty. Defiantly, she vowed to never renounce the Commune, and defied the judges to condemn her to end. 224 OEL manga series Graystripe 's Trilogy There is a three volume original English-language manga series following Graystripe , between the time that he was taken by Twolegs in Dawn until he returned to ThunderClan in The Sight . OEL manga occuring in sequence Graystripe's Trilogy. There's a three quantity volume earliest English-language manga series following Graystripe, linking the time that it was accepted by Twolegs in Dawn up until he came back to ThunderClan in The Sight. OEL manga series Graystripe 's Trilogy is a three volume original English-language manga series following Graystripe , between the time that he was taken by Twolegs in Dawn until he returned to ThunderClan in The sight. OEL manga series Graystripe 's Trilogy is a three volume original English-language manga series following Graystripe from the time that he was taken by Twolegs in Dawn until he returns to ThunderClan in The Sight. The OEL manga series, Graystripe's Trilogy, is a three volume original, English-language, graphic novel series that follows Graystripe between the time he was taken by Twolegs in "Dawn" until he returned to ThunderClan in "The Sight." Graystripe's "Trilogy There"is a three volume original English-langrage comic series of OEL manga series following Graystripe, between the time he was taken by "Twolegs in Dawn" until he returned to "ThunderClan in The Sight". OEL manga series Graystripe 's Trilogy There is a three volume original English-language manga series following Graystripe , between the time that he was taken by Twolegs in Dawn until he returned to ThunderClan in The Sight . OEL manga series Graystripe 's Trilogy There is a three volume original English-language manga series behind Graystripe , between the time that he was taken by Twolegs in Dawn till he returned to ThunderClan in The Sight . Graystripe's Trilogy is a three book series that covers the time between when he taken by Twolegs in Dawn until he returned to ThunderClan. 225 Samovar & Porter ( 1994 ) , p . 84 Syrians did not congregate in urban enclaves ; many of the immigrants who had worked as peddlers were able to interact with Americans on a daily basis . Samovar & Porter (1994), p. 84 Syrians did not get together in city groups; many of the immigrants who had worked as sellers on the street were able to talk with Americans every day. According to authors Samovar & Porter (1994, p.84), Syrians did not meet up in groups in city places; many of the immigrants without jobs were able to talk with Americans every day. Samovar & Porter ( 1994 ) , p . 84 Syrians did not congregate in urban enclaves ; many of the immigrants who had worked as peddlers were able to interact with Americans on a daily basis . According to Samovar & Porter (1994, p. 84), Syrian immigrants did not segregate in urban enclaves, but many who had been peddlers interacted with Americans on a day-to-day basis. Samovar & Porter did not congregate in urban enclaves because of the immigrants with americans on a daily basis Samovar & Porter ( 1994 ) , p . 84 Syrians did not gather together in urban enclaves ; many of the immigrants who had worked as peddlers were able to interact with Americans on a daily basis . On page 84 of their 1994 work, Samovar & Porter noted that Syrians did not stick together in urban areas, rather many of the immigrants who worked as peddlers spent time with Americans on a daily basis. Samovar & Porter ( 1994 ) , p . 84 Syrians did not meet in urban enclaves ; many of the immigrants who had worked as street vendors were able to talk with Americans on a daily basis . 226 He was also famous for his prints , book covers , posters , and garden metalwork furniture . he is famous for prints, book covers , posters , and garden metalwork furniture . He was also popular for his prints , book covers , posters , and garden metalwork furniture . He was also well known for his prints, book covers, posters, and garden metalwork furniture. he was famous for his prints,book covers,postersand metalwork furniture too He was also famous for his prints, book covers, posters, and garden furniture made out of metal. He was well known for his prints, book covers, posters, and garden metalwork furniture. He was famous for his prints, book covers, posters and garden metalwork furniture. He was also known for his prints , book covers , posters , and garden metalwork furniture . 227 During childhood she suffered from collapsed lungs twice , she had pneumonia 4-5 times a year , a ruptured appendix , and had a tonsillar cyst . For two times she had lung disorder when she was a child. She was also suffered from pneumonia 4 to 5 times a year. She was also affected by appendix disorder and had a tonsillar cyst. All these happened during her childhood period. At the time of childhood she experienced from collapsed lungs twice , she had pneumonia 4-5 times a year , a punctured appendix , and had a tonsillar cyst . During childhood she had collapsed lungs twice, pneumonia four or five times a year, a burst appendix and a cyst on her toncils. she suffered pneumonia 4-5 times from collapsed lungs twice , a year , a ruptured appendix , and had a tonsillar cyst for childhood. She suffered from her lungs collapsing twice, has a ruptured appendix, a tonsillar cyst and had pneumonia 4-5 times a year during her childhood. During childhood she suffered from collapsed lungs and had pneumonia 4 to 5 times a year as well as both a ruptured appendix and tonsillar cyst. During her childhood, she suffered from collapsed lungs twice, pneumonia 4-5 times a year, a ruptured appendix, and a tonsillar cyst. She suffered from many lung,appendix and throat related diseases in her childhood. 228 Dr. David Lindenmeyer ( Australian National University ) has argued that the need for nest boxes indicates that logging practices are not ecologically sustainable , for conserving hollow-dependent species like Leadbeater 's possum . Dr. David Lindenmeyer ( Australian National University ) has argued that the need for nest boxes indicates that logging practices are not ecologically sustainable , for conserving hollow-dependent species like Leadbeater 's possum . Dr. David Lindenmeyer of Australian National University has argued that the need for next boxes to conserve hollow-dependent species like Leadbeater's possum indicates that logging practices are not ecologically sustainable, Dr. David Lindenmeyer has argued that the need for nest boxes indicates that logging practices are not ecologically sustainable for conserving hollow-dependent species. Dr. David Lindenmeyer of the Australian National University has argued that the need for nest boxes shows that logging practices are bad for the environment, particularly for species that rely on hollows for nesting and breeding, such as Leadbeater's possum. Dr. David Lindenmeyer ( Australian National University) has argued that the need for nest boxes shows that logging practices are not able to survive in the environtment, for conserving hollow-dependent species like Leadbeater's possum. Dr. David Lindenmayer (Australian National University) has argued that the need for nest boxes indicates that logging practices are not ecologically sustainable for conserving hollow-dependent species like the Leadbeater's possum. Dr. David Lindenmeyer ( Australian National University ) has argued that the need for nest boxes indicates that logging practices are not ecologically sustainable , for conserving hollow-dependent species like Leadbeater 's possum . Dr. David Lindenmeyer (Australian National University) has said that the need for nest boxes shows that logging practices are not ecologically sustainable, for saving hollow-dependent animals like Leadbeater's possum. 229 The Montreal Canadiens are a professional ice hockey team based in Montreal , Quebec , Canada . The Montreal Canadiens are a skilled ice hockey team from Montreal , Quebec , Canada . The Montreal Canadiens are a professional ice hockey team based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Montreal Canadiens are a professional ice hockey team based in Montreal . Montreal was Quebec , Canada . The Montreal Canadians is a professional ice hockey team based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Montreal Canadiens are a professional ice hockey team from Montreal. The Montreal Canadiens are one of the best, perfect, well qualified, hard working ice hockey team based in Montreal , Quebec , Canada . The Montreal Canadiens are a ice hockey team based in Montreal Quebec. The Montreal Canadiens are a professional ice hockey team based in Montreal , Quebec , Canada . 230 Small value inductors can also be built on integrated circuits using the same processes that are used to make transistors . Both small value inductors and transistors can be built on integrated circuits. Small value inductors and Transistors can both be built on integrated circuits using the same process. Small value inductors can also be built on integrated circuits with the same processes used to make transistors. Small value inductors can also be built on integrated circuits with the same processes used to make transistors. Small value inductors can be built on integrated circuits using the same processes that are used to make transistors. Small value inductors can also be built on integrated circuits using the same processes that are used to make transistors . Small value inductors can also be built on integrated circuits using the same processes that are used to make transistors. Small value inductors can be built on integrated circuits using the same processes that are used to make transistors . 231 The term gribble was originally assigned to the wood-boring species , especially the first species described from Norway by Rathke in 1799 , Limnoria lignorum . The term gribble was originally assigned to the wood-boring species , especially the first species described from Norway by Rathke in 1799 , Limnoria lignorum . The term gribble was assigned to the wood-boring species especially the first species from Norway. Gribble refers to a wood-boring species from Norway that Rathke first described in 1799. Gribble was the word originally given to the wood-boring species, especially the first ones described in Noray by Rathke in 1799 as Limnoria lignorum. Limnoria lignorum was a wood boring species. The term gribble was given to these species. They were first reported from Norway in 1799 by Rathke. The term gribble was originally assigned to the wood-boring species , especially the first species described from Norway by Rathke in 1799 , Limnoria lignorum . The term gribble was originally assigned to the first wood-boring species described by Rathke in Norway in 1799, called Limnoria lignorum. The term gribble was originally assigned to the wood-boring species, especially the first species named Limnoria lignorum described by Rathke from Norway in 1799. 232 The wounds inflicted by a club are generally known as bludgeoning or blunt-force trauma injuries . The wounds inflicted by a club are generally known as bludgeoning or blunt-force trauma injuries. The wounds caused by the cub are generally known as bludgeoning or blunt-force trauma injuries . When a person is wounded by a club, it is called bludgeoning or blunt-force trauma injuries. Wound that are s made by a club are called bludgeoning or blunt-force trauma injuries. The wounds caused by a club are mostly known as club or blunt-force trauma injuries. The wounds caused by a club are generally known as bludgeoning or blunt-force trauma injuries. The wounds by a club are generally known as bludgeoning or blunt-force trauma injuries. The wounds inflicted by a club are generally known as bludgeoning or blunt-force trauma injuries . 233 Thereafter the county 's administration was conducted at Duns or Lauder until Greenlaw became the county town in 1596 . After that the county's administration was conducted at Duns or Lauder until Greenlaw became the county town in 1596. After that the county's administration was conducted at Duns or Lauder until Greenlaw became the county town in 1596. After the county's administration was conducted at Duns or Lauder, Greenlaw became the county town in 1596. Thereafter the county 's administration was conducted at Duns or Lauder until Greenlaw became the county town in 1596 . 1. Thereafter the county 's public affairs was conducted at Duns or Lauder until Greenlaw became the county town in 1596 . Thereafter the county 's administration was conducted at Duns or Lauder until Greenlaw became the county town in 1596 . After that the country's administration was organized at Duns or Lauder before Greenlaw became the country town in 1596 Afterwards the county's administration was conducted at Duns or Lauder until Greenlaw became the county town. 234 No skater has yet accomplished a quadruple Axel in competition . Quadruple Axel at a competition is yet to be fulfilled by any skater No skater has accomplished a quadruple Axel in competition. No skater has been able to do a quadruple Axel in competition. Till now, no skater had achieved a quadruple Axel in competition, successfully. No skater has not yet accomplished a quadruple Axel in competition . None of the skaters have completed a quadruple Axel in the competition until now. So far in a meet, no skater has ever done a spin with four spins in the air. No skater has landed a quadruple Axel in competition. 235 From the telephone exchange , the Port Jackson District Commandant could communicate with all military installations on the harbour . By use of the telephone exchange, the Port Jackson District Commandant could talk to all military installations on the harbour. From the telephone exchange , the Port Jackson District Commandant could communicate with all military installations on the harbour . From the telephone 1 exchange , the Port Jackson District Commandant could exchange with all military land with buildings on the harbor. The telephone exchange installations on the harbour with all military commandant could communicate district port jackson From the telephone exchange , the Port Jackson District Commandant could talk with all military installations on the harbour . From the telephone exchange, the Port Jackson District Commandant could get through with all military setting ups on the harbour. From the telephone exchange the Port Jackson District Commandant could communicate with military installations on the harbour. From the telephone exchange, the Port Jackson District Commandant could communicate with all military installations on the harbour. 236 However , even to those who enter the prayer hall of a mosque without the intention of praying , there are still rules that apply . However, even to those who enter the prayer hall of a mosque without the purpose of praying, there are some rules applicable to them. Otherwise , even to those who enter the prayer hall of a mosque without the coming for praying , there are still rules to be obeyed. However, there are rules that apply, even to those who enter the prayer hall of a mosque without the intention of praying. However, there are still rules for people who enter the prayer hall of the mosque with no intention of praying. However, there are still rules for people who do not want to pray who go in to the prayer hall of a mosque. However, for those who enter the prayer hall of a mosque without the intention of praying, there are still rules that apply . However even those who enter the prayer hall of a mosque without praying there are rules that apply. However , even to those who enter the prayer hall of a mosque without the intention of praying , there are still rules that apply . 237 It is described as pointed in the face and about the size of a rabbit . It is about the size of a rabbit and has a pointed face. its described to be the size of a rabbit. It is pointed in the face and the size of a rabbit. It is the same size as a rabbit and has a pointy face. It is described with a pointed face and is about the size of a rabbit. It is described as pointed in the face and about the size of a rabbit. It was set as pointed in the face and about the size of a rabbit It has a sharp face and is about as big as a rabbit. 238 Computer performance is characterized by the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used . Computer performance is characterized by the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used . Computer performance can be judged by the amount of useful work that gets done by a computer system, taking into account the time and resources used. Computer performance is measured by the amount of useful work done by a computer system compared to the time and resources used . Computer performance is characterized by the amount of work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used. Computer performance is defined as the amount of useful work done by a computer system compared to the time and resources used. Computer performance is characterized by the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used. Computer performance is defined by the amount of useful work achieved by a computer system compared to the time and resources used. Computer performance is characterized by the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used . 239 Some of the largest reservoirs in the world can be found along the Volga . Some of the largest lake in the world can be found along the Volga . Along the Volga, some of the largest reservoirs in the world can be seen. Some of the largest wetlands in the world can be found along the Volga. Some of the largest reservoirs in the world can be found along the Volga. Some of the largest reservoirs in the world can be found along the Volga . The largest reservoirs in the world can be found along the Volga. A few of the largest reservoirs on earth can be found in Volga. Some of the largest reservoirs in the world can be found by the Volga. 240 The crosier symbolises the monasteries of the region . The crosier symbolises the monasteries of the region. The hooked staff carried by the bishop (crozier) specifies the buildings where religious community of persons live . The crosier symbolises the monasteries of the region . The crosier represents the monasteries of the region. The bishop's ceremonial staff represents the monasteries of the region. The crosier symbolises the monasteries of the region . The crosier stands for the monasteries of the region. The crosier symbolises the monasteries of the region. 241 Human skin hues can range from very dark brown to very pale pink . The colors of human skin can be very dark brown or very pale pink, or anywhere in between. Human skin colour can range from very dark brown to very pale pink. Color tones on human skin can range from very dark brown to very pale pink. Human skin can change from very dark brown to very pale pink . Human skin hues can go from dark brown to pale pink. Human skin color can range from very dark brown to very light pink . The color of human skin can vary from dark brown to pale pink. The shade of human skin can vary from very dark brown to very pale pink. 242 Bankers from ShoreBank , a community development bank in Chicago , helped Yunus with the official incorporation of the bank under a grant from the Ford Foundation . a community development bank in Chicago helped Yunus with the official incorporation from the Ford Foundation . Bankers from ShoreBank , a community development bank in Chicago , helped Yunus with the official incorporation of the bank under a grant from the Ford Foundation . Chicago community development bank in ,Foundation helped Yunus with the official incorporation of the bank under from the Ford .Bankers from ShoreBank . Bankers from ShoreBank is a community development bank in Chicago. It helped Yunus with the official incorporation of the bank under a grant from the Ford Foundation. Bankers from ShoreBank helped Yunus with the official incorporation of the bank from a grant of the Ford Foundation. Bankers from ShoreBank , a community development bank in Chicago , helped Yunus with the official start of the bank under a grant from the Ford Foundation . Bankers from ShorebBank, a community development bank in Chicago, helped Yunus officially incorporate the bank under a grant from the Ford Foundation. Bankers from ShoreBank, a community development bank in Chicago, helped Yunus with the official incorporation of the bank under a grant from the Ford Foundation. 243 Bremer reported plans to put Saddam on trial , but claimed that the details of such a trial had not yet been determined . Bremer reported plans to put Saddam on trial , but claimed that the details of such a trial had not yet been determined . Bremer reported plans to put Saddam on trial, but said that the details of this trial had not yet been decided. Bremer reported plans to put Saddam on trial , but claimed that such a trial had not yet been determined . Bremer reported plans to put Saddam on trial but claimed that details of the trial had not been determined. Bremer said there were plans for a trial for Saddam but its details hadn't been worked out. Bremer told plans to put Saddam on trial, but also said that the details of such a trial had not yet been ready. Bremer reported plans to put Saddam on trail, but stated that the details of such a trail had not yet been decided. Bremer reported plans to put Saddam on trial, but claimed that the inside information of such a trial had not heretofore been decided. 244 Representatives of the Professional Hockey Writers ' Association vote for the All-Star Team at the end of the regular season . Representatives of the Hockey Writers ' Association vote for the All-Star Team at the end of the regular season . Representatives of the Professional Hockey Writers ' Association vote for the All-Star Team at the end of the main season . members of the Professional Hockey Writers Association vote for the All-Star Team at the end of the regular season. Members of the of the Professional Hockey Writers Association vote for the All-Star team at the end of the regular season. Members of the Professional Hockey Writers' Association vote for the All-Star Team at the end of the regular season. Agent (officer) of the professional Hockey Writer's corporation vote for the All-Star Team at the end of the regular season. Representatives of the Professional Hockey Writers' Association vote for the All-Star Team at the end of the season. Representatives of the Professional Hockey Writers' Association will vote for the All-Star Team at the end of the regular season. 245 Tajikistan , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan border Afghanistan to the north , Iran to the west , Pakistan to the south and the People 's Republic of China to the east . Tajikistan , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan border Afghanistan to the north , Iran to the west , Pakistan to the south and the People 's Republic of China to the east . Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are on the north end of the Afghan border and China is eastbound Bordering Afghanistan towards the northern side are the countries of Tajikstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, Iran borders it on the west while the southern and easter borders of Afghanistan have Pakistan and the People's Republic of China as neighboring countries respectively. Tajikistan , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan border of Afghanistan. Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are above Afghanistan, Iran is to its left, Pakistan is below it, and the People's Republic of China is to its right. Tajikistan , Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan border Afghanistan to the north, Iran to the west, Pakistan to the south and the People's Republic of China to the east. Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan border Afghanistan to the north, Iran to the west, Pakistan to the south and the People's Republic of China to the east. Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan border Afghanistan to the north, Iran to the west, Pakistan to the south and China to the east. 246 Nupedia was founded on March 9 , 2000 , under the ownership of Bomis , Inc , a web portal company . Bomis Inc , a web portal company founded Nupedia on March 9, 2000. Nupedia was founded on March 9 2000 under the ownership of Bomis Inc. Bomis, Inc., a web portal company, founded Nupedia on March 9, 2000. Nupedia was founded on March 9 , 2000 , under the ownership of Bomis , Inc , a web portal company . Owned by Bomis, Inc, a web portal company, Nupedia started up on March 9, 2000. Bomis , Inc , a web portal company formed Nupedia on March 9 , 2000. Nupedia was started on March 9 , 2000 , under the ownership of Bomis , Inc , a web portal company . Nupedia was founded on March 9 , 2000 , under the ownership of Bomis , Inc , a web portal company . 247 Notable features of the design include key-dependent S-boxes and a highly complex key schedule . Notable features Of The Design Include S-Boxes Which Is A Highly Complex key Schedule. Notable features of the design includes key-dependent S-boxes and a highly detailed key schedule. Prominant features of the design include key-dependent S-boxes and a highly complex key schedule. The distinguished features of the design are key-dependent S-boxes and a key schedule which is very complex. Notable features of the design include key-dependent S-boxes and a highly complex key schedule. Notable features of the design include key-dependent S-boxes and complex key schedule. Important features of the design include key-dependent S-boxes and a highly complex key schedule . There are two notable features for the design. One is the S-boxes which are operated with keys. The other feature is the shedule of key which is very complex. 248 Iain Grieve ( born 19 February , 1987 in Jwaneng , Botswana ) is a rugby union back-rower for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership . Iain Grieve ( born 19 February , 1987 in Jwaneng , Botswana ) is a rugby coming together back-rower for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership . Born on February 19, 1987, in Jwaneng, Botswana, Iain Grieve is a rugby union back-rower for the Bristol Rugby club, playing in the Guiness Premiership rugby competition. Iain Grieve is a rugby union back-rower for Bristol Rugby. Iain Grieve ( born 19 February , 1987 in Jwaneng , Botswana ) is a rugby union back-rower for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership . Iain Grieve ( born 19 February , 1987 in Jwaneng , Botswana ) is a rugby union back-rower for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership . Iain Grieve (born 19 February , 1987 in Jwaneng , Botswana) is a rugby union back-rower for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership. Iain Grieve ( born 19 February , 1987 in Jwaneng , Botswana ) is a rugby union player who occupies the lower rank positions for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership . Iain Grieve is a rugby union back-rower for Bristol Rugby in the Guinness Premiership. He was born on 19th February,1987, at Jwaneng in Botswana. 249 Other nearby settlements include Pont-Bellanger and Beaumesnil . Other nearby houses colonies include Pont-Bellanger and Beaumesnil . Nearby settlements include Pont-Bellanger and Beaumesnil. The settlements include Pont-Bellanger and Beaumesnil . More closeby developments involve Pont-Bellanger and Beaumesnil. Nearby settlements include Pont-Bellanger and Beaumesnil. Other locations in the area are Pont-Bellanger and Beaumesnil. Other nearby settlements include Pont-Bellangerand Beaumesnil. Other nearby towns include Pont-Bellanger adn Beaumesnil. 250 The quark model was independently proposed by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964 . The quark model was independently proposed by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964. The quark model was proposed by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964. The quark model was proposed seperately by two different physicists, Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig, in 1964. The quark model was proposed by physicists Murrey Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964 without any help from others The quark model was independently proposed by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964. The quark model was independently proposed by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964. Physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig introduced the quark model separately in 1964. The sort of basic bit in science design to be copied was not dependently made an offer by physicists Gell-Mann Murray and George Zweig in 1964 . 251 The fourth ring is decorated with golden garlands and was added in 1938 39 when the column was moved to its present location . The fourth ring is decorated with golden garlands and was added in 1938-1939 when the column was moved to its current location. Between 1938 and 1939, when the column was moved to where it now stands, a fourth ring was added and decorated with golden garlands. The fourth ring is decorated with golden garlands and was added in 1938 39 when the column was moved to its present place. The fourth ring is decorated with golden garlands and was added in 1938 39 when the column was moved to its present location . The ring has golden accents and was added after the column was moved The fourth ring is decorated with golden garlands and was added when the column was moved to its present location in 1938 and 1939. When the column was moved to its present location during 1938 and the following year, the fourth ring, decorated with golden garlands, was added. The fourth ring is make pretty with of great value natural ornaments and was added in 1938 39 when the column was moved to its present maked off 252 West Berlin had its own postal administration , separate from West Germany 's , which issued its own postage stamps until 1990 . West Berlin had its own postal administration, separate from West Germany's, which produced its own postage stamps until 1990. West Berlin had its own postal administration , separate from West Germany 's , which issued its own postage stamps until 1990 . West Berlin had its own postal administration, separate from West Germany which issued its own postage stamps. Until 1990, West Berlin had its own postal system, which used its own postage stamps, separate from West Germany. West Berlin had its own postal administration, separate from West Germany's, which issued its own postage stamps until 1990. West Berlin had its own postal administration, separate from West Germany’s, which gave out its own postage stamps until 1990. West Berlin had its own postal administration , from West Germany 's , which issued its own postage stamps until 1990 . West Berlin had its own postal administration, separate from West Germany's, which issued its own postage stamps until 1990. 253 The Primavera is a painting by the Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli , c . 1482 . Painted around 1482, The Primavera is a painting by the Italian Renaissance painter, Sandro botticelli. The Primavera is a painting by Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli. The Primavera is a painting by the Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli , c . 1482 . The Primavera is a painting by the Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli, approximately in the year 1482. The Primavera is a composition by the Italian middle ages artists Sandro Botticelli, c. 1482. Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli painted the Primavera around 1482. Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli, painted the primavera in 1482. The Primavera (c. 1482) was painted by Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli. 254 New South Wales 's largest city and capital is Sydney . largest city new south wales and its capital is sydney. New South Wales's largest city and capital is Sydney. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales and its largest city. New South Wales 's biggest city and capital is Sydney . The capital and largest city of New South Wales is Sydney. Sydney is the capital. The largest city is New South Wales's The largest city and capital in New South Wales is Sydney. Sydney is the capital and largest city in New South Wales. 255 The polymer is most often epoxy , but other polymers , such as polyester , vinyl ester or nylon , are also sometimes used . Polymers , such as polyester , vinylester or nylon , are also sometimes used as epoxies. The polymer is most often epoxy , but other polymers , like polyester , vinyl ester or nylon , are also sometimes used . The polymer is usually epoxy, but other polymers such as polyester, vinyl ester, or nylon are also sometimes used. Most often the polymer is epoxy, but sometimes polyester, vinyl ester or nylon can be used. The polymer is most often gum , but other polymers , such as polyester, vinyl ester or nylon , are also sometimes used. The polymer is often epoxy, but other polymers such as polyester, vinyl ester or nylon are sometimes used. The polymer is most often epoxy , but other polymers , such as polyester , vinyl ester or nylon , are also sometimes used . Often the polymer used is epoxy, other polymers that can be used are polyester, vinyl ester or nylon. 256 The name survives as a brand for a related spin-off digital television channel , digital radio station , and website which have survived the demise of the printed magazine . The name survives as a brand for related spin-off digital television channel, digital radio station and website which has survived the demise of the printed magazine. The name remained as a brand for a related spin-off digital television channel , digital radio station , and website which have remained the downfall of the printed magazine . The name will continue to exist as it is used as brand for a digital television channel and digital radio station. It is also used as brand for website. These have survived the end of the printed magazine. The name survives as a brand for a related spin-off digital television channel , digital radio station , and website which have survived the demise of the printed magazine . The name lives on as a brand for a related spin-off digital television channel, a digital radio station, and a website, all of which survived the death of the printed magazine. The name survives as a brand for a related spin-off digital television, radio station , and website which have survived the demise of the printed magazine . The names acts as a brand for a similiar type of tv chanel and have survived the downfall of print magazines The name lives on as a very for a related spin-off by numbers, electronic television narrow way , by numbers, electronic radio station , and internet-site which have still lived the death of the printed store for gunpowder, arms 257 At four-and-a-half years old he was left to fend for himself on the streets of northern Italy for the next four years , living in various orphanages and roving through towns with groups of other homeless children . At four-and-a-half years old, he was left to manage for himself on the streets of Northern Italy for the next four years, living in various orphanages and travelling through towns with groups of other homeless children. At four-and-a-half years old he was left to fend for himself on the streets of northern Italy for the next four years , living in different orphanages . It roving through towns with groups of other homeless children . At four-and-a-half years old he was left to fend for himself on the streets of the north Italy for the next four years , living in different orphanages and roving through towns with groups of other without a house children From the age of 4 until 8 years of age, he was alone, taking care of himself, living in many orphanages and towns in northern Italy. When he was four and a half years old he was left on the streets of northern Italy. For the next four years he stived for his food. He lived in various orphanages and roved through the towns. He was wandering with other homelss children. At four and a half years old he ended up living on the streets of Northern Italy, living in different orphanages and going around with groups of other homeless children for four years. At four-and-a-half years old he was left to fend for himself on the streets of Italy for the next four years, living in orphanages and roaming through towns with other homeless children. At four-and-a-half years old he was left to live for himself on the streets of northern Italy for the next four years , living in various homes made for homeless children and moving through towns with groups of other homeless children . 258 Stands were eventually added behind each set of goals during the 1980s and 1990s as the ground began to be modernised . During the 1980s and 1990s, the ground got more modern and stands were eventually added behind each set of goals. Stands were later put behind each set of goals duiring the 1980s and 1990s when the grounds were made better. Stands were eventually added behind each set of goals during the 1980s and 1990s as the ground began to be modernised. Stands were finallya dded behind each set of goals during the 1980s and 1990s as the ground began to be improved . In the 1980s and 90s, as the ground began to modernize, stands were added behind sets of goals. Seats were eventually added behind each set of goals during the 1980s and 1990s as the field began to be updated. Stands were eventually added behind each set of goals during the 1980s and 1990s as the ground began to be modernised . During the 1980s and 1990s goals were at some point added behind each set of goals as the grounds began to update. 259 A town may be correctly described as a market town or as having market rights even if it no longer holds a market , provided the right to do so still exists . A town may be correctly identified by a market or as having market rights even if it no longer holds a market , provided the right to do so still exists . A town may be correctly expressed as a market town or as having market rights even if it no longer holds a market , provided the right to do so still exists . A town that no longer holds a market can still be called a market town, or be considered to have market rights, as long as those rights still exist. A town may be correctly described as a market town or as having market rights even if it no longer holds a market , given the right to do so still is there. Providing the right still exists, a town can be described as a market town or having market rights, even if it no longer holds a market. A town may correctly described as a market town or have market rights even if it doesn't hold a market. A town may be called as a market town even if there is no market there, if it has the right to do so. . A town may be considered a market town and having market rights even if it no longer holds a market , provided it still may do so. 260 A bastion on the eastern approaches was built later . Later, a bastion was built on the eastern approaches. A bastion on the eastern approaches were built later. A bastion on the eastern approaches was built later . A fortress on the eastern paths was built afterwards . A bastion on the eastern approaches was built later . A bastion on the eastern approaches was built later. A fortification was built later to protect the eastern border lands. A bastion on the eastern approaches was built later. 261 Events Europe July 29 — Battle of Stiklestad ( Norway ) : Olav Haraldsson loses to his pagan vassals and is killed in the battle . Among events that happened in Europe, on July 29. was the Battle of Stiklesstand in Norway, in which Olav Haraldsson lost his pagan subjects and his life. In July 29 the Battle of Stiklestad occurred which Olav Haraldsson lost to his pagan vassals and was killed in battle. 1. Events Europe July 29: In the Battle of Stiklestad ( Norway ),Olav Haraldsson was killed on his loss with his pagan vassals Historical Events, Europe, July 29 - In the battle of Stiklestrad in Norway, Olav Haraldsson lost to his pagan vassals and was killed. Battle of Stiklestad took place on July 29 in Norway, a European country. In this battle Olave Haraldsson lost to his pagan vassals and was killed. Events Europe July 29 — Battle of Stiklestad ( Norway ) : Olav Haraldsson loses to his ethnic vassals and is killed in the fight . Events Europe July 29 — Battle of Stiklestad: Olav Haraldsson loses to his pagan vassals he is killed in the battle . Events Europe July 29 — Battle of Stiklestad ( Norway ) : Olav Haraldsson loses to his pagan vassals and is killed in the battle . 262 Others have theorized that Tresca was eliminated by the NKVD as retribution for criticism of the Stalin regime of the Soviet Union . Others have made theories that Tresca was took away by the NKVD as retribution for views put forward as to errors of the Stalin system of things of the Soviet Union . Others have assumed that Tresca was removed by the NKVD as punishment for criticism of the Stalin kingdom of the Soviet Union . Others think that Tresca was gotten rid of by the NKVD because he was critical of Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union. Others have theorized that Tresca was eliminated by the NKVD as retribution for criticism of the Stalin regime of the Soviet Union . others have proposed that Tresca was eliminateed by the NKVD as punishment for fault finding of the Stalin regime of the Soviet Union. Others have theorized that Tresca was eliminated by the NKVD as retribution for criticism of the Stalin regime of the Soviet Union . Others have suggested that Tresca was killed by the NKVD as payback for criticism of the Stalin government of the Soviet Union. Others have believed that Tresca was eliminated by the NKVD as retribution for criticism of Stalin's regime of the Soviet Union. 263 This resulted in both Montenegro and Serbia becoming independent countries . This resulted in both Montenegro and Serbia becoming independent countries. This resulted in both Montenegro and Serbia begin to be free countries not depending on any other countries. Montenegro and Serbia became independent because of this This resulted in Montenegro and Serbia becoming independent countries. This made these two countries, Montenegro and Serbia, to become independent countries. This resulted for both Montenegro and Serbia becoming independent countries . This resulted in both Montenegro and Serbia becoming independent countries . This resulted in both Montenegro and Serbia becoming independent countries. 264 Use HTML and CSS markup sparingly and only with good reason . Use HTML and CSS markup sparingly and only with good reason . HTML and Css markup should be used sparingly and with good reason. If necessary, use HTML and CSS markups as needed. Use HTML and CSS markup sparingly and only with good reason. Use HTML and CSS markup rarely and only if you have a good reason. Use HTML, and CSS sparingly with good reason. Use HTML and CSS only when necessary. Use HTML and CSS markup sparingly and only with good reason. 265 Schuschnigg immediately responded publicly that reports of riots were false . Schuschnigg responded publicly that reports of riots were false. Schuschnigg quickly said to the public that the stories about riots were not true. Schuschnigg immediately gave a reaction publicly that reports of street fights were false Schushnigg immediately responded publicly that the reports of riots were false. Schuschnigg immediately stated that reports of riots were false. Schuschnigg immediately responded publicly that reports of riots were false. Schuschnigg made an immediate, public response to the false riots. Schusschnigg immediately announced publicly the report of riots was false. 266 Addiscombe is a suburb in the London Borough of Croydon , England . Addiscombe is a suburb in the London Borough of Croydon, England. Addiscombe is a suburb in the London Borough of Croydon , England . Addscombe is a suburb (a district lying just outside the city) in the London Borough of Croydon, England. Addiscombe is a suburb in the London Borough of Croydon England. Addiscombe is a suburb in London Borough of Croydon, England. Addiscombe is a coutryside in the London Borough of Croydon , England . Addiscombe is a residential area in the London Borough of Croydon , England . Addiscombe is a suburb in the London Borough of Croydon , England . 267 Depending on the context , another closely-related meaning of constituent is that of a citizen residing in the area governed , represented , or otherwise served by a politician ; sometimes this is restricted to citizens who elected the politician . Based on the given situation, one more nearest meaning of constituent would be " a citizen residing in the area governed , represented , or otherwise served by a politician ;" at times, this is limited to the citizens who elected the politician. Depending on the situation, another closely-related meaning of constituent is that of a citizen residing in the area governed , represented , or otherwise served by a politician ; sometimes this is only for the citizens who voted for the politician . Another meaning of constituent would be a citizen residing in the area served by a politician. Depending on the context , another closely-related meaning of constituent is that of a citizen residing in the area governed , represented , or otherwise served by a politician ; sometimes this is restricted to citizens who elected the politician . Depending on the situation the meaning of constituent changes. The more closely related meaning is a citizen residing in the area governed, represented or served by a politician. Sometimes it means citizens who elect the politician. Depending on the context another closely-related meaning of constituent is that of a citizen living in the area governed and represented. Depending on contecnt, constituent can mean a citizen residing in the area governed, represented, or otherwise served as a politician, sometimes restricted to citizens who elected the politician. Depending on the situation, constituent could also describe a citizen living in the area governed , represented , or otherwise served by a politician ; sometimes this is limited to citizens who elected the politician . 268 Prunk is a member of Institute of European History in Mainz , and a senior fellow of the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn . Prunk is a member of the Institute of European History in Mainz. He is also a senior fellow of the Centre for European Integration Studies in Bonn. Prunk is a member of the Institute of European History in Mainz, and a senior fellow of the Center for European Integration. Prunk is a member of the Institute of European History in Mainz and a senior fellow of the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn. Prunk is a member of Institute of European History in Mainz , and a senior fellow of the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn . Prunk is a member of Institute of European History in Mainz and a senior fellow of Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn. Prunk is a member of the Institute of European History in Mainz and a a senior fellow of the Center for European Integration studies Bonn. Prunk is a member of Institute of European History in Mainz , and a senior fellow of the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn . Prunk is a member of Institute of European History in Mainz , and a senior person of the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn . 269 Stallone also had a cameo appearance in the 2003 French film Taxi 3 as a passenger . Stallone also had a small character part in the 2003 French film Taxi 3 as a passenger. Stallone also had a cameo appearance in the 2003 French film Taxi 3 as a passenger . Stallone appeared in a very small role as a rider in the 2003 French Film Taxi 3. Stallone also had a cameo appearance in the 2003 French film Taxi 3 as a passenger. Stallone also had a guest apperance in the French film Taxi 3 where he acted as a passenger. The film was released in the year 2003. Stallone played a cameo role as a passenger in the 2003 French film Taxi 3. Stallone had a cameo appearance in the French film Taxi 3 as a passenger. In a cameo appearance Stallone was a passenger in the 2003 French film Taxi 3. 270 Instead , the crew fashioned a trailer with a cantilevered arm attached to the " hovercraft " and shot the scene while riding up Templin Highway north of Santa Clarita . Instead, the crew made a trailer with a post attached to the "hovercraft" and filmed the scene while riding up Templin Highway north of Santa Clarita. Instead , the crew fashioned a trailer with a cantilevered arm attached to the " hovercraft " and shot the scene while riding up Templin Highway north of Santa Clarita . The crew fashioned a trailer with a structures arm attached to the " hovercraft " and shot the scene while riding up Templin Highway north of Santa Clarita . The crew gave design to a trailer to shoot the scence instead. The trailer was with a cantilevered arm attached to the "hovercraft". Then they shot the scence while riding up Templin Highway north of Santa Clarita. Instead, the crew put together a trailer with a jutting arm attached to the "hovercraft" and shot the scene while riding up Templin Highway, north of Santa Clarita. Instead, the crew designed a trailer with a cantilevered arm attached to the "hovercraft" and shot the scene while riding up Templin Highway north of Santa Clarita. Instead, the crew fashioned . trailer with a cantilevered arm attached to the " hovercraft " and photographed the scene while riding up Templin Highway north of Santa Clarita Alternatively, the crew made a trailer with a cantilevered arm attached to the " hovercraft " and pictured the scene while riding up Templin Highway north of Santa Clarita . 271 The conference papers were published the next year in a bookMicroeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory by Phelps et al . The conference papers were published the next year in a bookMicroeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory by Phelps et al . The conference papers were put out the next year in a book, called Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory, by Phelps, etcetera. The conference papers were released the next year in a book Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory by Phelps et al . The conference papers were published the next year as Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory, a book by Phelps et al. The conference papers were published the next year in a book called Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory. The conference papers were published the next year in a book titled "Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory by Phelps et al ". The meeting papers were published the next year in a bookMicroeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory by Phelps et al . The conference papers were published the next year in a book "Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory" by Phelps et al. 272 Wario Land The Wario Land series is a platforming series that started with Wario Land : Super Mario Land 3 , a spin-off of the Super Mario Land series . The platform series Wario Land from the Wario Land series stared with the Super Mario Land series. Wario Land The Wario Land series is a gaming series that started with Wario Land : Super Mario Land 3 , a spin-off of the Super Mario Land series . Wario Land The Wario Land series is a platforming series that started with Wario Land : Super Mario Land 3 , a spin-off of the Super Mario Land series . The Wario Land series is a series that started with Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, a spin-off of Super Mario Land series. Wario Land is a platforming seried that started with: Super Mario Land 3, a spin-off of the Super Mario Land series. The Wario Land series began with Wario Land and is now on the Super Mario Land series . The Wario Land series is a platforming series that started with Super Mario Land 3. The platforming series Wario Land is a spinoff of the Super Mario Land series, starting with Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3. 273 Frédéric Chopin 's Opus 57 is a berceuse for solo piano . Frédéric Chopin 's Opus 57 is a music for individual piano . Frédéric Chopin 's Opus 57 is a berceuse for solo piano . Opus 57 by Frederic Chopin is a berceuse written to be played by a solo piano. Frédéric Chopin 's Opus 57 is a quite song for solo piano. Frédéric Chopin 's Opus 57 is a lullaby for solo piano . Chopin's Opus 57 is a berceuse for solo piano. Frédéric Chopin 's Opus 57 is a song for solo piano. Frédéric Chopin 's Opus 57 is a berceuse for solo piano 274 These attacks may have been psychological in origin rather than physical . These attacks may have been psychological in origin , not physical . The attacks may have been psychological in origin than physical. These attacks may not have been physical and may have been from the mind instead. The attacks were likely psychological, not physical. These attacks may have started from mind and not with fight . These attacks may be due to psychological rather than physical reasons. The origin of the attacks were psychological not physical. The attacks were motivated by the mind not the body 275 A historian has stated that " it was quinine 's efficacy that gave colonists fresh opportunities to swarm into the Gold Coast , Nigeria and other parts of west Africa " . A historian has stated that "it was quinine's effectiveness that gave colonists fresh opportunities to move somewhere in large numbers into the Gold Coast, Nigeria and other parts of west Africa'. A historian has stated that " it was quinine 's efficacy that gave colonists fresh opportunities to swarm into the Gold Coast , Nigeria and other parts of west Africa " . A historian has said that "it was quinine's efficacy that gave colonists opportunities to swarm into the Gold Coast, Nigeria and other parts of west Africa". A historian has stated that '' it was quinine 's efficacy that gave colonists fresh opportunities to swarm into the Gold Coast , Nigeria and other parts of west Africa '' . A historian has said that " it was quinine 's potency that gave colonists fresh options to move as large numebrs into the Gold Coast , Nigeria and other parts of west Africa " . A historian has stated that " it was quinine's effectiveness that gave colonists fresh opportunities to pack into the Gold Coast, Nigeria and other parts of west Africa " . A historian said, "it was quinine's efficacy that gave colonists fresh opportunities to swarm into the Gold Coast, Nigeria, and other parts of West Africa." A historian said, "it was quinine's efficacy that gave colonists fresh opportunities to swarm into the Gold Coast, Nigeria and other parts of west Africa." 276 Furthermore , spectroscopic studies have shown evidence of hydrated minerals and silicates , which indicate rather a stony surface composition . Furthermore , spectroscopic studies have shown proof of hydrated minerals and silicates , which points to rather a stony surface material. Moreover, spectroscopic studies have shown presence of hydrated minerals and silicates, which shows that the surface composition is rather stony. The study of spectroscopic have shown evidence of hydrated minerals and silicates , which indicate rather a stony surface composition . Spectroscopic studies show signs of hydrated minerals and silicates, which indicate the formation of a stony surface. Also, spectroscopic studies have shown proof of hydrated mineral and silicates, which shows a stony surface makeup. Furthermore , spectroscopic studies have shown evidence of hydrated minerals and silicates , which indicate rather a stony surface composition . In addition, spectroscopic studies have shown evidence of hydrated minerals and silicates, which indicates rather a stony surface composition. Spectroscopic studies have shown evidence of hydrated minerals and silicates which have stony surface composition . 277 She became the authoritative editor of her husband 's works for Breitkopf und Härtel . She became the editor of her husband's works for Breitkopf und Hartel. She became the well founded editor of the works done by her husband for Breitkopf and Hartel. She became the authoritative editor of her husband 's works for Breitkopf und Härtel . She became the one who knew the most about editing her husband 's works for Breitkopf und Härtel . She became the chosen editor of her husband's works for Breikopf und Härtel. She got the authorized editor of her husband 's works for Breitkopf and Härtel. She became the authoritative person in control of paper of her married man 's works for Breitkopf and Hartel She became the authoritative editor of her husband 's works for Breitkopf und Härtel . 278 Mercury is similar in appearance to the Moon : it is heavily cratered with regions of smooth plains , has no natural satellites and no substantial atmosphere . Mercury is similar in appearance to the moon with heavily cratered regions of smooth plains and no natural satellites or substantial atmosphere. Mercury, which looks like the Moon with its many craters and areas of smoothness, has no orbiting bodies around it and a minimal atmosphere. Mercury is similar to the Moon and it is cratered with regions of smooth plains as well as having no satellites. Mercury is like the moon in many aspects.It has many craters,smooth plains and does not have natural satellites or a well built atmosphere. Mercury is similar in look to the Moon : it has plenty of holes with regions of smooth plains , has no natural moons and no significant atmosphere . Mercury is similar in appearance to the Moon, created with smooth plains, and no natural satellites and substantial atmosphere. Mercury looks like the moon: it has large amounts of craters with areas of smooth plains, has no moons and no real atmosphere. Mercury looks like the moon, it has many craters with areas that are flat, has no objects floating around it and an atmosphere that we cannot breath. 279 Geography The town lies in the Limmat valley between Baden and Zürich . Geographically the town lies in the Limmat valley between Baden and Zurich. The town lies in the Limmat valley between Baden and Zürich . The town lies in the Limnat valley between Baden and Zurich. Geography The town is located in the Limmat valley between Baden and Zürich . The town Geography lies in the Limmat valley between Baden and Zürich . There is a town called Geography, that lies in the Limmat valley, between Baden and Zürich. Geography The town lies in the Limmat valley between Baden and Zürich . Geographically the town lies in the Limmat valley between Baden and Zurich. 280 These ideally provide excellent habitat for chinkara , hog deer and blue bull . Ideally, these make an excellent breeding ground for chinkara, hog deer and blue bull. These ideally provide a great habitat for chinkara, hog deer, and blue bull. These ideally provide excellent habitat for chinkara , hog deer and blue bull . These provide ideal and excellent habitat for chinkara, hog deer and blue bull. These ideally provide excellent habitat for chinkara , hog deer and blue bull . These provide the ideal, excellent habitat for chinkara, hog deer and blue bull. These provide excellent habitat for chinkara, hog deer and blue bull. These provide an excellent habitat for chinkara, hog deer and blue bull. 281 After the Sena dynasty , Dhaka was successively ruled by the Turkish and Afghan governors descending from the Delhi Sultanate before the arrival of the Mughals in 1608 . Before the Mughals arrived in 1608, after the Sena dynasty, Dhaka was ruled for a long time by Turkish and Afghan governors that descended from the Delhi Sultanate. 1. After the Sena dynasty, Dhaka was consecutively ruled by the Turkish and Afghan governors descending from the Delhi Sultanate before the arrival of the Mughals in 1608. After the Sena dynasty , Dhaka was successively ruled by the Turkish and Afghan governors descending from the Delhi Sultanate before the arrival of the Mughals in 1608 . After the Sena dynasty , Dhaka was successively ruled by the Turkish and Afghan governors descending from the Delhi Sultanate before the arrival of the Mughals in 1608 . Between the arrival of the Mughals in 1608 and the rule of the Sena dynasty, Dhaka was successively ruled by the Turkish and Afghan governors descending from the Delhi Sultanate. After the Sena dynasty Dhaka was successively ruled by Turkish and Afghan governors. After the Sena dynasty, Dhaka was successively ruled by the Turkish and Afghan governors descending from the Delhi Sultanate before the arrival of the Mughals in 1608. After the Sena dynasty, Dhaka was ruled first by the Turkish governors and then by the Afghan governors. These governors descended from the Dehli Sultanate before the arrival of the Mughals in 1608. 282 The Prime Minister stays in office only as long as he or she retains the support of the lower house . The Prime Minister stays in office only as long as he or she keeps the support of the lower house . The Prime Minister is in office until he loses lower house support The Prime Minister stays in office as long as he or she keeps the support of the lower house. The Prime Minister stays in office as long as the minister retains the support of the lower house. The Prime Minister stays in office till their retains to the lower house. The Prime Minister stays in office only as long as he or she keeps the support of the lower house. The Prime Minister stays in office as long as he or she retains support of the lower house. The Prime Minister can stay in office only as long as he or she maintain the support of the lower house . 283 For Rowling , this scene is important because it shows Harry 's bravery , and by retrieving Cedric 's corpse , he demonstrates selflessness and compassion . For Rowling, this incident is important becaus it shows Harry's courage, and by regaining Cedric'd corpse, he establishes no concern for oneself and sympathy. This scence is important for Rowling because it shows Harry's bravery. By retrieving Cedric's corpse Harry reveals his selflessness and compassion. This scene was important for Rowling because it demonstrates Harry's bravery; and he proves selfless and compassionate when he retrieves Cedric's corpse. For Rowling , this scene is important because it shows Harry 's bravery , and by retrieving Cedric 's corpse , he demonstrates selflessness and compassion . For Rowling , this scene is important because it shows Harry 's bravery , and by retrieving Cedric 's corpse , he demonstrates selflessness and compassion . For Rowling , this scene is important because it shows Harry 's heroics, and by getting Cedric 's body, he shows selflessness and pity . For Rowling, the scene where Harry brings back Cedric's corpse is important because it shows Harry's bravery as well as his unselfish character and compassion. For Rowling, this scene is important because it shows Harry's bravery and he demonstrates both selflessness and compassion by having Cedric's corpse. 284 On June 1 , 1972 , he and fellow RAF members Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins were apprehended after a lengthy shootout in Frankfurt . He and fellow RAF members Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins were taken hold after a lengthy shootout. It was in Frankfurt on June 1, 1972. Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins of the RAF were arrested on June, 1 1972 after a shootout in Frankfurt. RAF members Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins were shootout in Frankfurt on June 1 , 1972. On June 1 1972 he and other RAF members Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins were apprehended after a shootout in Frankfurt. On June 1 , 1972 , he and companion RAF members Ja-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins were caught were taken into custody after a lengthy Gun fires in Frankfurt On June 1, 1972, he and other RAF members Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins, were caught after a long gun fight in Frankfurt. On June 1, 1972, he and fellow RAF members, Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins, were arrested after a long shoot-out in Frankfurt. On June 1, 1972, he and other RAF members Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins were arrested after a long shootout in Frankfurt. 285 Together they formed New Music Manchester , a group committed to contemporary music . They formed the New Music Manchester band and sang contemporary New Music Manchester is a group committed to contemporary music. Together they formed New Music Manchester , a group made oneself responsible to being in existence at the time music They formed new group of music called New Music Manchester. The music group was fully dedicated to contemporary music. Together they formed New Music Manchester, a group devoted to modern music. They formed a group committed to comptemporary music called New Music Manchester. They formed New Music Manchester a group that is committed to contemporary music. Both of the formed a group committed to contemporary music called New Music Manchester. 286 The compact and intense hurricane caused extreme damage in the upper Florida Keys , as a storm surge of approximately 18 to 20 feet affected the region . Small, but intense, the hurricane caused a lot of damage in the upper Florida keys when a surge of nearly 18 to 20 feet hit the area. The dense and strong hurricane created maximum damage in the upper Florida Keys, as a strom roll of nearly 18 to 20 feet affected the region. The compact and intense hurricane caused damage in the Florida Keys as a storm surge of 18 to 20 feet affected the region. The compact and intense hurricane caused extreme damage in the upper Florida Keys. The compact and intense hurricane caused very damage in the upper Florida Keys , as a storm surge of approximately 18 to 20 feet affected the region . The compact and intense hurricane caused extreme damage in the upper Florida Keys, as a storm surge of approximately 18 to 20 feet affected the region. The very solid (substance) and very strong (great) hurricane caused far end damage in the upper Florida keys , as a bad conditions surge of approximately 18 to 20 feet acted-on the field, range . The compressed and energetic hurricane caused severe damage in the upper Florida Keys , as a storm rise of nearly 18 to 20 feet affected the area . 287 It is now the site of Meher Baba 's samadhi ( tomb-shrine ) as well as facilities and accommodations for pilgrims . It is now the Meher Baba's tomb-shrine and a place for pilgrims. It is now the site of Meher Baba 's samadhi ( tomb-shrine ) as well as facilities and accommodations for pilgrims . It is now the site of Meher Baba's smadhi (tomb-shrine) as well as facilities for visitors. It is now the site of Meher Baba's samadhi as well as facilities and accommodations for pilgrims. It is now the location of Meher Baba 's samadhi ( tomb-shrine ) as well as facilities and place for staying for pilgrims . It is now the site of Meher Baba 's samadhi ( tomb-shrine )where pilgrims could stay and make use of the facilities available there. It is where Meher Baba's tomb or shrine, known as a samadhi, is located as well as lodgings for pilgrims. Meher Baba 's samadhi ( tomb-shrine ) is now located there and there are lodgings for people who come there as well. 288 The collapsed dome of the main church has been restored entirely . The collapsed dome of the main church has been restored entirely . The collapsed dome of the main churh has been brought back to its original shape completely. The collapsed dome of the main church has been restored. Though it had collapsed, the dome of the main church has been completely restored. The destroyed dome of the main church has been restored completely . The dome (of the main church) that fell in has been totally fixed. The fallen dome of the main church has been completely fixed. The fallen dome of the main church was entirely rebuilt. 289 In 2005 , Meissner became the second American woman to land the triple Axel jump in national competition . In 2005 , Meissner became the second American woman to land the triple Axel jump in national competition. Meissner was the 2nd American woman to land the triple Axel jump in 05 In 2005 Meissner became the second American woman to land the triple Axel jump in competition. Meissner became the second American woman to land the triple Axel jump in national competition in 2005. In 2005 , Meissner became the second American woman to get the triple Axel jump in national competition . In 2005, Meissner was the second American woman ice skater to complete a triple Axel jump in national competition. In 2005 , Meissner became the second American woman to land the triple Axel jump in national competition . In 2005, Meissner became the second American woman to land the triple Axel jump in national competition. 290 Salem is a city in Essex County , Massachusetts , United States . Salem is a city in Essex County Massachusetts. Salem is a city located in Essex County , Massachusetts , United States . Salem is a city in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States. Salem is a city in Essex County , Massachusetts , United States . Salem is a city in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States. Salem is a city in Essex County, Massachusetts. Salem is a city in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States. Salem is a city in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States. 291 Forty-nine species of pipefish and nine species of seahorse have been recorded . Forty-nine species of pipefish and nine species of seahorse are recorded. Forty-nine species of pipefish and nine species of seahorse have been recorded . Forty-nine species of pipefish and nine species of seahorse have been recorded Forty-nine species of pipefish and nine species of sea horses have been recorded. Forty-nine and nine species of pipefish and seahorse have been recorded . Forty-nine kinds of pipefish and nine kinds of seahorse have been written about . Forty-nine type of pipefish and nine types of seahorse have been found Forty-nine kinds of pipefish and nine types of seahorse have been recorded. 292 Saint Martin is a tropical island in the northeast Caribbean , approximately 300 km ( 186 miles ) east of Puerto Rico . Saint Martin is a tropical island in the northeast Caribbean , nearly 300 km ( 186 miles ) east of Puerto Rico . Saint Martin is a tropical island in the northeast Caribbean, located about 300 km (186 miles) east of Puerto Rico. Saint Martin is a tropical island in the northeast Caribbean , approximately 300 km from east of Puerto Rico . Saint Martin is a tropical island in the northeast Caribbean , almost 300 km ( 186 miles ) east of Puerto Rico . Saint Martin is a tropic island which is located in the Carribbean about 300 km ( 186 miles ) east of Puerto Rico. Saint Martin is an isalnd in the Caribbean Sea, about 300 km (186 miles) east of Porto Rico. Saint Martin is a tropical island in the northeast Caribbean , approximately 300 km (186 miles) east of Puerto Rico. Saint Martin is a tropical island in the Caribbean about 186 miles east of Puerto Rico. 293 Therefore , these PDFs can not be distributed without further manipulation if they contain images . If any of these PDFs contain pictures, then they require additional processing before they can be issued If the PDFs contain pictures, they cannot be shared unless they are changed. Therefore , these PDFs can not be distributed without further manipulation if they contain images . Therefore, these documents with PDF format should be editted if they contain images, in order to be distributed. Therefore, if these PDFs contain images, they cannot be distributed without further manipulation. This is why the PDFs, if they contain images, will need to be further manipulated before they can be distributed. These PDFs can not be distributed without further manipulation. Because of this, these PDFs cannot be sent out without more changes if they contain pictures. 294 In April 1862 , Ben was arrested on the orders of Police Inspector Sir Frederick Pottinger for participating in an armed robbery whilst in the company of Frank Gardiner . In April 1862 , Ben was arrested on the orders of Police Inspector Frederick Pottinger for participating in an armed robbery whilst in the company of Frank Gardiner . In April, 1862, Police Inspector, Sir Frederick Pottinger, ordered the arrest of Ben for his part in an armed robbery committed along with Frank Gardiner. In April 1862 Ben was arrested on the orders of Police Inspector Sir Frederick Pottinger for committing armed robbery while with of Frank Gardiner. Ben was arrested April 1862, as ordered by Police Inspector Sir Frederick Pottinger for an armed robbery he committed with Frank Gardiner. In April 1862, Ben was arrested on the orders of Police Inspector Sir Frederick Pottinger for his part in an armed robbery, with Frank Gardiner. n April 1862 , Ben was arrested on the orders of Police Inspector Sir Frederick Pottinger for being a part of an armed robbery when in the company of Frank Gardiner . In April 1862, Police Inspector Sir Frederick Pottinger ordered Ben to be arrested for being in an armed robbery with Frank Gardiner. In April 1862 Ben was arrested on orders of Police Inspector Sir Frederick Pottinger for involvement in an armed robbery while in the company of Frank Gardiner. 295 Heavy rain fell across portions of Britain on October 5 , causing localized accumulation of flood waters . Heavy rain fell across Britain on October 5, causing accumulation of flood waters. Lots of rain fell on Britain on October 5, the led to flooding water in some locations. As a result of heavy rain fall, flood waters gathered and remained in portions of Britain, on October 5. Heavy rain fell in parts of Britain on October 5, causing parts to flood. Heavy rain fell across parts of Britain on October 5 , causing localized gathering of flood waters . Heavy rain fell in parts of Britain on October 5 causing flooding in some areas. Heavy rain fell across portions of Britain on October 5 , causing contain accumulation of flood waters . Heavy rain fell across portions of Britain on October 5 , causing localized accumulation of flood waters . 296 Version 2009.1 provides a USB installer to create a Live USB , where the user 's configuration and personal data can be saved if desired . Version 2009.1 provides a USB installer to create a Live USB , where the user 's arrangements or Design and personal Data can be saved if desired. Version 2009.1 provides a USB installer to create a Live USB , where the user 's configuration and personal data can be saved if desired . Version 2009.1 provides a USB installer to create a Live USB , where the user 's setup and personal data can be saved if desired . Version 2009.1 provides a USB installer to create a Live USB that the user can configure and use to save personal data should he wish to. Version 2009.1 has a USB installer to create a live USB, where the user's information can be saved. Version 2009.1 provides a USB installer to create a Live USB, where the user's configuration and personal data can be saved if desired. Version 2009.1 gives a USB installer to make a Live USB , where the user's configuration and personal data can be saved if it is needed. Version 2009.1 provides a USB installer to create a Live USB, where both user's configuration and personal data can be saved. 297 In approximate relation to the parties ' respective strength in the Federal Assembly , the seats were distributed as follows : Free Democratic Party ( FDP ) : 2 members , Christian Democratic People 's Party ( CVP ) : 2 members , Social Democratic Party ( SP ) : 2 members , and Swiss People 's Party ( SVP ) : 1 member . In close relation to each of the parties' strength in the Federal Assembly, the seats were given as follows: Free Democratic Party (FDP ), 2 members; Christian Democratic People 's Party (CVP), 2 members; Social Democratic Party (SP), 2 members; and Swiss People 's Party (SVP), 1 member. Going by the strength each party showed in the Federal Assembly, the seats were given as follows: Free Democratic Party (FTP) : 2 members, Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP) : 2 members, Social Democratic Party (SP) : 2 members, and Swiss People's Party (SVP) : 1 member. Based on the parties' strength in the Federal Assembly, the seats were assigned the following way: Free Democratic Party (FDP): 2 members, Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP): 2 members, Social Democratic Party (SP): 2 members, and Swiss People's Party (SVP): 1 member. In the Federal Assembly , the seats were distributed as follows : 2 for FDP, 2 for CVP, 2 for SP, 1 for SVP. Federal Assembly seats are assigned by size of the political parties as follows:Free Democratic Party (FDP) has 2 members, Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP In approximate relation to the parties ' respective strength in the Federal Assembly , the seats were distributed as follows : Free Democratic Party ( FDP ) : 2 members , Christian Democratic People 's Party ( CVP ) : 2 members , Social Democratic Party ( SP ) : 2 members , and Swiss People 's Party ( SVP ) : 1 member . In relation to the parties' strength in the Federal Assembly, the seats were distributed as follows: Free Democratic Party: 2 members, Chrisitan Democratic People's Party: 2 members, Social Democratic Party: 2 members and Swiss People's Party: 1 member. The number of seats given to political parties reflected their influence in the Federal Assembly: the Free Democratic Party (FDP) had two members, the Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP) had two members, the Social Democratic Party (SP) had two members, and the Swiss People's Party (SVP) had one member. 298 A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for services , especially the honorarium paid to a doctor , lawyer , consultant , or other member of a learned profession . A fee is the cost one pays as remuneration for services, especially the honorarium paid to a doctor, lawyer, consultant, or other member of a learned profession. A fee is the price a person pays for the services of doctors, lawyers, consultants and other jobs that require a college education. A fee refers to the monetary compensation paid for services rendered particularly relating to the remuneration paid to professionals having specific skill and knowledge viz. a doctor's fee, lawyer's fee, consultant's fee etc. A fee is the price you pay for a job, like the money paid to a doctor, lawyer, consultant, or other professional. Payment for services, especially that which is paid to a member of a learned profession, such as that of a doctor, lawyer, or consultant, is called a fee. A fee is the price one pays money for services, especially the payment paid to a doctor, lawyer, consultant, or other member of a learned profession. A fee as remuneration for services , especially the paid to a doctor , lawyer , consultant , or other member of a learned profession . A fee is the price someone pays in exchange for services, especially the payment paid to a doctor, lawyer, consultant, or other member of a learned profession. 299 Ohio State 's library system encompasses twenty-one libraries located on its Columbus campus . Ohio State's library system has twenty-one libraries located on its campus. Ohio State's library system includes twenty-one libraries located on its Columbus campus. Ohio State 's library system includes twenty-one libraries located on its Columbus campus . Ohio's state library system includes twenty one libraries located on its Columbus campus. Ohio State 's library system consists of twenty-one libraries located on its Columbus campus . The library system of Ohio State consists of twenty one libraries and all are situtated in the Columbus campus. ohio state's library system has twenty-one libraries in its columbus campus Ohio state's library system has twenty-one libraries on its Columbus campus. 300 In other developments , both Iceland and Greenland accepted the overlordship of Norway , but Scotland was able to repulse a Norse invasion and broker a favorable peace settlement . Both Iceland and Greenland accepted the ruler of Norway, but Scotland was able to prevent a Norwegian invasion and a negotiate a peace settlement. Iceland and Greenland accepted the overlordship of Norway, but scotland repulse and broke a favorable peace settlement . Both Iceland and Greenland accepted the overlordship of Norway but Scotland was able to repulse a Norse invasion and broker a peace settlement. In other developments, both Iceland and Greenland accepted the overlordship of Norway, but Scotland was able to repulse a Norse invasion and broker a favorable peace settlement. There were other happenings, as both Iceland and Greenland accepted the overlorship of Norway, while Scottland was able to defeat a Norse invasion, with both sides arriving at a peaceful solution. Meanwhile, Iceland and Greenland both accepted Norway's rule, but Scotland managed to repulse the Norse invasion and arrange a favorable peace settlement. In other developments , both Iceland and Greenland accepted the overlordship of Norway , but Scotland was able to repulse a Norse invasion and broker a favorable peace settlement . In other developments , both Iceland and Greenland accepted the overlordship of Norway , but Scotland was able to stop a Norse attack and broker a positive peace settlement . 301 The singles from the album included " By the Way " , " The Zephyr Song " , " Ca n't Stop " , " Dosed " and " Universally Speaking " . Some singles from the album are: "By the Way", "The Zephyr Song, "Can't Stop', "Dosed", and "Universally Speaking". The singles from the album included " By the Way " , " The Zephyr Song " , " Ca n't Stop " , " Dosed " and " Universally Speaking " . The singles from the album contains " By the Way " , " The Zephyr Song " , " Ca n't Stop " , " Dosed " and " Universally Speaking " . The singles from the album are "By the Way", "The Zephyr Song", "Can't Stop", "Dosed" and "Universally Speaking". The songs from the album included " By the Way," "The Zephyr Song, " " Can't Stop, " " Dosed, " and " Universally Speaking. " The hits from the recording were " By the Way " , " The Zephyr Song " , "Ca n't Stop " , " Dosed " and " Universally Speaking " . The singles from the album added "By the way", "The Zephyr Song", ca n't Stop". "dosed" and "universally Speaking". The singles from the album included " By the Way " , " The Zephyr Song " , " Ca n't Stop " , " Dosed " and " Universally Speaking " . 302 In April 2000 , MINIX became free / open source software under a permissive free software licence , but by this time other operating systems had surpassed its capabilities , and it remained primarily an operating system for students and hobbyists . In April 2000, MINIX became free or open source software under a non-restrictive free software licence, but by this time other operating systems had exceeded its capabilities, and it continued to be mainly an operating system for students and hobbyists. In April 2000, MINIX becaome free software under a free software licence but this time other operating systems had surpassed its capabilities and it primarily remained an operating system for students and hobbyists. Although a permissive software licence allowed Minix to become a free/ open source software in April, 2000, other systems had by then moved on in capability, and so it became an operating system used mainly by students and hobbyists. In April 2000 , MINIX became free / open source software with excess of features free software licence , but by this time other operating systems had exceeded its capabilities , and it remained mainly an operating system for students and hobbyists . In April 2000, MINIX became free / open source software under a permissive free software license, but by this time other operating systems had surpassed its capabilities, and it remained primarily an operating system for students and hobbyists . In April 2000 , MINIX became open source software under a permissive free software licence , but by this time other operating systems had surpassed its capabilities , and it remained primarily an operating system for students and hobbyists . MINIX became a free software under a permissive free software license in April 2000, but it had already been surpassed by other operating systems. In April 2000 , MINIX became free / open source software under a permissive free software licence , but by this time other operating systems had surpassed its capabilities , and it remained primarily an operating system for students and hobbyists . 303 The body color varies from medium brown to gold-ish to beige-white ; and occasionally , is marked with dark brown spots , especially on the limbs . The body color varies from medium brown to goldish to beige-white and sometimes is marked with dark brown spots. The body colour varies from medium brown to gold-ish, occasioally, especially on the limbs. The body colour is found to vary. It varies from medium brown to goldish and to beige-white. Sometimes it is marked with dark brown spots. it happens especially on the limbs. The body colour varies from medium brown to goldish to beige-white, and is occasionally marked with dark brown spots, especially on the limbs. The body color varies from medium brown to gold-ish to beige-white ; and occasionally , is marked with dark brown spots , especially on the limbs . The body color ranges from medium brown to gold-ish, to beige-white, sometimes marked with dark brown spots, especially on the arms and legs. the body color varies from brown-ish to gold-ish to beige-white; and sometimes has dark brown spots, especially on the limbs. The body color differs from medium brown to gold-ish to beige-white ; and sometimes, is marked with dark brown spots , especially on the arms and legs. 304 The Britannica was primarily a Scottish enterprise , as symbolised by its thistle logo , the floral emblem of Scotland . The Britannica was primarily a Scottish enterprise, as symbolised by its thistle logo, the floral emblem of Scotland. In the beginning the Britannica was a Scottish enterprise, as symbolised by its thistle logo, the floral emblem of Scotland. The Britannica was primarily a Scottish enterprise , as symbolised by its floral emblem of Scotland . The Britannica was primarily a Scottish Enterprise with thistle logo of floral emblem of Scotland. The Britannica was for the most part a Scottish work, as its thistle logo, which is the floral emblem of Scotland, shows. The Britannica was primarily a Scottish enterprise , as symbolised by its thistle logo , the floral emblem of Scotland . The Britannica was mostly a Scottish enterprise, as symbolized by its thistle logo, the emblem of Scotland. The Britannica was a Scottish enterprise as symbolised by its thistle logo. 305 The area covered by the warning issued on September 22 was extended southwards as Jose intensified , before being canceled soon after landfall on September 23 . The area covered by the warning issued on September 22 was extended southwards as Jose increased, before being canceled soon after landdfall on September 23. The area covered by the warning issued on September 22 was extended southwards as Jose strengthened, before being cancelled soon after landfall on September 23. The region encompassed by the warning issued on September 22 was extended southwards as Jose intensified, before being canceled soon after landfall on September 23. The area covered by the warning issued on September 22 was extended southwards as Jose intensified , before being canceled soon after landfall on September 23 . As Jose got stronger, the warning issued on September 22 covered a wider area southwards up until it was canceled soon after landfall on September 23. The area covered by the warning on September 22 was extended southwards as Jose intensified , before being canceled soon after landfall on September 23 . The area covered by the warning issued on September 22 was extended southwards as Jose strengthened , before being canceled soon after landfall on September 23 . The area covered by the warning issued on September 22 was extended southwards as Jose intensified before being canceled after landfall on September 23. 306 In August 2003 , the San Diego Union Tribune alleged that U.S. Marine pilots and their commanders confirmed the use of Mark 77 firebombs on Iraqi Republican Guards during the initial stages of combat . It has U.S. Marine pilots . In August 2003 , the San Diego Union Tribune alleged that their commanders confirmed the use of Mark 77 firebombs on Iraqi Republican Guards during the initial stages of combat . In August 2003, the San Diego Union Tribune said that U.S. Marine pilots and their bosses said they used Mark 77 firebombs on Iraqi Republican Guards at the beginning of combat. In August 2003 , the San Diego Union Tribune suspected that U.S. Marine pilots and their commanders approved the use of Mark 77 firebombs on Iraqi Republican Guards during the starting stages of fight . In August 2003 , the San Diego Union Tribune reported U.S. Marine pilots and their commanders used Mark 77 firebombs on Iraqi Republican Guards in the beginning of combat. In August 2003, the San Diego Union Tribune said that U.S. pilots and commanders used Mark 77 firebombs on Iraqi Republican Guards during the start of combat. In August 2003 , the U.S. Marine pilots and commanders confirmed the use of Mark 77 firebombs on Iraqi Republican Guards. The San Diego Union Tribune in August 2003 alleged that U.S. Marine pilots and their commanders confirmed the use of Mark77 firebombs. It was against the Iraqi Republican Guards during the starting stages of war. In August 2003 the San Diego Union Tribune alleged that U.S. Marine pilots and their commanders confirmed the use of Mark 77 firebombs on Iraqi Republican Guards during the inital stages of warfare. 307 The latter provided audiences with the sort of information later provided by intertitles , and can help historians imagine what the film may have been like . The latter, which gave audiences the same sort of information later audience members would gett from subtitles, can help historians imagine what the film may have been like. The latter gave audiences with a kind of information later provided by intertitles, and can help historians imagine what the film may have been like. The latter information by the audiences and by intertitles, can help historians imagine about the film how it will be. The latter, which was later replaced by intertitles, provided the audience with the necessary information, and is also of help to movie historians. The latter provided audiences with information later provided by intertitles and help historians imagine what the film may have been like. The latter gave audiences the kind of information later provided by title cards , and can help historians imagine what the film may have been like. The last one provided hearers with the sort of information afterwards provided by intertitles , and can help historians think what the film may have been like . The latter provided audiences with the sort of information later provided by intertitles , and can help historians imagine what the film may have been like . 308 That is because real estate , businesses and other assets in the underground economies of the Third World can not be used as collateral to raise capital to finance industrial and commercial expansion . That is beacuase real estate, businesses, and other assets in the underground economies of the Third World cannot be used as collateral to raise capital. It is because real estate, businesses and other assets in the underground economies of the Third World can not be used as collateral to raise capital to finance industrial expansion. That is because real estate , businesses and other assets in the underground economies of the Third World can not be used as collateral to raise capital to finance industrial and commercial expansion . Because real estate, businesses and other assets in the economies of the Third World can't be used as collateral to raise capital for expansion. That is because real estate, businesses and other assets in the illegal trade economies of the Third World can not be used as a secure payment to raise capital to finance industrial and commercial expansion. That is because property , businesses and other resources in the underground economies of the Third World can not be used as security to raise money to finance industrial and commercial expansion . That is because real estate , businesses and other assets in the underground economies of the Third World can not be used as guarantee to raise capital to finance industrial and commercial expansion . In the underground economies of the third world real estate, business and other assets cannot be used to raise fiscal capital. 309 He bolted from Sydney Cove several times before being shot dead in 1796 . He bolted from Sydney Cove many times before being shot dead in 1796 . He bolted several times from Sydney Crove before being shot dead in 1796. He ran away from Sydney Cove a few times before he was shot and killed in 1796. He moved from Sydney Cove several times before being shot dead in 1796. He had several escape incidents in Sydney Cove before he was shot dead in 1796. He left Sydney Cove several times before being fatally shot in 1796. He escaped from Sydney Cove several times before he was shot dead in 1796. He bolted from Sydney Cove many times before being shot dead in 1796 . 310 Ned and Dan advanced to the police camp , ordering them to surrender . Ned and Dan told by the police to surrender . Ned and Dan advanced to the police camp, ordering them to surrender. Ned and Dan moved forward to the police camp and asked them to surrender. Ned and Dan advanced to the police camp, ranging them to give up. Ned and Dan went to the police camp and ordered them to surrender. Ned and Dan advanced to the police camp ordering them to surrender. Ned and Dan went on to the police camp and ordered them to surrender. Ned and Dan went to the police camp, telling them to give up. 311 Before the second game got underway , the press agreed that the " midget-in-a-cake " appearance had not been up to Veeck 's usual promotional standard . Before the second game got underway , the press agreed that the " midget-in-a-cake " appearance was not up to Veeck 's usual promotional standard . Before the second game started, the press agreed that the "midget-in-a-cake" stunt was not as good as Veeck's usual work. Before the second game started , the press agreed that the " midget-in-a-cake " show had not been up to Veeck 's average quality. Before the second game began, the press agreed that the "midget-in-a-cake" appearance had not been up to Veeck's usual standard. The press agreed that Veeck's "midget-in-a-cake" promotional appearance, before the second game started, was not up to his usual standard. Before the second game, the press agreed the " midget-in-a-cake " was not Veeck 's promotional standard . The press agreed that the "midget-in-a-cake" performance was not been up to Veeck's usual standard. Before the second game began, the press agreed that the "midget-in-a-cake" appearance had not been up to Veeck's usual promotional standard. 312 In a short video promoting the charity Equality Now Joss Whedon confirmed that " Fray is not done , Fray is coming back . In a short video shows the charity Equality Now Joss Whedon confirmed that " Fray is not done , Fray is coming back . In a video promoting the charity Equality Now Joss Whedon confirmed that "Fray is not done and coming back". In a short video promoting the charity Equality Now, Joss Whedon said that, "Fray is not done," Fray is comiong back." In a short film raising money for the charity, Equality Now, Joss Whedon said, "Fray is not done, Fray is coming back". In a short video promoting the charity Equality Now Joss Whedon confirmed that "Fray is not done, Fray is coming back." In a short video promoting the charity Equality Now Joss Whedon confirmed that " Fray is not done , Fray is coming back . In a short video promoting the charity Equality Now Joss Whedon made it sure that "Fray is not done, Fray is coming back". In a short video encouraging the charity Equality now Whedon confirmed that "Fray is not done, Fray is coming back. 313 A mutant is a type of fictional character that appears in comic books published by marvel comics . Mutants are fictional characters from the X-Men comic books published by Marvel. A type of fictional character that appears in Marvel Comics is a mutant. A mutant is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by marvel comics. A mutant is a kind of made up character that is in Marvel comic books. A mutant is a made up character shown in Marvel's commic books. Mutants are fictional characters that appear in Marvel comic books. A mutant is a form of imaginary character that is seen in comic books published by marvel comics. A mutant is a type of fictional character that appears in comic books published by marvel . 314 The SAT Reasoning Test ( formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test ) is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States . The SAT is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. The SAT processing evaluation (previously Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assesment Test) is a standard test for college acceptance in the United States. The SAT Reasoning Test (formerly known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test and as the Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. The SAT Reasoning Test ( formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Formerly the Scholastic Aptitude and Assessment Test, the SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test in the United States for college admissions. The SAT Reasoning Test is a feature test for college admissions in the United States . The SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. The SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. 315 Civil unrest in northern Italy spawns the medieval musical form of Geisslerlieder , penitential songs sung by wandering bands of Flagellants . Civil unrest in northern Italy spawns the medieval musical form of songs sung by wandering bands of Flagellants . Civil unrest in Italy spawns the medieval musical form of Geisslerlieder which are penitential songs sung by bands of Flagellants. In northern Italy civil unrest spawns the medieval musical of Geisslerlieder, penitential songs wandering bands of Flagellents sing. The songs of penitence sung by wandering bands of Flagellants, is a midieval musical form of Geisslerieder. It came out of the civil unrest in northern Italy. Civil unrest in northern Italy spawns the medieval musical form of Geisslerlieder , penitential songs sung by wandering bands of Flagellants . Civil unrest in northern Italy creates the medieval musical form of Geisslerlieder, sad and remorseful songs sung by traveling groups of Flagellants. Northern Italy's civil unrest affected the medieval musical form of Geisslerlieder and penitential songs sung by wandering bands of Flagellants . Public unrest in northern Italy creates the medieval musical form of Geisslerlieder , apologetic songs sung by moving bands of Flagellants . 316 Some reports read that various factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations . Some reports said that various things make it more possible to have paralysis and hallucinations . In some reports tells that various factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations. Some people say that paralysis and hallucinations can be caused by many things. Some reports read that various factors increase the likelihood of paralysis and hallucinations. According to some reports there are various factors that increase the chance of paralysis and hallucinations to occur. Some reports read that many factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations . Some reports show that multiple factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations. Some reports state that various factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations . 317 His sentence was transportation to Australia for seven years . His sentence was carried to Australia for seven years . His sentence was transportation to Australia for seven years. His sentence was being sent to Australia for seven years. His sentence was transportation to Australia for seven years . His sentence was transportation to Australia for seven years . His punishment was being sent to Australia for seven years. His sentence was to go to prison in Australia for seven years. He had to go to jail for seven years in Australia 318 Waugh writes that Charles had been " in search of love in those days " when he first met Sebastian , finding " that low door in the wall ... which opened on an enclosed and enchanted garden " , a metaphor that informs the work on a number of levels . Waugh writes that Charles had been " in search of love in those days " when he first met Sebastian , finding " that low door in the wall ... which opened on an enclosed and enchanted garden " , a metaphor that informs the work on a number of levels . Waugh writes that Charles had been " in search of love in those days " when he first met Sebastian , finding " that low door in the wall ... which opened on an walled and fascinated garden " , a symbol that informs the work on a number of levels . Waugh writes that Charles had been "in search of love in those days" when he met Sebastian at the first time. Waugh found "that low door in the wall...which opened on an enclosed and enchanted garden". This is a metaphor that describe the work on several levels. Waugh writes that Charles had been "in search of love in those days" when he first met Sebastian, finding "that low door in the wall ... which opened on an enclosed and enchanted garden", a figure of speech that informs the work on a number of levels. Waugh writes that Charles had been " in search of love in those days " when he first met Sebastian , finding " that low door in the wall ... which opened on an enclosed and enchanted garden, " a metaphor used by the story in a number of ways. Waugh writes that Charles had been '' in search of love in those days '' when he first met Sebastian , finding '' that low door in the wall ... which opened on an enclosed and enchanted garden '' , a metaphor that informs the work on a number of levels . Waugh writes that Charles had been in search of love in those days. When he first met Sebastian he found that low door in the wall.....which opened on an enclosed and enchanted garden. It is a metaphor that informs the work on a number of levels. Waugh writes that Charles had been "in search of love in those days" when he first met Sebastian, finding "that low door in the wall...which opened in an enclosed and enchanted garden", a metaphor that informs the work on a number of levels. 319 Her notorious friendship with the Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin was also an important factor in her life . Her well known relation with the Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin was additionaly an important number in her life. Her bad friendship with the Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin was also an important factor in her life . Her well known friendship with the Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin was also an important part of her life . Her notorious friendship with Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin was an important factor in her life. Her dishonourable friendship with the Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin was also an important factor in her life. Her notorious friendship with Russian mystic, Grigori Rasputin, was also an important factor in her life . Her famous friendship with the Russian mystic Rasputin was also a big part of her life. Her well-known and poorly thought of friendship with the Russian mystic, Grigori Rasputin, was also an important part of her life. 320 The term dorsal refers to anatomical structures that are either situated toward or grow off that side of an animal . The word dorsal means any body part that grows off that side of an animal or that grows toward that side of an animal. The term dorsal refers to back or upper side of anatomical structures. It usually connected with animals, human beings or plants. The term dorsal talks about parts in or on that side of an animal's body. The term dorsal means, anatomical structures that are either situated toward or grow off that side of an animal . The term dorsal means a body part that grows off the side of an animal. The term dorsal describes body parts that either point towards or grow from that side of an animal. Dorsal is a structure that grow off of a side of an animal. The term dorsal refers to anatomical structures that are situated toward or grown off that side of the animal. 321 The term " protein " itself was coined by Berzelius , after Mulder observed that all proteins seemed to have the same empirical formula and might be composed of a single type of ( very large ) molecule . The term "protein" was made by Berzelius, after Mulder The term "protein" itself was coined by Berzelius after Mulder observed that all proteins seemed to have the same formula and might be composed of a single type of molecule. The word "protein" was coined after it was observed that all proteins seemed to have the same formula and be made of one type of molecule . The limited stretch of time " protein " itself was made by Berzelius , after Mulder observed that all proteins seemed to have the same based on experience signs making clear and might be controlled, untroubled of a single sort of ( very greatly sized ) smallest unit The name " protein " itself was given by Berzelius , after Mulder noted that all proteins looked to have the same observed formula and can be made of a single type of ( very big ) molecule . The term "protein" itself was formulated by Berzelius, after Mulder noticed that all proteins appeared to have the same emprical formula and might be consists of a single type of (very large) molecule. he term " protein " itself was coined by Berzelius , that all proteins seemed to have the same empirical formula and might be composed of a single type of ( very large ) molecule . The term "protein" was created by Berzelius, after Mulder saw that all proteins appear to have the same numeric formula and might be made up of a single type of large molecule. 322 After the Jerilderie raid , the gang laid low for 16 months evading capture . After the Jerilderie raid, the gang laid low for 16 months. After the Jerilderie raid, the gang laid low to evade capture. the gang laid low for 16 months evading capture after the Jerilderie raid. The gang laid low and avoided capture for 16 months after the Jerilderie raid. After the Jerilderie raid ,the gang hid in the background to avoid being caught. After the Jerilderie raid , the gang went underground for 16 months evading arrest . After the Jerilderie raid, the members of the group hid out for 16 months to keep from being caught. After raiding Jerilderie, the gang hid for 16 months to avoid capture. 323 Barneville-la-Bertran is a commune in the Calvados department in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France . Barneville-la-Bertran is a commune in the Calvados department in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France . Barneville-la-Bertran is a community in the Calvados department in the Basse-Normandie area in northwestern France . Barneville-la-bertran is found in the region Basse-Normandie in the Calvados department in the northwest of France Barneville-la-Bertran is a commune in the Calvados department in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France. Barneville-la-Bertran is a commune in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France. Barneville-la-Bertran is French community. It is found in the Calvados department in Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France. Barneville-la-Bertran is a commune in the Calvados department in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France . It is a commune in the Calvados department in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France . 324 Color ranges from orange to pale yellow . Color choices are from orange to pale yellow. orange to pale yellow for colour range. Color ranges from orange to pale yellow . The color starts orange and pales to light yellow. The colors range from orange to pale yellow. Color ranges from orange to pale yellow. The color ranges from orange to pale yellow. Color can be any thing from orange to pale yellow 325 In 1963 an extension was added , curving north from Union station , below University Avenue and Queen 's Park to near Bloor Street , where it turned west to terminate at St. George and Bloor Streets . An extension was added in 1963 which curved north from Union Station below University Avenue and Queens park, reaching nearly to Bloor Street and ending on the west side at St. George and Bloor Streets. In 1963 an extension was added, curving north from Union station, below University Avenue and Queen's Park near Bloor Street. where it turns west at St. George and Bloor Streets. In 1963 an addition was made, north from Union station below University Avenue and Queen 's Park to near Bloor Street , turning west to end at St. George and Bloor Streets. In 1963 an extention was added that curved north from Union station, below University Avenue and Queen's Park to near Bloor Street, where it turned west to end at St. George and Bloor Streets. In 1963 it was extended so that it ended at St George and Bloor Streets. The extension started curving north from Union station,below University Avenue and Queen's Park to near Bloor Street and then it turned west to end at St. George and Bloor Streets. In 1963 an extension was added that led north from Union Station, to University Avenue and Queen's Park, and west to St. George and Bloor Streets. In 1963 a part of street was increased , turning north from Union station , below University Avenue and Aueen's Park to near Bloor Street , where it turned towards west to end at St. George and Bloor Streets . In 1963 an extension was included , curving north from Union station , below University Avenue and Queen 's Park to near Bloor Street , where it turned west to end at St. George and Bloor Streets . 326 Before 1980 , a section of the Commonwealth Railways Central Australian line passed along the western side of the Simpson Desert . Before 1980 , a part of the Commonwealth Railways Central Australian line went along the western side of the Simpson Desert . Before 1980, part of the Commonwealth Central Australian Railways passed along the western side of the Simpson Desert. Before 1980, part of the Commonwealth Railways Central Australian line passed along the western side of the Simpson Desert. Before 1980 , a section of the Commonwealth Railways, Central Australian line passed along with western side of the Simpson Desert . Before 1980 of the Simpson Desert , a section of the Commonwealth Railways Central Australian line passed along the western side Before 1980 a section of Commonwealth Railways Central Australian line passed through the western side of the Simpson Desert. A section of the Commonwealth Railways Central Australian line passed along the western side of the Simpson Desert before 1980. Part of the Commonwealth Railways railroad was called the Central Australian line, this line ran along the western side of the Simpson Desert before 1980. 327 It is located on an old portage trail which led west through the mountains to Unalakleet . It's near an old portage trail that led west to Unalakleet through the mountains. It is located on an old portage trail which led west through to Unalakleet. It is located on an old portage trail. It led west through the mountains to Unalakleet. It is located on an old portage trail which led west through the mountains to Unalakleet . Situated on a portage track between two waterways it traverses in a westerly direction towards Unalakleet after crossing through mountainous regions. It is located on an old portage trail which leads west through the mountains to Unalakleet. It is located on the trail going west through the mountains to Unalakleet. It is located on an westerly trail through the mountains to Unalakleet. 328 People with cardiomyopathy are often at risk of arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death or both . Arrhythmia or heart beat disorder and sudden cardiac arrest are often associated with cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy is deterioration of heart muscle and persons with this disease may subject to arrhythmia or sudden cardiac arrest. Sometimes both may happen at once. People with Cardiomyopathy are generally at risk of arrhythmia or quick heart death or both . People with functional diseases of the heart muscle are often at risk of heart problems, sudden cardiac death or both. People with cardiomyopathy are often in danger of arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death or both. Most of the time, people with cardiomyopathy are at risk of arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death, or both. People with cardiomyopathy are at risk of arrhythmia or cardiac death or both. People with cardiomyopathy are often at risk of arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death or birth . People with heart conditions are more likely to get heart attacks 329 As the largest sub-region in Mesoamerica , it encompassed a vast and varied landscape , from the mountainous regions of the Sierra Madre to the semi-arid plains of northern Yucatán . As the largest sub-region in Mesoamerica it is a vast and varied landscape from the mountainous regions of the Sierra Madre to the plains of Yucatan. The largest sub-region in Mesoamerica, its landscape was vast and varied, from the Sierra Madre mountains to the Northern Yucatan plains. As the largest sub-region in Mesoamerica , it encompassed a vast and varied landscape , from the mountainous regions of the Sierra Madre to the semi-arid plains of northern Yucatán . As the largest sub-region in Mesoamerica, it had a vast and varied landscape, from the mountainous regions of the Sierra Madre to the semi-arid plains of northern Yucatán. As the largest part of the whole in Mesoamerica, it includes a large and changing landscape, from the mountain areas of Sierra Madre to the dry plains of northern Yucatan. It was the largest sub-region in Mesoamerica and covered a large and varied landscape, from the mountainous regions of the Sierra Madre to the semi-arid plains of northern Yucatán. As the largest sub-region in Mesoamerica , it encompassed a vast and varied landscape , from the mountainous regions of the Sierra Madre to the semi-arid plains of northern Yucatán . Asthe largest sub-region in Mesoamerica, it surounds a vast and different landscape, from the mountainous regions of the Sierra Madre to the semi-arid plains of northern Yucatan. 330 Google subsequently made the comic available on Google Books and their site and mentioned it on its official blog along with an explanation for the early release . Google made the comic available on Google Books, mentioned it on their blog explaining the early release. Google eventually made the comic available on Google Books and their site. It was also mentioned on its official blog with an explanation for the early release. Google later made the comic available on Google Books and their site and noted it on its official blog along with an explanation for the early release . Google explained in its blogged about the early release of the comic that was made available on Google Books. Google finally made the comic available on Google Books and their site and said it on its official blog along with an explanation for the early release . Google then made the comic available on Google Books and wrote about it on its official blog along with a reason for the early release . Google made the comic available on Google Books and their site mention it on its blog along with an explanation for the early release. the comic for google subsequently is available on the google books and their site is on its official blog along with an explanation. 331 Anyone may register a pedigree with the college , where they are carefully internally audited and require official proofs before being altered . Anyone may register a pedigree with the college , where they are carefully internally examine and require official proofs before being changed . Anyone may register a pedigree with the college , where they are carefully internally audited and require official proofs before being altered . Anyone may register a pedigree with the college . It require official proofs before being altered . They are carefully internally audited . Anyone may register a pedigree with the college, where they are internally audited carefully and require official data before making any type of alteration. Anyone may register a pedigree with the college, where they are carefully internally audited and require official proofs before being altered. Anyone can register a pedigree with the college where they carefully internally audited and require proofs before altered. Anyone may register a linage of a person with the college, where they are carefully internally audited and require official proofs before being altered. Pedigrees registered at the college, which anyone may do, are carefully checked and never changed without official proofs. 332 The book , Political Economy , was published in 1985 , but had limited classroom adoption . The book, Political Economy, was published in 1985, but was not used in many classrooms. Published in 1985, the book, Political Economy, was not made much use of in the classroom. The book Political Economy was published in 1985 but had limited adoption. Political Economy was published in 1985 but was little used in classrooms. The book , Political Economy , was published in 1985 , but had limited classroom adoption . The book called Political Economy began sales in 1985, but few classrooms used it. The book , Political Economy , was published in 1985 , but had little classroom acceptance. The book , Political Economy which was published in 1985 was used very less in classroom. 333 He toured with the IPO in the spring of 1990 for their first-ever performance in the Soviet Union , with concerts in Moscow and Leningrad , and toured with the IPO again in 1994 , performing in China and India . for their first-ever performance in the Soviet Union he toured with the IPO spring from 1990 to 1994 with china and india He performed with the IPO in the spring of 1990 for their first time in the Soviet Union with concerts in Moscow and Leningrad, and performed with the IPO again in China and India in 1994. He visited with the IPO in the spring of 1990 for their first-ever performance in the Soviet Union , with concerts in Moscow and Leningrad , and visited with the IPO again in 1994 , performing in China and India . He toured with the IPO in the spring of 1990 to their first performance in the Soviet Union and again with them in 1994 in China and India. He toured with the IPO in spring and went to China and India He toured with IPO in the spring of 1990 for their first peformance in the Soviet Union with concerts in Moscow and Leningrad and toured with IPO again in 1994. He travelled with the IPO in the spring of 1990 for their first-ever performance in the Soviet Union, with concerts in Moscow and Leningrad, and did the same in 1994, performing in China and India. He toured with the IPO in the spring of 1990 to the Soviet Union. There with concerts in Moscow and Leningrad, they performed for the first time in Soviet Union. In 1994 he toured with the IPO again to perform in China and India. 334 Napoleonic Wars : Austrian General Mack surrenders his army to the Grand Army of Napoleon at Ulm , reaping Napoleon over 30,000 prisoners and inflicting 10,000 casualties on the losers . Austrian General Mack surrenders his army to Grand Army of Napoleon at Ulm. Napoleonic Wars : Austrian General Mack surrenders his army to the Grand Army of Napoleon at Ulm , reaping Napoleon over 30,000 prisoners and inflicting 10,000 casualties on the losers . Napoleonic Wars: Austrian General Mack gave up his army to the Grand Army of Napoleon at Ulm, giving Napoleon over 30,000 prisoners and causing 10,000 deaths to the losers. Napoleonic Wars : Austrian General Mack surrenders his army to the Grand Army of Napoleon at Ulm , reaping Napoleon over 30,000 prisoners and inflicting 10,000 casualties on the losers . During the Napoleonic Wars, the Austrian army had 10,000 casualties and lost 30,000 prisoners to the Grand Army of Napoleon at Ulm after General Mack surrendered his army. During the Napoleonic Wars, by the time General Mack had surrendered his army to the Grand Army of Napoleon at Ulm, 10,000 of his soldiers were dead, while another 30,000 were taken as prisoners to Napoleon. Napoleonic Wars ; Austrian General Mack surrenders his army to the Grand Army of Napoleon at Ulm , Napoleon gets over 30,000 prisoners and causing 10,000 deaths on the losers . Napoleonic Wars : Austrian General Mack gives up his army to the Grand Army of Napoleon at Ulm , gathering Napoleon over 30,000 prisoners and causing the 10,000 losers , seriously injured or killed . 335 It has long been the economic centre of northern Nigeria , and a centre for the production and export of groundnuts . It has long been the economic centre of norther Nigeria along with the center for production and export of groundnuts. The production and export of groundnuts has been a main source of income in Northern Nigeria. It has been the economic centre of Nigeria and a centre for production and export of groundnuts. It has long been the of money and goods middle of the north Nigeria , and a middle for the producing and sent to another country of groundnuts . It has been the economic centre of northern Nigeria for a long time; it produces groundnuts and ships them to other countries. the economic centre of northern nigeria is the area for the production and export of groundnuts. Its the economic centre of northern Nigeria which also a centre for the production and export of groundnuts . It has long been the economic centre of northern Nigeria, and a centre for the production and export of groundnuts. 336 A majority of South Indians speak one of the five Dravidian languages — Kannada , Malayalam , Tamil , Telugu and Tulu . Most South Indians speak one of the five Dravidian languages— Kannada , Malayalam , Tamil , Telugu and Tulu. A large number of South Indians speak one of the five Dravidian languages. They are Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Tulu. Most of the South Indians speak one of the five Dravidian languages — Kannada , Malayalam , Tamil , Telugu and Tulu. A majority of South Indians speak one of the five Dravidian languages — Kannada , Malayalam , Tamil , Telugu and Tulu . A majority of South Indians speak one of five Dravidian languages — Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and Tulu. Most of South Indians speak one of the five Dravidian languages — Kannada , Malayalam , Tamil , Telugu and Tulu . A majority of South Indians speak one of the five Dravidian languages. A majority of South Indians speak one of the five languages — Kannada , Malayalam , Tamil , Telugu and Tulu 337 Meteora earned the band multiple awards and honors . "Meteora" won many awards and honors for the band. Meteora won the band many awards and honors . Meteora earned the band multiple awards and accolades. Meteora gained the band multiple awards and honors . Meteora earned the band several awards. In band, Meteora earned multiple awards and honors. Meteora earned the band number times another awards and honors Meteora earned the band multiple awards and honors. 338 After a brief stand-off , the WWF cavalry turned around and attacked Kane and Jericho . After a brief stand-off, the WWF cavalry turned around and attacked Kane and Jericho. After a brief stand-off , the WWF cavalry turned around and attacked Kane and Jericho . After a while , the WWF cavalry turned around and attacked Kane and Jericho . After a stand-off, the WWF cavalry turned around and attacked Kane and Jericho. After a short stand off the WWF cavalry turned around and attacked Kane and Jericho . After a brief stand-off, the WWF cavalry turned around and attacked Kane and Jericho. After a small stand-off , the WWF army turned back and attacked Kane and Jericho . After a brief standoff, the WWF cavalry turned around and attacked Kane and Jericho. 339 Most of the songs were written by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman . Most of the songs were written by Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman. Richard M. And Robert B. Sherman wrote most of the songs. Most of the songs were composed by Richard M. Most of the songs were written by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman . Most of the songs were written by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman. Most of the songs were written both Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman. Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman wrote most of the songs. Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman wrote most of the songs. 340 In the 5th century Slavs started to move into the area . In the 5th century Slaves started to move in the area. In the 5th century Slavs started to move into the area. In the 5th century the Slavs began moving in. Slovs came to the area in the fifth century. Slavs moved into the area in the 5th century. In the 5th century Slavs started to move into the area . In the 5th century Slavs started to move into the area. In the 5th century Slavs started to move into the area . 341 From 1900 to 1920 many new facilities were constructed on campus , including facilities for the dental and pharmacy programs , a chemistry building , a building for the natural sciences , Hill Auditorium , large hospital and library complexes , and two residence halls . From 1900 to 1920, many new facilities like, for dental and pharmacy programs, a chemistry building, a building for the natural sciences, Hill Auditorium, large hospital and library complexes, and two residence halls were constructed in the campus. From 1900 to 1920 many new facilities were constructed on campus , including facilities for the dental and pharmacy programs , a chemistry building , a building for the natural sciences , Hill Auditorium , large hospital and library complexes , and two residence halls . From 1900 to 1920 many new facilities were constructed on campus , including facilities for the dental and pharmacy programs , a chemistry building . A chemistry building was a building for two residence halls . From 1900 to 1920 many new facilities were constructed on campus, including facilities for the dental and pharmacy programs, a chemistry building, a building for the natural sciences, Hill Auditorium, large hospital and library complexes, and two residence halls. From 1900 to 1920 new facilities were constructed on campus including both dental and pharmacy programs, a chemistry building, building for natural sciences, Hill Auditorium, large hospital and library complexes as well as two residence halls. From 1900 to 1920, many new facilities were constructed on campus, including facilities for the following programs: dental, pharmacy, chemistry, natural sciences, and also Hill Auditorium, a large hospital, a library and two residence halls . From 1900 to 1920 many new facilities were constructed on campus; including dental and pharmacy facilities, buildings for chemistry and the natural sciences, Hill Auditorium, a large hospital, library complexes and two residence halls. From 1900 to 1920 many new facilities were built on campus , including facilities for the dental and pharmacy programs , a chemistry building , a building for the natural sciences , Hill Auditorium , big hospital and library places, and two living halls . 342 Winchester is a city in Scott County , Illinois , United States . Winchester is a city located in Scott County, Illinois, United States Winchester is a city in Scott County, Illinois, United States. Winchester is a city in Scott County, Illinois, United States. Winchester is a city in Scott County , Illinois , United States . Winchester is a city in Scott County , Illinois , United States . Winchester is a city in Scott County, Illinois, United States. Winchester is a city in Scott County, Illinois, United States Winchester is a city in Scott County, IL, US 343 Name Arzashkun seems to be the Assyrian form of an Armenian name ending in -ka formed from a proper name Arzash , which recalls the name Arsene , Arsissa , applied by the ancients to part of Lake Van . Name Arzashkun seems to be the Assyrian form of an Armenian name ending in -ka formed from a proper name Arzash , which recalls the name Arsene , Arsissa , applied by the ancients to part of Lake Van . Name Arzashkun is like the Assyrian form of an Armenian name ending in -ka formed from a name Arzash , which comes from Arsene , Arsissa , from the ancients to part of Lake Van . The name Arzashkun may be the Assyrian form of an Armenian name ending in ka that comes from the proper name Arzash, similar to the names Arsene and Arsissa, which the ancients used as part of Lake Van. Name Arzashkun seems to be the Assyrian form of an Armenian name which recalls the name Arsene , Arsissa , applied by the ancients to part of Lake Van . The name Arzashkun may be formed from the proper name Arzash. It seems to be the Assyrian form of an American name ending in -ka. This name reminds the name Arsene,Arsissa to part of Lake Van used to apply by the ancients. Name Arzashkun seems to be the Assyrian form of an Armenian name ending in -ka formed from a proper name Arzash, which recalls the name Arsene, Arsissa, applied by the ancients to part of Lake Van. Name Arzashkun seems to be the Assyrian form of an Armenian name ending in -ka formed from a proper name Arzash , which recalls the name Arsene , Arsissa , applied by the ancients to part of Lake Van . The name Arzashkun appears to have been taken from an Armenian name specific to the Assyrian form where the name ends in -ka and created from the name Arzash as reflected in names such as Arsene and Arsissa that have been designated by olden-day people to a portion of Lake Van. 344 Out of 16,421 participants in the national casting , she was chosen among the 15 candidates to appear on the TV show . Out of 16,421 participants in the national casting , And it was selected the 15 candidates to appear on the TV show . She was chosen as one of the 15 candidates to appear on the tv show out of 16,421 participants in the national casting Of the 16,421 people in the national tryout, she was among the 15 people picked to be on the TV show. Out of 16,421 people who tried out nation-wide, she was one of 15 finalists to be on the TV show. She was among the 15 candidates chosen to appear on the TV show after being in a national casting with 16,421 participants. Out of 16,421 participants in the national casting , she was chosen among the 15 candidates to appear on the TV show . She and 15 others were selected to appear on the TV show from among 16,421 contestants. Out of 16,421 members in the national casting , she was chosen from the 15 candidates to come on the TV show . 345 Its episodes were broadcast on the ABC network from its debut on September 21 , 1993 to March 1 , 2005 . Its chapters were broadcast on the ABC network from its start on September 21 , 1993 to March 1 , 2005 . Its episodes were broadcast on the ABC network from September 21, 1993 to March 1, 2005. Episodes were broadcast on ABC from its debut on September 21, 1993 until March 1, 2005. Every episode was broadcast on the ABC network, from the first one on September 21, 1993, until March 1, 2005. ts events were send far and wide on the ABC Network 1 from its first time doing on September 21 , 1993 to March 1 , 2005 . all the episodes were broadcasted by abc network from its debut on september 21,1993 to march1,2005 The ABC network broadcast its episodes. The debut was on september 21, 1993. The episodes were broadcast upto March 1, 2005 Its events were send far and wide on the ABC Network from its first time doing on September 21 , 1993 to March 1 , 2005 346 The latter device can then be designed and used in less stringent environments . The device can be designed for use in less exact environments. The device can be designed and used in a less stringent environments The latter device can then be designed and used in less stringent environments. The latter device can be designed and used in less stringent environments. The latter apparatus can then be designed and used in less tight environments. The last mentioned tool or method can then be designed and used in less tough environments. The last device can also be made and used in environments that aren't as strict. The latter device are used in less stringent environments . 347 Gimnasia hired first famed Colombian trainer Francisco Maturana , and then Julio César Falcioni , but both had limited success . Gimnasia hired Francisco Maturana, a Columbian trainer, and then Julio César Falcioni , but they were not very successful. Gimnasia appointed first famous Colombian trainer Francisco Maturana, and then Julio Cesar Falcioni, but both had a limited success. . Gimnasia hired first famed Colombian trainer Francisco Maturana , and Julio César Falcioni , but both had limited success . Gimnasia hired famed Colombian trainer Francisco Maturana and then Julio Cesar Falcion but with limited success. Gimnasia employed famous Colombian trainer Francisco Maturana first. Then Julio Cesar Falcioni was appointed. But both of them were not very successful. Gimnasia first hired famed Colombian trainer Francisco Maturana, and then Julio Cesar Falcioni, but with both he had limited success. The first trainer Gimnasia hired was a famous Colombian trainer, Francisco Maturana, then Gimnasia hired Julio Cesar Facioni, but both the trainers only had a little bit of success. Gimnasia hired first known Colombian trainer Francisco Maturana , and then Julio César Falcioni , but both had litte lsuccess . 348 Brighton is a city in Washington County , Iowa , United States . Brighton is a city in Washington County Iowa. The city of Brighton is in the United States, in Iowa's county of Washington. Brighton is a city located in Washington County, in the state of Iowa in United States. Brighton is a city in Washington County, Iowa, United States. Brighton is a city in Washington County, Iowa, United States. Brighton is a city in Washington County, Iowa, United States. Brighton is a city in Washington County , Iowa , United States . Brighton is a city in Iowa, located in Washington County. 349 Furthermore , she appeared in several music videos , including " It Girl " by John Oates and " Just Lose It " by Eminem . She also appeared in several music videos including "It Girl" by John Oates and "Just Lose It" by Eminem. Furthermore, she appeared in various music videos, including " It Girl " by John Oates and " Just Lose It " by Emine. Also she appeared in several music videos, including "It Girl" by John Oates and "Just Lose It" by Eminem. She also appeared in several music videos including "It Girl " by John Oates and "Just Lose It " by Eminem . She also appeared in several music videos , including "It Girl" by John Oates and "Just Lose It" by Eminem. Furthermore , she appeared in several music videos, like " It Girl " by John Oates and " Just Lose It " by Eminem . Also, she was viewed in nultiple music videos, containing "It Girl" by John Oates also "Just Lose It" from Eminem. she is done lot of music videos like It girl and Just lose it 350 On June 24 1979 ( the 750th anniversary of the village ) , Glinde received its town charter . Glinde received her town charter on june 24 1979 Glinde received its town charter on June 24, 1979, which happened to be it's 750th anniversary. On June 24 1979 Glinde received its town charter. On June 24, 1979 (the 750th birthday of the village), Glinde received its town charter. Glinde received its town charter on June 24, 1979, which was the 750th anniversary of the village. When the 750th anniversary of the village occurred on June 24, 1979, Glinde got its town charter. Glinde received its town charter on its 750th anniversay, June 24, 1979. Glinde was given its town charter on it's 750th anniversary which was on June 24, 1979. 351 Pauline returned in the Game Boy remake of Donkey Kong in 1994 , and later Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 : March of the Minis in 2006 , although the character is now described as " Mario 's friend " . Pauline turned in the Game Boy remake of Donkey Kong in 1994, and later Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis in 2006, even though the character is now "Mario's friend". Pauline returned in the Game Boy remake of Donkey Kong in 1994 , and later Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 : March of the Minis in 2006 , although the character is now described as " Mario 's friend " . Pauline returned in the Game Boy remake of Donkey Kong in 1994 , and later Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 : March of the Minis in 2006 , although the character is now described as " Mario 's friend " . Although her character is now known as "Mario's friend", Pauline came back in the Game Boy remake of Donkey Kong in 1994, later in Mario vs, Donkey Kong 2, and again in March of the Minis in 2006. Pauline reappeared in the Game Boy remake of Donkey Kong in1994, and later Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis in 2006, although the character is now called as "Mario 's friend". Pauline returned in the Game Boy remake of Donkey Kong in 1994, and later Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis in 2006, although the character is now described as "Mario 's friend". The character now known as " Mario 's friend " was Pauline as termed in earlier versions "Game Boy remake of Donkey Kong in 1994","Mario vs. Donkey Kong" & March of the Minis in 2006. Pauline returned in the Game Boy remake of Donkey Kong and Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis. 352 The vagina is remarkably elastic and stretches to many times its normal diameter during vaginal birth . The vagina is remarkably elastic and stretches to many times its normal diameter during vaginal birth . The vagina is remarkably elastic and stretches to many times its normal diameter during vaginal birth. The vagina is remarkably elastic and stretches to many times its normal diameter during vaginal birth. The vagina is remarkably elastic and stretches to many times its normal diameter during vaginal birth. A remarkably elastic organ, the human vagina during childbirth somehow stretches far beyond its normal diameter. The vagina is elastic and stretches to many times during its diameter at vaginal birth. The vagina is very stretchy and stretches much larger than its normal size during birth. The vagina is remarkably elastic and stretches to many times its normal diameter during vaginal birth . 353 His real date of birth was never recorded , but it is believed to be a date between 1935 and 1939 . Since his actual date of birth was not recorded, it is believed to be between 1935-1939. His real date of birth was never recorded , but it will be a date between 1935 and 1939 . His actual birth date is unknown, but he was believed to be born between 1935 and 1939. His date of birth was never recorded, but it is believed to be between 1935 and 1939. His real birthday was unknown but it is believed to be between 1935 and 1939 No one knows when he was born because no one wrote it down, but his birth date is thought to be between 1935 and 1939. His real date of birth not recorded , but it is considered true to be a date between 1935 and 1939 His real birthday is unknown, but is thought to be between 1935 and 1939. 354 This quantitative measure indicates how much of a particular drug or other substance ( inhibitor ) is needed to inhibit a given biological process ( or component of a process , i.e. an enzyme , cell , cell receptor or microorganism ) by half . This quantitative measure indicates how much of a drug or other substance is needed to inhibit a biological process by half. This quantitative measure indicates how much of a particular drug or other substance ( inhibitor ) is needed to inhibit a given biological process ( or component of a process , i.e. an enzyme , cell , cell receptor or microorganism ) by half . This quantitative measure indicates how much of a particular drug or other substance ( inhibitor ) is needed to inhibit a given biological process ( or component of a process , i.e. an enzyme , cell , cell receptor or microorganism ) by half . This quantitative measure indicates how much of a particular drug or other substance (inhibitor) is needed to inhibit a given biological process (or component of a process, i.e., an enzyme, cell, cell receptor or microorganism) by half. This measuring unit shows how much of a specific drug, or other substance, is needed to block all or part of the normal biological processes of cells, cell receptors, or microorganisms, by half. This computable measure shows how much of a specific drug or other material ( inhibitor ) is needed to stop given biological process( or component of a process, i.e. an enzyme , cell , cell receptor or microorganism ) by half . A particular drug or other substance is inhibitor . This quantitative measure indicates how much is needed to inhibit a given biological process -LRB- or component of a process -RRB- by half . This quantitative measure reveals how much of a particular drug of other substance like inhibitors, is needed to hold back a given biological process or component of a process (enzyme, cell, cell receptor or microorganism) by half. 355 Although the name suggests that they are located in the Bernese Oberland region of the canton of Bern , portions of the Bernese Alps are in the adjacent cantons of Valais , Lucerne , Obwalden , Fribourg and Vaud . Eventhough the name evokes that they are placed in the Bernese Oberland area of the district of Bern, parts of the Bernese Alps are in the adjoining parts of the Bernese Alps are lying near the cantons of Valais, Lucerne, Obwalden, Fribourg and Vaud. despite the name suggests that they are placed in the Bernese Oberland region of the canton of Bern , portions of the Bernese Alps are in the adjacent cantons of Valais , Lucerne , Obwalden , Fribourg and Vaud . Bernese Alps regions are mainly located in the Bernese Oberland region of the administrative region or canton of Bern. But portions of the Bernese Alps are found in the adjacent cantons of Valais, Lucerne, Obwalden, Fribourg and Vaud. Although the name suggests that they are located in the Bernese Oberland region of the canton of Bern , portions of the Bernese Alps are in the adjacent cantons of Valais , Lucerne , Obwalden , Fribourg and Vaud . Although the name suggests that they are found in the Bernese Oberland region of the canton of Bern, portions of the Bernese Alps are in the adjacent cantons of Valais, Lucerne, Obwalden, Fribourg and Vaud. Although the name suggests that they are in the Bernese Oberland region of the canton of Bern , portions of the Bernese Alps are in the adjacent cantons of Valais , Lucerne , Obwalden , Fribourg and Vaud . Although the name suggests that they are located in the Bernese Oberland region of the district of Bern, some of the Bernese Alps are in the nearby districts of Valais, Lucerne, Obwalden, Fribourg and Vaud. Although the name suggests that they are located in the Bernese Oberland region of Bern, portions of the Bernese Alps are in the cantons of Valais, Lucerne, Obwalden, Fribourg and Vaud. 356 There he had one daughter , later baptized as Mary Ann Fisher Power , to Ann ( e ) Power . He had one daughter named Mary Ann Fisher Power who was later baptized to Ann (e) Power. He had one daughter, who was baptized as Mary Ann Fisher Power, to Ann (e) Power. There he had one daughter with Anne Power, later baptized as Mary Ann Fisher Power. He had one daughter with Anne Power named Mary Ann Fisher Power. He had one daughter baptized as Mary Ann Fisher Power, to Ann (e) Power. There he had one daughter, later baptized as Mary Ann Fisher Power, to Ann (e) Power. He had one daughter, Mary Ann Fisher Power. He had a daughter there. Her name was Ann (e) Power . Later she was baptized and named as Mary Ann Fisher Power. 357 During an interview , Edward Gorey mentioned that Bawden was one of his favorite artists , lamenting the fact that not many people remembered or knew about this fine artist . During an interview, Edward Gorey said that Bawden was one of his favorite artists, and is saddened by the fact that not many people remembered or knew about this fine artist. During an interview , Edward Gorey said that Bawden was one of his favorite artists , remembering the fact that not many people remembered or knew about this fine artist . During an interview , Edward Gorey mentioned that Bawden was one of his favorite artists , lamenting the fact that not many people remembered or knew about this fine artist . During an interview Edward Gorey mention that Bawden is one of his favorite artists. During an interview , Edward Gorey said that Bawden was one of his favorite artists , lamenting the truth that not many people remembered or knew about this fine artist . At the time of Interview, Edward gorey mentioned that Bawden was one of his favorite artists, he was disappointed for the fact that not many people remembered or knew about this fine artist. Edward Gorey During an interview mentioned that Bawden was one of his favorite artists because of his fine artist. In an interview, Edward Gorey said that Bawden was one of his favorite artists, and was sad that not many people remembered or knew about this fine artist. 358 The string can vibrate in different modes just as a guitar string can produce different notes , and every mode appears as a different particle : electron , photon , gluon , etc . The string can vibrate in different modes just as a guitar string can produce different notes, and every mode appears as a different particle: electron, photon, gluon, etc. The string can move in different modes just as a guitar string can produce different notes , and every mode appears as a different particle : electron , photon , gluon , etc . The string can tremble in dissimilar cantor just as a guitar cord can manufacture seperate notes, and all mode present as an unusual piece:elementary particle, quantum of electronic measure, hypothetical piece, etc. The string can vibrate as a guitar string and produces different notes. The string can vibrate in different modes just as a guitar string and electron , photon , gluon , etc . The string can oscillate in different modes just as a guitar string can produce different notes , and every mode appears as a different particle : electron , photon , gluon , etc . In the same way that a guitar string can be used to make different notes, the string can vibrate in different modes, with every mode appearing as a diferent particle, such as an electron, photon, gluon, etcetera. The string can vibrate in different modes just as a guitar string can produce different notes , and every mode appears as a different particle : electron , photon , gluon , etc . 359 Gable also earned an Academy Award nomination when he portrayed Fletcher Christian in 1935 's Mutiny on the Bounty . Gable also earned an Academy Award nomination for his portrayal of Fletcher Christian in the 1935 film Mutiny on the Bounty. Gable also earned an Academy Award nomination when he portrayed Fletcher Christian in 1935 's Mutiny on the Bounty . Gable got nominated for an Academy for his role as Flether in Mutiny on the Bounty Gable also earned an Academy Award nomination when he played Fletcher Christian in 1935 's Mutiny on the Bounty . Gable also earned an Academy Award nomination when he played the part of Fletcher Christian in 1935's Mutiny on the Bounty. In1935, Gable was nominated for an Academy Award for his portrayl of Fletcher Christian in Mutiny on the Bounty. Gable earned an Academy Award nomination when he portrayed Fletcher Christian 1935's Mutiny on the Bounty. Gable won an Academy Award nomination for acting as Fletcher Christian in 1935's Mutiny on the Bounty.